
=== mpt_ [n=mpt@203-173-178-53.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #launchpad
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mpt__Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!01:00
=== mpt__ drops a pin
=== mpt__ listens
ajmitchmorning mpt01:09
ajmitchhow's dunedin today?01:09
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mptCold and rainy, ajmitch 01:10
mptA change from yesterday, which was cold and icy01:11
mptWhere are you now?01:11
ajmitchsunny but a bit chilly01:11
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mptHooray, Internet is back04:42
ajmitchisp issues?04:43
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demguys i have a launchpad question cause i just can't figure out it out, 1 how to i setup my app so users can translate it, 2 how do i upload a package04:52
demafter going on drapes (which is my project), I just cannot find the options04:52
jameshdem: you need to register a product (it sounds like you've registered a project)04:53
demyeah i did04:54
demi just can't figure out how to do anything... is it hidden somewhere?04:54
jameshdem: what is the URL of your project?04:54
demi figured out to register my bzr branch tho04:55
jameshokay, so you did register a product (I was wrong above)04:55
demwait i'm confused04:55
jameshthere is a "translations" link to the left of your product page04:56
demyeah, it says that my app isn't setup to do translations...04:56
jameshthat page points to the Rosetta FAQ04:56
mptoh, wow, that's bad04:58
jameshif you email the launchpad-users list (https://lists.canonical.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad-users) one of the rosetta guys should be able to import your PO template04:58
mptThe next step is buried halfway down the page!04:58
mptNo wonder dem is confused :-/04:58
mpthmmm, I can fix that this afternoon04:59
jamesh(not to mention that it points you at the wrong wiki to begin with )04:59
mptjamesh, so review my branch that fixes it :-)04:59
demi was about to cry, i mean i can figure out how to write my app but i can't figure out how to use lauchpad :(04:59
jameshmpt: it is on kiko's queue :)04:59
demdo i have to register to email the list05:00
mptexcuses excuses ;-)05:00
jameshdem: do you have a PO template for your app?05:00
demi belive that it's in my bzr branch05:01
jameshdem: the rosetta admins will need that file to allow translation of the application.  If you've set up everything, it should get built as po/drapes.pot in your source directory05:03
jameshcheck to make sure it includes the strings you'd expect it to05:04
demthe drapes.po should be a "unfilled" out template?05:04
jameshthe msgid's should be strings from your app, and the msgstr's should be empty05:05
jamesh(the idea is that a translator takes a copy of the PO template and fills in the msgstrs to create a PO file)05:05
demwill it pick it up from my bzr branch automaticaly?05:08
jamesh(not yet, at least)05:10
mptdem, how are you doing?05:27
mptHave you mailed the rosetta list?05:27
demin the process05:28
mptI'm making a list right now of the things we can do to make this easier for people05:29
mpt1. The "Translations" link should be in a more obvious place05:29
demit just seams really hard to figure how to set stuff up in lauchpad05:29
mpt2. If you're the administrator of a product, Rosetta should tell you directly how to set up translation05:30
mptinstead of sending you off to some FAQ05:30
mpt(and even if you're not the administrator, Rosetta should tell you directly how you can get the administrator involved)05:30
demhow do you add packages to rosetta too?05:30
demi cliked on packages but...05:31
mpt3. It should be possible to submit the POT without mailing the Rosetta list05:31
mpt4. It should be possible to suck in the POT automatically from a branch you've registered05:31
demthat would be awesome05:32
mptdem, I don't know the answer to that question, sorry05:32
mptI do know it takes a fair amount of work at the start of each release cycle to add all the packages for that release05:32
demwell is there no way i can post the latest of my package, i already had a deb (for dapper) built for it05:33
mptoh, that "Packages" link is for if your product is packaged in a distribution Launchpad knows about05:34
mpte.g. if it's already shipped in Ubuntu, you can say "this Xyz product is where Ubuntu's xyz package comes from"05:34
demso i can't add my own package?05:34
mptI suppose that's a bit misleading too05:36
demok email sent, now waiting for my email to be aproved by the list moderator05:38
mptSorry about the problems dem, we'll do what we can to make it easier05:43
demthat's quite alright, i was just becoming depressed that i can't figure out how to use launchpad05:43
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mpt__jamesh, ping08:02
jameshmpt: pong08:03
mptjamesh, if I use browser.addHeader('Authorization'...) early in a test, but then want to test the same page unauthenticated, do I have to do something like browser.removeHeader()?08:04
jameshmpt: malcc made some changes to the environment page tests are run in to help with situations like this08:04
jameshmpt: there are three more browser instances available: anon_browser, user_browser and admin_browser08:05
mptas in, anon_browser.open(url)?08:05
jameshthey are set up for anonymous, authenticated and administrator users respectively08:06
mptcool, thanks08:06
jameshso you can do some tests with user_browser, and then switch to anon_browser to show how things behave when you're not logged in08:06
mptWell in this case, I'm testing (a) product owner, (b) someone else, (c) anonymous08:07
mptso for (a) and (b) I'm using explicit people, but for (c) I can use anon_browser08:07
jameshfor reference, user_browser logs in as test@canonical.com and admin_browser logs in as foo.bar@canonical.com08:08
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pc_butlerim in upington in south africa08:54
pc_butlerany one online?08:54
mpt_pc_butler, hi08:55
pc_butlerdo u know if one can download programs for ubuntu for instal on pcs with no internet?08:56
pc_butlerhow does it work?08:56
pc_butlermpt_, ?08:56
mpt_pc_butler, I think there's a way of doing that, but I'm not sure08:57
mpt_This channel is about Launchpad, though08:57
mpt_You'd be better off asking in #ubuntu08:57
pc_butlerwhats launchpad about?08:58
pc_butlernot working togther?08:58
mpt_Launchpad is a set of Web applications that the Ubuntu developers use08:58
mpt_along with developers of various other products08:59
mpt_So asking us about an Ubuntu problem is a bit like asking the Bugzilla developers about a Thunderbird problem :-)08:59
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mdkecarlos: yesterday someone was asking when edgy will be ready to translate, what should one say to those questions?09:14
carlosmdke: I already talked with pitti about having language packs for Edgy. I will preare all to have them ready next week.09:16
mdkecarlos: but presumably it is a good idea to translate dapper strings, right? if they get merged and dapper gets updates09:17
mdkethanks :)09:17
carlosIn fact, launchpad/rosetta will ask by default for dapper translations09:17
jameshdem: if you are still around and want to ask about getting your PO templates set up in rosetta, carlos can probably help.09:19
carlosjamesh, dem: If it's not really urgent, jordi should do that09:19
SteveAspiv: hello.  healthy again?09:45
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SteveAspiv, jamesh, stub: infrastructure call?09:46
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stubSteveA: Sure09:52
spivSteveA: getting there, slowly :(09:54
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=== spiv starts skype
SteveAspiv: can you croak through a voice call?09:54
jameshSteveA: sure09:54
SteveAmorning mister kiko09:54
spivSteveA: Today's feature symptom is congestion :)09:55
SteveAat least it isn't latency09:56
jameshit's probably the black plague09:56
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sabdflmorning all10:21
sabdflSteveA: what is the landing URL for PQM again?10:21
lifelesssteves on a voip call at the moment10:21
lifelesswhat do you mean by the landing URL ?10:22
sabdfli think it's the url that pqm is supposed to land on10:22
sabdfl                  ~10:22
sabdflflash% rocketfuel-land "[r=stevea]  Fix blueprint bugs and add spec searching"10:22
sabdflPlease identify where you want submitted merges to occur in .bzr/parent (or use bzr pull --remember)10:22
spivYour rocketfuel-land script seems to be out of date, it's .bzr/branch/parent since bzr 0.8.10:23
sabdflok, interesting!10:23
sabdflis there a repo with the latest rf scripts?10:24
jameshthe bzr pqm-submit plugin is pretty easy to use after some one-off configuration10:25
sabdfljamesh: how do i install a plugin?10:26
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jameshsabdfl: https://launchpad.canonical.com/WorkingWithSharedRepositories <- "Sending Merge Requests to PQM"10:28
sabdflthanks jamesh10:31
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sabdflbzr: ERROR: exceptions.ImportError: No module named urlutils10:39
sabdfljamesh: any suggestions?10:39
jameshsabdfl: looks like bzrlib.urlutils is a new module post bzr-0.810:41
lifelessI think john just updated that to the latest 0.9 pre-code. if you do bzr uncommit it should fix it10:41
lifeless(uncommit & revert)10:41
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jameshsabdfl: possibly reverting to an older rev of that branch should fix things10:41
sabdflhmm... one uncommit did not do the trick10:43
sabdflwhere is urlutils?10:43
jamesha module in the bzrlib package10:44
sabdflshould I just keep uncommitting and reverting?10:44
jameshdo a "bzr log" to see if it is obvious where John started updating the code to bzr-0.910:45
jamesh"bzr uncommit -r 11" and "bzr revert" should do the trick10:47
sabdflflash% bzr pqm-submit -m "[r=stevea]  Blueprint bug fixes and addition of spec search features"10:48
sabdflsending from Mark Shuttleworth <mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com>10:48
sabdflbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/mark/launchpad/.bzr/branch/10:48
sabdflpublic_repository = sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/mark/launchpad10:49
sabdfli have that in my branches.conf10:49
sabdflfor this branch10:49
jameshsabdfl: pqm-submit assumes that the local repository structure matches the remote one10:54
jameshto work out the remote branch name, it works out the local branch's path relative to its repo, and then appends that to public_repository10:55
stubstaging is being upgraded to dapper as we speak if anyone cares.10:55
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jameshthe error above would indicate that the local branch is standalone10:55
sivangstub: oh, nice 10:57
lifelessthere is a different setting you can use, public_branch10:59
jameshlifeless: yep.  The public_repository setting is nicer from a "set it and forget it" point of view though (provided your local/remote setup matches the plugin's assumptions)11:00
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Apple101how do i remove a launchpad account?  i now have two, and only need one.11:18
carlosApple101: merge both accounts11:19
mptApple101, https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge11:20
mptcarlos, it's been bugging me for a couple of weeks now, I realized that "merge the accounts" link is on completely the wrong page11:21
Apple101ok thanks11:21
mptIt should be on the page for a person, as a "Hey, this is me!" button11:21
jameshmpt: https://launchpad.canonical.com/WhyTheSmegAmIHere11:26
SteveAjamesh: when will you be able to run the zope3 spec import script on staging?11:31
SteveAmpt: voice call?11:32
SteveAmpt: it should be on a page for a person only when that person has no validated email addresses11:34
SteveA... and no password11:34
lifelesssabdfl: have you seen https://launchpad.net/products/blueprint/+spec/private-specs11:34
jameshSteveA: will look at doing it later tonight.11:38
sabdfllifeless: i did respond to your mail yesterday. did you not get that?11:39
SteveAthis is private specs, the other was private branches11:40
lifelesssabdfl: yup, this is a different spec, that I realised you may not have seen.11:40
sabdflah, yes i had NOT seen that11:43
sabdflwill take a look11:43
lifelessits very raw, kind of a drive-by-spec, but I wanted to seed the conversation.11:43
lifelesswe're heading to lunch now, so that we have eaten before the lp meeting.11:44
=== SteveA , lifeless and ddaa prepare to discuss EP bzr talks over lunch, before the lp dev meeting
bradbelmo: hey11:44
SteveAmpt: maybe we can talk later or earlier tomorrow morning11:44
bradbelmo: what's up?11:44
elmobradb: I just tried to merge a bug with two existing dupes into another bug and malone's response makes me cry11:47
jameshdisallowing duplicates of duplicates11:47
elmobradb: apart from the garbled text you get back, is there any reason not to either a) just handle duplicate chains or b) offer a debbugs style 'force-merge' option which re-targets the existing dupes at the new dupe-target?11:48
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elmohaving to go away and do (b) by hand (which is what I ended up doing after I decoded the message) seems suboptimal 11:49
mpt_Anyone: Are there any products in Launchpad with zero product series, or did they all (not just the new ones) get "trunk" added to them?11:51
mpt_or "main", rather11:52
sivangcarlos: hi11:55
sivangcarlos: if I see "Rosetta Admins" as the person contributing a translation in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/he , that means it was imported from upstream?11:55
mpt_hmmm, if acpid has a series, I guess everything does11:56
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carlossivang: yes11:57
carlosand we didn't know the author11:57
carlossivang: If you know it, I will be happy to change the ownerhsip to the right author11:58
carloswell, to request it, I cannot change it directly11:58
sivangcarlos: right, thanks11:59
sivangcarlos: also, what was the way you mentioned to me over Paris to be able to view translations by a person? (workaround- I recall there is no direct support for that still)12:00
carlosI don't remember exactly what I told you12:02
carloswe have http://launchpad.net/people/carlos/+translations12:02
bradbelmo: an unfortunate bug: https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/2796. we're just talking about it now.12:02
UbugtuMalone bug 2796 in malone "Remove constraint on marking duplicates of duplicates" [Medium,Confirmed]  12:02
carlosbut I don't think you see there exactly what you want12:02
sivangcarlos: this shows approved and proposed translations right?12:02
carlossivang: I think I told you that if you get a timeout page there, it means that person did a lot of translations12:03
sivangcarlos: I just did for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kdeedu/+pots/blinken/he/+translate :-) but it's okay now12:03
carlossivang: yeah, all translations added12:03
sivangcarlos: OOPS-180A426 (but I saw there is already a committed fix for that)12:03
carlossivang: yeah, kiko did many improvements to that page12:06
elmobradb: ah ok, cool, thanks12:06
sivangcarlos: hmm, actually the +translate timeout is for malone #3991 , sorry.12:07
UbugtuMalone bug 3991 in rosetta "Timeout error on translation page (+translate)" [Medium,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/399112:07
sivangcarlos: (different bugs)12:07
carlosyeah, I was talking about the +translate page12:07
carlosthe people/foo/+translations is not yet fixed12:08
sivangcarlos: I see, should I report that OOPS-180A426 ? I see on the bug report it is supposed to be fixed, but I just got it, and can't reproduce anymore.12:18
carlossivang: there is already a bug for that12:19
carlossivang: which bug report are you looking at?12:19
carlosI don't remember that it's fixed already....12:19
mpt_"The recommended target for current translation activity is main"12:20
=== mpt_ pulls out his razor
sivangcarlos: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/3991 , right, it seems it's only commited, not "release" :) 12:20
UbugtuMalone bug 3991 in rosetta "Timeout error on translation page (+translate)" [Medium,Fix committed]  12:20
mpt_"We recommend you translate main"12:20
carlossivang: also, that bug is not for the OPPS you gave me12:21
mpt_"The <productname> developers recommend translating main"12:21
carlossivang: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/2497 <- This is the one you are looking for12:22
mpt_hmmm, no, actually the first is more correct, isn't it carlos?12:23
carlosmpt_: is 'main' a product series?12:24
mpt_because sometimes with a product there are no upstream translations, so the product Translations page recommends translating a package instead12:24
mpt_so it needs ?? around it12:24
carloshmm, where do we have that string?12:24
mpt_which I'm rewriting12:24
mpt_because I'm angry with it12:25
mpt_carlos, while I'm here, is it easy to fix the bug seen on https://launchpad.net/products/gnomebacker/+translations, where a legend is shown but no chart?12:26
carlosI think you should put there something like: "The <target.productseries.product.displayname> | <target.distrorelease.distro.displayname> developers recommend translating <target.displayname>"12:28
carlosmpt_: that url is broken12:30
mpt_carlos, sorry, gnomebaker, not backer12:30
carloshmm, I see a legend and charts..12:31
mpt_carlos, what languages do you see charts for?12:31
mpt_ah, this is a regression of bug 271812:33
carlosI see there a bunch of languages...12:33
mpt_Not all of them?12:33
mpt_Just your preferred ones, perhaps?12:34
carlosno, I don't have more than two prefered ones12:34
mpt_How many languages do you see?12:34
carlosand believe me, Afrikaans is not one of them12:34
carlosmpt_: I think I know what's going on12:34
carlosI don't know why, but Steve already told me about that bug12:35
carlosI need to prepare some debugging pages for teh logic we use to guess the interested languages12:35
carlosperhaps that's hidding something for some users12:35
=== mpt_ tries to figure out why bug 2718 is private
mpt_carlos, if it's just for some users, why do I get the bugs even when I'm logged out? :-)12:43
carlosbecause your browser's preferences and the info we get from geoip for your IP12:43
mpt_well it happens for me both in Epiphany and in Safari12:44
mpt_*and* it happens for me both in New Zealand and in the USA!12:44
mpt_Rosetta's just picking on me, that's all it is12:44
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mpt_oh, and 47718 happens on production but not on staging12:46
mpt_47781, rather12:46
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mpt_carlos, is it usually best for product owners to set up "main"/"trunk" for translation, or an actual release series?12:59
mpt_SteveA, am I prohibited from putting one <metal:heading> inside one <tal:...condition...>, and another <metal:heading> inside another <tal:...condition...>?01:13
mpt_LP says "duplicate fill-slot name: u'pageheading'"01:14
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jameshmpt_: metal is a macro expansion language, and is processed before any tal directives01:25
jameshmpt_: and it does seem to disallow expanding a slot more than once01:25
carlosmpt_: usually, they put main/trunk01:28
=== jamesh sees his pybaz merge fail on twisted tests ...
mpt_thanks jamesh 01:31
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salgadojamesh, one of flacoste's branches was rejected because of twisted failures too01:32
sivangcarlos: how hard would it be to have https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+source/totem/+pots/totem/he/+translate?show=translated&start=40 for example, be able to show translations from only one specific person?01:34
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carlossivang: the code changes should be easy, not sure about the performance implications01:39
jameshsalgado: looks like it is running LP tests now, so it might not be dead -- I just saw output indicating make hitting an error after processing the sourcecode/twisted dir01:40
sivangcarlos: I see. 01:42
salgadojamesh, hmm. I thought you had already received the failure email. 01:43
jameshsalgado: nah.  I was looking at the pqm.launchpad.net output, and assumed that the merge had failed but not emailed me yet01:44
=== mpt_ forgets how to tell whether someone's logged in from a page template
salgadompt_, request/lp:person01:50
mpt_yes, thanks salgado01:50
mpt_I knew it had "request" in it somewhere, and just found it by grepping01:51
stubMeeting 8 mins01:53
SteveAspiv: ping01:54
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SteveAflacoste: I don't have your three sentences yet01:55
flacosteDONE: Fixed bug in support tracker, attend Malone and support sprint 01:55
flacosteTODO: Write specs based on sprint discussion, finish KarmaContext01:55
flacosteBLOCKED: none01:55
SteveAthanks.  I'll paste them in the appropriate part of the meeting in about 35 mins01:56
SteveAyour sprintlunch01:56
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LarstiQflacoste: would you have time to go over bug 4663 later today?01:59
flacosteLarstiQ: you mean testing?02:00
spivSteveA: pong02:00
LarstiQflacoste: yes, I should have the underlying code done, not the ui part02:00
SteveAwelcome to this week's launchpad development meeting02:00
SteveAspiv: if you're feeling bad, feel free to msg me your 3 sentences, and leave early02:00
SteveAwho's here today?02:00
lifelessSteveA is02:01
SteveA(people at the sprint send apologies, and have given me their three sentences)02:01
spivSteveA: ok, thanks, I'll do that.02:01
SteveAspiv sends apologies, he's still recovering from being ill02:01
mpt_Which people are those?02:01
SteveAmpt_: all will be revealed...02:02
jameshmpt_: the sprint tracker should tell you :)02:02
mpt_... when I look at the sprint timetable02:02
=== Kinnison is here
lifelessmpt_: https://launchpad.net/sprints/launchpad-malone-support-200602:02
SteveAjordi: ?02:02
SteveA== Agenda ==02:02
SteveA * Roll call02:02
SteveA * Agenda02:02
SteveA * Next meeting02:02
SteveA * Activity reports02:02
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:02
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)02:03
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:03
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:03
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:03
SteveA * Writing a good RT request (Steve)02:03
SteveA * Voice calls with reviewers (Robert)02:03
SteveA * (other items)02:03
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:03
SteveA * Three sentences02:03
SteveA== Apologies ==02:03
SteveA * Brad, Bjorn, Kiko, Francis, Salgado: sprinting02:03
SteveA  * Andrew: under the weather02:03
SteveAnext meeting.  I'll most likely be without network access on Thursday.02:03
SteveAWe'll have the meeting, and I'll ask Kiko to run it.02:03
SteveAMeetingAction: Steve to ask Kiko to run next week's meeting.02:03
lifelessddaa and I will be absent too02:04
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 6 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveA  * Activity reports02:04
KinnisonI am up-to-date02:04
mpt_up to date02:04
SteveAHello.  My name is Stephen.  I'm an activity report slacker.02:04
ddaaup to date02:04
carlosSteveA: I will be on holidays for next meeting02:04
lifelessup to date02:04
matsubaraup to date02:04
cprovup to date02:04
malccUp to date02:05
jameshI'm not up to date02:05
=== carlos sucks a lot, will try to get up to date anytime between today and tomorrow
SteveAstub: ?02:06
stubup to date02:07
SteveAanyone else?02:07
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:07
SteveA * '''stub''' to talk about faster test suite kill kill kill in next infra. call02:07
stubWe did02:07
SteveA * '''stub''' and '''matsubara''' to have a 30 min call to talk over what they do about production systems and see how it goes02:07
stubWe did02:07
SteveAhow did it go?02:07
SteveA * '''malcc''', '''cprov''', and '''Kinnison''' to have a soyuz conf call when they get home02:07
cprovwe did02:08
SteveAmpt_: when you write up activity report slackers, please note how many continuous weeks the slacker has been slacking02:08
stubSteveA: I think it redundant given this stuff is also discussed in the main Launchpad meeting02:08
mpt_SteveA, ok02:08
malccIt was useful, and we're now planning daily calls until such time as we find we don't have enough to say02:08
SteveAmatsubara: what is your opinion of your call with stub?02:08
SteveAmalcc: for the infrastructure team, we end up talking about fictional porno film titles when that happens.02:08
SteveAjust throwing an idea out there.02:09
malccSteveA: Did you get "Buffy the Vampire Layer"?02:09
matsubaraSteveA: it was good, but I don't think we *need* to do it weekly.02:09
malccSteveA: My personal favourite02:09
SteveAmalcc: we stopped at "Lord of the Rings"02:09
SteveAmatsubara, stub: okay, cool.  Further calls by mutual arrangement.  Thanks.02:09
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #launchpad
SteveAthat's it for last week's meeting actions.02:09
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)02:10
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 44919, 51198, 5812, 6459, 50472.02:10
matsubarawhere's ubugtu when you need it?02:10
SteveAbut 44919, bug 51198, bug 6459, bug 5047202:10
SteveAmatsubara: you have to say it right02:10
SteveAbug 44919, bug 51198, bug 6459, bug 5047202:10
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #launchpad
matsubarait's not here.02:10
=== Kinnison snerks
SteveAah, i see02:11
kiko-fudI want whatever SteveA's smoking02:11
matsubara#44919 and #51198 aren't assigned. Both triggered quite frequently lately. Who should I assign them to?02:11
lifelesskiko-fud: its not smoking you should worry about02:11
lifelessits listening02:11
carlosmatsubara: anyone related to Rosetta?02:11
kiko-fudmatsubara, what bugs are those?02:11
lifelessbug 4491802:11
SteveASeveas: we miss ubugtu! :-)02:11
matsubara44919 is related to GFV trying to convert enconding02:11
sivangmalone #4491802:11
carlosBug #51198: Non-ascii characters on referer URL causes redirection code to crash.02:12
carlosBug #44919: UnicodeDecodeError while registering a new account.02:12
matsubarathanks carlos02:12
carloscarlos + ddaa == ubugtu !! :-P02:13
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@83-65-242-161.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #launchpad
matsubaraso, SteveA any suggestions who should work on those?02:13
SteveAboth 51198 and 44919 are on code that salgado last worked on02:14
ivoksum, if i upload something (.po) to rosetta, it should be there in at lease 24 hours, right? all my uploads were silently droped... is this normal (known bug)?02:14
SteveAso, salgado as a first choice.  otherwise, maybe you'd like to do them matsubara?  otherwise, assign to infrastructure team.02:14
matsubaraSteveA: ok, i'll coordinate with him.02:14
matsubarastub, did you fix released #5812? I noticed that it's not happening anymore. Or is that people aren't triggering it anymore?02:14
stubIf that is the shipit constraints, it is in salgado's review queue again02:15
matsubarastub: I see, so people aren't triggering them. :)02:15
matsubaraThe +lang page is a performance problem, and Mark just gave the 'go ahead' to add batching to that page. carlos, can you work on #6459?02:15
=== lincao [n=lincoln@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaabug 5812: Lack of database constraint may cause SQLObjectMoreThanOneResultError on shipit https://launchpad.net/products/shipit/+bug/581202:15
carlosmatsubara: sure02:15
matsubaraddaa: that's a private one. ;)02:16
SteveAi do think private bugs should have a different coloured background02:16
SteveAor be visually distinct in some other way02:16
jameshneon pink, maybe?02:16
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #launchpad
lifelessmauve I mean.02:17
SteveAthey should also play a screaming sound from your PC speakers when you view them02:17
lifelessintergalactic colour of danger.02:17
ddaabug 6459: Timeout error on distribution release language page https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/645902:17
matsubaraand carlos how's #50472 going?02:17
matsubaracarlos: if can help you with that, talk to me after the meeting.02:17
carlosmatsubara: finishing tests02:17
ddaaBug #50472: "Save & Continue" at 100% complete translation leads to nonexistent page. https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/5047202:17
matsubaracarlos: oh, then you're good.02:18
carlosmatsubara: thanks, but it's mostly ready, I will ask for review today02:18
matsubaracarlos: great.02:18
SteveAcarlos is indeed excellent02:18
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #launchpad
SteveAhi Ubugtu 02:18
ddaabug 102:18
matsubaraSteveA: I'm done02:18
matsubarathanks guys.02:18
SteveAthanks matsubara 02:18
mpt_darnit, Ubugtu!02:18
Seveasddaa, it will take up to a minute for it to sync with freenode02:18
mpt_I'd just finished preparing for your absence02:18
SteveAnow, a new section from mpt02:18
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:18
mpt_Crashes are not the only occasions where someone is completely unable to do something in Launchpad.02:19
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in Ubuntu Dapper "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/102:19
mpt_Other complete failures should be represented by Critical bugs on one of the Launchpad products.02:19
mpt_And sometimes things other than complete failures will be Critical bugs too.)02:19
mpt_Critical bugs should (I think) be treated with similar urgency to oopses.02:19
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has left #launchpad []
mpt_So starting with this meeting, I'll list the half dozen oldest open Critical bugs, so we can badger the assignees (or reconsider whether they should be Critical).02:20
mpt_This week, they are:02:20
mpt_bug 129402:20
UbugtuMalone bug 1294 in malone "Filing a private bug requires the ability to Cc the maintainer" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/129402:20
mpt_bug 645902:20
UbugtuMalone bug 6459 in rosetta "Timeout error on distribution release language page" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/645902:20
mpt_bug 3130802:20
UbugtuMalone bug 31308 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot set branch associated to a product series" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3130802:20
mpt_bug 3683002:20
UbugtuMalone bug 36830 in launchpad-publisher "need Contents files to be generated" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3683002:20
mpt_bug 3789702:20
UbugtuMalone bug 37897 in launchpad-bazaar "renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3789702:20
mpt_and bug 4017102:21
UbugtuMalone bug 40171 in launchpad-publisher "Acceptance testing for Dapper release, Edgy branching" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4017102:21
Seveas(mpt_: ubugtu also understands comma/space sperated lists of up to 5 bugs)02:21
SteveAi think we have 36830 done02:21
matsubarampt_: I'd like to suggest also bug 3981402:21
SteveASeveas: way cool02:21
UbugtuMalone bug 39814 in launchpad "Misleading login hint" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3981402:21
mpt_Seveas, and that's what I had, until I realized Ubugtu wasn't here, and painstakingly prepared summaries of each myself :-P02:21
carlosAndI will work on 6459 this week02:21
ddaa31308 cannot be fixed robustly without changing the DB schema, would probably require a spec, I'm willing to drop its priority to High.02:22
Seveas(it even recognizes and|et|en|und (and now I'll stop offtopic talk))02:22
SteveAmalcc / Kinnison / cprov: what's the true status of 36830?02:22
mpt_Seveas, you don't show the assignee though02:22
SteveASeveas: "ir" in lithuanian02:22
cprovSteveA: done, I'm marking it as fixed & committed02:22
mpt_carlos, I'll assign 6459 to you then02:22
Kinnisonbug 40171 is also done IIRC02:22
UbugtuMalone bug 40171 in launchpad-publisher "Acceptance testing for Dapper release, Edgy branching" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4017102:22
Seveasmpt_, no, I got complaints that that would mae ubugtu spam too long lines02:22
mpt_bug 31308 is unassigned, any takers?02:22
UbugtuMalone bug 31308 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot set branch associated to a product series" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3130802:22
carlosmpt_: I have it already assigned to me, I did 10 minutes ago ;-)02:23
ddaa37897 could be fixed in the short term, I can write a mail to launchpad@ explaining what I think would have to be done. I would have to spend on afternoon rolling it out though.02:23
ddaa* one afternoon02:23
mpt_1294 is Malone, and all the Maloners are absent02:23
SteveAmpt_: how are we doing?  various other issues to discuss today02:23
mpt_That's all.02:23
SteveAthanks mpt.   I found that section valuable.02:24
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:24
SteveAwith a countdown02:24
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:24
stubCarbon is now available for Launchpad use. Carbon is an identical machine to Jubany, the main database server. We will use this for load testing the proposed Branch changes to ensure things remain useful when the table grows huge. After that, I want to use it for replication testing with Asuka.02:24
stubThe box is powerful enough that we can run multiple instances, for example a database besides staging to generate language packs from if we still don't want to run it against production.02:24
stubLast weeks rollout failed. We probably could have fixed the problem with a (still untested) patch, but it didn't seem urgent enough to push ahead.02:24
stubNext production rollout will be Tuesday with HEAD as of now unless I hear about other patches that need landing.02:24
stubStaging is boring. Yay.02:24
lifeless...dyson go boom...02:25
SteveAstub: i'll have some small UI changes to land02:25
mpt_Staging's not working right now02:25
SteveAjamesh has agreed to take on the dyson bug02:25
carlosstub: language packs are not yet on production because I found a big performance problem and we need to refactor it02:25
stubOh... 02:25
carlosstub: but yes, we MUST move it into production02:25
stubI should have said 'staging has been upgraded to dapper'02:25
mpt_stub, what percentage of time is staging offline? Am I just unlucky?02:25
stubcarlos: We should test it on the new hardware then too so we can see how it run for real02:26
carlosstub: well, the thing is that we lock the database too much time02:26
carlosand block Rosetta02:26
stubmpt_: Depends on how often people check it. It isn't being monitored, so if it goes down (eg. after a reboot) I don't notice until someone tells me02:26
SteveAadd deliberate pauses into it?02:26
carlosI found it while doing some debugging on staging while the script was running02:26
SteveAthanks stuart.02:27
SteveA * Writing a good RT request (Steve)02:27
jameshis it worth getting the admins to add staging to the list of systems they monitor?02:27
carlosmpt_: I can start it if it's down, if Stuart is not around, ping me02:27
mpt_thanks carlos02:27
jameshor would that just waste their time?02:27
SteveAthe sysadmins have written a document on how to write a good RT request.02:27
SteveAI would like everyone here to read this.  I'd also like the people who are not here today to read it too.02:27
SteveAEveryone should also subscribe to the wiki page, so that they get updates to the RT request-writing policy.02:28
stubjamesh: it would be a time waste - I expect staging to go down occasionally for a day or three.02:28
carlosjamesh: there are sometimes that staging is down because we need to do some kind of manual fixes, I don't think you should add it to your tasks, or just try to start it and if it fails, leave it to us02:28
SteveAAction: everyone (including those not at the meeting): read https://wiki.canonical.com/SysAdminRtUsageGuide  and subscribe to it02:28
KinnisonSteveA: url?>02:28
=== carlos wonders why he thought that jamesh was elmo....
carlosjamesh: s/you/admins/02:28
SteveAtaking care when writing RT requests will get the request dealt with with fewer round-trips02:28
SteveAso, will be better all round.02:29
SteveA * Voice calls with reviewers (Robert)02:29
lifelessVoice calls with reviewers seem to be having positive results. Steve and I would like to encourage more of them - it should be a point of pride that you chatted with someone and they agreed with the approach.02:29
lifelessAccordingly, PQM now accepts p=pre-code-reviewer in the []  section. I.e. [p=lifeless, r=steve] . If the patch you are merging was discussed with someone before coding it, please put p= in your commit message.02:29
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has left #launchpad []
SteveAlifeless: please follow up with a message to the launchpad list02:29
SteveAseeing as many people are absent today02:29
lifelesssure fing02:30
SteveAany comments on pre-code-reviewer voice calls?02:30
lifelesswell, thats *a* response02:31
jameshthe one I did (as a developer rather than a code reviewer) this week was useful.02:31
SteveAquick poll: who discussed implementation using their voice since the last launchpad meeting.  Say "discussed" if you did, and "not discussed" if you didn't.02:31
SteveAinfrastructure group call counts 02:31
mpt_not discussed02:31
ddaadiscussed (importd-ng meeting in paris)02:32
Kinnisondiscussed (face2face at sprint)02:32
matsubaranot discussed02:32
stubdiscussed I think02:32
SteveAstub: yes, today02:32
SteveAmalcc: ?02:33
malccdiscussed if you count sprinting and our conference call for Soyuz02:33
carlosnot discussed02:33
malccI'm still yet to have anything which fits into the new pre-review VOIP template02:33
SteveAmatsubara: try to have some voice calls for bugs you're going to work on.02:33
SteveAmatsubara: you can talk about several bugs in one call with a reviewer.02:33
lifelessmalcc: just about anything fits02:33
=== carlos still has some preimplementation calls pending to be implemented
matsubaraSteveA: ok, I usually ask salgado or kiko when they're here. not sure if that counts...02:34
lifelesspretty much *anything* is up for discussion02:34
SteveAmatsubara: it counts.  however, try to spread the calls around the team a bit more.02:34
lifelessthe key point is to talk with someone on the review team about what you are planning to do.02:34
carlosand also, this week I was not able to use VOIP (this is already fixed)02:34
SteveAlifeless: even names for porno film equivalents of mainstream movies02:34
lifelessi.e. - ddaa - talking with folk at the importd-ng team, unless there was a reviewer there, probably does not count02:34
ddaamh... Kinnison, celso, malcc, no reviewer02:35
SteveAi'd say they count as co-reviewers for soyuz design02:35
SteveAoverall point: use voice calls more to discuss design plans with reviewers02:36
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:36
SteveAwith countdown02:36
SteveAjohn donne02:36
mpt_What's this, the Windows 3.0 Calculator?02:36
SteveA * Three sentences02:37
ddaaDONE: a bit of cscvs, importd-ng meeting, travel to Vilnius02:37
ddaaTODO: Europython02:37
ddaaBLOCKED: no02:37
SteveAplease go ahead02:37
lifelessDONE: UDS, pypy initial optimiation meeting, various bzr optimisations and planning for more, private branch specification, private spec spec, some more I forget02:37
lifelessTODO: talks for EP, go to EP, go home.02:37
lifelessBLOCKED: time in day is too short02:37
jameshDONE: code reviews, land bzrsync speedup branch, Subversion symlink support for cscvs, zope3 spec metadata import02:37
jameshTODO: code reviews, finish up svn symlink support, dyson http proxy bug02:37
jameshBLOCKED: no02:37
mpt_DONE: Wiki cleanup; Rosetta bashing; mostly non-LP stuff this week02:37
malccDONE: publish-distro-optimization working.02:37
malccTODO: Proper testing for it, peer review for process-upload-tidy, landing both.02:37
malccBLOCKED: No02:37
mpt_TODO: DescriptionMarkup spec, UsabilityProcess spec, help land menus02:37
mpt_BLOCKED: Need reply from Kiko to schedule call about specs02:37
KinnisonDONE: Paris conference, recovery-there-from. Review response work for bug-47770 and queue-prettiness. Design work for b-u-s and n-s-s. Had soyuz voip conference at last.02:37
SteveA<flacoste> DONE: Fixed bug in support tracker, attend Malone and support sprint 02:37
SteveA<flacoste> TODO: Write specs based on sprint discussion, finish KarmaContext implementation.02:37
SteveA<flacoste> BLOCKED: none02:37
KinnisonTODO: More voip conferences. Finish review responses. Begin coding for b-u-s.02:37
KinnisonBLOCKED: None02:37
stubDONE: Test suite refactoring02:37
stubTODO: Test suite refactoring02:37
stubBLOCKED: No02:37
SteveA<BjornT> DONE: sprinting in Paris and London02:37
SteveA<BjornT> TODO: more sprinting in Lodon. start working on UpstreamForwardingWorkflow.02:37
SteveA<BjornT> BLOCKED: no02:37
SteveA<salgado> DONE: Worked on bug 34050, reviewed some code, travelled to London and attended the sprint.02:37
SteveA<salgado> TODO: Sprint until friday, go back home, code review and other bug fixes.02:37
SteveA<salgado> BLOCKED: No02:37
UbugtuMalone bug 34050 in launchpad-support-tracker "Unable to retarget support request" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3405002:37
carlosDONE: Ubuntu sprint, bug 50474, bug 50472, bug 40550, OO.org debugging, performance problem introduced by rev 371002:37
carlosTODO: OO.org fixes, breezy -> dapper -> edgy translations migration, open edgy translations02:37
carlosBLOCKED: no02:37
UbugtuMalone bug 50474 in rosetta ""Save & Continue" loses "untranslated" filter." [High,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5047402:37
UbugtuMalone bug 50472 in rosetta ""Save & Continue" at 100% complete translation leads to nonexistent page." [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5047202:37
UbugtuMalone bug 40550 in rosetta "Further filtering options for the Queue" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4055002:37
SteveA<kiko> DONE: malone/support sprint: work on release targetting, bug forwarding, support enhancements. performance fixes (and regressions) in Rosetta and milestones. management. fire drills.02:37
SteveA<kiko> TODO: finish sprint, move back home, tackle email and launchpad report. I suck at reporting btw and have no sent the latest one out :-(02:37
SteveA<kiko> BLOCKED: not really that I can remember. elmo's been great with my RT requests, btw! thanks!02:37
SteveA<spiv> DONE: flu, some progress towards updating twisted (for bug 33223), reviews02:37
SteveA<spiv> TODO: Get well, finish disable-account, bzr smart server, merge fix for bug 33223.02:37
SteveA<spiv> BLOCKED: no02:37
UbugtuMalone bug 33223 in launchpad-bazaar "SFTP server should give human-friendly errors for name restrictions" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3322302:37
UbugtuMalone bug 33223 in launchpad-bazaar "SFTP server should give human-friendly errors for name restrictions" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3322302:37
cprovDONE: UDS, email catch up, Soyuz implementation plan, fix queue tool02:37
cprovTODO: follow Soyuz implementation plan02:37
cprovBLOCKED: None02:37
matsubaraDONE: fixed regexp on analyse script, fixing oops bugs, skype call with stub, bug triage, report analysis02:38
matsubaraTODO: more oops bugs and more triage02:38
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:38
SteveADONE: work on bzr talks, code review, infrastructure stuff, management stuff02:38
SteveATODO: EuroPython conference, work on bzr talks02:38
SteveABLOCKED: no02:38
SteveAthanks elmo02:38
SteveAI don't see any blockages02:38
SteveAany other issues?02:39
SteveAsay "wait, I have something important to say for the attention of the whole team" to stop the countdown02:39
SteveAthank you all02:40
LarstiQCan I ask what the python.org tracker status is? http://wiki.python.org/moin/CallForTrackers02:40
ddaamaybe that's too long a sentence to type in such a short time02:40
Kinnisonddaa: C&P02:40
LarstiQirssi history02:40
carlosthanks 02:40
=== carlos -> lunch
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #launchpad
SteveALarstiQ: the people most involved are not at this meeting, because they're sprinting in London.02:40
cr3I would like to log an improvement to the Ubuntu installer, what package name should I enter?02:41
SteveAjamesh is involved in looking at the import code, though.02:41
mpt_cr3, "ubiquity"02:41
SteveAjamesh: I guess this is still on your todo list, after finishing some of the other things you're doing right now.02:41
LarstiQSteveA: would it hurt to put a launchpad up there right now?02:41
LarstiQs/launchpad/& entry/02:42
SteveALarstiQ: yes, because we don't yet fulfill the requirements of putting Launchpad up there now02:42
LarstiQSteveA: aha.02:42
SteveAthe call specifically says that we must put up details of a test instance for them to use02:42
SteveAwe don't have one ready currently02:42
LarstiQroundup also doesn't atm.02:43
jameshSteveA: yeah.  I haven't really looked at it much since your email -- I just did a quick look over the effbot's SF.net tracker export code (which I sent a mail to the list about)02:43
=== LarstiQ had the impression it was register first, work on it later.
KinnisonSteveA: I'm trying to learn how ZPT/TAL/TALES/METAL work again, so that I can better understand how the page templates for launchpad fit together.02:43
KinnisonSteveA: I've been reading the specifications, but I'm confused as to the behaviour of METAL a little02:43
KinnisonSteveA: in particular, in the pages we have <metal:heading fill-slot="pageheading">...</metal:heading> but I ca find no definition of the <metal:heading> tag anywhere02:44
KinnisonSteveA: also, we appear to have more than just fill-slot entries in a use-macro lump and I was wondering how it all gets resolved cleanly02:44
KinnisonSteveA: I.E. what happens if I use-macro inside a use-macro ?02:45
Kinnisonthe spec is very vague02:45
SteveAjamesh: i think we need to wait for Categories to land before it is practical to import the data well.  please do talk with bjorn or brad about progress on that.02:45
jameshSteveA: okay.02:45
SteveAKinnison: you can use tags called tal:whatever and metal:whatever02:45
SteveAthese tags will be omitted from the output, but can still contain tal or metal attribute language commands02:46
jameshddaa: I've got my Subversion symlink branch up on the pending reviews page as work-in-progress.  If you have any comments on it, that would be useful.02:46
SteveAso the tag might as well be <div metal:fill-slot="pageheading">  except that we're not interested in it being a div02:46
SteveAKinnison: does that answer your first question?02:46
KinnisonI thought fill-slot deliberately ommitted the tag containg the fill-slot attribute anyway?02:47
SteveALarstiQ: that's interesting.  However, if roundup is not following the rules, that's no reason for us not to do so.02:47
jameshddaa: I ran into a pybaz bug while writing it (WorkingTree.delete failing for symlinks), which I'm merging a fix for right now02:47
KinnisonOr is the slot the entire tag?02:47
SteveAKinnison: can't remember.  suck it and see.02:48
LarstiQSteveA: agreed, after rereading the original call, the current approach seems right.02:48
SteveALarstiQ: thanks for supporting us in this.02:48
SteveAI appreciate it.02:48
SteveAmaybe you'll be interested in testing the test instance, when we have it going?02:49
LarstiQSteveA: sure!02:49
KinnisonSteveA: okay, so that is the first question. Now the second (namely how nested use-macro fill-slot use-macro subtrees work)02:49
LarstiQSteveA: lp has been one of the nicer trackers to use, I'm all for spreading its use.02:49
SteveAKinnison: second question... I have no idea what doing a use-macro inside a use-macro is as such.  I expect it would work if you use a macro to fill a slot.02:49
LarstiQespecially for projects I care about like python.02:50
SteveALarstiQ: if you have a weblog, write a weblog entry about launchpad, and mention it to jdub02:50
LarstiQSteveA: that is blocked on me finally taking the time to set up NewsBruiser ;)02:50
jameshSteveA: as I said in the email, if we create LP people for all the comments, we'll likely get lots of duplicates since hardly anyone registers their $USERNAME@users.sourceforge.net emails on LP02:51
SteveAKinnison: I generally set up a template or two, and just experement with more complex macro things, to test the concept02:51
SteveAKinnison: such experiments could be done as pagetests on the pagetest layer, and checked into launchpad02:51
lifelessjamesh: however, they can claim the email addresses right ?02:51
SteveAwe may want to do some legwork02:52
stubmpt_: staging is back up btw02:52
SteveAand special-case these things02:52
mpt_thanks stub02:52
lifelesshow many people are we talking about ?02:52
lifeless30? 300 ? 3000?02:52
SteveAa few 10s I think02:52
jameshlifeless: yep.  But unlike the Ubuntu import where a fair proportion of the emails matched up, I'd expect close to zero to match here02:52
jameshSteveA: a lot more than that if we correctly attribute bug comments02:53
jamesha middle ground would be to lose attribution of comments and just create people for assignees02:53
SteveAi would worry only about assignees, and not about commenters who aren't also assignees somewhere 02:53
jameshyou also run into the issue of cutting off contact to the original submitters when migrating to LP02:55
LarstiQassignees and reporters?02:55
mpt_jamesh, did we cut off contact to bug reporters when migrating from Ubuntu's Bugzilla?02:56
jameshunless we auto-approve all the @users.sf.net email addresses (we did something like this for the ubuntu bugzilla import, but it is a bit more difficult to claim that SF users conscented to receive email from us02:56
jameshmpt_: no.  We auto-validated the emails registered in bugzilla, so they'd still receive email02:57
mpt_Arguably by reporting a bug about Python, they consented to receive e-mail from the Python bug tracker...02:57
mpt_and that tracker's going to change to *something* else02:58
jameshmpt_: except that you could argue that they consented to receive email from SF.net/VA Software02:58
mpt_whatever that happens to be, reporters will still expect e-mail02:58
jameshthe subscriber lists for bugs are not exposed, so there will be some degree of cutoff02:59
mpt_carlos, around?03:00
SteveAjamesh / mpt_: I'd like you to capture these points in some NOTES.txt notes for the python bugtracker entry03:06
jordigee, it was impossible for me to be here at 3 sentences time03:07
jordiwho should I mail them to?03:07
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SteveAkiko: how is the "categories" stuff going?03:08
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SteveAwe were talking about the launchpad entry into the python call for bugtrackers03:08
SteveAbug categories03:08
SteveAdoing an import and setting up a test server is blocked on having categories03:09
SteveAso I want to make sure it isn't falling off the TODO list03:09
kikoit's listed03:16
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mpt_jordi, mailing them to me should work03:23
mpt_as in, should result in them being recorded for posterity :-)03:23
jordimpt_: good03:25
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carlosmpt_: Hi, I'm back03:43
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SteveAmatsubara: ping06:11
matsubaraSteveA: pong06:12
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carlostruva: hi08:03
truvah are u?08:04
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abzdeme be here!08:04
abzdeyay me08:04
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mdkespiv: here?09:33
mdkespiv: unping09:57
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