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zulsorry for patch bombing the ml there is a couple more03:13
crimsunI think I might take the prize for patch-bombing, so don't worry ;)03:17
zulonly 8 patches ;)03:17
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.17-3.4 uploaded, lrm and linux-meta really will come with this one | Daily kernel builds (for debug and testing purposes only) http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel
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MithrandirBenC: around?12:43
MithrandirBenC: I have a jprobe which would be nice to have enabled in the kernel build.  Where should I put it?12:54
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BenCMithrandir: So you're going to send me a patch? :)03:23
MithrandirBenC: sure.  I just want to agree on a place in the tree.03:24
Mithrandirrather than just making kprobes/ as a top level one right away. ;-)03:24
BenCwhat is jprobe?03:24
Mithrandira kind of kprobe.03:24
Mithrandirwhich is the instrumentation framework.03:24
BenCis it invasive?03:24
Mithrandirhttp://www.redhat.com/magazine/005mar05/features/kprobes/ 03:25
Mithrandirthe probe itself?  No, it's a < 100 line module.03:25
Mithrandiroh, sorry, I added the GPL boilerplate so it's 101 lines now. :-P03:25
BenCleave the GPL out03:26
Mithrandirit's not supposed to be in random .c files in the tree?03:26
BenCor do you mean the copyright at the top of the file?03:26
Mithrandirnot the full GPL, just the "this is under the gpl, yatta, yatta"03:26
BenCis it a single file?03:27
Mithrandiryes, plus a makefile03:27
BenCis it arch-indep?03:27
Mithrandirshould be, unless I've fucked up.03:27
BenCok, just add it under kernel/, and add the Makefile/Kconfig entries there03:27
Mithrandirok, thanks.03:28
BenCinsert the module in one commit03:28
MithrandirI'll do that in a little bit, need to pop out to the store for a bit.03:28
BenCthen run "debian/rules updateconfigs" and enable it everywhere, and make the next commit the config updates + changelog entry03:28
BenCthanks, just ping me for a pull when it's ready03:29
BenCand please do a single build (debian/rules binary-debs flavours=386) to make sure it's not causing any failures03:29
Mithrandirit'll probably be flavours=k8, but yeah.03:54
zulBenC: just wondering if you had a look at my patches03:55
BenCzul: Some of your mail headers are dupes and mismatched to the patch, but the attachments are all good :)03:56
BenCMithrandir: then =amd64-k8 :)03:56
zulBenC: heh...i think i was doing several things at once03:57
BenCzul: Are these all dapper or edgy?03:57
zuli think they can be both..03:57
BenCok, if I put them in dapper, they will get into edgy as well03:57
BenCI'll ping you when they are in git so you can mark all the bugs "fix committed"03:58
zulim mostly concentrating on dapper recently03:58
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zulhey jeff05:03
jbaileyHeya chuck05:03
zulhow goes the battle?05:04
jbaileyI'm not sure who's winning.05:07
ajmitchhello jeff05:09
jbaileyhi Andrew05:10
BenCzul: you need to set some env vars so your commit's look right05:31
BenCGIT_AUTHOR_NAME=Ben Collins05:31
BenClike that05:31
BenCcrimsun,zul: Latest patches are in git now05:34
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infinityBenC: You suck at LRM. :P07:13
infinityBenC: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3184793/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17_2.6.17.1-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:14
BenCbah, LRM sucks on me :P07:14
BenCwtf is that bullshit07:15
BenCBFD: debian/nvidia-glx/usr/lib/stekNdpL: warning: allocated section `.bss' not in segment07:15
BenCBFD: debian/nvidia-glx/usr/lib/tls/st2EQALJ: The first section in the PT_DYNAMIC segment is not the .dynamic section07:15
BenCI blame the buildd for that...worked fine on my system :)07:16
infinityBenC: Did you use binutils 2.17, or the older one?07:18
infinityBenC: Could be new breakage.07:18
BenClet me check07:19
BenCii  binutils            2.16.1cvs20060117-1 The GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities07:20
BenCii  gcc-4.1             4.1.1-2ubuntu3      The GNU C compiler07:20
BenCI'll upgrade and see if I can reproduce it07:20
BenCwow, things are totally bombing on me now07:39
BenCI can't even get as far as the buildd did07:39
BenCpwd: couldn't find directory entry in `../../../../../../../..' with matching i-node07:41
BenCpwd: couldn't find directory entry in `../../../../../../../..' with matching i-node07:41
BenCthat looks like something else entirely07:41
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BenCinfinity: it is a binutils bug...elmo confirmed a debian bug report about nvidia pre-built libs and 2.17 binutils/strip08:18
BenCinfinity: I'm doing a -2 that -X's the problematic stuff for dh_strip08:18
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