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kwwiinight all02:24
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Who_Hi all03:41
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troy_sjsgotangco, you made your plane apparently!04:13
jsgotangcoi ran04:13
jsgotangcowhen we landed, i just ran to Terminal F and arrived when they were almost done boarding04:13
troy_sthat's no good04:14
jsgotangcoended up with a bad back today04:15
troy_sprobably from that flight.04:15
troy_sif i had to bet.04:15
troy_sanywho... off to snag din din.04:15
troy_scya soon jsgotangco04:15
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bersacetroy_s: hello06:12
bersacetroy_s: how do you says a night where you didn't sleep, a wihte night ?06:20
bersacewhite night ?06:20
troy_sfriday in paris was evil... it took us 3 hours  to get back to the hotel.06:22
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bersacetroy_s: you visited paris ?06:27
troy_son friday we went to 'the pigs foot'06:28
bersacea restaurant ?06:31
bersacedid you ate a pig's foot ?06:31
troy_swe ate at 'the pigs foot'06:41
troy_show are things with you bersace?06:41
bersacestill working on gnome-scan06:42
troy_sis that a scan tool?06:44
troy_sbersace, can you fill the contents link on the wiki with a backround image if it is an attachment?06:45
bersacegnome-scan is a gnome xsane replacement (for gnome)06:46
bersace(only gnome)06:46
bersace(remember that or some people will get mad)06:46
bersacei don't understand you question06:47
bersacewhat do you mean by "fill the contents link"06:47
troy_sfill the background of the table of contents...07:13
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bersacetroy_s: don't know07:24
=== bersace try to sleep
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PseudoPlaceboNight, ya'll.09:02
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msikmaHey there11:42
klepasmy dapper disks arrived today :)11:56
klepasi love them11:56
klepasthe edubuntu ones especially11:57
klepasand they did a brilliant job for the Kubuntu cover too... very unique :)11:57
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msikmaOhh nice12:12
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lapoI'm on some icons for crux theme revamp, suggestions appreciated02:38
troy_swhat are you doing your icon work in, lapo?03:36
lapodo you mean which program I use?03:37
lapoinkscape at this stage, later gimp to touch up the bitmaps03:44
troy_sThis is sarcasm correct?  It is the default logo for Konq more or less... <klepas> and they did a brilliant job for the Kubuntu cover too... very unique :)03:55
kwwiiactually yes it is very sarcastic04:28
kwwiias the defualt logo for konqi is much better than the crap used on the cd cover04:28
kwwiiI already complained to mark about the art on the cover04:29
lapowhy not three people hand in hand with gears on the head  :-)04:51
klepasone last exam to go05:08
klepasthen i am free05:08
klepas[for three and a half weeks :( ] 05:08
kwwiihehe, good luck05:15
klepaszwei stunden mathe test morgen...05:19
klepasnaja, heute, es is' ja schon 1:20 am morgen05:20
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klepasdan schlaffe ich erst ein mal - tschuess :)05:22
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troy_sWho lives?07:22
=== weidel [n=niklas@c83-250-196-132.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
weidelcheers even07:29
troy_sgreetings weidel07:29
troy_show are you?07:29
weidelHey there, I'm good. Slapped together a desktop-bg07:30
weidelcomments? http://www.weidel.se/gfx/desktop2%201400.png07:31
troy_ssorry weidel... getting some business done in background07:38
troy_smissed your type07:38
troy_sthat is awsome.07:38
troy_svery very slick07:38
troy_salthough we are going to try and wrangle the palette back into the spec colors.07:38
weidelthanks, I wanted to replace my standard one in ubuntu with something fresher but still "ubuntu" :)07:38
troy_sthat is top notch, what an addition to the team07:38
weidelthanks a bunch, mate :)07:39
troy_sweidel, do you know the four specs that we have targetted for edgy?07:40
weidelSpeaking of which, the logo-style is what I would've wished the human icons to be like.. But that discussion I've been scared away from through the mail list, heh07:40
weidelno, please fill me in07:40
troy_sweidel:  right now we all need to focus on working together -- not fracturing07:40
weidelquite true07:41
troy_sweidel, this means that everyone needs to contribute their artistic abilities to each area, not segment into 'xxx does icons' 'yyy does splashes' etc.07:41
troy_shence the traditional discontinuity across the board.07:41
troy_sweidel, to that end, there are four specs at launchpad.07:41
troy_sthat are set to awaiting approval07:41
weidelright, surfing there now07:42
troy_sfrom there, you can take a look at the process at the wiki07:42
weidel..still trying to get grips of the launchpad07:45
troy_slaunchpad is pretty easy, and a howto is in the works (well there is one quickie at the wiki, but far from extensive)07:46
weidelah, found the sort-by-release thingiemajig :)07:46
weidelin the feature spec list07:47
troy_sif you also visit the ubuntu-art team page, there is a spec link that takes you to all the specs assigned to the ubuntu-art team.07:48
troy_swhich is a quick 'filter' approach.07:48
weidelah thanks07:49
troy_sweidel, you regged your nick obviously if you are here, correct?07:53
weidelon the irc-server?07:54
troy_son nickserv07:54
weidelThat might not be so, I just connected via gimp. Might be a good idea to do so, yeah07:54
troy_sgaim you mean.  yah... you should try adding xchat.07:54
troy_sit is a little more versatile07:54
weidelgaim.. right. :)07:54
troy_sgaim is a great starting point07:54
troy_sbut most use xchat07:55
weidelI'll look into it07:55
weidelbeen a couple of years since I frequented IRC07:55
weidelwell, regged now08:03
kwwiioops, frank sent a mail even though mark told us to wait :-(08:09
troy_sfrank should have sent hte mail08:10
troy_swe have to get working08:10
troy_si encouraged him to.08:10
troy_sbecause the art council will not be selected until we have passed too far in the cycle.08:10
kwwiierm, I missed anything you said, my network was down08:17
troy_si said that frank needed to get the mail out so that everyone can get up to speed with the process.08:20
troy_sas we only have one week to finish that first phase.08:20
troy_sand the art council issues will not get resolved in time.08:20
kwwiigood point, but I would have perhaps told mark that before posting08:21
kwwiibut oh well, it is done now08:21
troy_si think he was going to wait, but personally, we only have a week.08:21
troy_sand missing deadlines right out of the gate would very much start us off on a bad limp08:22
bersacetroy_s: do you like ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Archives/4%2e10?action=show09:06
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troy_sits all coming together nicely09:42
troy_sfrank should be posting his explanation of the first phase.09:42
=== doctormo [n=doctormo@spc1-reig2-0-0-cust643.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sgreetings doctormo09:46
doctormohows things?09:47
troy_sgreat thank yo09:49
=== troy_s naps.
doctormotroy_s: good, managed to export 10 copies of ubuntu onto friends and people I know with my cd covers. fab eh09:52
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bersacegood night all and congratulations to our new leaders :)10:20
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=== fschoep [n=frank@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sgreetings frank11:47
troy_sdo you like tropic?11:47
fschoephey troy11:47
fschoepI'm not sure yet. I think it could be a nice separate theme, but it needs a bit more work to convince me right now.11:47
kwwiihey frank11:47
fschoepHey Kenneth.11:48
fschoepI can not use PMs yet, apologies for this.11:48
troy_sregister yer nick11:48
troy_sit takes all of two seconds.11:48
kwwiione other thing that we need to work on for kubuntu-edgy is the help system and a few app start pages (the kde apps and help start pages are all the same)11:52
fschoepkwwii - in what regard is the "sameness" a problem?11:53
kwwiiit is good that they are the same, so it is less work, I meant11:53
fschoepOK, I think I missed some of the conversation, no problem.11:54
fschoepGuys, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight to you all and see you soon!11:59
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