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crazy_penguin | good night everybody (here is 1 am). sleep well! :) | 12:14 |
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=== MetaMorfoziS goes to eat some csokigolyo | ||
sabaal | Hello everyone. | 12:15 |
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driz | bwello | 12:15 |
sabaal | I've run across what would, at first glance, appear to be a very useful option in the KDE Components > Session Manager menu. | 12:16 |
sabaal | "Restore manually saved session" | 12:16 |
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sabaal | Problem is, I have no clue how to manually save a session. :P | 12:16 |
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sabaal | Answers? Hints? Arrow, shaped signs? Anyone? | 12:17 |
sabaal | Arrow-shaped, too. | 12:17 |
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sabaal | Is anyone on this channel besides driz awake? It's like a ghost town in here. | 12:19 |
Ertain | I know the feeling. | 12:19 |
sabaal | Hahaha. | 12:19 |
Ertain | I'm trying to make my Wacom tablet and screensaver working. | 12:19 |
sabaal | Well, since you're also conscious, might you know how to manually save a session? | 12:20 |
sabaal | Can't help with the tablet. Sorry. | 12:20 |
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sabaal | Wow, this channel was so helpful last night... | 12:21 |
sabaal | ...I guess everyone's sleeping in. :P | 12:22 |
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sabaal | Well, I'll see if I can find it online. Thanks anyway. | 12:22 |
Kr4t05 | sabaal, one second, I'll look it up. | 12:22 |
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sabaal | Oh, alright. | 12:22 |
TheHighChild | sabaal: Or we have no idea how to save sessions ;) | 12:22 |
sabaal | 'Salright. | 12:22 |
sabaal | I've just made this place my first resource. | 12:22 |
sabaal | Since it's usually faster. :P | 12:22 |
zblach | any audiophiles around? | 12:23 |
sabaal | *Shrug.* What's an audiophile? | 12:23 |
zblach | good/like music | 12:23 |
sabaal | All I listen to is movie/video game soundtracks. :P | 12:23 |
h3sp4wn | zblach: What do you mean ? | 12:23 |
Kr4t05 | Someone who is obsessed with the quality of their music. | 12:23 |
zblach | Kr4t05: quality in both contextx | 12:24 |
zblach | **ts | 12:24 |
Kr4t05 | audiophiles are the type of people who love high-bitrate and high-end audio hardware. | 12:24 |
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h3sp4wn | zblach: I am one if you mean I have expensive active monitors and an m-audio soundcard and balanced leads | 12:24 |
zblach | not that I can affort high-end hardware, but ... | 12:25 |
zblach | whatever, i like music, but i'm running into some difficulties | 12:25 |
Kr4t05 | I have a nice 2.1 system that I got for Christmas. | 12:25 |
TheHighChild | sounds sucks in linux. I've never gotten anything to sound as good as on other OS's | 12:25 |
Kr4t05 | I <3 I-Trigue | 12:25 |
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zblach | my troubles lie with the .mpc file format | 12:26 |
Kr4t05 | TheHighChild, you're soundcard just isn't supported as well. | 12:26 |
h3sp4wn | I don't know anything about that | 12:26 |
sabaal | I've never heard of .mpc. | 12:26 |
zblach | musepack | 12:26 |
Kr4t05 | My audio sounds just as good as Windows. | 12:26 |
sabaal | Mine sounds better. | 12:26 |
h3sp4wn | My soundcard sounds as good as in any os (once artsd is disabled) | 12:26 |
sabaal | Seeing as how Turtle Beach's drivers hate Windows XP. :P | 12:27 |
zblach | Kr4t05: the goal is not to be 'as good as' windows | 12:27 |
Kr4t05 | Better? | 12:27 |
D4m4ge | bye all | 12:27 |
zblach | it's like "I can run better and farther than a three year old" | 12:27 |
sabaal | Seeya. | 12:27 |
Kr4t05 | lol | 12:27 |
h3sp4wn | I think asio works well and alot easier to get right than jackd | 12:27 |
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zblach | i can, but 'big deal'? | 12:27 |
zblach | not really. | 12:27 |
Kr4t05 | Heh | 12:27 |
Kr4t05 | I know. | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | np: Nobuo Uematsu - The Chase of Highway [0:06/4:34] | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | Er,, | 12:28 |
sabaal | YES! | 12:28 |
h3sp4wn | zblach: Do you know about jackd ? | 12:28 |
zblach | final fantasy, right? | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | My bad | 12:28 |
zblach | jackd? | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | zblach, yeah | 12:28 |
sabaal | *Sings along.* | 12:28 |
zblach | the jack audio daemon? | 12:28 |
h3sp4wn | yes | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | Advent Children | 12:28 |
zblach | i only know the name | 12:28 |
sabaal | Daah nah, de na nah nah, de nah nah nah, de nah nah naah... | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | I should install gnump3d | 12:28 |
Kr4t05 | ? | 12:29 |
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sabaal | Best soundtreack ever. :D | 12:29 |
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zblach | i didn't really like advent children. i would've preferred a remake of the game | 12:29 |
Kr4t05 | !keyboard | 12:29 |
ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 12:29 |
sabaal | They're going to do one. | 12:29 |
sabaal | You know it. All their comments are leading up to an announcement. | 12:29 |
zblach | sabaal: they've said that for years | 12:29 |
Kr4t05 | Is keytouch in the repos? | 12:29 |
sabaal | I just hope it's multiplatform. I won't pay for a PS3. | 12:30 |
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Kr4t05 | sabaal, 360 or Wii? | 12:30 |
ChefWill | i want nintendo wi :D | 12:30 |
sabaal | Probably both for me. | 12:30 |
h3sp4wn | I do also (only games I like are old arcade games and snes games) | 12:30 |
sabaal | Definitely a Wii. 360 to pick up the slack for old-style games. | 12:30 |
Kr4t05 | Just so you can see your mom's face when you tell her you're going to play with your Wii. | 12:30 |
Ertain | I want a Wii too. | 12:31 |
sabaal | Haha. | 12:31 |
Ertain | I hope Square-Enix will put all of their old SNES games on the virtual console. | 12:31 |
sabaal | "My Wii's smaller than yours. And yours overheats." <-After a mid-gen remodel. | 12:31 |
zblach | play 'metal gear trouser' on your wii | 12:32 |
h3sp4wn | Ertain: I have most of those on cartridge (The US released ones anyway - Imported them to the UK none got released here hardly at all) | 12:32 |
zblach | play as 'trouser snake' | 12:32 |
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sabaal | Bahahaha! | 12:32 |
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sabaal | "I spent all day playing with my Wii. By the time I was done, it had almost melted." | 12:33 |
Kr4t05 | XD | 12:33 |
sabaal | I could do this all day. :P | 12:33 |
Kr4t05 | Perhaps this should go to #*-offtopic? | 12:33 |
sabaal | Nah, I'm done. | 12:33 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | what's emerge? | 12:34 |
zblach | now, back to music. mpc -> mp3. anyone have any ideas? | 12:34 |
h3sp4wn | gentoo's python piece of junk | 12:34 |
crimsun | nah, it's an excellent distro regardless of one's opinion kthx. | 12:34 |
h3sp4wn | I just don't like python | 12:35 |
h3sp4wn | Too much typing | 12:35 |
sabaal | Well, I'd better be off. Games don't make themselves, and socialization is too distracting. | 12:35 |
sabaal | Seeya. | 12:35 |
Kr4t05 | Later. :P | 12:36 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | h3sp4wn: that was for me? | 12:36 |
Kr4t05 | Firefox keeps gagging on me. :< | 12:37 |
h3sp4wn | Tallia1Kubuntu: Thats what it is yes | 12:37 |
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Kr4t05 | np: Nobuo Uematsu - One Winged Angel (FFVII AC Version) [0:11/6:07] | 12:37 |
Kr4t05 | :# | 12:37 |
Kr4t05 | :3 | 12:37 |
zblach | Kr4t05: you know the battle victory music? | 12:38 |
Kr4t05 | Yeah | 12:38 |
zblach | think you can find me a midi of it>? | 12:38 |
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Kr4t05 | bitpim-ing it to your cell? | 12:38 |
zblach | absolutely | 12:38 |
Kr4t05 | lmao | 12:38 |
Kr4t05 | Sure. | 12:38 |
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Kr4t05 | Any particular mix? | 12:39 |
Kr4t05 | FFIX, FFVII? | 12:39 |
zblach | VII | 12:39 |
linuxmonkey | anyone here know how to map widows key to bring up the kde menu | 12:39 |
Kr4t05 | Gotcha | 12:39 |
Kr4t05 | !keytouch | 12:39 |
ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 12:39 |
sylow | hey, I'm trying to setup a dual boot system. what mount point should I use for kubuntu? (windows points to /media/sda1) | 12:39 |
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linuxmonkey | Kr4t05: i am not using keytouch | 12:40 |
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h3sp4wn | Tallia1Kubuntu: Maybe my opinion of gentoo is not representative however their uclibc stage (which is the only thing I have tried to use of there's recently) is highly borked | 12:41 |
Kr4t05 | zblach: http://www.ffshrine.org/ff7/ff7/ff7-1-11-fanfare.mid | 12:41 |
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omeow | Is it hard to make packages for Kubuntu? | 12:43 |
zblach | very nice | 12:43 |
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h3sp4wn | omeow: Not very hard - Read the debian packaging guide | 12:43 |
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Kr4t05 | KDE hates me. >< | 12:45 |
omeow | h3sp4wn: I suppose it's not possible to convert a suse package into a debian package? | 12:45 |
omeow | There's this thing I'd love to try out; http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=40586 | 12:45 |
omeow | But there are only suse packages. | 12:45 |
Kr4t05 | !tell omeow about alien | 12:46 |
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tackat | Kr4t05: It doesn't hate you. That's just the special way it tries to show its love to you ;-) | 12:46 |
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omeow | Thanks Kr4t05, that confirms what I already pretty much knew. ;) | 12:46 |
Kr4t05 | tacket, randomly barfing in my face? | 12:46 |
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h3sp4wn | Kr4t05: His system will really mess up if he does that | 12:47 |
Kr4t05 | Ah, ok | 12:47 |
h3sp4wn | Its patches for qt kdelibs and kdebase | 12:48 |
h3sp4wn | and at version 0.1 | 12:48 |
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scott_ | does flash player 8 not exist for linux yet? | 12:51 |
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crimsun | scott_: no, and it won't. | 12:52 |
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scott_ | crimsun: just googled and apaprantly they are skipping 8 for linux and going directly onto 8.5 | 12:52 |
crimsun | (I know) | 12:53 |
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scott_ | sucks, caus sum websites i regularly use requrie flash 8 | 12:53 |
scott_ | :( | 12:53 |
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omeow | h3sp4wn: I know. But it sounds like something that should have been in KDE from version 1. =P | 12:54 |
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h3sp4wn | omeow: You could add the patches yourself (with dpatch stuff like that is quite easy) | 12:55 |
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omeow | I rathern not break stuff. | 12:56 |
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larson9999 | is there a simple answer to this question? what should the fstab entry for a cd-rw drive that i want to let anyone mount and read/write look like? | 01:07 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | i guess im missing more stuff because i get the same error when sudo make install | 01:07 |
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heinrich | hi all | 01:10 |
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heinrich | i want to use latex on kubuntu? | 01:10 |
heinrich | where do i get it ? | 01:10 |
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heinrich | and i need some editor for it | 01:12 |
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Kr4t05 | great | 01:14 |
Kr4t05 | Kicker just crashed | 01:14 |
Kr4t05 | >< | 01:15 |
Kr4t05 | OK. | 01:15 |
Kr4t05 | Scaling back my CPU... | 01:15 |
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korozion | Anyone had issues with amarok, kaffiene, etc 'skipping' when playing music? | 01:32 |
elie | libogg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 01:32 |
elie | how do i get libogg.so.0? | 01:32 |
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edu | smb client doesn't work... it was working a few hours ago | 01:33 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | is there a gui app i can use to test the cpu overclock stability ??? | 01:34 |
KuLover | What does it mean when I try to sudo and it says that sudoers is in 0660 and should be in 0440? | 01:34 |
edu | KuLover: it's about perms | 01:35 |
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edu | KuLover: try this -> chmod 440 /etc/sudoers | 01:36 |
edu | smb client doesn't work... it was working a few hours ago | 01:38 |
elie | any1 kan help with this---->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16720 | 01:39 |
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edu | how could I reinstall Kubuntu through a server? | 01:44 |
edu | how could I reinstall Kubuntu via network? | 01:44 |
Kyral | uhh | 01:45 |
h3sp4wn | Try using the netboot/mini.iso | 01:45 |
Kyral | normal NetInstall? | 01:45 |
edu | Kyral: yes, normal net install | 01:45 |
Kyral | Netinstalls rock if you have broadband (and who doesn't) | 01:45 |
Kyral | edu: I meant that use a normal netinst :P | 01:45 |
edu | h3sp4wn: mini.iso? what's that? | 01:46 |
h3sp4wn | Its for booting an installation and installing over the network | 01:46 |
h3sp4wn | (its a cd which is about 7mb) | 01:47 |
edu | Kyral: look, I have Kubuntu installed... and now I wanna reinstall the whole system but from here, I don't wanna boot from the CD... | 01:47 |
Kyral | ...edu you kinda need to | 01:47 |
edu | h3sp4wn: ok, and is it possible to do that from my Desktop? | 01:47 |
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edu | h3sp4wn: I don't wanna reboot... | 01:48 |
h3sp4wn | I don't think so easily | 01:48 |
Kyral | yet you wanna reinstall the system... | 01:48 |
=== Kyral has his mind boggled | ||
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macconline | hi... (my english is bad) | 01:50 |
edu | h3sp4wn: for example, Live-CD has a install program for KDE... something like that | 01:50 |
Kyral | edu it still requires a reboot in the end! | 01:50 |
h3sp4wn | And the installation messes up often | 01:50 |
macconline | any that know of process Xorg??? | 01:50 |
elie | any1 kan help with this---->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16720 | 01:50 |
edu | Kyral: well, it doesn't matter if it is in the end | 01:50 |
Kyral | macconline: you mean the X-Server? | 01:50 |
macconline | kubuntu... Xorg process | 01:51 |
Kyral | yes | 01:51 |
Kyral | that represents the GUI | 01:51 |
macconline | Kyral: Xorg use 52% of RAM,,,, | 01:52 |
word_ | is there a way to have a katapult-type search in the k menu? | 01:52 |
Kyral | macconline: and how much ram do you have? | 01:52 |
macconline | 768 | 01:52 |
Kyral | ..I think yousa need a driver | 01:53 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | is there a gui app i can use to test the cpu overclock stability ??? | 01:53 |
Kyral | n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: best test for O/C Stability is memtest or prime95 | 01:53 |
macconline | Kyral: a driver? | 01:53 |
Kyral | neither are GUI :P | 01:53 |
h3sp4wn | lm-sensors may be useful | 01:53 |
Kyral | macconline: yah, like the ATI and NVidia drivers | 01:54 |
macconline | i have nvidia drivers | 01:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | hey guys, isn't there a way to equalize the volume of the knotification sound? i use to leave the system sound to 100% otherwise multimedia players sound is too low.. but when i receive a notification... HOLY SHIT!! my ear is blown off | 01:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | my ears* | 01:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | are* | 01:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | :_D | 01:54 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | Kyral: i didnt know prime95 works on linux . thanks | 01:54 |
Kyral | n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: its not Prime95 exactly | 01:54 |
Kyral | n0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Google for "The Great Mersenne(sp?) Prime Number Search" | 01:55 |
Kyral | the program they provide has a torture test mode akin to Prime95 | 01:55 |
elie | any1 kan help with this---->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16720 | 01:55 |
macconline | Kyral: sorry, but i don know repair this | 01:56 |
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Kyral | macconline: reboot? | 01:56 |
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macconline | yes... before % cpu after % of RAM | 01:56 |
macconline | Kyral: yesterday CPU 50% and MEM 8% --- today CUP 8% and RAM 52% | 01:57 |
Kyral | macconline: sounds like you are looking at something wrong | 01:58 |
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macconline | Kyral: ok, but how i see that?? | 02:00 |
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Kyral | macconline: open a terminal and run free | 02:01 |
macconline | what have i see??? (sorry my english) | 02:01 |
sotired | ok i figured out why amarok wont play anything on a samba share | 02:01 |
Kyral | look at the middle line (+/- buffers/cache) | 02:01 |
sotired | but now i need to figure out how to mount a folder in a samba share | 02:01 |
sotired | :( | 02:01 |
h3sp4wn | sotired: It will if its mounted with mount -t smbfs | 02:01 |
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sotired | so what would the full command be? mount -t <folder name> <mount point> ? | 02:02 |
sotired | sorry.,..first day using kubuntu | 02:02 |
elie | any1 kan help with this---->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16720 | 02:03 |
Kyral | Easy you don't have libogg :P | 02:03 |
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sotired | thats not it | 02:03 |
Kyral | sotired: I was talking to elie :P | 02:04 |
sotired | im not trying to play .ogg | 02:04 |
sotired | oh | 02:04 |
sotired | im sorry | 02:04 |
Kyral | sokay | 02:04 |
Kyral | I should have prefaced | 02:04 |
sotired | sorry if i sound partially retrded, but what do i have to do to mount that folder? | 02:04 |
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sotired | ? | 02:07 |
sotired | does anyone know how i would go about mounting a smaba shared folder? | 02:08 |
sotired | samba even | 02:08 |
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sotired | :( | 02:10 |
edu | sotired: K Menu -> System Settings -> Sharing | 02:11 |
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h3sp4wn | mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=Password //server/c$ /mnt/samba | 02:11 |
elie | i already have liogg and it still same | 02:12 |
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elie | i already have libogg and it still same | 02:12 |
omeow | Does anyone know what the name of the mozilla binary is? Is it just mozilla or mozilla-bin? | 02:12 |
omeow | (or both?) | 02:12 |
erov | mozilla-bin with a symbolic link named "mozilla", i believe | 02:12 |
h3sp4wn | You should start it with mozilla | 02:12 |
h3sp4wn | mozilla is a shell script which starts mozilla-bin (I think) | 02:13 |
macconline | Kyral: i run free y the swap is full | 02:13 |
omeow | Ah ok, thanks. | 02:14 |
prince | hey | 02:14 |
sotired | didnt work :( | 02:14 |
elie | i already have libogg and it still say: error while loading shared libraries: libogg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 02:14 |
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Kyral | macconline: I dunno I don't know what you have been running | 02:15 |
sotired | h3sp4n:thanks for the help...i think im getting somwhere...but it still isnt working | 02:17 |
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macconline | Kyral: sorry... the last message i don see | 02:18 |
prince | join channel #desktop_linux_htc | 02:18 |
Kyral | macconline: I dunno I don't know what you have been running | 02:18 |
elie | i already have libogg and it still say: error while loading shared libraries: libogg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 02:19 |
sotired | @h3sp4n: i keep getting an access denied | 02:19 |
Kyral | elie: sorry I don't really know them | 02:19 |
Kyral | then even | 02:19 |
sotired | but there is no pword...i can acces the share with konqeurer no problem | 02:19 |
v0taguz | i cant COpy a file of mi cdrom =S this show me this error | 02:19 |
v0taguz | /media/cdrom0/MPEGAV# cp AVSEQ01.DAT /home/votaguz/ | 02:19 |
v0taguz | cp: reading `AVSEQ01.DAT': Input/output error | 02:19 |
v0taguz | anybody help me | 02:19 |
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elie | thnx anyway | 02:20 |
edu | odd problem, smb://winXP was working perfectly but not any more... | 02:21 |
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v0taguz | anybody help me | 02:21 |
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elknof1 | hi everybody... sorry can someone tell me the command that showsme wheter tha DMA is working or no?? | 02:22 |
Kr4t05 | !dma | 02:23 |
ubotu | dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks run faster, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA | 02:23 |
edu | problem, smb://winXP was working perfectly but not any more... | 02:23 |
v0taguz | ubotu: whith me ?? | 02:23 |
sotired | would mounting be the linux equivlant of mapping a network drive...in my case? | 02:23 |
sotired | either way...i got it | 02:23 |
sotired | thnx | 02:24 |
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erov | beer thirty.. ahh | 02:24 |
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KaoticEvil | hey all :) | 02:25 |
KaoticEvil | anyone familiar with wine? | 02:25 |
sotired | i like red... | 02:26 |
sotired | sorry | 02:26 |
KaoticEvil | lol | 02:26 |
sotired | i had too | 02:26 |
KaoticEvil | i know | 02:26 |
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erov | whats the Q Kaotic.. i use it from time to time | 02:26 |
KaoticEvil | i know its something simple, and im sure i can do it... i just dont recall how.. | 02:26 |
KaoticEvil | i need to get Wine to report itself as Windows 9x | 02:26 |
KaoticEvil | instead of an NT based *doze | 02:27 |
erov | run 'winecfg' | 02:27 |
KaoticEvil | thats it | 02:27 |
erov | np | 02:27 |
KaoticEvil | thanks :d | 02:27 |
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elie | damn i keep getting: | 02:33 |
elie | Cannot open display "default display" | 02:33 |
elie | ./ssam_lnx: error while loading shared libraries: libogg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 02:33 |
elie | ERROR: ld.so: object './libvorbis.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 02:33 |
elie | Cannot open display "default display" | 02:33 |
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edu | do you know how the hostname SERVER can be associated with its IP? | 02:41 |
KaoticEvil | w00t!! for the first time, im getting wine to install an application!! | 02:42 |
edu | ping NETBIOS_HOSTNAME does not work... solution? | 02:42 |
Ademan | anyone here used gparted to partition raid drives? | 02:43 |
edu | ping HOST_IP works fine... | 02:43 |
elie | any 1 can hel with this plz------>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16727 | 02:43 |
edu | !netbios | 02:43 |
ubotu | I know nothing about netbios | 02:43 |
edu | !dns | 02:43 |
ubotu | I know nothing about dns | 02:43 |
edu | !hostname | 02:43 |
ubotu | Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly | 02:43 |
bimberi | edu: entry in /etc/hosts ? | 02:43 |
edu | bimberi: ok, thanks... | 02:44 |
elie | any 1 can hel with this plz------>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16727 | 02:44 |
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bimberi | elie: is the libogg0 package installed? if not try that | 02:48 |
Kr4t05 | Ok, how do I search my computer for files and folders? | 02:48 |
bimberi | edu: np :) | 02:48 |
elie | yes it is | 02:48 |
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fiyawerx | can you make konversation have a transparent background? | 02:49 |
driz | wooooot | 02:50 |
bimberi | elie: hm, how about libvorbis-dev (which includes the file usr/lib/libvorbis.so) | 02:50 |
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fiyawerx_ | fiyawerx_, test | 02:53 |
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Fiyawerx | hmm, xchat's pretty nice | 02:53 |
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elie | yup i have it bimberdi | 02:54 |
bimberi | sorry elide, i'm out of ideas then :/ | 02:55 |
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elie | bimberdi,i chkd in usr/lib/libvorbis.so and i found a link 4 it from shared.. | 02:58 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | (award) | 02:59 |
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elie | bimberdi,i chkd in usr/lib/libvorbis.so and i found a link 4 it from shared.. | 03:01 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | guys, what's freenode? | 03:01 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i mean, what is his philosophy.. | 03:02 |
elknof1 | hi everybody, can someone tellme how to activate kaffeine to watch a movie on the s-video screen?? I use a ati mov rad 9000, while watching a movie i just can see a blue screen on kaffeine... screen 2 (s-video) | 03:04 |
elie | i chkd in usr/lib/libvorbis.so and i found a link 4 it from shared | 03:04 |
Leira | after failed burning alternate CD 3 times, i tryed net install last night. i downloaeded the hd-media's vmlinuz and netboot's initrd.gz, and use grub to load, with a kernel parameter preseed/file point to the kubuntu.seed file. | 03:05 |
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Leira | but after install, i got an ubuntu, rather than kubuntu | 03:06 |
Leira | it seems the preseed/file line did not effective | 03:07 |
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elie | any 1 can hel with this plz------>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16727 | 03:08 |
almir | oiii | 03:09 |
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sword- | whats up | 03:10 |
sword- | whats a good program to create iso images with? | 03:10 |
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elknof1 | hi everybody, can someone tellme how to activate kaffeine to watch a movie on the s-video screen?? I use a ati mov rad 9000, while watching a movie i just can see a blue screen on kaffeine... screen 2 (s-video) | 03:11 |
erov | mkisofs | 03:11 |
elie | any 1 can hel with this plz------>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16727 | 03:11 |
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erov | elie: have you verified the library is there and/or symbolic links | 03:16 |
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elie | erov:i founda link in /usr/lib(libvorbis.so) link target:/usr/lib/libvorbis.so.0.3.1 | 03:18 |
erov | what about libogg thats the one it claims it cant find.. | 03:19 |
altprsona | hi, im using kubuntu , trying to get my cam to work w/ kopete. in the configure menu i see a picture, i just dont see how to send a veiw my camera invite | 03:19 |
elie | will see 1 min | 03:20 |
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elie | k,i found it,its a link 2 :/usr/lib/libogg.so.0.5.3 | 03:21 |
erov | and is linked to libogg.so right | 03:21 |
erov | libogg.so.0 | 03:21 |
elie | think so] | 03:22 |
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erov | have you run 'sudo ldconfig' since all of this | 03:22 |
elie | nop will try it now thnx | 03:22 |
elie | name:libogg.so.0 link target:/usr/lib/libogg.so.0.5.3 | 03:24 |
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erov | how'd this happen anyways and what are you trying to run | 03:24 |
elie | a game | 03:25 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | altprsona: mhh? | 03:25 |
elie | serious sam | 03:25 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | altprsona: chat -> Contacts -> CONTACT -> send webcam | 03:25 |
altprsona | tallia, its not there | 03:26 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | what is not there | 03:26 |
altprsona | Tallia1Kubuntu altprsona: chat -> Contacts -> CONTACT -> send webcam | 03:26 |
erov | maybe serious sam is loooking for a link in /usr/local/lib or some other lib directory | 03:27 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | ok, open a MSN chat | 03:27 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | with a person, then in that window there's the chat menu entry | 03:27 |
erov | try adding sym links there as well or configuring the other lib directories.. i don't know | 03:27 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | altprsona: did you find it? | 03:27 |
altprsona | i found it for msn, but not in contacts > contacts | 03:28 |
altprsona | i dont see it for yahoo | 03:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | oh | 03:28 |
elie | is it normal that therz only 3 foleders in usrr/local/lib | 03:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | maybe simply they didn't implemented it !! | 03:28 |
altprsona | drat | 03:28 |
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altprsona | theres a request webcam | 03:29 |
altprsona | but not a send | 03:29 |
sotired | its like as soon as i get one thing wroking...something else brakes | 03:29 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | yeah.. | 03:29 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | that could be poissible | 03:29 |
erov | sometimes.. but a try it it can't hurt, elie | 03:29 |
sotired | my sound suddenly has stopped working and ive tried alot of things...nothing | 03:30 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | altprsona: why don't you ask details in Kopete | 03:30 |
sotired | seems like tis using my onboard instead of pci soundcard | 03:30 |
crimsun | sotired: have I helped you already? | 03:30 |
sotired | possibly | 03:30 |
sotired | lol | 03:30 |
crimsun | as in yesterday? | 03:30 |
elie | i just creat a link of serioussam in usrr/local/lib ? | 03:30 |
sotired | no | 03:30 |
crimsun | ok, proceed | 03:30 |
sotired | my sound just stopped working, after a crash | 03:30 |
crimsun | sotired: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards ~/.asoundrc* && amixer'' | 03:30 |
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Leira | after failed burning alternate CD 3 times, i tryed net install last night. i downloaeded the hd-media's vmlinuz and netboot's initrd.gz, and use grub to load, with a kernel parameter preseed/file point to the kubuntu.seed file. but after install, i got an ubuntu, rather than kubuntu. it seems the preseed/file line did not effective. how can i know what preseed currently used, in the early stage of installation? | 03:31 |
sotired | is there like a device manager in here somewhere? | 03:31 |
altprsona | ty for the help | 03:31 |
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elie | erov: i just creat a link of serioussam in usr/local/lib ? | 03:32 |
sotired | what is pastebin | 03:32 |
erov | no | 03:32 |
elie | a link of what? | 03:32 |
erov | create the libogg.so.0 link etc. there to the appropriate libs | 03:32 |
elie | k will try it thnx again | 03:33 |
erov | it may be searching there instead or some other lib directory for the libs | 03:33 |
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erov | since it's a binary you cant tell i guess | 03:33 |
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erov | ive had the trouble with some linux games before | 03:33 |
erov | thats what happens with no standards :P | 03:33 |
sotired | crimsun: i dont understand | 03:33 |
crimsun | !paste | 03:34 |
elie | :-) | 03:34 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:34 |
crimsun | sotired: ^ that | 03:34 |
sotired | thank you :) | 03:34 |
sotired | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16729 | 03:36 |
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sotired | the cmedia is the one i want to be using | 03:36 |
sotired | it was working before | 03:36 |
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crimsun | oh | 03:37 |
crimsun | that's pretty simple to resolve | 03:37 |
crimsun | the index changed | 03:37 |
crimsun | your onboard is now the default | 03:37 |
crimsun | all you need to do is type (in a Konsole): asoundconf set-default-card CMI8738MC6 | 03:38 |
crimsun | then log out of KDE and back in | 03:38 |
=== Kingbuzzo [n=jason@toronto-HSE-ppp4040253.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sotired | ok...ill try it now | 03:39 |
sotired | thanks crimsun | 03:39 |
linuxmonkey | crimsun: you know how to map my windows key to bring up kmenu? without using keytouch | 03:39 |
sotired | ill be back and let u know if it works | 03:39 |
sotired | oooh | 03:39 |
sotired | i didnt even have to restart | 03:40 |
sotired | thank you. any idea what woul have caused that to happen? | 03:40 |
crimsun | sotired: it's just the way things are. | 03:40 |
sotired | i see | 03:40 |
sotired | have a good evening | 03:40 |
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crimsun | sotired: you can't easily enforce pci dev init order | 03:40 |
Frederick | does anyone know any master system emulator for linux? | 03:40 |
Kingbuzzo | is there a way to setup grub to boot either suse, windows, and kubuntu as choices? | 03:40 |
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Kingbuzzo | Frederick: SMSPLUS | 03:41 |
elie | i want 2 creat a shortcut in usr/local/lib and it tellz me no permission?? | 03:41 |
andersje2 | elie: preface your command with 'sudo' | 03:42 |
Frederick | Kingbuzzo, isnt it windows only? | 03:42 |
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Kingbuzzo | huh? | 03:43 |
elie | what is the command 2 creat a shortcut? | 03:43 |
andersje2 | ln | 03:43 |
Frederick | Kingbuzzo, I want a emulator for linux | 03:43 |
andersje2 | elie: what exactly are you trying to do? | 03:43 |
Kingbuzzo | ya it's linux | 03:43 |
andersje2 | Frederick: try wine | 03:43 |
andersje2 | frederick: sorry, try usermode linux | 03:43 |
Kingbuzzo | it was ported to dreamcast as well | 03:43 |
elie | making a link of libogg.so.0 in usrr/local/lib | 03:44 |
elie | making a link of libogg.so.0 in usr/local/lib | 03:44 |
Frederick | andersje2, ? | 03:44 |
andersje2 | ln -s /usr/local/lib/libogg.so.0 /wherever/new/link/linkname.so | 03:44 |
andersje2 | stick sudo in front of the whole bunch if you have to, elie: | 03:45 |
elie | k will try it thnx | 03:45 |
andersje2 | frederick: usermode linux lets you run an entire system under your main linux system | 03:45 |
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andersje2 | frederick: oh, wait, I didn't see the whole question. You're trying to run a game under linux? What game, and for what architecture? | 03:47 |
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Frederick | andersje2, I want a master system emulator for linux | 03:48 |
Fiyawerx | test | 03:50 |
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Fiyawerx | can you make a transparent background in konversation? or just xchat | 03:50 |
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Frederick | bah they have emulator for all but master system | 03:51 |
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h3sp4wn | Frederick: Try Osmose | 03:53 |
andersje2 | what's a master system? | 03:53 |
Kingbuzzo | yikes.... | 03:53 |
Kingbuzzo | where were you in the 90's | 03:53 |
Kingbuzzo | I mean | 03:53 |
Kingbuzzo | 80's | 03:53 |
andersje2 | I had an Apple ] [ then. | 03:53 |
andersje2 | nite all | 03:54 |
Kingbuzzo | the sega master system preceeded the mega drive | 03:54 |
Kingbuzzo | ugh | 03:54 |
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Frederick | 90's please | 03:55 |
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h3sp4wn | But did you ever complete phantasy star ? | 03:56 |
Kingbuzzo | I got stuck in a dungeon and that was is | 03:56 |
Kingbuzzo | it^ | 03:56 |
francesjan | hello, i wanted to print to a Win2k server with HP3744 printer... i can see the printjob but the job won't go through the printer. :( ? | 03:56 |
Frederick | h3sp4wn, it isnt in apt =/ | 03:56 |
=== fiyawerx [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-34-213.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fiyawerx | test | 03:58 |
h3sp4wn | Frederick: There is loads you just need to compile them | 03:59 |
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Frederick | h3sp4wn, I wanna a static linked zip :p | 03:59 |
h3sp4wn | Frederick: You are not getting it from me | 03:59 |
linuxmonkey | !skype | 04:00 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 04:00 |
Frederick | !money | 04:00 |
ubotu | I know nothing about money | 04:00 |
elie | what is LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded | 04:01 |
Kingbuzzo | !xmame | 04:01 |
ubotu | I know nothing about xmame | 04:01 |
Kingbuzzo | !raine | 04:01 |
ubotu | I know nothing about raine | 04:01 |
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Kingbuzzo | !ardour | 04:01 |
ubotu | I know nothing about ardour | 04:01 |
Kingbuzzo | !hydrogen | 04:01 |
ubotu | I know nothing about hydrogen | 04:01 |
Kingbuzzo | gah | 04:01 |
elie | any1 tried the new ati driverz? | 04:01 |
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Frederick | name a mastersystem game | 04:02 |
Frederick | oki altered beast | 04:03 |
fiyawerx | hmm, do you guys like xchat or konversation better? | 04:03 |
Frederick | I will leave social life | 04:03 |
Cornellius | What's the easiest way to install Reiser4 on Ubuntu ? | 04:03 |
Hawkwind | fiyawerx: I prefer Xchat simply because I've helped do somethings with it over the years | 04:04 |
crimsun | Cornellius: I'm pretty sure I answered that yesterday | 04:04 |
fiyawerx | Hawkwind, nice, i kinda like it, messing around with the transparent backgrounds now, but not sure if i like them, messing with font colors | 04:04 |
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Cornellius | crimsun: Maybe, but I was on another computer so I don,t have the logs. | 04:05 |
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fiyawerx | test | 04:13 |
erov | wolf et time :p see y'all later ;) | 04:14 |
Hawkwind | Failed | 04:14 |
fiyawerx | hehe | 04:14 |
fiyawerx | weird, i changed my konversation colors around and every other name on my list is missing | 04:14 |
fiyawerx | i can't stand looking at black text on white backgrounds | 04:14 |
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h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: Do you know of a kde theme that uses mostly black and grey ? | 04:15 |
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fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: nope, kinda been configuring things myself for now | 04:15 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: app by app | 04:15 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: I am using the next colours | 04:15 |
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: But I want a grey instead of white background | 04:16 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: i didn't even think of doing the theme thing hehe | 04:16 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: will look around and let you know if i come up with anything | 04:16 |
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h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: I need to sleep immediately (so I can't look now) | 04:17 |
fiyawerx | h3sp4wn: no problem, i'll be up all night :) | 04:17 |
elie | any1 got serious sam? | 04:17 |
=== jason [n=jason@ool-4575ba9b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | fiyawerx: Its 3:18 am here which is early for me by recent standards | 04:18 |
fiyawerx | :) | 04:18 |
Hawkwind | Does Kubuntu run a firewall by default ? | 04:18 |
claydoh | no, Hawkwind | 04:19 |
claydoh | but it does not have any open ports by default iirc | 04:19 |
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Hawkwind | claydoh: If it runs no firewall then ports would be handled by my router, correct | 04:20 |
claydoh | yup | 04:20 |
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Hawkwind | claydoh: I'm trying to run bittorrent and it tells me that port 6881 is blacklisted. Yet I have that port open in my router | 04:28 |
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fiyawerx | do you have your router forwarding the port to your machine? or just not blocked | 04:29 |
claydoh | it may take a few moments, have you stopped/restarted bittorren? | 04:29 |
Hawkwind | fiyawerx: It's open and forwarded to this machine | 04:29 |
Hawkwind | claydoh: Even the site tells me I'm not connectable :( | 04:30 |
claydoh | ya, what fiyawerx said :) | 04:30 |
claydoh | on my linsys wired router it always took a few moments | 04:31 |
fiyawerx | I just put myself in the dmz with my router | 04:31 |
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fiyawerx | claydoh: same with dlink wireless | 04:31 |
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Hawkwind | This worked fine in Mandriva a few days ago. I've changed nothing except my OS | 04:31 |
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claydoh | I y=turned on upnp in my router and use ktorrent, which opens the ports automagically | 04:31 |
os2mac | has anyone installed on an inpspiron 8600 and had problems with the wireless nic (it's a broadcom nic) | 04:32 |
fiyawerx | too bad ktorrent doesn't run as a daemon | 04:32 |
fiyawerx | oh, ncie | 04:32 |
fiyawerx | nice rather | 04:32 |
claydoh | ya :) | 04:32 |
fiyawerx | never had much luck with upnp, might give it a shot, i need to upgrade my router firmware as it is | 04:32 |
fiyawerx | i do static ip, so all i really need to forward is 22 as far as I know so i can SSH / !M in from work | 04:33 |
os2mac | anyone? | 04:33 |
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claydoh | os2mac: afaik *lots* of folks have probs with broadcom | 04:34 |
=== claydoh uses a wired router, no experiweence with wireless yet | ||
Hawkwind | claydoh: Even ktorrent won't download anything :( | 04:35 |
claydoh | :( | 04:35 |
Hawkwind | Something within Kubuntu is blocking it or not allowing it | 04:35 |
os2mac | claydoh... usually I have to use ndiswrapper...but when I installed the new ver it actually detected the nic as eth1 this time.... but won't let me configure it. | 04:35 |
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yur | what is a good firewall 4 linux? | 04:35 |
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Hawkwind | yur: IpKungFu | 04:35 |
yur | that xist lol,thnx | 04:36 |
jason | how do i mount a new hard drive that i just installed? | 04:36 |
Hawkwind | claydoh: Any ideas what could be stopping this ? | 04:36 |
claydoh | no, not really | 04:37 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind: don't know this helps but as you know i switched from mandriva recently on this box and like you have only changed my OS. but ktorrent works just fine for me | 04:37 |
claydoh | in ktorrent, if your router has upnp enabled, there is a plugin for it in ktorrent's settinngs | 04:37 |
Hawkwind | claydoh: In fact, I've opened up ports 8000 - 9000 and still says I'm not connectable | 04:37 |
Hawkwind | claydoh: I have a Linksys WRT54G router | 04:38 |
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yur | HawKind:i nstalled ipkungfu but cant find it? | 04:39 |
claydoh | I dunno, sorry never had issues with bittorrent once i got the ports sset up | 04:39 |
os2mac | surely someone has resolved this by now.... | 04:40 |
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os2mac | I have checked the kbuntu forums and nothing. | 04:40 |
claydoh | ut it did take a bit to see the changes take effect | 04:40 |
fiyawerx | doh, ktorrent closes when you X it doesn't it | 04:40 |
fiyawerx | hmm | 04:40 |
claydoh | not if you enablr the taskbar icon | 04:41 |
fiyawerx | if i used a console bittorrent client, i could nohup it and let it run after i closed my session right? | 04:41 |
Hawkwind | Strange. Absolutely nothing has changed on this system except for my OS from Mandriva to Kubuntu and I can't download anything via bittorrent or any other torrent client | 04:41 |
yur | HawKind:i nstalled ipkungfu but cant find it? | 04:41 |
fiyawerx | Hawkwind: installed any firewalls with Ubuntu? | 04:41 |
fiyawerx | Hawkwind: you sure your dhcp lease didn't expire and your router is forwarding to the wrong machine? | 04:42 |
TheHighChild | os2mac pastebin your ifconfig | 04:42 |
=== _rich [n=rich@68-187-92-159.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
robotgeek | fiyawerx: use screen | 04:42 |
fiyawerx | robotgeek: oh, right :) | 04:42 |
mcrandello | the "menu" package doesn't really do anything does it? | 04:42 |
fiyawerx | robotgeek: any suggestion on a good console bt client? | 04:42 |
os2mac | HighChild do you want ifconfig -a? | 04:43 |
robotgeek | fiyawerx: btdownloadcurses.py | 04:43 |
Hawkwind | fiyawerx: No firewalls. The ports have been forwarded for years. I use internal static | 04:43 |
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claydoh | odd | 04:43 |
mcrandello | does anyone know the package that provides the "debian" menu? I can't seem to find it anymore | 04:43 |
TheHighChild | os2mac: Either is fine | 04:44 |
robotgeek | menu-xdg maybe? mcrandello | 04:44 |
os2mac | stand by... I am trying to configure it with iwconfig.... that plus I can | 04:44 |
os2mac | 't have both nic's active at the same time | 04:44 |
mcrandello | robotgeek: I already have that one installed | 04:45 |
mcrandello | oh wait it's on there | 04:45 |
TheHighChild | os2mac: ok man. I'm not a pro at wireless, recently got my own running. Sometimes I have to do 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup ath0' and then it'll git'r'dun | 04:45 |
mcrandello | they changed where they put the debian menu at some point | 04:45 |
=== mcrandello hangs his head in shame | ||
claydoh | menu is located in Universe | 04:46 |
claydoh | http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/admin/menu | 04:46 |
fiyawerx | robotgeek: thats bittornado? | 04:48 |
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robotgeek | fiyawerx: i think so. lemme look deeper | 04:48 |
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moruan | help~~~something about coreutils | 04:49 |
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robotgeek | fiyawerx: i think so | 04:50 |
fiyawerx | yep, looks like i got it, apt-got bittornado and now its there, will try it out, thanks | 04:50 |
fiyawerx | robotgeek: thanks | 04:50 |
moruan | how to upgrade coretils ???????? ~~~~~~~~ in a hurry | 04:51 |
robotgeek | moruan: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 04:51 |
moruan | apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't work | 04:52 |
robotgeek | moruan: what is the exact issue you are facing? | 04:52 |
mcrandello | !mp3 | 04:52 |
ubotu | For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:52 |
moruan | when i update my breezy5.10 to 6.06 , the coreutils it requires doesn't match the one i installed | 04:53 |
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moruan | how to solve this kind of problem ? does anyone know something about it | 04:53 |
robotgeek | moruan: do you have kubuntu-desktop installed? | 04:54 |
moruan | no i have gtk-desktop installed | 04:54 |
arcturus | !windows | 04:55 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | 04:55 |
moruan | i have gnome-desktop installed | 04:55 |
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moruan | how to remove the former coreutils ? i know nothing about kernel , so ~~~ any information is appriciated | 04:56 |
robotgeek | moruan: have ubuntu-desktop installed, and do the upgrade. it should happen smoothly then | 04:56 |
moruan | it doesn't work smooth to me | 04:57 |
robotgeek | do you have it installed? what is the specific error you are getting, please paste it | 04:58 |
moruan | the infromation released by the system is : dpkg , predepends : coreutils ( >= 5.93-1) but 5.2.1-2ubuntu2 is installed | 04:58 |
moruan | and apt-get install -f doesn't work either | 04:59 |
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robotgeek | moruan: might ask in #ubuntu, i am lost | 05:01 |
mcrandello | anyone know how to make xmms play mp3's if it won't even after installing xmms-mad? | 05:01 |
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moruan | o~ , i make a try | 05:01 |
OOD | xmms should play mp3's by default | 05:02 |
dr_willis | 'do not try, do, young jedi' | 05:02 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:02 |
dr_willis | The source is strong with this one. | 05:02 |
mcrandello | it doesn't ;_; | 05:02 |
larson9999 | OOD: isn't there something illegal about that? | 05:02 |
OOD | weird o.o | 05:02 |
OOD | no, why? | 05:03 |
mcrandello | larson9999: depends on where you are, doesn't it? | 05:03 |
OOD | that too | 05:03 |
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larson9999 | mcrandello: i think so. so by default seems to be not the way to go | 05:03 |
mcrandello | right | 05:03 |
dr_willis | i dodent think it did. | 05:04 |
dr_willis | but i install all sorts of packages so not sure how the default is | 05:04 |
mcrandello | !xmms | 05:04 |
ubotu | Audio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs | 05:04 |
larson9999 | i don't worry much about those pesky licenses on my personal machine though | 05:04 |
OOD | who does ;) | 05:05 |
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dr_willis | i tend to not worry agbout them at all. :P | 05:05 |
=== sotired [n=ed@c-68-32-144-150.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | Bill Gates | 05:05 |
dr_willis | :P | 05:05 |
sotired | how can i tell if my nvidia drivers are correctly installed? i have a geforce fx5500 and even screen savers have a painfully low framerate | 05:06 |
OOD | yea just installed xmms, mp3's play by default | 05:06 |
arcturus | mcrandello: type xmms from console | 05:06 |
OOD | sotired: run glxgears | 05:06 |
sotired | ok | 05:06 |
sotired | thankyou | 05:06 |
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mcrandello | arcturus: done | 05:06 |
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OOD | sotired: if it's slow, then you don't have driver | 05:06 |
arcturus | mcrandello: error message? | 05:06 |
larson9999 | sotired: yeah even though people will tell you glxgears isn't a good test, it's good enough :) | 05:07 |
OOD | yep | 05:07 |
sotired | didnt work | 05:07 |
sotired | error | 05:07 |
larson9999 | sotired: or if you get an error | 05:07 |
OOD | then you don't have it | 05:07 |
mcrandello | arcturus: It can't find libmikmod | 05:07 |
mcrandello | weird though, it worked from the console | 05:07 |
OOD | do this: sudo apt-get nvidia-glx | 05:07 |
larson9999 | sotired: i have an fx5500 too so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting it to work | 05:07 |
OOD | then sudo nvidia-xconfig | 05:07 |
OOD | and restart X | 05:07 |
arcturus | mcrandello: looks like part of the smoking gun | 05:08 |
OOD | restart X isn't a command btw | 05:08 |
dr_willis | 'and restart X' command not found. :P | 05:08 |
=== techniq [n=techniq@huntington-terayon2-70-35-172-69.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheHighChild | OOD what does nvidia-xconfig do? | 05:08 |
larson9999 | sotired: this site talkes you through it http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3713 | 05:09 |
OOD | it sets your xorg.conf to use the nvidia driver | 05:09 |
OOD | so no manual xorg.conf editing :P | 05:09 |
TheHighChild | Is that different than 'nvidia-glx-config enable'? | 05:09 |
sotired | when i type sudo apt-get nvidia-glx its says invalid operation | 05:09 |
arcturus | 00D: how do you pull fps running glxgears? | 05:09 |
TheHighChild | apt-get install sotired | 05:09 |
OOD | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 05:10 |
arcturus | terminal shows no fps info | 05:10 |
larson9999 | sortired need an install in there. check that site it has commands you can just cut and paste | 05:10 |
OOD | sorry forgot the install part :) | 05:10 |
dr_willis | !glxgears | 05:10 |
ubotu | To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal. | 05:10 |
arcturus | thanks doc | 05:10 |
moparisthebest | hmm, I wonder if any of you can help me, for no obbbbbbbbvious reason at all and at seemingly random times and with different keys and differeeeeeeeeent programs i get repeating letters | 05:10 |
moparisthebest | its not my keyboard and im not hoooooooolding the key too long | 05:10 |
TheHighChild | OOD: We all do, how is that 'nvidia-xconfig' different than 'nvidia-glx-config enable' or is tehre none? | 05:10 |
sotired | ok...ill restart x and see how it worked | 05:11 |
larson9999 | moparisthebest: i was having the same problem a couple weeks ago. | 05:11 |
moparisthebest | I even reinstalled it yesterday and it worked fine all day yesterday | 05:11 |
OOD | sotired wait | 05:11 |
moparisthebest | now its messed up again, how did you fix it larson9999 ? | 05:11 |
sotired | ok | 05:11 |
arcturus | lol, 10,500 fps on my system :) | 05:11 |
OOD | if you don't get anything at all and your X is screwed | 05:11 |
arcturus | guess the 7600GT isn't a bad card | 05:11 |
sotired | i did it and it downloaded the driver | 05:11 |
mcrandello | okay, so xmms _does_ play mp3's. Anyone know how to make kde get xmms to open them? | 05:11 |
OOD | then press ctrl+alt+F1 | 05:12 |
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OOD | to do a command line login | 05:12 |
larson9999 | moparisthebest: i don't really know i did. i was also noticing some slow downs and did a top and saw all sorts of crap running i didn't need. uninstalled a bunch of them and things have been ok ever since | 05:12 |
mcrandello | I set xmms as the default, when I click on the file xmms opens with the file but does not play it. Pressing play does nothing at all | 05:12 |
sotired | ok...i just did it and cam back. hitting f7..how do i do a command line log on? | 05:12 |
TheHighChild | sotired 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-6-28-06' that will backup your xorg.conf in case you need to restore it | 05:12 |
OOD | wait | 05:12 |
sotired | ok :0 | 05:12 |
sotired | :) | 05:13 |
OOD | this is a 'just in case thing' | 05:13 |
OOD | if kde doesn't start because of a failed nvidia install | 05:13 |
sotired | an 'oh shit' plan? | 05:13 |
moparisthebest | larson9999, problem is Im new with linux and I dont know what I NEED running and what I dont | 05:13 |
arcturus | mcrandello: and if you right click, then open with xmms the same behavior? | 05:13 |
OOD | yea lol | 05:13 |
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OOD | k then do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 05:13 |
mcrandello | arcturus: yep | 05:13 |
OOD | and everything wil be back to normal next reboot | 05:13 |
sotired | so i should type that in console or the command line? | 05:14 |
sotired | *konsole | 05:14 |
arcturus | mcrandello: have you uninstalled, then reinstalled xmms with syaptic? | 05:14 |
larson9999 | moparisthebest: sorry i didn't take better notes but i really don't know what the problem was. i just know i'd hit space and it'd type 5 of them | 05:14 |
TheHighChild | ood why not have him cp his backup xorg? The reconfigure might confuse him a bit | 05:14 |
mcrandello | arcturus: with apt-get from the command line | 05:14 |
sotired | im not a monkey.... | 05:14 |
moparisthebest | yep, thats the problem im having crappppppp :( | 05:14 |
sotired | :-P | 05:14 |
OOD | TheHighChild: eh true | 05:14 |
arcturus | mcrandello: ok | 05:14 |
OOD | backups are annoying tho :P | 05:14 |
OOD | i find it easier to just type that command up instead of copying fikes | 05:15 |
OOD | files* | 05:15 |
sotired | moments like this make me know being microsoft certified means nothing | 05:15 |
arcturus | mcrandello: running from liveCD results in same behavior? | 05:15 |
dr_willis | microsoft certified = you paid your $$ for resume padding. | 05:15 |
TheHighChild | OOD: easier to reconfigure your xserver than cp a file? LOL, that's a new one. | 05:15 |
dr_willis | LO | 05:16 |
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mcrandello | arcturus: haven't tried from the livecd | 05:16 |
sotired | basically.. | 05:16 |
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cfreire | hello everybody... | 05:16 |
larson9999 | sotired: if you follow instructions and things still don't work you might have an issue that me and others have had with dapper. that is that it thinks your card is and intel something or other. you can check that by doing an lsmod. | 05:16 |
sotired | got laid off anyway...goign back to college for comp sci | 05:16 |
TheHighChild | Same thing with Red Hat certs. | 05:16 |
arcturus | mcrandello: this happened to me once but forgot the solution ... if there was one | 05:16 |
OOD | lol, you get too many backups with installing drivers, i got about 6 of them now | 05:16 |
cfreire | somebody can help me with pxe install, please. | 05:16 |
OOD | kinda useless isn't it? | 05:17 |
sotired | im not worried about back ups..if its fried i can live with it | 05:17 |
sotired | i can just re-install | 05:17 |
sotired | so should i just restart and see what happens | 05:17 |
OOD | k so sotired: restart X, if it doesn't work you'll get a blank screen with a logo | 05:17 |
sotired | i like to live on the edge | 05:17 |
sotired | ok...ill be back...i hope | 05:18 |
larson9999 | unless you change more than the normal stuff, i don't see much benefit in backing up xorg.conf. other than it's good practice :) | 05:18 |
OOD | then press ctr+alt+f1 for a command line login | 05:18 |
sotired | how do i log in form the command line | 05:18 |
mcrandello | arcturus: at least I can D&D on top of it | 05:18 |
sotired | just type kdm? | 05:18 |
mcrandello | sotired: <ctrl><alt><F1> then use your user/pass same as in the graphical setup | 05:18 |
OOD | no you'll automatically be asked for username hten passowrd | 05:18 |
sotired | ok | 05:18 |
OOD | and then you'll be at the command line | 05:19 |
OOD | then just do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 05:19 |
OOD | and everything will be back to normal | 05:19 |
bonbonthejon | what does -phigh do | 05:19 |
OOD | i actually don't know :P | 05:19 |
OOD | just that it works :D | 05:19 |
OOD | sotired: you set? | 05:20 |
sotired | im a little confused...why am i doing that last part? | 05:20 |
sotired | yeh i logged in | 05:20 |
OOD | that's if when you restart X and your driver doesn't work and you get a blank screen with a logo | 05:20 |
sotired | oh ok | 05:20 |
OOD | it's just in case things go wrong | 05:20 |
sotired | be right back | 05:21 |
OOD | k | 05:21 |
OOD | let's hope he comes back :D | 05:21 |
larson9999 | sometimes you don't get the logo. at least i don't | 05:21 |
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OOD | you just get a black screen? | 05:21 |
larson9999 | OOD: sometimes | 05:21 |
sotired | no...i hit log out_>end session and then i logged back in | 05:22 |
sotired | everything looks normal | 05:22 |
sotired | so i guess it worked | 05:22 |
OOD | you have to press one of the buttons and click restart X | 05:22 |
OOD | before you log back in | 05:22 |
larson9999 | sotired: got to run something glx to be sure, too | 05:22 |
OOD | nothing happened yet | 05:22 |
OOD | he didnt restart X | 05:23 |
larson9999 | yeah | 05:23 |
larson9999 | that's the reason for the too | 05:23 |
mcrandello | glxinfo -printfps | 05:23 |
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sotired | ok i did restart x server | 05:23 |
sotired | it worked...screen saver loks normal | 05:23 |
sotired | thank you very much | 05:24 |
OOD | you got an nvidia logo at start? | 05:24 |
sotired | no... | 05:24 |
larson9999 | then it didn't work | 05:24 |
sotired | but my framerates are better | 05:24 |
sotired | damnit | 05:24 |
OOD | lol | 05:24 |
sotired | give me logog or give me death | 05:24 |
larson9999 | unless you disabled the logo | 05:24 |
OOD | wait you don't get the nvidia logo unless you reboot i beleive | 05:24 |
sotired | i tired gglx gears again and ive got gears | 05:25 |
OOD | so everything should be fine | 05:25 |
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bonbonthejon | where can I set up for my volume up and down buttons to work in KDE | 05:25 |
mcrandello | maybe -phigh disables the logo | 05:25 |
larson9999 | oh, then it did | 05:25 |
mcrandello | ;P | 05:25 |
OOD | no it doesnt | 05:25 |
sotired | w00t | 05:25 |
sotired | im l33t cuz i have drivers | 05:25 |
OOD | works fine if everything is working | 05:25 |
sotired | sorry...i had too | 05:25 |
OOD | lol | 05:25 |
sotired | thanks again | 05:25 |
OOD | np :) | 05:25 |
sotired | have a good evening | 05:25 |
mcrandello | I think I finally got drivers too now. I had to wait for the 8.26.18 ATI drivers and then reinstall | 05:25 |
cfreire | hello... | 05:25 |
OOD | hey | 05:26 |
mcrandello | you're lucky if you have nvidia | 05:26 |
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OOD | yep :D | 05:26 |
bonbonthejon | anyone? where can I set up for my volume up and down buttons to work in KDE? | 05:26 |
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larson9999 | mcrandello: i was going to ask if ati is good enough to think about buying one... guess not. | 05:26 |
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mcrandello | also I'm afraid to update the thing now for fear the freezing will come back | 05:26 |
OOD | lol, yea ati's a lot of trouble right now | 05:26 |
mcrandello | larson9999: they're great cards, the drivers, not so much. At least they seem to be trying | 05:26 |
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jinho | hi i installed apache, mysql, and php on my system yesterday, but today I can't boot up into kubuntu- is there a way to uninstall these three to try to get the system runnign again? | 05:27 |
arcturus | bonbon: what volume up & down buttons? | 05:27 |
cfreire | talk about pxe install, please... | 05:27 |
mcrandello | of course this is a 200m on a laptop so ymmv | 05:27 |
bonbonthejon | arc: on an hp laptop | 05:27 |
OOD | jinho: you can't boot in anymore? | 05:27 |
larson9999 | mcrandello: i tried an nvidia and ati years ago(2000?) and nvidia was the only one i got working so i haven't tried ati since | 05:27 |
jinho | OOD: the OS wont load- I get a blank screen when I should be getting the blue Kubuntu loader | 05:27 |
larson9999 | but from what i read ati does seem to be trying more | 05:28 |
mcrandello | larson9999: I remember when ATI was the card to get for linux (the mach64 era) | 05:28 |
jinho | OOD: when I go into safe mode, I can do the command line stuff, but I cant get back into the GUI by exit | 05:28 |
OOD | jinho: try pressing ctrol+alt+f1 for a command line login | 05:28 |
mcrandello | bonbonthejon: you mean the "Fn" key combo for the volume? | 05:28 |
larson9999 | mccrandle yeah. i think i had s3 until 2000 | 05:28 |
OOD | then try uninstalling the programs with apt-get | 05:28 |
arcturus | bonbon: possibly a key bindings thing | 05:28 |
jinho | OOD: I tried apt-get remove mysql | 05:29 |
bonbonthejon | mcran, no there are small buttons on the side for vol up and down and mute | 05:29 |
jinho | and it said it wasnt installed... | 05:29 |
jinho | but I did install it yesterday | 05:29 |
jinho | wich is so weird | 05:29 |
bonbonthejon | arc, where do I do a key binding | 05:29 |
OOD | jinho: wierd, and this is from php\mysql\apache? i.0 | 05:30 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind: get bittorrent working? | 05:30 |
jinho | OOD: at this point that's what I think since those are the last things I did | 05:30 |
arcturus | bonbon: uncertain, maybe a 'key binding kde' google query | 05:30 |
jinho | OOD: I also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but no luck | 05:30 |
bonbonthejon | arc, I found how to do it, but when I try pushing the button for kde to recognize it, I get nothing | 05:31 |
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Hawkwind | larson9999: No. But I managed to get ktorrent working for a couple of sites. Not the one I really want it to work with | 05:31 |
larson9999 | Hawkwind: got a link i could try? | 05:32 |
Hawkwind | larson9999: Ummm, it's invite only | 05:32 |
Hawkwind | Heh | 05:32 |
mcrandello | bonbonthejon: this may help http://dev-loki.blogspot.com/2006/04/mapping-unsupported-keys-with-xmodmap.html | 05:32 |
OOD | jinho: hmm, try logging in through the command line and do startx, it'll tell you at the end what the problem might be | 05:32 |
larson9999 | time to make the doughnuts | 05:32 |
jinho | so do CTRL ALT F1 | 05:32 |
jinho | then log in | 05:32 |
mcrandello | bonbonthejon: it's a bit dense but if xev will recognize the buttons there's a chance it will work | 05:33 |
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jinho | and type startx? | 05:33 |
bonbonthejon | mcran, thanks, i'll look into it | 05:33 |
cfreire | hola. alguien escribe en espaol? | 05:33 |
mcrandello | bonbonthejon: I actually need to figure out my Fn keys on the toshiba | 05:33 |
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OOD | yes, that's the command to start X, it;ll give you feedback on what the problem might be | 05:33 |
bonbonthejon | mcran, guess we're in the same boat | 05:33 |
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arcturus | lol, seems everyone runs laptops these days | 05:34 |
jinho | kk | 05:34 |
OOD | i don't :D | 05:34 |
jinho | brb | 05:34 |
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arcturus | me neither :) | 05:34 |
arcturus | less trouble | 05:34 |
bonbonthejon | night all | 05:34 |
mcrandello | later, good luch | 05:35 |
mcrandello | luck | 05:35 |
OOD | although a new screen would be nice, my crt replaces my heater :( | 05:35 |
cfreire | hola, hola... | 05:35 |
macd | how is it traceroute isnt installed by default on kubuntu | 05:37 |
macd | teh quirks they're killing me | 05:37 |
TheHighChild | Laptops are great! Who wants to drink a beer siting in their 90 degree computer room? I'd rather smoke one and have a few beers with my dog on my hammock | 05:37 |
mcrandello | I miss the heat output, sitting in a 67F server operations room | 05:38 |
TheHighChild | mcrandello: ditto here, cept we're at 69 | 05:38 |
TheHighChild | getting some new edpacs this month, prolly push it to around 60 | 05:38 |
crimsun | macd: tracepath is | 05:39 |
macd | we hover ~62 | 05:39 |
mcrandello | at least we haven't gotten rid of the as/400's dumb term | 05:39 |
macd | yes@tracepath, but I dont know these "new" things ;P | 05:39 |
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arcturus | macd: kmenu > system > network tools | 05:39 |
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crimsun | macd: then install traceroute{,-nanog} ;) | 05:39 |
macd | oh yes, I did | 05:39 |
jinho | ODD: this is very strange | 05:39 |
jinho | ODD: I'm in kubuntu now, but I seem to be using a restricted version... | 05:40 |
OOD | you got in? | 05:40 |
jinho | yeah | 05:40 |
TheHighChild | mcrandello: Are you an operator or just working in the MR? | 05:40 |
jinho | but this is definately different from how it normally is | 05:40 |
OOD | so something's not right with the startup | 05:40 |
OOD | how's it restricted? | 05:40 |
jinho | i guess not | 05:40 |
jinho | well for starters my home folder is all different | 05:40 |
mcrandello | TheHighChild: lowly pfy | 05:40 |
OOD | i think you got in as root | 05:41 |
TheHighChild | mcrandello: pfy? | 05:41 |
arcturus | network tools has ping, netstat, traceroute, port scan ... | 05:41 |
jinho | ah you're right | 05:41 |
jinho | lol | 05:41 |
OOD | how though lol? | 05:41 |
jinho | i dunno | 05:41 |
mcrandello | pimply faced youth, as opposed to bofh | 05:41 |
OOD | you logged in as root at the command line? | 05:41 |
mcrandello | bastard operator from hell | 05:41 |
jinho | i went in through recovery mode cuz that was the only way the system was responding | 05:41 |
mcrandello | I just make sure nothing blows up :) | 05:42 |
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jinho | OOD: ctrl alt f1 will let me sign in as my account? | 05:42 |
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mcrandello | jinho: yes | 05:42 |
OOD | it should've when you got that bkacl screen | 05:42 |
flake | good evening | 05:42 |
TheHighChild | mcrandello: Gotcha, I'm an Op. Glorified tape monkey. About my only saving grace is the name I work for. It's a crap job but it looks spank on a resume | 05:42 |
OOD | you don't need to boot off the cd to do ctr+alt+f1 | 05:42 |
pussfeller | anyone got that new skype working? I can test the sounds in the configure page, and I hear a bit of ringing, but then it sez problem with sound device | 05:43 |
mcrandello | working for the florida state university system. Not much for the resume but free classes+job security :) | 05:43 |
OOD | pussfeller: yes, it sucks though :( | 05:43 |
OOD | the only new thing is alsa support | 05:43 |
TheHighChild | mcrandello: Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science over here. Secure, yes, classes yes, satisfaction, not a drop | 05:43 |
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nixternal | !multiverse | 05:44 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 05:44 |
pussfeller | OOD: i keep getting sound problems still tho | 05:44 |
pussfeller | and call failed, i dont get it | 05:44 |
OOD | well it is beta | 05:44 |
pussfeller | ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:762:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream | 05:45 |
mcrandello | night all! | 05:45 |
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jinho | OOD: lol so weird, it worked now | 05:46 |
OOD | o___0 | 05:46 |
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jinho | i love kubuntu, but sometimes i just get so confused by it | 05:46 |
flake | same here | 05:47 |
OOD | yea there's a learning curve, you get the hang of it after a while :) | 05:47 |
Kr4t05 | jinho, just be patient, and you'll be learning it in no time. | 05:48 |
Kr4t05 | :) | 05:48 |
flake | so far I learned how to mount my ntfs drives as read only, and can run a few windoze programs using wine | 05:50 |
jinho | flake: which programs are these? | 05:51 |
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flake | i installed wine and can now run a few windows programs | 05:51 |
TheHighChild | jinho: Personally I have Dreamweaver and Picasa running through Wine | 05:51 |
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jinho | TheHighChild: Dreamweaver 8? | 05:52 |
flake | used the package manager to install wine | 05:52 |
TheHighChild | jinho: No, MX | 05:52 |
jinho | TheHighChild: Do you have flash installed as well by chance? | 05:52 |
TheHighChild | jinho: No, I haven't tried it. | 05:52 |
flake | i'm having problems with flash 8+, can't see the quake et site | 05:52 |
jinho | how's the speed compared to windows? | 05:53 |
flake | i tried installing via the opera and firefox too | 05:53 |
jinho | flake: what do you mean quake et site? | 05:53 |
TheHighChild | jinho: honestly, I would suggest looking into Crossover Office, its better and easier than Wine | 05:53 |
flake | yes | 05:53 |
TheHighChild | is there flash 8 support for tux yet? | 05:53 |
TheHighChild | probably ET Quake Wars | 05:53 |
flake | right | 05:53 |
TheHighChild | flake: As far as I know (isn't much) flash 8 isn't supported on Tux yet | 05:54 |
flake | the next two to three missing years of where my life will go | 05:54 |
TheHighChild | flake: You play ET? | 05:54 |
flake | yes, i have been for a few years | 05:54 |
flake | have alot of other stuff but always come back to et | 05:55 |
TheHighChild | flake: Look me up on the LOA and Shiat-Storm servers sometime | 05:55 |
flake | ok, you gave me the SS link the other night I think | 05:55 |
flake | i tried the insane ip but it was empty, it was late too | 05:55 |
TheHighChild | flake: That is our flagship server but it's been empty because we've been testing a new mod, no quarter. A few of my friends made it | 05:56 |
flake | ok cool | 05:57 |
OOD | *remembeer about et and goes to download* | 05:57 |
moparisthebest | has anyone on here ever instttttttalled doom3 on kubuntu? | 05:57 |
OOD | remembers* | 05:57 |
TheHighChild | OOD need a link? | 05:57 |
OOD | if you got a fast one sure, i can never find a good link :) | 05:57 |
TheHighChild | ood http://www.shitstormfiles.com/utilities/ | 05:57 |
moparisthebest | does anyone know how to install or fix opengl? ;p | 05:58 |
TheHighChild | right click and save as | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | a really fast link is this: | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | hold on | 05:58 |
flake | would any windows with their dll directx9 run poorly here under wine compared to windows? | 05:58 |
OOD | opengl is with the nvidia driver | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | it couldnt find it OOD | 05:58 |
OOD | if it's an opengl game it runs very well | 05:58 |
TheHighChild | take care guys, I'm out | 05:58 |
OOD | unreal 2004 works better in wine than the native version | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | i installed some opengl things from adept | 05:58 |
flake | see you THC | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | and now it cannnnnnnt open the X display | 05:58 |
TheHighChild | OOD that file should download pretty fast ~1MBps | 05:58 |
moparisthebest | w/e that mmmmmmmeans :( | 05:58 |
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OOD | TheHighChild: thanks | 05:59 |
moparisthebest | http://zerowing.idsoftware.com:6969/ | 05:59 |
moparisthebest | there OOD its a torrent straight from id | 05:59 |
moparisthebest | 462 mb downloaded in 15 minutes for me | 05:59 |
jinho | what is this torrent for? | 06:00 |
OOD | enemy territory | 06:00 |
OOD | whoah fastest torrent ever | 06:00 |
jinho | demo? | 06:01 |
OOD | nvm it dropped to 150k :( | 06:01 |
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OOD | no the game is freeware | 06:02 |
flake | no et is full version | 06:02 |
flake | do the applets on my panel such as the clipboard, time, trashcan, and i added the terminal - take up alot of cpu resource or memory? does it matter? | 06:04 |
jinho | o shit...gotta get me it | 06:04 |
jinho | lol | 06:04 |
jinho | which one is this? | 06:04 |
flake | and while i'm playing ET, is there a hotkey i can hit to switch me to Desktop 2? | 06:04 |
OOD | flake: i've always wondered that, i miss being able to minimize a game the way you can in windows | 06:05 |
flake | in windows tho, i've never been able to minimize et | 06:05 |
flake | only pull up the task bar | 06:06 |
OOD | not et, but other games | 06:06 |
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flake | right | 06:06 |
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jinho | wait enemy territory is freeware? | 06:06 |
OOD | if you guys are into games then you should check this oen out: http://www.tremulous.net/index.php?section=about | 06:06 |
OOD | yes it is | 06:06 |
flake | yes, and it still rocks | 06:07 |
jinho | how exactly does this work? | 06:07 |
jinho | since when was ID into freeware? | 06:07 |
OOD | check the game i just posted a link too | 06:07 |
OOD | amazing game with a slight mix with rts on the q3 engine | 06:07 |
jinho | http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/enemyterritoryquakewars/screenindex.html | 06:07 |
jinho | this isnt the same thing though | 06:07 |
OOD | no this is quake wars | 06:08 |
jinho | lol | 06:08 |
OOD | that's something different | 06:08 |
OOD | yea | 06:08 |
jinho | yeah ok my jaws were dropping when I thought this was the free thing | 06:08 |
OOD | heh | 06:08 |
jinho | you mean enemy territory wolfenstein? | 06:08 |
OOD | enemy territory was supposed to be an expansion to castel wofenstein | 06:08 |
OOD | yea | 06:08 |
jinho | ahh now it makes sense lol | 06:09 |
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moparisthebest | when I try to install the latest nvidia driver, it says I have to end the X server, hhhhhhhhow would I do that? | 06:09 |
jinho | will a radeon 9200 suffice for it? | 06:09 |
OOD | for enemy territory? deffinitely | 06:09 |
=== GullyFoyle [n=jpar@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
OOD | check this game out too:http://www.tremulous.net/index.php?section=about (yes i posted that link already :P) | 06:09 |
malubankudi | any gentoo usrs in here? | 06:09 |
Hawkwind | moparisthebest: telinit 3 or /etc/init.d/kdm stop or something similar | 06:10 |
OOD | nope, mostly kubuntu :D | 06:10 |
OOD | ctr+alt+backspace ? | 06:10 |
OOD | easier then typing in the console | 06:10 |
Hawkwind | OOD: That will take him back to the GUI, then he could do it from there too, sure | 06:10 |
flake | tremulous looks interesting | 06:11 |
bobstro | moparisthebest: /etc/init.d/kdm restart will shut it down and restart but yeah, ctl-alt-delete does too | 06:11 |
Hawkwind | Just choose login into console from the GUI login screen | 06:11 |
OOD | ctr+alt+backspace* not delete | 06:11 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bobstro | er yeah :) | 06:11 |
Hawkwind | OOD: Right, that takes you back to the GUI login | 06:11 |
moparisthebest | ok, thanks, ill try and hopeuflly be back soon :P | 06:11 |
OOD | flake: that game's adictive :P it great | 06:11 |
Hawkwind | Hobbsee: Good morning to ya :) | 06:11 |
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bobstro | or if you've got the keys screwed up, shift-backspace :) | 06:11 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: Heh | 06:11 |
OOD | Hawkwind: it also restarts X which is the idea :) | 06:12 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: Speaking from experience are ya ? | 06:12 |
bobstro | Hawkwind: finally fixed that one. somewhat annying. | 06:12 |
Hawkwind | OOD: He wants to KILL X not restart it :P | 06:12 |
bobstro | Hawkwind: yeah, not sure why, but i had to force the US keyboard. | 06:12 |
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bobstro | Hawkwind: thought he wanted to restart to see if the new driver worked? | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | hi Hawkwind | 06:12 |
OOD | he's installign the nvidia driver, he want's to restart it :D | 06:12 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: No. He's wanting to install them | 06:12 |
bobstro | Hawkwind: ahm. i had no problem installing, then re-starting. | 06:12 |
Hawkwind | OOD: He's installing from nvidia.com I thought. Maybe I misunderstood him | 06:12 |
bobstro | Hawkwind: i don't exactly see how stopping and then starting would be a lot different. | 06:13 |
OOD | Hawkwind: hmm i think you're right | 06:13 |
Hawkwind | Hobbsee: Hows life in Aussie land this morning | 06:13 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: He needs to kill X, install the drivers from nvidia.com which require no X, then he can restart X after the install | 06:13 |
=== ikkir [n=ikkir@adsl-75-25-17-245.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | Hawkwind: okay, didnt wake up that long ago, and it's 2pm | 06:13 |
OOD | yea | 06:13 |
Hawkwind | Hobbsee: Slacker! | 06:13 |
Hawkwind | :P | 06:13 |
OOD | why though, much easier with apt-get :D | 06:14 |
Hawkwind | OOD: Maybe he doesn't know the apt-get way. Would be my guess | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | Hawkwind: :P | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | Hawkwind: AU/UK and AU/US timezones are terrible | 06:14 |
OOD | Hawkwind: guess we shoulda told him :P | 06:14 |
=== RogueJediAxl_ [n=roguejed@BSN-77-186-162.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hawkwind | OOD: Heh. Probably so | 06:15 |
flake | what is xgl? isn't k3d just as well? | 06:15 |
bobstro | Hawkwind: i guess the windows way to would be to reboot. | 06:15 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: Hah so true | 06:15 |
Hawkwind | bobstro: Though now it seems there is a minimum of 10 reboots for anything you do in Windows | 06:16 |
Hawkwind | flake: XGL and k3b are two totally different things | 06:16 |
bobstro | only if you use the mouse | 06:16 |
Hawkwind | k3b is burning software, XGL is graphics stuff | 06:16 |
bobstro | yeah, but which is better? | 06:16 |
OOD | lol, you cant compare them | 06:16 |
=== narq [n=whatthef@community-ctr-wireless-ap1.bettendorf.org] has joined #kubuntu | ||
OOD | theyre apples and volcanoes | 06:16 |
kkathman | rofl | 06:16 |
Hawkwind | LOL | 06:17 |
flake | but if you throw the apple into the volcano they become as one | 06:17 |
bobstro | someone should do a benchmarking article | 06:17 |
Hawkwind | flake: No, the apples discentegrates actually | 06:17 |
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flake | so volcano is better than apple | 06:17 |
flake | lol | 06:17 |
OOD | lol moments like there remind me of bash .org | 06:18 |
Hawkwind | OOD: Hah, I was thinking the same thing | 06:18 |
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Hawkwind | OOD: There he is, get him! | 06:21 |
Hawkwind | Heh | 06:21 |
Hawkwind | moparisthebest: Got nvidia working now ? | 06:21 |
OOD | lol | 06:21 |
Hawkwind | Hmmm, no response. Usually not a good sign | 06:22 |
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=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
OOD | nah he's fine, probably enjoying his new 3D accelaration :P | 06:22 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | is there a gui utility to test overclocked cpu stability? | 06:23 |
Hawkwind | Probably got a game running full screen already | 06:23 |
moparisthebest | no Hawkwind | 06:23 |
moparisthebest | it said it couldnt find a driver for my kernel | 06:24 |
moparisthebest | so it had to compile one | 06:24 |
moparisthebest | but i didnt have a c compiler installed yet i guess | 06:24 |
Hawkwind | moparisthebest: Why not apt-get the nvidia stuff ? | 06:24 |
OOD | try compiling Wine, if it doesn't freeze while compiling then it's stable :D | 06:24 |
Hawkwind | !nvidia | 06:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:24 |
Hawkwind | OOD: LOL. Hell of a thing to suggest | 06:24 |
OOD | lol | 06:24 |
moparisthebest | i guess i could do it the easy way with apt-get :P | 06:24 |
moparisthebest | i guess im used to doing things the hard way | 06:25 |
moparisthebest | just came from windows a few days ago :p | 06:25 |
Hawkwind | moparisthebest: I was too when I ran Mandriva up til 5 days ago | 06:25 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | well , i wish i could compile wine , but it doesnt want to compile under x64 | 06:25 |
Hawkwind | I always installed the drivers from nvidia.com. Now I use the Ubuntu pre-packaged stuff | 06:25 |
thompa | ok, I think everything is ok now. | 06:25 |
OOD | yea, just do sudo apt-get nvidia-glx | 06:25 |
OOD | then sudo nvidia-xconfig and you're done | 06:26 |
thompa | touchpad has been only issue | 06:26 |
thompa | but then its sony vaio which has worst linux support in history | 06:26 |
thompa | i can type tpoff and touchpad is off now | 06:27 |
=== piotr_ [n=piotr@197-152.is.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | but i dont know what happened to qsynaptics it was working | 06:28 |
flake | how do i run a .run file | 06:28 |
=== boingolov [n=nathan@c-68-53-90-135.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
OOD | where'd you get a .run file? | 06:28 |
flake | i saved: tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run to my home folder | 06:28 |
OOD | oh ok | 06:28 |
Hawkwind | flake: sh filename.run ? | 06:29 |
thompa | ksynaptics i think is not for xorg | 06:29 |
flake | ahh | 06:29 |
OOD | sh ./ tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run | 06:29 |
=== driz [n=driz@pool-72-72-121-204.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Hawkwind | Or ./filename.run | 06:29 |
Hawkwind | There are several ways | 06:29 |
OOD | yea | 06:29 |
OOD | if you get an old school installer after starting the installer then scroll up in the konsole | 06:29 |
thompa | how do i play streaming audio without having to open real player first? | 06:30 |
OOD | it'll say that some package is missing, install it and then you'll get a regular installer | 06:30 |
flake | thanks | 06:30 |
boingolov | having a bit of trouble with wine: I am using the ies4linux setup and I installed the shockwave player plugin for ie6. once this has finished, it tells me I need to reboot. I run wineboot and it's as though nothing happens, it keeps asking me to reboot once I hit a page with the shockwave plugin | 06:30 |
boingolov | any thoughts? | 06:30 |
thompa | that sucks | 06:30 |
=== GullyFoyle [n=jpar@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | if i click the link i get no sound and have to close and open realplayer | 06:31 |
thompa | other than that kubuntu still best distro | 06:31 |
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=== moparisthebest [n=mopar@cpe-69-135-193-124.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
moparisthebest | sweet, should be good now :) | 06:32 |
thompa | why do kubuntu menus appear faster than in gnome? | 06:32 |
Hawkwind | boingolov: Might try asking in #WineHQ | 06:32 |
OOD | they do? from my experience gnome is snapier | 06:32 |
boingolov | thank you | 06:32 |
moparisthebest | yay, doom3 works :) thanks OOD and Hawkwind | 06:33 |
OOD | np :) | 06:34 |
Hawkwind | moparisthebest: No problem :) | 06:34 |
Hawkwind | boingolov: You're welcome | 06:35 |
OOD | does anyone remember the command to change passwords? | 06:35 |
narq | w | 06:36 |
narq | <nile> _Lewellyn is using windows? | 06:36 |
ArmedGeek | the newer KDE is quicker than gnome. that's what finally caused me to switch. and you can ask Hawkwind, i've been using gnome forever | 06:36 |
Hawkwind | Gnome addict he is! | 06:37 |
=== bob_ [n=bob@60-240-136-156-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
boingolov | I've always liked kde, if for no other reason than that's the first one I tried many years ago. and at that time, when I tried gnome to compare, it was very buggy compared. so I got used to kde | 06:39 |
Hawkwind | It's all about E17 :P | 06:40 |
Hawkwind | I don't care for KDE or Gnome, but prefer KDE to Gnome any day | 06:40 |
boingolov | gnome is pretty damn slick these days, but I'm a creature of habit | 06:40 |
Hawkwind | Though I do use a few KDE apps and don't mind seeing KDE if I have to | 06:40 |
OOD | i went with kde, since gnome is a nightmare with usability and customizability | 06:40 |
Hawkwind | OOD: I agree 100% with you on that | 06:41 |
OOD | nautillous doesn't even have a flipin address bar | 06:41 |
OOD | that really annoyed me | 06:41 |
boingolov | meh, screw both of their built-in browsers | 06:41 |
boingolov | I see no reason to use anything but firefox, or occasionally ie6 under wine when I have to test something | 06:41 |
boingolov | or when I just like seeing the fans kick on | 06:41 |
Hawkwind | I really used to love all the GTK2 stuff and still do for some things. But QT has really gotten to look nicer over the years IMO | 06:41 |
Hawkwind | I use konqueror as a file manager. It's horrible as a webbrowser IMO | 06:42 |
thompa | mostly i need kword and abiword, do email thats it presto | 06:42 |
thompa | konqueror has good pdf integration | 06:43 |
OOD | plus, kde has bouncy icons, and that's something i'd kill for any day :D | 06:44 |
jinho | hey for enemy territory | 06:45 |
jinho | the menu is even really really slow | 06:45 |
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jinho | I got the message that says "You are using software Mesa (no hardware acceleration)! | 06:46 |
flake | you have to install the driver, it's using software mode i think, which is why it is slow | 06:46 |
jinho | how can I get hardware acceleration? | 06:46 |
flake | do you have nvidia? | 06:46 |
Hawkwind | !ati | 06:46 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:46 |
jinho | which driver do I need? | 06:46 |
jinho | ATI | 06:46 |
Hawkwind | Read that | 06:46 |
jinho | except i have a radeon 9200 which is less than 9500 | 06:47 |
jinho | for fglrx | 06:47 |
OOD | that's fine | 06:47 |
jinho | install it then? | 06:48 |
moparisthebest | ati uck | 06:48 |
bob_ | anyone got any ideas how to run a remote desktop server on port 80? | 06:48 |
moparisthebest | but its better than onboard i guess | 06:48 |
jinho | moparisthebest: well seeing how its what I'm stuck with... | 06:48 |
thompa | ive tried with ati many times no results | 06:49 |
moparisthebest | yep | 06:49 |
=== chunLaptop [n=chun@adsl-68-122-118-122.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
moparisthebest | i havent tried ati personally | 06:49 |
moparisthebest | but ive seen many friends try it | 06:49 |
moparisthebest | and my nvidia always is better | 06:49 |
thompa | if you use normal graphics its ok | 06:49 |
thompa | i got a 660 and 6200 in a laptop | 06:50 |
thompa | but it overheats | 06:50 |
boingolov | my laptop tends to get a bit hot at times, depending on what I'm doing | 06:50 |
thompa | it says 100C on temp monitor | 06:50 |
OOD | oh god | 06:51 |
boingolov | especially gcc | 06:51 |
OOD | celcius? | 06:51 |
thompa | but still works, | 06:51 |
thompa | yes | 06:51 |
OOD | o______________0 | 06:51 |
thompa | ive proved it, its a vaio and can go up to 100c | 06:51 |
moparisthebest | 100 celsius? | 06:51 |
thompa | yep | 06:51 |
OOD | i can boil water on that thing | 06:51 |
thompa | if i run bzflag | 06:51 |
moparisthebest | it must be fareinhight (sp?) | 06:51 |
OOD | lol | 06:51 |
thompa | or opengl stuff | 06:51 |
moparisthebest | no way you can heat that up to 212 degrees and it not melt | 06:52 |
thompa | anything with cpu 100% also | 06:52 |
boingolov | I've gotten mine up over 70 regularly | 06:52 |
boingolov | celsius | 06:52 |
moparisthebest | i had a athlon xp 2000+ partially melt at 120 F | 06:52 |
thompa | and there is a factor which has to do with acpi involved | 06:52 |
thompa | i am now at 54c | 06:52 |
boingolov | mine shuts down if it gets up too high | 06:52 |
OOD | this is where desktops shine :D | 06:52 |
thompa | but if i run bzflag it climbs to 98C | 06:53 |
thompa | i think the reading must be incorrect | 06:53 |
thompa | its damn hot though | 06:53 |
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OOD | thompa that's ridiculous, how can a cpu operate at 100C | 06:53 |
=== jinho [n=paul@user-12lcjbl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jinho | help... | 06:54 |
thompa | well temp montior says so | 06:54 |
flake | what's up jinho | 06:54 |
jinho | kubuntu went whack | 06:54 |
OOD | monitors lie, they get screwed up | 06:54 |
jinho | and my monitor | 06:54 |
thompa | the vaio nvidia chip is near the cpu | 06:54 |
jinho | went from 1280x1024 to 640 480 | 06:54 |
thompa | so the reading i think is correct | 06:54 |
moparisthebest | the reading must be wrong, thats the only answer | 06:54 |
jinho | i tried fixing it w/ dpkg-reconfigure | 06:55 |
jinho | but no good | 06:55 |
OOD | can't be 100C that's the boiling point of water that's way too hot | 06:55 |
jinho | this is very weird... | 06:55 |
flake | you installed the drivers? | 06:55 |
=== GreyStar [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
thompa | but then this vaio has water damage so who knows | 06:55 |
flake | did you try increasing it back to 1280x1024 | 06:55 |
jinho | how do i do that? | 06:56 |
thompa | i think its maybe 85c realistically, it has something to do with nviidago | 06:56 |
jinho | it only has 640 4809 | 06:56 |
jinho | 480* | 06:56 |
jinho | in the display area | 06:57 |
OOD | change the monitor driver model | 06:57 |
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jinho | shit what is wrong w/ my comp today | 06:57 |
OOD | go to the hardware tab | 06:57 |
thompa | the graphics on this vaio are awsome though i run all the opengl screensavers and stuff | 06:57 |
moparisthebest | thompa, if it was operating at the boiling tempature of water you would not be talking to us right now because your processor would be liquid plastic | 06:57 |
thompa | duh | 06:57 |
jinho | OOD: how can I get root access? | 06:57 |
OOD | for what? | 06:58 |
OOD | oh | 06:58 |
jinho | to be able to change the hardware stuff for monitor | 06:58 |
OOD | a box should appear asking for your password | 06:58 |
thompa | a processor can run at 100c and more just so you know | 06:58 |
OOD | did it? | 06:58 |
moparisthebest | jinho, sudo -i | 06:58 |
flake | sudo | 06:58 |
thompa | but thats besides the point, if i can find an acurrate reading | 06:58 |
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | it still will say 100c across all linux distros | 06:59 |
=== grimse [n=grimse@F2121.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | in ubuntu vaio with nvidia is about 85c | 07:00 |
boingolov | doesn't mean that the sensor itsself doesn't read a bit high. I'm sure that windows or linux or whatever you run on it will read the same value from your sensor, but that doesn't mean ithe sensor is necessarily accurate | 07:00 |
thompa | its cooler by about 10c if acpi is correct | 07:00 |
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boingolov | but mine shows 55 C right now, and if I compile a kernel for instance it gets up around the 70-74 range | 07:00 |
thompa | theres no bios sensor so i have no way of knowing anything | 07:01 |
boingolov | 100 does sound excessive, but regardless these little boogers get hot | 07:01 |
thompa | the sony vaio had most heat problem | 07:01 |
OOD | how do i get the sensors working? haven't bothered trying yet | 07:02 |
boingolov | mine's an hp | 07:02 |
moparisthebest | thompa, get a thermometer and hold it on your processor while its running | 07:02 |
moparisthebest | try to put it under the heatsink a little if you can | 07:02 |
thompa | 2004-5 vaios have heat issues | 07:02 |
thompa | what kind of thermo? | 07:02 |
boingolov | ksysguard can do it | 07:03 |
thompa | i got to take all the screws off like 60 | 07:03 |
thompa | but ok | 07:03 |
flake | speakin of heat.. watch out for exploding laptops | 07:03 |
flake | http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/06/21.8.shtml | 07:03 |
boingolov | if you have your acpi stuff working | 07:03 |
thompa | it not dangerous | 07:03 |
thompa | ive had over 30k volts shock | 07:03 |
thompa | many times actually | 07:03 |
moparisthebest | eh, I guess its just what you get for buying a sony computer :P | 07:04 |
OOD | boingolov: i haven's set up my sensors yet | 07:04 |
thompa | heh | 07:04 |
=== omar [n=omar@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
OOD | and i don't have acpi set up either | 07:04 |
thompa | it runs good if i disable touchpad | 07:04 |
boingolov | on a lot of systems it should "just work" | 07:05 |
thompa | the toshiba is so far best on linux | 07:05 |
thompa | then i saw one woth lenovo which was nice | 07:05 |
boingolov | my hp has been fine for the most part, except when I first bought it the i915 chipset wasn't very well supported in distros | 07:05 |
omar | guys ... I've installed Xubuntu using an installation CD and now I installed Kubuntu using synaptic .... Can I easily remove Xubuntu using synaptic too ? | 07:05 |
boingolov | but any centrino - based lappy would have that problem | 07:06 |
boingolov | it's great now though | 07:06 |
OOD | omar: here : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 07:06 |
thompa | i would like to easily find list of xgames? | 07:06 |
thompa | i installed them, but have to remmeber the names or cant type them | 07:07 |
thompa | its centino, | 07:07 |
thompa | but the nvidia graphics are fasteer than on PC | 07:07 |
=== n0ctuRnaL-fieNd [n=beavis@c-68-81-26-52.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | centrino whatever | 07:08 |
=== winXperts [n=WinXpert@ip70-171-63-240.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
boingolov | mine has the crappy intel video | 07:08 |
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thompa | its running very smooth now | 07:08 |
thompa | i810? | 07:08 |
boingolov | i915 | 07:08 |
thompa | its good video too | 07:09 |
thompa | you can run opengl stuff | 07:09 |
boingolov | uses the i810 driver tho | 07:09 |
boingolov | yeah | 07:09 |
boingolov | it's fine really | 07:09 |
boingolov | just not a gaming machine by any stretch | 07:09 |
boingolov | not that I really care | 07:09 |
thompa | no | 07:09 |
thompa | but screen savers worked | 07:09 |
boingolov | but yeah< I've had great experieences in the past with nvidia hardware w/ linux | 07:10 |
thompa | the only reason i have windows is flight simulator | 07:10 |
omar | OOD: the tutorial says nuthing about if I installed Xubuntu from a CD ! | 07:10 |
thompa | and the windows part always messes up | 07:10 |
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
boingolov | I have windows for protools and photoshop. and I don't need photoshop that often | 07:10 |
OOD | omar: just paste all that into terminal and xubuntu will be gone, doesn;t matter where the install came from | 07:10 |
flake | is there an open sourced flash or animation tool available | 07:11 |
OOD | i use windows for making music with FL Studio | 07:11 |
thompa | edubuntu is really cool | 07:11 |
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OOD | won't work in wine :( | 07:11 |
OOD | that's the one program keeping me in windows | 07:11 |
thompa | im practicing airbus flight sim, its fun | 07:12 |
omar | OOD: Thanks | 07:12 |
thompa | but wings are unstable, also | 07:12 |
boingolov | this laptop has enough trouble running protools natively on XP, I wouldn't even try it under wine haha | 07:12 |
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
thompa | also "open door hatch" opens too easily | 07:12 |
thompa | but most the games even suck in windows | 07:13 |
=== AncientNewbie [n=rex@58-163-147-123.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | heroes3 linux , still are fav here | 07:13 |
flake | see yall later, thanks for the help | 07:14 |
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OOD | later | 07:15 |
Hawkwind | See ya flake | 07:15 |
thompa | its nice to see moonlander | 07:15 |
=== vsingh [n=vsingh@CPE0014bf4af6c2-CM000a739caee2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | heh | 07:15 |
thompa | you gotta apt-get install moonlander | 07:15 |
thompa | its grear | 07:16 |
=== kernal [n=kernal@r200-125-45-15-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
moparisthebest | i saw someplace how to mount iso files | 07:16 |
moparisthebest | but now i cant remmber where, does anyone know? | 07:17 |
=== noaXess [n=noaXess@cust.static.217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | is there a way to get a katapult-type thing in the k menu? like just a search app/run box? | 07:17 |
OOD | yes | 07:17 |
word | OOD: How? | 07:18 |
OOD | you can also start katapult with ALT+SPACE | 07:18 |
OOD | i find it easier | 07:18 |
word | b-b-b-ut... | 07:18 |
OOD | but if you want it in the kmenu | 07:18 |
OOD | open the k menu and right click | 07:18 |
OOD | and click edit-item | 07:18 |
OOD | then add a new item and the in the 'command' box type katapult, then you can mess with the icon and position it is on the k-menu :) | 07:19 |
word | that won't make an icon it'll make a search box? | 07:19 |
OOD | eh? you want a search box? | 07:20 |
OOD | isn't that what katapult basically is? a search box? | 07:20 |
word | yah that's what i was talking about a search/run box like katapult in the k menu | 07:20 |
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OOD | oh you want a katapult search directly in the k-menu? | 07:21 |
word | yah | 07:21 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | how do i check cpu info ? | 07:21 |
OOD | i see | 07:21 |
OOD | katapult can't do that | 07:21 |
OOD | but you can download beagle, and it's sort of like the search box in vista | 07:22 |
word | hm | 07:22 |
OOD | wich is what you'd want right? | 07:22 |
OOD | it indexes the hard drive | 07:22 |
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word | naw just an application search | 07:22 |
word | doesn't matter I guess | 07:22 |
OOD | beagle could do that yes | 07:23 |
OOD | you can chose to index a whole hard-drive, or just apps | 07:23 |
word | meh installing beagle sounds like work :P | 07:24 |
drgonzo | mmm, this isn't kde specific but I noticed you where talking about beagle. Does anyone know of any full-text indexing software that I could use for just an ebook journal collection I have which is both pdf and djvu ? | 07:24 |
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OOD | it's a gnome specific app so it might not work perfectly | 07:25 |
OOD | just do sudo apt-get beagle | 07:25 |
OOD | although that'll install a bunch of packages and take up 50 some megs | 07:25 |
word | unless you've installed gnome apps before | 07:26 |
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boingolov | it would be hard to have a usable system without gtk/gtk2 installed at least | 07:26 |
OOD | i'm not even sure if beagle will add a search box to the start menu, that might've been a distro specific feature | 07:26 |
OOD | so you'd have to try it out yourself, i haven;t tried it yet | 07:27 |
tssd | hello | 07:27 |
omar | OOD: all is removed except scim-gtk2-immodule .. it gives me this error ... join #flood please | 07:27 |
tssd | anyone can help me play mp3 format in kubuntu? | 07:28 |
OOD | sure | 07:28 |
OOD | you want mp3 support in amarok? | 07:28 |
drgonzo | I've already got a database of the journal entry's in mysql. That correspondes to the name and location plus extra info on each journal. I would like to incorporate full-text search capabilities so It doesn't just search title and the info in my mysql database but the pdf/djvu as well. | 07:28 |
omar | OOD: hello ? | 07:28 |
tssd | yes sir | 07:28 |
kernal | i can't setup my resolution to 1440 x 900 on an Intel 810 chipset, does anyone known how to? | 07:29 |
tssd | i've read the instruction in wiki, but i can't see the package in libxine-extracodecs | 07:29 |
OOD | you have to enable extra repositories | 07:29 |
tssd | how? | 07:30 |
OOD | start adept | 07:30 |
boingolov | might be able to script something like that using pdf2text | 07:30 |
tssd | im' running it right now | 07:30 |
fiyawerx | !easysource | 07:30 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:30 |
OOD | k click adept->manage repositories | 07:30 |
tssd | okay | 07:30 |
OOD | you should have an entry called deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 07:31 |
OOD | and deb src ******** | 07:31 |
kernal | please somebody help me... | 07:31 |
tssd | for a while sir | 07:31 |
OOD | so are they there? | 07:32 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | how do i check cpu info ? | 07:32 |
fiyawerx | !restricted | 07:32 |
ubotu | For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:32 |
tssd | it start with ph not ca coz im from phils | 07:32 |
fiyawerx | !path | 07:33 |
ubotu | I know nothing about path | 07:33 |
fiyawerx | how do you add a dir to your path? | 07:33 |
fiyawerx | permanently | 07:33 |
kernal | !1440x900 | 07:33 |
ubotu | I know nothing about 1440x900 | 07:33 |
OOD | ah yes :) | 07:33 |
OOD | it theyre grayed out right click and select enable | 07:33 |
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OOD | if* | 07:33 |
boingolov | fiya, edit your ~/.bash_profile , export PATH=$PATH:/some/new/location , save it, start a new shell and it should be active ;) | 07:34 |
fiyawerx | thanks boingolov | 07:34 |
boingolov | there are a number of places you could edit it though, if you want it globally, you could put it in /etc/bash.bashrc | 07:34 |
drgonzo | For example. Kat,beagle etc support indexing of the files i'm interested in, but is orintated around a desktop search I would like to incorporate full-text capabilities into a search engine for the web. | 07:34 |
drgonzo | i'm probably not articulating myself properly, but are there any open-source engines that support these formats? | 07:35 |
tssd | i already did sir | 07:35 |
tssd | and fetch the updates | 07:35 |
boingolov | drgonzo, you should be able to script that easily enough | 07:35 |
tssd | but it doesn't list the said package | 07:36 |
boingolov | if you're storing in a mysql database, perl might be a decent option | 07:36 |
drgonzo | I don't have the files indexed in mysql. only entry's with information on the file. | 07:36 |
OOD | k then click on the universe part, then you'll be able to type, so type in multiverse after universe, then apply, fetch update and it should work :_ | 07:36 |
OOD | :) | 07:36 |
drgonzo | Is mysql the best option for full-text indexing? | 07:36 |
kernal | how do i set 1440x900 resolution? | 07:37 |
boingolov | drgonzo, not a bad option if you're wanting to make the data available on the web | 07:37 |
fiyawerx | boingolov: awesome, worked thanks :) | 07:37 |
tssd | that's what i've not done | 07:37 |
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drgonzo | boingolov: do you know if there are any sites that have comparisons of full-text databases and linux | 07:38 |
boingolov | not off hand no | 07:38 |
tssd | i've seen it now on the list | 07:38 |
ChefWill | !flash | 07:38 |
ubotu | For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:38 |
tssd | how to install it just click it? | 07:39 |
boingolov | drg, so what exactly are you trying to do? | 07:39 |
OOD | just select it and it right click and install | 07:39 |
tssd | it said request install | 07:40 |
tssd | i've click it | 07:40 |
tssd | what will happen then | 07:40 |
boingolov | and how is it that you have file info already in mysql? how did you get this info, just out of curiosity? | 07:40 |
OOD | you should be able to play mp3's then | 07:41 |
tssd | it is now installing | 07:41 |
tssd | after i click apply | 07:42 |
OOD | eh, what's installing? k you lost me | 07:42 |
kernal | i need some help in xorg configuration to set the resolution at 1440x900 | 07:42 |
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boingolov | kernal, odd resolution haha | 07:43 |
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OOD | kernal: try going to display options, selecting the hardware tab, then configure and select your monitor | 07:44 |
noaXess | is there a method to automaticaly cleanup grub, that only entries are in, for installed kernel? | 07:44 |
OOD | noaXess you got extra entries? | 07:44 |
boingolov | noaxess, if there were an automagic fixer upper thingy, I'd be leary of using it | 07:44 |
noaXess | OOD, old kernel entries.. kernel that aren't installed.. | 07:44 |
tssd | thanks ood, its working now, though amarok crashes when I try to play it over the samba network | 07:45 |
boingolov | just edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst , then grub-install /dev/yourbootdrive | 07:45 |
boingolov | typically /dev/hda | 07:45 |
OOD | tssd: np :), i don't know how to fix that problem though | 07:46 |
boingolov | tssd, I'd look into the oplocks setting of smb.conf as a possible starting point | 07:46 |
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J_luges | could somebody do me a favour | 07:47 |
boingolov | wait, is using your linux as a samba client or server? | 07:47 |
kernal | OOD: mi monitor isn't at the hardware list, i tried with a generic one but when i restart xorg i get this message from my monitor "out of range" | 07:47 |
J_luges | i need someone to open a terminal and ping "www.runescape.com" for me | 07:48 |
tssd | sorry, can't understand term, i'm new to linux, | 07:48 |
J_luges | somebody help me pls | 07:49 |
OOD | kernal: try a generic one | 07:49 |
boingolov | you can try xvidtune | 07:50 |
lowtech | kernal: start by getting the specs for your monitor. you need the horiz/vert refresh ranges. | 07:50 |
boingolov | have to start it from command line tho | 07:50 |
kernal | OOD: i already did it with no luck | 07:51 |
tssd | perhaps i will do that later, when i'm fully aware of the linux basics | 07:51 |
lowtech | J_luges: no response | 07:51 |
macd | If I setup a xvnc sever on screen :1 how would I tell kdm or gdm to run on that screen in addition to :0 ? | 07:51 |
OOD | PING www.runescape.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 07:52 |
kernal | lowtech: Fh: 30~82kHz, Fv: 50~85Hz | 07:52 |
J_luges | ok ty | 07:52 |
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lowtech | kernal: put those in your xorg.conf | 07:53 |
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lowtech | or if the gui lets you set custom | 07:54 |
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kernal | lowtech: is there any way i can test changes in my xorg without closing the session? | 07:56 |
OOD | no you have to restart X | 07:57 |
tssd | boingolov: how to look into the oplocks setting of smb.cnf | 07:58 |
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tssd | should I start terminal | 07:58 |
lowtech | kernal: i don't know if/what kubuntu has a test. i'm new to kubuntu | 07:58 |
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kernal | so long and thanks fo all the shoes | 07:58 |
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lowtech | kernal: you'll see that error you got when the resolution chosen and rates your monitor selections set don't match the monitor specs. | 08:00 |
kernal | ok | 08:00 |
kernal | thanks a lot | 08:00 |
lowtech | no problem | 08:00 |
OOD | i had a website bookmarked that was able to generate a xorg resolution based on refreshrate and resolution | 08:01 |
OOD | but i can't find it | 08:01 |
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TheHighChild | is there a way to read newsgroups in kmail? or Kontact? | 08:01 |
tssd | ODD: how to configure amarok to play a file over the samba network | 08:02 |
OOD | kernal: here it is, this might help: http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl | 08:03 |
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lowtech | usually don't need to specify a modeline | 08:06 |
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kernal | i will try thanks both | 08:07 |
tssd | tnx ODD, its playing now | 08:08 |
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fiyawerx | hey guys whats a good program for actually sorting and organizing music ? | 08:09 |
tssd | can anyone help, how to play music file shared on the smb | 08:10 |
tssd | using amarok | 08:10 |
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fiyawerx | hmm, it seems my audio jacks are all not rightin the mixer | 08:12 |
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TheHighChild | fiyawerx: amarok is decent. Best I've seen yet on tux | 08:12 |
fiyawerx | like my slider named "front" is the one controlling the music | 08:12 |
fiyawerx | but im plugged into the back | 08:12 |
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fiyawerx | TheHighChild: you can move files around and whatnot? | 08:12 |
TheHighChild | fiyawerx: You could install Winamp with Wine | 08:12 |
fiyawerx | TheHighChild: i was thinking more some kind of organizer | 08:12 |
TheHighChild | fiyawerx: move? | 08:12 |
fiyawerx | TheHighChild: yes, i have about 16000 mp3's in one folder, not organized at all | 08:13 |
fiyawerx | TheHighChild: and i want to organize them | 08:13 |
fiyawerx | TheHighChild: and tag them right | 08:13 |
TheHighChild | um, not sure then. It's a pretty rugged app though, a google search will bring up its capabilities | 08:13 |
fiyawerx | TheHighChild: will look into it | 08:13 |
TheHighChild | amarok will do that | 08:13 |
fiyawerx | wish my mixer was working all right | 08:13 |
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TheHighChild | tssd: What's up? | 08:14 |
fiyawerx | anywhere below 90% volume and i get 0 sound | 08:14 |
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TheHighChild | pretty odd | 08:14 |
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fiyawerx | as musicbrainz doesn't auto-tag .mp3s? | 08:18 |
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fiyawerx | er aw | 08:18 |
jerry | Hi | 08:19 |
jerry | I have a question | 08:19 |
jerry | Anyone awake? | 08:19 |
jerry | um | 08:19 |
jerry | hello | 08:19 |
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jerry | I have a question if anyone's there? | 08:20 |
tssd | highchild: can you help me, amarok crashes when I play mp3 file over SMB network, any workaround | 08:20 |
fiyawerx | even when people are awake they don't always just sit and watch, just ask the question and chill for a bit if nobody answers right away | 08:20 |
jerry | ok thanks | 08:20 |
=== ajaykant [n=ajaykant@infocom-82-154-16-del.trade-india.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jerry | well I have this program called MegaMud and what megamud does is it sends certain "telnet stuff" like global: to different windows and I was wondering if there's a program for linux that I can use to connect to a telnet server and then when say a message like "global" is sent it will display that in a certain window for telneting | 08:21 |
ajaykant | hi i m 24 male from delhi | 08:22 |
ajaykant | any one chat with me | 08:22 |
jerry | sure I'll chat with you | 08:22 |
jerry | how? | 08:22 |
crimsun | ajaykant: this is the support channel for Kubuntu. Do you have a support question? | 08:22 |
ajaykant | hi jerry | 08:22 |
jerry | how do I send private messages to someone? | 08:22 |
jerry | join channel #jerryandajaykant | 08:23 |
fiyawerx | jerry, you looking for a linux mud client? | 08:23 |
fiyawerx | tintin++ can send things to multiple windows i think at the same time | 08:23 |
jerry | ya | 08:23 |
jerry | tintin++? | 08:23 |
_rince_ | mrgn | 08:24 |
jerry | how do I run that? | 08:24 |
fiyawerx | well, are you looking for a graphical client | 08:24 |
fiyawerx | or console based | 08:24 |
jerry | well like if I get a message like "global:" | 08:24 |
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jerry | when I telnet to a server like cause I want to play mud but my softeware is windows only :( well I want to just chat with people but in order to do that I need to filter out all the other stuff so like if someone says "global: Hy jerry. How are you" I want that to display in a seperate window or something like that | 08:25 |
fiyawerx | oh | 08:25 |
jerry | oh also a way to send timed macros | 08:25 |
fiyawerx | yeah, one sec, i was jsut looking up linux mud clients a few mins ago | 08:25 |
jerry | send 'l' every 1min | 08:25 |
tssd | sorry not to respond in time, workin' sometin' | 08:25 |
fiyawerx | you're using kde, right? | 08:25 |
jerry | is there a mud client? | 08:25 |
jerry | ya | 08:25 |
fiyawerx | yeah thats just basic timed actions | 08:25 |
jerry | I didn't know I thought the only thing out there was megamud | 08:26 |
jerry | I know that there's older mud clients would that work? | 08:26 |
jerry | let me see | 08:26 |
tssd | gotta go, tnx | 08:26 |
fiyawerx | yep | 08:26 |
ajaykant | what r u saying | 08:26 |
fiyawerx | there's tons of them, im not familiar with megamud | 08:26 |
jerry | well megamud is the "current" one everyone says it costs $45 but it's pretty user friendly but the down side it's only for windows | 08:27 |
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jerry | and I don't quite want to go through a windows program on top of linux :( | 08:27 |
ajaykant | i am 24 male any one want chat with me (india) | 08:28 |
jerry | I can't private message you ajaykant sorry :( | 08:28 |
jerry | I appears I can only chat in chat rooms and not private message | 08:28 |
jerry | brb | 08:28 |
fiyawerx | jerry: don't go anywhere for a minute, im checking out a few different ones | 08:28 |
ajaykant | hi | 08:29 |
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fiyawerx | jerry: it looks like KMC (mud client for kde) will do everything you need | 08:30 |
jerry | ok thanks :) | 08:30 |
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fiyawerx | http://kmc.sourceforge.net/ | 08:30 |
fiyawerx | browse around the site there and the "online manual" to get a look at it | 08:30 |
lowtech | jerry: is your nick registered? | 08:32 |
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fiyawerx | anyone know what a general reference to "X Includes" would be? | 08:32 |
fiyawerx | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. | 08:32 |
ChefWill | its like | 08:33 |
ChefWill | xorg-x11-devel | 08:33 |
jerry | hey ajakant you can chat with me on american online if you have that "AIM" my names we6jbo | 08:34 |
unix_infidel | fiyawerx: random guess here, but maybe libraries. | 08:34 |
fiyawerx | yeah, no clue which ones it wants, lol | 08:34 |
unix_infidel | the dev packages would have them. | 08:34 |
fiyawerx | not sure of the names of them, coldnt find the xorg-x11-devel | 08:34 |
unix_infidel | fiyawerx: for installing KMC? | 08:34 |
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fiyawerx | unix_infidel: yep | 08:34 |
fiyawerx | unix_infidel: tryin to get it so i'll know what to do when jerry has a problem with it | 08:34 |
fiyawerx | plus i've been looking for a decent mud client :0 | 08:35 |
fiyawerx | tinyfugue makes my head hurt | 08:35 |
unix_infidel | xserver-xorg-dev - X.Org X server -- development files | 08:35 |
unix_infidel | lol @ mud. | 08:36 |
fiyawerx | heh, i've been mudding for years, i'll never give itu p | 08:36 |
unix_infidel | maybe its time to get a real job :P | 08:36 |
unix_infidel | and a haircut. | 08:36 |
fiyawerx | i mud from work :) | 08:36 |
unix_infidel | like i said, maybe its time to get a real job. | 08:36 |
fiyawerx | heh | 08:36 |
fiyawerx | i like my job very much | 08:36 |
fiyawerx | well, i play a lot of armagetron too | 08:37 |
fiyawerx | but mostly mud | 08:37 |
fiyawerx | unless by "real job" you mean like construction, but i even know some truck drivers that mud from wireless @ truckstops | 08:37 |
unix_infidel | as opposed to....sleeping. Like they should be. | 08:37 |
jerry | says I need libXext | 08:38 |
jerry | what on earth is that | 08:38 |
fiyawerx | heh | 08:38 |
fiyawerx | tryin to figure out how to compile it myself jerry, the xserver-xorg-dev didn't do it | 08:38 |
fiyawerx | its failing on checking for shl_unload in -ldld... no | 08:38 |
jerry | I don't ever have to install stuff I don't need others using as root just as myself and then I can run it on my own account | 08:39 |
jerry | I told the techsupport to make sure that everyone could run their own programs on this so that if there was an application that they could install it for themself | 08:40 |
jerry | that seems to be unnessisary imo but I don't know | 08:40 |
jerry | my grandmother | 08:40 |
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jerry | I have a computer but I've using windows for years now and + the hw locks me in windows (I didn't read the fineprint) but I was afraid to let my grandmother use a windows machine because of all the work I have to do for my moms machine so I got her a linux machine bought and presetup | 08:41 |
jerry | but I'm also technical | 08:41 |
jerry | and a salespitch person | 08:42 |
jerry | my job | 08:42 |
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jerry | My AA in webprogramming and (soon) BA in Political Science so if you want anything make sure to mention it now before 2008 | 08:42 |
fiyawerx | aha, i got past that with installing QT | 08:43 |
jerry | wow it's late | 08:43 |
jerry | QT? | 08:43 |
jerry | can I do that with the one thing | 08:43 |
jerry | adept? | 08:44 |
fiyawerx | yeah, i'll tell you what, i'll play around with it and figure out just which we need to install | 08:44 |
fiyawerx | email me | 08:44 |
fiyawerx | fiyawerx@gmail.com | 08:44 |
jerry | ok | 08:44 |
jerry | my email is we6jbo@aim.com | 08:44 |
fiyawerx | and i'll get back to you tomorrow with it or later on tonight | 08:44 |
jerry | so I'll go ahead and run that and watch for you | 08:44 |
jerry | cool thanks :) | 08:44 |
fiyawerx | man do i love debfoster | 08:45 |
=== kubuntu [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fiyawerx | makes installing random packages so harmless lol | 08:45 |
fiyawerx | man, amarok is f'n cool | 08:48 |
moruan | does anyone know something about coreutils | 08:48 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jerry | ok sent | 08:49 |
ubuntu | hey hi everybody | 08:50 |
moruan | does anyone knows about coreutils ? any information is OK ~~~ | 08:51 |
ubuntu | can the partition (in wich /home will be installed) be fat32?? | 08:51 |
=== pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-38.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== PasNox [n=PasNox@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PasNox | hi | 08:53 |
PasNox | there is someone here ? | 08:53 |
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=== jerry [n=jerry@cpe-72-132-240-241.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PasNox | noone ? | 08:55 |
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=== pc_butler [n=chatzill@dsl-165-156-167.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pc_butler | im in upington in south africa | 08:59 |
pc_butler | any one online? | 08:59 |
pc_butler | do u know if one can download programs for ubuntu for instal on pcs with no internet? how does it work? | 08:59 |
pc_butler | sorry meant kubuntu | 09:00 |
pc_butler | no offence | 09:00 |
pc_butler | newbie alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 09:00 |
ubuntu | lol | 09:00 |
emonkey | hm if you've a DVD you can | 09:00 |
ubuntu | yup... thos would be my words | 09:00 |
emonkey | I mean an ubuntu DVD | 09:01 |
ubuntu | those* | 09:01 |
pc_butler | I have gprs | 09:01 |
pc_butler | very xpensive | 09:01 |
pc_butler | kan one order it some where | 09:01 |
pc_butler | download it at internet shop or so? | 09:02 |
ubuntu | you can ask for the shipping of that dvd | 09:02 |
ubuntu | theres a page | 09:02 |
pc_butler | emonkey, where do i get a DVD? | 09:02 |
ubuntu | hold... let me find it.. | 09:02 |
pc_butler | ubuntu thanx | 09:03 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-76-20.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pc_butler | ubuntu is that only for ubuntu? Kubuntu? | 09:04 |
pc_butler | can some one help me with xubuntu? | 09:05 |
=== Healot [i=chaintoo@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pc_butler | limited resources for downloading gprs charge R2/mb, any suggestions | 09:06 |
moruan | does anyone knows about coreutils ? any information is OK ~~~ | 09:06 |
pc_butler | Healot, hi | 09:06 |
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moruan | any idea how to upgrade coreutils ? ~~~ | 09:06 |
Healot | R2? South African currency? | 09:06 |
pc_butler | moruan, no me | 09:07 |
pc_butler | Healot, yes | 09:07 |
moruan | : <pc_butler> how to upgrade ? | 09:08 |
pc_butler | im @work might not respond immediatly | 09:09 |
moruan | : <pc_butler> when i update my breezy5.10 to 6.06 , the coreutils it requires doesn't match the one i installed | 09:09 |
pc_butler | moruan, i meant "not me" | 09:09 |
pc_butler | newbie | 09:09 |
_rince_ | is it possible to set locales on a per-application basis? e.g. | 09:10 |
moruan | : <pc_butler> sorry , i thought is was " on me " | 09:10 |
pc_butler | im @work might not respond immediatly | 09:10 |
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moruan | : <pc_butler> that's fine , i am in a hurry about this problem , so ~~~ | 09:10 |
_rince_ | to have standard C for the whole system, except thunderbird where i want LC_TIME=en_DK | 09:11 |
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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pc_butler | moruan, my email is jwkhn@bluebottlel.com | 09:13 |
pc_butler | incase | 09:13 |
moruan | : <pc_butler> ths | 09:14 |
pc_butler | sorry was 4 ubuntu | 09:14 |
fiyawerx | anyone use tunepimp with mp3s? (amarok auto-tagging) | 09:14 |
pc_butler | ubuntu, my email is jwkhn@bluebottlel.com | 09:15 |
fiyawerx | how can you tell what your processor is from inside k? | 09:18 |
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fiyawerx | ah ksysinfo | 09:18 |
kubuntu | hello | 09:18 |
kubuntu | what is default username and password | 09:19 |
kubuntu | postgresql | 09:19 |
=== mikearthur [i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== Emess [n=Emess@CPE-124-178-110-107.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== soundmaster80 [n=IceChat7@207-119-69-80.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soundmaster80 | has anyonwe had an issue installing from the alternative disc | 09:27 |
soundmaster80 | initally i got issues with the cd not going much farther than loading the kernel on choosing what to install | 09:28 |
pc_butler | what is the su pasword? | 09:28 |
soundmaster80 | i got around that but after installing when it should go to splash i get nothing....ever | 09:28 |
soundmaster80 | the user pass pc_butler | 09:28 |
pc_butler | so u type your pass? | 09:29 |
pc_butler | soundmaster80, | 09:29 |
soundmaster80 | i'm sorry i must've caught the end of a conversation....it's very late here | 09:30 |
soundmaster80 | are you wanting to know the root password pc_butler? | 09:30 |
pc_butler | soundmaster80, yes | 09:30 |
soundmaster80 | if your wanting to do something as root you would use the sudo command with your user password | 09:31 |
soundmaster80 | sudo apt-get install "package" then the password you provide is your user password | 09:32 |
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soundmaster80 | well, i guess I will go install the flight4 i have and upgrade | 09:33 |
soundmaster80 | this is annoying | 09:33 |
=== soumitri [n=soumitri@66-90-205-87.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pc_butler | ja but if i su in terminal? | 09:34 |
soundmaster80 | oh | 09:34 |
fiyawerx | hey guys whats a good mass mp3 tagging software?, amarok seems to want you to press through on every one | 09:34 |
pc_butler | it ask for pass | 09:34 |
soundmaster80 | there is no root user | 09:34 |
soundmaster80 | you use the sudo command on whatever you want to run as root | 09:34 |
soundmaster80 | you can create a root account | 09:34 |
soundmaster80 | with sudo su | 09:35 |
soundmaster80 | at least i think that's right | 09:35 |
fiyawerx | it's a good idea to get used to sudo tho :) | 09:35 |
soundmaster80 | yup | 09:35 |
soundmaster80 | makes things more enjoyable i find | 09:35 |
soundmaster80 | anyone got a suggestion about my problem? | 09:35 |
fiyawerx | yeah, and most large companies implement it, all our aix/solaris servers use sudo for people who need access to certain things | 09:35 |
=== georg [n=georg@213-229-63-86.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soundmaster80 | again, dl'd the alternative cd....checked the MD5 and it's right, burned the cd and on install it will not bring up anything past what type i want to install | 09:36 |
soundmaster80 | i worked around that but after it supposedly installed i get nothing past grub loading | 09:37 |
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=== lol [n=chatzill@user-0ce2h4p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | can anyone help me | 09:39 |
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lol | kubuntu networking problem >.> | 09:39 |
lol | lol? | 09:40 |
=== lol sighs | ||
fiyawerx | lol, what's up? many people are asleep at this time :) | 09:41 |
lol | oh | 09:41 |
lol | well can you help? | 09:41 |
fiyawerx | it's usually better to just ask the question, rather than if you can ask the question :) | 09:41 |
fiyawerx | no idea | 09:42 |
Healot | !ask | 09:42 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:42 |
lol | haha okay | 09:42 |
fiyawerx | Healot: thanks :) | 09:42 |
lol | so... i installed kubuntu today | 09:42 |
lol | and with the live cd the internet worked fine | 09:42 |
lol | but after installation and stuff | 09:42 |
lol | it /died | 09:42 |
word | lol: How are you on the internet now? | 09:42 |
fiyawerx | did it work after installation / before updates? | 09:42 |
lol | another computer | 09:42 |
lol | >.> | 09:42 |
word | :P | 09:43 |
=== nik [n=nik@port-212-202-168-212.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | er it was working during the installation | 09:43 |
fiyawerx | what kind of card is it? | 09:43 |
lol | while i was still running on the live cd | 09:43 |
lol | it's... | 09:43 |
lol | cnetpro200 | 09:43 |
lol | pci fast ethernet | 09:43 |
lol | the tulip compatible thing | 09:43 |
word | lol: the live cd loads up it's own configuartions and stuff that's why it takes so long to boot | 09:43 |
fiyawerx | i had similar problems with my wireless card, but that was due to missing restricted-modules after my first boot upgraded my kernel | 09:43 |
lol | ? | 09:44 |
fiyawerx | when you boot, do you see options for the -25 and -23 kernels? | 09:44 |
lol | er | 09:44 |
lol | wherew ould that be | 09:44 |
lol | rofl | 09:44 |
fiyawerx | in the first menu in Grub | 09:44 |
word | do you have a dual boot system? | 09:44 |
lol | no | 09:44 |
word | otherwise you have to press some random key to see it | 09:44 |
lol | want me to reboot | 09:44 |
fiyawerx | oh, is .. oh | 09:44 |
soundmaster80 | LOL....well apparantly no one has suffered from my problems :) | 09:44 |
fiyawerx | sorry i didn't know the grub loader didnt pop up in a single install :) | 09:45 |
lol | -.-;; | 09:45 |
word | it displays 'press * key to view grub' for like 1 second | 09:45 |
lol | yeah | 09:45 |
lol | should i... | 09:45 |
fiyawerx | hit that key lol | 09:45 |
lol | reboot.... | 09:45 |
lol | rofl | 09:45 |
lol | k hold up | 09:45 |
word | on that comp yah | 09:45 |
lol | yes i know | 09:45 |
lol | i'm not that bad >.> | 09:45 |
fiyawerx | heh if he rebooted this computer | 09:45 |
fiyawerx | this conversation would be fit for bash.org | 09:46 |
word | lol | 09:46 |
lol | lol yarly | 09:46 |
word | well he was asking if he should reboot....and i was thinking hey it's not that big a deal he's not on that computer...ya never know ;p | 09:46 |
lol | haha | 09:46 |
lol | okay | 09:46 |
lol | i'm in grub.... | 09:46 |
lol | so there's.... | 09:46 |
word | 3 options? | 09:46 |
lol | yeah | 09:46 |
word | so that's a no to fiyawerx's questions | 09:47 |
=== m0gsi [n=chris@194-247-240-59.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | are you fully updated? | 09:47 |
lol | i'm guessing no... | 09:47 |
fiyawerx | prob not | 09:47 |
lol | since i cant really update without | 09:47 |
m0gsi | Hey all i am just wondering how much space kde would take if i were to install it onto ubuntu | 09:47 |
lol | internet ? | 09:47 |
word | is it -23 on the kernel? | 09:47 |
word | lol i suppose not | 09:47 |
lol | 15-23-286? | 09:47 |
lol | is what it says next to kernel | 09:47 |
word | yah it's oudated | 09:48 |
=== BlankB_ [n=blank@adsl-71-145-184-180.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | by 2 | 09:48 |
lol | T_T | 09:48 |
word | wait | 09:48 |
lol | 2.6.15-23-286 | 09:48 |
word | o.o | 09:48 |
word | 286? | 09:48 |
fiyawerx | 286? | 09:48 |
lol | er | 09:48 |
lol | 386 | 09:48 |
word | lol | 09:48 |
lol | lol my bad | 09:48 |
fiyawerx | hah | 09:48 |
soundmaster80 | I am beginning to wonder why I wiped XP for this again | 09:48 |
fiyawerx | yeah thats the current cd versions | 09:48 |
fiyawerx | why'd you wipe xp soundmaster80 | 09:48 |
word | soundmaster80: why? | 09:48 |
fiyawerx | dual boots rock :) | 09:48 |
=== xenblend [n=xenblend@adsl-71-146-174-37.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soundmaster80 | well, on a striped raid | 09:49 |
soundmaster80 | kinda hard | 09:49 |
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lol | so... | 09:49 |
word | until a decent game emulater that works well without a patch possibly breaking the game for linux I'm dual booting | 09:49 |
fiyawerx | ditto | 09:49 |
soundmaster80 | I don't game | 09:49 |
fiyawerx | but i keep downsizing my ntfs partition for more for linux | 09:49 |
=== paul_ [n=paul@adsl-69-149-60-195.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fiyawerx | soundmaster80: what do you do? | 09:49 |
lol | what do i do... | 09:49 |
lol | now | 09:49 |
soundmaster80 | right now i'm pulling my hair out | 09:49 |
word | me too recently chopped off 17 gigs added 7 to kubuntu and loaded on suse too hehe tri-boot | 09:49 |
soundmaster80 | usually i'm more into just projects...firewalls and such | 09:50 |
word | !network | 09:50 |
ubotu | I know nothing about network | 09:50 |
word | LIES | 09:50 |
word | !anything | 09:50 |
ubotu | I know nothing about anything | 09:50 |
word | haha | 09:50 |
lol | !sex | 09:50 |
ubotu | I know nothing about sex | 09:50 |
fiyawerx | !abuse | 09:50 |
ubotu | If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable behaviour. | 09:50 |
word | soundmaster80: what's the problem? | 09:50 |
fiyawerx | aw thats not it | 09:50 |
lol | T_T | 09:51 |
word | !networkconfig | 09:51 |
ubotu | I know nothing about networkconfig | 09:51 |
lol | so am i stuck lol | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | I'm getting the same thing from like flight 4 | 09:51 |
word | !config | 09:51 |
ubotu | I know nothing about config | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | i burn the cd | 09:51 |
word | soundmaster80: Please explain your problem | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | put it in...i get tht inital boot screen asking what i want to install | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | i have a new install or install on a desktop or whatever | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | from that nothing | 09:51 |
soundmaster80 | now.... | 09:52 |
word | what do you mean nothing? | 09:52 |
soundmaster80 | i can change it by hitting f4 to 1024x768@32 and i get the install to come up | 09:52 |
word | sound | 09:52 |
lol | >.> | 09:52 |
lol | what if i get an ip | 09:53 |
lol | but cant ping out | 09:53 |
soundmaster80 | but, I install it and upon rebooting i get past grub to where it's loasing the kernel and the splash takes over and that's it | 09:53 |
soundmaster80 | nothing on the screen....nothing | 09:53 |
word | use the alternate install - it's basically a never-fail version some raid configs and weird hardware doesn't work in the live cd version | 09:53 |
soundmaster80 | lol....that's what i'm using now | 09:53 |
word | try the live cd version? | 09:53 |
word | lol eh/ | 09:54 |
soundmaster80 | i can, i hear people have been having problems with it too though | 09:54 |
=== tigor [n=tigor@pcti.cc.univie.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | not like yours | 09:54 |
word | at least you can get further with the live cd (it's likely) | 09:54 |
soundmaster80 | i did an md5 check on the download and it is right | 09:54 |
soundmaster80 | like i said i had similar problems in flight 4 | 09:54 |
word | lol: Umm....k menu system settings connections... | 09:55 |
soundmaster80 | i got around everything with it though | 09:55 |
=== keyne [n=fgonieau@sete.idealx.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | lol: I meant network settings not connections.. | 09:56 |
soundmaster80 | at this point i think i'm going to install it and update | 09:56 |
lol | talking to me? | 09:56 |
word | i put lol in front of it | 09:56 |
lol | oh | 09:56 |
word | so ya ;p | 09:56 |
lol | haha | 09:56 |
lol | okay | 09:56 |
lol | i'm there >.> | 09:56 |
word | soundmaster80: ...try the live cd | 09:57 |
word | lol: what do you see? | 09:57 |
soundmaster80 | yeah, can't hurt | 09:57 |
word | in the big bo | 09:57 |
word | box* | 09:57 |
lol | etho0 | 09:58 |
lol | dhcp | 09:58 |
lol | enabled ethernet network device | 09:58 |
lol | that's under the network interfaces tab | 09:58 |
=== cox377 [n=admin@host-84-9-70-198.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | and in the next one? | 09:58 |
word | domain name whatevers tab | 09:59 |
lol | has 3 dns's | 09:59 |
lol | that look right | 09:59 |
lol | according to my network settings and stuff | 09:59 |
word | can you see it from another comp? | 09:59 |
lol | yeah | 10:00 |
word | but no internet? | 10:00 |
lol | wait | 10:00 |
word | how many computers on the network? | 10:00 |
lol | you mean ping it | 10:00 |
lol | from another comp? | 10:00 |
lol | right now just 2 | 10:00 |
word | router or..? | 10:00 |
lol | laptop... router | 10:00 |
lol | and the kubuntu box | 10:00 |
lol | like i can get an address from dhcp | 10:00 |
lol | but i cant ping anything on the network either | 10:01 |
word | router goes to kubuntu box and laptop seperately? | 10:01 |
lol | it's... laptop---wireless--> router <----wired---kubuntu | 10:01 |
word | laptop os? | 10:01 |
lol | xp pro | 10:01 |
lol | is what i'm on right now | 10:01 |
=== J4t\ [n=jonatan@c-1ec972d5.03-2115-73746f36.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | eww | 10:01 |
lol | lol | 10:02 |
lol | its not mine | 10:02 |
=== root___ [n=root@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | k menu - > system - > adept - > install the package samba | 10:02 |
Emess | samba should be preinstalled... | 10:02 |
word | not all of it | 10:02 |
word | at least not all of it was on the 2 installs i did for my brothers | 10:03 |
lol | samba common? | 10:03 |
word | samba and samba-common | 10:03 |
word | are they already installed? | 10:03 |
=== fiyawerx [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-34-213.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | samba isnt | 10:03 |
lol | just samba common | 10:03 |
word | install samba | 10:04 |
word | what's the name of the workgroup on your xp machine? | 10:04 |
lol | it's just called | 10:05 |
lol | workgroup | 10:05 |
=== seth_ [n=seth@c-67-168-39-171.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | lol | 10:05 |
=== andy___ [n=andy@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | you'll have to set your workgroup to workgroup (default in samba is mshome) | 10:05 |
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=== seth_ is now known as SIBORG | ||
=== SIBORG is now known as sigorb | ||
lol | k so i | 10:05 |
lol | clicked request install on samba | 10:06 |
lol | then apply changes? | 10:06 |
=== sigorb is now known as siborg | ||
lol | it says fetching headers... but nothing comes | 10:07 |
lol | waiting for headers* | 10:07 |
lol | -.-;;;; | 10:09 |
=== dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | oh yah... | 10:09 |
word | heh | 10:09 |
word | on this comp | 10:09 |
word | uh | 10:09 |
word | lemme find the link it's a .deb.....then uh..do you have a usb drive? | 10:09 |
lol | yeha | 10:10 |
word | good hold a sec | 10:10 |
lol | k | 10:10 |
word | in adept when you tell it to install samba click on preview changes is anythign else listed? | 10:11 |
lol | no | 10:11 |
lol | i only selsected samba | 10:11 |
word | sometimes packages have dependencies and multiple packages are downloaded | 10:12 |
word | here's the link - http://ftp.cs.umn.edu/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3_i386.deb | 10:12 |
lol | k | 10:12 |
lol | 404 T_T | 10:12 |
lol | oh | 10:12 |
lol | lol you did http://ftp | 10:12 |
lol | er | 10:13 |
lol | well notrly | 10:13 |
lol | i jk | 10:13 |
word | download that throw it on a usb drive then when it pops up as being detected - > open in new window - > right click teh .deb and kubuntu package menu - > install package | 10:13 |
word | link works? | 10:13 |
lol | doesn't work | 10:13 |
lol | it's 404 | 10:13 |
word | doesn't for me either lol this one does - http://itanix.rutgers.edu/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3_i386.deb | 10:14 |
lol | k got it | 10:14 |
word | moving it and installin it? | 10:14 |
lol | downloading.... | 10:14 |
lol | hmm | 10:15 |
lol | apparenlty doesnt work either... | 10:15 |
lol | i get the download queue | 10:15 |
lol | but download doesnt start >.. | 10:15 |
=== synie [n=synie@p54ABB780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== nikkne [n=nikkne@nslpc3.epfl.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | o.O | 10:17 |
word | wait | 10:17 |
word | I know for a fact this one works - http://ubuntu.secs.oakland.edu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3_i386.deb | 10:17 |
lol | yeah k lol | 10:18 |
lol | works >< | 10:18 |
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bdd7.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== nik [n=nik@port-212-202-168-212.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | okay | 10:22 |
lol | i instialled it | 10:22 |
=== hybrid [n=666@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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lol | now what ... >< | 10:24 |
word | now go to /etc/samba/smb.conf | 10:24 |
word | and chang MSHOME to WORKGROUP | 10:25 |
word | save | 10:25 |
lol | k | 10:25 |
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word | lol done? | 10:27 |
lol | yeah | 10:27 |
word | ok now open up konqueror and type in the address bar smb:/ | 10:27 |
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lol | actually | 10:28 |
lol | it says | 10:28 |
lol | i cant save it? | 10:28 |
word | in command prompt | 10:28 |
word | type sudo kate /etc/samba/smb.conf | 10:28 |
word | you can't save it as a normal user | 10:28 |
=== LiquidNerd_work [n=michael@ottawa-hs-64-26-128-225.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #KUbuntu | ||
lol | k | 10:29 |
word | when you finish that go to smb:/ | 10:29 |
lol | k | 10:30 |
word | see anything in smb:/ | 10:30 |
word | ? | 10:30 |
lol | myself | 10:30 |
lol | admin-desktop[ | 10:30 |
word | laptop? | 10:30 |
lol | no | 10:30 |
word | meh | 10:30 |
word | hmm | 10:30 |
lol | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186430 | 10:31 |
lol | you think that'll work? | 10:31 |
word | restart (it's the only way i know how to restart samba)...lemme look | 10:31 |
lol | k | 10:31 |
word | do you have a davicom card? | 10:31 |
lol | yeah | 10:32 |
lol | that's the tulip | 10:32 |
word | try it | 10:32 |
lol | davicom | 10:32 |
lol | w/e crap | 10:32 |
lol | k | 10:32 |
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MistaED | sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop sudo /etc/init.d/samba start | 10:32 |
ArmedGeek | or restart | 10:32 |
MistaED | (put an & in between those two sudo commands) | 10:32 |
lol | k | 10:32 |
ArmedGeek | two & | 10:32 |
MistaED | oops yeah, && | 10:33 |
ArmedGeek | sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 10:33 |
MistaED | or do them separately! :D | 10:33 |
MistaED | meh | 10:33 |
lol | well that blacklisting thing says to restart | 10:33 |
MistaED | that too | 10:33 |
lol | so i try that fist >.> | 10:33 |
lol | first* | 10:33 |
=== crazy_penguin [n=Unknown@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001] has joined #kubuntu | ||
word | Ah, thanks ArmedGeek and MistaED | 10:34 |
MistaED | np | 10:34 |
lol | k | 10:37 |
lol | lemme try | 10:37 |
lol | internet | 10:37 |
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bdd7.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | wow | 10:37 |
lol | that thing worked | 10:37 |
lol | >.> | 10:37 |
lol | lol? | 10:37 |
omeow | INTERNET | 10:37 |
lol | yarly | 10:37 |
word | restarting samba made it work? | 10:38 |
word | or the other forum post? | 10:38 |
lol | no | 10:38 |
lol | that blacklist thing | 10:38 |
lol | blacklisting tulip | 10:38 |
lol | and the dfme or w/e | 10:39 |
word | heh can you see your laptop now? :P | 10:39 |
lol | i dont know | 10:39 |
lol | i'm updating | 10:39 |
lol | all the sthings | 10:39 |
word | basically what i helped you setup was filesharing with other comps ;p | 10:39 |
lol | but i'll try hold up | 10:39 |
lol | lol yay | 10:39 |
lol | yeah | 10:40 |
lol | i can see other computers now | 10:40 |
word | :D | 10:40 |
=== dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lol | word | 10:40 |
lol | haha | 10:40 |
word | me | 10:40 |
word | haha | 10:40 |
word | doesn't sound the same.. | 10:40 |
lol | rofl | 10:40 |
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word | soundmaster80: how goes the live cd? | 10:40 |
lol | can you get the mac slider | 10:41 |
lol | on kde? | 10:41 |
word | kde-look.org? | 10:41 |
word | no idea what mac slider = | 10:42 |
lol | have you seen like osx | 10:42 |
lol | maybe not? | 10:42 |
omeow | I believe he means the icon zoom for kicker. | 10:42 |
word | nope haven't done anything but internet and text on a mac and definitely not osx ;p | 10:42 |
lol | oh | 10:43 |
word | icon zoom... | 10:43 |
word | ? | 10:43 |
lol | i dont know? | 10:43 |
lol | lol | 10:43 |
lol | it's that mac slider thing | 10:43 |
word | what's mac slider do? | 10:43 |
lol | on osx | 10:43 |
lol | it's just liek taskbar | 10:43 |
lol | but | 10:43 |
lol | spiffy looking | 10:43 |
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lol | i'll go check kde-look | 10:44 |
word | taskbar = panel and is skinnable i'm 80% sure..take a look at kde-look.org and search for mac | 10:44 |
word | i meant kicker not panel..meh | 10:44 |
crazy_penguin | hi all! | 10:45 |
word | hey :-/ | 10:45 |
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word | lol: i'm going to go to bed now..it's late >< g'nite | 10:46 |
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lol | later word | 10:47 |
lol | thanks btw | 10:47 |
word | np :D | 10:47 |
omar | I installed Xubuntu from the installation CD and then I used the package manager to remove it and install Kubuntu .. but I still get the Xubuntu logo during the boot up screen ... whats wrong ?\ | 10:49 |
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omar | i mean I really want a PURE kubuntu system | 10:50 |
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lol | >.> | 10:51 |
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lol | format | 10:51 |
lol | lol | 10:51 |
omar | come on | 10:51 |
omar | well ... I get the Kubuntu screen during booting off | 10:52 |
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fred__ | help me. my Konqueror is too slowly! | 10:53 |
fred__ | and use my CPU 100% when load some page | 10:53 |
fred__ | such as some page of codex.wordpress.org | 10:53 |
soundmaster80 | well, it has installed but now i have no splash screen | 10:54 |
soundmaster80 | goes from booting grub to KDE | 10:54 |
soundmaster80 | with blank screen between the 2 | 10:54 |
ArmedGeek | fred__: sudo apt-get install firefox | 10:55 |
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fred__ | ArmedGeek : I don't like it | 10:55 |
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afm\colossus | hello there | 11:00 |
Emess | ok i will pay someone to get ANY distro working on this box with KDE | 11:00 |
visik7 | omar: why you haven't installed kubuntu directly ? | 11:00 |
afm\colossus | is it possible to completely disable KDE's "Trash"-thingie? | 11:01 |
omar | visik7: a mistake ... besides .. its not my laptop | 11:01 |
afm\colossus | Emess: what box? ;) | 11:01 |
=== xenblend [n=xenblend@adsl-71-146-174-37.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
omar | visik7: is there a way I could use the Kubuntu logo instead of the Xubuntu one during the boot up screen ?\ | 11:01 |
visik7 | sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so | 11:02 |
omar | visik7: and why didnt this happen automaticaly since I remove all Xubuntu stuff and installed the Kubuntu stuff ! | 11:02 |
visik7 | 'couse is a thing come from the install not from packages | 11:02 |
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Emess | its an amd athlon xp 1800+, 512mb ram, 80gb hdd, and a GeForce4 4200Ti | 11:03 |
omar | visik7: /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so | 11:03 |
omar | it is the default ! | 11:03 |
Emess | that graphics card kills every distro that uses X unless its flux or in some rare cases xfce | 11:03 |
afm\colossus | well, i don't see any problem getting anything to run on that hardware, Emess | 11:03 |
visik7 | omar: ok you need to regenerate the initrd | 11:03 |
visik7 | omar: check on the wiki how to change usplash image | 11:04 |
afm\colossus | i've been using numerous gf4 cards in numerous boxes over the years | 11:04 |
omar | visik7: will do ... thanks alot | 11:04 |
Emess | me neither, but it crashes on all debian based distros, wont even install if its graphical | 11:04 |
afm\colossus | and X is not overly distribution-specific | 11:04 |
afm\colossus | you just need to get its config right | 11:04 |
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Emess | the config was perfect | 11:04 |
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Emess | anyway attepmting slack oon it, and after that DesktopBSD | 11:05 |
afm\colossus | tried knoppix yet? | 11:05 |
Emess | yup | 11:06 |
afm\colossus | does it work? | 11:06 |
Emess | mandrake, debian, *ubuntu, suse, xandros, net/free/open BSD/ redhat, fedora | 11:06 |
Emess | nope | 11:06 |
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Healot | I can't believe i just install zango just to watch softcore videos :) | 11:10 |
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omar_ | something is flushing my resolv.conf on each reboot ! | 11:34 |
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CVirus | what could be it ? | 11:35 |
afm\colossus | your dhcp client | 11:35 |
CVirus | afm\colossus: how can I disable it ? | 11:35 |
CVirus | I mean disable the flushing feature onl | 11:35 |
CVirus | only* | 11:36 |
afm\colossus | depends on what kubuntu uses as its default client | 11:36 |
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afm\colossus | for dhcpcd at least, there's an option for that | 11:36 |
afm\colossus | -P or so, i believe | 11:36 |
afm\colossus | you've got to edit the initscript for your network manually | 11:36 |
CVirus | daah | 11:37 |
=== Henk [n=Henk@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Henk | Hi, can anyone recommend me a highlevel database disign tool | 11:39 |
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Healot | like mysql or postgres? | 11:41 |
afm\colossus | a design tool, not a DBMS | 11:42 |
afm\colossus | (i can't, for that matter) | 11:42 |
Healot | mysqladmin then? | 11:42 |
Henk | I want to design on an entity relations level | 11:42 |
Healot | or my favorite MS SQL Server or MS Access... heh wrong platform | 11:43 |
=== hybrid head butts Healot | ||
psb154 | lol | 11:44 |
Henk | I'm not talking about what database server to use. I'm going to abstract from it anyway. | 11:44 |
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psb154 | Does openoffice do something like that, a databasey interface desiny thingy | 11:45 |
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cox377 | does anyone notice with kubuntu that sometimes text just isn't 100% clear and tidy? | 11:47 |
cox377 | i say kubuntu, but i dont know if it's any linux | 11:47 |
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cox377 | http://img18.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc179&image=23424_adsl_att_vs_speed_chart.JPG | 11:48 |
cox377 | if you look @ that image you may see what i mean, on konveration its fine | 11:48 |
cox377 | but someitmes, within firefox it's like that | 11:48 |
Henk | hey OO indeed seems to have it. I thought OO database was an 'access' clone but it's not | 11:49 |
Henk | great | 11:49 |
Henk | cox that is a gnome vs kde thing i thing. Look at GTK fonts etc. | 11:50 |
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cox377 | henk: i'm on kde, it just seems when using just firefox actually it doesnt always seem clear | 11:50 |
cox377 | i;ve tried different fonts and it doesnt seem to change | 11:50 |
Henk | firefox is a gtk aplication | 11:50 |
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Healot | well, cox377, ff is a gtk program, might behave differently unde KDE | 11:51 |
=== psb154 looks again did he just compare OO with MS access! Hybrid nut im! | ||
cox377 | ahhh | 11:51 |
psb154 | :-D | 11:51 |
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BoSJo|zzZzz | All: How can I get permission to move files/folder when i'm not root via Konqueror, don't wanne do sudo all the time in cmd | 11:52 |
Henk | psb154, yes i did compare them... and found that they differ... jeez some people are a bit to much on edge when it comes to MS vs. Linux | 11:52 |
psb154 | :-) | 11:52 |
=== hybrid starts twirling his 2x4 | ||
Chryseus | BoSJo|zzZzz: kdesu konqueror | 11:53 |
psb154 | lol | 11:53 |
BoSJo | Chryseus: thanks | 11:53 |
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cox377 | i think i know what the firefox problem is, i can only run this machine @ 1024 rez for some reason and thus i've had to decrease FF text size to make it usable, and when i increase it goes clear., so i think i need to sort this rezolution out | 11:55 |
psb154 | cox377 firefox allows you choose which fonts it uses for headings etc,,, mumble | 11:55 |
Chryseus | I think you need to set Xft.dpi to something so that all programs no matter if it's kde or gtk will use same dpi settings | 11:56 |
cox377 | psb154: i've changed the fonts about.. but i dont think it's a font issue | 11:56 |
cox377 | could someone help me with upgrading my graphics driver | 11:57 |
cox377 | -display | 11:57 |
cox377 | description: VGA compatible controller | 11:57 |
cox377 | product: VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video | 11:57 |
cox377 | vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc. | 11:57 |
cox377 | physical id: 0 | 11:57 |
=== lodrino [n=lodrino@153.Red-83-38-160.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cox377 | bus info: pci@01:00.0 | 11:57 |
cox377 | version: 01 | 11:57 |
cox377 | size: 64MB | 11:57 |
cox377 | width: 32 bits | 11:57 |
cox377 | clock: 66MHz | 11:57 |
cox377 | capabilities: vga bus_master cap_list | 11:57 |
cox377 | resources: iomemory:e8000000-ebffffff iomemory:ec000000-ecffffff | 11:57 |
cox377 | thats the information i have, would it be a VIA driver i'm look for? | 11:57 |
psb154 | cox377 I have the same chip on my Compaq evo n115 | 11:57 |
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cox377 | psb154: how do i go about upgrading it? | 11:58 |
psb154 | cox377 I just install kubuntu 6.06 and EVERY TING works perfict. | 11:59 |
cox377 | thing is. the max rez i can have is 1024 | 11:59 |
psb154 | cox377 yeh me too but that is a limitation of the 14" screen I have | 12:00 |
psb154 | cox377 wot monitor do you got? | 12:00 |
cox377 | 19" LG LCD screen | 12:01 |
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psb154 | cox377 thats a bigun | 12:01 |
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cox377 | and the thing is, my mom runs kubuntu on a really crap all in motherboard and hers offers upto 1600 rez | 12:01 |
jake | ive got a dual monitor setup that works on the kde login screen but not when kde logs in | 12:01 |
=== lodrino [n=lodrino@153.Red-83-38-160.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jake | any ideas what changes after you hit login? | 12:02 |
jake | that would change xorg.conf? | 12:02 |
psb154 | cox377 do you know what the maximum res of the graphics card is? | 12:02 |
cox377 | well under windows it was running 1280 and i dont know if that was the max but thats the max of the monitor | 12:02 |
jake | this setup worked with the last kde before 3.5.3 | 12:02 |
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psb154 | cox377 the System settings Display application wont go any higher that 1024x768? | 12:04 |
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cox377 | nope | 12:05 |
cox377 | i'm thinking if i upgrade the via drivers | 12:05 |
cox377 | but VT8378 isnt on the list of intergrated gfx cards on their site | 12:05 |
cox377 | or am i look @ the wrong thing | 12:05 |
psb154 | cox377 thats the audio though right? | 12:06 |
cox377 | oh | 12:07 |
cox377 | hang on | 12:07 |
psb154 | cox377 you say your gcard has 64mb so your colour depth will be 256 at best | 12:07 |
psb154 | cox377 at 1280 X 1024 | 12:07 |
cox377 | how so? | 12:08 |
psb154 | cox377 I'd be surprised if you can get any more than 256 colours @ 1280 with 64mb or graphics ram | 12:08 |
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cox377 | psb154: whats the normal amount of colours? | 12:10 |
psb154 | cox377 normally you'd expect to be running at: 16 bit (thousands of colours) or 24bit (millions of colours). 8bit = 256 colours | 12:12 |
psb154 | cox377 that means that each pixel can be thousands, millions or hundreds of colours. | 12:12 |
|lostbyte| | yes :) | 12:13 |
cox377 | my moms is running @ 1280 and thats also 64mb intergrated | 12:13 |
cox377 | with an unheard of mobo | 12:13 |
cox377 | lol | 12:13 |
psb154 | cox377 check what colour depth she is running at. I bet toffee apple that she is running at 256 colours | 12:14 |
cox377 | haha | 12:14 |
cox377 | i shall do | 12:14 |
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cox377 | by the way, how do i find out the amount of colours? | 12:21 |
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afm\colossus | psb154: wtf? | 12:22 |
afm\colossus | 64mb framebuffer is a f*cking lot | 12:22 |
|lostbyte| | Cornellius, kinfocenter.. | 12:22 |
psb154 | sure its a lot... huge... | 12:23 |
afm\colossus | and EASILY enough for 1280x1024x24bit | 12:23 |
|lostbyte| | cox377, ^ | 12:23 |
=== psb154 hands cox377 a toffee apple | ||
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cox377 | lol | 12:24 |
cox377 | haha why the hell can i not get 1280 then lol | 12:24 |
psb154 | hehe | 12:24 |
afm\colossus | an image rendered at the above resolution and color-depth consumes 3MiB of memory | 12:24 |
afm\colossus | well i don't know which driver to use with savage-based cards | 12:25 |
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cox377 | http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=20&CatID=2260&SubCatID=102 | 12:26 |
cox377 | i just downloaded the driver from there | 12:26 |
cox377 | but i think it's binary so i'm straight away out of my depth | 12:26 |
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ubuntu_ | hello | 12:30 |
ubuntu_ | i need help | 12:30 |
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as arso | ||
arso | helllo? | 12:30 |
arso | anyone | 12:30 |
arso | i am kubuntu newbie | 12:30 |
arso | i just booted the desktop version | 12:30 |
morzel_ | and what's your problem? | 12:30 |
arso | the display is 640*480 | 12:31 |
arso | or something | 12:31 |
arso | really big | 12:31 |
arso | when i go to kcontrol>display | 12:31 |
arso | try to set it to anything else | 12:31 |
arso | there are no other options | 12:31 |
arso | besides 640*480 | 12:31 |
afm\colossus | what graphics card have you got? | 12:31 |
arso | ati radeon series 200 256mb | 12:31 |
arso | from wat ive read online, the problem is recognizing my monitor or something | 12:32 |
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arso | had the same problem with suse, wouldnt load, getting out of range error | 12:32 |
afm\colossus | do a `egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf` and upload its output to nopaste | 12:33 |
psb154 | cox377 in your system settings > display what does it say for graphics card.... or have I asked you that | 12:33 |
psb154 | cox377 do the egrep thing | 12:33 |
arso | afm\colossus: sorry i dont understand anything u said... | 12:34 |
arso | i am a real linux newbie | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | ok | 12:34 |
cox377 | whats the egrep thing? | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | press Alt+F2 | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | enter "konsole" (without quotes) in the window that just popped up | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | then paste | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:34 |
afm\colossus | into the terminal you just opened | 12:34 |
arso | paste all of this "egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 12:35 |
afm\colossus | (copy = mark with you mouse, paste = middle mouse click) | 12:35 |
arso | ok | 12:35 |
arso | i got some resolutions and stuff | 12:35 |
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afm\colossus | great | 12:35 |
arso | now what? | 12:35 |
afm\colossus | paste that stuff to some nopaste site | 12:35 |
cox377 | egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:35 |
afm\colossus | http://rafb.net/paste/ | 12:36 |
cox377 | root@admin-desktop:~# egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "kbd" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "mouse" | 12:36 |
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psb154 | cox377 who is talking to who :-) shall I private message you? | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "wacom" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "wacom" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "wacom" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Driver "via" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
afm\colossus | cox377: well, yeah, uhm - that's nice, but i've been alking to arso, really ;) | 12:36 |
cox377 | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:36 |
cox377 | please do, but dont i have to register first? | 12:36 |
MistaED | =/ | 12:36 |
afm\colossus | arso, paste it there: http://rafb.net/paste/ | 12:36 |
arso | /msg afm\colossus | 12:37 |
afm\colossus | and provide us with the URL once you're done | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "kbd" | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "mouse" | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "wacom" | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "wacom" | 12:37 |
afm\colossus | you can't /msg me, since i'm not regged on freenode | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "wacom" | 12:37 |
arso | Driver "ati" | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
Infecto_ | TOPIC! | 12:37 |
arso | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x 400" "640x480" | 12:37 |
arso | omg sorry | 12:37 |
arso | oh | 12:37 |
arso | cok pasting there now | 12:37 |
afm\colossus | heh. | 12:37 |
cox377 | psb154: let arso and afm finish first, then we shall dicuss | 12:38 |
rob | thanks for that | 12:38 |
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arso | thanks cox377 | 12:38 |
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afm\colossus | arso: what kind of display have you got? a TFT, by any chance? | 12:38 |
arso | no crt | 12:38 |
arso | and its 4 years old | 12:38 |
afm\colossus | i see | 12:38 |
afm\colossus | can it do 85hz @ 1280x1024? | 12:39 |
arso | no idea? sorry | 12:39 |
arso | how do i save that nopaste site? and giv eu the link | 12:39 |
afm\colossus | just hit the "paste"-button on the bottom of the textbox | 12:40 |
arso | i mean wat do i do after pasting | 12:40 |
afm\colossus | then copy and paste the url of the refreshed view | 12:40 |
arso | http://rafb.net/paste/paste.php | 12:40 |
arso | i think this is it | 12:40 |
afm\colossus | hm nope | 12:41 |
arso | damn | 12:41 |
afm\colossus | supposed to look sth like this: | 12:41 |
afm\colossus | http://rafb.net/paste/results/XhNul712.html | 12:41 |
cox377 | afm: did he not just paste it on screen? | 12:41 |
afm\colossus | yeah, he did | 12:41 |
afm\colossus | but nonetheless it's important to know how this works ;) | 12:41 |
arso | thanx ;) | 12:42 |
arso | refreshin now | 12:42 |
arso | http://rafb.net/paste/results/vIeWXz30.html | 12:42 |
arso | there u go :) | 12:42 |
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afm\colossus | great ;) | 12:42 |
arso | hehe, linux seems great | 12:43 |
afm\colossus | ok | 12:43 |
Emess | you can edit X for teh dapper live cd yes? | 12:43 |
afm\colossus | what resolution wuld you like to have? | 12:43 |
arso | umm wats the regular one? | 12:43 |
arso | this is just too big | 12:43 |
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arso | 1024*860? or wat is it | 12:43 |
afm\colossus | Emess: yeah, just go nongraphical, edit xorg.conf, and restart gdm/kdm | 12:43 |
afm\colossus | 1024x768 | 12:43 |
arso | sure | 12:44 |
Emess | fair nuff | 12:44 |
afm\colossus | is your monitor 17 or 19 inches wide? | 12:44 |
arso | 17 | 12:44 |
Emess | 17 | 12:44 |
arso | not wide | 12:44 |
Emess | lol | 12:44 |
arso | lol | 12:44 |
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afm\colossus | ok, you still have that terminal open? | 12:44 |
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arso | yes | 12:45 |
arso | with all the info i pasted right | 12:45 |
afm\colossus | type "sudo su -" in there | 12:45 |
afm\colossus | and provide your user's password when asked | 12:45 |
arso | i dont have a password | 12:45 |
arso | this is the desktop version thing | 12:45 |
afm\colossus | (you're elevating your privileges to those of the system's administrator, "root", by that) | 12:45 |
afm\colossus | you surely do have a password, i hope.. | 12:46 |
arso | no, i just booted the whole os from a cd | 12:46 |
arso | no setup or anything | 12:46 |
arso | yet | 12:46 |
afm\colossus | ah, i see | 12:46 |
afm\colossus | well, that's fine anyway | 12:46 |
afm\colossus | so you'll be root without being asked for a password | 12:46 |
arso | i see | 12:46 |
arso | sudo su- ? | 12:46 |
afm\colossus | ok, we're about to edit the configs now via automated text processing | 12:46 |
afm\colossus | "sudo su -" | 12:47 |
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afm\colossus | note the spaces | 12:47 |
arso | nothing is happening, ya i pasted urs directly | 12:47 |
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afm\colossus | ok, wait a sec | 12:48 |
arso | sure | 12:48 |
afm\colossus | you're doing fine :) | 12:48 |
arso | loll | 12:48 |
arso | u think its gonna work out? | 12:48 |
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afm\colossus | i think so ;) | 12:49 |
afm\colossus | if we are lucky enogh to select proper reolutions and refresh rates, that is | 12:49 |
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afm\colossus | ok dude | 12:49 |
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arso | yes? | 12:49 |
afm\colossus | if this somehow farks up your xorg.conf, nothing is lost | 12:50 |
arso | okay | 12:50 |
afm\colossus | so if you're left without a working graphical environment | 12:50 |
afm\colossus | just reboot the box | 12:50 |
arso | ok | 12:50 |
arso | btw is there a way | 12:50 |
=== n0ctuRnaL-fieNd [n=beavis@c-68-81-26-52.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | to make a complete installation from this desktop cd? | 12:50 |
afm\colossus | yes, of course | 12:50 |
afm\colossus | there's an icon on the desktop, afaik | 12:50 |
arso | and once i do that, will i be able to access my windows which is on another partition | 12:51 |
arso | oh ya , theres an icon, install this system permanently... | 12:51 |
afm\colossus | i don't use any other OD besides GNU/Linux, but it's popular to set it up along with Windows | 12:51 |
afm\colossus | "OS", not "OD" | 12:52 |
afm\colossus | ._. | 12:52 |
afm\colossus | however, let's try to fix your problems first, ok? | 12:52 |
arso | sure | 12:52 |
arso | but are u familiar with the dual boot process? | 12:52 |
afm\colossus | i'd like you to fire off the line here in your terminal: | 12:52 |
afm\colossus | sed -i -r "s/(.*VertRefresh).*/\1 60-120/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:52 |
arso | ok | 12:52 |
arso | nothing | 12:53 |
afm\colossus | that's great, just what i wanted to hear ;) | 12:53 |
afm\colossus | ok, one more sec pls | 12:53 |
arso | lol, thank god | 12:53 |
arso | sure | 12:53 |
afm\colossus | ok, we'll ry our luck with this one next: | 12:54 |
arso | sure | 12:55 |
afm\colossus | sed -i -r "s/\"[0-9] {3,4}x[0-9] {3,4}.*$/\"1024x768\"/g" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:55 |
arso | paste the whole line u right, right? | 12:55 |
afm\colossus | yes | 12:55 |
arso | nothing | 12:55 |
arso | hope u wanted to hear that | 12:55 |
afm\colossus | yeah ;) | 12:55 |
arso | phew | 12:55 |
|lostbyte| | :) | 12:55 |
arso | hello | 12:55 |
cox377 | should i also be following this? | 12:55 |
afm\colossus | you remmeber that "egrep-thing" we did in the beginning? | 12:56 |
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afm\colossus | cox377: i don't think so, please wait a moment ;) | 12:56 |
arso | the one that i pasted to the non paste? | 12:56 |
cox377 | lol | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | i'll turn my attention to you, then | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | arso: yeah | 12:56 |
cox377 | : ) | 12:56 |
arso | ya i remember it | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | you should be able to recall that command in your terminal | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | by repeadetly pressing the Curos-Up-key | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | Cursor* | 12:56 |
afm\colossus | 3 times or so | 12:57 |
arso | nope only getting he laste two commands | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | we need to execute it once more | 12:57 |
arso | that gave us nothing | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | hm is see | 12:57 |
arso | just scroll up here? | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | ah well my bad | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | :) | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | hit Ctrl+D in your terminal once | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | this will make you your normal livecd user again | 12:57 |
afm\colossus | and HE should have the egrep line in his history | 12:57 |
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afm\colossus | so press Cursor-Up as many times as it's needed | 12:58 |
afm\colossus | execute it | 12:58 |
afm\colossus | and paste its output to nopaste once more, pelase | 12:58 |
arso | wtf | 12:58 |
afm\colossus | please | 12:58 |
arso | umm | 12:58 |
arso | i pressed ctrl D , the terminal closed | 12:58 |
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afm\colossus | hm i see | 12:59 |
afm\colossus | well, that was not supposed to happen, tbh | 12:59 |
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arso | "egrep "Driver|Modes" /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 12:59 |
afm\colossus | but it's no drama, either | 12:59 |
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afm\colossus | yeah, paste that in a newly spawned terminal | 12:59 |
arso | how do i open terminal again sorry | 12:59 |
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arso | from run command wat do i type | 12:59 |
afm\colossus | there's an icon somewhere in the menus - but Alt+F2 ansd "konsole" in there works, too | 12:59 |
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arso | umm so sorry someone at the door brb | 01:00 |
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afm\colossus | no problem | 01:00 |
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afm\colossus | cox377: what's your problem again? | 01:00 |
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cox377 | basically, my max rez is 1024x786 | 01:01 |
cox377 | and know how the card can support more | 01:01 |
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cox377 | :P | 01:01 |
afm\colossus | what resolution would you like to have? | 01:01 |
cox377 | 1280 | 01:01 |
afm\colossus | what gfx card have you got? | 01:01 |
cox377 | it's a | 01:02 |
cox377 | product: VT8237 PCI Bridge | 01:02 |
cox377 | vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc. | 01:02 |
afm\colossus | that's not your graphics card, but your PCI interconnect | 01:02 |
afm\colossus | you were the one with that savage thingie, right? | 01:02 |
cox377 | it's an intergrated card | 01:02 |
cox377 | yeh | 01:02 |
cox377 | sorry | 01:03 |
cox377 | was being dumb | 01:03 |
cox377 | description: VGA compatible controller | 01:03 |
cox377 | product: VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video | 01:03 |
cox377 | vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc. | 01:03 |
afm\colossus | ah | 01:03 |
afm\colossus | unichrome | 01:03 |
scheuri | sounds pretty much like black and white | 01:03 |
cox377 | for me? | 01:03 |
arso | so sorry | 01:04 |
arso | back | 01:04 |
afm\colossus | cox377: paste the output of `grep -i driver /var/log/X*` to nopaste, please | 01:04 |
afm\colossus | arso: wb | 01:04 |
rob | yes, not here | 01:04 |
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arso | thnx, i'll just wait till u guys finish | 01:05 |
cox377 | http://rafb.net/paste/ | 01:05 |
cox377 | so that site? | 01:05 |
afm\colossus | yes, that's it | 01:05 |
rob | yep | 01:05 |
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cox377 | http://rafb.net/paste/results/C4zY3D77.html | 01:06 |
arso | so sorry to barge in, but is their an equivalant of notepad here in ubuntu? | 01:07 |
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afm\colossus | arso: "gedit" in ubuntu, "kate" or "kwrite" in kubuntu | 01:07 |
arso | thanx a lot | 01:08 |
afm\colossus | cox377: ok, i'd need to have the output of `grep Modes /etc/X11/xorg.conf` on nopaste, too, please | 01:08 |
omar | guys .... whats wrong ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16745 | 01:08 |
omar | help please | 01:08 |
=== beast [n=ascsdc@lib59-3-82-233-190-225.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cox377 | http://rafb.net/paste/results/ONRu8e36.html | 01:09 |
afm\colossus | omar: did you enable universe and multiverse (or whatever it's called in dapper) repos? | 01:09 |
beast | salut a tt le monde | 01:09 |
omar | afm\colossus: sure | 01:09 |
arso | ENGLISH please? :) | 01:09 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. My tablet still isn't working. A person in #xorg now thinks that my tablet is being recognized as a mouse. So what I did was suppress the loading of the evdev module (since it's a USB tablet) until it is needed. (I did this by putting it on the module blacklist.) I also went into the /etc/udev/rules.d and changed the order of when my mouse and tablet should be loaded. I'm also wondering about the psmouse module. Eve | 01:10 |
Ertain | m wondering if this should be loaded. | 01:10 |
arso | damn 1 guy to help and 5 guys need help | 01:10 |
cox377 | lol i know | 01:10 |
cox377 | so get in line ; ) | 01:11 |
omar | afm\colossus: so ? | 01:11 |
afm\colossus | cox377: ok, i guess a simple `sed -i -r "s/1024x768/1280x1024/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf`, followed by Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (save all unsaved work first, this will KILL X!) should make things work the way you want them to | 01:11 |
cox377 | afm\colossus | 01:11 |
cox377 | afm\colossus: is it right that it didn't do anything? | 01:11 |
afm\colossus | cox377: if the output of `grep Modes /etc/X11/xorg.conf` changed, it is :) | 01:12 |
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afm\colossus | you don't need to paste it once more, just check for yourself | 01:12 |
cox377 | :d | 01:12 |
|lostbyte| | cox377, Go to system settings >display and see if you can increase it now.. | 01:12 |
cox377 | shall do | 01:12 |
cox377 | thanks very much | 01:13 |
arso | i am next please ! :D | 01:13 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: won't work unless he restarted X in the meantime | 01:13 |
|lostbyte| | cox377, got to restart.. | 01:13 |
afm\colossus | arso: ok, have you got your terminal reopened by now? | 01:13 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, thought he did already.. | 01:13 |
arso | yes | 01:13 |
afm\colossus | ok | 01:13 |
arso | i have and pasted the command | 01:13 |
afm\colossus | `sudo su -` once more | 01:13 |
arso | and got the lines with resolution | 01:13 |
afm\colossus | ok, great :) | 01:13 |
arso | and pasted in no paste site | 01:14 |
arso | and got link | 01:14 |
afm\colossus | would you mind providing me with the link, too? ;) | 01:14 |
=== afm\colossus is listening to "Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass" by Propagandhi on How To Clean Everything [amaroK] | ||
|lostbyte| | :) | 01:14 |
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arso | http://rafb.net/paste/results/FpD2M369.html | 01:14 |
afm\colossus | fantastic song ;) | 01:14 |
arso | just making sure that IS wat u wanted | 01:14 |
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omar | hello ? | 01:14 |
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omar | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16745 | 01:15 |
arso | stay in line omar, :P ur next | 01:15 |
afm\colossus | arso: this bodes well :) | 01:15 |
omar | help ! | 01:15 |
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arso | yay | 01:15 |
cox377 | haha just restarted and it's gone to 800*600 | 01:15 |
arso | but afm\colossus if i restart, will the stuff be saved, becoz as i mentioned, i have booted from a cd | 01:15 |
afm\colossus | arso: no, it won't | 01:15 |
afm\colossus | so you don't want to restart the whole system | 01:15 |
arso | so then, unless i install it permanently | 01:15 |
afm\colossus | but just the GUI | 01:15 |
|lostbyte| | cox377, check in system settings.. | 01:15 |
cox377 | i have done | 01:15 |
cox377 | thats the only option in there | 01:16 |
cox377 | : ( | 01:16 |
arso | afm\colossus: can we have a private convo, its abit crowded here | 01:16 |
|lostbyte| | omar, pls paste your source list ? | 01:16 |
afm\colossus | cox377: try hitting Ctrl+Alt++ (that's indded a PLUS at the last posiiton) | 01:16 |
afm\colossus | arso: i'm not regged on freenode, sorry | 01:16 |
afm\colossus | arso: save your unsaved work, if any | 01:17 |
arso | umm nope | 01:17 |
=== cox377 [n=admin@host-84-9-70-198.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
afm\colossus | then close all unused applications | 01:17 |
arso | ok | 01:17 |
arso | umm, which apps do u need? | 01:17 |
afm\colossus | ok, if you come up with a black screen | 01:17 |
cox377 | ctrl+alt+ whjat? | 01:17 |
afm\colossus | or X unworking | 01:17 |
afm\colossus | just reboot the machine | 01:17 |
afm\colossus | and we'll look for another solutuion | 01:17 |
arso | sorry u talking to me ? or cox | 01:17 |
omar | |lostbyte|: all is enabled .. the point is that I installed Xubuntu from the installation CD then I removed it using the package manager and installed Kubuntu using the package manager too ... could this be the cause of the problem | 01:17 |
omar | ? | 01:17 |
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|lostbyte| | Cornellius, or simply tab :) | 01:18 |
afm\colossus | to you, arso :) | 01:18 |
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arso | ok, sorry , so wat do i do now | 01:18 |
arso | i closed all apps except this | 01:18 |
omar | |lostbyte|: here's my .list anyway http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16747 | 01:18 |
afm\colossus | cox377: ctrl alt and the + key | 01:18 |
cox377 | which restarts KDE? | 01:18 |
afm\colossus | arso: ok, great | 01:18 |
afm\colossus | after hitting Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, X should kill and restart itself (with the new config in place) | 01:19 |
arso | ok so after it kills itself | 01:19 |
afm\colossus | cox377: nope, this key combo cycles available resolutions in X | 01:19 |
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arso | wat will happen? | 01:19 |
arso | wat should i do to reload it | 01:19 |
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afm\colossus | arso: you'll be logged in into KDE again | 01:19 |
arso | ohyh restart itself, sorry | 01:19 |
arso | ok then. brb | 01:19 |
afm\colossus | no user interaction required ;) | 01:19 |
afm\colossus | good luck! | 01:19 |
arso | i'll kill the mo fo now | 01:19 |
arso | thanx ;) | 01:19 |
txwikinger2 | Anybody have an idea, why the KDE menu item don't automatically update ? | 01:20 |
bachstudies | anyone know how to make kubuntu dapper use my SBlive instead the external soundcard I have? Amarok seems to always use live but realplayer and the desktop sounds go through the external. | 01:20 |
afm\colossus | txwikinger2: if in doubt, relogin | 01:20 |
txwikinger2 | :-) | 01:20 |
cox377 | all it's doing is entering = signs into here | 01:20 |
txwikinger2 | Don't ant to do that right now ;-) | 01:20 |
|lostbyte| | omar, did you update ? | 01:20 |
afm\colossus | cox377: hm that's somewhat strange indeed, are you sure about hitting the right keys? ;) | 01:20 |
bachstudies | I've tried asoundconf and the system settings only gives me the option of choosing between ALSA OSS etc and not my actual soundcards | 01:21 |
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ubuntu | didnt work | 01:21 |
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arso | didnt work | 01:21 |
cox377 | sed -i -r "s/1024x768/1280x1024/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:21 |
cox377 | can i just reverse that | 01:21 |
arso | went to run comand, kcontrol>peropherals | 01:21 |
arso | display | 01:21 |
arso | still only one option | 01:21 |
omar | |lostbyte|: apt-get update ? | 01:21 |
arso | 640*480 | 01:21 |
|lostbyte| | omar, yes | 01:22 |
afm\colossus | grrrmpf | 01:22 |
afm\colossus | ._O | 01:22 |
arso | :'( | 01:22 |
arso | could it be, becoz of the desktop live thing | 01:22 |
afm\colossus | are you behind a router, arso? | 01:22 |
omar | |lostbyte|: sure I did | 01:22 |
arso | yes | 01:22 |
arso | i am | 01:22 |
afm\colossus | do you know how to forward ports on it? | 01:22 |
|lostbyte| | omar, I have universe multiverse.. | 01:22 |
arso | nope | 01:22 |
afm\colossus | hm ok, so ssh falls flat | 01:23 |
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|lostbyte| | omar, and back-ports are not required.. | 01:23 |
afm\colossus | man, this sucks - i should really write some script taking care of this X11 shit | 01:23 |
arso | lol | 01:23 |
afm\colossus | the major showstopper for firsttimers | 01:23 |
arso | ya | 01:23 |
arso | but it made me use kubuntu instead of suse 10.1 | 01:23 |
afm\colossus | in fact, i began writing a script for that task yesterday | 01:23 |
afm\colossus | but it's far from finished | 01:23 |
arso | lol good luck | 01:23 |
omar | |lostbyte|: why doesnt the damn package install ? | 01:24 |
arso | but for now, u think theres any way? | 01:24 |
arso | u think it might be different if i permanently install it/ | 01:24 |
afm\colossus | hmm well | 01:24 |
arso | ooh btw, one more thing | 01:24 |
arso | when i try to access any partition | 01:24 |
arso | i get error | 01:24 |
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arso | could not mount device | 01:24 |
arso | for ALL partitions | 01:24 |
afm\colossus | hmm | 01:25 |
afm\colossus | what FS are those partiitons formatted with? | 01:25 |
afm\colossus | ntfs? | 01:25 |
arso | ya | 01:25 |
arso | i always do ntfs | 01:25 |
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[Nige] | hi all | 01:25 |
|lostbyte| | ntfs can be accessed not not writen to. | 01:25 |
[Nige] | anyone having problems with thunderbird? | 01:25 |
afm\colossus | maybe ubuntu fails to set the mapped permissions for ntfs access... | 01:25 |
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afm\colossus | (i'm using gentoo myself, don't know all too much about *ubuntu) | 01:25 |
arso | btw i am in Kubuntu if that makes any difference | 01:26 |
arso | so.. that leaves us,,,, ?/ | 01:26 |
afm\colossus | nope, that should not change anything | 01:26 |
arso | so could it be when we restarted X the configurations were not saved and applied? | 01:26 |
afm\colossus | well, there are ways to fix this, and i could do it in les than a minute, but it's painfully time-consuming when instructing someone via irc | 01:26 |
arso | because its a live cd | 01:26 |
arso | can u try :D | 01:27 |
afm\colossus | no, the configs were saved for sure | 01:27 |
afm\colossus | well, we can give this ntfs-stuff a quick shot if you like | 01:27 |
arso | but u deleted the 640*480 setting ,so how come from kcontrol its still there | 01:28 |
afm\colossus | 640x480 is always some kind of safe default | 01:28 |
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arso | i c | 01:28 |
arso | btw my data is important | 01:28 |
arso | not willing to reformat everythign or something | 01:28 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, try mounting it manually ? | 01:29 |
afm\colossus | you won't have to do that for readonly access | 01:29 |
arso | wats mounting :P ? | 01:29 |
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arso | installing it or something | 01:29 |
afm\colossus | mounting = telling the kernel you'd like to access a fileystem somewhere under certain rules | 01:29 |
arso | i see | 01:29 |
|lostbyte| | nope ! mount it what lets you access partions / drives.. | 01:30 |
arso | i see | 01:30 |
arso | is it something u can tell me through irc? | 01:30 |
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afm\colossus | everything in GNU/Linux can be done text-based, so yes, it is ;) | 01:30 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, "you won't have to do that for readonly access" ..? | 01:30 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: the linux kernel supports NTFS (in read only mode) for ages now | 01:31 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, Yeah ! and i belive he only wants to access them.. | 01:31 |
arso | not only access | 01:32 |
arso | i want control | 01:32 |
arso | read/write | 01:32 |
psb154 | cox377 you still there? | 01:32 |
arso | but right now, i want to know if the resolution thing can be fixed | 01:32 |
|lostbyte| | arso, cant write.. | 01:32 |
arso | if thats possible | 01:32 |
arso | wtf? | 01:32 |
acesuares | i thouhgt ntfs is read/write since 2-3 yuears | 01:32 |
acesuares | just try it | 01:32 |
|lostbyte| | arso, As its unsupprted on linux.. | 01:32 |
arso | oh | 01:32 |
afm\colossus | arso: i firmly believe it can be fixed ;) | 01:32 |
arso | afm\colossus: great | 01:32 |
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arso | once thats fixed | 01:32 |
arso | i will permanently install kubuntu | 01:33 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: doesn't at least fglrx support his card? | 01:33 |
arso | but with the talk that i wouldbe able to use my hdd!?!? | 01:33 |
acesuares | with a live CD you can access the NTFS fully automated, they are mounted already. try kubuntu, ubuntu or mepis | 01:33 |
arso | i have 200gb of important data | 01:33 |
arso | acesuares: i did try, i am o na live cd, and i get error | 01:33 |
arso | acesuares: could not mount drives | 01:33 |
acesuares | arso: could not mount drives | 01:33 |
afm\colossus | arso: yes, you would be able to access your data, but NTFS as a filesystem is not the best precondition for that | 01:33 |
acesuares | is a different problem. | 01:33 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, who's card ? | 01:34 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: arso's | 01:34 |
acesuares | THey should automount and if that's not the case, there is some other problem | 01:34 |
afm\colossus | that Raedon Whatever 200 | 01:34 |
arso | radeon series 200 | 01:34 |
acesuares | did you have problems with your NTFS partition ? | 01:34 |
arso | its quite new | 01:34 |
arso | the monitor is old | 01:34 |
arso | two problems, ntfs partitions cant be acessed and resolution stuck on 640*480 | 01:34 |
arso | afm\colossus: is working on the latter :) | 01:35 |
acesuares | but on non-linux, you have no problems with ntfs ? | 01:35 |
arso | nope | 01:35 |
arso | been using windows | 01:35 |
arso | for years | 01:35 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, has to.. | 01:35 |
arso | no probs | 01:35 |
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afm\colossus | arso: best thing would be for you to dig up info on how to forward ports on your router | 01:35 |
arso | wat does the router have to do with all this? | 01:35 |
afm\colossus | if you can provide an experienced user with remote shell access on your machine, you'll have all those problems resolved in a matter of minutes | 01:36 |
arso | altho i do remember something about port forwarding , | 01:36 |
arso | i was trying to enable it | 01:36 |
arso | for torrents to get faster | 01:36 |
afm\colossus | well, your router performs some networking-trick called NAT or Masquerading | 01:36 |
arso | and couldnt fnd info on my router | 01:36 |
arso | can u hack me or someting and do it, lol | 01:36 |
afm\colossus | hehe, i fear not ;) | 01:36 |
arso | u have a siemens speedstream 6520 | 01:36 |
afm\colossus | but if you can provide me the name of the router | 01:37 |
arso | i*** | 01:37 |
afm\colossus | i may be able to find docs about it | 01:37 |
afm\colossus | hmhm | 01:37 |
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acesuares | arso: check this and be assured that NORMALLY, there should be no problem: | 01:37 |
acesuares | http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#which_versions_of_ntfs_can_linux_read | 01:37 |
acesuares | !help | 01:37 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 01:37 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, there are two settings, one for monitor and other resolution.. | 01:37 |
|lostbyte| | the monitor support which is automatically detected is not always right.. | 01:38 |
arso | ya and i have a old monitor 5 years | 01:38 |
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acesuares | !ntfs | 01:38 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 01:38 |
afm\colossus | arso: ok, you router is capable of portforwarding for sure | 01:38 |
acesuares | bye | 01:38 |
scott | anyone got an experience with cedega? i cant install red alert 2 with it, can anyone help me? | 01:38 |
|lostbyte| | If he could go into monito settings and put a generic one of 1280, it would work.. | 01:38 |
arso | afm\colossus: any more info on how to :P | 01:39 |
arso | |lostbyte|: umm where? | 01:39 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: the sed-magic i unleashed onto his xorg.conf already did that automatically | 01:39 |
|lostbyte| | scott, You are playing for their support. so they will help.. | 01:39 |
|lostbyte| | paying* | 01:39 |
scott | no one is respondin in their irc though :( | 01:39 |
afm\colossus | scott: cedega support is done via their forums, i believe | 01:39 |
scott | oky | 01:40 |
afm\colossus | arso: i'm browing the manual of your router right now | 01:40 |
arso | afm\colossus: thanx, | 01:40 |
arso | just a question, wat file system does linux use by default fat32? | 01:41 |
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|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, what sync rate did you give him ? | 01:42 |
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afm\colossus | arso: nope, windows filesystems have insufficient capabilites for UNIX-likeOS to run on | 01:42 |
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afm\colossus | there are many FS supported by the linux kernel, however | 01:43 |
afm\colossus | the default is ext3 | 01:43 |
arso | afm\colossus: when we changed the configurations , where did they get saved? | 01:43 |
arso | afm\colossus: i see | 01:43 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: X11 uses 85hz at most, anyway | 01:43 |
afm\colossus | arso: they were saved to /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:43 |
|lostbyte| | the horz and vert ? | 01:43 |
arso | but thats on a cd | 01:43 |
afm\colossus | btw, there are ext3 drivers for Windows, too | 01:43 |
arso | and the cd is not re-writable | 01:43 |
afm\colossus | www.fs-driver.org | 01:43 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, 70 is usually safe on old monitors | 01:44 |
afm\colossus | arso: yes, the klernel use an advanced technology called unionfs to virtuelly write to files on the CD | 01:44 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, horz and vert ? | 01:44 |
afm\colossus | it just keeps the changes in memory | 01:44 |
arso | afm\colossus: cool, so they were saved 100% | 01:44 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: i just changed vertrefresh to 60-120 | 01:44 |
afm\colossus | arso: yes, they were | 01:44 |
arso | should it be 50-120 | 01:44 |
afm\colossus | btw, i found the guide on how to forward ports for your router | 01:44 |
arso | afm\colossus: oh great, is it simple for me to follow? | 01:45 |
afm\colossus | arso: no, 60 as the minimum is perfectly save for sure | 01:45 |
arso | i see | 01:45 |
afm\colossus | arso: i think it's pretty well done | 01:45 |
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afm\colossus | http://subscriber.communications.siemens.com/documents/65xxug.pdf - page 80 | 01:45 |
afm\colossus | you need to forward port number 22 | 01:45 |
afm\colossus | to the IP your PC gets assigned by your router | 01:45 |
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Ertain | Say, if I'm using a USB mouse with a PS/2 converter, would I still need to load the "psmouse" module? | 01:46 |
Emess | whats the command to boot the dapper cd into console so i can edit xorg.conf so itll work? | 01:46 |
afm\colossus | Emess: you don't have to do that | 01:47 |
arso | afm\colossus: opening the pdf now | 01:47 |
Emess | how so? | 01:47 |
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Emess | it wont boot norma,lly, it crashes | 01:47 |
afm\colossus | Emess: just hop over to a virtual terminal with, for example, Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 01:47 |
afm\colossus | oh ok | 01:47 |
afm\colossus | hehe | 01:47 |
arso | afm\colossus: just a question is konquerer based on firefox? | 01:48 |
afm\colossus | arso: nope, konqueror uses a rendering engine of its own, called khtml | 01:48 |
n0ctuRnaL-fieNd | !transparency | 01:48 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 01:48 |
afm\colossus | Emess: try to append "single" to your kernel's boot parameters | 01:48 |
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arso | afm\colossus: downloading pdf, gimme a minute | 01:49 |
afm\colossus | arso: well, there's not much to do for me while you're editing your routers NAT tables according to the instructions in the manual | 01:50 |
afm\colossus | the only thing you need to know: | 01:50 |
afm\colossus | Protocol TCP, port 22 | 01:50 |
afm\colossus | and the IP of your computer | 01:50 |
arso | are the instructions in the manual easy to follow | 01:50 |
arso | with no basic knowledge of linux | 01:50 |
afm\colossus | yes | 01:50 |
arso | okay good | 01:50 |
afm\colossus | they are OS-independent | 01:50 |
arso | how do i find my ip? | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | all you need is a browser to configure the device | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | `ifconfig` can tell you | 01:51 |
arso | konquerer works? | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | yes, konqueror should work :) | 01:51 |
arso | u mean ip? or if | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | if | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | not ip | 01:51 |
afm\colossus | if = interface | 01:51 |
arso | lol ;p k sorry | 01:51 |
arso | nothign opened | 01:51 |
tobias_ | Hi | 01:52 |
tobias_ | how to listen to mp3 with xmms? | 01:52 |
Emess | ok iv got a terminal up, now what? | 01:52 |
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Emess | got the mp3 codecs? tehn jsut open teh song in xmms | 01:52 |
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tobias_ | how to get the mp3 codecs Emess? | 01:53 |
afm\colossus | arso: what do you mean? | 01:53 |
tobias_ | thats my problem ! iam newby | 01:53 |
Emess | Adpet, or if you have a program called Automaitx you can just click it | 01:53 |
Emess | *Adept | 01:53 |
tobias_ | Emess: whats the name of the package? | 01:53 |
arso | afm\colossus: umm theres a problem | 01:53 |
afm\colossus | arso: what exactly? | 01:54 |
arso | afm\colossus: the router page i have shows only 2 options in security | 01:54 |
Emess | mp3lib or something? not quite sure | 01:54 |
arso | afm\colossus: in the pdf | 01:54 |
arso | afm\colossus: there are 4 | 01:54 |
afm\colossus | hmm | 01:54 |
arso | afm\colossus: and the one i need aint there | 01:54 |
afm\colossus | are the relevant ones missing? | 01:54 |
afm\colossus | shit. | 01:54 |
afm\colossus | maybe there's a hint somewhere in the handbook on how to enable/recover the missing ones | 01:55 |
arso | ill check | 01:55 |
afm\colossus | ok, good luck! | 01:55 |
arso | but they never were there since i bought the router last year | 01:55 |
Emess | afm\colossus: nope, it locks up at X | 01:55 |
Emess | cant install if the cd dont work | 01:55 |
arso | ok i mangaged | 01:55 |
tobias_ | Emess: in which repo multiverse? | 01:55 |
afm\colossus | Emess: use the alternative install CD instead | 01:55 |
arso | omg i feel n00b, this is the first time isign in as admin into the page | 01:55 |
Emess | although that computer jsut doesnt want to run any X | 01:55 |
afm\colossus | it's textbased | 01:55 |
Emess | mmm i havent got it tho | 01:56 |
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Emess | and dont have speed to dl it before next week :P | 01:56 |
Emess | or a car to drive to UWA and pick it up from their server, seeing as theyr the main au server :P | 01:56 |
afm\colossus | lol arso ;> | 01:56 |
arso | afm\colossus: never needed to ! lol | 01:56 |
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afm\colossus | Emess: hmm what do you want your computer to do? | 01:57 |
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Emess | run X | 01:57 |
Emess | with KDE | 01:57 |
afm\colossus | (why are you installing ubuntu without a desktop?) | 01:57 |
Emess | and ubuntu' | 01:57 |
afm\colossus | i see | 01:57 |
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afm\colossus | hm well | 01:57 |
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Emess | i want to isntall a desktop, but i need to change some x settings first so it will actually boot | 01:57 |
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afm\colossus | do you know why exactly X fails to start? | 01:57 |
arso | afm\colossus: which page was it? the thing we needed\ | 01:58 |
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Emess | no, but im assuming either my mouse or GPU | 01:58 |
jackal`inst | hi, im using xubuntu..but maybe u can help me :-/ my "applications button doesnt work anymore...clicked something in the menu "settings" and since this clicking it doesnt open and i cannot do right click to open it on the desktop...rebooted the system, but nothing changes | 01:58 |
Emess | because it loads for a sec in flux and then the mosue locks and teh whole thing freezes | 01:58 |
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arso | found it | 01:59 |
klerfayt | what's the reason behind disabed smooth scrolling by default in konqueror? | 02:00 |
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arso | afm\colossus: sorry need ur help a bit | 02:02 |
afm\colossus | yeah, what's up? | 02:03 |
arso | afm\colossus: umm from the port by pass thing | 02:03 |
arso | theres | 02:03 |
arso | add a custom by pass entery | 02:03 |
arso | and in the pdf its not clear wat i should write | 02:03 |
arso | page 80/81 | 02:03 |
afm\colossus | sec | 02:03 |
arso | theres selecting the service telnet/ftp blabal | 02:04 |
afm\colossus | well | 02:04 |
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afm\colossus | you choose "TCP" in the "Choose Protocol" dropdown box | 02:04 |
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arso | ok donethat | 02:05 |
arso | port 22 ? | 02:05 |
afm\colossus | and enter 22 and 22 in the text files right to it | 02:05 |
arso | ok done | 02:05 |
afm\colossus | then you choose "redirect blah blah to IP Address:" | 02:05 |
afm\colossus | and enter your IP in the textbox | 02:06 |
arso | ya ok, thats selected, and ip is already written | 02:06 |
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arso | on default | 02:06 |
afm\colossus | k | 02:06 |
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arso | how about service? no need to pick one | 02:06 |
afm\colossus | nope | 02:06 |
arso | ok | 02:06 |
arso | so now i just reboot router? | 02:06 |
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afm\colossus | click apply | 02:06 |
afm\colossus | maybe it can do this on the fly | 02:07 |
afm\colossus | (it should be able to) | 02:07 |
arso | Entry containing one or more of the requested ports already exists. | 02:07 |
afm\colossus | try leaving the second field blank | 02:07 |
arso | ok | 02:07 |
afm\colossus | so it read from 22 to none | 02:08 |
afm\colossus | reads* | 02:08 |
arso | k | 02:08 |
arso | same error | 02:08 |
arso | i'll try switching | 02:09 |
arso | first empty second 22 | 02:09 |
afm\colossus | ok | 02:09 |
arso | Service name and port number are undefined. | 02:09 |
arso | You must specify the service for TCP/UDP protocols - either by name or number. | 02:09 |
afm\colossus | try 22000 instead of 22 | 02:09 |
arso | in first or second | 02:10 |
afm\colossus | for both | 02:10 |
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arso | umm when i pressed apply | 02:11 |
arso | it refreshed the pa ge | 02:11 |
arso | and its working now | 02:11 |
arso | i think | 02:11 |
arso | Protocol Port Redirected to | 02:11 |
arso | IP Address Enable/ | 02:11 |
arso | Disable Edit Delete | 02:11 |
arso | TCP 22 192.168.254. 1Disable1Edit1Delete1 | 02:11 |
arso | TCP 22000 192.168.254. 1Disable | 02:11 |
arso | sorry bout that | 02:11 |
arso | ya i belive its enabled for port 22 AND 22000 | 02:12 |
afm\colossus | uhm well | 02:12 |
afm\colossus | whatever | 02:12 |
afm\colossus | won't hurt anyone | 02:12 |
afm\colossus | please paste the output of `echo /etc/init.d/ssh*` | 02:13 |
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arso | ? | 02:13 |
arso | ohh | 02:13 |
arso | go to terminal | 02:13 |
afm\colossus | yeah ;) | 02:14 |
afm\colossus | i prefer working there, anyway | 02:14 |
arso | i am sorry | 02:14 |
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arso | wat should i paste in terminal? | 02:14 |
arso | echo /etc/init.d/ssh | 02:14 |
arso | that? | 02:14 |
afm\colossus | no, don't forget about the * at the end | 02:14 |
arso | oh ok | 02:14 |
afm\colossus | `echo /etc/init.d/ssh*` | 02:15 |
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arso | umm i press enter and the line is written underneat it again | 02:15 |
afm\colossus | you pasted it without the ``, right? | 02:15 |
arso | yes | 02:15 |
arso | i pasted : c | 02:16 |
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arso | echo /etc/init.d/ssh* | 02:16 |
afm\colossus | so it doesn't put out anything like "/etc/init.d/sshd"? | 02:16 |
afm\colossus | but just "/etc/init.d/ssh*"? | 02:16 |
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arso | ig | 02:16 |
arso | without echo? | 02:16 |
afm\colossus | yeah, without echo | 02:17 |
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arso | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/ssh* | 02:17 |
arso | bash: /etc/init.d/ssh*: No such file or directory | 02:17 |
arso | ,, | 02:17 |
afm\colossus | oh man, how shitty is that? | 02:17 |
afm\colossus | kubuntu live doesn't come with sshd? | 02:17 |
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arso | lol, dont ask me | 02:18 |
arso | umm hey are u familar with dual booting | 02:18 |
afm\colossus | not really, no | 02:18 |
arso | coz if u r, i'll just go permanently instal it now | 02:18 |
arso | damn | 02:18 |
afm\colossus | i've set it up a few times of course | 02:18 |
afm\colossus | but i'm windows-free | 02:18 |
afm\colossus | there are guides on the forums for sure | 02:18 |
afm\colossus | www.ubuntuforums.org | 02:18 |
arso | i see | 02:18 |
arso | i guess i could go instal it permanently | 02:18 |
arso | then come back here | 02:19 |
afm\colossus | it's a very friendly atmosphere there | 02:19 |
arso | ya, cool | 02:19 |
afm\colossus | well, yes, it would make more sense | 02:19 |
arso | and if i dont understand anything i'll just ask u ;) | 02:19 |
afm\colossus | if all the effort we put into that | 02:19 |
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afm\colossus | is not lost once you reboot | 02:19 |
afm\colossus | ;) | 02:19 |
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arso | btw, do they pay u for this? | 02:19 |
arso | or are u just a visitor helping out n00bs | 02:19 |
afm\colossus | nah, i'm just visiting | 02:19 |
arso | and are u usually here? | 02:19 |
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afm\colossus | i don't even use (k)ubuntu myself, but i like the channel :) | 02:20 |
arso | lol cool, thats weird tho | 02:20 |
arso | btw | 02:20 |
arso | u know Amsn | 02:20 |
afm\colossus | yeah | 02:20 |
arso | can u add people using msn on windows through it? | 02:20 |
afm\colossus | i don't use proprietary IM protocols, though ;) | 02:20 |
arso | wat do u use? | 02:20 |
afm\colossus | yes, i think that's possible | 02:20 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, yes ! you can. | 02:20 |
arso | anywhere i can add u | 02:20 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: thanx, great to hear that | 02:21 |
afm\colossus | i use Jabber (it's also called XAMPP, and Google Talk is based on it) | 02:21 |
afm\colossus | XMPP | 02:21 |
arso | oh cool | 02:21 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, jabber :) which server ? | 02:21 |
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arso | how long are u guys staying here in this channel? | 02:21 |
afm\colossus | i use google talk because of its logging-caps | 02:21 |
arso | i don wanna instal it come back, find u both gone and no body to help me :P | 02:22 |
afm\colossus | all day and all night long, i fear ;) | 02:22 |
arso | yay | 02:22 |
arso | lol | 02:22 |
arso | how old are u ? no job :P | 02:22 |
arso | or are u... AT JOB lol | 02:22 |
afm\colossus | 20 - student of CS and philosophy ;) | 02:22 |
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arso | cool | 02:23 |
arso | i am 16 | 02:23 |
|lostbyte| | Student of BscIT | 02:23 |
arso | computer and science and philosophy!?. how are they related | 02:23 |
arso | |lostbyte|: ?? | 02:23 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: wats that:P | 02:23 |
|lostbyte| | arso, Bachelors in Infrmation Technology | 02:23 |
arso | |lostbyte|: ahh i c ,cool | 02:23 |
arso | u know each other in real life? | 02:23 |
|lostbyte| | Nope :) | 02:24 |
arso | hehe ic | 02:24 |
afm\colossus | i don't anyone in here personal | 02:24 |
arso | i see, where do u live? i am in dubai | 02:24 |
|lostbyte| | USually we dont have personel talks here.. | 02:24 |
afm\colossus | http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ | 02:24 |
|lostbyte| | as per the rules.. | 02:24 |
afm\colossus | @ arso ;) | 02:24 |
arso | lol, so i am breaking the rules her ehuh | 02:24 |
afm\colossus | i'm from Austria, Central EU | 02:24 |
|lostbyte| | ME, Kuwait ! | 02:24 |
arso | oh | 02:25 |
arso | cool, ur near me, i am in dubai,UAE | 02:25 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, Nice.. | 02:25 |
arso | and last but not least, can i please have ur emails so i can contact u if i need help | 02:25 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, I am registered on this nick.. so i am online here 24/7 | 02:26 |
arso | oh ok | 02:26 |
arso | afm\colossus: how about u? | 02:26 |
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afm\colossus | you can look up my contact info on my homepage | 02:26 |
afm\colossus | http://gnulords.org/~colo/ | 02:26 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, DO they teach Linux in CS ? | 02:26 |
arso | sure | 02:26 |
arso | ya, my sis took it, but refuses to help me :( | 02:27 |
afm\colossus | |lostbyte|: yeah, i'm tutor for UNIX-like operating systems | 02:27 |
|lostbyte| | afm\colossus, i was born 25 of august. | 02:27 |
|lostbyte| | :P | 02:27 |
afm\colossus | the subject is called "Technische Praxis der Computersysteme" | 02:27 |
arso | ? lol hows that relevant/ | 02:27 |
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arso | afm\colossus: oh ur not studying in english: | 02:27 |
an | so, i installed kubuntu, it all went smooth. but once i connect to an irc-server, it times out as soon as the motd shows up. also i cant browse to 95% of the webpages including the forums. Where should i look first ? | 02:27 |
afm\colossus | no, pretty much everything german over here ;) | 02:28 |
arso | wtf | 02:28 |
arso | the guy just starts asking a question | 02:28 |
arso | afm\colossus: even the commands? :P | 02:28 |
afm\colossus | an: you could try mointoring your network connection via ping | 02:28 |
afm\colossus | arso: lol ;> | 02:28 |
arso | :P | 02:29 |
an | that would work to see if there is a misshap, but it seems the network connection has a minor problem. any suggestions where to look, and what to look for ? | 02:29 |
|lostbyte| | arso, http://gnulords.org/~colo/img/myself/goodboy_2003.jpg | 02:30 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: yes? | 02:30 |
arso | afm\colossus: wats good about gentoo? | 02:30 |
afm\colossus | arso, read it here: http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/about.xml | 02:31 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: wat is it? | 02:32 |
afm\colossus | afk, eating. bbl. | 02:32 |
arso | sure | 02:32 |
|lostbyte| | ArmedGeek, afm\colossus's nerdy look :P | 02:32 |
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arso | "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." | 02:34 |
arso | interesting | 02:34 |
arso | |lostbyte|: lol | 02:34 |
arso | so |lostbyte| are u kuwaity? | 02:35 |
|lostbyte| | Nope ! Indian. | 02:35 |
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acesuares | arso: did you fix ur problem with ntfs ? | 02:35 |
arso | acesuares: not yet, i am off to install kubuntu permanently | 02:35 |
arso | then i'll be back here | 02:36 |
arso | and tell u if it works or not | 02:36 |
arso | just reading up on gentoo a bit | 02:36 |
acesuares | arso: cool ! | 02:36 |
arso | acesuares: its my first day using linux :D | 02:36 |
acesuares | anb: what type of coinnection (adsl, dial-up ?) | 02:37 |
acesuares | an: what type of coinnection (adsl, dial-up ?) | 02:37 |
=== helter [n=adam@i125-201-158-159.s02.a033.ap.plala.or.jp] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | ok then everyone, i am off to instal, hope it doesnt take long | 02:37 |
arso | be back when i am done | 02:37 |
acesuares | arso: you'll rock like many beofre you ! :-) | 02:37 |
an | a cable modem, through a little hub (the connection supports 4 ip addresses) | 02:37 |
arso | acesuares: lol, thank u, wish i started earilier :(:( | 02:37 |
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arso | afm\colossus: |lostbyte| acesuares brb | 02:38 |
acesuares | arso: never too late to learn :-) (and really, kubuntu dapper is a lot more fun then any distro in 1996 :-))) | 02:38 |
arso | acesuares: dapper?,i guess i'll be trying many distros now on | 02:38 |
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acesuares | an: are you familiar with 'terminal' or the command line ? | 02:38 |
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arso | but herad (k)ubuntu is the best for a windows user to start with | 02:39 |
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acesuares | arso: a very good way. | 02:39 |
scheuri | hi all | 02:39 |
arso | acesuares: i guess i'll be trying suse,dapper and gentoo later on | 02:39 |
an | acesuares: yes, i am familiar with it (tho i would have to reboot into kubuntu again to use it) | 02:40 |
arso | bye | 02:40 |
scott_ | quick question, ive got kubuntu installed atm, i want to install winxp on a partition (that i will make), however i know that installin it will wipe out grub in the bootloader, so after i install windows should i boot into kubuntu livecd then reinstall grub (some how :D) | 02:40 |
arso | umm | 02:40 |
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acesuares | arso: kubuntue's latest release is named 'Dapper Drake' also referred to as 6.06 | 02:40 |
acesuares | !dapper | 02:40 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake" | 02:40 |
arso | can i remove the bottom task bar | 02:40 |
arso | acesuares: ooh, so the one i am using now is dapper? | 02:40 |
acesuares | arso: I hipe so, else you need to find a new cd :-) | 02:41 |
arso | acesuares: coz since the resolution is so big, the NEXT in the installation is hidden by the task bar | 02:41 |
arso | acesuares: its the latest, offcial torrent downloaded yeterday | 02:41 |
acesuares | arso: I've seen that problem many many times, I don't like that problem... | 02:41 |
arso | so no way to remove the bottom taskbar , temporarily or anything | 02:41 |
acesuares | an: your connections is good with windows but bad with kubuntu ? | 02:42 |
an | acesuares: that is correct | 02:43 |
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helter | Hi, I need help with my keyboard, anyone can help? | 02:44 |
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maniacxs | hi, got a problem with oowriter on Breezy. after doing some work in small documents i get *** glibc detected *** free() .... | 02:44 |
acesuares | an: i gotta go now but Imy guess is that it's in the dns. Check /etc/resolv.conf maybe ? | 02:44 |
acesuares | bye | 02:44 |
an | acesuares: i will, thanks and bye | 02:45 |
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yur | good morning | 02:46 |
helter | Hi, I need help with my keyboard, anyone can help? | 02:46 |
yur | whats ur prob? | 02:47 |
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arso | OMG | 02:49 |
arso | this is bad | 02:49 |
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arso | so far i ve been managing to click through the taskbar for next | 02:50 |
arso | but at the partition selection place | 02:50 |
arso | i have 8 partitions+ the NEXT is too far down | 02:50 |
arso | i cant click on it through the taskbar | 02:50 |
arso | isnt there any way to hide the taskbar? | 02:50 |
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ubuntu_ | hey, how can i resize an ext3 partition? | 02:51 |
|lostbyte| | ubuntu_, qtparted | 02:52 |
|lostbyte| | arso, yes, check its options.. | 02:52 |
arso | |lostbyte|: i managed to make the toolbar go <<< halfway | 02:52 |
afm\colossus | arso: yes, there is | 02:52 |
arso | oh how please? | 02:52 |
afm\colossus | right click on it | 02:52 |
ubuntu_ | ive booted using the kubuntu livecd, but qtparted wont let me resize it | 02:52 |
afm\colossus | select configure panel | 02:52 |
afm\colossus | and the "Hiding" | 02:52 |
arso | ya i did it | 02:52 |
afm\colossus | then | 02:52 |
arso | shit | 02:53 |
arso | the parition selection thing | 02:53 |
arso | is bigger then the screen | 02:53 |
ubuntu_ | it says its status is active though.. | 02:53 |
afm\colossus | hehehe | 02:53 |
arso | the OK or NEXT is UNDER the edge of the screen | 02:53 |
afm\colossus | ENTER should work like clicking next | 02:53 |
afm\colossus | or possibly Alt+K | 02:53 |
afm\colossus | or sth like that | 02:53 |
arso | both didnt work... | 02:54 |
arso | omg | 02:54 |
arso | maybe there isnt NEXT orr OK | 02:54 |
arso | i am at the place where i must select | 02:54 |
arso | one swap and one root | 02:54 |
arso | i did that | 02:54 |
arso | anything else i should do | 02:54 |
yur | any1 tried the new ati driverz? | 02:55 |
arso | omg | 02:55 |
bachstudies | does anyone know if there is a way to make a program use a particular soundcard instead of the default? | 02:56 |
arso | so i am screwed? | 02:56 |
arso | ............? | 02:56 |
weihello | 02:56 | |
scheuri | yur: driverz? | 02:56 |
BKaj | It too bad that programs like Google Earth don't come with the dependencies required :( | 02:56 |
arso | afm\colossus: helllllllo? | 02:57 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: hellllllo | 02:57 |
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yur | yup,the new ati gglrx on their website 4 linux | 02:57 |
arso | omg, no one is here to help me... | 02:57 |
afm\colossus | arso: well, try holding down the Alt-Key and drap the window with the mouse | 02:57 |
afm\colossus | drag* | 02:58 |
ubuntu_ | can anyone answer my resizing question please? | 02:58 |
arso | ok | 02:58 |
arso | YAYAYAYAY | 02:58 |
arso | afm\colossus: thank u | 02:58 |
arso | :):LD | 02:59 |
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afm\colossus | ubuntu_: i believe it#s better not to try this with a kubuntu livecd | 02:59 |
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yur | scheuri:yes,the new fglrx from ati site 4 linux | 02:59 |
ubuntu_ | surley its better to use a livecd to resize a partition than when using the actual distro on ur hd? | 03:00 |
afm\colossus | but rather with this here | 03:00 |
afm\colossus | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 03:00 |
arso | good bye | 03:00 |
arso | i continue my installation | 03:00 |
arso | afm\colossus: thankx a lot | 03:00 |
afm\colossus | bye, and the best of luck :) | 03:00 |
scheuri | yur: sorry...cant help | 03:00 |
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arso | afm\colossus: thanz | 03:01 |
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arso | afm\colossus: i am having problems | 03:02 |
arso | i get an error | 03:02 |
arso | after i select which partition to be root and astuff | 03:03 |
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afm\colossus | which error? | 03:03 |
arso | in a minute | 03:03 |
arso | i'll tell u i am going thru installation a gain | 03:03 |
afm\colossus | do you have unpartitioned space on your disk? | 03:03 |
arso | maybe | 03:04 |
arso | a few mbs | 03:04 |
arso | i have 3 harddisks btw | 03:04 |
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jaime | hm I have a problem running amarok, it sounds great but the stream doesn't work, I can see the name of the song but it doesn't sound | 03:04 |
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BKaj | root partition rquires a minimum of 2G according to guide | 03:05 |
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arso | afm\colossus: the test of the swap space in partition no7 of ide2 slave(hdd) found uncorrected errors | 03:05 |
yur | who have serious sam game working on ubuntu? | 03:05 |
yur | i cant get it 2 work | 03:06 |
BKaj | swap should be 500mb to work | 03:06 |
afm\colossus | arso: you better delete some of the partitions you don't need any more, and create fresh ones in their place | 03:06 |
arso | its 15gb - swap | 03:07 |
arso | afm\colossus: umm ok | 03:07 |
arso | wt file system and how | 03:07 |
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arso | through the installer, or from elsewhere | 03:08 |
BKaj | wow arso, that's a bit much :) | 03:08 |
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SeanTater | I think 32 bit systems can't hold much more swap than that | 03:09 |
arso | BKaj: u mean 15gb? how much should i give it? wats the swap for anymore | 03:09 |
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SeanTater | arso: swap is where overflow goes when your memory is full | 03:09 |
afm\colossus | arso: you can also delete the partitions from inside windows | 03:10 |
SeanTater | arso: I keep 1 GB swap, 15 GB is extreme | 03:10 |
BKaj | swap file is for helping memory dumps , it works in conjuction with it | 03:10 |
afm\colossus | or the livecd i just pasted the url to a while back | 03:10 |
arso | afm\colossus: so how much space should i give swap? | 03:10 |
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afm\colossus | not more than 2 times your RAM | 03:10 |
arso | my ram is 1gb | 03:10 |
afm\colossus | that's a good rule of thumb | 03:10 |
arso | so 2 gb? | 03:10 |
arso | ya read it a few places | 03:10 |
SeanTater | arso: that would work well | 03:10 |
BKaj | I agree with afm\colossus, 1 G is plenty | 03:10 |
arso | ohhhhhhhhhhh | 03:10 |
arso | its virtual memory? | 03:11 |
SeanTater | arso: I have 512 MB ram, 1 GB swap | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | yes | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | like windows' pagefile | 03:11 |
arso | i see | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | (only faster :>) | 03:11 |
arso | lol | 03:11 |
BKaj | hehe | 03:11 |
arso | unix like fan boy :P | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | no, it's a fact | 03:11 |
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arso | cool | 03:11 |
arso | another linux advantage | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | windows need to traverse the FS_layer to commit changes to swapped pages | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | Linux does not | 03:11 |
arso | cool | 03:11 |
afm\colossus | since swap is a FS of its own | 03:11 |
arso | afm\colossus: btw | 03:11 |
arso | wat FS should i make the formats | 03:12 |
arso | and how much space should i giv ethe root | 03:12 |
afm\colossus | go for ext3 | 03:12 |
BKaj | I left 500Mb for my swap and I have no probs , but my mem is 1G | 03:12 |
arso | BKaj: lol :P | 03:12 |
SeanTater | afm\colossus: so what if the swap is a file under ext3? | 03:12 |
arso | afm\colossus: can i creat ext3 from windows? if so how | 03:12 |
afm\colossus | SeanTater: that's a penalty to performance | 03:12 |
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arso | norton partition magic? | 03:12 |
afm\colossus | arso: you can, but you should not | 03:12 |
arso | afm\colossus: didnt u just tell me to? | 03:13 |
afm\colossus | just leave a nice amount of free, unpartitioned space for Kubuntu's installer | 03:13 |
SeanTater | afm\colossus: well, I;m glad I switched to a partition swap a whila ago | 03:13 |
arso | ohh | 03:13 |
afm\colossus | it takes care of creating partitions, and formatting them | 03:13 |
arso | so i'll just delete partitions without formatting | 03:13 |
arso | i see | 03:13 |
arso | how can i delte a partition i windows | 03:13 |
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arso | i ve never done that | 03:13 |
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arso | i always do it through the windows cd when installing | 03:13 |
afm\colossus | i don't know where exactly for english windows versions | 03:14 |
BKaj | just make sure you the hda if yer running a windows partition | 03:14 |
SeanTater | arso: AFAIK, partitioning can only be done on live cd's if it can be done elsewhere, it;s new to me | 03:14 |
BKaj | keep | 03:14 |
afm\colossus | but there is a utility integrated since nt 5 | 03:14 |
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lenny__ | hi | 03:14 |
SeanTater | lenny__: hellp | 03:14 |
SeanTater | lenny__: hello, that is | 03:14 |
arso | BKaj: wat do u mean | 03:14 |
afm\colossus | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php - you can also kill/resize/whatever partiitons with this cd | 03:14 |
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arso | omg, another cd, i hope i have blanks | 03:15 |
arso | i think i can just use partition magic, its the best software by norton | 03:15 |
afm\colossus | it's from paragon, i believe ;) | 03:15 |
afm\colossus | but it's decent, yes | 03:15 |
arso | so is 30gb unpartitioned space enough for linux? and does the root and swap have to be on the same harddisk | 03:15 |
SeanTater | afm\colossus: the installer (as in the one on the live cd) comes with qtpartied if you do it in expert mode | 03:15 |
BKaj | I would get asmall program called GParted and make sure you r boot sequence ids from the cdrom first | 03:16 |
arso | or is 15gb enough for both root and swap | 03:16 |
afm\colossus | SeanTater: oh, nice | 03:16 |
afm\colossus | did not know that | 03:16 |
afm\colossus | arso: 30gb is enough, yeah | 03:16 |
SeanTater | afm\colossus: I could not have done it with out qtparted | 03:16 |
BKaj | then you can use GParted to partition your HDD | 03:16 |
afm\colossus | they don't need to reside on the same physical device | 03:16 |
furgu | arso: 30 gb is enough, maybe 2gb for swap and the rest root? | 03:16 |
arso | i see thanx | 03:16 |
furgu | or qtparted | 03:16 |
arso | so is there an option in installer | 03:17 |
BKaj | yes , either one | 03:17 |
arso | to make it take all unpartitioned space? | 03:17 |
BKaj | I use 30G and so far so good | 03:17 |
furgu | arso: you can have it auto-create the partitions that would work too | 03:17 |
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arso | but if i make it auto-create, it will only create partitions in unpartitioned space | 03:18 |
arso | or will it delete any other partitions? | 03:18 |
inc|freaky | hi all. i have a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M 1437G and my CPU keeps running at 800Mhz and the cpu frequency scaling isnt supported (says powernowd when starting) ... what can i do to get this working? Pentium M (centrino, 2ghz) | 03:18 |
BKaj | Of course I'm having a tuff time getting samba to work on my windows network and programs like Google Earth that need a mile of dependencies in Linux :) | 03:18 |
furgu | only in unpartitioned, you can delete partitions and then go back and tell it to auto-create if you want | 03:18 |
arso | oh | 03:18 |
arso | so i can just delete thru the installer, without having to go to windwos and use partition magic | 03:18 |
furgu | yepp | 03:19 |
arso | afm\colossus: why didnt u tell me : lol | 03:19 |
furgu | are you planning on dual booting arso? | 03:19 |
arso | furgu: yes? | 03:19 |
BKaj | yeah arso, furgu knows his stuff :) | 03:19 |
arso | furgu: any thing i should do from now to facilitate that | 03:19 |
furgu | are you planning on reinstalling windows then? | 03:19 |
arso | furgu: no, i have a windows installation on another partition that i installed yesterday | 03:20 |
furgu | but you have some free space arso? | 03:20 |
arso | furgu: i guess, how much are we talking? | 03:20 |
BKaj | partition magic can be dangerous ... it's also buggy as I found to my chagrin | 03:20 |
furgu | 30gb should be enough, is that how much you have? | 03:20 |
arso | no i have more | 03:20 |
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arso | i have total 200gb | 03:21 |
furgu | free? unpartitioned? | 03:21 |
arso | 30gb free and another 20 and 18 gb | 03:21 |
arso | so total is 68gb :D | 03:21 |
kbrooks | Has anyone here tried EasyUbuntu recently? does it work on kubuntu? | 03:21 |
arso | furgu: no theyre not unpartitioned | 03:21 |
kbrooks | we have fixed the bugs on kubuntu | 03:21 |
arso | furgu: there are 2 partitions 15 gb each that are completely free, these are the ones i plan on | 03:22 |
arso | furgu: deleting | 03:22 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: hey remember I tried it and it works fine! | 03:22 |
arso | furgu: to make 30 gb unpartitioned space | 03:22 |
gupta | kbrooks: yup, I had probs running easyubuntu on kubuntu | 03:22 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: when? | 03:22 |
furgu | are the partitions next to each other asrso? | 03:22 |
kbrooks | gupta: java and flash? | 03:22 |
arso | furgu: no | 03:22 |
arso | furgu: theyre on different hdd's as well i think | 03:22 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: a month ago or something - remember I sent you the review! | 03:22 |
gupta | kbrooks: yup, flash had probs | 03:22 |
kbrooks | gupta: we fixed these, so I strongly recommend you try again | 03:23 |
arso | furgu: is that a problem? | 03:23 |
arso | offcource it is , omg | 03:23 |
h3sp4wn | gupta: I strongly recommend if its just flash you need you just install it from multiverse | 03:23 |
furgu | arso: that makes it a little more complicated, you can use the ubuntu installed to delete the partitions, as long as you know which ones they are. Be careful, because it can't be undone, and you won't see thee windows drive letters (C:, D:, E:) | 03:23 |
arso | furgu: it cant create a partition from unpartitioned space in two different hdds | 03:23 |
gupta | kbrooks: OK, But I installed that stuff myself :) | 03:23 |
furgu | arso: it should be able to do that | 03:23 |
arso | furgu: wow, thats possible | 03:24 |
furgu | arso: Unless you know which partitions belong to which drive letters I would delete the partitions in windows | 03:24 |
gupta | h3sp4wn: flash running without probs here | 03:24 |
arso | furgu: how can i delete partitions in windows besides using partition magic? | 03:24 |
furgu | arso: you can have different directories on different partitions... no big deal in linux | 03:24 |
furgu | arso: what version of windows are you using? | 03:24 |
arso | furgu: linux sure rox | 03:24 |
h3sp4wn | gupta: under konqueror ? | 03:24 |
arso | furgu: sp2 | 03:24 |
furgu | arso, if you right click on My Computer, and go to Manage, you can edit your partitions in there | 03:25 |
arso | i see | 03:25 |
furgu | arso, be careful, back up everything important first | 03:25 |
gupta | h3sp4wn: yuk! under Opera | 03:25 |
arso | furgu: the partitions i am deleting are alrdy empty so no worries | 03:25 |
arso | furgu: i'll go to windows then.. goodbye | 03:26 |
furgu | arso: well, I would back things up still | 03:26 |
furgu | with any operation like this, okay arso? | 03:26 |
arso | furgu: but theres 120gb roughly of data | 03:26 |
arso | furgu: how can i back all that up | 03:26 |
furgu | arso, is all of it important? | 03:26 |
arso | i guess | 03:26 |
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arso | years of hardwork | 03:26 |
arso | furgu: but wat dangers are there | 03:27 |
arso | the important stuff is on different partitions | 03:27 |
furgu | if you have years of hard work arso, you should have backups. What if a hard disk fails tomorrow? | 03:27 |
arso | furgu: i plan on buying a 400 gb hdd later, for now, i am in a dangerous situation | 03:27 |
furgu | arso, how old is the hard drive with the important stuff on it? | 03:27 |
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scheuri | arso: I backup on CD, usb-sticks and other harddrives...(even computers)...trust me...that eases your pain if something fails | 03:28 |
arso | furgu: i have 3hdds , 120+40+40, the 120 is about 5/6months old | 03:28 |
arso | a 40 is 2 weeks old | 03:28 |
arso | and a 40 is 3 years old | 03:28 |
arso | i guess the 3 year old one , is the one in danger | 03:28 |
furgu | heh I didnt know they still make 40s | 03:28 |
arso | furgu: i got it free somehow | 03:28 |
kbrooks | ih have 20 gb :P furgu | 03:28 |
arso | furgu: when u upgraded my pc | 03:28 |
furgu | arso, just be very careful when you start deleting things to make sure you are deleting the right partition | 03:28 |
arso | furgu: yes sir | 03:29 |
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kbrooks | furgu: arso | 03:29 |
kbrooks | furgu: arso | 03:29 |
kbrooks | furgu: arso | 03:29 |
arso | kbrooks: yes? | 03:29 |
furgu | arso, good luck, and remember, dont panic | 03:29 |
arso | kbrooks: 20gb lol | 03:29 |
kbrooks | furgu: deleting of partitions only occurs hen you commit | 03:29 |
arso | furgu: yes sir, i stopped panicking last night | 03:29 |
furgu | heh | 03:29 |
arso | furgu: i tried getting suse to work for hours | 03:29 |
furgu | kbrooks, thanks for the info | 03:29 |
scheuri | arso: have you backed up before doing this here? | 03:30 |
furgu | !partition | 03:30 |
kbrooks | commit as in click install | 03:30 |
ubotu | Disks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks | 03:30 |
arso | scheuri: doing wat? | 03:30 |
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scheuri | arso: formating, installing ubuntu on harddisks and stuff... | 03:30 |
furgu | !commit | 03:30 |
ubotu | I know nothing about commit | 03:30 |
furgu | !commitment | 03:30 |
ubotu | I know nothing about commitment | 03:30 |
arso | scheuri: i am still oan live cd | 03:30 |
arso | scheuri: i am going to go delete 2 partitions now that i have already formatted yesterday so data loss is minimal | 03:30 |
scheuri | arso: well, okay...it sounded like you are actually on your harddisks... | 03:30 |
furgu | damn promiscuous bots | 03:31 |
scheuri | arso: still...if something gets wrong....well... | 03:31 |
arso | scheuri: no ia m discussing my deletion plans for the actual instalment now | 03:31 |
arso | scheuri: god be with me | 03:31 |
arso | good bye then, | 03:31 |
arso | off to windows | 03:31 |
arso | thanx everyone for ur advice | 03:31 |
scheuri | arso: god has absolutely nothing to do with this...make a backup...because god is not doing that for you...:) | 03:31 |
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arso | scheuri: too hard to backup 100gb+ | 03:32 |
furgu | if lightning strikes the computer or floods the home it's an act of god, right? | 03:32 |
scheuri | furgu: no comment | 03:32 |
furgu | heh | 03:32 |
arso | lol | 03:32 |
scheuri | arso: well....okay... | 03:32 |
arso | ok people, GOODBYE | 03:32 |
furgu | bye | 03:32 |
arso | thanx alot furgu,scheuri | 03:32 |
arso | i'll be back when i install it | 03:32 |
arso | how long does it take? roughly | 03:32 |
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h3sp4wn | I think that that means you are not supposed to have the data in question | 03:32 |
arso | 30/40mins? | 03:32 |
furgu | about that depending on your specs | 03:33 |
arso | 3.2 HT intel 1gb ram | 03:33 |
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furgu | should be pretty quick | 03:33 |
arso | i want a xeon server T'T | 03:33 |
furgu | arso, do you have ATI card or Nvidia? | 03:33 |
arso | ATI | 03:33 |
furgu | hmmm... ok | 03:33 |
arso | integrated with the mobo 256mb' radeon series 200 | 03:34 |
furgu | jsyk ATI drivers for linux are poor, if you want to use OpenGL apps, if not no worries | 03:34 |
arso | is it good, or should i get a nvidia | 03:34 |
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arso | furgu: oh? so am i gonna have trouble? | 03:34 |
arso | ohh nvm we'll leave that for later, now i instal fix the resolution problem and the mounting problem | 03:34 |
arso | GOOD BYE | 03:34 |
furgu | arso, you will be able to do everything but playing games or doing intense graphical things may make life difficult | 03:35 |
afm\colossus | nvidia's proprietary drivers are of top notch quality | 03:35 |
furgu | sounds good | 03:35 |
furgu | later | 03:35 |
afm\colossus | ati's aren't | 03:35 |
arso | bye | 03:35 |
h3sp4wn | They are better than they used to be the ati ones | 03:35 |
furgu | elie was in here yesterday crying about the ati drivers | 03:35 |
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BKaj | nVidia has more driver issues than ATI in Linux | 03:36 |
furgu | what? no way man | 03:36 |
furgu | BKaj, is this from experience? | 03:36 |
BKaj | from all the stuuf I've seen about them on the different Linux distro chats , that's my cocnclusion | 03:37 |
furgu | thats funny I have ready the opposite | 03:37 |
furgu | I have never had any problems with the nvidia drivers... rock solid | 03:37 |
BKaj | I'm using an elcheapo ATI on board xpress200 that uses the std driver | 03:38 |
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BKaj | no probs | 03:38 |
scheuri | havent had any issues with nvidia either, never trie ati though | 03:38 |
furgu | only issue is if you try to mix the ones from the nvidia website or the ubuntu packages | 03:38 |
furgu | STD is open source? | 03:38 |
LiquidNerd_work | open sores? | 03:39 |
BKaj | the driver that Kubuntu uses fro AtI | 03:39 |
furgu | standard? | 03:39 |
furgu | did you install a special package BKaj? | 03:39 |
BKaj | auto detection | 03:39 |
BKaj | no furgu | 03:39 |
h3sp4wn | There is full 3d support with 9600 and below and the free drivers | 03:39 |
furgu | BKaj, you are using a non accelerated free driver | 03:39 |
furgu | BKaj no OpenGL for you | 03:40 |
h3sp4wn | BKaj: He has acceleration | 03:40 |
h3sp4wn | By the experimental r300 driver | 03:40 |
BKaj | well I don't know , actaully ...it's frgxl or something | 03:40 |
furgu | h3sp4wn, full acceleration as if the binary drivers were installed? | 03:40 |
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afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: in fact, r300 supports all cards from 9500 to X850XT | 03:41 |
furgu | don't know sorry h3sp4wn is probably right | 03:41 |
afm\colossus | "radeon" provides hardware glx support for 8500 to 9250 | 03:41 |
BKaj | I'm not tellling anyone to avoid nVidia , of course not , merely commenting on what i've seen in the chats | 03:42 |
h3sp4wn | See the x org 7 release notes (It mentions it but its experimental) | 03:42 |
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h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: It crashes whenever you run a 3d application with an r350 | 03:42 |
afm\colossus | really? i remember the dev-website stating that it runs flawlessly on a X850 | 03:43 |
furgu | Can you do dual monitor setup on those drivers? | 03:43 |
h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: You get about 10 seconds of acceleration then a hardlock | 03:43 |
afm\colossus | furgu: "radeon" can do | 03:43 |
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BKaj | tell me , what is 3d anyway ...exceptional resolution or something or... ? | 03:43 |
afm\colossus | don't know about r300 | 03:43 |
arso123456 | hey its arso | 03:43 |
afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: i see | 03:43 |
arso123456 | from windows | 03:43 |
afm\colossus | what about r300? | 03:43 |
afm\colossus | wb arso | 03:44 |
arso123456 | ya | 03:44 |
arso123456 | i forgot , how do i delete partitions from windows again :P | 03:44 |
arso123456 | i was told but forgot again :S | 03:44 |
furgu | right click My Computer, go to Manage | 03:44 |
arso123456 | ok>? | 03:44 |
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arso123456 | i see | 03:45 |
furgu | in the Management window there will be a partitions option somewhere in the list on the right | 03:45 |
furgu | ok | 03:45 |
arso123456 | disk management | 03:45 |
arso123456 | thnx | 03:45 |
furgu | np | 03:45 |
h3sp4wn | r300 is supposed to be ok (with upto 9600XT or certain enbedded cards - just the ones with 4 pipes though) | 03:45 |
arso123456 | furgu do i need to do something from now to dual boot later? | 03:45 |
furgu | nope arsol, linux takes care of that | 03:45 |
arso123456 | furgu and another thing, luckily both partitions are on the same drive | 03:46 |
arso123456 | and on the new hdd from 2 weeks | 03:46 |
arso123456 | furgu "delete logical drive" ? | 03:46 |
furgu | BKaj, 3d is like 3d graphics... google Earth uses opengl | 03:46 |
h3sp4wn | BJaj: run glxinfo | grep direct (If you get direct rendering yes its working) | 03:46 |
furgu | arsol, I think so, you right clicked on the drive letter and selected delete? | 03:47 |
arso123456 | there isnt delete | 03:47 |
arso123456 | theres delete logical drive | 03:47 |
arso123456 | just checking thats the right one | 03:48 |
furgu | I think so let me fire up vmware to make sure | 03:48 |
arso123456 | ok | 03:48 |
arso123456 | umm wats vmware? :P | 03:48 |
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BKaj | h3sp4wn: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 03:49 |
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afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: so radeon 9700 and above won't work reliably as of now? | 03:49 |
mackyman | Hello! I have a problem with getting my mp3's to work under my fresh installed kubuntu. Culd anyone help? | 03:49 |
h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: I don't even think the 9500 will | 03:49 |
robotgeek | !codecs | 03:49 |
ubotu | For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:49 |
furgu | vmware is a program to emulate a computer so you can install other operating systems | 03:49 |
arso123456 | oh cool | 03:50 |
arso123456 | so thats wat u use for dual booting? | 03:50 |
furgu | its not working for some reason tho | 03:50 |
afm\colossus | why? doesn't the 9500 have just 4 ipes as well? | 03:50 |
afm\colossus | pipes* | 03:50 |
h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: I want to try xorg 7.1 and the development version of mesa to make sure though | 03:50 |
furgu | if that the only option I am pretty sure thats it | 03:50 |
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arso123456 | and is that wat I should use for dual booting | 03:50 |
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afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: do you happen to have quake3? | 03:50 |
h3sp4wn | <afm\colossus>: No | 03:50 |
afm\colossus | i'd really like to have someone run a few bacnhmarks on a r300-driven card | 03:50 |
ninHer | hi all | 03:51 |
furgu | arsol123456, ubuntu will install a special program that will give you a choice between windows and linux when you boot | 03:51 |
afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: would you mind leeching about 500mb? ;) | 03:51 |
mackyman | I have already checked there... But I can't get the libxine-extracodecs | 03:51 |
mackyman | It doesn't exist... | 03:51 |
scheuri | anyone good with tar? I would like to tar my whole /home/[user] and preserve the chmod's of dirs/files within that archive...is that possible? | 03:51 |
h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: What do you mean ? Can I do it at 200 k/s or better ? | 03:51 |
afm\colossus | scheuri: tar -cpf /path/to/tarfile.tar ~ | 03:51 |
afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: 100mbit | 03:52 |
scheuri | afm\colossus: so cpf are the options? thousand thanks! | 03:52 |
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furgu | scheuri: cd /; tar czpf something.tgz /home/[user] | 03:52 |
afm\colossus | z uses gzip encryption | 03:52 |
h3sp4wn | afm\colossus: I don't understand what you want | 03:52 |
LiquidNerd_work | if you did "cp ~/ ~/" would that work/create an endless loop | 03:52 |
afm\colossus | h3sp4wn: one moment, please :) | 03:53 |
furgu | thanks LiquidNerd_work | 03:53 |
arso123456 | furgu do i have to instal that program | 03:53 |
scheuri | furgu: and afm\colossus thanks a lot! | 03:53 |
arso123456 | furgu or does it instal on its own | 03:53 |
furgu | no it will do it for you arsol123456 | 03:53 |
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furgu | <afm\colossus> gzip isnt encryption its compression | 03:54 |
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afm\colossus | well yeah, that#s what i wanted to say anyway ;) | 03:54 |
furgu | heh, time for coffee | 03:54 |
afm\colossus | although every method of encoding is also a form of encryption ;) | 03:54 |
furgu | <afm\colossus>, yeah, if you consider rot13 'encryption' then I guess | 03:55 |
afm\colossus | of course ;) | 03:55 |
afm\colossus | even clear text is encryption | 03:55 |
furgu | heh | 03:55 |
furgu | words _are_ hard | 03:55 |
furgu | !words | 03:56 |
ubotu | I know nothing about words | 03:56 |
BKaj | Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' ! ...WTF does that mean? | 03:56 |
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furgu | wait, doesnt tar preserve permissions anyways, you only need the p when extracting? | 03:57 |
DeadS0ul1` | BKaj: you've never tried pipping through less? | 03:58 |
furgu | BKaj, you need to do more pipe research | 03:58 |
furgu | !pipe | 03:58 |
DeadS0ul1` | BKaj: in Windows command line or DOS have you ever typed in 'dir' and had a screen full names flash past you? | 03:58 |
ubotu | I know nothing about pipe | 03:59 |
furgu | !less | 03:59 |
ubotu | I know nothing about less | 03:59 |
BKaj | I'm trying to get Kmplayer to work , it's there in konqueror but it doesn't install ...it resides here :kmplayer-base_0.9.1.99+0.9.2-rc1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 03:59 |
furgu | !info less | 03:59 |
ubotu | less: Pager program similar to more. In repository main, is important. Version 394-1 (dapper), package size 106 kB, installed size 268 kB | 03:59 |
furgu | its a pipe dream | 03:59 |
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kbrooks | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1195079#post1195079 | 04:00 |
DeadS0ul1` | use the command dpkg -i kmplayer ..wtaver...to install it | 04:00 |
BKaj | Desktop GoogleEarthLinux.bin Streamtuner\ &\ Dependencies | 04:00 |
BKaj | Examples libgtk2.0-0_2.8.17-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb | 04:00 |
BKaj | kaj@BEDROOM:~$ | 04:00 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: ping | 04:00 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: yep? | 04:01 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: wassup? :-) | 04:01 |
DeadS0ul1` | BKaj: install libgtk2 =P | 04:01 |
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bachstudies | kbrooks: not much...just solved a soundcard issue in kubuntu due to having two cards | 04:01 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: how's easyubuntu going? | 04:02 |
BKaj | dea | 04:02 |
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kbrooks | bachstudies: good. you will be able to run easyubuntu as an user when 3.1 is out (i implemented it) | 04:02 |
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bachstudies | kbrooks: you mean without using sudo? | 04:03 |
BKaj | DeadS0ul: cannot stat `libgtk2': No such file or directory | 04:03 |
kbrooks | correct | 04:03 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: is that wise??!!! | 04:03 |
DeadS0ul | use apt-cache search gtk2 | 04:03 |
furgu | !easyubuntu | 04:03 |
ubotu | EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu. | 04:03 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: it asks you for your user password when you choose to install | 04:03 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: very nice | 04:04 |
DeadS0ul | ..it'll lsit out all the packages, hopefully you find libgtk2 there. once you use do apt-get install libgtk2 ..or wahtever the package name is | 04:04 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: it's very wise | 04:04 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: my ubuntu & kubuntu dapper CDs came through the post this morning | 04:04 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: good | 04:04 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: now i just need to decide who to give them to (i also got 12 stickers with it!) | 04:05 |
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kbrooks | bachstudies: 12 stickers? | 04:05 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: nice | 04:05 |
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bachstudies | kbrooks: yep...put one on my wife's laptop even though she can't run it! | 04:06 |
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kbrooks | bachstudies: i'm patiently waiting for my CDs | 04:06 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: i have my old breezy cds still | 04:06 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: so do i actually | 04:06 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: doing well though...i ordered 50 a while ago and shifted nearly all of them at university | 04:07 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: wow | 04:07 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: i like spreading the word! | 04:07 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: look at this thread, and/or reply, please... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1195079 | 04:07 |
bachstudies | kbrooks: must go and shop...but nice to chat and catch you around later (I'll have a look at your link quickly and respond later) | 04:08 |
kbrooks | bachstudies: bye | 04:08 |
h3sp4wn | kbrooks: Does easyubuntu now setup flash under konqueror ? | 04:08 |
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ubuntu_ | yo | 04:08 |
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arso | i am in linux | 04:08 |
kbrooks | h3sp4wn: i don't run kubuntu, so i can't help robotgeek with that. i plan to | 04:09 |
arso | linux this time | 04:09 |
arso | partitions deleted | 04:09 |
arso | gonna run installation now | 04:09 |
kbrooks | h3sp4wn: when the ubuntu/kubuntu cds are sent | 04:09 |
=== n0ctuRnaL-fieNd [n=beavis@c-68-81-26-52.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | yay arso | 04:09 |
BKaj | DeadS0ul: | 04:09 |
BKaj | libgtk2.0-0 is already the newest version. | 04:09 |
BKaj | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 04:09 |
h3sp4wn | kbrooks: But at this moment the fixes are just for under firefox ? | 04:09 |
DeadS0ul | XD | 04:09 |
arso | furgu: :D | 04:10 |
DeadS0ul | duno what's wrong then | 04:10 |
kbrooks | h3sp4wn: I think it setups flash for firefox | 04:10 |
arso | furgu: i hope ur sticking around, coz after i instal theres some problems we need to fix | 04:10 |
arso | furgu: the old resolution problem, and the unable to mount hard disks problm | 04:10 |
furgu | okay arso, someone here should be able to get you setup | 04:11 |
BKaj | yeah DeadS0ul , I'm also having trouble with kmplayer , it won't install, I don't have executable permission :( | 04:11 |
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=jan@dslc-082-082-085-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MilhousePunkRock | Hello everyone | 04:11 |
DeadS0ul | BKaj: have you treid kaffeine? | 04:12 |
BKaj | DeadS0ul: I try to make the file extecutable but the permission box is greyed out | 04:12 |
MilhousePunkRock | how does installing something with make make install ... work? | 04:12 |
=== _marek [n=marek@acxc68.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | anybody know why my /boot partition is mounted as read only? | 04:13 |
furgu | why it might be | 04:13 |
BKaj | I'd like to be able to play windows media files that are on some websites , kafeine won't do it but kmplayer does | 04:13 |
xwolf- | somebody from here told me to use vlc | 04:14 |
xwolf- | it hasn't disappointed me so far. | 04:14 |
furgu | VLC is awesome! | 04:14 |
=== linuxi [n=linuxi@dsl-olugw6-fe6ef800-211.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_marek | what's the equivalent of windows commander for linux ? | 04:14 |
BKaj | what distro xwolf- ? | 04:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | vlc is a great player (at least on windows) | 04:14 |
furgu | But for embedded stuff in webpages I use mplayer | 04:14 |
xwolf- | BKaj exactly the channel you're on. | 04:15 |
xwolf- | _marek bash? | 04:15 |
BKaj | dapper? | 04:15 |
xwolf- | yeap | 04:15 |
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_marek | i meant something with gui ? I had some once but i forgot the name, | 04:15 |
furgu | anyone know how to find what resources are using a device? (boot partition in this case?) | 04:16 |
BKaj | where did ya find vlc , in apt or synaptic | 04:16 |
BKaj | ? | 04:16 |
xwolf- | _marek konsole | 04:16 |
xwolf- | BKaj adept :) | 04:16 |
xwolf- | but it's all the same thing... 'apt-get install vlc' for command-line | 04:16 |
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BKaj | xwolf-: it isn't there as vlc or VLC | 04:18 |
MilhousePunkRock | try video lan instead | 04:18 |
byen | hey Guys | 04:18 |
byen | i have a question | 04:18 |
byen | my external HD is not recognized anymore on dapper but worked out of the box on breezy | 04:19 |
JohnFlux | BKaj: amd64 ? | 04:19 |
BKaj | E: Couldn't find package vlc | 04:19 |
xwolf- | well, take a look at your repos | 04:19 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/KampingKaiser/x-3453498] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MilhousePunkRock | BKaj: Check your sources, I can see it in adept | 04:19 |
BKaj | yup xwolf- AMD64 | 04:19 |
JohnFlux | BKaj: I couldn't find it either | 04:19 |
JohnFlux | BKaj: I was looking this morning | 04:19 |
furgu | byen: is it formatted in windows? | 04:19 |
byen | its is fat32 | 04:19 |
JohnFlux | BKaj: I think it might not be an amd64 package | 04:19 |
JohnFlux | BKaj: I think there might not be an amd64 package | 04:20 |
BKaj | right JohnFlux, no luck :( | 04:20 |
=== Bambi_BOFH [n=kgoetz@ppp222-124.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
byen | and has worked on breezy furgu , after i installed dapper BAM | 04:20 |
BKaj | yeah JohnFlux, seems so | 04:20 |
Lynoure | Hmm, I want a tshirt that says "Windows is FAT" | 04:20 |
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@67-138-75-210.dsl1.merch.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | byen, I had to install usbmount and follow the direction in /usr/share/doc/usbmount/ to make it work | 04:20 |
JohnFlux | byen: if you go to system:/ can you find it? | 04:20 |
JohnFlux | byen: in konqueror | 04:20 |
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furgu | for a thumb drive anyways byen | 04:21 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/KampingKaiser/x-3453498] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | Hello, does anyone know how to simulate mapping a network drive (samba share) under wine? | 04:21 |
byen | not there JohnFlux | 04:21 |
BKaj | to get back to my original prob,I would like to get kmplayer working but it seems I don't have root permission ...why is that ? | 04:22 |
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amitoj | hi everybody | 04:22 |
amitoj | i need some help | 04:23 |
amitoj | can someone help me | 04:23 |
furgu | !help | 04:23 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 04:23 |
furgu | maybe amitoj, whats up> | 04:23 |
amitoj | i just received kubuntu cds | 04:24 |
amitoj | i live in INdia | 04:24 |
amitoj | i am installing kubuntu | 04:24 |
furgu | !in | 04:24 |
ubotu | I know nothing about in | 04:24 |
byen | thanks anyways fellas | 04:24 |
furgu | ok | 04:24 |
furgu | keep going | 04:24 |
amitoj | when it asks for partition selection | 04:24 |
amitoj | i select my first hard disk | 04:24 |
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amitoj | then i have three options | 04:25 |
amitoj | 1. asks for some free space | 04:25 |
BKaj | JohnFlux: I have VLC in Konq as well , but it doesn't show in adept or synaptic | 04:25 |
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amitoj | 2. free entire hard disk | 04:25 |
amitoj | 3. manually partition | 04:25 |
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amitoj | i wanted to know what will happen if i choose 1st option | 04:25 |
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amitoj | and i get an error when i selct 3 option | 04:25 |
amitoj | can you help me | 04:26 |
furgu | amitoj, what error do you get? | 04:26 |
amitoj | its some error that says installer will close now | 04:26 |
furgu | amitoj, what version are your ubuntu disks? 6.06? | 04:26 |
amitoj | yes | 04:27 |
amitoj | 6.06 | 04:27 |
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furgu | amitoj, can you try a different CD and see if option 3 works? A more detailed error message would be helpful | 04:27 |
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amitoj | i tried 3 cds | 04:27 |
amitoj | what does ist option do | 04:28 |
Kbuzz | will grub allow a 2nd linux installationg? | 04:28 |
furgu | amitoj, Are you using the installed in English or Indian? | 04:28 |
amitoj | will it wipe all the data | 04:28 |
negocio | i have a unkonwn partition named hda2 that i never create | 04:28 |
furgu | amitoj, I think it will use whatever space you have free | 04:28 |
negocio | how do i deleteit_ | 04:28 |
amitoj | English | 04:28 |
negocio | ? | 04:28 |
arso | furgu: i need help please | 04:28 |
furgu | arso whats up? | 04:28 |
amitoj | you mean it will not delete any data | 04:28 |
arso | furgu: i am at the place where they show the partitions | 04:28 |
arso | furgu: and where i have select a partition for root and shared | 04:29 |
arso | furgu: but it only shows the existing partitions | 04:29 |
arso | furgu: where do i make it create new partitions | 04:29 |
furgu | arso, if you can tell it to just use your free space that would be easiest... | 04:29 |
arso | furgu: where??!? i looked | 04:29 |
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arso | furgu: ohhh, use the largest free space? | 04:30 |
amitoj | furgu: will it be treating unpartitioned space as free | 04:30 |
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arso | furgu: yup, it automatically made one ext3 and one as swap | 04:30 |
arso | but does it auto give swap double my ram? | 04:30 |
negocio | i install kubuntu from the start | 04:31 |
amitoj | hey arso, did it wipe out data using that option | 04:31 |
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furgu | arso: that should be ok give it a shot... your partitions are funny so I dunno it should work ok | 04:31 |
negocio | i create only two parition the hda1 for files and the other for swap | 04:31 |
arso | amitoj: no | 04:31 |
furgu | amitoj, I am trying to look for a walkthrough... | 04:31 |
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arso | furgu: ok, any ideas how much it gives on defaultfor swap | 04:31 |
furgu | amitoj, it has been awhile not too sure exactly what screen you are on | 04:31 |
amitoj | arso: you selected the first option??? | 04:31 |
negocio | but, now when i check the partitions i have another one with 1 kb size named /dev/hda2 | 04:32 |
furgu | arso: it should be enough, no worries | 04:32 |
arso | amitoj: no. i picked use largest continous free data | 04:32 |
amitoj | furgu i am in 4th | 04:32 |
negocio | where it come from? | 04:32 |
arso | amitoj: and then it created two new partitions, i had 7 it shows partition 8 and 9 | 04:32 |
arso | amitoj: are swap and root (/_ | 04:32 |
amitoj | arso ,i am on the screen that selects the hard disk and manual partition | 04:33 |
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arso | furgu: oh wait it didnt, it said partition 2 and 6!!!! | 04:33 |
arso | amitoj: hold on , i told u wrong | 04:33 |
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arso | amitoj: dont proceed, somethings wrong, its taking up other partitions i think | 04:33 |
amitoj | arso: ok | 04:33 |
BKaj | sigh, konsole can't find files in Konq !! WTF ?!!! | 04:33 |
negocio | hello? can anyone help me please? | 04:33 |
furgu | !install | 04:34 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 04:34 |
arso | furgu: i think i'll go to windows, create a 30 gb partition | 04:34 |
arso | and then let kubuntu reformat it | 04:34 |
arso | amitoj: wats ur problem? how many partitions do u have | 04:34 |
furgu | arso: you might be able to move the partition so that its one contiguous free space | 04:34 |
amitoj | arso: i have 2 hard disks | 04:35 |
arso | amitoj: and partitions? | 04:35 |
BKaj | arso try Q or GParted , it's alott better at making the right partitions | 04:35 |
amitoj | arso: with 2 partitions on 1, and a single hard disk | 04:35 |
arso | furgu: i am checking all the options now | 04:35 |
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arso | BKaj: sorry wats that? | 04:35 |
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arso | amitoj: so u plan on making the whole hard disk for linux? | 04:35 |
furgu | those install instructions are crap, I'm sorry | 04:35 |
amitoj | arso, no | 04:35 |
furgu | someone should fix that | 04:35 |
negocio | hi | 04:35 |
negocio | i need some help | 04:35 |
arso | ok i selected the unparitioned space | 04:35 |
arso | right click | 04:35 |
arso | create | 04:35 |
arso | new partition | 04:35 |
arso | in xt3 or wateva | 04:36 |
amitoj | ok | 04:36 |
arso | ext3 | 04:36 |
BKaj | QParted or Gparted id simpler to use and sag-fer than Partition Magig , DLit and burn it to a cd | 04:36 |
negocio | in kubuntu i have a new partition with 1 kb size, that i never create, can i delete? | 04:36 |
arso | amitoj u should ask the pros, i am a newbie too, sorry | 04:36 |
BKaj | safer | 04:36 |
furgu | negocio, no dont touch it | 04:36 |
amitoj | arso, my installation doesn't show partitons when i select manually parttion | 04:37 |
arso | amitoj: oh, | 04:37 |
furgu | amitoj, you might want to try #ubuntu-in channel | 04:37 |
furgu | !#ubuntu-in | 04:37 |
ubotu | I know nothing about #ubuntu-in | 04:37 |
charlie5 | hi ... sorry to butt in ... Konqeror is asking if I should d/l Shockwave Flash Media plugin ... do I need it and is it safe or should i use a package from Kubu via Adept ? | 04:37 |
negocio | why furgu? | 04:38 |
negocio | i install kubuntu before, and this is the first time i have it | 04:38 |
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amitoj | furgo, thanks alot | 04:38 |
furgu | negocio, because it might screw something up and cause more problems, delete it at your own risk | 04:38 |
negocio | ok, i leave it | 04:39 |
=== glog [n=glog@230.Red-88-4-114.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | neogocio, if it is a fresh install go back and manually partition | 04:39 |
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furgu | negocio, sometimes there is 1kb of free space at the end of a drive | 04:39 |
furgu | negocio, is it being mounted? | 04:40 |
negocio | i do two manually partitions | 04:40 |
=== eitch_ [n=eitch@84-74-23-47.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
negocio | no, isnt mounted | 04:40 |
arso | furgu: i created space from unpartitioned then formated them with ext3 but when it tells me to select which partitions for swap and root | 04:40 |
arso | furgu: but it doesnt show the 2 new partitions i created | 04:41 |
furgu | arso: did you click 'apply' or something like that? commit or dunno... been awhile since I did a fresh install | 04:41 |
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arso | furgu: yea | 04:41 |
furgu | negocio: I wouldnt worry about it... | 04:42 |
arso | seems not | 04:42 |
arso | when i went back | 04:42 |
arso | it shows them as un formatteed | 04:42 |
negocio | ok | 04:42 |
negocio | thanks | 04:42 |
negocio | bye | 04:42 |
arso | ok i "commit"ed this time | 04:42 |
arso | and said operation successful | 04:42 |
arso | but when its listing | 04:43 |
arso | it shows type | 04:43 |
arso | "unknown" for both new | 04:43 |
arso | even tho i created them as ext3 | 04:43 |
arso | i set them as active | 04:43 |
arso | and commit | 04:44 |
arso | still doesnt show up/.// | 04:44 |
arso | wtf | 04:44 |
arso | are u there? | 04:44 |
arso | i set it commit, go forward doesnt show, go back , its unformatted again, wtf | 04:44 |
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jonathan_ | has anyone else noticed us.archive.ubuntu.com is very slow or halts at 99% ? | 04:45 |
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arso | i created the small one as linux swap | 04:45 |
arso | and it worked | 04:45 |
arso | in type shows linux swap | 04:46 |
arso | but the ext3 still isnt working | 04:46 |
arso | should i try a different FS | 04:46 |
gnomefreak | jonathan_: take the us. out of the repos by typing sudo sed -e 's/us\.// -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:46 |
arso | does it matter if itry ext2\? | 04:47 |
furgu | arso sorry | 04:47 |
arso | furgu: ur back? | 04:47 |
furgu | arso I am | 04:47 |
arso | furgu: phew! | 04:47 |
furgu | arso, do you have the option for mount point? | 04:47 |
arso | furgu: i am commiting now, and i have a fealing it will work, i formatted the big one as EXT2 tho | 04:47 |
furgu | arso, one type should be ext3, for root, the other should be swap, for swap | 04:47 |
arso | ok | 04:48 |
gupta | I am trying to install glipper on kubuntu, ./configure gives "error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" | 04:48 |
furgu | the swap only need to be 1-2gb arso | 04:48 |
arso | the one for swap | 04:48 |
arso | ya i made it . gb | 04:48 |
arso | the swa | 04:48 |
arso | swap | 04:48 |
gupta | anyideas? | 04:48 |
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arso | and it shows used .0.0gb and file type and everything | 04:48 |
arso | but its still now showing when i press next | 04:48 |
furgu | for the ext3 it should be mounted as '/' | 04:48 |
jonathan_ | hmm. are the us repos known to go down? | 04:48 |
arso | and it shows a list of partitiong | 04:48 |
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arso | how do i mount | 04:49 |
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arso | and when i press next it says u must unmound | 04:49 |
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furgu | arso, it should be an option when you select the filesystem type maybe? | 04:49 |
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arso | furgu: nope not there | 04:49 |
arso | now i just preses commit for format as ext3 | 04:49 |
furgu | okay when you commit you are getting an error now arso? | 04:50 |
ali | i have a realy 2 annoying problemz ca some1 help? | 04:50 |
arso | operation succesful | 04:50 |
arso | no | 04:50 |
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arso | but when i clicked commit | 04:50 |
arso | they said blabla | 04:50 |
arso | u must umount | 04:50 |
arso | i pressed yes | 04:50 |
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furgu | arso, everything looks ok now? | 04:50 |
arso | looks ya | 04:50 |
arso | i am gonna click nex | 04:50 |
arso | its gonna ask to unmount | 04:50 |
arso | should i yes or no | 04:50 |
furgu | arso, yes | 04:50 |
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arso | when i click next | 04:52 |
gupta | I am trying to install glipper on kubuntu, ./configure gives "error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" . Which package am I missing now? | 04:52 |
arso | the 2 new partitions are still not showing!!! | 04:52 |
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furgu | arso, what exactly do you see on the screen? | 04:52 |
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arso | a list of partitions | 04:53 |
arso | and on the left theres selection | 04:53 |
arso | drop down | 04:53 |
arso | where u pick root or swap or wateva | 04:53 |
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furgu | so you are in the partition manager still arso? | 04:53 |
arso | yes | 04:53 |
furgu | click ok or close or back or whatever to get out of that arso | 04:54 |
arso | ok | 04:54 |
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furgu | arso, what do you see now? | 04:55 |
arso | furgu: ok i aborted installation | 04:55 |
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furgu | arso, restart installation and walk me through step by step what you see | 04:55 |
arso | ok | 04:55 |
arso | first language | 04:55 |
arso | now time | 04:55 |
arso | keyboard layout | 04:55 |
arso | username and pass and stuff | 04:56 |
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arso | selet a disk | 04:56 |
arso | it shows whole harddisks | 04:56 |
arso | 3 of them | 04:56 |
furgu | ok wait | 04:56 |
arso | 4 - use the largest continous space | 04:56 |
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | arso, are the two partition on one physical disk? | 04:57 |
arso | 5- manually edit partition table | 04:57 |
arso | furgu: yes! | 04:57 |
arso | furgu: on the third one | 04:57 |
arso | furgu: hdd | 04:57 |
furgu | arso, tell me all the options again | 04:57 |
arso | theres hda hdb and hdc | 04:57 |
arso | then theres use the largest continous space | 04:57 |
arso | then theres manually edit partition table | 04:57 |
furgu | arso, is the 30gb continuous? | 04:58 |
arso | does master/slave matteR? coz the whole 3d hdd is slave | 04:58 |
furgu | arso no it doesnt | 04:58 |
arso | i formatted them , yes theyre continous | 04:58 |
arso | they are 28gb and 1.56 gb now | 04:58 |
furgu | arso, try option 4 and see how that works | 04:58 |
furgu | arso, the the partitions are created? | 04:58 |
arso | failed to partition the selected disk | 04:58 |
arso | yes i already created them last installation | 04:59 |
furgu | arso, go back and manually edit the partition table and delete those, then commit | 04:59 |
arso | i pressed ok | 04:59 |
arso | ok | 04:59 |
arso | ok done | 05:00 |
arso | now select hdd3 which has them | 05:00 |
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furgu | arso, go back and try option 4 again | 05:00 |
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=== Ertain [n=jason@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | ok | 05:01 |
arso | ok | 05:01 |
arso | it showed me a place | 05:01 |
arso | with all the info i selected | 05:01 |
arso | and said | 05:01 |
arso | it will use | 05:01 |
arso | The following partitions are going to be formatted: | 05:01 |
arso | partition #6 of /dev/hdd as swap | 05:01 |
arso | partition #2 of /dev/hdd as ext3 | 05:01 |
arso | omg ,sorry, forgot i am not allowed to do that | 05:02 |
furgu | arso, why? | 05:02 |
arso | by hdd does it mean hard disk D or hard disk drive, | 05:02 |
furgu | hdd is wrong drive? | 05:02 |
arso | i mean allowed to paste like that | 05:02 |
arso | no hdd is the right drive | 05:02 |
arso | theres a,b,d | 05:02 |
arso | and d is the right one | 05:02 |
furgu | ok | 05:02 |
arso | ok then | 05:02 |
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arso | ok now click install | 05:03 |
arso | so i will have to go | 05:03 |
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arso | bye bye | 05:04 |
arso | thanks alot | 05:04 |
arso | ur da man | 05:04 |
furgu | ok arso, bye | 05:04 |
furgu | np | 05:04 |
arso | ;) later | 05:04 |
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furgu | ali are you there still? | 05:06 |
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ali | yup | 05:08 |
BKaj | but he isn't :) | 05:08 |
BKaj | netsplit | 05:09 |
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furgu | wow I have never seen it this quiet | 05:19 |
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usuario | hello | 05:21 |
usuario | i need some help | 05:21 |
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usuario | i want to know and change the color depth of my kubuntu desktop, but i don't know how | 05:21 |
usuario | could anybody help me?? | 05:22 |
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usuario | ... | 05:23 |
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abhijeet | guys anyone got the shipit cds. | 05:31 |
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Hobbsee | abhijeet: some people did | 05:31 |
abhijeet | ok. | 05:32 |
furgu | <usuario>, did you try System Settings? | 05:32 |
epinephrine | my kubuntu CDs came yesterday | 05:32 |
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ali | how 2 enable XGL? | 05:34 |
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andrew_ | hi | 05:34 |
gupta | abhijeet: Oh yes I recieved them 4-5 days ago ( in delhi) | 05:35 |
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gupta | ali: search in the ho w to section of the forums | 05:35 |
ali | k | 05:35 |
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abhijeet | hey gupta. I am from orissa. | 05:36 |
gupta | ali: or better http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.29 | 05:36 |
andrew_ | i installed real media player and vlc from automatix but when i go to Kmenu multimedia i see vlc and two icons for xine movie player. so, how do i remove this xine player and install real media player? | 05:36 |
arso | hi | 05:36 |
arso | its arso | 05:37 |
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furgu | who? | 05:37 |
arso | i am now on the permanent installation | 05:37 |
furgu | who is arso? | 05:37 |
arso | furgu: argh.? | 05:37 |
furgu | ;-) | 05:37 |
arso | :P | 05:37 |
gupta | abhijeet: when did you request? I placed the request the day after the y started accepting | 05:37 |
arso | furgu: ok so now for the 2 major problems please :D | 05:37 |
furgu | are you using KDE or Gnome arso? | 05:37 |
arso | furgu: kde | 05:37 |
arso | furgu: u? | 05:37 |
gupta | andrew_: rightclikc on kmenu > menu editor | 05:38 |
furgu | so your questions were about resolution and what else? | 05:38 |
abhijeet | gupta: I think, I have booked on 2nd or 3rd june. | 05:38 |
arso | furgu: cant access my partitions, getting unable to mount | 05:38 |
noaXess | hi all | 05:38 |
gupta | abhijeet: well then it would probably take another week | 05:38 |
furgu | arso, your Windows partitions? | 05:38 |
arso | furgu: yes, | 05:38 |
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furgu | arso, are they NTFS or FAT32? | 05:39 |
arso | furgu: one has windows and about 4 are ntfs with data | 05:39 |
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andrew_ | gupta does that uninstall it form my sytem or just removes it form the kmenu | 05:39 |
arso | furgu: ? | 05:40 |
furgu | arso, I am trying to find a howto on the forums | 05:40 |
arso | furgu: oh ok thnx, so i cant access my data at all just so u know | 05:41 |
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furgu | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows.php | 05:41 |
abhijeet | gupta: I have downloaded the ubuntu. but when I try to install it from the live cd it stuck at date and time setting. what is the cause. | 05:41 |
furgu | try that | 05:41 |
furgu | look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ also | 05:42 |
furgu | and the ntfsprogs package looks helpful | 05:42 |
furgu | for resolution look in System Settings | 05:42 |
gupta | andred: just removes it from kmenu | 05:42 |
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andrew_ | ahh ok | 05:43 |
gupta | abhijeet: try waiting a while ( 5-10) minutse or try pressing ctrl+c | 05:43 |
arso | furgu: ok gonna try now | 05:43 |
furgu | good luck | 05:43 |
gupta | andred: for removing from system you have synaptics | 05:43 |
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arso | furgu: for resolution we tried system settings afm\colossus and i | 05:43 |
furgu | any luck? | 05:44 |
arso | furgu: it didnt work, he even tried editing the xorg.cong file from X11 , still didnt work | 05:44 |
arso | nope | 05:44 |
arso | furgu: is there acommand that unmounts ALL partitions | 05:44 |
abhijeet | gupta: kubuntu have the same installing process as ubuntu? | 05:44 |
furgu | arso you should worry about unmounting anything yet | 05:44 |
furgu | arso, it might be the ATI drivers... dont know anything about ATI sorry | 05:45 |
arso | furgu: ok, just following that link u gave me, anyway i checked theyre alrdy unmounted | 05:45 |
furgu | arso shouldnt | 05:45 |
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arso | furgu: i'll look for ati | 05:45 |
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arso | remeber seing it somewhere thejemreport.com | 05:45 |
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arso | so wat should i worry about now | 05:46 |
furgu | !ntfs | 05:46 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 05:46 |
=== Cheapy [n=Adm@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | !resolution | 05:46 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:46 |
furgu | try those links too arso | 05:46 |
arso | getting about blank | 05:46 |
gupta | abhijeet: Can't ay as i have only tried kubuntu | 05:47 |
furgu | copy & paste arso | 05:47 |
arso | ok | 05:47 |
gupta | !gtk | 05:47 |
ubotu | gtk is the gimp toolkit, which forms the base of Gnome and a lot of other applications | 05:47 |
arso | opened | 05:47 |
arso | i am checking now | 05:47 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | With the release of Breezy Badger (Ubuntu 5.10), this step should be almost automatic | 05:48 |
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gupta | furgu: thanks for !command, but shouldn't more ppl know about this? | 05:48 |
sven__ | Anyone here using KDEvelop? | 05:49 |
furgu | gupta? | 05:49 |
furgu | arso: did you try Disk & Filesystem in System Settings? | 05:49 |
gupta | furgu: sry, I meant about ubotu | 05:49 |
arso | furgu: no? wat should i try there | 05:49 |
=== BKaj [n=kaj@toronto-HSE-ppp3986724.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
furgu | arso, see if your partitions are there first | 05:50 |
arso | furgu: u mean storage media, coz thats wat i see | 05:50 |
furgu | at the bottom under System Administration | 05:50 |
arso | ok | 05:51 |
arso | iam there | 05:51 |
arso | yes shows all partitions and sizes | 05:51 |
furgu | click administrator mode | 05:51 |
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arso | but doesnt show type for ntfs, but shows the otheres | 05:51 |
furgu | okay arso, you probably need to follow the first link I sent you | 05:51 |
arso | swap and exc3 are shown | 05:51 |
arso | the oen with a script | 05:51 |
arso | or should i do it manually | 05:52 |
arso | the link shows both ways | 05:52 |
furgu | arso I havent tried this myself so someone else may need to help if you can't get it to work with the info I sent you | 05:52 |
sven__ | Anyone using KDEvelop? | 05:52 |
furgu | !kdevelop | 05:52 |
ubotu | I know nothing about kdevelop | 05:52 |
furgu | !info kdevelop | 05:52 |
ubotu | Package kdevelop does not exist in dapper | 05:52 |
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furgu | what the hell is it sven__? | 05:52 |
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arso | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows.php | 05:53 |
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arso | that one? | 05:53 |
furgu | yah | 05:53 |
furgu | !info kdevelop3 | 05:53 |
ubotu | kdevelop3: An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1218 kB, installed size 3896 kB | 05:53 |
furgu | !help | 05:54 |
=== _wirr [n=wirr@i53870B07.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 05:54 |
furgu | !linux | 05:55 |
ubotu | linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 05:55 |
furgu | !poo | 05:55 |
ubotu | I know nothing about poo | 05:55 |
furgu | !poo is stinky | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | furgu: please stop playing witht he bot | 05:55 |
furgu | why gnomefreak? If I dont play how will I learn? | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | !bot | 05:55 |
apokryphos | !ubotu | 05:55 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | !msgthebot | 05:55 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots | 05:55 |
apokryphos | furgu: do not abuse the bot. | 05:56 |
furgu | wtf | 05:56 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
gnomefreak | i cant still | 05:56 |
gupta | try; /msg ubotu, then play ;) | 05:56 |
apokryphos | furgu: yes, and please watch your language. | 05:56 |
arso | furgu: Now, we need to edit the /etc/fstab file to make the Windows partition mount with the proper permissions (NTFS is read-only in Ubuntu). | 05:57 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
furgu | sorry arso, ask apokryphos | 05:57 |
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kroyer | hi | 06:00 |
kroyer | i have some problems with konqueror to connect to some website | 06:00 |
kroyer | like ebay, or egroupware, do someone knows about them plz ? | 06:00 |
arso | apokryphos: hi | 06:00 |
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apokryphos | hello | 06:01 |
BKaj | konq can be as s;ow as molasses.. | 06:01 |
apokryphos | or as fast as lightning ;-) | 06:01 |
arso | apokryphos: can u help me with wat furgu was helping me with? | 06:01 |
kroyer | apokryphos: any ideaaa plz ? | 06:01 |
apokryphos | arso: what's the problem? | 06:02 |
arso | apokryphos: i am having two problems, first with the resolution | 06:02 |
apokryphos | kroyer: what's the error? | 06:02 |
arso | apokryphos: its stuck on 640*480 | 06:02 |
apokryphos | arso: /msg ubotu resolution | 06:02 |
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kroyer | it does not log in, the login seems to be ok, be i do not enter the website | 06:03 |
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apokryphos | those pages seem to work just fine for me... | 06:03 |
apokryphos | logging in too etc (at least ebay) | 06:03 |
arso | apokryphos: and the second problem is that my partitions from windows before are all ntfs | 06:04 |
arso | and kubuntu is unable to mount them | 06:04 |
apokryphos | arso: it's perfectly able to mount them, just not write to them | 06:05 |
apokryphos | arso: /msg ubotu ntfs | 06:05 |
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arso | apokryphos: so then wat wouldi do? i have important data, and i want to write more? | 06:05 |
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apokryphos | arso: it's impossible to write properly to NTFS from Linux | 06:06 |
apokryphos | blame Microsoft | 06:06 |
apokryphos | NTFS is not free/open source. | 06:06 |
arso | apokryphos: so i would have to divide all my partitions to two | 06:06 |
arso | linux and windows | 06:06 |
arso | damn | 06:06 |
arso | dual booting is a bitch | 06:06 |
gupta | kroyer: there? | 06:06 |
apokryphos | arso: if you had windoze on fat32 then it'd all work fine | 06:07 |
Fetter_Zweerg | Where can i get Cedega for free | 06:07 |
apokryphos | Fetter_Zweerg: /msg ubotu cedega | 06:07 |
kroyer | gupta: yes | 06:07 |
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arso | apokryphos: oh, so if they are fat32 they can be read by both windwos and linux | 06:08 |
apokryphos | arso: read+write, yes | 06:08 |
gupta | kroyer: Try this > get opera > right click > site preferences > mark as internet explorer | 06:08 |
kroyer | gupta: opera ?? | 06:08 |
gupta | kroyer: ost probably your site site ain't working coz of browser sniffing | 06:08 |
arso | apokryphos: can i paste something into ntfs or not? | 06:09 |
kroyer | are you serious | 06:09 |
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apokryphos | arso: impossible | 06:09 |
gupta | kroyer: Haven't heard of opera??? www.opera.com | 06:09 |
kroyer | if so i can use firefox, cause it is working | 06:09 |
arso | apokryphos: i see, so i would have to make all my partitions fat32 | 06:09 |
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arso | apokryphos: time consuming but possible | 06:09 |
apokryphos | arso: exactly | 06:09 |
kroyer | yes, i know opera, but i do not like it | 06:09 |
apokryphos | arso: or just not use Windoze :P | 06:09 |
apokryphos | arso: yes, you'd have to backup all your data, reinstall windoze... | 06:09 |
apokryphos | but hey | 06:09 |
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arso | apokryphos: well ia mstill linux newbie, so i would rather dual boot till i am quite good with apok | 06:09 |
afm\colossus | http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ @ arso | 06:09 |
gupta | kroyer: why?? | 06:10 |
apokryphos | arso: indeed | 06:10 |
arso | apokryphos: with linux*** lol | 06:10 |
thoreauputic | !captive | 06:10 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 06:10 |
arso | afm\colossus: welcome back and thanx | 06:10 |
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arso | afm\colossus: wat is that might i ask? | 06:10 |
kroyer | i've tried opera years before, and no, thanks, i prefer firefox | 06:10 |
=== Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A09014.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | firefox rox | 06:10 |
apokryphos | Opera is the shiznit | 06:10 |
kroyer | i just want to use konqueror because it it the default kde browser | 06:10 |
afm\colossus | a wrapper to enslave ntfs.sys under Linux | 06:10 |
BKaj | anyone have Mplayer on AMD64 ? | 06:11 |
arso | i find konqueror very close to firefox | 06:11 |
arso | afm\colossus: umm meaning | 06:11 |
afm\colossus | konqueror rules | 06:11 |
=== apokryphos rarely uses anything but Konqueror | ||
afm\colossus | captive provides a slow but secure way to write to NTFS under GNU/Linux | 06:11 |
arso | afm\colossus: i see, and not dangerous in anyway? | 06:11 |
arso | afm\colossus: and how slow/ | 06:12 |
afm\colossus | terribly slow | 06:12 |
gupta | those not using opera hae no idea what they are missing. | 06:12 |
afm\colossus | but as stable as windows | 06:12 |
arso | afm\colossus: but HOW slow, bearable? | 06:12 |
afm\colossus | Opera is non-free software | 06:12 |
afm\colossus | arso: well, depens on what you want to do :> | 06:12 |
Jack12 | hi | 06:12 |
afm\colossus | bearable for moderate desktop usage | 06:12 |
arso | afm\colossus: i see, i guess i'll just re format everything, nah i transfer gb's | 06:13 |
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arso | afm\colossus: i think i have enuff free memory around to move things format their partition then move them back | 06:13 |
gupta | but opera is atleast 100 times better than konqueror. | 06:13 |
arso | afm\colossus: back to the original problem of resolutions, any ideas :(:(:(: | 06:13 |
afm\colossus | arso: that's probably the best idea | 06:13 |
BKaj | Konq works better tha FF on a lot of sites that are media driven | 06:13 |
afm\colossus | please consider usin ext3 over fat32, since it offers way better features | 06:13 |
arso | afm\colossus: but can windows read ext3 | 06:14 |
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afm\colossus | and there are drivers for windows | 06:14 |
afm\colossus | www.fs-driver.org | 06:14 |
Jack12 | how can i save a webpage and make it useable offline in konqueror? where could i specify save until that level ( meaning the links and sites that are related) | 06:14 |
arso | afm\colossus: are they fast and secure | 06:14 |
afm\colossus | yes, they are | 06:14 |
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arso | afm\colossus: in that ccase then ext3 it is | 06:14 |
arso | ohhh but i need to find a windows program that can format to ext3 | 06:14 |
BKaj | why use windows? | 06:15 |
Jack12 | arso did u try partition magic? | 06:15 |
Jack12 | arso pm is able to do that | 06:15 |
arso | Jack12: really ? | 06:15 |
Jack12 | arso yes | 06:15 |
BKaj | get Dparted Or Qparted and burn it to a cd the boot into the cd and do your partitioning with that | 06:15 |
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arso | Jack12: i recall someone today earlier taking me | 06:16 |
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arso | Jack12: telling me * | 06:16 |
arso | Jack12: that PM is not good ,and buggy | 06:16 |
BKaj | partition magic is dangerous , you could lose your windows partition easily | 06:16 |
afm\colossus | arso: please, use mkfs to format partitions with filesystems supported by Linux | 06:16 |
afm\colossus | that's the only way to know for sure what's going on under the hood | 06:16 |
arso | mkfs? thats a windows prog? | 06:16 |
afm\colossus | no | 06:17 |
afm\colossus | mkfs is a command line application collection for formatting under UNIX | 06:17 |
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arso | but i cant write on ntfs with linux | 06:17 |
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arso | i need to write so that i can copy paste data around to free info | 06:17 |
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afm\colossus | copy all your stuff over to just one NTFS volume | 06:17 |
afm\colossus | format another on with ext3 | 06:17 |
afm\colossus | install fs-driver.org's drivers under widnows | 06:18 |
afm\colossus | and move it over | 06:18 |
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afm\colossus | or, better yet, move it from inside of (k)Ubuntu | 06:18 |
arso | afm\colossus: maybe one ntfs isnt enough | 06:18 |
Jack12 | arso maybe its however not good to use for linux, but if u need to reformat win to linux, or partiton within windows i think its ok; for use within linux u better get qtparted or that stuff BKaj said | 06:18 |
arso | wats qtparted? | 06:18 |
afm\colossus | bottom line is: don't use partiiton magic for FORMATTING partitions | 06:18 |
Jack12 | how can i save a webpage and make it useable offline in konqueror? | 06:18 |
BKaj | you won't be working windows and that adds a bit of security | 06:19 |
arso | afm\colossus: is it vital to use ext3 instead of fat32? wat are the advantages | 06:19 |
arso | coz its way easier if i just make them fat32 | 06:19 |
arso | ohh wiat | 06:19 |
arso | i guess i'll just free a drive in windows | 06:19 |
arso | then open linux format it to ext3 | 06:19 |
arso | then go to windows | 06:19 |
arso | install driver | 06:19 |
arso | fill it up | 06:20 |
arso | free another | 06:20 |
Jack12 | where is kwallet stored in the menu? | 06:20 |
arso | and so on | 06:20 |
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arso | go console | 06:20 |
afm\colossus | fat32: only one inode index table (although it's called FAT on DOS-boxes), max. filesize 2GB, insane blocksizes | 06:20 |
afm\colossus | ext3: none of the above | 06:20 |
arso | wtf max file 3gb thats gay | 06:20 |
arso | ya definitely not fat32 | 06:20 |
arso | most my downloads at 3gb+ | 06:20 |
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arso | ok i know wat to do now, i just hope i have enough space to do it, its gonna be a mess, but its gonna pay off | 06:21 |
arso | and its gonna take time | 06:21 |
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arso | so does fs driver read ext3 perfectly,.as if its a native FS ? | 06:21 |
afm\colossus | yes | 06:22 |
afm\colossus | the only limitation it poses | 06:22 |
afm\colossus | is that if you create a new file under Windows on an ext3 volume with it | 06:22 |
afm\colossus | that file's owner and group are root | 06:22 |
afm\colossus | but that's bearable | 06:22 |
arso | sorry i didnt understand there | 06:22 |
arso | that*** | 06:23 |
arso | so wat do u mean file owner is root? | 06:23 |
afm\colossus | that shouldn't bother you for now ;) | 06:23 |
arso | wats the problem with taht | 06:23 |
arso | u mean file access , anyone can open them? | 06:23 |
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afm\colossus | it has to do sth. with unix permissions | 06:23 |
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afm\colossus | no, only root may open/read those files | 06:23 |
afm\colossus | root is the equivalent to "Administrator" on windows | 06:24 |
Jack12 | xine keeps telling me: no engine loaded, cannot start playback; while xmms works fine....can so help me? | 06:24 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: well, both players use different backends for playing files | 06:24 |
afm\colossus | (xine actually is a backend itself...) | 06:24 |
arso | so . if i write a file on windows, when i go to linux, on kde normally i wont be able to acces sthem or will i be asked for a password? | 06:25 |
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arso | and if i try to access them on windows, will they open normally, or will i be asked for linux root pass, or windows admin pass ? | 06:25 |
afm\colossus | under Windows, no access restrictions are imposed on you | 06:26 |
afm\colossus | under GNU/Linux, you'll have to set permissions to fit your needs | 06:26 |
afm\colossus | though that's not much of a problem | 06:26 |
arso | wat do umean by set permissions | 06:26 |
arso | if i try to open it ,access denied? | 06:26 |
arso | or please enter root pass | 06:26 |
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afm\colossus | access denied | 06:27 |
arso | and how is that dealt with? | 06:27 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus> i have amaork-xine installed i dont get it | 06:27 |
afm\colossus | arso: `chown -R yourusername:yourgroup allthefilesyoucreated`, and you're done | 06:28 |
arso | Jack12: wats amaork-xine? ext3 driver for windows?\ | 06:28 |
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arso | eh wtf/ | 06:28 |
imbrandon | amarok-xine is a media player | 06:28 |
arso | afm\colossus: sorry wtf? | 06:28 |
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arso | imbrandon lol k | 06:28 |
afm\colossus | arso: just don't worry for now, ok? ;) | 06:28 |
arso | lol ok | 06:28 |
arso | but will i have to type taht command for EACH file name i wont to access?!?! or just once and were set | 06:29 |
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
afm\colossus | of course only one time | 06:29 |
arso | oh then i shouldnt worry | 06:29 |
arso | listen i am gonna go to windows now | 06:29 |
Jack12 | arso no thats an engine for amaro but it doesnt work for me | 06:29 |
arso | Jack12: i see, nvm , i am too confused right now, overload | 06:30 |
arso | today was a looooooooong day | 06:30 |
DaSkreech | What would make a process unkillable? | 06:30 |
arso | afm\colossus: i am gonna go to windows and come to mirc | 06:30 |
arso | ohhh btw, how do i enter windows now ? | 06:30 |
arso | i am not on the livecd anymore i am on the permanent installationh | 06:30 |
afm\colossus | you are prompted to hit a key to display GRUB's menu at the beginning of the boot process | 06:31 |
afm\colossus | you should do so | 06:31 |
afm\colossus | and select windows from the list of OSs | 06:31 |
arso | hit any key or a specific key | 06:32 |
afm\colossus | any key, i think | 06:32 |
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arso | so if i dont hit anything , linux loads up, if i want windows i hitthat key | 06:32 |
arso | and get a grub list, which displays os list? | 06:32 |
arso | and wtf is GRUB ? :P | 06:32 |
afm\colossus | GRUB = Grand Unified Boot Loader | 06:32 |
arso | i see | 06:32 |
dr_willis | !grub | 06:32 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:32 |
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arso | and btw we st ill didnt deal with the resolution problem | 06:33 |
arso | dr_willis: thanx :) | 06:33 |
afm\colossus | i know | 06:33 |
afm\colossus | we'll take care of that later | 06:33 |
arso | i am starting to get concerned | 06:33 |
arso | afm\colossus: u 100% its curable? | 06:33 |
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afm\colossus | i've got an important exam tomorrow | 06:33 |
afm\colossus | cant spend all my time helping out here today, sorry | 06:33 |
arso | i see, that sux. | 06:33 |
afm\colossus | yes, i'm sure it is to be fixed ;) | 06:34 |
=== dr_willis goes to work cook. | ||
Jack12 | what would i need as soundrivers for amarok/xine? | 06:34 |
dr_willis | whats the problem anyway? | 06:34 |
arso | so wat other methods are u gonna use , so i can tell any other person to help me | 06:34 |
arso | or use google or wateva | 06:34 |
afm\colossus | www.ubuntuforums.org | 06:34 |
arso | thats broad/ :P | 06:34 |
arso | i should just search around there? | 06:34 |
Jack12 | arso what du need/want to do? | 06:34 |
dr_willis | #ubuntu channel as well | 06:34 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: drivers? you already have ALSA working, i suppose, so you don't need any drivers | 06:35 |
arso | Jack12: i am having problems with my resolution | 06:35 |
arso | jack12 its stuck on 640*480 and no other options | 06:35 |
dr_willis | !fixres | 06:35 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:35 |
dr_willis | what video card? anyway? | 06:36 |
arso | we tried changing the configuration , but that didnt work | 06:36 |
arso | ati radeon series 200 | 06:36 |
arso | maybe i need a driver for the vga first | 06:36 |
dr_willis | My ati m200 worked good. | 06:36 |
dr_willis | But i had to install the actual ati drivers i recall befor. | 06:36 |
arso | still remember where to find them? | 06:36 |
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dr_willis | !ati | 06:36 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:36 |
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Jack12 | arso try reconfigure xserver-xorg with sudo i think its in the faq too, and in the menu tick just the boxes with your resolution and restart | 06:36 |
dr_willis | amazing how well documented this stuff is eh. | 06:37 |
dr_willis | this a laptop we are dealing with? | 06:37 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus> i reinstalled xine and didnt autodetect there but specified alsa ->now it works properly..thx | 06:37 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: great :) | 06:37 |
arso | afm\colossus: is wat jack12 said wat we already tried, or is it something new i should try? | 06:38 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus>how can i save a webpage for offline use in konqueror? | 06:38 |
arso | Jack12: which faq please? :P | 06:38 |
afm\colossus | arso: you should try that too, i'd say | 06:38 |
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arso | afm\colossus: sure, | 06:38 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: sorry to disappoint you, but i dont know | 06:39 |
arso | i am looking for the ati drivers first tho | 06:39 |
Jack12 | arso that is here above in the channel bookmarked as common questions | 06:39 |
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afm\colossus | you could possibly use wget for that purpose, though | 06:39 |
afm\colossus | `man wget` tells you how ;) | 06:39 |
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arso | man wget ok | 06:39 |
afm\colossus | arso: nope | 06:39 |
afm\colossus | that was meant to be recognized by Jack12 ;) | 06:39 |
arso | oh lol | 06:40 |
Jack12 | arso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:40 |
dr_willis | or cheat and get a live cd that works.. and copy its xorg.conf over. :P | 06:40 |
arso | Jack12: yes? | 06:40 |
Jack12 | arso try what they say there | 06:41 |
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arso | okay | 06:41 |
arso | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194669 omg, no body got a wroking ati | 06:42 |
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BKaj | mine works , arso | 06:42 |
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arso | btw if i find ubuntu drivers, do they work for kubuntu too? | 06:42 |
arso | BKaj: oh uve got ati, can u help find drivers with 3d acceleration and everything please? | 06:43 |
dr_willis | arso, ubuntu and kubuntu are identical | 06:43 |
dr_willis | !ati | 06:44 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:44 |
vita_ | Hi everyone | 06:44 |
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BKaj | sorry mine doesn't support 3D accel , it's just an onboard elcheapo ati xpress200 | 06:44 |
dr_willis | that url tells exactly how to install the official ati drivers for your card. | 06:44 |
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dr_willis | BKaj, huh? My x200mobility does. | 06:44 |
dergringo^afk | mine support 3d | 06:44 |
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Jack12 | how can i save a webpage with all its links in kubuntu konqueror | 06:44 |
dergringo | I have binary drivers installed | 06:44 |
dr_willis | They really need to clarity their naming scheme on these video cards. | 06:44 |
BKaj | wel, I haven't bothered to try 3D , whatever that is | 06:45 |
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arso | BKaj: but i have an unboard ati radeon 200 with 256mb , its 3d and shit | 06:45 |
BKaj | i don't understand all the=at gamerz stuff since I'm not into games | 06:46 |
arso | damn | 06:46 |
arso | any other ATI vga users here? | 06:47 |
vita_ | I'm having slight trouble with wifi card D-link DWL-520. I know about forum where was discussed installation of DWL-520 e1. Are those two cards identical? if I follow that manual, will it help. Or are those cips different and I have to choose different flash files? | 06:47 |
arso | btw wat good text editor do i have on kubuntu? | 06:47 |
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arso | afm\colossus: wat good text editor do i have? kate? | 06:47 |
BKaj | kate | 06:47 |
arso | k thnx | 06:47 |
dr_willis | it pays to learn the fundamentals of vi. | 06:48 |
arso | do have nano? | 06:48 |
arso | do i* | 06:48 |
afm\colossus | vim rules this universe (and probably all the others, as well) | 06:48 |
arso | kubuntu | 06:48 |
arso | so do i have it here? | 06:48 |
afm\colossus | i guess nano comes with the system as well, yes | 06:48 |
arso | coz the guide is using nano | 06:48 |
dr_willis | if not its trivial to install. :P | 06:48 |
afm\colossus | dr_willis: you seem rather competent ) do you know why kvim is not actively maintained any more? | 06:49 |
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DaSkreech | YOu expected an incompetnent doctor? | 06:49 |
dr_willis | afm\colossus, nope. I normally just use vim in a xterm :P | 06:50 |
dr_willis | or gvim | 06:50 |
afm\colossus | gvim uses gtk, so it's not an option | 06:50 |
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afm\colossus | and i'd really like to have vim support kio-slaves | 06:50 |
afm\colossus | :< | 06:50 |
arso | afm\colossus: i;v yet to instal anything on linux, so i dont know how it goes | 06:51 |
arso | i am downloading a driver now | 06:51 |
arso | once download over wat do i do with it? just open | 06:51 |
afm\colossus | arso: please, just follow the step-by-step guides | 06:51 |
afm\colossus | they are made for new users | 06:52 |
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arso | k sorry | 06:52 |
arso | this is complicated :( http://www.mepis.org/node/3307 | 06:52 |
=== kronoz-livecd [n=ubuntu@ACC8D59A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arso | isntalling a simple driver needs all that wtf | 06:52 |
kronoz-livecd | does xfs have any problem with 32bit kbuntu? | 06:53 |
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afm\colossus | arso: you've already been provided with that here: | 06:53 |
afm\colossus | !ati | 06:53 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:53 |
afm\colossus | so, please, for the love of god - use it! | 06:54 |
arso | oh | 06:54 |
arso | sorry :( :P | 06:54 |
arso | wow all this shit coz i have a lousy old monitor | 06:54 |
kronoz-livecd | !xfs | 06:55 |
ubotu | I know nothing about xfs | 06:55 |
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arso | !GDM | 06:56 |
ubotu | I know nothing about GDM | 06:56 |
arso | waas gdm? | 06:56 |
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Bonkers | hi | 06:57 |
BKaj | oh I see the newer ati on board graphics such as xpress 200 is already 3D supported ...cool :) | 06:57 |
Bonkers | can someone help me configuring sudo? | 06:57 |
arso | lol ya | 06:57 |
afm\colossus | GDM = GNOME Display Manager | 06:57 |
arso | it is | 06:57 |
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arso | afm\colossus: ok thnx | 06:57 |
arso | i am kde tho | 06:57 |
arso | afm\colossus: u use which de? | 06:57 |
afm\colossus | yeah, youve got kdm | 06:57 |
dr_willis | GDM/KDM/XDM the 'X login manager' program that give syou a nice "Hello... login" screen | 06:57 |
afm\colossus | KDE Display Manager | 06:57 |
BKaj | yup, kde here too | 06:57 |
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arso | cool | 06:58 |
arso | BKaj: u downloaded fglrx thing? | 06:58 |
BKaj | nope , it was on the install dvd | 06:58 |
arso | it supported linux? | 06:58 |
arso | ohh | 06:59 |
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arso | u which linux are u on./? | 06:59 |
BKaj | was alreadythere when I configged my monitor and resolution | 06:59 |
BKaj | dapper 6.06 AMD64 | 06:59 |
arso | i c | 06:59 |
arso | i downloaded the cd version not dvd | 06:59 |
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arso | wats extra on the dvd, and can i install the extra stuf without installing kubuntu as i already have it or does it have to be as a package | 07:00 |
kronoz | i'm having a problem with the live cd installer not making xfs partitions properly | 07:00 |
BKaj | the cd versionis livecd and it failed me on install to HDD so I dl'd the whole thing on dvd | 07:00 |
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arso | oh | 07:01 |
kronoz | mkxfs: error | 07:01 |
arso | 2 people with the same problem | 07:01 |
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arso | i installed it normally today | 07:01 |
arso | from live cd | 07:01 |
arso | so wat extra stuff's on the dvd? | 07:01 |
slow-motion | re | 07:01 |
BKaj | I dunno arso...the cd failed so ican't tell | 07:01 |
arso | BKaj: ok | 07:02 |
arso | are games created for linux any good? | 07:02 |
afm\colossus | there are really nice games around | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | !sudo | 07:02 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:02 |
afm\colossus | if you happen to like the genres | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | arso: What kind of games do you like? | 07:03 |
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dr_willis | getting to be several good Quake3-code-based games out now for Linux that are fun. | 07:03 |
arso | DaSkreech: fps, and sports (racing,bbal) and stuff | 07:03 |
afm\colossus | i esp. like Battle For Wesnoth and War$ow | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | FPS == good | 07:03 |
arso | afm\colossus: wat genres are those? | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | Racing is half decent | 07:03 |
Jack12 | did anyone get dreamfall with wine to wokr in kubuntu? | 07:03 |
afm\colossus | turn based strategy and fps | 07:03 |
arso | DaSkreech: i c | 07:04 |
arso | afm\colossus: i c | 07:04 |
arso | how about emulating windows games | 07:04 |
arso | is it a headache or not that tough | 07:04 |
DaSkreech | wine or cedega | 07:04 |
BKaj | I had some bad partitions so used GParted reformat them and start over meanwhile preserving the NTFS windows partition and went from there with a normal ext3 and swap partitions and after that the dvd installed perfectly | 07:04 |
DaSkreech | Depending on how much you are hardcore into gaming | 07:04 |
afm\colossus | depends on the game heavily | 07:04 |
arso | DaSkreech: i see | 07:04 |
arso | afm\colossus: i see | 07:04 |
arso | btw its downloading the driver now | 07:04 |
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DaSkreech | Cedega is pay for sfotware | 07:04 |
arso | so after downloading the driver | 07:04 |
arso | should i restart X | 07:04 |
BKaj | well gents , my lawnmower awiaits and the grass is long ...BBL | 07:05 |
arso | LOL | 07:06 |
afm\colossus | arso: everything is in the guide, really | 07:06 |
arso | ok | 07:06 |
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=== DaSkreech hates kopete | ||
arso | i finished installing, it says if it doesnt work follow ,balabla, how do i know if it worked? | 07:07 |
dr_willis | I think kopete needs work.. but it has a few nice features | 07:07 |
arso | NVM | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | It's unfortunatly unusable for me | 07:07 |
arso | brb reboot | 07:07 |
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gupta | can anyone explain , how to setup the $pilotrate environment variable , as asked here : http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl7_pilot-link.htm | 07:08 |
gupta | should i simply type PILOTRATE=value to setup the variables value? | 07:09 |
robotgeek | gupta: you would do export pilotrate=foo | 07:09 |
gupta | robotgeek: Thanks! | 07:09 |
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gupta | robotgeek: Works! and linux rocks!! | 07:10 |
robotgeek | gupta: cool. its just a matter of finding where what is | 07:11 |
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DaSkreech | Netbeans is kind of crashy | 07:11 |
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DaSkreech | gupta: Oh right You just started to love Linux I forget :) | 07:12 |
themouse | hi, folks, I have a Canon i350 printer any idea how to set it up? | 07:12 |
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aarso | OMG | 07:12 |
aarso | THE RESOLUTION IS FINE :D | 07:13 |
dr_willis | themouse, check cups.org to see if its even supported. | 07:13 |
aarso | finalllly | 07:13 |
dr_willis | themouse, my cannon ip6600d is not supported at all | 07:13 |
aarso | i can die in peace now | 07:13 |
=== DaSkreech kicks kopete | ||
aarso | afm\colossus: its good now :D | 07:13 |
afm\colossus | aarso: great :) | 07:13 |
themouse | ok | 07:14 |
DaSkreech | aarso: can I have your monitor if you do? | 07:14 |
afm\colossus | lol | 07:14 |
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aarso | lol its a year old acer | 07:14 |
aarso | u might want my pc its a 3 week old beast | 07:14 |
afm\colossus | i really need to make friends with someone from singapore | 07:14 |
aarso | hey guys , wats the best source for linux apps, | 07:15 |
aarso | sourceforge/? | 07:15 |
afm\colossus | no, your package manager | 07:15 |
aarso | wheres that? | 07:15 |
afm\colossus | on Kubuntu, there's a frontend available, it's called `adept` i believe | 07:15 |
aarso | run adept? | 07:16 |
afm\colossus | with it, you can install about 20.000 pacakages with just one click | 07:16 |
afm\colossus | it's somewhere in the menues | 07:16 |
afm\colossus | just poke around | 07:16 |
aarso | i see | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | aarso: Alt+Enter | 07:16 |
aarso | thank u i am in | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Type ad | 07:16 |
aarso | i went to command and typed adept it got it | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Smile for the rest of the day | 07:16 |
an | so, what do you do if you "accidentally" deleted /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:16 |
aarso | so wat is this thing? | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | !sources | 07:16 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 07:16 |
afm\colossus | an: fetch a new one? | 07:17 |
aarso | progs already avialble or it downloads them? | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | !sourceomatic | 07:17 |
ubotu | I know nothing about sourceomatic | 07:17 |
afm\colossus | aarso: both | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | 07:17 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:17 |
Jack12 | afm\colossus in my system settings display there is as highest stated 1024x768 but i have in fact 1200x800 or sth, how can i change that? in the reconfigure xserver-menu there is the right resolution ticked | 07:17 |
dr_willis | aarso, amazing how easy it is eh. :P it a add/remove program tool done right! | 07:17 |
an | afm\colossus: that would be my thought too, can be done from commandline ? because i think i broke something more than deleting it :) | 07:17 |
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DaSkreech | Ah an There you go | 07:18 |
afm\colossus | an: `wget` is used to fetch files remotely via http or ftp | 07:18 |
afm\colossus | you just need to know the url of a valid sources.list | 07:18 |
an | yes, thanks | 07:18 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: nopaste the output of `xrandr`, and provide us with the url | 07:19 |
themouse | where on cups.org should i look wether my printer is supported or not? | 07:19 |
Jack12 | how do i use the pastebin? | 07:19 |
aarso | thank u dr willis | 07:19 |
aarso | seems awesome | 07:19 |
aarso | i sure love linux, seems awesome | 07:19 |
aarso | possiblities limitless | 07:19 |
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arso | so any advice on wat basic progs to get first | 07:20 |
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arso | coz as usaid there are a thousand | 07:20 |
arso | i wouldnt know wat to get | 07:20 |
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arso | umm after i request install, i just wait? | 07:21 |
DaSkreech | !pastebin > Jack12 | 07:22 |
the_mouse | @arso click commit | 07:22 |
the_mouse | commit changes | 07:22 |
DaSkreech | arso: What do you want to do? | 07:22 |
arso | apply changes | 07:22 |
arso | its ok now | 07:22 |
arso | wats kmplayer,? another version of mplayer? | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 07:23 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16770 | 07:23 |
arso | is it commandline? | 07:23 |
arso | or with gui | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | It's pretty cool It integrates into Konqui | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | both :-) | 07:23 |
arso | sorry wats konqui :P | 07:23 |
arso | another player? | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | Konqueror | 07:23 |
arso | oh lol | 07:23 |
arso | pet name? | 07:23 |
arso | thats awesome | 07:24 |
DaSkreech | The File browser. and killer app of KDE | 07:24 |
arso | ya i know t :D | 07:24 |
the_mouse | where on cups.org should i look wether my printer is supported or not? | 07:24 |
DaSkreech | It has a wikipedia entry ;;-) | 07:24 |
arso | btw anyone here uses AMSN ? | 07:24 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: my name's also Johannes btw ;) | 07:24 |
afm\colossus | sec, tel | 07:24 |
arso | oh coool | 07:24 |
arso | should i use knoquerer or firefox? | 07:24 |
Jack12 | hi johannes | 07:24 |
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DaSkreech | the_mouse: not sure try http://cups.org/ppd.php | 07:25 |
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Jack12 | arso konqueror is faster is guess, but firefox has without further installs less troubles with websites eg flash etcetc | 07:25 |
arso | DaSkreech: i ma using Kubuntu does it matter if i download a program for ubuntu? | 07:26 |
Jack12 | arso not at all | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | arso: Whichever you like | 07:26 |
arso | Jack12: i see thanx, i was wondering about flash and java and stuff, where can i get them | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | !flash | 07:26 |
ubotu | For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | !java | 07:26 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 07:26 |
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DaSkreech | If you like extensions then Firefox ;-) | 07:26 |
arso | i installed many on windows, but noticed i barely used them :P | 07:26 |
arso | konquerer seems nice | 07:26 |
arso | and i keep mispelling it :P | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | It will blow you away yeeeeaaaars from now | 07:27 |
arso | lol | 07:27 |
arso | cool | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | arso: Kall it Konqui :) | 07:27 |
arso | hehe sure | 07:27 |
arso | konqui and google are my friends :D | 07:27 |
arso | lol | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | arso: Do you have a Music CD nearby? | 07:27 |
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arso | umm probably, y | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | Put it in and type audiocd:/ in Konqueror | 07:28 |
arso | umm sorry | 07:28 |
arso | brb | 07:28 |
arso | gotta go to windows | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Then giggle ;-) | 07:28 |
arso | mom needs something | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Don't forget to wash before you come back | 07:28 |
arso | threatened to kill the power of my pc lol | 07:28 |
arso | LOL | 07:28 |
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afm\colossus | repeat after me: konqu rules. | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | arso: You know youc an get it from linux right? | 07:28 |
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arso | DaSkreech: get wat? | 07:28 |
afm\colossus | i switched from a gtk-based desktop to kde because of it | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Reboot and we'll show you when you get back | 07:28 |
arso | ok brb | 07:28 |
afm\colossus | (because of konqu as a webbrowser, that is) | 07:28 |
afm\colossus | could not stand shitty gecko's bugs any more | 07:29 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus> u can help me? with the res? | 07:29 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: well, concerning your reolsution | 07:29 |
afm\colossus | do you happen to know which graphics card you've got in your PC? | 07:29 |
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Jack12 | GMA intel 950 | 07:30 |
Jack12 | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 | 07:30 |
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afm\colossus | i see | 07:31 |
afm\colossus | there are problems with that adapter from what i've heard | 07:31 |
afm\colossus | because of its video bios | 07:32 |
afm\colossus | reporting incorrect capabilites | 07:32 |
afm\colossus | !fixres | 07:32 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:32 |
Jack12 | in my system settings -display it says i810 shall i try to change that?afm\colossus | 07:32 |
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afm\colossus | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto - you'll most probably find a suitable solution here | 07:32 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus>i have tried that | 07:33 |
afm\colossus | without luck? | 07:33 |
Jack12 | <afm\colossus>yes well before i couldnt move the cursor in systems settings display , now i can move it and lower the res, but cannot go higher | 07:33 |
afm\colossus | what does `grep Modes /etc/X11/xorg.conf` give you? | 07:34 |
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Jack12 | Modes "1280x800" | 07:35 |
Jack12 | four times afm\colossus | 07:35 |
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afm\colossus | hm strange | 07:35 |
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Jack12 | shall i try the vesa driver, currently using i810? | 07:35 |
afm\colossus | no | 07:36 |
afm\colossus | vesa does not go beyond 1024x768 at all | 07:36 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: did you map one of the resolutions your vbios provides to 1280x800? | 07:36 |
Jack12 | vbios? afm\colossus sry am not so into that, what do u mean? | 07:37 |
afm\colossus | well | 07:37 |
afm\colossus | according to the guide you said you've followed | 07:37 |
Jack12 | mom | 07:38 |
afm\colossus | you are told to "overwrite" one of the resolutions | 07:38 |
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afm\colossus | provided by the bios of your gfx card | 07:38 |
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afm\colossus | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-c90f0e12a4551421453b63e586014d6be8992e57 | 07:38 |
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arso | I AM BACK, people | 07:39 |
arso | so DaSkreech u were saying something about accessing windows from linux? | 07:39 |
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sotired | ello | 07:40 |
arso | hey | 07:40 |
sotired | of the huge issues i've run into this one is just funny.... | 07:41 |
arso | sure wat is it | 07:41 |
Jack12 | Run the Autodetect Script Again <afm\colossus> thats what i did , should i have tried the other ways? | 07:41 |
sotired | i need to run firefox as root and it won't let me :( | 07:41 |
arso | and guys is there a button that minimizes everything? | 07:41 |
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arso | guys in adept it tells me i already have kmplayer, but i cant find it anywhere?? | 07:42 |
afm\colossus | arso: afaik no - you could just switch to another virtual desktop, though | 07:42 |
sotired | try typing kmplayer | 07:42 |
=== hidemef [n=hide@davisonandcompany-gw0.cust.e-xpedient.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jack12 | afm\colossus i see went the wrong path, trying now that | 07:42 |
arso | afm\colossus: ya i tried that already anf out | 07:42 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: i don't have any experience with intel graphics hardware | 07:42 |
afm\colossus | i can just advise you to do as you are told in the guide | 07:42 |
arso | could not run the specified command | 07:42 |
afm\colossus | ok ;) | 07:42 |
arso | afm\colossus: any thoughts | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | arso: ok what were you trying to get? | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | a file? | 07:43 |
arso | kmplayer | 07:43 |
afm\colossus | because of kmplayer? | 07:43 |
arso | i went to adept to instal it | 07:43 |
arso | found it already is installed | 07:43 |
arso | but i dont know where i can find it | 07:43 |
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arso | does it have a different name or something | 07:43 |
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sotired | try search/find files in the k menu | 07:43 |
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Jack12 | 855 / 865 / 915 Intel graphic chipset afm\colossus u think that would work with my gma 950 card too? | 07:43 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: yes | 07:43 |
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sotired | is there a way i can run firefox as root? sudo isnt working for it | 07:44 |
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sotired | i just want to update it | 07:44 |
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afm\colossus | sotired, don't! | 07:44 |
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afm\colossus | that's not the way things are done under GNU/Linux | 07:44 |
arso | it didnt find anything from find files | 07:44 |
Jack12 | afm\colossus it sys sudo 855resolution -l | 07:44 |
Jack12 | sudo: 855resolution: command not found | 07:44 |
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afm\colossus | your package manager updates software for you | 07:45 |
arso | is there a directory that shows all progs installed or osomething | 07:45 |
afm\colossus | not the apps themselves | 07:45 |
arso | i see | 07:45 |
afm\colossus | arso: are you sure you actually installed kmplayer? | 07:45 |
arso | afm\colossus: no when i go to adept it tells me its already installed | 07:45 |
sotired | what is the current ver of firefox? | 07:45 |
afm\colossus | | 07:45 |
afm\colossus | afaik | 07:45 |
arso | afm\colossus: btw, do i need to worry about security? shoudl i install any firewalla or antivirus or something, or enable anything | 07:45 |
afm\colossus | arso: no | 07:46 |
arso | YAY lol | 07:46 |
afm\colossus | isn't there an option in adept to force installation? | 07:46 |
afm\colossus | if not, deinstall and install it again | 07:46 |
Jack12 | afm\colossus it says when i do the sudo 855resolution -l | 07:46 |
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Jack12 | sudo: 855resolution: command not found <afm\colossus> | 07:46 |
DaSkreech | arso: Go to the Examples Folder | 07:46 |
DaSkreech | Alt+Enter and type examples | 07:46 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: yeah, you need to install it first | 07:46 |
afm\colossus | i believe that's in the guide somewhere, too | 07:47 |
kernal | afm\colossus: there is a new package for 855resolution called 915esolution | 07:47 |
DaSkreech | There is a Ubuntu_sax.ogg file there | 07:47 |
arso | Daskreech where is that | 07:47 |
DaSkreech | Alt+Enter and type Examples | 07:47 |
kernal | 915resolution | 07:47 |
afm\colossus | so so. should update the friggin docs then, huh? :> | 07:47 |
DaSkreech | arso: Wait I forget if it's on by default | 07:48 |
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arso | DaSkreech: k | 07:48 |
DaSkreech | it opened? | 07:48 |
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DaSkreech | There isa ubuntu_sax.ogg file | 07:48 |
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Jack12 | ./configure, make, sudo, make install? via that? afm\colossus and to where would have apt-get have downloaded? | 07:49 |
DaSkreech | If you right click you should have a Preview -> Embedded MPlayer For KDE | 07:49 |
afm\colossus | kernal, can you help Jack12 out a little? | 07:49 |
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afm\colossus | in don't have ubuntu, and i don't have an intel gfx adapter | 07:49 |
afm\colossus | i'm not the man for the job ;) | 07:50 |
DaSkreech | Is there a Cups Chan? | 07:50 |
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kernal | ok | 07:50 |
Jack12 | afm\colossus just kernal just how would i install? via configure, make, install, andfrom which path? | 07:51 |
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arso | hey guys | 07:52 |
arso | when i download programs | 07:52 |
DaSkreech | Yah? | 07:52 |
arso | do i just open them?> | 07:52 |
arso | and i'll get an installer like windows | 07:52 |
DaSkreech | arso: Where are you downloading them from? | 07:52 |
kernal | Jack12: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204333 | 07:53 |
arso | sourceforge | 07:53 |
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DaSkreech | arso: Which program? | 07:53 |
arso | amsn | 07:53 |
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arso | its .deb | 07:53 |
afm\colossus | arso: please... | 07:53 |
afm\colossus | virtually ALL free programs | 07:54 |
afm\colossus | are in your package manager#s repos | 07:54 |
afm\colossus | learn to use it properly | 07:54 |
arso | i didnt find msn | 07:54 |
arso | Amsn | 07:54 |
afm\colossus | you need to enable the extra repos | 07:54 |
arso | afm\colossus: oh | 07:54 |
afm\colossus | and once again, there's a guide on how to do that | 07:54 |
DaSkreech | !repos > arso | 07:54 |
Jack12 | kernal i just dont know how to install that and in the thread it doesnt tell ya | 07:54 |
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afm\colossus | http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/x11/915resolution @ Jack12 | 07:56 |
arso | DaSkreech: thnx, and sorry for being such a n00b | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | arso: We loveit :) | 07:56 |
arso | hehe | 07:56 |
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arso | btw , wat do i have to enable in the package manager? | 07:56 |
arso | i am using adept btw | 07:57 |
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arso | at the show: everything is ticked | 07:57 |
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Jack12 | afm\colossus when i do johannes@fluffy:~$ 915resolution -l | 07:58 |
Jack12 | Intel 800/900 Series VBIOS Hack : version 0.5.2 | 07:58 |
Jack12 | Unable to obtain the proper IO permissions: Operation not permitted | 07:58 |
arso | DaSkreech: umm, theres no link for easysource! , wats that? | 07:58 |
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kernal | Jack12: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/i915Driver | 07:59 |
afm\colossus | Jack12: run it as root | 07:59 |
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hidemef | Anyone know if the problems with X and i810 cards got resolved for the dapper release? | 07:59 |
arso | afm\colossus: wat did u say i have to enable in the package manager please? | 07:59 |
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afm\colossus | arso: you need to enable the universe and multiverse repos for it | 08:00 |
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afm\colossus | anyone in here who knows how to do that? | 08:00 |
hidemef | yep | 08:00 |
afm\colossus | i can't do any mor handholding for today | 08:00 |
afm\colossus | hidemef: please, could you explain to arso? | 08:00 |
hidemef | Yes | 08:01 |
arso | hidemef: thanx :) | 08:01 |
hidemef | arso: Go into adept and under the Adept menu select Manage Repositories | 08:01 |
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arso | hidemef: ok i am there | 08:02 |
hidemef | arso: are you running dapper or breezy or what? | 08:02 |
arso | hidemef: latest kubuntu, sorry dont know wat its called | 08:03 |
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arso | hidemef: downloaded yesterday | 08:03 |
arso | afm\colossus: when i pasted "dpkg -i amsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb" into terminal, i get error "requested operation requires superuser privilege" how do i get superuser privilage | 08:04 |
Jack12 | afm\colossus i am not sure about the bits per pixel, i have 1280 x800 crystal view, and either mode 4d or 5d 16 or 32 bits? | 08:04 |
arso | hidemef: dapper is the latest right? | 08:04 |
hidemef | arso: kthx. There should be a line that says (with some tabs) deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted | 08:04 |
hidemef | arso: Yes dapper is the latest. Do you see that line? | 08:04 |
arso | yes | 08:04 |
arso | i see that line | 08:04 |
standard | problem to integrate sun java in firefox konqueror etc | 08:04 |
arso | hidemef: yes i see it | 08:05 |
arso | hidemef: two of them one is type deb second is deb-src | 08:05 |
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afm\colossus | Jack12: you want 32 (or 24) | 08:05 |
hidemef | arso: Ok. Where it says main restricted I need you to double click in the middle of that until you get a cursor and can edit it | 08:05 |
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afm\colossus | arso: you elevetae to root, the super-user, with `sudo su -` | 08:06 |
arso | hidemef: ok i can edit it now | 08:06 |
afm\colossus | or just write ?sudo` in front of the cmd requiring it | 08:06 |
hidemef | arso: Ok you want to changs it so it says "main restricted universe multiverse" | 08:06 |
arso | hidemef: ok | 08:06 |
hidemef | Ok | 08:06 |
arso | hidemef: all of the ones which say main restricted? or just the first one | 08:07 |
hidemef | arso: Now click on Apply at the bottom, and then Close | 08:07 |
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hidemef | Just that one is the only important one | 08:07 |
arso | ok | 08:07 |
arso | the one that has type deb? | 08:07 |
hidemef | YEs | 08:08 |
arso | still cant find AMSN thru it | 08:08 |
hidemef | arso: Now you need to click Fetch Updates | 08:08 |
hidemef | That will download the list of stuff from universe and multiverse | 08:08 |
arso | hidemef: oh ok | 08:09 |
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arso | hidemef: ok its downloading | 08:09 |
pipitas | the_mouse: you shouldn't look on cups.org, but on linuxprinting.org | 08:09 |
pipitas | the_mouse: http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi | 08:10 |
arso | hidemef: thanx a lot man :) | 08:10 |
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pcfan | how can I know if a process is idle ? | 08:11 |
arso | hidemef: when i instal programs thru adept, where are they installed to? their respective areas in k menu? | 08:11 |
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hidemef | arso: Non-KDE programs do not always appear automatically. One thing you can do is run 'kappfinder' to add them | 08:12 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: that one should turn up in the internet section I am sure it did when I installed it on breezy | 08:13 |
arso | hidemef: where do i type that? | 08:14 |
hidemef | arso: in Run Command | 08:14 |
hidemef | gatekeeper: What did we just install anyway? | 08:15 |
gatekeeper | aMsn | 08:15 |
hidemef | Never heard of that. MSN messaging client? | 08:15 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: yep | 08:15 |
arso | hidemef: thankx :) | 08:15 |
DaSkreech | pipitas: Apparently the_mouse plugged it in and it worked :) | 08:16 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: your welcome :-) | 08:16 |
arso | hidemef: i am getting could not run the specified command | 08:16 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: bet that's a caps & small letters issue | 08:17 |
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DaSkreech | I would guess it's amsn | 08:19 |
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gatekeeper | DaSkreech: possible aMsn | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | Ah | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | Of course | 08:20 |
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gatekeeper | DaSkreech: haven't got it on this box so I can't verify | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | arso: Can you try typing aMsn from the command line? | 08:21 |
arso | DaSkreech: sure | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | Does it wirk? | 08:22 |
DaSkreech | Work? | 08:22 |
arso | could not run the balbal | 08:22 |
arso | no | 08:22 |
arso | wtf | 08:22 |
arso | altho it shows in adept that its installed now | 08:22 |
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gatekeeper | DaSkreech: may be you where right :-) | 08:22 |
arso | cant be a compatibility issue right? | 08:22 |
DaSkreech | arso: No We just don't know what it's called :) | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | It is not under Internet in the menu I take it? | 08:23 |
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gatekeeper | arso: look in your internet section on your menu, failing that do Find Files/Folders from your menu and look for amsn | 08:25 |
gatekeeper | arso: tell us what you find | 08:25 |
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DaSkreech | I normally just check the menu and then try two obvious spellings then go to Adept and make it tell me what the name of the file is | 08:26 |
elektrolott | Hi, does anybody know how to fix Bug #32415 (Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard Broken in Dapper) (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/bluez-utils/+bug/32415)? It seems many people having trouble with their bluetooth mice and I could find no solution googling. Thanks! | 08:26 |
arso | gatekeeper: sure :) | 08:27 |
gatekeeper | DaSkreech: I just at the packages and I think you where right amsn | 08:27 |
arso | gatekeeper: looking now | 08:27 |
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arso | didnt find anything | 08:29 |
arso | WTF | 08:29 |
arso | could it be wrong version or something | 08:29 |
arso | "Perfect for keeping in touch with those friends who have not yet seen the light." hahahahahah, Amsn's description lol | 08:31 |
BoSJo | All: Has anybody gotten Evolution->Exchange Server to work? | 08:31 |
hidemef | <shudder> | 08:31 |
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gatekeeper | arso: what does adept say? | 08:32 |
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arso | gatekeeper: it says that the file is installed | 08:32 |
Jack12 | hi guys thx the new res works fine!! | 08:32 |
arso | Jack12: congratz! :) , i had the same problem, they helped me too | 08:33 |
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arso | Jack12: now i just have to reformat every partition (200gb) to be ready :( | 08:33 |
bam_ | resolution problem fix for ati cards? | 08:33 |
arso | ya | 08:33 |
arso | ati | 08:33 |
arso | i just installed the driver adn it working | 08:33 |
arso | gatekeeper: so ,any thoughts | 08:34 |
gaz | hey | 08:34 |
arso | gatekeeper: i also downlaoded the amsn seperately thru sourceforge.com and its a .deb file, any way to install .deb without command line shit | 08:34 |
arso | gaz: hey | 08:34 |
bam_ | I wonder if a dist upgrade will work... | 08:34 |
gatekeeper | arso: you could always use the command line to try and reinstall sudo apt-get install amsn | 08:36 |
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arso | gatekeeper: when i search i find its files, but which one should i run to open the prog? wats he extension? | 08:36 |
gatekeeper | arso: you should not need the sourceforge version better if it comes from the repos | 08:37 |
elektrolott | has anyone a bluetooth mouse working on dapper (without deactivating/deinstalling bluez)? | 08:37 |
arso | ok it opened | 08:37 |
arso | usr/share/amsn | 08:37 |
gatekeeper | arso: this is linux not windows :-) won't have an extension | 08:37 |
arso | now how can i add it to the internet menu | 08:37 |
arso | gatekeeper: oh woops :P | 08:37 |
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Ertain | How does one make kernel packs with make-kpkg | 08:38 |
gatekeeper | arso: it's not on your internet or any other menu? | 08:38 |
arso | gatekeeper: nope | 08:38 |
DaSkreech | arso: You could type which amsn on the CLI | 08:38 |
arso | DaSkreech: i am sorry WAT? | 08:39 |
gatekeeper | arso: right click on the K button and select menu editor | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | Oh if you wanted to find out where the amsn file was | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | type <which amsn> on the CLI | 08:39 |
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arso | sorry wats cli? | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | <C>ommand <L>ine <I>nterface | 08:39 |
arso | so from run command? | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | Alt+F2? | 08:40 |
arso | : which amsn? | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | Yes | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | I've never tried it from there :) | 08:40 |
arso | nothing happened | 08:40 |
arso | wats that supposed to do | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | Open Konsole | 08:41 |
Jack12 | guys i cannot access some linux folders from live cd , it says they are locked; i want to save files cause my system is unstartable. | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | and type it there | 08:41 |
arso | ohhhhhhhh | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Assume ownership of them | 08:41 |
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Jack12 | DaSkreech via chown?chmod? | 08:41 |
arso | DaSkreech: usr/bin/amsn | 08:41 |
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OrgulloKmoore | how can I change my screen resolution? Everything is so small... | 08:41 |
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DaSkreech | Alt+F2 is good for GUI things but you have to open the options and check open in terminal | 08:41 |
gatekeeper | arso: the Run Command won't give you feed back like Konsole, it's more fire and forget | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | arso: Thats the file you are looking for | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: chown | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Want me to walk you through it? | 08:42 |
gatekeeper | are we winning? | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | gatekeeper: You can open options and click open in terminal | 08:42 |
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gaz | hmmmm i need help persuading my mate that ubuntus better than xp lol | 08:43 |
gatekeeper | DaSkreech: I will have to get a pair of spec thanx :-) | 08:43 |
arso | DaSkreech: gatekeeper so how do i add it to the internet menu now? | 08:43 |
gatekeeper | arso: got the menu editor up? | 08:44 |
DaSkreech | arso: Right click on the K menu and choose Menu Editor | 08:44 |
hidemef | gaz: Give him a live cd to use for a little while | 08:44 |
arso | ok ia m i nmenu editor | 08:44 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech please | 08:45 |
arso | so in command, wat should i write | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Which folder? | 08:45 |
gatekeeper | gaz: you could also let him try using a linux box remotely for free at www.cosmopod.com | 08:45 |
arso | gatekeeper: for command wat should i write, i created a new item | 08:45 |
arso | gatekeeper: and workpath | 08:45 |
gatekeeper | arso: amsn | 08:45 |
arso | for both? | 08:45 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech /hda6/home/wolfi | 08:46 |
gatekeeper | arso: should not need workpath | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: One Guess. NTFS? | 08:46 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech ext3 | 08:46 |
hidemef | gatekeeper: I don't think it's necessary to add it to the menu manaully. There should already be a .desktop file for it, which will either be detected automatically the next time he logs in, or can be added automatically using kappfinder | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Who mounted it? Root? | 08:47 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: that is what I would have expected | 08:47 |
arso | wtf | 08:47 |
arso | it got added on its own now, after i added manually | 08:47 |
arso | i found two of them | 08:47 |
arso | after i ran it it must've been added? | 08:47 |
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Jack12 | DaSkreech i guess root | 08:47 |
gatekeeper | hidemef: reckons he can't see it but I would have expected it to be added straight away | 08:47 |
serenity | hi | 08:48 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Do a ls -l on it from the Command line? | 08:48 |
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serenity | i am looking gor a tutorial to add some programs to a kubuntu-liveCD | 08:48 |
DaSkreech | You can browse to the folder above it in Konqueror and press F4 it will open a Konsole for you | 08:48 |
DaSkreech | very Kool :) | 08:48 |
gatekeeper | arso: hidemef: and I where right thought it would be there :-) | 08:48 |
hidemef | heh | 08:48 |
Ertain | So... Anybody experienced with make-kpkg? | 08:49 |
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gatekeeper | hidemef: looks like I feel for that one :-) | 08:49 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech if i do it just gives the livecd output knoppix knoppix Desktop etc..shall i cd to the /media/hda6 directory? | 08:49 |
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JP_PIALASSE | hello | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | Ah. Of course :) | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | Hi | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Where are you copying the files to? | 08:50 |
JP_PIALASSE | i would like to know how to mount a samba share | 08:50 |
arso | gatekeeper: hehe, but i think it only came after i ran it | 08:50 |
uniq | ertain: what's your problem with make-kpkg? | 08:50 |
arso | gatekeeper: so any recommendatiosn for important programs to get | 08:50 |
Jack12 | to usb stich DaSkreech, home is owned by root root | 08:51 |
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hidemef | JP_PIALASSE: You need to have the samba client. After that, it's "su mount -t smbfs //host/share /mnt/destination" | 08:51 |
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DaSkreech | Jack12: Try a sudo cp | 08:51 |
gatekeeper | arso: depends what you want, if you have got friends on other messangers gaim is probable a better bet | 08:51 |
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Ertain | I'd like to make the wacom drivers, since for some strange reason my Wacom Tablet won't work properly with my kernel. (Version 2.6.15-25-386) | 08:51 |
arso | gatekeeper: gaim? i'll look it up | 08:51 |
DaSkreech | sudo cp -r /hda6/home/wolfi /usb-stick-path-thingy | 08:52 |
hidemef | gatekeeper: doesn't kopete have msn? | 08:52 |
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astro_- | Hi! How do I get to KDE once I've done apt-get-install kubuntu desktop in Ubuntu? | 08:52 |
OrgulloKmoore | how can I change the screen resolution? | 08:53 |
jpatrick | astro_-: log out of gnome and into KDE | 08:53 |
gatekeeper | arso: yes I think it does, you also might want to use synaptic instead of adept depends what you like | 08:53 |
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astro_- | jpatrick: I rebooted, should that do the trick? | 08:53 |
Jack12 | it says DaSkreech missing destination file operator, probably meaning it should be cp -x instead | 08:53 |
uniq | ertain: did you install the 'wacom-kernel-source' package? | 08:53 |
JP_PIALASSE | hidemef> and with a username and password ? | 08:53 |
astro_- | jpatrick: the login screen was different, but the desktop looks like gnome did | 08:53 |
arso | gatekeeper: umm wat ways is synaptic better? | 08:53 |
Ertain | uniq: Yes. | 08:54 |
jpatrick | astro_-: you have to click on session type | 08:54 |
jpatrick | astro_-: no need to reboot ever on Linux | 08:54 |
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bam_ | where is the directory where themes are kept? | 08:54 |
nkjoep | good evening | 08:54 |
astro_- | jpatrick: when/where do I click session type? | 08:54 |
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hidemef | JP_PIALASSE: su mount -t smbfs -o username=username,password=password //host/share /mnt/destination | 08:54 |
jpatrick | astro_-: it's a menu in KDM | 08:54 |
arso | gatekeeper: i might switch to gaim, aMsn's layout isnt nice, too ... old? | 08:54 |
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JP_PIALASSE | hidemef> thanks i try this | 08:55 |
nkjoep | i got problems with rar files... how can i extract them? | 08:55 |
jpatrick | astro_-: one sec | 08:55 |
gatekeeper | arso: well on breezy I got adept to go into an infinite loop when installing a number of packages, I just think synaptic is simpler and more stable | 08:55 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech i tried cp -f now and it says it cannot find the file /hda6/home/WOLFI | 08:55 |
arso | gatekeeper: can i download synaptic through adept :?:P? | 08:55 |
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gatekeeper | arso: not sure use command line apt-get install synaptic you might want to look at screen shots of gaim before installing | 08:56 |
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serenity | hi | 08:57 |
jpatrick | astro_-: there should be two buttons on KDM | 08:57 |
jpatrick | one has session type choose: KDE | 08:57 |
astro_- | you mean when it asks for username/password? | 08:57 |
arso | gatekeeper: gaim looks good, more refined then amsn | 08:57 |
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jpatrick | astro_-: yes | 08:57 |
astro_- | ok, thanks | 08:57 |
serenity | i am looking for a gui to create a kubuntu-based liveCD (just adding programs) | 08:57 |
gatekeeper | arso: ok :-) | 08:57 |
jpatrick | astro_-: log out and back into kde | 08:57 |
astro_- | ok | 08:57 |
JP_PIALASSE | hidemef> smbfs: mount_data version 1935764853 is not supported | 08:58 |
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arso | gatekeeper: as for torrents :P, is ktorrent the best out there for linux? or should i get something else? i used to use utorrent on windows | 08:58 |
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serenity | arso: should it be a small bt client? | 08:58 |
gatekeeper | arso: don't know haven't really used torrents much | 08:59 |
gaz | can u get gimpshop from the package installer? | 08:59 |
arso | serenity: hello, not really, just not java based, like azureus, too much conumption | 08:59 |
arso | gatekeeper: i see, its ok | 08:59 |
arso | gatekeeper: btw, where should i get all the java/flash plugins and stuff | 08:59 |
serenity | arso: then try bittornado, small, powerful and, of course, open | 09:00 |
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serenity | arso: or ktorrent | 09:00 |
arso | serenity: lol, which is better? coz ktorrent is already preloaded here | 09:00 |
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gatekeeper | arso: if you want to know how to install various things (like java) have a look at: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper | 09:01 |
serenity | arso: i prefer bittornado. Imho better performance, but it's only a feeling | 09:01 |
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arso | serenity: sure, i'll get that then | 09:01 |
gatekeeper | arso: got to run talk to you again... :-) | 09:01 |
serenity | is there a gui for reauthoring the liveCD? | 09:01 |
arso | gatekeeper: sure, i'll hang around here till i become a linux pro :P | 09:01 |
DaSkreech | arso: So 10 more minutes then? | 09:02 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech what now? | 09:02 |
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gatekeeper | arso: ok :-) have a look at the forums too, good luck :-) | 09:02 |
arso | DaSkreech: lol, ... | 09:02 |
DaSkreech | Sorry X forze up | 09:02 |
DaSkreech | You did a sudo cp -R /source /destination? | 09:03 |
arso | DaSkreech: why are u here? u dont look like u need help :P | 09:03 |
DaSkreech | You do | 09:03 |
arso | :P hehe | 09:03 |
arso | thats kind | 09:03 |
arso | i guess once i become pro, i'll hang around here and help | 09:03 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: You did a sudo cp -R /source /destination? | 09:03 |
gaz | anyone here play quake2? | 09:06 |
arso | LOL | 09:06 |
arso | isnt that like from the 80s? | 09:06 |
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hidemef | I skipped Quake 2... I liked Quake 1 too much | 09:07 |
gaz | for some reason i cant find my config file | 09:07 |
gaz | its not where its supposed to be :o | 09:07 |
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arso | guys, wats the best converters outhere, for creating dvds/vcds/divx/psp mp4 | 09:08 |
astro_- | jpatrick: thanks, it worked :) | 09:08 |
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jpatrick | astro_-: :D | 09:09 |
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afm\colossus | basera3 5on5 now anyone?, server avail | 09:10 |
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astro_- | jpatrick: I just hadn't seen the button there :) | 09:10 |
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arso | ANYBODY!?!? | 09:10 |
jpatrick | doesn't matter | 09:10 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech yes it says it cant find the file | 09:10 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Which file? | 09:11 |
arso | DaSkreech: do u know any good converters for creating dvds and vcds and burning them | 09:11 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech the source file i want to copy | 09:11 |
DaSkreech | arso: Open Adept and type DVD in filter | 09:11 |
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arso | and, which one? | 09:12 |
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DaSkreech | Jack12: Are you sure it's spelt right? Did you try to sudo su - ? | 09:12 |
DaSkreech | arso: Don't know not my scene :) | 09:12 |
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arso | DaSkreech: when i look for something lie "gaim" i get many results which one should i get,for ex. theres data files,development files | 09:13 |
DaSkreech | Find the one that says gaim :) | 09:13 |
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DaSkreech | Install that and it will take anythign else you need | 09:13 |
Bonkers | [Invalid UTF-8] Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/kde/kcm_knemo.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Comment[de] =\xdcberwacht Netzwerk-Schnittstellen' which is not UTF-8 | 09:13 |
Bonkers | Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/xaralx.desktop': desktop entry does not start with legal start group | 09:13 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech yes i did su too it makes no difference | 09:13 |
Bonkers | i get that when installing opera | 09:13 |
DaSkreech | Development stuff is very ironically for developlment | 09:14 |
Bonkers | can anyone help me out ? | 09:14 |
DaSkreech | Whodathunk? | 09:14 |
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DaSkreech | Jack12: So you are root now? | 09:14 |
Jack12 | DaSkrecch yes | 09:14 |
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Bonkers | anyone ? | 09:14 |
DaSkreech | and you can CD into the folder? | 09:14 |
DaSkreech | The locked one | 09:15 |
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Bonkers | guess not? | 09:15 |
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DaSkreech | Bonkers: Maybe it doesn't have a valid group? | 09:16 |
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Bonkers | mmm, but how do i fix that or what does that mean? | 09:16 |
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DaSkreech | What are you using to open it | 09:16 |
Bonkers | opera install.sh file | 09:17 |
Bonkers | sudo ./install.sh | 09:17 |
arso | DaSkreech: | 09:17 |
arso | sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin | 09:17 |
arso | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 09:17 |
arso | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 09:17 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech i can cd to it not into it | 09:17 |
Jack12 | arsoonly one synaptic at one time | 09:17 |
arso | Jack12: wat do u mean | 09:18 |
arso | ohhh | 09:18 |
arso | ok i see | 09:18 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: You can cd to home but not to wolfi? | 09:18 |
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Jack12 | DaSkreech neither of them | 09:21 |
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DaSkreech | Where can you cd to? | 09:22 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech to hda5 | 09:22 |
Jack12 | i mean hda6 | 09:22 |
DaSkreech | Who owns /had6/home ? | 09:23 |
Jack12 | root--root | 09:23 |
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slow-motion | re | 09:25 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: and you are root? | 09:26 |
DaSkreech | type whoami | 09:26 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech yes on the live cd seems not to work | 09:27 |
DaSkreech | what comes up for whoami? | 09:28 |
Jack12 | root | 09:28 |
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arso_ | hello | 09:31 |
arso_ | i was wondering | 09:31 |
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DaSkreech | what do you get when you try to cd in to home? | 09:31 |
arso_ | where are advanced volume control | 09:31 |
DaSkreech | Double click volume? | 09:31 |
arso_ | oh | 09:31 |
arso_ | um nothing happens | 09:31 |
arso_ | the simple volume thing comes upo and goes down | 09:31 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech cd->cant find file, doubleclick->its locked | 09:31 |
thompa | i was wondering if xgl is working ok in kubuntu? | 09:33 |
bored_penguin | I don't understand why ubuntu prefers gnome on kde | 09:33 |
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thompa | !xgl | 09:33 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:33 |
DaSkreech | arso_: Try Right click | 09:34 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: You cna't find home? | 09:34 |
thompa | well i guess ill try xgl | 09:34 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech i can get no access, yes | 09:35 |
DaSkreech | can you get into /hda6/etc | 09:35 |
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Kozar4ence | How to add the universe/multiuniverse? It ain't written in the Kubuntu Wiki | 09:36 |
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Kozar4ence | :( | 09:36 |
crimsun | !repos | 09:36 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 09:36 |
crimsun | Kozar4ence: read that. | 09:37 |
Kozar4ence | crimsun 10x | 09:37 |
Kozar4ence | thats what im looking for | 09:37 |
Jack12 | i can DaSkreech yes | 09:37 |
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LiquidNerd | okay... my sudo is broken | 09:38 |
gnomefreak | LiquidNerd: edgy? | 09:38 |
LiquidNerd | yeah | 09:39 |
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gnomefreak | LiquidNerd: join #ubuntu+1 and read the topic please | 09:39 |
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LiquidNerd | would've helped before I did a dist-upgrade | 09:39 |
LiquidNerd | lol | 09:39 |
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pichi | hello | 09:40 |
LiquidNerd | oh well... I guess I'll have to wait for the fix and do some fancy tricks to get it installed | 09:40 |
LiquidNerd | and by fancy tricks, I mean single user mode | 09:40 |
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root___ | help pls | 09:41 |
LiquidNerd | no | 09:41 |
root___ | I am running this from recovery mode | 09:41 |
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LiquidNerd | can't help if there's no question | 09:41 |
root___ | my xorg keeps resending me to the login screen | 09:41 |
santa99 | good evenning all together | 09:41 |
root___ | when i write my password | 09:41 |
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root___ | it just blanks and brings up the login screen again | 09:41 |
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LiquidNerd | root___: what session type did you choose? | 09:42 |
root___ | KDE | 09:42 |
LiquidNerd | you sure? | 09:42 |
root___ | yes | 09:42 |
root___ | it's the default | 09:42 |
LiquidNerd | wait.. did you choose default or KDE? | 09:42 |
root___ | tryed both | 09:42 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech and now? | 09:42 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: are you sure that you didn't have home on another parition? | 09:42 |
root___ | tryed reconfiguring xorg | 09:43 |
root___ | tryed shifting drivers | 09:43 |
root___ | from fglrx to ati | 09:43 |
root___ | but same problem ... | 09:43 |
LiquidNerd | anything is the .xsession_errors? | 09:43 |
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Jack12 | DaSkreech there is a second home for another user, yes, but, when i want eg save bookmarks they seem to be in the other accout mostly | 09:44 |
Jack12 | anyway no use | 09:44 |
root___ | I checked the /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 09:44 |
root___ | and everything was ok | 09:44 |
LiquidNerd | root___: It's not an X problem since X is loading fine | 09:44 |
root___ | I know ... | 09:45 |
DaSkreech | who owns etc? | 09:45 |
astro_- | can I somehow make Konsole "url aware", ie be able to click urls in konsole so that they open in my browser? | 09:45 |
root___ | but what could be causing it | 09:45 |
LiquidNerd | try reading ~/.xsession_errors | 09:45 |
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santa99 | have a problem to running Kubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06: When i want to shutdown my laptop it only goes to will now halt and doesnt power off really it stops by will now halt and doesnt go on. When I run it without the splash i saw that it stops by acpi_power_off. Someone else have this problem and have solved it ? | 09:45 |
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DaSkreech | arso_: I think so | 09:46 |
kronoz | hmm kubuntu boots a hell of a lot faster than suse 10.1 | 09:46 |
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BKaj | anyone have Google earth up and running on dapper/ATI/AMD64 ? | 09:47 |
apokryphos | kronoz: reiserfs is nice but it takes longer to mount than ext3, yeah. | 09:47 |
kronoz | apokryphos: yeah, i like reiserfs, it annoys me a bit kubuntu can't use it, my root is ext and /home is xfs, i heard xfs doesn't take up much time in the boot process | 09:48 |
arso_ | DaSkreech: sorry? wat are u tlaking about? | 09:48 |
santa99 | nobody knows a solution for this problem ? | 09:48 |
kronoz | *ext3 | 09:48 |
apokryphos | yup, it's certainly quicker to mount | 09:48 |
DaSkreech | Whoops :) | 09:48 |
DaSkreech | astro_-: I think so | 09:49 |
hidemef | XFS doesn't really work with GRUB | 09:49 |
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astro_- | DaSkreech: how? :) | 09:50 |
kronoz | hidemef: so you need a seperate /boot for xfs+grub? | 09:50 |
hidemef | kronoz: yes, /boot would need to be something else | 09:50 |
=== DaSkreech shrugs | ||
DaSkreech | astro_-: Check in #kde? | 09:51 |
DaSkreech | Jack12: Who owns etc? | 09:51 |
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uniq | kronoz: no, you can use grub with xfs. | 09:51 |
crimsun | kronoz: what do you mean can't use it? | 09:51 |
Jack12 | DaSkreech 500--root | 09:52 |
=== DaSkreech blinks | ||
DaSkreech | That's very strange | 09:53 |
=== denzs [n=denzs@p5496524E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kronoz | uniq, crimsun, i don't know, it was hidemef who said it didn't work with grub | 09:53 |
Kozar4ence | why adept cant find libmad0 so i can play mp3s in amaroK | 09:53 |
Kozar4ence | ? | 09:53 |
hidemef | kronoz: You said that kubuntu can't use reiser (I believe it can), which is what crimsun meant | 09:53 |
crimsun | Kozar4ence: you need both universe and multiverse enabled. | 09:54 |
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crimsun | Kozar4ence: then install libxine-extracodecs | 09:54 |
Kozar4ence | i have | 09:54 |
Kozar4ence | both of them | 09:54 |
kronoz | i have the lastest-kde and latest-amarok repos in my /etc/apt/sources.list and i've done apt-get update but when i try to do apt-get upgrade it keeps all the packages back | 09:54 |
Kozar4ence | crimsun k, just asking because the amaroK how to says both | 09:54 |
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denzs | hi can anybody tell me how to get the logon time from kdm? it seems as it doesnt write into wtmp... | 09:55 |
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uniq | kronoz: That is a sign that a package they depend on is not available. You can find out what package this is if you try to install one of the held packages manually. 'apt-get install package' | 09:56 |
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uniq | denzs: are you sure it doesn't write to wtmp? I can see my kdm logins with 'last' | 09:59 |
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denzs | hm iam not sure because there is alway a console open ;) but i have the problem on a debian system and iam sure that the debian package doesnt use wtmp | 10:01 |
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centyx | Hi. I'm using Kontact. I'm trying to create/store a default resource for kontacts components to use on an imap server. I've created imap folders and specified that they should contain Journal, Calendar, Tasks, etc upon creation. I've clicked Add in the calendar window and added my imap resource, and the one Calendar subfolder has become available, but not the Journal, Tasks, and other folders. I've right clicked on the imap resource and | 10:03 |
centyx | ournal entry, it complains that there is no writable resource available. How do I tell Kontact to use the resources I've created? | 10:03 |
uniq | denzs: try 'last :0' | 10:03 |
sensei | Hello, which package holds all the KDE icons? The 'standard' icons are all of a sudden missing.. In all KDE apps, like Kolf, krecord etc.. The Save-, Open- and print icons etc | 10:03 |
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sensei | I'm guessing kdebase? | 10:04 |
uniq | sensei: kdelibs-data | 10:05 |
centyx | kmail is using the imap resource for contacts it appears. | 10:05 |
centyx | but the journal thing isn't working | 10:05 |
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sensei | uniq: Ah thanks.. just how do I override "it's already installed"? | 10:06 |
uniq | sensei: there are some icons in kdebase-data too though.. | 10:06 |
denzs | thx i'll try trhat | 10:06 |
uniq | sensei: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdelibs-data kdebase-data' | 10:06 |
sensei | Affirmative, thanks | 10:07 |
Kozar4ence | Is it possible to install sie good old kynaptic? | 10:07 |
Kozar4ence | i think my relation with adept aint going well :) | 10:07 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: Such is my hate for Kynaptic I'll help you through whatever you need to do | 10:08 |
arso_ | hey gyus | 10:08 |
arso_ | i am having trouble with java | 10:08 |
centyx | anyone? | 10:08 |
arso_ | i installed it as the common questions link | 10:08 |
Kozar4ence | DaSkreech :D | 10:09 |
arso_ | but youtube isntworking | 10:09 |
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DaSkreech | arso_: That's flash | 10:09 |
arso_ | omg, lol | 10:09 |
arso_ | hmm | 10:09 |
DaSkreech | !flash > arso_ | 10:09 |
arso_ | but i already installed flash | 10:09 |
arso_ | ya i already did | 10:10 |
sensei | Still no luck with the icons, even after reinstalling kdelibs and kdebase data packages :/ | 10:10 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: So how about it? | 10:10 |
arso_ | DaSkreech: i installed java and flash , still not working | 10:10 |
sensei | Even the "New shell" icon in konsole is missing :O | 10:10 |
arso_ | maybe i ened to reboot? | 10:10 |
Kozar4ence | DaSkreech so WTF means BREAK | 10:10 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: Means it's broken :) | 10:11 |
Kozar4ence | <_< | 10:11 |
Kozar4ence | why the fuck :) | 10:11 |
DaSkreech | try dpkg --configure -a from the command line | 10:11 |
DaSkreech | !language | 10:11 |
ubotu | Please watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:11 |
Kozar4ence | DaSkreech manually to insall apt-get it? | 10:12 |
sensei | Could it be kdeartwork ? | 10:12 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: What? | 10:12 |
Kozar4ence | okay this is going soooo bad | 10:13 |
Kozar4ence | DaSkreech what to do when it says that the extracodecs for mp3 support are broken >_< | 10:13 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: go to a command line and type apt-get -f install | 10:14 |
DaSkreech | I think that should fix it | 10:14 |
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Kozar4ence | DaSkreech whants libmad0.... which ofcourse isnt avaible | 10:15 |
Kozar4ence | :( | 10:15 |
DaSkreech | Give me a second | 10:16 |
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Kozar4ence | i seem to be born under a lucky star....from 3 packages i want to isntall 3 broken :D | 10:17 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: It's here in my repos | 10:18 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: Did you do an update? | 10:18 |
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Kozar4ence | ofcourse | 10:18 |
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sonic | Hi there, anyone know why my php mail() function mightent be working? | 10:19 |
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DaSkreech | and what do you see when you filter libmad? | 10:19 |
m_tadeu | good night everyone | 10:19 |
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Kozar4ence | xmms-mad | 10:19 |
DaSkreech | NIght | 10:20 |
Kozar4ence | and some libmad-ocaml | 10:20 |
sonic | i.e. is it disabled by default or something? My /var/mail dir is empty and mutt command is not regocnised | 10:20 |
DaSkreech | and the dev for that? | 10:20 |
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arso_ | OI, how do i unpackage a file | 10:20 |
sensei | Ah, I'll just reinstall the entire KDE system >:| | 10:20 |
m_tadeu | I'm having a smal problem connecting to my PDA...synce-serial-start just exits without a message. can anyone help, plz? | 10:20 |
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arso_ | how do i unpackage a .tar.gz | 10:20 |
sensei | tar -zxvf file.tar.gz | 10:21 |
arso_ | where will it be unpacked too? | 10:21 |
sensei | Your cwd | 10:21 |
arso_ | my WA?T> | 10:21 |
sensei | Current Working Directory | 10:21 |
sensei | The one you're 'in' | 10:21 |
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Kozar4ence | DaSkreech also libmad-ocaml-dev | 10:21 |
DaSkreech | Right I have libmad0 and libmad0-dev in addition to those | 10:22 |
arso_ | ok | 10:22 |
arso_ | i see | 10:22 |
arso_ | thnx | 10:22 |
kronoz | $PWD == present working directory && != cwd || $CWD | 10:22 |
kronoz | it is pwd not cwd | 10:22 |
sensei | kronoz: Depends on generation.. Some say pwd is Parent Working Directory | 10:22 |
DaSkreech | School him kronoz! | 10:22 |
uniq | it's Print Working Directory. | 10:23 |
sensei | But yeah, I suppose pwd is more commonly used | 10:23 |
uniq | it's the command guys :) | 10:23 |
Kozar4ence | DaSkreech cheater | 10:24 |
Kozar4ence | :( | 10:24 |
Kozar4ence | i have added the multiverse | 10:24 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: ok | 10:24 |
sensei | This is all inferior to my missing icons :'( | 10:24 |
DaSkreech | They are there now? | 10:24 |
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Kozar4ence | DaSkreech i meaned i had added in before that | 10:26 |
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Kozar4ence | okay thats it | 10:26 |
Kozar4ence | ill switch to the us archive | 10:26 |
Kozar4ence | not the de | 10:26 |
Kozar4ence | maybe this will fix | 10:26 |
Kozar4ence | it | 10:26 |
DaSkreech | :-) I doubt it :) | 10:26 |
uniq | sensei: is the kmenu icon missing? | 10:28 |
DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: So do you have libc6? | 10:28 |
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sensei | uniq: Nops, it's there... all the 'big' ones, even those on the desktop is there | 10:28 |
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uniq | sensei: then 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall konsole' | 10:31 |
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sensei | uniq: But it's not just the konsole icons.. it's in all programs | 10:32 |
sensei | kate, krecord.. all | 10:32 |
Kozar4ence | Debian saves the day | 10:32 |
uniq | sensei: Do you have any idea how this could have happend? Looks like you've lost files from loads of packages. | 10:33 |
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uniq | sensei: try to reinstall konsole to check that the icons come back. | 10:33 |
santa99 | hi today | 10:33 |
santa99 | now logged in | 10:34 |
sensei | uniq: It didn't :/ | 10:34 |
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sensei | The launch feedback icons are missing as well | 10:34 |
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DaSkreech | Kozar4ence: I was asking if you had libc6 installed | 10:35 |
sensei | uniq: There comes icons if I change the entire theme | 10:35 |
kronoz | !nvidia | 10:36 |
sensei | Maybe I should just reinstall the default theme (whatever its name is) | 10:36 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:36 |
arso_ | hey guys | 10:38 |
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thomas_ | registered | 10:40 |
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arso_ | man | 10:42 |
arso_ | i instal programs thru adept | 10:42 |
arso_ | but i cant find half of them | 10:42 |
sensei | uniq: I changed icon theme in kcontrol, solved it | 10:43 |
uniq | sensei: great :) | 10:43 |
sensei | Thanks for your effort :) | 10:43 |
thomas_ | have a problem with the shuttdown under Dapper Drake. It goes only to Will now halt and doesn't shut down really. When i turn off the splash i see it hangs a acpi_power_off. Does someone else here have the same problem and a solution for it so pls help me | 10:43 |
uniq | arso_: try to run alt+f2 'kbuildsycoca' | 10:44 |
sensei | Oh, btw, I've got a heads up.. I installed kubuntu yesterday, and couldn't use any sources.. I got "connection failed" when doing apt-get update.. It turned out that my netgear router for some reason blocked the connections by keyword | 10:44 |
arso_ | uniq: nothing happened? | 10:44 |
sensei | I've confirmed this with other users of netgear routers | 10:44 |
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crimsun | sensei: which keyword? | 10:45 |
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sensei | crimsun: That's the weird part.. I don't know.. It's not in the list | 10:45 |
thomas_ | nobody a idea ? | 10:45 |
sensei | I had to turn that functionality off all together | 10:45 |
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uniq | arso_: the system config cache will be rebuildt, applications can pop up in the menu an things like that | 10:46 |
sensei | Netgear <3 Microsoft? ;) | 10:46 |
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arso_ | uniq: do all programs pop in the k menu, 100%?/ , iisnt there a directory where all programs get installed to like windows "program fileS" | 10:46 |
arso_ | uniq: ?? | 10:47 |
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arso_ | HEY when i went to add/remove programs i found i had 10+ games, but theyre not in the k menu, how can i get them there | 10:48 |
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uniq | arso_: no, it's nothing like that. Do you have an example program you can't find? | 10:48 |
arso_ | bittornado | 10:48 |
arso_ | kmplayer | 10:48 |
uniq | that is a console program. | 10:48 |
arso_ | meaning? | 10:48 |
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uniq | kmplayer will be in the list after you run 'kbuildsycoca' | 10:48 |
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uniq | meaning it's made to run in text-mode, you can run it inside a 'konsole' | 10:49 |
arso_ | when i open kbuildsycoca nothing opens | 10:49 |
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uniq | arso_: it all happens in the background. | 10:50 |
arso_ | ok i opened kmplayer | 10:50 |
arso_ | how about bittorrent | 10:50 |
Kozar4ence | okay why according to adept almost every package is broken | 10:51 |
Kozar4ence | :( | 10:51 |
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arso_ | is there a way to show me wat i have previously installed in adept | 10:51 |
fiyawerx | hey guys, i'm installing kubuntu on my laptop, and after formatting it says "Scanning the mirror" but it's been at 1% for like 10 minutes | 10:51 |
fiyawerx | anyone know what that is? | 10:51 |
arso_ | so how do i open up all those games i downlaoded | 10:53 |
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uniq | fiyawerx: it's updating the list of packages from the internet servers. If your connection is slow it will take some time. | 10:53 |
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fiyawerx | uniq: my connections not connected | 10:53 |
fiyawerx | uniq: is it safe to just x that window then? | 10:53 |
uniq | fiyawerx: that's why it's slo then :) | 10:53 |
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fiyawerx | uniq: shouldn't it time out? | 10:54 |
fiyawerx | uniq: it's literally been like 10 minutes+ so far | 10:54 |
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uniq | fiyawerx: Leave it some more minutes.. | 10:55 |
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fiyawerx | uniq: i ran sudo ifconfig eth0 down and it finally kept going :) | 10:55 |
uniq | :) | 10:55 |
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xwolf- | can i put a delay in that pretty thingie shown when you move the mouse over a button in the taskbar? | 10:55 |
fiyawerx | thanks for that info | 10:55 |
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uniq | xwolf-: not as far as i know. | 10:56 |
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uniq | xwolf-: you want it to fade out slowly, right? | 10:57 |
xwolf- | no, i want it to wait a bit before it's shown | 10:57 |
uniq | ah.. hmm.. | 10:57 |
xwolf- | cause i really use those buttons and this big tooltip kinda gets jumpy | 10:58 |
xwolf- | know what i mean? | 10:58 |
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arso1234 | hey guys its arso | 10:58 |
fiyawerx | xwolf | 10:58 |
arso1234 | i am on windows now | 10:58 |
fiyawerx | xwolf-: you can disable the "animation" style and letit just do regular popups | 10:58 |
fiyawerx | xwolf-: helped me a lot for that | 10:58 |
xwolf- | it's ok to be animated, just not that fast :> | 10:58 |
arso1234 | i need to know | 10:58 |
fiyawerx | xwolf-: doesnt look quite as flashy but you still get the tips, ah | 10:59 |
arso1234 | how can i format a partition in kubuntu | 10:59 |
xwolf- | but where is it fiyawerx ? | 10:59 |
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arso1234 | help me please | 10:59 |
pierre_ | hello | 11:00 |
arso1234 | how do i format a partition using ext3 file system on kubuntu | 11:00 |
xwolf- | !format | 11:00 |
ubotu | Disks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks | 11:00 |
fiyawerx | xwolf-: i believe under right click on the panel -> configure panel, will find it in a sec just botting up | 11:00 |
fiyawerx | booting | 11:00 |
arso1234 | thanx | 11:00 |
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pierre_ | I have often a bug with kubuntu | 11:01 |
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pierre_ | I write in Code::Blocks and my pointeur become an angle with a '+' in the angle | 11:03 |
pierre_ | my system freeze | 11:03 |
pierre_ | s | 11:03 |
pierre_ | and i have to reboot | 11:03 |
pierre_ | what's this problem ? | 11:03 |
uniq | where do you write Code::Blocks? | 11:03 |
=== remy [n=remy@tvn95-1-82-229-103-113.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pierre_ | in the editor of Code::Blocks | 11:04 |
uniq | ah. | 11:04 |
remy | hi | 11:04 |
zorglu1 | what is code:blocks ? | 11:04 |
pierre_ | code::blocks is an IDE to code in C or C++ | 11:04 |
remy | i have e problem whith my sriptide sound card! someone can help me? | 11:04 |
zorglu1 | ah!! cool im looking for one :) | 11:04 |
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pierre_ | Also when I surligne text the bug is | 11:05 |
DaSkreech | konq | 11:05 |
=== zorglu1 is using eclipse for now. but not really good for c++ | ||
uniq | i use vim. | 11:05 |
pierre_ | yes, i use too Emacs | 11:05 |
pierre_ | but i prefer the presentation of code blocks | 11:05 |
remy | someone can help me for my riptide sound card? | 11:06 |
zorglu1 | well emacs and vim are way too old fashion for my current taste :) | 11:06 |
pierre_ | yes | 11:06 |
remy | please! | 11:06 |
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pierre_ | so has someone teh same bug ? | 11:07 |
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uniq | ?? checkinstall | 11:09 |
uniq | ehm. | 11:09 |
uniq | !checkinstall | 11:09 |
pierre_ | no ? realy nobody ? | 11:09 |
ubotu | checkinstall is a replacement for "make install", when compiling. It will inflate a .deb package for you to install, which will then be listed in the database. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall | 11:09 |
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pierre_ | i don't understand what's checkinstall | 11:09 |
uniq | pierre_: sorry, i don't have code::blocks installed, and I don't have the time to compile it and test right now. | 11:09 |
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uniq | pierre_: and checkinstall was for me, not for you, sorry about he confusion. | 11:10 |
uniq | he/the. | 11:10 |
pierre_ | uniq : thanks but the problem doesn't come of compilation ! | 11:10 |
=== inffcf00 [n=inffcf00@250.Red-81-33-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
inffcf00 | hi, anyone got graphic glitches in dapper?? | 11:11 |
Kozar4ence | I had on my desktop pc | 11:11 |
Kozar4ence | it occured because i didnt install the nvidia driver | 11:11 |
zorglu1 | inffcf00: no issue here. it may likely come from your graphic card drivers | 11:12 |
=== inffcf00 is now known as MeMyselfAndI | ||
=== MeMyselfAndI is now known as MeMyself | ||
MeMyself | I got some ghosting when moving icons on the desktop | 11:12 |
uniq | pierre_: no, i'm aware of that. I run linux on a mac, so i often have to compile applications myself as few upstream projects provide binaries that matches my setup. That's why I said I don't have time to compiled code::blocks right now, and test for you. the checkinstall stuff was for something else, just ignore that part. You can always go to http://launchpad.net/malone and search in the bugs database. You might find someone with similar problems. | 11:12 |
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MeMyselfAndI | I'm using the radeon driver | 11:13 |
MeMyselfAndI | the opensource one I mean | 11:13 |
arso1234 | so how do i format a disk using ext3 filesystem!!?!!?!?!?!?!?! | 11:13 |
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TheHighChild | arso1234: Do you want a graphical app or a command string? | 11:14 |
berkes | arso1234: just continue typing some more !s and ?s and it will happen by magic :) | 11:14 |
uniq | arso1234: ?!?!?!?!? mkfs.ext3 ?!?!?!??!? :) | 11:14 |
pierre_ | thanks uniq | 11:14 |
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arso1234 | sorry | 11:14 |
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arso1234 | :P | 11:14 |
arso1234 | but i didnt understand anything | 11:14 |
arso1234 | i am a total linux newbie | 11:15 |
arso1234 | so please a bit more detail | 11:15 |
uniq | arso1234: then i suggest using 'qtparted' | 11:15 |
arso1234 | and sorry about the !! its just i asked 15 mins a go, and no answer | 11:15 |
uniq | preferably from the livecd if you have it. | 11:15 |
arso1234 | uniq yes i have it | 11:15 |
MeMyselfAndI | why do u want to format it in ext3? | 11:15 |
arso1234 | wat should i do exactly | 11:15 |
arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI coz thats the best? | 11:15 |
arso1234 | uniq wat do i ddo with the live cd exactly? | 11:15 |
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MeMyselfAndI | not really | 11:15 |
berkes | arso1234: not perse. | 11:15 |
arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI then wat is? | 11:16 |
root__ | can someone help me fix software raid? it worked on x64 very well , but the x32 doesnt work for shit , | 11:16 |
MeMyselfAndI | if u got a laptop for example it's definitely not the best | 11:16 |
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uniq | arso1234: boot from the livecd, alt+f2 'qtparted' and use the program to format your partition. | 11:16 |
arso1234 | no its a desktop | 11:16 |
MeMyselfAndI | anyway it is just like ext2 plus journaling | 11:16 |
MeMyselfAndI | and not everybody needs that journaling thing | 11:16 |
arso1234 | and i need something that can work on windows, ext3 has a driver that makes it work on windows | 11:16 |
MeMyselfAndI | if there's a windows driver for ext3 there must be a driver for ext2 | 11:17 |
arso1234 | ya its the same driver | 11:17 |
uniq | ext3 is best :) | 11:17 |
arso1234 | so i should format it with ext2? or 3? :s | 11:17 |
uniq | arso1234: 3. | 11:17 |
MeMyselfAndI | I'm talking about ext2 because that's probably the filesystem u already got on your linux distro isn it | 11:17 |
arso1234 | nope | 11:17 |
uniq | ext3 is default. | 11:17 |
berkes | arso1234: if you want to learn more about the stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems | 11:17 |
arso1234 | i got ext3 on my distro | 11:17 |
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MeMyselfAndI | then why u want to format it again? | 11:17 |
MeMyselfAndI | jw | 11:17 |
Sc[_] tt | greetings | 11:18 |
TheHighChild | berkes: ftw | 11:18 |
arso1234 | coz i have ntfs | 11:18 |
arso1234 | and it doesnt work | 11:18 |
MeMyselfAndI | ?? | 11:18 |
arso1234 | i am dual booting windows and linux | 11:18 |
arso1234 | started today | 11:18 |
MeMyselfAndI | when u install linux it formats it's own partition | 11:18 |
berkes | TheHighChild? what is ftw? | 11:18 |
arso1234 | i have 7partitions 200gb | 11:18 |
TheHighChild | berkes: for the win, I'm retarded ;) | 11:18 |
MeMyselfAndI | so u want to use one of these partitions with a linux filesystem too | 11:19 |
MeMyselfAndI | u mean | 11:19 |
arso1234 | uniq some guy earlier told me about a command that i must type once to define data access or something so that when i write data onto ext3 from windows i can access it on linux otherwise i'll get access denied | 11:19 |
berkes | well, that wiki entruy has a very good background why you should/could choose certain FSs really nice stuff. | 11:19 |
StR | hi all | 11:19 |
arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI i want to make the rest of my drives read/write on both windows AND linux | 11:19 |
StR | can anyone help me sharring my Internet connection? | 11:19 |
TheHighChild | berkes: I know, that's why i was giving the props on dragging it out | 11:19 |
MeMyselfAndI | ic | 11:19 |
berkes | hah | 11:20 |
sensei | Wha, I love kubuntu! First solitare I lay in years works out! | 11:20 |
arso1234 | but i need to know the command | 11:20 |
arso1234 | that give s me access | 11:20 |
arso1234 | to data i write in windows onto ext3 | 11:20 |
arso1234 | i heard u type it once then data access is defined | 11:20 |
uniq | arso1234: sorry, don't know, Haven't used windows in years. | 11:20 |
berkes | sensei: LOL | 11:20 |
arso1234 | some guy told me about it earlier | 11:20 |
MeMyselfAndI | ?? | 11:20 |
MeMyselfAndI | sorry I lost u | 11:20 |
uniq | str: guidedog can. find 'guidedog' in adept. | 11:21 |
Sc[_] tt | question: dual boot system, xp and kubuntu, 80 gb hd, 4 partitions, dvd burner... want to create restore dvd to instantly restore my xp and linux install... have looked at partimage as well as dd and tar, someone knowledgable care to offer suggestions, ideas? | 11:21 |
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arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI when i write data from windows onto an ext3 partition it opens fine in windows, but if i try to access that file on linux, i get access denied, theres a command that patches that, and makes me able to access it regularly | 11:22 |
negocio_ | how can i solve the $_layout message of dosemu | 11:22 |
negocio_ | ? | 11:22 |
MeMyselfAndI | well you have to mount partitions in linux in order to have access to them | 11:22 |
Cornellius | !firestarter | 11:22 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface) | 11:22 |
Cornellius | Me too | 11:22 |
Cornellius | CaptiveNTFS | 11:22 |
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arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI donno, he mentioned something else | 11:22 |
Cornellius | CaptiveNTFS if you want to read and write NTFS partitions from Linux | 11:22 |
uniq | sc[_] tt: sysresccd with partimage is what i use to make backups of partitions/disks. It is so cool :) http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page | 11:23 |
MeMyselfAndI | well depending on how u want to use th epartition you have to mount it in one way or another | 11:23 |
MeMyselfAndI | you have to add some lines to some configuration files so that they mount automatically each time u boot linux | 11:23 |
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arso1234 | MeMyselfAndI u know about those commands | 11:23 |
MeMyselfAndI | u better google on the subject of mounting partitions in linux | 11:23 |
arso1234 | k | 11:24 |
MeMyselfAndI | but anyway kubuntu should have graphical interfaces to do all these stuff | 11:24 |
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arso1234 | i | 11:25 |
arso1234 | c | 11:25 |
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arso1234 | brb | 11:26 |
arso1234 | i'll restart into linux | 11:26 |
arso1234 | and come here | 11:26 |
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MeMyselfAndI | anyone can comment about graphical glitches in kubuntu? | 11:27 |
MeMyselfAndI | anyone using radeon opensource driver?? | 11:28 |
Cornellius | !ati | 11:29 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:29 |
MeMyselfAndI | what? | 11:29 |
MeMyselfAndI | I can't use ati binaries | 11:29 |
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arso | hey | 11:29 |
MeMyselfAndI | mobility radeon 7500 not supported | 11:29 |
arso | its arso | 11:29 |
MeMyselfAndI | on these | 11:29 |
arso | i am gonna format now | 11:29 |
arso | hey | 11:30 |
arso | my live cd is in | 11:30 |
arso | i went to command | 11:30 |
arso | "qtparted" telling me its wrong command | 11:30 |
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uniq | is this a kubuntu livecd? | 11:30 |
uniq | 6.06? | 11:30 |
arso | omg, i put in my windows xp cd :P | 11:31 |
arso | got the right one in now | 11:31 |
arso | wtf | 11:31 |
arso | still didnt work | 11:31 |
arso | could not run the specified comand | 11:31 |
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uniq | well, I really have to go now, so I can only wish you good luck. | 11:32 |
uniq | bye all. | 11:32 |
arso | omg | 11:32 |
arso | whose gonna help me! | 11:32 |
arso | the live cd | 11:32 |
arso | yet qtparted now workin | 11:32 |
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sbriscoe | if you apt-get kubuntu-desktop, how do you uninstall gnome from your system? | 11:33 |
edison | hi everyone | 11:33 |
arso | hi | 11:33 |
edison | can anyone help me? i have an audio problem | 11:34 |
|lostbyte| | sbriscoe, let me guess gnome-desktop :P | 11:34 |
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sbriscoe | apt-get uninstall gnome-desktop? | 11:34 |
|lostbyte| | edison, Your problem ? some one here may know.. | 11:34 |
edison | i used to have audio now i dont and dont know why | 11:34 |
arso | |lostbyte|: heyyy | 11:34 |
|lostbyte| | sbriscoe, "remove" | 11:34 |
arso | |lostbyte|: i fixed the resolution | 11:34 |
|lostbyte| | arso, hai ! | 11:35 |
arso | |lostbyte|: now i am goign to format everything to ext3 but dont know how to format in linux, can u tell me please? | 11:35 |
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gatekeeper | edison: what happens if start alsamixer from the command line? | 11:35 |
|lostbyte| | arso, how come ? what was the problem ? | 11:35 |
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edison | how can i do that? | 11:35 |
|lostbyte| | arso, Are you in linux now ? | 11:36 |
arso | |lostbyte|: well with ntfs i cant write on linux, but i downlaoded an ext3 driver for windows, so i am going to make all my partitions ext3 | 11:36 |
arso | |lostbyte|: yes i am in linux | 11:36 |
arso | |lostbyte|: i have freed up the first partition, and i am ready to format it into ext3 , just dont know how | 11:36 |
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gatekeeper | edison: start a konsol from you menu System -> Konsol | 11:36 |
|lostbyte| | arso, ok ! tell me your partiton.. status.. | 11:37 |
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arso | |lostbyte|: well its a 8gb ntfs partition i shifted its data to another partition | 11:37 |
|lostbyte| | arso, whats your hd size ? | 11:37 |
edison | u mean from terminal?? | 11:37 |
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gatekeeper | edison: yep | 11:37 |
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sonic | Is system mail deactivated in kubuntu by default? | 11:37 |
arso | |lostbyte|: the whole hdd is 40 gb | 11:37 |
edison | ok | 11:37 |
edison | im there | 11:37 |
arso | |lostbyte|: but iam doing it partition /partition , as i dont have enough space to back them all up at once, | 11:38 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, ok ! how much is your first partions and type ? | 11:38 |
arso | |lostbyte|: after i format this, i am going to windows, to return its data to it and free up another | 11:38 |
sonic | or why wouldn't there be anything in /var/mail ? | 11:38 |
gatekeeper | edison: does your sound appear to be turned on? | 11:38 |
flake | a couple of windows programs i run under wine, sometimes the buttons don't redraw until I click on them - otherwise they are black. Is there something I can change with wine or some parameter? | 11:38 |
arso | |lostbyte|: wat do u mean? | 11:38 |
edison | yes | 11:38 |
edison | but i start session in windows and sounds work but it dosnt in linux | 11:39 |
arso | |lostbyte|: are u there man? | 11:39 |
|lostbyte| | arso, sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda | 11:39 |
arso | |lostbyte|: wat does that do? | 11:39 |
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edison | 3 days ago i had sound now i dont, so i dont know what could be the prob | 11:39 |
|lostbyte| | arso, Yes ! man.. :P | 11:40 |
|lostbyte| | arso, it simply list your partition table. | 11:40 |
arso | oh ok | 11:40 |
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edison | i change the audio cables to discard the prob | 11:40 |
santa44 | I have a problem with the shutdown under Dapper Drake someone else have this problem and a solution for it ? | 11:40 |
arso | |lostbyte|: ok now wat? | 11:40 |
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gatekeeper | edison: if you select system setting -> sound and press the test sound button you get nothing? | 11:41 |
arso | |lostbyte|: it doesnt show how much space it has | 11:41 |
|lostbyte| | arso, whats your first partition ? | 11:41 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, it says : under blocks | 11:41 |
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santa44 | nobody here with the same problem | 11:41 |
arso | |lostbyte|: oh ok, the partition i want to format is not on this hdd | 11:42 |
Healot | !ask | 11:42 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:42 |
arso | i think its in sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb | 11:42 |
|lostbyte| | arso, huh ? you have two drives ? | 11:42 |
arso | |lostbyte|: omg, i have 3 | 11:42 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, LOLZ.. | 11:43 |
Healot | just fdisk -l | 11:43 |
arso | |lostbyte|: hey how can i identify the partitions, if i change their name in windows , will it appear here? or should i just remember their label | 11:43 |
arso | |lostbyte|: does the label stay? | 11:43 |
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|lostbyte| | arso, ok ! but which partiton do you want to format.. ? | 11:44 |
|lostbyte| | and on which drive ? | 11:44 |
|lostbyte| | have you any idea ? | 11:44 |
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arso | i forgot :S | 11:44 |
arso | i need to go back to windows and remember | 11:45 |
|lostbyte| | arso, no no ! | 11:45 |
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arso | omg | 11:45 |
arso | i remember | 11:45 |
|lostbyte| | linux has a diff way to locate drives.. | 11:45 |
arso | i deleted the partition | 11:45 |
arso | its unpartitioned space now | 11:45 |
gatekeeper | edison: you still with me? | 11:46 |
|lostbyte| | arso, ok ! never mind.. | 11:46 |
azzco | Hello...I'm trying to install some plugins for amsn...however I need root acces to touch /usr/share/amsn/plugins. So I tried "sudo cp /home/username/Desktop/plugin that I've unzipped here" didn't work =/ any suggestions? | 11:46 |
arso | |lostbyte|: ok ,so can we partition unpartitioned space easily from linux | 11:46 |
=== stoffepojken [n=stoffe@c213-200-187-193.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | arso, run cfdisk from konsole. | 11:47 |
azzco | stoffepojken: swedish? | 11:47 |
arso | |lostbyte|: isnt there any simple straight forward program like partition magic here on linux to do that | 11:47 |
=== vincent [n=vincent@AGrenoble-257-1-20-127.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | and you will get a sweet interface. | 11:47 |
arso | |lostbyte|: fatal error : cannot open disk drive | 11:47 |
arso | |lostbyte|: did i mention the disk drives are not able to be mounted on linnnux | 11:47 |
|lostbyte| | with sudo | 11:47 |
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arso | with anything | 11:48 |
arso | that other guy who helped me earlier afm/ something tried | 11:48 |
|lostbyte| | sudo cfdisk | 11:48 |
=== ^Cas^ [n=root@c3eea1ddd.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
arso | command not found | 11:48 |
arso | oh sorry | 11:48 |
arso | i made a typo | 11:48 |
arso | ok i am in | 11:48 |
|lostbyte| | can you see unpatitioned space ? | 11:49 |
arso | yes | 11:49 |
arso | but its only 8mb, so its on this hdd | 11:49 |
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|lostbyte| | usually one with out a fs type.. | 11:49 |
arso | ya i see 8.3 mb unpartitioned | 11:49 |
arso | how can i check the other 2 hdd;s | 11:50 |
|lostbyte| | sudo cfdisk /dev/hd[a-d | 11:50 |
|lostbyte| | sudo cfdisk /dev/hd[a-d] | 11:50 |
arso | thats for which one? d? | 11:50 |
|lostbyte| | arso, let me explain.. | 11:51 |
arso | ok its the third one | 11:51 |
arso | wats the command for the thrid one | 11:51 |
|lostbyte| | ok ! | 11:51 |
arso | the partition i want is on the remaining hd | 11:51 |
|lostbyte| | sudo cfdisk /dev/hdc | 11:51 |
arso | nono | 11:52 |
arso | i dont have c | 11:52 |
arso | i have a,b,d | 11:52 |
DaSkreech | hdc is CDrom | 11:52 |
arso | ahh i c | 11:52 |
gatekeeper | !daylight saving | 11:52 |
ubotu | I know nothing about daylight saving | 11:52 |
|lostbyte| | arso, check all and tell me.. | 11:52 |
|lostbyte| | DaSkreech, Depends. | 11:52 |
gatekeeper | !clock | 11:53 |
ubotu | I know nothing about clock | 11:53 |
zorglu1 | !time | 11:53 |
ubotu | I know nothing about time | 11:53 |
arso | u suer the command is right | 11:53 |
DaSkreech | I know but it seems to be the most common configuration :-) | 11:53 |
zorglu1 | !timezone | 11:53 |
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ubotu | I know nothing about timezone | 11:53 |
arso | i keep getting unpartitioned space | 11:53 |
zorglu1 | ?? | 11:53 |
arso | with insane blocks | 11:53 |
zorglu1 | meme pas timezone ? | 11:53 |
^Cas^ | !edubuntu | 11:53 |
ubotu | Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org | 11:53 |
zorglu1 | sorry not even timezone | 11:53 |
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== stoffepojken [n=stoffe@c213-200-187-193.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gatekeeper | zorglu1: it's flaming useless :-) | 11:54 |
=== Alain [n=Alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu1 | ;0 | 11:54 |
|lostbyte| | !listkeys | 11:54 |
ubotu | I know nothing about listkeys | 11:54 |
arso | oi | 11:54 |
|lostbyte| | !search * | 11:54 |
ubotu | Found: code, gr, kdeincludes, alternatives, kde docs, themes, browsers, scp, lgpl, icons (and 344 more) | 11:54 |
arso | |lostbyte|: wrong commands dude | 11:54 |
|lostbyte| | !search a* | 11:55 |
ubotu | Found: code, gr, kdeincludes, alternatives, kde docs, themes, browsers, scp, lgpl, icons (and 340 more) | 11:55 |
gatekeeper | zorglu1: I seem to have this slightly annoying problem, cold swap disc between linux / windows and some the clock time gets knackered :-( | 11:55 |
|lostbyte| | arg ! | 11:55 |
=== milian_ [n=milian@p54BEA9E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== fiyawerx [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-34-213.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | double ARGh ! | 11:55 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: 'cold swap disc' = ? | 11:56 |
arso | :(* | 11:56 |
arso | i NEED commands, | 11:56 |
fiyawerx | ok, wow, running nomachine on my desktop at home, then the client now on my kubuntu laptop at work, love this program, it flies | 11:56 |
|lostbyte| | arso, Sorry ! dude.. i need to get in bed.. | 11:56 |
arso | omg | 11:56 |
=== drept^_ [n=spellbou@lns01-1210.dsl.iskon.hr] has left #kubuntu ["yeah,] | ||
arso | .. | 11:56 |
arso | ok | 11:56 |
arso | :( | 11:56 |
zorglu1 | yep nomachine is real nice and the guy put it in opensource | 11:56 |
zorglu1 | houray for him! | 11:57 |
|lostbyte| | arso, You need to understand the concept of partitioning before doing it.. | 11:57 |
arso | ya well someone can help me | 11:57 |
|lostbyte| | tldp.org | 11:57 |
gatekeeper | zorglu1: yep I got a 'caddy' system, turn computer off put whichever hard disc you want to boot from, turn the PC on, and off you go | 11:57 |
fiyawerx | yeah zorg, the linux client runs even faster than the windows client | 11:57 |
fiyawerx | this is insane fast | 11:57 |
|lostbyte| | arso, read a little or search for partioning wiki for linux.. | 11:57 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: ah ok, i had those a long time ago | 11:57 |
arso | |lostbyte|: ok willdo | 11:57 |
|lostbyte| | arso, start here : google.com/linux/ | 11:57 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: this should not affect the time tho :) | 11:58 |
|lostbyte| | arso, TC ! and goodnight.. | 11:58 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: well doing time management is not that hard | 11:58 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: put the gmt hour in the bios | 11:58 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: then config kubuntu according to your timezone | 11:58 |
azzco | can someone help me a bit here I really have problems moving folders and files unless I'm just operating in home or desktop | 11:58 |
=== KuLover [n=kubu@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu1 | azzco: 1. describe your problem (aka what you want to do, and what you dont suceed to do) | 11:59 |
gatekeeper | zorglu1: thanx I will have a look at that, was woundering if kubuntu was getting confused about BST | 11:59 |
zorglu1 | gatekeeper: nope, it works without issue IF properly configured :) | 12:00 |
azzco | I'm trying to move a couple of folders from my desktop to /usr/shar/amsn/plugins | 12:00 |
=== asalles [n=asalles@50-103-116.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gatekeeper | zorglu1: have to take a closer look thanx for your help :-) | 12:01 |
arso | |lostbyte|: goodnight | 12:01 |
=== xst [n=xst@port233.ds1-bav.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
xst | Normally I write "dpkg-reconfigure locales" in order to redefine the list of installed locales. But now it just re-calculates the locales giving me no selection list. How do I modify the list of installed locales then? | 12:02 |
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hussam | kkathman, hey! | 12:04 |
=== fiyawerx is now known as fiya_werkin | ||
=== gnk [n=gnk@org51-2-82-244-213-204.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu |
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