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theCorehi LaserJock01:24
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LaserJockhi theCore 01:42
theCoreLaserJock: how was the Summit?01:43
LaserJocklots of work, little sleep01:43
theCoredid they talks about the docs?01:43
LaserJocka blast01:43
LaserJocknot really01:44
theCoreso it was coding intensive?01:44
theCorethat's sweet01:44
LaserJockjsgotangco and I were the only doc people and there weren't really any doc specs01:44
jsgotangcooh yeah01:45
LaserJockjsgotangco: are you talking care of that .pot for ESA?01:45
jsgotangcohmm i haven't been on to it yet01:45
jsgotangcoif you have time to do it, i appreciate it01:45
LaserJockI can't remember if you were doing it or if it was it01:45
LaserJockbah, s/it/me/01:45
LaserJockwell, I think I have a .pot on my computer, I just wanted to make sure it was done right01:46
theCoreLaserJock: did you learned some french words?01:46
LaserJocktheCore: not really01:46
jsgotangcoc'est magnifique la tour eiffel!01:47
LaserJockheh, it was nice01:47
theCorebien accord en plus. :)01:47
theCoreLaserJock: did they resolve the internals conficts about Xgl?01:49
jsgotangcothere really wasn't that much coding involved...thats reserved for the distro sprint01:50
theCoreI mean between developers 01:51
LaserJockI didn't hear anything about Xgl01:51
theCoreXgl is gone mainstream now, peoples will looks for it 01:52
LaserJockbah, I was hoping we could take it out of the archives01:52
LaserJockoh well01:52
jsgotangcoit'll probably be in the archives but not installed by default01:53
theCorethat's ok, as long peoples can install it without to much trouble, the best would to the simplify that to `apt-get install xserver-xgl'01:55
theCoreanyway, it's going offtopic01:55
theCoreno more Xgl talk for me, more doc talk ;)01:55
LaserJockwell, I guess people should be able to do what they want, but I'm not going to deal with Xgl bugs01:56
LaserJockI've already got a few01:56
theCoreLaserJock: did you restarted working actively on the Packaging Guide?01:59
LaserJocknot really01:59
LaserJockI've got a bad cold01:59
LaserJockand I'm trying to figure out how to divide up my Ubuntu time between all my projects02:00
Plug_I'm happy to help out with the packaging guide.02:01
theCoreon my side, I try to find a way to procrastinate less02:01
theCoreit's not really a problem after all, I just love reading tech articles, but I wish I could do something useful with my time ...02:08
LaserJockwell, I'm going to just encourage people to send patches02:09
jsgotangcodid you get to talk to iwj about the developer resource thing?02:10
LaserJockI didn't02:10
jsgotangcoyou chickened out?02:10
LaserJocktbh, he is a bit scary in person ;-)02:10
=== jsgotangco didnt find it that way
jsgotangcoaggressive yes, but not scary02:11
LaserJockwell, he's pretty intense and incredibly good02:11
jsgotangcohe's passionate for sure02:11
LaserJocknot scary in a bad way so much02:12
LaserJockintense is a good word02:12
LaserJockbut I really didn't have much of a chance to ask him and I didn't push it02:12
jsgotangcoand you had time to play mao with him heh02:13
LaserJockyeah, but I didn't feel like a point of order to ask him about it ;-)02:14
LaserJockmostly, I haven't had a chance to look at it in depth so I didn't really know what I'd ask him about it02:15
LaserJockthe only thing I'm worried about it maintianing it as a patch to the Debian package02:15
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jsgotangcoLaserJock: how big is the delta from iwj's draft to that of upstream if there is any?02:27
LaserJockhmm, well so far he has done the intro02:29
LaserJockand a diff of the plain text version is 27k02:31
LaserJockI'm wondering if it would be better to fork rather than keep up a patch, especially since it will replace the Debian version02:35
jsgotangcodoes make some sense though02:39
jsgotangcowhile the diff isnt that big yet02:39
LaserJockyeah, I'm just afraid the diff is going to get huge when I start getting into the meat of it02:42
jsgotangcojust a thought would it be more relevant to update the packaging guide early into edgy so that new people might want to refer to it?02:44
jsgotangcojust change the stuff from dapper to edgy for example02:45
LaserJockyeah, although it really hasn't changed02:47
LaserJockI tried to write it so it would be relevent during the edgy cycle02:47
LaserJockbut there will probably be some changes soon02:48
jsgotangcois it possible to create a pbuilder for edgy now?02:52
crimsunyes, both from within dapper and from within edgy02:52
crimsunthough I wouldn't update to edgy's sudo atm02:53
crimsunit takes a bit more finagling from within dapper02:53
crimsunare you creating an edgy pbuilder within dapper?02:56
jsgotangcowell trying to at the moment02:57
jsgotangcoor should i just create a dapper one then update it?02:58
crimsunthe latter02:58
crimsunthis way:02:58
crimsuncp /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/pbuilder-distribution.sh ~02:58
crimsunthen apply the diff02:58
crimsunsorry, use http://pastebin.ca/7444402:59
crimsunthat's more correct semantically ;)02:59
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=== jsgotangco starts upgrading his pbuilder to edgy
crimsundid you use the diff I gave you?03:51
crimsunhttp://pastebin.ca/74444, that is03:51
crimsunif so, you already have an edgy pbuilder03:51
crimsunpresuming you named it pbuilder-edgy.sh, that is03:52
jsgotangcodoh! i forgot03:54
=== jsgotangco was looking into the packaging guide
crimsunwell, it won't hurt either way :)03:58
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=== nixternal hits the wiki - takin' care of CatCleanup - you have certain pages you want attacked now's the time to tell me!!!
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nixternalwhere you attacking from?04:51
nixternali hitting all the little guys right now04:51
nixternalthe quick 5 minute ones...trying to knock down the fire a little bit04:51
robotgeeknixternal: not sure, you just inspired me :)04:51
nixternalhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AdvancedCommandlineHowto   <- useless04:52
robotgeeki guess its better to link to bash scripting guide04:56
robotgeekhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto is also useless04:58
nixternalthey all are ;)04:58
nixternalim doing americas army one now04:58
nixternalim dl'n and installing too ;)04:58
=== robotgeek is getting rid of nomachinenx
robotgeekhmm, i cant delete pages?05:00
nixternalya..mdke hasn't added all of us..only certain ones i guess05:00
nixternali believe him and madpilot have the powah05:01
robotgeekkk, cool. ill just make a list of pages to delete!05:01
nixternalwould be nice to make a CategoryRemove or CategoryDelete05:01
nixternalhmm...in gnome...if you want to run an application...is it Gnome Menu > Run Application ??05:07
robotgeekalt + f2 also works05:13
nixternalsame with kde then05:15
nixternali didn't feel like starting up my vmware..but i might have to if i want to knock some of these out quickly05:16
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robotgeeki'm knocking the top20 first05:19
nixternalamericas army is done05:22
nixternali will start from #21 then05:23
nixternalis there a standard for text editor?   i keep seing sudo gedit..but that won't work for kde and xfce...and doing a kedit, gedit, whateveredit...how about pick something like nano, vim or the like05:25
Plug_$EDITOR ;)05:25
Plug_there is an InstallingSoftware page05:26
Plug_there could be a TextEditor page that is similar?05:26
Plug_Edit file X (to learn how, see TextEditor)05:26
Plug_perhaps they could be replaced with some little Javascript blocks05:26
nixternala newbie won't udnerstand $EDITOR05:26
Plug_so you see "(Help for Ubuntu Kubuntu Xubuntu)" next to it05:26
nixternalhmm..not a bad idea Plug_05:27
Plug_and clicking each pops up a little "the text editor for Ubuntu is gedit, access XXX etc"05:27
Plug_implemented as a template somewhere, that could be quite cool05:27
nixternallike those stupid rollover links that popup advertisement on some pages...have one for the word editor or something like that05:27
nixternalhowever..if the UWN asks for an editor of the human variety..it will place that link there...which becomes annoying05:28
nixternalas a matter of fact..my idea was bad..because i just realised how much i hate those links ;)05:28
Plug_Not quite what I had in mind...05:29
nixternalhow do you implament javascript into the wiki?05:29
Plug_I'm not sure if you can05:32
mgalvinmdke: yea, yea, i know, i was asked to send a test email but didn't realize that email address had already been whitelisted :-/, i got some amusing responses though :)05:39
jsgotangcowhat happened?05:41
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robotgeekcan we create new pages on h.u.c ?06:08
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nixternalif they belong in CategoryDocumentation though06:09
nixternalif they aren't a CategoryDocumentation..i believe they go to w.u.c06:09
robotgeekessentially DeletionCandidates06:09
nixternalahh..i would put it on the old wiki for now06:09
nixternalthat would work06:10
nixternalthat way there you can save yourself the trouble of having to add tags for w.u.c and h.u.c as you come across removal requests for both06:10
nixternalon w.u.c if the page is at the h.u.c it will forward automaticall06:10
robotgeekah, forgot that. i was just copying the urls06:11
mgalvinjsgotangco: i got dozens of emails back with a *wide* range of "success it worked" types of messages, i am still getting them, hehe06:15
mgalvinthankfully no one seemed to mind06:16
robotgeekwhat would be a good way to modify the switching from windows article to Kubuntu06:18
nixternalrobotgeek: that is a jjesse item...and it hasn't been confirmed nor denied yet06:21
robotgeeki'll get started on it then, i'm sure he wont mind 06:22
robotgeekactually, might wait for some more time. looks like amm i am doing i :%s/Ubuntu/Kubuntu06:25
nixternalwell...himself and mdke hasn't yet decided on the layout, the format, and the purpose yet06:25
nixternalhehe ya06:25
nixternalthat is all going to get seperated eventually i think..as it might go from wiki to docbooks06:25
nixternalactually..it is..docbooks and from there to h.u.c and lulu more then likely06:25
robotgeeki'll help when it gets into xml, my vim is setup with keys to do it automagically. 06:26
robotgeekf6 replaces ubuntu with Kubuntu and so on :)06:26
robotgeekalrite, time to hit the sack then. might tackle the wireless pages tommorow06:28
nixternalooh have fun on those06:29
Madpilotnixternal, regarding CatDoc on h.u.c/c - I've been removing stuff from CatDoc, because *everything* on that wiki should be in CatDoc - it's no longer a useful category06:33
robotgeekMadpilot: can you also process w.u.c/DeletionCandidates06:33
MadpilotI'll have a look, sure06:34
Plug_can you search/replace the term out?06:34
nixternalahhh Madpilot..i see....so everything is catdoc..so no need for it06:34
nixternalgot it!!!06:34
Madpilotnixternal, yeah - feel free to suggest more useful Categories for h.u.c/c - 06:35
MadpilotI just got CategoryGames working again, btw06:35
nixternalCategoryNixternal ;)06:35
nixternalthat is actually a great idea with the categories06:36
Madpilothttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryCategory <-- useful, despite the silly name :)06:36
MadpilotCatWifi or CatWireless makes sense to me06:37
nixternaland so on...i like it06:37
nixternalCategoryKubuntu | CategoryUbuntu | CategoryFreePopCorn06:38
nixternali brainfarted on the last one06:38
MadpilotCatKubuntu & CatXubuntu make sense; CatUbuntu would basically be the default, so I"m not sure if it actually needs to exist...06:38
=== robotgeek is going to try and merge https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/AirportExtreme
nixternal#26 - BulgarianDocumentation/restricted formats dapper06:39
nixternalMadpilot: what was the spec on HowTo pages...was it a rename to remove the howto portion, leaving behind a redirect?06:39
nixternalspec == policy06:39
Madpilotnixternal, I think that's the consensus right now06:40
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Madpilothi dsas & robitaille 06:45
robitailleGood evening Madpilot 06:46
nixternalhiya robitaille06:46
dsasGood morning Madpilot and all.06:46
nixternalhiya dsas06:46
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robitailleAnd hello nixternal 06:47
Madpilotjsgotangco, cool pic06:47
nixternalwww.buntudot.org  <-- i updated all the links to photos today..including your jsgotangco06:47
jsgotangcoyeha heh06:47
jsgotangconixternal: you own that domain?06:48
nixternalnope..imbrandon does06:48
jsgotangcothe group photo doesn't have LaserJock and highvoltage either06:48
Plug_why buntu. and not ubuntu. ?06:48
robitailletrademark issue maybe :)06:49
robitailleI have to say that I generally really impressed by buntudot.org06:49
nixternali have no idea..i think because he was trying to hit all of the *buntu's w/ one name06:51
jsgotangcoheh nice wordplay though06:52
Plug_{,x,k}ubuntu ;)06:52
dsasnixternal: AutomaticSecurityUpdates has "breezy-security" inside the script text, so it needs genericsing somehow. 07:08
dsascat /etc/issue07:08
dsasoops, wrong window :/07:08
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robotgeekhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx is slightly better07:14
robotgeeki'll fix both the documents, and see if i can merge anything from the AirportExtreme page into the Breezy page07:17
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robotgeekactually, done right now :)07:40
robotgeekwhich leads me to a bigger problem, we need to make sure that /device redirects to driver and correctly07:42
robotgeekanyways, more on that later! 07:44
Madpilotdammit... is there any way to stop the old wiki from redirecting me? I'm trying to restore some stuff that was moved, and the &^%#@!@# redirects are driving me nuts...07:54
dsasyou can turn off meta-refreshes in some browsers some how.07:55
Madpilotgah, yes - Opera has that feature... I'd just forgotten it. Thanks.07:56
dsasThe other way is to append ?action=edit to the end of the url when typing it in.07:58
Madpilotright. Adding #show doesn't actually interupt the damn redirect, which it really should do08:00
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jsgotangcowhatever i do, or follow, i still don't seem to get packaging correctly despite the ease of tools available08:27
robthe packing guide is ok, but its already out of date and a little inaccurate in places08:29
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robstart there :008:31
crimsunthose inaccuracies need to be addressed to Jordan08:31
robfollowing it to the letter has gotten me smashed on revu08:33
nixternalrobotgeek: ping!08:37
crimsunrob: "smashed"?08:38
nixternalMadpilot: ping!08:38
nixternalahh..where did robotgeek put that delete stuff?08:38
Madpilotwhich delete stuff?08:38
=== tonyyarusso 's eyes roll back and forth watching the match
nixternalhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Checksum <- grabbed from wikipedia08:39
nixternalthat could be added to a CategoryDelete type of deal08:39
jsgotangcoive seen worse revus than that08:40
nixternalCategoryReview <- use this for us little guys that aren't 100% sure what to do with a page..if we don't know if it is safe to remove or not...that way there you head honcho types can review those..just an idea08:40
crimsunrob: right, the guide isn't designed to be comprehensive, just an intro.08:40
rob* compat: you should use a compatibility level of 5. <- pretty sure thats not in the guide08:41
crimsunrob: however, I'm sure Jordan welcomes constructively critical input.08:41
crimsunrob: because you don't /have/ to.08:41
roboh, I'm not having a go at the guide or Jordan08:41
crimsunrob: you can use any dh_compat version you want provided you use the appropriate Standards-Version08:41
crimsunrob: 5 just happens be "best practice" for that particular commenter08:42
robdon't get me wrong, just pointing out the guide is only an intro, you need to also do a bit of reading of the wiki to get the full story08:42
jsgotangcoof course08:42
crimsunrob: the full story lies in the Debian Policy manual.08:42
crimsun/everything/ you need is in there :)08:42
robthe guide is ok, just not totally accurate and a bit confusing to new-comers to debian/ubuntu packaging08:43
crimsunPolicy also tends to be far more strict than Ubuntu is08:43
robI'm sure it is08:43
jsgotangcoi coould have just tied up iwj in a room and pick his brains heh08:44
crimsunkeep in mind that we also tend to be more strict about /new/ packages entering Ubuntu than packages that are already in Debian08:46
crimsunanyhow, input into the reworked PG is certainly welcome08:46
jsgotangcoit could certainly help to have some sections segue properly though08:47
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crimsunI believe Jordan has expressed interest in rewriting it completely.08:48
robas someone new to Ubuntu packaging just following the guide I just found myself wanting after reading the guide, it was an ok introduction but from the point of view of someone who just read though it recently it needs "something"08:48
crimsunrob: that something, imo, is the Debian New Maintainer's Guide.08:49
robmaybe, but there is a real lack of references to it08:49
crimsunright, it's only mentioned in a cursory manner and in the Appendix.08:49
crimsunthe trick is to ease someone into packaging08:49
jsgotangcoim not sure the hello.tgz sample is a good idea to use as well08:50
robyeah, I understand its a fine line to tread :)08:50
crimsunjsgotangco: I think it's satisfactory to a novice packager.08:50
crimsunit's a pretty big leap to go from that to mplayer, though08:50
jsgotangcotook me a while to figure out joe from source08:51
crimsunwell, that's one of the problems that will become even more evident as the PG is revised/rewritten08:51
crimsunto be a packager, one has to have a decent grasp of the source code involved08:52
crimsunhow does one draft a guide in a technical manner without alienating people who haven't either much source code or packaging experience?08:53
crimsun(rhetorical question, there, but one that's apropos)08:54
jsgotangcoi guess it should start with more caveats than just saying CLI experience =)08:54
crimsunultimately it would be very cool to have a gui that guides one through it08:55
crimsunin the meantime, now is an /excellent/ time to get involved in packaging08:56
crimsun(the merge cycle at the beginning of each dev cycle)08:57
crimsunusually now is when all the interesting questions appear08:57
tonyyarussoI've been meaning to learn how to do that - don't know why, just seems like it would be a good skill.08:57
jsgotangcoyes it is08:58
mdkeMadpilot: add ?action=show to the page name09:03
mdkes/page name/url09:03
Madpilotmdke, ah, thanks - couldn't remember the syntax09:04
mdkeoh no, actually I seem to remember that not working either09:04
mdkeor was it DeletePage that doesn't work...09:04
Plug_nixternal: the software installation prog is 'synaptic', not 'synaptics' 09:07
Plug_(you should also probably link InstallingSoftware instead)09:07
nixternaloh no..i added an "s" again09:07
nixternali am bad with that...since i use apt-get09:07
=== nixternal removes his s key
Plug_don't mention either, and just say "for info see InstallingSoftware" :)09:07
nixternalsynaptic == apt front end...synaptics == laptop mousey09:08
Plug_I am tidying up lots of things that say "install X" and then all either go on about how to do install using one of three tools, or link to InstallingSoftware09:09
nixternalsee..i know the "INstallingSoftware" keeps the wording down, therefore making the page smaller...however, i find it annoying to have to switch back and forth between pages to get one task done...just my 2 cents though09:09
Plug_it would be good to have a question-mark-icon to link, or some such09:09
Plug_that implies "If you dont know how to do this, click this page"09:09
nixternali like that idea now09:10
Plug_without having to implicitly mention InstallingSoftware, Repositories etc09:10
nixternalspeaking of icons...i need to use some09:10
Plug_tbh, I think that pages about installing hula and cando etc should assume knowledge of editing sources.list, more so than "how to get MP3 playback"09:12
nixternalPlug_: i have to agree with you 100% actually, even though i am not sold on the idea all the way..but it is uniform..and it looks good among the pages...09:12
nixternalnow..can you make a link open in a new tab/window in the wiki...like with <a href="fjdaf" target="_blank">09:12
nixternalso that way, sending a user away from the page, doesn't totally sling them out of the page...but opens a reference in a new window?09:12
nixternalas some new user won't be doing either09:12
mdkenixternal: you shouldn't need to switch back and forward, you only need to learn how to install packages once... eventually you get the hang of it09:12
nixternalbut then again, you never know09:13
mdkeand no, we don't open links in new windows09:13
nixternalmdke, that works for many, but not all ;)09:13
mdkewell, that is why the page is there09:13
mdkeyou can click on the link if you need to, and otherwise, ignore it09:14
nixternalhow about in the introduction to the page...let the reader know, hey this is an easy task or this is a hard task, if you don't know how to install software read this, if you don't know how to add sources do this...and so on09:14
mdkewe could do that09:15
nixternallike the top heading...  == Introduction == or == Information ==  and under that briefly explain the software or tutorial, and anything the reader might need to know prior to proceding with the tutorial/article09:15
nixternalthat way they don't get half way through and have to jump out of the page to read something else09:16
Madpilotnixternal, a lot of the tuts & docs we've got are already set up like that - the trouble with RestrictedFormats is that it's such a long page :|09:16
Plug_nixternal: you end up offering the disclaimer on every page09:17
mdkeit will take a lot of effort to implement that on every page09:17
nixternalso i have seen ;)...im saying for the CategoryCleanup ones really...and then...09:17
Plug_it would take 'quick links' in the header, or on every page, to say 'Need to install software?  click here' etc09:17
nixternalmdke: im talking just catcleanups right now09:17
Plug_which probably isn't that useful09:17
nixternalPlug_: the quicklinks...is that an idea that you like or dislike?09:19
Plug_I think that for tricky subjects, you dont need to tell people how to do things.  Assume they can find out themselves if they dont know.  I assume if you want to install Hula on Ubuntu you're probably handy enough with a command line, or at least know where to look.09:20
Plug_The game is totally different in 'user facing' pages, rather than 'sysadmin facing' pages09:20
mdkewe should be really conservative about that sort of assumption though09:20
nixternalvery true...but it is the "assumption" part that worries me09:20
Plug_almost every page suggests installing a package09:21
Plug_and every other page says to do so from universe or multiverse09:21
mdkeI don't think a link to InstallingSoftware is overly offputting, to be honest09:22
=== mdke goes to work
=== Plug_ goes to dinner
Plug_mdke: what about InstallingSoftware and Repositories?09:23
mdkeno, still not09:24
Plug_you could have a consistent ["Repositories" Enable Universe and Multiverse]  link09:24
Madpilotnight all09:24
nixternalg'nite all09:28
mdkePlug_: actually, both aren't necessary, the latter should be part of the former09:32
mdkeyeah, a consistent link is a good idea. We use "Add, Remove and Update Applications" for the distro docs, iirc.09:33
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jendaWho updates https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ ?11:14
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sivanghi folks11:46
sivangwhere can I discuss translator team admin issues? :)11:47
jendawhat issues?11:48
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jendaIf it's a misbehaving admin, it might be a CC issue.11:48
sivangno, I'm the admin :-)11:48
jendagood ;)11:49
jendaare you misbehaving?11:49
sivangjenda: oh no :_)11:50
sivanganyways, I have this person who wants to join the translator team. This team being basically the moderators team for the language, I take extra care before I approve someone11:50
sivangso otherwise they need to contribute some on the Israeli wiki, 11:50
sivangor show me some translations suggestions they have done11:51
sivangbut this guy just sent me some links about coding projects he has done, no apparent translation works.11:51
sivangHe seems nice, though, and we are in need of some more active moderators for the suggestions we receive. Question is, should I approve him based on that, or ask him to work some on the wiki/rosetta before I do so?11:52
jsgotangcowell its your call really11:52
sivang(I'm concenred he might get turned off by that, and I will loose a propspective moderator)11:52
sivangwhat have other loco team leads done in similar situations?11:54
sivangdo we have a guideline doc for that?11:54
jsgotangcoi admin one language team in LP11:57
jsgotangcoits pretty hard to get volunteers for such11:57
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mdkesivang: we don't have a guideline, but I wrote some suggestions about how to do that on my blog, and I think a lot of translation teams have gone down similar lines.12:17
mdkethat's what the italian team does anyhow12:18
mdkesivang: #ubuntu-translators or #ubuntu-locoteams is a better place to discuss it though, or either of the mailing lists for those12:18
sivangmdke: thanks12:18
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WaterSevenUbHello...I've been away for a while... What's up with the localized help.ubuntu.com/index.cc.html?01:06
mdkeWaterSevenUb: it is now index.html.cc01:06
mdke(it should automatically appear in your browser though when you go to help.ubuntu.com)01:06
WaterSevenUbmdke, :) ok.thx.01:06
WaterSevenUbmdke, based on IP? based on firefox?01:07
mdkebased on browser language01:07
WaterSevenUbmdke, yeah...ok... pt does not work then ;)01:07
mdkeright, thanks01:07
WaterSevenUb(fortunately, firefox and OO will probably be portuguese ready in upstream for edgy... )01:09
WaterSevenUb(it works if you define portuguese manually i guess)01:12
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mdkeWaterSevenUb: when does it work and when doesn't it work?01:14
WaterSevenUbmdke, After normal installation in Portuguese, as firefox does not have native PT support, it will not point to the portuguese documentation. However, if you manually go to the preferences in firefox and select "Portuguese" as prefered language, it will load correctly.01:16
WaterSevenUbso, no problem for you :)01:16
mdkeWaterSevenUb: oh good, so it works01:22
WaterSevenUbbtw, a translator is asking me if there will be xubuntu-docs new package with new translations....01:24
mdkehope so01:25
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jjessephillbull are you there?03:12
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jjessemdke: the two files adeptupdater adn addremoveprograms should validate could you edit the make file so ic ould build them :)05:10
jjessehmmm looks like its time to rewrite the kubuntu release notes to solve bug #4852505:12
UbugtuMalone bug 48525 in kubuntu-docs "Problems with Dapper Release Notes for Kubuntu" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4852505:12
mdkejjesse: yes ok05:18
jjessemdke: thanks something i still need to learn how to do :)05:18
jsgotangcodoesnt adept have a bzr branch yet so that the manual can be added on development upstream05:19
jsgotangcothat's what we did with g-a-i and u-m05:19
jsgotangcomdke: i'll delete the g-a-i and u-m on trunk now05:19
jjessejsgotangco: not that i'm aware of05:20
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mdkejsgotangco: ah, nice05:22
mdkeI would have thought we can delete repos/vendor too05:23
jsgotangcoyeah we're not doing any vendor drops anyways05:24
mdkejjesse: I'm going to put each document in a separate directory, if that is ok05:38
mdkejjesse: you may have to adjust the links to the images after I do that05:40
mdkeoh no, actually maybe that isn't necessary05:43
mdkeperhaps it is05:45
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jjessemgalvin: ping?08:14
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nixternali like the whole "marco, polo" thing better then teh "ping, pong" stuff ;)08:19
jjessei guess i didn't realize how "short" this release was until i took a look at the erelease schedule08:20
LaserJockit is very short08:20
jjessedoc free is sept. 14th08:21
nixternalya jjesse...there isn't much time on this one08:21
nixternalwe are only 4 months from release08:21
nixternalno 6mo cycle this time around08:21
jjessejust means we got get cranking on the documents08:22
LaserJockwell, luckily we got a lot done in Dapper08:22
LaserJockif we make sure our existing docs are in good order, then anything else will more or less be icing on the cake, IMO08:23
jjessewe should have screen shots :)08:23
jjessemgalvin: anyways was just wondering if you were going to be doing the Knot Wiki pages like you did for Dapper Flights?08:26
nixternalmeeting time for the doc team by the way this sounds ;)08:26
nixternali got to learn all this stuff, as i want to help contribute as much as possible08:27
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Karderiomdke :  re :)09:23
KarderioI noticed there were still a few documentation pages on the wiki, I transferred a bunch yesterday, I got fed up with that so I've started to write a script to transfer them automatically. Could this be useful ? 09:25
mdkeKarderio: not really... it would require physical access to the machine probably09:26
Karderiowell the script is almost functional already...09:26
Karderioit just pretends to be firefox ;)09:27
mdkeare there lots of pages?09:27
Karderiowell I did maybe 5/6 yesterday, I have noticed at least five others... it looked like a nest of them09:27
mdkejust tag em with CategoryDocumentation and we can try and inspire some wiki contributors to help move them09:28
Karderiothey would do this by hand ?09:28
nixternalmark um and i shall fix um ;)09:29
Karderiookay, if you like, but it would only take 5 minutes to finish the script - this would automate this. perhaps you know somthing I don't ;) hidden server magic ;)09:30
mdkehave you tested it?09:30
Karderioi've tested the bit that gets the page - the bit that creates new page and replaces old one with redirect - the bit that logs you in... now the just have to play nicely together09:32
Karderioshould https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport live in the communitydocs ?09:56
mdkeno, we decided not09:57
mdkewho deleted AddingRepositoriesHowto09:59
jjesseinot me10:00
mdkeoh, no one. It missed out in the move because it was a redirect10:00
mdkedamn, there are going to be quite a few of those10:00
mdkeoh well!10:02
mdkejjesse: see my message earlier about moving those documents into separate directories?10:02
jjessemdke: i think i missed it but i can take care ofi t10:02
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jjessemakes better sense?10:03
mdkeyes, it helps for building10:03
jjessei'll get it done then10:03
mdkeI'd suggest adept/ as the base directory, then have adept/addremoveprograms/C/ etc10:03
mdkeand adept/figures/C10:03
mdkeyou may have to fix some links for the images10:03
jjesseyeah i will10:04
jjesseright now trying to figure out why kubuntu/releasenotes/C/releasenotes.xml won't validate10:04
mdkeI'll fix that for you at some stage if you like10:05
jjessei'd like to figure it out10:05
mdkeI've got quite good at that from fixing endless translations10:05
jjessebut i'll ask if i can't, i have to re-write some it cause they didn't likethe style10:06
mdkesure, no probs10:06
mgalvinjjesse: so they are going to be called Knot's... yes i would like to do them10:06
jjessemgalvin: ok, then i'm going to really aim to get knot1/kubuntu done etc this time around10:07
mdkejjesse: btw on the list you mentioned some discussion about the Switching guides, is that off-list?10:07
jjessemdke: yeah currently 3 of us are trying to get tother via irc and then present something to the list10:07
KarderioPerhaps it wold help consistency to move the list of supported wifi cards to the wiki, from help.ubuntu.com ? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported)10:09
KarderioI have marked a few pages on the wiki with CategoryDocumentation. (Installation/FromUSBStick, OnNFSDrive, WindowsDualBootHowTo, Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies) Hope it makes sense to move these.10:23
Karderiomore to come when I get a chance10:23
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mdkeKarderio: cool10:28
chris-t4Question. Would it be a good idea to give some people instructions on how to install Ubuntu with Parallels and VMWare on thier machines? I find this much better than dual booting. I think most people don't know this option exists.10:38
mdkechris-t4: yes, doesn't that exist already?10:40
chris-t4I have not seen it if it does, other than on Parallel's and VMWare's website.10:41
LaserJockat least for VMWare there is10:41
mdkechris-t4: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation10:42
chris-t4Thanks, I had not seen that.10:43
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Karderio_mdke : I was thinking about "fluffing up" the start here section on the main community documentation page, like I did to the intro...11:46
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