
judahyallaman: ah.. ok.12:01
J_Pgodmachine81: yes I now that, but I not undersand this example : if my current server machine died and I will be buy a new machine ( one amd k7), and I get out hd from p4 and insert into a new machine (amd) the startup will be change the kernel ? not right ? Or I will be need reinstall the  linux-image-2.6.15-25-server to detect new cpu ?12:01
DShepherdLjL: but i could be wrong :-)12:01
JackRazzok judah, thanks12:01
J_Pgodmachine81: this is not clear for me12:01
JackRazzsaved me some trouble trying to research it.12:01
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yallamanhope this isnt a issue that it suddenly eats my cpu..without a reason:P12:01
J_Pgodmachine81: I understand that i need as a kernel k7 and p4 in grub to boot if i change cpu, , but would like use -server..12:01
DShepherd`blink: the one you entered when you were setting up the system12:01
godmachine81J_P,  like i said no the server package will only install the current running kernel type12:01
`blinkduring the install i set only password and hostname12:01
Stromhamhey guys how do i change my splash screen?12:01
`blinkno name...12:02
godmachine81J_P, do you only want to use "server" because it says server? or is there something you know about it that makes you want it for a particular reason12:02
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DShepherd`blink: are you sure... try to remember again.. it should ask you to set a password12:02
J_Pgodmachine81: yes, so if i get out hd from a p4 and put on a amd k7 that not works, i need reinstall system for has  linux-image-2.6.15-25-server  running for current cpu type ?12:02
`blinkno - i am sure12:03
DShepherd`blink: and a user name..12:03
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hyphenatedyallaman: I get unusual CPU reports because of a kernel bug12:03
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godmachine81J_P,  no you just need to install the server kernel for both amd and p4 right now and you wont have to worry about that later on when you do move the hd to a different machine..12:03
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nickrud!usplash > Stromham12:03
Banana9will ubuntu run on UltraSPARC-I cpu's?12:03
godmachine81J_P,  apt-cache search kernel |grep server12:03
godmachine81see if you see a server kernel for both amd and p412:04
DShepherd`blink: well as far as I know, there's no default user that is set in the ubuntu installation.. so on that basis you may have entered the username and not have realised...12:04
nickrudgodmachine81, it's linux | grep server on ubuntu12:04
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godmachine81nickrud,  kernel will show it too12:05
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godmachine81it would actually be linux-image |grep server12:05
eegorejudah: finaly toyed with Dapper12:05
Ubuntnoobmy programs seem to be loading much slower in ubuntu12:05
nickrudgodmachine81, true as well12:05
J_Pgodmachine81: has only one linux-image-server (for all arquitectures right) ?12:05
Ubuntnoobany ideas what could be causing this ?12:05
eegorevery impressed12:05
dave_euseris there a way to do a text-only install with dapper?12:05
alex_Question: is there software to sync palmtreo650 via bluetooth?12:05
godmachine81ok if its for all architectures then there ya go12:05
nickruddave_euser, yes, get the alternate cd12:05
DShepherdnickrud: is the user home folder created before logining in for the first time?12:05
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dave_euserok, thanks ;-) nice and easy...12:06
=== Aiwer [n=Aiwer@239.Red-80-32-116.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81J_P,  i dont know for sure, but dont be surprised if sound and other things dont work properly with that version of the kernel12:06
nickrudDShepherd, I would think it's made during the user creation phase12:06
DShepherdnickrud: ok thanks..12:06
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steveireWell if anyone else wants to know how to do what I wanted with amarok, It's a Konqueror setting. change the command used for mpegs to amarok -a12:06
DShepherd`blink: how familiar are you with linux?12:06
nickrudDShepherd, I'm assuming that the install simply calls adduser12:06
steveireamarok -a percentU that is12:06
Ubuntnoobmy programs seem to be loading much slower in ubuntu12:07
Ubuntnoobany ideas what could be causing this ?12:07
DShepherdnickrud: which creates the home folder even if the user hasnt logged in.. right?12:07
alex_Ubuntnoob: yourself? lol j/k12:07
nickrudDShepherd, yes12:07
DShepherdnickrud: thanks12:07
=== shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-46-149.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ubuntnoobits weird12:07
Stormx2Got a creative zen micro and I don't like using gnomad212:07
Ubuntnoobeven after reboot on a go slow12:07
Stormx2Any other software I could use?12:07
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dave_euserjust out of curiosity, anyone get dapper booting with an asus a8n5x and nvidia 7600? keeps getting stuck in X...12:08
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rpedroStormx2: amaroK!12:08
dave_eusergoogle was no help... ;-(12:08
DShepherd`blink: do you have a live cd around? you boot into that and check the folder names under the home folder. you should maybe recognize one of those names..12:08
=== BIAF [n=jeffos@host81-7-21-95.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
BIAFis apache got via apt-get for  ubuntu desktop version?12:08
Stormx2rpedro: Can I easily just queue up a tonne of folders to copy over to my zen micro?12:08
LjLBIAF: sure12:09
DShepherd`blink: as a matter of fact.. it should be the only name under the home folder..12:09
anfangsubuntunoob: all your programs load slowly? How long is slow?12:09
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=== eegore wonders if one should write a review blog
KuLoverAnyone here have sound probs while using Skype?12:09
rpedroStormx2: it has special support for ipods an iRiver players, but has generic support for others12:09
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runesKuLover, yes even on the 32bit  if I hang up prior to the caller it locks the sound card12:10
DShepherd`blink: do you have a live cd..?12:10
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`blinkits ok now12:10
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`blinkthe name is oem12:10
DShepherd`blink: and what's the password? :-)12:10
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KuLoverrunes, So you think its because skype uses old OSS?12:10
DShepherd`blink: i;m just joking..12:11
nickrud`blink, ah, you need to run oem-config12:11
BIAFLjL : i noticed apt-get install apache gets nothing but apache2 does12:11
nickrudI think that is12:11
KuLoverrunes, The last linux version of skype was released last Oct12:11
runesKuLover, seems to be the going consensus12:11
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rpedroStormx2: just install it and try, it's a great player anyways, probably the best for linux , or any other OS I would say12:11
DShepherdnickrud: oem-config? never heard of that one? ubotu has info about this?12:11
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runesKuLover, I have been able to run multiple mm aps with alsa withou locking the sound card--I go oss..Bang problems galore12:12
LjLBIAF: apache (version 1) is also in the repositories, but you must enable the Universe repository.  apache2 is in the Main repository.12:12
swajI just did a "sudo apt-get install amsn" -- however aMSN looks incredibly pixelated, not like the rest of the OS which is clean and anti-aliased.  Anybody know how to fix this?12:12
funkmasterhow do i run bootstrap on ubuntu?12:12
nickrudDShepherd, I don't know if ubotu does, it's the thing run during first boot after an oem config12:12
nickrudoem install, i mean12:12
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yallamananyone here have some experience making/editing themes for gnome?12:12
runesKuLover, but give Skype credit for releasing a linux version :)12:12
BIAFLjL : i need some form of apache for webmin, what one would you use12:12
godmachine81swaj,  thats the way aMSN is made.. its the widgets it uses12:12
LjLBIAF: i'm not so experienced with apache.12:12
DShepherdnickrud:  oh. and that should set up a user, oem-config that is..12:12
BIAFLjL : thx12:13
Stormx2rpedro: Nah I'm happy with my current media player12:13
swajgodmachine81, I've seen some shots of aMSN that look much better -- there's no way to clean up the fonts and nastiness?  if not I'll just install kopete12:13
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nickrudDShepherd, yes. It allows resellers to pre-install ubuntu, and the buyer to set up the initial account12:13
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godmachine81swaj,  there are some themes, and you can apply custom fonts to it, but you still have that tcl look to it12:13
DShepherdnickrud: ah,, makes sense.. thanks for the info.12:13
funkmasterhow can i run bootstrap on ubuntu?12:14
swajgodmachine81, alright thanks.. I guess kopete is the way to go.. unless you know of a decent GTK msn client that isn't gaim?12:14
godmachine81swaj,  the menus will always have that look and feel12:14
nickrudfunkmaster, there's some stuff about that under Installation on the wiki12:14
funkmasterswaj: kopete12:14
funkmasternickru: the ubunut wiki?12:15
godmachine81swaj,  i only use gaim for it, of course it lacks some of the features that MSN for Windows tries to spoil you with...12:15
nickrudfunkmaster, yes. I'm guessing you're talking about debootstrap12:15
swajfunkmaster, Kopete doesn't run under GTK last I checked -- wanted to avoid the KDElibs if possible12:15
J_PI not understand why not exist one -server for each arquitecture! :-(12:15
FlannelJ_P: which arch you looking for?12:16
godmachine81J_P,  your making a big deal out of nothing, just install the linux-image-2.6-k7 and linux-image-2.6-68612:16
funkmasteri don't know actually, i just got the svn of vlc and i was told in order to be able to compile it i first need to run bootstrap12:16
godmachine81and be done with it12:16
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BIAFLjL : where do i enable the Universe repository?12:16
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:16
steveireStormx2: There's a few programs to connect to your creative, and I'm afraid gnomad is the best one. I don't think amarok connects to it anyway12:17
LjLBIAF: in your /etc/apt/sources.list12:17
DShepherdnickrud: ubotu does know about oem. not sure if what it knows is relevant though..12:17
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuquityKnownIssues12:17
=== RadiantFi [n=kvirc@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
J_Pgodmachine81: but if there are just -server for server, why I will br use -k7 and -686 understand ? I need do this only becouse don't are one -server for each arquitecture right!12:17
Inzoyat last12:17
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swajanybody know of a google talk client for Linux?12:17
eobanbswaj, Gaim12:18
Kiboufunkmaster: you probably just have to run ./bootstrap.sh inside the root directory of the vlc source12:18
DShepherdswaj: gaim?12:18
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eobanbswaj, or actually, any jabber client will do12:18
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rpedroStormx2: if you can mount your zen micro as a normal usb hdd, you can use amaroK to copy folders onto it, also amarok has quite a few plugins available, I usually use one to transcode into ogg directly to my player12:18
Inzoyit says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"12:18
swajgoogle talk is jabber?  didn't know that :P12:18
eobanbswaj, it is indeed.12:18
nickrudDShepherd, I've never installed the oem version, but having an oem in home would lead me to look in that direction12:18
godmachine81only because that server kernel is going to be stripped and i dont understand your english very well.. i know that if you install the k7 and the 686 kernel when you move the hd you will be able to pick the appropriate kernel for the cpu from the menu..  the server kernel isnt going to make your machine any better just because it says server...12:18
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inzoythats the last line.. above it says something about busybox, built-in shell and some other stuff12:19
DShepherdnickrud: i havent either.. that's why I was kinda clueless about the oem-config command. thanks again12:19
Inzoynow what?12:19
godmachine81i'd rather see you use the non-server kernel and not have problems than install the server kernel and come back in here wondering why something isnt working...12:19
izhirahiderCan anyone tell me an alternative pt_PT mirror, since pt.archive.ubuntu.com does not work?12:19
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
antinobodyInzoy I'm looking up the error message on launchpad and ubuntuforums (and then google)12:19
yallamanack..do i need to be a rocket scientist just to change the colours on my windows borders??12:19
antinobodyI'm not familiar with it12:20
godmachine81antinobody, good look with that busybox error12:20
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godmachine81the only solution i can think of is a reinstall.. it done it to me once] 12:20
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rpedroizhirahider: wait12:20
nickrudyallaman, gtk themes? not a rocket scientist, but close.12:20
J_PFlannel: : I have this question for use always -server kernel: if i get out hd from a p4(installed -server)  and put on a amd k7, i need reinstall system for has  linux-image-2.6.15-25-server  running for current cpu type ?12:20
yallamanhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16482  this i have now..but i want the windows borders same balck colour as the panel..if ya see what i mean12:21
=== PhoenixP3K [n=opera@toronto-HSE-ppp4191253.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Inzoygodmachine81 i told you before.. to reinstall you first have to install it12:21
rpedroizhirahider: replace 'pt.archive.ubuntu.com' with 'darkstar.ist.utl.pt'12:21
nickrudizhirahider, try just removing the pt. from the lines, or see rpedro :)12:21
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nikihow do i update my graphics driver on a laptop?12:22
izhirahiderif I remove pt. I loose nationality mirror, which I surely need :) thanks12:22
alex_I'm trying to install limewire; its saying to upgrade JRE but I already have java installed in its default location, meaning that java is already installed but as I do sh ./runLime.sh ; it returns a message saying that the directories its looking at don't have java installed. So how do I point sh to the right direction?12:22
alex_direction = directory12:22
yallamanim guessing there are now gui like tool to make themes and such..sigh12:22
nickrudizhirahider, no, you don't *need* it, but it's nice12:22
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LjLizhirahider: won't necessarily be much slower. when i had problems with the italian mirrors, i used the french ones, and for me they were just as fast12:22
gnomefreakalex_: did you isntall java
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roostishawwhich exit status is a success, 0 or 1?12:23
izhirahiderLjL: I have bandwidth problems, due to whitelisting IPs by my ISP12:23
nickrudI used the uk from the us, and it was much faster :)12:23
eobanbyallaman, try gnome-look.org12:23
ubotuA popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To isntall, first install java, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh - consider frostwire (from the !repos) as alternative.12:23
=== Stromham [n=Stromham@c-24-9-63-202.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
eobanbyallaman, there are tons of themes there12:23
gnomefreakalex_: if so you might want to run sudo update-alternatives --config java   and pick the newest version12:23
stranexF~roostishaw: 012:23
alex_gnomefreak: thanks12:23
roostishawthank you12:23
PhoenixP3KCan anyone here help me out with Ubuntu+Vista Beta 2 and grub ?12:23
gnomefreakalex_: yw12:24
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:24
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nikihow do i update my graphics driver on a laptop?12:24
eobanbniki, what graphics card do you have12:24
nikieobanb, i'm not sure, the laptop was given to me used12:25
alex_gnomefreak: *+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java12:25
alex_gnomefreak: isn't that the correct one to have limewire installed?12:25
gnomefreakalex_: thats not the one you want12:25
skydragon38what should i do about this: E: zope-replacesupport: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1, thanks in advance.12:25
eobanbniki, go to System > Administration > Device Manager12:25
FlannelJ_P: right.  You should be fine.12:25
gnomefreakgcj is the one that comes with ubuntu12:25
nickrudniki, sudo ddcprobe should tell you a bit about your video card12:25
gnomefreakalex_: you want java 1.512:25
alex_gnomefreak: oh!? really. hmm. other option is usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.112:25
alex_gnomefreak: got it. will look for it12:26
gnomefreakalex_: enable multiverse and run sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre12:26
alex_will do12:26
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gnomefreakalex_: run that command again and choose 1.5 fromt here ;)12:26
alex_gnomefreak: thanks bro12:27
godmachine81Inzoy, yes i know... i was speaking if you had that error after you had it installed.  on your problem i really don't know what the problem is.  how far into the install did you actually get?12:27
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nikieobanb, nickrud, what do i look at in Sys/Admin/DeviceManager and ddcprobe?12:27
Inzoyi found a casper.log file and all i can see in it is : "/init: 1: cannot open /dev/sda: no medium found"12:27
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nickrudniki, I'm not sure about the dev manager (looking at it right now) but ddcprobe tells you exactly what your card and monitor is, as seen by ubuntu12:27
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adcuritnive got a question about ubuntu and sparc12:28
roostishawif i added 0 to a variable that equalled 00, would it come out as 01 or 1?12:28
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roostishaw*if i added 112:28
nikinickrud, it gave me a long output, which is the one that says my graphics card?12:28
nickrudniki, at the very top?12:28
nikinickrud, so my graphics card is Trident CYBER 8620?12:28
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izhirahiderrpedro: any idea why pt.* is not working?12:28
Inzoysda is usb drive or something like that right?12:28
rpedroizhirahider: nope12:28
nickrudniki, sounds right12:29
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godmachine81Inzoy,  sda is scsi devices and most usb hard drives / flash drives12:29
nikinickrud, ok...now that i know that, what do i do to update my driver?12:29
nickrudniki, your driver should be up to date, if your system is12:29
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Lohhow limit rate in apt12:29
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roostishawif i added 1 to a variable that equalled 00, would it come out as 01 or 1?12:29
Lohhow limit dowload rate in apt12:29
nikinickrud, google earth for linux tells me i need to update my driver or else it will be very slow12:29
J_PFlannel: and how I do for reinstall -server kernel in new cpu type ?12:29
Inzoyjeez.. my printer has a card reader on it.. that might be it :O12:29
LjLroostishaw: if you did that... where?12:30
adcuritnI have a sparcstation 20 that I would like to put ubuntu on. There is only a server distribution of ubuntu for sparc. does server come with a gui?12:30
=== xexos falls asleep
Lohhow limit dowload rate in apt( limit speed of downloading)12:30
nickrudniki, a sec12:30
Inzoyi thought it had to do something with the raid controller on my mobo12:30
eternaljoyhey hey :)12:30
roostishawanywhere... if i have a var that ="00", and add one to it... would it then = 1 or 01?12:30
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eternaljoyif I dont upgrade from breezy, will breezy be an insecure system and no future updates?12:31
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pooyais there a netword analogoue of top commnd?12:31
PhoenixP3Kany vista beta 2 dual booters here ?12:31
LjLeternaljoy: not until sometime next year...12:31
bbrazilPhoenixP3K: ntop12:31
kaydeHOW do i fix broken applications?? i need help...12:31
DeedubbHello. I'm trying to find a good NFS caching daemon/settings for ubuntu. It seems nscd is not in any repos?12:31
RandolphCarterroostishaw: what programming language?  I imagine in most cases you actually have a String there, not an int.12:31
bbrazilpooya: ^12:31
eternaljoyLjL: so im safe to use it and get secrity updates till at least January 2007?12:31
pooyabbrazil, thanks12:31
godmachine81kayde,  apt-get -f install12:31
roostishawLjL, anywhere... if i have a var that ="00", and add one to it... would it then = 1 or 01?12:31
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InzoyPhoenixP3K the first thing i am going to do when i boot ubuntu is trash vista and install grub12:31
BIAFRoostishaw : i think it depends what you have var set to12:31
roostishawRandolphCarter, a bash script12:31
Inzoyvista sucks12:32
Lohhow limit dowload rate in apt( i want limit speed of downloading)12:32
bbrazilpooya: I like iptraf and bmon, etherape is okay12:32
nickrudniki, the trident is not 3d capable yet, you need a new chip, not just a driver12:32
=== eegore wont touch Vista with a ten foot pole or a six foot swede
RandolphCarterroostishaw: 112:32
Deedubbvista has been released?12:32
PhoenixP3KInzoy: grub doesn't recognize vista12:32
DShepherdeeboy: heheh.. same here..12:32
nikinickrud, aw man.... :(12:32
RandolphCarterroostishaw: you can read 'man printf' if you want formatted output12:32
PhoenixP3KInzoy: I've tryed everything to install it back...12:32
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LjLroostishaw: sorry, but that question makes no sense. it would depend on the language. languages don't just all behave the same way. in many languages, you couldn't *have* a *numeric* variable containing "00" in the first place12:32
LjLeternaljoy: yes12:32
eternaljoyLjL: so im safe to use it and get secrity updates till at least January 2007?12:32
=== antinobody might touch it (vista) with a foot-long machete
Inzoyphoenix.. i won't have vista on my machine by then12:32
nickrudniki, no gl for you, but hey, it was free12:32
eternaljoyLjL: ok ok12:32
DShepherdDeedubb: that's a question that everyone has been asking for a long time12:32
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eternaljoyLjL: why should I upgrade to Dapper?  how is it more secure than breezy?12:33
roostishawRandolphCarter, so how do i make a loop that will count like:  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11... in bash?12:33
Deedubbso, nscd? not required anymore?12:33
LjLeternaljoy: i don't think it's mostly a matter of security.12:33
eternaljoyLjL: what then?12:33
as1godmachine81: what do i type to put in root password again?12:33
DarkMageZeternaljoy, it's a matter of up to dateness12:33
RandolphCarterroostishaw: read 'man printf', you could ask in #bash, but they'd probably tell you to RTM12:33
eternaljoyas1: sudo12:33
hawkaloogiebecause it's faster, and more efficient, with better access to the internet!12:33
LohPeople how to limit download speed ( analog of wget --limit-rate but in apt-get) i know that apt-get used wget12:33
godmachine81as1, passwd12:33
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eternaljoyDarkMageZ: up to dateness in what way? what improvments?12:34
RandolphCarterroostishaw: 'help for' could be useful too12:34
roostishawRandolphCarter, im asking in bash right now, thx...12:34
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nickrudlatest & greatest, with less pain than unstable12:34
Jeltehi there... anyone know when the mythtv packages in the repository are going to be updated for the 0.19-fixes branch?12:34
eternaljoyDarkMageZ: what are the imporvments in Dapper?12:34
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LjLeternaljoy: well *shrug* it's a new version. it's got some more features and hopefully some bugs fixed (and some added), and of course newer versions of most packages. that's why we have versions ;-)12:34
DarkMageZeternaljoy, dapper contains newer versions of packages, and other big changes, i'm not sure where you could find a list tho12:34
eternaljoyLjL: and more bugs ;)12:34
as1What do i type into root to password????12:34
eternaljoyDarkMageZ: ok12:34
eternaljoyDarkMageZ: u using dapper now?12:34
LjLeternaljoy: anyway, you asked "why should I upgrade to Dapper". you *should* not upgrade to dapper. you *might want to* upgrade to dapper.12:34
Flannelas1: ubuntu doesn't have a root password12:35
godmachine81as1, the password you want to use12:35
Inzoyas1: sudo passwd12:35
DarkMageZeternaljoy, of cource12:35
Flanneleternaljoy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/60612:35
LjL!tell as1 about sudo12:35
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eternaljoyFlannel: cheers!12:35
Inzoyflannel? who told you that?12:35
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adcuritndoes the server distribution of ubuntu come with a gui?12:35
Flanneladcuritn: no12:35
eternaljoyadcuritn: maybe12:35
adcuritncan I install one12:35
Flanneladcuritn: yep12:35
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eternaljoyadcuritn: maybe12:35
eternaljoyadcuritn: :)12:36
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Inzoyeternaljoy: stop maybe-ing12:36
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eternaljoyInzoy: make me ;)12:36
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adcuritnapt-get install gde?12:36
BIAFadc : ubuntu-desktop12:36
Flanneladcuritn: ubuntu-desktop12:36
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BIAFgnome is what u will get, not KDE12:37
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adcuritnI know12:37
LjLif you want a GUI though, why not install Desktop in the first place?12:37
eternaljoyis upgrading to dapper as good as a new install?12:37
adcuritnthere isnt a desktop distribution for sparc12:37
=== godmachine81 wonders why everyone likes gnome and kde?? why not fluxbox, blackbox, afterstep, or something thats not so high in resources??
Flanneleternaljoy: yep12:37
Hexidigitalnothing is as good as a new install12:37
as1HOW DO I GET IN TO ROOT? what do I type to put in my password??12:38
nickrudeternaljoy, as long as you haven't made any major changes manually12:38
eternaljoyFlannel: so I can upgrade and not need to new install?12:38
bbrazilgodmachine81: try xubuntu - xcfe12:38
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Flannelas1: Ubuntu doesn't have a root password.  Read that link ubotu sent you12:38
nickrudas1, there is no root password12:38
Flannel!tell as1 about root12:38
mikereeternaljoy: worked well for me upgradeing12:38
eternaljoynickrud: does Dapper come preinstalled with gnome-ppp?12:38
godmachine81bbrazil, well xfce is pretty gnomish nowadays..12:38
antinobodyInzoy so when you try to install it kicks you to a console after the error message, right?12:38
LjLgodmachine81: i don't necessarily "like" them, but most programs are using their services anyway. so i don't find removing them gaining me anything12:38
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nickrudeternaljoy, no, you'll need to download that from universe12:38
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bbrazilgodmachine81: snapy enough for me. I'm a blackbox/98se man12:38
eternaljoymikearthur: does Dapper come preinstalled with gnome-ppp?12:38
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nickrudeternaljoy, it comes with pppconfig12:38
eternaljoynickrud: damn idiots :(12:38
Lohhow limit dowload rate in apt( limit speed of downloading) what i need to write in apt-config12:38
godmachine81bbrazil, 98se?? my god12:39
Inzoywell actually right now it cannot boot the kernel.. but it does so..12:39
eternaljoynickrud: ok pppconfig is ok12:39
antinobodyInzoy is this console the normal one, with all the pretty user@localhost crap12:39
bbrazilgodmachine81: laugh all you want, great for games though12:39
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antinobodyand whatnot, rather than just a recovery-shell looking thing12:39
Inzoyjust #12:39
eobanbgodmachine81, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic12:39
as1Flannel: can i pm u?12:39
Lohnoone know how to limit download rate? HELP12:40
Inzoyi found a casper.log file and all i can see in it is : "/init: 1: cannot open /dev/sda: no medium found"12:40
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godmachine81eobanb, not worth going there.. im done with that issue i was just asking a 1 time question...12:40
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antinobodyInzoy yeah, I read that12:40
Flannelas1: sure12:40
eternaljoyhow do I list all IRC channel using x-chat?12:40
bbrazileternaljoy: /list usually12:40
godmachine81as1,  what exactly do you need to be root for?12:40
eobanbeternaljoy, /list .  but i wouldnt recommend doing that on a network as popular as freenode12:40
DeedubbLast call: anyone know any good solutions for NFS caching12:40
antinobodywell at least I know it's probably not a tty7 problem12:40
bbrazilLoh: not sure it's doable directly, may tell it to go through squid and limit it there?12:40
antinobodyit looks like a tty(anything) problem12:40
nickrudeternaljoy, go to ircsearch.org , it's got a nice interface12:40
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Flannelas1: you can't PM unless you're registered/identified though12:41
nickrudwell, usable anyway12:41
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eobanbeternaljoy, Window > Channel List12:41
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as1Flannel: can u pm me then?12:41
Lohbbrazil i dont know how to  change it in suid12:41
Lohbbrazil i dont know how to  change it in squid12:41
Inzoynow i cannot even get to that prompt..12:41
Lohapt-get used wget it can change download speesd12:42
LjLLoh: try "apt-cache show trickle"12:42
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Inzoyit lies to me.. my machine lies to me!! it says "OK, booting kernel" and it doesn't..12:42
bbrazilLoh: look in the config under dealy pools12:42
bbrazilLoh: *delay12:42
tobberoth_Is there any big channel for discussing Wine issues?12:42
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Daveyboyhey , i downloaded apt-get install xfce-desktop but i don't see it in my login screen for a session...12:42
LjLtobberoth_: #winehq12:42
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tobberoth_thanks :)12:43
Inzoythis indicates an unhealthy relationship between me and my computer12:43
godmachine81kayde, what are you trying to become root for? what particular reason?12:43
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Alpha-Toxichi guys, what was the command to change screen res through the command line?12:43
aLPHa_LeaKAlpha-Toxic: iirc edit the xorg.conf12:43
nickrud*blush* used xchat for a year, never saw that window channel list menu item12:43
eternaljoyi found it!  in x-chat chose Window in menu then chose List Channels :)12:43
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eobanbeternaljoy, that's what i just said...12:43
eternaljoyeobanb: ah ok ;)12:44
antinobodyInzoy this is on the same computer you're using now, right?12:44
Alpha-Toxicthere was a command, i have used it, but forgot it...12:44
eternaljoyeobanb: you use dapper or breezy?12:44
antinobodyOh, ok then12:44
nickrudInzoy, do you have serial ata? I ask, not because I have a solution, but I've seen that happen with ubuntu occasionally12:44
eobanbeternaljoy, it's the same in dapper and in breezy12:44
eternaljoydoes Dapper come with Thunderbird?12:44
eobanbeternaljoy, no12:44
godmachine81Daveyboy, you may need to make a new xfce.desktop file in your /usr/share/xsessions/ directory12:44
eternaljoydoes Dapper come with x-chat?12:44
Flanneleternaljoy: yep, well.  you can install it from the repositories.  It doesn't come preinstalled12:44
Inzoynop... just ata12:44
eobanbeternaljoy, no12:44
ubotuI know nothing about mozilla-thunderbird12:44
Inzoycrappy ide12:44
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nickrudeternaljoy, no, xchat-gnome12:44
eobanbeternaljoy, just sudo a-tpget install xchat12:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:44
eternaljoyeobanb: does dapper come with anything? :P12:44
ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042712:44
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eobanbeternaljoy, of course.  but there's a reason that ubuntu fits on one CD12:45
LjLeternaljoy: does it matter that much what it comes with?12:45
eternaljoyeobanb: if I do a new install that means I have to install so many things :(12:45
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eobanbeternaljoy, just sudo apt-get install xchat, and there, you have it12:45
nicolas_is there a sort of mail notification available for evolution ? (in gnome, i know xfce mail icon used to change to red when new mail arrives)12:45
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rpedroAlpha-Toxic: alt-ctrl-keypadplus and alt-ctrl-keypadminus ?12:45
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eobanbeternaljoy, no need to troll12:45
eternaljoyeobanb: define troll12:45
Lohbbrazil -> delay? its a comand of what12:45
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eobanbeternaljoy, someone trying to start an argument?12:45
BIAFim looking best way to apt-get sendmail for my webmin...12:45
Hexidigitaleternaljoy:: what you are doing is trolling12:45
eternaljoyeobanb: you falsely accuse me12:45
nickrudor the edge of it anyway12:46
antinobodyInzoy can you try to get to install it again?  I want to check the contents of a file12:46
LjLnicolas_: try apt-cache show evolutions-plugins12:46
antinobodythen again12:46
eternaljoyHexidigital: are you 100% certain about that?12:46
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antinobodyif you can't load the kernel...12:46
LjLnicolas_: that is evolution-plugins12:46
Inzoyis it possible to have any problem with the cd? now it crashes 5 seconds after it starts booting from it12:46
Hexidigitaleternaljoy:: sure enough that i save my IRC logs...12:46
nickrudInzoy, absolutely. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto12:46
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eobanbeternaljoy, if you have a specific question, that's fine, but if you have a valid complaint about ubuntu then contact the development team12:46
yallamanis there somhow i can change workspaces with the mousewheel?12:46
bbrazilLoh: delay pools, feature of squid12:46
antinobodyInzoy maybe, try downloading the alternative cd (that should be familiar enough for you anyway)12:46
Alpha-Toxicrpedro: lol this actualy does sth :)12:46
eternaljoyHexidigital: are you 100% certain that im trolling?12:46
godmachine81Inzoy, what type of cpu are you using?12:46
nicolas_LjL: thanks12:46
BIAFbest way to apt-get sendmail for my webmin?12:46
antinobodyand then md5summing it12:47
antinobodyto be sure12:47
eternaljoyeobanb: are you a developer?12:47
eobanbeternaljoy, not of ubuntu, no.12:47
nickrudyallaman, put the mouse pointer over the desktop pictures lower right, and scroll12:47
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Lohrunning trickle :trickle: Could not reach trickled, working independently: No such file or directory12:47
Lohtrickle: exec(): No such file or directory12:47
crimsunthis trolling/not-trolling discussion needs to be moved right now.12:47
Inzoybut i've booted this disc a bounch of times anyways.. gonna check it out12:47
Hexidigitalcrimsun:: sorry12:47
yallamanwell..that works too..was hoping to get it working..anywhere on the deskto tho:)12:48
antinobodyInzoy the alt cd might be friendlier, who knows?12:48
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Inzoyantinobody the desktop cd it much more usefull12:48
Inzoyjust click and boom: installed12:48
Jack_SparrowWhat folder should have the program.exe (Windows App) if I want to run it under Wine?12:48
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antinobodyInzoy true, but if you can't get to that pont, it isn't that useful12:48
Inzoygodmachine81 i got a p4 3.something GHz12:48
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LjLLoh: hm, it works for me with "sudo trickle apt-get update"12:48
Inzoyi'm gonna try re downloading ubuntu12:49
godmachine81what type of hard drive Inzoy ?12:49
FlannelJack_Sparrow: it's under ~/.wine/ if I remember correctly12:49
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Inzoyi'll get the alt to.. :)12:49
nickrudJack_Sparrow, it'll be under ~/.wine/drive_c/ , whereever you installed it in the windows tree12:49
Jack_SparrowFlannel: I need the app in the Wine folder?12:49
Inzoygodmachine81: 2 ide WD drives12:49
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LjLLoh: also appears to work with "sudo trickle -u 1 aptitude dist-upgrade"12:49
FlannelJack_Sparrow: no, the c drive underneath of it.  install it via wine, it puts it in the right place12:49
godmachine81Jack_Sparrow,  ~/.wine/drive/Program Files/AppDir/App.exe12:49
rpedroJack_Sparrow: first run winecfg and run through the tabs, specifically the folders tab12:49
swajkinda wierd -- under ubuntu dapper drake, my laptop never has any issues, but in Windows XP, it overheats like crazy12:49
Inzoyi had no problem installing linux on my harddrive in the past12:49
Jack_SparrowCool thanks, I will try it thanks guys and gals12:50
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antinobodyInzoy it probably is just a corrupt cd issue12:50
nickrudInzoy, checking the cd is faster12:51
godmachine81Inzoy, try erasing the hard drive your installing to.. that will probably fix it.. if thats an option anyway12:51
Hexidigitalswaj:: you're power management should be better w/ Ubuntu, also... i get nearly 15-20% more battery power12:51
antinobodygodmachine81 he didn't get that far in the process12:51
godmachine81but do what they said first12:51
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JackRazzhey everyone, does the ubuntu Live CD automatically mount FAT32 partitions that are on my existing hard drives???12:51
antinobodyI'm going to go take a walk now, good luck Inzoy12:51
godmachine81antinobody, i mean use a diff disc to format it12:51
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nickrudJackRazz, yes, most of the time12:51
Inzoythank you antinobody12:51
Lohtrickle: Could not reach trickled, working independently: No such file or directory --what does is this12:52
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drucerAnyone tried to set up Ubuntu studio?12:52
JackRazzhey nickrud, one more question12:52
godmachine81Loh,  it means that the trickled is not running.. trickled would be the daemon12:52
=== Hexidigital work... have a great day everyoen
Inzoybtw my cpu is at 3.0 GHz12:52
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Lohbut it works or not?12:52
godmachine81probably not12:53
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nickrudJackRazz, shoot. But, I claim the right to throw the question back ;)12:53
JackRazzusing nautilus, I dbl clicked the  FAT32 partion and it said someing about not being a removable drive and couldn't mount.12:53
godmachine81Loh, see what you get when you type trickle<tab> in the terminal12:53
Inzoynickrud? "checking the cd is faster" you mean via the boot menu?12:53
JackRazzshould I look for the partition in FileSystem?12:53
nickrudJackRazz, yes, but you might need to redefine it in /etc/fstab .12:54
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vanbergewill somebody in here write adium for linux  :-)12:54
vanbergethat is the coolest i.m. program i've ever seen12:54
nickrudJackRazz, if you'd put your /etc/fstab and the output of sudo fdisk -l on a pastebin ...12:54
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JackRazzI didn't think i could do that from a live cd - can I just edit it and it will automatically recognize without a reboot?12:54
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JackRazzLive CD!12:54
MFenis there an official package list anywhere? i want to know what pacakges are available on the *live* (desktop?) cd12:55
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nickrudJackRazz, ah, livecd. All bets are off on that, I only boot them long enough to fix my screwups12:55
Daveyboywhat is a good cd burner program for ubuntu12:55
MFenin particular, i want to know if the livecd has ndiswrapper12:55
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Ap0s7leHey all, How do I edit a file that only root has access to?12:55
nickrudDaveyboy, for most uses, just go to Places->CD/DVD creator12:55
LohI run trickle but download speed is 10 kb/s now when it set 250 /12:55
Daveyboynickrud, im using kde12:56
aLPHa_LeaKAp0s7le: sudo vi file12:56
Ap0s7leI don't know how to use vi12:56
nickrudDaveyboy, now why would you want to do that ;)12:56
gigaclonsudo gedit then12:56
FlannelAp0s7le: gksudo gedit, or sudo nano12:56
aLPHa_LeaKAp0s7le: then sudo nano or sudo gedit then12:56
Jack_SparrowWhen using wine to run a visual basic 5 app how do I link the vb runtime libraries12:56
aLPHa_LeaK-then ;)12:56
nickrudDaveyboy, k3b for you then12:56
Daveyboynickrud, kewl12:56
drucerDaveyboy, k3b. It can even back up DVDs.12:56
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JackRazznickrud, I'm trying to install linux and need to mount it to dd the first sector in the partition to get the grub loader12:57
godmachine81k3b is a pretty good cd/dvd burning app even if your in gnome or another wm12:57
godmachine81gnome-baker isnt bad either12:57
drucerNot sure if k3b can back up encrypted DVDs though.12:57
nickrudJackRazz, I'd need to see that file & output to help12:57
Inzoyverbose mode always does it12:58
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JackRazzok, nickrud,  I'll try later when I retry booting the live cd...thanks12:58
Inzoywell "drives/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver" and then i get the error12:58
godmachine81have the dapper cds been shipped out yet?12:59
tobberoth_I just installed bittornado and bittornado-gui.. how do I start it O.o12:59
godmachine81im guessing they have12:59
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tobberoth_It's not in the menu12:59
nickrudJackRazz, you can try something like mkdir /windows && sudo mount /dev/hda1 -t vfat /windows, but that's pretty generic12:59
acidburnshow do I remove a folder wich is not empty via the command line?12:59
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nickrudacidburns, rm -r <dir>01:00
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Ap0s7leI tried... gedit http.conf and it doesn't open it01:00
drucerAnyone know what "shutting down torrent tracker" means? I see this line every time I shut down Ubuntu dapper. Does this mean that Dapper comes with some torrent tracker software preinstalled?01:00
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acidburnsthanxz nickrud01:00
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ZahlerSchlagenhey everybody!01:01
druceracidburns, "rm -Rf <folder name>".01:01
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tobberoth_Anyone who uses BitTornado?01:01
nickruddrucer, did you do a save session while a torrent was running? (guessing)01:02
JackRazznickrud, if the live cd did automatically mount the fat32 partition, where would it be in my filesystem?01:02
nickrudJackRazz, somewhere under /media01:02
ZahlerSchlagenTobberoth_: I use uTorrent01:02
ZahlerSchlagenanyone here have an rt61 WiFi card or no how to configure one?01:02
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JackRazznickrud, ok thanks.01:02
funkmasterjackrazz: it will probably not mount it automatically01:02
funkmasterwhen u go to the command line and type mount01:02
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funkmasteru should c the mounted devices and where they r monted01:02
drucernickrud, not sure about that. That might have happened. I'm just wondering if some bittorrent software is still running in the background. Hope not.01:02
__mikemHello, it looks like the local ops took care of that problem last night?01:03
tobberoth_ZahlerSchlagen: uTorrent 1.5 doesn't work on Wine :( Won't connect to tracker.01:03
ZahlerSchlagensad panda01:03
funkmasterdruver: run top and check whats running01:03
ZahlerSchlagenanyone here have an rt61 WiFi card or no how to configure one?01:03
MFendoes anyone here how i can found out whether the livecd has a particular package on it or not?01:03
JackRazzok everyone, thanks...I'll go try all this now...thanks again for all the help01:03
nickruddrucer, run gnome-system-monitor , it'll tell you all your running processes01:03
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antoxZahlerSchlagen: try ndiswrapper.01:03
ZahlerSchlagenantox: there is a linux driver01:04
funkmasterMfen: check on the web or run the live cd go to synaptic packet manager and look for it01:04
LjLMFen: do you *have* the live cd? also, note that you can *install* new packages from the net when you're on the live cd01:04
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MFenLjL: it's an awful lot of data to download if it doesn't have what i need on it...01:04
ZahlerSchlagenUbuntu 6.06 comes with the rt61 driver! But i can't configure the card. i et a siocflags error01:04
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__mikemLjL don't forget you can also install the distro itself from the new live cd's01:04
drucerOK, I had a look at the processes. No mention of any process with *torrent in it's name. So, it is not normal to see that message every time you shut down?01:04
funkmasterit's la cd01:04
MFenLjL: also note that i need ndiswrapper, so the net isn't gonna be there for me01:04
MFenfunkmaster: on the web *where* though?01:05
funkmasterdrucer: afaik not01:05
antoxZahlerSchlagen: what's the name of your card?01:05
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drucerfunkmaster, OK, that's good to know. I need to find out what's causing that.01:05
funkmasterhm dunno but i guess google shoud be useful01:05
ZahlerSchlagenit's got the rt2561 chipset, a giga-byte card01:05
ZahlerSchlagenuses rt61 driver01:05
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ZahlerSchlagenwhich i have on my windows :/01:05
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ZahlerSchlagenit wont work under ubuntu though01:06
__mikemZahlerSchlagen what in gods name is a giga-byte card?01:06
LjLMFen: i'll make you a list if i can find a cd01:06
ZahlerSchlagengiga-byte is a brand01:06
ZahlerSchlagenit's a WiFi card 802.11b/g01:06
MFenLjL: that would be cool01:06
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ZahlerSchlagenin iwconfig it is showed01:07
ZahlerSchlagenbut when i try to assign it an addres my machine locks up01:07
Tmobanyone here have a Dell d410 laptop?01:07
ZahlerSchlagenor do anything with it01:07
Tmobi can't figure which wireless card i have01:07
Tmobit says unknown broadcom01:07
ZahlerSchlagenand i have the firmware in the /etc/Wireless/RT61STA dir01:07
ZahlerSchlagenmine says unknown realtek01:07
Tmoband bcm43xx doesn't work.. so trying to see wehre i can get the driver from..01:07
ZahlerSchlagenubuntu has bad wireless support01:07
ZahlerSchlagenall linux has poor wireless support01:07
aLPHa_LeaK n801:07
TmobZahlerSchlagen, yea i have installed it on btoh my laptops and both of their wifi dont work01:08
ZahlerSchlagenblast it01:08
ZahlerSchlagenanyone know how this can be remedied/01:08
Tmobi think its betters to stick with  ndiswrapper until bcm43xx drivers get stable01:08
robertjI think we have officially moved from bad to poor01:08
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TmobZahlerSchlagen, ndiswrapper works very well01:08
ZahlerSchlagenhow do i uninstall the linux driver, then?01:08
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eternaljoyeobanb: are you a developer?01:09
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ZahlerSchlagentwo questions folks. where can i find deb URLS for ndiswrapper and how do you uninstall a driver?01:10
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LjLerr, does anybody have the /etc/apt/sources.list line for the Ubuntu Dapper CD-ROM?01:10
boricuatrying to configure cups via localhost:631 keeps asking me for password how do i set one up for cups?01:10
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mjrLjL, sudo apt-cdrom add should add it01:11
Jemtbobslaede: Just enter 'root' and your own password01:11
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ZahlerSchlageni concur wth mjr01:11
nickrudLjL, if you're looking for the package list, it's in /casper/filesystem.manifest in the desktop cd01:11
boricuaJemt, that does not do it01:11
LjLmjr: hm, cool, but... does the Dapper Desktop CD count as a CD repository? :-\01:11
LjLnickrud: right, thanks01:11
Jemtboricua: Ah, root is not enabled.01:11
boricuaJemt, remeber it ubuntu root has no password01:11
mjrLjL, oh. Yeah. Desktop. Dunno.01:12
tobberoth_Hmm, does ubuntu have some form of natural firewall? I seem to be firewalled on bittorrent01:12
ZahlerSchlagenanyone know how to uninstall a driver?01:12
__mikemsudo passwd root is great01:12
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antoxZahlerSchlagen: ndis is @ http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/01:12
boricuaJemt, even if you enable it it will not work its noot looking for regular root passwd01:12
bbraziltobberoth_: the kernel has iptables, but it shouldn't be in use01:12
Jemtboricua: Why don't you use "Printing" in Administration or Preferences?01:12
Flannel__mikem: please don't recommend people set a root password.01:12
ZahlerSchlagenthanks antox01:12
LjLmjr, nickrud: so does the "ex-Live-now-Desktop-CD" not act as a repository anymore? :o)01:12
Jemtboricua: Hm, it should..01:12
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boricuaJemt: i am troubleshoot an exisiting problem with my printer01:13
antoxabout uninstalling... try to delete that module (?) but I don't know...01:13
nickrudLjL, if it's like the alternate cd, yes it does01:13
boricuaJemt, try it01:13
yallamanis there a temp monitoring app for ubuntu?01:13
Jemtbobslaede: Try what ?01:13
antoxyallaman: try acpi01:13
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boricuaJemt, using root passwd if you think it should01:13
LjLnickrud: well i don't have an alternate cd handy, but with the desktop cd, apt-cdrom doesn't recognize it as a source01:13
dr3wsterhey, has anyone here been able to get beagle to index a fat32 partition?  I followed their FAQ to create a static index, but I've still got nothing.  Any ideas?01:13
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nickrudLjL, check that, when I reinstalled yesterday, it asked for the cd for some updates; I cancelled & changed the sources01:14
Jemtboricua: I'm using Debian01:14
__mikemhey, what command do I use to see who owns a particular file?01:14
dr3wsterhey, has anyone here been able to get beagle to index a fat32 partition?  I followed their FAQ to create a static index, but I've still got nothing.  Any ideas?01:14
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robertjdoes gnome iso burner work with dvds?01:14
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antox_mikem: ls -l <filename>01:14
constantine-xvihow do you manually insert the package lists into apt?  i keep getting 403s from apt, but can get them from the browser01:14
LjLMFen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1648801:14
__mikemok thanks01:14
tobberoth_I wish uTorrent would just work.. seems impossible to find a decent torrent program for ubuntu/kubuntu01:14
robertjI right clicked & wrote to disk & inserted a dvd but it just says to insert a disk with 4597 free01:14
aviationhello, has anyone here setup a nvidia card on dapper, specifically a geforce fx 520001:14
nickruddr3wster, not a doable thing, vfat does not support user_xattr01:15
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dr3wstertobberoth_, what's so bad about azureus?01:15
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bbrazilconstantine-xvi: do an apt=get update, see if that fixes it01:15
he-mantobberoth_: try azureus01:15
nickruddr3wster, or whatever the exact attribute is01:15
tobberoth_dr3wster: It's a memory hog since it's coded in Java. It's slow and ugly. It won't even let me download files.01:15
dr3wsternickrud, http://beagle-project.org/Static_Indexes says that I can by building a static index manually and then adding it to beagle... but it's not working01:15
constantine-xvibbrazil: no dice, still getting 403s01:15
he-manaviation: I've got a geforce fx 5200 Go on my laptop and have no problems01:15
LjLconstantine-xvi: which repositories are you using?01:15
constantine-xvi403 == forbidden error01:15
LjLconstantine-xvi: i mean with mirrors. try using some others01:16
nickruddr3wster, I wasn't aware you could do that.01:16
dr3wstertobberoth_, that'll do it:-p.  I dunno, it's less of a memory hog for me for some reason and I always run it minimized.01:16
LjLconstantine-xvi: s/with/which/01:16
dr3wsternickrud, haha, well I can in theory... buuut it doesn't actually work for some reason:(01:16
tobberoth_I just wanted to get uTorrent working >_< stupid Wine.01:16
constantine-xviLjL: tried us.archive, archive, se.archive, among others, but not working01:16
calebtHow can i do work the back and forward buttons of my Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.001:16
yallamanantox: seems that acpi is installed allready..how do i use it? would be nice with some desklet or somthing to have on desktop01:16
LjLconstantine-xvi: do you have a (DSL) router?01:16
bbrazilconstantine-xvi: try a different mirror? flush your proxy cahce (if any)?01:17
antoxyallaman: I use acpi -Vs01:17
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constantine-xviLjL: yes01:17
ZahlerSchlagenanyone know how to uninstall a driver?01:17
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LjLconstantine-xvi: look at your /etc/resolv.conf -- is your router set as the DNS server?01:17
dr3wsterso, has anyone else had experience with using beagle for fat32 drives?01:17
antoxyallaman: sorry, dunno anything w/ gui.01:17
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calebtHow can i do work the back and forward buttons of my Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.001:18
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constantine-xviLjL: nameserver (the router)01:18
Jemtcaleb: Repeating the question dosn't help01:18
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LjLconstantine-xvi: right. try changing that into, and then try again the apt-get update01:18
lonegeekwhat program will rip a cd to mp3?01:18
LjLconstantine-xvi: (that IP's a DNS server that i know works)01:18
aviationhe-man, are you running dapper?01:19
constantine-xviLjL: still 403s01:19
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calebtHow can i do work the back and forward buttons of my Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 USB in Ubuntu Dapper 6.06???01:20
constantine-xviLjL: if i copy/paste the urls into firefox, i get the lists01:20
he-manaviation: yes, but now that you tell me that... I installed some days ago dapper in my PC some days ago with a Geforce 5500 FX and just before entering gdm01:20
constantine-xvibut apt-get returns 403s01:20
Jemtcaleb: Stop repeating your question !01:20
he-manaviation: the background remains black01:20
spadescaleb https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons01:20
LjLconstantine-xvi: hmm, ok. i'll explain why i asked you to do this --- some guy had encountered a problem with 403s and other errors on apt-get, due to the fact that his router model messed up DNS when requests came too fast. that's why i had you try another server01:20
calebtJemt please answer me01:20
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LjLconstantine-xvi: can you paste both your sources.list and the errors you're getting from apt-get update to the pastebin?01:20
Jemtcaleb: There is probably no one that knows the question. If there is, they will try to help you01:20
calebtThank Spades01:21
constantine-xviLjL: please hold...01:21
CodeWarrior_Id want to install AMD64 version (Dapper) , but my main use of the machine is desktop stuff. Id like to know if theres a way to compile programs for 64bits using the 32bits version of the OS ?01:21
Flannelcalebt: Ive got a link for you, let me fish it up.01:21
bruenigcodewarrior_, you can set up a chroot01:21
theshibbolethI juar installed Ubuntu, and I'm trying to get my wireless network to work, but everytime I click to activate the wirless connection the system freezes01:21
__mikemthat never happened to me before01:22
Flannelcalebt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto01:22
calebtThakns Flannel01:22
Stormx2Oh finally... kzenexplorer... brilliant.01:22
CodeWarrior_bruenig: install the 32bits and make a 64bits chroot ?01:22
nickrudCodeWarrior_, if your main use is desktop, stick with the i386 version. You can run 32 bit stuff in a chroot on 64 bit, and edgy supposely will support running 32 bit stuff01:22
ice228how do i instal a .bin file01:22
mjrCodeWarrior_, you could, but you'd have to jump through some hoops. Probably easiest would be to run a 64-bit kernel regardless of the main userland01:22
aviationhe-man, did you just install this driver? "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common" ?01:22
antoxice228:  how about just launching it?01:23
bruenigcodewarrior_, i misread it01:23
__mikemice228 chmod 777 file.bin exec file.bin01:23
Jemtice228:   ./myBinFile.bin01:23
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ice228Couldn't display "/home/ice228/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin01:23
garryF!wireless > theshibboleth01:23
__mikemice228 do a chmod777 on the file first01:23
__mikem* chmod 77701:23
Jemtice228: requires you to do 'chmod +x myBinFile.bin' first, which will grant execution rights01:23
__mikemchmod 777 filename01:23
aviationhe-man, or did you also edit "xorg.conf", i guess the simple question would be what did you do to get this card working properly01:23
ice228do i do that in terminal01:23
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__mikemI like octal digets better01:23
nickrudor sh file.bin , no chmod needed01:23
he-manaviation: yes, I did it and then I tried "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" but it's the same for me.01:24
Jemtice228: In one command:  chmod +x myBinFile.bin && ./myBinFile.bin01:24
CodeWarrior_so, better to install 64bits version and use a 32bit chroot ?01:24
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Jemtice228: If the file requires administration privileges:  chmod +x myBinFile.bin && sudo ./myBinFile.bin01:24
antoxnickrud: does sh file.bin really work?!01:24
nickrudCodeWarrior_, if you're comfortable running chroots, that's the way to go for now01:24
__mikemthats what I would like to know01:24
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he-manaviation: I couldn't. In my laptop I've had dapper installed before being released and I simply updated it01:24
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__mikemI thought sh was only for shell scripts01:24
he-manaviation: which is your problem exactly?01:24
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he-manaviation: the same as mine?01:25
nickrud__mikem, no, sh is a shell: and it works01:25
theshibbolethIs the system freezing when one activates a wireless network a common/known problem?01:25
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:25
Jemttheshibboleth: Using Dapper ?01:25
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hareemcan some one help me setup openkiosk01:25
theshibbolethJemt: yes, I'm using dapper01:26
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antoxnickrud: no, it doesn't.01:26
theshibbolethI set up the network properly, I just don't understand why it freezes01:26
aviationhe-man, before i installed the drivers i only had 1024 x 768, which is low for this card right, now that i installed the driver i have 640 x 480 only for some reason01:26
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Jemttheshibboleth: Downgrade to Breezy. Dapper totally sucks. It is not ready for use. It is seriously unstable - Several threads on the Ubuntu Forum proves that. Breezy is the bomb though. But if you want the most recent software, I would recommend Debian01:26
hareemhey. can someone please help me setup openkiosk01:26
nickrudantox, ok, you tested one that didn't. My bad then01:26
calebjust to be clear01:26
digihey looks like my soundcard(sb-awe) isnt supported, i can enable it (dontr remember how) but i need to do it everytime i reboot, HELP!01:26
calebthere is or was a "calebt"01:26
calebwhich is different from me01:27
calebi scrolled up and was like "i didnt repeat my question... ?"01:27
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ice228it wont let me write to the bin folder and i do have admin priviliges01:27
theshibbolethJemt: Is there a way to downgrade from within Dapper? Before when I tried to install Breezy it was not able to install the Linux kernel.01:27
constantine-xviLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1648901:27
ocr---LjL: thanks for the excellent help earlier today, just letting you know I've now restored the entire system!01:27
nickruddigi, you did a modprobe on a module to get it working?01:27
ocr---bcl: thanks for the excellent help earlier today, just letting you know I've now restored the entire system!01:27
Jemttheshibboleth: Nope01:27
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LjLocr---: extracted dpkg by hand?01:28
Jemttheshibboleth: I would recommend Debian. It's the same installation procedure01:28
he-manaviation: you can change that in your xorg.conf file in /etc/X11. In section Screen, subsection Display01:28
nickruddigi, add that module name to /etc/modules , it'll install automatically at each boot01:28
hareem hey. can someone please help me setup openkiosk01:28
Jemttheshibboleth: Except that you only get a "base" system (console)01:28
he-manadd whatever mode you want to use01:28
digioh ok01:28
ice228anyone know why it wont let me write to a folder even i f i have admin priviliges?01:28
halitechhareem, what have you done so far?01:28
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theshibbolethJemt: alright. I'll look into it. Thanks.01:28
Jemttheshibboleth: I have created 3 shell scripts that setup my computer with Debian - I could send them to you01:28
ocr---LjL & bcl: it just needed 5 hours of sleep and then just extracting all "required" packages by hand ignoring /etc :] 01:28
hareemi installed berkely DB01:28
hareemthats about it01:28
Jemttheshibboleth: What CPU do you have ?01:28
digihum what do i need to type again? "sudo modprobe [something goes here] 01:28
bruenigice228, you must not have admin priviledges?01:28
bbrazilice228: ls -ld; id01:29
aviationhe-man, i think i need some help with that, i dont know what to edit,01:29
ice228my account has admin proiviliges, i have write read and all that01:29
theshibbolethJemt: umm... I'm not sure if I would be able to tell you immediately... let me look it up01:29
hareemi cant seem to do the rest01:29
LjLocr---: heh, well you *are* determined. i'd never do that :)01:29
hareemthats why i need help01:29
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LjLconstantine-xvi: well, i can confirm that your sources.list works for me01:29
bruenigice228, you have admin priviledges but not root priviledges01:29
he-manok, I can paste an example, but only if you know the resolution you want for your screen01:29
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diginickrud: you there?01:29
he-manaviation:ok, I can paste an example, but only if you know the resolution you want for your screen01:29
halitechwhat errors are you getting and what version of ubuntu?01:30
nickruddigi, herm, the sb awe is a pnp card ...01:30
ice228how do i get root priviliges01:30
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antoxice228: sudo su01:30
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bruenigice228, go into a terminal and type 'sudo -s' enter your password and you will have root privileges for all the commands of that terminal session01:30
antoxice228: but rather do "sudo ./file.bin"01:30
hareemhalitech: can you please help me01:30
eternaljoyeobanb: are you a developer?01:30
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nickruddigi, I don't know sound very well, I'll look about. What exact card do you have, according to lspci01:31
LjLconstantine-xvi: i've seen that man ;-) i'm looking at it, as i said, it works for me, and i'm not sure what could be wrong01:31
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r3dhatcan anyone tell me if i need a bootloader to install ubuntu or can i use a boot disk01:31
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r3dhat*not install to boot from01:31
MFenLjL: thanks.  sadly, ndiswrapper isn't in that list ...01:31
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hareem hey. can someone please help me setup openkiosk01:32
jaggz-there's a python script later on in that page which lists all the packages and their install times01:32
constantine-xviLjL: my bad, was gutting another machine for something else01:32
jaggz-(quoted in the page so you'll see it)01:32
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hareem hey. can someone please help me setup openkiosk01:32
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J-_what's good widget software that i can install?01:33
jaggz-put that in a file and run:  ./thatfile | sort -n | less   and you can see packages installed together so you can remove them (like I just installed something and its dependencies end up being many many many megs .. I might not even use the thing.01:33
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halitechhareem, repeating your question isn't going to get help if no one has the answers01:33
tzadiki used to have dma working01:33
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andriijashow do i create a sit1 device?01:33
tzadikbut now that i upgraded to dapper01:33
tzadikdms is no longer working01:33
bruenigj-_, gdesklets is ok01:33
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tzadiki get slow burning01:33
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Jemttheshibboleth: I haft to go for about half an hour - MSG the answer01:33
hareemah... come on man. This is the ubuntu community01:33
J-_thanks, i'll check it out01:33
hareemyou guys are pros at this01:33
tzadikand i get HDIO_GETGEO failed: Invalid argument01:34
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hareemim new to linux and to ubuntu. I wanted to setup a kiosk.01:34
bruenighareem, you can't expect people to be able to use every piece of software that exists01:34
tzadikfrom hdparm01:34
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crimsunhareem: paid support is where the "pros" reside.01:34
r3dhatcan anyone tell me if i need a bootloader to boot Ubuntu or can i make a bootdisk like fedora?01:34
bruenighareem, do you need help installing it or configuring?01:34
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hareemi need to set it up for a cyber cafe01:34
bruenighareem, what is the name of the file01:35
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Locke_my synaptic wont work along with any other package too, they say that java5 needs to be reinstalled but it cant find the package, and repositories has nothing listed, but i cant add anything to it01:35
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bruenigis it .tar.gz is it a .bin or what?01:35
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yallamanis Lmsensors usable on ubuntu? or is there another way i can have a little icon/window showing hd/cpu/case temps?01:36
LjLconstantine-xvi: well, i can honestly say i don't have a clue. you should probably purge/clean your list of packages, but i don't know and can't find the right command for that.01:36
hareemthe software is called open kiosk. It needs berkely DB and QT 3.x or higher to work01:36
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hareemi managed to install berkely01:36
bruenigwhat is the full name of the file that you downloaded01:36
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yallamanhareem: that i need lmsensors for..right?01:36
tzadikwhat is HDIO_GETGEO01:36
halitechhere is alink to the software I think hareem is talking about http://openkiosk.sourceforge.net/docs.htm01:37
jaggz-what would my JAVA_HOME be?01:37
hareemi went through the docs01:37
eternaljoyhow can I upgrade to Opera 9?01:37
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hareemthere is just one problem01:37
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hareemi cant setup QT 3.x01:37
hareemi dont know how to set it up01:37
eternaljoyhareem: ok01:37
hareemthats where the problem is01:37
LjLhareem: you've been asked for the URL to the file. please give that. otherwise few people will be able to help, if they don't *have* the program.01:38
jaggz-I'm trying to install the voice recognition Sphynx project (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/html/cmusphinx.php)01:38
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theshibbolethJemt: I'm afraid I can't find the info01:38
jaggz-I installed ant (apache ant) and am trying to handle the rest of the sphinx install.. having a few problems01:38
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jaggz-ohh.. nevermind.. forgot to search the web for it first.. nevermind.01:38
J-_can i have gdesklets run when gtk 2.0 is running as well? i had a huge confliction last time i tried rendering the gui.. nautilus messed up HUGE, forget what software i tried to use though01:39
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hareemthe download file link is : http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/openkiosk/nodeview-2.0.3.tar.gz?download01:39
eternaljoyhow can I remove Opera from Ubuntu?01:39
hareemi really appreciate what you guys are doing for me01:39
CodeWarrior_bye bye guys, thanks for the tips01:39
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Jemttheshibboleth: Ok. I can send you two out of three installer scripts I have made. The last was for ACPI and CPU Scaling support. Just make sure you load 'acpi' in /etc/modules - then you should have Power Management support.01:39
r3dhatcan anyone tell me if i need a bootloader to boot Ubuntu or can i make a bootdisk like fedora?01:39
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LjLhareem: so it's not even the actual openkiosk that you're installed, but this nodeview module?01:40
=== J-_ ponders
nickrudeternaljoy, apt-get remove opera, if you used a repo. Otherwise, where'd you install it?01:40
hareemopen kiosk is a client server software01:40
hareemthe server module is nodeview01:41
eternaljoynickrud: im downloading opera for breezy! it ends in .deb01:41
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eternaljoynickrud: how I install it?01:41
spadessudo dpkg -i file01:41
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nickrudr3dhat, yes, you can make an install disk and not write grub. you'll need to use the expert install, though01:41
J-_why woldn't you use a repo, much easier...01:41
r3dhatok thank you01:41
nickrudeternaljoy, sudo dpkg -i <file> , or if you're on dapper, just click it in the file manager01:41
jmichaelxi have four computers connected to a router, all four computers are usually running x/k/ubuntu (although OCCASIONALLY one may be running XP)... and i am wanting all four computers to share one printer. could someone direct me to a wiki or a forum where there would be instructions for this??01:41
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eternaljoynickrud: do I type dpkg -i opera.deb ?01:42
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nickrudeternaljoy, whatever the name of the deb is, yes (and use sudo, of course)01:42
tzadikok let me ask in a simpler01:42
eternaljoynickrud: so dapper made it easier?01:42
antoxeternaljoy: sudo dpkg -i opera.deb01:42
robertjis 4711824 too big for a dvdr?01:42
tzadikmy dvd and cd used to be fast burning in breezy01:42
tzadiknow in dapper they are slow01:42
nickrudeternaljoy, yes, they're using the gdebi tool, it's a gui deb installer01:42
hareemi went through the forum for this also. But i could not make any sense of it01:42
tzadikwhat do i do?01:42
hareemplease help01:42
eternaljoynickrud: file manager as in Nautilus?01:42
nickrudeternaljoy, yes01:43
eternaljoyantox: ok01:43
eternaljoynickrud: well thats a good reason to upgreade to dapper :)01:43
LjLhareem: look, do me a favor and tell me the package you used for berkeley db. i'm not sure which one i should install01:43
eternaljoynickrud: ty01:43
nickrudeternaljoy, a trivial one, actually.01:43
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eternaljoynickrud: define trivial01:43
deameyesanyone here work on podzilla?01:44
hareemhere is the link for the DB: http://dev.sleepycat.com/downloads/optreg.html?fname=db-4.4.20.tar.gz&prod=core01:44
LjLhareem: oh, it's not a package in dapper? hmm01:44
hareemno. you have to complie and install it01:45
hareembut its not as hard as that QT01:45
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nickrudeternaljoy, in this case, a gui that takes 3-4 times longer than dpkg -i01:45
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amonkeyi'm buying a laptop and have a choice between a atheros super ag and a intel pro/wireless 3945ABG. which is more ubuntu and linux friendly? is there a significant difference either way?01:46
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codecaineis there a way to roll back update the update got my graphics card nto working right with certain programs01:47
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RaitoWhat is the default rom path for xmame?01:47
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nickrudamonkey, maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported can help you decide01:48
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hareemi tried to load every lib that had the text "QT" in it. But unfortunately, its not working01:48
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J-_how would i install a widget if it's a tar.gz?01:49
nickrudhareem, did you install the -dev versions of those libraries (needed for compiling)01:49
CarlFKhow come my box beeps every 30 min or so?  (^G pc speaker kinda beep, not from my sound card)01:49
bruenigJ-_, go into terminal first and type tar -zxvf /path/to/whatever.tar.gz01:49
hareembut node view setup still says that qt is not installed01:49
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hareemi dont know how that is possible01:50
LjLhareem: hmm, what about if you try after doing "export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3"01:50
J-_and that's it bruenig?01:50
hareem? how can i do that01:51
__mikemGAIM is a hell of an irc client01:51
Migit03Anyone know if a AMD64 version of wine exists for Ubuntu (DD)? I've looked all over and I've turned up no working (i.e. works for a noob like me) solutions.01:51
__mikemMigit03 try vmware server on for size01:52
RaitoMigit03: It doesn't exist, use the normal one in 32bit mode01:52
LjLhareem: just type that in the shell. if it doesn't work, try also "export QTDIR=/usr/lib", and/or   "export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3"01:52
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J-_i like either kvirc, or bitchx =D01:52
LjLhareem: and/or "export QTDIR=/usr/include/qt3"01:52
__mikemJ-_ I like irssi, but I think I am going to use gaim as an irc client from now on01:52
J-_could always go with irssi... a little more difficult =S01:52
antoxwhat's then bad with gaim?01:52
Migit03Raito: It won't even let  me get the package for wine though (using synaptic)01:52
hareemexport QTDIR=/usr/include/qt3 is this what i should type it01:52
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LjLhareem: yes, try with that, then try installing, and if it doesn't work, try with the others i just told you01:53
PreZhum, going through and selecting packages to install is exhausting when you include 'universe' .. ;)01:53
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RaitoMigit03: I would recommend just using the 32bit version of ubuntu, it is pretty much the same >_>01:53
Migit03argh, no performance loss?01:53
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__mikemMigit03 I must again recomend vmware is the best way to go01:54
nickrudutility vs performance in some niche cases: i386 hands down01:54
hareemLjL man you are one hell of a genius01:54
J-_man, ubuntu kicks  a lot more arse than suse... ubuntu runs way smoother01:54
LjLhareem: works?01:54
Migit03mikem:I'll try it out01:54
hareem i dont know what magic you did man but its working... its telling me to make install01:54
__mikemJ-_ ubuntu hasn't been number 1 on distrowatch's top 10 for several years for nothing01:54
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LjLhareem: as i suspected, that's a pretty horrible configure script01:54
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LjLhareem: anyway, there's really no guarantee make and make install will work. but try01:55
J-_heh, well teh first distro i tried was suse 10, big mistake with a crappy system, i pretty much gave up..01:55
J-_then i was like hell, ubuntu sounds cool01:55
J-_so i tried it01:55
hareemits compiling01:55
hareemso it should work01:55
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hareemso what stupidity was i performing that the script was not loading up01:56
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LjLhareem: you weren't doing anything wrong. it's the script that's stupid01:56
yallamanum..does anyone use Lm-sensors here..need some help to get it running i think01:56
BIAFI need webmin help with 'Disk Quotas' how to install it or enable it01:56
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eternaljoyis there a GUI in Ubuntu to remove programs?01:56
Flanneleternaljoy: yep.  synaptic01:57
hareemso i have to export that qt thing if i have to install this on a different machine01:57
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eternaljoyFlannel: ok01:57
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eternaljoyFlannel: do I need to remove Opera 8.51 before I install v9.0?01:58
eternaljoynickrud: do I need to remove Opera 8.51 before I install v9.0?01:58
nickrudeternaljoy, depends on how you installed 8.51: if you used a deb, no01:59
__mikemWhy do you install opera, firefox is better01:59
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else01:59
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>01:59
eternaljoynickrud: how can I know how it was installed?01:59
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eternaljoynickrud: cant remember01:59
diginickrud: lspci doesnt detect my card, even when i enable it01:59
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nickrudeternaljoy, dpkg -l opera ; if it shows there, you used a deb01:59
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Migit03where can I find the .vmx files to run windows programs?01:59
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__mikemMigit03 you have to install windows on the virtual machine02:00
nickruddigi, yeah, pnp isa cards are not something I know much about. You should watch for crimsun in this space02:00
__mikemby the way, what does mode -j mean02:00
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eternaljoynickrud: ii  opera                 8.51-20051114.6       The Opera Web Browser02:00
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pike_anyone familar with thunar? im have a little script in sbin that is basically like mplayer cue://$@:2 i made it so its be easier for my parents to play bin/cue movies they just need to click on it and it will play. i just need some advise on telling thunar the associated action02:01
eternaljoynickrud: so I dont need to remove? I just install the new opera?02:01
nickrudeternaljoy, then you used a deb. sudo dpkg -i will replace 8.5102:01
J-_isn't there a lot of "vulnerbilities" when you run a windows program on linux?02:01
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eternaljoynickrud: ok02:01
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digiwell nickrud ill just look in the forum maybe theres a soundcard troubleshootin thread  or something, thx for your help02:01
nickruddon't know about vulnerabilties, but tainting for sure ;)02:01
LjLMigit03: www.easyvmx.com allows you to create virtual machines02:01
nickruddigi, I'm sure there is, but if you can catch crimsun, he's the ubuntu sound guru02:02
__mikemis easyvmx licensed by vmware02:02
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roostishawhow do i get rid of the animationwhen i minimize a window02:02
nickrudsb awe, crimsun02:02
__mikemhey crimsun what does mode -j mean02:02
roostishaw*animation when02:02
LjL__mikem: no, i don't think so. nor do i think that creating a config file could ever be in any way illegal...02:02
crimsundigi: ``sudo modprobe snd-sbawe''02:02
digicrimsun: my soundcard isnt detected its a sound blaster awe02:02
digiyeah i just did that02:03
crimsundigi: did it return to a prompt or spit out an error?02:03
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digino promp but i have sound02:03
crimsundigi: good.02:03
__mikemit will create a machine with windows installed on it, that CAN'T be legal02:03
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LjL__mikem: no, it certainly won't create a machine with windows installed on it02:03
digiwhat do i do so i dont need to do sudo modprobe snd_sbawe each time i reboot?02:03
crimsundigi: echo snd-sbawe |sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:04
LjL__mikem: it'll simply create an empty virtual drive (just like qemu-image can do), and a config file with the options you tell it02:04
eternaljoyVoX: hi :)02:04
digii@linuxdid:~$ echo snd-sbawe | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:04
crimsundigi: yep, you're all set.02:04
LjL__mikem: if you then want to install Windows on it, nothing's stopping you from doing that as long as you have a licensed copy02:04
__mikemOH, so its sort of like the virtual machine wizard in Workstation eddition02:04
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digiwow thanks crimsun02:04
LjL__mikem: correct02:04
crimsundigi: np02:04
digitake care now02:04
__mikemoh, ok02:04
LjL__mikem: i'm sure there are programs around that do the very same thing. but using that site is easy enough that i never looked for any02:05
LjL(well, an obvious - free - candidate is vmware server, but then...)02:05
__mikemLjL theres vmware server for starters02:05
nickrudhundreds of dollars to run windows, I think not02:06
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LjLyeah but then you'd probably go on using that rather than using the player :-) at any rate, i'm not sure vmware server is terribly easy to install02:06
LjLnickrud: there's always reactos. the original question was about "running windows applications" i think02:06
__mikemLjL I tried it once before my brother bought me workstation, it it is very easy to install, atleast on windows02:06
LjL(of course, there's also wine then)02:06
nickrudthere's also defenstration ;)02:06
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J-_wine *shutters*02:07
__mikemnickrud what?02:07
LjL__mikem: i have no doubts it's easy on windows, but on ubuntu it's a bit of another matter. the vmware player comes in Multiverse, together with the necessary kernel modules...02:07
RaitoWhat is the default rom path for xmame?02:07
nickrud__mikem, throwing something out of a window02:07
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LjLlike throwing windows out of the window?02:07
nickrudthere you go !!02:07
Dial_tonesomething is preventing my nfs shares from automounting in fstab, very odd02:07
Dial_toneused to work02:08
__mikemI would love to throw windows out the window, but I still need it for certain programs. However, when ever I am not using those programs I am usually in ubuntu02:08
nickrudbut, I have to run a single windows app, and vmware was just too much overkill. I reboot once or twice a week.02:08
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Hit3knickrud, use wine?02:08
Dial_tonenickrud: vmware player is lightweight02:08
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J-_yeah i was the opposite, windows/linux, now it's going to be the opposite.. my p3(linux) runs better than my p4(winblows)02:09
=== __mikem wonders what kind of performance running vmware inside of vmware would yeild
=== LjL wonders if that's even possible
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nickrudHit3k, Dial_tone it's a 'thing' . Just humor me :)02:09
_TomBwhat directory are the kernel headers stored in?02:09
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LjLi'm not entirely sure the x86 architecture allows transparent virtual machines, "transparent" as in "recursively-possible"02:10
jmichaelxwas there a bot attack in this room recently?02:10
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RaitoDoes anyone know the default rom path for xmame? :/02:11
__mikemjmichaelx there was an attack last night at around midnight02:11
Tmobanynoe know how to extract a driver out of a exe file?02:12
Tmobwithout windows..02:12
__mikembut it wasn't a bot attack from what I know, SOmeone said someone hijacked an op's screenname02:12
Tmobtrying to get ndiswrapper working02:12
__mikemTmob, wine02:12
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wastrelTmob:  it might be a self-extracting zip, if so unzip will work02:12
nickrudTmob, I think cabextract does that02:12
nickrudTmob, depends on the archive though02:12
Tmoblemme check :)02:12
J-_so, installing a widget, after using tar exvf/blah/blah/blah, does it do an install, and that's it?02:12
Tmobaha! its unzip!02:12
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=== J-_ shakes fist
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alex_I GIVE UP! limewire is impossible to install!02:14
LjLalex_: then don't install and use an alternative :)02:14
nickrudJ-_, what kind of widget?02:14
wastreli'm having trouble with ghemical02:14
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.02:14
pike_alex_: use frostwire :)02:14
alex_pike_: o02:14
alex_pike_: thanks02:14
LjLby the way, some fool had said that frostwire is in the repositories, in that factoid. it isn't, for all i can see02:15
pike_alex_: of course like nick said you need java02:15
nickrudJ-_, oh, the evil one. You probably need to compile it02:15
roostishawin a bash script, for instance in a read -p "qusetion here"  var, how do i make part of the question bold?02:15
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__mikemWhose "the evil one"02:15
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gnomefreakLjL: it doesnt say anywhere in that fact that frostwire is in repos02:15
LjLgnomefreak: no, it doesn't *now*, but it did before i changed it02:15
LjLgnomefreak: i.e. like until 3 hours ago02:16
J-_i don't know anything about that stuff, i should get on that journey...02:16
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Rieshey all, where can I find apt-setup ?   I need to configure apt so it will use de internet to get sources02:16
nickrudJ-_, it's a fun one. Enjoy.02:16
LjLRies: i don't know what apt-setup is. perhaps what you want is...02:16
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:16
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J-_i wonder if the tuxbox will get torched tonight *evil grin*02:16
__mikemwhats the tuxbox?02:17
Riesljl: apt-setup is a debian thing.....02:17
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J-_my linux machine02:17
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nickrudRies, you probably only need to comment out the cdrom line in your sources ...02:17
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LjLRies: uhm, not a debian thing that i can find in my debian :o)  at any rate, what you want sounds like just editing your sources.list02:17
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gigaclonmy X-Chat is hosed02:18
gigaclonit doesn't respond to mouse commands02:18
und3rtug4hello fellow ubuntu users!02:18
J-_reinstall it with synaptic?02:18
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__mikemdpkg-reconfigure <what_ever_the_name_of_the_package_that_installs_xchat>02:19
Riesljl: I just edited that, and removed the CDROM02:19
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constantine-xvitrying to update, (changed http to ftp from a fourm post) and i get timeouts after the security updates02:19
perrupaHey guys, I'm having trouble getting my USB hard drive to work anymore. it used to autodetect in ubuntu dapper but now isn't coming up anymore. it isn't listed in /dev/ anymore either :| Any advice'd be appreciated02:19
Migit03so to use vmware i need to install windows within the virtual machine? (I already have windows installed on another hard drive on the same computer)02:19
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FireFlyhow can I get the wmv codec, I tried VLC, but it didnt work. Do I just have to play the file on windows?02:20
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SivikMigit03, yes02:20
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Migit03alright thanks (what's a few gigs of HD space)02:21
LjLMigit03: do you know about Wine?02:21
Migit03<see above> I use AMD64 version of ubuntu02:21
FireFlyhow can I get the wmv codec, I tried VLC, but it didnt work. Do I just have to play the file on windows?02:21
Riesljl: I do have apt-setup on my Debian machine, however editing sources.list worked perfectly02:21
pike_perrupa: like 'ls -t /dev | head' doesnt show a sda1 or sdb1?02:21
aviationis anyone using a nvidia card here on dapper? specifically a geforce fx 5200... i have some questions02:21
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swajFireFly:  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ helps quite a bit with that sort of stuff02:22
LjLaviation: i am, but it's not like i actually use the 3D02:22
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und3rtug4FireFly, have you tried to search on sinaptic for wmv?? I think theres no dedicated package for it, but its packed somewhere on some package! =)02:23
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perrupapike: nope, doesn't show either02:24
J-_is there a site where i can use as reference to see what packages i do and don't need installed?02:24
aviationLjL, can you tell me what you did to install it properly, im not sure what i did wrong... my highest resolution offered is 1024x76802:24
perrupamy sda1 internal HD is auto-mounting fine though02:24
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LjLMigit03: anyway, my facetious mention of ReactOS could be a serious possibility. it runs in *way* less space than actual Windows, it's free, and it comes ready in a VMWare image02:24
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LjLaviation: i just did "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx", then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and set it up to use then "nvidia" driver rather than "nv", then went through all the questions, then choose my resolutions and refreshrates02:25
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:26
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roger25hi, can i enable a cursor shadow ?02:26
spetsnazgg_hello, i just setup a hp deskjet 5740 that was detected correctly by ubuntu. it's printing, but it seems to be printing offcenter of the page with the first line of my documents being cut off... how do i fix this?02:26
roger25(gnome i810)02:26
LjLroger25: the *default* cursor has a (small) shadow here02:26
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roger25oh yes you're right02:27
rak_how should i mount my ipod using a firewire port? right now it's connected and getting power saying "do not disconnect"02:27
spikebmine automatically mounts02:27
spikebeither through firewire or usb02:27
roger25but it is possible more shadowed like the windows with xcompmgr ?02:27
alex_how do i install a .deb file?02:27
Migit03LjL:Where can I download it? Is it easy?02:27
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spadessudo dpkg -i file02:28
LjLalex_: try gdebi, or "dpkg -i filename" if it doesn't require dependencies02:28
rak_yeah mind did too but then i did some update  on the ipod and it might have been a new install of ubuntu and now it doesn't02:28
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LjLMigit03: yes it is02:28
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rak_and it works through USB02:28
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alex_LjL: Thanks02:28
LjLMigit03: http://www.reactos.org/xhtml/en/index.html  <- just download the vmware image. it's ready to go02:28
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Migit03LjL: Nice thanks man (although looks like it's still in alpha...hope it works)02:29
LjLMigit03: well, it's alpha for sure (making a Windows clone certainly isn't easy), but it does run MS Office up to version 2000-something, Paint Shop Pro, and quite a bit of stuff (look at the screenshots, and i think there's a compatibility list somewhere)02:30
LjLMigit03: probably can run the same amount of apps that Wine can, except that ReactOS is an actual operating system and not just a compatibility layer02:30
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roostishawwhere is my .bashrc file?02:31
LjLlook at this screenshot, specifically http://www.reactos.org/media/screenshots/2005/ros_in_qemu.png  =)02:31
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pike_roostishaw: /home/usrname/.bashrc02:31
tmccraryhi, since upgrading to dapper, my psc hp scanner no longer works02:31
alex_FrostWire works Great!!!02:31
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tmccraryAnyyone know why Dapper broke the HP PSC scanner/printer combo I have?02:32
mrfishhathow do i end a process when ksysguard's kill process wont work?02:32
alex_tmccrary: is this a joke?02:32
LjL  /home/`whoami`/.bashrc02:32
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wastrelmrfishhat:  kill -9 <processid>02:32
alex_tmccrary: why did the chicken cross the road, sorta joke...lol02:32
tmccraryalex_: No, this is not a joke02:32
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roger25(ok redglass got a big shadow and it is transparent all i want \o/)02:32
alex_tmccrary: gotcha02:32
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roostishawLjL, cat: /home/roostishaw/.bashrc: No such file or directory02:32
mrfishhatthank you wastrel02:32
tmccraryi.e., since installing Dapper, the scanner no longer works, it cannot communicate with the PSC any longer02:33
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=== Tmo is now known as Tmob
wastrelroostishaw:  you must have added that user with useradd ?02:33
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LjLroostishaw: well my version of the command was actually more of a joke than anything else, look at what the other said instead :-) although, i'd have bet it would work consistently02:33
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roostishawit would work...02:34
wastrelroostishaw:  either create ~/.bashrc or copy the one out of /etc/skel/02:34
roostishawwastrel, o. this is a user i made on install02:34
wastrelhm.  dunnox0rz02:34
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|rt|anyone here ever install cgkit in ubuntu?02:35
p47could somebody help me with my sound card ? my sond card is detected by ubuntu, but when maked update I had problems, now I can't listen someting !02:35
|rt|i can't find any mention of it on the forums or wiki02:35
rak_does anyone have any idea about mounting ipods manually through firewire if it doesn't work automatically, or why it wouldn't mount automatically?02:35
tmccraryrt: welcome to the club02:35
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|rt|tmccrary: you trying to install cgkit?02:35
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|rt|tmccrary: i'm guessing that I just need to get the source from sf.net and install it manually02:36
Migit03LjL:I got ReactOS up, any idea how I can get it to access my other files?02:36
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LjLMigit03: hmm don't quote me on this, but i don't think you *can* access files outside the virtual machine, using VMWare Player. however, i suppose you could setup a Samba server and access them from that02:37
LjLMigit03: (or an FTP server, or what you prefer)02:37
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Migit03...getting more complcated, alright then02:37
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ice60highvoltage, will i be able to connect to the freenode servers if i setup TOR for IRC?02:39
Healotmost of the time, yes02:39
LjLMigit03: well it's vmware *player*. it's crippled compared to workstation.02:39
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vinboywhat is a good program to mass rename mp3 filename according to id3 tag?02:39
LjLvinboy: eyeD302:39
pike_p47: i had to do this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16491  after upgrading of course you might need to adapt it to your card02:39
ice60Healot: were you talking to me?02:40
yoshiznit123vinboy, or musicbrainz02:40
Migit03LjL:Time to fire up azureus then02:40
LjLvinboy: eyed3 is a console program, easytag is gtk02:40
vinboyoh ok02:40
p47pike_: thank's I'll read that  !02:40
vinboythanks guys02:40
Healotice60: no :)02:40
Dial_tonecan you grep with OR functionality?  like "ls ~/ | grep A OR B "02:40
ice60Healot: lol that's what i thought02:40
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LjLMigit03: i didn't hear you. anyway, just for the record, vmware workstation is not as easy to install as vmware player, since vmware player comes packaged.02:41
yoshiznit123dial_tone grep "a|b"02:41
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jmichaelxare there decent instructions anywhere for setting up a PC as a printing server in dapper?? i cannot really find anything02:41
Migit03LjL:Yeah I think I'm just gonna switch to the i386 Ubuntu...too much hassel02:41
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:42
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jmichaelxLjL: ty02:42
LjLMigit03: well setting you an ftp server isn't hard... and possibly samba isn't hard either, if Gnome comes with settings applet for that, though i don't use Gnome so i don't really know02:43
jmichaelxLjL: is there anything simply on network printing without windows?02:43
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disantwhat is "symbol lookup error"?02:44
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disantas in "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3: undefined symbol: _ZNK7QWhdget16backgroundPixmapEv"02:44
LjLjmichaelx: i don't know, but that howto looks like it's really just as valid for linux clients as for windows clients.02:44
Healotthat's Print server like CUPS is for...02:45
LjLdisant: are you trying to run a program that was precompiled?02:45
jmichaelxLjL: ok i will look into it... so far about everything i have run into is extremely complicated for such a simple issue02:45
LjLHealot: yeah and since CUPS is the *default* printing engine in Ubuntu, activating its server-ness is easy enough02:45
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=== mode/ubuntulog [+u] by services.
disantLjL: yeah02:45
disantlib version mismatch02:46
jmichaelxLjL: if you say so, but i am not sure it is all that easy in ubuntu02:46
LjLdisant: then it was probably compiled with gcc3 and your libqt is compiled with gcc4. the C++ interface to libraries is not compatible between these two02:46
LjLjmichaelx: what are you planning to serve to, other Ubuntu boxes?02:46
jmichaelxLjL: yes02:47
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jmichaelxLjL:  well, other linux boxes, not all ubuntu02:47
Junichihello everyone02:47
Junichineed help02:47
Junichiubuntu does not recognize internet02:48
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Junichiifconfig says everything is fine02:48
LjLdisant: a hint -- not sure this would work. you can download Google Earth for Linux, it comes with a lot of libraries among witch a libqt3-mt that's, I think, compiled with gcc3. you could use that (but DO NOT OVERWRITE your current libqt, just put the Google one somewhere in your home dir, and type "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/blahblahblah" to make the programs find it02:48
ice228hello, how do i add my account to the sudoers list?02:48
Tmobanyone know what that tool is called which can draw system info on the root window?02:48
Junichibut firefox cant load any pages02:48
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Tmoblike battery, cpu, etc..02:48
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LjLjmichaelx: then i'm pretty sure following that howto up to point 5 (included) will work.02:48
disantice228, 'visudo'02:48
PMTOr /etc/sudoers editing, if you're bored.02:49
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jmichaelxLjL: ty for the link02:49
ddrjguys, i have a laptop and a computer, the ubuntu live cd runs really well on the laptop, but on the computer it runs painfully slow, opening up the install icon on the desktop literally takes 4 minutes and 51 seconds. it's not the cd, because the cd runs really fast on the laptop. i enabled DMA with sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom on the computer, but it still runs slow02:49
pvdThe NVIDIA proprietary driver doesnt seem to be working right in Ubuntu.  When I go to open a slightly big window it takes a while to draw it. Its like black for half a second and then goes dowards drawing the rest of the screen.02:49
pike_Junichi: what kind of setup do you have cable modem? seperate router?02:49
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disantJunichi, ping  (google.com)... if it doesnt respond.. you got DNS problem02:49
bimberiice228: if you want the general ability to use sudo like the initial user you can just add the account to the 'admin' group02:49
ddrjanyone know what i do?02:50
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JunichiADSL modemrouter that automatically connets online02:50
Junichidistant: timed out02:50
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disantJunichi, ping your modem/gateway02:50
ice228bimbery : my account is admoin but i still cant write to some folders02:50
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Junichidistant: workds02:51
JunichiFF can even open the modem admin page02:51
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bimberiice228: having sudo ability won't give you additional access to folders02:51
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ice228what does?02:51
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bimberiice228: using 'sudo' itself to do commands as superuser02:52
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ice228well, how do i write a .bin to the bin folder?02:52
bimberiice228: sudo cp file.bin /usr/local/bin02:52
epimetriashey, is anyone running ubuntu on a powermac G5?02:52
bimberiice228: yw :)02:52
ddrjguys, i have a laptop and a computer, the ubuntu live cd runs really well on the laptop, but on the computer it runs painfully slow, opening up the install icon on the desktop literally takes 4 minutes and 51 seconds. it's not the cd, because the cd runs really fast on the laptop. i enabled DMA with sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom on the computer, but it still runs slow. anyone had a problem with live cd running this slow?02:53
disanthow much memory do you have on the laptop?02:53
NickGarveyddrj: need more ram?02:53
Junichidistant: despite being able to access the modem and DCHP enabled ubuntu isnt online02:53
ddrji have 256mb ddr ram and 2.8ghz02:53
JunichiI dont know what to do02:53
alex_ddrj: I did. but after the install it was pretty good.02:53
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gigaclonerr I found this while running chkrootkit, wlan0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[4966] )02:54
NickGarveyddrj: thats not very much ram02:54
gigaclonhow can i fix02:54
NickGarveyddrj: very fast computer02:54
Sivikwhy would my wireless card be only giving me a IPv6 and not an IPv4?02:54
disantcheck your netowrk card configurations... make sure your gateway is pointing to the modem ip02:54
ddrjtrue, but i read that it only needs 64mb ram to run though02:54
Sivikdisant: but i'm getting it via dhcp02:54
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p47know someone how to configure a volume control on keyboar dell ?02:54
Junichithe etho config?02:54
ddrjon the other hand, i have 512 ram on my laptop and it runs pretty fast :\02:55
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disantSivik, that was fro Junichi, sorry02:55
Sivikdisant, sorry02:55
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disantJunichi, yes02:56
Junichithat one was set to DCHP..02:56
JunichiI'll go try anyway02:56
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gigaclonI found this while running chkrootkit, wlan0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[4966] )02:57
=== disant always wondering why ppl use DHCP on their LANs...
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Traehow can I tell if my Ubuntu install process is hung?02:57
NickGarveydisant: easier, don't need to set it up02:57
TraeI'm at 84% and it's just sitting there02:57
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NickGarveyTrae: how long have you waited?02:57
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NickGarveyTrae: it might just be installing a very very big file02:57
TraeNickGarvey hmmm.... 5mins?02:57
NickGarveyTrae: psch! give it more than that02:58
TraeNickGarvey true, this is a fairly fast machine02:58
TraeNickGarvey hehe02:58
Trae2.8Ghz w/3G of ram02:58
Traenot fast, but not slow02:58
L-----DTrae: maybe you he is trying to get somthing from net, while you can't02:58
wastrelthat's a better machine than i've ever had.02:58
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gigaclonTesting testing can you read me02:58
Traewastrel heh02:59
Kartharak_How does XFCE match up agains GNOME?02:59
Traegigaclon no, we can't read you.02:59
Traegigaclon :)02:59
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gigaclonok thanks02:59
skavengeLooking to disable tap-to-click on an alps touchpad in dapper, at the very least make it less sensitive anyone know?02:59
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Xendoes anyone know?02:59
gigaclonbeen having connection problems02:59
gigaclonI found this while running chkrootkit, wlan0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[4966] )02:59
gigacloncan anyone help02:59
Traeis there some way I can check to see if the system is doing something?02:59
Traeagain, trying to install02:59
crimsungigaclon: that's normal.03:00
Traeand it seems like it's hanging03:00
PMTgigaclon - That's just your DHCP client.03:00
Daveyboyduring installing the base system...its been stuck on 59% "unpacking xfprogs", is there a hot key sequence to skip to the next package?03:00
disantman I was amazed last nite.. my new wireless card worked out of the box03:00
Traesurely... I should be able to check some place to ascertain the status of things during my install03:00
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Xendoes anyone know? how XFCE matches up against GNOME?03:00
TraeXen: it's not bad03:00
TraeXen: but... there are issues with it...03:00
Traeor there was for me03:01
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disantXFCE sux IMHO :)03:01
NickGarveyxen: I use it for vmware all the time, I like it very much03:01
skavengedisant ; feel lucky, it took me a week with mine haha03:01
swajXFCE is pretty nice these days, but Gnome is much better imo03:01
Traexfce has some advantages over gnome03:01
Daveyboyduring installing the base system...its been stuck on 59% "unpacking xfprogs", is there a hot key sequence to skip to the next package?03:01
disantskavenge: what card03:01
L-----Dsurely, SFCE runs faster03:01
Traeswaj nod03:01
XenTrae: what sprt?03:01
disantXen, one word for you "fluxbox"03:01
crimsunTrae: one of the other consoles (alt+F# where # > 2)03:01
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Traeso no one knows how to check on my processes during install?03:01
XenNickGarvey: is it faster or of sort?03:01
skavengedisant; dell knockoff broadcom crap03:01
Traecrimsun oh there you be03:01
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NickGarveyif I have one entry in hosts.allow and nothing in hosts.deny, will all computers be able to access my computer?03:01
Traecrimsun in X03:01
Xendisant: what's good about it?03:01
swajI used to be a KDE-addict... but Gnome/GTK2 is just too sweet03:02
NickGarveyxen: its much faster than many other desktops03:02
Traecrimsun used the X install method  still go to console?03:02
crimsunTrae: perhaps ctrl+alt+F# where # >= 2 ?03:02
wastrelNickGarvey:  i thought only inetd and ssh honor hosts.allow anymore03:02
crimsunTrae: no idea, I don't know its innards03:02
disantD-Link WDA-2320 Rangebooster... $49 at BestBuys03:02
NickGarveyif I have one entry in hosts.allow and nothing in hosts.deny, will all computers be able to access my computer?03:02
NickGarveyeek wrong window03:02
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disantXen, simplicity.. but again.. to each his own03:02
Daveyboyduring installing the base system...its been stuck on 59% "unpacking xfprogs", is there a hot key sequence to skip to the next package?03:02
NickGarveywastrel: not sure, I want to set up my nfs server to only allow connections from computers that have 192.168.*.*03:03
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Traestill 84%03:03
disantTrae, try putting another quarter in...03:03
Traedisant :P03:03
disant.. or two dimes and a nickle03:03
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Traedisant and spitting in the back of it and hitting it too?03:03
XenNickGarvey: Im on a 2Ghz P4 Dell laptop, kinda old.. 512MB ram.. would it benefit me above GNOME?03:04
Daveyboyis fluxbox the minimalist wm?03:04
disantXen, lets ask the right question.. what will you use that laptop for? internet? gaming?03:04
sylvainhi I'm just looking for some file-zilla clone or other user-friendly FTP under ubuntu, any suggestions? (there's too much ftp-related stuff on the net, I'm dizzy :P)03:04
LjLi've got a slow dual-core Intel 8Ghz with only 16 gigs of RAM, should i use window maker for faster UI response?03:04
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skavengeive got a 1.6 gig with 512 laptop gnome is fast enough for me heh03:04
Xendisant: just general applications03:04
jmichaelxLjL: well, i followed those instructions through step 5, but still no go.....03:05
Xendisant: word processing, IM, web browsing03:05
nickrudLjL, that is so cruel ;P03:05
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNd does anyone know how this error can be fixed? :(firefox-bin:27205): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtengine",03:05
LjLnickrud: err, i don't *actually* have such a thing03:05
five_laptopanyone use wordpress?03:05
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LjLjmichaelx: can you go to http://serveraddress:631 from the other machines?03:05
nickrudLjL, the mockery, oh, the mockery03:05
Daveyboywho is the install guru here?03:05
skavengeLooking to disable tap-to-click on an alps touchpad in dapper, at the very least make it less sensitive anyone know?03:06
Traethe tool says:  configuring apt...03:06
Traethe little window03:06
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TraeI opened up a term03:06
Traeand did:03:06
Traeapt-get update03:06
Xendisant: just general applications03:06
Xendisant: word processing, IM, web browsing03:06
Traeand apt is running03:06
Traeclearly... something went wrong03:06
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TraeHas anyone heard any misgivings with the X based install and Dapper?03:07
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disant:) still remember I used to run my firewall on old 486 16M of RAM.. took me 3 days to recompile kernel :)03:07
crimsunTrae: severe, if you have an NTFS partition03:07
disantXen: gnome should be enough for you03:07
Traecrimsun no NTFS03:07
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Xendisant: what if i find it slows down too often at times?03:07
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L-----DTrae: I think you must wait until timeout03:07
crimsunTrae: should be safe then, but I prefer the text-based one on the alternate iso03:07
disantthen troubleshoot it.. figure out what slows it down03:07
Daveyboycrimsun, during installing the base system...its been stuck on 59% "unpacking xfprogs", is there a hot key sequence to skip to the next package?03:08
james_xxxLjL: this is jmichaelx on a different PC, and no, http://serveraddress:631 doesn't work03:08
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disanti'm running Solaris x86 w/Java desktop.. I like it...  go w/default03:08
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crimsunDaveyboy: sorry, missing context?03:08
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TraeI think it auto-configured my neighbors wireless03:09
waldoHOW do I start ubuntu w/o X11 (screwed up drivers or something)03:09
Daveyboycrimsun, during ubuntu install, it is stuck in "installl base system" 59% can i bypass this package that is stuck or do anything its just unresponsive...03:10
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disantLjL, bah.. removing libqt3-mt and reinstalling mythtv fixed it... that was the app I tried to fix and its working.. prob broke smth else.. but hey :)  (my wife wanted to watch some show.. so that's a priority :)03:10
TraeI was like, how am I on the net?  cause I use wep (I know it isn't wpa :P )03:10
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd does anypne know how this error can be fixed? :(firefox-bin:27205): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "qtengine",03:10
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crimsunDaveyboy: using which installer, graphical or text-based?03:10
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james_xxxTrae: i am probably providing wireless access to half of my neighborhood as we speak :-))03:10
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waldois it possible to start ubuntu w/o X11?03:10
Daveyboycrimsun, oem install03:10
Traejames_xxx *chuckle*03:10
Sivikjames_xxx, did you put a WEP or WPA on your card?03:11
Patrick__hey all, whats the fastest program to crack through windows passwords while using the windows computer?03:11
TraeI don't mind it but this doods connection is weak03:11
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwaldo: during boot and always?03:11
james_xxxSivik: no03:11
crimsunDaveyboy: I presume the text-based one?03:11
Sivikjames_xxx, why not?03:11
Patrick__i know this is an off topic question, since its not regarding linux and all but this is the fastest way I can find out03:11
waldor0cturRnal-fiend -- just while i fix whatever is wrong with it03:11
Daveyboycrimsun, no  graphical (blue screen)03:11
disantn0ctuRnaL-fieNd, did you try 'ol friend google?03:11
TraePatrick__ #ubuntu-offtopic03:11
james_xxxSivik: i don't even know what all of that is :-(03:11
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disantn0ctuRnaL-fieNd, i think you need to install gtk-qt-engine03:11
Sivikjames_xxx, lol03:11
sam_Question: I have a usb camera plugged in.. it doesn't matter if it works or not, I intend to use it in vmware. Anyway, when ubuntu does its hardware autodetection routine, it detects a microphone in this usb camera, loads snd_usb_audio and screws up my sound. is there any way i can say, hey, don't load this module because i don't want it03:11
Sivikjames_xxx, what kind of wireless ap is it03:11
james_xxxa linksys wireless router03:12
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Sivikok, go to your browers and type
pike_waldo: couple different ways if just temp you could chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm then chmod +x for it to run at boot again03:12
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwaldo: during boot press ctrl+alt+f1 a few times ,03:12
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waldoLet me try alt-f1 cuz I have no ssh right now.....  I'm kinda locke dout03:12
crimsunDaveyboy: I'm not at all familiar w/ ubiquity, the gui installer03:12
james_xxxSivik: it wants a user name and password03:13
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Sivikjames_xxx, user: admin, password: admin03:13
Daveyboycrimsun, screw it ill strat over in text bode03:13
sam_is there some way to configure the hardware autodetection?03:13
n0ctuRnaL-fieNddisant: i did try google , and i have the latest gtk-gt engine installed ,03:13
Sivikjames_xxx, are you in?03:13
james_xxxSivik: ok now what ? lol03:13
james_xxxSivik: yes03:14
jasonm_is there a support forum for Rhythmbox?03:14
Sivikjames_xxx, go to the second tab, that says wireless03:14
Daveyboywhen i "install server" does it come with a graphical environment?03:14
waldodamn as soon as gdm starts I get locked out.  I need a way to get it to NOT run on boot... isn't there an interactive startup you can set up in grub when it starts?03:14
SivikDaveyboy, no03:14
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdjasonm_: where/03:14
james_xxxSivik: ok. i am there03:14
Daveyboyso ide have to apt-get what?03:14
Sivikjames_xxx, go to the second tab under that, that says security03:14
Traegoing to try and restart03:14
jasonm_n0ctuRnaL-fieNd, sorry?03:15
TraeI'm going to setup my wireless before I start the install03:15
Daveyboycause it wont "startx"03:15
SivikDaveyboy, there isn't a GUI when you install the server03:15
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwaldo: press escape when the grub starts loading , u can boot in recovery mode (as root)03:15
james_xxxSivik: ok, i am there03:15
Traethat's probably the problem.03:15
waldon0ctuRnaL-fieNd: thanks I'm trying that now...03:15
ubotuI know nothing about info03:15
DaveyboySivik, but if i wanted to install gui, can I?03:15
Sivikjames_xxx, there should be a pull down menu that currently says disabled, choose WEP03:15
ubotuI know nothing about users03:15
pike_Daveyboy: for full fledged desktop ubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop depending on the environment you want03:15
SivikDaveyboy, yes03:15
Traeit tried to connect and update from the net and timed out or some crap because of the poor connection03:16
cArNaGe`Sysinfo for 'linux': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1500+ at 1300 MHz (2606 bogomips), HD: 18/109GB, RAM: 426/440MB, 102 proc's, 6.1d up03:16
cArNaGe`that look ok/03:16
james_xxxSivik: will that disconnect any of my PCs from the network?03:16
swajare there any tools in Ubuntu that can burn an ISO image?  I can't seem to find the option in the "CD/DVD Burner"03:16
pike_Daveyboy: but you dont have to install those big packages for a gui03:16
TraecArNaGe` you play bzflag?03:16
Sivikjames_xxx, are you currently connected wirelessly with anyof them?03:16
DR_K13Did freenode get hacked?03:16
TraecArNaGe` k, nm03:16
james_xxxSivik: at the moment, no03:16
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdjasonm_: u were asking for suppoer for some player , this is support for evferything pretty much03:16
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Sivikjames_xxx, then no03:16
nickrudswaj, right click he iso in the file manager, select write to disk03:16
Daveyboypike_, fluxbox?03:16
Sivikjames_xxx, this only has to do with wireless, not wired03:17
TraeI know a carnage from bzflag03:17
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swajnickrud, ah, thanks ;)03:17
james_xxxSivik: ok, i chose WEP03:17
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Sivikjames_xxx, once you choose WEP, it should asked for a passphase03:17
pike_Daveyboy: im not really sure but maybe you could just apt-get xserver-xorg and fluxbox03:17
swajnickrud, is the same possible with *.img files?03:17
james_xxxSivik: yes, it does... do i just make something up?03:17
Sivikjames_xxx, enter in a password of some sort and then it will list some stuff in HEX, and then hit the save changes down at the bottom03:17
swajnickrud, or BIN/CUE for that matter?03:17
nickrudswaj, I don't know, truthfully I don't mess much with cd's and the like. bchunk converts bin/cue to iso, I know that much.03:18
Sivikjames_xxx, yes, just make something up, more than 6 digits with a numbe and capitalized letter in it03:18
Daveyboypike_, xserver-xorg is the layer between kernel and gui?03:18
Sivikand put a number at the end03:18
pike_Daveyboy: xubuntu is pretty lightweight03:18
swajnickrud, okay, thanks ;)03:18
Sivikpike_: you can do that, thats how i installed ubuntu on my desktop03:18
Sivikpike_, did the server first, and then installed x and e1603:18
Sivikjames_xxx, now no one unless they know your key, can use your wireless, unless they crack it03:19
james_xxxSivik: i entered a password, but i do not s3ee any hex stuff03:19
pike_Daveyboy: so i guess you either install one of the ubuntu-desktop packages or do what sivik did03:19
swajwhat is the one big development package for ubuntu that installs gcc and all the appropriate libraries?  I can't seem to remember03:20
Sivikjames_xxx: don't worry about it, after you enter a passphase, there should be 4 places where a bunch of numbers and letters are, thats the HEX stuff, just save the router now03:20
Sivikjames_xxx, at the bottom of the screen03:20
Daveyboyso apt-get install x and apt-get install e16?03:20
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james_xxxSivik: there is nothing in those four lines03:20
Sivikjames_xxx, did you enter a passphase?03:20
_TomBwhat is the way to create a deb package after you've modified the apt-get source of it?03:20
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james_xxxSivik: i entered one, yes03:21
pike_Daveyboy: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg and then whatever window manager you want fluxbox or e16 etc03:21
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Sivikjames_xxx, did you choose the WEP encryption method just above where you entered the passphase03:21
james_xxxSivik: ok, i needed to hit 'generate'03:21
james_xxxSivik: i got it now03:21
Daveyboyso fluxbox is pretty minimal?03:21
eobanbyes, it is, Daveyboy03:22
Daveyboyits a 400 mhz 256ram03:22
james_xxxSivik: thanks a lot for that03:22
Sivikjames_xxx, yw03:22
pike_Daveyboy: very you could just apt-get xubuntu-desktop should run ok with those specs03:22
eobanbi agree with pike_03:22
eobanbDaveyboy, try xubuntu.03:22
james_xxxDaveyboy: what kind of processor is that?03:22
Daveyboyamd k6203:23
cefhrm, since upgrading to dapper, my cups printing seems to have died. any suggestions on where to start? I'm getting "Paused: /usr/lib/cups/backend/http failed" in the gnome print manager03:23
james_xxxok i agree about xubuntu03:23
Daveyboyso xserver-xorg always forst then wm?03:23
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ardinaryHow do I enable sound?03:23
Traeok... let's see how well this install gets off to.03:23
eobanbDaveyboy, no, just sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:23
TraeDaveyboy make sure you want it.03:24
james_xxxi have a P2 @ 400Mhz, and it handles ubuntu fine, but my AMD K6-@ @ 500Mhz does better with xubuntu03:24
disantTrae, :)03:24
TraeDaveyboy it'll change all your GDM stuff to reflect xubuntu03:24
Daveyboyit will automatically install xserver-xorg03:24
eobanbjames_xxx, different amounts of RAM perhaps?03:24
eobanbDaveyboy, yes03:24
eobanbTrae, he doesnt have gdm03:24
eobanbhe installed the server version03:24
james_xxxeobanb: actually , the AMD has more ram03:24
Traenm then03:24
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Daveyboyso when does ubuntu become ubuntu, ? as opposed to suse or mandrake, at what layer during the install03:25
TraeI made the mistake and installed compiz03:25
Traestupid thing wouldn't work03:25
DaveyboyTrae, gdm=?03:25
james_xxxeobanb: the P2 has 256MB and the AMD has 256 + 6403:25
TraeDaveyboy login manager03:25
eobanbDaveyboy, don't think of it like that03:25
jrib_TomB: I use dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot03:25
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TraeDaveyboy when you boot your computer it's the screen that allows you to put in user/pass03:25
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TraeDaveyboy no worries.03:25
crimsunTrae: you LOVE the crack.03:25
Traecrimsun heh03:26
Traecrimsun meh, went back to gnome03:26
Traecrimsun it was nice... there were some great things about xfce03:26
Daveyboycause i'm wondering if it would be easier to build from scratch and pick my own kernel etc.03:26
crimsunwelcome back, prodigal son.03:26
debian_has anyone had any issues with getting the eyedropper color picker to work when using the Colorzilla Firefox pluggin with firefox under dapper?03:26
TraeI hate gnome03:26
eobanbdebian_, i've never heard of that extension03:26
james_xxxi still wish i could get network prining going with k/u/xubuntu, but so far just frustration03:26
eobanbTrae, no need to troll03:26
Traeit just sucks less than everything else.03:26
_TomBthank you jrib03:27
Traeeoban not trolling03:27
Traejust being serious03:27
james_xxxTrae: i love KDE :-D03:27
Traethere are tons of things I hate about it.03:27
Daveyboyso what makes ubuntu unique?03:27
swajCompiz just seems rather silly to me :P03:27
NickGarveyTrae: troll11oneone03:27
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TraeNickGarvey :P~~~~03:27
NickGarveyDaveyboy: it pwns03:27
eobanbwindow manager flamewars shall be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic03:27
TraeDaveyboy heh, you a bot?03:27
TraeDaveyboy or fresh off the "dial-up" boat.03:27
TraeDaveyboy ;)03:27
TraeDaveyboy pwns = owns03:28
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Daveyboytrae, or you don't now the answer03:28
cefhrm, since upgrading to dapper, my cups printing seems to have died. any suggestions on where to start? I'm getting "Paused: /usr/lib/cups/backend/http failed" in the gnome print manager. I'm printing to a remote ipp based printer03:28
TraeDaveyboy silly stupid internets speak03:28
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swajDaveyboy, mostly Ubuntu is popular because it's just soooo much better at detecting hardware off default install and you don't have to mess with low-level system settings so much.  It's super easy to use... the package management system (apt) makes installing software so much easier.  Overall the entire OS is clean and user-friendly.  It's Linux for the average joe, and not the uber geek.03:28
Daveyboyso what makes it different than slackware03:28
Traelet's hope...03:28
Traehere we go03:29
Traescanningthe mirrors03:29
Daveyboyswaj, thanks03:29
eobanbTrae, would you mind not talking so much please03:29
Traeeobanb: :P03:29
Traew00p! it got past 84%03:29
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hawkaloogieTrae, or at least not using the "Enter" key as your only punctuation03:29
swajDaveyboy, np ;)03:29
pike_Daveyboy: you might consider apt-getting kernel-image-2.4.27-2-k6 dont know how much of a difference in speed it would make..03:29
Traecrimsun so... the problem with stopping at 84% seems to be the fact it's trying to connect to the mirrors.03:29
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Traecrimsun someone might have had their connection auto-configured by mistake.  And caused a timeout.03:30
jinhoHi, I'm having a lot of difficulty installing GTK 2.8, especially pango wont install properly- when I do sh autogen.sh I get a message saying m4 macros not found03:30
Traecrimsun that was my problem.03:30
james_xxxpike_: you think that could make a difference??03:30
swajDaveyboy, another sweet thing about Ubuntu is the fact that this channel is full of tons of helpful people that are always willing to answer "newbie" quesions :P03:30
Traecrimsun just something to note.03:30
Traehawkaloogie :P~~~03:30
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eobanbjinho, what is the exact name of the package you're trying to install03:31
Traesweet, problem solved.03:31
jinhoeobanb: pango03:31
pike_james_xxx: not sure i always use the k7 kernel instead of 386 or 686 but cant really say i notice a difference. except for very occational package problems :)03:31
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BIAFsay if one wants to backup a whole HD of a linux server incase of a crash, what is the best way/tool/method to backup a whole drive that when a recovery is requested, it dont take 3 years to get back in action?03:31
eobanbjinho, libpango1.0-dev ?03:32
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Awesome-o2000BIAF, i lik ghost for linux personally03:32
PacketScanAwesome-o2000, g4u rocks03:32
BIAFsector by sector copy?03:32
jinhoeobanb: i guess that's what it is-03:32
WeirdbroSomeone told me freenode was hijacked. What happened?03:32
BIAFso when HD is replaced, the boot wont freak?03:32
Awesome-o2000BIAF, you can do a raw copy or a compressed image. Its your choice really03:32
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eobanbWeirdbro, this is not the place for that question03:32
jinhoeobanb: i just want to install GTK so I can install something else- and this is getting sort of frustrating03:33
hyphenatedBIAF: wouldn't a RAID setup be a better idea for a server?03:33
WeirdbroI don't know the place for that question.03:33
PacketScanWeirdbro, it's on /. and digg03:33
WeirdbroThis is the only freenode channel I know the name of.03:33
PacketScanhyphenated, yes03:33
BIAFhyp : yes it would03:33
eobanbjinho, well what is the 'something else'?03:33
BIAFgood idea, but my wee server only a PII with old school bios03:33
swajBIAF, I hear http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/ is really good for backups/drive images03:33
Awesome-o2000Weirdbro, someone impersonated nickserv and took over the network. Evidently there werent some basic security measures taken with the network03:33
TraeWeirdbro hi-jacked?03:33
hyphenatedoh, not worth the $$ in your case. fair enough03:33
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Daveyboydo i need a swap partition ?03:33
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BIAFtho, i think i should go for raid03:34
swajAwesome-o2000, when did this happen?03:34
BIAFthx swaj, will check out now03:34
Fractureis it possible to install mysql server 4 and 5 side by side on ubuntu using apt ?03:34
pike_Daveyboy: yes it doesnt have to be huge maybe 256 to 500mb03:34
Awesome-o2000swaj, a couple of days ago03:34
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jinhoeobanb: nabi- a korean input system that needs an updated version of GTK03:34
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swajsigh, q:lines are amazing :P03:34
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eobanbjinho, i assume you installed the 'nabi' package then?03:35
TraeAwesome-o2000 when did this happen?03:35
BIAFyes Fract, as far as i know, but better use 5 on its own?03:35
jinhoeobanb: havent been able to03:35
eobanbwhy not?03:35
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jinhoeobanb: because GTK isnt updated yet03:35
Healotjoen iman gamnida?03:36
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eobanbjinho, apt should have resolved any such dependencies03:36
majd_Hi, i just bought an iMac and a macbook. I want to set my ubuntu box as the server for all my files and have my macs just be clients for all my: Music, Movies, Files, and Work03:36
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majd_I have a public apache server setp03:36
majd_Where do i start?03:37
eobanbmajd_, that's a big question.03:37
majd_i can't get to my shared folders from my mac03:37
eobanbmajd_, one step at a time..03:37
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majd_eobanb, i mean i dont even know what needs to be done :(03:37
BIAFgoto 'places' Majd, search for ur mac IP03:37
majd_i'm willing to learn though03:37
mgihey .. anyone here had much experience with dapper (2.6.15-25) and dvb-t?03:37
cefI'm getting "Paused: /usr/lib/cups/backend/http failed" in the gnome print manager when printing to a remote ipp based printer. Used to work on this machine back when it ran breezy, but since the upgrade to dapper it's not working anymore. Any suggestions?03:38
eobanbmajd_, i assume all you want to really do is just set up file sharing on the ubuntu machine so that the shares can be mounted on your two macs.03:38
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BIAFmajd_ : places, connect to server, then in there select 'windows share'03:38
BIAFthen where server box is, type ur mac's ip03:39
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eobanbBIAF, i don't think you understand what he's trying to do03:39
TSCHAKwhat determines which buttons show up on the shutdown panel????03:39
BIAFbut no point looking for share if ur mac not shared right03:39
BIAFprob'ly not03:39
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Daveyboywhy is the oem install (gui) exactly the same as text based install ....bith are vga blue screen mode03:40
eobanbBIAF, majd_ is trying to use his ubuntu machine as a file server, and to that end he needs to install samba or nfs on the ubuntu machine03:40
yallamanwhat fps games are nice under linux?03:40
eobanbyallaman, tremulous ?03:40
yallamannever heard of that:P03:41
eobanbyallaman, to what games are you referring03:41
void^Daveyboy: gui install is on desktop install cds, alternate install cds are text mode only03:41
badrinarayaneobanb, we can also install Netatalk, avahi-daemon, libnss-mdns so that the ubunntu server has zeroconf support and can talk apple talk protocols.03:41
eobanbopen-source linux games, ports of windows games, windows games under wine..?03:41
yallaman3d/opengl first-person shooter..or similar03:41
BIAFmajd : this might sound like windows but right mouse on the folder you want to serve on ur linux box, and click share, then u have choice of sama or NFS03:42
eobanbbadrinarayan, sure, that's an option for him, although mac os x can do fine with a samba share03:42
yallamanport or linux games03:42
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mgiso, does anyone have any experience with dvb-t?03:42
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eobanbBIAF, that choice only appears if he's already installed samba or NFS03:42
eobanbBIAF, i don't mean to be rude, but i don't think you are helping here03:42
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eobanbyallaman, you should definitely try tremulous03:43
eobanbyallaman, it's based on quake III03:43
CokeNCodei hear freenode got hacked, is that true  ?03:43
BIAFif hes installed ubuntu-desktop or full desktop, then it should be there reay to deploy03:43
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eobanbCokeNCode, not the place for that question03:43
Daveyboyvoid^, yah i have an alternate iso, so i HAVE TO use text mode?03:43
david_I leave my computer for 1 hour and it doesn't hibernate and the monitor turns off, I have to unplug it then plug in back in for it to work again, can someone help me?03:43
void^Daveyboy: yes03:43
] GoldenDragonhmm, anyone know if its possible to save states in VisualBoyAdvance on Ubuntu? using either VBA Express or Gnomeboy03:43
eobanbBIAF, negative, i'm positive samba is not installed by default03:43
majd_BIAF, i did what you told me to do and it worked: i can view the files on my mac on my ubuntu. But what i need to do is do that opposite03:43
badrinarayaneobanb, yeah osx handles samba - I only said that because it is nice to see ubuntu "discovered" by  his mac when he brings it to hime n/w ;)03:43
majd_i need to see on my mac, the files on my ubuntu03:43
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Daveyboyvoid^, so why doesi t give the choice of oem?03:43
majd_wrong channel03:44
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eobanbmajd_, if you go to System > Administration > Shared Folders it will prompt you to install samba03:44
BIAFbut when he just right mouse#s on a folder it will provoke the dialog to install samba03:45
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void^Daveyboy: eh, oem = original equipment manufacturer. i don't know what it does in this case, doesn't say anything about the gui anyways03:45
majd_samba seems to be installed through synaptic03:45
BIAFafter clicking share03:45
badrinarayanmajd_ : finally go to finder, type apple-k (connect to server) and then simply connect to the ubuntu share you created03:45
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Daveyboywhat is the difference between kde and kubuntu-desktop?03:47
McScruffis there a way to stop ubiquity from installing a bootloader03:47
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McScruffDaveyboy, the apps that come with it, kde ships just with kde, but kubuntu will give you apps that the kubuntu team packaged with it03:47
DShepherdDaveyboy: its kde with ubuntu's spin on it03:47
eobanbDaveyboy, kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that includes kde and its libraries03:47
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james_xxxin trying to configure a PC to access the printer connected to another PC, when it askes for thehost of the remote IPP server, what am i supposed to enter?03:48
Daveyboybut kde comes with the ubuntu install though, right?03:48
eobanbDaveyboy, no.03:48
__mikemkubuntu doesn't do kde justice, you should see how great kde could look if they tried, has anyone here ever used linspire before?03:48
DShepherdDaveyboy: no03:48
q_a_z_steveWhat's an easy but secure Pop3 and SMTP mail server I can run on ubuntu?03:48
eobanbDaveyboy, an ubuntu install comes with gnome, not kde.03:48
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pike_Daveyboy: you would need server install then apt-get kubuntu-desktop03:48
DShepherdeobanb depends on what cd you use though03:48
eobanbpike_, or he could just get the kubuntu iso..03:48
pike_eobanb: bah03:48
adcuritndoes anybody here know anyting about installing ubuntu on sparc machine03:49
DShepherdDaveyboy: u could get the kubuntu iso you like03:49
yallamaneobanb: just do: ./tremulous.run ?03:49
eobanbyallaman, indeed03:49
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DShepherdDaveyboy: that comes with kde by defualt..03:49
eobanbyallaman, you can even double-click it from nautilus03:49
DaveyboyDShepherd, yah i think thats what i have03:49
DShepherdyallaman: you trying out that gaim??03:49
DShepherdgaim = game*03:49
pike_Daveyboy: the problem is with your system specs both gnome and kde are going to be a little frustrating03:49
yallaman1 min to download is done03:49
adcuritndoes anybody here know anyting about installing ubuntu on sparc machine??03:50
pike_Daveyboy: but still usable probably03:50
ubotuI know nothing about sparc03:50
DShepherdyallaman: tell me what you think of it.. is it just for multiplayer environment though?03:50
yallamanseems kinda good looking to be so small size03:50
majd_badrinarayan, when i go to Finder>Network>Mshome>Majd-Ubuntu>Connect....it prompts me for Domain, Username, and password. for Domain, i put MSHOME because in ubuntu when i go to Shared Folders Settings and click properties on the folder i'm sharing, and click on General Windows Sharing settings, that's what it says the domain is03:50
wastrelsomeone was in here a few days ago saying they were running on a sparc03:50
__mikemI tried to run gnome and kde side by side on breezy. THough it works, on ubuntu it gets messy03:50
eobanbadcuritn, as far as i know the sparc port is in the works, but not ready yet03:50
Daveyboypike_, yah i had kde before on it semed alright ,im mainly just going to conect thru ssh anyway via putty03:50
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majd_for username, i use majd-home because that's what i put for the name under share properties03:50
DShepherdyallaman: it is good looking..03:50
yallamani dunno if its just for mp yet:P03:50
james_xxx__mikem: i could not disagree with you more. kubuntu is awesome03:51
majd_and for password, i tried my root password03:51
adcuritneobanb there is a server edition of ubuntu out for sparc03:51
DShepherdyallaman: ok03:51
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q_a_z_steveWhat's an easy to configure but secure Pop3 and SMTP mail server I can run on ubuntu?03:51
__mikemjames_xxx I didn't say it wasn't, I was just saying running gnome alongside kde gets messy03:51
james_xxxi see03:51
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majd_after i click Connect, i get the following error: The alias "Majd-Ubuntu" could not be opened, because the original item cannot be found03:51
Daveyboyhow much memory does kde and gnome generally use?03:51
wastrelq_a_z_steve:  postfix i think is the standard for smtp.  dovecot for pop3 (i only use imap tho)03:52
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eobanbDaveyboy, around 128 MB.03:52
eobanbDaveyboy, but you'll want extra to run applications03:52
pike_Daveyboy: you might give xubuntu a spin its my main desktop i very much prefer it to gnome or kde03:52
q_a_z_steveadcuritn, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/606?highlight=%28sparc%2903:52
majd_pike_, same here03:52
yallamanlol..nautilus..opens it in gedit..03:52
majd_i love xfce...much less memory usage than gnome] 03:52
Daveyboyyeah xubuntu is okay, i mainly want to be a command line guru03:53
__mikempike_ I love xfce, but the latest version is a bit unstable03:53
eobanbyallaman, uh i guess you do need to run it from the command line then03:53
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q_a_z_stevewastrel, what's the big difference?03:53
wastrelq_a_z_steve:  between pop3 and imap?03:53
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q_a_z_steveserver size and things?03:54
pike___mikem: only thing i miss is the old thunar.  i havent really had any problems yet03:54
q_a_z_stevewastrel, as far as the server and security/access restriction and so on.03:55
Daveyboypike_, how much memory doe xubuntu use?03:55
q_a_z_stevewastrel, do you use dovecot for imap?03:55
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majd_do i wanna use a WINS server?03:55
q_a_z_stevemajd_, if one's available...03:56
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patchhow can I configure de volume control on my dell keyboard !03:56
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wastrelq_a_z_steve:  yes but only for my local network - i'm not running any internet services.  it does have ssl support though.03:56
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majd_q_a_z_steve, what's WINS server?03:57
pike_Daveyboy: im dont have any numbers but you would definately notice a difference with 256mb of ram03:57
majd_i don't know if it is or not03:57
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r3dhatdoes anyone know how i can install in expert mode?03:58
Daveyboyso if i use the server install, does it pre load openssh, apache2, mysql-server03:58
ubotuI know nothing about WINS03:58
wastrelwins is a microsoft network protocol03:58
__mikemr3dhat if you don't know how to use expert mode, chances are, you are not an expert and have no need to use expert mode03:58
wastreltotally unused for internet connections, or tcp/ip networks in general afaik03:58
q_a_z_stevemajd_, it's only necessary if you want outlook or things like that to work at optimum.03:58
pike_Daveyboy: actually all installs are base desktop installs you would have to apt-get install openssh-server etc03:58
r3dhati need to make a boot disk in expert install i just cant seem to find it...?03:58
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pike_Daveyboy: unless something has changed with dapper03:59
Daveyboypike_, so the server install is different from the desktop install , how?03:59
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__mikemserver install doesn't install gui03:59
q_a_z_stevewastrel, would it be accurate to say linux:DNS :: windows:WINS ?04:00
q_a_z_stevemajd_, http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/WINS.html04:00
pike_Daveyboy: and regular install will install alot of stuff you dont need and dont want running04:00
r3dhathow do i get to expert install?04:00
wastrelq_a_z_steve:  i actually know very little about microsoft networking, just enough to know that wins is irrelevant to internet :] 04:00
patch how can I configure my multimedia keyboard, the button rool or vulume up or down doesn't works for me !04:01
Daveyboypike_, so server install is the same as desktop minus the wm?04:01
__mikemthe thing about "expert" install is, if you use it, it is implied taht you are an "expert" and know what you are doing.04:01
r3dhat... i know... i just cant find it04:01
__mikemsorry, I just love the irony in that. lmao04:02
r3dhati know04:02
pike_Daveyboy: and openoffice and alot of other stuff. think of it more as base install without any of the frills04:02
r3dhati need to install this please04:02
Daveyboyole william wallace is kicking ass on spiketv04:02
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Daveyboypike_, kewl04:02
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Patrick__hey all, is it possible to download files that you would normally get through apt-get at a certain website?04:03
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jasonm_what app is best for connecting to soulseek under ubuntu04:03
hackelr3dhat:  did you bother looking online or reading the manual in all your expert wisdom?04:03
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pike_Patrick__: you can download the .deb files04:04
hawkaloogiejasonm_, nicotine is widely used, but it's not been updated in a while04:04
__mikemhackel, so you think its ironic that he is "asking" how to use the "expert" install04:04
hackelPatrick__:  Yeah just look at the site you're getting it from. :-P  (probably http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/)04:04
yallamantremulous ..seemed like a nice game..very fast..only MP btw04:04
hackel__mikem:  Yes I was agreeing with you. :P04:04
james_xxxare there any experts on setting up a print server in here? i am trying to set up a home network with one PC being used as the print server, and i am having no luck04:04
Patrick__pike_ srry to say but that was kind of a useless answer :(04:05
Daveyboyubuntu is a kickass OS..04:05
__mikem;) lol04:05
yallamannotthing beats Anarchy-online on cedega tho04:05
__mikemDaveboy, is kickass a good thing or a bad thing?04:05
Patrick__hackel, its not very user friendly04:05
Patrick__hackel, I remember there being a site dedicated to such thing04:05
r3dhatcan someone please just tell me, i know i'm just missing something stupid04:05
Patrick__hackel, but I forgot :(04:05
__mikemR T F M !04:05
Daveyboywish I could afford to buy  a real computer to see her really fly..04:05
patchubuntu don't detecd my button of volume control... how can I configure that ?04:05
Rolo#ubuntu-eskernel panic: VFS unable mount root fs on 08:0204:06
__mikemDaveyboy I just have to say, I love my new 3ghz AMD64 computer04:06
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Patrick____mikem, thats one fast ass processor04:07
mnvldoes ubuntu really come w/o mp3 codecs?04:07
Patrick__is it duel core?04:07
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Patrick__mnvl yes04:07
__mikemPatrick__ yup, and its all mine, lol04:07
Patrick__mnvl, thats what programs like Automatix and Easyubuntu are for.04:08
Patrick____mikem omfg seriously!?!? dual core 3GHZ?!04:08
mnvli jsut installed mpg321 and now gnome can preview mp3s on mouseover04:08
squigglyi should've expected linux users to be amd fanboys04:08
Patrick____mikem, thats fucking equal ti 6.0Ghz04:08
__mikemOh, NOt the duel core one04:08
hackelPatrick__:  I'm not aware of it.  I mean, packages.ubuntu.com will give you info and links to download individual packages, or apt-get.org will search other repositories.04:08
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Daveyboy__mikem, i hear ya... 3ghz is a horse04:08
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Traecan someone check my sources.list please:  pastebin.ca/7172504:08
Patrick__hackel, thanks04:08
mnvlbut neither totem nor rhythmbox can play them (!?)04:08
TraeI can't seem to get w32codecs to install04:08
r3dhatwhere is expert install?04:08
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mnvlcan i get another player or what?04:09
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__mikemr3dhat RTFM04:09
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jribubotu: tell Trae about w32codecs04:09
Lord-ChewYis it possible to use MS DirectX with wine04:09
Lord-ChewYthe actual MS files04:09
mnvlor another decoder?04:09
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jribubotu: tell mnvl about mp304:09
Traejrib heh, I should be able to just apt-get install w32codecs right?04:09
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jribTrae: nope04:10
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Traejrib not even with multiverse and universe enabled?04:10
hackelr3dhat:  I'm pretty sure you just type "expert" when you boot the CD.04:10
jribTrae: correct, the wiki explains how you have to get them04:10
__mikemhackel, a guy calls tech support and says, hey it tells me to click ok, what do I do?04:10
Traejrib odd... I don't see mention of Seveas packages on the wiki04:11
=== Trae must be blind
r3dhathackel, i tried that, no dice04:11
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jribTrae: there is a direct link to a .deb there though04:11
=== __mikem watches in mild amusement
Rolokernel panic: VFS unable mount root fs on 08:0204:11
Dial_toneare all these /dev/vmnet* entries part of the OS or were they all added by installing vmware? translation - can i delete them when i remove vmware player04:11
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__mikemRolo try running fsck04:11
hackelr3dhat:  Might have changed with dapper release, but I assume it's in the docs somewhere.04:12
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Traejrib ok... I"m sorry, the old way had you wehre you could apt-get install it I thought.04:12
TraeI could be just mis-thinking too04:12
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r3dhathackel: yea... i really didnt look through it before... =(04:12
Traejrib do my sources.list look good ?04:12
jribTrae: ok, the factoid was changed :)  It used to point to the restricted formats wiki, but the desktopguide probably has directions.  You can apt-get install if you use seveas' repos too04:12
Rolokernel i686-smp for pentium d 82004:12
pike_Trae: http://pastebin.ca/7173004:13
__mikemDarnit, doesn't anyone read the manuel before comming here anymore04:13
Lord-ChewYanyone know?04:13
jribTrae: where are they?04:13
Lord-ChewYid like to use the standard DX9c dll files04:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:13
Lord-ChewYseems that would work better than hacked ones04:13
squigglysomeone buy me the X2 460004:13
squigglymy machine hungers for some real horsepower04:13
wastrelwhat's that04:14
__mikemsquiggly noone here is going to buy you anything04:14
squigglybeefy processor that i need for video encoding04:14
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Traepastebin.ca/71725 jrib04:14
Lord-ChewYsquiggly ill buy you one but you got to "work" for it04:14
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Lord-ChewYand by work i mean sexual04:15
yallamanis there any font packages that i can download for ubuntu? for use in console..04:15
__mikemLord-ChewY don't encourage a chatroom trool, and please keep it appropiate04:15
squigglydo i get union rights04:15
r3dhatnot finding anything...04:15
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Lord-ChewYyou get 0 rights04:15
squigglywell fu04:16
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!04:16
Lord-ChewYno computer either04:16
jribTrae: yep they look fine, just add in seveas repos if you want to be able to apt-get install04:16
=== HedgeMage peeks in
jturekhi guys04:16
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jtureki get soudnd on my GDM screen04:16
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HedgeMage__mikem: what's up?04:16
roostishawwhere can i find a good tutorial covering how to use zenity with bash?04:16
jturekbut when i get into Gnome04:16
jtureki don't have sound04:16
jturekthe Volume Manager won't open04:16
__mikemHedgeMage theres a trool04:16
Traejrib k, tx bunches04:17
=== leboff [n=leboff@c-68-32-11-6.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemAnd someone talking about trading sex for a new microprocessor04:17
Healotroostishaw: I say zenity examples at Sun's website04:17
__mikemand they are fighting04:17
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jribTrae: and here is the link if you just want the deb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-6c942d1939d97331f96e42b63774003fde7daed504:17
HedgeMageMika_i: it helps if you give me nicks so I can lastlog... I have 41 chans open04:17
HedgeMage__mikem: ^^^04:17
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digivorehi, question, what other version of linux is ubuntu most like, or based on?04:17
hackelr3dhat:  Make sure you're using the "alternate" install CD.04:17
roostishawHealot, ok, ill check it out, thanks mate04:17
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__mikemLord-ChewY, squiggly04:17
hackeldigivore:  Debian. :-P04:18
lecarosdigivore: based on debian04:18
r3dhathackel: "alternate" install CD?04:18
digivoregreat thanks04:18
hackelr3dhat:  Yes, which is the same as the old install CD.  Not the live CD.04:18
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r3dhatthat explains alot04:19
__mikemHedgeMage Lord-CHewY and squiggly04:19
hackelr3dhat:  That's where the expert install went to.  From that point on, I'll assume you're still an expert and can figure it out. :P04:19
yeftanyone here use rockbox?04:19
skavengeLooking to disable tap-to-click on an alps touchpad in dapper, at the very least make it less sensitive anyone know?04:19
r3dhatthank you, i <3 you04:19
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hackel(but I admit, it took me a minute to figure that out, too.)04:19
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__mikemwow, this chatroom is kinky tonight04:20
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Dial_toneare all these /dev/vmnet* entries part of the OS or were they all added by installing vmware? translation - can i delete them when i remove vmware player04:20
Lord-ChewYi hope cedega works better than dx9wine04:20
yeftanyone get ipod to work in amaroK?04:21
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ShigunAnybody here have experience with SPDIF issue, that they think they could help me with?04:22
bimberiwow, freenode staff party?04:22
__mikemHedgeMage, in retrospect maybe it was a bit hastey to call in the ops, but it really did look like they were about to fight?04:22
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bimberi__mikem: i thought you were a bit hasty but it probably did prevent things escalating :)04:24
repairmnis there a package to install LimeWire?04:24
HedgeMage__mikem: np, it happens, and bimberi is probably right04:24
Shiguno.O Anybody at all?  Or just a generalized question in the hopes of some support or guidance in the right direction04:24
bimberiHedgeMage: wow, that's first ;P04:24
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bimberi*a first04:24
__mikemubotu tell SHigun about ask04:25
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__mikemskavenge what about frostwire04:25
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Shigunk then.  My SPDIF just stopped working.  I thought it might be due to a kernel upgrade, but upon reverting back to my previous kernel version, it still didnt work.  I cannot think of anything it could possibly be04:25
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ShigunThis is on an intel8x0 module (Nvidia NForce4 on a DFI Lanparty Ultra-D)04:26
skavengesomebody was asking about limewire .. anyway anyone had problems with frostwire locking up when its starting? its happened like three times to me and frozen my x session04:26
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__mikemnot sure what SPDIF is, but reinstalling it should fix it right up04:26
crimsunShigun: amixer output, please, pastebinned.04:26
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Shigun__mikem: SPDIF is a form of audio output04:26
__mikemShigun, do you know what package it comes in?04:27
Healot__mikem: digital output04:27
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socket7how do i make a program run on boot? Just before X starts?04:27
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Shigun__mikem: Its not a package, its a hardware feature04:27
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__mikemThere should be a driver for it though?04:27
__mikemTHe soundcard I mean04:27
__mikemTRy reinstalling the soundcard drivers04:27
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yoshiznit123hey, is there a way to see how much space an installed package takes?04:28
Shigun__mikem: That would be the alsa drivers, or I guess in this case specifically, intel8x0 alsa drivers.  However, my second soundcard itself is working fine04:28
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Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1649604:28
__mikemThats strange.04:28
__mikemcrimsun, what happened last night, I was kicked from the server at around 12:00 AM and I couldn't log back on04:29
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skavengeLooking to disable tap-to-click on an alps touchpad in dapper, at the very least make it less sensitive anyone know?04:29
nemikhello, not sure why, but I just cannot get sound to work on my onboard via 8235 card.04:29
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crimsunShigun: ``cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*''04:30
nemikit was fine on breezy before i wiped everything and put on dapper04:30
crimsunnemik: pastebin ``cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && amixer''04:30
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yoshiznit123skavenge, you'll have to change settings in xorg.conf unless you have shm enabled04:31
KBlairHello, I'm new to ubuntu and Linux in general. I want to have a Windows XP/Ubuntu on my next computer I build. Problem is that I don't know if ASRock 939NF5G-SATA2 can support linux. Does anybody have any success stories with tihs board?04:31
Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1649804:31
skavengeyoshiznit123 ; shm?04:31
nemikcrimsun: just says no such file/directory04:31
__mikemKBlair, I don't believe the motherboard has anything to do with OS support.04:32
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Shiguncrimsun: apologies, I missed the wildcard at the end04:32
bimberiyoshiznit123: apt-cache show <package> | grep Installed04:32
crimsunnemik: then I need ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' pastebinned04:32
__mikemKBlair, also, if you do run into any problems, a bios upgrade should fix them04:32
KBlairOk, thanks.04:32
realcoolguyis there a good way to tell which video "driver" i'm running?04:33
yoshiznit123bimberi, thanks04:33
yoshiznit123skavenge, look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for 'synaptics'04:33
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bimberiyoshiznit123: yw04:33
ShigunCrimsun: Actually, there is no change with the wildcard04:33
nemikcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/7174404:33
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lecaroscrimsun: btw, i haven't those files04:34
crimsunnemik: try muting 'External Amplifier'04:34
crimsunlecaros: you won't unless you use asoundconf directly or change the default sound device using System> Preferences> Sound04:35
durtwhen i try to play a file in audacious, cpu usage goes up to 100%, and the song plays very slowly and choppily. anyone know whats wrong?04:35
__mikemTRy a different player04:35
skavengeyoshiznit123 ; found it, doesn't say much04:36
nemikcrimsun: just muted it; and nothing04:36
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__mikemits a case of, a guy walks into a doctors office and says, "hey dock, it hurts when I do this." Doc says, "then don't do it"04:36
durtheh, yeah other stuff works, but i was just wondering if anyone else had troubles with audacious04:36
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crimsunShigun: what's the output from ``iecset''?04:37
__mikemdurt, you could try reinstalling audacios, if that doesn't work, just ditch it04:37
crimsunnemik: try: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 104:37
crimsunnemik: if 1 doesn't work, try 2, then 304:38
n8boundsGood people of #ubuntu, Has anyone found a good ubuntu/debian analouge to the win32 only DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter?04:38
=== __mikem wonders how crimsun can troubleshoot in any situation even if he hasn't encountered the setup in real life
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengesound wizard04:39
yoshiznit123skavenge, you can put a bunch of configurations there, the easiest is probably SHMConfig "true", and you can configure without restarting your x server04:39
Shiguncrimsun: Several errors.  Give me a sec, I will pastebin them04:39
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Healotn8bounds: DVD ripping is illegal, we shouldn't suggest you about that :-004:39
hemanwhat's the best way to install tor on utuntu?04:39
crimsunheman: from tor.eff.org04:40
Healotusing the repos, heman04:40
ShigunCrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1649904:40
crimsunheman: tor is one of the few exceptions where the versions in the repo are known to be not recommended.04:40
woodwizzleWhat happened to the command line panel applet?04:40
Healotthe latest release of Tor is recommended04:40
wastrelwoodwizzle:  they retired it and replaced it with deskbar applet04:40
=== Dragonfyre13 [n=Dragonfy@c-71-193-111-249.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
woodwizzlewastrel oh the deskbar applet can run programs too? sweet04:41
Dragonfyre13anybody have experience with apache2 vhosts?04:41
Dragonfyre13anybody have experience with apache2 at all?04:41
__mikemI am getting too tired to think. I am going to bed04:41
Healotn8bounds: btw, there are some out there, libdvdcss2 is the core for DVD ripping...04:41
socket7How do I add a script to init.d so it runs just before X starts?04:41
Shiguncrimsun: I copied my asound.conf to the file being pointed to by my .asoundrc, and ran iecset again.  This time, it just returned: snd_ctl_open: Invalid argument04:42
hemancrimsun: i'm guessing i should download the debian version04:42
crimsunShigun: and the contents of /proc/asound/cards ?04:42
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crimsunheman: if there's no Ubuntu-specific one, sure04:42
Dragonfyre13Hi Rob04:42
nemikcrimsun: none of those worked...i may try to put my BIOS to default in case something relating to sound changed there...04:43
nemikcrimsun: btw thank you very much anyway for helping04:43
Shiguncrumsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650004:43
crimsunnemik: uname -r04:44
Dragonfyre13Can anyone hear me when I speak? No experience with IRC before really.04:44
n8boundsyes, Dragonfyre1304:44
nemikcrimsun: 2.6.15-25-38604:44
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Dragonfyre13n8bounds: thank you04:44
RugDragonfyre13: I can't hear you talking, but I can see what you type04:44
Dragonfyre13Rug: Gee, thanks. I guess I would have to use Ekigia for that.04:45
crimsunShigun: are you intending to use the crippled live or the nvidia?04:45
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Dragonfyre13Hey Twilli04:45
iameliteHow do i open Split RAR archives. IE: r00, r01, r02 = ABC.exe04:45
Rugiamelite: you want to extract the whole thing?04:45
twilliHey, whats happening04:45
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iameliterug yes04:45
Rugimbrandon: rar x file.rar04:46
Dragonfyre13"unrar Filename.r00"04:46
Shiguncrimsun: The Nvidia has SPDIF, which is what I always output my sound to, except for a few VoIP programs, wehre I used the live.  However, the Nvidia SPDIF no longer works.  The live itself still does though.04:46
imbrandonRug, ???04:46
hemanWhich version of Debian is ubuntu most like.  Sarge?  Etch?04:46
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Rugor *.r0004:46
iameliteHow do i know if i have unrar04:46
mgihey.. anyone have much experience with dvb-t and dapper?04:46
imbrandonRug, you mean iamelite04:46
spikebheman: probably etch at the moment04:46
imbrandonnp ;)04:46
Shiguncrimsun:  The live outputs through analog, while the nvidia has analog and spdif.  afaik, neither work on the nvidia04:46
crimsunShigun: can you backup (and remove) /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc* ?04:46
Rugiamelite: sorry.....    type this in a term window:   rar -h04:47
Shiguncrimsun: Give me just a sec, and I will remove and test that04:47
Dragonfyre13apt-get install unrar-nonfree04:47
etheralrighty anyone else had problems with the desktop cd seeming freezeing after unpacking the kernel?04:47
babywalksdoes anybody know how to configure a usb keyboard? i simply cannot get it work with my  usb mouse.04:47
n8boundsseeming freezeing?04:47
iameliterar -h     Command not found04:47
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Rugiamelite: you need to install rar/unrar04:47
Dragonfyre13see my post04:48
n8boundsyou sure the optical drive in question is in good health?04:48
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdcan somone tell me how to install the lame headers and codec?  i want to do that before compiling kaffeine04:48
Dragonfyre13iamelite: see my post04:48
Shiguncrimsun: No change04:48
iamelitedragonfyre13, Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:48
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etheri am rather sure it is, it's brand new04:48
Shiguncrimsun: However, the output of iecset shows something now04:48
SAM_themanhello people its me!!04:48
Dragonfyre13iamelite: activate multiverse and universe repos04:49
skavengejust open synaptic and search for rar04:49
mgiso no one has any idea about dvb-t cards?04:49
crimsunShigun: good. pastebin, please?04:49
n8boundsdo you have DMA on?04:49
etherit was doing the same thing with the cd drive before04:49
Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650104:49
iamelitedragonfyre13, how?04:49
etheri'm not familar with DMA04:49
n8boundsdirect memory access04:49
n8boundseasiest way with Breezy or Dapper is AUTOMATIX04:50
ethercmos option?04:50
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA04:50
Rugether: hpparm -d1 /dev/cdrom04:50
wastreldon't break your drive04:50
Dragonfyre13"iamelite: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and uncomment the things it tells you to.04:50
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Dragonfyre13iamelite: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and uncomment the things it tells you to.04:50
wastreli killed a disk with hdparm once ;] 04:50
Rugwastrel: really?04:50
n8boundsyeah, really?04:50
d00bydoes anybody know how to read the tags from a mp3 using either gambas or a shell utility?04:51
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.04:51
wastrelyeah really.  not the physical disk of course but the filesystem04:51
Rugwastrel: of course....04:51
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SpecialCorehello, when I type "make", the system replies "bash: make: command not found", what shall I do when I can compile files?04:51
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Rugwastrel: I was thinking:  nothing a low-level format can't cure04:52
Dragonfyre13iamelite: Yup. There's a walkthrough here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation04:52
Shiguncrimsun: I have confirmed that analog on the nvidia *is* working04:52
Dragonfyre13SpecialCore: apt-get install build-essential04:52
RugSpecialCore: what program are you trying to install AND have you checked to see if it's in the repos first?04:52
elkbuntuSpecialCore, you probably need to install the build-essential package. so sudo apt-get build-essential04:52
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Amaranth!compiling > SpecialCore04:52
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Shiguncrimsun: SPDIF itself though, still does not04:53
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roostishawin the zenity man page, where it talks about text input... and says its saved to 'standard output', how would I assign the input of the user to a variable?04:53
Dragonfyre13anyone feel like helping me with my apache2 problems?04:53
iameliteAll this for one file04:53
cArNaGe`!weather binghamton04:53
ubotuI know nothing about weather binghamton04:53
SpecialCoreok, I'll try it. I just installing libgpg-error0. thanks04:53
Dragonfyre13iamelite: nah, I've used it for a bunch.04:53
elkbuntuDragonfyre13, depends. explain your apache2 problem first.04:53
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Dragonfyre13elkubuntu: I have a working apache setup, but I need it to use virtualhosts, since now I will be hosting two sites. for some reason, whenever I set them up, it just goes to the /var/www directory.04:54
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iamelitedragonfyre13, which of theese is the walk througg for what im doing04:55
woodwizzleI'm learning python, I'm curious as to what tools other ubunteros use to program python.04:55
elkbuntuDragonfyre13, im not sure how to do that either, but since it's an apache2 thing, try joining the apache channel here on freenode and ask there, they'll know for sure04:55
judahDragonfyre13: so you have a unique DocumentRoot set for your virtual hosts?04:56
etherhmm, well the desktop cd goes blah "upacking kernel" then it goes to the bootsplash all mounting filesystem stuffs then it seems to crash and goes back to the vanilla console. no hd or cd activity. Does that sound like a hdpram issue?04:56
SAM_themanCan somone take a look at that please?04:56
Dragonfyre13iamelite: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/extra-repositories.html04:56
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare04:56
Dragonfyre13judah: yep.04:56
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woodwizzlecrap my xorg died04:56
judahdo you like less -f /my/fancy/apache/log.log when you restart the service.04:57
crimsunShigun: how are you testing the optical out?04:57
judahto see if like it gives you some klue?04:57
RugAfter doing a fresh install of dapper I can't get twinview to work, but if I upgrade from breezy works fine.  any ideas?04:57
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Dragonfyre13iamelite: besides, I activate the other repos on nearly all the systems I install.04:57
nothingmanhi, all04:58
nothingmanhaven't gotten a graphical login since I upgraded to Dapper04:58
Healotwoodwizzle: I am IDLE(ing) and eaten by Boa :)04:58
Shiguncrimsun: I have a digital audio decoder that I hooks up to a surround sound system.  It connects in through the SPDIF interface04:58
nosklonothingman, video card?04:58
Dragonfyre13Rug: likely, dapper doesn't install the drivers correctly. Breezy does, and Dapper doesn't mess with them during the upgrade.04:58
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elkbuntuDragonfyre13, i think your best bet is to ask in #apache04:59
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RugDragonfyre13: odd thing though, OpenGL (Direct rendering) was install correctly.04:59
crimsunShigun: right, are you using mplayer (w/ its parameters, see its man page) to test the output?04:59
adictsi just started using linux and i needed to install an nvidia driver , but when i try to install it in the terminal it says needs to be run as root can someone help me?04:59
woodwizzleHealot, what do you do most of your python in? I noticed that gedit comes with a python console too.04:59
adictsive tried $sudo dpkg04:59
Dragonfyre13Thanks elkubuntu. I'll try there once I finish with iamelite's problem.04:59
Healotwoodwizzle: IDLE(ing) is good04:59
Dragonfyre13Rug: that's really wierd.05:00
noskloadicts, are you using ubuntu?05:00
Tmobanyone use conky + xfce?05:00
RugDragonfyre13: yeah I know!05:00
Tmobi can't get it to draw properly on double buffering05:00
iamelitedragonfyre13, yeah im reading it. saying i can do it in X05:00
Tmoband it flickers with single05:00
noskloadicts, then just install the linux-restricted package using sypnaptic05:00
nothingmanXinerama: intel integrated and two Diamond Stealth 3D 2000's05:00
noskloadicts, and nvidia-glx05:00
noskloadicts, that should be enough05:00
Rugnothingman: ouch, time for an upgrade05:00
adictsok thanks alot05:00
noskloadicts, you dont need additional drivers05:00
Shiguncrimsun: I have tested several things.  The gnome sound properties (play the sound you hear at login), amarok (set to 'default' for the audio device, as was per my asound.conf), and xmms (set to hw:0,2, to specify the spdif output of the nvidia).  None of them work.05:00
nothingmanOK, so now that I commented out the S3's it works with just the intel05:00
adictsthank you05:00
Dragonfyre13iamelite: yup. That's the newbie friendly way. heheheh, CLI goodness though.05:01
=== DrKevorkian [n=phil@ny-lancastercadent4g1-3a-32.buf.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Migit03I just compiled some of my own C code (in 64 bit Ubuntu) using gcc but I can only get it to run by doing /Desktop/main I can't go to the desktop and just type main.o. Any ideas why?05:01
crimsunShigun: generally speaking you would want to use plug:iec958 instead of a hardcoded hw:0,205:01
nothingmanRug: it will make a nice programming rig; 1.2Ghz Celeron vs the 400Mhz Athlon that it replaced05:01
nothingmanplus it houses my mythbacked05:01
Dragonfyre13iameite: if you have any more problems, just ask the room. I'm going to #apache05:01
Shiguncrimsun: I have always used hw:0,2, but let me test the plug real quick05:01
iamelitedragonfyre13, Well when it comes to computers, i dont mind the hard way. But ill always find the easiest one. They say its the thinking of a true mathematician05:01
Rugnothingman: It's great for a lot of things.  GUI isn't on the list though!  =)05:01
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hyphenatedMigit03: because 'named' commands are looked up in your PATH environment variable05:02
Shiguncrimsun: Doesnt work either05:02
nothingmanRug: as long as it plays video and gives me a wide-ass desktop, I'm OK with it05:02
DrKevorkiani can't get flash player in firefox to work on ubuntu, i had no problems in windows xp (i'm dual booting) but it never seems to work correctly on linux05:02
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iamelitedragonfyre13, anyways. backpots opened, where do i go about it now05:02
Dragonfyre13iamelite: yup. Same here, but CLI is normally more powerful, and thus easier when you get used to it. nano is your friend if you get stuck there.05:02
Shiguncrimsun: Is there a way to reinstall or rebuild the audio modules?05:02
bruenigdrkevorkian, what have you tried?05:02
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crimsunShigun: wouldn't help05:02
Dragonfyre13iamelite: just do "sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree"05:03
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Shiguncrimsun: Recommendation on what to do next?05:03
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crimsunShigun: do I still have your current amixer output on pastebin?05:03
JMOHi there05:03
crimsunShigun: sorry, url please05:03
RugJMO: howdy05:03
JMOIm sorry for this interrumption, can someone give me a hand with an apt-get problem?05:04
DrKevorkianbruenig, i've tried installing the linux version from the website and it installed05:04
RugJMO: just ask!05:04
nothingmannosklo: did you read my messages?05:04
iamelitedragonfyre13, or... Synaptic... unrar... mark?05:04
DrKevorkianbruenig: but it rarely ever works and never plays audio05:04
Dragonfyre13iamelite: once that is done, just do "unrar e file.r00" where file.r00 is the first of the series of rar files you want to unpack.05:04
bruenigdrkevorkian, the easiest way to do is through apt-get, have you tried that?05:04
nosklonothingman, yes, but unfortunately i have no experience with this video card05:04
Dragonfyre13iamelite: yep, that works too.05:04
d00bydoes anybody know how to read the tags from a mp3 using either gambas or a shell utility?05:04
Dragonfyre13iamelite: wait, no05:04
nothingmannosklo: it worked with Breezy05:04
DrKevorkianbruenig: i've tried that, same results05:04
Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1649605:04
=== heman [n=heman@68-112-27-042.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
JMOOk. I will do something better. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199551&page=205:05
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Dragonfyre13iamelite: unrar-nonfree is what you want05:05
iamelitedragonfyre13, OMG!05:05
Dragonfyre13iamelite: sorry ^_^05:05
=== zptao [i=topaz@adsl-69-111-56-210.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Healotno... I can use LAME+libid3tag for that05:05
JMOMy question: Its safe to make a "Repair packages" with Synaptic?05:05
DrKevorkianbruenig: for example on youtube it'll play about 2 seconds of video and stop, but never any audio05:05
iamelitedragonfyre13, oh well... ill just overwrite it05:05
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Dragonfyre13iamelite: that works. you didn't screw anything up.05:05
bruenigdrkevorkian, assuming you have the extra repositories enabled try this 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' 'sudo update-flashplugin' that wouldn't work for a while because they took flashplugin-nonfree out of the repos but it is back05:05
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Dragonfyre13iamelite: totally safe. totally.05:05
RugJMO: sorry but I don't understand what you mean by that05:05
iamelitedragonfyre13, ill do the command line then05:06
SpecialCorehello, how can I install a "***.deb" file in the console window?05:06
spadessudo dpkg -i file05:06
=== n0ctuRnaL-fieNd [n=beavis@c-68-81-149-14.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunShigun: interesting. Your 'Analog/Digital Output Jack' may be inverted.05:06
skavengeits cool that freenode opers are so involved, you never see anyone caring on efnet heh05:06
JMORug: Look at the last post of the page I gave. I got that problem. Its better explained there.05:06
iamelitedragonfyre13, giving me something... bad05:07
crimsunShigun: (normally it's unmuted/on for analog and muted/off for digital)05:07
SpecialCore!install > SpecialCore05:07
Dragonfyre13iamelite: ^_^05:07
iamelitedragonfyre13, package missing blah blah, Obsoleted...05:07
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RugJMO: no.  I am CLI only and I don't feel like WORKING just to help you.  throw me a bone or wait for somebody else.05:07
Shiguncrimsun: Possible.  I did notice when I was trying to get analog for my headphones from it this weekend, nothing went out through it.  Let me reverse it05:07
Dragonfyre13iamelite: hmmmmm. hang on.05:07
iamelitedragonfyre13, E: Package unrar-nonfree has no installation candidate05:07
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crimsunShigun: there's also the possibility of your routing being connected to the 'External Amplifier' toggle05:07
DrKevorkianbruenig: still no audio, what repo's were you talking about?05:08
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bruenigdid it install?05:08
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Shiguncrimsun: Actually, I do not know how to switch the analog/digital output jack, as I dont see it in alsamixer05:08
DrKevorkianbruenig: yeah it did05:09
nomasteryodacrimsun, and I've seen that if you have 2 sound cards (motherboard & pci) that the sound does not work right05:09
Shiguncrimsun: Just noticed, the analog/digital output jack is for the live, not the nvidia05:09
=== topaz_ [i=topaz@adsl-69-111-56-210.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodadisabled the m/b and worked perfectly05:09
Shigunnomasteryoda: I had it working fine just 3 days ago05:09
DrKevorkianbruenig: but i can't get audio from any flash stuff05:09
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bruenigdrkevorkian, there are known audio problems with the flashplugin, if you have anything using the speakers before you start your browser, it sometimes has problems working05:09
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JMORug: Ok, sorry =p I installed libatk1.0.0 and since then, the half of my packages appear like if they were broken. The installation of the library wasnt problematic at all, and I want to know if, given the list of packages, its safe to use the option on Synaptic for "Repair packages", because I dont know what does it do.05:10
DrKevorkianbruenig: i've tried restarting and such but no changes05:10
crimsunShigun: err, wasn't your default set to card 0?05:10
bruenigdrkevorkian, try this ctrl+alt+backspace, that will restart x and then go straight into the browser and try to watch something05:10
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iameliteI just got UT2004 Linux yesterday. AND Dmn... FAST05:10
Shiguncrimsun: default card is 0, yes.  Its the nvidia.  However, the analog/digital out is on the live in alsamixer05:10
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crimsunnomasteryoda: meaning? Martin and I worked pretty hard to make sure that situation /does/ work.05:10
crimsunShigun: ok, so I need amixer -c005:10
RugJMO: yes, it should hurt (any more then things already being screwed up)05:11
mgihey.. has anyone here had much experience with DVB-T and dapper?05:11
JMORug: Its a pretty ugly situation. I cant use apt-get without having to remove all those packages.05:11
Dragonfyre13iamelite: OK, you are going to activate the PLF repo. Here's how. Go to synaptic, then click settings-> repositories -> add. Then, click custom, and paste this in. "deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free" then repeat for "deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free". both should be without quotes. If you are using breezy, substitute breezy for dapper.05:11
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JMORug: And I dont know what happened.05:11
RugJMO: have you tried removing the file that caused all the problem?05:11
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Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650305:12
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JMORug: It says me that I need to remove everything else too.05:12
nomasteryodacrimsun, well, i have a soundblaster live! and it just would not work without disabling the onboard card (yea, i installed the patch for sblaster)05:12
JMORug: Can I force the single removal of the package?05:12
Dragonfyre13iamelite: make sure to click reload in synaptic afterwards, so that it reloads the contents of the new repo. then, do a search for unrar, and choose the one that says unrar-nonfree.05:12
Rugnot that I know of05:13
nomasteryodai could not control the sound except by wave controller05:13
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nomasteryodaon the sblaster contyrols05:13
nomasteryoda but i fixed05:13
KBlairHrm, does anybody know if Linux nForce Driver - AMD64/EM64T 1.0-0310 for nForce 410 works on Ubuntu?05:13
nomasteryodathe old fashioned way05:13
javaguys, where I find the gnome-distributor-logo [the foot]  for download?05:13
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Dragonfyre13KBlair: I've heard yes, but don't take my word for it.05:13
crimsunnomasteryoda: 'Wave' is the proper control for certain revisions of the stac*s05:13
iamelitedragonfyre13, Allright... They sllot the same tho. but i did it05:14
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JMORug: Well..., thanks for the answes. I will keep looking. Maybe come back later.05:14
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crimsunnomasteryoda: you should be able to use both onboard and the live05:14
bruenigjava, art.gnome.com is probably a good place to look05:14
DrKevorkianbruenig: sry i accidentally restarted05:14
nomasteryodai know05:14
DrKevorkianbruenig: anyway no luck05:14
KBlairOk, thanks for the heads up.05:14
javabruenig, thanks! =D05:14
nomasteryodai could in breezy05:14
nomasteryodado in suse05:14
nomasteryodanot here though05:14
Dragonfyre13iamelite: can you install unrar-nonfree?05:14
crimsunnomasteryoda: so what's broken in dapper?05:14
iamelitedragonfyre13, Binary... source. ill have to figure wht that means later05:14
nomasteryodai may try again next week05:14
bruenigdrkevorkian, it did that to me for a while and I used the breezy flashplugin for a while and then switched back05:15
Dragonfyre13iamelite: source means that you can download the source, and compile manually on some things.05:15
crimsunnomasteryoda: I'm not sure I understand your issue in Dapper.05:15
Shiguniamelite: binary is precompiled programs.  source is the actual source code for programs05:15
DrKevorkianis there a separate plugin for breezy?05:15
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nomasteryodano sound output on either card except static with the analog/digital is checked05:15
Dragonfyre13iamelite: 99% of the time you use binary.05:15
bruenigdrkevorkian, pick one of these mirrors and you can open the file with gdebi or download it and do it via terminal if you want http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmultiverse%2Ff%2Fflash-player%2Fflashplayer-mozilla_7.0.25-0.0ubuntu1_i386.deb&md5sum=3b1169a02265eac2eb9cad1fcbc8ac7f&arch=i386&type=main05:15
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nomasteryodawith some sound, but nothing that would work05:15
feryanahi there05:15
iamelitedragonfyre13, Ill paste bin this05:15
nomasteryodai'll debug and let you know later05:16
crimsunnomasteryoda: no output at all regardless of mixer control toggling on both cards?05:16
Dragonfyre13iamelite: huh?05:16
nomasteryodacause Ubuntu roxors05:16
nomasteryodaonly the static with mixed sound from my mp3, movies etc05:16
feryanathis is a strange question, but I dont know where can I ask for it. More or less, how much can be going to a dentist for filling one thooth??????05:16
crimsunnomasteryoda: on both cards (independently)?05:16
iamelitedragonfyre13, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650405:16
Dragonfyre13iamelite:feel free to put it on my wiki if you found it helpful. www.dragonfyre13.com05:17
nomasteryodatried everything05:17
nomasteryodabut i'm ok now05:17
crimsunnomasteryoda: I need a bug report against linux-source-2.6.1505:17
nomasteryodai'll worry wiht that next week05:17
iamelitedragonfyre13, just give that a read05:17
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Dragonfyre13iamelite:ah. hang on05:17
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crimsunnomasteryoda: please be as thorough as possible so I won't have to back-n'-forth05:17
feryanawastrel i was there. but I didn't see any prices05:17
nomasteryodai will05:17
Shiguncrimsun: I set a song to play, and went through on alsamixer -c 0, changing things from one side to another, and no change on it (including the external amp)05:18
_TomBWhen I rebuild casper, where do I put the casper.conf file?05:18
skavengejust installed ubuntu the other day on a dell laptop with intel 915GM video on it, anyone know if this has 3d acceleration and do i need to install something extra to take advantage?05:18
Dragonfyre13oh, crap. they took it out of dapper. just install unrar, and see if that works for the file. if it doesn't, I'll keep coaching.05:18
Dragonfyre13iamelite:see previous05:18
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iamelitedragonfyre13, hmm05:18
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wastrelferyana:  you'll need to make some phone calls i guess :] .  check the university they may have a dental school that has a cheap teaching practice.05:18
Shiguncrimsun: It works now, but I am completely confused as to why05:19
iamelitedragonfyre13, i got unrar.05:19
feryanathanks man!05:19
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crimsunShigun: 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' was set to 0, which is PCM (analog). Is it set to 1 or 3 now?05:19
Dragonfyre13iamelite: once that is done, just do "unrar e file.r00" where file.r00 is the first of the series of rar files you want to unpack.05:19
nomasteryodaShigun, the power of the force is strong in this one05:19
bruenigiamelite, unrar doesn't work for rar 3.0 compressed files or so i have read05:19
Shiguncrimsun: I decided to test out the input/output port on my motherboard, instead of the SPDIF output, and it seems to be sending the sound through there05:19
iamelitedragonfyre13, Uh oh...05:19
feryanabut more or less do you know any prices?05:19
Dragonfyre13iamelite: what?05:19
feryana100? 200?05:19
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Shiguncrimsun: still 0, also05:20
iamelitedragonfyre13, I tried to open it. it sais Bash : unrar : LMFAO you stupid noob!05:20
crimsunShigun: if you change it to 1 (or 3), does it send through the spdif?05:20
Dragonfyre13iamelite: pastebin it.05:20
jasonm_hey, when i just logged in i got a message saying the x-server (i think) and gnome keyboard layouts differed and asked me which i wanted to use, i went with X... but now my alt+tab doesnt work... so im assuming i should have went wtih gnome, i pressed "dont ask me again", so i dont know how to fix this, anyone have any idea's?05:20
zorplexFor some reason when I hit "Shift+Backspace" GNOME restarts, any clues?05:20
iamelitedragonfyre13, no im kidding. Was trying to say the computer was insulting me... Nvm. it worked05:21
wastrelzorplex it's a feature of xgl05:21
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zorplexcan I disable it?05:21
zorplexor change it?05:21
Dragonfyre13iamelite: I thought so, but ubuntu devs do have a sense of humor... ^_^05:21
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iamelitedragonfyre13, TY Grandmaster Dragsta05:21
Flannelzorplex: take XGL support questions to #ubuntu-xgl please05:21
Shiguncrimsun: Through alsamixer, the only options is has are 0, 33, 67, and 10005:21
Dragonfyre13iamelite:feel free to put it on my wiki if you found it helpful. www.dragonfyre13.com05:22
iamelitedragonfyre13, apt-get moo05:22
zorplexthen another q, How would one go about making the console translucent?05:22
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iamelitedragonfyre13, still do05:22
Shigunzorplex: using gnome-terminal?05:22
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iamelitedragonfyre13, will do**05:22
wastrelzorplex:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18200705:22
hbweb500How can I enable simultaneous sounds in my sound server?05:22
Dragonfyre13iamelite: hehehe.05:22
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skavengeboy is frostwire buggy for me05:22
crimsunShigun: 0 == 0, 1 == 33, 2 == 67, 3 == 10005:23
Dragonfyre13g2g, #apache is calling.05:23
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Shiguncrimsun: ahhh, ok.  Well, I changed it through all of those values, and never once did the sound stop playing from my speakers05:23
iamelitedragonfyre13, oh great05:23
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hbweb500skavenge: Isnt it slow? Im using limewire instead, much more responsive.05:23
Dial_toneis anyone able to transfer files in gaim?05:23
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beefsprocketspeaking of gaim...05:23
DarkMageZDial_tone, from msn to msn yes05:23
Ro1anyone useing ubuntu on a laptop05:23
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beefsprockettrying to compoile 2.0 beta 305:23
iameliteDivx and Ubuntu...05:23
nomasteryodaRo1, yes05:24
iamelitehows it done05:24
nomasteryodahere ...05:24
bitviperanyone know how to hide joins to a channel in Gaim?05:24
Ro1well...my wireless card dosnt work05:24
DarkMageZbeefsprocket, you don't need to, there are packages05:24
nomasteryodaRo1, you need to find out what model05:24
beefsprocketgetting this error: configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub05:24
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beefsprocketi'd like to though05:24
nomasteryodaRo1, open a terminal window05:24
hbweb500How can I make it so that I can play two sounds at the same time in ALSA?05:24
skavengehbweb500 ; i haven't noticed a speed issue but i've been using it a few days and its bricked about three times shutting down my whole x session heh05:24
jasonm_on login i got a message saying the x-server (i think) and gnome keyboard layouts differed and asked me which i wanted to use, i went with X... but now my alt+tab doesnt work... so im assuming i should have went wtih gnome, i pressed "dont ask me again", so i dont know how to fix this, anyone have any idea's?05:24
Ro1terminl opened05:24
nomasteryodaRo1, type lspci05:24
skavengeits very promising though05:24
crimsunShigun: still using plug:iec958?05:24
bruenigdrkevorkian, did that work?05:25
nomasteryodaI'll bet you see Broadcom05:25
nomasteryodaor bcm05:25
hbweb500skavenge: I see, for me it freezes and is unresponsive. Limewire is awesome.05:25
zorplexawesome, thx wastrel ^^05:25
Ro1yeah, its a broadcom05:25
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Ro10000:03:07.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)05:25
ubotuI know nothing about firmware05:25
iameliteNVM... easy ubuntu05:25
Shiguncrimsun: yes05:25
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ubotuI know nothing about nothing05:25
nomasteryodaRo1, you need to get the firmware for that05:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:25
nomasteryodalooky there05:25
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zorplexone more, quick question: (may have been answered already) How do you make the console translucent in gnome?05:26
Ro1and there should be something on there?05:26
ubotuI know nothing about anything05:26
crimsunShigun: try: amixer set 'IEC958' 'IEC958 In'05:26
Ro1ok, thanks a lot05:26
Ro1i really like ubuntu, todays my first dya using it.....i higHHHHly recommened it over suse05:26
gadiscan help how to kill user on my box05:26
gadisi'm detect ilegal user login now05:26
nomasteryodagadis, how?05:26
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Shiguncrimsun: amixer: Mixer attach default error: Invalid argument05:26
gadisya how05:27
gadiskill ?05:27
skavengejust installed ubuntu the other day on a dell laptop with intel 915GM video on it, anyone know if this has 3d acceleration and do i need to install something extra to take advantage?05:27
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nothingmanfrom my /var/log/gdm/:0.log:05:27
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brueniggadis, system>administratin>users and groups can do it graphically05:27
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nothingman(EE) S3VIRGE(1): Cannot read V_BIOS05:27
gadisbima Apr 28 04:34 ( <== this is ilegal user how to disconect this guy05:27
crimsunShigun: try: amixer -c0 set 'IEC958',0 'IEC958 In'05:27
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nomasteryodaskavenge, it does not have real 3d, but you can get pretty close05:27
gadisi need cmd05:27
nomasteryodathere is a package for that05:27
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zorplexQuick Q: How do you make the GNOME console translucent?05:28
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gadisit's for my server and don't have grapfhic05:28
gadiscan help me05:28
skavengenomasteryoda ; thanks i'll take a look in synaptic05:28
winmanIs there a way to use dapper theme, those orange widgets and everything, in breezy?05:28
_TomBWhen I rebuild casper, where do I put the casper.conf file?05:28
NickGarveywhoa, lil-o is in this room05:28
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NickGarveyis lil-o normally?05:28
NickGarvey(I put a - on purpose)05:29
Shiguncrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650505:29
Toma-gadis: what are you doing?05:29
hbweb500zorplex: Edit -> profiles, select the profile, edit button, effects05:29
nomasteryodaand what is this "illegal" user's name>?05:29
gadisToma- can help me how to kill user i'm detect ilegal login in to my shell server05:29
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gadisilegal login i mean05:29
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zorplexthx hbweb50005:29
hbweb500zorplex: np05:29
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disantgadis, 1. lock his account 2. kill his terminal05:30
crimsunShigun: ok, and any luck now?05:30
hemanis it a common bug for the terminal to close immediately after it opens?05:30
disantbut what do you mean "illega".. using someone elses accnt?05:30
kleedracSilly question which I've found the answer to before but can't seem to now that I need it ... how do I set a shell script to run a process sudo'ed without needing to enter the password?05:30
gadisdisant how to kill his terminal can give the command05:30
gadisi don't know05:30
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Shiguncrimsun: still sending through the in/out, and not the SPDIF.  I'm not too terribly worried about it, but its odd05:31
Toma-gadis: open up your own terminal and run "ps aux" then run "sudo kill -KILL <PID>" where PID is the number of the programs hes running05:31
Jack_Sparrowgadis, please define your system.. not gui? what are you running?05:31
wastrelkleedrac:  you need to edit /etc/sudoers for the command to be run with the NOPASSWD flag05:31
wastrelkleedrac:  use visudo to edit sudoers, and read up on man sudoers05:31
kleedracwastrel: That was it ... I was looking in /etc and just blind today :) ... thanks alot :)05:31
blindI know what you mean.05:32
=== alpha255 tips his hat at the Dapper Drake and Compiz folks! :)
nomasteryodagadis, how about skill?05:32
DrKevorkianbruenig: sorry i missed when you last asked, and no i still have no luck05:32
alpha255it works great on my DV1000 hp laptop05:32
crimsunShigun: you might use iecset directly, then.05:32
nomasteryodagadis, skill -KILL -v /dev/pts/username05:32
crimsunShigun: particularly the pro and audio modes.05:32
Shiguncrimsun: I've never had any experience with iecset05:32
skavengeeverything worked out of the box except wireless on my dell laptop as well, was very pleased05:32
crimsunShigun: it's pretty straightforward (and the man page documents it succinctly)05:32
Shiguncrimsun: Ok, I will look into it.  Thank you very much for your help05:33
nomasteryodaskavenge, I added a mini-pci wifi to this dell ... an intel a/b/g model... cost 22$05:33
jhermi just discovered why my broadcom onboard wifi wasn't working... i had to "rmmod bcm43xx"... can anyone tell me where i can automate this on boot? is there a blacklist for kernel modules?05:33
nomasteryodainstalled the newer firmware from the sf project and it works very well05:33
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Toma-jherm: /etc/rc.local05:33
Toma-jherm: or yeh, the blacklist05:34
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skavengenomasteryoda ' have a mini-pci dell here, which is broadcom trash but with some ndiswrapper help its working fine05:34
jshriverAnyone here know of any video capturing programs that you can configure frmo the cli to make a linux box a DVR?05:34
jshriverexcept MythTV?05:34
nomasteryodaskavenge, ya, i did that on my work laptop05:34
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Toma-jherm: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:34
nomasteryodaworks fine05:34
jshriverlol trying to figure out how to use mencoder05:34
nomasteryodajshriver, look up the command lines on google05:34
disantgadis, 'skill -u <username>'05:34
jshriverbeen trying..05:34
disantwill kill all of the users processes05:34
jhermthanks alot Toma-05:34
Toma-jherm: np05:35
disantbut make sure you lock that acct before05:35
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jshriverI can use mencoder fine for transcoding, but can't figure how to feed it from the v4l...have tried various -tv tv://channel and options nothing works05:35
Toma-jshriver: hang on a sec05:35
nomasteryodathis is a ipw2200 card05:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:35
disantgadis, 'passwd -l <username>'05:35
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deepalleyanyone here konw about Larry Augustine,a CEO05:36
mathieui'm trying to map a button to be captured by acpid to generate an action05:36
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mathieuacpi_listen shows that the output is seen by acpid but there has been no function assigned to it05:36
Jack_Sparrowjshriver: http://dvr.sourceforge.net/html/main.html05:36
disanti think gadis is seen things.. he prob thought he's being hacked when saw his acct logged in to th ebox and just killed all of his proc :)    lesson... never fool w/linux while smokin pot :)05:37
jshriverthanks will try05:37
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mathieuxev does not see any events from the pressing of the key05:37
Toma-jshriver: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/BTTV/recording.html05:37
jshriverI wouldnt even mind MythTV, but nto sure how to set it up under Ubuntu and this is my desktop so I dont want it to take control over the machine05:37
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alpha255skavenge: well, I did run into the 915GM not being recognized by the installer, but I fixed it with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:37
Toma-jshriver: the last big grey section is a recording script05:37
disantjshriver, you've come to the right place :)05:37
disantI just finished setting up MythTV :)05:37
jhermalso, is it recommended to use a win2k or winXP driver with ndiswrapper? should i just test both05:38
Toma-disant: you got mythtv to setup?05:38
Jack_Sparrowdistant Does it work well?05:38
disantI finished setting it up and it works like a charm :)05:38
deepalleyhow dose ubuntu surpport 3D desktop05:38
Jack_Sparrowcool, it works under ubuntu?05:38
Toma-disant: did you have some sort of divine help?05:38
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disantnah... 10 mins05:38
Toma-my god.05:38
disanttook me more to configure wireless so I can move it to my TV05:39
disantthe mythfrontend that is05:39
Toma-ive tried setting up mythtv like, 4 times and never have i got it to work.05:39
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disantToma-, where did it break?05:39
jshriverdistant oh? how hard is it? I tried in Debian before and it was a pain05:39
Toma-disant: every single step. mostly on the mysql part05:39
Jack_Sparrowdistant, can you define your setup? OS etc..05:39
disantxcept I got PVR-50005:39
Toma-bad link05:39
disantlink works here05:40
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jshriverdistant: do you have to use breezy?05:40
cpressso, how do i fix it?05:40
disant"apt-get install apache mysql  mythmusic mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-frontend mythweather"05:40
Toma-cpress: fix what?05:41
disantwell.. I'm running 5.1005:41
Jack_Sparrowdistant... thanks for the link... WAY COOL...05:41
cpressroot@server1:~# apt-get install postfix postfix-tls libsasl2 sasl2-bin libsasl2-modules libdb3-util procmail05:41
cpressReading package lists... Done05:42
cpressBuilding dependency tree... Done05:42
disantgoogle my friend google05:42
cpresspostfix is already the newest version.05:42
cpressPackage postfix-tls is a virtual package provided by:05:42
cpress  postfix 2.2.10-1ubuntu0.105:42
cpressYou should explicitly select one to install.05:42
cpressE: Package postfix-tls has no installation candidate05:42
disantso select it explicitly05:42
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Toma-and DONT FLOOD05:43
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cpressyeah, and make me a turkish swiss omlet05:43
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cpresslike i know how to do this crap05:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:43
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:43
disantJack_Sparrow, the next step would be to hack my xbox the way my boss has at work.. install linux on it, make it wireless and use it as mythfrontend05:43
Toma-knowledge is power! :)05:43
disant.. xcept I'll prob do it to my PSII05:44
jshriverI dont know the naming conventions for ubuntu... is the latest version when you download the CD iso and do a net install breezy?05:44
disant.. cuz dont have xbox :)05:44
winmanok, I need to get those MS fonts installed, Trebuchet MS and everything, I tried installing msttcorefonts .. but it says the package could not be found, I have multiverse enabled .. any leads?05:44
wastreljshriver:  no, dapper is the latest05:44
Toma-jshriver: no, dapper05:44
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jshriverwhat's the diff?05:44
jshrivergetting errors on apt-get install mythtv, etc05:44
disantwhat errors?05:44
cpressso, what am i suppose to do?05:44
wastreljshriver:  graphical installer, updated packages, better hardware detection/configuraton.05:45
kleedracOK so I've added the entry to sudoers but I'll still need to call the script as sudo can I make a launcher for it (I plan on having it open in terminal anyhow) or would I be better off using gksudo?05:45
=== disant gives wastrel one of those looks
wastrelwinman:  did you update after enabling multiverse?05:45
jshriverhrm.. I gave the wrong password for Mysql how do I change it so I can install mythtv?05:45
disantdo 'apt-get remove mythtv' and rerun it05:46
winmanwastrel, yes I did05:46
[Ex0r] hmm, mythtv ?05:46
disantthe pass is blank first05:46
disant[Ex0r] , yeah05:46
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cpressToma: any clues?05:47
[Ex0r] hmm, sort of like dvr05:47
wastrelwinman:  it's definitely in multiverse in dapper... dunno05:47
disantalthough I dont care as much for the TV recording part as for having a nice frontend to play my vidz and music off my fileserver05:47
[Ex0r] don't have a tv tuner card for that though :\05:47
disant[Ex0r] , it is THE dvr05:47
disantyou can get one under $10005:47
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disantunder $50 even05:48
Toma-cpress: apt-get install postfix libsasl2 sasl2-bin libsasl2-modules libdb3-util procmail05:48
disantbut see my post above re other uses05:48
winmanwastrel, ok thanks ... its called "msttcorefonts" right?05:48
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jshriverhrm apt is crapping out because I gave it the wrong mysql password.. I tried apt-get remove mythtv-database mythtv then intall.. but seems to be storing the password elsewhere05:48
cpressToma-: dont i need postfix-tls05:48
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jshriverhow do I get around this?05:48
wastrelmsttcorefonts yes05:48
fdelacruzgoodmorning guys and good evening05:48
[Ex0r] disant, i'll just wait til I get my cable bill caught up and order comcast dvr from them :)05:48
disantjshriver, it will prompt you for password I think05:48
NickGarveyfdelacruz: :)05:48
Toma-cpress: if you understood what apt-get was telling you, it says "You dont need postfix-tls as its part of postfix"05:48
SpecialCoredoes anyone know how to use "Cisco VPNC" or any channel to talk about it?05:48
fdelacruzhi nickGarvey05:48
jshriverdistant aye but I entered the wrong one05:49
cpresso ok05:49
cpressToma-: thx05:49
jshrivernow when I try to install it errors out and doesnt ask me anymore05:49
disant[Ex0r] , does it skip the ads and stuff? does it let you save in mpeg2?05:49
[Ex0r] disant, yes it skips ads, and not sure about mpeg205:49
disantjshriver, try changing your mysql password05:49
disantinstall phpmyadmin05:50
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[Ex0r] but I know that it's usb accessible so you can access the hdd from a computer so I can take the recordings and compress them to whatever :)05:50
Abnixok what'd I hose up:  checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables  ??05:50
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[Ex0r] jshriver, apt-get remove mythtv05:50
[Ex0r] and than go in and delete the folder that contained the contents05:50
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[Ex0r] probably /etc/mythtv05:50
[Ex0r] than re-un apt-get install mythtv05:50
Abnixcouldn't he just do sudo apt-config mythtv ?05:51
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jshriver|Ex0r| tried that... but when I try apt-get install mythtv mythtv-database it no longer prompts for password05:51
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disanti think its myth-frontend05:52
disantremove all that you installed and reinstall05:52
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[Ex0r] mythtv doesn't run over the x system does it? (Meaning that it does automatically start during bootup and consumes like the entire screen) ?05:53
disantit can run in a window, too05:53
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disantbut you can configure it to run instead of the other default window manager05:54
daakuanyone know why ubuntu comes with python* installed? (just curious)05:54
disantyou'll have to run something simple like fluxbox05:54
jshriverhrm had to dpkg -P all of them05:54
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winmanwastrel, got it :) .. somehow enabling multiverse using command line wasn't as effective :)05:54
crimsundaaku: because many things rely on python05:54
alpha255python is fun!05:54
NickGarveyyes it is!05:54
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wastrel<3 python05:55
vladtheimpalacan someone tell me the difference between the 1 cd and 5 cd editions on the shipit page?  is this just more software or what?05:55
jshriverok it seems installed but getting this error05:55
jshriverStarting MythTV server: mythbackendSession management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed05:55
bimberivladtheimpala: no, it's just the number of CD packages you will be sent05:55
NickGarveyvladtheimpala: one of them you get 1 cd, other one you get 1 cd and 4 for your friends :)05:55
vladtheimpalaohh, so for like passing out to friends and such?05:55
disantis mysql up?05:55
vladtheimpalaok great, thanks05:56
bimberivladtheimpala: you got it :)05:56
daakucrimsun: surely not every single python package it comes with is needed - i just removed a bunch, and most of them were not needed05:56
[Ex0r] wow, very nice software :)05:56
disant[Ex0r] , which05:56
[Ex0r] just gotta wait til a tv tuner card goes on sale now :)05:56
disant[Ex0r] , pricewatch.com05:56
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skavengei need one of those external usb tuners for my laptop, that'd be sweet05:57
=== [Ex0r] is a newegg shopper
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skavengei've got one in the desktop05:57
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crimsundaaku: you don't need anything but the C lib if you know what you're doing.05:57
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crimsundaaku: everything else, to some extent, is a convenience.05:57
[Ex0r] gotta find one that does audio and video05:57
Jack_Sparrowdistant will the ATI All in Wo Pro AGP work with MythTVnder05:57
fdelacruzhi guys need help how can I divide my networks into 10 subnets05:58
vladtheimpalaubuntu fits on one cd?  i used to have fedora and it took a dvds worth05:58
disantJack_Sparrow, RTFM : http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.105:58
Jack_SparrowONe CD05:58
daakucrimsun: whoa, chill out.. it was a harmless question. and anyways, i would ask the same question if i saw c libraries that seemed to be redundant05:58
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.05:58
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disantoops.. sorry05:59
Jack_Sparrowdistant... you must be from the Debian RTFM group..05:59
disantnah.. we use it at work though.. L2 to L1 :)05:59
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disantRTFM = read the FINE manual05:59
Jack_SparrowYea right05:59
daakucrimsun: the python ones strike out compared to others because there's over a 50 of them06:00
disantanhyho..hitting the hay06:00
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Jack_Sparrowdont let the door hit you in the manual06:00
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crimsundaaku: I don't view that as a problem. You have the freedom to create your own derivative, not to mention there are other distros, if Python packages being included is problematic.06:01
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skavengei gotta find something to break everything is working and im bored heh06:01
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jshriverdistant did you get the authentication error?06:02
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crimsunskavenge: rm -f /boot/{vmlinuz*,initrd*} && sync && reboot06:02
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crimsunskavenge: (obviously don't do that)06:02
skavengecrimsun; that's a bit more broke than i need i think ;)06:02
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sivaniconI was following the compiz howto on the guide and now I get error when i boot and cant get gui, any ideas?06:03
daakucrimsun: fair enough, if you dont view it as a problem, you can ignore the question. but i would hope that with a open source/community driven distribution the users have the right to ask questions06:03
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nomasteryodasivanicon, you missed a step somewhere06:03
nomasteryodai would guess06:03
nomasteryodasudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:04
Jack_Sparrowdaaku: and express opinions06:04
skavengehonestly thats what i like about synaptic though, i can find programs to play with06:04
nomasteryodashould get it back to some normalcy06:04
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Daveyboycan you install kde utils/apps in gnome? For example k3b in gnome?06:04
crimsundaaku: of course we do. It needs to be asked on the ubuntu-devel mailing list, however, with a clear plan of how to address it.06:05
skavengeDaveyboy ; yes, thankfully since k3b is the best heh06:05
Daveyboyskavenge, thanks06:05
daakuJack_Sparrow: definitely06:05
skavengeyou just have to install some kde parts but synaptic will take care of it06:05
Dial_tonedang, everytime I follow a howto it messes up my fgl. I am getting an nvidia card and soon06:06
crimsundaaku: i.e., "omgtoomuchpython" is insufficient. Prototype a fresh, default install with replacements for the python packages (while retaining functionality), and provide statistical indication of what it will offer. A cost-benefit analysis, if you will.06:06
daakucrimsun, Jack_Sparrow: its all good. i was only wondering if there's a known reason for all the python packages to be installed by default. i dont really have a problem with it. apt-get --purge remove works just fine for me. thanks for all the help though06:07
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daakucrimsun: 'omgilovepython' doesnt seem to be a very valid argument either06:08
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crimsundaaku: no, python is essentially mandated by the sabdfl.06:08
crimsundaaku: and seeing how he funds Canonical (and thus Ubuntu), I'm sure he will like the analysis more than I care.06:08
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Dial_toneI didn't realize MS killed WinFS for good06:09
meherenim bored06:09
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ardchoilleDial_tone: yeah, they've only been working on it since 1995 without any release06:09
meherensudo mount -t iso9660  -o /home/meheren/Desktop/install-x86-minimal-2006.0.iso ~/Desktop/gentoo\ install06:09
crimsundaaku: again, the proper forum -- with a clear indication of thorough, investigated replacements -- should be addressed to the ubuntu-devel mailing list.06:09
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daakucrimsun: so no good reason then. thanks again for the answer06:09
meherenwhat am i doing wrong?06:09
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alpha255i thought winfs was going to be an add on06:10
daakucrimsun: again, not really a problem, more about curiosity and less about 'iwanttheworldmyway'06:10
crimsundaaku: I have no idea what you consider "good", though I do know what I would consider easier to maintain from my packages.06:10
sivaniconi tried sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg and redid the config but still doesnt work06:11
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sivaniconthe guide made me add the /usr/bin/thefuture script to start up how would i get rid of that?06:11
meherensudo mount -t iso9660  -o /home/meheren/Desktop/install-x86-minimal-2006.0.iso ~/Desktop/gentoo\ install06:12
meherenanyone have any idea what's wrong with this command?06:12
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crimsunyou're missing "loop" after -o06:12
meherenthx so much06:12
ShadeFXHey guys. I need a bit of help. I'm about to format my HDD and install Ubuntu 5.10 as my primary OS. However, I'm on a wireless network using a NetGear 54mbps wireless USB 2.0 adapter (WG111v2)06:12
Jack_Sparrowgood catch crimsun06:12
crimsunnot to mention you didn't indicate whether loop.ko is loaded.06:12
meherenhehe worked :)06:12
ShadeFXWill ubuntu 5.10 allow me to connect to my network using that adapter?06:13
Abnixmeheren: immigrating from ubuntu here to gentoo?06:13
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ShadeFXAnyone? Does anyone know where I could find out if you guys don't know?06:14
Jack_SparrowPeople... thanks for all the help.. C everyone tomorrow06:14
meherenAbnix, no just trying gentoo out06:15
Jack_SparrowShade, I think that is supported,06:15
alpha255crimsun: what's the difference between a .ko and kernel module?06:15
meherenAbnix, im dual installing06:15
Abnixmeheren: ahh, cool, best of luck to you on that06:15
ShadeFXThanks, Jack. So I'd just pop in the install disc for the adapter after I install ubuntu, and just proceed from there?06:15
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Jack_SparrowOne of my systems has that USB adapter... Just not sure which OS is on that box06:15
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meherenAbnix, thx :)06:15
scudi must say printing rocks in ubuntu06:15
calebthow can i run gnome-settings-daemon in ubuntu dapper 6.06???06:16
Jack_Sparrowshade, I would run the live first just to see if it sees it06:16
Jack_Sparrowlive cd that is06:16
ShadeFXJack, I tried that, it didn't recongnize it. I figure it's because the driver isn't installed or the adapter is configured for ubuntu? I'm using windows right now.06:17
poningruhow does one delete their bash history?06:17
meherenwhat's the program that can connect to the itunes music library again?06:17
Jack_SparrowIf live didnt see it I doubt it will work06:17
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ShadeFXI see.06:17
tritiumponingru: history -c06:17
sivaniconhow do you restart xorg?06:17
ShadeFXWell, thanks anyway.06:17
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tritiumsivanicon: are you running gdm?06:17
Jack_SparrowI may be running Knoppix on that netgear box06:17
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poningrutritium: thanks mate06:18
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sivaniconi hope06:18
nbjaymeanybody know of a commandline utility to convert avi to ogg format?06:18
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The_Guardiandoes anyone know if Ethereal works with dapper06:19
sivanicontritium:i think so06:19
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crimsunThe_Guardian: yes, it does.06:19
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Centaur5Does anybody know if installing the fglrx drivers would improve my integrated ATI 200M video card on my laptop?06:19
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The_Guardiancrim which version? I assume the debian one?06:20
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wasabiThe_Guardian, the one that comes with Dapper has a high chance of working. ;)06:20
wasabiSimple search of the package manager would show it.06:20
meherenanyone know the program that allows you to buy songs from apple06:20
meherenthe itunes like program...06:20
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AesopHey, anyone know of a good method to convert video files encoded in WMV to something else? DOesn't really matter what it winds up as as long as its not WMV.06:21
The_Guardianthat's what I thought wasabi06:21
The_Guardianit doesn't show up for me06:21
wasabimight be in universe06:21
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[Ex0r] meheren, itunes ? That's the only one I know of. Unless Napster added in itunes support06:21
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chem199Does anyone know the fix for the AC 97 on board sound card, I get a crackling sound and occasionally I sound, but quickly it goes back to the crackling, I checked all of the volume levels, I am at my wits end, any help would be appreciated06:22
calebti can't run gnome-settings-daemon in ubuntu dapper 6.06, please help me06:22
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wasabicalebt, That's generally something you don't need to run manually. Are you saying it doesn't launch automatically?06:23
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mathieui'm trying to map a button to be captured by acpid to generate an action06:23
mathieuacpi_listen shows that the output is seen by acpid but there has been no function assigned to it anyone have any ideas how to do this ?06:23
pvdhow do you install a .jar file06:23
pvdor extract it06:23
wasabipvd, You don't. It's not something that you "install."06:23
[Ex0r] pvd, sudo java -jar filename.ja06:23
wasabiIt's a java class library06:23
[Ex0r] pvd, sudo java -jar filename.jar *06:24
The_Guardianwasabi you're right it's in universe06:24
wasabiYou can run it though.06:24
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metamorphiscan anyone tell me what will keep ubuntu from writning the file system to disc from the live cd 6.0606:24
wasabiLets tell people to run random .jar files as rootl06:24
wasabiSounds like a good plan.06:24
pvdits for google video06:24
[Ex0r] Well, considering the six I have used won't let you unless you sudo, yes it does.06:24
oni-draculametamorphis, I had to use the alternate cd for it to pass the file system install :)06:24
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Punk-Fetishmetamorphis: not touching the install button?06:25
metamorphisthanx i guess i'll try it then06:25
meheren[Ex0r] , howabout telling them to run it...06:25
meherenthen when it fials to tell them to use sudo...?06:26
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lib8264qhello all can someone tell me if i download files and cache tem locally instead of installing right way where do they get stored ?06:26
wastrellib8264q:  /var/cache/apt/06:27
pvdweird, google wont let me upload video anymore without this, "Software"06:27
tritiumlib8264q: /var/cache/apt/archives06:27
[Ex0r] I offer my help as a one-at-a-time package. If they can't decide whether or not it's safe to run it that way, not my problem.06:27
lib8264qcool thanks ...06:27
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meheren[Ex0r] , bear in mind some ppl here are complete noobs...06:27
regeya"ppl", meh06:28
AesopNevermind on mine, I think Mencoder can do it...06:28
meherenthat know apsolutely nothing about even what "kernel" or "terminal" mean...06:28
[Ex0r] :\ were'nt allowed to say that word! lol06:28
AesopWow, this thing is fast, or slow. I'm not sure06:28
meheren[Ex0r] , right sry... :(06:28
meherenit's ah people06:28
=== tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
[Ex0r] meheren, - I meant noobs, lol06:28
Aesop3%, that means its slow, not fast06:28
regeyameheren: sounds like an orientation session is in order06:28
=== ThePizzaKing [n=thepizza@c211-28-165-190.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tomlikestorockhey all. On my laptop, I had tv-out. Then I installed xgl, and couldn't get tv-out on my laptop. So I uninstalled xgl, and I still can't get it. What's the deal?06:29
n30ncacls is the command for permissions right06:29
regeyameheren: or wait for gnome 4.0, which will consist only of a screen-filling button containing a foot with the words 'click here' on the ball of the foot06:29
AesopHey, kind of a random question, but does anyone have any reccomendations for good portable headphones?06:29
meherenregeya, to complicated... lol06:29
regeyaand then it'll perform some sort of operation that brings an end to the universe06:29
MTecknologyI need help!!!   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1650806:29
[Ex0r] Aesop, aren't all headphones portable? ::)06:29
Aesop[Ex0r] , nope. You gonna take a set of $800 headphones out in public?06:30
n30nEx0r: lol06:30
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Dial_tonedoes xchat support aliases or do you need a plugin/script?06:30
[Ex0r] Aesop, sure, with them locked to my neck06:30
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calebti can't run manually gnome-settings-daemon in ubuntu dapper 6.06, please help me06:30
meherenlol i wouldn't buy the $8000 headphones in the firstplace...06:31
decadentevilwhen I boot i get a screen saying it cant open rgb_db06:31
Aesop[Ex0r] , I'd just rather not. My studio headphones also require an amp... Not portable.06:31
tritiumcalebt: that's not meant to be run by the user06:31
meherenerr $80006:31
=== tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AesopXGL obviously changed something06:31
[Ex0r] Aesop, if you are looking for headphones that would in fact be portable, than all headphones are portable. (Would seem rather pointless to have studio headphones on an mp3 player)06:31
AesopFrankly, I have no idea what, though.06:31
skavengeafter awhile with my laptop all videos are very dark and unwatchable, im using totem, a restart of x fixes it is there a command or something to refresh so i dont have to totally restart???06:31
AesopWhat's the laptop?06:31
chem199Nevermind, fixed it.06:32
tomlikestorockacer 4400 travelmat06:32
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tomlikestorockwell, is there something I should reinstall to overwrite the changes?06:32
Aesoptomlikestorock, Ubunty.06:32
AesopUbuntu*, even06:32
[Ex0r] Aesop, but I would suggest some sony wrap arounds. Could pick some up for about 30 bucks with volume control06:33
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Aesop[Ex0r] , do they sound good?06:33
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[Ex0r] Aesop, Depends what you are using them for. I have some for my mp3 player and they sound marvelous.06:33
=== Aesop eyerolls
AesopI was gonna suggest some stuff to him that might've helped.06:34
Daveyboyanyone have the link with the complete list of walkt hroughs for desktop c onfig> java , nvidia etc.06:34
wastrelwell don't be sarcastic first then06:34
tritiumyou can chat all you want about headphones in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)06:34
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.06:34
[Ex0r] Aesop, and if you like bass, the headphones give off some nice bass as well06:34
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[Ex0r] !easyubuntu06:34
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.06:34
Aesop[Ex0r] , I'm plannign to use them on my MP3 player. Difference is, I'm used to reference-quality headphones, and I want something that's up there, but cheaper. =P Maybe a pair of Shure's.06:34
=== screwston [n=houston@cpe-72-177-168-146.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PORDOIT WAS 310k here in Portland today.06:35
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[Ex0r] NickGarvey, damn, you beat me to it06:35
emdashi'm trying to build a patched ati driver with dpkg-buildpackage and i get this error, seems like something simple. i'm following the instructions in the apt-howto06:35
[Ex0r] Aesop, ah, you are looking at the top top top of the line ;)06:35
emdashsh-3.1$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b06:35
emdashdpkg-buildpackage: source package is xserver-xorg-driver-ati06:35
emdashdpkg-buildpackage: source version is 1:
emdashdpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@ubuntu.com>06:35
emdashdpkg-buildpackage: host architecture powerpc06:35
emdash fakeroot debian/rules clean06:35
emdash/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 150: debian/rules: Permission denied06:35
tritiumemdash: use pastebin!06:35
emdashwhat is that06:35
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pvddid you try sudo?06:36
Aesop[Ex0r] , no, I already HAVE top-top, those are my Grado's. I want something that, if the MP3 player and headphones get stolen, I'm gonna be more pissed about the MP3 player.06:36
emdashi thought that was the purpose of akeroot06:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:36
=== Aesop pokes mencode. Work FASTER dammit!
tritiumAesop: [Ex0r] : please talk about headphones in #ubuntu-offtopic06:36
pvdanyone know what terminal lets you do tabbed terminals?06:36
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : by like 15 seconds heh06:36
NickGarveypvd: I know konsole does06:36
wastrelpvd:  gnome-terminal06:37
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, Screen lag :\06:37
pvdah ok06:37
emdashpvd: gnome ferminal, e:fb06:37
Aesoptritium, yeah, wondered when you'd chime in. >.> Know of a way to make mencoder work faster?06:37
Daveyboythe support page that had all the install /conmfig commands for java, codecs etc.06:37
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : ;)06:37
[Ex0r] Feel like i'm playing CS 1.06 on dial-up all over again06:37
emdashpvd: also i think there's mrxvt06:37
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tritiumAesop: no06:38
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Aesoptritium, Darn.06:38
=== heman [n=heman@68-112-27-042.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pvdThanks, multiple terminals in seperate windows sucks06:38
hemananyone know a good (tiny) http server for Ubuntu?06:38
NickGarveyheman: monkey is pretty small06:39
[Ex0r] heman, monkey is pretty small06:39
emdashpvd: gnome-terminal has it's own problems, for me06:39
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Aesopheman, apache isn't exactly large.06:39
emdashpvd: it gets wonky if i use screen06:39
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NickGarvey[Ex0r] : ..06:39
pvdemdash, what is screen for again?06:39
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pvdI never got the idea of screen.06:39
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=== InfoxicatingLady [n=vitajanu@142.063.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Guitarheroanyone know how to get a shared wireless connection going?  I have a wireless card in a windows box i want it to be shared with my ubuntu comp06:40
emdashpvd: it makes a lot of sense if you log into other machines: it's a terminal emulator for the terminal06:40
[Ex0r] NickGarvey : . .06:40
Daveyboyanybody have the link for walkthrough commands of all the desktop config packages06:40
emdashpvd: you can have multiple screens on one terminal and share them from other logins06:40
NickGarveynick garvey is the coolest06:40
NickGarveypvd: screen is amazing for ssh06:40
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emdashpvd: if you don't use it i hink gnome-terminal works well enough06:40
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[Ex0r] screen is AWESOME for ssh06:40
badrinarayanpvd: I just discovered screen a week ago06:41
emdashpvd: or you could try the xfce version which seems faster06:41
pvdohh ok, I only have one machine, haha.06:41
badrinarayanpvd: make an effort to learn it it's awesome06:41
NickGarvey[Ex0r]  smells06:41
emdashpvd: ah, well it's still handy06:41
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, I smell it too, wonder what that is.06:41
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-31-234.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveymaybe its candy06:41
badrinarayanpvd: it is like using multiple tabs...06:41
pvdI wish I could get XGL working right on Xfce! But im not going to start a XGL discussion in here06:41
yeftis ubuntu like beginner's linux?06:41
tritiumyeft: beginners can use it, but it's no less advanced than any other distro06:42
[Ex0r] yeft, mandrake used to be, now it's mandriva and i've not used it06:42
pvdIs Mandriva actually easier than ubuntu?06:42
yeftthanks tritium and [Ex0r] 06:42
bruenigyeft, ubuntu is easier to use than others but is not beginners in the sense that it is restricted or unable to complete the more complex tasks as others06:42
pvdI dont see how it could get easier06:42
pvdoh god06:42
AesopThe Geo Metro of Linux distros.06:43
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InfoxicatingLadyyeft: everything I've heard says that ubuntu is the easiest one to use... ie, the most user friendly. but I guess its dependent on what you're used to06:43
AesopYeah, Mepis.06:43
=== Double_D [n=glenn@grnl-01-0592.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
pvdMepis is easier than Ubuntu?06:43
bruenigif you want to pay06:43
badrinarayanpvd: well for instance, you shouldn't need to use console for samba shares to work06:43
yeftyeah, i mean no one says linux has gotta be hard to be good right?06:43
NickGarveypvd: depends on who you ask.. but I say no06:43
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AesopLinspire == Linux trying to act liek Windows06:43
badrinarayanpvd: yes, mepis is easier for newbs06:43
Double_Danyone: how can i edit the preferences of an audio file so it shows up under the correct artist/album in rhythmbox?06:43
AesopPersonally, not easy.06:43
pvdLinspire = horrible06:43
tanlaanhey all06:43
brueniglinux is no harder than windows, just different06:43
Aesopbruenig, eh... Depends on what you want to do.06:43
badrinarayan^^ agrees06:43
NickGarveyyeah, its just changing what you are used too06:43
tanlaanim just in here for a simple explanation06:44
AesopGaming under linux is almost always more difficult.06:44
InfoxicatingLadyaergern : I thought the point of Linux was to get *away* from Windoze06:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:44
Aesoptanlaan, shoot?06:44
yeftbruenig: if sutff were to come made for linux it would be incredibly easy06:44
InfoxicatingLadyAesop , rather06:44
bruenigGaming is harder because of the lack of support06:44
jrattner1QUESTION: Is the "symbols" font that people use for greek letters available on Linux/ Ubuntu?06:44
Aesopbruenig, all we need is Direct X....06:44
Guitarheroi hope edgy has better ati support06:44
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Guitarheroor i should say ati should support edgy more06:44
pvdthats up to ATI most likely06:44
tanlaanhow do i unpack tarballs, and also how to install and uninstall the programs i unpack06:44
screwstonHey guys can anyone help? I get an error when trying to complie the kernal 2.6.12 in Ubuntu 5.10. Here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/7180106:44
[Ex0r] anyone know what the next ubuntu release is going to be called?06:44
yeftnvidia's got linux drivers :)06:44
tanlaanany help would be awesome06:45
AesopInfoxicatingLady, yeah, well. I was using Lnux for years before I discovered windows and the wonders of gaming. Now I have a dual boot system and a Mac for video.06:45
yeftEdgy Eft06:45
Guitarheroor i should say ati should support edgy more06:45
metamorphiswhat you need tanlan06:45
Aesoptanlaan, what do you need help with?06:45
bruenigAesop, i may be wrong here, i dont game or have many peripheral devices so i tend to have a very easy go of stuff06:45
Double_Danyone: how can i edit the preferences of an audio file so it shows up under the correct artist/album in rhythmbox?06:45
Guitarhero anyone know how to get a shared wireless connection going?  I have a wireless card in a windows box i want it to be shared with my ubuntu comp06:45
pvdyeah Id use mac for media, linux for everything else:)06:45
Aesoptanlaan, 'tar -zxvf <filename>' for .tar.gz files06:45
DShepherdtanlaan: right click and click extract here. or double click on it06:45
tanlaansay ok06:45
=== Aesop notes that that works too...
bruenigDouble_D, i believe cowbell does, that i have never used it though06:45
Guitarheroi hope edgy is better at networking06:46
emdashi have to make debian/rules +x06:46
tanlaanbut how do i install the program?06:46
Double_Dbruenig: cowbell, is that an application, then?06:46
Guitarheroive had nothing but nightmares with breezy and dapper06:46
bruenig'sudo apt-get cowbell'06:46
tanlaanthat i would have unpacked06:46
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Aesoptanlaan, './configure'06:46
Daveyboyanybody have the link for the wiki that has the complete list of install/config commands for desktop pacckages?06:46
emdashwhich would have happened if i'd used dpkg-source -x on the .dsc file06:46
Aesoptanlaan, 'make'06:46
Double_Dbruenig: thank you much.06:46
Aesoptanlaan, 'sudo make install'06:46
tritiumGuitarhero: that's quite odd06:46
Aesoptanlaan, In that order, will install most programs06:46
bruenigapt-get install cowbell06:46
bruenigmy fault06:46
emdashbut because i applied the debian patch by hand it didn't make debian/rules executable06:46
Guitarheroi cant even get a simple wireless connection going with dapper, i could do it with breezy06:46
NickGarveyGuitarhero: couldn't with either06:47
NickGarvey<- suse 10.106:47
tritiumGuitarhero: which wireless card/chipset?06:47
AesopGuitarhero, wireless on Linux is always a pain in the... What's your chipset on the card?06:47
Daveyboyanybody have the link for the wiki that has the complete list of install/config commands for desktop pacckages?06:47
Guitarheronetgear 54mbps06:47
=== Aesop leaves it to tritium, then.
tanlaanthanks a bunch aesop06:47
Guitarherothats all i know about it06:47
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Aesoptanlaan, did it work?06:47
ubotuI know nothing about anything06:47
=== bruenig chuckles
tanlaansay i just need to know so i could write it down06:48
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Guitarheroive been trying to get my linksys in my windows box to be shared with the ubuntu machine but thats even harder06:48
=== garryF [n=garry@adsl-66-122-184-126.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanlaanblah sorry for the "say"06:48
NickGarveybruenig: its the simple things ;)06:48
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Aesoptanlaan, used to MOOs?06:48
tanlaanlmao yup06:48
screwstoni know lots of ppl are talking but is anyone free to troubleshoot my error with kernal compilation????06:48
Aesoptanlaan, where do you play?06:48
tanlaanim playing an awesome DBZ one06:48
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tanlaanthats the website for it06:48
tanlaanbut im looking for a good MUD client06:48
tritiumGuitarhero: can you find out the chipset please?06:48
tanlaanno MOO06:49
Aesoptanlaan, yeah, I know of it. didn't like it much. Check out 'GMUD' in synaptic.06:49
tanlaannot MOO06:49
Guitarheroyeah i think06:49
tanlaanthats what i got06:49
Guitarherohow would i go about finding the chipset06:49
FireFlyI am trying to unistall my graphics driver to reinstall it, where is the unistall file locates, I have a ati card06:49
tanlaanbut it sucks06:49
Aesoptanlaan, better than TF =P06:49
tanlaani need macros, so i can use the F keys06:49
tanlaancause its a time based battle system06:49
tanlaanand alot simpler than aliases06:49
AesopI play RP M*s.06:49
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.06:49
AesopRight, mencoder finished up, I've helped someone, so I'm out. Cya all.06:50
tanlaani was just hoping to find a good mud client06:50
badrinarayanyou can try shift+enter though..06:50
=== _-Ghosst-_ [n=sirsneak@ip68-226-10-253.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireFlydoes anyone know how I would reinstall my graphics drivers?06:50
wastrelwah. why won't ghemicaal compile :p06:50
garryFUsing symantec package manager you should be able to uninstall and reinstall in one step by marking it for reinstallation.06:50
Guitarherosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:51
[Ex0r] garryF, I hope symantec isn't designing stuff for linux :)06:51
[Ex0r] synaptic*06:51
[Ex0r] is what it should be06:51
garryFSee, I can never get it straight.06:51
_-Ghosst-_any idea how to get  voice on yahoo with gaim messenger ?06:51
[Ex0r] _-Ghosst-_, there's a special plug-in for it, IIRC06:52
dooglustanlaan: is 'xmacro' of any use to you?06:52
dooglustanlaan: or run "apt-cache search mud client" to get a list of mud clients06:52
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=== NickGarvey is now known as Nick{Nap}
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Double_Dbruenig: worked like a charm.  you da man!06:53
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:54
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[Ex0r] ...06:55
[Ex0r] how is he running xchat as root?06:55
[Ex0r] doesn't the new version NOT open if you are root ?06:55
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wastrelhow do you know he's running xchat06:55
L-----Droot_: /j #ubuntu-cn06:55
[Ex0r] It's the only IRC client i've used that sets the username and hostname to root automatically06:56
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[Ex0r] where as root_ being the alternative, because root is in use on freenode06:57
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_-Ghosst-_where can i find IIRC ?06:57
skavengealright thats enough im done with frostwire06:57
L-----D[Ex0r] : yep nice thought06:57
[Ex0r] _-Ghosst-_, IIRC means If I Recall Correctly06:57
[Ex0r] L-----D,  ?06:57
[Ex0r] Was that sarcasm?06:58
garryFLast night I advised someone to use EasyUbuntu and it whacked his system, which was about the time someone said the repositories were down. Has anyone run it with sucess since?06:58
dooglus_-Ghosst-_: IIRC is an acronym for "if I remember correctly"06:58
[Ex0r] L-----D, ah okay :)06:58
garryFLol dooglus06:58
_-Ghosst-_first time i've seen that one lol06:58
doogluswhere can I find STFU?06:58
[Ex0r] !stfu06:59
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:59
dooglusI like how ubutu puts a period after his 'period'06:59
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RabidSnailGnash crashes firefox whenever it loads a flash file.06:59
garryFSo that means you better not make your nickname one of those words if you can.06:59
[Ex0r] Who here said they were done with frostwire ?06:59
RabidSnailBut it loads the files fine standalone.06:59
mario8bithow do I go about getting the bootloader working with winxp? I have winxp on a separate scsi drive from ubuntu07:00
wastrelwhat's gnash07:00
[Ex0r] skavenge, why are you done with frostwire ?07:00
metamorphisgnome flash07:00
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[Ex0r] RabidSnail, did you use the flash player plugin that comes with firefox?07:01
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iameliteIS there an easy(ish) way to clone a current ubuntu install to annother (larger) drive.07:01
RabidSnail[Ex0r] : I'm on  PPC.07:01
ydonganybody use KDevelop for C++ development?07:01
[Ex0r] iamelite, you can run norton's ghost on it07:01
iameliteDont have ghost07:01
skavenge[Ex0r]  ; its crashing on me alot07:01
iameliteoption 2?07:01
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[Ex0r] skavenge, During bootup? Mines freezes once in a while loading core components, other than that itruns fine.07:02
ydonganybody use KDevelop for C++ development?07:02
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[Ex0r] ydong, not me, sorry07:02
raiinstormDoes anyone know why my ntfs hard drive disappeared after I tried mounting it read-write07:02
raiinstormafter using this howto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14248107:02
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skavenge[Ex0r]  ; freezes more often than not for me on core components and has crashed middle of running twice as well07:02
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Ex0r] hmm, xchat doesn't automatically space words? If I go back into the sentence it erases all the text :\07:03
Flippy209ic56-7394:  you there?07:03
garryFWriting to ntfs is unsafe. You should mount it ro07:03
[Ex0r] skavenge, how did you install it? .deb or from source ?07:03
screwstonis there anyway i can install a preset kernel compilation instead of doing it manually?07:03
skavenge[Ex0r]  ; source07:03
raiinstormgarryF:  I know but whats the point of having a media hard drive if I can't add more media to it?07:03
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, mounting ntfs for read is very unsafe :\ The ntfs application for linux is still in beta and not very stable07:03
[Ex0r] skavenge, FrostWire's site has a ubuntu .deb file07:04
[Ex0r] that's what I used to install it and it only freezes up at core components once in a while for me so I have to xkill it07:04
raiinstormbut fat32 is still really slow, isn't it?07:04
DarkMageZraiinstorm, back-up the data and format the ddrive for a real filesystem07:04
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, no, not at all. NTFS is just more secure07:04
skavenge[Ex0r]  ; ill stick with limewire i havent had problems there07:04
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RabidSnailalso, gnash has no sound07:04
garryFraiinstorm You can at least read from it, but linux can really mess it up writing to it, It'ss experimental, and full of bugs.07:04
[Ex0r] skavenge, limewire is going commercial :)07:04
Ackeubu_just when my ubuntu is about to show me the logginscreen it stales. and only shows a black screen with the mouse cross pointer.... How can I find error messages? before I could switch to alt+ F7 F8 F9 to get to an loggin screen. Now i cant use any of them. not evern the F1-F4.... WHat can I do to find the error?07:04
skavenge[Ex0r]  ; heh whatever works07:05
raiinstormgarryF:  so do you reccomend Fat32 then?07:05
DarkMageZRabidSnail, where did u get gnash for ubuntu?07:05
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, are you just using it for storage?07:05
Flippy209Ackeubu_: boot into recovery mode07:05
[Ex0r] If so, just make it ext2/ext307:05
RabidSnailDarkMangeZ:I didn't. I compiled from source.07:05
Flippy209Ackeubu_: if that's an option07:05
Ackeubu_Flippy209 im in the recouvery mode..07:05
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raiinstormGenerally yes.  It's my media drive with my music and movies and personal videos and stuff.. oh and images which I work on using Gimp.  That kind of stuff.  Media stuff07:06
FireFlyI am trying to install my driver and the last steps wants me to run  /usr/X11R6/bin/aticonfig --initial to configure the driver. It wont work, and sugestions?07:06
PseudoPlaceboIn Dapper, how do I set up my computer as a VNC server.07:06
DarkMageZRabidSnail, cvs, or that release?07:06
garryFraiinstorm It seems the only alternative if you wish to share the data between both windows and linux, otherwise, ext2 or ext3 is what I reccommend.07:06
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, are you putting windows on it, or will it interact with any windows installs ?07:06
PseudoPlaceboI remember in the older one it was GNOME sharing or something like that.07:06
raiinstormBut every once in awhile school requires something WinDoze so I have to switch back over, so I hate to be a Linux only format for my media.07:06
iameliteThough possibly a stupid question. What if i log in as root. And just Copy paste the whole file system to the new drive. Would that drive boot up?07:06
Ackeubu_FireFly what card do you have?07:06
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Ackeubu_ATI mobility radeon X??? ???07:06
raiinstormEx0r:  I'd prefer not to have to.  But yes sometimes it becomes necessary as school deems it so.07:07
FireFlyI think it is a 920007:07
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, if the system is strictly linux, make it ext2/ext3. If it's got a windows dual boot, it can only be fat16/32 or ntfs07:07
[Ex0r] raiinstorm, get vmware :)07:07
raiinstormThis last year I had to have windows for my nursing program.07:07
Ackeubu_Firefly ooh. i jsut got the card for notebook to work. dont really know bout those. O07:07
metamorphisgo iamelite07:07
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iamelitemetaporphis would that work to clone the install?07:08
PseudoPlaceboI remember in the older one it was GNOME sharing or something like that.07:08
The_Guardiancan anyone help me configure nessus?07:08
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[Ex0r] iamelite, I don't think it would. You would have to also copy the partitions and etc or else the bootloaders would be messed up07:08
metamorphisit should07:08
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raiinstormEx0r:   thanks for the suggestion.   I'll look into it!07:08
wastrelcopying using cp wouldn't work iamelite07:09
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garryFii-t.com sells a product R-Drive image that you can copy windows and linux ext, and resierfs and other formats to other drives. You can use it to clone the system. I am not sure, but they  might have a demo you can use to clone. Having looked, you can either buy it, or buy ghost.07:09
wastrelbut using dd maybe07:09
metamorphisyou could do a clean install then use backup discs from the first comp to put on the second07:09
iamelitewell i dont wanna buy ghost07:09
stasislovehi, is anyone runnig any of steam products like cs s on wine?07:09
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Flippy209Ackeubu_: do this from prompt : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:09
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garryFWell, having been down this road, there is little last I looked in freeware backup software that can do what you want it to do. Precious little being nothing.07:10
[Ex0r] iamelite, I think they have a ghost image creator that's free at symantec's site don't they ?07:10
Ackeubu_Flippy209 i have logged in to recovery mode.  But I still have to find the issue. any hint on how to find the errors I get?07:10
PseudoPlaceboI remember in the older one it was GNOME sharing or something like that.07:10
PseudoPlaceboIn Dapper, how do I set up my computer as a VNC server.07:10
iameliteIll look it up07:10
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[Ex0r] I know that Hiren's bootCD has a trial version of norton ghost on it, and can do it07:10
[Ex0r] if you want to grab one of those.07:10
Disorganizedanyone know a good document for nameserver setup?07:10
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[Ex0r] Disorganized, bind9 ? You could try the bind9 documentation07:11
garryFawesome Exor07:11
The_Guardiananyone here who can help me configure nessus?07:11
metamorphisiamelite can you make a buck up disc for the comp that you want to clone07:11
stasislovei have really bad performance in counterstrike, like ists running on software rendereing, have anyone been there?07:11
[Ex0r] garryF, a very helpful cd. Helped recover my PC numerous times.07:11
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iamelitemetamorphis i wouldnt know how07:11
[Ex0r] stasislove, what kind of graphics card do you have ?07:11
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stasislovegeforce 6800gt, and i have installed drivers and everything works fine but i have like 2 fps or something07:12
metamorphiswell if you can back it up then you can do a clean install on the other comp and just use your backup to do a clone07:12
garryF[Ex0r]  Nice to know, THanks.07:12
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iameliteOk well ill just use the other hard drive for now. just ot install the other OS on07:13
stasislove|Ex0r| ^07:13
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stasislove[Ex0r] , ^^07:13
[Ex0r] stasislove, how are you running counterstrike? Through an emulator? (Wine, VMWare, Crossover Office) ?07:13
iameliteBut last time i reformatted my second drive. (extended 2) And booted ubuntu, it got stuck saying "Waiting for root filesystem"07:13
PseudoPlaceboIn Dapper, how do I set up my computer as a VNC server?07:14
stasislove[Ex0r] , running through Wine07:14
[Ex0r] stasislove, there's your problem.07:14
Ackeubu_Flippy209 i have never done the reconfigure and had it working when doing it.. but maybe i did it now. >)07:14
metamorphiswhat is it with ubuntu and the filesystems07:14
iameliteIm afraid to Reboot mycomputer now.07:15
iameliteCause my disk is broken i think07:15
stasislove[Ex0r] , =) is there any other free alternative ? But for many people it still runs fine, there should be some fix, but i cant find anything on internet yet07:15
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garryFiamelite: I had a similar issue, when I had root and boot on the same partition. It had the root in grub.list pointing to the wrong partition when it should have been the same one hdd,007:15
iameliteit stops at loading some drivers... No more processes to run in this instance or something07:15
pvdAnyone ever thought about creating videos with like ffmpeg and making little howto videos. That would be interesting. Of course limited.07:15
[Ex0r] stasislove, check for the linux counter-strike app? IIRC, wasn't one released ?07:15
metamorphisi cant get ubuntu to even write the filesystem on my laptop but i am going to try the alternative disc07:15
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iamelitegarryf so i should reconfigure grub to point to the right drive?07:16
DShepherdPseudoPlacebo: system-prefs-remote desktop07:16
skavengeis there a command to reset sound?07:16
linux1hiya ubuntu keeps reseting back to the loging screen and idea why ppl07:16
stasislove[Ex0r] , "IIRC wasn't one released ?" sorry lost you there =)07:17
garryFpossibly, you should look at it, hitting e to edit anything, then if it works, you can go in and edit it to make the change permanant.07:17
iamelitehere goes07:17
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PseudoPlaceboDShepherd: Much thanks.07:17
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[Ex0r] StasIsLovE, IIRC means if I remember correctly. I think counter-strike (1.06) is available for linux.07:17
DShepherdPseudoPlacebo: much welcome07:17
[Ex0r] NOT the one that comes with steam07:18
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Geoffrey2where would I find a log of the boot process?07:18
[Ex0r] the one that was used with half-life 107:18
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garryFdmesg will present you with a log07:18
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garryFif you can run it.07:18
shadowuser355anyone had problems with their computer rejecting Ubuntu?07:18
garryF/var/log is where logs are kept.07:18
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DShepherdshadowuser355: hehe... thats kinda funny.. not me07:19
[Ex0r] rejecting ubuntu ?07:19
StasIsLovE[Ex0r] , ok, thanks for your time, ill keep looking07:19
raiinstormshadowuser355:  nope.  Ubuntu has improved 100 fold in the past year or so.07:19
shadowuser355a friend of mine tried installing it on his computer, about a day later, it wouldn't boot an OS at all07:19
garryFEven my etch a sketch laptop don't reject ubuntu. the fps is terrible though.07:19
raiinstormI gave it up about a year ago after trying it a bit for Gentoo.. now I'm back..  it's so much easier to upkeep than gentoo.07:19
RugI did a server install, Installed xdm.  XDM is not starting at boot & not giving me options (I can launch startx but not choose between the WM's I have installed)07:19
Rugraiinstorm: yeah same here07:20
shadowuser355any ideas what could be causing it to reject Ubuntu?07:20
gteppelIs it possible to simply view a specific file for a package using apt-get?07:20
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gteppelI want to see the default state for a conf file for cups07:20
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raiinstormubuntu now easily supports all of my favorite applications.  I'm loving it.  Now I just gotta access my media and get my 5 button mouse working.07:21
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raiinstormand I'll refuse to ever go back to windoze.. even for school.07:21
[Ex0r] 5 button mouse!?07:21
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SerialMouseHowto07:21
garryFLikely has something to do with were grub was put, and the contents of grub.lst07:21
Madpilotraiinstorm, ^^^ the the bot's posting for your mouse07:21
[Ex0r] What is a 5 button mouse ?07:21
[Ex0r] Is that the one with the two finger buttons, than the two on the side and the scrollwheel ?07:22
wastrelthere's buttons on the side07:22
raiinstormExOr:  the far left and far right buttons are the forward and back buttons for your web browser.07:22
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[Ex0r] hmm, that's weird07:22
wastrelgaming mice have lots of buttons07:22
Flannelraiinstorm: help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto07:22
[Ex0r] mine's got 3 and it suits me fine :)07:23
[Ex0r] I need a new keyboard though07:23
garryFmine is just a logitech and it has six buttons and a scroll wheel.07:23
raiinstormMadpilot:  thanks.   I'll give that a try later this week.07:23
wastrelmy keyboard is something like 15 years old07:23
wastrelmaybe 2007:23
Rugwastrel: nothing beats a good 10lbs keyboard.07:23
[Ex0r] wastrel, the white keyboad with grey buttons ?07:23
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raiinstormFlannel:  I think that might be the one that messed up my xorg.conf on Friday.  I think I got some part of it wrong with my ps2 mouse.  I have to try it again though.07:23
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garryFI saw a keyboard from ion.com or something like that. The keys and mouse buttons are backlit. Would be great for late night computing without disturbing family.07:24
wastrel[Ex0r] :  yeah, dell 286 i believe it came with07:24
[Ex0r] yeah, lol07:24
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[Ex0r] weren't those like serial connectors at the time ?07:24
wastrelno it's the round connector07:24
garryFExcept for the moths kamikazeing on the monitor and keys.07:24
raiinstormgarryF:  my friend has one of those for her mac.07:24
RugThats an AT keyboard07:25
[Ex0r] wastrel, the mini-din or large-din ?07:25
wastrelmaybe it was a 386 i don't recall :] 07:25
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Geoffrey2the big round connector07:25
raiinstormI like my split keyboard personally, good for the wrists.07:25
RugThats an AT keyboard07:25
[Ex0r] Yeah, Din07:25
garryFYeah, I should check it out some day when I feel rich.07:25
raiinstormNow if they come up with a split blacklit keyboard, then maybe.07:25
[Ex0r] I remember when mice plugged into the keyboard and the keyboard held all the drives/components07:26
garryFYeah, I like spit ones too. My axe splits them but it kind of messes it up.07:26
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[Ex0r] raiinstorm, i've got a black el-wire illuminated one. It's about dead. Alot of the keys keep sticking.07:26
raiinstormgarryF:  lol  it's better if you can only split the keys, and not the entire board.07:26
Rug[Ex0r] : hell I remember when there were NO mice07:26
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Geoffrey2[Ex0r] , sounds like a Tandy to me07:27
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garryFYeah, keyboards hate coffee and soda. Ok, back to topic for me.07:27
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DonLgarryF: beer too, I found out07:28
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[Ex0r] !es07:29
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:29
AeoWhen dual-booting XP and Linux, is it possible to have files accessible to both systems? What file system would I need to put on a partition?07:29
garryFDonL I had a friend who would go to a pizza parlor to study for hours every night by a zaxon game machine. It would make more and more noise, so he'd order two mugs of beer, Pour a glass down the pack of the machine to shut it up. The mug would last the machine all night.07:30
wasabi_linux can read from ntfs07:30
wasabi_and write well enough07:30
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MadpilotAeo, fat32 is the only really safe common format07:30
DonLgarryF: lol. That's funny07:30
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Aeowhere in the Linux file hierarchy would I find my files then?07:31
Aeoin mnt?07:31
garryFDonL :)07:31
skavengewhereever you mount it07:31
wasabi_You'll have to mount it manually.07:31
Aeohow would I do that?07:31
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Aeoor is that during partitioning?07:31
Madpilotubotu, tell Aeo about mount07:31
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q_a_z_stevewhere is the grub.conf file when I'm not in linux? or when I don't have that part. mounted?07:32
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new_meso i ran cron and created a file in /etc/crontab   what "startup"07:33
wasabi_I'm not aware of a grub.conf file.07:33
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new_me script should i use to make sure it runs everyboot?07:33
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DonLMust admit, I never had much luck with dual booting, so I gave up a long time ago. It didn't take too long to find out I didn't need that other os anyway.07:33
q_a_z_steveshould be /etc/grub.conf according to this How-To dual boot Win2k and grub.07:34
wasabi_Not in Ubuntu. /boot/grub/menu.lst07:34
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durtwhen playing some games i cant alt-tab, so how can i get out of them to do other stuff, other than quitting?07:35
[Ex0r] alright, time for me to get off to bed07:36
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[Ex0r] I've helped about 4 people tonight.07:36
garryFGood job [Ex0r] . Gnight.07:36
DonLThat's good exor07:36
raiinstormrandom question..  does anyone in here use Skype?07:37
DonLraiinstorm: yes, I do07:37
mthodeas do I07:37
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DShepherddurt:   desktop shortcut maybe?07:37
q_a_z_steveso I need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ? How do I change this (I don't want to screw this up) to have a mention of Win2k that is actually hda1 where ubuntu is hda1 5, 7 807:37
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raiinstormDonL:  Does that work kind of like direct connect with AIM.  Where a friend using windows could connect to me, plug in his guitar, and I could hear him play his guitar through skype?07:38
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raiinstormI'm searching for a program that will let me do that because GAIM does not.07:38
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DonLraiinstorm: I've only used it so far for voice contact. I know files can be transferred but are a bit slow07:38
wasabi_q_a_z_steve, read the file. It's pretty self explanitory.07:39
CajunTechieHello everyone. I have a quick question: I need to use the Ubuntu LiveCD to give a software demo for a web app that I've developed. Where can I go to learn more about how to modify the ISO to automatically start the webserver and open the browser to a specific localhost page when booted?07:39
wasabi_It's even filled with examples.07:39
garryFHda1 would be hda,0 in grubspeak.07:39
DonLraiinstorm: Don't know about live music or video. Sorry07:39
wasabi_hd0,0 actually.07:40
raiinstormDonL:   hmm  okay I'll just keep trying to convince my stubborn friend to download it and try it with me.  lol07:40
garryFOh yeah, Thanks wasabi_07:40
raiinstormDonL:  it's okay.  Just thought I'd see if anyone knew.07:40
shadeofgreyhey does anygbody know if its illegal for me to staart a help website for ubuntu that has ubuntu in the address?07:40
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DonLraiinstorm: My brother lives a short distance away, but in another zone so it's long distance. We can chat for as long as we like, using Skype. So that's cool07:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:41
rock-lobstershadeofgrey, there already www.ubuntuguide.org07:41
q_a_z_stevek thanks. that's what I thought. Can I make those changes from inside DSL?07:41
raiinstormDonL:   Definitely.  I could talk to my friends in Canada that way too if I wanted to then.07:41
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rock-lobstershadeofgrey, so im guessin its possible with/without permission07:41
rexykikDamn Small Linux07:41
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DonLraiinstorm: are you in North america?07:41
raiinstormDonL:  yes.  Minnesota07:41
wasabi_If you can edit the file system, you can change the files.07:41
raiinstormdoes that cost more then?07:42
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q_a_z_stevewasabi_ Damn Small Linux. I'm in windows using QEMU right now and chatting using nIRC.07:42
rock-lobsterraiinstorm, you can use ekiga07:42
rock-lobsterraiinstorm, it works on h323 and SIP07:42
DonLTill the end of this year, Skype has made SkypeOut available to us for free. That means you can call from your computer to any regular phone in North America and talk for free.07:42
wasabi_You'd be better off just booting into linux and changing it.07:43
wasabi_If you can give qemu raw access to the linux fs, then yeah, you can probably mount it.07:43
q_a_z_stevebtw I don't know how but this thing figured out my wireless (or superimposed it) really well - i.e. Cake walk. And this is a G card!07:43
DonLrock-lobster: yes. I've looked at ekiga. Looks good. Got to check it out07:43
raiinstormrock-lobster:  Oh interesting.  I'm not familiar with that one.  TY for the suggestion.  I'll look into it.07:44
xenexAnyone know how to fix this? http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6320/guildwars9um.png07:44
wasabi_qemu doesn't figure out wireless.07:44
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garryFwasabi_ I remember trying wasabi in a chinese restaurant. I thought it was regular horse randish and took a huge dollop on my meat. I felt like I was snoring lava!07:44
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wasabi_garryF, Japanese.07:44
q_a_z_steveOne thing about that is I don't have hda1 plugged in right now if I do boot to ubuntu, but I guess that doesn't matter.07:44
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ronnnni really need help with my wireless..i looked all on ubuntu forums...and i have a broadcom bcm4318 54g, and i dont know at all how to get it to work..PLEASE HELP!07:45
garryFYeah, it fried my meory.07:45
wasabi_q_a_z_steve, I don't follow.07:45
garryF!wifi > ronnnn07:45
ronnnni looked at that before07:45
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ronnnnnothing worked07:45
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skavengeyou may need ndiswrapper07:46
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ronnnnprobrably, i tried that...i'm really new to linux..and i dont know how to get it started07:46
garryFScads of folks have been having issues with wireless in dapper. You are not alone.07:46
DonLSorry I can't help, ronnnn. I 'm wired. Still don't trust the wireless stuff. Call me old fashioned07:46
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skavengetook me three  days to get mine working heh07:46
garryFI call ye lucky07:47
q_a_z_stevewasabi_ something did because I'm wireless for sure. my IP is anyway... In order to boot I have linux think it's the master, and I'm going to edit c:\boot.ini in windows to still have controll but have the option to boot to linux on the other hdd.07:47
garryFouch! Three days.07:47
q_a_z_stevetwo separate HDD.07:47
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Geoffrey2and from what I've been reading, an overwhelming majority of wireless problems are anyone using a Broadcom chipset07:47
raiinstormwho linked me to the 5 button mouse howto for a PS2 mouse?  I forgot to save the link!!!07:47
wasabi_q_a_z_steve, Qemu uses a user space NAT.07:47
wasabi_Linux never needs to be the "master" to boot.07:47
DonLIt's late for me.. Good night, all07:48
wasabi_Only Windows has that silly problem. :007:48
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:48
skavengefunny as it is i did a clean install and had to go buy a usb wireless nic till i got it fixed heh07:48
yoshiznit123hi everyone, i installed added edgy repos to try out a couple programs, and now i'd like to downgrade back to dapper only... is there a way to make sure all packages have versions that match those in the current repos?07:48
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raiinstormgarryF:  thank you thank you.07:48
q_a_z_steveI know what you mean but if windows doesn't see it it does. I have to unplug my IDE.07:48
wasabi_Put linux on the second HD. Slace.07:48
ronnnni like so need help with this wireless..can i chat with someone in seperate chat about it?07:48
DShepherdnite guys07:48
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oni-draculadoes anyone know of a program for linux that can be used to split large .mp3 files?07:49
q_a_z_steveit is.07:49
q_a_z_stevethen I need to set up the dual.07:49
rock-lobsteroni-dracula, audacity07:49
garryFMan, I'd love to help ye but I dunno anyting about wireless except it made my hair fall out.07:49
q_a_z_stevethat's where I was told to edit grub and boot.ini07:49
ronnnnthansk anyway garryf07:49
oni-dracularock out, rock-lobster07:49
q_a_z_stevehang on I'll get you a link.07:49
KaiserSuseoni-dracula: and the fragments still be playable?07:49
garryFronnnn Good luck with that, There is bound to be someone who can help ye along eventually07:50
oni-draculaone would assume, KaiserSuse07:50
farousronnnn: if you want you can speak in the main room and people will see how they can help07:50
wasabi_q_a_z_steve, All you need to do to set it up right is boot linux with both HD's in, then write a new MBR to the master.07:50
Dial_tonethere's something depressing about not being able to decide which is more important. a 20" LCD or a 32" flat screen tv.07:50
Geoffrey2well, it looks like none of the logs kick in early enough in the boot process for me to see what's happening....almost right after the kernel is unpacked, I'm getting some error that says "unable to allocate"..but it flies by so fast I can never read enough to know if it's something I should be worried about or doing something to fix...07:50
ronnnnWhats the main room ?07:50
KaiserSuseoni-dracula: X or console?07:50
q_a_z_steveIf I right a new MBR ten Win2k has issues.07:50
wasabi_q_a_z_steve, That's fine, you can get Win2K working with Grub.07:50
oni-draculaKaiserSuse, X is preferable...I'm a winders convert07:50
wasabi_You just need to be in Linux to set it up.07:51
farousronnnn: you are in it so what is your card type. i only have experience with broadcom (probl) and intell07:51
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ronnnnbroadcom 4318 54g Airforce...the dreaed one that dosnt work07:51
KaiserSuseoni-dracula: as rock-lobster said, try audacity07:51
q_a_z_stevehow do I paste into qemu?07:51
oni-draculaKaiserSuse, roger that07:51
wasabi_Beats me.07:51
wasabi_Don't know why qemu is in the picture. ;)07:51
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farousronnnn: did you try the bcm43xx drivers they are in the repos. i never managed to work the ndiswarapper on dapper. on breezy it was easy07:52
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q_a_z_steveI think that is it.07:52
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ronnnnhow do i get those in the repos?> i'm totally new to this07:52
farous!tell ronnnn about repos07:52
farousronnnn: follow ubotu link on how to add extra repos07:52
shadeofgreydoies anybody in here have a macbook pro with the upgraded ati video card?07:52
q_a_z_stevetop page from google.com search Ed's Software Guide on Linux07:53
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wasabi_Don't really know why you're showing me that.07:53
mrproperHow can I get divx support in xine?07:53
yoshiznit123hey everybody, i added edgy repos to try out a couple programs, and now i'd like to downgrade back to dapper only... is there a way to make sure all packages have versions that match those in the current repos?07:53
farousronnnn: crimsun had special repos for broadcom. do not have the link to them now though sorry07:53
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:54
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linux1hiya i cant get the live cd to run on my penitum d830 crashed out all tehtime tryed the safe install as well07:54
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farouspolpak: there is ignore command too quite helpfull /ignore07:54
SeveasMadpilot, to the rescue 07:54
xenexAnyone good with video drivers knowledge, please see my query. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=118234007:54
Diablitosome body use Debian sarge??07:54
SeveasDiablito, #debian07:54
polpakfarous: I'm familiar with it.. thx07:55
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pharaoh_Atemcan someone help me with getting Breezy Badger to configure sound?07:55
polpakPharaoh_Atem: what sound isn't working?07:55
Pharaoh_Atempretty much07:55
Pharaoh_Atemit wont recognize it at all07:55
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pharaoh_Atemits a Compaq Presario 519007:56
DiablitoSeveas, jajajjaja07:56
Ademanso uh... how can i play midi files?07:56
Pharaoh_Atemwith a ESS onboard sound07:56
Diablitojust play07:56
raiinstormOkay guys if I'm working with a 6 button mouse.. would this be wrong?  (according to the HOWTO)07:56
=== bthornton [n=bthornto@pool-71-97-41-142.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
raiinstorm  Option          "Buttons"               "7"     Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"07:56
SeveasAdeman, try timidity+freepats07:56
raiinstorm        Option          "ButtonMapping"         "1 2 3 6 7"07:56
Ademanthanks Seveas07:56
DiablitoUbuntu its for dummies07:56
KaiserSuseDoes anyone knows how big would an ubuntu mirror (i386 only) would be? (including main, restricted, universe and multiverse)07:56
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raiinstormShould it not be   Buttons  "5"?07:56
ronnnni'm gonna go crazy...i need this to work07:56
Seveas!mouse > raiinstorm07:57
Ademanronnnn: ?07:57
Pharaoh_Atemi have been slaving away at the compaq for hours07:57
wasabi_KaiserSuse, Probably a few hundred gb07:57
ronnnnbroadcom 54g 4318 on drapper07:57
Pharaoh_Atemjust installing Breezy badger07:57
raiinstormI'm already looking at !mouse!!07:57
Pharaoh_AtemDapper Drake wouldn't even load07:57
yoshiznit123...none of you apt gurus know? :-)07:57
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:57
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: Why didnt you do dapper?07:57
polpakPharaoh_Atem: why wouldn't dapper install?07:57
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: whoa... what do you mean?07:57
bthorntonHey all: I've got two NICs in my desktop PC, one of which goes to my Internet router and the other is connected to my laptop via a crossover cable.  What I want is to have the laptop get its internet through the desktop.  Will I need to setup iptables rules in order to do this, or is it sufficient just to enable ip_forwarding?07:57
=== kditty [n=Owner@cpe-69-135-195-202.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakbthornton: you need to set up NAT in iptables07:58
ronnnnanyone think i will ever get the broadcom 4318 54g working???07:58
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: so... the installer CD wouldn't run? once you installed it wouldnt boot? what?07:58
rexykikbthornton, you'll need to configure your NAT07:58
Pharaoh_AtemAdeman/polpak: dapper would not install in any form, it just hung07:58
polpakPharaoh_Atem: at what point?07:58
Daveyboyhave everything configured on my dapper except cant play any windows media player files07:58
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Pharaoh_Atemaround the time after kernel starts loading ubuntu splash07:59
Daveyboyflash java okay07:59
polpak!tell Daveyboy about restricted07:59
rexykik!mplayer > Daveyboy07:59
bthorntonpolpak: That's kinda what I thought.  Is there any graphical way to do that in Dapper, or at least some default profiles that I can enable--short of manually writing my own rules from scratch?07:59
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: so the install cd? or after you installed everything and tried to boot? or what? be more specific,    so... was this with the livecd or after install?07:59
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polpakDaveyboy: install the win32 codecs and totem-xine07:59
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polpakDaveyboy: should be fine07:59
Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, i tried both07:59
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: ok yes, but when did it freeze?07:59
kdittyi have a problem i need help with, i messed up my ubuntu partition and it wouldnt boot, so i used a rescue disk... now ubuntu seems to boot fine but it asks me for a password and it will not accept the password i have been using for months now07:59
ronnnncan someone privately im me about my wireless problem?07:59
q_a_z_stevewasabi_ I'll be back in if don't get it working.07:59
efoxive seen screenshots of terminals actually part of the desktop. How do i do/get that ?07:59
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polpakPharaoh_Atem: you should be able to disable the framebuffer07:59
Pharaoh_Atemwhen it loads modules07:59
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Pharaoh_Atembut Breezy Badger loaded just fine08:00
yoshiznit123hey everybody, (sorry i asked earlier and nobody knew)...  i added edgy repos to try out a couple programs, and now i'd like to downgrade back to dapper only... is there a way to make sure all packages have versions that match those in the current repos?08:00
Pharaoh_Atemeverything works EXCEPT sound08:00
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: but was it an install CD or actually booting AFTER you installed?08:00
Daveyboypolpak, whats the package for win32 codecs08:00
yoshiznit123like a simple apt command?08:00
Ademanwhere it frose08:00
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Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, install CD08:00
polpakDaveyboy: go to the restricted formats wiki08:00
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: hrm, laptop?08:00
polpakDaveyboy: it's linked there08:00
Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, desktop08:00
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Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&tool=softwareCategory&product=93127&08:01
AdemanPharaoh_Atem: wow, that's unheard of... lol... i'm willing to bet money if you re-torrent the iso and burned it again it would work, happened to me with a debian install cd08:01
Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, well i already spent 3 hours installing Ubuntu Breezy Badger08:01
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efoxcan anyone give me a google keyword for how to make the terminal part of the desktop08:01
Ademanhaha, well, i guess that's good enough reason to stick with it08:02
Ademanand upgrading is easy as pie08:02
Pharaoh_Atemif im gonna replace it, im replacing it with Fedora08:02
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pppoe_dudeefox, are you using gnome or kde?08:02
Pharaoh_Atemi really want to use Ubuntu because it is lightweight and it has centralized package distribution08:02
Ademanheh... don't do that...08:02
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spikebwhy fedora?08:02
efoxpppoe_dude: gno,e08:02
efoxpppoe_dude: gnome*08:02
Pharaoh_Atemim a redhat man08:02
Pharaoh_Atemmy first distro was Red Hat 608:03
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kdittyany suggestions?08:03
spikebahh ok08:03
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Pharaoh_Atemand i just prefer it08:03
pppoe_dudeefox, gdesklets08:03
ronnnni NEED help with broadcom 4318!08:03
efoxpppoe_dude: thanks08:03
pppoe_dudeefox, closest thing i can think of08:03
spikebPharaoh_Atem: mine was 5.2 :)08:03
Pharaoh_Atembut my family is gonna use this computer, so i have to use something simple08:03
efoxpppoe_dude: ill look furthur into it..i just needed a start08:03
Pharaoh_Atemand I just chose Ubuntu08:03
=== Pharaoh_Atem still needs to give away 35 CDs
Pharaoh_Atemspikeb, eventually, i used nearly all the versions of RHL08:04
Pharaoh_Atemi even used some of the RHEL08:04
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Pharaoh_Atemi became distasteful at Red Hat for cancelling RHL08:04
Tmobanyone here use ubuntu on a laptop?08:04
polpakTmob: I do08:04
Pharaoh_AtemI did08:04
Tmobwhat are the CPU temperatures like usually?08:04
Tmobi'm seeing 52C08:04
gdbMy first distribution was Slackware 2.0.08:05
Tmobis that ok?08:05
Pharaoh_Atemnormal for me08:05
polpakTmob: no idea08:05
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gdbThat was in 1994.08:05
Ademanhehe, slackware...08:05
spikebgdb: awesome08:05
polpakTmob: I've never checked the temp08:05
Pharaoh_Atemwell, Slackware is oldest one08:05
=== ighost [n=vlad@cpe-66-69-224-203.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ronnnncan anyone actually help me with my problem, i really need immediate help08:05
gdbI'm sick of the Fedora treadmill so I'm using Ubuntu now.08:05
Ademanthe oldest still in circulation anyways08:05
Pharaoh_AtemI used Slackware briefly08:05
Tmobwell i can't keep the laptop on my lap.. too hot08:05
Tmobso just curious..08:05
polpakTmob: that's pretty common08:05
Pharaoh_AtemTmob, is it a Compaq?08:05
AdemanTmob: mine's that way too... it was like that with windows too though08:05
polpakTmob: generally there are vents on the underside, so you're probably blocking the exhaust08:06
Pharaoh_Atemmine was always doing that08:06
TmobAdeman, oh08:06
spikebyeah, too many laptops are not actually cool enough to use on a lap08:06
Tmobpolpak, nop.. vent is ok..08:06
Pharaoh_Atemif i tilted it in a unconfortable position, then it cools nicely08:06
yoshiznit123does anyone know an apt command that can downgrade all packages with versions higher than those in sources.list08:06
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TmobPharaoh_Atem, nop.. its a dell d41008:06
Tmoblittle laptop ;)08:06
gdbyoshiznit123: No, what you did is likely to be irrepairable.08:07
Pharaoh_Atemwell, Compaqs are notorious for overheating in Linux or Windows08:07
Pharaoh_Atemusually Windows ;)08:07
TmobPharaoh_Atem, you mean they are notorious for overheating ;)08:07
spikeblast laptop i had was a g3 ibook, that was easily cool enough to use on the lap08:07
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MadMerChi guys my vid card has just shat itself and i've had to boot with the onboard but i cant get into gnome or anything can anyone help me set it up so that it uses my onboard now ??08:07
Tmobspikeb, yea i guess PPCs aren't as heat producint as intel/adm08:07
spikebMadMerC: sure08:07
Pharaoh_AtemTmob, not quite, my Compaq laptop doesnt overheat as much under Linux08:07
bthorntonAnybody know of a graphical firewall (iptables) config tool Dapper?  Or at least some default rulesets so I don't have to go manually write my own iptables rules into a script?08:07
spikebMadMerC: in the console, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:08
pppoe_dudebthornton, firestarter08:08
yoshiznit123gdb, its obviously not irrepairable, i only upgraded like 10 packages08:08
TmobPharaoh_Atem, oh cool08:08
Pharaoh_Atembthorton, system-config-securitylevel08:08
bthorntonpppoe_dude: Thanks08:08
bthorntonPharaoh_Atem: thanks08:08
spikebTmob: yeah, or via processors. those are cool, as well, but hard to find a laptop that doesnt suck with one in it08:08
gdbyoshiznit123: Then remove / reinstall those, perhaps.  I assume you have a list of them.08:08
Pharaoh_Atemi saw something interesting, a bunch of system-config-* tools available for ubuntu08:08
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bthorntonPHaroah_Atem: I think you're thinking Fedora :)08:08
MadMerCspikeb thanx for that bbs hopefully lol08:08
spikebMadMerC: good luck!08:08
majdhi, i'm trying to set ubuntu and i want to set it up as a server and mount it on my mac as a volume so that i can use it in my programs as a file server. I failed at accomplishing this feat. Nonetheless, I got my mac to share folders with my windows box and my macbook08:09
yoshiznit123gdb, thats the problem, i don't have the list. is there a way i can find those that are higher versions? then apt-get install package=version should do the trick08:09
Pharaoh_Atembthorton, sndconfig is a redhat tool, yet it is in Debian and many other distros08:09
=== spikeb would love a via powered laptop that didnt suck
bthorntonPharaoh_Atem: That's interesting, I didn't know about that.  I do know that Fedora has a whole suite of system-config-* tools, but there's nothing by default like that on my Dapper install.08:09
Tmobthats like saying you want a buick which doesn't suck08:09
Tmobits not gonna happen08:09
spikebeither that or i'm buying another PPC ibook :)08:09
spikebTmob: haha08:09
gdbyoshiznit123: See, that's just it, I've never heard of that functionality in apt / dpkg / deselect / etc. :-/  You might be able to figure something out using the filters in synaptic.08:09
Pharaoh_Atembthorton, because system-config-soundcard is separate from install, sound configuration is a lot easier08:10
Pharaoh_Atemhowever, that is on Fedora08:10
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Pharaoh_Atemi wish someone would make the package compatible with Ubuntu08:10
Pharaoh_Atemit desparately needs system-config-soundcard08:10
pppoe_dudemajd, im unsure, but sshfs might work on macs... they have sourcecode08:11
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Pharaoh_Atemspikeb, have you tried using apt to install DEBs on Fedora?08:11
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spikebPharaoh_Atem: i don't think so08:11
majdpppoe_dude, the biggest functionality i'm looking for is to be able to add music to my itunes library from my mac, and do web development on the mac while the files are all on the ubuntu08:12
Pharaoh_Atemspikeb, it actually works if you build dpkg on there as well08:12
spikebPharaoh_Atem: i used it once on some rpm distro, but i think that was before fedora existed heh08:12
Pharaoh_Atemspikeb, Fedora Core 1-4 has apt-rpm08:12
pppoe_duderonnnn, did u try #wireless?08:12
majdpppoe_dude, so ubuntu would be just a file server that the apps can access08:12
Pharaoh_Atemfc5 has no apt yet08:12
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spikebit was quite a while ago that i used it08:12
Pharaoh_Atemapt-rpm will need to be rewritten for it08:12
spikebi liked yum though08:12
pppoe_dudemajd, im unfamiliar with a filesystem that can be remotely mounted on a mac... although there probably is one08:13
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gdbIt's a mistake to use apt on Fedora.  And yes, Fedora does have apt.08:13
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majdpppoe_dude, i'll do some more research08:13
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majdthanks for trying anyway08:13
Pharaoh_Atemhow come ubuntu doesnt offer a soundcard config tool anymore08:13
Pharaoh_Atemi remember it used to be in the repository08:13
skavengei was running fc4 before this, i must say i prefer ubuntu08:13
Pharaoh_Atemits not there anymore08:13
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spikebprobably premature confidence in autodetection ;)08:14
gdbBeing the "blessed" utility, it's best to use yum and yum repositories on Fedora.  You'll find that if you move outside of using Core, Extras, and Livna, "there be dragons here."  But that's a Fedora discussion.08:14
Pharaoh_Atemgdb, Livna is a dragon itself08:14
Pharaoh_Atemnever works for me08:14
spikebworked fine for me :)08:14
Pharaoh_Atemi use RPMForge instead08:14
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gdbAnvil does his best, but he's a bit cantakerous.08:14
gdb[Jef]  is just a jerk.08:15
Healotyum tum08:15
Pharaoh_Atemi actually like apt08:15
Pharaoh_Atemit doesnt take as much power to utilize it to update the system08:15
gdbLiking it and having it be the "best suited tool" are different things. ;-)08:15
Pharaoh_Atembut FC4 has no equivilient repos for apt08:15
=== MistaED2 [n=mistaed@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pharaoh_Atemdoes anyone know where i can get a tool to configure soundcard?08:16
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:16
gdbWhat does that mean?  You can use apt-get on Fedora just fine.  It's not really recommended.08:16
Seveasgdb, #ubuntu-offtopic08:16
HealotPharaoh_Atem: "dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base"08:16
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gdbSeveas: You know, I get that a lot for participating in discussion that other people have started.  I'd respectfully request that futher pointers to #ubuntu-offtopic (where I am idling already) be directed to those responsible for said off topic discussions. :-P08:17
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gdbWhat I'd like to find is a good explaination of what each step is doing when apt is installing things.  Anyone have a pointer?08:19
Pharaoh_Atem_i hate this flaky wifi08:19
gdbThere's pleanty of "this is how to use it" but none of "this is what it's doing."08:19
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Pharaoh_Atemthere we go08:19
=== pexi [n=pexi@cipi.dmz.nordakademie.de] has joined #ubuntu
Pharaoh_Atemgdb, fc4 Extras has no apt-rpm support08:20
=== gdb sighs.
=== Pharaoh_Atem needs to get this soundcard problem fixed so he can go to bed
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pvdare Memory Type Range Registers and Real Time Clock enabled in the ubuntu kernel by default?08:21
poyaochuangI would like to make music with edubuntu08:22
HealotMMTR and RTC options are enabled08:22
pvdOh ok08:22
Laneynp: R.E.M. - Losing My Religion08:22
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:22
jbcnlewhat is meant by "add the following: deb http://www.xapian.org/debian dapper main  deb-src http://www.xapian.org/debian dapper main" I'm new to debian packages - installing xapian08:22
Pharaoh_Atemthere has GOT to be a way to fix ESS sound board problem08:22
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Daveyboyi already have the PLF repository installed and updated, installed all mutimedia support including latest win32 codecs, except wiindows media player wont run in firefox, any ideas?08:22
Pharaoh_Atemmodprobe doesnt work08:22
Pharaoh_Atemsays device doesnt exist08:23
Pharaoh_Atemits been 7 hours since Ubuntu was installed08:23
KenSentMe!tell jbcnle about sources08:23
pvdDaveyboy, you need something like mplayer plugin to watch a video like that I believe08:23
Pharaoh_Atemand i still havent gotten DVD ready08:23
Daveyboypvd, okay08:24
jbcnleYes i'm certain that it is the source08:24
pvdI think its called mozilla-mplayer08:24
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Pharaoh_AtemAdeman, do you know how to force the system to probe for ISA devices?08:24
Healot!info libxine-extracodecs08:24
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB08:24
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Pharaoh_Atem!info system-config-soundcard08:25
ubotuPackage system-config-soundcard does not exist in dapper08:25
Pharaoh_Atem!info sndconfig08:25
ubotuPackage sndconfig does not exist in dapper08:25
Ademanhahah nope, sorry, i'm pretty bad with hardware, i had some problems with my ACPI and i was screwed haha (that was with debian sarge)08:25
HealotPharaoh_Atem: "dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base"08:25
hyphenatedany ubuntu developers/package maintainers around?08:25
gdbIf you're looking to install DVD, mp3, etc, support on Ubuntu, I can't recommend EasyUbuntu enough.08:26
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, that will configure ALSA?08:26
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Pharaoh_Atemdoes EasyUbuntu use Debian packages?08:26
poyaochuangdoes edubuntu support dual processor exon 1.7ghz?08:27
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Pharaoh_Atemor does it build the files?08:27
raiinstormI got my 5 button mouse to work.  I'm in heaven.08:27
EricTheMidgetnever heard of easyubuntu08:27
HealotPharaoh_Atem: not just alsa, oss also08:27
gdbPharaoh_Atem: It uses Ubuntu packages.08:27
Pharaoh_Atembrb, going to run the reconfig command08:27
gdbPharaoh_Atem: From Universe and Multiverse (sort of the "Extras" of Ubuntu).08:27
Ademaneasyubuntu is just a helper program for installing packages08:27
Daveyboypvd, how do i add the plugin for mplayer into firefox?08:27
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poyaochuangdoes edubuntu support dual processor xeon 1.7ghz? thank you08:28
pvdDaveyboy, what version of ubuntu are you on?08:28
jbcnleKenSentMe can you point the right place to read on the ubuntuguide ?08:28
Daveyboypvd, dapper08:28
pvdok, when you install mplayer-plugin it should just work08:28
gdbpoyaochuang: Yes, it supports everything Ubuntu does.  It's simply a different desktop with a modified set of applications for use in education.  It's normal Ubuntu under the hood.08:29
pvdor mozilla-mplayer08:29
pvdkeep forgetting which one it is08:29
Daveyboypvd, apt-get install mplayer-plugin?08:29
poyaochuangdoes ubuntu support dual processor?08:29
=== EricTheMidget [n=HooHah@12-218-154-141.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pvdDaveyboy, I believe its apt-get install mozilla-mplayer08:29
Daveyboypvd, good memory08:30
pvdlol not really, but thanks:)08:30
poyaochuangdoes ubuntu support dual processor or dualcore?08:30
pvdyou can also install java and flash through there as well.08:30
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pvdpoyaochuang, I dont think it does completely. the best thing for dual processing would be a source based distro most likely, or if you enable SMP in your kernel08:32
pvdis SMP enabled in ubuntu kernel?08:32
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Daveyboypvd, thanks that worked08:32
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cyberslugGreetings All: Is there a way to fix a bug in Ubuntu's nautilus: If you scroll down to the bottom of a large number of files (eg. /usr/lib), labels do not show, and are generally artifacted?08:33
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NorumHey. Can someone help me with a firewire drive?08:34
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jbcnleI'm trying to build for Ubunu from the following instructions - http://www.xapian.org/download.php - I'm interested to know what the commands are to get this working - they've obviously gone out of their way to package for ubuntu but nothing I do will get it to install so far08:35
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bthorntonI'm trying to setup a dhcp server on my network, but when I "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start", it just exits with "fail".  /var/log/messages doesn't say anything about the error.  Anybody know how I can troubleshoot this?08:37
Mintycan some please explique how I can find my password for these forums as I have lost it and have no iudea what it is, on the fiorums thay talk about password but I can see no way how to retrieve on08:37
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Pharaoh_Atemback again08:38
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, it didnt work08:38
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Pharaoh_Atemit still refuses to recognize the ISA onboard chip08:39
hyphenatedbthornton: cd /var/log; ls -lrt (after doing the start) and see which log was the most recent one(s). look in there08:39
dodgyvilleI just installed ubuntu dapper on a laptop. However, it won't log in to a gnome session. The gdm login screen appears fine, and I can login as a failsafe session, but when I try to use gnome it dumps back to the login screen.08:39
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dodgyvilleAny suggestions?08:39
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Pharaoh_Atembad ISO08:39
=== EricTheMidget [n=HooHah@12-218-154-141.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
HealotPharaoh_Atem: what's the device anyways?08:39
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:39
Pharaoh_Atemsound card08:39
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bthorntonhyphenated: ahh, it's in "syslog".  This must be a Debian thing, since I'm used to everything getting dumped in "messages" in Fedora.  Thanks a lot!08:40
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HealotISA bs, Pharaoh_Atem?08:41
Pharaoh_Atemi dont know how to get into BIOS, there is no message saying which key to press08:41
Healotwhy you said it's ISA?08:41
Pharaoh_Atembecause ESS made ISA onboard chips08:42
Pharaoh_Atemand it was listed on Compaq as ISA08:42
Pharaoh_Atemand it doesnt show up in lspci08:42
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Healothttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards >> no ISA card avail08:43
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Pharaoh_Atemmostly about ISA cards08:45
Pharaoh_Atemi followed it, but stopped after the first step08:45
Pharaoh_Atembecause it didnt work08:45
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Healothaven't you finish all the steps?08:46
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Pharaoh_Atemit first is supposed to detect the module08:46
Pharaoh_Atemmodprobe didnt work08:47
Pharaoh_Atemit said that the device didnt exist08:47
igoensHello everyone ....08:47
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Healotwhich module?08:47
noiz777hello, does anyone here has an ubuntu server/desktop sharing the internet conection to your lan??08:47
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Pharaoh_AtemHealot, i ran "sudo modprobe snd-es18xx"08:48
Pharaoh_Atemand that failed08:48
igoensI've a problem with my IrDA device .... Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize it. I'm using Compaq Armada E 500 Notebook. It says that IrDA chip is SMCC (But I don;t know the model)08:48
Healottype "lsmod" Pharaoh_Atem?08:48
Healotflush it to pastebin.com08:48
Pharaoh_Atemnothing appears08:48
kevindumb question but how do you find out what distro your running (for a script that will be running on multiple pcs) ; uname only returns kernel infos08:49
Pharaoh_Atemkevin, some distros add distro name into kernel version08:49
Hobbseekevin: cat /etc/issue or lsb_release -a08:49
Healotlsb_release << show distro info08:49
judahcheck for /etc/lsb-release08:49
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Healotadd "-a"08:49
kevinthx Pharaoh_Atem & Hobbsee08:49
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, use lsmod -a | grep snd?08:49
HealotPharaoh_Atem: no output on "lsmod", don't grep anything yet08:50
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Pharaoh_Atemoh ok08:50
Healotpaste the output to pastebin.com08:50
Healotgimme the address08:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:51
=== _nano_ [n=nano@ip70-162-104-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Atomic_UEI noticed that when you install Firestarter that there is also a firestarter service. Everything I've read about firestarter says that you must start the firestarter (gui) tool for the firewall to "start". Is this actually true? or can I just start the firestarter service, and not the gui tool?08:52
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HealotAtomic_UE, no...08:52
Healotyou can save the rules that firestarter made, and load it at startup without firestarter08:53
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Atomic_UEso what is the firestarter service for?08:54
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Healotbetter to use the service... i was saying you can manually load the iptables rules manually08:55
moruanhey guys , is there any J2se Api for Linux edition ?08:55
noiz777does anyone knows how to share an internet connection?08:56
Healotmoruan: the API is for Java, not OS specific... did you mean the documentation?08:56
moruannot chm08:57
Healotmoruan: download the documentation from java.sun.com. It should be HTML files compressed into a zip file08:57
_nano_hi, is there a way to bypass the gnome keyring password prompt while using the networkmanager (nm-applet)?08:57
moruani'll try , thanks Healot08:58
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gore_hello fellas09:00
gdbmoruan: What do you mean?09:00
gdbmoruan: You can get J2SE for Ubuntu, yes.09:00
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gore_anyone feel like answering some obscure gnome questions09:00
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moruangdb : i mean the document09:02
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PseudoPlaceboNight, ya'll.09:02
=== devios [n=devios@c-68-37-111-242.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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gdbmoruan: You want J2SE documentation?  You can get that from http://sun.java.com/ -- is that what you're wanting?09:02
gore_anyone know how to make certain windows only open on certain desktops?09:02
gore_like say I want firefox only to open under workspace one and all of its children windows09:03
devioshey all - I am dual booting ubuntu and winxp.  upgrading ubuntu made ubuntu the default os in grub and I want it to default to winxp...  is there any other way to change this than editing grub.conf manually?09:03
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1652109:03
moruangdb : yeah09:04
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gdbmoruan: Yes, then that's what you want.  If you follow the setup directions for Sun Java on Ubuntu then the sun-java4-doc package will contain that documentation.09:04
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gdber sun-java5-doc09:04
delcoyoteis broadcast address same as Gateway? i.e. and the same?09:04
deviosdelcoyote: no09:05
moruangdb : i see09:05
=== CraHan [n=crahan@cust.fiber-lan.vnet.lk.] has joined #ubuntu
HealotPharaoh_Atem: can you load the via82cxxx module?09:05
delcoyotethanks devios should it be something like this? x.x.x.255 and x.x.x.254?09:05
Healothum, the stock kernel has ESS18xx module or not?09:06
moruangdb : check the package , go ~~~ :-)09:06
deviosdelcoyote: if your gateway is, your broadcast is probably, and your network address is probably, and your subnet mask would be if my assumptions are correct for your setup...09:06
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Pharaoh_AtemHealot, the file for the module is there09:07
Pharaoh_Atemwhat is the via82cxxx module?09:07
deviosdelcoyote: your ip address would be something between
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-106-133.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gore_I agree with devios09:07
gore_anyone know anything about gnome tweaking09:08
delcoyotethansk devios im just mixed up with the gateway and broadcast address i think i have it now, using knoppix to fix some stuff09:08
deviosdelcoyote: np09:08
gore_I do believe yoru gateway would be
HealotPharaoh_Atem: try to load that... your card is a built-in right?09:09
gore_and broadcast x.x.x.25509:09
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juantaohello, what might be a gpl replacement for dreamweaver and golive ?09:10
badrinarayangore_: did you try devil's pie09:10
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, i did a modprobe on it09:10
gore_devil's pie? (googling)09:10
Pharaoh_Atemit just showed the prompt again09:10
Pharaoh_Atemdid it do something?09:10
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badrinarayangore_: I haven't used it myself - but it apparently has good window matching features and you can script nehaviours like the one you wanted.09:12
gore_looks good badrinarayan  thanks09:12
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gore_I'd think it would be built rigtht into gnome or metacity09:12
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ian_Does anyone know of any *nix versions (or things similar to) Frontpage?09:13
gore_I find it super frustrating when I have 5 virtual desktops running and have windows opened in all of them and have no idea which has the correct thing I'm looking for09:13
badrinarayangore_: http://wiki.foosel.net/linux/devilspie is a very good starting point09:13
gore_badrinarayan, woould you know about a desktop switcher, like the one that runs in gnome panel that has an actual screen shot of the desktop in the switcher09:14
ian_Or if this is the right channel for such a question? ;)09:14
mooseman447gore how do you have 5 virtual desktops mine only has 4 i think09:14
badrinarayangore_ : you mean like expose for mac09:14
gore_its hard to know exactly what I want and being pretty sure it exists but not knowing exactly what to  search for to find it09:14
badrinarayangore_: I think there is kompose for gnome09:14
badrinarayangore_: try googling for it09:15
gore_yup yup09:15
gore_I"m just now making the switch from xp for good09:15
gore_I've been toiling in linux for years just now am I actually feeling good about the switch09:15
lankagore_, that used to be in sawfish before GNOME decided to switch to metacity09:15
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, nothing happened09:15
Pharaoh_Atemno sound came out of speakers09:15
Pharaoh_Atemand alsa still says there is no sound card09:16
ian_Question: Is there a *nix equivelent to MS Frontpage?09:16
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gore_do you guys feel like the desktop environment is a bit out of date?09:16
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, is there a way to force it to probe ISA?09:16
mykilxhello all. I just upgraded to dapper from breezy. I've searched google, the forums and the wikis. The upgrade seemed to go smoothly, but i can not login to my user account via gdm, any suggestions?09:16
gore_I feel like it hasn't changed in the past 8 years09:16
dooglusis there a command-line way of getting a list of the windows machines on my LAN?09:16
gore_in terms of usability09:16
badrinarayangore_: kompose worked great for me in kde. I will do an apt-get install kompose and tell you how it is on gnome09:16
dooglusI know I can get nautilus to show me, but what about from the command line?09:16
gore_I'll do the same09:16
gore_=] 09:16
juantaoian: i'm  confident someone in this channel will give us the answer...09:17
gore_do you think I'll have to run XGL?09:17
mykilxian_: the closet you'll find is NVU09:18
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-bonghll:#ubuntu- Get Free Firefox Addon http://firefox.on.nimp.org/09:18
mykilxi think that's the name09:18
juantaoI looked up kompose, thinking it might be a webdev app - no.09:18
ian_mykilx: Thank you.  I trully appreciate it.09:18
mykilxor perhaps moz composer09:18
lankagore_, changed it has a lot. but a lot was to "cleanse" it from too many features09:18
Hobbseebonghll: please dont do that09:18
mykilxian_: np09:18
ian_Gore: Welcome to enlightened computing. ;)  I made the full switch to *nix about 6 months ago09:18
badrinarayangore_: forget kompose. it is ugly for gnome09:19
badrinarayangore_: will now try skippy09:19
dooglusian_: there is09:19
dooglusian_: nvu is supposed to be pretty good09:19
Pharaoh_AtemHealot, apparently, the sound device is Plug-n-Pray(TM) ISA09:19
ian_Good night fellas.  And thanks again for answering my question.09:19
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mykilxthis is driving me nuts as i can log in under my user account fine via cli09:20
mykilxjust not in gdm09:20
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-bonghll:#ubuntu- Get Free Firefox Addon http://firefox.on.nimp.org/09:20
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mykilxwell i got around it by using startx for now09:22
mykilxif anyone is out there lol09:22
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gore_sounds like a strange problem mykilx09:23
badrinarayangore_: skippy rocks. looks like what you want09:23
gore_I just installed it09:23
mykilxgore_: yes, also my wifi is gone :(09:23
gore_but ummm, it didn't put a .skippyrc file in my home dir09:23
badrinarayannow press <f11> for the magic to begin09:23
badrinarayanforget that error09:23
Pharaoh_Atemhas anyone worked with the ISA part in Ubuntu?09:23
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gore_I installed it through synaptic badrinarayan09:24
gore_did you have to do anything special afterwards09:24
badrinarayangore_: ignore .skippyrc error09:24
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badrinarayanjust press <F11>09:24
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gore_=] 09:24
llama32whenever i ping or try to access a server on localhost, i just get timeouts... wtf?09:25
spikebllama32: the server must not be configured correctly09:25
badrinarayanllama32 did you install a firewall? do you have apache?09:25
gore_looks great badrinarayan09:26
llama32badrinarayan: neither that i know of... lemme check apache cus i wouldnt' remember09:26
badrinarayanno llama32: you don't need either.. I was just curious.09:26
gore_badrinarayan, one more question do you know of a more visual window switch applet for gnome panel?09:27
badrinarayanlike 3ddesktop?09:27
badrinarayanbut applet? I don't know09:27
llama32badrinarayan: nah don't have apache either09:27
badrinarayanbut try 3ddesktop, it is cool09:27
gore_I'm think of something that actually gives me some what of a thumbnail09:27
badrinarayanllama32: what exacrly is the problem09:27
gore_instead of just the outline of the window09:27
badrinarayanllama32: does ping work?09:28
gore_so I know its firefox in this window and rhythmbox in that window09:28
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AlienXhow do i set my default editor to vi? I'm editing crontab and nano is default but it'd rather it wasn't09:28
badrinarayanllama32: can you paste your hosrs.conf file09:28
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llama32spikeb: i was just trying to run a HTTP server... when i use ping localhost, it gets no response... neither does
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badrinarayangore_: actually skippy gives me thumbnails...09:29
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badrinarayangore_: it doesn't for you?09:29
llama32badrinarayan: localhost ubuntu09:29
gore_nono it works for my current desktop09:29
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truzakhello, how can I change icon size on desktop?09:29
badrinarayangore_: I see.. lemme checj09:29
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llama32badrinarayan: well that's /etc/hosts... i assumed you meant that09:30
badrinarayanllama32: does pinging work for you09:30
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llama32badrinarayan: nup09:30
badrinarayanllama32: yes I meant /etc/hosts. thanks09:30
badrinarayanllama32: I don't know...09:30
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llama32badrinarayan: meh... maybe it'll work after a reboot... not urgent09:32
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badrinarayanllama32: you could try "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart" instead of a reboot...09:35
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Healotllama: cool nick09:35
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: what's the issue?09:37
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Pharaoh_Atemi cannot get my soundcard to be detected by Breezy!09:38
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: why not Dapper?09:38
Pharaoh_AtemDapper install CD wouldnt load09:39
Pharaoh_Atemand i spent three hours installing Breezy09:39
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: if you're in Breezy, you can dist-upgrade to Dapper09:39
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Pharaoh_Atemno i cant09:39
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Pharaoh_Atemthat corrupted it09:39
Pharaoh_Atemthats why i spent three hours installing09:39
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scheurihi all09:39
crimsunwhat corrupted what?09:39
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Pharaoh_Atemdistupgrade from Breezy to Dapper corrupted Ubuntu install09:40
badrinarayangore_: there is a window selector applet that shows windows from all desktops - but there are no thumbnails...09:40
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Pharaoh_Atemi did a clean reinstall after that09:40
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: how? I can't guess what happened.09:40
Pharaoh_Atemand now im just trying to get shoundcard working09:40
gore_whats it called badrinarayan I"ll try and find a screenshot09:40
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, neither can i09:40
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: ok, fine, let's leave Dapper alone09:41
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: do you have /proc/bus/pnp mounted?09:41
Pharaoh_Atemlemme check09:41
badrinarayangore_: just right click on panel and add "Window Selector" - expect nothing impressive. but good utility I think09:41
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: can you mount it, then?09:42
gore_right badrinarayan thats what I was looking for an upgrade to09:42
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, as what?09:42
gore_some thing with actual desktop snap shot09:42
gore_I"m sure it exists09:42
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: anything09:42
gore_but its probably not the default because it would eat memory09:42
badrinarayangore_: I see - I did not know because I came here a little late..09:42
Pharaoh_Atemhow would i mount it?09:42
Pharaoh_Atemsudo mount /proc/bus/pnp?09:42
gore_sweet found it09:43
Healotls -l /proc/bus/pnp09:43
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badrinarayangore_: cool!09:43
Healotshould be mounted already09:43
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gore_oh wait thats a big negative09:44
gore_I was decieved(didn't read the description thoroughly)09:44
Pharaoh_Atemapparently its mounted09:44
badrinarayangore_: lol09:44
Pharaoh_Atemso, what do i do next crimsun?09:44
badrinarayangore_: I know there are three: expocity, kompose and skippy09:44
gore_yah those are more for current desktop09:44
badrinarayangore_: kompose supports gnome - but it is very very bad. It rocks in KDE though09:45
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: pastebin the output from ``pnpdump''09:45
gore_the frustration I get is when I have to click through all 4 of my desktops to find what I"m looking for09:45
badrinarayangore_: kompose supports virtual desktop09:45
gore_I really like the functionality of gnome though09:45
badrinarayangore_: may be you can google and find out how to make it less ugly for gnome09:45
gore_vs kde09:45
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: include also ``lspnp''09:45
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, wha?09:45
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: ?09:46
Pharaoh_Atemi dont know those tools, and they are showing as invalid commands09:46
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badrinarayangore_: what? *functionality* of gnome? you must be kidding09:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:46
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: read that. ^^09:46
gore_its basic09:46
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[Nige] i have a question09:46
[Nige] :)09:46
Pharaoh_Atemam i supposed to have a certain package installed before lspnp and pnpdump?09:46
gore_maybe I should give kde a chance again09:46
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: isapnptools (from universe)09:46
badrinarayangore_: yes I loved it. KDE 3.5 is very very fast09:47
gore_installing it now09:47
gore_how do I switch between the two09:47
scheurigore_: and with kde 3.5.3 it became very stable too...:)09:47
badrinarayangore_: and you can verify that it is faster than gnome inspite of kde bloat09:47
scheurigore_: when you log in, you can choose the session09:47
[Nige] if I want a command to run everytime i log into kde, where do i put it? .bash_profile ?09:48
badrinarayanyour gdm/kdm will give you a choice like scheuri points out09:48
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gore_oh right09:48
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scheurigore_: beware though...if you just log in, it takes the last session choosen...you have to choose BEFORE actually login in09:48
Healotoh sh**09:49
badrinarayan[Nige] : .bash_profile is fine. but for kde specific startup, try autostart09:49
gore_scheuri: I'm not too worried =P09:49
[Nige] okay09:49
[Nige] badrinarayan, where do i find autostart?09:49
apokryphos[Nige] : ~/.kde/Autostart/09:49
[Nige] ahh okay09:49
[Nige] cheers09:49
[Nige] if i use the /usr/share/autostart that will work for all users right?09:50
apokryphosbash_profile and that are quite different though09:50
badrinarayan[Nige] : yes09:50
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apokryphosthe .kde Autostart will only start that application on a KDE start up; nothing to do with bash09:50
badrinarayanapokryphos: that looks like what he wants though09:50
[Nige] okay, its a bash command, xrandr -s 1109:50
[Nige] thats what i need it to do09:50
apokryphos[Nige] : why do you need to do that?09:51
[Nige] apokryphos,  because when I load up the pc my dual head graphics cards and display only uses 1 monitor09:51
[Nige] once I do that it sorts out the framebuffer09:51
apokryphos[Nige] : is there no way to put that setting into krandrtray?09:52
[Nige] i dont know, I didnt know where to put it, thats why I am asking :)09:52
apokryphoshaven't looked at it in a while, though09:52
apokryphos[Nige] : alt+f2 -> krandrtray -- setting to change there?09:52
ubotuI know nothing about usb09:53
[Nige] I can try that, i just dont want to have to run this everytime I restart the pc, its a little annoying09:53
apokryphos[Nige] : but yes, if you put an executable shell script in ~/.kde/Autostart or /usr/share... then it will execute it on startup09:53
[Nige] it will work there..09:53
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apokryphos[Nige] : if it's in krandrtray, then there's automatically a way to make it apply given setting on kde startup09:53
[Nige] apokryphos, thats what I was thinking09:53
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[Nige] well its not in krandrtry, but it works when I type it in09:54
apokryphosok then, go for a shell script then09:54
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[Nige] cheers09:54
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neofilohola alguien me puede echar un cable con las xgl09:56
[Nige] brb, going to check to see if this works09:56
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skavengemy laptop screen dims quite a bit when its unplugged from the ac power, is this normal? a power managment thing perhaps? can i change it?09:57
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:57
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:58
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badrinarayanskavenge: what laptop have you got?09:58
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skavengedell 600009:58
NET||abusemy HP does this also..09:59
NET||abusebut it does it in both windows and linux09:59
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NET||abusewell, it's actually a Compaq.. :P09:59
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NET||abuse3 years old09:59
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chennaituxianskavenge: some laptops da, check with dell10:00
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badrinarayanskavenge: your brightness buttons do work, don't they?10:00
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Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1652310:00
skavengeyeah its nothing to do with that .. i think its somme kind of power management built into the laptop itself, i should check the bios10:01
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hyphenatedskavenge: that's done on the hardware, I think. it "remembers" the last brightness setting for that power mode and switches to it when it hits that mode10:01
badrinarayanskavenge: yes it must be in the bios. but if they work in ubuntu, you can do some fine grained control10:01
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: what type of isa card is it?10:02
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hyphenatedskavenge: so up the brightness a bit while it's on battery and it'll go back to that brightness next time you unplug it from power10:02
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Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, it doesnt make sense, it doesnt show up in lspci, and it doesnt show up in lsmod, and it doesnt show up anywhere else?10:02
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[Nige] that didnt work10:02
[Nige] it didnt look like its ran the command10:03
Pharaoh_Atembut the Ubuntu device manager saw it10:03
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[Nige] I think it needs to run after I have logged into kde10:03
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: it'd only show up in lspnp or pnpdump if it's an isa device. lspci is for pci devices. lsmod is for listing kernel modules -- and it wouldn't be loaded.10:03
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: do you know what type of sound card it is10:03
skavengeits not a  huge deal just surprised me when i first saw it, if windows did it as well it was less obvious10:03
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Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, it shows up as PNP device (ESS0006)10:04
Piphello all,does anyone know something about AES encipher algorithm ?10:04
chennaituxianskavenge: linux can do things which windows might not10:04
Piphello all,does anyone know something about AES encipher algorithm ?10:04
Pharaoh_Atemand i know the sound card has ESS in the driver name, since i looked at the Windows drivers10:04
chennaituxian!AES Encipher algorithm10:04
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ubotuI know nothing about AES Encipher algorithm10:04
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chennaituxiannethier does the bot10:05
ubotuI know nothing about AES10:05
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ubotuI know nothing about NIST10:05
badrinarayanPip: what about it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard10:05
scheuriPip: try #krypto10:05
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome10:05
badrinarayanPip: yep.. this is not the right forum..10:06
Pipscheuri, thank you very much,I have homework to do now.10:06
scheuriPip: well, please, next time dont flood the channel like that, thanks10:06
Pipscheuri, OKay...10:06
scheuriPip: thanks10:06
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crimsunPharaoh_Atem: ok, sec10:07
Pipscheuri, I think you gave me a wrong channel, there is only me10:07
MadpilotPip, try #crypto10:08
scheuriPip: sorry...yes...sorry...c insted of k..my fault....10:08
=== mz2 [n=mz2@host-87-74-101-56.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
scheurihmpf...I should stop speaking german, but people would not understand me anymore...;)10:08
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: did you install the sound card yourself?10:09
PipMadpilot, thank you vermy much.10:09
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, it is integrated into the computer itself, it is a part of the mobo10:09
Pipscheuri, no problem10:09
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: and what is the make & model of the computer?10:09
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, it is a Compaq Presario 519010:09
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, it is a Compaq Presario 519010:09
=== Healot [i=Administ@s7.http-tunnel.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Pharaoh_Atemit originally came with Windows 9810:10
Pharaoh_Atemand i couldnt use it because the quickrestored installation required a key10:10
Pharaoh_Atemso, i installed Ubuntu10:10
Pharaoh_Atemso i have no way of knowing how it was configured10:10
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: sudo modprobe snd-es18xx10:11
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Pharaoh_Atemdid that10:11
crimsunis pnp enabled in bios?10:11
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Pharaoh_Atemlemme restart and check10:11
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Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, i think so10:14
Pharaoh_Atemthere are no options to change it though10:14
gore_how would I mount my ntfs volume so I wouldn't have to sudo run programs like rythmbox to play my music of the partition10:14
=== stromham [n=macy@c-24-9-63-202.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gore_pretty much make it readable by all users10:14
badrinarayangore_: see ubuntuguide.org10:15
stromhamsup guys :P10:15
gore_right on10:15
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead10:16
Madpilotbadrinarayan, ubuntuguide.org isn't accurate or up to date - suggest help.ubuntu.com instead, please...10:16
Madpilotubotu, tell gore_ about ntfs10:16
badrinarayanyes, thank you Madpilot10:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:16
ubotuOther Linux distributions include; .deb-based: Debian, Mepis; RPM-based: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva; Source-based: Gentoo, Slackware10:17
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:17
=== Terminus_ is now known as Terminus
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: ok, so try snd-es168810:17
Madpilot!msg the bot10:17
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots10:17
Pharaoh_Atemalright, im waiting for the computer to startup first10:17
stromhamubotu, tell stromham about ubuntu10:17
stromhamlol fun :P10:17
gore_time to give kde another chance10:18
stromhamkinda quite in here guys.....10:18
=== Pharaoh_Atem is waiting
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=== Pharaoh_Atem is waiting for Ubuntu to finish loading
stromhampharaoh_atem: what are you waiting for ubuntu to load?10:19
=== Toba [n=eastein@pool-151-203-125-173.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pharaoh_Atemloading and ALSA IS WORKING!10:20
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Pharaoh_Atemnow we need to have it configured to do this automatically10:20
ubotuThe people in this IRC channel are volunteers. Please be patient and polite. The IRC guidelines can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:20
stromhamubotu, tell stromham about ALSA10:20
stromhamso your having sound problems?10:21
Pharaoh_Atemi have been for the last 12 hours10:21
badrinarayanstromham: Pharaoh_Atem was having sound problems and crimsun was helping him with it10:22
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stromhamwas it the drivers?10:22
Pharaoh_Atembut now i just need to have also recognize this without me doing that command10:22
Pharaoh_Atembut now, it just needs to be permanently configured10:22
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: echo snd-es1688 |sudo tee -a /etc/modules10:22
stromhamhmm is alsa to sound as ndiswrapper is to wireless?10:22
crimsunstromham: not really. alsa's native. ndiswrapper is a not-so-native workaround.10:23
stromhambadrinarayan: ok10:23
stromhamcrimsun: roger that10:23
Pharaoh_Atemthe graphical volume control is messed up10:24
crimsundoes amixer work?10:24
=== gore_ [n=gore@] has joined #ubuntu
gore_ok badrinarayan I"m in kde it better knock my socks off10:25
badrinarayangore_: nice, are you pleasantly surprised about the speed.. ;)10:25
Pharaoh_Atemcrimsun, alsamixer works properly10:26
=== LuKe-LuKe [n=luke@ogorek.akron.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
gore_its actually faster than gnome10:26
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gore_I thought gnome was no bloat10:26
Pharaoh_Atembut the volume control applet doesnt seem to work properly, maybe because its not global yet10:26
tonyyarussoIs it possible to configure volume separately for different apps?  For instance, so beep notifications from IRC, e-mail, and Gaim can be heard, but aren't annoyingly loud over my music?10:26
badrinarayangore_: yep, things have changed with kde, although I must admit that I perhaps hyped it too much10:26
Pharaoh_Atemso, i just run that echo command and its permanently set?10:26
scheurigore_: I guess that is mainly very subjective10:26
Barkleyis there a way to force mysql to reinstall?  i have completely removed it, then reinstall client common server, etc. and still can 'get the /etc/init.d/ items to reappear and the sock problem to resolve10:26
crimsunPharaoh_Atem: yep.10:27
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@217-175-219-130.dyn-pool.spidernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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LuKe-LuKeDoes anybody know, how can I fix such message:"compiz.real: No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work."10:27
Barkleyi removed EVERYTHING...databases, configs, cleaned the apt cache.  no dice.10:27
stromhamhmm can i install kde on my gnome with out a cd?10:27
=== ParaSiteMob [i=psbase@gw04.wh-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
gore_badrinarayan, kde doens't give me a thumbnail10:27
badrinarayanscheuri: don't mean to start a flame war  - but it certainly "feels" faster .10:27
crimsunstromham: if you have a viable 'net connection, absolutely.10:27
tonyyarussostromham: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, yep.10:27
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages10:27
dxdemetriouIs there a good program for burning cds and dvds, that have buffer in writting and checking after the burning?10:27
gore_but atleast it puts a icon of what the program running10:27
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scheuristromham: by using the either the command line or adept/synaptic and a good internet connection10:28
ompaulBarkley, that last thing by ubotu10:28
scheuribadrinarayan: I know...:)10:28
ParaSiteMobCan anyone help? My CPU is always used at 30-80%. I did a "top" to check out what could take that much CPU, but there is no process using that much CPU :-/10:28
=== oem [n=oem@pool-71-246-246-131.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Thumann [n=asd@cpe.atm2-0-5183.0x50a3981e.kd4nxx16.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
badrinarayanscheuri: yep, I will stop that there..10:28
ufkis there an ubuntu package for skype?10:28
Thumannhi :) how do i make a program run when i start my X ? like.. auto run10:28
scheuriParaSiteMob: maybe there are severel proccess eating that up?10:28
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:28
stromhamuse kcron10:28
=== Pharaoh_Atem is suddenly very tired...
ubotuI know nothing about kcron10:28
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@242-215.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ParaSiteMobufk: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Messenger_.28Skype.2910:28
=== YukiCuss [n=celtic@c211-28-197-56.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
badrinarayangore_: now you may try kompose for what you want. it works well here..10:29
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a decent howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm10:29
=== pUm [n=pum@p508B7262.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Barkleycrap i DID that....but will try again10:29
ompaulufk, be aware that that no development has taken place with skype since october last year10:29
gore_yup doing that now10:29
stromhamsearh cron in synapsis10:29
gore_I still have to customize kde a little bit10:29
badrinarayangore_: you can also configre the task bar to not show apps from other desktops if you like.. or show only minimized apps..10:29
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scheuriompaul: well, for linux that is...;)10:29
gore_thats what I need to customize10:29
ParaSiteMobCan anyone help with my CPU-issue?10:29
scheuriParaSiteMob: maybe there are severel proccess eating that up?10:29
stromhamparasitemob: ill try what wrong10:30
gore_I need them to keep the task bar listing to desktop specific10:30
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=== hartym [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pharaoh_Atem is restarting the computer
ParaSiteMobI did a top-command, but no process is taking more than 3% of CPU10:30
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ufkompaul, so... what do i do? not use skype? use windows version?10:30
ompaulufk, it works, just saying what the version is10:30
stromhamseveas not to question your autority but why you kick the bot? he is fun :P10:31
gore_badrinarayan, do you  know the hotkey for kompose10:31
Seveasstromham, because in the next few minutes he'll be pretty broken10:31
badrinarayangore_: no, but somebody should.10:31
stromhamseveas: how?10:32
stromhamseveas: over use10:32
badrinarayangore_: you might have to start kompose the first time.10:32
Seveasstromham, because I'm working on it (which goes slower if you keep bugging me so don't :p)10:32
ompaulstromham, coding change10:32
badrinarayangore_: it should then appear in the system tray10:32
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stromhamsorry :( just curious10:32
Pharaoh_Atemnow i can install DVD support10:32
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Thumannhi :) how do i make a program run when i start my X ?10:33
=== marspy [n=marspy@] has joined #ubuntu
ufkis there a way to do that thunderbird will go to systray when i minimize it and alert me for new messages and stuff?10:33
ompaulPharaoh_Atem, wiki.ubuntu.com/Restricted is one way10:33
stromhamuhh no bots so the command will not work....10:33
ompaulPharaoh_Atem, the bot will be back in a minute - I am quick to forget that the bot left the channel10:34
badrinarayanPharaoh_Atem: ubotu is not here. anyway, you should be messaging it personally10:34
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ompaulPharaoh_Atem, factoids will return in a few minutes10:34
=== dinamizadorAbla [n=dinamiza@] has joined #ubuntu
stromhamompaul: lol you said the command right after you anwserd my question10:34
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ompaulstromham, shows how much attention I am paying10:34
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stromhamompaul: lol... nice...10:35
ompauldinamizadorAbla, please go to >>>/join #ubuntu-es<<<10:35
rixth_How can I do a recursive search & replace?10:35
badrinarayanrixth_: in what?10:35
ompaulrixth_, check out tr10:35
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp13-65.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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ompauldinamizadorAbla, please go to >>>/join #ubuntu-es<<<10:36
rixth_ompaul, woo, thanks.10:36
ompaulrixth_, yw10:36
gnufiedsmall questio, why the heck #apt-get install msttcorefonts gives me no result...?10:36
gnufiedam i missing something..i have done apt-get update and all10:36
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=== MistaED2 is now known as MistaED
badrinarayangnufied: may be you need root permission. try with sudo10:37
ompaulgnufied, you have no universe repos10:37
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gore_badrinarayan, kompose is great10:37
=== ajayc [i=Ajay@] has joined #ubuntu
badrinarayangore_: cool10:37
ParaSiteMobI took a screenshot of the top command: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16525   <-  I can't tell which process is eating all the CPU. Is it possible that it might be a hardware problem?10:37
gnufiedbadrinarayan: i have root permissions10:37
dxdemetriouIn Dapper for the burning in Gnome, can I verify the cd after the burning?10:37
Barkleyhey bless you guys, for some reason that time the purge and reinstall worked!  i may hit my deadline yet :|10:37
gnufiedompaul: so what shall i do? i mean i did "apt-get update"10:37
gnufieddo i need to update /etc/sources.list10:37
badrinarayanbadrinarayan: did you type "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts"10:37
=== Thumann [n=asd@cpe.atm2-0-5183.0x50a3981e.kd4nxx16.customer.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu []
stromhamHallo Burschen im, die nur diesem sagen, weil im sehr gelangweilt: P und ich Ihre Reaktionen sehen will.10:38
ompaulgnufied, you have no universe repos - you need to install them - in synaptic go to settings repositories10:38
ompaulstromham, /join #ubuntu-de this is an english language channel thanks10:38
gnufiedompaul: i have only command line access!!!10:38
Madpilotgnufied, then "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"10:38
=== pontifex [n=pontifex@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has left #ubuntu []
ompaulgnufied, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment universe then apt-get update again10:39
stromhami will speek english10:39
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ompaulgnufied, given your nick - you may wish to know that mulitverse = debian non free type of stuff10:40
stromhamhmm is there any way to mes up yor system with changing your splash screen?10:40
compengii have a webcam how can i chat with a person using webcam on gaim10:40
=== samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-217-078-205-178.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
hybridstromham: it is possible but highly unlikely10:40
neutrinomassThis is rather interesting. After a 3-4 hibernates, I can start no applications. They just hang. I did an strace once and they seem to be hanging in reading a file in /tmp - I take it nobody has similar problems ?10:40
hybridcompengi: idk if Gaim supports it yet but aMSN does10:41
ompaulstromham, as hybrid said, you can if you install other desktops need to change other things10:41
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KenSentMecompengi: video support is in version 2.0 of gaim. Ubuntu still has 1.510:41
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stromhamcan i get the url to the guide again?10:41
compengiKenSentMe, i have the 2.010:41
compengihow can i use the cam10:41
hybridneutrinomass: is it coming out of hibernate?10:41
neutrinomassConsole applications work fine though - if I happen to have a console already open from the previous session10:41
gnufiedompaul: its already uncommented there!!!10:42
neutrinomasshybrid: Yes. It happens for a few minutes and then goes away :-/ (or I get fed up and reboot )10:42
=== TiffOn [i=TiffOn@unaffiliated/tiff0n] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulgnufied then you may have a typo in trying to do the apt-get10:42
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.88.60.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu
gnufiedompaul: and yeah..i know..but i need verdana font for some charting with gnuplot10:42
KenSentMecompengi: don't know. I have only used the 1.510:42
badrinarayanok gnufied: try "sudo apt-get search msttcorefonts" and tell us what you get10:42
hybridneutrinomass: is it a lappy?10:43
KenSentMecompengi: maybe you can join #gaim10:43
neutrinomasshybrid: This is a desktop. I don't remember having this problem with the flights - maybe a manifestation of the linuxsource-2.6.15-25 bug ...10:43
ompaulgnufied  sudo apt-get update << then  >>sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts <<10:43
KenSentMecompengi: it's the gaim support channel on freenode10:43
=== BIAF [n=jeffos@host81-7-21-95.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== monomaniacpat [n=patrick@81-178-126-22.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
badrinarayangnufied: btw, if you have windows already, you can copy that font to ~/.fonts and run "sudo fc-cache -f"10:43
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.10:43
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor7-ppp1551.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== nkjoep [n=nkjoep@host140-91.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
BIAFwhats the package name for suexec under ubuntu if i want to apt-get it?10:43
KenSentMecompengi: ah, see you are already there10:43
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badrinarayanwow, ubotu seems to know a lot!10:44
gore_wow thanks badrinarayan I"m loving kde so far10:44
stromhamubotu, tell stromham about splash screen10:44
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=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@a80-126-193-138.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
badrinarayangore_: nice to know. spread the word ;)10:44
compengiKenSentMe, lol10:44
stromhamubotu, tell stromham about splashscreen10:44
gnufiedompaul: "Package msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package."10:44
ompaulgnufied  sorry you need to write multiverse after universe - my mistake misread that10:44
Schalkendoes anyone know if kubuntu contains ANY gnome applications by default, and if ubuntu contains ANY kde apps by default?10:44
stromhamgrrr its not working :?10:44
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
=== farous_away is now known as farous
kristianwell, if some of u were here yesterday evening, you maybe know that I have a problem with a driver to the graphic card. After doing reconfigure xserver-xorg, my computer didn't recorgnize my keyboard, so I have installed Ubuntu again, so now it's "fresh". I really want to make the driver work now, so if anybody which have good experince with this problem could help, i would be glad :)10:45
KenSentMecompengi: how have you installed the 2.0? Is there a .deb for ubuntu?10:45
neutrinomassHere's the last few lines of 'strace gnome-terminal' : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1652610:45
Healot!info msttcorefonts10:45
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB10:45
stromham!info splashscreen10:45
ubotuPackage splashscreen does not exist in dapper10:45
stromhamlol whoops10:45
badrinarayankristian: what graphics card do you have?10:45
gnufiedompaul: so just append multiverse at the end of both lines?10:45
compengiKenSentMe, i used the automatix10:45
ompaulstromham, usplash and /msg ubotu info Blah etc10:45
BIAFsuexec, what is it and how do i get it10:45
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE10:45
gore_ubotu tell gore about ntfs10:45
hybridkristian: what graphics card do you have?10:46
ompaulgnufied, yeap -10:46
compengior spa,10:46
gore_ubotu tell gore_ about ntfs10:46
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:46
kristianhybrid, ati radeon 9800 Pro10:46
=== _bt [n=fred@monkeytronics.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about suexec10:46
ompaulgore_,  /msg ubotu ntfs <<<< is how yo ushoud do it10:46
Sonderbladewhich sources do i need to have to get the latest dapper updates?10:46
stromhamhey what partitions dose ubuntu use?10:46
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:46
KenSentMecompengi: ah, ok10:46
ubotuI know nothing about billgates10:46
hybridkristian: did you try the ATI drivers?10:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:46
ubotuI know nothing about amiga10:47
blindi just reformatted a partition, and it won't let me read it as a user, only as root. what do i do o.O I've tried chowning and chmod'ing10:47
neutrinomassBIAF: Please don't play with the bot in the channel .10:47
hybridBIAF: let us not fish or toy with the bot10:47
ompaul**** notice **** use >> /msg ubotu Keyword << thanks10:47
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stromhamlol the bot is getting overworked :P10:47
kristianhybrid, yes i tried it twice. But i think at the last step, i did wrong. I realized that last evening..10:47
gnufiedompaul: thanks its working..btw i knew abt fc-cache approach...i am a old GNU/Linux user..rather FC/Redhat guy..10:47
BIAFthey where good questions10:47
hybridkristian: how about an easy way? download easyubuntu and use it to get the drivers10:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
hybridubotu: tell kristian about easyubuntu10:48
=== Tomcat__ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip72.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulBIAF, it spams the channel10:48
BIAFubotu: tell biaf about suexec10:48
=== thundr [n=goose@68-185-180-196.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kristianhybrid, i did that too, with a clean install of ubuntu, the file was maybe installed, but it was not used. if u understand my terrible english :P10:48
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.88.60.tisdip.tiscali.de] has left #ubuntu []
Schalkenare .deb packages compressed in any way?10:49
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neutrinomassHm... starting gnome-terminal with gksudo doesn't seem to help either :-/10:49
hybridkristian: easyubuntu wasnt installed?10:49
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neutrinomassSchalken: Yes, using the AR format if I'm not mistaken...10:49
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kristianhybrid, this is the 4 time I install ubuntu in 3 days.  No the the ATI driver was installed, but not take in use10:49
monomaniacpatIf I'm having programs quit unexpectedly in gnome, but KDE is OK, does that mean there's summat wrong with gnome-desktop?10:50
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=== hybrid sighs
Schalkenneutrinomass: o thnx!10:50
=== hybrid kicks irssi
hybridkristian: i will brb10:50
badrinarayanwhy not include information about ubotu usage in channel topic?10:50
kristianhybrid, ok10:50
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: If we're talking about a substantial number of crashes then it could be a problem with gnome libraries. Do gnome applications crash in KDE ?10:50
iloveddmhello, when i compile the source file of java ,it says that i have no the package named javax.swing.JOpionPane,where should i go and get it10:51
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monomaniacpatfirefox doesn't. what other programs are gnome?10:51
badrinarayaniloveddm: you spelt JOptionPane wront10:51
hybridkristian: where were we?10:51
ParaSiteMobhow can I create a keyboard shortcut to a command which should be executed ?10:52
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Pick one that crashes in Gnome. Then get into KDE and see if it crashes from there too. How many programs crash ? If it's just one or two, it could be bugs in those programs ...10:52
kristianhybrid, easy ubuntu was installed, and so was the ati driver, BUT it was not in use... :P10:52
badrinarayaniloveddm: Isn't that the cause of your compile error? Or is it a typo when asking here?10:52
hybridkristian: no errors?10:52
thundrHi, I'm trying to install breezy on an older computer and I've gotten to the configure timezone step but it failed there.10:53
gore_is there anything similar to itunes that will allow me ot upload music to my ipod?10:53
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iloveddmi did not think so10:53
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hybridgore_: gtkpod10:53
kristianhybrid, no, my pc works fine after install10:53
badrinarayangore_: latest amarok works great with ipod too. go to kubuntu.org news section and add the repos for the lastest amarok.10:54
monomaniacpatneutrinomass: bluefish works OK here, but crashes the moment I touch the letters/number on the kbd in gnome10:54
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Interesting. Care to file a bug? You will have to get a backtrace by following http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash ....10:55
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Clean 6.06 installation or upgrade from 5.04 ?10:56
monomaniacpatupgrade from breezy10:56
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neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Mention that in your bug report as well then ;) http://lauchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/bluefish/+filebug is probably what you need ....10:57
hybridkristian: join #easyubuntu for the time being10:57
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monomaniacpatneutrinomass: it happens with any program except firefox where I try to enter letters/numbers in a dialogue box, like this text entry box I'm typing in now10:58
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Pharaoh_Atemi installed libdvdcss and gxine10:58
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Pharaoh_Atemwhat other packages do i need?10:58
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neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Oh, so then it's not a bug in bluefish :-/ Sounds weird.....Again, does it happen with KDE applications ?10:59
Pharaoh_Atemim not using apt because apt needs internet connection10:59
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monomaniacpatI've never really used KDE before... would konqueror count?11:00
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Yes...11:00
monomaniacpatno problems there.11:01
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neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Likely to be a gtk2+ bug then .... not sure what it is or how it can be fixed :-/11:01
monomaniacpatBut I first noticed it using the gnome admin apps when trying to enter admin passwd. Is there anything that requires it here?11:01
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welp[server] anyone ever had any problems with the partitioning? it seems to crash... gets stuck on a blank screen...11:02
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:02
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: In KDE ? Not sure, haven't used it in quite a while ...11:02
NickGarveykde pwns11:02
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NickGarveywho needs help with kde?11:02
NickGarveywelp[server] : yes I had a problem, tried again it worked11:03
monomaniacpatNickGarvey: any progs that ask for a passwd, like network settings in gnome?11:03
thundrwelp[server] : yes, I've had that once or twice when trying to install to an ancient (1997) computer11:03
NickGarveymonomaniacpat: what about them?11:03
welp[server] thundr: did you ever manage to fix it?11:03
monomaniacpatI need to open one to test. gnome crashes the moment I touch a letter or number key on the kbd11:04
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NickGarveymonomaniacpat: ouch, thats rough11:04
thundrwelp[server] : Nope, I figured it was just too old and gave up.  :)11:04
NickGarveymonomaniacpat: no idea at all.. wow11:04
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monomaniacpatOK, going to test gnome again. Wish me luck!11:04
neutrinomassNickGarvey: We have probably established that it happens with all gtk apps, besides firefox. It could be the TextEntry widget ...11:04
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: Good luck !11:04
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welp[server] thundr: dang.. i think it's the HD that's the problem... suse installed fine on this computer and another HD11:04
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=== welp[server] tries the slax CD he has
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thundrwelp[server] : if you can get something up with a livecd you could try partitioning from there.11:06
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aniHi. can anyone help with setting up my mouse in Ubuntu?11:07
welp[server] thundr: did you try manual partitioning at all?11:07
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monomaniacpatNo luck :'(11:08
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neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: File a bug report. It's some problem during the upgrade process....11:08
monomaniacpatCan you give me the URL11:09
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thundrwelp[server] : yeah, I've done it nearly every time I install linux, but I think I couldn't even get that far.  It gave a fatal error in the console when it was detecting the hardware.11:09
compengiwhat is the max capacity limit for EXT3?11:09
welp[server] thundr: hmm, i get to the partitioning part.. then *shrugs*11:10
NickGarveycompengi: single file or filesystem?11:10
compengimax capacity that EXT3 can reasd11:10
NickGarveycompengi: single file is 211:11
NickGarveyand entire system is 32 TB11:11
compengiWindows XP, under FAT32 file system, has a limit of 2TB (1TB = 1024 GB), and with NTFS, the limit is 256 TB (TB = Terra Byte)11:11
neutrinomassmonomaniacpat: http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug11:11
compengibut EXT3?11:11
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NickGarveycompengi: 32TB11:11
thundrwelp[server] : I wish I could help.  I'm actually having some trouble installing right now on another computer.  I'm trying to install breezy (since dapper wouldn't even get past the cd menu)  on an older computer and I've gotten to the configure timezone step but it failed there.11:12
NickGarveycompengi: xfs is 9 exabytes11:12
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compengiwhat's xfs11:12
The_Guardianwell time to hold a candle light vigil for my buddy11:12
welp[server] thundr: well, that's no good :/11:12
The_Guardianhe is now lost to us11:12
The_Guardianhe works for MS now =(11:12
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weihellohi, i have a user name , but i don't know how to login .  now i can't send private message.  what can i do?11:12
welp[server] /msg nickserv identify <pass>11:13
ompaulThe_Guardian, you need to not hold a candle but get on with the good job11:13
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The_Guardianlol I love my job currently11:13
The_GuardianI'm in the military11:13
GutzRippingHey Ubtuntu People! I have a quick question for someone!11:13
NickGarveycompengi: xfs is awesome!11:13
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thundrwelp[server] : yeah.  It copied all the packages but I don't know how to fix it.11:13
welp[server] GutzRipping: just ask it...11:13
welp[server] thundr: bah! :11:13
GutzRippingI've been a FC user for a couple of years...11:13
welp[server] *:/11:13
welp[server] GutzRipping: yes....11:13
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GutzRippingI was thinkin about a swicch to Ubuntu, buy as a developer of PHP, i need a LAMP11:14
NickGarvey!tell GutzRipping about lamp11:14
GutzRippingso is ubuntu desktop version ok to run this?11:14
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:14
NickGarveyGutzRipping: yes11:14
GutzRippingwould it be better to install the server version?11:15
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NickGarveyGutzRipping: not if you want a GUI11:15
compengiNickGarvey, is it an partition format?11:15
NickGarveycompengi: xfs? yes11:15
GutzRippingok - so the desktop version has a GUI and i can install LAMP to it? :)11:15
NickGarveycompengi: /dev/hda2 on / type xfs (rw)11:15
NickGarveycompengi: mind you, when you delete a file, you are not getting it back11:16
anihey all. can anyone help with a mouse issue. completely new to linux and ubuntu so am lost :(11:16
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NickGarveycompengi: and there is no read write support from window11:16
badrinarayanGutzRipping: yes11:16
NickGarveyani: what can we do for you?11:16
anii installed ubuntu dapper drake version today. i have ps2 optical mouse11:17
compengiNickGarvey, i didn't like it11:17
GutzRippingok - i'll give it a try! is MP3 standard with ubuntu?11:17
NickGarveycompengi: xfs?11:17
anithe moment ubuntu loads. the red light on mouse goes out and i cant use it at all11:17
=== NickGarvey shrugs
anibut both the buttons work11:17
NickGarveyani: thats a new one..11:17
NickGarveyani: hmm11:18
neutrinomassGutzRipping: No, you'll need to do a couple of thing first.11:18
neutrinomassubotu, tell GutzRipping about mp311:18
BIAFguys , how do i get SUEXEC installed on ubuntu11:18
NickGarveyani: and neither of the !mouse articles will help..11:18
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aniNickGarvey: i dont know about that coz ubunti is my first linux11:18
NickGarveyani: does this include not plugging it in until after its booted?11:19
GutzRippingneutrinomass: that's cool - just hoping11:19
aniNickGarvey: and another weird thing. once ubuntu snuffs out the optical light. even winxp wont recognize it till i switch on/off power from the wall11:19
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NickGarveyani: hmm..11:19
NickGarveyani: ps2 or usb?11:20
animatohello, what's the difference between gstreamer and xine?11:20
aniNickGarvey: yeah. tried everything. also once in ubuntu and i replug the mouse. the light stays on for sometime and then goes out again11:20
aniNickGarvey: ps211:20
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aniNickGarvey: Samsung Anyzen PS2 Optical Mouse11:20
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NickGarveyani: bah.. you aren't really talking to the right guy.. I have a touchpad heh11:21
NickGarveylemme check google some more11:21
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ani<NickGarvey>hehe.. cool know anyone about that then?11:21
Hmmmmhi, has anyone setup gforge on ubuntu?11:21
delcoyoteani does that mouse have AA or AAA batteries?11:21
weihellosamsung nb!,damn, a rubbishing nb.11:22
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badrinarayananimato: gstreamer is the engine everybody wants you to install. xine is the engine everybody actually installs ;)11:22
anidelcoyote: no batteries. i have a desktop and its not a wireless. its a proper mouse11:22
badrinarayananimato: gstreamer is the default...11:22
animatoeh, ok..11:22
animatoi know11:22
=== neutrinomass heard that the KDE peeps are thinking of moving to gstreamer as well
animatobut is it true that you can only play dvds if you you install xine?11:22
delcoyotehmm ok ani, any chance to use other mouse?11:22
anidelcoyote: yeah. a friends mouse. same company slightly diff model. same problem11:23
=== welp[server] rarely uses a mouse... full stop... SSH/irssi ftw! console ftw! terminals ftw! :)
NickGarveyani: have you tried a knoppix cd?11:23
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neutrinomassani: Care to file a bug report ?11:23
NickGarveywelp[server] : heh, gentoo user right?11:24
aninickgarvey: umm.. im completely new to linux. only tried ubuntu as yet11:24
animatoi have a really weird problem. i'm using gstreamer atm, tried xine but it didn't solve my problem. i have two dirs with video files. one has thumbnails, and the other don't. i want both to have thumbnails, how can i fix it? :(11:24
badrinarayananimato: I don't know about DVD's. but there are now a lot of gstreamer codecs and it plays almost everything that xine does. libdvdcss may be xine-specific. I'll check11:24
NickGarveyani: have another blank cd?11:24
BIAFSUEXEC, where can i get this for ubuntu11:24
=== badrinarayan goes to check libdvdcss
anineutrinomass: sure. how do i do that? coz i dont have any report/log generated11:24
aniNickGarvey: yes. but have ubuntu amd64 iso only11:24
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NickGarveyani: high speed?11:25
welp[server] NickGarvey: how did you guess? :)11:25
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NickGarveywelp[server] : (host name heh)11:25
neutrinomassani: Ok. Let's see if we can get anywhere first...can you pastebin the output of 'dmesg' when you plug in the mouse? (see the topic for pastebin )11:25
aniNickGarvey: not exactly. ubuntu of 700mb took 5 hrs :(11:25
NickGarveywelp[server] : I mean, you just seemed like a gentoo kind of guy!11:25
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welp[server] NickGarvey: haha :) i'm an AT for the amd64 team *g*11:25
NickGarveyani: thats not bad, can you download another iso image?11:25
NickGarveywelp[server] : nice!11:25
welp[server] NickGarvey: gentoo FTW! (unless you're a n00b, otherwise ubuntu FTW!)11:26
welp[server] NickGarvey: you a gentoo user?11:26
aniNickGarvey: sure. just get me the link11:26
BIAFno one knows what SUEXEC is?11:26
anineutrinomass: ubuntu is my very first linux today. so no idea how to go about things.11:26
anineutrinomass: esp w/o a mouse.11:26
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NickGarveywelp[server] : I did use it on my laptop, but I needed to go on battery often and then put it on hibernate, which I can't go with gentoo because I need to leave it on over night to compile11:27
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NickGarveyani: ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/knoppix/KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso11:27
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neutrinomassani: Ok, no worries. You are using Ubuntu right, not Kubuntu? Hit alt+f2, and a window will pop up. Choose to run gnome-terminal.11:27
badrinarayananimato: yep you need xine for dvds - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-38508785e53c611dde1859232189b2e823135eb911:27
welp[server] NickGarvey: heh, i use arch linux on my laptop... it can't cope with the compilations... :/11:27
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NickGarveywelp[server] : suse here, only thing that has made my hardware work11:28
neutrinomassani: i.e. type gnome-terminal in the box ...11:28
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welp[server] NickGarvey: i bet gentoo could do it if you put the effort in ;)11:28
badrinarayanwelp[server] : one quick ot question: is irssi better than bitchx?11:28
anineutrinomass: this is what i downlaoded and installed -->  http://ftp.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/UBUNTU-CDS/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso11:29
NickGarveywelp[server] : heh yeah, but I just can't leave it on over night11:29
animatobadrinarayan , maybe you can help me with another problem please?11:29
animatoi have a really weird problem. i'm using gstreamer atm, tried xine but it didn't solve my problem. i have two dirs with video files. one has thumbnails, and the other don't. i want both to have thumbnails, how can i fix it? :(11:29
badrinarayananimato: yes?11:29
welp[server] badrinarayan: can't tell you that, i've never used bitchx11:29
GeckoHello, I accidentally installed kubuntu-desktop, but I removed it pretty fast again (including all of the kde packages), but when I boot up, it still shows the kubuntu splashy, how do I change it back to the ubuntu one?11:29
thoreauputicanything is better than bitchx ;)11:29
neutrinomassani : Ok, it's Ubuntu. Do the step with the alt+f2 and gnome-terminal.11:29
aniNickGarvey: is knoppix a different linux? wont i have to remove ubuntu?11:29
badrinarayananimato: may be you can delete the .thumbnails directory11:30
welp[server] ani: it's a liveCD, won't have any effect on your HD11:30
badrinarayananimato: gimme a minute11:30
badrinarayanwelp[server] : thanks..11:30
rixth_animato, likley different video codecs.11:30
anineutrinomass: umm.. another problem. i'm on winxp right now. cos didnt know how to configure net w/o a mouse11:30
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animatobut i had thumbnails of them before11:30
neutrinomassani: Ouch, that's bad...11:30
anineutrinomass: so you'll have to tell the steps and i'll tey and get back11:31
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anineutrinomass: yep. finally i decide to chuck ecil xp and here i am :(11:31
_cyanidenew to ubuntu :)11:31
NickGarvey_cyanide: :)11:31
aniwelp[server] : the thing is i clicked on install when i bootedfrom cd and now its on my hdd11:31
badrinarayananimato: hmm, sometimes the preview fails if you don't have the codecs. I usually delete ~/.thumbnails when that happens...11:31
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animatois it safe to delete that dir badrinarayan?11:32
_cyanidejust a few things...11:32
animatoman your nickname is sooo looong...11:32
badrinarayananimato: absolutely11:32
Nganimato: this is why the gods of IRC gave us tab complete ;)11:32
rixth_badrinarayan, animato, you simply have to hit refresh...11:32
_cyanideim used to gentoo and editing config files... :P can someone tell me where i can edit my dns/nameserver addresses?11:32
Ng_cyanide: /etc/resolv.conf11:32
animatoi did11:33
animatodoesn't work11:33
_cyanideah, but now i got a gui to do that :p11:33
anineutrinomass: can you let me know the steps to generate a log or something and i'll get back?11:33
neutrinomassani: Ok 1. Hit alt+f2 2. A box shows up, type gnome-terminal and hit enter.  3. plug in the mouse and wait 2-3 seconds 4. type exactly this in the command line, without the quotes. "dmesg > ~/dmesg.txt"11:33
=== sjoerd is now known as sjoerd_
animatocan i delete the dir itself or just its' contents?11:33
Ng_cyanide: then system->administration->network11:33
_cyanidesecondly, is it possible to use my xbox360 gamepad in ubuntu?11:33
badrinarayananimato: I usually do "rm -rf ~/.thumbnails". so yes, I delete the whole dir11:33
_cyanideor linux in general?11:34
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neutrinomassani: Now, if you want to file a bug report, you will have to go to http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug . Briefly describe the problem and attach the 'dmesg.txt' file that you will find in your home directory (/home/your_username/dmesg.txt)11:34
animatoi deleted .thumbnails and it worked !11:34
animatothanx :)11:34
badrinarayananimato: and the next time I visit that folder, it regenerates. cool!11:34
badrinarayananimato: nice that it works for you11:34
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animatoi don't suppose anyone would know but11:35
animatoare any future version of gaim supposed to support msn webcam?11:35
_cyanideamsn supports webcams11:35
anineutrinomass: cool. will just do that. anything else i should generate that you could take a lokk at and tell me?11:35
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neutrinomassani : After filing the bug report, pop in here and ask - may somebody might help you11:35
anineutrinomass: another thing. while googling i got on a forum which said stuff like diff type of Xmouse settings like Logitech,etc.. is that something?11:36
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_cyanideanimato: tried amsn?11:36
badrinarayananimato: I think I saw a thread in ubuntuforums about the new version of amsn with webcam11:36
neutrinomassani: Not sure, could be :-/ In the meantime your best bet is to find an el-cheapo mouse and use that.11:36
badrinarayananimato: will search11:36
animatowell, i heard that amsn has horrible hebrew support, and i speak hebrew.. so..11:36
animatoit's actually for my gf, i convinced her to give up on her xp for ubuntu11:37
_cyanideget her gentoo :D11:37
animatoshe's enjoying it so far, but she hates switching from gaim to kopete just for webcam11:37
anineutrinomass: yep. will do that. what is better supported. usb/ps2/com?11:37
neutrinomassani: You can also try a totally different ps2 mouse (from another company that is) and see if that works - I'm not sure but it COULD be a problem with the controller or something ...11:37
=== Panzerboy [n=NoName@unaffiliated/panzerboy] has joined #ubuntu
Panzerboyhello all11:37
_cyanideani, mouse problems?11:37
animatogaim is perfect, it just needs webcam support and it will be awsome11:37
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neutrinomassani: Not sure. I had 2 usb mice and they both worked (one logitech, the other, <gasp> microsoft )11:38
ani_cyanide: yeah11:38
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_cyanidewhat exactly?11:38
neutrinomassani: Frankly, I've never heard of a mouse that didn't work at all :)11:38
anineutrinomass: it works. thats the damn problem. the light comes on for a few secs then goes off and cant move pointer11:38
anineutrinomass: the weird part is the buttons are working?!?!11:39
kristianhow do i check which graphic card driver i have?11:39
thoreauputicani: try a hamster instead ;-)11:39
badrinarayananimato: this was the thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8476511:39
ani_cyanide: thats the porblem.. :(11:39
badrinarayananimato: not gaim though11:39
_cyanidestrange problem :O11:39
NickGarveykristian: glxinfo I believe11:39
neutrinomassani: :-/11:39
animatoi do hope the rumors about the horrible hebrew support were rumors after all ;)11:39
anianyway. thanks a lot guys. will just get on the bug report thing and change the mouse. cya later11:39
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_cyanidewho speaks anything other than english :p11:40
animatoi do11:41
_cyanidehebrew is for wussies :-P11:41
NickGarvey_cyanide: hablo poco espanol, porque?11:41
_cyanideNickGarvey: no spanish please :-P11:41
_cyanidei do know some french tho :)11:41
NickGarvey_cyanide: porque.. a mi me gusta..11:41
_cyanideje ne parle pas francais :-P11:41
animato"hebrew is for wussies"? how mature ;)11:41
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:41
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_cyanideNg: check the logs...lol...thats all the french i know11:42
kristianhow do i make a pastebin?11:42
Ng_cyanide: you should also a) stay on topic, b) not say stupid things about other languages11:42
_cyanidekristian: go to pastebin.com/ca paste the text, submit it, and give the url here11:42
_cyanideNg: sorry :/11:43
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cyphase3d works for longer then 10 minutes!11:45
cyphaseall this time it was bad memory11:45
_cyanidewhich card?11:45
cyphasewell, i've tried a lot, all of which probably would have worked with good memory11:46
kristianwww.pastebin.com/ca ? Firefox can't find the page..11:46
cyphasebut this one is a geforce 6200 le11:46
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:46
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_cyanidekristian: i meant pastebin.com or pastebin.ca11:46
cyphasei upgraded my motherboard and CPU, so i decided to reinstall..11:46
cyphasewouldn't even install with the bad memory11:47
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cyphaseonce i took it out, it went perfect11:47
_cyanidetook it out? :D11:47
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kentlingI'm having trouble with pastes from Abi to OOo, both from Ubuntu 6.06...11:48
cyphasethe bad ram11:48
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cyphasepretty much all the problems i've had with ubuntu can be traced back to bad memory11:48
inflexg'day all.  I have an Orinoco type internal laptop wifi-card that requires to be setup within about 1 second of the modules being loaded - normally on distros like Slackware I do this all in a small script - but in Ubuntu I have no idea how to sort this out11:48
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inflexie, I do  modprobe orinoco && ifconfig eth1 ... && iwconfig eth1 ...11:49
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kristianOk people! Those of u which have a enormous experience with graphic cards can take a look here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16528 ! This is after installation with easyubuntu. Someone help, please! ;)11:49
stefanosomeone wat to talk about sex11:50
Ngkristian: what kind of graphics card do you have?11:50
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kristian9800 Pro, Ati11:50
Ngstefano: shoosh11:50
Ngkristian: have you done the ati driver install?11:50
NickGarveystefano: vete11:50
NickGarveystefano: por favor11:51
stefanome molesto11:51
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:51
neutrinomassstefano: Please no sex discussions in here - it's a _linux_ channel. I'm sure you'll find plenty of other channels suitable for such discussions :)11:51
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kristianng, yes11:51
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_cyanidewhen activating the universe and multiverse repos from synaptic, im getting this error: http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) <-- *HELP PLEASE*11:52
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Ngta :)11:52
NickGarveyand the ban hammer come down11:52
Ngkristian: hmm, well I'm afraid I'm not the greatest ati expert ever, but I'd suggest having a look through the ati instructions on the wiki again and checking you did everything11:52
NickGarveyneutrinomass: I can't find any other channels, #sex forwards me to you-have-got-to-be-kidding11:52
kristianng, i used easyubuntu11:53
NgNickGarvey: irrelevant and still off topic.11:53
NickGarveyneutrinomass: and #giggity is empty11:53
NickGarveyNg: (joke..)11:53
Ngkristian: then I would suggest you take a look at the ati instruction in the wiki for the first time :)11:53
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Ng!ati > kristian11:53
kristianfor the 5th time :P11:53
_cyanidecan anyone help me with the repository problem?11:53
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lupobiancoirc.hurricaneirc.org 666911:54
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kristianwhy am i gonna use that howto when easyubuntuo have installed it already?11:54
weihellowhat's problem?11:54
_cyanidewhen activating the universe and multiverse repos from synaptic, im getting this error: http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) <-- *HELP PLEASE*11:54
Ngkristian: because evidently "easy"ubuntu got something wrong, which is to be expected from such things, unfortunately11:54
kristianthen easy ubuntu did the same thing yesterday :P11:54
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Ngkristian: this is why we generally don't recommend people use such things, because they are never as good as reading the instructions yourself :)11:55
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kristianokay, but hybriud told me to try one more time. my mistake11:56
kristiancan I install with that guide now, after i have used the easyubuntu?11:56
weihellobackup sourcelist11:56
_cyanideweihello: me? how?11:56
neutrinomassSeveas: NickGarvey was (maybe inappropriately) joking but he usually helps out in here. (just pointing out he's not a random troll)11:56
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Ngkristian: I would expect so, but I'm not 100% sure, I haven't really used the ati drivers11:57
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_cyanidekristian: gimme that pastebin link again please11:57
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_cyanidekristian: you using the ati drivers?11:58
RhinoxI want to install Ubuntu 6.06, but I have to set framebuffer to False at bootprompt. How do I do that in Ubuntu 6.06 ?11:58
kristiani have installed it with easyubuntu11:58
kristianmaybe they are not beeing used11:58
kristianthat happen yesterday...11:59
_cyanideits still using mesa 3d11:59
kristianbut how activate them?:P yes11:59
kristianmesa 3d, buuurn11:59
_cyanideim pretty new to ubuntu...but in gentoo, i had to load the radeon module and add it to the defaults11:59
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_cyanidetry modprobe radeon11:59
yallamananyone here have some knowledge with gtk themes and such?11:59
kristianhow do i do that?12:00
jribRhinox: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:00
_cyanidesudo modprobe radeon in the console12:00
_cyanidedoes it load?12:01
kristian2 secs12:01
kristianmodule not ofund12:01
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_cyanidethen it hasn't been built12:02
_cyanidewhich means that the package hasnt been installed correctly ;)12:02
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Rhinoxjrib: BEFORE installing it :-) When booting from the CD. I must deactivate framebuffer, or else my weird graphics card will not work. I've done it before in Debian. linux debian-installer/framebuffer=false worked in Debian.12:02
kristiani wrote wrong.12:02
The_Guardianhey does showmount not work with dapper?12:02
kristianbut when i wrote right, nothing happend:P12:02
_cyanidethats good then :)12:02
_cyanideso the module is loaded now12:03
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_cyanideall thats left is switching to the ati interface :)12:03
_cyanideand im clueless about it... lol12:03
_cyanidecheck the usage docs...12:03
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kristianuuuh, how? :P12:04
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_cyanidewww.ubuntu.org ? :-P12:04
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_cyanideim pretty new to ubuntu myself...(about an hour) :)12:04
The_Guardiancan someone help me with why showmount is not appearing at all?12:05
kristiancool :)12:05
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kristiani don't have any experience with this at all :P what should i search for?:P12:05
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:05
_cyanide^^ :)12:06
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kristianwhat am i gonna do? :P i can that link in my head now;P12:06
weihellois there a ruby channel in this server?12:07
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The_Guardiannvm I fixed my own problem12:07
The_Guardiandapper doesn't come with nfs-common12:07
kristianinstall everything manual u mena?12:08
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posuHi, anybody knows how to stop tomcat starting at boot time?12:09
anineutrinomass: hi got the bug report. but there is no place to attach the file on the site12:09
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cx42hi everybody12:10
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_cyanideyes, manually12:10
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_cyanideit wont be difficult12:10
_cyanideand youll have fun installing it :)12:10
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neutrinomassani: On your right, "add attachment"12:10
_cyanidetho ati in general sucks in linux :-P12:11
mindspitanyone knows how to add new fortunes cookies ? i need to create just the .dat files !12:11
kristiani have done before, but can u explain to me how I do the last step? I just don't understand it:P12:11
_cyanidethe switching part?12:11
dooglusweihello: #ruby-lang12:11
anineutrinomass: not there. i logged in but theres no such link. searched the page also12:11
cx42can we help me about file open (php files) -> when i'm click on a .php file, i have a msgbox that ask me what i wan't to do, start in a shell, execute, start, etc, but i wan't to start automaticaly on my editor scite without the prompt, how i can do it ?12:11
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neutrinomassani: There's a menu on your right. It's sixth from the top :)12:12
cx42(sorry for my english, i'm french :p)12:12
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doogluscx42: we've got a special room for people like you:12:12
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:12
_cyanidekristian: which card is it?12:13
cx42dooglus: yes but nobody response at my question (so busy ?)12:13
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cx42so = too (sorry)12:13
kristian9800 pro, ati12:13
kristiannder Section "Screen" The Identifier line needs to be changed to:12:13
_cyanidehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <-- easy as pie :-/12:13
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cx42and with english chat, i learn the language in the same time12:13
anineutrinomass: the 6th link is 'Uploads:' and under that main, restricted, universal etc.12:14
_cyanideand btw, you should be loading the fglrx module, not radeon...my bad12:14
doogluscx42: so is this your web site that's returning a .php file?12:14
anineutrinomass: are you on that page right now?12:14
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_cyanideplease go thru the page.. its good enough12:14
kristianemm, ofc.. :P12:14
mindspitok i found it using  " #  strfile file_full_of_cookies file_full_of_cookies.dat12:14
doogluscx42: it's a badly configured web server12:14
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cx42dooglus: in my www directory, i have some files in .php, and when i open this file by double clicking, (for editing the page), i have a prompt with 4 possibilities about this file12:15
neutrinomassani: Apparently you haven't filed a bug :-/ Do you have a link to the bug report ?12:15
kristiani start at the top, and write the codes, and what am i supposed to do with this:nder Section "Screen" The Identifier line needs to be changed to:12:15
cx42dooglus: and i would like to open it directly without the prompt12:15
_cyanideyou should be editing xorg.xonf12:15
_cyanidetype sudogedit/etc/X11/xorg.conf in your console12:15
anineutrinomass: no actually. a link as in i have to upload the file somewhere?12:16
The_Guardianwhy would I be getting mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered from showmount?12:16
_cyanideit will open xorg.conf in a text editor12:16
ndlovuHi all. Ubuntu is really struggling to rip track 8 on a CD that's got absolutely no scratches or anything. Track 1-7 ripped fine. What could be the problem? Drivers? I've tried Sound Juicer and CD Player, same thing.12:17
neutrinomassani: You have to file a bug first, http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug . Enter all the relevant information and submit the report. After that, you will see a menu on your right and the 6th option from the top is "add attachment" :)12:17
ndlovuIt can't play it either, btw12:17
_cyanidekristian: ?12:17
anineutrinomass: oh. i was looking on the main page itself. sorry12:18
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kristiani worked with the codes :P12:18
_cyanidechanged the screen section?12:18
kristianno, not yet12:18
kristiancan u take a look at the terminal "log" after the install now?12:18
_cyanidepastebin it ;)12:18
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cx42dooglus: ok i go to eat, so, thank you for your help !! by and good afternoon12:19
inflexdoes ubuntu have the equivilant of an rc.local ?12:19
_cyanidemy dutch sucks :-P...but that seems to look good12:20
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The_Guardian_wee fixed my showmount problem12:20
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_cyanidekristian: now to edit xorg.conf12:21
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:22
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jeanmarcdo you speak french?12:22
mileshu u?12:22
Nginflex: /etc/rc.local12:22
aixingcontrovercy to help me decide: CentOS vs Ubuntu?12:22
kristian_cyanide, first, take look :P12:22
_cyanidei did...12:22
_cyanideit looks good12:22
kristiannew one:P12:23
Ngaixing: try both and see which you prefer12:23
milesu all use ubuntu?12:23
The_Guardian_isn't showmount normally pretty quick for checking the export list?12:23
kristianthe things im gonna switch, looks, switched:P12:23
eudypteshi, i'm configuring a new kernell, my configuration is in pepa.config file, I need compile my new kernel accoding to this file.  How looks the ommand. I apologize of my english  thx.12:23
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kristianlooked at it cyandie?12:25
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_cyanideso it must have done it automatically :-/12:25
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kristianis everything as it should?12:25
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_cyanidelooks like it :)12:26
_cyanidetry rebooting12:26
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kristiani do ;) can i reboot lika ctrl alt backspace or?12:26
eudyptesthank you, the #ubuntu_cz help me.12:26
_cyanideno, a proper reboot would be better ;)12:26
linux1hiya i cant seen to get this pc to access my windows network12:26
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kristianright ;)12:27
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linux1i cant see my msnetwork but i cant see the computer it was there eairl but it gone now12:27
=== Staz [n=staz@YoU.HiT.Me.We.HiT.YoU.IRC-MAFIA.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Stazhmm, what should I be using to edit a Makefile? make causes errors if I edit the file in gedit :(12:28
neutrinomassStaz: Yes. It's a tab, not 8 spaces ;)12:28
_cyanideStaz: a cli editor would be better ;)12:28
_cyanidei love nano12:28
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Stazactually error is slightly different12:29
StazMakefile:6: *** missing separator.  Stop.12:29
Stazso copying and pasting to gedit would have screwed it up?12:30
_cyanidecould be12:30
Ribsgedit word-wraps12:30
_cyanidesurely! :)12:30
_cyanideyeah, wordwrapping is no good :-P12:30
Stazheh nano is a gui text editor? :)12:30
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_cyanidenano is cli12:30
Zaphhi all12:30
ZaphI need help..12:30
RibsStaz: if you want to use nano, make sure you call it with the -w option12:30
Ribslike so: nano -w file.txt12:30
_cyanidenano -w <filename> to disable wrapping12:30
Zaphlast week, I killed my windows machine to change 100% to Linux and OS...12:31
Ribsthat turns off word-wrapping12:31
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_cyanideRibs: makefile got no extensions ;)12:31
Ribsit was an example12:31
ZaphI am enjoying Ubuntu, but I am finding it is too slow on my PC, which ran windows XP home just fine..12:31
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Zaphwhat can I do to improve it12:31
Zaph? besides getting more RAM?12:31
_cyanideZaph: using the 3d accelerated drivers?12:31
ZaphAny ideas?12:31
Zaph_cyanide, what you mean?12:31
NgZaph: how much ram do you have?12:31
jribZaph: you can try using xfce instead of gnome?  What specs do you have?12:31
_cyanidewhat graphics card do you have?12:32
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_cyanideusing 3d accelerated drivers takes off a huge load off the processor12:32
ZaphI have a laptop... Celeron 2.5GhZ, standard grqaphics card, 40Gb hardrive, 256mb Ram12:32
ZaphI am using Gnome12:32
Zaphwhat is Xfce?12:32
ubotuI know nothing about xfce12:32
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:32
Stazuncut text == paste text? :)12:32
_cyanideStaz: dunno :-P12:33
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Zaphso.. any ideas?12:33
ZaphI would like to stay using Linux, but if it keeps like this, I will be forced to move back to windows..12:33
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NgZaph: what kind of graphics chipset is in the laptop?12:34
Zaphanother problem also...OpenOffice.org is really slow? will getting XFCE help?12:34
ZaphNg, how do I see what card it is?12:34
_cyanideopenoffice is very slow anyways :-P12:34
ubotuI know nothing about abiword12:35
NgZaph: lspci | grep VGA12:35
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Zaph0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)12:35
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ufkisn't there a notification area plugin for thunderbird?12:35
_cyanidethats an 855 integrated card12:35
Zaphso... can my problem be solved?12:36
Minty_anyone tell me how I can contact a staffer ??12:36
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_cyanidenot sure...ive only been using ubuntu for about 1 hour and 30 mins ;)12:37
mjr_cyanide, Zaph, umm, using 3d accelerated drivers doesn't automatically get a huge load off the processor...12:37
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jimcooncatZaph, nothing like RAM to spark things up, though I've been running Xubuntu on less12:37
NgZaph: I'd suggest installing xubuntu-desktop and logging in with that session - it will use less ram and leave more available for other things, but other than that, probably not12:37
inflexSo, anyone speak Afrikaans here?12:37
_cyanidemjr: how not?12:37
DarkMageZMinty, a ubuntu staffer or a freenode staffer?12:37
mjr(and yes, 855 should be accelerateable, and yes, more memory is a good answer)12:37
Zaphok.. I'm gonna try xubuntu.. busy installing it now.12:37
habtoolInflex, i do but very slowly ;)12:38
Zaphbut if it does not work, then I suppose I'll have to get rid of Linux for now...12:38
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mjr256 megs _should_ be enough for gnome tho12:38
Zaphhopefully it will work for me..12:38
inflexhabtool: you live in ZA ?12:38
Zaphthanks alot guys..12:38
mjr_cyanide, how yes?12:38
MintyI need to recuperate my password for this machine as it doesnt reconise me12:38
ZaphNg, _cyanide thanks12:38
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habtoolInflex, i used to but am now in Ireland12:38
_cyanidemjr: because the graphics card is being used to render the graphics, instead of the processor?12:38
inflexhabtool: that's quite a change. I used to also live in ZA12:38
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habtoolInflex, where are u now days?12:39
Zaphit runs... but just not that fast.. like loading apps takes long..12:39
Zaphwhat other options have I got to read exec and word documents besides OpenOffice.Org?12:39
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DarkMageZMinty, you'll probley beable to find out in #freenode12:39
mjrZaph, gnumeric and abiword or koffice12:39
kenashow can i run 3ddesktop ?12:39
_cyanidemjr: why wouldnt using accelerated drivers help?12:39
mjrZaph, and yes, openoffice is a memory hog12:39
inflexhabtool: Australia12:39
Zaphmjr, do they run better than openoffice?12:40
DarkMageZMinty, they won't tell you the password, but they can unregister the account so you can reregister it12:40
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mjr_cyanide, generally the 3d drivers aren't even used to draw the desktop (unless you're using some of those new things in testing such as compiz)12:40
habtoolInflex, OK, we may be off there in 2012, but enjoying the peace and quite here 1st for a while longer12:40
raddyHello Everybody12:40
kenashow can i run 3ddesktop ?12:40
mjrZaph, they should, in limited memory.12:40
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MintydarkmageZ yes that I undestand but am unable to contact them so that they can do this12:41
raddyany one using gdesklets12:41
inflexhabtool: That's understandable.12:41
_cyanidebit ive always observed that using accelerated drivers makes the screen response a lot better12:41
Zaphthanks mjr ... I'll give it a try.. u recommend koffice?12:41
thoreauputicZaph: abiword is pretty quick to start12:41
_cyanideZaph: id recommend abiword12:41
mjrZaph, I'm more an abiword/gnumeric guy, since I'm a gnome person. Koffice is for KDE, but you can try that as well.12:41
inflexLyX !!12:41
Zaphbut can I read exec files in abiword?12:41
thoreauputicZaph: koffice is nice, but abiword is more mature - less issues12:41
Zaphwill these work with xfce?12:41
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mjrZaph, you mean "excel", and no, since it's a word processor. Gnumeric is a spreadsheet.12:41
mjrthey will12:42
thoreauputicZaph: you mean excel? Use gnumeric12:42
Zaphok... and I can download these in synaptic packaga manager?12:42
thoreauputicZaph: yes12:42
thoreauputicmjr ;)12:42
DarkMageZcould someone help Minty with contacting a freenode op?12:42
NgZaph: if you're installing the xubuntu-desktop package you're already getting abiword and gnumeric :)12:42
Zaphthanks for all the help..12:42
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_cyanidelol, the minute Zaph spoke about windows, 2-3 people are helping him at once :-P12:42
Zaphthanks everyone... greatly appreciated...12:42
ZaphI'll give it a bach.. hopefully it will work..12:43
ZaphI really want to stay totally OS... but if it is too slow.. I have no other choice.. :)12:43
mjrZaph, and btw, I don't think you should be forced to move to xfce with your memory; try just changing the office programs first and see if that helps12:43
Zaphthanks everyone... :)12:43
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raddyi am trying to enable lmsensor in gdesklets12:43
raddybut it shows blank sensor12:43
_cyanideyeah, 256mb isnt THAT less12:43
ufkis there a deb package for vmware?12:43
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mjrZaph, as said, openoffice is probably the thing sucking up most of your memory :] 12:43
NgDarkMageZ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#helpfromstaff12:44
Zaphcool mjr .. thanks...12:44
_cyanideopenoffice sucks :-P...compiling it in gentoo takes HOURS :-P12:44
posutomcat web server starts every time i boot my PC, how would i stop it from starting every time i boot? tomct is not in administation->services list..12:44
Zaphdo I need to uninstall openoffice then?12:44
_cyanideif you want to free up some space, yes12:44
mjrZaph, no, you can have them all installed at once if hd space is not an issue12:44
Ng_cyanide: that's personal opinion and offtopic. you might think it sucks, others don't and most people don't compile it themselves.12:44
mjrof course you _can_ remove it12:44
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_cyanideNg: do i have to speak like a politician in here? :-P12:45
Zaphcool.. thanks12:45
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Ng_cyanide: this is a support channel, if you're not asking or answering a question, you're off topic12:45
Zaphok.. xubuntu.. installed...12:45
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Zaphlemme restart and see how it is..12:45
ZaphI;ll be back to let you all know.12:45
Stazbugger, still get that Makefile:6: *** missing separator.  Stop. error12:45
_cyanideand giving an opinion is offtopic?12:45
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Staztried nano12:46
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_cyanideStaz: your makefile might be having an error ;)12:46
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thoreauputic_cyanide: bagging openoffice is kind of silly, since it is one of the most important apps for windows/linux migration for many people12:46
kristian_cyanide, how can i check if i works ok now?12:46
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_cyanidewhats the output?12:47
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kristianOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:47
kristianOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:47
kristianOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)12:47
gore_this is goign to sound really stupid12:47
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gore_but how do I add panesl to kde12:47
Stazmake works fine before I edit the file :P12:47
kristiani totally hate ubuntu :P12:47
Stazthere exists any GUI text editors for inux appropriate for editing make files?12:49
thoreauputicStaz: of course - gedit, kate, mousepad, scite....12:50
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thoreauputiclots of them12:50
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Stazgedit buggers up my makefiles ;)12:50
_cyanideyeah...just remember to turn off word wrapping12:50
StazI can turn off word wrap in gedit?12:51
thoreauputicStaz: sure12:51
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StazYES! thanks mate12:51
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_cyanidecan someone pastebin their sources.list file please?12:51
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:52
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:52
Stazwhat other files when you edit them, you have to make sure that there is no text wrapping?12:53
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Tommy2k4*** GLIB >= 1.2.6 not installed - please install GLIB first ***12:54
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Tommy2k4whats the package name for glib 1.2.612:54
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netrunne1greetings everyone!12:54
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NgTommy2k4: are you trying to compile something?12:54
_cyanideStaz: if editing code, never turn on word wrapping12:54
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NgTommy2k4: libglib1.2-dev12:54
Pitelwill the new ubuntu edgy eft be 6.10 or 6.12?12:54
thoreauputicPitel: 6.1012:55
NgPitel: it's scheduled for release in october, so 6.1012:55
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Stazthanks _cyanide you have been an awesome help.12:55
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_cyanidelol, np :)12:55
_cyanideNg: ooh! so the 6.xx is determined by the month of release?12:55
n3trunneri would just like to know, how can i found out the support webcams for dapper?12:55
Tommy2k4wow this is downloading slow from ubuntu repos12:55
BCK14in sessions what do i have to add to the start of my command to run the command as root when i boot up ?12:55
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thoreauputic_cyanide: correct12:56
Ng_cyanide: and the 6 means 200612:56
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NgBCK14: what kind of command is it?12:56
_cyanideno dates? else 6.6.6 would be awesome? :-D12:56
BCK14to start lampp12:56
BCK14opt/lampp/lampp start12:56
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NgBCK14: you'd probably want to put that in /etc/rc.local12:57
n3trunneris there a command in shell, or a section in the ubuntu website to find out all the supported webcams for dapper drake?12:57
BCK14ok ty Ng12:57
NgBCK14: or use the ubuntu lamp packages: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:57
BCK14ill put it in rc.local12:57
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:58
NgBCK14: note that using third party LAMP stuff means you won't get security updates for it from ubuntu12:58
Stazdamn I still get the missing separator error :( (Even after I turned off wordwrap!)12:58
BCK14Ng: i got it from www.apachefriends.org12:58
_cyanideyour makefile is borked12:59
NgBCK14: indeed, so you will need to monitor them for updates12:59
BCK14hmm ok12:59
n3trunneroh great!12:59
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n3trunnerthanks for that :)12:59
BCK14ill have a look in synaptic12:59
axisyshow to chage screen resolution?12:59
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BCK14but i havent had any updates available to me for a week or so now12:59
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=== BCK14 wonders if the updater is working properly
_cyanideaxisys: system -> preferences -> screen resolution01:00
Tommy2k4*** GTK+ >= 1.2.6 not installed - please install GTK+ first ***01:00
Tommy2k4what package do i need this time01:00
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_cyanidethats gtk01:00
NgBCK14: that doesn't mean there won't be any - dapper server packages will get security updates for 5 years01:00
axisys_cyanide: it has only the default option .. u cant change it01:00
BCK14i know nw01:00
Tommy2k4full package name?01:00
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BCK14* Ng01:00
NgTommy2k4: libgtk1.2-dev01:00
BCK14rm -rf /opt/lampp01:00
_cyanideaxisys: in that case, your xorg.conf isnt completely filled...01:00
jribTommy2k4: apt-cache search -n lib gtk dev01:00
Tommy2k4ty :D01:00
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axisys_cyanide: hmm..01:01
_cyanideask someone for help on adding the required resolutions01:01
StazMakefile:8: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)   --> Now I am getting this on every line lol01:01
_cyanideStaz: so are you adding blankspaces instead of tab?01:01
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Stazcyanide : I copied and pasted some text in01:02
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_cyanidethats the problem i guess01:02
Stazhmm the errors are only on lines that I pasted in01:02
_cyanidewhitespaces are no good01:02
axisysthis is how my xor.conf looks like http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/WHjTJV69.html. still screen resolution gives only one choice01:02
Stazthank god I thought I would have to do em all :P01:02
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andi5hi. is there a file i can edit so that update-grub does not specify defoptions="quiet splash" each time?01:02
axisysxorg.conf rather01:02
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kristianyou should seen my screensaver, lagg,lagg,lagg,lagg,lagg:P01:03
ufkin nautilus i don't have an address bar i have buttons for each directory i'm at, is there a way to fix it back to an address bar?01:03
Zaphso... It is a bit faster... but not that much better..01:03
axisysshould screnn resoltn give my multiple choices based on this http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/WHjTJV69.html01:04
dt-oz-gcHi all. I am running Dapper. On some windows the menus show hotkeys as eg "keyboard label|Alt+A". Does anyone else have this problem? Any idea where to find a fix?01:04
Zaphalso... AbiWord does not import my word documents properly??? any ideas?01:04
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farousufk: in a terminal type gconf-editor01:04
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ufkthanks alot i found it01:04
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farousufk ok01:05
andi5ufk: /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry01:05
argonHello! since I`ve installed Dapper I have not been able to boot from cd. I have tried different cds. The bios says to first boot from cd, then HD, but it will not boot from cd... what to do?01:05
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cydrivehello wondering if anyone can give me some help with a broadcom wireless card for my laptop im new to linux but not computers so im not a complete idiot any help would be appreciated though01:05
se1has anyone configured blackbox menus on dapper ?01:05
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Stazsorry wrong window :)01:06
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farouscydrive: either ndiswrapper or bcm43xx package in either case you need a good working window drive (bcm .inf or bcm .sys) file for your card01:07
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dt-oz-gcargon: Bios is checked b4 anything on disk. Dapper/grub is on disk. It cant be a Dapper/grub problem.01:07
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C_REATiVE_kvcd-t mivel lehet lejtszani vlc -n kvl ?01:07
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ufkthanks andi501:07
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J_Phi all01:07
argondt-oz-gc: thanks.01:08
cydriveFarous do you knwo where i could get the window driver because i currently have no windows os on my computer i erased my whole hardrive when i installed ubuntu01:08
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_cyanidecydrive: on the cd which you got with the card01:08
farouscydrive: depending on your card there are links on the web. give me a min01:09
andi5re: is there a file i can edit so that update-grub does not specify defoptions="quiet splash" each time?01:09
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dibblegohas anyone seen this issue? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5083601:10
cydriveThank you so much i extremly appreciate your help01:10
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farouscydrive: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page01:10
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farouscydrive: look at list of drives of cards known to work01:11
dt-oz-gc<andi5>: I shall hunt into update-grub. 1. check in Synaptic for its config files, eg /etc/... or /usr/lib/update-grub...01:11
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cydriveThank you i will try it now to see if it will work thank you so much i hate using a wired connection01:11
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farouscydrive: bcm43xx will have native support hopefully in edgy if they can include the new linux kernel01:11
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andi5dt-oz-gc: i may be wrong, but update-grub is in package grub and seems to hardcode this variable, but i just hoped someone knew better :)01:12
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farouscydrive: install ndiswrapper-utils and ndisgtk packages then look for the drive01:12
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Stazpossible to when doing make, make it scroll one page @ a time?01:12
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gentoo_fanboyStaz: make | less :)01:13
amiasStaz, pipe it to less e.g. make all | less01:13
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diopsomeone has a wifi connexion ? i d like to make mine work01:13
diopi ve tried so many commands01:14
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amiasdiop , works from the gui for me01:14
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dt-oz-gcandi5. Yes. I see I need to get grub-doc01:14
dt-oz-gc<andi5> rtfm?01:15
farousi had some troubles with my file sys. ext3 is ok but when it breaks it breaks badly here. any suggestion to which format should i use for a new partition am going to format01:15
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amiasanyone else got an unstartable openoffice on dapper ?01:15
andi5dt-oz-gc: tell me which one .... update-grub is a debian addon, so the info page does not contain any word about it01:15
farousamias: open the apll in a terminal to see what is wrong. try oowriter01:16
amiasfarous, ext3 is very stable , have you checked your disk for bad blocks ? any fs will fail if there are badblocks on the disk01:16
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amiasfarous, it says /usr/lib/openoffice/program/javaldx: error while loading shared libraries: libjvmfwk.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:16
amias/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libvos3gcc3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:16
amias** (process:7287): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ...01:16
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farousamias: will do yet that is a new harddisk and pretty reliable01:16
aedwards232I am writing a script and I will have to pass over 2000 arguments to a command, is there any issue in doing this? the command by the way is nmap01:16
dt-oz-gcI just got grub-doc back now, after a machine cleanout and reload of everything. Gimme 5 mins to read it.01:17
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andi5dt-oz-gc: yep, maybe i have not read everything and am plain wrong :)01:17
amiasfarous,  perfection doesn't exist , new disks can have bad sectors , good admins pre-test all disk before use01:17
farousamias: you got it then install the missing lib01:17
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farousamias: i did test the harddisk01:18
farousi always get lost links and fcsk just delete the missing files. one of the files was a lib that made my pc unbootable01:18
farousamias: had to look up its name and had to symbol. link the lib for it to work again01:19
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farousanyway this problem is just recent on two pcs running ubuntu. that is why i asked01:19
ufkis there an ubuntu debian package?01:19
ufki ment is there an ubuntu vmware package? :)01:20
amiasfarous, you tried badblocks ?01:20
Ngufk: there's a package for vmware-player01:20
jrib!info vmware-player01:20
kristiancyanide, you here?01:20
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.1-4 (dapper), package size 11563 kB, installed size 31248 kB01:20
farouson one harddisk will test the other01:20
gentoo_fanboykristian: yes :)01:20
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amiasfarous, helps to know if hardware is playing up01:21
cydrivecan someone help im trying to install ndiswrapper and im doing the first part of the instal using the command tar zxvf ndiswrapper-1.18.tar.gz though im getting an error cannot open no such file or directy exists01:21
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farouswill do so01:21
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gentoo_fanboycydrive: thats because the file doesnt exist where you're typing the command01:21
compengiyesterday i hibernated my pc, when i turned it on back the kernel didn't start up01:21
farouscydrive: ndiswrapper util is in the repos01:21
gentoo_fanboytype ls to see if the file is in that folder01:21
andi5cydrive: ls -l ndiswrapper-1.18.tar.gz .... works?01:21
kristiangentoo_fanboy, when i write sudo modprobe radeon i get a error message.01:22
gentoo_fanboytry sudo modprobe fglrx01:22
kristiani didn't get that before01:22
cydriveno it does not01:22
farouskristian: do you have fglrx loaded01:22
amiascan someone with a working install of dapper tell me if they have either of libjvmfwk.so.3 or libvos3gcc3.so ?01:22
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Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas?01:22
farousamias: give me a min and tell me where to look01:22
andi5cydrive: then `cd` into the directory that contains the tarball01:22
kristiansudo modprobe fglrx, nothing happend01:22
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farouskristian: lsmod |grep fglrx01:23
kristianthen fglrx is loaded right?01:23
jribamias: I have both in /usr/lib/openoffice/program/01:23
Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas?01:23
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kristianfglrx                 388908  001:24
kristianagpgart                34888  2 fglrx,amd64_agp01:24
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burepe1can I use ktorrent 2.0 beta in dapper?01:24
farouskristian: it is loaded01:24
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Ro1'k' symbololizes kde, but i'm a noob01:24
kenashow can i run 3ddesktop ?01:24
kristianbut does it work?01:24
Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas?01:24
amiasjrib, i don't have them , could you tell me which package they come from (dpkg -S /path/to/file )01:25
=== J-_ decided not to install kdesklets, it's for non-newbs. =( *grumbles*
jribamias: openoffice.org-core01:25
farouskristian: if you have fglrx-control package installed run fglrxinfo01:25
Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas????????????????????????????????????????????????01:25
amiasjrib, tar -muchly01:25
jribamias: packages.ubuntu.com can let you search for packages that contain a package too01:26
kristiani don't have fglrx-control pacakge installed, i think, when i run fglrxinfo, mesa comes up01:26
Ro1no one can help me?01:26
jriberm file I mean01:26
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amiasjrib, cool thanks01:26
farouskristian: did you change your xorg.conf file01:26
andi5Ro1: so what did you do?01:26
stefgAnyone suceeded to rebuild the _original_ -25 kernel from the _original_-sources with the _original_-config? I'll always get a build error :-(01:26
kristianit was already changed01:26
kristiani think01:26
farouskristian: did you install the xorg-driver-fglrx from repos?01:27
Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas??01:27
gnomefreaksudo apt-get build-dep openoffice ;)01:27
dt-oz-gc<andi5>: u still here?01:27
kristianfarous, I installed from the howto thing, ati, im not sure01:27
andi5dt-oz-gc: no ;-)01:27
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Ro1i have a question..i have 4318 broadcom chip running dapper...i did the instructions on forum...and my light is on now...but i dont think its working...any ideas??01:27
SeanTaterJ-_: install superkaramba instead01:28
gnomefreakRo1: please stop rpeating so often01:28
=== McScruff [n=McScruff@cpc1-folk1-0-0-cust969.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ro1well, no one is answering if they could help or not01:28
farouskristian: would have been easier if you installed from the repos. why take the hard road if it is already done for you01:28
NickGarveyRo1: mm I never got wireless working in ubuntu01:28
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dt-oz-gc;-). ok, i ended up in my /boot/grub/menu.lst file. There is info in there.01:28
ubotuThe people in this IRC channel are volunteers. Please be patient and polite. The IRC guidelines can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:28
NickGarvey!patience > ro101:28
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s-tonedThe following works in a shell, but not with crontab: date >> /var/log/status$(date +%Y-%m). Why not? (It worked with debian, as I recall.)01:28
kristianfarous, what is the repos?01:28
gnomefreakRo1: they will answer if they can help and are not busy helping another01:28
J-_will superkaramba  screw anything up if i try to install it with gtk 2.0?01:28
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NickGarveyRo1: but I can tell you what I did in other distros..01:28
farous!repos > kristian01:28
amiasRo1, what kind of adapter are you using ? what kind of security does the network use ?01:29
Ro1i dont think that will help much nickgarvey01:29
Ro1broadcom 4318 54g01:29
aLPHa_LeaKis tell bla about bla outdated? ;)01:29
farouskristian: it is the ftp sites that have all the compiled bin packages for you01:29
NickGarveyRo1: yeah I have the same card01:29
Ro1no security01:29
andi5dt-oz-gc: yes, but it does not seem to help01:29
thoreauputicaLPHa_LeaK: still works afaik01:29
kristianfarous, ok... can i use them now?01:29
idefixhow do I know if I have Narrowband/Light broadband/Broadband or another type of connection?01:29
NickGarveyRo1: run iwconfig and ifconfig and pastebin them01:29
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Ro1ok...will do01:29
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farouscan users direct ubotu with tell anymore ?01:30
aLPHa_LeaKthoreauputic: yeah, theyre probably all in a hurry ;)01:30
McScruffwith the install app on the live cd (ubiquity) is there a way to stop it installing a boot loader?01:30
njanidefix, ash whoever provides your connection for you?:01:30
NickGarveyfarous: yes, but > is shorter01:30
farouskristian: open synaptic is a nice front end for the package management01:30
amiasRol, tried this -  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-191084.html ?01:30
gnomefreakfarous: everyone can send a factoid01:30
kenashow can i run 3ddesktop ?01:30
farousgnomefreak: did not work for me. for i used to get a feedback am not anymore01:30
gnomefreakfarous: you will not recieve anything if sent01:30
farousgnomefreak: ok01:30
gnomefreakfarous: its not the same bot your used to01:30
andi5dt-oz-gc: aaaahh.... they suck ;-)01:31
dt-oz-gcandi5. I am looking at lines '# kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro vga=771', and '# defoptions=quiet splash'. Maybe grub reads the top stuff there, and rewrites the stuff at the bottom - the actual boot commands - based on those top lines plus whatever kernels it finds.01:31
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andi5dt-oz-gc: i changed defoptions=quiet splash  to defoptions=    (empty string), but update-grub refilled the primer... so now i set defoptions=a and it works ;-)01:31
cydrivefarous thanks for your help sucks im so used to DOS commands i got my cd command mixed lol thanks though now i cna finish the instal01:31
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amiaskenas, before xgl i used 3ddesktop and i launched it from a button on the panel01:31
kristianfarous, ok, what do i search for?01:31
farouscydrive: good luck01:32
dt-oz-gcandi5. What is 'a'?01:32
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farouskristian: you need to enable extra repos first01:32
andi5dt-oz-gc: it is a non-empty string :)01:32
kristiani have enabled univrese01:32
farous!easysource > kristian01:32
farouskristian: there is multiverse too01:32
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J-_will superkaramba run in gnome?01:33
dt-oz-gcYeah but what does update-grub do with it? .. discard it as non-sense?01:33
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amiasyay, openoffice is back after a forced reinstall of openoffice.org-core01:33
kwjpI have a quick question about getting x to work again.. I tried to update my nvidia driver, but I somehow messed up the config file. I know it automatically made a backup, but does anyone know where I might find it?01:33
Mintyhow can i ask questions on freenode as my question are shown #freenode-social :Cannot send to channel01:33
andi5well, it leaves the line defoptions=a and appends it to the kernel line (_without_ splash&quiet)01:33
amiaskwjp,  /etc/X11/01:33
andi5dt-oz-gc: in stark contrast to defoptions=01:33
kwjpthanks.. I'll look there, but I might be back01:34
=== farous prefer debian sid synaptic then the menu driven one in ubuntu. though have not touched it in ages
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-097-066.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dt-oz-gcSo 'defoptions=a' is repeated into your kernel lines? What does 'defoptions=a' mean?01:34
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farousamias: do you happen to use aptitude01:34
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kristianfarous, ok, done01:35
amiasfarous, nope dpkg --force all --purge then apt-get install01:35
raphaIs it even possible to buy a navigation system WITHOUT needing a Windows PDA???01:35
farouskristian: ok remeber did you change xorg.conf file or did you even backit up01:35
andi5dt-oz-gc: puhh... "defoptions= " (with space) works too.... a does not mean anything, i just did not expect update-grub to ignore the explicit declaration of defoptions as empty string (so i took a short nonempty one)01:35
kristiani haven't done anything with the xorg.conf file01:36
farousamias: ok. i ment sometimes regular use of aptitude result in those wierd removal of packages01:36
cydriveQuick question im on the compiling version of ndiswrapper and i put the line make distclean as it says but i just get an eror mae is not a command01:36
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farouskristian: you should have changed the driver from ati to fglrx01:36
NickGarveycydrive: apt-get install build-essential01:36
andi5cydrive: mae is not a command (you mean make)01:36
dt-oz-gcandi5: Yeah You need to put a valid command in. Maybe 'defoptions=quiet' will be OK.01:37
kristiani think it's already changed, but i'll do it01:37
NickGarveycydrive: "sudo apt-get install build-essential" actually01:37
cydriveyes i mean make k key gets jammed sometimes01:37
posuwhat is the application dedicated to managing rcx.d configuration files in ubuntu or there is no such app?01:37
s-tonedrapha: there are nav systems for palm and some mobile phone systems (symbian(??))01:37
farouskristian: wait we can check01:37
amiasfarous: i think using dpkg --force all can do that too ;-)01:37
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farousamias: :)01:37
andi5dt-oz-gc: well, i wanted _no_ additional options, but i have found a solution :) do you think that this is worth a bug report?01:37
amiasfarous, and dodgy hard disks01:37
raphas-toned: which tho? Actually I have a BlackBerry so I don't want a PDA at all. Just a stand-alone nav system which you can put in the car.01:37
farouskristian: you can open the file with an editor and check. do not use sudo01:37
andi5cydrive: maybe install build-essentials01:38
amiasright well i'm off , thanks all , have fun01:38
kristianfurous, okai :) i always forget the code thing... :S01:38
dt-oz-gcIt might not be a bug... i do not understand grub well enough either. grub2 is coming. i will revisit when its out.01:38
SirKillalothello, how can I make my gnome-terminal get transparent when I start it using Xgl?01:38
farouskristian: or you can in a terminal cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Drive01:38
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cydrivefarous i tried what you said and got this E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)01:38
cydriveE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? i mean i have root im the admin of the system01:38
gnomefreakcydrive: use sudo?01:39
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farouscydrive: tried what. and you need sudo01:39
andi5dt-oz-gc: yes, i have installed it once, and as i did not see a grub binary i felt quiet uncomfortable :)01:39
J-_superkaramba is running on gnome, hopefully it's alright to run on it01:39
cydriveok let me try01:39
kristianfarous, i make a bin file a post it here soon..01:39
farouscydrive: you mean opening synaptic01:39
gnomefreakdt-oz-gc: grub2 is in dapper repos01:39
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McScruffIs it possible to use the text based installer on the livecd?01:39
farouskristian: no posting here use the pastebin01:39
kristianfarous, yes ofc01:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:39
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snoopsyou can only have one update going at once cydrive.. such as synaptic, or update manager, etc01:40
thoreauputicMcScruff: no, it's only the graphical installer01:40
Laneynp: R.E.M. - Losing My Religion01:40
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
dt-oz-gc<gnomefreak>. Yes. but i am too chicken to try it. Dont have time to wreck a machine these days.01:40
thoreauputicMcScruff: the "alternate" Cd has the text installer01:40
kristianfarous, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1653901:40
cydrivesnoops okay01:40
kwjpI looked in /etc/X11 and there are no backup files there, just the xorg.conf itself.. any other suggestions?01:40
dt-oz-gcc.u. later.01:41
McScruffthoreauputic, crap, i want to install nubuntu ( a security distro based on dapper livecd) but i dont want to use the gui installer because it will overwrite my mbr01:41
thoreauputicMcScruff: yes, that seems like a bug to me01:41
farouskristian: you have it loaded01:41
thoreauputicMcScruff: you don't have an "alternate" CD?01:41
gnomefreakthoreauputic: isnt nubuntu still a 3rd party version?01:41
andi5thoreauputic: can you give me a good reason why there is no text installer on the default cd? after install repeatedly crashing for me (did not tell me that grub does not like /boot on xfs), i wished to have a text one01:42
McScruffthoreauputic, not on nubuntu as its a livecd :)01:42
thoreauputicgnomefreak: I assume so, yes01:42
kristianfarous, okai, then... what do i search for in synaptic? :)01:42
farouskristian: did you backup your xorg.conf file according to the howto you used01:42
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snoopsmake a backup of your mbr with dd /dev/yourhdd /home/blah.img bs=512 count=1 McScruff.. bs=512 takes the partition table and grub installer part.. if you just want the grub installer part use bs=44601:42
kristiani have never been into that file today :P01:42
Ngandi5: because the regular install CD is also a live CD that doesn't use the same installer. There is an alternate install CD available for download that uses the old text mode installer01:42
farouskristian: i do not know the how to you used but basically i recommend installing the one in the repos01:42
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thoreauputicandi5: short answer: no Long answer, Colin Watson says therea re technical problems with doing it01:42
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farouskristian: there are some tweaks that need to be made. and i can not just figure how good the howto wa01:43
andi5ok, thanks (did not expect tech problems)01:43
McScruffsnoops, is it possible to re-install grub from inside ubuntu thats already installed?01:43
snoopsyep McScruff01:43
McScruffi'll just overwrite it with this install then, boot into my ubuntu then re-install it01:44
snoopsyou can boot from the live cd, chroot into the system, run the grub installer on the hdd of your choosing01:44
farouskristian: did the howto end up with you making a .deb files that you installed later01:44
kristiandon't think so...01:44
snoopsthen edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst (well you might not need to edit it, but you can from there)01:44
andi5oh, good question: what binary recognizes installed os'es? i installed windows after ubuntu and edited menu.lst by hand, but is there a way to find it automagically?01:44
faroussearch in synaptic for fglrx packages that are installed01:44
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andi5sorry, i did not mean that my question was a good question ;-)01:44
diopmy wifi works01:44
andi5diop: mine too... .congrats :D01:45
kristianforus, i found some packages01:45
farouskristian: are they installed01:45
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aLPHa_LeaKcan you just delete outdated init-images and use update-grub?01:45
kristiani searched only for isntalled pacakges01:45
diopandi5 i ve made about one month01:45
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diopand finally01:45
farouskristian: ok let me try a shortcut first01:45
kristianthose marked green, are installed? right?01:46
kristianyes :)01:46
NgaLPHa_LeaK: you probably want to remove the packages that own the old images, then grub will be updated for you01:46
farousyes give me a min first01:46
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andi5diop: it was really easy here.... i just inserted the interfaces lines of my previous breezy~>dapper system, this time without any hassle to edit pre.up's and alike :)01:46
farouskristian: first of those packages is there a fglrx-control one installed01:47
farousgood in a terminal type fglrxinfo01:47
thoreauputicTo me, the major prblem with the live/graphical installer is that it is the Cd supplied by "shipit" - and many of the people who most need shipiy are not in a position to download the alternate CD01:48
Bassettsis it possible to be able to move windows along the taskbar, like you can move tabs around in firefox?01:48
farousdid it say ati or mesa01:48
farousok in a terminal type sudo depmod -aq01:48
andi5Bassetts: if it was, i would _love_ to know how :)01:49
kristiandone, nothing happend01:49
farouskristian: you have the fglrx-kernel package installed right01:49
Bassettsandi5: me too :) imho its the most needed feature01:49
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andi5Bassetts: let me see whether there is some bug or rfe in gnome-panel01:49
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kristiani can't find it01:50
=== Tomcat__ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip82.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
farousthere is no fglrx-kernel package installed01:50
ufkwhat mirror can i use instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com, i can't connect to it01:50
Schalkenis an ext3 partition classified as absolutely unresizable?01:50
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
farouskristian: can you paste on the pastebin the output of this command01:50
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faroussudo aptitude search fglrx01:51
kristianwhat should i pastebin?01:51
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farousthe output of , sudo aptitude search fglrx01:51
kristiannot installed packages?01:52
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andi5Bassetts: maybe http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3778701:52
farouskristian: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude search fglrx01:52
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Bassettsandi5: i shall look01:52
cyberixDapper seems to have some big problems with playing media-files. Are these known problems?01:52
cyberixI never experienced such problems with Breezy01:53
farouscyberix: it is because of copy right laws01:53
farous!restrictedformats > cyberix01:53
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kristianfarous, search in installed packages or not installed?01:53
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andi5farous: ubotu supports redirection?01:54
kwjpdoes anyone know where xorg.conf would be backed up to? I looked in /etc/X11 and it's not there01:54
cyberixfarous: Not only them.01:54
farouskristian: ah you have to close synaptic before you execute this command01:54
cyberixfarous: Rhythmbox crashes all the time.01:54
Bassettsandi5: i dont think that is it01:54
farousandi5: seems the new one do01:54
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kristianfarous, installed or not installed packages? i have to choose01:55
Bassettsandi5: i am on about the window list01:55
=== farous am not familiar yet with the new boot
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andi5Bassetts: why not?01:55
farouskristian: you run this in a command line it will show you installed and uninstalled packages01:55
Bassettsthat bug is for the task list not window list01:55
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farouskristian: command line == gnome-terminal or konsole01:55
andi5Bassetts: but what is a task list if not the window list?01:56
Bassettstop right?? near the clock01:56
Bassettsthats what i thought the task list was01:56
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kristianyes, but i can choose if i want to search in installed packages or not installed packages?01:56
thoreauputicBassetts: that's the "notification area"01:57
aftertafanyone good with mplex problems (dvd authoring) ?01:57
farouskristian: ok lets see both01:57
Bassettsok =S01:57
Bassettsnaming is confusing lol01:57
thoreauputicBassetts: yes :)01:57
andi5Bassetts: near the clock? but you do not mean the appointsments from evolution, shown in the clock applet itself, right?01:57
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kristianokai, i do it twice then01:57
kwjpwhere can I get help with my xorg.conf file?01:57
yallamanis there any good 3d modern combat flight sim..good on linux..or at last nice to use under cedega/wine?01:58
Bassettsandi5: that just confuses me as i do not use evolution01:58
kristianfarous, oki01:58
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kristiani choosed installed pack01:58
farouskwjp: you are in the right room would be easier if you start stating the prob01:58
kristianand then?01:58
andi5Bassetts: the point is: there is a difference in gnome-panel and gnome-applets, so if it is filed again gnome-panel, then .... where is there another list? :-D01:58
Bassetts=O well confused lol01:59
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andi5s/e in g/s between g/;s/again/against/ ;-(01:59
meniskIs there a program that can read a dv stream through usb 2.0 or Firewire?01:59
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farouskristian: am sure we are not talking about the same thing. are you looking at the gui synaptic or a terminal?01:59
farouskristian: do not know how you can choose installed or uninstalled did you open the gui front end for aptitude02:00
kwjpsorry, the problem is that I tried to update my nvidia drivers and it changed my xorg.conf file and now x won't start02:00
kristiansome DOS thing.. :P02:00
kwjpit said it made a backup, but I don't know where it put it02:00
farouskwjp: /etc/X11/02:00
kwjpno, I didn't see it there02:00
kristianlet's restart :P02:01
kwjpjust the regular one02:01
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troughtonhello ppl02:01
kristianin terminal i write sudo apititude02:01
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farouskristian: in a termina type " sudo aptitude search fglrx "02:01
farouswithouth the " "02:01
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meniskIs there a program that can read the dv stream from my camcorder through usb or firewire02:02
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farouskwjp: check where you ran the installation file. aslo try locate xorg.conf02:02
farousyou may need wild cards02:02
kristianokai, my mistake... and so?02:02
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farouspaste on the pastebin the result kristian02:03
HackerGatesciao a tutti02:03
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matzegood morning02:03
kristianthere u go02:04
troughtoncan anyone tell me why my dvd burner is wont play movies or mount on k9 coppy ??02:04
kwjpthank you, I found the backup with "locate xorg.conf" it was in /var/backups/xorg/02:04
uwehello, i know the question is a primitive one, but i really have no clue why this happens, ive installed Ununtu dapper amd64 on a xeon machine with a 2.4 Ghz processor , scsi RAID and 2 GB ram ... the system is very slow ... it boots very slowly, grub is slow, and even executing the commands takes too much time ! i suspect its an i/o issue on the HD ... any ideas?02:04
farouskristian: for sure you missed one part of the howto02:04
farouskwjp: :) great02:04
tijnhi all02:05
farouskristian: ok better to install from the repos then02:05
farouskristian: open synaptic again02:05
troughtonis a 2.4 a 64 bit processer uwe ??02:05
farouskristian: this way it will be updated automtaically for you02:05
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matzeintel xeon is 64bits02:05
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farouskristian: ok uninstall the fglrx packages then reinstall them again02:06
farouskristian: do not worry of the error messages you will get02:06
uwesry, a 3.2002:06
kristianuninstall all of them? all the packages?02:06
uweIntel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz02:06
farousthey are only two right02:06
imc_Morning ndiswrapper help: I download the source and unzip and following instructions do 'make' and get Command not found.02:06
kristianhere is 5..02:06
farouskristian: two with fglrx in them02:06
matzeuwe, do you have the problems with other OSes too?02:06
kristianyes, two02:07
kwjpI got that error message before, use synaptic to search for "make"02:07
kristianmark for reinstallation?02:07
uwewell, matze , i had a suse on it before and it was ok02:07
farouskristian: wait let me check again02:07
imc_Can anyone help with ndiswrapper?02:07
kwjpimc_, try using synaptic to search for "make"02:07
farouskristian: aptitude say you only have two installed how come you say you have 5 ?02:07
imc_You;re kidding right?02:08
farousimc_: install build-essential package02:08
burepe1I am following the ktorrent site's explanation on how to compile ktorrent and I am getting errors on the "make" command. It says "make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop." What should I do?02:08
kristiani serach for fglrx in synaptic02:08
uwematze, the raid configureation changed, and i very much suspect that it could be it. but how can i make sure02:08
matzehmm... what architecture was suse? x86_64 or i386?02:08
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kwjpno, I had that problem before and it worked for me02:08
imc_Why on earth would that not be installed by default! Oh well, thanks kwjp, installing now02:08
farouskristian: the one in green are installed all others are not02:08
uweAFAIK, it broke ... :)02:08
farousimc_: you need build-essentail package for not all users are programmers02:09
kristiani remove all with fglrx in the name okai?02:09
farousimc_: you will need gcc and other tools too02:09
farouskristian: ok02:09
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tanlaanhey all02:09
kristianmark for reinstallation?02:09
kristianor remove?02:09
matzeI guess it's any problem with dapper, but this can have many reasons imho02:09
troughtoncan anyone tell me how to get my dvd working and playing movies ??02:09
farousremove and then install02:10
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:10
farouskristian: complete remove02:10
imc_SO I've got ndiswrapper made, but I'm getting error 2 /bin/sh ar: command not found when running make02:10
tanlaanim was trying to configure a MOO program...and got an error02:10
kristianthe control panel and somehting else then02:10
troughtonhave been though that ubotu and have libdvdcss installed still dose not work02:10
uwematze, i didnt understad that, do you think its a dapper issue or a non-dapper issue ?02:10
imc_Why was this so much easier under Hoary and Breezy?02:10
kristiannot panel, just control02:10
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matzei think its a dapper issue02:11
imc_Can anyone point me to a good how to for ndiswraper under Dapper? I've been frustrated as hell this morning02:11
matzeanother question, uwe: are you running from live-cd or did you install dapper?02:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:11
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uwematze, :) installed :)02:12
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matzewhen running from live-cd it was very, very slow on my box02:12
matzeah k02:12
kristianfarous, then?02:12
farouskristian: install them again this time they will install from repos02:12
farouskristian: make sure you have the repos enabled02:12
kwjphm, this would be much easier if I ran my livecd... how do I boot into it, I tried to earlier, but it ignored the cd, I have bios to boot from cd first02:13
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Sgeo"Totem could not play 'fd://0'."02:13
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kristiani just right click on them and click install  or?02:13
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SgeoUsing totem-gstreamer02:13
uweis there a way to test the I/O speed02:13
farouskristian: exactly02:13
matzebut I dont know what the reason could be, im not a tech or something, im just using gnu/linux02:13
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uweyes, same here matze .. thank you :)02:14
_Rappy_I can't seem to find the equalient of this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper. Not released yet or what?02:14
BrianHHHi, everyone.  Is anyone here familiar with using Captive to read + write NTFS drives?  When I try to ls my NTFS partition, it gives me a "connection refused" error.02:14
KenSentMe!tell _Rappy_ about upgrade02:14
neutrinomassuwe: sudo hdparm -t /dev/hda02:15
_Rappy_tnx :)02:15
matzeno problem. tried to reinstall?02:15
kristianok, now they are installed02:15
rapha!tell rapha about upgrade02:15
kwjphow do I make my computer boot to cd? I start it up and it skips the cd and just loads my installed ubuntu02:15
raphakwjp: does it tell about any keys that you can press?02:15
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raphakwjp: if everything goes too fast, try pressing the Pause key02:15
burepe1kwjp; you gotta go in to the BIOs and change the boot order02:15
farouskristian: close synaptic and type this command, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)02:16
troughtonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions brianHH02:16
kwjpthe boot order has cd go first02:16
kwjpbut it skips it02:16
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BrianHHThanks, troughton .  I'll check it out. :)02:16
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uwethanks neutrinomass02:16
imc_None of the how-tos in the wifi refers to ndiswrapper on a x386; the instructions for ndiswrapper on an AMD are WRONG in that they ask me to unar the latest ndiswrapper file and cd into the debian directory, which doesn't exist. Any help please?02:16
kristianthe newest version is already installed02:16
burepe1kwjp: when the comp starts there should be a screen with options, what are they?02:16
farouskwjp: are you sure the bootsec on the disc is not damaged02:16
farouskristian: great02:17
kwjpit's the cd I used to install it with02:17
thoreauputickwjp: either 1) Not a bootable CD or 2) BIOS problem02:17
kristianokai :)02:17
farouskristian: now fglrxinfo02:17
SgeoMaybe disabling hd in the boot order (*winces hoping he isn't saying something wrong*)02:17
tanlaani tried compiling a MOO program, and i got an error that i didnt have an ANSI-C Compiler02:17
tanlaandoes anyone know where i might be able to get that02:17
kristianmesa shit still tere02:17
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neutrinomasstanlaan: You need to install build-essential .02:17
Sukre^n_Pudrewhy if i do * adduser myuser video * it says thad user is already present ? O_o02:17
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Sukre^n_Pudregroup on video device are root - root02:18
farouskristian: try a reboot. what is your card02:18
tanlaanthx neitrinomass ill try that02:18
uwe10 MB in  4.01 seconds =   2.49 MB/sec ! i suppose thats VERY slow ... no ?02:18
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kristianfarous, 9800 Pro, ati02:18
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kristianrebot now, see ya02:18
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thoreauputicuwe: *very* slow02:18
neutrinomasstanlaan: Although make sure you check the repositories before compiling anything - ok ? :)02:18
zerboxxHello everyone. I'm having an odd program. Out of nowhere my HDD has become read-only...02:18
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tanlaanlol ok02:19
neutrinomasszerboxx: It drops you to a console when booting ?02:19
matzeuwe did you install chipset drivers?02:19
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SgeoHi funk02:19
BrianHHtroughton:  I'm assuming from the info on that page that Captive won't work to write to NTFS.  Is that correct?02:19
zerboxxneotard: yes, and the last thing I did was try to setup vgetty, so I was trying to undo some things, but I can't02:19
funkyany repository where amarok 1.4 its on it?02:19
funkyhi Sgeo02:19
troughtonit tells you how to make it read wright also02:20
SgeoWhen I boot up, EVMS takes a long time02:20
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neutrinomasszerboxx: Try fscking the drive....02:20
fluxyHello. Is there a way to stop ubuntu from doing disk/filesystem checks at the start? It takes way too much time doing so, and it's annoying. Thanks02:20
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zerboxxneutrinomass: can you walk me through that please?02:20
SgeoAlso, sometimes, unless I start the kernel with ide=nodma, bootup freezes02:20
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neutrinomasszerboxx: It has happened to me a couple of times. fsck would scan the drive but refuse to fix it automatically.02:20
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kristiancheck again?02:20
neutrinomasszerboxx: I'll try to but not sure :)02:20
SgeoAfter I use ide=nodma, next bootups work better02:20
SgeoEven without ide=nodma02:20
farouskristian: hopefully02:20
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kristianthe same shit02:21
zerboxxneutrinomass: heh ok let me take some looks myself02:21
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SgeoWith ide=nodma, EVMS takes an _extremely_ long time02:21
farouskristian: post your xorg.conf file02:21
SgeoWithout it, it just takes a long time02:21
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kristianenter d code :P02:21
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SgeoAny help?02:21
zerboxxneutrinomass: well it's started...02:21
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funkyI got it02:21
neutrinomasszerboxx: try "fsck -a /dev/hda1", replacing /dev/hda1 with your partition ...02:21
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funkyif anyone else its interested deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main02:21
zerboxxneutrinomass: I did "sudo fsck"02:22
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neutrinomasszerboxx: And ?02:22
farouskristian: it is located at /etc/X11/ the file name is xorg.conf02:22
zerboxxneutrinomass: it now says "Deleted inode 163848 has zero dtime. Fix (Y)?"02:22
kristianyes, thx02:22
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fluxyIs there a way to stop ubuntu from doing disk/filesystem checks at the start? It takes way too much time doing so, and it's annoying. Thanks02:23
gore_how do I change my boot splash screen?02:23
neutrinomasszerboxx: Well, I'm not quite sure. I usually run fsck with the -a option (to fix everything automatically)02:23
kristiansudo /etc/x11/xorg.conf ?02:23
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zerboxxneutrinomass: know if I can just...stop this fsck?02:23
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farouskristian: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:24
neutrinomasszerboxx: The fsck man page says to use -a with caution, but frankly, I have no idea why one would not want to fix it02:24
neutrinomasszerboxx: Not sure, but probably yes. let me check the man apge ...02:24
farousthen copy and paste to the pastebin02:24
zerboxxneutrinomass: :P ok, I assume I can just say yes to everything, no?02:24
luk156i' ve install compiz but when i play a video the it plays with lower number of frame rate02:24
kristianit's blank02:24
farouskristian: one question why did you wan the prop drivers02:24
fijamhello. I have a question. What excacly happens during 'preparing restricted drivers'?02:24
tijndoes anyone know a good opensource solution to M$ terminal services?02:24
farouskristian: fglrx02:24
neutrinomasszerboxx: That's what I would do (which is not neccessarily correct advice)02:24
farouskristian: and it can not be blank :)02:25
zerboxxneutrinomass: well if you're going down, I'll go down with you!02:25
kwjpI think I've fixed it.. I had to use grub to boot into recovery mode so I could alter the conf file. Thank you everyone for your help!02:25
BrianHHIf I mount my NTFS drive with umask=000 (to make it read/write, from what I can tell from the page troughton pointed me to), will Bad Things happen?02:25
farouskristian: check for spelling mistakes02:25
kristiani can't find fglrx02:25
kristianwhat's wrong today?:P02:25
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farouskristian: take a time out02:25
pvdGot to love google02:25
farouskristian: we can cont tomorrow02:25
kristianu leaving?02:26
neutrinomasszerboxx: Keep in mind that this could be a sign that your hard disk is failing, so once your system boots up correctly make backups of everything ...02:26
geekoehi, i'm missing /lib/iptables/libip6t_REJECT.so in the iptables package...02:26
farousyou need ot take some time to rest too02:26
kristiannot at all ;P02:26
zerboxxneutrinomass: ....oh no, it IS my backup drive!02:26
farousso gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:26
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kristianit's blank02:27
=== farous wonders how come it is common now to miss libs. this is not sign of stability
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neutrinomasszerboxx: lol. Well FWIW, I got one of those right before my drive failed :-/02:27
farouskristian: it can not be for you will not be loged into the system in gui env if it was02:27
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farouskristian: cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:27
kristianforget sudo maybe..?02:28
zerboxxneutrinomass: alright well when this started happening I was in the process of a huge backup, so I'll just keep things on my main drive now :/02:28
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farouskristian: and take care of the capital and small letter linux is case senstive02:28
cydriveok im can someone pleas help me im trying to compileNdisWrapper but i dont understand the command line im supposed to use im at the very initial part of the compile part02:28
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BrianHHCan anyone help me out getting my NTFS drive to be read/write?  I think I have the answer here, but I just want to get some advice before I corrupt my partition and hose Windows or something...02:28
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tanlaandoes anyone know of a better place than pastebin.com?02:29
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Peciskhi guys, any good console which supports Unicode under Ubuntu/Debian?02:29
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tanlaanbecause its being extremely slow for me02:29
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tripppynothing better02:29
hunlaHi, im trying to set up my webcam but it cant be found on /dev/video0. What shall i do?02:29
Peciskconsole/console editor/s02:29
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Peciskhunla: what webcam?02:29
Peciskhunla: model, provider02:29
hunlaPecisk: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 046d:08f0 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messenger02:29
cydriveok im can someone pleas help me im trying to compile NdisWrapper but i dont understand the command line im supposed to use im at the very initial part of the compile part02:30
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tripppywhats a good network traffic limiter?02:30
hwildecydrive, why are you trying to compile02:30
Peciskhunla: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11122502:30
hunlathanks Pecisk02:30
farouscydrive: why do you need to compile the packge is already in the repositories02:30
Peciskhunla: and next time while asking and waiting for answer here, just google for it, just in case :))02:31
kristiancd /etc/X11/xorg.conf, dosent work02:31
cydriveNdisWrapper  the install directions are here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation02:31
Peciskhunla: google can find lot of things <g>02:31
cydriveim at the compile part02:31
farouskristian: cd /etc/X11/02:31
hwildekristian, /etc/X11/xorg.conf is a file not a directory so you cant cd02:31
geekoeis the /lib/iptables/ip6t_REJECT.so missing for security reasons? or has it just bee forgotten...02:31
farouskristian: you can not cd to a file02:31
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hwildecydrive, use this webpage from the wiki:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:31
mikearthurcydrive: why are you trying to compile?02:31
farouskristian: got to go now good luck am sure others can help here02:32
hunlaPecisk: damn, i must compile my kernel :(02:32
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tanlaanhad a problem while using "make" have the entire process from compilation at http://pastebin.ca/7198102:32
kristianwell, i don't think so, u are the best ;)02:32
zerboxxneutrinomass: on the good side, I wanted to buy a new HDD for my main computer, so now I will and I'll put the old as my backup XD02:32
Peciskhunla: wait a sec02:32
Peciskhunla: possibly there are already modules02:32
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tanlaanany help would be awesome02:32
uwewell, matze_at_lunch , thoreauputic, neutrinomass , for some reason its the RAID config ... it was RAID 5 , i tried RAID 0 and its very fast now02:32
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SVisorIs FreeNode still owned?02:33
hwildetanlaan, you don't have "yacc" installed.02:33
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uwestrange ...02:33
tanlaanok ill go install that :D02:33
hwildetanlaan, see lines 143, 144, make: yacc: Command not found02:33
tanlaanyea i see that02:34
neutrinomasszerboxx: It's sad how often HDDs die nowadays :(02:34
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neutrinomassuwe: Glad you figured it out :)02:34
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hwildeneutrinomass, zerboxx, SeaGate is the world's leading harddrive manufacturer.02:34
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BCK14hwilde: doesnt mean there the best, i mean microsoft are the worlds operating system leaders02:35
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AnswerBCK14, Seagates are the best harddrives02:36
BCK14id say western digital are quite good02:36
tanlaani cant find yacc in synaptic02:36
BCK14Answer: personal opinion :)02:36
Juhazthere's no such thing as "best" in hard drives, or anything for that matter.02:36
hunlaPecisk: :/02:36
tanlaani found cl-yacc02:36
BCK14Juhaz: totally agree02:36
tanlaanand a few others that are kinda like that02:36
neutrinomasshwilde: (just mentioning it, this is not the place to discuss it) I got an 160GB Seagate drive that failed 3 months after purchase. It's circumstancial evidence, agreed, but I'm no longer that fond of Seagate.02:37
SVisorJuhaz: But there are some should avoid (like IBM DeathStar a few years back).02:37
zerboxxJuhaz: true, though seagate has many pluses, especially for laptops: largest size (160Gig), coolest (in comparison to same sizes), power consumption, etc02:37
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Answertanlaan, how about  http://www.grendelproject.nl/dyacclex/02:37
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JuhazSVisor, yes, but just a brand doesn't help with that, it's useless overgeneralization - ibm had good drives too, and seagate has had bad drives as well02:38
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RaitoHow do you download (and/or setup) ALSA and OSS sound drivers?02:38
Answeribm sux, seagate rules.02:38
xstAfter upgrading to dapper my firefox has begun freeze quite often. I think it might have something to do with flash usage cause e.g. youtube.com freezes very often, while non-flash sites have less potential to freeze. Has anyone experienced the same increase in freezes? And how do I fix it?02:39
SVisorJuhaz: Before the DeathStar serie I bought and recommended IBM. Nowadays I say Seagate.02:39
Peciskhunla: as far as I have searched, there are Ubuntu package for driver sources, which you propably should use, for compatiblity with kernel. Although I can't find already compiled kernel, sorry :( Maybe try your luck at Ubuntu Forums02:39
hunlathankys anyway.02:39
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JuhazIBM doesn't even make hard drives any more, but I haven't had any negative experiences with hitachi, who bought their HD unit02:40
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pvdAnyone ever tried the hdparm -u 1 option?02:41
bcroqhi all02:42
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xiceguys: whats the nvidia equalavent of "256MB ATI Mobility Radeon X1400" i only speak NViDIA02:42
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bcroqdo you know how to tell the live CD the X resolution you want to use?02:42
JuhazSVisor, you'll run out of manufacturers to recommend, eventually, if you switch every time one happens to break :)02:42
RaitoHow do you download other sound drivers? I think that is my problem. I need ALSA and OSS. (I got libsdl1.2debian-all) But that doesn't seem to work (i had it all along) Do I need to do anything to set it up?02:43
Answerxice, a 256mb nvidia laptop video card02:43
xicenot really, i mean like a 7600?02:43
Answerxice, go look up the pricing on the ati and find a comparable nvidia02:43
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SVisorJuhaz: Hmm been quite happy with Seagate (HD), LG (CD/DVD), Samsung (Laser printers. Even thou mine is giving up, just 6 months old), Epson (inkjet). In the good old days I said IBM (if SCSI) Seagate else... now its Seagate all the way. So this far Im only dropped IBM (and Hitachi) as HD manufacturer.02:45
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`4G|HaZwheres the best place on how to use linux from the beginning02:46
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Raitoubuntu documentation (I guess)02:46
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SVisor`4G|HaZ: Just play around and ask when RTFM,man,info and common sense fails.02:47
`4G|HaZk then02:48
`4G|HaZ=] 02:48
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s-tonedIf anyone has a recommendation for a video card with DVI, very good image quality and xinerama, and working with x.org 7 then I'd be happy to read it.02:48
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Chameleon22i want to use a local imap server as an email backup storage - can anyone suggest pkgs i need for ubuntu server to set it up (to avoid googling like crazzy) plz...02:49
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whyamiI am a bit confused about users and groups. Isn't it the case that I as a user can run an application which will then run as perhaps a different user? How is this set up?02:50
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NickGarveywhyami: all users belong to one or more groups02:50
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SVisorGot my ATI9600 working. Not with the open drivers, they locked the computer hard when DRI was invoked. But with the proprietary drivers (not to 100% but near enough).02:51
NickGarveywhyami: in privileges, the middle 3 set of letters is the permission for the group who owsn the file02:51
NickGarveywhyami: so you can have it so one person can edit the file, but a group of people can read and execute the file02:51
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azertyuuuhey all, i used to get access to my routersettings, but I can't enter it anymore in Linux. Windows works fine (in Opera as in FF)). Any firewall is disabled. Help !02:52
AnswerChameleon22, there are many imap servers... courier, cyrus.  there are other utilities that might do what you want, like "imapsync"02:52
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whyamiNickGarvey: isn't it the case though that I can run an app as a user but the app itself will run as a different user?02:53
Chameleon22Answer, which one would you recommend ... most common one02:53
SVisorwhyami: I think you are asking about sticky bits.02:53
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AnswerChameleon22, I haven't tried either personally, or taken a survey of all the users02:54
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Chameleon22Answer, k02:54
Chameleon22Answer, thanks any way :)02:54
AnswerChameleon22, courier is version 3.0.8 and cyrus is 2.1.1.  they are both ubuntu approved02:55
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Chameleon22checking them out now..02:55
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AnswerChameleon22, you might be able to just use the utility "imapsync"02:56
blakkinoazertyuuu, you didn't provide any information in your requewst02:56
blakkino=> no reply02:56
osfameronwhere can I get drivers for Panasonic DV camcorder?02:56
osfameronor alternaitvely do something useful for it without drivers?02:56
Chameleon22Answer, whats that?02:56
SVisorubotu: are you alive02:56
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:57
NickGarveySVisor: yes it is02:57
Chameleon22Answer, never mind, checking out now , stupid question lol02:57
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AnswerChameleon22, synaptic will help you out...02:58
SVisorNickGarvey: I thought it would be smart enough to answer :-)02:58
whyamiSVisor: I'm looking at your link. It might be related to what I am asking. When I type "ps aux" I see a bunch of processes belonging to various users: dhcp, daemon, nobody... how do these get assigned to these groups?02:58
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NickGarveySVisor: yeah, its strange02:58
NickGarveyubotu: help02:58
NickGarveySVisor: no idea..02:58
Chameleon22Answer, dont think it will though. I have bunch of accounts that are pop etc from various servers agregated into one download - so what i want is a way to "drag" it over to a special folder that will act as a mirror so to speak and reside on backup server02:58
tanlaandoes anyone know a very easy/simple way to install yacc?02:59
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monkkeyhi guys,, i have installed a new hard drive on my dual boot sys, format with fat 32. windows reads/writes fine, ubuntu will no longer boot, mounting filesys and then waiting for file sys, boots no further03:01
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SVisorwhyami: The USER is the user that started the application (root in most cases). Sometimes (some apps) lower their permissions by taking some other identify.03:02
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tanlaandoes anyone know a very easy/simple way to install yacc?03:02
monkkeywhats yacc?03:03
MikkelRevWhats the command to start Internet Explorer? I am trying to run IE through wine. I tried wine /path/explorer.exe, but that was not quite Internet Explorer03:03
kdittyive done a few attempts of rescuing my old install of ubuntu, and i finally decided to reinstall it from scratch. now when i boot up, grub has 4 versions of linux listed... how could i go about getting rid of that?03:03
tanlaanidk but its needed for me to install another program03:03
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NickGarveyMikkelRev: /WINDOWS/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe03:03
tanlaanand the last one i tried installing had a huge list of stuff that i had to preinstall for it to work03:04
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The_GuardianI need help finding a repository for Grasshopper.03:04
tanlaanwell since im not getting any response im gonna go to bed03:05
tanlaanand check back up when i wake up03:05
neoschello all. I have 2 had disks and a dvdrom as fllows.. i sata hdd connected to the sata port, dvdrom as master IDE, 2nd ata hard disk as slave IDE. Ubuntu is installed on the sata HDD. It recognises the ntfs partitions on sata and loads them. I have a ufs partition on the ata hdd, what is the mount command to load it?03:05
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xiceDigg.com is down !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get Ready for Awesomeness!!!!! V3 out any minute03:06
monomaniacpathow do you edit keyboard settings in KDE?03:06
monomaniacpatshorcuts, specifically03:06
Sgeoxice: That's why digg is u... Oh.03:06
Hobbseexice: --> offtopic03:06
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The_GuardianCan someone help me find a good C++ compiler for dapper?03:08
The_GuardianI'm having no luck finding grasshopper03:08
MikkelRevNickGarvey: thanks, but it didnt work. It came up with some weird errors, like here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1654603:08
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SVisorWhats wrong with gcc (g++)?03:09
NickGarveyMikkelRev: yeah, didn't work for me either03:09
HobbseeThe_Guardian: try g++ blah.cpp -o outputfilename03:09
NickGarveyMikkelRev: installed windows XP in vmware and that works fine though03:09
HobbseeThe_Guardian: also, kate or gedit are quite good03:09
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net03:10
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jribSVisor: what do you mean?03:10
neoscI have 2 had disks and a dvdrom as fllows.. i sata hdd connected to the sata port, dvdrom as master IDE, 2nd ata hard disk as slave IDE. Ubuntu is installed on the sata HDD. It recognises the ntfs partitions on sata and loads them. I have a ufs partition on the ata hdd, what is the mount command to load it?03:10
NickGarveyHobbsee: kate can compile C++?03:10
HobbseeNickGarvey: yeah, i'ts got a terminal window down the bottom, and you use g++.  kdevelop3 is also quite good.03:10
SVisorjrib: Mean about what?03:10
NickGarveyHobbsee: thats pretty sweet03:10
NickGarveyHobbsee: thank you03:10
HobbseeNickGarvey: yep :)03:10
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The_GuardianiI thought gedit was just a text editor?03:10
jribSVisor: "what's wrong with gcc (g++)?"03:10
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The_Guardiangcc is what I was using, but I keep getting not found errors for everything03:11
gnomefreakanjuta too ;)03:11
The_Guardianand it doesn't make sense since I am pretty sure I have all the libraries installed03:11
SVisorjrib: Answer to The_Guardian about "good C++ compiler"03:11
jribSVisor: oh I see...03:11
MikkelRevAnyone know how to start Internet Explorer from ubuntu? wine didnt work03:11
gnomefreakThe_Guardian: sudo apt-get install build-essential if you havent already03:11
NickGarveyneosc: try fdisk -l to see where they all are, and then mount /dev/???? /mntpoint03:12
NickGarveyMikkelRev: are you familiar with vmware?03:12
gnomefreakMikkelRev: its messy running IE under wine03:12
The_Guardianthanks gnome running it now :)03:12
gnomefreakThe_Guardian: that should give you everything you need to compile ;)03:12
The_Guardianit's so nice having a root terminal for ubuntu now03:12
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The_Guardiantyping sudo infront of everything was driving me nuts03:13
gnomefreakThe_Guardian: theres always been one in applications>system tools03:13
MikkelRevNickGarvey: apt-get install vmware: could not find package03:13
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NickGarveyMikkelRev: heh, not that easy03:13
The_Guardianaye I just recently found it gnome :)03:13
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NickGarveyMikkelRev: let me show you a screen shot of vmware03:13
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The_Guardianand eep! why would you want to use IE? :(03:13
gnomefreakbrb coffee and smoke03:13
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The_Guardianthat's as bad as enjoying killing babies (even though they taste like chicken)03:14
MikkelRevgnomefreak: sad, my mother is dependent on having Internet Explorer, she wont accept gnu until she can use IE03:14
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MikkelRevNickGarvey: I know what it is03:14
The_Guardianmikkel I would suggest hypnotism03:14
SVisorMikkelRev: Tell her that Firefox is the _new_ IE!03:14
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ceztko ALL: what's the correct way of calculating an md5sum hash of multiple files (or of a directory)? I can't use tar.03:14
The_Guardianactually svisor he can take it one step further03:14
The_Guardianinstall IE icons over firefox :P03:14
MikkelRevSVisor: its about IE-only websites...03:15
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare03:15
jribMikkelRev: which version of internet explorer did you try to use under wine?03:15
ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.03:15
SVisorI tried IE6 a long time ago in Wine, and it messed my Windows completely.03:16
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vincenzHow do I check which application i using my soundcard?03:16
vincenzxmms won't play, keeps complainiing03:16
MikkelRevjrib: not sure as I cant check. Think its v603:16
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ddonkySo how does one reset their nickserv password?03:17
jribddonky: /msg nickserv help set password03:17
Hobbseeddonky: /msg nickserv help03:17
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The_Guardiani'm having problems with some games not playing any sound with wine03:17
jribvincenz: what output plugin are you using?03:17
The_Guardianespecially shattered galaxy03:17
ddonkyHobsee - thanks03:17
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PupenoAny ideas how to turn a color pdf into a grayscale one ?03:18
SVisorIf someone want to pose as me, let em. Ive so booring personality that no one wants to use it.03:18
vincenzjrib: ALSA03:18
The_Guardianyay my first program compiled =)03:18
vincenzjrib: funnily I started GAIM after (for irc) and it made a sound when I got a message03:18
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vincenzso it can access sound03:18
vincenzjrib: I switched to eSound Output plugin, that seems to work03:19
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jribvincenz: should work with also too, but as long as you got it to work I guess that's good03:19
vincenzjrib: thx03:19
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vincenzjrib: any way to type something in commandline to check alsa usage?03:20
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vincenzjrib: usually it works fine03:20
The_Guardianto make the exe it's just link Hello.CPP Hello.exe right?03:20
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jribMikkelRev: you could try #winehq, or the wine site for some special instructions you might need for ie603:20
AJR1how difficult is it to get windows games to run under ubuntu?03:20
The_Guardiannot very03:20
The_Guardianjust install the latest wine version03:20
SVisorThe_Guardian: g++ hello.cpp -o hello.exe03:20
HobbseeThe_Guardian: g++ hello.cpp -o hello, yes03:20
The_Guardianmost work pretty well03:20
HobbseeSVisor: can you craete .exe files on linux?  nice03:20
vincenzThe_Guardian: a) no, b) ask in #c++, c) if you don't specify the executable name, you should find it in "a.out"03:20
AJR1The_Guardian : how do i install wine through the sy packet man?03:20
SVisorHobbsee: UNIX does not use extensions03:21
Assemblorhi - I am new to this - am trying to install the drivers for my nvidia card - have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia but I cannot get it to work - I get an error: "Your X configuration has been altered"....can anyone help me?03:21
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HobbseeSVisor: i realise that, which is why it's usually created as a .bin file, i was wondering how you got the exe file03:21
jribvincenz: there probably is a way, but I don't know it03:21
SVisorHobbsee: This would work too: g++ hello.cpp -o hello.myextension03:21
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HobbseeSVisor: true03:22
jbucould someone of you compile zope2.9 on dapper? even an apt-get source zope2.9 and debuild -uc -us fails? am i missing something?03:22
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BCK14in gnome is there anyway to specify a path for an application launcher?03:22
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jribjbu: did you do 'apt-get build-dep zope2.9' ?03:22
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BCK14eg: /home/user  to execute ./run.py03:22
jbujrib: yep!03:22
MikkelRevNickGarvey: "Firstly you need to buy a license to use the VMWARE.."03:22
The_GuardianAJRI: go to the wine website. It will direct you as to which repository you need to add.03:23
jribBCK14: /home/user/run.py03:23
The_Guardianand give you a step by step on how to do so03:23
NickGarveyMikkelRev: no..03:23
NickGarveyMikkelRev: server is free now03:23
SVisorBCK14: 'cd /home/user & ./run.py' ... might actually work03:23
jribBCK14: you just put the . because . is not in your $PATH03:23
ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.03:23
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AJR1The_Guardian got a link plz?03:23
The_Guardianhmm which is better? beep or xmms?03:23
BCK14ok ty jrib :)03:23
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:23
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jribThe_Guardian: beep looks nicer03:23
NickGarveyMikkelRev: you need to do a 30 second survey.. but this is excellent software03:24
The_GuardianI love the ubuntu bot03:24
The_Guardiansooo useful03:24
jribjbu: I'll try to compile03:24
NickGarveyMikkelRev: you need to have your windows disk to install windows to vmware also03:24
Kenzuhey.... where to start if I want to set up LTSP on dapper server?03:24
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jbujrib: thx a lot03:24
KenzuNothing special on the wiki03:24
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jribjbu: ha actually no I won't, because I'm on dialup and nit is 7mb sorry :)03:25
AJR1how do you message the bot in here?03:25
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jribAJR1: /msg ubotu blah03:25
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AJR1jrib thanks03:25
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tijn[15:25]  <ubotu> I know nothing about blah ;)03:25
NickGarveyCould someone with an account on the wiki update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare, you don't need to purchase a licence to use server edition03:25
jribjbu: maybe you can pastebin the output you get on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:26
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jbujrib: ok.. I'll try it again... but the way is ok... isn't it? or do I have to do something else with ubuntu?03:26
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net03:26
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jribjbu: that should be ok as long as you have 'build-essential'03:26
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NATnatic hello all... im struggling to get MonoDevelop to work under Ubuntu03:27
NATnatic any help would be much appreciated :)03:27
NickGarveyNATnatic: whats not working?03:27
NATnatic i downloaded and ran the mono- and ran it without any problems but  when i try to run MonoDevelop nothing happens03:27
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ubotuI know nothing about enigma03:28
jribNATnatic: any reason you aren't using the repositories?03:28
systestWhere's the proper place to set a static route on boot? e.g. which config file?03:28
nikusanNATnatic, you should try installing in like: sudo apt-get install monodevelop03:28
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SgeoWhy did the the Pentagonal Dreams song dissappear?03:28
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NATnaticnikusan: well i tried installing it using Synaptic first but it crashed when i tried to open it... so i unistalled Mono & MonoDevelop and tried using the installer from www.mono-project.com03:30
NATnaticdoes Synaptic not just use apt-get gehind the scenes?03:30
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.03:30
gnubiehow do I turn the srevices raid and pcmcia off?03:31
ubotufrostwire is A totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:31
jbujrib: I've just reinstalled g++ and now it's working... thx again03:31
nikusanNATnatic, try deleting ~/.config/MonoDevelop that fixed mine03:31
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:32
dngldoofi'm having problems installing my DVD-RW03:32
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NickGarveywhat command would I run to check if my swap is on?03:33
NgNickGarvey: free03:33
NATnatichey thanks nikusan ill give that a whirl03:34
NgNickGarvey: the last line gives details of your swap03:34
systestNickGarvey: man swapon03:34
systeste.g. swapon -s03:34
NickGarveysystest, Ng: thank you03:35
=== Mr_GTi [n=tigerbea@60-241-140-152.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_GTiHey All03:35
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.03:35
Mr_GTiAnyone here????03:36
Mr_GTiI need ubuntu help03:36
SVisorMr_GTi: Only us bots here.03:36
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:36
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BCK14jrib: how would i run the command as root ?03:36
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Mr_GTiHey i just recieved the live CD (Version 6.06 LTS 64 bit03:37
Mr_GTiand when i try to load the live CD i ghet an Xserve error03:37
jribBCK14: you could use gksudo but you would get a password prompt everytime you logged into gnome03:37
Mr_GTiand it wont load....    :-(03:37
jribBCK14: what are you trying to accomplish?03:38
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NET||abusestuipd xgl update,,, damn you...03:38
NET||abusetodays xgl-server update has nutted up my previously working xgl/compiz setup03:38
SVisorMr_GTi: Adn your hardware is?03:38
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Mr_GTiAMD 64 3500+,   Abit RADEON X700pro, ABIT AN8 Motherboard03:39
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Mr_GTiABIT AN8 SLI*03:39
BCK14jrib: thats what i did in the end03:39
BCK14jrib: im running a script to update the database on my mp3 player, which is now working except the terminal closes before i can see the output03:40
BCK14which is a bit of a pain :(03:40
Mr_GTiBy the way im a NOOBIE to Linux, (ubuntu)03:40
jribBCK14: well you can pipe all the output to a file and read it afterwards03:40
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BCK14ah how jrib ?03:41
jriberm s/pipe/redirect03:41
BCK14at the end of the command?03:41
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The_Guardianhmm anyone got limewire working with ubuntu?03:41
ubotufrostwire is A totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:41
Mr_GTiSVisor:  AMD 64 3500+,   Abit RADEON X700pro, ABIT AN8 SLI Motherboard03:41
SVisorMr_GTi: Sorry to say, there seems to be a lot of grief with X700por cards :-( Example: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-31418.html%22***%3C/t-27992.html03:42
jribBCK14: not sure if that works by adding it just to the gnome startup entry, but you could try.  You could also either a)figure out how to do it in python (I don't know) or b) write a shell script that calls your python script and sends the output to a file, #!... /home/user/run.py > /home/user/log03:42
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BCK14hmm ok03:43
BCK14ill prob just put a wait in the python scripts :)03:43
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NickGarveytime.sleep() ;)03:44
=== Mr_GTi thought Ubuntu was for human beings
yallamanwhats the best bittorrent app for linux?03:44
=== Mr_GTi screeeeems
Mr_GTiThanks for your help SVisor03:45
SVisorMr_GTi: But not for those rich people who can afford cutting edge hardware ;-)03:45
Minty__how do you have a program start when ubuntu starts such as networkselector ???03:45
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=== Mr_GTi puts the Ubuntu stickers on case anyhow......
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Mr_GTiGuess i will have to order Windows vista in the slight hope that it will be an improvment over XP03:47
Mr_GTiBeta 203:47
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xophEryallaman, I like azureus the best, personal preference 03:48
SVisorMr_GTi: Cant help you with the live thingy. If you manage to get it installed, you might be able to get it to run Vesa. Or maybe there is proprietary drivers for it.03:48
ubotuI know nothing about batman03:48
Mr_GTiThanks anyway Svisor...03:49
KibouMr_GTi: bug ati about either provide proper drivers or opening up their driver development03:49
The_Guardianis there a new frostwire out?03:49
The_Guardianthe directions to install it aren't working03:49
Mr_GTiOk have a good night yall03:49
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SVisorATIs proprietray drivers install easily and run well on Ubuntu, so its always an solution.03:50
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:51
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ROBOdi have amd duron03:52
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ROBOdi'd like to install linux kernel 686 or k7.... i'm not sure which?03:52
lotheacI need to mount/unmount different isos to a specific mountpoint in my home directory with a script (as a regular user). Do I need to make a fstab entry for every iso or is there another way?03:52
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The_Guardianthis is really odd03:55
SVisorROBOd: Does Ubuntu have more than 386 and 64bit altenatives?03:55
The_GuardianI have java5-jre installed03:55
ROBOdSVisor: yeah03:55
The_Guardianbut when I go to install frostwire it says it's not installed?03:55
NgSVisor: PPC and Sparc are the other official ports03:56
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RondoWhen I installed a samba client for ubuntu my whole desktop turned black (my wallpaper dissapeared) and the icons, Chester (computer name), Home, and Run, came up on the deskto. How would I get it back to normal?03:56
NgRondo: k703:56
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RondoNg: what is that?03:56
ROBOdNg: thanks :)03:56
NgROBOd: sorry, that was meant for ROBOd ;)03:56
Ngerr, Rondo03:57
meherenis there a command to erase a cd-rw?03:57
=== lotheac applauds for Ng.
Nglotheac: I need to remember that this is a poor place to type two characters and hit tab ;)03:57
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lotheacjust double check after hitting it :p03:57
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yallamanazureus..just hangs on port test..sigh03:57
The_Guardianahh lo Ng didn't get a chance to thank you for the help you provided yesterday :)03:58
meherenhow can I completely erase a cd-rw03:58
The_Guardianeverything is working perfectly now03:58
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The_Guardianexcept frostwire lol03:58
NgThe_Guardian: you're welcome :)03:58
Ngmeheren: I think cdrecord can do that03:58
Jack1Hobbsee i want to burn my /home folder now (thx it finally worked with the swap) and k3b  asks me "follow link now" or add symbolic link to project?03:58
meherenNg, thx03:59
MoodlesI'm removing the 13gb drive from this computer, and want to move the current ubuntu install to another drive already in the system. what should I do? I don't want to format the existing drives03:59
HobbseeJack1: go into home folder, and add everything there?03:59
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Stardog_Anyone here know how to install ATI driver on dapper? the method that worked on breezy, doesn't work on dapper..03:59
RondoWhen I installed a samba client for ubuntu my whole desktop turned black (my wallpaper dissapeared) and the icons, Chester (computer name), Home, and Run, came up on the deskto. How would I get it back to normal?04:00
NickGarveyStardog_: easyubuntu?04:00
Ng!ati > Stardog_04:00
Jack1yes but when i wanna burn it asks '/home/johannes/.kde/cache-fluffy' is a symbolic link to folder '/var/tmp/kdecache-johannes'.04:00
The_Guardiandoes anyone here have frostwire installed?04:01
Stardog_NickGarvey: tried, but wont show up on gfxlrinfo04:01
Jack1so i am unsure with the options04:01
green_earzyallaman: are you behind a firewall ? if so do you have any ports open for the torrent ?04:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:01
yallamannope..but behind a router..ports are open tough04:01
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ROBOdthanks guys04:02
ROBOdgotta go04:02
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meherenI've downloaded the gentoo livecd installer and am trying to write it to a cd... it fails every single time when it gets to 83% complete? and ideas? (I'm running ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake)04:02
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:02
Stardog_ubotu: tried that to... but ati spesification wont show up in gfxrlinfo04:02
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yallamani think the install might be a little broke to....menus and stuff dont work any well04:02
green_earzyallaman: is the port range some thing like 10000 to 10010  and same again on the torrent client04:02
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SeanTaterubotu tell Stardog_ about bot04:03
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green_earzyallaman: then check out bittornado-gui04:03
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yallamani guess.. looks lot like bitcomet too..04:04
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SeanTaterStardog_: tired and tried to ge5t fglrx to work but still using mesa?04:04
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mp3guyis there something I can use to host a website from my own pc?04:04
SeanTatermp3guy: yes, I do04:05
mp3guywhat do you use?04:05
SeanTatermp3guy: what type of web site do you want to host?04:05
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mp3guyjust a small html one, where I can let people download stuff from my pc04:05
SeanTatermp3guy: hum04:05
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C-O-L-Thello what is the smtp port number of gmail?04:05
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SeanTatermp3guy: is speed a problem?04:06
HobbseeC-O-L-T: 587, iirc04:06
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SeanTatermp3guy: install apache204:06
HobbseeC-O-L-T: that really was a question that you should have googled for04:06
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SeanTatermp3guy; what type of internet connection do you have?04:06
mp3guyIts installed SeanTater04:06
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mp3guyADSL, 25kb/s upload04:07
SeanTatermp3guy: good04:07
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SeanTatermp3guy: I;m afraid that may be a bit slow04:07
mp3guyits ok for me04:07
SAM_themanhey guys is there a site where i can install the real nvidia driver??04:07
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SeanTatermp3guy: is your computer "behind a router"?04:07
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ajaychow do install grub back from livecd?04:08
SAM_themannot the one in the apt sources but from nvidia themselves04:08
SeanTaterSAM_theman: probably04:08
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SeanTaterSAM_theman: I think it and how to install it is in the debian wiki04:08
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bam__Could anyone point towards a channel for support for Linux-Ntfs?04:08
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green_earzyallaman: to check out if your ports setup is ok go to the link > http://btfaq.com/natcheck.pl  and http://www.portforward.com/default.htm04:08
mp3guySeanTater, we've a wireless router and the ADSL router, will I need to forward ports?04:08
SeanTaterbam__: one that specific will not likiely have many people04:08
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SeanTatermp3guy: yes, do you know how to configure your router?04:09
SeanTaterbam__: try anking here04:09
ajaychow do install grub back from livecd?04:09
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yallamanits just azurus that dont work..regual bittorrent works04:09
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SeanTatermp3guy: then forward port 8004:09
SeanTatermp3guy: direct it to the ip of the computer you are using for the server04:09
mp3guywill I forward it on both routers?04:09
bam__ok, I have problem with my NTFS usb harddisk. I can only read/write to it as root and not a any other users.04:10
SeanTatermp3guy: only the one the server is on04:10
mp3guyfrom the adsl to wireless then wireless to mine04:10
ajaycit says cant find block04:10
ajaycphaeron: u know how to install grub from ubuntu livecd?04:10
ajaycwhen i do sudo grub-install /dev/sda04:10
mp3guythe adsl goes directly into the wireless one#04:10
ajaycit says cant find block04:10
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SeanTaterbam__: simple, add user to the opeions in fstab concerning that parttition04:10
SAM_themansudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc gcc-3.4 xserver-xorg-dev04:10
SeanTaterbam__: or disk, in this case04:10
SAM_themanI meant that for the terminal04:10
mp3guytcp or udp SeanTater?04:10
bam__I mouny by "sudo ntfsmount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -o umask=0777,gid=bam,succeed_chmod"04:10
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SeanTatermp3guy: tcp04:10
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bam__shouldnt this be right?04:11
MikkelRevI have installed vmware on ubuntu. How can I load my existing WinXP installation ? Or do I have to reinstall WinXP on the virtual VM-drive ?04:11
bam__shouldnt "bam" have access to it?04:11
SeanTaterbam__: have you read the wiki on ntfs?04:11
bhamgrayMikkelRev: Was your existing a VM instance?04:11
bam__yes, but it meantions nothing about this.04:11
ajaycplease someone help04:11
mp3guyok SeanTater, I'll brb, have to reboot router04:11
=== tedd [n=tedd@pool-162-84-144-91.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moodlesis there a shipit option for Xubuntu, like Kubuntu and Ubuntu do?04:12
SeanTaterbam__: the read around the wiki and forums, I have personally heard this issue at least two dozen times04:12
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SeanTatermp3guy: I doubt that's necessary, actually04:12
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SeanTaterubotu tell ubuntu_ about ping04:13
SeanTaterubotu tell conserjeria about es04:13
NET||abusehow can i roll back the last update to xgl-server04:13
BhamGrayMikkelRev: If your existing XP instance was VM Ware then you can just move it's folder to Ubuntu. If it was just 'plain' XP install, then yes, you'll have to re-install XP04:14
green_earzajayc: check http://ithacafreesoftware.org/Members/mitch/notebook/clone_partition/view  the section " Booting the cloned system "  should be of help to you04:14
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MikkelRevBhamGray: my existing WinXP installation was a real installation on hdd that was installed even before ubuntu04:14
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SeanTaterNET||abuse: I know it's possible somehow, read the manual on apt04:14
mp3guyok, SeanTaterm I'm done04:14
SeanTatermp3guy: okay04:14
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SeanTatermp3guy: do you want a domain name?04:14
yggdrasilanything that can convert wma to mp3 in ubuntu?04:15
mp3guyno, ip will do SeanTater04:15
BhamGrayMikkelRev: Then you'll have to reinstall - but you can back-up lots of stuff (settings, email, etc) so that the new instance isn't so vanilla04:15
SeanTatermp3guy: then try connecting to your computer through the internet04:15
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The_Guardianodd I have frostwire installed04:15
The_Guardianbut when I click on it nothing opens04:15
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NickGarveyThe_Guardian: try running from the command line so you can get error messages04:15
mp3guyits asking me for a username and password SeanTater04:15
SeanTatermp3guy: go to /var/www that's where your web pages should be04:16
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The_Guardianbleh damn java error04:16
MikkelRevBhamGray: ok, thanks for the info. I've been using vmware years ago, and IIRC I could just load my existing windows copies04:16
SeanTatermp3guy: put something, anything there, just to make sure your server has something to serve04:16
b33rhow to install genius TV tuner on ubuntu?04:17
BhamGrayAnyone on a Dell 600 Laptop had problems with the mouse sensitivity in Ubuntu Dapper?04:17
The_Guardianhm odd04:17
mp3guydo I need phpmyadmin SeanTater04:17
The_Guardianno update-alternatives from sun04:17
BhamGrayMikkelRev: I googled to find a way but couldn't - you might have better luck. But I don't think it's supported.04:17
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SeanTatermp3guy: not unless you have php and need to deal with a database often04:17
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AmdusciasHi all, anyone got some clue about the Nvidia Nforce Binarie Drivers.. i got some hassle here, which i'm unable to solve alone ;)04:18
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:18
SeanTaterubotu tell Amduscias about nvidia04:18
bsmhi, my ubuntu system suddenly exchanged my two sound devices, whereas I disabled on in my bios (is probably a bug). is there a way to change them back?04:18
SeanTaterAmduscias: is ubotu any help?04:18
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b33rhow to install Genius TV tuner on ubuntu??04:19
SeanTaterb33r: no idea04:19
SeanTaterb33r: google will likely be more help than #ubuntu on that04:19
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AmdusciasSeanTater well should he query me something, or how should he be any help, without a response ;)04:20
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SeanTaterAmduscias: okay, how about now04:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:20
yggdrasilanything that can convert wma to mp3 in ubuntu?04:20
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The_Guardiani'm still getting errors when trying to launch frostwire04:21
The_Guardianit's the java error i'm getting04:21
jribThe_Guardian: what are they?04:21
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Amdusciasthats better, thanks but i got the Graphics Drivers all Working, it'S releated the Sound drivers ;)04:21
jribThe_Guardian: can you pastebin them?04:21
SeanTaterThe_Guardian: got java installed?04:21
bam__SeanTater: Still cant get this to work.04:21
The_Guardianyeah I have sun-java5-jre04:21
mp3guyits still asking for a username and password SeanTater04:21
SeanTaterAmduscias: I've heard a lot about that lately, but I know nothing about it] 04:21
The_Guardianwhat do I do to pastebin?04:21
Jack1for the core duo centrino which kernel do i need? 686?04:22
jribThe_Guardian: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ just visit that site and copy and paste04:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:22
bam__SeanTater: Still cant get this to work.04:22
SeanTaterJack1: i686 will probably do well, besides if not, you can go back yo i38604:22
AmdusciasSeanTater well they kompile with an error, and i don'T get anything usefull out of the logfile.. :( damn Nvidia! ;p04:22
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Niklas_Eis there someway you can compile the source for the X11 by yourself? perhaps apt-et source xserver-xorg and some other command?04:22
SeanTatermp3guy: do sudo apache2ctl restart04:23
Jack1thank you Seantater04:23
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SeanTaterJack1: glad to be helpful04:23
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SeanTaterbam__: sorry04:24
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SeanTaterAmduscias: a better idea is to do it in the console04:24
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SeanTaterAmduscias: do you know how?04:24
nickwebcoukhey folks, is there any way I can edit the SYstem menu for different users.. I dont want my little sisters wrecking things by clicking away..04:24
The_Guardianfor the error i'm getting04:25
ufkwhat do i need to add to sources.list for rar/unrar?04:25
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jribufk: multiverse04:25
Amdusciasyeah SeanTater i done it in the console mind if i pastebin the logfile? ;)04:25
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wootinanyone installed ubuntu to a software raid ie /dev/md004:25
The_Guardianuse a hammer and break their fingers04:25
SeanTaternickwebcouk:  how about making another user for your sisters, and not giving them permission to use sudo, so thay cannot inflict permanant changes with root?04:25
The_Guardianthen they lack the ability to click!04:25
The_Guardianwell what sean says works too :(04:26
NET||abusedoes anyone use an eidtor that handles ftp directly?04:26
jribThe_Guardian: frostwire provides a debian/ubuntu deb, use that instead04:26
NET||abusei'm looking at kate04:26
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NET||abusedoesn't seem to have support04:26
SeanTaternickwebcouk: for changing sudo permissions, use /etc/sudoers04:26
SeanTaterThe_Guardian: I still think yours is more fool-proof04:26
The_Guardianlol true04:26
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mp3guySeanTater, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1655204:27
Moodlesis it possible, to resize an existing EXT3 partitioned drive? it's 250gb and I want to make it smaller to 242gb04:27
NET||abusehas anyone used jedit?04:27
SeanTaterNET||abuse: what problems are you having, it uses KDE's i/o system, so it should handle it quite well04:27
NET||abusei'm on gnome04:27
mp3guyMoodles, you can resize ext3 non-destructively with gparted04:27
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green_earznickwebcouk: have a look at icewm for your sister desktop. its very configable04:28
ufkok i found there unrar-free, but i can't find rar.04:28
nickwebcoukSeanTater, yeah, i'v already done that, but I want to remove the temptation for them even more..04:28
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SeanTatermp3guy: sounds good, what's the output of pidof apache2 ; pidofhttpd04:28
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NET||abuseSeanTater, and one thing i've done is using places Connect to server, when yo right click and open file in gedit,, you can't save changes04:28
AeoWhen dual-booting XP and Ubuntu, is it possible to have GRUB automatically load XP without prompting, but go to the boot menu upon a key-press?04:28
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AeoI don't want my family to have to bother with another screen when starting up, just powering on is difficult enough for them.04:29
Moodlesmp3guy: does the 5.10 ubuntu cd have 'gparted'?04:29
NickGarveyaeo: yes04:29
NickGarveyaeo: let me find the line04:29
mp3guyYes Moodles] 04:29
SeanTaternickwebcouk: you chould take another idea and make sure they lack permissions to read, write, or execute any important files you have04:29
AeoNickGarvey: Thanks.04:29
NickGarveyaeo: timeout         004:29
NickGarveyaeo: change timeout         10 or whatever to 004:30
SeanTaternickwebcouk: it;s probably also possiblt to remove some of the control systems from the menu and panel04:30
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NickGarveyaeo: and set the default to the line where windows is04:30
NickGarveyaeo: place holders count as lines! and the first line is 004:30
NickGarveyaeo: hold esc otherwise04:30
nickwebcoukSeanTater, yeh, thats what I  was looking to do..04:30
NickGarveyaeo: and you will get the window04:30
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NickGarveyaeo: here, pastebin menu.lst and I'll do it for you04:31
SeanTaternickwebcouk: right click the things on the panel you don;t want them to have and remove04:31
mp3guySeanTater, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1655304:31
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NET||abusehmm, export for my proxy isn't right,,, should just be04:31
AeoNickGarvey: Thanks a bunch, but I don't have Ubuntu installed yet. I spent last weekend trying to get it to boot to Ubuntu only if a certain floppy were in the system.04:31
nickwebcouki cant believe it was that simple..04:31
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SeanTaterNickGarvey: hold on  -- your using gnome, right ,, I was prepared for kde, you're going to have to keep asking for gnome04:32
NET||abuseexport http_proxy user:pass@proxyip:proxyport04:32
NickGarveyaeo: oh heh04:32
NET||abuseis that right?04:32
nickwebcoukright, im off to stop my sisters doing anything on the pc. :P04:32
nickwebcoukthank u!04:32
NickGarveySeanTater: ?04:32
SeanTaterNickGarvey: oops -- wrong person04:32
NickGarveySeanTater: i use kde04:32
SeanTaterNickGarvey: oh well, he already fixed it anyway04:32
AeoNickGarvey: I'll try what you said. Where is the file I should be changing?04:32
NickGarveySeanTater: okie04:32
DiakonoiHello, guys. Can anyone refer me to a noob-friendly site that can explain the basics of using Ubuntu Linux as my primary OS, including how to install programs from the source code? I'm very new to Linux, so I'm afraid I don't know hardly anything.04:32
NickGarveyaeo: /boot/grub/menu.lst04:32
NET||abusei do my exoprt http_proxy and it says `http-proxy` : not a valid identifier?? what is the right variable to specify here?04:33
NickGarveyaeo: but ubuntu likes to put the line "Other operating systems:", you need to remember that counts04:33
ufkdo i need to change universe to multiverse in sources.list or do i need to add both?04:33
NickGarveyaeo: think you should set default to.. 3.. I think04:33
AeoNickGarvey: Thanks. I'll return if unsuccessful. :D04:33
NickGarveyaeo: if windows is the 4th one down04:33
NickGarveyaeo: :) ok04:33
freezeyi am lookin for a form of a HTTP FS or even a VFS i want people to be able to login and retrieve files and have certain permissions to see certain files... any1 know nething good?04:34
SeanTatermp3guy: phooey -- I managed to get both commands wrong, anyway, howe3ver you like, make sure apache2 or httpd is running04:34
AeoNickGarvey: One last thing. When I want to boot to Ubuntu, you said I should hold down Esc?04:34
mp3guySeanTater, how do I start either of them04:34
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SeanTaterfreezey: ssh is really good for what you had said, ftp's not bad either, but http is probably least suited04:34
DiakonoiCan anyone help me, please?04:35
SeanTatermp3guy: sudo apache2ctl start <- starts apache204:35
SeanTater!helpme > Diakonoi04:35
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TrioTorusfreezey, webdav?04:35
Quiznosfreezey ftp via http?  do you mean ftp-anchors on http pages?04:35
freezeyseantater: yeah but i am sayin i need it to be user friendly because alot of people are stupid u know what i am sayin? and i need it to update on its own04:35
The_Guardianeven with the debian install04:35
The_Guardiangetting the same error04:35
freezeyquiznos: not sure what that is04:35
freezeytriotorus: whats that04:35
finalbetaHow can I repair a corrupted fat32 partition? can't mount it.04:35
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Quiznosfreezey ok, thenyou're not ready to do what you want to do.04:36
TrioTorusfreezey, it's file tranfer over http. read and write www.webdav.org04:36
SeanTaterfreezey: konqueror and kde's i/o handles ssh almost as simply as http, same with ftp04:36
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mp3guyok, SeanTater, going to gives me my page, but going to my external IP still askes for a username and password04:36
Paladineyellow :)04:36
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TrioTorusfreezey, works with any os client04:36
QuiznosPaladine magenta04:36
DiakonoiI need a noob-friendly guide to using Ubuntu Linux as my primary operating systems, and doing thing such as installing programs from the source code in Linux. I'm very new to using alternative OSes.04:36
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Paladineany 6.06 amd64 gurus awake?04:37
QuiznosDiakonoi check the unbuntu homesite04:37
finalbetaHow can I repair a corrupted fat32 partition? can't mount it.04:37
QuiznosDiakonoi also tldp.net04:37
CarlFKtime play /usr/share/hwdb-client/sound.wav = real    1m10.058s04:37
SeanTatermp3guy: your router may have password protection, you might want to check04:37
sistema hola04:37
sistema<Administrador> alguien me puede ayudar04:37
sistema<Administrador> no puedo configurar la red tengo tres tarjetas de red como configuro interfaces alguien tiene un ejemplo a ver como lo configuro04:37
sistemahelp mi pleace04:37
mp3guySeanTater, it does04:37
sistemaalguien que me ayude a configurar04:37
SeanTater!es > sistema04:38
Quiznossistema #linux.es04:38
sistemami tarjeta de red04:38
Paladineam trying to get the 6 channel sound working with nforce4 onboard ac97 sound04:38
CarlFKit plays it about 16x, then switches volume and another 16x,04:38
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:38
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Quiznoswow a bot04:38
SeanTaterfreezey: gnome, AFAIK, handles it well too04:38
Quiznos##Linux dont bot04:38
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mp3guyok, goign to my external ip brings me to my router. How do I make it go to /var/www/index.htm SeanTater04:39
SeanTaterfreezey: there is also filezilla for windows04:39
Paladineto be honest it might already be working, Idon't know how to test it04:39
MadMerChi guys can anyone tell me how to find my external ip ???04:39
freezeySeanTater: like i was using phpgroupware but there is noway to upload to it realtime every file had to be put there manually04:39
QuiznosMadMerC ifconfig -a |less04:39
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Paladineis there an app to test sound channels?04:39
jribMadMerC: whatismy.org04:39
freezeySeanTater: but other than that it did everything i needed it to do it was an online file manager that i had to run apache sql and php for it to run04:39
ani_gfuneutrinomass: hey. got the mouse working. but the net wont work now. *sigh*04:40
jribMadMerC: whatismyip.org04:40
SeanTatermp3guy: I don;t know that much, it;s all in your router configuration04:40
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lotheacPaladine: speaker-test04:40
Paladinethanks loth04:40
=== Quiznos tries whereAmI.net
SeanTatermp3guy: sorry04:40
freezeyseantater: i just needed sumthin that would give certain users certain permissions to see files and i would be able to write a script bash or batch  that would update realtime04:40
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jribMadMerC: hmm that seems to be down now, try whatismyip.com instead04:40
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lotheacwell, speaker-test -c6 -Dplug:surround51, actually... for me anyway04:40
NET||abuseemmm, umm04:40
NET||abusehehe, whatismyip.org got my LAN ip04:40
NET||abusehow the hell??04:40
SeanTaterfreezey: okay, are you using this on linux or windows or both?04:41
CarlFKand my other problem: apt-get build-dep wine = Package libicu28-dev has no installation candidate04:41
Dr34mC0d3rubuntu 6.06 (new install) - I login and type mail - no mail for chris. yet i cd to /home/chris/Maildir/new and see a butt load of mail even for today....  how can i fix this so that I can login and type mail and read my mail.04:41
freezeyseantater: both04:41
ufkwhat mirror can i use instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com ?04:41
freezeyseantater: but if nething most of the files are comin from a windows machine04:41
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freezeyseantater: so i will just run the whole thing on that04:41
Quiznosufk find the mirrors list04:41
mp3guySeanTater, would it have anything to do with the route table/default gateway?04:41
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The_GuardianI'm getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16554 when I try to ./runFrost.sh04:41
MadMerCwhat im trying to do is make a superkaramba theme show my external ip the script only shows my network ip04:41
DiakonoiAlso, can someone please find a way to explain (in noob terms) how I would install and use this:http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/ on Ubuntu Lniux 5.10? I've looked at the wiki and everything, but it's all so confusing for me.04:42
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The_Guardianeven though I have sun-java5-jre04:42
SeanTaterfreezey: well, ftp still fits your bill exactly, but ssh needs 100% linux, or at least mostly linux04:42
SeanTatermp3guy: sounds to me like it, try it04:42
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trygvebwAny reason why i can't uninstall Firefox (i want to replace it with SeaMonkey) without having to uninstall gnome-app-install and yelp?04:42
chacarai need stop TOR + Privoxy in my LAN, anybody have a good idea?04:42
SeanTatermp3guy: remember what you're doing so you can un-do it if necessary04:42
tijntrygvebw: apt-get remove --purge firefox04:42
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trygvebwtijn: won't that create lots of dependency problems?04:42
freezeyseantater: the thing is i am going to have like 50 year old men or women and lawyers logging in so u gotta act like 3 year olds are using04:42
burepe!restricted formats04:43
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:43
tijntrygvebw: afaik, nope04:43
tijniam not 100% sure04:43
SeanTaterfreezey: you can set up http with htaccess, thast would work, but it tedius, slow, and only downloads, no uploads04:43
tijnive done it a lot of times with no problems04:43
trygvebwtijn: it still wants to remove yelp and gnome-app-install04:43
Paladinelotheac, speaker-test with no args just sends white noise to front right and left (nothing on center or rear channels) and using the -c6 etc args gives a shed load of errors hehe04:43
MadMerCis there a command that will show mre my external ip when im behind a router ??04:43
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tijntrygvebw: thats wierd04:44
SeanTaterfreezey: an idea04:44
TrioTorusfreezey, webdav is integrated in XP, so to your clients webdav will look exactly like any other folder on your desktop04:44
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freezeyseantater: thats what i want they can not upload04:44
scottcan aon yoen suggest a program to deal with/mount .ccd or .img files??04:44
SeanTaterfreezey: does rsync or anything compatible work on windows?04:44
freezeyseantater: not sure04:44
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tijnSeanTater: mount a windows share as samba04:44
Quiznosman it's fast and furious here04:44
freezeytriotorus: does webdav sound like what i am lookin for?04:44
SeanTaterfreezey: but they would have to dowload the files one at time -- tedoiusness at it's worst04:44
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freezeyseantater: i can careless about them lol as long as its up and running04:45
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TrioTorusfreezey, ftp will do too, but your clients will need an ftp client wich for seniors is confusing04:45
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freezeyseantater: my main thing is i want it to upload realtime so i don;t have to manually do it... i want it done at a certain time everyday04:45
Quiznosa web browser can do ftp04:45
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apostolsWhere can i download enlightenment 17 for ubuntu Dapper Drake?04:45
TrioTorusfreezey, this is what they will have to do http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/oet/network/webdavwinXP.html04:45
lotheacPaladine: what errors?04:45
freezeyseantater: but a script can take care of that04:45
erirlarhi, how do i restart the network? (like windows has "ipconfig /release")04:46
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Paladineloth, a whole bunch, I ^c'd out but here is the last couple04:46
PaladineALSA lib conf.c:3951:(snd_config_expand) Args evaluate error: No such file or directory04:46
PaladineALSA lib pcm.c:2102:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround5104:46
PaladinePlayback open error: -2,No such file or directory04:46
mp3guyThanks for taking me this far anyway seantater04:46
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SeanTaterfreezey: what's wrong with windows networking anyway, (can a batch file not handle that)?04:46
freezeytriotorus: i am trying outside clients to get the files04:46
cr3Quiznos: yo?04:46
SeanTatermp3guy: sorry I can;t take you further04:46
freezeyseantater: i am trying to get outside clients to retrieve files04:47
The_Guardiananyone here familiar with packet analysis?04:47
freezeyseantater: like phpgroupware was perfect for me but  i can'04:47
SeanTaterfreezey: ah -- so it;s outside the local net04:47
freezeyi can't upload if its not done manually04:47
lotheacPaladine: maybe try without the -D part.04:47
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freezeyseantater: yeah outside the localnet04:47
SeanTaterfreezey: well04:47
TrioTorusfreezey, yes, no problem with webdav. If your clients have internet acces on port 80, they can handle webdav.04:48
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TrioTorusSeanTater, u familiar with webdav? Is that what freezey is looking for?04:48
freezeytriotorus: yeah but i don't want them using an FTP client... it can be just regular webaccess04:48
SeanTaterTrioTorus: never used it04:49
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Paladineloth ok that worked to some degree, I am getting sound on all channels except front centre04:49
b33rbuhh cant find anythin how to install my tv tuner on ubuntu :<04:49
TrioTorusfreezey, well, just take a minute to read webdav. It sounds like it is exactly what you want04:49
scottcan anyone suggest a program to deal with/mount .ccd or .img files??04:49
SeanTaterTrioTorus: heard a bit about it, but not enough to suggest it, all he wants is to up/download uding windows outside the local net04:49
freezeytriotorus: i need it to have specific file permissions when users login also so lets see04:49
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TrioTorusfreezey, SeanTater webdav offers that04:50
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Paladineit seems to be sending center to the rear left speaker04:50
SeanTaterTrioTorus: then it's good04:50
SeanTaterTrioTorus: tell him, not me04:50
neutrinomassani_gfu: How did you get the mouse to work ?04:50
ruxpin^where do I find a list of all installed packages?04:50
rpedroscott: bchunk works with bin/cue04:51
cormanoanyone got to apply and recompile this kernel patch:  http://linux-phc.sourceforge.net/     ?04:51
neutrinomassani_gfu: How do you connect to the net ?04:51
ruxpin^b33r: dvb?04:51
cormanoto standard dapper kernel04:51
scottrpedro, i need to be able to deal with/convert .ccd or .img04:51
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b33rruxpin, what's dvb? :S04:51
rpedroscott: don't know about .ccd/.img, google may help04:51
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BCK14how would i find out where synaptic installed padjoy ?04:51
TrioTorusfreezey, just check out www.webdav.org for a minute. You have to set up an webserver, but that is easy.04:51
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SeanTaterruxpin^:  type into a terminal: dpkg -l04:51
Quiznosdvb = digital video broadcasting04:52
scottrpedro, searched and couldnt find any hat would a) install or b) compile within dapper04:52
b33roh :/04:52
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rpedroscott: those are clonecd images right?04:52
scottrpedro, yes04:52
lotheacPaladine: it does that to me too, but -Dplug:surround51 fixes it. I'm not sure why you don't have that device.04:53
Paladinek loth, here is what it is doing:  Front Right = OK, Front Left =OK, Center = Rear Left (!ok), LFE= Rear Right, Rear Right = Nothing and Rear Left = Nothing04:53
Moodlesmp3guy: thanks, gparted is working like a charm04:53
The_Guardianyay got frostwire working04:53
BCK14how would i find out where synaptic installed padjoy ?04:53
The_Guardianit needed the plugin also04:53
gambiis it possible to activate the dir_index option in ext3-fs afterwards, or do i have to rebuild my partition?04:53
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jribBCK14: dpkg -L padjoy04:54
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mjrgambi, it is possible. Old data will remain nonindexed, but you can do e2fsck -D to change that04:55
Paladinewhats LFE incidentally?04:55
BCK14jrib: aparently u can see in synaptic too :d04:55
lotheacPaladine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LFE ;)04:55
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gambimjr, thx04:55
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Paladineah right so it should be sending LFE to the woofer04:56
AmdusciasHi all, anyone got some clue about the Nvidia Nforce Binarie Drivers (Audio).. i got some hassle here, which i'm unable to solve alone ;)04:56
Minty__can someone give me the link to post large messages rather than using irc please04:56
Quiznoswhat kind of posts04:56
PaladineI wonder if changing the order I plugged them into the sound card will make a difference04:56
Minty__pstebin was what I was looking for, thankyou04:57
Paladineit works fine in windows04:57
Paladinebut to me it looked like the plugs were in the wrong sockets04:57
PaladineI will have another look now04:57
maddyi cant write to my ipod with rhytmbox? but how can i ?04:57
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rpedroscott: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ccd2iso ?04:57
AJR1guys can i search IRC for a specific user?04:57
lotheacPaladine: I have nforce4 and if I don't use plug:surround51 as my playback device my channels are wrong as well.04:58
maddyajr1 what do u mean04:58
cisais nvidia-glx broken? http://pastebin.de/808104:58
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AJR1like if i know someones username can i find out where they are on IRC?04:58
maddyAJR1,  do u know the nickname?04:58
rpedroscott: it's not available as a deb package, you will need to compile it04:58
AJR1maddy : how?04:58
maddyAJR1,  /whois nickname04:58
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AJR1maddy : thanks :)04:58
Paladineloth, I just checked the back panel, I have leads going into bass/center, front and rear04:58
QuiznosAJR1 the usermoe +i prevents one from seeing a user's channel list04:58
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Paladinenothing in mic, line in or side04:58
AJR1Quiznos : ah thanks04:58
Paladine(7.1 support on this card)04:59
maddyAJR1,  and then look in the server window :)04:59
QuiznosAJR1 but you can always /msg them04:59
AJR1maddy : thanks :)04:59
AJR1Quiznos : i have no idea where on IRC they are i just know their username04:59
QuiznosAJR1 then just msg them04:59
AJR1Quiznos : ok04:59
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maddyajr1 but there are many irc networks offcourse04:59
Paladineloth, did you have to do anything special to enable the surround51 device?04:59
maddyu have to be on tha same network :)04:59
lotheacPaladine: nothing I remember... try aplay -L | grep surround04:59
maddyi cant write to my ipod with rhytmbox? but how can i ?04:59
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yggdrasilanything that can convert wma to mp3 in ubuntu?05:00
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Paladinesurround40 'cards.pcm.surround40'05:00
Paladinesurround41 'cards.pcm.surround41'05:00
Paladinesurround50 'cards.pcm.surround50'05:00
Paladinesurround51 'cards.pcm.surround51'05:00
Paladinesurround71 'cards.pcm.surround71'05:00
Paladineoops sorry05:00
lotheacdon't paste here :o05:00
Quiznos.oO flude05:00
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PaladineI meant to paste it on one line05:00
pc_butlerdoes any one knows gnubox?05:00
lotheacwell... just -Dsurround51 then maybe?05:00
Quiznospc_butler define it05:01
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Paladinestill giving device errors05:01
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pc_butlerQuiznos, http://gnubox.dnsalias.org/gnubox/05:01
The_Guardianwhat's the syntax to see where something installed to?05:01
The_Guardianfind / -name?05:01
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Quiznospc_butler bud i dun wanna surf </whine>05:02
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Quiznospc_butler just write a won liner05:02
oracleque tal como estan?05:02
pc_butlerQuiznos,  its free gprs through cell phones05:02
Quiznosdunot kow it05:02
Quiznosjuanta na mera05:02
pc_butlersweet indeed05:02
Quiznosdont tell the feds05:02
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str8edgeanyone know how to get wmv files to play properly? All of mine are interlaced.05:03
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oraclesweet why?05:03
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oraclebye ogt05:03
Quiznossomeone wants to know where they are to the last nm05:03
cisastr8edge: simplest way is sudo apt-get install vlc05:03
str8edgeCISA: vlc doesn't use the wmv9 codecs..05:03
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str8edgeits installed :)05:03
rpedroscott: wait05:04
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rpedroscott: you can mount an .img file just like an iso05:04
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rpedroscott: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-109714.html05:04
cisastr8edge: hmm, then get latest codect from the mplayer homepage and extract them to /usr/lib/win3205:04
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gnomefreakstr8edge: did you isntall w32codecs?05:04
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pigorhi. when i close the lid of my notebook and after a while open it, the display is mostly white. it seems for me that acpi does anything i dont want - how can i deactivate any actions of acpi?05:04
roostishawhow do i turn on numlock on startup? and how do i start programs minimized on startup?05:04
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The_Guardiannvm answered my own question05:05
cisastr8edge: install xine-ui and change the settings to use this path for codecs05:05
emsPlan 9 solves Ubuntu and Fedora's CD problems.05:05
AJR1i cant handle this much longer, cant wait to get ubuntu onto my spare machine :D:D:D05:05
zerboxxneutrinomass: Thanks again for helping me with my HDD problem earlier05:05
The_Guardianlol I <3 ubuntu05:05
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neutrinomasszerboxx: N/p. It worked :) ?05:05
The_Guardianif I could get all my games and apps to work on it I would toss my copy of winblows out the window05:05
ani_funeutrinomass: aha. you're back. :)05:05
ani_funeutrinomass: ui got mouse figured out. but the net wont work :(05:06
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scottrpedro, will have a look thanks05:06
zerboxxneutrinomass: yep, if my HD does fail, will that error just happen agin and again and again?05:06
peveliushi. any help for a problem? my friend tries to log in to dapper, he gets immediately back to gdm. same happens when typing #gnome-session from failsafe terminal. it worked till last week, when he apt-get installed ark.05:06
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Minty__anyone managed to post in pastebin, its seems broken :(05:06
roostishawhow do i turn on numlock on startup? and how do i start programs minimized on startup?05:06
The_Guardiantry apt-get remove --purge ark to revert it back05:06
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gatekeeperroostishaw: in kubuntu I go to system settings and keyboard05:06
QuiznosMinty__ pastebin.ca05:06
neutrinomasszerboxx: Nope. It just won't boot one day. Take a look at 'smartmontools'. I think it's in universe. It will help you determine if the hard disk is failing (disclaimer: it doesn't produce false positives, but does produce false negatives )05:06
The_Guardianthen start the fun of troubleshooting05:07
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neutrinomassani_fu: How do you connect to the net ?05:07
gnomefreakroostishaw: the numlocks thing you can find at help.ubuntu.com the other one not sure05:07
MikkelRevCan someone help me installing ActiveX for FireFox ? I downloaded a .xpi file, but get a error05:07
peveliusguardian: ark shouldnt be the problem...05:07
kbrosnanMikkelRev, it is windows only05:07
zerboxxneutrinomass: :D false negatives, meaning it will tell me it's fine when it's not?05:07
ani_funeutrinomass: i have DLink 502-T ADSL modem. basically my phone line is also the net connection05:07
Minty__Thanks Quiznos05:08
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MikkelRevkbrosnan: does it work for FireFox Windows-version, but not FireFox GNU-version ?05:08
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Minty__http://pastebin.ca/72093 some help pleas05:08
The_Guardianshouldn't be, but if it was fine before ark was installed then by removing it he can at least retain usability05:08
neutrinomasszerboxx: Exactly. Other warnings include clicking noises, data loss, system hard locks etc. Always backup!05:08
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neutrinomassani_fu: USB I guess? No ethernet port ?05:08
MikkelRevkbrosnan: perhaps if I used FireFox Windows-version through wine, ActiveX will work?05:08
ani_funeutrinomass: all the settings are stored in the router so in xp i just have to plug it in and thats it05:08
zerboxxneutrinomass: ok, thanks!05:08
ani_funeutrinomass: got both05:08
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The_Guardianthen again if it generates an error msg. He can pastebin it for us05:08
neutrinomasszerboxx: No problem, glad to help :)05:08
peveliusactually he did remove it without purge. that was my first advice.05:08
The_Guardianahh hmm05:08
The_Guardiandid any error get generated?05:08
Paladineloth, gonna drop a post in the x64 forum see if anyone is having similar problems with surround51 device05:09
kbrosnanMikkelRev, Yes it is Windows only, ActiveX does not work on Mac/Linux. It might work on Wine.05:09
peveliusnope, no errors05:09
lotheacPaladine: well, I'm on amd64 as well05:09
neutrinomassani_fu: If you can, use the ethernet port. USB ADSL modems are currently a pain for Linux users :( It should work out of the box if you use the ethernet prot though .05:09
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roostishawgnomefreak, where can i find info about numlocks? i cant seem to find it in the desktop guide...05:09
lotheachonestly I don't know what's your problem05:09
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lotheac... rather, what your problem is *05:09
ani_funeutrinomass: ok. i was trying on usb initially. will try ethernet. so it should work just like that right?05:10
masinger53Hello, All:  Fresh Ubuntu amd64 install - Totem fails to play DVD with message:  "Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it."05:10
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peveliusmasinger53: use automatix to install necessary codecs05:10
neutrinomassani_fu: AFAIK yes05:10
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Ngmasinger53: unfortunately the gstreamer in dapper, while being vastly better than the one in breezy, has a small problem in that it can't play DVDs afaik. VLC or Xine should manage fine though05:11
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ani_funeutrinomass: thanks. will try it05:11
BIAFneed webmin help05:11
_RomanHello, how can I stop ubuntu from restarting X when I press Shift-Ctrl-Backspace?05:11
peveliusi dont undestand why typing gnome-session in failsafe terminal takes you back to gdm05:12
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gatekeepermasinger53: this any help? http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full05:12
Paladineloth, well at least you helped me confirm that I have 6 channel support working, just the channels are in the wrong order, so I am grateful for that, it is a lot further than I was :)05:12
Ng_Roman: are you using Xgl?05:12
_RomanNg: yeah05:13
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lotheacPaladine: no problem :P if you want, you could paste the full output if you try -Dplug:surround51 to pastebin or something05:13
Ng_Roman: I don't know the solution, but I've seen it mentioned and it involved xmodmap. Sorry that's not terribly helpful, but perhaps googling for xgl xmodmap will turn something up05:13
zerboxxneutrinomass: sorry to bug you again, how do I use smartmontools?05:13
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neutrinomasszerboxx: You're not bugging me, I'm here to help people :P After installing, you need to run 'smartctl'. "man smartctl" should give you details on its usage. IIRC "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/hda" will perform a thorough test, but I'm not sure - its been a while05:15
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zerboxxneutrinomass: ok, let me test that out05:15
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=== zerboxx loves ssh
masinger53preve:  what is automatix and where do I get it?05:16
tijnzerboxx ssh is my girlfriend!05:16
tijngo away!05:16
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neutrinomass!automatix > masinger5305:16
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peveliusautomatix is a script, and can be found searching the ubuntu forums05:16
zerboxxtijn: HAHAHA I was about to say I think I'm going to marry ssh05:16
ufki'm using dapper, i'm trying to run apache2 with phpsu and php5.1 (latest dapper packages), now the server works, but when i try to run a php script i get [Mon Jun 26 18:10:32 2006]  [error]  [client]  Premature end of script headers: test.php, referer:
peveliusor google automatix05:17
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masinger53pevelius: thanks05:17
Krank_Couple of questions: I have XP and Vista b2 installed using Vista's boot manager, would installing ububtu work allowing all three to boot (not impressed by vista though)?05:17
tijnzerboxx: ;) hehe05:17
=== wildman is away: manger
tijniam going home cya all05:18
Krank_Also, any reason to choose the 32bit version over the 64 bit one?05:18
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BIAFwhen i try to start APache is get : ERROR: User directive in  requires SUEXEC wrapper. - any server heads know whats up here05:18
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wycats'm getting the following error when I try to do dpkg removes: "dpkg --remove returned error exit status 1."05:18
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peveliusanyone? in gmd, after entering password, nothing happens. also, in failsafe terminal, typing gnome-session, gdm returns05:19
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NgKrank_: multimedia codecs and browser plugins, mostly05:20
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Minty__May I re ask, Can anyone help on http://pastebin.ca/72093 , thanks05:21
zerboxxneutrinomass: me again :P /dev/hda is my cd drive, and I forget how to figure out what the HD is...05:21
Krank_Thanks Ng05:21
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prosfigasCan anyone help me on some questions I have regarding tcng and Hierachical token buckets?05:22
Paladinetrying to post to ubu forums05:23
Paladineit is saying I am using 18 images05:23
PaladineI am using zero images05:23
zerboxxneutrinomass: nvm05:23
=== buzzer [n=buzzer@pD9FFA42E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wycatsI need to get a list of installed apps05:23
gatekeeperMinty__: have you got Adept or synaptic running while trying to do something with the CLI?05:23
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Paladineahh disable smileys works :)05:24
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Minty__gatekeeper no05:24
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TokenBadok ran into a problem today...got icon showing new updates and tried to use it...but its telling me wrong password..even though its the only pass on this system...05:26
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TokenBadanyone know how to fix that?05:26
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pequatrehi. has anyone had problems with using Thingamablog with ubuntu and Java 1.5.0_06 ? Thingamablog will start but won't create the database... :(05:26
gatekeeperMinty__: say another process using it, so what ever you are trying to, another process is already in existance and needs killing, what are you trying to do?05:27
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Minty__gatekeeper was just trying an apt-get update05:27
Minty__am a noob so just playing really :)05:28
funkmasterhey ppl, i was trying to get *.3gp media files to work on ubuntu, i have video but no sound..., compiled ffmpeg with amr support the output can be seen here http://pastebin.ca/72100 then i got the svn of vlc and tried to compile it but with no success, the output can be seen here http://pastebin.ca/72099 i have no idea what is going wrong, can some please help? thx in advance :D05:28
pequatreTokenBad, try writing your password in clear somewhere and copy/paste it, maybe ? so you're sure you're not miswriting05:28
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Krank_Ng, with plugins and codecs in mind, what would you install?05:29
TokenBadpequatre, not work...still says wrong05:29
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fsanchohi all05:30
fsanchoi have a problem with the sound05:30
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NgKrank_: personally I use the amd64 version and just run a 32bit firefox, but it has issues. if you want it painfree and don't really mind about the (almost certainly unnoticeable) performance difference, I'd go with the 32bit05:30
fsanchoi have upgraded a breezy to dapper in a thinkpad 600X05:30
ufkdapper is unstable?05:30
Ngufk: no, dapper is the current stable release05:30
pequatreTokenBad, try and see if there're no other processes running, try "ps aux|grep update" and see what shows ?05:30
fsanchonow the alsa driver don't work in native mode, only oss emulation05:30
BCK14hmm i have a command which will run in shell but doesnt seem to run from a launcher05:30
fsanchoany idea05:31
NgBCK14: what's the command?05:31
BCK14gksu /home/olid/pyGogear-5.9.tar.gz_FILES/run.sh > /home/olid/pyGogear-5.9.tar.gz_FILES/log.txt05:31
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BCK14run.sh i wrote myself calls a python script05:31
AnswerBCK14, try adding /bin/bash to force the shell05:31
AnswerBCK14, also use the full path of run.sh05:31
BCK14Answer: to which bit ?05:31
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BCK14i dont understand?05:32
gatekeeperMinty__: try loging out then loging back in that might clear it05:32
NgBCK14: I doubt the > will work and the .sh will need a terminal to run in05:32
AnswerBCK14, the launcher command would be   /bin/bash /home/BCK14/run.sh    or something like that05:32
masinger53Ng:  Re: the 32bit - do you mean to use the x86 LiveCD rather than the amd64?05:32
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Minty__gatekeeper ok05:32
Ngmasinger53: yeah05:32
ufkapache-prefork with php5 doesn't work. when i try to run a phpinfo(); script i get [Mon Jun 26 18:11:59 2006]  [error]  [client]  *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0806fa10 ***, referer: Mon Jun 26 18:27:07 2006]  [error]  [client]  Premature end of script headers: test.php, referer: any ideas?05:32
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AnswerBCK14, you could also force  /usr/bin/gksu05:33
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Answercmk, try #ubuntu-fr05:33
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masinger53Ng: performance vs. pain-free = negligible payoff?05:33
blkishhi all :) can anyone recommend a good apache log analyser/filterer, ideally for gnome? i have some huge logs to work on and getting tired of grep'ing! thanks05:33
BCK14Answer: still didnt work :(05:34
pequatrecmk, va sur le chan fr05:34
Ngmasinger53: I don't have any numbers to back it up, but I can't spot much difference between the two. IME a desktop system is typically waiting for IO more than it is waiting for the CPU05:34
pequatrec'est "#ubuntu-fr"05:34
NgBCK14: like I said, the .sh needs a terminal and so does the >05:34
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BCK14ill try edit run.sh to force output to the file05:34
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monkkeyi have connected a new hdd, now when ubuntu boots is hangs on :begin: waiting for root file system.  why is this and how can i boot to mount my disc?05:34
NgBCK14: or at least the > does05:34
pequatreno problem05:34
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NgBCK14: I'd expect that putting the redirect in the .sh would be ok, providing it doesn't ask for user input in the script or anything like that05:35
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masinger53Ng: Well, the base liveCD install is quick and painless so, back in a few on a 32bit05:35
AnswerBCK14, launchers on the taskbar and the desktop have performed differently in my experience05:35
ringeWhere can I download the po file for Inkscape from my Launchpad work? (to submit back to the project)05:35
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BCK14looks like adding the stuff after > call in the python script worked05:35
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BCK14yup :)05:35
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BCK14added it to run.sh and now working nicely :)05:36
ackbahrI'm trying to resize my linux partition to put XP next to it; how do I know the new size I want to scale hda1 to?05:36
Mintygatekeeper relooged no differnece   http://pastebin.ca/7210605:36
BCK14ty Answer + Ng ! :)05:36
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NoUseackbahr how big is your drive?05:36
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Mintyanyone no why I am not allowed to write in frenode channel ??05:37
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NickGarveyMinty: you need voice, wait05:37
NickGarveyMinty: takes a while05:37
fsanchoanother question05:37
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=== elkbuntwo is now known as elkbuntop
apostolsWhere can i download enlightenment 17 for ubuntu Dapper Drake?05:38
NoUseackbahr I would have at least 5gig for ubuntu05:38
NoUseackbahr so make your windows drive ~50 gigs05:38
fsanchowhere "gnome media selector" has gone05:38
fsanchoer, sorry05:38
ackbahrAh, ok.... I mean, Ubuntu is already there, and I want to REsize its partition05:39
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ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:39
NickGarveyapostols: if you find out do tell me.. I looked for a while05:39
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freezeyseantater: i got it figured out05:39
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gatekeeperMinty: may be your sources (/etc/apt/sources.list) are a bit screwed up, have a look at: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper05:39
apostolsNickGarvey: ?05:40
NoUseackbahr oh, ok, so your asking how big to make the ubuntu partition?05:40
ub_newbis there any place I can do a driver request for a usb wifi device?05:40
gatekeeperMinty: the  Repositories section05:40
NoUseub_newb email the company that makes it05:40
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ackbahrYes; in fact, I don't know "where" the data is in this partition, and what size it takes up! :)05:41
ub_newbNoUse: yeah I just did05:41
Mintygatekeeper well this may b true as I installed automatix and said cancel at the end, which deleted the file so I recreated it fom the backup05:41
NickGarveyapostols: I couldn't find .1705:41
NickGarveyapostols: I couldn't find e17*05:41
ub_newbbut I don't think there's any profit for them to be made by creating linux drivers, so they probably won't do it05:41
NoUseackbahr run 'df -h' and it will tell you how much its taking up05:41
=== TheBigToe [n=bigtoe@cpc2-hatf3-0-0-cust736.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperMinty: I like to take things one at a time05:41
TheBigToehow do I use my pc as a bluetooth headset for my phone?05:41
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ub_newbNoUse: no other place where I could request it?05:42
gatekeeperMinty: if you wanted muti media then I would selectively install some of the packages mentioned here: http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full05:43
ackbahrnouse : and this is +/- the size I can resize, or do I have to "tidy it up" so that everything is "at the beginning" of the part?05:43
TheBigToeguys, how do I use my pc as a bluetooth headset for my phone?05:43
NoUseackbahr no, just use gparted, it will take care of eveyrthing for you05:43
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NoUseub_newb you can file a bug I suppose05:43
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com05:43
Mintygatekeeper will look at ehomegrade later, thnaks05:43
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Mintyjust doing the sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup  etc etc now05:43
ub_newbhmmm okay thanks... though it ain't a bug really, it's just unsupported hardware05:43
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ackbahrand then, how do I do with lilo? (after I install XP in the remaining space)05:44
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genovevaWHAT YOUR NAME?05:44
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NoUseub_newb well its hard to support the hardware when the company doesn't tell them how it works, otherwise they have to reverse engineer it05:45
TheBigToePRESS ME TO stop typing in caps05:45
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TheBigToe*hint hint*05:45
TheBigToeanyway, how do I use my pc as a bluetooth headset for my phone?05:45
elkbuntopgenoveva, please stop using caps lock and for social talk go to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is the support channel05:45
genovevaHELLO CAPS05:45
drogersgenoveva, NO SHOUTING PLEASE05:46
NoUsegenoveva turn off caps lock05:46
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TheBigToelike route the audio to/from my phone and PC05:46
cx42hi everybody, i haven't sound when i'm playing quake3, how can i have sound ?05:46
Mintygatekeeper better http://pastebin.ca/72116 but not perfect05:46
ub_newbNoUse: I know, but I also know there's alot of reverse engineered drivers available, so there's people making them and I wonder where I could file a request05:47
loststar4545ok when installed flash using easy ubuntu  it worked fine  then it stoped doing sound  then i used the info on the forums  to add aoss to the frile and installl the plugin now  play back is really slow and choppy how can i fix this  it was working  just fine before05:47
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gatekeeperMinty: have you got synaptic installed?05:47
Paladineloth, just for your reference, here is my forum post - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20403005:47
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lotheacsaw it, thanks.05:48
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperMinty: try starting it up, do a reload and uninstall any broken packages is about the best I can suggest05:48
TheBigToehow do I use my pc as a bluetooth headset for my phone?05:48
=== wildman is back.
PaladineI will give you a shout if I manage to get it working and let you know what the problem was05:48
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ackbahrnouse : gparted refuses to act on the hda1, probably because it's the / partition.... How do I walk around this? By using the installation CD's partition tool? Will the resize be safe then?05:49
NoUseackbahr get the gparted live cd05:49
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NoUse!tell ackbahr about gparted05:49
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=== The_Guardian [n=aegis@cpe-70-95-124-108.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cx42nobody can help me ?05:49
The_Guardiandapper already has kde right?05:50
NoUseThe_Guardian yes05:50
The_Guardianahh ok that's what I thought05:50
The_Guardianguess I just needed to update to the newest version05:50
ackbahrWonderful, thanks nouse and ubotu.... :)05:50
Mintygatekeeper, that worked, only have E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:50
MintyE: Unable t05:50
NoUse!tell ub_newb about wireless05:50
The_Guardiantrying to setup the crystal theme05:50
The_Guardian!bmp skins05:50
ubotuI know nothing about bmp skins05:50
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The_Guardiananyone know a good spot for bmp skins? the winamp 2.0 ones don't work as well05:51
freezeythe_guardian: just google it05:51
napsyhow can I oipen a large gif file?05:51
The_Guardianaye I did05:51
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The_Guardiankeep getting dead end sites05:51
gatekeeperMinty: got any broken packages?05:51
ub_newbNoUse: thanks for the info05:51
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Mintyhow do I tell ??05:52
awbassettOn Dapper, everytime I try to open nautilus it crashes. I've looked at some bugs on launchpad but they aren't the same issue as mine.. As Nautilus ALWAYS crashes for me, and I can't browse anything05:52
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MintyI know how to fix as there is a menu line, but not sure if I have any ??05:52
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boogiemanhello all, this is not a ubuntu question, but rather a general network monitoring question. i'm trying to monitor a small network and want to basically find out who's eating up the bandwidth. I have tried the tool NTOP, its all good, but not giving me the useful info. Any networking tool recommendations ?05:53
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NoUseThe_Guardian bmp just uses xmms themes05:53
gatekeeperMinty: Synaptic will usually tell you I think it's when you press the status button05:53
napsyWhich program can open large gif animations?05:54
Mintythe no05:54
awbassettboogieman: You might want to try IPTraf05:54
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boogiemanawbassett: thanks, even IPTraf says so many protocols, blah blah, but not basically "computer 1 is using 90% of the bandwidth"05:55
awbassettboogieman: sudo apt-get install iptraf05:55
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awbassettboogieman: oh, I see. Do you have a router that is running linux there?05:56
awbassettboogieman: and not some linksys/dlink thing05:56
ekli'm trying to install ubuntu on an ibook, but i can't find a good keymap05:56
boogiemanawbassett: yes, its a router, dual homed and masquerading05:56
eklhints ?05:56
awbassettboogieman: try bandwidthd05:56
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awbassettboogieman: its only in dapper and edgy, though05:56
roostishawanyone, how can i have more than one entry field in a zenity dialog?05:56
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boogiemanawbassett: what I want is : 'you have 2MB link, from that 20% is taken by computer 1', and when i drill down, it should give from the 20%, 90% is http while the rest is POP sort of answer05:58
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awbassettyeah, well, I don't know of anything like that. Sounds like something you might have to pay for05:58
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awbassettNot saying there isn't anything that does that05:58
awbassettI just don't know of anything05:58
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TheBigToehow do I use my pc as a bluetooth headset for my phone? like routing the audio to/from the phone and PC05:58
wycatsI need to install webmin-mysql on dapper... but it's not in the dapper repository05:59
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wycatsit was in the Breeze repository...05:59
wycatswhat do I do?05:59
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TheBigToeeat your PC05:59
boogiemanawbassett: the network tools are VERY informative, but useless to me05:59
MintyGatekeepr I have to go, thanks you for your time, things are much better :)05:59
vinicius_hi folks. anyone experiencing weird fonts with swiftfox? the firefox build that ships with gnome is fine, i just cant fix the fonts on swiftfox (the optimized build for my machine)05:59
awbassettwycats: do to webmin's website and download the module. It seems that webmin is no longer in dapper/edgy06:00
awbassettboogieman: I see, sorry I can't be of more help06:00
k31thhum vi how do i rename some thing globally ?? i.e i want replace site66 with blah.com06:00
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elkbuntopawbassett, thats because it's not a very secure way to manage a server06:00
wycatscan I add the breezy repos to my sources.list?06:00
wycatsor will that cause problems?06:00
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__mikemwycats why do you want to do that?06:01
awbassettk31th: inside of a file with vi as your editor?06:01
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Stormx2Hey everyone06:01
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k31thwell any way of changing it is acceptable06:01
awbassettk31th: %s/oldstring/newstring06:01
Stormx2Anyone having annoying problems with Azureus? It comes up with dialogs in the bottom right that I can't close!!06:01
Some_Personwycats: Don't do it. The breezy repos are all screwed up. I use breezy and they're messed up.06:01
awbassettthat will change every instance inside the file of oldstring to newstring06:01
wycatscan I add it for a sec just to get this package?06:02
vinicius_Stormx2: you must set suns java to work06:02
amarokkerHi, how do i get a list of all the packages installed on my system06:02
Stormx2vinicius_: I did06:02
__mikemawbassett isn't that ed line editer syntax06:02
Stormx2vinicius_: Wait, how?06:02
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awbassettamarokker: sudo dpkg -l06:02
Stormx2vinicius_: sudo update-alternatives --config java <-- I did that06:02
awbassett__mikem: I don't know what you mean by that06:02
vinicius_Stormx2: the configure-alternatives thingie06:02
wycatsI did it... seems to work06:03
vinicius_are you sure you are using suns java instead of the gcc version?06:03
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gnomefreaksudo update-alternatives --config java  or sudo update-alternatives --all ;)06:04
=== The_Guardian [n=aegis@cpe-70-95-124-108.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
The_Guardianhow do you check to see if you already have qt3 installed?06:04
gnomefreakThe_Guardian: apt-cache policy libqt3-mt06:04
awbassettThe_Guardian: dpkg -l qt306:04
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gnomefreakor qt306:05
The_Guardianahh thanks =)06:05
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The_Guardianis libqt3 all I need?06:05
gnomefreakits libqt3-mt i just checked incase06:05
awbassettThe_Guardian: you may want to do sudo dpkg -l *qt3*06:06
gnomefreakawbassett: qt3 is not a package06:06
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awbassettgnomefreak: I know, thats why I added the *06:06
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gnomefreakawbassett: libqt3-mt is the main lib for qt if yuou have that you have most of what you need if not all ;)06:06
rpedroStormx2: see if you have java-gcj-compat installed , if you do remove it06:07
xBONESstyleDoes anyone know the program that lets you resize your screen, and then posts the specs to permanently change it in xorg?06:07
gnomefreaki wouldnt remove it :(06:07
__mikemxBONESstyle its called modify your xorg.conf file06:07
gnomefreakrpedro: iirc it depnds on too much removing it could be harmful06:07
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TheBigToeer... why does RealPlayer want to open a README file?06:07
rpedrognomefreak: not if you have sun's jre installed06:08
xBONESstyle_mikem, there's another program in Ubuntu that lets you stretch the actual screen, and then posts the specs so you know exactly what to change.06:08
Stormx2rpedro: Thanks, doing that now06:08
vinicius_about azureus, i downloaded the azureus version from the official site, the version on the repos doesnt work for me.06:08
__mikemxBONESstyle, not that I know of06:08
xBONESstyleanyway, do you know another way for me to know exactly what to change to regain the square inch of my screen that i'm missing?06:09
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__mikemxBONESstyle is it a resolution you are trying to fix, or is the size of the picture not matching the size of the monitor06:09
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xBONESstyleit's an inch of screen space that's not being taken up.06:10
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xBONESstyleyou can make the change in xorg, because i've used the program before to figure out what to change... i just can't find it anymore06:11
__mikemxBONESstyle, that can be remidied by ajusting the picture controls on your monitor itself06:11
PaladinexBONESstyle, I had issues with my monitors on ubu initially, it was actually waaay oversized06:11
PaladineI adjusted it with the monitor, then saved the settings using the monitor buttons06:11
Paladinenot had any issues since06:11
david_Hello, since I updated to Dapper from 5.10 my Ubuntu doesn't shutdown completely. It hangs on "Computer now will halt" message. Is there any workaround?06:11
xBONESstyle__mikem, the buttons are broken. besides, people here use windows, and they'd be pissed if they had to resize every time they used the computer.06:11
__mikemwell, I don'tknow what else totell you06:12
PaladineI don't have to resize for windows06:12
vinicius_does anyone know how to fix the fonts on swiftfox?06:12
Tommy2k4kubuntu 6.06 keeps crashing for what seems like no reason06:12
PaladineI saved the setting for ubu and they work in windows too06:12
Tommy2k4a few times it happened when taking screenshots but not the latest time06:12
Tommy2k4monitor changes to lots of vertical multicolored lines then after a few seconds it gives the error "31K / 0Hz frequency out of range"06:12
__mikemTommy2k4, pastebin your xorg.conf file and send me the link06:13
xBONESstyleI know there's a program... I was just wondering if anyone could help me find it.06:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:13
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rpedroStormx2: seems the dialogue thing is a know bug fixed in a new beta06:13
Tommy2k4i rebuilt xorg.conf today and its still happening06:13
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rpedroStormx2: get it here : http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php06:14
david_Since I updated to Dapper from 5.10 my computer doesn't shutdown completely. It hangs on "Computer now will halt" message. Is there any workaround?06:14
Tommy2k4__mikem, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1655706:14
Dravidanis there way to check my login times in ubuntu06:14
Paladinedavid, press "enter" I think06:14
__mikemTommy2k4, just so you know, that error is usually an indication that your refresh rate is too low in the file, but I will know for sure in a seccond06:14
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david_Paladine: ????????06:14
cwilluany mature open alternatives to pagemaker?06:14
Tommy2k4the weird thing is that it happens after i've been booted up for a while06:14
Tommy2k4not like during boot up06:15
The_Guardiankde takes a looooooong time to install06:15
__mikemdo you boot dirrectly into an x session06:15
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Paladinedavid, when i shutdown, I have to press enter06:15
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vinicius_"does anyone know how to fix the fonts on swiftfox?" <- anyone? =\06:15
__mikemok, your vertical and horizontal synk look normal06:15
Paladinethe messagetelling you to press enter might be off the bottom of the screen06:16
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cwilluvinicius_: what's wrong with them?06:16
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Tommy2k4__mikem, if it makes any difference (someone suggested this) pressing ctrl alt f6 when the error comes up doesnt take me to a console screen06:16
triplepanyone know of a syntax hilighting save via SFTP editor?06:16
MarbleheadManhi all, i got my winmodem working in ubuntu and am so proud of myself that i thought i'd come here and shout it to the whole ubuntu community!06:17
vinicius_cwillu: looks weird on formularies, the firefox version that ships with gnome ist just fine06:17
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cwilluvinicius_: gtk build of swiftfox?06:17
TheBigToewhat's the default user/pass for webmin on ubuntu?06:17
garryFWow, a winmodem under linus!06:17
vinicius_cwillu: yes06:17
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__mikemTommy2k4, do you think you could go into your xorg.conf file and change the vertrefresh to 30-16006:18
boogiemanHello all (again), i have a network monitoring problem, any volunteers to help me out :D ?06:18
garryFBut can you fix my nasty typing boo boos?06:18
TheBigToeguys, what's the default user/pass for webmin on ubuntu?06:18
cwilluvinicius_: formularies?06:18
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garryFdid ye mean repositories?06:19
Tommy2k4done __mikem06:19
Tommy2k4should i ctrl alt backspace06:19
vinicius_cwillu: erm, web forms (sorry, english is not my mother tongue)06:19
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__mikemYEs, and run it like that, if it happens again, the problem isn't what I thought it was. But that should fix it06:19
TheBigToeguys, what's the default user/pass for webmin on ubuntu?06:19
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ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.06:20
MarbleheadMangarryF: it took some hacking...ubuntu thinks it's a sound card, and it requires inserting a kernel module, starting a daemon, and running the dialer as root...but i just through those together into a bash script, so now i can double-click to dial up!06:20
Tommy2k4awkward though because the it doesnt happen straight away, and theres nothing i can do to make it happen06:20
Tommy2k4it happens when it wants to :(06:20
Tommy2k4but brb06:20
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__mikemHey Tommy2k406:21
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__mikemany luck?06:21
Paladinehey mike, can you explain why my left monitor has a dead line of pixels in windows but not in linux ;)06:21
Tommy2k4well its loaded up fine but no different to any other time06:21
garryFNice. Might even get to phone someone in 5.1 surround sound.06:21
__mikemPaladine probably because you don't have proper drivers in windows06:22
Tommy2k4but if it happens again you can bet i'll be straight back in here complaining :p06:22
Ngor the drivers have a bug06:22
MarbleheadMangarryF: haha...ironically, i can't even here the phone dialing, even with modem volume on06:22
TheBigToeor windows has a bug06:22
TheBigToesorry, it IS a bug06:22
__mikemTommy2k4 if it happens again, try this06:22
garryFPerhaps a different refresh rate, moved the dead line off screen in linux06:22
__mikemsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:22
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Tommy2k4i already did that today06:23
TheBigToegarryF, or the monitor itself06:23
Tommy2k4after i did that i re-added 1280x1024 though because it didnt auto detect it06:23
TheBigToethe height/width settings06:23
Tommy2k4could that be the problem?06:23
Paladinegarry, yeah I have a much higher refresh rate in linux.  In windows it wouldn't go high enough, Ihad a line of dead pixels and after a little while, the monitor would start tow histle06:23
__mikemWhat kind of monitor do you have06:23
Paladinework great in ubu though06:23
TheBigToecause my boot screen is stretched06:23
garryFMarbleheadMan just as long as your phone bill don't get multiplied by 5.106:23
TheBigToebut nothing else is06:23
TheBigToe</random stuff>06:23
Tommy2k4doesnt it say in my xorg.conf on pastebin?06:23
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__mikemYes, but I mean how old is it06:24
pekayhi i have problems mounting a FAT32 partition06:24
Tommy2k4hmm probably a few years06:24
__mikemIs it lcd or picture tube06:24
MarbleheadMangarryF: hahaha...luckily, i live close to the isp's location and get unlimited local calling ;)06:24
Tommy2k4never had any problems till i switched to linux06:24
Paladinepekay what problems?06:24
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garryFWhat is interesting is I wonder if playing with his refresh rates in windows might solve the dead line.06:25
__mikemIt may be that the resolution isn't supported, but the problem with that theory is 1 I am assuming you got it to work in windows, and 2 that would prevent you from booting into x at all06:25
Paladinegarry, nope I tried that already06:25
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TheBigToeso, guys, what's the default user/pass for webmin on ubuntu?06:25
Tommy2k4if i couldnt use this resolution i seriously would go back to windows :(06:25
garryFtow histle?06:25
Paladineto whistle06:26
Paladinea high pitch whistling sound06:26
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Paladinereally really annoying06:26
pekayPaladine: i made a new FAT32 partition in windows to pass some things to Windows, but i got this error in Ubuntu: error: device /dev/hda3 is not removable06:26
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The_Guardiananyone here used the crystal theme?06:26
__mikemTommy2k4 I use 1280x1024 all the time06:26
__mikemIts supported06:26
__mikemby linux06:26
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garryFOh. so it would whistle in windows or Linux?06:27
Paladineonly in windows06:27
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Tommy2k4it wasnt in my xorg.conf though till i added it06:27
Paladineit is like a new monitor in linux06:27
Paladinepekay, not sure06:27
TheBigToeTommy2k4, it usually isn't06:27
MarbleheadMani've had an old, slow processor whistle when under heavy load, but never a monitor06:27
Tommy2k4when googling i found a lot of people who had to edit their xorg.conf to add resolutions higher than 1024x76806:27
NgMarbleheadMan: I have, in certain screenmodes06:27
mindspittips linux  windows   swap space fstab pagefile.sys06:27
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TheBigToetalking of things making noises...06:27
mindspiti want to use my fat 32 partition and especialy the file pagefile.sys as a Windows swap space and ALSO FOR Linux ... i need linux instructions06:28
TheBigToeon old PC's, when you hear the "gr grggrgrgr" sound, is that the hd or proessor?06:28
MarbleheadManNg: a crt, not an lcd, right?06:28
Ngmindspit: I don't think you can use a windows swap file for linux swap06:28
Paladinemarble, it is really really high frequency whistle, only just audible and incredibly annoying to the point of causing a headache06:28
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TheBigToeI thought it was the HD but someone else said it was the CPU06:28
NgMarbleheadMan: in theory anything electrical can whine under the right circumstances06:28
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__mikemTommy2k4, Yes, I did to, but it doesn't mean its not supported, as I said I use the higher resolutions all the time, they work fine for me, but I have an lcd screen06:28
NgMarbleheadMan: it just means it's producing a very high kHz oscillation06:28
mindspityes you can .... as you can use any file for swap .... i have heard it before06:29
Tommy2k4im not saying its not supported06:29
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__mikemI know06:29
Ngmindspit: you'd need to re-initialise it for each on each boot06:29
MarbleheadManNg: right -- everything mechanical whistles, we just can't here most of it; whistling is motion that we can here06:29
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MarbleheadMan*hear, doh06:29
Mintyhow do I add a program so that it stats at bootup ???06:29
mindspiti want to use my fat 32 partition and especialy the file pagefile.sys as swap space FOR Linux ...06:29
NgMinty: a user program or a system program?06:30
garryFHmmm, shrug, sounds like soemthing is wrong alreight. Might try a lower refresh rate just to see what happens. If you can get it off the screen that way too, that might work. Windows doesn't always make sure to only show modes the monitor is able to show without frying.06:30
mindspityes that true06:30
dr_willisMinty,  depends on the program. theres a rc.local script for some needs06:30
Flippy209ic56 you around?06:30
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TheBigToewhat's the default user/pass for webmin?06:30
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dr_willismindspit,  you can make a linux swap file on the fat32 if you want. but using the same  file as windiows.. may not be a good idea.06:30
Paladinegarry, well it using a much lower refresh rate in windows than it is in linux, yet the problem only exists in windows.  An interesting little problem06:30
monkkeyguys can you help  me, i have just mounted my new hdd, but i am recieving access denied when i try and write to it?? any suggestions?? thanks06:31
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.06:31
garryFI'd look up the monitor and find out the refresh rates and make sure windows isn not exceeding that range.06:31
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Paladinemonkkey is it ntfs?06:31
TheBigToewhat do I use instead then, dr_willis ?06:31
monkkeyno, its fat 3206:31
dr_willisI actually like webmin. sad that  ubuntu/debian is deciding  otherwise..06:31
The_Guardiandoes ubuntu use gdm also?06:31
The_Guardianor just kde?06:31
Ngmindspit: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Swap-Space.html perhaps, although that's geared up for sharing a swap partition I think06:31
dr_willisTheBigToe,  id say read the webmin docs. and i seemt orecall theres a script ya run that sets the default passwords.06:31
ubotuI know nothing about gdm06:31
NgThe_Guardian: by default, gdm, but you can use kdm or xdm if you want to06:32
garryFI wonder what they replaced it with.06:32
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The_Guardiantrying to figure out a new theme to get06:32
__mikemThe_Guardian, ubuntu uses gnome kubuntu uses kde xubuntu uses xfce06:32
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TheBigToedr_willis, I've read it and found a change password script, but...06:32
__mikemanything that uses gnome uses gdm by default06:32
Ng__mikem: xubuntu uses gdm too06:32
TheBigToeScript was not run with full path (failed to find /usr/share/webmin/passwd/change-passwd.pl under )06:32
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dr_willisTheBigToe,  to be honest - i set my root user password.. and it uses that by default last time i messed with webmin. :P but thats 'bad karma' according to the ubuntu devs. :)06:32
Tommy2k4__mikem, it happened yet again06:33
Tommy2k4thats the 3rd/4th time its happened today06:33
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Paladinegarry, yeah I have the frequancy ranges for the monitor, the problem was windows wouldn't let me go any higher than 60KHz, so it wasn't an issue with the frequency being too high, more likely an issue with it being too low06:33
TheBigToedr_willis, what username did you enter then?06:33
dr_willisTheBigToe,  run it with the full path perhaps?   sudo /usr/share/whatever/change-passwd06:33
The_Guardianahh I have kde installed also06:33
PaladineI am not bothered about it, I don't use windows on this box anymore, was just curious as to the cause06:33
TheBigToeI did06:33
dr_willisTheBigToe,  root. :P06:33
TheBigToeah, :P06:33
dr_willisTheBigToe,  i seemt orecall a discussion of this on the forums/wiki.06:33
__mikemTommy2k4, you got me, that error as I said usually means theres a problem with the refresh rate,06:33
__mikemIT sounds like it might be a hardware problem06:34
__mikemI never had that problem before06:34
Paladinesounds like the monitor has a hardware probem, is it old?06:34
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Tommy2k4a few years06:34
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Paladineit could well be on its way out06:34
garryFYeah. I agree Paladine. Did you make sure windows has identified the monitor? Oh, well if windows ins't being used, than I guess it makes a nice coaster.06:34
Tommy2k4when it happens, the num lock light goes off making me think its an os problem?06:34
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mindspitif i have windows delete pagefile upon shutdown, could i use the same partition for linux? (hopefully this isn't a stupid question)06:34
Fizzehis there a default username06:35
=== Hoxzer [n=dsad@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Fizzehi wasnt promted to enter one on install06:35
dr_willismindspit,  you that short of  drive space?06:35
HoxzerI'm still banned :(06:35
__mikemHoxzer from which chanel?06:35
Hoxzer__mikem: from this one :(06:35
mindspityes i am!06:35
ackbahrNoUse, I'm done partitioning. Now I want to install XP in the new blank space; what do I have to do about LILO to be able to set it up again later?06:35
Paladinegarry, I couldn't get any specific drivers for the monitor under windows, just used generic monitor.  I have it as generic monitor in ubu too, but I did manage to get the frequency specs fomr the interweb :)06:35
vinicius_cwillu: http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/1818/screenshot14lg.png <- firefox06:35
garryFYes, you are stilll banned. We can't see what you type. j/k06:35
TheBigToeError - Access denied for The host has been blocked because of too many authentication failures.06:36
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vinicius_cwillu: http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/6694/screenshot5ok.png <- swiftfox06:36
=== TheBigToe screams
__mikemHoxzer How are you in here if you are banned06:36
JeruvyHey!!  dumb question but if I have a rpm on a windows box and I want it on a ubuntu server for installation what is the best way to copy it over06:36
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MintyI would lik enetwork selector to open rather than having to open it eash tim06:36
garryFHe ain't banned. Hehe06:36
__mikemHow do you run rpm on a windows box Jeruvy06:36
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Fizzehdoes anyone know the default username for ubuntu; my install didnt ask me for one, and now im stuck06:36
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NgJeruvy: if you stick an ssh server on the ubuntu box you can use scp with a tool like WinSCP06:36
Tommy2k4he didnt say run it06:36
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Jeruvy__mikem: dunno.  But I want to stick it on the server06:37
Tommy2k4he just means its saved on a windows partition06:37
roostishawhow do i launch firestarter hidden upon login, without the root password? i already followed the FAQ with no success... anyone?06:37
dimitrican any1 help me configure v4l06:37
Hoxzer__mikem: :/ I'm using other connection :(06:37
garryFOmg. I've never heard of a ubuntu not asking you for a user name.06:37
jolmashhello all, could anyboyd help me on configuring VNC in Ubuntu?06:37
Tommy2k4Jeruvy, copy it over the lan?06:37
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Tommy2k4or use a usb drive?06:37
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skavengeyou just need to login asa root and adduser then06:37
JeruvyNg: I have openssh server on it, so I'd just connect via scp and copy it over?  Sounds easy06:37
__mikemHoxzer, just talk to one of the ops and plead your case, they should listen06:37
dimitri<jolmash>  im also interested in getting that to work06:38
NgFizzeh: there is no default user, the installer shoult have asked you. You could try booting into the recovery mode and running adduser, but you'll need to put the user into a bunch of groups too06:38
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NgJeruvy: yep06:38
Paladinehey garry, here is another puzzle for you.  Firefox does a dns lookup on absolutely every single page I visit, even if I am refreshing a page or going to another page on the same site, slows down browsing considerably, I would have thought it would have a dns cache06:38
roostishawhow do i launch firestarter hidden upon login, without the root password? i already followed the FAQ with no success... anyone?06:38
kalosaurusrexi have the same problem..06:38
Fizzehhow do i do recovery mode?06:38
NgFizzeh: which I think would be: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin06:38
jolmashdimitri: I've installed vnc4server, and I can connect to it, but I see only a gray screen06:38
JeruvyThx :)06:38
NgFizzeh: just before ubuntu starts booting it will either display a menu or tell you to press Esc for a menu. it's in that menu06:38
kalosaurusrexPaladine:  I have the same problem. very annoying.06:38
Paladinekalo, aye it is indeed06:39
FizzehNg, thanks, I'll try that06:39
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kalosaurusrexpal, and it seems like it just started doing it.  what version are you using?06:39
garryFHmmm, I dunno myself.06:39
FizzehNg, when in setup would it have prompted for my username, it just had me do a password, and early on it had me do the computer name06:39
kalosaurusrexpal i'm using
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NgFizzeh: oh, did you do a server install?06:39
garryFYeah, you would think it would have a cache.06:39
kalosaurusrexanyone else have this problem?06:39
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Paladineit is bloody annoying06:39
skavengeall you have to do is login as root now and adduser06:40
FizzehNg, no06:40
kalosaurusrexagreed :(06:40
garryFHow do you tell if you have the problem?06:40
PaladineI installed a small dns cache app thinking that would help, but it made no difference in firefox06:40
__mikembbl, I have to get ready to go06:40
dimitrijolmash how do u invoke it06:40
NgFizzeh: very strange, it should have asked for a username right before it asked for a password06:40
Fizzehng, i installed it before and didnt have the problem06:40
Paladinegarry, just type in any url that you know and look at the status bar in the ff window06:40
Paladineit ads several seconds to the load time on every page I visit06:41
FizzehNg, recovery mode is loading06:41
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garryFIt flies through so fast, I can't read any of it.06:41
jolmashdimitri: with vncviewer, the IP and a number of screen, ie.
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Fizzehng, so should i type "adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin"?06:42
PaladineI just refreshed the ubu forum page and it took 17 seconds doing lookups and took a total of 34 seconds to load the page (once it had spent more time looking up other addresses hosted on the same page)06:42
dimitrijolmash are you trying to vnc a ubuntu box or a windows box06:42
jolmashdimitri: You need to run "vnc4server :0" in order the screen 0 responds, may be vnc4server :1 :2 :206:43
jolmashVNC from windows to Ubuntu06:43
NgFizzeh: no, you'll need to use the usermod tool to add your user to those groups, e.g. usermod -g username group1,group2,group3,etc username06:43
Mintygatekeeper Hi again Have looked at the site http://www.ehomeupgrade.com do I need to update all my sorces list or is it just # PLF - Collection of Non-Free Proprietary Codecs & Applications06:43
patrick_kingim having trouble with my wifi, i have installed dapper and my pcmcia card work and connects to the net but only seems to be able to download at less than 14kb/s but with that card in windows i can get 70bk/s06:43
jolmashdimitri: from Windows to ubuntu06:43
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Mintyso that I can get totem to wrok with dvd06:43
FizzehNg, just type group1, or add it to every one of those groups06:43
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dimitrijolmash i had that working a while ago06:44
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FizzehNg, is there a way to view all users06:44
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NgFizzeh: replace "username" with the username you set up and "group1,group2,group3" with the "adm,dialout,cdrom," etc groups06:44
dimitribut i formated windows off06:44
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Paladinekalo, I am glad I am not the only person having this issue, I was beginning to think I had been a complete idiot and failed to do something06:44
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jolmashdimitri: how? I see only a grey screen, not my xfce desktop06:44
dimitrii want to vnc from ubuntu to other windows pc's on the network06:44
FizzehNg, because I think there must be one user beside root, because a passowrd got asinged06:44
kristianfamous, you here?06:44
yeftcan some one type me up a command real quick that will recursively delete a certain filetype?06:44
garryFI'd mark ff for reinstall and see if that fixes it.06:45
NgFizzeh: possibly. "cat /etc/passwd" and look at the end06:45
Paladinedimitri, I just installed tightvnc ontot he windows boxes, then used the standard remote desktop client that comes with gnome206:45
ToneMinty  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:45
dimitriwhen it asks you VNC server what do u type06:45
neighborleehi...I am trying to run app that is unable to find ( 32 bit app in  64 bit dapper) the 32 bit libSDL it needs, as the one in /usr/lib32 turnsout to be 64 bit!.. is this fixable other than just compiling SDL myself with -m32 option ? ;)06:45
Toneyou need totem-xine too06:45
roostishawhow do i launch firestarter hidden upon login, without the root password? i already followed the FAQ with no success... anyone?06:45
Ngyeft: how do you want to identify the certain filetype? filename extension?06:45
NickGarveyyeft:  rm -r *.somehing I would think06:45
patrick_kingwat coould it be06:45
NickGarveyyeft: but be careful06:45
MintyTone dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege06:46
Laneynp: Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries On06:46
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:46
Paladineneighbour, is it a deb package you rying to install? cos if you use the --force-architecture args it tends to work for most things I have tried06:46
Tonemint use sudo06:46
FizzehNg, how do I just create a user06:46
yeftnickgarvey: thanks , its to delete all the m4a and mp4's off my ipod06:46
dimitriPaladine let me try that :< what a mission06:46
NgFizzeh: adduser username06:46
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:46
yeftnickgarvey: witll that work in nested folders?06:46
PaladineI had a nightmare trying to get cedega to work, but as soon as I used --force-architecture it installed with no issues06:47
Ngyeft: find /path/to/ipod -name *.m4a -exec rm \{\} \;06:47
NickGarveyyeft: not sure, try around with a test folder, I havenever done that06:47
stjepanroostishaw, what did you try to do?06:47
dimitriPaladine what about realnvc? could that do the same thing?06:47
stjepanroostishaw, open /etc/sudoers as root06:48
NickGarveyyeft: after reading the man file I don't think that will work06:48
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:48
Paladinedimitri you mean realvnc?06:48
NickGarveyoh yes!06:48
stjepanroostishaw, add this line:06:48
NickGarveyI forget find has that power06:48
patrick_kingim having trouble with my wifi,my pcmcia card works and connects to the net but only seems to be able to download at less than 14kb/s but with that card in windows i can get 70bk/s06:48
stjepanroostishaw, username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter06:48
stjepanroostishaw, do you use GNOME or KDE?06:48
patrick_kingis this normal06:48
stjepanroostishaw, hey, you there?06:48
Ngstjepan: one should never edit /etc/sudoers directly06:49
Ngstjepan: there is a tool visudo for doing that06:49
dimitriPaladine yeah sorry06:49
dimitribut would that work06:49
PaladineI haven't tried realvnc, but I have installed several .deb using the --force-architecture args06:49
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stjepanNg, it is ok to edit it with nano or gedit too06:49
Ngstjepan: no06:49
ubotuI know nothing about dns06:49
stjepanNg, why? what can happen?06:49
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Ngstjepan: because if you make even the tiniest of syntax errors, sudo will completely fail to work anymore06:49
FizzehNg, thanks, I think it worked06:49
Ngstjepan: visudo validates the file after you edit it06:49
ubotuI know nothing about swiftfox06:49
FizzehNg, confirmation, it worked!  you rock!06:49
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dr_willisive heard bad things about swiftfox. :)06:50
NgFizzeh: cool :)06:50
AlienXhow do i set my default editor to vi? I'm editing crontab and nano is default but it'd rather it wasn't06:50
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:50
stjepanNg, if you're careful, you can edit it with nano too06:50
ubotuI know nothing about tuxsex06:50
NgAlienX: put "export EDITOR=vim" at the bottom of .bash_profile in your home directory06:50
stjepanNg, I always edit it with nano and I never had any problems with it06:50
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AlienXNg, thank you06:50
vinicius_dr_willis: hmm, like what? seems faster than the normal build to me06:50
purdevI'm having trouble installing the JRE plugin for firefox - I have tried many FAQ's and even open-source JREs, but no luck yet06:50
roostishawstjepan, yes, sorry.06:50
Ngstjepan: still, in this kind of channel it's best to recommend people do things the Right way06:50
stjepanroostishaw, GNOME or KDE?06:50
roostishawstjepan, gnome06:51
dr_willisvinicius_,  ive heard it hammers the servers and a lot of web hosting pwoples dont like it.06:51
stjepanNg, unfortunately, _many_ people don't know how to use vi/vim06:51
MintyTone you are the man :)06:51
dr_willisvinicius_,  but its all just things ive 'heard/read' on the msg boards06:51
stjepanroostishaw, you edited /etc/sudoers?06:51
roostishawstjepan, yes. i followed that guide in the faq06:51
Ngstjepan: visudo can be made to respect $EDITOR, so it can be used with nano or whatever06:51
vinicius_dr_willis: no, you are talking about the fasterfox extension i think06:51
yeftNg: worked perfect!! thanks so much06:51
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stjepanroostishaw, then open System>Preferences>Sessions06:52
ToneMinty make sure you enable dma06:52
roostishawstjepan, ok06:52
Mintytone tell me more please06:52
stjepanroostishaw, go to the "Startup Programs" tab06:52
skavengeare synaptic errors logged somewhere?06:52
stjepanroostishaw, click Add and type this: sudo firestarter06:52
roostishawsudo firestarter --sm-disable ?06:52
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stjepanyes, it's ok06:52
roostishawoh, ok.. ill try that06:52
stjepanthen you click OK and then Close06:53
ajaycstjepan, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:53
ToneMinty: sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/[your cdrom device probably hdc] 06:53
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stjepanajayc, howdy mate06:53
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roostishawstjepan, but how do i get it to start minimized?06:53
Tonewill make dvd playback silky smooth06:53
stjepanroostishaw, sudo apt-get install wmctrl06:53
finalbetaI installed xgl/compiz, and then removed it again, how can I remove it from the loging widnows (choose sessions)06:53
roostishawstjepan, ok...06:53
stjepanroostishaw, wmctrl can help you to run it minimized06:54
dr_willisvinicius_,  perhaps. :P its hard to  objetively benchmark  that stuff.06:54
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
roostishawstjepan, how do i use it?06:54
stjepanroostishaw, read the manual page: man wmctrl06:54
ToneMinty: that setting doesnt stick around after rebooting you'll need to type it in again when you want to watch a dvd06:54
roostishawand use a special argument in the startup line?06:54
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MintyOkay but what does it do ??06:54
NgTone: or create an entry for it in /etc/hdparm.conf :)06:55
kalosaurusrexpal: i installed the fasterfox ff extension, and that seems to help..06:55
skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?06:55
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roostishawstjepan, so what is the command i add to startup?06:55
garryFCheck this out for your dns ff resolution issues .... http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/blog/tw001_tw/2006-01-16/slow_DNS_resolution_in_mozilla_firefox06:55
ToneNg: yer you can but I get some write errors with it when burning so normaly have it off06:56
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stjepanroostishaw, sudo firestarter && wmctrl blah blah I don't know how to minimize a window so read the manual06:56
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roostishawstjepan, hmm... but i dont see it in there06:56
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins06:56
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ubotuI know nothing about aliens06:57
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stjepanroostishaw, what you don't see?06:58
roostishawstjepan, an argument to minimize a window06:58
kalosaurusrexgrr neither the ipv6 or fasterfox has helped.06:58
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uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).06:58
stjepanI don't know really, the manual can help you06:58
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compengiwhat does linux06:59
roostishawdoes anyone know the wmctrl command to minimize a window?07:00
compengiwhat is linux's language07:00
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ElephantHuntercompengi: linux mostly uses c/c++, but there are many other languages available07:00
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vinicius_kalosaurusrex: youre talking about "network.dns.disableIPv6"07:00
kalosaurusrexyes.  i made t true.07:00
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compengiin terminal what language is it07:01
Tonecompengi, linux is written in C with some ASM07:01
skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?07:01
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roostishawdoes anyone know the wmctrl command to minimize a window?07:01
Tonecompengi, you meen computer language?07:01
garryFYeah, I just found mine and its set to false to disabling of IP6. I cold pastebin my config if it might help?07:01
ElephantHuntercompengi: The terminal language is called shell scripting language07:01
Tonecompengi, if so its bash07:01
garryFer ipv607:01
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Paladinekalo, I just posted on the ff issue,if you wanna add your experience too ( http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=134 )07:02
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AlienXNg, export EDITOR=vim did not work07:02
kalosaurusrexpal: going now07:02
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Tonehas anyone ever setup postfix?07:02
purdevcan someone help me getting the jre plugin working with firefox
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Paladinepostfix rocks07:03
Mintysame ish question as earlier , how do i get Gnaim to startup when I boot ?07:03
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vinicius_garryF: i heard that disabling ipv6 on firefox could increase the speed07:03
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TonePaladine, true but how do you get it working?07:03
PaladineI haven't set it up in ubu yet but I have in suse and freebsd (although it was a long time ago)07:03
vinicius_about:config > double click "network.dns.disableIPv6"07:03
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PaladineTone, what you mean, what issues you having with it?07:04
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TonePacketScan, I did apt-get and dpk-reconfig etc - I expected it to just work with my corrent accounts like asimpson etc07:04
TonePaladine, sorry07:04
PacketScanTone, tisa ok m8 :d07:04
TonePaladine, I am using openldap and I think  this is the problem07:04
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caepchow hard is it to install the source for the currently running kernel07:05
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garryFvinicius_ Yep, I posted about it. Mine works fine with the ipv6 enabled. Paladine and kalosaurusrex are having issues where their firefox is resolving the dns every time instead of using the dns cache.07:05
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david_Is there any program to create zips or rars in ubuntu?07:05
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sheldonchow the hell long is that conference going for07:05
Kibouzip and rar07:05
PaladineTone, sorry mate I have never used ldap, but I will be installing postfix on this system in the near future for backup MX I will let you know if I have any issues07:05
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A[D] minShow i can change writen languge from english to arabic from fluxbox07:06
TonePaladine, I've never set it up before so I dont know what to expect... Does it just start collecting mail for users on the local domain?07:06
A[D] minSi can do it from gnome by taskbar07:06
vinicius_Paladine abd kalosaurus,  maybe manually adding an entry to especify the number of entries on the dns cache could help...07:06
A[D] minSbut here how i can do it?07:07
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vinicius_let me see...07:07
kalosaurusrexvin: where do I do that?07:07
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PaladineTone, postfix is an smtp daemon07:07
Paladineyou trying to collect or send mail?07:07
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kalosaurusrexpal: what sort of 64 box are you on anyway? dell, hp, etc? or did you put it together?07:07
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Paladinekalo, self build07:08
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Paladine3700+ San Diego07:08
kalosaurusrexpal, that's cool. just curious.  i'm also on a 64 bit box.07:08
PaladineASUS A8N Delux SLI07:08
Administrator_its an MTA07:08
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TonePaladine, send07:08
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yggdrasilis there anything for ubuntu that can convert wma to mp3 in ubuntu?07:08
PaladineTone, not sure how ubu sets it up as a package install, I have always added the users manually07:09
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PaladineI use mutiple virtual domains with postfix too07:09
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cyberixyggdrasil: I wonder, if loseless convertion from wma to mp3 is even possible.07:09
TonePaladine, Thanks I'll look into that as the source of the problem then07:09
vinicius_about:config > create a new integer as: "network.dnsCacheEntries", default should be 20, but its optional07:09
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Stormx2RIP GOD DAMN YOU! :P07:09
Paladinethanks vin, I will give that a try07:10
jribyggdrasil: maybe mencoder07:10
cyberixyggdrasil: Not sure anyway.07:10
yggdrasili dont care if it loses a bit07:10
yggdrasiljust annoying i have this one cd i really like.07:10
yggdrasiland i ripped it to wma without thinking aobut it.07:11
A[D] minS!XkbLayout07:11
ubotuI know nothing about XkbLayout07:11
A[D] minS!Layout07:11
ubotuI know nothing about Layout07:11
yggdrasilfigured there would be like a somthing like mp32ogg.07:11
Stormx2I can't get this CD to rip. I have two cd rom drives.... Num 0 Tries and fails... Num 1 doesn't do anything when I put the CD in :(07:11
Paladinehey vin, how do you delete and entry in config, I am a moron and set it up as a string instead of integer hehe07:11
Mintyanyon know a gnome interfaced ISQL program not a terminal one ??07:12
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Don_Cabrondoes anyone work with cellphones here?07:13
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Don_CabronI am trying to make ubuntu work with the programs but its giving me a had ache07:13
vinicius_Paladine: you need to edit user.js i think, but beware with the other entries...07:13
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finalbetaI installed xgl/compiz, and then removed it again, how can I remove it from the loging widnows (choose sessions)07:14
kalosaurusrexvin, I can't find the dns cache entry..07:14
spadesfinalbeta check /usr/share/xsessions?07:14
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 can anyone help me solve this problem07:15
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vinicius_Paladine: sorry, its prefs.js, not user.js07:15
Paladinewhere is it located vin?07:15
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vinicius_kalosaurusrex: you need to create a new entry07:15
vinicius_Paladine: on your profile folder07:15
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roostishawhow do i have a program launch minimized at login?07:16
kalosaurusrexvin ah gotcha.07:16
adaranis there any fakeroot/chroot howto for installing third-party packages with b0rked installers?07:17
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vinicius_Paladine: make sure Firefox is not running when you clear that entry07:18
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david_How in hell can I create a zip (or similar) file containing various files in Ubuntu?07:18
skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?07:18
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roostishawhow do i have a program launch minimized at login?07:18
jolmashcould anybody help me on installing php5 as CGI and php as module in Apache2?07:18
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skavengedavid_ ; install rar07:19
kalosaurusrexpal: ehrm you mind doing vin's idea, and let me know if it works, and if so how to add the key , etc?07:19
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Paladinewell I couldn't find the line in prefs.js just checking back in ff about:config now07:19
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Mintyhow does one install rar ??07:20
rpedrodavid_: select files >> right click >> create archive07:20
skavengerun synaptic and search for rar07:20
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rpedrodavid_: no need to install rar07:21
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david_rpedro: excellent!!! thanks a lot07:21
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vinicius_Paladine: if you have more than one profile (i have 6 :)), you need to edit the one that you were using when you created that entry07:21
rpedrodavid_: yvw ;-)07:21
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caepcrpedro, language07:22
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rpedrocaepc what?07:22
wamtymy eth0 is up, but it's not getting an ip from the dhcp server07:23
Paladinek that seems to have worked07:23
wamtyand I can see it in lspci07:23
Paladinethanks vin07:23
roostishawhow do i have a program launch minimized at login?07:23
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PaladineIwill update my forum post now with the solution07:23
rpedrocaepc: what did I say??07:23
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vinicius_Paladine: worked?07:23
caepcrpedro, i dont know what you said, it wasnt english07:23
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rpedrocaepc: what isn't english? dont think so07:23
vinicius_nice =)07:24
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rpedrocaepc: yvw = you're very welcome07:24
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rungehi. does ubuntu have any ftp-client that handles ssl?07:24
rungeI run dapper07:24
caepcwamty, what ip is it getting?07:24
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wamtyiface eth0 dhcp ?07:24
wamtyor was it iface eth0 inet dhcp?07:24
finalbetaCan xen boot up windows yet? or shouldn't I boter searching07:25
Ackeubu_Hey guys, My ubuntu boots up. all the way until it shows the loggin screen, then it just blinks and turns to a black screen where i can see the mouse cross cursor.  I cant use ALT+ F7-F9 to nore can I use F1-F4. I have run dkbg-reconfigure. but that doesnt help./ What can I do to find out about the problem?07:25
wamtyin edit /etc/network/interfaces07:25
kalosaurusrexack, what happens if you sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart?07:25
caepcwamty, can't you use the System -> Administration -> Networks?07:26
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rpedroAckeubu_: you are able to login at the login screen?07:26
caepckalosaurusrex, it kills all x sessions07:26
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nikiwhen using the app 'top', you can hit 'k' to kill, or 'r' to renice a process.....what does renice mean?07:26
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dhendrixHello everyone. I'm sort of new to debian/ubuntu and was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what package pwd.py belongs to. The package is usually found in /usr/lib/python2.2 (Or whatever version of python is being used).07:26
caepcniki, change priority07:26
rpedroAckeubu_: you are still able to switch to another vt with ctrl-alt-Fkey07:27
nikicaepc, what would changing a process' priorty do?07:27
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caepcmake it nicer to the other processes07:27
Paladinevin, added the solution to my post and credited you for it :)07:27
wamtycaepc: I'm not using X07:27
nikicaepc, what do you mean, nicer?07:27
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rpedroniki: the higher the value, the lower the priority07:28
varniki: I just dropped in, but I would assume he's talking about manners, the golden rule and such.07:28
MarcNniki:  let some other process spend time with the CPU.07:28
Ackeubu_rpedro, no it blinked before i could logg in. and no i cant use ctrl Alt Fn to switch. two days ago. it did the same for the default vt and i could swithc vt and loggin. now i cant switch neither07:28
Paladinea very big thanks, it has been an uber pain in my butt for 2 weeks now07:28
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Paladineit seriously slows down browsing07:28
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compengidoes someone knows any voice chatting program for linux?07:28
nikiMarcN, so if i had a problem with a programming running slower than it normall does, i can increas its priority to speed it up a bit?07:28
caepccompengi, skype07:28
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caepcniki, no07:29
MarcNniki:  only if it is cpu bound.07:29
rpedrocompengi: there also openwengo, or ekiga07:29
rpedroAckeubu_: what gfx card do you have07:29
vinicius_Paladine: thanks! it was kinda "shoot in the dark" tip, but im glad it worked =)07:29
nikiMarcN, what do you mean by CPU bound?07:29
rpedroAckeubu_: have you installed binary drivers for it?07:29
Paladinelike a dream man07:29
Ackeubu_rpedro, I have ATI mobility radeon X140007:30
Paladinebrowsing is flying now07:30
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caepcPaladine, a dream man?07:30
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Paladineless than 2 seconds to refresh the ubu forum07:30
compengirpedro, does the other user should use the same prog?07:30
jolmashhello, I've followd the the tutorial in http://www.howtoforge.com/apache2_with_php5_and_php4, but It doesn't works for me, what can I do? I need php5 as CGI because I already have php4 as module07:30
wobsterCan I install Ubuntu dapper with a breezy install cd? Like changing the dist during installation?07:30
Paladinejust uninstall the phop4 module and use php5 (which is backwards compatable with php4)07:31
Ackeubu_rpedro I installed some drivers that was buildt for rpm. I did alien to make deb of them and then i installed it worked.07:31
rpedrocompengi: with skype, yes, the other two are compatible with other programs for other OSes07:31
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Ackeubu_rpedro at least they worked for a while. the drivers where from ATIs home page.07:31
kalosaurusrexis there a wiki someplace for creating deb packages from tar ball files?07:31
rpedroAckeubu_: maybe that wasn't such a good idea (using alien)07:31
Ackeubu_rpedro they dont have any drivers besides those. but yeah i can try to roll them back i think. >0 i got the controller installed properly and everything so i was pretty happy with it.07:32
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rpedroAckeubu_: my best bet is start system in single user mode , and uninstall the package and run again 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:32
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code07:32
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Paladineanyone else using bluefish for an editor?07:33
kalosaurusrexpal:  thanks for working that out.07:33
Paladineit is very sweet07:33
Paladinekalo, thank vin, he is the one who came up with the solution :)07:33
kalosaurusrexi use nvu or scream.07:33
kalosaurusrexthanks vin!07:33
Ackeubu_rpedro im looged in as root, so now i cant find the synaptic package handler apps..07:34
kalosaurusrexwell or kate.  usually kate  lol07:34
wamtyhow can I turn off iptables for now?07:34
vinicius_kalosaurusrex: youre welcome =)07:34
rpedroAckeubu_: use aptitude07:34
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rpedroAckeubu_: or apt-get remove <package name>07:34
Paladinevin, you know how to increase the amount of time the cache lasts for too?07:34
Paladineit goes back to looking up the dns again if you don't refresh the page for a few minutes07:35
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d2812with the dapper server install, you can have it set up Apache et al for you. Is there anyway get dapper to set them up for you on a running desktop install?07:35
vinicius_Paladine: hmm, no idea...07:35
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:35
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rpedroAckeubu_: I think there is an howto on wiki.ubuntu.com for ati mobility gfx cards, you can follow it, after you revert xorg to default07:36
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PaladineI will have to have a good root through the config settings on mozilla's site see if there is a cache timer of some form07:36
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kalosaurusrexpal: http://www.tweakguides.com/Firefox_9.html07:37
Ackeubu_rpdero yesterday i installed some ir utils. tryied to get my ir to work. that could not have affected the system?07:37
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rpedroAckeubu_: i mean, after you get an working xorg.conf07:37
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kalosaurusrexpal: thinking network.dnsCacheExpiration may be it?07:37
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xenexhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203846 -- Someone please help me get my X back.07:38
Ackeubu_rpedro, huum, the xorg.conf did work two days ago, then it just quite yesterday, without changes in the xorg.conf...07:38
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FizzehDoes anyone know an easy way to boot ubuntu and vista at the same time07:38
Paladinekalo cheers, use network.dnsCacheExpiration07:38
wikinghei! i need help about Linux. Enybody can help me?07:38
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skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?07:39
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kalosaurusrexpal: woot!07:39
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steveirewiking: What is your quest?07:40
rpedroAckeubu_: some kernel update may have done it. you would have to recompile the kernel module for the gfx driver, thing is I don't think using alien to install such important packages is a good idea07:40
PaladineI just added that with a value of 600 (I presume 600 = 10 minutes)07:40
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kalosaurusrexi did that same lol07:40
christopheranyone running a wireless router through usb and ndiswrapper? i'm having troubles setting up my netgear wpn11107:40
Ackeubu_rpedro how would I reinstall the kernelmodule for the gfx driver?07:40
Paladineyeah the default is only 60 seconds07:41
wikingi am linux Ubuntu user less than 10 hour and i want to know, how i can log in root & install something07:41
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Fizzehwiking: use terminal and do sudo and then the command07:41
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wikingroot terminal?07:42
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PacketScanwiking, "sudo passwd root"   change the root password..   then you can "su -" to your hearts content.07:42
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vinicius_kalosaurusrex: thanks, bookmarked the link, i dont have any issues with dns, but if/when it occurs, i know hot to *fully* fix it now07:42
steveirethat's not what wiking wants.07:42
steveiresudo apt-get install something07:42
steveireI think07:42
FizzehDoes anyone know an easy way to boot ubuntu and vista at the same time07:43
steveireNot a great idea to be logging in as root all the time07:43
vinicius_well, see ya folks07:43
Paladinekalo, browsing now works properly :)07:43
kalosaurusrexlater vin07:43
steveireFizzeh: What does at the same time mean? You don't mean a choice at boot?07:43
PacketScansteveire, says u :d07:43
Paladinelater vin and thanks again07:43
kalosaurusrexpal, mine is better too.  thanks!!07:43
rpedrorpedro: I don't know, if you followed some howto , you should consult it again to see what to do, tho I were you I would revert to default xorg configuration by running the command I gave, and then follow the howto at ubuntu wiki, if you do this it would be easier for someone to help you here07:43
xenexhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203846 -- Someone please help me get my X back.07:44
wikingok i am opening the teminal..07:44
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steveireDun dun Dun dun Dun dun ...07:44
Paladinekalo, now I just need to fix my 6 channel sound issues :)07:44
Fizzehsteviere: no, i mean a dual boot, so like a can press a button and switch between the two, it already gives me the option on boot (if im lucky)07:44
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wikingwhat's now?07:45
E0xi have a cd of ubuntu live/install in the same07:45
steveirewhat do you want to install wiking07:45
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kalosaurusrexpal, haha good luck with that one!07:45
PacketScan"sudo apt-get install <package>"07:45
steveireFizzeh: I didn't know it was possible. I might have seen a thread on the forums about it though07:45
wikingskype - i have file on my desktop07:45
E0xbut i dont want boot up to the live session and click to the install icon , i want started the install directly07:45
E0xi can do that ?07:45
Jack_SparrowFizzeh: Good luck with that one07:46
Fizzehsteveire: Ive seen it done with mac/windows on a macbook pro07:46
xenexCan someone please help me get my xorg back? I need to change the configuration back for it to work and I don't know how.07:46
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xenexI changed nv to nvidia because it said to do that but now it won't work.07:46
Paladinexenex did you backup your xorg.conf?07:46
kalosaurusrexxen, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:46
apokryphosxenex: did you install the nvidia drivers properly?07:46
xenexI'm on a LiveCD, is that fine kalosaurusrex?07:46
Paladinexenex, type sudo nvidia-xconfig07:46
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Paladineyou might wantto delete the old xorg.conf first07:47
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kalosaurusrexxen not sure on that one..07:47
FizzehDoes anybody know how to use synergy?07:47
steveiredeb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free <<< wiking: If you add that to your souces.list, you can apt-get install skype07:47
Jack_SparrowEOX Why are you against running live to do your install.  Running live first helps insure hardware will work with Ubuntu07:47
jummbobHii... when I type sudo dpkg --configure -a I get the message: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5563 package `ubuntu-standard':07:47
jummbob`Depends' field, invalid package name `07:47
wikingthnx, i will try07:48
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Mewshiyou know how ubuntu has the disk utility?  Is there something that does that with fstab?07:48
patrick_kinghow do i install ndiswrapper07:48
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skavengethe package is called ndis-utils or ndiswrapper-utils07:48
steveireI find skype on linux to be crap however.07:48
apokryphosd2812: /msg ubotu apache07:49
steveireUse windows if you can. The linux version of skype is way behind and very buggy07:49
xenexPaladine: sudo nvidia-xconfig07:49
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xenexPaladine: sudo nvidia-xconfig doesn't work07:49
ardchoilleAnyone here good with bash scripting? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=118265607:49
dhendrixsteveire:  Really? I've found it to be ok, actually, though I don't use it that extensively.07:49
Paladinexenex, you have installed the latest nvidia drivers right?07:49
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xenexPaladine: I believe so, I used Automatix. But the thing is, I'm currently on the LiveCD so...07:50
steveireMight be just me then, but I've read similar experiences from others07:50
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jummbobHii... when I type sudo dpkg --configure -a I get the message: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5563 package `ubuntu-standard':07:50
jummbob`Depends' field, invalid package name `07:50
Paladinehmm not sure if livecd comes with it07:50
PaladineI just use nvidia-xconfig on my system and it backs up the old xorg.conf and writes a new one07:51
wikinghow i can log as superuser?07:51
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apokryphoswiking: login?07:51
wikingsorry - i am stupid :(07:51
ardchoillewiking: you don't, it is a bad thing to do. Use sudo instead.07:51
apokryphoswiking: /msg ubotu root07:51
Paladinexenex, you trying to enable glx or something?07:51
hemanwhat's the ubuntu repos everyone talks about?07:51
yallamanwhat console do i need..if i dont want menu/window border showing?07:51
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:52
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steveirewiking: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:52
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roostishawhow do i have a program launch minimized at login?07:54
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Paladineoooo food time07:54
steveireIs there some way to make apollon search for numbers?07:54
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cryptichi guys07:55
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crypticjust a heads up im new to ubuntu and linux =D07:55
harisundCould somebody quickly tell me what the EL in a kernel name is (output of "uname -a")07:55
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PacketScanEL  enterprise linux?07:56
harisundPacketScan oh is that it?07:56
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cripticguess im new to X-chat aswell :(07:57
harisundPacketScan oh ok :) thanks ..07:57
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steveirecriptic: you'll pick it up quite fast or give up.07:57
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cripticthis is the third time im trying linux07:57
cripticeven tho i didnt know what i was doing im still comming back07:57
PacketScanif your using the latest ubuntu you'd make the right choice.07:57
cripticso i guess things look good then =)07:58
cripticim waiting for the latest one :(07:58
criptici still got hoary =D07:58
wikingwhere can find full list with theses commands?07:58
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BCK14criptic: ubuntu 6.06 is a great distro07:58
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:58
BCK14ive tried many07:58
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cripticyea BCK14 i have tried alot as well07:58
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto - also see !synaptic (gnome) or !adept (kde)07:58
jummbobHii... when I type sudo dpkg --configure -a I get the message: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5563 package `ubuntu-standard':07:59
jummbob`Depends' field, invalid package name `07:59
jummbobcan anyone help?07:59
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jummbobI dont wanna have to go back to windows07:59
BCK14criptic: this is the only one i found with nice gui and speedy operation07:59
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ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:59
yallamandosent seem that gnome terminal has the option tho remove borders..ill try to find another one07:59
cripticyea BCK14  this is the second time im comming back to it aswell07:59
steveirewiking: http://www.linuxcommand.org/07:59
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BCK14cool this is my first ubuntu install08:00
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steveirenot a full list, but no one needs to know a full list08:00
ubotucheckinstall is a replacement for "make install", when compiling. It will inflate a .deb package for you to install, which will then be listed in the database. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall08:00
BCK14has everything at the moment08:00
wikingsteveire: thnx08:00
criptichow long u been using it BCK14?08:00
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BCK14what linux or 6.06?08:00
cripticwell linux and ubuntu08:00
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steveireIs there some way I can add info to ubotu?08:00
cormanois posible to compile the dapper kernel with gcc 4?08:00
BCK14nix almost a year on and off, ubuntu maybe 2/3 weeks i had suse 10.1 before but suse is just too damn slow08:01
cripticlol ok08:01
criptici almost tried suse08:01
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cripticbut never downloaded it08:01
=== klm- [n=isometsa@a81-197-238-21.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
cripticquick fact: ubuntu is a south african word08:01
cripticim south african!!08:01
criptichell yea =D represent08:02
BCK14fair doo's08:02
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criptichow long u think ubuntu will take to get to me08:02
konfuzedhey I'm havin some trouble with VNC. I ran VNC server on my BIM 770 laptop running win98 and I can connect and get the desktop on my ubuntu screen. However, the mouse and keyboard do not do anything on the laptop. I did verify that the NVC server on 98 does not have remote or local keyboard/mouse disabled.08:02
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cripticim from cape town south africa and ordered it yesterday08:02
BCK14have no clue08:02
BCK14i download it08:02
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cripticoh ok08:03
steveireyou couldn't download it criptic?08:03
konfuzedcriptic, give it 3 weeks08:03
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cripticthanks konfuzed08:03
BCK143 weeks08:03
roostishawanyone, what command can i use to list all installed packages?08:03
cripticsteveire, im not on my adsl account atm08:03
BCK14im glad i downloaded it lol08:03
PacketScandownload and burn the disks08:03
cripticcause mine is cap'd08:03
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cripticu guys downlond on ure 3mb broad band08:03
ubotuI know nothing about apt-cache08:03
PacketScani couldn't live with out a working burner.08:03
cripticill download on my 138 line :(08:04
criptic35kb/s ftw?08:04
Pretendeavorcan any one help me out here?08:04
konfuzedoddly enough I almost never burn anything to ROMs08:04
jwickardon windows I use to use TortoiseSVN to access my subversion repositories right through the file browser, just like it was a regular director.  Anyone know if there is anything comparable to that for gnome?08:04
criptici u want to make money come to SA and start an ISP that provides over 2mb lines08:04
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cripticu will make millions :)08:04
konfuzedcriptic, sure im with you08:04
roostishawanyone, what command can i use to list all installed packages?08:04
nickrudroostishaw, dpkg -l | grep ^ii08:05
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konfuzedI can do everything it takes except for the financing08:05
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Pretendeavori need help moutning my ntsf harddrive08:05
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cripticwith x-chat is there a command for multiple servers?08:05
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roostishawnickrud, thank you!08:06
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konfuzedcriptic, with x-chat just open another server but specify new window08:06
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ardchoillecriptic: yeah, open a new server in a new tab, it's in the server window08:06
cripticPretendeavor, u should find google good for that, i havnt been searching for that topic but i have seen alot of stuff on it08:06
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compengiis install of *.deb file easy?08:06
kalosaurusrexcomp, yes, dpkg -i <filename>08:06
konfuzedPretendeavor, try          man mount    and look for the ntfs option08:06
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judahsudo dpkg08:07
compengikalosaurusrex, whenever the file is08:07
konfuzedanyone familiar with VNC , im having a glitch problem \08:07
PacketScanPretendeavor, Remeber.. writing to NTFS from linux is not such a good idea.08:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:07
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)08:07
cripticPacketScan, isnt it also hard to get working in the first place?08:08
BCK14criptic not to view ntfs08:08
konfuzedI can connect form my ubuntu to TightVNC running on a win98 laptop but my ubuntu keyboard and mouse do not impact the laptop08:08
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PacketScancriptic, na :-)08:08
wastrelokey dokey08:08
compengikalosaurusrex, it needs a permition08:08
cripticoh ok08:09
criptici assumed it would be, but yea08:09
criptici wish i had a beter release then hoarey :)08:09
kalosaurusrexcomp, sudo..08:09
BCK14u will have08:09
PacketScanit's better than the alternate..08:09
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BCK14just gotta wait criptic08:09
PacketScanrunning windows :-(08:09
cripticyea i guess08:09
cripticlol PacketScan08:09
criptici got my windows pc here08:09
cripticits on the network but atm its only being used for music :)08:10
PacketScanI'm 95 percent on a linux desktop.   still keep and xp machine for work type activities.08:10
compengidpkg: error processing skype_1.2.0.18-2_i386 (--install):08:10
compengi cannot access archive: No such file or directory08:10
compengiErrors were encountered while processing:08:10
compengi skype_1.2.0.18-2_i38608:10
BCK14how do you change the view in bluefish ?08:10
jasonmhello, im setting up an nvidia for some reason when i type in the command "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" i dont get the long walkthrough of questions... anyone know why?08:10
cripticif ure a linux wizard, would it be easyer to work on linux to do work or windows?08:10
BCK14so i can see what the page will look like?08:10
jasonmlike all those setup questions08:11
PacketScanbbiab need cofee08:11
PacketScancoffee even08:11
hemanis mixmaster in any of the repos?  how can i check?08:11
cripticlike for u PacketScan what would u choose?08:11
spikebheman: apt-cache search mixmaster08:11
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PacketScancriptic, sorry choice as?  daily use desktop/08:11
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PacketScani'm using the latest ubuntu.08:11
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BCK14ubuntu :) i can do more on it than xp08:11
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cripticdo u sometimes find it easyer to work with windows?08:11
PacketScani was using mandriva.08:11
cripticrathere than linux?08:11
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konfuzedcriptic, what sort of work do you need to do on a computer besides Open Office ?08:12
ubotuI know nothing about flac08:12
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BCK14you can just have xp in a virtual machine08:12
criptichehe i guess ure right konfuzed  :)08:12
Pretendeavorokay hey im aksing for someone to help me out on this mounting thing im relay new to linux08:12
konfuzedStormx2, flac is a video codec right08:12
PacketScancriptic, yes and no08:12
cripticBCK14, windows on VMware on this laptop will create to much lag :(08:12
konfuzedStormx2, easyubuntu will install it for you08:12
Stormx2konfuzed: Don't think so >_<08:12
BCK14mine runs nice08:12
Pretendeavorall i wanna do is be abel to move my music from my windows hard drive to the linux08:12
jummbobdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5563 package `ubuntu-standard':08:12
jummbob`Depends' field, invalid package name `08:12
jummbobHow do I fix that error?08:13
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:13
jasonmis anyone here using an Nvidia card, specifically a geforce fx 5200?08:13
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FlimFlamManhello. i've made it possible to let non-root users mount samba shares by setting suid on mount.cifs - how can i let them unmount these shares too?08:13
BCK14jasonm: i have geforce fx 5500 ?08:13
konfuzedStormx2, im pretty sure that easyubuntu installs flac08:13
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:14
jummbobmeh... I'm gonna have to uninstall ubuntu ;.(08:14
jasonm<BCK14, what were the steps tp installing this card08:14
FlimFlamManwhen a non-root user tries to unmount a cifs share, it gives this error:  umount: /mnt/samba-share is not in the fstab (and you are not root)08:14
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)08:14
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:14
BCK14jasonm: automatically detected08:14
compengihow do i install the deb file?08:15
spadesdpkg -i file08:15
compengiand if it's in a directory?08:15
konfuzedjummbob, you give up too easy  uninstalling wont solve your problems08:15
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konfuzedjummbob, neither will installing XP or win9808:15
jummbobi've asked here and in two ubuntu forums for help and nobpdy has08:15
cripticyea jummbob08:15
skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?08:16
cripticjummbob, whats the Q?08:16
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jummbobI cant apt-get anything... it keeps telling me do dkpg --configure -a08:16
bruenigdo it08:16
mormolocI have  a Sempron 1.6 Ghz what kernel should I use i686 or K7?08:16
jummbobwhen I do that I get:08:17
jummbobdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5563 package `ubuntu-standard':08:17
jummbob`Depends' field, invalid package name `08:17
mormolocdo I need to compile it08:17
cripticwell im not a linux wiz but08:17
cripticinvalid package08:17
cripticits trying to get a certain file08:17
konfuzedmormoloc, use the i386 installer08:17
MrBallZhi , I wrongfully added a wifi0 interface,  i allready deleted it from the  /etc/networking/interfaces  file,  but when i run some wireless programs, they still mention it, and i found some folders named wifi0 inside: /proc/sys/dev/wifi0  and in /sys/class/net/wifi0  ... what can i do ?08:17
cripticand the file name is wrong08:17
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jummbobso how would I fix it?08:18
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criptic near line 5563 package08:18
bruenigjumbo, do sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status08:19
konfuzedjummbob, try running aptitude and then select reload08:19
mormolockonfused: already have that kernel , but to get better perfomence from youre pc08:19
criptici would comment out the line that looks like a url (altho some one else might know more than me)08:19
konfuzedclearing that status mannually would be good tooo08:19
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jummbobok brb08:19
cripticclearing it manually?\08:19
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bruenigjummbob, when you have done sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status go to search line then type in 556308:20
konfuzedmormoloc, stick with the i386 kernel08:20
cripticedit it and remove all lines? (not sure if all lines are needed?)08:20
konfuzedmormoloc, there is no 64 bit software worth using08:20
konfuzedand any 64 bit kernel will not work with most 32bit (i386 based) multimedia08:21
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 can anyone help me solve this problem08:21
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lufisHi. Is it possible in Gnome to have files copied from a camera as soon as the camera is connected? I tried doing it in Gnome's "Removable Drives and Media" preferences, and using, but I don't know what command to use. any ideas?08:21
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mormolockonfuzed: well i found this in an article so...08:22
Pretendeavormount: only root can mount /dev/hda2 on /media/hda208:22
mormoloci thought my pc will work better08:22
konfuzedcriptic, gedit the status file would be manual while aptitude reload would be rather automated but does not guarantee success at correcting it but is supposed to reset all package names and such08:23
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konfuzedmormoloc, work better than what? What is not working properly or not working fast enough?08:23
cripticyea ok konfuzed manually always works best :)08:23
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konfuzedmanually takes more knowledge and effort to make happen though so often a quick try from the GUI tool can relieve much time efforst and frustrations08:24
s|kI am having problems with mozilla whenever I install something it tells me it can't be updated08:24
s|kanyone know what that is?08:24
cripticbut manualy u learn what the error could be08:24
s|kit's been like that ever since I upgraded to Dapper08:25
cripticu should (in theroy) then be able to fix it quick and painlessly08:25
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ubotuI know nothing about mozilla08:25
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Ngs|k: install something, as in an extension?08:25
ubotuI know nothing about anything08:25
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:26
ubotuI know nothing about nothing08:26
s|kNg: I never use mozilla but I can't uninstall it because it's used by other stuff I use08:26
ubotuI know nothing about everything08:26
cripticok bruenig08:26
cripticwe get the poit08:26
konfuzedcriptic, its great to learn what the error could be and how to resolve it manually if you are encountering it all the time or you are responsible for fixing other peoples computer problems. Other wise manually fixing something only once and never having to encounter it again, teaches you nothing that will be remembered.08:26
Ngs|k: ah, so this is a package manager error? if so, could you paste it to a pastebin please08:27
s|kI mean mozilla as in the mozilla suite, not mozilla/gecko  based browsers such as Firefox or Epiphany08:27
criptickonfuzed, u take long to type :)08:27
cripticand u like long answers08:27
s|kNg: what am I pasting? It's a pop up in synaptic08:27
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konfuzedcrimsun, I may type long but , when I type it is faster than most08:27
criptichehe :)08:28
Ngs|k: you could try a package operation with apt-get in a terminal?08:28
cripticits all of that terminal use08:28
Jowikonfuzed: (and more accurate)08:28
bruenigs|k, mozilla suite is unstable isn't it08:28
crimsunkonfuzed: what?08:28
amarokkerHi, can someone please tell me which dpkg cmd i have to issue to get a list of dependencies for a certain package?08:28
cripticlol crimsun he ment to type criptic08:28
Ngamarokker: apt-cache show packagename   will include the dependencies08:28
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cripticdoes ubuntu have some thing that will make a sound like dripping water?08:29
s|kNg: http://pastebin.ca/7225008:29
cripticcause its really getting annoying now :(08:29
konfuzedoh yes thats right tab complete tricked me. should have been criptic08:29
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Jowiamarokker: apt-cache show packagename08:29
amarokkerJowi, Ng- thanks :)08:29
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Jowicriptic: your sound has hung in a short loop?08:30
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xenexCan someone help me with a xorg problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20384608:31
cripticno Jowi08:31
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lonranwhat should i install if i get the message from totem that it cant not play vcd?08:31
cripticthere is a sound of dripping water08:31
cripticevery now and then08:31
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s|kNg: did you get a chance to take a look?08:31
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Ngs|k: yeah08:32
stefg!codecs > lonran08:32
lonranbut what codecs?08:32
Ngs|k: I'm a little confused why your mozilla package wants to depend on 1.7.13 since 1.7.12 is the latest version. do you have any third party repositories enabled?08:32
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s|kNg: Wine, Compiz, and Jedit08:33
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cmathesoni can't use apt because i need to authentication to use http (websense), i don't see an option in the apt.conf manpage for  this--is it possible?08:33
Ngs|k: could you paste the output of "apt-cache show mozilla" to the pastebin too please?08:33
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konfuzedlonran go get easyubuntu and have it install all codecs and multimedia stuff available08:34
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lonranthank konfuzed08:34
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s|kNg: http://pastebin.ca/7225408:34
xenexCan someone help me with a xorg problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20384608:34
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:35
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criptici guess not then08:35
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xenexcriptic: That doesn't help. :\ I have to change xorg.conf that is located on my harddrive from my LiveCD08:36
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searaymancan i get help with unichrome gl rendering support08:37
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:37
babyhi there...  I have a problem w/a crashed disk.08:37
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babythe crashed disk only contained /boot .. how can I "regenerate" /boot w/o reinstalling?08:37
cmathesoni can't use apt because i need to authentication to use http (websense), i don't see an option in the apt.conf manpage for  this--is it possible?08:37
Ngs|k: try "sudo apt-get install mozilla=2:1.7.12-1.1ubuntu2"08:37
s|kNg: ok08:37
searaymannone of that game sstuff has helped me08:37
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Ngs|k: that 1.7.13 says ubuntu5.10 in it, which is breezy's release number. I'm not sure if that's a backport or something, but I don't think it should be there08:37
Mastastealthhey guys, i have a wireless USB dongle, uses Atheros chipset. I'm trying to run it using ndis wrapper as madwifi doesnt support Atheros USB chipsets, and ndiswrapper tells me that driver is present and hardware too, yet i dont have a "wlan0" device as most tutorials seem to mention, why?08:38
s|kNg: same error as before08:38
s|kNg:  you want the output?08:38
Jowibaby: have a look at the grub wikis. there should be a manual recovery of grub there08:38
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:38
Ngs|k: nah. could you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list though08:38
s|kng okay08:38
searaymanunichrome gl rendering support????08:38
babyjowi, ubotu, thanx for the pointers... I'll be looking at that. regards.08:39
s|kNg: http://pastebin.ca/7225908:39
ubotuI know nothing about failsafe08:39
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s|kNg: I should probably get rid of that cdrom one08:39
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Ngs|k: erk, lines 38-41 (the ones that say breezy) shouldn't be there08:39
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Ngs|k: and yeah, the cdrom one should go too08:40
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s|kNg: what should they say?08:40
Ngs|k: they just shouldn't be there08:40
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cripticthat wouldnt help08:40
jnooni only see apache2 available from apt... is apache 2.2 not available?08:40
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Ngjnoon: nope08:40
cripticcause it was related to "X" and not "xorg"08:40
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s|kNg: should I do and update and dist-upgrade now?08:41
Tommy2k4kubuntu has crashed for the 5th time today :@08:41
Tommy2k4theres the problem08:41
jnoonNg, whats the proper solution? source install?08:41
Ngjnoon: at least, not in the ubuntu repositories, its possible that some third party provides pacakges08:41
Ngs|k: yeah that's probably worth trying08:41
lufisWhat do you guys think of GRUB 2? I want to try it out08:41
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konfuzedlufis, what is your specific need to fuck with the boot loader ???08:42
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lufiskonfuzed: I love to tweak, duh! :P08:42
s|kNg: okay, I got a NO_PUBKEY error for the compiz repository, but besides that it went fine08:42
konfuzedwrong reason08:42
s|kNg: did that solve the problem?08:43
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lufiskonfuzed: I disagree :)08:43
Ngs|k: did it say it was doing anything with mozilla?08:43
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s|kNg: no it said nothing08:43
konfuzedlufis enjoy learning about disaster recovery08:43
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Ngs|k: hmm, then it probably is ok, if you want to confirm, run "dpkg -l mozilla" and see what the version number is08:43
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lufiskonfuzed: Haha, well. Aren't you excited about a new version of Grub? I am08:43
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)08:44
lufiskonfuzed: Besides, that's the best way to learn08:44
s|kNg: version <none> Description (no description available)08:44
konfuzednew versions of anything are only useful if they resolve an actual problem you are having08:44
ravingDoes libboost-dev have all of the header files and everything in it?08:45
s|kor if they have new useful functionality you want08:45
Ngs|k: I reckon you should be ok then :)08:45
s|klike inkscape .4408:45
s|kNg: okay :/08:45
s|kNg: thank you for your help :)08:45
s|kNg: oh now a --reinstall works with no errors08:45
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s|kthat must have been the issue08:46
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JonasRHI try to access the tool "Shared Folders" (I think that's it in English), but when I type my password it keeps telling me it's wrong. It works when I try to use the other tools. Any ideas why?08:46
mohadibdoes anyone else have issues with firefox not getting focus when a new window is created?08:46
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yallamanhow can i display my mouse crusor posision..x/y?08:47
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mohadibfirefox windows dont start with focus08:47
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mohadibthis was a problem with breezy and still is a problem in dapper08:47
mohadibanyone else get this08:47
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more.08:48
s|kit is amazing how many browsers I have installed08:48
stefgJonasRH: read the samba doc08:49
andi5hi. i suppose faq again... how do i change the gdm resolution? if i write 1024x768 to the front of the modelines, then gdm starts X in 1024x768 physical, but 1280x1024(960?) logical, so that i do not see all pixels but have to "scroll"... any hint, thanks in advance!08:49
konfuzeds|k, how many?08:49
ompaulkonfuzed, ^^ for the next time you see lufis or someone like that08:49
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:49
Serious-Svencan someone help me with libqt3c102-mt, opera needs it and it's installed  as libqt3-mt (3:3.3.6)08:49
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JonasRHstefg: I will. Thanks.08:49
s|kkonfuzed: mozilla, firefox, epiphany, konqueror, flock, opera, ie6, links, lynx, but no galleon08:50
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andi5s|k: you do not have w3m??08:50
konfuzedompaul, ?  do you mean andi5's post? or the timetable08:50
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s|kandi5: what is that?08:50
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s|kthe w3c browser? it is terrible08:51
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andi5s|k: w3m? it rocks, it can show pixmaps in the terminal :)08:51
andi5at least xterm08:51
xenexCan someone help me with a xorg problem? I have to change one line of text in my xorg.conf that is located on my harddrive from the LiveCD I am currently using. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20384608:51
s|kandi5: ooh I'll take a look thanks08:51
ompaulkonfuzed, your konfuzed it is about timetable why not to go sticking new bits in the middle of stable software08:51
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:51
konfuzeds|k, the w3c browser is for plain text compatibility as it was the original http browser and intends to maintain full backward compatibility but not nescesarily forward compatibility08:52
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s|kandi5: I do have it already I didn't know though08:52
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:52
MikkelRevHow do I enable unicode in ubuntu? Certain characters wont show properly in IRC and in FireFox08:52
andi5do we take about w3c or w3m?08:52
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mohadibfocus issues with firefox?08:53
billybennettDoes anyone know why it takes my computer a VERY long time lately to *mount root filesystem* ??08:53
volochi, how do i install windows after having installed ubuntu without losing GRUB?08:53
konfuzedompaul, yes that is certainly the reasons for not jumpoin all over new version upgrades08:53
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stefgmohadib: i don't think it's a firefox-problem, the focus is managed by the windowmanager. rather check if some program like gdesklets 'steals' the focus08:53
andi5voloc: install grub to a floppy (setup (fd0))08:53
nickrudMikkelRev, ubuntu is already unicode08:53
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MikkelRevnickrud: ok, do you see these characters properly? , , 08:54
ompaulkonfuzed, as I paraphrase it, this is not windows, it is only like windows in that it is software running on a computer, just about there the similarity stops08:54
volocandi5:and then how do i put it back to the mbr08:54
mohadibstefg: it shows up as a firefox bug08:54
nickrudMikkelRev, yes, a & e conjoined, the o with the slash thru it, and an a with a circle above08:54
konfuzedlufis seems to be gone but the best way to learn about new versions features try em out and such is on a wholly seperate box for dev and testing and the like that wont risk taking down your daily use box08:54
mohadibstefg: in the ubuntu and mozilla bug list it is listed as a firefox problem08:54
MikkelRevnickrud: Seems all ppl using mIRC dont see them right08:55
konfuzedompaul, thats a great pair of phrases08:55
yallamanhow can i display my mouse crusors posistion..by X/Y values?08:55
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andi5voloc: well, there are probably other ways, but i do the same all the time.... $ grub.  root (hdx,y)  (=partition containing /boot in grub notation)  \n setup (hd0) (or (fd0)) ,,, quit08:55
stefgok... if you checked that already, go ahead.08:55
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mohadibgo ahead and waht?08:55
konfuzedyallaman, I keep thinking that if you   tail /dev/mousedeviceid   then you may very well get that info08:56
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ompaulkonfuzed, use them at will08:56
xenexCan someone help me with a xorg problem? I have to change one line of text in my xorg.conf that is located on my harddrive from the LiveCD I am currently using. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20384608:56
JuhazMikkelRev, the encoding ubuntu uses for unicode characters is utf-8, windows users probably expect windows-125208:56
konfuzedno i dont know what the mousedeviceid is or would be08:56
andi5reask: how do i change the gdm resolution? if i write 1024x768 to the front of the modelines, then gdm starts X in 1024x768 physical, but 1280x1024(960?) logical, so that i do not see all pixels but have to "scroll"... any hint, thanks in advance!08:56
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stefginvestigating in firefox-bugs... sometimes one just looks at the wrong things when trying to fix a problem, but in your case this seems not the case08:56
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JuhazMikkelRev, I don't know about gaim, but most IRC clients let you specify the encoding08:57
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andi5MikkelRev: edit the irc account, there are additional options, including the encoding08:58
MikkelRevJuhaz: ok, I gotta tell all to switch their codepage then08:58
stefgxenex: can you chroot in your hd-install?08:58
konfuzedoooooooooooooooooo geee whiz I've go to get ready for my 'raindrop therapy' ;^) its like hawaian massage or something based on LomiLomi08:59
Flippy209ic56: you around?08:59
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xenexstefg: How would I do that?08:59
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yallamankonfuzed: im not sure what "mousedeviceid" should be..:/09:00
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=== charle97 can now watch tv in ubuntu!
stefg'sudo mount /dev/hdX /mnt' then 'cd /mnt', 'sudo chroot .'09:00
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TheBigToehow do I get a 3.9mb wav down to the lowest filesize possible in audacity?09:00
xenexstefg: What would I replace hdX with?09:01
TheBigToeI've given up on trying to find the LAME drivers...09:01
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stefgyour root-partition09:01
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rpedroTheBigToe: convert to .ogg ?09:01
CuriosCatHowdy all09:01
andi5TheBigToe: if you do not want to lose information, maybe flac?09:01
xenexstefg: I don't know it. :\09:01
finalbetaHow can I format unallocated space to fat32?09:01
TheBigToeit has to be mp3 or wav :(09:01
=== TheBigToe hits his phone
andi5TheBigToe: lame09:02
rpedro!restricted > TheBigToe09:02
rljhave a somewhat fresh install of kubuntu 6.06 on my laptop here. i just realized though that somehow (i have no idea why) the LANG environment variable is en_AU.UTF-8 (en_US.UTF-8 would be more like it). how can i change this and are there other things needing to be changed as well to correctly switch system language?09:02
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TheBigToeandi5, yeah09:02
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stefgxenex: sudo fdisk -l will giv you a list09:02
TheBigToeI can't find the .so module though09:02
andi5TheBigToe: lol, lame is a proggie09:02
konfuzedyallaman, i dont know either but there is one. it may be listed in dmesg or a little googling will tell you09:03
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TheBigToebut audacity can use the liblame.so file to save an mp3 lame-encoded09:03
xenex/dev/hda1   *           1        4676    37559938+  83  Linux09:03
xenex/dev/hda2            4677        4864     1510110    5  Extended09:03
xenex/dev/hda5            4677        4864     1510078+  82  Linux swap / Solaris09:03
xenexWould it be number 1 stefg?09:03
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xenexubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hd1/ /mnt09:04
xenexmount: special device /dev/hd1/ does not exist09:04
xenexstefg: :\09:04
rljxenex: hda109:04
andi5xenex: it is hda1 without slash09:04
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stefgit's /dev/hda109:04
MikkelRevwhats the fstab entry for mounting a vfat read-writeable ?09:04
rpedroTheBigToe: the repositories on this page ought to have the lame encoder >> http://rarewares.org/debian.html09:04
rpedroTheBigToe: not sure about the .so file tho09:05
andi5MikkelRev: as usual, rw should be a default option, right?09:05
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MikkelRevandi5: I have this line: /dev/sda1       /media/sda1     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46,rw 0       109:06
MikkelRevandi5: and its read-only09:06
xenexubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hd1/ /mnt09:06
xenexmount: special device /dev/hd1/ does not exist09:06
xenexI got that.09:06
charle97ooooo a sata drive?09:06
xenexI mean09:06
xenexroot@ubuntu:/etc/X11# sudo nano xorg.conf09:06
xenexsudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()09:06
xenexI got that.09:06
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Flannelxenex: you need a letter.  hda1 hdb1 etc.  And to fix sudo, you need to fix your hosts file09:06
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andi5MikkelRev: and you belong to group 46? (id)09:07
Flannelxenex: actually, nevermind.  Youre root, you don't need to use sudo09:07
rpedroTheBigToe: found this page http://audacityteam.org/forum/thread/154009:07
ompaulxenex, when you want to paste can you please use paste.ubuntu-nl.com thanks09:07
xenexThank you very much guys. I will now restart to see if it worked.09:07
wastrelyou're welcome09:08
JonasRHWhy can I not edit the Samba config file?09:08
rpedroTheBigToe: google is your friend :)09:08
stefgxenex, you're not done yet09:08
MikkelRevandi5: I dunno, how do I check? that was the default entry. I just added the rw behind, but no effect09:08
andi5MikkelRev: id09:08
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charle97mikkelrev: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows09:09
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nickrudTheBigToe, you want to install liblame009:09
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xukunits wise to use xgl with dapper or is't still not very stable?09:10
MikkelRevandi5: no, I'm in gid 1000.... 46=plugdev09:10
TheBigToenickrud, done it09:10
TheBigToejust can't find the .so file09:10
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krangHow do you set the language for a user? I enabled French support, but have no idea how to make everything appear in French for one user09:10
nickrudTheBigToe, /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.009:10
rpedroTheBigToe: /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.009:11
andi5MikkelRev: so well.... you say all files belong to group 46, do not belong to that group and say that others are not allowed to change anything... well, there is not much space left for you ;-)09:11
kranganimato: yo09:11
animatoand change it's settings09:11
TheBigToenautuilus is going crazy09:11
animatoit's only gonna work for that user09:11
MikkelRevandi5: ok, will try change it to 1000 then09:11
nickrudTheBigToe, dpkg -L <packagename> gives you the files in the package for future ref09:11
TheBigToethere are 20023983493494 windows opening09:11
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animatohey, i have a strange problem09:11
kranganimato: er, how do I set several users to french then?09:12
TheBigToemeh, stopped now09:12
siriusnovastupid question i know but im reinstalling dapper, what's the best way to get up and running, automatix or easy ubuntu. IE something that doesnt mess up the system and allows me to remove or update later on09:12
animatojust include them all on the same group i think09:12
TheBigToethanks rpedro and nickrud09:12
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kranganimato: is there a "french" group by default?09:12
nickrudsiriusnova, the guns here say easyubuntu, I've never used either09:12
siriusnovait has to be something that i can undo through synaptic if i want to09:12
animatowhenever i install the nvidia drivers for my graphic card, my screensaver stops responding. i mean i set it to 5 mins, and it won't work09:13
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animatokrang, no, but you can make one09:13
animatoi mean create one09:13
siriusnovaand not do some crazy wacky stuff that isn't part of the default ubuntu packaging system09:13
nickrudsiriusnova, you might ask on #easyubuntu for details, but that's their exact goal09:13
kranganimato: ok, how do I then set things so that people in that group see frenc?09:13
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xenexIt worked. :)09:14
animatoi dunno09:14
animatobut maybe if you set it for one user on that group, it would apply to all of them?09:14
animatocan anyone please help me with my problem? :(09:14
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andi5animato: what is it?09:14
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andi5oh i see09:14
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animatobut maybe if you set it for one user on that group, it would apply to all of them?09:15
ogami1972when i change my default soundcard, it reverts back to the onboard sound- any ideas?09:15
animatowhenever i install the nvidia drivers for my graphic card, my screensaver stops responding. i mean i set it to 5 mins, and it won't work09:15
attahum.. when i try to open .exe (wine) files i get a message saying that they might be dangueros, right-click and open works.. how do i fix this annoyance?09:15
animatoi didn't have that problem back in dapper09:15
animatoi meant breezy09:15
animatomy bad :)09:15
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xukunthis channel got so big so fast that it become like the debian chanel and tha dont have to be something positive!09:16
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nickrudogami1972, you can permanently blacklist your onboard soundcard by adding it's kernel module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:16
andi5animato: what does "stop responding" mean?09:16
animatoit did work when i tried kde09:16
MintyI have wine installe but have nevere tried it how do you start a windows program ??09:16
animatoit means09:16
crimsunogami1972: meaning using System> Preferences> Sound> set default card ?09:17
animatoif i have my screensaver set to 5 mins, and then i install my nvidia driver09:17
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ogami1972yes- when i close, it reverts09:17
animatothe screensaver will never come up09:17
crimsunogami1972: that occurs when something's still holding the device you're attempting to switch /from/09:17
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crimsunogami1972: a workaround is to use asoundconf(1) directly09:17
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andi5animato: is the order of setting and installing important here?09:17
animatowell yes09:17
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:18
crimsunogami1972: e.g., asoundconf set-default-card USB09:18
animatobecause it works when i first install dapper09:18
animatobut when i install the nvidia driver, it stops working09:18
crimsunogami1972: (that's for my config, of course. YMMV.)09:18
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ogami1972think i get it- i tried this midi setup, then logged in as a user i have setup for audio production- things looked good, started up fine, so i logged out and logged in as normal user- would that explain it?09:18
andi5animato: did you choose a 3d screen saver and your 3d support is not configured correctly yet?09:18
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animatoi'm using the "blank screen" one09:18
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AlexCI remember having a program/extension for Thunderbird that would minimize it to the system tray09:19
AlexCCan anyone remember it?09:19
crimsunogami1972: shouldn't be relevant09:19
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stefgAlexC: u could use alltray, or a simple mailchecker-applet09:20
skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere?09:20
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andi5animato: so the whole configuration dialog works but the screensaver never starts?09:21
tanlaanhey all09:21
attah2um.. when i try to open .exe (wine) files i get a message saying that they might be dangueros, right-click and open works.. how do i fix this annoyance? (2nd try, lagged out)09:21
AlexCstefg, mmmm I prefered the old one I had as it would also add an icon when email is recieved09:21
kranganimato: ahSo, anyone know how to make a user's desktop french? I have the french language pack installed and don't know where to go09:21
tanlaanlooking for a simple and easy way to download yacc09:21
krangSo, anyone know how to make a user's desktop french? I have the french language pack installed and don't know where to go09:21
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:21
animatokrang, i told you09:22
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animatojust logon with that user and change his lang settings09:22
kranganimato: er, you said add them to a group09:22
animatomaybe you missed it09:22
kranganimato: oh ok, where are those settings?09:22
animatoif it's just one user09:22
stefgAlexC: so search on the thunderbird-extension-sites :-), they DO provide searchboxes09:22
henry_when I try to run xine, it halts at tells me "Could not establish connection to sound server"09:22
wastreltanlaan:  sudo apt-get install byacc  ?09:22
animatosystem->administration->language support09:22
kranganimato: because the languge menu item only installs, it doesn't select09:22
andi5animato: i am sorry, but i do not seem to be able to help you :(09:22
henry_anyone know how to figure out what sound server it means?09:23
AlexCstefg, it wasn't an extension....I don't think09:23
tanlaanummm sure ill try that09:23
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:23
animatoit's ok andi, at least you tried09:23
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andi5henry_: esd?09:23
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xukuncan anybody point me a good howto for installing xgl on ati card09:23
tanlaani just need it because another program im trying to "make", like after compileing, wants to use yacc for a command and i dont have it09:23
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skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere? where is it?09:24
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andi5animato: maybe you can tell me why gdm has a physical x resolution different from the logical resolution? (i have to "scroll" to see all buttons) :-D09:24
Jowiyacc should be in the bison package if i'm not mistaken...?09:24
mnrdknnhey i'm having sound problems when upgraded to dapper.. can anyone help me?09:25
henry_when I go to System > preferences > sound it doesn't show any sound card, but my screen resolution is such that I can't see the whole dialog09:25
wastrelhmm bison yes.  byacc may work too dunno09:25
animatowhat do you mean andi5?09:25
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stefgDoes anyone know when the next batch of updates for dapper is to be expected. Hearing a lot about problems (and having one myself)  at least the -25 kernel build needs to be replaced asap09:26
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Jowi...or byacc09:26
mnrdknnstefg, i agree w u09:26
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animatoi don't mean to badmouth or anything, is it just me or does dapper's gnome ver feels a bit sluggish compared to breezy's?09:26
andi5animato: well, in gnome i have 1024x768, but the first resolution in my xorg conf modeline was bigger (gdm took that one), so i wrote 1024x768 to the front... now x has indeed 1024x768 as resolution, but i can scroll 1280x1024 pixels (gdm is 1280 pixels wide) (scroll=move mouse to the right)09:27
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animatosorry, i have no idea andi509:27
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animatoare you using dapper or breezy?09:27
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:27
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tanlaanagain im having problems using "make"09:28
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reXincan anybody lend me a hand with an EFI/Dapper issue?09:28
animatoever used breezy?09:28
andi5tanlaan: what is it?09:28
tanlaanyou can see it here http://pastebin.ca/7231109:28
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andi5animato: yes, never had problems09:28
tanlaanit is a moo application09:28
majdhey, is there a way to get a list of samba users?09:29
animatodo you find dapper's gnome a bit sluggish compared to breezy's?09:29
andi5but i installed dapper on a completely new computer, so i have no experience with this particular one.... additionally, i had an old xorg file, generated by X, now i took the one dapper installed for me09:29
fyrestrtrmajd: samba clients, shares or actual people?09:29
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majdfyrestrtr, samba clients09:29
fyrestrtrmajd: Network Browser, or smbclient -l09:30
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andi5animato: you mean slow? .... no not really09:30
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.09:30
animatonot slow09:30
animatoit's just09:30
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torthoany grub experts here_ i deleted 3 partitions used by a second copy of linux... now, i get a grub error 17 at reboot, and my system stops there.09:31
majdfyrestrtr, that just gave me a list of options09:31
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andi5hi tortho :)09:31
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animatoi'm running both firefox with a few tabs and epiphany at once and it's a bit sluggish09:31
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animatoand i have amd 2800 and 512 ram09:31
fyrestrtrmajd: you need to give it a host.09:31
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BSDnuxtortho, you probably deleted menu.lst from /boot/grub you need to reinstall grub using a live-cd or something09:31
stefganimato: I guess it's this lousy -25 kernel... with previous versions the desktop even felt snappier to me in dapper09:31
andi5tortho: did you delete partitions that were numbered before the partition containing /boot?09:32
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torthoandi5: Hi, andi from gnucash.... no, boot was sda 5, swap was sda 8, and / was sda 6... i deleted 7,9 and 10..09:33
mnrdknnwhere can i find other kernel images (.deb) ?09:33
animatostefg, it's good to know it's not just me09:33
animatowhat do you mean by kernel -25?09:33
Administrator_who wants a moustache ride?09:33
andi5animato: maybe some weird (many) extensions? ;-)09:33
animatonot really09:33
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stefgBTW, I cant even rebuild a kernel with the offical ubuntu-sources, and the official config... will error #209:34
animatomoustache ride?09:34
animatowhat's kernel -25 stefg?09:34
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stefgthe build-number 2.6.15-arch-*25*09:35
torthobdsnux, and andi so, it\s the partition between boot and the rest..09:35
animatoso i'm glad to kno w i'm not the only one09:35
animatoanyway to use any older kernels in dapper?09:35
andi5tortho: do not forget to change your /etc/fstab for your swap partition :)09:35
animatoother than install breezy again?09:35
andi5tortho: can you fire up grub now?09:35
BSDnuxtortho, what i'd try to do is booting a live-cd, chrooting to your system and do a grub-install on /dev/sda09:36
torthoit wont start at boot... only stops with error 17 before the menu comes up...09:36
xukunis there a chanel for xgl related staff?09:36
mnrdknnisn't there a way to run alsaconf on ubuntu dapper?09:36
andi5tortho: no try grub in the terminal :)09:36
animatostefg anyway to use any older kernels in dapper? other than installing breezy?09:36
bbrazilxukun: #ubuntu-xgl09:36
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tanlaanhaving problems in the "make" step of installing something,  you can see it here http://pastebin.ca/7231109:36
xukunbbrazil, thanks09:36
torthoandi5: yes, i have it running..09:37
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andi5tortho: then type "root (hd" and TAB, see what it gives you.... choose an hd, type comma and TAB again... this way you should be able to detect what your root (boot) partition is (hdx,4)09:37
stefgSadly only -23 is an option... the earlier ones are no longer in the repos09:37
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andi5tortho: if you have it, issue setup (hdx) ... (same x) ...quit09:37
animatoare -23 any good?09:37
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animatodo you think the next ones on edgy will be better?09:38
void^tanlaan: what's the problem?09:38
stefgMy personal problem is the same with it... but i heard other users loosing their sound with -25 and stuff like that09:38
VitaminGhas anyone here tried compiling the intel modem drivers in dapper?09:38
animatoare you using dapper or breezy stefg?09:38
andi5tanlaan: issue "echo $?" if it gives you 0, then you are fine :)09:38
animatoare the -23 any better?09:38
stefg2.6.15 is in dapper09:38
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stefgkernel 2.6.1509:39
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pppoe_dudeany tips on setting up firestarter with a ppp connection (dsl)09:39
animatoare those the same as in breezy? 2.6.15?09:40
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stefgno breezy has 2.6.1209:40
ogami1972well, no use- wrote .asoundrc, but still cannot set default sound card09:40
animatowhat about the -27 one?09:40
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tanlaanandi5: i got a 109:40
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andi5tanlaan: did you enter other commands after make?09:40
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torthoandi5 root (hd     ... is that what i'm supposed to type... i know wich numbers the partitions have now... does that help..09:41
tanlaannot that i know of09:41
tanlaanwell remember09:41
andi5tortho: what is it?09:41
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majdi need a command that would change the user and group and permissions of a folder recursively09:41
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majdi can do the permissions, but i need help changing the user and group09:41
animatostefg, did you try the -27 ones?09:41
Tommy2k4ubuntu crashed AGAIN09:41
jribmajd: chown -R09:41
tanlaanlet me guess...im gonna have to redownload it09:41
Tommy2k4at this rate im gonna have to go back to windows :s09:42
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:42
andi5tortho: say /boot is (hd1,4) ...... enter  .... root (hd1,4), then ... setup (hd1) ... then.... quit :-)09:42
jribmajd: be very careful with setting permissions like that... usually it is unneccessary and can screw up your bo09:42
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stefganimato: it's only at -17 now.... and no, i'm not keen on loosing nvidia and vmware-modules09:42
ubotuI know nothing about automatrix09:42
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ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.09:43
torthoandi5: it is still sda5.... the / is still sda6, but swap has changed from 8 to 709:43
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kalosaurusrexoh thatnks.09:43
kalosaurusrexthanks even09:43
rixxonis there no equivalent to bsd's pf.conf in linux (iptables)? do you write shell scripts instead or what :S09:43
animatooh well, i guess i'll be back to breezy after all09:43
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andi5tortho: yes, but grub uses different names than linux09:43
animatoi had no problems using it09:43
majdjrib, i need to do it because i need to write and execute files from another computer on my network09:43
majdonly way it works =\09:43
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adictscan someone help me? i installed nvidia glx , but when i try booting with my card installed it only shows ubuntu loading, the desktop doesnt appear09:43
animatoi hope edgy would be btter09:43
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andi5animato: edgy == 06.12 or 06.10?09:44
MintyHi, when I do wine /home/trevor/Desktop/win/Program Files/ISQL I get a cannot find  '/home/trevor/Desktop/win/Program' any ideas09:44
dliadicts, does it work with the "nv" driver ?09:44
andi5uih, that is not much time09:44
jribMinty: enclose the path in quotations marks09:44
brian_ok i have an aha2940 scsi adapter. if I plug this in will buntu discover it and install it or will i have to install drivers for it manually?09:44
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bruenigminty, you can't have spaces in path names09:45
adictssomeone told me i only needed nvidia glx09:45
imbrandonandi5 6.10.26 to be exact09:45
adictsi tried using a driver but it said it needed to be run as root09:45
adictsand i tryed the $sudo command09:45
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andi5imbrandon: any particular reason for 26?09:45
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dliadicts, Ctl-Alt-F1 , login, do: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-nv09:46
Moodlesadicts: in synaptic package manager, do a search for 'nvidia'09:46
jribubotu: tell adicts about nvidia09:46
torthoandi5, if i try root sd   and then press tab, it just says error 23, error while parsing numbers09:46
ntollhi, beagle doesn't seem to work for me on dapper... it WAS working fine a few weeks ago (when I last used it) but now it doesn't seem to find any results... Any pointers as to what might be wrong?09:46
bruenigminty try /home/trevor/Desktop/Program\ Files/ISQL09:46
majdwhat's the numerical equivalent to -rwxrwxr-x ?09:46
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andi5tortho: type _numbers_ :-) .... maybe you should install grub-doc and read "naming conventions" :)09:46
dliadicts, after that, do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , select the nv driver (not nvidia )09:46
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jribmajd: 77509:47
jribubotu: tell majd about permissions09:47
Mintystill no go :(09:47
imbrandonandi5 becosue thats the release date ;)09:47
adictsis that all?09:47
dliadicts, then: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:47
andi5imbrandon: thanks ;-)09:47
imbrandonand thats what the version numbers go by09:47
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adictsalright thanks alot09:47
jribMinty: can you paste what you entered as well as the output?09:47
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LiteHeddedhow do I see if my scsi card is supported?09:47
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torthoandi5, maby just reinstall ... im here on a dapper live cd, wich does not want to change to norwegian keyboard..09:48
dliadicts, I want to you to locate the problem, it could be a video card driver problem (xorg), or a gnome problem09:48
Mintytrevor@trevor-ubuntu:~$ wine '/home/trevor/Desktop/Program\Files/ISQL'09:48
Mintywine: cannot find '/home/trevor/Desktop/Program\Files/ISQL'09:48
bbrazilLiteHedded: you coudl try googleing the model number along with "ubutnu" or "linux"09:48
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billybennettCan someone help me figure out why when I try and shutdown my computer it shuts the screen off but does not fully power off?  I have to manually turn it off09:48
LiteHeddedtheres no list of suported hardware?09:48
jribMinty: you probably want it to be Program Files with a space, not Program\Files09:48
andi5tortho: you decide :) but if you have (hd0,4) or (hd1,4) take that :)09:48
Minty~$  wine '/home/trevor/Desktop/win/Program Files/ISQL'09:49
Mintywine: could not load L"Z:\\home\\trevor\\Desktop\\win\\Program Files\\ISQL.": In valid handle09:49
pppoe_dudewhats this for? #deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe (its at the end of a default sources.list file on a breezy install)09:49
pppoe_dudeis it supported or unsupported updates/09:49
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jribMinty: that seems more like a wine problem now, try #winehq09:50
LiteHeddedif ubuntu has a driver for this adapter it will install it automatically on boot right?09:50
andi5pppoe_dude: security updates, you should really remove the hash (#), if you have any servers running09:50
stefgbillybennett: if it's an old (>5 yrs) machine then maybe 'acpi=off apm=power_down' as boot parameters could help09:50
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Mintyk, thanks09:50
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torthoandi5> grub> root (hd0     just echoes      grub> root (hd0,    gives me Error 21: Selected disk does not exist .... the same thing happends with hd1...09:50
pppoe_dudeandi5, hmm.. well it seems to include updates to xserver-drivers... and im running this from an ssh session... i dont want to install these updates if they will make my computer not boot09:50
billybennettstefg, It's a Sager Laptop thats a couple months old09:50
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andi5tortho: when you hit (hd <TAB> what does it list you?09:51
stefgah, then it's the normal trouble with buggy acpi-tables...09:51
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JWIn Dapper, where should I put RealPlayer to share it with other users?09:51
torthoandi5: root (hd<tab> just echoes the same line..09:51
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dashriKewhat should I set up for approximate initial partitions for Ubuntu on a 80 GB hdd?09:52
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pppoe_dudeare they necessary andi5 ?09:52
andi5pppoe_dude: if you do not start/need x, why should ssh be unreachable just because x does not start? *onwdering*09:52
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:52
jribJW: realplayer instructions are in the pages above ^09:53
pppoe_dudeandi5, im fixing a friends computer09:53
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:53
andi5pppoe_dude: i would include it and hope that it works nonetheless (why should ssh stop to work?)09:53
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JWjrib:  Thank you09:54
pppoe_dudeandi5, i c.09:54
BCK14ubuntu is showing my usb mp3 player with 1.35mb of space yet it is 2gb and has just been restored using a windows box09:54
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pppoe_dudeandi5, what about kernel modules? will any new modules added to "/etc/modules" be affected by updating the kernel?09:55
andi5tortho: oh... maybe they removed readline support from grub? ...09:55
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andi5pppoe_dude: hehe.... who knows :)09:55
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andi5tortho: what about root (hd2,4) .... and alike, maybe up to 4... man it _must_ be somewhere ;-)09:56
ntollhi is there any way to discover if the kernel I'm using (the standard Ubuntu kernel in dapper) has CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR enabled?09:56
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ntollwhen it was compiled that is09:56
stefgdashriKe: for standard use a 5GB root partiton should be enough, maybe put /var on separate 1-2 GB one and use the rest for /home09:56
andi5ntoll: check the config file in /boot09:56
ntollandi5, ok09:57
kalosaurusrexthe swap should be 2-3x system ram as well.09:57
wiking  " 1. Backup the Config.in and Makefile in the sound driver directory (/usr/src/linux/driver/sound)." how I can do it :((( i am a idiot!09:57
stefgthis info is deprecated09:57
LiteHeddedhow do I see if my scsi card is supported?09:57
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ntollhmmm... so that is ok, then why isn't beagle09:58
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jouellettejoin #xfire09:58
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andi5ntoll: what is wrong with beagle?09:58
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ogami1972aarrgghh! i09:58
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gepatinodoes anybody knows the filesystem used in initrd.gz for the Desktop Live CD??09:59
stefgswapspace nowadays can be 256 MB on a desktop... Or make it big, and use tmpfs for /tmp and /var/temp09:59
ogami1972i disabled the onboard sound in bios, and now the default is my midi control device!09:59
ntollit isn't finding any results... even when I search for things I know are there. It was working about a month ago (when I last used it). I'm trying to find out how I can see what has gone wrong. Step #1 is checking all the pre-requisits are in place (which they are). Step #2 ????09:59
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andi5ntoll: you are sure that beagled is searching?09:59
CarlFKhow can I extract the files from a .udeb?09:59
andi5ntoll: you need to check these bastards, they are lazy ;-)10:00
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CarlFK(not install - I just want to look at them)10:00
ntollandi5, how can I tell.... beagled is certainly in the process list10:00
andi5ntoll: i _think_ there was some *-properties dialog in the gnome control center10:00
BCK14Can someone look at this dmesg for me ?10:00
ntollhadn't thought of that10:00
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=== ntoll is checking that now
wiking  " 1. Backup the Config.in and Makefile in the sound driver directory (/usr/src/linux/driver/sound)." how I can do it :((( i am a idiot!10:01
andi5BCK14: anything particular?10:01
ogami1972ok- i was setting up a MIDI control device, and now i can't set the default sound- it reverts whenever i close the window10:01
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Aragorn_Guardianhi all10:02
trappistwiking: first, what are you trying to do?10:02
Aragorn_Guardianboot is too slow in new kernelll10:02
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tanlaancan anyone tell me if this "make" was successful? http://pastebin.ca/7235610:02
trappistAragorn_Guardian: what new kernel?10:02
Aragorn_Guardiani see articles in ubuntuforuns but they dont help me...10:02
BCK14andi5: when i put my usb mp3 in, i cant add files to it, says its full yet i just cleared it from a winbox, same error before clearing it10:02
andi5Aragorn_Guardian: are we talking about minutes or seconds?10:02
wikingtrappist: i want to install soundcard drivers10:02
Aragorn_GuardianLinux ServerNE 2.6.10-6-386 #1 Mon Jun 12 20:35:56 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:02
trappisttanlaan: yes10:02
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tanlaanok thanks10:03
trappistwiking: for what sound card?10:03
Aragorn_Guardian3 min10:03
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JWjrib: The information you referenced did not define where Ubuntu whants shared applications stored (ie: /usr/share, /usr/local/share, /usr/share/apps, /usr/share/applications, ?)  Currently have realplayer installed in personal directory.10:03
greenboxhey has anyone got wireless working on ubuntu?10:03
tanlaanso i can now "sudo make install" right?10:03
andi5Aragorn_Guardian: ever started os2 on a 486?10:03
trappisttanlaan: probably10:03
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torthoandi5, I tryed all from root (hd1,4    and up to  (hd4,4   .... I also can mount the partition with my boot system on, and have read in the menu.lst that it was hd0,4 before...10:03
ntollhmph... control center gives no joy... it's all set up to be indexing automatically10:03
jribJW: it should have instructions for installed realplayer from a .deb though10:03
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stefgBCK14: what's the problem? (Apart from being unclever in having both hd's on the same IDE-Channel :-) )10:03
CaptainRedbeardHeyya guys, I could need a hand setting up my WiFi on boot under ubuntu...10:03
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Aragorn_Guardiani have edited my grub.lst, acpi=of, etc10:03
CaptainRedbeardI'm totally clueless10:03
wikingtrappist: SWEEX 5.110:03
Aragorn_Guardianandi5: ???10:03
CaptainRedbeardnow I do it manually with iwconfig... but...10:04
greenboxwhat kind of wireless card10:04
moriunturHi. I need some help with Grub. I have had Ubuntu beside Windows and finally removed Win. Now I mirrored my old root (hda3) to hda1. But I cant get Grub to boot from hda1. It still boots from hda3. Any suggestions? ...10:04
BCK14stefg: when i put my usb mp3 in, i cant add files to it, says its almost full yet i just cleared it from a winbox, same error before clearing it10:04
greenboxuse a live cd10:04
andi5tortho: so you can root (hd0,4) and it tells you the file system? so what about  .... setup (hd0) and quit? :-D10:04
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gepatinoI need to customize a livecd, does anybody knows what filesystem is used for initrd in a standard dapper desktop cd?10:04
CaptainRedbeardgreenbox: atheros... it's just the connection to the AP and the key I need to know where to input, what is the conf file for it on boot10:04
wikingtrappist: i have CD but i don't know how to install it10:04
BCK14stefg: says 1.35mb left, yet its 2gb10:04
ntollis there a beagled log I can view?10:04
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jribJW: if you really want to install it yourself though, it should go in /usr/local if it has a nice unix structure and /opt otherwise (that's how I interpret debian-policy manual anyway)10:04
LeaChimgepatino, squashfs i believe10:04
andi5ntoll: ~/.beagled or such?10:05
adictshow should i locate it?>10:05
Aragorn_Guardianandi5: sorry, i dont understand10:05
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greenboxgive me a min10:05
andi5Aragorn_Guardian: ignore me, please, it will not help you anyway :)10:05
_absolution_why can't I find my fluxbox files??10:05
BarryAllenhi all10:05
trappistwiking: sweex makes sound cards?  are you 100% sure it's not already supported in ubuntu?10:05
Aragorn_Guardianandi5, ok... 8)10:05
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BarryAllenany freak update broke my keyboard configuration....10:05
Thug-N-Mehi all10:05
trappist_absolution_: you're looking in the wrong place?10:05
gepatinoLeaChim: squashfs is used for the root fs, is it also used to initrd?10:05
stefgBCK14: , what's the sticks mountpoint in /media ?10:05
BarryAllenmaybe mylocales....10:05
JWjrib:  unable to install .deb   Had to down load .bin from RealPlayer  It installed it in ~/realplayer.  Want to move it into /usr/? for shared use.10:05
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ntollandi5, aha.... .beagle dir looks interesting10:05
dligepatino, no, squashfs is not used for initrd10:05
tanlaanblah what happened with this install? http://pastebin.ca/7236410:06
BCK14stefg: /media/usbdisk10:06
_absolution_yeah? where should I look?10:06
andi5ntoll: i stopped beagle, because it searched _too much_, eating too much cpu10:06
jribJW: which deb did you try?10:06
andi5ntoll: for me! but please use and improve it :)10:06
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trappisttanlaan: the Makefile doesn't have an install rule.10:06
torthoandi5: don\t ask me why, now root (hd0, gives me a list.... how can i determine which partition is the right one..10:06
LeaChimgepatino, i think so. why don't you try mounting the initrd as a loopback and seeing what filesystem it gets mounted as?10:06
_absolution_it's not where it's supposed to be10:06
trappisttanlaan: ./moo10:06
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JWjrib:  apt-get install realplayer10:06
trappist_absolution_: a) what are you looking for and b) where are you looking for it10:07
jribJW: what was the output?10:07
Thug-N-Memy box its so slow and almost doesnt respond anymore when i extract rar arhives even if i use command line its still the same, bassicly i cannot do anything else while i extract the files any ideea ?10:07
andi5tortho: take the number of /boot (sda5 -> 5), subtract by 1 (5 -> 4) and use that ... (hd0,4)10:07
wikingtrappist: in CD is folder with drivers for all Windows & Linux10:07
gepatinodli, LeaChim: mount doesnt mount it, need the -t parameter. I've tried with ext2 and ext3, but nothing... wrong fs type10:07
greenboxsorry captin im not sure10:07
Thug-N-Mei have 512 ram and 1 gb of swap10:07
_absolution_but not all the files are there10:07
dligepatino, initrd usually uses gzipped ramfs, or gzipped cpio archives10:07
greenboxare u trying to use ndiswrapper?10:07
tanlaantrappist: this is what i got tanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/MOO-1.8.1$ ./moo10:07
tanlaanUsage: ./moo [-e]  [-l log-file]  input-db-file output-db-file [port] 10:07
trappistandi5: sudo hdparm -d /dev/hdX where hdX is your hard drive10:07
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wikingtrappist: in Linux folder is readme file10:07
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ubotuI know nothing about moo10:07
Thug-N-Mesoon i finish with the rar file my box its back to normal and application are working good (fast)10:07
Tommy2k4does "syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart." get added to /var/log/messages while booting up instead of while shutting down?10:07
andi5trappist: n/a10:07
_absolution_I looked for it using dpkg -L10:07
Jonbomoo: os: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional x64 Edition - Service Pack 1 (5.2.3790) uptime: 2wks 1day 22hrs 40mins 4secs cpu: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ at 2015MHz (11% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM) 256MB res: 1280x1024 32bit 60Hz ram: 1793/2047.37MB (87.55%) [|||||||||-]  hdd: C:\ 62.68GB/122.07GB Free D:\ 64.05GB/110.81GB Free net: Microsoft TV_Video Connection - 30MB/s 7.46KB In, 0B Out10:08
Thug-N-Meany help ?10:08
trappisttanlaan: that's a usage statement.  it's telling you it wants arguments.10:08
LeaChimgepatino, try squash, cram. do man mount and try everything in the list10:08
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dligepatino, livecd? livecd is iso9660 fs, your kernel should have it by default10:08
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torthoandi5: thanks, time for a reboot,.... crossing my fingers..10:08
wikingtrappist: step1. Backup the Config.in and Makefile in the sound driver directory (/usr/src/linux/driver/sound).10:08
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trappistandi5: n/a is the output?10:08
jimcooncatneed bash help - want to start thunar in a script and save it's pid in a file?10:08
gepatinodli: ramfs didnt worked either... I dont know cpio, but i'll try10:08
LeaChimgepatino, oh, wait - it's gzipped isn't it? ungzip it and then try mounting10:08
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andi5trappist: n/a = i am not the one you planned to wake up >:-|10:08
gepatinoLeaChim: already unzipped it ;)10:08
dligepatino, you want to mount initrd?10:08
trappistwiking: you're not going to have a /usr/src/linux/driver/sound10:08
BCK14stefg: corrupted mp3 filesystem or linux ?10:08
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d213-103-53-51.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
_absolution_I'm trying to put a wallpaper up10:08
trappistandi5: oh10:08
XxXBrAnDoNXxXHow do I reformat my cd-rw?10:08
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gepatinodli: yes, i need to modify it10:08
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tanlaanooo so it wants me to type "./moo" then input all the stuff that it was asking for10:08
LeaChimgepatino, hmm. not sure then :P10:08
jrib_absolution_: what trouble are you having?10:09
jrattner1QUESTION: How can I make it so when a user deletes a message it is sent to a folder (OLDMAIL) instead of the Trash?10:09
wikingtrappist: how i can do it?10:09
stefgBCK14: No the filesystem on the stick... it's probably fat3210:09
trappist_absolution_: Esetroot filename.png or .jpg etc.10:09
BCK14it is10:09
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JWjrib:  tried to install it yesterday.  I beleive it said something about misssing modules.  I do not reacall details.  Should I remove and try reintall?10:09
alleyoopsteranyone have any recommendations for a good amd64 motherboard?10:09
_absolution_I'm trying to use fluxbox10:09
dligepatino, first, why? you should generate it via make-kpkg, otherwise, it's guranteed not to greak down10:09
_absolution_and it's not working for me10:09
BCK14stefg: shall i try partition magic on xp?10:09
trappistwiking: first step, if it can be done at all, is sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:09
andi5jrattner1: you do not plan to read other peoples emails, right??10:09
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gepatinodli: i'm customizing a livecd, for a very specific aplication10:09
trappist_absolution_: did you try Esetroot?10:09
crocdalleyoopster: I am using an asus a8n-sli10:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:10
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems10:10
_absolution_no I didn't.....I'll try that10:10
XxXBrAnDoNXxXI need help...How do I reformat my cd-rw?10:10
jribJW: I would recommend that.  realplayer 8 is in the multiverse repository (which apt-get should fetch) but reralplayer 10 has deb and isntructions here if you would rather have that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods10:10
jrattner1andi5, nope10:10
=== rod [n=rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
alleyoopstercrocd: ok, i was looking at the asus a8v10:10
stefgBCK14: get all files off and format it again with the utility of your choice... if it doesn't work, the flash-mem has reached it's lifecycle...10:11
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wikingtrappist: what?????? i am Linux user 2 hours. Can You say - what you mean?10:11
alleyoopsterdoes your board have sata?10:11
dashriKeany reason an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe 2.0 would have problems with Ubuntu ethernet?10:11
BCK14stefg: i used the tool they provided, im pretty sure its linux error not hard drive error10:11
JWjrib:  Thank you  I will try that.10:11
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rodhi, i changed network router, eacht time i reboot ubuntu i have to disactivate and then re-activate the ehternet connection in the network settings to have internet10:11
crocdalleyoopster: yep10:11
greenboxit might not ahve the drivers10:11
rodhow to fix this for once and for all?10:11
trappistwiking: from 'sudo' on, just put what I said into a console and hit enter10:11
gepatinodli, LeaChim: It was a cpio file!!! thanks a lot10:11
dligepatino, for user application? you can modify the squashfs, not initrd10:11
andi5XxXBrAnDoNXxX: does cd-rw mean that you can write it multiple times? or just that you can write it several times, but each time somewhere else, making earlier data unavailable? just tell me :)10:11
_absolution_where do I type that in?10:11
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ubotuI know nothing about whois10:12
_absolution_in the terminal?10:12
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stefgBCK, is it  flash- or disk-based?10:12
greenboxif u are burning on a cd rw10:12
trappist_absolution_: yes10:12
gepatinodli: i need to modify the way the system is started for security reasons10:12
ubotuI know nothing about gnomeapi10:12
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crocdalleyoopster: I a have a 300gb sata can put in up to 4gb of ram, dual core amd 4200 etc.10:12
gepatinodli: its a kind of 'voting' livecd10:12
greenboxbut if its just on a cd r its only once unless its multisestion10:12
_absolution_all one word?10:12
LeaChimgepatino, no problem10:12
BCK14stefg: disk, its just linux is showing wrong space available10:12
BCK14i think10:12
alleyoopstercrocd: i am a little confused about sata. trying to find out if the a8v can run sata2 disks?10:12
dligepatino, anyway, no need to do it ubuntu, do it gentoo10:12
rodplease, what's the command line for setting the network up?10:12
greenboxdhcp config10:13
gepatinodli: just feel confortable with ubuntu :)10:13
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andi5rod: /etc/init.d/network start, or ifup eth0 (s/eth0/wlan0)10:13
rodandi5, i mean more like for configuring10:13
wikingtrappist: console say: "wiking is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."10:13
gepatinodli: thanks for the tip, it was a cpio file10:13
trappist_absolution_: say your wallpaper file is /home/absolution/mypic.jpg.  you'd say Esetroot /home/absolution/mypic.jpg10:13
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XxXBrAnDoNXxXandi5: In windows I used to be able to delete anything I wanted to on the cd-rw and write to it whenever I wanted to. But Iam sorta new to linux so I dont know how to do it.10:13
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rodandi5, the gnome tool wont save, after a rboot it has the old settings again10:13
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andi5XxXBrAnDoNXxX: it is ok, i just did not know :)10:13
trappistwiking: is this an ubuntu machine?10:13
kristiansomeone know famous here?10:13
wikingtrappist: yes10:13
gepatinodli: now i'll go back to breaking things ;) thks10:13
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CaptainRedbearddoesn't anybody have any experience with setting up a WEP "protected" wifi connection under ubuntu? or to get it up under boot that is?10:14
shae2libertyHi, does anyone here know howto install cifs on ubuntu. I want to network the drive like i can in freenas so i can edit php files easily10:14
trappistwiking: is it *your* ubuntu machine?10:14
dligepatino, can you get ubuntu livecd on usb?10:14
wikingtrappist: yes10:14
trappistwiking: the user created during the install is in the sudoers file.  can you become that user?10:14
gepatinodli: I guess so... let me see if I have a link here...10:14
CarlFKin a udeb, what defines the dependencies ?10:14
wikingtrappist: root?10:14
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shae2libertyHi, does anyone here know howto install cifs on ubuntu. I want to network the drive like i can in freenas so i can edit php files easily10:14
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trappistwiking: that's not what I mean, but if you can become root, that helps10:14
stefgBCK14: you could try to 'sudo umount /media/usbdisk && sudo fsck.vfat' and see if it yields errors10:15
Wipstergood evning all, just downloaded and burt the 6.06 cd, I chose to start or install ubuntu, it loads with everything ok, then screen goes black with curser flashing then goes totaly black and stops making any cd noise, is it a display bug and is there a work around?10:15
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andi5rod: if you know the details, try to edit /etc/network/interfaces10:15
wikingtrappist: on general screen i cant login like root, where i can log?10:15
torthoandi5:  Damn, still grub error 17..10:15
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dligepatino, I tried, but the initrd seeks only cd for root not usb10:15
danfgin rhel3, i used to start and stop services by typing like "service mysql start", how is it done in ubuntu?10:15
andi5tortho: which filesystem has /boot?10:15
trappistwiking: in a console, type "su -" and enter the root password.10:16
torthoandi5: ext3..10:16
gepatinodli: maybe you need to modify initrd10:16
nickruddanfg, update-rc.d10:16
gepatinodli: i've found this, but did't try it yet: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/USB_Based_FAQ10:16
rodtx andi5 gonna try some changes, bbl10:16
dligepatino, could be tricky scripts, but debian cd works auto on usb10:16
andi5tortho: in the end of my old computer (bought new one last week), grub ceased to work for me too..... needed to start from floppy10:16
BCK14ok stefg10:16
nickruddanfg, erm, invoke-rc.d I mean, update is for setting links.10:16
crocdalleyoopster: I cant see anything on their site, when was it released?10:17
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andi5tortho: maybe there is some flaky grub outside :)10:17
danfgnickrud: thanks :)10:17
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torthoandi5:  ive googled for this error 17... and there is some strange issues with this grub error 17... i\ll reinstall..10:17
christian_Does anybodoy know how to force a console install for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktop ?10:18
andi5tortho: good luck! and maybe try to boot as soon as possible, so that you do not lose time while adjusting your desktop :)10:18
Ngchristian_: use the alternate install cd image10:18
nickrudchristian_, use the alternate cd ;)10:18
christian_okay thank you10:18
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alleyoopstercrocd: http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=3&l2=15&l3=68&model=478&modelmenu=1 not sure when it was release10:18
torthoandi5 thanks... i was trying to free up some space to try qemu.... to run edgy in it..10:19
_absolution_how do you remove desktop enviroments?10:19
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gepatinodli: have to go now, if i make it work I'll look for you to tell you how i made it10:19
_absolution_I wanna remove KDE and Enlightenment10:19
trappistTheoMurpse: hdparm -d /dev/hdX where hdX is your hard drive10:19
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo10:19
dligepatino, great, thanks10:19
TheoMurpseI just installed ubuntu and cannot get a connection on my network. I try with a static IP as in "ifconfig eth0" and get the IP, but cannot even ping my router/gateway ( When I try with DHCP (via the Gnome network setup default on ubuntu) I never get an IP. When I try from the command line "dhclient eth0", I have something like "DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to on port 67 interval 8" or something repeated about 8 times wi10:19
TheoMurpseth different intervals, and then something like "no lease acquired error" or something like that. Any idea how to fix?10:19
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TheoMurpsetrappist, wrong person ;)10:19
alleyoopsterother sites mention sata raid for this board, but I was looking at sata2 disk support10:19
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nickrud_absolution_, for kde, remove libqt-mt3 ; for enlightenment , no easy clue10:19
trappistThug-N-Me: hdparm -d /dev/hdX where hdX is your hard drive10:19
=== max_bell [n=max_bell@c-67-168-67-112.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrattner1QUESTION: How can I make it so when a user deletes a message it is sent to a folder (OLDMAIL) instead of the Trash in Mozilla Thunderbird?10:20
stefgTheoMurpse: I think it's the routers prob, not ubuntus10:20
BCK14stefg: says the usuage commands10:20
TheoMurpsestefg: I get an IP with the same computer through Windows XP, so I doubt that.10:20
andi5_absolution_: if you have kubuntu-desktop, deselect that10:20
crocdalleyoopster: it looks like it was first released in 2004. it should be OK if they have updated it for sata2 if not a bios update should fix it.10:20
nickrudjrattner1, you'll probably have better luck on a thunderbird channel10:21
shae2libertyHi, does anyone here know howto install cifs on ubuntu. I want to network the drive like i can in freenas so i can edit php files easily10:21
trappistTheoMurpse: it's behaving like there's no network connectivity whatsoever.  it's broadcasting for a dhcp lease but nothing ever answers back.10:21
max_bellHowdy, all. (reading common questions)10:21
stefgBCK14: sry the command is sudo fsck.vfat /dev/hda110:21
_absolution_I want to remove it completely10:21
alleyoopstercrocd: thanks, that is good news10:21
stefgBCK14: sry the command is *sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sda1*10:21
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TheoMurpsetrappist, so do you have any idea? It's not a hardware problem (router, and computer's ethernet card both work when XP is running instead of Ubuntu). What could it be?10:21
BCK14now no such directory10:21
andi5_absolution_: depends on what you mean.... say you still want to use k3b, then you will still need qt310:21
Wipsteranyone got any advice on the black screen instal problem, any work arounds, I'm using a 9800XT10:21
BCK14because i umounted it10:21
trappistTheoMurpse: what kind of nic?10:21
crocdalleyoopster: check with a local resleller if you want to be sure but that is my insight on it10:21
erUSULshae2liberty: cifs is a module of the kernel you do not have to install nothing you have to mount it with mount (man mount)10:22
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TheoMurpseI have on idea what to do. It worked once right after installing, but I never changed any settings (aside from installing random unrelated programs such as VLC) and now it doesn't work.10:22
trappistTheoMurpse: also, does the machine maybe have another nic and you're referring to the wrong device?10:22
crocdtrappist: sounds like driver issue to me10:22
JanKassensi just installed ndisgtk (gui for ndiswrapper), where can i start it?10:22
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alleyoopstercrocd: yeah will do, technology moves fast, hard to keep up with everything10:22
trappistcrocd: yeah, like maybe driver loading issue10:22
max_bellIs there a way to install ubuntu from DOS, or using a flat-file installation, rather than a CD?10:22
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trappistor the order the drivers are loading10:22
TheoMurpsetrappist, no. I only have one card with one input.10:22
erUSULshae2liberty: i spoked too fast it seems that mount does not support cifs maybe smbmount?10:23
trappistTheoMurpse: so, back to my original question - what kind of nic?10:23
crocdTheoMurpse: what hardware is listed10:23
TheoMurpserealtek 87something or 8397 or something10:23
bbrazilmax_bell: I *think* there is (not nessecarily an official ubuntu thing) Have you considered netbooting?10:23
_absolution_so I'll lose some of the programs associated with KDE?10:23
TheoMurpseI'll check.10:23
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trappistTheoMurpse: lspci | grep Network10:24
max_bellbb: Um, not connected to a network -- have a cisco wireless card and drivers, but I'm not sure that's what you mean.10:24
andi5TheoMurpse: i have never used dhcp, but do not you need to ifconfig eth0 up, if you want to dhcpclient it?10:24
dooglus_absolution_: don't see it as losing programs, see it as gaining free disk space10:24
nickrudmax_bell, the wiki page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has a bunch of methods linked; one is floppy & harddisk10:24
crocdtrappist: Realtek chould be in the kernel i did a few kernel compiles recently and I saw drivers listed for it10:24
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fluffiHi, how does a version update under ubuntu work? (is there any documentation for this?)10:24
max_bellThanks, nick!10:24
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trappistcrocd: yeah lots of realtek cards are supported10:24
kibabanybody know a repository that houses maven (the java build tool)?10:24
eobanb_!tell fluffi about upgrade10:24
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_absolution_yeah that's why I wanna get rid of the KDE and Enlightenment desktop10:25
nickrudmax_bell, yw. I'd be interested in how you did it10:25
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dooglus_absolution_: did you ever use debfoster?  It's very good at cleaning out packages you no longer need.  see particularly the 'p' command.10:25
nickrud_absolution_, removing that lib will rip all of kde out, done it before more than once10:25
TheoMurpseandi5: eth0 is already up.10:26
TheoMurpseup with no IP10:26
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_absolution_that's libqt-mt3 right?10:26
TheoMurpsetrappist, I can't run linux (since no network), but XP says it's a GVC-Realtek 10/100 PCI Adapter10:27
=== shwag [n=shwag@c-66-229-52-47.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrud_absolution_, yes. and deb-foster is an old, reliable tool :)10:27
trappistTheoMurpse: that kinda sucks.  doesn't tell us what model.  you can get the device id from the registry, which would answer that critical question, but I don't recall where it is, and how to find it isn't appropriate for this channel10:27
TheoMurpseIf you can promise you'll be here in 3 minutes, I'll boot into linux and grep it, but I did that yesterday, and the guy who was helping me disappeared while I was switching OSes ;)10:27
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheoMurpseBe right back.10:28
trappistTheoMurpse: I'll be here10:28
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TheoMurpsetrappist, thanks.10:28
crocdtrappist: you still hang out in mandriva?10:28
trappistunless I step out for a smoke10:28
PMantisI installed ssmtp, but nothing is listening on port 25. How do I restart it?10:28
gostviewhi all, I try to configure Gnash, I got this output errore: configure: error: We need a working libXext to proceed. Since configure10:28
gostviewcan't find it itself, we stop here assuming that make wouldn't find10:28
gostviewthem either.10:28
gostviewanyone can help me plz?10:28
trappistcrocd: nah10:28
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_absolution_what command will I use?10:28
neutrinomassgostview: Don't install from the sources, install from the repositories :)10:28
max_bellNick -- talks about using rawwrite to create a boot floppy, then loading the install files from that disk.10:28
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max_bellOff to try this. Thanks, all!10:29
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crocdtrappist: i kinda dropped off the radar a bit due tosystem rebuild and work. Only recently got back with a shiny new amd64 dual core beast10:29
BCK14how do i remove what linux already knows about a usb drive,10:29
nickrud_absolution_, in truth, that does about 95%. KDE apps do pull in other stuff that won't get ripped that way; debfoster takes time but it'll purge every last thing10:29
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crocdBCK14: why?10:29
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LiquidNerd_workWhat is the latest unstable? I can't find anything on the site other than dapper10:29
gostviewneutrinomass>I can't find it in repository...10:29
BCK14crocd: it is showing incorrect freespace10:30
nickrudLiquidNerd_work, edgy eft10:30
BCK14shows free space 675kb yet there is 1.87gb free10:30
trappistgostview: sudo apt-get install libxext-dev10:30
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crocdBCK14: is it mounting ok10:30
BCK14same everytim it mounts10:30
shwagDoes the turn-key LAMP do anything besides: apt-get install apache mysql php ?10:30
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gostviewtrappist> ok tnx10:30
BCK14it auto mounts10:30
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LiquidNerd_workso I should replace my dapper with edgy for testing and eft for unstable?10:30
BCK14no errors crocd10:30
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crocdunmounty it manually and then try to remount it. Or check your /etc/fstab10:31
ubuntuzire72hi, i have one harddrive with ubuntu installed on it. if i want to dual boot with Damn small linux, how would i do so?10:31
nickrudLiquidNerd_work, no, that's the full name; the repo is edgy10:31
BCK14croc have unmounted it manually no difference10:31
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LiquidNerd_workwhere is it on the site? I must be retarded10:31
BCK14what should i look for in fstab?10:31
BCK14it only has my windows drives i think?10:31
=== nickrud needs to shake off the repo/section dust
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FlannelLiquidNerd_work: and, at the moment, edgy is completely unstable, not just testing.  No guarentees its in a workable state at any time10:31
crocdBCK14: iwhat does your /etc/fstab say10:31
stefgBCK14: it doesn't work that way :-)... it's a filesystem problem, did fsck tell anythin?10:31
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neutrinomassgostview: Sorry, my bad. Indeed it appears not to be in the repos :(10:32
BCK14fsck ?10:32
LiquidNerd_workFlannel: I used to run Sid all the time10:32
ubuntuzire72hi, i have one harddrive with ubuntu installed on it. if i want to dual boot with Damn small linux, how would i do so?10:32
_absolution_oh crap....I forgot about xfce4....how do I remove that too10:32
gostviewneutrinomass> n p10:32
nickrudI'll start exploring when it's about a month out I think10:32
BCK14crocd: whats fsck ?10:32
crocdBCK14: cat /etc/fstab, that will output all your partions10:32
leftistanyone know anywhere i can host a domain free?10:32
crocdfsck is file system check10:32
pike_ubuntuzire72: you would need some free space on a HD to create a partition for dsl10:32
ubuntuzire72pike: i have about 15gb free, how do i create partions?10:33
trappistleftist: wrong channel10:33
steveireubuntuzire72: resize your partition to leave some space, then use that space for DSL10:33
nickrud_absolution_, debfoster. Then, use aptitude to install, it'll track dependencies automatically & do all this for you.10:33
gostviewtrappist> ok, new error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16570 could you help me?10:33
ubuntuzire72steveire: how would i do that?10:33
crocdBCK14: that is only used if the drive or partition is corrupt or problems are known/detected10:33
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BCK14ok crocd10:33
_absolution_k thanks10:33
steveireI use a partition tool on hirens boot cd, but you can use parted in ubuntu10:33
trappistgostview: read the error message carefully.  it tells you what package to install.10:34
crocdubuntulog: : fdisk /dev/hda410:34
ubuntuzire72steveire: where do i go to access that?10:34
BCK14crocd: will pastebin it now10:34
trappistgostview: error messages are your friends.10:34
nickrud_absolution_, have you ever used apt-cache? You'll want to read descriptions & try to identify the stuff debfoster asks about.10:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:34
steveireeh, dunno, I've never used parted10:35
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s|kis there any way to reset screen resolutoin from the console?10:35
ubotuI know nothing about parted10:35
concept10Anyone know about an GNOME app thats close to Quicksilver on OS X?10:35
nickrud!info parted10:35
ubotuparted: The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In repository main, is standard. Version (dapper), package size 79 kB, installed size 172 kB10:35
steveireI'd recommend you download hirens boot cd10:35
NickGarveywhats quicksivlver o10:35
NickGarveysilver do*10:35
BCK14crocd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657110:35
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steveireIt's really got some great stuff on it10:35
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concept10NickGarvey, app switcher/launcher10:35
gostviewtrappist> ok, I read carefully now10:35
VitaminGhas anyone here tried compiling the intel modem drivers in dapper?10:35
steveireIt has partition magic on it, but you should avoid that. It doesn't play nice with linux10:35
NickGarveyconcept10: like.. a run window?10:35
NickGarveyconcept10: alt f210:35
pike_s|k: console resolution or xserver res?10:36
steveireI've heard that a lot, but I also learned it for myself :(10:36
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ubuntuzire72steveire: i'll give it a shot if i cant get this parted thing to work10:36
s|kpike_: xserver10:36
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concept10NickGarvey, more like Alt f2 and alt-tab combined10:36
NickGarveyconcept10: heh, why not use both?10:36
fowlduckwhich works best for video playback in firefox: Totem Gstreamer, Totem Xine, or MPlayer?10:37
TheoMurpstrappist, It is a realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev10). I also tried the dhclient again to see exactly what it said as it tried to get an IP, and it said DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67, interval 7. Does this mean it doesn't know the IP of the DHCP server?10:37
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NickGarveyconcept10: I dunno I'm sorry I use kde10:37
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nickrudnone work best10:37
concept10NickGarvey, I do.  You should just see quicksilver10:37
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fowlduckTheoMurps, it never knows the IP of the DHCP server.10:37
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trappistTheoMurps: sudo modprobe 8139cp10:37
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fowlduckTheoMurps, that is, until it receives an address10:37
TheoMurpstrappist, it is loaded.10:37
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:37
majdwhat's the numerical equivalent to -rwxrwxr-x ?10:37
Fiya_werkinhas anyone gotten e17 to work on dapper?10:38
dlimajd, 77510:38
TheoMurpstrappist, I tried that yesterday and if I do lsmod, 8139cp is already there.10:38
crocdBCK14: what does df  command output10:38
trappistTheoMurps: it doesn't need to know the ip of the dhcp server - it broadcasts, and any dhcp server on the network can respond10:38
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gostviewtrappist> ok I install the libsdl1.2-dev, but I can't find the right command for OGG Vorbis10:38
BCK14olid@olid-desktop:~$ ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 7972, errno = 010:38
nickrudmajd, http://www.robolink.com/calculators10.htm is a decent tool10:38
trappistTheoMurps: then try sudo modprobe -r 8139cp (to unload it) and sudo modprobe 8139too (to try an alternate driver)10:38
BCK14that error came up at the end in terminal crocd10:38
Jerrhey im looking to compile a kernel module (driver), and I'm getting this error: make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.10:38
udohow can i use my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu?10:38
majdthanks nickrud10:38
BarryAllenanyone have problems using c and acents on ubuntu?10:39
trappistgostview: try libogg0-dev and libvorbis-dev10:39
nickrudmajd, I use that fairly often, I am no sys admin ;)10:39
BarryAllenhehehe im getting accentueds c's ehheeh10:39
majdhaha i'll add it to my bookmarks10:39
TheoMurpstrappist, I will try that and then boot back to XP with my results (or hopefully not have to reboot, and be able to let you know via ubuntu if it works)10:39
kristianIs there a audiplayer which can play all the formats working on windows, and not on ubuntu?10:39
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trappistTheoMurps: cool10:39
hortianhey folks, I just upgraded to dapper drake (from 5.10), and my sound stopped working ... I have a Dell Inspiron D610 with an Intel ICH6 card ... I checked the web but all the people with similar problems seem to be fine with the latest ubuntu ... any ideas?10:39
trappistTheoMurps: hang on a sec...10:40
pike_s|k: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.con10:40
trappistTheoMurps: after doing both of those, type 'dmesg' and have a look at the output10:40
udohow can i use my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu?10:40
pike_s|k: xorg.conf10:40
dlikristian, why asking in #ubuntu ?10:40
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udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu?10:41
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kristiani asked a little worng i think... Is there a mediaplayer which can play mp3, wma, and the formats that's working in windows?10:41
Lamego!mp3 > kristian10:41
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JerrI'm trying to install the spca5xx module10:41
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Lamegokristian playing sounds is not only about the player but also about the codecs, there are some formats which can't be played on linux due to legal reasons10:42
dliLamego, kristian was asking for, "which can play all the formats working on windows, and not on ubuntu"10:42
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kristiandli, that was written totally wrong10:43
Jerrthe INSTALL file just tells me to make clean; make; make install (as root)10:43
Lamegodli, he wanted to mean, to play on ubuntu what he plays on windows10:43
gostviewtrappist> ok, it has gone... now got error with make :(10:43
mog_does anyone know whether ubuntu 6.06 has madwifi or madwifi-ng as the atheros drivers, or alternatively, how i could find out?10:43
kOpterI've got kernel panic when trying to boot: 2.6.15-25-686 , 15-20 works without a problem..10:43
Jack_SmirnoffNot everything you can play on windows will play on linux10:43
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skavengeare synaptic installation errors logged somewhere? where is it?10:43
dlikristian, hehe, smart question10:43
stefgkOpter: welcome to the club :-)10:44
kristiandli, u are from?10:44
kOpterIt gives me something like it can't uncompress the kernel to RAM. Anyone ideas why or where to look?10:44
Lamegoskavenge, usually they are reported on the console, run it from a terminal10:44
Dapallohey, i need some help installing 'audacity_1.2.1-1_i386.deb'10:44
kimoCan I get the regular text installer from the Desktop/Live CD ?10:44
dlikristian, why does it matter? but I'm chinese10:44
kOpterstefg> Known issue?10:44
Lamegokimo, no, you will need the alternate CD10:44
kimook thnx10:44
kimoDapallo: just ask ?10:44
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc2-wear3-0-0-cust449.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
lib8264qhello channel :)10:45
Dapallojust ask?10:45
dlikOpter, most likely, you have to reinstall the kernel package10:45
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:45
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skavengei've already run it graphically and got an error installing a package, doesn't synaptic log these things in a logfile?10:45
kristiandli, ooh..:P thought you maybe was norwegian because u write "hehe", i usually don't see englishmen or chinese write that :P10:45
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Dapallolol, okay, how do i install it10:45
stefgkOpter: -25 is full of issues ... actually i can't imagine how a junk-kernel could ever get out of the door10:45
kOpterdli, just apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-25-686 ?10:45
=== Jack_Smirnoff is now known as Jack_Sparrow
kOpterBecause I think that won't solve it :)10:46
PseudoPlaceboWhen I'm installing Ubuntu from the dapper (live)CD. How do I tell it to install using Lilo. And in the partition manager how I change which partition has the boot flag.10:46
udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu?10:46
lib8264qif i download kde-core desktop for friend (havent got inet connection) if i copy it onto cd what command can i use to install it on there pc ....10:46
gostviewtrappist> many errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657310:46
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Dapallohow do i install audacity_1.2.1-1_i386.deb10:46
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kimoDapallo: apt-get install audacity10:47
Dapallotried that but it said it couldnt find it10:47
kimoDapallo: put sudo infront of that :)10:47
trappistgostview: libjpeg62-dev10:47
dlikristian, anyway, get restricted formats, totem can play almost everything, but no DRM, of course10:47
crocdBCK14: you still there?10:47
Dapallois there a certain place i have to put audacity_1.2.1-1_i386.deb10:47
kimoDapallo: u need to add universe repository10:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:47
lib8264qany advice ?10:47
TheoMurpstrappist, I lsmod and actulaly have both 8139cp and 8139too loaded at startup. Could that be the problem? It is whatever ubuntu installer set up for me automatically.10:47
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kimoDapallo: got that10:47
dlikOpter, boot with a working kernel, sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.1510:47
Dapallohold on10:47
hemanwhat's a great package for disk partitioning?10:48
_absolution_is there a "centipede" like game out there for linux?10:48
kimoheman: fdisk10:48
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TheoMurps_absolution_, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one called Centipede10:48
Dapallowait... okay, im new at linux, so i dont know what you mean by !universe10:48
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Jerr!deb > Dapallo10:48
adictsalright i could not use apt get to install "nv" it said E: invalid operation xserver, E: could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock-open (13 permission denied) E: unable to lock the list directory10:48
Jack_SparrowI found a great tool, a live cd that has gparted on it.. great ISO to have around10:48
PseudoPlaceboWhen I'm installing Ubuntu from the dapper (live)CD. How do I tell it to install using Lilo. And in the partition manager how I change which partition has the boot flag.10:48
dlikOpter, if it fails again, and always works with another kernel, ask here again10:48
lib8264qanyone ?10:48
=== Falgor [i=Petri@dsl-hkigw6-fe5bde00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["CYA"]
kimoDapallo: see the reply from ubotu !!10:48
Dapalloyeah, i just did10:49
dliadicts, you need to run like: sudo apt-get install foo10:49
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kimoDapallo: so did u read the website ?10:49
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gatekeeperPseudoPlacebo: I think it is when you get to set 5 or 6 in the wizard you can set up your partitions, I think there is another iso if you want more control10:49
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adictsi did10:49
Mintycan I get the back and front buttons to work on my mouse ??*10:49
trappistTheoMurps: the first driver loaded that supports your device is the one that will be used for it.  so, unload (modprobe -r) both of them and try one at a time10:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:50
=== Das [n=jordan@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheoMurpstrappist, I will do that now. Thanks.10:50
kOpterdli: get : debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog right away10:50
Dapallokimo: it just opens an archieve of the files in side it10:50
kimoDapallo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu (Read the universe part)10:50
lib8264qif i download a kde-core desktop  for my friend who hasent go an inet connection if i burn the files to disk what command can i use to install it on there system10:50
udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu?10:50
Flannel!tell Minty about mouse10:50
dliadicts, you have synaptic running? close it first, and try again10:50
adictsi used sudo apt_get install xserver-xorg-driver-nv10:51
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:51
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dliadicts, apt-get10:51
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adictsno it wasnt runnign10:51
adictsyeah i messed up10:51
Mintyflannel: reading thanks10:51
kimodapper kernel sucks :) doesnt poweroff my laptop, sky2 network card hangs daily ... yuck ... can I install suse kernel on dapper?10:52
skavengeI get this error trying to install crystalcursors, any help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657410:52
=== Obst [n=P@dslb-088-072-083-109.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
adictsdo i need to have the cd in? or will it get it online10:52
lib8264qanyone an answer to a ?10:52
dlikimo, you can build your own kernel10:52
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JerrI don't have a /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/build directory, and I apparently need that directory10:52
erUSULkimo: you can download the suse sources and compile it10:52
dlikimo, but dapper sucks more than its kernel10:52
stefgkimo, no... but you could try (at your own risk) a kanotix kernel... comes as a .deb10:52
mog_sorry, afk for a min'ed, did anyone reply with regards to the madwifi drivers?10:53
erUSULJerr: have you installed kernel-headers?10:53
kimostefg: interesting, where do I download please ?10:53
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gatekeeperkimo there is a howto build your own kernel in the ubuntu forums10:53
Flannelkimo: you can build your own, and add in whatever you'd like10:53
JerrerUSUL: I think so10:53
fatliphow do i disable "lp"? i'm trying to use parport0 in vmware but its telling me its in use by the lp driver10:53
kimoerUSUL: cant I just alien the rpm /10:53
dlikimo, don't do that :(10:53
Jack_SparrowKimo.. Nooooo10:53
lib8264qanyone ?????10:53
kimowill it explode ? ;)10:53
stefgJust for testing.....10:53
JerrI think I installed only for 686, when I have 38610:53
Jack_SparrowMOre like full meltdown10:54
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erUSULkimo: maybe it works maybe not... i can not know for sure.10:54
kimolib8264q: double click it ?10:54
udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu? (f200 cryto)10:54
dlikimo, no, it doesn't explode, instead it sucks10:54
gostviewtrappist> only one: make: *** [install-recursive]  Error 110:54
lib8264qdont know thats why im asking ....10:54
mog_more generally, how do i check what ver. of a specific driver I do have?10:54
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kimolib8264q: also maybe 'sudo dpkg -i *deb' beware of dependencies10:55
Flannellib8264q: just ask your question, if someone knows the answer, they'll askwer it10:55
stefgkimo: but you'll have to edit your /boot/grub/men.lst manually.... nothing is autoconfigured10:55
Jerrhm, I have the headers installed10:55
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lib8264qyep iv checked that out thanks ...10:55
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kimostefg: yeah no problem10:55
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Patrick__hi all10:55
Patrick__I have a problem with Automatix10:55
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Jerrbut it only shows up on 68610:55
kimo!tell Patrick__ about automatix10:55
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Patrick__when I run apt-get update it gives me the following error towards automatix...10:55
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trappistsquiggly: please don't do that10:55
Vikingcan anyone help me to uninstall linux?10:56
squigglyyes, xchat is a little ew10:56
kimoViking: format the partition from Windows? (then  fixmbr from Winxp boot CD) ?10:56
dliViking, what do you mean "uninstall" ?10:56
seamoonIs there a way to convert my old windowsfiles, like movies etc to ext3 filesystem?10:56
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Lamegoseamoon, backup them and reformat the partitition10:56
mikerobihow do get a keyboard shortcut to trigger xkill in gnome?10:56
trappistseamoon: just copy them over.  files don't need to be converted10:56
dliseamoon, easier way, backup them, mkfs, and cp them back10:56
udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu? (f200 cryto)10:57
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gostviewtrappist> give me last hand: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657510:57
Patrick__W: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix dapper release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 19N52FE3521A9C7C Justin Hayes (Automatix Repository Master) <wildtagent@w1ldt4ng3nt.net>10:57
seamoonBut my NTFS-drives can't be mounted so I can't get access to the fiules on them...10:57
Patrick__anyone know how to solve this issue?10:57
Vikingi have windows on the other partition... i wont to reformat the ext3 partition back to ntfs... but the grub inicializer gives a error message at the start10:57
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Jack_Sparrowseamoon: My ntfs are mounted as read only and work fine10:58
trappistgostview: libpng3-dev and/or libpng12-dev10:58
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Patrick__W: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix dapper release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 19N52FE3521A9C7C Justin Hayes (Automatix Repository Master) <wildtagent@w1ldt4ng3nt.net>                                   anyone know how to solve this issue?10:58
Jack_SparrowViking: why not just use windows/fdisk and kill the ext310:58
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CarlFKcan someone explain why my box cries out for a file (using wget) that doesn't exit?  I have spent about 2 hours searching for the bad file name, and have no idea what makes the box want 'that' file10:58
FlannelPatrick__: automatix support will need to be in #automatix, its not supported by ubuntu and dangerous at that.10:58
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seamoonMessage I get is: error: device /dev/sdb1 is not removable10:58
seamoonerror: could not execute pmount10:58
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CarlFKit has to get it one of these 8 files http://sh.nu/p/212210:59
gostviewtrappist> you're helpfull10:59
trappistgostview: thanks10:59
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trappistCarlFK: what file10:59
seamoonI have my windows stuff on two satadrives.10:59
stefgKilling grub's menu.list can be problematic.... if it' s still in the MBR10:59
Patrick__Flannel, it does not mean that a kind person could simply answer my question rather then uselessly send me off to multple places!10:59
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dliseamoon, if it's an internal hdd, put it in /etc/fstab10:59
kr4zanybody know I can delete Rhythmbox's music library without opening it? It freezes whenever I open it because it's trying to connect to smb shares on a computer that no longer exists :S10:59
Vikingthe grub inicializer gives a error message and the windows wont start10:59
skavengeI get this error trying to install crystalcursors, any help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657410:59
FlannelPatrick__: People here dont know automatix.  We know ubuntu.  If you have an automatix problem, you should ask people that DO know.  Anyone who would be willing to help with automatix support, is in #automatix.11:00
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CarlFKtrappist: batic-udeb_2.16.1cvs20060117-1ubuntu2.1_i386.udeb11:00
TheoMtrappist, I am formerly TheoMurps (both of my nicks are still ghosts on IRC, and nickserv release isn't working for me, I guess). When I modprobe -r 8139too, eth0 as an interface completely vanishes (ifconfig eth0 up says no such device). Removing 8139cp and loading 8139too brings eth0 back, but the same problems persist. A static IP cannot ping my gateway, and dhclient gives me the same errors.11:00
gatekeeperPatrick__: do you want all of automatrix or just certain bits?11:00
seamoonthanks dli, but how? Mount it to that directory?11:00
trappistCarlFK: you say wget wants that file??11:00
gostviewtrappist> Gee, got another one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657611:00
volt^warlockIf i want to install mysql, would apt-get install mysql-server be correct?11:00
CarlFKtrappist: correct11:00
Vikingcan anyone help me to uninstall grub?11:00
Flannelvolt^warlock: you want SQL to work with apache? or just a standalone server?11:00
Patrick__gatekeeper, your going to have to be more specific. I think your referring to installations, and I'm only getting particular ones.11:00
trappistCarlFK: like, wget http://www.google.com says it wants that file?11:00
CarlFKtrappist: exactly11:01
Surakhello. If I upgrade to edgy, kernel 2.6.17 fails miserably. how can I cope with it?11:01
volt^warlockFlannel, to work with apache11:01
Flannel!tell volt^warlock about LAMP11:01
dliseamoon, you can follow what's in your fstab file to make a new entry. also, " man fstab " for more11:01
Flannelvolt^warlock: that page should get you everything you need to know11:01
trappistgostview: try libxmu-dev11:01
LamegoSurak, edgy is highly unstable at the moment11:01
dliSurak, build your own kernel :)11:01
gostviewtrappist> ok11:01
FlannelSurak: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support11:01
hemanhow can i set vlc to be the default program for mp3 files?11:01
volt^warlockOK, I thank you Flannel11:01
Vikingcan anyone help me to uninstall grub?11:01
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Surak2.6.17 has one of the fastest kernel panics i've seen :-)11:01
trappistCarlFK: pretty inconceivable.  try strace -e trace=file wget <url>11:02
nickrududeb, udeb, isn't that supposed to be a one time install thing?11:02
dliSurak, never saw that :)11:02
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Vikingcan anyone help me to uninstall grub?11:02
CarlFKtrappist: how can I strace the kernel? (did you even look at http://sh.nu/p/2122 ?11:02
erUSULViking: from the mbr??11:02
FlannelViking: just install windows bootloader overtop of it.11:02
Jack_SparrowViking:  we hear you but you need to better define what you are trying to do.11:02
gatekeeperPatrick_ is this: http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full and http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper any help?11:02
fa_Viking, use the windows cd to fix the master boot record11:02
pike_Viking: you wouldnt so much uninstall it as install some other boot loader over it11:02
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dliViking, I think windows has " fdisk /mbr", but I don't really know windows11:02
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nickrudViking, you replacing it with lilo?11:02
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FlannelPatrick__: For real answers, you'll need to ask in #automatix11:03
Jack_SparrowViking: boot to dos and fdisk /mbr that will remove grub11:03
Inzoyhello ppl11:03
erUSULViking: boot the windows installcd into recovery console and run fixmbr11:03
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Inzoyhere i am again :)11:03
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nickrudeveryone, lock up the silvers ;)11:03
gostviewtrappist> ok, now seem to be install, no output errors11:03
Vikingat the windows on the dos?11:03
erUSULdli: fdisk /mbr is for win9x in nt is fixmbr11:03
gostviewlet try gnash :)11:03
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trappistCarlFK: you can't strace the kernel, and that paste doesn't help me understand the problem11:03
udohow can i setup my f200 crypto modem to my ubuntu? (f200 cryto)11:03
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hemanis there anyway to determine which repos a package was installed from?11:04
trappistCarlFK: are you sure wget isn't reporting a 404, like the file doesn't exist on the *remote* server?11:04
Vikingtype fdisk /mbr at the windows ms-dos?11:04
funkjaHey! Is it possible to use dual moniters with Ubuntu?11:04
CarlFKtrappist: I start with the box off - i turn it on - those fiels get loaded, and I see an error on my screen and the last file in my web logs11:04
dooglusheman: does "apt-cache policy package-name" tell you?11:04
nickrudheman, apt-cache policy11:04
CarlFKtrappist: 404  yes.11:05
CarlFKtrappist: the file does not exist.  I am trying to figure out what is causing it to want it11:07
hemandooglus: thanks man11:07
dlierUSUL, as I said, I don't know windows :(11:07
Jack_Sparrowfunkja:  yes11:07
Jack_SparrowViking:  yes11:07
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trappistCarlFK: oh, it seems as though you're doing a pxeboot and it's looking for that file on the dhcp/pxe server11:07
bijanhi I need help with my fstab11:07
TheoMurpstrappist:  When I modprobe -r 8139too, eth0 as an interface completely vanishes (ifconfig eth0 up says no such device). Removing 8139cp and loading 8139too brings eth0 back, but the same problems persist. A static IP cannot ping my gateway, and dhclient gives me the same errors.11:07
sorush20how do I transfer my manual firefox 1.5 installation from breezy to dapper so that it becomes integrated into apt-get?11:07
CarlFKtrappist: correct11:07
stefgUdo if this is a dsl-modem, all you need is 'sudo pppoeconf' in a terminal, if it's an analog modem read the WIKI11:07
Ackeubu_Hey i installed fglrx_4_3_0-8.25.18-1.i386.deb can i find and remove those drivers??11:07
Inzoycan somebody help me boot ubuntu?11:07
funkjaJack_Sparrow: are there instructions somewhere that you know of? I have not been able to find any11:07
nickrudAckeubu_, use synaptic, search for fglrx, and remove11:07
dooglussorush20: dapper has firefox 1.5, so all you need to transfer is your profile11:07
Vikingthank you guys11:07
trappistCarlFK: this looks like a net installer?  if so, it's a file required by the installer11:07
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gostviewgnash wont work11:07
Ackeubu_nickrud, i did not install those through synaptic~!!!11:07
Jack_Sparrowfunkja:  Not sure, try google...11:07
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sorush20dooglus: what about extensions?11:07
Jack_SparrowSeveral users have duals11:07
trappistTheoMurps: did you happen to look at the output of dmesg after you loaded that driver? (I asked you to but you may have already left)11:07
nickrudAckeubu_, it's a deb. Once it's installed, synaptic can see it11:07
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dooglussorush20: extensions are in your profile11:07
Ackeubu_nickrub okay thanks11:07
nickrudAckeubu_, or you could also dpkg -r   it :)11:07
mweInzoy: you need to be more specific11:07
erUSULsorush20: why would you want to do that? your personal configuration is in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox iirc11:07
CarlFKtrappist: " it's a file required by the installer" - correct.11:07
TheoMurpstrappist, Nope, I'd already left. I'll check dmesg now. Be right back.11:07
Inzoyyesterday i was here for the same thing i was not able to boot the livecd..11:07
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skavengeI get this error trying to install crystalcursors, any help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657411:08
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mweInzoy: where does it fail?11:08
Inzoynow i finally did it, installed 606 but cannot boot it11:08
trappistCarlFK: I think that's the answer to your question.  you're running the installer, which requires that file to be on the server.11:08
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bclWhere's a good place for an experienced C developer to get up to speed on C++ and STL? (I've got some C++ knowledge)11:08
mweInzoy: where does it fail?11:08
Inzoyit says something about a scsi drive or something like that11:08
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Inzoyand sometimes it leaves me on a prompt, busybox11:09
mog_hey, it looks like both madwifi and madwifi-ng drivers come with ubuntu; how do i tell which one is active?11:09
mweInzoy: please post the exact error you get11:09
Inzoyright now i'm trying to install ubuntu with the alternative cd11:09
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Inzoyi'll be back in some minutes ;)11:09
mweall right11:10
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CarlFKtrappist: so which of those 8 files that get loaded would you call "the installer" ?11:10
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gostviewtrappist> ok, I'll try again with auto-apt run ./configure and sudo checkinstall11:11
trappistCarlFK: if any of those files by itself is the installer, which isn't necessarily true, I'd say the base-installer file11:11
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Inzoyno luck11:11
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Inzoyi'll have the error in a couple of seconds :)11:12
eMBeegood evening11:12
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thompaqsynaptics opens and says "install synaptics touchpad driver" it worked before and driver for xorg is installed11:12
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=== eMBee is amazed, ubuntu is really growing
trappistCarlFK: that file does seem to be on at least some of the mirrors: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/b/binutils/binutils-static-udeb_2.16.1cvs20060117-1ubuntu2_i386.udeb11:12
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thompahow can i disable touchpad or get qsynaptics to work11:13
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Inzoythe last line so far is "sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda" i think it crashed :P11:13
CarlFKtrappist: I am trying to figure out why my box wants it - I can't find that file name in any of those 8 fiels (even after unzipping undebing untarrring...)11:14
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Inzoyalthough no busybox yet11:14
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Inzoyi don't have any scsi or usb/flash drives11:15
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nickrudInzoy, is this during the install, or after?11:15
taotimeany body know about installing java runtime11:15
giggity] cock cheese!11:15
sorush20here are the instructions that I have used to install firefox .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion, but now I'm in dapper how can I use the dapper packages and transfer my settings and etc to the dapper installation version of firefox?11:15
trappistCarlFK: my guess is the requirement is on the installer medium rather than built into one of the downloaded files11:15
eMBeecan anyone tell me if i just read the wrong newssites, or did dapper really get more badreviews than previous releases?11:15
CarlFKtrappist: the installer creates a URL from mirro + filename and passes it  to  wget - I am trying to figure out where it got the fiel name11:15
giggity] faggots!11:15
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giggity] titties!11:16
giggity] bollox!11:16
CarlFKtrappist: there is no medium - all is on the tftp/web server11:16
stefgsorush20: just move your profile....11:16
nickrudInzoy, ok, I have no clue, only a suggestion: write down the last 10 lines, and paste them on a pastebin.11:16
Inzoyi can now easily boot the desktop cd but cannot boot the actuall installed os11:16
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thompaanyone know how to disable touchpad11:16
Inzoyhere is the busybox11:16
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Vikingcan someone help me to uninstall grub?11:16
trappistCarlFK: then my next guess is that it's in a binary file in one of those archives, that grep (or whatever you're using) isn't catching11:17
dliViking, get out of here, ask in #windows11:17
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stefgViking: you can not uninstall grub... you can only overwrite it with something different11:17
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Inzoycould it be my printer? it has a card reader on it..11:18
taotimeviking : can i ask you why you want to remove grub.11:18
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CarlFKtrappist: that would be my guess too.  and I am guessing that's all you have for me ;)11:18
erUSULViking: we told you how to do it already. boot with a win installcd into de recovery console and run fixmbr11:18
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ExussumHey all, im having problems connecting to the internet, ive chnaged the forcedeth.ko file to an upgraded one - and still haveing problems11:18
BCK14crocd: looks like it has formatted :) ill try adding the firmware etc.. back via xp machine11:18
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Vikingbecause i wont to uninstall linux... but windows wont start with grub11:19
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Inzoystarting windows with grub is damn easy..11:19
Vikingi dont have a windows install cd!11:19
damnedhi all11:19
taotimeViking: ok then use the suggestion erUSUL gave you.. use fixmbr11:19
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taotimeViking: do you have a fast internet connection.11:20
crocdBCK14: ok good let me know11:20
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aliennr9on some system windows cd doesnt start anymore11:20
Viking128 kb11:20
gatekeeperInzoy: if you type lshw at the command prompt it will tell you what it thinks your hardware is11:20
mweViking: well you need to install another mbr11:20
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:20
damnedcan anybody suggest if there is ability to choose monitor vendor name from GUI? (ubuntu dapper)11:20
DuYour parents will all receive phone calls instructing them to love you less now.11:20
Inzoythanks gatekeeper11:20
BCK14crocd: ok, but i had an error on bootup, failed to initialise HAL11:20
Inzoyi'll try that11:20
aliennr9Viking: need to get an windows 98 start disk and format or other software to overwrite mbr11:20
Vikinginstall onother mbr?11:21
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nickrudViking, add the following to your /boot/grub/menu.lst , and reboot. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16577 If you have a normal install, you'll get windows.11:21
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crocdon windows or linux?11:21
mweViking: yes. you can't just uninstall grub. you need to replace it11:21
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nickrudViking, you will have to arrow down to winxp when grub starts11:21
taotimeViking: do a search for dos boot floppy download that and put it on floppy and then reboot.. leave the floppy inside the machine, when it is rebooted you get into the prompt and fixmbr11:21
aliennr9get windows11:21
mweViking: or you won't be able to boot at all11:21
BCK14i think thats whats causing the error maybe11:21
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gee_geehi all11:22
OneSeventeenI'm trying to get LDAP contacts to work in Evolution, and when I click "Find Possible Search Bases" it finds the one I usually use, but I still can't get any contacts...11:22
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nickrudmwe, which one :)11:22
ubotuI know nothing about synergy11:22
aLPHa_LeaK n811:22
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BCK14crocd: brb going to restart :)11:22
majdanyone get synergy to work?11:22
gee_geehas someone experiences problems with kde and ubuntu-edgy since the last apt-update?11:22
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OneSeventeen(meaning I can't search the LDAP from within Evolution, neither autocomplete nor searching...)11:22
OneSeventeenAny ideas how to get LDAP to work in Evolution?11:23
giggity] boobs ;)11:23
SnurfHello. When I plug in an external hard drive, Ubuntu says it is Read Only and I cant put anything on it.11:23
mwenickrud: he won't be able to boot anything if he just removes grub without replacing the mbr with something usable11:23
SnurfHow do I get aroudn thing?11:23
taotimeFolks, i have java installed but my mozilla firefox just keeps on saying missing plugin does anybody know about this please.11:23
gee_geei cannot start kdm, kdm.log says: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZThn148_N10QPopupMenu10updateItemEi11:23
nickrudmwe, true, but he can't get into windows to do a fixmbr.11:23
MoodlesSnurf: try mounting it in "Disks"11:23
gee_geeanyone knows how to fix that?11:23
JerrI need a program that can get images from my webcam and store it like in /var/www/webcam/ or do some sort of motion detection11:23
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Paladineif he boots from a windows cd he should be able to do fdisk /mbr11:24
nickrudand that's a supportable issue, undoing ubuntu's changes to the mbr11:24
Paladinewhich will rewrite the mbr11:24
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taotimeViking: if you want to download that floppy it is available here.. http://www.bootdisk.com/read1st.htm11:24
mwenickrud: I understand that11:24
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mwenickrud: I he's unwilling to get a boot floppy with fixmbr on it :)11:24
skavengeI get this error trying to install crystalcursors, any help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1657411:25
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SnurfMoodles, that doenst work/I dont know how11:25
nickrudmwe, well, this is free support as they say ;)11:25
MTecknologyqemu seems to be flying off the freakin wall, is allocating 512 RAM to it excessive??11:25
SnurfWhen I plug it in via USB, it appears on my Desktop11:25
mnkhello everyone. can someone pls tell me how to install the rsyncd daemon? i can't seem to find the package.11:25
gatekeepergee_gee: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin might do it11:25
giggity] http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.11:25
giggity] http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=31142711:25
Inzoyjerr try freshmeat.net11:25
giggity] http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.asp?sku=311427http://www.11:25
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gee_geegatekeeper: why do i need java for libkdecore?11:25
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BCK14crocd: hasnt worked filesystem not mounted11:26
BCK14df doesnt show it either11:26
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mnkanyone know how to install rsyncd?11:26
gatekeepergee_gee: thought you wanted the mozilla plug-in?11:26
LeaChimskavenge, looks like a package bug. try: mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/11:26
LeaChimskavenge, then try installing it again11:26
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gee_geeno i wanted to fix another problem: i cannot start kdm, and get the error: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZThn148_N10QPopupMenu10updateItemEi11:27
taotimegatekeeper: i need that mozilla plugin help11:27
skavengeLeaChim ; will try thank you11:27
gee_geeim using edgy ;)11:27
dligee_gee, dapper?11:27
dligee_gee, get out of here, /j #ubuntu+111:27
TheoMurpstrappist, What message did you want? When I unload 8139cp ther ei snothing11:27
gatekeepersorry gee_gee11:27
gee_geejust made an update, and then, bang... oh.. doh11:27
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TheoMurpstrappist, when I remove 8139too I get11:27
gee_geesry... sry... im off11:27
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SnurfWhen I plug in my USB external hard drive, it appears on the Desktop. When i try and move something from my box to the hard drive it says 'read-only!'11:28
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gatekeepertaotime: have a look at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper section:  How to install J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) with Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox11:28
TheoMurpstrappist, 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.27; ACPI: ... ->GSI 18 (level, low)->IRQ 193; RealTek8139 at 0xblahblah 00:e0:blah IRC 193; eth0 Identified 8139 chip type `RTL-8139C'; link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45e1, and then a few minutes later I get Tx descriptor 0 is 0002000 (queue head); descriptor 1 2 and 3 are the same; then eth0: link up, 100Mbps full-duplex, lpa 0x45E111:29
mnkanyone know how to install rsyncd?11:29
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Inzoysnurf try as root11:30
moghey, so this install calls for gmake; make install is failing me atm. should i go and grab theGNU make package?11:30
crocdBCK14: what happened11:31
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SnurfInzoy, I tried still says 'file system is read-only'11:31
BCK14crocd: can see it in df its under /dev/sdb11:31
Inzoymaybe it is.. :P11:31
crocdok what doeas cat /etc/fstab say11:31
SnurfSo theres no way to put something on it?11:31
BCK14crocd: i still get error - Internal error failed to initialize HAL!11:32
Inzoymaybe or maybe not11:32
crocdwhat version of ubuntu you using11:32
moganyone comment on this make/gmake issue?11:32
crocddi you remove the drive when you rebooted?11:32
BCK14crocd: 6.06 and nothing is mentioned of the device in cat/fstab11:32
BCK14crocd: no11:32
crocdyou dont have to now just remove the drive11:33
Bassettscan someone here help with a problem i have with crons, but i dont actually know if its in ubuntu, its linux11:33
BCK14crocd: ive removed it before and tried to restore using xp program11:33
BCK14since format11:33
Inzoyok, now i removed most of my usb devices.. it moved on and stoped at "Begin: Waiting for root file system... ..." "Done." and then it says that /dev/hde2 does not exist11:33
Inzoyany ideas?11:34
crocdBCK14: what happened then?11:34
dliInzoy, booting from usb?11:34
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crocdcan xp read to it?11:34
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e0fhello everybody, I have ubuntu dapper and Intel ipw3945. Everything works ok but when I try to use Kismet it gives me "unknown capture source type ipw3945 in source ipw3945,eth1,ipw3945" . Do you have some hints for me? Thanks very much11:34
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roostishawis there any kind of command that i could use in a bash script to send info to an email address?11:34
BCK14crocd: it formatted fine in xp no errors, re-connected to linux no automount but can see it in disk admin11:34
Inzoyi think hde is my hd.. (instead of hda..)11:34
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dliInzoy, then, boot any livecd, have a look at your ide devices11:35
DracuraExcuse me, but can anyone help me with a big problem i have after installing the latest version?11:35
dliInzoy, hde should be the third master ide, weird11:35
BCK14crocd: in disk admin says staus inaccesible11:35
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Phoulexcuse me11:36
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PhoulIs there a file thats similer to mandriva skip.list for ubuntu?11:36
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BCK14crocd:  im tempted to re-install ubuntu11:36
crocddid you initialise the disk in xp ?11:36
Inzoydli: i know.. it names my second hd as hdf.. :P11:36
pike_Dracura: whats the problem11:36
BCK14crocd: xp sees the disk fine11:36
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Arnaldbreezy roolz!11:37
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DracuraI installed the latest version and when I restart, my computer doesnt even power up the monitor11:37
mogis make equivalent to gmake?11:37
crocdwhat did you format it as in xp?11:37
DracuraOnly after I installed dapper did this happen11:37
Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed for 6th time today11:37
mogwell, im getting error 1 and error 2 when i try make install...11:37
Phoulis tehre a skip.list type thing for ubuntu?11:37
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BCK14crocd: it has been formated as fat32 with firmware files to allow the normal use of mp3 player11:38
taotimegatekeeper: thanxs that worked. i also update flash plugin, while i was at it. i appreciate that.11:38
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crocdin xp does it lis the full size?11:38
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Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 please help11:38
BCK14crocd: ubuntu now lists full size11:38
BCK14but it isnt mounted11:38
pike_Dracura: if your monitors not even receiving a video signal its not anything on the HD11:38
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BCK14crocd:  and disk admin says inaccessbile11:39
ackeHey guys, im using fglrx when it reach the loggin screen it turns black and i can only see the cursor. When i jump around like 6 7 times i can reach the terminal on F1 or i can reach my desk on F7 or F8.. it works when i pick the vesa driver in xorg.conf. but the issue occurs when i specify fglrx.. what can i do to get it working??11:39
DracuraAny idea what it could be? I have to reset my cmos to even get into the bios11:39
BCK14crocd: the end of my dmesg  says       [4295424.127000]  usb 3-1: reset full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 311:39
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DracuraAnd if I do get ubuntu to load, it loads a corrupted version of my XP login screen and freezes11:40
_absolution_is there a way that I can purchase music??..through the Itunes music store??11:40
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vanbergefigure i'll try this today:-)   anybody know of a way to switch desktop wallpaper on an automated basis?  i.e. every 30 minutes, or 1 hour?  thanks in advance11:40
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BCK14vanberge: doesnt gnome have slideshow option?11:41
pike_Dracura: can you select the safe or restore option for ubuntu when booting11:41
BCK14so does kde i think ?11:41
Ackeubu_hey how do i uninstall ati-driver-installer-8.25.18-x86.run ??11:41
crocdBCK14:  you will need to mount it manually to test it11:41
BCK14hmm ok11:41
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vanbergeBCK14: i don't want it for screensaver, i want my desktop wallpaper to change.11:41
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Arnalddapper sux!11:41
DracuraAssuming I can get as far as the GRUB, yes. I tried it and it still gives the orrupted login11:42
BCK14isnt there option under desktop tab?11:42
Tommy2k4if kubuntu doesnt stop crashing ill have to go back to windows :911:42
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cArNaGe`ubuntu crashes?11:42
vanbergeBCK14: i dont see one, if i'm wrong, tell me wher eyou're looking :-)11:42
cArNaGe`Uptime: 6 days, 22 hours and 15 minutes11:42
_absolution_hasnt' crashed for me....using a laptop11:42
Tommy2k4http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204080 theres my problem11:42
cArNaGe`I need to reboot and set my bios11:42
Tommy2k4can anyone help11:43
Tommy2k4its crashed 6 times today11:43
cArNaGe`my cpu isn't set right11:43
BCK14hmm vanberge maybe its kde then11:43
cArNaGe`and I want to add another stick of ram11:43
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cArNaGe`but anyway11:43
crocdAckeubu_: sh ati-driver-installer-8.25.18-x86.run unintsall i think.11:43
_absolution_oh yeah....I'm trying to install a printer....do I need any drivers for that?11:43
ProN00bwhy can't ubuntu just include all that resticted stuff and implement all the features from tools like automatix ?11:43
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_absolution_it sees my printer but it doesn't want to print11:44
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tjacobscan anyone tell me how to set the mouse-wheel to be able to change between virtual desktops??11:44
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ndazzaProN00b: legal issues11:44
crocdProN00b: due to gpl issue i think.11:44
Ackeubu_crocd does not work to uninstall it.. :)11:44
ndazzatjacobs: just hover the mouse over the little desktops display then scroll the mouse wheel11:44
crocdAckeubu_: chek the ati website.11:44
nickrudtjacobs, use the scroll wheel on the window boxes, lower right11:44
Ackeubu_crocd yeah11:44
gatekeeperProN00b: Legal reasons I think11:45
BCK14crocd: cant seem to do it11:45
crocdnvidia has an uninstall option11:45
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BCK14whats full command ?11:45
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tjacobsnickrud, right i got that...i was wondering if there was a way to change that so if u use it anwhere on the desktop it'll work?11:45
crocdBCK14: mount it?11:45
CarlFKwhen .wav files are played ( play /usr/share/hwdb-client/sound.wav ) it plays it in a loop about 16 times (just started in the last 24 hours, and I have been installing various tings)11:45
BCK14crocd: im typing   sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/mp3 vfat defaults 0 011:45
BCK14just gives me the mount options11:45
CarlFKgnomefreak: do what?11:45
nickrudtjacobs, no. The window manager wouldn't know whether or not to keep scrolling the windows, or scroll in the window you dropped into from the desktop change11:46
gnomefreakCarlFK: is this the same issue with wget?11:46
DracuraIs there anyway to uninstall ubuntu through windows?11:46
nickrudDracura, format the partition you installed ubuntu on11:46
crocdBCK14: that is different in ubuntu it needs to have a directory under /media/usbdrive11:46
CarlFKgnomefreak: the installer uses wget11:46
BCK14hmm ok11:46
nickrudDracura, just after you set your mbr to boot directly to windows, of course11:46
crocdBCK14: then mount it as /dev/sdb /media/usbdrive .... etc,.11:46
gnomefreakCarlFK: so your not doing a wget command you are installing something?11:46
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CarlFKgnomefreak: http://sh.nu/p/212211:47
DracuraI'm sorry, i'm completely new to linux. What is mbr?11:47
gnomefreaki dont see a command there11:47
crocdDracura: Master boot record11:47
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gnomefreakCarlFK: i need the full command and the output of ut11:47
crocddont touch that11:47
CarlFKgnomefreak: kernel ubuntu-installer/i386/linux11:47
patrick_kingwsi have a googleearth.bin file how do i run it to install google earth11:47
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nickrudDracura, it's common across all os's; it's the first little bit on the hard drive that bootstraps the operating system11:47
DracuraAh, okay. How do I edit that?11:48
crocdyou dont11:48
DracuraAlso, can I install ubuntu to a FAT32 partition?11:48
CarlFKgnomefreak: I would like the command too, but I can't find the sources :)11:48
nickrudDracura, you cannot put ubuntu on fat3211:48
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gnomefreakCarlFK: what are you trying to do?11:48
kalosaurusrexconfused why one would want to use fat 32 anyway...ick11:48
Dracuradamn. the partition doesn't show up in windows so i can't format it11:48
gnomefreakCarlFK: if you have ubuntu why on earth are you installing the installer11:48
CarlFKgnomefreak: install dapper11:48
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gnomefreakCarlFK: are you on breezy?11:49
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nickrudDracura, fdisk in a terminal, I hear. I last ran windows for real years ago, the exact command escapes me11:49
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CarlFKgnomefreak: I have a test box - I want a clean install11:49
frandavid100hi guys11:49
gnomefreakCarlFK: download the iso for dapper11:49
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kandinskisorry, wroing window11:49
Moodles"grub-install /dev/sda2" results in "does not have any corresponding BIOS drive"11:49
DracuraI can see it in PartitionMagic 8, so i guess format from there?11:49
frandavid100please, can you help me find an internet cafe control software for ubuntu?11:49
roostishawanyone, how would i use mailx to send a message to myemail@gmail.com?11:49
patrick_kingwsi have a googleearth.bin file how do i run it to install google earth11:50
gnomefreakpatrick_kingws: sh file.bin11:50
nickrudDracura, should be ok, but if you have doubts, ask on #windows11:50
patrick_kingwsk cheers11:50
moghow do i resolve a make error 1 if i got it off cvs?11:50
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Dracuraokay. i'll reinstall dapper again. hopefully it won't bug out again. last time the grub gave me a code 22 error, which i assume means it cant find linux installed?11:51
CarlFKgnomefreak: I dl dapper, put the files on my pxe server, pxe boot a new box, watch the installer crash, then try to fix it, which is how we got here.11:51
roostishawanyone, how would i use mailx to send a message to myemail@gmail.com?11:51
ndazzamog: try again in a few days. the cvs version could be in an unbuildable state11:51
nickrudDracura, the best way to install dapper is to use the alternate install cd11:52
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Dracurathats what i have. dl'ed, burned, and set bios to boot from CD11:52
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Dracurai had to shrink a partition though, so i could have free space for dapper to install11:53
CarlFKgnomefreak: you don't need to understand how pxe works - just that the kernel and initrd get loaded, then 6 more files get loaded  (via wget), then the box tries to load  file7 that doesn't exist.  I am trying to find where file7 is specified11:53
TristHi folks. I have a Pentium M CPU (dual core). I have SMP support in my kernel (according to uname -a), get a cat of /proc/cpuinfo is only showning up 1 core. Is there anything I should be doing to enable it or is this normal?11:54
=== Das [n=jordan@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudDracura, then possibly it's a bad burn. Check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto11:54
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DracuraI don't know about that. THe first time I installed it, it got to the ubuntu login, but i had to restart, and after that it started to lock up on boot11:55
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drogersis ubuntu non-free with a default installation?11:55
gnomefreakCarlFK: did you download the live cd/desktop iso?11:55
charlesg3how can I control which modules are automagically loaded at boot? I want to disable the fbcon module... I want to try a different framebuffer11:55
Dracurait installed fine at first11:55
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CarlFKgnomefreak: i did dl the live, but that does not have the pxe files.11:56
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frandavid100please, can you help me find an internet cafe control software for ubuntu?11:56
nickrudDracura, Ubuntu is supposed to be an install and forget system; but reinstalling can often help, early in the learning curve :)11:56
gnomefreakCarlFK: download the alternative cd the live cd instaoller is messed up (reason its not finding files most likely)11:56
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CarlFKgnomefreak: the alternate seems to be the only one that does now (of live/11:56
mahognypotential bug: azureus dialogs of style "Warning bla bla" does not disappear when I hit "hide". am I alone of this?11:56
CarlFKgnomefreak: the alternate is what is messed up11:57
roostishawanyone, how would i use mailx to send a message to myemail@gmail.com?11:57
gnomefreakCarlFK: the live cd is very new for ubuntu and they are working on it as we speak11:57
gnomefreakCarlFK: you just told me the live cd11:57
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gnomefreakCarlFK: did you do a md5sum check?11:57
CarlFKgnomefreak: I have all of the images11:57
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CarlFKgnomefreak: yes11:57
vitryhi people, I'm compiling mplayer with jack suport. I've installed all libreries, and with ./configure && make,  compile OK. But I want make a package with a dpkg-buildpackage, then I run dh-make and configure debian/config with --enable-jack to enable jack suport, but don't compile. Why?? (Sorry I speak english very bad)11:57
nickrudroostishaw, I don't have mailx installed, but I'd start with man mailx if I needed it.11:57
ndazzaroostishaw: what's wrong with regular mail?11:57
darkprophethi all, ubuntu isn't automounting my usb stick...any ideas how to do it manually ?11:58
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gnomefreakCarlFK: does it work if you burn the image to cd and stick it in the drive?11:58
Dracurai wouldn't mind installing it over and over as long as it didnt lock up my boot. it took me an hour to get back into windows to come here and ask for help. ;) a little too much trouble for a first timer i think11:58
kalosaurusrexdark you may need to add it to the fstab11:58
roostishawndazza, i need to do it within a bash script11:58
Tommy2k4Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.11:58
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Tommy2k4i get that for all 3 partitions11:58
Tommy2k4is that bad11:58
roostishawnickrud, cant find nothin' in there11:58
ndazzaroostishaw: you could use mail -s "subject" emailaddress < content11:58
nickrudvitry, what language?11:58
darkprophetkalosaurusrex: i have 2 USB sticks...one of them works fine in linux...the other doesn't. They are both functional11:58
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ndazzaroostishaw: where content is a file11:58
Paladinecan I ask a noob question11:59
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Dial_tonedammit, ssh isn't started so now I'm shut out.11:59
gnomefreakPaladine: yes11:59
CarlFKgnomefreak: I am sure it does.  (I would hope someone has tried that)11:59
roostishawndazza, ok, ill try it out, thx11:59
nickrudvitry, is best, I mean. Maybe one of the other channels will be better11:59
seamoonWhich is the best way to play divxfiles using ubuntu?11:59
Paladineis there anyway to get a usb webcam to work in ubu if the manufacturer doesn't provide compatable drivers?11:59
CarlFKgnomefreak: I am trying to find the bug, not avoid it11:59
darkprophetseamoon: install mplayer11:59
tichwhen i try to remove some programs it will say that it is going to remove ubuntu-desktop. What does this mean? Can i remove the programs?11:59
gnomefreakCarlFK: my cds work fine i have 3 of both desktop and alternative11:59
pike_seamoon: mplayer11:59
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakCarlFK: are you sure the iso is missing these files?11:59
CarlFKgnomefreak: do you pxe boot?11:59
seamoonwill the codecs follow with mplayer?11:59
=== nickrud verified both, before even considering an install
=== darkprophet hi5s pike_
gnomefreakCarlFK: nope11:59
=== mauper [n=mauper@dslb-082-083-233-090.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ndazzatich: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that, if installed, will also install all the packages required to get a regular desktop. it is safe to uninstall it as it doesn't contain any files12:00
gnomefreakCarlFK: it shouldnt matter if the iso has all the files if it doesnt than the md5 wont match12:00
CarlFKgnomefreak: pxe uses different files,12:00
seamoonmplayer is that Movie player that is installed as standard in gnome?12:00
darkprophetseamoon: no12:00
roostishawndazza, hmm... after i run that command (with all the right info of corse), it just prints a new line. then when i go to my gmail inbox, there are no new messages...12:00

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