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A-Kaserpoy poy09:46
lionelpHi A-Kaser09:50
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TrioTorusAnybody know how to allow user acces OR group acces in .htacces file?12:24
TrioTorusrequire user xxxx group yyy as an OR doesn't seem to work12:24
A-Kaserin two line ?12:24
TrioToruseuh, haven't tried, but unlikely12:25
TrioTorusI'll try it right away :-)12:25
A-Kaser Multiple groups can be listed, and require user can also be given, in which case any user in any of the listed groups, or any user listed explicitly, can access the resource. For example12:25
A-Kaser  require group staff admin12:25
A-Kaser  require user adminuser12:25
A-Kaseroups sorry ... I will use the pastebin ...12:25
TrioTorusany reason why you put requre group first?12:26
A-KaserI have jsut paste :)12:26
A-Kaserin google : "htaccess require user and group"12:27
A-Kaserthe third answer12:27
TrioTorusA-Kaser, thanks, sorry obvious thing, it works! on two lines12:27
A-Kaserno problem, it was a good question :)12:28
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J_Phi all01:08
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