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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:irc.freenode.net] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.17-2.2 uploaded, l-r-m and linux-meta to follow soon today | Daily kernel builds (for debug and testing purposes only) http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel
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zulhey BenC how was the flight?03:50
BenCnot bad, except for the 4 hour delay on an already 5 hour lay-over in newark03:50
BenCwhen you hear things like "We have a plane, but no crew...your flight will be delayed", you tend to lose confidence in your airline :)03:51
zulwell when i was flying out of thunder bay i was stuck there because the airline had a crew but all of our airplanes are being fixed03:52
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fabbioneBenC: you have seen nothing yet :)04:46
BenCI've seen enough :)05:02
BenCI spent more time in the airport yesterday than in a plane05:03
BenCI could have driven home from newark in the time I spent _waiting_05:03
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BenCit's really nice to find out that the IRC network you just logged into was recently hijacked only because you read slashdot05:57
BenCwould have been nice to get a notice or something when connecting, or after being connected :/05:58
fabbioneBenC: yeah.. they suck06:00
fabbionebig times06:00
zularent we moving to oftc anyways?06:04
fabbioneBenC: i don't think you were even online 13 hours ago when it did happen06:05
fabbionemine is probably comprimised06:05
fabbionenot that i care06:05
fabbionei don't use that password if not for irc06:05
fabbioneand my creditcard06:05
zulheh...my credit cards are maxed out ;)06:06
fabbionemine is empty06:06
fabbionehe should have asked my wife06:06
fabbionenot me ;)06:06
fabbioneJun 25 05:44:07 -ratbert-       [Global notice]  I am a fat asshole, who loves abuse, die 06:06
fabbioneJun 25 05:44:18 -ratbert-       DCC SEND YOUAREALLJUDENLOL06:06
fabbioneand a huge netsplit did follow06:06
zulheh...back to the match06:07
fabbionewhat match?06:07
zulengland and ecuador06:07
=== eitch0000 [n=eitch@84-74-23-47.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
eitch0000how can I create new linux-restricted-module package compiled against a new kernel?06:09
BenCcustom kernel?06:16
eitch0000well from the git repo06:17
BenCdid you build it with debian/rules, or using make-kpkg?06:18
eitch0000well I'm doing it the way it is described in the wiki from ubuntu.com06:19
BenCby typing "debian/rules binary-debs ...?06:19
eitch0000which creates a .deb06:19
BenCeither way will create a .deb, that's not the point though :)06:19
BenCI need to know if you used the linux-source build system, or the make-kpkg program06:20
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BenCif you can't tell me which wiki page, or the command you typed to start the build, I can't help you any further06:21
eitch0000fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs --> so I guess that's linux-source build system?06:21
BenCright, ok06:21
BenCdid you build all the flavours, or just a certain one?06:21
BenCIOW, did you build with like flavours=686 ?06:21
eitch0000only 68606:22
BenCok, install the linux-headers package for that06:22
BenCoh, wait, is this 2.6.17?06:22
BenCout of luck then, we haven' t uploaded the working packages for that06:22
eitch0000and there is no way to create such a package?06:23
BenCthere's quite a bit of hacking to get the previous 2.6.15 package to build against 2.6.17 headers06:23
BenCsure, you can use 2.6.15, if you know how hack kernel builds06:23
BenCjust hold off a few days06:23
eitch0000hmm... I think not =))06:24
BenCwe'll have l-r-m and everything uploaded06:24
BenCfabbione: No edgy chroot for faure?06:29
fabbioneBenC: afaik there is an RT request for it06:40
BenCfabbione: Ok, I'll add faure/sparc to the daily builds once that gets resolved07:28
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fabbioneBenC: yeah no hurry..08:44
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crimsunBenC: pong, sorry about the lag. Friday was an awful time; spent 13.5 hours in the Baltimore airport chasing down flights after my original one was delayed/duty timed-out/cancelled09:44
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=== _fs is now known as fs

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