
siretartLaserJock: cool. thanks for testing12:09
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jribif anyone wants to find some newbie mistakes, my first package of a gaim-plugin that has two sources files is here: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2511 .  lintian is saying "bad-distribution-in-changes-file edgy", can I just ignore that?12:28
slomo_yes, just ignore that12:29
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fbondsiretart: revu password recovery is failing, varying from not getting the encrypted string, to getting a traceback (IOError: Broken pipe)01:00
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bddebianHeya gang02:02
bddebianHi zul02:05
zulhey bddebian how is it going?02:05
bddebianSame ol' man, you?02:05
zulwatching bad 80s videos and xen02:05
fbondsiretart: ping?02:12
nexuwhen does it show new upload to REVU ?02:19
nexui still miss one package02:20
nexuwhich doesnt show ther02:20
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chillywillyanyone here know of a amd64 kernel that has xt_connmark and xt_CONNMARK modules built in? the generic kernel maybe?02:33
chillywillyther "server" one doesn't seem to02:33
chillywillysuppose I could just look at the packages ;P02:34
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bddebianYeah, ya bum :-)02:34
chillywillythis page is taking a while to load02:36
chillywillyok, that was pretty useless02:38
chillywillytried to look at the files in the package with the web interface and it timed out and said it couldn't find the package02:38
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fbondanyone here a revu admin?03:06
LaserJocki'm guessing not until ajmitch wakes up03:08
fbondI believe revu is having some pretty serious technical difficulties03:08
LaserJockwhat's going on?03:09
fbondrevu can't recover passwords and isn't moving uploads from incoming, updating page, etc...03:13
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LaserJockyeah, I'm not sure if siretart has narrowed down the problems03:14
fbondoh, are the problems known?03:15
LaserJockwell, stuff seems to not work once in a while03:16
LaserJockand and admin needs to clean out the queue03:16
nexui just uploaded03:17
nexuand recovered a password03:17
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nexulike 1h ago03:17
LaserJockyeah, it seems to do it sporadically03:18
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jdongis there any place where I can request packages for universe packaging?03:19
jdongAutomatix users want ManDVD, and there are currently no debian packages of it03:19
jdongit's a simple one-binary C++/KDE program03:19
nexusetup your own repo till than ?03:20
LaserJockcurrently we are using a wiki page for packaging requests03:20
jdongLaserJock: which page is this?03:20
jdongnexu: I will for now; but it'd be cool to have this in Edgy without relying on unofficial repos03:21
crimsunjdong: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New03:21
jdongcrimsun: thanks very much03:21
LaserJockhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates was what I was thinking about03:22
crimsunCandidates is linked from New ; I used New intentionally for the links to WNPP03:23
crimsun(and mentors.d.n)03:23
jdongyep; figured that part out03:24
jdongthe package I wanted was on none of the listed lists03:24
jdongso I'm having an automatix developer put it on the candidate list03:24
nexuwho maintain this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates03:25
crimsun"the community"03:25
bddebiannexu: Thanks for volunteering :-)03:26
LaserJockjdong: I had a question for you. I just got an email for what looks like a scilab 4 backports request03:27
LaserJockbug #5084003:27
UbugtuMalone bug 50840 in dapper-backports "scilab 4" [Untriaged,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5084003:27
crimsunthat one's already triaged.03:28
crimsunno movement until it builds in Edgy -> pool, etc., etc.03:29
LaserJockumm, but there isn't any scilab 4 packages03:29
LaserJockso what is there to backport?03:30
crimsunmeaning it doesn't exist upstream even?03:30
crimsunupstream upstream03:30
bddebianUhm rejectage :-)03:30
LaserJockyeah upstream upstream exists03:30
crimsunthen it's a viable backport req03:30
nexubddebian :] 03:31
crimsunit just needs to get into Edgy first, etc.03:31
LaserJockyeah, like that's going to happen03:31
bddebianWhy not?03:31
LaserJockit's orphaned in Debian and it doesn't exactly have the greatest license03:31
crimsunwhy, is it blocked on Duke Nukem Forever's release or something?03:31
crimsunLaserJock: eh, it's a backport req. The world ain't gonna end [yet] . :)03:32
LaserJockcrimsun: no, I just thought that you had to have a package to backport before you made a request ;-)03:33
bddebianLaserJock: What crack do you smoke man.  And do you have any to share? ;-P03:33
crimsunLaserJock: generally, yes, but I've become a bit more lenient isntead of rejecting straightoff. ;)03:33
crimsunon the other hand, my typing has taken a nosedive03:34
LaserJockwell, I wasn't going to reject it, I just wondered if somebody sneaked in a package I didn't know about :-)03:34
crimsunapt-get install zomgponies, word03:34
zulyay xen is finally compiling03:35
bddebiancrimsun: :-)03:35
crimsunzul: rockin'03:36
zulcrimsun: er with 2.6.1603:36
crimsunzul: still, nifty03:37
crimsun(yeah, getting it compiling with our 2.6.15 would be a major feat)03:37
zulnext make the deb and see if it works ;)03:37
zulcrimsun: 2.6.1703:38
bddebiancrimsun: Know anything about this one? :-)  Bug #568303:39
UbugtuMalone bug 5683 in insight "insight: merge new debian version" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/568303:39
crimsunmust have been some other crimsun, hmm03:40
crimsunah well.03:40
crimsunhey, the bug status is still valid. Neat.03:41
crimsunthere, notified.03:42
crimsunthanks bddebian03:42
bddebianIt still needs merged?03:45
crimsunoh yeah03:46
crimsunneat, time for some bzr branching03:51
antinobodyall that and I STILL have the wrong package uploaded to REVU.03:54
antinobodyhello everybody03:54
=== jdong notes that rhythmbox 0.9.5 has landed in edgy :)
jdongand it even is satisfied by the dapper build environment :)03:55
crimsunawesome, more crack03:56
LaserJockedgy is supposed to be crackful, right?03:57
crimsunto some degree03:59
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bddebianHeya antinobody04:01
antinobodyhey bddebian04:03
antinobodyI think I finally got the right agistudio merge uploaded to REVU, and it only took like 4 tries04:04
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antinobodyI've decided upon an ignorance-based learning system for this merging thing04:06
antinobodyI'll try to merge something, and when I inevitably find I don't know what they hell I'm doing04:06
antinobodyI beg people to explain things04:06
antinobodyEventually, the theory is I'll know what I'm doing04:07
crimsunnoble but flawed04:09
crimsunit relies on someone else knowing what {s,}he's doing04:10
crimsunI don't at all mind punting all questions to bddebian or LaserJock, though =)04:10
bddebianantinobody: Well I have been thinking that for years now and I still don't know shit :-)04:10
antinobodyany of you know why our package uses /bin/ksh, and the debian one uses /bin/sh (package is arson), for example?04:11
antinobodybddebian, true, but the shit you don't know piles much lower than the shit I don't04:11
LaserJockcrimsun: me and bddebian? we don't know anything, we are just stupid enought to talk around here ;-)04:12
antinobodyit's the SHELL = in the make file04:12
bddebianLaserJock: Amen brother :-)04:13
LaserJockexcept I think bddebian's karama perhaps says something else ;-)04:13
crimsunantinobody: I only see that in doc/arson/Makefile04:14
antinobodyit seems you spend the occasional moment working on bugs04:14
antinobodycrimsun: you're right, I misread04:15
bddebianmoi?  Nah :-)04:15
bddebianOh come on man...04:15
antinobodyha, crimsun is listed as one of the folks you pale in comparison to04:16
crimsunI find it humorous that LaserJock is listed as having most recently modified that wiki page   *whistles*04:17
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antinobodyheh, I wonder what the most recent change was...04:17
LaserJockcrimsun: humorous04:18
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bddebianantinobody: I added those names when that stupid page was created :-)04:18
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antinobodyolah Hobbsee04:19
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bddebianUhm, I think that is hola?04:19
Hobbseehi antinobody04:19
bddebianHi Hobbsee :-)04:19
antinobodyit is04:19
Hobbseehi bddebian :)04:19
antinobodyI can speak it, I can write it, and I can read it04:19
antinobodyspelling is another matter04:19
antinobodyof course, I'm not so much perfect with any of those either04:20
antinobodyI see...the shell changes depending on who built the package.  That's why it's different in the two doc files.04:22
antinobodyOr I'm wrong04:22
=== LaserJock adjusts a certain wiki page
antinobodyso, the differences in the doc/arson/Makefile aren't important?04:25
crimsunantinobody: no, you're correct. And no, they're not important since Makefile is regenerated each build.04:25
Hobbseehey LaserJock!  you made it back all right then?04:26
jsgotangcoyou speak as if we are still in the dark ages of aviation heh04:26
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LaserJockjsgotangco: dark ages? I thought that was just France ;-)04:28
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antinobody_Is there a reason this :04:38
antinobody_static uint ArsonCdrdaoProcess::calcTime(04:38
antinobody_-uint hrs, uint mins, uint secs);04:38
antinobody_now doesn't work, and has to be changed to this :04:39
antinobody_static uint calcTime(uint hrs, uint mins, uint secs);04:39
antinobody_did some specific rule somewhere change?04:39
crimsunare you looking at 0.9.8beta2-4.3 from Debian?04:42
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crimsunthat's an NMU addressing GCC 4.1 specifically04:43
antinobody_although this came up with agistudio as well04:43
crimsunyou'll need that for Edgy04:43
antinobody_Right, I thought it was a compiler upgrade04:43
antinobody_In that case, I think the only thing that needs to be changed in arson is the dh_iconcache thing, (I'm right in thinking arson doesn't use kde.mk?)04:44
crimsunyes. 4.1 is much more strict.04:44
crimsunno reference to "kde.mk" in debian/rules at least04:45
antinobody_yeah, ever other difference seems to be either a comment, or in the doc/arson/Makefil (or clearly part of the upgraded package)04:45
antinobody_is there a reason we have the dh_iconcache included in these packages and debian doesn't?04:48
antinobody_Or did I touch on some kind of political issue of some sort04:48
antinobody_with that question04:49
crimsunyes. Debian [desktop]  is discussing the ramifications of incorporating dh_iconcache. "They" may wish to adjust its semantics.04:49
antinobody_what the theorized ramifications?04:50
crimsunyou'll have to check debian-desktop for that; I don't track it04:51
antinobody_that may not be worth the effort, another day, when I've accumulated more boredom maybe04:52
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antinobodyI believe apollon can be synced.  But someone who knows more might want to verify that.05:28
crimsunnot unless dh_iconcache has been incorporated in Debian05:31
antinobodyI thought apollon used kde.mk?05:31
crimsunoh, yes it does.05:32
crimsunyep, a sync is fine05:32
Hobbseecrimsun: does it use cdbs?  and a separate kde.mk file?05:33
antinobodyhalf-way to needing two hands to be able to count the number of times I've been right05:33
crimsunHobbsee: yes, and yes.05:33
crimsunif kde.mk doesn't handle it, then apollon needs a merge.05:34
Hobbseetrue.  does kde.mk handle it in debian?05:34
Hobbseeso, how does it get synced then?  syncing's where there's no changes, right?05:34
antinobodypssh...how do I verify that?05:35
crimsundoes kde.mk handle it in Ubuntu?05:35
crimsunI'm pretty sure it does, since I touched a few packages for Dapper.05:35
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, we changed them so that they did05:35
LaserJockif Ubuntu's kde.mk handles it then we don't have to merge05:35
crimsunright, so it can be a straight sync.05:35
=== Hobbsee hacked cdbs, so anything without a separate kde.mk would get the dh_iconcache
crimsunthe only outstanding delta for apollon is the dh_iconcache change05:35
Hobbseecrimsun: explain syncs and merges before i get confused please?05:35
Hobbseewhich one has changes, and which one doesnt?05:36
crimsunoh, I misunderstood your earlier question.05:36
bddebianHobbsee: A sync comes straight from Debian as is05:36
crimsunyes, apollon uses cdbs; no, it doesn't use a separate (non-cdbs) kde.mk05:36
bddebianA merge requires some tweaking in Ubuntu05:36
Hobbseebddebian: right, that's the way around i thought it was.05:36
antinobodymerge = changes, sync = no changes from debian sid, nochange = no change from dapper package05:36
antinobodyI belive05:36
crimsunso while Dapper's apollon has the delta, we can drop it for Edgy05:36
crimsun[because kde.mk handles it] 05:37
Hobbseebut if the package has a separate kde.mk, i expect we'd have to merge it, as debian isnt suppporting dh_iconcache, is that right?05:37
crimsunHobbsee: correct, but see my above correction05:37
crimsunapollon doesn't include its own kde.mk; it uses cdbs's05:37
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, of course05:37
=== antinobody thanks Hobbsee for hacking cdbs
=== Hobbsee has a very good memory of all this iconcache stuff :P
crimsunyeah, I touched a few packages myself for Dapper05:38
=== Hobbsee just wished that she found out before doing most of the iconcache fixes that we could hack the cdbs
Hobbseeoh well.05:38
=== antinobody doesn't have a good memory of anything, and is therefore intensely jealous of Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee wishes she didnt have a good memory of some things.
crimsunwell, the good news is that those deltas can just go poof05:38
Hobbseeantinobody: i only did about 40 or so of them - i think the final count was...46?05:38
Hobbseeyep :)05:39
=== antinobody senses a grass is greener debate
antinobodyyeah, I remember that, that was my first contribution to ubuntu05:39
antinobodyI spent like 9 hours trying to learn to package05:39
antinobodyended up getting like 3 hours of sleep05:39
crimsunbah, just assign them to bddebian =)05:39
antinobodycrimsun, that's your solution to everything I take it?05:40
crimsunantinobody: well, I don't expect him to wake me up in the morning, but within hurd and ubuntu, sure!05:41
crimsun(j/k, of course)05:41
bddebianWhat are you assigning to me now? :-)05:41
crimsunI think you just got network-manager05:42
=== bddebian runs
antinobodyoops, I accidently broke the wiki page for a second (I saved an old edit after a new edit, which ironically changed nothing, but confused the page)05:42
antinobodyoh well, better now05:42
Hobbseecrimsun: exactly :P05:42
antinobodyI see network-manager has a reputation here05:43
crimsunit rocks when it works. it's quite frustrating when it almost works.05:43
antinobodyit's working on my super-duper Dell Inspiron 1000 at the moment05:44
antinobodytis quite nice05:44
antinobodywhat is ipw*?05:45
crimsunwifi chipset05:45
Hobbseeworks mostly here - it's just a problem with ndiswrapper.05:45
antinobodyLinksys wpc54g05:46
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antinobodyalthough the ndiswrapper hasn't managed to change it to wlan005:46
antinobodyit's still eth105:46
antinobodyhasn't been a problem though05:46
antinobodyver. 305:46
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antinobodythere was a problem with the pre-installed drivers (bcm43xx)05:48
antinobodyI should probably check if there's a bug report on that, and write one if there isn't05:48
crimsunatheros, I take it05:48
antinobodyI probably won't though05:48
Hobbseeantinobody: cards with marvell 88w8335 chipsets wont work with ndiswrapper > 1.15, i really need to file a bug about that.05:50
crimsunwow, nothing > 1.15?05:50
Hobbsee1.15 works, and had a nice fix for removing marvell chipsetted cards, but nothing above that works - you cant get a lease.05:52
=== Hobbsee couldnt see anything of much use in dmesg etc, but isnt really good with those things yet
Hobbseewhat would happen if we pulled wine from the repos at all?  seeing as it's always out of date?05:54
HawkwindIt's not out of date right now05:54
bddebianYou would get a lot of 'wineing'? ;-P05:54
Hawkwind0.9.16 is the latest and it's available05:54
HawkwindLOL bddebian05:54
Hobbseehehe true05:55
HobbseeHawkwind: indeed.  but a stable repo for a continually changing app seems a bit silly05:55
HawkwindHobbsee: That is true05:55
HawkwindAnd since wine is really considered beta....Probably best to put it elsewhere05:56
Hobbseethere's plenty of beta software in the repos, it seems - named beta anyway05:56
LaserJockwell, there are different meanings to beta I suppose06:01
LaserJocklike "unstable"06:01
antinobodyHobbsee it seems we're both lazy with the bug reporting06:04
Hobbseeantinobody: how so?06:04
Hobbseei tend to fix the bugs, not file them :P06:04
Hobbseewell....interesting definition of fix06:05
antinobodywe both have bugs to file that we aren't we haven't bothered to file yet06:05
=== antinobody needs to hear more about Hobbsee's interesting definition of fix
Hobbseeoh yeah, well, if it was on LP, then i'd file it.  but it looks to be needign to be filed on sourceforge or a mailing list, and that kinda sucks.  and i have to take the encryption off the router again to do it06:07
Hobbseeto get the outputs06:07
bddebianWell gnight folks06:07
Hobbseenight bddebian06:07
antinobodygnight bddebian06:07
antinobodyI should really do my math homework.  And for that reason, I should really learn how to use latex06:08
antinobodyall right, enough fun for one evening, I'm going to go do homework now.  Enjoy life, and try not to go sane while I'm gone.06:13
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=== Mithrandir yawns
Hobbseemorning Mithrandir06:28
Mithrandirhello Hobbsee.06:30
Mithrandirgetting up after five hours of sleep is definitively too early.06:30
Hobbseethat's why i didnt do it :P06:30
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Mithrandiralso getting up at six in the morning is hard.06:34
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers)
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by dholbach at Thu Jun 8 20:35:23 2006
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=== antinobody whistles
antinobodydid any of you know that multivariable calculus is boring as hell?08:04
Hobbseedont tell me that :P08:05
Hobbseei think that's one of the bits for next semester.08:05
antinobodyoh, sorry08:07
antinobodyhehe, it's probably going to be better this time than last time08:08
antinobodythe first time I took the course, it was in the evening, and I kept falling asleep08:08
antinobodyby the first test, I realized I hadn't caught anything from the course, and just dropped it08:08
=== Hobbsee has that problem in the morning classes - still too asleep to take anything much in.
=== antinobody has a problem with evening classes, mornings aren't so good
antinobodyha! which given our time difference means we have problems at roughly the same time08:10
antinobodySo the next time I'm struggling to stay awake, I'll take some solace in the fact that you're probably suffering too, and for some reason, someone else suffering too makes people feel better08:11
antinobodyalways thought that was odd08:11
antinobodyavida has three packages08:11
antinobodyI'm too lazy to merge three packages08:11
antinobodyAuto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research?  that may be too complicated for me on principle08:12
antinobodyoh...the source is the same for all three...08:15
antinobodyclearly my understanding of packaging is still limited, because I'm confused again08:15
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antinobodyinteresting...the dapper version of knoda uses hk_referentialintegrity.h, and the sid version uses hk_font.h in it's place08:29
antinobodyI don't know much about the new libraries, but they don't sound similar...08:29
antinobody...two, not new. two08:29
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antinobodyalso, Hello DarkMageZ nixternal_ and erez, solamente porque08:29
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antinobodyhola kelmo08:52
antinobodyI spelled it right that time!  I think08:52
TheMusoantinobody: Does your IRC client have tab completion?08:53
antinobodyqu es eso?08:54
antinobodyer, what is that?08:54
antinobodyit's konversation08:54
Hobbseeantinobody: type ho<tab> and it should go to hobbsee08:55
antinobodyHobbsee: it does!08:55
antinobodyHobbsee: TheMuso kelmo fun08:55
antinobodyOk, enough of that08:56
antinobodyWhat has Hobbsee been up to all these many days, by the way?08:56
Hobbseeexams, pretty much08:56
Hobbseeand meeting people :)08:56
jsgotangcoTheMuso: http://bootsplash.org/14_3.jpg08:56
antinobodythe latter is fun08:57
antinobodythe former less so I find08:57
TheMusojsgotangco: What is it supposed to be?08:57
=== TheMuso cbb going into X to look.
jsgotangcoooppss sorry you're in the terminal hehe08:57
jsgotangcoTheMuso: that's the group pic we had in paris08:57
=== Hobbsee just discovered that i guy she met many years ago (like, about 10) is actually online.
TheMusoI need to look then. Thanks.08:57
antinobodyHobbsee: cool08:57
antinobodyHobbsee: My roommate often gets bored an looks up people she used to know08:58
Hobbseeantinobody: true...except when you're tryign to meet up with someone who you only have a vague idea of what they look like, so dont know if they're the same person or nto08:58
antinobodyHobbsee: hee, that can be a problem08:58
TheMusoMeh. SOmeone can point me out. I'm there somehwere.08:58
antinobodyHobbsee: did you meet them originally in person?  Or is that why you don't know what they look like?08:59
Hobbseeantinobody: the one that i met with yesterday, i'd seen some pictures of.  the one i've found today who i used to talk to a bit (brother of a friend) i've not met up with08:59
Hobbseeand havent a clue what he looks like either now, really09:00
antinobodytrue, people tend to change a bit over 10 years09:00
antinobodyI used to be a tall gangly short-brown-haired aqward pre-teen09:00
jsgotangcoTheMuso: beside dholbach09:01
antinobodynow I'm a tall gangly long-brown-haired ackward 20-year-old09:01
TheMusojsgotangco: That tells me heaps. :)09:01
Hobbseeit may not be 10 - i dont remember exactly when it is09:01
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antinobodyHobbsee: I'm not going to quote you on it, don't worry09:02
antinobodyHere violent crime is high enough, people are typically skiddish about meeting people they know online.  I can't figure out which came first, the fear or the actual violence09:03
antinobodyit's a very confusing problem09:03
antinobodywhat causes such things.  I envy people who live places where things are less violent.  Such as most other places...09:04
antinobodyhmm...I study too much social science, I do.09:05
TheMusoI find it fun meeting people online, and then meeting them in person. Often the impression that you get of them from talking online is different to what you find when you meet them in person.09:05
antinobodyI would imagine it's usually different.  Much is lost in typed conversation, after all09:06
antinobodybut outside of this whole thing, I rarely meet people via the internet.  Mostly I meet people through friends, work, or school, so I can't say I know that particular experience09:07
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=== TheMuso had that experience with Paris.
=== Hobbsee is meeting more people over the internet now than she used to
Hobbseeit's still scary :P09:07
Hobbseedifferent levels of scary based on who they are09:07
=== antinobody was too new to go to the Paris thing. And too poor.
=== TheMuso looks forward to meeting Hobbsee in person.
TheMusoI can put a name to the voice, but not to a face.09:08
=== Mithrandir ended up being enganged to a girl he met on IRC.
jsgotangcowell i met most of the people in sydney before it was nice seeing them again and meeting new people09:08
TheMusoOr what I can see of people's faces anyway.09:08
HobbseeMithrandir: i suspected as much :)09:08
HobbseeTheMuso: what, you have no picture or something?09:08
TheMusoKinda hard to explain.09:08
MithrandirHobbsee: we lived in the same city, though, so we met up in person fairly quickly.  And I had seen her once before we talked on IRC.09:08
TheMusoFor example, I can't remember what jsgotangco looked like, but can kinda remember what keybuk looks like, as well as Riddell.09:09
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antinobodyIf the next convention ends up being in LA like they mentioned, I might bus down there, if I can come up with somewhere to stay cheaply enough09:09
TheMusoiit all depends on how different people look from each other.09:09
MithrandirI'd be very unhappy if the next conference was in the US.09:09
jsgotangcome too09:09
HobbseeMithrandir: ah okay09:09
TheMusoI would be as well, I must admit.09:10
=== antinobody understands why TheMuso and Mithrandir feel so
HobbseeTheMuso: ah, true.  well, i probably look different to most people around here09:10
antinobodybut it would be awfully convenient for me09:10
=== Hobbsee doenst really care, as she'd be unlikely to be going
TheMusoHobbsee: Sure you would. Just do heaps of work for the community and put your name down.09:10
TheMusoWorth a shot at the very least.09:10
antinobodyactually, unless it comes up on one of the very few weeks when I'm not in school, I'm in the same boat as Hobbsee09:11
TheMusoYou gotta think positive about these things. I have wanted to go for well over a year, and I got there in the end. So I'm happy I stuck to it.09:11
antinobodyI believe that may be part of what she's referring to09:11
TheMusoMaybe, but even to get an invite and to have to turn it down is still something. You know you have/had the chance there, and you are being recognised for your work.,09:12
HobbseeTheMuso: true09:12
TheMusoOf course it is.09:12
jsgotangcothats true working face to face makes a difference09:12
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Hobbseeyeah, uni gets in the way - even though i'm told "go anyway" it means an awful lot of uni work to catch up on09:12
TheMusojsgotangco: Damn right it does.09:12
TheMusoHobbsee: Well it is something to think about at any rate.09:13
MithrandirHobbsee: I went to .au for two weeks in the middle of my last semester.. it still worked out.09:13
Hobbseei guess09:13
Hobbseeunfortunately, it'd likely be towards the end, not the middle09:13
TheMusoCome on, that doesn't sound very convincing.09:14
Hobbseeoh hang on....09:14
Hobbseei dont know, i think it ends up being towards the end09:14
antinobodytoward the end of what?  school?09:14
Hobbseeof semester09:14
MithrandirHobbsee: I guess it'll be in early November.09:14
antinobodyoh, the NEXT convention09:14
Mithrandirsince FinalRelease is Oct 26th.09:14
TheMusoHobbsee: At the very very least, you have to come to LCA 07.09:15
antinobodywhere is LCA?09:15
Hobbseeantinobody: sydney09:15
HobbseeTheMuso: that's likely, yeah.  we'll see.09:15
=== jsgotangco will definitely be in LCA
TheMusoCome on. You are happy to cat away and be part of the community on the net, but you don't wanna meet people face to face?09:16
antinobodyheh, I should just take a term in sydney during the winter, for the sake of going to that.09:16
HobbseeTheMuso: i've got no idea what's happening in january.  i say likely, because if i say yes, then find "oh no, i cant do this" suddenly, then people get annoyed09:17
Yagisanhmm. I see a chance to annoy in person, er I mean meet you fine folks09:19
Hobbseehi Yagisan09:19
Hobbseehehe - i thought i was the one to annoy everyone else09:20
=== Yagisan advises if he has time to visit, his lack of a laptop will make him obvious
HobbseeTheMuso: besides, people in person are scary you know :P09:20
Yagisanevening Hobbsee09:20
=== antinobody_ [n=sean@71-214-90-191.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
robanyone with revu foo around?09:23
Hobbseerob: siretart?09:24
TheMusoHobbsee: No they're not. Wel, maybe if you can see them. :)09:24
robError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of dolphin_0.5.2-0ubuntu1.dsc09:24
HobbseeTheMuso: hehe09:24
robneed it deleted09:24
TheMusoI wouldn't get annoyed if you had to pull out of LCA. Besides, you have to pay for entry AFAIK.09:24
TheMusoThis will be m first LCA.09:25
TheMusoAnyway.  hope to meet you in person at some point Hobbsee.09:26
HobbseeTheMuso: i'm sure you will.  especially if you're at slug in july09:27
TheMusoI'll be there. It is ard to pull me away from SLUG events. :)09:27
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=== siretart just cleared revu incoming again
robthanks :)09:55
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Hobbseebye all10:04
robbye Hobbsee10:04
TheMusoWhat a way to disconnect. :)10:05
AmaranthThat's how I look when I close the lid on my laptop.10:08
kelmohi siretart10:15
siretartkelmo: huhu kelmo10:27
siretartkelmo: re: wpasupplicant, I wanted to mail you later today. currently, I can only test static wep and unencrypted wifis, both working fine with latest svn for me10:27
kelmosiretart: cool, nice to know. any comments regarding the other package "additions" (init script)?10:27
kelmosiretart: and, i can wait until later today for an answer about that, so no rush ;-)10:27
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers)
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by dholbach at Thu Jun 8 20:35:23 2006
kelmosiretart: the init script 'wpa-ifupdown' (not directly related to wpa-roam)10:35
siretartkelmo: well, it didn't explode for me yet. and I didn't notice malfunctions either10:37
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kelmosiretart: thats good, there was no intention to make things malfunction ;-)10:40
siretartkelmo: ;)10:40
=== rob wonders why revu isn't picking up his changes to his package
kelmosiretart: well, when you agree, i'll ping Kyle for a new upload, maybe in a day or two?10:41
robI've dputted a new dolphin package about half an hour ago and its still not showing10:42
siretartkelmo: I think its okay for upload now. but let's keep the RC bug still open10:42
siretartkelmo: at least for this weekend10:42
kelmosiretart: sure, wasn't going to touch that yet10:42
kelmowill prepare it tonight then, thanks10:43
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robhmm, so I tried dputting it again, and get the 533 error again11:24
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crimsunuploads being silently blackholed. Again.11:52
roboh, goody, its not just me11:52
robstill bites though11:53
crimsunnot to revu, to Ubuntu proper.11:53
robso whats up with revu then?11:53
crimsunI think the queue needs to be manually processed11:54
robdoes it get "stuck" sometimes?11:54
crimsunI think the frontend is somewhat disconnected from the backend currently11:55
robfor the last 12 hours at least :(11:56
crimsunyeah, it has been processed by hand a few times since11:56
crimsunah well, I'll worry about this key situation later. It's becoming a consistent pain in the ass.11:57
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kelmosiretart: ok, it has been requested12:54
Toadstoolhi everybody01:08
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Lathiatgr thought i'd have a look at automatix and it bnlows away your sources.list without warning01:34
Lathiatmistake that idea was ;p01:34
robyeah, its pretty ugly, that thing01:34
robhttp://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu sums it up nicely01:35
Lathiat(i have mirrors of all the ubuntnu repos etc as such my sources.list points at that)01:36
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siretart\sh_away_away: is there sth wrong with jabberme.net?04:18
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CarlFKI need to make a deb that is just a shell script and 3 dependencies - I have looked at making .deb  howtos and got lost - any advice for making a 'simpler' (no compiling) one?04:46
=== Spec[x] [n=dragonco@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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ToadstoolCarlFK: you may want to have a look at a simple source package such as ketchup04:48
chillywillythe shorewall guy is telling me that I have incompatibilities with this kernel and my iptables04:48
jpatrickhi Spec04:48
chillywillyI am using the amd64 server kernel04:48
Toadstoolhey jpatrick04:49
jpatrickhey Toadstool04:49
Specjpatrick: it's up, whee. :)04:50
Toadstoolhi Spec04:50
jpatrickSpec: yeah :)04:50
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Specjpatrick: i looked over your(?) config, it seems good, is kubuntu-es pointing to the same IP?04:51
jpatrickNo idea04:51
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jpatrickSpec: appartently it asks for two ips when there only is one04:53
bddebianHeya gang04:53
jpatrickhey bddebian04:53
bddebianHi jpatrick04:53
Speckubuntu-es.org ->
Specdc.ubuntu-us.org ->
Specso, you should move the site over completely first, and then switch dns over04:54
Hobbseerob: ping04:55
jpatrickSpec: will have to wait for the webmaster then04:56
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jpatrickWait he's on04:57
jpatrickSpec: what the for?04:59
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Specthat's where kubuntu-es is pointing to right now05:00
Specwhoever controls dns for that needs to change it to the new server, right?05:00
CarlFKToadstool: thanks - I just might get it this time05:01
Toadstoolnp :)05:01
jpatrickSpec: yes, it also needs two DNS numbers :/05:01
jpatrickthat's what it asks for05:02
Specwhere? o.o05:02
jpatrickSpec: http://www.piensasolutions.com/05:03
slomosiretart: ping?05:06
siretartslomo: pong05:09
slomosiretart: we can get a nice, new ffmpeg from debian... shared libraries and all ;) do you have some time to do it? i'm already busy with many other things :(05:10
siretartslomo: I'm using those libraries in xine-lib for debian/experimental (which is currently in NEW)05:11
siretartslomo: you mean I shall merge debian's ffmpeg? I can do this, but I can't promise that I get today to it05:11
slomosiretart: well, a sync + adding epoch will do probably... but i meant getting all (build-)rdepends to build against the shared version which is the real work :/05:12
jpatrickSpec: any idea?05:13
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siretartslomo: do you have an idea how many package we speak of? I count xine, vlc, mplayer.05:14
slomosiretart: 20 maybe...05:16
slomosiretart: it isn't needed to get it done NOW but would be nice to have it before release :)05:17
siretartslomo: oh yes, we should declare that as release goal for motumedia team05:18
slomosiretart: sounds good :) you'll make a list of all packages?05:18
slomoand i merge ffmpeg for now05:19
siretartslomo: I'm not sure how to identify them all05:20
Specjpatrick: you could just put the same ip for both05:20
nexuany MOTU admin here?05:20
slomosiretart: grep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends or something... libavcodec-dev, ffmpeg, libpostproc-dev libavformat-dev are the candidates to look for05:21
siretartslomo: ah, I think I understand now what you mean05:22
siretartslomo: there were some concerns that a dynamically loaded ffmpeg would decrease performance, at least on i38605:22
siretartwe have to examine this05:23
slomotheoretically it should05:23
slomobut it shouldn't be very much ;)05:23
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slomoi wouldn't care for it... let's better make pitti happy for security updates, etc ;)05:24
siretartI've also heard that this objection wasn't true for modern binutils/gcc anymore05:25
jpatrickSpec: http://img505.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snap57oi.png05:25
slomosiretart: at program start it should make a small difference... but that's it05:26
slomoat least afaik... you're the one who had compiler stuff at university already ;)05:26
CarlFKToadstool: can you point me to a page that explains what the files are?  like ketchup's debian/control is "4" - what is 4?05:28
siretartit's not that easy05:28
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siretartdynamic shared objects with elf are a science for themselves..05:29
ToadstoolCarlFK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Packaging/Tips?action=show&redirect=PackagingTips for example05:30
slomosiretart: ffmpeg is uploaded now05:30
slomoi have to do some of the packages anyway for libraw1394-8 transition05:31
siretartslomo: cool!05:31
slomoseems like all package may only need a rebuild05:32
slomounless the ffmpeg guys broke the API again05:32
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Specjpatrick: what is meinhosting?05:40
jpatricka hosting company05:40
Specso you're switching from them to the ubuntu server?05:41
Specso in dns just put www.kubuntu-es.org, and put the IP i gave you earlier05:41
Specand for the bottom one i guess try to put kubuntu-es.org05:41
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jpatrickSpec: ERROR: The server IP is not correct05:43
Specyou changed ns8.meinhosting.com -> www.kubuntu-es.org ?05:43
Specand this is for DNS right?05:44
Specwell, keep trying i guess, all i know is www.kubuntu-es.org needs to point to
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jpatrickSpec: look at /etc/hosts on ganges ?05:45
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Specwhere did .107 come from?05:49
jpatrick /etc/network/interfaces05:50
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SpecI just did: ifconfig eth0:1
Speccan you point kubuntu-es.org to that IP?05:54
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jpatrickinvalid ip05:57
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=== Hobbsee throws a few bouncing cows at ogra as well
=== ogra hides
=== ogra hopes it were no mad cows
=== Hobbsee finds ogra and screams at him.
=== ogra hides even more
imbrandoncrimsun, ping06:09
=== Hobbsee finds ogra, screams at him more, rinse and repeat at infinitum.
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Hobbseenow i'm gonna get yelled at, i think :P06:10
ogranah :)06:10
Hobbseei think mum's up, and it's 2am, and she's already angry at me.06:11
Hobbseemind you, if she is still angry, then maybe she'll leave me alone.06:11
ozamosiHobbsee: run! Go to sleep!06:12
Hobbseeheh....this is starting to become routine, it sounds like :P06:13
ozamosiYesterday, when it was 5am and my mum got up to go to work, I was still up, but I think I managed to fake sleeping :)06:13
=== imbrandon wonders how the deity makes mom angary
imbrandonlol @ ozamosi thats why i love living on my own, then again my wife could be pretty angary if i dident come to bed ;)06:14
Hobbseeozamosi: hah06:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: not if she's asleep anyway?06:14
imbrandonif she is asleep its ok but if she wakes up for something and i'm on the computer, lol , all hell ...... well you can imagine06:15
Hobbseehehe, yeah06:15
Hobbseeanyway, nigth all06:15
imbrandongnight Hobbsee sleep well06:15
imbrandondream of wifi cards that work without ndiswrapper06:16
ogranight Hobbsee06:17
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=== Yagisan mutters to himself. typical - I'm always the last to go to bed
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Yagisanit's only 3am. anyway, I've finished making promotion screenshots for my pet project, so I should drag myself to bed06:57
_ionTue Jun 27 19:58:58 EEST 200606:58
chillywillyI just upgraded to dapper amd64 but shorewall no longer logs to /var/log/messages like it used to07:01
Yagisan_ion: Wed Jun 28 03:18:25 EST 2006 here07:02
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TeacherTodd813Someone has created a Debian package that's currently in the unstable branch on the Debian site, but it's not in the Ubuntu lists.07:13
TeacherTodd813How hard would it be to make it Ubuntu-friendly?07:14
imbrandonTeacherTodd813, if its un unstable it will most likely get synced to edgy07:15
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TeacherTodd813What would I have to do to use it with Dapper?07:17
TeacherTodd813I mean, I'm willing to try packaging it for the Universe, but I need to know what I'm in for.07:22
TeacherTodd813Does the existence of a Debian package simplify things, or do I have to start from source anyway?07:22
ograTeacherTodd813, you can only ask the backports team to try to build the edgy package in dapper07:23
ograif that works they'll do a backport07:23
TeacherTodd813Does learning how to do this involve hours, days, or weeks of work?07:23
ograjust wait for it to be synced07:23
bddebianYEARS ;-)07:24
ozamosiHey, if you're lucky, you may be able to install the debian package (no guarrantees it will work, of course)07:25
TeacherTodd813Yeah. I read the little note that said, "Installing Debian packages could hose your system."07:25
TeacherTodd813Or something like that.07:25
ograthats right07:26
ogradont do it ...07:26
TeacherTodd813I'm planning to move my lab at school, which is currently Windows, to Ubuntu.07:26
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bddebianTeacherTodd813: Nice.  Have you looked at Edubuntu?07:26
ograapt-get build-dep <package> && apt-get source -b <package> && sudo dpkg -i <package>07:27
TeacherTodd813But I teach programming, and I need my Scheme interpreter...07:27
ograthast how you can use debian packages from deb-src lines in your sources list ...07:27
ogranever use binarys not built for ubuntu07:27
TeacherTodd813So that would download the source and compile it locally?07:28
TeacherTodd813Would it do cool things like stick the program in the menu?07:28
bddebianIf it has a .desktop file07:29
ograif it doesnt, bddebian knows how to help you getting one in ;)07:29
=== bddebian runs away ;-)
TeacherTodd813But, seriously, if I were very motivated, and had summers off, how long would it take to package something for Ubuntu.07:31
TeacherTodd813And does having a Debian package already help?07:31
bddebianTeacherTodd813: It depends on your skill level.  You might be able to do it in a few hours.  Or if you are an idiot like me, it might take years. :-)07:31
TeacherTodd813(I did manage to compile from source and install it, but that's just not nearly as cool, doesn't make it available for everybody else, and doesn't get automatic updates.)07:32
bddebianWell SOMEONE has to package up those "automatic" updates too ya know.. ;-)07:33
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TeacherTodd813Yeah. But I'm thinking of my students.07:34
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Gloubiboulgaexport SOMEONE=bddebian07:34
TeacherTodd813I'm hoping to inspire some people to run Ubuntu at home.07:34
Gloubiboulgahi phanatic :)07:35
bddebianHeya phanatic07:35
bddebianGloubiboulga: Heh, thanks buddy :-)07:35
phanaticheya Gloubiboulga and bddebian :)07:35
Gloubiboulgahehe, hi bddebian :)07:35
phanaticsiretart: ping07:41
TeacherTodd813Thanks for the input, everybody.07:41
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nexu" /usr/share/locale/locale.alias is also in package locales"07:45
nexuhow do i solve that?07:45
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bddebiannexu: Take it out :-)07:46
nexubut ... i never put it in o_O07:46
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crimsunimbrandon: pong08:18
bddebianHeya crimsun08:18
imbrandonhey , i was wondering if you could tell me the best way to debug a hardlock, i have a driver that hardlocks the system every time its loaded and unable to get a console etc i dont know how to debug08:19
imbrandonor even doa usefull bug report08:20
imbrandon"blah.ko dosent work" kinda sucks08:20
imbrandonheya bddebian08:20
crimsunhi bddebian08:21
imbrandonis dmesg cleared on every reboot ?08:22
imbrandonbecosue the only thing i can do is hit power08:22
bddebianHi imbrandon08:22
crimsundmesg, the kernel ring, is active per-boot08:22
crimsunit's logged to /var/log/kern.log08:22
crimsunif you're extremely lucky, something will be in there08:22
crimsunotherwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash08:23
imbrandonahh well its the rt8185 driver compiled from source from realteck site , kk thanks, i just wasent sure where to even start08:23
crimsunif it won't respond to alt+sysrq, that's pretty bad shape08:28
nexuius there a difference between how locale.alias is deal with on amd64 than i386 ?08:32
crimsunnexu: not that I'm aware, why?08:32
nexucrimsun: i have ppl that cant install the package i made on amd64 because of locale.alias file08:34
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nexui'm not its not even in the .deb08:34
nexuso i have no idea why it doesnt install for them08:34
crimsunplease ask them for ``dpkg -D3773 -i foo.deb'' output08:35
crimsunbarring that, strace -fF08:35
nexui'm telling him to get on fnode08:36
nexui'm not a relay messenger08:36
nexucrimsun: check on #bmp08:38
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bddebianHeya ivoks08:46
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=== ivoks so happy
ivokslast missing app for linux i needed is here08:53
crimsunwould someone please import 0xC88ABDA3 from keyserver.ubuntu.com and confirm its expiration date?08:56
Gloubiboulgapub   1024D/C88ABDA3 2003-06-23 [expires: 2007-06-26] 08:59
bddebianGah, beat me to it :-)08:59
crimsunGloubiboulga: excellent, thank you08:59
Gloubiboulgacrimsun, np09:00
crimsunapparently despite my having taking steps to use an unexpired key (I uploaded to wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net 2 days ago), it still hasn't synced.09:00
crimsunwhen in doubt, swiftly kick the key in the pants.09:01
crimsunindeed, my hackaround has succeeded09:05
crimsunnever again will I upload to wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net.09:06
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bddebianGrr, why the hell does my edgy pbuilder keep using dapper repos??09:38
bddebianHeya LaserJock09:38
LaserJockhi bddebian09:41
LaserJockcause you aren't telling it to do the right thing? :-)09:41
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bddebianEven if I pass mirror= and/or othermirror= it still uses dapper09:41
LaserJockare you using --overide-config ?09:42
LaserJockor whatever it is09:42
bddebianand --distribution edgy09:42
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LaserJockand are you using sources.list in /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/?09:43
bddebianWell that is the issue.  If I change that it will dick up my dapper pbuilder won't it?09:46
bddebianI have my pbuilder-edgy script.  Is there some way I can make a unique pbuilderrc for that?09:47
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LaserJockbddebian: the way I used to do it was have seperate pbuilderrc and apt.config/ in ~/ for each pbuilder09:49
LaserJockbut now I just use the script that comes with pbuilder and I haven't had any problems that I know of09:49
bddebianHmm, OK, thx09:50
crimsunthe script is far easier to use in 99% of the cases09:51
bddebianAre you referring to pbuilder.sh ?09:51
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bddebiancrimsun: That's the one I used for /usr/local/bin/pbuild-edgy09:58
bddebianHeya Sp4rKy09:58
Sp4rKyhey bddebian10:00
Sp4rKyi've few strange issue with audacious packaging :/10:01
Sp4rKyE: audacious: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libaudacious.so.2.0.010:02
Sp4rKyso i've tried to create my own shlibs.local file10:03
Sp4rKybut i've this  :10:03
Sp4rKymax@Sp4rKy-laptop (22:06) /home/max/audacious/audacious-1.0.0 #dpkg-shlibdeps -O ~/ppp/usr/bin/audacious10:07
Sp4rKydpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of libaudacious.so not recognized10:07
Sp4rKyshlibs:Depends=libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0), libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1), libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0), libglade2-0 (>= 1:2.5.1), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.10.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.8.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.3), libx11-6, libxcursor1 (>> 1.1.2), libxext6, libxfixes3, libxi6, libxinerama1, libxml2 (>= 2.6.24), libxrandr2, libxrender1, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)10:07
Sp4rKyand no line started by "dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency"10:07
Sp4rKyso i don't need to create a shlibs.local filoe, right ?10:07
crimsunyou can make an override for it10:10
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Sp4rKycrimsun: but why do i have this message ?10:11
Sp4rKyall the output is :10:11
Sp4rKymax@Sp4rKy-laptop (21:50) /home/max/e17apt #lintian /var/cache/pbuilder/result/audacious_1.0.0-1_i386.deb /var/cache/pbuilder/result/audacious-dev_1.0.0-1_i386.deb10:12
Sp4rKyTried to issue unknown tag unknown-interpreter10:12
Sp4rKyE: audacious: ldconfig-symlink-referencing-wrong-file usr/lib/libaudacious.so -> /tmp/buildd/audacious-1.0.0/debian/audacious/usr/lib/libaudacious.so.2.0.0 instead of libaudacious.so.2.0.010:12
Sp4rKyW: audacious: non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink usr/lib/libaudacious.so.2.0.0 usr/lib/libaudacious.so10:12
Sp4rKyE: audacious: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libaudacious.so.2.0.010:12
Sp4rKyW: audacious: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libaudacious10:12
Sp4rKyTried to issue unknown tag unknown-interpreter10:12
Sp4rKyzsh: exit 1     lintian /var/cache/pbuilder/result/audacious_1.0.0-1_i386.deb10:12
bddebianaaaahhh why doesn't this work...10:13
Sp4rKyi've no personnal ldconfig "symlinkage"10:14
bddebiancrimsun: How do you use that script?10:14
crimsunbddebian: I don't. I use conffiles.10:14
bddebiancrimsun: How do you do that?10:14
LaserJockI just do something like "pbuilder-dapper create" and then "pbuilder-dapper update" or "pbuilder-dapper build *.dsc"10:15
crimsunbddebian: I have separate conffiles for each flavor from hoary{,-backports}, breezy{,-backports}, dapper{,-backports}, and edgy10:15
bddebiancrimsun: Aye, but where?  And how do you tell pbuilder which ones to use?  Do you use --configfile?10:16
crimsunbddebian: ~/.pbuilder{,hoary{,-backports},breezy{,-backports},dapper{,-backports}}10:17
crimsunbddebian: ~/.pbuilderrc.{,hoary{,-backports},breezy{,-backports},dapper{,-backports}}10:17
crimsunmy ~/.pbuilderrc. always tracks the current dev10:17
bddebianSo, ~/.pbuilderrc.edgy will get picked up automagically?10:18
bddebianSp4rKy: You are building a library in the package10:18
bddebianDid you intend to?10:18
crimsunbddebian: no, if I invoke pbuilder, I get an error intentionally. I moved /etc/pbuilder{rc,/pbuilderrc} into /usr/local/pbuilder/  and deliberately named ~/.pbuilderrc. (instead of ~/.pbuilderrc) so that I /have/ to use --configfile10:19
crimsunbddebian: that way I'm forced to think about which pbuilder I want to use10:20
crimsun(when you do things the hard way, you want to make sure you have some sort of checks in place)10:20
Gloubiboulgagrr, thunderbird send my mails with the wrong address10:21
Sp4rKybddebian: yes10:21
bddebiancrimsun: This is in my script, shouldn't it do the same thing?10:23
bddebian   sudo pbuilder $OPERATION \10:23
bddebian      --configfile $HOME/pbuild-edgy/pbuilderrc \10:23
bddebian      --basetgz $BASE_DIR/$DISTRIBUTION-base.tgz \10:23
bddebian      --distribution $DISTRIBUTION \10:23
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crimsunbddebian: I don't know what you have in $HOME/pbuild-edgy/pbuilderrc10:24
crimsun(the point of the script is to mitigate the need for multiple conffiles, so...)10:25
bddebianWell I'm trying to split the difference :-)10:26
crimsunSp4rKy: for the first lintian error, you shouldn't have that path hardcoded.10:26
LaserJockbddebian: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16652 is my pbuilder-dapper script10:27
crimsunSp4rKy: for the first lintian warning, .so goes in audacious-dev, not in audacious10:27
LaserJockbddebian: all you would have to do is replace DISTRIBUTION to get edgy10:27
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crimsunSp4rKy: for the second lintian error, you can either create an override or use a .local.10:28
Sp4rKycrimsun: like i've said, i haven't hardcoded this path (i think) and i haven't create any symlink :/10:28
crimsunSp4rKy: wait, what binary packages does your source package generate?10:29
bddebianLaser_away: Have you actually created an edgy one yet? :-)10:29
Sp4rKycrimsun: /usr/bin/audacious10:29
crimsunSp4rKy: /packages/ not executables10:30
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Sp4rKycrimsun: oups , audacious and aoudacious-dev10:30
bddebianSp4rKy: You need to make sure the .so stuff goes to audacious-dev package, not audacious10:31
crimsunSp4rKy: so where does libaudacious come from?10:31
bddebianThis is stupid10:32
crimsunSp4rKy: hopefully you're not generating a libaudacious binary package?10:33
Sp4rKycrimsun: no10:33
crimsunSp4rKy: do you have this source package posted publicly?10:33
crimsunbddebian: gimme a sec, I'll try the script route10:33
Sp4rKycrimsun: yes (audacious at revu)10:34
crimsunbddebian: sec, just double-checking my adjustment10:44
bddebianI think I'm an idiot10:44
bddebianWell I know I'm an idiot but I think I did something stupid10:44
crimsunI'm pretty sure all you need is one line10:45
crimsunjust verifying10:45
bddebianHmm, can you not use the ~ in a config file?10:47
crimsunI don't for sanity reasons.10:47
crimsunyou shouldn't have to use a conffile at all10:48
bddebianHah, got it10:50
=== bddebian starts merging insight ;-)
crimsunthe only line you needed was:10:53
crimsun--othermirror deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $DISTRIBUTION universe main restricted multiverse \10:53
bddebianIf you say so :-)10:53
crimsunI just verified it.10:53
crimsunworks fine10:54
bddebianHmm, insight is only upgraded on i386 and m68k10:57
crimsunit's upgraded at all?10:57
bddebiancrimsun: For i386 and m68k:  6.3.50+cvs.2005.11.16-110:59
crimsunheh, pretty spectacular failures on the other arches11:01
sivanghave universe mergers started already?11:01
ograsivang, see the release schedule11:02
crimsunmake[4] : *** [../.././bfd/doc/bfd.info]  Error 111:02
crimsundue to missing makeinfo11:02
sivangogra: ah right, I had issue setting it up in my evo ;-)11:02
=== sivang goes for the wiki page
imbrandonhrm is there an edgy script for --> /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts11:03
crimsunjust add texinfo to the build-depends, that would work.11:03
bddebiancrimsun: Bring it over?11:03
crimsunbddebian: err?11:03
bddebiancrimsun: Should I try to build the newer version?11:03
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crimsunbddebian: sure11:04
StevenKOuch! UVF is in the middle of July.11:04
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crimsunimbrandon: ...?11:04
bddebianimbrandon: No, you have to build a dapper pbuilder then update afaik11:05
crimsunimbrandon: are you /running/ edgy?11:05
imbrandonno makin a dpbuilder for edgy in dapper11:05
crimsundapper's pbuilder has no such script.11:05
crimsununless you copied it by hand, only [edgy]  has it11:06
sivangcrimsun: I recall Scott saying that if you use LC_ALL="C" then it works, otherwise it explodes11:06
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ ./pbuilder-edgy create11:06
imbrandonW: /home/brandon/.pbuilderrc does not exist11:06
imbrandonDistribution is edgy.11:06
imbrandonBuilding the build environment11:06
imbrandon -> running debootstrap11:06
imbrandonE: No such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/edgy11:06
ograimbrandon, just upgrade a dapper pbuilder11:06
crimsunimbrandon: ...that's precisely what I'm saying.11:06
ograsee the PbuilderHowto11:06
crimsunimbrandon: if you want to use the scripts, the easiest way is simply to add that one line I pasted above for bddebian11:07
crimsun16:53 < crimsun> --othermirror deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  $DISTRIBUTION universe main restricted multiverse \11:07
imbrandoni am11:07
imbrandonthats in ./pbuilder-edgy11:07
crimsunI named mine pbuilder-edgy.sh11:08
imbrandonyea same thing11:08
crimsunoh, you didn't remove --distribution11:08
crimsunthat's the other adjustment I made11:08
imbrandonno i dident , hrm here is what i use exactly, lemme pastebin it11:09
crimsunit falls back to dapper when you remove the --distribution line11:09
crimsunthen because of --othermirror it will dist-upgrade to edgy automatically after dapper base is bootstrapped11:09
imbrandonahh ok, but please scan this to make sure11:10
imbrandonbut i will remove --distr11:10
imbrandoncrimsun, hrm ok so i create it with no --distro and then add it back with "edgy" and update11:12
imbrandonhrm that wont work11:13
imbrandonbecosue the dir names11:13
crimsunimbrandon: just cp /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/pbuilder-distribution.sh over and apply the diff I gave you11:13
=== imbrandon kicks pbuilder
ograIf you want to rebuild a package from universe or build a new one that needs a package out of main you will need to edit /etc/pbuilderrc again, changing:11:13
ogra    OTHERMIRROR="deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse"11:13
ograNow you need to update your chroot with the new configuration:11:13
ogra    sudo pbuilder update --distribution breezy --override-config11:13
bddebianUh oh, I think I started something :-)11:14
ograreplace breezy with edgy there11:14
ograthats quoted from the wikipage11:14
ograand works well here11:14
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imbrandonorga but i'm running multipals of the from scripts and base dirs i already have created, i would rather understand why i'm changing somehting than just to change it11:15
imbrandonIE there is no edgy debootstrap yet for dapper11:15
=== bddebian adds texinfo build-dep to insight and tries a pbuild
crimsunimbrandon: the reason my diff works is precisly due to what ogra pasted11:16
imbrandongah but .... ok i'm not explaining myself correct11:16
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ograbecause there is no edgy debootstrap for dapper you need to upgrade a existing chroot ... whats so problematic about that  ?11:17
imbrandonorga becouse i based my dirs off off $distrobution , personal problem i guess11:18
sivanganyways the result is the same, so what should you care?11:18
imbrandonright right11:18
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sivangimbrandon: :-)11:20
sivangimbrandon: I did not get the problem about how you based your dir off of $distrobution? is this s special way to name the chroot's root dir?11:21
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imbrandonsivang, misundersatand ing by me11:26
imbrandoncrimsun, i put that patch on and still get ......11:26
bddebianchecking system version (for dynamic loading)... ../.././tcl/unix/configure: line 7061: syntax error near unexpected token `)'11:27
bddebian../.././tcl/unix/configure: line 7061: `        OSF*)'11:27
imbrandonerr nevermind crim11:27
teferaa friend needs to join https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-am. but the menu boxes that hold the "join" link do not apear on the page. we tried wih other pages. It seems it works on some not on the others.11:29
crimsunimbrandon: ?11:36
imbrandoni got it nm11:36
imbrandonthanks though11:36
bddebiancrimsun: You think the error above just needs a reconf?11:36
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crimsunbddebian: more than likely, but I haven't test-built11:37
yipeno this isn't right...11:37
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bddebiancrimsun: OK, dumb question time.  autoreconf -f -i -s fails.  How the hell do I know when to use that vs autoconf, etc?11:38
crimsunbddebian: autoreconf should do all that for you (instead of invoking aclocal, automake, autoheader, autoconf)11:39
crimsunbddebian: what does it fail on?11:39
bddebian/usr/share/aclocal/KXL.m4:6: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_KXL11:40
bddebianconfigure.in:2121: error: possibly undefined macro: AS_FOR_TARGET11:40
bddebian      If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.11:40
bddebian      See the Autoconf documentation.11:40
bddebianautoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 111:40
slomo_bddebian: you may need to set a newer default automake version via update-alternatives11:40
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bddebianslomo_: There is a newer version that 1.9?11:47
bddebianLater folks.  Thanks for your time/patience crimsun :-)12:00
=== jinty [n=jinty@83-65-231-93.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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