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jsgotangcoLaserJock: ping?02:32
jsgotangcoeverything ok on your side now?02:33
LaserJockoh, I don't know02:33
LaserJockI'm still sick and I need to get a new driver's license02:34
LaserJockyour back any better? is it morning there?02:44
jsgotangcoyeah im much ok now, i am currently at work02:44
jsgotangcoi just spent the whole day sleeping yesterday02:45
LaserJockyeah, I'm trying to take it easy today02:56
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jsgotangcoLaserJock: are you still interested in forking gperiodic?03:31
LaserJockI don't know03:32
LaserJockI think it would be great03:32
LaserJockbut I'm not sure about time03:32
jsgotangcowell let's not aim for edgy then03:32
jsgotangcothis would be considered upstream work03:32
jsgotangcoor even continue development upstream03:32
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jsgotangcoi can grab the current source and make a tabbed glade interface03:38
dunnCan you ask for help here?  I am new03:38
LaserJockI just grabbed the latest source from 200303:38
LaserJockdunn: sure, you might even get a good answer :-)03:39
LaserJockjsgotangco: it's written in C though :(03:39
dunnI can not install edubuntu on a tray load iMac.  I  receive the following message: can't allocate device-tree chunk.  Any ideas.  The imac just boots to open firmware.03:40
LaserJockdunn: hmm, I'm no help03:44
crimsunmm C.03:46
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LaserJockhmm, gperiodic looks pretty dead03:56
mhzjsgotangco: hey03:57
mhzjsgotangco: would you like to try exelearning for ubuntu?03:57
mhzVERY cool03:57
mhzmoodle content creation from desktop03:58
jsgotangcohmm runs on twisted thats nice04:00
bimberidunn: https://launchpad.net/bugs/34508 - there's a lot there, there's talk of people installing breezy and upgrading from there as a workaround04:04
dunnthank you bimberi04:20
bimberidunn: yw :)04:21
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crimsuncool, blame all boogs on seb for gperiodic04:21
crimsunseb128 is the Debian maintainer.04:23
crimsunneat, 2.0.8 was released in March?04:24
jsgotangcoahh well i dont think seb has the time to update the application it just pales in comparison to kalzium...04:24
LaserJockhmm, well it seems that gperiodic is a bit disorganized04:30
crimsunI'd love to see it updated04:32
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LaserJockthe first website I went to was up to 1.3.3 and the link in the Debian package is dead04:33
crimsunyeah, there's a bug filed on that.04:33
LaserJockI did some googling and after some redirects I think I found the homepage04:33
crimsundebian 35869304:34
LaserJockso the latest version is from Dec. 200404:35
LaserJockbah, I sure want to get that fixed04:40
crimsunwhich issue{,s}?04:45
LaserJockwell, it just isn't good enough04:49
LaserJockit needs a better GUI04:49
LaserJockand a bit more information04:49
LaserJockbasically we need it to be a Gnome equivalent of kalzium04:50
crimsunyeah, that's a tight spot.04:52
crimsunhaving never "ported" a Qt app to GTK, I can't speak04:52
LaserJockwell most of the data is there04:54
LaserJockit just needs to get spiffed up04:54
LaserJockand the data organized04:54
LaserJockthe one thing that *is* missing is that kalzium has a little picture of each element, which is pretty cool04:55
crimsunthat's pretty important imo05:00
crimsunhow a11y-friendly is it?05:00
LaserJocknot sure05:01
crimsun(I've never taught chem to deaf or blind students)05:01
LaserJockbut I think it would be good to sort of "fix" it up05:01
jsgotangcoim not sure if a simple glade fix would work though05:03
jsgotangcoat first glance it looks easy05:03
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted | HAPPY DAPPER DAY !
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cbx33mornin people10:01
pygihey jsgotangco, cbx33 10:04
jsgotangcohey pygi10:05
cbx33hi pygi 10:09
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=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/KampingKaiser/x-3453498] has joined #edubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserhi all :)10:23
Kamping_Kaiseri was wondering what cd i want with edubuntu - does the 'live' do the same as an ubuntu 'desktop' install?10:27
Kamping_Kaiserthanks :)10:27
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted | HAPPY DAPPER DAY !
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cbx33mornin ogra 11:31
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jsgotangcohey highvoltage11:48
jsgotangcoohhh auto join hehe11:49
highvoltagehey jsgotangco :)12:01
cbx33so where can we find the outcome of the summit?12:45
ograhttps://launchpad.net/people/ogra/+specs would be a good place ... watch them to get approved :)12:47
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yvesCHi all12:55
ograhey yvesC 12:56
yvesChow can i get a localized tuxpaint in edubuntu? the preinstalled version is only in english ?12:56
ograis there a localized version of it ? 12:56
ograi didnt know that12:57
yvesCtext on the buttons are translated.12:57
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ogratry installing tuxpaint-config, i dont know if that offers language selection, but that would be a start12:58
arunkumaranwhat is the difference b/w ubuntu n edubuntu12:58
yvesC~$ dpkg -L tuxpaint-data | grep fr12:58
yvesC(in my debian box)12:59
ograarunkumaran, edubuntu adds educational apps, different artwork and an ltsp server to the default install12:59
yvesCbut tuxpaint does not work in french in the edubuntu i installed yesterday for a school.12:59
arunkumaranso for a college student is it better to opt for edubuntu....12:59
ograyvesC, did you install the french language-support packages ? 01:00
ograor selected french in the language selector ? 01:01
ogra(which would in fact install the language-support packages)01:01
ogradoesnt look nice ...01:02
yvesCthe tuxpaint-data does not contains locale directory. Where are these locales in edubuntu? 01:03
ograin the language packs01:03
ograall transaltions are split out into them 01:03
ograthat makes it possible to update translations without having to upgrade the software itself ...01:04
ogra(which would introduce new bugs in stable releases)01:04
yvesClooks like tuxpaint one's are missing. the language pack name  is language-support-fr ?01:05
ograthats the metapackage01:05
ograthere are signle language packs for gnome, kde firefox, tunderbird, openoffice etc they depend on01:06
ograi would expect it to be in the gnome langpack01:06
yvesCwhich languge pack is supposed contains tuxpaint locales ?01:06
yvesCtuxpaint is not really part of gnome... it uses SDL.01:07
ograi dont know, i dont work on the translation infrastructure, #launchpad could probably answer that01:07
yvesCok thanks. I will reinstall it from source to get it clean for the moment.01:08
ograthat will break on next upgrade ... make sure to make you a note or something to not get confused then ...01:09
yvesCyes, i know. I install it into /usr/local, cleanly.01:10
ograah, k01:10
ograyvesC, would you mind filing a bug so i dont forget to investigate that in egdy ?01:10
ograthanks :)01:11
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rodarvusgood morning02:19
cbx33does amd64 have the jre for firefox ?02:20
ograbut no plugin02:22
cbx33thats what i was after02:22
cbx33so i can't use java witihin firefox02:22
ograyou can try the blackdown package02:22
ograits in multiverse as well02:23
ograbut i dont know how good it works in dapper (used to in breezy)02:23
cbx33i see02:28
rodarvusalso note that java-blackdown only supports java 1.402:30
cbx33does the blackdown package have the plugin built in?02:31
=== rodarvus shrugs
ograthere is a metapackage search for java and for plugin02:32
ograi dont have amd64 handy so i cant look ... ppc doesnt have any plugin02:32
ograrodarvus, i merged the debian changes and created an edgy ltsp branch for us to work on, https://launchpad.net/people/ogra/+branch/ltsp/edgy-ltsp02:37
ogra(its not been pulled yet by the scheduler)02:37
ograi also need to discuss with mdz what we'll do with the old "Ubuntu LTSP upstream" branch, we should have it pointing to the recent upstream development branch02:38
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Yagisancbx33: java don't work too well on amd64, even with that old plugin. ie I can't access uni with it.02:41
cbx33how are you Yagisan 02:42
ograit worked fine for me in breezy ... but firefox was upgraded since then ...02:42
ograso they might not play nicely together02:43
rodarvusogra, I noticed :)02:43
Yagisancbx33: screwed02:43
Yagisancbx33: yourself02:43
rodarvusyesterday I was quite busy with migration from the laptop to my desktop machine02:43
cbx33very bad, 02:43
rodarvus+ backup (35gb to dvd), reinstallation of Edubuntu on desktop, and finally configuration02:44
rodarvus+ catching up with email02:44
rodarvusso that basically eat up my whole day02:44
Yagisancbx33: I blogged about my "issues" here http://deng.sourceforge.net/blog/?p=6502:44
cbx33I can't blog about mine02:44
ograrodarvus, heh, i know how that feels02:45
rodarvus(regarding Ubuntu LTSP Upstream branch) I think this is sensible02:45
ografixing all this debian breakage was also quite heavy ... if they only wouldnt merge half breeded features into their main branch02:45
ograrodarvus, yes, but i dont know if launchpad supports removal of branches or if we can change the url easily ...02:46
ograand probably mdz wants to keep it around for historical reasons ...02:46
ograour little ltsp museum :)02:46
rodarvusoh, maybe a subject to bring up with kiko and stevea?02:46
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rodarvushaha, agreed :)02:46
ogralets see 02:46
sbalneavMorning ogra, rodarvus!!02:47
ograhey sbalneav 02:47
rodarvushello :)02:47
Yagisancbx33: mine is summed up as "I need money, so I have to go away for a while"02:53
cbx33mine right at this moment in time is02:54
cbx33I fear for my wife/sister in law and moether in laws safety02:54
cbx33 /=,02:55
rodarvusogra, btw, I found a few theme-related bugs in Edubuntu Dapper last night (most of which you told me about the other day at Paris)02:56
rodarvusdo you have plans to fix them, or should I add them to my queue?02:56
ogracursor ? i have that partially fixed here, i just had getting ltsp in a usable state on a higher priority02:56
Yagisancbx33: oh dear.02:57
cbx33Yagisan: yeh02:57
ograrodarvus, are there other theme related bugs ? 02:57
cbx33it all kicked off on sunday, and we thought it was mostly resolved yesterday02:57
rodarvusogra, no, not only the cursor - also clearlooks is broken after default install02:57
cbx33but today has just turned bbbbaaaddd02:57
ograin which way ? 02:57
ograrodarvus, like showing strange patterns on buttons ? 02:58
cbx33ogra: the gtk bug?02:58
rodarvusthe ubuntu icon on the panel is missing on this theme (meaning this file is probably in ubuntu-artwork, which doesn't gets installed in edubuntu)02:58
ograrodarvus, err, thats replaced by the edubuntu icon02:58
ograwhich is in gartoon and tango-brown ... 02:59
rodarvusthe ubuntu icon for EdubuntuColors and EdubuntuPlain are not the same (they even have different size)02:59
ograindeed, if you dotn use the edubuntu iconthemes it will fall back to the gnome foot02:59
ograoh, i didnt notice ... i'll check02:59
rodarvusogra, then something is wrong on the default configuration - it is pretty easy to reproduce -> install edubuntu (without updates or new packages), and change theme to clearlooks02:59
ograwe should have a bzr branch for edubuntu-artwork anyway03:00
rodarvusI agree03:00
ograwell, if you change the theme, what do you expect :)03:00
rodarvusalso, is it on purpose that our artwork is "lacking", in contrast to ubuntu artwork?03:00
ograi cant put the icon into the hicolor theme, else we'll make ubuntu-artwork uninstallable in edubuntu03:00
rodarvusI expect some icon to show on my panel :)03:00
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JackHannawhat's up guys03:01
ograyeah, it falls back to the hicolor one which should be the gnome foot03:01
ograwhat is lacking ? 03:01
JackHannaogra. I got the client to start booting but it fails with "mount: RPC: unable to recieve; errno = Connection refused03:02
rodarvusgdm theme is different (seems to be the old one)03:02
ogracan you check if hicolor-icon-theme is installed in your install ?03:02
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JackHannabut the  client starts to boot03:02
JackHannawhy is it getting refused03:02
rodarvusogra, now it is03:03
ograyeah, i was promised to get usplash, gnome splash, wallpaper and a gdm theme from the art company, we only got the gnome-splash and the wallpaper03:03
rodarvusI like our default wallpaper03:03
JackHannado I have to add the clients mac address or something?03:04
rodarvusogra, who should I talk to on this regard?03:05
rodarvus(and to make sure it doesn't happens again in the future ;) )03:06
JackHannais anything I'm saying making sence?03:07
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kbrookscbx33: ping03:10
kbrookscbx33: pls pm me03:10
JackHannaor being heard?03:11
rodarvusyou are being heard03:11
rodarvusbut for unknown reasons you directed your question to a specific person :)03:11
rodarvus(I mean, we still call this channel #edubuntu, not #ogra-support ;) )03:12
JackHannawell I was talking with orga last evening and said I'd be back in the morning.. but if anyone else knows the answer feel free to jump in03:12
rodarvusseems your client can't authenticate on the nfs server - is /etc/exports configured correctly? and what the server log says about the connection attempt?03:14
JackHannahmm.. I'm not sure, I was just using the quick start guide. How should /etc/exports be configured03:15
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rodarvusJackHanna, the problem is that there isn't much more to be said, without proper context (logs, specific configuration, etc)03:17
JackHannaexports has a single /opt/ltps line03:17
rodarvusthere is only this information on this line?03:18
JackHannait has /opt/ltsp  *(ro,no_rootsquash,async)03:19
JackHannabut why does a default install need trouble shot, should't it just work?03:19
rodarvusand it works, actually03:19
JackHannaI'm sure it does/should03:20
JackHannais that the correct line?03:20
rodarvusyes, this line is correct03:20
JackHannaanything else to check03:20
rodarvusbut there are many other "variables" which can be wrong - is the client machine on the same network as the server?03:21
rodarvusdo you have any other services on the server (such as firewall)03:21
JackHannaonly 2 clients on the switch03:21
rodarvusand you still didn't told me if there is anything on the server logs :)03:21
JackHannawitch log should I check03:22
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JackHannaI'm running the build client again.. gotta run03:23
JackHannaI'll be around later03:24
rodarvushello jsgotangco 03:25
jsgotangcorodarvus: did you fly with no problems i assume?03:25
rodarvusno, unfortunately that was not the case :)03:25
rodarvusboth flights I had (on return to brazil) were late03:26
rodarvusbut I had worse in the past03:27
jsgotangcoi almost missed my flight in amsterdam because of a delayed flight as well03:27
rodarvusonce, when I was returning from Dallas, my luggage went to Paris03:27
rodarvus(and I was returning to Brazil)03:27
rodarvusso, my luggage visited airport Charles de Gaulle six years before me :D03:27
ogra_rodarvus, sorry i missed the last 20min ... my ibook hardlocked somehow03:28
rodarvusogra_, don't worry03:28
=== mhz hopes nobody flew via Varig
rodarvusmhz, fortunately, I was able to fly via TAM instead of Varig03:51
mhzrodarvus: cool! One of my guests to Chile had the honor to fly via Varig... the last flight of Varig, afaik03:51
mhzafter his flight, all were cancelled03:52
rodarvusVarig is still functioning03:52
rodarvusslowly, but it is03:52
kbrooksMHZ: uh oh03:52
mhzoh, well, then "last flight of that day"03:52
mhzhe got to Frankfurt yesterday03:52
kbrookscool :-)03:53
mhzand he reported all other Varig flights were cancelled BUT his03:53
sbalneavogra_: Or rodarvus, where's the amazon page for ordering cd's?  I want to order a box of dapper and one of edubuntu.03:53
kbrooksyou must be teasing, sbalneav 03:53
kbrookssbalneav: box as in computer?03:54
sbalneavWent through 2 boxes of breezy.  No, I mean boxes of CD03:54
sbalneavI've got 8 computers at home running various versions of Debian + Ubuntu.03:55
rodarvussbalneav, I'll verify, just a minute03:55
jsgotangcothe amazon stuff only has the dvd i believe03:55
rodarvussbalneav, btw, you can ship cds for free -> shipit.ubuntu.com03:55
rodarvusI believe you mean DVDs, right?03:55
jsgotangcoyou should jsut get it from shipit.edubuntu.org03:56
sbalneavrodarvus: I know, but Canonical's given me enough free stuff, lately.  I'd like to kick a few bucks back :)03:56
rodarvussbalneav, Ubuntu DVDs can be ordered from here -> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000G62IDU/103-2653373-3302241?n=22953403:56
jsgotangcosbalneav: i'll send you a bunch of CDs in exchange for money lol03:56
rodarvus(they have versions ofr all other platforms too, btw)03:56
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JackHannahey is this the ogra support room? :P04:02
JackHannahad to work in the tech center today for a couple hours... 04:03
JackHannaI took a laptop up with me and am aptget installing edubuntu-server on it04:03
JackHannanow if I could only get the wifi working on it.. but that's another story 04:04
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ogra_ibooksigh ...04:18
ogra_ibookthat was hard04:18
jsgotangcowhat happened?04:24
ogra_ibookmy ibook hardlocked04:25
ogra_ibookand i had done a dist upgrade to the latest -updates packages04:25
ogra_ibooksomehow my initramfs.conf was screwed and created a unbusable initramfs04:29
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RobinShepheardhello one and all05:07
highvoltageRobinShepheard: howdy05:08
RobinShepheardHiya highvoltage05:08
RobinShepheardhighvoltage: how are your python skills??05:09
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RobinShepheardhiya cbx3305:11
cbx33hey RobinShepheard 05:12
RobinShepheardcbx33: hows things going, have you heard from canonical about BETT2007??05:13
cbx33not yet05:13
highvoltageRobinShepheard: i'm still learning (very slowly). cbx33 knows more than me. luckily for you he is here :)05:13
cbx33will be sending an email to them later in the week05:13
cbx33highvoltage, me know more than you05:13
highvoltageok, time to go home, see you later :)05:14
RobinShepheardcbx33: I am trying to learn python and am trying it out for stuff I would normally use perl for05:14
cbx33I see05:14
cbx33RobinShepheard, python is pretty cool05:15
RobinShepheardI am trying to parse a file at the moment, strip debtors out by executive code basically05:15
cbx33sounds fairly straightforward05:15
cbx33what's the format of the file05:15
RobinShepheardis it more efficient to loop through a big cycle a few times or a small cycle lots of times??05:15
cbx33hmmm...I'm not sure05:16
RobinShepheardfile is no problem, I have a working program, it is just the efficiency I am wondering about05:16
cbx33i think it can depend on how the code is written05:16
cbx33time it05:16
RobinShepheardwell basically I am reading file lines into a list and then looping through each line item to compare it to a line from another file05:17
mhzwell, for those of you interested in Python + Turtle Module: http://igor.tamarapatino.org/recursos/scrvideo/turtlepy.html05:17
RobinShepheardahhh good plan, I had forgotten about time, probably cos I am not a developer :)05:17
cbx33neither am I05:18
cbx33I'm a Joatmon05:18
cbx33Jack of all trades, master of none05:18
RobinShepheardsnap, but maybe a bit closer to developer than I was05:18
cbx33hehe, I've done a decent amount of coding05:18
RobinShepheardI am getting a bit more confident with puthon at the mo, I am getting regular expressions for parsing working fairly well05:19
RobinShepheardlol nice list, about the only things I haven't done on the list is atari basic, lisp and matlab but I have bbc basic and and also programmed in a language called meta405:21
RobinShepheardoh and the language for the amstrad cpc46405:21
RobinShepheardcan't remember what that was called05:21
cbx33i thought of one the other day that I had missed05:22
cbx33it's just funny to think of all the little bits I have used05:22
RobinShepheardand a tiny snippsy bit of java05:22
cbx33that was it05:22
RobinShepheardyeah, sweet. funny really that we don't think of ourselves as developers05:22
RobinShepheardbut I am very lacking in proficiency in most of the languages, only really perl that I feel really at home with05:23
cbx33we're hackers really05:23
cbx33oh me too05:23
cbx33my main ones were matlab php and python05:23
ogradoes anybody know lukketto in here ? 05:23
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RobinShepheardyeah, that about sums it up really, find the right tool and learn as much as is needed to get the job done05:24
ograhe's just up for membership in -meeting and claims to be involved in many edubuntu teams 05:24
ogra(i've never seen him here)05:24
cbx33I've seen him once05:24
cbx33ie it rings a beel05:24
cbx33but never spoken to them05:24
RobinShepheardI don't know the name but I have not been here for long myself05:24
RobinShepheardstill a newcomer really05:25
=== cbx33 ruffles RobinShepheard's hair :p
=== RobinShepheard blushes
cbx33I'm a n00b to really05:26
cbx33I only joined edubuntu in around april05:26
RobinShepheardwell I signed my code of conduct on 05/06/06 so less than a month for me05:28
cbx33does anyone know if the security certif for edubuntu is going to be fixed05:28
cbx33and are we going to get our edubuntu front page on the wiki ever?05:28
rodarvuscbx33, are you volunteering for doing any of these? :)05:29
ograi dont think mark will spend money on certs05:29
cbx33rodarvus, I would if I had the access :p05:29
cbx33I was just wondering05:29
cbx33we spoke a while ago about wiki.edubuntu.org pointing to our front page05:30
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JackHannahey guys.. I installed edubuntu server on my laptop and am still getting the same access denied error when I boot my client... can anyone help05:31
JackHannaI followed this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195956&highlight=ltsp05:32
ograJackHanna, you made sure you dont run another dhcp server in that network ?05:32
JackHannathey are connected with a crossover cable 05:33
JackHannait starts to boot and I get the ubuntu splash05:33
cbx33surely the edubuntu homepage c ould be achieved with a simple modrewrite script if it can't be done anywhere else05:33
ograJackHanna, and then ? 05:34
ograthat guide is horrible btw ...05:34
RobinShepheardogra: no kidding, it is not very user friendly really is it05:34
JackHannaI get the access denied error I was talking about before.. I had to unhook the client to get internet access again so I don't have the error screen up right now05:34
ograusually the Quick Install doc should suffice 05:35
JackHannawell that's basically the same thing 05:35
ograi havent seen that error you talk about (i was having harware probs most of the day here)05:35
JackHannacrap.. let me get on my windows machine and get you the error05:36
RobinShepheardJackHanna: when it lists the ip address the client has been given when i drops back to text what does it say for the root path05:36
RobinShepheardI reckon it will be blank05:36
JackHannaI'll have to get back with you in 5min.. brb05:36
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ograif you dont touch services like dhcp, tftp or inetd it should work out of the bopx05:37
ogragah, he's gone ... damn lag05:37
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RobinShepheardI had a similar problem when dhcp wasn't dishing out the root path correctly05:37
ograthat cant happen with the dhcpd.conf we ship ...05:38
ograunless you run another dhcp server in the same network05:38
RobinShepheardwell it seemed to, I restarted the dhcp deamon and it fixed the problem05:38
RobinShepheardit was being dished up an address by the edubuntu server but it came back with a empty root and 50% of the time05:39
RobinShepheardsudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart fixed all05:39
ograand you are sure you dont have a router with integrated dhcp server running ? 05:40
RobinShepheardyeah, there was only my server and me on little 4 port hub, nothing else05:40
RobinShepheardand it has only happened on one install occasion05:40
RobinShepheardevery other time I have installed in the testing enviroment it has been fine05:41
ograhmm, strange 05:41
RobinShepheardoh and there were no errors during install05:41
ograusually dhcpd gets restarted by the postinst05:41
RobinShepheardyeah, I am not quite sure what caused it, but having restarted dhcpd it was fine05:42
RobinShepheardno obvious messages in any of the logs05:42
RobinShepheardand as I have been unable to recreate it I have not filed a bug report05:42
ogradid you use the ltsp-server-standalone or the ltsp-server package ? 05:42
ograthe latter doesnt care about dhcpd05:43
RobinShepheardhence the other installs, I used the standard install from http://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted which is where I spotted the incorrect dialog box that you fixed05:44
RobinShepheardso there is no obvious reason05:44
RobinShepheardoh and a memtest on the machine came up clean05:44
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RobinShepheardI have been unable to recreate the problem though.05:45
JackHanna1ok.. it's booting up05:45
JackHanna1nope it's got root server correct 05:46
JackHanna1rootserver: rootpath: /opt/ltps/i38605:46
JackHanna1the first error I see is 05:46
JackHanna1mount: RPC: Unable to recieve; errno = Connection refused05:47
JackHanna1and yes that is spelled correctly05:47
RobinShepheardJackHanna1: you don't have a hardware firewall on the server machine motherboard do you??05:47
JackHanna1then mount nfsmount failed: Bad File descriptor05:47
JackHanna1don't think so.. one isn't installed by default is it05:47
RobinShepheardsome motherboards come with them, I don't know anything aboutthem myself as my machine is too old for it05:48
JackHanna1oh motherboards.. no 05:48
RobinShepheardok, just a though05:48
JackHanna1why is my connection being refused?05:49
JackHanna1is there something I could be checking?05:50
JackHanna1my firend is saying we have a premissions problem ether on the root directory for the socket05:53
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ograJackHanna1, is portmap running on the server ?05:54
ograand nfsd 05:54
JackHanna1port map is running05:55
ograand did you only follow the quick install doc without touching nfs or dhcp settings ? it works out of the box for many many people ...05:55
JackHanna1nfs is not05:55
ograsudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start05:55
ogragrep ltsp /etc/exports ?05:57
JackHanna1so why didnt' it automagically get set up05:57
ograit usually does05:57
ograyou installed ltsp-server-standalone ? 05:57
ograthat should set it uo005:57
JackHanna1all I got was /opt/ltsp   *(ro,no-root_squash,async)05:58
ograthats good05:58
ograi hope that no-root_squash was a typo05:58
JackHanna1this is the 2nd install that had this exact same problem05:58
ograltsp-build-client finished properly without any errors ? 05:59
JackHanna1I'll build it again but I didnt' remember seeing any errors... 05:59
ograredirect the output to a file 05:59
ogralike: sudo ltsp-build-client > /tmp/ltsp.log 06:00
ograand save that file 06:00
ograwe can look through it together then06:00
rodarvuslunch time06:01
JackHanna1doing it now.. be back later... going to lunch06:02
cbx33ogra, I had to make some changes to rsyncer.sh06:08
cbx33because they changed the names of the isos06:08
ogranot for edubuntu06:09
ograwe kept the naming scheme ... to neot break my script 06:09
cbx33so they didn't06:09
cbx33well presumeably it wil be changed in the future06:10
ograno i'm kidding ... but we send only the install CD through shipit, so it would be silly to call it alternate06:10
cbx33we'll have to mod the script06:10
jsgotangcothe only mod you'll have to do are for ubuntu,kubuntu06:11
ograi dont think we'll start shipping liveCDs for edubuntu06:11
jsgotangcoand even add xubuntu if you wish06:11
cbx33uh huh06:13
cbx33yeh xubuntu isn't in grasynco yet06:13
cbx33currently at work I'm working on installing desktop versions of moin on peoples laptops with an svn synced data dir06:15
cbx33so they can all be working on the same data in a wiki way06:15
cbx33they need it available offline06:15
cbx33for teaching purposes06:15
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ogranight jsgotangco 06:25
fowlduckg'nite :)06:25
cbx33night jsgotangco 06:25
cbx33bbl guys06:31
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highvoltageheh. my uncle is visiting us. he just asked me if i've ever heard of an operating system called 'ubuntu' :)07:56
bddebianDid you tell him 'Nope, never heard of it'? ;-)07:57
DanielCCould anyone recommend a good Linux Admin book for Debian/Ubuntu?07:58
ograi never heard of it, but it sounds similar to this thing i spend all my sparetime on ... did you ever hear of edubuntu ?07:58
DanielCI guess that no one can recommend a book :)08:02
ograDanielC, we just released one ... but dont ask me for the title :)08:03
ograwritten by jono bacon and mako benjamin hill08:03
DanielCOk, I know Jono.08:03
DanielCBut is it for admin? I don't want an "end user" book.08:03
ograhmm, i guess it covers admin tasks to a certain extend ...08:04
ograbut its indeed a *whole ubuntu* book08:04
DanielCI'm thinking of stuff like user quotas, samba and the internals of apt; not how to check my mail...08:04
DanielCOk, I'll talk to Jono and tell him what I'm looking for.08:04
ogradid you look in the shipped ubuntu serverguide ? 08:05
ograits installed in your helpsystem and very good imho08:05
DanielCNo, never heard of it.08:05
ograclick the help button ;)08:05
DanielCI see it.08:06
DanielCAnd there's also a Packaging Guide. I'll read that one too...08:07
ograDanielC, thank Laser_away for it once you meet him here,, its his ;)08:08
DanielCgood man :)08:08
ograyeah, he deserves a lot of positive feedback for that :)08:09
DanielCDid he write all these guides?08:10
ograthe packaging guide08:11
DanielCMOTU is Masters Of The Universe. But what's REVU?08:13
DanielCLooks like REVU doesn't stand for anything.08:15
ograthe review tool08:15
DanielCok, thanks08:16
ograevery motu needs two votes from other motus for the package quality for every new package entering the archive 08:17
ograif you scroll down you see all the packages and their reviews08:17
DanielCYes, I see them.08:18
DanielCDo you go through the same review process for updates to an existing package?08:18
ograonly if a non motu wants to upload stuff08:19
DanielCOk. This looks like a good system.08:19
ograthey use revu as well to get their changes reviewed and to find a sponsor who uploads08:19
ograif you had a bunch of sponsored uploads you can become a motu yourself :)08:20
DanielCIs that the usual way of becoming a motu?08:20
bddebianAfter the goat sacrifices and floggings of course ;-)08:24
=== HedgeMage peeks in
HedgeMagehi, guys08:24
HedgeMagehow are you?08:25
bddebianHi HedgeMage08:25
ografine, recovered from travelling08:26
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HedgeMagehi :)08:37
michelis anyone there to help08:37
DanielCwe're all here to help :)08:37
HedgeMageExcept me, I'm just a trouble maker.08:38
=== HedgeMage ducks
micheli have a problem installing ltsp version 4.2 can you hep08:38
DanielCAre you using Edubuntu?08:38
DanielCEdubuntu's LTSP is somewhat different from what you get from ltsp.org08:39
michelcan i please know the difference for i am new in the system08:41
DanielCWell, I'm not the best person to ask, but I know that ltsp uses XDMCP and Edubuntu tunnels X through ssh.08:41
DanielCI'm no expert though. I've only done this a couple of times.08:42
DanielCIf you are using Edubuntu you don't need to grab anything from ltsp.org. Edubuntu comes with everything you need to create thin clients.08:42
ogramichel, http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/MueKow08:43
DanielCOn what basis are packages accepted? If a package works well and has a free license, is it guaranteed to get in?08:46
juliuxDanielC, hi08:46
=== DanielC waves at juliux
juliuxDanielC, do you know a school in uk which needs some notebooks?08:47
bddebianDanielC: Nothing in life is guaranteed ;-)08:47
DanielCjuliux: My employer probably does. Why?08:47
juliuxDanielC, i work at the moment by afton chemical and they have 20 old notebooks, P3 i think08:48
juliuxDanielC, and the local schools dont want them08:48
DanielCI'm sure we can find a good home for them.08:48
juliuxi will speak with the it department leader next week08:49
DanielCCan they run Ubuntu?08:49
juliuxDanielC, i dont know its a dell08:49
ogradepends on the mem08:49
ograhow much mem do they have 08:49
juliuxmore then 128MB08:49
DanielCCould I have your email address? I'll write an email to you and my employer so you can be "in touch".08:49
ograi run ubuntu on a p3 256M, works ok 08:49
DanielCogra: Can you use notebooks as thin clients?08:49
juliuxDanielC, juliusbloch@aftonchemical.com08:49
ograonly wired, but yes indeed08:50
DanielCjuliux: Thanks. His is ian.lynch@zmsl.com in case you don't get my mail. Mine is daniel.carrera@zmsl.com08:50
juliuxDanielC, ok08:50
juliuxDanielC, but this e-mail address is only for next 2 weeks08:50
DanielCogra: Is it ok if they use PCMCIA ethernet cards?08:50
DanielCjuliux: ok08:50
ograshould work, yes08:51
juliuxDanielC, they have build in nic08:51
DanielCOh, excellent.08:51
DanielCWell, I can think of one school who would love to use them as thin clients.08:51
juliuxDanielC, i will check the exact modell numbers tomorrow08:51
DanielCIt's the one where I setup Edubuntu last time.08:51
ograif they now are PXE capable ... 08:51
juliuxDanielC, my normal e-mail address is juliux@ubuntu-de.org08:51
juliuxDanielC, pxe booting is possible08:52
DanielCThey've been having problems, which I suspect are hardware problems on the clients.08:52
DanielCTheir current clients are old PCs they were about to throw away.08:52
DanielCjuliux: Thanks, I've noted your email.08:52
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DanielCThis is very cool. Thanks for offering those.08:53
DanielCjuliux: Where are you located? London?08:54
juliuxDanielC, wandsworth08:54
juliuxDanielC, the next tube station is clapham south08:54
=== DanielC googles for a map
juliuxDanielC, search for hillier road08:55
DanielCOk, I see it. Near London.08:55
juliuxit is in london08:55
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DanielCI can't believe none of the schools want them...08:56
DanielCThe school I'm thinking of would love them.08:56
juliuxDanielC, not in london, the company is in bracknell08:56
DanielCStill... I can't believe a school wouldn't jump at the chance of 20 P3 notebooks.08:58
juliuxthat is what they said today08:58
=== DanielC starts composing an email to Ian...
DanielCI assume that your real-life name is Julius...08:59
HedgeMageDanielC: I know a school here in the US that would jump at them!08:59
juliuxHedgeMage, afton is also in usa ;)09:01
juliuxHedgeMage, i will see what i can do09:01
DanielCjuliux: Ian just came in. He thinks this is fantastic idea and he knows of several schools here who would love them. Is it possible for your company to hang on to those notebooks for a while until we can come down to pick them up?09:10
juliuxDanielC, i will ask them09:10
juliuxDanielC, they are there in a storage room 09:10
juliuxDanielC, they are not in use09:10
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cberloHi folks.  Anyone played with winbind authentication on the LTSP server?09:15
cberloI have users with null passwords on the Windows network (Kindergartners and such) and need to be able to allow them access without entering a password.09:16
cberloWell thanks anyway... I'll go net surfing and see if I can figure this out...09:25
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DanielCogra: Are Creative Commons licenses considered free enough for the Universe repository?09:36
ograCCbySA is 09:37
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DanielCogra: Excellent.09:37
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jjvvcccan anyone help me with gcc?09:41
jjvvccor tell me if there is a developers specific #09:42
jjvvccok.. tanks anyway09:43
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DanielCjjvvcc didn't wait very long for help...09:45
ograwell, gcc wouldnt really be on topic here anyway :)09:49
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=== lns [n=lns@c-67-180-219-137.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
lnswhat's up everyone10:43
lnsCan anyone point me to a Firefox Flash plugin how-to for 6.06 LTS (under LTSP for thin clients to access flash)?10:43
HedgeMage!tell lns about flash10:44
HedgeMageubotu should have given you info :)10:45
DanielC!tell DanielC about flash10:45
ograHedgeMage, thats not enough for ltsp10:45
=== HedgeMage bows to ogra's LTSP-wisdom
ograyou need to add a /tmp/.esd/socket file 10:45
lnsok, that's easy =)10:45
DanielCIns: In my experience, what you need to do is: (1) what you normally do for for a desktop computer and then (2) add the file /tmp/.esd/socket10:46
ograwell, you need to make sure its always there 10:46
lnsk...i can run a minute-ly cron script..?10:46
ogra(tmp gets cleared on boot)10:46
DanielClns: Better to put it in the Firefox start up script.10:47
ograor add it to the /usr/bin/firefox script10:47
lnssounds straight forward to me...10:47
lnsthere are lots of ways toinstall flash according to these URLs...which one do you recommend ogra?10:47
ograwell, it should just work :)10:47
ograsynaptic/apt 10:47
DanielCI always try apt, it never works, so I end up just copying the libflash* files from another computer's ~/.mozilla/plugins/10:49
lnsso libflash-mozplugin should work?10:52
ograi think its callede flashplugin-nonfree10:55
ografrom multiverse10:55
crimsunbeware that Macromedia's/Adobe's mirror sites may still be down10:56
lnsgot it10:57
lnsflippin rock!!!10:58
lnsthanks guys!10:58
lnsthese kids will be VERY happy. =)10:58
lnsThank you SO much.10:59
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lnsalright guys one more question =)11:14
lnswhat could cause a non-ltsp client (that's getting a dhcp lease from the server) to not be allowed to browse the internet?11:15
lnsi've checked all the obvious...11:15
DanielCA misconfigured routing table.11:16
bddebianAye.  Do you get the right default route?11:16
DanielCDoes DHCP configure a gateway automatically?11:16
bddebianDoes 'Internet' not work or just name resolution?11:16
lnsI get a 192.168.2.x addy, with as a gateway (which is eth0 on the edubuntu server)11:17
lnswith ip_forward = 111:17
bddebianThe edubuntu server is supposed to be your gateway?11:18
DanielCDon't know then...11:18
lnsbddebian, yep11:18
lnsknockin em down today! =) (it was an iptables rule that wasn't in effect for masq)11:22
lnsthanks ogra11:22
lnsyou are the almighty!!11:22
lnsbye! =)11:24
=== bddebian bows to ogra :-)
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