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cypheri was trying packaging12:23
LaserJockgood for him :-)12:24
LaserJockI'm glad he let us know12:24
LaserJockfor what it's worth, to get an edgy pbuilder I just did:12:30
LaserJockcopy pbuilder-dapper to pbuilder-edgy12:30
LaserJockchanged DISTRIBUTION to edgy12:30
LaserJockcopied the dapper base.tgz to edgy-base.tgz12:30
crimsunthat's way more work than necessary.12:31
crimsuntwo-line diff above somewhen12:31
LaserJockran pbuilder-edgy update --override-config12:31
crimsunyou've already got the script; make /it/ do the hard work ;)12:31
LaserJockhmm, I don't see why that would have helped me out much12:32
crimsunyou apply the diff and run ``./pbuilder-edgy create'', and it does it all for you?12:32
crimsunto each his/her own, of course12:32
LaserJockah, but I didn't want to create I wanted to just update12:33
LaserJockalthough it might not have mattered12:33
LaserJockI figured an update might pull less packages12:33
crimsunthe version I pasted above is a dapper->edgy dist-upgrade12:33
LaserJockhmm, I don't see how that could be but I'll take your word for it ;-)12:35
crimsunby removing the --distribution line, it defaults to dapper. It creates a dapper pbuilder, then with --othermirror it updates && dist-upgrades to edgy after the dapper base is in place.12:36
LaserJockthese scripts have really made pbuilder a lot easier for me12:38
LaserJockI was getting lost in all the pbuilderrc and apt.config/ stuff12:38
crimsunthey're definitely clean12:38
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LaserJockso do we have a merge list yet?01:14
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crimsunLaserJock: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2006-June/000709.html01:15
LaserJockwell, but MoM lists01:16
LaserJockare we going to use the same list system we did in dapper?01:17
crimsunno idea. I think we're waiting on:01:17
crimsun19:07 < Keybuk> getting mom fed with sufficient kittens first01:17
LaserJockyeah, that's what prompted my question01:19
LaserJockI suppose I can run through my Science list and start working on the ones I know01:20
crimsunyep, that's a good idea01:20
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bddebianHeya gang01:41
anibalwhere can I find documentation about merging packages?01:43
bddebianThere is a wiki page on it01:43
bddebianThx crimsun01:44
anibalcrimsun, thanks01:45
LaserJockI also wrote a section in the Packaging Guide ;-)01:48
anibaland how I go about uploading my packages?01:49
anibalLaserJock, what's the URL, please?01:49
crimsunanibal: straight from Debian, or?01:49
LaserJockanibal: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html01:49
crimsunanibal: straight Debian syncs would be handled by the MoM admin (here, Keybuk)01:50
crimsunanibal: but I'm not sure what packages you're referring to01:50
anibalcrimsun, yep, but some have a small diff because I'm still not using the same init files01:50
anibalcrimsun, http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=anibal01:51
anibalI'm interested in merging my packages soon after I upload them to debian01:52
anibalLaserJock, thanks01:52
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crimsunanibal: ok, when they're in Sid, just merge them and upload them to Ubuntu (if you're in the Launchpad ubuntu-dev group)01:53
anibalat the moment, I'm very interested in mergin the NFSv4 packages01:53
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anibalI'm not in the  Launchpad ubuntu-dev group yet, I guess I'll need someone to sponsor me first01:54
crimsunanibal: libnfsidmap will be synced01:56
crimsunnfs-utils will require a merge01:56
crimsunI'm happy to look at it when you deem it ready01:56
crimsun(dang, the version of libnfsidmap is pretty old in dapper)01:57
anibalcrimsun, what's your email address, please?01:58
crimsunanibal: crimsun@ubuntu.com01:58
anibalcrimsun, thanks01:58
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crimsunI'm having a terrible time mistyping madison<->source this evening02:07
LaserJockI just have general spelling problems02:11
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bmontyhi everyone02:12
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crimsunhi bmonty, StevenK02:12
LaserJockhi bmonty02:12
bddebianHiya bmonty02:12
bmontyhi crimsun, LaserJock02:12
bmonty....and bddebian!02:12
bmontyso merges are open now?02:13
bmontywhat is the link to the merge page?02:14
crimsunthe MoM list? I don't think there's an official one yet02:15
bmontyok, so we can't really start working merges yet then02:16
LaserJockwe can do them manually :-)02:16
bddebianAye, if I weren't stupid :-)02:16
bmontybut there is no list to say which packages couldn't be merged automatically, right?02:17
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zulhey hub02:17
LaserJockbmonty: if they are already merged then there is nothing for MoM to do I suppose02:18
LaserJockwe have a list of what packages need syncing or merging02:18
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LaserJockbmonty: http://tiber.tauware.de/~lucas/mergescountdown/todolist.txt I guess02:20
LaserJockbut I'm using my own list for MOTU Science02:21
zulheh arent you special ;)02:21
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
LaserJockzul: of course ;-)02:22
LaserJocknot really, I make the list with lucas' program so ...02:22
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bmontyI think it would make more sense to let MoM merge packages and then fix the ones that can't be done automatically02:24
bmontyor is the plan to not use MoM for edgy?02:24
crimsunafaik keybuk's poking MoM atm02:25
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zulits going to work this time...i can feel it in my bones02:54
zulwohoo...it worked03:20
=== carl_ [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
carl_apt-get source wine - is there a way I can specify verion 0..9.15 (current is 16)03:31
crimsunyou can specify versions that are in the repo, sure.03:38
crimsun0.9.9-0ubuntu2 is the version in the repo (in dapper)03:39
crimsunso no, by default you cannot get 0.9.15 or 0.9.16 or whatever.03:39
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carl_I found 12 and 16 - but no 1503:52
crimsunyou must be using upstream's deb repo03:53
carl_i followed that03:58
bddebianwhere the heck has ajmitch been, I haven't seen him for a couple of days?04:00
crimsunhe's travelling to .au04:02
LaserJockhmm, mentors.debian.net has been redone04:04
ajmitchbddebian: travelling, and coding :P04:04
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LaserJockwritten in Python04:04
crimsunLaserJock: yeah, looks nicer.04:04
bddebianajmitch: Well that is a switch..04:04
=== bddebian ducks
LaserJockI wonder if they made it more REVU like ;-)04:05
ajmitchbddebian: and this is why I should avoid here more often04:06
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch
zulboth of you are slackers in my books04:06
=== bddebian kicks zul
=== zul punches bddebian
ajmitchthanks zul04:07
zulno problem04:07
bddebiancp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/scilab/X11_defaults/': No such file or directory04:12
ajmitchso fix it then04:13
bddebianWell I want to just copy that dir over but these damn cdbs packages are just too "magical" for me04:17
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bddebiancrimsun: Any chance you could help me for a sec?04:47
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LaserJockhi Hobbsee05:27
Hobbseehi LaserJock05:27
LaserJockhow's it going?05:29
HobbseeLaserJock: not great, mum's angry at me.05:30
Hobbseeso if anyone wants to invite me out for the day or something, that'd be good hehe05:30
bddebianSure, come on over ;-P05:31
bddebianI think it would be a long ride for the day though ;-)05:32
crimsunbddebian: what's up?05:34
bddebiancrimsun: I can't figure how how/where this crap is installing to05:36
bddebianAll the install files point to debian/tmp/foo but that isn't where they are installed..?05:36
crimsunbddebian: what's the dh compat level?05:37
bddebianOH, heh, hmm ,hang on05:37
bddebianIs that in compat?05:39
crimsundebian/compat or exported from debian/rules05:39
bddebiancompat has 405:39
crimsunok, so generally that will use debian/$package instead of debian/tmp. What does debian/rules do to install?05:40
bddebianThe files are ending up in debian/$package/foo05:40
bddebianIt's cdbs05:40
crimsunright, ok.05:40
bddebianHow much detail do you want from install:?05:40
crimsundebian/rules posted will suffice05:41
crimsunbddebian: well, just looking at debian/rules, DESTDIR needs to be realigned05:46
crimsunwhy it's told to install into debian/tmp/usr is beyond me05:47
crimsunseems pretty wrong05:47
crimsun.oO( why is DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET even set? )05:51
bddebianDunno, I "borrowed" the rules file from scilab 3.0 ;-)05:53
crimsunI'd start by killing that DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET line05:54
bddebianShould I remove that and make the .install files do $package/foo/bar ?05:55
crimsunyep, that's what I'd do05:55
bddebianHmm, I still need a DESTDIR or --prefix don't I?05:56
crimsunonly if it's not handled by cdbs05:57
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bddebianHmm, something just isn't right06:01
crimsunwell, if something's not right, discard the old packaging and start afresh06:03
bddebianHeya Toadstool06:04
Toadstoolhi bddebian06:04
Hobbseehi Toadstool06:04
bddebiancrimsun: Well I thought about that but I know little to nothing about cdbs and I hate to change the build system06:04
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee06:05
=== crimsun points bddebian to LaserJock's packaging guide section on cdbs ;)
crimsunhe's the maintainer, too, so you get to flame him06:05
=== crimsun ducks
bddebianWhere's the best place to get that?06:08
LaserJockactually, if you find it lacking then you get to rewrite it ;-)06:08
crimsunSystem> Help> System Documentation06:08
LaserJockbddebian: on your computer06:08
crimsun(I think? I don't have yelp installed)06:08
LaserJocknaughty crimsun06:08
crimsunhey, I've had to sacrifice to get pbuilders on this machine06:09
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bddebianPfft isn't there a web page somewhere06:10
LaserJockgo to help.ubuntu.com06:10
bddebianI don't have the Luxury of having my Ubuntu machines handy at all times :(06:10
LaserJockor you can buy a print copy at lulu.com/ubuntu-doc06:10
bddebianAh OK, thx LaserJock06:10
LaserJockbddebian: yes, have an honest to goodness Ubuntu box to work on is indeed a luxury06:12
bddebianWell I have 3 Ubuntu boxes at work but I can't really "work" on them ;-)06:13
LaserJockthe only Ubuntu box is a 1.3 GHz P4 with 256 MB of RAM and somebody else working on it :/06:15
LaserJockso I try to sneak a quick (yeah right) build in when I can06:15
bddebianWell I have 1 laptop with kUbuntu, a Dell P4 desktop with Ubuntu, and a Compaq Proliant ML350 that I killed trying to upgrade to edgy ;-)06:16
crimsunI have, uh, a Pentium 233 MMX.06:17
=== bddebian puts crimsun on the hardware list :)
crimsunthis a state university. We don't have funds.06:18
crimsun(the Canonical-sponsored laptop doesn't count because it's not "mine")06:18
bddebianYou have no machine of your own?06:18
LaserJockcrimsun: that's what federal grant money is for06:18
crimsunLaserJock: hah, if only. In actuality, it goes to subsidize visas and foreign students (which is fine by me).06:19
LaserJockhmm, got us 4 new iMacs06:20
LaserJockbut yeah, people cost a whole lot of money06:21
bddebiancrimsun: I can get you a desktop if you want one.  Or possibly a laptop in a couple months but the laptops are harder to come by06:21
=== jsgotangco waves at bddebian =D
crimsunbddebian: I'm good, but thanks for the consideration06:21
bddebianjsgotangco: Where are you ?  Shipping overseas is mega-expensive06:22
jsgotangcojust kidding ;)06:22
=== jsgotangco has enough amd64 hardware at home
bddebianAck, I wish I had an amd6406:23
bddebianAnd hadn't given away all my NewWorld Powerbooks06:23
bddebianOh and a Sparc.. :-)06:23
=== jsgotangco wished he learned about automotive electronics before
jsgotangcomy car alarm just got busted and my car wont start i had someone fix it up06:24
bddebianYeah, that sucks06:24
bddebianAh bedtime, thanks again crimsun.  And LaserJock06:34
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TheMusoLooks like MOM has not choaked yet.07:06
TheMusois it the same as before? Do we file a bug report about the merging of packages we wish to take a lock on as it were?07:06
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LaserJockTheMuso: not sure07:10
crimsunTheMuso: that's what people have been doing07:13
TheMusocrimsun: Ok thanks.07:13
crimsunI've been doing it differently; the packages I've touched are all in bzr07:13
TheMusoAh ok.07:14
Hobbseei have a wishlist.   that we have a "developer" label that gets attached to our nicks at the forums :P07:14
crimsunif you're a Canonical employee, that's already the case07:14
ajmitchHobbsee: I don't want a huge target like that hung round my neck07:14
Hobbseegood point07:14
bluefoxicyit wouldn't be around your neck07:15
bluefoxicyit'd be painted on your forehead07:15
TheMusocrimsun: What are you doing about your bzr trees? Are you using the new launchpad stuff to mirror/publish them?07:15
LaserJockajmitch: you don't already?07:15
crimsunTheMuso: yep07:15
ajmitchLaserJock: I don't post of the forums07:15
=== TheMuso used to love forums about 4-5 years ago, but now he dislikes them, as they aren't as efficient as mailing lists.
LaserJockHobbsee: having an Ubuntu member tag seems like a cool idea07:18
HobbseeLaserJock: that it does07:18
LaserJockit does?07:18
Hobbseeas in, that it does, as in, yes that sounds like a good idea.07:19
LaserJockit's getting late and I'm still sick07:19
LaserJockhmm, maybe listing LP karama as well as the forum beans07:20
crimsunI dunno, I agree with ajmitch. We should have something like tor for ubuntuforums.07:21
crimsun"A Ubuntu member"07:21
crimsunwhich one? who knows?07:21
Hobbseecrimsun: something that makes us sound like we know what we're talking about07:21
crimsunHobbsee: well, it wouldn't be like ubuntu.member.hobbsee. It'd be more like ubuntu.member.07:22
crimsunbut being a member only implies long-standing contribution =)07:23
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=== antinobody puts his hands in the air like he just don't care
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antinobodyhello rraphink08:38
rraphinkyo antinobody08:48
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antinobodyrraphink I hear tell of an impending REVU day?08:49
rraphinkantinobody: are you subscribed to the ubuntu-motu ML?08:50
lucasanybody has some news about the merge run ?08:50
antinobodyrraphink pienso08:50
lucasseems not all merges were generated08:50
lucas(or maybe only main ones ?)08:50
TheMusoUniverse packages were also done.08:51
TheMusoAs far as I can see.08:51
lucasnot all of them, then ?08:52
TheMusoProbably not.08:52
TheMusoHrad to tell since all the dirs appear to be there that are normally there in the archive.08:52
TheMusoI haven't really had a good look I must say.08:52
lucaslibrmagick-ruby is missing, for example08:52
TheMusoWell perhaps the debian/ubuntu versions were the same, or something. I dunno. I was expecting a particular package to be there, and it wasn't, so unless something hsa really gone wrong somewhere, I expect that things are ok.08:53
TheMusoYou'd have to ask keybuk ok.08:53
antinobodyWhere do I look for non-kubuntu packages that need merging?  Or is there anywhere?08:58
Hobbseeantinobody: there was a list on the mailing list08:59
Hobbseei think09:00
lucasmy list includes both main and universe packages, so it might not be a good idea09:00
antinobodyHobbsee: I remember that, but I wondered if there wasn't something on launchpad09:00
Hobbseeah ok09:01
Hobbseethere migth be09:01
=== Hobbsee doesnt know
lucasif you are interested in a specific subset of packages, you could use multidistrotools to generate something such as http://tiber.tauware.de/~lucas/versions/ruby-packages.html09:01
=== TheMuso checks that URL for the package he was looking to merge.
antinobodylucas one problem is knowing which one's are done?09:01
TheMusoIs edgy safe to dist-upgrade to yet?09:02
lucaswell, you are probably supposed to file a bug09:02
lucasTheMuso: no09:02
lucasTheMuso: use a chroot09:02
TheMusoThats what I am thinking. Thanks.09:02
HobbseeTheMuso: upgrade anyway :P09:02
crimsunTheMuso: yes, it is. Well, save udev among others is broken.09:03
=== Hobbsee is tempted to
crimsunYou might need a working udev.09:03
crimsunI hear that's overrated, though.09:03
TheMusoMeh. Will go with chroot then. I set asside partitions for this very reason.09:03
antinobodyI've been using it for a while, actually09:03
=== Mithrandir waves
crimsun'lo mith09:03
TheMusoHey Mithrandir.09:03
antinobodyThen again, I probably wouldn't know if the thing was broken or not09:03
antinobodyhola Mithrandir09:03
lucasprobably is, it's probably quite ok to dist-upgrade to edgy now, but it might not be in the next days :-)09:04
=== TheMuso goes and grabs the edgy debootstrap package.
Hobbseehi Mithrandir!09:06
Hobbseelucas: what in particular is happening in the next few days?09:06
lucasHobbsee: people start merging stuff09:07
antinobodyOh, I'm sure I won't break ALL the packages I merge09:07
Hobbseelucas: true, i was thinking in terms of major breakage, although i guess that counts09:07
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=== antinobody start's reading "Abortion and Infanticide" for his seminar class
=== antinobody looks forward to reading ethical philosophy on abortion, because it's so clearcut and easy to make sense of
antinobodyWhy do I punish myself with these classes?09:13
crimsunso you can appreciate the clarity of blaming yourself for coding incorrectly.09:14
crimsuncoding complexity pales in comparison to human complexity.09:15
antinobodycrimsun: you make a bizarre kind of sense09:15
crimsuneverything's bizarre at quarter past three in the morning.09:15
crimsunalright, I'm starting my merges with 'z' and working backward.09:16
antinobodyit's also bizarre at quarter past 12 in the morning, on the other side of the country09:16
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crimsunI'm pretty sure these merges are for main only.09:35
crimsunoh wait, no09:35
crimsunhere are some universe ones in 'n'.09:36
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crimsunnope, these are main.10:04
TheMusocrimsun: I did see one package from universe in s.10:06
crimsunhi zak10:16
zakamehello crimsun10:17
zakameso MoM has started10:17
tsengyes, it has10:17
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robhave revu been fixed yet?11:06
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aonekohello eveyone11:17
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Hobbseemorning sivang11:38
jsgotangcohi sivang!11:38
robso foolish me tried to upload again thinking revu was fixed..11:39
robError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of dolphin_0.5.2-0ubuntu1.dsc11:40
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sivangre rob , jsgotangco11:45
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Kamioncould a member of ubuntu-dev please confirm #50995?01:21
Mezmalone 5099501:23
UbugtuMalone bug 50995 in wide-dhcpv6 "Please sync wide-dhcpv6 (universe) from unstable" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5099501:23
KamionToadstool: (sorry, but for hopefully obvious reasons we need confirmation of sync requests from somebody who could ordinarily upload the package in question)01:23
MezToadstool, do you have access to REVU?01:24
Kamionrevu does sync reviews as well as merge reviews?01:24
Kamionseems a bit pointless, you can just download the source package from Debian :)01:25
Mezoh sorry -thought it was a merge :D01:25
MezI'll download and check it in a pbuilder :d01:25
KamionI don't give a damn about build checking, I want confirmation that all the existing Ubuntu patches have been applied01:26
Toadstoolhi Kamion, Mez01:26
Kamionthe buildds are perfectly good at finding out whether it builds :)01:26
MezKamion, and that - dont worry - I know what I'm doing01:26
Kamionpersonally I'd advise that you guys not overly waste time on pbuilder-checking syncs01:26
Mezif I could get putty to work01:26
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ToadstoolKamion: yeah, ok, I understand a motu has to check :)01:27
Toadstoolhi chuck01:27
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sivangKamion: have you already synced the source?01:28
Kamionsivang: no01:28
KamionI'm asking for confirmation from an ubuntu-dev member before syncing the source01:28
MezKamion: looking at the changelog-  looks like the upload to ubuntu was just that - an upload... or the author wasnt very descriptive in his changelog01:28
sivangKamion: so the check needed is to see if upstream (debian) applied all our patches in?01:28
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Kamionsivang: yes01:28
sivangKamion: okay, I can do that if you give me some minutes :-)01:29
zulKamion: do you want me to sync grub and grub-installer tonight?01:29
ToadstoolMez: i'm the packager and i didn't know about syncs when I first put this package on REVU01:29
Toadstoolthat's why the changelog entry is so... useless :p01:30
MezI'll let sivang do it - I cant get putty working :(01:30
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Kamionzul: not grub-installer please01:30
Kamionfeel free to do grub though01:31
zulKamion: not a problem01:31
=== sivang fetches the edgy source and the sid source.
sivanghmm, searching on p.d.o takes ages01:39
sivangscrew it, I'll set up a debian chroot01:43
Toadstoolsivang: you can use packages.qa.debian.org too01:43
Kamionno need to search01:44
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AnAntis there something wrong with REVU today ?01:45
sivangKamion: ah, right , DoH01:45
AnAntI uploaded two programs there, but I don't see them on website01:45
sivangKamion: thanks01:46
GloubiboulgaAnAnt, it seems that there's a problem with the uploads01:47
AnAntGloubiboulga: ok, I was afraid that the problem is on my side01:47
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sivangKamion: sid's version has extra 08_common.h-missing-macros.dpatch , other wise they are the same01:59
Toadstoolsivang: look at debian/patches/00list, this patch is disabled :)02:01
Toadstooljust kept it for history :p02:01
sivangToadstool: ah, doh, right :-)02:01
sivangKamion: so it's good to sync :)02:01
Kamionsivang: ok, thanks02:02
Toadstoolthanks sivang :)02:02
Toadstooland Kamion :)02:02
sivangToadstool: my pleasure :)02:02
=== sivang notes this took a while since he got a phone call at the middle.
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neenaofflineToadstool: ping , I've compiled SLIM , but need some help can I pm you?02:09
Toadstoolneenaoffline: quickly, yes, I'll have to leave in a few minutes02:10
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neenaofflineToadstool: pm'ed you !?!02:11
neenaofflineToadstool: Thanks :)02:17
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jendaWhere can one access the repos through html - if possible at all?02:38
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Hobbseejenda: packages.ubuntu.com02:47
jendathanks :)02:47
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Riddellwho wants to play the name to face game?!03:01
imbrandonface game ?03:01
Riddellonly 6 gaps left03:01
=== ajmitch plays
=== Hobbsee wouldnt know.
imbrandonheh i wouldent know any of them ;)03:02
=== TheMuso would be no help.
jsgotangcoi think that's Troy Sobotka or something beside seb03:02
=== imbrandon cant even pick Riddell out of the crowd
Hobbseeah ha!  i got some of them!03:03
Hobbseeimbrandon: top left :P03:03
Hobbseethat's one of the few i could pick!03:03
Riddellah, artwork Troy03:03
jsgotangcothe forum guy is Roald Hopman03:03
jsgotangcobeside BjornT is Frank Schoep i think03:04
lifelessit is03:04
lifelessthe guy bside keybuk was teh anthropologist03:05
jsgotangcothis is a really nice group photo03:05
Hobbseejsgotangco: indeed03:05
Hobbseeand i'm not in it - awesome!03:06
imbrandonlol @ Hobbsee03:06
=== Hobbsee breaks cameras.
TheMusoHobbsee: um... Why is that awesome?03:06
imbrandonnext release season ;)03:06
imbrandonnah Hobbsee you just drive on the wrong side of the car ;)03:06
HobbseeTheMuso: because i hate photos, and they always look like absolute *crap* with me in them!03:07
TheMusoI don't believe that for one second.03:07
HobbseeTheMuso: it's so true, i usually end up with one really white eye.03:08
Hobbseeso it looks a bit like i've only got one eye03:08
Hobbseeor i get really bad red eye03:08
TheMusoI'll take your word for it.03:08
imbrandonp.d.o is SLOW03:11
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TheMusoHey StevenK.03:11
Hobbseeit's always slow03:11
=== StevenK waves.
Hobbseehiya StevenK03:11
ajmitchgood evening StevenK03:11
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
imbrandonsup StevenK03:11
=== TheMuso knew that would happen.
=== Hobbsee is splatted on the floor. ouch.
TheMusoDo you two know each other in real life?03:12
TheMusoAh ok.03:13
ajmitch'real life'?03:13
zulHobbsee: its because you always have red eye isnt it03:13
imbrandonajmitch probbably "in person" ;)03:13
HobbseeTheMuso: not yet.03:13
ajmitchimbrandon: isn't irc 'in person'? :)03:14
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imbrandonajmitch its about as much "in person" as talking to someone on the phone ;)03:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: well, that works too :P03:14
imbrandonin person means "face to face" to me03:14
Riddellanyone know the bold guy between klaus and jim here?  http://bootsplash.org/_DSC8015.JPG03:15
Riddelljsgotangco, lifeless ^^03:15
ajmitchimbrandon: oh right03:15
=== ajmitch has met a few people here in person :)
zuland they ran away screaming03:17
ajmitchof course03:17
ajmitchthey never let me out of the country after that...03:17
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jsgotangcoRiddell: sebastian heinlein (glatzor)03:17
zulwell they let you in australia for some reason03:18
jsgotangcobeside celso03:18
ajmitchzul: fools..03:18
DanielCWhat is the process for contributing your very first package to Ubuntu if you are just a regular guy like me?03:18
zulupload to revu03:18
Riddellthanks jsgotangco03:18
DanielCzul: Maybe I should talk to someone about what I want to contribute and find out if it's ok...03:18
ajmitchDanielC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU being the info about REVU03:19
DanielCOk, so REVU is the method of getting comments on a proposed package...03:20
ajmitchyes, it's somewhere that you can upload a package & we can view it03:20
ajmitchand comment on it03:20
ajmitchand then once approved, a MOTU uploads it03:20
DanielCMy idea is simple. There is a very good user guide for OpenOffice.org and I'd like a package that downloads it and puts it somewhere like /usr/share/doc03:20
DanielCWould this be alright?03:20
ajmitchis the user guide not redistributable by itself?03:21
DanielCThe license is GPL and Creative Commons By.03:21
DanielCyes it is.03:21
DanielCit's free as in freedom.03:21
=== tuxmaniac does not get the reason why User guides must be packaged!
ajmitchthen it may be better to package the guide itself, rather than making an installer package03:21
DanielCI just thought that having it available in synaptic would make more people find it.03:22
DanielCe.g. if you search for "OpenOffice" you'd see it.03:22
tuxmaniacDanielC> Ah. Ok.03:22
DanielCI could try to get fancy and add a menu entry to it somewhere. Either in OOo or the Gnome menus. How would the MOTUs feel about that?03:23
DanielCIs it ok to fiddle with menus?03:23
DanielCI'll take this silence to mean that there is no straight answer to my question. :)03:25
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shawarmaIs it possible to mess up a package so bad that it doesn't even show up on revu?03:25
DanielCAre there any naming conventions I should observe?03:25
tuxmaniacDanielC> http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html03:26
ajmitchshawarma: yep03:26
ajmitchshawarma: what did you break?03:26
tuxmaniacDanielC> http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/03:26
shawarmaajmitch: libgfshare. can you just remove it?03:28
ajmitchshawarma: sure03:29
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DanielCWould it be alright to call the package 'openoffice.org-guide' ?03:57
DanielCThat would make the package easier to find and its function obvious from the name.03:57
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bddebianHeya gang04:08
bddebianHi jsgotangco04:09
DanielCDo I need to install lintian and linda if I just want to make my own packages?04:11
DanielC(to submit to universe)04:11
lifelessyou should install lintian04:11
lifelessIIRC that comes in with devscripts04:11
DanielCIt doesn't actually...04:11
DanielCI ask because it has a lot of dependencies (most related to libxml).04:12
HawkwindSo install libxml04:12
HawkwindIt got installed here when I installed devscripts04:12
DanielCIt's not libxml, but several things related to it. I assume they are libraries built on top, or language bindings. But yes, I bit the bullet and installed it all.04:13
Mithrandirif you're going to do package work you'll end up installing lots of stuff.  Just get over it.04:14
sivangDanielC: if you're concerned about installed dependencies, you can always use a chroot for that04:15
DanielCI don't actually mind installing stuff I need. It was really just a question.04:16
DanielCWhat's a few megabytes for a modern hard disk?04:16
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HobbseeLaser_away: ping04:36
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Hobbseebddebian: ping05:05
Hobbseebddebian: want to upload for me?05:06
Hobbseebddebian: you know you want to :P05:06
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ToadstoolHobbsee: not enough convincing :)05:07
HobbseeToadstool: you could, if you wanted :P05:08
Toadstoolyeah well if I was a motu I might consider it ;)05:08
HobbseeToadstool: you're not?05:09
bddebianToadstool: So, sign up :-)05:09
=== Hobbsee is tempted to. really tempted.
Toadstoolbddebian: I'm planning to, just a few more packages in universe and I'll try05:10
bddebianYou can take my place.  I'm useless lately :'-(05:10
Toadstoolsome wise devs told me only one package is not enough to check my packaging skills :p05:10
DanielCQuestion: In the debian/control file, what is the code name for the section "Documentation (universe)" ?05:10
ToadstoolDanielC: doc05:11
Toadstoolbddebian: you're not that useless you know :)05:12
bddebianBah :-)05:13
HobbseeToadstool: haha, true05:14
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Toadstoolgrah... is REVU broken?05:15
HobbseeToadstool: i think so, my upload isnt showing05:15
Toadstoolyeah, mine as well05:15
HobbseeToadstool: well, i could call up ajmitch and yell at him, if he has his mobile on :P05:16
zulyeeah i bet he would love that05:17
Hobbseecould be fun to try though.05:17
zuldo it in a whiney voice, and then go is it done yet how about now05:17
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DanielCIn debian/control, is it alright to leave Depends: blank? The package in question is just a user guide, it doesn't depend on anything.05:17
bddebianDanielC: Yes05:18
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bddebianGnight jsgotangco05:38
DanielCIn debian/copyright, in the Authors section, what if the package has 24 authors? Do I list them all? If so, is it a comma-separated list as one big line?05:39
azeemit's mostly free-form I think05:39
DanielCok, can it span multiple lines?05:40
azeemyeah, I think so05:40
DanielCNames preceded by a space I guess?05:40
DanielCOr you mean that the whole 'copyright' file is free form?05:41
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azeemDanielC: there's no mandated form, but most people follow one, yes05:42
azeemI am not sure where you want to put a space05:42
DanielCOk. So I'll just do something that looks very similar to the sample on the packaging guide.05:43
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DanielCThis file doesn't require compilation. Can I just leave the "rules" file blank?  (i.e.  `touch debian/rules`).05:50
Laser_awayHobbsee: pong?05:52
HobbseeLaser_away: do we have documentation somewhere on chroots, or how to check if a deb installs in a pbuilder?05:53
Hobbseei hear both are possible, but neither is documented terribly well, that i can see05:53
imbrandonpbuilder login05:53
imbrandondpkg-query -l|grep <pkg>|grep ii05:54
Laser_awayHobbsee: the packaging guide has a section on how to make a chroot05:54
HobbseeLaser_away: i couldnt find it, but okay05:54
imbrandonhold on Hobbsee i got it bookmarked05:54
fbondany news on status of REVU repairs?05:55
Hobbseeright, ok, thanks05:55
bddebianHmm, why would my pbuilder apt cache not be getting updated?05:57
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Hobbseebddebian: try with override config?05:59
Hobbseeor just delete it, then recreate05:59
bddebianI always run update with override-config05:59
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bddebianIsn't there some way inside of pbuilder login to save my changes on exit?06:04
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zakamepbuilder login --save-after-login?06:17
zakameerm, inside, my bad06:17
bddebianzakame: ?06:22
zakamebddebian: well you'd do pbuilder login --save-after-login to get into the chroot, do stuff there, and exit, saving changes06:24
bddebianAh, thanks06:24
zakamebut since you said `inside of pbuilder', that's a bit more trickier06:24
zakame(i.e., when you've done a pbuilder login already)06:24
bddebianzakame: No, you hit what I meant :-)06:25
zakameah, that's good :)06:25
zakameanyhow, gn8, I see none of my previously-merged pkgs are in MoM now :/06:26
bddebianGnight zakame06:26
bddebianzakame: Oh, good, leaves you plenty of time to work on X then ;-P06:26
bddebianOK, I am getting pissed off.  sudo pbuild-edgy login; apt-get update && apt-get install x11proto-gl-dev  works fine06:27
bddebiansudo pbuild-edgy build foo.dsc which build-deps x11proto-gl-dev fails06:27
bddebianOf what, the build error?06:28
bddebianBuilding dependency tree... Done06:28
bddebianE: Couldn't find package x11proto-gl-dev06:28
bddebianW: Unable to locate package x11proto-gl-dev06:28
bddebianE: Could not satisfy build-dependency.06:28
bddebianE: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.06:28
zakamehm weird06:30
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bddebianzakame: Aye, no kidding :-)06:32
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bddebianzakame: Any ideas?06:35
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siretarthi folks07:23
shawarmaThe revu queue is still processed every 5 minutes, right?07:27
jpatrickthink so07:27
shawarmaCan anyone see what's happening with my upload of libgfshare?07:28
shawarmaWell, apart from "not much" :-)07:30
shawarmahmm.. be back in an hour.. maybe something has happened by then. :-)07:32
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siretartshawarma: could you please join the launchpad group 'ubuntu-universe-contributors' and ping me again?07:49
siretarthey rraphink07:49
bddebianHi siretart, rraphink07:49
siretarthuhu bddebian07:49
sivangsiretart: do you have to be in that team to be able to upload to REVU?07:50
rraphinkhi bddebian && siretart07:50
alleebddebian: apt-get update does not run before a pbuild.  Try sudo pbuild-edgy login; apt-get install x11proto-gl-dev07:50
raphinksivang: from now on, yes07:50
alleehi raphink07:50
raphinkhi allee :)07:51
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sivangraphink: ah nice, using launchpad's auth server ?07:51
siretartsivang: the plan is to implement 'real' launchpad authentication07:51
raphinksivang: not yet, just using LP GPG keys07:51
siretartsivang: up to know, the keyring (and only the keyring) is synced from the launchpad group07:51
sivangsiretart: and before it was just done manually?07:51
siretartsivang: yepp07:51
raphinkyes sivang07:51
sivangI see07:52
raphinkwe would add each key manually07:52
sivangnice, so this is not just as the archive works07:52
sivangas when someone is approved for ubuntu-dev, the archive tools automatically white least his GPG key07:52
sivang(for upload)07:52
bddebianallee: I know thanks but I ran sudo pbuilder update --override-config prior to the build attempt07:53
sivangsiretart: yes, it's probably a good plan to use LP's authentication for that sort of things07:53
bddebianwb Toadstool07:53
Toadstoolah we have to join 'ubuntu-universe-contributors' to be able to upload to REVU now?07:54
raphinkhi Toadstool07:54
Toadstoolhey raphink07:54
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Laser_awaysiretart: ping?08:34
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siretartlaserJock: pong08:39
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shawarmaAnyone care to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2521 (libgfshare) ?09:48
LaserJocksiretart: unping, sorry09:49
slomo_shawarma: hm, isn't this library by Kinnison? i wonder why he didn't package it himself yet :)09:49
shawarmaslomo_: Yes, it is. He didn't even want the /debian dir in his bzr repository. :-)09:50
slomo_shawarma: i wouldn't want it to be there too :P any idea why doesn't he want to package it?09:51
shawarmaslomo_: Nope.09:51
shawarmaslomo_: He DOES know that I'm uploading it.09:52
slomo_ok... i'll take a look at it then :)09:53
=== agileII [n=agileII@p54B24736.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomo_shawarma: don't install lib*.so.* in the -dev package... only in the runtime one09:55
slomo_shawarma: i would also recommend to use debhelper compat level 5 (and b-d on debhelper (>= 5)) and don't shipping the .la file09:55
shawarmaslomo_: Hmm... I wonder why lintian doesn't bitch about that.09:55
slomo_on the .deb packages it probably does ;)09:56
shawarmaslomo_: Nope.09:56
shawarmaslomo_: Quiet as a grave.09:56
shawarmaslomo_: But -dev is just .a and the headers?09:56
slomo_and the .so link09:56
slomo_(and .la if you want to ship it)09:57
shawarmabut that's not the usual procedure?09:57
shawarmashipping the .la, that is.09:58
slomo_they caused problems in the past and now everybody wants to drop them if possible09:58
shawarmaslomo_: Ok.09:58
shawarmaslomo_: Why up the dependency on debhelper? It works fine with less, so why put stricter dependencies on it?09:59
slomo_libgfshare-dev should also depend on libc6-dev10:00
shawarmaslomo_: "debhelper compat level" means debian/compat, right?10:00
slomo_and if you raise that you need to raise the required debhelper version too10:00
shawarmaslomo_: Ah. good point.10:01
shawarmaslomo_: Shouldn't the libc6-dev dependency be added automatically by something? Like dh_shlibdeps or something?10:01
slomo_and update Standards-Version to 3.7.210:01
slomo_no you have to add it yourself10:01
slomo_dh_shlibdeps only adds dependencies on shared libraries10:01
shawarmaHmm... We should really fix dh_make to set these things correctly.10:01
shawarmaslomo_: Ah. Yeah, that makes sense10:02
slomo_hm and i remember that your name was written with  instead of o ;)10:02
bddebianOK, I have determined that cdbs sucks :-)10:02
slomo_other than the package is fine10:02
slomo_bddebian: why? ;)10:02
bddebianslomo_: Too much "magic", I can't tell wtf it's doing :)10:03
LaserJockbddebian: have you read the pertanent .mk files?10:03
slomo_shawarma: ping me when you uploaded an updated version :)10:04
Toadstoolbddebian: it's not that much "magic" when you've read some of the files in /usr/share/cdbs ;)10:05
shawarmaslomo_: Sure. Thanks!10:05
LaserJockshawarma: take a penalty card and say that you are doing so ;-)10:05
shawarmaLaserJock: LOL!10:06
=== shawarma takes a penalty card
shawarmaslomo_: changelog is in utf-8?10:06
=== imbrandon_ [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomo_but it must be the same as in your gpg key id10:06
LaserJockI'm starting to see a relationship between mao and packaging10:06
slomo_so if you have o there don't change it or make a new uid ;)10:07
slomo_LaserJock: now you know why everybody was playing mao ;)10:08
shawarmaslomo_: Good point.10:09
bddebianToadstool: Well I read LaserJock's document and that didn't help :-)10:12
LaserJockdoesn't suprise me10:13
LaserJockI don't know anything about CDBS really10:13
LaserJockwell, I know the concept, I just have never needed to use it10:13
shawarmaslomo_: http://revu.tauware.de/diff.py?upid1=2521&upid2=252210:15
slomo_shawarma: ok, advocated :)10:17
shawarmaslomo_: Cool. Thanks!10:19
=== LaserJock can't remember his REVU login info
sivangshawarma: does Kinnison know you are using cdbs for that? :)10:23
_ionThere should be a standard for HTTP authentication by signing a challenge string with your PGP key. Of course browsers would present the whole thing to the luser with a neat, simple UI.10:25
=== Rotund [n=joe@d1-63.rb2.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarmasivang: I've told. Maybe he wasn't listening. :-)10:28
shawarmasivang: Is he not fond of it?10:28
sivangshawarma: IIRC, to say the lesat of it :-D10:32
shawarmasivang: Well... Sucks to be him then. :-)10:32
shawarmasivang: Maybe that's why he was alright with me maintaining it in Ubuntu. :-)10:33
_ioncdbs sucks, it makes things too easy and maintainable. debhelper sucks, it makes things too easy and maintainable. Oh, and we shouldn't be using file systems either, they make things too easy.10:34
_ionJust joking.10:34
_ionWhile being very tired, i might add. :-)10:34
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarma_ion: IIRC, you are free to define your own authentication methods in http.10:40
=== caravena [n=caravena@16-55-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
_ionshawarma: I'd like to stress the word "standard". Let's say i define such an authentication method. No browser is going to support it, and neither are the popular webapp frameworks.10:43
=== Gervystar [n=alessand@ip-124-244.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
_ionSuch a thing should come from W3C or something. :-)10:44
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shawarma_ion: You could propose it. :-)10:47
=== dholbach [n=daniel@171.Red-80-34-230.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Rotund [n=joe@d25-221.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== dholbach [n=daniel@171.Red-80-34-230.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Ex-Chat"]
shawarma_ion: it doesn't differ a lot from client certificates, though.10:50
=== caravena_ [n=caravena@16-55-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
_ionThe existing PGP infrastructure (keyservers, web of trust) could be used for many cool things. I'd like to see a PGP-based solution instead of one using SSL certs.10:51
_ion"Note: As of NCSA HTTPd 1.4.1, support for PEM/PGP encryption was removed in order to bring NCSA in compliance with the Internation Treaty on Arms Reduction to which the United States of America is a signatory. We hope to have an improved version available with NCSA HTTPd 1.5 from an export controlled server."  <http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/PEMPGP.html>, dated 1995-09-0810:52
Toadstool'night everybody10:52
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== bddebian hugs dholbach
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Ex-Chat"]
paniqubuntu desktop requires libglib2.0-0 2.10.3, but libglib2.0-dev wants 2.10.211:07
paniqand a few more11:10
paniqoh no.11:10
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyhi folks11:31
bddebianHeya sistpoty11:32
sistpotyhi bddebian11:32
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-50.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHey LaserJock, have you seen this site?  http://scientificcomputing.net/debian/packages/12:05
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable240.218-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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