
franzanyone has an idea what to do when installation is stuck at 94% of hardware configuration since 15 mins?12:07
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, kdesu is a utility to open kate in root.12:07
Skizzo21and i edited that one file12:07
robotgeekTommy2k4: sorry, no idea what causes that. not my area of expertise12:07
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gatekeeper|lostbyte|: that a bit of an insult to kate :-)12:07
|lostbyte|franz, did you check your cd with md5sum ?12:08
Tommy2k4whats the console command to find out monitors vert/horiz refresh rate12:08
|lostbyte|gatekeeper, Made it simple to him.. i know :P12:08
robotgeekTommy2k4: maybe xdpyinfo, not sure. dont have access to machine right now12:08
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, Cant !12:08
franzyes indeed! |lostbyte| i'm new to kubuntu but not to linux.  not an expert though12:08
Tommy2k4|lostbyte|, im pretty certain ive did it before12:08
Skizzo21wow my wireless card worked right away :-)!!!!!12:09
gatekeeper|lostbyte|: just pulling your leg :-)12:09
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, did what ?12:09
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Tommy2k4found out vert/horiz refresh rates from console12:09
Skizzo21aight now i have a really really hard question...... my display seems kinda ... blehhhh ... this is an old laptop and it jus seems like the refresh rate is kinda crappy... any suggestions?12:10
franz|lostbyte|, kubutu works fine from cd.  installation is faulty12:10
gatekeeper|lostbyte|: It's good in here, I can help folks where I can and learn at the same time :-)12:10
Tommy2k4robotgeek, thats not it :(12:11
jeff_jlosbyte--can you tell me how tp make the login screen show all the User12:11
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mta`chronoHello. Sorry, I've a problem. And the problem is that I don't know where is the problem.... KDE is able to play sounds, but certain musik players like amaroK and XMMS can't play anything..... :S12:11
|lostbyte|jeff_, i think i did it before by changing the login interface throught kcontrol..12:12
svivianfranz: Have you tried doing the install from the text installer instead of the desktop? When I did that, I got a cleaner install12:12
gatekeeperfranz: I had exactly the same problem with a dodgy maxtor HDD, swapped it for a seagate, installed like a dream12:12
robotgeeknegocio: caps is rude12:12
negociocan anyone help me with DOS in qemu12:12
robotgeeknegocio: have you looked at the qemu wiki article?12:13
|lostbyte|negocio, CAPS pls. Try #qemu12:13
negocioi need to run foxpro for DOS12:13
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svivianmta`chrono: Try turning off the KDE sound. Sometimes it prevents the media players from running12:13
robotgeekanyways, have fun!12:13
franzsvivian, thanks for suggestion. I always suspected that programmers have something against graphics environments and write better code for console....12:13
negocioim looking in the wiki12:15
|lostbyte|gatekeeper, I hate to learn alone too.. thats why i read irc's :)12:15
negociobut it seems to i have to install dos from a cd or floppy first12:15
negociobut there is a fuction to emulate a fat disk froma a directory12:15
negociothats great12:15
negociospeccially if i have no way to copy content to the image file12:15
franzgatekeeper, can't buy a new hdd.... lack of money you know...12:16
|lostbyte|negocio, <dignome> is trying to help you.. tell him..12:16
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gatekeeperfranz: try badblocks on it to make sure it is alright. the other installer svivian told you about might help12:17
Skizzo21does anyone know why my display seems kinda of crappy... like there are lines and jus kinda blurry when i move an icon or what not12:18
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gatekeeperfranz: good luck, got to go now12:18
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|lostbyte|gatekeeper, tc :)12:18
TheHighChildAnyone running an IBM Thinkpad?12:18
ZomMesok, how do I share a certain directory with Samba/Smb4K?12:18
Skizzo21i M12:19
Skizzo21I AM*12:19
TheHighChildSkizzo21: Any idea why I would stop having sound after enabling the suspend to ram?12:19
|lostbyte|ZomMes, kcontrol > internet & network12:19
jeff_jlostbyte--can you tell me where in control12:20
Skizzo21haha sorry i have been running linux for about 6 mins now12:20
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jeff_your doing good12:20
LiteHeddedhow do I kill everything related to kde?12:20
LiteHeddedthere's lots of k* processes I don't want running12:20
|lostbyte|jeff_, control ?12:20
TheHighChildSkizzo21: lol, no man12:21
jeff_for login scren12:21
Dsa411hey i am trying to install wine using wines instructions but i am gettin a 404 error any one know of an alternative method?12:21
TheHighChildjeff 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"12:21
jeff_to add user to login screen?12:22
Skizzo21anyone know why my display is crappy ????12:22
TheHighChildSkizzo21: Probably need video driers12:22
|lostbyte|Skizzo21, Screenshot pls ?12:22
jeff_skizzo-- make sure you have right drivers12:22
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Skizzo21how do i update them or what not?12:23
svivianSkizzo21: Do you have a graphics card, and what driver are you using for it. Also, if you have an LCD, you may not be running it at the optimal resolution (most run best at 1280x1024)12:23
|lostbyte|Dsa411, apt-get install wine after adding the repos.12:23
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Skizzo21this is a really old thinkpad 600x12:23
LiteHeddedthe kdm process has stopped but there are lots of processes still running12:23
LiteHeddedthat start with k12:23
|lostbyte|LiteHedded, like ?12:23
Dsa411lostbyte i try that and i get a "/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found"12:24
jeff_thehighchild--will that add user to login screen?12:24
TheHighChildSkizzo21: What video card does it have?12:24
|lostbyte|Dsa411, Did you add the repos ?12:24
Skizzo21linux detected one for it12:24
TheHighChildjeff_: Not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain?12:25
Dsa411yea in the package manager12:25
jeff_i want to see a list of user on the login screen---like I dare say XP12:25
Skizzo21hey guys whats the eqivelent to an EXE on linux?12:25
jeff_have little girl user12:25
LiteHeddedno way to kill it?12:26
Tommy2k4i think u just made me realise something12:26
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jeff_skizzo there isnt one12:26
gili need some help with my screensavers12:26
Tommy2k4i just did a command to enable the swap cos a thread on ubuntuforums said that could stop the crashing12:26
|lostbyte|jeff_, kcontrol > system administration > login manager12:26
Tommy2k4and since i did that xmms wont play sound anymore12:26
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TheHighChildSkizzo21: There is no executables that do everything. '.deb' packages do come close though.12:27
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gilcan someone tell me why they only appear on 1/3 of the screen12:27
jeff_must be missing someyhing I have been ther, but thks12:27
Skizzo21if i downloaded this program that was *.tar.gz and i extracted it all and it gave me   (2)   *.pl files how would i use what the guy wrote12:27
jeff_skizzo21--no file ext12:27
|lostbyte|gil, what screensaver, kde's ?12:27
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jeff_thanks guys it's been fun but time to eat dinner.12:28
TheHighChildIs that python Skizzo21?12:28
|lostbyte|gil, gl ones ?12:28
gili know i h screensavers only run on part of the screens12:28
Skizzo21highchild... friendly reminder 15 mins now running linux for first time :-(12:28
Skizzo21i have no idea what im doing12:28
gilsorry yes....GL12:28
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TheHighChildSkizzo21: What app are you trying to run?12:29
jeff_skizzo21---you arent a linux user until you kill your install several times12:29
Skizzo21its a wep security program12:29
jeff_im still on the way, trying to kill this one12:29
TheHighChildSkizzo21: Can you give me the name? I want to google it and see if I can help you more after reading the readme12:30
Skizzo21sure do you mind if I pm you sir?12:30
gillostbyte: i know my GL works...i cant figure out whats wrong with these screensavers12:30
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TheHighChildSkizzo21: not at all12:30
Skizzo21poop im unregistered12:31
franzwhich program can i use from kubuntu live to test a hdd for bad blocks ?12:31
Skizzo21let me register real quick12:31
Skizzo21or could u PM me?12:31
|lostbyte|gil, Its hard to tell..12:31
TheHighChildfranz: You can use the fsck command to check for disk errors.12:32
Skizzo21lol highchild let me figure out how to register12:32
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ScottLandhold on12:32
TheHighChildSkizzo21: Ok man, I will brb in about 5 though. Feel free to have your way with my PM until then12:32
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ScottLandlol i will12:32
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franzTheHighChild, from a console using kubuntu live?12:33
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|lostbyte|franz, that would be safe.12:35
whizz-might not be the right channel to ask this in, but does anybody know a site ripper for kde?12:35
gilyou know what would be so super....if i can get this freaking toshiba to go into suspend mode...12:36
|lostbyte|whizz-, wget.12:36
gili have been at that for about 2 months now12:36
h3sp4wnwhizz: wget --mirror12:36
franzok thanks |lostbyte| . btw now grub is not working and I can't even access the old win98 i have on another disk12:36
|lostbyte|gil, i belive on laptop comaptuble sites they have walkthrought for these stuff.12:37
whizz-thx |lostbyte| and h3sp4wn12:37
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|lostbyte|franz, ubuntu's wiki explains how to get back the grub.. with the cd.12:37
gilcan you tell me what you speak of ?12:37
|lostbyte|just search for grub there..12:38
franzAnother question: from kubuntu live, how can I access my hdds?  I can see them but when I try to mount them it says they are not in fstab or mtab.....12:38
|lostbyte|gil, which model ?12:38
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giltoshiba m40x12:39
|lostbyte|franz, "when I try to mount them" HOW ?12:39
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macdIf kinfocenter shows a usb network adapter, is there any reason that ifconfig/iwconfig would not show it?12:39
HawkwindAnyone know of a source for Kubuntu to get audacious ?  Seems I've got multi/universe and many others but none seem to have audacious12:40
franzcan' remember the name of the utility |lostbyte|.... it's on the tray of kubuntu live12:40
|lostbyte|macd, yes ! because one shows the info of the hardware and one showes you that its up and working.12:40
macdahh, so I should be installing drivers or the appropriate kernel module to support the chipset.12:41
franzsorry but the computer with the problems is in another room.... not running kubuntu on this one i'm using now12:41
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|lostbyte|franz, didt use live.. but like every live cd. it makes those links in fstab already..12:42
|lostbyte|macd, yes.12:42
ScottLandDoes kubuntu run off a registery... or can i just copy all these files to another harddrive on the same computer and be fine???12:43
macdgotcha prism2, wlan-ng ? and can you still pull firmware with wlan-ng ?12:43
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|lostbyte|ScottLand, good one.. i think yes it would be fine.. and do change the grub settings..12:43
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franz|lostbyte|, the utility i'm talking about is something like "storage media" if i can remeber well12:44
=== macd just mounts /home on another partition and reinstalls at will
franzit shows my two disks.12:45
franzbut if i try to mount them from there it says they are not in fstab12:45
|lostbyte|franz, huh ! looks like it simply detects the new drives..12:46
franzwell, what should i do to use them?12:46
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|lostbyte|franz, Have you checked /media/ to see if they are'nt mounted already.. ?12:47
franzthey are not mentioned in /media |lostbyte|12:47
|lostbyte|franz, then i guess, add them to fstab or do a direct mount from commandline.12:48
franzwill go to try |lostbyte|12:49
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spikCan some one explain this whole respitory thing to me?12:50
spikI do not understand it at all12:50
spikfor example when I type -> deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main12:50
spikwhy do I have to put dapper and main there?12:50
Blissexspik: thats not right....12:51
spikif I put something else will it work?12:51
DaSkreechspik: Dapper says which version of the Distro you are using12:51
Blissexspik: what are you trying to get explained?12:51
DaSkreechmain is the classification of the programs that you will have access to12:51
spikwhy I have to put dapper and main at the end12:51
spikwill it work if I put something else?12:51
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DaSkreechWell that depends12:51
|lostbyte|spik, its an info file not a command. so its listed in order for apt-get to understand and update.12:52
DaSkreechon if you are using something else :)12:52
DaSkreechspik: If you are using edgy then you would replace dapper with edgy12:52
HawkwindAlso, can someone tell me if there is a skip.list file of some sort that I can add app names to so that when I do an apt-get upgrade they do NOT get updated ?12:52
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LjLspik: there are four repositories for dapper. "dapper", which is the primary one; "dapper-updates", which contains bugfixes; "dapper-security", which contains security patches; "dapper-backports", which contains packaged ported back from the next (experimental) version.  Each of these has four parts: "main" (main packages), "restricted" (prioprietary drivers, mostly), "universe" (packages mantained by the community), "multiverse" (packages that 12:52
DaSkreechHawkwind: You can hold them in aptitude AFAIK12:52
|lostbyte|spik, No ! each colume has a meaning.. dont mix or change them unless you know ..12:52
HawkwindDaSkreech: Isn't aptitude GUI ?12:52
DaSkreechHawkwind: Nope12:53
spikok, I think I'm getting it12:53
|lostbyte|Hawkwind, Hai ! I didt know you were here.. lolz12:53
LjLHawkwind: no, it's got a text-mode user interface though12:53
Blissexspik:  the paths in the 'deb' line are constructed in two different ways, but the principle is the same.12:53
HawkwindDaSkreech: Ummm, how would I do it with aptitude ?  I'm new to Ubuntu and come from Mandriva and we had /etc/urpmi/skip.list file to add them to12:53
cps1966i know you can in synaptic12:53
Hawkwind|lostbyte|: Hey there.  Yeah I've left Mandriva permanently :P12:53
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DaSkreechHawkwind: man aptitude and then do a search for hold12:54
RaitoSo I have a widescreen laptop. When playing full screen games the thing is stretched causing it to look extreemly bad. How would I make full screen be in an exact 800 x 600 aspect ratio? So that there would be void on the sides of the screen?12:54
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|lostbyte|Hawkwind, Thats nice.. Glade your here..12:54
Frederickfolks anyone else feeling eclipse is DAMM slow under kubuntu?12:54
minI have a question12:54
Blissexspik: one type of path is for Debian-release-style repositories, the other is for simple-directory repositories.12:54
minis there a special way to reboot kubuntu?12:54
LjLmin: "Log out" and then "Reboot"?12:55
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LjL"Restart computer", actually12:55
|lostbyte|min, make a shortcut on your desktop with command kdesu reboot12:55
notandmin: shutdown -r now12:55
LjLnotand: that's not necessarily good advice.12:55
LjLKDE would usually like to know that it's going to be shut down.12:56
notandyou're right12:56
mincuz everytiem I reboot12:56
mineverytime I reboot12:56
minU know the bootscreen?12:56
minthe blue bar with the black background with kubuntu on the top?12:57
LjL... yeah.12:57
minfirst it loads12:57
minthen it comes up again12:57
|lostbyte|bootscreen.. never seen that for a while..12:57
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minthen the bootscreen freezes12:57
minso Im forced to turn off12:57
wordcan you mount a partition to a directory that already has contents?12:57
minand reinstall kubuntu for the 3rd time12:57
|lostbyte|word, good one.. never tried..12:57
svivianmin: you have a problem with a video driver. When you get that, hit ctrl-f1, log in, get root, and do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:57
DaSkreechword: Yes12:58
DaSkreechword: Oh wait... no12:58
minIll tyr it right away12:58
wordDaSkreech: ...argh false hopes :P12:58
|lostbyte|DaSkreech, :P12:58
|lostbyte|word, try !12:58
|lostbyte|word, love to know..12:58
LjLyou're lucky anyway, i don't *get* the splash screen at shutdown12:58
DaSkreechword: Why on earth would you want to do that?12:58
LjLwell admittedly it does reboot for me, though12:59
|lostbyte|DaSkreech, CAnt say ! maybe he is not no earth..12:59
wordI want to have my personal files IE videos music etc. from my homedir on a seperate partition and share them between 2 distros of linux12:59
notandhm i sometimes get the splash screen at shutdown, seems random12:59
|lostbyte|word, smb ?01:00
|lostbyte|word, how are you sharing ?01:00
|lostbyte|word, opps ! miss read..01:01
wordlol same hd :P01:01
|lostbyte|word, you can ! but why mount to a dir with files..01:01
wordbecause like say i have the directories videos music text files in my home/word/ dir and I want to have those same files in /home/word on suse but I don't want to share the configuration files between the two distros so I don't want the whol /home/word dir to be shared01:02
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minnot at shut down01:03
minI get it when I reboot01:03
minand it freezes01:03
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minwell I did what u told me svian01:04
|lostbyte|word, mount distro1 /home/word to distro2 /home/word/mp3/01:04
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|lostbyte|word, If your mounting home.. then all files will be mounted too..01:05
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|lostbyte|min, it freezes on which line ?01:05
minno line01:05
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BKajinstalled synaptic, but i can't get it to run as root ...how do I accomplish this ?01:06
Tommy2k4whats the console command to find out what v/h refresh rates my monitor can handle01:06
|lostbyte|min, OK ! when you shutdown throught power. and restart does it check your hd's for error ?01:06
svivianmin: you went through reconfiguring xserver?01:06
|lostbyte|Tommy2k4, cant !01:07
Tommy2k4im certain ive did it before thogh01:07
=== Ertain [n=jason@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ErtainI forgot how to unlock my pack database, since Adept froze up.01:08
minand the bootscreen comes up01:08
minand the lines finish01:08
minand then it coems up again01:08
minthe bootscreen01:08
minand it freezes on the boot screen01:08
WodgerBkaj it should ask you for your sudo password when you lauch the package manger01:09
notandmin: you could edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file manually and insert an open graphic driver and than reboot. i had a similar problem due to an broken closed nvidia driver01:09
|lostbyte|Ertain, dpkg --configure -a01:09
minhow do I do that?01:09
|lostbyte|Opps ! got to go..01:10
|lostbyte|Night all :)01:10
BKajit doesn't ask me , the dialog tells me It's read only01:10
minI tried to edit my xorg file01:10
minbut I dont know what to put isnde it01:10
notandwhat graphic card have you got?01:11
ErtainDidn't work.  It says that database is locked by another user.  However, I'm the only user.01:11
minIg ot atoi01:11
Wodgeri've found the admin windows to be hit and miss to be honest01:11
minati radeo01:11
svivianmin: what ATI card01:11
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Wodgerfound some times a restart is needed01:11
minati radeon its for the laptop01:12
BKaj Wodger, the distro didn't come synaptic, some suggested I DL it and install it with Adept01:12
minits a 32 mb01:12
svivianmin: but which radeon? 9000? 9500?01:12
Wodgeryup same here01:12
svivianmin: how old is the laptoip?01:12
Tommy2k4|lostbyte|, sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange01:12
Wodgeri installed synamptic01:12
notandhm under Section "Device" , try a  Driver          "ati"01:12
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Wodgeras kubuntu installs adept01:13
min1 year old01:13
min1.5 years old01:13
BKajWodger: is it listed in the k-menu ?01:13
mino yea01:13
minIm on two monitors if it helps01:13
BKajafter install, cuz mine is not01:13
Wodgeri'd be tempted to remove and try again01:14
minbut the other monitor's broken01:14
BKajmaybe I should just i=uninstall and try again01:14
minso Im using an external monitor01:14
svivianmin: as notand said, look in the xorg.conf for the Device section, and see what driver it is using. When you went through the xserver reconfig, what driver did it suggest as the default?01:14
notandgotta go, good luck min.01:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:15
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svivianmin: try that link the ubotu just put up. It should have good info for you on getting that card to work. Unfortunately, I have to go.01:16
minits a radeon mobility 900001:16
minthat site is kinbda down01:17
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc2-wear3-0-0-cust449.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tommy2k41024x768 makes my eyes bleed01:18
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Tommy2k4hmm now xmms and amarok wont play at all01:20
Tommy2k4amarok wont even open01:20
Tommy2k4and xmms freezes01:20
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Tommy2k4oo maybe its cos its trying to play a network share thats not turned on01:23
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omeowTommy2k4: Do you really want to go through all this trouble to get your machine working?01:28
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omeowYou've been at it the whole evening.01:29
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Tommy2k4would you rather go back to windows omeow ?01:30
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omeowFor certain things I would yeah. But I don't want to start another holywar about that.01:31
=== DaSkreech takes out the OSS Cross
=== ChefWill [n=will@about/cooking/nakedchef/spicy/ChefWill] has joined #kubuntu
omeowIs there a reason why the kubuntu forums are so hidden?01:36
omeowIt takes like 5-6 clicks before I'm finally in the forums.01:37
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minhow can I change my screen reso to 1024x768?01:38
minits locked at 640x48001:38
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:38
Wodgermonters contol pane?01:38
=== Slappy [n=JP@cpe-65-189-224-155.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
mincommand not found01:39
minIm on kubuntu01:39
minI got it01:39
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minit didnt work01:44
minIm on two monitors01:44
minon is broken01:44
minand the another on eis fine01:44
minI need to fix the one that works foine to 1024x76801:44
DaSkreechHave you checked the wiki?01:44
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minthe resolution wiki page is down01:45
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mincan someone help me?01:45
HawkwindCan someone tell me why if I try to remove the Ubuntu nvidia packages that it wants to remove linux-386 and linux-686 ??  Aren't those my kernel packages that are installed ?01:46
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mincan someone help me?01:51
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Hawkwindmin: Watch the language please01:51
Hawkwindmin: Patience man. People have lives and don't just sit and stare at IRC waiting on you to ask a question01:51
minhow would I chaneg my reso?01:52
HawkwindLook in systemsettings maybe01:52
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minits locked at 640x48001:54
minIll like to change it to 1024x76801:54
Hawkwindmin: Have you looked at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to see what it's set to there maybe ?01:55
minI did chack but I have no clue what anything means ;] 01:55
minIm on two monitors if it helps01:55
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whizz-is there a tool to search through text files?01:57
HawkwindNot sure exactly what you mean by search tool for text files though01:58
whizz-to search through the content of a batch of text files01:59
Healotsed, awk, gawk, and perl (no exactly a text processor, but does it)01:59
Hawkwindfind and grep can do it along with what Healot stated02:00
h3sp4wngrep is the obvious answer02:00
HawkwindCan someone tell me why if I try to remove the Ubuntu nvidia packages that it wants to remove linux-386 and linux-686 ??  Aren't those my kernel packages that are installed ?02:00
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HealotHawkwind: meta package02:00
Healotwill be removed, but the actual kernel packages will not02:01
HawkwindHealot: So it's not going to break my system if I remove linux-386 and linux-686 ?02:01
[Nirvana] Hawkwind: no02:01
Healotyes, if you're not upgrading kernel02:01
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[Nirvana] Hawkwind: but install 686 before you remove 38602:01
HawkwindHealot: I want to remove all the Ubuntu nvidia stuff and install the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com instead02:01
OODit's the same driver02:01
Hawkwind[Nirvana] : I have linux-686 installed since I run an SMP/HT system02:01
Healotsure, you can absolutely do that02:01
h3sp4wnThey are the same ones aren't tey ?02:01
OODthe one in the repository and the one from the nvidia site is the same02:02
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: No idea.  I thought the drivers came out on nvidia.com before Ubuntu packages them02:02
OODyea that one comes out first02:02
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HawkwindSo I want the nvidia.com stuff so that I can update or so that when I do an apt-get upgrade my nvidia drivers don't break with an update02:02
h3sp4wnThey will break more if you use the nvidia drivers02:03
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Ummm how so ?02:03
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: I've used them for years in Mandriva without an issue02:03
HealotHawkwind: if you dont know what you're doing02:04
h3sp4wnEverytime you have a kernel update you have to upgrade the module02:04
HawkwindHealot: Well I'm not a n00bie by no means02:04
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Right.  That's not a problem02:04
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Or an Xorg update for that matter02:04
h3sp4wnIf you use the ubuntu ones then it won't break when linux-restricted-modules is updated02:04
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: What about if the kernel gets updated ?02:05
HealotHawkwind: I am not saying you're a noob02:05
h3sp4wnthen the restricted modules are updated before the metapackage is changed02:05
Healoteven experienced users f***ked up02:05
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: My real question is, if a new kernel gets updated does the linux-restricted-modules come out at the same time for it ?02:05
h3sp4wnbefore linux-image-x is updated then yes02:05
HawkwindHealot: Heh I know you weren't implying that.  Didn't mean to say it that way02:06
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: But linux-image and linux-restricted come out at the same time ?02:06
h3sp4wnWithin half a day usually02:06
HawkwindI'm just not familiar with how Ubuntu does stuff quite yet02:06
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Ah ok.  Then I'll stick with what I have.  Thanks for the info02:06
h3sp4wnusually the image goes in first but unless you manually install it then it won't get installed until linux-image-x is updated (which would be when the restricted modules are ready)02:07
h3sp4wn(Only ever affected me once when I wanted a driver that was in a later kernel)02:08
h3sp4wn(but needed it then to do something else)02:08
DaSkreechWhy Cant I Invert Selection in Konqueror?02:08
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HealotDaSkreech: you need to select the menu Select First02:10
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DaSkreechHealot: Huh?02:10
Healotafter entering the wildcard, then you can invert selection02:10
HealotDaSkreech: just ignore me then :=02:10
DaSkreechAfter I select some stuff Shouldn't Ctrl+* invert it?02:11
OODhmm, that works fine for me02:12
DaSkreechOk it started working again02:12
DaSkreechX-Treme System Lag perhaps?02:13
OODkde's a bit buggy02:13
=== sanityx [n=Zach@pool-71-249-76-50.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
OODso it's probably some random bug somewhere or something02:13
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=== DaSkreech takes out his Entomologist hat
Silencedhey all I just installed kubuntu desktop how do I remove all this gnome stuff is there a way to get rid of it all in one shot02:17
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OODi had a bookmark with all the packages that made up gnome, so it was a matter of copy and paste02:18
OODbut the bookmark is gone02:18
OODi'll try to the page if i can02:18
OODtry to find*02:19
Healotnamely things that started with "G" and libgtk/libglib02:19
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Silencedthat would be awesome thanks02:19
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OODah found it http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde02:20
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Healotdamn, why not both? be greedy you little :=02:20
DaSkreechHealot: Like gwenview?02:20
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Silencedthanks OOD02:21
d_hollinhey guys need some help with the repos need the non free ones02:21
OODSilenced: No problem :)02:21
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:22
d_hollinneed list of repos02:22
DaSkreech!tell d_hollin about repos02:22
Healotin constrast gwenview isn't for Gnome :=02:22
=== DaSkreech grins
Healotshould rename it to Kwenview02:23
Healotno offence, KDE team are mainly Germans, which is Kool02:25
=== Kai__ [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031165.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechkdefreak: Hooray!!!!!!02:28
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=== DaSkreech throws Konfetti!!
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DaSkreechkdefreak: Kome to Klimb the KDE Kabal!!02:29
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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byenhey guys02:32
byenhow can i find edit the startup programs on kde02:33
byenand how can i disable auto-session saving02:33
Huahuabyen: run kcontrol02:34
Healotbyen: KDE Menu = > System Settings => KDE Component02:34
kdefreakshoot brb have to switch02:34
HealotSelect "Session Manager"02:34
byenI dont have kcontrol02:34
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byenok got kcontrol02:36
byenhow can i disable adpet from loading on startup..? eveytime i get an update.. i have a hard crash02:37
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gnomefreaki guess im not using kde for a while :(02:37
OODeh? what happened?02:38
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gnomefreakkde is missing something important02:38
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OODwhats that02:38
RadiantFiregnomefreak: what is it missing?02:38
Huahuabyen: sudo rm  /usr/share/autostart/adept_notifier_auto.desktop02:38
gnomefreakit dont boot02:38
RadiantFireyeah, thats something all right02:38
RadiantFirewhy on earth doesn't it?02:39
gnomefreakits missing kdelibbase and somehting else02:39
byenHuahua: isnt there a graphical option02:39
RadiantFiremaybe you should try installing that silly!02:39
RadiantFirebyen: why does it hardcrash?02:39
Huahuabyen: I don't know02:39
gnomefreakthats what i get for running kde  on edgy i guess02:39
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RadiantFiregnomefreak: yeah, they fixed gnome, silly devs prioritizing gnome :-)02:39
byenRadiantFire: no ideal... adpet just hangs after dloading the updates02:39
gnomefreakRadiantFire: it was the latest libqt3 updates02:39
OODedgy's in production already??02:39
=== gnomefreak fixed gnome
RadiantFireOOD: noooo!02:39
gnomefreakOOD: no its broken02:40
RadiantFireyou personally, thats cool :-)02:40
Healotdamn, developers02:40
gnomefreakon my system02:40
RadiantFireonce they release an alpha or 2 I might try running edgy on this laptop02:40
gnomefreakthey fixed it right after i did within a day02:40
bonbonthejonwhen is edy due to come out02:40
byenI have 2 major issues with Kubuntu.. everytime i extract a file.. there is a crash... and everytime I have an update... Kubuntu crashes and i have to power off02:40
gnomefreakbonbonthejon: pct 2502:41
RadiantFirebyen: really...02:41
gnomefreakoct 25th02:41
byenRadiantFire: :( yes02:41
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bonbonthejoncool, week before my birthday02:41
byenI really love kubu bit i am so scared to see updates now02:41
bonbonthejonis kde4 going to be in edgy02:41
bonbonthejonhmm :(02:41
gnomefreakbonbonthejon: not looking like it02:41
RadiantFirekde4 probably won;t be releaed until early next year02:42
=== RadiantFire prays the devs get it out before vista
OODhehe vista's gonan get delayed again i bet02:42
RadiantFirei hope so02:42
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bonbonthejoneven when its released it won't work on a lot of pcs02:42
RadiantFirekde4 is gonna rock, and it comes out before vista that would be a good boost02:42
Healot2007 summer will be the earliest02:42
Healotsince Mr. Gates is away for a while02:43
RadiantFirethey claim theys still on track02:43
RawSewageis he vactationing with Warren02:43
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HealotBut I am waiting for Vista, hope it is not as expensive as Windows XP retail price02:44
RadiantFireyes it will be02:44
Healotwait, it's gonna be02:44
RadiantFirexp is as expensive as hell02:44
OODit'll be just as expensive probably02:44
OODor even more02:44
RadiantFireI started work today at compusa, they keep xp behind the shelves cuz its so expensive :-)02:44
bonbonthejonand you will have to pay for using it, as in time-sharing, possibly02:44
RawSewageVista was designed to make people buy new computers02:45
Healotmy inside source say, it will 15-20% more expensive... cause the medium is DVD etc... and longer support time than XP02:45
=== DaSkreech throws kdefreak another Konfetti party!
Healothmm... I'll go for Dell PC OEM then...02:46
bonbonthejonis konfetti a program, cuz I think it would be fun02:46
bonbonthejonI might learn to program for kde to write it02:46
Healotbonbonthejon: you can start now...02:47
bonbonthejonif I know vb.net, how hard is it to switch to mono02:47
Healotvirtually not hard... because Mono is getting .NET-like every day02:48
=== kdefreak working on fixing this jumbled stuff
HealotThey are working on Windows Forms completion02:49
DaSkreechNot too hard though :(02:49
DaSkreech`shutdown -r`02:50
Healotbut, bonbonthejon, you need to program with C# as mono currently uses C# heavily...02:50
bonbonthejoni've done C++02:50
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Healothohoho those two are different -)02:50
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bonbonthejonc++ and vb.net02:51
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Healotbtw, you can convert VB .net code to C# code using SharpDevelop02:51
RadiantFireewww... C#02:51
AshexIs it possible to install Kubuntu to a laptop that has no Floppy/CD-rom drive and can't boot from usb?02:51
Healotand port/compile the code with Mono02:51
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OODyea, through the network card02:51
HealotAshex: yes via network02:51
Ashexany guides on installing over network?02:52
RadiantFireOOD: hows he gonna boot it?02:52
Ashexwait, google will know....02:52
OODyou can boot with the network card02:52
Healotif you have another PC running the installer02:52
OODi've never tried it before, but it can be done, somehow ;)02:52
RadiantFirevery few computers can boot from a network card02:52
Healotand a crosscable or switch etc...02:52
bonbonthejonbuy a converter and plug the hdd in a px02:52
AshexOh, another question I got.02:53
AshexHow the deuce would I install ndiswrapper on a computer that doesn't have a network connection. I don't have the build-essential module or kernel-headers02:54
Ashexonly connection it had was a wireless usb adapter, but it won't work without ndiswrapper02:54
HealotAshex: the brand of that usb adapter?02:54
bonbonthejondownload the package and burn to cd, unless this is te lappy02:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:54
AshexI checked ubuntuforums already02:54
Frederickfolks anyone else feeling eclipse is DAMM slow under kubuntu?02:55
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bonbonthejonwhat is eclipse02:55
FrederickI got it wotking fine in gentoo I have java  1.5 here02:55
Frederickbonbonthejon, java IDE02:55
Healotit's Java, make the VM memory larger, with the -X  switch02:55
bonbonthejondone that too, lol02:55
farousi installed eclipse from the eclipse websit and running fine here update is great too02:55
Healotdamn java -h for that02:55
FrederickHealot, how?02:55
AshexHealot, that doc doesn't help at all. All the docs I've found assume I have ndiswrapper installed02:56
Ashexwhich I don't02:56
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HealotAshex: my second question. do you understand the documentation?02:56
AshexYes, I do02:56
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:56
Healotup to where do you understand the doc?02:56
FrederickHealot, how do I do it?02:57
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AshexI've checked, the device will work under ubuntu02:57
Ashexhowever for some reason it won't connec to any networks it picks up02:57
HealotFrederick: java -h02:57
AshexI checked the ubuntu forums and it works with ndiswrapper02:57
bonbonthejoncan you scan for networks02:57
Ashexhowever I am not able to install ndiswrapper-utils as I don't have a network/internet connection02:58
AshexYes, I can scan02:58
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
HealotWPA enabled Ashex?02:58
AshexI've tried using a static connection but that hasn't worked02:58
Ashexno, it's not02:58
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AshexI'm not at the computer, it's about 20 minutes away from me, so I can't really do live testing. But I checked everything I could think of02:58
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Ashexsooo....any suggestions?03:01
Frederickno change, anyone here ever set the java VM memory?03:01
bonbonthejonashex, sorry03:02
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AshexWell, poop03:05
AshexThen here's yet another question! ^_^03:05
karvropera versus firefox folks, which one is better and safer?03:05
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AshexUsing a crossover cable between my laptop and that desktop should give it network connectivity if I'm connected wirelessly, right?03:06
unix_infidelAshex: not automatically, no.03:06
Ashexyeah, I haven't setup a crossover connection in linux before, what extra steps are needed?03:07
TheHighChildIs anyone able to help troubleshoot a sound issue? IBM T4203:07
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xwolf-i downloaded a dvd, with a folder structure (not an iso image). it has the main folder, then the VIDEO_TS folder, then the VOB files and so on.. i tried to play them choosing Open Folder (translating from PT-BR) in Kaffeine, the main menu opens but i cant navigate through it... any tips?03:15
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TheHighChildxwolf-: Try VLC03:19
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xwolf-that's another program?03:19
xwolf-lemme see03:20
TheHighChildxwolf-: I use the VLC media player for everything. It seems to work where nothing else will. Also make sure you have the libcssdvd codec03:20
TheHighChildAny folks running thinkpads?03:20
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crimsunTheHighChild: yep, X41-2527 here.03:22
TheHighChildcrimsun: Do you have suspend to ram enabled?03:24
crimsunI do03:24
TheHighChildcrimsun: Do you have sound issues with it?03:24
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TheHighChildI don't have sound since enabled suspend to ram yesterday03:24
TheHighChildI just tried something, I'll brb03:24
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BKajWhat player does windows media in Kubuntu /KDE03:25
DaSkreechBKaj: Kmplayer03:26
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byenis there an easy way to convert wma to ogg?03:27
byenor mp3?03:27
TheHighChildbyen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9262903:28
xwolf-TheHighChild i cant find this libcssdvd03:28
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TheHighChildxwolf-: try this script sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh03:31
TheHighChildlet me know if it works.03:31
xwolf-it installed libdvdcss203:32
TheHighChildxwolf-: Cool. you need that to play dvd's03:33
xwolf-well, i choose open folder in kaffeine and still can't navigate the dvd menu03:34
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xwolf-fyi i dont have the physical dvd inserted, it's not a mounted image either. it's just a folder containing another folder called VIDEO_TS03:35
TheHighChildxwolf-: Try using VLC to view it.03:36
TheHighChild'apt-get install vlc'03:36
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bobstro-awayyikes, they want us to change passwords again?03:40
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xwolf-damn, it worked.03:41
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BKajhi kristian03:41
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kristiand u all use linux03:42
BKajwell, I'm trying :)03:42
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kristianhow do u like it so far03:42
bobstrokristian: i do. and a lot of gadgets these days do!03:42
OODit's pretty good ;)03:42
kristianwicth distro do u use03:43
bobstrokristian: for 99% of what i do, it's ideal.03:43
bobstrokristian: i'm using kubuntu right now.03:43
BKajkubuntu 6.06 AMD6403:43
kristiani use kubuntu 6.0603:43
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kristianme to i use amd64 kubuntu 6.06 on a celeron d 33603:44
TheHighChildAnyone that was following my Sound issue with my IBM T42. Turns out I needed to mute PCM sound in my kmix. That seems to have fixed the trick.03:45
kristianwhat kind of hardware do u guys run linux on03:45
OODa64 3200+03:46
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kristianis it a homemade pc u built your self03:46
bobstrokristian: i've run linux on just about everything from a 386, and kubuntu specifically on a64 and right now on my dell d600 laptop.03:47
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TheHighChildkristian: AMD64 3000+ (run in 32 bit cause 64 blows) and an IBM T4203:47
Kreugercan changing the kernel config when attempting to install a new kernel ruin your current kernel setup?03:47
BKajnot mine ...was too lazy ...but have an old one I built yrs ago on my network03:47
bobstroKreuger: no, that should be fine.03:47
kristianwhat r your detailed specs03:47
bobstrokristian: i've ONLY run home-built pc's.03:47
BKajyou'll end up with 2 choices at at boot up03:47
kristianme 203:47
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crimsunTheHighChild: no, I don't have sound issues with this one; do you?03:48
fiyawerxhey guys, anyone know any good sites that compare the different window managers?03:48
Kreugerfor some reason my sound disappeared and all I did was try to get my new kernel working. sound was working fine until I rebooted back into this kernel because the new one didnt work. i thought maybe it was from changing the config03:48
fiyawerxso far i like kubuntu best, but want to try out some other ones03:48
bobstrokristian: the ONLY hardware that's been a real issue has been the stupid built-in wireless on this laptop. i bought a netgear card today and am using it now.03:48
bobstrofiyawerx: i've seen a few, but find i really have to try them myself.03:48
TheHighChildcrimsun: I just muted PCM in my kmix and it was alright.03:48
bobstrofiyawerx: any sites more than a year old are likely out of date.03:49
MehAdultfiyawerx: I agree with bob, but I like Xfce and E1703:49
OODmy integrated sound card doesn't have hardware mixing so i don't get surround sound in linux :(03:49
BKajCompaq Presario SR1734X AMD64 Venice CPU, 1gig RAM, 160G HDD at 2Ghz03:49
TheHighChildfiyawerx: Trust me, Dapper is as good/solid/easy as it gets03:49
fiyawerxMehAdult: just tried e17, its pretty, but not my thing really03:49
MehAdultfiyawerx: Why not?03:49
fiyawerxTheHighChild: im not debating ubuntu, just the window manager03:49
kristianmy specs r celeron d 336, asus p5rd2-vm, WD 160GB SATA2, asus 16X dvd-Burner03:49
crimsunOOD: hardware mixing (as the term is commonly abused) isn't relevant for surround sound...03:49
fiyawerxMehAdult: eh, doesn't run that great over nomachine remote control :)03:49
fiyawerxMehAdult: lots of missing window parts and whatnot until i refresh the desktop by going into another one then back03:49
TheHighChildfiyawerx: Gotcha. I hear that. i debate that all the time as well. I've just grown too attached to the addon packages03:49
fiyawerxMehAdult: might wait until release on that one03:50
Kreugeranyone got a clue for me?03:50
bobstrofiyawerx: for MYSELF, xfce is good for older machines. for others that ask me a lot of questions, kde or gnome are best.03:50
fiyawerxTheHighChild: addon packages in the window managers? you lost me03:50
OODcrimsun: thats03:50
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OODcrimsun: that's what i understand, what is then?03:50
xwolf-TheHighChild just wanted to thank you, it worked.03:50
TheHighChildxwolf-: Np man. VLC pwns.03:50
fiyawerxbobstro: nod, might give xfce a shot, im on mostly remotely, kde actually works nice via the nomachine, im surprised03:50
crimsunOOD: did you use plug:surroundXX (replacing XX with your config)?03:50
fiyawerxbobstro: will try out xfce and some others just to see how they are03:51
crimsunOOD: e.g., a 5.1 -> plug:surround5103:51
TheHighChildfiyawerx: Yeah, KDE provides Konversation, Kmail, etc, etc. I dig those packages. That is what I meant03:51
fiyawerxTheHighChild: nod, so far been using kopete and konversation, so anything else im going to be comparing to them :)03:51
TheHighChildfiyawerx: You can still run them without KDE03:51
fiyawerxTheHighChild: nod, that too, i don't know, im picky when it comes to that tho, it just doesnt LOOK right hehe03:51
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fiyawerxTheHighChild: or feel right, rather03:51
TheHighChildfiyawerx: I hate Kopete. The blue heads make me wanna flip. I use gaim03:51
OODcrimsun: my integrated card isn't capable of surround sound in linux, it has surround in windows because in windows it's done through software surround, but the linux driver can't do software surround03:52
fiyawerxTheHighChild: not too good with the theme custimization yet either, so if i change the look of kde around i might like it03:52
TheHighChildfiyawerx: Perhaps a nother theme? Baghira looks like OSX03:52
HawkwindAnyone know a source to get audacious by chance ?03:52
fiyawerxTheHighChild: altho with the dockbar and whatnot it runs like crap over remote03:52
crimsunOOD: sure it can.03:52
fiyawerxTheHighChild: will try it03:52
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OODcrimun: really? if you can help me get it working then that would be awesome03:52
TheHighChildfiyawerx: have you considered ssh for your remote operation needs? Remote servers (VNC) are not secure at all03:52
crimsunOOD: if your chipset doesn't align with the predefined surroundXX ones, you can define your own routing03:52
fiyawerxTheHighChild: might even go with one for my local desktop like kde with fancy stuffs, and then something like xfce for my remote virtual desktop03:52
fiyawerxTheHighChild: im not using vnc, im using nomachine's server/client, it routes everything via ssh03:53
OODcrimsun: alright, so how would I do that03:53
fiyawerxTheHighChild: and its SOOO much faster than vnc03:53
crimsunOOD: /all/ the routing is software-based in alsa-lib03:53
MehAdultYeah E17 needs to be released first lol03:53
crimsunOOD: see the surround sections on alsa.opensrc.org03:53
fiyawerxTheHighChild: im going from work into my machine at home on cable and it's _almost_ like im sitting at the desktop, i can load up web pages with images, even drag the window around almost realtime03:53
TheHighChildfiyawerx: Nice, that's why it's so slow then. At least it's secure. I use ssh with the -X option when I need a graphical interface but I'll try out your method sometime03:53
fiyawerxTheHighChild: animations you can tell tho03:53
fiyawerxTheHighChild: nomachine uses some proprietary compression i think, its really not that slow, except with animations, but i could even see the e17 startup logo, so thats a good thing03:54
fiyawerxTheHighChild: but htings like the application menus and whatnot are just about realtime03:54
OODcrimsun: you mean setting it in the .asoundrc file?03:54
bobstrofiyawerx: nomachine sets up for you?03:55
OODcrimsun: this? http://alsa.opensrc.org/FAQ02803:55
fiyawerxTheHighChild: vnc used to even disconnect me just viewing my desktop sometimes, with nomachine i was browsing deviantart no problem03:55
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fiyawerxbobstro: i got it to install in about 30 seconds :) 8 commands, i put a post about them03:55
fiyawerxbobstro: using the new version, not using freenx03:55
bobstrofiyawerx: oh, got a link?03:55
fiyawerxbobstro: nomachine released a new free server, 2 simul. connection max03:55
fiyawerxbobstro: sure one sec03:55
bobstrofiyawerx: i just got the putty/openssh socks proxy working. :)O03:55
crimsunOOD: yes, in a custom ~/.asoundrc03:56
fiyawerxbobstro: i didn't even need to mess with that, i just did an apt-get install openssh-server or whatever it is then the rest of the commands and it all worked by default03:56
fiyawerxbobstro: sec for the link03:56
crimsunOOD: your hardware may vary considerably, which will take experimenting on your part03:56
OODcrimsun: i already tried that a while ago, this is only possible if the card is capable of hardware mixing which mine is not03:56
bobstrofiyawerx: ok, good. i've got the ssh server running at the house already.03:56
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fiyawerxbobstro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174492#post117449203:57
crimsunOOD: no, it means you've not gotten the routing yet03:57
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crimsunOOD: it has nothing to do with pcm multiplexing, believe me03:57
crimsunOOD: my card has no hardware mixing [sic] , and it can do surround03:58
fiyawerxbobstro: note: i didn't use apt-get, these are new releases, but they worked perfect03:58
OODcrimsun: ok so what would i have to do now?03:58
crimsunOOD: take the routing (ttable) variables and play with them03:58
bobstrofiyawerx: thanks. i've been doing per-port forwarding, and it gets tedious.03:59
bobstrofiyawerx: only recently noticed the socks support!03:59
fiyawerxbobstro: i didn't need to do anything but port 2203:59
fiyawerxbobstro: you can route all the nomachine info through it with a checkbox on the client setup03:59
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OODcrimsun: i doubt this'll work, what happened when i tried to use the .asoundrc file set to 5.1, and what i got was instead of 5.1, i had just regular 2.1 but louder and distorted04:00
OODcrimsun:which means i had all the channels playing in stereo04:00
crimsunOOD: does your hardware have any surround control toggles (cf. ``amixer'')04:01
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OODdon't know, i have an integrated alc'65804:01
fiyawerxbobstro: i didn't have to do any of the editing the people under my post mention04:02
fiyawerxbobstro: thats _all_ i had to do on the server, then get the client for xp from nomachine.com04:02
bobstrohmmm. very interesting.04:02
bobstrofiyawerx: are you using kde clients with it?04:03
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fiyawerxbobstro: i have, and they worked fine too04:05
pipitasfiyawerx: rubbish you tell when stating "NoMachine uses proprietary compression"! The NX Core libs are all GPL.04:05
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fiyawerxpipitas: ok, im corrected then, i meant it as its not the same rdp or vnc use04:05
fiyawerxpipitas: my bad04:05
OODcrimsun: any ideas?04:05
kikepero que es esta mierda04:05
Kr4t05Is there any reason why Frostwire would just stop working?04:06
fiyawerxpipitas: i meant it as in their own, thought thats how it was, because its faster than any other program i've used04:06
kikealguien habla espaol?04:06
Kr4t05!tell kike about es04:06
crimsunOOD: I need to see ``amixer'' output before I can answer04:06
Kr4t05ubotu tell kike about es04:06
crimsun(use pastebin)04:06
kikemother fockers04:06
kikekiss my  ass americans04:07
Kr4t05Oi... -.-04:07
Kr4t05Oi vey...04:07
HawkwindAnyone have a good source to get audacious from by chance ?04:07
HawkwindFor Dapper that is04:07
Kr4t05Someone explain that...04:08
Kr4t05First, he flames.04:08
Kr4t05Then, he LEAVES...04:08
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chip42seems like a typical pattern to me04:08
Kr4t05Yeah... true...04:09
OODcrimsun: sending the text with the output04:09
TheHighChild!tell Kr4t05 about repos04:09
chip42i don't have a lot of faith in people though :(04:09
TheHighChilddoes that work?04:09
TheHighChildSorry for the spam. I wasn't sure of the syntax. I thought it would post global04:09
Kr4t05I wasn't sure if it was working for him.04:09
Kr4t05No big.04:09
Kr4t05It didn't tell me if it had sent him anything.04:10
eXCeSSanyone know ftp servers with gui?04:10
TheHighChildme either, I'll presume it works then04:10
eXCeSSthat arent pureftpd04:10
pipitasfiyawerx: yes, "NX' roundtripsupression + compression + cache = speed + responsiveness over slow links" is completely NoMachine's development04:10
TheHighChildeXCeSS: You want an FTP client or a GUI server setup?04:10
pipitasfiyawerx: but it is based on X -- in effect, it is an X11 protocol extension04:10
eXCeSSgui server04:11
pipitasfiyawerx: where the protocol extension is implemented in the nxcomp library04:11
TheHighChildeXCeSS: Webmin should allow you to perform FTP setup in a graphical mode04:11
eXCeSSTheHighChild: thank you04:11
TheHighChildeXCeSS: You can try proftpd also04:12
fiyawerxpipitas: thanks, still new to this, i was just happy to get it working :) struggled for 2 days with freenx, then saw that they released their own free server now, and poof, it worked, hehe04:12
fiyawerxpipitas: except i think their server is max 2 simul. connections or something for "free"04:12
eXCeSSTheHighChild: is that standard with gui or is it an addon04:12
Kr4t05I'm installing Cedega from CVS. Once the script is done, and Cedega has been "set up" I try to run cvscedega. Nothing happens. Did I do something wrong.04:13
TheHighChildeXCeSS: Sorry, here's a graphical frontend http://mange.dynup.net/linux.html04:13
ScottLandIf i have a Mac address can i resolve the IP? and how04:15
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TheHighChildScottLand: Every network card has a MAC address. It doesn't mean you have an IP04:17
TheHighChildScottLand: The MAC is hard-coded into every network interface card.04:17
TheHighChildScottLand: Catch me on Private if you have questions04:17
TheHighChildeXCeSS: NP, let me know how that works out. I'd be interested in it myself.04:18
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AQUI_TU_NICKcan i run "cmd" from wine?04:18
TheHighChildAQUI_TU_NICK: You mean like the windows command line?04:19
AQUI_TU_NICKi want to use DOS04:19
AQUI_TU_NICKcan I?04:19
OODwhy would you want to?04:19
OODyou have the linux command line04:19
AQUI_TU_NICKcause i have a prices list make in foxpro for DOS04:19
TheHighChildAQUI_TU_NICK: no, it doesn't emulate the OS, it only provides an application layer to programs. It won't emulate any sort of system04:19
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fiyawerxTheHighChild: i installed that theme via adept, but not sure where it went to use it?04:20
AQUI_TU_NICKok, thats my preoblem04:21
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TheHighChildfiyawerx: kmenu > System Settings > Appearance04:21
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fiyawerxTheHighChild: oh, you have to change each one manually?04:21
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TheHighChildfiyawerx: A couple places will store options for this theme. Check "styles" thought, That should be the main place04:21
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi was messing with the kde look and i dont like what came out , is there a command that will restore all the settings to the default???04:22
AQUI_TU_NICKi have a prices list made in foxpro for DOS, i have to run in linux, i try dosbox, but is slowly04:23
AQUI_TU_NICKhow can i solve this problem?04:23
CaBlGuYwuttup peeps..04:23
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:23
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CaBlGuYok, I got java installed apperently BUT I can't get it to run like on web sites and stuff so..  what gives??04:25
crimsunCaBlGuY: is sun-java5-plugin installed?04:26
CaBlGuYanyone..   today..  maybe..  hello..04:26
CaBlGuYummm  yes..04:26
CaBlGuYmust be en echo in hjere04:26
crimsunI don't see anything in your statements regarding that package being installed04:27
CaBlGuYyes...   ya silly willy..  I got sun-java5-jre installed04:27
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CaBlGuYwell Duh.,...  Java...04:27
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crimsunsun-java5-jre != sun-java5-plugin04:27
CaBlGuYread up  /\04:27
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crimsunand Java != (either of those packages)04:27
crimsunwhich Web browser are you using?04:28
CaBlGuYso I need to "install" plugin then..04:28
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CaBlGuYfirefox mainly..04:28
crimsunand the plugin isn't listed in about:plugins?04:28
crimsundpkg -l sun-java5-plugin|grep ^ii04:28
CaBlGuYok..  apt-get install?04:29
crimsunwhat's the output from the above dpkg command?04:29
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CaBlGuYOh hang on04:29
sueacan anyone tell me why my wireless network device isnt enabling?04:30
CaBlGuYno output crimsun04:30
crimsunsuea: sea lions04:30
crimsunCaBlGuY: yes, then install sun-java5-plugin04:30
crimsun(much as I suspected)04:30
AQUI_TU_NICKhow do i mark java to all page i will visit04:30
crimsunnote that installing sun-java5-jre doesn't automatically install sun-java5-plugin04:31
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CaBlGuYok, all done..  now anything else??04:31
crimsunCaBlGuY: restart your Web browser?04:31
CaBlGuYgimme a sec..04:31
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DaSkreechGood bye Lexi!04:32
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CaBlGuYok, workin now..  thanks crimsun   ;)04:32
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CaBlGuYand I promis..  I won't ever talk bad about ya again..  :p04:33
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OODcrimsun: can you still help me out with the sound card? ill send over the amixer output04:33
ScottLandhey if I downloaded some linux files would i need to install them through ADept Manager??04:34
crimsunOOD: I'm pretty busy (at work)04:34
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fiyawerxhah, this is pretty neat04:39
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fiyawerxheh, i don't think im going to find anything i like better than kde04:40
ScottLandHey can someone help me out real quick wit gettin an app up and running04:40
CheeseBurgerManScottLand: What app?04:40
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OODcrimsun: ah ok, another time then, thanks :)04:40
ScottLandi downloaded the .taz.gz file04:41
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CheeseBurgerManOK, it's probably the source you downloaded.04:41
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CheeseBurgerManAlright, extract the archive 'tar zxvf name-of-archive.tar.gz'04:42
ScottLandyes sir did that04:42
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CheeseBurgerManOK then, run 'sudo apt-get install build-essential04:43
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ScottLandblah blah blah package build-essential has no installation candidate04:43
ScottLandpackage build-essential is not available04:44
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CheeseBurgerManHave you enabled multiverse/universe?04:44
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ScottLandno sir i dont believe so04:44
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:45
fiyawerxanyone gotten halo pc to run under kubuntu?04:45
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhere is desktop settings wizard?04:45
thompathe sound went off after a reboot04:45
=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:46
thompasystem settings sound is hardwactdetere auto04:46
fiyawerxooh thats nice04:46
thompatouchpad cant disable either04:46
thompaqsyanptics now has all the options greyed out for some reason04:47
thompaive changed nothing though04:47
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thompaanybody know how to get rid off the friggan touchpad?04:48
CheeseBurgerManthompa: I have a button that does that on my computer, never investigated software methods.04:49
thompaits a sony notebook04:50
thompafunny thing is qsynaptics worked until today04:50
thompaother problem is no sound after reboot04:53
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:54
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AQUI_TU_NICKwhere do i get a working dosemu04:59
AQUI_TU_NICKnot dosbox05:00
AQUI_TU_NICKi need a fast dos emulator05:00
CheeseBurgerManhttp://dosemu.org ?05:00
fiyawerxdo you guys think it'd be silly to have a seperate window manager for doing stuff remotely just to be faster?05:01
dr_willisdosbox is a dos emulator last ii looked.05:01
fiyawerxlike using kde at home but xfce at work? or whatever really05:01
dr_willisfiyawerx,  depends on the tasks.05:01
dr_willisI use fluxbox for my vnc sessions05:01
dr_willisor icewm, or windowmaker05:01
fiyawerxyeah, im just trying to decide what the heck to use this box for now that i get it set up hehe05:01
fiyawerxyeah havn't looked into those yet05:01
HawkwindAnyone have a good source to get audacious from by chance ?05:02
fiyawerxi mean i don't even think i have any problems using kde from work, im just kinda lost lol, everything works i just don't know what else to do05:02
HawkwindFor Dapper that is05:02
dr_willisi got my main fileserver set to spawn gdm in a vnc sessinn when i connect.05:02
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fiyawerxcus like i want to set up the dockbar and stuff, but thats too slow even over nomachine's client05:03
fiyawerxso i'd need something lighter for when i'm at work05:03
TheHighChildCheeseBurgerMan: Are you still around?05:03
fiyawerxkxdocker, that's the one i tried05:04
CheeseBurgerManTheHighChild: Yep05:04
dr_willisi find all these fancy desktops get in the way.. i seem to just run a few programs and thats it.05:04
fiyawerxthats what i usually end up doing, but i figure i can custimize it, might as well play around a bit05:05
TheHighChildCheeseBurgerMan: Hey man. i helped ScottLand get his repos in order and he got build-essential. Did you know what he was doing? if so, if not, I can try and figure things out for him05:05
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CheeseBurgerManHe was installing aircrack-ng05:06
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TheHighChildCheeseBurgerMan: is that something you are familiar with? if not, I can look things up and help him. I wasn't sure if you knew what he's trying to do or not.05:07
CheeseBurgerManThat's about what I knew -- I'm not even sure what aircrack-ng is.05:07
TheHighChildCheeseBurgerMan: Ok, it's for wardriving I believe. I'll look into the docs. Thanks.05:08
CheeseBurgerManAlright. Good luck. :)05:08
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ScottLandman i feel like such a baby gettin all u to help me05:08
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ScottLandthanks for ur help05:09
CheeseBurgerManNot a problem, although I'm not really doing anything.05:09
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HawkwindNo one here has a source for audacious for Dapper ?05:11
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CheeseBurgerManHawkwind: What's wrong with the stuff at http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads ?05:12
robitailleHawkwind:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/audacity/05:13
robitailleoops...wrong link :)05:13
HawkwindCheeseBurgerMan: I'd like to have deb packages preferrably05:13
unix_infidelHawkwind: there's a how-to on the forums.05:14
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CheeseBurgerManHawkwind: Oh, I figured you meant the source.05:14
CheeseBurgerManSorry 'bout that.05:14
HawkwindCheeseBurgerMan: Heh nah05:14
Hawkwindunix_infidel: Got the link handy ?05:14
dr_willis'use the source luke!'05:14
GullyFoylehrm i created a session type "freenode" in konsole that would run "irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n GullyFoyle -w mypassword" and it works fine. but konsole automatically gave it a shortcut - ctrl+alt+f. is this normal? seems like a feature that could produce trouble if you already have that keychain bound to something else.05:14
unix_infidelHawkwind: just a sec05:15
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unix_infidelHawkwind: ^^^^05:15
Hawkwindunix_infidel: Thanks man05:15
unix_infidelthis is what I used, it seems to be working fine EXCEPT for the skin issue which is really buggin me.05:16
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Hawkwindunix_infidel: Awesome.  It uses all 168 skins that I have :)05:22
unix_infidelHawkwind: xmms skins?05:22
lucero_7anyone know off the top of their head which plugin handles window shade over in compiz?05:22
lucero_7need to turn the damn thing off05:22
Hawkwindunix_infidel: xmms, winamp.  I've got a mixture of both05:22
unix_infidelHawkwind: how big is the folder, mind emailing them to me?05:22
Hawkwindunix_infidel: I can give you some.  About 65 or so05:23
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unix_infidelHawkwind: *shrug* i'll take what i can get.  Mind putting them on a share05:24
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ScottLandif i downloaded source files from a website... i then extracted the .tar.gz and then did sudo make05:41
ScottLandwhen tried to launch that app from kon i get command not found05:41
ScottLandanyone know why05:41
noiesmoScottLand, normally when you download src files you need to do05:42
noiesmomake install05:42
HobbseeScottLand: which app?05:42
noiesmoand you will need to sudo -i before i suggest so you do it as root user05:42
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-253-211.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
HawkwindWhat's wrong with sudo apt-get install aircrack ?05:43
ScottLandaircrack-ng is the new one05:44
HawkwindUmmm, what's the difference that you need -ng ?05:44
ScottLandlol i dont know the admin in the channel said itll fix my problem05:44
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ScottLandso i extracted it to a folder05:44
HawkwindYeah, I'd trust him for sure, NOT05:44
ScottLandi went into console05:44
ScottLandand tried05:44
HawkwindScottLand: Read the README or INSTALL file that came in the unpacked directory05:45
ScottLandsudo -i make install05:45
ScottLandhow do i do that05:45
ScottLandsorry ive only had this OS for like 6 hours05:45
HawkwindOpen it in a text editor of your choice05:45
Hawkwindkwrite README or kwrite INSTALL or whatever05:45
HawkwindHobbsee: BTW, xchat-2.6.4 got uploaded to Edgy yesterday or the day before :)05:45
HobbseeHawkwind: nice :)05:46
=== Hobbsee doesnt see the point of uploading kde stuff yet.
HawkwindNow with spell check capabilities05:46
Hobbseenot if kdelibs* is borked.05:46
RawSewagehow do you uninstall a Wine program that doesnt have an uninstaller05:46
HawkwindHeh yeah.  Kinda pointless when kdelibs* is broken05:46
HawkwindRawSewage: Delete any directories it has maybe ?05:46
RawSewageis that it?05:47
RawSewagethats messy05:47
HawkwindI couldn't tell ya.  If Windows is the best job for what I need, I just use Windows05:47
HawkwindI've never touched Wine, and plan to keep it that way05:47
RawSewagethats irrational05:47
HawkwindNo.  You use the best tool for the job actually :)05:48
HobbseeRawSewage: probably ask in #winehq05:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:51
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Kr4t05Has anyone else had luck getting XGL and Compiz working.05:53
Kr4t05I managed to get it to work, all except for the cube plugin, but that could be because I use TwinView.05:54
me2winKr4t05: i got it working a few months ago during a dapper flight, but thats it05:56
me2winhaven't tried since then05:56
Kr4t05Yeah, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.05:56
Kr4t05The only thing I regret, is never getting the cube to work. ><05:57
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Fiyawerxhey guys, whats the difference between the live cd and the dvd versions?06:03
Fiyawerxother than 3 gigs06:03
HawkwindLive CD you don't have to install anything if you don't want to06:03
flakethe cd i burnt fit on a cd - non dvd06:04
HawkwindThe DVD version IIRC is like the alternate CD where you have to install it.  No Live CD feature06:04
flakeubuntu + kde06:04
flakekde d/l06:04
Fiyawerxi mean i don't mind installing it, just wondering what the 3 gig difference is06:04
macdanyone have any recomendations on a good mysql GUI ? similar to phpmyadmin but not a web based app, I tried kmysqladmin, but its pretty sloppy i its interface06:05
HobbseeFiyawerx: all of the stuff in main & restricted is on the dvd06:05
Fiyawerxoh, nice06:06
Hobbseewhich you can just download, if you've got a reasonable internet connection06:06
=== Hobbsee doesnt see teh point in downloading what you dotn need
Fiyawerxso for like my network drivers and whatnot that don't work without restricted in -2506:06
=== Hawkwind Hugs his 8Mb connection
Fiyawerxyeah 5mb here, almost never max it out even06:07
Fiyawerxi have the cd install and i had everything working with that, figured i'd give the dvd a shot this time 'round06:07
HawkwindI do all the time.  But that's probably not best discussed here06:07
Fiyawerxyeah torrents and whatnot, im happy if im getting 300k06:07
Fiyawerxat work i can get around 1.3 MB per sec :)06:08
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhere is desktop settings wizard?06:08
Fiyawerxdownloaded like 3 gigs of music in an hour the other day06:08
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Fiyawerxgood connection + newsgroups = rocks06:08
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhere is desktop settings wizard?06:09
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Fiyawerxand oh, PC (Intel x86) install/live DVD06:09
Fiyawerxso its live dvd too06:09
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DaSkreechAnyone uses NetBeans06:10
Kr4t05Does anyone know what dir the screen savers are stashed in for 6.06?06:10
Kr4t05I want to try xwinwrap06:10
HawkwindKr4t05: /usr/share/screensavers ?06:10
=== Kr4t05 tries
DaSkreechKr4t05: Look at kscreensaver in adept and check installed files06:10
=== Kr4t05 [n=Andrew@dsl-206-251-5-189.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
moparisthebesti use netbeans DaSkreech06:12
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DaSkreechmoparisthebest: It has a GUI Builder?06:13
moparisthebestyes DaSkreech the best gui builder I found06:13
moparisthebestI even tried paid ones06:13
moparisthebestand netbeans is way better06:13
DaSkreechmoparisthebest: Where is it? :)06:13
DaSkreechI found a pallete06:14
moparisthebestwhere is the gui builder?06:14
moparisthebestill open it up and tell you one second :)06:14
DaSkreechmoparisthebest: Yep. I created a new Java project and Went to Gui builder06:14
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moparisthebestok DaSkreech, you right click your default package and go to new> jframe form06:16
moparisthebestor new> jpanel form06:16
moparisthebestcan anyone maybe help me with this error, its probably an easy fix06:17
moparisthebesterror: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.06:17
moparisthebestI installed the gtk libraries from adept i believe06:17
moparisthebestbut how would I do what it tells me to? I dont know how to edit enviromental variables in linux :(06:18
Hobbsee!search gtk06:18
ubotuFound: gtk, browsers, p2p06:18
Hobbsee!search libgtk06:18
ubotuFound nothing06:18
Hobbseestupid bot.06:18
Hobbseemoparisthebest: did you grab libgtk2.0-dev06:19
moparisthebestill check now06:19
moparisthebestnope, im grabbing it now06:20
moparisthebesthopefully that will fix it :)06:20
DaSkreechmoparisthebest: Yay It crashed :)06:20
moparisthebestrofl thats nice06:20
DaSkreechCool now I know how to build it though Thanks!!!06:20
moparisthebestno problem06:20
moparisthebestwatcha building? or just playing around?06:21
moparisthebestthanks alot Hobbsee that got it :D06:21
Hobbseemoparisthebest: yay :)06:22
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DaSkreechmoparisthebest: A bank06:24
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orient2000Last update did not got thouhgt. It said:06:38
orient2000Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time06:38
orient2000Please close the other application e.g. 'aptitude' or 'Synaptic' first.06:38
=== KuLover [n=matt@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
orient2000Last update did not got thouhgt. It said:06:41
=== docvin [n=hwilson@c-24-7-157-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
orient2000[00:38]  --> _matt has joined this channel (n=matt@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net).06:41
orient2000[00:38]  <orient2000> Last update did not got thouhgt. It said:06:41
orient2000[00:38]  <orient2000> Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time06:41
orient2000[00:38]  <orient2000> Please close the other application e.g. 'aptitude' or 'Synaptic' first.06:41
=== docvin [n=hwilson@c-24-7-157-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Hobbseeorient2000: please dont repeat.  and i'd say that you had adept/synaptic/apt-get open while trying to update?06:42
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orient2000They are not open.06:43
dr_willisone may of crashed and left a lock file06:44
orient2000If they are open and I do not see it how can I kill them?06:45
dr_willisim thinking the lock file is /var/apt/SOMTHING :) (like lock)06:47
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dr_willisuse ps ax | less and see whats running06:47
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dr_willisHmm.. not there.. lets see06:48
Hobbseeorient2000: in a console, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a06:48
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orient2000[00:48]  <Hobbsee> orient2000: in a console, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a not found06:51
Hobbseesudo dpkg-configure -a06:51
Hobbseesorry, i can never remember which way around it is :P06:51
flakeI've got a few questions - is my /home/user-name folder considered the folder I should save images or write to?06:51
flakewhat about the /root, /bin, is that where the installed programs and data go?06:52
ubotuI know nothing about alias06:52
[Evil] [Ernie] _flake: all the installed stuff usually goes to /usr or /bin or /sbin maybe06:52
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net06:52
dr_willisflake,  thats the direcytory that all the users files should be saved to.. in fact it should be the ONLY directory (normally) writeable by the user.06:52
Hobbseeflake: yes /home/user is often referred to as ~, and is what you save things too06:52
dr_willisflake,  /root is special home dir for the root user.06:52
flakeroot is like for the admin only?06:53
Hobbseeflake: usually you dont have to install programs manually like that - there are scripts that do it for you - and there's apt-get, of course06:53
Hobbseeflake: yes, you shouldnt run as root06:53
[Evil] [Ernie] _root == admin06:53
flakei think wolf-et installed to my /usr/local/...06:53
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flakehad to use sudo (super user?)06:54
orient2000sudo dpkg-configure -a command not found06:54
[Evil] [Ernie] _anyone else have lag problems using multiple desktops?06:54
DaSkreechorient2000: try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:54
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dr_willis[Evil] [Ernie] _,  depends a lot on the cpu and video card and window manager.. and your video card drivers.06:54
hybridI just cant believe anyone would start a band just to make the scene and be cool and have chicks. I just cant believe it.  - Kurt Cobain in 199106:55
=== hybrid kicks split screens
orient2000sudo dpkg--configure -a cccommand not found06:56
BlankB_[Evil] [Ernie] _: I had it really bad. using a nvidia fx-5200. Now im using an ati 9550 and no problems.06:56
DaSkreechorient2000: try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:56
orient2000It did something. Let me boot.06:58
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=== dr_willis wonders how Orient2000 did that command without being booted. :P
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flakewhat about reading ntfs drives, is it safe to do so07:05
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhas anyone got the partypoker running on linux?07:06
Hobbseeflake: yep07:06
Hobbseeflake: just not write07:06
HobbseeDaSkreech: ah, was that it...07:07
DaSkreechHobbsee: Should get a !installcrash bot response :)07:07
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=== Hobbsee doenst understand.
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Well if some people can't remember the command/url and lots of people ask for it we make a bot respose right?07:08
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)07:08
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:09
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.07:09
HobbseeDaSkreech: true...07:09
DaSkreechHow about an !installcrash07:09
ubotuI know nothing about men07:09
ubotuPlease ask your messages in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.07:09
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots07:09
LynoureWhy does it answer on the channel if asking it on the channel is not ok?07:10
ChefWill!o p07:10
ubotuI know nothing about o p07:10
Hobbseehehe...good point07:10
LynoureIt's not like anyone flooded the bot now07:10
=== Daskies is now known as Das|Sleeping
DaSkreechubotu knows nothing about men07:11
=== DaSkreech cracks up
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhas anyone got the partypoker running ?07:11
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=== [Evil] [Ernie] _ sweeps the shards of DaSkreech into a dustpan and tosses out
Healotnever heard of that before...07:11
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyeah , the game07:11
arcturushi, is this the Windows help forum?07:11
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:12
Hobbseearcturus: hehe, no, try ##windows07:13
DaSkreechn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: can It run on Linux?07:13
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: someone did, either here or on #ubuntu, under wine07:13
HealotI saw a lot of WINE bs on mrbass.org07:14
arcturusnoticed a number of screensavers don't work07:14
=== nixternal is now known as nixternal_
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: wasn't even tough, just normal install on wine. But alas, I no longer have logs for that (these channels cause a lot of log)07:14
HealotIrfanview, DVD Decrypter, DVD shrink  on wINE are there...07:14
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nixternal_forget irfanview on wine...try out XnView...same thing but for linux...works great07:15
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: is it a lot of work to get wine installed?07:15
Healotboth aren't free anyways :-07:15
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: no, you can apt-get it07:16
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Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: it's in Universe07:16
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: is it just one package that i need?07:20
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Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: apt will pull the packages wine needs for you.07:21
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: But for added prettiness you might want to install msttcorefonts too07:21
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: alrighty , thank you07:22
HealotI need to drink Chateau 197207:22
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: good luck. Is the poker thing an online poker game? :)07:23
arcturusanyone notice automatix has gone thru 8 changes ... in 8 days07:23
kkathmanmaybe someday they'll get it right :)07:24
DaSkreechCan I use system settings to switch between GDM and KDM?07:25
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: yeah , u can play for real money or for free, i didnt want to install it on windoez , but i figures linux is safer so ill give it a try07:25
Hobbseen0ctuRnaL-fieNd: the version in universe is reallly old07:25
Hobbseeunless you're on dapper07:25
Hobbseei think.07:25
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdim on dapper07:27
Healotsorry Dapper Rat07:27
HealotShowing the world just how charming rats are!07:28
DaSkreechLIke Mickey Mouse!!07:28
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: It might be the same one where my friend is making more money than in their dayjob... but that just means other people are losing.07:28
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: yup , i just play for free,   i can only see wine dummy packages in the repos , i added the wine repo tho07:30
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:06:30 2006
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about vim707:37
unix_infidel!vim 707:37
ubotuI know nothing about vim 707:37
farous!find vim > unix_infidel07:38
ubotuFound: vim, vim-common, vim-doc, vim-gnome, vim-gui-common (and 15 others)07:38
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: weird, I could see wine in Universe. Do you have Universe in your sources list?07:38
farousubotu: try packages.ubuntu.com and see if it is there07:38
unix_infidelfarous: nope.07:39
farousunix_infidel: try packages.ubuntu.com and see if it is there07:39
unix_infidelnot there...07:39
faroussorry made a mistake with this tab compl07:39
farousunix_infidel: so probably not there yet07:39
unix_infideli would've apt-get'ed by now.07:39
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdLynoure: yup , its alright , im gonna compile it from source , im gonna use the guide on wine website , ty07:40
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Hobbseevim7 will probably be in edgy07:41
unix_infidelHobbsee: anyway to get it for dapper?07:41
Hobbseeunix_infidel: possible backport in a while, otherwise compile it07:41
unix_infidel3rd party repo or backport?07:41
rodrigohow can i go to a channel of kubuntu in spanish07:42
crimsunshe means dapper-backports, which are hosted on ubuntu servers.07:42
Hobbseethanks crimsun07:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:42
Hobbseerodrigo: ^07:42
crimsunHobbsee: ponies please07:42
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Hobbseecrimsun: noyoucanthaveapony kthnksbye07:42
crimsunwaaah :(07:43
=== Hobbsee hugs crimsun
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Healothey the dual monitor again?07:49
minI still need help07:49
Kr4t05min, ATI or nVidia?07:49
minati 900007:50
minradeon mobile07:50
minmonitor acer07:50
Kr4t05I have no clue.07:50
mindarn it07:50
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Kr4t05I'm an NVIDIA TwinView monkey.07:50
Healotcopy the section monitor (the existing entry), change the name and vertical/horizontal refresh, resolution, and color depth and restart X07:50
Healotaccording to the second monitor specification....07:51
minuh huh07:51
=== mopar_ [n=mopar@cpe-69-135-193-124.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdok , got some problems compiling wine, can someone look at it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1660007:51
minIm on a acer al1714b where can I get the specs for it?07:52
cvt|experthow do i get win32codecs?07:53
Melchiorreuse the seveas depositories http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas/07:54
Melchiorrethe package is called 'w32codecs'07:54
cvt|expertah ty07:54
minwhere can I get specs for the acer al1714b?07:54
Melchiorreno luck cvt|expert?07:59
cvt|experti searched synaptic for w32codecs and win32codecs08:00
Melchiorredid you add the seveas extras repo? 'deb http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas dapper-seveas extras'08:01
cvt|expertno, but i will now08:01
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cvt|expertcommand not found08:10
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cvt|experti think i'm using breezy08:11
Melchiorrewell there are breezy repos too08:11
MelchiorreI think08:11
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mini still cant change it08:13
minonly if I had one monitor08:13
minbut thats not happening08:13
minany tips?08:13
Melchiorrecvt|expert:    deb http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas breezy-seveas extras08:15
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mindarn it08:17
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Healotmin: do you install Windows by chance?08:20
minI did08:20
minbut I reforamted08:20
minand I dont have it anymore08:20
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdok , got some problems compiling wine, can someone look at it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1660008:20
Healotyou need to either i) refer to the back of the monirot08:20
Healotii) google?08:21
Healotor manual08:21
minHow do I open my xorf.conf in kubuntu08:21
minIm not the root suer so I cant change anything08:21
Healotadd "sudo" before the command to edit the file08:22
farousmin type sudo before the command then input your username08:22
Healotand enter your password08:22
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:22
minI put that into my xorg.conf file08:22
minthe information was alredy there08:22
minbut I think that info was for my broken monitor08:22
minand not the external one that I hope to use08:22
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Healotpaste the output of your xorg.conf file08:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:24
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Healotuse that link.... don't paste here08:24
mingot it08:24
=== xenblend [n=xenblend@adsl-71-146-174-37.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
Healotmin: and probably the output of "lspci -v"08:26
minwhat do I do?08:26
Healotto check your graphics card settings08:26
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minit gave me a bunch of text08:26
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minshould I paste them?08:27
Healoti want that text :)08:27
Healotbtw, there is only ONE monitor/screen entry08:27
=== robin [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034087023.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
minyea its weird08:28
minI dunno how to fix it08:28
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=== dnkidjit [n=ftg2@24-117-208-37.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu
Healotmmkay. i am writing an example for your ATi dual monitor config (xorg.conf)08:31
minso thats what I should write in there?08:31
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mindum de dum dum08:37
Healotwait, writing the comments too08:37
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Healothttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo >> Full explanation08:39
bulltitancan i play a winxp game by using vmware?08:39
Healotdamn take forever to load08:39
Healotyeah, if you installed XP using VMware08:40
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Healothttp://pastebin.com/732656 > min08:40
=== sheldonc [n=harley@pdpc/supporter/student/sheldonc] has joined #kubuntu
weihelloyour computer is thirst, give it some water....08:41
minuh huh08:41
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Healotask if you understand the settings08:42
minstill loading08:42
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdok , got some problems compiling wine, can someone look at it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1660008:42
minare u sure its right?08:43
minits still loading08:43
=== sir_binary_ [n=and@84-72-91-19.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu
hsn_how to set domain name? i know about hostname for seting host name, but how to set domain?08:43
minyea I think its bad link08:43
minthe other guys went lighting fast08:43
weihelloyou can set it in networksetting08:44
minok it worked08:45
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minrwar thats long08:45
minso where do I put this?08:45
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Healotmin: in the xorg.conf...08:46
mincna u tell me the code to open the xorg.conf file in terminal so I can edit it?08:46
mincuz if I just open it up08:46
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Healotreplace the existing settings...08:46
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raphinkmin: depens what editor you want to use08:46
minI dont have permission08:46
Healotyou're in KDE right?08:46
minI have kate08:46
raphinkvi/emacs/nano, etc.08:46
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:46
raphinkah right08:46
raphinksudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf then08:47
Healot"kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" then08:47
=== Wodger [n=wodger@dyn-62-56-59-122.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
raphinkHealot: that also works :)08:47
Healotnext enter your password when prompted08:47
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HealotHorizSync        30-31.5 >> add the appropriate setting (number like in the example)08:48
minI got it08:49
Healotmin I would suggest that you jot down the "Monitor" settings, by attaching one monitor at one time08:49
=== Melchiorre [n=melchior@ppp205-68.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
minso just replace everything with what I have?08:49
HealotVertRefresh        70 << this too08:49
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Healotdo one monitor at a time, record the settings, then add the entry in the example i gave you08:50
minI dotn have the specs for my monitor08:50
cotrolerhow do i install GNOME for kubuntu pls? (i have KDE)08:50
minI cnat find it in google either08:51
minget ubuntu08:51
Healotmin: "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" while plugging each monitor at one time...08:51
=== andre^off is now known as andred
crimsuncotroler: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop && mv -f ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0.bak08:51
Healotwith that, your xorg setting will be change according to the monitor you have08:52
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:52
Healotcopy that setting into another file, preferably at your home directory08:52
minI cant take out th eother monitor08:52
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minits stuck to my laptop08:52
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-17-132.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Healotthen take out the one that you can take out08:53
minthen I cant see08:53
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome08:53
=== cotroler [n=cotroler@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
mincuz the othe one is broke08:53
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:53
Healotor easier... isntall the following packages "fglrx-control xorg-driver-fglrx xorg-driver-fglrx-dev"08:53
_cotrolerhow do i install gnome in kubuntu pls??08:53
minit says08:54
min#Put appropriate vertical and horizontal refrest settings if necessary08:54
minso I dont have to?08:54
minor do I need to08:54
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weihelloi run brood in wine last night.  but it's slow...slow....slow.... my screen frozened08:54
Healotthat's where you supposed to put the "HorizSync" and "VertRefresh" settings, min08:55
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Healotanything taht start with # is a comment... min08:55
minI know that08:55
Healothttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-85215.html << have you read this yet?08:56
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Healotmmmkay, I going to be away08:56
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_cotrolerhow do i install gnome for kubuntu pls???08:59
Hobbsee_cotroler: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:00
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_cotrolerHobbsee: is says cans find package ubuntu-desktop09:01
Hobbsee_cotroler: post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin.ca and give us the link, please?09:02
_cotrolerHobbsee: how do i post that link pls? iam newbie to linux09:03
KuLoverwhy are the hard rives being checked even though i have it set to 0 0 in fstab?09:04
Hobbseehmmm...better still09:04
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:04
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ChefWillHobbsee: i do all my network stuff thru iwconfig now ;o09:05
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HobbseeChefWill: hehe nice09:06
ChefWilli need to make a batch file though09:06
ChefWillto automate it a bit09:06
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fatejudgerjoin #ubuntu+109:07
fatejudgerI hate it when I do that...09:07
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mincan 8ijI just leave the monitor name as fujisu?09:08
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Hobbseeaway_bernd: please turn that away message off09:18
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KuLoverWhat would someone say the best driver for an ATI X850 XT would be?09:20
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farousKuLover: the best driver for ati they are all bad lol. but i prefer the opensource ones09:21
MelchiorreKuLover: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide09:21
MelchiorreDepends if you want to run 3d games or not...09:21
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KuLoverI agree,, they are all bad. I was hoping there was somthing better than fglex09:22
KuLoverI have problems wile running x applications09:22
KuLoverI do play 3d games09:22
KuLoverPlanesSHift is one of them09:22
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KuLoverIt need 3D acell09:22
HealotI play 4D (gambling) :)09:22
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farousKuLover: radeon on my card (open source drive) have 3d accel enabled09:23
KuLoverfarous, DO you have problems running X applications? Like FrostWire and stuch?09:24
KuLoverMy GUI crashed when I try to run things like that09:25
KuLoverALthough I can still move my mouse09:25
farousKuLover: nope09:25
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farousKuLover: hmm did you use an xorg.conf file that you configure in breezy?09:25
KuLoverSo I guess then fglrx are my only choice ><09:25
KuLoverIm resorting to that now.. I was playing with other drivers and rendered my system un bootablt.. it just hangs on the kubuntu screen after loading09:26
farousKuLover: you should mostly try ati, radeon or fglrx.09:27
KuLoverati wont boot :/09:29
KuLoverI have to go back to fglrx i suppose09:29
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farousKuLover: did you change the driver in the xorg.conf file and did you load the ati module in it?09:31
KuLoverRite now Im seeing if I can actually boot again ><09:31
KuLoverPhew.. I made it!09:31
KuLoverIt boots09:31
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KuLoverYeah I tried ATI earlier..09:32
moparisthebestif I just mount an ntfs partition as read only it cant get corrupted can it?09:32
KuLoverNo go for my card :/09:32
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minwee not workking09:41
minI think I did somethign wrong09:41
mincan u send me the pastebin thing again?09:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:42
minsomeone sent me this pastebin thing where it showed me what to do09:43
hybridoh, sorry09:43
=== hybrid hides
minIt got me to a bootscreen where it froze09:44
minso I had to do ctrl+ f109:44
minI give up09:45
minback to window for me09:45
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farousmin can you state your prob again09:48
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Wodgerpastbin = http://kubuntu.pastebin.com09:49
Wodgerbookmark it?09:49
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HobbseeWodger: yes, that's the pastebin09:53
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:54
Wodgerheh no that was for min09:54
Hobbseecotroler: see ^09:54
cotrolerHobbsee :)09:55
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lubchocan someone tell me how to create a shorcut for terminal command10:00
lubchocd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Gaberoff\ Koral/Gaberoff\ Koral\ German\ Dictionary\ 1.0/10:00
lubchoand after that to execute command wine DictionDe.exe10:01
lubchoi tried with10:01
lubchoa shorcut10:01
lubchocd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Gaberoff\ Koral/Gaberoff\ Koral\ German\ Dictionary\ 1.0/10:01
lubcho& wine DictionDE.exe10:01
lubchobut the terminal stops with error msg10:02
lubchocd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Gaberoff\ Koral/Gaberoff\ Koral\ German\ Dictionary\ 1.0/10:02
lubcho& wine DictionDE.exe10:02
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lubcho/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `&'10:02
lubcho/bin/sh: -c: line 1: `& wine DictionDE.exe '10:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:03
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:03
Hobbseewrong command, first time10:03
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:03
Hobbseehmm ok10:03
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scheurihi all10:07
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cotrolerhi scheuri10:08
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lubchoAnyone  can give me an idea how to fix it10:13
lubchoim sure its a minor failture10:13
Healotfix whut?10:13
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lubchothis minor shorcut10:13
lubcho how to link 2 commands10:14
omeowlubcho: Surely there are German dictionaries on the web? :)10:14
lubcholike 1st cd and then wine app.exe10:14
lubchoomeow: They are... but not bg-de de-bg :)10:14
omeowbg being Bulgarian?10:14
lubchoYep :)10:15
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omeowOk, can you explain to me what it is you're trying to archive?10:15
Healotcd && wine10:15
omeowOh seperating commands.10:16
omeowYou could also do cd ; wine or cd | wine10:16
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lubchoaha... just a sec to try10:18
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lubchonot working bash.sh -c still prints syntax error :(10:19
lubchosome unexpected token10:20
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:06:30 2006
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lubcholove you omeow :P10:36
omeowWhat did I do?10:36
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lubchothe ; worked with and now it propertly runs and executes the commands10:37
omeowOh ok. :) Have fun.10:37
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ajaychi guys10:55
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hsn_where can i find program for generating otp responses, 331 Response to otp-md5 486 sd0108 ext required ?10:57
starterI have a problem with kubuntu, after the bbotup sequence, it enters xwindows, I can hear the sound, but the screen goes black10:58
starterthe computer is 2000+ Athlon, GeForce 4 MX440, 256 DDRAM10:59
starterbootup sequence*10:59
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starternoone alive?11:10
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yacekwhen I run applications from console I get this X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166, how to solve it?11:13
hsn_its normal, same there11:13
yacekbut why?11:14
edulixhello kubuntusers :P11:14
edulixI think I've found a strange error in konqi11:14
starteruhm... I'll ask one more time11:14
starterI have a problem with kubuntu, after the bbotup sequence, it enters xwindows, I can hear the sound, but the screen goes black11:14
starterthe computer is 2000+ Athlon, GeForce 4 MX440, 256 DDRAM11:14
edulixtest: enter in http://www.jamendo.com/ and mouseover the links of the tags cloud. most of them don't seem links, but they are11:15
edulix(btw, I'm using kde 3.5.3)11:15
edulixhey noone tried? :(11:16
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starteruhm... noone with FeForce 4 MX440?11:29
nikwhere does kaddressbook save all the data?11:31
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edulixnik: probably somewhere in ~/.kde11:37
edulixthat's where everything goes :P11:37
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visik7I've a usb pendrive11:52
visik7when I plug in it the kernel see 2 devices11:53
visik7while there is only one11:53
visik7why ?11:53
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paul_[dapperdrake]  hi, how can I list disinstalled packages?11:59
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nikedulix: ya...but there is no data :x12:00
nikonly configuration files..12:00
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craigaaHi All, I am wanting to experiment with and get to know KDE. Am I likely to run into any obvious problems installing the kubuntu-destop meta-package on my production Ubuntu box?12:04
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der_danielis drapper drake stable, yet?12:15
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omeowcraigaa: What kind of problems?12:17
omeowder_daniel: Yeah, it should be. Haven't had any big problems yet.12:17
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der_danielthanks, will give it a try then :D12:19
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:20
paul_can you list the packages you uninstalled?12:22
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omeowSince when? Since ever?12:22
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keynepaul_: not sure that the best way to do it, but that's how i do it usually: dpkg -l | grep ^r12:27
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ajayceXCeSS, hi12:32
ajaycanyone here plays et?12:32
omeowet phone home12:32
ajaycEnemy Territory!12:32
omeowI play Alien Swarm12:33
craigaaomeow: Sorry, went for a sandwich. I don't know what problems I might encounter. Basically, I would like to know if there are any known gotcha's to installing kde on Ubuntu.12:34
omeowUh, not that I know of. As far as I know. It just installs normally.12:34
ajayccraigaa, not at all12:34
omeowkubuntu-desktop I think you need.12:35
ajayccraigaa, but still if u wanna be safe get Kubuntu itself12:35
craigaaameow, ajayc: Thanks,. I've got to be conservative as this is my work machine and cannot afford the down time.12:35
craigaaajayc - Ubuntu Gnome is my working environment, but I want to learn KDE.12:36
ajayccraigaa, ok so then get kubunu itself12:36
ajaycuse it as livecd12:36
craigaahmm.. good point12:36
craigaatry before you buy ;-)12:36
ajayccraigaa, u just wanna learn kde?or want KDE on ubuntu?12:37
craigaaIs there a major difference?12:37
ajayccan be12:37
ajaycu can use slac12:37
omeowI think there is. :)12:37
ajaycit is fast and small12:37
ajaycto learn KDE12:37
ajaycu dont have to get 695mb12:37
craigaahmm, KDE will always be secondary on my box as the internal std is Gnome...12:37
ajaycget 195 mb12:38
craigaabut I would like to get to know it ...12:38
ajaycu can get to know kde from SLAX12:38
craigaaand there seem to be some really cute kde apps12:38
ajaycget KNOPPIX12:38
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keyneomeow: is there a linux version of Alien Swarm ?12:38
ajayckeyne, www.3dgamers.com12:38
omeowkeyne: Alien Swarm (not infested) is a mod for UT2004 so yeah, it'll run on Linux.12:39
craigaaajayc - will look at Kubuntu live and Knoppix - thanks12:39
ajayccraigaa, no12:39
omeowAlien Swarm Infested will be built for source, and it hasn't been released yet.12:39
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ajayctuxrobot, hi12:39
ajaycthat is my nick on my shell :)12:39
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fiyawerxdo you guys prefer kopete or gaim?12:58
omeowI prefer konversation.12:58
omeowInstant messaging programs are too attention grabbing.12:59
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fiyawerxespecially when you have 250 or so buddies on aim alone that wouldn't be too happy if you just stopped signing on01:00
fiyawerxwhich is why i was asking for a comparison :-P01:00
fiyawerxguess i'll just try'em both01:00
fiyawerxjust redid a fresh install and am sitting here like ok, what do i do next heh01:01
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omeowfiyawerx: Yeah, once you've got Linux fully installed and working, there's not much to do anymore.01:02
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omeowCan't play games anyway. Might as well break Linux again and start fixing stuff. ;)01:02
Lynoureomeow: There are games for Linux, just not that many01:03
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fiyawerxhave to wait till later to get the multimedia working, moved over to my laptop/remote connection, too tired of sitting at the desktop01:03
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fiyawerxoh that reminds me didnt do my video driver yet01:03
LynoureATitD for example is a quite cool multiplayer game01:03
[Nige] i am running dapper but I cant install gtk2 because of dependancies01:03
[Nige] what the easiest way to fix this?01:03
Lynourefiyawerx: A Tale in the Desert01:04
fiyawerxhavn't heard of that one01:04
Lynourefiyawerx: google can tell you more, or atitd.com01:04
fiyawerxsomeone suggested enemy territory01:04
h3sp4wnOr you can play the neo geo arcade games with advancemame01:04
fiyawerxcan't do much of that over a remote connection tho01:05
h3sp4wnIs the remote connection windows ?01:05
fiyawerxwin xp laptop running nomachines client to the kubuntu desktop01:06
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fiyawerxi mean i mud and stuff, can set up some mud clients, but eh, not yet01:06
h3sp4wnThere is a version of exceed which allows opengl over a network connection01:06
fiyawerxthats scary01:06
fiyawerxi mean i can run glxgears over this and whatnot01:07
fiyawerxbut i get like 30 fps as opposed to 7000 at the desktop01:07
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h3sp4wnBut fast enough to use it (Its ment for engineering type programs)01:07
fiyawerxit's prob. meant for high bandwith networks too, altho that'd prob. work on the lan01:07
larsivi_wrkdo anyone know if the svn plugin to eclipse is in the main repositories (and what would it be named)?01:07
h3sp4wnIts probably also expensive01:07
fiyawerxwe have the newest version of hummingbirds exceed at work01:08
fiyawerxi never use it tho01:08
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h3sp4wnExceed 3d is the one you need (never used it though)01:09
fiyawerxwill check it out01:09
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fiyawerxhmm, aha, need firefox01:10
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fiyawerxim loving this yakuake program01:13
h3sp4wnWhat does it do ?01:14
fiyawerxmakes a drop down terminal window when you press f12, and then it hides it when you hit f12 again01:14
fiyawerxcan set it to use Konsoles settings by default01:14
h3sp4wnIs it a kde app though01:14
fiyawerxI found it by looking through the "whats new" screenshots on kde.org01:15
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fiyawerxhtey call it Konsoles "sly" twin01:16
h3sp4wnI am running it (but it doesn't look like that - but seems pretty good01:18
h3sp4wnHow do you make it start when you login to kde ? - just put it in .kde/Autostart or do you know a better way ?01:18
fiyawerxhmm, good question01:18
fiyawerxand if your ight click and go to configure -> use konsole's settings, then do the configure -> set as default, it'll open and look like Konsole01:19
visik7is normal that flash movies are desynced in konqueror ?01:19
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fiyawerxbrb gonna reboot01:20
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pussfellerever since the upgrade to dapper my computer has been sluggish01:24
pussfellergetting into the swap all the time01:24
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fiyawerxh3sp4wn: i rebooted and when x came back up, yakuake is already working01:28
fiyawerxdidn't have to change anything / startup stuff01:29
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fiyawerxok about to pass out01:30
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h3sp4wnhmmm - does ctrl shift n - work for you properly in yakuake ?01:34
h3sp4wn(i.e for a new tab)01:34
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Chameleon22i am using cyrus 2.1 with pam auth and sasldb - when i try to connect using cyradmin (cyradm --user cyrus localhost) I get an error: cyradm: cannot authenticate to server as user cyrus. Password appears to be in sasldb2 file and mail log displays the following error: "Jun 27 21:33:58 fatty cyrus/imapd[13599] : badlogin: localhost[]  DIGEST-MD5 [SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database] " any ideas on how to fix that?01:39
Chameleon22 Googled, checked out cyrus how-to's - no luck...01:39
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deuce868anyone know much about the kpdf package? When I go to print this pdf document it adds a ton of space above and to the right of each page01:42
deuce868so the printer seems to think it needs legal sized paper to print the document01:42
deuce868margins are set to 0, paper is set to letter01:42
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deuce868h3sp4wn, yep, it does work for me01:43
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ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to install the latest Wacom drivers (version 7.4) since every time I use my tablet the stylus is off.  The tip is barely 9 mm from the surface and it starts reacting.  So I need the Xorg sources.  When I look into Adept, it says that I will break my install.  Any ideas on this one?01:44
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h3sp4wndeuce868: I have worked it out (I use ctrl alt n in konsole) so just had to change it from ctrl shift n which it was set to somehow01:45
deuce868ah, ok01:46
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ErtainI'm trying to build a driver, but when I try to install the xorg-dev pack, it says it'll break my install and it doesn't actually install.  Any ideas on this one?01:50
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deuce868oh well, if I print using lpr and adobe reader instead of kpdf it prints fine so I guess I'm still ok01:56
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ErtainOkay, this is seriously messed up.  I'm trying to build the Wacom drivers and for that I need to install xorg-dev, but it would break my install.  Apparently the packs I have, or at least I'm trying to use are too new.  And manually downloading them won't work, since it needs various other packs for it to work.  Damn dependency hell.02:12
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erik__when trying to rip a CD with KAudioCreator: "Cannot place file, unable to make directories."02:17
h3sp4wnErtain: Send the output you get to pastebin.ca (Is it xserver-xorg-dev that you are trying to install ?)02:18
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guptaMe is  getting "Unable to open URL: http://localhost:631/printers" when using hp-toolbox ?02:19
guptaI can acces it from my browser02:19
h3sp4wnAre you trying to access the cups webinterface ? because its disabled by default in {k}ubuntu02:20
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guptaI can access the webinterface, the problem is I get the above message in konsole when I click a particular message in hp-toolbox.02:22
ErtainI'm trying to install xserver-xorg-dev, but it requires various packs, like libdrm-dev.  I have no problem installing the various packs, but Adept keeps saying they'll break my install.02:22
guptaI meant when I click configure in the hp-toolbox02:22
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Yusuke`yo yo02:27
Tommy2k4hm amarok still playing like a minute after i  closed it02:29
Yusuke`ubuntu =D02:29
Ryoga85hi Yusuke`02:30
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emonkeylapTommy2k4, killall amarok-app02:30
Yusuke`heya ^_^02:30
h3sp4wnErtain: Have you all the repositories enabled ?02:30
h3sp4wnErtain: Some parts may be in universe or multiverse02:31
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Yusuke`<>-={{_()()()(g)(H)()()(g) ()()(+) ()()()()_}}=-<>02:32
ErtainI have changed some of them from universe to multiverse, and back.  Then I update the database and check again.  But they would still be broken.02:33
=== Ertain changes some packs and updates others.
ErtainOkay, I think I've got it.02:34
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Yusuke`you have to partition your drives, update your binary's, patch the kernel02:34
Yusuke`it's just so easy02:34
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DarkbyteHello, I'm using dapper and I need install php5-dbase package. But I'm not find it. Who I do to found it? Help me please !!!02:49
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martyndaDarkbyte: sudo apt-get install php5-dbase02:50
Darkbyteapt-get install php5-dbase not found the package.02:51
martyndaDarkbyte: hmm yeah, what are you trying to do?02:52
martyndayou could open up synaptic and search for php5 and see which package you need02:52
guptaDarkbyte: just try "aptitude search php"02:52
Jack1when installing kubuntu 5.10 to a siemens lappie with dualcore centrino i get problems with the x-server02:52
Jack1no idea what to specify in x-server reconfigurexorg02:53
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h3sp4wnJack1: You need dapper for dualcore to work properly02:53
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Tommy2k4Why does konqueror say stalled in the status bar when i try to load up /media/network02:54
Tommy2k4i have a samba share mounted there02:54
Tommy2k4in /media/network/Emma02:54
h3sp4wndid you mount the sambashare with mount -t smbfs or smbmount ?02:54
Tommy2k4i also have a folder called /media/network/Dad which is showing up but i dont have anything mounted there02:55
Jack1h3sp4wn can i upgrade from the internet without x via apt-get?02:55
h3sp4wnJack1: Yes02:55
nixternalJack1: yes02:55
Jack1guys how?02:55
Tommy2k4it automounts //Emma when i boot up02:55
nixternalsudo apt-get update02:55
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nixternalsudo apt-get install02:55
Tommy2k4forgot what file you set that in02:55
nixternalcuz you will be at a command line if you aren't in X02:55
davidedo you have trouble with kde??02:55
davidesometimes freez02:55
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nixternalQt: 3.3.602:56
nixternalKDE: 3.5.302:56
nixternalkde-config: 1.002:56
nixternali have no problem with kde...it is great02:56
h3sp4wnJack1: sudo perl -pi.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/i' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:56
davideme kde 3.5.202:56
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DarkbyteI try it with apt-get,synaptic and aptitude and not found the package.02:56
Jack1nixternal  h3sp4wn first update then install right? prob is that i installed a 383 kernel, having only this cd02:56
davidecheck the repository02:56
Tommy2k4h3sp4wn, i have "//Emma/C/media/network/Emmasmbfscredentials=/root/.smbcredentials00" in /etc/fstab02:56
nixternalyes Jack102:56
nixternalthat way there you loaded the latest repo info into cache02:57
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h3sp4wnJack1: That command will changes sources.list (the old one will be called sources.list.bak) and then update and upgrade02:57
Jack1thank u h3sp4wn but i didnt set up the internet during install how do i that from commandline?02:58
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h3sp4wnJack1: Is it connect by wire or wireless ?02:59
Jack1wire h3sp4wn02:59
h3sp4wnJack1: dhcp ?02:59
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Jack1h3sp4wn no dont think, dsl with password and username03:00
h3sp4wnJack1: So its not thru a router ?03:00
Jack1no router afaik03:00
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Tommy2k4Could not resolve mount point /media/network/Emma03:01
Tommy2k4but when i try to mkdir it says it already exists03:01
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Jack1i got it h3sp4wn sudo pppoeconf03:01
Jack1h3sp4wn thank u that is right isnt it?03:02
Jack1pon dsl-provider h3sp4wn03:02
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Jack1thanks so much guys u save me!03:02
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Jack1need to go offline buy guys cu later03:04
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vincentheloooooo room03:09
GreyBearJust did Upgrade, worked great03:09
vincentawsome Greybear03:10
GreyBearExpected to have to put alot of time into it and it was so easy a Windoze user could do it03:10
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NooreazyI NEED HELP! PLZ03:14
Nooreazyinstalling firefox03:14
jpatricksudo apt-get install firefox03:15
Nooreazynothing came up03:18
Nooreazyand i cant select fire fox in adept installer03:18
GreyBearI installed mine from the Adept Package manager03:18
Nooreazylol i cant even select mine03:18
HobbseeNooreazy: why cant you select it?03:19
GreyBearcan you select anything else there?03:19
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GreyBeardon't know03:20
Nooreazywhen is search fire fox it comes up but its just gray and i cant select it03:20
Nooreazy<GreyBear> don't know THX any way03:20
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Nooreazyso is there a manual way i can install it?03:22
Nooreazyi downloaded the firefox pacage but i dont know witch file is the installer03:23
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins03:24
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Nooreazythx i'm checking it out03:27
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Tommy2k4ew kde crashed03:29
Tommy2k4well, kicker did03:29
Jack1h3sp4wn hi ; i get w:couldtnt stat source package list cdrom//ubuntu 5.10 dapper Badger; some index files failed to download, they have been replaced or old ones used instead03:29
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spikehi there03:29
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spikecan anybody help me with kmail and imap? I cant find out how to write filters for it03:29
spikeno probs with pop, but cant work out imap03:29
Jack1h3sp4wn it says failed to fetch cdrom..03:30
h3sp4wnJack1: That shouldn't make any difference (you don't need the cdrom)03:30
raulcan anybody help im havin problem with amarok it doesnt play. It just builds up the playlist everytime i play03:30
deuce868spike, check out imapfilter . Great little package to do that stuff with regardless of mail client03:30
Hobbseeraul: got libxine-extracodecs installed?03:30
h3sp4wnJack1: You can remove the line from /etc/apt/sources.list if you like (just put a # infront of it)03:30
Jack1h3sp4wn but it doesnt seem to download...03:31
h3sp4wnJack1: Is the internet connection working ?03:31
spikedeuce868: well, I spose I can do that with procmail then, point was doing it with kmail. dont get why it doesnt give access to imap folders from the filter screen03:31
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Jack1h3sp4wn it said it would be online right away so i didnt reboot, maybe i should have right?03:32
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h3sp4wnJack1: Try ping (see if you get a reply)03:32
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h3sp4wnJack1: If it is not working now I don't think a reboot would fix it03:33
raulthanx Hobbsee i didnt have libxine.. installed03:34
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Vexmasterhello again03:35
Hobbseeraul: :)03:35
Vexmasterhas anyone had trouble getting firefox on the main menu?03:35
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MilhousePunkRockHi everyone!03:36
Vexmasterhi milhouse!03:36
MehAdultMorning guys03:37
MilhousePunkRockHow can I add a menu to the taskbar?03:37
MilhousePunkRockLike the system menu that is already there by default...03:37
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MehAdultMilhousePunkRock: wish i knew03:41
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: right click on kicker, add applet to panel, pick applet03:41
Hobbseeor app, if you prefer03:41
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MilhousePunkRockBut I don't want an applet or application, I want a menu, just like the system menu03:42
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LiquidNerd_workedgy  pooped my kdm :(03:44
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guptaAnybody knnows which is the spooler directory? Like in windows it is windows/system32/spool or something03:47
guptaBasically I want to cancel the print jobs and canceling from kcontrol isn't working03:48
LiquidNerd_workgupta: I believe it's set in the cupsys config.. I think mine is normally in /tmp03:48
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, or robotgeek03:49
guptaLiquidNerd_work: K, I'll look around thanks03:49
Hobbseeapokryphos: nice.03:49
Riddellapokryphos: cool03:50
Nooreazydanm it!03:50
Nooreazytheres 2 adept manegers03:50
NooreazyFirefox is hard to install03:50
ubotuI know nothing about !!03:50
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imbrandonapokryphos, im missing ;)03:50
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MehAdultNooreazy: It's simple, just sudo apt-get install firefox03:50
MilhousePunkRocknooreazy Why? Even I managed that on my first day with Linux...03:50
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apokryphosimbrandon: add yourself 8)03:50
MehAdultMake sure your repos are set up :)03:50
Nooreazyyea but the sudo command when i do it nothing comes up03:51
=== MilhousePunkRock will be back later...
MilhousePunkRockWith more noobish questions, of course...03:51
LiquidNerd_workNooreazy: probably because you don't have the right repository setup.. whcih version are you running of Ubuntu?03:52
Nooreazybrb i need some music "pandora.com"03:52
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=== LiquidNerd_work doesn't even remembering the need to install firefox
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visik7how can I get zeroconf properly installed/configured ?03:53
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cox377has anyone here managed to get hotmail working with the likes of thunderbird?03:54
ubotuIf you must use this microsoft product, consider hotway: hotwayd/hotsmtpd are POP3/SMTP-HTTPMail gateway daemons, also works for lycos spray and msn03:54
ubotuRiddell, haggai, amu, imbrandon, Hobbsee03:55
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visik7Failed to publish this new service to the network (ZeroConf). The server will work fine without this, however. <- how can I fix it ?03:59
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Tommy2k4i need a wma > mp3 converter04:06
Tommy2k4(dont bother suggesting ogg)04:06
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Jack1h3sp4wn sudo perl -pi.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/i' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is this definitely right? CAUSE IT seems not to replace the sources list, saying reading package list..done, building dependency tree..done, calculating upgrade..done...then: 0 upgraded, 0 removed, 0 newly installed..btw internet works now..04:08
Jack1h3sp4wn i did that as root via sudo -s cause it reported a lock somewhere before in case thats important04:09
h3sp4wnJack1: Can you use vim ?04:09
gioacchinohoe to make install floppy of kubuntu _04:09
h3sp4wnJack1: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
gioacchinohow to make install floppy of kubuntu _04:10
Jack1h3sp4wn shall i turn off the root and use sudo?04:10
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h3sp4wnJack1: go back as root but use sudo -i (not sudo -s)04:10
h3sp4wnJack1: then vim /etc/apt/sources.list04:11
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cox377i've juust installed hotway and restarted KDE now i cant find it, u guys got any ideas?04:12
hanspeterhi there! is there a known fix for the libc6 bug in edgy??04:12
h3sp4wnJack1: Scroll with the arrows to the line with the cdrom in it and press dd (d twice) - to remove that line04:12
gioacchinohow to make install floppy of kubuntu?04:12
hanspeteror a tip to whoch version i should downgrade?04:13
h3sp4wnJack1: Then move to the all the lines with # infront of them and delete them just by pressing x04:13
Jack1h3sp4wn it says in the beginning: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _dapper BAdger ...main restricted..thats it right?04:13
h3sp4wnJack1: Are you in vim ?04:13
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h3sp4wnJack1: press dd on that line and it will delete it04:14
Jack1i entered your command h3sp4wn so i guess i am i see the sources.list right now04:14
Jack1h3sp4wn worked now deleting the hash marked lines04:14
h3sp4wnJack1: Just by using x ?04:15
h3sp4wnJack1: You only want to remove the # not the full line04:15
Jack1h3sp4wn yes04:16
h3sp4wnJack1: once you have finished doing that type04:16
Jack1h3sp4wn fuck i stayed too long and now its half removed04:16
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h3sp4wnJack1: press u until it comes back04:16
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Jack1h3sp4wn is the space between beginning of line and deb httpp important? shall i remove the space too?04:18
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gioacchinohow to make install floppy of kubuntu?04:18
gioacchinohow to make install floppy of kubuntu?04:18
h3sp4wnJack1: I would remove the space but I don't know whether it makes a difference04:18
h3sp4wngioacchino: There is a post on the forums about how someone did it for breezy04:18
Tommy2k4how do i install realplayer? it says i need xlibs but xlibs wont install04:19
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Jack1h3sp4wn i leave the ## where it specifies the comments as they are , am finished now04:19
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> url please04:19
h3sp4wngioacchino: I don't have it look yourself04:19
gioacchinourl of forum no of post04:19
Nooreazyback i just found out that i dont even have firefox in my kubuntu04:20
Jack1h3sp4wn i should the two lines space in the beginning too right?04:20
Nooreazybut i still have the cd and i went to Programs>firefox>firefox.exe what should i open it with?04:20
Nooreazythe exe file?04:20
h3sp4wnJack1: just do :wq04:20
h3sp4wnJack1: and it should quit and be saved the file04:21
h3sp4wnJack1: You need to type the colon04:21
gioacchinoNooreazy: use sudo apt-get upgrade                and sudo apt update04:21
gioacchinothe firefox in cd id fo windows no for linux04:21
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Nooreazyoh ok04:22
robotgeekgioacchino: sudo apt-get install firefox04:22
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Nooreazy0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:22
h3sp4wnJack1: then try apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:22
Tommy2k4is realplayer for linux any good04:23
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Tommy2k4the one for windows is bloated crap04:23
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Jack1ok thank you h3sp4wn are u later here? i need to go out off the irc for that04:23
Nooreazy"E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)E: Unable to lock the list directory"04:24
h3sp4wnJack1: Does the file only mention dapper now ?04:24
Nooreazyhappens for both of them :'(04:24
slow-motionbbl monitor test04:24
h3sp4wnJack1: The only important line in the whole file is deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted multiverse universe (or similar according to county04:25
Jack1h3sp4wn it says that in the repository address eg dapper universe04:25
h3sp4wnJack1: dapper main (is the most important one)04:25
Jack1h3sp4wn i got main restricted04:26
h3sp4wnJack1: That will be fine04:26
sbriscoeIs there a way to get the Wireless Assistant to support WPA-SPK?04:26
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robotgeeksbriscoe: maybe try knetworkmanager04:27
gioacchinoDownload these floppy images from [WWW]  http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/pre-rc2/floppy/ ( [WWW]  http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-i386/rc2/images/floppy/ ):04:27
gioacchinothe link on the site04:27
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gioacchinoare broken..04:27
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Jack1h3sp4wn and universe thensecurity and updates and backports but when i get x i can easily edit that04:28
Jack1h3sp4wn thank u and goodbye04:28
h3sp4wnJack1: That should be ok if the dist-upgrade doesn't start this time come back and I will try a different way04:28
Jack1oki h3sp4wn bybye04:29
Tommy2k4can i play a file using xine straight from console?04:30
gioacchinoDownload these floppy images from [WWW]  http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/pre-rc2/floppy/ ( [WWW]  http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-i386/rc2/images/floppy/ ):04:30
gioacchinothe link on the site04:30
gioacchinoare broken..04:30
h3sp4wnTommy2k4: Video or audio ?04:31
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h3sp4wnTommy2k4: aaxine maybe04:31
gioacchinowhat`s the right link ?04:31
Tommy2k4command not found04:31
moparisthebesthey Tommy2k4 :)04:31
h3sp4wnTommy2k4: I think it might be part of xine-ui04:32
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Tommy2k4xine-ui command not found04:32
moparisthebestwhen I try to run adept it says apt-get or aptitude are already running and it cant start up04:32
moparisthebestbut they arent running04:32
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moparisthebestany ideas?04:32
sbriscoe_check your processes, and kill it if it's running04:33
Tommy2k4moparisthebest linux newb plz04:33
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LynoureThat questions comes up a lot. Is there some FAQ for this channel?04:34
HobbseeLynoure: yeah, it was in teh topic...04:34
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LynoureOh, blind me :)04:35
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Hobbsee] : "Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage |
ademhallo zusammen04:36
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> I don`t found the istall fromfloppy on the forum please help me04:36
ademich bin neuling in Kubuntu und habe auch vorher nie Linux benutzt04:36
LynoureHobbsee: the FAQ leads to something that looks more like a general introduction to ubuntu rather than commonly asked questions here04:36
oem_can someone tell me where i can find windows codecs for ubuntu6.0604:36
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h3sp4wngioacchino: I don't know how to do it off the top of my head04:37
ademich habe einige Probleme04:37
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:37
ademmit WLAN 128 bit Verschlsslung, das funktioniert nicht04:37
silfercan someone tell me where i can find windows codecs for ubuntu6.0604:37
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:37
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Kr4t05I'm trying to mount a secondary ext3 partition, what options should I designate?04:37
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LynoureHobbsee: Do you kow if ubutu content are somewhere on the web?04:38
gioacchinothe link of img floppy are broke04:38
LynoureHobbsee: s/kow/know04:38
HobbseeLynoure: um, what in particular?04:38
gioacchinoyou know the corect link ?04:38
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LynoureHobbsee: All. They'd make a pretty good FAQ04:38
HobbseeLynoure: what, wiki.ubuntu.com?  it's already there, just most people dont look.  and its' badly organised.04:39
Kr4t05!tell me about ext304:39
robotgeekhelp.ubuntu.com has all you will probably need04:39
h3sp4wngioacchino: That page seems very old sarge is released now04:39
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robotgeekLynoure: its even in your help menu :)04:40
LynoureHobbsee: The bot has answer to very many questions, but reading them in FAQ form would be handier. Or do you mean it just looks things up from wiki?04:40
Tommy2k4moparisthebest, u have msn?04:40
HobbseeLynoure: the bot has a list of all the stuff it knows, Seveas knows the link.04:40
h3sp4wnIs there a version of the wiki in text format ?04:40
Lynourerobotgeek: hmm? what is? My ex-bf complained I don't come with a help menu =)04:40
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robotgeekLynoure: the FAQ you asked for04:41
HobbseeLynoure: the common questions link seems pretty relevant.  people just dont read it though04:41
moparisthebestyes Tommy2k4 but im never on it :P04:41
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minI have a question04:42
Tommy2k4what ircs do you go to these days04:42
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> wat`s is the new pages ?04:42
moparisthebesti searched on the wiki and common questions but i cant find anything on my problems or on how to kill processes04:42
Tommy2k4sudo killall adept04:42
moparisthebestthis one, #kaitnieks, and #sythe Tommy2k404:42
Tommy2k4what server #kaitnieks?04:42
Lynourerobotgeek: but what help menu? (I'm on debian at the moment, console, no help menus)04:42
robotgeekmoparisthebest: killall programname04:42
moparisthebestirc.codestream.org Tommy2k404:42
minIm on two monitors04:42
robotgeekLynoure: oh, K-Menu -> Help has the desktop guide04:43
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moparisthebestit says no process killed04:43
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> how to found the new pages ?04:43
Tommy2k4try apt-get04:43
moparisthebestany way i can see the processes running?04:43
Kr4t05moparisthebest: Try passing "top" in the command line.04:43
robotgeekmoparisthebest: what are you trying to kill04:43
Tommy2k4moparisthebest,  ctrl + escape04:43
moparisthebestsomthing to let adept run04:43
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Lynourerobotgeek: but that probably does not answer the common questions on this channel, like the daily "why won't my apt or adept run?". But I could be wrong and then I'd have to be impressed.04:44
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robotgeekmoparisthebest: sudo killall apt-get , sudo killall dpkg04:44
ne78Is keytouch packaged in kubuntu ?04:44
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> how to found the new pages ?04:44
gioacchino<h3sp4wn> how to found the new pages ?04:44
robotgeekLynoure: actually, not directly. but the information is actually present in the adept chapter of the guide04:44
John-ZHas anyone had a problem where if they setup dual screens and have a high resolution on each, that NONE of their terminal programs (xterm, konsole, yakuake) will not load.. they begin to open the crash immediately?04:44
minand one of them is broken and the other one's working fine but the screen resolution is way too small. I need to make the reso 1280x1024?04:44
minyea thats me04:45
gioacchinoplease help me04:45
minbut I have a low reso on each04:45
John-ZJust started happening today.04:45
minone of my monitor is broken04:45
minand the other one04:45
Lynourerobotgeek: cool04:45
minI need to make it 1280x102404:45
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robotgeekmin, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:45
Kr4t05John-Z, haven't had this problem, and I run TwinView with a total res of 2560x102404:45
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minI tried that04:45
moparisthebestniether of those processes are rrrrrrrrrrrrrunning04:45
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minit only registers one monitor into xorg.conf04:46
Kr4t05Atleast, I think.04:46
moparisthebestdamn, and now some keys are sticking like that :(04:46
=== Kr4t05 checks
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gatekeepermin kate comes with a terminal, what happens if you use that?04:46
John-Zit crashes.04:46
minrobotgeek:  it only registers one monitor into xorg.conf. Im on a laptop. The laptop monitor is busted so Im using an external monitor but the screen reso is incredibly small04:46
John-Zevery terminal, same problem here.04:46
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robotgeekmin: hmm, sorry but i'm extremely weak with stuff like this04:47
minrobotgeek: I dont know what to change in the xorg.conf file04:47
h3sp4wngioacchino: Remove the end part and browse for it04:47
minrobotgeek: Maybe u can help me?04:47
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robotgeekmin: maybe look at help.ubuntu.com/community04:47
minis that the forums?04:48
minnoone answers04:48
[BU] Brizzhow come one of my repositories always takes a million years to respond or never responds at all?04:48
robotgeekmin: no, try looking for guides on the wiki04:48
minthw wiki only has guides for ubuntu Im on kubuntu. MAybe cna you change the ubuntu commands into kubuntu commands?04:49
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robotgeekmin: yes, the basic commands should be same. i also heard about some module in System Settings04:49
[BU] Brizzmost of the ubuntu stuff works in kubuntu too04:49
minbecause I tried it04:49
gatekeepermin: I frequently use the ubuntu guides, kubuntu is ubuntu with a KDE front end04:50
robotgeekK-Menu -> System Settings or so04:50
minand some of the commands didnt work04:50
gioacchinoh3sp4wn:   thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1104:50
v3ctorthe underlying stuff comes from the same repos04:50
v3ctordifference is kde/gnome04:50
minI tried this but it doesnt work04:50
minsudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange04:50
[BU] Brizzmaybe those aren't installed04:50
minI see04:51
h3sp4wngioacchino: You need to be careful or you will end up just installing debian sarge04:51
[BU] Brizzsometimes if a command doesn't work you should try sudo apt-get install on it04:51
minsudo apt-get install 855resolution04:51
minthis doesnt work04:51
mincouldnt find pacage 855resolution04:51
robotgeekmin: hold up04:52
[BU] Brizzsudo apt-get install ddcprobe04:52
[BU] Brizzactually04:52
[BU] Brizzxresprobe04:52
mincouldnt find package dccprobe04:52
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robotgeekmin: ddcprobe04:52
gioacchinoh3sp4wn:  how to burn the im file on floppy ?04:52
robotgeekmin: also try, sudo apt-get install xresprobe04:52
gatekeepermin: what happens if you launch kate (text editor)04:53
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h3sp4wngioacchino:  dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/path/tofloppy/floppy.img04:53
gioacchinoh3sp4wn:   thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1104:53
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minI alredy have the latest version of xrespobe and yes kate loads fine except I dont have permission to edit the xorg.conf file. dccprobe shows me a bunch of numbers but at the end it says04:54
minmode: 1280x1024x16m04:54
minit says edidfail04:54
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Tommy2k4brazillian national anthem sux plz04:55
robotgeek!tell Tommy2k4 about coc04:55
Tommy2k4sowwy :(04:55
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:56
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gatekeepermin: kate comes with a terminal that is why I suggested using it, to edit xorg.conf file select Run Command... -> kdesu kate xorg.conf use kate or whatever text editor you want04:57
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minyea I know but I dont know what to put into the xorg.conf file04:58
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moparisthebesthas anyoneeeeeeeeeeeee ever had that problem <04:59
LiquidNerd_work_min: do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:59
gioacchinoI restart the pc and reinstall kubuntu!!!04:59
moparisthebestrandomly my keys repeat each other04:59
minI did that04:59
minin only configures one of my monitors to xorg.conf04:59
minbut Ill try it anyways04:59
LiquidNerd_work_moparisthebest: probably bad keyboard04:59
LiquidNerd_work_is it a laptop?04:59
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LiquidNerd_work_min: are you ding dual monitors?04:59
minon on a laptop05:00
minand the one attatched to laptop is busted05:00
LiquidNerd_work_I had that setup once too05:00
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minso Im using external but then the reso is too small05:00
min*external monitor05:00
cox377Hi all, right i've just logged into Root and realised tha all ports are open there, how do i go about opening ports under a normal account?05:00
Tommy2k4ghana are gonna get owned so badly off brazil :(05:00
LiquidNerd_work_min: so the display is showing on the external monitor, but the resolution is too high?05:01
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minthe resolution is too low its 640x280 I need to make it 1280x102405:01
minso cna u help me?05:02
LiquidNerd_work_so you see the Section "Screen" part that's relating to your external monitor in xorg.conf?05:02
v3ctorwhen i plug a monitor into my laptop, it always uses the res of my laptop screen05:02
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mintheres only one monitor in xorg.conf and I think it might be the one thats attached ot the laptop05:03
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minand I get the error message when I do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:04
minxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration05:04
min   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2006062711011805:04
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moparisthebestLiquidNerd_work_: its not a bad keyboard because it worked last night (6 houuuuuuuuuuuurs ago)05:04
Tommy2k4hahahaha rofl 1-0 to brazil] 05:04
moparisthebestand the keys repeat the same number of times everytime :S05:05
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gioacchinoidstallation as failed...05:10
gioacchinoit tell me05:10
gioacchinoremove support and pres enter to reboot05:10
minI get this error message when I try to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.05:10
minxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration05:10
min   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2006062711100605:10
Tommy2k4thats not an error05:11
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Tommy2k4what were you expecting when you tried to reconfigure xorg.conf?05:11
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minwait is that suppsoed to come up?05:11
minso it did work?05:11
Tommy2k4its just telling you that its gonna overwrite your current one, and save your current one to that backup with todays date on05:12
mink ty05:12
Tommy2k4that doesnt necessarily mean it worked though05:13
Tommy2k4after that you should see a setup screen?05:13
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minediting the xorg.conf did nothing05:15
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minIt only added on of my monitors05:15
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mincan someone help?05:16
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minwait tommy05:18
minafter that the setup screen doesnt come up05:18
minit stops at the warning message05:18
Tommy2k4im sure mine showed lots of setup screens05:19
minso whats the problem?05:19
minafter the overwrite thing it stops05:19
minand when I did it before that error thing never came up05:20
minand in my xorg.conf file only my broken monitor is added not my external one05:21
mincna u tell me what to put in there for the external one?05:21
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LiquidNerd_work_min: when you do lspci do you have 2 video adapters or 1?05:25
om_i've been a kubuntu user for a week now and i must say that i am in love with it! i shouldn't have waited this long to try it...05:25
sbriscoeSame here05:25
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Tommy2k4my kubuntu stopped crashing since i changed my screen to 16bit / 1024x76805:26
om_except for the occasional X crash caused by amarok =)05:26
Tommy2k4which is good in a way but it makes my eyes bleed :(05:26
=== LiquidNerd_work_ has his screen set to 1280x1024
sbriscoemy resolution is at 1600x120005:26
minIm not that crazy about kubuntu right now05:27
LiquidNerd_work_min: when you do lspci do you have 2 video adapters or 1?05:27
sbriscoelinux is only as good as it's user05:27
mini dont know05:27
mincna I paste it on the pastebin?05:27
mink wait05:27
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om_anybody else has this weird amarok bug where at the bottom left it has some trimmed HTML code? it's really weird.. i just ignore it05:28
LiquidNerd_work_om_: apt-get dist-upgrade?05:29
minLiquidNerd_work_:  why is pastebin laggin so much05:29
=== LiquidNerd_work_ switched to edgy at home and it blew up kdm
LiquidNerd_work_min: not sure.. not my page05:29
om_LiquidNerd_work_: i tried.. i upgraded from 1.3.9 to version 1.4.1beta... still same05:30
LiquidNerd_work_what does it look like?05:30
om_and now something else.. the four small destop boxes on the taskbars all became empty.. they stopped showing me the little application things.. yeah.. kubuntu is weird sometimes05:31
om_let me take a screen shot i guess.. 1sec05:31
minLiquidNerd_work_: Pastebinm is down so I pasted on to here http://ipodlinux.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=116354#11635405:31
LiquidNerd_work_om_: right click on the pager, select pager options, make sure Window Thumbnails and Window Icons are checked05:32
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minLiquidNerd_work_: Pastebinm is down so I pasted on to here http://ipodlinux.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=116354#11635405:32
LiquidNerd_work_min: 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] 05:32
LiquidNerd_work_looks like you only have 1 video card05:33
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moparisthebestis there anywaaaaaaaaaaay to get a clean rebootttttttttttttt sinceeeeeeeeeeeeeee i have obviously messed somthing up?????????????05:33
minI think my monitors are attatched to one video card05:33
minLiquidNerd_work_: and if it isnt, how would I add the other one?05:33
LiquidNerd_work_well it is showing up05:34
LiquidNerd_work_otherwise you wouldn't be looking at anything05:34
moparisthebestI dont know wwwwwwwwwwwwwwhy my keys are repeating llike thisssssssssssss, I dont mean too :(05:34
minyea its showing05:34
minbut I cant change the reso lution thats my problem05:34
LiquidNerd_work_moparisthebest: are you holding the keys too long?05:34
minit looks really ugly :)05:34
LiquidNerd_work_min: yeah.. hmmm05:34
moparisthebestits the same number of repetitions everytime05:35
LiquidNerd_work_moparisthebest: is your computer slow?05:35
mino ye ahere sthe pastebin btw05:35
om_what's the command to show my current IP address?05:35
moparisthebestit has worked fine the last few days05:35
minsudo ifconfig05:35
moparisthebestbut now alot ooooooooooooof things arent working :P05:35
Lynouremin: in kubuntu there is a bug that causes problems if you try to use the System Settings for changing resolution.05:35
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moparisthebestis there any way to get aaaaaaaaaaaaa clean reboot?05:35
moparisthebestlike where it doesnt save your session?05:36
moparisthebestand just loads everything freshly?05:36
LiquidNerd_work_moparisthebest: rm -rf ~/.kde05:36
LynoureThe configuration file edited way too meavily, making return to the old resolution impossible by using the same GUI05:36
Lynoure(but yes, I have files a but on this already)05:36
minLynoureso how owuld I fix this bug? I tried to chaneg using system settings05:36
Lynouremin: did your original configuration have the right resolution05:37
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LiquidNerd_work_min: try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg --reinstall05:37
minno it didnt. It never had right reso05:37
cox377does anyone here use guarddog or some other firewall?05:37
LiquidNerd_work_or move the xorg.conf to a temp place and rune "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:38
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minits installing or something05:38
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minok it said setting up xserver-org and it finished05:39
LiquidNerd_work_out of curiosity, after you make changes to xorg.conf, are you rebooting X?05:39
minctrl alt backspace?05:39
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minok what do I do now?05:40
minthe sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg --reinstall thing finished05:40
ErtainI'm having troubles with my Wacom tablet not working properly.  It draws even when the stylus is a centimeter above the drawing area.  Does anyone know of a Wacom chat room?  I tried #wacom but that didn't work.05:40
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LiquidNerd_workmin: hmmm... paste your xorg.conf file in it's entirety05:40
LiquidNerd_work(in a pastebin)05:41
mink its going05:42
LiquidNerd_workgoing where?05:42
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om_LiquidNerd_work: that's the screen shot of the amarok bug05:43
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om_look at the bottom left....05:43
minthe pastebin is going05:43
LiquidNerd_workit's not connecting05:43
reSpawnI got 3 eths, and I use PPPOE on one of it.05:44
minok pastebin is not connecting05:44
reSpawnPPPOE created 3 ppoe's so I got 3 ips now, lol05:44
reSpawnI have ppp0,ppp1,ppp205:44
reSpawnany ideea how can I add some more :P ?05:44
om_LiquidNerd_work: really? damn apache.. im not sure how to fix this... it works for me when i type
minLiquidNerd_work: pastebin http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=332934#p33293405:44
LiquidNerd_workom_: are you behind a router?05:45
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om_LiquidNerd_work: not that i am aware of... not external anyhow and i didnt install anything..05:45
LiquidNerd_workmin: strange.. everything looks fine.. other than the refresh rates may not be correct.. hard to say really05:45
LiquidNerd_workom_: dcc it to me05:46
om_LiquidNerd_work: i get something about not being registered.. i have to register i guess05:46
minbut only one monitor is stated on the xor.conf isnt it?05:46
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LiquidNerd_workom_: odd05:46
LiquidNerd_workom_: I can't connect to port 8005:47
LiquidNerd_workbut I can ping you05:47
SzczepanMy mobile phone number is  +48 692 513 441 !!!!!! please call for me!!!   (it's polish number) ;)05:47
om_LiquidNerd_work: anything i can do to check where the problem is?05:48
om_i have to change my nick =( it's already registered05:48
LiquidNerd_workwell you can connect to it, and you have apache installed.. if you do ifconfig, what ip do you have?05:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:48
sbriscoeI have a strange monitor issue too. I have kubuntu on my laptop, with a second monitor attached. When I setup each monitor individually, everything is fine. But when I configure for dual screens, one monitor will be fine while the other will have that scrolling display (where you move the mouse to the left corner and it scrolls to the left, visa versa)05:49
minLiquidNerd_work: Only one monitor is in the xorg.conf file. How would I add the other one so I cna dual them?05:49
mr-roadsterhow can i make an bootdisk for m ubuntu?05:49
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE05:49
reSpawn!search kde05:49
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ubotuI know nothing about bootdisk05:49
minexcept my screen reso is incredibly small05:49
cox377anyone here use guarddog?05:49
reSpawnhow can I update my kde to kde 3.5.3 ?05:49
om_LiquidNerd_work: the ip i gave you..
=== czubek [n=czubek@87.t6.ds.pwr.wroc.pl] has joined #kubuntu
reSpawn!find kde upgrade05:50
ubotuFound: atlantikdesigner, gettext-kde, kde-core, kde-i18n-af, kde-i18n-ar (and 380 others)05:50
LiquidNerd_workmin: can yoru laptop even do dual screens?05:50
reSpawn!find kde 3.5.305:50
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ubotuFound: atlantikdesigner, gettext-kde, kde-core, kde-i18n-af, kde-i18n-ar (and 380 others)05:50
LiquidNerd_workI've seen many that can't05:50
reSpawn!find 3.5.305:50
ubotuNo packages matching '3.5.3' could be found05:50
ubotuI know nothing about dualhead05:50
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LiquidNerd_workom_: has anybody else been able to connect to you or am I your first try?05:50
sbriscoemine can do dual, and dual works on kubuntu...just that one monitor does the scrolling thing05:50
ubotuI know nothing about dualscreen05:50
minyea Ive been doing fine with windows. I just click FN+F2 and one monitor turns off and my main monitor is on. I todl u the other one's broken remember?05:51
om_LiquidNerd_work: first one =)05:51
om_did anybody else try?05:51
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LiquidNerd_workI'm thinking your ISP is blocking05:51
om_well it worked when i had apache set up on windows and it was the same ISP05:51
LiquidNerd_workmin: are you trying to do dual monitors? When you say broken, that means the LCD panel is no longer functional05:52
om_gotta register a new nick..05:52
=== om_ is now known as omv0
LiquidNerd_worksbriscoe: sounds like the CTRL ALT + thing05:52
LiquidNerd_worktry that05:52
LiquidNerd_workthe + is on the num pad05:52
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sbriscoelaptop doesnt have a numpad, only shift+=05:53
LiquidNerd_workI forgot about that05:53
omv0LiquidNerd_work: im trying to dcc05:53
LiquidNerd_worknot sure how you'd do that then05:53
sbriscoewhat would ctrl alt + normally do?05:53
LiquidNerd_worksbriscoe: on push the numlock and you should have a numpad on your keys05:53
LiquidNerd_workit changes screen resolutions05:53
LiquidNerd_workomv0: yeah and that's not going through either05:54
LiquidNerd_workdo you have a firewall setup?05:54
minI mean one fo them monitor is busted(as in a baseball smashed through it) so Ill be happy if it just wasnt there. The other monitor is the external monitor which worked fine during my days in windows but right the both of my monitors are on. (well the broken one is lit up I cant see a thing in there) and the external working monitor's resolution is 640x280 but I need to make it 12o4x102805:54
sbriscoethe resolution is fine. if i set it at 1600x1200, it will go to 1600x1200, but it's like the screen is just too big for the monitor so it does the scrolling thing. kinda hard to explain i guess05:54
minLiquidNerd_work: I mean one fo them monitor is busted(as in a baseball smashed through it) so Ill be happy if it just wasnt there. The other monitor is the external monitor which worked fine during my days in windows but right the both of my monitors are on. (well the broken one is lit up I cant see a thing in there) and the external working monitor's resolution is 640x280 but I need to make it 12o4x102805:54
reSpawn!find flash05:54
ubotuFound: flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin, libflash-swfplayer, libflash0c2 (and 4 others)05:54
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE05:54
LiquidNerd_worksbriscoe: I know what you mean05:55
reSpawnHow can I upgrade my KDE ?05:55
omv0LiquidNerd_work: i never set one up.. so if it's not automatic then no.. i've sent files successfully with gaim though05:55
LiquidNerd_workcan your screen/kard support that?05:55
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LiquidNerd_workstrange why I can't connect to your apache then05:55
omv0or dcc...05:55
omv0can someone please tell me if this works for them?
sbriscoedual screen works fine in windows05:56
LiquidNerd_worksbriscoe: at the same resolutions?05:56
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LiquidNerd_workand if you press the numlock on it doesn't turn half the keyboard into a numpad?05:56
minLiquidNerd_work: I mean one fo them monitor is busted(as in a baseball smashed through it) so Ill be happy if it just wasnt there. The other monitor is the external monitor which worked fine during my days in windows but right the both of my monitors are on. (well the broken one is lit up I cant see a thing in there) and the external working monitor's resolution is 640x280 but I need to make it 12o4x102805:57
minoops bad grammar ;] 05:57
LiquidNerd_workmin: has it ever worked at the size you want?05:57
minyea in windows05:57
minnot in kubuntu though05:57
mincan I just turn one off and make the external monitor primary and chnage the resolution?05:58
Kr4t05What would I chmod a directory to for regular user access?05:58
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trappist777 is wrong 100% of the time05:59
omv0LiquidNerd_work: ok this is the best i could do, but it resized it so you have to zoom in: http://www.mypixshare.com/images/587/1422/00000001.jpg06:00
DeadS0ullol why06:00
trappistchown it to the user/group you want to have access, then 775 at the most06:00
trappistDeadS0ul: world read/write/execute opens a hole for some nasty attacks06:00
DeadS0ulgimme an example06:01
minso cna u help me?06:01
Kr4t05I want read/write/delete access to it,06:02
trappistsomebody gains control of your webserver, but can't do much with it, because its user only owns a few directories.  you open a way for the attacker to start moving outside of www-data-owned files and directories, from which he can branch out and cause more problems06:02
omv0LiquidNerd_work: also notice the desktop boxes are all empty even though i have programs running in each06:02
trappistKr4t05: yes but not for everybody in the world06:02
Kr4t05Ah, ok.06:02
LiquidNerd_workomv0: right click on the pager, select pager options, make sure Window Thumbnails and Window Icons are checked06:02
Kr4t05trappist, what group would the regular user be in?06:03
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LiquidNerd_workmin: it's odd that it's not coming up with the right screen size06:03
sbriscoeholy hell, i just fixed it06:03
omv0LiquidNerd_work: oohh now it works =) but you still see the html code on the bottom left of amarok?06:03
trappistKr4t05: if you just want your user to have access, sudo chown youruser /path/to/dir06:03
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LiquidNerd_workwhen you push the FN + F2 key you should have the ability to select 1 or both screens06:04
VonGeistanyone had any luck getting an Mx1000 mouse to work? I've tried a bunch of the tutorials on the internet bu hey just seem to stop my system from booting06:04
LiquidNerd_worksbriscoe: how'd you do it?06:04
minLiquidNerd_work: What do u do to switch the screens?06:04
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minits not working06:04
minI wanna do that too06:04
minwhen I do FN F2 it takes screenie instead06:05
LiquidNerd_workomv0: yeah that looks odd... how I'd fix it is to delete the amarok folder and start fresh06:05
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Kr4t05And, any application I authourize can access this dir, right?06:05
sbriscoeboth monitors seperately configure to set a 60hz. when i enable dual screen my main monitor drops to 59hz, with the option of changing to 74. So i tried it at 74 and it's not doin the scrolling thing now. Sweeeeet06:05
LiquidNerd_workmin that's really strange.. no error in the X.org logs?06:05
minThats what I did in windows06:05
omv0LiquidNerd_work: i tried to use Adept to uninstall and reinstall.. didnt fix it06:05
trappistKr4t05: any applications you run06:05
minLiquidNerd_work:How do i check the logs?06:05
LiquidNerd_workless /var/log/X.org.log06:06
cox377I have this problem, i'm trying to get ports open for my email, when i run nmap it only states 3 ports which are not the ones i've opened up in firestarter, however when i run the command for ports that are currently listening it shows the ports i wnat open, i've try without firewall, i've tried with firestarter and with guarddog and it always does the same. However.. if i log into root the ports are sitting there open! does anyone now how 06:06
LiquidNerd_workor something like that06:06
trappistKr4t05: that doesn't include applications you start via sudo, which then run as other users, such as apache06:06
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Kr4t05I don't run websever apps on my desktop anyway.06:06
trappistcox377: are you nmapping localhost?06:06
minmin@ubuntu:~$ sudo less /var/log/X.org.log06:06
min/var/log/X.org.log: No such file or directory06:06
Kr4t05I may install gnump3d on here for when I go on vacation, but that's it.06:07
trappistmin: /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:07
LiquidNerd_workbah.. I gotta head out to lunch... sorry guys06:07
LiquidNerd_workless /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:07
LiquidNerd_workI'll be back in a hour or so06:07
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mintrappist: Ok I did that06:08
cox377trappist: im nmapping my ip address of this machine, when i just ran it under root it doesnt show those ports to be open but know they are open because the mail client shows them as Green being open06:08
mintrappist: It's giving me a bunch of stuff06:08
trappistcox377: "open" is a little ambiguous - is it listening only on localhost, or on external interfaces as well?  by default, they only listen on localhost.  do this: sudo netstat -ntalp | grep :2506:09
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ErtainSo no one knows about Wacom tablets?  Figures. :-(06:10
trappistErtain: I didn't hear your question, but I bet uncle google knows06:10
cox377trappist: just ran nmap under local host and it shows them to be open, but when using my computer ip address instead of localhost it shows them as closed06:10
trappistcox377: because your mail server is only listening on localhost, which is the default behavior06:11
mintrappist: one of the error said06:11
min(II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)06:11
min(II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "640x512" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)06:11
cox377trappist: but when i go back to my mail client it doesnt show them as open06:11
trappistmin: I don't even know what your problem is.  but you're probably looking for errors, so look for lines that start with (EE)06:11
minI mean one fo them monitor is busted(as in a baseball smashed through it) so Ill be happy if it just wasnt there. The other monitor is the external monitor which worked fine during my days in windows but right the both of my monitors are on. (well the broken one is lit up I cant see a thing in there) and the external working monitor's resolution is 640x280 but I need to make it 12o4x102806:12
cox377trappist: tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     21123/mozilla-thund06:12
cox377thats what i got from your command, what does that mena?06:12
trappistcox377: means it's only listening on localhost.  mine says
cox377trappist:means i have to open it to the actual IP address?06:13
minone of the monitor is busted(as in a baseball smashed through it) so Ill be happy if it just wasnt there/turned off. The other monitor is the external monitor which worked fine during my days in windows. Right now the both of my monitors are on. (well the broken one is lit up I cant see a thing in there) and the external working monitor's resolution is 640x280 but I need to make it 12o4x102806:13
trappistcox377: you have to make it *listen* on the external ip address.06:13
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cox377trappist: sorry if this sounds dumb but what would that IP address me?06:13
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ErtainI can't find an IRC channel for Wacom tablets.  And Google doesn't seem to be helping.06:14
trappistcox377: ifconfig | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v ^12706:14
mintrappist: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1663406:15
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Jack1hi h3sp4wn06:16
trappistErtain: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+%2Fdev%2Fwacom06:16
h3sp4wnJack1: Did it work?06:16
Jack1h3sp4wn it worked fine06:16
trappisterr min: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+%2Fdev%2Fwacom06:16
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gatekeepermin: have a look at this: http://mg.pov.lt/xorg.conf06:17
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h3sp4wnJack1: Is everything working ?06:17
cox377trappist: so i'm just adding the local IP address i'm assuming you mean06:17
Jack1but i used kde, and it routinely installs gnome; and i configured a lot progs like gtkpod from source...06:17
Jack1h3sp4wn best way to do install kubuntu-desktop and then transfer home directory?06:18
minye aIm looking at it06:18
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trappistcox377: I'm making some assumptions about your setup, but probably, yes06:18
min*yea Im looking at it06:18
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=== dr_willis missed the question
h3sp4wnJack1: Yes but the stuff from source you will have to do the stuff from source again (or find the package which may have been added since)06:19
mintrappist: So I should change my xorg.conf into that?06:19
Jack1h3sp4wn or better transfer  an image from the old lappie and mount that with live cd?06:19
HawkwindHey there trappist06:19
minlol hey hawkwind06:19
trappistmin: into what?  I don't even know what you're asking about06:19
trappistheya Hawkwind06:19
HawkwindHey there min06:19
h3sp4wnJack1: Why the live cd ? I don't think is much need06:19
Hawkwindtrappist: I did it!  I finally made the jump to Kubuntu as my main OS :)06:19
trappistHawkwind: ossum :)06:20
minremember u sent me http://mg.pov.lt/xorg.conf. Should I copy that?06:20
Jack1kernel image 2.4.27-2-686 is this right for me? centrino dual core06:20
Hawkwindtrappist: I'm really enjoying it.  It's like a big breath of fresh air06:20
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Jack1h3sp4wn kernel image 2.4.27-2-686 is this right for me? centrino dual core06:20
trappistmin: no I didn't06:20
h3sp4wnJack1: No06:21
mino gatekeeper did06:21
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om_LiquidNerd_work: can you plase try again? i messed around with settings, maybe i fixed it06:21
Jack1h3sp4wn  linux image 686?06:21
mingatekeeper: remember u sent me http://mg.pov.lt/xorg.conf. Should I copy that?06:21
h3sp4wnJack1: That should be ok06:21
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torstefanheh.. I feel a tad stupid to ask this. But how do I get the taskbar back? I removed it..06:22
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trappisttorstefan: alt-f2 and run 'kicker'06:22
Jack1ok then i install that..thx h3sp4wn..cu in a while06:22
gatekeepermin: have you got a manual for Radeon graphics card, judging by the error messages above the vsync and hsync might not be right, just grasping at straws here :-)06:23
Jack1h3sp4wn but it says there :This package will always depend on the latest kernel image available06:23
Jack1for Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II/Pentium III/Pentium IV.06:23
thompai need to disable touchpad06:23
Jack1u despite sure that its right? h3sp4wn06:23
mingatekeeper: No I dont have the manual for anything. What should I do? Copy that xorg.conf file?06:23
h3sp4wnJack1: Core duo is basically a PIII06:23
gatekeepermin:no just look at it for guidance06:23
mingatekeeper: Oh its very similiar to mine06:24
Jack1ok thx h3sp4wn bybye06:24
torstefantrappist: What does it do?06:24
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mingatekeeper: So what should I do?06:24
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minmy horizontal is 31 KHZ nd my vert is 60HZ06:25
Jack1h3sp4wn best way to install kde? via apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or how should i do that? SRY FOR BOTHERING06:25
gatekeepermin: I was googling trying to get some idea as to what might be going wrong06:26
mink ty06:26
h3sp4wnJack1: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop would be fine or aptitude install kubuntu-desktop (I use aptitude)06:26
dr_willisJack1,  thats how i normally install it.06:26
Tommy2k4can anyone suggest an mp3 player (not amarok or xmms) that can handle m3u files and has global shortcuts06:27
Jack1thank u both06:27
Tommy2k4and can minimise to tray06:27
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dr_willisgee aint you picky. :)06:27
om_why is my system so unstable? amarok keeps crashing X, i just unchecked "show installed" in Adept and it disappeared... firefox crashes occasionally too..06:27
om_is it just my system or this is the way it is?06:28
Tommy2k4well xmms doesnt have global shortcuts and amarok wont play low bitrate wma's for some dumb reason06:28
h3sp4wndr_willis: Got any of those webcams working yet ? (Got one as a free gift don't know whether to even bother trying to set it up - don't really have any use for it either thinking about it)06:28
dr_willisI would gyuess a hardware or some odd config/driver issue om_06:28
dr_willish3sp4wn,  they are all tossed in a closet somewhere06:28
torstefanOkay, how do i restart the kde-panels? Everything is gone.. :P06:29
om_dr_willis: so it's pretty stable for most other people?06:29
dr_willisvery very very satable. :P06:30
dr_willisI just cant ever get my webcams to work :)06:30
dr_willisthen again - i donmt want them to work.06:30
dr_williswife needs to stay out of the XXX chat rooms.06:30
Hobbseetorstefan: killall kicker && kicker?06:30
Jack1h3sp4wn would i find in /var or /usr my downloaded progs if i dont want to install them all again?06:31
gatekeepermin: does windows use the same horizontal and vert sync?06:31
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om_dr_willis: lol06:31
mingatekeeper: I think. It worked fine for me on windows.06:32
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dr_willisJack1,  best to reinstall them.06:32
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mingatekeeper: In windows I turned one monitor off by doing Fn+F206:33
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gatekeepermin: that should not matter06:33
mingatekeeper: ALright06:34
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Jack1dr_willis probably right, just hate it doing all configuring again...if i copy my /home would i have my preferences and data eg in kontact (kmail, akregator, knode) again?06:34
torstefanHobbsee: Done that, but the .. interface is gone. U know the command to start it?06:34
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torstefanthe "explorer"06:34
gatekeepermin: have you tried a linux liveCD?06:34
Jack1dr_willis or are such things stored in the applications folder or somewhere...06:35
minyea I tried ubuntu live cd and I had the same problem06:35
dr_willisJack1,  they could be about anywhere.  different files go in different spots06:35
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:35
mingatekeeper: yea I tried ubuntu live cd and I had the same problem06:36
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dr_willisJack1,  theres a way to get apt to show a list of installed packages. ive used that list and a script to reinstall  the packages on other systems.06:36
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gatekeepermin:damn :-(06:36
dr_willisJack1,  could backup your /var/apt/cache (i think) dir so you dont have to redownload everything.06:36
dr_willisif the stuff is still there06:36
minIve been doing this for 2 days in a row06:37
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gatekeepermin: I think it's getting confused and still thinks it's playing with your laptop monitor06:38
minyea exactly06:38
Jack1dr_willis oh i burnt that to cd..copy and paste in the folder /var/apt/cache? but how do i say synaptic it should use the progs from there?06:38
mingatekeeper: Can I just turn the laptop monitor off?06:38
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dr_willisit should look there by default06:38
minLike in windows there was this key that siwtches monitors06:38
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cox377anyone know the command to force a eth0 port open?06:39
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m-onkeysudo ifup eth0 maybe06:39
uniqcox377: force a port open?06:39
gatekeepermin: you could try, if the LiveCD won't resolve the problem I am a bit of a loss to suggest what to do.06:39
cox377basically, i want three ports open06:39
uniqif you haven't closed them they are open by default.06:39
mingatekeeper: What am I suppsoed to do with the live cd?06:40
m-onkeyah ports not the interface06:40
Fiya_ZzZhey guys in my messages log i have a bunch of "Jun 27 12:25:03 localhost -- MARK --"06:40
reSpawnHow can I create virtual eth's ?06:40
Fiya_ZzZanyone know what that is?06:40
reSpawnLike eth0:1, eth0:206:40
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v3ctorifconfig eth0:1 up06:40
uniqfiya_zzz: just that, marks. nothing more, nothing less,perfectly normal.06:40
yacekis there any website describing kubuntu after installation tasks?06:40
reSpawnv3ctor: can I do ifconfig eht100 up ?06:41
reSpawneven if that eth doesn't exist06:41
gatekeepermin: If when you booted from the liveCD you got the correct resolution but not from your HDD you could examine the xorg.conf on the RAM disc to see what it was using in the hope that might give a clue as to how to solve the problem06:41
Jack1dr_willis would i need to add var/apt/cache or the cd to my sources list?06:41
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cox377m-onkey: i have thos hotmail extention for thunderbird, logged into root and all the ports shown green and all works fine and dandy, come back to normal account, opened the ports under firestarter but no go. when i do nmap local host it shows the ports to be open, but when i do nmap 192.168.etc it shows the ports not to be open, i'm under the assumption i need to get them open under them06:42
uniqfiyawerx: you can disable them if you put SYSLOGD="-m 0" on top of /etc/init.d/sysklogd06:42
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fiyawerxuniq: thanks06:43
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dr_willisJack1,  no.. any packages get downloaded to /var/apt/cache so you just copy your files tehre.06:44
dr_willisJack1,  or do like i do and make it a nfs share. :P so all the pc's can get to it.06:44
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Jack1dr_willis and before synaptic downloads something it would check the cache if the file s already there?06:45
dr_willisyes - :P06:45
Jack1dr_willis it would do that autaomatically?06:45
torstefana quiz: How do you start the KDE-thingy(don't know the name of it..) ? That holds the "start"butto, and the taskmanager--06:46
claydohthe command is "kicker"06:46
claydohas is the name of the panel :)06:46
h3sp4wnJack1: dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size;-10} ${status;-25} ${Package}\n' | sort -n (But if you have built from source those apps won't appear in that list)06:46
torstefanOh.. thx :)06:47
Jack1h3sp4wn...sry i enter this in commandline? Package needs to be repalced by my package name?06:49
h3sp4wnJack1: That will list all the installed packages sorted by size (but ones installed from source)06:49
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h3sp4wnJack1: Run it on the old machine check what you need to install and add them to the new one06:50
fiyawerxhow do you edit the apps in your programs menu06:50
Jack1h3sp4wn ok thx06:50
fiyawerxn/m, if you right click-edit one, it opens up menu editor :)06:50
h3sp4wnOr just right click the k menu06:51
fiyawerxh3sp4wn: you were the one i was talking to about Yakuake last night right?06:52
tH4S3c0nDc0m1NgWould someone mind takeing a look at my fstab from batebin to see that it is written correctly?06:53
h3sp4wnfyawekx: What about it - it is working fine for me now06:53
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fiyawerxh3sp4wn: yeah, just wondering if you like it06:53
h3sp4wnfiyawerx: I do like it but I still use konsole when I need more space06:54
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minsinI think it might have worked06:55
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minsingateskeeper: Remember the xorg.conf file that u showed me for reference? I pasted that into miy xorg.conf file and the resolution ixs right06:56
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minsingateskeeper: But then the kubuntu log in screen?06:57
minsinits pushed to the side06:57
minsinso I cant see a thing06:57
minsincan someone help me?06:58
minsinit's almost working06:58
gioacchinoh3sp4wn: the install with floppy fail...06:58
minsinis gateskeeper afk?06:58
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gioacchinoh3sp4wn: it tell no sistem disc press enter to reboot06:59
h3sp4wngioacchino: Its not a supported installation method06:59
gioacchinohow to install ?06:59
minsinfuck I was so close07:00
gioacchinoscsi fail...07:00
gioacchinofloppy fail07:00
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Healotthe windows is too large, minsin?07:00
gioacchinoide cdrom none...07:00
gioacchinonet istallation fail...07:00
h3sp4wnDoes it have a scsi cdrom ?07:01
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gioacchino[19:01]  <h3sp4wn> Does it have a scsi cdrom ? yes I have onli scasi cdrom..07:01
gioacchinoand ita fail..07:01
minit worked07:01
gioacchinoI must buy a ide cdrom...07:02
h3sp4wngioacchino: Does the scsi card have a bios on it ? Is it a server ? How new ?07:02
gioacchinogioacchino: Does the scsi card have a bios on it ? yes but the istallation from scsi tell > no disc sistem or erro disc07:03
gioacchinos it a server ? no07:03
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h3sp4wnRead the documentation for the scsi bios you should be able to boot from a scsi cdrom07:04
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minh3sp4wn: I got this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png problem07:04
minhow do I fix it?07:04
gioacchinoHow new ? it is of 200007:05
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gioacchinothe processor07:05
gioacchinothe cpu is a pentium III 500Mhz07:05
gioacchino256MB ram07:05
minh3sp4wn: I got this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png problem07:05
om_help! my resolution is on 640x800... when i try to change it i get "keep this settings?" and it counts to 15sec.. but nothing happens07:05
h3sp4wngiacchino: I would read the documentation for the scsi card07:05
gioacchinogood vieo card07:05
minme too07:06
h3sp4wnmin: Don't know anything about gui stuff sorry07:06
minthats exactly what I have07:06
gioacchinogood audio card ( but fail with linux is a Sound blaster live! )07:06
h3sp4wnSoundblaster live should work with linux07:06
gioacchinoexuse me07:06
dr_willisIve used soundblaster Live! for ates07:06
gioacchinoI leave07:07
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ErtainStupid tablet.  Darn proximity's messed up.07:07
h3sp4wngioacchino: You need to find out what scsi card you are using07:07
om_how do i fix my screen resolution?07:07
der_danielwhat is the easiest way to install kile 1.9 on kubuntu, please?07:08
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:08
mindr_willis: Would that work for this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png problem?07:08
minwhere can I get the "universe" repository?07:10
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gioacchinoI am here07:10
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mingioacchino: how can I fix http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png  rpoblem?07:11
dr_willismin you using dual monitors?07:11
gioacchinook I read the model of my controller scsi07:11
minit looks like this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png07:12
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dr_willismay want to do some reading up on xcinerama and 'twinview' if using a nvidia card07:12
gioacchinoMin I am a new bebia of linux...07:12
mindr_willis: it looks like this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png07:12
dr_willisyes min.. i see that. :P07:12
dr_willisbut still its odd that the panel is not at the bottom07:12
minIm on dual07:12
minhow would I fix this?07:13
dr_willistry making a new user, and  see if it works right for them.. if so - then its a kde config issue.07:13
gioacchinomy scsi is SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AHA-7850 (rev 01)07:13
dr_willisalso could try some other window managers and gnome. see if it works right for them07:13
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minI changed the xorg.conf to make it look like this. (it was worse before. How would I change this?07:13
dr_willisalmost looks like the monitor and screen settings are fighting each other.07:14
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gatekeepermin: was that from the web site I gave you?07:14
dr_willisyou can drag windows to the other area?07:14
leo__hallo i need a german kubuntu channel07:15
Raito(I have a widescreen laptop) How do I set it so that it keeps its correct aspect ratio when switching to 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 (As opposed to stretching)07:15
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gioacchinoh3sp4wn: my controller is> SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AHA-7850 (rev 01)07:15
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:16
sbriscoeguten tag. wie gehtz07:16
dr_willisRaito,  theres a 'modeline generator' web site that ive used to get the correct modelines for my other widescreen laptops.07:16
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h3sp4wngioacchino: Look at adaptec's site and find out how to boot from cdrom07:16
ubotuI know nothing about ro07:16
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE07:16
Raitodr_willis: that is it?07:16
dr_willisgoogle for modeline generator07:16
Raitothanks dr_willis07:17
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minso is there any way to fix this?07:20
Jack1h3sp4wn hi u think i can safely copy and paste my old /home folder that it replaces the new one...07:21
jeff__hello al07:21
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h3sp4wnJack1: Should be ok if they both use dapper07:21
gioacchinoh3sp4wn: in the site of adaptec tello only windows nt and ms-dos....07:21
Jack1h3sp4wn they dont, the old had breezy badger..07:22
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h3sp4wngioacchino: All you need to know is how to boot from cdrom07:22
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gioacchinoh3sp4wn:  my sblive audio card fail because I had istalled kubuntu in this hd in another pc07:22
h3sp4wnJack1: I wouldn't copy it straight over then07:22
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h3sp4wngioacchino: You need to work out how the scsi card works forget about the soundcard (for now) it should just work anyway07:23
gioacchinoand after I had move the hard disk on my pc..07:24
RaitoWhere is one's XF86Config's monitor section?07:24
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Jack1h3sp4wn...how should i do? pick my applications preferences out and copy that? e.g. /.kde07:24
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gioacchinothe scsi now ( after the istallation ) is ok07:25
gioacchinothe sound card fail..07:25
gioacchinowhen I istall the driver emu10k1 v0.20 it fail the istallation of driver...07:26
h3sp4wnJack1: The version of kde has changed (I thought the old one had dapper) copying it will cause problems07:26
gioacchinoI istall fro root shell...07:26
gioacchinoI istall from root shell...07:26
h3sp4wngioacchino: You shouldn't need to install the driver but I don't know enough about that card (unless it is ISA or something)07:27
gioacchinohow to resolv the sound card_07:27
threatwhat package do I install for DIVX and XVID codecs?07:27
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gioacchinoMultimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 06)07:28
Raitothreat: I would reccomend vlc, it can play anything without codecs >_>07:28
gioacchinothis is my audio card...07:28
threatRaito, ok07:28
Healot!info libxine-extracodecs07:28
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB07:28
gioacchinomy audio card is pci07:28
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h3sp4wngioacchino: I don't understand what you have and haven't done or why you are trying to install drivers (should be already included)07:30
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threatPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:30
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:30
gioacchinoI have try to istall the driver07:30
gioacchinobut the istallation fail07:30
gioacchinobecause *****.h no such file07:31
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sbriscoewhere's the any key?07:31
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gioacchinothe *.h file no such are numerous07:32
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdim trying to compile wine and i get this error :checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:32
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhat does this mean?07:32
h3sp4wnDon't understand - emu10k1 is in alsa07:32
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Jack1where should i look for my feeds eg in akregator if i want to copy them ?07:34
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Healotany website that have new feed?07:35
gatekeeperJack1: do you want File->Import / Export feeds?07:35
Jack1no i would need to bring them from my old machine to the new one? gatekeeper07:37
MehAdultn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: You don't need to compile. Just apt-get07:37
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gatekeeperJack1: can't you use file->export on the old machine, move the file to the new machine then do File Import??07:38
threatHealot, ok that didnt help07:38
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threatI already have all components added to my source.list file07:39
threatnow what?07:39
ConstrabusGegamiWould someone mind taking a look at my fstab on pastebin? I'm not sure if its written correctly.07:39
threatwhere is libxine-extracodecs?07:39
Healotupdate the list?07:39
threatI have main restricted universe and multiverse07:40
threatHealot, :/ yes I have done that many of times07:40
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threatso where is it?07:40
Healotis it enabled on the "dapper" repos?07:40
Healothow did you enabled them?07:40
reSpawnCan I paste 4 lines?07:40
threatI dont know07:40
threatreSpawn, ok07:41
reSpawnSection "device" #07:41
reSpawn  identifier "device1"07:41
reSpawn  boardname "nv"07:41
reSpawn  busid "PCI:1:0:0"07:41
reSpawn  driver "nv"07:41
reSpawn  screen 107:41
reSpawncan I delete these from my xorg?07:41
MehAdultThats 607:41
threatHealot, using nano07:41
reSpawnI already have Section "device" upper07:41
Healotif you enabled the "dapper-backports" it is useless then07:41
Healotthreat: pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list07:41
reSpawnHealot you talked with me?07:41
HealotNO, reSpawn07:42
threatHealot, no07:42
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMehAdult: do u know which version is the one in the repos?07:43
Healotjust throw me the sources.list file, and I'll tell you where is your mistake07:43
MehAdultn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Pretty recent07:43
MehAdultIf you use Dapper I mean.07:43
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMehAdult: yeah , dapper ,07:43
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threathnmnmmm ok07:44
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MehAdultn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Yeah.07:44
threathmmm beer in plastic bottles :/07:45
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der_danieldoes adept have something like an "advanced mode"?07:46
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der_danielit has hardly any options on my default kubuntu 6.0607:46
fiyawerxhey guys anyone know how to fix this one? Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:46
fiyawerxwhen trying to run glxgears, i've installed the nvidia-glx from adept07:47
MehAdultfiyawerx: What kind of graphic card do you have and which driver are you using?07:47
fiyawerxnvidia 6600gt pci-e card07:47
MehAdultI got that running google earth and I didn't have my nvidia drivers enabled in xorg.conf07:47
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMehAdult: i only see dummy packages , both only like 28k, is that what im supposed to install?07:47
fiyawerxnot sure which driver07:47
MehAdultn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Did you sudo apt-get install wine?07:47
MehAdultfiyawerx: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver07:48
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMehAdult: no , i was trying to get it with adept07:48
MehAdultFind a line with either nv, nvidia, or vesa or something07:48
reSpawnhow to reinstall a package with apt-get?07:48
MehAdultn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Try apt-get07:48
fiyawerxoh, weird, its blank07:48
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MehAdultreSpawn: sudo apt-get remove package && sudo apt-get install package works07:49
MehAdultfiyawerx: Sorry, do | grep Driver07:49
MehAdultStinking case sensitivity :p07:49
Jack1my old breezy machine: it says /tmp is full, cannot write to device..can i empty it from console?07:49
threatHealot, hmmmm pastebin isnt working07:49
threatHealot, /j #threatdump07:49
MehAdultfiyawerx: What are you trying to run?07:49
fiyawerx3 "wacom"'s too, thats odd07:49
fiyawerxMehAdult: glxgears07:50
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:50
threatHealot, ok?07:50
MehAdultDo that fiyawerx07:50
fiyawerxMehAdult: thanks07:50
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdMehAdult: i sent u a pm ,07:50
MehAdultfiyawerx: You're welcome.07:52
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furgu Anyone know how to fix this error: koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: kwordpart.desktop not found.07:53
furgu kde-config --path services07:53
furgukword-data is installed07:53
Roger_EnrassonHallo to everyone! I have problems with KDE menu, it doesn't want to update itself. can anyone tell me what to do to resolve?..07:53
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furguYou edit and save your changes?07:54
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Roger_Enrassonfurgu: yes.07:55
threatHealot, woot07:55
threatthanx mate07:55
furguwhat do you mean it doesn't want to update itself.  What exactly are you doing?07:55
threatHealot, where are you from?07:55
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threatHealot, oh07:56
Healotwhy what? thorondor07:56
thorondorbecause you suck07:56
Roger_Enrassonfurgu: for example, I install a new package, koffice. It doesn't appear in menu. I remove, for example, sim. It stays in the menu! If I try to manually  edit it, it doesn't save any chages anyway07:57
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furguI am having a problem getting koffice to even run07:57
furguI think that particular project is broken07:57
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threatPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:57
oxpubanyone know the name of the web based admin tool for ubuntu that came out a while back?07:57
Roger_Enrassonfurgu: me too, but I don't actually care, I use OpenOffice. But still... Any application07:57
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gatekeeperfurgu: have you got synaptic installed?07:58
Lynourethorondor: What's wrong?07:58
furgugatekeeper, I was using CLI, should I try synaptic instead?07:58
thorondoryou suck07:58
Hawkwindthorondor: It would be nice if you would stop repeating yourself07:58
sbriscoesomeone's grumpy07:58
thorondorLynoure sucks07:58
thorondorLynoure sucks07:58
Roger_EnrassonHawkwind: I suppose it's a bot07:58
thorondorHawkwind sucks07:58
thorondorit's not a bot, fucker07:59
oxpubweb based ubuntu admin tool name anyone?07:59
gatekeeperfurgu: synaptic will tell you if the package is broken07:59
Roger_Enrassonwhy no OPs at the channel?07:59
furguRoger_Enrasson, Menu Editor is working ok for me.  Do you get a progress indicator when you save, that says 'Updating System Configuration'?07:59
LynoureI wish it is a bot. Because rude bots have better lives than rude people07:59
thorondorRoger_Enrasson sucks07:59
thorondorLynoure sucks07:59
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, or imbrandon07:59
thorondorit's not a bot, you smartass07:59
Roger_Enrassonfurgu: yes, I have. But still no reaction from menu07:59
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thorondorRoger_Enrasson sucks07:59
apokryphosHawkwind: yes?07:59
imbrandon*looks up*08:00
thorondorRoger_Enrasson is gay08:00
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Hawkwindapokryphos: Thanks :)08:00
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apokryphosbad troll08:00
Roger_Enrassonapokryphos: thank you, man :)08:00
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imbrandonheh apokryphos / nalioth faster than I ;)08:00
naliothapokryphos: you are good (you can operate MY computer, even)08:00
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furguRoger_Enrasson, works for me, sorry...08:01
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhes been here before , i think he uses proxies, thats why u cant really ban him08:02
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Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: does he always do the why thing?08:02
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyeah , hes retarded08:02
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sbriscoesee, gets annoying already08:03
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MehAdultapokryphos: Hero :)08:03
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apokryphossbriscoe: yes, please do not do it.08:03
Lynouren0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Maybe there is a way to set autoban on that, somehow.08:03
Roger_EnrassonOkay, I repea, maybe anyone knows. Hallo to everyone! I have problems with KDE menu, it doesn't want to update itself. can anyone tell me what to do to resolve?..08:03
apokryphosn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: no worry, just !ops whenever it happens if you see it08:03
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robotgeeka little late to the party, i guess08:04
oxpubweb based ubuntu admin tool name anyone?08:04
imbrandonoxpub, webmin ?08:04
uniqoxpub: webmin.08:04
oxpubits not08:04
oxpubits a ubuntu specific application08:04
oxpubany core developers in here?08:04
Roger_Enrassonfurgu: okay, no problems. :) by the way maybe you know where the menu config is placed?08:04
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imbrandonRoger_Enrasson, try ~/.kde08:05
h3sp4wnoxpub: Its not a ubuntu specific app (it was dropped from debian because its junk and one guy could not be bothered maintaining it anymore)08:05
Roger_Enrassonfungu: only .kderc here. it has my custom font configuration. :)08:06
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oxpubh3sp4wn.. then whats the name of it?08:06
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h3sp4wnoxpub: webmin08:06
Roger_Enrassonfungu: pardon...08:06
oxpubthats not it08:06
Roger_Enrassonimbrandon: only .kderc here. it has my custom font configuration. :)08:06
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oxpubit *was* a ubuntu specific app..08:06
oxpubbut in developement08:06
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oxpubonly had one release i believe08:07
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oxpubweb based ubuntu management system08:07
oxpubor something08:07
h3sp4wnWeb interfaces are a waste of time anyway08:07
imbrandonoxpub, but not by the core dev team , try google08:07
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oxpubh3sp4wn.. right, might as well throw out phpmyadmin!08:07
=== oxpub shrugs and sighs
h3sp4wnoxpub: What is wrong with mysqladmin ?08:08
h3sp4wnoxpub: Or mysqldump ?08:08
Healothttp://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=web&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all >>08:08
imbrandonh3sp4wn, some people like web interfaces08:08
=== oxpub doesnt believe he needs to justify the question with an answer
Healotmanagement of what?08:08
furguthis is ubuntu admin stuff or sql admin?08:08
om_what's wrong with this image magick kubuntu comes with? how come there is no "resize to fit page" ??? anything fast but better i can download instead?08:08
furguresize to fix what page?  imagemagick is CLI only right?08:09
om_no.. it's the default image viewer08:09
om_i just clicked on a jpeg and it came up...08:10
om_it's really bad08:10
imbrandonimagemagik is a command line image manip tool08:10
Jack1how can i empty the folder /temp ?08:10
oxpublike convert08:10
imbrandonom_, you probbly are wanting something like krita08:10
om_ok i'll try krita, thanks imbrandon!!08:11
h3sp4wnimbrandon: I think it encourages people to use things without understanding them properly so when there is a bug in it or it breaks they don't know how to fix it08:11
imbrandonJack1, "cd /tmp && sudo rm -rf /tmp/*"08:11
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imbrandonh3sp4wn, thats not the mantra of *buntu though,, easy to use08:12
Jack1thx imbrandon08:12
furgugatekeeper: thanks for suggesting using synaptic.  I did a complete removal (--purge?) and reinstall, it works now08:12
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h3sp4wnoxpub: Why not use mysql-admin (Its gui and it is supported by the people who develop mysql)08:14
stnanybody know how install boson simulator CCNA in kubuntu08:14
furguJack1: Careful using sudo, there may be some things in /tmp you dont want to delete08:14
stnanybody know how install boson simulator CCNA in kubuntu08:14
om_how do i set what program to open as my default .jpeg viewer?08:14
furguJack1: You may need to restart X1108:14
stnanybody know how install boson simulator CCNA in kubuntu08:14
gatekeeperfurgu: I am pleased to hear it works now :-) synaptic is a good friend to have.08:14
furgugatekeeper:  I mostly use the apt-utilities, a lot easier to find things... first time I have had a problem like this08:15
Jack1furgu how can i know? i can use just commandline08:15
furguJack1: Have you been puting things in there?  are you running out of space?  type 'df -k'08:16
furguJack1, when you reboot that directories gets cleared out anyways08:17
Healotstn: atm there isn't any like that08:17
Healotsince Boson only develop Windows application08:17
stnbut other simulator for linux08:17
Healotthere is a network diagram builder though08:18
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Jack1my /tmp is full ; it says it cant write to /tmp; x session may exit with an error furgu u have a clue?08:18
stnthere are other simulator of router for linux08:18
MehAdultstn: Run wine?08:18
stni try08:18
MehAdultIf there's a linux one follow the directions.08:18
stnbut dont run the program08:18
Healotstn: use those then08:18
furguJack1: How big is your tmp partition?08:18
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:18
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stni download the vmware for install win9808:19
Jack1i think 900 mb furgu08:19
stnfor run the simulator08:19
gatekeeperfurgu: I use apt and synaptic, depends what I am doing08:19
stnand study08:19
Healotdo that then, stn08:20
om_i'm trying to find out where the executable of gwenview is... how would i do that?08:20
furguyah then do 'cd /tmp; sudo rm -rf *', then restart X-Windows, ctrl-alt-backspace (make sure everything is saved)08:21
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om_cause im trying to make firefox open images with gwenview... but i cant find where it is08:21
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Healotwhereis gwenview >> om_08:21
furguJack1, always be careful with sudo and rm -rf anything08:21
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om_thanks Healot!08:22
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Jack1furgu next thing i cant start failsafe session for commandline  it brings the message above08:22
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ben_hi :)08:23
furguJack1,  it says it cant write to /tmp;?08:23
Jack1furgu ya08:23
furguJack1, do 'ls -al /tmp' and copy & paste the output08:23
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Jack1furgu i cant get a commandline08:24
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furguare you looking at a screen full of text?  white on black and nothing else (no gui)?08:24
ben_is http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ offline? i can't connect to it via adept08:24
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furguJack1, try pressing ctrl-alt-F108:25
furguJack1, Do you see a login prompt?08:25
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Jack1ya+furgu...i knew it..how could i forget08:26
furguJack1, login, and type 'ls -ald /tmp'08:26
furguJack1, and try 'du -ks /tmp'08:27
furguJack1, and tell me what the output is08:28
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Jack1tmpfurgu i cant paste it (am on the other lappie) but it brings drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 753664 2006-06-27 20:2408:28
furguJack1, how about 'du -ks /tmp'08:29
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CornelliusWhat's the best way to install Reiser4 on U/K/Xubuntu ?08:29
Jack1furgu /tmp/210.....: permission denied four times08:30
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der_danieldoes adept have some kind of "advanced mode"?08:31
h3sp4wnCornellius: I think the drivers are there already but you can't install to it because its pretty unstable08:31
furguJack1, do the 'cd /tmp; sudo rm -rf *'08:31
sbriscoedoes knetworkmanager support wpa?08:31
h3sp4wnder_daniel: sudo aptitude (aptitude is much more advanced than aptitude)08:31
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h3sp4wnder_daniel: sudo aptitude (aptitude is much more advanced than adept sorry)08:31
Cornelliush3sp4wn: I've heard that it was pretty stable08:31
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JakubSsbriscoe: yes08:32
h3sp4wnI would probably try it anyway (but many people here don't consider reiser 3 stable)08:32
furguh3sp4wn, I have been using reiserfs... works fine08:33
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gatekeeperCornellius: there is some info here: http://www.mail-archive.com/reiserfs-list@namesys.com/msg20129.html08:33
furguh3sp4wn, easiest to start using it on install08:33
furguh3sp4wn, pain to convert later on08:33
h3sp4wnfurgu: I am using it - But people consider it not stable in this channel (last time someone asked)08:33
=== DaSkreech stretches
DaSkreechMorning a;;08:34
furguh3sp4wn, Unstable supposedly in the case your computer crashes08:34
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furguh3sp4wn, possibility for it to be in some bad state before caches are dumped (power outage)08:34
h3sp4wnThat has happened twice to me in the last few days (due to 1 second power cuts) and I don't have problems (yet)08:34
gatekeeperDaSkreech: it's evening here :-)08:34
furguh3sp4wn, I have never had any problems08:34
furguh3sp4wn, I have been using it for months and many other people I know also08:35
h3sp4wnfurgu: I think if suse enterprise linux uses it must be reasonably ok08:35
furguh3sp4wn, dont know if I would trust it to a production server, without the right hardware08:35
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furguh3sp4wn, it would need a UPS to be setup to safely bring the server down08:36
h3sp4wnfurgu: I like veritas on production servers08:36
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Jack1furgu it still brings the error xsession warning: unable to write to /tmp x session may exit with an error08:36
Kr4t05How do I remove dead files from amaroK's collection?08:36
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Evening some! :)08:36
furguJack1, do 'du -ks /tmp' again08:36
furguJack1, any change?08:37
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Cornelliusgatekeeper: That link you gave me is good for Dapper too ?08:37
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gatekeeperCornellius: don't really know to be honest, not really up on it, you would probable need to do a bit of googling08:39
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RaitoI installed pcsx from a package, (pcsx-bin), but how does it work? typing pcsx in run causes nothing to happen. How come?08:40
CornelliusNeed a bios for the emulator to work.08:40
Raitooh, where are you supposed to put in Cornellius?08:40
gatekeeperCornellius: got to run sorry I could not be more help08:40
=== Fiyawerx [n=me@cpe-72-230-34-213.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Raito*put it in08:40
Fiyawerxhey guys whats the command to reconfigure your xorg.conf08:40
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Cornelliusgatekeeper: No problems, I'll google for some info.08:41
Raitosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:41
Kr4t05sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:41
gatekeeperCornellius: good luck :-)08:41
CornelliusRaito: I don't know since I use a real PSX :)08:41
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Fiyawerxaha, i kept typing xsession-08:42
Fiyawerxinstalled the nvidia-glx drivers and my pc doesn't like me anymore :(08:42
Raitodoes anyone know where you should put pcsx bios files?08:42
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Fiyawerxhere goes again08:42
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CornelliusFiyawerx: Edit xorg.conf and change ''nv'' for ''nvidia''08:42
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pierre_here is a englsih chan ?08:42
der_danielthank you h3sp4wn08:42
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:43
pierre_I have a question08:43
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sbriscoewe have an answer08:43
pierre_My PC has had a bug08:43
h3sp4wnder_daniel: That is the most powerful graphical interface to apt there is08:43
pierre_and I wrote a file08:43
Jack1furgu  no difference i try now to copy my files via live cd08:44
pierre_and I don't save08:44
furguJack1, You arent deleting the things in /tmp...08:44
pierre_I had to reboot my pC08:44
furguJack1, the 'cd /tmp; sudo rm -rf *' isn't doing anything?08:44
pierre_how can I have my file08:44
pierre_with modif08:44
Cornelliuspierre_: Not to sound harsh, but there #ubuntu-fr for french people :)08:44
Jack1furgu i did exactly as u said08:44
pierre_ok thanks I don't know08:45
furguJack1, do 'cd /tmp; df -k .'08:45
furguJack1, whats the output?08:45
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furguJack1, just the use %08:46
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Jack1furgu i cant say right now i am just booting from live cd, 5 mins what u mean with %??08:46
gioacchinoh3sp4wn: :P08:46
gioacchinoh3sp4wn: I am ok  :P08:47
furguJack1, df gives a report of the output...08:47
der_danielhmm still doesn't work h3sp4wn08:47
furguJack1... derrr, sorry, it gives you a report of the disk usage08:47
der_danieli tried to install kile to kubuntu 6.0608:47
h3sp4wnder_daniel: What is kile ?08:47
Jack1furgu ok will do then08:47
furguJack1, what are you using a live cd on?  the computer you are tryng to fix?08:47
der_danieland no matter what i do the package can't be found08:47
der_danielkile is a latex editor08:47
der_danielone second08:48
Jack1furgu yes couldt i delete from the live cd the tmp files?08:48
h3sp4wnder_daniel: You don't have universe enabled08:48
furguYou are deleting the tmp files from the temporary mount on the live CD, if I had to guess, not the /tmp of the hdd you are trying to fix08:48
der_danielthis is kile08:49
h3sp4wnIts in universe08:49
furguJack1, don't use the live cd, just press ctrl-alt-F1 to go the the text login prompt08:49
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LiquidNerd_workom_: figure out the amarok problem?08:49
der_danielit should be enabled08:49
Jack1furgu ok mom08:49
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der_danieli'll qry you my sources.list, ok?08:49
furguJack1, mom?  dont make me woop yur butt08:49
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Dragoonzi need some help with winbind to AD this is what i get:08:50
Dragoonzpam_winbind user 'username' granted access08:50
Dragoonzlogin: FAILED LOGIN on console FOR user Module is unknown08:50
Dragoonzany ideas?08:50
Jack1furgu lol i see the files in the /mnt/hda6/tmp now....08:50
furguJack1, yah try deleting those08:50
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dadI have the latest version of kubuntu, but I have a problem.  Every time I change the CDRom it totally freezes.08:51
scott_whats better to do to upgrade my system? apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade?08:51
dadany suggestions?08:51
der_danielyou have it as a qry h3sp4wn08:51
der_danieli do get errors when running aptitude update, though08:51
DaSkreechdad: When you unmount or when you put in a new CD08:51
der_danielwant me to qry those, too?08:51
ubuntuhowd o i enable the universe repositories in adept?08:51
dadsomeone mentioned I may be setup to automatically mount08:51
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dadI never manually mount or unmount it08:51
der_danieli got the same problem soulrider ^^08:51
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:52
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dadin fact, I just tried to unmount the cd and it told me it wasn't mounted08:52
bleakedso, i just rebooted and my system dumped me into the BusyBox shell with the following error: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off  -  so what might this mean?08:52
dadhas anyone seen this before?08:52
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Jack1furgu they are locked as superuser i cannot delete those files doing it now your way need to reboot08:54
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furguJack1, did you use sudo?08:54
Jack1furgu i did it as root via sudo -i+08:54
Jack1furgu  -i i mean08:55
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furguJack1, -i shouldnt matter, try it without the live cd08:55
Jack1furgu ya08:56
dadanybody have any trouble with the computer freezing up when they change the cd?08:56
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CornelliusWhy is it so slow when copying files from CD/DVD to HD on Ubuntu ? On Windows it takes one minute or two.08:57
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scott_might not have dma enabled08:57
dadis anyone logged on here, a staff member?08:58
dadif so, can they contact me directly?08:59
robotgeekdad: why?09:00
dadbecause I need some help solving a little problem09:00
centyxIn korganizer, I'm trying to figure out how to create an event and a todo that recur every day EXCEPT for every saturday and sunday. Is it possible to exclude a day of the week? The only option I see is to exclude a specific date.09:00
centyxis this possible?09:00
dadthere are so many people in here, I don't think they will read me in the midst of all the rest09:01
centyxwhat's up dad?09:01
dadeverytime I change a cd my compu freezes up09:01
dadit only happens since they put the latest kubuntu version on my pc09:01
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Jack1furgu it says 100% usage09:02
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DragoonzI'm having trouble with pam modules i think... i'm attempting to login to and AD server.  at prompt i type in login. then <username> then <password>.  i get pam_winbind: user <username> granted access then i retype the password  again and get the same thing.  then i get login: FAILED LOGIN 'console' FOR 'username' Module is unknown.  any ideas?09:03
furguJack1, ok your now using the kernel on the hdd, not the live cd right?09:03
DaSkreechdad: How long does it freeze up for?09:03
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furguJack1... try the cd /tmp; sudo rm -rf * thing again09:03
Jack1furgu yes; 2. ok09:03
centyxsorry I gotta go09:03
Healotbtw /tmp is cleared after each reboot09:03
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dadDaSkreech, for as long as I can tell forever, but I never actually waited that long. I reboot first09:04
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DaSkreechdad: Ok so you put in a CD and it locks up?09:04
furguHealot: I thought so too... obviousaly not in this case09:04
Jack1furgu can i now just go back to the login screen?09:04
furguJack1, ctrl-alt-F109:04
dadDaSkreech, have you seen this before or heard of it?09:04
DaSkreechdad: Nope :-) Lets see if we can fix it09:04
Dany_Filthhello people09:04
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Jack1furgu wont start09:05
dadDaSkreech, yes.  It freezes up so that I can't even switch from one screen to the other09:05
Dany_Filthcan you tell me what's the root password on Kubuntu 6.0609:05
SreckoWhat do you think is better (Ubuntu or KUbuntu) ?09:05
furguJack1, any messages?09:05
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dadlet me try it now.  I will give it  no more than 10 minutes09:05
Jack1furgu no stays just so09:05
DaSkreechCan you press Alt+Ctrl+F1?09:05
Jack1shall i reboot furgu09:05
furguJack1, the Kernel wont start, or the login?09:05
bleakedso, i just rebooted and my system dumped me into the BusyBox shell with the following error: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off  -  so what might this mean?  Please, anyone?09:06
dadDaSkreech, nope.  nothing works09:06
Jack1furgu the login doesnt go back to the graphical login screen09:06
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furguJack1... ok, 1 step at a time09:06
furguJack1... be patient09:06
bleakedDany_Filth: none is set, just use sudo09:06
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furguJack1... do the cd /tmp; df -k . thing again09:06
furguJack1... anything change?09:06
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DaSkreechdad: ok can you pastebin your /etc/fstab?09:06
Jack1furgu still 100% usage09:07
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furguJack1 ... ok 1 sec09:07
furgutype 'df', tell me the directories in the far right column09:08
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mwigginsrunning dapper, rebooted my system and now my sound is not playing!? anyone encountered this before? (module is loaded fine, mixers are all unmuted, speakers actually work (testing with headphones), programs can play to audio device just fine, just no audio is coming out09:08
mwigginsit was working last night just fine before i rebooted09:08
mwigginsemerge dist-upgrade just in case and it still just not outputting09:08
furguJack1: type 'df', tell me the directories in the far right column09:09
mwigginsanyone encountered this before?09:09
Lynoureweedar: bootet or returned for sleep/hibernation?09:09
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furgumwiggins, ubuntu got emerge?09:09
mwigginsheh old habits die hard, meant to type apt-get09:09
Lynouremwiggins: booted or returned for sleep/hibernation?09:09
mwigginsit went down for halt and came back09:09
Lynouremwiggins: the latter is a known bug on many laptops09:09
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mwigginsi typed halt in my screen session instead of on the local workstation (doh) and now sound wont work09:10
weedarLynoure: what?09:10
mwigginsmight have a new kernel from package updates earlier in the week09:10
Lynoureweedar: sorry, a nick accident, pressed m too lightly and got your nick instead of mwiggins09:10
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dadhere goes the test09:11
furguJack1, try du -ks /tmp09:11
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furguJack1, whats the last line?09:11
Dany_Filthis here someone who can answer me09:11
dadDaSkreech! it worked09:12
furguDany_Filth, there is no root user by default09:12
Jack1748 /tmp09:12
furguDany_Filth, use 'sudo' instead09:12
DaSkreechdad: Cool :) What did you do?09:12
v3ctorthere is a root user..just no root passwd09:12
dadhow embarrassing. I wasn't paciente enough09:12
furgusame diff09:12
DaSkreechhaha :-)09:12
DaSkreechLet that be a lesson to you!! :)09:12
Dany_Filthand how i can set the root password09:13
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furguJack1, I dont know what to tell you man... if root can't delete stuff in tmp yur screwed09:13
furguJack1, your not using the LiveCD anymore right?09:13
Jack1furgu thx .....theres some important stuff there no09:14
furguJack1, you might be able to destroy the partition and re-create it09:14
Jack1furgu but maybe can i that way get my stuff doen from the machine09:14
furguJack1, using fdisk09:14
furguJack1, but other than that I am baffled09:14
Jack1furgu i see or using gparted?09:14
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furguJack1, gparted is graphical right? you need CLI only09:15
bleakedDany_Filth: if you don't know how to set the root password, i'm afraid you shouldn't be logging in as root.  So, anything you need to do as root, append the 'sudo' prefix to it.  so, sudo apt-get install, or sudo mkdir /mnt/media, or whatever it may be.09:15
furguJack1, maybe your LiveCD might come in handy now09:15
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furguDany_Filth: 'sudo bash' to get a root shell09:16
LiquidNerd_workDany_Filth: but to set the root password, do, "sudo passwd root"09:16
LiquidNerd_workbut again, shouldn't login as root09:16
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LiquidNerd_workthough somtimes writting sudo 100 times gets really annoying09:17
negociohi mens09:17
negocioi need help with dosemu09:17
negocioanyone knows?09:17
furguugh... I tried dosemu before with no luck09:17
ubotuI know nothing about dosemu09:18
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm09:18
ubotuI know nothing about osx09:18
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ubotuI know nothing about aix09:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:19
furguall knowing eh?09:19
negocioneed help with dosemu09:19
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furguWhat is your question negocio?09:19
h3sp4wnUbotu - Doesn't know anything I want to know09:19
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negocioy need to mount /home/negocio/msdos as a hd09:19
negociobut i have some error09:19
negocioi add the line to fstab09:20
dadthanks DaSkreech09:20
furgunegocio, what is some error?  Be specific?09:20
negocioand then $mount /home/negocio/msdos09:20
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furgunegocio, what language do you natively speak?09:20
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negocioand when i try to mount it tell me:09:21
furguIs there a spanish ubuntu channel?09:21
negociobad system file09:21
negocioi dont know09:21
LiquidNerd_work!pickup lines09:21
ubotuI know nothing about pickup lines09:21
furgutry #ubuntu-es09:21
cryptomhi all, I'm using dapper on a thinkpad X40, I implemented EmulateWheelTimeout (and EmulateWheel and EmulateWheelButton), scrolling works, but pasting with the middle button is not possible?!09:21
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:22
cryptomis this a known problem? thought it would be gone with dapper?!09:22
negociobut about to give some help?09:22
Jack1furgu you are so right .09:22
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LiquidNerd_workcryptom: is that a question?09:22
furguI am?  W00t09:22
negociothere are 15 persons on that channel09:22
negociohere are 25009:22
LiquidNerd_workand they're all out to get you09:23
negocioi think that anyone can help me09:23
cryptomLiquidNerd_work, well, yes it is... is there a solution to have both: middle button scrolling _and_ pasting?09:23
furguok negocio, you can't mount your ms-dos partition?09:23
negocioi cant09:23
negocioi do not know why09:23
LiquidNerd_workis it fat or msdos?09:23
furguWhat is your error negocio?09:23
negocioi add this line to fstab09:23
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wordyou normally shouldn't have to add the line to fstab..you should just have to go into system settings - > hard discs and partitions - > then administrater mode and set a mount point and then enable it09:24
wordnegocio ^09:24
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LiquidNerd_workcryptom: not sure.. does the middle button do anything at all currently?09:24
negociodev/hda2 /home/negocio/msdos msdos umask=00009:24
negociowait a minute09:24
LiquidNerd_worknegocio: are you sure it's not vfat?09:24
negocioi dont know09:24
negociohow i check it?09:25
LiquidNerd_workor just try mounting it as vfat09:25
negocioin terminal?09:25
furguI would use System Settings first09:25
cryptomLiquidNerd_work, yes, the middle button works for scrolling09:25
Healotfdisk -l09:25
furguper word suggestion09:25
negociowait me a minute09:25
LiquidNerd_workno waiting for you09:26
kane_is it a windows drive ?09:26
kane_anyway, it is more likely to be vfat than msdos09:26
LiquidNerd_workcryptom: is it a wheel?09:26
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LiquidNerd_workI'm thinking if it's an msdos partition, kiss all your data goodbye because it's old dos and useless09:26
cryptomLiquidNerd_work, yes and no: Thinkpad trackpoint and usb wheel mouse (both work with scrolling now)09:26
negociolet me ask you liquid09:27
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negocioi have a foxpro for DOS that i have to make work09:27
negocioi try dosbox09:27
negocioand qemu09:27
negocioi think that dosemu can handle09:27
LiquidNerd_workcryptom: Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"09:28
LiquidNerd_workis that in your xorg.conf?09:28
negociowhat kind of type do i setup to the new mounting point09:28
cryptomLiquidNerd_work, I tried with it and without it... same effect (but in my conf, it said "on", not "true")09:29
Jack1furgu it says the files are just readable...even me being superuser09:29
Jack1furgu now using knoppix-cd09:30
furguJack1, the permissions shouldnt change... what are you trying to do that it says it is only readable?09:30
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furguJack1, the /tmp partition might be mounted as read-only09:30
furguJack1, can you check that?09:31
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Jack1furgu rights are drwxrwxrwx , root root09:32
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cryptomLiquidNerd_work, my InputDevice Section looks like that: http://kris.koehntopp.de/service/paste/show.html?id=16009:33
furguyah Jack1 I know... try looking at your fstab file to see how it is being mounted09:33
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Jack1furgu ext3 noauto, users, exec 0009:34
furguwhy the noauto and exec?09:36
furguoh well09:36
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furguJack1, try to destroy that partition and recreate I guess09:36
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Jack1furgu it would help me right away if i could copy files from the /home directory but it says they are just readable...09:38
bam_how come when I eject my external usb drive it doesnt eject?09:39
Jack1furgu that 'd be enough09:39
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furguJack1, Are you certain you mount /tmp as a seperate partition?09:39
furgubam_, you should just need to sync then pull it out, by eject do you mean unmount?09:40
bam_no I unmounted it09:40
Jack1no it seems not....its on the /home partition somewhat09:40
Jack1furgu seeing it from here, my notes told me different09:41
furguJack1, so /tmp and /home are the same partition?  does your live-cd have an irc client?  it would be nice to see your fstab or df output09:41
bam_but normally in  the past I would eject it and the normal screen would appear and not the "usb connected" screen09:41
nico8481is there a way to try MacOS X on a PC running kubuntu (via some kind of virtual PC or something)?09:41
ChefWillwhats the shortcut to select a window to kill in kubuntu?09:42
Jack1wait i copy it to the pastebin here09:42
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HealotVMware doesn't support MacOSX, because it is created for PowerPC CPU...09:43
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Healotbut there is an OS 9 emulator out there, somewhere09:43
furgunico8481: try pearpc09:43
eduhey people09:43
edui need some help09:43
Healotand OSx86 project09:43
skizzo21Hey guys... I finished my Kubuntu install on one partition but when I went to install my XP on the other partition it auto boots to XP everytime I don't even get a selection screen... anyone know how to release XPs control?09:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:44
eduskizzo21, did you install grub?09:44
skizzo21i htought it auto installed09:44
skizzo21like before i had a screen to choose09:44
nico8481furgu: and what about OSX? is there an open version that i can run on top of pearpc? darwin maybe?09:44
furguskizzo21, you need to install XP first then ubuntu after09:44
skizzo21ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit09:45
furgunico8481: no legal version really... you can find torrents if your a pirate09:45
eduonce it is installed, that screen appears09:45
skizzo21xp keeps runing my life one day at a time09:45
nico8481furgu: what about darwin?09:45
furgunico8481: or if you have a friend with a mac that is easier09:45
skizzo21so xp first then kubuntu????09:45
Healotskizzo21: either way works09:45
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nico8481furgu: not really :(09:45
furgunico8481, might be able to find something...09:45
Healotif you know how to do it09:45
skizzo21wait... i already installed kubuntu09:45
skizzo21and then i instralled xp09:46
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:46
Jack1furgu i cannot write to the usb stick from live cd it shall not be...i just need to get my home directory copyable....09:46
Healotfollow those links09:46
furgunico8481: try http://www.opendarwin.org/09:46
skizzo21is there a way to save it?? or am  I hosed09:46
skizzo21thanks everyone09:46
Jack1furgu to an usbstick09:46
furgunico8481: I think it isn't an easy thing to do, you might need osx to compile anything09:46
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nico8481hmm :-/09:46
furguJack1, sounds fuct, try to find a friend who might be able to sit down and look at it, if not find a way to back up and reinstall maybe...09:47
furguJack1, which LiveCD are you using?09:47
nico8481damn i'm tempted by the macbook but it's soo expensive... and sooo "light" (512MB ram *hum*)09:47
Jack1furgu knoppix 3.3, have here breezy ubuntu and kanotix09:48
Blissexnico8481: to be allowed to buy a MacBook you need to prove you have a goatte and a piercing...09:48
furgunico8481, they do look nice... nice and expensive yes... wish they had AMD tho09:48
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h3sp4wnJack1: Kanotix is the fastest is it not ?09:48
nico8481Blissex: what's a goatte?09:48
furguJack1, is that a really old version of Knoppix?  They are in 5.1 now...09:48
Blissexnico8481: a goatee, a thin bear on your chin.09:49
Blissexnico8481: a goatee, a thin beard on your chin.09:49
nico8481hmm i miss the piercing then :p09:49
Blissexnico8481: it helps if you also dress entirely in black :-)09:49
furguBlissex, to run unix you need to prove you are smug and dont shower too09:49
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Jack1furgu yes but it was for free and they sent me that one...09:49
furguJack1, download the newest version of the intarweb and burn it09:50
Blissexfurgu: actually for UNIX the entry requirements used to be sandals and big glasses.09:50
furguBlissex, did they cut the long hair requirements?09:50
nico8481damn hard decision :-/09:50
Jack1furgu the prob isnt so much the  fucked /tmp its more that icannot copy my homefiles with the livecd to usb and use it on the new lappie09:50
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Blissexfurgu: long hair or being bald usually :-)09:51
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furguJack1, I know, a newer knoppix might help with that09:51
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Jack1furgu ok i try09:51
LiquidNerd_workJack1: can't use smb to transfer?09:51
furguBlissex, I like the long hair with balding top option...09:51
LiquidNerd_workor if you can burn a cd, why not that option?09:51
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Blissexfurgu: a ponytail used to help become senior UNIX sysadm...09:51
Jack1LiquidNerd_work samba u mean? just got the internet cat5 cable right away would need buy a new cable09:52
nico8481then again, i guess there is more work being done to make linux work on the macbook than on any other laptop...09:52
LiquidNerd_workno router/hub?09:52
Jack1no LiquidNerd_work09:52
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LiquidNerd_workand you can't burn it to a CD?09:53
nico8481and since i can' t find any *currently sold* (i don't count the outdated ones) laptop on which everything works with linux... and i don't want to use windows...09:53
nico8481leaves me only the macbook... :-/09:53
LiquidNerd_worknico8481: aren't there nfidia based notbooks?09:54
nico8481LiquidNerd_work: nvidia? maybe... why?09:54
LiquidNerd_worknico8481: well the nfidia (not nvidia) boards work perfectly with linux09:54
furgunico8481: I have used some macs, I would recommend... try opendarwin I need to try it myself I dont think it has aqua with it tho09:54
nico8481LiquidNerd_work: yup but generally you still have lots of features that are broken... wifi/ suspend to ram/ stuff like that...09:55
LiquidNerd_workthe wifi normally works with ndis, suspend to ram... I don't think that works with any notebook.. even on Windows...09:56
LiquidNerd_workfurgu: the nvidia boards09:56
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LiquidNerd_workwell chipset for boards09:56
=== furgu is confused
LiquidNerd_workieL ASUS P5ND2-SLI09:56
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nico8481well i mean to disk or whatever09:56
=== furgu wants to install OSX on crappy x86 hardware
germanhi there09:56
nico8481"suspend" :-)09:57
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germani need some support to install rubbrt or tex2pdf09:57
germani mean rubber09:57
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germanis here somebody who use one of this programms?09:58
eduhey, guys... i need some help to choose a linux-compatible laptop09:58
nico8481furgu: well if aqua's not there maybe it is doesn't really give you a preview of what it is to use OSX :-/09:58
reagleBRKLNhowdy, i can't play mp3s on juk... I followed http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s and installed libxine-extracodecs09:58
crazy_penguinhi all!09:58
reagleBRKLNjuk: WARNING: Unable to play /e/mp3/indie/16 Horsepower/16 Horsepower - New Banjo.mp309:59
nico8481german: nope, but have you tried to install them via apt ?09:59
LiquidNerd_workreagleBRKLN: yeah... that's why... look at the mp3... sheesh09:59
edudo you know any linux-compatible laptop?09:59
DaSkreechreagleBRKLN: What engine are you using?09:59
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reagleBRKLNLiquidNerd_work: don't understand09:59
edui know nothing about notebooks09:59
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LiquidNerd_workI'm saying it's not playing because it's a banjo song09:59
reagleBRKLNdaschu: output to arts10:00
LiquidNerd_workyeah but you should be able to choose which engine it uses10:00
reagleBRKLNare you suggesting I use akode?10:01
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eduone more question... users MUST be members of the group "audio" to be able to listen sounds?10:01
nico8481edu: yes i think so10:01
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Jack1guys do u know how i would the windows key to do the opening of the kmenu?10:01
LiquidNerd_workedu: yeah.. but by defualt kubuntu adds them to it10:02
german@nico: did you get my messages?10:02
Healotbecause the sound deamon use that user group to be able to play audio10:02
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Jack1i mean reassigning the key10:02
nico8481german: nope10:02
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eduthanks nico, that's because i am listening silence lol10:02
germandoes /msg name not work?10:02
germanor is it /whisper?10:02
nico8481it's /msg... but my nick is nico8481, not nico :)10:03
eduLiquid, i have created some users and ONLY are members of their own group... (personal group)10:03
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germani know:) ok one more try10:03
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eduand i am not able to listen nothing10:03
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reagleBRKLNakode works10:04
nico8481german: is your registered on freenode? private messages from unregistered users are blocked...10:05
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HealotKDE is German10:05
germanah, that's it. I'm not registered...10:05
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LiquidNerd_workJack1: System Settings / Regional & Accessibility / Keyboard Layout / Xkb Options / Third Level Choosers / Press any of Win-keys to choose 3rd level10:05
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german@nico8481: I used aptitude install; but there are unsolved dependencies....10:06
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:06
eduI see... the first user, that was created during the installation is member of "admin", "audio", "video" and more... but what about "normal" users?10:07
nico8481german: try "sudo apt-get install rubber"10:07
Healot!info rubber10:07
uboturubber: an automated system for building LaTeX documents. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (dapper), package size 74 kB, installed size 408 kB10:07
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german@nico: i tried this, too...10:07
Healotedu:  the group "users"10:07
nateman1352hi everyone, I'm using Kubuntu 6.06 and I'm trying to get remote X clients to connect to my local X server via ssh and I can't seem to get it working (I am using ssh -X)10:07
germanbut it needs python <2.4....10:07
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eduhealot, but i need to add them manually... they are not members of "users" when created10:08
germanand if i try to remove python2.4 to install one older version, must of my system will be removed (about 300mb)10:08
Healot!info python2.310:08
ubotupython2.3: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.3). In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.3.5-9ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2728 kB, installed size 9368 kB10:08
ljlnateman1352: first problem if your xauth. second problem is that X is launched with TCP disabled by default. by i don't remember the details10:08
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Healotinstall python2.3 then10:08
fiyawerxare there any suggested "install these first" guides for kubuntu?10:08
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germani could not install python2.3 without removing 2.4...10:09
Healotjust follow the FAQ links10:09
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eduHealot: but i need to add them manually... they are not members of "users" when created10:09
germanand i dont want to loose about 300megs10:09
germanthats most of kde10:10
Healotedu: you can add a user to users group when you're using GUI10:10
furgunateman1352, what is your error?10:10
fiyawerxHealot: the only thing really there is about mp3s on http://kubuntu.org/faq.php10:10
Healotor command line even10:10
eduHealot: I know10:10
Healotfiyawerx: yup one of the essential10:10
koshgerman: that seems strange I have python 2.3 and 2.4 both installed right now and used for different things10:10
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koshgerman: python 2.3 does not conflict with 2.410:10
eduHealot: I'm just saying that users are not members of "users" by default10:10
furguljl, i have no problem with tunneling X thru ssh by default install10:10
Healotedu: what seem to bother you then, edu?10:10
fiyawerxyeah, i was thinking about like firefox, plugins, java, etc..10:10
fiyawerxaltho i guess i could look at everything automatix does and just do the ones i want manually10:11
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins10:11
germanjust a moment, i try to install python2.3...10:11
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:11
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository10:11
eduHealot: my users cannot listen any sound10:11
furgu<nateman1352> are you alive?10:11
fiyawerxok, those are nice, it would be nice to have them in one guide too tho :)10:11
Jack1furgu with kanotix 04-2005 it works now so i transfer the kmail, knode, etc files by hand...thank u10:11
fiyawerxHealot: thanks10:11
Healotedu: add them to audio user group then?10:11
koshthe biggest advantage of a 64bit system is stuff like flash stops working :)10:12
furguJack1 np, try deleting the files off your partition with the new version of knoppix also10:12
germanthats the message i get: Reading extended state information10:12
germanInitializing package states... Fertig10:12
germanNo candidate version found for python2.310:12
germanThe following packages will be automatically REMOVED: rubber10:12
germanThe following packages have been kept back: libmysqlclient1410:12
germanThe following packages will be REMOVED: rubber10:12
german0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1 not upgraded.10:12
eduHealot: ok, I'll try... thanks... but it's funny... isn't it?10:12
germanNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 248kB will be freed.10:12
Jack1furgu right i do10:12
eduHealot: I mean, it's weird...10:12
Healoti have like 6 users in my home network... ssh -X or vnc work like automagic, sounds, graphics printers10:12
koshgerman: so it looks like one package will be removed that has something to do with latex documents10:12
Healotedu: it's the matter how much you know... not weird btw :)10:13
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koshgerman: what version of kubuntu are you running?10:13
germanBreeyt badger10:13
fiyawerxwill things that say This is for i386 work on i686 as well? or no10:13
germanBreezy badger10:13
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Healotfiyawerx: what things?10:14
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eduHealot: I think that users must be able to use audio devices by default, it's weird they can't do it10:14
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Healoti686 is just like i386 enhanced10:14
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fiyawerxHealot: looking at the firefox wiki entry, it says .. right, thats what i thought, it says i386 vs amd64, so what they really mean is x8610:14
Healotedu: I don't understand that either, ask developers for that10:14
Healotamd64 is just the 64bit port, fiyawerx, same fundamental but different workaround10:15
Jack1furgu it doesnt work anyway it doesnt matter i got a new subnotebook+10:15
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koshgerman: that just seems strange, make sure that universe is enabled and then try again just in case10:15
germanyou mean in my sources.list10:16
eduHealot: ok, thank you very much10:16
Healotbtw, ubuntu only has three official ports, i386, amd64 and ppc...10:16
Healoti386 release can use the i686 kernel btw...10:16
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fiyawerxHealot: thats what I did, upgraded to the 686 kernel10:16
koshgerman: yes10:16
Healotwaiting for the multiport release! edgy eft10:16
fiyawerxHealot: havn't really noticed a difference, just figured i'd try it, don't even know what the differences are10:16
koshthere are almost no differences performance wise between an i386 and i686 kernel10:17
Healotfiyawerx: that doesn't affect anything... well i mean the flash etc installation10:17
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koshhowever if you had a 486 or 586 processor there are pretty large advantages to running the appropriate kernel10:17
germanok, here are the lines:deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe10:17
germandeb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe10:17
koshokay so they are there then10:17
fiyawerxright, i mean in general what does it do? I know there was mention of support for hyperthreading, which my processer has, but i don't even know mucha bout that10:17
germanbut it doesnt work10:18
koshso try doing sudo apt-get update    sudo apt-get install python2.310:18
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germanjust a moment...10:18
koshfiyawerx: hyperthreading does not do much10:18
Healotpython2.3 and 3.4 can coexist10:18
HealotSMP is the real thing10:19
koshfiyawerx: however if you had multiple processors or multiple core processors then you would need an smp kernel10:19
koshHealot: not they can not .... 3.4 does not exist yet they are only working on the beta for 2.5 right now :)10:19
Healotdamn, I can do that with previous breezy and hoary10:19
koshHealot: python 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 and 2.5 can all coexist but 3.4 can't since it does not exist :)10:20
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Healot2.4 TYPO :)10:20
germanit seems, that i can't connect to archive.kubuntu.de breezy/universe at this time...10:20
Healoti know that, just overlooked what i typed10:21
koshah well that would be a problem then since I think that is where the package you need is10:21
german#gaaaah# i think nobody know when the server will be reachable again :)10:22
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HealotKDE is German :)10:22
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rickzDCC SEND "BBQHAX" 0 0 010:22
furguHealot you are a wealth of knowledge10:22
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Healotjust like to play around with the "KDE is German" propaganda10:23
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germanaha, whats up with this "propaganda"?10:23
germani haven't heard about it.10:23
ryanakcahmmmm... this is for the Xorg people... why do I get this error when trying to upgrade the fglrx driver (the ubuntu package seems to be broken when it comes to gl...) http://pastebin.ca/7340810:24
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furguMaybe its just ATI ryanakca10:24
furguI have heard there are lots of issues with their drivers being broken by default10:25
Healotryanakca: third party, not really supported, and aTi installer is evil, it broke your ubuntu system at most the of time10:25
KuLoverryanakca What card are you in?10:25
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ryanakcalol... ok... so ATI driver is busted :)...10:25
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Healotuse the stock module from linux-restricted-module instead10:25
ryanakcaRadeon 9200 SE10:25
nep87why kde is better than gnome?10:25
HealotKDE is German :)10:26
furgunep87 KDE pwns GNOME10:26
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Healotnah, I joke10:26
ryanakcanep87: bad question... it'll start a Desktop Environment war :P10:26
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:26
ryanakcabut... It's nicer... and because I like it :)10:26
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furgunep87 KDE got in a fight with Chuck Norris and killed him with the twitch of a GUI10:26
furgunep87 that is REAL ULTIMATE POWER10:26
Healotryanakca: that the link to install...10:26
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centyxHow do you make the Backspace key send CTRL-H in KDE, particularly Konsole?10:27
Healotyou need to supply the fake X version before installing ati driver in dapper10:27
furgucyntyx do you have a broken backspace key?10:27
ryanakcahmmm... wiki keeps on forwarding to help.ubuntu.com/*10:27
germanso, the server is "online", perhaps it will work now...10:27
nep87but kde sometimes freezs10:27
furgunep87 must be UE10:27
furgunep87 yes, cause be l-users...10:27
=== furgu jokes...
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germanis here somebody who uses "fluxbox" :)10:28
centyxfurgu: seriously, how do I get backspace to act like ctrl-h in konsole :P10:28
furgucentyx, does your problem happen outside of konsole?10:28
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centyxi can backspace in other applications10:29
eduone more question, please :P10:29
furgucentyx, I mean other terminals...?  not random apps but xterm or any shell10:29
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centyxlemme see10:29
centyxfurgu: works in xterm ok10:30
weedarI'd lovet to be able to turn off the sound in Konsole forever, not just for the current session. Anyone? :)10:30
german*wuw* it works, thank you all ;) ;) ;)10:30
eduin my "/etc/group" file i have found a group called "users"... my question: all users are member of this group BY DEFAULT when created?10:30
KuLoverCould someone please take a look at my fstab? I'm not sure that it is written correctly. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1664010:30
furgucentyx, try different options under Settings -> Keyboard10:30
TheHighChildDoes anyone know how to set a key combination to the "Desktop Access" applet?10:30
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h3sp4wnweedar: I just disable the kde sound server entirely -10:30
uniqedu: no, every user has its own group by default.10:31
furguin Konsole centyx10:31
uniqedu: this is configured in /etc/adduser.conf10:31
centyxfurgu: I've tried 'linux console' and 'xterm xfree 4.x.x', I'll try something else10:31
eduuniq: yes, I know... but what Secondary Groups are assigned by default?10:31
HealotKuLover: need to compare that with the output of "fdisk -l"10:32
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uniqedu: none.10:32
eduuniq: thanks!! very helpful10:32
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centyxfurgu: hm. vt420pc worked. none of the others did tho.10:33
centyxthat's odd.10:33
ryanakcawhy do some wiki's say reboot? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI     couldn't I just go ctrl-alt-backspace? I thought you only had to reboot after kernel upgrade...10:33
furguweird, dunno... other option is look at the stty command10:33
furgustty erase ^H or something10:33
nep87do you have troubles with usb devices such as pen drives, mp3 reader??10:33
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Healotryanakca: after compilign ati driver, you need to restart10:34
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uniqryanakca: the wiki and helpers often tell you to reboot even though it is not strictly needed. But it's some times the fastest and easiest way to get everything going the right way.10:34
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weedarh3sp4wn: thanks for the suggestion. That is one solution, yes, but then I'll miss out on all of the other interesting KDE sounds? :-O10:34
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h3sp4wnweedar: They just annoy me the kde sounds10:34
eduuniq: I have a problem with my audio device... I can only use it when I log in as root! Any idea?10:35
uniqedu: check that you're in the 'audio' group.10:35
h3sp4wnedu: Add your user to the audio group10:35
juan_Are you following the France vs. Spain ? Who is winning?10:35
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Healotjuan_: watch the TV?10:35
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eduuniq, h3sp4wn: so, users can't handle audio devices by default?10:36
trispacehi, does somebody know where the konqueror user agent string is set?10:36
Healotweb, radio or SMS services?10:36
juan_healot: right here I don't have tv10:36
h3sp4wnedu: The first one should automatically be able to10:36
uniqedu: no. Only the user added during install.10:36
fiyawerxhmm, when i made an icon for firefox with the kde menu editor it works ok, but when i launch it, the little bouncing icon isn't colored at all10:36
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furgutrispace, if I recall correctly, I think it is in a binary file somewhere... are you trying to change it?10:36
juan_healot: well, I was just asking here, that's another way10:36
LjLtrispace: settings / configure konqueror / browser identification10:36
Healottrispace: Tools -> Change Browser Identification10:36
furguguess not10:36
eduuniq, h3sp4wn: ok, thanks a lot!10:36
uniqedu: there are other groups for access to other devices/actions. Like 'plugdev' for removable devices for example.10:37
|lostbyte|Is it worth learning linux on a vm ?10:37
furgu<|lostbyte|> sure10:37
Healotor Settings - > configure konq. select browser identification, trispace10:37
furgu<|lostbyte|> - try cygwin... good way to start10:38
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Healot|lostbyte|: worth every cent buying VMware10:38
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|lostbyte|furgu, THen what will hardware be recognized as ?10:38
furgu|lostbyte| but it can be hard to setup X Windows10:38
Healotsup min lee, worked out your duo-screen yet?10:38
trispacebasically i wanted to remove the "Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper" string10:38
|lostbyte|furgu, ok !10:38
eduuniq: do you mean, floppies, CDs... ?10:38
KuLoverHealot, Ive added my Fdisk to the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1665510:38
furgu|lostbyte| there are different ways to do it but usually it recognizes as very generic devices10:38
minHealot: no.10:38
|lostbyte|furgu, why ?10:38
mino yea10:39
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minnow I have this problem10:39
|lostbyte|furgu, thats what i thought.10:39
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furgu|lostbyte| Cygwin could use a more user-friendly installation system... thats all10:39
germangood night, good fight!10:39
germancu all!10:39
Healot|lostbyte|: the hardware will be configured by the vm program that you're using10:39
minHealot: I got most of it done10:40
uniqedu: yes, those too. dialout, floppy, cdrom, plugdev, lpadmin (printing adm), scanner, etc.10:40
minHealot: Except now its http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e272/minissocool/snapshot1.png10:40
marcus__Someone having a VM problem?10:40
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:40
h3sp4wnfurgu: What not colinux instead of cygwin ?10:40
minwhats a vm problem?10:40
HealotKuLover:  /dev/sdi is ext2/3 partition but you entry says reiserfs?10:40
eduuniq: I see, thanks again!10:40
furguh3sp4wn, have you tried to use colinux?  For me it was even worse than Cygwin10:41
marcus__Noticed something scroll by about VM Config10:41
edusee you!10:41
marcus__Guessing VM means Virtual Machine?10:41
furguh3sp4wn, nice idea, but poorly executed10:41
h3sp4wnfurgu: I have only done it once but it wasn't that bad (once it was configured)10:41
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furguh3sp4wn, I never got past trying to get it to run, but I admit I didn't spend a lot of time on it either10:42
Healotbtw, most of your partitions are ext2/3, but the entries of the partition say reiserfs, so there is something wrong10:42
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KuLoverHealot.. Odd.. I formated them As ReiserFS10:42
KuLoverHealot How can you tell they are ext's?10:43
HealotKuLover: they are still 83/82 (linux partitions)10:43
Healotmin: do you have output on both screen?10:43
minthe other monitor is broken remember?10:44
minbut yea it lit up10:44
min(got smashed by baseball10:44
drizHow come i can't directly install flash player?10:44
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minImm abe right back10:44
minthink of ideas to fix this.10:44
min=] 10:44
KuLoverHealot I know the main partition is ReiserFS, I formated it during the install.. The other ones I formated with Gparted. Why would they by 83s?10:45
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Healotdriz: using what, the Adobe's package or from repos or prompted by firefox/konq?10:45
furgudriz, you need the flashplugin-nonfree10:45
drizi have that10:46
marcus__Just wondering..... What is Kubuntu's problem with Windows hal32.dll?10:46
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Healotmarcus__: it's a windows dll?10:46
furgudriz, you installed that package with apt or synaptic or adept or something?10:46
drizapt-get i tried it again it says i have it10:46
uniqkulover: 0x83 is correct for reiserfs as far as i know.10:46
KuLoverHealot, could it be the disklabel?10:46
furgudriz, which browser?10:46
furguwhich version"?10:47
KuLoveruniq, Could you take a look at this? Is there anythign wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1665510:47
drizfurgu i dont know10:47
KuLoveruniq It contains both my fdisk and fstab10:47
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uniqkulover: looking.10:47
HealotKuLover: but the partitions mounted properly?10:47
furguin firefox do Help -> About Firefox10:47
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drizGecko/20060608 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/
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uniqkulover: and what is the problem?10:48
furgudriz, did you completely close firefox before trying the flash page again?10:48
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KuLoverHealot Yes, I can use them succesfully. The only problem is that durin boot, it hangs while "checking filesystems" then switched to text mode and continues bootinf after a few seconds.10:48
furgudriz, you have to make sure any 'Downloads' windows are closed too10:48
Healotohh.... reiserfs does use 83...10:49
KuLoveruniq The only problem is that durin boot, it hangs while "checking filesystems" then switched to text mode and continues bootinf after a few seconds.10:49
juan_France won. The fun is over10:49
juan_Damn frenchies :)10:49
Healoti think ubuntu think it's an ext2/3, so the disk check fails... KuLover10:49
drizi just closed and opened firefox again10:49
Healotbut I don't think it will affect anything that much10:50
furgudriz, try 'sudo /usr/sbin/update-flashplugin'10:50
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driznothing happened10:51
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drizit went back to normal10:52
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juan_A fast question: dapper freezes the machine after leaving it unatended for 1-2 hours (sometimes it takes a longer time). Do you know if is there any log with traces with the system execution?10:52
juan_I'm really lost10:52
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juan_I suppose it could be the power management10:53
furgudriz, you tried restart firefox and no luck?10:53
KuLoveruniq Any ideas? :/10:53
Kr4t05Someone answer a question for me... I have two different SuperKaramba themes installed, one says I'm only using  ~270MB of RAM, the other reports ~900MB or RAM being used. Which is right?10:54
zorglu1juan_: i small like you should add 'acpi=off' as a boot option in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:54
uniqkulover: checking.. how long does it hang? do you kill it manually to make it continue? (ctrl-c)10:54
juan_zorglu1: thank you. I'll give it a try. BTW, what am I losing if I do that ?10:54
drizfurgu I just went to newgrounds10:54
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KuLoverUniq, No I just wait.. about 30 sec10:55
uniqkulover: does it hang once on every disk?10:55
zorglu1juan_: the ability to 'hibernat' your box to consume less energy10:55
KuLoverUniq I dont know.. it doesnt say anything.. just hangs then [ok] 10:55
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koshKr4t05: both and neither10:55
furguwhats in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/?10:56
koshKr4t05: figuring out memory usage is not exact by a long shot, so depending on how they are figuring out how much memory is being used they are probably both correct and also both off by a long shot10:56
Kr4t05Yeah, we came to that conclusion in -offtopic10:56
uniqkulover: what does it say just before it says OK ? Checking local filesystems or something?10:56
furgudriz ^10:56
KuLoverUniq Yes10:56
drizfurgu it works10:56
furgudriz np10:57
drizoh would shockwave work also10:57
uniqkulover: checking all filesystems ?10:57
rjbhi, anyone using the nvidia video driver & seeing outrageous memory usage like me?10:57
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KuLoverUniq Yeah! Thats it!10:57
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koshrjb: memory usage is not real most likely10:58
rjboh yes it is10:58
koshrjb: the nvidia driver maps the same memory many times on the card10:58
koshrjb: how do you know the memory usage is real?10:58
rjbi got my kde panel & firefox killed by the oom killer10:58
zorglu1good criteria :)10:58
rjbon various ocassions10:58
koshthat seems bizaar10:58
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koshare you using something like xgl? how much main memory do you have?10:59
rjbxserver's virt. size grows up to over 2 gigs10:59
rjbi got 1 GB ram + 3 GB swap10:59
koshrjb: if you change to the free nvidia 2d only driver does the problem go away?10:59
Healoti think ubuntu think it's an ext2/3, so the disk check fails... KuLover >> Already note this to you10:59
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rjbkosh: right on10:59
Kr4t05kosh, XGL, TwinView, and I have 1gb10:59
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koshrjb: okay can you disable xgl and go use the free driver and see what happens? if that is okay could you use the proprietary driver without xgl and see what happens? also what verison of the driver are you using?11:00
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rjb& no i wasn't using any extraordinary video features11:00
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rjbjust standard installed stuff11:00
koshthey released a new driver yesterday it looks like11:01
rjbthe driver was current out of kubuntu's repo11:01
AlexTeleCentroWhat the command what i use to restart my X?!?!?!?11:01
rjbi junked it yesterday ;)11:01
koshoh wait that was just for 64bit that had a driver update yesterday11:01
rjbwell i'm on amd64 indeed11:01
Healotwhile in desktop = Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, AlexTeleCentro11:02
rjbshould have mentioned that11:02
Healotwhile in the black only screen "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart"11:02
AlexTeleCentroHealot: my X service, in gnome i use /etc/initd/gdm restart11:02
Healotif you're using Kubuntu...11:03
koshrjb: so can you try running with the free software driver and see if the same problem occurs? also you might want to consider downloading http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_1.0-8762.html11:03
rjbwell in fact i did enable composite & tried shadows & translucency as configured in kde's options11:03
Healot "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart" then11:03
rjbbut it was too slow & hogged the cpu11:03
koshhttp://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=72488   there is the information on that driver11:03
AlexTeleCentroHealot: i use now Kubuntu11:03
Healot "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart" then11:03
koshrjb: so are you using xgl?11:03
rjbkosh: the nv driver gives no suchproblems11:03
rjbnope, no xgl11:04
rjbjust the composite extention11:04
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rjbplain old xorg xserver11:04
BKajanyone install google earth linux ? It's supposed to work but it won't laucnch due to 2 missing lib files , libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 and libXcursor.so.1 . Thses files aren't in any repositories that i can find in Adept or Synaptic ...any clues where they might be ?11:04
uniqkulover: i don't find anything usefull.. it basically checks whether is is needed to fsck the disks.11:04
furguBKaj, use apt-file11:04
rjbkosh: thanks for the link, i'll check it out11:05
furguBKaj, do you know how to use the CLI for apt/11:05
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h3sp4wnrjb: libxcursor1 package11:06
furgulibxcursor1, libgtk2.0-011:06
furguBKaj ^11:06
koshyou might want to turn off composite also, update the driver and see if there is anything on that link that will help11:06
koshie just try and cut variables out11:07
rjbkosh: thx, i'll give it another spin in a few days11:07
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rjbkosh: in fact i mainly wanted nvidia in order to make composite work better11:08
rjbotherwise nv works just fine11:08
rjbi don't play 3d games11:08
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BKajfurgu: I don't have it11:09
BKajCLI ?11:10
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furguBKaj, you can install apt-file, it is a package11:10
furguBKaj, but the packages you need for your app are libxcursor1 and libgtk2.0-011:10
BKajlemme check , I think I install apt already11:10
TheHighChildDoes anyone know if a current Konqueor session can be given root permissions?11:10
furguBKaj, apt-file is a seperate package11:10
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furguit is a helpful tool11:11
furguBKaj, CLI = Command Line Interface, a shell, terminal, prompt, etc11:11
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BKajyup furgu, apt is installed11:11
furguarg, bad BKaj11:12
BKajI can do some stuff in the console11:12
furguBKaj, just install libxcursor1 and libgtk2.0-011:12
BKajI tried to but it can't find the pkg11:13
BKajsudo apt-get install ./libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:13
gatekeeperTheHighChild: Select Run Command... and try kdesu Konqueor11:13
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BKajfurgu: ?11:14
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furguBKaj, they are there... which program are you using?11:14
BKajI wondering whwere the pkgs are ?11:14
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TheHighChildgatekeeper: Will that give root permissions to the currently running session?11:15
furguBKaj, sorry... try  'sudo apt-get install libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0'11:15
furguno ./11:15
cboplease i need some hint on how to set up hostname on boot up, like install script does, to use the same hd image on several computers11:15
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gatekeeperTheHighChild: it should bring up an instance of Konqueor with root permissions11:16
rjbcbo: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts11:16
TheHighChildgatekeeper: Ok. That's what I thought. I am trying to give a current session root. Not a big deal, just curious if it could be done. Thanks for your help.11:16
BKajsudo apt-get install libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:16
BKajE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:16
furguBKaj, close whatever graphical program you have open for package management11:17
gatekeeperTheHighChild: why? what are you trying to do?11:17
TheHighChildgatekeeper: Just trying to figure out what I can and cannot do. Nothing that I can't work around.11:17
cborjb: thanks, but i think /etc/hostname is to put hostname 'by hand' i need the computer to 'query' for its hostname, just when you install for the 1st time11:18
gatekeeperTheHighChild: OK just be carefull if you Konqueor root permissions11:18
BKajfurgu: no luck , couldn't find pkg11:18
furgucut & paste the error please11:19
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BKajsudo apt-get install ./libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:19
BKajReading package lists... Done11:19
BKajBuilding dependency tree... Done11:19
BKajE: Couldn't find package11:19
TheHighChildgatekeeper: I guess it would have been more appropriate to ask if I can give root permission to a currently running process or if it has to be initiated as such.11:19
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TheHighChildBKaj: remove the ./11:19
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furguBKaj... BAD BKAJ...11:19
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=== furgu waps BKaj with a rolled up newspaper
rjbcbo: you mean dhcp?11:20
BKajsudo apt-get install ./libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:20
BKajReading package lists... Done11:20
BKajBuilding dependency tree... Done11:20
BKajE: Couldn't find package11:20
furguBKaj... I dont want to stab my eye with this pen... Really I dont11:20
BKajsudo apt-get install libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:21
BKajReading package lists... Done11:21
BKajBuilding dependency tree... Done11:21
BKajE: Couldn't find package libgtk-x11-2.0.so.011:21
furguWhat version of ubuntu are you running BKaj?11:21
BKaj6.06 AMD6411:21
gatekeeperTheHighChild: can't say I know how you would do that, not even sure it would be desirable from a security point of view, would give a hacker/cracker a point of vunrability to go after11:21
furguBKaj.. sorry man11:22
furgusudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-011:22
furguthat should work11:22
cborjb: when i install kubuntu in a computer, and i'm asked for a hostname, its full-name is offered to me as default. Previously i have configured the MAC for this machine in a dhcp server, who gives it a valid ip and name. But i plan to use the same hd image in several computers, so i need a way to establish the name during boot for each one.11:22
furguand then11:22
BKajfurgu:  I found some lib files for 64 bit but thy were mandriva and fedora core11:22
furgusudo apt-get install libxcursor111:23
furguBKaj, I gave you the wrong package name... my bad11:23
furguBKaj, try that ^^^11:23
TheHighChildcbo:  You can set the hostname in /etc/hosts11:23
BKajReading package lists... Done11:24
BKajBuilding dependency tree... Done11:24
BKajlibxcursor1 is already the newest version.11:24
BKaj0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:24
gatekeepercbo: there is a CLI command which will change the name for that session11:25
furguHow about the other one?  'sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0'11:25
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rjbcbo: i think i'd tweak it manually11:25
BKajfurgu: same msg11:26
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cboi was hoping there was a daemon to do that.....11:26
gatekeepercbo: If man:hostname it will give you the info you need11:26
furguBKaj, copy and paste the exact error when you run google earth11:26
BKajmaybe google earth won't run on 64s11:26
BKajlemme check11:26
TheHighChildBKaj: I didn't have trouble11:27
furguShouldnt matter11:27
TheHighChildtry "linux32 ./GoogleEarth"11:27
cbogatekeeper: i need a system which 'asks' for its hostname every boot....11:27
rjbcbo: my guess is one could write a custom boot script to set the hostname based on dhcp11:27
rjbbut i don't know how to get that info from the dhclient11:28
trappistBKaj: I run mine in a 32bit chroot11:28
cborjb: i think it has to be an standard way to do it11:28
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rjbcbo: not that i know11:29
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cborjb: nor do i :-). thanks anyway for your comments11:29
rjbi haven't seen it done that way, other than by installers11:29
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cborjb: yes instalers do it, i will have to 'dissect' it or post a question somewhere....11:30
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rjbcbo: actually the sequence should be like: set a temp hostname, ifconfig with dhcp, rev dns query your own address, set hostname based on what you got11:31
BKajnstalling desktop menu entries...11:31
BKaj./googleearth-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:31
gatekeepercbo: sounds like you want a little c++ program to run at boot up?11:32
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rjbgatekeeper" ???11:32
cborjb: i'll do it until i find the standard way of doing it, thanks for your suggestion11:32
furguBKaj, dunno I am stumped... try the above suggestions... could set LD_LIBRARY_PATH but that prob wont help11:32
rjbwtf does that have to do w/c++ ?11:32
cbogatekeeper: sorry don't understand... why c++?11:32
rjbit's like 5 lines of shell script11:33
cborjb: i agree11:34
BKajyeah furgu, no prob ...Thx , i appreciate the efforts just the same :)...no one said Linux was easy :)11:34
gatekeepercbo: if you can get a bash script to ask the user fine, haven't done much bash scripting myself, main come a c++ programing background so was thinking a simple dialog program to ask the question and do the necessary, probable many ways to do it :-)11:35
trappistBKaj: apt-get install libxcursor111:35
furgutrappist, we tried that11:35
furguthanks for playing tho11:35
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trappistwell I mentioned I run it from a 32bit chroot on mine11:35
rjbgatekeeper: what do you want to ask the user?11:35
patchhello all11:36
furguyeah BKaj, try these other guy's ideas11:36
patchcould anyone please help me out with a few grub questions11:36
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gatekeeperrjb: cbo wanted to ask the user the hostname on boot up11:36
BKajI have google earth on the NTFS partition (windoes) so it's no biggie , just be more convenient on both is all11:36
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rjbgatekeeper: no, afaics he wanted to query dhcp for the hostname11:37
cbogatekeeper: i see... well in this case its preferable a console program which silently does it, c++ not the best choice i think, better bash or python11:37
BKajrunning root as 32 is a little beyond my understanding11:37
patchi just want to have a dual boot, but im reinstalling windows and my current grub in on the mbr. so i want to move to a /boot partition11:37
gatekeepercbo: I misunderstood, thought you wanted user interaction, sorry :-)11:38
BKajit won't let me become root anyway for some reason11:38
rjbwhile on dhcp.. why might a dhcp server sometimes take a loooong time to respond?11:38
patchbut i cant find any plain documentation on how to do this change from mbr to /boot11:38
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cbogatekeeper: any suggestion is wellcome :-)11:38
trappistBKaj: there's a 32bit chroot howto on the wiki.  I use it for mplayer, firefox, etc. because a lot of proprietary apps aren't available in 64 bit.  the chroot's very nice to have around, and worth the effort, if you're running 64bit.11:39
gatekeepercbo: if you want it done silently a bash program would probable be best as you say11:39
BKajpatch: try GAG as an Mbr if you're trying to rescue your windows parition.... it installs on the first portion of the HDD and fins all the OSs and partitions then you have to assign them a boot # ...works well after dumpimg linux distros that strip the mbr11:40
cbogatekeeper: anyway, i'm sure there has to be a standard way of doing this, as it seems a very common problem...11:40
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BKajthx trappist, what is chroot , anyway ?11:41
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furgucbo: what is your exact problem again?11:41
furgucbo: prompt the user for the hostname?11:41
trappistBKaj: it's a fake filesystem where in this case you'll be filling it with 32bit libs11:42
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furguchange hostname from DHCP?11:42
rjbfurgu: the latter (or cbo will correct me ;-)11:43
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cbofurgu: i plan to use the same hd image in several computers, i just want every pc to ask for its name at boot11:43
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furguto ask via user prompt or ask via dhcp?11:43
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BKajok trappist, Im looking11:43
furgu^ cbo11:44
cbofurgu: i know it can be done since install script shows me the fully qualified domain name as default when asking for 'hostname'11:44
furgucbo: if you dont change the hostname in install does it use the DHCP given hostname for prompts?11:45
rjbcbo: it's pretty clear it can be done, the question's whether there's a package or config option that implements it11:45
cbofurgu: yes11:45
patchthanks about GAG but its not really what i want11:45
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furgucbo: so basically you want to chop off the first part of the fully qualified name to use in prompts instead?11:46
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patchmy real problem is that when i reinstall xp it will 'fix' my mbr and i wont be ablw to boot into kubuntu11:46
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patchi know that will at /boot grub this is easier to fix11:46
patchbut i cant figure out how to change11:47
cbofurgu: not exactly, it's ok to set hostname to its fqdn but each pc has to have a different name11:47
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rjbcbo: look at `man dhclient-script'11:48
cborjb: ok11:48
deemohey everyone, im having a slight problem getting my kubuntu installation working. when i try to resize my ntfs partition, it says "Opening /dev/hda1 as NTFS failed: Operation not supported." whats going on?11:48
gatekeepercbo:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DHCP_Server_for_automatic_IP_addresses_assignment How to install DHCP Server for automatic IP addresses assignment any help?11:48
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rjbcbo: specifically, search fo HOOKS (upper case)11:49
cborjb, gatekeeper: ok11:49
rjblike, type /HOOKS in the manpage viewer11:49
rjbi believe that's what you're looking for11:50
rjbit only mentions rewriting /etc/resolv.conf when the interface goes up11:50
rjbbut it could probably be customized to set the hostname as well11:51
kubgood night11:51
kubI have a wireless keyboard and I cannot use the GRUB boot menu... could I turn on the mouse, for example? any idea?11:52
deemoamnyone know whats wrong?11:52
gatekeeperthat was what I was thinking11:52
cbokub: bios settings?11:52
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kubcbo: what do you mean?11:53
cbokub: look in the bios settings for usb keyboard support11:53
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cbokub: does your keyboard work to enter the bios config?11:53
kubcbo: ok, but it's an old Pentium III... I'm not sure if that option exists11:54
gatekeeperdeemo: what are you using to resize?11:54
kubcbo: no, it doesn't11:54
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deemogatekeeper, qtparted11:54
kubcbo: that's the problem, i can't use the keyboard until the SO is running11:54
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rjbok lemme try another question11:55
rjbgmail vs. konqueror, what's your experience?11:55
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cbokub: i had a similar problem, please tell me if you can 'enter bios' with your keyboard, before grub menu appears11:56
kubcbo: no, I can't11:56
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Raven301How do you set a folder up in your home dir to be shared?11:56
h3sp4wnI just use shfs11:57
TheHighChildRaven301: Shared how?11:57
cborjb, gatekeeper, furgu: i think hostname problem is solved with dhclient.conf, not sure yet. thanks for your help11:57
TheHighChildRaven301: Over the network or to other system users?11:57
cbokub: do you have an standard keyboard?11:57
ubotuI know nothing about shfs11:57
kubcbo: yes, an usb one11:57
rjbkub: seems you're out of luck, if you can't enter bios setup you won't be able to talk to grub11:57
Raven301TheHighChild: Over home network with linux and window machines11:58
cbokub: your usb wired keyboard works and usb wireless does not?11:58
TheHighChildRaven301: You'll want to use Samba11:58
TheHighChild!tell Raven301 about samba11:58
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Raven301thanks TheHighChild ... I'll give that a read11:58
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kubrjb: yep, that's because my USB ports are disabled when the PC is booting11:58
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cbokub: i think any pIII should support usb keyboards11:59
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[BU] Brizzdoe anyone know how I can switch to the 686 kernel for my Pentium D?12:00
TheHighChildRaven301: There are different methods you can use to share a directory, file, or partition. You aren't limited to Samba, although that is very popular. Myself, I just mount a FAT32 partition and use it on both systems12:00
gatekeepercbo: good luck :-)12:01
Raven301TheHighChild: ok thanks ... How do I share a folder with my two linux systems?12:01
TheHighChild[BU] Brizz: apt-get install linux-68612:01
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kubcbo: ok, I'll look BIOS settings for usb keyboard support12:02
kubthank you12:02
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[BU] BrizzTheHighChild: the 686 will work for the dual cores but still be x86, right?12:02
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TheHighChildRaven301: Setting up a samba share will allow you to share files and folders.12:02
cbogatekeeper: tomorrow i will work more on that, should i find how to solve the problem 'the right way' (tm) i will tell you...12:02
TheHighChild[BU] Brizz: No idea man.12:02
[BU] BrizzTheHighChild: heh k, no problem :)12:03
ScottLand2hey guys im running on LIveCD now and im at the install step 5of6 and im having some problems12:03
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TheHighChildhey ScottLand212:03
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ScottLand2dood i need your help12:03
cbokub: maybe you'll have to disable usbmouse support and/or usb thumbdrive support, not sure. I had problem with some combinations, others worked ok12:03
rjbcbo: good luck12:03
ScottLand2i had to reformat12:03
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TheHighChildWTF did you do ScottLand2?12:04
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ScottLand2because I had to install XP12:04
Raven301TheHighChild: ok ... I have been able in the past to right click the folder and set it up to share and the folder then has a plug icon on top of the folder. It's not letting me do this12:04
cborjb: thanks,  tomorrow i will work more on that, should i find how to solve the problem 'the right way' (tm) i will tell you...12:04
gatekeepercbo: look forward to hearing from you again. got to go now, like I said good luck I am sure you will sort it :-)12:04
ScottLand2and it wouldnt let me do both and i tried to use Super Grub disk or whatever and it said it cant help me12:04
ghostanybody here?12:04
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DaSkreechghost: Nope12:04
ghosti see many people12:04
TheHighChildRaven301: Honestly bud. I was just trying to point you in the right direction. I don't have any actual experience with setting up Samba shares.12:04
cbogatekeeper, rjb, furgu: thank you all, may be next time i will appear as 'zx81'12:04
ghosti started this  app first time12:05
cbosee you in armagetron 'TIGERS NETWORK CLASSIC PLAY'12:05
rjbagain, any idea why my linksys wifi box might take several *minutes* and dozens of attempts before it responds to a dhcp request?12:05
Raven301TheHighChild: Big thanks ... the read me you set will help12:05
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rjbbut only sometimes?12:05
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cborjb: does it depend on the mac address of the requester?12:06
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rjbdoesn't seem to12:06
rjbusing the same laptop, it usually responds instantly but every once in a while seems to be seriously stuck for some reason12:07

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