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juantaohello. the following quip on the CommunityCouncilAgenda wike page indicates I might learn here when the next meeting is going to be held. Anyone know the date and time ? "The next meeting of the Council will be at TBC (ColinWatson to announce) on #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net" Thanks : - )12:37
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jendajuantao: that means ColinWatson (Kamion) will announce it, and that the meeting will happen here.12:38
jendaThe last meeting happened yesterday, so the next will probably be in two weeks12:39
jendaThe best way to know as soon as possible is to subscribe to changes on the CCAgenda wiki page.12:39
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-139-168-227-214.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
juantaojenda: Thanks, I don't want to miss it, how often do you recommend I er... guess I missed it. My pending membership is still listed on the stie.12:40
juantaoI'll subscribe - thanks!12:40
jendajuantao: this one was announced only several hours ahead - most candidates missed it.12:41
juantaoah. I'll subscribe. Thank you.12:41
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GNAM@schedule rome01:52
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 29 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team01:52
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sivang@schedule Israel10:15
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: 29 Jun 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 05:00: Ubuntu Development Team10:15
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fabbione@schedule denmark12:34
fabbione@schedule Italy12:34
fabbione@schedule UTC12:34
UbugtuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 29 Jun 14:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 20:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 20:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team12:34
dsas@schedule rome12:34
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 29 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team12:34
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rodarvus@schedule Sao_Paulo12:57
UbugtuSchedule for America/Sao_Paulo: 29 Jun 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 17:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 17:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 09:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team12:57
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dotwaffle@schedule London03:02
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 29 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 21:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 21:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 13:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:02
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jjesse@schedule detroit03:08
UbugtuSchedule for America/Detroit: 29 Jun 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:08
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mdzgood morning folks03:44
ajmitchmorning mdz03:45
Klaidas@schedule Vilnius03:45
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Vilnius: 29 Jun 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 05:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:45
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fabbionemdz: yo03:45
zulhey mdz 03:45
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
mdzKamion,Keybuk,Mithrandir,Riddell,benc,dholbach,doko,heno,iwj,mvo,ogra,seb128,sfllaw: ping03:50
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mvo10 minutes to go?03:51
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Mithrandiralso, 7.03:53
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=== sivang holds fingers for the new cable internet connection to not drop in the meeting
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fabbionemdz: Kamion said that he might be a couple of minutes late03:54
BenCmdz: pong03:55
dokohmm, did we want to start with the wiki-prepared reports this week?03:56
fabbionewiki prepared reports?03:56
=== fabbione doesn't have a clue of what you are talking about
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infinityfabbione: There was an intention to pop reports on a wiki page ~24 hours before a meeting, so people could peruse them, prepare questions, and waste less time chatting about useless faff in meetings.03:57
infinityI suspect that won't happen this week since, well, it's 2 minutes to the meeting and we have no pre-prepared wiki page. :)03:58
Hobbsee5, 4, 3, 2?03:58
fabbioneinfinity: ok thanks03:58
Hobbseeinfinity: people should learn to type fast :P03:58
sfllawmdz: Pong.03:58
jbaileyHobbsee: I suggest ntpdate. =)03:58
sfllawmdz: I'm "on vacation" right now, but I'll be happy to interject.03:58
sivanghey jbailey 03:58
jbaileyHeya Sivan et a.03:58
zulhey jeff03:58
TheMusoHey all.03:59
Hobbseejbailey: heh.03:59
infinitysfllaw: There's an unwritten law that people on VAC should NOT ATTEND MEETINGS, GO HAVE A LIFE, ARGH.03:59
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mdzsfllaw: unfortunately it's not easy for me to query that in an efficient way03:59
mdzsfllaw: if you're on vacation, begone ;-)03:59
sivanginfinity: hehe03:59
mdzseb, dholbach and riddell are off as well03:59
mdziwj: you here?04:00
mdzogra,Keybuk: ready?04:00
sfllawOoh.  There's a talk on Software Floating Point that's coming on now.04:00
Keybukmdz: yup04:00
iwjmdz: Yes.04:00
ogramy ibook constantly hardlocks so i might drop out, but i'm ready 04:00
ogra(dapper sucks on that machine)04:00
mdztoday, for variety, we go in case-sensitive ascending order by nick04:01
ogra(or better with that specific broadcom card)04:01
mdzKamion: you're up first04:01
Kamionhaha, ok04:01
Kamionue-partitioning-tool: Leftover from Dapper, approved. 5 days.04:01
Kamionrevive-tasksel: Approved. Since this is basically yanking code back in sync with Debian and writing a bit of glue, I expect about 4 days of work allowing for a bit of initial testing.04:01
Kamionsane-installer-keyboard: Approved. I reckon about 10 days, given that upstream has volunteered to do some of the hard bits (yay). Have given primary responsibility for this to Tollef, although I'm sure I'll still do the odd bit of work on it.04:01
Kamionno-more-devfs: Approved. I'm estimating about 3 days of work to clear this all u04:01
Kamionp. If we time it right then we can do it in cooperation with Debian (needs to be04:01
Kamion after etch d-i beta 3, which is "soon", but also needs to miss UVF by as little04:01
Kamion as possible).04:01
Kamionseed-cleanup: Drafting; will finish soon. Remaining germinate change is about a day's work.04:01
Kamionubiquity-advanced-partitioner: Still drafting, but I'll finish that this week. Calling this 20 days; may need to drag in help, at least from a KDE person for the Qt interface.04:01
Kamionmisc: Merges, merges, merges. Also hideously behind on e-mail; don't expect me t04:02
Kamiono have read anything on non-announcement mailing lists.04:02
Kamionoops, apologies for crappy line-wrapping04:02
mdzKamion: you have 5 targets approved for edgy so far, though seed-cleanup needs fleshing out04:03
Kamionwhat one did I miss?04:03
mdzhow many more of those do you expect to be able to take on for edgy?04:03
Kamionor was that counting ubiquity-advanced-partitioner?04:04
Kamionthe above comes to about 7 weeks of development time in total04:04
KamionI may have room for some of langpacks-on-cd04:04
mdzthe ones targeted for edgy currently are ue-partitioning-tool, revive-tasksel, no-more-devfs, seed-cleanup and ubuntu-meta-from-bzr [implemented] 04:04
mdzKamion: so is the list above the ones you think will fit?04:04
mdzI think sane-installer-keyboard was recently approved; isn't on the edgy list yet04:05
mdzplease target it to edgy04:05
Kamionsane-installer-keyboard is targeted to edgy, but I gave it to Tollef04:05
mdzah, there it is04:06
KamionI've thrown ubiquity-advanced-partitioner at edgy too04:06
mdzI am sorted by assignee04:06
mdzKamion: thanks04:06
mdzKeybuk: next04:06
Keybukautomake-transition: Approved.  our spec has appeared to fuel the Debian maintainer into doing much of the work; we should get this one for free.04:06
Keybukteardown: Approved.  Tested at the conference, changes to ubuntu-desktop dependencies can be done once they've been merged, other packages as and when they come up.  Estimated only a day of work to make the changes listed in the spec (they're already done on my laptop).04:06
Keybuklibata-for-all-ata-disks: Approved.  Will approach this once the merges are out of the way and the kernel patch is in, perfecting the migration is expected to take the bulk of the time, as is testing the new drivers.04:06
Keybukboot-message-logging: Approved.  Makes sense to implement it in pair with04:06
Keybukreplacement-init: Drafting/Approval tennis with Kamion, making sure this is specified right first.  The scope of this specification is deliberately limited for edgy to just replacing /sbin/init and the companion tools.  The specification also contains a hard deadline that must be reached by FeatureFreeze for it to not be deferred.  I believe that this scope is reachable with a high degree of confidence in the implementation and changes by Featu04:06
KeybukreFreeze.  I expect this to be the bulk of my work for the edgy timeframe.04:07
Keybukdash-as-bin-sh: Implemented04:07
Keybukother: the all-new merge-o-matic now running04:07
mdzKeybuk: doesn't dash-as-bin-sh need an upgrade transition?04:07
Keybukmdz: elaborate?  one was not defined in the spec04:07
mdzKeybuk: I saw your upload to change the debconf default, but that won't affect upgrades, no?04:07
jbaileyI saw it come in today and it switched it here.04:08
Keybukit won't affect upgrades if someone had already installed dash ... but then if somebody had done that, they probably set it as the default anyway04:08
Kamionit will affect upgrades from systems that didn't previously have dash installed04:08
Keybukdash wasn't previously installed by default04:08
KamionKeybuk: not true, it was a dependency of initrd-tools04:08
Kamionso fresh installs of <=breezy will have it04:08
mdzyes, pretty much all of my systems have it installed04:08
mdzanyway, ->offline04:09
Keybukah, that wasn't known04:09
mdzKeybuk: what's your guess about the doability of replacement-init?04:09
Keybukin that case, yes, upgrades from systems with dash already installed need to be adjusted04:09
ograi have it too nd this machine has only seen dapper04:09
Keybukmdz: should be both doable, stable and everyone actually confident about it -- the scope is deliberately limited to just replacing init and the standard initscripts and not requiring *any* other changes04:09
mdzKeybuk: and there's no existing init we can adopt rather than NIHing it?04:10
KeybukI've set hard deadlines in the spec04:10
Keybukmdz: there isn't, sadly :-/04:10
KeybukI looked at every single one04:10
Keybukwelcome to elaborate offline on that04:10
Keybuk(it would be too much of a discussion here)04:10
mdzyou should have your hands reasonably full with that04:11
Keybukyes, I arranged my other specs on the basis I would have04:11
mdzKeybuk: thanks04:11
mdzMithrandir: next04:11
Mithrandiroptimized-live-cd-layout-for-faster-boot: implemented, just needs to get the list to Adam (post his vacation) and merging into the kernel proper.  Shaved a good 40 seconds off the live cd boot time04:11
Keybuk(heh, and I had these answer's pre-prepared with C&P :p)04:11
Mithrandirmisc: merges, catching up after Paris, reviewed ubuntu-edgy-cluster, some SoC mentoring04:11
Mithrandirother specs: no progress04:11
Mithrandirnext week: merges, merges, merges, hopefully get some live cd hacking in there too04:11
=== Mithrandir steals Keybuk's apostrophe.
ograMithrandir, hey, thats mine i he only borrowed it !04:12
mdzMithrandir: so on your edgy list, you have (remaining) sane-installer-keyboard, live-cd-stacked-filesystems, live-cd-write-as-you-go, livecd-sessions04:13
Mithrandirmdz: yes, and I want to get the live-cd-share-live-cd one in too.04:13
mdzMithrandir: is that awaiting review?04:13
infinitylive-cd-stacked-filesystems needs ot be assigned to both Tollef and I, somehow. :)04:13
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infinity(That won't be too much time for my end though, once he's told me how his end looks)04:14
mdzyou could create a team for it, but I think that would only confuse things04:14
infinityBarring kernel problems on buildds or other hilarity.04:14
mdzif the chunks are big enough, split the spec.  if not, just pass it from one of you to the other04:14
BenC"there are no kernel problems"04:14
=== infinity nods.
fabbioneBenC: ++04:14
mdzMithrandir: ok, sounds like a good set of stuff. should be fun04:15
mdzMithrandir: thanks04:15
MithrandirI certainly hope so.04:15
infinityBenC: Will you stand by that when I tell you that I'll be using squash and union on buildds multiple times per day without rebooting?04:15
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mdzBenC: oops, I had your nick capitalization wrong in my list; you should have been first of course ;-)04:15
mdzBenC: you're up04:15
BenCgo now? :)04:15
BenClibata-for-all-ata-disks: STARTED: Alan's patch is now in the kernel. Waiting for changes to base-files, and boot loaders for upgrades before enabling modules (I'll start on boot loaders, Keybuk has said he'll do the base-files changes to update /etc/fstab)04:15
BenClinux-kernel-crash-dump: NOT STARTED (still in review). Looks like kdump is what we will be going with. Getting the mechanics right will take the most time on implementing this.04:15
BenCspeakup-inclusion: DONE: Kernel modules are in and building on all but hppa and sparc. This is done for my part. The rest of the work is userspace (unable to update status of spec).04:15
BenCkernel notes: 2.6.17 final is now in edgy. Linux-restricted-modules was just uploaded, and will be followed by linux-meta soon. This will make 2.6.17 the default kernel in edgy after today (let the bug reporting begin).04:15
BenCABAT (automated testing): x86 runs are almost ready to go. PPC64, is in the works. Regression, LTP and benchmark testing will be included in runs now.04:15
KeybukBenC: are the modules disabled?  if we have a list, I can blacklist them so we can enable them in the kernel source and just have them disabled from user-space04:16
BenCinfinity: that's not a kernel "problem", that's the kernel being tainted :P04:16
mdzcan someone on the review team commit to giving l-k-c-d a look today?04:16
BenCKeybuk: I'll send you a list then04:16
mdzfabbione: would you review it?04:16
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Mithrandirlinux-kernel-crash-dump seems not to be targetted for edgy?04:17
mdzMithrandir: I've not been targeting specs which aren't approved yet04:17
mdzthough some were targeted before paris inadvertently04:17
Mithrandiroh, ok04:17
Mithrandirmdz: I can review it.04:18
mdzMithrandir: ok, thanks04:18
Mithrandir(unless fabio wants to)04:18
mdzBenC: does your workload seem like a good balance to you?  you should have plenty of spare bandwidth to spend on bugs and tracking upstream04:18
MithrandirBenC: do you want comments on IRC or inline in the spec?  Either is fine with me.04:18
BenCmdz: Yeah, I think I'll be pretty good with specs and time for bug reporting04:19
BenCmdz: If I fall behind on one or the other, I'll let you know04:19
BenCMithrandir: inline is best04:19
MithrandirBenC: ok04:19
mdzBenC: thanks04:19
mdzdoko: next?04:19
doko- this week:04:20
doko  - edgy: edgy-toolchain-roadmap: binutils update, preparing gcc-4.1 update04:20
doko  - edgy: preparing python sync/resync from unstable04:20
doko  - dapper/edgy: OOo, updating ooo-build to current 2.0.3 milestones, resyncing with debian packaging, updating ubuntu patches, fixing new build failures. (would love to have the dapper-proposed-updates staging area ready)04:20
doko  - a bit of SoC admin stuff04:20
doko  - still to do this week: finish edgy+1-toolchain-roadmap, java-roadmap, time estimations.04:20
doko  - looking at python2.5 for edgy (upstream release planned for Aug 8), idea: "support" 2.4 and 2.5 for edgy, decide in a test environment, if we can safely switch the default (which would be after UVF).04:20
doko- next week: syncs, syncs, syncs04:20
fabbionemdz: sorry i have a waterpipe exploded! brb04:20
mdzdoko: it looks like none of your specs are approved yet; what's holding them back?04:20
mdzfabbione: argh!04:20
pittidoko: with the new python infrastructure, can we easily switch the default now?04:20
mdzfabbione: at least you were at home when it happened ;-)04:21
dokomdz: didn't set the toolchain specs back to "for review". the "tracking-versions" spec was approved, but made a LP spec04:21
dokothe packaging-hints was given back from review, waiting for a second review04:22
mdzdoko: ok, the hard deadline is next week's meeting; don't wait until the last minute04:22
mdzdoko: if you are having trouble getting reviews, let me know04:22
dokopitti: yes, but I would like to wait for the rc04:22
dokomdz: ok04:22
mdzdoko/pitti: is ssp going to land as part of the early toolchain updates?04:23
pittimdz: yes, just waiting for the sparc libc problem04:23
dokomdz: yes, we're waiting for sparc04:23
pittimdz: but the patch is there now, just needs bootstrapping AFAIK04:23
mdzdoko: let's go over your workload once your specs are finalized04:23
infinityDoesn't need a bootstrap, per se, just a couple of normal uploads.04:23
mdzdoko: thanks04:23
mdzfabbione is next but is dealing with a water crisis and has my sympathies04:23
mdzheno: are you here?04:24
dokomdz: one more thing is OOo 2.0.4 for edgy, release planned for Sep 4 ...04:24
heno* livecd-access - Review. started working on new boot screen04:24
heno* access.ubuntu.com - Review. first draft page ready04:24
heno* sok: Chris Jones the SoC student responsible for it is here now (totroise_) so he might say a few words about it. I think we're ready to make an Edgy package soon though.04:24
heno* all other specs: still drafting04:24
heno* Next week: Help the new webmaster write a plan of action and find his way around04:24
mdzdoko: might be possible04:24
Keybukmdz: "a water crisis"?  did somebody's waters break?04:24
mdzKeybuk: <fabbione> mdz: sorry i have a waterpipe exploded! brb04:24
tortoise_Hi currenly the simple onscreen keyboard is in a working but unpolished state.  It needs keyboard definitions and is missing some features.  It is designed with flexibility in mind.  Layout is defined in svg files which can be made in Inkscape.  Keys are then mapped in a seperate .SOK xml file.    04:25
tortoise_More info and screenshot here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Projects/SOK04:25
Mithrandirtortoise_: it'd be really nice if it'd pick up the keyboard definitions from XKB.04:26
mdzheno: I know that for some of your specs, someone else is intending to do the implementation. is the assignee on your specs up-to-date all around as far as what you will be implementing vs. others?04:26
tortoise_Mithrandir: I was planning on sriting a script to convert from the GOK definitions04:27
infinityMithrandir: Noting that XKB also has the (bizarre) capability to draw keyboards based on its keymaps, too.04:27
ograguys !04:27
Mithrandirinfinity: yup.04:27
henomdz: the compi-mag one needs my other SoC student to sort out his LP acct so I can assign it to him04:27
henomdz: the forum one I'm not quite sure who will take charge of, otherwise they are fine04:28
mdzheno: forum-integration?  that's marked informational; if there's real work to do, that flag should be cleared04:28
henomdz: ok, that's fine too then04:29
mdzinformational specs won't be tracked during the weekly meetings, release milestones, etc. since it's assumed there's no real work to do04:29
mdzheno: thanks04:29
mdzI have an emailed update from Riddell04:29
mdzdone: merges for about half of KDE done, on track to get main done by04:29
mdzend of next week.04:29
mdzalso: Proofreading Kubuntu specs. Google half term reports, don't forget if you're a mentor04:29
mdznext week: merges04:29
mdzspecs: several still to be reviewed04:29
mdzhe has a handful of specs approved and targeted for edgy, but a bunch remaining to be reviewed.  I'll go over them with him when he's back04:30
mdzinfinity: next?04:30
infinityI'd like to apologise in advance for my distro specs being largely in unapproved states.  I spent the majority of the week in Paris wrangling with the soyuz guys (which was very productive), but obviously have some distro slack to pick up as soon as I get back from VAC.04:30
infinitylarger-livefs: Approved, work not yet begun, should be trivial once seed changes happen.04:30
infinityearly-userspace: Still needs to finish drafting, nothing there should be unrealistic for edgy.04:30
infinitylivefs-build-speedups: Will draft on the internal wiki if anyone cares, otherwise it will "just happen".04:30
infinityubuntu-server-tasks: Still needs polish before approval, will do when I get back.04:30
infinityvarious soyuz-related specs: Most of these are approved or pending approval, and work is ongoing with the soyuz folks to make them happen in the timeframes we require.04:31
infinitylast week: Monday was a complete loss, due to travel (my SIN->MEL flight was horribly delayed, and I got home in time to set up my laptop and pass out), spent the last two days mangling buildds to get the world as sane as possible before I leave.04:31
infinitynext week: VAC all week.04:31
infinityweek after next: Clean up all the above unapproved specs and get time estimates set correctly (and begin work on the more urgent ones)04:31
mdzinfinity: earnly-userspace is marked informational; is that accurate?04:31
mdzearly, even04:31
infinitymdz: Clearly not, I didn't set that flag.  I'[ll unset it.04:31
Mithrandirinfinity: week after next, I want you too, for the first milestone release.04:31
infinitySame with ubuntu-server-tasks, for that matter.04:31
infinityMithrandir: You have me for that, I can multitask. :)04:31
Mithrandirthat's an early warning for everybody.  First milestone release in approximately two weeks.04:32
mdzinfinity: given your holiday, there isn't much time to get your specs reviewed and approved by the deadline.  you'll need to nag the review team04:32
Keybuknote for those not reading their e-mail yet, I'm emergency-holographic-adam next week for the buildds04:32
mdzMithrandir: please update EdgyReleaseSchedule with the tentative date04:32
infinitymdz: I'm good at nagging people.  It's in my job description.04:32
mdzinfinity: ok, thanks04:33
mdziwj: next?04:33
iwjdone: package-dependency-field-breaks step 1: Made dpkg reject Breaks.04:33
iwjdoing: automated-testing-deployment: Fighting Xen again.04:33
iwjtodo: package-dependency-field-breaks: Implement Breaks properly (anyone who wants me to expedite this please let me know).04:33
iwjtodo: xen-edgy: Pick up and help out (some community work is happening on this already).  Note in this context that sid's kernels now have Xen support.04:33
iwjtodo: Firefox merge.04:33
dokoKeybuk: should/can I help with the python/zope syncs/overwrites next week?04:33
iwjsoon BLOCKED: xen-edgy: will soon be wanted for automated-testing-deployment, I think; I don't want to spend too much effort on my own ad-hoc setup.04:33
iwjEdgy specs not yet touched by me: xen-edgy (see above); suggest-packages-for-filetypes (mvo has been looking at a bit of this though - thanks).04:33
iwjBLOCKED?: merges: Is there a way to claim merges yet ?  Isn't this essential to avoid duplicated work ?04:33
iwjREMINDER: meeting times: Please email iwj@ubuntu.com your current timezone, normal Ubuntu working times and sleep times, by 23:59:59 UTC on 2006-06-30.  If you don't then we'll set the meeting schedule without the necessary information to adapt to your comfort or convenience!04:33
Kamionfor general information, the milestone CDs are hereby known as "Knot CD <N>"04:33
Keybukdoko: I'm not sure I understand your question04:33
mdziwj: there isn't a proper way to claim merges yet, but in practice there are few of us and it hasn't been much of a problem04:34
Kamionthere have been a couple of clashes this cycle04:34
Keybukdoko: oh, yes, sorry; I follow -- need to chat to mdz04:34
iwjmdz: Well, I'll start on firefox tomorrow in the confident expectation no-one will have done it yet and see what people say then.04:34
Kamionrelatively few compared to the sheer number though04:34
mdzin my response to scott on -devel I proposed that the clashes might not be worth the overhead of using malone04:34
iwjIt'll get worse as the todo list gets shorter.04:34
infinityTwo people already blew a couple of hours each on the vim merge (which is really the fault of whoever didn't merge it with the innital toolchain, as has been tradition.. :P)04:35
mdzthat's one we'll neet to discuss outside of the meeting; there's a thread on -devel04:35
iwjmdz: OK.04:35
mdzwe have the option of using malone, or the tool that MOTU has, or doing something else04:35
iwjI just wanted to raise it.04:35
mdziwj: don't forget to merge the theme stuff when updating firefox04:36
iwjYou mean the change to the default theme ?04:36
fabbionemdz: i think i can yes04:36
mdziwj: on your edgy list are   automated-testing-deployment, xen-edgy, breaks and filetypes04:36
fabbionemdz: (review the spec)04:36
mdzfabbione: mithrandir offered already04:36
iwjmdz: Yes.04:36
Keybuk\o/ Braeks04:36
fabbionemdz, Mithrandir: ok thanks04:36
iwjKeybuk: Your speling is Broekn.04:37
Mithrandircould we tell the person who did the merge last time that we're doing it?  That should generally lead to very few clashes.04:37
Keybukiwj: yeah, my cymraeg showing there, sorry04:37
mdziwj: does that match your plans, or do you expect to finish/claim any others?04:37
KeybukMithrandir: the person who did the large change is listed on the status page04:37
iwjiwj: I expect to finish those unless something goes badly wrong.04:37
iwjIf I finish early I'll help out someone who looks desperate.04:37
MithrandirKeybuk: exactly, so it's easy to find out and.04:37
mdziwj: have you done time estimates for those?04:37
iwjmdz: Yes, but time estimates are quite rough.04:38
mdzI can't find the LP view which tells me at the moment04:38
iwjI was reasonably generous.04:38
iwjSo it probably looks like they don't all fit.04:38
mdzPS, for anyone looking for advice on estimates, I thought http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000245.html was pretty good04:38
iwjThe main risk is to the Xen stuff because of the dependencies.04:38
Keybukmdz: "take whatever value you think is appropriate, then multiply by PI" ?04:39
BenCiwj: Has zul been in touch with you about xen?04:39
mdziwj: are you or mvo going to do filetypes?  I'm not fussed either way really04:39
iwjBenC: Yes.04:39
BenCiwj: Great, hopefully he can help get that going04:39
mdzKeybuk: LP doesn't support irrational numbers in that field04:39
iwjmdz: We're splitting it between us; there are a couple of things he said would be much quicker for him.04:39
mvomdz: bits are implemented already, but bits are missing (caching for example)04:39
iwjBenC: Quite.  He sounds very keen.04:39
Keybukmdz: aren't all time estimates inherently irrational?  </OT>04:40
mdziwj: ok, thanks04:40
jbaileyiwj: I didn't look at the xen specs, but the glibc stuff isn't perfect yet.  libc6-xen conflicts libc6-686 and I need to fix that.04:40
mdzmvo: next04:40
mvoSpecs for edgy:04:40
mvo- cdrom-based-dist-upgrades 04:40
mvo- dependency-removal04:40
mvo- recommends-support 04:40
mvo- command-not-found-magic04:40
mvoIn review:04:40
mvo- smartpm 04:40
mvo- apt-ddtp04:40
mvo- language-selector-improvements04:40
mvo- gai-popcon (popcon data for gnome-app-install)04:40
iwjjbailey: Nice.  I'm not at that stage yet but that's the kind of thing we're going to trip over.04:40
mvo- enabling-additional-components  (apt-get handling for universe/multiverse packages open)04:40
mvo- spec work 04:40
mvo- gnome-app-install work (popcon integration, search result ranking, mime-search)04:40
mvo- apt work (auto-removal branch, misc stuff)04:40
mvo- smart work (bugs, commit-log added, looked into auto-removal) 04:40
mvo- Google Summer of code04:40
mvoNext week:04:40
iwjjbailey: ATM I'm doing a hideous thing with dpkg-divert to disable TLS.04:40
mvo- get missing specs in shape04:40
mvo- summer vacation next week (from 5 Jul - 20 Jul)04:40
mdzmvo: the caching in g-a-i seems obvious enough not to need a spec; do you agree?04:41
mdzmvo: we just shouldn't forget about it04:41
jbaileyiwj: Not possible in edgy, sorry.04:41
Kamionmvo: enabling-additional-components> s/ubiquity, debian-installer/apt-setup/04:41
mdzoh, you've done it already04:41
Kamionmvo: that was disabled by policy, but if mdz's happy with enabling it by default then it's trivial to do ...04:42
mvomdz: its not as easy as initally hoped because a simple pickle can't be used - currently g-a-i uses pyxdg to build the menu. but we will not forget04:42
mvoKamion: yes, mdz was in the discussion when it came up 04:42
mdzmvo: language-selector-improvements was targeted for edgy pre-paris, but is in review.  is it doable for edgy given your other work?04:42
KamionI guess warning command-line users covers it04:42
mvomdz: I really hope so, maybe we can find someone from the community, it shouldn't be too hard to do 04:43
mdzit seems like a lot of per-locale legwork which will be difficult to do quickly04:43
mdzlet's talk about it after04:43
mdzmvo: thanks04:44
mdzogra: next04:44
ogra* last-week: merged debians ltsp bzr tree, fixed all breakage and made the package work again. merged gcompris, packaged new gnome-screensaver, started lots of smaller merges04:44
ogra* list of merges i plan to do this week: atomix, dhcp3, fuse, iptraf, kdeedu, kino, nessus-plugins, pwgen, rss-glx, tuxmath, tuxpaint, xfonts-terminus, xscreensaver (shout if you already work on something there)04:44
ogra* next-week: finishing merges from above list, starting spec work, SoC review, sorting ltsp branches 04:44
ogra* specs: 04:44
ogra- ltsp-dhcpd-autogeneration: (approved, started), thinclient-local-devices (approved, started)04:44
ogra- student-control-panel-completion: (needs Review, started in dapper already)04:44
ogra- ltsp-daily-image-tarballs: (in Review, needs DC infrastructure, elmo contacted)04:44
ogra- ltsp-management-gui: (Braindump, beta available, need to transfer the text to the wiki, pet project of mine will do it in spare time if needed)04:44
ogra- ltsp-convergence: (this is rather an ongoing process beyond edgy, not a real spec, will track process status via LP)04:44
ogra- ltsp-netboot-enhancement: (not a spec, rather a bugfix, will track status via LP) 04:44
ograThe other ltsp related specs are assigned to rodrigo on request04:44
=== rodarvus nods
mdzogra: which of your remaining unapproved specs are most likely to get finalized by the deadline?04:45
ogramdz, student-control-panel04:45
ogradaily image tarballs as well since jammcq and sbalneav are waiting for it ...04:46
mdzogra: ltsp-daily-image-tarballs wasn't on the Paris list, so please target it to edgy so that it's on our radar04:46
mdzit'll go on the proposed list04:46
mdzltsp-netboot-enhancement is (correctly) marked obsolete04:47
mdzogra: ok, thanks04:47
mdzpitti: next04:47
pittiapt-get-debug-symbols: created pkg-create-dbgsym package with dh_strip wrapper; mostly ready and working, just fails on a few corner cases; ETA 1 day to extend the test suite for the failing cases and fix them, then upload; then the ball is in the Soyuz field (estimated 15 mandays)04:47
pittiautomated-problem-reports: played with various possibilities to save a stack frame (memory dump, shrinking core dump file) so that we can generate the bt later; not quite there yet; I'll get a nonoptimal solution working very soon, though; I hope I'll manage to get an initial working backend next week; our minimal gnome desktop frontend is easy (~ 1 day)04:47
pittigcc-ssp: more testing with various packages, good results; coordinated with fabbione and doko, changing gcc needs to wait for libc fix and bootstrapping on sparc; shouldn't be long any more (2 days?)04:47
pittiautomatic-printer-conf: not started, I do not have a particular urge (nor time) to aim this at edgy04:47
pittifirewall: pinged Carsten again, he promised to report back and provide something for edgy; no progress so far04:47
pittignome-mount: packaged gnome-mount 0.4 and played with it; policy GUI is not implemented yet, and handling of encrypted devices requires newer (yet unreleased) hal. However, this radically changes infrastructure and currently adds a crackful things; this is still disputed upstream, too; likely needs to be postponed; mdz, can you please remove the edgy flag?04:47
pittiauto-unmount-notifications: not started yet; not intrusive, so I'll deal with it after I'm done with my archive-wide specs; can someone please review and approve the spec?04:47
pittiprinter-sharing: nothing done so far; either we hack gnome-cups-manager (patch is available and tested already), or we consider using RedHat's printer config tool (python, and a lot of good stuff, but requires quite large code modifications); I do not really have time to care for this right now; community effort would be appreciated, I'll talk with ivoks and Kagou04:47
pittigeneral stuff done this week:04:47
pitti - caught up with security updates after Paris04:48
pitti - merges go full steam ahead04:48
pitti - SoC: had some discussion meetings with student, slow progress04:48
pittiplan for next week:04:48
pitti - do SoC mid-term review04:48
pitti - complete my merges04:48
pitti - some minor security updates04:48
pitti - catch up with bug mail (largely neglected since before Paris; I know, I'm a slacker, sorry)04:48
mdzKeybuk: could you review auto-unmount-notifications?04:48
pitti(sorry for the size)04:48
fabbionepitti: my local gcc build is running the test suite as we speak.. theoretically by tomorrow everything should be sorted04:48
=== pitti hugs fabbione
Kamionpitti: I don't remember anything about apt-get-debug-symbols being on the Soyuz radar for edgy when infinity and I sat down with the Soyuz guys in Paris to thrash it out04:48
Keybukmdz: yes, sure04:48
mdzpitti: so your projected edgy list is apt-get-debug-symbols, automated-problem-reports, gcc-ssp, gnome-mount, auto-unmount-notifications04:48
mdzKeybuk: thanks04:48
pittiKamion: hm, Adam and I had a long talk with the soyuz guys; I hope it didn't fall off completely04:49
pittimdz: I want to remove the edgy tag for gnome-mount, but I can't04:49
mdzpitti: seems like it could be a lot, considering your security workload04:49
pittimdz: hal is currently too crackful04:49
mdzpitti: I don't think it's possible to clear that field due to a bug04:49
Kamioninfinity: did I forget it?04:49
pittimdz: ssp and auto-umount-nots are easy, and I mostly did the work for debug symbols already04:50
mdzpitti: you'll need to get a Launchpad DBA to fix it probably04:50
pittimdz: so I think my workload should be fine (I think I also need to care for printing stuff *shudder*)04:50
mdzpitti: automated-problem-reports is fairly big04:50
mdzpitti: have you done time estimates?04:50
infinityKamion: I believe that we (pitti, me, soyuz team) agreed that if it couldn't squeeze into the edgy timeframe, it would be targetter at edgy+1.04:50
pittimdz: yes, should all be in blueprint04:50
mdzhopefully we will find security help for you during edgy; the job posting is up now04:51
pittimdz: I estimate 10 days for the basic stuff we agreed on in the spec04:51
pittimdz: saw that, thanks *crosses fingers*04:51
mdzpitti: ok, thanks04:51
mdzKeybuk wanted to say a few words about MOM I believe04:51
KeybukI did04:52
Keybukjust to make sure everybody knows all about it04:52
Keybukwe have a new mom this cycle04:52
mdzwe're adopted?04:52
=== fabbione will talk later
Keybukthat's the list of outstanding merges04:52
mdzfabbione: sorry, forgot that we skipped you04:52
fabbionemdz: no problem.. i can go after Keybuk 04:52
Keybukwhen doing a merge, you'll notice the output format is different too04:53
Keybukrather than the hideous ".dropped" patch and stuff04:53
mdz(if everyone were present, we would have run out of time for sure, I expect...)04:53
Kamionwhat are the colours?04:53
pittimerges> can be agree that the default claimer is the one noted on the merges page and that we prenotify a person when we do another merge?04:53
Keybukyou now just get a bzr-style conflict marker or  .UBUNTU/.DEBIAN for binaries04:53
KeybukKamion: package priority04:53
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-238-78.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionoh, explains why mine are all on top04:53
Keybukpitti: I think that's a reasonable idea04:53
mdzKeybuk: when does a package get removed from the outstanding list?04:53
jbaileyKeybuk: Will this be kept running through the whole cycle this time?  It's nice to see what's been updated when doing bug fixing.04:53
Keybukmdz: the mom run after the source has been uploaded to Ubuntu04:53
Keybukmom is running ~6 hours04:54
KeybukI may move that to hourly if all goes well04:54
Keybukjbailey: yes!04:54
mdzKeybuk: I mean, we should prioritize packages which haven't been merged at all yet04:54
ogramdz, didnt you miss rodarvus ?04:54
Keybukmdz: right, it's a bit tricky to "record" that ... one would have to record a merge being struck from the list ... which if a new Debian upload happened, etc.04:55
KeybukI am willing to discuss an implementation though04:55
mdzogra: I didn't have a chance to brief him so he doesn't have the usual update, but am talking ot him out of band04:55
mdzKeybuk: I think we could fake it using dates04:55
Keybukany questions or problems with merges, please let me know"!04:55
Keybukthere's one "known bug" which is sometimes a file that has .UBUNTU/.DEBIAN doesn't show up as "C*" -- but this will be obvious04:56
Keybukthat's fixed for future merges04:56
=== pitti still misses 3-way diffs
mdzfabbione: go04:56
fabbione* sparc: released dapper. Working on testing a gcc fix for sparc64 to fix a FTBFS of glibc that will unleash ssp stuff for pitti and doko.04:56
fabbione* ubuntu-edgy-cluster: Working on GFS2 userland new deps (openais) and coordinating with upstream for a release date. Addressing some 32/64/endianess problems and getting all our patches upstream to reduce the maintainance load (5/8 are up already).04:56
fabbione* specs: ubuntu-edgy-cluster splitted and it's pending approval (Mith should have give it the review tag after mdz's give-back), sparc64-port is still drafting (i had to prioritize the toolchain stuff). Internal specs are waiting for final approval.04:56
fabbione* last week: all of the above and done some work on dapper installer in preparation of a point release to fix install on sbus machines.04:56
fabbione* next week: finish with gcc, complete the sparc64-port specs, libparted check on sparc for Kamion, dovecot regression from breezy to dapper, possibly merges. My wife looks like a whale and moves as such. Expect me to disappear anytime now.04:56
mdzfabbione: good luck!04:58
fabbionemdz: thanks04:58
mdzfabbione: mubuntu?04:58
fabbionemdz: yes. that's internal one in your inbox04:58
mdzok, will have a look04:58
sivangfabbione: Mazal Tov :-)04:58
fabbionesivang: if that's a swear word you better run away! :P04:59
mdzfabbione: do you think you will be able to finalize your specs before you have to go?04:59
fabbionemdz: i want to finalize them yes.. i have no idea what mother nature decide for my wife04:59
fabbioneit's really too unpredictable to say04:59
=== Florob [n=Florian@xdsl-81-173-229-222.netcologne.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
mdzfabbione: ok, let me know if you need help there05:00
mdzand we're out of time05:00
fabbionemdz: ok thanks05:00
mdzanything else, ->-devel05:00
mdzadjourned, thanks all05:00
=== infinity [n=adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
fabbionecya guys05:00
ograthanks mdz 05:00
BenCbye all05:01
=== sivang goes to nag his ISP to make net connection not drop or lag so much.
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pittithanks all05:02
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henotortoise_: can you join #ubuntu-accessibility ?05:06
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu
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GNAM@schedule rome06:11
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 04 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu06:11
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profoX`@schedule Brussels06:17
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Brussels: 04 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu06:17
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=== Axces [n=zaman@cpe-65-27-156-105.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== jarufe [n=jarufe@pc-155-140-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Seveas"]
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Axces [n=zaman@cpe-65-27-156-105.cinci.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu
Seveas@config channel plugins.webcal.filter #ubuntu-meeting11:33
Seveas@reload Webcal11:34
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu
=== rikai [i=rikai@pool-72-65-103-220.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hirion [n=hirion@draugr.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting

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