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flo:-) rrrrrrrrrr12:07
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gatekeeperom_ have a look at this but do NOT blindly do everything it says: http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full12:07
om_it worked!!!! thanks!!!! my mp3s are back =) =)12:08
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clintcsomeone needs to properly license the multimedia stuff, call it the ubuntu plus pack and sell it for $19.9512:09
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antinobodyclintc that kind of goes against the basic principle behind ubuntu12:10
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clintcbut, everyone wants to play mp3, use flash and play dvds12:10
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crimsunone's free to do that, but one would probably be ostracised12:10
clintcgive them the option to do it legally12:10
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ArmedGeekcrimsun: why should one be ostracised for offering a product for money ?12:11
antinobodyclintc I see your point, but someone outside canonical would have to do it, and offer it seperately12:12
crimsunArmedGeek: I didn't say one /should/; I said one would probably12:12
antinobodyclintc otherwise it counters the mission statement directly12:12
clintcantinobody: I understand, I hope someone does do it, they would make money for a valuable service12:12
eduMhh, here is legal, but things look bad in the future.12:13
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RaitoHow come all my non-KDE apps are unaffected by Kmix (Supertux, Zsnes) While only Kaffeine and other KDE ones are?12:16
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h3sp4wnThey dont use artsd probably12:16
RaitoWhat do I do to change the volume? It is way too loud12:17
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r0xzRatio: there a kmix icon in the systray, you can wheel the mouse over it to adjust the volume, or click it the set things like PCM too12:18
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om_are there really good visualizations for amaroK?12:18
r0xzRaito: there a kmix icon in the systray, you can wheel the mouse over it to adjust the volume, or click it the set things like PCM too12:18
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Raitor0xz: non-KDE apps are unaffected by Kmix12:19
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r0xzRaito: that would be a problem i have no solution for (i didn't even knew)12:20
Raitosomeone said something about ALSA or something12:20
h3sp4wnalsamixer from a terminal12:20
h3sp4wnto save the settings use sudo alsactl store12:21
jarohow can I find out what Monitor my Laptop has ??12:22
edusee the instruction booklet :-P12:22
Raitoh3sp4wn: Would alsamixer-gui be good >_>12:22
jaroand where would i find an instruction booklet ?=12:23
RaitoHmm: it works12:24
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silviudoes somebody know a dc client for linux?12:26
silviu(like dc++, odc, strongdc)12:26
edujaro, your instruction booklet? i believe that it must be in the laptop's box hehehhe12:27
silviuI found valknut, but it seems to not be available for my ubuntu12:27
h3sp4wnRaito: I have never used it but probably12:27
eduHey, jaro, perhaps if you have the windows drivers, you could know, or perhaps you could try an autodetection12:28
eduwhat system are you using now?12:28
gybotHi i just trien to install kdegames and i got an error and i dont see them on the computer how can i fix it12:28
|lostbyte|gybot, error pls ?12:28
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gybot|lostbyte|: i need the paste bin link its huge12:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:31
bam_whats the best dvd ripper to use?12:32
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|lostbyte|bam_, Which all you know ?12:33
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jaroI cant find any Name of the monitor12:34
jaroonly that it is a 15'12:34
KinGetanadamn, my handydandy pal just checked those zips, no wonder they didnt open, they were all wrecked, nothing could be done :S12:35
|lostbyte|jaro, look on the back of your monitor..12:35
jarothere is no back (laptop)12:36
jaroits just plain silver12:36
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gybothttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16484, |lostbyte| thats the link12:36
|lostbyte|jaro, Get on the website and locate your laptop using the serial no. and check the specs.12:36
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jarothere is no model description given on that site12:37
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MasterEvilAceI have Kubuntu installed, and i want to install windows XP so i can dual-boot. Not wanting to format, so i need a program to partition my HD to create an NTFS partition, and then i'll install XP. after that though, what is needed to get grub installed again so i can then dual-boot?12:38
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jaroMasterEvilAce:  you would nee to run a boot-CD with linux, then reinstall grub12:38
|lostbyte|My isp's proxy is acting naughty again.. ARRRRg !12:39
jaroMasterEvilAce: run: ./grub  and in the grub-shell type: setup (hda) or something like it12:39
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eduJaro, didn't kubuntu autorecogniced your monitor?12:40
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jaroedu: unfortunately not.. and when I try to autodetect , then the screen goes black12:40
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|lostbyte|jaro, there is noting much to recognize.. all the autocheck does is set the hor and ver settings..12:41
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edujaro, in the xorg configuration12:42
eduyou could try both kinds of screen, one eache time, in a live cd12:43
eduif it fails, just restart12:43
jarowhat screen ?12:43
gybot|lostbyte|: you got the link right12:43
|lostbyte|gybot, do the update again..12:43
|lostbyte|i susually get that.. and the second time its clean..12:43
jaroright now i have another real monitor plugged in... and it works perfectly12:43
|lostbyte|jaro, Looks like you installed with the second monitor plugged in..12:44
jaroi didnt check with the second monitor.. so the config file is still valid for the LCD-Screen12:45
|lostbyte|jaro, Whats wrong with your LCD ?12:45
jaroi dont know12:45
jaroi guess if only the config would be right, then it might work12:45
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|lostbyte|jaro, X does'nt start on it ?12:46
jarobut as long as i dont know the model of the LCD i cant configure properly12:46
eduyou can choose betewen LCD or TFT, can't you? try one configuration and if it dosen't work, try another.12:46
jaroX works on the screen, but sometimes I get black screen.. for example whenever I log off12:46
jaroor sometimes when I use 3D-Graphics12:46
jarothis doesnt happen with the vesa - driver, but then , vesa doesnt support 3D12:47
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|lostbyte|When you get the black screen... do ctrl+alt+f1        .. does some thing happen ?12:47
jarono... thats another situation.. I cant jump to console, black screen then12:47
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eduOh, maybe is it a resolution problem?12:48
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edutry the minimum safe resolution you know12:48
eduand test if it happens12:48
|lostbyte|jaro, COuld you check your xorg.conf log files for something suspecious.12:48
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jaronothing suspicious as far as i know12:48
|lostbyte|jaro, which Graphic card ?12:48
h3sp4wnjaro: What make of video card do you use ?12:48
jaroVia S3 Unichrome12:49
|lostbyte|jaro, thats a sis schipset right ?12:49
h3sp4wnTry disabling usplash12:49
jaroi dont know12:49
|lostbyte|jaro, lspci | grep -i vga12:49
h3sp4wnIts via not SiS12:49
jarook wait12:49
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jaro0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01)12:50
|lostbyte|jaro, Thats a bad card..12:50
jaroI KNOW :(12:51
|lostbyte|i have that card on my amd built in right now.12:51
jarobut i have to deal with it12:51
h3sp4wnDisabling usplash often helps with the shutdown problem12:51
edueven if it is a bad card, we aren't going anywhere saying that lol12:52
jarowhere can i disable usplash ?12:52
h3sp4wn(try removing usplash from the kernel lines in /boot/grub/menu.list)12:52
crimsun[meaning "splash"] 12:52
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jarocant find any bootsplash12:53
jaroits only the standard kubuntu splash...12:53
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eduHey, talking about video cards... i have a problem with the open GL apis or something like12:54
h3sp4wnjaro: Pastebin the file and I will tell you what to do12:54
jaroi was hoping for a graphical configuration utility for Xorg12:54
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jaroarg, I cant select any text in Vi12:57
gybot|lostbyte|: i have this error everytime i try to apt-get  something. the link~~>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1648612:57
|lostbyte|jaro, kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:59
jarooh kate12:59
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|lostbyte|Be carefull with that file..01:00
mark---is there an apt-get reinstall command to reinstall my entire X0rg video handling? I just upgraded from breezy to dapper on a Mac notebook and it worked for a few days then went to 680x480 and lost the anti-aliasing.01:00
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LjLmark---: have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?01:01
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edudoes anybody got an ATI 9200 SE?01:03
jaropastebin is pretty slow01:03
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ErtainHas anyone gotten Xgl to work in Kubuntu?  I've tried the ubuntu.com how-to, but that doesn't work.  Actually, I think I was able to get Xgl up and running, but when I run kompmgr, it says that it can't find a composite extension.01:04
h3sp4wnedu: No but you should not try to fglrx or you will have problems01:04
Raven301jaro: try pastebin.ca01:04
phil_I cannot get java running with kubuntu01:05
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edubut i've earned graphic acceleration, ertain01:05
gybotphil_: i had that problem once i can help01:06
eduit says in the log "dri inicialization succesfu" (sorry for my little English)01:06
ErtainThat's good, edu.  But I'm using a nVidia card.01:06
eduhowever, when i try to load an open gl app01:06
eduit crashes01:06
eduand says01:06
edu"api error..." etc01:06
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eduand a lot of messages like that01:07
eduit's awful! i installed kubuntu hoping to try xgl, and i'm here without a decent driver :(01:07
h3sp4wnedu: what does 'glxinfo' say ?01:07
eduglxinfo says that, the same error01:07
edunow i'm using "ati" open driver01:07
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eduso there's no errror, but it's slow01:08
eduit uses indirect rendering01:08
jarohow sucky.. only root can mount USB-Devices01:08
educould the ati driver do direct rendering?01:08
h3sp4wnFor your card yes01:08
h3sp4wn(try changing the driver to radeon instead of ati01:08
nixternalh3sp4wn: shouldn't it be fglrx instead of ati?01:09
h3sp4wnNot on a 9200SE01:09
eduso i go to the xorg.conf01:09
eduand select radeon?01:09
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edunot on a 9200SE? :-S01:09
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eduisn't it supported?01:10
h3sp4wn(I was talking to nixternal then01:10
h3sp4wnYou want radeon01:10
nixternalahhh....i didn't scroll up and read ;)01:10
jaroanything new with the xorg.conf ??01:10
h3sp4wnedu: also try running dpkg-divert --list01:11
h3sp4wnedu: Look for any references to fglrx01:11
unix_infidelcould anyone here recommend a sound mixer that has given them the least amount of trouble with the most amount of uptime.01:11
unix_infidelNOT artsd01:11
crimsununix_infidel: why not just use alsa-lib's built-in (asym [dmix+dsnoop] )?01:11
unix_infidelcrimsun: because it doesnt work for all apps.01:12
eduradeon is installed in the default installation, isn't it?01:12
unix_infidelcrimsun: doesnt dmix come enabled by default?01:12
crimsununix_infidel: yes01:12
h3sp4wnedu: Yes (its part of the ati one)01:12
crimsununix_infidel: (yes, it's only valid for native alsa apps)01:12
edugybot, you must configurate it, go to system preferences01:12
edui'm trying in a minutes01:12
unix_infidelcrimsun: so you see my point, it doesnt work for all apps.01:12
crimsununix_infidel: no other daemon mixing solution is any better.01:13
jarohello ?01:13
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edu(i'm talking with ppl on kopete, y'know)01:13
unix_infidelcrimsun: what do you mean?01:13
jarodid anybody look on the xorg.conf i posted ? http://pastebin.ca/7160501:13
h3sp4wnjaro: I was expecting /boot/grub/menu.lst01:13
jarooh ok wait01:14
crimsununix_infidel: there is no daemon mixing solution that covers all bases.01:14
edui'll be back01:14
crimsununix_infidel: esound and arts come the closest due to historical coverage01:14
unix_infidelcrimsun: what about jackd?01:14
unix_infidelor polypaudio.01:14
crimsununix_infidel: jack is not designed to mix01:14
gybothttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16486 CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THIS ERROR01:15
crimsununix_infidel: polypaudio (recently renamed to something else) deprecates esound01:15
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jarohere it is01:15
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:15
crimsununix_infidel: the fact that jack /happens/ to provide some sort of mixing solution is coincidental; its original design is for professional audio with multitracking01:16
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unix_infidelcrimsun: all i'm looking for is an effective solution.01:16
Jaspersplz, is there any site with a kubuntu guide for dapper - 6.06 LTS??01:16
h3sp4wnjaro: Remove the word splash from line 85 and run sudo update-grub01:16
unix_infidelwhether its designed to comb my hair in the morning and provide sound mixing at the same time is moot01:16
crimsununix_infidel: if you don't wish to replace your sound hardware, the least invasive one is plain ole alsa-lib.01:16
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unix_infidelcrimsun: heh, well that's enabled by default...and i'm running default.01:16
unix_infidelbut i'd like to get audacious and videos in flash to be able to mix effectively and use the sound device at the same time.01:17
eduhey, guys!01:17
eduit works smother now!01:17
crimsununix_infidel: tell audacious to use the alsa "default" virtual device, and wrap the Web browser with alsa-oss's aoss01:17
jaroh3sp4wn:  I also have to use the option vga=771  to get a good screen01:17
edubut stills quite slow...01:17
eduany ideas01:17
gybotANYONE HELP http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1648601:18
edui'm posting glxgears results, wait a second01:18
crimsununix_infidel: ...or get an audigy 2 zs or something and forget the whole mess.01:18
h3sp4wnedu: glxinfo (do you still get direct rendering no)01:18
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unix_infidelcrimsun: how would i tell the browser to use alsa with alsa-oss01:18
crimsununix_infidel: which browser do you use?01:18
eduwait a second01:18
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crimsununix_infidel: install alsa-oss from universe, then invoke ``aoss firefox''01:19
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edudirect rendering: No whooooooooops01:19
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eduwhat shal i do now?01:19
h3sp4wnedu: pastebin dpkg-divert --list01:19
unix_infidelcrimsun: i'd need to do that on every execution of firefox?01:19
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crimsununix_infidel: yes.01:19
h3sp4wnedu: pastebin.ca is probably fastest at the moment01:20
crimsununix_infidel: (or change the launcher/shortcut/whatever)01:20
unix_infidelcrimsun: so alias it?01:20
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jarook I did what you said.. what now ??01:20
jaroh3sp4wn: ...01:20
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pascal_h3sp4wn you if eft is ready for testing yes?01:21
h3sp4wnjaro: Don't use the vga= line either or use vga=normal01:21
bam_anyon eknow how to show "home" and "trash" on desktop?01:21
jaroh3sp4wn: ok , but then I get confused lines while booting01:21
eduhow can i use pastebin service?01:21
edui see01:21
eduin the upper bar01:21
jaroh3sp4wn:  do I have to reboot now ??01:23
h3sp4wnjaro: Is the word splash not after every line in /boot/grub/menu.lst now01:23
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edupastebin says "too many connections"01:24
edui'll wait01:24
jaroh3sp4wn:  i removed the splash in the line you specified01:24
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jaroedu: use pastebin.ca01:24
h3sp4wnjaro: and you ran sudo update-grub ?01:25
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jaroh3sp4wn:  yes01:25
jaroh3sp4wn:  it updated01:25
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h3sp4wnjaro: Well is splash after all the kernel lines at the bottom of the file or not ?01:26
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jaroh3sp4wn:  no splash anymore01:27
h3sp4wnjaro: Try it now then01:27
jaroh3sp4wn:  try what ? reboot ?01:28
jaroh3sp4wn:  ok wait01:28
h3sp4wnjaro: If not the reason may be because of the vga=01:28
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eduoh, ok jaro01:28
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jarook.. cu01:29
jaroin a min01:29
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eduhey, here's my pastebin01:30
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eduwhat do you think, h3sp4wn?01:31
h3sp4wnedu: I think fglrx has broken mesa01:32
eduperhaps i should try in the live cd?01:33
eduwhat's the root password for dapper live?01:33
h3sp4wnedu: try sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.101:33
eduhey, h3sp4wn, but fglrx still installed01:33
h3sp4wnedu: sudo apt-get remove fglrx then01:34
h3sp4wnedu: then - dpkg-divert --list (and check to see that they are gone)01:34
eduin process01:35
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edudpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with01:35
edu  different file `/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed01:35
edumy God, it happened... i must do a mv somethingidontremember, i saw it in ubuntu forums, because it happened to me previously01:36
=== jaro [n=jaro@A310.ps.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #kubuntu
h3sp4wnedu: sudo mv /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa /usr/lib/libGL.so.101:36
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eduhey, thanks! you're a real pro ;-)01:37
eduwhat mean's mv, move, like cut?01:37
jaroh3sp4wn:  no change.. when I switched to Ctrl-Alt -F1.. screen went black01:38
=== mark--- [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
h3sp4wnjaro: I don't use your specific card - Disabling that helps my ati to shutdown properly more often01:39
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jaroh3sp4wn:  i have no choice.. it is onboard. i cant change it01:39
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h3sp4wnjaro: And you have no agp / pci express slot ?01:40
KinGetanawhat was the kill command again?01:40
eduyep, but laptop also integrate one of those ports!01:40
KinGetanamy vlc flipped01:40
eduh3sp4wn, shal i restart x server and see what happens? if i earn direct acceleration01:41
jaroh3sp4wn:  so what can i Do ??  the thing is.. with a real monitor there is no such problem, so i thought it might the monitor.. but I wasnt able to find anything similar in the internet. seems i am the only one having this problem01:42
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jaroif only .. if only. this would work01:44
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RaitoWhat is the default rom path for Xmame? I can't seem to change it and the default path is blanked so I don't know what it is.01:45
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-17-132.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
jarook. ill try monitor autodetection..01:46
mark---LjL: thanks, that got it. No tellin' what caused the messup as I'd not been fooling around with xserver-xorg.01:46
jaroi might have to reboot after that01:46
drizis there a french Kubuntu IRC channel01:46
OdyXsure dnz01:46
OdyXsee #kubuntu-fr01:47
LjLmark---: perhaps you used the KDE X settings or something, and that messed up xorg.conf01:47
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OdyXdriz: but there is not much people...01:47
=== edu [n=edu@135.Red-81-41-104.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
jmichaelxi have four computers connected to a router, all four computers are usually running x/k/ubuntu (although OCCASIONALLY one may be running XP)... and i am wanting all four computers to share one printer. could someone direct me to a wiki or a forum where there would be instructions for this?? i found a wiki with instructions for breezy. would those still apply to dapper?01:47
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Does the router have a usb or parallel port ?01:48
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: no, the printer is connected to one of the computers01:49
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I would recommend a router or print server with a usb (then you don't have to have a specific computer on all the time)01:50
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i have thought about doing that, but surely there is a way to do it without such a router01:51
eduhey h3sp4wn01:51
h3sp4wnedu: Hello01:51
eduit didn't work01:51
edubut i only restarted the x server01:51
eduhave i to restart the whole system?01:51
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h3sp4wnedu: Are the diverts still listed at the output of dpkg-divert --list ?01:51
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jaroI heard there was better X-Configuration in Dapper ..  where would that be ??01:52
edui'll do a pastebin01:52
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I don't like the way ubuntu has implimented cups (its hacked version)01:53
Hawkwindjaro: Do you mean: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:54
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jaroHawkwind:  no . that is not of much use01:54
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i can sort of see why01:54
drizsorry a bit off topic but does anyone here listen to "the linux link talk show"?01:54
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jaroany idea how i can find out the model of the LCD .. with the Acer Aspire 1350 Laptop ?01:55
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Hawkwindjaro: Google should tell you I would think01:56
Hawkwindjaro: Atleast Acer's site would01:56
jaroi wish01:56
jarocant find anything01:57
Hawkwind312T LCD model for the Acer Aspire 1350 Laptop01:58
jarohow did you know ?01:58
HawkwindFirst hit on google told me01:58
jaroso what name would that be ? :  Aspire 313T01:58
jarowhat did you search for ?01:58
HawkwindAcer Aspire 1350 LCD Model01:59
HawkwindIt's mentioned in the first 10 or so results01:59
HawkwindI have installed lm-sensors and when I type sensors-detect I get the following:  No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them. I've just recently switched from Mandriva to Kubuntu and sensors worked perfectly fine in Mandriva.  What am I doing wrong or needing to do differently to get them working in Kubuntu ?02:01
h3sp4wnedu: Try adding - radeon to /etc/modules (on a new line by itself)02:03
jaroHawkwind:  are you sure ?? i still cant see it02:03
edui had fglrx in that file :P02:03
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h3sp4wnedu: That would make sense02:03
eduit will need a complete restart?02:04
educan i iniciate modules without reboot?02:04
h3sp4wnyes (fglrx will probably crash if you try to remove it without a reboot)02:04
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HawkwindDoes the linux-686 kernel in Kubuntu come with the appropriate modules for lm-sensors ?02:05
h3sp4wnedu: You could try sudo rmmod fglrx && sudo modprobe radeon then restart X02:05
bam_laptop issues?02:05
bam_with dapper, I suppose02:06
jaroI can only chose from : Acer Aspire 33s  to Acer Aspire 77s02:06
jarono such model here as you said02:07
=== edu [n=edu@135.Red-81-41-104.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
bam_hmm, I went back to breezy...works just fine02:07
=== jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
eduthanks a lot!! it works!!02:09
h3sp4wnedu: No problem02:09
edunow i'll have a decent speed02:09
drizcan anyone help me with this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1648602:09
jmichaelxman, i don't know what just happened, but i just had to manually sut this laptop off... it got all bogged down to the point that i could barely even move the cursor02:09
eduyou're great, and i've learnt with  you some cool stuff!02:09
crimsundriz: there's nothing noticeably broken there.02:10
drizthe error that reads02:11
drizX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16602:11
driz   Major opcode:  14402:11
crimsundriz: I presume you backgrounded a KDE app before you ran apt-get/aptitude?02:11
driz   Minor opcode:  302:11
driz   Resource id:  0x002:11
driz Failed to open device02:11
Hawkwinddriz: Use pastebin please02:11
crimsundriz: without more context, it's impossible to tell what that's caused by02:11
eduwell, i have to go, thanks again, h3sp4wn02:11
=== closure [n=ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
closurehello everyone02:11
drizoh ok crimsun02:11
closurelong time no come around02:11
closurei am curious if someone could tell me if it is possible to install a new version of kubuntu over an old version without losing my files/disrupting anything WTIHOUT network access02:12
HawkwindAnyone know what it takes to get lm-sensors working in Dapper by chance ?  sensors-detect just gives me an error.  This worked perfectly in Mandriva 2 days ago but nothing seems to work concerning lm-sensors here in Kubuntu02:12
crimsunclosure: sure, just dist-upgrade using a cd.02:12
closureyah see that's the other problem02:13
closurethe i never did get the cdrom to mount02:13
closureit installed from a cd02:13
closurebut it's never been there since02:13
crimsundo you have a usb thumbdrive of about 1.0 GB?02:13
closurei'm no linux pro by any means >8-( so i just never bothered02:13
closurei think so somewhere02:14
closurebut i'm not possitive usb works on the comp etiher02:14
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closureit's a very old gateway laptop02:14
closurenot much is supported02:14
crimsunI hope it has a pcmcia/cardbus slot02:14
closurei have a pcmcia wifi card and a usb wifi support02:14
closureyeah it does02:14
closurebut i can't get either of the wifi to work02:15
crimsundoes the wifi card work in breezy?02:15
jaroi dont know what to do02:15
crimsuneven with ndiswrapper?02:15
closurei do not think i have breezy02:15
jaroi cant find the right model02:15
closurei'm fairly sure i have the ver before that02:15
crimsunclosure: lsb_release -r02:15
closurelet me boot the lap again02:15
closureshould've done this before02:15
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HawkwindAnyone happen to know what this means:  No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.02:16
closureok give it a sec takes a couple minutes to boot up >8-)02:16
klerfaytamarok says libvisual isn't installed but I installed them02:16
HawkwindI really need/want to get lm-sensors working here in Kubuntu02:16
closuredoes the new kubuntu still say "booting ubuntu kernel"02:17
closurecause that's how classic this lap is02:17
=== Towering [n=sex@pool-70-105-86-3.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
MehAdultHawkwind: Check the bot's factoid?02:18
MehAdultI got mine working fine :)02:18
HawkwindMehAdult: Nothing in the bot02:18
HawkwindMehAdult: How ?02:18
ubotuI know nothing about lm-sensors02:18
MehAdultIt was a page on the wiki02:19
MehAdultIt's way different from Mnadriva02:19
HawkwindMehAdult: I run sensors-detect and I get the above message02:19
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HawkwindMehAdult: Nothing on the wiki either it seems02:20
closurecrimsun i have 5.0402:20
Toweringtotally new to this, how can i enable ident to connect to efnet?02:20
MehAdultI'm not in X now02:20
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MehAdultSo I can't help ya right yet02:20
MehAdultLemme boot to X and find it02:20
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: would i be able to set up this computer as a printing server by changing /etc/cups/cups.d/browse.conf?02:21
MehAdultHawkwind: Go to the Ubuntu wiki and search for sensor02:22
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MehAdultThat'll pull it up02:22
HawkwindMehAdult: I did02:22
MehAdultIt's the first result02:22
HawkwindNothing comes up02:22
MehAdultYou get 2 choices02:22
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: changing Browsing from off to 'on'?02:22
MehAdultHere I'll type the URL from memory02:22
HawkwindMehAdult: Ahhh, I searched for sensors first02:22
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MehAdultTry that02:23
HawkwindI got it already :P02:23
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I don't use cups02:23
jaroarg.. which Monitor ????02:23
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: what do you use?02:24
jarolm554 ?02:24
jaro77s ?02:24
jaro34TS ?02:24
jaroXY ?02:24
jmichaelxi am sure there must be some documentation somewhere for setting a computer up as a printing server, but i sure as heck am not finding it lol02:24
MehAdultjaro: You can quit being annoying :p02:24
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Lp on a very old hp laserjet02:25
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: lp02:25
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i am using a very old HP deskjet02:25
jmichaelxmost everything i use is very old lol02:25
MehAdultjmichaelx: Which kind? That can make a difference02:25
jmichaelxi still think P3s running at 500Mhz rock :-02:25
=== MehAdult shudders
jmichaelxMehAdult: the printer works just fine, i just want to be able to use this printer with any PC on my home network02:26
MehAdultI really want to get a new Conroe processor when it comes out but I don't have the money.02:26
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: You could use samba to share the printer maybe then02:26
MehAdultjmichaelx: Ah never done it.02:26
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Toweringhow can you update repositories for kubuntu? the website doesn't have that part complete02:27
jmichaelxMehAdult: you would sure think there would be some documentation on this lol. this kind of thing is what linux/unix are [supposed]  to be for02:27
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i guess i will have to look into sambe... i thought this was going to be an easy thing, but i guess not02:28
WinXpertthe samba 3 how-to has a huge chapter on CUPS02:30
h3sp4wnBut ubuntu's cups is not standard02:31
jmichaelxWinXpert: i will have to look at it, although i was hoping to not have to read a huge chapter just to use a printer on a home network02:31
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jmichaelxthis is the kind of thing that should not be quite this complicated02:32
fishstickshey, i just installed kubuntu, and i have to say i am digging it compared to gnome =)02:32
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WinXpertclasical printing support here http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/classicalprinting.html02:32
jmichaelxkde is way nicer than gnome, especially if you like to customize02:33
jmichaelxi have never really liked gnome02:33
=== gmitchel [n=gmitchel@c-71-226-35-28.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Toweringi dunno... i'm a first time cross-over, haven't looked at ubuntu yet02:33
WinXpertuse kubuntu then02:33
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Toweringgoing through linux os's to see which i like02:33
mrfishhattry out fedora core02:33
ToweringLinspire was my first, now it's kubuntu, next would be ubuntu02:33
mrfishhatits my 2nd fave02:33
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WinXperttowering try xandros 3.002:34
WinXpertor wait for 4 oce02:34
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
gemidjyIs the "Align to Grid" for the KDE Desktop turned off in Dapper by purpose or it is broken ?02:34
Toweringheard of xandros, didn't appeal to me02:34
jmichaelxmrfishhat: i am thinking of putting fedora on one of my PCs when core 6 comes out, but man i sure hear a lot of complaints about fedora02:34
WinXpertuntil you give it a try you cant tell ..02:35
Toweringi just want something simple02:36
jmichaelxmrfishhat: i am not a registered user so i can't respond to your private messages02:36
gemidjyso it is bug, damn it, Kubuntu bug, not kde02:36
WinXperti have tried many distros it is a good entry to the linux world02:36
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@London-HSE-ppp3547922.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
jmichaelxi think k/ubuntu is an excellent intro, too... i had never used linux until about 2 months ago02:37
Toweringis there a way to back up dvd's on kubuntu yet?02:37
gemidjyhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128024 bug02:37
bobstrogemidjy:  hmm. it's working here.02:37
Toweringcan't get my sound to work though..02:37
bobstroTowering:  are you getting errors, or just no sound.02:38
Toweringno sound02:38
Toweringit's a sound blaster live card, with 5.1 surround02:38
jmichaelxTowering: you looked at the mixeR?02:38
Toweringoh duh02:39
Toweringwas on soundboard02:39
drizI cant get album arts on Amarok02:39
Toweringi should have known that from Linspire.. sheesh02:39
=== Organized_Chaos [n=kvirc@c-24-61-248-162.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
RadiantFirecan someone assist me with my knetworkmanager problem?02:42
mrfishhatsure whats wrong?02:43
ToweringamaroK still isn't giving sound02:43
RadiantFirewell, when I try to set with knetworkmanager, it stops at configuring interface02:43
RadiantFireit doesn't set the essid of my wireless02:43
RadiantFireif I go to a terminal and set the essid with iwconfig, it continues on02:43
RadiantFireotherwise it just tanks02:43
mrfishhatwhy not just use the terminal?02:44
RadiantFirebecause clicking on knetworkmanager is easier than opening konsole and typing 4 commands02:44
RadiantFirethis is one of those things that I can do but shouldn't have 202:44
mrfishhatwhen my systemsettings is screwin up02:45
mrfishhati just kdesu systemsettings02:46
RadiantFireits wierd though, cuz both iwconfig essid and dhclient are priveledged operations02:46
RadiantFireyet iwconfig fails, while dhclient goes through correctly02:46
RadiantFireknetworkmanager does dhcp just fine after I manually set essid02:46
RadiantFireoh well...02:48
ToweringSB 5.1 with 5.1 speakers, yet no sound from amaroK02:48
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RadiantFireTowering: what are you trying to play?02:49
Organized_Chaosanyone here know what i can do about gam_server taking up 70%+ cpu? i've got the latest version and everytime i kill the process it comes back instantly.02:49
=== Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-21-215.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
Toweringright now, some radio station02:50
Steven_Mhi all02:50
=== njm_ [n=njm@ssv10-1-82-241-190-125.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Steven_Mwhat comand would I use to reconfigure gtk+?02:51
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Toweringthrough amaroK02:52
n0ctuRnaL-fieNddoes anypne know how this error can be fixed? :(firefox-bin:27205): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtengine",02:52
TechHuthi everyone02:52
=== MasterEvil`Lapto [n=masterev@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunclosure: right, 5.04 is Hoary02:53
Steven_Mhi TechHut02:53
crimsunclosure: it's recommended to dist-upgrade to Breezy (5.10) before dist-upgrading to Dapper (6.06 LTS), but that's up to you.02:53
TechHutwhat I do is make a seperate partition for /home, and just completely reinstall02:54
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@cpe-70-122-77-122.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu
HawkwindI'm having some problems here.  I just rebooted my system and now normal user can't startx.  It just keeps taking me back to the GUI login02:56
=== mrfinch [n=finch@82-45-44-200.cable.ubr07.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Steven_Mbye all02:56
HawkwindIf I login to a terminal, it tells me: bash: /dev/null Permission Denied02:56
mrfinchhey there, n00b in need of some help!02:56
TechHutwhat is your problem?02:56
zblachhi. i broke sound on my laptop. how can I fix it?02:56
HawkwindMy root user acn start X just fine without a problem02:56
closurecrimsun how would i go about doing that02:56
MehAdultmrfinch: Say it don't spray it.02:56
mrfinchi do "modprobe ndiswrapper" and i get told "ndiswrapper.ko" doesn't exist,02:56
closureperhaps you can help me get my cd rom to mount02:56
crimsunzblach: could you describe that more precisely?02:56
HawkwindAnyone know what I can try to do to fix this ?02:56
closurewell actually it's a dvdrom02:57
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MehAdultmrfinch: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper should install it for you02:57
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zblachcrimsun: no sound from nothing. i'm not sure what I can say to be more specific02:57
crimsunclosure: does the kernel not recognise your optical drive at all? (from ``dmesg'')02:57
mrfinchthat tells me "ndiswrapper cannot be found"02:57
=== TechHut [n=erik@pool-162-83-108-169.culp.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
zblachmy sound server seems to be working, kcontrol says, but i'm getting nothing02:57
closureshould i run dmesg and see if it's there?02:57
crimsunzblach: pastebin ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer''02:57
closurecrimsun i don't guess i really know how to find it.02:58
HawkwindCan anyone help me please ?02:58
closurecdrom: open failed02:58
closureis the response02:58
MehAdultmrfinch: So install it with apt get. I told you how02:58
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closurebut it says "uniform cd-rom driver revision: 3.20 before that02:58
mrfinchand i told you what i get in return02:59
crimsunclosure: pastebin ``dmesg''02:59
fishstickshow do i get programs to start at login in kde?02:59
ubotuI know nothing about respository02:59
ubotuI know nothing about repository02:59
Toweringhey, you're not the only one02:59
Toweringi'm just as new too02:59
HawkwindAnyone ?02:59
ubotuI know nothing about repository03:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:00
closurei can't paste it03:00
MehAdulth3sp4wn: Thanks :)03:00
closurei'm not on that laptop03:00
MehAdultmrfinch: Read what ubotu just posted03:00
closureit doesn't connect to wifi cause it won't recognize my usb wifi thing03:00
MehAdultYou'll need to add online sources.03:00
crimsundmesg > somefile.txt, then sneakernet somefile.txt to a computer w/ viable network access03:00
closurei have no viable network access03:01
closurethat's the problem heh03:01
mrfinchyeah i read a page and have "universe" enabled and all that03:01
closureall i want to do is get my files off and fresh install this app03:01
closureerr lap03:01
closurebut i can't get it to work03:01
HawkwindCan someone please help me getting X to start as normal user again ??03:01
HawkwindI just rebooted and now it only starts as root user03:01
closureit recognizes my wireless network but i can't get it to update the ip03:01
MehAdultmrfinch: sudo apt-get update03:01
closureso it won't connect to anything03:01
mrfinchwill do03:01
MehAdultHawkwind: Error message?03:02
HawkwindMehAdult: Read above03:02
HawkwindI've posted it already03:02
MehAdultMeanie :p03:02
MehAdultWow that's weird Hawk.03:02
zblachcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1649403:02
HawkwindI can log into a terminal from the GUI login, and when I do I get tons of:  -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied03:02
MehAdultI was thinking it was some kind of ~/.file03:02
closureKWifiManager sees it03:03
Hawkwindcrimsun: Have any ideas here ??03:03
closureand has excellent strength but won't connect03:03
closure(this is using the pcmcia wifi adapter)03:03
MehAdultHawkwind: Did you post a pastebin of the error?03:03
zblachclosure: were you using ndiswrapper before?03:03
HawkwindMehAdult: That IS the error03:03
mrfinchkk did that .. apt-get still cannot find ndis03:03
crimsunzblach: do you have an HDA chipset?03:03
HawkwindHow many times should I repeate myself03:03
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MehAdultHawkwind: There might be more to it.03:03
closurezblach no i've never run wifi on this lap03:03
HawkwindMehAdult: That's all I get03:03
closurei use to have an ethernet adapter but it broke03:03
MehAdultHawkwind: Did you startx > log.txt or whatever to be sure? Just checking.03:04
crimsunHawkwind: I've not been following your situation since I wasn't addressed; give me a sec to read scrollback, please.03:04
HawkwindThe problem is, why can root start X but user can't03:04
closurei'm not spending 30 bucks to get another one so i'm trying to get it to go wireless03:04
closurei'm fairly certain the new kubuntu would have support for my usb wifi adapter03:04
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zblachclosure: wifi support on dapper is dodgy, at best03:05
zblachmy laptop works okay, but my wireless desky won't take to it03:05
crimsunHawkwind: probably a permissions problem. What's owned by root in ~/. ?03:05
zblachseems i need to download ndiswrapper so I can connect to the internet to download ndiswrapper03:05
zblach*shrugs* breezy it is03:06
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Healotnot if you have a FSF recommended wifi controller03:06
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:06
crimsunzblach: not sure if you answered the latest query03:06
zblachcrimsun: missed it, sorry03:07
zblachhda chipset?03:07
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zblachi have no idea. i've had it two weeks. i don't know much about it yet03:07
h3sp4wnclosure: What wireless chipset does the usb wifi adapter have ?03:07
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:08
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crimsunzblach: ``cat /proc/asound/cards && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''03:08
zblachcrimsun: but it seems that; 0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)03:08
h3sp4wnwifi on dapper is pretty reliable if you avoid network-manager03:08
crimsunyeah, that's HDA03:08
driz!macromedia flash03:08
ubotuI know nothing about macromedia flash03:08
zblach...yeah. high definition audio becomes HDA. i see that03:08
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:08
zblachdriz: you can cedega it up till MX03:08
drizthank you03:08
MehAdultdriz: Welcome :)03:09
zblachcrimsun: recommendations?03:09
drizzblach: what is cedega?03:09
crimsunzblach: I still need the output that I requested.03:09
zblachif I have HDA?03:09
zblachoh, right. i'm out of it today. sorry03:09
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd does anypne know how this error can be fixed? :(firefox-bin:27205): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtengine",03:10
Hawkwindcrimsun: You mean ls -la in the root ~/ ?03:10
crimsunHawkwind: no, your non-privileged user03:10
Toweringno yahoo messenger support i see03:10
Hawkwind-rw-r--r--   1 root     root     105901 2006-06-24 00:26 .fonts.cache-103:11
Hawkwindcrimsun: That's the only one03:11
zblachcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1649503:11
Hawkwindcrimsun: That's probably my problem ?03:11
zblachdriz: cedega is a windows in a nutshell. it's an emulator of sorts03:12
crimsunHawkwind: remove it and see what occurs?03:12
crimsunzblach: you must have a Conexant codec03:13
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crimsunzblach: meaning you're out of luck until someone figures out the gpio routing03:14
zblachcrimsun: :S03:14
zblachit was working swell earlier03:14
zblachconexant codec?03:14
crimsunzblach: "earlier" meaning in Breezy, or...?03:14
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zblachearlier meaning 'on a fresh install of dapper'03:15
zblach'before i started fiddling'03:15
crimsunzblach: hmm, that's odd. What did you change?03:15
zblachi can't remember.03:15
crimsunI'm pretty surprised you had audible sound.03:16
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zblachi was suprised how bad these speakers sounded03:16
zblachi though altec lansing was supposed to be _good_03:16
crimsunzblach: do this: sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo invoke-rc.d alsa start03:16
Hawkwindcrimsun: That doesn't help.  It just keeps taking me back to the GUI login over and over after entering my password03:17
Toweringi can't get sound on mine03:17
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zblachalsa stalls. seems that open sound system loads, however03:17
LiNuX_LoVeR_17Just wondering but why hasn't the Kubuntu website been updated in a long time? is there nothing new going on?03:17
crimsunzblach: please be more precise; I can't read your mind.03:17
drizi'm reading one of the sites and it says Ubuntu does it still work Kubunutu03:18
crimsunTowering: pastebin ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer''03:18
CheeseBurgerMandriz: Yeah, Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE. The base is the same.03:18
Hawkwindcrimsun: I see something on the screen about: error opening security policy file /etc/X11/security/SecurityPolicy03:18
crimsunHawkwind: ls -la ~/.Xauthority03:18
Hawkwindcrimsun: /etc/X11/Xsession /dev/null Permission Denied as well03:19
zblachcrimsun: no alsa in /etc/init.d03:19
drizCheeseBurgerMan: cool thanx and Cool name03:19
Hawkwindcrimsun: -rw------- 1 hawkwind hawkwind 49 2006-06-25 20:16 /home/hawkwind/.Xauthority03:19
crimsunHawkwind: I don't have an /etc/X11/security/SecurityPolicy [I use GNOME atm] )03:19
Toweringhave no clue what you mean by that, but ok03:19
CheeseBurgerManlol, thanks03:19
crimsunHawkwind: ok, that looks fine03:19
crimsunzblach: alsa-utils, sorry03:19
Hawkwindcrimsun: I also see that at boot time it tells me it isn't starting gdm because it's not the default03:19
crimsunHawkwind: right, you'd be using kdm instead with Kubuntu03:20
Hawkwindcrimsun: I don't use KDE or Gnome, I use E17, but I can't start any of them as normal user :(03:20
crimsunHawkwind: are you using startx?03:20
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhats E17/?03:20
Hawkwindcrimsun: I've tried startx, startkde, startfluxbox03:21
crimsunTowering: ?03:21
HawkwindNone of them work.  They all give the same error(s)03:21
Toweringpastebin ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer''03:21
zblachcrimsun: sound died around the time I got my keys (vol+/-/0) working03:21
crimsunHawkwind: have you pastebinned the error{,s} and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?03:21
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdHawkwind: how long have u been using enlight?03:22
crimsunTowering: take the output from the ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' command and paste it onto the http://pastebin.ca Web site03:22
crimsunTowering: then tell me the url03:22
Hawkwind/usr/bin/startx line 169 /dev/null Permission Denied03:22
Hawkwindcrimsun: I get that at the end of startx after it errors out03:22
crimsunHawkwind: ls -l /dev/null03:22
Hawkwindcrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-05-22 09:25 /dev/null03:23
crimsunyep, permissions error03:23
crimsunsudo chmod 666 /dev/null03:23
Hawkwindcrimsun: How did that get changed, any ideas ?03:24
drizhow do i get out of root user on Konsole03:24
HawkwindI know I personally haven't chmod'd or chown'd /dev/null03:24
crimsunHawkwind: the matrix of possibilities is infinite.03:24
drizi did sudo -s03:24
Hawkwindn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: For many years now03:24
Hawkwindcrimsun: Heh, figures03:24
Hawkwindcrimsun: I'm rebooting the machine to see if it works after a reboot now03:25
crimsundriz: ctrl+d, or ``exit''03:25
Toweringhmm, well, when i put lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer in the run command, doesn't do anything03:26
crimsunTowering: open a Konsole and do it03:26
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdHawkwind: it looks sweet, can u run kde or knome apps under it?  how difficult is it to install software under it ?03:27
Hawkwindn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: You can run anything under it03:27
crimsunzblach: any luck after the invoke-rc.d command?03:27
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Hawkwindcrimsun: Ok, problem.  After a reboot, /dev/null gets changed back to being owned by root03:27
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdHawkwind: is there a official site for it ?03:27
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Hawkwindn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: get-e.org and enlightenment.org03:28
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdHawkwind: thanks03:28
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crimsunHawkwind: grep -H null /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules03:28
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Toweringok.. sorry, bear with me, i'm very new to linux03:29
HealotI don't have a bear :)03:29
zblachcrimsun: no such lock03:30
Hawkwindcrimsun: /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules:KERNEL=="null",                          MODE="0666"03:31
crimsunHawkwind: hmm, that's proper. Must be some other process chowning it.03:31
crimsunHawkwind: anything in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh or /etc/rc.local?03:32
crimsun[that looks suspicious] 03:32
Hawkwindcrimsun: Not sure what would look suspicious in that first file to be honest03:33
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Hawkwindcrimsun: Nothing at all in /etc/rc.local except for 'exit 0'03:34
unix_infidelthat's normal...03:34
unix_infidelif you're operating on basically the default setup.03:34
Hawkwindcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/7170903:35
crimsunTowering: which audio device are you trying to use, the onboard or the sb live?03:35
Toweringsb live03:35
Toweringit's the one that the bios has set to, and the one the speakers are connected to03:36
crimsunTowering: ``asoundconf set-default-card Live''03:36
mrfinchhow do i install the latest kernel-source?03:36
unix_infidelHawkwind: everything looks fine to me.  Must be another application that's changing perms.03:36
crimsunmrfinch: apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)03:36
mrfinchnice thanks03:36
Hawkwindcrimsun: This all started after I followed this how-to:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto03:36
Hawkwindcrimsun: I wonder if that script had something to do with it ?03:37
crimsunHawkwind: well, I certainly see the MODE= being set to 060003:38
Hawkwindcrimsun: Hmm, so how can I change that ?03:38
Hawkwindcrimsun: Or shall I say, reverse that03:39
crimsunwell, I don't think that script is being invoked every boot -- is it?03:39
Hawkwindcrimsun: It shouldn't be as it's in my users home directory03:39
Hawkwindcrimsun: If I change MODE=600 to 666 then rerun the script, maybe it will fix my problem ?03:40
crimsunHawkwind: try this: reboot using the recovery grub menu choice (which takes you to single-user), and look at the permissions on /dev/null03:40
crimsunHawkwind: the script doesn't appear to touch /dev/null03:41
Toweringwell, the mixer has the SB as default, but still no sound03:41
Hawkwindcrimsun: Ok, rebooting now.  I'll jump on the other box when it gets me to a termina03:41
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crimsunTowering: I need the output from ``amixer'' pastebinned anew03:41
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crimsunTowering: amixer set 'PCM' on03:44
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: crw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-05-22 09:25 /dev/null03:44
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Same as before03:44
Toweringok, now i have a continuous tone03:45
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: ``grep -nHr chmod  /etc/init.d/*''03:45
crimsunTowering: well, sound should work, no?03:46
Toweringoh, there's sound, it's a continous tone03:46
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/7171503:46
crimsunTowering: so...what's the issue?03:46
Toweringwell, i don't think it should be a continuous tone03:47
crimsunTowering: you probably want to decrease PCM to 77% anyhow. The sb lives have a known problem with clipping at levels >8003:47
Toweringmuch better03:47
Toweringdidn't know that03:47
drizX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166~~> this is an annoying error i get when ever i am installing something.03:48
Toweringso how do i get amaroK to play sound?03:48
drizwhat sound?03:49
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Does that output look right or wrong to you ?03:49
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: sec, I'm very busy atm03:49
james_xxxin trying to configure a PC to access the printer connected to another PC, when it askes for thehost of the remote IPP server, what am i supposed to enter?03:50
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: looks ok to me. Do you have the current packages (everything updated from dapper-updates and dapper-security)?03:51
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unix_infideljames_xxx: the hostname of the server.03:51
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Yes.  I ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade maybe 3 - 4 hours ago03:51
unix_infidelwhatever you set it to during install.03:51
james_xxxunix_infidel: ok, the name on the PC that the printer is connected to is 'james-laptop'... is that what i should enter? if it is, i can't get it to work03:52
unix_infideljames_xxx: you need to be able to resolve the host first no?03:52
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: I'm really curious if I take that script and change that MODE= line to 666 instead of 600 and run it if that will solve the issue on reboot03:53
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: I didn't look to see if that script is actually executed on every boot03:53
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: I think that only because this started after I ran that script trying to get lm-sensors to work03:53
james_xxxunix_infidel: i don't know what resolving the host means lol03:54
james_xxxsorry for being such a newb03:54
Toweringi'm probably more of a newb03:54
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james_xxxTowering: i dove into ubuntu very wrecklessly not knowing anything, and it has actually gone remarkably well, due a lot to the help in this room03:55
Toweringi'll be happy to hear some music on amaroK03:56
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crimsunTowering: ...what type of music?03:56
james_xxxhow do you resolve a host?03:57
crimsunjames_xxx: host somehost03:57
Toweringright now it's set to a radio station on amaroK03:57
james_xxxcrimsun: do i enter that where it asks for the host's name?03:57
crimsunTowering: ...which streams what, vorbis? mpc? mp3? wma? aac?03:57
Toweringi have audio when in windows XP03:57
Toweringnot sure, how can i tell?03:57
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crimsunjames_xxx: if you're referring to the installer, if you're not sure just leave it blank03:57
crimsunTowering: what's the url?03:58
james_xxxcrimsun: i am trying to set up network printing03:58
crimsunjames_xxx: beats me, I know jack squat about printing, sorry03:58
Toweringyeah.. that's it03:59
crimsunI'm firewalled on port 800003:59
crimsunI'm willing to bet that's an mp3 stream, thoguh03:59
james_xxxcrimsun: the only thing i have discovered is that setting up a preinting server with k/ubuntu is WAY more difficult than in windows, and i actually did not expect that03:59
Toweringok, probably is then03:59
crimsunTowering: do you have libxine-extracodecs installed?03:59
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Toweringi don't think that showed up in my apt04:00
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdis compiling from source the best way to install stuff on your pc?04:00
Toweringlibxine-extracodecs doesn't list in my Adept Manager04:01
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: What/Where would I put chmod 666 /dev/null so that it changes the perms on /dev/null to 666 so that when I boot to the GUI login I can start X without problems ?04:01
user_what is ur nme?04:01
crimsunTowering: you need to enable universe and multiverse first04:02
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crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: in /etc/rc.local04:02
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Toweringok, see that's the part i've been trying to figure out, kubuntu site wasn't updated to inform me and ubunut site is different04:03
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: If I just add 'chmod 666 /dev/null' to the bottom of that, will it run it as root and change the perms without user interaction ?04:03
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Because if I put sudo in front of it, it will ask for the password I assume04:04
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crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: /etc/rc.local is executed as uid 004:04
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crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: (don't preface it with sudo)04:04
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Ok thanks.  Testing another reboot to see what happens now04:05
azzcoI've got a question here...I've got some avis that I'd like to burn to a DVD (me fiddling around with a program) does anyone know if k3b can make menus and such for creating a DVD?04:06
Healotazzco: k3b has a DVD Video project, but you need to convert those OpenAVI video to MPEG2 compliant video first04:09
azzcothx that's something that I wanted to hear :) Healot, can it create menus and such too?04:10
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HealotFile -> New Project -> New Video DVD04:11
Toweringhow do you enable multiverse in Adept Manager?04:11
azzcoTHX :)...do you happen to know any way(program) to convert the avis04:11
Healotbtw, you need to design the DVD video file manually... azzco, one drawback04:11
Healotthe DVD video structure is there in k3b, not the VOB bs :-04:12
azzcooh...you mean one "video file"04:12
azzcoI'm really new to video editing =/04:12
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: I added that to /etc/rc.local and the perms are still incorrect after rebooting :(04:12
Healotazzco: I use Windows application for that :)04:12
Healotor Mac04:12
azzcowell I'll be fiddling around a bit here ;) I'll get backhere if I encounter any problems ;)04:13
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: is /etc/rc.local executable? Did you place the chmod before the "exit 0"?04:13
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: No, I put it after exit 004:13
crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: then it was not executed.04:14
crimsunit needs to be placed before the exit 004:14
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Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: Ok. rebooting again to try it04:14
Toweringnm, i think i got it now04:15
Hawkwind_Ubuntucrimsun: As always man, thanks for your great and wonderful help :)04:18
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crimsunHawkwind_Ubuntu: np04:18
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HawkwindNow I just need to find out what exactly is causing that issue04:20
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Healotsankarshan: Redhat India?04:26
Toweringwell, except there is no libxine-extracodecs04:27
crimsunTowering: you need to enable universe and multiverse04:27
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Healoton the dapper repos, not dapper-backports04:27
HealotI saw many of this repos bs when people use adept to change the sources.list file04:28
Healotis adept buggy somehow?04:29
Toweringi did04:29
Toweringall that's listed04:29
Healotsurrender you /etc/apt/sources.list and I'll tell you what to do...04:31
Healothmm sounds more like a threat :)04:31
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:33
Toweringhope my country is 0104:34
Healotthe US of A?04:34
Healotit's been no. for nearly everything :)04:34
Healotno. 104:34
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:35
HealotUbuntu is the 3rd non-American distro that I used so far :004:35
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zblachcrimsun: if you're still at all interested, sound started working spontaneously after switching back to the 386 kernel04:42
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crimsunzblach: and doesn't work at all with 686?04:43
zblachseems that way to me04:43
crimsunerr, isn't audible04:43
crimsunsigh, that's the second report04:43
zblachunfortunately, i'm now listening to coldplay.04:43
crimsunsomething's being misoptimised04:43
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zblachnothing to do with dual core?04:44
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcan somone tell me how to install the lame headers and codec?  i want to do that before compiling kaffeine04:46
zblachshould I stick with 386 for now? or the 686-smp?04:46
Healotif you have d-core, smp is way to go04:48
crimsunn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: sudo apt-get build-dep kaffeine04:49
Healotbuild-dep is easier04:49
Healotor are you trying to compile the latest source manually04:49
Healotliblame-dev >> for lame devel headers04:50
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ChicoryIf I'm running an AMD 64 K8 chipset, can I even RUN i386?04:52
HealotYES, absolutely04:53
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcrimsun: u think that will get the lame mp3 codec?04:53
ChicoryHey, I'm just checking.04:53
Healotit's still an x8604:53
ChicoryOkay, then on that note would an i386 build be better for WINE?04:54
Healotno, I am just being bold...04:54
=== Chicory has ZERO expertise with building from source.
Healotin sense of compatibility, yes, Chicory04:54
Healotbut wine will also compile with amd64 release04:55
Toweringso, how can you change the sources.list?04:55
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ChicoryHmm ...04:55
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcrimsun: nope it didnt04:55
Toweringgenerated a list through the web and all04:56
ChicoryHow complicated would be compiling WINE in an amd64 build?04:56
Healotdefine "complicated"04:56
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Steven_Mhi all04:56
Healotas long you can get the required devel packages, you can do the compiling04:56
ChicoryEr ... "any more complicated than perhaps dpkg-config".04:56
Healotyou'll do the same thing on both releases, amd64 and i38604:57
crimsunn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: did you install liblame-dev?04:57
Steven_MWhat comand would I use for reconfiguring gtk+?04:58
ChicoryHmm ...04:58
ChicoryMaybe I should leave installing WINE and MythTV until I'm more advanced.04:59
HealotChicory: installing is easy, compilation is not04:59
drizOMG i'm installin a windows version of firefox the hair on my back is standing up!!!!05:00
Chicory... Driz, you're kidding, right?05:00
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcrimsun: that did it , thanks , good job05:01
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drizChicory: I have to to be able to run flash.05:02
ChicoryOkay, this is going to be pretty short-sighted, but why doesn't my OpenGL driver support my ATI All-In-Wonder 1600 Pro?05:02
Healotsudo dpkg-reconfigure libgtk2.0-common >> if this actually work, btw what's the problem with your gtk settings? Steven_M05:03
Healotdriz: dl and install the Flash plugin from Adobe's site05:03
Healotor autoinstall when prompt to do so05:03
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drizHealot i tried that but it wouldn't work. i was loking at the web site and it said to do so.05:05
Healotfor Windows's Firefox?05:05
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Steven_MHealot: it's not gtk2 I want to reconfigure it's gtk+05:07
Healotsudo dpkg-reconfigure libgtk1.2-common then05:07
Healotbtw, server moderation coming up...05:08
Steven_MHealot: thanks :)05:09
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Healotwhy you need gtk in KDE ? oh, you installed GTk apps05:09
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Steven_Mbe back soon05:12
Music^Houndwhat do I need to update to kde 3.5.3 ?05:12
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhow can i make the left side folder tree icons larger?05:13
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMusic^Hound: you need to add the right repo ,05:13
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMusic^Hound: and just install it05:14
Music^Houndwhat repo ?05:14
n0ctuRnaL-fieNddeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 dapper main05:14
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdthats if u use dapper05:15
Music^Houndyea I just installed it05:15
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi installed it from adept , so not dont know what the command for installing its05:16
Music^HoundI'll figure it out05:16
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ubei need help guys :[05:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:18
ubeoh hold up im going to try something05:19
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhow can i make the left side folder tree icons larger?05:26
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osirisenough withthe nick changes06:24
IzzymouseOops sorry06:24
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Steven_Mhi all06:27
osirishi steven06:27
Steven_Mhi osiris06:30
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Steven_Mkosh: you have always been here :)06:31
wordis it possible to have your home directory on a seperate partition and to use it between distributions?06:31
koshSteven_M: pretty much :)06:32
osirisyour ~/.files are whats most likley gonna screw ya06:32
osirisas config files change between distros06:32
koshyour personal .files are application specific not distro specific06:32
koshwhat could cause problems is if you have kde 3.5 on one dist and 3.4 on another dist or something like that06:33
Steven_Mkosh: I presoume you're a babylon 5 fan?06:33
osirisagain, as i stated06:33
koshthat would likely even work, what would screw up is kde 2.x on one and kde 3.x on another06:33
koshSteven_M: yup06:33
osirisor .xmms with soundwrapper options, and without06:34
wordHmm..suse 10.1 and kubuntu should theoratically share a home peacefully?06:34
osiriseveryhting aside from the .files will be fine06:34
koshit will probably work06:34
Steven_Mkosh cool :)06:34
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhow can i make the left side folder tree icons larger?06:34
wordYah...I won't do it at first to make sure their relatively simmilar i suppose06:34
osirisword, one might overwrite the others .files, so you may run into issues06:35
wordwould their be a way to just share personal files in the home directory? and to have the .files only locally on the seperate distros partitions?06:35
osirisbut backups make everything nice06:35
wordlike to mount the partiiton to the dir but the dir already having contents?06:35
osirisi dont know how to specify where personals go06:36
Steven_Mdoes anyone know of a chat room especially for X11 issues?06:37
koshdon't know06:37
koshwhat are your X11 issues?06:38
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Aspect404Anyone here?06:39
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Steven_Mbye all06:41
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koshAspect404: there are people here, however most won't respond instantly06:42
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NightsapperAnyone have any clues for someone trying to use a LiveCD based Kubuntu install from behind a company firewall?  Its websense and the only thing I have is an autoproxy link.  So far, I cant get anything to update load or install that wasnt in the default LiveCD install to disk.  that means no firefox, etc - and apt-get doenst seem to work at all.06:56
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MilhousePunkRockDo a few error messages in my "evms-engine.log" have to make me worry?06:59
thompathe touchpad curser moves too stiff sometimes when cpu is up06:59
thompai have to disable it, and use usb mouse06:59
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NightsapperSorry not a clue.  Im new to Debian - coming from Redhat.  And I cant even get my Dapper to connect and update.07:01
thompaare you trying dist-upgrade?07:01
NightsapperI can SSH and the Konq browser works off the autorpoxy, but add-remove, Adept and apt-get are all dead int he water07:01
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NightsapperI insalled formthe Live CD - jsu ttrying to get the Gnome stuff added - and things liek Firefox that the Live CD didn't install07:02
thompatype su first, then apt-get update07:02
Nightsapperdoesnt work.07:02
thompawhats the error07:02
NightsapperIm behind a corporate fireall (sebsense)07:02
thompais it a notebook or PC07:03
NightsapperI can get out via SSH, and can get Kong to hit the company autoproxy but thats it.  Desktop box.07:03
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NightsapperIm on my winbox now because I cant get the doggone Dapper to go :-(07:03
thompajust put it on usb07:04
thompai got kubuntu on my ipod07:04
NightsapperUSB not allowed.  I work in R&D and its a restricted facility - lucky to have net access th way they been shutting downhere since a guy walked out with company data07:04
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thompawell tell them you need linux07:05
NightsapperNo cell phones either - have to leave them at the froint desk. no blue tooth, etc.07:05
NightsapperI did - they said fine, go get it and install it heh.07:05
crimsunheh, you're lucky. We can't carry them into the building.07:05
thompai worked for the air force once, was like that07:05
NightsapperSo I did - but Dapper doesnt want to play nice.07:05
thompaare you aloud to go home or a slave?07:06
NightsapperI dont want to go to Redhat but thats where things re headed if I cant show that this cna be installed and maintained from behind a firewall.07:06
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thompacant you ftpz?07:07
NightsapperI go home just fine.  Job security has its costs.  ncie thing is that I dont take work home.07:07
thompaor normal ftp07:07
suzie_foxon this old computer i just recently got, i'm getting a kernel panic error, attmpted to kill init07:07
suzie_foxwhen trying to boot the kubuntu CD07:07
NightsapperI cna FTP - but I'd rather get thigns to where the folks that want it can maintain thier own without much hassle.    Just hoping there is somethign easy I missed in configuring it.07:07
thompaany qsynaptics seems to work07:08
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thompawork well that is for touchpad07:08
Nightsappernope - synaptic isnt installed as part of the default Live CD install.07:08
Nightsapperso I dont have it - and with apt-get and adept not getting thrut he proxy, Im kinda hosed07:09
thompai mean touchpad program qsyanptics07:09
thompai installed synaptics too,07:09
Nightsappersuz - what type CPU?07:09
suzie_foxhold on a second07:09
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Nightsapperfunny thing is my home install went like dumb-easy.  I mean hit me in the head with and axe handle and I can still install it easy07:10
suzie_foxAMD K6, 2 CPUs07:10
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NightsapperHmm.  maybe somethign to do with dual CPU motherboard that "old" - but thats just a pure guess on whayit would kernel panic on load.07:11
Lynourehmm, getting gobby to work doesn't seem to be trivial07:11
suzie_foxi don't think it's something wrong with kubuntu itself, or the CD, since it also does it with my knoppix CD07:11
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Nightsapperbios issue sounds like07:11
Nightsappertry running the memtest instead of the install07:11
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Nightsapperlast time I had a wierd panic turned out I had bad RAM07:12
suzie_foxi let the memtest run at boot, and it appears to work07:12
thompahow much ram do you have?07:12
Nightsapperthats plenty07:12
suzie_foxi'll probably put more in later07:12
Nightsapperfor an initial instally anyways07:12
suzie_foxnow, even the BIOS won't come up...give me a minute07:13
NightsapperOh.  bad mobo is sounding more the case.  yeouch.07:13
thompai just had an amd xp 1800 on a soyo k400 go down07:13
suzie_foxi hope not07:13
Nightsapperany newcomers -: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy?07:13
thompamine wont even boot any hard drives anymore07:14
NightsapperI had a lot of probs with syo Mobos in the past.07:14
Nightsapperwent thru 2 RMA till I got a good Dragon07:15
thompai replaced everything until i moved the blue hard drive connecter to a differnt plug07:15
thompanow it works sort of07:15
thompamine syas dragon ultra on it07:16
Nightsapperyep - same I had.  LOL07:16
thompatoo noisy fans though07:16
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thompanow qsynaptics refushes to work again07:17
khaije1hi all :-)07:18
thompai need to speed up scrolling07:18
Nightsappersuze: try replacing the HD cable that goes to the CDROM drive - or put it on a different one.  That mayhelp troubleshoot the drive vs cable vs Mobo issues07:18
thompathe window comes up but its as if i dont have permissions07:18
khaije1is there a way to do the minimal install w/ the dapper desktop cd?07:19
suzie_foxi tried resetting the BIOS07:19
suzie_foxsince one of the CD roms was bad, so i unplugged it07:19
thompawhat minimum?07:19
koshcurrently I am using a soyo dragon kt880 v2.0 which has worked flawlessly, going to replace it soon but no issues with it07:19
suzie_foxthat might've confused it some07:19
Nightsapperany newcomers -: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy?07:19
suzie_foxbecause it was acting strange after that07:19
thompait is allready middle minimal07:19
suzie_foxnever seen something so simple cause anything like that...but...meh07:19
koshwhat I find helpful though is not to use master slave stuff, just run one drive per channel and have it the master07:19
suzie_foxit seems to be booting Knoppix now07:20
koshNightsapper: sorry no idea about autoproxy07:20
khaije1in breezy with either cd you could choose a very minimalistic install w/ the server option07:20
Nightsapperdapper LiveCD I consider to be minimal - no Gnome libs, no gvim, no firefox, etc.  Heh.07:20
n0ctuRnaL-fieNddapper has a server option , but that doesnt install x , kde or gnome07:21
khaije1Nightsapper: thompa: i'd like it as minimal as possible, i don't need a gui or anything that isn't required for the system to operate, the only purpose of this install is the run xen so i want it small and light07:21
Nightsapperwhat Noc said - server install07:21
khaije1n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: oh sorry, didn't see that... do i need the server cd for that, or can i do it from the desktop cd?07:22
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thompaits 431m07:23
thompathats like 5 times lighter than suse or redhat07:23
khaije1thompa: :-)07:24
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdkhaije1: im not sure because i downloaded and used all of them ,07:24
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khaije1n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: ya... unfortunately it doesn't readily present itself... i really liked the fact it was possible from any install cd in the past07:24
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suzie_foxok, yeah, i just needed to reset the BIOS i guess07:25
khaije1n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: i can't even find info about passing options to ubiquity07:25
khaije1hi Hobbsee, how you be?07:25
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Hobbseehi khaije1 - i be happy, cos i got to meet up with someone interesting :D07:26
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=== khaije1 assumes you aren't talking about him
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suzie_foxat least knoppix loaded anywyas. kubuntu is saying some crap about not syncing now....great.07:26
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Hobbseekhaije1: in person07:27
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khaije1Hobbsee: sorry i'm busy atm, but later perhaps ;-)07:27
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khaije1hey Hobbsee, do you know if it's possible to do a minimal install option from the dapper 'desktop' cds?07:28
Hobbseekhaije1: yeah, do a server install07:28
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khaije1where is that option? it used to be right at the boot splash, but i didn't see it.... :-(07:28
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Hobbseedont remember07:29
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thwh00whats the sudo command for getting firestarter07:29
khaije1Hobbsee: ha! stumpped ya!07:29
Hobbseekhaije1: that's not hard07:29
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MilhousePunkRockkhaije1: I think you need the alternate CD for that...07:29
khaije1thwh00: sudo apt-get install firestarter (is that what you mean?)07:29
thwh00yeah butttt07:30
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: ok, just thought i'd check here first to be sure... leaving the option out seems like a step backwards :-/07:30
thwh00that didn't work07:30
thwh00i want to install firestarter for kubuntu07:30
khaije1thwh00: well what'd it say?07:30
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thwh00it said nothin nothin showed up\07:30
MilhousePunkRockThe Desktop CD does not really give you many options, khaije107:30
MilhousePunkRockDo a few error messages in my "evms-engine.log" have to make me worry?07:31
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khaije1MilhousePunkRock: i'm not sure, but what do they say?07:31
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thwh00dept does not list firestarter either07:31
thwh00you know what i mean07:31
MilhousePunkRockHold on, I'll put the log to the pastebin07:31
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thwh00what are some other commands for installer firestarter07:32
Nightsapperany newcomers -: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy? (installed from LiveCD, stranded without firefox, libgtk, synaptic etc)07:32
osiristhwh00, you arnt talking about firefox are you ?07:32
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: cool!07:32
thwh00no firestarter07:32
=== khaije1 chuckles
thwh00a firewalll program07:32
farousthwh00: check that you have the right repos enabled07:33
faroussudo apt-get install firestarter07:33
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thwh00yeah that command doesn;t work it must be my repos, one sec07:33
Melchiorre_awaythwh00: firestarter is in the universe repository, you need to enable that first...07:34
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thwh00should i just enable them all07:35
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Melchiorrethwh00: shouldn't hurt07:36
MilhousePunkRockWow, the pastebin is awfully slow again today...07:38
khaije1did anyone else see the slashdot article about freenode passwords being compromised?07:39
MilhousePunkRockNot yet, khaije1, you got a link?07:39
Hobbseekhaije1: no, link?07:39
thwh00ok well just to let you know firestarter was found when enabling more repos but the sudo command still doesn not work07:40
Nightsappersomeone wants to impersonate me whinging about Dapper not being able to update from behind this godforsaken websense firewall autoproxy, they are welcome to it.  LOL07:40
Melchiorrethwh00: have you 'sudo apt-get update' ed?07:40
MilhousePunkRockOK, I used pastebin.ca now, look here: http://pastebin.ca/7182507:41
khaije1thats a good point, but as always with slashdot the comments are nearly worth more than the story07:41
Nightsapper-> coding gvim on WinXP because I cant get Gvim on my dapper box.  yeeech.07:41
thwh00ummmm.. no lol i dunno what that is07:41
thwh00i just used adept to install07:41
Melchiorrethwh00: that works just as well... ;)07:42
thwh00lol yes sir07:42
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: is this only on startup?07:42
MilhousePunkRockIt's the first time I looked at the logs, I noticed those errors when booting up earlier this morning07:43
khaije1line 1 - 139 looks pretty normal to me... like initialization stuff mostly07:44
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kikealguien vivo07:46
KaiserSusekike: si07:47
kikehola Kaiser, cre que ya todos dorman07:47
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: what it calls 'discovery' .... actually line 120 - 156 look like they could be problematic... are there any noticable problems?07:47
MilhousePunkRockNot really, khaije107:47
kikealguien de chile?07:47
khaije1soy de estados unidos :-)07:48
kikeque tal buenos das07:48
khaije1y tu tambien07:48
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kikeMilhouse do you know the band No Use For A Name??07:49
MilhousePunkRockHey TheInfinity07:49
MilhousePunkRockSure I do, kike07:49
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MilhousePunkRockWould I be allowed to wear my name if I didn't?07:50
kikekeep the confused07:50
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: u know... it looks like it can't find the ntfs plugins..07:50
MilhousePunkRockYeah, well, why would it need it anyway? No NTFS partitions here...07:51
kikeyou speak spanish?07:51
MilhousePunkRockNo habla espanol...07:51
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: honestly i'm not really sure, i would say check to see if you can find a package for that, if not then you could try a purge and re-install but i'm not sure how risky this is so i can't really reccomend it07:52
MilhousePunkRockDonde esta la biblioteca?07:52
MilhousePunkRockWhat about lines 156 to 159?07:53
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khaije1thats just detecting the disk geometry method, there are a handful of different ways to represent it mostly as a way to adapt to artificial disk size limits07:54
kikequalcuno parla italiano?07:54
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MilhousePunkRockI just performed a search for "NTFS" in adept, all the results are _not_ installed07:54
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khaije1i've gotta little bit of offline work to do so i'm going afk07:55
kikealguien me puede traducir que necesita Milhouse07:55
khaije1MilhousePunkRock: read everything very carefully before installing, the risk isnt huge but yuor always better off that way :-)07:55
khaije1see ya'll later 0/07:56
MilhousePunkRockHuh? kike?07:56
MilhousePunkRockCU khaije107:56
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KaiserSuseDoes anyone knows how big would an ubuntu mirror (i386 only) would be? (including main, restricted, universe and multiverse)07:56
kikenon c'e nessuno qui per parlare con me???????07:57
Nightsapperany newcomers -: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy (.pac, websense)?07:57
MilhousePunkRockkike, sorry, but I don't understand a word07:58
kikeno problem07:58
MelchiorreMilhousePunkRock: he said : somebody can translate to me that Milhouse needs07:58
Nightsapperany newcomers: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy (.pac, websense)? [ FYI installed off Dapper LiveCD so I don't have Firefox, synaptic, gnome libs, etc - and with apt-get/adept unable to get out, Im hosed] 07:59
Melchiorrewhatever that means ;)07:59
kikesee later.......07:59
Nightsapperoops.  sorry hit enter too soon.07:59
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MilhousePunkRockNightsapper, did you add the CD to your sources list? Not that I really know if anything you need/want is on there...08:01
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NightsapperUnfortunately that stuff isnt onthe LivCD.08:05
NightsapperLatest version of Firefox, etc.08:06
Nightsapperand GAIM.08:06
Nightsappersad thing is the install went stupid smooth at home.08:06
MilhousePunkRockWhat about downloading the packages manually?08:06
NightsapperI'm talking "hit-me-in-the-head-with-an-axe-handle and I can still do it" simple.08:07
Nightsappervia FTP?08:07
Nightsapperproblem is I'd rather make it a bit simpler - I have some semi-technical folks that simply willnot be bothered with stuff liek updating thier system unless its easy (PhD types)08:08
NightsapperFriends dont let friends use RPMs or so I'm told.   so I'm trying to find an alternative to the local Redhat sales guys pitch to management.08:09
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Nightsapperits just amazing how badly a dynamic corporate firewall can screw things up (websense)08:12
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MilhousePunkRockNo RPM, try finding .deb packages, or zipped ones...08:13
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Healotwhat package?08:17
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paul_hi all08:18
Melchiorrehi paul_08:18
MilhousePunkRockHi paul08:19
paul_how you all doing?08:19
hybridwell, and you?08:20
paul_not too shabby08:20
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Nightsapperany newcomers -: is there an easy way to get apt-get to work with an autoproxy (.pac, websense)?08:25
Healotapt-get usually use source servers via HTTP/fTP08:26
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Healotshou;ld have no problem if your router allows web surfing08:26
MilhousePunkRockIs anyone running Kubuntu on a Laptop here?08:27
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: should be plenty of people08:28
MelchiorreI do08:28
Melchiorre*I am08:28
Nightsapperwell the problem is its an autorpoxy - so it changes the proxe based onthe request, the hsot, etc.  Konquerer handles it but apt seems to require a fixed proxy08:28
MilhousePunkRockI am wondering how to make power management work...08:28
HealotNightsapper: you need to connect over proxy eg08:29
MelchiorreMilhousePunkRock: hahaha, I haven't managed either...08:29
Healotok... I haven't figure that out yet... man apt-get?08:29
Healoti think there is an option to use web proxy08:29
MilhousePunkRocke.g. the "lid event" making it go to suspend to RAM (that is what used to be called "stand-by" on Windows, is it?)08:29
MelchiorreMilhousePunkRock: yes, but that doesn't seem to work on my Compaq08:30
MilhousePunkRockI know there is a package called ibm-acpi and it _should_ be in Kubuntu, but I just can't find it08:30
NightsapperHeal I tried that - it jsut has standard rposywith a fixed addres, login and pass (and most of that live in the /etc/apt/apt.conf fiel or the environment - not places to leave my login and passowrd).08:31
Nightsappersheesh  typos.  getting tired 9and coding perl in another window isn't helping much)08:32
crimsunMilhousePunkRock: it's already in our kernel.08:32
MilhousePunkRockSo I don't need the package, crimsun? But how do I enable it?08:33
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crimsunMilhousePunkRock: it's already enabled08:36
crimsunMilhousePunkRock: the acpi scripts, etc., are in the acpi-support package08:36
crimsunMilhousePunkRock: it should work out of the box. Mine does.08:36
MilhousePunkRockBut I can choose anything in System Settings --> Hardware --> Power & Laptop, nothing is working08:37
MilhousePunkRockPrimarily I want the lid event08:37
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crimsunMilhousePunkRock: I don't have that screen in front of me, but did you enable the acpi helper in the last tab?08:38
MilhousePunkRockLet me check, crimsun08:38
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lowtechlooks like acpi_ibm is a module that may need to be loaded08:38
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MilhousePunkRockI enabled it now, guess I have to reboot?08:39
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HealotMilhousePunkRock: yes08:42
_stephenIve just installed kubuntu do u know any good begginer guides08:43
_stephenim new to linux08:43
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lowtechthe links in the topic would be a good start08:44
_stephenthank you kindly08:44
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Nightsapperkubuntu.org has some nice links on thier beginners page.08:44
Healotand ubuntu specific08:44
Nightsapperand congrats _steph08:45
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MilhousePunkRockAhw, noone congratulated me when I installed Kubuntu... :-/08:46
_stephenthanks im goin to get reading08:46
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HealotMilhousePunkRock: everyone else did that successfully  before :)08:48
HobbseeHealot: not necessarily.  i accidently formatted my hard drive when i did hehe08:48
NightsapperYouve taken the first step into a larger universe.08:48
MilhousePunkRockMy first installation was anything else than succesful though (due to a faulty CD)08:48
Nightsapper(had to be an apropo Star Wars quote laying around somewhere unused just for such a moment...)08:49
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MilhousePunkRocklol Nightsapper08:49
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=== Hobbsee has a dapper cd now :)
Hobbseea printed one :)08:51
unix_infideloh, snap i need to order one.08:52
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thwh00is anyone familiar with the program BIONIC08:52
thwh00i need help installing08:52
=== Hobbsee wasnt expecting one, but got one anyway :)
Healotno...? thompa08:52
thwh00um ok08:53
wordHobbsee: They comin out now? I ordered mine before they started sending..suppose it's been 3-4 weeks since june :-/08:53
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thwh00its a .sh file08:53
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lowtechsh file.sh08:53
Hobbseeword: i'm not sure where this one came from, to be honest.08:53
wordHobbsee: Lol. just suddenly appeared in your hand? :P08:53
lowtechthwh00: may need to chmod +x it first though08:53
=== Hobbsee knows it's legit, but doenst know how she got it
Healotchmod +x first08:53
Hobbseeword: no, it got given to me by a woman i met today :)08:53
Hobbseebut i'm not sure how she got it, as her hubby isnt home from the conference yet08:54
Hobbseemaybe they got some sent out or something08:54
thwh00well what it tells me to do is extrach to directory then run command08:54
thwh00one sec08:54
wordMaybe :-/08:55
wordDoes it come in a nifty case or cd envelope thingy?08:55
Healotanyone bought the jewel cased DVD yet?08:56
NeoChaosXcd envelope, if the Ubuntu CDs my computer science club gives away is any indication08:56
Hobbseeword: it's in a clear case, this one - it's printed wrong though, so i dont know08:56
=== Hobbsee shrugs
=== MilhousePunkRock will be back in a few
MilhousePunkRockWith more annoying questions... ;-)08:58
thwh00ok when i run these commands at http://boinc.berkeley.edu/sea.php for installing this program i get an error message saying unkown host08:58
thwh00i am trying to install boinc_5.2.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh08:59
Melchiorrethwh00: are you typing 'sh' or 'ssh'?08:59
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thwh00boinc_5.2.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh is the file name09:00
lowtechsh boinc,...sh09:00
thwh00it says in the nots09:00
thwh00BOINC for Unix/Linux is available as a self-extracting archive. The download files have names like09:00
farousthwh00: jsut type ./filename09:01
lowtechright, its an .sh file so run sh filename.sh09:01
farousthwh00: so to execute it type ./bonic.....sh09:01
lowtechor that09:01
farousthwh00: given you are in its dir09:01
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thwh00the file is located on desktop09:02
lowtechthere is a desktop directory in your home09:02
farousthwh00: normally double clicking on it do the trich but it is better to do it in a terminal to see what is happening09:02
thwh00yeah i ran it in terminal and it keeps saying unkown host09:03
farousthwh00: one more thing check if it has the executable flag set. right mouse click and see if in permission it say execute09:03
farousthwh00: then you have to take your question to the program provider.09:04
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thwh00are you talking about a checkbox that so is executable09:04
thwh00also when double clicking the.sh file it opens in kate an says The file file:///home/b/Desktop/boinc_5.4.9_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file. so that doesn;t work09:05
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thwh00ill try checking box though09:05
MilhousePunkRockI rebooted now, but still closing the lid does nothing :-/09:07
farousMilhousePunkRock: check if there is a kdepowermanagement. i use gnome and can set it from gnomepowermanagement package09:07
Hobbseekpowersave or klaptop09:08
Hobbseekpowersave is better09:08
MilhousePunkRockThere is something about Laptops & Power in the system settings, but nothing seems to do a thing in there09:08
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HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: install kpowersave - much easier to use09:09
MilhousePunkRockkpowersave sounds interesting, I was looking for a replacement for KLaptop anyway09:09
MilhousePunkRockthx Hobbsee09:09
farousHobbsee: is kpowersave a front end for the powersaved09:10
Hobbseefarous: yes09:10
=== MilhousePunkRock is having minor issues with KMilo as well
farousyah that is a nice prog09:10
lowtechoh thwh00 left. guess there's no reason to get boinc and try09:10
MilhousePunkRockinstalling KPowersave will remove some stuff, I assume that is OK?09:14
farousHobbsee: do you know which corrupt font might cause this prob or at least how to find the guilty package Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GPOS table 409709:14
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: yes09:14
farousMilhousePunkRock: yah will remove your default powersaving daemon09:14
Hobbseefarous: not a clue - maybe libpango or something?09:14
farouspowernowd i presume09:14
farousHobbsee: my search said it is a corrupt font not lib but can not pick up the one. the problem it makes application rendering erratic sometimes i see the font others it is so corrupt you can not understand what is on display09:15
Hobbseefarous: right.  i really dont know09:16
farousno problem09:16
kane_farous: a lot of fonts have GPOS tables :/09:17
farouskane_: but how to find the one causing the problem. is there a tool or something i can use.09:17
kane_Hobbsee: hi .. still got the same shitty problem with clipping09:17
kane_farous: not really09:17
farousi finally had to compile from source the most important appl i use09:17
Hobbseehi kane_.  darn09:18
kane_farous: which is ?09:18
kane_Hobbsee: it really sucks :/09:18
MilhousePunkRockIt wants to remove: apmd, klaptopdemon and powernowd09:18
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Hobbseethat's okay09:19
Hobbseekane_: did it end up getting filed under whichever package was the culprit?09:19
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galorinI've just installed kubuntu 6.06 for AMD64 and am trying to install 32-bit firefox, following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java but I can't even get past the first step, apt-get tells me "E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin" help?09:21
MilhousePunkRockWeird how Linux can remove applications that are currently running...09:21
farousgalorin: enable mulitverse repos09:21
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: yeah, it tends to have trouble playing a music track that you've sent to /dev/null though.09:22
MilhousePunkRockDid you check your sources list, galorin?09:22
farouslol am too sleepy it is multiverse repos09:22
Nightsapperwhat source woudl that one come from (out of curiosity sake)09:22
MilhousePunkRockkpowersafe is installed09:23
MilhousePunkRockdo i have to reboot now or is it sufficient to restart X?09:23
galorinI uncommented everything, but the only multiverse link is listed under dapper-backports.. I'll add it and try again.09:24
farousMilhousePunkRock: to check if powersave is running man powersave. there is an option that will tell you if it is running or not09:24
farouscan not remember it now09:24
farousgalorin: you can add multiverse on the same line as universe or make a new entry for it09:25
farous!easysource > galorin09:26
galorindoing the former.  Does multiverse also have a spot in  security.ubuntu.com?09:26
crimsunyes, but few people are actually supporting it09:26
galorinI'll add it in anyways09:27
lowtechhm, appears kubuntu doesn't support my camera09:27
farouscrimsun: just out of curiosity why your repos that include bcm43xx are not included in easysource. quite a number of people having troubles with the card and it will be great help for them?09:27
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:28
lowtechwonder why support for Nikon cameras ends with the 5700, that camera is many years old09:28
crimsunfarous: I'm not involved w/ easysource, but you can ask its creator{,s} to add it.09:29
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farousok thanx crimsun :)09:30
farousnow back to work :)09:30
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galorinyay, ta.  Should have spotted that one myself.  Not used to Debian-style stuff yet.  Been a Slacker for years.09:31
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MilhousePunkRockfarous: I can enter e.g. powersave --get-brightness and it gives me the current brightness level09:33
lowtechgood thing i kept windows on my box, will have to deal with my camera there :(09:33
MilhousePunkRockthere wasn't  a simple option to see if it is running09:33
farousMilhousePunkRock: it works well on my other notebook. on this one i found that powernowd is slightly better. so can not remember the commands. but its interface is superior to powernowd09:34
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farousMilhousePunkRock: i think powersave -l or something09:34
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MilhousePunkRockSpeed set to minimum09:35
farousMilhousePunkRock: you can always restart it sudo /etc/init.d/powersaved restart. am sure there is somehting that will tell you which daemon is running but i do not know it :(09:35
farousno back to marking take care all09:35
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MilhousePunkRockOMG, powersave -l clocked it down to 198.something MHz, I didn't know it could go so low09:36
galorinShould I bother compiling my own kernel for Kubuntu, or is that something that isn't really necessary?  I just find the huge number of modules a bit irritating.09:36
lowtechwhy does that irritate you?09:37
dumbkiwigalorin: modules aren't in the kernel, so compiling it won't assist.09:37
dumbkiwigalorin: rmmod them if they're not required09:37
bam_anyone know how to set up the pager so I can drag and drop windows in different desktops?09:38
galorinIt's /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist that I'd want to remove 'em permanently right?  Had to do that to get my wireless chip working.09:38
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=== MilhousePunkRock is going to reboot, see you in a few
scheurihi all09:39
Melchiorrehowdi scheuri09:41
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kane_bam_: can't you just right click and select the desktop ?09:56
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat the freaking hell is khubd? it is taking 100% cpu from a while09:57
ubotuI know nothing about khupd09:57
Tallia1Kubuntuemonkey: do you know what it is?09:58
emonkeyatm no, I'm searching09:58
emonkeysorry found nothing and no time for deeper searching...09:59
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crimsunTallia1Kubuntu: it's a kernel thread.10:00
Tallia1Kubuntuwhy it is in a bad state10:01
crimsun(specifically coalescing usb events)10:01
Tallia1Kubuntumayybe the webcam did it10:01
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Tallia1Kubuntuthe system crash when i press the sshot picture butotn10:01
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NKjoepgood morning ppl10:08
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NKjoepi'm trying to install language-support-it and witalian packets... but i got this:10:09
NKjoepdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another proces10:09
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NKjoepi dont know why config.dat is locked10:10
Melchiorrethat usually means another apt-ish program is open, like adept or synsaptic (Even the background updater)10:10
Melchiorreare they all closed?10:10
farous_awayNKjoep: might try ot see what is using it lsof /var/cache/debconf/config.dat10:11
NKjoepyes they are10:11
NKjoepMelchiorre: they are all closed10:11
Melchiorretry doing what farous_away suggested 'lsof /var/cache/debconf/config.dat'10:12
NKjoepdone... nothing returns10:12
NKjoepE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:13
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Melchiorreare you using adept, or command line?10:13
NKjoepsame error with adept and command line10:13
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NKjoepi tried before with adept... after i closed it... closed session... new sessione ... and tried from command line10:14
NKjoepbut errors with "witalian" packet10:14
NKjoepand some others10:14
Melchiorrejust out of curiosity, did you get the dialogue asking what dictionary to use by default?10:16
NKjoepyes it appears if i click on it... are you asking me if that dialog is working? :)10:16
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MelchiorreI meant when you try to sudo apt-get install witalian does it come up, or does it error before it gets that far...10:18
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NKjoepuhm.. after sudo apt-get install nothing comes up... just error in commandline10:19
Melchiorrehmmm, I'm stumped... anyone else got any ideas?10:20
NKjoepwatching ksysguard... i'm seeing a process called kdesu_stub... using dpkg10:20
Melchiorrekill it10:21
Melchiorrenot sure what it is, but it might help...10:21
NKjoepuhmm.. i'm thinking that's the language selection dialog that crushed10:22
NKjoepdialog isnt visible now... but it's freezed inside the s.o. :P10:22
NKjoepit says that i cant kill it... _ i'm have no sufficient rights10:23
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Melchiorreget the process id out of ksysguard and type 'sudo kill ID' in a command line10:24
NKjoepdone from root shell10:25
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NKjoepand what about now? :E10:25
NKjoeptry again to do adp-get install witalian?10:26
Melchiorretry installing witalian again10:26
Nightsapperwell. . . I guess IM going to have to kill Dapper and install Redhat over it.  Sigh.10:26
NKjoepwhy Nightsapper10:26
Melchiorrewhat would make you do that Nightsapper?10:26
Nightsapperno solution for me to show in the AM how to get the system tools to auto update simply over the autoproxy10:26
farous_awayNightsapper: if you mean fedora i will give you 20 min to come back to deb based distro :)10:27
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NightsapperLive CD doesnt have Firefox and I cannot get apt-get to find it.10:27
NKjoepuh? _10:27
farous_awayNightsapper: you are looking for firefox?10:27
Healotubuntu liveCD10:27
Healotnot kubuntu10:27
Nightsappernope.  red hat.  as in paying for support. opuit of my budget.  meaning that one less bunchof gear I will get this year or else eliminate one headcount from our planned hires10:28
NightsapperI installed off the liveCD Kubuntu.  and stuff I need is not there and apt-get and Adept are not getting out past the autoproxy (funny thing is that Konq does after setting the system proxy to look there)10:29
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Nightsapperand my install at home was silky smooth.10:29
NightsapperI hate corporate firewalls.10:29
Nightsapper25 seats of rehate instead of 25 dappers.  grr.10:29
Nightsapper*redhat (redhate?  freudian)10:30
Nightsapperwell, good day all.  At least I can still use it at home.10:30
=== farous_away thought that firefox is on the standard install of kubuntu
NightsapperIt didnt install on my PC with a small footprint install - I got the language settings and OOO10:31
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HealotUbuntu have firefox, kubuntu is left with konq10:32
NightsapperLiveCD shoudl maybe consider NOT leaving that out.10:32
NightsapperFirefox is pretty much a vital app to most folks.10:32
Healotthey can't load GTK lib together...10:32
farous_awayHealot: thats due to size limit on the cd ?10:33
Nightsappertrue.  thats what I ran into when I DL'd Firefox from moz website - no gtk.  and htat led to one after another set of lib dependency hell.  I thought I was back in Windows95 terriroty again.10:33
Healotfarous_away: guess?10:34
Nightsapperwithout an automated package tool, installing that kind of thing sucks.  If I coudl only figure outhow to get apt-get to work from behind a websense autoproxy.10:34
farous_awayNightsapper: if you are ok with opera i truley prefer it to both :)10:34
farous_awayNightsapper: nothing in kcontrol sorry have not been using kde for a while. and now i use it lightly10:35
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NightsapperNope - we won our battle to get the company off of MSIE and onto Firefox.  At least in this department.  Next move is to get Linux as a standard desktop.  But thats looking to now be Redhat - and they lag the edge so badly its not funny.10:35
NKjoepuhm... there's no way to apt work behind a prox?10:35
Nightsapperit works find behind a static proxy10:35
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Nightsapperbut that requires some settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf - like username and password.  "Information Assurance" guys have a cow over that one.10:36
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NightsapperAnd it doesn't seem to handle dynamic proxy that well - autoproxy that deliver an .pac file.10:36
Nightsapperrestate - apt-get doenst handl that at all.10:36
NightsapperKinda like Kopete.  No real easy or intuitive way to set up proxying.10:37
Nightsapperthats why we went to GAIM.10:37
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Nightsapperbascially to get any kind of proxy working I had to violate a lot of security.  And I cant do that on a regular basis.10:38
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NKjoepuhm... yes10:39
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HealotNightsapper: which is more importante to you, work or play?10:39
Nightsapperputting usernames and unencrytped passwords in a config file in etc is not a good way to keep security, especially since they are proxy uer/pass - which also happen to be corporate user/pass.10:40
farous_awayNightsapper: first there is professional support for ubuntu too check the website. second i would try ubuntu room first debian room second before i give up10:41
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Nightsapperequal - without work = no money.  Not much play there (been there done that in the tlelcom crash of 2000)10:41
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Healot?I heard the American telcos are cutting job, and giving new jobs to India?10:42
NightsapperI'll give that a look.10:42
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Nightsappersome are.  Ones doing security work arent.  Hard to get a security clearance over there10:42
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farous_awayHealot: i just been contacted by a call center located in egypt10:42
farous_awayit is not only india now10:42
farous_awayback in few min10:42
NightsapperVeitnam, Phillipines China - all those are jumping in.10:42
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mystikfoxi'm getting an "unknown device" for my ethernet controller. where should i start if i want to fix that?10:43
Healotmystikfox: is it a 1Gbps nic?10:43
mystikfoxit's a 10/100 i think...one of those cheep microsoft cards10:44
mystikfoxbut, i figure, it should still work10:44
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:44
Healotsee if the card is supported?10:44
Healotnever heard of MS NIC before...10:44
ubotuI know nothing about sofware10:44
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NKjoephi again10:45
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:45
kentha, it's a robot10:45
Healotall along kent, where's barbie :)10:46
mystikfoxit's not in the list, but that's a pretty short list10:46
mystikfoxi figure it would support more than that10:46
kentbarbie? what it  means?10:46
Healotmystikfox: that's about it10:47
NightsapperWell good luck all.  I'm worn out trying all kinds of tricks to fool apt-get/adept into working with this damned autoproxy.10:47
Healottelnet to the router and turn it off10:48
kane_autoproxy ?10:48
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Nightsapper.pac file10:48
rushi all10:48
Nightsapperno direct proxy assignment.10:48
Nightsapperand it does change.10:48
Nightsapperso a static proxy assignment isnt an option.10:48
Nightsapperand I cannot put uernames and passwords inthe .conf file or environment, so thats a goner too. (security violation that out comp sec guys would gig me for)10:49
weihellohi, how to login with my name.10:49
Nightsapperwell, laters.  time to try installing something else.10:50
NightsapperNighters - Remember the Infantry!  We bleed so you don't have to!10:50
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ruscould not find mime type application octet - getting this message all over10:50
ruswhat is it?10:50
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Schalkenim guessing it means it doesnt know how to open an 'octet' file10:51
ruswhats an octet file?10:51
Schalkenwoudltn have a clue10:51
faroustry this might fix it for you sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime/10:52
Schalkendoes kubuntu contain any gnome applications?10:52
rushmm - is gaim a gnome app?10:53
Schalkenit is10:53
Schalkendoes it have kopete as well as gaim?10:54
rusfarous: it updated something10:54
farousyour installation script might have missed that10:54
farousis it working now10:54
farousur welcomed10:55
NKjoepshower time :P10:56
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rusit poped up again10:58
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ruswhen i pushed browse for icon files in kde menu editor10:58
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Schalkenwhat does it say this time?\10:58
rusthe same10:59
rusapplication octet thing10:59
ruswhen i close the browsing window10:59
rusand open it again - it doesnt come up anymore11:00
hybridrus: which browser?11:00
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ubotuI know nothing about ruby11:04
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code11:04
hybridweihello: what are you trying to do?11:04
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weihelloi want to configure emacs + ruby + rails11:05
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weihellohow to login in?11:05
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weihelloPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )11:05
emonkeyweihello, you've to register your nick on freenode to do that11:06
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rushybrid: not a browser a browsing window - for files11:07
russince this popups dont repeat - ill wait and see if they stop appearing11:09
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Adam_eMhi there12:00
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Adam_eMmy kde doesn't work smoothly when i enable composite12:01
Adam_eMi had enlightenment with many bells running smooth12:02
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mindspitanyone knows how to add new fortunes cookies ? i need to create just the .dat files !12:11
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mindspitok i found it using  " #  strfile file_full_of_cookies file_full_of_cookies.dat12:14
mindspitthans anyway!12:14
mindspiti love asking questons here!12:15
mindspiti get the solution!12:15
mindspitthis is just a coinsidence!12:15
mindspitso i have another question!12:15
mindspiti get an error during bootup12:15
mindspitthis error says that my fat partitions are not the same with their backup!12:16
mindspitit gives me the chanse to fix the fs12:16
mindspitusing control-d12:16
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mindspitbut i cannot do anything ... cause i dont know12:16
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mindspitit says i must copy the backup to the original or the vise versa12:17
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mindspitfsck.vfat /dev/hdd112:17
mindspitusing this command12:17
drizmindspit: everyone is sleeping and i dont know how to help you12:20
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mindspitnow  i get the question to copy the original to backup12:21
mindspiti answer yes12:21
mindspitbut the same thing on the next reboot!12:21
mindspitanyway how do i disable this ?12:21
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mindspitthe fs check on start up!12:22
drizI have no idea man12:22
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drizI'm a newb myself12:22
mindspitok ...12:22
mindspitthanks anyway!12:22
mindspiti got to ask!12:22
driz#kde might be able to help you12:24
mindspitwell if he can ... i will wait for him12:24
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drizi got classes later man12:25
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insanekanemindspit: i don't think you can disable it12:30
insanekanemindspit: it happens as part of the process of loading your filesystem12:30
mindspitanyway ... can i fix it ... atleast ?12:30
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insanekanemindspit: i think your problem is not in the loading of the filesystem ... it has to do with the boot sector ?12:31
mindspitvim /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh ..........12:31
mindspityes the boot sector12:31
mindspitthats it12:31
insanekanemindspit: i heard there is a fix for it, but i don't know the details ... ask pradeepto or Riddel12:31
mindspitit not the same with its backup12:31
insanekaneyeah, it is supposed to be an off-by-one bug ... dunno the details ..12:31
insanekanepradeepto has done the fix ... Riddell also knows about it, i think12:32
Riddellmindspit: what's up?12:32
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mindspiti heard you solved the problem with fs.vfat12:34
mindspitthe system always propts for me to make fschk12:34
mindspitand i get the error (boot sector original/backup) on the next reboot12:35
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mindspitboot sector original/backup are different12:35
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Riddellmindspit: I don't think I've heard of that problem12:36
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mindspitwell i was told so! the thing is that that i want to disable the fschk on bootup12:37
mindspitvim /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh ??12:37
JohnFluxmindspit: you mean fsck12:38
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mindspiti get the error onlyu for my fat32 partition12:38
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JohnFluxmindspit: edit /etc/fstab12:39
JohnFluxmindspit: the very last number is whether to fsck on boot12:39
JohnFluxmindspit: well rather it's whether to not fsck12:39
mindspita .... ok12:39
mindspitit is 112:40
JohnFluxmindspit: for the fat32 partition, set it to 112:40
JohnFluxmindspit: it is 1??12:40
mindspitso if i do it 0 it will not check it12:40
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JohnFluxoh wait12:40
JohnFluxmindspit: yeah sorry12:40
mindspityes it is12:40
JohnFluxmindspit: set to 012:40
JohnFluxmindspit: 0 means skip12:40
JohnFluxmindspit: it is now12:40
mindspitok thank you!12:40
mindspitthanks again!12:41
mindspiti appreciate your help .... sory for asking specificly you... i was told so!12:42
JohnFluxmindspit: np12:42
mindspitsorry for the disterbace! and my bad english!12:42
mindspitits very hot in greece these dayys!12:42
JohnFluxit's hot in england too at the moment12:42
JohnFluxwell not today12:43
JohnFluxbut yesterday12:43
mindspiti get it12:43
mindspiti hope that all of us will go to the beach this sammer12:43
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mindspitand leave begind the linux stuff just for a momment12:43
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JohnFluxmindspit: are you coming to ireland?12:44
mindspitno from greece12:44
mindspitso i am leaving now ... huppy again ... as huppy a ubuntu user can be!... a lot !12:44
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mindspitanyway have you ever played arround with ISPconfig ?12:45
NKjoepthere's any pppoeconfig grafical tool? :E12:46
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mindspiti want to dissable the "pass asking " on each reboot12:46
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mindspiti get an question for my password on boot up by apachectl12:47
mindspit"password asking dialog" it says12:47
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Tommy2k4*** GLIB >= 1.2.6 not installed - please install GLIB first ***12:52
Tommy2k4whats the package called for glib 1.2.612:52
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exceswaterhi all01:20
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NKjoepHI ALL!01:25
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DRY|KISSNKjoep: do you speak dutch?01:27
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NKjoepno DRY|KISS ...01:27
DRY|KISSi thought so from the joep in your name01:27
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NKjoepk :=01:28
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Tommy2k4kde does some weird things (i think its kde's fault)01:30
Tommy2k4like when i mouseover items on the k-menu or other menus such as file/view etc01:30
Tommy2k4instead of highlighting the item it all blue it sometimes is like a broken highlight01:30
Tommy2k4cant really explain it01:30
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Tommy2k4oo it done it there lets see if the screeny worked01:30
Tommy2k4grr why didnt it take a screeny :(01:32
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insanekanebroken highlight ?01:32
Tommy2k4is it possible to take a screeny without ksnapshot01:33
insanekaneTommy2k4: not really01:33
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Music^Houndwhat's the name for the kernel headers01:33
insanekaneTommy2k4: try using Print Screen (it starts ksnapshot)01:34
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insanekaneMusic^Hound: sudo apt-cache search kernel01:34
Tommy2k4then is it possible to take a screeny without clicking the new screenshot button in ksnapshot01:35
Tommy2k4cos if i click that button i cant get the k-menu u01:35
insanekaneTommy2k4: well, use the "Print Screen" button on the keyboard ... it starts ksnapshot which takes the snapshot when you pressed the button01:35
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Tommy2k4ksnapshot is dumb01:37
Tommy2k4but i managed to get what i need01:37
gioacchinohello I am italian01:38
gioacchino&nick Gioacchino01:38
omegaWhy is ksnapshot dumb?01:38
Tommy2k4its impossible to get a screeny of k-menu01:39
Tommy2k4or so it seems01:39
omegaUse a delay.01:39
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Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed :s01:43
Tommy2k4again :@01:43
Tommy2k4lots of vertical multicolored lines for a few seconds, then monitor gives the error "attention - 31K / 0Hz - frequency is out of range"01:44
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Tommy2k4like the 6th time its happened now01:46
Tommy2k4the past 2 were when taking a screeny, not sure bout the other times01:46
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Music^Houndhmmm can't seem to get the proper linux headers for my kernel01:47
omegaSounds like your x server hasn't been configurated properly. Did you make sure to set the correct refresh rates for your monitor?01:47
h3sp4wnWhich kernel are you running ?01:47
omega(horizontal and vertical)01:47
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Tommy2k4pretty sure i did01:48
SeanTaterTommy2k4: next time try doing CTRL-ALT-F6 and see of a terminal comes up, it will help to see if it's X or the video card. Then do CTRL-ALT-F6 to get back to the windows environment you are used to, even though it's broken.01:48
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SeanTaterTommy2k4: oops, windowed, not windows01:48
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Tommy2k4ctrl alt f6 didnt come back to windowed01:49
Tommy2k4ctrl alt f7 did though01:49
Tommy2k4when i tried it there01:49
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Tommy2k4im sure this xorg.conf is different to when i edited it01:51
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Music^Houndwhat kernel should I use on a amd athlon xp 2000+ ?01:52
Tommy2k4yea its different to the xorg.conf~01:52
Music^Houndlinux-k7 so use this one ?01:53
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weihelloi think so.01:54
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h3sp4wninstall linux-headers-k7 and linux-image-k7 and linux-restricted-modules-k701:54
h3sp4wnCheck that there is a symlink from /usr/src/linux to the right headers01:55
Music^Houndhow do I do that ?01:56
weihelloif u use AMD chipset, update your kernel with k701:56
weihellosudo apt-get install linux-k701:56
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weihelloyour computer is also 386 arch01:57
Music^Houndbrb going to reboot01:58
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RaitoStarcraft on Wine works fine, except there is no sound. I also have sound problems with every other non-KDE app (which means I have sound problems with everything except kaffeine) Can anyone help me?02:00
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radonei have configured firewall (guarddog) and after that I noticed that klog takes 99% of CPU02:02
radoneAnd after disabling firewall it is still takes this amount of CPU resources.02:02
radonePlease could anyone help me where the problem could be?02:02
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RaitoRaito: Are there any packages I need to have so that I don't have problems with non-KDE sound?02:08
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Jack1hi, can someone help?02:24
Jack1i got a new lappie and want to transfer my kubuntu partitons to it with an live cd( windows already being on it)02:24
Jack1how would i do that?02:24
visik7dd ?02:25
h3sp4wnYou would be better off just backing up the data then installing kubuntu and restoring your preferences (I think)02:25
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ZomMeswhat do u guys suggest for a music player?02:26
Jack1there is an easier way i am sure..besides i configured so much...02:26
ZomMes(with kubuntu)02:26
h3sp4wndpkg-query -W (will give you a list of your installed packages)02:26
ZomMesand for video..? VLC?02:26
Jack1thats good yes02:26
emonkeyZomMes, I use VLC yes02:27
Jack1doesnt get you in so much codec-trouble02:27
h3sp4wnJack1: If you backup /home and /etc02:27
Jack1ok h3sp4wn02:27
Jack1how to mount it ?02:27
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ZomMeswhat about xmms?02:28
ZomMesdoes it have a library?02:28
h3sp4wnJack1: How is it connected ?02:28
Jack1i would need to get an external harddrive02:29
DeadS0uldappr feels so weird now, everytime i run apt-get upgrade * i only have about 2-3 updates if I'm lucky02:29
Jack1just one optical drive02:29
Jack1so no way live-cd and a dvd at same time02:30
h3sp4wnJack1: Can you get use a network connection on the old laptop ?02:30
Jack1maybe i could install a network between the two computers02:30
Jack1via samba?02:31
Jack1havent done that yet02:31
h3sp4wnYou can just use scp and copy thru ssh02:31
h3sp4wnbackup using tar02:31
Jack1could i use that cat 5 internet cable or buy like in windows the special cable02:31
Jack1with the crossd wires02:32
ZomMeshow do I remove my scanned collection and make a new one, with amaroK?02:32
ZomMessorry, already found it02:33
h3sp4wnJack1: Can you burn cd's on the old laptop ?02:33
Jack1but if i do that h3sp4wn how would i install grub and the dualboot thing?02:33
Jack1yes i can02:33
h3sp4wnThat will be done automatically by the installer (does windows take up the whole disk at the moment)02:33
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h3sp4wnkgparted should be able to resize the partition02:35
h3sp4wn(if necessary) - The installer will install grub automatically02:35
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Jack1but burning to cd of the os is no use right because the only optical drive would be used by the livecd02:36
RaitoHow do you download other sound drivers? I think that is my problem. I need ALSA and OSS02:36
Jack1so i need usb or network right?02:36
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h3sp4wnJack1: I would just install it normally (check the packages that you have installed install them) then restore /home (which I would backup to cd which could be used after the installation)02:37
xstAfter upgrading to dapper my firefox has begun freeze quite often. I think it might have something to do with flash usage cause e.g. youtube.com freezes very often, while non-flash sites have less potential to freeze. Has anyone experienced the same increase in freezes? And how do I fix it?02:37
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geekoehi, I'm missing /lib/iptables/ip6t_REJECT.so in the iptables package... is it missing for security reasons? I don't want to compile the iptables package for myself, as I don't want to compile it new when an update gets out02:38
Jack1are in home preferences like kicker, menus, applets stored too?02:38
Jack1bTW my partitioning was so neat..now i'd need do all again02:39
h3sp4wnJack1: tar czf /tmp/home-backup.tar.gz /home/ (That gives you one file with the whole of /home in it) those preferances will be in /home/yourusername/.kde02:39
Jack1thanky u much02:40
h3sp4wnThen you could burn that to cd and extract it on the new computer (or use a network)02:40
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RaitoHow do you download other sound drivers? I think that is my problem. I need ALSA and OSS. (I got libsdl1.2debian-all) But that doesn't seem to work (i had it all along) Do I need to do anything to set it up?02:42
h3sp4wnalsa and oss is in main you shouldn't need to do anything to set it u[02:43
Raitoh3sp4wn: would there be another reason why I have problems with all non-KDE sound?02:44
h3sp4wnRaito: What problems ?02:44
Jack1what is ideal in partitioning? doing it right now.. /, /home, swap?02:44
Jack1or swap right after /?02:44
HobbseeJack1: yeah, a separate /home partition02:44
h3sp4wnJack1: I usually have /boot first02:44
Hobbseeswap at the end, usually02:44
=== Hobbsee never bothers with /boot
Jack1so /1., then /home 2., then swap 3.? all on an extended partition?, yes boot causes probs sometimes02:45
Jack1then /usr 4. , /var 5.?02:46
Raitoh3sp4wn: No sound in Starcraft (wine) and XMame, also with supertux and zsnes sometimes the sound is super loud and unaffected by kmix, other times extreemly quiet and also unaffected by kmix and sometimes it is affected by kmix but zsnes' sound is extreemly fuzzy then.02:46
h3sp4wnJack1: I would have about 100mb /boot, / about half the space /home the other half (except save about twice your ram for swap)02:47
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Jack1but the order was right yeah?02:48
h3sp4wnRaito: I disable artsd (because the kde sounds just irritate me) use alsamixer or envy24control to set volume02:48
h3sp4wnRatio: Try setting the sound in zsnes to 44.1k (from 32.xk)02:48
Raitoh3sp4wn: same problems with alsamixer, how do you disable artsd? might help, (but would kaffeine still work then?)02:49
Chameleon22i want to use a local imap server as an email backup storage - can anyone suggest pkgs i need for ubuntu server to set it up (to avoid googling like crazzy) plz...02:49
h3sp4wnRaito: Everything will work except you won't get the kde sounds (amarok / kaffeine will be fine)02:49
h3sp4wnRaito: Sounds and Multimedia -> sound system then untick enable the soundsystem02:50
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h3sp4wnRaito: Any reason why you use xmame over advancemame ?02:50
Raitoh3sp4wn: never heard of advancemame02:51
h3sp4wnRaito: Its based on mame but alot easier to compile (and the dapper mame is quite out of date now) config files are easier to understand as well02:52
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Raitoh3sp4wn: did you say anything? I might have not gotten it. Anyways even if I disable artsd I still have the same problems what should I do>02:54
h3sp4wnRaito: Have you done that ?02:54
Raitoh3sp4wn: I disabled artsd02:54
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h3sp4wnRaito: Have you reconfigured zsnes to use 44100 instead of 33200 ?02:55
RaitoAh, I'll try that02:55
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h3sp4wnRaito: Its in the sound setup section (I know my card doesn't like 32000 without sounding terrible) are you using the WIP build of zsnes or the really old version in dapper (SDL support has improved tremendously since 1.42 was released)02:56
Raitoh3sp4wn: using 1.42 (dapper package) and when I put it to 44100 it is extreemly fuzzy02:57
h3sp4wnRaito: Did you restart zsnes after changing it ?02:57
weihellocan starcraft run with wine support?02:57
weihelloi should have win system?02:58
h3sp4wnRaito: Try http://files.ipherswipsite.com/zsnes/ZSNESS_0527.tar.bz2 (remove the dapper package) if you need any help compiling it I will help you02:58
Jack1what actually means bootflag on /off?02:58
Jack1should i turn all off?02:59
weihelloi got message : wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\startcraft.exe": Module not found02:59
h3sp4wnJack1: It doesn't make any difference if grub is in the mbr (If you are using /boot make that partition active) I don't think you need partitions for /var or /usr02:59
Raitoh3sp4wn: no thanks, I tried compiling zsnes, it was tough, I think I should try to fix up sound because I have sound problems with every non-KDE app. Someone said somethin about ALSA settings02:59
h3sp4wnRaito: I can tell you the packages you need to compile it (zsnes and xmame are not really representative applications to use - especially as zsnes is mainly x86 assembler)03:00
h3sp4wnReito: With artsd disabled alsamixer should function properly03:01
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h3sp4wnReito: Play something in amarok or kaffine (and look to see whether it is clipping (going into the red))03:02
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Jack1should i use primary for /boot and then logical or better start with logical for all partitions?03:02
HobbseeJack1: i dont think it matters, does it?03:02
h3sp4wnJack1: I would make boot primary anything else could be logical (don't think it matters though)03:02
Raitoh3spa4wn: I had Kubuntu on my old comp and didn't have the same problem, I used package zsnes too. I also have problems with wine and supertux. I'll try alsamixer now03:03
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Raitoh3sp4wn: hmm same problems, but how come sound doesn't work with wine (starcraft)03:04
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monkkeyhi guys,, i have installed a new hard drive on my dual boot sys, format with fat 32. windows reads/writes fine, ubuntu will no longer boot, mounting filesys and then waiting for file sys, boots no further03:07
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Jack1i have limited transfer in dsl-comtract, so id like to avoid doenloading much again. can i just copy the /var /usr folders and paste it in the fresh OS?they were on seperate partitions before03:08
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omegaIf I insert a game DVD or movie DVD disc, an icon appears on my desktop, but when I click it, I get an error about a malformed URL. What's wrong? (the path in konqueror is media:/hdc)03:12
bam_anyone know where I can get libxine-extracodecs03:12
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omegabam_: You need to enable some extra repositories.03:12
bam_I did that already, doesnt exist..03:13
omegaDid you fetch updates?03:13
bam_indeed I did03:13
omegaAre you sure you enabled the proper repositories and clicked apply after you edited the lines?03:14
bam_lemme double check03:14
omegaAll I did was add two extra words after the current repositories.03:14
omegaI added "universe multiverse" after "main restricted"03:15
bam_lemme try that....03:15
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omegaMake sure to click apply after changing the lines as adept doesn't save the list untill you click apply.03:15
omega(Which means you can close the view thinking the file is automatically saved and it actually isn't. yay, adept!)03:16
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bam_nope it isnt there03:16
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omegaNot even after adding universe and multiverse?03:16
DRY|KISShow am i supposed to install pcsx on kubuntu?03:17
bam_yup even after that03:17
DRY|KISSi do apt-get install pcsx03:17
DRY|KISSit installs it03:17
omegaLet me make a screenshot for you bam_03:17
DRY|KISSbut it needs the command "lndir"03:17
omegaYou will have to change the tld in front of the URLs of course.03:17
DRY|KISSi don't have that03:17
PupenoAny ideas how to turn a color pdf into a grayscale one ?03:18
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omegabam_: http://omeow.ath.cx/adept.png03:19
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DRY|KISSi downloaded lndir from fsf03:19
DRY|KISSbut i noticed that when i do ./configure03:19
DRY|KISSit says /bin/sh invalid interpreter03:19
Hobbseesurely that should read /bin/bash?03:19
ArmedGeek/bin/sh is standard03:20
DRY|KISSa configure file always uses sh03:20
omegabam_:  nl should be like us or something for you.03:20
bam_omega, running dapper...I am running breezy03:20
gnomefreakin a bash script either _should_ work03:20
omegaOh, sorry, I didn't know that. :)03:20
omegaShouldn't it be the same though?03:20
DRY|KISSwait i'll try to change it...03:20
ArmedGeekDRY|KISS: your problem is probably related to incorrect (windows) line endings03:20
bam_it should03:20
omegauniverse and multiverse exist for breezy to, right?03:20
gnomefreakomega: yes03:20
gnomefreakdifferent packages03:21
Hobbseegnomefreak: ah03:21
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ArmedGeekHobbsee: on most linux system /bin/sh is a symlink to bash  /bin/sh is the standard interpreter line for shell scripts03:22
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omegabam_: I don't know if the package exists for breezy. It most probably does though.03:22
gnomefreaki think you can also use !#/bin/bash env i dont htink env is python only03:22
DRY|KISSnow it says /bin/bash bad interpreter03:23
ArmedGeekDRY|KISS: your problem is probably related to incorrect (windows) line endings03:23
=== gnomefreak learned today dont close a bug by mistake unless you subscribe to it :(
DRY|KISSi'll see03:23
gnomefreakDRY|KISS: are you using !# infront of it?03:23
systestAspell is installed, but I don't have spell check options in evolution prefs.  Any suggestions to what the issue may be?03:24
DRY|KISS#! yes03:24
gnomefreakthat one yeah03:24
DRY|KISSi'm not using anything actually, i downloaded lndir from the FSF directory03:24
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gnomefreakDRY|KISS: are you getting that error while chmoding it03:25
DRY|KISSi chmodded it +x03:25
rusis there a problem with burning audio on a cdrw?03:25
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ArmedGeekDRY|KISS: your problem is probably related to incorrect (windows) line endings03:25
omegarus:  if you mean mp3, I believe you need an extra package for that to make k3b support mp303:25
om_i have libvisual and the plugins installed but amarok says that i don't...03:26
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rusomega: no an audio cd03:27
om_i think maybe i have version 0.2 and amarok requires 0.4? but Adept doesn't have v0.4 even with universe and multiverse03:27
omegarus: What exactly happens?03:27
ruswrote an audio cd from a cue/bin image03:27
bam_how odd, anyone have the package by chance?03:28
rusno music- just horrifiing sounds03:28
omegaNot sure what's wrong then. Sorry.03:28
DRY|KISSArmedGeek... i don't think that is it because i just checked and ALL shell scripts stopped working except when they're in the /usr/bin directory03:28
omegaSounds like you wrote a datadisc though.03:28
ruswith arson03:28
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omegaThat usually happens when you insert a datadisc in a cdplayer.03:28
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rusk3b didnt recognise the image03:28
omegaMaybe the image is faulty?03:29
rusthats what i thought03:29
Jack1so is /boot, /03:29
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rusbut there is no general problem with writing audio on a cdRW is there?03:29
Jack1so /1., then /home 2., then swap 3.?the order is right?03:30
rusfaulty image - dunno - doesnt seem like it03:30
DRY|KISSok i have a problem...03:31
DRY|KISSno script will run outside the /usr/bin directory :s03:31
ArmedGeekDRY|KISS: try sh ./scriptname03:32
Jack1swap after or before home?03:32
=== deuce868 [n=deuce868@ex.msufame.msu.edu] has joined #kubuntu
Jack1in partitioning?03:32
systestDRY|KISS: please clarify "will not run"  do you get an error, not found, what?03:33
rusomega:but there is no general problem with writing audio on a cdRW is there?03:33
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DRY|KISSwhen i run a script, any script i get: ./configure: ./config.status: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied03:34
omegarus: Not that I know of no. I haven't burned an audio CD for ages though, mind you.03:34
DRY|KISSwhen i run sh ./configure03:34
Jack1where is swap?03:34
DRY|KISSit runs configure03:34
DRY|KISSbut not ./configure.status03:34
rusk will give another try03:34
HobbseeJack1: swap at the end03:35
Jack1Hobbsee it doesnt accept it when i manually write swap there it then complains i didnt specify the swap space03:35
HobbseeJack1: hmm...weird03:36
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Jack1shall i just write there mount point none and leave it umounted?03:36
linuxmonkeyHobbsee: im thinking he didnt create the swap partition03:36
Hobbseelinuxmonkey: quite possibly03:36
DRY|KISSHobbsee: i'm still waiting for the quote to be accepted03:36
HobbseeDRY|KISS: hehe03:36
systestDRY|KISS: 1st line of that script is #!/bin/sh?  and it DOES have exec perms?03:36
linuxmonkeyor that its corrupt and he should delete it and recreate it03:37
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=== martin2006 is back.
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mb2006Question: Anybody know how to get mp3 playback in kubuntu?03:39
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bam_thats what I am working on too03:40
systestmb2006: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s03:40
bam_no libxine-*03:40
mb2006Got some progress: The mp3 players freeze when trying to play mp3's now, as opposed to pretending to play them :-/03:40
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Jack1hobbsee did u write manually swap there or was it as option showed?03:41
Jack1in the partioning menu?03:41
DRY|KISSsystest: yes else it wouldn't evenexecute would it?03:41
HobbseeJack1: you can autopartition, or you can write it manually, and assign it as swap03:41
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mb2006Hmm. got libxine-extracodecs installed. Still freezing...03:43
Jack1has swap a mountpoint? Hobbsee03:45
HobbseeJack1: no, swap is shown as a file type - like ext303:45
Jack1if i write there swap area or /swap it says later you have not selected any partitions for swap...03:45
Hobbseewhat's the file type of the swap partition you're trying to create?03:46
Jack1but it doesnt allow me to write it down without /03:46
=== mb2006 is very upset. No gooey mp3 player. Only mpg123/321 works :-(
h3sp4wninstall libxine-extracodecs (from multiverse)03:46
Jack1swap area03:46
HobbseeJack1: try deleting all the partitions you've just created, and create a /, a /home, and a swap - just them03:46
Jack1its weird03:46
mb2006h3sp4wn: Done that. Still freezing :-(03:46
linuxmonkeywhat program are you using to play them mb200603:47
mb2006Tried Amarok, juk, caffeine - all freezing03:47
h3sp4wnWhat soundcard ?03:48
mb2006Soundcard is fine. Got audio with kde. mpg321 works fine.03:48
h3sp4wnSome somecards don't work well with artsd (i.e mine)03:48
mb2006sony viao laptop. One of the new ones. Dunno the soundcard yet. Wait a mo.03:49
h3sp4wnThe ultraportable ones ? (I would quite like one of those - had one before)03:49
mb2006No. Big dual-core monster :-/03:50
mb2006Sold my powerbook 12" to get this. Didn't like linux with non-i386 chipset03:50
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mb2006intel 82801G audio chipset03:51
freqmodHello, how do i raise the maximum limit of open files?03:51
Tommy2k4do i need klipper open to copy/paste stuff03:51
HobbseeTommy2k4: no03:51
linuxmonkeymb2006:  try this it cant hurt, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs03:52
freqmodTommy2k4: only when you want to have more than one clipboard or copy things from closed programs03:52
mb2006Off we go with gnome stuff :-s03:53
Tommy2k4how come opera and xmms have small tray icons, kopete and klipper have large ones03:53
Tommy2k4i wanna make them all large03:53
Tommy2k4if possible03:53
=== freqmod found the magic strings for open files on google (did't find it in the first search because of a typo)
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mb2006linuxmonkey: Cheers :-) Saved me having to write my own frontend for mpg12303:54
linuxmonkeyit worked?03:54
=== mb2006 finds that shotgun installing of packages tends to work. No idea what unnecessary crap's been installed though :-)
=== mb2006 listens to 2pac (WHY? - because it's the top of the playlist ;-/ )
linuxmonkeysweet deal, I knew it worked for me and used to be on the old restrictedformats page but got removed for some reason03:55
mb2006Next step is the latest nvidia drivers and smp kernel03:56
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linuxmonkeymy next set is to install mysql03:57
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h3sp4wnThe normal kernel supports smp (The server one maybe has proper smp)03:57
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mb2006mysql isn't bad. Try installing it in slackware. The docs miss out one small, but vital step. Namely permissions of a directory or file (can't remember now)03:58
linuxmonkeyyeah ive been through that03:58
linuxmonkeymysql i find is easy03:58
mb2006Question. Anybody know how to get airport express speakers working with kubuntu?03:58
h3sp4wnmb2006 / linuxmonkey: Where can you change which ip address it binds to ?03:58
linuxmonkeywhats nice you can use mysql with amarok to build your  collection03:59
mb2006Preferrably as a remote audio device?03:59
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mb2006h3sp4wn: Off the top of my head, no. But I'll peruse my mysql book in a mo...03:59
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: I have tried setting it in my.cny but it doesn't seem to be respected on ubuntu03:59
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mb2006h3sp4wn: Surely that's to do with your network interface / router config?04:01
h3sp4wnmb2006: I don't want it to bind on localhost (I have over virtual machines running on the box)04:02
h3sp4wnmb2006: other sorry04:02
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mb2006You'll be binding it to an interface? You can select eth0 eth1 lo etc? I really must read up on it...04:02
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Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed AGAIN04:03
h3sp4wnmb2006: I have aliases on eth004:03
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Tommy2k4it happens when i take a screenshot (but not every time, like 1/100 chance)04:04
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mb2006reading mysql book...04:04
Tommy2k4monitor shows lots of multicolored vertical lines for a few seconds then gives the error "31K / 0Hz - frequency out of range"04:04
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mb2006Tommy2k4: gfx card dying???04:05
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=== linuxmonkey doesnt have his mysql books with him
mb2006Tommy2k4: laptop? if so, then expensive...04:06
Tommy2k4someone suggested that next time it happened i should try ctrl + alt + f6 to see if it switched to console mode or whatever it was04:06
Tommy2k4notech, pc04:06
Tommy2k4oops mb2006 pc04:06
Tommy2k4when i tryd ctrl alt f6 it didnt go to console mode04:06
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mb2006I'd advise trying a friends gfx card in your agp slot.04:07
Tommy2k4ive never had this problem in windows =/04:07
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Tommy2k4and it only seems to happen when i take a screeny04:07
h3sp4wnmb2006: I had named my.cnf my.cny for some reason I should be able to sort it now04:07
mb2006Tommy2k4: Top tip - don't take a screenshot04:07
mb2006h3sp4wn: hehe04:07
Tommy2k4yea i kde keeps doing this weird thing that i wanna show ppl04:08
mb2006What program are you using for screenshots?04:09
Tommy2k4i wish i didnt have to04:09
Tommy2k4id rather have screenshots the way windows does it04:10
linuxmonkeyuse gimp :)04:10
mb2006Tommy2k4: linuxmonkey is right - use gimp :)04:10
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Tommy2k4ksnapshot cant take screenys of the k-menu :(04:11
mb2006Back to my original question. Anybody got airtunes speakers working with kubuntu/ubuntu/[hell any old linux distro] ?04:11
Tommy2k4without using the delay anyway, which isnt ideal because the error im trying to screeny doesnt happen all the time04:11
linuxmonkeytake a whole screenshot of screen and delete rest in gimp\04:11
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mb2006Tommy2k4: Are you sure that you can't set a hotkey for screenshots?04:11
ajaychow do install grub from livecd?04:12
Tommy2k4how would i do that?04:12
ajaycwhen i do grub-install /dev/sda it says cant find block04:12
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, who said..04:12
mb2006Dunno. I've not looked at ksnapshot. Try configuring it.04:12
h3sp4wnajayc: try grub-install hd004:12
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Tommy2k4who said what?04:12
ajaych3sp4wn: same thing no block04:13
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, open up konsole, and type in "import kmenu.jpg" (the mouse will change) then simply hit alt+f1 and click on that menu..04:13
h3sp4wncan you get into the grub command line (just by running grub) - I think there is a script called install-grub or something in the busybox04:13
Hobbseemb2006: print screen?04:13
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: grub-install?04:14
ajaych3sp4wn: ok04:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:14
mb2006Hobbsee: works with mine04:14
h3sp4wnHobbsee: In the busybox image on the install cd there is a script which debian-installer uses to install grub04:14
=== Hobbsee has forgotten the name of it
h3sp4wnHobbsee: So have I04:14
=== Hobbsee thinks it's in that wiki link though - one of them
Tommy2k4|lostbyte|, whatever is meant to happen when i do that doesnt seem to be04:15
v3ctoryou can do cmd line screenshots04:15
mb2006Tommy2k4: Just press the print screen button when you have the error/bug.04:15
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Tommy2k4is ksnapshot meant to open when i press print screen04:15
Tommy2k4well it doesnt04:16
Tommy2k4not if i have k-menu open anyway04:16
Tommy2k4any other time it will04:16
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, huh ?04:16
v3ctoryou can use cmd line screenshot cmd in hotkey04:16
Tommy2k4the problem is that kde, when i mouseover items like on a menu, sometimes gives like a broken highlight (cant really explain it)04:16
Tommy2k4maybe i could draw what happens04:17
mb2006|lostbyte|: He's right. Hotkey doesn't work when a menu is activated!04:17
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mb2006Hmm. Maybe the gimp?04:17
mb2006Maybe a digital camera?04:17
v3ctorurl for import(snapshot) cmd file:///usr/share/doc/imagemagick/www/import.html04:17
|lostbyte|mb2006, i know ! but what i told him was the other way.. ^^04:18
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|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, Broken highlight ? do you have an image..04:18
Tommy2k4nope cos it wont let me screenshot >_<04:18
Tommy2k4i shall try and draw what happens04:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:19
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v3ctorimport -window root screenshot.png04:20
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nomorewhat should i do when xmms segemnt faults ?04:20
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gioacchinoI have a problem04:23
gioacchinoI am italian04:23
gioacchinomy problem is04:23
mb2006gioacchino: that's a problem :)04:23
gioacchinothe compiler gcc04:23
gioacchinoI had install kubuntu but isn-t the compiler gcc04:24
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Hobbseegioacchino: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:24
Hobbseegioacchino: sudo apt-get install build-essentials04:24
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Tommy2k4k i tried to draw a pic of what happens04:25
Tommy2k4yey nvm i fluked a screeny using ksnapshot delay04:26
gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# sudo apt-get install build-essential04:26
gioacchinoLettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto04:26
gioacchinoGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto04:26
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essential04:26
=== DarkRavenMixage [n=darkrave@85-18-136-103.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu
DarkRavenMixagehow to i install .package file in kubuntu??????????04:26
Tommy2k4why does that sometimes happen when highlighting menu items04:27
gatekeeperDarkRavenMixage: apt-get install package or use synaptic04:27
Jack1hobbsee when i have burnt my home folder to cd, do i have just to copy and paste it to the home folder of the new kubuntu installation?04:27
Tommy2k4its not always exactly that sometimes the gaps are bigger04:28
HobbseeJack1: yes....but there's a few files you need to remove first04:28
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gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# apt-get install04:28
gioacchinoLettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto04:28
gioacchinoGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto04:28
gioacchino0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.04:28
omegaThat doesn't look good, Tommy2k4. :)04:28
Jack1Hobbsee which ones and where in the old or new folder?04:29
omegaAre you sure your xorg is configured properly?04:29
linuxmonkeyweeee installing bind on a server is always fun :)04:29
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Tommy2k4the xorg.conf is different to the backup (xorg.conf~)04:29
om_i want KMix to start when kubuntu starts... how do i do this?04:29
HobbseeJack1: .ICEauthority, .Xauthority, .DCOP*, .kde/*-user04:29
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: Are you building it from source ?04:29
Tommy2k4i once edited xorg.conf to add an extra screen resolution, and the file looked like the backup i have now04:29
gioacchino[16:28]  <omega> Are you sure your xorg is configured properly no...04:29
Tommy2k4so what could of changed it04:29
Hobbseeom_: leave it open when you log out?  if you've got sessions saved it04:30
om_Hobbsee- and if i don't?04:30
omegaHang on, Tommy2k4, trying to figure out what the command was to make the setup thing pop-up again.04:30
linuxmonkeyluckly im not im trying this how-to04:30
gatekeeperom_ leave it running when you log out, kde remembers apps that where running when you log out04:30
Hobbseeom_: symlink into ~/.kde/Autostart04:30
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om_thanks Hobbsee!04:30
omegaTommy2k4: Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:31
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omega(as root)04:32
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: I built some dns servers for a reasonably big isp (Had it running under jail on freebsd but vserver on linux would be similar) and fixed the dns build scripts to work with bind904:32
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gioacchinohelp me!04:32
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: If you build it statically you only need /dev/null in the /dev of the chroot04:32
gioacchinohow to install gcc?04:32
psb154help..... me......04:33
DaSkreech!tell gioacchino about b-e04:33
h3sp4wnsudo aptitude install build-essential04:33
DaSkreechpsb154: Sup?04:33
psb154nuffin just taking the pee out of gioacchino :-)04:33
Tommy2k4how much memory should i give to my integrated gfx04:33
Tommy2k4i only have 256mb ram04:33
=== psb154 is in a good mood, wont last long though.
mb2006Tommy2k4: That should be just enough :-)04:34
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gatekeepergioacchino have you got synaptic installed04:34
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Tommy2k4so how much should i give to gfx04:34
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Tommy2k4this xserver setup is asking me04:35
omegaDo you know how much memory your graphics card has?04:35
omega(I believe you can leave it empty too)04:35
Tommy2k4nope its integrated intel81004:35
h3sp4wnIt should be autodetected (just leave it blank()04:35
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mb2006Tommy2k4: You should give it the amount of memory that your card has. If it's a 64mb then you can give it 6404:35
Tommy2k4should i use kernel framebuffer device interface04:36
mb2006Anybody know where the rendezvous utils reside?04:36
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h3sp4wnYes unless you get problems04:36
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mb2006Need to get justeporte installed & working04:37
h3sp4wnIs it for talkd ?04:37
mb2006h3sp4wn: airport express speakers & music :)04:37
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Should he?04:38
gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# sudo aptitude install build-essential04:38
gioacchinoLettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto04:38
gioacchinoGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto04:39
gioacchinoInitializing package states... Fatto04:39
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h3sp4wnmb2006: Install linux onto the airport expresss (that is what I would do)04:39
gioacchinoBuilding tag database... Fatto04:39
gioacchinoCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "build-essential"04:39
gioacchinoNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.04:39
gioacchino0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:39
gioacchinoNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.04:39
gatekeeperDaSkreech: I just thought it would be easier for him to find packages and install them04:39
Jack1hobbsee i need the 686 kernel, but got only the 386 install cd; from where in my system can i export the 686 kernel to the new OS?04:39
mb2006gioacchino: you need to edit your apt-sources list possibly.04:39
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Than Adept?04:39
HobbseeJack1: sudo apt-get install linux-image-68604:40
DaSkreechJack1: You can apt-get install linux-68604:40
h3sp4wnmb2006: 200mhz mips processor it has should be not that bad getting linux onto it04:40
gioacchino<mb2006> HOW to edit apt-sources ?04:40
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gioacchino<mb2006> HOW to edit apt-sources ?04:40
gatekeeperDaSkreech: I don't like Adept, in Breezy I managed to get it to go into an infinite loop while attempting to install several pacakages04:40
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AmdusciasHi everyone! :) Anyone here, who manged to install / compile the Nforce Audio Drivers?04:41
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Yeah I've gotten synaptic  to do the same04:41
om_i'm trying to put a link to kmix in ~/.kde/Autostart but i'm having problems04:41
DaSkreechdpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install are your friends04:41
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mb2006h3sp4wn: installing linux onto the airport - no thanks :-0 I just need to install rendezvous tools & mono & JustePorte to get my sound piped over wireless :)04:41
Tommy2k4k i reconfigured xorg.conf hopefully it shall work now04:41
Jack1well ok via the internet ok; thought there was a way to do it offline cause its more convenient, but thanks u both04:41
om_what do i use for "FILE1"?04:41
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Hobbseeom_: how so?04:42
Tommy2k4i bet if i reboot X it will put my screen res down to 1280x1024 :(04:42
h3sp4wnmb2006: I would just install linux onto it its broadcom so it will have CFE - Probably not very difficult04:42
mb2006gioacchino: Use Adept. Go to the Adept menu -> Manage repositories. You should enable them all.04:42
gatekeeperDaSkreech: fair enough, but I have never had any trouble with synaptic, has always been very stable and as good as gold04:42
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Agreed :-)04:42
mb2006h3sp4wn: Sounds like a really good method to get a small, white, plastic doorstop to mee.04:42
om_Hobbsee- this is probably really stupid, but i tried: link kmix ~/.kde/Autostart/kmix04:42
Jack1Hobbsee stupid but i have to remove the files u named above in the new installed OS right?04:43
mb2006How to access the bootloader would be entertaining enough04:43
mb2006(to me, even)04:43
Hobbseeom_: looks like, according to locate, you can use ln -s /usr/share/apps/kmix ~/.kde/Autostart04:43
HobbseeJack1: yep04:43
h3sp4wnmb2006: it has serial and jtag04:43
om_oh thanks Hobbsee!04:43
om_worked =)04:44
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gioacchinohelp. me04:44
h3sp4wnmb2006: You need a max233a (to drop the voltage from the serial port) or use a mobile phone datacable with a usb-serial convertor in it04:44
Tommy2k41024x768 makes me cry :(04:44
h3sp4wnmb2006: If you have jtag anything can be fixed04:44
gioacchinohelp me04:45
Tommy2k4rebuilding xorg.conf didnt fix the broken highlights i sometimes get on menu items :'(04:45
gatekeepergioacchino: take a look at: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories04:45
Tommy2k4any suggestions?04:45
mb2006h3sp4wn: How about I post it to you & you post me back a linux block :-)04:45
=== mb2006 is not that hardcore
mb2006Tommy2k4: I'd still think that your card or drivers are up the spout. Try changing the drivers for the card.04:46
omegaTommy2k4: Perhaps you need to download the video driver for that onboard card?04:46
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Jack1hobbsee for my internet connection (if i want to avoid filling in password and so on) can i just copy a file to the new computer?04:47
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DaSkreechWhats the point of having nice on the System Process tabe if you can't use it :(04:47
Jack1if i dont want to set it up again?04:47
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HobbseeJack1: yeah, should be in your home dir04:48
Jack1ok thx Hobbsee04:48
linuxmonkeywow im having an issue. can some one check http://pastebin.ca/72083  and let me know whats wrong!04:49
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gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# sudo apt-get install build-essential04:50
gioacchinoLettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto04:50
gioacchinoGenerazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto04:50
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essential04:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:50
insanekanelinuxmonkey: get rid of postfix-tls from the apt-get install list ...04:50
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Hobbseegioacchino: try build-essentials, not build-essential04:51
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AmdusciasAnyone here, with knowledge about 'nvsound' and compiling the Nforce Drivers? could need  some Help ;)04:52
Jack1how would i change the name of the computer (not user ), i mean eg that name fluffy@user after installation?04:52
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essentials04:52
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insanekaneJack1: well, you can try to change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts04:53
h3sp4wnbuild-essential                                                       - informational list of build-essential packages04:53
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essentials04:53
Tommy2k4so where could i get better drivers for i81004:53
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essential04:54
gioacchinoE: Impossibile trovare build-essentials04:54
brandon_what's the deal on aacplus encoding on linux?04:54
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h3sp4wngioacciho: try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install build-essential04:54
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=== mb2006 is away: off for a dump...
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gioacchinoCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "build-essential"04:55
gioacchinoNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.04:56
insanekanegioacchino: check your /etc/apt/sources.list04:56
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gioacchino# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:04:57
gioacchino#deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted04:57
insanekaneaha no wonder04:58
Jack1grahic is shown weird (zeros and so) with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i'm now unsure which driver for the intel GMA 950 and intel duo core processor04:58
insanekanegioacchino: uncomment the "deb" line04:58
insanekanegioacchino: then, sudo apt-get update ... then do whatever04:58
Jack1vesa driver?04:58
om_is there a keyboard shortcut for moving between desktops?04:58
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DaSkreechom_: Ctrl+F<num>04:59
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om_thanks DaSkreech!05:00
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om_DaSkreech: it's not working though...05:00
gioacchino# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:01
gioacchino#deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main05:01
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choegerdoes anybody know how I can switch the install process into somekind of debug mode? KubuntuDapper install process hangs in "adding live CD user" on my system05:02
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mb2006gioacchino: remove the # from the line:  #deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main05:03
mr-roadsterhow can i update to an stable kernel?05:03
DaSkreechA nice of 5 is less than a nice of 0 right?05:03
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Jack1MY Xserver interface is not set up correctly  how do i now which settings to choose in reconfigurexserver?05:03
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DaSkreechom_: F2 doesn't switch to Desktop 2?05:03
om_DaSkreech: ohhh never mind it works =) sorry and thanks!!05:04
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DaSkreechom_: Cool05:04
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gioacchinodeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main05:06
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gioacchinoLine commented out by installer because it failed to verify:05:06
gioacchinoeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main05:06
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mb2006gioacchino: uncomment (remove the # from) all the deb lines05:07
Jack1Hobbsee  do u know which folder /DOC would in windows I NEED to copy my internet connection settings?05:07
insanekanegioacchino: remove all the # signs before all the "deb" lines05:07
insanekanegioacchino: save it, and run sudo apt-get update05:07
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Tommy2k4how do i stop it switching windows when i scroll mousewheel over taskbar05:08
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DaSkreechTommy2k4: Asked in #kde?05:09
gioacchinohow to save the file_05:09
Tommy2k4will do05:09
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insanekaneTommy2k4: right click the kicker, configure panel, Taskbar ... and there you can configure it05:10
gioacchinohow to save the file?05:10
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DjDarkmanhy ,can someone give me an unix/linux command that writes the upload and download speed to the output?05:10
Tommy2k4unless im going blind i cant see an option there insanekane05:11
mb2006DjDarkman: what?05:11
gioacchinohow to save the file with nano?05:11
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insanekaneTommy2k4: hmm, you are right ...05:12
DjDarkmanmb2006: I`m making a program that needs to chek the upload/download speed with an bash command05:12
gioacchinohow to save the file with nano?05:12
DaSkreechgioacchino: Ctrl +X05:12
gioacchino^X      (F2)            Close the current file buffer/Exit from nano05:13
mb2006Can't help you there. Sorry.05:13
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Tommy2k4hm right clicking on an item on my desktop froze the desktop :(05:15
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mb2006DjDarkman: try the followi. There might be something for you here: http://ganglia.sourceforge.net/gmetric/05:16
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DjDarkmanmb2006: I`m looking for a simple linux command that outputs the dl/ul speed ,but thanks anyway05:17
mb2006DjDarkman: That might have a script for you.05:17
DjDarkmanohhh whell ,I`ll chek it maybe it does have something that would be a help thank you mb200605:18
A`N`D`R`E`WDjDarkman, are you looking for something in the terminal, or a GUI based app?05:18
DjDarkmanA`N`D`R`E`W: in the terminal05:18
A`N`D`R`E`WAh, ok05:18
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DjDarkmanI want to make a program to detect the speeds using unix commands05:18
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A`N`D`R`E`WPerhaps a script that utilizes "ping"05:19
HobbseeA`N`D`R`E`W: why such a painful nick?05:19
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A`N`D`R`E`WHobbsee, because Kronos is already registered to someone else.05:20
DjDarkmanA`N`D`R`E`W: I don`t hthink that ping would give me the current upload and download speed05:20
HobbseeA`N`D`R`E`W: ah okay.05:20
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A`N`D`R`E`WDjDarkman, of course not, but if you use some other commands, you might be able to figure it out.05:20
insanekaneDjDarkman: why don't you parse ifconfig ?05:20
A`N`D`R`E`WBut, that's more into C++ coding.05:20
DjDarkmaninsanekane: where is the ul/dl speed in that i only found the downloaded and uploaded data there05:21
chillfaktorBazzi: hey bazzi, if you have a few minutes of free time to proceed, quote me any time, i'll set irc to the task ... :) ...05:21
Tommy2k4any way to reload the desktop without ctrl alt backspace (the desktop froze)05:21
DjDarkmanTommy2k4: kill the x server05:22
VonGeistyou could try to go into the console (Ctrl+Alt+F6) then kill the server05:22
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om_after my kubuntu crashes, where can i find the error log files?05:22
|lostbyte|Hi !05:22
h3sp4wnom_: /var05:23
insanekaneom_: i wish it were that simple :/05:23
|lostbyte|I need a program that will notify me on new system services as they start or die ? Know any ..05:23
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h3sp4wnom_: /var/log/messages maybe05:24
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om_thanks i'm looking05:24
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VonGeistok, I'm tyring to install my mx1000 mouse and someone posted a good tutorial. the problem is, they say to get some info from the following command line: "cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -A1 "Logitech USB Receiver"" but nothing happens when I use it. Any ideas?05:24
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcan someone recommand some good fonts for lcds?05:26
om_what does this mean? Jun 26 18:09:46 om-bot kernel: [17182231.424000]  PREEMPT05:26
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om_and then i get funny numbers.. and then the restart happened05:26
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Tommy2k4every single time i right click a desktop icon the desktop freezes05:27
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: means your kernel got pimped ;O)05:27
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: kidding05:27
gioacchinohow to istall gcc _05:27
gioacchinohow to istall gcc  ?05:27
om_i wish i knew what the problem is cause it happens every 4 hours or so05:27
mb2006what are funny numbers? Are they different from, say, serious numbers?05:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_:update your kernel maybe?05:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: what cpu u have and what kernel?05:29
gioacchinohow to istall gcc  ?05:29
om_well i think it's the newest version.. i just installed kubuntu two days ago.. using P4 2.8ghz05:29
mb2006gioacchino: You have edited /etc/apt-sources ? You have removed the #'s from the deb lines05:30
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: how do i get the kernel version?05:30
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insanekanegioacchino: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:30
VonGeistanyone know why this isn't working (or if it is, where I can find the output): cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep -A1 "Logitech USB Receiver"05:31
mb2006gioacchino: before the apt-get install. do a sudo apt-get update (if you have edited your apt-sources list)05:31
gioacchinodont_exist  /etc/apt-sources05:32
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: i dont know the command for it , but run adept , and search for linux-image , and see which one you have installed05:32
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A`N`D`R`E`WIt seems nothing in life is truely free. :/05:32
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mb2006sorry. /etc/apt/sources.list :=)05:32
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: i have a feeling that amaroK maybe to blame.. it seems like my system only crashes when i have it running05:32
A`N`D`R`E`WI need to shell out $20 for Cedega. ><05:32
insanekaneA`N`D`R`E`W: do you mean 'free as in beer' or 'free as in speech' ?05:33
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_:could be , could be something else05:33
A`N`D`R`E`Wfree as beer05:33
insanekaneA`N`D`R`E`W: yes, nothing is free as in beer05:33
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: ver 2.6.15 which i guess is the newest05:34
gioacchinookj thank-s!!!!!!!!!!!05:34
=== mark_ [n=mark@haar025.athome221.wau.nl] has joined #kubuntu
gioacchinookj thank-s!!!!!!!!!!!05:34
gioacchinookj thank-s!!!!!!!!!!!05:34
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gioacchinook thank-s!!!!!!!!!!!05:35
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: but for some reason the 386 is installed and not the one optimized for P4...05:35
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: yeah , newest stable i think ,  there should be also other kernels optimised for your cpu , u can try that05:35
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om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: so should i install linux-image-686?05:36
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: and you can try to reinstall amarok , and compile it from source on your pc05:36
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: i see only version amarok 3.9 in adept, but on the website they already have 4.105:37
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: so i guess maybe i should try that05:37
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: yeah you should use the kernel opt for ur spu05:38
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: i installe 4.1 yeadterday , its good05:38
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: ok i just hope i figure out how to install from source =) been using linux for 2 days now...05:38
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: it has like 3 or 4 dependencies that you have to install but it tells your where to get them when ur doing the ./configure05:39
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: ive been using it for like a week maybe , im starting to understand it a little05:39
=== A`N`D`R`E`W is now known as Kr4t05
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: if i just installed linux-image686, do i need to remove linux-image386? i now have them both installed...05:40
gioacchinohow to istall full kernel ??05:40
gioacchinohow to install full kernel ??05:40
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: no ,keep it as backup , just restart the pc , it will select the new kernel05:40
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: how does it know which to select? the last one installed?05:40
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: im not sure , it just knows05:41
om_=) ok restarting...05:42
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcan someone recommand some good fonts for lcd? to use system wide?05:43
h3sp4wnThe microsoft ones ?05:44
h3sp4wnthe package is in multiverse05:44
gioacchinohow to install full kernel ??05:44
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om_the good news is that my computer restarted =)05:45
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apokryphosgioacchino: no need to repeat so many times :) ; if someone is able/willing to help, they will =)05:45
om_anybody knows how i can check which kernel my system is using?05:45
v3ctoruname -r05:46
v3ctorfor kernel version ^^05:46
Kr4t05How difficult is it to compile your own kernel?05:46
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DaSkreechgioacchino: What do you mean the full kernel? You have a partial kernel installed?05:47
apokryphosgioacchino: /msg ubotu kernel05:47
DaSkreechKr4t05: Can you compile anythign else?05:47
apokryphos* Kr4t0505:47
h3sp4wnKr4t05: Not very but what is the reason ?05:47
ubotuI know nothing about gioacchino05:47
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gioacchinoThe file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.05:47
gioacchinoPlease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution05:47
gioacchinoor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel05:47
gioacchinosources (default is /usr/src/linux).05:47
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g-hennahi everyone05:47
apokryphosgioacchino: please don't paste in here, use the pastebin.05:47
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Kr4t05h3sp4wn, I've heard that you can increase speed and hardware compatiability with a custom kernel.05:48
g-hennadoes anyone of you know a program/script where i can draw a graphic the turtle way and then export it to svg?05:48
v3ctorKr4t05: not that much05:48
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_:so, did it select the p4 kernel?05:48
h3sp4wnKr4t05: I recommend kano's (unofficially)05:48
h3sp4wnKr4t05: It will significantly improve how fast it feels05:48
Kr4t05h3sp4wn, a custom kernel?05:48
h3sp4wnKr4t05: Its 2.6.17 with a load of performance patches05:49
Kr4t05This isn't a very fast machine to begin with.05:49
Kr4t05Celeron 2.26GHz, 1GB DDR 400, and a GeForce 620005:49
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: yeah it did =) but now my firefox just crashed damn it05:49
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: is your system overclocked?05:50
Kr4t05Very "old skool05:50
v3ctorKr4t05: not really05:50
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om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: no it's not.. it was working fine under winxp until i formatted 2 days ago05:50
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Kr4t05My college PC would be the shiz, if I had $100005:51
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdom_: well , you can always go back , use it for a while ans see what works and what doesnt ,and if u get same crashes as before05:51
om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: yeah actually firefox used to crash on winxp too.. that's why i switched to opera.. i didnt think it would still crash on linux but i guess it does05:52
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om_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: i downloaded the new amarok and it's sitting on my desktop: amarok-1.4.1-beta1.tar.bz2 ... can you help me figure out how to install it please?05:54
om_do i dpkg the .bz2 file?05:55
h3sp4wnIf you really want to try it imbrandon has some test deb's already05:56
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om_h3sp4wn: imbrandon?05:57
om_i found by googling: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main05:57
om_but i wasn't able to install it for some reason05:57
h3sp4wnom_: But you wanted the beta didn't you ?05:57
om_i cant find the beta.. i dont mind 4.0, i just want to change my 3.9 cause it crashes05:58
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h3sp4wnjust add that line to /etc/apt/sources.list (and run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade)05:59
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om_ok cool thanks!05:59
v3ctorh3sp4wn: where do i get kano's kernel..i want to test her out06:00
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VonGeistalrighty, got my computer working again, the tutorials I've found thus far haven't worked too well so I'll pose the question here: anyone know a good way to get a Logitech Mx1000 mouse working?06:01
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imbrandonom_, amarok 1.4.1beta1 http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/packages/pubkey.html06:02
imbrandonh3sp4wn, ^^06:03
om_oh cool thanks!!06:03
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gioacchinoI have a problem with alsa06:03
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gioacchinowhen I istall it06:04
gioacchinoThe file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.06:04
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Tommy2k4yet again i get the "31K/0Hz frequency out of range" error on my screen :'(06:04
Tommy2k4this time i wasnt taking a screenshot tho06:04
h3sp4wnv3ctor: http://debian.tu-bs.de/project/kanotix/kernel/kernel-kanotix-current.zip (unzip it and install the source deb)06:04
gioacchinoI have a problem with alsa when I istall it06:04
gioacchinoThe file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.06:04
apokryphosgioacchino: come on now, I've already told you -- please don't repeat06:05
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:05
imbrandongioacchino, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-(`uname -r`)06:06
imbrandonheya apokryphos06:06
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apokryphosimbrandon: no parenthesis :P06:06
apokryphosimbrandon: hi =)06:06
apokryphoshow's it going?06:06
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imbrandongood, about to do some yard work and get some air06:07
imbrandonbrb ;)06:07
imbrandonapokryphos, btw we published the fgirst podcast yesterday06:07
imbrandonanyhow brb06:07
apokryphosyeah, so I see; may look into it06:07
gioacchino(`uname -r`) ????06:08
imbrandongioacchino, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`06:08
imbrandonit will get your current running version06:08
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imbrandonof the kernel headers06:08
gioacchinohoe to read the current kernel version_06:08
v3ctor`uname -r` will resolve to your current kernel06:08
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the_mousehow can i convert wmv video to avi or mpg?06:10
|lostbyte|the_mouse, mencoder06:12
the_mouseis there anu GUI for it?06:12
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sF|Xemanththe_mouse: mengui06:14
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the_mousehow to install it?06:16
the_mouseCouldn't find package mengui06:16
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blupphi there, does anyone here have the current amarok (svn)?06:17
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mindspiti want to use my fat 32 partition and especialy the file pagefile.sys as a Windows swap space and ALSO FOR Linux ... i need linux instructions06:27
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DaSkreechmindspit: Huh?06:29
h3sp4wnIt is possible (or used to be) but would be a bit pointless06:29
mindspiti want to use my fat 32 partition and especialy the file pagefile.sys as swap space FOR Linux ...06:29
h3sp4wnmindspit: I can remember you definately need to make it a fixed size in windows and make sure it is continuous on the disk - can't remember anything else06:30
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mindspitif i have windows delete pagefile upon shutdown, could i use the same partition for linux? (hopefully this isn't a stupid question)06:34
dawson_Hello, Friends, Now I have just mounted my fat32 formatted new hdd, I am getting accesess denied warnings when i try and write to the disc, can anyone help me?06:35
mindspiti am out of space!06:36
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dr_willisdawson_,  mount it as a user, not as root, that way the other users can access it.06:38
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:39
dawson_when i try that it says it can only be done my root06:40
dawson_i wish to have it mounted every time it boots06:41
dr_willisthen you need to set the umask/uid/gid perhaps in the fstab06:41
ubotuI know nothing about nfts06:41
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:41
dr_willissilly bot.06:41
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dr_willistheres a fstab line it can say thats the examople to use06:41
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions06:42
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcan someone recommend some good fonts for lcd? to use system wide in kde?06:43
om_i am trying to install projectM, and the tutorial say to use the command "make" but i get "command not found"06:43
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)06:45
dr_willisinstall build-essential (s) for a start06:45
dr_willisLooks like they totaloly messed with the bots urls. :(06:45
om_thanks ubotu06:46
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ChefWillom_: you mean thank you dr_willis ;/06:50
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christosi want to create a wireless network. do i need to download any program or kubuntu has any installed???06:50
h3sp4wnchristos: Do you want to use hostapd ?06:50
dr_willischristos,  drivers for the wireless cards is a start. :)06:50
om_oh thanks dr_willis =)06:50
dr_willisor learning how they work06:50
h3sp4wnchristos: i.e setup a wireless accesspoint06:51
christosmy card works ok i think :) dr_willis06:51
christosi dont have any routers. just a simple wireless card06:51
dr_willis1 wireless card.. :P06:51
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christosyeah something like that h3sp4wn06:52
h3sp4wnchristos: With only one card how would it be useful ?06:52
christosok i have another one :) in another computer06:53
h3sp4wnchristos: Is it atheros ? If it is I may be able to help you setup hostapd06:53
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christosh3sp4wn nope. it's rt2500 or sth like that06:55
_chillfaktorBazzi: i have found a detailed install instruction pdf on the vmware website, do you mean i can handle the installation with this one?06:56
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h3sp4wnchristos: I don't know about master mode with ralink 2500 you might have to use the wip drivers06:56
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h3sp4wnchristos: You need master mode http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/phpBB2/ (have a look in those forums)06:58
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BazziChillfaktor: no06:59
christosok h3sp4wn. thanx a lot. i'll check it out06:59
Bazziprove me wrong!06:59
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h3sp4wnchristos: Some things you might want to search for are 'master mode, hostapd'07:00
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christosone thing more. if i make it work, can i share this internet connection with another windows computer???07:05
christosin other words will windows use kubuntu's internet connection ?07:05
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fiyawerxwhoa, am i still connected07:08
Chillfaktorwell, k ... then quote me if you got some free minutes :) ...07:09
nixternalsudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade    << gnupg update to patch vulnerability07:09
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omegaI'm trying to install KDE 3.5.3, but adept ran into trouble when trying to update kdelibs.07:13
omegaI have no idea what to do now. Could anyone please try to help me? It's suggesting that I try apt-get -f install but that broke things horribly the last time.07:14
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omegakdelibs4c2a: Depends: kdelibs-data (> 4:3.5.3) but  4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18 is installed07:15
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 can anyone help me solve this problem07:15
Bazziomega: you want to install it manually?07:15
Bazzior from kubuntu repos?07:15
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omegaI added a new repository for 3.5.3, and tried to update.07:15
ChillfaktorBazzi: i'll be back in 2 hours, cu later :)07:16
omegaIt's from the kubuntu repository, yeah.07:16
Bazziwhich one?07:16
Bazziah, so that should be set07:16
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omegaAny idea what kind of console magic I should perform to make it work, Bazzi?07:17
Bazzino, sorry07:17
cps1966apt-get remove lib thats broken07:17
omegaWon't that break my KDE installation?07:17
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cps1966your going to install new one07:18
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omegaDid I break the library because I was trying to upgrade KDE while still being logged into KDE?07:18
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omegawhich package should I remove then, cps1966?07:20
omegakdelibs or kde-data?07:20
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mincan someone help me?07:25
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyou not suposed update kde libs , you suposed update the kde , it will do it all by itself07:26
minI cant change my screen resolution in kubuntu07:26
minits locked at 640x48007:26
minHow can I change it to 1024x780?07:27
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:27
weihellodid  your g-card work?07:27
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minI dunno how to do this07:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdomega: just add a repo that has the kde 353 libs , then do update , then upgrade , the kde will update itself to 35307:29
omegaWhat do you think I did?07:30
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minIs till cant change my screen reso07:34
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minIm on two monitors if it helps07:34
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minIm on a laptop07:34
minone of my monitor is brokenso I got an external monitor07:35
rideoutin the cli, type xrandr, what does it say?07:35
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdomega:redo it then07:35
minbut the reso on my external monitor is 640x48007:35
omegan0ctuRnaL-fieNd: redo what?07:35
minin the cli?07:35
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdomega: kde update07:35
omegan0ctuRnaL-fieNd: I cannot because the kdelib is holding things back, it seems.07:36
rideoutterminal, shell, command line interface07:36
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdomega: and run sudo apt-get install -f07:36
omegaafter I execute the suggested apt-get -f install command, it breaks with a broken pipe.07:36
minit says07:36
min SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh07:36
min*0    640 x 480    ( 217mm x 163mm )  *-1957907:36
minCurrent rotation - normal07:36
minCurrent reflection - none07:36
minRotations possible - normal07:36
minReflections possible - none07:36
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omegaThe broken pipe most likely occurs because it tries to overwrite a mimelnk for x-bittorent.desktop07:36
minrideout thats what it says07:37
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rideoutmin: yeah, that just proves you need to fix your xorg.conf file07:37
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minsorry my konversation turned off07:38
minit says07:38
rideoutmin: type this: sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Modes07:38
min SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh07:38
min*0    640 x 480    ( 217mm x 163mm )  *-1957907:38
minCurrent rotation - normal07:38
minCurrent reflection - none07:38
minRotations possible - normal07:38
minReflections possible - none07:38
om_i'm trying to install projectM from source but the make command keeps giving me errors.. the INSTALL file says "./configure --sysconfdir=/etc" then "make" then "make install (as sudo)"07:39
minit says07:39
minModes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
om_and everything seems fine when i do the ./configure... but when i try 'make' i get a bunch of errors07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
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rideoutom_: what errors07:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:39
minit says07:39
minModes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
min                Modes           "1400x1050"07:39
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christopheranyone running a wireless router through usb and ndiswrapper? i'm having troubles setting up my netgear wpn11107:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:40
om_rideout: a million of them.. here's the first one: /usr/include/GL/glx.h:38:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory07:40
om_but i have X11 installed.. or so Adept claims...07:40
rideoutmin: you already sent that, plus use pastebin like ubotu said, then post a link07:40
minoops ok07:40
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minso what do I do next?07:40
rideoutom_, you may not have the development filess for it though07:40
om_rideout: do you have any idea what are they called?07:41
rideoutmin: put the whole xorg.conf in pastebin, i may be able to figure it out07:41
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DarkStonehi i have a problem07:42
rideoutom_: install apt-file, sudo apt-get install apt-file07:42
minwhat do I do with the xorg.conf?07:42
DarkStoneit says my gtk+ is bad...07:42
DarkStonehow do i reinstall07:42
om_thanks rideout!07:42
rideoutom_: then do apt-file update, then apt-file search Xlib.h, it will tell you what package to install07:43
minhow do I get the xorg.conf so that I could put it on pastebin?07:43
uniqdarkstone: install libgtk2.0-dev07:43
rideoutmin: try this : sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:43
DarkStonethank you07:44
rideoutmin: the grep part of the last command just selects the line with what you put after grep, in this case mode07:44
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minIm getting it on pastebin07:44
chillfaktorBazzi: thought it would take longer ... just quote ...07:45
DarkStoneconfigure: error: *** SDL version 1.1.3 not found!07:46
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minyea http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1656207:46
Leafwany recommendations for musepack (mpc) files decoding and playing?07:46
rideoutmin: you are using two monitors, right?07:47
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minrideour: yea07:47
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NKjoephi ppl07:48
minI am on two monitors07:49
NKjoepcool min07:49
rideoutmin: how do you want them, side by side, or for them both to show the same thing?07:49
Hawkwindmin: TwinView is so nice ain't it :)07:49
minI want one two be turned off and one to have 1024x768 because the other monitor is broken but its attatched to my laptop07:50
rideoutDarkStone: install the *-dev packages for sdl07:50
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dmhouseHey all. Is there a package which supplies all the Windows fonts like Trebuchet?07:51
rideoutmin: brb in 3 minutes07:51
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[BU] Brizzdmhouse: are they not in msttcorefonts?07:52
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om_rideout: ok i got all the libraries i think.. and now i get wayyyyy fewer errors.. but still this: error:   crosses initialization of 'float w2'07:53
dmhouse[BU] Brizz: that might do it, thanks.07:53
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[BU] Brizzdmhouse: it shoudl07:53
[BU] Brizzdmhouse: np :)07:54
rideoutom_: do make clean, then ./configure again, then make, see if it has the same error07:54
minI want one two be turned off and one to have 1024x768 because the other monitor is broken but its attatched to my07:54
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om_rideout: same error.. plus i get a bunch of these warnings: builtin_funcs.h:51: warning: inline function 'float atan2_wrapper(float*)' used but never defined07:55
om_maybe my compiler settings are different or something? how can this be?07:56
steveireIs there some way to make apollon search for numbers?07:57
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minconnect #ipodlinux07:57
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minI want one two be turned off and one to have 1024x768 because the other monitor is broken but its attatched to my07:58
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rideoutmin: follow these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:58
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om_rideout: should i give up at this point? is there any hope?07:59
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rideoutmin: but when it tells you to run "sudo aticonfig" - something, just run "sudo aticonfig" and follow what it says to d what you want08:00
rideoutom_: i don't know at the moment, it might not have to do with kubuntu, it may be the package you are building, try the support for projectM08:01
rideoutom_: I have have to leave now: good luck!08:01
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minhow do I become the root suer?08:06
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cps1966you dont sudo08:07
om_sudo -s08:07
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:07
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sF|Xemanthi still cant understand whats so great in sudo08:08
Tommy2k4i like sudo08:09
h3sp4wnI am not bothered either way08:09
Tommy2k4though i've never used linux before ubuntu08:09
Tommy2k4so i've never tried using a root user08:09
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minwhen I did08:09
minsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:10
minit said that gedit is not a command08:10
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cps1966its not on kubuntu08:10
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ChefWillkdesu kate /etc/x11/xorg.conf08:10
Tommy2k4use kate08:10
cps1966use sudo kate08:10
sF|Xemanthi once reinstalled kubuntu after first try because su didn't work, i thought that i just don't remember root password08:11
apokryphoscps1966: no, not sudo kate (/msg ubotu kdesu)08:11
Tommy2k4ive never used kdesu (apart from testing what it does)08:11
apokryphossF|Xemanth: /msg ubotu root08:11
ChefWillsudo is not for kde apps08:11
Tommy2k4works though08:11
ChefWillyou think it does08:11
apokryphosTommy2k4: could ruin your system though08:11
minit says failed to open device08:11
weihellono it's 02:1108:11
Tommy2k4so it always says that for me, but still works08:11
weihellonow it's 02:1108:11
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h3sp4wnI don't think gui apps should be run by root08:12
sF|Xemanthnowdays I use sudo -s instead of su :)08:12
apokryphosgenerally no, but if you have to (particularly KDE apps), then kdesu should be used, not plain sudo08:12
minIm supposed to change the xorg.conf file but I dont have permission to do it08:12
apokryphosmin: alt+f2 -> kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:13
Lynouremin: sudo at the front of the editing command helps08:13
Tommy2k4thats just to stop it being changed by accident08:13
h3sp4wnapokryphos: Definately - I can't see much need to use kde apps as root though08:13
Tommy2k4and using kdesu doesn't run it as root?08:13
apokryphoswell, like this case if you want to use kate...08:13
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apokryphosTommy2k4: it does08:13
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apokryphosLynoure: no, not sudo for kde apps (read above)08:13
Lynouremin: like I'd use     sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:14
Tommy2k4i fail to see the difference08:14
Lynoureapokryphos: I wouldn't edit it with kate :)08:14
minyay ty apokry08:14
Lynoureapokryphos: and there was a typo in the path, too08:14
apokryphosTommy2k4: well....... sudo doesn't set up the environment properly for KDE apps. It'll try to write configurations with root often, so config files will be mucked up08:14
apokryphosas can dcop sockets08:14
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minit says to do this08:14
minsudo apt-get update08:14
minsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:14
minsudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx08:15
minsudo aticonfig --initial08:15
minsudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv08:15
minThe following steps did not work for me. In exchange to the next steps enter  'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and choose 'fglrx'.08:15
Lynoureapokryphos: oh, sorry, not in your version :)08:15
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apokryphosmin: no pasting in here please, use a pastebin.08:15
minI did that08:15
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minit says08:15
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:15
Tommy2k4i love the bot in here08:16
Tommy2k4much better than the one in #amarok >_<08:16
h3sp4wnThe one in #kanotix will search google for you08:16
brandon_amarok can't use gstreamer anymore?08:17
h3sp4wnSo you can just type !google what you would type and it gives you the first three results08:17
brandon_well that...that sucks08:17
Tommy2k4i use xmms now08:17
Tommy2k4shame it doesnt have global shortcuts08:17
h3sp4wnxine is alot better than gstreamer08:17
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brandon_xine can't handle aacplus08:17
minheres the paste thing08:17
Tommy2k4amarok (with xine) stopped playing wma files when i upgraded to amarok 1.4 :|08:18
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Tommy2k4played them fine before the upgade08:18
brandon_i hadn't tried wma08:18
minfglrxinfo  doesnt work on kubuntu08:19
minwhat should I type?08:19
Tommy2k4xmms opens instantly whereas amarok shows the splash screen for >15 seconds08:19
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Tommy2k4min, dpkg --configure -a08:20
apokryphossolution: don't close amarok 8)08:20
Tommy2k4but kubuntu crashes for no reason :(08:20
minwhat does dpkg --configure -a do?08:21
Tommy2k4hopefully fix the dpkg errors you're getting08:21
minsudo aticonfig --initial08:22
minsudo: aticonfig: command not found08:22
Tommy2k4now redo the apt-get commands that failed08:22
koshTommy2k4: I think that the first time amarok runs it has to rebuild the media library and on version changes it does also08:22
koshTommy2k4: if you kill it before it finishes then it probably has to start over08:22
Tommy2k4ive never killed it08:23
Tommy2k4ill try it again now08:23
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koshfor me amarok starts almost instantly08:23
Tommy2k4when i try to play a wma amarok just closes instantly :(08:24
imachinemplayer+xmms is all i need ;p08:24
Tommy2k4xmms has no global shortcuts :(08:24
koshah I don't have any wma files08:24
Tommy2k4apart from that i like it08:24
imachinehail w32codecs08:24
Tommy2k4i have w32codecs08:24
Tommy2k4amarok played wma fine until i upgraded to 1.408:24
imachine;] 08:24
imachinethat's what you get for bleeding edge08:25
koshI have 1.4 also but no wma08:25
Tommy2k4bleeding edge?08:25
h3sp4wn1.41 beta is bleeding edge08:25
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imachine;] 08:25
Tommy2k4i never said 1.41 beta08:25
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Tommy2k41.4 stable08:25
Tommy2k4wont play wma :(08:25
koshmostly I use it with the xine engine to play oggs files since xine can play to all my speakers and gstreamer I never could get it to play to more then two speakers08:25
koshTommy2k4: why not convert the wma to some open format?08:26
morzelhave any fresh install kubuntu there?08:26
morzeli need some help08:26
Tommy2k4would take ages on this slow ass pc08:26
koshheh mine is pretty far from a fresh install :)08:26
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koshmine started as mandrake about 6 years ago and was live switched to debian and then lived switched to kubuntu a few months ago08:27
morzelkosh: pls paste the output of groups command08:27
Tommy2k4wth is wrong with amarok08:27
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Tommy2k4it plays a tiny bit of the wma before crashing08:27
Tommy2k4so it can definately decode it fine08:27
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koshxine probably does not like the file, remember amarok is not realy playing the file08:28
Tommy2k4xine is the only engine choice in amarok08:28
koshmorzel: ah mine is heavily customized08:28
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdTommy2k4: send me that wma ur playing , ill run in on my amarok08:28
Tommy2k4ok but you wont like it ;)08:28
Tommy2k4and it happens for all of my wma's08:28
koshTommy2k4: what sound output are you using? alsa, oss etc?08:29
morzelkosh :(08:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdTommy2k4: what codec did u get for wma?08:29
Tommy2k4it was set to automatic08:29
koshtry setting it to alsa08:29
Tommy2k4i set it to alsa there and it played a few seconds of the file before crashing08:29
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morzelkosh my to08:29
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Tommy2k4now amarok wont even open08:29
Tommy2k4how do i open amarok with autostart turned off from command line08:30
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koshthat doesn't even make sense08:30
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi compiled the 1.4 from source and so far its been working great08:30
koshall kubuntu uses alsa08:30
koshI am using the regular kubuntu packages and no issues08:30
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd141 actually08:30
BKajey all08:30
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Tommy2k4yea xmms plays fine using alsa08:31
Tommy2k4ill try 141 see if that fixes it08:31
koshTommy2k4: I don't know how to turn off autostart other then wiping the config files08:31
=== kosh wonders if people are even listening
Tommy2k4wheres config file located?08:32
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdTommy2k4: what u mean autostrat?08:32
koshamarok is a media dispatcher, xine is a media decoder and alsa is the sound system the output is sent to08:32
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Tommy2k4by autostart i mean autoplay08:32
BKajthis client keeps dropping the first letter of each sentence that I type ...WTF .."Konversation"08:32
koshamarok is not playing the file and putting xmms being able to play alsa does not change anything, the odds are very high that xine does not like the files08:32
Tommy2k4i know kosh08:32
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koshso try playing one of your wma files directly with xine and see what happens08:33
koshBKaj: that is strange, I am using konversation without any of those issues for years08:33
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdor the kaffeine08:33
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdafter getting the essential codec pack08:34
koshkaffeine is another frontend, it is better to try it with xine directly as a test08:34
admiral_proFTWtry reconfiguring konversation BKaj08:34
Tommy2k4kaffeine plays the wma fine08:34
BKajeah kosh, dunno why ...it just started this after I set up my KB08:34
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admiral_proFTWreconfigure your locales08:35
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BKaj did08:35
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admiral_proFTWreally? that was my issue with my kb a while back08:35
BKajmanaged toi get the mute and volume buttons to work08:36
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BKajcompaq 13 button08:36
BKajanyone know how to erase dvd+rws in k3b ?08:37
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BKajusing kubuntu 6.06 AMD6408:37
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koshmy guess would be tools -> format dvd+-rw08:38
admiral_proFTWyea i'm thinkin it might just be the kb08:38
admiral_proFTWis it new?08:38
koshbut I don't have any rw disks right now to check that08:38
BKajalso the printer won't work , it sets up to print then , freezes08:38
BKajno format won't work08:38
koshah printers I can't help with I don't use them08:39
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koshaccording to the docs the format dvd+-rw is supposed to erase the disc08:39
Tommy2k4im seriously gonna stab someone08:40
Tommy2k4kubuntu has crashed for the 5th time today08:40
BKajit's too bad that windows can set this tuff and make it work but linux still has long ways to go configging hardware08:40
jedi__hi all08:40
admiral_proFTWwhat were you doing08:40
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koshTommy2k4: probably hardware, power supply or heat if the system is crashing08:40
koshBKaj: the printers I used to use where all network postscript printers, they would just work with any unix transparently but where a pain to setup for windows08:41
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 theres the problem08:41
cps1966no its running out of memory as mine does08:41
koshBKaj: choice of hardware determines how easily stuff just works08:41
osh_BKaj: I just setup my printer. It wasn't harder than in windows. Just click Next a few times and choose the right printer. Works like a charm. For me. ;-)08:41
koshosh_: that is why it depends on hardware08:41
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koshosh_: I have some hardware that is a ROYAL pain in the neck to get working with windows08:42
jedi__I havent succeed yet to hear music with my sound card audigy 2. but it works with my mother board integrated sound card08:42
koshumm Tommy2k4 what video and sound hardware do you have and who made your box?08:42
Tommy2k4i810 integrated gfx08:43
koshjedi__: audigy2 support should just work, just disable your onboard sound card08:43
Tommy2k4probably ac97 audio but i doubt that has anything to do with it08:43
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jedi__yeah but I dont know how< to disable it08:43
Tommy2k4i just pointed out that sound went off to prove that linux was crashing, not my monitor dying08:43
koshjedi__: and then once you have disabled the onboard sound just turn the system back on and use kmix to set the mixer levels since the audigy2 will start off muted by default08:43
Tommy2k4audigy2 sucks08:43
koshwhy do you say that?08:44
koshI get perfect audio output on 7.1 channels, optical in and out etc on mine08:44
jedi__why it works perfectly!08:44
Tommy2k4i got incredibly better sound quality on integrated audio than i did on my audigy208:44
Tommy2k4i always thought it was the speakers but i tried a diff pc and it was miles better08:44
koshI have an audigy2 zs plat pro, better audio quality then anything else I have run into included all the built in stuff08:44
Tommy2k4could of been that the audigy was a few years old though but i dunno08:44
koshTommy2k4: let me guess you got things like pops and so forth in the audio?08:45
Tommy2k4no it just sucked at bass08:45
Tommy2k4i had to have the bass turned off in creative mixer08:45
koshunder windows you ran the speaker calibrator right and you know what the various bass settings and cutoff values are for right? ie all the stuff in the manual08:46
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h3sp4wnkosh: Does it have balanced outputs ?08:46
koshit is a very complex card to setup08:46
jedi__noh anyway  I just migrate from suse to kubuntu and I ma pretty satisfied. I am still a newbie but kubuntu is cool08:46
koshh3sp4wn: not sure what that means08:46
Tommy2k4it was only a 2 speaker setup08:46
kosh2 speaker? then how can you have base?08:46
jedi__easy to set up08:46
Tommy2k4you can still hear bass on 2 speakers...08:47
Tommy2k4even on headphones08:47
h3sp4wnkosh: Outputs at pro audio levels as apposed to consumer grade08:47
koshoh geeze that is not what I qualify as bass08:47
koshI have used some monitor headphones and I can hear some fairly low tones on them but I would not qualify that as bass08:47
Tommy2k4and the fact that it couldnt handle bass on 2 speakers proves how bad it was08:48
h3sp4wnkosh: I have some active monitors that produce a huge amount of bass08:48
koshno headphones or small two speaker system can make real bass since their cones are just not big enough08:48
BKajkosh, I forced k3b to format ...seems to have worked but I won't know for sure cuz now it won't mount :)08:48
BKajgonna check in wondows08:48
koshBKaj: I don't think it it supposed to moutn if it is formatted, there is nothing on the disc08:48
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Bassettsgah my highlight is off the scale08:49
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h3sp4wnkosh: Monitor headphones are supposed to give a flat response you probably want DJ headphones if you want to emphasise the bass08:50
koshI don't use headphones08:50
koshI use a nice 7.1 speaker setup08:51
koshheadphones are okay but they can't produce the bass that a large sub can08:51
koshthey just can't drive those ranges08:51
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{RHi all08:51
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h3sp4wnMy monitors can produce alot of bass (but they weigh alot)08:51
koshh3sp4wn: http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=205&product=9107&nav=compare08:52
koshh3sp4wn: that is the audigy 2 zs plat pro stuff which is what I have08:52
h3sp4wnkosh: I have an m-audio delta 44 and an emu 0404 (I think emu is called creative professional these days)08:53
koshh3sp4wn: http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=4&subcategory=113&product=9306  those are the speakers I have for it08:53
Ollysomeone can give me a hint how to reconfigure xorg using proprietary nvidia drivers? unfortunately wrecked my config, it seems. :/08:53
koshh3sp4wn: I just like good sounding music and under windows for it to do all the eax stuff for games my profession is writing database software08:53
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h3sp4wnkosh: Does the creative stuff still run internally at 48000 with no other clocks ?08:54
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koshh3sp4wn: not even a slight clue on that one08:56
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koshh3sp4wn: it sound good which is what mattered to me and it is supported under linux with all the features I needed08:56
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irieliondoes anyone has experience with aragon ntfs for linux?09:04
irielionthey claim it is totally safe, but is it?09:04
irielioni installed version 5.x09:04
|lostbyte|Hi, where can i find the grub splash of the current one ?09:04
koshsorry no idea09:04
v3ctori would use it with caution09:04
Lil_Eaglentfs yes, not safe to write, just to read09:04
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irielionbut they say writing is no problem09:05
irielionim not talking about the open source one09:05
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Lil_Eaglewell, I would make a backup then try it.09:05
rljhow to i change the system language (including the $LANG variable)09:05
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v3ctordo they offer to restore your data for free if it corrputs?09:05
Lil_Eaglegrub splash is in /boot/grub usually called mysplash.xpm.gz09:06
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irielionv3ctor, no they don't i think09:08
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v3ctoririelion: then make sure you have a good backup of the ntfs partition before testing09:09
v3ctortrust no one09:09
chillfaktorBazzi: ...09:09
irielionyea i already mount one of my discs and it worked fine09:09
irielionbut you never know later09:09
BKajtill trying to fix the drpped first letter prob09:09
irielionthats why i wanne know about the experience of other users...09:10
irielionbut i read almost nothing about it09:10
h3sp4wnWhy not use the fuse module ?09:10
h3sp4wncaptive-ntfs (that is supposed to be ok)09:10
koshpersonally I would not trust anything to write to ntfs correctly09:11
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koshlast I checked it was not really documented anywhere so you are dealing with reverse engineered stuff to a format that microsoft has changed more then a few times09:11
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h3sp4wncaptive-ntfs uses ntfs.sys so works as well as that does (in the same way as ndis-wrapper)09:12
h3sp4wn(But I wouldn't use either)09:12
koshthat is assuming all the ntfs is in ntfs.sys09:12
koshthat is not a bet I would make on windows09:12
h3sp4wnI think if you do lose everything then maybe you won't bother reinstalling the junk09:13
irielionbut the captive module seems to be quite slow09:13
koshgiven what it is doing that would not surprise me09:13
koshprobably safer though09:13
koshhowever if you want fast access why not use some other filesystem?09:13
Bennnerhello, i need help with Apache, i installed it very well, configured httpd.conf, i start the server, when i type my adress, i get this error "FORBIDDEN You don't have permission to access / on this server" i tried sudo chmod 775 /home/server/dir but without luck09:13
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koshwhy do you need fast access to ntfs? the only time filesystem matters is on the same box pretty much09:13
koshsince over the network the filesystems are hidden09:13
crimsun(and slow as hades, I might add)09:14
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irielioncuz... some time ago i switch back to windows for some time and i converted my music drive to ntfs cuz i hate FAT and winxp doesnt support the ext2/3 systems very well09:14
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irielioni you guy know a file system that works almost as good under linux as under windows then tell me09:14
crimsunext2fsd is what I use in XP09:14
koshwhy do you hate fat32?09:14
relixlet me guess:09:15
irielioncuz it is old and really worst ineffient stuff it hink09:15
koshah so no real reason then09:15
Lil_EagleBenner check .htaccess09:15
relixlimit on filecount in 1 dir, max 4gb files, filenames that aren't unicdoed09:15
relixI've had problems with all three of them09:15
koshntfs comes from the os/2 days which was around windows 3.009:15
irielioninefficient,, defragmeting etc, thx relix09:15
irielionunicode support09:15
koshfat32 comes from around windows 9809:15
irielionwhat more fs does windows fully support?09:16
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irielionnuthin i guess09:16
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BennnerLil_Eagle: .htaccess is a file or a line in a file?09:16
relixfat16, fat32, ntfs, cdfs (?)09:16
irielionyea that sucks09:16
koshactually ntfs fragments worse then fat32 does and the inefficiency differs by less then 1% for music type fiels even on a many gb partition09:16
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koshntfs was based on hpfs09:17
holotoneLil_Eagle: .htaccess is an independent file.09:17
BKajNTFS= Nerver The Same File09:17
Lil_EagleBenner:  file.  Check inside.  I've gotta run.  sorry can't help more.09:17
irielionbut fat32 does support a partition size of 40 gB+09:17
om__is there a KDE aim and msn chat program that's better than Kopete?09:18
Bennnerok thanks you anyways09:18
om__for some reason Kopete doesnt let me send files through msn09:18
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weihellowhy not try aim09:18
relixom: yeah, I have the same problem09:18
weihellowhy not try gaim09:18
relixthere's gaim09:18
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irielionom__, cuz kopete uses reversed engineering and i will never work very unless you manage to emulate msn messenger09:19
om__do i need the gnome libs for gaim?09:19
dereksom__: nope09:19
Bennnerwhere is that supose to be that .htaccess file ?09:19
om__oh ok cool09:19
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weihellonope?  what does it mean?09:19
dereksom__: gaim-data (= 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10), libao2 (>= 0.8.6), libaspell15 (>= 0.60), libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0), libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1), libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0), libgcrypt11 (>= 1.2.2), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.10.0), libgnutls12 (>= 1.2.5), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.8.0), libgtkspell0 (>= 2.0.2), libice6, liblaunchpad-integration0 (>= 0.0patch26), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.2), libsm6, libstartup-notification009:19
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koshfat32 max size is 8TB09:20
koshthe max practical size is about 127GB09:21
koshhowever windows won't create a fat32 filesystem larger then 32gb even though it can read and write it09:21
Bennnerhello, i need help with Apache, i installed it very well, configured httpd.conf, i start the server, when i type my adress, i get this error "FORBIDDEN You don't have permission to access / on this server" i tried sudo chmod 775 /home/server/dir but without luck09:21
koshit says in their docs that their tools will refuse to do it even though the filesystem is easily capable of it09:22
uniqkosh: isn't it 2TB ? max?09:22
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Kr4t05This is why I'm going to format my music drive as Reiser. 8-)09:22
koshuniq: nope I looked up the tech docs09:23
weihellohow many songs have you......09:23
uniqkosh: ok, noted.09:23
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koshI juse use xfs right now but will probalby use ext3 next time09:23
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uniqi use all ext3.09:23
admiral_proFTWsame here09:24
Kr4t05weihello, I plan to break 5GB by the end of the week.09:24
irielioni prefer reiser, but that is even worst supported then ext209:24
koshreiser I have lost too much stuff with on reiserv3 and I won't touch reiserfsv4 for a long time09:24
uniqreiser has crashed on me a few times. no more chances.09:24
koshxfs I have never lost anything with09:24
koshhowever ext3 seems to get a lot more active work and it is simpler09:24
admiral_proFTWi never lost anything except using NTFS09:24
Kr4t05really? It worked fine with Breezy, when I used Reiser.09:24
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irielionKr4t05, i mean under windows, im sorry09:25
uniqzfs sounds wild. no more limits :)09:25
irielionKr4t05, im more interested in 2 side compatibilties09:25
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Kr4t05irielion, so was I. I just dumped Windows today09:25
admiral_proFTWKr4t05, i did that a while back09:25
heinkel_111hello :)09:25
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Kr4t05I'll go back to it when I start college, unless someone convinces me to try Vista.09:26
admiral_proFTWbest decision i made for computing09:26
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admiral_proFTWKr4t05, vista sucks09:26
irielionKr4t05, i have ran linux for like 5 years, but i need programs like google talk and msn and skype09:26
Kr4t05I'm comfortable enough with Linux now, that I really don't need Windows for anything other than gaming.09:26
irielionand gaming sometimes09:26
Kr4t05And, even then, if I can get Cegeda to work, I'll be set.09:26
heinkel_111my dapper does not seem to swap; according to ksyswatch...is this a problem or just somehting strange?09:27
admiral_proFTWKr4t05, yea i dont really game anymore09:27
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admiral_proFTWso i'm fine09:27
admiral_proFTWheinkel_111, technically you dont need a swap09:27
Kr4t05irielion, there is an ubuntu deb package for Skype.09:27
admiral_proFTWbut under heavy loads, its handy09:27
irielionKr4t05, the skype version sux09:27
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irielionthe linux skype version09:27
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heinkel_111admiral_proFTW:  don't need it? but I have 5 Gb disk space assigned to it...shouldn't it improve system performance09:28
Kr4t05Well, there are also free alternatives.09:28
Kr4t05heinkel_111, how much RAM do you have?09:28
Bennnerhello, i need help with Apache, i installed it very well, configured httpd.conf, i start the server, when i type my adress, i get this error "FORBIDDEN You don't have permission to access / on this server" i tried sudo chmod 775 /home/server/dir but without luck09:28
heinkel_1112.5 Gb09:28
uniqheinkel_111: check 'cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness' - mine is 60, and then you could check 'cat /proc/swaps'09:28
BKajf I can get the windows network printer to work I'll be fairly pleased with Kubuntu , but I have yet to come across adistro that I can config without much trouble and get results09:28
Kr4t05heinkel_111, Trust me, you don't need a swap09:28
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uniqbennner: is there a index.php or index.html in the directory?09:29
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Kr4t05heinkel_111, I have 1GB and I hardly use the swap.09:29
admiral_proFTWheinkel_111, if i'm not mistaken you use your swap after your RAM is used09:29
heinkel_111uniq:  :) what is the purpose of that file?09:29
uniqkr4t05: linux will be faster with swap. swap is recommended.09:29
admiral_proFTWsimilar to windows "virtual memory"09:29
Kr4t05uniq, yes. But, he has 2.5GB RAM.09:29
uniqkr4t05: doesn't matter, swap is recommended. :)09:29
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admiral_proFTWlike I said, under heavy loads, linux uses your swap to handle the system process09:29
admiral_proFTWuniq, yes but not required09:30
Kr4t05uniq, I wasn't saying he should disable swap.09:30
Bennneruniq: yes index.htm09:30
heinkel_111uniq: my cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness = 6009:30
heinkel_111what does this mean?09:30
Kr4t05uniq, I was merely stating that the system would use a swap partition.09:30
uniqbennner: check if index.htm is in DirectoryIndex directives in your apache config.09:30
Kr4t05Unless something is really eating his memory.09:30
Kr4t05I know what's recommended and not recommended. :)09:30
Bennneryes i added it manually, there's index.htm and index.html09:31
irielionKr4t05, but whats the need for free alternatives if everyone uses skype09:31
heinkel_111i have noticecd some strange behavior from xorg lately09:31
heinkel_111and wondered if no swapping was part of the answer09:31
admiral_proFTWheinkel_111, no09:31
Kr4t05irielion, let me check09:31
Kr4t05irielion, better yet, check the repos. ;)09:31
admiral_proFTWoh i thought that was a question09:31
uniqheinkel_111: is /proc/swaps empty or is your swap partition active?09:31
Fiya_werkinhm, looks like kxdocker runs a bit slow over an nx desktop hehe09:31
Kr4t05irielion, "sudo apt-cache search VoIP09:31
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AmdusciasAnyone here, who manged to install / compile the Nforce Audio Drivers? got some nifty problem here ;o)09:32
deinhow do i get xfce functioning in kubuntu?09:32
irielionKr4t05, what??? did you understand my question, everyone uses skype. All those programs are incompatible with skype09:32
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Bennneruniq: is it possible this is because this is a fat32 mounted drive?09:32
Amdusciasdein apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:32
heinkel_111uniq: it is completely empty...used 009:32
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GullyFoylei wonder if katapult will run under fluxbox if i put it in ~/.fluxbox/startup09:32
Amdusciasthen in kdm select session xfce ;)09:32
uniqbennner: can www-data cd into /home and /home/server/dir?09:32
Kr4t05irielion, my mistake, I thought you meant a program that did what skype does.09:32
deinthat wont override my kubuntu will it?09:33
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Kr4t05irielion, I meant VoIP clients in genereal. :P09:33
uniqbennner: might be. if the umask is set to something that makes the file executeable :)09:33
Amdusciasno it won'T harm anything09:33
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deink thanks09:33
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irielionKr4t05, yea there are enough alternatives like google talk (which is compatible with any other client cuz they use standard)09:33
cotrolerwhat is the command to install gnome in kubuntu (which has kde)  pls??/09:34
uniqheinkel_111: as long as it's there, and has priority -1 it's all good.09:34
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uniqcotroler: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:34
Bennneruniq: can www-data cd into /home and /home/server/dir? i dont understand what you mean09:34
heinkel_111ok, that is confirmed09:34
cotroleruniq tnx!!!09:34
Kr4t05irielion, right, I'm not sure. then. Just use Windows untill the Linux version of skype is better.09:34
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irielionKr4t05, yeap thats what i do09:34
heinkel_111duniq: does this mean dapper handles swap differently from breezy?09:34
heinkel_111uniq: does this mean dapper handles swap differently from breezy?09:35
uniqheinkel_111: shouldn't be big changes, i don't follow kerenl changes. dapper swapps here, though i have only 512M mem.09:35
irielionKr4t05, anyhow i dont care to much about my computer no more, im not a nerd anymore, but i still got the knowlegde, nice for CV09:35
zorglu1hehe :)09:35
heinkel_111k...thanks uniq, you are very helpful :)09:35
zorglu1computer are for nerd! :)09:36
Kr4t05Poor people.09:36
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koshswap is handled pretty much the same between breezy and dapper09:36
cotroleri don't know...just asking....is there any site which ofers video tutorials for kubuntu?09:36
irielionow sorry people, face the truth09:36
koshthere are minor changes in how the kernel does things but not much09:36
Kr4t05cotroler, not that I've ever heard of.09:36
zorglu1irielion: hehe :)09:36
irielionhanging in the chatroom all day, well there are plenty of beautiful women outside that are waiting for you guys09:37
irielionwhile there are09:37
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cotrolerKr4t05: k tnx anyway....i didn't find 209:37
koshif you want to do anything complex with a computer you need to know what you are doing09:37
zorglu1irielion: hehe :) you forgot the cliche 'get a life' to be fully complete :)09:37
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cotrolerbtw how do you do a red text like you did Kr4t05  ?09:37
admiral_proFTWzorglu1, A nerd is you!09:37
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irielionhaha yea definately09:38
Fiya_werkincotroler: think its red when someone uses your name in a line, to get your attention09:38
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:38
irielionin xchat it does09:38
zorglu1irielion: dont worry it is ok not to understand computers, a lot of people dont :)09:38
cotroleroh ic so t gets automatic...tnx m809:38
hsn_is there gui editor for configuring services to run at startup?09:39
irielionzorglu1, i do understand computers... i have used linux for long time and i also did some programming... but i got other interests now ;)09:39
koshhsn_: ksysv09:39
uniqhsn_: ksysv09:39
zorglu1irielion: ok :)09:39
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koshI have run into lots of people that write software and don't really understand computers09:40
koshthankfully fixing stuff pays fairly well09:40
hsn_what package is needed for ksysv? i don't have it09:40
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irielionactually thats why i like (k)ubuntu, cuz it is usuable for people that dont care about their computer09:40
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uniqhsn_: 'ksysv'09:40
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Fiya_werkinkosh: i think most hardware people dont' like much to program, and vice versa09:40
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VonGeistkosh: you just described half of my last job's programming department09:40
irielionand youre not breaking the law or wasting money on software that is exactly the same and free on linux09:41
uniqhsn_: it's in kdeadmin if that's what you mean.09:41
irielionlike k3b vs nero09:41
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cotroleri just registered my nick, how do i make it to auto login pls????09:41
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irielionmsg Nickserv Identify passwd09:41
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koshFiya_werkin: most people that think of themselves are hardware people know less about hardware then they do about software09:41
cotroleririelion: do i have to type that everytime?09:42
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hsn_what is default runlevel?09:42
Fiya_werkinkosh: you could insert almost any job description in that statement, not just hardware people :) and computers09:42
irielioncotroler, no which client do u use?09:42
Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed AGAIN09:42
koshFiya_werkin: that is true09:43
Tommy2k4at this rate ill have to go back to windows09:43
cotrolerKonversation irielion09:43
irielionin xchat you go to server option09:43
Fiya_werkinkosh: not to mention, there's lots of different types of hardware09:43
Tommy2k4this time it happened while i was compiling something aswell :@09:43
koshTommy2k4: I think you have hardware problems09:43
koshTommy2k4: hmm crashing while compiling is usuing a memory problem09:43
irielionhmm i dont know exactly then, but check the setting for starting up the spec. channel09:43
Fiya_werkinkosh: someone may be good with desktops and not know a thing about mainframes09:43
irielionTommy2k4, or you have a corrupted install09:43
Tommy2k4nah its happened many times while not compiling09:43
irielionTommy2k4, how did you install?09:43
cotrolerk tnx for now irielion09:43
Tommy2k4just a coincidence09:43
irielioncotroler, be free to ask help later09:43
irielionTommy2k4, how did you install?09:44
zorglu1Tommy2k4: take a 'rescuecd' and test your memory. it is called memtest86 from memory09:44
koshactually Tommy2k4 I think you should run memtest86+ on your system09:44
Tommy2k4ive did memtest86 before09:44
Tommy2k4no errors09:44
koshthen the problem is some other piece of hardware09:44
zorglu1Tommy2k4: no /var/log/messages stuff ?09:44
Tommy2k4the crashes are much more often than before i did the memtest thogh09:44
admiral_proFTWTommy2k4, What are you doing when it crashes09:44
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: the point is crashing on well configured box is very rare09:45
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koshadmiral_proFTW: he has had it crash on everything from playing music to compiling09:45
zorglu1Tommy2k4: so the goal is to findout where is the issue :)09:45
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zorglu1kosh: maybe some issue with a driver too09:45
admiral_proFTWmight try running a few comand line apps ond looking for an error09:45
koshit could be a driver but those usually work well unless the hardware is bad09:46
admiral_proFTWwhat is the carsh exactly09:46
koshhowever it could easily be temperature09:46
VonGeistcould be overheating09:46
koshor power supply09:46
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Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 i explain about it there09:46
VonGeistlol, great minds think alike, kosh09:46
admiral_proFTWtry running it in recovery mode09:46
koshTommy2k4: you said it is a dell, have you added ANY hardware to the box beyond what it shipped with?09:46
admiral_proFTWTommy2k4, you might have to reconfigure X09:46
koshI just know that last I checked dell shipped very borderline power supplies and systems with barely adequate cooling09:47
zorglu1Tommy2k4: hue ? what do you mean ? crashing = X window issue ?09:47
zorglu1ok some definition bug :)09:47
zorglu1Tommy2k4: you didnt have a talk about you using a ATI card ?09:47
Tommy2k4nope integrated09:47
admiral_proFTWwait you did09:48
Tommy2k4ive already reconfigured xorg.conf today09:48
koshsometimes I wish you could not even ship intergrated graphics cards09:48
admiral_proFTWkosh, i've had no problem with heat or power on any dells i've worked with09:48
zorglu1ohhh acpi ? apm ?09:48
zorglu1this will messup the monitor09:48
koshthey are cheaper but the ones that share with main memory are not very good09:48
Tommy2k4this dell is a few years old09:48
admiral_proFTWTommy2k4, yea i just read that09:48
admiral_proFTWTommy2k4, you try recovery mode?09:49
koshadmiral_proFTW: that is why I said barely adequate, if you don't change anything int he box you are usually ok, if you add anything you will usually push it over09:49
Tommy2k4i dont see how it will help though because its not a crash i can cause09:49
Tommy2k4it happens randomly after ive been booted up for a while09:49
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admiral_proFTWkosh, I've added TV tuners, graphics cards, etc09:49
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visik7any australian here :)09:49
zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok next time it happens try to 'press capslock on and off and see if the leds changes'09:50
Tommy2k4it changes with num lock09:50
Tommy2k4i presume caps lock will be the same09:50
unix_infidelhey guys, i'm looking for a way to get a flux keybind to map to a click action.  I've already got flux keybinds to move the mouse cursor, but i havent been able to find a program that allows me to simulate a click action right below where the current cursor position is.09:50
koshso the system itself is not locked up then09:50
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: oh so the kernel is still alive09:51
Tommy2k4but music stops playing09:51
LiteHeddedi have a scsi adapter how do I see if it's supported?09:51
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unix_infidelSo far i've been able to get xwit to raise and focus the window, and that works well for terms and such.09:51
zorglu1Tommy2k4: which program do you use for playing music ?09:51
unix_infidelBut i havent been able to get any program to emulate or do native X click action.09:51
Tommy2k4xmms atm09:51
zorglu1Tommy2k4: a graphical one ?09:51
Tommy2k4because amarok crashes when i try to play wma09:51
Tommy2k4i guess i should also point out09:51
zorglu1Tommy2k4: can you reproduce the 'crash' ?09:52
Tommy2k4you know i said theres lots of vertical lines before the frequency error09:52
koshunix_infidel: you know that kde has mouse emulation with a keyboard built in right?09:52
Tommy2k4the music doesnt stop until the frequency error comes up09:52
admiral_proFTWyou can configure it to amarok to work09:52
Tommy2k4no zorglu1 it happens randomly09:52
koshthat doesn't make sense, why would the onboard video card send a corrupted signal to the monitor under the light load of a media playing application09:52
zorglu1Tommy2k4: the frequency stuff smell like a low level issue with the video card09:52
koshzorglu1: that is why I said hardware issue, heat or power supply :)09:53
Kr4t05I'm trying to install Cedega from CVS, and all it does is spam me...09:53
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Tommy2k4its happened 3 times in a row because of taking a screenshot09:53
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unix_infidelkosh: i dont use kde i use flux.09:53
zorglu1Tommy2k4: have you tried to use 'fb' as video ?09:53
Tommy2k4the past 2 times i wasnt take a screeny though09:53
unix_infidelis it daemon dependent to where i can use it that way?09:53
koshunix_infidel: ah don't know then, but you are in a kde channel :)09:53
zorglu1Tommy2k4: this is a way to access the grapahical card via standard stuff (but slow one)09:53
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: it is fails with 'fb' too, we can say 'ok this is not the video driver'09:54
Tommy2k4how do i try it09:54
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: i dunno :) this is a conjonction of boot option and X config. i dont use ubuntu i cant say :)09:54
Tommy2k4fb = ?09:55
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koshzorglu1: that configures the same in every dist, same kernel options and same xorg.conf options09:55
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: another thing, (i) play the sound via a pure text stuff to test (ii) try to find a way to reproduce the thing09:55
koshhowever I don't use it09:55
zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep framebuffer09:55
Tommy2k4i remember an option about that when reconfiguring xorg today09:56
Tommy2k4should i reconfigure it with it turned off09:56
Tommy2k4and maybe i should dedidate some ram to the video chip09:56
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negociois another DOS emulator like dosbox?09:56
koshTommy2k4: umm how is it running now? it doesn't have dedicated ram?09:56
Tommy2k4shared probably?09:56
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Tommy2k4dont all (older?) integrated chips use shared memory09:57
biffheroshared memory is a new thing.  it used to only come on the video card.09:57
koshI suspect that almost none have any dedicated memory, at least not the way that term is usually ment09:57
biffhero128k, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M09:57
koshbiffhero: it is not a new thing at least not very new, these embedded video cards which shared memory with main ram have been around for around 10 years now09:58
koshbiffhero: they still suck just as much now as they did then09:58
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koshit is sad that you can usally pick up a $30 video card and end up with something 10x faster and more stable09:58
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crimsuntry attaching a $30 video card to a laptop =)09:58
koshactually some of the higher end laptops now have upgradeable video cards09:59
cps1966crimsun: get an alienware09:59
koshthere are even some laptops and have an sli nvidia 7900s series cards09:59
zorglu1Tommy2k4: another thing, next time it crash, back up the /var/log/messagee file, and have an experienced guy to look at it.09:59
Jack_Sparrowwhat program do I use to play dvd's I instaled okle it openes the first screen of the dvd then it ll shuts down.09:59
BKajonder if this works now09:59
Tommy2k4i have /var/log/messages open now10:00
koshJack_Sparrow: I usually use kaffeine10:00
crimsunI like this Canonical-sponsored ThinkPad X41-2527 just the way it is10:00
Jack_SparrowI will try that thanks10:00
koshcrimsun: overall though I hate laptops10:00
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crimsunkosh: I used to be the same way10:00
zorglu1Tommy2k4: dump it in a paste bin. i go for a smoke and be back10:00
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koshcrimsun: too slow,  not enough screen realastate, not enough ram etc10:00
Chozabuman, id love to have any kinda laptop10:00
crimsunthen I started travelling for work, and lugging a minitower just doesn't cut it10:01
koshI don't travel around10:01
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Chozabuid be ok with a 100 mhz, 64 mb ram heap...10:01
crimsunChozabu: not with KDE you wouldn't.10:01
Chozabucrimsun, i so would! i can bring a book with me :)10:01
BKajany ideas why I'm losing the first letter of each sentence? I have to hit the space bar in order to get it to show ... *V*10:02
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koshI have 2G of ram right now and I probably need close to 4-6 so my next box will have 8G10:02
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BKajwhy so much ?10:02
Tommy2k4/var/log/messages is huge10:02
Chozabui have 512 megs10:02
Chozabunext box will be 1-4 gigs10:02
koshI write custom database stuff10:02
Tommy2k4Jun 26 19:38:33 tommy-linux syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart.10:03
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koshheck I have 4 monitors right now 2 19 and 2 17 and I plan to upgrade to 4 30s10:03
Tommy2k4does it say restart in the message log after i reboot?10:03
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koshwhen tests take hours to run it is easy to justify a vastly more powerful machine10:03
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koshsince you get a lot more work done in a day, so you get the contracts done faster etc10:03
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Chozabuwhen you CBA to get a job, its hard to justifiy a powerful machine, but it is very relaxing :10:04
Nirvana#kubuntu-offtopic guys.... and speaking of RAM, how can I put some RAM in an old laptop with 192mb? I know where it goes, but I don't know how to remove the old RAM to put the new stuff in, it seems like it's glue in there.10:04
Chozabusaving up from part time jobs a lil10:04
Chozabuhaha, sorry10:04
deini installed xubuntu-desktop, and ran xfce, but the panels are missing from it10:04
deinany idea what's wrong?10:05
koshNirvana: you probably can't10:05
Tommy2k4Nirvana,  maybe there's some clips to either side of it10:05
Nirvanamaybe time to take a picture?10:05
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Nirvanathis computer was refurished by a friend of my parents10:06
Nirvanahe added 64mb/ram to the existing 128, so there must be a way10:06
crimsundein: from Kubuntu?10:07
Tommy2k4if all fails just force it out :p10:07
crimsundein: you're lucky Xfce even started successfully. Did you move ~/.gtkrc-2.0 out of the way?10:07
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Tommy2k4does "syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart." get added to /var/log/messages while booting up instead of while shutting down?10:07
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deini dont have a .gtkrc in my home folder10:08
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crimsundein: ~/.gtkrc-2.0, not ~/.gtkrc10:08
deini dont have either10:09
deinlast .g file is /.gstreamer-0.1010:09
deinshould i install gtkrc-2.0?10:10
zorglu1Tommy2k4: do 'uname -r' to get the kernel version10:10
Tommy2k4does "syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart." get added to /var/log/messages while booting up instead of while shutting down?10:11
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: then grep for this number in the /var/log/messages, it got added each time a kernel boot10:11
zorglu1Tommy2k4: i think it is when shutting down10:11
biffherotommy: what is the timestamp on it?  is it close to the time that the other stuff got added?10:11
biffherotommy2k4: i also presume it is when shuting down.10:11
zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep the timestamp will help you10:11
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deincan anyone help?10:11
Tommy2k4from the timestamp and the stuff that gets added after makes me think its while booting up10:11
svivianHas anyone else noticed that some major packages in Dapper install fine, but never show up on the k menu?10:12
Tommy2k4even after reboot?10:12
zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok dump the stuff then10:12
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svivianI just installed GIMP and Dia, and neither one shows up in the menu. Xscreensaver did the same thing.10:12
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Tommy2k4k ill just do the stuff after the last rebot10:13
Tommy2k420:40:15 must be when i boot after the crash10:14
Tommy2k4as u can see theres no errors before/during the crash10:14
Tommy2k4ignoring the smb errors that is10:15
negocioi need to run dos programs10:15
negocioi try it but need another10:16
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negociowhere i get it?10:16
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BKajgodamn this pisses me off ! WTF is with this ?10:17
svivianBKaj: What's going on?10:17
negocioi need another10:18
zorglu1Tommy2k4: SET: Misaligned resource pointer: seems to be related to acpi, you should try the kernel boot option which are 'safer'10:18
zorglu1Tommy2k4: keeping looking at your messages10:19
BKajI have to hit the sapcebar before I begin typing in this client or the first letter is dropped10:19
negocioi try vmware but it doesnt run on my machine10:19
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: safer = noacpi noapm etc...10:19
negocioplease need help10:19
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BKajxchat works ok , but I prefer this10:19
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:19
negocioim using acctually dosbox, but its slowly10:19
negocioi need another one10:20
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svivianBKaj: This being Konversation?10:20
BKajyes svivian10:20
Tommy2k4kernel boot option? is that on the grub menu where i can choose to boot into windows10:20
zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep i dont see anything that bad in it. so if i where you i would try to boot with 'safer' boot option10:21
BKajI made some changes to my keyboard10:21
zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep the boot option have to be set in grub menu10:21
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negociohow can i speed up my kubuntu10:21
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negocioi have a k6 350 and 256ram10:22
Tommy2k4k ill reboot into kernel mode10:22
pike_negocio: install xubuntu? :)10:22
negocioi try it10:22
Tommy2k4then ill try to compile amarok 1.4.1 since it crashed during compile last time10:22
negociobut it have a bad translation10:22
omeowStill the same problem, Tommy2k4? =/10:22
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om_how do i check how much space i have left on my hdd?10:22
zorglu1Tommy2k4: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185070.html seems related10:22
pike_om_: df -h10:22
negociopike, i try but i speak spanish, and xfce have a bad trasnlation10:23
zorglu1Tommy2k4: he did noacpi10:23
omeowom_: You could also refer to kinfocenter10:23
negociohow can i disable starting services to speed up my kubuntu10:23
negocioi love kubuntu10:23
Kr4t05amarok won't play MP3s, and I have libxine-extracodecs10:23
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi think u need to install something like lame-dev10:24
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi think thats what the lib is called10:25
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Tommy2k4zorglu1, so i need to add a --noacpi option to grub.conf (if one doesnt exist already)10:25
zorglu1Tommy2k4: unsure about the way to add it10:26
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: booting my ubuntu to watch :)10:26
Tommy2k4wheres grub.conf10:26
cps1966Tommy2k4: in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:26
zorglu1Tommy2k4: /boot/grub10:26
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdnegocio: run kcontrol go to system admininst / system services10:27
zorglu1Tommy2k4: apparently the last kernel seems to have issue as you are clearly not the only one to have this issue10:27
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: you may try another kernel, an older one, maybe10:28
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhat issues10:28
zorglu1n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: random freeze http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185070.html10:28
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svivianHas anyone else noticed that some major packages in Dapper install fine, but never show up on the k menu?10:29
Tommy2k4in my menu.lst there is 2 kernels, kernel 2.6.15-25-386 and kernel 2.6.15-23-38610:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdpossibly on some systems , its been working well on my system10:29
negociowhere is kcontrol10:29
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdalt+F2 , type kcontrol ,hit enter10:29
Tommy2k4would the -23 be old enough to make a difference zorglu1 ?10:30
Kr4t05amarok still will not play MP3s with libxine-extracodecs or liblame-dev10:30
negociook, i found it10:30
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok in my kubuntu /boot/grub/menu.lst i have a line looking like "# kport=...... acpi=offf noapic nolacpi"10:30
zorglu1Tommy2k4: dunno it doesnt hurt to try :)10:30
zorglu1Tommy2k4: acpi=off i meant10:31
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdKr4t05: are u using the default install amarok?10:31
Tommy2k4mine doesnt have that10:31
zorglu1Tommy2k4: add the "acpi=off noapic nolapic" at the end of you kopt line10:31
wordzorglu1: That line is commented out10:31
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:31
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Kr4t05n0tcuRnaL, I've done that already10:31
eduHey guys, i have a problem about kiomodules :-S10:32
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zorglu1word: this seems like a script parsing those10:32
wordzorglu1: If it is it's a bug in the script not a problem in the menus.list10:33
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: if you dont have those kopt stuff, add that directly at the end of the line 'kernel /root/vmlinuz.....'10:33
zorglu1word: you didnt follow the whole discusion, did you ? :)10:34
Tommy2k4kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash noacpi10:34
zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep that the one10:34
zorglu1Tommy2k4: append 'acpi=off noapic nolapic'10:34
negociook i get it10:34
negocioi have a problem10:34
edui have a problem that says "the module screen couldn't been loaded" does anyone know how to fix it?10:34
zorglu1Tommy2k4: when you will reboot, grub can let you display the boot option, check there are there10:35
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Tommy2k4ok so it says10:36
Tommy2k4kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash apci=off noapic nolapic10:36
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdKr4t05:i istalled the extra codecs and the lame-dev , then i compiled the 141beta , it works well, not sure whats wrong with ur player , does it play anything?10:36
zorglu1Tommy2k4: acpi=off and not apci=off :)10:37
Fiya_werkinhey has anyone used e17 on dapper?10:37
zorglu1Tommy2k4: while at it, do it for both kernel10:37
Tommy2k4i should also point out that both kernels have a recovery mode aswell10:37
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Tommy2k4recovery doesnt say "quiet splash" just says single10:38
wordzorglu1: Nope and i'm just waking up :D10:38
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zorglu1Tommy2k4: yep those you dont care. the 'single' mode is only for very low level recovery10:38
Tommy2k4k time to reoot10:38
Tommy2k4will i notice anything different in noacpi mode10:39
zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok dont forget to check the boot option in grub10:39
zorglu1Tommy2k4: nope, but lets hope the SET: Misaligned resource pointer will disapears from /var/log/messages10:39
Tommy2k4bye xx10:40
zorglu1hope i see you agin :)10:40
Tommy2k4me too lol10:40
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Tommy2k4well i survived10:45
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zorglu1so ?10:46
Tommy2k4what error am i meant to be looking for again the the log?10:47
negocioi need to run a Dos program, i try dosbox, but its slowly, how about another to run foxpro for DOS?10:47
zorglu1          Misaligned Resource Pointer <- Tommy2k410:47
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zorglu1negocio: tryied qemu ? i never used it but it is known to be stable and like 1-2time the native speed10:48
eduhow can i delete a module? :-O10:48
Tommy2k4nope its gone :D10:48
Tommy2k4nothing about acpi at all in the log now10:49
zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok now you wait and pray for 'not hanging' moment :()10:49
Tommy2k4how can i stop this bluetooth stuff from coming on when i bootup10:50
Tommy2k4cos i dont have bluetooth in this pc and i never will10:50
zorglu1Tommy2k4: dunno . i have this too10:50
zorglu1edu: i guess you mean unload a kernel module, do 'sudo rmmod your_module_name'10:51
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negociowhre i get qemu10:52
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo10:52
zorglu1see you can even run xp :)10:52
Tommy2k4time to try and compile amarok again10:52
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zorglu1yep stress the beast and see how it move :)10:53
negociook, thanks10:53
negocioim tring it10:54
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DaSkreechzorglu1: It' runs twice as fast as native speed?10:57
mauzAmarok Crash10:58
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Tommy2k4amarok crashes whenever i try to play a wma10:58
Tommy2k4it played wma fine until i upgaded to 1.410:58
Tommy2k4same engine, same output10:58
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zorglu1DaSkreech: nope twice slower11:01
zorglu1Tommy2k4: #amarok will help you on this one :)11:01
DaSkreechzorglu1: so it's 1-.5 times as fast11:01
Tommy2k4i wish11:01
Tommy2k4ive tried there loads of times11:01
Tommy2k4and they have that dumb bot11:01
Tommy2k4ima try compiling 1.4.1 beta see if that fixes it11:01
zorglu1Tommy2k4: ok11:01
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mauzUse Kaffeine11:03
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thompahi, I cant seem to use qsynaptics anymore11:08
thompait worked fine before to disable touchpad, now all is grayed out11:08
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thompait says synaptic touchpad driver not installed, but i never uninstalled it11:10
scott_what do you guys think of krusader? should i ditch conquerer for it?11:10
mathiohello, i have problems installing kubuntu on laptop11:10
mathioit just stucks when clicking on "install" icon on desktop11:10
mathiothe CD  drive is still reading CD but nothing happens11:11
mathioanyone experienced similar problems yet?11:11
scott_did it happen after partitioning?11:11
drizits going to be slow11:11
drizoops sorry11:11
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mathiono, i just inserted live cd - it loaded ant now its stuck11:12
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mathioi cant even move cursor... now the "install" disapered (after about half an hour)11:13
mathiois it possible my laptop isnt supported by kubuntu? compaq armada with intel celeron11:14
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mathioomg noone can help me on this? :(11:15
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drizthe CD will be slow let it seat for a couple minutes11:16
drizthen try the install again11:16
mathioit is running for half an hour :(11:17
mathiocan i install kubuntu via LAN or from USB?11:17
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drizfrom USB ya11:18
drizyou'll have to google it11:18
drizi forgot the link11:18
relixis it possible to install linux first, and after that install windows?11:19
relixon a differint partition11:19
HawkwindAnything is possible, but it sure is difficult to install Windows last11:19
scott_easier to do other way round11:19
relixI've heard stories of windows ruining the linux's installed11:19
HawkwindBest to install it first by all means11:19
relixawww, ok then ;)11:20
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Tommy2k4amarok still crashing with 1.4.1 when i open a wma :(11:20
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omeowTommy2k4: which wma file are you trying to play?11:21
omeowGot a link?11:21
scott_Tommy2k4: you got correct codecs installed?11:21
Tommy2k4cos it played fine before i upgraded to 1.411:21
scott_might be a bug in 1.411:21
Tommy2k4well its still in 1.4.1 beta then11:22
scott_still very much beta software iirc11:22
Tommy2k41.4 is stable11:22
Tommy2k41.4.1 is beta11:22
Tommy2k4i tried the beta to see if it fixed the bug but it didnt11:22
scott_thought 1.4 was still beta :)11:22
drizstop SPAMMING!!!11:23
Hawkwindleigh_: Please stop11:23
Hawkwindleigh_: Just ask your question11:23
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cps1966call 911 for help11:24
BKajworks fer me :)11:24
leigh_i live in the uk so i'll have to use 99911:24
scott_leigh stop givin us uk'ers a bad name ;)11:24
leigh_yeah i am11:24
BKajtoo late scott_11:25
leigh_who has kubuntu installed?11:25
drizall of us i presume11:25
leigh_some may have ubuntu11:26
BKajhas anyone been able to use the latest K3b vers in Kubuntu 6.06 AMD64?11:26
leigh_what do you gusy think of it?11:26
leigh_i have11:26
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leigh_i got k3b v0.12.1411:27
scott_kubuntu > ubuntu411:27
BKajI have it as well, not too bad except for the dvd codecs and  I haven'y even tried dvd shrink yet :)11:27
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scott_installs less programs and is just generally nicer11:27
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drizI haven't need blank CDs and a files to burn11:27
leigh_i agree scott11:27
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BKajleigh_: in kubuntu ?11:28
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leigh_yes i am11:28
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drizhungry BRB11:28
BKajhow about the latest one leigh_?11:29
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Fiya_werkinyou can use gnome apps and kde apps in the other environment as long as everythings installed right?11:29
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leigh_ i got k3b v0.12.1411:29
Fiya_werkinor will only some work11:30
leigh_i used pakage managemewnt to install it11:30
HawkwindAll should work fine11:30
jeff_how can I have the login screen show all the users, ike XP11:30
Fiya_werkinso is there anything bad about installing ubuntu-desktop from kubuntu or vice versa, other than filesystem space?11:30
leigh_you don't want it to look like xp11:30
jeff_be back WC going to PK's11:30
BKajyeah I tried to get pkgmngmnt to do the 12.16 , but no luck11:31
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ZomMescan i ask something11:31
leigh_if you like kde go with kubuntu, if u like gnome go with ubuntu11:31
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:31
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ZomMesok, how do i share files with windows users on an easy way?11:32
hccmqqrcould somebody help me? i have kubuntu dapper on my computer, but i can't get dualscreen work?11:33
ZomMesis there a x version of it?11:33
BKaj <---not a gnome fan11:33
ZomMesi use kubuntu of course11:33
leigh_kubuntu ownz11:33
hccmqqrhas anyone of you got dualscreen work on kubuntu?11:33
drizKubuntu ROX11:33
leigh_i have to option for a dual screen to work but have not tried it as i only have one screen11:34
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e0fhello everybody, I have ubuntu dapper and Intel ipw3945. Everything works ok but when I try to use Kismet it gives me "unknown capture source type ipw3945 in source ipw3945,eth1,ipw3945" . Do you have some hints for me? Thanks very much11:34
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hccmqqrcould somebody please help?11:34
gatekeeperZomMes: this is what I did after installing samba:11:35
gatekeeperSelect System Settings->Sharing (Internet & Network section).11:35
gatekeeperSelect File Sharing and 'add a folder', use the UI to quickly configure.11:35
robotgeekhccmqqr: hmm, twin view. nope11:35
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:35
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holotoneThis is probably a stupid question, but why can I find democracyplayer via apt-get, but not Adept? I was under the impression that Adept was simply a GUI for apt-get? Even with all repos enabled in Adept, I can still find quite a bit of stuff via apt-get that isn't available in adept.11:35
ZomMesgatekeeper, and then they can connect to it with my ip i guess?11:36
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robotgeekhccmqqr: no, that is incorrect11:36
gatekeeperZomMes: probable :-)11:36
Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed for 6th time today11:37
gatekeeperZomMes: you are not going to share your PC on the internet are you?11:37
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jedi__hi again11:38
holotoneany ideas?11:38
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gatekeeperholotone: I use the cli and synaptic, don't like Adept11:38
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 please help11:38
holotonegatekeeper: Is there a reason that I wouldn't be able to see some packages via Adept?11:39
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Tommy2k4enable the extra repositories11:40
holotoneDoesn't Adept & apt-get use the same sources.list?11:40
gatekeeperholotone: not really sure, I don't really use it, to me synaptic is much better11:40
holotoneI can see democracyplayer via apt-get, but not adept11:40
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jeff_ok, im back how can I get login to show all users with an icon11:40
holotoneOk, I'll check into synaptic.11:40
BKajsome distros don't have synaptic11:40
gatekeeperholotone: yes Adept / Synaptic / apt all use the same list11:41
jedi__I got a major crash while dl the java packages11:41
Tommy2k4if kubuntu keeps crashing im gonna have to go back to windows :(11:41
holotoneif life doesn't get better, I"m going to have to go back to jesus.11:41
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jedi__on the way of reinstalling adept  i lost the adept updater11:42
ZomMesgatekeeper: no i just want to share it with a friend in the same house through the router11:42
jedi__, cant put i back11:42
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Skizzo21Hey everyone I just installed kubuntu but i cant get on to the internet11:42
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jedi__how come??11:43
Skizzo21haha no clue11:43
jedi__you are chatting11:43
Skizzo21i was hopin u guys would no11:43
Skizzo21i have lots of computer11:43
gatekeeperZomMes: that's ok :-)11:43
Skizzo21ive never used linux before :'(11:43
DaSkreechSkizzo21: How do you get onto the internet?11:43
jeff_I'll ask again11:43
Skizzo21through a router11:44
holotoneSkizzo21:  are you trying to connect via wireless or ethernet?11:44
jeff_how do i get all user to show on login scren11:44
jedi__hey but how come you can chat with us??? and cant go on the net....11:44
Skizzo21because i have a router and im on my windows computer ;-)11:44
jedi__do you have ethernet  on you linux cmp?11:45
Skizzo21its connected right now11:45
relixso... how big a partition should I make for kubuntu install?11:45
jeff_can the linux ping the loop address11:45
jeff_can it ping the it ip11:45
jeff_can it ping the router11:45
jedi__it should have detected it even with the router on....11:45
Skizzo21how do i ping sorry this is literally my first time11:45
Skizzo21haha this is like sex HAHA11:46
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jedi__ping ""your ip"11:46
|lostbyte|relix, >=3gb11:46
jedi__in a console11:46
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Antarangood day, I'm new to kubuntu, can I synchronize my iPaq with a KDE kalendar, tasks, email etc, how?11:46
jeff_terminal "ping
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Skizzo21i have succesfully pinged it11:47
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jeff_ping the IP11:47
Skizzo21oo ping my nic11:47
Skizzo21hold on11:47
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Skizzo21that works11:47
jeff_ok ping the router11:47
Skizzo21that works11:47
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jeff_should work11:48
jedi__oh shit i did not see the time... got to go to sleep damn it tmrw i have a big day at work!!11:48
jedi__c ya all11:48
Skizzo21opening konqueror now and testing www.cnn.com11:48
Skizzo21An error occurred while loading http://www.cnn.com11:48
Skizzo21Unkown host www.cnn.com11:48
drizHow do i remove wine in it there is the windows version of firefox i was trying to instal shockwave but i gave up?11:49
jeff_can you send eamil11:49
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Skizzo21uhh i cant try?11:49
jeff_i don't know11:50
jeff_try pinging google,com11:50
Skizzo21unable to ping google11:51
jeff_skizzo21 try ping google.com or something11:51
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jeff_something between router and modem11:52
Skizzo21maybe my driver is messed up?11:52
Skizzo21how do i like update a driver11:52
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, can your other pc's access the internet11:52
Skizzo21yes sir11:52
negociook, i have install qemu11:52
drizwhy is it when i Ping a website it just keeps going and going>11:53
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negociohow can i run DOS in it?11:53
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, coud you ping ?11:53
Skizzo21hey jeff.... can i update the driver somehow?11:53
Skizzo21ill try now11:53
jeff_linux does that11:53
jeff_there is a command to stop it11:53
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jeff_but i dont know it11:53
jeff_sorry dont know11:53
Skizzo21lostbyte that is weird11:53
Skizzo21i WAS able too11:53
Skizzo21what IP is that?11:53
daiverCTRL+C to stop it11:53
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, Googles11:54
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, if that worked.. you need to add dns to your resolve.conf in /etc/11:54
Skizzo21how in gods name do i do that11:54
negocioanyone have any idea making DOS work in qemu,11:54
negociohow can i do that?11:54
jeff_beyound me11:55
Skizzo21wow that is interesting i can connect to websites by IP haha11:55
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, kdesu kate /etc/resolv.conf11:55
Skizzo21good thinking lostbyte11:55
jeff_no DNS11:55
Skizzo21is that a command or something?11:55
|lostbyte|yes it is..11:55
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negociohelp running dos in qemu, how?11:56
jeff_will that update the dns11:56
|lostbyte|ok ! now i want you to go on your windows pc.. and type in dos ifconfig /all11:56
jeff_iPconfig /all11:56
jeff_if is linux11:56
|lostbyte|opps yes ! ipconfig11:56
Skizzo21haha aight i did thta11:56
Skizzo21who is kate?11:57
jeff_show DNS Servers11:57
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, you will see dns there.. in windows..11:57
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Skizzo21uh huh11:57
negociopike, are you there?11:58
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|lostbyte|Skizzo21, Kate is a TextEditor11:58
Skizzo21shes up and i have my dns from my windows machine11:59
Skizzo21whats next11:59
Tommy2k4Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.11:59
Tommy2k4i get that for all 3 partitions11:59
Tommy2k4is that bad11:59
Tommy2k4(with fdisk)11:59
gatekeeperSkizzo21: kate has also got a terminal which makes it very usefull11:59
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, ok ! the format is  --------> nameserver <dns_ip>11:59
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, and SAVE it !12:00
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, Now Google.com in your browser will work..12:00
Skizzo21*crosses fingers*12:00
Skizzo21wait so once resolv.conf opens jus type  "nameserver <mydnsip?>12:01
negociocan anyone help me?12:01
|lostbyte|negocio, huh ? can we ?12:01
Skizzo21lostbyte is that what I should do?12:01
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|lostbyte|yes.. replacing that with the dns_ip [and no quote] 12:02
jeff_i think he means the DNS address you saw12:02
franzI'm trying to install kubuntu on a pc with no success:12:03
=== Antaran [i=Antaran@dynamic156-187.tvk.torun.pl] has left #kubuntu []
negocioyes please12:03
negocioi need to run dos en qemu12:03
negocioi have instal qemu12:03
negocioi was tringy12:03
Skizzo21okay i went to "start" whatever its called and hit  run command... and typed  "kdesu kate /ect/reolv.conf"12:03
negociobut my image doesnt have a bootable os12:03
|lostbyte|franz, DOS !! What is that :P12:04
negocioDisk Operating System12:04
=== serpentus [n=serpentu@pc-200-74-95-205.apoquindo3.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu
franzit's nearly finished the process, but "hardware configuration" is like blocked at 94% since  15 mins12:04
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc2-wear3-0-0-cust449.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Skizzo21i then was given an empty text and typed   "   nameserver <> and hit save12:04
relixok thanks lostbyte12:04
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, "etc"12:04
negocioi have a prices list make in DOS and i have to run it12:04
Skizzo21yea sorry i meant etc***12:04
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, no need for "<>"12:04
Skizzo21I LOVE YOU GUYS!12:05
=== _tobias [n=tobias@dslb-084-056-245-057.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
franz|lostbyte|, what you meant before?12:05
negocioquestion: how can i run DOS with qemu?12:05
Tommy2k4kubuntu has crashed for the 7th time today :(12:05
Skizzo21time to test my wireless card :'( brb12:05
Tommy2k4next time im going back to windows12:05
robotgeekTommy2k4: it cant hard lock, can it?12:06
|lostbyte|franz, that was for negocio lolz..12:06
jeff_good stuff12:06
Skizzo21lostbyte im trying to learn here ... so when you get a chance can u explain what opening kate did exactly.....? whenever u get a chance12:06
franzah ok12:06
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 theres my problem12:06
gatekeeperTommy2k4: you sure you haven't got a hardware problem?12:06
|lostbyte|franz, Pls explain "no success" ?12:06
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, kate is a text editor like notepad12:07

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