
jendamdke: ping?12:22
jendamdke: ping?12:45
mvirkkilmdke: I've been away a couple of days. You wrote about running tidy on the docbook. Would you like to elaborate?01:12
robotgeekmvirkkil: is that after commit?01:19
mvirkkilrobotgeek: What do you mean?01:28
mvirkkilrobotgeek: I'm working on automagic moinmoin->docbook stuff.01:28
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robotgeekmvirkkil: oh great, the SOC project? 04:43
robotgeekmvirkkil: anyways, all the best with it, and hope you all success. It will make our lives much easier :)04:44
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nixternalanyone know who i need to contact to get information about creating a mailing list for a LoCo?07:11
linuxmonkeyLocal's Only Crazy Orginization :)07:13
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robitaillenixternal:  talk to jdub for mailing lists07:16
nixternalthx robitaille07:16
Madpilothi all07:17
nixternalhey Madpilot07:17
robitailleHi Madpilot 07:17
nixternaldidn't see you sneak in07:17
MadpilotI'm very stealthy sometimes :)07:17
nixternalok bye07:18
nixternaltrying to get all this stuff for a Chicago LoCo Team together07:18
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mdkemvirkkil: elaborate how?08:37
mdkemvirkkil: I just mean that the output xml is rather ugly and hard to work with, if you use tidy to clean it up, it would avoid the user having to do it.08:45
mdkejenda: pong, pong08:49
jendamdke: ah great :) now to remember what I wanted :)08:50
jendaThere's a forums section on ubuntu.com - and I'd like to see the Czech forum there.08:50
mdkecan you email me?08:51
jendamdke: sent.08:57
mdkenixternal: there is an email address on the LoCoTeamHowto page08:58
mdkenixternal: in fact, all information you ever need is, or should be, there08:58
nixternalthx mdke08:58
nixternali think i hit that one also08:59
nixternalya..i hit that one also...08:59
mvirkkilmdke: I mean how is it ugly? What would the tidy program do? Usually when I hear people saying that the xml is ugly they mean it's cluttered with namespace declarations, possibly invalid etc. This is not the case here.09:12
mpt__The element names are longer than in HTML :-)09:23
mptDoes that count as ugliness?09:23
robcan the element names be shorten and still mean the same thing?09:23
mvirkkilrob: nope09:24
robhow long are we talking?09:25
mvirkkilrob: <para> instead of <p> ? 09:25
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mvirkkilBut you could always create a shorter version and convert it.09:26
robthats the actual docbook markup, no it can't be shorten without a lot of work (afaik)09:26
robbut why not then create your own schema?09:26
mvirkkilBut I'm pretty sure  mdke didn't mean this.09:26
robGentoo uses a really simple markup09:27
robfor its docs09:27
mvirkkilrob: Well, the idea is to use the moinwiki in the future, and then convert that to docbook. That's what I'm working on.09:28
robare you the one working on the SoC project?09:28
mvirkkilrob: Yup.09:28
robah cool, I was actually going to submit something similar myself, but lack of spare time killed me09:29
mvirkkilrob: Close to killing me too. Sent it it on the 11th hour.09:30
robGuideXML, thats what Gentoo uses, its much simpler and has less tags then docbook09:30
robI think its pretty cool, but its not docbook, so yeah :)09:31
mvirkkilrob: Quickly browsed through it.09:31
mvirkkilrob: I see very little sence in using it.09:32
mptand then there's MAML09:32
robmvirkkil, it is much simpler, thus much easier to learn09:33
mvirkkilrob: I wouldn't say much, it looks a bit simpler. But not much.09:33
robthats the only major benefit09:33
mptMAML is crack because it includes built-in support for FAQs, which, almost by definition, you won't know exist until after the help has shipped09:34
robmpt, so does docbook (we used it in the first version of the Desktop Guide)09:34
mptWell, we already know docbook is crack :-)09:35
mptIt's just the least evil09:35
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mdkemvirkkil: I mean it isn't nicely laid out with a line per element and indented10:14
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mvirkkilmdke: Ahh.. Pretty printing.10:49
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froudman Dapper is solid10:55
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CarlFKbefore I create a new wiki page - anyone know of one that talks about upgrading an existing app using apt-get source/wget newwer source... ?03:39
linuxmonkeyCarlFK: we stay away from specific install apps. 03:40
CarlFKI meant a generic version of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildingWineFromSource03:41
linuxmonkeylol yeah all those  "sudo apt-get build-dep wine" will have to get changed im preaty sure..lol03:42
linuxmonkeyi just read what it was.. brain fart03:43
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CarlFKwget https://help.ubuntu.com/favicon.ico 404 - who's 'problem' is that?05:16
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nixternalCarlFK: seems as if it isn't there at all05:29
jjessei think mdke can fix that problem CarlFK05:29
CarlFKwhere/how should something like that be reported?  launchpad?05:30
CarlFKor do I just start shouting about it in -dev? :)05:30
jjessemdke in this channel is responsible for help.ubuntu.com05:31
jjessei don't know if there is something you can file a bug against or not, but ping him and help can fix it05:31
CarlFKi'll post to u-doc mailist05:33
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nixternaljjesse: kubuntu team has a meeting today..i will be there to listen in...do you want to check it out concerning information for the switching documentation?  maybe see if Riddell has any ideas he might want to add?06:58
jjessewould love to how 21:00 is just when i'm leaving work today  and i can't stay late due to a softball game06:59
nixternalok..did you mean 21:00?  the meeting is 16:00 for me and 17:00 for you...i will be there, so if there is anything you want me to add to their agenda, i can do that and then report it back to you07:00
jjesseyup 17:00 is when i leave work07:01
jjessei would like to hold off on discussing the switching guide until the three of us can get some more concrete information put together, i'll update a subpage of my wiki page tongiht07:01
nixternalok...i can do some reporting or whatever if you need it07:01
nixternalif you want...you can add something to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings   agenda, and i will be more then happy to cover the points if needed07:03
jjessesure, let me think if there is anything i need07:03
nixternalgreat..i am here if needed...drinking coffee and listening the weather report ;)07:04
jjesseand how is the wheather across the pond?07:04
nixternalnice today so far...stormed like crazy last night07:05
jjesseit was windy last night here, cool but windy07:05
nixternalit is cool today07:05
nixternalCurrent weather for Chicago / West Chicago, Dupage Airport : Few clouds at 1800 feet, Temperature: 66F, Pressure: 30.02" Hg, Wind: 12 MPH NE07:06
nixternalsudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade    << gnupg update to patch vulnerability07:10
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ompauljjesse, ahhhh there you are09:08
ompaulI knew I recognised the name but was not sure from where09:09
jjessetrying to figure why the sparc guide is not on help.ubuntuc.om09:11
ompaulwell I stopped lurking and clicked on docs to ask that question, guess I can say it is in safe hands ;-)09:22
jjesseyup it is09:23
nixternaljjesse: you have roxy burger by you at all?09:42
jjessenixternal: nope09:43
nixternalroxies, the outdoor burger joint..09:43
nixternali gotta get into benton harbor to get me one...and soon09:43
nixternalalrighty..got get me some ice cream and snacks b4 the meeting starts...the old !ping !pong is in effect..bbiaf ;)10:09
nixternalmdke: it seems that an agenda item for the Kubuntu Meeting in 10 minutes is suggesting a KDE/Kubuntu theme and redirectors for doc.kubuntu.org and help.kubuntu.org, whatever they mean by the last..i will be partaking in this meeting...any items need to be suggested or conversed about..and what is the status of the kde theme?10:52
nixternali know there is a kde theme in the making10:52
jjessei think that was my idea nixternal10:53
nixternalit has imbrandon's name on it10:53
jjessei was hoping we could get the same themes for the help.ubuntu.com wiki10:53
jjesseand also get a redirect from help.kubuntu.org to help.ubuntu.com10:53
nixternali believe they are in the process of porting the themes10:53
jjessei think that was the big suggestion and you are correct they are10:53
jjessemdke and i spoke about it10:53
nixternalhow did imbrandon's name get on it ;)10:53
jjessemaybe he suggested it to the agenda10:54
nixternali will relay that info during the meeting when that topic comes up10:54
jjessegetting ready to leave10:54
jjessebut i know mdke is on top of those issues10:54
nixternalalright...good luck with the game btw10:55
jjessethanks hoping it doesn't rain, looks like it out side10:55
nixternalit stopped raining here and became really nice outside10:55
jjessei love that therer are 48 updates to a fresh install of xp service pack 210:56
nixternali wouldn't know..i haven't booted xp in a long time10:56
jjessei work on it every day10:57
nixternalas i am sure i will be too just as soon as I decide to start working and stop enjoying the summer ;)10:57
jjesseok work's over :(10:57
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