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=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
nigel_cBenC: Suspend2 git tree is up: http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/nigelc/suspend2-2.6.git08:40
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fabbionenigel_c: i suggest you send him a mail08:48
fabbioneat this time he is probably asleep08:48
nigel_cOk. Ta.08:48
fabbioneno problem08:48
fabbioneit's just a more reliable way to make sure he will get the message :)08:49
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jbaileyBenC: Any feel as to whether or not hpa's klibc patch is likely to make it into Linus' tree?12:36
jbaileyIt's in -mm now, and I'm wondering if klibc should get integrated into the kernel builds as well.12:36
fabbionejbailey: you can ask hpa directly01:04
jbaileyhpa will be a bit biased, won't he? =)01:05
fabbionehe is a nice guy :) try #linux-cluster here or you know where01:05
jbaileySure, I've spoken to him lots.01:06
jbaileyBut I *know* that he thinks it's going into Linus' kernel.01:06
fabbioneplus nothing stops us to pull it in indipendently of what linus does01:06
jbaileyI'm looking for other people's opinions. =)01:06
jbaileySure, but we've already got it as anindependant package.01:06
jbaileyThe only advantage of merging it early for us is to keep it up to date as part of the upstream merges anyway.01:06
jbaileyOtherwise it's just adding more work for ben unecessarily.01:07
fabbionegit pull is hardly extra work01:07
fabbionehey zulligno01:08
zulhey fabbionito how is it going?01:08
fabbionei am fighting with openais framework01:09
jbaileyfabbione: Sure.  But since it's not me doing the work, I'm asking Ben. =)01:09
jbaileyThat whole being polite thing. =)01:09
fabbionejbailey: yeah yeah...01:09
fabbioneA L L   E X C U S E S01:09
zulquebecers are so polite...until they want to seperate :)01:09
zuloh hey jeff 01:10
jbaileyzul: Yeah yeah, you can complain.  But remember - the reason you don't have problems with 18 year old drunks in Ottawa is because we import them from you. ;)01:10
zulkeep 'em01:11
jbaileyMeh.  I'm getting old enough that 18 year olds don't look so cute anymore.01:11
zuldirty dirty old man01:12
jbaileyOr at least, not once they open their mouths to talk...01:12
zulcrap...i have to head off to work...bbl01:13
=== stefg [n=stefg@dslb-088-072-241-092.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
stefgJust a quick yes/no question: I got nothing but trouble with the current dapper-kernel (2.6.15-15-k7), so I'm willing to try one of the daily builds. Since there are no 'restricted' -packs available for that: Will I be able to get an Nvidia-driver installed with module-assistant?   01:20
stefg*(2.6.15-25-k7) that is, of course *01:23
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zulBenC: i have some patches for you ill send tonight03:01
zuljust 4 more days until the long weekend03:02
BenCzul: ok, thanks04:05
zulsome bug fixes and enhancements for both dapper and edgy04:06
zuloh you know the thing we were talking about if there is an oops tell the user to open a bug in launchpad? thats partially done as well04:07
zulhowever im not sure how to test it04:08
fabbionehey BenC 04:09
fabbioneBenC: did you see that mail from bubba?04:10
BenCyeah, are we messing the PCI ID's that you added in breezy?04:14
fabbioneBenC: probably.. but i didn't check04:14
fabbionehe is wining on lwz about mysql stuff too04:14
fabbionebut his installation is nuts04:14
fabbionehe did a noninteractive distupgrade from warty to dapper or something04:15
fabbioneand the world did fall down a bit04:15
fabbionei am off04:16
fabbionecya later04:16
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bubbaBenC: you there?04:21
BenCbubba: yeah04:27
BenCbubba: I'm checking the PCI id's in dapper against breezy, I should have it straightened out next kernel (couple of days)04:27
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[g2] has anybody tried the SD support in 2.6.17 ?05:50
bubbaBenC: you rock, as usual06:41
bubbashould i have megaraid or megaraidlegacy in mkinitramfs/modules ?06:41
nigel_cSchwarzer's earning his pay.06:43
nigel_cOh. Wrong channel. Sorry :)06:43
nigel_cThe first attempt didn't get through, so I'll go slow :)06:44
nigel_cBah. Again :)06:45
nigel_cMaybe I should go to bed :)06:45
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zul hey mdz 06:46
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zulBenC: ping09:54
zulmeh...im off home..09:56
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel

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