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visik7why there is no restricted for 2.6.17-1 ?12:26
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nickruderm, try04:58
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | HAPPY DAPPER DAY! | Edgy is Open
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:11:31 2006
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes time. Estimated downtime is 10 mins. This is for the regular code update.08:18
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stubI've had to abort the update. Another attempt will be made later today.08:37
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pittimeh @ edgy udev08:57
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pittihi marilize, hey mvo09:03
mvohey pitti!09:03
Hobbseehi pitti and mvo 09:04
jsgotangcohey pitti, mvo09:04
jsgotangcodid you see the group photo already from kwwii??09:05
marilizehey pitti09:05
=== pitti feels at home in edgy: doesn't boot any more, xchat loks ugly, gtimelog looks much more fancy
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pittijsgotangco: no, I didn't, where is it?09:05
slomo_pitti: regarding xchat looking ugly... you mean the entry where you type everything in? ;) it's only this weird now because it's a multi-line entry... try pasting more than one line in there09:10
slomo_pitti: but it's ugly nonetheless09:10
pittislomo_: indeed09:11
pittislomo_: the height should adapt to the font size, as usual09:11
pittislomo_: right now it wastes too much space for my screen layout09:11
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for its regular code update. Estimated downtime is 10 minutes.09:36
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | HAPPY DAPPER DAY! | Edgy is Open
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:11:31 2006
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seb128pitti: alter10:50
pittiseb128: duderino!10:51
seb128 /usr/bin/fakeroot debian/rules clean10:51
seb128/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/langpack.mk:23: *** missing separator.  Stop.10:51
seb128that's how rhythmbox didn't build10:51
seb128do you know about that?10:51
pittiseb128: no, I didn't10:52
pittiseb128: and line 23 of that file is10:52
seb128so now you know10:52
pittiifndef _cdbs_bootstrap10:52
pitti_cdbs_scripts_path ?= /usr/lib/cdbs10:52
pittiwhich looks sane to me...10:52
seb128to me too10:52
=== seb128 wonders how many packages are not building due to that
pittiseb128: I try a local build10:53
seb128local build works fine for me10:53
pittiseb128: hmm. wtf???10:55
seb128my cdbs might have been outdated when I built it10:56
pittiseb128: did you notice the same in other packages?10:56
pittiseb128: I'm on current edgy, lemme try a build here10:56
seb128but i didn't upload anything else yesterday10:56
seb128I'm on edgy too10:57
pittiseb128: oh, rb is still the dapper version10:57
seb128pitti: on my cdbs version l23 is @PATH_RULES@10:57
seb128ifndef _cdbs_bootstrap10:57
pittithat looks like the .in file10:57
seb128ii  cdbs                              0.4.41ubuntu3                     common build system for Debian packages10:58
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pittihm, works fine here10:58
seb128is l23 @PATH_RULES@ for you?10:59
pittino, as I said, it's " _cdbs_scripts_path ?= /usr/lib/cdbs"10:59
pitti(without the first space)10:59
pittiseb128: lemme reinstall cdbs10:59
seb128what version do you have?10:59
seb128is that a local build?10:59
pittiseb128: someone else touched cdbs after me, so I doubt it10:59
pittianyway, now I have the latest version11:00
pittiseb128: ah, indeed, fucked langpacks.mk11:00
=== pitti larts Riddell
pittiseb128: ok, I'll fix that11:01
seb128pitti: thank you11:01
=== seb128 hugs pitti
pittiRiddell: sorry for larting, that should have gone to siretart 11:05
Riddellpitti: no problem :)11:06
Riddellpitti: siretart is keeping cdbs in a bzr archive11:06
pittiRiddell: oh, thanks for the hint11:07
Riddellbzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/cdbs/ubuntu11:08
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pittiRiddell: hm, apparently the bzr only has ubuntu1, but the archive has ubuntu3; did you push your changes?11:18
pittiright now, the checked out tree is a total wreck, missing files, failing test suites, etc.11:19
KaiLnew ati driver - but not worth an upgrade (neigher X1900 support nor fixed libGL for R200)11:20
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pittiRiddell: anyway, I'm going to fix up the bzr now11:25
Riddellpitti: no, I've not had time to look at the bzr stuff, I didn't know about it until after I uploaded11:26
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KaiLand new nvidia-legacy drivers - yes, nvidia really did it :)11:27
pittiRiddell: why did you remove the ant.sh test?11:27
pittiant-1.sh, rather11:28
Riddellpitti: don't we have ant disabled in our cdbs?11:28
pittiRiddell: I changed the test to silently succeed if ant isn't isntalled (since some dependencies are in universe)11:28
dibblegoI have opened a bug because libgtk2.0 is causing a segmentation fault, but since I'm a noob, I'm not sure if I have provided all the required information - can anyone please confirm anything more that need to provide? I'm pretty keen to see it fixed :) https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5083611:28
UbugtuMalone bug 50836 in Ubuntu "gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders segmentation fault" [Medium,Needs info]  11:28
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crimsunhmm, I wonder if my key is acting up again.11:37
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Kamionjdub: could you put the CC meeting on the fridge calendar? today at 1400 UTC12:39
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siretartpitti: btw, any reason to not remerge cdbs yet? (only changes in python-distutils.mk.in)01:01
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pittisiretart: no, this morning I just fixed the FTBFS of the majority of the archive, that was a bit urgent01:46
pittisiretart: I also repaired the bzr and brought it up to date01:46
pittisiretart: feel free to remerge :)01:47
siretartpitti: allright. I merged cdbs that time because I hope this would make fix many ftbfs in python packages. and it did built in my chroot that time. however the buildds seem to have been disabled at time of uploading, and the archive has changed since my upload01:48
ograpitti, i just had someon complaining about missing translations in tuxpaint, where are translations of sdl games supposed to be in ? 01:48
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pitti$ dpkg -L language-pack-de-base |grep tuxpaint01:49
pittiogra: ^01:49
ograah, base :)01:49
ograthanks !01:49
pittiogra: yes, if the update package does not have it, then there are no new translations since the dapper release01:50
ograhe said he had installed the language-support-fr package ... 01:50
ograi 01:50
pittiogra: yes, -support does not have any translations01:50
ograi'd expect that to pull -bas in01:50
pittiogra: it recommends -pack, but not depend on it01:50
ograor isnt that a metapackage01:50
pittisince that wouldn't make sense01:50
ograaah !01:50
ograok :)01:50
pittisince usually you only need a subset of supported languages as desktop translations01:51
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iwjJoy.  coreutils is FTBFS02:01
iwjOh, no, my libc is hosed.02:02
hungeriwj: That's the fun you get for living on the edge:-)02:03
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Kamion         | * libmaypole-plugin-authentication-usersessioncookie-perl/1.8-2/i386 Component: main Section: perl Priority: EXTRA02:03
Kamioncontender for longest package name02:03
Kamionalthough probably not a winner02:03
Mithrandirthere are some other perl modules which are pretty bad.02:05
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Keybukah, conflag caught up with me this morning it appears02:05
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KamionKeybuk: I forcibly synced a few of the things in syncs/problems.txt and removed them from that file (bison-doc, make-dfsg, realpath)02:09
Keybukok, cool02:10
pittiKamion: at least it's longer than the current champion linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic02:10
Keybukthat was everything that failed and I didn't want to investigate just yet02:10
KeybukKamion: like jetlag, but for conferences ... when you get home and your body goes "SLEEEEEP!"02:10
Kamionah yes02:10
=== Kamion had lexed it as conf-lag
Kamioner, con-flag02:11
MithrandirKeybuk: did you just rm -rf patches.u.c?02:12
KeybukMithrandir: yes :)02:12
Keybukmerge@casey:/srv/patches.ubuntu.com/published$ touch REBUILDING-AGAIN-PLEASE-STAND-BY; rm -rf *02:13
Mithrandirthat's not a very useful ordering. :-P02:13
KeybukMithrandir: that only occurred to be *after* I pushed enter02:13
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Keybukjust doing a final flush and rebuild for mom02:15
=== ogra vomits over his airport extreme
=== Treenaks calls airport security
KeybukKamion: at some point this week I'm going to go through sync-blacklist and make sure it's all still sane02:16
pittiogra: still b0rked?02:17
Keybukheh, ... "I am working on a project that maintains a list of active hardware on a machine and we want to make it hotplug "aware"."02:17
Keybuk... so that would be "HAL" then ?02:17
ograTreenaks, well, they'll go away as well during one of the 20 reboots i have to do every day 02:17
ograpitti, yes, dmesg shows some irq problems02:17
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Keybukpitti: bug #51083, talk to me02:20
UbugtuMalone bug 51083 in udev "does not create most of the harddisk devices" [Critical,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5108302:20
pittiKeybuk: so, how can I debug this?02:21
pittiKeybuk: I can install the new udev again and boot, and collect info02:21
Keybukok, so first we need to identify what is actually going wrong; there shouldn't be any significant difference between the two udevs02:22
Keybukso install the new udev again02:22
pittiKeybuk: ok, let me boot my ibook to have a stable IRC, then I'll screw up my desktop02:22
Keybukand make sure the install is sane -- the init script should call udevtrigger and udevsettle -- not udevplug02:23
Keybuk(I suspect the bug is because we use PHYSDEVBUS in a few places where we shouldn't and I haven't fixed those rules yet)02:23
Keybukthough that should only break permissions, I thought02:24
pittiok, package upgraded, init script is the pristine one from the 093 package02:24
pittiKeybuk: hm, I just saw something during install02:24
pitticpio: ./lib/udev/path_id: No such file or directory02:24
robertjis there a spec for no-auth security updates? I hear it's goin to be standard in Vista.02:24
Keybukthat's ok, it's just a minor thing02:24
Keybukactually, can you do gunzip -c /boot/initrd.img$VER | cpio -t | grep ide02:25
_ionrobertj: It already exists, just turn it on.02:25
Keybukpitti: the last thing should be lib/udev/ide_media02:25
pittiKeybuk: it's the first thing for me02:26
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Keybukas long as it's in there :)02:27
robertj_ion: Automatic updates option?02:27
pitti_'k, should I reboot now?02:27
pitti_Keybuk: goddamn, of course it boots now02:29
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pittiKeybuk: if your mere aura fixed it, so much the better ;)02:31
KeybukI'm not aware of anything that could actually prevent a device being created within udev02:32
Keybukusually that means the kernel burped, not udev02:32
Keybukthough it can mean that udev failed to load the module the kernel needed02:32
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zulis there a cc meeting today?03:11
Kamiondoes anyone feel their edgy system is working too well and want to test a new busybox-initramfs?03:12
Kamionzul: see CommunityCouncilAgenda03:12
Hobbseei take it that means no.03:12
KamionHobbsee: see CommunityCouncilAgenda03:13
zulHobbsee: according to the wiki there is03:13
mdkeKamion: I can't make the meeting, hopefully my agenda item is self explanatory enough to be discussed anyway...03:13
Hobbseeah, hey, there you go!  i'm sure that wasnt there when i looked last time03:13
Kamionmdke: probably yes03:14
KamionHobbsee: I imagine not, I only put it there a couple of hours ago03:14
HobbseeKamion: right, okay, cool :)03:14
mdkeKamion:great, thanks03:14
=== Hobbsee will stay up for it, being interested in the IRC network choice.
zulsame here03:15
zulexcept for the the staying up part :)03:15
TheMusoAh. So someone has decided to put that up for discussion.03:15
=== TheMuso looks.
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AE3A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra_Keybuk, !03:17
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Keybukogra: ?03:17
ogra_my ibook doesnt find its roofs anymore after upgrading to -2503:17
ogra_it drops me out of usplash at "mounting root filesystem"03:17
Hobbseeer...your ibook has roofs?03:17
Keybukto what -25 ?03:18
ogra_linux image 2.6.16-25-powerpc03:18
Keybukkernel bug, then03:18
ogra_well ...03:18
ogra_it drops me to a console03:18
ogra_IP-Config: eth0 hardware address .....03:19
ogra_i've never seen that 03:19
Keybuksounds like you've set your initramfs to be in BOOT=nfs mode :p03:19
Keybukwas ogra playing with ltsp in Paris? :p03:19
ogra_looks like its attempting to netboot03:19
Keybukbet you 10 ?03:20
ogra_i wasnt playing with anything on the powerpc03:20
Keybukat the console ... grep BOOT conf/initramfs.conf03:20
ogra_thats why i had my ltsp server amd64 lappie with me ... powerpc isnt really helpful for ltsp stuff03:20
ogra_i have no prompt03:20
ogra_it just hangs there03:20
Keybukboot the older kernel and initramfs03:20
ogra_i cant, there is no entry for int in yaboot03:21
=== ogra_ gets a ppc livecd
Keybukboot with break=top then03:21
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ogra_shudder, its indeed set to nfs ... but i know i never touched it03:22
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Keybukboot with boot=local then03:24
Keybukand fix it03:24
ogra_actually it looks like a complete ltsp initramfs.conf ... how did that get there03:24
KeybukI accept Paypal03:25
ogra_doesnt work, since no ide modules are loaded in ltsp netboot initramfs :P03:26
ogra_i suspect i need the livecd03:26
ogra_thats just mad ... i know for sure i never touched it ... and ltsp doesnt touch the servers initramfs.conf ...03:26
ogra_Keybuk, i'll pay in beer on the distro sprint03:27
ogra_thanks for helping :)03:27
Keybuknever blame udev for that which can be ascribed to pure stupidity03:27
Keybukno worries :p03:27
KeybukI've made the same mistake before, installed something on my desktop without noticing that it was in a window ssh'd into my laptop03:28
ogra_well, i guess my tests with the debian ltsp patches have somehow touched it without me noticing ..03:28
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ogra_woah, breezy livecds boot slooooooow03:44
Mithrandirthe eft ones will be faster than the dapper ones again03:45
ogra_well i just see the cd (which is a pressed one) seems borked .... got a lot of seek errors 03:46
rodarvuslive cds need to be burned in a very slow speed (so that iso9660 correction algorithms are not called much)03:50
ogra_rodarvus, tell that to the people shipping our pressed cds :) *i* know it ;)03:52
ogra_i'm using a pressed breezy cd over here, since i have a box with some 100s lying around :)03:52
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ogra_but indeed i forgot to run ybin after regenerating the initramfs *sigh*03:53
Kamionogra_: if it's a pressed CD, then either it's scratched or you need to clean your CD drive's lens03:54
ogra_looks like i'll have an advererous day03:54
ogra_gah, cant type on that keyboard03:54
Kamion(or you have a weirder problem such as a kernel driver bug, but you'd probably know about that already)03:54
ogra_well, the appletouch doesnt work either with breezy ... i guess my HW is just to new for it03:55
TheMusoKamion: When you have a minute, could you point me to that bonobo/orbit/whatever patch you came up with at Paris so I can test it? If it works, I dare say it would be a likely candidate for dapper-updates.03:57
KamionTheMuso: I thought I'd already replied to you about that - it doesn't work yet, but I'm not out of ideas and will keep trying03:58
TheMusoOh ok.03:58
Kamionmy initial attempt caused lots of "/tmp/orbit-root has wrong owner" errors or something along those lines03:58
TheMusoOh ok.03:59
KeybukINFO:root:eel2: ubuntu is 2.14.1-0ubuntu204:01
KeybukDEBUG:root:Allowing comparison of -1 against -0ubuntuX04:01
Keybuk... that's BETTER04:01
G0SUBpitti: hello :)04:02
pittihello G0SUB!04:02
G0SUBpitti: it's UTC 14:00 now I guess :)04:02
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Seveas\sh_away_away, are you really away?04:22
ogra_ibookno, he is away away04:22
=== hanspeter [n=tobias@p549F5ADE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ogra_ibook wonders if the second one negates the first :)
hanspeterheya! is the libc6 package in edgy already fixed somehow?04:23
_ion"away from being away"04:24
Kamionwow, upgrade to edgy worked without dpkg errors. wonder if it boots04:24
hanspeterKamion: it has a libc6 issue at the moment.04:24
pittiKamion: good luck!04:24
_ionkamion: Don't be greedy now. ;-)04:24
Keybukhanspeter: which issue?04:25
Keybukthe locales issue appears fixed04:25
Kamionhanspeter: (a) I can survive with LANG=C, (b) I can probably help fix that if I see the breakage04:25
hanspeterit's not the locale issue04:25
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hanspetermalloc() throws around with memory-corruption-errors04:26
hanspeteri cant find a solution for that. even downgrading libc6 seems not to solve it04:26
iwjKamion: mine is hosed; I'm fighting with it.04:27
Kamionhanspeter: what application?04:27
hanspeterKamion: well, most applications... kde, firefox, some gnome stuff, xfce...04:27
Kamionbecause malloc issues that appear to be in libc are often just application bugs04:29
Kamionyou trash the malloc arena by widdling over memory, malloc will fail later in obscure ways. use valgrind to help track that sort of thing down04:29
hanspeterwell, but it would be strange if they suddenly appear after an upgrade. or am i wrong?04:30
elmoif they don't go away after a downgrade, I suggest you try memtest04:30
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hanspeteryou mean it could be my hardware? well, let's see04:37
hanspeterahh, i could imagine that it's the new qt version which came today.04:39
elmofirefox and gnome don't use qt04:39
hanspeteryeah, i know. but how about the gtk2-qt-engine?04:40
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ogra_ibookgtk2-qt-engine should just die or get someone who really cares for it ...04:42
=== ogra_ibook is still bitter we shipped it in dapper
Hobbseeogra_ibook: it cant die.  you will get outraged kde users if it does not ship.04:42
hanspeteryeah i think qt's the problem.04:43
ogra_ibookHobbsee, then it should be fixed to not break gnome04:43
Hobbseeogra_ibook: that is true.04:43
hanspeteranyone knows the exact version of the qt version before the newest? it's no longer in my archive-cache...04:43
ogra_ibookthe problem is that it breaks nearly all gnome apps and upstrem shows no interest in fixing it at all since two ubuntu releases04:43
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hanspeternever gonna install it again :)04:46
hanspeteri was just too lazy to remove it in the past...04:46
Kamionok, does anyone want to test new busybox-initramfs with regard to bootability, or shall I just upload it? it works for me04:46
Kamionhanspeter: launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/SOURCEPACKAGENAME should get you to the publication history for the package04:47
ogra_ibookKamion, its edgy, no ? ;)04:47
KamionI sort of like machines to keep booting even so04:47
ogra_ibookwell, sure, but at least yours boots, so you can fix it if we all fail :)04:47
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hanspeterokay, that fixed it. so libqt is broken for sure...04:51
Hobbseeogra_ibook: did you figure out that screensaver thing?04:51
ogra_ibookHobbsee, nope, not yet, i was busy with paris and afterwards i had to get ltsp in shape ... its on my list04:52
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Hobbseeogra_ibook: cool :)  ping me if you want help testing it04:52
Hobbseehi bddebian 04:52
Hobbseebeing one of those crazy kde users, and all...04:52
ogra_ibookdid you file a bug about it btw ? 04:52
bddebianHeya folks04:53
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:53
Hobbseeogra_ibook: about the rss-glx screensavers?  i believe there was one, yes04:53
_ionWhat kind of problem is there with rss-glx?04:54
ogra_ibookhmm, its not assigned to me ...04:54
Hobbsee_ion: kde problems - you need kscreensaver-xsavers to be installed if you're running them from kde, but not from anywhere else04:54
Hobbseeogra_ibook: i'll try to find it04:54
ogra_ibookplease assign it to me 04:54
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Hobbseeogra_ibook: lovely, dupes which i hadnt found before :)05:01
ogra_ibookcool :)05:01
Hobbseeogra_ibook: they were hiding under kdeartwork, which i hadnt looked at.  will figure them out05:02
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Hobbseeogra_ibook: subscribe you as hostmaster@grawert.net?05:07
Hobbseelooks like there are about 4 things listed there to choose from.05:07
ogra_ibookunder ogra ?05:10
ogra_ibookwell, yes, hostmaster@grawert.net should work05:12
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Hobbseeogra_ibook: right...05:13
Hobbseebug assigned to you - if you're the screensaver man, you should probably just assign yourself to that entire package, and the rss-glx too.05:13
ogra_ibookwell ...05:14
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ogra_ibooki'm subscribed to all screensaver bugs usually ...05:14
ogra_ibookbut if people file against kdeartwork i cant help much :)05:14
Hobbseeogra_ibook: kdeartwork is the source package for kscreensaver, and they seem to think that the bugs belong there05:15
Hobbseeogra_ibook: looking at those bugs, it seems like there's something really evil going on there that needs time and brains and testers to deal with - to make it sane.05:15
ogra_ibookurgh, kdeartwork is the source for kscreensaver ? that seems pretty wrong05:15
Hobbseeogra_ibook: looks like the deps we discussed earlier would be the hacky way around it05:15
Hobbseeyeah, it is.05:16
ogra_ibookyep, it needs some thinking05:16
Hobbseein fact, the only kdeartwork bugs there are are for screensavers05:16
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izm99hey all.  Is there some way to search for project/developer by geographic location?05:26
Kamionto aid in aiming the ICBMs? :)05:28
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izm99no no.  :P  I'm interested in collecting information on projects/developers in Vancouver, canada.06:11
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iwjroot@anarres:~ # apt-get upgrade -f06:17
iwjE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc606:17
ogratroy_s, what about them ?06:18
troy_sit was an ongoing source of good chuckles with the german folk at paris.06:18
iwjI'm tempted to run dpkg -iGROEB on pool/main but I suspect it would be a bad idea.06:19
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KaiL...some X-Server-Hackers here?06:21
pittiKaiL: set({})06:22
ivokspitti: hi06:22
pittihey ivoks 06:22
pittiivoks: I didn't forget about your cups mail, btw, will deal with it soon06:22
KaiLsomebody should really port xorg.conf to something XML based 06:22
pittiivoks: however, I don't think we can enable browsing by default -- no open ports06:23
ivokspitti: but what open port is that?06:23
KaiLthis md5sum fun is really awefull06:23
pittiivoks: UDP 63106:23
ivokspitti: but dhclient opens UDP port too06:23
ivokspitti: otoh, maybe we could/should skip snmp auto discovery06:23
pittiivoks: well, dhcp only if you use dhcp06:24
iwjKaiL: what md5sum fun ?06:24
pittibut I agree that this has to be discussed06:24
iwjMind you I think I'm winning.06:24
ivokspitti: i don't see it as a security issue :/06:24
ograKaiL, carefull :) dont mess with iwj 06:24
ivokspitti: but i understand if other do :)06:24
iwjogra: I'm nice, really :-)06:25
ograheh, i didnt mean it that way :)06:25
KaiLiwj, nvidia-glx-config seams to check the md5sum for xorg.conf - and I had now 5 people today having problems with nvidia-glx - 3 of them got a message, that the md5sum was wrong...06:25
KaiLas always all of them where shure, hey "never" editied that file...06:26
iwjThat sounds quite insane.  But I'm afraid I don't know any of the answers.06:26
KaiLwell, if xorg.conf would be XML-based, setting the driver *should* be a lot easier and possible without any md5 fun06:27
ograxfree used to block dpkg-reconfigure if the md5sum didnt match for xorg.conf06:27
KaiL(even better would be, if xorg would autoselect it's driver ;)06:27
ograi thought daniels worked around that06:27
Kamionoh for goodness' sake XML is just a transport, saying XML-based makes as much sense as saying ASCII-based or binary-based06:27
Kamionit is not difficult to parse xorg.conf in other ways06:28
ograwell, the real improvement would be to have no file at all but have xorg detect everything on startup ...06:28
Kamionwhich I'm told is not that far off06:29
ograand have it detect changes dynamically as well06:29
KaiLKamion, ok, then the other solution is to write a good parser for that file to set the values easiely seperated06:29
ograwell, i once was told dexconf is the future of x 06:29
KaiLogra, ohm, yes - as more or less the whole other system does...06:29
Kamionupstream's moving towards a dumb server and a configuration client06:29
_ionkail: If xorg were to use libelektra instead of XML, it would be very easy to change the settings programmatically. Oh, xorg already has been elektrified. :-) http://www.libelektra.org/Xorg06:29
ograintrestingly i doubt many users know they can have a custom xorg.conf in their homedir for example :)06:30
KaiL_ion, that's what I was searching for06:30
ograour xorg already has somme nifty features ;)06:30
KaiLogra, I guess, most of them only imagine this possibility while trying a backup and wondering, why the wrong file is used ;)06:30
ograKaiL, yeah 06:31
ograthats the usual way to discover that feature *g*06:31
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KaiLbut is it really so difficult, to get xorg to do some runtime-autodetection?06:40
ograKaiL, nope, in fact merging xorg with xresprobe would be the solution and as Kamion said there is already being stuff in the works06:41
wasabi__X needs to be more dynamic At Runtime.06:42
wasabi__I'd like to plug in a new card and have a new screen defined and appear.;)06:42
ograwhat for ? do you replace cards in running systems ? 06:42
wasabi__USB TV tuners.06:42
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wasabi__USB video out cards.06:43
ograand they dont work for you ? 06:43
wasabi__Not a bit.06:43
ogramy tv tuner card is running without setup in xine here06:43
wasabi__You plug them in, sure, but X doesn't know about them until you edit a file and kill the server.06:43
ogra(usb dvb-t)06:43
ograi'm not aware of any usb based graphics cards yet ... 06:44
ograand i doubt usb is fast enough06:44
wasabi__Firewire too.06:44
ograheh, funny06:44
wasabi__Notebooks with projector attachments.06:45
wasabi__Same thing.06:45
wasabi__There's tons. ;)06:45
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KaiLogra, very good to hear06:46
ograbut still autodetection on startup would already be a major improvement beyond having a root owned config file06:47
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ografor input devices and other stuff the kernel and udev take care for it already works quite well06:48
wasabi__At boot, X should just ask HAL for all the display devices, and attempt to create screens on them.06:49
wasabi__And basically just watch hal events.06:49
ograthats what i say since months :)06:49
ograhal is the thing !06:50
_ionWell, X should just let the kernel's framebuffer interface handle the screens.06:50
ograbut having a cool idea and implementing it in such a big thing as X are two different things06:50
iwjUrr.  /work/Coreutils-md5sum/test-build/coreutils-5.93/build-tree/coreutils-5.93/src/touch: setting times of `d/dd': Function not implemented06:50
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iwjAh, it means `you forgot to mount /proc'06:52
iwjThis install is still in a bad way.06:52
RiddellKamion: could you promote libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev and libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 to main?06:54
KamionRiddell: is something about to build-depend on them?06:56
RiddellKamion: kdebase06:56
KaiLogra, any ideas, if we can have some visible results on that for edgy?06:57
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KamionRiddell: done06:57
KaiLat least the driver should be set automatically imho06:57
ograKaiL, ask freedesktop.org ... thats something upstream has to care for06:57
Riddellthanks Kamion 06:57
ograisnt libavahi-compat the one that was supposed to go away asap ?06:59
fabbioneKaiL: you clearly don't know that X does already a lot of autodetection and you clearly don't know how difficult is to set the driver right. I suggest you go and look in all bugzilla's and bug reports before asking for so simple "features"06:59
ogra(at least that was what i was told when i wanted it in main for gobby)06:59
Kamionogra: that was compat-howl IIRC06:59
ograah, yes, mixed that up, right07:00
KaiLfabbione, I know, that it's quite difficult07:00
Keybukfabbione: just because it is hard, does not mean that we should not try07:00
KaiLbut having this code in xorg itself (and not in some config-tool makes things a lot easier, as normally nobody knows better, which driver works with which chip, as the driver authors07:01
ografabbione, well, it *is* a simple feature if you rewrite the whole of X to use hal :)07:01
ograit just has this small drawback of rewiting X07:01
pittiogra: indeed, rewriting the whole X code appears trivially simple :-P07:01
zulogra: better start then ;)07:02
ograzul, :P07:02
KaiLthe most problems currently are "driver should work with this card (and so is selected by the installer), but doesn't" afaik07:03
ograthe installer dosnt select graphics drivers07:06
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ograxorg does that on its own through dexconf and its own postinst script07:07
ograthats why dpkg-reconfigure works to change it 07:07
KaiLat least this fails rather often compared with udev selecting the right kernel module for a network card ;)07:08
fabbioneKeybuk: X already does that without us doing it. Try to remove xorg.conf and start X :)07:09
fabbioneogra: hal would suffer the exact same issues. like pci id wants driver vesa while this other pci id wants radeon when the both cards are ati07:09
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ografabbione, well, it mostly shows the HW pretty reliable ....07:10
ograi'd point you to the hwdb to prove my words ... if there were one ...07:10
KaiLfabbione, kernel modules have a list of all PCI-IDs, they support07:10
KaiLwhy shouldn't this be possible for X-drivers too?07:10
fabbioneogra: so does lspci.. it will tell you that both are ati cards.. it doesn't know about exceptions.. same reason why you need to poke manually07:11
fabbione^^ KaiL for you too07:11
Riddellif infinity_ is still travelling is there anyone around who can give pack a package to the buildds?07:11
ograyeah, especially since ati just doesnt provine one driver but many07:11
fabbioneogra: i did chose ati, but can be anything07:11
fabbionethat vesa <-> real driver battle applies to everything07:11
KamionRiddell: (a) infinity's not still travelling, (b) I believe Keybuk can but I'm not sure07:12
fabbionelike nv claims to support card foo:bar07:12
fabbionebut it's buggy07:12
fabbioneso you default to vesa07:12
KaiLATI is good example, as there are some cards with up to 4 drivers (R200-Series!)07:12
ograKaiL, but fabbione is right ... and there is nobody in this channel who is as familiar with X as he is07:12
KaiLok, fglrx is currenly not really usefull for that ;)07:12
ograso trust his words :)07:13
ograyou need soe kind of AI here :)07:13
Kamionthe difficult bit will probably be going through all changes to dexconf etc. that have ever been made, figuring out *why* they were made, checking whether they're still relevant, and porting those changes to the drivers07:13
bluefoxicydoko:  ping07:13
KamionI don't think anyone really disagrees that that should be done, but you can say "it should be done" until you're blue in the face and it will have absolutely no effect; somebody who knows X well needs to do the work07:14
fabbioneKamion: not really.. most of them are still valid for X7.107:14
KaiLfor the first doing one thing would solve the most problems: some tool, which sets the driver value afaik, based upon the information from dexconf on each boot - with some easy to find config option to force some driver...07:14
Kamionfabbione: "not really" what? still relevant?07:14
fabbioneKamion: yeah most of the dexconf stuff is still required07:14
ograKaiL, like the liveCD or ltsp do you mean ? 07:14
Kamionfabbione: right, I know07:14
KaiLogra, yes07:14
Kamionbut it needs to be checked anyway07:14
bluefoxicygcc is doko's right?07:15
ograKaiL, that slows donw booting by several seconds07:15
ograbut would be possible 07:15
fabbioneKamion: yes agreed, but for 99.9% of the stuff in there, there is no way to check without hw07:15
KaiLbut additionally with some force-driver-option (to force "nv" even if "nvidia" is installed or to work arround buggy drivers)07:15
Kamionfabbione: indeed, which doesn't make the task any easier07:15
fabbioneKaiL: nvidia is a buggy as nv..07:16
KamionKaiL: it's getting solved by serious X hackers upstream. I don't think inventing random tools will help us in the least ...07:16
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KaiLogra, maybe it could cache it's information somehow, to shorten the time (means: if the PCI-ID didn#t change, it doesn't change the file..)07:16
ograKaiL, they are identical apart from nv having the GL stuff disabled07:16
fabbioneKaiL: if you are so keen to suggest a solution join #xorg-devel here on freenode07:16
KaiLogra, and having a different internal card database, afaik?07:17
fabbioneKaiL: all X real 3-ballz 31337 sk1llz h4x0r5 are there07:17
ograKaiL, no idea about that, i cant xray the binary blob nvidia or nv are07:17
=== KaiL hates "h4x0r5" ;)
fabbioneKaiL: whatever.. there is where you discuss X stuff with upstream07:18
KaiLat least there where times in dapper development, where "nv" failed, but "nvidia" worked (afaik "nv" has also some vesa-fallback or so?)07:18
KaiLfabbione, the question is, if there shouldn't be some "helper-tool", if this problem won't get fixed in some near future upstream07:19
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fabbioneKaiL: why don't you talk to upstream directly? what other helper tools do you want that are not there already?07:20
ograKaiL, we dont do hacks here ... if the solution takes several releases but is the right one, we'll take that path07:21
KaiLcurrently fighting with xorg.conf is arround 90%, if not more, of the driver related problems in support chats - and if you ask people, why they don't switch from Windows, it's the xorg.conf-fun :/07:21
Kamionit is being worked on upstream kthxbye07:22
Kamionseriously, what's hard about this07:22
Kamionhacking it even more in the distro will make the migration to a sane solution in the medium term even harder07:23
wasabi__I'd be curious to read some about how upstream is working on it.07:23
KaiLother topic - something positive: recent c't has compared fedora core 5, suse 10.1 and ubuntu 6.06 LTS07:24
ograwasabi__, freedesktop.org is your friend :)07:24
KamionI'm told that ajax will be giving a talk at the next x.org developer conference entitled "rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf" which is about this07:24
ograKaiL, how do we look like ? 07:24
=== ogra stopped reading c't 10 years ago
KaiLvery interesting is the hardware detection07:25
KaiLsuspend to Disk worked everywhere (compared to 1/4 on fedora)07:25
KaiLsuspend to RAM 1/4 (fedora 1+1 with manuall changes, suse 2 with manual changes)07:26
KaiLsome ATI RD580 board needs "noapic"07:27
Kamionthe last can be dealt with if reported as a kernel bug with dmidecode output07:27
KaiLexcept that, everything eigher worked, or was not expected to work (somebody might explain, what's so difficult in installing linux-686)07:27
KeybukKamion: I don't seem to be able to give packages back, just rescore them07:28
Keybukgiving back is an LP admin task, allegedly07:28
KamionKeybuk: ah07:28
KamionKaiL: thanks for passing those one07:28
Kamioner, on07:28
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KaiLKamion, you expect a usefull bugreport from somebody, who calles the missing firewall one of the biggest problems with ubuntu? ;)07:29
ograKaiL, you do that ? 07:29
KaiLbzw. fedora and suse both have an SMP kernel as default...07:29
KamionKaiL: I expect it if somebody posts a comment explicitly asking them for it, yes07:30
KamionI didn't expect them to telepathically know07:30
KaiLogra, I an happy, that they found out, that LTS stands for "long term support", not "long time", so don't expect too much from them ;)07:30
KaiLalso interesting: suse seams to autoinstall 915resolution, if needed - maybe edgy should do that too? fabbione? ;)07:31
ograKaiL, i live around the corner of the c't tv studio now, feel free to write them a letter, i'll happily do question and answer games with them about missig firewalls :P07:31
KaiLogra, *g*07:32
bddebianLoudmouth?  Some of these package names crack me up..07:33
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hungerogra: They do have a point though: A packetfilter is one line of defense that ubuntu does not have (whether it is needed is a different question).07:35
ograhunger, what for if you dont have opne ports ?07:36
fabbioneKaiL: you are becoming highly offtopic and you are not even attempting to document yourself on what you are saying in here07:36
fabbioneKaiL: most of which are FAQ07:37
KaiLfabbione, maybe you should find  a way, to get those authors to read the faq :)07:38
KeybukKamion, Riddell: actually, I may be able to07:39
KeybukRiddell: what package do you need giving back?07:39
=== Keybuk notices a new "Reset build" option
RiddellKeybuk: kdebase please07:40
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KeybukRiddell: ok, it would appear to be now "Needs Building"07:41
RiddellKeybuk: great, thanks07:41
Kamionit should have automatically dep-waited on the packages I promoted07:41
Kamionand automatically cleared on promotion ...07:42
Kamionunless that doesn't work with ogre-model problems07:42
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KeybukI don't think it notices promotion07:42
KaiLoh, finally something to laugh: on suse 10.1 you need 2 and a half minute (!) to search for a package (ubuntu took 2seconds ;)07:43
mvoKaiL: haha :)07:44
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KeybukRiddell: now "Currently building"07:50
Keybuk(woohoo, I HAVE THE POWAH!)07:50
Riddellyou rock Keybuk 07:50
RiddellKeybuk: are your super powahs also able to get libtunepimp3 and libtunepimp3-dev through NEW into main?08:03
KeybukRiddell: yes, but I'm not processing NEW just now08:04
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slomoRiddell: err, libtunepimp needs mad in main again... didn't we want to leave it in universe?08:12
Riddellslomo: it looks like it's in main08:13
slomoright... hrm, i wonder why i thought it was in universe :) ok, then nevermind08:14
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ograslomo, because we try to get mad to universe since warty, but there is always something holing it up ...08:15
slomosomething beeing k3b, akode and libtunepimp...08:18
crimsun(which makes me wonder why xmms is still in main)08:20
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jjesse`but isn'txmms what people default to?08:22
jjessesee the post to sounder08:22
ogracrimsun, thats really strange since all gtk1 apps should be gone 08:23
ograpitti, ?08:24
ograwasnt that demoted ? 08:24
slomoogra: there's still some stuff depending on it in main08:24
slomoxmms, libdv, flac, smpeg, libiodbc208:24
ograwell, i remember pitti doing a major cleanup08:25
crimsunKeybuk: do you have a sec to check why my earlier upload, mplayerplug-in (circa 0930 UTC today), was blackholed?08:26
Keybukare you still having uploader troubles?08:27
ograpitti, xmms is still in main ? 08:27
pittiogra: yes, we didn't get rid of gtk 1.2 for dapper08:27
crimsunKeybuk: I haven't tried uploading again since that package08:27
ograand lots of other gtk1 08:27
ograah, k08:27
slomoand gtk1.208:27
ograpfft and i had to drop glife 08:27
ogra*the* killerapp for edubuntu 08:27
pittiogra: that was for gnome 108:29
pittiogra: and indeed we could throw out all the gdk-pixbuf, gnome1, etc. 08:29
ograthat was for gtk1 and i dropped it in montreal 08:29
ograat least thats what you guys shouted at me from your BOF table while i passed by :)08:30
pittiogra: Depends: gdk-imlib1, libgnomesupport0, libgnome32, libgnomeui32, ...08:30
=== ogra shuts up ...
pittiimlib1 is particularly painful since dead and vulnerability prone08:30
=== pitti hugs ogra
ograthanks :)08:31
Keybukcrimsun: it's in failed again08:33
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Keybukgpg: Signature made Tue Jun 27 10:17:57 2006 BST using DSA key ID C88ABDA308:33
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damnedhi all08:34
bddebianHello damned08:35
slomoKeybuk: do you have some time to approve my gtk2 upload to dapper-updates? mdz approved it already last friday before the upload was done08:36
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Keybukslomo: please bounce the approval mail to ubuntu-archive08:37
mdzKeybuk: I think I CCed you on my reply, let me check08:38
slomoKeybuk: done (and noted for the future ;) )08:38
mdzyep, I did08:39
mdzforwarded to -archive now08:39
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gepatinomaybe this is not the place to ask.. but i need to modify the default initrd.gz in desktop cd and for some reason I cant make it boot after modifying it09:03
crimsunKeybuk: thanks for your time.09:04
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vdepizzolwhy ubuntu don't come with banshee as default music player?09:09
_ionOr ion3 as the default window manager? Or Hurd as the default kernel? Or netcat as the default web browser?09:11
Keybukwhy don't the Ubuntu CD packs come with a slice of cheese?09:12
KeybukA: Because nobody's proposed it yet or because the proposal was turned down.09:12
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pitti_ion: be my friend for s/firefox/nc/. Far, far fewer vulns :-P09:14
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gepatinoi need to know how to properly package a new initrd.gz to make a custom ubuntu live cd09:14
gepatinobut cant find someone who knows the details 09:14
Keybukgepatino: what do you want to do to the poor thing?09:15
gepatinomove the default user ot of sudoes09:15
Keybukmodify the appropriate part of casper, and update-initramfs09:16
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gepatinothe problem is that i had to modify initrd.gz by hand (unpackaging it) but cant package it in a format that the kernel could read at bootup09:17
Keybukwhat format are you trying to produce?09:17
Keybukit's just a gzip'd cpio file09:18
gepatinoi know that, but i must be missing some parameter, since it doesnt work09:18
gepatinoim doing: find . | cpio -cov | gzip -9 > initrd.gz09:19
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=== epx is away: 10 minutinhos
gepatinoKeybuk: do you know where i could find some info about how to package a initrd?09:22
_ionepx: Thanks a lot for the information. I really appreciate that.09:23
Keybukgepatino: search the wiki for initramfs or EarlyUserspace09:23
Keybukman mkinitramfs09:23
gepatinoKeybuk: i'll search the wikis09:23
gepatinoKeybuk: thanks09:23
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bluefoxicypitti:  ping09:41
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bluefoxicy<Keybuk> why don't the Ubuntu CD packs come with a slice of cheese?09:41
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  I'd like a CD pack with Xubuntu/Ubuntu/Kubuntu mixed :)09:42
bluefoxicy(even though I hate KDE)09:42
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Keybukbluefoxicy: that may be possible if we ship a DVD09:46
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ograKeybuk, Kamion and infinity_ had this nice conversation about shipping ubuntu on punchcards in london ... it would be cool to have a release printed out on them and to add one to each cd :)09:51
Keybukhmm, getting used to a new mouse is damned hard09:53
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=== damned wakes up each time anybody curse anything.
bluefoxicydoes anybody know if the current Edgy gcc 4.1 is supposed to enable stack smash protection by default?09:58
bluefoxicyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/GccSsp says it will, but I don't know if it's been set up that way yet (my regression tests say it doesn't, so I just want to make sure)09:59
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pittibluefoxicy: it hasn't been enabled yet10:02
bluefoxicypitti:  nod.  It'll show up in the changelog when it is right?10:03
pittibluefoxicy: yes; we need to sort out glibc for sparc before we can enable it10:03
bluefoxicyah-- wait what?10:03
bluefoxicysince when does ubuntu have a sparc distribution10:03
Keybukkeep up ;)10:03
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jcoleKeybuk: it's possible with a mini.iso netinstall... i've made one :)10:10
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sivangre all11:00
bddebianHeya sivang11:00
bddebianKamion: You around?11:00
sivanghi bddebian , how you been?11:01
bddebianOK thanks.  You?11:01
sivangbddebian: very good :-)11:01
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=== epx is away: novela!
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Kamionslomo_: FYI libtunepimp3 has a separate libtunepimp3-mp3 binary split off for the libmad dependency11:32
KamionI've newed it now11:32
Kamionbddebian: no - being called off to bed11:32
Kamionlet me know what it is and I'll deal with it in the morning11:33
bluefoxicybddebian:  hi11:33
slomo_Kamion: i noticed... but it's still another package build-depending on mad and keeping it in main... and we only have 3 with this one ;)11:33
bddebianKamion: Just wondered what you meant here:  Bug #539311:33
UbugtuMalone bug 5393 in hula "hula: merge new debian version" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/539311:33
Kamionoh, build-dep, sure11:33
bddebianHeya bluefoxicy11:33
bluefoxicybddebian: were you the one asking on snort-inline support and its ramifications?11:33
Kamionbddebian: any other core-dev member should be able to explain that one11:34
bddebianOK, sorry to bother you then11:34
bluefoxicybddebian:  nods.  In a few when you're not busy we can talk if you want11:34
Kamionthe new package ships a totally different set of binaries to the old one11:34
Kamionand makes no effort whatsoever to handle upgrades11:34
bddebianAh, OK11:34
bddebianbluefoxicy: Shoot11:35
bluefoxicybddebian:  I'd like to see snort with inline support because it lets the signatures be used to actually STOP attacks instead of just detect them.  There's enough work in edgy; but that would be attractive for Edgy+111:37
bluefoxicybddebian:  i don't know the detriments of inline support, besides that 2.3 depends on some library we don't have, that's long since deprecated, to interface with iptables' "QUEUE" target; also it takes a special set of drop rules that tell it what attacks to drop11:37
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bluefoxicyReally I'd like to see snort 2.6 hit Debian Unstable with a fresh package based on cdbs (have you seen the snort package?  omg); as for worrying about what to do with it, well.  Everyone's busy with Edgy, so let it alone for now.11:39
bluefoxicyThat's about... all I know really :)11:39
bddebianbluefoxicy: I guess what I am getting at is does adding --enable-inline affect binary functionality ?11:39
bluefoxicybddebian:  Besides depending on a lib we don't have?  I believe not.  lemme take a look real quick.11:40
bluefoxicy(yeah, I noticed we CAN'T add --enable-inline because of that)11:40
bddebianDoes 2.6 have the same issue?11:40
bluefoxicyI don't know.  We don't even have a 2.6 (or 2.4 for that matter) snort anyway.11:42
=== bluefoxicy reads the source tarball's build system
bluefoxicy  --enable-inline          Use the libipq interface for inline snort11:42
bluefoxicyyeah.. and libipq is still deprecated.. wikipedia says it will be replaced by libnetfilter_queue11:43
bluefoxicybddebian:  we should probably just leave that bug open for now.  It's not pressing, it's wishlist.11:44
bddebianOK, thanks11:46
bddebianbluefoxicy: Bug #50058  :-)11:51
UbugtuMalone bug 50058 in oinkmaster "The Snort rules is no longer FREE! (Oinkmaster can't get the rules)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5005811:51
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bluefoxicybddebian:  what damn!  :(11:51
bluefoxicybddebian:  oinkmaster should be able to get the registered rules... "Registered users can access rule updates 5 days after release to subscription users."  http://snort.org/rules/11:52
bluefoxicybddebian:  you do need to register to get them ;)11:52
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bddebianLater folks12:00
dokobluefoxicy: what's your question about gcc?12:00
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bluefoxicydoko:  pitti got it already, I wanted to know if stack smash protection was on by default yet12:02
Keybukbluefoxicy: you were told it wasn't already12:03
Keybukand you were told why12:03
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  yes that's what I said, pitti got it already.12:03
Keybukah, sorry, misread your statement as a question :)12:03
Keybukmy bad12:03
bluefoxicyKeybuk:  besides, you know I have to be told more than once ;)12:04

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