
coopsterjenda: Am i to assume that it's now an unknown amount of time before there is a site to make live, or is it still just a few days out?12:03
jendacoopster: make that unknown.12:04
jendaBut we are moving.12:04
jendaunfortunately, I'll be out for two weeks starting tomorrow - I'll try getting design proposals out.12:04
jendaCan you keep that uploaded for two weeks? I'd send out a request on the mailing list.12:05
coopsteroh sure, i'll keep that file up there indefinitely, it's small enough12:06
jendaOK, thanks12:07
coopsterhrmm, so was anything actually put into action as of that meeting?12:08
coopsterit seems like much was discussed, and then set aside12:08
coopster(not to speak badly of the meeting, just wondering if i missed something)12:08
jendacoopster: I'm working on the minute now, I'll link you to it when it's done.12:16
jendaI think a lot was set there.12:16
=== rikai [i=rikai@pool-72-65-98-18.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Bilangeoww. ;P12:29
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jendaooooh... feels strange to forcefully remove Mako from the team member list ;)01:38
=== jenda likes the destruction...
bimberijenda: well, now that you've got through the membership process - no worries! :)01:46
jendaI'm a little worried, but I have a decent meeting log to back up my actions ;)01:46
jenda"At the Marketing Team IRC meeting, it has been decided that the over-bloated list of members has to be pruned radically. Therefore, every single member will be deactivated and will only be activated if they ping one of the admins. The inactive members will be removed in the middle of July."01:48
jendaThat's the notice I put with the removals...01:48
jsgotangconahh its alright01:48
=== bimberi gives a thumbs up
bimberijenda: don't worry.  Is sabdfl there?  Has be been active?  Give him the boot too if not!01:49
jendaAww, he isn't on there ;)01:49
bimberialthough he, of course, is the projects biggest marketing asset01:50
jendaBTW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2006-06-2801:50
jendaTrue ;)01:50
jendajsgotangco: speaking of which, I removed you too.01:51
jendaShould I consider your presence here activity? ;)01:51
jsgotangcojenda: yep thanks!01:51
jendaokey dokey, you're back up01:52
jendaDown to 18 members :)01:53
jendaI only left those who were present at the meeting or wanted to come but couldn't make it.01:54
=== MagicFab is now known as MagicFab_away
jendadamn, there is no such thing as removing a member completely.01:55
jenda58 messages in my inbox since five minutes ago :-D01:55
jendaI'm sure Corey will love this :D :D01:56
jendaLaunchpad membership status change notifications :D01:56
=== bimberi checks and he's still there
bimberiwha? "Ubuntero: Not Yet."  But I've signed.01:57
jendanew version, bimberi01:57
bimberiah, kk01:57
=== bimberi gets to work on that
=== jenda dies of exhaustion
jendagood night folks02:02
bimberinn jenda - well done!02:06
jendathanks ;)02:06
jendabut wait...02:06
jendaI'm looking for a detective for hire ;)02:06
jendaI have a list of names from the wiki member list... and I need email addys associated with them.02:07
jendaooh... 26 of them.02:08
jendaNo volunteers?02:08
jendaOK, I'll do it tomorrow ;)02:08
jendaIf anyone appears later on who'd like to take it up: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1672402:10
=== jenda gone
dotwafflejenda: I'll have a go, but I can't guarantee anything.02:20
=== bimberi has found one - Arlen Cuss - and will email jenda with the address
jendathx :)02:20
jendaI actually got out of bed though ;)02:21
=== dotwaffle has 5 and running with it ;)
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bimberidotwaffle: kk - i've also got Mauricio Hernandez but will stop for now02:22
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jendathat wasn't intentional ;)02:23
dotwafflejenda-away: YOU'VE GOT MAIL!02:39
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Rinchenanyone on who can add me back to launchpad?06:03
nixternallol...jenda gotcha?06:04
nixternali think it is just jenda and cory who are admins...you should be able to rejoin the team however06:04
Rinchenyeah, I just flamed the list06:09
Rinchenbtw, new photos from my Ubuntu presentation tonight. Went very well :-)06:10
Rinchensure one sec06:12
=== ormiret thinks more flames are appropraite here
nixternalgood to hear it went well...im in the process of working on a setup for an upcoming show in Chicago land area06:12
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Rinchenseems that I'm the only not camera shy06:12
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Rinchenomg...sorry off topic...just got this from my ISP:  http://www.cowabduction.com/06:13
nixternalgood pics Joey06:15
Madpilotcool URL :)06:16
Madpilotso who do I have to poke to get my LP status changed again for the Marketing Team?06:16
nixternali have sent that cow flying06:16
nixternaloh wow...poke the fearless leader himself or your bro ;)06:17
RinchenGet in line Mad... :-)06:17
Madpilotah right, I forgot that Corey was technically owner of the team :)06:17
RinchenHim or Jenda06:17
RinchenJenda will be on in about 2-3 hours06:17
mgalvinRinchen:  hahaha!06:18
nixternalJohn Lambrechts also...goes by chicagocubs i think06:18
nixternal^^ he is another admin06:18
RinchenMatt.. I'm guessing that was for the cows and not the Loco Pics or my Marketing flame :-)06:18
Rinchenalthough a bald guy with a belly presenting can be quite amusing06:19
nixternallooked like a good turnout...i like to see that, as it makes me hopefull on getting the Ubuntu Chicago team running now06:20
nixternalwe are still very infant in our stages..however I have had a few outstanding hopefulls chime in with information06:20
Rinchenyeah, only got a few of the room06:20
RinchenSo, for you loggers, here is quote of the day from LOLUG:06:21
RinchenPaul, the LOLUG leader said "I think we should disband and join Joey's group."06:21
=== Rinchen laughs.
JoeyStanfordI just looked at him with my mouth open06:22
JoeyStanfordI had already given the speach of 'we're not here to replace LUGs'06:22
nixternalthat is what im worried about06:22
JoeyStanfordand the darn FEDORA guys were egging him on! "Yeah...let's do it! I'm switching tonight."06:22
nixternalthere are 2 somewhat defined lugs, and i don't want to replace them..i just want to have a couple Ubuntu Chicago reps in place there06:23
nixternalhere in chicago, it seems everyone is part of Uniforums..which is a paid membership..but they have outstanding speakers and presentations06:23
JoeyStanfordYou might very well find that you fill such a huge hole that you'll become the largest group06:23
nixternalim working on that little by little06:23
nixternalim hoping to become a decent size group...if i can get 10 hopefulls in the next couple of weeks, i will be happy06:24
nixternali have 4 to 5 right now06:24
nixternalbut like i said, this just started in the past 2 days06:24
=== JoeyStanford ponders whether he can put Ubuntu symbols on those cows and claim the aliens are Microsoft.
JoeyStanfordapt-get moo06:26
nixternalsudo apt-get install moo06:26
nixternalthat is the mooltiverse repository i believe06:27
JoeyStanfordhehe...aside from the slice and dice on the users list, the minutes from the marketing meeting today sound like it went very well06:27
nixternalit was long and hard fought...but not bad for a first meeting06:28
nixternalit was a little to edgy yet...i figure after a meeting or 2, it will calm down and run smooth06:28
nixternalcan't be telling people to hush and stop it when giving their 2 cents...going offtopic is one thing06:29
Bilangeim not sure, but I thought the points was really quickly debated... is it only me?06:29
JoeyStanfordyeah, I have that problem with my current client. If I could just get them on topic life would be great06:29
bimberiBilange: i thought so too06:30
nixternalyou are right Bilange06:30
nixternalit was good for a first meeting..however i think most of the stuff could have and should have been debated in here06:30
Bilangegranted, the meeting lasted 1.5 hours at that speed, imagine if we let everyone speak :S06:30
nixternalit runs smooth when you have one person introduce the agenda...and then call on a person to give 2 or 3 quick lines on it..then onto the next person...and on to the next...after the meeting..then you can debate the "Minutes"06:31
nixternalthat will make a meeting run smooth and quick..and makes a great outline for minutes to be applied at a later date06:32
ormiretis there a log of the meeting?06:32
Bilangeormiret, i can provide on, I was logging06:34
bimberipeople need to be able to respond to the points made immediately, ask questions, make counter-arguments06:34
bimberiormiret: there's the official logs.  sec...06:34
bimberiormiret: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-meeting-2006-06-28.html06:35
bimberinote that there is an edubuntu meeting that occurred earlier06:35
Bilangethank god someome else was logging... my logging didnt work :(06:36
bimberiormiret: yw :) - scroll down to 09:0006:37
MadpilotBilange, ubuntu-meeting is always logged - that's one of the main reasons to hold the various meetings there :)06:37
=== bimberi spies ubuntulog here too
bimberiMadpilot: thanks for deleting that Customisations/Australia page for me :)06:38
BilangeMadpilot, I didnt know the official URL :)06:38
Madpilotbimberi, np - if you're a member of WikiTeam, you should have delete/rename privs soon, btw06:39
bimberiMadpilot: ah, kk.  No not a member at this stage.06:40
Madpilothttps://launchpad.net/people/wikiteam <-- bimberi - just look for the "Join This Team" link, you'll be approved in a day or two06:42
bimberiMadpilot: cheers06:43
BilangeMadpilot, are you actually a wiki team member ?06:43
MadpilotI am, yeah - DocTeam too06:43
BilangeI have a silly question: how come, when editing a wiki page under CategoryHomePage, everytime someone edits a page people gets notified of the changes?06:44
Bilangeerr, PersonalHomepage? forgot the actual name06:45
nixternalunsubscribe if you don't want to be notified06:45
nixternalit is setup in your user prefs to be subcribed on pages you edit06:45
MadpilotBilange, there are some insane people who are subscribed to the *entire* wiki06:46
Bilangemy point is quite the other way around: im not sure if people I dont know is really that interested in my page's modification06:46
Madpilotthere are at least a couple of people who're sub'd to the whole thing, personal pages included.06:47
BilangeI guess they want to reach their gmail space limit :)06:47
Madpilotsomething like that06:53
Madpilotor stress-test their home email server & filters :)06:53
Bilangeor just like spam. :P06:53
JoeyStanfordThat boy is like clock-work. Alarm goes off and he's on the computer.07:09
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Madpilotthere - got all the various IRC wiki pages back where they belong08:01
Madpilotgah, sorry, wrong channel :)08:01
RinchenIt sounded productive thought Mad :-)08:03
Madpilotrepairing stuff things have done to the Ubuntu wikis - gah08:06
Madpilots/things/people... oops ;)08:06
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Rinchenhehe yeah. I was out fixing a few public things today.08:07
Rinchenmostly formatting errors08:07
damnedmorning all08:12
RinchenKak dela?08:13
RinchenI'll take the reply as ochin harisho, spaciba....  and with that, I'm off to bed! :-) Cheerio08:17
jendaGood morning.08:21
jendaMadpilot: I take that as a "I'll be a good marketing team member" - right?08:22
Madpilothi jenda08:22
Madpilotguess so ;)08:22
jendaHmm... Rinchen wanted that too...08:26
jendaI guess that's good enough.08:26
jendaBut I have no idea what his name is.08:28
Madpilot /whowas got me "[Rinchen]  (n=Rinchen@unaffiliated/rescue): Hi, I'm Joey!"08:31
jendaCould be Joey Stanford08:33
jendatoo bad his IP dunn't show anymore - JS had @stan4d.net08:34
jendadotwaffle: WOW - thanks for the email hunting, you did a great job.08:34
jendabimberi: and thanks to you too ;)08:35
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jendahello NickGarvey08:37
NickGarveyhello jenda08:38
NickGarveynice to meet you :)08:41
bimberijenda: np ;)08:41
jendanixternal: I have a job for you :)08:41
bimberijenda: if it helps, there was a "--- Rinchen is now known as JoeyStanford" earlier08:42
=== nixternal runs and hides
=== nixternal is knee deep in wikiwiki
jendaBTW, is the marketing team contact person allowed to 'assign jobs'?08:42
jendabimberi: it does08:42
=== bimberi has seen nixternal's ubuntu-doc posts
jendanixternal: I think the MT needs a wiki admin.08:42
nixternaluh oh08:42
=== jenda too
nixternalwhat is wiki?08:43
nixternalisn't that a character on star wars?08:43
jendaIsn't it amazing how https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam looks in no way like http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/ ?08:43
nixternalactually wiki is illegal in the US08:43
jendaI want the MT's wikipages to rock - because they are now a partial replacement for the forum.08:44
nixternali can work on something i think08:44
NickGarveynot planning on bringing the forums back up?08:44
jendaAnd this one is also worth noting, although you won't understand a word it says http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/Konferen%C4%8Dn%C3%AD_m%C3%ADstnost_na_Jabberu08:44
jendaNickGarvey: nope08:44
nixternaldon't know how much trickin' out you can do to a wiki..but i sure can try ;)08:45
jendaWas decided in yesterdays meeting08:45
jendanixternal: not much ;) I did those contents boxes by copy/pasting from the Czech wiki.08:45
jendanixternal: there's no rush, though.08:45
NickGarveyyou should update the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam, it has a link to the forums under brainstorming08:45
nixternalhehe...i like um though08:45
NickGarveyI don't have an account though08:45
jendaNickGarvey: thx08:45
=== nixternal adds MT wiki to the infmous ToDo list ;)
bimberire trickin' - someone in my LocoTeam was able to get the team logo as a watermark to the Table of Contents - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/08:47
nixternaljenda: give me a date you would like to see it completed?...ASAP?08:47
jendaJune 1008:47
jendagood enough?08:47
nixternalhaha ya08:47
nixternali gotcha on that08:47
nixternalthat will be top of the list for tomorrow work...well really like work to start in 8 hours  ;)08:48
jendabimberi: OMFG I want that guy on the team NOW08:49
jenda(Do I sound a bit like Steve Ballmer?)08:50
jendabimberi: That was a joke ;)08:50
nixternalahh thats easy stuff there ;)08:50
jendanixternal: thanks08:50
KenSentMeGood morning people08:50
jendamorn, KenSentMe08:50
nixternalnp jenda..added to my list..and i will begin work on it first thing tomorrow...gave myself 24 hours for a kick a$$ wiki ;)08:51
KenSentMejenda: looks like you had a good and productive meeting yesterday08:51
nixternalmoins KenSentMe08:51
jendaKenSentMe: yes, please do check out the minute - it's easily accessible from the main wikipage.08:51
KenSentMejenda: i've read the whole meeting in the past 15 minutes08:52
nixternalwe need an Ubuntu MarketingTeam Logo!!!08:52
KenSentMeMy irc never closes, so i can always check back what is said08:52
=== nixternal is no good at graphics...so don't ask ;)
Madpilotnixternal, I did a logo for Ubuntu Canada Locoteam - if anyone has some ideas, I'll see what I can do for Marketing08:53
=== KenSentMe isn't either, he can't even think how his own logo should look like
nixternalMadpilot: at this time i would like to refer you to mr. a-jenda himeself ;)08:54
nixternaland remove the checksum wiki that was nabbed from wikipedia ;)08:54
bimberijenda: lol, just thought it might help08:54
nixternaloh ya...i remember the CA logo now..the maple leaves...i like that08:55
bimberiMarketing Team logo - something else to ask the artwork team perhaps08:56
jendaI'll try to think of something. The logo is just a fun bit, I wouldn't press it too much.08:56
nixternalartwork team == strapped down hardcore right now08:56
jendaGot something... gimme a sec.08:56
nixternali could try and ask kwwii for a favor...but i don't know08:56
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=== bimberi knows klepas
bimberi(go to the same LUG)08:57
NickGarveyusalug is where the cool kids are08:57
jendaoik guys, how's something of this sort as a MT logo: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2471908:57
jenda(the form needs work, of course - I meant the general concept)08:58
nixternalwhat are you pointing at?..the theme itself?08:58
nixternalhmmm...the globe thing and colors..i might no someone who can do that..actually another website i work for...we had a logo similar to that at one time08:59
nixternaland the guy who runs the site did the logo..i forgot he is graphically inclined too08:59
nixternalpinging him now08:59
jendaI think the MT is all about the world ;)09:00
nixternaland the ubuntu globe he did was awesome09:00
nixternalnow if he would only answer his ping09:00
=== bimberi wonders which half of the world will be shown
nixternalbimberi: that is the hard part..but with ubuntu i think the continent of africa09:01
nixternalsince that is where it's origin is09:01
nixternalplus nobody can get mad using that analogy on why this country or that country was shown09:01
bimberiyes, that seems to be a plausible explanation - for my fellow pedants :P09:02
jendaagreed ;)09:02
jendaor we can have it rotate :-D09:02
jsgotangcojenda: do you sleep?09:03
bimberinow _that_ would be trickn'09:03
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalthere ^^09:03
=== imbrandon looks up *
nixternaljenda: meet imbrandon...a buntu developer09:03
nixternaland the guy with the amazing globe i told you about09:03
imbrandonme and jenda have met ;)09:03
jendaindeed ;)09:03
jendahello imbrandon09:03
imbrandonheya jendasup ?09:04
nixternaleveryone knows jenda cuz he gets on their.....well you know ;)09:04
jendanixternal: exactly, was just gonna point it out09:04
nixternalputs people in line, and gives them alot of work ;)09:04
jendaBut I believe this is my first with imbrandon09:04
imbrandonlol nixternal was a tad vague? you just want my graphics or want me to whip up a html template ? or ummm09:04
bimberinixternal: lol09:04
nixternalgraphics imbrandon09:04
jendaas in - the first thing I might be bothering about ;)09:04
jendaimbrandon: well, we just had the idea of having a MT logo09:05
nixternalhttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=24719  <-- that kind of look globe wise09:05
jendaand a globe showing africa surrounded by an Ubuntu logo would be nice :)09:05
nixternalwhich is why i thought of our original globe look on buntudot09:05
imbrandonkk jenda hold on lemme dig up what i had on buntudot.org first and you tell me where we go from here09:05
imbrandongimme just one sec to get outa my edgy chroot09:06
NickGarveyI am a 15 year old with limited funds, what is the best way I can help support ubuntu?09:07
NickGarveywrite documentation?09:07
imbrandonyup ;)09:08
jendaNickGarvey: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:08
NickGarveyI should learn wiki formatting then09:08
jendahave a look at that.09:08
NickGarveythank you very much09:08
jendaYes, moinmoin is good to know09:08
jendaNo one needs $$$ to support Ubuntu ;)09:08
imbrandongah jenda i have deleted it off the server , one minute while i look in my hdd backups09:08
adamant1988hello all09:09
Sum2morning all, quick question - how do I join the marketing mailing list?09:13
Sum2thanks imbrandon09:14
imbrandonhrm jenda i dont seem to even have a screenshot or backup of it, but it was simple enough to make i can redo it later tonight09:15
imbrandonnixternal, you dont happen to have a copy do you ?09:16
jendaimbrandon: I'm leaving tonight for almost two weeks, but nixternal will be in charge of the MT wiki, so you can hand it to him.09:16
nixternalno imbrandon i don't have a copy09:17
imbrandonnp i'll just redo it and let nixternal repost it i guess09:17
imbrandonit was a 10 minute job ( well for me but i love graphics ;)09:17
nixternalwork foo09:18
nixternali have one eye open cuz im exhausted09:18
=== Sum2 heads off to work too.
Sum2bye all, thanks!09:19
jendaimbrandon: Don't say that too loud in here. I might remember it for later and then you'll never get rid of me.09:21
jendaWasn't a joke.09:21
imbrandonnp just grab me from #kubuntu-devel or #buntudot ;)09:22
nixternaloh imbrandon you are in for it now09:22
=== nixternal pulls out jenda's leash..here boy
nixternalif not you are in trouble ;)09:22
=== jenda barks
nixternalthat's his good quality though, as it does get work done in here...haha and the barks09:23
imbrandonjenda, i dont wish to be on the MT right now got alot of other stuff on my plate but if you need graphic , code , or website stuff let me know i'll be happy to lend a hand ;)09:23
nixternaljust check out the CC when he went for Ubuntu Membership...we owned the CC..they had no choice, cuz they feared him09:23
imbrandonnixternal, i was there cheering jenda on , rember09:24
jendaimbrandon: I will be needing that all the time. Spreadubuntu is waiting for design proposals, the magazine needs graphics.. etc :)09:24
imbrandontoday is not the first meeting of us ;)09:24
Madpilotnight all09:24
nixternal\o/ \o/ \o/09:24
nixternalthat sounds like a great idea actually09:24
jendaimbrandon: actually, the mag can probably cater for itself now.09:24
=== nixternal slams head on keyboard
imbrandonok np, like i said i'm a code monkey at heart so just poke me in #kubuntu-devel but i'm decient at graphic and web stuff ( as thats what i do for a living ;P )09:26
nixternalthanks imbrandon for the help on that one09:26
imbrandonok back to work for me ....09:26
nixternali guess thats what you get for making me test your code09:26
jendahehe ;)09:27
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["dont]
nixternalg'nite all09:28
nixternaljenda..you gonna be on the ol' email while you are out...or do we gotta snail mail ya ?09:29
jendaprolly snail mail ;)09:29
jendaI"ll be flood-eed when I get back :(09:30
nixternalso you are going to be afk from here then for 2 weeks?  no irc, no email, no wiki, no jenda09:30
jendaI might drop in for a day in the middle of it.09:31
nixternalok...are you going to send out an email to give some ideas of what you would like to see completed while you are gone?09:31
nixternali should have the wiki done fairly quick09:31
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@unaffiliated/nickgarvey] has left #ubuntu-marketing []
jendanixternal: whoa :)09:32
nixternali will do most of the wiki editing local on my server, and then up it to wiki09:32
jendaI won't be sending any emails of the sort, really - It would be very bossy :)09:32
jendaI think everyone know what the have to do... except perhaps the SU thing...09:32
nixternali don't think it is bossy...just kind of like..hey im gonna be gone...it would be nice maybe if some of these items could be tended too09:33
jendayeah, I'll send out an email asking for design proposals.09:33
jendaRemember, the MT doesn't have a leader.09:33
nixternalgotta crack that whip ;)09:33
nixternali know it doesn't have a leader, but a director it needs09:33
nixternaleven though i will still refer to you as the fearless leader09:34
adamant1988how was the meeting jenda?09:35
jendait was great09:35
jendaI got flamed a bit on the mailing list now, I see :)09:35
jendaadamant1988: check the minute on the wiki09:35
nixternaljenda: if you need anything done or looked over or anything...feel free to message me, email me, whatever...im available to help you out while gone ;)09:38
nixternalnixternal at gmail dot com09:39
jendanixternal: abotu the wiki: the project specific pages need to be linked to.09:39
jenday'all know my email addy since the meeting :)09:39
nixternalno problem..and we decided to move all that under /MarketingTeam/ correct?09:39
nixternalcool..no problem then09:39
nixternali will crack the whip however on imbrandon on the images..as we work together in devel and buntudot...so i will get that out of him ;)09:40
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nixternalim off to never never land now...so you have a good trip jenda, and we shall cya when you get back09:41
nixternalg'nite for real this time ;)09:41
jendagnigth, nixternal09:42
jendahello matthewrevell09:42
ormiretjenda: ddin't mean it as a flame, I just dislike the meassage that it sends when you remove people09:42
jendaormiret: Robert?09:42
jendaNo worries09:42
jendaI don't mind a flame :)09:43
jendaJust kidding09:43
jendaI really believe it was necessary for the list of members to have any value at all.09:43
matthewrevelljenda: Hi09:43
jendaIt does to me now - because I know that I've seen every single one of those people around, no matter how many times I re-check that fact, and it's still 20 people09:44
jenda20 volunteer team members with active interest is a lot to work with.09:44
jendaAnd my enigmail is screwed up. Darn.09:45
ormiretI think it would have been better to make the list of people doing something somewhere else, removing people runs the risk of making them leave where they might have contributed in the future as it becomes more apparent that there is something to contribute to09:47
jendaormiret: however... it has been decided on the meeting, and everyone present agreed, which includes two of the three admins of the LP team. I decide to do that all on my own.09:47
jendaormiret: they aren't removed, they are deactivated.09:48
jendaEach of them recieved a notice like...09:48
ormiretjenda: was more the message it sends that I was worried about09:48
jendaAt the Marketing Team IRC meeting, it has been decided that the over-bloated list of members has to be pruned radically. Therefore, every single member will be deactivated and will only be activated if they ping one of the admins. The inactive members will be removed in the middle of July.09:48
ormiretand the descision at the meeting is another thing I didn't like, it excludes the people who couldn't make the meeting from the descision making process09:49
=== ormiret will stop complaining eventually...
jendaMind you, I found out since then that you can't remove them from the inactive list.09:49
jendaormiret: all the people who have been recently interested in the team have been at the meeting, with about 3 or 6 exceptions...09:50
ormiretjenda: ignoring people who haven't been recently active is a great way to avoid increasing the number of active people09:51
jendaNote: I doubt people such as mako or robitaille will be offended by such a move, there aren't many inexperienced people on that list.09:52
jendaormiret: gah :)09:52
jendaormiret: Those who were active during the past two months were, and those who haven't, haven't been active for over 6 months or more.09:53
jendaThat is a long enough time to be considered officially dead...09:53
jendabut it's long enough to remind them that they are 'members'.09:53
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jendaBeing a member is no official status, it's just there to show who is interested in the team and who isn't - not who was interested last year.09:54
jendaHello silbs09:54
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jendasilbs: You might want to check out the minute of the meeting, yesterday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2006-06-2809:55
ormiretjenda: I think it would have been better to get in touch with incative people saying "We want to clean up this list, if you're not interested anymore, please remove yourself"09:59
jendaormiret: well, that's kind of difficult with people who are no longer reachable.09:59
ormiretrather than removing them, cause I think that sends the meassage of "You haven't done anything recently so we're kicking you out"09:59
jendaAs the message above says - all you need to do to be reactivated is "ping one of the admins"10:00
jendaThat doesn't hurt anyone, IMO10:00
ormiretdoesn't everybody in launchpad have an email address there?10:00
ormiretBut this is already in the past - more importantly now is coming up with a way to make descisions including the mailing list as well as IRC so that I could have expressed my disagreement before you deactivated peoeple.10:02
jendaWe have also decided on the meeting that the most important decisions will be posted and made on the ML10:04
ormiretjenda: yeah I did think it was funny to decide to include the mailing list in amking descisions without consulting the mailing list :)10:05
jendameh :)10:06
jendaormiret: who else but the poeple who are currently interested in sweating some serious marketing work should decide where and how they will communicate?10:07
jendaThe mailing list was consulted by inviting to the meeting.10:07
jendaMissing meetings is an inevitable thing, unfortunately, and there's not much anyone can do about it.10:07
jendaI had many things I could've been doing other than that meeting you know ;) (starting with a class reunion which I skipped, ending with sleep which I postponed till 2 or 3 AM)10:08
ormiretjenda: I agree descisions should be made by people doing the work, but I think more of an effort needs to be made to include more people in the discussions to try and convince them to do work.10:10
ormireta core group deciding everything and doing all the work isn't helpful for expanding the team10:10
jendasorry, ormiret, I don't have the feeling there is a core group deciding everything.10:11
jendaAnyone could have come to that meeting and raised objections.10:11
ormiretjenda: this isn't an attack on you, I am trying to help find ways to get more people interested and working (even if they aren't willing to give up sleep to make it to meetings)10:11
jendaAnd all objections were heeded, I believe.10:11
jendaNot taken as an attack :)10:11
ormiretleaving the door open isn't enough to get people to come in, we have to make an effort to attract them10:12
jendaormiret: I did a huge marketing for marketing campaign two months ago, attracting over 100 people to the MT forum (which is non-existent now).10:15
jendaAnd 20 or more active people on the team is enough for me to move to other priorities. There used to be, however, the Ubuntu People project of the MT, which took care of the communications, including drafting new members. If you wish to do something of the sort - it will be appreciated.10:17
jendaBTW - you're very welcome to join the team :)10:18
ormiretjenda: I'm talking more about having the decision making process open to contribution from lurkers to try and convince them to speak up. The descision to deactivate people who you haven't heard from recently coupled with the way the descision was made without any discussion really reflects badly on how open the team is to people who aren't all that commited10:21
jendaI doubt you could say fairly that it was done without discussion.10:21
ormiretI don't think we need another forum to solve this, rather to actually discuss things more and invite input from everybody before making descisions10:21
jendaBesides, there is no value in that list of 70 people we had there.10:22
ormiretThere was no discussion on the ML - it was metioned in the meeting summary and then done10:22
jendaReally, there isn't.10:22
jendayes, but you brought up discussion - I admit, too late.10:22
jsgotangcocan't we just move along since its done already and be more productive instead of raising issues that won't fix anything10:22
jendathank you jsgotangco :)10:23
ormiretI'm not saying there is, but removing people risks them taking umbrage and leaving when they might have contributed in the future if we left them alone10:23
jendaormiret: not really a loss if they haven't said a word in a year. And judging by the reactions I'm getting, no one takes it badly (Apart from Joey Stanford, who has already been offput by the Pearl Harbour CC Meeting two days ago (which I barely made))10:24
ormiretI agree that we shoudl probably move on, but I want to make it clear that I really disagree with the way this was done in the hopes that we can be more inclusive in discussions in the future10:24
jendaIf any person leaves as a result while wanting to continue participating, I'll take it as my personal responsibility to get them back.10:25
jsgotangcoan LP team can be really powerful given enough rights so sometimes open teams aren't that favourable10:25
ormiretI'm more woried about the people who take umbrage and leave without saying anything10:25
jendaNothing we can do about them now.10:26
jendaSorry to all such.10:26
jsgotangcotell me how bad was the deactivation notice10:26
jendaI pasted it a while ago10:26
jenda38 minutes back10:27
jsgotangcoanyway its a pretty inactive team so cleaning it up makes sense as well10:27
jsgotangcojenda: you can probably create a new team that is open though10:28
jendaAs in - MT supporters and MT core?10:28
jsgotangcothat's what we did in edubuntu10:28
jendahm... I think that would seem elitist and exclusive10:28
jsgotangcowe had an old edubuntu team that was moderated but accepted at will10:29
jsgotangcoand we now have an edubuntu-members team where members are approved by the council10:29
jsgotangcothe old edubuntu team became open to anyone who wants to join it10:29
jendaOK, that could be considered.10:30
jendaWe actually have a makeshift counciel - the project leaders.10:30
jendaLemme make an ad-notice to the ubuntu offtopic channels to draft people who are interested. That never hurts :)10:31
jendaNah, can't do that yet. Will do once the wiki is in working order.10:32
jendamatthewrevell: don't highjack threads in the mailing list :) Change the 'subject' accordingly.10:35
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matthewrevelljenda: eh?10:50
matthewrevellWhat I've hijacked?10:51
jendaI meant the meeting thread, it wasn't related to the meeting anymore, really. Just for future reference.10:54
matthewrevelljenda: You mean my post that was about using the mailing list to discuss things before the meetings? It's directly related to what we discussed in the meeting.10:55
jendaIt was directly related to what we discussed in the meeting, but not the meeting itself. In the same manner, we could discuss just about anything in that thread just because it was discussed at the meeting.10:56
jendawhich would make a mess, wouldn't it?10:57
matthewrevellNot sure I agree. The thread is about the meeting, people expressed a disatisfaction with the way the decisions were made in the meeting and I responded to that.10:57
matthewrevellThreads going off-topic can be a problem but there has to be some wriggle room10:58
silbsjenda, jsgotangco: the approval of members in edubuntu is a privilege granted by the CC to edubuntu because edubuntu has a well functioning community, good team leadership, etc.10:59
silbsthe marketing team is too young to do that right now, and it's not necessary10:59
jsgotangcoahh k10:59
silbsthe CC grants membership, I think it's premature to talk about the marketing team adding another layer there10:59
silbsas teams mature, the teams are obviously in a better position to know who is contributing. So the CC delegates the rights to grant membership to a sub-council of sorts. That happens now for edubuntu, and kubuntu, will start to happen for the forums11:00
silbsnext are the art and doc team11:00
silbsthe marketing team will be able to do that in time too, but needs to establish itself a bit more before the CC will grant that11:00
jendasilbs: agreed - we didn't plan to do that just yet.11:01
jenda(and haven't decided if we even want to at all - I don't think we do)11:01
jsgotangcowell it is too early for sure =)11:02
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silbsjenda: okay, I may have misunderstood. From the email and this discussion I thought you were moving towards an approval process for team members. I think the team should be open to anyone and everyone, whether or not they actively participate.  The core, active people will become readily identifiable over time.11:06
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jendasilbs: Yes, it is open to anyone and everyone. We have, however, pruned the list and keep it moderated to prevent bloating again.11:12
jendaMembership is granted for being interested, no more, no less.11:12
jendasilbs: would you have a second to discuss the mailing list?11:23
jendamatthewrevell: damn :) sorry for triple post there :)11:48
matthewrevelljenda: No probs :)11:53
jendaeft! I'll never get used to that default setting, another one coming, matthewrevell, sorry :(12:05
jsgotangcoif you use LP to file bugs what will you file it against with?12:09
jsgotangcoi dunno it'll only add noise to the bug tracker12:09
matthewrevelljsgotangco: Fair point that we can't file it against a package.12:13
matthewrevellNot sure about noise, which is why I asked the list. I'm not a dev and I don't do bug triage, so I don't know what would be considered unhelpful.12:13
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matthewrevellThinking about it, it may not be the best way to handle things. Is there an alternative, within Launchpad, that would help us track work, be visible to the community, etc?12:16
jendaIf there isn't, there should be.12:17
matthewrevelljenda: Yeah, it would certainly help non-code related activity. I'll look into it.12:19
jendaThere are many things that aren't directly coding - eg. translation has a great integration in LP.12:20
jsgotangcocreate specs even12:20
matthewrevelljsgotangco: cool :) Thanks.12:25
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hybridpretty well, insomniac, but well, yourself?12:33
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Kamping_Kaiserand HEP!12:56
Kamping_Kaiserping marketing.team01:22
matthewrevellhi :)01:23
Kamping_Kaiserhave a look at http://shenki.homeip.net/ubuntu-au and then http://shenki.homeip.net/ubuntu-au/add for what one of the Ubuntu-au team roughed up last night for our meetings, based on the marketing teams table01:23
Kamping_Kaiserand dont use the 'add' bit - you cant remove yet ;P01:23
jendaKamping_Kaiser: rather nice ;)01:28
jendaPerhaps the table could be pacified a bit.01:28
jenda(as in even width columns etc.)01:29
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, he did it in about 30-60 min last night. i thought it might be interesting to $people :)01:29
jendavery, very.01:29
matthewrevellKamping_Kaiser: Yeah, nice. Much easier to have a script than manually edit the wiki.01:29
jendaYes - except hours seem to be much more relevant on an international team than days01:30
matthewrevelljenda: Easily fixed, though, I'd have thought.01:30
jendaOf course.01:30
jendajust a remark ;)01:30
matthewrevellYeah :)01:30
jendaKamping_Kaiser: I'm noting that down. I'll forward it to our wiki manager...01:31
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, cool. just warn them its a home adsl link, so it may not be fast or always up :)01:31
=== jenda aims a piece of garbage at nixternal
jendaKamping_Kaiser: could we have/use/modify the source of that?01:32
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, pm him directly, hes 'shenki'01:32
matthewrevelljenda: Quick OT - whereabouts are you in Czechia?01:34
jendaAbouts in Prague01:34
matthewrevellah. I visited Prague and a place called Nov Mesto nad Metuj back in 200101:35
matthewrevellloved the place01:35
jendaThat's a very nice town, really.01:36
matthewrevellYeah, I  enjoyed it there.01:36
matthewrevellI came for Sylvestre (spelling?)01:37
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digitalmousegreetings programs!01:39
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Kamping_Kaiserak. um. jenda, i think your next meeting time is wrong - 1st of january ;)02:12
jendayes, it's an arbitrary time.02:13
jendawas gonna put 0 0 0 0, but seemed wrong.02:13
Kamping_Kaiserthrew me right out ;)02:14
jendawow - no mail in the last ten minutes.02:14
=== jenda goes celebrate.
jendasilbs, would you have a minute to discuss the mailing list?02:30
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jendanvm, will send mail02:37
jendamatthewrevell: my notes say you were supposed to put something on the mailing list today... but I don't remember what it was :-D02:38
jendamatthewrevell: it was the topic of whether or not the team needs a team leader/coordinator/contact - I'll be the acting contact point till that is decided on the list, please bring the topic up.02:41
jendaaaand, you've got mail.02:42
digitalmousebetter than 'goes celebate' jenda (sorry, could not resisit) :-p02:42
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, sorry - is the next meeting this sunday?02:43
jendaYes, I think all email I send to Jane on behalf of the MT, I'll CC to the project leaders (but not the entire list, unless it's an open discussion type of message)02:43
jendaKamping_Kaiser: WHAT???02:43
jendawho what when where - WHY?02:44
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, its a qustion o_002:44
jendaCan be, of course02:44
jendaIf there's need and an agenda, I've got no problem with it.02:45
jendaBut I won't be there.02:45
=== Kamping_Kaiser grins
Kamping_Kaiserwell i'm asuming the 28th meetin gin /topic is yesterday02:45
jendaAnd I'm off02:45
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o jenda] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:jenda] : Welcome to #ubuntu-marketing. This is the IRC channel of the Ubuntu Marketing Team. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o jenda] by ChanServ
jendaKamping_Kaiser: you're responsible now.02:46
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, :o wow02:46
jendaand so is matthewrevell02:47
jendabuh bye!02:47
Kamping_Kaiseri'v been here about 12 hours o_002:47
Kamping_Kaiserlater mate02:47
jendaKamping_Kaiser: yes, but I know you are reliable and know your way around IRC02:47
Kamping_Kaiserhehe, cool :) later mate02:48
jendaFor example, sara would be a no-brainer, but she's barely ever on IRC so there's no point in giving her access.02:48
=== jenda 's off
matthewrevellWoo, I return from lunch to discover I have rights :)02:53
digitalmouseand lefts too perhaps? :-)02:53
digitalmouseyay, a bit off topic, but my ferret is now an EU citizen03:00
dotwafflejenda: No worries =)03:01
digitalmousejenda go sleepy-sleepy I think03:03
dotwaffledigitalmouse: It's ok, I was replying to a message he sent me at 07:34BST ;)03:04
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=== jenda is back
jendabut busy04:23
jendaHappy Birthday_Kaiser04:48
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nixternalgood morning to all05:08
Birthday_Kaiserhi nixternal  :)05:09
=== Birthday_Kaiser huggles all
nixternalhappy birthday Kaiser!!!05:09
Birthday_Kaiserthanks nixternal :)05:09
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KenSentMeHappy birthday to you Birthday_Kaiser05:39
Birthday_Kaiserthanks KenSentMe :)05:39
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Birthday_kgoetznight all :)07:29
Birthday_kgoetzcatch you all tomorrow07:29
KenSentMeHave a nice birthday07:32
Birthday_kgoetzcatch you in ~12 hours :)07:32
Birthday_kgoetznight all :)_07:33
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nixternali might be a retard...well i am a retard but i found this little blot on about.com for marketing....   http://marketing.about.com/od/strategytutorials/a/marketingkit.htm   "Time To Move Up From the Worn-Out Sales Brochure"08:09
nixternali find it interesting, with good info on creating the kit08:09
Bigtoeis there a guidline for marketing kits or is it up to the individual?08:13
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nixternali really don't know Bigtoe08:18
nixternalMarketingTeam is currently restructuring to become MASSIVE!!! ;)08:18
jendaBigtoe: there will be once Spreadubuntu is up :)08:20
Bigtoejenda: is there a timeframe for that?08:21
Bigtoei am not in a hurry, but i would like to have some time to put something together for a massive lan party08:21
Bigtoewhich is in september08:21
jendaBigtoe: at least till the end of august, unfortunately, perhaps longer :(08:21
jendaDon't rely on SU08:22
nixternaljenda: i should have logo by the end of today08:22
nixternalim working on MT design now08:22
jendanixternal: I'm leaving in about an hour.08:22
Bigtoei will work with my loco to put something together08:22
jendaBigtoe: we'd appreciate if you shared it with us then :)08:23
Bigtoei will08:23
nixternalwhat i will do jenda, is create a scratch page, and then when you get back, you can approve it, or recommend more work..then we can make the scratch active08:23
jendaSounds great :)08:24
jendascratch page of SU?08:24
jendaor ... something else?08:24
nixternalno..MT wiki ;)08:24
nixternala layout design..that way there you can choose to go with the design, or we can make further changes..instead of flat out changing the current wiki while you are gone08:25
nixternali can make it like w.u.c/MTwikiDesign  for a temp page..nothing permanent..then copy the code over upon approval08:25
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Bigtoenixternal: are you working on the SpreadUbuntu project?11:19
nixternalthat is all jenda11:20
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Bigtoewhat i am planning on doing doesn't really fit into any of the current projects11:21
Bigtoeexcept maybe the exposure part of spreadubuntu11:22
Bigtoei wish i had joined yesterday morning rather than this morning so i could have been present at the meeting.11:23
nixternalyou could always work on it, and then propose it i guess11:25
nixternalcreate your own little project for a proposal..as it won't hurt and there is no rule that says you can't ;)11:26
Bigtoethat is true11:26
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tonyyarussoI myself would like to have someone just pick a layout for the spreadubuntu site and start getting content up.  Change it later if you want, sure, but I'd really like to see it be up ASAP regardless.11:31
nixternalyou and i both11:32
BigtoeI understand the need to have a solid plan, but it would be nice to have something up.11:33
tonyyarussoEspecially at this particular time.  Dapper has been released, ShipIt CDs are starting to arrive, and we have (supposedly) about 6 months to Vista release.11:33
Bigtoenixternal said something about a scratch site...maybe more than one should be created based on jenda's outline so he can look at them when he gets back.11:35
nixternalit would never hurt...however i won't speak on jenda's behalf on that one ;)11:36
Bigtoenor would i11:36
nixternal+1 though honestly from me on that idea Bigtoe ;)11:36
Bigtoei don't know if jenda is planning on designing the site or just approving anothers design11:38
nixternalya i have no clue on that either11:42
Bigtoelike usual, i think of the good questions for him AFTER he leaves. :-|11:43
nixternaland he said he is going to be internetless too i believe..but he did say he would try to pop in and check up11:45
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