
siretartfbond: done12:06
antinobodyI'm debdiffing the dapper package vs the debian unstable12:07
antinobodyand for some reason it complains about not finding the public keys12:07
fbondneed to install debian-keyring, maybe?12:07
fbond(is that what that package is called?)12:07
crimsunI've never gotten that, and I don't have debian-keyring installed.12:08
antinobodyindeed it is weird12:08
antinobodyI'll try that, I suppose12:08
fbondwhich public keys is it looking for, yours , or someone elses (the package developers)12:08
antinobodyit has mine12:08
fbondanyone like to look at midisport-firmware on revu?  Just uploaded after re-working the maintainer files (that download/install/remove firmware)?12:10
crimsunis that free?12:11
bddebianHeya crimsun12:13
crimsunhi bddebian12:13
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antinobodyhi bddebian12:14
antinobodywell, the debian-keyring makes it stop complaining about one of the keys12:14
antinobodyI have the ubuntu-keyring, so I dunno what's up12:14
bddebianHello antinobody12:15
fbondcrimsun: not exactly free.  MidiMan/Maudio allows the firmware to be distributed with the source package of my package12:17
antinobodyany way to check what pub-key a .dsc was produced with?12:17
antinobodythen at least I could figure out which one was left12:17
fbondmy package is stripped of firmware, and re-downloads the source package at install time12:17
bddebianAck, dinner time12:17
crimsunfbond: err, ok. So a multiverse candidate.12:22
fbondcrimsun, yes, I suppose it would be multiverse...12:23
fbondI guess my control file should say so.12:23
fbondvim didn't like multiverse in there, though12:23
fbondbe nice is vim was trained for ubuntu control files12:24
crimsunfbond: no, the component override is handled server-side12:24
fbondcomponent override ... haven't heard that phrase before.  How does the server know that midisport-firmware belongs in multiverse?12:25
crimsunfbond: the archive team sets that in an override on the server.12:25
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fbondhmm, revu is not showing the most recent version of my package ... how long is the delay between scans of incoming?12:29
TheMusoHey all.12:30
crimsunfbond: June 25 18:05 ?12:38
crimsun'lo TheMuso, arrived home safely I take it?12:38
TheMusoIndeed I did.12:40
TheMusoAnd feeling a lot better after a good night's sleep. :)12:41
fbondcrimsun, that date/time is correct, but the details are for the previous upload...12:41
fbondperhaps my previous mistake of uploading a binary package disrupted the normal order of things...12:42
fbondok, nm, just fixed12:42
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
crimsuntime for great bzr justice.12:44
fbondgotta run ... also uploaded "lash" to revu, if anyone has time for that12:45
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fbond|awayif anyone is graciously looking over my packages, please hold up for a few, I hadn't uploaded .orig.tar.gz files.  thanks, and sorry.12:50
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TheMusoHey LaserJock01:17
TheMusoI gather you got home safely?01:17
LaserJockTheMuso: yeah, relatively. I got really sick the last day and am trying to figure out what all I need to replace from my stolen wallet01:19
LaserJockTheMuso: basically, the good was really good, but the bad was really bad ;-)01:19
TheMusoOuch. That really sucks.01:19
LaserJockyeah, well ...01:20
crimsunsorry to hear01:20
crimsunsounds like a pretty standard dev conf, then ;)01:20
LaserJockat least nobody lost their laptop, that I know of01:20
crimsunsomething really crappy normally occurs at each dev conf01:20
ajmitchLaserJock: I know how it feels01:20
crimsunheh, I'm still awaiting my luggage from Baltimore, MD01:21
crimsunlast I checked it was in Dallas, TX01:21
TheMusoI'm just lucky that nothing of mine went missing for my first trip alone. :)01:21
LaserJockTheMuso: yeah, this was my first trip overseas. I can't I'm exactly eager for my next trip01:22
TheMusocrimsun: Now that really sucks.01:22
crimsuneh, it could be worse. My house could have been obliterated by a hurricane.01:22
TheMusoTrue that.01:22
LaserJockcrimsun: I managed to stuff everythin in my carry on so I wouldn't have to worry about loosing luggage01:22
TheMusoWhere do you live anyway?01:22
crimsunTheMuso: Greensboro, NC01:23
TheMusoAh ok01:23
crimsunLaserJock: I normally haul my own luggage, but all the flights were overbooked so I was forced to check it01:23
crimsunanyhow, back to Scott's bzr pages01:24
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LaserJockcrimsun: bummer01:24
LaserJockcrimsun: the "no more source packages" stuff?01:25
=== ajmitch had better start packing, flight leaves in <24 h
TheMusoajmitch: Where you off to?01:26
ajmitchaka west island01:26
TheMusoAh ok.01:26
crimsunLaserJock: yeah01:27
LaserJockcrimsun: unfortunately I didn't get to go to any of the BOFs for that, I'm really interested in it01:29
=== fbond|away is now known as fbond
fbondso ... what's involved with getting packages contributed to Ubuntu into Debian after that?01:43
fbondor is there a document I can reference?01:43
crimsunyou're going backward01:44
crimsunif you want it in Debian, get it into Debian first. It'll be autosynced into Ubuntu.01:44
fbondHmm.  What happens to packages accepted via REVU?01:44
crimsunI mean, you can swim upstream, but it takes more effort.01:44
tsenghi crimsun01:44
crimsunrevu is specific to Ubuntu currently. Debian has a separate admittance process per se.01:45
crimsun'lo tseng01:45
fbondI had a few packages in dapper that went in via revu.01:45
fbondThey need to go back into revu to get into edgy?01:45
crimsunfbond: no, once they're in Ubuntu, they're in.01:45
crimsun(unless you request them to be removed)01:45
tsengdsd said nice things about you01:46
crimsuntseng: heads-up in case you use rxvt-unicode*: Decklin has changed the semantics of rxvt-unicode-lite, and it no longer support Xft fonts by default, which will become apparent once 7.7-4 (or newer) is synced01:47
tsengcrimsun: ok, i dont use lite01:48
crimsunah, ok.01:48
tsengi have 60gb01:48
fbondso if a package is in Ubuntu, then someone else submits the same package to Debian, does the Debian package take precedence on the next Ubuntu-Debian sync?01:48
crimsunfbond: no, there's a permanent delta at that point, which is unfortunate (and has occurred in the past)01:49
fbondSo, in the interest of minimizing delta, it would be good to try to get a revu'd pacckage into Debian, right?01:49
crimsunfbond: before getting it into Ubuntu, yes01:50
fbondand if it's too late for that?01:50
crimsunthen go ahead and get it into Debian. The next packaging revision, just manually take the Debian source package as authoritative01:50
crimsunit's normally not an issue unless the orig.tar.gzs differ01:51
crimsunsince all you'll be adjusting is the diff.gz01:51
fbondI see.  In your opinion, is it worth the extra effort it would take to get the package into Debian?01:52
crimsunit's not really extra effort per se01:52
crimsunit's just a different route01:52
fbondI understood that getting anything into debian is quite time-consuming...01:52
LaserJockfbond: I've done 2 packages from scratch, one I did via REVU -> Debian and the other I did straight to Debian and had is synced into Ubuntu01:52
crimsunfbond: that [mis] conception is exaggerated01:53
LaserJockyeah, especially if your package has already gone through the REVU proccess01:53
fbondis there a different approach to take on the way into debian if a package has already been revu'd?01:53
LaserJockmine took 2 days to get uploaded into Debian unstable after it was already in Dapper01:53
fbondwhat is the correct entry point into Debian?01:54
LaserJockyou should look to see if an ITP (intent to package) bug has already been filed in Debian01:55
fbondalready checked that01:55
fbondI check for any package I'm working on, got burned in Dapper cause I duplicated efforts with someone in Debian01:55
LaserJockk, so then you can file one01:55
LaserJockI personally found the debian-mentors mailing place a good spot to plug into Debian01:57
LaserJockmailing list01:57
fbond1. file ITP 2. join debian-mentors, send email explaining situation ???01:59
LaserJockyou want to send a RFS (Request for Sponsor) email to debian-mentors02:00
fbonddebian and their acronyms02:00
fbondused to run debian before ubuntu -- not dissing debian02:00
LaserJockyeah, but then we have MOTU so ... ;-)02:01
fbondfunny, when I was in high school, I did audio engineering for a small-town hip hop group called Master of the Universe02:02
fbondthis is in rural New England, by the way (if you are American and that means anything to you)02:03
LaserJockhere is a good resource if you haven't seen it already: http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html02:03
fbondanyway, thanks for the input, I'll get on the Debian case, I guess02:03
fbondok, dinner time, see y'all around02:04
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LaserJockit really is worth it to get stuff in Debian02:04
fbond|awaynoted.  talk to you soon, and thanks again.02:04
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crimsunbddebian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sangria02:58
bddebianI know what it is, I just didn't think tseng drank02:58
Toadstoolhi bddebian & crimsun02:58
crimsunre Toadstool02:59
bddebianHeya Toadstool02:59
crimsunre zul02:59
bddebianHi zul02:59
Toadstoolhey zul02:59
LaserJockhi everybody02:59
bddebianLaserJock: How was Gay Paris?03:00
Toadstoolheya LaserJock03:00
LaserJockI had a lot of fun, but am very glad to be back03:00
bddebianWhy's that?03:01
bddebianDon't like hairy women?03:01
=== bddebian hides
LaserJockI got pickpocketed on the subway03:01
LaserJockand got a cold on the last day03:01
Toadstooler, Paris...03:02
bddebianCrime in France?  Not possible03:02
LaserJockbut my laptop made it ok so that's good03:03
Toadstoolgrah, meeting this morning at 9am and it's 3am...03:04
Toadstoolg'night everybody03:04
bddebianGnight Toadstool03:04
LaserJockcya ToadZzZztool03:04
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bddebianNot that any of you care but I03:09
bddebian'll bbiab :-)03:09
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antinobodyhmm...it appears I killed my pgp-key03:18
antinobodythese keys and I do not get along well03:19
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zulLaserJock: did you get a french taunting a la monty python?03:40
LaserJockno, it would have been funny03:41
LaserJockI thought about it when I was walking around Notre Dame03:41
zulso where is the next conference going to be so i can start saving ;)03:42
LaserJocknot sure, I heard mutterings of Brazil and Florida/LA03:43
zulflorida would be good03:44
LaserJockbut it's totally up in the air at this point03:44
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zulheh...we could leave some users in east la03:46
LaserJockI think south america would be fun, but from what I say in Paris, the internet connections might be a problem03:47
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zulla is a bit expensive03:48
LaserJockperhaps, Paris was quite expensive03:49
zulespecially if you get picked pocketed03:49
LaserJockheh, yeah03:50
antinobodyBrazil isn't cheap either03:50
LaserJockthe food is cheap03:51
LaserJockand probably better than that steak tartar or whatever it was03:52
=== jsgotangco cringes at 4 coke
jsgotangcoim supposed to be at work today but i didn't because my back is still aching after a 15 hour flight03:53
LaserJockI've got a bad cold03:53
LaserJockI've been throwing up all morning03:54
LaserJockbut at least I'm home ;-)03:54
zulsounds more like the flu03:54
LaserJockit sure made the 24 hrs of travel fun :-)03:55
zulwhen i was a kid i puked all over the flight stewardess it wasnt fun03:55
antinobodyeveryone loves travelling sick03:55
antinobodyone of the few great joys of life03:56
jsgotangcoyeah its nice to have real food after a week03:56
LaserJockjsgotangco: well, I haven't been able to keep much of anything down, but I could sure smell the McDonalds when I got into LAX ;-)03:57
=== ajmitch is going to be travelling tonight/tomorrow
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jsgotangcoLaserJock: you missed a lot of stuff happening around 3-4am saturday hehee03:57
LaserJockjsgotangco: ?03:58
jsgotangcowhen people started coming back to the hotel03:58
LaserJockI got up about 4am03:58
LaserJockbut was just in the room03:58
jsgotangcobut were you at the lobby?03:58
LaserJockwhat happened?03:59
=== jsgotangco keeps mum
LaserJockI was sick and didn't want to drink so I went back to the hotel with Claire and elmo04:00
LaserJockjsgotangco: you were in the lobby?04:00
jsgotangcowe went with you remember i was with BenC and Klaus04:00
jsgotangcoClaire still had a bottle of wine and we finished it up04:01
jsgotangcoand we stayed in the lobby till 4 i think04:02
LaserJocksounds like I didn't miss out on much ;-)04:04
jsgotangcoheh we had good stories04:04
LaserJockany mao?04:05
LaserJockI wanted to play again04:05
jsgotangcono not at all, just finishing up the wine04:05
jsgotangcoi just helped elmo and claire clean up the equipment after that04:06
TheMusoHey jsgotangco.04:07
jsgotangcoTheMuso: hey had your rest already?04:07
LaserJockI could of helped but highvoltage needed to be up early so I didn't want bother him04:07
TheMusoYes I have. It is 12:08PM here. :)04:07
TheMusoSO I have been up for a while.04:08
TheMusoWill just have another early night tonight, and I should be fine.04:08
jsgotangcome too i just have a bad back at the moment so i skipped work04:09
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shawarmaHi all!04:11
LaserJocki have a feeling I won't be going to work tomorrow04:11
LaserJockhi shawarma04:11
LaserJockI wonder if my lug knows about mao04:11
LaserJockI need to try it again04:12
shawarmaLaserJock: Heh... I've thought of playing Mao as well. I've been trying to find proper translations for all the common phrases, but it's not really that easy.04:12
shawarmaWhen "failure to x" doesn't even translate very well at all, it's kind of hard to get anywhere. :-)04:13
LaserJockshawarma: what language do you need it translated in?04:13
shawarmaLaserJock: Danish.04:13
LaserJockyou're Danish?04:13
shawarmaWhat did you think?04:14
LaserJockdang, you're English is so good I thought maybe you were American04:14
jsgotangcowell he did look english to me though04:14
=== shawarma wonders if that actually counts as a compliment
Unfrgivendid you guys just read that freenode has been hacked - passwords maybe compromised. http://tgmandry.blogspot.com/2006/06/worlds-largest-foss-irc-network.html04:14
shawarmaAnyone in their right mind uses a crap password for IRC anyway.04:14
imbrandonUnfrgiven, we lived it last evening that you04:14
whiprushhi Unfrgiven, been a long time.04:14
Unfrgivenwhiprush: hey dude. yeah it has. how r u?04:15
whiprushgood good04:15
jsgotangcohey whiprush04:15
crimsun(I have no idea who would possibly want my passwords, as they're all beyond my own comprehension, but whatever...)04:15
Unfrgivenimbrandon: right so im very late to panic :)04:15
whiprushhi jerome04:15
imbrandonheh and anyone would not be very smart to use a secure password for a unsecure netwrok,if they had i'm sure they went in a fury of changing password last night04:16
jsgotangcotoo bad i didnt see that much of paris at night04:16
shawarmajsgotangco: Yeah. I didn't even see the Eiffel tower.04:17
imbrandonheya jsgotangco04:17
imbrandonheya crimsun04:17
LaserJockshawarma: no?04:17
shawarmashawarma: No, I kind of kept procrastinating it until there was just no time left.04:18
jsgotangcothe night we went out last friday was the first time  BenC left at the hotel04:18
shawarmajsgotangco: Me too.04:18
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LaserJockI made it to a few places before my wallet was stolen04:18
shawarmaLaserJock: Really? Bummer.04:18
LaserJockbut at like 17 eur per trip I couldn't got that often anyway04:19
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jsgotangcoat least i was able to see some artwork in paris04:23
LaserJockyeah, I didn't make it there04:23
LaserJockNotre Dame was the best for me04:24
jsgotangcoman my back is really hammered04:54
LaserJockfrom the flight?05:00
ajmitchlucky chap05:01
jsgotangcoschiphol is so big and i had my backpack full so05:02
imbrandonincase anyone isnt paying attn to notices ....05:11
antinobodywatching all those joins scroll down is kind of theraputic05:15
=== ajmitch wonders what the big statement will be
ajmitchsince I can't be bothered joining :)05:15
=== antinobody will tell ajmitch when he knows
antinobodyajmitch by the way, network-manager made my head hurt, so I went back to learning on k3b05:16
=== ajmitch thought someone was already handling k3b
antinobodythey are05:18
antinobodyI'm just using it as practice05:18
=== antinobody doesn't know what one's no one is working on anyway
ajmitchmostly universe stuff05:19
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antinobodys, pero qu05:20
imbrandonantinobody, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates is a good place to check if you like KDE stuff05:20
antinobodyoh!  that huge list below the smaller list05:20
bddebianHeya gang05:21
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imbrandonheya bddebian05:22
antinobodyhey bddebian05:23
=== jsgotangco uninstalls teamspeak =)
bddebianHeya imbrandon, antinobody05:25
shawarmaantinobody: I'll take on network-manager by the way.05:25
shawarmaI kind of volunteered to make it do "the right things[tm] " at UDS.05:26
antinobodyshawarma cool05:26
antinobodyI think I'll look at abakus05:26
crimsunyou're a brave person05:26
antinobodyit seems simple enough05:26
antinobodyhe is05:26
crimsun(n-m is a thorn)05:26
ajmitchcrimsun: brave and/or foolish05:26
shawarmacrimsun: I know. I've worked on it before.05:27
shawarmacrimsun: Keybuk had some particularly interesting swear words about it. :-)05:27
antinobodyajmitch the big announcement was just the whole compromised staffer account from yesterday05:28
antinobodynow they're taking questions05:28
ajmitchterribly exciting05:28
antinobodyOh indeed, you're missing a hellova party05:28
ajmitchI'll survive05:29
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antinobodyyeah, the only difference for abakus is the use of dh_iconcache.  No need to change the package05:40
imbrandonright considering thats in the kde.mk now05:44
imbrandonantinobody, include debian/cdbs/kde.mk is in the rules05:46
imbrandonand kde.mk includes dh_iconcache now05:46
imbrandonso when its sync'd and built its not needed as long as thats the only change05:47
antinobodyI see, so then abakus can be synced05:47
imbrandonas long as that is the only change from the version in debian05:47
antinobodyDo you know where the schedule for Edgy is?05:48
imbrandontheres a wiki page too but i dont have the link right off05:49
antinobodyI found the wiki05:50
antinobodyshould I list abakus as done==Y, SYNC?05:50
antinobodyOr is there someone I'm supposed to mention this to?05:50
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antinobodyOn the https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates05:51
imbrandonyea list it as Y sync and your name , and no Riddell check that page as needed05:51
imbrandonthats the reason its there05:52
imbrandonif you find one that needs merged, work on merging it and then makrk it as merg and upload to revu then link to your revu upload on the wiki entry05:53
imbrandonit will get looked at as time permits Riddell or others05:53
antinobodycool, thanks for the help05:53
antinobodyI feel almost like I'm doing something useful05:53
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antinobodyI suppose this means I have to make a REVU account...06:14
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antinobodyDo I have to join ubuntu-universe-contributors to upload merged packages to REVU, imbrandon?06:19
imbrandonno , follow the wiki instructions for uploading to revu06:19
antinobodyall right06:20
imbrandonyou need to send a pgp key06:20
antinobodyright, right06:20
imbrandonwhats ubuntu-universe-contibutor?06:20
antinobodyI've deleted two of those already06:20
imbrandona MOTU ?06:20
antinobodyMOTUs are automatically members06:20
antinobodybut it's on the REVU wiki06:20
imbrandonerm ok, never noticed that group on LP but in any case its PROBBLY something for revu2 , not to worry about it atm06:21
antinobodyThis team holds all members, which may upload to revu. At the moment, Revu2 is not finished yet. However, to faciliate key management with http://revu.tauware.de, this group was created. When revu2 is finished, we will keep this group. This team was described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU2Spec06:21
antinobodyit appears to be for refu2 indeed06:21
imbrandon^^ hats what you need to follow for the current revu, not to say that wont change for revu2 but thats not working atm06:22
antinobodypssh, I'll worry about that when I finish merging agistudio06:23
imbrandonyou might shoot off the email with the key and such as its not an automatic process06:24
imbrandonmight take time06:24
antinobodyright, right06:24
antinobodyIt is not necessary to GetYourKeySigned, but it is a good idea anyway. In order to upload to REVU, you will need to be added to the REVU keyring. Be sure that you have a [WWW]  Launchpad account and that you have added your GPGKey to it. Then ask to [WWW]  be added to the Ubuntu Universe Contributors team. One of the REVU admins will add you then to the group (== Upload rights for REVU). You don't need a password to upload packages, only 06:26
antinobodyWhat is this e-mail you speak of?06:26
antinobodythe wiki does not mention it06:27
antinobodyajmitch know anything about using REVU (being an admin and all)?06:28
LaserJockantinobody: I'm not sure if the Launchpad stuff is fully working yet or not, but I think it might be06:29
antinobodyworth a shot I suppose06:29
LaserJocksiretart will probably email you if not06:29
antinobodyall righty06:30
antinobodywhat's the debian/watch file do?06:31
antinobodyit seems to list the source page, but why exactly?06:31
antinobodyit isn't in the debian version, so I'm curious if it's just something we do, or what?06:32
anibalantinobody, it's used by uscan06:32
antinobodygracas anibal06:32
tritiumantinobody: to check for new versions upstream06:32
antinobodyy tritium06:33
anibalantinobody, it's also to display new version of upstream releases at pages http://like qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=anibal06:34
antinobodyanyone know what the Standards Version is?06:37
antinobodyI feel ignorant again06:37
crimsunwhat it is in Ubuntu Dapper [or in Debian Sid] , or what it signifies?06:38
crimsunthe answer to the latter is in the Policy06:38
crimsunwhich, not coincidentally, is also related to the Standards-Version06:39
crimsun[http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Standards-Version] 06:39
antinobodyok, so if that increases with the Sid release, that change should go into Egdy06:41
antinobodyAlso, if /packaging/debian/control still lists only the build-depends for debian and they're different in Ubuntu that needs to be fixed, right?  (the Dapper version didn't change that file)06:42
Laser_awayit's kinda subjective, IMO. It usually just whatever is current whenever you package it06:42
crimsunantinobody: generally try to minimise deltas against the Debian source package06:46
antinobodyStill referring to the Standards version?06:47
crimsunthe Ubuntu source package as a whole.06:47
antinobodycrimsun of course06:47
antinobodycrimsun change as little as possible was my assumption06:48
crimsunas little deviation as possible to get it to build in pbuilder/sbuild06:48
antinobodywhat was the changelog command?06:53
antinobodydch -i ?06:53
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tritiumyes, antinobody06:53
antinobodywhat is the etiquette on a changelog?06:57
crimsuntry not to duplicate upstream changelog.07:04
crimsunthat's about it.07:05
antinobodythe merging howto reminded to me add in the dapper ubuntu changelog07:07
antinobodythen basically type "Resycronize for Edgy"07:07
antinobodyfor mine07:08
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crimsunI tend to be a bit more verbose, but that's just my approach07:13
antinobodyWell, I didn't have to do much with this one, so verbosity seemed unnecessary07:15
antinobodyraphink hey!07:15
antinobodyI managed to merge a package07:15
raphinkgreat :)07:15
antinobodynow I have make sure it works07:16
antinobodysomeday I'll figure out why I have to ping -c 3 us.archive.ubuntu.com every time I want to get a file using the terminal07:17
antinobodyapparently my modem/router rewrites some file or another periodically07:17
antinobodyand it makes it difficult to access files07:18
antinobodyparticularly through apt-get install07:18
antinobodyand similar methods07:18
antinobodyno s porque07:18
antinobodyI need to eat not07:18
antinobodyI'll return in a bit07:18
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raphinkantinobody: you'll be the first one to test the new system for REVU07:24
raphinkantinobody: I just added you to the universe-contributors group. You should be able to upload to REVU using your GPG key now07:24
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== crimsun wonders whether bound branches (in bzr) are a good idea if his branch work is done primarily on a laptop lacking viable Internet connectivity
Hobbseehi crimsun07:29
crimsunhi Hobbsee07:29
TheMusoHey again all.07:31
Hobbseehi TheMuso07:31
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.07:31
TheMusoHow goes it?07:31
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HobbseeTheMuso: it goes good :)  I  met Pia :)07:32
TheMusoCool! At the education expo?07:32
Hobbseeat uni07:32
TheMusoOh ok.07:33
antinobodyhi Hobbsee07:33
Hobbseehi antinobody07:33
antinobodyraphink thank's for that REVU add07:34
raphinkantinobody: hope it works :)07:37
antinobodyhmm...something isn't working in pbuilder07:38
antinobodyI have tmake, but it thinks I don't07:38
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Hobbseeantinobody: is tmake listed as a build-dep in the package you're trying to build?07:38
Hobbseeis tmake in the repos for the pbuilder?07:39
Hobbseeand if it's new, have you tried pbuilder update?07:39
antinobodyrepos for the... huh?07:39
antinobodyI'll try that07:39
antinobodyOh, no, wait, I just created this pbuilder env like 15 minutes ago07:40
antinobodythat's silly, sean, it can't be new07:40
antinobodyhmm, no luck07:43
=== crimsun pokes bzr push with a stick
crimsun(I think I might be going about this completely incorrectly)07:50
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antinobodyhmm, well, I have no idea what to do at this point07:54
Hobbseeantinobody: you have universe enabled in the repo, i take it?  stupid question :P07:59
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crimsunantinobody_: what's the issue?08:03
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antinobody_I'm going to go to sleep, I'll try this again in the morning08:20
antinobody_ajmitch I'll upload the package, to see if REVU will let me, but it's untested (pbuilder problems), so I'll leave a note to that effect08:20
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antinobodyajmitch raphink how long after uploading should I expect it to take before a package appears on http://revu.tauware.de/08:39
freeflying|awayantinobody: no more than five mns08:40
antinobodyHmm, it appears we are in the more than five minutes category at the moment08:40
antinobodyhay un problema, no?08:40
antinobodyI need to learn how to use those upside-down ?08:40
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyAt least I figured out why the pbuilder couldn't find tmake08:41
crimsunyou didn't have universe enabled in the pbuilder's apt sources?08:42
antinobodytwas a problem08:43
crimsunyeah, that's what Hobbsee was referring to 64 minutes ago08:43
Hobbseethat long, hey?08:44
antinobodyshe may have referred to it right as I got booted, I didn't hear it08:44
=== Hobbsee better make sure that she doesnt miss work on that basis!
antinobodyOh well, thank's for attempting to help me08:44
crimsun01:39 < Hobbsee> is tmake in the repos for the pbuilder?08:44
crimsun01:39 < Hobbsee> and if it's new, have you tried pbuilder update?08:44
crimsun01:39 < antinobody> repos for the... huh?08:44
crimsun01:39 < antinobody> I'll try that08:44
antinobodyOh!  That08:44
crimsunyou don't appear to have been booted right afterward  :p08:44
antinobodyI feel stupid again08:44
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antinobodyJust ignorant throughout08:44
Hobbseehi Lure08:45
antinobodyhello Lure08:45
Lurehi all08:45
antinobodyI think I need to harass ajmitch or raphink over REVU not letting me upload (although, now that the problem's sorted out, I suppose I should test the package first...)08:45
crimsunwell, don't feel bad08:46
antinobodyI rarely do, I rather like learning new things, even if I have to feel stupid for a moment to do so08:47
crimsunI keep attempting to bzr push, and the branch just doesn't appear via LP's Web interface08:47
antinobodythough I need to get to sleep soon08:47
antinobodyclass in the morning08:47
crimsunso all I have to show for 4 hours of work is another 900 MB of HD space used08:47
antinobodyYay!  that's more than I usually have to show08:47
Hobbseeantinobody: ajmitch is afk and very busy08:48
antinobodyhe is, I noticed08:48
antinobodyraphink is likely busy as well08:48
antinobodyI may just test the package, try to dput it again, and if it fails again, mention it tomorrow08:49
Hobbseeajmitch wont be here tomorrow :P08:49
antinobodyHobbsee I was going to mention to ajmitch, because I'm his test subject for the REVU keyring via launchpad method08:50
antinobodyOh well, eventually it will get worked out08:50
Hobbseeantinobody: ah okay.  FYI, he's in transit in a few hours08:50
Hobbseelike, in two hours time08:51
antinobodyit's allright, let him get his travel things taken care of, I'll see if I can't get raphink, or another REVU admin's help, if this doesn't work08:52
raphinkwait a min08:53
antinobodywait, for what?  I'm confused again08:53
crimsun(he's checking)08:53
antinobodyI see...08:54
raphinkI'm at work08:54
raphinknot available08:54
antinobodynaturally, don't get in trouble over something silly08:54
=== Hobbsee is surprised at all these working people on irc.
=== antinobody vaguely remembers what it was like to get paid for doing things
=== Hobbsee gets paid to be an idiot.
=== antinobody wants Hobbsee's job
=== Hobbsee works in a shop, unrelated much to computers.
antinobodyI'm way more qualified08:55
Hobbseeno you dont :P08:55
antinobodyAt the moment, I'm enjoying my studenthood, so you may be right08:56
antinobodywhat does you do?08:56
=== Hobbsee works at a supermarket, on the registers.
=== antinobody used to work in retail, but his roommates both worked at a supermarket
=== antinobody worked the registers mostly as well, but did some sales
antinobodyI haven't had a job in 7 or so months, I don't do well mixing school and work08:58
antinobodymy brain gets all pissy and bored with the job being boring vs. the school being complicated and difficult08:58
=== Hobbsee mixes school, work, linux and other bits. it's kinda fun.
=== antinobody is impressed by Hobbsee's juggling skills
antinobodyHa!  just as well the package didn't upload09:00
antinobodyit's broken09:00
antinobodyhee-hee, oops09:00
Hobbseeah yeah, usually not a good idea to upload broken stuff09:00
antinobodyI was gonna leave a note about it not being tested...09:01
antinobodylooks like that one thing I thought didn't need changing did, oh well09:01
=== Hobbsee shakes her head.
antinobodyha, that probably applies to pretty much any mistake made while merging09:02
=== Hobbsee thought you were *always* supposed to test before upload
=== antinobody imagines you are, but wanted to test if his REVU uploads worked before going to sleep
antinobodyI was testing their new system09:03
antinobodylet's see if that fixes the problem09:07
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antinobodywait a minute...that was the dapper package, not mine09:10
antinobody...that's just weird09:10
antinobodyHobbsee ha!  I was wrong, my code isn't broken!  But...apparently the old code was...see now I'm confused again09:12
Hobbseehehe, rgith...09:13
antinobodyIt's TRUE09:13
antinobodyI swear!09:13
antinobodyI'm just not sure how09:13
antinobodytry to pbuild the dapper source for the agistudio package09:14
antinobodyit errors when it tries to compile midi.cpp09:14
Lathiatliek 3 weeks of mergres09:20
Lathiati think i might get stuck into em this time round09:20
antinobodywell, I tried to dput it again, and now I'm going to go to sleep, and if it isn't on REVU when I wake up, I'll figure out what to do then09:20
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crimsunok, so apparently sftp is barfing, which explains why the branch is never getting created.09:25
tsenghi crimsun09:25
crimsunnow why the hades is it barfing?09:25
crimsunhi tseng09:25
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raphinkwb Lure10:04
Lureraphink: moving between meeting rooms ;-)10:04
raphinkmonitoring the network :s10:04
Hobbseehi raphink10:05
raphinkhi Hobbsee10:05
HobbseeStevenK: ping?10:06
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nexuhow do i add more repository to OTHERMIRROR with pbuilder?10:49
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raphink-worknexu: see the wiki : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto10:57
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nexubeen there10:59
nexudone that10:59
nexubut trying to add a 2nd repo doesnt seem to work overhere10:59
raphink-worknexu: you add it to the sources.list of your pbuilder11:00
raphink-workyou don't add it to the conf11:00
raphink-workin the apt.conf dir11:00
antinobodyraphink-work ha!  the lauchpad.net REVU thing didn't work11:01
nexuyou mean the sources.list INSIDE the pbuild ?11:01
antinobodySigner has no upload rights at all to this distribution.11:01
antinobodySigner is not permitted to upload to the component 'universe' of file 'agistudio_1.2.2-1ubuntu1.dsc'11:01
raphink-workantinobody: can you see that with siretart ?11:01
raphink-workantinobody: he programmed that, but you're the first to try it ;)11:01
raphink-workantinobody: ...11:02
raphink-workare you sure you uploaded to revu antinobody?11:02
raphink-workI think you uploaded to ubuntu ;)11:02
raphink-workor tried to at least ;)11:02
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raphink-workyou have to use `dput revu *changes11:02
raphink-worknot dput directly11:02
raphink-workunless you've set revu to your default hots in dput.conf11:02
antinobodywhere is dput.conf?11:02
antinobodyoh /etc/11:03
raphink-workas most conf ;)11:03
antinobodyha!  well, that helps11:04
antinobodyI'm going to wait for the upload, then go back to sleep11:04
siretarterr, huh?11:04
siretartraphink-work: did you update the revu-keyring, as instructed in my email?11:05
raphink-workhmm let's see11:05
raphink-workah right11:05
raphink-workI'll do that :)11:05
siretartraphink-work: the keyring is not updated automatically, you still need to run 'revu-key update' by hand11:05
raphink-worklet's see11:06
raphink-worksiretart: I can't add revu-admins as admin to universe-contribs11:07
raphink-workit won't let me11:07
raphink-workfor some reason11:07
antinobodythe file name is dput.cf, by the by11:08
siretartraphink-work: perhaps you need to be owner or something. I've done that now11:08
antinobodyso...should I try this one more time?11:14
raphink-workyes you can try again antinobody11:14
raphink-workbe sure to upload to revu, not to ubuntu ;)11:14
raphink-workwon't let you upload to ubuntu anyway so there' s no risk ;)11:15
raphink-workwhat is the package you're trying to upload antinobody?11:16
Riddellis there a general motu equivalent of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates ?11:17
antinobodyRiddell this was in one of the mail-list e-mails http://tiber.tauware.de/~lucas/mergescountdown/todolist.txt11:20
antinobodyBut that's all I've see so far11:20
antinobodyraphink I can't upload it at the moment, because I tried to upload it before you updated the key11:21
raphink-workah right11:22
raphink-worklet me purge the package11:22
raphink-workis it agistudio antinobody?11:22
antinobodygracas raphink-work11:22
raphink-workgo on now11:22
antinobodywell, uploading anyway11:23
antinobodynow I wait11:23
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raphink-workin 20 seconds it'll be one11:24
antinobodyWe do need to set up a wiki like Riddell was talking about at some point...11:24
lucasantinobody: for what ? whole of ubuntu ?11:25
lucaswhy not just use LP bugs for this ?11:25
lucasusing a wiki means duplicating information11:25
antinobodyis that what's been used in the past?11:26
Riddelllucas: LP bugs are hard to see all in one place if there's on 1000 different packages11:26
antinobodyes verdad11:26
lucasyeah, but it's easy to write a script to follow the bugs11:26
raphink-workyour package is online now antinobody11:26
antinobodyit is indeed11:27
antinobodyI'm very happy11:27
Riddellbut so long as kubuntu isn't duplicating anything it's all good11:27
antinobodythank you for the help raphink11:27
raphink-workyou're welcome11:28
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antinobodytwo down, many to go11:30
antinobodysleep must I now, again11:31
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nexuwhen signing11:54
nexudoes it use the information based on the Maintainer field in control ?11:54
slomonexu: no, it looks at the latest changelog entry11:55
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sivangmorning all01:13
sivanghey slomo :)01:13
slomohi sivang :)01:28
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Kamping_Kaiserhi sivang01:58
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sivanghowdy folks02:13
=== sivang hugs slomo
sivangslomo: do you know if there's MOM bug list already for universe?02:13
Kamping_Kaiserhows it going02:13
sivanghey Kamping_Kaiser02:13
sivangKamping_Kaiser: fine, good02:13
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slomosivang: afaik MoM will start to run this evening... but better ask scott about it02:16
sivangslomo: ah, right, then that's also waht I know.02:16
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HobbseeStevenK: ping02:37
Hobbseehi ll02:51
zulhey Hobbsee02:51
Hobbseehi zul :)02:51
=== Hobbsee is absolutely trashed.
lucasogra: it's not really easy to exclude packages with a debian suffix in the version, since many packages have 'debian' in their versions for other reasons02:54
ograwell, ok then ...02:54
lucasall packages with debian in name or version only account for 67 packages anyway02:54
ograi didnt know there are other packages using it as version a suffix02:55
lucasxfonts-ayu 1.7+0a+0debian1-2 1.7+0a-1ubuntu102:55
lucasxmms-kjofol 0.95.0debian3-3 0.95.0debian3-302:55
lucasxresprobe 0.4.23debian1 0.4.23debian102:55
lucaszssh 1.5c.debian.1-1 1.5c.debian.1-102:55
lucasfor example02:55
ograonly xresprobe seems to match the pattern here02:56
zuljsgotangco: has your pictures been uploaded yet?02:56
lucasalso, I'm doing this part in bash, so I'd prefer to avoid doing complex matching here :-)02:56
tsenghi jsgotangco02:56
lucasanyway, the script is on tiber:~lucas/mergescountdown/, so if you want to fix it ... :)02:57
ograafter i found out how to fix the breakage debian has done to ltsp :)02:58
tsengf%$#%^#$ Launchpad Team Membership Notifier03:03
tsengcan i turn it off?03:03
Lathiatthe problem was, i beleive03:09
Lathiateveryone was an administrator03:09
Lathiatso they changed it03:09
Lathiatso ti wont happen now03:09
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jsgotangcozul: uploading now03:14
jsgotangcotseng: hi! (sorry i was downstairs cooking late dinner for my wife)03:15
tsengno problem03:15
tsengi am watching lewing give a talk of f-spot03:15
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CarlFKis this a resonable place to get help with apt-get build-dep wine ?03:51
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CarlFK(and whatever other fun may ensue)03:51
zulnot really its more #ubuntu03:52
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bddebianHeya gang04:19
bddebianHello havoc04:22
antinobodyMorning people04:22
antinobodyhello bddebian04:23
bddebianHeya antinobody04:23
Hobbseehi bddebian havoc Kamping_Kaiser and antinobody04:24
Kamping_Kaiserhi Hobbsee  :)04:25
zulHobbsee: people who want to do gentoo on ubuntu04:27
antinobodyhey Hobbsee04:27
Hobbseezul: ah yes, got to love them04:27
zulactually i want to smack them04:28
antinobodyzul but that's LIKE love04:29
zulits tough love04:30
antinobodyheehee, I was missing some letters in my debuild on that merge...04:31
antinobodyzul well put04:31
Hobbseezul: if they're doing that, they'll probably be developers eventually :P04:31
Hobbseewell, we can hope, anywya04:31
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zulHobbsee: maybe..04:32
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Hobbseewishful thinking :P04:32
zulbut if you want to become a developer you dont start out by wanting to recompile verything...sounds more like an ex-gentoo user04:32
antinobodyraphink s ests todava all, the upload is fixed (I think...)04:33
antinobodyzul technically those two things aren't mutually exclusive, even if they aren't necessrily conected either04:34
Hobbseezul: that is true04:35
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tsengbddebian: i was not drinking, it was a certain someone else04:39
bddebianAhh :-)04:39
bddebianHi tseng :-)04:39
Riddellsiretart: any plans to fix the cdbs build failure?04:46
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raphinkantinobody: which I'm not todavia por aqu04:59
antinobodylo siento raphink05:00
antinobodyyou will be missed05:00
raphinkby whom?05:00
antinobodydunno, but I'm sure someone will miss you05:00
raphinkI know someone is missing me already ;)05:01
raphinkbut that's it05:01
antinobodyit's 8 in the morning here, and I only got like 5 hours of sleep, so I might not be on top of things just yet05:01
antinobodyso if I say random nonsensical things more than usual, that's my excuse05:02
Hobbseethat's my excuse antinobody05:03
antinobodyHobbsee I'm not sure I believe the implied fact of it being 8 in the morning in Australia too05:04
antinobodyUnless they changed something about the timezones when I wasn't looking05:04
Hobbseeno, about the lack of sleep05:04
antinobodyAhhh, I see05:04
antinobodyyeah, this is nothing, during the last two weeks of class, I went like 7 days straight with less than 3 or 4 hours a night05:05
antinobodyit was unpleasant05:05
antinobodyI still have nightmares05:07
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alleeantinobody: pkging agistudio, right?05:14
alleeI wonder why pixmap still goes below /usr/X11R6/... and not /usr/share/pixmaps ?05:15
bddebianallee: Because it's broken05:18
bddebianDoes it use xmkmf?05:18
antinobodybddebian: asking me or allee?05:18
bddebianWhoever is having the issue :-)05:19
alleebddebian: no idea just looked at the diff in revu.  afaics the xpm installed by dh_install ;)05:19
=== allee looks away :)
bddebianWell dh_install will just install to whatever dirs make & make install install to by default05:20
antinobodyallee how does it affect the xpm?05:20
alleebddebian: right and dh_install gets told to install below /usr/X11.05:20
bddebianNo, dh_install doesn't get "told" to do anything :-)05:21
alleeantinobody: /usr/X11R6 is obsolete with Xorg 7.05:21
antinobodyI'm still new to this whole process, mistakes are possible (although that I'm pretty is just a change I carried over from the dapper version)05:21
bddebianantinobody: There were a lot of broken packages in dapper with that issue05:21
bddebianantinobody: Does it build with xmkmf?05:22
antinobodymhmm, xmkmf isn't in the build-deps, I know that much?  How would I tell?05:22
bddebianHow does it "make" in debian/rules?05:22
alleebddebian: it's qt app so I assume it uses tmake.05:23
antinobodyI think allee is right05:23
bddebianWhat package is this?05:24
alleeantinobody: just replace usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps with usr/share/pixmaps05:24
alleebddebian: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=250805:24
antinobodyI'll do that, thanks allee05:24
alleeantinobody: np05:24
alleeantinobody: if you feel like it, send a e-mail to debian maintainer.  AFAIR sid uses xorg 7 too.  So it's better fixed once in debian pkg05:26
antinobodyallee that shouldn't be a problem, since they put it in /usr/share/agistudio05:27
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alleeantinobody: remove all the usr/X11R6 stuff. The only the .desktop, dh_desktop and watch file remains.  All worth merged into debian pkgs.  Then pkgs can be automaticly synced fromd debian in the future.05:30
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alleeantinobody: the agistudui.1 patch should be deleted also.  1.2.2 is a new release.  So I assume year 2006 is correct not 200305:32
antinobodygive him a 2006 copyright?05:34
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alleeantinobody: who is 'him'?05:36
antinobodyOh, you mean get the right date for the top of the file (I thought you wanted an update to the copyright at the bottom, which would be odd>05:37
Riddellsiretart: ok, I've fixed cdbs (hopefully)05:38
Riddellsiretart: but how the heck did you merge that?  can't we keep the changes from debian as patches?  there's already a new debian version to merge05:39
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antinobodyallee all right, those changes should be up soon.  I'm still fuzzy on exactly what you wanted me to tell the debian maintainer though05:59
alleeantinobody: wait I check debian diff and yours (before give brain dead hints;)06:01
antinobodyhmm...the debian version pbuilds fine, is there any reason we shouldn't just sync the file?  The only change is the /usr/share/pixmaps vs. /usr/share/agistudio06:06
slomoantinobody: depends on whether the change is still necessary... not all changes we do make it build but could fix something else06:07
alleeantinobody: checked it: kubuntu added a agistudio.desktop,  debian/watch file and dh_desktop.  IMHO all worth to be merged into the debian pkgs.06:08
alleeantinobody: I would suggest when you are done with it, open a debian bug report with the output of06:09
alleeinterdiff -z agistudio_1.2.2-1.diff.gz agistudio_1.2.2-1ubuntu1.diff.gz06:09
alleeand ask Jarno Elonen to merge the changes.06:09
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antinobodyok, I'll take care of that, hopefully tonight (I need to get ready for class now)06:10
antinobodythanks for the help allee06:11
alleeantinobody: no need to hurry.  Thx for taking care of agistudio!06:11
alleeerr, I mean: no need to hurry with the upload.  Of course the class has priority ;)06:12
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antinobodyheh, of course06:12
siretartRiddell: I've imported them in different bzr branches06:13
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siretartRiddell: so it should be quite easy to see what patched come from06:13
Riddellsiretart: does it say that anywhere?06:13
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antinobodythe dh_iconcache thing has been integrated into kde, right?06:17
bddebianantinobody: Yes, it was put in kde.mk or whatever it's called06:18
antinobodywas it integrated into GNOME as well?06:18
antinobodyor does it not apply to GNOME, and I'm silly.06:18
LaserJockit isn't specific to DEs06:19
LaserJockdh_iconcache is generic, it doesn't depend on the desktop environment (KDE, Gnome, XFCE)06:20
antinobodythat makes sense06:20
siretartRiddell: yes, on https://launchpad.net/products/cdbs/+branches06:20
Riddellsiretart: groovy06:21
antinobodymy main question is, if dh_iconcache is the only difference between a dapper package and a sid package, can they be synced?06:21
Riddellsiretart: so I just made a couple of changes to cdbs, how do I get those into your bzr?06:21
antinobodyor need the changes be retained06:21
siretartRiddell: what was your base from where you started working on? the latest debian or latest ubuntu package?06:21
Riddellsiretart: latest ubuntu06:22
siretartRiddell: ok. checkout the ubuntu branch06:22
siretartbzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/cdbs/ubuntu06:22
siretartthen cd into that dir, and do a 'rm -rf *'06:22
siretartthen copy your working copy over it06:22
LaserJockantinobody: not necessarily06:23
siretartthen use 'bzr diffstat' or 'bzr st' and bzr 'diff' to see what has changed in your working copy06:23
siretartif you are happy with what you did, use 'bzr commit' to commit your changes06:23
Riddellsiretart: ok, thanks06:23
siretartRiddell: when you do the next merge, I'd propose the following procedure:06:24
antinobodyLazerJock, hmm, I'll have to look further into that later then.  I was told earlier that syncing would be fine in those cases, because of the kde.mk integration, but I realized later the KDE isn't the only desktop environment06:24
siretartRiddell: checkout the debian branch, do the rm -rf dance, copy the latest debian version to it, and commit your branch06:24
antinobodyor even our primary one...06:24
LaserJockantinobody: right, for KDE packages using CDBS it is now fine to sync06:24
siretartRiddell: then go to your ubuntu branch, and do a 'bzr merge ../ubuntu'06:24
siretartRiddell: now resolve the conflicts, and bzr commit it06:24
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LaserJockantinobody: but I'm not sure if Gnome has dh_iconcache in the gnome.mk and there are lots of packages that don't use CDBS06:25
siretartI find this much easier, because bzr helps you to track what files actually changed06:25
siretartRiddell: ah, and if you introduced new files, don't forget 'bzr add'!06:25
antinobodyLaserJock:  I see, so for okle it should be fine to sync then, for example06:26
siretartRiddell: ideally, we don't need dpatches anymore with bzr. just put every patch in a new bzr branch, and merge all 'feature branches' into the 'mainline' branch. that makes upgrading to new upstream and merging new debian changes way easier, because the conflicts gets way more isolated06:26
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LaserJockantinobody: does it use kde.mk in debian/rules? I don't have the source in front of me06:27
LaserJocksiretart: how is that going to work when pushing changes upstream?06:28
siretartLaserJock: well, bzr diff makes it quite easy to extract patches06:28
alleeLaserJock, antinobody: no rules  is 'old style' makefile that runs dh_* scripts06:28
Riddellsiretart: I do hate dpatch :)06:29
siretartRiddell: so do I06:29
antinobodyallee, gracas06:30
antinobodyI suppose that one stays unchanged then06:30
LaserJocksiretart: yeah, but if upstream is using dpatch etc. and then we start using bzr for everything06:31
LaserJockit seems like we are deviating quite a bit06:31
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siretartLaserJock: ah, so you don't mean the upstream authors, but debian, right?06:32
siretartLaserJock: well, I think it depends on taste. you don't need to manage/introduce feature branches, but you can06:32
siretartLaserJock: if you do, you have to convert them manually06:33
siretartLaserJock: perhaps one can write a bzr plugin to faciliate the dpatch<->feature branch conversion06:33
LaserJockyeah, that might be handy06:33
Toadstoolhi everybody06:37
bddebianHeya Toadstool06:46
Toadstoolhey bddebian06:46
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LaserJocksiretart: ping?07:03
bddebianAck, my karma is dropping... :-)07:04
highvoltagebddebian: that's so ongodly of you07:05
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nexuhow can i query a repository content thru apt?08:06
LaserJockwhat do you want to find?08:06
LaserJockapt-cache and dpkg are the usual tools08:07
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nexuLaserJock: i want to see or it has i386 or amd64 packages08:10
LaserJockfor a particular package?08:10
LaserJockapt-cache show <package> and look for the Architecture field08:12
nexuhmm ok08:12
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nexui did that, i though there might be another way08:13
nexuto query for specific architecture packages08:13
bddebiannexu: You can try grep-dctrl08:33
nexugrep-dctrl ?08:33
bddebian grep-dctrl lets you do some 'magic' on Packages files08:33
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nexugotta love ctrl-w in xchat08:34
crimsunjust in case anyone else is on a flaky connection for that first bzr push, you might want to do it from a stable one.08:39
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crimsunotherwise you'll end up sftping in, walking the tree by hand, rm * && cd .. && rmdir blah ad infinitum08:40
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bddebianHeya crimsun08:45
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LaserJockhi grifg09:26
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bddebianHmm, looks like there is no /etc/aliases.db in sendmail anymore.  This is now /etc/aliases?10:14
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jribhi, I've created my first package and would like to upload it to revu.  My launchpad account is https://launchpad.net/people/ribeiro.  Is there anything else I need to do before I can upload?10:18
LaserJockdo you have a gpg key jrib10:19
jribLaserJock: yep, uploaded it to launchpad account as well10:19
LaserJockjrib: I think you need to join the LP team at  https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors10:22
Erlangwhat's that team?10:23
LaserJockthe team of Ubuntu Universe contributors ;-)10:23
jribLaserJock: thanks, it says it's pending approval for membership now10:25
LaserJockk, so an admin will have to approve you before you can upload10:25
jribalright, I'll check back later then10:26
Erlangthat's the new way to subscribe to REVU?10:26
LaserJockyeah, LP integration has been a long time goal10:28
highvoltageLaserJock: anyone can upload to REVU, right?10:28
LaserJockhighvoltage: your gpg key has to be added to the revu keyring10:29
LaserJockhighvoltage: so we don't have bots uploading packages, etc.10:29
highvoltagehow do i do that?10:29
highvoltage(add the gpg key to the keyring?)10:29
LaserJockhighvoltage: well, I think now you can join the ubuntu-universe-contributors LP team and it should work10:30
highvoltagecool, i'll do that tomorrow. i think i'll have my first package that i can upload tonight. i'll try to upload it tomorrow morning, so that the motu's can rip it apart :)10:31
LaserJockhighvoltage: what kind of package?10:32
Erlangcool cool10:32
highvoltageLaserJock: xulrunner10:32
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bddebianhighvoltage: Fix that for Hurd will ya? ;-)10:32
highvoltagebddebian: hehe! of course!10:32
LaserJockhighvoltage: what? Really?10:33
bddebianActually I sort of have a patch for it :-)10:33
highvoltageLaserJock: yep, why?10:33
LaserJockhighvoltage: I didn't think xulrunner worked yet10:34
highvoltagei don't really know if it works either :)10:34
highvoltagei just downloaded and started packaging it :)10:34
highvoltage(downloaded at the summit)10:34
highvoltageit seems to be more or less firefox... without the actual firefox xul in it :)10:35
highvoltageit's only about 1MB smaller than firefox or thunderbird, so perhaps when this will one day be implemented, ff and tb will each only require a one MB package.10:36
LaserJockbah, it's really that big?10:36
highvoltage8.9M    xulrunner-
slomo_highvoltage: xulrunner already is in debian and edgy10:38
highvoltageit is? heh, ok. ogra said that we can't have epiphany yet because xulrunner isn't packaged. i guess i'll have to find something else to experiment with...10:38
highvoltagealthough, i did learn quite a bit with this already.10:39
ograhighvoltage, its packaged in debian10:39
highvoltageslomo_: thanks.10:39
ograbut to get it to main you will need someone of the main devs commiting to care for it10:39
highvoltageah yes, right.10:40
ograand iwj (the ff maintainer who knows the code best already refused to)10:40
LaserJockhighvoltage: obviously you need to become a core-dev ;-)10:41
highvoltagei wonder why iwj would refuse too. it seems that it will become essential in the future.10:41
highvoltageLaserJock: at the pace i've been learning about packaging, that's ages away from now!10:41
slomo_highvoltage: because it isn't that clear yet whether it will be used as a base for firefox/thunderbird/etc at all10:41
highvoltagealthough, i've learned to sleep less in paris. if i can manage to go to bed this late every night i might just learn faster :)10:42
slomo_highvoltage: at least from what ian said... and until they didn't decide he won't get his hands on xulrunner10:42
highvoltageslomo_: aah. i thought it was going to happen. my bad.10:42
highvoltagethen it makes sense. he's time is too valuable to waste on something that might not happen.10:42
LaserJockI sure hope something happens, lots of packages depend on firefox when they really don't need to10:44
slomo_i think everybody hopes that it will happen ;) it doesn't make much sense to have a copy of that large bunch of code in firefox/thunderbird/etc10:44
highvoltageyep. it really seems like a *lot* of shared codes between the apps. and 8-9MB extra space on the Ubuntu cd's would surely be welcome.10:45
spaceywell also really nice not to have firefox installed10:45
spaceyif you use epiphany for example10:46
spaceyfirefox is a monster =)10:46
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highvoltagedoes ubuntu universe accept packages if the package contains an executable, but not a manpage?10:58
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LaserJockhighvoltage: you should have a manpage10:59
highvoltagethat's the only problem my package still has. i think i'll compare it to the real package tomorrow to see if i've done bad or ok.11:00
crimsunhighvoltage: absolutely not. Pony bribery is rumoured to work, though.11:02
highvoltagecrimsun: now that you mentioned it... i added creating a pink pony gtk theme, gdm login and wallpaper as a 37th level priority on my todo list ;)11:03
crimsunhighvoltage: best picture ever: http://www.personalponies.org/images/PonyMagic.jpg11:04
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_ionBrushing Llandalf is fun.11:08
highvoltagecrimsun: hehe11:09
siretartRiddell: would you mind committing your cdbs branch to the supermirror?11:09
LaserJocksiretart: is the tiber mailman down?11:09
highvoltagethere's a tool that helps me edit changelog.Debian and gzips -9 it again, right?11:10
slomo_highvoltage: why would you gzip it`11:10
highvoltagelintian tells me to.11:10
highvoltageif i don't, it gives a warning that its not gzipped.11:11
=== highvoltage unzips it to get exact error message
slomo_some debhelper script should do it for you ;)11:11
siretartLaserJock: mailman should still work, but the webinterface is borked. I need to move it11:11
slomo_highvoltage: dh_compress11:11
LaserJocksiretart: ok, I was trying to admin some stuff for ubuntu-science but the wiki comes up11:12
siretartright. thats the problem11:13
Riddellsiretart: no time just now, might only get round to it tomorrow11:14
siretartRiddell: ah, I assumed you had an uncommited branch lying around on your harddisk11:17
siretartLaserJock: I'm on it11:17
LaserJocksiretart: np, just wanted to make sure you were aware of it11:17
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bddebianAck, later folks11:31
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siretartLaserJock: http://lists.tauware.de/listinfo/ubuntu-science11:42
siretartLaserJock: list address didn't change, I just tuned my apache11:42
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LaserJocksiretart: hmm, still gives me the wiki11:46
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rpedrowhere can I file a bug for a package from universe repository?11:47
rpedroespecifically audacity11:47
LaserJocksame place as Main bugs11:48
rpedrosry, thx11:48
LaserJocklaunchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug I think is the URL11:48
LaserJockrpedro: np, just trying to say that all the bugs are in one place11:49
rpedrobut I don't know that they accept bugs for packages from universe at launchpad11:49
=== Pazzo [n=thomas@host130-250-static.72-81-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocksure, Universe is an offical Ubuntu repository11:49
LaserJockin fact, Universe used launchpad before Main did11:49
rpedrook, will try the link from channel topic11:50
siretartLaserJock: please retry, should work now11:58
siretartLaserJock: if not, try flushing your browser cache11:59
LaserJocksiretart: works now12:00
siretartLaserJock: please try to moderate some mails and tell if I missed something12:01
LaserJocksiretart: seems to work fine12:04

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