
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddell_Sime: hi01:07
kwwiitime for bed01:18
kwwiinight all01:18
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
linuxmonkeyany one test out the new skype beta?03:21
linuxmonkeythey aded alsa to it instead of oss :)03:22
crimsunthat's awesome.03:24
crimsuntoo bad it's still Free Beer03:24
crimsundefinitely a step in the right direction, though.03:25
linuxmonkeyyeah they even have a deb03:25
linuxmonkeywondering how good it would work03:25
linuxmonkeywow it works very well03:33
linuxmonkeycrimsun:  im suprised03:34
crimsunI'm not03:34
crimsun(alsa <- duh)03:34
linuxmonkeyand the improvements03:34
linuxmonkeyhttp://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/changelog.html <--check that bad boy out03:34
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhiya bddebian03:52
bddebianHi nixternal03:53
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=== profoX` is now known as profoX|zZz
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-48-98.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== DaSkreec1 [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreec1Hello all05:15
DaSkreec1I'm still logged in at work aren't I?05:18
bddebianHello DaSkreec05:50
DaSkreec1bddebian: Hiddy ho05:50
=== freeflying-g4 [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreec1bddebian: How are you?06:00
bddebianDepressed thanks.  You?06:01
bddebianYeah I'm sucking lately and this damn package is kicking my butt :-(06:03
DaSkreec1Hey roughly the same thing that has me worried06:04
bddebianWhy worried?06:04
DaSkreec1Well I'm sucking lately and I have a java project that I've thought out but haven't started coding06:05
bddebianAh :)06:06
DaSkreec1I did spend two days reading about Java 6 though06:07
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhiya Hobbsee06:11
DaSkreec1You have it scripted not fair :(06:12
Hobbseehi nixternal 06:12
nixternali seen her on kopete first06:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: ping06:12
imbrandonHobbsee, pong06:12
=== Hobbsee was afk
nixternalwhen i see the kopete tell me she is online, i hurry in here to catch her ;)06:13
imbrandon? 06:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: how serious was your offer of a wifi card?06:13
=== imbrandon just woke up
imbrandonHobbsee, i can send it in the morn06:13
imbrandonif you want06:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: just found that dad's in the US at the end of next week - from about the 8th onwards06:13
imbrandonits an atheros , should work right out of the box06:13
imbrandoncomming with ? j/k06:14
ajmitch_hello Hobbsee 06:14
=== Hobbsee has no passport
Hobbseehi andrew06:14
ajmitch_Hobbsee: get one quickly!06:14
imbrandonheya ajmitch_06:14
Hobbseeajmitch_: 06:14
ajmitch_hey imbrandon 06:14
Hobbseeajmitch_: fixed revu yet?06:15
ajmitch_what do you mean?06:15
ajmitch_since noone has complained of it being broken, and people have been able to upload without issues06:15
imbrandonHobbsee, jpatrick was using it just after you without probs06:15
=== imbrandon runs
imbrandonment to tell you that but you was on you way to sleep06:16
nixternalOT -> http://www.cowabduction.com/06:16
Hobbseeajmitch_: it's broken, last night.06:16
ajmitch_Hobbsee: give some more info than "it's broken". please06:16
imbrandonajmitch_, her upload wasent showing up on the site after 1 hour ( afaik that was the only issue )06:17
ajmitch_then she's probably not in the current keyring06:18
imbrandonbut as i said jpatrick was using it no probs06:18
Hobbseeajmitch_: :( why not?06:18
imbrandonhrm new keyring? can you check if i'm in it ?06:18
=== imbrandon doubts it
ajmitch_imbrandon: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members06:18
imbrandonahh guess i'm not /me go's to add self06:19
=== Hobbsee joins
imbrandonajmitch_, do we need to ping someone or can you approve ?06:20
Hobbseeso now i can reupload, unless bddebian fixed his pbuilder06:20
Hobbseeajmitch_: should be able to approve06:20
bddebianHobbsee: Nope sorry.  I am useless lately :-(06:21
=== Hobbsee kicks bddebian - rubbish!
=== ajmitch_ considers whether it's safe to approve these two
Hobbseeajmitch_: remember that i meet you in under a week, and its' a good idea to stay off my bad side.06:21
bddebianBah, I'm going to bed.  Gnight folks06:21
ajmitch_uh oh06:21
imbrandongnight bddebian06:21
imbrandonsleep well06:21
=== ajmitch_ approves
Hobbseenight bddebian 06:21
ajmitch_night bddebian 06:21
Hobbseehehe, smart man :P06:21
=== Hobbsee hugs ajmitch_
imbrandonheh thanks ajmitch_ so now any pgp keys we have listed on LP will work for signing ?06:22
ajmitch_imbrandon: yes06:22
ajmitch_it's just syncing keys now06:23
ajmitch_takes awhile06:23
ajmitch_since it pulls all of -dev & -core-dev also06:23
imbrandonnp i wont have an upload for atleaste an hour or so , maybe a bit longer06:23
ajmitch_Hobbsee is probably waiting impatiently06:23
Hobbseei wasnt, actually06:24
=== Hobbsee intends to have breakfast first
=== imbrandon can see hobsee clicking refresh 100 times
=== Hobbsee smacks imbrandon for getting her nick wrong.
ajmitch_it's nearly 2:3006:24
Hobbseeyeah, that thing before lunch06:24
Hobbseeyes, and?06:24
imbrandongah <tab>06:24
Hobbseei woke up at about 1.30...06:25
=== imbrandon woke up 20 minutes ago lol
=== ajmitch_ will have to try & remember Hobbsee's name next week ;)
ajmitch_and I thought I was bad, getting up at nearly 9AM06:25
imbrandonjust dont say Hobbsee in person ;)06:26
=== Hobbsee hardly uses names. unless she absolutely has to.
imbrandonheh its about 11:30 pm local time06:26
DaSkreec1Whats wrong with calling her Hobbsee?06:26
Hobbseei do answer to that :P06:27
crimsun(because that's not her name!)06:27
Hobbseecrimsun: sure it is, i refused to let dad use it :P06:27
DaSkreec1It's her chosen name which is just as valid06:27
=== Hobbsee advises people that she will shoot them if they decide to call her by middle name.
Hobbseeoh, adn wont answer06:28
=== DaSkreec1 ducks
=== imbrandon dosent know sarah's middle name
=== robotgeek doesnt know Hobbsee's middle name
robotgeekmaybe its Hobbsee 06:29
imbrandonSarah Hobbsee Hobbs , heheh06:29
DaSkreec1Hob bs Ee?06:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: did Ridd*ell fix kde?06:29
imbrandonHobbsee, no idea havent looked yet06:29
robotgeekimbrandon: fix amarok already ? :)06:29
imbrandonrobotgeek, just woke up 20 min ago gimme a few ;)06:29
robotgeekheh, take your time 06:30
=== imbrandon go's to raid the fridge for some mt dew
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to have to use that evil gnome more than she has to
robotgeeki would not have bothered (you told me about last.fm support, and i got suked in)06:30
DaSkreec1What makes gnome evil?06:30
imbrandonHobbsee, give me about 10 minutes to update my vm and i'll check06:30
robotgeekDaSkreec1: cause they are gnomes?06:30
imbrandonDaSkreec1, other than its ugly ?06:30
=== ajmitch_ wonders how dead he'd be if he called Hobbsee by her middle name...
Hobbseeimbrandon: okay06:30
Hobbseeajmitch_: very.06:31
imbrandonajmitch_, considering you will be in sydney in a week i wouldent try ;)06:31
Hobbseeajmitch_: cue the dead parrot sketch.06:31
ajmitch_I won't06:31
DaSkreec1Being ugly makes you evil06:31
ajmitch_I would actually like to get back to NZ in one piece06:31
imbrandonHobbsee, did his parrot chute not open ?06:31
=== DaSkreec1 rethinks turning up at the next Kubuntu meeting
HobbseeDaSkreec1: why?  i cant do much over text06:32
DaSkreec1Hobbsee: Oh I meant like the KDE codefests 06:33
DaSkreec1Though of course I don't know if we have that for Kubuntu :)06:33
Hobbseewe need one of them for screensavers.06:33
DaSkreec1but if we do I'm rethinking turning up06:33
DaSkreec1Speaking of that06:33
imbrandonajmitch_, honestly why dosent the revu hackers intergrate it* totaly into LP ( *revu )06:33
DaSkreec1anyone have any issues with kscreensavers?06:33
crimsunimbrandon: LP wasn't around/ready when we first started06:34
=== DaSkreec1 is apparently now working in the KDE screensaver team :-(
HobbseeDaSkreec1: yeah, they dont start, Riddell's patching it06:35
DaSkreec1Oh I thought that was a feature :)06:36
imbrandonlol that would be a gnome feature ;)06:36
=== imbrandon runs
DaSkreec1have you seen gnome screensaver?06:36
DaSkreec1It's unusable06:37
imbrandoni havent seen a gnome desktop in over a year ;)06:37
DaSkreec1well unconfigurable06:37
Hobbseeall of it is kinda weirded out06:37
=== Hobbsee is going to have to :(
DaSkreec1Pretty soon it will have two options Off and random06:37
imbrandonHobbsee, updating vm now06:37
imbrandonDaSkreec1, hahaha classic06:37
crimsunheh, lucky people who don't touch all desktops =)06:38
Hobbseecrimsun: lucky and smart :P06:38
DaSkreec1cause it will be too confusing to have to choose an actual screensaver06:38
=== DaSkreec1 has the strangest complaints about software :)
=== imbrandon tries to figure out how to send ctl+alt+f1 to the VM and not the local machine
imbrandonHobbsee, woot, looks like its atleaste starting up ( kde ) dunno how broke it is yet though06:40
=== Hobbsee breakfasts.
Hobbseeback soon06:41
DaSkreec1Whats for breakfast?06:41
imbrandonnice, looks "useable" as its edgy i wouldent try it in more than a vm atm but looks "bootable"06:41
Hobbseecereal probably06:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: it'd be on a separate partition...06:41
imbrandongoog call ;)06:41
Hobbseeshared /home, probably, although i may rethink that.06:42
ajmitch_imbrandon: ?06:42
imbrandonmake a sarah2 account or a Hobbsee account and share that /home06:42
imbrandonto not messup your current stuff06:42
Hobbseebleh.  that's just as evil06:42
ajmitch_imbrandon: the 'revu hackers' are also a group of busy MOTUs, and we've been working on various things06:42
imbrandonajmitch_, ahh i waas just wondering why revu2 wasent a "module" or what ever you would call it as pasrt of LP06:43
imbrandonno biggie just being curious06:43
imbrandonpart*  /me needs to wakeup06:43
ajmitch_imbrandon: apart from launchpad being closed source?06:44
imbrandonahh very true, like i said i dident think it threw just was a thought ;)06:45
ajmitch_there will be functionality like it in launchpad in the future, but I doubt we'll be the ones doing it06:45
imbrandonahh ok06:45
DaSkreec1Found Pics!!06:52
DaSkreec1I thought you were eating cereal?06:54
Hobbseeoh yeah06:54
Hobbseei was, i came back.06:54
HobbseeDaSkreec1: that's not me06:56
DaSkreec1I don't think I ever said it was06:56
DaSkreec1I have pics of you already06:57
Hobbseeyou do?06:58
DaSkreec1Yeah Two I think06:58
Hobbseeoh, okay then06:59
=== Hobbsee doesnt believe DaSkreec1
Hobbseeunless i handed out two with a car in them.07:00
=== imbrandon has seen a few
=== imbrandon yawns *
=== Hobbsee tips a bucket of ice onto imbrandon
=== imbrandon faints
DaSkreec1You gave the URL :)07:03
=== DaSkreec1 has an old one and a new one
Hobbseei thought you meant a proper picture07:06
crimsunwow, there /are/ pics of me07:07
ajmitch_crimsun: really?07:08
crimsundamn, can't win it all07:08
DaSkreec1I think there is one picture of me07:08
DaSkreec1crimsun: Who ever has the least pictures wins?07:10
Hobbseecrimsun: were you in paris at all?07:10
crimsunHobbsee: no07:10
Hobbseecrimsun: that's what i thought.  then again, there was a guy who i thought looked like you, for some reason.07:11
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ajmitch_hi raphink 07:12
raphinkhi ajmitch_07:12
crimsunfreeflying-g4: ping07:12
Hobbseehi raphink 07:12
raphinkhi Hobbsee07:13
=== raphink opens one eye
=== raphink tries to open a second eye
raphinkeeew it's too hard07:14
crimsunHobbsee: hah, really. I'm not sure what pic you've seen of me07:14
Hobbseeraphink: go back to sleep?07:14
raphinkno I can't :(07:14
Hobbseecrimsun: it wouldnt have been you then - was one of the guys in paris that looked like i'd imagined you to look07:15
raphinkeeew taht's a hard sentence for such an early time07:16
=== raphink switches to fullscreen mode
DaSkreec1wouldn't it make more sense to put everything as small as possible so you could see it through the slit your unopened eyes are making?07:20
raphinkwell eventually I think I ought to open my eyes fully07:20
raphinkI think the police wouldn't like it to find me driving with my eyes closed07:20
raphinkso there's no choice07:20
Hobbseedriving while half blind is such fun though!07:22
DaSkreec1Bah Install tux on your car :)07:22
raphinkor tuxkart07:23
DaSkreec1Or amiele07:23
imbrandonheh i wonder if i could get tuxcart to run on my ipod07:23
raphinkthat would be fun07:24
DaSkreec1Tux's sister?07:24
imbrandonraphink, i have iDoom running on it ( iPodLinux ) do tuxkart might run ;)07:26
raphinkfun :)07:26
DaSkreec1Get that OpenGL fired up07:26
raphinkput Xgl on your ipod07:27
imbrandonheh its only a 75mhz ARM processor so dunno LOL07:27
imbrandoni almost have more ram than mhz ;)07:27
=== DaSkreec1 quotes from the ipod Linux site
raphinkthat happened to me, not so long ago07:28
DaSkreec1Can you imagine a beowulf Cluster...?07:28
imbrandonhahaha DaSkreec107:28
raphinkwhen I had a 16MHz MacII with 80MB RAM07:28
raphinkit was a great machine07:28
raphinkah no sorry, this one had 32MB RAM :)07:28
DaSkreec1Yay! A Paris write up at last07:28
raphinkthe 80MB RAM was a 200MHz PPC :)07:29
raphinkDaSkreec1: ?07:29
imbrandonDaSkreec1, http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/misc/kubuntu_on_ipod_nano.jpg <-- ipodlinux with a kubuntu bootup logo on my ipod07:29
raphinkgeek :p07:29
DaSkreec1raphink: ?07:30
DaSkreec1imbrandon: geek07:30
=== imbrandon is a proud geek at times ;)
raphinkdid you write some docs about this kubuntu thingy on ipod?07:31
imbrandonraphink, not yet, i was planning on it07:32
raphinkok :)07:32
imbrandonits realy just ipodlinux with the boot logo changed out and .... a few apps installed07:33
imbrandontrying to get dpkg to work on it so i can make ipod packages ;)07:33
imbrandondpkg-cross rocks ;)07:33
DaSkreec1raphink: You had a question?07:37
raphinkdo you guys know where I can find a tutorial on how to set a build server with buildd?07:42
DaSkreec1sorry not related07:42
DaSkreec1Just some comments made on Kubuntu in that article07:42
crimsunraphink: http://www.debonaras.org/wiki/HowTo/SetUpBuildd07:43
raphinkthanks crimsun :)07:43
raphinkcrimsun: the deb is sbuild right?07:43
crimsunraphink: yes07:44
=== ajmitch_ should setup a buildd at home :)
raphinkhehe :)07:47
DaSkreec1G'day mate!07:56
=== DaSkreec1 beds
Hobbseeajmitch_: yes, you should, that sounds like fun07:56
HobbseeDaSkreec1: that's kinda wrong anyway - kwwii gets paid too, i think07:58
DaSkreec1imbrandon: linuxChick agrees. You are a geek :)07:58
DaSkreec1I remember something about that07:59
imbrandonajmitch_, i thought about it just dident know if my poor old 333mhz server would take it ;)08:00
DaSkreec1Well the byline says that he is on the council08:00
=== je4d [n=jeff@kde/developer/je4d] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== DaSkreec1 waves off. Good Night good people
Hobbseenight DaSkreec1 08:06
imbrandongnight DaSkreec108:10
Hobbseefor goodness sake.  i do like taking the hard solution, dont i?08:11
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeraphink: around?08:14
raphinkHobbsee: quite08:15
Hobbseeraphink: great.  why do i get http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/ksudoku-0606290205/lintian if i've just added small bits from what's already in debian?08:16
raphinkwell for edgy it's pretty normal08:16
raphinksince imo the current lintian test is achieved by the dapper packagee08:16
imbrandoncept for the CVS dir should be deleted ;)08:16
raphinkwhich ignores edgy08:16
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinkNMU is normal, too08:17
raphinkubuntu1 is considered NMU but it's not08:17
Hobbseeraphink: right, yep08:17
raphinkso as imbrandon said, everything is fine except CVS which should be removed08:17
Hobbseeyeah, i was meaning in reference to that CVS bit08:17
Hobbseeraphink: just delete it?  and why's debian got it in there?08:18
imbrandonsomeone being lazy i imagine ;)08:18
raphinkHobbsee: Debian packages are not perfect ;)08:18
Hobbseeraphink: right, true.  fixing now (assuming i can delete it fine)08:19
raphinkHobbsee: well preferably you should ask upstream to remove it from next version08:21
raphinkso as a result Debian won't have it either08:22
raphinkI'm going to work 08:23
raphinklaters :)08:23
Hobbseebye raphink 08:23
Hobbseehmm...the lintian warning doenst go away when you delete the admin/cvs dir.08:30
imbrandonthere shouldnt be any cvs dirs08:30
Hobbseeyes, but getting rid of it and the warning is something i havent figured out yet.08:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think i win!08:50
imbrandonHobbsee FTW ;)08:52
Hobbseeimbrandon: want to test again, or not bother?08:53
imbrandonyea i can test it again, but upload it somewhere so i can download on my edgy box ( no email client setup yet )08:53
Hobbseeimbrandon: hmmm...if i'm removing a directory once, it fails if i remove it again.08:55
imbrandonhuh ?08:55
Hobbseeimbrandon: i built ksudoku with my pbuilder, including a rule of rm -r admin/CVS - so it fails if i try to rebuild it.08:56
imbrandonahh lol08:57
Hobbseehow does one apply a patch again?08:57
imbrandonpatch orig patchfile ?08:57
crimsunyou need a redirection, usually08:57
crimsunala patch foo <some_patch08:58
crimsunor cat some_patch |patch08:58
Hobbseecrimsun: patch is in the directory above.     just tried patch -p0 ../ksudoku.debdiff08:58
Hobbseeand it's freezing08:59
crimsunthe # in -p# depends on the context in the debdiff08:59
crimsunright, you're missing a shell redirection08:59
crimsunpatch -p0 --dry-run < ../ksudoku.debdiff08:59
crimsunit's a Really Good Idea to use --dry-run first09:00
Hobbseewhat's that do?09:03
crimsun--dry-run  simulates09:04
Hobbseeoh yeah right...hehe09:04
Hobbseei swear i'm the biggest moron.09:05
Hobbseeokay, uploading.  if someone could test that, like imbrandon, that'd be cool09:05
crimsun.oO( you didn't test it yourself? )09:07
Hobbseeoh grr, the error didnt go away.09:07
Hobbseecrimsun: i cant get the fscking chroots to work.09:07
crimsunwhat's broken?09:08
Hobbseecrimsun: what i'm really looking to do is to get a pbuilder to check if the debs are installable too.  stevenk is going to help me when he gets home from work09:09
crimsunHobbsee: an Edgy pbuilder?09:10
Hobbseecrimsun: yes09:10
crimsunHobbsee: in Dapper (host)?09:10
Hobbseecrimsun: yes09:10
crimsunHobbsee: that's pretty painless. I presume you have pbuilder installed?09:11
Hobbseecrimsun: the pbuilder's working - just need it to test if the deb is installable.09:11
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, of course.  both pbuilders (dapper and edgy) work fine09:11
Hobbseethey just dont test the debs after creating them.09:11
crimsunHobbsee: right, you just want ``sudo pbuilder login''09:11
crimsun(for the edgy one)09:11
crimsunfrom the host, copy the deb{,s} into the Edgy pbuilder09:12
crimsundpkg -i foo.deb [..] 09:12
crimsunthat should fail09:12
crimsunthen ``apt-get -f install''09:12
crimsunif that works, then you deb is fine09:12
Hobbseeah right....09:12
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee tries
Hobbseecrimsun: um, how do i copy the deb into the pbuilder?09:14
crimsunHobbsee: from the host, use cp foo path09:16
crimsunHobbsee: path is gleaned from pbuilder's messages09:16
Hobbseeahhh...just found that09:16
Hobbseei was looking to do it from pbuilder :P09:16
crimsunyeah, that won't work, since it's a chroot ;)09:16
Hobbseecrimsun: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2527 - how am i supposed to go about removing that cvs directory?09:17
=== Hobbsee seems to be having incredible trouble today.
Hobbseegood, that wokred!09:18
crimsunHobbsee: how are you generating the source package?09:20
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~$ cat revubuild09:20
Hobbseedpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -k98B2D4F009:20
Hobbseecrimsun: ^09:20
Hobbseethe .orig.tar.gz is straight from debian09:20
crimsunok, let me pull it down09:20
crimsunHobbsee: that's normally not a big issue09:24
Hobbseecrimsun: right....09:25
Hobbseeso leave it, or what?09:25
crimsunHobbsee: it needs to be removed upstream, since dpkg-source will ignore deletions09:25
Hobbseecrimsun: ah, what do i do with a package that still needs the ubuntu changes, exactly as they are? 09:25
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, i emailed upstream asking them to remove it09:25
crimsunHobbsee: sorry, what's the context of that question?09:26
Hobbseecrimsun: there were changes for another package in dapper, which still need to be done for edgy.09:26
crimsunHobbsee: carry them over.09:26
Hobbseecrimsun: what does that get marked as then?  nochange?09:27
crimsun(i.e., "merge")09:27
crimsunHobbsee: sorry, what are you marking, and where?09:27
Hobbseeoh right - so just rebuild a distro of edgy?09:27
crimsunis there a newer Debian revision or a newer upstream?09:27
crimsunif neither of those, then just leave it09:28
nixternalg'nite all09:28
crimsun'night nixternal 09:28
Hobbseecrimsun: gotcha09:28
crimsunthere are probably some source packages in the archive that haven't been touched since Warty09:29
Hobbseenow, dh_iconcache stuff wihtout a separate kde.mk is automatically been done, so that's a sync...09:29
crimsunright, since we have a modified kde.mk (thanks!)09:29
Hobbseeyep :)09:30
freeflying-g4crimsun: pong09:32
crimsunfreeflying-g4: hi09:36
crimsunfreeflying-g4: was wondering if you guys have any plans for zhcon09:37
crimsunfreeflying-g4: it's on my merge list09:37
freeflying-g4crimsun: the maintainer hasn't upload latest release yet09:37
freeflying-g4crimsun: but he tell me hwill upload soon, but still not ben uploaded09:38
crimsunfreeflying-g4: is there an ETA on 0.2.509:38
freeflying-g4crimsun: latest is 0.2.609:38
crimsunfreeflying-g4: do you think we should wait on Debian, then sync, or shall we go ahead and put 0.2.6 in Edgy?09:39
crimsunI'm keen on the latter, but I do value minimising deltas with Debian, too09:40
freeflying-g4crimsun: I prefer to the later09:41
crimsunfreeflying-g4: ok, I'll go ahead and merge 0.2.6 then. Thanks!09:42
freeflying-g4crimsun: great, thanks09:42
Hobbseefun.  kdebase-dev is broken.09:52
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mvohello, can someone help me? does the kde screensaver has a similar thing as xscreensaver-command ? to send it stuff via the commandline (e.g. to activate to kill it)?12:05
Hobbseebye all, recording calls.12:06
sebasmvo: dcop kdesktop12:08
sebasdcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface quit for example12:08
mvosebas: thanks!12:10
sebasYou're welcome12:10
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Hobbseehi all03:14
jjessemorning Hobbsee03:14
jpatrickhi Hobbsee03:14
Hobbseehey jjesse and jpatrick :)03:14
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jjessedoes edgy kde start now?04:09
Hobbseejjesse: i believe imbrandon_ said it did04:09
Hobbseejjesse: however, sudo is broke.04:09
Hobbseejjesse: enable the root account04:09
Hobbseeor dont upgrade visudo04:09
jjessehmmm just did a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get distup gread04:10
Hobbseejjesse:  Go into recovery mode and do dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/sudo_1.6.8p12-1ubuntu6_i386.deb && aptitude hold sudo && aptitude dist-upgrade (sudo should be held back(04:15
Hobbseefrom #ubuntu+104:15
jjesseHobbsee: will do once i'm done upgradeing04:15
jjesseooo now have kde starting on edgy virtual machine :)04:22
Hobbseehwo well does it work?04:23
jjessebesides sudo problems seems to work well04:23
jjessedon't have much time to play with it yet, but will :)04:23
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Hobbsee[00:32]  <Mithrandir> that's an early warning for everybody.  First milestone release in approximately two weeks.04:32
Hobbseejjesse: there's a fix for sudo, but it FTBFS - the source is there though04:32
DaSkreechGood morning04:33
Hobbseehi DaSkreech 04:33
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DaSkreechHello Hobbsee :-)04:36
jjessemonring DaSkreech04:37
DaSkreechhi jjesse04:37
DaSkreech@time swizterland04:45
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uniqriddell: out of sync with dapper? it's buildt on edgy.05:02
jjessei think Riddell is on vacation?05:02
uniqoh.. ok, just replied to a away-log-entry.05:03
Hobbseejjesse: he is, doing a talk at UKUUG05:04
uniqnevermind, i figured out what he was refering to.05:05
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nixternalmoins everyone05:08
Hobbseehi nixternal 05:09
nixternalhiya Hobbsee05:09
jjessemorning nixternal05:09
nixternalmorning jjesse05:09
nixternaljust got back from the gym, and a small job...what way to start a beautiful summer day off ;)05:10
uniqriddell: fixed. uploading new version as we speak. I'll send you a mail about it. to remind you.05:10
DaSkreechimbrandon_: Awake?05:11
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DaSkreechbddebian: Hi05:17
bddebianHi DaSkreech05:20
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Hobbseegnome is officially SCARY!05:58
Hobbseeand white on light grey is not a good contrast colour!06:07
nixternaleither is human ;)06:07
nixternalalthough, the colors have kind of grown on me06:07
=== Hobbsee suspects they've taken apps out of gnome.
Hobbseekde usually has far more stuff - at least on hoary.06:08
nixternalno they are there...just hidden very well06:08
nixternalthere is a lot of stuff that does't get thrown into menus i have noticed06:08
nixternalbut for smoothness and cleaness...gnome isn't all that bad...06:08
nixternalwho am i kidding..it isn't all that good ;)06:09
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DaSkreechWhat would make a process unkillable06:30
imbrandonDaSkreech, sudo kill -9 <pid> , nothing is unkillable06:33
DaSkreechDoesn't kill it06:33
DaSkreechStill sits there taking up 100% of the CPU06:33
imbrandonsudo kill dosent kill it ? are you on linux ?06:34
imbrandonkill -9 dosent not kill something it kills it without question06:35
DaSkreechThats what I thought06:35
imbrandonno it does, no thinking06:35
imbrandonif it dosent something is MAJORLY wrong06:35
DaSkreechAh well when It happens again I'll try it again and see06:35
DaSkreechWell yeah06:35
=== imbrandon would start looking for rootkits etc
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DaSkreechDid it again06:44
jjessecan i ask a really silly question?  how do i change the time from the console?  like i said really silly question06:47
bddebiandate <date> <time>06:48
DaSkreechYeah that catches me too. Shouldnt it be time?06:49
bddebianYou would think :)06:49
nixternal# sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com    <- quick, easy and accurate jjesse for setting date and time06:49
jjessethats what it is for dos :)06:49
nixternalUbuntu needs ntpdate, as it can't hold time worth a #$#@#06:50
DaSkreechI thought that your computer can't hold the time the System just reads the hardware time with an offset anyway06:51
nixternalwell..the offset is way off then :)  i haven't noticed the time being so far off....06:52
nixternalnevermind...now i know why...dont' have ntpdate cron'd06:52
jjessemarked bug # 14883 as rejected due to original requestor not responding since may of 200506:52
jjessebug #1488306:52
UbugtuMalone bug 14883 in kdebase "KInfocenter crashes with a SIGSEGV when trying the OpenGL menu item" [Low,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1488306:52
jjessebug #16469 is flagged as fix commited could someone check (or help me check) if the fix was indeed committed so we can change it to fix released?06:55
UbugtuMalone bug 16469 in kdebase "konqueror crashes when accessing streams on spiegel.de" [Medium,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1646906:55
jjesseit appears that upgrading to edyg has completely broken sudo :(06:56
imbrandonjjesse, known issuse, cpio is broke too, they are working on it06:56
imbrandon[11:20]  <mdz> kernel upgrade + sudo downgrade06:56
imbrandon[11:21]  <infinity> But the new sudo was so much FUN.06:56
imbrandon[11:21]  <infinity> Like a distro team video game.06:56
imbrandonsudo will be fixed and .17 will be released eta 1hour afaik06:57
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o imbrandon] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:imbrandon] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | yes, sudo and cpio are broken in edgy, will be fixed soon
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o imbrandon] by imbrandon
jjesseso how woould i upgrade if sudo is broken? enable root?07:00
imbrandonenable root upgrade , disable root 07:00
jjesserestore vm snapshot and upgrade is just as easy :007:01
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DaSkreechIs there a cups Chan?07:52
imbrandonheya Tonio_07:53
imbrandonDaSkreech, dunno07:53
DaSkreechMy Workmates flipped at the ipod07:54
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imbrandonjjesse, cpio and sudo are updated if you dident know07:54
imbrandonDaSkreech, my ipod ?07:54
jjessesaw that07:54
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:imbrandon] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
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jjesseooooo Knot CD 1 released July 13 :)08:11
jjessefor edgy, the cds will be called Knots08:18
jjesseaccording to the schedule08:18
DaSkreechLike Flights?08:19
jjesseyeah for Dapper they were Flights for edgy it appears they will be Knots08:20
DaSkreechWere they Flights for Breezy as well?08:20
jjesseDaSkreech: i don't remember08:21
crimsuncool, the Kubuntu Ship-It CDs arrived :)08:23
jjessemine still haven't shipped where do you live crimsun08:23
crimsunjjesse: east coast USA (shipped from The Netherlands)08:23
jjessestill waiting for mine, i'm in michigan08:24
jjesseso hopefully soon08:24
crimsunDaSkreech: no, they were "Colony" in Breezy08:25
DaSkreechAhh good memory08:25
crimsun"Array" in Hoary08:25
DaSkreechI have a Wallpaper with A Badger in flight which is why I remember it being flight. Course that was probably because the badger was breezy08:25
hungerI am looking forward to whatever crow or raven;-)08:26
DaSkreechWarty? :-)08:27
nixternaljjesse: i didn't get mine either..remember i told you i received some...ya..they were Breezy cd's ;(08:27
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DaSkreechDid it again09:00
DaSkreechI like BOR :-(09:04
DaSkreechIt just runs unreliably :-(09:04
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mhbhello everyone09:31
mhbI would like to ask if there is some work going on which would allow the KDE session to shut down when run from gdm and vice versa ...09:32
uniqnot that i'm aware of.09:34
uniqfreedesktop.org maybe.09:34
jjessehmmm how would you work with this bug? bug #1860209:37
UbugtuMalone bug 18602 in meta-kde "KDEInit could not launch 'xterm'. " [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1860209:37
mhbuniq: it's not much of an issue yet?09:43
uniqI think there are other issues with higher priority at this time.09:43
uniqjjesse: i think that is when you first make a shortcut for a kde application, and then afterwards change it to a non-kde application.09:44
uniqwhat he did is he copied the konsole launcher, and changed it to xterm.09:46
jjesseso can the bug be clsoed?09:46
uniqAs i've written in the comment to the bug, I think it's how KDE works.09:46
jjesseso reject the bu?09:47
uniqNot sure.09:47
uniqIt has to do with usability though.09:47
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uniqYou know if you go to the panel menu, and select 'add application to panel' or something like that.. you get the menu.. and the option to 'Add non-KDE application'09:49
uniqthat's what I think he should have done.09:49
jjessei understand09:49
uniqI used to have the same problem when i first started to use KDE. as I came from blackbox/openbox, and used Aterm.09:50
DaSkreechWhy was OpenOffice changed?09:56
uniqis it changed? 10:00
DaSkreechI only notice cause I use katapult10:01
uniqhow changed? 10:01
uniqfrom oo2 to oo? 10:01
uniqrenamed? 10:02
DaSkreechNo From Writer to Word Processor10:02
DaSkreechAnd Calc to Spreadsheet10:02
DaSkreechBase to Database10:02
jjessethat happened in dapper10:02
DaSkreechand from  that thing to Presentation10:02
DaSkreechOn the day dapper shipped?10:02
DaSkreechCause it was Writer and Calc up to the week before10:03
uniqI didn't even notice, says something about how often i use those beasts.10:07
DaSkreechI just notice kause katapult forces me to type the name10:08
uniqheh.. can't you use binaryname in katapult? 10:09
uniqoocalc or something.10:09
uniqtyping 'OpenOffice Word Processor' to open oowriter is clumsy.10:09
jjessejust type whateveris in the K Menu10:10
DaSkreechuniq: That's why I just type wri10:10
uniqI've never used katapult much. tested it twice but still stuck with the good old run command box.10:11
DaSkreechuniq: It's much cooler10:12
DaSkreechI can open any song or folder instantly10:12
DaSkreechIt's great10:12
uniqit can open a bunch of stuff you don't want to, can't it? 10:14
uniqdoes it open the last matching file/folder if it's the only alternative left? 10:14
DaSkreechNot until you press enter If I understand you10:14
uniqhum.. ok.10:14
uniqI think I had some issues with it once. Randomly opening bookmarks.. 10:16
uniqit opens without enter.10:16
DaSkreechErm. I guess you can set it to do that if you want10:16
uniqhow do i configure it? 10:18
uniqit's dcop interface can't open the configure dialog.10:18
uniqand there is no icon anywhere.10:18
DaSkreechThen Ctrl+C10:18
DaSkreechIt's an easter egg!! :)10:18
uniqah.. thanks.10:18
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uniqok, it is kinda cool.10:19
uniqi doesn't open urls though.10:20
DaSkreechI think it used to10:20
DaSkreechThere is probably a plugin for it10:20
DaSkreechThat would be neat I think I tried it once in dapper and it didn't work and I was surprised10:20
uniqIt's not replacing my run command box until it can open urls. :)10:22
uniqBut that can't be hard to implement.10:22
DaSkreech#katapult ;)10:23
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imbrandonRiddell, where in k-d-s does it set the default window decorations ( or is it set elsewhere ? )11:20
=== imbrandon has been looking 20 minutes
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