
finalbetaI tryed my TV card on the live CD, worked right away. Now I installed ubuntu native, and now I get, "can't open /dev/video0: Function not implemented". Little help here.12:00
shwagHow do I view which system services are running ?12:01
Tristanyone have any idea if a Pentium D (dual core) is supposed to state that is has 2 cores in /proc/cpuinfo, and if it doesn't, how to get it to...?12:01
nickrudtich, but when you do an upgrade to the next ubuntu release, you will most likely want to have ubuntu-desktop installed12:01
CarlFKgnomefreak: once the alternate install kernel and initrd is booted from the cd, does it get the .deb's from the CD or a mirror?12:01
Paladineany ideas gnomefreak?12:01
seamoonmplayer = kmplayer?12:02
skavengeschwag; system -> administration -> services12:02
nickrudCarlFK, I can state for sure, cd.12:02
gnomefreakPaladine: didnt see the question/problem12:02
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Paladineis there anyway to get a usb webcam to work in ubu if the manufacturer doesn't provide compatable drivers?12:02
tichnickrud, ndazza: so is there any way to just remove the application without removing ubuntu-desktop?12:02
PaladineI have a creative ultra pro for notebooks12:02
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:02
CarlFKnickrud: I figured as much - which supports something is different between cd install and pxe12:03
nickrudtich, not easily, no. Just be sure to install ubuntu-desktop before you upgrade to edgy. Do anything you like until then :)12:03
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roostishawndazza, any ideas?12:03
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seamooni searched in package manager for mplayer and found kmplayer which is for KDE, will it work for gnome?12:03
tichnickrud, okay thanks.12:04
charlesg3how can I change which framebuffer ubuntu uses on boot?12:04
nickrudCarlFK, I've never done a pxe install, and saw your wget issue earlier. That was not the question I horned in on :)12:04
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NickGarveyseamoon: yes, kde apps work in gnome12:04
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Paladinejrib, my cam is not listed in the supported hardware12:04
Paladinein fact non of the 3 webcams I have are listed12:04
ndazzaroostishaw: ahh, your mail system needs to be set up correctly before it can send messages. i'm trying to  figure out how to do that now...12:04
Tommy2k4yay kubuntu has crashed for the 7th time today :'(12:04
roostishawndazza, ok...12:04
Tommy2k4next time ima go back to windows :(12:04
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jribPaladine: well that's just a wiki with past user's experiences.  That can mean that they don't work that no one has had a chance to add it12:05
ndazzaall: how to reconfigure a package? namely postfix12:05
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CarlFKnickrud: that was for gnomefreak's info12:05
Paladinejrib, yeah, I was wondering if there are any known tricks to get usb cams working that I could try12:05
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jribPaladine: the first link ubotu gave I think had some instructions12:05
nickrudCarlFK, have you looked over the pxe install instructions on the wiki yet?12:05
nickrudndazza, sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>12:06
ndazzanickrud: thanks12:06
CarlFKnickrud: the ones written by CarlKarsten ? :)12:06
gnomefreakCarlFK: give me the link/repo that pxe installer is using12:06
Paladinejrib checking it now12:06
ndazzaroostishaw: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix12:06
nickrudCarlFK, you? rflmao12:06
roostishawndazza, ok, what do i choose for the first question?12:07
nickrudCarlFK, then you are dark territory for me, but I already knew that :)12:07
DracuraOkay, going to reinstall dapper. Wish me luck guys and gals12:07
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DracuraWatch. My HD will probably burst into flames12:07
BCK14i think ive fixed it12:07
CarlFKgnomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet12:07
NickGarveyDracura: good luck!12:07
nickrudDracura, luck. Use the alternate, hit enter wherever you can12:07
ndazzaroostishaw: you should probably try to configure postfix to send mail through your ISP12:07
=== gnomefreak is gonna assume since one its not supported by ubuntu and that its not using ubuntu repos that the file it needs is not in its own repos
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ndazzandazza: so probably satellite system12:08
DracuraAh yes, forgot about the formatting. Gonna take a while, so I'll hang around a little longer12:08
nickrudgnomefreak, actually someone found some stuff lingering on mirrors; it's a really black hole.12:08
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skavengeboy i guess i shoulder consider myself lucky dapper got everything right but my wireless nic first try, some of these problems are pretty hectic it looks like heh12:08
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charlesg3I wasn't able to get my machine to netboot... I'm going to keep trying tonight12:09
gnomefreakit garbage from what ive seen seeing as you can mount/install the iso without all that12:09
skavengei figured it'd be worse on a laptop guess not12:09
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LiteHeddedeasy sources please12:09
seamoonOk, I tried mplayer and mpegs seem to work but not AVI's. "Player xine not running" is the message I receive.12:09
nickrudand pxe is so often used, but not by me12:09
gnomefreakCarlFK: http://www.etherboot.org/12:09
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seamoonAlso, I get no sound.12:09
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:09
farousfor local language do i need the language support or language pack package12:09
nickrudLiteHedded, ^^12:09
roostishawndazza, what about the smtp relay host?12:09
Jerrif I add a user to a group, do I need to do anything for that user's priveleges to become active?12:10
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ndazzaroostishaw: that would be your isp's mail server12:10
Sivikwill gemu allow for the vm to run with 3d acc?12:10
nickrudJerr, make sure the user added to the group logs out and back in12:10
CarlFKgnomefreak: http://wiki.etherboot.org/pmwiki.php/Main/CarlKarsten :)12:10
Paladinejrib I get a 404 for some of the blognux.free.fr resources (and once update has finished apt-get can't find easycam212:10
roostishawndazza, :D  and how do i get that? (btw, im trying to send it to a gmail account... if thast matters)12:10
Jerrout of all sessions or just the one that the user will be acting with?12:10
CarlFK"I use Etherboot to boot the Ubuntu installer.  Works like a charm."  guess I should change that ....12:10
ubotuI know nothing about gemu12:11
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nickrudJerr, all sessions, for consistency12:11
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seamoonAnyone knows why avi's wont work in mplayer for me? It says "player xine not running".12:11
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nickrudseamoon, mplayer? xine? what?12:11
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Siviknickrud, will gemu allow me to use 3d acc in the guest os?12:11
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nickrudSivik, not a clue, sorry12:12
Siviknickrud, darn12:12
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nickrudSivik, but I'd almost be certain that no is the answer12:12
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Sivikthen how do ppl play games in the vm?12:12
Sivikuse Xen?12:12
gnomefreakCarlFK: truthfully i would rethink using that if its not working my guess is the software wasnt updated for dapper12:12
=== gnomefreak brb
CarlFKgnomefreak: so any idea which of the 6? files  has the bad file name in it?12:12
ndazzaroostishaw: depends on your isp, for example mine is mail.iinet.net.au for my isp iinet12:13
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Tommy2k4whats the console command to find out my monitors vert/horiz refresh rates12:13
nickrudBut X is changing so fast lately, my past experience could easily be archaic12:13
jribPaladine: it doesn't seem to 404 here, can you check for typos?12:13
ndazzaroostishaw: you can get the details from your isp's web page, it's the same as you would set up for sending email from thunderbird etc12:13
roostishawndazza, ok, i got it... now For what network blocks should this machine relay mail?  The default is   12:13
roostishaw  just the local host, which is needed by some mail user agents.12:13
Bassettsdoes anyone know if theres anyway to find GET from whm or cpanel?12:13
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mauperWhat is the matter with compiz on amd64 ?12:13
nickrudSivik, check the Xen web site, that's where you'll find out12:14
shwagAnyone know of software for automatically organizing my mp3 collection ?12:14
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CarlFKgnomefreak: close enough.  something is broke.  I am trying to figure out what so I can file a bug report.12:14
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PaladineErrhttp://blognux.free.fr unstable/main Packages12:14
Paladine  404 Not Found12:14
Blissexshwag: telepathic software is being developed, bit not quite ready for release yet...12:14
CarlFKgnomefreak: or shoudl all bugs be filed agiand "the whole dapper cd ?12:14
jribshwag: amarok is nice12:14
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jribPaladine: can you paste your sources.list line?12:15
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:15
Paladinedeb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main12:15
Paladine <M- I added that line to source-list12:15
vitry<nickrud> bye, problem resolve, I'm catalonian, aix que jo parlo catal. Bona nit. Adeu12:15
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mauperthanks ;)12:15
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nickrudvitry, eh, barcelona. Spent one night there.12:15
Paladinejrib - deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main12:16
vitryand do you like it?12:16
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Blissexshwag: however you can reveal what you mean by organize and perhaps it will be a bit better.12:16
nickrudI still remember everything, it was 23 years ago.12:16
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nickrudvitry, so yes :)12:17
shwagBlissex: I leave that reasoning up to the programmer.12:17
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vitry2 endwekkends ago was the Sonar (Advanced Music and Technology)12:17
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ackemy comp is soo screwed when i get to loginscreen i have to do ctrl+akt+backspace then press alt+f1 many times... and then i can do alt+F7 to get to desktop or to logg in.. my fglrx isnt working properly is it. can someone explain what i am doing in this process and what i might maybe do to avoid it. please???12:17
vitrywe homes are your homes, jajaja12:17
jribPaladine: yeah mine seems to be having problems when I add it to the sources.list, maybe you can look into going to the site and downloading the deb manually12:17
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Blissexshwag: thats a bit vague then... However look as always at searching FreshMeat.net12:17
nickrudvitry, yes, that was the absolute truth. Bye12:18
yallamanin synaptics..if i chose "uninstall" is the package still on my comp? since there is a "completely remove" option..12:18
Paladineaye I will try that12:18
seamoonWhat shall I do to be able to play mp3's in rythmbox?12:18
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
Blissexshwag: there are programs to mass rename MP3 files, programs to create indices, programs to play according to keywords, whatever12:18
BCK14seamoon: top link12:18
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iameliteWell. you guys helped me get my system up and running. Now there is one thing left to ask...12:18
Sivikiamelite, what is that12:18
shwagBlissex, * is very vague, but it is also useful.12:19
iameliteWhat should i do with it :?12:19
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Paladinejrib, ahhh it is cos it is i386 and I am running ubuntu amd6412:19
PaladineI wish i could find a way to force ubu to list i386 repositories12:19
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jribPaladine: I don't think it would work right12:20
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iameliteI mean i got linux working, now i need something fun to learn about.12:20
Sivikiamelite, what do you want to learn?12:20
PaladineI will try --force-architecture12:20
Ackeubu_my comp is soo screwed when i get to loginscreen i have to do ctrl+akt+backspace then press alt+f1 many times... and then i can do alt+F7 to get to desktop or to logg in.. my fglrx isnt working properly is it. can someone explain what i am doing in this process and what i might maybe do to avoid it. please???12:20
Paladinemy favourite args12:20
stromhamhey i need the jre but i cannot seem to figure out how to install it i followed the insrtuctions at java.com but no avil12:20
iameliteSivik, dunno12:20
SivikAckeubu_, what kind of card?12:20
jribAckeubu_: yes, anything with "force" always yeilds interesting results :)12:20
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository12:20
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Sivikiameliste, then i can't help you12:20
vanbergestromham: you can find it on synaptic - dont go to java.com12:20
Sivikiamelite, if you don't know what you want to learn, then i can't help you12:21
stromhamk i will try it.........12:21
Ackeubu_jrib thanks. when it gets to the logginscreen it turns black and i can only see the cursor.. so i have to mess around to get to the desktop.. :P12:21
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-31-234.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
vanbergeiamelite: a good place to start is ubuntuguide.org12:21
Ackeubu_silvik i have the ati mobility radeon X140012:21
vanbergeiamelite: you have never used linux before?12:21
iameliteSivik, Whats something useful linux communitys could use more of12:21
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead12:21
Sivik!tell Ackeubu_ about ati12:22
jribAckeubu_: oops that remark was meant for Paladine12:22
Ackeubu_jrib ooh np12:22
nickrudvanberge, iamelite ubuntuguide had it's day, but not today] 12:22
vanbergenickrud: i didnt find it outdated.12:22
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Ackeubu_silvik been to all the wikipages and done the setups dont get it to work anyways..12:22
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Paladinejrib - baaah gcc-3.4 dependency12:22
nickrudvanberge, so now I gotta look again, it's been a couple of months12:22
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Paladinewhich very kindly tells me, no I am not going to install12:23
iameliteMAybe ill learn C12:23
vanbergenickrud: lol.. ok, let me know what you think12:23
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vanbergeiamelite: do you have any programming exp?12:23
jonah1980i guys i need some real advice if anyone can help. i've read around google and i'm getting a bit scared! i have a new 4800+ dual core PC coming to me on wednesday!! it's my dream machine and i had high hopes of running ubuntu 64bit on it. i think ubuntu rocks and use 32, everything works so smooth and well but now reading around after downloading 64bit dvd edition for new computer ppl saying that 64bit not worth it and to stick with 32, wha12:23
jonah1980t should i do? what's everyone's advice?12:23
vitry<nickrud> bye, problem resolve, I'm catalonian, aix que jo parlo catal. Bona nit. Ade12:23
=== Zarephath [n=Zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengetheres quite a bit on ubuntuguide that doesn't work in dapper12:23
nickrudvitry, be well, see you about12:23
NickGarveyjonah1980: well, what do you want to use your computer for?12:23
iamelitevanberge, years of computer installation, tweaking, and gaming. everything i know is, "Hey thats not good enough, how do i make it better"12:23
nickrudok, java is ok12:24
vitryno, problem not resolve12:24
vanbergeiamelite: i would recommend python.12:24
jonah1980NickGarvey, well i was hoping to learn blender and use new machine for graphics and 3d design as well as normal tasks12:24
vanbergeiamelite: find a good online python tutorial.12:24
faroushm i guess will never find a good spell checker to my lang. it is complicated anywy :(12:24
iamelitevanberge, python it is.12:24
vitryI come here in 5 minutes12:24
Paladineooo lets see if that worked12:24
jonah1980but i also wanna see flash websites and do all the normal stuff without a load of problems - which ppl seem to be having - anyone got any experience with 64, is it good enough?12:24
vanbergeiamelite: i hear that google engineers use alot of python12:25
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charlesg3iamelite, I recommend ruby over python, but i'm not trying to start any flame wars here12:25
NickGarveyjonah1980: I have a 64 bit computer12:25
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BCK14vanberge: did you find that desktop changer ?12:25
NickGarveyjonah1980: you can play flash but you need to do work arounds12:25
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roostishawwhat do i need to install to get  /bin/mail???12:25
bruenigjonah1980, I say go 32 bit, I have 64 bit processor and tried the 64 bit ubuntu but there were a few too many headaches, I switched to 32 bit and they all went away and I didn't see much of a performance loss if any12:25
Paladinejrib, ha typical, I managed to get easycam2 installed and working but the first thing it says is no webcam or incompatable webcam installed hehe12:25
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vanbergeBCK14: i found a program on synaptic, but it doesnt work :-(12:25
nickrudand they focus skype on an apt source, good. Now, what about pppoe, which is why I abandoned them12:25
iameliteruby... python12:25
Paladinesods law12:25
NickGarveyjonah1980: I would highly suggest 32 though12:25
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ZarephathHey everyone..need some help...a guest is staying in our home and I want to keep an eye on what is going on. It is an old compaq laptop running WinME...for the life of me I can't find any firewall software on the computer(I snooped when no one was around)...it is connecting to a Linksys WRTG G-Band router...how do I go about finding out what ip is assigned to that wireless connection?12:25
BCK14vanberge: maybe do it via cron? if you can find the command ?12:25
Paladinein windows?12:26
varsendaggaris there anyway i could get the sources.list for dapper?12:26
ubotuI know nothing about !12:26
iameliteWhere do you think you ARE?12:26
Paladinego to a prompt and tpe ipconfig /all12:26
hyphenatedubotu: source-o-matic?12:26
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm12:26
nickrudstill that rp-pppoe thing outside sources. That is crap12:26
vanbergenickrud: ubuntuguide used to not even have a dapper section, so i would typically agree.  :-)  but i went to it a few days ago, and it looked pretty current12:26
jonah1980a lot of ppl seem to be saying 32bit also, this computer is going to last me a while and will the 64 dapper get better and be updated - at somepoint will i be missing out with 3212:26
ZeZuanyone know how i can force vsync w/ nvidia-glx12:26
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nickrudvanberge, it's better, yes12:26
NickGarveyZarephath: jump in #windows and I'll help you12:27
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nickrudvanberge, pick and choose from there if you want to advise12:27
bruenigjonah1980, if 64 bit becomes even with it, which it probably will at a point, you can always install the 64 bit down the line somewhere12:27
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ZarephathNickGarvey: The reason I asked here is I want to use Ubuntu to do this ;-)12:27
jonah1980bruenig - will i need to do a clean install or would it be easy enough to update it?12:27
NickGarveyZarephath: oh, "fconfig" in a terminal12:28
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bruenigjonah1980, probably clean12:28
NickGarveyZarephath: ifconfig*12:28
d2812hey. im runing dapper and i'm having some problems with sound. It was working fine at first but then I restarted while I still had moc (an mp3 player) running. now I have no sound. restarting the machine has had no effect. Any suggestions?12:28
nickrudjonah1980, the edgy release is supposed to support 386 natively, but until then, 64bit will suck for most people12:28
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PaladineZedd, add the following lines to the monitor device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:28
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PaladineZeZu, even12:28
Paladine    HorizSync       30.0 - 95.012:28
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Paladine    VertRefresh     50.0 - 155.012:28
iameliteAlso see "apt-get Moo" For Microsoft Mascot12:28
ZarephathHuh? I would use Ubuntu to try and find the other computer on the network using ifconfig? That is just for local nics and devices no?12:28
Paladinechange the refresh rates to match your monitor12:29
gnomefreakCarlFK: you can file a bug but it would be against the installer and if the installer is not included in ubuntu ubuntu can not fix it12:29
Paladinethey are mine12:29
ZeZuPaladine, that does not force vsync12:29
Paladineoh vsync, sorry I parsed it as hsync12:29
ZeZuthat sets refresh rates the monitor can handle12:29
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yallamanhow can i remove services that i am not using..but still starts each time i boot?12:29
jonah1980it seems such a shame to have this new power machine and not get the full potential out of it, how is it that linux is struggling with 64bit, hasn't it been available for a few years in dozey XP?12:29
NickGarveyZarephath: oh I see, apt-get install nmap12:30
gnomefreakCarlFK: feel free to file it against UNKNOWN OR DO NOT KNOW12:30
Paladineas far as I can see linux isn't struggling with 64bit12:30
salahany idea how to make firefox access sites which have status "This address is restricted"?12:30
nickrudyallaman, a good tool for that is sysv-rc-conf12:30
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Paladinejust not all 32bit apps have been ported12:30
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Pharaoh_Atemnow that i fixed up everything on my Breezy install... is there a way to do one command install of a LAMP stack?12:30
iameliteSomeone tell me how to Emote.12:30
NickGarveyZarephath: then.. assuming the ips start with 192.168.0.*12:30
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iamelitein IRC12:30
finalbetadoes someone have a link on how to work with alsamixer? kindoff stuck in the menu12:30
NickGarveyiamelite: /me12:30
NickGarveyZarephath: nmap -sP 192.168.0.*12:30
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iamelitety nickgarvey12:30
NickGarveyZarephath: this assumes windows is not blocking ping requests12:31
iameliteim gonna go Streak in ##windows12:31
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nickrudiamelite, mimic will shatner12:31
NickGarveyZarephath: if it is, you would need to connect to your router12:31
Paladinefinal - man alsamixer is what I used earlier today12:31
kevinokay, installing Dapper Desktop. The problem is, for some reason, it is getting hung at Compaq touchscreen protocol output. Any ideas how to by pass this?12:31
vanbergeBCK14: i can't believe there's not an app for that!  i think people would love to have their desktop wallpaper rotated ever 45 minutes on an automated basis.  :-)12:31
ZarephathNickGarvey: Kewl that was what I was looking for..your assumption is correct and I can connect to the router...12:31
bur[n] erkevin: ctrl+c?12:31
=== iamelite Does his best Will Shatner impersonation...
nickrudvanberge, there are scripts that do that ....12:31
kevinbur[n] er, nope12:32
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BCK14vanberge: it could probably be written quite easily12:32
vanbergeiamelite: write a wallpaper switching program!  :-)12:32
BCK14tho i wouldnt have it12:32
vanbergenickrud: i dont really want to do a crontab of bsetbg.  is that what you mean?12:32
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Paladinefind a way to make xinerama display different background images for each display ;)12:32
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ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo12:32
furrinerhello, I have dapper drake, how do I get gtk+ 2.2 ?12:32
nickrudvanberge, gconf-tool, and a directory of images. What sucks is not being able to do that on a desktop basis easily.12:32
Paladinecos my 6 month old son doesn't look good stretched to 3200x160012:32
nickrudvanberge, but the concept is identical12:33
vanbergeisnt that how you use ubotu? with a !?12:33
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ubotuI know nothing about python12:33
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nickrud!info python12:33
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ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In repository main, is important. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 532 kB12:33
vanbergeoh nm, it worked.  my term window is goofy.12:33
nickrudvanberge, !info for package info12:33
varsendaggarkevin hit excape to get into the grub menue and try using a different kernal12:34
ubotuI know nothing about gconf-tool12:34
furrinerhello, I have dapper drake, how do I get gtk+ 2.2 ?12:34
kevinvarsendaggar, the only one is 2.6.25-2312:34
PaladineI posted this in ubu amd64 forum 7 hours ago andso far no ideas have been forthcoming, anyone mind taking a look at the problem? ( http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204030 )12:34
iameliteAnyone wanna hear some Windows Installation FAQs?12:34
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nickrudiamelite, not a freaking chance12:35
iameliteoh but thier funny12:35
NickGarveyZarephath: :)12:35
ubotuI know nothing about off-topic12:35
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Paladineubu should have stolen the screen from windows XP installation that says "Windows just got better..." and dumped it into their install ;)12:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:35
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iamelitenickrud, i know that. I was just inviting anyone to go there with me12:36
nickrudiamelite, cool.12:36
furrinerhello, I have dapper drake, how do I get gtk+ 2.2 ?12:36
nickrudfurriner, it's at 2.8 now12:36
Lamegofurriner, you mean the development libs ?12:36
furrinerI mean the gtk+ within ubuntu12:37
tronicaiamelite, how do you like cedega12:37
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Paladineso who wants to fix this for me: ./cxinstallwizard:error: error initializing Tk: 'this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"'12:37
furrinerit's at 2.8?12:37
Lamegoubuntu comes with gtk2 installed12:37
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furrinerwhere are some good repositories?12:37
nickrudPaladine, it'd try looking thru synaptic, and installing the latest tk so your installer can find it.12:37
Lamegofurriner, the default from ubuntu are fine, you just need to enable the ones that come commented12:37
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:37
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ubotuI know nothing about tk12:38
nickrud!info tk8.412:38
ubotutk8.4: Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.4 - run-time files. In repository main, is optional. Version 8.4.12-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 933 kB, installed size 2576 kB12:38
vanbergeBCK14: i found wallpaper-tray on synaptic.  but the buttons dont click!  what the heck!  that is exactly what i need!!  :-(12:38
KnomeI have the same problem with wallpaper-tray12:38
BCK14vanberge: if i get round to it ill try write a bash script to do it12:38
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varsendaggarhey i had breezy and i just went through the sources.list and changed everything to dapper   where it said breezy    is that ok.12:39
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nickrudvarsendaggar, yes12:39
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.12:39
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:39
Paladinenick, I already have the latest version of tk installed12:39
Paladineam gonna remove it and try reinstalling it12:39
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gnomefreakvarsendaggar: yes not sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get distupgrade12:39
nickrudPaladine, you may have an older app there, that doesn't look where ubuntu puts the libs12:40
vitry<nickrud> I have the same problem12:40
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varsendaggarapt-get update worked but i'm having problems getting my nvidi card working i think12:40
nickrudtk is dead, really12:40
Paladinenick, I just reinstalled tk 8.4 and still get the same error12:40
nickrudvitry, which one?12:40
varsendaggari went form a breezy server to dapper desktop12:40
vitryI'm compiling mplayer with jack suport. I've installed all libreries, and with ./configure && make,  compile OK. But I want make a package with a dpkg-buildpackage, then I run dh-make and configure debian/config with --enable-jack to enable jack suport, but don't compile. Why??12:40
gnomefreakvarsendaggar: did you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?12:40
PaladineI am trying to get the crossover demo working12:40
Paladinebeen trying for a couple of weeks now12:41
varsendaggargnomefreak, yeah12:41
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varsendaggari think so12:41
vitrydh-make is not necesary with mplayer12:41
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gnomefreakvarsendaggar: did you reboot into new kernel?12:41
nickrudvitry, oh, packaging work. I demoted myself from debian to ubuntu since I don't wanna do packaging work ;)12:41
ExussumHey - i cant go on the net when i use the new Kernal12:41
varsendaggargnomefreak, ha ha that is the tricky part, the newest kernal dopesn't work so i had to use the one one step down12:41
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varsendaggari got a window freeze12:42
gnomefreakCarlFK: uname -r   what does that ouput?12:42
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gnomefreaknot CarlFK12:42
vitryjaja, so why never I have a system in a perfect state12:42
gnomefreakvarsendaggar: what does uname -r output12:42
vitryI don't want compile with make install12:42
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gnomefreakvitry: than use checkinstall12:42
seth_slackwareHaving an issue with my video, my xorg is set up to 1024, but the gnome changer will not let me go over 800 X 60012:43
varsendaggarjust a sec12:43
Paladinenick how about my surround51 problem, any ideas on that one?12:43
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nickrudvitry, I understand your point.12:43
gnomefreak!fixres > seth_slackware12:43
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vitrycheckinstall? what want you say?12:43
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gnomefreakseth_slackware: read the pm ubotu sent you12:43
nickrudPaladine, if that was for me, I leave all sound to my betters, every time I try I work poeple into corners12:44
MTecknologywhat would I put in this command '-net user[,vlan=n] [,hostname=host] '     -     I know my laptops settings, but not what to do for this as an option for qemu12:44
LjL!info checkinstall12:44
ubotucheckinstall: installation tracker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 132 kB12:44
varsendaggarhey how muck is 256 mb in kb?12:44
ubotucheckinstall is a replacement for "make install", when compiling. It will inflate a .deb package for you to install, which will then be listed in the database. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall12:44
nickrudvarsendaggar, 256 * 1024 * 102412:44
Lamegovarsendaggar, this is not a generic help channel, but 1Kb = 1024 bytes12:44
crocd262144 kb12:44
Paladinenickrud, well i am already in a corner hehe, so if you wanna have a look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204030 and have any ideas, I won't blame you if it doesn't work :)12:44
NickGarveyheh I know taht off the top of my head12:45
vitry:O ok I'like IRC12:45
vitrythanks people12:45
NickGarveybecause thats how much the quota is for all of my users12:45
LjLthat's ki*bi*bytes. if you want ki*lo*bytes, that's 256000 :-)12:45
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furrinerwhich version of GTK+ is included with dapper drake?12:45
Ackeubu_when i get to loginscreen the screen is black and i only see the cursor. i have to do ctrl+akt+backspace then press alt+f1 many times... and then i can do alt+F7 to get to desktop or to logg in.. my fglrx for ATI mobility radeon seems to be working properly after that. can someone explain what i am doing in this process and what i might maybe do to avoid it??12:45
Lamegofurriner, whats the purpose of that question ?12:45
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gnomefreakfurriner: 212:46
furrinercos I was a recent version12:46
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furriner] 2.2, 2.6, 2.8 ...... ?12:46
Lamegofurriner, dapper ships a recent version12:46
snoopsLamego.. shouldn't it really be 1KB = 1000Bytes.. but 1KiB = 1024Bytes?12:46
jarrod06how well does 6.06 work on a mactel12:46
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gnomefreakoff hand i dont remember12:46
LjLsnoops: right12:46
zamaliphewhat ver of ubuntu i should download12:46
nickrudPaladine, yup, that's not even a corner I'm familiar with :)12:46
Lamegosnoops, for an IT person, KB = KiB12:46
ardchoillezamaliphe: Ubuntu 6.06 is the latest stable release12:47
vitrysorry by chekinstall not is in my repository12:47
nickrudsnoops, reverse12:47
gnomefreakjarrod06: i remember reading something that noone was sure on that12:47
LjLLamego: except in measuring bandwidth, mass storage... :-)12:47
gnomefreakvitry: enable universe repo12:47
vitryenable it12:47
Paladinenick, thanks anyway hehe.  The annoying thing is the device is listed on the system12:47
zamaliphe"Server install CD" or "Alternate install CD" or "Desktop CD" ?12:47
Lamegozamaliphe, depends on your need12:47
ardchoillezamaliphe: depends on what you need12:48
snoopsNah nickrud.. K = 1000, Ki = 1024 :) base 10 to base 2 heh12:48
nickrudPaladine, watch for crimsun in this space, he's used to me flagging his name :)12:48
LjLnickrud: reverse? no...12:48
gnomefreakzamaliphe: i would gowith alternative atm12:48
gnomefreakgo with*12:48
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furrinerI had a Thai curry for lunch, it was very tasty, that is probably off topic12:48
Paladinewill do, thanks again12:48
nickrudLjL, snoops ok, I'll go with the better info thanks12:48
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varsendaggargnomefreak, uname -r   outputs 2.6.12-10-38612:48
nickrudBut I swear, but been there, done that12:48
gnomefreakardchoille: Lamego alot of complaints on the desktop installer atm12:48
iamelitetronica, Hi... Diddnt work for me. Wouldnt read the directory12:48
gnomefreakvarsendaggar: thats breezy12:48
ardchoillegnomefreak: oh? I didn't know that. Thank yuo for the update :)12:49
varsendaggarso dapper doesn't work then?12:49
vitrysorry I'm a inutil chekinstall not is, is checkinstall12:49
Lamegognomefreak, i have installed about 4 systems with the desktop CD, I don't have any complaints :)12:49
gnomefreakLamego: either did i12:49
=== nassor [n=nassor@201-24-117-46.fnsce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleI installed the desktop cd and I haven't had a single problem yet :)12:49
skavengedesktop was golden on my laptop12:49
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gnomefreakvarsendaggar: dapper was working fine for me but im not everyone12:49
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gnomefreakvarsendaggar: you will have to try it to know if it will work12:49
Lamegothe only complains I have seen so far was about low memory systems12:49
=== namikata [n=namikata@eu85-85-7-254.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntusomebody from Brazil?12:50
d2812hey. im runing xubuntu dapper and i'm having some problems with sound. It was working fine at first but then I restarted while I still had moc (an mp3 player) running. now I have no sound. restarting the machine has had no effect. i've checked the channels, all are maxed out and none are muted. Any suggestions?12:50
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:50
zamaliphei need kde desktop with grub-gfx boot loader and xorg 7 and xgl ext ?12:50
snoopsI quite liked the desktop install cd.. it needs some improvement, but at least it's a step forward in my opinion12:50
nickrudskavenge, ardchoille were those installs preserving windows?12:50
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skavengenickrud ; nope clean install here, no windows12:50
gnomefreaki have 6 cds 3 desktop and 3 alternaitve and they all work fine12:50
Lamegozamaliphe, you should start with kubuntu12:50
nickrudskavenge, a data point, thanks12:50
namikataanyone here can help me with an usb headset?12:51
ardchoillenickrud: no, I refuse to use garbage ;)12:51
ToHellWithGAi'd like to be able to type in unicode characters by holding a key while typing the appropriate hex then releasing the key12:51
zamaliphei have kde 3.5.2 local compill at my home Dir12:51
nickrudardchoille, another :) seems to match what else I've seen12:51
skavengethe dual boots seem to be the problematic ones?12:51
skavengei see12:51
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zamalipheLamego:  kubuntu why  ubuntu doesn't have kde at all  ?12:52
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andyphey s2812 what chipset is your sound system?12:52
nickrudso, always mention the alternate, save your time12:52
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namikatahello, anyone knows how to use an usb headset in ubuntu 6.06?12:52
Lamegozamaliphe, you can install kde on ubuntu, but if you just want kde, kubuntu makes more sense12:52
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hyphenatednamikata: first, you have to find out what happens when you plug it in.12:52
d2812andyp : ac'97 - think thats what your after.12:53
namikatawell, the light works, and if i press the buttons12:53
namikatathe volume goes up and down12:53
namikatabut theres no sound12:53
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namikataonly through the speakers12:53
Lamegonamikata, the question is, what happens on the pc side, not on the speakers12:53
zamalipheim going with the Server install CD ?12:53
namikatait tells something about new hardware12:53
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DShepherd2zamaliphe: ok?12:54
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namikataand to go to System-Preferences-Sound12:54
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IrITJust installed mono on Ubuntu 6.06. Although when i try to run a program, i get an error. Can't load the *.dll12:54
namikatato change the card i want to use12:54
skavengezamaliphe ; server install is not going to give you a GUI by default ... just so you know.12:54
Lamegozamaliphe, well, if you dont have kubuntu, use the alternate, install the minimal, and then install kubuntu-desktop12:54
namikatabut it doenst save changes12:54
IrITIt's looking for them in /usr/lib/mono/2.0 Although I only have 1.012:54
namikatamy main card is an intel8x012:55
andypd2812: i think AC 97 driver has issues with restart, had an old thinkpad with restart issues12:55
namikataths headset is a Logitec 35012:55
=== JanC [n=janc@dD577040E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
namikatabut qhen i open sound properties its always intel12:55
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ubotuI know nothing about unicode12:55
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about doh12:56
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-139-168-227-214.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
andypd2812: is it on a laptop? was it a suspend rather than a power down?12:56
skavenge!info unicode12:56
ubotuunicode: display unicode character properties. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 80 kB12:56
LamegoToHellWithGA, I don't believe there is such feature right now12:56
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McScruffif i ssh into a pc and run a command, so i need to stay logged inwhile that command runs untill its completed or can i close ssh and the command still run?12:57
ToHellWithGAskavenge: what does that do?  is it something to ease typing unicode characters?12:57
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d2812andyp : it's a desktop. just shutdown, turned it back and lo, no sound12:57
hyphenatedMcScruff: generally you stay logged in12:57
ZarephathNickGarvey: Worked like a charm! However attempts to scan like nmap -sS 192.168.1.* results in a message that it can't do it...I assumed root privileges was regarding Ubuntu and not the computer I am trying to scan?12:57
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McScruffcrap , ty hyphenated12:57
skavengeToHellWithGA ; no clue was just seeing if there was any info on the bot for you12:57
hyphenatedMcScruff: or use 'screen' on the remote machine12:57
Ro1i'm so happy....i finally got my broadcom 4318 working..12:57
nickrudMcScruff, in general, yes. You can also run the app screen on the remote machine, it allows you to detach & attach12:57
namikatais there a way to change the sound card i want to use?12:57
andypd2812: ooo, ok can you use the command line?12:58
d2812andyp: yeah.12:58
McScruffRo1, i did too and went back to ndiswrapper12:58
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vasseri have a problem with my xgl, and i was wondering if someone can help me with it12:58
d2812andyp : no need now.12:58
andypd2812: can you do an 'lspci' and see what device the PCI subsys thinks you have...12:58
nickrudnamikata, yes. But, the only reliable source about sound here is crimsun, watch for him12:58
andypd2812: ok, is it workin'???12:58
vasserthe mouse cursor flickers whenever an animated cursor is being shown12:59
namikataok thx12:59
d2812andyp : for some reason it switched from onboard to my pci sound card....12:59
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vasseri have tried using "HWCursor" on my xorg.conf, but that didn't help12:59
ZarephathDarn..he left...Ok what is a good program to run once I know an ip of a computer I want to scan for open ports?12:59
Ro1vasser..i tink you cant display all the eye candy12:59
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ubotuI know nothing about m4a12:59
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d2812andyp : anyidea how that would happen?12:59
Ro1too much processor usage12:59
varsendaggarhow do i burn somehting to a disk just to test it in cli?12:59
nickrudZarephath, nmapfe12:59
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Ro1its like using winblows 98 with p312:59
namikatameanwhile is there any not-so-reliable source?12:59
vasseris there a workaround for that problem ?12:59
swajZarephath, nmap is a great port scanner12:59
LamegoZarephath, nmap is a good choice12:59
Ro1!ubuntu rocks12:59
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntu rocks12:59
andypd2812: had similar problems with my desktop, AC97 onboard and sb64awe PCI...01:00
namikataxD i dont know what to do anymore :P01:00
Zarephathnickrud: thanks01:00
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome01:00
furrinerchecking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'gtk+-2.0' found01:00
furrinerconfigure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.01:00
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furrinerwhere can I find the errant files?01:00
nickrudlol, namikata you can always permanently prevent your onboard card from being active by adding the proper kernel module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:00
andypd2812: need to disable AC97 in BIOS to get OS to avoid it01:00
skavengeblacklist is your friend ;)01:00
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ZarephathLamego,swaj: Yeah however an attempt to scan  using this for example nmap -sS 192.168.0.* or a specific IP results in a message about root access...I haven't been able to sudo the command either?01:01
Lamegofurriner, GRRRRRRRRR I have asked you a long time ago wether you needed the development files, which you do, for resolving that problem01:01
namikatatoo drastic, just want to be able to change cards without rebooting xD01:01
LamegoZambezi, are you running nmap with sudo ?01:01
nikihow do i extract file 'foo.bar_1_2_3.tar.bz2?01:01
andypd2812: reordering of PCI devices can be made fixed some how...01:01
LamegoI mean Zarephath01:01
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furrinerwhere do I get the development files?01:01
ToHellWithGAniki: tar xjf foo.bar_1_2_3.tar.bz01:01
d2812andyp : thanks, i'll do that in my bios the next time i need to restart :)01:01
swajZarephath, do "sudo nmap -sS 192.16.0.*"01:01
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namikatais there a way to change some files, then restar the sound system?01:01
Lamegofurriner, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0-dev01:01
nickrudnamikata, but there are 'better' methods,01:01
ZarephathLamego: Yeah I tried it...swaj ok enclose in quotes?01:01
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swajZarephath, no quotes :P01:02
namikatachange some files again, restar the sound system again? and so on01:02
ToHellWithGAtar xf extracts tar, tar xzf extracts tar.gz, tar xjf extracts tar.bz201:02
Zarephathswaj: That is what I am saying it doesn't work01:02
andypd2812: escapes me at the moment, something to do with modprobe'ing, glad you got your sounds back, essential service if ever there was one!!01:02
namikataits like im entering a misterious world... ;)01:02
zamalipheLamego:  ok i'm going to download PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD01:02
swajZarephath, pastebin?01:02
nickrudnamikata, sure are, but there's only one true source here for accurate info01:02
ZarephathOk just a sec...thanks01:02
Lamegozamaliphe, if you want KDE, download kubuntu01:02
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:02
nikiToHellWithGA, that worked, thanks :)01:02
LjLToHellWithGA: though here usually "tar xf" alone is smart enough to guess plain tar, gzip and bzip201:02
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Stormx2I need to convert an m4a file to an MP3, how?01:03
ToHellWithGALjL: that's very pwn01:03
ToHellWithGAthanks for the info.  i thought those options were required rather than optional01:03
Who_I'm really struggling with getting wpa working, can anyone help me?01:03
namikatawell, everything i tried looking in google did not work so ill have to wait01:03
ToHellWithGAniki: if you ever want to watch it extract, add a "v" to that string as in "xvf" or "xjvf"01:03
LjLToHellWithGA: well, i suppose they were in some older version01:03
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namikatathanks a lot01:04
nickrudnamikata, not long, he trolls here regulary01:04
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namikataits 1 am here xDD01:04
namikatabut i dont plan on sleeping till i get this working01:04
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Zarephathswaj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1658001:05
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erUSULnamikata: enough desperate for help as to try in english XD01:05
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Zarephathswaj: I didn't mention this is over a wireless connection..does that matter?01:05
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namikatai tried in spanish channel but it didnt work01:05
jarrod06anyone know how well ubuntu would work on my macbook?01:05
swajZarephath, you need to replace the * with the IP01:06
nickrudheadsets are interesting01:06
swajZarephath, wireless connection shouldn't matter01:06
Raul654is there a FAQ somewhere for installing a DVD player on ubuntu?01:06
Zarephathswaj: Same message if I do so01:06
namikatai tried in google 5 hours and it didnt work01:06
RaitoSo I have a widescreen laptop. When playing full screen games the thing is stretched causing it to look extreemly bad. How would I make full screen be in an exact 800 x 600 aspect ratio? So that there would be void on the sides of the screen?01:06
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namikataif i can get it working, ill wait whatever it takes01:06
nickrudjarrod06, you may have issues with movie playing & flash, but not much else01:06
Zarephathswaj: And I did ping the ip to make sure I get a reply after nmap -sP 192.168.0.*01:06
namikataits a present from my girlfriend and she will be really sad if it doens work01:07
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swajZarephath, what is your system arch?01:07
Zarephathjarrod06: I would presume well...however I am not sure the kernel supports the newer macs yet01:07
nickrudnamikata, you are evil, calling in girlfriends :)01:07
Zarephathswaj: Ubuntu PPC01:07
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namikataoh   o_OU01:08
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zamalipheso the installer have not been translate to arabic yet01:08
erUSULnamikata: well. you know it *does* work the problem is to persuade ubuntu (alsa) to use it as your primary soundcard across reboots XD01:08
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swajZarephath, did you do "sudo apt-get install nmap" or did you build from source?01:08
zamaliphei think i can start translating it to arabic01:08
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Zarephathswaj: Nope did apt-get install nmap01:08
namikatai got it working, but then speakers didnt work anymore01:08
namikataeven restarting didnt fix that01:09
namikatasome problem with alsa01:09
avisi am wanting to put a audigy 2 in place of my soundblaster value on my ubuntu dapper box.  is that a problematic thing to do ?01:09
Paladineyou tried reinstalling alsa?01:09
zamaliphebut i dont know if it can show right to left01:09
TiG4--- Anyone familiar with using USB bluetooth dongles? When prompted for the passcode on my phoe i enter it in but nothing happens. Is there a way to reset the name of the device and passcode?01:09
nickrudzamaliphe, they love translators, look at https://launchpad.net/rosetta01:09
Zarephathavis: Could be01:09
namikataafter several crashes of the gnome-alsamixer it worked again (but dont know why)01:09
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namikatai personally think it was bored01:09
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TiG4--- I am using multisync01:10
namikataso it decided to run again01:10
swajZarephath, googling...one sec01:10
Zarephathswaj: Ok...01:10
=== Xordan [n=xordan@dsl-217-155-44-89.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about grub-install01:10
d2812Rual654: try http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#multimedia - I used it earlier.01:10
ZarephathMoodles: What do you need to know about grub?01:10
bluefoxicyRaul654:  yo01:10
Moodles"sudo grub-install /dev/sda" results in: /dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.01:11
XordanHey, how do I stop the mounted drives from being displayed on the desktop?01:11
varsendaggarall right i will have my cd's in 4-6 weeks01:11
namikata!those drugs mr. policeman, i swear they are not mine!!!01:11
ubotuI know nothing about those drugs mr. policeman, i swear they are not mine!!!01:11
varsendaggaranyone in usa just get theirs?01:11
LjL!tell Xordan about icons01:11
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Moodlesim having trouble with a drive, i can't boot from it, I dont think grub is installing the boot thingo01:11
varsendaggarnamikata, ha ha01:12
ZarephathMoodles: You have to tell it what partition to install to...ie /dev/sda1, sda2 etc01:12
XordanCheers LjL01:12
varsendaggarnamikata, don't screw with the bot01:12
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namikatamm, sorry01:12
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varsendaggarha ha01:12
namikatawont do again01:12
namikatajust testing...01:12
avisso swapping out a audio card is a potentially problematic thing in ubuntu ?  for a different alsa model ?01:12
MoodlesZarephath: I put sda1 and sda2 and it says the same thing01:12
varsendaggarment to say good but that works too01:12
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ZarephathMoodles: Ok I assume this is a firewire drive?01:12
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)01:12
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Moodlesserial ata01:13
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swajZarephath, weird -- seems to be a mix of problems with non-i386 arch's and being compiled with gcc401:13
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TiG4--- Fixed the problem if anyone wants to know, I changed the HCI authentication from auto to user01:13
swajZarephath, does it run okay if you don't use root?01:13
compengihow to install a bittorent on my ubuntu system?01:13
LjLcompengi: i think you have one installed01:14
bruenigcompengi, do you mean a client?01:14
Zarephathswaj: Ok..any suggestions for a alternative that might work? Well I did get it to list the ips on my lan without root...other than that no01:14
LjL!tell compengl about synaptic01:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:14
IrITHmm, i can't find any fglrx guides on the wiki (only italien)01:14
LjL!tell compengi about synaptic01:14
nickrudcompengi, drag a torrent from firefox to your desktop, then double click the torrent on the desktop.01:14
varsendaggardid you know that hte guy who invented the bit torrent is autistic?01:14
ZarephathMoodles: Sorry...well maybe the serial ATA drive shouldn't be recognized as scsi?01:14
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bruenigi did hooray for me01:14
hanasakihow do i get the hibernate/suspend icons on the gnome "quit" screen?01:14
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compengii downloaded one *.deb01:15
XordanLjL: That doesn't tell me what I need to know01:15
compengibut how to install it01:15
ZarephathMoodles: Wait a sec...did you install stuff to support SATA? I think there are some packages that need to be installed to let it work correctly01:15
XordanIt just says how to hide the trash icon or not01:15
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underworld288hello all, im new to the whole linux scene01:15
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Paladinevars, he is also a selout01:15
XordanI want to stop the icons from appearing ever, full stop.01:15
nickrudcompengi, the answer to the direct question is dpkg -i <packagename> , but why do you need to download a deb for this?01:15
MoodlesSATA works fine, I can't boot from it01:15
Paladineyou referring to bram cohen I presume?01:15
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roleranyone make a 2.6.17 unoffical linux kernel yet?01:16
hanasakiwhat package will bring in japanese language support ot gnome?01:16
compenginickrud, then how to work it out01:16
MoodlesI have to use a cdrom with grub to boot from the SATA drive, I don't think grub is writing its MBR thing to it01:16
sjrhelp! I need to talk to some central europeans (about off-topic stuff.. sorry!)01:16
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nickrudcompengi, I'm not sure what you mean01:16
LjLXordan: that factoid used to be a little more specific, but apparently isn't anymore - i'm sorry (and i don't quite remember the procedure since i normally use KDE)01:16
LjL!tell sjr about offtopic01:17
compengii want to install a bittorent program on my pc01:17
XordanOk no prob01:17
protocol1_underworld288, welcome01:17
PaladineMoodles, I had grub issues when I installed, it turned out it didn't like the order my drives were in.  I had my primary drive on ata port 2 and my secondary drive on sata port 401:17
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Paladinesoon as I put them on 1 and 201:17
XordanLjL: I don't suppose that you can tell me if ubuntu has a nice app like gentoo's rc-update for configuring what's started on bootup?01:17
Paladineit booted fine01:17
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underworld288hello, protocoll_01:17
ZarephathMoodles: It is entirely possible without other utilities for SATA that it may not be able to do so since it could be sgrub or some other name that actually will allow you to write to the SATA drive...just a guess.01:17
swajZarephath, maybe try knocker?  sudo apt-get install knocker01:18
vladtheimpaladoes all distros of linux use the same drivers?  i ask because i was unsatisfied with the ATI radeon drivers on Fedora.01:18
nickrudXordan, you need to go to system-prefs-session, tab current session, set nautilus as Style normal, then kill it. No more icons on the desktop01:18
LjLXordan: you mean update-rc.d?01:18
pdubXordan, I use Bum01:18
Zarephathswaj: Ok thanks...I have to run and eat thanks for the help!!!01:18
Paladineseriously, check and make sure your primary drive is in the sata 1 port on the motherboard01:18
XordanLjL: Yeah I think01:18
protocol1_underworld288, if you want to start a conversation the #ubuntu-offtopic channel would be a good place for it01:18
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Xordanpdub: Ok, thanks I'll try it01:18
LjLXordan: well that one's there in ubuntu01:18
Xordannickrud: Great!01:18
ompaulhow do I bring in a new font into gimp or openoffice it is currently in ~ompaul/.fonts01:19
Paladinemoodles did you catch what I said?01:19
nickrudXordan, as well, sysv-rc-conf for controlling startup issues01:19
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underworld288ok, thanks01:19
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Geoffrey2is there any way to verify that camav is actually running?01:20
compengiwhen i searched it in my spam i noticed that bittorent is installed but i can't find it01:20
iameliteOK... Theres an error in my package manager. it wants me to run dpkg --configure -a01:20
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nickrudompaul, that should be read natively, fc-cache rebuilds the database01:20
imbrandonompaul, it should read them from ~/.fonts ( might have to restart the app or WM for it to read them if they are newly added )01:20
iamelitewhe i do it freezes up01:20
mjbheya ... when properly tuned is ubuntu's suspend to disk/ restore as quick as Windows? ie should I bother investing the time to get it working? cheers..01:20
=== gentoothreefour [n=gentoo@ppp-71-136-65-151.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLcompengi: i think if you fire up Alacarte (the Gnome menu editor), you'll find the BitTorrent client is hidden. i think that's because you're supposed to just click on Torrents from within your browser. however, you can unhide the icon if you prefer, i suppose01:21
imbrandonGeoffrey2, sun "ps ax" and look at the running processes01:21
gentoothreefourwhats a good desktop video capture??????????????????????????????????01:21
imbrandongentoothreefour, google01:21
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PaladineI have an interesting problem with open office (all apps in the suite) and the "Save As" dialog window01:21
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gentoothreefourgoogle stupid is a search engine01:21
nickrudgentoothreefour, the only one I've heard of for ubuntu is instanbul01:21
ompaulnickrud / imbrandon  it is not being read I have used fc-cache with these options  sudo fc-cache -f -v01:21
compengiLjL, how do i unhide them01:21
ompaulit is the "ubuntu" font I want to generate a graphic01:21
Paladineinstead of normal characters the entire dialog is covered in squares01:22
LjLmjb: i don't know what you mean with "when properly tuned" -- me, i'm happy enough when i can get it to *work*. but when i do, suspend to RAM is slower than on Windows, and hibernation can be faster or slower depending on the amount of allocated memory (but it's usually kind of slower for me)01:22
nickrudompaul, no clue then, I keep a lot of fonts in .fonts and it always reads them ...01:22
Paladineit is the only dialog I have found in the whole suite where this happens01:22
Paladinebut it is in all the apps01:22
ompaulnickrud, okay maybe I try a different app01:22
mjbcheers ljl I guess I'll look at it eventually01:22
Paladineso it is impossible to read01:22
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LjLcompengi: let's do it one thing at a time - do you have Alacarte open and have you located the bittorrent icon?01:22
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nickrudompaul, ah, the ubuntu font. I got that, but never tried it01:22
imbrandonompaul, there is another way to do it listed here ( says linux but works in ubuntu fine ) http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/12/adding-windows-fonts-in-linux.html01:22
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AmaranthLjL: lol, that's the whole process01:23
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imbrandonompaul, is it the ttf ubuntu fornt or the odt one ?01:23
AmaranthLjL: After that all you do is tick the box. :P01:23
ompaulimbrandon, the ttf01:23
LjLAmaranth: well then perhaps he should have asked me, like, "how do i open this alacarte", or "what is alacarte", or "what is a menu", or "what is an icon" ;-)01:23
imbrandonhrm yea follow the way on that link but personaly i just put it in .fonts and restarted kde , worked fine01:23
ompaulahh maybe restart gnome01:24
Tommy2k41024x768 makes my eyes bleed01:24
ompaulback in a few01:24
nickrudompaul, the ttf shows & is usable in gimp here, ubuntu-title.ttf is in ~/.fonts01:24
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imbrandonnickrud, here also, hmm dunno what might be wrong01:25
imbrandonwith his01:25
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nickrudimbrandon, well, he does do some odd things with his machines, gotta test stuff, he said once01:25
iameliteI have this error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "    I ran it... and it stops working.01:25
Paladinehey nickrud check this out, it is an interesting one01:25
skavengeanyone monkeyed with crystalcursors? i ran the cli config which is supposed to change the cursors system-wide in X, restarted and everything its still using the default cursors under system > preferences > mouse?01:25
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compengiLjL, ty i found it01:26
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ompaulimbrandon, nickrud it was a restart of gnome that I needed to do01:26
ompaulimbrandon, nickrud thanks guys01:26
Paladinehttp://www.paladine.org.uk/funky-saveas-dialog.jpg  <- thats what I get when I try and "Save As" from any app in openoffice01:26
=== sanityx [n=Zach@pool-71-249-76-50.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudompaul, well you do mess hard with your machines :)01:26
vanbergeBCK14: i found a program, but it also doesnt work very well.  ChBg01:26
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sanityxhey, does ubuntu include a grapical program for managin services?01:26
Paladineit only happens in that one dialog01:27
skavengesanityx ; yes01:27
sanityxthanks sk01:27
skavengesanity; in gnome, system > administration > services01:27
nickrudPaladine, font issues. That much I'll say, but the fix? meh01:27
erUSULPaladine: which locale are you using?01:27
sanityxthanks a lot sk, you01:27
sanityxyou're a lifesaver*01:27
Paladinenick, yeah i figured a font issue but then, why only in that dialog, every other dialog in open office works fine01:28
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ToHellWithGAhow can i input unicode using the compose key?01:28
nickrudsanityx, it's pretty limited, the package sysv-rc-conf gives you much better control01:28
Paladineer gb_en01:28
=== troughton [n=troughto@host-87-75-150-183.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sanityxmy boss is giving me one day to learn to use communigate01:28
iameliteNVM... diddnt freze this time01:28
sanityxnickrud: if i search for sysv-rc-conf in synaptic will it come up?01:28
Geoffrey2hmm, the only listing I see is freshclam, which I thought was the updater for the package....01:28
nickrudPaladine, not a clue. I live by openoffice, so I hope never to see that :)01:29
nickrudsanityx, yes01:29
vanbergeanybody know, is amarok 1.4 safe??  i.e. can i install it without worrying about it bugging up other things?01:29
matoswow! huge communitty!!!01:29
eobanbwelcome, matos01:29
nickrudyah, the numbers have inched up since the exploit01:29
sanityxMy boss gave me one day to learn communigate pro. its giving me a headache01:29
matosi can't boot a 2.4 kernel01:29
sysdocmatos, that is because Ubuntu rocks01:30
ani_maxhi. anyone know how to setup media in ubuntu? like xvid etc?01:30
troughtoncan anyone help me i cant use my dvd wr01:30
NickGarveymatos: what happens that doesn't let you boot it?01:30
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eobanbmatos, i'm afraid not.  2.6 is the way to go these days.01:30
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:30
brlancerdid the desktop ubuntu install grow significantly? I'm trying to upgrade from breezy to dapper and it wants an extra 625MB on /usr in addition to the 120MB I have free (my apt cache is nfs mounted, it shouldn't be for that)01:30
ani_maxnickrud, thanks01:30
nickrudani_max, see ubotu just above for some good links01:30
NickGarveymatos: I know "damn small linux" uses 2.4 if you want01:30
LjLvanberge: well, try apt-get. if it doesn't attempt to upgrade any dependencies, it should be safe enough01:30
__mikemmatos, some older hardware doesn't support newer versions of the kernel01:30
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matosi love the 2.601:31
PaladineerUSUL, I am using en_GB.UTF-801:31
matosbut i can't burn cd's with it01:31
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matosso i need to try the 2.401:31
__mikemmatos what are the specs of the box you are using01:31
Knomeanyone know how to uninstall SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)?01:31
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nickrudsomeone should hang shilling, in effigy01:31
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LjLKnome: have you tried with synaptic, aptitude or apt-get?01:32
KnomeLjL: yeah, the package isn't listed01:32
snoopsaptitude is standard for kde right?01:32
eobanbmatos, i suspect your CD-burning problem is not related to your kernel version in particular01:32
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vollmerdoes anyone know if/when/or already a ubuntu package for the 2.6.17 kernel will be released? I wand the new broadcom hotness, but I'd rather not roll my own kernel01:32
LjLKnome: couldn't the package you're looking for be called libsdl-1.2 ?01:32
DShepherdsnoops: no01:32
LjLKnome: libsdl1.2 actually01:33
nickrudsnoops, aptitude is standard for nothing; it just better all around01:33
troughtoncan anyone tell me how i can get my dvd player playing dvd's or burning as the applications wount access it01:33
__mikemaccording to my sat scores I have a lot of aptitude01:33
DShepherdsnoops: do you mean adpept?01:33
matosboard matsonic (7???); pII 266; riva TNT2; 256RAM; HP CDRW 8100 series01:33
KnomeLjL: yeah, maybe01:33
eobanb!tell troughton about restricted01:33
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nickrud__mikem, that truly sucked ;)01:33
=== MusicEatingPanda [n=Angel_De@cpe-24-161-23-167.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
troughtoni have been and looked at restricted01:33
MusicEatingPandais there a way i can install the dapper icons on breezy?01:33
snoopsoh I thought aptitude was a renamed(with different features?) version of apt-get for kde01:33
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eobanbtroughton, to play back encrypted DVDs you need to install libdvdcss01:33
matosi'm using gentoo also and i can't burn with it too01:33
LjL!tell snoops about aptitude01:33
eobanband the restricted formats page tells you how.01:33
troughtoni have done eobanb01:34
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__mikemmatos, just what I expected, you might want to see if you can get a newer computer, there are places where people give them away. And use the newer version of the kernel as the older versions are subjected to vulnerabilities most of which stem from buffer overflow01:34
skavengeand replaced totem-gstreamer with totem-xine?01:34
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nickrudsnoops, no, it's something entirely different: but fundamentally, it tracks dependencies. That's it's real break from apt-get01:34
sorush20hi guys how do I apply a patch from a source to a source?01:34
__mikemnickrud, its a pun, all puns suck01:34
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MusicEatingPandai was thikning of using a dapper repo01:34
sorush20hi guys how do I apply a patch from a source to its source?01:34
eobanbmatos, a pentium II machine is not particularly well-suited to run a modern distribution like ubuntu.01:34
nickrud__mikem, yes. And I love saying that ;P01:34
vanbergeLjL: do you use banshee by chance?  :-)01:34
matosi'm using xubuntu01:35
LjLvanberge: nope01:35
s|kMusicEatingPanda: you can download 'Human' I think from Gnome-looks01:35
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eobanbmatos, well, what is the exact problem you're having with burning CDs01:35
KnomeLjL: thanks, I found it01:35
__mikemmatos, I didn't know that you could use version 2.4 of the kernel in xubuntu01:35
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eobanb__mikem, you can't01:35
MusicEatingPandas|k ah but cant i install the newer icon pack threw the dapper repo also?01:35
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s|kMusicEatingPanda: why would you want to do that?01:35
matosthe 2.4 kernel is in the repository01:35
MusicEatingPandas|k cuz >.>01:35
Protocol1i do I check if I have direct rendering?01:36
matosand i do't see why not01:36
Dapperguyhow can you join ubuntu to a windows doamin?01:36
__mikemmatos, theres your problem, none of the packages that come with xubuntu were compiled with the older kernel headers01:36
s|kMusicEatingPanda: they do not have a repository just for icons.01:36
__mikemso they will not work.01:36
LjLmatos: it's certainly not in my dapper repositories.01:36
nickrudProtocol1, glxinfo | grep -i direct  : if it says yes, you're good to go01:36
matosi didn't touch he apt list01:36
sam_cron question: does stuff in /etc/cron.d automatically get executed?01:36
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__mikemmatos, if you were able to boot into linux to download the older kernel, why do you need it in the first place?01:36
skavengesam_; yes01:36
LjLmatos: you're right. it actually is, except it's called kernel-image rather than linux-image. sorry01:37
sam_skavenge: according to the specified interval?01:37
eobanbmatos, i don't see kernel 2.4 anywhere01:37
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eobanboh wait, you're right, it is there01:37
sanityxDoes Xubuntu include a graphical service manager also?01:37
skavengesam_; i really haven't dealt with it personally01:37
__mikemLjL, it doesn't matter if its available, there isn't a single package in the newer ubuntu releases that is compatible with 2.401:37
matosif someone wants to see01:37
ubuntumanups..i havent tried to play any music yet..tried now..and i get no sound..i use a usb headset01:37
Dapperguyubuntu and joining a windows domain...anybody?01:37
eobanbmatos, i still highly doubt the CD burning problem is necessarily related to your kernel version01:37
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sam_skavenge: but you know that stuff in /etc/cron.d happens without being syminked to externally (for example, from /etc/cron.daily)01:37
matosi've tried the gentoo foruns01:37
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MusicEatingPandas|k they have the gnome icon theme and i got 2.12.1 im sure dapper as a newer version01:37
matosthe error is there01:37
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Protocol1nickrud, thanks01:38
matosand it's the same01:38
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__mikemmatos, what is this error?01:38
nickrudsam_, the cron.d dir is checked very often, I think once a minute01:38
vollmeris there any eta for a ubuntu offical 2.6.17 kernel package, a 'when it's ready' is a perfectly good answer as I'll roll my own, but if someone knows it's going to come out in the next few days I'll wait01:38
eobanbmatos, out of practicality, i'd pretty much forget about using kernel 2.4 with ubuntu01:38
sam_nickrud: awesome, that's what i needed to know01:38
sam_nickrud, skavenge: thanks01:38
matosthe error01:38
matos cdrecord: Success. flush cache: scsi sendcmd: no error01:38
matosCDB:  35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0001:38
matosstatus: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)01:38
matosSense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 0001:38
matosSense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 001:38
matosSense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x001:38
matosSense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)01:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:38
matoscmd finished after 7550.634s timeout 200s01:38
matosTrouble flushing the cache01:38
matosFixating time: 7550.638s01:38
matoscdrecord: fifo had 11497 puts and 11497 gets.01:39
__mikemeobanb, there is no way it would work anyway.01:39
matoscdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 11384 times full, min fill was 93%.01:39
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eobanbmatos, please don't do that again01:39
NickGarvey!paste > matos01:39
__mikemmatos, that is a hardware error, namely that you are not using a proper cd media01:39
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TitanQWhen I boot I get a X server error saying cant open RGB_DB /usr/share/X11/rgb'b'01:39
__mikemmatos, jsut so you know there is infact a big difference between cd-r's and dvd-r's and they are NOT interchangeable01:39
matosno man01:39
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matosive tried in gentoo 2.6.1501:40
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Xordannickrud: I uncheck the 'activate' box in bum next to something I don't want to load at boot... but after I click save the box is still checked.. is that normal?01:40
matosididn't work with 3-4 cd01:40
MarkGTitanQ ya trying to get the ati 8.25 drivers up?01:40
vanbergei've used ubuntu alot, so im pretty familiar with it... however, i've just recently done a complete migration to ubuntu and was wondering what is the 'recommended' application for ipod interfacing/synchronization.01:40
__mikemmatos ITS NOT A SOFTWARE PROBLEM, you are not using a proper cd-r01:40
sirmixadigihey all....noob here:(01:40
eobanbmatos, do you see this line? Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 001:40
matosi've burned 3 cd's using mdk 10.1 default kernel01:40
__mikemDOn't worry, we are USUALLY friendly01:40
nickrudXordan, use sysv-rc-conf. It's a tool that lives closer to the heart.01:40
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skavengevanberge ; i like gtkpod myself, i hear banshee is popular01:40
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TitanQmarkg: no was trying to install compiz and xgl for nvidia01:41
__mikemeobanb, how much do you wnat to bet he is trying to burn as a cd onto a dvd01:41
eobanbTitanQ, that would be a question for #ubuntu-xgl then01:41
eobanb__mikem, it seems likely..01:41
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Xordannickrud: Is that already installed by default? I don't seem to have that command.01:41
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nickrudXordan, I've messed with bum, but don't trust it01:41
matosand in xubuntu didn't work too01:41
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DracuraHey guys, I'm back. Reinstalled dapper. Not sure if i still have the boot problem, but the login for dapper doesn't work.01:41
TitanQWell Id like to just make it normal not try to troubleshoot xgl01:41
MarkGahh I spent 2 weeks of evening fighting the 8.25 on dapper with my x1900xtx01:41
matosnot a media problem01:41
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MusicEatingPandahow do i aptget the newer gnome icon theme from dapper in breezy >.>01:41
__mikemeobanb, good luck, I am not going to argue01:42
GoldenHwow looks busy in here :)01:42
nickrudXordan, no, you need to install it. If you can't find it in synaptic, you'll need to enable some extra stuff.01:42
MarkGfinally got it but now I can't get wine going for x64 with the wow patch  ;-/01:42
Xordanfound it in apt-get01:42
Paladinematos, itis probably just a bad cd, try a few more01:42
Xordaninstalling now01:42
eobanbmatos, do you have two CD drives?01:42
matosno way01:42
skavengeMusicEatingPanda ; they aren't just listed as icons your going to have to get the whole themepack01:42
matos6 cd's?01:42
__mikemPaladine, I would hope after seing a media error he tried that, other wise, the only words I can use to discribe him will get me banned01:42
eobanbmatos, are you using dapper?01:42
MusicEatingPandaskavenge but in the repos there is JUST the icon theme01:42
matosi've burned cd's in mdk no prblem01:42
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ToHellWithGAi need help choosing a keyboard type now that i have a new USB keyboard.  it has the "normal" keys and also left and right windows keys, a menu key, and 10 media keys01:43
MarkGAnybody running x64 and have wine running from source?01:43
Xordannickrud: Ah, this is really nice :)01:43
matosxubuntu 6.0601:43
skavengeMusicEatingPanda ; i havent seen it i guess then01:43
nickrudXordan, yup :)01:43
nickrudold tools, good tools01:43
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eobanbmatos, but the drive has worked before?01:43
DosBubbaDCC SEND irc-vaccus-com-owns-you 0 0 001:43
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__mikemcrap that exploit again01:43
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MusicEatingPandaskavenge gnome-icon-theme 2.12.1-0ubuntu1    Im sure dapper has a new one cuz i member the menu icons being all nice and shiney01:43
__mikemWHO WAS IT!!!!01:43
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nickrudheh, minor version of it01:44
DosBubbaDCC SEND irc-vaccus-com-owns-you 0 0 001:44
PaladineMarkG, nope I had no luck instaling wine, but I did manage to get cedega to install work and wine kinda works from my crossover installation in the cxoffice/bin/ director01:44
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!01:44
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eobanbwhat an idiot.01:44
JimmeyDosBubba, what're you doing?01:44
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__mikemSOMEONE HELP US01:44
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__mikemalright, now I am mad!!!!101:44
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nicktk1i feel like im gonna be laughed at if i ask this01:44
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nickrudThanks, AM01:44
AmaranthPatience young padawan.01:44
__mikemwho the hell sending these people in here01:44
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nickrudThanks, Amaranth01:44
eobanbnicktk1, just ask01:45
matosi couldn't burn in gentoo a week ago; installed mdk and burned 3 cd's; then installed xubuntu and it didn't worked too01:45
AmaranthFix your router and they won't be able to do it.01:45
Mat1I installed Java6 but how do I enable it?01:45
MarkGPala is cedega a pay service if ya have the files already ?  I didn't renew my sub to it when it expired01:45
Xordannickrud: Do I need the crons running?01:45
nicktk1than how do you install this....linux program01:45
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skavengeookay .. i guess bitchx felt like disconnecting me from freenode heh01:45
eobanb!tell Mat1 about java01:45
nicktk1or should i look around01:45
AmaranthMarkG: Only if you want new versions.01:45
__mikemeobanb, as I was saying before the son of saton came in here, the other posibility is he is using a cd-rw that wasn't properly erased01:45
MusicEatingPandaskavenge gnome-icon-theme 2.12.1-0ubuntu1    Im sure dapper has a new one cuz i member the menu icons being all nice and shiney01:45
nickrudXordan, yes you do.01:45
XordanI never used to use cron for anything01:45
PaladineMark, yeah it is like 5 bucks a month01:45
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XordanWill enable again01:45
AmaranthAnyone who just got disconnected, please fix your router.01:45
PaladineI installed cedega from a .deb with --force-architecture01:45
Paladineworks good01:45
AmaranthPaladine: *boggle*01:46
nickrudXordan, it's natively running in ubuntu01:46
Paladinecan't get crossover to work though01:46
AmaranthPaladine: 64-bit?01:46
__mikemAmaranth we have been telling people to do that for months, some people just don't listen01:46
MarkGI just remember having to put in my transworld login when it launched01:46
PaladineAmaranth, yeah01:46
TitanQHow do you reinstall the whole xserver stuff?01:46
Amaranth__mikem: I'm about to start banning people who keep getting disconnected.01:46
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nickrudAmaranth, :)01:46
DracuraHey, the login screen for dapper is corrupted fr me.01:46
ompaulder0b Mixx  hybrid bruenig fix your router to connect to port 8001 please01:46
Amaranth__mikem: They're easier to get rid of than the morons who try the exploit.01:46
__mikem:s not the solution, ignurance is not a crime I am afraid01:46
Amaranthnickrud: Seriously.01:46
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__mikemjust set up a bot that automaticly banns any screenname that types that01:46
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nicktk1ok first i should ask.....can i still use my wireless router w/ ubuntu linux os01:47
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nickrudAmaranth, well, your call.01:47
Amaranth__mikem: It is here, it disrupts the channel.01:47
MarkGI've heard that wow actually runs better on the new wine than in cedega but don't know for sure..01:47
Mat1I followed this order: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/jdk/install-linux.html it is installed, but it is not set as default, nor can I choose to set it default.01:47
Amaranth__mikem: We had one, people still get disconnected though.01:47
skavengeMusicEatingPanda ; yeah i found it, can tell you the package name but i dont know what repo its in01:47
JimmeyWhat exploit was it? And what was it exploiting ?01:47
matoswhy i can't use a 2.4 with 6.06?01:47
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__mikemgood point, and becides, I am not affected, netgear routers seem to be unaffected01:47
AmaranthJimmey: Bug in cheap linksys and netgear routers.01:47
sanityxBecause it's built to run on 2.6?01:47
PaladineAmaranth, I tried going the 32bit chroot option, but I must have cocked up my chroot somehow cos I can't get it to build anything at all, so i tried the --force-architecture arg in my 64bit environment and it worked01:47
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Xordanok, rebooting to test this out :) Thanks for your help01:47
nickrudJimmey, it's a very old exploit, that's why people get impatient01:47
matoscould you be more specific?01:47
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__mikemAmaranth, I use a netgear router, my computer is connected through a lan, it didn't affect me01:48
JimmeyAmaranth: Ahh, I think I've seen that before. How can people avoid being exploited?01:48
AmaranthPaladine: cedega includes almost everything it needs01:48
marnanelI just upgraded to dapper from breezy on my laptop. Everything works fine (thank you!) but I used to be able to scroll using the right-hand side of the trackpad, and that's not working any more. What should I do to turn this back on?01:48
__mikemJimmy get a better router01:48
AmaranthJimmey: If you get an updated firmware or a new router you should be ok.01:48
sanityxWell matos, I don't know for sure, but I would assume that all the packages were compiled to run on 2.6, so they may either not run at all on 2.4, or run with about 2348283974 errors.01:48
JimmeyAmaranth: I wasn't affected anyway, so it's okay.01:48
Paladinejust wish i could get past the stupid TK error I get when I try and run crossover01:48
Amaranthmarnanel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:48
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__mikemsanityx I TOLD HIM THAT ABOUT 200 LINES AGO01:48
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matosso why is it in the repositories?01:49
=== __mikem bangs head on desk repeatedly
sanityx__mikem oh well.01:49
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GoldenHcan anyone give me a hand getting the task manager thingy back into the gnome panel?01:49
Dracuracan anyone help me with my login screen problem?01:49
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MusicEatingPandaskavenge, Hmm me ither idk x.x01:49
=== nicktk1 slaps nicktk1 around a bit with a large trout
__mikemDracura sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:49
sanityxmatos, To confuse people like you?01:49
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sanityxWhy do you want to run 2.4 so bad01:49
screwstonhey guys, i can't see my USB Device in Ubuntu's device manager. what is wrong?01:49
Geoffrey2well, I have a Netgear router..and it definately was affecting me...only problem is, nobody could tell me what to do beyond "fix it"01:49
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CuriosCatWhat chipsets have people had good experiences with running Ubuntu? (Be nice to have things like onboard NICs work out of the box :)01:50
matosi can't burn cd's01:50
Paladinescrewston, maybe it is not supported01:50
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__mikemsanityx he thinks for some reason thats causing a disk media error when burning cd's01:50
Dracurafrom one of the virtual things?01:50
sanityxyeah i really doubt thats from the kernel01:50
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skavengeyou dont want anything broadcom if you want the nic working out of the box heh01:50
matosso thats for what?01:50
Paladinecuriouscat, I have nforce4 with ac97 sound and 2 NICs inboard, it all worked out of the box with ubu, although I am having some issues with 6 channel sound01:50
matosnot media problema after 6 cd's01:50
__mikemsanityx, there are to posible reasons for his problems, 1, he is using a cd-rw that still has data on it, or 2, he is using a dvd-r01:51
GoldenHyeah it took me two days to get my broadcom wireless nic working lol01:51
__mikemmatos, is that cd by any chance a cd-rw01:51
Geoffrey2actually, you don't want broadcom if you want it to work at all01:51
GoldenHbut i found a way that works01:51
salahI have now configured my printer, but with a little problem: the printer uses only 1/4 of the paper, any idea how to fix this?01:51
__mikemare you sure, because it might be that there is already data on it01:51
skavengeGoldenH ; me as well, 2 days, works like a charm now though01:51
CuriosCatpaladine: This is for a server, so I'm not too worried about sound. I've got an older nforce system (nforce2) at home, but was reading on their web site about needing to install extra drivers etc.01:51
matosis there data on 6 new cd's?01:51
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GoldenHyou just need to extract the firmware01:52
CuriosCatso was a little concerned about them and linux support, even though I like their chipset in general. So glad to hear it worked out of the box.01:52
__mikemI don't know, but lets get something streight, IT IS NOT A KERNEL ISSUE01:52
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PaladineCuriousCat, I just installed from the live cd and sound/nics were working after the first boot01:52
mikereOnly thing I had to work on when I installed Ubuntu was installing nvidia driver and getting WPA-PSK working (had to do manually)01:52
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GoldenHanyway does anyone know anything about getting a task manager bar in the gnome panel back?01:52
matosexplain me this01:52
matoscdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.15-25-38601:52
matoscdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.01:52
matoscdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.01:52
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__mikemmatos, that means that the program was compiled with older kernel headers01:53
skavengemy snafu was getting the module that ubuntu *thought* my nic needed to not run so ndiswrapper could pick it up .. then i found blacklist heh ;)01:53
ubuntumanack..i dont see whats wrong..i choose my usb headset in the mixer..still no sound01:53
__mikemupdating the program should fix that01:53
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marnanelAmaranth: thank you so much01:53
void^matos: the author of cdrecord has "issues", google on it for details and entertainment ;)01:54
__mikemI have to say though, whoever wrote that warning message was a moron01:54
Geoffrey2as far as this router exploit goes....beyond downloading a firmware update (which doesn't exist for my router), is there any way to configure a router to eliminate that problem?01:54
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matosthis means that by the time that the ide-scsi support has drpped cdr doesn't work well on linux01:54
mikereGeoffrey2: which router exploit?01:54
nicktk1do i keep ubuntu as a rar archive?01:54
namikataanyone knows how to make two sound cards work at the same time? thanks!01:54
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matosbesides i'm using cdrecord from 6.0601:54
__mikemmatos, just use a different cd burner, xfce has a stock burner that I heard works well01:54
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GoldenHi'm trying to get the openoffice.org preloader thing working that lets me access all the programs from one item on the bar but it's missing. and now gaim isn't showing on any of the bars either :/01:55
kleeshow can i tell what a multimedia key is referred as?  (ex XF86....)01:55
matosi'm using xfburn01:55
__mikemmatos just use a different burner, after such a moronic warning message, I wouldn't touch that program with a 10 foot pull01:55
matosis just a frontend to cdrecord01:55
Geoffrey2um, the one that just knocked about two dozen people off of irc?01:55
Xordannickrud: All working, except that nautillus runs every login. How do I stop it running on login?01:55
Paladinematos, use the nautilus extension, it works a treat01:55
__mikemthe underlying program is still cdrecord, just USE A DIFFERENT RECORDER01:55
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nicktk1keep as rar and burn it to cd? or do i extract files onto a cd (or usb fals drive)01:55
Raul654is there a FAQ somewhere for installing a DVD player on ubuntu?01:55
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Raul654Totem cannot seem to do it01:56
kleeshow can i tell what a multimedia key is referred as?  (ex XF86....)01:56
__mikemand someone who actually knows what they are doing aught to fix the source code for that program01:56
PaladineRaul, check out VLC01:56
mikereGeoffrey2: was more interested in what kind of router was vulnerable =)01:56
siriuslyor xine-ui01:56
void^__mikem: that's a message by cdrecord, it's about a problem the cdrecord author has with certain kernel dev policies01:56
nickrudXordan, the sessions dialog is where nautilus is started; are you sure you didn't set it for restart/respawn?01:56
Raul654ah, ok01:56
namikatahello, anyone knows how to make two sound cards work at the same time? thanks!01:56
ubuntumananyone here able to help me with this sound issue..?01:56
d2812Raul654 - I sent you a link earlier. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#multimedia01:56
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Raul654d2 -ah, I didn't see that01:56
__mikemvoid^ you don't tell people to downgrade their kernel if the program doesn't work, you tell them to use another product, its just moronic01:57
matosi give up; the recorder it's working01:57
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Xordannickrud: Yeah. I set it to normal, then I killed it. It doesn't restart after being killed, just every time I login01:57
matosthankx anyway01:57
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MusicEatingPandahow do i aptget the newer gnome icon theme from dapper in breezy >.>01:57
funkmasterhow would i unintall a program which i selfcompiled?01:57
void^__mikem: i don't, nobody does, i'm telling you and everyone else to ignore the message and google on it for background information :/01:57
nickrudXordan, I haven't actually tested that path recently, brb01:57
kleeshow can i tell what a multimedia key is referred as?  (ex XF86....)01:57
__mikemvoid^ my point exactly, but aparently our little friend there does take it seriously01:58
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=== __mikem wonders why hes acting so sadistic
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skavengeanyone monkeyed with crystalcursors? i ran the cli config which is supposed to change the cursors system-wide in X, restarted and everything its still using the default cursors under system > preferences > mouse?01:59
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__mikemskavange, theres a section in your xorg.conf file that deals with cursors, check that out01:59
Geoffrey2mikere, I'm not sure...obviously my router....this is the second time I've been in here when there's been a mass kockoff of people....last time I was one of them....both times people have said "fix your router", but when asked how...dead silence.....01:59
skavenge__mikem ; okay02:00
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__mikemGeoffrey2 you may have to spend money on a router, or connect through a proxy02:00
masinger53Hello, all:  Working on GPRS/GSM "air card per http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90421&highlight=sony+ericsson+gc83 Q:  what is the Ubuntu equiv of kudzu?02:01
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mikereGeoffrey2: was asking because I've had connection problems with my ISP and the ISP support guy had me shut down modem, router and all computers and then bring up modem first, then router - wouldn't work with modem restart.  Suspecting a problem with my router as well02:01
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=== __mikem suspects the ISP support guy was some underpaid, computer illiterate from india who was just trying stuff and hoping it worked
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Jack_SparrowANd some of the names those guys pick.. wow02:02
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halibutare there any users with picasa installed?02:02
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nickrudok, who was asking about killing nautilus :)02:03
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salahI have now configured my printer, but with a little problem: the printer uses only 1/4 of the paper, any idea how to fix this?02:03
Xordannickrud: Ok, the problem was that I didn't have the 'automaticall save session' box checked02:03
nickrudafter killing nautilus after setting it as normal in sessions, you must also do a gnome-session-save02:04
NickGarveydoes the free in freenode mean free software (as in freedom)?02:04
nickrudXordan, yes, precisely02:04
Xordannickrud: However, when I login I have no desktop image now :)02:04
_nano_has anyone observed noticable speed difference by using the 686 kernel as opposed to the 386 one?02:04
nickrudXordan, desktop, no desktop, you choose02:04
__mikemyes, nautilus also manages the desktop einstine02:04
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Xordannickrud: So there's no choice to have a desktop without the annoying icons?02:04
Jack_Sparrowanyone here install KDE desktop02:05
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NickGarveyJack_Sparrow: me02:05
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NickGarveyJack_Sparrow: 3.5.102:05
__mikemyou could remove the icons from your desktop02:05
XordanI can't02:05
__mikemby the way, have the decided on the name of the next distro02:05
masinger53nano: yes - big difference on my laptop02:05
XordanThey're the mounted drive ones02:05
NickGarvey__mikem: edgy eft02:05
nickrudXordan, yes, you found the fix: the session save: but, manage your icons, make them useful. That's what a desktop is for.02:05
Ro1when is the next distro coming out?02:05
PaladineXorden, you can just remove them02:05
__mikemAnother animal, go figure02:05
Jack_SparrowNickGarvey: Was there a reason you dint use Kubuntu02:05
NickGarveyJack_Sparrow: because I run suse02:05
mikereand then Fuzzy Ferret?02:06
NickGarveyJack_Sparrow: ;)02:06
skavengewhat is an 'eft'? a bird?02:06
NickGarveyskavenge: yes, wood duck02:06
Xordannickrud: I have about 20 mount point icons which I _can't_ use because they're for system use02:06
ubotueft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt or try !edgy02:06
skavengei see02:06
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft"02:06
NickGarveyor not..02:06
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NickGarveywhat is a duck then02:06
__mikemIts not even in beta yet according to the version number02:06
skavengenewt, duck, whatever heh02:07
NickGarveysomeone else had that name02:07
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halibutwhere are program icons stored in ubuntu?02:07
__mikemdapper drake is a duck02:07
NickGarveywhat was a wood duck...02:07
Xordannickrud: I have two instances of gentoo running through ubuntu, and I click a lot of things like sys and dev over so I can run them alongside using the same kernel. Having all those icons on the desktop isn't nice :P02:07
Xordan*click = link :P02:07
nickrudXordan, ah, another question entirely. gconf-editor, navigate to apps/nautilus/desktop, and set volumes visible to no02:07
masinger53What would I run for hardware detection on ubuntu (instead of kudzu)?02:07
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XordanAh, that's what I want :P02:07
nickrudXordan, but you mention some gentoo shite, so all bets are off :)02:08
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d2812Night All.02:08
__mikemgentoo isn't (beeeep), its just for people who really like pain02:08
Xordannickrud: If gentoo didn't have such long update times, I would have never moved to ubuntu :P02:08
Paladineany sound gurus awake yet?02:09
SgeoWhy isn't Totem-xine the default?02:09
__mikemI heard that bill gates is retiring, and the guy replacing him is more open source friendly02:10
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Ro1 i herad02:10
NickGarvey__mikem: retiring.. no, stepping _back_ yes02:10
NickGarveynot down02:10
nickrudXordan, you have just approached, periferally, why I use this debian based distro.\02:10
sorush20guys i keep getting this error on make install02:10
Ro1do i need anti spyware n anti virus in ubuntu?02:10
sorush20Ro1: no that is the point of linux02:11
Xordannickrud: Thanks for the help!02:11
=== __mikem hopes the new guy at microsoft dumps the windows code and starts using linux like anyone with some scrap of inteligence would do
Ro1nice...jsut like mac02:11
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ro1that would be sweet02:11
nickrudXordan, np, pass it along :)02:11
dliRo1, there are viruses on mac :(02:11
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Ro1yeah...like 2 virues02:11
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__mikemThats 2 more than on linux02:11
Ro1not as nearly as many as that *other OS*02:11
Paladineand spyware *cough*mediamax*cough*02:11
sorush20Ro1: and some for linux but updated now.02:12
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Ro1thats good02:12
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Ro1anyone use firestarter?02:12
Ro1i am, how is it02:13
Ro1like...is it good one02:13
Paladinewell it is just a front end to iptables02:13
Paladineworks fine02:13
=== twobitspr1te [n=isaac@cpe-024-211-168-126.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudRo1, yes, it is a good one02:13
Ro1ok, good02:13
mikereRo1: a more accurate statement is that macs are like linux - since linux has been a *nix since 91 whereas macs have only had a *nix (bsd) kernel for the last year or two02:13
nickrudalthough shorewall is supported by canonical, if you wish to learn it02:13
twobitspr1teI have a java program which dies with a traceback indicating that it can't find the SHA algorithm... what pack would that be in?02:14
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UsunnyQ: is there any danger in runing the cpu at full speed for a long time ? (the cooling is good)02:14
Ro1ohyeah...i have a cpu question also02:14
__mikemmikere, I thought it was longer than that02:14
mikere__mikem: I could be wrong, but thought it was around then =)02:14
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gdbMacs and Linux don't share that much in common. ;-)02:14
Ro1i was looking at my cpu speed using a ubuntu program...forgot what it was called...but it said 800mhz...but i'm supposted to run at 2.402:14
roostishawhow can i disable that animation when i minimize a window?02:14
Paladineosx has been around longer than 2 years?02:15
void^Usunny: if the temperature is fine, no02:15
Ro1like 702:15
dliUsunny, do you mean 100% cpu usage?02:15
Ro1*5 or 602:15
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__mikemlinux != bsd02:15
Paladineisn't osx macbsd?02:15
duckdownHey all, got a quick question.  I am currently using an IPV6 tunnel with FreeNET but it requires the use of a /usr/local/tspc/bin/tspc file that just has to be run in order to establish the tunnel... thing is though, is every couple of days it dies or disconnects (it goes missing from the process list also) and I manually have to run ./tspc again.  How can I automate this so whenever it crashes it will02:15
Usunnyyeah like 100% or so02:15
duckdownload it automatically?02:15
gdbNo, Mac OS X is not MacBSD.02:15
dliUsunny, cpu can be at idle and with full speed (clock)02:15
Paladinegdb, I was being tonguein cheek02:15
__mikemgdb OSX uses freebsd as its core, it has a layer ontop of it that hides all the "unix ugliness"02:15
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mikere__mikem: yep, 91.  and yes, linux !=bsd, but both are *nix02:16
nickrudroostishaw, gconf-editor, /apps/metacity/reduced_resources02:16
Usunnysorry for that one, what i meant was the "load" 100% in this case02:16
Ro1whats a command i can put in terminal to see my cpu speed?02:16
gdbIt does not use FreeBSD at its core, either.   It's Mach at its core, the utilities come from FreeBSD, the filesystem is unique to Mac OS, and it doesn't use X.02:16
Usunnydon't get me wrong i want it at 100% so theres no foult :>02:16
Paladinemy production box is freebsd02:16
roostishawnickrud, thx02:16
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Ro1whats a command i can put in terminal to see my cpu speed?02:16
__mikemmikere, the year was 91 when it went over? that was around when windows was becomming popular, 2 years later visual basic came out02:16
Graiglooks like new ati drivers got posted today.02:16
gdbRo1: cat /proc/cpuinfo02:16
Graiganyone try them yet?02:16
nickrudroostishaw, I run slow machines, that's why I know it :)02:16
avisi just upgraded from a sound blaster live value to a audigy 2 value on my dapper box.  i am noticing that sound is not as loud as it was with the sb live value.  i dont know what its involved in upgraded an alsa card to a different alsa card.02:16
mikere__mikem: first linux kernel was in 9102:17
roostishawnickrud, thats why i asked  :D02:17
Ro1somthing is wrong...02:17
__mikemI thought it was 9202:17
__mikembut I am probably wrong02:17
Ro1it shows i'm running at 795mhz....but i'm suppoed to be running at 2.402:17
ompaulMixx`, all okay?02:17
dliRo1, gnome has a cpu speed applet also, right click on the panel and " Add to Panel"02:17
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gdbRo1: power saving?02:17
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Ro1not sure02:17
nickrudeh, 14, 15 years ago, who counts?02:17
__mikemROL, my 3ghz beats your 2.402:17
Ro1mines amd!02:18
Ro1which rocks02:18
Ro1but yeah02:18
__mikemSo is mine02:18
Ro1in a laptop!02:18
dliRo1,  2.4 GHz what cpu?02:18
twobitspr1teI don't see any packages in apt which indicate that they provide SHA algorithm support for java... anyone know where I can find this?02:18
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Ro1athlon 64 3700+ in my laptop02:18
__mikemSo, my computer was designed to be a server, you can imagine how nicely it performs as a workstation02:18
Ro1in windoze it runs at normal02:18
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dliRo1, laptop scales down the speed clock at light cpu load02:18
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PaladineRo1, I have the same here, San Diego core02:18
__mikemdli, thanks, I didn't know that02:18
Graiganyone try the new ati driver?  it's on ati's site.02:19
Paladinebut it is my desktop02:19
Graiggot posted today.02:19
Paladinemy laptop is a 2.8 P$ HT02:19
orreuquestION: WLAN0, installed with ndiswrapper, but link quality is 0. i get 'very good' in windows. whats going on??02:19
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dliRo1, is it faster than turion x2 ?02:19
nickrudRo1, I can get you a tax writeoff if you donate it to a co worker (our regs won't let me use it, I solicited it)02:19
Ro1not sure dli02:19
__mikemPaladine 2.8 ghz isn't that bad, thats .2 ghz less than mine02:19
Ro1i'm 14 years old,lol02:19
salahdoes somebody know how I can find out which USB port my printer is connected to?02:19
nickrudRo1, nm, then :)02:19
Ro1hehe nick02:19
__mikemRol, I would never have guessed02:19
Mixx`ompaul yup - no updates for the router tho02:19
Ackeubu_how can i start the loggin screen frim the terminal?02:20
Ro1ha...yeah...not much kids using linux02:20
dliRo1, wanted to get a turion x2, but merom from intel sounds better02:20
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Paladinemike, yeah my laptop is nice, but it drinks juice like there is a power drout coming02:20
nickrudRo1, unless your parents are damned understanding02:20
ompaulMixx`, :-(02:20
Paladinebattery lasts like 90 minutes02:20
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__mikemRol, Hats off to you, linux is not easy for a 14 year old, I didn't even know how to program when I was that age02:20
Ro1my parents thought throwing out a monitor would give people our information.....they know nothing about computers02:20
Ro1thanks mikem02:20
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Paladine17" widescreen + P4 architecture (as opposed to mobile technology) = dead battery02:20
__mikemRol, sounds like you would like this site02:21
Ro1i used to use suse 64bit...but i likke ubuntu much better02:21
ardchoilleWhoa! glxinfo | grep render says direct rendering: yes , but I never installed the 3d drivers02:21
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nickrudRo1, whoa, the most interesting ubuntu user I met in the last year was under 18, don't understimate yourself02:21
__mikemnickrud I am 1702:21
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Ackeubu_how do i choose what Xwindow handler i want for the startx command:02:21
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dliAckeubu_, you mean : startx -- :102:21
__mikemI used to know, I think you put a .xinit file in your home folder and put the command for the window you want to use in it. and save it02:22
Ro1mikem=thanks for that link, lol02:22
=== Kensey [n=kensey@065.100-113-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemRol, no problem, YOu should come here more often, it can be a lot of fun.02:22
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Ackeubu_dli ooh no i meant startx with gnome or startx with kde. )02:22
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Ro1i see..by the way...the first time i ever used ubuntu was yesterday...i installed last night...was up all night trying to getbroadcom workign02:23
Paladineyou stalking me dude?02:23
__mikemAckeubu_ usually gdm and kdm have a sessions menu that allow you to choose them02:23
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KenseyI can't get new usplash art to load.  The shipped alternatives work fine, but art I create and load myself just yields a black screen02:23
dg10050Hey, if I'm going to install Ubuntu, what size partition should I probably start with?02:23
dliAckeubu_, no, use gdm/kdm with gnome-sessions/kde-Autostart02:23
Ro1i see..by the way...the first time i ever used ubuntu was yesterday...i installed last night...was up all night trying to getbroadcom workign02:23
dg10050I'm tri-booting. XP, Vista, Ubuntu02:23
Ackeubu_dli i kindof remember setting those values somewhere i just dont remember where.02:23
Kenseyis there some way to validate that usplash art was created correctly?02:23
KenseyPaladine, just gettin some help :)02:23
Ackeubu_dli huum how do i get to the session menu from the terminal:02:23
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Ackeubu_dli ?02:23
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Paladinekensey I never knew you were an ubu user02:23
dliAckeubu_, login to gnome, system -> Preferences -> sessions02:24
Paladinefix my sound for me :p02:24
__mikemRol, you should definitely stick with ubuntu, it has been number 1 on distrowatch's top 10 for several years now02:24
__mikemand its rock solid02:24
dliAckeubu_, it's a gui program, you can launch it from a terminal: gnome-session-properties02:24
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salahdoes somebody know how I can find out which USB port my printer is connected to?02:24
Ro1mikem, thats hilaiours-Customer:  "I don't use DOS.  What would happen if I deleted that directory?"02:24
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Paladinekensey, but seriously fix my surround sound :p02:25
__mikemRol if that customer was using win3.1 the answer is "nothing good"02:25
dliAckeubu_, if you have no gui right now, you can make a file ~/.gnome2/session02:25
nickrudrflmao, ompaul has cut to the quick02:25
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__mikemfunny thing, I suspect you know more about computers than I do02:25
Jerrsalah: follow the cable from the printer to the pc and youll find it02:25
__mikemDo you know any programming languages02:25
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HealotI know how to program the TV :-)02:26
Paladineheya kalo, welcome back02:26
salahJerr, ... I meant like in /dev/usb/lp0 or something?02:26
__mikemRol yes I meant you02:26
Ro1not really...bascically learning a bit of everything....i know BASIC, some python, some c, and html (that aint really language)02:26
dg10050What would a good size partition be for Ubuntu?02:26
dlidg10050, the larger the better02:26
orreu10GB is good02:26
__mikemRol, knowing C at 14 on ANY level is quite impressive02:27
dg10050Could I survive on 15 gb for a while?02:27
Ro1yeah...pretty intese language02:27
__mikemRol, if you keep at it, it will become second nature to you02:27
d_hollinneed help woth repos need a list of them02:27
dlidg10050, more than enough for the system itself02:27
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Ro1i can concentrate more that its summer...all i'm doing this summer is usual..copmuter stuff...suring n' bodyboarding...chillin02:27
dg10050heh, Im 13 and I know some c++. Beat that.02:27
__mikemRol also, if you feel really adventerous, give assembly language a try. IT really isn't that bad02:27
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snoopswould you want to know c so well it's second nature? Gosh.02:27
Ro1thats nice dg1005002:27
dg10050I'm just kidding02:28
Ro1ah ok02:28
dlidg10050, I'm 31, too old to learn c++02:28
DShepherdkdefreak: huh?? you didnt!02:28
dg10050I barely know any02:28
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eyegoredoes anyone have a clue adding a terminal laucher to the right click menu for the desktop?02:28
__mikemRol, if you are comfortable with pointer arythmatic, you can do assembly language.02:28
d_hollinneed help!!! need list of repos02:28
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Ro1"what verison of windows do you have?" "double glazed!!!!"02:28
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:28
=== Firebird8 [n=Firebird@pool-141-156-218-124.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemlol I love that one02:29
DShepherdkdefreak: the aliens have overtaken your body....02:29
Healotd_hollin: follow the link02:29
d_hollintell me about repos02:29
DShepherdkdefreak: walk away from the 'light'02:29
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dg10050C++ confuses me to no end... ?_?02:29
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Ro1same here02:29
nalioth!repos > d_hollin02:29
ani_maxeyegore: are you talking about ubuntu. right-click and 'Add to Panel'02:29
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__mikemdg10050 just remember you don't HAVE TO use the stl, and it all makes sence02:29
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acid-tripwhere do i find info on lamp again?02:30
Ro1i gave up on languages lately....just trying to get a better basis of linux02:30
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nickrudgotta part, just so my part message is seen :002:30
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__mikemRol, you look at python and shell scripts then02:30
benplaut_liveis there any way to start up the old text installer from the regular install cd? this partitioner is so limited i can't do anything...02:30
Ro1  I was calling to sign up with a new DSL provider.  When the guy asked what operating system I was using, I said, "Linux."  I was put on hold for five minutes, and then a supervisor came back and told me, "You can't use Linux to connect to the Internet.  It's a hacker tool, anyway."  I almost fell out of my chair.02:30
=== nickrud [n=jeff@adsl-69-153-14-1.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothnickrud: nice02:30
__mikemRol, I love that one also, but you should avoid pasting large blocks of text in here02:30
Healotthey actually told you that Ro1?02:30
Ackeubu_dli thanks do you know how to have ubuntu bootup in the terminal instead of to the logginscreen?02:30
nickrudnalioth, eh, it's a quote02:30
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sorush20http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16583, could anyone tell me what is wron with thi sconfig log02:30
Ro1mikem, thats the best site02:31
=== spoop [n=p@69-173-107-132.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyegoreWhen I right click on the desktop, I what the option to open a terminal02:31
Ro1no, its a site02:31
acid-tripRo1, so did you end up getting dsl from them?02:31
eyegoreit is not on the right click menu02:31
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dliRo1, file a complaint02:31
dg10050I'm finally doing a native Ubuntu install. Been using VMWare for a while.02:31
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__mikemI would report them02:31
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sirmixadigine one use 3ddesktop?02:31
ani_maxeyegore: right-click on the top bar. there 'Add to Panel' will come02:32
__mikem3ddesktop = waste of time02:32
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Healotdg10050: congratulated yourself yet?02:32
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ardchoille__mikem: lol02:32
dlisirmixadigi, you mean xgl? /j #ubuntu-xgl02:32
sirmixadigiwhats that? just curious02:32
dg10050Should I use Partition Magic or Gparted to resize a NTFS partition?02:32
sirmixadigiwhys that i mean02:32
nickrudnalioth, I  have freaking high hopes, but ompaul brings me back to earht02:32
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Healotwhy 3ddesktop is still around?02:32
skavengemy isp refuses to tech support linux or routers of any kind heh02:32
dlidg10050, parted can do it02:32
dg10050Will it mess anything up?02:32
pibe86how can enter to irssi in mode text???02:32
nickrudHealot, cuz as long as someone will maintain a deb, it will be around.02:32
DShepherdHealot: cause someone still cares about it..02:32
ardchoillesirmixadigi: 3ddesktop is just a resource wasting toy, IMHO02:33
__mikemskavenge because most modems are winmodems which will not work with linux on their own02:33
snoopswell fair enough skavenge.. it costs more to get linux gurus on tech support.. because you've gotta be slightly insane to be in tech support in the first place02:33
sirmixadigiare there ne other programs you recommend for desktop management?02:33
dliskavenge, no need, just get the username/passwd, most routers can do pppoe by itself02:33
pppoe_dudeis there a command-line config tool instead of 'vino-preferences'?02:33
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dg10050So, gparted works fine with NTFS?02:33
ardchoillesirmixadigi: yes, the workspace switcher in gnome02:33
__mikemdg10050 NOTHING works well with ntfs, not even windows but thats also not saying much02:33
skavengeoh i know i could care less but i find it amusing, i just told them to hook the cable up and dont touch the machines ;)02:33
dlidg10050, yes, gparted is still parted02:33
pibe86how can enter to irssi in mode text???02:33
kdefreakpibe86: in a terminal type irssi02:34
ardchoillepibe86: type irssi02:34
=== Das [n=jordan@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sirmixadigiok...cool...thanx....yea...i just installed it today...actually i havent even looked to see what of my recourses its using.02:34
dli__mikem, parted can resize ntfs, not sure about moving02:34
sirmixadigididnt event think about it02:34
ani_maxhi. anyone know how to stop ubuntu from checking fat32 drives while booting. i got about 7 partitions and it takes a hell of a time02:34
dg10050I've just heard bad things about Linux and NTFS...02:34
__mikemdg10050 linux reading/writing ntfs is unstable02:35
dlidg10050, better, delete all ntfs partitions, because ntfs format is not open02:35
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__mikemdli, he should make a backup first though02:35
snoopsxp, 2000, 2003 work absolutely fine on ntfs __mikem.. blind hatrid never got anyone anywhere02:35
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skavengereading ntfs is fine, writing is supposedly sketchy though i used it in breezy and never had it break02:35
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MTecknologyI'm having trouble installing vmware server - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1658402:35
Ro1mikem, i'm gonna be reading that site al night...its great02:35
dg10050Whatever, I'll just use Partition Magic. I've had it work fine before.02:36
__mikemsnoops, I have plenty of reasons to hate windows. Namely that IT BSOD'S FOR NO REASON AND YET NOONE IN MICROSOFT WILL DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT02:36
__mikemRol thanks02:36
snoops*rolls eyes*02:36
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@ACD7A7E1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
pppoe_dudehow cani configure vino from the command line?02:36
dg10050Bye, gonna go install Ubuntu now.02:37
ardchoilledg10050: :)02:37
__mikemHappy installing02:37
skavengei have about 3 windows cds here with no cases - which is where they keys are - so they are completely useless. now thats lame.02:37
nickruddg10050, welcome to a nice place, oveall02:37
dg10050Hope my ATI card works fine02:37
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__mikemskavenge, just get hacked keys for them, if you bought them lagitimately, you can always bring that up in court02:37
nickrudati, my god, what as mess02:38
__mikemthe only thing ati is good for is target practice02:38
DShepherdgnomefreak: welcome back to the the dark side :-)02:38
skavenge__mikem ; finding a keygen can be just as bad of a headache ..02:38
ardchoilleDShepherd: lol02:38
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dliAckeubu_, bootup without gdm login? " update-rc.d -f gdm remove "02:38
skavengeanyway dont need to worry about that now ;)02:38
Healot__mikem: BSOD is a long time ago... I haven't received blue screen since Windows 200002:39
snoops__mikem the license is for the keys, not the discs the software comes on02:39
__mikemI recieved one in winxp on several occasions02:39
__mikemsnoops if you have the disks, then you had the keys at one point02:39
ardchoille__mikem: people are gonna believe what theyw ant, don't waste your time. Just be glad you're using a real OS :)02:40
snoopscould have bought them off of someone who just made copies and didn't provide with you with the keys02:40
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__mikemardchoille :)02:40
skavengemy last xp install was running for two weeks, no installs no internet, i reboot and it cant find hal.dll anymore heh, go figure .. never got it restored either ;p02:40
=== jasonm [n=jasonm@HSE-Montreal-ppp143737.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
HealotWindows is a real OS... imho, just because bunch of noobs crashing here and there, doesn't mean it bad02:40
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__mikemsnoops why are you testifying against yourself02:40
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__mikembrb, its hot in here02:41
nickrudHealot, true statement. But, not relevant here :)02:41
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K-RichWell I updated to Dapper and now a bunch of stuff is missing including oo.org02:41
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Healotyou Gnu/Linux freaks, hohoho :-)02:41
ardchoille /ignore Healot02:41
snoops__mikem I'm not.. the original owner has the keys.. he sold the original cd's without the keys, but kept backups of the original cds for himself.. just an example02:42
dliK-Rich, install them again :)02:42
Healotnah, I make money with both OS...02:42
nickrudK-Rich, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. That is supposed to bring you up to dte02:42
K-Richdli: why would it have removed them to begin with ?02:42
__mikemsnoops where is the logic in that? brb need some food02:42
K-Richnickrud: will try that now02:42
twobitspr1teman... I think I'm just going to switch back to debian :(02:42
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dliK-Rich, complain to ubuntu-developpers, but you still have to reinstall them anyway02:42
ardchoilletwobitspr1te: what's wrong?02:43
nickrudK-Rich, assuming all else is correct02:43
K-Richdli: yeah... maybe i should complain heh...02:43
=== gnomefreak is now known as kdefreak
twobitspr1teardchoille, it seems like most of the packages that I use are either out of date, broken or simply don't exist...02:43
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snoopsit doesn't matter if the person has the cds or not.. it's all in the licenses, and that's from the cd keys..just read the eula heh02:43
nickrudgnomefreak, choose a nick :)02:43
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K-Richnickrud: dunno, i had to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop before i did the upgrade02:43
ardchoilletwobitspr1te: problems with your sources.list02:43
kdefreaknickrud:  sorry it was a inside joke with someone02:44
nickrudK-Rich, that is exactly what you should have done;02:44
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acid-tripis there a way to go from badger to the new one through apt?02:44
K-Richnickrud: so now install it again ?02:44
jolmashhallo, please help on VNC configuration02:44
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nickrudkdefreak, you are a jokser, we know that02:44
twobitspr1teardchoille, what should I have in there? Shouldn't the standard repos be sufficient?02:44
Jerrhmm, anyone know of how I can get images from spca5xx to show up normally like on /dev/video0 so that any webcam app can read it?02:44
KenseySo does anybody here know anything about usplash not liking custom art?02:45
twobitspr1teardchoille, i.e. for some reason I can't get java to work right...02:45
jolmashI don't know what server I need to install, vnc4server, tightVNC?02:45
seamoonAnyone knows what the ssh errormessage "no default project" means?02:45
acid-tripi figured it out02:45
dliacid-trip, change your sources.list to dapper, and " apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade "02:45
ardchoilletwobitspr1te: yes, I have the standard official repos and haven't had a problem02:45
eyegorewhen I right click on the desktop, the menu that pops up is missing the terminal launcher, is there a way to add that? I am not talking about adding it to the task bar, I already did that.02:45
nickrudK-Rich, hm, if your update/upgrade didn't go well ...02:45
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__mikemok back02:45
ardchoilletwobitspr1te: post your sources.list on pastebin.com and lemme look at it02:45
acid-tripdli, i opened update manager and it asked me if i wanted to02:45
ardchoilleeyegore: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal02:46
=== scabootssca [i=scaboots@64-251-142-144-dialup-mo.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jerrjolmash: its installed already. From gnome go to system -> prefrences -> remote desktop02:46
ubotuvnc is a (slow) way of doing remote desktop, x11vnc uses your current session. A faster remote desktop is !freenx02:46
K-Richnickrud: i will try adding it again as soon as k3b finishes reinstlling.... decided to grab it incase i need to backup /home and /etc02:46
jolmashubotu: but, I have xfrce02:46
nickrudeyegore, install nautilus-terminal-here02:46
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX02:46
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:47
nickrudeyegore, erm, see just above, I crapped out02:47
DShepherdsudo aptitude search nautilus02:47
__mikemssh = how to get hacked02:47
bimberiDShepherd: no sudo needed for searches :)02:48
dli__mikem, you can disable passwd login for ssh :)02:48
seamoonI can't ssh to a server because when i log in I get the message "no default project" and is then prompted for password again. Anyone know why?02:48
nickrudDShepherd, yeah, that gets the right package, I saw that after I wrote.02:48
jolmashubotu: xfce. I don't have monitor in the pc I want to install vnc, is there a way to get remote desktop active, via console?02:48
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K-Richnickrud: doing the 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' seems to be working.... thanks for the tip02:48
DShepherdbimberi: its a habit :-)02:49
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nickrudK-Rich, np, I depend on reliable peoples work02:49
bimberiDShepherd: i know, i'm trying to cut down myself :P02:49
ardchoillewhy search? I gave him the correct package name02:49
seamoonI can't ssh to a server because when i log in I get the message "no default project" and is then prompted for password again. Anyone know why?02:49
Paladinethose rivatv folks are nice02:50
nickrudardchoille, cutting the difference there; you gave exact, DShepherd showed how to find02:50
dockoon the download page, there is written You will need at least 192MB of RAM to install from this CD. is it necessary to have 192mb ram also to use that CD as live CD?02:50
ardchoillenickrud: ah, cool02:50
DShepherdnickrud: I did?02:50
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ardchoilleseamoon: we heard you a minute and a half ago :)02:50
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto02:50
nickrudDShepherd, sure, aptitude search02:50
jolmashI have Ubuntu server, which doesn't come with any desktop, I've installed xfce02:50
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farouswhat is the command line tool to change the default keyboard. (used to swith between installed languages)?02:51
Angel_Dexi need a pro's help with repos!02:51
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Jerrjolmash: do you have physical access to the machine?02:51
bimberijolmash: the server cd includes server related packages, such as a LAMP setup, at the expense of a GUI02:52
__mikemubotu tell Angel_Dex about easysource02:52
twobitspr1teis package "sun-java5-bin" the official java?02:52
dlidocko, I suppose it would be too slow to run on low memory :)02:52
nickrudAngel_Dex, i'm a pro user; do yo u need a pro designer?02:52
DShepherdnickrud: ahh... hmmm can you believe that that was an honest mistake.. I was searching for nautilus....typed it in the wrong terminal :-)02:52
bimberijolmash: nm me, i've realised you weren't asking a question there :/02:52
Angel_Dex__mikem grr rawr I need help on mixing them i wish to put new Gxine on breezy for dapper hates me02:52
jolmashJerr: yes, I have physical access to it, but It haven't any monitor installed02:52
__mikemI am not a pro linux user yet, I still consider myself just an aprentice level02:52
nickrudDShepherd, yes, but your timing was exquiste02:52
DShepherdnickrud: :-) so i see02:52
farouswhat is the command line tool to change the default keyboard. (used to swith between installed languages)?02:53
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@ip60.217.23.209.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
dockodli, i just need to test hardware, then i'll use ubuntu server, just need it to boot from live cd on 128MB RAM02:53
Angel_Dexim running breezy with gxines 4.4 i want 5.1 and the problem is if i update the libs it needs will anything go out of wack>>?02:53
Ro1i'm a total noob, was running suse 64bit for 5 months, then switched to MUCH better ubuntu yesterday02:53
jolmashbimberi: I have installed the ubuntu server as I need, I have installed several vnc packages, but I don't know how to configure it02:53
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dlidocko, you don't need to test X-windows, I suppose/02:53
HealotRo1: I guess SuSE is Kool02:53
twobitspr1tecan someone please tell me how to install the official java JRE?02:53
nickrudAngel_Dex, you're probably better off upgrading to dapper if that's reasonable for you02:53
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:53
Jerryou could always try moving a monitor over there, messing with the settings (install gnome, go to remote desktop, turn it on and remove asking for confirmation), then taking monitor back to its place02:53
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farousok an easier quest is there a command line tool to check for running daemons?02:53
bimberijolmash: which vnc packages?  most of them are started with a 'vncserver' command02:54
jolmashbimberi: ok, my question is: How can I configure a VNC server in Ubuntu?02:54
Angel_Dexnickrud no way dapper hates my guts02:54
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jolmashbimberi: vnc4server, tightvnc02:54
nickrudAngel_Dex, ah, bug issues I take it?02:54
Angel_Dexnickrud many upon many including it stoped booting all together after a week02:54
Jerrjolmash: thats what I did, but using livecd install instead02:54
nickrudAngel_Dex, so unless your bugs are ones I know of, I'll just shut up02:54
DShepherdjolmash: System - prefs- remote desktop?02:54
bimberijolmash: generally the method is to connect in text mode (eg. via ssh) and start a vncserver with that command.  Then connect via a vnc client02:54
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JerrDShepherd: he doesn't have gnome02:55
swajjolmash, click the "System" menu up top on Gnome and then navigate to "Preferences > Remote Desktop"02:55
JerrDShepherd: or a monitor02:55
DShepherdJerr: ooooh..02:55
Angel_Dexnickrud To many bugs plus i jsut dont like dapper all i really want is the new gxine cuz its alot more stable then 4.402:55
varsendaggarak for some reason i can't get breezy working i just installd it and it gets  to about where the gdm should start up and it freezez02:55
jolmashswaj: thanks, but I don't have Gnome02:55
jolmashswaj: I have xfce02:55
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DShepherdjolmash: sudo aptitude purge 'what DShepherd just said'02:56
nickrudAngel_Dex, I've been happy with dapper, but I have generic hardware.02:56
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dockodli, so what is the quickest way to test a computer for hardware compatibility with ubuntu?02:56
swajjolmash, ah, xubuntu?02:56
Angel_Dexnickrud Hum well is there anything else that depends on the libs gxine does?02:56
bimberijolmash: hm, those packages might use a different command - perhaps try vnc4server or tightvncserver02:56
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ZambeziOnly 662 online. I used to be about 800-900 online!02:57
TailsfanWill DD have Data CD Burning Support02:57
swajdocko, download the ubuntu installation CD, burn it, and boot from it.  It's a livecd that will let you see exactly how ubuntu will run on your hardware02:57
nickrudAngel_Dex, totem-xine off the top of my head; I no longer have a breezy chroot I can work from and check taht02:57
jolmashswaj: actually, Ubuntu sever with xfce02:57
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dlidocko, hardware is mostly a kernel thing, so, you can test with any linux livecd, try gentoo livecd, which is like 40MB in size, without X, so 128MB is more than enough02:57
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varsendaggarZambezi, lotsa people are upgrading right now02:57
Angel_Dexnickrud I do not have totem Gxine and if i could id uinstall totem all together02:57
dockodli, cool, thank you02:57
Zambezivarsendaggar, Upgrading too?02:58
zorplexWould using a gtk them stop metacity keybindings from working?02:58
__mikemwell, I am out of here bye02:58
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=== Flawless [n=chrivers@port741.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
zorplexB/c I'm trying to bind gedit and the system monitor and its a no go02:58
Flawlessdoes ubuntu even support iso-8859-1 locales?02:58
Jerrso how can I get spca5xx video to go out as something camorama or something can read02:58
Jerrspcagui works02:59
_nano_Hi, I'm thinking of upgrading my 386 kernel to a 686 one. Could anyone advise me of any possible risks?02:59
nickrudAngel_Dex, erh. gxine is not totem-xine. And to be truthful, I am not happy with what video I have. So, maybe in a few days I'll have an opinion02:59
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dliFlawless, of course02:59
Flawlessdli: how?02:59
Zambezivarsendaggar, Upgrading to Edgy?02:59
skavengeis there brightness/contrast settings built into gnome? or a package i can install?02:59
varsendaggarnaw just dapper  Zambezi02:59
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Flawlessdli: I've changed /etc/environment, after editing /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local to generate en_DK.iso8859-102:59
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Jerrcould I possible have like cron take a screenshot of that area on that workspace every minute or so?02:59
Flawlessdli: then I've run dpkg-reconfigure locales, which generates this new locale03:00
nickrudskavenge, xgamma does it all for you03:00
dliFlawless, better, choose your language in gdm before logging in, you may need packages for your language first03:00
Flawlessdli: but I don't get accented characters at all!03:00
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TailsfanWill Dapper Drake have Data CD Burning Support without dling a package03:00
Angel_Dexnickrud i know of this im saying i hate totem and totem-xine i prefer Gxine and xine and i wish to update to the dapper versions but i heard repo play is not liked so im wondering if the lib depends are gonna screw anything else up if i bootleg upgradethem03:00
Flawlessdli: I use KDE03:00
Zambezivarsendaggar, But they are late. Dapperrelease was a month ago. ;-)03:00
dliFlawless, kdm then03:00
nemikso i'm going for a second try here. I simply cannot get my sound to work. i have a via 8235 built-in card on my dapper desktop.03:00
Flawlessdli: But I'd like to use English03:00
nemikit worked fine in breezy though.03:00
skavengenickrud; is there a gui for setting that stuff at all?03:00
ardchoilleTailsfan: iirc, nautilus does data cd burning in dapper out-of-the-box03:00
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Flawlessdli: Is there an option for iso8859-1 en_US or en_DK?03:01
nickrudAngel_Dex, I like dapper. It has some real improvements over breezy. But, video? it's always a crapshoot. I'm looking into the best for me03:01
ardchoilleAngel_Dex: I have always had good experiences with Xine and MPlayer both03:01
dliFlawless, in kconsole, you may select your fonts03:01
Flawlessdli: yeah, that doesn't help me03:01
nickrudskavenge, I got gammapage off the net, which helped me identify the proper settings for the gamma in xorg.conf03:01
Angel_Dexnickrud Not what im saying TT_TT would updating gxine from dapper repos screw my breezy over03:01
Flawlessdli: well, it helps me in konsole of course03:01
StyXmanhi all. I'm trying to fiddle with the initrd imge. as far as I know, it's a compressed filesystem image, so if I decompress it I should be able to mount it with the loop option, right?03:02
Flawlessdli: but the rest of kde still doesn't work then03:02
ZambeziDoes anyone know what -v (verbose) means?03:02
nickrudAngel_Dex, almost certainly03:02
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Angel_Dexnickrud *whines* but how?03:02
Flawlessdli: I mean, the file selectors in all KDE (and Gnome) programs will expect UTF8, while my filesystem names are all iso8859-103:02
dliFlawless, you want it more global, you have to select your language in kdm03:02
ardchoilleZambezi: it prints out in the term what the command is doing while it does it03:02
nickrudAngel_Dex, I haven't done it, but I promise, using dapper sources under breezy will screw you in the long run03:02
=== Das [n=jordan@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flawlessdli: I'll try logging in again. Didn't see an option for that though03:02
Angel_Dexnickrud i think ill try it in a live CD session tho would that tel lme much?03:03
twobitspr1tecan someone please help me get java working?03:03
skavengei have one brightness setting on ac power with my laptop, and quite a bit darker when i unplug sucking battery or not i'd like to make it so its always the brightness that it has on ac power ...03:03
Geoffrey2has anyone here used clamav?03:03
Zambeziardchoille, Thanks. I'll do that. I can't get an application to work, so this might be helpful.03:03
=== pavan [n=pavan@c-68-35-119-103.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
twobitspr1tefor some reason java programs can't find the SHA algorithm (which is supposed to be standard java)...03:03
nickrudAngel_Dex, yes, it'll tell you a truthful thing: this is the best support that the ubuntu devs have to offer03:04
twobitspr1teI have installed "sun-java5-bin" but "java -version" shows something other than suns java...03:04
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wasabitwobitspr1te: update-alternatives03:04
Angel_Dexnickrud oks03:04
ardchoilleZambezi: if yu can't get an app to work, always a good idea to try running it from a terminal and see if there is any error output03:04
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Angel_Dexnickrud what kinda bugs or tests should i look out or do while in the live session?03:04
twobitspr1tewasabi: please-explain ?03:04
wasabitwobitspr1te: run that command03:04
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jasonmanyone in here familiar with running XGL?03:05
twobitspr1tewasabi, it gives me usage information...? what is it supposed to do?03:05
wasabitwobitspr1te: Switch between different implementations of a command.03:05
wasabiRead the man page.03:05
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nickrudAngel_Dex, none that I know of, since I am just a side line kind of guy; but the best advice I have is that if you decide to install, use the alternate cd, not the desktop one.03:05
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w33v3rGuys, Rob Levin is lying to us: http://ecpa.cpa.state.tx.us/coa/servlet/cpa.app.coa.CoaGetTp?Pg=tpid&Search_Nm=Peer-Directed%20Projects%20Center%20&Button=search&Search_ID=3200451442103:06
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Flawlessdli: Ok, so I selected "english" (without the "(UTF-8)" postfix). That option is only there because I edited those files, btw.03:06
Flawlessdli: and now no local chars work03:06
Flawlessdli: all accents are broken03:06
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Jeruvycan you repackage the alternative iso after making changes to it?03:06
twobitspr1tewasabi, sorry for being an idiot, but can you tell me how to use it to get suns java to work?03:06
Zambeziardchoille, That's what I'm trying, but I can't make it work. I don't understand Linux yet.03:06
nickrudw33v3r, what kind of lie is that: I have the exact link for my work03:06
dliFlawless, then, use UTF-8 system wide :)03:07
Flawlessdli: funny :(03:07
ardchoilleZambezi: then you're in the perfect channel to learn about it :)03:07
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vanbergeumm, i just synced my ipod with banshee, and now it wont turn on?03:07
skavengewhoo fixed my brightness issue03:07
Geoffrey2twobitspr1te, in terminal, type the following ..... sudo update-alternatives --config java03:07
wasabitwobitspr1te: No, but somebody else might. I'm not going to help anyone install Sun's Java on principal. ;)03:07
wasabiThere ya go.03:07
nickrudw33v3r, ?03:07
Flawlessdli: I like ubuntu quite a lot, but failing to support even the simplest deviation from utf8 is reason enough for me to go back to debian. I'm on a network with several machines, some of which are already ubuntu03:08
w33v3rnickrud: He doesn't live in a trailer, he's living off Freenode donations and welfare.03:08
namikatahi, anyone knows if thers is any way of telling alsa wich /dev/dsp to use? (like dsp or dsp1)03:08
Flawlessdli: I really wish I could make this locale work :-/03:08
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dliFlawless, no point to switch from debian to ubuntu :(03:08
tichhow do i alter the icon placement on the desktop? whenever it places an icon it drops it underneath the top panel.03:08
Flawlessdli: what do you mean?03:08
nickrudw33v3r, yes  and your point is? Has he mis represented anything?03:08
dliFlawless, debian is better, unless you are a total n00b03:09
Zambeziardchoille, I use pastebin. Is there a faster than http://pastebin.com ?03:09
Flawlessdli: not really, no. I've been using debian for years03:09
w33v3rnickrud: The money doesn't go to Freenode.03:09
Flawlessdli: And I really like the fact that ubuntu has more "polish"03:09
dliZambezi, pastebin.ca03:09
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nickrudw33v3r, he is free node.03:09
wasabiFlawless: What do you mean about the locales?03:09
Flawlessdli: there aren't so many small things that are "off"03:09
namikatahi, anyone knows if thers is any way of telling alsa wich /dev/dsp to use? (like dsp or dsp1)03:09
dliFlawless, I can install my debian in chinese03:09
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Zambezidli, Thanks.03:09
wasabiFile systems are in UTF-8 by default... but it's not like the OS lacks non UTF-8 support.03:09
Flawlesswasabi: I can't use iso-8859-1 locales at all! Only UTF-8 locales work03:09
fugenhelI'm a total noob, but wouldn't ubuntu be better for a purely desktop environment?03:09
pavan@tich: look in nautilus properties03:09
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wasabiUse where?03:09
Flawlessdli: sure, and I can install debian in en_DK03:09
Flawlessdli: which I can't with ubuntu :(03:10
Flawlesswasabi: Everywhere!03:10
Flawlesswasabi: All X programs have problems with accented chars03:10
nickrudw33v3r, if you ever try to run a non profit, then you may understand the freaking troubling issues03:10
wasabiFlawless: Eh? I don't follow at all. Define everywhere.03:10
fugenheljeg kan ikke tale dansk03:10
wasabiFlawless: You mean GTK?03:10
twobitspr1teGeoffrey2, ahh... thanks, that did it03:10
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wasabiGtk has been UTF-8 since Gtk2. On Debian too.03:10
Flawlesswasabi: ALL X PROGRAMS :). All of GTK, KDE, and plain xlib progs03:10
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Flawlesswasabi: the real ttys actually work03:10
dliFlawless, reinstall debian, 20 minutes, if you are experienced03:10
Flawlessdli: I know03:10
Flawlessdli: I just really want to give this thing a chance03:11
ardchoilleZambezi: yes:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:11
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ubuntumani cant get my USB-headset to work..anyone able to help?03:11
wasabiFlawless: X programs need to know what local each file you are attempting to read is in.03:11
wasabiYOu're going to have to be a little more explicite. ;)03:11
salahtips to how to write my own printer driver?03:11
Flawlesswasabi: of course. And I set my locale to en_DK.iso-8859-1 (which I of course made sure is generated)03:11
w33v3rnickrud: Freenode will be gone in a year because of this.03:11
Flawlesswasabi: now if I do that, my dead keys work as if I was using "nodeadkeys"03:11
Flawlesswasabi: that is, they suddenly can't be used to accent the next char03:11
NickGarveydoes the "free" in freenode stand for freedom?03:12
wasabiFlawless: I'd file a bug. Have you?03:12
NickGarveyas in software?03:12
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wasabiFlawless: All that code is basically sahred with Debian.03:12
ardchoillew33v3r: yeah and people will never need more than 640k of memory03:12
Flawlesswasabi: In straight debian it Just Works03:12
Flawlesswasabi: And I know because I've just come from that :)03:12
Flawlesswasabi: Which is why I find it amazing that such a simple thing is 100% broken :)03:12
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tichpavan, there isn't any option for icon placement. do you know of anywhere else?03:13
w33v3rardchoille: You don't understand, Rob is ruined. People know everything about him now. All his personal information, credit card numbers, etc, have been revealed.03:13
Flawlesswasabi: should I file a bug with kubuntu or just ubuntu?03:13
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nickrudw33v3r, no, it won't. I've worked for non profits since the late 80's; I've seen rob's blogs about where the money will go; it's not wrong, it's legal, and it's ethical. Get a lifew03:13
pavan@tich Do you mean the text below the icon?03:13
wasabiFlawless: Just ubuntu.03:14
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w33v3rIt won't be revealed? It's already public.03:14
Flawlesswasabi: ok03:14
nickrudw33v3r, if it wasn't public, I would not have been able to evaluate. Get a life03:14
tichpavan, no. when i download a file it places it on my desktop automatically but it always drops it under my top panel.03:15
wasabiFlawless: And I hate to say it, because you've probably all ready heard it. Why can't you use UTF-8?03:15
wasabiIt's designed to solve these problems.03:15
Flawlesswasabi: Fair enough, I suppose I have to answer that03:15
ubuntumani cant get my USB-headset to work..anyone able to help?03:15
wasabiI can understanding requiring certain files to be !UTF803:15
wasabifor exchange03:15
Flawlesswasabi: 1) Several of my programs can't work with it, zsh being the worst case03:15
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Angel_DexMy friend cant boot ither 5.10 nor 6.06 of ubuntu03:16
wasabiAt this time the developent versions of zsh support utf-8 (your can simply install zsh from cvs. With this feature you can use zsh with any language.03:16
Flawlesswasabi: 2) I have about 1TB of files I need to rename, all at once (this is not hard) BUT: I need to convert every other machine on the network to UTF-8 instantly as well!03:16
Angel_Dexwhy is this? he says he gets a cannot find file error of some sort03:16
wasabiFlawless: files don't HAVE to be in UTF803:16
AJR11guys can anyone tell me if its possible to burn the ubuntu live cd image to a dvd?03:16
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Zambeziardchoille, Here it is: http://pastebin.ca/7264603:16
Flawlesswasabi: 3) Several of my programs can't... etc03:16
wasabiEither do file systems.03:16
crimsun!info zsh-beta03:16
ubotuzsh-beta: A shell with lots of features (dev tree). In repository universe, is optional. Version 4.3.0-dev-2+20060113-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2063 kB, installed size 6344 kB03:16
Flawlesswasabi: yup, know about that one03:17
Flawlesshas anyone seen a deb of the zsh beta?03:17
wasabiYou should be able to specify the encoding for a NFS mount, for instance.03:17
Jeruvyajr: should be ok03:17
Flawlessoh, it IS the deb? :)03:17
AJR11Jeruvy how?03:17
jasonmanyone in here familiar with running XGL? i have some problems wtiht he setup03:17
ardchoilleZambezi: what is that?!?!?03:17
Zambeziardchoille, Of course xxx is changed on my computer to the real ip/user/pass.03:17
Flawlesswasabi: well that's cool, at least (nfs)03:17
NickGarvey!tell jasonm about xgl03:17
Zambeziardchoille, Just help me. :-)03:17
fiveironugh... so how do i set up a dir for glslideshow with this gnome-screensaver crap...03:17
Flawlesswasabi: should I set the encoding that the server has, or that the client expects (for nfs)03:18
ardchoilleZambezi: I can't help you if I have no idea what that is03:18
ardchoilleZambezi: What is the problem?03:18
Zambeziardchoille, It extracts files via the network to my XBOX. It won't even begin the extration.03:18
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AJR11anyone how to burn cd image to dvd?03:19
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Flawlesswasabi: ok, so zsh-beta works quite nicely03:19
pavan@tich: try using from Desktop: right click, and say align/arrange files on desktop03:19
wasabiHmm. I thought NFS had those options.03:19
Flawlesswasabi: oh man, I really need this to work03:19
ardchoilleZambezi: never heard of it03:19
Flawlesswait, GTK programs has an environment var that can specify the filename encoding03:20
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Flawlessmaybe I could just set this to iso8859103:20
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wasabiWe'll, the goal is of ourse to convert.03:20
wasabiANd never worry about it again.03:20
Flawlesswasabi: but it's quite a pain when you standing on the other side :)03:20
Zambeziardchoille, It not common, but extract-iso doesn't work. Many experience problems so I'm trying with this instead. I really need it too work.03:20
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Flawlesswasabi: and dli even got me trying to use gdm to restart kde. It feels ooooh so wrong ;)03:21
wasabiWell, you can put the problem off as long as you want. !UTF-8 sucks. ;)03:21
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Flawlesswasabi: yeah, yeah :)03:21
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ardchoilleZambezi: an ISO is a finalised file system, you don't extract it, you mount it and then copy files from it03:21
Zambeziardchoille, This mounts and copies it.03:22
skavengeanyone monkeyed with crystalcursors? i ran the cli config which is supposed to change the cursors system-wide in X, restarted and everything its still using the default cursors under system > preferences > mouse?03:22
Mixx`does anyone have a suggestion (besides VNC) to remote control an existing x session from another PC?  The problem is I'm remote controlling a 1600x1200 session from a 1280x960 screen03:22
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ardchoilleZambezi: I've never used it so I cannot help with it03:22
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Zambeziardchoille, I'm feeling desperate. I need it to work!03:23
dliFlawless, gdm can start kde03:23
Flawlessdli: yes, I just did that. It just feels... dirty03:23
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Zambeziardchoille, But you can probably guess what I should right? Then I report to you and we make it work.03:23
Flawlesswasabi: so, nfs doesn't allow any recoding03:24
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Flawlesswasabi: what to do... converting everything is a big task :(03:24
ardchoilleZambezi: find someone else to help you please03:24
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nickrudardchoille, welcome :)03:25
protocol1how do I configure Xorg?03:25
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ardchoillenickrud: ?03:25
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dliprotocol1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:25
kalosaurusrexdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:25
ZambeziCan anyone help me with an application in the terminal that won't work? Its installed properly, but I don't use the right command. Please help.03:25
nickrudprotocol1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:25
wasabiFlawless: Yeah. Not sure. Looking around.03:25
protocol1with gedit that is?03:25
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nickrudardchoille, we gotta know our limits :)03:25
kalosaurusrexnick what's the -phigh do?03:26
ardchoillenickrud: indeed03:26
Flawlesswasabi: at least convmv can convert all the filenames for me. But that'll screw up everybody else03:26
farouscan grub handle more than 3 primary partitions on a harddisk?03:26
stpereZambezi, what's the application?03:26
protocol1nickrud, I was talking about the file03:26
Flawlesswasabi: hmm.. looks like there's an extremely acidic apple I might have to bite in the near future03:26
dlifarous, you can have at most 4 primary partitions03:26
Zambezistpere, xbiso03:26
protocol1with like an editor03:26
wasabiFlawless: If the non UTF 8 code in Ubuntu is rotting, it's bound to be doing hte same in Debian.03:26
nickrudprotocol1, that command I gave will reset X to defaults; we can work from there03:27
kalosaurusrexgedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf I believe.03:27
Flawlesswasabi: well, it works fine in debian, what can I say :)03:27
protocol1ahh thanks03:27
farousdli i have 3 and it is not allowing me to create the 4th. i actually need 4 is there a special way i need to set it. (newbie here in terms of partitioning03:27
wasabiAll that stuff comes from the same upstream... heck, Ubuntu just takes Debian's packages anyways.03:27
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Flawlesswasabi: well, not quite it seems :)03:27
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nickrudwasabi, except when it doesn't, that's ehre it gets fun03:28
virusalgun espaol?03:28
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ajayc^richiefrich, hi03:28
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nickruderm where03:28
dlifarous, no, 4 primary, or 3 primary + 1 extended (with logic partitions inside)03:28
ubotuI know nothing about uft803:28
^richiefrichajayc  u get the email03:28
Angel_Dexnickrud i did it under  alive session no problems03:28
existancecan anyone suggest a good IDE to use for programming besides eclipse?03:28
ubotuI know nothing about utf803:28
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dlifarous, to creat the 4th primary, you have to delete your logic partitions03:29
ubotuI know nothing about xine03:29
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farousdli all of them?03:29
ubotuI know nothing about gxine03:29
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eyegoreexistance: anjunta03:29
dlifarous, yes, and the extended one (holder)03:29
jeeves_Mossall:  does any one here know of another DNS server software package for Ubuntu like Bind9 that is more visual?03:29
nickrud!info gxine03:29
ubotugxine: the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu15 (dapper), package size 301 kB, installed size 804 kB03:29
nickrud!info xine-ui03:29
ubotuxine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 1567 kB, installed size 3512 kB03:29
dlifarous, linux doesn't care about primary or logic,03:30
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farousdli: thanx i think that is not possible then. for home is a logical part and can not risk loosing that even if i have backup03:30
ubotuI know nothing about utf-803:30
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nickrudutf-8 is default03:30
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Angel_DexId really like to run 0.5.1 on breezy03:30
farousdli: thank you for your help03:30
eyegoreexistance: it is in the standard repositories03:30
Angel_Dexthink anyone has made a package for breezy on it? >.>03:31
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ardchoilleAngel_Dex: isn't gxine just a gui front-end to xine?03:31
qmxhow can i make ubuntu packages from svn sources? i need to tar it up03:31
VR_has anyone received CDs from shipit yet?03:31
eyegoreI myself use the text editor vim03:31
Angel_Dexardchoille Yush but 0.5.1 ish much sturdyer as i can see then 0.4.403:31
ardchoilleVR_: I'm still waiting, ut I found they usually take 4 to 6 weeks03:31
dliqmx, use .deb , ubuntu is not based on source03:31
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eyegorethen run the command line compile03:31
VR_ardchoille: yeah, i guess it'll be another week or so03:32
existanceeyegore, yea, but I'm getting tired of making makefiles and such03:32
VR_i can't wait03:32
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VR_i love the smell of new ubuntu CDs03:32
ardchoilleVR_: me too03:32
AJR11New ubuntu CD's in the mornin03:32
eyegoreexistance: the debugging is a little more accurate03:32
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NickGarveyAJR11: ooo mine should be here any day..03:32
existanceeyegore, command-line?03:32
nickrudVR_, yeah, I hope someone gets a shipit soon ...03:32
DonLme too. Somehow the self burned ones don't quite match03:32
AJR11NickGarvey you will enjoy03:32
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AJR11right im off to sleep its 2.32am here so so tired03:33
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eyegoreI can paste the files easier that way03:33
NickGarveyAJR11: night ;)03:33
AJR11NickGarvey Nite m803:33
wlachare there any logs/diagnostics I should attach when reporting a system lockup bug, besides the last few entries in /var/syslog?03:33
existanceeyegore, I can understand why it would be.  I've been working with SOAP lately, and it's error/debugging is completely worthless03:33
VR_the self-burned ones are always corrupted or they don't work as well on old machines03:33
harryis there a macromedia Software Packages for Ubuntu. example like Flash???03:33
NickGarvey!flash > harry03:33
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eyegorethat is whi I like CLI03:33
ardchoilleVR_: you can log into your shipit account and see the status of your order. I just looked at mine and it says they are on the way03:33
nickrudDonL, yes that can, just do the verify stuff: http:wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto03:33
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skavengeman i wish i could get crystal cursors working03:34
Geoffrey2has anyone ever used Clam AV?03:34
VR_ardchoille: yeah, that has been the case with me since may 24th. it says, "sent to shipping company"03:34
DonLVR_: Problem is, all the ones I've requested don't come. I got the first batch (Warty) and everything I've asked for since doesn't materialize.03:34
lastnodehow can i enable spellchecking in OOo2 on dapper?03:34
harryNickGarvey: yes03:34
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harryNickGarvey: Macromedia Flash03:34
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VR_DonL: i ordered breezy and got those. never ordered warty03:34
farousdli: one last question any idea why having to logical partiton with two linux dist caused lots of file sys error. seems to be unstable and nodes for files seem to be broken more often?03:34
lastnodethe spell checker wont find even basic mistakes03:34
crogue5does the alternate CD allow you to choose the packages to you want on install?03:34
crogue5like the desktop one installs what it wants...03:35
NickGarveyharry: did you get the PM?03:35
nickrudskavenge, heh. A really obscure thing, and a well written support page would be welcome :)03:35
Angel_Dexnickrud wow ><! i needs to upgrade 65 things to install03:35
dlifarous, nothing todo with primary or not03:35
harryNickGarvey: From Ubotu??? yes03:35
DonLVR_: Yeah. Don't know what happened. I'm on broadband, so it's no biggy, but it's nice to have the factory ones to give out.03:35
ardchoilleVR_: I ordered and received Breezy CD's. I have also ordered CD's for Dapper and am waiting for them. I plan to build 10 new computers, install Breezy and donate them to friends :)03:35
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ardchoilleoops, I meant install Dapper03:36
cefI've got a machine with 2 nics in it, and if eth0 is plugged in at boot, everything works as expected. if eth0 isn't plugged in at boot, then eth1 gets recognised as eth2 (HUH?) and eth1 doesn't exist. any ideas?03:36
qmxdli: hey, go slow03:36
skavengenickrud ; yeah something tells me gnome's mouse settings are overriding it but google is hopeless on the subject, seems easy in kde but i see no docs for gnome ;/ oh well03:36
VR_ardchoille: why dont you install dapper on those?03:36
farousdli: that is what i was getting at. so what might cause that. i checked that each partition start at the start of a cyl and to the end of another cyl so no unused space03:36
nickrudAngel_Dex, that's not an unusual situation, depending on how log it's been since you did an update. Ubuntu/Debian is why we use this for updates03:36
qmxdli: someone need to build your debs03:36
qmxtheres no docs about it03:36
DonLardchoille: I'd like to get a bunch of old computers, put Ubuntu on them and donate them to schools. I wonder if they'd accept them?03:36
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Angel_Dexnickrud no its just cuz im on breezy and im installing dapper things03:36
VR_when is that ubuntu book coming out?03:36
nickrudAngel_Dex, I will from now until you go dapper, cross my fingers at you :)03:37
Usunnyubuntu-book ?03:37
jeeves_MossVR_:  there was a pre-release on the net somewhere.03:37
snoopsI'd say they definitely would DonL.. nice idea.. I commend ya :)03:37
VR_ah i see03:37
Angel_Dexnickrud I escared TT_TT i maybe no not do it ><03:37
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DonLsnoops: Thanks. I would hope so03:37
ardchoilleDonL: They most likely will, that's what I do every month.. I get computers that people no longer want, install the latest Ubuntu, then donate them. I have provided 117 computers that way in the past year03:37
harryNickGarvey: I mean the an application that will create flash animations03:37
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kleeswhat's the best p2p linux program out there??03:37
farousdli: i even checked the harddisk for defects and it came up clean03:37
nickrudAngel_Dex, heh. See you when.03:38
kleesfor mp3s03:38
naliothardchoille: and you are blessed for your work03:38
snoopsDonL best bet is to call up a few schools and see what their it department is like03:38
DonLardchoille: Wow! Well done!03:38
VR_here it is > http://www.phptr.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=0132435942&rl=103:38
Angel_Dexnickrud maybe make a beater box to try this out on?03:38
NickGarveyharry: oh boy.. um good luck, no idea03:38
skavengeklees; i like limewire myself03:38
kleesazuerus = torrent???03:38
ardchoillenalioth: :)03:38
ardchoilleDonL: Thanks03:38
nickrudAngel_Dex, sounds like a plan. And ardchoille had a plan :)03:38
cArNaGe`yes  its a torrent03:38
Flawlesswasabi: thanks for the help03:38
Flawlesswasabi: I'm going to bed now - did you discover any nfs tricks?03:39
kleesbesides limewire any other good p2p?03:39
nickrudmy nickserv password is suquamish. grab it, who cares?03:39
farousklees: there are a lot check at help.ubuntu.com or packages.ubuntu.com03:39
nickrudklees, amule, frostwire03:39
ardchoillenickrud: you live in NW USA?03:39
nickrudardchoille, currently not, but I'm from seattle area03:40
kleesim looking for suggestions.....  thx nickrud03:40
snoopsthis is more a question to pose to google klees.. linux philosophy is more about free as in freedom, not free as in allowing to pirate copyrighted material ;P03:40
farousklees: heared nicotine is ok03:40
ardchoillenickrud: hehe, small world.. I live in Seattle right now.. Northgate area :)03:40
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DonLardchoille: I'm just north of you across the border and left into the ocean a bit03:40
ardchoilleDonL: :)03:41
nickrudardchoille, yah, I lived around greenlake back then03:41
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kdittyive got a question... if i did a few installs trying to repair ubuntu, and it installed on an internal drive other than the one im using right now(hda) and the drive is HDD... would it be ok to format, or just delete all the files to get rid of the 2gigs of files that are on that drive? or would that mess up my ubuntu and grub loader?03:41
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wasabiFlawless: no sorry03:42
ardchoilleOK, it's been fun. But, I gotta go for now. Be back soon :)03:42
DonLGotta go help my wife with dinner. Good chatting to you!03:42
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Flawlesswasabi: no worry, I'll probably just ... well I don't know what exactly, but I probably HAVE to do this at some point :)03:42
cefProblem: 2 nics. If first nic is plugged in at boot, second nic becomes eth1 (all good). If first nic isn't plugged in at boot, second nic becomes eth2. Anyone know how to stop this from happening?03:43
ubotuI know nothing about ifrename03:43
Flawlesscef: well, google ifrename :)03:43
Flawlesscef: it keeps your network names consistent using MAC addresses03:44
Angel_Dexhow do i boot without hotplug03:44
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varRecovering drug addict and right-wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been detained at Palm Beach International Airport upon his return from the Dominican Republic. WFOR (cbs4.com) is reporting that the detainment is for possible illegal possession of presecription drugs, including Viagra.03:44
=== Ro1 [n=admin@ool-182deb25.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cefFlawless: based on mac addresses? ah.. that could be an issue. I have to change the mac address on these devices on occasion03:44
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Ro1whatgood computer rooms are there on this server03:45
Flawlesscef: well, look into it. I think it might work if you have a static IP on just the one (or even if you just cycle between a fe)03:45
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Angel_Dexhow do i boot without hotplug03:45
nickrudvar, tell me it's true03:45
nickrudvar, on off-topic03:45
snoopsin what area Ro1?03:45
ToHellWithGAhow can i get apache2 to auto-start?03:45
cefFlawless: looking into it03:45
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eyegoreI always knew Rush Limbaugh wass a reactionary limp dick03:45
snoops..that's every room on freenode Ro103:46
Ro1ah , but i found one for marijuana03:46
NickGarveyeyegore: careful.. what you say...03:46
DaveyJwhats a good video editor?03:46
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eyegoreGM medical benifits paid out 17 million for ED03:46
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pppoe_dudeis it safe to "lock" the version of "linux-image" "linux-restricted-modules" and "update-manager" on a breezy install?03:47
witlesshello.  i'm trying to install a python package, and i get these errors03:47
witless:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1658903:47
witlesscan anyone tell what i'm missing?03:47
ubotuI know nothing about hotplug03:47
Angel_Dex!info hotplug03:48
ubotuPackage hotplug does not exist in dapper03:48
witless(i'm installing from cheeseshop with easy_install btw)03:48
eyegoredoes that mean GM is a bunch of atrophied male genetalia03:48
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varnickrud: its not joke03:48
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cefFlawless: aha! you can assign the networks by driver name. yay!03:48
nickrudvar, ?03:49
someothernickIs there a wiki for getting a scanner to work with ubuntu03:49
Flawlesscef: yep, there are tricks available03:49
ToHellWithGADaveyJ: virtualdub is alright03:49
CokeNCodehow do i install noip2 on ubuntu03:49
CokeNCodei thought i could use apt-get03:49
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pppoe_dudeoh and why does apt sometimes tell you "the following packages have been kept back" but synaptic wont?03:50
DaveyJfor linux03:50
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wasabipppoe_dude: apt-get dist-upgrade?03:51
cefFlawless: ahh.. cool.. all done. thanks03:51
pppoe_dudewasabi, no i just want to make sure it never installs them by accident03:51
Flawlesscef: np03:51
wasabisynaptic uses dist-upgrade by default, which allows apt to consider removing packages to fulfil dependencies.03:51
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pppoe_dudei.e. can i guarantee that everytime i do an apt-get upgrade these packages will be kept03:52
wasabiapt-get upgrade doesn't allow removing, which can prevent some new packages from being installed.03:52
pppoe_dudewasabi, oh i see... but linux-image doesnt require package removal03:52
tichhow do i alter the icon placement on the desktop? my icons are currently being placed (unfunctionally) under my top panel.03:52
pppoe_dudeand it was kept back03:52
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wasabiIt was kept back because something it depended on couldn't be installed.03:53
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wasabiBecause THAT conflicted with something that could be removed.03:53
pppoe_dudei see03:53
pppoe_dudewell... its safe to just keep the old kernel right?03:53
wasabiCheck the reason for the upgrade.03:53
wasabisecurity upgrade, etc.03:53
pppoe_dudewasabi, i also locked the versions in 'synaptic'... would that also lock them in apt-get?03:53
pppoe_dudewasabi, how do i do that?03:53
wasabisynaptic should lsit the change log.03:54
wasabihm... apt-listchanges used to be around too, for the console.03:54
pppoe_dudewasabi, ok thanks03:54
wasabiI'm not sure if it's still functional though.03:54
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pppoe_dudewasabi, ya according to the change log they['re all 'low urgency' updates that i probably dont need03:56
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pppoe_duden e way, thank03:56
=== Jake [n=justjake@ip68-6-63-78.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pppoe_dudewhat about 'update-manager'... do i need to update that? (im on breezy - and its also been kept back)03:57
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wasabiDepends. YOu'll have to examine the reasons.03:57
JakeHey, will anyone please help me with installer crash?03:57
AussieGuusquick q, i burnt 2 cds, one desktop one alternative, cant remember which disc is which and the label is the same when they're mounted, the desktop/livecd is the one with casper on it right?03:58
wasabiAussieGuus: correct.03:58
pppoe_dudek i think breezy is stable enough like this....03:58
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skavengehow can i find where a package has been installed to? anyway?03:59
Flawlessskavenge: dpkg -L <packagename>03:59
Flawlessskavenge: to find out what program files you have from a package, do dpkg -L <package> | grep /bin/03:59
=== Flik [n=Flik@d154-5-33-125.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitchi just got dapper not even five minutes ago04:00
JakeI tried to install 6.06 from the live cd, but it crashed at python... Is this a known bug?04:00
FlawlessJake: no, it's not supposed to do that :)04:00
twitchim having problems installing a coupel things04:00
FlawlessJake: please file a bug report04:00
snoopssuch as twitch?04:00
FlawlessJake: it will ensure that this problem is solved soon04:00
skavengeFlawless ; ty04:01
=== acid-trip [n=rob@S0106000c41890897.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitchwell, when i tried to install realplayer it flat out refused, said that it need xlibs but that was uninstallable04:01
acid-tripwhats the uname options to find out what distro i have and that again04:01
snoopsgot universal repositories added and such twitch?04:01
crimsuntwitch: you can install xlibs [it's an empty transitional package]  from breezy-security.04:01
crimsuntwitch: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fx%2Fxorg%2Fxlibs_6.8.2-77.1_all.deb&md5sum=5494fd607f744a9c9441fd22b9cb0042&arch=all&type=security04:02
twitchwhen i downloaded the .deb package for xlibs, almost all of the dependencies were broken, the one thing that apt-get tried to stop :S04:02
Flawlessacid-trip: uname will give you the kernel. cat /etc/debian_version will give you the debian version (which is less useful in ubuntu)04:02
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JakeFlawless: Thanks04:03
FlawlessJake: np04:03
acid-tripwb ro104:03
Ro1thanks...hello to you too04:03
Ro1is mikem here still?04:03
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acid-tripi dunno04:04
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twitchhmm that time xlibs installed just fine, thanks for that btw, ill try realplayer again04:04
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twitchthis may sound random but i just gotta say i love the sense of community that comes with being a linux user04:05
witlesscan anyone tell why i can't get this python package installed on dapper:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16589  <-- error messages04:05
snoopsnah, it's great heh.. feels like the old amiga days04:05
Ro1linux users rock (all of us)04:05
maddyhow do i run .run file?04:06
=== Flippy209 [n=jeff29@c-67-176-30-26.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitchrealplayer just installed fine, thanks alot to everyone...  i think that dapper and i will get along just fine :P04:06
Flawlessmaddy: usually with /bin/sh.04:06
NickGarveymaddy: chmod +x file.run04:06
NickGarveymaddy: ./file.run04:06
Flippy209ic56 you around?04:06
Flawlessmaddy: use file -Ls foo.run to get an idea what type it is04:06
snoopsgot an nvidia graphics card twitch?04:06
kdittyhow do i format a hard disk?04:06
Ro1oh wait, nvrmnd04:07
nickrudsnoops, heh. pre amiga, the atari days04:07
kdittyi have two hard disks and both have linux folders on them04:07
snoopsI was too young then nickrud :)04:07
twitcheveryone i just found this video and i think every Linux user should see it. makes you proud04:07
=== Disorganized [n=Disorgan@ip72-198-9-22.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitch(must have flash player)04:07
Ro1whers it at twitch?04:08
nickrudsnoops, the attitude is the same04:08
Ro1i'm going there now twitch04:08
twitchi sure did :)04:08
snoopsisn't that rionic twitch? flash support on linux is the reason I don't use it as a desktop fulltime :(04:08
Flawlesssnoops: what's wrong with flash support?04:08
twitchsnoops, yes whats wrong?04:08
Flawlesssnoops: you on amd64?04:08
snoopsyes on amd64.. flash 7 for 32bit is a joke04:09
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snoopsI'm a fulltime web developer.. we need to use the latest flash at work and such04:09
bimberiwitless: installed build-essential?  if not, do that and retry04:09
NickGarveyI run 64 bit suse and flash is good04:09
NickGarveysnoops: ah that sucks04:09
twitchsnoops, many websites are taking off WMP and switching to flash now, good for them i say, the internet is finally slipping out of M$'s pocket04:09
FlawlessWMP is a horrible hack04:10
nickrudmaybe macromedia will come thru on 9, I hear the claim they wil04:10
snoopsI hate adobe for flash..04:10
Flawlessbut flash is another horrible hack :(04:10
snoopsthey refuse to release the damn api04:10
NickGarveynickrud: yeah, I heard they will too04:10
=== virtualchaos [n=virtualc@cpe-24-59-118-162.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudflash is is flash, a nice thing for what it is.04:10
Ro1dang, firefox is being retarted for the plugin04:10
twitchRo1, yeah it does that sometimes04:11
snoopsflash 7 also has av sync issues and is just plain terrible to use.. issues with getting sound to work and everything04:11
Ro1it's "twitch"n04:11
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=== marc [n=marc@d64-180-164-56.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitchRo1, :P04:11
marcHow can I get my web cam to work with instant msging04:11
Geoffrey2big problem with Flash, obviously, is that soo many sites are using Flash 8....and obviously on Linux that's just not happening04:11
twitchmarc, what client?04:11
Mewshihow do i FORCE a package to install?04:12
witlessbimberi: thanks, trying it now04:12
twitchanyone watch that video?04:12
nickrudMewshi, in what context?04:12
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nickrudMewshi, there are various force options, but they are the last resort04:13
virtualchaosif i started a background process from an ssh shell, any way for me to foreground it on the physical computer?04:13
Ro1i'm giving up on watching it.04:13
virtualchaosjobs says there are none04:13
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ro1dumb plugin04:13
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snoopsbecause they'd be mad to write the same thing in flash 7 because of the bugs Geoffrey2.. just blame adobe for not releasing the specs for the player.. because they give it away for free anyway, and make money from selling the software to create it.. hell at least adobe released the pdf spec04:13
twitchRo1, having problems with Flash?04:13
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-6.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdwhat does the syntax for the /etc/sudoers file for nopassword again?04:13
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KBlairIn the Ubuntu store, I wonder how many Ubuntu Classic Thongs accually sell. :P04:14
snoopstwitch if you feel adventurous you should have about xgl and compiz.. I've been using it on dapper for about 3 weeks now, and just so happy with it04:14
MTecknologyI'm installing Fedora Core 5 on VMWare Server... it froze trying to install pam - what do I do?04:14
snoopshave a read about*..04:14
Geoffrey2snoops, that's the part that confuses me...Adobe provides a full linux implementation of Adobe Reader....so what would be the holdup on doing the same for the latest version of Flash?04:14
nickrudsnoops, and what will you do, when ubuntu switches to aiglx :)04:15
twitchsnoops, xgl... is that the "UI mod"04:15
twitchfor lack of a better term?04:15
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marctwitch, i am using gaim with msn or yahoo.04:15
nickrudxgl was fun, but04:15
snoopsthey are switching to it nickrud?04:15
nickrudsnoops, yes04:15
=== chr1s_ [n=chris@c-68-33-126-178.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marctwitch, id be willing to change messaging programs, though I do like the spell check feature of gaim04:15
Mewshifrom the command line04:16
=== skavenge [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
twitchmarc, does your cam have any software included?04:16
snoopsit's an open gl accellorated server layer for xorg twitch.. compiz is the eye candy using opengl to do fun things with windows and whatnot04:16
nickrudsnoops, erm, as best as an outsider who got checked by an insider can say04:16
=== cono [n=rip@adsl-074-229-045-206.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
twitchsnoops, im checking it out now04:16
Geoffrey2ok, I'll ask one last time for tonight....has anyone here used Clam AV?04:16
snoopsI'm pretty unfamiliar with aiglx.. does it use compiz on top?04:16
twitchsnoops, where can i download xgl?04:17
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witlessbimberi: that did it - thank you04:17
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bimberiwitless: np :)04:17
snoopsyou'd want a guide.. it's in alpha still twitch.. so expect crashes04:17
nickrudbimberi, do you have any insights on aiglx :)04:17
sicubuntu dapper drake x86 on amd, cannot get a file listing on DVDs, even in command line.  It can read burned DVDs but not discs like quake 4 or movie dvds (which play just fine in mplayer) I am at a loss, any suggestions?04:18
bimberinickrud: nope, sorry - in fact i'd not seen the term until just now :)04:18
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NickGarveytwitch: eek that commercial gave me chills04:19
nickrudbimberi, it's the 3d open gl pretty stuff, in edgy supposedly. Something to watch04:19
marctwitch, yes, but the softwear is for windows only.  Its a logitec camera04:19
bimberinickrud: ah, kk, thanks04:19
twitchNickGarvey, but its kinda... i dunno... makes me feel good to be a Linuser04:19
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nickrudbimberi, I just pulled you out of the hat; no offence04:20
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twitchbut it is DEFINITLEY a little eerie yes haha04:20
bimberinickrud: oh none taken whatsoever :)04:20
=== paradizelost [n=dan@host-105-202-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ro1wow, even though i'm a noob..i jsut managed to instlal the flash plugin for firefox thgouthg terminal,lol04:20
NickGarveytwitch: they should show it on tv04:20
NickGarveyRo1: :) terminal isn't all evil04:21
paradizelosthey all, how do i enable LFS in apache on dapper?04:21
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NickGarveytwitch: OOOH I get it! linux is 9 years old... ooo04:21
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nickrudNickGarvey, 13 years, easy04:22
twitchwell i think my IQ just dropped a little.... Paris Hilton... god forbid... has made a music video04:22
twitchher voice has been through so many machines, she cant even claim ownership04:22
nickrudeven with nntp variablity taken into account04:22
marctiwtch, hello?04:22
NickGarveynickrud: IBM is wrong then!  "The Linux operating system is being embraced by companies everywhere. click the image above to learn more about the business benefits, explosive growth, and colorful history of this 9-year-old wonder."04:22
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sicno takers on my DVD issue? pretty simple problem I guess...put a DVD, like Quake 4 for instance, the little DVD icon pops up on the desktop, you dbl click it and a blank window opens, no files viewable...put a burned dvd in and it sees all the files no prob...suggestion?04:23
Ro1for some reason i cant hear the google video04:23
marctwitch, hello?  softwear only for windows, its a logitec quickcam communicate stx04:23
nickrudNickGarvey, look for linus's inital post; it's out there on the net, I think it was late 91? 92?04:23
NickGarveynickrud: lemme check04:24
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NickGarveynickrud:  very odd04:24
NickGarveynickrud: ah! 1.0 is 9 years old04:24
nickrudheh, ibm's thing was written by a drone04:24
Ro1anyone know why i aint got sound in the linux google video04:24
nickrudoh, 1.0,04:24
=== basbryan [n=bryan@c-68-53-226-195.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
paradizelosthey, can anyone help me enable LFS in apache on dapper?04:25
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
acid-tripRo1, you got win32codecs?04:25
Ro1not sure04:25
acid-tripcan u see the video?04:25
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twitchmarc, sorry about that, im not sure what to do with that cam.. could always try wine?04:26
Jerrbecause flash in linux kinda sucks04:26
acid-tripok the video is a wmv04:26
thrice`I don't understand why gnome 2.14.2 was included as an update to dapper04:26
acid-tripyou got mplayer?04:26
xenexHow do I refresh my icons? My trash icon is currently the blue trash icon when it is supposed to be the orange one.04:26
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Ro1i got some other palyers04:26
Geoffrey2yep, I keep forgetting...Linux users don't believe in Anti-Virus software.....04:26
acid-tripinstall mplayer04:26
Jerrgoogle video is in flash04:26
acid-tripthen download the video and watch it04:26
MadpilotGeoffrey2, we just don't see the point it in :)04:26
Flawless[off] Geoffrey2: if you can explain why it is needed, I'll personally use it righta way :)04:27
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Flawless[off] and yes, I really AM going to bed.. :)04:27
snoopsI don't use any anti-virus software for my windows machines either Geoffrey2.. All about experience really04:27
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-78-234.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bjvi have linux-image-k7 installed, so when a new 386 kernel is added, i get the k7 opt too.04:27
nickrudlife calls, brb04:27
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siccan anyone give me a hand with a DVD drive problem?04:28
bjvbut when i get a new kernel and k7 with apt-get dist-upgrade, im left with a whole pile of other old kernels! ~_~04:28
Ro1i'm gonna attempt to get mplayer now04:28
bjvwhat am i supposed to do? id like to get rid of them _cleanly04:28
=== bobslaed1 [n=bob@0x5552b066.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
bjvbut they are eating up all of my hd space. :\04:28
Geoffrey2snoops, well, then the Linux community had a decision to make....do they REALLY want Linux to become a mainstream operating system or not?04:28
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snoopskernels don't take up much space bjv04:28
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Flawless[off] bjv: dpkg -l | grep linux-image, choose which you want to delete. dpkg -P <those>04:29
hav0kno printers show up when i go to add a printer, under the printer driver step, has anyone else had this problem?04:29
userundefinebjv, you can uninstall them in Synaptic cleanly.04:29
Flawless[off] Geoffrey2: what are you on about?04:29
=== nerophibia [n=nero@user-85-201-83-155.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsGeoffrey2 I think half do, and the other half secretly want to keep it for the people in the know for fear of it becoming too dumbed down :)04:29
zorplexIs there some hidden setting that could disable metacity key bindings04:29
bjvwill a -P purge remove the .deb from my apt cache?04:30
=== sic slinks back into google hell to try and fix the DVD problem
bjveach of those takes up another 20 precious megs. :04:30
Flawless[off] bjv: no, but apt-get clean will do that04:30
acid-tripRo1, did that link help you out at all?04:30
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Flawless[off] bjv: that will clean your _entire_ cache, btw04:30
bjvoh.,i dont want to do that at all.04:30
bjv(small disk on a dialup connection)04:31
Flawless[off] bjv: slow connection?04:31
Flawless[off] then remove the packages manually from /var/cache/apt04:31
fiveirontremulous is awesome!04:31
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Geoffrey2Flawless[off] , what I'm on about is that the "average" computer user isn't anywhere near as savvy and knowledable about computer security as most in here are......and you're going to have to take them into consideration....just telling them to be smarter about security won't cut it04:31
Flawless[off] Geoffrey2: I agree - but installing anti-virus doesn't help on windows either04:31
Flawless[off] Geoffrey2: things like root-user separation and default-secure installations WILL help.04:32
zorplexuh oes, only 1 Gig left04:32
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omirixI just switched to a different Linux. Where can I find the beatiful Ubuntu Human theme + Icons?04:33
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JakeIs there a way to install from the live cd using terminal?04:33
userundefineGeoffrey2, OK, but what does that have to do with viruses?  In Linux, even to wipe out your /home, you need to give -x permissions to a virus.  The "average" user can't do that and can't get hit with arbitrary viruses04:33
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Ro1i jsut downloaed the win32codecs....i still dont have sound on google video04:33
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userundefineRo1, google video uses flash.  Has nothing to do with win3204:33
Ro1oh...any idea why the sound aint working04:34
omirixI just switched to a different Linux. Where can I find the beatiful Ubuntu Human theme + Icons?04:34
JakeRo1: Are you on kubuntu?04:34
userundefineRo1, some kind of issue with flash right now.  I know an older ubuntu installation of mine has flash with sound working.  I haven't looked too deeply into the package myself.04:34
Ro1ubuntu dapper04:34
xenexroland-erau: I had the same problem but I just restarted my computer and it was fine.04:35
Kasukoif I wanted to put "xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server" in a file and make a link to that file called fix and put it in a place so when I open terminal and type fix it does xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server. How would I go about doing that?04:35
bjvFlawless[off] : neat. -l -P and deleting by hand cleaned up nicely04:35
JakeIs there a way to install from the live cd using terminal?04:35
Flawless[off] bjv: they usually do :)04:35
userundefineRo1, the workaround I've found to be the best is (if you're using Firefox) to get the VideoDownloader extension which will allow detect video in a page and let you download it as a file.  Then you can play it in mplayer and it works -- even on flash files.04:36
bjvi like the apt system, guess i should hit the man page more for dpkg as well, though :)04:36
CokeNCodeanyone in here familiar with nubuntu04:36
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omirixI just switched to a different Linux. Where can I find the beatiful Ubuntu Human theme + Icons?04:36
JakeIs there a way to install from the live cd using terminal?04:36
userundefineomirix, System > Preferences > Theme04:36
Flawless[off] Jake: yes04:36
ubotuI know nothing about art04:36
userundefineomirix, oh, sorry, the packages04:36
Flawless[off] Jake: look at the file Desktop/install04:36
omirixuserundefine, yeah, i could do that if i had the human theme.04:36
omirixuserundefine, np. where can i find that?04:37
Flawless[off] Jake: and see what command it runs. I can't remember the name04:37
Flawless[off] !install04:37
userundefineomirix, gnome-look.org I believe04:37
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:37
omirixuserundefine, looked there. cant find the authentic version.04:37
crimsunomirix: in the ubuntu-artwork package.04:37
gdbIs anyone here using a Dell machine with the Dell Internal Business Audio speaker?04:37
NickGarvey!artwork > omirix04:37
omirixah. okay. can i emerge that?04:37
omirixheh ty, NickGarvey04:37
Ro1gdb: nope04:37
crimsunomirix: um...probably not?04:37
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crimsunomirix: grab the source and compile it04:37
userundefineomirix, if gentoo has done an ebuild of it.  Can check their forums... it's possible someone's working on it04:38
omirixmk. i just love how beautiful Human is.04:38
omirixand the icons04:38
omirixare gorgeous =P04:38
gdbMy buddy and I both have Dell Optiplex GX620s and his speaker is working with Fedora Core 5 after a kernel update to 2.6.16.  Obviously, Ubuntu is using kernel 2.6.15 but I'd like to know if this is a lost cause before I give up.04:38
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JakeFlawless[off] : I know, but that just re-launches the gui...04:38
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gdbThe sound works fine out of the front and rear panels, but the Dell Internal Business Audio Speaker does not work for me on Ubuntu.04:38
Flawless[off] Jake: Oh, I thought that's what you wanted04:38
Flawless[off] Jake: if you are experienced, you can try debootstrap04:39
JakeFlawless[off] : Argh........... ok.04:39
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gdbomirix: I wish there was more variety in the wallpaper.  This could be accomplished by not removing wallpapers included in previous releases.04:41
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gdbI get my wallpapers from http://www.interfacelift.com/04:41
snoopsit's not hard to get more wallpapers gdb04:41
wasabiSo what is the proper place to put a script to run on device removal/addition?  Basically I have a udi I want to run a script with when it's added.04:41
gdbsnoops: I never indicated that it was.04:41
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gdbsnoops: I'm interested in more offical Ubuntu wallpapers.  This would imply that I'd like to see wallpapers included in previous releases to be carried forward into current releases.04:42
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snoopswell.. I doubt more wallpaper variety would be big on the release.. there are important things to work on first04:42
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gdbsnoops: It takes work to remove wallpapers and include new ones.  It's half the work to include new ones and not remove old ones.04:43
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gdbslwyse: howdy04:43
blacktearshey how well does gaim work with yahoo04:43
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david__how do i change the write attribute to make my windows partitions to writeable04:43
gdbblacktears: Works just fine for me.04:43
blacktearscool thanks04:43
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snoopsfat32 david__?04:44
userundefinedavid__, you can't write to NTFS natively.  You can use NTFS captive, but apparently it can be risky.04:44
slwyseahh  i like my gaim04:44
blacktearsim starting to get used to linux im thinking of switching entirely over to it actuall04:44
gdbblacktears: Good to hear!04:44
slwysei have linux04:44
gdbblacktears: And I'm glad that Ubuntu seems to be what you're liking.04:44
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gdbdavid__: That is something you'll end up regretting.04:44
blacktearswell the thing is is that linux is so much easier to use than windows, if you need a program, with linux you just download it04:45
david__i thikn more people would switch to linux if it were as user friendly as windows04:45
gdbdavid__: Immediately after the kernel writes to your NTFS partition, all the data on it will either be munged or gone entirely.  So I'm not sure that's what you want to do.04:45
NickGarveyapt-get, you are my hero..04:45
thenostradamushey, can someone help we with this Xserver error i'm getting?04:45
wizzardi switched to linux today04:45
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blacktearswell im not pretending to be a software guru, im a hardware person, and installing linux, dual boot with windows was a snap04:45
bruenigblacktears, it is easier but different and also the ease of it depends on what you intend to do, if you are a huge gamer, it's not easy at all,04:45
snoopsblacktears repositories rock my socks.. still, lots of little things needed for ease of use are stopping real widescreen adoption..04:45
david__oh, ok04:45
userundefineI think more people would switch if they knew that viruses and spyware and "the rest" wasn't how computing was *supposed* to be04:45
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tronicawizzard, glad to here it04:45
snoopswidespread* not widescreen :/04:46
david__how about i have an empty fat 32 partition, could i write to that safely?|04:46
blacktearstrue true04:46
snoopsyep david__04:46
userundefinei think there should be more widescreen adoption too snoops ;)04:46
gdbdavid__: Yes, absolutely.04:46
wizzardtronica and i must say everything feels so much .. i dont know how to describe it... smother04:46
nickruduserundefine, it's about targets; if we become a big enough one ...04:46
blacktearsi just think, personally that windows has brainwashed people04:46
snoopsuserundefine haha definitely.. I adore my widescreen04:46
bruenigdavid__, the fat32 is the best way to go as it is read/write supported in both OSes natively04:46
gdbI don't care for widescreens.  I don't feel like I'm getting a bigger screen that's wider, I feel like I'm getting a shorter screen that's smaller.04:47
jimbo2006Hi folks, just installed this wonderful Ubuntu. I have only 256MB RAM and I want to improve performance when many apps are open. Will installing a smaller window manager make more RAM free? If so, what window manager do you recommend?04:47
tronicawizzard, you mean not restrictive :D04:47
david__i was using rh8 a couple years ago and i was able to write to fat 16 with no problem should a make my fat 32 16?04:47
bruenigjimbo2006, yes try fluxbox04:47
moghi guys; how would i start an ssh server?04:47
nickrudjimbo2006, xfce  is nice04:47
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wizzardtronica :D04:47
jimbo2006thanks bruenig04:47
n08l3v1rkhello everybody04:47
jimbo2006and thanks nickrud04:47
n08l3v1rkis there any way to upgrade from ubuntu 5.04 to 6.0604:47
userundefinenickrud, not necessarily.  The *nix system is built from the ground up with security and multiple users in mind.  It's far more difficult to attack *nix04:47
Madpilotubotu, tell mog about ssh04:47
wizzardSomeone here have experience with Wine ? I just cant figure out how to use it...04:48
nickruduserundefine, give an asshole a target, they will target it04:48
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david__the thing i found frustrating about linux is it didn't play movies right out of the box, so to speak.04:48
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blacktearslinux, has made everything easier04:48
tronicamog, just install open-ssh server04:48
userundefinenickrud, sure.  Whether or not they hit the target..04:48
bruenigno7l3v1rk sudo dist-upgrade04:48
blacktearsif you arent a gamer that is\04:48
david__I read around and found automatix, and that fixed it04:48
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:48
snoopsgdb my 24" widescreen would have to disagree with your shorter screen that's smaller philosophy :)04:48
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nickruduserundefine, but you point is relevant. Just luckily, not a mass target yet04:48
chip42gdb: thats kind of funny. when i first got this widescreen laptop, normal computer monitors looked small, just because of the more squarish dimensions. pschological of course.. the laptop screen is in reality smaller04:48
n08l3v1rkbruenig:no go04:48
n08l3v1rkit says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded04:49
HLMhad legal copy of Vista Beta 2 on my test box and removed it after 10 minutes of use. It's a piece of crap04:49
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thenostradamusn08l3v1rk, change your sources in /etc/apt/source.list04:49
Ro1figured...its mircorosucks04:49
snoopschip42 well it goes works witht he human eye more naturally.. we see far more horizontal than vertical.. so stands to reason really04:49
tronicaHLM, same here04:49
thenostradamusthen apt-get dist-upgrade04:49
gdbYes, it's completely a perspective thing.  I'd rather have a normal dimention 24" than a widescreen 24".  But obviously, there are many different flavors of tea in the world for everyone's individual cups. ;-)04:49
thenostradamusn08l3v1rk, change your sources in /etc/apt/sources.list**04:49
wizzardSomeone here that use Wine ?04:49
snoopshow's the dynamic searches and save search queries system HLM?04:50
Ro1i use wine04:50
nickrudHLM, as a user of linux, you gave vista no useful use04:50
n08l3v1rkhmm.. how to update the sources in sources.list04:50
Geoffrey2david__, to the best of my knowledge, Ubuntu can read and write to FAT32 just fine...it's only NTFS that's a problem at present04:50
wizzardRol, how do i use it? :D I just cant figure it out04:50
thenostradamusn08l3v1rk, u don't update them, u change them04:50
thenostradamusto dapper04:50
brueniggedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:50
userundefinen08l3v1rk, in a terminal, type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" - no quotes04:50
HLMlast good version of windows was 3.1104:50
n08l3v1rkwhat next04:50
nickrudHLM, heh04:50
Ro1na...my favorite winows was 98se04:51
david__the write properties on my fat32 partition are turned  off04:51
Ro1that rocked04:51
Ro1like only 3 running processes lol04:51
snoopsgdb I believe the largest 4:3 monitor available these days is 21".. everything above that is 16:10 (for pc monitors)04:51
userundefineYeah, bsods every hour rocked04:51
Ro1OH YEAHHH right on userundefined04:51
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n08l3v1rkit says 3 different group of URLs04:51
Geoffrey2HLM, surely you haven't forgotten the General?04:51
n08l3v1rkso do i need to update all of them04:51
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HLM98se was just win95 with IE4 inbeded04:51
gdbsnoops: Ah, ok.  I was just asking my friend, his 24" is also a widescreen.04:51
gdbsnoops: All my LCDs are 19"04:52
Ro1i made a BSOD screensaver...so when my dad tried to use my laptop, he well would be like WTH!04:52
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blacktearsso whats everybodys favorite linux distribution?04:52
gdbAnd normal ratio.04:52
userundefineRo1, lol04:52
n08l3v1rkif possible, please guide me where to find them >04:52
jimbo2006Apart from Ubuntu Mepis is nice04:52
Ro1anyone read 1337 hax0r handb00k04:52
tronicablacktears, ubuntu, slackware04:52
nickrudbsod's were for idiot users, you coull\d always avoid them in the old windows04:52
Ro1bsod's are great fun04:52
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userundefineI was 12 at the time... definitely a idiot user04:52
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thenostradamusn08l3v1rk, wherever it says breezy or w/e distribution ur using, replace it with dapper04:53
snoopsblacktears there are other distributions? ;)04:53
Ro1heheh, at the time i got windows i think i was 9....now i more experienced (non windoze user anymore :)04:53
nickruduserundefine, heh. I was much older then,04:53
thenostradamusthen save and close and do an apt-get update04:53
Ro1now i'm 1404:53
thenostradamusthen apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
blacktearswhat tis dis?04:53
chip42snoops: i suppose it does. i don't know how i got by without stacking full size windows next to each other..04:53
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Ro1anyone ever read Linux Torvalds book, "Just For Fun"?04:53
thompai lost my sound somehow. ive restarted in alsa, now back to auto04:54
nickrudRo1, but I like the title04:54
Ro1i at first thought i'd be boring...but it keeps me very itnerestied04:54
Ro1its not boring book at all04:54
HLMif windows is so good why does microsoft use linux servers for all their updates04:54
dibblegomy /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders executable is causing a segmentation fault - I have opened a bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/50836 - but I am not sure if there is anything more I can do - it is quite crippling, I can't install or use a lot of software04:54
Ro1HLM; good question04:54
thompasystem sound work, seems real player problem04:54
userundefineHLM, never heard they do04:54
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nickrudHLM, that's fud04:55
blacktearswhat is slackware?04:55
Ro1a linux distro04:55
chip42Ro1: thats an autobiography of sorts?04:55
ubotuI know nothing about slackware04:55
Ro1chip42. yes04:55
ubotuI know nothing about developers04:55
HLMbeen that way since blaster and sasser hit them04:55
thompai have to reinstall real player to get streaming audio04:55
dibblegowhat's the ubuntu developers channel?04:55
snoopsHLM that's a silly argument though.. what's good for the server doesn't mean is good for the desktop.. The desktop just happens to be ms's main market04:55
nickrudblacktears, a very fine distro of linux, but it requires a lot from the user04:55
NickGarveydibblego: ubuntu-dev I think04:56
Ro1i think the develpopers channle is #ubuntu+104:56
NickGarveydibblego: nope ;)04:56
Ro1ah...sounds better nickrud04:56
bruenig#ubuntu+1 is edge eft04:56
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Ro1yeah...well edge is in develpment04:56
nickrudedgy eft, something to ignore till september04:57
thompaok i have to start real player before firefox that sucks04:57
NickGarveynickrud: thats not it04:57
HLMtried FreeSuse 10.1 and really did not care for it04:57
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Ro1fuzzy fox......guilty giraffe.....huggable hippo....those will be next distros, lol04:57
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NickGarveyHLM: openuses ou mean?04:57
NickGarveywow that was horrible04:57
bruenigif edgy eft has full support for 32 bit on 64 bit like they said, it will be the greatest OS ever04:57
NickGarveyHLM: opensuse you mean?04:57
nickrud#ubuntu-devel NickGarvey04:57
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:57
tronicaHLM, did you use smart04:57
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chip42NickGarvey: lol. i understood it immediately though04:57
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NickGarveyHLM: smart makes it so much better (running opensuse 10.1 now ;))04:58
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:58
ubotuI know nothing about vim704:58
Ro1if anyone is short of questions....wanna have a small browser war (nothing mean though)04:58
blacktearsso when you install slackware do you have a gui or not?04:58
ToHellWithGAi installed apache and apache perl and apache ssl b/c i thought that would be what i needed for a webserver then realized i only needed apache204:58
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tronicablacktears, no04:59
blacktearsthat sucks04:59
ToHellWithGAafter removing all but apache2 with apt-get remove --purge, rc still tries to start apache-perl and apache-ssl04:59
tysdoes somebody have a HOWTO for installing vim704:59
tronicablacktears, go to osdir and look at the screenshot gallery for slackware04:59
Ro1tys: maybe i can find one04:59
ToHellWithGAcould somebody help me clear everything that isn't apache2 from my computer so apache2 will actually start at startup?04:59
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HLMwill maybe try open suse again with smart05:00
ToHellWithGA*everything apache-related that isn't apache205:00
thenostradamusToHellWithGA, find /* | grep apache05:00
dr_willistys,  i just followed the docs on the vim page and used the SVN version.05:00
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alihi can i install ipcop on ubuntu breezy or dapper ?05:00
ToHellWithGAthenostradamus: but i need to remove the references as well05:00
dr_willisnot that i needed vim7 :)05:00
tronicaHLM, yast just hung there and never worked for me05:00
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Ro1TYM: try this http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=147305:00
alior is it a linux by it self05:00
ali ?05:00
ToHellWithGAwould simply removing the files in my rcX.d directories solve the problem?05:00
blacktearswhere is it?05:00
tronicablacktears, hld on05:01
HLMi know... yast did the same to me05:01
userundefineali, from what I understand IPCop is a firewall distro.05:01
dibblegois there something that will create an ISO from a CD?05:01
twitchdibblego, many things05:01
tronicablacktears, http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=437&slide=48&title=slackware+linux+10.2+screenshots05:01
dibblegotwitch, can you recommend one?05:01
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slonchohi. dapper, mplayer. how to make cyrillic (cp1251) subs to be displayed? tried different options (subcp, subfontencoding) ... no help. w/o options it displays substituted characters (cyr), with any option - only underscores.05:01
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ToHellWithGAsloncho: what language?05:02
nickruddibblego, dd if=/dev/cdrom (or equiv) of=iso.iso bs=102405:02
tysdr_willis: do you have some url?05:02
marcHow do I use Wine?05:02
slonchoToHellWithGA: BG05:02
thompayou still cant listen to bbc in ubuntu easily05:02
NickGarvey!wine > marc05:02
twitchdibblego, well im going to assume that your using ubuntu considering the channel that your in right now so try looking an app in SPM05:02
slonchoToHellWithGA: bulgarian. this works OK under suse05:02
ToHellWithGAsloncho: perhaps people in the channel for Russian or some other cyrillic language could help.  this is the English channel so few people here would use cyrillic05:02
snoopsbs=1024 only takes the first 1024bytes doesn't it nickrud?05:02
ubotuI know nothing about russian05:02
thompait only works with real player: streaming audio05:02
dr_willistys,  for vim7? i just went to their homepage and read about it and followed the instructions.05:03
ubotuI know nothing about bg05:03
ubotuI know nothing about bulgaria05:03
nickrudsnoops, just defines how to read05:03
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help05:03
Ro1TYS http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=147305:03
blacktearswell how do you go from command line to gui?05:03
ToHellWithGAis bulgarian similar enough to russian that you could get something from ubuntu-ru?05:03
=== ToHellWithGA doesn't know about languages
nickrudsnoops, actually, me , personally, I never added that. I just add that cuz I see that recommended here05:03
dr_willisblacktears,  'startx' command will start the X server and so forth.05:03
alithanks userundefine ;) same here but strange and excellent ;)05:04
blacktearshow well does linux do with mp3s05:04
aliubuntu rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:04
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snoopshmm nickrud, so how come for hdd's.. to copy the mbr (boot sector + partition table) you use bs=512.. for just the bootsector you use bs=446.. I thought that's the number of bytes it takes up05:04
slonchoToHellWithGA: usually russians use KOI8-R encoding, not cp125105:04
userundefineblacktears, does just fine if you install mp3 support.05:04
snoopssince that's exactly how big the file it creates is05:04
bruenigblacktears, not natively supported but installing appropriate codecs is very easy05:04
thompakubuntu is tops05:04
slonchoToHellWithGA: but I'll try05:04
nickrudsnoops, we're talking about a cd, not a hard disk05:04
swajkubuntu is pretty buggy on my laptop... but ubuntu runs flawlessly05:04
snoopsshouldn't it be treated the same for dd though nickrud?05:05
nickrudsnoops, not really, no.05:05
blacktearshow about ares-like programs?05:05
thompaopposite here on, lappy gnome is slower05:05
blacktearsif any of you know what ares is05:05
jsgotangcoswaj: unfortunately, there wasn't much focus on kubuntu from the laptop testing team though05:05
userundefineblacktears, does that run on gnutella?  I forget.  There's an emule (amule) client05:05
blacktearsno its for windows05:05
Ro1anyone know of a good video player other then mplayer?05:06
blacktearsbut what about like kazaa or stuff like that05:06
userundefineblacktears, I know, but what p2p network does it use05:06
nickrudsnoops, if you want my personal dd for getting data off a cd for writing?: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/datatdisc   That suffices05:06
blacktearsi dont know actually05:06
thompahow to disable the touchpad anyone. im suffering?05:06
tronicablacktears, try running it in wine05:06
blacktearsi never had to until i found linux05:06
blacktearswhats wine05:06
tysRo1: I doesn't work05:06
NickGarvey!wine > blacktears05:07
mog!modprobe > mog05:07
ubotuI know nothing about modprobe05:07
mogdoh. anyone wanna explain "modprobe ath_pci" to me?05:07
blacktearscool so if i have a .exe file i can use wine to run it05:07
mogit doesnt return anything for me05:07
snoopsyeah nickrud.. that's fine.. but bs is the thing I'm wondering about.. since bs=512 copies the first 512bytes on hdd, and bs=446 copies first 446bytes.. why wouldn't bs=1024 copy the first 1024bytes?05:07
nickrudmog, if it returns nothing , it installed the module properly05:08
blacktearsis that a yep to me or another conversation?05:08
userundefinemog, it loads the ath_pci module from the kernel.  typically it doesn't print anything out.05:08
tronicablacktears, to you05:08
NickGarveysnoops: I don't think you need the bs, I didn't use it and I copy isos all the time05:08
Ro1o SHOOT! i have a problem....my sound isnt working at all...this morning it was..can someone help?05:08
blacktearstronica, thank you05:08
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moguserundefine: somethings not working here then :\05:08
tronicablacktears, wine is in the repos05:08
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nickrudmog, lsmod  returns all the modules you have loaded; ath_pci should be near the bottom if you just loaded it05:09
tronicablacktears, and after you install it just run winecfg to configure it05:09
userundefinemog, ..... yep what nickrud said05:09
blacktearscool so by tomorrow i shall only be running linux05:09
moguserundefine: do you mind taking a look here? http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/roofnet/doku.php?id=software ; I'm slightly confused by the instructions prior to "modprobe ath_pci"05:09
blacktearsno more dual boot05:09
tronicablacktears, go to the forums and there is tons on running wine05:09
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snoopsah I see.. okay.. bs is the input and output block size.. so it'll keep copying the disk in 1024byte blocks, unless you tell it how many times to do it.. such as count=105:09
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Ro1o SHOOT! i have a problem....my sound isnt working at all...this morning it was..can someone help?05:09
nickrudsnoops, we're not freaking concerned with particuluar sectors, when we're dealing with cds05:10
userundefinemog, is ath_pci output somewhere when you type in "lsmod"?05:10
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snoopswow nickrud, don't get your panties in a twist :)05:10
mogbut the next step doesnt work05:10
mogso i assume im missing one of these:05:11
nickrudsnoops, heh, my panties have extra twistability :)05:11
mogit says do make all; make install; then "to build and install click. Once everything has built, install the modules and load the Roofnet click config: Load the newly built drivers for the Atheros AR521X cards:" then modprobe ath_pci05:11
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mogim not sure what install the modules is... nor load roofnet click config...05:11
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nickrudsnoops, cd's are not hard to copy, don't make it harder05:11
blacktearswere can i see screenshots of what people have done with their desktops on linux05:12
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nickrudassuming some fucking copy protection is not involved05:12
blacktearsdown with copy protection!!!!05:12
bruenigI would try art.gnome.org or something like that just google a lot of this stuff05:12
mosheI just upgraded from breezy to dapper, and when I boot, gdm doesn't start.  What do I need to edit to get it to start automatically?05:12
dr_willisblacktears,  google will show dozens iof sites.. gnome-look.org and kde-look.org are 205:12
userundefineby modprobing the module, you have "installed" them.  After that, just cd to where you have the directory it lists (../conf/wiki) and run sh * in terminal05:12
tronicablacktears, go to the ubuntuforums.org/gallery05:12
snoopsnickrud, well you were stating that copying hdd's and cd's is different in linux using the same dd command.. I just looked up the dd spec to find out exactly what did what.. no probs05:12
moguserundefine: yeah, that fails horrifically lol05:13
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nickrudsnoops, ah, no, I would never say that, I was only talking about copying cds. Point taken05:13
userundefinemog, ah, well that's probably an issue with the script then which would be out of my depth.  never used whatever program that is.05:13
moguserundefine: k, thx anyways.05:13
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Asche hola, tengo un juego para irc hecho en perl y me instale el sirc para cargarlo, cuando pongo "/load script.pl" no pasa nada, el codigo del juego esta aca http://pastebin.com/73246705:15
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:15
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jimbo2006I am downloading fluxbox - is it easy to tell ubuntu to load fluxbox instead of gnome?05:15
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dr_willisjimbo2006,  trivial05:16
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dr_willisjimbo2006,  it will be listed in the GDM menus as a session you can use.05:17
jimbo2006ok thanks dr_willis05:17
bruenigyou can uninstall gnome if you wish05:17
Evilscientistcan someone answer a question so basic I can't find the answer for it??05:17
userundefineEvilscientist, possibly05:17
dr_willisjimbo2006,  most all the alternative desktops/wndow managers do that.. thiose that dont.. are easially added.05:17
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Evilscientisthow the hell do you edit a config file in the base install?05:17
nickrudbruenig, I'm still looking for the magic invocation for removing gnome05:18
Evilscientistwhat's the "edit" equivalent?05:18
bruenigEvilscientist command line sudo gedit /path/to/file05:18
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LoneShadowI am trying to setup a dual boot - centos and ubuntu dapper05:18
nickrudEvilscientist, nano05:18
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Evilscientistnano = gedit?05:18
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brueniggo gedit05:18
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LoneShadowI got the debootstrap done, but not able to "dpkg-reconfigure locales console-data"05:18
userundefinetwo different programs.  one CLI one GUI05:18
nickrudEvilscientist, no, it's very low level, available always05:19
Ro1i need help.....my sound is not working at all...but it was a few hours ago05:19
LoneShadownano = simillar to pico :D05:19
Evilscientistdanke.....I may have more soon! ;)05:19
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bruenigevilscientist, gui is easier, but if you prefer editing files in command line go with nano05:19
EvilscientistI'm trying to set up a SAMBA server...05:19
Ro1i need help.....my sound is not working at all...but it was a few hours ago05:19
Evilscientistsuggest I keep to base or load a GUI?05:19
nickrudEvilscientist, erm, stay as low level as you need. If you intend to run a gui on the machine, install a gui. Otherwise, don't05:20
userundefineEvilscientist, ah, you've installed ubuntu as a server?  Just use command line programs (like nano) then.05:20
bruenigevilscientist, up to you, i was able to work faster in gui because i was used to it05:20
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bruenigevilscientist, oh i didn't realize you went server go CLI05:21
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nickrud!info nano05:21
ubotunano: free Pico clone with some new features. In repository main, is standard. Version 1.3.10-1 (dapper), package size 250 kB, installed size 1416 kB05:21
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Ro1i need help.....my sound is not working at all...but it was a few hours ago05:21
Evilscientistcommand line interface?05:21
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:21
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Ro1i need help.....my sound is not working at all...but it was a few hours ago05:21
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nickrudheh, ubotu kept that one05:21
twitchdoes anyone here user firestarter?05:21
Ro1i do05:21
Ro1but i need help05:22
Ro1but i need help05:22
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lightstartwitch, i do05:22
nickrudtwitch, have done, not recently05:22
userundefineRo1, people in here might not be familiar with your problem but check here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20021005:22
jajaja1i have a zydas usb wlan...it gets an ip and mac address but when I try to browse I get nothing...any ideas?05:22
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dtsI'm trying to create a custom installation (!not live) CD and i'm using preseed, however i feel like the commands i type are being ignored, is there any good howtos out there/05:22
Ro1userundefine: ok05:22
ToHellWithGAi'd like to make a list of packages i installed so i can reinstall ubuntu with its defaults then run the script to add on all of my hand-picked addons05:22
twitchlightstar, do you often get messages in your events tab?05:22
lightstartwitch, yeap i sure do05:22
twitchbecause i get alot of them and im not sure if its just routine connections im getting or actual threats?05:22
bruenigtohellwithga, i think they have a minimal install cd05:23
hanasakihow do i add a locale?05:23
Evilscientistso i could install say a minimum shell like xubuntu and still have the system act as a domain server...correct?05:23
nickrudToHellWithGA, dpkg --get-selections > IwantThesePackages05:23
twitchso how do you determine the threats from the generic connections05:23
nickrudToHellWithGA, then, dpkg --set-selections < IwantThesePackages05:23
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nickrudToHellWithGA, after the install05:23
ToHellWithGAnickrud: does that get everything or just my choices?05:23
userundefineEvilscientist, you could, but the GUI would just be wasting cpu cycles and RAM if you keep it on there.  Your choice, really05:24
dtsnicrud how do you add these selections to the installation script so that after the installation the system is automatically in that stage?05:24
Paladineanyone got any ideas on this? (soffice.bin:1345): Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to STRING: Conversion from character set 'UTF-8' to 'ISO-8859-1' is not supported05:24
Evilscientistjust need it as a file server/printer server...05:24
nickrudToHellWithGA, just your installed packages, based on the current state when you to the --get-selections05:24
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jimbo2006jajaja1 I have a zydas USB I think I had to download some firmware files. I still haven't got it working. Have you looked through dmesg?05:24
Evilscientist...not setting it up as a game server or anything.....05:24
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:24
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hanasakidpkg-reconfigure locales <= does nothing.. just lists en  how do i add japanese?05:24
Ro1no one can help me with my problem?05:25
twitchlightstar, how do you dertermine which events are threats?05:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:25
ToHellWithGAnickrud: and that ">" pushes them to a file and the "<" pulls them from a file?05:25
yipewow, I  forgot how much I loved xchat2.4.405:25
lightstartwitch, hard for a firewall to determine which are threats..that is y we deploy IDS:)05:25
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twitchlightstar, IDS?05:26
nickrudhanasaki, erm. I have issues with that, but System-Admin->Language Support is supposed to be how it works05:26
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nickrudToHellWithGA, exactly.05:26
ubotuI know nothing about ids05:26
hanasakiin debian i used to dpkg-reconfigure locales and it brought up a list .. NickGarvey05:26
hanasakinickrud:  that is05:26
lightstartwitch, intrusion detection system05:26
hanasakiin debian i used to dpkg-reconfigure locales and it brought up a list .. nickrud05:26
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jajaja1Jjimbo2006: i get no errors in dmesg05:26
nickrudToHellWithGA,  > means write to a file, < means read from a file05:26
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crimsunhanasaki: see /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED, and use locale-gen05:26
nickrudhanasaki, yes, and that is now not supported05:26
nickrudhanasaki, see crimusn05:27
bean_hi, does anyone know how i can input japanese in say openoffice without having to log in through a japanese session?05:27
crimsunhanasaki: or in GNOME, use System> Administration> Language Support05:27
bean_in windows this is easily accomplished by changing the IME settings05:27
hanasakihmm did ubuntu take that out of debian ? why is it gone now05:27
bean_how to do this in dapper?05:27
twitchlightstar, are there any linux IDS?05:27
stbrennercan someone tell me how set GNOME as my default graphical enviorment?  i wanted to try KDE and accidently selected it as the default and can't do it from the login screen like in GNOME05:27
jimbo2006OK I'm sorry I can't be of any more help jajaja105:28
Paladinehmmm anyone got a minute05:28
ubotuI know nothing about snort05:28
Ro1somone please help me...this morning i was using my sound perfectly...now it wont work at all, i'm using dapper and ATI IXP05:28
nickrudhanasaki, a question better asked, not to crimsun or me :)05:28
lightstartwitch, look up snort05:28
ToHellWithGAthanks nickrud.  you're an indispensable resource in here05:28
hanasakito how nickrud05:28
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Paladineooo crimsun I was told to speak to you05:28
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nickrudhanasaki, look into who's doing the language support, and bug them05:28
Paladinecrimsun I hear you are a bit of a sound guru05:29
Ro1somone please help me...this morning i was using my sound perfectly...now it wont work at all, i'm using dapper and ATI IXP05:29
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blacktearshey i downloaded a package that would let me mess with windows partitions, where do i access it?05:29
ToHellWithGAnickrud: i'd be ok to trim those selections to just my extras, right?05:29
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crimsunPaladine: there are no gurus, only tears.05:30
Evilscientistso if you were building a light duty home file and printer server...what would you guys do...GUI or CLI?05:30
dtsnickrud question about the get/set-selections stuff. Is this the same file you use as your preseed file on the installiton CD or do you run this file later on once the sytem is back up?05:30
Paladinecrimsun, would you mind looking at this little problem for me please? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20403005:31
nickrudToHellWithGA, I'd have to see to comment05:31
ToHellWithGAnickrud: we shall see :D05:31
ToHellWithGAif i return in a few hours and say it went well, we will both know05:31
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Evilscientist....just want an opinion from experts like you....05:31
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CarlFKEvilscientist: I would do cli - but it really doesn't matter05:31
ToHellWithGAand if it didn't go well i'll still have a fairly small list of packages to do manually05:31
Evilscientist1 vote CLI....anyone else?? :)05:32
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lightstarEvilscientist, me05:32
blacktearshey, anybody, i got a package that would let me mess with ntfs partitions, how do i access it05:32
Evilscientistkeep in mind I'm a complete NUB at linux.05:32
blacktearsthe program i mean05:32
dr_willisEvilscientist,  this is linux use wht YOU want. :P05:32
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nickruddts, I didn't trust the breezy->dapper upgrade path: so I did a dpkg --get-selections to get a current snapshot of my packages; after I did an install of dapper, I did the --set-selections ; worked like a charm05:33
yipeI'm having a really hard time getting grub to reinstall05:33
yipeand yes I've already seen !mbr05:33
Evilscientistof course....but opinions are like assholes....everybody has them....05:33
Ro1somone please help me...this morning i was using my sound perfectly...now it wont work at all, i'm using dapper and ATI IXP05:33
Evilscientist....I want to know yours! ;)05:33
bruenigRol, it is clear nobody knows, try to forums05:33
m1ndsurferI've got Fedora Core 3 on my machine and I'm trying to blow it away and install Ubuntu; how do I get rid of the LVM partitions on my disk? Taking Ubuntu's default install options ("Erase entire disk...") doesn't work, it says it can't create the filesystem.05:33
dtsnickrud: awesome thanks, do you know if you can somehow include it in the install CD05:33
jimbo2006Hey EvilScientist why not install the GUI, set everything up then tell Ubuntu to just boot up CLI when it is all configured?05:33
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Evilscientistthat's possible I assume.05:34
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nickruddts, no, it's something you do afterwards.05:34
nickruddts, but: mind you, I am not an even close to expert: I may have been lucky05:35
CarlFKspeaking of sound:  play /usr/share/hwdb-client/sound.wav =  sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': Device or resource busy05:35
Paladinedoes case matter for locales?05:35
CarlFKhow do I find out what is using it?05:35
nickrudCarlFK, lsof /dev/dsp05:36
PaladineI get en_GB.utf8 from locale -a, but I get LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 from locale (and I am getting locale errors)05:36
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CarlFKnickrud: nothing.05:36
Evilscientistthanks for the answers guys........05:36
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nickrudCarlFK, ok, that was my one stab at sound. Wait for the expert05:37
Ro1somone please help me...this morning i was using my sound perfectly...now it wont work at all, i'm using dapper and ATI IXP05:37
bruenigrol, nobody knows, try to forums05:37
LoneShadowanyone having problems with "dpkg-reconfigure locales" ?05:37
CarlFKnickrud: thanks anyway - at least you seem to understand my problems :)05:37
Ro1i tried someone has simlar sound problem...no one had answers05:37
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ubotuI know nothing about GDM05:37
yipeso I'm trying to reinstall grub, and grub is giving me these weird errors like "file not found"05:37
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocaleConf05:38
Ro1!your mom05:38
ubotuI know nothing about your mom05:38
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userundefineRo1, the more people who mention their problems the more attention it'll get.  Why not just attach your problem to the thread05:38
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nickrudCarlFK, a lot of people here have some sideral experience; but this pxe thing is gonna screw most of us05:38
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twitchdoes anyone know how to use apt-get build-dep05:38
twitchit has me baffled05:38
Ro1userdefine: i dunno...maybe i'll jsut reinstall dapper05:39
jimbo2006!Colonel Hogan05:39
ubotuI know nothing about Colonel Hogan05:39
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nickrudtwitch, sure: apt-get build-dep <package> installs all the necessary packages to build <package>05:39
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:40
twitchnickrud, well i downloaded a tarball and i typed sudo apt-get build-dep <nameoftarball> and it just said that package was not found05:40
jasonmgnome-window-decoraor: Another window decorator is already running05:40
jasonmcompiz.real: Failed to manage screen: 005:40
jasonmcompiz.real: No managable screens found on display :0.005:40
CarlFKtwitch: I am about to recompile xorg using this as a guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildingWineFromSource05:40
jasonmi get that when i try and use xgl05:40
CarlFKtwitch: tarball is different - what are you trying to build?05:41
snoopswhich guide did ya follow jasonm?05:41
nickrudtwitch, ok, what did you want to install? Face it, people use different names here and there. Translation is needed in nearly every case. And, Hopefully, you won't need to comple05:41
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twitchnickrud, im trying to install snort05:42
nickrudah snort.05:42
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twitchso build-dep doesn't work for tarballs?05:43
majd_i'm trying to compile Synergy from source...when i run:   ./configure --x-includes=/usr/openwin/include --x-libraries=/usr/openwin/lib05:43
nickrudtwitch, why not just install snort?05:43
majd_i get this error: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:43
lightstartwitch, there already is a snort package 4 ubuntu05:43
majd_i have gcc installed05:43
jasonmsnoops, the guide on the ubuntu forum. not the guide on ubuntuguide.org05:43
nickrudtwitch, it's in the universe repo/section05:43
snoopsdid you try method a or method b jasonm?05:44
twitchwell. id still like to know how to build-dep with tarballs05:44
noiesmotwitch, you could do build-dep prior to using a tarball but once you down load app you will need to do configure make make install05:44
jasonmsnoops, this one http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126705:44
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snoopsthat guide is pretty outdated05:45
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twitchnoiesmo, yes its at the ./configure part where it starts throwing out missing deps and thats why i want to know how to build-dep05:45
snoopslet me grab the one on the ubuntu wiki jasonm05:45
Ro1woot i fixed it05:45
=== nickrud says screw all outdated howtos, always check the repos first
CarlFKtwitch: tarball is just the source, none of the apt-get package manager instructions05:45
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pppoe_dudeack i cant find anywhere where to get w32codecs for breezy05:45
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.05:45
noiesmotwitch, to use build-dep you will need deb-src repos in your sources.list i believe05:45
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nickrudpppoe_dude, !restricted05:45
pppoe_dudebruenig, thanks but im no automatix guy05:46
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pppoe_dudealso i forgot to mention im on breezy05:46
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CarlFKtwitch: so you dont use any of the deb stuff, and you end up with a 'messy' system if you don't know what you are doing (like me)05:46
guest42Does anyone here use proftpd?05:46
[Ex0r] I do05:46
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nickrudpppoe_dude, the restricted page will work for any freaking linux for the codecs, just get them05:46
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jasonmsnoops, alright.. i appriciate the help. whats odd is i installed linux for the first time ever a few days ago, did this exact same guide and it worked beautiful. for other reasons i reinstalled linux and i now have a different monitor, thats the only thing i can think is different in my X setup and it doesnt work05:47
snoopsk jasonm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl follow that05:47
[Ex0r] guest42, I use proftpd05:47
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bruenigyou are too superior to use automatix, i understand yet you can't find your own .deb or binary source of w32codecs and install it yourself, makes sense05:47
newbuntuwhats the best way to network with your home pc from a remote pc, so that you can copy files over to the machine your on, I have desktop sharing on, but you cant share files05:47
guest42Alright, 'cause I'm having a problem with it.05:47
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cci[RR] ushi is there a built in BitTorrent client in Dapper 6.06?05:47
[Ex0r] newbieme, ftp?05:47
guest42I'm using the basic setup that it shows in the configuration page.05:47
Ro1cci Yes05:47
snoopsthat'll get you the latest versions of xgl and compiz anyway jasonm (newer than on the ubuntu repositories)05:47
lightstarnewbuntu, scp05:47
guest42Which says it doesn't need a password05:48
newbuntuwhat is scp ?05:48
Ro1cci[RR[, its jsut not displayed in your apps menu05:48
guest42But when I try to connect, it asks for a password anyway05:48
nickrudcci[RR] us, yes, drag a torrent from firefox to the desktop, then click the desktop torrent05:48
jasonmsnoops, i'll give this a go05:48
newbuntujust out of curiousity05:48
cci[RR] usyah i enabled it from my menu, but is that a good client?05:48
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ubotuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using ssh. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - winscp is a windows scp client05:48
cci[RR] usor should i install something better?05:48
snoopsjasonm there's also #ubuntu-xgl for help on that.. usually not many people in there.. but worth a go if you still have problems after that guide05:48
mitrovarrso what's the preferred fast install script for 6.06?  (easy ubuntu, automatix, that sort of thing)05:48
Ro1cci, BT is already isntalled05:48
guest42So, I dunno how to fix that.05:48
cci[RR] usok...05:49
nickrudmitrovarr, easyubuntu,05:49
nickrudif any05:49
ZambeziI just have to make this clear. Xfce uses less memory than Ubuntu and KDE?05:49
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cci[RR] usbut im refering to a better BT frondend05:49
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mitrovarrjust checking since last time I brought up automatix and you guys acted like I'd installed leprosy on my computer or something05:49
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=== nickrud believes in knowing what I am doing
[Ex0r] guest42, asks for password when connecting to the ftp server, or starting it ?05:49
ZambeziI just have to make this clear. Xfce uses less memory than *Gnome and KDE?05:49
blacktearshey anyone know a good p2p program for linux05:49
cci[RR] usBitTorrent? :D05:49
guest42When connecting to the server05:49
CarlFKblacktears: gnutella05:49
hawkaloogieblacktears, frostwire supposed to be good05:49
guest42Asks for username, which should be 'nobody'05:49
newbuntuapollon with gift plugins05:49
mitrovarrthanks guys05:50
nickrudmitrovarr, eh, yyeah, it gets that way sometimes, but good software trickles to the top05:50
Syco54645can anyone plrease give me a hand with the mkv codec in dapper?  it seems to be broken ever since i have upgraded05:50
guest42and then a password, but it shouldn't need one, according the the config file05:50
blacktearsok, so which is better05:50
blacktearsor more popular05:50
guest42So, I tried just hitting enter, and it fails to log in05:50
majd_anyone get Synergy working?05:50
CarlFKwhat is the name of the xorg source package?  (xorg gavem me something that compiled in 39 seconds), so I dont think that is it)05:50
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newbuntubittorrent, gift, gnutella05:50
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[Ex0r] guest42, it's gotta be a username that exists05:50
nickrudblacktears, true too. But we hope that value will override popularity over time05:50
cci[RR] usaMule05:51
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blacktearsyes yes05:51
newbuntuapollon lets you search fasttrack (kazaa), openft, gnutella, and others05:51
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blacktearswell then which one is better?05:51
guest42Hold on05:51
nickrudand since I've never used either , I think they both suck05:51
newbuntuwhat do you mean?05:51
varsendaggerhey i have a fresh breezy install how should i go about upgrading to dapper.   ( no cdrom or else i would do it the cool way05:51
delriois seveas still involved in ubuntu?05:51
[Ex0r] guest42, try logging in with a user account that exists on the machine (use the password as well)05:51
newbuntufor albums.. use bit torrent, for single songs use apollon or gnutella05:51
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nickruddelrio, oy, vey, yes05:51
delriook thanks nickrud05:52
DShepherdvarsendagger: sudo update-manager #that should work...05:52
delrionickrud what happened to bob2 ?05:52
[Ex0r] for single songs I use frostwire, which connects to the gnutella network05:52
lightstarvarsendagger, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all reference from breezy to dapper; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y05:52
DShepherdvarsendagger: or gksudo update-manager #that should work...05:52
blacktearsthen frostwire?05:52
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nickruddelmar, I miss him, and ask whoever I can05:52
bean_is there a gnome equivalent of apollon?05:52
pvdhow do you change the default window manager in gnome again?  im looking in the help section where it use to have it.05:52
guest42It still says login failed05:53
[Ex0r] you know, what I don't understand. If they want to stop p2p sharing, why not go after the gnutella network, instead of just a single p2p client?05:53
varsendaggerlightstar, would the DShepherd method work too ?05:53
nickruddelrio, erm, see above :)05:53
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lightstarvarsendagger, sorry not familiar with that05:53
guest42Maybe I still gotta specify that user name in my config file?05:53
xenexShould I download this video driver for my card? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8762.html05:53
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DShepherdvarsendagger: i hope so... but if it does go with lightstar way05:53
delriosee what nickrud? i dont understand?05:53
[Ex0r] guest42, nope, once proftpd is started, you should be able to log right in with a username/password on the system05:53
newbuntudoes howdy-dowdy have wooden balls?05:54
varsendaggerDShepherd, how did you do it?05:54
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lightstarDShepherd, varsendagger, don't see a reason why it won't work though05:54
newbuntuapt-get install womens-lib05:54
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nickruddelrio, a miss paste on my part. I haven't seen bob2 for many months.05:54
blacktearsokay frostwire, where do i get this?05:55
DShepherdvarsendagger: I did it lightstar's way.. but "gksudo update-manager -d" without the quotes should work05:55
delriook thanks nickrud05:55
[Ex0r] blacktears, frostwire.com or frostwire.org05:55
guest42I had assumed (never having set up FTP before) that you specified accounts in the configuration unrelated to local accounts that let people log in.05:55
guest42But, I dunno what I'm doing.05:55
nickruddelrio, I do miss him05:55
guest42In any case, I can't even log in with my name05:55
guest42So, I'll have to check it out05:55
guest42Thanks though05:55
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delrionickrud me too he was an important part of ubuntu05:55
nickruddelrio, yeah, he defined this channel. It still bears his imprint05:56
CarlFKguest42: the ftp server needs a place to read/write files, which ties into local filesystem dirs and rights05:56
delriowell from my exposure to ubuntu it was alot of people who showed me the way. seveas was one 2. i forget everyone now. anyway nite :)05:57
newbuntuwhy can you run executables on remote-desktop and even delete files... but not copy them over to the desktop your on?05:57
varsendaggerwhat does lts mean?05:57
guest42I see.05:57
xenexvarsendagger: Long term support.05:57
majd_i'm trying to get libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 but i can't find it in synaptic05:57
varsendaggernewbieme, try scp05:57
majd_how could i get it?05:58
newbuntuokay im looking into it05:58
varsendaggermajd_, what are you trying to install ?05:58
nickruddelrio, heh. Seveas, useful dude as well.05:58
majd_varsendagger, synergy05:58
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CarlFKnewbuntu: you can, there are many ways - 'best' depends on why you want to do it05:59
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CarlFKnewbuntu: do you have any windows box on you lan?05:59
ficusplanetHey everyone.  I recently setup AIGLX on my X40 Thinkpad and it works wonderfully!  However, upon waking from sleep all the graphics on the screen are just monochrome squares.  Any idea how to fix this?05:59
varsendaggermajd_, have you tride to apt-get it?06:00
majd_varsendagger, Building dependency tree... Done06:00
majd_E: Couldn't find package libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.306:00
DShepherdficusplanet: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-xgl?06:00
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft"06:00
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ficusplanetDShepherd: No, I wasn't aware that room existed.  Thanks.06:00
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varsendaggerDShepherd, ubuntu-base not found06:01
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guest42Okay, I got it now. It's workin' Thanks for your help06:02
detectiveinspektI can't connect to my ssh-server outside my network but can do it on the lan06:02
DR_K13sup isajeeps06:02
newbuntucarlFK i was busy for a sec, i only have ubuntu at bothe ends06:02
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newbuntudo i need scp at bothe ends?06:02
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blacktearsokay i got frostwire06:03
blacktearsand i click on the launcher06:03
blacktearsand nothing06:03
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newbuntuwas it a zip?06:03
CarlFKnewbuntu: no - you need openssh-server on one side and the client on the other, but ...06:03
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs06:03
Fiyawerxhey guys, whats the difference between the live cd and the dvd versions? other than 3 gigs06:03
DShepherdvarsendagger: install ubuntu-base06:03
blacktearsno i use kpackage which does everything06:03
teckfatthello, anyone know where is the network setting file located at? after setup the networking using UI, where is the file record all the setting....thank you06:03
CarlFKnewbuntu: but I would just install openssh-server on both sides so you can copy from/to ether box w06:04
DShepherdvarsendagger: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-base06:04
newbuntuthanks alot06:04
gdbteckfatt: /etc/network/interfaces06:04
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CarlFKnewbuntu: but... scp is handy for using the scp command.  you may want to lok into nfs (netwrok file system) that is a more formal file server06:05
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blacktearscould someone help me out with this?06:05
varsendaggerDShepherd, it can't find it06:05
nich0sAnyone want to take a stab at why Ubuntu doesn't come with a apt that can handle the cc command? Or tell me where I can get my hands on a proggie that will?06:05
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blacktearsor give me another p2p program i could use06:06
paul_Has anyone else had the problem with panels crashing when opening applications from alt-F2 command line?06:06
dr_willisnich0s,  huh?06:06
nickrudnich0s, sudo apt-get install build-essential ?06:06
xenexShould I download this video driver for my card? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8762.html06:06
teckfattgdb: alright thank you so much.....btw do u what to type for the <DNS Servers> <follow by IP> on /etc/network/interfaces06:06
CarlFKxenex:  no - sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:07
gdbteckfatt: DNS servers don't go in /etc/network/interfaces, they go in /etc/resolv.conf.  Is that what you're trying to configure?06:07
nich0snickrud: Let me give that a try,06:07
xenexCarlFK: Yeah but my openGL or whatever doesn't work. http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6320/guildwars9um.png06:07
nich0snickrud: I would kiss you if you didn't have my first name :P06:07
varsendaggerDShepherd, this is so wierd i can't apt-cache search ubuntu-base06:08
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CarlFKxenex: /join #ubuntu-glx06:08
Chris_CSomebody please help me before I put a bullet in my head ...06:08
xenexCarlFK: no such channel06:08
DShepherdvarsendagger: ?? really hmm.06:08
Chris_CI'm trying to burn a folder of files to a blank DVD-RW disc ...06:08
nickrudnich0s, it gets you gcc, make, and a couple other essential things, and my name is acutally rudnick, the nick stands for nick rude, and I try to live up to it :)06:08
DShepherdvarsendagger: what do you mean by you cant.?06:08
Chris_Cand it always says I don't have enough space (it's only 1.4 GB)06:09
DShepherdvarsendagger: you are not finding anything?06:09
blacktearsfrostwire is pissing me off06:09
Chris_Cthis is in nautilus06:09
teckfattgdb: i'm having a problem, when i restart my com, i need to retype the DNS server for my static ip06:09
newbuntuCarlFK i managed to get openssh-server on both now, whats the next step?06:09
blacktearsi dont know if its not working or just taking forever to load06:09
nich0snickrud: *kisses you*  You asked for it.06:09
CarlFKxenex: hmm.. what is the name...06:09
varsendaggeryeah not finding anythign i went into sources.list and uncommented all the repos06:09
xenexCarlFK: The name of what?06:09
teckfattgdb: what are u suggestion? thank you anyways06:09
CarlFKnewbuntu: what is the name of a file, and the IP of your other box?06:09
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gdbteckfatt: Have you used the Networks control panel?  Or are you looking to edit the config file by hand?06:09
nickrudnich0s, thanks :)06:09
CarlFKxenex: hmm.. what is the name... of the  #ubuntu-glx channel06:09
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xenexCarlFK: How would I know? :x06:10
gdbteckfatt: System -> Administration -> Networking is the control panel you can use.06:10
varsendaggermaybe it is ubuntu-minimal?06:10
CarlFKi wuz hopoing someone would chime in06:10
alii want to share internet connection between two of my network cards06:10
alii mean one is for local and one for internet06:10
alihow to share it ?06:10
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alii dont want to use firewall like firestarter to share it06:11
teckfattgdb: yes i;m using tat networking control panel.....but it remove the DNS server IP after i restart com06:11
Chris_Chow do you all burn data to DVD-RW's?06:11
teckfattgdb: so i'm thinking of manual edit06:11
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teckfattgdb: so i'm thinking of edit by hand06:11
bimberiChris_C: using the file manager (nautilus)06:11
CarlFKChris_C: I use growisofs06:11
gdbteckfatt: Well, that's the file it's editing, though.  Are you sure you're using a static?  Can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file to a pastebin?06:12
me2winanyone here play WoW?06:12
bimberiChris_C: do you copy and paste the folder to Go -> CD/DVD Creator ?06:12
Chris_Calas, nautilus is killing me.  It says my blank DVD-RW disc doesn't have enough room for 1.4 GB of data.06:12
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[Ex0r] me2win, I used to.06:12
newbuntuCarlFK      /home/sara/Sara's Tunes/Beatles. The/Abbey Road/01 Come Together.mp306:13
CarlFKali - I think it is a simple switch /proc/forward ? and maybe a routing entry - and then you need to set the gateway IP of the other boses06:13
teckfattauto eth106:13
teckfattiface eth1 inet static06:13
teckfattwireless-essid 43smd06:13
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varsendaggerDShepherd, maybe it is working now06:13
Chris_Cbimberi: since I'm burning files that have root ownership, I did a "sudo nautilus", and then did a copy and paste of the folder, then clicked the big "Write to Disc" button06:13
teckfattgdb: auto eth106:13
teckfattiface eth1 inet static06:13
teckfattwireless-essid 43smd06:13
CarlFKnewbuntu: scp "/home/sara/Sara's Tunes/Beatles. The/Abbey Road/01 Come Together.mp3" :06:13
me2win[Ex0r] : is there any playtime included when you buy the game?06:13
[Ex0r] me2win, IIRC, it comes with 30 days free06:14
bimberiteckfatt: please don't do that06:14
aliCarlFK do i need to rite like this   "/proc/forward ....06:14
me2win[Ex0r] : cool, thanks06:14
teckfattbimberi: k06:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:14
CarlFKnewbuntu: that will drop the file in the other boxes's users' home dir  (I am assuming the same username on both boxes)06:14
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=== Hobbsee is getting sick of people pasting in here.
Hobbseenext one who does it, someone call ops.06:15
CarlFKali - here are my notes from about 10 years ago: http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/linux/cmr/06:15
bimberiChris_C: hm, that seems ok to me, not sure what the issue is :/06:15
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aliThanks CarlFK06:16
aliCarlFK, u are cool 10year you must be guru in linux ;)06:16
CarlFKali - well, it was only last week that I installed Linux on my main box....06:16
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CarlFKgot pizzet at win one too many times06:17
Dial_toneI've been using freebsd almost 10 yrs and I'm still pretty clueless :)06:17
varsendaggercould someone do an apt-cahce search ubuntu-base for me?06:17
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CarlFKDial_tone: you and me both06:17
gdbHobbsee: Ah, he was a newbie and didn't seem to know any better and indicated that he understood he's not to do it again.  Let's show a little more ubuntu, eh? ;-)06:17
deitarion2What's the procedure for setting a login splash screen under Ubuntu? My friend's asked me to help him and I only know Gentoo.06:17
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Dial_tonemy main problem is I read the docs just enough to get something working, but never enough to master it06:18
Hobbseegdb: how hard is it for people to read a topic?  and i keep hearing people say "oh, i saw people pasting before, so thought it was acceptable to paste"06:18
bimberi!splash > deitarion206:18
nickruddeitarion2, for login gksudo gdmsetup06:18
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nickrudrflmao, expecting people to actually read the topic06:19
Hobbseenickrud: yeah, i know.06:19
telliottHello.  I'm a newbie running 6.06 (live CD)06:19
Dial_toneis there a default keycombo to switch virtual desktops in gnome?06:19
CarlFKali - DON'T use that on your box.  i just relaized that it uses some very outdated things - you want iptables now06:19
nickrudHobbsee, I gave up06:19
thrice`ctrl + alt + num should work06:19
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bimberiDial_tone: ctrl-alt-left and right works too06:19
thrice`otherwise you can set them06:20
gdbHobbsee: Well, you never know.  I just try to keep in mind that the only folks up on regular IRC netiquette are those that are regulars on IRC.  If someone's new, I let oversights slide.  But that's me. :-)06:20
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Dial_toneahh, thank you06:20
nickrudand if any place overlooks, this is it06:20
gdbI do hope he's able to get his networking issue solves.06:20
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aliCarlFK, iptables where can i get that ?06:21
varsendaggergdb,  could someone do an apt-cache search ubuntu-base for me?06:21
aliCarlFK, i am trying this for the first time ;)06:21
nickrudHobbsee, have you seen ompaul's signoff recently?06:21
varsendaggerand tell me what you get06:21
Hobbseegdb: true...i kinda just wanted to make an example - particularly with what i'd heard before, about people saying "oh, i saw all these people do it, it's fine for me to paste 30 lines in a busy channel too"06:21
nickrudI have stolen it06:21
gdbvarsendagger:  ubuntu-base - The Ubuntu base system (transitional package) -- this one?06:21
telliottCan I save my settings running the live CD?06:22
Hobbseenickrud: yeah i did :)06:22
varsendaggerwhy can't i find it?06:22
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Chris_Cwhen nautilus burns a disc, does anyone know if/where on the hard drive it creates a temporary image of what it's about to burn?06:22
gdbvarsendagger: I don't know, I'd suspect it's in main and marked required.06:22
nickruddoggerell, but appropriate06:22
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varsendaggergdb, do you run breezy or dapper06:22
varsendaggeri am upgrading06:22
teckfattgdb: sorry DC just now.....what is ur suggestion? how to edit the DNS server by hand?06:23
gdbvarsendagger: I run Dapper.06:23
varsendaggeri should just do the source >> dapper dist upgrad06:23
cefvarsendagger: sounds like your sources are at fault06:23
raiinstormguys I know everyone says that its such a security issue but I don't care.  How do I give read/write/execute access to new files and all old files?   I hate having my access denied.06:23
gdbteckfatt: Well, I wanted to make sure that you're not having your settings clobbered by dhclient, but you do seem to have your interface set as static.  Do you have other interfaces other than eth1 defined in there?06:24
thrice`no, that is a terrible idea06:24
thrice`raiinstorm: noone in here will tell you how to do that.  It is a terribel idea, and will ruin your install06:24
raiinstormyes I realize that.  I'm not that much of an idiot.06:24
thrice`you would know how to do it if you weren't06:24
CarlFKali - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing06:24
varsendaggercef, or anyone could you show me your dapper source.list?06:24
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:24
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:25
roostishawanyone, how do i change the default port for apache2?06:25
raiinstormthanks a lot thrice.   I'm actually not an idiot.  Just because I don't know everything about Linux.  I don't see why files can't be accessed easier.06:25
lightstarroostishaw, edit the httpd.conf and change the ListenAddress06:25
nickrudwhat happened to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666, great sources06:25
mikereraiinstorm: chmod from the command line06:26
roostishawlightstar, thank you!06:26
lightstarroostishaw, np06:26
teckfattgdb: i show u my whole /etc/network/interfaces06:26
mikereraiinstorm: chmod +x * for all files in current directory to be executable06:26
thrice`raiinstorm: because perms are set for a reason06:26
thrice`and sudo is there for a reason06:26
CarlFKraiinstorm: some things in linux check for loose permessions and stop wroking, so you don't want to just do that06:26
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telliottCan I save my settings running the live CD?  I have a thumb drive.06:26
wasabiraiinstorm: What files?06:26
thrice`sudo can help you out quite a bit06:27
roostishawlightstar, um... actually, where would i find httpd.conf?06:27
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gdbteckfatt: Please use the webpage http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ to do that.06:27
detectiveinspektdo I have to forward UTP for a ssh server?06:27
nickrudraiinstorm, it's all about preserving your system, against whatever. You must have reasonable rights to change those files06:27
lightstarroostishaw, /etc/apache2 if i recall correctly06:27
mikereraiinstorm: what files in particular do you need to give permissions to?06:27
lightstarroostishaw, though in ubuntu the config is diff06:27
cefdetectiveinspekt: ssh uses TCP port 2206:27
gdbraiinstorm: Use sudo with your commands or run sudo -i when you need to do a lot of work as root.06:27
bimberiroostishaw: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf - but i think the file you're looking for is /etc/apache2/ports.conf06:27
roostishawlightstar, hmm, got it. but thats odd how the search didn't find it... thx anyway06:28
cefdetectiveinspekt: however, the server of course may need to resolve DNS names, which uses a combination of 53 TCP and UDP06:28
alithanks CarlFK06:28
detectiveinspektwhen I try to connect to my server outside it says wrong pwsd, but inside its fine06:28
teckfattgdb: ok tz06:28
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cefdetectiveinspekt: but you shouldn't need to forward them explicity with a normal NAT firewall.06:28
raiinstormI want to give permission to old tars I have on here, old files which got downloaded as a user I've since deleted and it drives me insane when I can't just access those files.  Nothing having to do with system things, just general files.06:28
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wasabiraiinstorm: As root, just grant permissions using chown/chmod.06:29
CarlFKraiinstorm: that's much different :)06:29
b1rkenHello, i have som problem accessing my drives from Ubuntu (Running via VMware), can someone help me?06:29
nickrudraiinstorm, chown those files to the owner you want to be owned by06:29
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detectiveinspektbut If I had two servers connected to the router how would they know which one?06:29
b1rkenI want to listen / play the movies in Ubuntu, from the drives i can normally access in Windows XP06:29
thrice`for example, chown -R rain:users /home/rain/downloads06:30
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teckfattgdb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1659106:30
thrice`will give rain access to /home/rain/downloads06:30
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CarlFKdetectiveinspekt: if it is really a 'router', you will connect to the IP of the box,but I am guessing it is more than just a router06:30
gdbteckfatt: You using a WRT54G wireless router for this connection?  Or something similar?06:31
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teckfattgdb: yes i'm using wrt54Gx , similar with wrt54g06:31
varsendaggerahh i'm going in for a dapper upgrade06:32
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gdbteckfatt: Can you please use that same website to show the output of /sbin/ifconfig -a ?06:32
newbuntuCarlFK  im trying to login to my home system using ssh, what is the command to login to to my home box where the user name is aloon and the ip is 24.blah blah06:33
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newbuntuthe user name is different then the one im on06:33
Dial_tonessh user@hostip06:33
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CarlFKnewbuntu: ssh aloon@24.bla..06:33
b1rkenI want to listen / play the movies in Ubuntu, from the drives i can normally access in Windows XP06:34
nickrudgood night all06:34
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newbuntucan you put the ip instraf of hostname?06:34
b1rkenHow can i access shared folders (Windows) in ubuntu?06:34
CarlFKnewbuntu: ssh aloon@24.bla.. <-IP ;)06:34
newbuntudang keyboard06:34
ubotuI know nothing about smb06:34
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:34
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roostishawhow do i resatart apache?06:34
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teckfattgdb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1659306:35
polpakroostishaw: /etc/init.d/httpd restart06:35
noiesmoroostishaw,  sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart06:35
polpakroostishaw: or that06:35
roostishawsudo: /etc/init.d/httpd: command not found06:35
roostishawsame with apache06:36
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ttongfly_do it command "apachectl restart"06:36
newbuntucarl thanks ! a lot.. im in there06:36
gdbteckfatt: And what is happening in your /etc/resolv.conf file when you restart your machine?06:36
polpakroostishaw: you sure apache's installed?06:36
bimberiroostishaw: put the 2 in :)06:36
roostishawpolpak, yes. im sure06:36
roostishawahh, right06:36
nightstalker07does anyone know of any errors with usplash....upon boot, my laptop just displays a black screen up to the login screen?...thanx06:36
roostishawthere we go, thx06:36
teckfattgdb: i try now06:36
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CarlFKnewbuntu: yipee!06:36
newbuntunow i just need to figure out how to commsnd line copy files from a to b06:37
polpaknightstalker07: you probably need to change the framebuffer args in your menu.lst06:37
newbuntu: )06:37
CarlFKsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart06:37
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polpaknewbuntu: cp file1 /path/to/directory/.06:37
Paladinewho's up for a bit of a challenge?06:38
PaladineI have two problems that are really starting to get my goat06:38
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nightstalker07polpak: where do i find that in the file?...i'm a n00b06:38
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newbuntuif sara is uder name on the box im on can I type  cp file1/sara/home  or do i need to put in the sara@196 blah blah?06:38
polpaknightstalker07: what's the resolution on your laptop?06:39
polpaknewbuntu: you can use sudo cp file1 /home/sara/.06:39
polpaknewbuntu: but you'll probably want to chown it also06:39
newbuntuokay thanks so much06:39
nightstalker07polpak: 1280x80006:39
newbuntulinux community is very helpful..06:40
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polpaknightstalker07: well you can try a couple of things.. Lemme check06:40
lufisIs anyone else having trouble with checkinstall?06:40
dr_willisit pays to read up on the fundamentals of Bash and shell ussage. :)06:40
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Paladinecan anyon come up with any solutions for these 2 issues please - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20441506:41
nothingmanhaving a strange problem where my three-head worked under Breezy and now doesn't under Dapper upgrade06:42
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teckfattgdb: yup, nothing there after restart....and after i setup the DNS server ip, the /etc/resolv.conf show the nameserver <ipaddress>06:42
DR_K13join /#neowinlinux06:42
Flippy209ic56: you around06:43
bthorntonsemi n00b question: where does the kernel source get installed when I install the kernel source deb through synaptic?06:43
bthornton'cause it's not in  /usr/src/06:43
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dr_willisWhat kernel source deb?06:44
gdbteckfatt: Well, I have no idea what could possibly be changing it if you're not using a dhcp connection... hrm.   Well, what you might try doing is setting up your DNS servers and running the command 'sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf' to set the immutable bit on the file.  This is *very* ghetto and it's best to figure out why it's being clobbered in the first place.06:44
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@219-89-80-175.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
bthorntondr_willis: linux-source06:45
InvisiblePinkUniafter upgrading to dapper, my emacs only displays squares instead of fonts...06:45
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dr_willis!info linux-source06:45
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB06:45
polpaknightstalker07: ok, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:45
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code06:45
newbuntuhow do you cp a whole directory in commandline?06:45
Hmmmmanyone have any experience setting up gforge on ubuntu?06:45
dr_willispackage size 22 kB ? That seems.. to me - to not be the source code for the kernel.06:45
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, like this you mean http://www,paladine.org.uk/funky-saveas-dialog.jpg  ???06:45
bthorntondr_willis: yes, but linux-source depends on linux-source-[kernel version] , which contains the "stock" source.06:46
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:46
teckfattgdb: ic, thank you so much for ur time....i will have a try06:46
dr_willisbthornton,  fire up synaptic and see what files it put where.06:46
bthorntonor contains something big, because it just downloaded 44 MB06:46
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: yup... like that06:46
polpaknewbuntu:  cp -r /source/path  /destination/path/.06:46
newbuntuthanks polpak06:46
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: what do i do?06:46
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, if you figure ou how to fix it, give me a shout :)06:46
gdbteckfatt: Ah, no worries, I wouldn't thank me, I've not really given you a solution, merely a work around.  If you want to change DNS information in the future, you'll have to run 'sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf' first to remove the immutable bit.06:46
bthorntondr_willis: I have, and according to that, there should be a: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz206:46
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: D'oh06:46
bthorntonbut there is nothing in /usr/src06:46
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, its been bugging the crap out of me for a week now06:47
gdbteckfatt: That "immutable" bit tells the kernel that absolutely nothing is allowed to make changes to that file, no matter if it's run as root or not.06:47
Paladineit is a locale issue06:47
polpakteckfatt: you can configure your computer to not recieve updates to DNS severs from DHCP06:47
Paladinebut I have had zero success fixing it so far06:47
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InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: the funny thing is, emacs works fine in the terminal window06:47
gdbpolpak: The interface is configured as a static, that's the confusing part of his issue.06:47
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polpakgdb: hrm.. that makes no sense then06:48
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PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, something funky with xlib and locales06:48
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nightstalker07polpak: would you like me to pastebin my menu.lst file06:48
CarlFKpolpak: isn't there a line you can put in /etc/network/interfaces to override dhcp options (like dns?06:48
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Paladinethat image was my Sae As dialog from any Open Office app06:48
gdbpolpak: Yes, 'iface eth1 inet static' is in his /etc/network/interfaces file.06:48
Paladineall other dialogs are fine06:48
Paladinejust the Save As is broken06:48
Xanzacan anyone point me to a tut on how start my own irc server06:48
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: for me the whole thing is broken... not just the save dialog box.....06:49
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gdbpolpak: It's a wireless connection to a linksys router so I'm wondering if that's an avenue for a solution, but I don't have any wireless Linux connections here to play with.06:49
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: right from the starting screen06:49
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PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, I am getting random issues system wide which seem to be all linked to the same problem06:49
Hobbseeteckfatt: sorry about the kick - but *please* dont paste in here06:49
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Paladinesame as the stupid tk "Black" error06:50
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: definitely some bug somewhere... me am new to linux so... not sure whats wrong... just hunting around the net for a solution06:50
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cmcgeeccI've never used xchat what's it used for06:50
polpaknightstalker07: nah.. you can just add vga=789 to your kernel options06:50
InvisiblePinkUnicmcgeecc: its IRC client06:50
CarlFKcmcgeecc: hi - welcome to IRC - what xchat is for :)06:50
polpaknightstalker07: right after the splash option06:50
polpaknightstalker07: just be sure to backup the file first06:51
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, I am not new (been using *nix on and off for about 12 years) but I am not an expert either.  This particular problem is driving me nuts06:51
teckfattHobbsee: is ok,..06:51
cmcgeeccwhat's IRC?06:51
nightstalker07polpak: i don't see where the splash option is06:51
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InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: hehehe :p06:51
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polpaknightstalker07: you see the lines starting with kernel    /boot/......06:51
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: will stick to gedit then06:51
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InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: will reinstalling emacs solve anything?06:52
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PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, I can't use gedit, it dumps funky characters in06:52
nightstalker07polpak: yes06:52
polpaknightstalker07: add vga=789 to the end of the first one of those06:52
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, which I suspect is also related to the locale issue06:52
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polpaknightstalker07: with a space between that and the splash option06:52
PaladineI have had to use nano for everything06:52
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InvisiblePinkUnioh... ok... so the locale issue must be fixed....06:53
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teckfattpolpak: can i know how to configure the com not to receive the DNS server update?06:53
InvisiblePinkUniPaladine: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77591 does that make any difference?06:53
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nightstalker07polpak: thanx let me just log in as root and i'll give it a shot.....see ya in a few06:54
jhermdoes anyone know why there isn't a current source package for the latest version of libdbus-1-2 [0.60-6ubuntu9] ? it seems silly to downgrade dbus just to be able to install the source package. please see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1659606:54
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polpakteckfatt: if you edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf06:54
CarlFKteckfatt: man interfaces (maybe..., I am skimming it)06:55
PaladineInvisiblePinkUni, you can try it, that won't fix my problem though06:55
CarlFKah, I bet that;s it06:55
dtshow do i completely reset an MySQL database including usernames etc, so it's as if it was just installed for thefirst time?06:55
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polpakteckfatt: you can remove the option to the request line that says domain-name-servers06:55
crimsunjherm: in Edgy?06:55
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crimsunjherm: Dapper has 0.60-6ubuntu8.06:56
CarlFKteckfatt: man dhclient.conf - "In  some  cases, a client may receive option data from the server which     is not really appropriate for that client, ...06:56
teckfattpolpak: ic, thank you06:56
jhermso i guess downgrading dbus doesn't seem like a bad anyways06:57
crimsunjherm: where did you get 0.60-6ubuntu9?06:57
teckfattCarlFK: ic....thanz06:57
polpakteckfatt: though it really shouldn't be using it if it's defined statically06:57
jhermis there a command that will tell me which repository it will be downloaded from, or what depends on it? i might be able to determine what broke it06:57
jhermaptitude didn't say anything would break if i did the downgrade, so, erm, hrm.06:58
crimsunjherm: apt-cache policy libdbus-1-206:58
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Paladinecrimsun did you manage tohave a look at my audio problem?06:58
DralidI'm having problems with Azureus, it is impossible to close the popup windows06:58
jhermit says under 0.60-6ubuntu906:58
jherm100 /var/lib/dpkg/status06:58
crimsunPaladine: no, I miss everything not addressed directly to me at the beginning of the link06:59
crimsunPaladine: s/link/line/06:59
dr_willisDralid,  seen that issue befor.. not sure about the detauls however. I think it was related to some sun/java issue.06:59
Paladinecrimsun - here is the issue if you get a chance - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20403006:59
crimsunPaladine: I'll look in a few minutes06:59
Paladinecrimsun, thanks man07:00
crimsunjherm: what does the changelog say?07:00
jhermcrimsun, thank you also07:00
jhermchangelog? should i be looking at that particular file it pointed to07:00
teckfattgdb: do u know where is the file tat save the location on the network control panel? i have create fill of location just wanna know where the file is...] 07:01
crimsunjherm: zless /usr/share/doc/libdbus-1-2/changelog.Debian.gz07:01
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crimsunjherm: what's the entry for 0.60-6ubuntu9?07:01
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jhermcrimsun: mind if i message you?07:02
gdbteckfatt: The network control panel edits /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf -- it edits some others as well, but that's not relavent to your issue.07:02
crimsunjherm: I prefer to keep it in-channel if you don't mind, since queries notify me07:02
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jhermok i'll put it up on the paste board07:02
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zFWhat's the easiest way to transfer files between two networked Ubuntu PCs07:04
teckfattgdb: yes, i just curios where the file save the 'location' data07:04
wasabiThe network.07:04
crimsunPaladine: pastebin ``cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*''07:04
spadeszF rsync or scp?07:04
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jhermcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1659707:05
gdbteckfatt: Oh, as in profile information for Home, Office, Traveling, and so on.  I don't know, to be honest.07:05
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zFspades, thanks. I figured scp but just wanted to hear what other people had to say07:05
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spadeszf i would do rsync personally07:05
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speirsi have a x700 agp on a desktop. ati 3d driver works fine. but i cant use virtual terminal ctrl alt fn. kinda frustrating..07:05
KazukisanHow do i stop firefox from opening .wma and .wmv Files in totem !! ?07:06
harisunddoes dapper rely on /etc/X11/xorg.conf for its display properties, or is that file left there for legacy purposes only and there is another video settings files in Dapper?07:06
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spadesKazukisan under preferences should be actions somwhere, remove .wmv07:06
crimsunharisund: that's the X.Org conffile, yes.07:06
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Paladinecrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1659807:06
harisundcrimsun ok thank heavens..07:06
h4v0kI messed up07:06
Kazukisanspades: that did not help07:07
h4v0know I cant unmount my floppy07:07
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newbuntuU had one more question about ssh , im trying to copy some music directories over from my home machine to here, when I sudo cp -r the folder it does it doesnt give an error , but i also doesnt show up at this end07:08
h4v0kdoes anyone know a command to force a unmount07:08
spadesKazukisan try right clicking on the file and changing what it opens with?07:08
newbuntuI had..07:08
spadesfrom withing a file manager07:08
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ToHellWithGAi'd like to convert a partition from ext2 ot ext3.  would it be best to just make a new ext3 partition and move the old stuff bit-by-bit, resizing as i go?07:08
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Kazukisanspades: good idea sec07:08
h4v0kfor some reason I cant open fstab with gedit07:08
nightstalker07polpak: thanks for the help, it worked07:08
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jhermh4v0k: umount -f07:08
ToHellWithGAh4v0k: are you typing "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"?07:08
jhermer, hrm, nevermind07:08
yortywhat you talking about!!?07:08
Kazukisanspades: nvm its already set to what i want it to open with07:08
HealotToHellWithGA: tunefs -j <device>07:09
crimsunjherm: that's not 0.60-6ubuntu9, that's 0.60-2ubuntu907:09
ToHellWithGAHealot: that's it?07:09
jhermsorry crimsun07:09
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhas anyone got the partypoker running ?07:09
gdbToHellWithGA: You can just add a journal and continue using it as ext3.07:09
HealotToHellWithGA: yup, that's it, well, umount first07:09
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h4v0k(gedit:8344): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `BonoboMDI'07:09
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gdbToHellWithGA: There is no difference between ext2 and ext3 other than the existance of a journal in ext3.07:09
h4v0kbonobo wtf07:09
ToHellWithGAbut that journal is a good thing, right?07:09
newbuntupolpak whats the command to chown a directory so you can copy it?07:09
Healotbetter ToHellWithGA07:10
yortyoh my god !!what a poor os!!07:10
gdbToHellWithGA: Yes, it is. :-)07:10
ToHellWithGAof course i'll unmount it first.  i don't want to break my data lol07:10
Healotyorty: not as expensive as Windows XP right?07:10
crimsunPaladine: do you use multiple sound cards?07:10
Paladinecrimsun, nope just the onboard ac97 card07:10
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yortyi agree with u!!07:10
ToHellWithGAis reiser established well enough that it's worth looking into?07:10
Paladinealthough it is showing 2 devices07:10
jhermcrimsun: no entry in the changelog for 0.60-6ubuntu907:10
crimsunPaladine: try removing ~/.asoundrc . That should cure it.07:10
PaladineI presume the second is midi07:10
squigglyI think the primary driving force behind Ubuntu is that they ship for free07:10
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhas anyone got the partypoker running ?07:10
squigglyThat and the package manager07:11
crimsunPaladine: it's a known issue, and I'll try and push a fix for it into dapper-updates.07:11
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Paladinecrimsun, thanks I will try that now07:11
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h4v0kjherm whatelse do i need to put in07:12
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HealotToHellWithGA: stick to ext3 would be a better choice... you can try that out though07:12
crimsunjherm: it would be at the top of the file.07:12
jhermh4v0k: i found out umount -f is only for NFS filesystems, so if thats what you're trying to forcefully unmount, use it, otherwise i'm not sure :/07:12
crimsunjherm: can you pastebin ``apt-cache policy libdbus-1-2'' please?07:12
jhermcrimsun: ...ubuntu8 is at the top and theres no entry for 9. hrm. duh07:12
jhermits because i went back to the older version07:12
ToHellWithGAoh boy.  i'm getting the following. from "tune2fs -j /dev/sda1" i get "The filesystem already has a journal"07:12
jhermmost likely07:13
crimsunjherm: right, but where did you get 9?07:13
ToHellWithGAshould i just mount it as ext3 when i remount it?07:13
HealotToHellWithGA: it's an ext3 then07:13
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ToHellWithGAi made it as ext207:13
Paladinecrimsun, that is almost working, I am getting nothing on center or LFER now, but front and back are all working07:13
crimsunjherm: I can't see 9 anywhere in our archive.07:13
ToHellWithGAi do know that ubuntu tried to automatically mount it as ext307:13
PaladineLFE sorry07:13
crimsunPaladine: good, now can you pastebin ``amixer''?07:13
ToHellWithGAwould it have *made* a journal at that point?07:13
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[Ex0r] anyone here know of a gui development software for PERL ?07:14
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jhermcrimsun: now it says ...ubuntu8 is the latest versionnn07:14
blank_hey guys07:14
blank_I need a good SVN web front-end07:14
jhermlet me see if i can get back to where i was07:14
blank_such as trac, but trac requires python07:14
blank_anyone have any suggestions?07:15
ToHellWithGAHealot: what's my filesystem check command?07:15
Paladinecrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1659907:15
jcan_rasi have a shell script I want to run at startup, can sum1 tell me how to do it?07:15
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ToHellWithGAi want to check this drive big time now that i know it confused itself between ext2 and ext307:15
Healot"fdisk -l <device>" - ToHellWithGA07:15
ToHellWithGAsystem fat16?07:16
m1ndsurferSo say I've installed Eclipse JDT with Synaptic. How do I run it? How do I find out how to run it?07:16
ToHellWithGAshouldn't it say system linux?07:16
HealotToHellWithGA: pastebin the fdisk output07:17
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crimsunPaladine: amixer set 'LFE' 80% && amixer set 'Duplicate Front' on07:18
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Paladinecrimsun, that now sends front to back (left and right) kills back and still no center or woofer07:19
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HealotToHellWithGAL: is that the drive where you are trying to mount the ext3 partition?07:20
ToHellWithGAHealot: http://thestonepedo.pastebin.ca/72851 all of my other partitions that are ext3 are listed as Id: 83 and System: Linux07:20
crimsunPaladine: ok, revert the 'Duplicate Front' toggle, and mute 'External Amplifier'07:20
ToHellWithGAHealot: that is the drive that was formatted as ext2 for a few months now07:20
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Paladinecrimsun, got the syntax for me?07:21
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crimsunPaladine: amixer set 'Duplicate Front' off && amixer set 'External Amplifier' off07:21
mikeandmoreany body compile the lastest kernel
HealotToHellWithGA: somehow it was mount as ext3 and journal was added the the partition07:22
Paladinecrimsun, front and rear working again but no center or woofer and front right still gives outputfor a few seconds after rear right output starts07:22
ToHellWithGAi guess it *has* a journal although i wouldn't know how to verify that07:22
farousmikeandmore: i did not compile but i run the kernel on debian sid07:22
ToHellWithGAis there a way i can set ID to 83 and System to linux?07:23
ToHellWithGAi don't like it masquerading as fat16 to fdisk07:23
crimsunPaladine: are you using the latest bios for that motherboard?07:23
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HealotToHellWithGA: it is linux partiton07:23
ToHellWithGAit is07:23
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Healotoh, with the fat16 partition07:24
Paladinecrimson, I may not be, I will check see when the last one was released.  I updated it a few months back but a newone may have been released since07:24
Healotfdisk /dev/sda then07:24
Healotpress h when you're the fdisk prompt07:24
mikeandmorefarous: you're running on laptop or desktop?07:24
Healotcheck out for the command to change the partition type07:24
Healotthen press w to write the changes :)07:25
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farousmikeandmore: i am running it on my compaq laptop because of the broadcom wirless card07:25
jcan_rasi have a shell script I want to run at startup, can sum1 tell me how to do it?07:25
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dooglusjcan_ras: append a line that runs it to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh07:25
farousmikeandmore: and seems things have changed so am still configuring the system. but the wirless card work07:25
dooglusjcan_ras: make sure the script is executable07:25
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dooglusjcan_ras: and it'll be run by root07:26
ToHellWithGAHealot: thank you07:26
dooglushow can I find the URL for my local ubuntu repository?07:26
Paladinecrimsun, checking asus site now07:26
jcan_rasthanx yall07:26
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newbuntucan anyone tell me how to copy a directory using shh commandline? I'm trying to copy a directory from my computer to my girlfriendsd07:27
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farousdooglus: ubuntu website. i would recommend netslect too if you need the fastest connection will do it automatically for you07:27
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Paladinecrimsun, I think I have 1015 BIOS (latest non beta is 1016) so I will do a quick reboot and check07:28
dooglusfarous: thanks, but which ubuntu website?07:28
mikeandmorefarous: can your computer hibernate correctly?07:28
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dooglusfarous: there are lots of links on http://www.ubuntu.com/ - any idea which of them might help me find my local repositories?07:29
farousdooglus: i know it is on ubuntu.com but you will need to search for it sorry am really busy now with some config07:29
farousmikeandmore: did not check that yet. have prob with freq_scaling at the moment07:29
animatohello, i'm having troubles playing h.264 files in vlc07:29
animatoit plays fine but the display is garbled07:29
farousdooglus: nope07:30
animatoanyway to fix it?07:30
animatobtw, mplayer plays them fine07:30
Paladinebrb I will have to boot to windows to update thebios07:30
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dooglusfarous: I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - is that what you meant?07:30
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TwinxorDoes anyone have any experience with installing the open-source DRI video drivers?07:31
mikeandmorejust apt-get upgrade from breezy.07:31
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)07:33
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 is open for Edgy Eft
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:10:20 2006
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please have a look at the FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions07:34
(jcan_ras/#ubuntu) ok im sorta slow with shell scripting and Im trying to run a file located at /home/ras/wireless.sh in my /etc/init.d/bootmidc.sh file, where and how should i put it in?07:34
(cryptic/#ubuntu) mikeandmore, i have no answer, but ut always does that07:34
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) Healot, the DRI only works on 8500+?07:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) animato: it's supposed to07:34
(newbuntu/#ubuntu) how do you chown a file? and what does it do?07:34
(cryptic/#ubuntu) u can hit ctrl + c to end it07:34
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) that wasn't apparent on the website07:34
(animato/#ubuntu) where can i find the backports?07:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) animato: in fact, the version in the repo right now is supposed to07:34
(cryptic/#ubuntu) and ure pc will boot faster cause it will skip it07:34
=== dreamthief [n=mathias@p54A9A4E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
(animato/#ubuntu) really?07:34
(animato/#ubuntu) i'm using it now07:34
(animato/#ubuntu) what repo?07:34
(cryptic/#ubuntu) but then when u get to the genome07:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) animato: yes. which output are you using, xv or x11(shm)?07:34
(Healot/#ubuntu) for 8500 or lower, 3D acceleration is avail with the ati/radeon driver07:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) animato: dapper-backports07:34
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(cryptic/#ubuntu) u will have to configure ure "network" by yourself07:34
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) Healot, the default ati/radeon ones work, but are pretty darn slow07:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) animato: (there's no backported vlc yet)07:34
(animato/#ubuntu) where can i find the dapper-back ports?07:35
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) it does not really feel accelerated in the least07:35
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(Twinxor/#ubuntu) is ati or radeon a better choice, btw?07:35
(Hobbsee/#ubuntu) animato: they dont really exist yet - not much to backport from07:35
(jcan_ras/#ubuntu) ok im sorta slow with shell scripting and Im trying to run a file located at /home/ras/wireless.sh in my /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh file, where and how should i put it in?07:35
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(garryF/#ubuntu) ati makes radeon07:35
(snoops/#ubuntu) Twinxor you mean ati or nvidia?07:35
(animato/#ubuntu) oh07:36
(cryptic/#ubuntu) yea07:36
(Healot/#ubuntu) Twinxor: both, "radeon" is the alias for the driver "ati"07:36
(cryptic/#ubuntu) nvidia or ati07:36
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(animato/#ubuntu) crimsun, i think i tried both07:36
(animato/#ubuntu) neither works07:36
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) oh, ok07:36
(Twinxor/#ubuntu) I've seen people refer to it as a choice07:36
garryFnp, nvidia seems better supported.07:36
snoopsI find nvidia works a lot easier07:36
Twinxorwell, I'd like to try DRI, just to get better support07:36
crimsunanimato: ok, hang a week or so07:36
crypticTwinxor, now u can tell them they are wrong :)07:36
Healotduck duck07:36
animatooh ok thanx07:36
farousTwinxor: did not test 3-d accel on using the ati module but it work with the radeon one07:36
animatoat least i can still use mplayer for now :)07:36
snoopsI had a terrible time trying to get my old radeon working in dri.. nvidia was simply install it and go through a config07:36
Twinxorguys, I already have a crummy ATI card in my laptop - I'm trying to get it working better07:36
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crypticany one here know anything about fish?07:37
Twinxoryeah, the DRI walkthrough on their wiki is very bare-bones07:37
crypticlike aquarium fish :)07:37
=== Kiko3210 [i=Kiko0123@modemcable237.199-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
TwinxorI installed ubuntu-server on my aquarium07:38
newbuntuis there a gui for ssh-server?07:38
crypticno but seriously07:38
SeboIs it possible to shutdown the autoconnect to an unsecure AP. All time gnome is started the wlan interface is connected to the AP "WLAN" and got an IP adress from there. How can I stop this?07:38
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s|klibdvdcss2 can't be installed for some reason, what do I need to watch dvd's?07:38
Twinxors|k, why won't it install?07:38
s|kTwinxor: says it's not available but referred to by another package07:39
Twinxorwell, make sure you have the universe & multiverse repositories enabled07:39
s|kI Do07:39
Twinxorit's not in the core repository because of copyright issues07:39
mikeandmorestill have problems, I CANNOT HIBERNATE ON ANY KERNELS....(2.6.17 + 2.6.15ubuntu)07:39
crypticwhat are the universe and multiverse?07:39
Twinxordo you see the package in synaptic?07:40
jcan_rasPLEEZE HELP ME! ok im sorta slow with shell scripting and Im trying to run a file located at /home/ras/wireless.sh in my /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh file, where and how should i put it in?07:40
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:40
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:40
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:40
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crypticoh ok07:41
crypticrepositories is the same thing :)07:41
garryFI am not sure how to run a script from a script file and so I kept silent. Better to say nothing, than guess and mess things up for ye jcan_ras.07:41
Twinxoryeah, multiverse is the one for packages with oppressive licensing terms07:42
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s|kTwinxor: it's enabled07:42
s|kI still can't get it07:42
Twinxoragain, do you see the package in synaptic?07:42
Twinxormake sure to reload07:42
s|kTwinxor: no I don't see it07:43
CarlFKjcan_ras: I would make sure /home/ras/wireless.sh  is executable (chmod u+x /home/ras/wireless.sh )07:43
Twinxorhit Reload in synaptic07:43
newbiemei have a newly installed ubuntu-server but i can't connect to it (ssh) but i can ping from it...07:44
dooglusfarous: it looks like netselect needs a list of hosts to compare.  where do you get your list from?07:44
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CarlFKjcan_ras: (u is for user, x is for execute - so it makes it exectuable by the user that owns it)07:44
newbiemehow can i enable ssh to my setup?07:44
CarlFKnewbieme: sudo apt-get install openssh-server07:44
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Twinxors|k, does it work if you reload your package lists?07:45
s|kTwinxor: no it doesn't07:45
Twinxorif not, there's proably an error in your repository configuration07:45
farousdooglus: it did not here. all i did is i moved my sources.list file and let netselect write one from scratch. then i added the extra repos07:45
dooglusnewbieme: are you running sshd?07:45
s|kI don't have trouble installing anything else07:45
newbiemethanks guys07:45
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dooglusfarous: netselect doesn't write sources.list files - it compares the speed of the hosts you tell it about07:45
Twinxordo you see other multiverse packages, though?07:45
farousdooglus: give me a min07:46
s|kTwinxor: like which?07:46
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dooglusfarous: aah.  maybe you mean netselect-apt?07:46
farousdooglus: yap sorry about that07:46
dooglusfarous: that's ok - thanks for the pointer :)07:47
Twinxorfor instance, do you have a "Libraries (multiverse)" section in Synaptic?07:47
s|kTwinxor: where would that section be?07:47
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Twinxorin the list of sections, on the left side of the Synaptic window07:48
s|kTwinxor: yes it is there07:48
Twinxoractually, it looks like I'm barking up the wrong tree07:48
Twinxorwell, if all else fails, just download the .deb file and install that07:50
s|khrm how do I do that?07:50
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s|koh I see07:50
s|kthere are instructions on the wiki07:50
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Twinxoroh, hey07:51
Twinxorhttp://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/ is what you want07:51
Twinxorlooks like it's in another repository altogether07:51
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Twinxorbut if you add the one this blog talks about, you should get it07:51
Lockeso i have the win32 codecs but i dunno how well it works..07:51
Twinxoryeah, in principle I can play WMVs, but it's pretty flaky07:52
rob138hi, is it at all possible to send a X application to another display while it is already open?07:52
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ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html07:52
garryFNot that I know of rob13807:52
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MadpilotTwinxor, see ubotu's links ^^^07:53
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zcat[1] !mplayer07:53
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs07:53
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=== zcat[1] finds mplayer or vlc seems to handle things better than other players
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:53
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volt^warlockHow do i list all users I have on my server?07:54
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TwinxorI believe I have those installed, Madpilot07:54
rob138another sort of related question, is it possible to suspend an application while loggin in/out of gdm?07:54
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Twinxorslow system, imperfect codecs07:54
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Paladinecrimsun, k I have updated to latest BIOS, sound wise, front and back speakers are working but still nothing from center/LFE07:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
Jerusalem420i want to upgrade to dapper07:55
=== zcat[1] wants a faster computer :(
Jerusalem420what is the name of the file i need to edit for the repositories?07:55
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.07:55
Twinxorgood luck!07:55
crypticTwinxor, is it hard?07:55
crimsunPaladine: are you using -25.43?  (``uname -r'')07:56
Twinxorno, it's very easy - except the 2% of the time when something blows up!07:56
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Paladinecrimsun, 2.6.15-25-amd64-generic07:56
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crimsunPaladine: hmm. Ok. Try: amixer set 'LFE' off && amixer set 'LFE' 100% on07:57
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Paladinestill nothing on center or LFE just gonna check the cables in the back a sec07:59
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s|kyay I am watching DVD's on Ubuntu :)07:59
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benplaut2 years later, the family desktop is finally converted.  What's the easiest way to share files and printer between two linux box?08:00
Ian_IIWhen trying to install Ubuntu on an external USB hard drive, I'm getting errors while partitioning.08:00
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Ian_IINo error message is produced. I'm wondering if there is a log somewhere that I could share08:00
soohi man~~08:00
crypticquick and easy Q08:00
cryptictar xvf httpd-NN.tar08:00
Ian_IIor if I could partition it somewhere else08:01
killazhi is there a way to emulate the other buttons of my mouse? I have a MX 51008:01
Paladinecrimsun, everything is connected up ok08:01
Ian_IIgparted maybe08:01
cryptichow do i choose the dir i want to extract that 2?08:01
rob138Can anyone help me fix my flash sound problem with firefox? i have looked at the RestricedFormats troubleshooting and none of its suggestions worked08:01
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spadescryptic there should be a --dir option, check the man page08:01
killazI know here is no drivers for it... but still I was wondering if there still could be a solution08:01
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crypticspades, i read through it and never saw it :(08:01
crypticill try again08:02
garryF!flash > garryf08:02
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crimsunPaladine: ok, sec.08:02
Ian_IIHas anyone else been able to install on an external USB HDD?08:03
Paladinecrimsun, np08:03
spadeskillaz http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/)08:03
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spadeskillaz https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  sorry wrong paste08:04
=== Staz [n=staz@YoU.HiT.Me.We.HiT.YoU.IRC-MAFIA.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Stazhi I have this in my .bashrc file : PATH=$PATH:~/bin/08:04
StazHow can I add more directories to path?08:04
crypticspades, no dir option in man pages08:04
crypticim running hoary08:04
crypticso it might not be updated :)08:04
ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands08:05
crypticwhere are those online pages08:05
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konfuzedhey what can I use to open MS Publisher files? oo.Impress does not have a filter for it08:06
cryptictar xvf httpd-2.2.2.tar08:06
spadescryptic -C, --directory=DIR        change to directory DIR  maybe try mkdir DIR && tar xzf --directory=DIR ?08:06
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crypticectracts it into a folder with that name08:06
crypticits fine spades08:06
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spadescryptic the good guys usually make it so it creates its own folder08:06
StazCan I separate the dirs with : ?08:06
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hyphenatedStaz: for PATH, you have to separate them with :08:07
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Stazcool and then I have to do that source command?08:07
nbjaymehello my friend has nVidia ethernet and i have Via ethernet  we have Linksys as hub ... the IP and Mask are correct but cannot ping to each other... ?08:08
hyphenatedStaz: no.. the problem is you're putting it in ~/.bashrc instead of ~/.bash_profile08:08
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CarlFKnbjayme: does the linksys have a dhcp server?08:08
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achandrahello. I really havent dealt with this before..but how do you resolve an issue with an IRQ conflict inUbuntu? When I added memory to my laptop, it conflicts with my wireless card..but if i rmmod the driver and comment out the alias for it, it boots up fine.. any ides?08:09
nbjaymeCarlFK, no we both use static IP...08:09
Stazhyphenated : what is the difference between the 2?08:09
Stazwill this work ? --> PATH=$PATH:~/bin/:/~/Desktop/FiSH-irssi.v0.99-source/MIRACL/08:09
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Lathiatno / before ~/Desktop08:09
Stazoh of course :)08:09
Lathiatbut iirc for fish08:09
Lathiatisnt what you want08:09
dooglushyphenated: it's best not to recommend using .bash_profile - it doesn't get used often08:10
hyphenateddooglus: it's used once per login08:10
StazLathiat : You have got fish working in irssi?08:10
Lathiatand not on x terminals08:10
LathiatStaz: yes it was a right cunt i cant remember 100% how i did it08:10
hyphenatedStaz: ~/.bash_profile is read when you log in. you use this one to set environment variables like PATH08:10
dooglushyphenated: yes, but how often do you log in?  most people just use gdm08:10
hyphenateddooglus: once a day08:10
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dooglushyphenated: gdm doesn't run login shells08:10
CarlFKnbjayme: paste both /etc/network/interfaces to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:10
LathiatStaz: bbiab08:10
CarlFKnbjayme: and post the link here08:11
StazMake sure that your Linux PATH points to the current directory, so that08:11
Stazexecutables can be run..08:11
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Stazsupposdly I need to edit path to point to MIRACL08:11
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dylan_how can i make ubuntu start faster?08:11
dooglusStaz: you can put as many things in your PATH as you like, colon separated08:11
dooglusStaz: set it in ~/.xprofile, not ~/.bash_profile (if you use gdm)08:12
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Hobbseefreaz: please turn that away message off thanks08:13
=== JamesWC [n=ncteenjw@68-118-6-246.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
JamesWCgot itunes anyone?08:13
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JamesWCItunes or aol anyone???????????08:14
crimsunPaladine: (phone conf atm)08:14
achandradylan_: a suggestion would be to disable uneeded services..that start at boot. So using admin, then services see which one you dont need.08:14
Paladinecrimsun, np I can wait, I appreciate the help08:14
HedgeMageJamesWC: is there any available evidence of your breathing?08:14
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cryptici extract the latest apache2.2.2 and run .configure08:15
crypticafter runing it i cant find the make file :(08:15
HedgeMagewow, that was easy.08:15
jimbo2006lol Hedgemage08:15
dooglusWindows Media Player anyone???08:15
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dylan_achandra, the GUI is limited08:15
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Patrick__hey all08:16
Patrick__does anyone know how to hack through a routers password while being connected to it?08:16
ssshey guys08:16
Patrick__like, so you can change router settings, etc.08:16
dylan_Patrick__, ask somewhere else if this is malicious08:16
Patrick__its not malicious08:16
Patrick__most likely not08:16
dooglusPatrick__: yes.  all you need to do is put the username into the username box, and the password into the password box.08:16
Patrick__this is without knowledge of the user name and password08:17
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dooglusPatrick__: if you don't know the password, do "social engineering"08:17
cryptici have the same issue08:17
Patrick__the people are asleep..08:17
achandradylan_: can you type sudo services_admin  and see what that gets ya?08:17
cryptici need to get into my router08:17
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Patrick__trust me08:17
Patrick__we would SIMPLY ask08:17
ssswhy my ubuntu run more and more slowly since the system start?anybody tell me?08:17
dooglusPatrick__: do you know where they live?  I know some good 'filez' on lockpicking08:17
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Patrick__we're talking in the SAME house08:17
Patrick__if you don't know08:17
Patrick__don't bother to reply again08:17
dylan_achandra, it gets me a gui ... but theres only 8 services listed08:17
dooglusPatrick__: try the default login and password - people don't usually change them08:18
DarkMageZPatrick__, this channel is not for such things. just reset the router, and reconfigure it using the default username & password in the manual08:18
ssswhy my ubuntu run more and more slowly since the system start?anybody tell me?08:18
=== ray__ [n=ray@CPE000f3d501017-CM001225701432.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
crypticthat is not possible08:18
achandradylan_: in those services if you see something unecessary that doesnt need to start at boot, turn it off.08:18
crypticnot his router therefore he wont know account details08:18
crypticthey will be lost08:18
ray__is there a way to compile C programs so that they do memory transfers faster?08:18
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cryptici have the same issue, i need access to my router cause my brothere likes to change the pass, but then wont tell me the pass :(08:19
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dylan_achandra, arent there more services i can look at?08:19
blockycryptic, beat him up08:19
farousis it normal not to have an .ICEauthority file in my home dir08:19
DarkMageZcryptic, who's internet is it? yours or his?08:19
dylan_achandra, i want to really boot this thing fast08:19
doogluscryptic: there's usually a button on the router to reset everything08:19
crypticblocky, im the younger bro08:19
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crypticDarkMageZ, its my parents but he thinks he owns it08:20
dooglusDarkMageZ: neither.  the internet is owned by Mr Bush.08:20
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crypticand dooglus if i reset it08:20
crimsunPaladine: are you just using speaker-test?08:20
cryptiche will know i tinkered08:20
doogluscryptic: so?08:20
cryptiche must not know i got access to it08:20
crypticor he will beat me08:20
crypticthats what im trying to avoid here :)08:20
Paladinecrimson, yeah08:20
DarkMageZcryptic, is there any real disadvantage of not knowing?08:21
cryptichence getting around the security :)08:21
Paladinecrimsun, speaker-test -c6 -Dplug:surround5108:21
crypticbeing able to change accounts when needed08:21
crypticmultiple accounts ftw08:21
crypticbut only he can change them08:21
crypticbut i cant ask him to change every time i want to play online08:21
chennaituxianHey, my ubuntu daper has detected my wireless network, when i configured it and activated it, still the network connections shows eth1 to be disconnected, ifconfig gives correct details08:21
achandradylan_: typing sudo dmesg, will also give you an idea of everything that starts.. by wittiling through rhat..you might see what is simply not needed..08:21
crimsunPaladine: do you get an error with -Dsurround51 instead of -Dplug:surround51?08:22
DarkMageZcryptic, well go talk with your parents about it, get it sorted08:22
crypticlol DarkMageZ it doesnt help08:22
dylan_achandra, so how do i stop a service?  is there a directory where the services are located?08:22
crypticthey are computer illetereate08:22
nbjaymeCarlFK, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1660108:22
crypticso they say he knows best08:22
crypticcause he is older08:22
dooglusdylan_: the scripts which start and stop services are in /etc/init.d/08:22
achandrachennaituxian: are you using ndiswrapper?08:22
cryptici dont see him using linux OR doing any programming08:22
crypticso yea08:22
chennaituxianachandra: nope08:22
dylan_dooglus, thanks ... is there a gui that i can use for those?08:22
crypticlol DarkMageZ it got so bad i ran away for 2 days08:22
dooglusdylan_: run "sudo /etc/init.d/<service> stop" to stop it; replace 'stop' with 'start' to start it08:22
Paladinenope no error08:22
Paladinebut same output08:23
crimsunPaladine: ok08:23
achandrachennaituxian: are you using network manager tool or wpasupplicant?08:23
crypticand said i would only return on condition i get access to the router08:23
crypticthey said ok and nothing happened :(08:23
dylan_dooglus, will stopping the service stop it from starting on the next boot?08:23
crimsunPaladine: I think you're going to have to use custom routing08:23
chennaituxianachandra: the default network manager tool08:23
DarkMageZcryptic, well you just need to run away properly08:23
dooglusdylan_: no08:23
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cryptici got to go to school now08:23
dylan_dooglus, how do i do that?08:23
cryptici need to collect my report08:23
crypticsee what i got :)08:23
dooglusdylan_: the links in /etc/rc2.d/ say what's 'S'tarted or 'K'illed at level 208:23
Paladinecrimsun, sounds painful, is there a guide for it?08:23
chennaituxianachandra: how will i connect to my wireless, when it is detected and cofigured properly08:24
crimsunPaladine: thankfully, yes. Start with http://alsa.opensrc.org/SurroundSound08:24
crimsunPaladine: what you'll be manipulating are the ttable parameters08:24
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achandrachennai tuxian: I use a graphical tool...specifically it is called gnome network manager... you can search for it in synaptics..08:24
Paladinecrimsun, thanks, I will have a look at it, appreciate your time on this and at least I have front and rear now, which is more than I had :)08:24
crimsunPaladine: unfortunately I can't tell you precise values to use, because that's specific to your hardware08:25
CarlFKnbjayme: "Ethernetfromothercomputersareworkingexceptthemyfriend's." - can the other computers ping you or your friend?08:25
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achandrachennaituxian:when you use that tool..it will show visible wireless networks...and you can go from there...08:25
Paladinecrimsun, np I will go by trial and error :)08:25
achandrachennaituxian: like you, i found the graphical tool...for properties and such to be quirky..08:25
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achandrachennaituxian: does the ifconfig stuff look to be correct to you??08:26
crimsunPaladine: the only other controls I can see that you may wish to toggle are 'Channel Mode' and 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA'08:26
Stazhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/9wsoCr57.html --> any idea whats wrong? (Has been driving me crazy all evening)08:26
rexykikwhat is the command to generate an xorg.conf?08:26
rexykikwhat is the command to generate an xorg.conf?08:26
dooglusrexykik: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:26
dooglusrexykik: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:26
crimsunPaladine: for instance: amixer set 'Channel Mode',0 '2ch'08:26
chennaituxianachandra: do you mean places-->system administration--> network tools ?08:26
crimsunPaladine: or: amixer set 'Channel Mode',0 '4ch'08:27
nbjaymeCarlFK, the othe computer can ping me well.... i used the cable from the other computer and place it to my friend.... the hub activity light is working everything he tries to ping my computer.... also mine.... but i don't know why it cannot ping each other.08:27
achandrachennaituxian: nope.. its called networkmanager..08:27
achandrachennaituxian: youll have to apt it08:27
nbjaymeCarlFK, *everytime he pings*08:27
chennaituxianachandra: ok, i now deactivated my eth1 as i am using ethernet in eth008:28
chennaituxianachandra: can i use ndiswrapper instead ?08:28
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dooglusStaz: where did you get that code from?08:29
nbjaymeCarlFK, his Ethernet was working fine on other network (office)....08:29
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achandrachennaituxian: if you dont "have" to use it..and the system is detecting your card properly..then there is no need.08:29
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chennaituxianachandra: so i just need to have network manager08:30
erezto mount an iso file in need to : `mount -t iso file_location mount_point` , right?08:30
Stazdooglus : I am trying to compile fish for irssi08:30
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Stazhave had nothing but trouble.08:30
Stazthat code is what I get when I type "make"08:30
achandrachennaituxian: Lets be clear here...and start over - 1) When you enable the wireless card...does it receive an address automatically or is it a static address??08:31
dooglusStaz: I know.08:31
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dooglusStaz: where did you get the source code from?08:31
iBroodHello everyone, can someone help me with KMPlayer08:31
chennaituxianachandra: I have to give a statis address and a gateway address, give dns also08:31
dooglusStaz: and where did you get MIRACL from?08:31
achandrachennaituxian: so all is set statically.. ??08:32
Stazwget http://indigo.ie/~mscott/miracl.zip08:32
chennaituxianachandra: yes08:32
Stazits what the fish guide recommended me to get.08:32
achandrachennaituxian: how are you specifying the AP?08:32
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achandrachennaituxian: or is that where you are stuck..08:32
iBroodI need to record an RM video stream. Is that possible with KMPlayer?08:32
CarlFKnbjayme: "looks like it should work" - but I have to run (i need food)  - do ifconfig, post those  results - maybe someone else will see something08:33
chennaituxianI have an AP which we have here in the office08:33
chennaituxianam specifying in that network configurations GUI which comes when u double click the network monitor icon and press configure08:34
achandrachennaituxian: okay...to make things..signficantly easier...that NetworkManager tool..is what you need.08:34
Stazdooglus : You're familiar with MIRACL/08:34
chennaituxianachandra: ok fine08:34
nbjaymeCarlFK, okey thanks for the assistance...08:34
chennaituxianachandra: I will get them08:34
achandrachennaituxian: also when you enable that card...what "type" of card is it??08:34
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dooglusStaz: no, but I can become familiar with it.  did you build and install it?08:34
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Stazyes I think so08:35
StazI typed "bash linux"08:35
chennaituxianachandra: its an intel wireless card08:35
Stazthats what I was told to do08:35
chennaituxianachandra: how do i check the exact name ?08:35
bulltitanlet's say that i have vmware with windows xp,... can i install a game in that virtual xp?08:35
Stazcan I /msg you the instructions I was given?08:35
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achandrachennaituxian: well..that is a little tougher...but lets see if can figure it out okay?08:36
chennaituxianachandra: ok08:36
leboff hey, i'm trying to use gimp to go through a bunch of folders and resize jpgs and change them to bmp its about 800 folders.. 1 jpg each is that easy to do?08:36
achandrachennaituxian: sudo lspci08:36
bulltitanis taht possible?08:36
bulltitanthat i mean08:36
achandrachennaituxian: see it ?08:36
nbjaymewould it be okay if i directly place the ethernet cable from one computer to another?08:37
dooglusStaz: sure08:37
chennaituxianachandra: what i have to look for08:37
bulltitanplease anyone?08:37
chennaituxianachandra: i have ethernet, bluetooth and wireless in my laptop08:38
achandrachennaituxian: the type of intel wireless card...it should say...08:38
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nbjaymedooglus,  we can communicate without the need of hub? no damage to nic?08:38
chennaituxian82801 Mobile ?08:38
dooglusnbjayme: huh?08:38
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Stazoh and this may be helpful : http://fish.sekure.us/forum/viewtopic.php?t=165 (rag3rac3rs post)08:39
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dooglusnbjayme: you need a 'crossover cable' to connect directly without a hub08:39
tomlikestorockHeya. Anybody else notice this? Turn off tv-out on a laptop ati card, and it doesn't work at all in ubuntu. Turn it on in windows and you control it in ubuntu. What gives?08:39
achandrachennaituxian: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)08:39
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achandrachennaituxian: yours should say something similar08:40
dooglusStaz: ok08:40
nbjaymedooglus, okay thanks... we were about to do it on the network cable we have because we wonder we cannot ping to each other... thanks for the confirmation....08:40
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dooglusStaz: did you get errors from "bash linux"?08:40
dooglusStaz: I see: sample.cpp:28: error: 'pi' was not declared in this scope08:40
Stazbash linux worked fine08:40
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Stazwhat does that mean ? :)08:41
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chennaituxianachandra: wait, i switched off that wireless sometime ago in my laptop08:41
HobbseeStaz: what's this for?08:42
StazIts fish for irssi08:42
achandrachennaituxian: turn it back on and look for it with lspci...08:42
achandrachennaituxian: then we will lsmod and see if ubuntu loaded a module for it automatically..08:42
StazHobbse : http://fish.sekure.us for more info.08:43
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdok , got some problems compiling wine, can someone look at it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1660008:43
chennaituxianachandra: got my msg ?08:43
dooglusStaz: you installed the source code for both irssi and glib?08:44
StazI believe so08:44
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StazI am using irssi right now08:44
Stazand I am pretty sure I have glib08:44
dooglusStaz: you need the source packages as well08:44
dooglusStaz: you can run irssi using just the binary package08:45
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dooglusStaz: see at the top of Makefile, there's "irssi_dir = $(HOME)/irssi-0.8.9" - you need to edit that to point to your irssi source dir.  same for glib08:45
StazI edited the glib ones fine.08:45
StazTo get irssi I just used aptitude, is that a problem?08:46
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dooglusStaz: you need to get the source as well08:46
Stazhow can I find the source if I used aptitude to install it.08:46
dooglusStaz: apt-get source irssi08:46
Stazoh ok08:46
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chennaituxianachandra: did you get what i sent in /  msg ?08:46
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Stazdo I need to compile the source?08:47
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Stazwill it affect the irssi I am using now? :)08:47
achandrachennaituxian: nope...try again..08:47
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dooglusStaz: no08:48
fdsdDo you guys have a ppc channel?08:48
Stazsource is just required for the fish compilation process?08:48
dooglusStaz: the errors you were getting were because it couldn't find the irssi header files08:48
fdsdhey guys, How do I disable stderr in the console?  Its spitting tons of junk at me while I am working08:48
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Stazhey one other thing dooglus while apt-get is dloading source :) What program would you recommend for editing makefiles/08:49
dooglusfdsd: what kind of junk?08:49
dooglusStaz: GNU Emacs08:49
Stazthats Gui?08:49
fdsddooglus, like I stuff from my firewire drive, and random stuff, I just need to turn off the messaging08:49
dooglusStaz: kind of08:50
Stazalrighty I have the source :) where on earth did it go08:50
dooglusfdsd: kernel messages then?08:50
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dooglusfdsd: do they all have time stamps to millionths of a second?08:50
fdsdnot sure08:50
dooglusfdsd: things like: "Jun  9 23:59:07 chrislap kernel: [4294738.882000]  Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized"08:51
doogluswith that big number in square brackets?08:51
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StazDoes irssi source have to be same as version Im using? I have a feeling its not08:51
dooglusStaz: it should be - you got them both from the same repository (source and binary)08:52
dooglusfdsd: is klogd running?08:52
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fdsddooglus, not sure08:52
fdsddooglus, fixed it though08:52
dooglusrunning klogd fixed it?  or you fixed it some other way?08:53
fdsdecho 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk08:53
fdsdugg I hate that!08:53
fdsdDoes anyone know a small live cd that just boots to the command line, with no gui for ppc?08:53
fdsdI want to use it for dd and such08:53
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_cotrolerhow do i install gnome in kubuntu pls?08:54
fdsdOr is there a way to boot the livecd and turn off gui and not launch X?08:54
Stazhey dooglus, where would my source have gone to?08:54
Stazso I can edit my path08:55
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dooglusStaz: it goes to the current directory08:55
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Stazheh got it :)08:55
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ElBrujoi get this error in a ./confugure:08:55
ElBrujochecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no08:55
ElBrujoconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.08:55
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fdsdanyone know?08:55
ElBrujoi intal GCC08:55
ElBrujoand Make?08:56
dooglusElBrujo: install build-essential08:56
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dooglusStaz: install source for glib too08:56
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dooglusStaz: and update the makefile to point to it08:56
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StazI think glib source is already installed/08:57
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Stazbecause I was getting even more errors during make until I changed the path to glib dir08:57
dooglusStaz: I don't think that path you've used for glib dir is right...08:57
ElBrujook thanks08:57
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dooglusStaz: did you "apt-get source glib"?08:58
Stazglib_dir = /usr/lib/glib-2.008:58
Stazdoing so now :)08:58
dooglusStaz: if not, I doubt you have the glib source08:58
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dooglusthat /usr/lib dir is where the compiled libraries live, not the source08:58
StazOH OK08:58
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Stazunable to find package, I need to specify version no. ?08:59
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Stazlike glib-2.0 or something08:59
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achandrais anyone aware of what /proc/interrupts is for.. if you change a the first number on a device....can it resolve irq conflicts?08:59
Stazlibglib2.0-0  --> sound right?09:00
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Dapallohey, i just installed Audacity, but it cant find my sound card09:01
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Dapalloany idea on what i need to do?09:01
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chennaituxianachandra: sent u again09:02
dooglusStaz: sorry, yes, sounds good09:02
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Stazno worries dooglus, and the free helper should never say sorry bro :)09:03
lightstari knw09:04
Dapalloso, could anyone help?09:04
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dooglusStaz: free?  didn't you read the small print?  ;)09:04
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Stazhahaha /part09:05
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StazI have chronically slow internet so libglib will be a while :)09:05
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dooglusStaz: you'll have to extract the files from the archive after getting libglib source09:06
dooglusStaz: the archive is glib2.0-2.11.4/upstream/tarballs/glib-2.11.4.tar.gz09:07
dooglususe 'tar xf' to extract it09:07
StazI have a feeling the irssi source automatically extracted, sounds right?09:07
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dooglusalmost every package's source is already extracted.  I don't know why glib is different.09:08
dooglusmaybe 'cos it's big, I don't know09:08
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Stazahh ok :)09:08
StazWould you recommend creating a folder somewhere for all these source folders, I might need em in future?09:08
Ademancan we upgrade to gnome 3 now?09:09
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Staz100% :)09:09
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leboffi'm using the find to execute a command (lets say renaming the file) and it will put the new file in my home folder (or whatever folder i'm running the command from) is there a way to get it to save right where it is?09:10
dooglusStaz: after extracting the tar file, run ./configure in the upstream/tarballs/glib-2.11.4/ dir09:11
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dooglusleboff: yes09:11
dooglusleboff: what are you running exactly?09:11
leboffdooglus: its to convert a bunch of jpegs i have in folders to bitmap and resize them..09:12
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fdsdOr is there a way to boot the livecd and turn off gui and not launch X?09:12
dooglusleboff: ok09:12
leboffdooglus: here is the command09:12
fdsdDoes anyone know a small live cd that just boots to the command line, with no gui for ppc?09:12
dooglusleboff: let'ssee it :)09:12
Stazwhat should I do about ---> glib_inc09:12
lebofffind /media/ipod -name folder.jpg -exec convert {} -resize 125x125 cover.bmp \;09:12
userundefinefdsd, gentoo09:12
Stazhave to specify a path for that09:12
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leboffdooglus: convert is from imagemagick09:12
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dooglusleboff: that 'cover.bmp' is the output filename, right?09:13
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fdsduserundefine, yeah I think gentoo is almost perfect except the livecds kinda suck when it comes to hardware support09:13
leboffdooglus: correct, and that keeps overwriting itself in my home folder09:13
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userundefinefdsd, I've never used it on ppc so I can't advise there, I just know they have one.  shame though09:14
dooglusleboff: so do this instead: find /media/ipod -name folder.jpg -exec convert {} -resize 125x125 125.{} \;09:14
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leboffwait what09:14
erezany one knows how can i burn DVD in dapper? gnome baker fails for some reason..09:15
farouserez: use k3b09:15
Stazcool, finished ./config09:15
farousmuch better09:15
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leboffdooglus: see the thing is, when i had album art they are all as folder.jpg , in about 800 different folders i want to save them back where they are.. as cover.bmp09:15
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erezfarous: i'll try it..09:15
sssexcuse me,how can i install a tar.gz package?09:16
sssanybody knows it?09:16
faroussss: tar.gz is not a package it is a source file most prob09:16
Staztar -xjf <file> I think thats it09:16
dooglusleboff: ok, in that case, do this: find /media/ipod -name folder.jpg | while read x; do convert "$x" -resize 125x125 "$(dirname "$x")/cover.bmp"; done09:17
Healotsss: unpack09:17
sssok ,how can i install it?09:17
Healottar xvfz <tar.gz file>09:17
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leboffhahah that looks scarier but i'll try it thanks dooglus09:17
dooglusleboff: try it on a small test directory first!09:17
Healotsss: depends, if it's already compiled, just run the main binary09:17
leboffdooglus: done is not included right09:17
Healotif it's a source you can compile/package them manually09:18
dooglusleboff: done closes the 'do'09:18
dooglusleboff: ie. it's needed09:18
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ssshow should i know if it already compiled or not?09:18
leboffdooglus: oohh ok good thing i asked09:18
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faroussss: you could not find the package you need in the repos09:18
Stazhey dooglus : Is everything ready for make now?09:19
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ElBrujogive me this error:09:19
ElBrujochecking for ieee1284_wait_status in -lieee1284... no09:19
ElBrujoGet the latest libieee1284 from http://cyberelk.net/tim/data/libieee1284/09:19
ElBrujoconfigure: error: FATAL: Failed to find required libieee1284 version (0.1.5 or n ewer).09:19
sssfarous,what is repos?09:19
ElBrujobut i have libieee1284 installed09:19
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faroussss: did you try synaptic the package manager09:19
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farousElBrujo: check if you have the rquired ver of libieee09:20
leboffdooglus: works in the test dir! here goes the real thing! thanks09:20
sssi dont think there is that software in sypnatic09:20
KuLoverWhat would someone say the best driver for an ATI X850 XT would be?09:20
sssits a statistic software09:20
volt^warlockHow do i list all users I have on my server?09:20
dooglusleboff: it'll even work for files/dirs with spaces in their names, unlike your -exec line09:20
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volt^warlockHow do i list all users I have on my server?09:21
leboffdooglus: ooh nice catch, thanks.. wouldve been stuck on that for hours :(09:21
dooglusvolt^warlock: who09:21
ElBrujofarous yeap09:21
faroussss: which pckage is it09:21
dooglusleboff: that's what all the double quotes are for...09:21
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volt^warlockdooglus, I mean by "listing all users" - I meant. To see who has an account on the server or not.09:21
sssfarous ,the software named R,  often used to statistic09:21
volt^warlockex, an adduser name account. You get the drill :P09:22
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dooglusvolt^warlock: all the accounts are listed in /etc/passwd09:22
faroussss: it is in the repos09:22
dooglusvolt^warlock: you can look in /home to see the home directories...09:22
faroussss:  i know it for i have it installed here and most prob you have the source package09:22
volt^warlockyeah, but some doesnt have one. Dont ask why anyways09:22
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farous!repos > sss09:22
dooglusvolt^warlock: "sudo user-admin" is a gui that shows you all the accounts09:22
farous!easysource > sss09:22
volt^warlockI have a weird user, called "proxy", and "klog",09:23
Healotvolt^warlock: internal use, don't worry09:23
faroussss: look at ubotu private messages you need multiverse and universe enabled09:23
volt^warlockok, "list/irc" ?09:23
Healotthey have /bin/false >> locked users...09:23
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volt^warlockbut some has /bin/sh09:23
Healotfor sysinternal etc...09:23
volt^warlockah, ok :)09:24
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Healotbtw, if you haven't mess with the passwd file, you're safe09:24
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volt^warlockI havent, I didnt touch a thing init.09:24
Healotgreat :)09:24
Ademanhttp://beatnik.infogami.com/Gimmie    looks very cool, it's not in the repositories yet is it?09:24
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wikinghei! i have problem. please help. when i want to start root terminal it ask password but after that do nothing09:25
sssfarous ,how can i use it?09:25
ssswhat is repos?09:25
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dooglusvolt^warlock: those 'weird users' come with the system09:25
Ademanrepos = repository09:25
eclairwiking, you have root access?09:26
dooglusvolt^warlock: generally, all users with uids<1000 are system users of some kind09:26
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ani_maxhi. i tried installing nvidia drivers but it gives an error saying. The installer has to be in root. anyone know hot to do this?09:26
wikingi think yes09:26
faroussss: they are ftp sites where compiled packages can be downloaded by the package manager09:26
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faroussss: look at help.ubuntu.com09:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:26
volt^warlockah, ok dooglus. Thanks :)09:26
dooglusStaz: you OK now?09:27
Stazdooglus : now I get this ---> glibconfig.h not found! Please install glib and modify 'glib_dir' ...09:27
Stazwhat path am I supposed to give?09:27
volt^warlockguys, is there any more things i can do to boost ubuntu server 5.10 breezy up performance wise?09:27
dooglusStaz: me too.  I thought ./configure would make it for you.  lemme check09:27
sssfarous ,u mean ,i can get a compiled R in repos?09:27
wikingeclair: yesterday i was install linux ubuntu to my computer09:27
Ademanfarous: i never knew they were ftp... cool, i was actually wondering that a while back09:27
volt^warlocklike uninstall stuff that aint being used +09:27
faroussss: exactly09:27
volt^warlock? *09:27
ani_maxhi. i tried installing nvidia drivers but it gives an error saying. The installer has to be in root. anyone know how to do this?09:27
farousAdeman: They are not necessarly only ftp http also but am trying to simplify it for sss09:28
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dooglusStaz: I have glibconfig.h here: -rw-r--r-- 1 chris chris 5312 Jun 27 09:12 /home/chris/src/libglib2.0-0/glib2.0-2.11.4/upstream/tarballs/glib-2.11.4/glibconfig.h09:28
volt^warlockguys, is there any more things i can do to boost ubuntu server 5.10 breezy up performance wise? Like uninstall hidden stuff that eats some cpu/ram power, or something fimiliar to that?09:28
snoopsyou gotta use sudo command apt-get ani_max09:28
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dooglusStaz: so I used: glib_dir = $(HOME)/src/libglib2.0-0/glib2.0-2.11.4/upstream/tarballs/glib-2.11.409:28
farous!find R09:28
ubotuFound: abiword, abiword-common, abiword-gnome, abiword-help, abiword-plugins (and 8244 others)09:28
KenSentMe!tell ani_max about sudo09:28
Ademanvolt^warlock: uh, you could get rid of x and your gnome desktop and use the console :-)09:29
Stazok I'll try that09:29
dooglusStaz: you probably want the same without the '/src/' at the beginning, depending on where you were when you did the 'apt-get source'09:29
sssfarous ,i opened the tar.gz, theres a file named configure,is that mean  this R is compiled?09:29
faroussss: goto packages.ubuntu.com site you will find a list of ready to install packages09:29
volt^warlockIm using the console Ademan, im using ubuntu server 5.10, and what's x ?09:29
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dooglussss: that means it's not compiled09:29
ani_maxthanks snoops, KenSentMe09:29
eclairwiking, is the password that you gave the root password?09:29
KuLoverWhat would someone say the best driver for an ATI X850 XT would be?09:29
Ademanvolt^warlock: x is the basis of everything "graphical"09:29
sssoh,thanku dooglus09:29
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Ademan!tell volt^warlock about Xorg09:29
Ademanhopefully that's right09:30
faroussss: no that is a configuration file so you can compile it. and believe me you might need more packages for it to work09:30
dooglussss: what are you trying to install?09:30
Ademan!tell Ademan about Xorg09:30
volt^warlockAdeman, but that shouldnt bother me, should it? Im using ubuntu server ?09:30
faroussss: easiest way less time is to install from repos09:30
Ademani don't know what the ubuntu server installs09:30
calebthow can i install vmware on ubuntu 6.06 dapper?09:30
sssok,i got it09:30
dooglusStaz: the end is in sight!  I got: "Compiling finished -->> /home/chris/src/fish/FiSH-irssi.v0.99-source/libfish.so"09:30
sssdooglus ,i wanna install an R09:30
dooglussss: the stats package?09:31
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anfangsim sorry, stupid question, but this is freenode isnt it?09:31
ElBrujohey i have the same pakage instaled libieee128409:31
volt^warlockyes anfangs, it is :)09:31
ElBrujoand not work09:31
ElBrujosay that i don have it09:31
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Stazdooglus : that is sooooo good to hear~!09:31
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anfangsok :) srry.. trying out this console irc client, not completely familiar w/ it yet09:31
volt^warlockAdeman, any ideas? :D09:31
dooglusStaz: I didn't try running it, but I think irssi can load plugins without needing to be rebuilt09:32
Stazglib_dir = ~/Desktop/glib-2.10.309:32
dooglussss: "R" is a tricky thing to search for!09:32
Stazyet I still get that error :(09:32
darkowlhey guys how can I ke that privoxy and tor start at boot ?09:32
volt^warlockanfangs, under ubuntu server? :P09:32
Stazglibconfig.h not found, but it is definitely i there.09:32
darkowlhey guys how can I make that privoxy and tor start at boot ?09:32
dooglusStaz: you need to give a path all the way down to the directory where you ./configure'd09:32
StazI did that09:33
Stazsorry I chopped that folder out and pasted on desktop09:33
Stazso it was a shorter path :)09:33
erezi can't burn DVD's with k3b either..09:33
tijnQ: there is unix time, is there something like unix date?09:33
erezit's says something about I/O error..09:33
Stazglib_inc = whatshouldgohere?09:33
Ademanvolt^warlock: so you ONLY have a console?09:33
volt^warlocktext / black background = console i guess09:34
dooglussss: there are binary packages of "R" here: http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/bin/linux/debian/sarge/09:34
Ademanyeah, no mouse cursor no nothing?09:34
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Ademanjust text input?09:34
volt^warlockjust black background, and white text :P09:34
wikingeclair: yes, if i try write other password it say that is not right09:34
volt^warlockno icons etc.09:34
darkowlhey guys how can I make that privoxy and tor start at boot ?09:34
Ademanyeah you don't have X09:34
Ademanwhich is good09:34
dooglussss: (they're built for debian sarge - I don't know how compatible with ubuntu that is)09:34
Ademan(for a server)09:34
volt^warlockbut Ademan09:34
volt^warlockI was wondering, is there a way to remove things i dont need. Like the mail server etc?09:34
hybriddarkowl: you should be able to edit that in torrc iirc?09:34
hybriddarkowl: you should be able to edit that in torrc iirc.09:35
volt^warlockthings that eats the ram usage / cpu usage by just 0.2, doesnt matter. want it removed :P09:35
sssi download one from the R offacial wehpage09:35
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faroussss: here is the package name r-base and it is in the universe repos09:35
darkowlhybrid: torrc iirc ?09:35
dooglusStaz: what if you run "ls -l ~/Desktop/glib-2.10.3/glibconfig.h" in a terminal?09:35
ani_maxKenSentMe: now another error came up. can you help?09:35
hybriddarkowl: the file .torrc if i recall correctly09:35
Ademanvolt^warlock: well, unless you're doing something very proffessional with your server i'm pretty sure you'll be fine, i'm running my server off of a 4 year old computer with X and gnome installed (ie lots of extra proccesses), but if you MUST get rid of things, see if you can find out what proccesses are running09:36
darkowlhybrid: OK ill try to google on that...09:36
ElBrujoi the readme say that:09:36
ElBrujoNote that if you use the RPMs to install libieee1284, you'll need the -devel09:36
ElBrujoRPM too for the header file.  If you compile it from source, you may need to09:36
ElBrujoadd /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf.09:36
volt^warlockYeah I can find out09:36
dooglussss: you should install package "r-base" using synaptic.  that's far easier than using the packages from the official site.09:36
hybriddarkowl: join me in #ubuntu-classroom09:36
ElBrujowhat is the -devel?09:36
volt^warlockroot 6768 0.0 0.0 1552 488 tty1 Ss+ Jun21 0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty109:36
volt^warlockroot 6770 0.0 0.0 1556 492 tty2 Ss+ Jun21 0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty209:36
volt^warlockwhats these ?09:36
KenSentMeani_max: just ask your question here in the channel, maybe i or someone else can help09:36
Staz-rw-r--r-- 1 staz staz 5312 2006-06-27 19:15 /home/staz/Desktop/glib-2.10.3/glibconfig.h09:36
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Ademanthose are your consoles09:37
volt^warlockroot 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Jun21 0:00 [migration/0] 09:37
volt^warlockroot 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN Jun21 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0] 09:37
volt^warlockroot 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Jun21 0:00 [migration/1] 09:37
Ademanyou actually have more than one :-)09:37
volt^warlockhmpfh, I do ?09:37
dooglusvolt^warlock: that's the login prompt on virtual consoles 1 and 209:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:37
farousvolt^warlock: use the pastebin do not flood here09:37
KenSentMe!tell volt^warlock about paste09:37
volt^warlockyeah, sorry.09:37
ani_maxi ran the nvidia installer with the sudo command and got this error --> Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the package09:37
dooglusvolt^warlock: those [migration/0]  things are kernel related09:37
ani_max         'binutils' installed.  If you do have binutils installed, then please check that `ld`09:37
ani_max         is in your PATH.09:37
sssdooglus ,u mean ,i can find it in sypnatic?09:37
Stazyou have no idea how jealous I am of you dooglus (having that .so file) :D09:37
volt^warlockwell, you say I have more then one consoles09:37
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dooglussss: yes.  search for 'r-base'09:37
volt^warlockhow do i look them up ?09:37
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dooglusStaz: want me to upload it?09:37
KenSentMeani_max: have you read the wiki page about installing nvidia?09:37
Stazwould that work?09:38
dooglusStaz: I'm running edgy, but it might be worth a go09:38
volt^warlockAlso, is this something to be 'trusting' on ? http://zkillz.mine.nu/sysinfo09:38
farousvolt^warlock: you have 6 terminal consl by default and on the 7th you have your xserver that might open more09:38
ani_maxKenSentMe, no. i installed Ubuntu yesterday so still figuring out everything on hit and trial09:38
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Stazdooglus : That would be awesome thanks09:38
KenSentMe!tell ani_max about nvidia09:38
calebthow can i install vmware on ubuntu 6.06 dapper?09:38
sssok ,i havnt tried it yet ,i thought there was no one09:38
KenSentMeani_max: here's some info on installing nvidia drivers09:38
dooglusStaz: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/libfish.so - it might not work, 'cos edgy has a new libc version, but give it a go anyway.09:38
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ani_maxKenSentMe, thanks will kust check it out09:39
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volt^warlockanyone is the "phpsysinfo" page anything to be trusting on?09:39
postmodernhow do you open up LVM volumes of another Ubuntu system09:39
Stazany chance of upping your makefile their too?09:39
volt^warlockwhen i see psyhical memory go over 60% I get very worried.09:39
postmodernif lets say i have the hard drive hooked up to another running Ubuntu box09:39
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Ademanlol volt^warlock those are your specs and you're worried? lol09:39
Madpilotvolt^warlock, don't be - Linux will use whatever memory it can find, and swap as needed.09:39
KajaIt's supposed to go near 100%09:39
dooglusvolt^warlock: I don't trust anything with a H sandwiched between two P's09:39
Ademanwhat are you doing with this server?09:39
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Ademandooglus: php owns you!09:40
volt^warlockhosting my gameservers / webserver09:40
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Kajavolt^warlock, tt's just using the memory for cache and buffers so it won't be wasted.09:40
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Kajait = Linux09:40
volt^warlockok, so thats nothing to be trusting on when it comes to overloading the cpu or ram usage etc ?09:40
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volt^warlockit's top I should look at, correct ?09:41
Kajavolt^warlock, right.09:41
postmodernhello i need to mount up LVM volumes from an old Ubuntu system and rescue some data off it09:41
Staz./load libfish.so09:41
Ademanvolt^warlock: what games? and are you planning on hosting all at once?09:41
postmodernhow do i do this from another Linux install09:41
Kajavolt^warlock, try free -m for memory.09:41
volt^warlockAdeman, counter-strike 1.6 servers only.09:41
volt^warlockok, gonna check Kaja09:41
volt^warlockMem: 3804 713 3090 0 147 40909:41
volt^warlock-/+ buffers/cache: 157 364709:41
dooglussss: I mean you can find it in synaptic.  you need to enable the 'universe' repository first though.  see what ubotu says:09:41
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:41
dooglus!info r-base09:42
ubotur-base: GNU R statistical computing language and environment. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (dapper), package size 20 kB, installed size 56 kB09:42
Inzoyhello, can someone tell me how ubuntu deals with raid controllers?09:42
Kajavolt^warlock, so you have like 3647 megs of free ram =O09:42
volt^warlockdoes that tell you something? ex if its using alot or not Kaja ?09:42
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postmodernhello i need to mount up LVM volumes from an old Ubuntu system and rescue some data off it09:42
volt^warlockyeah, it's my dual core 3.2 p4 server with 4gb ram, Im installing my second one (same server) tomorrow.09:42
sssdooglus ,ok09:42
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volt^warlockSo I was thinking of getting into 'cleaning' the linux from crap to improev the gameservers. but i guess that doesnt work eaither, as theres no "cleaner some crap" outta linux :P09:43
Kajavolt^warlock, nice total amout of ram you've got there.. and only ~200 megs used by programs atm.09:43
volt^warlockSo this is good? I'm running 1 gameserver, php5 + mysql atm.09:43
volt^warlockbrb getting my smokes09:43
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Ademanvolt^warlock: you're absolutely fine...09:43
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fdsdhey guys, how do I diable X from coming up on startup?  I dont want X or gdm to startup09:43
snoopsif you need to ask is that good then I'd worry09:43
farouspostmodern: did you try hocking it up and just mounting the partitions. or is that just naieve of me to think09:44
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:44
hybridfdsd: change the run level to 1 or 209:44
eobanbwelcome, NorDoc09:44
StazIrssi: FiSH v0.99 - encryption module for irssi loaded! :D:D:D09:44
dooglusfdsd: uninstall gdm - or do you want to be able to run it?09:44
NorDochello eobanb09:44
fdsddooglus, I want to run it09:44
Stazhey dooglus : thanks a million!09:44
dooglushybrid: runlevel 2 runs gdm09:44
NorDoci have a problem09:44
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volt^warlockAdeman, ok. Does anyone know anything about boosting up my gameservers FPS ?09:44
hybriddooglus: which run level is root and which one is normal user?09:44
fdsdhybrid, how do you change the runlevel in ubuntu?09:44
dooglusfdsd: sysv-rc-conf is a package which can edit the runlevels for you.  untick 'gdm' in level 2.09:44
fdsddooglus, is that in /etc?09:44
postmodernfarous, all the partitions are in some LVM partition09:44
dooglushybrid: 2 in the default in ubuntu.09:44
volt^warlockboosting up gameservers fps* - sorry. I havent got any sleep for lots of hours now.09:45
dooglusfdsd: it's a package - install it.09:45
postmodernfarous, and it's Ubuntu's default partition layout which i don't know09:45
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fdsddooglus, cant, i am modifing the livecd09:45
farouspostmodern: or can you connect to it through an internet lan and ssh to them09:45
hybridhmm ok thanks dooglus09:45
volt^warlockKaja, Ademan. Any ideas of how to boost a gameservers fps up? like changing the HZ or something?09:45
postmodernfarous, the Ubuntu install is foobar09:45
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dooglusfdsd: in that case, you can just remove /etc/rc2.d/*gdm09:45
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volt^warlocksomething fimiliar to that09:45
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postmodernfarous, i'm trying to rescue some data from /home09:45
Kajavolt^warlock, no idea, sorry.09:45
farouspostmodern: ok now i understand09:45
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volt^warlock:-( crap09:46
fdsddooglus, but isnt there a file I can edit, so it will properly disable gdm?09:46
postmodernfarous, yeah i'm new to using LVM09:46
volt^warlockAdeman, any clues ?09:46
Ademanvolt^warlock: are you experiencing poor performance?...09:46
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farouspostmodern: have no experience there perhaps others can help09:46
dooglusfdsd: gdm runs when you boot because of the presence of /etc/rc2.d/*gdm ; if you remove that link, it won't run at boot, but will still be runnable by hand.09:46
volt^warlockyes Ademan, the server fps is on 300, should be on 1000.09:46
fdsddooglus, good enough thanks:)09:46
NorDoci use the desktop cd to install ubuntu09:46
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postmodernany LVM experts in here?09:47
dooglusfdsd: you said earlier that you didn't want to disable gdm, because you want to be able to run it09:47
ElBrujohey wait is the name of LPT1 in ubuntu Dapper?09:47
NorDocand when i try to boot ubuntu it crashes09:47
NorDocand often drops me on a "busybox" shell09:47
dooglusStaz: using my .so?09:47
Ademanyour game server displays things?... i thought the game server just sits in the background09:47
dooglusStaz: or did you get yours to build?09:47
ElBrujois for this:09:47
ElBrujo-p      Specify port to use (default: first useable).09:47
ElBrujo          port: port name (system-dependent).09:47
ElBrujoi need to know the port name09:48
Stazusing your .so I dont think mine was ever going to produce a .so ;)09:48
volt^warlockAdeman, It does. I can check how much fps it runs at by typing 'stats' or rcon stats while in the gameserver, to see the how much fps the server runs at atm09:48
dooglusStaz: you weren't far off, I'm sure09:48
NorDoci re-installed ubuntu like 5 times and still have the same results09:48
dooglusStaz: you asked earlier about glib_inc or something...  I don't see any setting for glib_inc - maybe I downloaded a different version of the code than you?09:48
NorDocsomebody help me please09:49
Stazmust have done09:49
FlannelNorDoc: try using the alternative CD to install.  The live CD installer still has its quirks.09:49
Ademanthe server shouldnt have fps though, fps is frames per second, implying frames, which implies display...   of course, it could just be an indicator of how tight the game loop is running, but then fps is a bad term... boo to valve...09:49
ElBrujothe name of paralel ports in ubuntu?09:49
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Ademananyways, 300 fps is by no means poor performance, what kind of performance do clients get when they connect to your server? as far as ping goes09:49
Stazdooglus : did you edit the makefile according to what rag3rac3r said on the fish forum?09:49
NET||abusecan anyone help get jedit working, when i run it i get a series of errors... GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!09:50
NorDocmy hard drives go through a gigaRAID controller09:50
NorDocdo i need drivers for that?09:50
darkowlNorDoc: use the alternative cd, i also couldn't install from live cd but with alternative cd it works09:50
farousNET||abuse: i just downloaded it from jedit site and it ran smoothely09:50
csacsidoes anyone know how to install 'RealPlayer' when already sitting on desktop. I'm a newby of course.  What the book suggested, didn't work!09:50
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NorDoci can install from the livecd09:50
volt^warlockAdeman, the higher fps, the more stable the server is.09:51
NET||abusefarous, did you use deb to install?09:51
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Ademanvolt^warlock: the two are completely unrelated... in fact going too fast could result in instability09:51
farousNET||abuse: nope it was a jar file09:51
FlannelNorDoc: if youre going through a RAID, you shouldnt be using the liveCD, you should be using the Alternative CD to install09:51
Ademanbut regardless i need to sleep09:51
Ademanits 1 and its my anniversary with my gf tomorow09:51
volt^warlockAdeman, ah. OK. Take care :)09:52
NET||abusefarous, ahh, i'm trying to use the method outlined on their site where i add sourceforge deb line to sources.list09:52
volt^warlockYeah i know, but i want to boost the fps though, Ademan.09:52
NorDocFlannel, i'll try that :)09:52
NorDocdoes it ask me about controllers and stuff?09:52
NET||abusefarous, it installs fine, adds an icon to applications menu under -> Programming09:52
farousNET||abuse: just a side comment i prefer netbeans and eclipse to jedit. i know its a personal pref09:52
hyphenatedNET||abuse: have you installed Sun java?09:53
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NET||abusei want the simplicity of jedit09:53
NET||abusehyphenated, i was wondering what java run time i might need09:53
NET||abusei have giij09:53
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NET||abuse-i just gij09:53
NET||abuseand java-gcj-compat09:54
farousNET||abuse: hyphenated hve a point perhaps it is looking for java in the wrong place or just not the proper java. run it in a terminal and look at the error09:54
NorDoci'll try using the alternative cd09:54
ubuntuhi all ... should do an upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10 or a clean install?09:54
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:54
NET||abusefarous, the error from terminal is that one i posted09:54
NorDocand hope i don't end up here again :P09:54
NET||abuse GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!09:54
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:54
dooglusStaz: no, I didn't.  I skimmed through his posting, but don't remember any of it :)09:55
NET||abusehyphenated, i' double check that.09:55
chiccodoro_hello all! I have realplayer installed. When I play a ram file, there is no sound to hear, but realplayer seems not to be aware of that. It worked recently, probably before I upgraded to ubuntu 6. what's missing?09:55
hyphenatedtriple check it ;-)09:55
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KenSentMeHow do i switch to window 11 in irssi?09:55
dooglusStaz: I just checked, and his posting is irrelevant to us - ubuntu does things differently from slack09:56
dooglusStaz: are you running ubuntu, by the way?09:56
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dooglusKenSentMe: hit control-n lots of times:)09:56
dooglusKenSentMe: or control-p, whichever is the shorter distance09:57
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farousKenSentMe: you have 11 windows on irssi ;)09:57
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KenSentMefarous: cool eh09:57
dooglusfarous: it's easily done - one per channel and one per private soon adds up09:57
KenSentMefarous: i'm in all channels on freenode09:57
farousKenSentMe: i have 3 and think the screen is crowded09:57
dooglusfarous: especially since irssi will allow you to connect to multiple networks09:57
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eobanbKenSentMe, all channels...???09:58
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KenSentMeeobanb: joking09:58
farousdooglus: i was just think of screen space :)09:58
KenSentMeIs there a /join all command ? :p09:58
an1_maxKenSentMe, can you suggest a winamp type playlist player for ubuntu?09:58
dooglusfarous: irssi only shows one window at a time though, doesn't it?09:58
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KenSentMedooglus: it does09:58
farousdooglus: i have config it for 3 right now09:59
farouscan do more09:59
dooglusKenSentMe: well, farous is saying about screen-clutter...09:59
KenSentMean1_max: Rhytmbox maybe09:59
sssdooglus ,r u there09:59
dooglusdoes it highlight your name, farous, if I put it in the middle of a line?09:59
NET||abusehyphenated, i'm gettin E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre,, i have both multiverse lines uncommented in sources.. but after i uncommented the deb-src line i started getting  "W: GPG error: ftp://ie.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports Release: Unknown error executing gpgv"09:59
dooglusfarous: 'cos it doesn't for me09:59
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farousdooglus: you can try never tried it09:59
dooglussss: I R here09:59
sssdooglus ,i cant find r-base in gnome universe10:00
hyphenatedNET||abuse: uh.. backports aren't part of the solution10:00
KenSentMedooglus: for me neither, and i'm looking for an option to have that10:00
dooglusfarous: I mean, sometimes people say my name in the middle of a line, and irssi doesn't highlight that window for me10:00
farousNET||abuse: add the multiverse not the backport multiverse10:00
NET||abusehyphenated, oh, the comments for that line said multiverse..10:00
dooglussss: not GNOME - universe is a ubuntu repository.10:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:00
farousdooglus: i know and you can try putting my name in a middle of line for me to know10:00
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dooglusi did, farous, already.10:01
sssnot in sypnatic?10:01
dooglusand I just did it again farous - did it work?10:01
farousdooglus: then i have the same prob :)10:01
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farousdooglus: perhaps if we try another theme it will10:01
_nano_does anyone use network manager applet here?10:01
_nano_is there a way to bypass the gnome keyring prompt during startup?10:01
^dE^i have a question, i have DL ubuntu 6.06, and burned it on a cd, but now, it doesn`t want to boot from it, i have allready read the faq, on the page, but i havent downloadaded an .iso file. please help.10:01
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_nano_^dE^: did you checksum your CD?10:02
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^dE^_nano_ what does that mean?10:02
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NET||abusehyphenated, farous, thanks both..10:02
_nano_^dE^: meaning have you verified if the CD has been written properly?10:02
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NET||abusei'll see if this helps10:02
farous^dE^: if you did not download an iso image what did you download ?10:03
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SlarynHey there, I'm running a Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop and my PS/2 mouse will not work, only the touchpad.10:03
^dE^i downloaded an .rar file10:03
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farous^dE^: extract the iso file from it then burn it10:03
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Madpilot^dE^, you sure, or are you on an XP system w/ WinRAR?10:03
^dE^farous, i ded :)10:03
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sssdooglus ,i know ,u mean ,i have to modify my source?10:03
^dE^im on xp yes, i wanted to install vira VmWare10:04
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MadpilotWinRAR sometimes plays very stupid games with files it really shouldn't be dealing with...10:04
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^dE^i`ll try to extract one more time, ok? :)10:04
csacsiI have an 'Iomega Zip' drive, that I can't get working.  When installed on "Windows" I have to install the software for it from disk or the net.  What's the story with "Ubuntu"?10:04
dooglussss: there's a way to do it using synaptic; or you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list by hand (use "sudo" or you won't be able to edit the file)10:04
dooglussss: I've not used synaptic for a long time, so I forget how it's done.  I expect ubotu's links tell you though.10:05
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:05
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neutrinomasscsacsi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29441 Have fun :)10:06
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SlarynAnybody on my mouse problem?10:06
sssdooglus ,ok ,thanku10:06
^dE^_nano_ this is the name of the .rar file -> ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i38610:07
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scheurihi all10:07
pvdMy Nvidia card doesnt seem to be loading properly.  Its an Nvidia card and I have Nvidia driver/module installed from apt-get, have glxgrears and im only getting 500fps about, I also checked to see if my xorg.conf had nvidia for driver and it does10:07
dooglussss: got it now?10:07
neutrinomasscsacsi: Out of curiosity, is this 6.06 ?10:07
KenSentMedooglus: i think i have found an option to higlight my nick even when it's not at the beginning of a line. Could you test it with my nick for me?10:07
hyphenated^dE^: rar file?10:07
_nano_^dE^: you can checksum the file ..and compare it with the checksum provided in the ubuntu webpage10:07
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dooglusno, KenSentMe, I won't.10:07
NET||abuseok,, sun java installed, still getting same error "GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!\n Exception in thread "main" GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!\n *** Catastrophic failure while handling uncaught exception."10:07
^dE^ok :)10:07
csacsiNo, it isn't.10:07
_nano_^dE^: i mean the extracted file10:07
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KenSentMedooglus: :)10:07
sssdooglus ,im seeing it10:07
^dE^_nano_ i know :)))10:08
dooglusI've just been reading the source, KenSentMe , and it looks like there's no such option.10:08
xukunwhat was that command to upgrade to dapper from breezy?10:08
judahNET||abuse: sudo mv /usr/bin/java /usr/bin/java-old10:08
hyphenated^dE^: it's not a RAR file, it's an ISO file. winrar is stupid, and you don't unpack it10:08
dooglusKenSentMe: is it working?10:08
KenSentMedooglus: works, in irssi type /hilight dooglus10:08
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dooglusKenSentMe: oh, cool10:08
NET||abusejudah, eh?10:08
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KenSentMesure is, dooglus10:08
dooglusKenSentMe: can you return the favour?10:08
KenSentMesure is, dooglus10:08
dooglusKenSentMe: well, that didn't work :)10:08
farousKenSentMe: thanxs from here too :)10:08
judahNET||abuse: ubuntu ships with a java in your /usr/bin/ path10:08
KenSentMecheck farous10:08
csacsiI've tried to install 6.06, without success, so I deleted it10:09
NET||abusejudah, ok.. so what whould i do?10:09
KenSentMecheck dooglus10:09
farouslol :( neither did here10:09
wikingmy mic & speakers work, but cd player use other - old soundcard, how i can change it ( on device settings of CD player it don't give me thet soundcard)10:09
NET||abusemoving java doesn't help10:09
dooglusKenSentMe: you sure it's just "/hilight dooglus"?10:09
farousseems it is a theme thing10:09
neutrinomasscsacsi: Ouch. Why wouldn't it install ?10:09
hyphenatedubotu: tell ^dE^ about burning10:09
judahNET||abuse: try ..  which java  .. to see what interpreter you're using.10:09
Healotuse that "configure-alternative" thing10:09
csacsiI've no idea!10:09
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farousNET||abuse: did you update-alternatives --config java10:09
^dE^omfg, you`re right10:09
neutrinomasscsacsi: Well, what was the problem :P ?10:09
KenSentMedooglus: type /help hilight10:09
xukunhow can I upgrade to dapper10:09
NET||abusejudah, well we've just moved /usr/bin/java so which java doesn't find java10:09
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KenSentMedooglus: do you see that?10:10
^dE^it was reasy an .iso file, but winrar wanted to extract it lool10:10
csacsiI was told, because it was a beta version?10:10
^dE^thnxy guys :))10:10
scheuritell xukun about upgrade10:10
scheuri!tell xukun about upgrade10:10
NET||abusefarous, update-alternatives is a command on it's own?10:10
dooglusKenSentMe: aah, I'm an idiot :)10:10
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csacsiI'm a bit afraid to re-run it!10:10
KenSentMedooglus: those are your words10:10
neutrinomassAnybody on PPC ?10:10
dooglusKenSentMe: it was working...  I was expect the word 'dooglus' to be hilighted, not the word 'KenSentMe'...10:10
farousNET||abuse: yap. and /usr/bin/java is just a symb link to the java being used. you need to select which java to use10:10
KenSentMedoes it work now, dooglus ?10:10
wikingmy mic & speakers work, but cd player use other - old soundcard, how i can change it ( on device settings of CD player it don't give me thet soundcard)10:11
neutrinomasscsacsi: Well now it has been released and many of the problems have been fixed - where did you get stuck ?10:11
judahNET||abuse: now make sure your path includes where you just installed sun's jre..10:11
farousNET||abuse: update-alternatives take care of those aliases10:11
Lathiatwiking: if you open the mixer and go file->change device10:11
Lathiatwiking: might find it there10:11
dooglusKenSentMe: I was playing a little on-line poker last night, and accidentally called one of the guys I was playing against an idiot, and would you believe he took offence and stormed off?10:11
dooglusKenSentMe: that's great.10:11
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Lathiatwiking: unless you mean your cd player *plays* out the old cd card - and you dont want it to, i dont think you can do anythign about that10:11
csacsiAlso, I can't get "RealPlayer' working, although it's sitting on my desktop.10:11
dooglusKenSentMe: there's a command to save that for future sessions isn't there?  /save config or some such?10:11
KenSentMedooglus: lol, some people have a short temper10:11
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:11
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judahNET||abuse: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/usr/java/jre/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_04/bin .... and so on..10:12
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KenSentMedooglus: /save filename10:12
neutrinomasscsacsi: RealPlayer isn't Open Source so that's probably a RealPlayer issue that the Ubuntu devs cannot help with - maybe the version that comes with 6.06 has been fixed :-/10:12
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neutrinomasscsacsi: Luckily, there are tons of native media players from which to choose10:12
NET||abusefarous, thanks update-alternatives worked :) had to assign it from gij java to sun java10:12
csacsiWhen I booted I got a message that I didn't understand.  It seems I was at the end of the booting process.10:13
farous!restrictedformats > csacsi10:13
farousNET||abuse: cool10:13
NET||abusejudah, the laternatives issue was it ;)10:13
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NET||abusejudah, farous again thanks for your help :)10:13
farouscsacsi: how did you install realplayer10:13
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dooglusKenSentMe: or just "/save" to save to the default filename ~/.irssi/config10:13
neutrinomassAnybody on PPC that has 3 minutes of time to donate in confirming a bug ?10:13
arun1hello all.. i have run out of space in my ubuntu drive.. i have lots of space in my non ubuntu disks.. is there a safe way to reallocate space..10:13
csacsiIt said;  it was specifically for Linux though!10:13
screwstonhow do u copy/paste files with Ubuntu10:13
wikingon mixer it is changed10:13
screwstonhow do u copy/paste files with Ubuntu's file browser?10:14
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:14
farous^  ^ screwston10:14
neutrinomasscsacsi: Many companies say that about their programs, but they do not work that well after all :(10:14
csacsiThe fact is that I couldn't at all!10:14
dooglusKenSentMe: I once tried writing a 'spell check' plugin for irssi, but couldn't find any way of getting access to the 'input text' at the bottom of the screen - any ideas?10:14
neutrinomassscrewston: right click, copy, go to the directory you want to paste it, right click, paste10:14
csacsiWhat other players could I use then pls?10:14
farousdooglus: can not you just run-with-aspell irssi10:14
scheuricsacsi: totem, aviplayer, vlc...10:15
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neutrinomasscsacsi: I take it you did not like rhythmbox ?10:15
KenSentMedooglus: no, never tried that. But i type in two different languages, dutch and english10:15
farousdooglus: i never tried it my self though10:15
dooglusfarous: I never heard of run-with-aspell.  will look into it10:15
arun1ubotu: reallocate disk space10:15
farousdooglus: i used it with kopete before. when i was using kde10:15
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csacsiI've already installed "Totem" but doesn't work!10:15
scheuricsacsi: what kind of file do you want to play?10:16
farouscsacsi: where or how did you install realplayer?10:16
dooglusfarous: run-with-aspell replaces ispell with aspell - but irssi uses neither, so it won't help, right?10:16
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:16
wikingon mixer it give me 4 mixers, 1 of them work10:16
farousdooglus: hmm do not know10:16
ani_maxHI. anyone know how to stop Ubuntu from checking all the fat32 partitions on boot everytime?10:16
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dooglusfarous: I think run-with-aspell only works for apps which already support spellchecking of some kind.  irssi doesn't.10:16
wikingon cd player options it give me jy=ust 1, wich do not work10:17
csacsiI have not tried 'rhytmbox'.  I'll give it a go.10:17
farousdooglus: ok thanx for the info :)10:17
ani_maxcsacsi: i setup mine from here --> http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_To_Get_Full_Multimedia_Support_in_Ubuntu10:17
neutrinomasscsacsi: 'rhythmbox' (just pointing it out to save you from trouble)10:17
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screwstoni cant paste. i'm trying to copy my modified usb-storage in /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko, to /lib/modules/ to replace the original, but it won't let me paste.10:17
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csacsiThat's just it!  It sits on my desktop, but won't install, as far as I can tell.10:18
ani_maxHi.  anyone know how to stop Ubuntu from checking all the fat32 partitions on boot everytime?10:18
spadesremove the entry from /etc/fstab?10:18
ani_maxspades: at me?10:18
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csacsiI've tried 'Windows Media Player";  not success!10:19
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dooglusani_max: it should recheck each time.  are you shutting down cleanly, not just pulling the plug?10:19
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dooglusani_max: it shouldn't recheck each time I meant to say!10:19
screwstonits weird, i wonder why i cant replace that file10:19
ani_maxdooglus, even with proper shutdown. i have about 7 partitions. and its very bugging10:19
arun1are there any apps. in ubuntu to resize partitions10:19
dooglusani_max: if you umount a partition and mount it again, does that do a recheck too?10:20
wikingon mixer it give me 4 mixers, 1 of them work10:20
farousdooglus: strange i have the same prob though and thought it is a daemon that so that was wondering how to disable it too10:20
wikingon cd player options it give me jy=ust 1, wich do not work10:20
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ani_maxdooglus, i dont know how to. installed ubuntu yesterday :)10:20
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dooglusani_max: pick a partition you're not using, and in a terminal run "sudo umount /path/to/mount/point"10:21
farousdooglus: in my case they are not checked but they are ready to be mount. i think udev is the guilty part10:21
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arun1ubotu: resize paritition10:21
dooglusfarous: what do you mean, ready to be mount?10:21
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farousdooglus: they appear under computer in nautilus10:21
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sssdooglus ,i dont understand it ,i wanna know if i want to install universe software, whether i need to modify my source list?10:21
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farousdooglus: though i specifically did not mount them and do not want them be mounted10:22
peritushow can i bind a command to a keyboard binding, like run command xxx when i push ctrl+alt+x10:22
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scheurisss: yes, you need to10:22
ani_maxdooglus, umm.. what do i type. sudo umount /hdb6  ? or something else10:22
dooglussss: the /etc/apt/sources.list needs to be modified, yes.  there are 2 ways to do this:  1) use synaptic   2) edit it yourself10:22
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare10:22
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scheurisss: the line, which allows you to install universe software is available, but commented10:22
KenSentMeperitus: system->preferences->shortcuts or something (i'm on dutch ubuntu)10:22
dooglusani_max: "sudo umount /dev/hdb6" should do it10:22
sssscheurihow to modify it?10:23
dooglusfarous: look in /etc/fstab for the partitions.  paste one of the lines here10:23
farousani_max: check it also in the /etc/fstab file or it will be mounted automatically next time you boot10:23
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ani_maxdooglus, ok done. but it will still come next time right?10:27
farousdooglus: it is not in fstab but which line you need me to past10:27
scheurisss: are you familiar with command line?10:27
peritusKenSentMe: well, i have like "keyboard shortcuts" (im on swedish), but thats only preconfigures10:27
dooglusani_max: yes.  I was going to suggest you re-mount it now and see if it checks it again:  "sudo mount /dev/hdb6"10:27
dooglusfarous: it's not in /etc/fstab, but it's known by nautilus?10:27
sssscheuri,soso ,just tell me ,id like to try :)10:27
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ani_maxdooglus, remounted. nothing happened10:27
farousdooglus: yap10:27
dooglusani_max: hrm, ok10:27
pc_butlerI want to buy a new PC looking at amd any suggestions?10:27
ani_maxdooglus, as in it just remounted. thats it10:27
farousneither fstab nor mtab10:27
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scheurisss: you need to open the file called sources.list as superuser -> "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list"10:27
csacsilast night I downloaded 'Mepis', burnt onto CD, but my PC won't start from the PC, although it does from the 'Ubuntu' disk.  Has anyone tried it?  It's supposed to be very user friendly and is based on 'Ubuntu' , they say.10:27
scheurisss: tell me if you have opened it10:27
dooglusani_max: try this, if you've got time:  do the "sudo umount /dev/hdb(whatever)" for each of the FAT partitions, then reboot10:27
farousscheuri: nano is more newbie friendly then vi10:27
dooglusani_max: and watch to see if it still does the check when you boot10:27
scheurifarous: I know, but I dont know nano that well...:)10:27
dooglusani_max: running "mount | grep -i fat" will list the fat partitions that are mounted10:27
KenSentMeperitus: ah, i see. One moment10:27
screwstonAnyone know why i can't replace my original usb-storage.ko, with a modified one?10:27
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SlarynSynaptic won't detect that any update-manager newer than 3.x is available, and thus I can't upgrade to DD... :/10:27
ani_maxdooglus, ok. will do10:27
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SlarynRe-installing update-manager now10:27
darkowlhey guys I have Ati radeon X800XT and I installed ati drivers now...do I now only need to reconfigure xoorg or do I need anything else ?10:27
scheurisss: still here?10:27
dooglusani_max: this will tell us whether the problem is that the partition aren't being unmounted when you shut down, or whether the boot process is checking them even though they're cleanly umounted10:27
sssyea,im here10:27
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snoopsif you're not using xgl or compiz you should be able to get away with just reconfiguring xorg.conf darkowl10:27
dooglusani_max: check with that "mount | grep -i fat" command to make sure you've got them all before rebooting10:27
peritusKenSentMe: all right. thanks10:27
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ani_maxdooglus, alright. got the list10:28
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SlarynNobody ever answers my questions :/10:28
scheurisss: opened the file? good...now with your arrow keys...finde the line that has ONE # at the beginning and a "universe" and "multiverse" in te line10:28
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dooglusSlaryn: did you ask a question?10:28
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SlarynMany XD10:28
darkowlsnoops: xgl or compiz ?10:28
scheuriSlaryn: give us time, will ya?10:28
dooglusSlaryn: I saw you make a statement, but didn't know what you wanted10:28
vinboyhow do I take picture using my webcam?10:28
SlarynMy first question was like 30+ minutes ago :/10:29
SlarynAKA my mouse won't detect.10:29
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dooglusSlaryn: it's OK to ask again, but maybe nobody knows about that.10:29
ani_maxdooglus, done. going to restart. brb10:29
farous!fixres > Slaryn10:29
peritusKenSentMe: i think i found i GUIDE to it. have to change things i gconf...10:29
dooglusani_max: that mount command shows nothing now?10:29
darkowlsnoops: you here anymore ?10:30
darkowlhey guys I have Ati radeon X800XT and I installed ati drivers now...do I now only need to reconfigure xoorg or do I need anything else ?10:30
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scheurisss: have you found the line(s)?10:30
Slaryno_O Screen resolution info...?10:30
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)10:33
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 is open for Edgy Eft
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jun 25 07:10:20 2006
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please have a look at the FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions10:34
(farous/#ubuntu) Slaryn: sorry10:35
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(KenSentMe/#ubuntu) Slaryn: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:35
(farous/#ubuntu) its 4:35 here and have been marking an exam for 8 hours now10:35
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(sss/#ubuntu) scheuri ,theres no #at any line10:35
pc22 whats with rpm packaging? any advantage of deb?10:35
(Locke/#ubuntu) no10:36
(scheuri/#ubuntu) sss: uuhmmm...well...there should...there are many comments in that file which start with a #10:36
sssscheuri,did u mean i have to go to the command line interface?10:36
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scheurisss: yes...CLI, then open the file with "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list"10:37
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sssoh,im in gnome10:37
scheurisss: ah, sorry10:37
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SlarynYes found the file, and backed it up, but I can't run that command unless I'm root... I can't seem to login as root though10:37
sssscheuri ,for wut10:37
SlarynUsername: root, password: same right?10:37
ani_maxdooglus, it still the partitions10:38
scheurisss: for not checking of you are on CLI or not...;)10:38
farousSlaryn: just type sudo infront of it10:38
faroussudo dpkg-reconfigure10:38
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SlarynGot it, one moment10:38
george_looneyquery ubotu10:38
MadpilotSlaryn, no - there is no root pw by default in Ubuntu - have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:38
sssif im in command line now ,i cant talk to u with irc10:38
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snoopsI thought there was a password, but it was random Madpilot?10:39
george_looneyHello people10:39
scheurisss: ah wait...in gnome there is a possibility to open a small window with CLI10:39
KenSentMegeorge_looney: hi10:39
scheurisss: gnome terminal10:39
KenSentMectrlbreak: hi10:39
Madpilotsnoops, yeah, but there's not difference between random & none, in practice. Anyway, there's not need for a root pw10:39
sssyea ,i know ,im in terminal10:39
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george_looneyis there anyone out here who is a Java hobbyist or learner and loves Ubuntu?10:39
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ajayc^richiefrich, hi10:40
scheurisss: well then...just switch beetween chat and terminal...:)10:40
Lockegeorge_looney, java people have the wrong mindset for lin ux10:40
Lockei think10:40
ani_maxdooglus, you there? ubuntu still checked all the partitions10:40
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george_looneyLocke: Well, I know :)10:40
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ssswell ,scheuri ,ill show u what i saw10:40
farousani_max: did you check that the paritions are not included in the /etc/fstab file10:40
sssjust my source addresses10:41
farousani_max: just comment the line that have them10:41
george_looneyLocke: I've been on Linux for quiet sometime and I am learning Java for professional reasons10:41
sssdeb http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse10:41
sssdeb http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse10:41
sssdeb http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse10:41
sssdeb http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse10:41
sssdeb http://ubuntu.cn99.com/ubuntu-cn/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse10:41
Lockewell it works as well as in any other system10:41
ajaycsss, please dont repear10:41
ani_maxfarous, completey new so you'll have to tell where it is?10:41
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Madpilotsss, next time use pastebin for that - thanks10:41
neutrinomass!pastebin > sss10:41
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KenSentMe!tell sss about paste10:41
sssjust show sth10:41
varicelloWhy command GCC does not function in mine ubuntu ?10:41
farousani_max: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab10:41
Madpilotvaricello, have you installed build-essential?10:42
neutrinomassvaricello: Have you installed 'gcc' ?10:42
george_looneyLocke: I'm looking for someone who can tell me if the free-java-sdk package is compatible enough with the Sun JDK10:42
Slarynfarous, I ran through a bunch of reconfiguration screens, still no mouse detection.10:42
farousthen look at the lines for the partition you do not want mounted and put # infront of it to comment it10:42
scheurisss: for me it looks like you have everything enabled! are you using synaptic for updates?10:42
Lockei dunno but i installed the sun java sdk10:42
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.10:42
sssyea ,sure10:42
=== pinpoint_ [n=pinpoint@pool-72-67-39-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
farousSlaryn: check supported hardware as last resort10:42
ani_maxfarous, i want those partitions. i just dont want the disk check everytime10:42
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:42
sssi use sypnatic10:42
Madpilotsss, hit the Reload button in Synaptic10:42
farousani_max: ah ok10:43
george_looneyhmmmmm.....don't want to "taint" my Ubuntu box with the Sun JDK! /grin/10:43
scheurisss: well, open synpatic and tell it to update or fetch new information or whatever (using CLI myself)...:)10:43
sssmadpilot ,wut?10:43
scheuriMadpilot: thanks10:43
farousani_max: it is supposed to be every 30 mounts10:43
varicelloneutrinomass, How I check?10:43
ani_maxfarous, wont i stop them from appearing if i comment them?10:43
george_looneyanyway I will go to java and see10:43
george_looneythanks again Locke10:43
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ani_maxfarous, thats the problem. it checks every single time! even with a proper shutdown10:43
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farousani_max: if you comment them they wil not be automatically mountd10:43
george_looney....and everyone else10:43
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sssscheuri ,what information?it's just update10:43
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varicelloMadpilot, it is not standard of ubuntu?10:44
farousani_max: there might be a problem with them that is why they are checked10:44
scheurisss: whenever you add a new repository with new software, your computer needs to update its databse about this information...otherwise the applications are not offered for installation10:44
ani_maxfarous, hmm.. i could do that and then run a script inside ubuntu to mount them. is it possible?10:44
Madpilotvaricello, what? gcc? No, it's not installed by default - install "build-essential" to get all the compiling tools10:44
ani_maxfarous, windows never said anything.. but then again thta was 'Microsoft'. hehe10:45
scheurisss: update and upgrade are not the same...:)10:45
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farousani_max: yes but lets go to the prob itself. if they are the only ones being checked then the fsck found a prob in them10:45
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sssscheuri ,these source addresses are always in the list file since i install the ubuntu10:46
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ani_maxfarous, i already doubt that one of my drive is kinda shaky but the other one is perfectly new and sound. and ubuntu still checks all10:46
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scheurisss: hmmm...have these sources addresses a # in front of them in that list file?10:46
chillshey al i just installed ubuntu and well how do i set up a root password10:46
sssi didnt changed it right now10:46
chillsi dont think it asked me10:46
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sssno ,10:46
eobanb!tell chills about root10:46
Madpilotchills, you don't need one. Use sudo & your own user pw10:46
eobanb!tell chills about sudo10:46
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finalbeta** (totem:6125): WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session bus: No reply within specified time, I changed the audio device and changed it back, now I got no more sound. help.10:47
scheurisss: hmmm...wait a sec10:47
Madpiloteobanb, the bot's 'sudo' & 'root' tells are identical10:47
chillsah i see .. :)10:47
chillsso its different from rest of the distros10:47
farousani_max: not necessarily if you are sure they are ok. sorry i do not know which cron job control that10:47
eobanbMadpilot, oh, they are now? hey were different before10:47
farousani_max: was trying to look it  up for you10:47
Madpilotchills, yes - no root pw, Ubuntu is all set up to use sudo instead10:47
KenSentMechills: yes it is. But it's all in the wiki pages ubotu sent you10:47
farousani_max: try dmesg for error messages or boot in a splash less mode to see what is happening10:48
chillsright 1 more thing guys.. how do i set up a dial up account10:48
scheurisss: open synaptic please10:48
chillskppp isnt working.,,10:48
Madpilotchills, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto - I don't use dailup, though10:48
ani_maxfarous, ubuntu auto goes in splashless mode and gives error of non-matching fat copies in 1 partition10:48
sssscheuri,always opend10:49
ani_maxfarous, and says it is Not auto fixing it and checks the rest then which are ok10:49
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varicelloMadpilot, Where I catch complete it?10:49
george_looneyhello again10:49
scheurisss: okay...there is a menu option that allows you to add sources10:49
chillsMadpilot: thats all i got ;)10:49
farousani_max: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst file and take out the splash line at the end of the boot line10:49
Madpilotvaricello, where you what?10:49
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george_looneycan I remove the linux-386 meta package?10:49
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farousani_max: am sure there is something you can hit while booting but do nto which disable the splash screen10:50
scheurisss: uuhmm...my synaptic is german, so I need to guess...;)...what are you menu points on top? file? what else?10:50
RyHooHello everybody, I have a problem with SKYPE for ubuntu. I have some credits but I cant call landlines. Under windoze everything works fine...10:50
NET||abusehahh.. see that, Xandros 4 reads AND writes ntfs??10:50
chillsconexant wont work right .. ?10:50
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scheuriI really should stop using german software10:50
Hexidigital_NET||abuse:: i'm pretty sure mandriva is ntfs writeable also10:51
compengihow can i find bittorent10:51
FlannelNET||abuse: write isnt too stable yet, and if it is, it'll be in edgy (I think its slated for addition in edgy anyway), it wouldve been released too late for Dapper.10:51
compengii have it but can't find it10:51
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pc_butlerI want to buy a new PC looking at amd any suggestions?10:51
NET||abusehmm, well paragon softwares ntfs for linux is the package which allows it.10:51
mnvlHexidigital_, to my knowledge it is not10:51
Madpilotscheuri, for help in German, try #ubuntu-de10:51
chillsiam tying Kppp it wont work :\10:51
compengipc_butler, no10:51
compengipc_butler, amd is good10:51
SlarynEh, looks like a no-go on this mouse working.  Anyways, a different question... how can I get Synaptic to realize there are newer versions of packages?  I've reloaded a few times, but it still says update-manager 3.x is newest, although I need 4.something to update to Dapper.  Any suggestions?10:51
ani_maxfarous, only 2 lines are there with splash. one has # in front and other is this10:51
scheuriMadpilot: I dont need help in german...I try to help sss with an english synaptic whereas mine is in german...;)10:52
ani_maxfarous, kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash10:52
=== Hexidigital_ always admits to possibly being wrong... NEVER take what i say as a guarantee
sssscheuri, file ,edit ,package, configure, help10:52
compengipc_butler,  what main you had choosen?10:52
Madpilotscheuri, ah, sorry :)10:52
varicelloMadpilot, URL to download of the GCC?10:52
scheurisss: configure!!!...do you have some sort of sources-option there?10:52
farousani_max: you can delete splash at the end and you can put it if you wana enable or disable the splash screen10:52
scheuriMadpilot: no worries...:)10:52
chillsMadpilot : how do i install Kppp without a net connection10:52
Madpilotvaricello, do "sudo aptitude install build-essential" or look for build-essential in Synaptic10:52
pc_butlercan i use ubuntu  with dvd's with litghscribe?10:52
sssactually,chinese here:)10:52
farousani_max: sorry but got to go continue marking10:52
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farousgood luck10:53
joshJoshHendo letmein10:53
scheurisss: oh my...;)10:53
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DoctorMOhey all10:53
compengihow can i find bittorent that is installed on my os10:53
ani_maxfarous, ok deleting splach and rebooting10:53
ssshold on,bro10:53
joshregister letmein10:53
scheurisss: aye10:53
DoctorMOmy sound has stoped working, what should I do to get it working again?10:53
pc_butlercompengi, what do you suggest?10:53
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Hexidigital_!register > josh10:53
farousDoctorMO: check you are in audio group. in a terminal type groups10:53
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pc_butlercompengi, amd +260010:54
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ani_maxfarous_out, prob. i was using normal text editor and it wont let me change the read-only mode10:54
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compengipc_butler, wait10:54
compengipc_butler, let me give you a link10:54
DoctorMOfarous: audio group is in the list10:54
varicelloMadpilot, thanks10:54
xukunhmm sinds I upgraded to dapper no print jobs are coming out from my work printer. It looks it prints but nothings comes out of the printer. I,m using ipp in Cups/client.conf10:54
george_looney!java > george_looney10:54
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Madpilotvaricello, np10:54
ani_maxok. anyone know how i can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?10:55
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sssscheuri ,wut u mean?10:55
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SlarynSo no ideas on why my pkg manager is being strange?10:55
RyHoodid anyone have a problem with skype calling landlines? under windows my account works fine. under ubuntu i can call skype->skype10:55
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scheurisss: in option "configure" what is available as options?10:55
george_looneyani_max: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst10:56
Schalkeni know this is kinda off topic: but is there a linux distribution made for PDAs?10:56
scheuriRyHoo: maybe its the version....windows has skype 2, linux does not10:56
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ani_maxgeorge_looney, thanks10:56
chillsso guys how do i install Kppp without a net connection10:57
george_looneyani_max: URW10:57
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snoopsyeah.. skype for linux is is crap :( *frustration*10:57
RyHooscheuri: I have two accounts on skype. One works fine.10:57
scheurisnoops: there is still openwengo...but well10:57
DoctorMOsnoops, don't use skype, it's propritory formats will be the death of us all10:57
george_looneychills: get someelse to download it for you10:57
sssscheuri ,preferences,softpreferences and so on10:58
s|kskype sucks?10:58
chillsgeorge_looney : can i download it on windows ?10:58
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s|kwhat is there for voice talk if not skype?10:58
scheurisss: softpreferences...take that10:58
ani_maxgeorge_looney, it opens the file in terminal only. how do i save it?10:58
george_looneychills: Yep10:58
chillsk thanks10:58
sssok ,and?10:58
SVisorSkype might be propriotory. But its the one used. Even some companies have started to use it.10:58
george_looneyani_max: do you know to use vi??10:58
scheuris|k: openwengo10:58
DoctorMOSVisor, doesn't make it any less dangerous10:59
ani_maxgeroge, no. in fact nothing in ububtu10:59
scheurisss: you should now see a list of all your repositories...right?10:59
snoopsDoctorMO, yeah that's nice and all but the reason people are using it is because their friends and family are using and their friends and family and their friends and family.. one person spouting about proprietry formats being the death of us all, and refusing to use it.. well those people are pretty much ignored10:59
ani_max*george_looney: oops :)10:59
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sssscheuri yep, same with the sources.list10:59
SVisorDoctorMO: No thats true, but what are the options. That you talk to your self?10:59
DoctorMOsnoops, rather be ignored than not free.10:59
george_looneyani_max: don't type anything10:59
chillsWhat dial up installer comes with default in ubuntu11:00
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RyHooscheuri: I have funds on both Skype accounts. On the first one I can call landline under Win and Ubuntu. On the second it works only in Windows...11:00
scheurisss: good okay...now "add" and make sure the "multiverse" and "universe" ticks are ticked11:00
george_looneyani_max: let me get you out of this one :)11:00
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scheuriRyHoo: sorry...cant help...dont use skype that often11:00
ani_maxgeorge_looney, hehe.. ok. cant i just close the terminal window?11:00
scheurisnoops: they wont ignored when skype asks for money11:00
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sssscheuri ,all of them had been ticked long long ago11:01
george_looneyani_max: umm, you could, but just do this, type the following - :q!11:01
scheurisss: then, I am afraid, I dont what else...:(11:01
george_looneyani_max: thats "colon" lowercase "w" followed by "bang"11:01
RyHooscheuri: thanks for trying... Maybe someune else can help. I dont want to use windoze11:01
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finalbetaHmm, I kindoff broke my sound. In alsamixer the master channel no longer has effect on the sound, only PCM.11:02
george_looneyRyHoo: WINE maybe!!?11:02
sssso this is why i feel so strange about linux11:02
snoopsand when and if it changes then have a look around.. isolating yourself from people because of that is of no real choice.. just makes you a bitter old man later in life11:02
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sssit's too hard to install a software, i almost cant take it11:02
scheurisss: well, in my opinion we made everything to make sure you have universe and multiverse enabled...11:02
faraboveI am looking for an webmail client. We have already an ISP with an webmail client but i sucks big time.. Its importent that it is not downloading the mail cause we are using Osx Mail and outlook so is chuld just be an supliment to what we use to day.. What shuld i go for ?11:03
sssyea ,11:03
scheurisss: it is not hard, if software is in repository...what is the software you want to install?11:03
DoctorMOno but standing by your principles is important, if someone wants to talk to me they can use free alternatives or walk up to me and have a chat.11:03
ani_maxgeorge, ok. it said -> "/boot/grub/menu.lst" 146L, 4103C written11:03
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scheurisss: no need to shout...(capital letters)...a stat software? sorry...11:03
DoctorMOfarabove, have you tried gmail?11:03
scheurisss: what is the name?11:03
DoctorMOfarabove, or are you after the server software?11:04
ani_maxgeorge_looney, hmm.. xchat keeps skipping nick completion.. :?11:04
sssJUST R11:04
farabovedoctorMO: we have mail accounts today..11:04
namikatahello, is crimsun still here?11:04
george_looneyani_max: I'm not on xchat, sorry :(11:04
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ssssomebody told me there is a r-base in source ,i cant find it11:04
chillsHEY what default dialup wizard ccomes with unbuntu11:04
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george_looneyani_max: have you closed that terminal?11:05
SlarynAnybody know why my wireless connection is randomly refusing websites?11:05
scheurisss: there is...r-base...i hav it11:05
ani_maxgeorge_looney, no11:05
george_looneyani_max: I hop you are in X Window (GUI)11:05
scheurisss: well, I have it not installed, but it is offered to me11:05
void^!info r-base11:05
ubotur-base: GNU R statistical computing language and environment. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (dapper), package size 20 kB, installed size 56 kB11:05
george_looneyani_max: ok , just close the terminal then11:05
faraboveDoctorMO, we have our own domains etc so it shuld just be an easy way to read our mail on the roade11:05
faraboveis ther a channel for ubuntu server?11:05
ani_maxgeorge_looney, now just restart?11:05
DoctorMOfarabove, ok sounds like you want the webmail software.11:05
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george_looneyani_max: huh1!11:06
darkowldo any of you have ati x800xt card and it works with your ubuntu ?11:06
sssscheuri , u found it in source?11:06
darkowlbecause I cant get it to work11:06
faraboveDoctorMO, do you have a client to recomend ?11:06
george_looneyani_max: No need to restart11:07
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george_looneyani_max: clsoe the terminal with the vi command11:07
SVisordarkowl: both x700 and x800 cards are in trouble on Ubuntu. No to me known work arounds, unless ATI have released a proprietary driver for em.11:07
scheurisss: well...do you mean source as in "installing it with synpatic" or source as in "sourc code to download"?11:07
DoctorMOfarabove, nothing that I've used, but you could do a package search: apt-cache search webmail pulls up some results11:07
ani_maxgeorge_looney, no? how do i check the bootup then?11:07
DoctorMOfarabove, you prob' want one for apache11:07
george_looneyani_max: start a new terminal and give this command -- sudo -b gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:08
scheurisss: yes, I have searched in synaptic and I found it11:08
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darkowlSVisor: what can I do ? Can I ask ATI support about this problem ?11:08
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george_looneyani_max: yeah restart if want to check11:08
sssscheuri ,fine ,ill find it again ,11:08
scheurisss: check wiki.ubuntu.com and search for "universe"11:08
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scheurisss: to make sure universe is enabled for you11:09
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george_looneyani_max: I will be back in 15...gotta munch on lunch11:09
ani_maxgeorge_looney, aha. much better now. thanks!11:09
ani_maxgeorge_looney, cool11:09
george_looneyani_max: Great :)11:09
SVisordarkowl: Do not know how well ATI response on Linux questions, but you could try that, or ...11:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:09
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sssscheuri,we still cant make sure it yet?11:09
finalbetaCan someone please tell me what the value for default in and out is in the "Select multimedia" dialog box from the prefferences menu? changed something wrong11:10
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scheurisss: well, I did what I could...you should really consult the webpage to make sure your universe repository is enabled!11:10
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darkowlSVisor: well... They should answer or Ill tell them that ill charge them because on the box of my card it doesnt say that it doesnt support linux :)11:10
SVisordarkowl: Try to install (using the web URL as docs) the prop. drivers. Worked great for my 9700 card11:11
sssthanku scheuri11:11
scheurisss: no worries11:11
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starterI have a problem with kubuntu, after the bootup sequence, it enters xwindows, I can hear the sound, but the screen goes black11:11
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darkowlSVisor i installed ati drivers using easyubuntu11:11
starterthe computer is 2000+ Athlon, GeForce 4 MX440, 256 DDRAM11:11
sssscheuri ,give me your source adresses11:12
SVisordarkowl: And still no working X?11:12
SVisorubuntu: tell SVisor easyubuntu11:12
scheurisss: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted universe multiverse11:12
ubotuI know nothing about esyubuntu11:13
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:13
farous_outsss: did you solve your problem11:13
scheurifarous_out: nope...I was not able to help11:13
sssscheuri,just one?11:13
farous_outscheuri: perhaps if we just give him a command line for it11:13
finalbetaCan someone tell me the two values on the audio tab of "gstreamer-properties". Changed something from default I think.11:13
augnhmm.  Is it any easier than Automatix?11:13
sssfarous ,nott yet11:13
scheurifarous_out: to add it in sources.list?11:13
SVisordarkowl: Havent used those scripts so I do not know anything about em.11:13
SVisordarkowl: What happens when you start X?11:14
sssscheuri ,im using dappar11:14
darkowlI get an error11:14
scheurisss: that is oka11:14
Ng!automatix > augn11:14
augnanyway-  Hi, I installed Ubuntu (amd64 Dapper with k8 kernel) for the first time on Friday.  It's looking good.  The last couple releases I had tried couldn't install.11:14
SVisordarkowl: Well that kind of an answer does not help me anything. What kind of error? "No screen found"?11:15
finalbetaCan someone tell me the two values on the audio tab of "gstreamer-properties". Changed something from default I think. Please, it's 20 secs work, saves me houres.11:15
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SVisordarkowl: What does: fgrep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:15
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SVisordarkowl: Wht does that CLI command tell you.11:16
Keali couldnt get ubuntu to work11:16
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sssscheuri ,i got another problem11:16
sssr u there11:16
Kealit simplky spewed diarreah throughout my laptop11:17
scheurisss: sort of...:)11:17
farous_outsss in a terminal type, sudo echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install r-base11:17
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Hexidigital_Keal:: in the literal sense?11:17
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augnmentioning Automatix caused an automsg which says using it could wreck my system.  It gave me a link, but there was no info about it at the site.  Is there any truth to the claim?11:17
Kealis there like massive prollems with ubuntu and amd6411:17
Ngaugn: that wasn't an automsg, I asked the channel bot to send you that11:17
scheuriHexidigital_: that was GROSS!11:17
jsgotangcoKeal: please be specific11:18
augnoh, thanks Ng :)11:18
Kealespecially massive prollems with amd64 plus 1280x84411:18
Hexidigital_scheuri:: sorry... now that i reflect, it really was11:18
Ngaugn: it's the advice we give people who ask about automatix in here. some people (notably the automatix authors) dispute the claims, but as the message points out, reading the docs and doing things yourself is always a better option anyway :)11:18
scheuriHexidigital_: ;)11:18
jsgotangcoKeal: that's not an amd64 issue then, its rather an xorg issue11:18
darkowlSVisor: you have private message11:18
Kealwht is xorg?11:18
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Hexidigital_Keal:: what chipset for video? intel?11:19
farous_outsss: how is it going11:19
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dibblegohow can I boot to a console only?11:19
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SVisordarkowl: Nope....11:19
Kealvideo is ati radeon xpress 200m11:19
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sssfauous,whether i need to delate my currently source addresses?11:19
augnNg: yeah.  Since I've never been heavily into Linux and am planning on doing some web development using tools that I haven't yet chosen, I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be doing some reinstalls anyway11:19
Hexidigital_Keal:: sorry, no experience with ATI here...11:19
augnNg: so it might not be a big issue for me :)11:19
finalbetaCan someone tell me the two values on the audio tab of "gstreamer-properties". Please, it's 20 secs work, saves me houres.11:19
Hexidigital_Keal:: did you install the x64 version of Ubuntu?11:19
farous_outsss: you do not need to delete it the command i sent just append the multiverse line to your sources.list file11:20
Ngaugn: there is also easyubuntu, which doesn't get recommended against in here11:20
Ng!easyubuntu > augn11:20
Hexidigital_Keal:: i'm not certain, but that may be the problem11:20
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darkowlSVisor: send me some message...dont know why it doesnt work...11:20
Hexidigital_Keal:: there is a 64 bit version available11:20
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augnpersonally, I don't see what's particularly hard about Synaptic11:20
farous_outsss: you can check it it is the last line in the file11:20
Keali have every single cd for ubuntu in existence sitting on my desk11:20
scheurifinalbeta: where do I find those properties?11:20
augnthe biggest trouble with Synaptic is that the list is too damn big11:20
yacekwhen I run applications from console I get this X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166, how to solve it?11:20
crimsunfinalbeta: Default Output Plugin -> Autodetect, Default Input Plugin -> ALSA11:20
augnbut maybe there's something I don't know11:20
SVisordarkowl: Maybe a bug in this client... give me a sec, Ill switch11:21
Kealhalf the cds were corrupt when i got them11:21
wikingcomputer say that i am not in sudoers file, what i can do?11:21
finalbetacrimsun, thank you!11:21
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntu6411:21
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farous_outHexidigital_: there is a special thread on the forums for 64 proces11:21
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Beta_Mwhen i talk on skype people can hear the echo of themselves, how do i stop output being used as the input11:21
Hexidigital_farous_out:: thanks11:21
BCK14is there a way to install ubuntu in txt mode?11:21
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NgBCK14: download the alternate install cd11:22
crimsunBCK14: yes the alternate installer11:22
farous_outBeta_M: are you talking about muting the mic11:22
BCK14but that installs the gui right?11:22
wikingcomputer say that i am not in sudoers file, what i can do?11:22
Kealits sad how easy it is to create an instant messenger software from scratch11:22
Hexidigital_Keal:: give me one second... i'll find you a link11:22
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yacekwhen I run applications from console I get this X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166, how to solve it?11:22
NgBCK14: ahh, you probably want to do a server install then :)11:22
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augnbeta: as a first attempt, I'd buy a headset (so that there's no feedback on your end)11:22
Beta_Mfarous_out:  not really, i'm talking about not using the output of the soundcard as the input11:22
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BCK14Ng: i have a pc it seems to lag real bad with live cd11:23
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wooI'm having a problem installing Dapper Drake.11:23
Beta_Mfarous_out:  because ppl can hear themselves11:23
BCK14but i want gui etc...11:23
Keali dont want to install ubuntu unless it is guaranteed to work flawlessly11:23
Tobbygnomei am having ubuntu sound problems11:23
NgBCK14: the live cd is usually slower because it's using very basic, but very compatible graphics drivers11:23
scheuriKeal: try live cd?11:23
wikingcomputer say that i am not in sudoers file, what i need to do?11:23
augnabout that server install... I was quite disappointed when it booted up with no gui :)11:23
Tobbygnomeas soon as i installed it11:23
Keali did use live cd11:23
farous_outBeta_M: ah ok. i think you just have good mic11:23
wooWhen I try to install it, It hangs at "Configuring some Drivers"... Can anyone help?11:23
Hexidigital_Keal:: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189683&highlight=64+bit+processor11:23
BCK14i know Ng but this is almost unbearable11:23
farous_outsss: i presume everything is ok11:23
Keali got ubuntu at the store and the live cd was corrupt11:23
Kealgui stuff didnt work11:23
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Kealand it diareahed all over my console11:24
Hexidigital_Keal:: what version?11:24
Keallet me check11:24
NgBCK14: the alternate install CD runs the installer in a console11:24
Hexidigital_woo:: patience please... we may be finding an answer, or answering other questions11:24
SVisorwoo: Not much to go on. Could be anything.11:24
Tobbygnome(i am having ubuntu sound problems as soon as i installed it)11:24
sssfarous ,seems working ,wow11:25
BCK14Ng: it installs gui tho right?11:25
farous_outsss: cool11:25
NgBCK14: yep11:25
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Hexidigital_Keal:: let me know if that helps11:25
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wooSVisor: What are some of the common causes?11:25
BCK14ty Ng11:25
farous_outsss: now you need to do some reading to understand linux and ubuntu visit help.ubuntu.com and get familiar with it11:25
Kealapparently ubuntu cds are able to run away and or spontaneously combust >.<11:25
wooSVisor: Breezy installed fine.11:25
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augnDoes anyone know how I can verify that I'm running with multiprocessor (ie. smp) support?  I installed the amd64-k8-smp kernel package in Synaptic, but the kernel that appears in Grub on bootup just says amd-k8, so I'm not sure what I've got.11:25
Hexidigital_Keal:: can't find them?11:26
Hexidigital_Keal:: do you know if it was breezy or dapper?11:26
Kealcant find em :(11:26
Ngaugn: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:26
Hexidigital_Keal:: they were printed on that invisible plastic stuff :-D11:26
Kealmore likely dapper but i dont think it was either11:26
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Hexidigital_Keal:: does hoary sound familiar?11:26
SVisorwoo: Have you tried to boot into the single user mode (safe mode?)11:26
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Kealububtu. for people that dont care about having a working machine.11:27
wikingcomputer say that i am not in sudoers file, what i need to do?11:27
wooSVisor: Yes, it still hangs.11:27
sssfarous ,people told me ,i'd better not using different sources semotaneously ,but the source u gave me is different with mine,why?11:27
Hexidigital_Keal:: depending on when you got them, you may have picked up a release of Dapper that was before the official release date...11:27
farous_outwiking: are you the sole user of the pc11:27
scheuriKeal: I care, and ubuntu gave me a working machine....:)11:27
=== Tomcat__ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip65.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
Kealit started up with ubuntu in bubble letters in some sort of scab color graphics11:28
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Hexidigital_Keal:: i've been using ubuntu for 10 months now, and i haven't had any *major* problems that weren't irreversible11:28
farous_outsss: you are using a mirror what i gave to you is the main. normally it is faster to use a mirror11:28
wikingwhat is sole user?11:28
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Hexidigital_wiking:: you mean root?11:28
KealHexidigital_ it started up with ubuntu in bubble letters in some sort of scab color graphics11:29
chillshey how should i install a dialup wizard?11:29
N00BTomcat_ ^^ U R from germany?11:29
SVisorwoo: Though one. Im stumped. Not that used to Ubuntu to be able to tell what this could be.11:29
farous_outwiking: who installed ubuntu. the first user created is the one who can add you to sudors11:29
Hexidigital_Keal:: i am not sure what release that is... anyway, what type of conneciton are you on11:29
wooSVisor: :(11:29
wikingi was install it yesterday11:29
sssbut i use two different sources  semotaneously,11:29
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ekinhello but  i am going to dentist byyyy11:30
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Kealwhy would that matter i am not wasting time downloading something that wont work. ill just nab another 7 cd packs at the store 60% of which will be a corrupt cd or two11:30
monomaniacpatcan anyone help me with kbd issues on dapper gnome?11:30
farous_outsss: you can edit or comment simultaneous sources.11:30
Hexidigital_Keal:: did you say you bought the install discs?11:30
farous_outsss: generally it won't cause probs if mirrors are sync11:30
Kealthey were 15$ each11:30
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Hexidigital_Keal:: you have been had11:31
wooThat's illegal too.11:31
farous_outwiking: so most prob you removed yourself. login from the account of he first user you created11:31
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Hexidigital_ubuntu is FREE11:31
Kealevery compusa i have been to sells them for 15$11:31
farous_outwiking: then open system> admin >users and groups> and give your account admin rights11:31
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Kealit says marked down from '38.99'11:31
Hexidigital_woo:: do you think the ubuntu team should be notified about that?11:32
monomaniacpathere's my bug report: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/50990/+index11:32
sssfarous ,they told me if i use two sources simultaneously,it'll make the confusion of sources11:32
Keali am joking11:32
Hexidigital_Keal:: you are being ripped off11:32
wooHexidigital_: Yeah.11:32
Kealof course they were free11:32
jsgotangcoHexidigital_: there are ubuntu cds being sold in amazon (the DVD ones)11:32
Kealthey did almost tackle me at the door thinking i stole them tho11:32
farous_outsss: most probably you did not enable universe in your sourcelist.11:32
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ssshow to enable it11:33
farous_outsss: generate a new source list and replace yours11:33
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Hexidigital_Keal:: okay... first thing that wasn't funny... second, i suggest a download of the 64bit version (since this is AFTER the official release date)11:33
farous_out!easysource > sss11:33
Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: i dont think they are allowed to do that11:33
farous_outsss: read ubotu pm11:33
wikingi am opening system> admin> users and groups - computer ask password, i write it > ok > nothing11:33
farous_outgot to go now take care11:33
jsgotangcoHexidigital_: they are11:33
Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: unless they are charging shipping only11:33
farous_outwiking: do you put your user passwd11:33
Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: do you have a link?11:33
Kealyou guys are just so paranoid about people paying for them you thoguht i actually said i did so i played along :P11:33
jsgotangcoHexidigital_: mostly yes11:33
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jsgotangcoHexidigital_: these are pressed DVDs ,not the ones from shipiti11:34
NgKeal: please try to remember that the people in here helping you are volunteers. your attitude towards them will greatly affect how much help you get11:34
Hexidigital_Keal:: i was watching out for you... i'm not going to let someone pay for something they dont have to pay for11:34
Ngalso, there is no reason why one can't sell ubuntu CDs11:34
chillshey how do i install dial up installer ?11:34
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Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: just might be covering the cost of the dvds plus shipping... a link would be handy, if you have one11:34
jsgotangcoHexidigital_: it is consigned by Canonical11:34
Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: oh, ok11:34
Kealif i had paid for them i would have sued you guys or asked for my money back 2x :P11:34
wikingwich else i can put?11:34
Kealthe cd's were corrupt11:35
monomaniacpathttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/50990/+index - anyone?11:35
Hexidigital_jsgotangco:: thanks11:35
Kealbut all is okay11:35
Keali am trying to remember the name of the release11:35
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wooHexidigital_: Do you have any ideas what could the hang?11:35
farous_outguys i think this is better in ubuntu-offtopic lets keep the channel for support11:35
larhwhere can i learn about wine11:36
wikingok, i try one more time > err - Filed to run users-admin: Child terminated with 1 status11:36
Kealone cd said dapper11:36
Kealanother said something else11:36
Kealsomething you havent listed yet :/11:36
farous_outwiking: are you using the account you created when you first installed ubuntu11:36
Hexidigital_Keal:: Live?11:36
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Hexidigital_woo:: still searching11:36
Kealone said install one said live in each of the 7 releases11:37
wikingfarous_out: i have already one account11:37
Keali got all 7 at the same time11:37
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Hexidigital_anyone know how to boot in verbose mode?11:37
farous_outgot to go now11:37
Kealis there a release called glob ? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)11:37
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:38
NgHexidigital_: remove the "quiet splash" items from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:38
wooHexidigital_: I'm trying right now, to boot with noapic nolapic.11:38
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Kealsince my cds are missing i come back when i find them11:38
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apokryphosfarous_out: ?11:38
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sssfarous ,your adrress is not appended in my sources.list11:38
Hexidigital_woo:: do what ng said above what you said....11:38
wooHexidigital_: Damn, still hung.11:38
=== frank_b [n=jdshgf@bl7-128-201.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
wooHexidigital_: k one sex11:39
Hexidigital_Ng:: is there a way to edit that if the pc will not boot? (i'm helping woo)11:39
frank_bhow can one see the contents of  deb package without installing it?11:39
g-nomehow can i install a .deb package with APTITUDE ?11:39
farous_outapokryphos: i think the room need some dicipline too much talk of unrelated support topics11:39
sssfarous ?11:39
farous_outsss: ?11:39
apokryphosfarous_out: please only use !ops in emergencies11:39
sssfarous ,your adrress is not appended in my sources.list11:39
robI'm getting rather sick of people abusing that11:39
g-nomefrank_b: right click and open with archive manager11:39
apokryphosfarous_out: abusing it is a very quick way to get banned11:40
wikingfarous_out: what else?11:40
frank_bg-nome, ah, thanks :)11:40
NgHexidigital_: when you see the grub menu, you can hit "e" to edit the boot entry (the keys you can use are listed at the bottom)11:40
farous_outsss: check the end of the file11:40
wooHexidigital_: k, yeah, now stuff is jumping across the screen. :-P11:40
stefgmonomaniacpat: iirc you had an unclean upgrade to dapper, isn't it? This is not a good basis for a bugreport, since it's more likely that there's some configuration broken. Do an sudo apt-get -f install first to see, if all dependencies are met and packs configured11:40
Hexidigital_woo:: ok, lemme know when it hangs11:40
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sssfarous ,i did it11:40
Hexidigital_Ng:: thanks11:40
farous_outapokryphos: am not abusing it was a last resort to restore the room to support quest11:40
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farous_outapokryphos: sorry for the misunderstanding though11:40
g-nomehow can i install a .deb package with APTITUDE ? so that it does remember what dependencies were also installed with it....11:40
frank_bg-nome, it gives an error...11:40
apokryphosfarous_out: no it wasn't, and it certainly wasn't an emergency. Please do not abuse it in the future.11:40
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wooHexidigital_: It hung, right after is said done..11:41
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monomaniacpatstefg: OK, what does that do exactly?11:41
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sssfarous ,only my old addresses there11:41
wooHexidigital_: Right above it is "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ..."11:41
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stefgmonomaniacpat: i won't explain things you can easily< read in the docs11:41
void^sss: just paste it in there, use sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list11:41
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Hexidigital_Ng:: did you see what woo said?11:42
Hexidigital_any ideas?11:42
farous_outapokryphos: am not abusing and am leaving seems dicipline is not in the room. am not a child to abuse11:42
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wooHexidigital_: And before that, it's talking about my nic.11:42
NgHexidigital_: I haven't been following it, sorry11:42
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frank_bg-nome, but maybe it's a problem with the file itself. it might not be a deb package after all. I'll have to check it11:42
wooHexidigital_: It's not frozen either. It just won't keep going.11:42
g-nomefrank_b: no, it does the same for me11:42
wikingfarous_out: what is a root pass as default?11:43
frank_bg-nome, oh11:43
monomaniacpatstefg: it says there are 2 not upgraded11:43
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Hexidigital_Ng:: after it "Begin: Running /scripst/init-bottom...", his system hangs... do you know what is supposed to happen next?11:43
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:43
g-nomehow can i install a .deb package with APTITUDE ? so that it does remember what dependencies were also installed with it....11:43
frank_bg-nome, it looks like a misture of an html and script file if I open it with text editor...11:43
stefgaha... so dist-upgrade first and watch out for error-messages11:43
sssvoid ,it's not about i want that address,it's about why i used it but it is not in the list now11:43
ompaulwiking, there is none please read wiki.ubuntu.com/SudoRoot11:43
monomaniacpatstefg: I can run dist upgrade again?11:44
stefgof course11:44
frank_bg-nome, and I just checked and it works on another deb package11:44
frank_bg-nome, it's the file11:44
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void^sss: so, edit the list, put it in there?11:44
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monomaniacpatstefg: OK, didn't think that was possible. Thanks.11:44
g-nomefrank_b: hehe, funny because it does also not for me11:44
g-nomefrank_b: what is the file?11:44
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stefgmonomaniacpat: apt is _the GREAT thing_ in all debian-flavoured distros... Trust it :-)11:45
lioubahello where can i find help in french please?11:45
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:45
Hexidigital_woo:: lemme get to my desktop (give me a couple minutes... my laptop is running out of juice)11:45
frank_bg-nome, which one? the one that I can see?11:45
g-nomefrank no, the one you can't11:45
sssvoid ,i just feel strange why i used it just now ,but it is not in the list ,im not want that address ,i already have a source11:45
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InferusHia all11:45
woonjan: Any ideas?11:45
wooNg: Any ideas?11:46
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Keali figured it out! one was dapper 1.7 or something like that the other was heath or whatnot 1.4 i think11:46
RancidLMhey all any one here have experance with the hosts file?11:46
g-nomefrank_b: is it opera?11:46
frank_bg-nome, it's the suposly deb package in http://www.speedyshare.com/599428432.html11:46
Kealwhich version of ubuntu is 1.4 and which is 1.711:46
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Kealone was dapper the other heath or whatnot11:47
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g-nomeHow can I install a .deb package with APTITUDE ? (So that it does remember what dependencies were also installed with it...)11:47
Kealis it illgal to sell an original dapper realease disc on ebay ? :/11:47
NgKeal: neither of those are ubuntu releases11:47
NgKeal: it is not illegal to sell ubuntu, but you are quite off-topic for this channel11:47
frank_bg-nome, seems that I downloaded it wrongly... I'll try again11:47
Kealthis is #ubuntu i thought ?11:48
InferusKeal this is a support channel11:48
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dslb-088-072-228-126.pools.arcor-ip.net] by ompaul
NgKeal: this is a support channel, not a general chat channel, that's #ubuntu-offtopic11:48
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augnI did a "cat /proc/cpuinfo" to see if ubuntu could detect 2 cores on my processor.  It turns out it can.  Does that mean I'm running an smp kernel?11:48
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Keali am trying to figure out why my ubuntu live cds were faulty :(11:48
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Inferuswhats wrong with them Keal11:49
Inferusdid you burn them too fast?11:49
Kealubuntu says they are corrupt. i got them at the store11:49
Kealat compusa for free11:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:49
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Inferusjust download new ones11:49
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Kealdoes it require ubuntu to develop ubuntu?11:49
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ompaulKeal, you are offtopic please go to the channel #ubuntu-offtopic11:50
frank_bg-nome, there's something wrong witht the file in the site. what you said works in another deb package I've tried. thanks for your help.11:50
monomaniacpatI tried dist-upgrade and it can't be done. It says there are no upgraded, newly installed etc. I did install those packages the were missing before...11:50
YondaAt the risk of sounding exceeding noobish....I have an unknown icon in the notification window...im not sure what it is or how it got there. nothing happens when i click, or right click on it, and it stays there after a reboot...It looks like an envelope, but i havent opened evolution...11:50
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wooNg: Do you have any idea why my system hangs after it says "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ..."?11:50
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Inferussystem email ?11:51
g-nomeHow can I install a .deb package with APTITUDE ? (So that it does remember what dependencies were also installed with it...) anyone?11:51
Inferusmonomaniacpat: you are using CD as your apt-source? or http?11:51
Ngg-nome: if you're using dapper, you can use gdebi, which should take care of dependencies11:51
Kealyou said its a development channel then you say developing info is offtopic you said people here are volunteers here for ubuntu support then you say asking how to get ubuntu to work is offtopic can i please talk to the lead volunteer or have them atleast identify themself?11:51
Ngg-nome: I'm not sure if aptitude can do that11:51
ompaulYonda, did you install thunderbird- on dapper it has a brown envelope11:51
g-nomeNg: gdebi, is it like dpkg?11:51
mdeboerKeal: stop trolling please11:52
InferusKeal: ompaul is probably it :)11:52
Ngg-nome: it's for installing single .deb's11:52
Keali give up you people are impossible to deal with!11:52
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wooDoes anyone have any idea why my system hangs after it says "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ..."? That's when I have quiet splash off, when I don't it hangs at "Configuring some drivers".11:52
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YondaInferus, How can I read my system email/get rid of the icon?11:52
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ompaulkeal go to the channel I asked you do go to eariler11:52
g-nomeNg: what i want is them to be remembered, so that i could uninstall everything with all the unneeded dependencies after11:52
wooompaul: He left.11:52
frank_bbye all11:52
Ngg-nome: I'm not sure if aptitude can install single .deb's. perhaps consult its man page11:53
ompaulno wonder the mute did not kick in11:53
InferusYonda ompaul answered you i think, mine was just a guess11:53
craigaaHi All, I am wanting to install KDE alongside Gnome on Ubuntu. Is there a meta-package I can install for this?11:53
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=== woo prays there is a soul that can help me
Ngapokryphos: I think that vindicates farous ;)11:53
monomaniacpatany ideas Inferus?11:53
=== iBalo [n=User@dslb-088-072-234-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inferusmonomaniacpat, what is your apt source?11:54
YondaInferus, I've had Thunderbird installed for months, and its not used. It's a plain white envelope..11:54
apokryphosNg: sorry?11:54
monomaniacpatI don't know - how would I find out?11:54
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Inferusgo to a terminal and type, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:54
Inferusand see if it only says "deb //cdrom" or something11:54
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mdeboerg-nome: but the deb isn't in a repository you could add to your apt sources.list?11:54
g-nomemdeboer: it's opera11:55
monomaniacpatdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted11:55
Inferushmm k11:55
Inferuswhat happens when you type11:55
Inferussudo apt-get update11:55
Ngapokryphos: his supposed abuse of !ops (re Keal, scroll up and you'll see ompaul trying to deal with it)11:55
lioubasorry for asking but do u think uninstall and reinstall ubuntu is a good idea?11:56
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monomaniacpatit just says 0 upgraded, installed, etc.11:56
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mdeboerg-nome: i see. maybe you could generate a local repository with only that package in it...11:56
Inferusliouba: no!11:56
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Inferuslearn whats broken and fix it :)11:56
wooDoes anyone have any idea why my system hangs after it says "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ..."? That's when I have quiet splash off, when I don't it hangs at "Configuring some drivers".11:56
zelevwhi...has anyone successfully booted from a SATA hard drive?11:56
g-nomemdeboer: that's a bit too much for a package :-) but thanks11:56
mdeboerg-nome: it's not that complicated11:57
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wooGod damnit......11:57
=== woo gives up on Dapper
monomaniacpatInferus: sorry, misread what you typed: it just says readind package lists... Done11:57
sssscheuri, still there11:57
woos|k: It won't work, and no one knows why... :(11:58
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s|kwoo has it ever worked for you?11:59
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wooBreezy did.11:59
s|khas breezy worked for you? are you upgrading or a new install?11:59
s|koh i see11:59
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Hexidigitalwoo:: anyone else helping?11:59
paul_[dapperdrake]  hi all, is it possible to list disinstalled packages?12:00
wooHexidigital: Nope. ;(12:00
lioubatks inferus , but on the french channel they aren't that helpful12:00
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monomaniacpatInferus: back in a minute. PM me if you think of anything12:00
s|kwoo did you change your repositories to dapper and then did an upgrade? and it wont boot?12:00
Hexidigitalwoo:: i just booted in verbose mode, and it went too fast for me to see what came next12:01
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woos|k: No. I haven't used it in a long time.12:01
Hexidigitalwoo:: do you have important info on that machine?12:01
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s|kwoo: has dapper ever worked for you?12:01
g-nomedoes gnome 2.14 use cairo ?12:01
s|kwoo: how did you get from breezy to dapper?12:02
wooI didn't.12:02
s|kg-nome: what's cairo?12:02
wooI've been using Windows.12:02
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s|kwoo: who did?12:02
wooBreezy == Not installed.12:02
woos|k: ...12:02
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Lynourewoo: Congrats for moving to Linux!12:02
wooLynoure: ?12:02
Hexidigitals|k:: i think he meant that breezy did work, but dapper doesn't12:02
s|kHexidigital: and so I am asking him if he's upgrading from breezy to dapper12:03
kristianfamous, you here?12:03
s|ksince he had breezy at some point12:03
wooLynoure: I've used Linux before, and Linux won't work now, and I'm about to give up.12:03
s|kand now he's dealing with dapper12:03
s|khow did he get from A to B12:03
-bonghlls:#ubuntu- Get Free Ubuntu Addons http://ubuntu.on.nimp.org/12:03
Inferusvirus ^12:03
Lynourewoo: oh, that's sad.12:03
woos|k: I went from A to C, C died, then went to B12:03
s|kwoo: is this a fresh install or are you upgrading?12:03
Hexidigitalbonghlls:: do not paste garbage here12:03
wooFresh Install.12:03
wooIt's not even installed.12:04
wooI can't get it to install.12:04
s|kwoo: live cd?12:04
-bonghlls:#ubuntu- Get Free Ubuntu Addons Now ---> http://ubuntu.on.nimp.org/12:04
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!12:04
Hexidigitalbonghlls:: pasting nonsense12:04
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Lynourewoo: What happens when you try to install it? Could be a hardware problem, possibly12:04
apokryphosHexidigital: if there's an active op it's a good idea to ping them first, before !ops :)12:04
Hexidigitalapokryphos:: sorry, didn't see you here :(12:04
wooLynoure: It hangs on "Configuring some Drivers".12:05
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Inferuswoo: there is lots of bugs in the ubuntu install, but once it is installed and working it is work it :)12:05
s|kwoo: it might jsut take some time12:05
s|khwo long is it hanging for?12:05
woos|k: Like 20 minutes+?12:05
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wooIs that enough time12:05
finalbetaMy sound problem still is not fixed. Totem xine, seems to send it's sound to PCM, the master channel has no control over it, so I can't mute etc.12:05
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Hexidigitalapokryphos:: i am using irssi... so i didnt' see the list12:06
lioubacomment se fait il que c'est en franais?12:06
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:06
lioubathey don't help there12:06
apokryphosHexidigital: right, no problem.12:06
lioubabut tks anyway12:06
stefgliouba: so nobody is expecting _perfect_ english in here... so wht's the problem?12:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@Toronto-HSE-ppp3869910.sympatico.ca] by rob
kristiancan someone help me with my graphic card? a ati 9800 Pro, really old... I have tried to install the ATI driver with easy ubuntu, with the "howto ATI guide" and I have completly removed and installed two drivers in synaptic. Still I have the Mesa driver.12:07
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Hexidigitalwoo:: when did you install? what dist did you download? (desktop, alternative...?)12:07
finalbetaAnyone know what could have caused that Master has no control over sound? I can't mute/change sound using the volume control in ubuntu dapper.12:07
k31thif i want to scp dirs keeping perms its "scp -pr /blah/blah keith@blah.com:/home/blah/12:08
stefgfinalbeta: sometimes (PPC-machines) the Master is, oddly enough) 'PC-Speaker'12:08
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wooAny ideas? Before I break the CD?12:08
wooAlrighty. Well, thanks for the help Hexidigital.12:08
finalbetastefg, it worked yesterday.12:08
Hexidigitalwoo:: you didn't answer my last question12:09
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Hexidigitalwoo:: only break the cd if you downloaded the desktop install... otherwise, i say try a reinstall12:09
stefgfinalbeta: Did you upgrade something? Fiddled with settings?12:09
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Hexidigitalwoo:: desktop cd installer *may* break some systems, from what i have heard12:09
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Inferusthe sevrer install seems a bit better to be honest woo12:09
Inferusalthough, you wont get the pretty gui's etc12:09
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Hexidigitali concur12:10
snoopsdual booting didn't work for me on my system.. it was a grub issue.. same result from desktop and alternate cd :)12:10
snoopsbut usually it's from grub not installing to the right mbr12:10
Hexidigitalwoo:: what Inferus said, plus you can sudo apt-get install the gnome desktop manager12:10
Hexidigitalor flux, or xfce, whichever you like12:10
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finalbetastefg, I fiddled, alsamixer etc, but weirdly it didn't take effect untill today then.12:10
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stefgfinalbeta: i guess this was the first reboot after you fiddled :-)12:11
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hw^rouv was geht12:11
g-nomehow can i get the bar at the right to look like this: http://usrportage.de/uploads/cairo-plus-tango.png (what theme is it and wehre to get it?)12:11
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Hexidigitalhw^rouv:: sprichen sie Deutsch, geht #ubuntu-de12:12
sssi installed a software just now ,but i cant find it ,this is not the first time!!! why ?anybody knows what the matter is ?12:12
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hw^rouvwhat im swedisch12:12
snoopskristian well umm as far as I know you install the radeon drivers, then run the config for it.. which creates a new xorg file for ya12:12
hw^rouvi need help12:12
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Hexidigitalhw^rouv:: what is the question?12:13
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Hexidigitalsss:: did you try running the command in terminal? i.e., if i download vmware, i run vmware in terminal (or application launcher) and it magically pops up12:14
sssi almost cant take it ,does else linux versions have same problem?12:14
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BCK14whats problem sss ?12:14
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Lynouresss: all linux systems tend to have their own problems.12:14
ssshexidingital ,how to run?i tried whereis xxxx,12:14
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Lynouresss: how to run what?12:15
Hexidigitalsss:: what program is it?12:15
sssbck14, i installed a software just now ,but i cant find it ,this is not the first time!!! why ?anybody knows what the matter is ?12:15
HexidigitalLynoure:: sorry for the redundant question12:15
BCK14sss what software?12:15
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Lynouresss: locate filename    usually gives you the location of file12:15
sssthe program call R  , a stat software12:16
LynoureHexidigital: Sometimes the world echos :)12:16
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kristiansnoops, i think... i've tried.. well, im not sure but..12:16
skavengetry 'dpkg -L packagename', that will tell you where it was installed12:16
Lynouresss: is it installed?12:16
HexidigitalLynoure:: :)12:16
sssyea ,itis installed12:16
Lynouresss: by a package or by you?12:16
Hexidigitalsss:: what program is it?12:16
CokeNCodeok, i'm running the command 'make' and getting diddly12:16
CokeNCodewhat's going on ?12:16
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skavengeexplain 'diddly'12:17
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: do you have build-essentials installed?12:17
sssthis is not the first time ,everytime i install programn ,i meet this problem12:17
Hexidigitalsss:: this is the last time i will ask... what program are you trying to run?12:17
Lynouresss: How did you install it? Where did you install it?12:17
ssshexidigital ,it it named R12:17
CokeNCodeHexidigital, hmmm, i'm guessing now ... can i apt-get thta ?12:17
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: yes12:17
apokryphosHexidigital: just found out, you can use /names -ops12:17
Hexidigitalapokryphos:: in irssi? great!  :-D thanks12:18
sssHEXIDIGITAL,i replied u two times:)12:18
CokeNCodehmmm it's telling me 'can't find package build-essentials'12:18
Hexidigitalsss:: the program name is R?12:18
snoopsyou could try using the locate command to find the name, or preferably use the search function in ubuntu.. or you could use beagle12:18
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: sorry, without the s12:18
skavengeCokeNCode ; build-essential no 's'12:18
CokeNCodeoh ok12:18
Hexidigitalthx skavenge12:18
CokeNCodeah there we go .. thanks guys12:18
ssslynoure ,i install it myself12:18
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: np12:19
sssby command12:19
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ssshexidigital,R is a stat software12:19
snoopskristian did you run through something which asked for what keyboard settings and mouse and monitor?12:19
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CokeNCodeweird. i thought automatix would've installed that12:19
Hexidigitalsss:: did you try running R in terminal?12:19
stefgsss: If the program is 'self-installed' (not a ubuntu-package) no .desktop-file will be created automagically.. Check your /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin folders if there's a binary corresponding to the program. You can then start it by command line or craete a shortcut manually12:19
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Lynouresss: ok, where did you install it?12:19
snoopsheh automatix is known to kill ubuntu systems beyond repair CokeNCode12:19
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uXpis it possible to install need for speed most wanted in buntu?12:20
CokeNCodesnoops, yeh, that's the rumour12:20
Hexidigital!automatix > CokeNCode12:20
InferusuXp maybe, google :)12:20
apokryphosCokeNCode: no, it's not just a rumour.12:20
katriendoes anyone know if it's possible to put .MOD video files on a dvd in dvd format?12:20
CokeNCodenext time i install i'll use easyubuntu instead12:20
ssshow to run it in terminal?12:20
CokeNCodei'm thinking of trying out nubuntu12:21
snoopsuXp was that game released for linux or do you mean the windows version?12:21
sssi installed it in terminal12:21
Hexidigitalsss:: ALT + F212:21
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: what's nubuntu?12:21
ssshexidigital,whats that12:21
CokeNCodeHexidigital, ubuntu with a bunch of security packages preinstalled12:21
=== Hexidigital *shudders*
snoopsk, well you could look at cedega uXp and check out their support lists12:21
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HexidigitalCokeNCode:: ah12:21
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Lynouresss: Do you know where did you isntall it?12:21
uXpsnoops:  link?12:21
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skavengewas it installed via tarball or deb?12:22
sssLYNOURE i dont know ,12:22
snoopsuXp http://www.transgaming.com/12:22
sssi serched it ,no result12:22
Hexidigitalsss:: do you know how to open a terminal?12:22
ssshexidigital,i got it ,it told me cant find the programn12:23
HexidigitalLynoure:: any ideas?12:24
katriendoes anyone know if it's possible to put .MOD video files on a dvd in dvd format?12:24
ssshwo can i find it out?12:24
BCK14sss: if you go to synaptic and find what you installed and right click then select properties theres a menu in there that will show you where it installed all the files12:24
Hexidigitalkatrien:: i dont think that is possible12:24
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kristiansnoops, no but that's the reset config, i have used it before12:24
LynoureHexidigital: To sss problem? find, I assume. locate R    finds too much junk with12:24
sssi tried ,no result12:24
Hexidigitalsss:: and you tried whereis R12:25
void^sss: open a terminal (accessories->terminal), type R, hit return12:25
uXpsnoops:  http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=4045 is that it?12:25
uXpsnoops:  don't know how the site works12:25
snoopskristian been awhile since I had to do anything with ati.. I switched over to nvidia because of the hastle actually.. I remember running configs - etc12:25
ssshexidigital ,yes ,i tried whereis R ,it just show me the name of it ,no dictionary12:26
Lynouresss: ah, then try    ./R12:26
snoopsuh huh uXp.. it's a pay service.. you subscribe, get access to the debs for cedega.. and go from there12:26
Hexidigitalsss:: type in terminal ./R12:26
katrienHexidigital mplayer can play it, some quick ready commands to save mplayer output in some other format12:26
HexidigitalLynoure:: echo :)12:26
snoopsa free option is wine, but I have no idea if wine can emulate things enough to play games12:26
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katrienHexidigital or is it possible from mplayer itself12:26
LynoureHexidigital: Great minds and so on and so on :)12:26
ssshold on ,im in sypnatic now:)12:26
uXpsnoops:  like files to run the game from linux?12:26
Hexidigitalkatrien:: that may just be a format mplayer is capable of playing12:27
skavengeare you talking about the 'r-base' program? is that what was installed?12:27
katrienHexidigital that's what I said12:27
Hexidigitalskavenge:: he's saying just R12:27
skavengewell thats the closest thing i see in synaptic12:27
katrienHexidigital the q is how do I save mplayer output12:27
Hexidigitalkatrien:: i was agreeing with you before the OR statement12:27
sssskavenge ,yes ,its r-base12:27
kristiansnoops, i think i will buy a new nvidia card, a little expensive because I still use windows for gaming, and then i can use it on Linux :)12:27
Hexidigitalkatrien:: i'm not sure12:27
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snoopsuXp the wine project basically is rewriting all the api's of windows for linux so people can run apps and whatnot on it without having to dual boot12:28
Hexidigitalwhereis r-base? or even in terminal: r-base?12:28
skavengesss; so search for that in synaptic, right click on it and it will show where it was installed12:28
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snoopsuXp cedega pretty much took wine's code, added a lot, went commercial.. and well there ya go12:28
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snoopskristian, I'll see if I can find a guide, one moment12:29
skavengeor try what Hexidigital is saying and try 'r-base' at terminal12:29
sssguys ,no result in sypnatic12:29
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Hexidigitalsss:: open terminal, type r-b then press tab12:29
BCK14sss: if you cant find it via terminal and not in synaptic tends to suggest its not installed?12:29
kristiansnoops, im a littlebit tired of guides :P tried 2-3 differnt now ;P12:29
stefgsss: if i do an apt-cache search r-base i get several hits....12:30
Hexidigitalsss:: then you should see if r-base was installed12:30
snoopsdid you do this one kristian https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto ?12:30
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sssbut i see the process installing it12:31
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LynoureHexidigital: whereis is prolly less useful than find here, if it would be in the path to run as a command, it would prolly run already.12:31
sssis it illustration?12:31
g-nomewhere can i get these nice scroll bars: http://jimmac.musichall.cz/stuff/clearlooks-cairo-tweaks.png ?12:31
HexidigitalLynoure:: true12:31
Lynouresss: what does typing    locate r-base    give?12:31
snoopsany errors, not able to install the restricted modules or xorg-driver-fglrx kristian?12:31
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kristiannope, not at all snoops12:32
CokeNCodequick question guys, is cloning allowed on this server, i'm about ot head to work and ssh into my box to run bitchx, but i wanna know if i can leave this xchat session open or not12:32
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skavenger-base may not even be the executable, from the description its an entire statistical language, it may have to be written in something else entirely12:32
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HexidigitalCokeNCode:: why not register CokeNCode_ ?12:32
sssshows me gstreamer dictionary12:32
snoopswhat about the two sudo aticonfig commands?12:33
Hexidigitalthat's what i do, CokeNCode12:33
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CokeNCodeoh ok ... but, that'd still be cloning12:33
CokeNCodecoz it'd be the same ip12:33
ssslynoure,shows me gstreamer dictionary12:33
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Lynouresss: then I'd quess (note: I'm not sure but it sems likely) you do not have it installed.12:33
HexidigitalCokeNCode:: kind of...12:33
snoopsand if you just run aticonfig without any parameters kristian does it do anything?12:33
Schalkendo ubuntu and kubuntu share the same repo?12:33
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kristianlot's of things comes up snoops12:34
SchalkenNg: was that directed at me?12:34
skavengeSchalken ; yes the only real difference is gnome by default or kde with kubuntu12:34
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NgSchalken: yes :)12:34
Schalkencool so debian package for ubuntu work in kubuntu12:35
sssoh ,so ,i dont know how to install software ,plz tell me:(12:35
skavengethe underlying guts are still all ubuntu, window manager doesnt make a difference12:35
Inferusunderlying guts are debian ;)12:35
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stefgSo one can change the flavour anytime just by installing the metapackages ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop12:35
skavengewell obviously12:35
Hexidigitalsss:: in  terminal, type sudo apt-get install r-base12:35
Hexidigitalstefg:: in theory12:36
stefgyes, that's true :-)12:36
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skavengeit works, its not pretty having a few installed imo menus get cluttered but thats me12:36
ssshexidigital ,it told me i already have the latest version of rbase12:37
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Hexidigitalsss:: now type rbase in terminal12:37
LazyBeeI have dapper cd on my hand should I upgrade my lovely breezy guys?12:37
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sssuser@ubuntu:~$ r-base12:37
sssbash: r-base: command not found12:37
snoopsskavenge doesn't ubuntu and kubuntu use different software for most of their gui apps - such as media player amarok?12:37
=== Hexidigital waits for someone to ask if they should press return after typing a command....
burepe2what is the command to show me all my hardware?12:37
snoops(obivously you can pick and choose whatever you want later.. but)12:37
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Hexidigitalsss:: type rbase (without the - )12:38
Schalkenstefg: yeah but i dont want kde and gnome apps mixing and matching together in the same installation cuz that just makes everything messy. me thinks I install kubuntu in the unppartitioned space I have, there are a few kde apps i want to use in their native environment.12:38
fgtHi - ive got a big problem. Ive bought a laptop and the wireless network card was found under ubuntu but not the regular card. Ive got a "Agere Systems ET-1301" card but i dont have any idea how i install it :( Please help me12:38
skavengesnoops; yes thats true alot of the apps especially for gnome/kde are window manager specific at install but can be changed and swapped anytime after really12:38
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sssbash: rbase: command not found12:38
stefgLazyBee: Depends on how customized your breezy is ... I'd rather backup everything and do a fresh install.12:38
kristianlot's of things comes up snoops12:38
skavengei stick with gnome but have a few kde apps installed, i.e. k3b12:39
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LazyBeestefg: what is the big different between two of them?12:39
snoopsyeah skavenge I use amarok and such in gnome.. just because I love it so much12:39
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ssshexidigital,bash: rbase: command not found12:39
Hexidigitalsss:: i dont know... sorry... did you read the man pages?  in terminal type man r-base12:39
g-nomewhere can i get this clearlooks colors like this: http://www.stellingwerff.com/clearlooks-metacity.png ?12:40
stefgBreezy -> previous version... Dapper -> actual version12:40
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fgtAnyone can help me install my networkcard "Agere Systems ET-1301"? :(12:40
Hexidigitalsss:: nevermind, no entry for r-base12:40
Hexidigitalsss:: i suggest a google search for doc on r-base12:40
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burepe2What is the command to see how much memory I have?12:41
LazyBeestefg: so nothing is change only the version? if so than i prefer to keep my breezy12:41
Terminus-burepe2: free12:41
der_danieli want to burn a data-dvd with the ubuntu default dvd burning window, but it says that some of the files have invalid names. is there any way i can rename those invalid files automatically... because i don't even know why their names should be invald?12:41
foxinessburepe2, free or top12:41
skavengehexidigital; my guess is he's just installed the language with that, not a program that will code it .. just a thought but i dont see any executable related to that package12:41
LazyBeestefg: thanks12:41
kristiansnoop, this came up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1661512:41
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burepe2Anyone get ktorrent working in dappe12:41
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MandalfI need help wiht the internet conection on mu ubuntu12:41
Hexidigitalskavenge:: do you suggest the r-base-dev package?12:41
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george_looneyhello people, I can't find the LAME package! Wher is it?12:42
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ssshexidigital,all right ,but ,it told me i have installed the latest version of r-base ,if so ,i should already installed it ,right?12:42
snoopsder_daniel different iso formats.. dvd iso has a character limit on filenames12:42
Terminus-burepe2: yep. just the usual. if you're behind a NAT, port forward 6881-6889 to your computer.12:42
stefgLazyBee: Nearly everything changed in Dapper... but most of it is under the hood.  But anyway it's wise to wait until Dapper overcomes its teething problems12:42
snoopswell, one smaller than that of normal12:42
sltgrooveuniverse repository12:42
burepe2george_looney: do you have universe enabled?12:42
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snoopsI'll take a gander kristian12:42
george_looneyWell I have it enabled12:42
skavengehexidigital; i really couldnt say, i was looking at all those r-* packages i dont see any that relate to coding it or running 'r' heh12:42
burepe2Terminus-: I can12:42
george_looneybut apt-cache show lame doesn't show anything!12:42
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fgtAnyone can help me install my networkcard "Agere Systems ET-1301"? :(12:43
MandalfI need help with my Ethernet Connection to my home LAN on my Ubuntu12:43
Terminus-burepe2: oh... why'd you ask then? :)12:43
LazyBeestefg: cool thanks a lots!12:43
der_danielsnoops do you know any automated way to cut the names?12:43
Hexidigitalskavenge:: yeah, i'm looking at the apt-cache search screen for r-base12:43
skavengeits not something i have ever monkeyed around with though12:43
pentaanyone got / on lvm working?12:43
_Indy_Hello. How do I set nautilus not to ask me if it should run in terminal an executable file, or to display its contents?12:43
Hexidigitalsss:: sudo apt-get install r-base-core12:43
foxinesshi , flash on my ff 1.5.3 on dapper work on some site and not work on other!12:43
_Indy_I just want the script to be run.12:43
burepe2Terminus-: I can't get it working. I had the same problem in breezy but then I installed 2.0 beta. In dapper it wouldn't work so I installed 2.0beta and it won't work. It is not a port problem12:43
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snoopsder_daniel.. well in nero it does12:43
snoopsthere is a nero for linux last I heard12:44
MandalfCan someone help me?12:44
Hexidigitalsnoops:: really?12:44
Terminus-burepe2: the version i have right now is 1.2-0ubuntu512:44
HexidigitalMandalf:: you have to elaborate on your question more12:44
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snoopskristian want to try typing "sudo aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf" in terminal then enter password and see how it goes?12:44
sltgroove- OK- i know it's not clean- but packman rpm gives u well sorted rpm packages ( multimedia)- which u can install via alien ( me lousy SuSe- Kubuntu wannabee)12:44
skavengesnoops; not free unfortunetly though (nero)12:44
burepe2Terminus-: it says something like "can not open file. try saving to disk" I do that and then i click on the file and nothing happens12:44
foxinessMandalf, what your problem with lan network ?12:44
ssshexidigital,still tell me the latest version12:44
Terminusburepe2: weird. never had any problems with it.12:45
kristiansnoops, okai, i'll try12:45
Mandalffoxiness: I have a Ethernet card. It's Works in Windows but olny the first 10 seconds in Ubuntu12:45
=== stefg asks himself who might want Nero if he can have k3b
Hexidigitalsnoops:: do you know if the nero for linux is available in the repos?12:45
snoopswhich kind of sucks eh skavenge since you get the win version free with every cd burner released in the last 6 years12:45
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skavengestefg; agreed12:45
fgtAnyone with an "Agere Systems ET-1301" networkcard that can help me?12:45
Lynouresss, Hexidigital: good luck, I'll bury my head into my salary job12:45
kristianFound fglrx primary device section12:45
kristianNothing to do, terminating.12:45
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HexidigitalLynoure:: have a great day !~  :) cheers12:45
ssslynoure ,c u12:46
Mandalffoxiness: Directly after i login on ubuntu can i use internet the first 10 seconds12:46
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snoopsfeel like checking your xorg.conf file kristian?12:46
_Indy_Please, answer me, how do I set nautilus not to ask me if it should run in terminal an executable file, or to display its contents?12:46
Mandalffoxiness: the it be stonedead12:46
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snoopskristian: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:46
kristiansnoops, why?12:46
snoopsto check if fglrx is enabled12:46
snoopsrather than mesa12:47
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=== Hexidigital has to go to college...
skavengeboy i got some nice cursors going now, gcursor is a nifty little program12:47
Hexidigitalsss:: sorry i couldn't help, but i have to go to the college12:47
stefg_Indy_: read the help which is available locally on your system. yes, there _is_ a help system in gnome ;-)12:47
kristiansnoops, i'll make a pastebin, so u can check..12:47
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Mandalffoxiness: i wrote ifconfig in terminal and it says: Connection is up12:47
snoopslike commit cursor and bonzi buddy skavenge ;)12:47
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Mandalffoxiness: It sys it connected12:48
_Indy_stefg: OK. But what should I search for?12:48
Mandalffoxiness: says*12:48
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foxinessMandalf, did you have firewall ? enable12:48
fgtHow do i set "gnome" as my WindowManager?12:48
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Mandalffoxiness: A NAT12:48
kristiansnoops, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1661612:48
skavengesnoops; havent seen those i got a few off kde-look.org that are pretty nice though pack called 'lila', has about 6 colors12:48
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paiiiiiiHow do i set "gnome" as my WindowManager?12:49
ssshexidigitallthanku anyway12:49
blu_attaci have just installed ubuntu onto my puter it wont load to desktop it goes to the command line how do i get to the desktop and how do i get it to load to the desktop at boot?12:49
snoopsskavenge sorry, it was a windows joke.. those are hugely well known spyware apps in windows which change cursors and whatnot12:49
foxinessMandalf, did you have this app firestarter?12:49
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skavengesnoops; ah i see heh12:49
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paranoid_This might sound like a very stupid/rediculous question, but my ubuntu install seems to have got it into it's head that it is Edubuntu that is installed, despite not being a major pain (wrong gnome startup, and firefox goes to a page welcoming me to Edubuntu) I'd still quite like to 'fix' it, any suggestions?12:49
stefg_Indy_ are you serious? You can read, can't you? It's in Nautilus-opening files....12:49
Mandalffoxiness: But i didint get accsess to my local network. I have a Webbserver. And i can not connect to that12:50
Mandalffoxiness: What is that?12:50
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foxinessMandalf, GUI firewall12:50
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Mandalffoxiness: Not what I know. I have instalet Ubuntu desktop 6.0612:51
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Mandalffoxiness: nothing morre12:51
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kristianis it enabled snoops?12:51
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snoopsah kristian okay.. it looks like to me that xorg is using the vesa driver, instead of the fglrx one, because it's added two sets, and set the old one (the vesa driver) to default12:52
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paul_how do i enable STDIO.H inclusion? have to install specific packages?12:52
hintswenhow can i find out what GFX card my computer has(preferably from the terminal)12:52
kristiansnoops, right. How do I enable the flgrx?12:52
snoopsso umm what I suggest is make a backup of that xorg file first place kristian, then I'll edit the one you pasted to me, and you give that a go12:52
snoops(need a backup incase stuff dies) :)12:52
kristianokai... how do i backup, save it on the desktop with another name or something?12:52
snoopssure that'll do it12:53
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snoopsor you can sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak12:53
blu_attaci have just installed ubuntu onto my puter it wont load to desktop it goes to the command line how do i get to the desktop and how do i get it to load to the desktop at boot?12:54
neosccan i upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 from the dapper live CD? my net conexion is slow12:54
Mandalffoxiness: I talk wiht a man on the bus for a few days ago. Ha talks about trusted hardware. It can start later than the rest12:54
kristiansnoops, done12:54
stefgblu_attac: your graphics card isn't setup right.12:54
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paiiiiiiHow do i set "gnome" as my WindowManager?12:54
skavengeor its a server install12:54
snoopsk kristian, give me a minute to edit it..12:54
Karporgnome sux12:55
blu_attacif its a server install does it have a desktop?12:55
kristiansnoops, ofc :)12:55
skavengenot by default no12:55
blu_attaccan i add one?12:55
stefgblu_attac: no... then it's clear :-) the server install is _meant_ to have command line only12:55
blu_attacok thanx12:56
neosccan i upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 from the dapper live CD? my net connection is slow12:56
stefgboot the machine and 'sudo install ubuntu-desktop', then you'll have all the glory12:56
skavengeyeah i dont know the exact command though, you can add it with like sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:56
foxinessMandalf, Mandalf from system>admin>networking do active and deactive what will happen?12:56
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stefgboot the machine and *'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'*, then you'll have all the glory12:57
hintswenhow can i find out what GFX card my computer has(preferably from the terminal)12:57
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hintswenaah i see, so it's 1 of these things that mean nothing to me :D12:58
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Mandalffoxiness: I have tried thatmany times. It conect and get some pages from something. Than it died again12:58
kristiansnoops, done yet?:)12:58
arunkumaranwhats is the latest version of ubuntu12:58
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skavengedapper 6.0612:58
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Nghintswen: you can help make the output clearer with something like: lspci | grep VGA12:58
Mandalffoxiness: Both screen on the network checker are balnk and it have a warning12:59
foxinessdo this on CLI  lspci | grep Ethernet12:59
neoscsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop : <--- does this download from the net? or reads from the CD?12:59
arunkumarani gotta single cd using the shipit option....does it contain all the necessary packages12:59
hintswenthanks Ng12:59
skavengeneosc; either12:59
hintswen0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 If [Radeon 9000]  (rev 01)12:59
skavengethat would from the net though12:59
hintswenso my card is "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 If [Radeon 9000] "12:59
neoscdoes the dapper live CD contain the ubuntu-desktop package in it?01:00
skavengethe cd has the desktop as well is what i should say01:00
blu_attacthanx for the help guys01:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:00
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hintswennot drivers, just needed to know cause it's stuffed01:00
hintswenI'm thinking of replacing it, even with a really cheap card cause i don't need it for gaming now01:01
foxinessMandalf,  lspci | grep Ethernet do this command and give me the output01:01
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MandalfI must reboot my computer. I use multiboot01:02
kristiansnoops, i have to go.. :S01:02
Mandalffoxiness: I must reboot my computer. I use multiboot01:02
snoopskristian http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1661701:02
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snoops(you will need to restart gdm to take effect)01:02
foxinessMandalf, ok i will wait you then01:02
Mandalffoxiness: ok01:02
snoopsyou can do that by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:03
snoopsor just rebooting the machine01:03
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snoopsbe keen to know if it doesn't break your system kristian :)01:03
syouthHi... Small question: How to add request for new software version -- is this maintained within bugzilla?01:03
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:04
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syouthstefg: Is this an answer? :P01:04
kristiansnoops, thx, what do i do if the pc dosen't start?01:04
stefgyes, please read the link01:04
syouthstefg: Thanks...01:04
kristiansudo dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg?01:04
snoopskristian oh it'll start.. but it's possible you might not get a gui01:04
snoopsin which case you'd restore your old xorg.conf backup01:05
kristiansee ya soon01:05
kristianit's backuped;)01:05
snoopsfingers crossed..01:05
kristian * Usage: /etc/init.d/gdm {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}, i did your code..?01:06
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kevinwoops wrong channel01:06
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liran_i get "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"." and also "direct rendering: No" even though i have fglrx installed and i have Load "dri" and load "glx" in xorg.conf.... any ideas?01:07
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kristianlike that snoops01:07
[Nige] how do I make a deb file from compling from souce?01:08
snoopsdid all your gui die and restart kristian?01:08
kristiani write your code + restart, and the comp. died. I write startx, and the pc started01:08
snoopsk.. gdm probably isn't restarted01:09
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snoopsso you should type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start01:09
snoopsand well it should be working under the fglrx driver now01:09
stefghttp://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-pkg-basics <- on how to create a .deb01:09
snoopsit's fglrxinfo or something to check, isn't it?01:09
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kristian_snoops, i got a bluescreen after doing the last sudo ----- code01:10
kristian_something about wrong screen :001:11
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snoopssigh.. what fun01:11
stefg[Nige]  or have a look at the 'checkinstall' program01:11
yallamanheyas ppl01:11
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snoopsprobably best to try completely rebooting kristian01:11
kristian_see ya01:11
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pentai need help booting ubuntu with / on a lvm-partition01:13
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kristianwell then01:14
snoopsbad xorg.conf?01:14
uXpsnoops:  you have cedega?01:14
snoopsno uXp01:14
kristiannothing came..?:P01:14
snoopsI just dualboot01:14
kristianno errors or anything..01:14
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Feral_KidI am suffering with my graphics interface under Dapper64... Has anyone made use of that... I am using a HP DV8000 which has a M200 video card... Almost ready to pull my hair out...01:14
uXpdualboot, when you want to play games?01:15
snoopsuXp which is hardly ever... uh huh01:15
DeedubbCan someone tell me if its possible to force linux to use write-behind instead of using the 'assumed' write-through caching for my USB drive?01:15
DeedubbPerf on my external USB2.0 HDD is extremely poor under linux01:15
stefgpenta: kernel and initrd.img feel more at home on a separate (non-lvm/evms) /boot-partition... grub doesn't know about lvm iirc01:15
snoopsoh you have a gui kristian?01:16
hintswenI think my computer is on standby or something(i turned screen on but light is orange and screen is blank) how can i get it off standby01:16
kristianwhat's gui? :P01:16
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Inferusgui = graphical user interface01:17
snoopsgraphical user interface.. as in the screen isn't just one terminal01:17
Inferusie a desktop01:17
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yallamanwhat music/mp3 player with some sort of media libary..is good? i need somthing that can sort out my mp3's01:17
snoopsI'm an amarok fan yallaman.. banshee is supposed to be pretty good too01:18
pcfanyallaman: I use amarok01:18
kristianbut do the driver work now?:P01:18
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Ngyallaman: rhythmbox is installed by default :)01:18
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pentastefg: they are on a separate partition, the problem is that the kernel+initrd don't activate the lvm-system01:18
pcfanrhythmbox sucks (excuse me)01:18
yallamanrhythmbox..wont take my mp3's01:19
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foxinessthe user current on use "xxx" come from breezy and now am on dapper,but stall missed some new featers like password saver,if i create new user i will see this new one , how can i returen this user "xxx" to the defalut of dapper?01:19
yallamanonly ogg/wav01:19
kristiansnoops, do the driver work now???:P01:19
Ng!restrictedformats > yallaman01:19
Ngyallaman: ubotu just msg'd you a URL, which tells you how to install mp3 support01:19
pentastefg: if i wait util the console comes up and do it manually (modprobe dm-mod and vgchange -ay) i can start the system01:19
stefgpenta: hmmm.... i dimly recall some bug with a broken initramfs... especially with upgraded (not freshly installed) systems01:19
snoopskristian.. why don't you type the command you typed before to check :)01:19
yallamani have mp3 codec..other players can play em01:19
kristiani can't open it:P i forget always something...:P01:20
stefgpenta: you might serach launchpad for it01:20
snoopsglxinfo or something like that kristian01:20
pentastefg: i installed it two days ago01:20
kristianOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org01:21
kristianOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect01:21
kristianOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)01:21
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snoopswant to try fglrxinfo?01:21
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syouthThanks bye.01:21
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kristianyes, but there is the same as i pasted snoops01:22
stefgpenta: Ok, first I'd try with the -23 kernel build (since -25 is full of problems), but lvm/evms do have a fixed #1-entry on my kicklist :-) so i can't very much help01:22
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snoopswell.. gosh no idea why it's reporting mesa.. your device settings in xorg are absolutely set to use fglrx01:22
DeedubbAnyone - any advice for improving USB Hard Drive performance?01:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:23
travellerhm...is there a place where i can grab ubuntu artworks?01:23
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stefgDeedubb: yes... get a USB 2.0 controller and the quickest drive you can get :-)01:23
kristiansnoops, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16618, maybe i did something wrong when i changed the :0 screen or something..01:23
Deedubbstefg, thats what I have, but ubuntu is not playing nice with it01:24
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DeedubbI tried the thing of rmmod ehci_hcd, then reattach etc then modprobe, no gold01:24
stefgmaybe try different kernel-versions....01:25
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pentastefg: thank you anyway01:25
Deedubbwhat I speak of: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15002601:25
Mandalffoxiness: 0000:02:09.0 Ethernet controller: Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. 21x4x DEC-Tulip co mpatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 31)01:25
snoopsnot sure kristian.. you could try pasting the problem in the forums or asking again in here or something01:25
foxinessMandalf, ok let me check about that01:26
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liran_it looks like i got dri installed though im still getting "direct rendering: no" with glxinfo. my ati card is x1900xt and i installed the fglrx package01:26
Mandalffoxiness: ok01:26
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shenHow would I go about logging a few defects about the ubuntu web site? There is old and/or missing information on a few of the pages01:26
lukehey all01:26
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stefgDeedubb: maybe the ext3-fs is the problem... the ext3 journalling isn't particularly clever. try formatting it with reiserfs and see if that changes something01:27
kristianwell.. i think you snoops know better what's the problem then I do;P i tried so much, that I don't know why it dosen't work ;P01:27
lukeanyone know how to fix the cdrom not mounting anymore? I stalled VMWare (only thing that has changed laterly) but it worked fine, until I changed CDs now it never mounts01:27
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KenSentMeI'm filing a bug, but i don't have an english gnome manu at hand. Can someone tell if System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager is the right way to point to Synaptic01:29
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lukeKenSentMe looks fine01:29
KenSentMeluke: correct words?01:29
KenSentMeluke: thanx01:29
dockanehi all... installed dapper drake on a thinkpad t21 but when the boot preocess comes to gdm login, display stays black and switching to consoles is not possible. lspci says "0000:01:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV"01:30
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dockaneany ideas how to solve this?01:30
kristianbut thx for the help anyway snoops, I have to go now:)01:30
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foxinessMandalf, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18643001:30
yallamanamarok works nice:) is it skinnable?..where to get if so?01:30
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Mandalffoxiness: I take a look on it01:31
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wootinhow do i install openssl devel ?01:32
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Inferussudo apt-get install ? :)01:32
foxinessMandalf, ok i hope it will fix your problem :)01:32
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Mandalffoxiness: I reboot now01:33
wootinis there an openssl devel package? how do i search for one?01:33
lukeanyone had CD mounting issues?01:33
ompaulluke, it should auto mount if it is a good image01:33
lukethings used to work, now nothing does. Proper music CDs, DVDs etc01:34
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ompaulluke, check out System Administration Disks - could it be that the player is just so old that it is has moved on and shuffled off its mortal leds?01:34
lukethe drive is not that old. got a replacement 4 months ago,01:35
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luke System Administration Disks says there is no disc inserted01:35
stefg... cabel checking time :-) ...01:36
wootinomg no openssl-devel01:36
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stefgwaht about libssl-dev ?01:38
martibshow can I use the nice "Human" mouse cursor in X without Gnome?01:38
ufki apt-get install mysql-server, it didn't ask me about any user or password to access the db. what do i do?01:38
wootinthanks stefg01:39
Chameleon22i am using cyrus 2.1 with pam auth and sasldb - when i try to connect using cyradmin (cyradm --user cyrus localhost) I get an error: cyradm: cannot authenticate to server as user cyrus. Password appears to be in sasldb2 file and mail log displays the following error: "Jun 27 21:33:58 fatty cyrus/imapd[13599] : badlogin: localhost[]  DIGEST-MD5 [SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database] " any ideas on how to fix that?01:39
Chameleon22Googled, checked out cyrus how-to's - no luck...01:39
wootinwas getting worried there for a sec01:39
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J_Phi all..01:41
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ampophi J_P01:41
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SohailHello everyone01:44
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dockanelspci says "0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV (rev 11)", nor more "Non-VGA unclassified device:"01:45
Sohailcan someone give me an idea on how to install dapper from an iso image on a windows partition01:45
=== stefg looks forward to new Chuck Norris jokes
SeveasSohail, burn the image to disc, boot from the burned disc01:45
Sohaildon't have that option right now Seveas01:45
Seveasstefg, in #ubuntu-offtopic01:45
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SeveasSohail, then order a free cd from shipit.ubuntu.com and wait a few weeks01:46
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Sohaili read method of how to install from net, ita says the method can be changed to install from cd image but the parameters passed to the kernel must be different and there is no mention of how to do that but refers that the same has been acheived for knoppix01:48
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stefgSohail: if you already have an Ubuntu-ISO on the same disk (not same partition of course :) ) you could try to mount -o loop ubuntu*.iso to /cdrom from another VT in the installer. That's how i save time installing01:51
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Sohailstefg: can you be a bit more elaborative please01:52
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stefgPhewww. that'll become longish... Do you have an already partitioned disk, which you will not let the installer partition automatically? Is there a downloaded ubuntu*.iso somwhere on it?01:53
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Sohailhave a windows xp patition where i have both the iso and the complete cd image01:54
stefggood... and is there already another partiton or unused space on the hd?01:55
Sohailhave a previous horribly broken installtion of dapper ... which i want to overwrite01:56
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blu_attaci have installed the desktop into ubuntu server now how do i get it to run the desktop?01:56
Evilsmevilhi all01:56
stefgfine... are you in some flavour of linux now, so that you can have a fdisk -l listing?01:56
Sohailblu_attac: /etc/init.d/gdm start01:56
Seveasblu_attac, reboot01:56
Evilsmevilim having problems upgrading gnome-session because it Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>=1.12.3) but 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed01:57
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CasSohail: not that I ever tried it but there is something like win2linstall01:57
Sohailstefg: no am on windows ... only thing that connects me to the net01:57
stefgSohail: ok, but you know your partiton-layout?01:57
Evilsmeviland 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is the latest version in the repos01:57
CasSohail: it let you install a mounted cd (e.g. with deamontools) while in windows01:57
CasSohail: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html01:57
Sohailread that Cas but that works for the net only01:58
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=== stefg remembers that theres even some kind of patition lister in the WinXP management-console
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Sohailstefg: i guess ... /dev/hda3 is where i have everything and there is a swap and boot partition01:58
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CasSohail: and instlux? http://instlux.sourceforge.net/01:59
stefgand the winXP is on /dev/hda1 in linuxspeak?01:59
stefgwith the ISO on it?01:59
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ubotuI know nothing about changelog02:00
kbrookshow might I create a number of users from a text file?02:00
stefgThe problem with installing from an ISO image is, that you can't alter the partiton table of the disk where the ISO is on.. that won'T work02:00
Sohailstefg: yes02:01
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stefgOk, then move or copy the ISO to the root-dir of the win XP-drive, this will facilitate things02:01
JanKi yesterday installed ubuntu and then winxp. my problem now is, that xp has overriden the mbr, how can i reinstall GRUB?02:01
Caskbrooks: something like: for i in `cat users`; do adduser $i; done02:01
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Sohailstefg: the ubuntu*.iso or the folder having the contents of the cd?02:02
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stefgthe image itself... so it's win path is C:\Ubuntu*.iso02:02
Sohailok done02:02
jribubotu: tell JanK about grub02:02
Sohailbut c:\ is ntfs02:03
Caskbrooks: you need to tweak the adduser command a bit that it does it all in one command, and add a && mkdir /home/$i02:03
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ajaycguys i cant get enemy territory to run in 1024x76802:04
stefgSohail: so the trick is... you boot the CD and let the installer start to do its thing. But when it stops somewhere (to ask for the keyboard layout or something) then you press [ctrl-alt-f2]  to go to another virtual terminal. there you have a shell after activating it by keypress and can do clever things02:04
ajaycguys i cant get enemy territory to run in 1024x76802:05
JanKubotu: tell JanK about grub02:05
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SonicChaoHow do I get Java to work in Ubuntu?02:05
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gnomefreak!java > SonicChao02:06
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:06
Evilsmevilhi, ive compiled some libraries (libpango 1.12.3) by myself using make install etc. how can i update synaptic so that i knows the new version is there?02:06
gnomefreakSonicChao: read teh pm ubotu sent you02:06
ajaycguys i cant get enemy territory to run in 1024x76802:06
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Sohailstefg: right but my confusion is how to boot from that iso02:06
stefgon the second VT you enter 'mount -o loop ubuntu*.iso /cdrom' (exact name required) this will supermount the ISO image over the pysical CD02:06
Casajayc: pls stop spamming02:06
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ajaycCas: oh! ok02:06
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g-nomehello, how can i have this weather/temperature information like here http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/39179-1.jpg (top right)?02:06
ajayccome on someone help me02:06
=== wildman is away: bbl
stefgyou cannot boot from the iso... you have to boot from the CD... but change to the ISO in the process02:07
Evilsmevilajayc: does it work in other resolutions?02:07
ajaycEvilsmevil: only in 800x60002:07
ajayci have a laptop with 102402:07
ajaycubuntu runs in 102402:07
ajaycbut not the game02:07
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tripoxg-nome: right click on the panel and choose add to panel.02:07
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g-nometripox: but where to find the applet?02:08
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ufki apt-get install mysql-server, how do i set a username and a password?02:08
NET||abusewhen i run apt-get update, i get a line reading Ign http://xgl.compiz.info dapper/main Packages02:08
NET||abusewhat does this mean?02:08
tripoxg-nome: i think its standart02:08
Casg-nome: search for weather in the searchbox ;)02:09
ajaycEvilsmevil: ?02:09
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NET||abuseman apt-get doesn't expand on the Get Hit and Ign messages i am getting02:09
stefgSohail: BTW i'm talking about the text-mode installer... the CDs which are marked as *alternate*02:09
g-nomeoh, yes02:09
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tripoxg-nome: "Weather Report" :P02:09
yallamanYAY..watch this movie... its awesome..mirror 2 works http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=43576902:10
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Evilsmevilajayc: ok so what error do you get when it doesnt work?02:10
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Sohailstefg: but the cd-rom would be hooked right ... and i believe the mount command would not cause any problem02:10
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ajaycEvilsmevil: it works but the screen of the game is shifted towards the left than at the centre02:11
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ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:11
stefgSohail: i understood that you're not able to burn a errorfree CD-medium, therefor looking for a way to install without a working CD02:11
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Evilsmevilajayc:  can you modify your display so that it works properly?02:12
rambo3there is floppy install for breezy02:12
Sohailstefg: yes .... but u mentioned to boot from and alternate CD02:12
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stefgyes. you only BOOT from the CD, but INSTALL from an iso02:13
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stefgyou can boot from CD, can't you?02:13
everthello all , i'm having problems to get a 'texas instruments acx 111" wlan card from us robotics working... can somebody help me pls ?02:13
CasSohail: what is wrong with instlux?02:13
ajaycEvilsmevil: i have tried setting the game to 1024 but it wont change btw  i got a laptop02:13
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Sohailstefg: that's what i am referring to ... when i will boot from it the cdrom will be mounted and mount -o will remount the iso02:13
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Evilsmevilajayc: what graphics card are you using?02:14
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Evilsmevilajayc: and whats the native resolution of you monitor02:14
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stefgSohail: that's what i'm trying to explain02:14
stefgso what's the problem then?02:14
Sohailstefg: ok got it02:14
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ajaycEvilsmevil: i got intel 915 and native is 1024x76802:15
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Evilsmevilajayc: does your desktop run at that resolution?02:15
stefgso any defect sectors on the CD-medium are irrelevant, as long as it boots... youre reading from hd, not from CD02:15
ajaycEvilsmevil: ues02:15
SohailCas, stefg: i am going to booth from NT Grub that instlux copies, and then for whatever reason it pauses will shift to another terminal and mount the iso02:15
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stefgyup, that's it02:16
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Sohailok thanx alot ... hope i don't ruin my windows :) ... hope fully i will thank you again from dapper02:17
stefgIsos are alway read-only... nothing to risk there02:17
Evilsmevilhi does anyone know how i can install a new version of a package from source and tell my package manager about it?02:17
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SohailBye people02:18
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ajaycEvilsmevil: ?02:19
binaEvilsmevil: I think theres something called checkinstall02:19
Evilsmevilyeah ive tried that02:19
Evilsmevilbina: it can install package into the package manager but im not able to overwrite an older package with it02:20
binaEvilsmevil: oh right02:20
Evilsmevilbina: so you got any other ideas? or even where i might be able to look02:21
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binathats all ive heard of really, maybe the ubuntu wiki or just google i suppose.02:21
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binaor just keep asking abut in here im sure osmone will know of one02:21
everti'm doing a wiki , but i get this error : FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/modules.dep.temp for writing: No such file or directory02:22
kholerabbiI need to install cvs, aptitude install cvs pretends it works, but executing "cvs" in the terminal doesn't work !?02:22
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Lynourekholerabbi: help people help you by providing the error message you got02:22
Bassettsdoes anyone know how i can stop fireftp from showing files with ~ on the end02:23
kholerabbi"bash: cvs: command not found"02:23
binaEvilsmevil: There was something in the wiki about building your own packages.  I was trying to upgrade a library on here without getting the package manager out of sync n someone suggested I should build my own package02:24
jribkholerabbi: what does 'apt-cache policy cvs | grep -i Installed' say?02:24
lukeAnyone had CDs stop mounting? anything I put in says there is no disc inserted02:24
rowanjlHey guys, I'm after some advice. I got my 6.06 cds today, and tried to install them, however Grub refused to boot correctly (Error 22, No such partition), so I had to tell it to boot from the correct partition. Also, the x config failed, so I can't use the gui, which is odd because 5.10 worked fine with my ati card... any thoughts on why this happens?02:24
lukethings worked like 2 hours ago02:24
binaEvilsmevil: didnt manage it in the end, I just gave up and installed the source :)02:24
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kholerabbi"Installed: none"02:24
everthow can i install gcc and make ? Synaptic says that gcc is already installed but gcc --version gives an error ?02:25
kholerabbi"  Installed: (none)"02:25
Evilsmevilbina: the thing is a missing package in the repos and i need to have it installed to the latest version in order to upgrade something else02:25
jribkholerabbi: pastebin the result of 'sudo aptitude install cvs'02:25
kholerabbijrib: ok02:25
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binaEvilsmevil: :(02:26
void^!build-essential > evert02:26
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rowanjlyou know what, I'll just try installing again (seventh time tonight) after removing my SATA drives...02:27
Mandalffoxiness: I can not edit the blacklist file02:27
evertOn that wiki page i can't find some help for making gcc and make working ?02:28
Mandalffoxiness: It write protectet and i not the owner of the file02:28
lukehmm ok, how wack. I just put in a DVD and it is playing. Seems my CDROM does not like CDs anymore02:28
ubotuI know nothing about buils02:28
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)02:28
CasI've some serious problems with my USB audio headset. The speakers do work (or should I say did worked) but I can't find out why the mic isn't working. Anyone with some alsa setup experience in here that can help out?02:29
evertevert@evert-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen... Klaar Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd... Klaar E: Kon pakket build-essential niet vinden02:29
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evertIt doesn't works02:30
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jribevert: what does vinden mean? found?02:30
=== stefg rofls over a dutch-speaking apt
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:30
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kholerabbiHehe, I got cvs working, some package not wanting to get removed properly was stopping cvs installing, thanks :)02:30
evertvinden = to find , sry that's in Dutch02:30
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evertSo the error is 'couldn't find packet 'build-essential'02:31
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jribevert: make sure you have the main repositories enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list02:31
foxinessyou need to use "sudo" like on the forum02:32
stefgand apt-get update afterwards02:32
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foxinessMandalf, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18643002:32
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Mandalffoxiness: Yeah. I do that. But i can not save changes in blacklist file. It is protected02:33
_stefanknow somebody an irq channel about voip or. asterisk?02:33
foxinessubotu, tell Mandalf about sudo02:33
Bassettsis there an alternative to gaim, i need something better02:33
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Wipsterhey all can you help with my problem, basicly I use the live CD and want to install but when it gets to the end of the loading sequence it goes black with a curser in the top left then totaly black and all cd noises stop.02:34
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evertThx , i had forgotten to enable all repo's02:34
foxinessMandalf, why i can :)02:34
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Mandalffoxiness: It says: Your not the owner of the file >_<02:34
CasBassetts: there are many alternatives, you want something lighter? IM protocol specific?02:35
Mandalffoxiness: when i tried to unlock the protection02:35
bodkinhi guys,am using dapper new install -need to install avahi-daemon-what repos.is it in please.02:35
siriuslyWipster...could be a faulty cd...try burning another but at a slower speed...say 20x02:35
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foxinessMandalf, did you do this form the file browser ?02:35
WipsterI burnt it at 4x02:35
BassettsCas: gaim just seems, not all there, it doesnt sync my contact list properly or anything, and i need pretty much every IM protocol, i use them all02:35
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CasBassetts: you'll could try version 2 but it's still beta02:36
Bassettsi have that02:36
Mandalffoxiness: first from terminal. But when i do that it dont want to open. So i take the filebrowser02:36
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saifhello, any1 here know of a way to reset the master password for mozilla without loosing my data??? i have important certificates that i dont want to loose!02:36
Bassettsits better but my contact lists still dont sync and some other things just arent right, i really need trillian for linux =P02:36
siriuslynp's here with Gaim 2 beta02:37
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Wipstershould I do a disk check, my graphics card is the 9800XT if that helps atall02:37
Mandalffoxiness: It says something about it can not fund the host name02:37
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foxinessMandalf, you can not do this because you are normal user not the admin "root" sudo mean super user do "root"02:37
CasBassetts: trillian does work under wine, at least it did a few years ago02:37
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BassettsCas: hmm, was hoping for a OSS solution02:37
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Mandalffoxiness: my accunt are in the oem group02:38
CasBassetts: furthermore there is kopete the default KDE messenger02:38
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foxinessMandalf, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:38
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Bassettsi have tried that, dont get on with it02:38
CasBassetts: and there is centericq if you like CLI or bitlbee if you like your IRC client as messenger02:38
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:38
Bassettsi use xchat for irc, dont like CLI =P im a pain arent i02:39
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Lathiatbodkin: avahi is in main02:40
Lathiatbodkin: simply install the 'avahi-daemon' package should be available out of the box02:40
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bodkinthanks Lathiat cu02:41
Yusuke`is there an alternative to using wINE? meaning another program that'll play windows applications more natively02:41
CasBassetts: I haven't tried any more, but there are tons. maybe you can find the right one here: http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=messenger&section=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=002:41
Lathiatyou may also want avhai-discover, service-discovery-applet02:41
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Bassettsthanks Cas02:41
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Yusuke`is there an alternative to using wINE? meaning another program that'll play windows applications more natively02:41
Akuma_I'm trying to get my screen to display at 1400x1050 - I have a SiS 760 card. Can anyone point me to some usefull documentation?02:42
MrHappy123i want to format my HD, i have a number of partions on 1 HD, so i just execute this command in my terminal? "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda" Im running linux Desktop edition btw02:42
trygvebwIs there any reason why BEST is not included in the Beagle package?02:42
Akuma_I think i have to set xorg.conf to use the sis driver, but i'm having a hard time finding the exact donc on that02:42
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NgMrHappy123: that will erase the entire hard disk with zeros. all partitions, all data, boot blocks, partition tables, everything.02:42
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CasBassetts: np, hope you find one that serves your need, but remember that most IM protocols are closed and reversed engineered so the change of bugs are big02:43
evertWhen following the 'acx 111 wlan wiki' i get the following error : evert@evert-desktop:~/Desktop/ACX$ sudo make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.02:43
Yusuke`-=  33+ d wM 00 +G =- is there an alternative to using wINE? meaning another program that'll play windows applications more natively -=  33+ d w3M 00 +G =-02:43
saifgoddamit, this is really getting on my nerves, ubuntu decides every few minuts that i can't click anywhere, and i can't use my keyboard unless it'll already in a text box, tab doesn't work02:43
Bassettsok Cas =) thanks for your help02:43
darkowlI want to know something...I want to know how can i find files that have "conf" in ther name using console ?02:43
MrHappy123Ng: what about 'bad sectors' ?02:43
saifit simply stops taking input02:43
CasMrHappy123: mkfs.<FS> does format it02:43
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MrHappy123Cas, I'm not sure if i understand02:44
NilsyBassetts, you could setup your own jabber server with the correct transports and then connect to that ;)02:44
NgMrHappy123: in theory bad sectors are disabled by the drive itself, but there's also a "badblocks" tool that can scan for them02:44
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thoreauputicdarkowl: something like " locate *conf* " I think02:45
BassettsNilsy: i need aim, yahoo, jabber, msn, icq - i have a hosting business and they are for customer support02:45
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CasMrHappy123: You just want to format a partition right? or change your partition table too?02:45
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sssguys ,how can i change the folder's property?02:45
lukewhat properties?02:45
KenSentMesss: you mean user rights? use chown02:45
MrHappy123Cas, i want to wipe my entire disk because i need to send it back to the manafacturer02:46
KenSentMesss: sorry, chmod02:46
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darkowlthoreauputic: no it finds only the files that start with conf02:46
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sssdensentme,tell me the full command02:46
KenSentMesss: what do you want to change?02:46
evertPff getting the wlan card working is no fun :( it won't work02:46
thoreauputicdarkowl: try  locate conf | less02:46
saifis there a way to copy my form data and certificates from mozilla? i need to reset the master password, so i will loose all the data!02:47
ssskensentme ,i wanna change the context of the folder02:47
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KenSentMesss: what context do you want to change, from what to what?02:47
Yusuke`.9is there an alternative to using wINE? meaning another program that'll play windows applications more natively02:47
Yusuke`is there an alternative to using wINE? meaning another program that'll play windows applications more natively02:47
sssi wanna add some pic to the folder02:47
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stefgYusuke`: vmplayer :-)02:48
ubotuI know nothing about test02:48
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Yusuke`(stefg) would you say it runs apps more natively?02:48
Ro1vmplayer is to emulate an operating system02:48
MrHappy123I get a premission denied when executing dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda command, im using linux desktop edition02:48
KenSentMesss: and you can't put the file in right now, because you don't have enough rights?02:48
sssfrom a webpage ,save to the folder02:48
Yusuke`i'm fairly new to ubuntu, actually linux in general02:49
sssyea,i guess02:49
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ubotuI know nothing about chmod02:49
CasMrHappy123: then your way wasn't that wrong, you could also use /dev/random for it02:49
DarkbyteHello, I'm using dapper and I need install php5-dbase package. But I'm not find it. Who I do to found it? Help me please !!!02:49
CasMrHappy123: be sure you umount the disk first02:49
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darkowlthoreauputic: no it looks like its working but i made a file in my home directory named eBook Unix For Dummies.zip and when i search locate unix | more it doesnt find it02:49
stefgYusuke`: i was joking... you'll have to install windows in a virtual machine. Then the programs run in windows, not an emulation02:49
CasMrHappy123: and be root or use sudo02:50
Yusuke`what if i have a dual partition on my hardisk of windows and ubuntu?02:50
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MrHappy123how do i become root? i haven't even set a password02:50
thoreauputicdarkowl: spaces and case issues ?02:50
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xophErMrHappy123, sudo passwd root02:51
h3sp4wndarkowl: sudo updatedb (first)02:51
regebroUh, does others have problemd with updates now, or just me?02:51
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CasMrHappy123: just use sudo -s02:51
KenSentMesss: in terminal type 'sudo chmod 0777 <path-to-dir>02:51
regebroI get "Could not resolve 'proxy'" which makes little sense to me. :)02:51
thoreauputicdarkowl: if it's in your home dir, what's the problem with finding it?02:51
g-nomeanyone using OPERA?02:52
Ro1yup. its my favorite browser02:52
MrHappy123Cas, 'sudo -s dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda' will do?02:52
CasMrHappy123: no, loose the -s then02:52
KenSentMe!tell MrHappy123 about sudo02:52
siriuslyyeah how does one get the w32 codecs/mplayer plug-in working in Opera?02:52
Casand you need to set bs i think02:53
CasMrHappy123: or try this one: http://dban.sourceforge.net/02:53
Ro1dont know about that, ,, srry02:53
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rambo3siriusly read wiki page , i set up mine that way02:53
darkowlthoreauputic: i want to know...I have a file named googleismybestfriend and now i want to preform a search with term best and i want it to recognize it in filename googleismybestfriend02:53
siriuslycheers rambo02:53
=== Yusuke` sets user mode +x
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KenSentMeIs there someone here that uses the dutch version of Kubuntu?02:53
CasMrHappy123: and please watch out, remove any other hd's for instance before doing stuff like this02:53
g-nomeRol: how to remove the tray icon then?02:54
evertcan i easily change from ubunut to Kubuntu ?02:54
Ngevert: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :)02:54
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Ngevert: then select the appropriate session from the login screen02:54
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everthow big is that download NG ?02:54
g-nomeanyone knows how to remove the opera system tray icon?02:54
thoreauputicdarkowl:  ls *best* in the dir concerned02:54
Ngevert: offhand I'm not sure. It will tell you before it does it. probably a couple of hundred mb02:54
Yusuke`how can i be sure my hardware drivers are up to date?02:54
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Ro1why is there a system tray icon?02:55
evertok thx NG02:55
thoreauputicdarkowl: with both *02:55
Ro1is there options hwne you right click it?02:55
Donkeyboyanyone know if there is a plan to have wxpython in the repo anytime soon?02:55
darkowlthoreauputic: and how would i include subfolders ?02:56
evertwhen i install kubuntu with the command you     gave NG , do i have all kde software too ?02:56
ssskensentme,it works,thanku02:56
stefgYusuke`: this is 'windows-think'... you have a specific kernel version, that's all you'll need02:56
KenSentMesss: no problemo02:56
=== MrHappy123 [n=ubuntu@ool-4577f8db.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicdarkowl: ls -R ( man ls)02:56
Ngevert: not all kde software, just what would be installed along with kubuntu02:56
g-nomeRol: isn't there one for you?02:56
Yusuke`i think you're right02:56
g-nomei have one02:56
regebroI don't have a /etc/apt/apt.conf  . Is that normal?02:56
Ro1gnome: what cha mean?02:56
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MrHappy123Ok, i typed in sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda in the terminal, and not its jsut blinking...02:56
MrHappy123not = now02:56
g-nomeRol: an opera system tray icon (right click gives you options like "new tab" etc...)02:57
Ro1oh...but i'm saying i've never seem an option in tray...you mean while its running right?02:57
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g-nomeRol: yes02:57
g-nomet's opera 902:57
g-nomewhat do you have?02:58
Ro1ah i see it now02:58
hyphenatedMrHappy123: it does what it's doing very quietly02:58
Ro1its just...i used to use windoze02:58
everti installed 'wirelles assistent' but how can i run it as root ? I don't know the command to start it ... It's only in the men02:58
stefgMrHappy123: you're about to witness your harddrive being overwritten with zeros...02:58
Ro1and it wasnt there02:58
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MrHappy123How do i know if the format is in process or when its finished?02:58
hyphenatedMrHappy123: why did you run that command?02:58
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g-nomeRol: no it's not in win but in linux yes02:58
RedBladesHi all02:58
Ro1yeah..i see now02:58
MrHappy123hyph, i want to wipe my HD02:58
hyphenatedMrHappy123: when it's finished, you'll be back at your prompt. but that's not formatting. that's just overwriting the disk with zeroes02:58
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hyphenatedMrHappy123: shoulda used /dev/urandom then ;-)02:59
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MrHappy123ok, how do i stop thi \s now?02:59
MrHappy123close the terminal?02:59
everti installed 'wirelles assistent' but how can i run it as root ? I don't know the command to start it ... It's only in the menu02:59
hyphenatedMrHappy123: from another shell, run 'sudo fuser -k -USR1 /bin/dd02:59
ssskensentme , i used the pic which i saved to the folder to create a new menu right now ,but why i cant see the new menu?02:59
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hyphenatedMrHappy123: and it'll tell you what it's up to02:59
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thoreauputicdarkowl: for instance : ls -R | grep best02:59
RedBladesIf I have a windows box and I wish to keep the setting email etc for thunderbird and firefox, how do I?03:00
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=== stefg uses dd if=/dev/brain of=~/brilliant_idea frequently :-D
MrHappy123hyph, it just returns nothing..03:00
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hyphenatedMrHappy123: the terminal running dd should have output a couple of lines03:01
MrHappy123nothing here03:01
Ro1did anyone find the reason for the tray icon?03:01
Ro1i'm still trying to find something03:01
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darkowlthoreauputic: thank you very much ! And my last question is it possible to scan for Best and get the result googleisyourbestfriend ?03:01
hyphenatedMrHappy123: tip #2: you should use the 'bs=1024' option to dd, otherwise it'll take days/weeks to complete03:01
MrHappy123for zeros?03:02
Ro1who was the person that wanted to get rid of tray icon??03:02
thoreauputicdarkowl: to grep without case sensitivity use grep -i03:02
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RedBladesHow do I back up all thatstuff so I can use it in Ubuntu?03:02
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thoreauputicdarkowl: for instance  ls -R | grep -i Best03:02
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hyphenatedMrHappy123: it's doing it in blocks of 1 byte currently. you want to do it in larger chunks03:02
darkowlthoreauputic: thank you very much i really needed this !03:02
Tommy2k4Could not resolve mount point /media/network/Emma03:02
evertCan somebody help me with getting wlan working ? I'm trying it already for more as an our :(03:02
Tommy2k4yet when i try to mkdir it says it already exists03:03
thoreauputicdarkowl: :)03:03
Tommy2k4what could be the problem?03:03
Tommy2k4"mount" in console says its already mounted but i cant see it in konqueror03:03
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Ro1YAYAYYA i found the opera sys tray problem03:04
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Tommy2k4what was the problem ro1?03:04
Ro1in terminal write: opera -notrayicon03:04
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Tommy2k4tray icon ftw03:04
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Ro1hwo needed that?03:04
Tommy2k4ro1 if you press ctrl + h does it still minimize to tray03:04
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RedBladesHow do I install a Dial up Modem with ubuntu?03:05
darkowlthoreauputic: do you know maybe how could i make it also print the location of founded files ?03:05
kbrosnanRedBlades, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Migrating_settings_to_a_new_profile03:05
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Ro1Tommy...no it minmixxes to the taskbar03:05
RedBladesPlease note I have never installed an external modem before.03:05
hyphenatedMrHappy123: if I really wanted to zap a harddrive so it's completely unrecoverable using dd (instead of just making a new filesystem on that partition, which takes about 10 seconds), I'd use dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda1 bs=1024 (or even larger numbers for bs). then I'd do it 20 more times.03:05
Tommy2k4oh :(03:05
ubotuI know nothing about suspend03:05
Caswasn't there a specific audio channel?03:05
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MrHappy123thanks for your help guys, i willl be right back03:06
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Tommy2k4why does "mount" say that a samba share is already mounted yet i cant view it in konqueror or any other app03:06
LynoureMrHappy123: If you plan to do wha hyphenated said, it will take a long while03:06
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ubuntuzcat /proc/config.gz > /usr/share/genkernel/x86/kernel-config-2.603:06
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Tommy2k4and when i try mount -t it says mount point could not be resolved, but when i try to mkdir the mount point it says it already exists03:06
rowanjlOk, I fixed grub, and installed again, however X isn't working (fails to start), any idea what I should do?03:06
hyphenatedLynoure: even longer with his current command which doesn't specify bs at all03:07
ubuntuwho is the config.gz at the ubuntu live cd?03:07
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darkowlthoreauputic: do you know maybe how could i make it also print the location of founded files ?03:07
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rowanjlFor anyone willing to help, I've got an ATI x80003:08
Ro1just wodnering...how do all of you learn so much03:08
Ro1i have ati x60003:08
Hobbseedavidoc: please turn off that away message, thanks!03:08
jos59geforce 203:08
Ro1(the X600 is in ma laptop!)03:08
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Lynourehyphenated: I was about to recommend some handy tools for the same. There are nice bootable cds with erase tools and other niceness, a joy to have around :)03:08
rowanjlI'm not even sure why the card would work correctly on 5.10, but not 6.06...03:08
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hyphenatedLynoure: got any favourites?03:09
Ro1my laptop rocks.......AMD64 3700+......100GB HD.....1GB Ram......ATI X600 256mb..............15.4" widescreen...Ubuntu 32bit03:09
Inferusnot much different to mine :)03:09
Ro1and it was only $130003:09
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darkowlthoreauputic: do you know maybe how could i make it also print the location of founded files ?03:09
Ro1Gateway 7510GX03:09
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Lynourehyphenated: Yes, but cannot remember what it was called. Wait a min.03:09
InferusAMD 3400, 100gb hdd, 512mb ram, x700 15.4'' :)03:10
InferusRo1 why have you got ubuntu 3203:10
Ro1not bad03:10
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Inferusits 64 :)03:10
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rowanjlI've had so much trouble getting ubuntu to even install this time around... it was fine with my SATA drive, but it didn't like my old 10Gb IDE drive...03:10
Ro1because i used to have SuSE 64 bit...and i didnt wann ahave hard time with drivers....i actualy have my wireless card working03:10
CasRo1, Inferus: use #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat ;)03:10
thoreauputicdarkowl: patience please :) I'm doing other stuff here - I saw your question03:10
rowanjlAnyway, can someone tell me how to configure X?03:10
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Inferussuppose Ro103:10
regebroHow do I debug what apt is trying to do, and why it fails?03:10
Inferus: )03:11
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darkowlthoreauputic: OK ! I thought that you didnt see my question...03:11
varI lost my panel on Kubuntu, how do I get it back?03:11
Ro1i'm gonn go in ubuntu-offtopic!03:11
RedBladesrowanjl: having issues?03:11
wootinive found ubuntu more challenging than gentoo03:11
rowanjlRedBlades: big issues03:11
RedBladesgo on03:11
Casregebro: don't you get any error messages?03:11
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regebroCas: sure do.03:11
evertWhere do i get .inf files from my wlan drivers ?03:11
pluffsyis it difficult to setup ubuntu with selinux? or can that be done via gui?03:12
evertCan i find them on my xp system ?03:12
Ro1evert: what type of card is it03:12
Ro1Yes you can03:12
RedBladesrowanjl: well?03:12
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regebroCas: "Could not resolve 'proxy'03:12
evertUS robotics 54Mpbs , with acx 111 chipset ... i'm going to try it with ndiswrapper03:12
varCan anyone help me get my toolbar/panel back on Kubuntu?  It just up and disappeared and I can't get to the settings03:12
rowanjlThis is the sevent time I've installed Ubuntu tonight, for the first six I tried various different partition layouts as Grub refused to boot ANYTHING, then this time around I removed one of my IDE hard drives, and it works fine...03:12
Ro1ndiswrapper is best bet...do you need help?03:12
pluffsyRo1: was that to  me or someone else? :)03:12
evertyes i would really appreciate that Ro103:12
Ro1it was to EVERT03:12
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regebroCas: I have no idea why it's trying to resolve "proxy" in the first place.03:13
RedBladesrowanjl: what version?03:13
Casregebro: have you set a proxy somewhere, and does it work?03:13
Ro1evert: you just need the inf file?03:13
rowanjlNow, for some reason X was never configured during the setup, and last time I had to manualy configure X was in 1999...03:13
rowanjlRedBlades: I'm using 6.0603:13
Lynourehyphenated: I liked the one from http://sysresccd.org last I used it (a year or so ago)03:13
regebroCas I have no proxy setting anywhere as far as I can find.03:13
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RedBladesI've never had issues with a 6.06 setup.03:13
evertFirst time i'm trying to use wlan with linux , but where can i find the .inf file on the windows partition , so i can make a start ?03:13
RedBladesIt's suppose3d to go smoothly...03:13
Casregebro: dunno much about setting proxies but i'll try to help you; can you do 'export | grep -i proxy'03:14
RedBladesvar open konsole and try "killall kicker"03:14
regebroCas: Aha!03:14
Casregebro: and do you get anything there?03:14
RedBladesif that doesn't work, just type kicker03:14
Ro1EVERT: Do you just need the drivers?03:14
regebroWhere the fidget did THAT come from!03:14
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rowanjlRedBlades: For Grub, it would point to the correct partition, but simply refuse to boot from it untill I removed that 10Gb hard drive...03:14
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evertI have an *.exe of the drivers ,but ndiswrapper wants a .inf file03:15
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neopsychehi all03:15
Ro1yes...there might be the inf and sys files in the exe03:15
rowanjlBut thats fixed now, I just need to get X working :/03:15
regebroCas, ah, oh, it settings I did when i worked at a client 9 months ago.03:15
varRedBlades: It opens and goes: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16803:15
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RedBladesrowanjl: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:15
regebroIt seems that apt suddenly cares about them (probably the upgrade to dapper). Thanks.03:15
RedBladesvar, have you tried rebooting?03:15
evertYes but i can't open the exe with linux lol03:16
neopsychecan anyone help me, im confused about the linux distro lindows? is it lindows or linspire? also, is it easier to install and use for newbies than ubuntu? or is ubuntu easier?03:16
Ro1evert: download wine03:16
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varRedBlades: Yes -- twice.03:16
Casregebro: try to figure out what did set it, also be sure it's not in your root environment too03:16
Ro1evert: are you using dapper?03:16
Akuma_evert - try to untar it maybe.03:16
Ro1downlaod WINE03:16
MrHappy123Ok, i just executed "sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda" How can i view its progress?03:16
RedBladesneopsyche: Ubuntu is easy as, and Linspire is an abomonation.03:16
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Ro1evert: need help getting wine?03:16
regebroCas: It's in my .profile. :) I'm sure I can fix it now, thanks.03:16
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burepe2I can't get my network to share files. Can someone help me?03:17
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Casregebro: glad to hear it, and you're welcome03:17
Ro1evert: DO YOU HAVE WINE03:17
everti can't unrar it because it's a *.exe file ;) , but installing wine is a to much work for getting that inf file. It's somewhere on the ntfs partition but where ?03:17
Ro1GET WINE03:17
Ro1NO its not03:17
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Ro1just download the deb from synaptics managaer03:17
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everti'll give it a try to install wine03:17
Ro1need help?03:17
Castell Ro1 about shout03:17
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Ro1!tell ro1 about shout03:18
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Castell cas about shout03:18
Cas!tell cas about shout03:18
Ro1cas: you needed the !03:18
Casah, tnx Ro1 :)03:18
everti'm installing wine03:18
Jack_Sparroweveret, do you just need someone on a windows box to uncompress that file?03:18
MrHappy123anyone know please?03:18
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Barkleyhow do you turn off the "you have new mail" message in a bash shell?03:19
Ro1evert: where are you installing the wine package from03:19
evertgood idea , i'm going to execute the exe on a windows box03:19
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Jack_SparrowI'm still a little asleep so if that was completely wrong ... im sorry03:19
NgBarkley: edit .bash_profile in your home directory and put a line at the bottom that says: export MAILCHECK=003:20
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burepe2My windows comp doesn't see my ubuntu comp so I can't share files. Any suggestions?03:20
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Ro1burep2: so theres no other partitions visible, like hda1 or hda203:20
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Ro1in ubuntu right?03:21
BarkleyNg thanks a lot03:21
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burepe2what do you mean03:21
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Ro1when your in ubuntu you cant see hda103:21
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Caserpel: hi03:22
Ro1burpe2: open up a browser (firefox) and type /media03:22
Roconda_hi, my sound isnt working with games and I saw some information in debug..03:22
Roconda_Initializing SDL audio driver...03:22
Roconda_SDL audio driver is "(UNKNOWN)".03:22
Roconda_SDL_OpenAudio() failed: No available audio device03:22
Roconda_Sound intialization failed.03:22
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burepe2Ro1 it is not there03:23
burepe2just the cdrom03:23
Cas!tell Roconda_ about pastebin03:23
Jack_SparrowRoconda_: Seems your sound card isnt working with anything.. not just games03:23
Roconda_sorry for pasting03:23
CasRoconda_: what game? et?03:23
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Ro1well....as far as my noobness goes...i dont think you can share03:23
Roconda_and nexus03:23
Roconda_xmms works :s03:23
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rowanjlRedBlades: well, thanks for pointing that out, but it still won't load: (EE) No deviced detected.03:24
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burepe2Ro1: I don't think that is true.03:24
Tmobis flashplugin-nonfree removed from ubuntu repo?03:24
thoreauputicdarkowl: you can try somthing like  locate $(ls -R | grep -i Best)03:24
Tmobi can't seem to find it03:24
erpelim currently upgrading my brothers machine from 5.10 to 6.06, and the graphical upgrader got stuck while processing gstreamer0.8-jack. i looked around and it seems that the post remove script was the problem, i terminated it and then was told by the upgrader to report the bug, how do i do that?03:24
Ro1burepe2: but i'm saying...i dont know...i just started using ubuntu yesterday ...so i'm a noob03:24
fransI'm dual booting Ubuntu and XP. I needed to reinstall XP, and it killed grub. How can I get grub back so I can boot Ubuntu?03:24
Tmobi'm on dapper...03:24
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rowanjlBefore that: (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected!03:25
rowanjlit also complains about slot 1:0:103:25
Jack_Sparrowfrans, when I did that I used a copy of Mepis live to reinstall grub..\03:25
burepe2Ro1 I am pretty familiar but I am having a problem. It is possible03:25
Tmobanyone know how to install flash from apt in ubuntu?03:25
CasRoconda_: can you try do this: 'export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp' and then start the game(s)03:26
burepe2Tmob: flash for what program03:26
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Roconda_Cas: so ./tremulous.x86 export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp03:26
Tmobburepe2, firefox.. flash plugin03:26
darkowlthoreauputic: no that doesnt work...03:26
CasRoconda_: no export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp && ./tremulous.x8603:26
thoreauputicDarkbyte: yes it does - just did it here03:27
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GambaroniDoes synaptics driver not work? Because my scrollbutton doesnt work and xorg.log says "UnloadModule: "synaptics""03:27
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burepe2Tmob: it will auto install through firefox03:27
thoreauputicbah darkowl that was for you - sorry Darkbyte03:27
Roconda_Cas: it dont work03:27
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Tmobburepe2, it gives an error for me03:28
s-tonedI'd like to prepare a piece of iso-image or meta-package or script to install all the software I want to install after the standard installation. What would be the best way for that?03:28
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Tmobburepe2, says can't install or something..03:28
Darkbyteok ... tks to all03:28
OmegaNineIm nto 100% sure this is the place to ask, but I was tyring to install XGL and when I ran apt-get to install compiz it said it wasnt found.  Are they keeping that somewhere else now?03:28
burepe2Tmob: sorry03:28
thoreauputicdarkowl: your locate database has to be updated for it to work, of course03:28
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darkowlthoreauputic: i runned  locate $(ls -R | grep -i unix) and i get  /usr/lib/realtimebattle/Arenas/Forest.arena03:28
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thoreauputicdarkowl: your file name has spaces03:29
thoreauputicdarkowl: that confuses matters03:29
s-tonedA script with several apt-get install software1 software2 ... seems to be the easiest way, but needs attention during installation because of dependencies. (I think)03:29
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CasRoconda_: have you installed the libsdl1.2-all package?03:29
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=== FurryNemesis [n=Lmr@81-178-208-198.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
fransso... how can I reinstall grub if XP messed it up?03:30
Roconda_Cas: I am installing :)03:30
Casyou at least need the -esd and -oss ones and I think -mixer too03:30
Hobbsee!grub > frans03:30
rowanjlSo, has anyone else had trouble with Ubuntu not configuring X during setup?03:30
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FurryNemesishow do I find out what chipset my bt 1020 wireless card uses?03:30
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burepe2Can anyone help me with sharing on my network? I am using the "share folders" settings (correctly I think) but it ain't workins...03:30
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Roconda_Cas: it doesnt work03:31
Ro1burepre2:you never told me it was over a netowek03:31
Ro1burepre2: i thought it was in the same hard drive partition03:31
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nickwebcoukright folks,03:31
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nickwebcoukvery quick (and silly question for yas :P )03:32
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s-tonedrowanjl: have you tried vesa already?03:32
CasRoconda_: sorry can help you any further, search the forums a bit and see if there are more dependencies your missing.03:32
rowanjls-toned: the server? I'll give it a shot03:32
FurryNemesishow do I find out what chipset my bt 1020 wireless card uses?03:32
burepe2"(22:17:08) burepe2: I can't get my network to share files. Can someone help me?"03:32
Casrowanjl: do you have an xorg.conf at all?03:32
Roconda_ok, Cas thx for the help03:32
nickwebcouki just hooked up my ipod mini to ubuntu, and im using Rythmbox to browse the files03:32
CasRoconda_: np, hope you can fix it03:32
nickwebcouki wanna tranfser the files to my pc03:32
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nickwebcoukbut the song names arnt being transfered03:33
nickwebcouktheyre using apples default 4 letter random name..03:33
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nickwebcoukis there any way to transfer them accross using the filenames?03:33
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thoreauputicdarkowl: I just tried it with spaced filenames and it worked fine here - don't know what the problem is, sorry03:33
rowanjls-toned: thank you... so the ati server is risky at best?03:33
nickwebcoukcause id3 tags arnt being sent accross with the files03:33
thoreauputicdarkowl: for example :  $ locate $(ls music/ | grep -i Alexa)03:34
thoreauputic/home/peter/music/Alexa Still03:34
fransIs the AMD64 image best for me if I have an AMD64, or should I just use i386? I've heard some rumors about it..03:34
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rowanjlAhh, xchat...03:34
newton10471hi, i'm trying to get ubuntu v5.x sshd to work, but it seems like i'm being firewalled out when i try to connect to the ubuntu machine remotely - i can't even ping him although i'm sure we're on the same (192.xxx) network - everything works fine from the ubuntu machine itself (ping, ssh logins) - is there something beyond iptables in ubuntu that won't let me in?  i used firestarter to turn iptables off, and put ALL: ALL in my hosts.allow file03:35
Ngfrans: the only downside of the amd64 version really is browser plugins and multimedia codecs. if flash and windows media formats aren't important to you then it's fine03:35
mjrfrans, basically, the i386 image is better if you want easy access to some proprietary software. Otherwise, amd64 is better.03:35
rowanjlWell, after 4 hours of re-installing I'm glad to have Ubuntu working again03:35
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franswhat about running wine and some games in wine?03:36
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mjrit will also be less effort to get a working wine on i38603:36
burepe2My windows comp doesn't see my ubuntu comp over the network. Lil' help?03:36
Lynoureburepe2: How should it see it?03:37
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Lynoureburepe2: I mean, how do you want MSwindows to access your ubuntu computer?03:37
burepe2Lynoure: I want to share files. I can't03:37
burepe2and vice versa03:37
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Lynoureburepe2: Share in what way? If in the windows way, that means installing samba server on your ubuntu03:38
Casburepe2: do you have an firewall installed on your windows pc?03:38
LynoureI think03:38
burepe2I have done this so many times after installs and every time it is annoying03:38
burepe2my last ubuntu install was working03:38
Junglehello to everybody03:38
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Casburepe2: you'll should see your windows pc in your places->network servers by default.03:39
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LynoureCas: I think burepe2 said the windows couldn't see ubuntu, not the other way around03:39
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Jungledo you know if I can upgrade my kubuntu 5.0 to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake?03:40
LynoureCas: which is how things are by default, I think.03:40
Junglewithout format my hard drive?03:40
possieanyone that has a clue how to debug the installation of a firefox extension? cause i'm only getting an error saying "Because: cancelled"03:40
rambo3Jungle you mean 5.0403:40
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rambo3if its brezzy ou can upgrade kubuntu and then install ubuntu-desktop , and  if you wish uninstall kubuntu-desktop03:41
Jungleyes rambo sorry03:41
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burepe2Cas Lynoure I can see the windows comp in that location, but from the windows comp when I enter the ubuntu comp's address (\\pikapika\) it asks me for a password and username03:42
rambo3Jungle just dist-upgrade first then install ubuntu-desktop03:42
Jungleso rambo what do u advise to do?03:42
JungleI have 30 Gbytes of Music and I wouldn't like to lose that03:42
rambo3!tell Jungle about upgrade03:42
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Casburepe2: you'll need to edit smb.conf if you want anonymous access03:42
burepe2Cas do I edit in it03:43
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rambo3Jungle its just clean upgrade , and i think command line dist-upgrade is safest.03:43
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Cas!tell burepe2 about samba03:43
burepe2Cas what is the location of the file?03:43
burepe2Cas, I never get anywhere with thoes faqs03:43
Casburepe2: /etc/samba/smb.conf03:44
LiquidNerd_workdamn.. kdm died in edgy on my home system03:44
burepe2What setting do I have to change to make it anonmys03:44
TentiousI'm looking for a macro program like actool. Any similars or anyone know how to get it working with cedega?03:44
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rambo3LiquidNerd_work #ubuntu+103:44
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Casburepe2: but I can't tell you what to change, never wanted anonymous access trough samba03:44
burepe2Ok thanks03:45
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Casburepe2: man smb.conf could help you maybe03:45
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:45
Sci-freakI was wondering if there was a way for bash to emulate key-presses03:46
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ssshey guys,anyone had used R?03:46
sssor r-base03:46
h3sp4wnSci-freak: Look into using expect maybe03:46
LiquidNerd_worksss: depending on the word I'm typing03:46
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sssliquidneerd ,wut?03:47
Sci-freakThanks, h3sp4wn03:47
LiquidNerd_workFor instance.. the word; "word" has an R in it03:47
Tentioussss: are you talking case-sensitive?03:47
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sssR is a stat programn03:48
sssdo u know r-base?03:48
sssanybody installed it?03:48
LiquidNerd_workwe're so clever03:48
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TentiousI'm looking for a macro program like actool. Any similars or anyone know how to get it working with cedega or wine?03:49
Tentiousactool basically emulates mouse/keyboard movements and entry.03:50
ssstentious,do u no how can i find the executable file which i installed right now?03:51
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Tentioussss: ?03:51
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sssi installed r-base ,but i cant find the executable file03:52
Tentioussss: you can use the command locate and find any file..03:52
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Tmobis mplayer not supported in ubuntu??03:52
Tmobi can't find it in apt-cache search03:52
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Tentioussss: use "sudo updatedb" to update the locate database03:52
Sci-freakfind /* r |grep r-base03:53
ExussumHey all - why doent my internet work with the newest kernal - yet works fine with the old one03:53
Sci-freakfind /* |grep r-base03:53
sssbut how can i know it is a executable file?03:53
Tentiousor you can use grep =)03:53
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donkeyboyhow do i make rhythmbox look for a folder of music on a samba share on the network? or do i have to have it mounted first?03:53
Sci-freakls <whatever>03:53
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neopsychewhat is the best ubuntu distro for newbies?03:53
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void^sss: what happens when you run R in a terminal?03:53
Tmobneopsyche, xubuntu03:53
pablozzhi all03:53
Tentioussss: "ll -a"03:53
neopsychenubuntu/ kubuntu/ ubutnu/ edubuntu?03:54
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cycomIs there a way to use smbclient to dump the output of dd on a samba share?03:54
Mastastealthubuntu? :P its the most "supported", or common, whatever ;)03:54
ssshow to run R in terminal?03:54
Tentioussss: do that in the directory the file is in.03:54
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Sci-freakgnome not KDE :(03:54
void^sss: open a terminal, type the letter R, hit return03:54
Tentious^^ =) hehe03:54
Sci-freakHas anyone ever used KBDE?03:54
Sci-freakIt's supposed to emulate keystrokes03:55
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Sci-freakBut I haven't had any success03:55
Tmobwhy doesn't mplayer exist for ubuntu!!? thats very weird!03:55
Sci-freakIt does, Tmob03:55
TmobSci-freak, hmm.. realy? can i see your sources.list?03:55
Sci-freakOpen synaptic03:55
TmobSci-freak, i uncommented everything in the sources.list03:55
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ExussumHey all - any ideas why my internet doesnt work for kernel 2.6.15-25 but works fine with kernel 2.6.15-2303:55
burepe2Tmob use source-o-matic03:55
sssVOID,it works ,but ,no interface of R appeared03:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:55
h3sp4wnmplayer is in multiverse03:56
h3sp4wn(or at least the parts which make it useable)03:56
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void^sss: should it come with an interface?03:56
Sci-freakHave you set up your repositories?03:56
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danfgi added "wine /home/user1/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/MailWasher Pro/MailWasher.exe" to Startup Programs in my Sessions dialog. The thing won't run. It runs every other way, but not on startup. where can i find a log of failures during session startup?03:57
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sssvoid ,yea,it has an interface03:57
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Tmobburepe2, hmm.. i see multiverse in my sources.list:03:58
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Tmobdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse03:58
Tmobisn't taht enough?03:58
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Tmobto get mplayer that is..03:58
yallamanhm..i cant get jave to work in firefox..03:58
JinxedHi, simple question to the crowds, I just deleted /dev/zero ..... i know dumb .... how can i replace it again please03:58
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Sci-freakTmob, if it's not appearing still, you can grab it from the ubuntu website03:58
void^sss: screenshot on r-project.org doesn't imply a gui03:59
der_danielis there a way k3b can automatically rename files with invalid file names for dvd-burning?03:59
TmobSci-freak, well i dont see multiverse on source-omatic03:59
sssso how can i operate it?03:59
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Sci-freakTmob, try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories04:00
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Mastastealthcryptid, plz turn off caps lock, and have you tried Kopete?04:00
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The_Guardianto compile a .o file the correct syntax is g++ HelloWorld.o -o HelloWorld.exe right?04:00
Sci-freakIt has a sample sources.list there04:00
void^sss: i take it back, you can use `R -g tk` or `R -g gnome`04:00
burepe2Anyone know the setting I have to change in samba.conf to make access anonomyous (no password)?04:00
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JessehkWhere does gvim stores its colors directory in Ubuntu? I haven't been able to find it.04:01
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cryptidMastastealth, k i will give it a try i never herd of that software, does it have the features that i need?04:01
der_danielis there a way k3b can automatically rename files with invalid file names for dvd-burning?04:01
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joryHi everyone. I have a performance issue with radeon 9600 mobile @ fglrx (up2date) and Xgl - resizing windowses in gnome is extremely slow. Why?04:01
Mastastealthcryptid: Kopete, is like GAIM, except I've heard they have some webcam support04:02
Mastastealthand its KDE based04:02
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Feral_KidAny one around to help with a quick X issue? If I log in as root, the resolution remains correct for me 1400x900, but when I look into my regular user account, the resolution changes to lesser resolution... Where would I look to resolve that?04:02
danfgi've a program failing session startup. is there a log where i can see what went wrong?04:02
sssvoid ,the same thing04:03
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LiquidNerd_workFeral_Kid: press CTRL ALT +04:03
LiquidNerd_workand the + on the num pad04:03
void^sss: with "R -g tk" i get an extra window here.04:03
Ro1i'm trying to use apache...i can get it to work localy...but my port 80 is "stealthed", how do i open it04:03
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TmobSci-freak, that copy paste worked great! thanks04:04
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Sci-freakOkay, man.04:04
Feral_KidLiquidNerd_work> Tried that, and nothing...04:04
joryAnyone any ideas regarding my problem?04:04
asandanyone installed openoffice.org on Ubuntu 6.06. I've had some trouble with it...04:05
sssvoid ,yea ,i got too,but ,it's not the programn window04:05
Ro1mine was automatically isntalled04:05
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joryEverything else is smooth and OK, only windows resizing is so weirdly slow.04:05
rixthI don't want to learn Java eh? Is it a dying language?04:05
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der_danielis there a way k3b can automatically rename files with invalid file names for dvd-burning?04:06
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Paladineheya kalo04:06
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void^sss: well, what else is it supposed to look like? R is a language for statistical computing.04:06
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sssvoid ,do u know how to use it?ive never used it ,this is my first time04:07
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danfgi want to remove gaim and it asks me to remove ubuntu-desktop, what's that about?04:07
hanspeterhi there! is there a known fix for the libc6 issue in edgy?04:07
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Sci-freakIt's best just to leave gaim installed, danfg04:07
Jeruvythat's a serious dependancy :)04:07
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void^sss: read the manual? looks like it's quite powerful, but it will certainly require some learning and effort to be used effectively.04:08
Sci-freakAlong with everything that comes with ubuntu04:08
wheelswitchHello all, i am running 6.06 and im having a little trouble with my video brightness, it is WAY off, i can make it look better by fiddleing with the setings in whichever media player im using however i cant get it quite right.  This brigness issue is for movies/videos only, photos etc look fine on the screen.  Any ideas?04:08
asandwhen i try sudo apt-get install openoffice.org it reports some broken packages. I've tried to find the broken one and it seems to be openoffice.org-core-experimental04:08
danfgSci-freak: i want to install gaim 2.0 beta by hand, so i should leave the old gaim package there?04:08
Sci-freakUh, hang on04:08
hanspetereverything program just throws out malloc errors...04:09
pablozzi heave one ques04:09
sssvoid ,yea ,i know ,id like to study it ,in order to do statistic work in linux04:09
=== danfg is hanging on
asandit has no installation candidate04:09
myavuzselimhow can I add file types to ubuntu (or is it gnome?). It sees my "file.pod" file as plain text document, I want to define a filetype 'pod file'.04:09
pablozzhow I can add win-fonts to kterminal ??04:09
sssvoid ,do u know how to start it ?from terminal?04:09
Sci-freakTry: sudo dpkg --force-all -i <package>04:09
Sci-freakThat's how I did it04:10
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sssor somewhere else?04:10
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void^sss: .. start.. what?04:10
danfgSci-freak: cool, i'll try that :)04:10
Sci-freakIt'll overwrite some stuff, but I haven't had any trouble04:10
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Sci-freakIt'll ask you to update from 2.0.0beta3 to the old package too04:10
sssvoid ,start the R programn04:10
Sci-freakBut you can lock the version in synaptic04:10
danfghmm not sure i follow...04:11
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Sci-freakWell, it might ask you to update gaim after you install 2.0.004:11
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void^sss: look.. you have started it when you ran R, or R -g tk. that is R. it doesn't have a colourful interface. it's a language. you have to program it, write scripts.04:11
Sci-freakBut don't04:11
danfgSci-freak: but isn't that what i want?04:11
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Sci-freakWell, no04:11
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Sci-freakThe system thinks that you've just installed an older version04:12
Sci-freakSince it doesn't recognise 2.0.004:12
zoor_where can I find my .login script? I got help with a problem I had on the ub04:12
zoor_where can I find my .login script? I got help with a problem I had on the ubuntu forums but I cant figure out where my .login script is. *04:12
Sci-freakIt shouldn't be a problem04:12
sssvoid ,write scripts in where? terminal ?or somewhere else?04:12
wheelswitchSo does anyone have any ideas about the video colour/brightness/contrast being completely off when playing video files?04:12
zoor_(sorry for sending the message to fas)04:12
FuelBI get lots of datacorruption, random files getting errors.. Is that my harddisk that 's broken?04:12
void^sss: some editor, or at the prompt R gives you. doesn't matter. read the manual.04:13
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sssVOID ,OK ,THANKU04:13
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kristianhello world:P04:13
zoor_no one?04:13
kristiansnoops, are u here? :)04:14
gioacchinoHow to ma install floppy for ubuntu ?04:14
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snoopshey kristian.. any luck?04:14
r_m_rHello everyone04:14
danfgSci-freak: all i find in the gaim site are rpm files, where did you get the dpkg file?04:14
Sci-freakUse alien04:14
Sci-freakDownload the rpm04:14
Sci-freakThen do alien <file>04:15
Sci-freakAnd it'll convert it to a deb04:15
cryptidi need a software to chat using my web cam using my yahoo account please help me out04:15
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.04:15
=== danfg looks to the skies for alien
gioacchinoHow to ma install floppy for ubuntu ?04:15
ubotuI know nothing about .login04:15
Sci-freakIt should be on synaptic04:15
ubotuI know nothing about login04:16
ubotuI know nothing about script04:16
Sci-freakWhat're you trying to do, zoor_?04:16
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_absolution_why am I always getting "failed to open file" when I'm trying something04:17
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zoor_Sci-freak, really long story short --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174891#post1174891  I'm trying to figure out where my .login script is located on my ubuntu system04:17
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo04:17
kristiansnoops, no, I had to work for my dad... :P so nothing happend..:P04:17
Lynourezoor_: What do you mean by .login script? :)04:17
Paladinehehe my son is 6 months old and it just struck me that he will probably never use an audio casette, a vinyl LP, vhs technology -or- a floppy disk04:17
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zoor_Lynoure, Look at the URL I wrote. The last comment :)04:18
JeruvyPal: he may never use stone tools either ;)04:18
joryPaladine: he will also most probably never use a casual CD-R disc or even cable networking ;)04:18
Lynourezoor_: your own . files are usually at ~/  (under your home directory)04:18
Sci-freakYou want a script that'll run on login?04:18
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Paladinewell he will use cabl networking, cos I just rewired the home network last week hehehe04:19
zoor_Sci-freak, thats right. I was suppose to add a line to that specific .login script. But I totally confused :D04:19
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joryPal: some time will pass and things may change ;)04:19
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Lynourezoor_: A summary would have worked. That'd be .bashrc but better place for that is under ./kde/Autostart04:20
Paladinewell I have a 9dB internal wifi antenna too hehehe04:20
danfgzoor_: try using System->Preferences->Sessions, Startup Programs tab04:20
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zoor_Lynoure, yeah I know. However I thought I was suppose to have my own login script that would runt automaticly at boot up? But I couldn't find one looking like a login script04:20
Lynourezoor_: xmodmap does you nada outside x!04:20
zoor_Lynoure, thanks :)04:20
joryPal: u c.. and I'd bet that in five years cables gonna disappear almost entirely ;)04:21
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zoor_Lynoure, I'm only under x while inside the computer so I guess I'm in the clear?04:21
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myavuzselimWhere is the gnome preference applet to edit the file types? Gnome documentation says:  Applications->Desktop Preferences->Advanced->File types and programs, but it does not exist in dapper. Does anyone know the name of the executable?04:21
Lynourezoor_: hmm, lost me there. Or are you trying to add some other command than xmodmap?04:22
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Paladinewhen I start teaching him about music I expect he will reply "Pink who?"04:22
joryquestion > How can I write in Russian or Ukrainian in Xgl/compiz if I use xmodmap.pl now? Can I change it in the fly?04:22
finalbetaIs their a place to report language faults in ubuntu?04:22
Lynourezoor_: And oops, sorry, I got confused between kubuntu and ubuntu again. I should prolly leave this channel... happens too often to me04:22
zoor_Lynoure, I'm suppose to write a line like this " xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-`uname -n " in my .login file :)04:22
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Lynourezoor_: what danfg said is better advice than mine04:23
joryPal: Never know, retro waves come back all the time ;)04:23
zoor_Lynoure, No worries... its better to help even if we're not always right. Thank you anyway. :)04:23
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Lynourezoor_: I'm having a major brainlag day in general today...04:24
joryLyn: me 2. And I had like 3 hours sleep 2day.04:24
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cold_Does anyone have a problem with vlc, when playing Dvds it keeps looping back to the menu ?04:24
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zoor_Lynoure, then we're two then :D04:25
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Lynourejory: I've slept plenty, just working two jobs this week (and probably the next, too)04:25
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zoor_Thanks danfg, exaclty what I was looking for :)04:25
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danfgzoor_: cool :)04:26
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Jinxed hi to all, have just done a real stupid thing, deleted a file in /dev/ called zero and need to replace or undelete it, how would i go about this please04:26
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Jinxed hi to all, have just done a real stupid thing, deleted a file in /dev/ called zero and need to replace or undelete it, how would i go about this please04:27
Paladinehehe I used to work for Trebor Bassetts ;)04:27
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h3sp4wnJinxed: Just reboot and it will be back04:29
void^Jinxed: `mknod zero c 1 5`, but a reboot should fix it with udev04:29
sssvoid ,i know the problem04:29
_Indy_Hello. I am using Ubuntu 6.06 with Gnome. I have a question. How do I set04:29
_Indy_python scripts to run by double-clicking them? I did the following:04:29
_Indy_1) Put a shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python04:29
_Indy_2) Made them executable (chmod +x)04:29
_Indy_But still, they don't run when I double click them. Maybe, should I try to change the Open With? I made them Open With python, but nothing happened. I made them Open With terminal, but nothing happened. I even made them Open With xterm -e python but nothing happened. Can you help me please?04:29
_Indy_Thank you a lot in advance.04:30
Jinxedok, will try that, hope to see you folks on the other side04:30
sssi didnt download the gui interface04:30
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imc_I've tried man grep but can't seem to get it: i I do cat testing.txt | grep machine I get the printout: Machine, but if I do  grep -ei "machine" -f testing.txt I get nothing - what's wrong with my syntax?04:31
BassettsPaladine: cool04:31
BassettsPaladine: my last name is liquorish =P where the nick comes from heh04:31
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Paladinethey in trouble at the moment04:31
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Bassettshow cme04:31
Paladinethy are owned by cadbury's schewpps04:31
void^imc_: -f is "Obtain patterns from FILE"04:31
kalosaurusre1grep -h -I *term* will search in a text file04:32
imc_I see, THANK YOU04:32
Bassettsyeh =( i shall carry on the name! =)04:32
Paladineand they just had to recall all their Cadbury's Dairy Milk04:32
TheNewBhello im trying to : sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales but it just dont wanto04:32
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BassettsPaladine: you from UK?04:32
TheNewBany one hawe the same prob?04:32
gioacchinoDownload these floppy images from [WWW]  http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/pre-rc2/floppy/ ( [WWW]  http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/installer-i386/rc2/images/floppy/ ):04:32
gioacchinothelink in the site are broken04:32
trappistAnyone have trouble booting dapper as a vmware guest?  I gues "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, boothing the kernel." and nothing else.04:32
PaladineBassetts, yeah04:32
TheNewBanyone :o04:32
Bassettscool Paladine, me too =)04:32
gioacchinowhat` is the correct link ?04:32
Jinxedtx, this is jinxed, going into the shady side of the moon, good luck and good bey ... rebooting04:33
PaladineBassetts, north west here, Lancaster04:33
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ExussumHey all - im just wondering if any one knows why i cannot connect to the internet from kernel 2.6.15-25 but i can from kernel 2.6.15-2304:34
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BassettsPaladine: east midlands, nottingham04:34
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Paladineoooo nottingham, 8 females for every guy last time I was there04:35
NgBassetts: Paladine: #ubuntu-offtopic please04:35
Paladinemy favourite demographic04:35
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Bassettssorry Ng =(04:35
Paladinesorry NG04:35
Bassettsfeel like a told off kid now heh04:35
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danfgSci-freak: i downloaded the src.rpm of Gaim 2.0, since i couldn't find any rpm for ubuntu, should i try to create an ubuntu-specific rpm based on the src.rpm?04:35
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Ngdanfg: ubuntu doesn't use RPMs, it uses DEBs04:36
danfgSci-freak: and then alien-ate it?04:36
Daniel0hey, what program can i use for rar files?04:36
Sci-freakHave you installed alien?04:36
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danfgSci-freak: yep04:36
Sci-freakJust get the rpm04:36
Sci-freakand alien it04:36
MojoWorkhi. anyone know if there's vim7 packages for dapper?04:36
MojoWorkmaybe in backports?04:36
coops2Daniel0: Unrar?04:36
danfgSci-freak: which one? i got the src.rpm04:36
MojoWorkthey're in sid now04:36
Sci-freakI'll check what I used04:36
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NgDaniel0: rar or unrar in multiverse04:36
Daniel0ok thanks04:37
Sci-freakI just used gaim-2.0.0-0.beta3.fc5.i386.rpm04:37
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Kazukisanhow do you extract a 1.2gig zip file from command line since archive wont open it because its too big. ...04:37
danfgNg: yeah, Sci-freak is telling me to do some wierd voodoo hacking and create deb from an rpm04:37
Ngdanfg: that's a terrible idea04:37
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:37
Sci-freakI have had no problems.04:37
Paladinehehe webcam is easy if your cam is supported04:38
coops2I just updated my kernel and it (of course) broke my nvidia drivers... How do i make it compile/find a new nvidia kernel module?04:38
Ngdanfg: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/deb/04:38
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Paladineunfortunately very few are04:38
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Ngdanfg: you should just need the gaim and gaim-data ones for i38604:38
danfgNg: i need gaim 2.004:38
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danfgoh no, Brazil x Ghana game will start in a few minutes, i have to go!04:38
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Ngdanfg: read the version number more closely04:38
KazukisanCoops2: search the package manager maybe ? for nividia04:39
danfgNg: i will, thanks, gtg!04:39
CasKazukisan: unzip file.zip04:39
gioacchino https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies04:39
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Kazukisancas: thanks04:39
gioacchinothe link of img floppy are broke04:39
gioacchinoyou know the corect link ?04:39
Sci-freakHas anyone had experience with KBDE?04:39
Ngdanfg: it's 2.0beta3, which is the most recent release. 2.0 is not out yet04:39
coops2Kazukisan: The driver is there and already installed. Problem is i updated kernel. And the nvidia driver didn't get that04:39
Sci-freakI came here for help myself04:40
Kazukisancoops2: maybe try reinstalling04:40
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Sci-freakBut it seems I've been sucked in04:40
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MojoWorkhmph. there is no dapper-backports yet, eh?04:40
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Cascoops2: be sure you (re)install the restricted drivers an nvidia-glx again04:40
Kazukisancoops2: im not to sure about nvidia since i use ati, but if you see the driver in the package manager i would think that a reinstall might fix it04:40
iBroodI'm a PCBSD user mainly because of the simple installation system. How easy it it to install and remove software in ubuntu for a new user?04:40
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coops2cas and Kazukisan I am trying right now. I will let you know04:41
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Sci-freakiBrood, you have a package manager with about 19000 things to install on your desktop04:41
MojoWorknm, i found some stuff with google04:41
NgMojoWork: there isn't really much to backport yet04:41
iBroodsounds cool, what about drivers, etc. how does one handle them04:41
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gayrockieHello, all.  Linux newbie having some issues here...  appreciate any help you can give.04:42
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kalosaurusrexgayrockie--just ask your question?04:42
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Sci-freakWell, a lot of hardware comes supported when you install ubuntu04:42
Sci-freakBut the package manager has some drivers on it04:42
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gayrockieSure.  Okay, when I go to shut ubuntu (Dapper Dan) down, it gives me the option to log off, switch user, or "hybernate" (which actually just activates the screen saver), but not to power down...04:43
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MojoWorkNg: yeah, sounds like once there is, they'll put vim7 in it04:43
Cascoops2: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` nvidia-glx04:43
ExussumHey all - im just wondering if any one knows why i cannot connect to the internet from kernel 2.6.15-25 but i can from kernel 2.6.15-2304:43
Exussumany ideas ?04:43
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gayrockiealso, after a hard-reboot (I finally just shut the machine down by hand last night), it now only allows 640x480 resolution.04:44
kalosaurusrexI had a problem with the 2.6.15-25 nvidia drivers after an upgrade..thinking -25 has some issues...but I could be wrong.04:44
CasExussum: does your nic work at all with?04:44
trappistExussum: sounds like the kind of thing that needs to be troubleshot, including such information as what happens when you try to connect04:44
Exussumgayrockie - open up the terminal and type "sudo shutdown -h now"04:44
Paladinemy nvidia drivers love me04:44
Paladinebut I never had to upgrade04:44
ExussumCas - no - it wont ping my router04:44
gayrockieokay, trying that...  be back.04:44
Paladinesince my first kernel was .25 hehe04:45
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coops2Hmm it isn't there. Apparently nvidia is to slow for ubuntu....04:45
CasExussum: what nic do you have?04:45
Exussumonboard nforce 43004:45
coops2hmm wait I think i found et04:45
Exussumi had to recomiple forcedeth.ko last tome for it to work - now its not working at all04:45
PaladineExussum, you checked "route" to make sure you have a gateway setup?04:46
Paladineyou tried pinging localhost?04:46
Exussumno - brb ill try that then04:46
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CasExussum: isn't that a restricted driver aswell?04:47
gayrockieExussum, that did shut it down.  Machine is rebooting now.04:47
Exussumhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186848&page=2  << thats really all i know about the problem04:47
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Exussumbrb ill try that04:47
The_OatmanHello, I am wondering if anyone can help me figure out why my sound stopped working all of a sudden. I suspect some packages I installed with synaptic while trying to get a parallel port scanner to work were involved...04:47
coops2Cool It works now. Thanks.04:47
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robhu_How can I change the available screen resolutions? I'm running the latest Ubuntu inside VMWare (using the Xorg 7 gfx driver)... I thought it might be xorgconfig or something but thats not there :(04:48
PaladineI have nforce ethernet and it isn't causing me any issues04:48
kalosaurusrexThe_Oatman:  sorry I have no idea about your problem..although I am curious what scanner you where trying to setup..04:49
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CasExussum: did you bould that module allready with your last kernel, cause you need to do that every time when you update your kernel04:49
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robertjcan anyone recommend a good captive portal package?04:50
binaHi, i have /dev/hdb1 mounting to /Downloads, /Downloads is 755 and i own it and am in its group.  I still can't write to the drive though.  I tried putting uid=1000 in the fstab options but that was a bad option aparrently04:50
The_Oatmankalosaurusrex: I was trying to set up a HP 3200C (rebadged Umax)04:50
binathe drives ext304:50
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Casbina: what is the line in fstab?04:51
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binaCas: /dev/hdb1       /Downloads              ext3    defaults,user   0       104:51
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Casbina: you don't need user because that's only if you want a user to mount it, it should work tough04:52
gayrockieThanks to Exussum, that manual (terminal) shutdown seems to have fixed the screen resolution problem.  However, does anyone know why I don't have a "shutdown" or equivilant button when I hit the shutdown menu (in the upper right corner, the power button)?04:53
binaCas: ok. hmm04:53
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Casbina: no errors if you mount it?04:53
binaCas: ill try remounting it see what happens04:53
binaCas: no, only with that uid option04:53
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test001Hi, does anyone solved the problems of "waiting for boot?"04:54
mahatm1I have a Brother MFC-7420 printer, using ubuntu dapper; it's only printing out a blank page04:55
mahatm1is this printer not supported with free software?04:55
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kalosaurusrexmahatm1:  go to http://linuxprinting.org04:55
mahatm1kalosaurusrex: yeah, didn't find it in the list04:56
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kalosaurusrexmathat: ahh sorry :/04:56
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binaCas: its odd, "/dev/hdb1 on /Downloads type ext3 (rw)" is whatwhat "mount -v /Downloads" says04:56
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kalosaurusrexmahatm: so it prints but only blank pages..I don't know anything about brother (hp guy here) but you could look in the cups log..04:57
kalosaurusrexmight give you some idea perhaps.04:57
Casbina: can root write in it? `sudo touch /Downloads/file`04:57
binaCas: yeah04:57
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binai just 777 the dir too just to check :)04:58
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mahatm1kalosaurusrex: yeah, but nothing relevant04:58
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__mikemHEy, you will never guess what I found out yesterday04:58
binawhats that?04:58
__mikemMy copy of vmware that my brother got me it turns out, he bootleged it04:58
kalosaurusrexmahat:  sorry dude..wish I could help.  sounds like the wrong ppd file though.04:58
gayrockiemahatm: I don't know for sure, but when I had an old brother printer, it would emulate an HP.  You might try using a standard HP driver and see what happens...04:59
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test001Need help, u04:59
test001<__mikem> HEy, you will never guess what I found out yesterday04:59
mahatm1gayrockie: aiight, I'll try04:59
test001<__mikem> HEy, you will never guess what I found out yesterday04:59
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__mikemtest001 why are you doing that04:59
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test001sorry, i press wrong button,,sorry for that05:00
__mikemIF I didn't know better Id say you are trying to clone me05:00
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bina__mikem: hmm.  vmware is an emulator isnt it? have you tried qemu?05:00
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Cas__mikem: vmware player is free05:01
__mikembina, I am just kind of worried because I have already gotten tech support from them, and had to provide the illigit serial number05:01
gayrockieso, does anyone know why my shutdown menu doesn't have the shutdown command as an option (or restart for that matter)...  or where I might find that config?05:01
Casbina: vmware is not an emulator, it's a virtual machine05:01
__mikemCas, I know, I am on the workstation version05:01
OneSeventeencan I mount novell shared drives in Ubuntu?05:01
bina__mikem: oh right :S05:01
Casbina: any luck with 777?05:01
kristianwell snoops, now I have made a thread on the ubuntuforum.org. May I drop the URL here?05:01
ardchoillegayrockie: gnome or KDE?05:01
snedarhi! I've tried to setup Xgl with the instructions from the wiki, but now I can't login into X anymore. GDM does start up, but when I login (either through Xgl or the normal Gnome session), it works for a few seconds and then returns to GDM. any ideas on how I can find the error?05:02
mahatm1gayrockie: any HP printer in particular: doesn't seem to be a generic one05:02
binaCas: oh right :)05:02
__mikemCas, is he chmod 777'ing files, thats not really safe05:02
binaCas: nope, nowt :)05:02
test001I got a problems, ubuntu was hanging at the "waiting for root filesystem", anyone know how to solve this problems? thanks!05:02
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gayrockieardchoille: as far as I know, gnome.  (ubuntu Dapper Dan, what it came with)05:02
kalosaurusrexsnedar if you drop to another terminal and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart what's the error?05:02
Cas__mikem: it's a directory and it's only for testing purposes05:02
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__mikemoh, ok05:02
kalosaurusrexor just startx.  wha'ever05:02
bina__mikem: I am chmoding a /Downloads folder to 777 to see whether itll make a difference writing to it05:02
gayrockiemahatm1 try an early laserjet - 2 or 4...  worst that will happen is your printer will print garbage.05:02
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__mikembina it only will if you actually own the dirrectory05:03
bina__mikem, atm I cant work out why i cant write to a mounted drive without being su05:03
ne78Does ubuntu unstable includes Xorg 7.1 ?05:03
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__mikembina, you DON'T own the dirrectory thats why05:03
kalosaurusrexmahat what brother model again?05:03
h3sp4wnne78: Not yet05:03
snedarkalosaurusrex: then I don't get any errors either, I just can't be logged in for more than 3 seconds05:03
ExussumIn the newer kernel - it doesnt even recognise that i have a ethernet port05:03
ne78h3sp4wn: thanks05:04
ExussumWhich is probably the reason i cannot connect - any ideas on how to fix ?05:04
__mikemgo superuser, chown <your user name> Downloads05:04
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bina__mikem: crazy :) I could have sworn I did it before, but its working now :)  thanks05:04
__mikemany time.05:04
binaCas: thanks to you too :)05:04
Casbina: you can umount the drive and see if you can write there then, if not, you can't have the permissions right.05:05
binaCas: didnt have the permissions i thought i did05:05
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__mikemCas, how much of that website did you get done reading05:05
Cashehe, np happens to the best05:05
kalosaurusrexmahat: I don't know anything about the brother printers...but I'm thinking try something like the officejet 6110ish.05:05
Cas__mikem: website?05:05
kalosaurusrexmahat: I'm biased...*hp hp hp* hint hint* ;)05:05
__mikemSorry, I refered someone with your screen name to a website last night05:06
kristianCan someone help me with a problem with my graphic card? Take a look please :) ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1187344#post118734405:06
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Cas__mikem: could be me, which website?05:07
kalosaurusrexmahat: guessing the ppd file is rather problematic...05:07
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Cas__mikem: neh, guess it was another guy, he used my nick but changes it to cassapodia or something like that, he was in #ubuntu-de05:07
ExussumHey guys - any idea why the newest kernel Wont pick up my ethernet card ?05:07
peritushow do i change the default text editor for say, .c files?05:08
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Casperitus: right click->properties->open with05:08
__mikemCas, ok05:08
edulixanyone using fuse in ubuntu?05:08
mahatm1kalosaurusrex: nope; just a blank page;)05:08
__mikemnever even heard of "fuse"05:08
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edulixI get permission denied when using fuse related things05:08
kalosaurusrexmahat: maybe then try just like the deskjet 970 or something.05:08
ExussumHey guys - any idea why the newest kernel Wont pick up my ethernet card ?05:09
edulixencfs ~/.encfs-crypt ~/.encfs05:09
CasExussum: have you installed your restricted drivers? sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`05:09
edulix__mikem: http://fuse.sourceforge.net05:09
peritusCas: i did, and then i choosed gVIM, but next time i try to open I open a .c-file, it is still using gedit05:09
CasExussum: eehm, thats the command if you're in your buggy kernel btw05:09
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Exussumcas - dont i need access to the internet for that ?05:09
kristianWell, the URL over is wrong...:P This is the right URL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1187374#post118737405:10
mahatm1kalosaurusrex: nope; just gives fault;)05:10
crashzorExussum,  for apt-get you 8 out of the 10 times need internet yes05:10
kalosaurusrexmahat: eh sorry dude.  no clue then.  there are 1000's of ppd files..05:10
mahatm1kalosaurusrex: yeah, I see;), too bad, then05:10
CasExussum: yes you do need it, but you can install it with your other kernel, just exec the command, copy the line and install it with the -25 change05:10
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Exussumso instead of uname -r i put the kernel name in ?05:11
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crashzorExussum, yes :)05:12
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Exussumsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-
Exussumlike that ?05:12
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CasExussum: yup05:13
ExussumE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-
__mikemWow, when I have time to learn about implimenting filesystems, I am so going to download fuse, it has to be the coolest thing I have seen since vmware05:13
Cas__mikem: nice website tough :)05:13
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__mikemCas, thanks05:14
crashzorbtw is there a bad point about running a 32 bit kernel on a 64 bit cpu ??????05:14
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NgExussum: try -25, not .2505:14
Ngcrashzor: amd64/emt64 chips are pretty much completely 32bit compatible05:14
Blissexcrashzor: not much.05:14
ToHellWithGAif i want to search a file's text i do "grep string filename" but how can i just type the contents of a file into the terminal?05:14
__mikemDarnit, I wanted to thank edulix for showing this thing to me05:14
ToHellWithGAi'd like to see the whole file05:14
NgToHellWithGA: cat05:14
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NgToHellWithGA: or more/less if you want to read it one page at a time05:15
crashzorNg, dan i just wait until the like have beter 64 bit kernel suport before i switch to the 64 bit kernel05:15
snoopscrashzor not using its full potential.. only bad point05:15
ExussumCas - i have the lastest version05:15
CasExussum: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-25-amd64-generic05:15
Ngcrashzor: at the moment, for a desktop at least, the 32bit version is far more useful05:15
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Exussumlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-25-amd64-generic is already the newest version.05:15
Exussum0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:15
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CasExussum: sorry dunno then, search the bugzilla and report a new bug if you can't find anything about it05:16
Blissexcrashzor: the 64 bit kernel support is practically as good as the 32 bit one. It is some 32 bit apps that are not available in 64 bit mode.05:16
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h3sp4wnI would go for 64bit and use schroot to run anything 32bit I needed transparantly05:16
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ExussumCas - can i remove that kernel and reinstall it ? or is that difficult ?05:17
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kristianif I haven't done it yet, is it smart to do this code? sudo apt-get install linux-k7?05:17
Cash3sp4wn: no, but I doubt it will help you, you could try the k8 variant if you're sure your cpu supports it05:17
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Cash3sp4wn: sorry i ment Exussum ^^05:17
crashzorBlissex, some apps is there a list of apps because i did't see mutch 64 bit aps ( can be me )05:17
snedarcrashzor: if you use the amd64 version, it will cost extra work to install programs like wine and firefox. I'm using x86 now, and haven't found much speed difference05:18
The_OatmanIs anyone here good at diagnosing sound problems? I have been looking through the forums and have not been able to find anything helpful.05:18
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CasExussum: amd64-k8 i mean05:18
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ExussumCas - k8 varient ?05:18
h3sp4wnYou can use a 64 bit kernel with a 32bit os05:18
peritushow can i use iso-8859-1 instead of utf-8 in dapper?05:18
Blissexcrashzor: as to 64 bit apps, all free software apps are available in 64 bit native. It is the proprietary apps like Flash that are not yet available in 64 bit versions...05:19
CasExussum: linux-amd64-k805:19
The_GuardianI need help setting up tor for dapper05:19
Cash3sp4wn: no you can't05:19
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Blissexperitus: not that easy...05:19
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arnonhow do I know if crontab really execute the command I that I set for every minute ?05:19
BlissexCas: yes you can, but it is painful to setup.05:19
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ajayc[rick] : hi05:20
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crashzorsnedar, i'm running a amd64 3500+ ( software realy needed is: Teamspeak Gaim Openoffice.org Cedega and kde or gnome ) is there any think you know for sure i'm gowing to run in to trobbel using or not ?05:20
CasBlissex: really? on the other hand, why would you like that?05:20
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Exussuminstalling it now05:20
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Blissexperitus: that is it very easy to say ''use 8859'' but then several things assume that you have UTF-8. But if you haven't much used UTF-8 then probably most things will work.05:21
Blissexcrashzor: Wine/Cedega does not have a 64 bit version...05:21
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Spyhey guys i can seem to play a wmv file it says wmv3 no codec found (using VLC)05:21
ardchoilleHow do I uninstall gnome-games without uninstalling ubuntu-desktop?05:21
Inferusim trying to install ubuntu desktop :/05:21
Inferuswont work :@05:21
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gdbardchoille: You can't, but that's ok, because ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that's used *only* for getting gnome installed.05:22
peritusBlissex: how do i switch? i am used to reconfigure the locales package and select 8859-locales, but it seems to be changed in dapper05:22
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crashzorBlissex, and there is probley no way to run i'm right or not ?05:22
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Blissexperitus: to use 8859 just change the 'LANG' env variable or others described in 'man 5 locale' or 'locale -a'05:22
SpyInferus what seems to be the problem, what wont work?05:22
Inferussays it needs python newt and openoffice ;)05:22
Inferusand its not going to install them05:22
kalosaurusrexard: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package. you can remove it safely.05:22
Inferusbut i told it to install python newt n it's doing it :>05:22
__mikemDoes anyone here know where a seasoned hobbiest programmer such as myself could learn about how filesystems work?05:22
Inferus__mikem google is good05:22
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ardchoillegdb: You can't? I don't believe that. there has to be a --nodeps or some option to apt-get remove that I can use05:22
peritusBlissex: is there no need the regenerate 8859-locales?05:22
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Blissexperitus: the locales package is about the locale-depend _files_. Then you must programs which locale to use and that is done via env vars.05:23
Inferus__mikem http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/05:23
__mikemInerus Naturally I tried it, google like always returned everything but what I wanted05:23
snedarcrashzor: gaim, kde, gnome and OO.o do work. I had trouble with teamspeak and cedega. the cedega .deb is x86-only (but maybe you can get it to work by forcing the installation). teamspeak doesn't work well here anyway, because it uses the too old OSS sound system05:23
Casardchoille: if you remove ubuntu-desktop remind that it won't install all the new dependencies in the future05:23
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Blissexperitus: you might have to regenerate the 8859 version of the locale files, but usually locale depends files depend on the language more than the encoding.05:23
ardchoilleCas: that's why I don't want to remove it05:23
peritusBlissex: allright05:23
crashzorsnedar, i now run teamspeak over dmix can't you run artsdsp on 64bit a fake it for teamspeak05:23
h3sp4wnardchoille: Tried removing it with dpkg ?05:23
Spyinferus: so you are running of the livecd now or from another os?05:23
Blissexperitus: note that you if you have UTF-8 file names switching to 8859 may be unhappy...05:24
snedarcrashzor: I have no idea, never tried that. does it work well with dmix?05:24
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ardchoilleh3sp4wn: removing gnome-games with dpkg won't remove ubuntu-desktop ?05:24
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crashzorsnedar, i'm talking on it right now so it works oke using dmix :) ( over artsdsp )05:25
^jude^hi - can someone help me get 1920x1200 out of xorg on dapper? it worked on hoary...05:25
snedarcrashzor: even when you play games or listen to music? guess I should try that then, thanks :-)05:25
peritusBlissex: i have files that is 8859, and i am quite unhappy with that right now :P05:25
crashzorsnedar, yes  :)05:25
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crashzorbtw can i upgrade to 64 bit whitout reinstalling or do i need to reinstall my total system ( or upgrade like dist-upgrade )05:26
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h3sp4wnardchoille: No it will refuse because of dependancies - you could force it but then ubuntu-desktop would be listed as broken05:27
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ardchoilleh3sp4wn: Any real problems/complications with removing ubuntu-desktop?05:28
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h3sp4wnardchoille: Just make sure you put it back if / when you upgrade to edgy05:29
^jude^hi - can someone help me get 1920x1200 out of xorg on dapper? it worked on hoary...05:29
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ardchoilleh3sp4wn: Ah, ok. I never upgrade that way.. I always do a fresh install from CD or DVD to get a new version05:30
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crashzordo i need to to reinstall my system to install the 64 bit kernel or can i do it whit sameting like a dist-upgrade ?05:30
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kalosaurusrexI think you can just install the 64 bit kernel?05:31
kalosaurusrexcould be wrong though05:31
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neutrinomass!fixres > ^jude^05:31
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neutrinomass^jude^: look at the link ubotu sent you05:31
vegiVampanyone else having problems with www.map24.com in firefox ?05:32
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vegiVampit just hangs the browser after a few seconds. Firefox on windows doesn't have the problem.05:32
^jude^neutrinomass: thanks05:32
crashzorkalosaurusrex, now al i need is the kernel name of the 64 bit kernel on dapper :p05:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:33
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igcekcan anybody say what is my problem05:34
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^jude^neutrinomass: that doesn't help. I had to add a custom monitor section (including modelines) in hoary to get it to work, I have done this in dapper and it is ignoring it - any pointers on what has changed?05:35
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unimismisimohello anyone that have managed to install vmware-player or nero on dapper with amd64?05:35
OneSeventeenhas anyone here gotten ncpmount to work?05:36
igcekbtw im trying to run verbS05:36
neutrinomass^jude^: Sorry, no idea. Xorg issues are hard to crack ...05:36
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Blissexperitus: BTW there is a little app that allows you to rename files from one encoding to another.05:36
SzczepanMy mobile phone number - +48692513441 !! please call for me!! :)05:36
^jude^neutrinomass: thanks anyway05:36
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peritusBlissex: cool, what is the name?05:36
^jude^it has to be something that changed between the 2 versions :/05:36
Blissexperitus: also, note that both the _contents_ of a file and its _name_ can be encoded in UTF-8 or not.05:36
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Blissexperitus: there is also an app to change the encoding of the contents of a file.05:37
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crashzoranybody how can give me a litle insuction howto apt-get the 64bit kernel or if it can't be done notice me also ;)05:37
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udohow can i setup my crypto f200 modem in my ubuntu interface05:37
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Blissexcrashzor: the bad news is that the 64 bit version is a different distribution from the 32 bit version, it is a complete reinstall. You cannot just change the kernel.05:38
igcekdoes somebody here understand java+verbOS?05:38
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kristianTake a look at my problem everyone of you :) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20466405:38
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crashzorBlissex, damit dan i need to install hoary 64bit and upgrade to dapper by hand05:39
crashzori have school afaction for 10 weeks so lets give it a try :P05:39
=== crashzor geting to stap 1 backup you're file's :P
udohow can i setup my crypto f200 modem in my ubuntu dapper?05:39
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Blissexperitus: to change encoding of file names: 'convmv'; to change encoding of file contents: 'recode'.05:40
peritusBlissex: allright. thanks05:40
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=== udo how can i setup my crypto f200 modem in my ubuntu dapper?
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oboyhi, I have breezy, I tried to configure alsa with alsaconf but I get command not found (alsa-base and alsa-utils are installed),  how do I configure my sound card?05:41
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udodoes anyone have crypto f200 modem05:43
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pike_oboy: alsamixer ?05:44
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pike_oboy: sorry didnt read your whole comment05:44
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oboyalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory05:44
OneSeventeenMy wireless hasn't been able to access the web on networks other than my home network.  (but it connects to other networks perfectly, it just doesn't do anything once I connect)05:44
destr0are there any dvd creation programs bundled with ubuntu that will create a presentation dvd out of pics & video instead of just writing a data dvd?  I can create something like this windows movie maker, I was just wondering if ubuntu had anything similar.05:45
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Blissexoboy: troubleshooting section of http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html05:45
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Blissexdestr0: yes.05:45
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destr0blissex: what's the name of the program?05:46
destr0or package name05:46
neenaofflineI've just compiled SLIM , how do I change my default log in manager , ( on xubuntu ) ?05:46
oboyok thx05:46
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Blissexdestr0: there are several, do a web search for Linux movie editors and video DVD building utilities. FreshMeat.net is always a good idea. Also 'apt-cache search'.05:47
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pantharWhat are the minimum tools needed for things to automount under "/media".  It works fine on my desktop installs, but I have a headless  box I am using for a media server and would like to see the automounting there, too.  Am I going to have to install the gnome-volume-manager?05:48
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Crippshow can I sync to my Palm Pilot's SD card?05:49
Crippsi.e. I want to install stuff to the SD card.05:49
The_Guardiantrying to setup socks bleh05:49
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ExussumHey all - any idea why my PC only uses 50% of each core ?05:50
dudlehany idea why gnome would fail to load after logging in from gdm?05:51
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Wandererhmm, anyone know how to set the browser identification in the current Dapper version of firefox?05:51
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Wandererjust went through all the options and I don't see it05:51
The_Guardiandoes anyone here use socat?05:51
The_GuardianI am trying to configure tor/privoxy/socks to hide my ip on irc05:52
The_Guardianbut still retain my apt-get usability05:52
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The_Guardianright now my it's refusing all connections05:53
crypticThe_Guardian, most IRC servers block connections comming from socks proxy's05:54
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danfgBraziiiiil!! 2x005:54
bbrazilWanderer: get the useragentswitcher plugin05:54
The_Guardiancryptic what about for apt-get?05:54
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Wandererbbrazil: thanks05:55
bbrazilWanderer: might be called something slightly differrent05:55
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Ro1busy right now in here eh05:56
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harisundI know this is not an Ubuntu related topic, but any help would be appreciated. If I do SSH tunnelling from port A to port B, will both inbound and outbound traffic be routed?05:57
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Inferusdepends if you set it i guess harisund05:57
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Inferussurely thats a configuration option] 05:57
Blaze^^hello, is there a program for changing the encoding of a txt file?05:58
harisundInferus there is? Ok I will look for one then ...05:58
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bbrazilharisund: it tunnels a tcp connection05:58
Inferusduno harisund, guessing05:58
trappistBlaze^^: from what to what?05:58
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Blaze^^from linux's encoding :D to CP-125105:58
bbrazilBlaze^^: recode05:58
harisundbbrazil yes .. inferus, ok I will look for one and let you know .05:58
Inferusbbiab going home from work05:58
Blaze^^ok, bbrazil, i'll try it05:58
bbrazilBlaze^^: recode ..cp1251 iirc05:59
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Blaze^^10x =)05:59
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radman57Hello!  I'm new to irc chat and I am looking to gather information on how to access a windows active directory domain remotely from a laptop running Ubuntu 6.0.6.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?06:00
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bbrazilradman57: what do you mean by 'access'? I use "net ads"06:01
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crashzorradman57, you mean like windows file share ?06:02
radman57running a laptop which is member of the domain in windows, but just installed ubuntu 6 [dual boot] .  would like to access my domain shares using a wireless connection from outside the firewall06:02
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Ro1srry...i dunnno anything about that06:03
crashzori know samba suports windows share don't know if it usefull :)06:03
Ro1!wireless boot06:03
martynhow do i Mount NTFS and FAT32 drivers on startup?06:03
ubotuI know nothing about wireless boot06:03
radman57yes like windows file share - but the domain is behind ISA 2004 firewall06:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:04
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Ngradman57: Places->Connect to server can connect to windows shares if you know the IP address/hostname and user details and you can't browse the windows network06:04
radman57wireless already working as I am talking to you on it06:04
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martynhow do i Mount NTFS and FAT32 drivers on startup?06:04
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:04
erUSUL!ntfs > martyn06:05
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:05
erUSULmartyn: no problem06:05
crashzorradman57, there is probley trobbel in connect to a domain using linux i don't know if it even can be done ;)06:05
The_OatmanI could use some help diagnosing the complete loss of sound on my system... It just stopped working after some packages were installed. Sound still works in windows but no sound in Linux booting w/ -23 or -2506:05
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crashzorThe_Oatman, manaul compile ?06:06
radman57crashzor, ng - thanks for the pointers!06:06
Fredericis there a way to get phpize installed on dapper?06:06
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Stormx2Anyone here use azeurus? I get these piss annoying messages the pop up in the bottom right and I can't get rid of them without killing java! Any suggestions?06:07
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jmoncayohey does anybody know any program like mototunes for linux?06:07
skavengeStormx2 ; its apparently a known bug in the new version from what i hear06:07
Stormx2skavenge: So annoying.06:07
erUSULThe_Oatman: all sound in all apps? have you checked channels with some mixer (alsamixer)06:07
skavengei imagine06:08
ExussumHey all - any idea why my PC only uses 50% of each core ?06:08
Stormx2skavenge: nice name btw. What old version didn't have the bug?06:08
crashzoranybody know why it takes so long coppying over my lan i want 10 GB coppy'd in like uuh 10 sec or so :P ( j/k ) :P06:08
Ro1i used to have windows, now i have suse, cxan someone help...for some reaon under ubuntu my wireleess internet conenction is sooooo much slower then when i sued windows, how can i fix that?06:08
skavengeStormx2 ; i couldnt say, saw someone discussing this earlier and he said a bug had been filed for it, i dont use the program personally06:08
Zer0c00Ljmoncayo: whats mototunes?06:08
Ngcrashzor: a 100Mb lan will top out at ~10MB/sec (megabytes)06:08
Wandererhmm, even with the user agent switcher, this thing is telling me to get IE.  wtf06:09
jmoncayowell it is a program where i can update the itunes songs database for motorola cell phones?06:09
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snoopswith bursts up to 12.5MB/s if you're lucky06:09
The_OatmanI was trying to get a parallel port scanner to work - installed kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.606:09
jmoncayoso when i copy new music to my cell i can play it with iTunes06:09
crashzorNg, lan is a bit slow passes a router and a pc using a 10Mb card so its just a hard ware problem ;)06:09
The_OatmanThat is the package that I suspect MAY be to blame06:10
Ro1i used to have windows, now i have suse, cxan someone help...for some reaon under ubuntu my wireleess internet conenction is sooooo much slower then when i sued windows, how can i fix that?06:10
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jmoncayolike make iTunes know there are new songs06:10
The_Oatmanand yes, all sound in all apps - I checked alsamixer06:10
snoopsamarok does that too jmoncayo06:10
Zer0c00Ljmoncayo: errmm... rhytmnbox should do that06:10
The_Oatmanbut I am a complete linux newbie and might be missing something blatantly obvious06:10
crashzorand its used by 2 other pc's downloading stuff from the net so ist a bit of bussy on my lan atm :P06:10
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udohow can i boot the kernel parameter?06:11
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Ro1i used to have windows, now i have suse, cxan someone help...for some reaon under ubuntu my wireleess internet conenction is sooooo much slower then when i sued windows, how can i fix that?06:11
killazI was wondering if there exist some rivers for logitech drivers with more then 3 buttons, like the MX 51006:11
jmoncayooki i will install it and see if it works06:11
martynI have just mounted NTFS and FAT32 PArtions . i can get acsess to FAT32 but not the NTFS can any 1 help ?06:11
snoopsha good luck killaz06:11
crashzorRo1, give us more information like hardware stuff ...06:11
killazsnoops, ok.... that's clear06:11
snoopsyou'll have to be messing about with your xorg.conf config.. and setup the driver06:11
ExussumHey - how can i get rid of the blue firefox logo and replace it with the firefox world logo ?06:11
snoopsinstead of mouse06:11
crashzormartyn, don't mount them in the same folder06:12
killazsnoops, evdev06:12
udohow can i setup my dsl usb modem?06:12
snoopsI've got a mx1000.. the hastle to get all the buttons going.. gosh06:12
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crashzorsnoops, no logic driver for it ?06:12
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snoopsI wish!06:12
martyncrashzor: i used the automount guild i was given in here its a script06:12
neutrinomassudo, what modem is it ?06:12
udof200 crypto06:13
snoopslogitech doesn't even know linux exists crashzor06:13
udoaccess runner06:13
killazsnoops, ok.. where can I get a good how-to for evdev?06:13
killazsnoops, :D .....06:13
crashzorsnoops, i use a logic mous back out of the 80's and it works oke :P06:13
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killazsnoops, hehehe you make me wanna call the logitech helpdesk06:13
snoopsoh please do06:13
crashzorbut dat probley because the it was cool to have a scrollwall ;)06:14
crashzorkillaz, record it on mp3 please dat woud be so cool :P06:14
udoneutrinomass do you have any url?06:14
neutrinomassudo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner   I haven't finished the wiki page but it should be enough to get you started :)06:14
martynI have just mounted NTFS and FAT32 PArtions . i can get acsess to FAT32 but not the NTFS can any 1 help ?06:14
udook thanks06:14
killazcrashzor, lol...06:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:14
snoopswell, I suggest you find the help for your particular logitech killaz06:14
neutrinomassudo: Feel free to email me personally if you have any trouble or any suggestions for the wiki page (it's not well formatted either)06:14
snoopssince the mx1000 one is different (more buttons).. but both should be using evdev06:15
crashzorkillaz, wanna here the reaction of the guy / girl working there if you say the word linux :p06:15
killazsnoops, I googled MX510 + linux.... no luck..06:15
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neutrinomassudo: I do not yet explain how to configure your connection, only how to setup your modem. I'll see if I can get round to expanding it today ....06:15
martyni have mounted NTFS Partions cant get any acsess my fstab is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16633   can any 1 help please06:15
killazsnoops, oh wait found a gentoo wiki with the exact commands06:16
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liran_could someone help me figure this out? im on dapper, latest restricted-modules and fglrx driver, though no DRI... i have an ati x190006:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:16
killazsnoops, you're right evdev -> http://gentoo-wiki.com/Mx51006:16
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crashzorsnoops, first hit google http://floam.sh.nu/guides/mx100006:16
snoopsfingers crossed killaz :)06:16
ExussumHey all - any idea why my PC only uses 50% of each core ?06:17
killazcrashzor, no need to call to helpdesk (finger crossed)06:17
erUSULmartyn: what errors are you getting?06:17
snoopsyes crashzor I know, thanks.. I already fixed my ages ago06:17
=== dr_willis wonders what sort of tech support calls the Linux helpdesk/tech lines actually get.
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ompauldr_willis, can you make my firefox faster - turn off IPV6 -  if not resolved in 10 minutes then call out charge applies06:19
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snoopsprobably just put you on an automated machine saying they don't support it06:19
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ExussumHey - how can i get rid of the blue firefox logo and replace it with the firefox world logo ?06:19
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dr_willisompaul,  heh. i often wonder  if there should be a 'tweak the system' feature of the isntaller to disable/change a lot of the settings. I dont think  many people need ipv6 at this time06:20
The_OatmanI could use some help diagnosing the complete loss of sound on my system. It just stopped working after some packages were installed from synaptic. Sound still works in windows but no sound in Linux booting w/ -23 or -25 - No help on the forums with this and it seems many people end up having to reinstall... I've checked alsamixer and there seems to be no problem there06:21
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crashzoripv6 is almost never used never used it my self whats the goal of having it anyway ?06:21
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dr_willisof coruse one must wonder why having ipv6 enabled if not used.. slows things down.06:22
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crashzordr_willis, its realy simpel because it wil look if a address is on ipv6 or normal ip ( v4 it was i think ;) )06:23
thundrHi, why would I get a CRC error when booting any of the ubuntu CDs even though the md5 matches up?06:23
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crashzorthundr, check if there is damage on the disc or burn at a slower speed06:24
Jack_SparrowThe_Oatman: what did you install?06:24
GigaClonwhat packages do I need to install OpenGL headers for development06:24
thompadoes anyone know how to disable touchpad?06:24
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Toma-Anyone know if its legal to sell ubuntu cd packages from Shipit?06:24
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dr_willisthompa,  comment it out of the xorg.,conf (backup the original)06:24
dr_willisthompa,  my laptop has a button next to the touchpad that turns it off. :P06:24
Jack_Sparrowsame her willis06:25
dr_willisMy little Turion laptop - does Linux Quite well :)06:25
ompaulToma-, yes it is06:25
The_OatmanJack_Sparrow: I was trying to get a parallel port scanner to work... Let me find the exact name of the package again06:26
snedarcan anyone help me? I'm trying to set up xgl/compiz with the instructions from the wiki, but every time I try to start gnome-window-decorator, the whole X crashes and I'm returned to the gdm login screen.06:26
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Toma-ompaul: even at $12 AU + SHipping? :/ ebay is such a scam.06:26
Jack_Sparrowthundr: could be a dirty drive06:26
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thompadr_willis:ive got no button, thing is qsynaptics would let me turn it off, but now it stopped working06:26
thundrcrashzor: I burned it twice and even tried an old warty cd that I got from shipit but it still happened.  Both drives in the system give me an error, though one of them allows me to boot to the menu sometimes.  They both work in my other computer.06:26
The_OatmanJack_Sparrow: There were a few packages but I suspect kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.6 may have been to blame06:27
crashzorthundr, what os is the pc running right now ?06:27
ompaulToma-, so get it from ship it yourself that could be a fantastic deal to a person who wants to install 10 machines has no bandwidth they can get the disks fast - remember it is the service not the disks06:27
Jack_Sparrowoat yea..06:27
thompadr_willis: id rather be able to switch back and forth easily, than edit xorg all the time06:27
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thundrcrashzor: also, the drives seem to work fine in win98 (which it is running now)06:27
dalphion a stock install of ubuntu desktop, it doesn't appear the openssh-server is available. Is there something in /etc/apt/sources.list that I can change to pickup this package?06:27
Toma-ompaul: i guess so. just hate seeing people getting ripped off on ebay.06:27
crashzorthundr, stange do you have any wierd hardware ?06:28
ompaulToma-, as long as there are people willing to pay for it there will be people willing to sell it/06:28
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Mephistopheleshello , what command helps me unzip the .zip files ?06:28
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killazsnoops, lol...06:29
killazsnoops, no luck06:29
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thundrcrashzor: just a zip drive that's connected on the same cable as the hard drive. That's about it.06:29
Jack_SparrowI bought CD's for linux on Ebay.. back when I only had a dialup.. and some people just cant get broadband06:29
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crashzorthundr, try'd unpluging the zip drive and puting the harddisc on master ?06:29
noobhallo allemaal06:29
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snedarnoob: hoi, ik denk dat je in #ubuntu-nl moet wezen06:30
ExussumHey all - any idea why my PC only uses 50% of each core ?06:30
thundrcrashzor: Okay, I'll try that.06:30
Mephistopheleshello , what command helps me unzip the .zip files in terminal ?06:30
The_OatmanJack Sparrow: so no idea?06:30
kalosaurusrexthinking gzip -d ?06:30
DoatMephistopheles: unzip06:30
noobwaar is dat? ik ben net op m'n livecd06:30
sjoerdExussum: how did you measure that ?06:31
Jack_SparrowYea, that kernel patch hosed you..06:31
Jack_SparrowWhat type of scanner?06:31
Exussumsjoerd - CPU frequency scaling monitor says 50%06:31
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crashzorlol snedar and noob both speak english snader if you point him samewere try to do i t in english not in dutch ( holland ) please06:31
The_OatmanHP 3200c (rebadged Umax)06:32
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The_OatmanHow would I go about fixing this (if at all possible without a reinstall)?06:32
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snedarcrashzor, ok, sorry :-) noob has found the right channel now06:32
sjoerdExussum: that just means your cpu is scaled to 50% because that's enough for the resources your using.. It should go to 100% if your run something very demanding06:33
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ExussumLike a power saving feture ?06:33
crashzorsnedar, i speak dutch my self but its just a formality its beter for the othere users ;)06:33
Jack_SparrowThe_Oatman: I normally have a backup image on a second partiton to go back to.. someone else may be able to unsnarl it for you06:33
kibabHello... how am I supposed to handle packages that try to reconfigure each time I apt-get install something (because the configure fails -- which I can easily manually fix)?06:33
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idella4kibab, do you kmow about dpkg?06:34
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kibabidella4: I know it's kind of works "below" apt-get, but that's about it.06:35
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=== kibab man's dpkg
The_OatmanJack Sparrow: alright, thanks06:35
martynWhat the best Antivirus softwear packkage06:35
idella4dpkg has pretty extensive abilities06:35
idella4but one is to configure packages06:35
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idella4once a package is installed, you can 'dpkg --configure PACKAGE'06:37
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kibabidella4: hmm... I see that, but the problem is that the automated configure process fails each time, so I manually fixed it, but dpkg doesn't know about my fix... so do I use one of the --force-<things> to bypass the configure for the package?06:38
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torstefanHmm.. I have a little problem, the taskbar with all my running programs disapeared.. Then some dude told me to run "kicker", which turned the "explorer" off.. Anyone know how to get it bakc?06:38
idella4yes, ok. have you tried06:38
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martynWhat the best Antivirus softwear packkage06:38
idella4apt-get -f install?06:38
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_absolution_why can't I connect to the xserver?06:39
idella4_absolution. you are06:39
kibabidella4: isn't it installed and not just configured (all the files from the package are there)... (hmm... I but dpkg can give me the status)06:39
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idella4what is the staus ; as in are there broken packages?06:40
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idella4is there a report of broken package anywhere?06:40
yacekis there any website describing ubuntu after installation tasks?06:40
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idella4yacak, sure, a number of links on the ubuntu homesite.06:41
yaceklet me check...06:41
kibabidella4: it's the vmware-player package from multiverse, everything seems to work but the configure which dies (and I'm not sure there are log files around that I can look at)06:42
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idella4well therewill be log files.06:42
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dsasdylan_: Yes.06:42
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idella4oh vmware player.06:42
idella4now tell me are you installing that from synaptic or from source?06:43
yacekidella4 can you give me a link?06:43
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biffherowhat is the difference between the 'desktop' .iso and the 'alternate' .iso?06:43
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yacekalternate has text installer06:43
kibabbiffhero: the alternate iso uses a text based installer and allows you to do a few things the other doesn't06:43
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biffherokibab: thanks06:44
yacekit is useful for lvms and raid partitions06:44
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idella4yes yacek how about https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu06:45
yaceknice thanks ;)06:46
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idella4kibab you still there?06:47
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riddleboxdoes anyone know of any good repos for mythtv now a days?06:48
kieosHi all, hope someone can help.  Just installed a fresh ubuntu distribution, and now i am having real problems connecting to the world.  The majority of my DNS lookups are coming back as  After googling this seems like it might be related to IPV6 (which I don't use, but I think is enabled by default) can anyone give me a clue how to kill this off and let me get back to normal operations?06:48
_Indy_Hello. How do I associate an extension with an icon? I have been searching it for a long, but I can't find it. Any help would be really aprecciated. Thanks in advance.06:48
regebroAnybody knows why I have a  usplash_fifo in the root after the dabber upgrade?06:48
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regebroIt's VERY annoying. :)06:48
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regebroI'm so used to typing just /u<tab> for /usr/ and now it stopped working.06:49
regebrojoin #pylucene06:50
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dylan_dsas, so why is my audio all of a sudden choppy?06:50
tH4S3c0nDc0m1NgWould someone mind takeing a look at my fstab from batebin to see that it is written correctly?06:50
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Ro1i used to have windows, now i have suse, cxan someone help...for some reaon under ubuntu my wireleess internet conenction is sooooo much slower then when i sued windows, how can i fix that?06:51
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Wipsterhello people, just been pootling around with ubuntu this morning, now then it says its installed but I cant see under applications and internet where bittorrent is..... do I have to add it to that list?06:51
Ro1its installed06:51
Ro1just not in list06:51
dylan_Wipster, it is transparent06:51
dg10050If I have 1 gb of ram, how big of a swap partition should I make?06:51
yaceknice here is event a document describing switching from gentoo to kubuntu!06:51
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dsasdylan_: No idea.06:52
Wipsterthere a way to make it visible?06:52
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dsasdylan_: There isn't a bug reported saying anything about that iirc.06:52
mikeLaptopdg10050, how much hd space do you have?06:52
dg1005016 gb06:52
_Indy_Nobody knows? :/06:52
yacekif I will install ubuntu and then kde for it, will I have that nice kde like in kubuntu?06:52
mikeLaptoppersonally I'd go with a gig of swap06:53
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dsasyacek: yes06:53
mikeLaptopmay be overkill, but...06:53
dg10050even if I have a gig of ram?06:53
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mikeLaptopunless you need the space06:53
mikeLaptopi'd go eith 512 at the minimum06:53
dg10050can gparted resize swap partitions?06:53
dg10050just in case06:53
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mikeLaptopi don't see why not06:54
wikingi have vlc.bz2 package on desktop. What i need to do to install it?????06:54
mikeLaptopi've only used it once or twie tough06:54
dg10050nvm, it can06:54
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dg10050alright, a gig it is.06:54
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto06:54
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jmoncayo_does anyone know where i can get music with torrent?06:54
erpelcan anyone confirm the status of de.archive.ubuntu.com ?06:54
h3sp4wnwiking: Try building it with pbuilder (or just use the one from the repos)06:55
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Wipsterdylan-: is there a way to show in that dropdown all programs installed?06:55
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wikingSORRY,  i am young on it, what meant pbuilder?06:56
regebroNobody knows why I have a  usplash_fifo in the root after the dabber upgrade?06:56
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thompai have commented out everything with touchpad in xorg.conf still it works06:56
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idella4wiking you need the gcc compiler06:56
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mikeLaptophas anyone had any issues with udevplug at boottime? i get "udevplug[978]  make_que: unable to create /dev/.udev/que: no such file or directory"06:56
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wikingwhat? can i do something with terminal?????06:56
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kalosaurusrexsudo apt-get install build-essential06:57
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erpeldo you get a response from de.archive.ubuntu.com ? it appears to be down06:57
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rixxonwhere do you set up file associations?06:57
mikeLaptopthompa, there is a few different utilities to disable the touchpad06:57
Halleckhey.. I'm trying to concatenate two files with cat and write them to a third file, but I can't get cat to write out, and piping it to nano makes all the linebreaks get lost. Anybody have a better idea?06:57
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idella4regebro what do you mean in the root?06:58
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regebroidella4: in /06:58
idella4you mean in / or pehaps in /root06:58
Blaze^^can somebody help me with this: blaze@blz:~/Programing/Helpful$ recode cp1251 paskalMAX.cpp~06:58
Blaze^^recode: fopen (paskalMAX.cpp~): No such file or directory06:58
mikeLaptopdo a search in synaptic for 'touchpad' or 'synaptics'06:58
minntcI'm looking for some help figuring out some certificate issues in firefox, specific to extension verification06:58
thompamikelaptop: im at wits end, i need it off, i cant type without words going all over06:58
Blaze^^oops.. wrong paste06:58
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Blaze^^it's actually this one: blaze@blz:~/Programing/Helpful$ recode cp1251 paskalMAX.cpp06:59
Blaze^^recode: paskalMAX.cpp failed: Ambiguous output in step `CR-LF..data'06:59
idella4well if you have done and upgrade06:59
idella4and you have something likr that you have done pretty well06:59
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thompamikelaptop: I had qsynaptics working, now it doesnt so i removed it06:59
mikeLaptopthompa, not sure if ubuntu has a bash_completion package, but try searching for that perhaps06:59
idella4is it a single file?06:59
regebroI could change my question. Could anybody running dapper, check if they have a file /usplash_fifo ?06:59
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Stormx2Hi everyone.... Thinking about getting an external hdd for all my music... what do you all recommend?06:59
regebroYup, single file.06:59
martynGuys i just install Quake 2 off the repostry where would i find the so i can play it ?07:00
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h3sp4wnStormx2: I prefer firewire to usb207:00
thompanone of the touchpad utilities work, ive commented out everything with synaptic07:00
Halleckcan somebody give me a pointer?07:00
Stormx2h3sp4wn: Meh... I know nothing about external HDDs... What would firewire be connected to? :P07:00
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Blaze^^are you here, bbrazil?07:00
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idella4well it sounds like a leftover from the installation07:00
idella4of a number of new packages.07:00
h3sp4wnStormx2: Firewire port or firewire card07:01
Stormx2Halleck: Ask in #bash I guess...07:01
mikeLaptopthompa, do you have the syndaemon running?07:01
Halleckok thanks07:01
regebroidella4: Possibly. Are you running dapper?07:01
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mikeLaptoptry killing that07:01
martynGuys i just install Quake 2 off the repostry where would i find the so i can play it ? any ideas07:01
Stormx2h3sp4wn: Oh sorry misunderstood07:01
idella4how about shifting it to somewhere neutral like the home folder07:01
Stormx2h3sp4wn: I'm not even sure I have USB2... let alone firewire :(07:01
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Stormx2h3sp4wn: Can't I just use a phat IDE cable? :P07:01
idella4do a reboot and see if it has any effect.07:01
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regebroidella4: Yeah, I'm thinking about that.07:01
h3sp4wnStormx2: Firewire pci cards are pretty cheap07:01
umberleighhey, can someone help with a grub problem? i'm trying to fix my mbr after upgrading my box and keep getting '/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly' even though i can see the file when i type 'ls'07:02
erUSUL!es > marileon07:02
regebroWonderful how a simple question is so difficult. Once again:07:02
idella4I have the one before07:02
umberleighit's very similar to this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35330507:02
idella4main thing is  is it a problem?07:02
marileonola xicos07:02
regebroHey everybody.  Could somebody running dapper, check if they have a file /usplash_fifo ?07:02
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marileonno x07:02
Stormx2h3sp4wn: How much are they, and how much would a say... 80gb HDD be?07:02
regebroidella4: No, it's just annoying.07:02
bbrazilBlaze^^: ?07:02
erUSULumberleigh: a reinstall with grub-install /dev/hdxx could help07:02
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idella4well shift it somewhere like that07:02
wildmanregebro: no such file here07:03
idella4then assess the impact07:03
h3sp4wnStormx2: Don't know exactly depends on where you live07:03
Blaze^^bbrazil: i get an error trying to use recode07:03
jjtuningsoy espaol07:03
freezey i forgot my login name and password on my old ubuntu machine.... i know there is a way that u can get in thru the bootloader and change it... it logs you right into root etc i just forgot that whole process07:03
idella4I am fairly sure you will find07:03
freezeyanyone know?>07:03
umberleigherUSUL: like 'grub-install /dev/hde1' for instance?07:03
erUSULregebro: i have it yes and yes it is annoying with tab completion07:03
regebrowildman: OK, thanks, it's probably something weird an unessecary then.07:03
Blaze^^for example: bbrazil, blaze@blz:~/Programing/Helpful$ recode cp1251 *.cpp07:03
Blaze^^recode: bfs.cpp failed: Ambiguous output in step `CR-LF..data'07:03
idella4that you cab simply delete it without a problem07:03
marileonola xicos k tal xo bn07:03
regebroerUSUL: Hmm. Interesting. Did you upgrade from Breezy?07:03
idella4but best to test in safe ways first07:03
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martynCan any 1 help me installed Quake 2 off the repostry and cant find where thr file is07:03
Blaze^^bbrazil: can you help me?07:03
KenSentMefreezey: just run the system rescue from grub.07:03
Denialhey all07:04
erUSULumberleigh: i install it in mbr of the first drive  grub-install /dev/hda07:04
idella4you follow?07:04
Stormx2h3sp4wn: Southern england, but I can work in dollars...07:04
bbrazilBlaze^^: I'm not an expert in recode, try a different input format maybe?07:04
erUSULregebro: yes07:04
KenSentMemartyn: i think it's only the engine and not the game itself07:04
wildmanmartyn: u didn't 'see' where you've installed it?07:04
regebroidella4: Yes, of course. I know al this, thanks.07:04
Blaze^^ok, i'll try :)07:04
regebroerUSUL: A pattern is emerging. ;)07:04
wildmanmartyn: you cannot just type 'quake' or 'quake2' to play it?07:04
Stormx2wildman: You need the data files of the quake disk, ya know?07:04
Denialsomeone know to config grub after adding an second hd ?07:04
martynNo never seen where i installed it it did it itsself07:04
regebroerUSUL: Probably a left over from the upgrade then.07:04
wildmanStormx2: yes, I do :-)07:05
erUSULregebro: fresh installs does not have this file?07:05
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dr_willisDenial,  configure it to do what?07:05
regebroerUSUL: Don't know, but wildman didn't have it.07:05
blacktearshey whats up everybody?07:05
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wildmanStormx2: but IIRC the engine came with a free-playable one? or was that only for Quake? or Doom? :)07:05
erUSULregebro: i have upgraded without reinstall all the way from warty beta07:05
regebrowildman: Did you do a fresh install of Dapper, or an upgrade from breezy?07:05
Stormx2wildman: Ah ok. Well I don't know then. If I were you I'd open synaptic, properties on the package, and go to installed files, and look for the file in a "bin" dir07:05
wildmanfresh Dapper, x86_6407:05
umberleigherUSUL: no can do. i've got optical pata drives on hda and hdc, a pata zip disc on hdd and the first place i can have my sata hard disk is hde07:05
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erUSULwildman: id engines are gpl quake{1,2,3}07:06
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regebroaha, see. It's a pattern. ;) Once is chance, twice is patterm 3 is universal law. :)07:06
wildmanStormx2: yeah, but it's not me who wants to play Quake (even if I have the 1st three originals, only game I ever bought ;))07:06
Stormx2h3sp4wn: You still around?07:06
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neighborleehad to reintsall windows and went in to rescue ubuntu (ha), and grub is giving me (  before this reinstall everything was totally fine) error code 20 ??07:06
Stormx2wildman: Oh really? Haha. Sorry07:07
neighborleeI went in with 'rescue' mode btw07:07
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h3sp4wnStormx2: ?07:07
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umberleighurUSUL: on my old system it was sda, which is maybe why it's getting confused. i've altered menu.lst and device.map to reflect the changes but no luck07:07
vincenzWhat package do I need for GL/gl.h07:07
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erUSULumberleigh: try to install it in the mbr of the sata drive  grub-install /dev/hde (maybe you prefer to install it on the bootable partititon)07:07
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wildmanvincenz: nvidia-glx-dev, if u have an nVidia card07:08
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umberleigherUSUL: so, refer to /dev/hde1 (my /boot partition) instead of just hde when using grub-install then?07:08
wobsterHi there. how you I downgrade my kernel? I set force version in synaptic. however, the images doesn't appear in /boot so I could configure grub accordingly.07:08
vincenzwildman: I dont't07:08
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mikeLaptopwildman, how is the X86_64 port of ubuntu?07:08
wildmanmikeLaptop: so far, so good, though after having used this machine for more than 1 yr now (many distros have passed, both 32 and 64 bits), all I can say is that "the (desktop) world isn't ready for 64 bits computing"07:09
wildmanmikeLaptop: I mean, no 'real' diff seen yet for desktop usage07:10
mikeLaptopyeah it's a pita07:10
mikeLaptopcurrently running slamd64 on my desktop07:10
vincenzgot it thx07:10
erUSULumberleigh: when i said boot part i was refering to the bootable partition acording to the partition table. the one with an * in the secon colummn of the output of fdisk -l /dev/hde07:10
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wildmanmikeLaptop: even more, the so called lots a memory advantage doesn't hold true on the desktop, mainly cuz the mobos don't support that much RAM :P07:10
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mikeLaptopi can run most eeything i want, there is a few sticking points though07:10
wildmanmikeLaptop: for example, I'm using FF1.5 from mozilla's site, 32 bits, so I don't have problems with plugins07:11
Inferuslo all07:11
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wildmanmikeLaptop: and web devels seem to like Flash a lot these days...07:11
mikeLaptopwildman, that's one of the big sticking points lol07:11
wildmanmikeLaptop: all the rest is as 64 bits as it could be07:11
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Denialdr_willis: ive installed ubuntu on hde1 then i installd en second hdd (hdb1) changed the grubconfig , but linux and windows dont starts with grub07:11
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vincenzI still can't find GL.h07:12
wildmanmikeLaptop: so, yes, the CPU is cheaper (bah, it was, not so cheap now) than an 'equivalent' P4, but no, 64 bits on the desktop is not 'yet' there... and I wonder if it will ever be07:12
umberleigherUSUL: that's my windows partition. i don't think i can install grub there. would i be better off just reinstalling windows then worrying about recovering grub afterwards. currently i can't boot to windows or kubuntu07:12
mikeLaptopok well it seems that noone has an idea about the udev thing, so i'll move one07:12
idella4Denial, cab you get into this ubuntu on /dev/hde1?07:12
vincenzwhat do I need for GL.h?07:12
wildmanmikeLaptop: maybe when someone finds out that 64 bit floats is the best way to treat RAW digital images... :)07:12
idella4as in boot into it.07:12
wildmanvincenz: check mesa devel packages, or google is your friend ;)07:13
mikeLaptopwhat are you guys using for wifi management? connecting to ap's etc07:13
screwstonHey guys, how would i replace my modified usb-storage.ko from  "/usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/storage/" to replace the orginal "/lib/modules/" ?07:13
NgmikeLaptop: network-manager :)07:13
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mikeLaptopNg i tried, and it doesn't seem to work07:13
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vincenzwildman: well erm mesa dev does not have GL.h07:13
mikeLaptopi was connected to my ap and had a great signal, but no net :/07:13
neighborleevincenz, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ < thats you best friend for such things as often we need headers we aren't sure which package they are part of ;)...07:14
vincenzneighborlee: thanks07:14
mikeLaptopNg, what applet do you use?07:14
Denialidella4 , no grub dont run any OS anymore , ive installed grub root in hd1.0 and setup in hd107:14
neighborleevincenz, search in the 'contents of pacckages' area ;)07:14
neighborleevincenz, np ;)07:14
wildmanvincenz: maybe GLU, GLUT, but the link above might be even better ;)07:15
vincenzmesa-common-dev is broken07:15
vincenzit doesn't contain the actual files07:15
mikeLaptopNg, the network-manager one?07:15
wildmancya l8r ppl07:15
NgmikeLaptop: nm-applet07:15
umberleighDenial: do you get to grub when you boot at all, or does it just complain that there's no bootable system disk?07:15
vincenzok thanks07:15
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newoneis there diff buttwen irrsi and x-chat on the level of secure07:15
vincenzthat helped :)07:15
idella4Do you kow how to chroot into the ubuntu installation?07:15
vincenzwildman++ neighborlee++07:15
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mikeLaptopNg, what is it called in the applet added thing and/or synaptic?07:16
KazukisanIs there a way to stop mplayer from displaying error messages, when trying to watch a wmv file i keep getting "To many video packets in buffer" error it plays fine but just spams this anoying message07:17
mikeLaptopNg, i thik that's the one i was using in breezy, but i've since upgraded to dapper07:17
=== GreySim throws another question on the pile!
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newonecan i returen the old user to the defalut of the setting from ubuntu ?07:17
GreySimAnyone know why bash is freaking out about these quotes?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1664107:17
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idella4second point. Is grub installed in the ubuntu installation?07:18
Denialive installed an new hd with windows at hdb107:18
GreySimThings I've seen elsewhere online make it look like that should be a perfectly valid bash thing to do, but it's having issues.07:18
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bbrazilGreySim: ! has special meaning. use ' rather than "07:18
NATnaticevening all... does anyone have any experience setting up compiz on dapper?07:18
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bbrazilGreySim: it's from csh iirc07:18
mikeLaptopGreySim, or escape the !07:18
GreySimOr escape it with \!, I'm assuming?07:18
yoyo_ciao all ;)07:19
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screwstonIs there any other Ubuntu help channels because it seems like everybody in here is too busy  already07:19
Denialnormaly is grub at hd0 and root at hd007:19
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idella4Do you have access to the disk from where you are now?07:19
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yoyo_I have a problem07:19
OmegaNineIs Ubuntu built on .dep or .rpm?07:19
idella4as in ; is it plugged in the current computer?07:19
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newonecan i ask stupid q , did you see this message or not ? because am new to this client07:19
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NATnaticnewone: yes07:20
Denialquerry plz07:20
kdean06How do I reset my locales? I'm getting horrible errors from perl anything I run a script...07:20
yoyo_about games07:20
yoyo_I don't07:20
yoyo_I download some games07:20
newoneNATnatic: honstly thanks man :)07:20
CarlFKhow can I 'reset' my usb stuff (drivers, hardware, whatever) - I see an error in dmesg, and not nothing is showing up in lsusb07:20
GreySimOmegaNine, .deb.07:20
yoyo_for UBUNTU sistem07:21
idella4Denial, the first step is to get into the ubuntu installation via chroot07:21
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OmegaNineCool thanks07:21
Denialno prob07:21
idella4This can be done with knoppix,07:21
Denialcan u write private msg ?07:21
idella4a SUSE version has a viable recovery mode.07:21
Deniali have07:21
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Denialso i can save your msgs07:22
phoezIs there any way to have GNOME panels stay below other windows?07:23
yoyo_I want somme games , I don't now web pages ??? pls help !!07:23
Denialwrite in private msgs07:23
Denialno registered usr07:23
Denialkk write here07:24
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funkmasterdoes anyone have expierience with installing lirc for usage with a hauppauge wintv pci card?07:24
Denial1. i chg root07:24
Denialthen ?07:24
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funkmasteri was wondering if i install lirc via synaptic will it recognize it and set it up or do i have to do something else?07:24
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idella4once chroot into it,07:25
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wastrelfunkmaster:  packages usually install pretty good default config07:25
idella4then from the console, use grub to intall to hard drive 107:25
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Denialwhoch command ?07:26
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Denialwhich command?07:26
idella4with   "grub-install /dev/hda1"07:26
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threatwhat package do I install for DIVX and XVID codecs?07:26
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idella4do you follow?07:26
NATnaticdoes anyone know how to resolve a "Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_color_parse: assertion `spec != NULL' failed" error when running gnome-window-decorator?07:26
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varHow do I map a hotkey to Katapult07:27
Deniallinux is on hde1 and windows is on hdb107:27
idella4yes that's ok07:27
varAnd is it possible to make double-shift my hotkey?07:27
Denialyes , so install grub into hdb1 od hde1 ?07:27
mikeLaptopam i still here?07:27
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idella4yes sure.07:27
mikeLaptopNg, it's weird nm-applet says it's connected to my ap, but it has the wrong info and I'm not connected07:27
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Denialor hde1?07:27
mikeLaptopNg, it's weird nm-applet says it's connected to my ap, but it has the wrong info and I'm not connected07:28
idella4the next issue is with the bios of the computer.07:28
idella4most modern bios let you select which hard drive to boot from.07:28
Denialso grub takes the first in bios as hd0 ?07:28
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idella4I suggest hda1 because it is the safest choice.07:28
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idella4you can do both ofcourse.07:29
Denialgo on07:29
Wipsterseeing as there is someone on the topic of GRUB, is there a way to remove the boot options for previous kernal builds with ubuntu upgrades?07:29
mikeLaptopany wireless gurus about, or can anyone suggest a place to go for wifi help?07:29
idella4you can simply do 'grub-install /dev/hda1"  followed by "grub-install /dev/hde1"07:29
varHow do I get to the configuration for Katapult?07:30
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mikeLaptopvar, have you tried ~/.katapult?07:30
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idella4now grub will only wrok well if the structure is correctly in place.07:30
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erUSULmikeLaptop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo07:30
varmikeLaptop: I just kind of assumed there would be a UI for it like Quicksilver07:30
idella4which it should be.07:30
=== gourdin [n=adept@bdv75-2-82-66-242-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:31
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mikeLaptoperUSUL, thanks07:31
Denialbut i have th edit the menu.lst ?07:31
erUSUL!wifi > mikeLaptop07:31
mikeLaptopwill have a look there again07:31
varbesides, no .katapult file07:31
Deniali did , so it dont works now07:31
idella4yes; exactly.07:31
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idella4let me get a sample for you07:31
idella4don't go away07:31
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mikeLaptopvar, that i don't know07:31
mikeLaptopvar, not even sure what katapult does/is07:32
=== var sighs
varyou are missing out07:32
vargo Alt+F2, type katapult, then hit alt+space07:32
varthen type a program you want to run07:32
idella4still there?07:33
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idella4here is a sample07:33
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idella4titleWindows NT/2000/XP (loader)07:33
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idella4first line is just a title07:33
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Deniallook http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/37272/07:34
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idella4second line is the important one07:34
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erUSULidella4: please use pastebin do not flood the channel07:34
idella4hd(0,0) means first hard drive first partition.07:35
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idella4oh ok07:35
murph_is it just a problem of my settings or is there a server down?07:35
idella4now you said Windows id where?07:36
Jack_SparrowStupid question... Is it pronounced Len-x or line-x07:36
idella4on hard drive 2?07:36
wastrelJack_Sparrow:  yes07:36
Denialyes 2. hd is linux 1. hd is win07:36
murph_de.archive.ubuntu.com, is it down?07:36
DBOJack_Sparrow, lin nucks07:36
Denialand grub have to go on 2. hd07:36
idella4so that should be (hd1,0)07:37
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdim trying to compile wine and i get this error :checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:37
fowlduckJack_Sparrow: Lin nucks07:37
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idella4which refers to hard drive 2 partition 1.07:37
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root__Why am-i incappable to play .mid and .ram files???07:37
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Denialthats linux07:38
murph_ram is real media player07:38
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murph_de.archive.ubuntu.com, is it down?07:38
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root__for .mid?07:38
dsas!tell root__ about restrictedformats07:38
root__that sucks07:38
root__i looked07:38
twitchdoes anyone else have problems with webpages being screwed up in the new firefox, the layout is all screwed up forme07:38
=== noob [n=noob@ip9135d45d.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
root__there is no info about .mid07:38
noobwaar is ubuntuNL?07:38
idella4well grub can be at any point.07:38
Denialhm , i have to change it becouse in bios boot is 1. lin and 2. win07:38
dsasroot__: Right, but there is for real media I think.07:39
Wipsterhow do I make GRUB remove from its list the previous kernal builds? cause its a lil anoying07:39
idella4the point is if your ubuntu is in /dev/hde107:39
root__i want more the .mid07:39
murph_can we open a new chat? it is a bit flooded07:39
kristianif someone with good experience with graphic card could take a look here, I would be more than glad:)07:39
idella4then your grub is in hde107:39
Denialand win on hdb107:39
noobweet er iemand waar ubuntu NL is?07:39
Denialyes right07:39
murph_de.archive.ubuntu.com, is it down? please enter XXYZZ if it its like this07:39
root__dsas: For .mid files? midi music?07:39
idella4the vital step is to get a working grub installed07:39
idella4in such a way that you can boot into ubuntu.07:40
dsasroot__: No documentation for that on restrictedformats as you say. But I know nothing about midi :)07:40
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Denialan win , dont work too07:40
idella4Safest approach is to install grub into the mbr of hda107:40
murph_de.archive.ubuntu.com, is it down? please enter XXYZZ if it its like this07:40
Jack_Sparrowsafest is to install it to a floppy07:40
finalbetaWipster, /boot/grub/menu.lst07:40
Denialin hdb1 in my way ?07:41
murph_i just want to know this07:41
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Wipsterty finalbeta07:41
idella4if you can and if you want you can install it to mbr of of hde107:41
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idella4but from there it depend upon the cpability of the bios07:41
idella4if it will boot from hde107:41
idella4do you follow?07:41
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Denialit worken from hde1 , but windows not !07:42
dsasroot__: Shouting won't make people want to help you more. If you get no answers it's because no-one present knows or wants to help you.07:42
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noobwaar is de nederlanderse?????07:42
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idella4do you mean windows does not boot?07:42
Jack_SparrowMurph, try #Debian    ... :)07:42
dsasmurph_: Shouting won't make people want to help you more. If you get no answers it's because no-one present knows or wants to help you.07:43
noobnederland!! waar is de nederlandse ubuntu-chat!!07:43
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl07:43
Deniali have installed linux withe only hde1 (one drive) in system07:43
dsasnoob: #ubuntu-nl07:43
Denialtoday i build in an 2. hd , hdb1 with windows07:43
erUSUL!nl > noob07:43
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Jack_SparrowGood luck to him in #Debian... Argh07:43
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zacchhi, I'm trying to get XGL running on dapper. Problem: gnome-window-decorator crashes X. Anyone else seen this?07:43
Denialdo you hav an good howto for grub ?07:44
idella4yes ok. so as you said before07:44
Denialhave ?07:44
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wastrelzacch:  #ubuntu-xgl07:44
idella4you can boot to windows from grub07:44
Denialso i install ubuntu again , but when i do this windows work anymore becouse of grub ,07:44
Deniali cant07:44
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crackoanyone backup psx games?07:45
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Jack_SparrowDenail, I install grub on floppy so unless the floppy is in the drive I go straight to MS XP07:45
idella4Windows should not be effected.07:45
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Denialdo you have an good howto prepair grub 4 win xp and lin ?07:45
idella4grub will work for both.07:45
Wipsterok how do I open the grub menu.lst as root because I cant modify it07:45
=== Sci-freak [n=Sci-frea@host81-129-95-108.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:45
Healotrub rub07:46
VitaminGHas anyone here tried to install the Intel modem drivers in 6.06? I'm trying to and getting errors07:46
Jack_SparrowDenial, it just seems to work without a problem..07:46
Denialwas it , cuz grub installed in the mbr from the win hd automaticly07:46
crackoi keep getting all these input /output errors its a bitch07:46
mikeLaptopwth ? now nm-applet says i have no connection, yet here i am07:46
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Sci-freakDoes anyone know which program displays the OSD when the vol+/- buttons are pressed on the keyboard?07:46
idella4well, man pages07:46
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idella4once in ubuntu, view the man pages of grub07:46
idella4with 'man grub'07:46
fowlduckmikeLaptop: lies!  nm-applet is perfect! ;)07:47
ashtonCan anyone point me to a quick and simple solution to use WPA on my Ubuntu 6.06 machine?07:47
mikeLaptopfowlduck, oh how i wish that was true07:47
Denialhm ... i try again , thx!!! cu07:47
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ashtonthorondor, me?07:47
ashtonWell it doesn't work07:47
thorondorwhy doesn't it work07:48
DBO!wpa > ashton07:48
ashtonI cannot connect07:48
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ashtonI'm not sure07:48
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DBOthorondor, go troll elsewhere07:49
furguAnyone know how to fix this error: koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: kwordpart.desktop not found.07:49
ashtonwithout me being directly connected to my router, I can't access the internet07:49
idella4Does someone know how to get gcc to become active after being installed?07:49
thorondorwhy not07:49
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furgukde-config --path services07:49
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:49
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naliothDBO: ?07:49
ompaulDBO, ?07:49
Jack_Sparrowfurgu: Are you trying to run Koffice in gnome?07:50
Lamegoidella4, gcc is "active" after getting installed, you don't need to do nothing special abou tit07:50
DBOthorondor, is trolling07:50
furguNo in KDE07:50
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
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anderbubblehow can I track a logical name back to its hardware source? When I plug in my wireless card I get devices eth0 and wifi0, and I want to see where each is coming from.07:50
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furguJack_Sparrow, in KDE (kubuntu)07:50
idella4I ran a configure script, and it stopped with07:50
DBO^^ he keeps doing that07:50
idella4'gcc can't make executables'07:50
furguJack_Sparrow, kword-data is installed07:50
Jack_Sparrowah.. koffice worked fine for me in Kubuntu07:51
Lamegoidella4, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:51
Jack_SparrowI thought there were two parts to Kword07:51
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idella4Lamego;  oh ok. excellent07:51
idella4thanks for that, will do so07:51
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Lamegonp :)07:52
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furguJack_Sparrow, did you upgrade to 6.06, or fresh install?07:52
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Rondomanderbubble: you can find this info in demsg after plugging the stuff in, but there is also a "correct" location where you can find this information07:52
Jack_SparrowNo was running badger07:52
dignomeI'm missing the man pages for most c string functions.  Anyone know the package name offhand?07:52
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Lamegodimitri, manpages-dev I believe07:52
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wastrelmanpages-dev digi07:52
furguJack_Sparrow, this is on dapper07:52
wastreler dignome07:52
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dignomeah, k.  thanks.07:52
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wastreldignome:  might want manpages-posix too. :] 07:53
Jack_SparrowSorry but I am too new to U to help You07:53
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anderbubbleRondom: what "correct" location07:54
oxpubwhats the name of the web based ubuntu admin tool?07:54
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furguAnyone here use KOffice on 6.06?07:54
Rondomanderbubble: no, I only meant that there#s some way to do that07:55
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:55
anderbubbleRondom: I watch my syslog, and there are entries for wifi0, but it doesn't point to the kernel module07:55
anderbubbleRondom: At least, not that I can see.07:55
Rondomanderbubble: ok, some module print it out07:55
oxpubwhats the name of the web based ubuntu admin tool?07:55
anderbubbleRondom: what do you mean by demsg07:55
Rondomanderbubble: don't know the location, sorry07:55
Rondomdmesg returns the same data, that is written to the syslog aka kernel ringbuffer07:56
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furguubotu, thanks for the tip!  How do I ask a question correctly?  Tell me now who runs Koffice on 6.0607:56
oxpubanderbubble.. the first bot told me to repeat my question, and now theres a second bot telling me i shouldnt have repeated my first question...07:56
=== Jettis [n=h0h0@a88-113-56-216.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
oxpubno one in this channel knows the name of it?07:56
oxpubthis is #ubuntu correct?07:56
apokryphosfurgu: ask your question :). Though #kubuntu might be more appropriate07:57
apokryphosoxpub: is there a reason for why you're trolling?07:57
oxpubim not trolling..07:57
apokryphosoxpub: ask your question (as you already have), and leave it; if someone is able/willing to help, they will.07:57
Sci-freakDoes anyone know which program displays the OSD when the vol+/- buttons are pressed on the keyboard?07:57
oxpubdo you know the name of the ubuntu web based admin tool?07:57
hunmaathi. i want to have an iso8859 based locale, so I tried `dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales` but it doesn't ask for locales to use. what is the latest way?07:57
apokryphosoxpub: please stop repeating.07:57
oxpubnot webmin..07:57
Healot!info webmin07:57
ubotuPackage webmin does not exist in dapper07:57
oxpubmuch like it though07:57
DBOoxpub, SWAT?07:57
oxpubmaybe that was it07:58
oxpublet me google it07:58
onikosdoes anyone where I can find kernel sources to v. "2.6.15-23-386"?07:58
Healot!find swat07:58
ubotuFound: swat, swatch, swath, swisswatch07:58
Healot!info swat07:58
ubotuswat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In repository main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 693 kB, installed size 1972 kB07:58
oxpubnope not swat07:58
oxpubthats samba..07:58
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apokryphosonikos: you want the source of it? Just apt-get source linux-38607:59
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idefixhow do you unblock someone in GAIM?07:59
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onikosapokryphos: thx, but I have no internet connection. I can compile my drivers for my adsl device, but I need, what I told.07:59
apokryphosonikos: or grab the linux-source package07:59
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onikosI've found this, but got a bit confused "linux-image-2.6.15-23-686"08:00
Healotonikos: it's on the internet repos though...08:00
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Healotthat's the kernel package... onikos08:00
CntryboyAnyone know where to get the newest version of coolbits video card overclocker utility?08:00
Healotthe actual package08:00
furguAnyone know how to fix this error: koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: kwordpart.desktop not found. ???08:01
onikoshealot: if I install it will I have the kernel sources? (thus the problem is solved, I mean)08:01
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oxpubany ubuntu developers in here?08:01
oxpubCORE that is08:01
Togehow can I listen flash sounds?08:01
Healotonikos: linux-image-2.6.15-23-686 << not this one.08:02
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Healotonikos: linux-source-2.6.15-23-686 << you'll this one.08:02
onikosHealot, ok.08:02
Healotwebmin isn;t in ubuntu repos?08:02
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idefixnever mind08:02
Healotmaybe licensing i guess?08:02
h3sp4wnHealot: No one could be bothered maintaining it for debian so it got dropped from debian hence ubuntu08:03
Cntryboyso know one has overclocked their video cards in here?08:03
h3sp4wnI wouldn't linux does not like overclocked video cards08:03
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Cntryboyive read a lot of articles where ppl is doing it in linux just fine08:03
onikosdo you think I can find the "linux-source-2.6.15-23-686" in "packages.ubuntu.com"?08:04
Wipsterhow do u modify menu.lst in grub?08:04
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Healotonikos: yes08:04
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h3sp4wnCntryboy: Random stability problems - linux is much more bothered about the multipliers being correct08:04
Healotbut too many dependencies...08:04
Cntryboyh3sp4wn: why are they so many articles about doing it and ppl getting great results then?08:05
oxpubany core developers in here?08:05
=== Kiko0123 [n=Kiko0123@modemcable237.199-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Healot!info build-essential08:05
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB08:05
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Healotmeta packages, bleh08:05
bleakedquick question, i want to enable dma on both of my hard drives in the /etc/hdparm.conf file -- i was going to use the command_line feature in the conf file -- so would i use the same line as in the example twice, or just list both drives?  Example: http://pastebin.com/73339008:05
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Guest995hi @ll08:05
h3sp4wnCntryboy: Maybe the people doing it are stupid maybe ?08:06
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Healotaegis-web ?? oxpub?08:07
WaernerHow do I list all system users in ubuntu?08:07
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LamegoWarlord384, cat /etc/passwd08:07
onikosI've found this "Download linux-source-2.6.15". Do you think it will ignore that my kernel is .15-23?08:07
Warlord384Lamego: ?08:07
Lamegoops, sorry, was Waerner08:08
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WaernerLamego, thanks!08:08
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Warlord384Lamego: thats ok08:08
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ludditegreetings, has anyone had any problems with Xorg and nvidia driver howto in the wiki BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia.. after i install sudo nvidia-glx-config enable. i can't login to X, and this is especially strange because last night it was working awesome.. i played GW and DiabloII(evidence it does work)08:10
ludditei was using dapper08:10
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pleasei need some help on partition on one hard drive i can see it i just can not put any thing on it08:12
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chillshey all. how do i configure my linuxant driver on ubuntu there is no rpm for my i68608:12
=== Tiako [n=brad@ip24-250-210-192.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
chillsHSF conexant08:12
chillsanyone a litte help08:13
TiakoI broke BitTorrent some how on linux08:13
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culleneverytime i try to install ubuntu it seems to only install the base system08:13
cullenno x no nothin!08:14
pleaseis there any one that can help me with partitions08:14
kristiansnoops, take a look here...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1662708:14
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cullenam i doin somethin wrong or what08:14
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cullenor does ubuntu just suck08:14
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apokryphoscullen: no trolling in here please.08:14
anderbubblewhen I plug in my orinoco gold card I get an eth0, which is bound to the hostap driver, and a wifi0, which I can't find in lshw. Can anyone explain this behavior?08:14
cullenno im serious08:14
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apokryphoscullen: so am I08:14
cullenive tried to install twice and its only installing a base install08:14
pleaseis there any one that can help me with partitions08:14
anderbubbleAnd how do I keep it from using hostap? I don't want to create an access point; just use my card.08:14
wastrelcullen:  it's easy to install other stuff, once you have the base system.  what are you missing?08:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:15
chillscullen: same with me08:15
cullenim missing x windows and everything08:15
chillswastrel : apt-get needs the net :\08:15
h3sp4wnanderbubble: Why do you have hostap installed ?08:15
TiakoI keep getting this error when I try to open a BT "'file:///home/brad/Desktop/%5BTBox%5D.Simpsons.Season.17.-.Complete.%5Brl%5D(2).torrent' could not be opened:08:15
TiakoNot a File"08:15
bruenigcullen, if it only installs base install and gives you a command line, just type sudo aptitude ubuntu-desktop and it will be the same08:15
cullenfrom everything ive read other people are able to install and load right into x windwos08:15
The_Guardiandamn still can't get privoxy setup for IRC08:15
wastrelsudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop  cullen chii08:15
wastrelchills, rather08:15
JoeUKim thinking of setting up ubuntu08:15
pike_cullen: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop if its alreaddy installed you have an X problem08:15
JoeUKcan i ask some questions?08:15
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: I didn't install it intentionally. Is it something I can remove in apt?08:15
bruenigsudo aptitude install ubuntu desktop, my fault08:15
ubotuI know nothing about privoxy08:15
ubotuI know nothing about tor08:15
pleasei need some help on partition on one hard drive i can see it i just can not put any thing on it08:15
apokryphosJoeUK: fire away08:15
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Healot!find tor08:15
ubotuFound: akregator, bittornado, bittorrent, emacs21, evolution-exchange (and 215 others)08:15
wastrelplease:  is it NTFS?08:15
cullenyeah but shouldnt all that have installed during the install process?08:16
Healot!info tor08:16
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 608 kB, installed size 1120 kB08:16
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TiakoOh damn I see all the torrents on my computer turned into seed files how the hell do I change them back to just torrents?08:16
wastrelplease:  is it mounted rw or ro?08:16
culleni think the install is broken08:16
h3sp4wnanderbubble: Are you certain hostapd is running ?08:16
Healot!find privoxy08:16
JoeUKim thinking of setting up a dual boot08:16
ubotuFound: privoxy08:16
pleasewell i have the drive split08:16
JoeUKwhich dual boot system does it use?08:16
Healot!info privoxy08:16
ubotuprivoxy: Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-5 (dapper), package size 1504 kB, installed size 2852 kB08:16
ubotuI know nothing about msgthebox08:16
ludditeneed to turn off services in ubuntu... how do i do it, in debian it's  #update-rc.d -f "service_name"  remove, is it the same in ubuntu?08:16
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots08:16
h3sp4wnanderbubble: wifi0 I would expect to be a virtual interface08:16
rodenohi all08:16
bruenigcullen, you may have gotten a server edition or alternate install .iso by accident08:16
twitchhas anyone gotten WMV files to stream properly in firefox?08:16
cullenwhat do i need desktop edition?08:16
cullenit said desktop edition was only for temporary installs or somethin08:17
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: hostapd is not running, but eth0 is definitely bound to the hostap kernel module, which is inserted08:17
=== gnomefreak trying to msg the box ;)
JoeUKits too full in here08:17
wastrelcullen:  you don't need anything - you can just install the full desktop if you don't already have it :] 08:17
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twitchanyone at all?08:17
apokryphosgnomefreak: if it doesn't work it's 'cos you're not trying hard enough!08:17
gnomefreak!wmv > cullen08:17
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: could you explain the concept/use of a virtual interface? Where does it come from? How can it be managed?08:17
h3sp4wnanderbubble: Have you tried using wpa_supplicant08:17
TiakoIs there a restore option?08:17
wastrelJoeUK:  dual boot- you'd install windows first, then linux08:17
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bruenigcullen, wastrel is right but yes you do need the desktop edition if you want ubuntu-desktop to be installed by default08:17
kbrosnanubotu, tell twitch about firefox08:17
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JoeUKi have windows installed08:18
gnomefreakcullen: the pm from ubotu should help you08:18
cullenwhy dont it install08:18
ludditeor suffer teh wrath of grub08:18
pleasebecause i have to partitions on u drive'08:18
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wastrelJoeUK:  grub is the boot loader which will allow you to choose which OS to boot08:18
onikosMy kernel version says "2.6.15-23", but what I'm downloading is "2.6.15-25". Do you think there will be any incompatibilities?08:18
twitchive tried ubotu already08:18
JoeUKdoes grub have a GUI?08:18
twitchi have wmv files streaming08:18
cullenthats gay08:18
bruenigtwitch, the mplayer plugin works well for me08:18
cullenit said the desktop edition was temporary08:18
JoeUKat the booting end of things08:18
ludditegrub is command line08:18
bruenig!info mplayer08:18
JoeUKi mean08:18
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB08:18
h3sp4wnanderbubble: Its so you can connect to multiple wireless networks at the same time if you want (I wondered the same thing when I first installed madwifi-ng)08:18
wastrelJoeUK:  it's sortof like the windows boot loader if you have multiple windows OS versions.08:18
JoeUKwhen im booting my machine08:18
twitchtheres no description on how to get the mplayer plugin working on Dapper08:18
wastrelso it's sortof a gui but it's just a menu08:18
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: I don't see how that's applicable. I don't know why this driver is loaded in the frst place. I don't have a prism based card; I have an orinoco card.08:18
JoeUKcan i set it to automatically load windows after x seconds unless i say something08:18
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wastrelJoeUK:  yes08:18
=== The_Guardian [n=aegis@cpe-70-95-124-108.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LamegoJoeUK, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:19
Wipsterok realy realy newbie question here, I have to 'make' this program whats the command for a compiler if there is one built in that is08:19
JoeUKim a linux n00b08:19
LamegoWipster, sudo apt-get install build-essential08:19
apokryphosWipster: check the FAQ08:19
twitchive tried ubuntuguide.org08:19
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Healot!info build-essential08:19
JoeUKdoes linux look like that?08:19
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB08:19
cullenubuntu sucks08:19
pleasecan anyone help me08:20
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anderbubbleh3sp4wn: still, what creates the virtual device wifi0?08:20
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:20
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JoeUKi mean08:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b cullen!*@*] by apokryphos
bruenigci;;em. wjat os upir [rpb;e,08:20
wastrelJoeUK:  that's just the bootloader, the ubuntu one looks similar08:20
bruenigcullen, what is your problem08:20
JoeUKokay wastrel08:20
gnomefreakapokryphos: i was gonna give him another shot at that one ;) but ty08:20
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ludditethe answer to my question is yes, you can use update-rc.d to remove services08:20
h3sp4wnanderbubble: The driver usually if it supports linux wireless extensions properly08:20
rodenoplease what happened?08:20
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h3sp4wnanderbubble: Just setup wpa_supplicant use wext as the driver and eth0 for the interface08:21
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pleasei have 2 partitions on my drive both ext2 and i can see the 2 one but i can not do anything with it08:21
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JoeUKwhen im installing it08:21
JoeUKshould i plug out all my USB stuff?08:21
Sivikdoes anyone here use nvclock?08:21
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wastrelJoeUK:  i'm not an expert on the installer, only used it once :] 08:22
The_Guardiananyone here know how to get privoxy to work with IRC?08:22
ludditeok folks, i want to tweak my ubuntu install... what services did you all turn off?08:22
onikosjoeuk: I had to plug out my usb adsl device in suse, but not in ubuntu!08:22
ludditecause it's a memory hog...08:22
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onikosJoeUK: (all this in the installation process, that was not what you meant?)08:23
ludditei turned off pcmcia and ppp08:23
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rodenoturn off bittorrent and acpi if not needed08:23
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: I still do not see how that is applicable. wpa_supplicant is an implementation of 802.11i. I have the wrong driver for my 802.11b device loaded. It's loading the hostap driver, I need the orinoco driver.08:23
bruenigtwitch, don't know if anyone told you but to install mplayer plugin, make sure extra repositories are enabled and then do this in the command line sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer08:23
ludditeok, thats niext08:23
HealotThe_Guardian: read the FAQ on privoxy/tor site08:23
JoeUKyeah onikos08:23
JoeUKlike my pocketpc08:23
JoeUKvacuum cleaner08:23
JoeUKtv cards08:23
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:23
rodenohe he08:23
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michas!tell michas about updates08:23
ubotuI know nothing about updates08:23
h3sp4wnanderbubble: It will work with hostap imo08:23
michaelfaviais there a way to install desktop ubuntu dapper without booting into liveCD first ... it takes forever....08:23
harisundmichaelfavia I think you can use the alternate CD08:24
wastrelplease:  system->administration->disks  does that help at all?08:24
apokryphosmichaelfavia: yes, use the alternate CD, see the FAQ08:24
bruenigmichael favia, you can use the alternate08:24
michaelfaviai will thx...08:24
=== benx [n=benx@dslb-088-072-234-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dial_toneis 'dpkg -l' just installed pkgs?08:24
rodenoya install any distro and install ubuntu-desktop08:24
apokryphosDial_tone: yes08:24
harisundDial_tone not necessarily08:24
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pleasebecuase i can see i just can not put anything on it08:24
wastrelplease:  you may need to edit /etc/fstab to mount the drive rw instead of ro  (read/write vs read only)08:24
h3sp4wnanderbubble: It supports the linux wireless extensions and appears to initialise correctly08:24
Dial_toneok, which one is it?08:24
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harisundDial_tone sometimes it lists unpacked but not installed packages. To ensure only installed packages are printed use "dpkg --l | grep ^ii"08:25
wastrelplease:  you may also need to add a 'user' flag to the mount options08:25
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pleasewell this is what the fstab says  /dev/hda3       /media/hda3      ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 1 208:25
harisundInstalled packages are listed beginning with "ii" in the dpkg -l listing. using the grep pipe you can filter out the installed programs alone08:25
Dial_toneok, thanks08:25
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jedi__ubuntu ROCKS!!08:25
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harisundI agree jedi__ :)08:26
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ompauljedi__, understatement ;-)08:26
jedi__I just installed it with kde desktop I love it... just so easy to set up08:26
wastrelplease:  try changing nouser to user08:26
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id10t'lo all... what do i need to apt-get install to be able to build packages from source?08:27
apokryphosid10t: check the FAQ08:27
AnswerHelp!  how do I uninstall or turn off power management?  (hopefully from the command line)08:27
Sivikid10t, you have to have the src repos open08:27
ludditeok what other tweaks do you all suggest to spead up ubuntu08:27
pleaseany thing else08:27
Sivikluddite: get more ram08:27
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h3sp4wnDial_tone: I think dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size;-10} ${status;-25} ${Package}\n' | sort -n (looks nicer)08:28
ludditei got 4 gb08:28
ludditecan't get no more08:28
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Sivikluddite: then how slow is your machine?  what kind of cpu?08:28
Sivikluddite: are you that impatient that 4 gb isn't fast enough08:28
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varI'm a luddite, also.08:28
=== ompaul remembers working on 4mhz machines
varI hate those newfangled contraptions.08:28
Dial_tonethanks, h3sp4wn08:28
ompaulwoops this is not offtopic08:28
gnomefreaklol ompaul08:29
aaroncwhy does it take forever for ping to send packets?08:29
varluddite: ever read Vonnegut?08:29
Sivikaaronc, maybe because you network is slow?08:29
J-_man, i installed gdesklets from a repo, figured it didn't work, but it's in the system tray, didn't know it was at the time, thought i messed up the install =P08:29
Sivikaaronc, what kind of connection do you have08:29
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aaroncSivik: I'm not talking about the ms return time... I'm talking about the time between sending packets08:29
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varI'm having a break in dependencies with adept package manager -- I'm fairly noob, I'm trying to install typo-env, I got base installed, but now i need env and site08:29
CornelliusWhat's the best way to install Reiser4 on U/K/Xubuntu ?08:29
pleaseanything else i should change dev/hda3       /media/hda3      ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 1 208:29
Sivikaaronc: thats pretty normal08:29
AnswerHelp!  how do I uninstall or turn off power management?  (hopefully from the command line)08:29
aaroncSivik: no it isn't08:29
MastastealthI just setup my wireless USB adapter with ndiswrapper, but it appears its not very friendly with Network Manager. NM shows the networks in range, but they all appear with 100% signal. I connect to mine (which was WPA, but is now open) to test it, and NM still can't connect. However a ifdown and ifup of that card works fine, yet NM still doesn't report a connection...can NM be fixed?08:29
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Sivikaaronc: not sure08:30
Siviksometimes mine is slow08:30
wastrelplease:  did it work with user instead of nouser?08:30
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aaroncAre there any other network issues with Ubuntu other than ipv6 modules?08:30
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aaroncspeaking specifically about dapper drake08:30
J-_where's a good place to get gdesklet themes?08:30
pleasedo not know i got to restart08:30
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ludditewell my cpu isn't the issue, i installed breezy upgraded to dapper, installed nvidia-glx and then cedega... i played a couple of games, when i logged out/rebooted gdm is broken.. i'm a tad bit frustrated08:30
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flobeeDCC SEND is-unbutu-open-source-or-not 0 0 008:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter
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wastrelplease:  you don't have to restart08:30
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kashyou all must reboot08:30
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pleasewhat just save08:31
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ludditeif you do have to restart, sudo shutdown -r now08:31
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pleasedid not work08:31
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Wipsterok I have the program made how do I execute it.........08:31
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Sivikall you have to do to restart if type sudo reboot08:31
Siviknot all that other crap08:31
neutrinomassHm... what part of the Dee Cee Cee string is the exploit? Is it the three zeroes ?08:31
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wastrelplease:  you have to unmount & remount the drive08:32
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SivikToge: whats your question/problem08:32
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Togeif i stop gdm with "stop gdm", how can I restart it? I tried "start gdm" but i doesn't run08:32
Mastastealthhow do i run network manager in debug mode?08:32
Answergdm restart08:33
apokryphosToge: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start08:33
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Starl1ngneutrinomass: Is I remember the IRC-protocol correctly the "three zeroes" would be ip-number and port where you should connect to start downloading the file sent to you.08:33
twitchanyone else having problems with webpage layout?08:33
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wastrelno problems with webpage layout08:33
animatohello, i just compiled my first kernel ever, 2.6.16, but for some reason i can't see usplash. is there a way to fix it without re-compiling all over again?08:33
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MikkelRevDoes anyone here use seti@home? When I try to install it, it fails to connect to the berkely server, and tries again and again and again... Anything wrong?08:33
J-_where's a good place to get gdesklet themes?08:34
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lmadrehabladme en espaol please!08:34
ubotuI know nothing about dcc08:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:34
Togei cant restart it, "gdm restart" doesnt work, and "gdm start" neither08:34
ubotuI know nothing about gdesklet08:34
Seveas!gdesklet is <alias> gdesklets08:35
ubotuI'll remember that08:35
AnswerToge, I never had luck with gdm... i just reboot08:35
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lmadrekiero espaol08:35
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:35
ludditeevms is what kind of $sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:35
neutrinomassStarl1ng: Oh makes sense. The frequency of it was greatly reduced lately so I thought somehow freenode staff managed to fix it. Anyway, thanks :)08:35
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Seveas!dcc is <reply> There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. If you are bitten by this, please upgrade your router firmware08:36
ubotuI'll remember that08:36
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!exploit is <alias> dcc08:36
ubotuI'll remember that08:36
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wastrelSeveas:  upgrade firmware?  you can just connect to a different port - i thought it only works if you're on 666708:36
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ompaulwastrel, changing to 8001 works08:37
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Seveaswastrel, that won't work for all IRC networks08:37
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Seveasmany only use port 666708:37
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GigaClonin some cases its downgradeing firmware08:37
wastrelyou're selfless Seveas ;]   i was just thinking of here08:37
ompaulwastrel, better to upgrade08:37
wastreli suppose08:37
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GigaClonnot all servers are affected08:37
pleasewastrel that did not work08:38
h3sp4wnSeveas: Do you know which routers by any chance ?08:38
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Seveash3sp4wn, linksys and another brand which I forgot, but not all types08:38
GigaClonthats a link i found08:38
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wastrelplease:  what error are you getting?08:38
h3sp4wnSeveas: If its linksys they can probably just install openwrt08:38
GigaClonnetgear 614 and 62408:39
=== CraHan [n=crahan@42.125-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
OneKiDDCC SEND hashhashcomgcompilerz 0 0 008:39
ludditefaster reboot08:39
Seveas!dcc =~ s/$/ - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-106808:39
ubotuMissing end delimiter08:39
Seveas!dcc =~ s/$/ - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-1068/08:39
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ubotuYou used the delimiter too often. Maybe try another one?08:39
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ludditewhat's the name of the service for large volume manager? (LVM) is it EVMS?08:39
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Seveas!dcc =~ s#$# - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-1068#08:39
RaitoI installed pcsx from a package, (pcsx-bin), but how does it work? typing pcsx in run causes nothing to happen. How come?08:39
ubotuI'll remember that08:39
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pleaseaccess denied to /media/hda308:40
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gnomefreakSeveas: time to +r?08:40
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ompaulgnomefreak, one more08:40
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SeveasDCC SE.. eh wait ;)08:40
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gnomefreaklol Seveas08:40
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J-_i just opened synaptic, the following occured:W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)08:40
J-_W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)08:40
J-_W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)08:40
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rebeldehay alguien o ke?08:40
wastrelplease:  get rid of all those flags and just use 'defaults' maybe.08:40
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:40
=== J-_ [n=J@toronto-HSE-ppp4148187.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakJ-_: use pastebin to paste08:41
pleasewhat are flags08:41
LoRezMd: someone play with dcc stuff again08:41
ompaulJ-_, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:41
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ompaulLoRez, that ain't playing ;-/08:41
wastrelplease:  the options, in the options column in fstab08:41
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ludditewhat provides better support for nvidia, dapper or breezy08:42
Wipsterok I'm in the directory of this unrar thign from terminal but when I say unrar it doesn't run the program it says unknown command, how do I run it :/08:42
ompaul** Note ** For those of you who suddenly quit there please upgrade your router firmware08:42
Hexidigital_luddite:: imo, dapper08:42
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. If you are bitten by this, please upgrade your router firmware - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-106808:42
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GigaClonsome people can08:43
gnomefreakluddite: i didnt see such a big difference08:43
GigaClonerr can't upgrade the firmware08:43
rebeldehay alguien o no08:43
J-_anything on my poblem I have?08:43
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:43
Hexidigital_ompaul:: those who quit where? (i just got here, and missed the beginning)08:43
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RaitoAnyone know where to put bios files for pcsx?08:43
J-_i pasted, then got kicked. or should i ust pastebin and paste the url in here?08:43
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ompaulJ-_, yes08:43
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gnomefreakJ-_: yes08:44
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relixI'm having trouble with my GRUB, can't seem to start Windows anymore. Error 12: Invalid device requested08:44
__mikemDid you know if you get your eyes dilated, you can see the screen refresh08:44
ompaulHexidigital_, there were about 15 who got hit08:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:44
relixrootnoverify (hd0,4), savedefault, makeactive, chainloader +108:44
ludditeok how many of you have had issues with asus sli boards?08:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
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Hexidigital_ompaul:: does that link have a list of affected routerS?08:44
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:44
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=== caglar [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-075-143.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. If you are bitten by this, please upgrade your router firmware - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-106808:44
pleasewhat should it look like if i remove the flags08:44
Hexidigital_thx ompaul08:45
ompaulHexidigital_, read ubotu08:45
wastrelplease:  just use  defaults08:45
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__mikemompaul, did something just happen in the chanel08:45
MrBallZhi, anyone knows if Firefox can identify itself as internet explorer ... ?08:45
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kbrosnanYes the user agent switcher extension08:46
ubotutest is The test is complete.08:46
Seveas!forget test08:46
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Hexidigital_of course, i have one of those routers :/08:46
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MrBallZlet me see08:46
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ZnortflHey, anybody got a clue on how to use an iPod on ubuntu breezy?08:46
__mikemSeveas, did I just mis something, it looks like the room is recovering from that exploit08:46
thechrisnfs RPC issue on an older ubuntu computer08:46
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Dial_toneZnortfl, install gtk-pod?08:47
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto08:47
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bleakedso, i just rebooted and my system dumped me into the BusyBox shell with the following error: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off  -  so what might this mean?08:47
Znortflthanks wastrel08:47
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ZnortflDial_tone, I tried yeah08:47
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bleakedZnortfl: what do you need to know about pods?08:48
thechristhe wiki just goes on and on about autofs.  i just want nfs08:48
thechrisbut the RPC issues prevent me from using nfs in ubuntu08:48
Znortflbleaked: I'd like to play music on my new iPod nano, by using my linux pc to get files on it08:48
Minty_Have a link to my win partition, but cannot get it to mount in the computer, have tied thi http://pastebin.ca/73330  but to no avail, any help please08:48
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WaernerIf I wish to use another compiler than GCC4, how do I do? I have a weak memory telling me to write something like CCX=gcc3.3 ?08:48
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riddleboxZnortfl, you can use sharpmusique to do it08:49
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Znortflriddlebox, will try thanks08:49
SeveasWaerner, mixing gcc4 and gcc < 3.4 on a system will be problematic if you eant to use C++08:49
J-_here's the url, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1664908:49
MikkelRevDoes anyone here use seti@home? When I try to install it, it fails to connect to the berkely server, and tries again and again and again... Anything wrong?08:49
Znortflriddlebox, is that an existing package in the repo?08:49
bleakedZnortfl: well, i use kde, so there's a nice kio-slave that automounts it, and the media player amaroK has full ipod support.  unfortunately in gnome, the options are, IMHO, are piss-poor.08:49
riddleboxZnortfl, it may be sharpemusique I am not sure but if you google it, you will get something08:49
ompaulWaerner, can you spell disaster?08:50
WaernerSeveas, but Verlihub have many issues using gcc 4...08:50
riddleboxZnortfl, it used to be called pymusique if that helps08:50
Znortflriddlebox, thanks08:50
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pleasestill nothing08:50
h3sp4wnWaerner: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 (It will be back after a reboot that way)08:50
Znortflbleaked: so I cant run amaroK in gnome?08:50
Waernerh3sp4wn, thanks =)08:50
SeveasWaerner, then that should be fixed. GCC got a lot stricter and sloppy programmers will have to fix theur bugs08:50
pleaseanything else i should change dev/hda3       /media/hda3      ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 1 208:50
bleakedZnortfl: another option, would be what i did: install rockbox (an alternative firmware for various media players) onto my ipod and i just use amarok to dump songs on..otherwise one could just drag and drop into /dev/sda208:51
WaernerSeveas, I'm afraid I can't do that anyway :P08:51
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__mikemHEy Seveas, do you know what sloppy programming is sometimes called, Job Security!08:51
Seveas__mikem, I know all about that08:51
bleakedZnortfl: no, you can use amarok..you just can't use the nice kio-slave08:51
h3sp4wnSeveas: I think you get the differed in signdness gcc errors even with well written code sometimes08:51
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crypticok guys, earlyer i tried to install apache, which didnt go to well, would u recommend a sudo rm apache?08:51
Discipulusmy firefox just up and froze08:51
Seveash3sp4wn, 'differs in signedness' is a warning, not an error08:51
Discipuluswhy does it keep freezing?08:52
ompaul cryptic no08:52
Hexidigital_cryptic:: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache08:52
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages08:52
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Hexidigital_ompaul:: no?08:52
bleakedZnortfl: but you can tell amarok to mount it, using a pre-connect command08:52
Seveasalthough using -Werror is recommendable 08:52
crypticthanks Hexidigital_08:52
riddleboxHexidigital_, man you beat me08:52
Discipulusand sometimes when I open a webpage sometimes it crashes08:52
thechrisso i take it ubuntu 5.x had no nfs support...08:52
Znortflbleaked: I dont think dumping my songs on /media/ipod will work08:52
thechristhis will take all day with shfs08:52
__mikemriddlebox are you playing "who can provide help the fastest"?08:52
crypticand guys whats the shortcut key/keys to get to terminal08:52
Hexidigital_ompaul:: sorry, read the screen too fast08:52
ompaulcryptic, I would suggest the first part of that reinstall08:52
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h3sp4wnSeveas: Yes - accepted08:53
Seveascryptic, you'll have to set one08:53
riddlebox__mikem, you want to play too08:53
crypticoh ok08:53
J-_i have an error when i go into synaptic, here's the reference http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16649. how can i fix it?08:53
crypticthought there was a defult08:53
__mikemlol Ill jump in if theres something I can help with. I just like to hang out in here08:53
crypticwhat do u mean ompaul?08:53
=== krang [n=robert@fctnnbsc15w-156034074203.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasJ-_ hit the reload button in synaptic08:53
krangAnyone one know of a nice SCP GUI?08:53
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Seveaskrang, nautilus (places  connect to server)08:53
=== __mikem always found the commandline package managers to be faster and easier to use
ompaulcryptic, as Hexidigital_ said  sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>08:54
krangSeveas: well I'll be blowed. Cheers08:54
bleakedZnortfl: well, not with the apple firmware, since that only reads from a lame database and puts the songs into obfusticated folders and filenames -- but rockbox reads straight up.  amarok works well though, it will write to the iTunesDB, and you can even extract songs off of it as well -- don't even bother with gtkpod, it's a terrible app.08:54
crypticand then try and reinstall?08:54
h3sp4wnSeveas: It does make you think of non existant problems though (well does me)08:54
GigaClonhow can I disable OSS?08:54
pleaseall i want to do is be able to use my other partition08:54
Seveash3sp4wn, warnings should be fixed - they indicate possible bugs 08:54
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J-_thanks seveas08:54
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Znortflbleaked, yes, I discovered that myself about half an hour ago08:55
crypticcryptic@cypto:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge apache208:55
crypticReading package lists... Done08:55
crypticBuilding dependency tree... Done08:55
crypticNote, selecting apache2-mpm-worker instead of apache208:55
crypticPackage apache2-mpm-worker is not installed, so not removed08:55
cryptic0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:55
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DragoonzI'm having trouble with pam modules i think... i'm attempting to login to and AD server.  at prompt i type in login. then <username> then <password>.  i get pam_winbind: user <username> granted access then i retype the password  again and get the same thing.  then i get login: FAILED LOGIN 'console' FOR 'username' Module is unknown.  any ideas?08:55
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funkmasterhow can i kill a process which isn't getting killed with sudo kill -9 or sudo kill - HUP08:55
crypticthat was ment to go to a paste bin08:55
hbweb500I get a "kernel panic: unable to mount root file system" after installing a 2.4 kernel in Dapper. Any suggestions?08:55
__mikemcryptic to prevent that from happening again please pastebin08:55
Seveashbweb500, LOL!08:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:55
__mikemSeveas, that was a little harsh, but then again, its your ops account08:56
Seveashbweb500, yeah, ditch that 2.4 kernel and use something from the 21st century08:56
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h3sp4wnSeveas: I would say yes for most warnings but not that one as you can have perfectly valid C that does that08:56
crm-114does anyone know if the alsa snd-intel8x0 driver is able to multiplex sound on its own?08:56
Seveashbweb500, 2.4 is NOT possible with ubuntu08:56
hbweb500Seveas: I have hardware slowdowns with the 2.6 kernel and am testing 2.4.08:56
ompaulhbweb500, then use breezy08:56
ompaulhbweb500, then use or hoary08:56
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Seveash3sp4wn, then you need to use an explicit cast08:56
=== joeDapper1 [n=joeDappe@82-37-153-13.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasompaul, even warty used 2.608:57
crypticim using hoary08:57
CornelliusWhy is it so slow when copying files from CD/DVD to HD on Ubuntu ? On Windows it takes one minute or two.08:57
hbweb500Sweet, more downloading.08:57
crypticwaiting for my new delivery :)08:57
ompaulSeveas, aye08:57
ompaulbut we could choose that bad one08:57
SeveasNO Ubuntu versions can use a 2.4 kernel without lots of userland hacking08:57
__mikemSeveas, do you have any programming experience?08:57
Hexidigital_cryptic:: it might be faster to wait for the download08:57
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ompaulhbweb500, seems you want to be in #debian08:57
bleakedZnortfl: but look into rockbox: supports pretty much every format (ogg/flac/mp3/etc), gapless playback (the apple firmware skips in between tracks), crossfading, games, skins, and so much more.  by default, you install it as a dual-boot, but eventually i found myself never using the apple firmware, so i dumped it, gained 65MB, and reduced boot time down to about 1 second.  now i can play all of my oggs on my nano :D08:57
crypticHexidigital_,  i cant08:57
bobcat190man it frezzes when i try to install ubuntu...plz help08:57
crypticin south africa08:57
Seveas__mikem, it's what earns me my dinner08:57
Hexidigital_cryptic:: ah08:58
crypticwe have sh*T capping08:58
riddlebox__mikem, I like to sit too and pick stuff up, its fun to play games though08:58
hbweb500ompaul: If debian worked on my system without days of hacking...08:58
crypticwe need a really good and cheap ISP in SA08:58
=== nicktk1 [n=nicktk1@c-68-80-203-66.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelSeveas:  why are there 2.4 kernel image packages in dapper repos then?08:58
nicktk1cool im back08:58
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Seveaswastrel, imports from debian08:58
ompaulcryptic, do some really restricted torrenting08:58
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__mikemI do programming for a hobby, mostly in C/C++/x86 Assembly08:58
thechrisi guess scp will just have to suffice.  it would have been nice if nfs had worked, but then again ubuntu just has quirks.08:58
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cromoI get segmentation fault when using apt-build --remove-builddep08:58
Znortflbleaked: How do I tell AmaroK to contact the ipod?08:58
cromoanyonce can confirm plrease?08:58
Seveaswastrel, it's one of the things that should be fixed in the import mechanism 08:58
riddlebox__mikem, you do any python programming?08:59
nicktk1hey i have 2 hardrives on my computer can one run linux and the other windows?08:59
crypticompaul, i have an older bro, who runs a IT support company from home08:59
crypticif i cap us08:59
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Hexidigital_nicktk1:: yes08:59
__mikemriddlebox, I havn't have time to learn it, I heard its a nice language though08:59
crypticand he cannot use remote desktop etc08:59
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cryptici will die :(08:59
Hexidigital_!dualboot > nicktk108:59
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Hexidigital_nicktk1:: check your pm from ubotu08:59
ompaulcryptic, then go to shipit.ubuntu.com or your nearest freedom toaster08:59
crypticlol yea ompaul i said i was waiting for it09:00
pleasestill nothing wastrel09:00
joeDapper1hi, is there a really easy way to x.org to detect the all display resolutions automatically, so you dont have to mess around with the x config file?09:00
crypticremoving apache is not working :(09:00
nicktk1cool thanks09:00
bleakedZnortfl: not sure, might need to be mounted.  in kde, it's autodetected by the kio-slave, and amarok asks you if you want to use the device.  i think you'll have to manually mount /dev/sda2, and tell amarok it's there.09:00
ompaulcryptic, well a freedom toaster would do it it for you09:00
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wastrelplease:  sorry i dunno - maybe someone else can help.09:00
crypticim at the part where u have to do that dam config :(09:00
Hexidigital_freedom toaster?09:00
wastrelfreedom toaster!09:00
crypticyea im with Hexidigital_ im confused09:00
wastrelfreedom toasters are kiosks that burn ubuntu disks09:01
Znortflbleaked, how do I tell amaroK that it's there, sorry im sucha complete newb09:01
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pleasedose any body now about partitions on one disk09:01
ompaulHexidigital_, I usually dont say google but that is so cool do it that way - it is really cool09:01
crypticu get those in SA?09:01
The_OatmanHello, I recently installed a package through synaptic while trying to get a parallel port scanner to work (kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.6) and I think it killed my sound completely. How can I repair this damage without reinstalling?09:01
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GigaClonhow can I disable OSS temporaraly09:01
ompaulcryptic, yes09:01
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Hexidigital_hey, i have a question... is Amazon.com allowed to SELL the Ubuntu distros?09:01
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bleakedHexidigital_: and so are you09:02
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Mintylogged by error, anyone hep me with  my win partition, but cannot get it to mount in the 'computer', have tied this http://pastebin.ca/73330  but to no avail09:02
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Znortflbleaked: I have found the screen that asks for the mount command, but the ipod is automatically mounted, so it doesnt need to be mounted09:02
riddlebox__mikem, I am trying to learn c++ but learning it on my own is proving to be harder than I thought09:02
ardchoilleHexidigital_: anyone can sell Ubuntu distros for a reasonable cost of the media+labour09:02
Hexidigital_yes, but these look like shipit cd's09:03
BCK14how do see what ports are connected to what servers ?09:03
__mikemriddlebox, I tought myself assembly language on my own, trust me, you can do it. Just remember to do A LOT of reading.09:03
guimMachi all, i am using a laptop powerbook g4 and face some problem : i want to use another screen (actually a beamer) and even if i connect it before i switch on the mac, it doesn't work09:03
Sivikok, why isn't xdm starting?09:03
SlikeBCK14: netstat ?09:03
riddlebox__mikem, and alot of practice09:03
ardchoilleHexidigital_: URL?09:03
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guimMacanyone could help on that?09:03
crypticriddlebox, have u done any othere languages apart from C++?09:03
Hexidigital_ardchoille:: hang on09:03
__mikemriddlebox, after a while the language will become second nature09:03
Sivikit says starting x display manager: xdm but then it goes back to console09:03
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bleakedZnortfl: if it's already mounted, i believe amarok should find it, or you should be able to point it to it..09:04
__mikemfor instance, I can usually get my programs to compile on the first try (even relatively complex ones), but it took a lot of practice09:04
guimMacall i get on the connected screen (whatever it is) is a white screen09:04
GigaClonhow can I disable OSS temporarily09:04
Starl1ngOh, my godness.... I choosed to install KDE....and it includes 353 packages (!!??!) ... I also install 9wm at the same time. :) Feels a bit weird...09:04
Hexidigital_ardchoille:: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000G62IDU/qid=1151435039/sr=8-4/ref=pd_bbs_4/103-6478412-1359805?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=22953409:04
__mikemthat is a long url09:04
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guimMacsounds like the blue screen of windows :)09:04
Hexidigital___mikem:: heh09:04
guimMacbut white, as a mac09:04
nicktk1umm and when i burn to a cd to i keep it as a rar file or do i extrct to a cd?09:04
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bleakedZnortfl: i really can't help you now though..i just b0rked my system, and i'm stuck in a recovery shell and really should focus on that instead of assisting people w/ their ipods..but later though, i'd be happy to help..09:05
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:05
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Hexidigital_whoops... wrong one09:05
bleakedZnortfl: sorry.. :\09:05
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Znortflbleaked: I understand, this is more important ofc ;)09:05
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__mikemriddlebox, do you know how to program in C?09:05
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riddleboxcryptic, I barely know python, I am trying to learn c++09:05
guimMacanyone could give at least a place to find info about  that?09:05
BCK14Slike: how can i see what ports are connected to an address?09:05
The_Oatmangeez it seems sound issues are very hard to fix in linux09:05
BCK14an ip even09:06
mwigginsokay this is f***ed, rebooted my computer this morning, and my sound is no longer working correctly, driver loads fine, programs can play to it just fine, mixer inputs are all unmuted and normal09:06
crypticwell riddlebox im in gr 11 and doing java09:06
mwigginsbut ANO audio is coming out09:06
crypticits pretty simple to pick up languages09:06
crypticonce u have the basic idea of programming09:06
mwigginsusing dapper, anyone have any idea why this would be?09:06
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__mikemplease DON'T start him in java, java presents to many opertunities to develop bad habits09:06
crypticthey all do about the same thing just diffrent ways of doing them :)09:06
guimMacsomeone uses a mac here?09:06
BCK14how can i see what ports are connected to an address?09:06
guimMacwith ubuntu ?09:06
crypticdont worry man if u know 1 its gets easyer :)09:06
wastreljava eh09:06
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wastrelit's the language of the future09:06
__mikemriddlebox, don't start in java, you will pick up bad habits what will make learning C/C++ even more of a monster09:07
riddleboxguimMac, you can try www.linuxactionshow.com they use ubuntu on macs09:07
crypticwhy __mikem09:07
Ackeubu_hey what sync apps exists for gnome to sync my pakm tungsten?09:07
Hexidigital___mikem:: what do you suggest a good starting language to be?09:07
Ackeubu_Palm sync apps09:07
guimMacriddlebox, thx i take a look09:07
Ackeubu_I need to do a wifi sync from Palm tungsten09:07
wastrelAckeubu_:  jpilot, gnome-pilot09:07
crypticwhat bad habbits would u be refering to __mikem ?09:07
__mikemHexidigital_ I recomend starting someone off in C09:07
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Sivikhow do i make xdm the default display manager?09:07
riddleboxpython was easy for me to pick up, but I want to create c packages09:07
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wastrelpython eh.09:08
__mikemcryptic for instance writing classes around absolutely everything even when doing so entails performance issues09:08
Ackeubu_wastrel which one would you recommend for wifi sync?09:08
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wastrelAckeubu_:  i guess gnome pilot would work - use evolution as the desktop software09:08
cryptici have looked at C# tut's09:08
cromoanyonce can please check if apt-build --remove-builddep whatever causes segfault?09:08
__mikemtheres also misrepresentation of the idea of an object, for instance javas constant use of classes around gui controls often leads to bad interpretations on what an object actually is09:08
BCK14how can i see what a ports is connected to?09:08
wastreli need to learn python09:08
cryptici dont get C#09:08
Starl1ngBCK14: Try "netstat" or "netstat -n" if you don't want to do DNS-lookup's (this is much quicker).09:08
crypticbut im going to look at some C++ ones soon :)09:08
__mikemcryptic shal I go on09:08
wastrelC is best to start09:09
crypticsoz for caps09:09
seamoonAnyone wanna help me with what to write in fstab to mount a partition at startup?09:09
__mikemLearn C first, then c++, once you do, you don't need to learn java because you pretymuch already know it09:09
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crypticstupid laptop, not used to the keys :)09:09
jcatDon't listen to other people who are trying to say goto is a bad command.09:09
yacekI would like to install some program, but firstly I would like to know its version, how can I check that?09:09
crypticbut seriously C# is jibberish to me for some reason09:09
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shwaghow do I set services to load at startup ?09:09
__mikemcryptic, c# is supposed to be a terse language09:09
cryptic!define terse09:10
ubotuI know nothing about define terse09:10
crypticaww no define09:10
crypticterse = easy?09:10
riddlebox__mikem, I started with python and then jumped to c++, maybe I should go down to c09:10
crypticsimple to understand its logic?09:10
__mikemterse is not verbose09:10
Starl1ngBCK14: You could also try to pipe it to less "netstat | less", all the interesting network stuff is at the top of the output.09:10
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__mikemriddlebox, start with C09:10
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: I know this is from a while ago, but it turns out that I _do_ have wpasupplicant installed09:10
soundrayshwag: depends on the service. Most are setup to load on startup by default.09:10
cryptic__mikem, is there any C# tut u would recommend?09:10
wastrelriddlebox:  start with C09:10
jcatWould someone mind helping me with ubuntu?09:11
Sivikwhy isn't there anything in my home folders09:11
gepatinoi'm trying to modify initrd.gz in dapper desktop cd, need some help, please09:11
__mikemyes, Microsoft C#.net step by step is good, but you will need to cough up for it09:11
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wastrelstate your problem09:11
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: still, though, I would like to force the use of the orinoco_cs driver. Do you know how I can do that?09:11
shwagsoundray, how about after a   sudo apt-get install openssh-server   ?  is that set to load at startup now ?09:11
Sivikhow does one run nvclock gui?09:11
cryptic__mikem, didnt they make some features of there C# free>09:11
seamoonI have a partition on another drive (sata) that I want to have mounted on every startup with writepermission, anyone knows what to write in fstab?09:11
Ackeubu_how would i start gnome-pilot cant find it in the menus and it will not run with gnome-pilot in the terminal09:11
=== Hexidigital_ has to go sit through the wonderful world of mathematics.... have a great day everyone
soundrayshwag: yes. Test with ssh localhost09:11
rixxonwhat does 'gpg --encrypt' do? for me it just dumps some binary data.09:11
crypticlike microsoft's C# editor is free now09:11
yacekI would like to install some program, but firstly I would like to know its version, how can I check that?09:11
riddleboxjcat, what do you need help with09:12
wastrelAckeubu_:  it's actually a gnome applet, add the gnome pilot applet to your gnome panel09:12
crypticyacek, look for a read me file09:12
__mikemcryptic not sure what you mean. Microsoft is providing the visual studio express edition products free for one year after they were released, that should be over real soon though09:12
joeDapper1does the x11 server use sockets or library calls when using local windowed apps ??09:12
Ackeubu_wastrel ooh09:12
crypticreadme's normally list it09:12
shwagsoundray, I know it started the service after the install...but I dont know if the service will again be started after the next reboot.09:12
gepatinoi can't make a modified initrd.gz work, and i'm only modifing default user name09:12
crypticthey are downloadable atm09:12
soundrayshwag: it will.09:12
cryptici found a link on www.runuo.com09:12
jcat>.> I've had ubuntu for all of a few days. I don't know how to install packages I've downloaded, or why my other drive can't be recognized (I have a small win partition, and a large data partition).09:12
crypticto download them09:12
__mikemI don't know, you can look at, http://msdn.microsoft.com09:12
nicktk1ok so im assuming the iso will run atomaticaly?09:12
seamoonI have a partition on another drive (sata) that I want to have mounted on every startup with writepermission, anyone knows what to write in fstab?09:12
h3sp4wn<anderbubble: Try setting it up as specified in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes if it doesn't work then I will tell you how to change it (Probably the reason that driver is used is because its better - orinoco is a very common card)09:13
__mikemI don't know of any that will work on linux though09:13
soundrayshwag: install bum (no joke) to see/configure what services are loaded at boot.09:13
soundray!info bum09:13
ubotubum: graphical runlevel editor. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.1.5-1build1 (dapper), package size 74 kB, installed size 484 kB09:13
yacekbut I would like to install it using apt-get, so how can I check the program version?09:13
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soundrayyacek: apt-cache policy packagename09:13
crypticany way __mikem since i agree with what ure saying09:13
crypticwhat is the nicest tut u could link me 2 :)09:13
riddleboxjcat, what do you mean you down know how to install packages? what type are they? *.gz *.deb???09:13
anderbubbleh3sp4wn: ok. thanks for your help09:13
__mikemcryptic you mean what I said about bad habits?09:13
rixxonhow can i encrypt stdout with gpg? (for piping)09:13
crypticwell everything09:14
crypticbad habits09:14
crypticthat its a better langugae09:14
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__mikemwell thank you09:14
crypticbest for begginers etc09:14
wastrelwhat's a better language?09:14
crypticit is better then java09:14
Ackeubu_wastrel i started pilot applet and pressed network sync from my palm and it sayd sync complete. it cant be that simple!!?.09:14
wildmancryptic: don't start a A is better than B war...09:14
crypticwastrel, C is better then java09:14
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wildmancryptic: it's useless ;)09:14
wastrelAckeubu_:  i dunno - open up evolution and see if your data's there :] 09:15
crypticbut its a known fact imho09:15
jcat.*gz   This is my second day actually running ubuntu, and linux in general.09:15
wildmancryptic: all langs have it's good and bad things, as pretty much everything else in this world ;)09:15
rixxoncryptic: you can't compare C and Java, so don't.09:15
wildmancryptic: it's just a matter of using "the right tool for the job"09:15
__mikemTHe only reason to bother with java is because you can make good money as a java programmer09:15
The_OatmanHello, I recently installed a package through synaptic while trying to get a parallel port scanner to work (kernel-patch-ppscsi-2.6) and I think it killed my sound completely. Does anybody know how can I repair this damage without reinstalling?09:15
gepatinoi need to know how to properly package a new initrd.gz to make a custom ubuntu live cd09:15
rixxoncryptic: also, this channel is not meant for language war / similar.09:15
Minty__anyone know hot to add a dictionaire to eveolution ??09:15
__mikemjava was more comperable to C when it supported pointers09:15
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__mikemthey actually have basic compilers that can generate code that runs about as fast as C generated code09:16
cryptica simple comment and everyone starts tuning me09:16
__mikemlike freebasic for example09:16
crypticmoving past that09:16
rixxoncryptic: perhaps, because it is against the rules of this channel09:16
crypticwhat is the best C# tut09:16
wildmannot to mention useless ;)09:16
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-18-79-192.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
riddleboxjcat, there is this wonderful tool in ubuntu called apt-get, I will try to get you a tutorial on it09:16
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rixxoncryptic: try ##csharp for such a question09:17
wildmanThe_Oatman: euh... stupid question: did you reboot after installing that kernel thing'09:17
wildmanthing? I mean,09:17
ompaulcryptic, go to the channel #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue that line  that is not a support question thanks09:17
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__mikemriddlebox, one thing that would help is for you to study the source code that comes with some of the open source software, its well commented, and should be good for you09:17
crypticim not asking a question to every one...09:17
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jcatI would appreciate any tutorials you could give me.09:17
crypticim just asking to __mikem  in general09:17
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wildmancryptic: if you both have registered nicknames, you can chat in private w/o 'disturbing' the rest of the ppl here... just a thought...09:18
jcatI'm wanting to figure things out without breaking ubuntu like I did with xp.09:18
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wildmancryptic: "/query nickname" might be your friend ;)09:18
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wastrelyou can use #ubuntu-offtopic  :] 09:18
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wastreljcat:  check wiki.ubuntu.com  there's a lot of documentation there.09:19
thompaive tried everything and cant disable touchpad09:19
wastrelthompa:  synaptics?09:19
__mikemcryptic, if you want, I can talk to you dirrectly in a private chat09:19
cberloHi folks.  I'm trying to get winbind authentication working on a newly-installed Edubuntu LTSP server (and yes, I'm querying the Edubuntu channel at present also).  Does anyone know how to get null passwords to work with GDM and/or LDM?09:19
riddleboxjcat, this is a good start http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper09:20
Raul654Question - I know the package (of a well known application) in the official repositories is outdated and has a number of known security holes09:20
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Tom7ecan anyone tell me how to make windows default on grub?09:20
thompawastrel: do you mean qsynaptics?09:20
Raul654is there someone to report that to?09:20
wastrelthompa:  i mean is it a synaptics touchpad09:20
wildmanTom7e: by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst IIRC09:20
thompawastrel: yes09:20
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cryptic__mikem, dont worry, i know how to double click, use query or just type /msg nick...09:20
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!lilo:*! Hi all. If you have special modes on your client, you may experience some temporary disruption. If so, we'll try to get it fixed as quickly as possible.09:20
thompawastrel: i added kbindings but they dont work either09:20
ScorpmoonCan anyone explain http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add.2Fedit.2Fdelete_network_users to me.. what does system_username = "network username" mean09:21
__mikemok, If you like I can walk you through a few assembly language programs to if you are feeling really adventerous09:21
=== Frem [n=james@adsl-145-82-226.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
FeestBijtjewhat is windows09:21
riddleboxjcat, I believe there is a wealth of stuff for you in that link :)09:21
Scorpmoonis system_username = scorpmoon?09:21
kimoguys, I'm stuck with Live CD, which is super slow on my 128MB machine :( Anyway I can start a text installer from that? (rescue mode?)09:21
thompai mean xbindkeys09:21
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Scorpmoonand where do I write the password09:21
CarlFKtrying to print to an win2k print share.  works from my breezy -> dapper box, but not my 5 day old dapper install jobs just sit in the queue.  status says "Printing: Gutenprint Ready to print."09:21
riddleboxFeestBijtje, windows are holes in your house that have glass panes in them to allow a person to look out09:21
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thompawastrel: it seems its not possible to disable, so im wondering what else is controlling it09:21
soundray!tell Raul654 about launchpad09:21
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crypticnah dont worry __mikem09:21
FeestBijtje!tell riddlebox google09:22
ubotuI know nothing about tell riddlebox google09:22
FremHey, my dmesg output keeps printing out " VFS: busy inodes on changed media." over and over again. I looked at the System Log viewer, the message is still being printed. What does it mean?09:22
CyorxampIf I have a MPEG4 movie and it uses OGG and XviD - will it play when ubuntu is first installed ?!09:22
FeestBijtjeriddlebox, what is windows xp09:22
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wastrelthompa:  i'm looking for the instructions i had for this in breezy ... :] 09:22
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__mikemFeestBijtje, I must give fare warning that the ops will deal with monkeyshines swiftly and brutally09:22
riddleboxjcat, if you need a quick way to get going though, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_apt-get_the_easy_way_.28Synaptic.2909:23
thompawastrel: ive tried these http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14309509:23
FeestBijtje__mikem, okay il stop smoking pot09:23
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soundrayFrem: you've probably removed a drive without unmounting/ejecting it.09:23
__mikemthats probably a good idea09:23
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FeestBijtjeI agree it makes me anoying09:23
CyorxampIf I have a MPEG4 movie and it uses OGG and XviD - will it play when ubuntu is first installed ?!09:23
thompawastrel: ive tried qsynaptics and every other method, its hopeless09:23
crypticFeestBijtje, do u even know what linux is? or are u just one of those guys that goes round to be annoying :(09:23
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Scorpmooni cant figure how to share printers to windows09:23
FeestBijtjecryptic, i use linux doh09:23
NgCyorxamp: the ogg bit will, but the xvid may well need extra codecs to be installed09:24
__mikemI wonder how I would apply for an ops account in this chanel? I am sure my record of conduct is exemplary enough09:24
jcatThank you for the links. I'm sorry that I'm so inexperienced right now, but I need to start somewhere eventually.09:24
riddleboxFeestBijtje, windows xp just means the windows for extra people to look out of then :)09:24
Scorpmoonwhen I log on to the ubuntu machine a password dialog pops up09:24
thompaif i comment out synaptics stuff no startx either09:24
Fremsoundray, Ubuntu automatically mounts/unmounts things.09:24
Stormx2Hey everyone I'm back09:24
Scorpmooni tried the root user09:24
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FeestBijtjelol @ riddlebox09:24
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__mikemsomeone who knows linux but DOESN'T know windows is rarer than a dinosour bone09:24
Ubuntbabehey, is stream ripping detectable?09:24
CyorxampNg... XviD is an open source project... does anyone in here know if Ubuntu comes with XviD support?!09:24
arapehlquestion from a noob09:24
soundrayFrem: no, it doesn't. You have to unmount removable devices before you unplug them.09:24
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:24
wastrelthompa:  what i did was set the MaxTapTime  parameter to 0, which turns off taps09:24
cryptic__mikem, but u do actually find dinosuar bones :)09:24
FeestBijtje__mikem, true my dad uses windows :S it makes my bum ichy09:24
wastrelthompa:  sorry that's different :] 09:25
NgCyorxamp: afaik the format is patent encumbered. there is a codec in multiverse, but that means it won't be installed by default09:25
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=== __mikem is this close to calling the ops in
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Ng!restrictedformats > Cyorxamp09:25
__mikemcryptic, not really09:25
arapehlI've burned the 6.06 image to a CD, and it boots up to the main menu but won't go further, it gives me an I/O error... further tries gives me "isolinux Disk error 80, AX=4200, drive 9F"09:25
arapehlAny clues?09:25
Cyorxamp!restrictedformats > Cyorxamp09:25
=== patrick__ [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ubuntbabehey, is stream ripping detectable or does it all happen within my lan?09:25
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FeestBijtjearapehl, you got the wrong disk?09:25
arapehlOh, and I'm on an old PII 300Mhz09:25
thompawastrel: i get.. line 4: synclient: command not found sif i run xbindkey09:26
riddleboxhrmm this needs to be in the topic http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper it is real useful09:26
oskudearapehl, did you try the "check cd" option in the cd at boot ? (to test that the cd is ok=09:26
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead09:26
__mikemarapehl don't listen to FeestBijtje he is a troll09:26
thompawastrel: thats ok, im going to keep searching, ubuntu is hiding something09:26
cromoanyonce can please check if apt-build --remove-builddep whatever_package causes segfault?09:26
arapehlThe first time I didn't "check CD", second time around I did, but the same thing happened... the Image I'm using is : ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso09:27
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barongasSound not working when playing flash movies, using esd... which works fine with mp3 and movies in general. Any ideas?09:27
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riddleboxsoundray, it seems that is has been updated, for dapper09:27
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arapehloskude: yeah, it gives me the same problem.09:27
Ubuntbabehey, is stream ripping detectable or does it all happen within my lan?09:27
FeestBijtje__mikem, i aint a troll i am just anoying today09:27
AeoCan I access files on an NTFS partition through Ubuntu?09:27
oskudearapehl, hmm ? did the "check cd" say that the cd is ok or not ?09:27
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ompaulFeestBijtje, well don't be annoying09:27
__mikemFeestBijtje, stop being annoying now. Such conduct is frowned upon09:27
arapehlI don't know if it's maybe that my CD drive sucks? I burned it on a different drive though (does it remember the drive it was burned on and expect to be booted off the same one?)09:28
barongasAeo, access yes, write no09:28
__mikemompaul, if I wanted to apply to become an op in this room, what would I need to do09:28
Ubuntbabeubotu: tell Aeo !ntfs09:28
crypticwould it be possible to hack my windows XP machine, just cause im 2 lasy to go get my password for my regged nick?09:28
arapehloskude: the cd check gives me the same IO error and asks to reboot.09:28
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions09:28
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crypticreason i would need to get there to get it is cause random chars make the best passes :)?09:28
Ubuntbabehey, is stream ripping detectable or does it all happen within my lan?09:28
__mikemhypotheticly I mean09:28
riddleboxUbuntubabe, I09:28
soundrayriddlebox: whoever created ubuntuguide didn't show much respect for users in the past by dishing out dangerous advice. I don't have any reason to believe that their resources can be trusted, just because it's been updated.09:28
oskudearapehl, no. but if you burn with to high speed, and the old cdrom drive is slower than with you burned it, could be that you get problems with the old drive...09:28
riddleboxam not sure09:28
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead09:29
riddleboxsoundray, I did not know that, I will look through it and see09:29
oskudearapehl, i allways burn bootable images with maximum speed of x809:29
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arapehloskude: I burned it at 8x and my drive is supposed to be a 36x (old one though)09:29
Fremsoundray, Ok, i'm confused. In pretty much every Linux distro, when a cdrom is mounted, the drive is locked shut until unmount. In Ubuntu, the cdrom drive door is not locked, I don't get an error when I eject, any file windows open automatically close, and the cdrom icon disappears off the desktop, AND it's automatically removed from the list of mounted drives.09:29
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee09:29
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs09:29
oskudearapehl, ok, so that shouldn be the problem... hmm, did you do an md5sum on the image ?09:29
arapehlI could try and slow it down some... maybe even go with 2x... what do you think?09:30
gullstad_What mediaplayers can tranfer to linux?09:30
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ompaul__mikem, please read the message09:30
oskudearapehl, i doubt the burn speed is the problem here..09:30
soundrayFrem: the error you report seems to refer to a writable device, not a CD.09:30
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__mikemompaul :)09:30
=== Mastastealth [n=stealth8@c-65-34-237-214.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
barongasI hear that there is a trade-off with dapper and flash in firefox that you can choose firefox stability or flash sound. Anyone been down that road and came back alive?09:30
arapehloskude: heh, uhm, like I said, I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this. I set the burning software (easy cd creator) to check the CD and then burn. I'm guessing that's not what you mean though huh?09:31
riddleboxgullstad, my rio is just seen as a usb thumbdrive basically, I just drap and drop files on it09:31
oskudearapehl, i dont know how to check md5sum on windows... hmm09:31
AeoThanks Ubuntbabe!09:31
riddleboxoskude, I believe there is a small app to do it09:31
soundraybarongas: I think what you say was once true, but doesn't apply to the recent release.09:31
gullstad_riddlebox: Whit iTunes you probly need a program to get the music into the libary.09:32
Mastastealthanyone else having issues with the latest update regarding Nvidia acceleration09:32
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lamegooskude, google.com, there is an md5.exe for windows09:32
oskudearapehl, on the server where you got the image is a same named .md5 file that has the md5 checksum number that you need to compare, sec09:32
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Sivikwhy is xterm saying xterm: DISPLAY is not set09:32
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barongassoundray, ok. I installed flash with a nifty app called easyubuntu, maybe it dropped me something old... Gonna mess around with apt and see what comes up09:32
oskudearapehl, did you read this ? ;) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:33
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riddleboxgullstad, there is gtkpod and sharpmusique or something like that09:33
soundraybarongas: I installed flash on all my i386 machines using Easyubuntu. Never had any troubles with sound or otherwise.09:33
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Siviknickrud, you around?09:33
arapehloskude: heh, no. that would have required me to have a little less of an ego... "me? read docs? never!" ;)09:33
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asandhas anyone installed openoffice.org on 6.06 ?09:34
oskudearapehl, the md5 checksum number is used to verify that the download process went ok, means that you have the _exact_ same file as on the server09:34
soundrayasand: yes09:34
barongassoundray, hmmm..09:34
riddleboxasand, it comes with it doesnt it?09:34
asandI've had some trouble09:34
asandwell it is'nt there09:34
riddleboxasand, did you upgrade from breezy?09:34
soundrayasand: did you install it from the repositories?09:34
userundefinebarongas, soundray, someone having trouble with flash and no sound?09:34
oskudearapehl, and thats wat i *allways* do when i burn images...09:34
crypticdoesnt openoffice come standard with any ubuntu release...?09:34
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barongasuserundefine, yessir me that is!09:34
Ngcryptic: it should be in all of them09:35
asandwhen I try sudo apt-get install openoffice.org it reports some broken packages09:35
userundefinebarongas, have you tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402209:35
oskudearapehl, on linux it would just typing "md5sum file.name" :/09:35
crypticopenoffice is soo cool :)09:35
asandyes I upgraded for Breezy09:35
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barongasuserundefine, no but will now09:35
cryptici cant wait for my dapper to arrive09:35
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crypticnew packages etc :)09:35
userundefinebarongas, I just did it and it worked for me.  Working for a lot of people09:35
Ngasand: paste the reported errors to a pastebin09:35
riddleboxasand, I had the same problem, I opened up synaptic and selected the openoffice2.org package or something like that09:35
Sivikcryptic, why can you just get it from online instead of waiting for it to arrive09:35
crypticshould i format this hard-drive and reinstall dapper?09:35
JaspaJonesheya ppl.09:35
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crypticSivik, i cant download it, south africa09:36
=== TiG4 [n=tigfour@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
oskudearapehl, but they could have an easier way/tool in here http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/using_md5sums.html :/09:36
crypticwe have some thing called capping09:36
Sivikcryptic, that sucks09:36
crypticso i can only download 3 gig09:36
cryptica month09:36
wildmancryptic: tx limiting sucks09:36
arapehloskude: gah! the stupid mdhashtool firefox extension deosn't work b/c I'm on a newer version of FF!!09:36
crypticand we have already gone over our cap :(09:36
userundefinecryptic, sorry to hear that09:36
JaspaJonessome1 there to help me with some network-problems?09:36
crypticif some one09:36
crypticcan come to SA09:36
crypticwith a good ISP09:36
crypticu will make millions09:37
oskudearapehl, lol, you got 2.0beta or so ?09:37
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:37
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wildmancryptic: do you have access, if available already, to something similar to a beverage expending machine, but for FLOSS CDs?09:37
asandi've tracked the errors down to the openoffice.org-core-experimental09:37
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crypticlol ng09:37
wildmancryptic: euh... freeburner, or something like that...09:37
crypticu love to pwn that bot hey :)09:37
asandwhich apperently is'nt installable :/09:37
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crypticnope wildman we dont have such items in sa :(09:37
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jjvvcchi, can anyone help me with gcc?09:37
Ngasand: are you running dapper?09:37
wildmancryptic: gimme 1' plz, they ARE in ZA ;)09:38
Ngjjvvcc: ask your question and find out :)09:38
Ngasand: that package doesn't appear to be in dapper. I'd check your apt sources09:38
alterrhello guys,  i'd like to get the linux-source 2.6.12-9, where to find it?09:38
arapehloskude: nope, 1.5.x but the plugin only works for v1.0 it seems... anyway, there's a windows app further down the page I'll try out. You really think it's the checksum?  I boots up and gives me the menu where you select how you want to load ubuntu.09:38
barongasuserundefine, thanks, works like a dream... or something...09:38
asandhow would I do that?09:38
userundefinebarongas, no problem.09:38
oskudearapehl, hmm, i see this link too http://downloads.mozdev.org/mdhashtool/mdhashtool-0.4dp.xpi (should be for 1.5beta1...)09:38
jjvvccwhen i use .h at include, the compiler doesn't find the include, only when i put .c09:38
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wildmanjjvvcc: -I path_to_the_dir_containing_the_H_file09:39
Ubuntbabehey, is stream ripping detectable or does it all happen within my lan?09:39
wildmanjjvvcc: as a compile option to gcc09:39
jjvvccbut is at the same path09:39
Ngjjvvcc: are you doing #include <foo.h> or #include "foo.h"? also, this is a little offtopic for here ;)09:39
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yallamanis there a mail-server i can use in ubuntu..that is easy to set up?09:39
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barongasuserundefine, hehe... actually I find the sound's out of sync :) hmmm09:39
jjvvccNg: ""09:39
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TheStudentHi all n00b here09:39
Sivikwhat is /dev/wacom?09:39
Ngjjvvcc: hmm, I would think that would work then09:40
arapehloskude: says it will only work with 1.4 and I'm running 1.5.0.x... anyway, I'm getting this other app that should work.09:40
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NgSivik: device node for a wacom tablet09:40
jjvvccNg: me too.. :)09:40
oskudearapehl, roger09:40
jjvvccNg: that's the problem09:40
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crypticwildman, looks like u were unsuccesfull?09:40
__mikemOk, I am back. What did I miss09:40
yallamanis there a mail-server i can use in ubuntu..that is easy to set up?09:40
SivikNg: ok, how do i turn it off, it won't allow me to start the xserver because of it09:40
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jjvvccNg: is there a # specific for developments?09:40
riddleboxyallaman, there are09:40
wildmancryptic: not yet, cannot remember the name of that very nice ZA thing...09:40
athumok mam xfce:P09:40
oskudeyeah, why is wacom _allways_ installed, none off my pcs had/have it :/09:40
Ngjjvvcc: I'm not sure, sorry09:40
kalosaurusrexif I'm getting an error 22 with grub, is there an easy way to fix this?09:40
userundefinebarongas, I thought I noticed that too but only tried one video.  Seems about a halfsecond off to me, but it doesn't really bother me *that* much.  Hopefully it all gets fixed soon09:40
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Ngoskude: the people who do have it are probably very happy that it's installed :)09:40
wildmancryptic: backed by the Mr. Shuttleworth09:41
barongasuserundefine, cool09:41
NgSivik: are you getting an error?09:41
wildmancryptic: damn....  my memory is failing me :)09:41
yallamanriddlebox: got any advices?09:41
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crypticthe first noob from SA in space09:41
cryptichip to be 209:41
riddleboxyallaman, give me a sec09:41
SivikNg: yes09:41
cryptichib to be square09:41
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SivikNg: Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory09:41
crypticthat one wildman09:41
cryptichib to be square?09:42
yallamani would prefer a GUI version..if there is one09:42
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TheStudentGuys.. I'm having problems with ATi Linux drivers despite following the ATi tutorial, when I try and run the control center it tells me that "fireglcontrolpanel" no such file or directory, although all of the files have been installed in the correct bin folder !09:42
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NgSivik: I expect you could remove the wacom entries from the xorg.conf09:42
wildmancryptic: yes, that very same guy ;)09:42
crypticwhat about him>09:42
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cryptiche gives out ubuntu cd'09:42
daakuanyone know how to use the cryptic dbus-send to send a notification to the gnome notification-daemon?09:42
riddleboxyallam, I am sure there are if you search, maybe look at exim4 I am not sure what it all does but I know it can send mail09:42
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wildmancryptic: not only that... I wish I could find the link....09:43
crypticcalling me?09:43
halibutDoes anyone use Gmail + picasa (web) + firefox 1.5        thanks09:43
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TheStudentGuys.. I'm having problems with ATi Linux drivers despite following the ATi tutorial, when I try and run the control center it tells me that "fireglcontrolpanel" no such file or directory, although all of the files have been installed in the correct bin folder !09:43
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wildmanhalibut: gmail + ff1.5: yes, no picasa though09:43
arapehloskude: stupid thing won't work... :-( I've got to run, be back later (thanks for the help so far though)09:43
wildmanmy ISP might be having DNS pbs cuz I cannot access 'half the web' :-|09:44
oskudearapehl, ok, np09:44
crypticawww wildman09:44
crypticgot no access to the ZA sections?09:44
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TheStudentI'm new to Ununtu and linux... fed up of MS so want a change... but this is doing my head in !09:44
oskudeTheStudent, do you know where the file is ? have you tried to run it from that dir ?09:44
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TheStudentyes I have tried09:45
wildmancryptic: got it!09:45
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wildmancryptic: http://www.freedomtoaster.co.za/09:45
=== doubletwist [n=doubletw@dsl081-121-086.dfw1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
wildmancryptic: there, good luck! ;)09:45
pvd2006What is a nice/clear/anti-aliased font for firefox?09:45
TheStudentits in the /usr/X11R6/bin/09:45
crypticoh this09:45
TheStudentin there is all of the files09:45
wildmancryptic: dunno if they are all over ZA already.... but ;)09:45
cryptici heared them talking about it earlyer09:45
crypticwell saw it09:45
oskudeTheStudent, do you need that tool ? i had ati for 1 year and i never even heard about that tool :/09:45
TheStudentaticonfig... ffireglcontrolpanel etc..09:45
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TheStudentwell I cant configure the display without it09:46
SivikNg: now its telling me no screens found09:46
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cryptichey wildman09:46
wildmancryptic: yes?09:46
TheStudenti'm stuck on 1024 x 768 @ 60 hz09:46
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crypticCanal Walk09:46
crypticThis Freedom Toaster does not offer DVD support09:46
crypticSituated at the MTN ScienCentre (this is where it all started).09:46
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crypticno dvd09:46
NgSivik: could you post your xorg.conf to a pastebin?09:46
SnurfHow do i install Macromedia Flash and the plugin for Firefox for flash09:46
crypticbut its like 30 mins walk from my house :)09:46
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:46
Sivikcause i don't have gui09:46
wildmancryptic: well... the world isn't perfect, is it?09:46
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wildmancryptic: like I said, good luck! ;)09:46
pvd2006what is the package to get fonts like courier and courier-new?09:47
oskudeTheStudent, i set those in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (or with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)09:47
Healotfollow those links, Snurf09:47
SivikNg: it says Fetal server error: no screens found09:47
crypticbut wildman09:47
crypticits not perfect09:47
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NgSivik: towards the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log there will be a more useful error09:47
crypticits in the "mtnsciencecentre"09:47
ph4nt0mcan anyone tell me wether de.archive.ubuntu.com is down09:47
TheStudentand in plain english ? sorry total n00b here !09:47
crypticits R50 entrance fee09:47
ph4nt0mcant make apt-get update09:47
SivikNg: a XIO error or an xauth error?09:47
pvd2006ph4nt0m, sudo apt-get update?09:47
wildmancryptic: well... one cannot have it all, can one?09:48
daschuhey everyone... i'm trying to repartition my HD, but the partitioning tool won't commit anything... it says that i need to unmount all the devices first... the tool in the system settings says that everything is unmounted though09:48
=== wildman away for real now
oskudeph4nt0m, doesnt work here neither atm, just wait a while09:48
ph4nt0myes @pvd200609:48
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daschuany help?09:48
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Stylesanybody know of a program the will open adobe illustrator files? Is there a gimp plugin? Google is turning up squat.09:48
crypticfor R50 i could buy an extra gig of cap09:48
crypticand download it :)09:48
ph4nt0msame within synaptic cant get updates09:48
SixtyWattHello, has anyone had an issue with their screen glitching when multiple applications are running?09:48
crypticthen not have to walk09:48
crypticoh well ill see what i can do09:48
SixtyWattI am using a flat panel LCD09:48
SivikNg: XIO: fattal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining09:49
pvd2006synaptic is just a front-end for apt-get.09:49
barongasis mkfs.vfat =fat32?09:49
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NgSivik: I'm not sure exactly without seeing it. If you want to get the config back to how it was you can do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:49
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NgSivik: possibly a bit further before that09:49
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oskudeStyles, can illustrator save SVG, inscape and xaralx opens those...09:49
SivikNg: xauth: error in locking authority file /home/name/.Xauthority09:49
TheStudentGuys.. I'm having problems with ATi Linux drivers despite following the ATi tutorial, when I try and run the control center it tells me that "fireglcontrolpanel" no such file or directory, although all of the files have been installed in the correct bin folder !09:49
SivikNg: thats the only error09:49
gullstad_What is a good alternative to iTunes, that work. Preferably.09:49
crypticlol wildman09:50
Stylesoskude: thank man09:50
NgSivik: hmm, perhaps try deleting that file and doing the dpkg-reconfigure - the error may not have been wacom after all09:50
crypticthere is a guide in the site 2 building one09:50
Stylesforgot an s09:50
Healotsharpmusique, Gullstad?09:50
=== Seattle_Mike [n=Seattle_@c-24-18-129-56.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
userundefinegullstad_, what are you looking for in a music app?09:50
Healot!find sharpmusique09:50
ubotuNo packages matching 'sharpmusique' could be found09:50
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crypticany way09:50
cryptictime to go09:50
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ph4nt0mi know - the security.... servers work but the de.archive.... not any help - misconfiguration - firewall - router any hints?09:51
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gullstad_userundefine: I'm looking for something to tramsfer music form my computer to my iPod.09:51
volt^warlockAnyone know how to boost a (counter-strike) server's fps from 300 to 1000? I think its something with changing the HZ ? I'm using ubuntu server 5.10 breezy.09:51
PORDOdoes anyone here think shakira is attractive?09:51
Healotvolt^warlock: buy a better graphics accelerator09:51
B1zzoooo me!09:52
volt^warlockHealot, "server's fps"09:52
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oskudeTheStudent, running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" is pretty newbie friendly program, if youre unsure what it asks, just take whats allready selected. tip: in the monitor settings select "medium" and it asks the default resolution in like "1024x768x75hz"09:52
volt^warlocknot the game fps09:52
Healotand add more RAM and upgrade CPU...09:52
Healotfor the server that is09:52
Healotor lower the resolution/color depth09:52
userundefinegullstad_, you might want to look at Listen (http://listengnome.free.fr/).  I don't have an iPod, but it supposedly has ipod support.  It's the amarok of GTK09:53
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asandI've taken a look on my repositories but it still throws the same errors when I try to install openoffice.org09:54
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asandespecialy openoffice.org-core-experimental09:54
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daschucan anyone help me understand why the partitioning tool won't commit my partition changes... it says to unmount the devices, but the disk tool in system settings says that none of the disks are mounted09:55
finalbeta_PORDO, I do, but you are in the wrong channel for that. this is support09:55
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barongasdaschu, what happens if you just type mount in terminal?09:55
ph4nt0mwhats the best tv app for linux???09:55
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Seattle_MikeDapper Ubuntu, Kubuntu - I can not get nfs (client and server) working.  Is it possible or should I go back to Breezy where it works fine?09:56
notrashdoes anyone use a 3 Com 3c905x card09:57
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daschuunionfs on / type unionfs (rw)09:57
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: Are you mounting with -o nolock (otherwise it will take ages)09:57
daschuproc on /proc type proc (rw)09:57
daschu/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw)09:57
daschuvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)09:57
daschuvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw)09:57
daschuprocbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)09:57
daschuudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)09:57
daschusorry everyone... i'm new to linux AND irc09:58
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daschudevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)09:58
daschudevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)09:58
daschulrm on /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-powerpc/volatile type tmpfs (rw)09:58
daschutmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)09:58
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finalbeta_check topic, paste things on a site09:58
Seveas!paste > daschu09:58
_absolution_how come I can't put a background image on fluxbox....09:58
=== fates [n=fates@user-12l2gc5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
crazy_penguinhi all!09:59
_absolution_it keeps saying that "it doesn't find the files"09:59
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fateshello everyone09:59
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_absolution_or does anyone know a good site that'll teach me how to use "fluxbox"09:59
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Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn ... Good point I'll try that but after a long time it times out with Portmap not responding.09:59
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fatesi have a question  about frostwire...more of a predicament10:00
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: If you don't use nolock you need portmap on both ends I think (But I don't remember)10:00
notrashdoes anyone use a 3com 3c905x network controller?10:00
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ubotuI know nothing about nic10:01
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Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn .. Yeah I've got portmap running ... I have a small home network and portmap runs on all.10:01
notrashi mean the nic10:01
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Ploufbonjour j'ai un pb de dmarage avec ubuntu 6.06 : il met 10 entre le chargement de /etc/rc.local et le lancemant des programme10:02
_absolution_where can I download "ndiswrapper"10:02
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: I just always use nolock these days if I have to use nfs but I prefer shfs most of the time10:02
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kbrookslet's see10:02
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:02
pvd2006does ubuntu have problems with the Nvidia Vanta cards?10:02
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn OK my problem client  can mount no problem but I can't mount to it (i.e. it doesn't serve)10:02
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HealotPlouf: are you trying to put some startup entry into rc.local?10:03
mdalekhi, does anyone know if the bcm43xx driver supports ad-hoc or master modes?10:03
Ploufi don't see10:03
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: I don't understand what you mean10:03
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h3sp4wnmdaltek: No unless you use the experimental ones in the git repository10:03
jeldertwow, Ubuntu takes more space than I thought...10:03
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn -shfs .... OK you got me with shfs ... I never heard of it.  Repeat of my problem follows10:04
jeldertcreated a VM with 2GB hdd, and it's full already...10:04
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mdalekh3sp4wn, so thats no ad-hoc :(10:04
jeldertcan't even install all updates10:04
kbrooksWell, I'll admit it: EasyUbuntu is insecure if a user checks the option to keep EasyUbuntu's repo list10:04
__mikemI am trying to sign the coc on launch pad, and It keeps complaining about having no public key, whats going on10:04
h3sp4wnmdalek: Only if you want very experimental code10:04
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h3sp4wnmdalek: And build it yourself10:04
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn On one machine it can mount nfs no problem as a client, but it can't serve to other machines. OK?10:04
paul__I was wondering if anyone is having trouble when using the run command line from alt-F2 in which you get an error stating gnome panel has crashed.10:04
mdalekh3sp4wn, ok thnx10:05
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nateman1352hi everyone, I'm using Kubuntu 6.06 and I'm trying to get remote X clients to connect to my local X server via ssh and I can't seem to get it working (I am using ssh -X)10:05
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: And you has set /etc/exports the same as before yes ?10:05
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mdalekh3sp4wn, none of the howto's specified this, i've been trying to get it to work for ages, and then i suddenly thought it may be the mode10:05
h3sp4wnmdalek: You have to run a really unstable development kernel to have a chance of it working10:06
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn Yes etc/exports was the same as Breezy  ... this boc was an upgrade from Breezy to Dapper.10:06
mdalekh3sp4wn, ok, no point then10:06
__mikemcan someone help me with a problem signing the coc on launchpad?10:06
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Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn However: Dapper Install - same problem, can mount to server box but can't server itself.10:08
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=== oogy [n=feh@cpe-024-162-230-076.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gullstad_Still no luck finding a good substitute to iTunes.10:09
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: You are trying to mount localhost over nfs ?10:09
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oogycan someone help me out with CPU spikes?  My mouse skips across the screen, the computer freezes up, etc whenever i start programs that eat up memory and cpu (like firefox). i have a 2.0 p4 with 256 megs of ram on dapper10:09
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oogyi hear imusic is decent10:09
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paul__Where can you research imusic?10:10
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn I use a mount /media/server   ... not localhost is it?10:10
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oogyimusic has a lot of indie labels on it10:10
oogyi dont think its drm10:11
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Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn I'll try shfs but in the past ssh locally on the network was too slow - nfs speed is AOK.10:11
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__mikemcan someone help me with a problem signing the coc on launchpad? It keps saying "no public key"10:12
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arapehloskude: I've got an MD5 checker... the page I got the .iso from is: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/, I downloaded the "PC (Intel x86) desktop CD " under "Desktop CD"... I guess the MD5s are below?10:13
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neighborleeusing standard ubuntu CD , im trying to 'rescue' my system from having had to reinstall windows XP...rescue mode complains about error code 20, and going through regular installer via mounting / and telling it to install grub again also does not work but gives no error messae...any ideas how to get past this ?? ;)10:14
QRZ__mikem:  Have you generated a keypair for your user?10:14
__mikemYes I did10:14
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__mikemI used the defaultoption to generate the keypair10:14
arapehloskude: checking MD5 now10:15
Ro1can someone help me? I used to use windows and connect to my wireless network...but now in ubuntu i also do yet it is so much slower,,anyone help?10:15
QRZ__mikem:  When you run, 'gpg --list-keys' at the command prompt, does it list your keypair?10:16
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Nganyone know if it's possibly to decrease the frequency at which network-manager scans for APs?10:16
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__mikemIt lists 3 keypairs all of which are owned by me. All of them are failed attempts to get this thing to accept something10:17
Ro1can someone help me? I used to use windows and connect to my wireless network...but now in ubuntu i also do yet it is so much slower,,anyone help?10:17
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Ro1hey mikem10:17
_absolution_how come I get a "permission denied" when I'm trying to access something?10:17
Ro1maybe your not root?10:17
Ro1mikem,think you can help me?10:17
_absolution_even when I log in as root it doesn't find the file10:17
Ro1hmm, odd10:18
__mikemWIthout knowing what kind of wireless router you have, not really10:18
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b14ckhow can i access .folder in gnome?10:18
userundefinepress Ctrl+H in nautilus10:18
Ro1i know...its a wrt54g10:18
Ngb14ck: View->Show Hidden Files in a file browser window10:18
=== Esquire [n=Esquire@cpe-65-26-178-83.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemI never used that one before. SO I really can't10:18
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b14ckNg:  doesn't show. .wine to be exact10:19
EsquireHas anyone noticed that webdav via apache is excrutiatingly slow on ubuntu?10:19
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fowlduckanyone have experience getting rdoc and ri to work, mine is....broken....10:19
Ngb14ck: if it's there, it should show it10:19
b14ckNg:  ok then what is the cd command for program files? like in CD progra~110:20
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b14ckNg:  i can find it in terminal but i don know how to change the filder :P10:20
crashzorb14ck,  its cd progamma\ files10:20
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crashzorb14ck, and look out P = not the same as p10:21
b14ckcrashzor: i know :P10:21
crashzorb14ck, you can \ space bars away10:21
crashzoror use ""10:21
Healotjust tab tab until you get the path corrected automagically by bash10:22
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crashzorHealot, now i just love typing by hand ;)10:22
=== Seattle_Mike2 [n=Michael@c-24-18-129-56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Paladinehmmm having issues with dvd playback10:22
HealotI am just lazy but I am speedy10:22
b14ckcrashzor: cd /.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files10:22
crashzorand i name my folders in uni-code for extra fun :p10:22
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Paladineanyone care to help?10:23
crashzortry cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files10:23
kindorword op10:23
Paladinecss issue10:23
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crashzorb14ck, .wine is in you're home folder not in /10:23
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:23
b14ckcrashzor: yep it worked thanx m810:23
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Paladineahh I had to open the drive and close it again after installing the css decrypter10:24
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b14ckcrashzor: ok one more thing. a move folder command ( with all files)10:24
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_absolution_do I need the xserver going to play around with fluxbox?10:24
arapehloskude: Uhm, *blush* the MD5s don't match10:25
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crashzorb14ck, try creating a folder samewere you wanted it and just typ cp -drf /werefrom /wereto then you can remove the old folder using rm -drf /whattoremove10:25
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b14ckcrashzor: golden mate. thanx10:26
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zcat[1] umm.. 'mv /foo /bar  has always worked for me...10:26
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CarlFKis there a Palm desktop like app that will sync with my palm pda ?10:27
drako_where is ttyUSB1 ? I cant find it10:27
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zcat[1] ex. ' mv foo/ Desktop/ '10:27
johHmm, WindowsDualBootHowTo at the wiki mentions that the ubuntu installer should detect all other installed operating systems. If I've already got Ubuntu installed and installs another OS, how can I add the new OS (windows) to the GRUB boot menu? Is there any way to do this automatically?10:27
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erUSULdrako_: if it exist it will be in /dev10:27
bruenigjoh, if you try to install windows second, it will probably overwrite grub10:27
AJR1guys im about to install ubuntu, but when im choosing a partition i have a spare 20gb, what do i do with the other drives? leave them as set to "media/hda" ? coz it says its goin to destroy the data ... n i defo dont want that to happen10:27
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crashzorjoh, it probley wil boot windows because windows of write's the MBR10:28
CarlFKjoh: installing windows will wipe our grub - o10:28
crashzor( master boot record )10:28
KrhisWindows is simple minded. It overwrites grub.10:28
crashzorCarlFK, Krhis i was just saying dat ;)10:28
bruenigAJR1, mount them as the media, they wont reformat, it will just be a drive that you can access and read in ubuntu10:28
EsquireDoes anyone know why webdav works so slowly on ubuntu? I get a long pause while any file I copy over "closes" ... I never get this on my freebsd server and I have used gentoo and never gotten it... twice as fast on each of those systems... any ideas?10:28
drako_erUSUL, well is not there however /var/log/message tells me ttyUSB1 is present (a palm device)10:28
Krhiscrashzor, great minds think alike. :P10:28
=== muksie [n=muksie@ip545530f2.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CarlFKjoh: so install windows, then dink arround with the live cd to put grub back10:28
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AJR1bruenig thanks so just leave them as they are yeah ?10:29
crashzorKrhis, yes you're right ;)10:29
johbruenig: Well, I've got 2 disks - so I switched the master/slave settings when installing windows. Now windows is on master and linux on slave, but I would like to revert this and make the GRUB which is installed on the MBR on the linux disk to recognize the windows installation on the slave.10:29
=== Inferus [n=craig@82-42-227-196.stb.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
HealotWindows developers doesn't expect dual booting... they don't need to be flexible on installing bootloader10:29
bruenigAJR1, make sure the reformat box isn't clicked10:29
Krhiscrashzor, hear about XP's new kill switch?10:29
AJR1bruenig thanks :)10:29
zcat[1] AJR1: just double-check that it's mounting them and NOT reformatting them. That should be the default though.10:29
MTecknologyAny help for why VM Ware server won't mount a Linux DVD iso to install from?? It just stays a blinking cursor in the corner10:29
InferusHi all, i have just stuck ubuntu onto my laptop but supposedly i dont have the 'make' function??!?!?!?!10:29
InferusI have gcc10:29
CyorxampOK folks - Simple question (yes/no please) - Is Ubuntu Commercial (i'd like alot of answers please just to confirm)...10:29
crashzorKrhis, nope10:29
erUSUL!build-essential > Inferus10:30
Inferusok ty10:30
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
johCarlFK: Well, I don't have the dapper livecd. I just upgraded my breezy installation.10:30
muksieI have an amd64 system with ubuntu 6.06 x86_64. So I tried to compile and install wine as described in http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit But when I do make depend, it starts compiling but when it tries to compile sfnt2fnt it skips several incompatible libz.so's and libz.a's found on my system and then stops compiling. What could be wrong with my libz.so?10:30
Healotbut Canonical does support ubuntu for some amount of money10:30
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Inferusthx erUSUL10:30
erUSULInferus: no problem10:30
LjLCyorxamp: instead of having the channel disrupted with multiple (how many? 751?) answers, why don't you check that out for yourself, if you really need to be sure?10:30
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bruenigjoh, i am not familiar with the two disk dual boot however it seems as if you could edit the grub menu list at /boot/grub/menu.lst and put a new entry for windows with the appropriate information10:31
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Healotbruenig: deosn't hurt if you "man grub"10:31
CarlFKmost of the ubuntu CD's can be enough of a live cd for what you need10:32
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-222-068.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
CarlFKjoh: (see above)10:32
KuLoverCould someone please take a look at my fstab? I'm not sure that it is written correctly. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1664010:32
AJR1upon installing ubuntu, i use wifi, and i wont have access to the libraries, so how am i goin to get it to work?10:32
signalvsnoisehi, all.  Anyone know how to move a the mouse cursor between xservers in a non-xinerama multihead setup?10:32
crashzorInfecto, sudo apt-get install make10:32
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)10:33
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CarlFKjoh: boot the breezy cd, I forget if ther is an optoin on the boot screen - but before you get to the partitioner, hit Alt-F2 and you will get a shell where you can run grub to reinstall it10:33
gullstad_Hard to find a substitide fpr iTunes. Anyone using any subtututes for iPod?10:33
drako_[4359002.954000]  usb 4-1: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB110:33
drako_but i cant find that ttyUSB110:33
judahgullstad_: check out banshee10:33
gullstad_judah: Are you using iPod?10:34
judahgullstad_: i use an ipod. yes.10:34
CarlFKdrako_: speaking of visor - what app will sync with it?10:34
johCarlFK: Sure, which will run some sort of OS auto-detection. Any idea how I can run this from an already functional ubuntu system? I.e. if I boot up with my old GRUB (on the master disk) and add the windows installation on my slave?10:34
drako_CarlFK, jpilot10:34
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gullstad_judah: And you can transfer?10:34
CarlFKdrako_: thanks10:34
judahgullstad_: works great with banshee.10:35
bruenigjoh, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list10:35
gullstad_judah: I'll check it out :)10:35
johbruenig: I've tried that, but I'm unable to create an entry which will boot :P10:35
CarlFKjoh - is windows all ready installed?10:35
judahgullstad_: of corse i can.. it's formated fat32 ... no problems.10:35
judahgullstad_: www.banshee-project.org10:35
johCarlFK: Yes, both windows and linux is already installed.10:35
bruenigjoh, it should work, just follow that template that is commented out and fill it in with the appropriate information10:36
johCarlFK: Linux on the master disk (containing the old lin-only GRUB on the MBR) and windows on the slave.10:36
judahgullstad_: but a great verison is in the dapper repos.. so sudo apt-get install banshee banshee-daap10:36
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johbruenig: Hmm, that's what I did, but it didn't work. I wonder if it's even possible to run windows from the slave drive..? :S10:36
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jivhi what does means in ./configure :   checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:36
johjiv: Install gcc10:37
jivi have lasted10:37
bruenigjoh, what did you put for your root entry10:37
judahjiv: install build-essential actually.10:37
Sivikjiv: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:37
jivtnx i try10:37
AJR1anyone know how to get wifi configed upon ubuntu install? as you cant access synaptic10:37
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judahajr1 wireless will work by default for most cards i bet. what kind of card are you using?10:38
SivikAJR1, what kind of wireless card and you want it to start on boot up right10:38
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SpeekWill ubuntu work with a Dual Core Intel?10:38
Sivikyeah, why wouldn't it10:38
bruenigspeek, yes10:38
AmaranthAJR1: you have to use the terminal to set it up so you can install network-manager-gnome10:38
AJR1Sivik NetGear Wifi USB Adapter10:38
AmaranthSpeek: Works great.10:38
AJR1judah NetGear Wifi USB Adapter10:38
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SivikAJR1, did you google it?10:38
johbruenig: something like: title Windows \n rootnoverify (hd1,0) \n chainloader +1 \n makeactive10:38
AmaranthAJR1: Applications->Accessories->Terminal10:38
AJR1Sivik tried couldnt get a good hit10:38
SpeekWill it be hard to use my Wireless PCI card with my Wireless Router?10:39
AmaranthSpeek: Dunno.10:39
AJR1Amaranth ok tell you what, im goin to boot ubuntu onto this machine - then im getting my laptop and loggin in here :P10:39
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AmaranthAJR1: ok10:39
AJR1brb all ... here comes ubuntu ;)10:39
CarlFKjoh = http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1665610:39
timashowdy folks10:39
=== funkyHat_ [n=matt@cpc2-nthc3-0-0-cust152.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthhey timas10:39
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SpeekCan I have my windows xp and ubuntu linux on the same harddrive?10:40
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SeanTateranyone here use distcc ? I was using it to see how well it did, but it does not read the hostlists' (the variable, in /etc and in ~ )10:40
bruenigjoh, looks good to me, i guess it doesn't work like that for 2 disks10:40
bruenigSpeek, yes10:40
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn I can't use shfs - module is not in 2.6.15-23-386 .. thanks for your help.10:40
johCarlFK: Well, in my setup windows is installed on hdb, hence root (hd1,0)... I don't know if that's the problem though.10:40
timasOk, my question for today:  If I'm having issues with my drive being mounted at boottime, what could be the problem? It seems like its not finding my drive at all.. so I'm guessing drivers?10:40
johbrettcar: Probably...10:40
AmaranthSpeek: yep10:40
=== Lynggaard [n=henrik@x1-6-00-0f-b5-e8-95-cd.k754.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu
gdbDoes anyone know how I can get a Trash icon on my desktop?  Ubuntu (ie; GNOME).10:40
LjL!tell gdb about icons10:41
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: You can build it with module assistant10:41
AmaranthSpeek: If you just go with the defaults for the partitioning in the installer it'll try to shrink the Windows partition to make room for Ubuntu and set it up so you can choose which one you want to use at boot time.10:41
EsquireDoes anyone know why webdav is so friggin slow on ubuntu or how to speed it up? This is make or break for my decision on whether or not to use ubuntu.10:41
Seattle_Mike2h3sp4wn OK I shall try it.10:41
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oogycan someone help me out, i am getting 100% CPU usage when accessing my harddrive.. apt-get, opening web pages, anything that actually accesses and writes the hd gives me 100% CPU and even the mouse skips across the screen any ideas?10:42
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SpeekWhat can I use to code C++ program in ubuntu?10:42
timasKdevelop, speek10:42
KenSentMeAnyone here with a dutch installation of Kubuntu?10:42
h3sp4wnSpeek: vim / emacs / kdevelop10:42
SpeekWill my Photoshop CS2 and Illustrator CS2 work?10:42
LjLoogy: do you know if your drive is using DMA?10:42
mjranjuta, emacs, vi10:42
oogyDMA is on10:42
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oogyhdparm -d 1 /dev/hda110:42
ubotuI know nothing about ne10:42
timasSpeek, They might with wine.. check out winehq.org10:43
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oogyits a SATA drive if that matters10:43
KenSentMeOr is there somewhere i can see how some menu options are translated?10:43
=== pizux [n=sebux@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
johDoes Ubuntu include NTFS write support?10:43
LjLjoh: no10:43
bruenigjoh, no10:43
ubotuI know nothing about module-assistant10:43
ubotuI know nothing about m-a10:43
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ubotuI know nothing about moduleassistant10:43
timasoogy was this an anwser to my question?10:43
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johLjL, bruenig: ok, thanks.10:43
oogydma is on10:43
bruenigjoh, if you want file sharing between your windows and linux, just make a fat32 partition10:43
SpeekIs iwne seprate with ubuntu?10:43
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timasSpeek: Yeah, apt-get install wine10:44
CarlFKjoh: not a problem for grub as long as you set the hd right - is that where windows was originally?10:44
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CarlFKjoh: cuz if you moved win from hda to hdb, it is gona be pised10:44
johbruenig: Uhm, well :P or use Explore2fs I guess...10:44
johCarlFK: That's what I did :P10:44
johCarlFK: Windows refused to be installed in the slave...10:45
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm10:45
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SpeekNFTS is this going to be a problem?10:45
=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
johCarlFK: I guess ubuntu won't tolerate being moved from hda to hdb either...10:45
CarlFKjoh: win will proabaly refuse to run ;)10:45
mjrSpeek, not unless you want to write to it10:45
_absolution_what does "untarring" mean? is that like extracting?10:45
TimasI've been writing to my NTFS drive..10:46
mjr_absolution_, yes, extracting a tar10:46
LjLoogy: perhaps try pasting the output of hdparm -i to the pastebin10:46
CarlFKjoh - linux will hadle being moved very easily - just fix grub and /etc/fstab10:46
Timas_absolution_: yeah, it is10:46
=== neoXite [n=neoxite@xdsl-81-173-150-5.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
johCarlFK: Argh, and I'm only installing windows to run this game :/10:46
gdbLjL: Thank you!  That's perfect!10:46
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SpeekHow do install ubuntu on NFTS?10:46
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mjrSpeek, you don't10:46
IrIT_Anyone here using Monodevelop?10:46
TimasSpeek: That doesn't work10:46
johCarlFK: Yeah, I know :) I just have to fiddle around in the Busybox shell :P10:46
johCarlFK: Or the livecd10:46
SpeekThen I guess I cant have ubuntu?10:46
LjL!tell oogy about pastebin10:46
LjLSpeek: why?10:46
mjrSpeek, you resize the ntfs if necessary to make space for Linux partitions10:46
newbuntuwhats the command to copy a file over to your system when your on a remote system using shh-server?10:46
johCarlFK: Well, I guess that's what I have to do then. Move lin from hda to hdb...10:46
_absolution_so do use a terminal to compile the "untarred" file?10:47
SpeekWell I only have one hard drive on this pc for now and windows is on it10:47
Speekit has space for linux10:47
Speekit's NFTS10:47
Timas_absolution_: that all depends on the stuff you untar..10:47
LjL!tell speek about dualboot10:47
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TimasNo-one for my boot mounting issues with the newer kernels?10:47
joh!tell joh about dualboot10:47
newbuntuim trying sudo cp -r  aloon@24.blah.blah /home/sara but the file doesnt show up at this end10:48
CarlFKSpeek:  the installer will let you resize the ntfs partition to make space for Linux10:48
XenguyAfter upgrading to Dapper, I have this odd problem:  I leave my workstation on 24/7 which used to work fine.  Now, each morning when I check the PC, my keyboard gives no output anymore for that X session (although my mouse still works).  I have to switch user to a terminal, become root, and then stop and start gdm in order to get a new X session that allows my keyboard to work.  Does anyone have an idea why this might be happening?10:48
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Kibounewbuntu: scp10:48
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bdd7.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Boyakaubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386 this is live cd or what?10:48
TimasXenguy: USB or PS2?10:48
newbuntukibou scp instead of cp - r?10:48
XenguyTimas: ps210:48
Boyakaubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386 this is live cd or what?10:48
TimasXenguy: The mouse too?10:49
LjLBoyaka: it is the desktop cd. it boots a live system and you can install from it10:49
Kibounewbuntu: man scp10:49
XenguyTimas: no, the mouse works fine10:49
EsquireBoyaka, yes10:49
EsquireLive CD and Install10:49
Kibougotta specify the host and everything10:49
TimasXenguy: Is the mouse PS2, too? or is it usb?10:49
CarlFKnewbuntu: aloon does it say it is coping, or error?  (I am guessing it does show up, but you don't have right to it becaseu aloon<>sarah10:49
XenguyTimas: sorry, the mouse is PS2 also10:49
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newbuntuit just goes to next line no error10:50
=== kaja_ [n=kaja@cl-lnx-satnet-epos-nemo.blue4.cz] has joined #ubuntu
pvd2006How can you get the screen brighter on Ubuntu?10:50
kaiSVKhi all ... I just need to set up user to log ing automatically by the boot ...10:50
TimasXenguy: In that case, I have no idea, sorry.. I was thinking something along the lines with the machine disabling your keyboard in a weird powersaving mode.. but if the mouse is ps2 too that would get disabled as well10:50
SpeekWell if I have anymore problems with ubuntu I will contact you guys10:50
Speekthanks for the help :)10:50
=== stickystyle [n=stickyst@66-7-232-139.cust.telepacific.net] has left #ubuntu []
newbuntudo i have to chown the file first?10:50
XenguyTimas: OK, thanks anyway10:50
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XenguyTimas: I have no idea what the matter could be10:51
=== Zedd [n=zeddicus@d226-20-108.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcus__I'm just wondering why the various builds of ubuntu have a problem with hal32?10:51
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argyroI got a new kernel, so my broadcom minipci chipset is supported better(i hope?)...but I get this message from iwconfig; do i need to install a new wireless-tools?10:51
BoyakaLjL : you mean i can install Ubuntu on my system with this disc?10:51
=== j0nas` [n=tim@fctnnbsc16w-156034210013.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Healotwhat does a Linux program need Windows HAL for compilation, marcus__?10:51
LjLBoyaka: yes.10:51
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LjLit's the main cd, it's the first link from the left, i really don't understand why people keep doubting that it's the "real" ubuntu cd :\10:52
newbuntuim having a hard time finding the command in scp man to copy a folder or file over10:52
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marcus__healot it doesn't, but before i gave up windows, every dual boot with any ubuntu product wiuld erase hal32. i was just curious why10:52
=== IKE [n=IKE@81-233-246-86-no37.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
swajLjL:  most operating systems don't install from a LiveCD :P10:53
Timasmeh. So no-one has issues with the kernels higher than -19?  It wont boot my machine in anything newer as the -19 kernels :(10:53
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HealotUbuntu installation won't erase any Windows file unless you delete the Windows system partition, marcus__10:53
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Healotwhat actually you did?10:53
IKEcan you use windows files in Ubuntu ?10:54
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TimasIKE, with wine, yeah10:54
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lamegowhat do you mean by Windows files ?10:54
lamegoYou don't need wine to open data files10:55
Seattle_Mikeh3sp4wn - I give up.  Where is moduleassistant?  I have modle-init-tools installed but no ma10:55
Timasactually, thats a good question..10:55
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kismetAny idea why after a fresh install of ubuntu I get "could not open default font 'fixed'" as error message of X.org and it doesn't start?10:55
IKEi meant i lite timas answerd :P10:55
krangHey, does anyone know how I can prevent a user from logging on at more than one machine? (NIS central user DB)10:55
marcus__healot oh okay dont matter anymore, was just curious like i said. very happy kubutu user now for a while. :)10:55
rungehintswen, im new to burning in linux/ubuntu.. how do you burn a .vob file to a dvd?10:55
=== Inferus [n=craig@82-42-227-196.stb.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Healot!info k3b10:55
ubotuk3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 3941 kB, installed size 8376 kB10:55
marcus__healot thanks for your time. :)10:55
lamegokrang, I don't believe that is possible unless you add some script during the login which does a match between the user and the system10:56
IKEif i whant to make a linux partition wich program sholud i use ?10:56
kranglamego: damn, cheers anyway10:56
rungeHealot, I know of k3b, but how would one burn .vob file? I do not see any setting10:56
Healotfdisk, (g/qt)parted10:56
Healotrunge -> Menu File -> New Project -> New DVD Video Project10:57
rungeIKE, I like cfdisk, its console based10:57
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:57
h3sp4wnSeattle_Mike: /usr/bin/module-assistant (once its installed) sudo apt-get install modules-assistant (you probably also want shfs-utils and shfs-source)10:57
rungethanks Healot, I will check it out! (I tried dvd-movie thing, but it dident work)10:57
judahthanks ubotu!!!10:57
Healotdrag/load your DVD file to the appropriate folder... runge10:57
=== cjva [n=cjva@c83-252-221-68.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
IKEHealot fdisk, (g/qt)parted was it to me `?10:58
Healotno, to MR. William :)10:58
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IKEif i whant to make a linux partition wich program sholud i use ?10:58
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SnurfHow do i get my speakers to work? They worked right upon install last time I installed Ubuntu10:58
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dwightwhich is better, the liferea-gtkhtml or liferea-mozilla10:59
mdalekhas anyone had any problems with window frames not appearing11:00
Healotdefine "better"11:00
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mdalekonly happens in some apps i run11:00
Snurfmdalek: what are you using11:00
benyxHi! i have a little problem..   the volume control's shortcut key on my keyboard dont work11:00
mdalekand on my laptop its fine11:00
IKETHX for the help11:00
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LjLswaj: a few operating systems do install from a "live cd", although it isn't necessarily called a "live cd" since that's simply the way they've always been installed11:01
SnurfHow do i get my speakers to work?11:01
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benyxi see the progressbar on the screen.. but dont affect the sound11:02
swajLjL, livecd's are not commonly used for system installs, which is why a lot of people are confused.  Usually the LiveCD is used for testing whether the distribution will work at all, and then subsequent disc downloads allow for actual installation.11:02
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benyxand all work with the liveCD  and not after installing11:02
LjLswaj: at any rate, the first line of the paragraph describing the Desktop CD (right where you download it) says "The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later."11:02
Tom7ei'm a former fedora user, so i'm not used to how this works... when i installed ubuntu i didn't set a su password... so what is my su password?11:02
ubotuI know nothing about audio11:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:02
teferraA friend wants to join https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-am. but the menu bar on the left side which holds the join link is not coming. the other sites are ok but only this site.11:03
swajLjL, agreed, but confusion abounds11:03
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barongashow do I cp folders? I want to migrate my home folder to another drive...11:03
LjL!tell barongas about cli11:03
compengidoes someone know where can i find ebooks on learning bash language?11:03
swajbarongas, cp -R /home/yourname /other/drive11:03
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Healotwikibooks >> compengi11:04
Tom7ei've used sudo before... so i can never become root?  then why does the su command still ask for a password?11:04
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swajTom7e, sudo su - root11:04
LjLswaj, barongas: or more likely cp -a blah blah11:04
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loststar4545i compiled xine-lib wrong and want to remove it and replace it with the old one11:04
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swajLjL, -R is a recursive copy and works fine ;)11:05
LjL!tell tom7e about sudo11:05
loststar4545how do i do that11:05
compengiHealot, ty11:05
LjLswaj: why would you use "sudo su - root"?11:05
barongasswaj, it doesn't want to copy examples folder and complains about not wanting to create symbolic links11:05
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kimoTom7e: sudo -i11:05
Tom7eok thanks11:05
duraloststar4545, rm -rf /foo ?11:05
krangHey, how do you set things so that users automatically lock their screens after x minutes, then log off after y minutes more?11:05
swajLjL, he asked how to become root, and I answered him11:05
durakrang, Settings in xscreensaver11:05
LjLswaj: yeah, except it doesn't preserve ownerships and it follows symlinks. not what you want normally11:05
Tom7esudo -i is very nice11:05
duraNot sure about the logout though11:05
krangdura: cheers11:05
LjLswaj: but that's a bad answer. "sudo -i" is a much better one11:05
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Tom7eis it possible to make gnome automatically log me in when i start my computer?11:06
swajLjL, either way is fine11:06
duraTom7e, Yes11:07
Tom7eohh, sorry, i see how11:07
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blacktearswhat is a bittorent meta file?11:07
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durablacktears, , The file that contains the information to assemble the torrent11:07
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blacktearswhere is it?11:07
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duraIt's usually with the torrent... and it's usually hidden11:08
duraso like .foo11:08
LjLswaj: sudo -i has always been the very much recommended way on this channel and elsewhere in the ubuntu documentation. sudo su is redundant, at the very least11:08
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duraIf you have to type a password with sudo, just use su11:08
_absolution_why do I get an error message when i'm using this command line "tar -zxvf"?11:08
duraor su -11:08
dashrillado I have to erase the HD in order to partition it for Linux install?   20 gigs free / defrag'd  want to run dual boot windows/ubuntu11:08
Timasfew new people here now..  anyone have an idea how I can get my drive to work with the kernels after the -19 edition? Anything newer as the -19 can't find my root drive and thus makes it impossible for me to run with that.. I'm stuck using the -19 kernel..11:08
dura_absolution_, Maybe you're using the wrong switch for the file you're trying to unpack?11:09
krangSo, anyone know how to auto logoff a user after a certain time?11:09
swajLjL, whatever11:09
_absolution_what do you suggest?11:09
fowlduckanyone have ruby ri working in ubuntu here?11:09
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kalosaurusrexabso: try just tar xvfz <file>11:09
blacktearsi want to download music with linux what should i use?11:09
dura_absolution_, What's kind of file is it? Are you trying to compress or uncompress?11:09
durablacktears, LimeWire works well... or GTK-Gnutella11:10
LjLdura: where you talking to me about the "su -" thing?11:10
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dura_absolution_, Okay what is the file extension?11:10
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duraLjL, No... just said it in general11:10
SnurfHow do i get audio to work????11:10
compengiwhat languages should i know to help developing ubuntu?11:10
dura_absolution_, then do tar zxvf11:10
LjLdura: anyway i don't see how you *can* use "su -" in ubuntu11:10
MTecknologyhow do I do a checksum??11:10
_absolution_that's what I'm using11:10
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duraLjL, I do it daily11:10
LjLdura: except, that is, by... using sudo11:10
Dial_tonehow do you combine histories from several different shells into one history file?11:10
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cbohello all. Does someone have a clue on how to set up hostname on bootup, i'm going to use the same hd image for multiple computers, i need them to get its name on boot up.11:11
duraFirst I do sudo passwd, set the root password, and then I can su -11:11
kalosaurusrexabso: don't use the "-" just "tar xvfz"11:11
jojoman02Want Itunes in Ubuntu? Try SongBird instead, www.songbirdnest.com , the linux beta binary has been released.11:11
durathe - is depreciated.11:11
LjLdura: then you have enabled the root password. while it's your right, as it's your computer, please don't advice doing that to people.11:11
duraNo longer needed.11:11
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kimoanyone here using OSX on a regular x86 PC?? (where do we get the drivers from!)11:11
SnurfHow do i get audio to work???11:11
crashzoranybody know who to get mp3 suport installed on dapper ( for xmms )11:11
duraLjL, Using sudo and typing a password is just as redundent as using sudo su lol11:11
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AvenHow do I get audio to work???11:11
mutzenbacherhello. i no good english i read from UBUNTU VIRUS here: http://3bad8.dr.ag/ubuntu-virus-2004-12-13-12-2011:11
duracrashzor, Search the Ubuntu wiki11:11
kimo!tell crashzor about restricted11:11
mutzenbachermust i update some ding?11:11
duraThere is a nice howto11:11
compengiAven, get a driver11:11
TimasAven, your internet is fine11:12
LjLdura: deprecated? heck, no. it's just no longer needed. the standard way to pass options is "-x" or "--xyz", and while tar allows leaving the "-" out, it's certainly not deprecated11:12
iameliteHello, i just started getting errors. My sound in cirtain apps dont work, and my Video drivers reverted to ATI Standard (Mesa) I dont know what my wife was doing...11:12
SnurfHow do I get audio to work???11:12
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dwightwhich is better, the liferea-gtkhtml or liferea-mozilla11:12
SnurfHow do I get audio to work???11:12
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compengiSnurf, get a driver11:12
TimasAven: dude, relax, please11:12
duraMan... there are more morons here then in LFS:111:12
Snurfcompengi: where how11:12
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kalosaurusrexaven stop the caps..11:12
AvenTimas: LOL, IM RELAXED11:12
TimasAven: or.. girl, but yeah. This isn't calling for a lot of assistance..11:12
compengiwhat is your card manifacturer11:12
LjLdura: err, except that if you type "sudo su", you're using a program that changes your privileges (sudo) to run a program that changes your privileges (su) -- and that's redundant11:12
AvenTimas: I'm both11:13
Snurfcopmengi I have no clue11:13
LjL!tell aven about caps11:13
kimoAven: sudo lspci, note your network card, google its linux driver11:13
SnurfIntel I think11:13
duraLjL, You're preaching to the choir...11:13
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Snurfcompengi Intel yes11:13
AJR1just tried installing ubuntu, and i selected the partition and everything and it did something, and then nothing happened?! what did i do wrong? :P11:13
Avendura: please don't message me11:13
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compengiSnurf, what is your board11:13
duraAven, I didn't11:13
Snurfcompengi I DONT KNWO11:13
Avenwell someone did11:13
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Avensomeone ordered LjL11:13
blacktearsnow i have the limewire.bin file what do i do with it11:13
LjLAven: Ubotu did, because i asked it11:13
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SnurfHow do i find out?11:13
duraAven, Read the posts in the room11:13
swajLjL, except that sudo just lets you execute a command as root, where su lets you become root.  If you don't know your root password, then sudo su is a viable solution.  Redundant? I think not.11:13
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Ht./ it11:14
Snurf'board | grep what is it'11:14
Avendura: wut doz post mean11:14
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compengiSnurf, what are you running now?11:14
duraAven, I'm ignoring you  now.11:14
SnurfUbuntu 6.0611:14
=== kalosaurusrex 's head hurts.
LjLswaj: eh? so, how *exactly* does "sudo -i" *not* let you become root?11:14
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mutzenbacherwhat is loose with ubunzu virus ? i read some but no good english. must i update some? i read here; http://3bad8.dr.ag/ubuntu-virus-2004-12-13-12-2011:14
Snurfcompengi I am running Ubuntu 6.0611:14
blacktearswhat do i do with the limewirelinux.bin file?11:14
swajLjL, I never said it didn't, but sudo su isn't redundant11:14
compengiok i got that11:14
SnurfOk what else you need11:14
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AJR1can i install ubuntu onto a partition from within windows?11:15
TimasMutzenbacher the date on that url is 2004 I'm taking it11:15
durablacktears,  chmod a+x limewire.bin && ./limewire.bin as root or using sudo11:15
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compengiwait till i can help11:15
Tom7eis fglrx-driver the name of the ati radeon driver?11:15
CyorxampOK I just found out that xvid is not 'free' as it follows the mpeg4 standard which is mpeg-la ruled and thus the ideas it uses are patented thus can't be in ubuntu - what about WIMP?  xerox invented the WIMP 'idea' so how can ubuntu exist at all?11:15
WarboLjL: I know "sudo -s -H" lets you become root, and that is what I use for prolonged super-user access11:15
jendablacktears: try chmod + x limewirelinux.bin; limewirelinux.bin11:15
durafglrx is the name or ATi's driver relase.11:15
LjLswaj: i just explained to dura why it is. "sudo" is a command that changes your privileges. "su" is also a command that changes your privileges. using both is redundant, since sudo alone is perfectly sufficient.11:15
SnurfWhere can I download Intel audio drivers for Ubuntu and how do I install them?!11:16
compengiCyorxamp, you want winamp?11:16
swajLjL, it's just 2 different ways to accomplish the same thing11:16
Timashrm, anyone here know of anyone else thats having trouble with the newer kernels not finding the root drive?11:16
=== dura doesn't like to have to type sudo every time he want's to do something
Cyorxampcompengi, what? no!11:16
WarboTom7e: There are three. "ati" is a 2D-only free driver for all ATI ards, "radeon" is 3D for older cards (about Radeon 9200 and less) and "fglrx" is non-free and gives 3D for cards higher than radeon 920011:16
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compengiSnurf, from intel website11:16
SnurfFor ubuntu?11:16
compengiSnurf, www.intel.com11:16
LjLWarbo: "-s" sets you as the superuser, and "-H" moves you to the superuser's home. i think with "-i" you will gain the same effect with less typing.11:16
Cyorxampcompengi - WIMP - Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pointer11:16
kalosaurusrexdura: just run sudo passwd root then, su11:16
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LjLswaj: one of which is redundant, yes.11:16
duraAre the ATi drivers available for AMD64 on Ubuntu yet?11:16
jory_AJR1: no, you can't. You have to boot ubuntu 6.06 cd and then launch the install icon on ubuntu desktop.11:16
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compengiSnurf, you will download drivers for linux11:17
AJR1jory_ i did that and i chose the partition and everything and clicked install ... and nothing happened11:17
WarboLjL: sudo can't become any user can it, only root? (if I want to sort out a dodgy config for a user then "sudo su username" lets me become that user without having to log in and use the dodgy config)11:17
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durakalosaurusrex, Yeah I did that...11:17
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duraFigured that out like 2 years ago11:17
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Tom7ethanks Warbo11:17
jory_Warbo: fglrx gave my mobility radeon 9000 64mb ddr pretty much 3d acceleration, running Xgl quite alright on my laptop now.11:17
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FlannelWarbo: it can.  sudo -u [user] 11:17
compengiAJR1, are you working on live cd?11:17
JimmeyI'm having problems with my sound - It worked perfectly before, but all of a sudden, it's jut cut out - And I can't get any sound, from anywhere. I've just tried out a liveCD, and that works fine.11:17
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AJR1compengi certainly am 6.0611:17
Timasokey, no new info on my problem, I'll try again tomorrow :) Thanks people!11:18
duraJimmey, Did you check the mixer settings?11:18
WarboFlannel: Thanks, I didn't know that11:18
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SnurfHow do I find out what kind of Speakers I have?!11:18
swajdura, you know how to stop su/sudo from asking for a password right?  just "sudo visudo" and then change the last line in the file to "%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"11:18
Jimmeydura, I don't know how to do that.11:18
blacktearskpackage saves the day again11:18
SixDaysis it ok to drop a question?11:18
AJR1compengi im back in windows now though as ubuntu doesnt pick up my wifi adapter properly11:18
JimmeySixDays: Yes11:18
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LjLWarbo: it can. "sudo -u username ..."11:18
FlannelSixDays: yep, just ask away.11:18
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fiete_where can i get linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.15-25-386?11:18
compengiAJR1, no are you installing the ubuntu from live cd?11:18
duraJimmey, Go into the multimedia part of the menu and click on the mixer app in there.11:18
CyorxampI just learned XviD is 'patent encumbered' as it was called in here cuz it follow 'ideas' that the MPEG-LA control - thus it is MPEG4... However Xerox invented the idea of WIMP (windows, icons, mouse & pointers) so how can Ubuntu exist without itself being patent encumbered?11:18
Warbojory_: My radeon mobility 9200 could not use fglrx at all (nothing GL or even framebuffer worked) but I have had no problems with radeon driver11:18
duraswaj, Yeah I did know that11:18
jory_fiete_: apt or synaptic11:18
aLPHa_LeaK n811:18
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Jimmeydura - Multimedia part of which menu?11:19
johCarlFK: Still there? I changed the grub config and now my ubuntu kernel won't boot...11:19
FlannelCyorxamp: that'd be a perfect question for #ubuntu-offtopic11:19
LjLCyorxamp: because for something to be patent encumbered, a patent actually has to be requested and issued.11:19
AJR1compengi yeah well i tried too, it loaded into ubuntu, and then i double clicked "install" selected my spare partition clicked install and nothing happened11:19
duraJimmey, Are you using Gnome?11:19
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duraThe gnome menu11:19
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compengiAJR1, you should wait alittle11:19
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AJR1compengi wait ?11:19
duraI'm not using Ubuntu right now otherwise I could be more specific.11:19
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CyorxampLjL - and it does11:19
SixDaysIm trying to compile gnomecommander 1.2.0 for dapper, running configure I get "checking if glib >= 2.0.0 exists... configure: error: no" ive installed glib1.2.10 etc but I dont know what to do to get it to use it since 2.0 is none existant.11:20
compengiAJR1, yes because it's reading from the cd to run the live and to prepare files to install11:20
Jimmeydura - You're going to have to be a bit more specific..11:20
duraWhy do people compile stuff for Ubuntu?11:20
crashzorkimo, i installed ever fucking package notice about on the site and stil it wil not work xmms plays ogg file whitout trobbel but mp3 don't work11:20
AJR1compengi ohhhh lol cant i just install it without booting it up as it where11:20
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compengiAJR1, this what happened to me too11:20
jory_AJR1 the installer is pretty basic and intuitional, so there's nowhere to be lost. Just wait if there seems to be no action. Everything has to go the right way.11:20
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs11:20
SixDaysdura: since ubuntu is slow on updating the reps.11:20
acid-triphey guys whats the site to get more apt repo's?11:20
fiete_dura: linux-restricted-modules is NOT available for 2.6.15-25 via apt11:20
AJR1jory_ thanks can i just install it without actually booting into the live cd11:20
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
jory_AJR1: No, that's the new way one can install ubuntu. Through the livecd.11:20
duraJimmey, And you're going to have to look through the multimedia menu, where the apps like amarok and grip and stuff would be to find the mixer.11:20
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Hjust use xmms & vlc player11:21
ubotuI know nothing about sourceomatic11:21
johCarlFK: Nvm, fixed it.11:21
Warbodura: Usually it is Windows users who are used to getting programs off websites, therefore they end up downloading tar.gz files of source code11:21
fiete_dura: at least not in the standard repositories11:21
durafiete_, What you told me that because... ?11:21
AJR1jory_ oh11:21
SixDayscrashzor: installed gstreamer ugly?11:21
duraWarbo, yeah I suppose....11:21
JimmeyWhere is it, dura11:21
FlannelAJR1: if you get the alternate CD instead of desktop, you can install from textmode11:21
fiete_dura: but -25 has been release some time ago :-(11:21
crashzorSixDays, yes11:21
AJR1Flannel thankyou :) ill try with the live cd first11:21
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compengiAJR1, it's better to start with11:22
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ardchoilleacid-trip: that site is source-o-matic, maybe google can help with a url11:22
AJR1compengi thanks11:22
compengiAJR1, text mode is complex11:22
jory_For people having troubles with Radeon RV2x0 cards (9000 etc) - ATI's new fglrx release has a bug11:22
duraJimmey, If you can't handle using a mouse and clicking a button you should give your computer to someone who can.11:22
AJR1compengi yeah i did gentoo like that weiiird!11:22
compengiAJR1, np :)11:22
=== dura is using Gentoo atm
=== valehru [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboDoes anybody know of some fun 2D games which are not in Ubuntu/Debian? I am making a LiveCD of games for my Dad (for use on an old computer, so no 3D) but there is 300MB free after installing everything I like.11:23
jory_You have to copy one file from older version of fglrx and acceleration will work just fine.11:23
Jimmeydura, Okay. This time, try making some sense. Where in the menus is this multimedia bit you speak of.11:23
anderbubblewhat caches the device names for network devices? For example, I have wireless and wired pcmcia cards. They are always the same name (e.g., eth0 vs eth1). What does that.11:23
ardchoilleWarbo: lbreakout2 is fun and addictive11:23
duraJimmey, As I said... if you can't find the menus in Gnome you're too stupid to use a computer.11:23
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cboplease i need some hint on how to set up hostname on boot up, like install script does, to use the same hd image on several computers11:23
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Warboardchoille: Yeah, I have that already. I just don't want to go out on Google with no idea how many crappy games I will have to sort through :)11:23
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duracbo, Edit /etc/hosts11:24
duraAdd your machine name and it's IP address. That's one way to do it.11:24
Jimmeydura, I'm actually not. I've searched through the menus, and there's no multimedia section.11:24
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Starl1ngWarbo: xkobo11:24
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swajSixDays, is the ubuntu package for gnome-commander in the universe repository not suitable for you for some reason?11:24
cbodura: for each one? there has to be a daemon that does it.... (i pray)11:24
SixDaysswaj: its old and buggy.11:24
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duracbo, For each machine on your network?11:25
soundraycbo: you need to enter it in /etc/hostname. Editing /etc/hosts is unnecessary11:25
duraYou could run a DNS server11:25
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SixDaysand Im fucking pissed that I havent been able to compile the bloody thing, which only makes me even more determined to compile it.11:25
duraLike I said... that was just one way to do it11:25
LjLdura: please stop using that kind of tone on this channel, with Jimmey or with anyone else11:25
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soundraySixDays: language11:25
duraLjL, Are you a moderator?11:25
aXanaXahey can someone help me out here, for some reason when I use apt to try to update my package lists all of the connections fail and nothing is downloaded.  However if I was to copy and past the URL via HTTP into my browser it will connect and try to download the file requested such as sources.gz.  My repositories are just the defaults.11:25
SixDayssoundray: k11:25
=== pennypacker [n=bart@535020D1.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LjLdura: why does it matter?11:25
duraLjL, Unles you are, telling people how to treat others isn't your job.11:26
yipedura do you know why this distro is great? Why so many people have switched over to Ubuntu?11:26
SixDayscan pkg-config resolve my issue?11:26
duraBeing the op of 4 other channels, I know this.11:26
Sivikwhy am i having issuew swith security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy11:26
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LjLdura: ok, let's do the jobs to those who are appointed to it then11:26
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:26
yipebecause of channels like this, where even the newbiest of newbs can get help11:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
naliothLjL: ?11:26
durayipe, It's great to different people for different reasons.11:26
soundraydura: being the op of 4 other channels, you do apparently know how to make yourself unpopular.11:26
duraJust as linux11:26
cbodura: yes i need a system that 'asks' for its hostname every boot....11:26
compengiAJR1, i'm back11:26
=== leboff [n=leboff@c-68-32-11-6.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CarlFKdrako_: jpilot sync - how do I do it?  the doc say 'nothing' - http://www.henrikbecker.de/jpilot/jpilot-manual-en-11.html#ss11.211:27
naliothLjL: may we help you?:11:27
durasoundray, I'm not here to make friends and become popular.11:27
LjLnalioth: i don't think phrases like [23:25]  <dura> Jimmey, As I said... if you can't find the menus in Gnome you're too stupid to use a computer. <---- is this acceptable on #Ubuntu?     can be considered acceptable. do you?11:27
_absolution_i'm having some issues too....can't seem to access "/.fluxbox/......11:27
yipedura, I feel sorry for those who go to your 4 channels for help11:27
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duraLjL, Did you read what he said to me?11:27
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LjLnalioth: i asked that in #ubuntu-offtopic, and the consensus seemed to be they're not11:27
compengiAJR1, anything else?11:27
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naliothdura can we be polite please?11:27
mog_well hes gone now11:27
ompaulnalioth, he is well polite now11:27
Seveasnalioth, impossible if I'm in bofh mode11:27
Tom7eI'm used to yum, what is the search function of apt?11:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
naliothTom7e: apt-cache search11:28
erUSULTom7e: apt-cache search11:28
RandolphCarterTom7e: apt-get or aptitude + search + filter11:28
yipehi nalioth! Why haven't you been in offtopic lately?11:28
pennypackeri like yumex better11:28
ardchoilleTom7e: welcome to warp 9 ;)11:28
SixDays_absolution_: is /.fluxbox/ an existing directory on your system?11:28
aXanaXaany able to help with my apt issue?11:28
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SivikaXanaXa, what is that issue?11:28
naliothaXanaXa: if you ask a question11:28
aXanaXahey can someone help me out here, for some reason when I use apt to try to update my package lists all of the connections fail and nothing is downloaded.  However if I was to copy and past the URL via HTTP into my browser it will connect and try to download the file requested such as sources.gz.  My repositories are just the defaults.11:28
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548DB7F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
aXanaXaI did it was above11:28
_absolution_I don't know....how would I know?11:29
WarboaXanaXa: You may have messed up your system's proxy information (adding a proxy when you don't need one will also do this). However, since Firefox and other browsers have their own proxy information they can still work. I did that to my system after installing "anon-proxy" (but didn't find a way to fix it :()11:29
ompaulSixDays, your abuse of language is really not wanted, we want a clean G rated channel  do this  >>sudo apt-get install build-essential<< that will help you compile some things11:29
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Tom7eis libflash-mozplugin the firefox plugin for flash?11:29
SixDaysompaul: i got it the first time round, and build-essentials are installed.11:29
aXanaXaWarbo, this is a fresh install11:29
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Tom7edoesn't sound right11:29
leboffhey i my computer freezes up when downloading for about 20 min on azureus.. anyone ever heard of something like that.. im on ubuntu 6.0611:29
compengiwhat languages do i need to know to help in developing ubuntu?11:29
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup my usb dsl modem i have access runner?11:29
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aXanaXaand I am checking apt.conf and not proxy11:29
SivikaXanaXa, could you paste bin the whole thing that happens when you run the apt-get update and then pastebin your sources.list, if you have breezy, they seem to not be working, and if its dapper, get rid of the us in front11:29
Amaranthlibflash-mozplugin is the open source one, it doesn't really work11:29
monomaniacpatHi guys, I'm trying to install something and it can't find my libusb library. I checked my packages and libusb is installed. Any ideas what I'm meant to do? Here's the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1665911:29
SixDays_absolution_: what happens if you try to cd to the directory?11:30
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WarboTom7e: That is a free version of Flash, but not as feature filled as the official one (but it does work on 64bit and PowerPC)11:30
aXanaXait is dapper and it is the default list from the download11:30
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ubotuI know nothing about jpeg11:30
RandolphCartermonomaniacpat: you'll need to install the corresponding -dev package11:30
aXanaXaand I am using straight text version of apt since I am a debian user11:30
SivikaXanaXa, get rid of all the us in the sources.list11:30
SixDaysaXanaXa: check that your /etc/apt/sources.list hasnt got # in front of every line.11:30
soundraymonomaniacpat: install the -dev version of the library11:30
RandolphCartermonomaniacpat: ie. libusb-dev11:30
Tom7ei tried getting flashplayer-mozilla and it says that it's obsolete and flashplugin-nonfree has replaced it... is that what i should get then?11:30
SivikTom7e, yes11:30
_absolution_lol...it said no such file or directory11:31
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Tom7eby the way, is there a visual apt program?11:31
_absolution_I thought I had installed fluxbox11:31
WarboaXanaXa: Try using another program which accesses the Internet, but doesn't have it's own settings. I don't know what to try that will be available to you though11:31
SixDays_absolution_: there you have it, you dont have that directory11:31
SeveasTom7e, several11:31
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aXanaXaguys but why would I be able to download the sources.gz file if I am able to paste it into my browser11:31
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SeveasTom7e, applications  add applications and system  admin  synaptic11:31
swajTom7e, yes goto System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager11:31
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ardchoilleTom7e: you can use Synaptic11:31
WarboTom7e: synaptic and Adept11:31
ompaulSixDays, then it is down to the code your trying to compile - what is it?11:31
SixDays_absolution_: .<whatever> in like /home/username/.whatever/ are userfiles for applications.11:31
aXanaXaWarbo such as ping, nslookup, nmap or firefox11:32
SixDaysompaul: gnome-commander 1.2.011:32
ubotuI know nothing about portuguese11:32
aXanaXathey all work fine11:32
=== Jimme1 [n=james@user-496.lns3-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:32
=== Snurf [n=sean@c-66-41-22-238.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup my usb dsl modem i have access runner?11:32
SnurfI downloaded a driver for my audio chip, HOW do I install this and set it up so I can hear audio??11:32
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_absolution_is it better to compile the source code than to "apt-get install"??11:32
pennypackeralways read the reame11:32
h3sp4wnudo: There is a wiki page about it created by Neutrinomass have alook for it11:33
WarboaXanaXa: Hmmm. Then you must have a different problem that I had (which is probably a good thing, since I couldn't fix mine)11:33
ompaulSixDays, on breezy?11:33
=== Sonderblade [n=meh@c-9859e353.131-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
SixDaysompaul: dapper11:33
SixDaysubuntu dapper.11:33
udoh3sp4wn where?11:33
Siviki need help with startx11:33
Siviki'm getting all kinds of errors11:33
monomaniacpatsoundray:  RandolphCarter, thanks.11:33
swaj_absolution_, if you compile from source, then apt/synaptic can't really keep track of updates to your installed packages.  apt-get install is easier and allows for cleaner updates/upgrades11:33
CarlFK_absolution_: packages are 'better'11:33
erUSULSnurf: whare have you dl the driver from? it is a .tar* file?11:33
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WarboSivik: Is X set up right? (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)11:33
ardchoille_absolution_: IMHO, it's always best to use the repos for the distro, unless there are known security issues or critical bugs with those versions of the app11:33
compengiwhat languages do i need to know to help in developing ubuntu?11:33
h3sp4wnudo: I don't know search the wiki just remember he did11:34
=== CountDown [n=Count@dhcp-45-114.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu
!lilo:*! zeno- mentions that webappsec.org has informally set up a new channel, #webappsec, for web application security discussion .... thanks!11:34
aXanaXacompengi - C11:34
erUSULcompengi: mainly C11:34
erUSULcompengi: or python11:34
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SivikWarbo: as far as i know, i have ran it twice, with the default, but then it loads a bunch of /dev/wvcam stuff, so i delete that and then i get the error with it not being able to find some fonts11:34
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Warbo_absolution_: If you do need to compile source for some reason (like getting a newer version of something) then you can use checkinstall to turn it into a package then install that11:34
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compengiand bash?11:35
LjLcompengi: best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
CountDownAnyone have any luck getting Second Life running on an Intel 82915G/GV/910GL graphics card?11:35
SivikWarbo, i installed the server and then installed kde11:35
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SnurferUSUL: I downloaded the driver from some site for audio drivers on linux. And it is a .zip file11:35
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CarlFK_absolution_: if you need a more recient version, then learn how to update a package (which isn't 'easy', but worth the effort)11:35
Sivik_absolution_, sudo apt-get upgrade11:35
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ompaulSixDays, installing 1.2 on dapper may not be a good idea the first reason is that you can install 1.1.7 if you have the universe repos in place and compiling that - it is from the next version not 1.4 of gnome who knows that will clash with what, and you should /msg ubotu timetable it might help explain why you don't mix and match11:35
WarboSivik: have you tried KDM instead of startx? (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start)11:35
Siviki have tried both xdm and kdm11:36
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barongasI failed my home folder migration cause apparently I don't own my home folder and my .mcsomething file that goes there and I can't chown them to belong to me either, any ideas?11:36
dashrillado I have to erase the HD in order to partition it for Linux install?   20 gigs free / defrag'd  want to run dual boot windows/ubuntu11:36
SixDaysalready have gnome commander 1.1.711:36
erUSULSnurf: from de alsa site? which sound card do you have?11:36
swajbarongas, sudo chown :P11:36
SivikWarbo: xdm & kdm both die and won't start11:36
pennypackeri keep getting unreal hits on my firewall11:36
pennypackerall day11:36
=== Jimme1 [n=james@user-496.lns3-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
concept10anyone know what is different with the linux-server kernels?  the wiki doesnt provide much info11:37
Warbodashrilla: "Free space" reffers to space which is not part of any partition, so you will need to shrink any partitions that you have to make proper free space11:37
barongasswaj did that, didn't work. I'm trapped in terminal now...11:37
Jimme1I'll try again. I was listening to music, wen all of a sudden, it just cut out -11:37
Jimme1I tried a liveCD, and the sound worked11:37
soundraydashrilla: no. Creating partitions and formatting them will overwrite your old data automatically.11:37
=== LobWech [n=Lobster@dslb-088-073-200-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
swajbarongas, sudo chown yourname:yourgroup .filename should work.  if not, what error did it give?11:37
udohow can i start my kernel with paraments11:37
barongasswaj can I have done something wrong in fstab to mount my partition where home resides11:37
CountDownAnyone have any luck getting Second Life to run on Ubuntu at all?11:37
=== ghostrider [n=ghostrid@dsl-145-71-130.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
dashrillalet me ask it differently11:37
ompaulSixDays, well 1.2 is not from the version of gome we use who knows what libs will clash and what interesting situations you might end up in11:38
WarboSivik: I would try hacking away at the files section of the xorg.conf then. Strip down the fonts until it at least comes up, then add them back one by one (I mean the directories, not the fonts :)) until you find the problem11:38
barongasswaj: how do I know my groupname?11:38
soundraydashrilla: you can keep your existing Windows installation and shrink it... ubotu knows more:11:38
=== Kwerty [n=woot@host81-158-167-177.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundray!tell dashrilla about dualboot11:38
SixDaysompaul: hmm ok.11:38
dashrillasoundray:  tks11:38
ghostridergood evening11:38
SivikWarbo: ok11:38
SixDaysmaybe time to go use another distro then.11:38
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:38
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pennypackerfedora 5 isnt bad11:38
swajbarongas, in ubuntu, usually your groupname is the same as your username... however you will belong to several groups.  You can type "groups" at the terminal to see which one you want to use11:38
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
SixDaysfedora sux11:39
pjfcUsing Kubuntu, after applying an upgrade to kernel 2.6.15-25-386, kernel won't load.  I am still using old kernel version.  How do I fix this? Can anyone help?11:39
swajbarongas, I would recommend though, for a home directory, just using your default group11:39
SixDayswas thinking along the lines of debian or gentoo.11:39
WarboFedora is OK, but I think you have to reinstall to change versions11:39
dashrillais the owner of ubotu on this channel ?11:39
snozleI have a pdf document with editable fields but I can't seem to edit them with any PDF viewer I've tried, can someone point me in the right direction?11:39
SivikWarbo: not its saying XIO: fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining11:39
ghostriderhi pennypacker11:39
dashrillaWarbo:  tks for help11:39
Sivikxauth: error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority11:39
ghostriderwhere u from11:39
WarboSivik: Is this being run with sudo?11:40
soundraydashrilla: his nick is cafuego11:40
SivikWarbo: its the same error no matter if i run user or sudo11:40
dashrillasoundray:  tks11:40
barongasswaj Switching owner of .mcoprc: Operation not allowed11:40
WarboSivik: OK, just wondering if it was a permission thing11:40
Siviknow its saying No valied FontPath could be found11:40
WarboSivik: Can you just "X"?11:40
ghostrideranybody wanna chat11:40
krangSo, does anyone know how to prevent a user from logging in from multiple machines (NIS)? They can have as many terminals as they want, only one desktop11:40
SonicChaosnozle, whcih PDF viewers have you tired?11:40
barongasswitching =changing? swedish translation11:40
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SonicChaoghostrider, this isn't MySpace.11:40
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ghost-elitehey peeps.  is this the Ubuntu help chat?11:41
SivikWarbo: not it just says Fatal server error: no valid fontpath could be found11:41
soundrayghostrider: go to #ubuntu-offtopic please. This channel is for support.11:41
=== SixDays [n=SixDays@c213-89-78-230.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["useless"]
Sivikghost-elite, yes, whatca want11:41
swajsnozle, Adobe has a linux version of Adobe Reader if you wouldn't mind using that11:41
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ghost-elitei need help enabling XGL.11:41
WarboSivik: Hmm. Seems a little out of my league sorry11:41
barongasAlternatively, it would be cool on info on how to change my $home back to what it was so that I can get into X and work from there...11:41
swajbarongas, not sure what that could be11:41
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Siviki will just reinstall11:41
pennypackerwhat we need id more game installers11:41
snozleswaj, would the free version let me edit fields?11:41
SonicChaoghostrider, This is for support, not random chatting, please see #ubuntu-offtopic for that. Thank you11:41
ghost-eliteanyone  care to help?11:41
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swajsnozle, if it's an editable PDF, it should11:42
snozleswaj, alright let me try11:42
ghost-eliteneed support for XGL.  read the posts..  have it installed and all the plugins installed.11:42
ghost-elitenot sure how to enable it.11:42
swajsnozle, I know it works alright for me in Windows11:42
ghostriderOkay, cool. sorry for being a asshole11:42
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Flannelghostrider: #ubuntu-xgl11:42
Dial_toneanyone have vmware-player and vmware workstation on the same box? just wondered if there are any conflicts11:42
ghost-eliteghost-elite you mean.  lol11:42
SivikWarbo: after i install the server, how do i need to go about installing an X, last time i did it, i didn't have any problem11:42
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Flannelghostrider: /join #ubuntu-xgl11:43
barongasAnyone know how to change my $home global from terminal?11:43
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soundrayghostrider: no problem. Don't be too self-deprecating about it ;)11:43
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Flannelack.  ghost-elite, thats for you too.  Sorry ghostrider11:43
SonicChaoghostrider, 'tis okay :)11:43
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_absolution_why am I getting a "failed to open file (usr/share/blahblahblah/)"??11:43
dashrillatks again11:43
SivikWarbo: is it a problem if my / and /home are logical drives?11:43
monomaniacpatCan someone remind me of the syntax for cvs?11:44
=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@toronto-HSE-ppp4008296.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ghostriderdon't know exactly where i am11:44
_absolution_I tried to get a version of something11:44
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/11:44
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SonicChaoghostrider, You are in #ubuntu, for Ubuntu support.Ubuntu is a linux operating system, what do you MEAN you don't know where you are?11:44
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swajsnozle, there seems to be a package in the universe repo called "acroread" that might work -- sudo apt-get install acroread11:44
SivikWarbo: is that a problem? to have my / and /home partiation as logical?11:45
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bud_my xkb doesnt work11:45
soundraySivik: no, shouldn't be a problem.11:45
kalosaurusrexcvs up11:45
bud_problem is when i type setxkbmap hr11:45
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aXanaXaanyone have any more suggestions about my apt problems?  Basically I am just running apt-get update with my sources being the normal default sources that came with the distro that I downloaded today. I can connect to the network fine and access these sources through my web browser.  The proxy settings are set to false in apt.conf.  It basically says connection failed [IP: x.x.x.x] 11:45
Siviksoundray: well, thats how i had it and it seemed to be a problem11:45
bud_i get Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property11:45
bud_Use defaults: rules - 'xorg' model - 'pc101' layout - 'us'11:45
bud_Segmentation fault11:45
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WarboSivik: I think it is fine if they are logical or extended partitions, or even logical volumes (as long as you have a regular /boot)11:45
JanHammerdoes anyone know a linux program that can record video of what you're doing?11:45
concept10Anyone know the difference between the linux-server package and linux-686-smp??11:46
soundraySivik: you mean your X not starting?11:46
SivikWarbo: i have a primary boot11:46
Siviksoundray: yes11:46
ubotuThe people in this IRC channel are volunteers. Please be patient and polite. The IRC guidelines can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:46
Siviksoundray, there wasn't anyhthing in my /home folder11:46
pjf1ugrade kernel won't load.  Any thought on a fix?11:46
bud_anyone know where is the problem11:46
soundraySivik: if your install location was a problem, it would show earlier and differently.11:46
swajsnozle, I can confirm that acroread is indeed the official Adobe Reader ubuntu package.  Just installed it myself and it works great11:46
Siviksoundray, then why was it not writing files to my /home/user folder?11:46
_absolution_is it normal to get an error message "couldn't connect to Xserver'" under root?11:46
JanHammerdoes anyone know a linux program that can record video of what you're doing? ^_^11:46
soundraySivik: $HOME is empty by default (except for some hidden files copied from /etc/skel at setup time)11:46
galorinJanHammer, might not be the exact name, but I've seen something like vnc2swf, which takes a VNC connection and records it in a swf file11:46
WarboSivik: I used to use logical volumes all of the time (Fedora uses them by default, and when I switched to Debian and Ubuntu I began using 2 drives so I carried on with it)11:46
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Sivikwarbo: ok11:47
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_absolution_I tried "fbrun"....and I got that message11:47
SivikWarbo: after i install the server, what do i need to install to get a gui11:47
SonicChaoJanHammer, you need a webcam11:47
JanHammergalorin, O_o sounds a bit overcomplicated for something so simple11:47
barongasI'm sorry if I have to repeat myself but I don't know how to scroll up and check for replies in this text client. Anyone know how to change my $home variable from shell?11:47
CarlFKJanHammer: yes - called a screen recorder - there is a VNC thing that will do it ... just a sec11:47
Starl1ngJanHammer: I think there is something that could record a vnc-session... Think it is called vncrec or something...11:47
SonicChaoJanHammer, oh sorry, I thought you MENT what you're really doing. Can't help you there :(11:48
soundraybarongas: export HOME=/new/path (but it will mess things up badly)11:48
JanHammerSonicChao, haha, nope11:48
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galorinJanHammer, looks like most of the solutions will involve VNC in one way or another11:48
cguimacan somebody help me on a wireless subject?11:48
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JanHammergalorin, not a problem, just need to know a good VNC server for ubuntu11:48
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barongassoundray how badly? I want to change it to my old home where all is well11:48
WarboSivik: xserver-xorg will give you X, then you just need the desktop you want (if it is something simple like e16 or fluxbox then you just need one package, but something like GNOME or KDE will probably need a few. X should start fine with only xserver-xorg though)11:48
monomaniacpatOK cvshome is down: can anyone tell me what command I need to enter to get a cvs file?11:48
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SonicChaocguima, what's the problem?11:48
Starl1ngJanHammer: I also think that vlc (not vnc) has something to use the screen as input and then maybe save to file... But I never used it...and it might only be available in Windows..11:49
SivikWarbo: yeah, i'm going to use e1611:49
cguimamy problem is that i have a wireless device11:49
SonicChaoJanHammer, Wink!11:49
CarlFKJanHammer: http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf and http://www.debugmode.com/wink/11:49
SonicChaoNow I remember!11:49
WarboSivik: All you need is xserver-xorg and enlightenment then (as package names)11:49
SivikWarbo: thats how i had it11:49
cguimaand i can't find drivers for it11:49
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soundraybarongas: what did you do to change it in the first place?11:49
patchhello all11:49
SonicChaoJanHammer, let me get you a link11:49
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cguimain order to work with linux11:49
ardchoillepatch: hi11:49
JanHammerSonicChao, they just linked wink ^_^11:49
JanHammerthanks anyway though11:50
cguimait is a SMC pcmcia device11:50
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galorinJanHammer, Might see if vnc2swf is in a repo, and let it pick for you.  You won't be recording over a network so most of the issues with VNC go out the window11:50
SonicChaoJanHammer, sorry, I was extremely confused, it's busy11:50
WarboSivik: I set up a Debian system with XFree86 and E16 yesterday, and that was all that was needed (but I wrote a custom boot script to log in automatically)11:50
SonicChaoJanHammer, sorry11:50
barongassoundray I changed it in the user settings, I copied all files there and etc but for some reason I don't own my new home and can't login11:50
_absolution_how do I get "~/.fluxbox/......." to work??11:50
Sivikthats cool11:50
patchcould anyone please help. i need to install grub on a /boot partition because i am about to reinstall XP and that will 'fix' my mbr and i wont be able to boot into linux11:50
Warbo_absolution_: "to work"?11:50
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_absolution_yeah I can't seem to find them11:50
ardchoille_absolution_: you trying to get fluxbox to work?11:50
SonicChao_absolution_, yse nUbuntu11:51
soundraybarongas: are you logged in with root rights right now?11:51
Sivik!tell patch about grub11:51
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:51
Warbo_absolution_: Have you run fluxbox as that user before?11:51
barongassoundray no, as user11:51
barongassoundray only in shell11:51
ardchoille_absolution_: fluxbox is a window manager. Log out, then choose it instead of gnome or kde, then log back in and it should work.11:51
anderbubblewhat caches the device names for network devices? For example, I have wireless and wired pcmcia cards. They are always the same name (e.g., eth0 vs eth1). What does that.11:51
_absolution_yeah i'm already running it11:51
soundraybarongas: so you can still log in, but can't start X?11:51
barongassoundray I can start X but not log into gnome11:52
_absolution_but I want to add some eyecandy to it11:52
Warbo_absolution_: And "ls ~/.fluxbox" says nothing?11:52
JanHammerbah, this isn't what I meant, I need a program that takes full video of the screen11:52
JanHammernot just actions11:52
=== andrea [n=andrea@174.Red-83-32-179.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraybarongas: what's the path to the new location of your home?11:52
LjLanderbubble: hmm, i think it's just the order the drivers are loaded in11:52
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barongassoundray /mnt/shared/home11:53
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LjLanderbubble: i've got four ethernet cards installed, and if i shuffle them around in the PCI bus, the respective names change.11:53
anderbubbleLjL: it's not, cause if I pull the device out, and plug the in, no matter what order, they're always the same.11:53
_absolution_ahh there they are11:53
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anderbubbleLjL: maybe it's special for pcmcia11:53
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LjLanderbubble: what if you *boot* the system with one one device (the one that's normally eth1, namely) plugged in, possibly in the slot you normally plug in the other11:54
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barongassoundray the reason I can't log in is because of me not owning my home folder, my .dmrc file and it's permission is not 64411:54
soundraybarongas: 1. Run 'chmod -R barongas.barongas /mnt/shared/home' and make sure the line in /etc/passwd that starts with barongas has /mnt/shared/home as the sixth field.11:54
LjLanderbubble: s/one one/only one/11:54
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anderbubbleLjL: even then11:54
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h3sp4wnbarongas: Did you use sudo -s ever ? That causes that sometimes11:55
soundraybarongas: 2. (there is no 2, sorry ;)11:55
_absolution_I see "backgrounds......styles"....there11:55
anderbubbleLjL: I can only have one plugged in at a time, anyway, because of physical constraints11:55
pjf1System upgraded to kernel 2.6.15-25-386 won't load, can still use kernel 2.6.15-23-386.  How I reinstall/remove the broken kernel version?11:55
_absolution_so does that mean it's working....lol11:55
anderbubbleLjL: and if I have my wired card in, it's always eth111:55
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soundrayh3sp4wn: no, he tried to move the location of his home.11:55
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monomaniacpatshould you always use sudo for make or only when in admin folders?11:55
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anderbubblemonomaniacpat: only use sudo when installing11:55
BCK14how can i reset my iptables to default ?11:56
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h3sp4wnsoundray: And copied everything as root ?11:56
anderbubblemonomaniacpat: you can do the whole make as a normal user11:56
snozleI installed all of my updates and restarted and now my speakers arent't working, any ideas?11:56
soundrayh3sp4wn: don't know, but I suspect it. Either that, or /etc/passwd is screwed up.11:56
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disant 11:56
disantoops wrong channel11:56
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barongassoundray it's not allowed to change owners, even with sudo, I didn't catch that thing in the file in /etc if you could repeat that also11:57
LjLanderbubble: i think your answer is /etc/iftab11:57
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JemtGreetz. i have a problem with my wireless network card (Cisco, based on the Aironet chipset). When I reboot, the network card is not detected, even though the module 'airo' is listed in 'lsmod'. When I remove the module (rmmod airo) and reload it again (modprobe airo), the card is found just fine. What's wrong ?11:57
disantJemt, rebuild your boot image11:57
soundraybarongas: make sure the line in /etc/passwd that starts with barongas has /mnt/shared/home as the sixth field.11:57
Jemtdisant: Boot image? Kernel ?11:58
fowlduckis there a good way to programmatically check if the system is running ubuntu?11:58
soundraybarongas: that only makes sense if you have the correct permissions on the new home, though.11:58
disantyeah... so it loads the modules on startup11:58
disant'man mkinitrd'11:58
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CarlFKapt-get install vmare-player errored, and now every time I apt-get install anything, it tries to install the player again.  how to I undo my request for the player?11:58
LjLfowlduck: ?11:58
soundraybarongas: what type of filesystem is the new home location in?11:58
disantJemt, or just write a script and put it in init.d11:58
LjLCarlFK: try apt-get -f install11:58
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Jemtdisant: Yes, that was a possibility11:59
fowlduckLjL: is there any file or something stating that this machine is running ubuntu?11:59
barongassoundray fat32.... hmmm... bad?11:59
CarlFKljl: ill try11:59
soundraybarongas: yes, bad ;)11:59
Jemtdisant: Everything in /etc/init.d is executed at startup ?11:59
fowlduckLjL: uname just gives you gnu/linux11:59
disantJemt, "was"?11:59
LjLfowlduck: not sure what you're aiming at... but /etc/issue perhaps11:59
Jemtdisant: Even though I don't like that sort of hacks11:59
barongassoundray can I just /etc/passwd it back to my old /home/barongas?11:59
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Jemtdisant: Is, sorry :)11:59
disantits not a hack you dont need your wireless untill its fully booted anyways11:59
soundraybarongas: yes, if you haven't deleted the content there, it should be fine.11:59
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Jemtdisant: You can use "was" in my language, directly translated. By bad :)12:00
fowlduckLjL: similar to that, but not one that can be so easily changed12:00
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patrick_kinghow do i link swat to samba12:00
Jemtdisant: By bad = My bad :)12:00
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Jemtdisant: Is everything in /etc/init.d is executed at startup ?12:00
LjLfowlduck: it can only be changed by the administrator... and if one *is* the administrator, *anything* can be hanged12:00

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