
=== stub [n=stub@ppp-] has joined #launchpad-meeting
=== ..[topic/#launchpad-meeting:SteveA] : public launchpad meeting channel
stubWaaaay offtopic10:03
stubPorno name for 'Launchpad'10:04
lifelessRaucnh Pad10:04
lifelessneed the second syllable10:04
jameshI just lost my connection.  Could you invite me again?10:12
jameshSteveA: ^^ ?10:14
jameshselect * from pg_locks where pid = pg_backend_pid();10:19
spivSteveA: that was fast10:21
lifelessSteveA: dyson needs some small love. Is it possible that the infrastructure team can do that ?10:26
SteveAjames has agreed to do this10:37
SteveAstub mentioned that dyson should be made more robust10:37
lifelessagreed and agreed. thanks jamesh10:39
SteveAstub: on pagetests...10:48
SteveAi wonder if we can do a GET vs POST thing, and use a r/o connection for GETs10:49
SteveAthen we could always rollback in the publisher on a GET10:49
SteveAand then not need to do fancy shit when pagetesting10:50
stubThats a thought10:50
SteveAneed to be a bit careful about not rolling back session changes10:51
stubHmm... but we want to make GET requests use a read only database connection anyway, so we know no changes are made using that.10:51
SteveAbut i wouldn't want to rely on that convention for the pagetests10:51
SteveAi would prefer to rely on "no commits have been made"10:52
SteveAalthough i suppose session stuff screws that a bit10:52
SteveAalthough resetting the session DB should be cheaper than resetting the main DB10:52
stubWe don't care about updates to the session database10:52
SteveAif you insist10:52
SteveAsounds a tad dodgy10:52
SteveAwe just don't use sessions much in pagetests10:52
SteveAit's almost all basic auth10:53
stubWe do for cookie auth and notifications, many of which are tested for.10:53
stubHowever, I decided that we will never worry about resetting the session database in the tests because if you care, you are using sessions incorrectly.10:53
SteveAok.  i hope that assumption exists somewhere more concrete than this irc channel and your head10:54
stubI think there are comments to that effect in the guts of the database reset code ;)10:55
=== stub doesn't check, just in case ;)
SteveAi'd expect some garish ascii-art on server start-up10:58
spivSteveA: be careful what you wish for...11:01
SteveAstub, spiv, jamesh: I mailed a call summary to the list.  You have Action Items.11:13

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