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mptGoooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:29
mptspiv, bug 39814 is two months old and the fix is probably only one line, can you get to it soon?04:45
UbugtuMalone bug 39814 in launchpad "Misleading login hint" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3981404:45
spivmpt: yeah, it's on my todo list for today.05:01
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mptyay :-)05:30
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zh_denishi to all05:53
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zh_denispeople say me, why i don't gen a letter from shipit when register?06:18
mptzh_denis, your mail provider may delay the delivery of the message from ShipIt if it hasn't received a message from ShipIt before06:44
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spivHmm, test_reconnector.txt failure from PQM again.07:47
jameshare we having a skype conference call today?08:01
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SteveAspiv: did you see the one i had?08:58
spivSteveA: yes, it's the same as the one I got.09:05
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mptSteveA, why does wiki.launchpad.net (sort of) work? Should I make an RT ticket to remove it?09:28
SteveAmpt: wiki.launchpad.net should go nowhere09:29
SteveAif it goes somewhere, that's a bug09:29
mptit goes to wiki.launchpad.canonical.com via a certificate error09:30
SteveAit was supposed to be made to go nowhere, as part of the wiki-moving work09:33
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SteveAjamesh, spiv, stub: call today?09:34
SteveAmpt: call today?09:34
mptI'm just going to get some food, 30 minutes ok?09:35
jameshSteveA: sure.09:36
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mpticy icy icy10:10
=== mpt thaws his hands
stubUnlike my laptop - suspend too RAM seems to stop working after two or three suspends :-(10:12
stubI've got a DELL technician due here in 47 minutes (although with Thai timekeeping, that is +- a few hours)10:13
mpt47 minutes - a few hours would be nifty :-)10:14
stubWouldn't surprise me if they came this morning and had the wrong phone number10:16
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=== SteveA awaits pings from mpt or stub, spiv and jamesh for calls
SteveAthanks jamesh 10:56
stubMy technician is apparently due between now and now+30 mins according to DELL10:58
sabdflSteveA: any idea why the repo branch i put up for review is not getting any diff on jamesh's page?10:59
jameshsabdfl: because the current pending-reviews code picks the parent branch to diff against based on the branch path10:59
SteveAsabdfl: yes.  it is in a launchpad-repo directory, not a 'launchpad' one10:59
SteveAsabdfl: i've almost finished the review10:59
jameshsabdfl: it isn't matching "launchpad.repo"10:59
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sabdfljamesh: could that dir be called "launchpad"?11:00
sabdflor does it have to be launchpad-repo?11:00
jameshsabdfl: sure.  All my LP branches are in a repo called "launchpad"11:00
sabdflcool, thanks muchly11:00
sabdflwill rename shortly11:00
sabdflSteveA: will renaming cause awkwardness for you?11:00
SteveAgo ahea11:01
sabdfli've branched all my old branches into that repo now11:01
sabdflsucked a bit of chinstrap cpu over the w/e upgrading them all11:01
sabdfli'll move dirs tonight11:01
SteveAjamesh: did we decide that it was feasible to use a revision in history rather than a name in the path of a location to tell what the merge target should be ?11:01
jameshSteveA: should be feasible, but I haven't made the change yet11:02
SteveAmpt: how long are you around for today?11:02
mptSteveA, probably for as long as our call lasts, it's already 9pm11:02
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SteveAmpt: then let us have the call now.  i'll get voip set up11:03
stubHmm... skype has forgotten my password. And I forgot it long ago :-(11:06
stubAnyone remember my skype name?11:07
SteveAstub: i will be able to as soon as i restart it11:07
jameshstub: stuartbishop11:07
sabdflSteveA: btw is there a less embarrassing way to do "if type(foo) in [type('sdds'), type(u'dsfsd')] "?11:13
SteveAin the review :-)11:13
SteveA if isinstance(foo, basestring)11:13
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mptSteveA, you hung up, and immediately a large fireworks display began outside11:43
SteveAi like to go off with a bang11:44
mptI knew you'd have a suitable turn of phrase11:44
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stubYay. Techie here.11:56
SteveAsabdfl: review mailed11:58
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carloshi, I had a small network problem...12:04
SteveAstub: what is the techie doing?  are you available for a call?12:05
SteveAspiv: ping12:07
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stubSteveA: All done12:18
SteveAstub: i'm in a bzr-related meeting, and then going for lunch.  i guess i'll miss spiv and jamesh12:19
SteveAwe can catch up later probably if you're still around12:19
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mptSteveA, wiki.launchpad.net's new-found lack of existence is propagating across the Internet as we speak12:50
mptthanks Znarl 12:50
SteveAmpt: great12:56
lifelessreview meeting time..01:02
lifelesswho is here ?01:02
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lifelessI will be 2 minutes, nature calls - sorry.01:04
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lifeless * Roll call01:06
lifeless * Agenda01:06
lifeless * Next meeting01:06
lifeless * Queue status.01:06
lifelessnext week is eurpython.01:07
lifelessI suggest there be a meeting, but someone else run it. Jamesh, would you be willing to do so ?01:07
lifelesssome time and place ok01:08
lifelessthats 0703 at 1100Z01:08
lifelessactions from the last meeting - I forgot to add this to the agenda01:10
lifelessjamesh, SteveA and I had to do a pre-code call each as the coder.01:10
jameshI haven't done one, but wouldn't mind discussing the svn symlink support for cscvs01:11
jamesh(I've started on it, but it'd be useful to talk a bit about what needs implementing)01:11
SteveAi haven't done one, although i did something similar in-person with bjorn01:11
lifelessok. how about you and I do a skype call after I've had lunch.?01:12
SteveAlike, from the same room?01:12
lifelessI haven't done one, but I did something similar in person with keybuk01:12
lifelessqueue status01:13
lifelessone sec, browser giving me grief01:14
lifelessthere are 6 items in the queue01:15
lifelesswith the oldest 3 days old01:15
SteveAone thing i'd like to mention: mark used a demo-url header in a recent addition to pending reviews.  this helped me as a reviewer to give the new UI a look.01:15
lifelessthis is ok, as its the weekend.. but we must not let it grow out of control now01:16
lifelessSteveA: yes, that can be useful.01:17
SteveAi encourage reviewers to *ask* for that01:17
lifelessperhaps reviewers should ask if there are not such urls and there are ui changes ?01:17
SteveAif it is not present01:17
SteveAand the branch has UI changes01:17
SteveAone thing from a recent review01:18
SteveApeople don't seem to know about operator.attrgetter01:18
SteveAthis can avoid the need for many lambdas01:19
SteveAit has a distinctive enough name that i'm fine with it being in module namespaces01:19
SteveAlike   from operator import attrgetter01:19
SteveArather than    import operator01:19
lifelesscan we add this to the lp coding guidelines faq please01:19
SteveAyes.  i'll doit01:20
SteveAeikim  piet!01:20
lifelessany new business?01:20
lifelessmeeting ends, thanks for coming01:21
carlosstub: hi, around?01:22
stubcarlos: Yup01:46
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carlosstub: I have a branch to add initial sampledata support for librarian01:49
carlosbut I would need some input/help to finish it01:49
carloswould you have some time for it?01:49
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=== carlos -> lunch
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lifelessjamesh: so, shall we ?03:15
lifelessjamesh: ping03:21
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lifelessjamesh: so its after lunch here, just ping me and we can do that phone call.03:28
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jameshlifeless: pong03:48
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carlosSteveA: hi04:47
carlosdoes anyone know if kiko will be around today?04:47
SteveAcarlos: i do not know.  maybe matsubara knows04:49
SteveAor salgado perhaps04:49
carlosSteveA: he said last friday he was going to fly to someplace04:50
SteveAah, he'll be in london this week04:50
carlosisn't him in London this week?04:50
carlosok, I was not sure04:51
SteveA         (Malone and Support)04:51
SteveA         BradB, BjornT, Francis, Salgado, Kiko, Mark, Jeff B.04:51
carlosBjornT: around?04:51
SteveAbjorn is in london too04:51
SteveAwhat's up carlos?04:51
carlosSteveA: kiko is working on a branch that blocks some urgent bug fixes04:52
SteveAblocks in what sense?04:52
carlosand I need to know if I could finish and merge that while he's busy04:52
SteveAso, do you know the location of his branch?04:52
carlosSteveA: he's refactoring POFile/POMsgSet views04:52
SteveAwhy does that block the urgent bugfixes?04:52
carloshe sent me a diff last Friday04:53
SteveAwhy does that block the urgent bugfixes?04:53
carlosbecause he asked me to not touch those views at all 04:53
carlosand thus, I cannot fix the bugs I introduced with one of my branches last week04:53
SteveAi think you should make the urgent bugfixes, and send him a diff of what you did04:53
carlosIf he's not around, I will call him 04:53
SteveAkiko can sort it out later04:53
SteveAhe's at the sprint, so he won't have time to work on this for a while04:54
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carlosyeah, but I think he has some extra work done while flying this weekend04:54
SteveAwhat's the worst that could happen?04:54
salgadokiko's around here. I can ping him if needed04:54
SteveAthat kiko gets some conflicts or has a little extra work to do04:54
carlosso if it's near done, I could merge it04:54
carlosSteveA: well, the refactoring was fixing also some of the bugs as a side effect04:54
SteveAsalgado: hi.  can you ask kiko if his pofile / pomsgset views stuff is ready for carlos to land04:55
carlossalgado: yeah please, if he has 5-10 minutes for me would be really good04:55
SteveAsalgado: and if so, say where carlos can get the code04:55
salgadono it's not ready to land. why?04:56
SteveAcarlos wants to do some work in that area04:56
SteveAand so it will conflic04:56
salgadogo ahead04:56
SteveAand kiko asked carlos not to work on it04:56
salgadothe conflicts don't matter04:56
carlossalgado: do you want that I take care of that branch ?04:56
=== carlos assumes that kiko is behind salgado's nick atm ;-)
SteveAwoah, freaky "being john malkovitch" flashback04:57
carlosyeah, that movie rocks!04:57
=== sivang -> out
Kamping_Kaiserlater am05:01
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salgadocarlos, he says he'll do it05:08
salgado(/me is back)05:09
carlossalgado: ok, thanks05:09
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SteveAstub: png05:58
stubSteveA: pong05:59
SteveAstub: voice call?05:59
stubI was heading to bed. Whats up?05:59
SteveAjust to catch up.  not urgent.  tomorrow will do.05:59
stubok :)05:59
SteveAalthough i do want to talk with you before a roll-out05:59
=== stub gives up trying to make his laptop suspend and shutsdown
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crimsunis it possible to nuke bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.6/debian/ ? My connection died when I attempted to bzr push, and now I can't continue in that branch08:49
kikowhy not? push --overwrite doesn't work?08:49
crimsunI'll try it again08:50
crimsunright, bzr: ERROR: File exists: '/~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.6/debian': mkdir failed: unable to mkdir08:50
kikosounds like a bug in bzr to me08:51
crimsunheh, in desperation I sftped in and walked the tree by hand executing ``cd blah && rm * && cd .. && rmdir blah'' recursively08:52
crimsunno .dirs that I can see inside /~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.6/debian using ls -a08:53
crimsunI'm guessing I simply don't have permission to rmdir debian08:54
crimsunI'll just use another branch as a hackaround in the meantime08:57
kikothat sort of sucks.08:58
kikois there a bug filed on this?08:59
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crimsunnot that I'm aware; should I file one against bzr? I'm not entirely convinced I simply don't have permission to remove ~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.609:01
crimsunor ~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.6/debian, rather09:01
kikoI think so at least09:02
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lifelessspiv: your merge hung. I'm bouncing it09:20
lifelesskiko: you have been sending corrupt merge requests -  I have mailed you one09:20
lifelesscrimsun: /~ubuntu-dev/wxwidgets2.6/debian is not a valid path for a branch on the supermirror09:21
lifelesscrimsun: erm, it might be. I'll login in again in about 30 minues and talk then.09:21
kikolifeless, I know.09:22
lifelesscrimsun: ok, I've looked. You cannot remove the directory. you can remove the contents though and use the bzr api to create a new branch in it.09:23
lifelesscrimsun: easiest way is to use lftp to remove the contents of debian/, then do09:23
lifelessimport bzrlib.branch09:24
crimsunlifeless: ok. I've just gone ahead and begun to push to upstream-debian/ instead. Thanks!09:25
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carlossee you!10:11
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