
LaserJockbddebian: hmm, no12:07
LaserJockI like how there are lots of little sites with Debian packages that nobody bother's to put in the archives12:09
bddebianThey built scilab with debhelper :-(12:09
LaserJockat least they are sane ;-)12:09
bddebianHeh :-)12:09
bddebianOh well gotta head home, talk to you all later12:11
LaserJockcya bddebian12:11
crimsunoh god, eye-stabbity sound fun12:23
=== crimsun gets some coffee and prepares to get dirty
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theCoreis it possible to get mplayer source package?12:32
crimsundo you mean upstream upstream or the version we use?12:32
crimsunthe former is at www.mplayerhq.hu; the latter is ``apt-get source mplayer''12:32
theCorewell, I just need the debian/ folder12:32
theCoreapt-get source doesn't work with mplayer12:33
crimsunyes it does.12:33
crimsundo you have the deb-src line for multiverse?12:33
theCoreHmm... maybe not12:33
=== theCore hides
theCoredeb-src for multiverse was missing12:35
theCorethanks crimsun12:35
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nexuis it save to dist-upgrade to edgy for dbus atm?01:03
crimsunI wouldn't.01:04
crimsunyou /may/ be able to get away with using it in a chroot01:04
nexuso how about just using the dbus 0.62 from edgy in dapper?01:05
crimsun'morning ajmitch01:08
crimsunnexu: you have rope, of course you can hang yourself01:08
crimsunnexu: why is 0.62 critical?01:08
nexucrimsun: x_X01:08
nexucrimsun: dev testing01:08
nexucrimsun: no its not critical01:08
crimsunnexu: then use edgy in a chroot01:08
nexuor i might go copmile dbus 0.62 myself ...01:09
crimsunsure, you're free to do whatever01:10
nexujust asking :>01:10
nexuyeah wait, i'll brb..gonna jump off a flat01:11
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ajmitchhi zul01:33
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ajmitchmorning jsgotangco01:34
jsgotangcogood morning ajmitch01:34
zulhey ajmitch how is the land down under?01:35
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:crimsun] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers) | [Edgy MoM] https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html
ajmitchso much work...01:41
zulquit complaining ;)01:42
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zulhehehe...someone said merge01:44
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crimsunprobably not a good idea to use edgy's sudo02:10
ajmitchhow broken is it today?02:10
crimsunbug 5124602:12
UbugtuMalone bug 51246 in sudo "1.6.8p12-4ubuntu1 update causes parse errors" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5124602:12
ajmitcha good thing I enable root on my systems02:13
TheMusothere is a newer version.02:18
TheMusoapt-cache show sudo | grep Version02:18
TheMusoVersion: 1.6.8p12-1ubuntu602:18
TheMusoNo sorry, that is an older one.02:18
TheMusothanks for the heads up.02:18
LaserJockhmm, this is interesting. Anybody know how to remove lines from a file without reading the whole thing?02:19
Kyralgrep :P02:20
LaserJockdon't you still have to read the whole file?02:20
crimsunyour question is phrased a bit strangely02:20
Kyralquickest way to nuke blank lines is....02:20
LaserJockcrimsun: sorry02:20
Kyralgrep -v ^$ <file>02:20
LaserJockgot an email from my local LUG, a guy has a 2.3 GB file that he wants to remove the first 300 lines of02:21
LaserJockso he wants to remove the lines without having to deal with the rest of the file02:21
azeemthat's possible with either head or tail I think02:22
Kyralhow many lines?02:22
LaserJocknot sure02:22
LaserJocklots I'm guessing02:22
Kyralwell, you can do it with tail02:22
Kyralbut you need to know the number of lines02:22
azeemthat would write out everything, no?02:22
truz_`24run wc on it :-)02:22
Kyraltail -n (number of lines infile - 300) >> newfile02:22
LaserJockthe first thing he tried was sed '1,300d'02:23
azeemI think he wants to evade the "newfile"02:23
Kyraltail -n (number of lines in file - 300) filename  > filename02:23
Kyralthere you go02:23
truz_`24isn't that going to read the file into memory?02:23
crimsuntail +301 foo02:23
azeemKyral: that still writes stuff, no?02:23
Kyralwell, TECHNICALLY02:23
Kyralbut it clobbers the file with itself :P02:24
Kyral> clobbers whatever the target is, >> appends :P02:24
azeemwell, "write stuff" as in shove 2GB in memory and later back on disk02:24
truz_`24so how can u move the file pointer 300 lines down?02:24
Kyraloh I KNOW!02:24
truz_`24I know you can do it with a c program02:24
Kyralvim <file>02:24
crimsunyou don't need wc, just use tail by itself02:24
truz_`24so there has to be a *nix utility to do it02:24
Kyralthen in vim02:24
azeemKyral: dude02:24
Kyral300dd :P02:24
azeemI think a small C program should be easiest02:25
Kyralyou'd still need to load it into memory doncha?02:25
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azeemKyral: no02:25
truz_`24You just move the file pointer down02:25
Kyralheh, been a while since I messed with C++ File I/O02:25
Kyraland I was never good at it in the first place02:26
KyralRuby FTW :P02:26
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zulLaserJock: you could use perl :)02:31
LaserJocksomebody suggested:02:32
LaserJockBYTES=$(head -300 nameofbigfile.txt | wc -c)02:33
LaserJockdd if=nameofbigfile.txt of=truncatedversion.pl ibs=$BYTES  skip=102:33
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bmontyhas anyone decided the process for requesting syncs?  open a bug and subscribe the archive team?02:47
crimsunthat's what I've been doing, and the ones I've opened have been processed within a couple hours of my filing them02:47
bmontyare you addind build logs and such or just requesting the sync?02:48
crimsunI've titled all mine: "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync foobar version-# from Debian Sid"02:48
crimsunin the bug report I've linked to REPORT and underneath it said "Ok to override Ubuntu change{,s}"02:49
bmontyok, thanks crimsun02:49
crimsunI keep a browser tab open to the june '06 edgy-changes, and it refreshes every 3 minutes02:50
bmontywhat is the URL for that?02:50
crimsunthat way I can Find before I ../grab-merge.sh02:50
zulcrimsun: how does that script work...02:50
crimsunzul: grab-merge.sh basically wgets02:51
zulyeah i know that part but what arguments does it take?02:51
crimsunsource package name02:52
zulah ok...so something like grab-merge.sh abuse-sdl right?02:52
bmontyzul: yup, except I'm working that one ;)02:53
zulbmonty: er that was an example02:53
bmontyzul: ok, just wanted to make sure we don't duplicate any effort02:53
crimsunyeah, bmonty and I have history of toe-stomping ;)02:54
bmontycrimsun: :)02:55
bmontyfor the record I'm going to work the package that have my name next to them in the universe list02:55
crimsunyeah, that's what I'm doing02:55
zulgood idea02:55
crimsun(except I'm taking bzflag atm)02:56
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TheMusoWhat does one do with the changelog if the only conflicting files are config.sub and config.guess?03:05
TheMusoDo we change the MOM entry to one of our own?03:06
bmontyTheMuso: request a sync03:06
bmontyyou would want to override the ubuntu package with the version from debian03:06
TheMusoAh but the package I am working on has ubuntu-specific changes. A sync is not the right thing to do in this instance.03:07
TheMusoBut the only conflicts are those I mentioned.03:07
bmontyget the latest debian version, add the ubuntu changes, include the ubuntu changelog entries in the new version03:08
bmontyand the changelog entry could be something like "Resynchronize with Debian."03:08
bmontychangelog entry for the new version that is03:09
LaserJockTheMuso: but make sure to include old Ubuntu changelog entries03:12
TheMusoLaserJock: Yeah I know. Mom has done all of that for me, except the config.* changes, which are moot anyway.03:13
bmontyhmmm...I wonder if MoM could be configured to ignore bootstrap files?03:14
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bmontydoh, I just made a mistake :(03:28
bmontyforgot to use the -v option on dpkg-genchanges03:28
crimsunhmm, you're not using the merge-genchanges?03:31
crimsun(I don't, but I pass its contents to debuild)03:31
bmontyI'm not using merge-genchanges...where do I get it?03:33
crimsunit'll be in ../03:33
crimsunthat is, one level above the extracted source03:33
bmontyok, I see it03:33
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bddebianHeya gang03:42
bmontyhi bddebian03:42
bddebianHi bmonty03:42
zulTheMuso: ping03:45
TheMusohmm ok. Looks like the grab-merge.sh script can't handle versions with a : in them.03:45
TheMusozul: pong03:45
zulTheMuso: new grub has beep support03:46
TheMusoGrub 2 you mean?03:46
zulnope grub103:46
zuler...for edgy03:46
bmontyTheMuso: yeah, I had the problem also03:46
crimsunlooks like it just needs to be escaped03:50
crimsunjust ping keybuk about it tomorrow03:50
ajmitchI guess I should do some merges before bddebian does them all03:52
crimsunlove finding merge candidates that are really syncable03:53
bddebianIf there is install/foo:: in a cdbs rules, is that just for $package foo?03:59
bddebianI still don't understand how the hell scilab-3.0 builds and 4.0 seems to install completely differently04:01
bmontythis control file is totally screwed04:02
bmontypackage A depends on package B, and package B has it on the conflicts line and conflicts itself04:03
crimsunthe conflicts aren't versioned?04:03
crimsunbddebian: yes, just for foo04:04
bddebianbmonty: Nice04:04
bddebiancrimsun: Then how the f**k is scilab-3.0 building04:05
=== bddebian is getting very confused
crimsunthat's usually a sign to move on to another package and come back to it after a space04:06
bmontyis it policy for a package with python2.3-foo and python2.4-foo to conflict each other04:06
bddebiancrimsun: If that is the case then cdbs will build in debian/foo/ right?04:07
crimsunbddebian: given an adequately high dh_compat, yes04:07
crimsunyes, it should04:07
bddebianThen why the hell do the .install files look like this: ?04:08
bddebianOf course now that I look at it, I'm not quite sure why it's broken into three binaries anyway04:09
crimsunthe install files be broke04:11
crimsunback in 90 mins04:12
Hawkwindcrimsun: We're timing you, not a minute late you hear!04:12
shawarmaIf anyone would care to take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2524 it would be much appreciated.04:25
ograshawarma, hey its nearly 4:30 what are you still doing here ?04:28
jsgotangcosame for you ogra :P04:30
ograi have an excuse, i had a meeting with debian ltsp :P04:30
ograno, actually i was planning to be in bed 2h ago :)04:31
jsgotangcosounds like it went well...04:31
ograshawarma, at a first glance through my tired eyes the packaging looks fien04:32
ogra*fine too04:32
zulno thanks04:33
bddebianAh Mr. Knowitall, you want to help me with this? :0)04:34
shawarmaogra: I've got another exam tomorrow that I'm trying to prepare for.04:36
shawarmaogra: Somehow packaging random software seems more appealing. :-)04:37
shawarmaogra: For some odd reason I never manage to get any sleep before any of my exams. I always stay up *all* night preparing for them.04:38
bmontygood night everyone04:51
shawarmabmonty: G'night.04:51
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chillywillyanyone know how I can have a certain script/command executed when I power up a laptop that was hibernated via gnome-power-manager?06:31
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imbrandonchillywilly, might have better luck asking in #ubuntu ( as this is the packagers chan )06:47
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Hobbseehi Toadstool08:15
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee08:15
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robwhen using pbuilder I'm getting the following error: I/O error : Attempt to load network entity http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd09:30
roband ideas?09:31
crimsunhappens periodically, just retry09:31
robI have been for the last 8 hours or so09:31
crimsundoes it load for you in a Web browser? (it does here)09:32
crimsunyou might be able to get away with using --nonet09:33
crimsunthat is, presuming you have docbook as a build-dep09:34
robdocbook2x, yeah09:35
crimsunah, you may need docbook-xml then09:36
crimsunsince docbook-xml is only a Recommends for docbook2x09:36
robhmm, never needed it before09:38
crimsunI dunno beyond that, sorry09:41
=== rob tries it
=== AnAnt [n=anant@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:45f] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AnAntlionelp: u there ?09:43
AnAntlionelp: thanks for your comments on vim09:44
lionelpoh, you're welcome :)09:44
AnAntlionelp: I need to understand few stuff though09:44
AnAntlionelp: where can I get the release that's in edgy ? (I did enable dapper-backports)09:44
lionelpsearch vim on http://package.ubuntu.com with edgy release09:45
AnAntlionelp: does that mean that I have to do update in pbuilder ? as I am always building for dapper09:45
lionelpyou will find it09:45
AnAntthat edgy release won't work for dapper I guess, right ?09:45
crimsundifferent toolchain. It may not work.09:46
AnAntcrimsun: errr, that answer was for which question ?09:47
crimsun < AnAnt> that edgy release won't work for dapper I guess, right ?09:48
AnAntcrimsun: ok, thanks09:48
AnAntlionelp: you said "release should be set to edgy, not expermental". does that mean that I have to do update in pbuilder ? as I am always building for dapper09:48
AnAntlionelp: btw, I left that 'release' as is from the Debian repos09:49
lionelpIf you plan to build package for REVU, you should update you pbuilder to dapper yes09:49
lionelpAnAnt: I understand, but we are talking for packages in Ubuntu, not Debian. So we use Ubuntu release, not Debian09:50
AnAntlionelp: you mean update to edgy ?09:50
dsasDon't you want an edgy pbuilder?09:50
lionelpyour pbuilder yes09:50
lionelpnot necessary your complete machine09:50
AnAntlionelp: what if I left pbuilder at dapper (ie. didn't update it to edgy), that won't be correct ?09:52
AnAntlionelp: the thing is I build packages so that they would also work for my dapper09:52
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lionelpyou can build your package for dapper ever if your changelog is for edgy09:52
lionelpbut that alose means that you will not do a complete check09:52
lionelpyou can have several pbuilder09:54
AnAntlionelp: let me make sure I understand correctly. So I don't have to update my pbuilder to edgy, but in the changelog I should put the word edgy instead of 'unstable' or 'experimental', right ?09:54
lionelpin that case, your source package will be correct09:55
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AnAntlionelp: should I put ubuntuX in  version the release ? or that does not matter ?09:57
lionelpyou mean the package version number or the Ubuntu release ?09:58
lionelpfor ubuntu release in changelog, you only use codename ("dapper", "edgy")09:58
AnAntlike ubuntu0 or ubuntu1 , in version yes09:59
AnAntis that a must or optional?09:59
lionelpit is a must as it is a build for Ubuntu09:59
lionelpyou should add "ubuntu1" at the end of the Debian package rebuild09:59
lionelp(and if you do another package version ubuntu2, etc.)10:00
AnAntbtw, I thought REVU was for both Ubuntu & Debian, or am I wrong ?10:00
lionelpno, it is only for Ubuntu10:00
AnAntthanks a lot10:00
AnAntwas there a problem with REVU yesterday ?10:01
AnAntnothing that I uploaded yesterday is there10:01
HobbseeAnAnt: you need to be a part of the REVU maintainer group to be able to upload10:01
AnAntHobbsee: well I am I guess, because I did upload stuff before10:02
lionelpAnAnt: it is quite new10:03
AnAntlionelp: new ?10:04
lionelpbefore, you did not have to be a member of ubuntu-universe-contributors to upload in revu10:04
AnAntnew system10:05
Hobbseeanyone know what libhamlib-dev got replaced by?10:05
AnAntso, how to be member?10:06
HobbseeAnAnt: join it, and wait for approval10:06
crimsunHobbsee: hamlib-dev ?10:06
AnAntnow, I am mixed up, what is this channel for & what is #launchpad for ?10:07
Hobbseecrimsun: b-d is libhamlib-dev10:07
Hobbseecrimsun: where does hamlib-dev exist?10:07
crimsunHobbsee: libhamlib-dev is only valid in Debian testing/unstable (and thus Ubuntu Edgy)10:08
Hobbseecrimsun: yes, so why cant my edgy pbuilder find it?10:09
crimsunHobbsee: libhamlib* actually replaces hamlib*10:09
crimsunHobbsee: because hamlib 1.2.5-6 hasn't been synced yet.10:09
Hobbseecrimsun: right, so i just ignore this package until it has been synced?10:10
crimsunHobbsee: right10:10
lionelpAnAnt: this channel is for contributing to the Universe repository of Ubuntu10:10
crimsunHobbsee: ...or file a sync request for hamlib10:10
crimsunHobbsee: which you shouldn't need to do, since it'll be synced automatically10:10
lionelp #launchpad is for talking of launchpad the collaborative tool that Ubuntu used to manage the distro10:10
lucassomebody has a script to file a "request sync" bug ?10:12
sivangmorning all!10:15
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Hobbseemorning sivang!10:20
AnAntHobbsee: ok, so I am now registered, I can upload using dput now ?10:22
HobbseeAnAnt: have they approved you yet?10:22
AnAntHobbsee: they ?10:22
AnAntHobbsee: Registration completed successfully10:22
AnAntHobbsee: that's what I got10:23
HobbseeAnAnt: yes, but there's a difference between registration and approval10:23
AnAntHobbsee: also I got that I am "not an active member of any Launchpad teams."10:23
AnAntHobbsee: how do I know about approval ?10:23
HobbseeAnAnt: what's your launchpad page?10:24
Hobbseeraphink: ping?10:26
raphinkwhat's wrong?10:26
AnAntthat rhymes10:26
anibalcrimsun: ping10:27
Hobbseeraphink: can AnAnt get approval to the REVU group?10:28
raphinkhaven't seen a request10:29
Hobbseeraphink: apparently he just joined10:29
raphinkhavent received anything10:29
raphinklet me have a look10:29
anibalraphink: could you please review my first ubuntu package?10:29
raphinkanibal: haven't got time for that now10:30
raphinkAnAnt: please request addition to the group, then i'll approve you10:30
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AnAntraphink: where's that ?10:31
raphinkAnAnt: add a GnuPG key to your LP account prior to do that, too10:31
=== StevenK wonders where MoM lives now.
TheMusoWhat is the revu launchpad team for?10:31
raphinkAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU10:31
raphinkTheMuso: getting upload rights to REVU10:31
TheMusoUm ok. I thought that wasn't needed.10:31
anibalraphink: what do I need to get into REVU?10:31
Hobbseeanibal: get approval to join https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members10:33
nexuget the page about how to join REVU basically10:33
raphinkanibal: same question as AnAnt, same answer : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU10:33
nexuget to read*10:33
raphinkso I don't feel like I write doc for nothing ;)10:34
=== nexu read them
AnAntI did join REVU long time ago10:34
AnAntbut it seems that system changed or so10:34
raphinkAnAnt: it changed last week10:35
raphinkREVU is heading towards LP integration10:35
Hobbseeraphink: that's got nothing about the recent launchpad team that you have to be added to, to upload, that i can see10:35
Hobbseeraphink: (thank goodness for that!)10:36
raphinkHobbsee: I'm not sure to understand your sentence10:36
raphinkbut if I understood it, my answer is : "you don't need to be added to the team if you're already on REVU"10:36
raphinkbut new REVU uploaders need to10:36
robI'm on both :)10:36
Hobbseeraphink: now you have to join the group at https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members to upload - that doenst seem to be in that revu page10:36
AnAntraphink: ok, I requested to join universe team now10:37
raphinkHobbsee: I updated the page though :s10:37
AnAntand imported my gpg key in launchpad too10:37
raphinkHobbsee: please read the page again, carefuly ;)10:37
Hobbseeraphink: can you give me a section of text you're referring to - i cant see it10:38
raphinkIt is not necessary to GetYourKeySigned, but it is a good idea anyway. In order to upload to REVU, you will need to be added to the REVU keyring. Be sure that you have a [WWW]  Launchpad account and that you have added your GPGKey to it. Then ask to [WWW]  be added to the Ubuntu Universe Contributors team. One of the REVU admins will add you then to the group (== Upload rights for REVU). You don't need a password to upload packages, only to log 10:38
Hobbseeraphink: ah right10:38
raphinkI fixed it last week10:39
raphinkok added new members10:40
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:Hobbsee] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers) | [Edgy MoM] https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU
AnAntraphink: thanks, so now I can use dput as I used to do before ?10:41
=== doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-092-078.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchraphink: ran revu-key update on tiber?10:41
ajmitchit takes a little while10:41
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raphinkajmitch_: it's running right now10:42
raphinkyes it takes some time10:42
=== ajmitch didn't want to run it while you were doing so :)
raphinkupdate done10:43
AnAntok, I have a question, when I make a new version of a software, it doesn't create a .orig tarball, is that correct ?10:44
ajmitch_hi \sh10:45
AnAnthmmm, didn't upload still ?!10:47
dsasAnAnt: I believe that the upstream .orig file shouldn't have changed so there's no need for a new one.10:47
AnAntdsas: it did change, what I meant, is that it doesn't call the original tarball .orig10:48
AnAntdsas: it called it freedict_1.4-1ubuntu0.tar.gz10:49
ajmitchAnAnt: it shouldn't be creating a tarball at all10:49
AnAntwithout .orig10:49
ajmitchyou must make the .orig.tar.gz by renaming the upstream tarball10:49
sivanghey \sh10:50
Hobbseewelcome back ajmitch10:51
ajmitchfor a few minutes, at least10:52
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AnAntajmitch: ok, the thing is this, there was freedict-1.3, I added another dictionary to it, hence I thought I would bump the version to 1.4, is that ok so far ?11:01
AnAntajmitch: hence, I renamed the source directory to freedict-1.411:06
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp112-65.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== StevenK wonders how one takes ownership of a merge/sync.
StevenKFile a bug in LP, as per usual?11:08
AnAntok, fixed it11:16
AnAntbtw, I still can't upload anything11:18
AnAntalthough I am now a contributor in universe11:19
AnAntdput doesn't give me a problem11:19
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StevenKAre people grabbing onto merges/syncs?12:10
tsenggrab some12:10
StevenKHow are we declaring ownership?12:10
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AnAntbtw, I still can't upload anything, although I am now a contributor in ubuntu universe. Although dput is not giving any errors, but I see nothing that I have uploaded today on REVU. Can anyone help ?12:50
ajmitchwhat have you uploaded, and with what version?12:51
AnAntwhat u mean, what version ?12:55
ajmitchthe exact version12:55
ajmitchas given in debian/changelog12:56
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AnAntbitlbee (1.0.3-1ubuntu0) edgy12:57
Amaranthshould be 1.0.3-0ubuntu112:58
ajmitchand you didn't put your gpg key on launchpad12:58
ajmitchso there's nothing for the keyring update script to grab12:58
AnAntwhy ubuntu1 ?12:58
AnAntajmitch: I did12:58
AnAntoh, that was a ssh key12:59
ajmitchAnAnt: it's not listed on your launchpad page12:59
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AnAntwhat is the keyserver ?01:01
ajmitchjust use the openpgpkeys link on the left01:02
ajmitchthe key should be on any of the common keyservers01:02
AnAntoh ok, done01:04
AnAntwaiting for the email, thanks01:04
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AnAntok, I put my PGP key, and tried to upload again, now dput gives me error 55301:54
ajmitchbecause the files are already there01:55
ajmitchand the key isn't synced across yet01:55
AnAntajmitch: umm, how do I know if it is synced or not01:57
ajmitchyou would have had to ask one of us01:58
AnAntajmitch: you mean, that after the key is synced, the files I uploaded (before putting the key) will be on REVU ?01:58
ajmitchthe files are still there01:59
ajmitchI'll remove them, and you can upload again01:59
ajmitchbtw, you should not change the upstream version of freedict just because you made a change to it, unless you are upstream yourself01:59
AnAntI did issue dcut command02:00
ajmitchthat's like adding a patch to firefox & calling it firefox 1.602:00
ajmitchdcut doesn't work for revu02:00
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ajmitchhi zul02:16
zulhey ajmitch how goes it?02:16
ajmitchalright, you?02:16
zulgood just having breakfast02:17
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yvesCI would see pysycache in universe. http://pysycache.org/ . It's software for 3-6 kids, mouse-based amusement.02:18
yvesCpygame based.02:18
AnAntajmitch: thanks, I am uploading now02:19
AnAntajmitch: as for freedict, when I add the new dictionary, I get this problem in dpkg-buildpackage  "dpkg-source: cannot represent change to ara-eng-20041030.tar.gz: binary file contents changed"02:23
ajmitchwhich is why you can't add in binary files like that, but have to do workarounds like with uuencode, etc02:24
=== StevenK waves.
StevenKIt's been that long since I merged and synced that I've lost all my clues.02:25
TheMusoStevenK: yeah. if you are out of the loop for even a couple of weeks, it can sometimes take a while to catch up.02:27
ajmitchhi StevenK02:28
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
GloubiboulgaHello MOTU world02:32
TheMusoHey Gloubiboulga02:34
Gloubiboulgahello TheMuso :)02:34
=== StevenK ponders how to debug a failing test in a build.
StevenKWhile watching xemacs21 build.02:36
StevenKMy poor amd64. xemacs21 is a bitch to build.02:36
ajmitchpeddle faster!02:37
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-27-15.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKI'm already peddling at 2.8GHz02:38
lfittlsiretart: ping02:43
siretartlfittl: yes?02:44
ajmitchhi siretart02:44
lfittlsiretart: could you approve my membership for the ubuntu-universe-contributors team, so I can upload to revu again?02:44
=== ajmitch approved
ajmitchsiretart: I'll sync keys again02:45
lfittlajmitch: thanks :)02:45
ajmitchsince it was still in the history of another shell02:45
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Gloubiboulgais there an edgy chroot on tiber?03:15
Gloubiboulgaedgy pbuilder*03:15
raphinknot yet I think03:19
Gloubiboulgathanks raphink, et salut ;)03:19
raphinknon y'a pas je confirme03:20
raphinkil faudrait en faire un03:20
Gloubiboulgaguten tag \sh03:20
raphinkhi \h03:21
\shok...let's wait until 800GB are formatted with ext3 *boring*03:21
\shjust FA Installing an ubuntu 6.06 server :)03:21
Hobbseehi \sh03:21
Hobbsee& raphink & Gloubiboulga03:22
\shhuhu raphink, Gloubiboulga, Hobbsee, and all the rest of the motu crew :=)03:22
Gloubiboulgahello Hobbsee03:22
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
=== Hobbsee splats on the ground.
=== chipmonk010 [n=chris@c-69-142-27-27.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ogra brings a shovel
Hobbseethanks ogra03:25
=== Hobbsee is shoveled into a little ball of hobbsee goo.
=== Mithrandir shakes Hobbsee a little so she gets back her usual form. ;-P
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=== Hobbsee remains as hobbsee goo.
ajmitchhm, hobbsee jam03:26
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chipmonk010im having some trouble uploading to revu is this the place to ask?03:32
AnAntchipmonk010: when was your last successful update ?03:32
chipmonk010this is the first one03:32
Hobbseechipmonk010: are you part of the REVU group in launchpad?  see the topic03:33
chipmonk010yes was just added a few minutes ago03:33
chipmonk010i tried uploading yesterday and the upload froze now im getting  Error '553 Could not create file.'03:34
chipmonk010i tried using dcut to remove the partially uploaded file *.dsc but no luck03:36
ajmitchbecause dcut can't be used on revu03:36
ajmitchand you need to ask an admin03:36
Hobbseei think you'll probably need a revu admin to remove the partially uploaded .dsc file?03:36
Hobbseeajmitch is volunteering :P03:37
=== ajmitch sighs
StevenKOh, damn.03:37
=== StevenK wonders if dcut works for upload.u.c
Hobbseeyou know you want to ajmitch03:38
ajmitchI already did it03:38
Hobbseeoh good03:38
TheMusoDon't pressure the poor bloke, come on guys.03:38
StevenKI ought to run merge-genchanges03:38
HobbseeTheMuso: :P  whyever not?03:38
chipmonk010thanks guys03:38
TheMusoMaybe because he might have other things to do?03:38
HobbseeTheMuso: what, like sleep?03:38
Hobbseenah...it's not even midnight yet.03:38
sivangStevenK: merge-genchanges is part of dpkg?03:39
StevenKsivang: No, MoM's grab-merge.sh generates it.03:40
ajmitchStevenK: how bad was your upload of xemacs21?03:41
sivangStevenK: hmm, I should finally go and read Scott's email about edgy MOM03:41
chipmonk010oh before i upload again, my package is a fix for the mythv package already in the repos, is revu for new packages only?03:41
StevenKajmitch: I should have run merge-genchanges, and didn't.03:41
ajmitchStevenK: which means?03:42
StevenKajmitch: The .changes file contained only my changes, not every change since the last version in edgy.03:43
TheMusoSo where are you guys putting your merged packages for those who aren't MOTUs yet?03:43
Hobbseechipmonk010: no, you can upload there03:43
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HobbseeTheMuso: revu03:43
TheMusoah ok03:43
ajmitchStevenK: so that only matters for what's on the changes list03:43
ajmitchit's not going to be a bad upload03:43
ajmitchsure, some people will yell at you & all03:43
StevenKWell, it's my first upload.03:43
StevenKAnd I'm a pedantic bastard.03:44
chipmonk010Hobbsee: ok cool thanks again03:44
=== TheMuso ponders getting a snack before the meeting...
HobbseeTheMuso: you've just got time03:51
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TheMusoYeah I know.03:54
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lfittlcould somebody review and upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2539 for me? (just a new upstream version, no new package)04:19
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Gloubiboulgalfittl, I'm having a look04:27
chipmonk010i successfully uploaded a package to revu but i cant see it at http://revu.tauware.de/ nor can i recover my passwd does ne one know could i have to do something more the dput?04:27
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lfittlchipmonk010: the package takes approx. 5 min after your upload until it shows up04:29
chipmonk010its been like 45mins still nothin04:31
lfittlchipmonk010: then ask one of the revu admins about it04:32
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Hobbseechipmonk010: what's your login for launchpad?04:38
chipmonk010Hobbsee: "chipmonk010"04:39
Hobbseechipmonk010: join this team:  https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members04:39
Hobbseeheya Toadstool04:40
chipmonk010Hobbsee: im already a member04:40
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee04:40
lfittlchipmonk010: is this your upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2541 ?04:40
Hobbseechipmonk010: oh yeah.  sorry - thought it was sorted by alphabetical order04:40
chipmonk010yes thats it! thanks04:41
lfittlnp ;)04:41
chipmonk010Hobbsee: did u do something or did it just show up?04:44
Hobbseechipmonk010: i didnt do anything to it04:44
chipmonk010Hobbsee: strange oh well thanks neway04:45
Gloubiboulgalfittl, some files are missing in you packages, but maybe it's an upstream problem (investigating)04:50
lfittlGloubiboulga: which files do you mean?04:50
lfittlGloubiboulga: I am also part of upstream, so I can fix this too04:50
Gloubiboulgalibloki.so.0 for example04:50
lfittlwhat file should that be?04:51
Gloubiboulgawhich should be a link to libloki.so.0.1.504:51
lfittlwhats the reason to have this link?04:51
Gloubiboulgait gives you the soname04:51
lfittlthe soname is the full version, since every release changes the ABI04:52
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sivangshawarma: ping05:03
lfittlGloubiboulga: what are the other files that you think are missing?05:05
Gloubiboulgalfittl, only this one actually05:06
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lfittlGloubiboulga: do you think there is something wrong about the soname?05:07
Gloubiboulgalfittl, not really _wrong_ but usually you find soname like .0 or .0.x, but I've never seen a so.0.1.505:08
Gloubiboulgaactually, I've seen it once, but it's been changed :)05:08
Gloubiboulgaif the ABI changes in a new release, you just have to switch from .0 to .1, that's not a problem I guess05:09
Gloubiboulgabut I'm not good enough about that to tell you "that's the way it works"05:09
Gloubiboulgamaybe someone else could confirm (or not ;) )05:10
lfittlthen lets ask, anybody here who has enough experience with sonames to help us out?05:10
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Mithrandir: tfheen@xoog ~ > objdump -x  /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7 | grep SON SONAME      libssl.so.0.9.705:12
Mithrandir: tfheen@xoog ~ > objdump -x  /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7 | grep SON05:13
Mithrandir  SONAME      libssl.so.0.9.705:13
Mithrandirso they cerrtainly exist.05:13
Mithrandircertainly, even05:13
=== Gloubiboulga shuts up now
lfittlGloubiboulga: could you upload it then? :)05:14
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Hobbseehey bddebian!05:15
bddebianHi Hobbsee05:16
bddebianHeya gang05:16
Gloubiboulgalfittl, yep, sorry for the noise05:18
Gloubiboulgahi bddebian05:18
lfittlno problem ;)05:19
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bddebianHi Gloubiboulga05:20
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lfittlGloubiboulga: thanks05:26
Gloubiboulgalfittl, thanks you ;)05:27
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DanielCI'm thinking of making a package that would add a menu entry to OpenOffice.org (it'd add Help > User Guide). Are there any problems with changing OOo menus?05:49
DanielCI mean... would it get rejected on that basis?05:50
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=== Hobbsee doesnt understand why teh fonts are quite so small.
Birthday_Kaiserthey arnte very big :)06:05
Hobbseeno, but why are the defaults so small?06:05
Hobbseei think someone needs to do some DPI work with edgy06:05
Birthday_Kaisersome funny kde reason probalby :)06:05
HobbseeBirthday_Kaiser: this is gnome06:05
Birthday_KaiserHobbsee, :o06:05
Birthday_Kaiserits your comjpute :P06:06
Hobbseethis is a live cd06:06
=== Birthday_Kaiser huggles Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee huggles Birthday_Kaiser
=== Birthday_Kaiser huggles bddebian
=== Hobbsee wants to configure xterm BLACK!
Birthday_Kaiseryou dont have xterm :OP{06:06
Hobbseewhite on light grey does not work.06:06
Hobbseesure i do, that's what i'm chatting from06:06
Birthday_Kaiserno, your using gnome-terminal06:07
Hobbseei started xterm specifically06:07
=== Birthday_Kaiser didnt think xterm was on the live cd
HobbseeBirthday_Kaiser: seems to be,j ust hidden06:08
Birthday_KaiserHobbsee, hehe. like the ohter 1200 apps ;)06:08
bddebianHeya Birthday_Kaiser06:11
=== Hobbsee pokes and prods bddebian
=== Birthday_kgoetz [n=kgoetz@ppp100-144.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Birthday_kgoetzhey bddebian :)06:13
bddebianHobbsee: ?06:13
=== Birthday_kgoetz just crashed....
Hobbseebddebian: no apparent reason why06:14
Birthday_kgoetzi keep crashing ;'(06:14
bddebianHobbsee: OK :)06:14
bddebianBirthday_Kaiser: So is it your birthday?06:14
Birthday_kgoetzbddebian: yep :) for 24 hours :)06:15
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Birthday_kgoetzbddebian: i'm 20 today :), the sad thjin is i have spend teh last 2 hours hugging  people online ;)06:16
bddebianEgads, I could be your father :)06:17
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-250-59-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianBirthday_kgoetz: Well happy birthday06:17
Birthday_kgoetzthanks bddebian :)06:17
Birthday_kgoetzomfg. the laptop crashed launching xchat :(06:17
Hobbseehey now, you *have* xchat, dont complain :P06:18
Birthday_kgoetzwhat do you think this is, some ubuntu default crap :P06:19
=== Birthday_kgoetz hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs the invisbile person in return
Birthday_kgoetzyay for mandarines and beer06:20
Birthday_kgoetzand Hobbsee :)O06:20
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Birthday_kgoetzimbrandon: !06:20
Hobbseehiya imbrandon06:20
Hobbseeis imbrandon visible?  hmmm...06:20
=== Birthday_kgoetz needs to get his cloak fixed
imbrandonheya Hobbsee06:20
imbrandonhey Birthday_kgoetz06:20
Birthday_kgoetzhi imbrandon :)06:21
Hobbseeooh!  imbrandon is visible!06:21
=== Hobbsee kicks gnome
Hobbseewhy isnt there some form of ksnapshot equivalent?06:21
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/KampingKaiser/x-3453498] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Kamping_Kaiser huggles Hobbsee bddebian and imbrandon
=== Hobbsee huggles the invisible one
=== Birthday_kgoetz sighs. crashed again.
=== Birthday_kgoetz needs to get a new sytesm... stabilty is an isseu :(
Hobbseebddebian: Kamping_Kaiser imbrandon http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6869/screenshot4su.png <-- why i'm having trouble.06:23
=== Birthday_kgoetz blames xgl 3rd party repo - my edgy sytem was more or less stable untill i turned on that 3rd party crap :(
imbrandonwhats that irssi ?06:24
Birthday_kgoetzwhats the problem :)06:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, in xterm, on a dapper livecd06:24
HobbseeBirthday_kgoetz: see the effects of white on light grey06:24
Hobbseeand tiny text06:25
Hobbseeit's not so bad blazingly bright, at the right angle.06:25
Hobbseebut right now, i'ts unreadable06:25
imbrandonumm thats just irssi config06:25
Birthday_kgoetzin xterm your on your own, i can only help in gnome-term06:25
Hobbseerock!  it'd be readable there!06:26
Hobbseeanyway, i'm going to sleep06:26
imbrandongnight Hobbsee06:26
=== Hobbsee [n=ubuntu@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #ubuntu-motu []
Birthday_kgoetzshes gone :(06:26
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fbondis the only thing currently broken in revu password recovery?06:37
fbondanyone know?06:37
fbondI see a lot of revu action, but I'm locked out, and have been for several days06:37
fbondI never bothered memorizing my password cause it was so easy to just recover it06:38
imbrandonsee the last item in the topic06:41
imbrandonrevu has been updated with LP intergration06:42
zulthis is not good.."touch: setting times of `patch-stamp': Function not implemented07:03
zuledgy chroot07:03
ogramount proc07:05
zulduh...thanks ogra07:05
hubwhat is the color difference in MOM output07:06
hublight green vs medium green?07:06
sivangso, grab a pbuilder, and the new set of Mom scripts, and start merging right?07:07
=== Birthday_kgoetz hugs hub and sivang
sivanghey Birthday_kgoetz , happy birhtday :)07:08
sivanghow do e co-ordinate who is working on which package?07:08
Birthday_kgoetzhi sivang :)07:08
Birthday_kgoetzwhats mom?07:09
hubBirthday_kgoetz: my name is hub, not hug07:09
hubBirthday_kgoetz: MoM = Merge-o-Matic07:09
Birthday_kgoetzoh, lol07:09
=== highvoltage [n=jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Birthday_kgoetz genrates random affection
=== zul does an evil laugh
=== fredix [n=fredix@ip-189.net-81-220-240.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== hub updates his pbuilder
=== Birthday_kgoetz looks at sleep
Birthday_kgoetzhi LaserJock :)07:22
LaserJockhi Birthday_kgoetz07:23
LaserJockwild guess here, but I'm getting the feeling it's somebody's birthday :-)07:24
Birthday_kgoetzLaserJock: :) what gave it away :)07:24
hubso if I resolve a merge from MoM, I'll just dput it to universe?07:27
hubdo I need to apply to that: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members ?07:33
LaserJockhub: that's for people who want to upload to REVU07:34
hubah right07:34
hubI"m already in Ubuntu-dev07:34
LaserJockyep, so i think you can just upload the merge07:36
hubI know I can upload to universe07:41
hubI was asking if that was the right thing07:41
hubI'll do it07:41
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Tonio_hi all07:52
_ionBono estente.07:52
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-232-250.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya Tonio_07:59
LaserJockhi bddebian08:00
bddebianHeya LaserJock08:00
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highvoltagehey bddebianisagod and LaserJock08:04
LaserJockhi highvoltage08:04
highvoltageLaserJock: how are things?08:05
LaserJockhighvoltage: still sick, but got a driver's license08:05
=== bddebian kicks highvoltage ;-)
highvoltageLaserJock: heh. i wish i could say that :)08:06
=== highvoltage limps around the channel
LaserJockhighvoltage: could say what?08:06
bddebianLaserJock: I told you to stay away from those French hookers.. ;-P08:06
highvoltageLaserJock: that i got my drivers' license!08:06
highvoltagebddebian: if only they could stay away from him, too!08:06
=== highvoltage hopes that LaserJock's wife isn't reading
LaserJockI'm talking to her on the phone08:07
LaserJockIt's the stupid subway system08:08
LaserJockhighvoltage: I had a driver's license at 16, not having one is really bad for me08:08
hubI have 2 drivers license08:09
hubone European, one north american08:09
LaserJockstill haven't gotten new credit and atm cards though, they should be arriving anyday08:09
hubLaserJock: what happened?08:10
hubyou lost everything?08:10
LaserJockhub: yeah, pickpocketed on the Paris subway08:10
highvoltageLaserJock: i have a learners, my biggest incentive for a license is so that i can buy a better car. at the moment it's an 1989 citi golf08:10
hubLaserJock: never happened to me08:10
hubLaserJock: and I have taken the subway for YEARS08:11
highvoltagehub: where do you live?08:11
hubhighvoltage: Ottawa, Canada08:11
hubhighvoltage: used to live in Paris' burb08:11
huband Lille08:11
LaserJockhighvoltage: I had to learn to drive early growing up on a ranch, I could drive decently well by the time I was 1208:11
highvoltagewow. i only learned to drive when i was about 22.08:12
highvoltage(well, drive car, at least)08:12
hubI got my license at 1908:12
hubin France the age is 18 anyway08:12
highvoltage18 here too.08:13
hubyou can drink before you can drive ;-)08:13
LaserJockwell, I had to get a driver's license at 16 so I could drive myself to university ;-)08:13
highvoltagewe can only drink from 18 too. and smoke.08:14
LaserJocksmoke at 18, drink at 21 here08:14
highvoltageLaserJock: wow. we seriously need more liberal laws here :)08:14
hubin France, they don't care08:14
hubanybody can buy smokes08:14
huband bozze08:14
ToadstoolI've seen kids smoking at 10 in France :(08:15
highvoltagehub: well, that explains why Paris is so dirty ;)08:15
highvoltagei've seen kids smoking at 12 in cape town too, but at least they throw their cigarette buds in the bin when they're done ;)08:15
LaserJockbut at least you go to Subway next to Notre Dame, Paris can't be all that bad08:16
hubhighvoltage: compared to what?08:16
ToadstoolLaserJock: as a tourist Paris is a nice town :)08:16
highvoltagehub: cape town, durban, london08:16
LaserJockToadstool: if you keep you wallet ;-)08:17
highvoltageeven jo'burg.08:17
hubonly been to london08:17
hubnot significantly cleaner08:17
ToadstoolLaserJock: that's because the guy noticed you were a foreigner ^^08:17
hubthat's because I never put the wallet in the back pack or the back pocket of the jeans08:17
LaserJockI put it in the front to be careful08:18
highvoltagelondon was cleaner than paris was now when i was there last year.08:18
zulheh when i was in nairobi some kids stole my dad's mirror from his car08:18
highvoltageat least london has signs "This is a high pick-pocket area" in certain areas :)08:18
bddebianLaserJock: You were an Evil American so you were a target ;-P08:18
LaserJockbddebian: of course :-)08:18
Toadstooltss :)08:18
highvoltagebddebian: which evil nationilty are you?08:19
LaserJockat least I had a great bunch of friends around :-)08:19
highvoltageLaserJock: :)08:19
hubhighvoltage: they have the same announcement in paris subway... in French08:19
bddebianhighvoltage: I am the most Evil of Americans :-)08:19
hubhighvoltage: anyway. Rule #1 pickpockets are everywhere08:19
highvoltagehub: hehe08:19
hubrule #2: not seeing any, see rule #108:19
LaserJockanyway ...08:20
LaserJockeverybody got there edgy pbuilders ready to go?08:21
bddebianLaserJock: Sort of :-)08:21
LaserJockwere we going to do a REVU day today?08:21
hubmine is working08:21
LaserJockI'm still trying to grab all the -updates and -security stuff on my Dapper box :(08:22
Toadstoolmine is broken 'cause the local mirror doesn't have the latest cpio version... :(08:22
fbondwhenever anyone has a second, I'd love to be approved as a universe contributor08:23
LaserJockfbond: did you join the LP team?08:23
fbondthat's what I need approval on08:24
LaserJockas long as you have joined, then somebody will be around to approve it when they can08:24
LaserJockthey are notified by email when you join08:24
LaserJockI think siretart is the one that can approve08:26
crimsunbeware that sudo, cpio, and binutils are all horked on Edgy currently08:27
=== selinium [n=selinium@80-193-7-120.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
chillywillyajmitch: what time is it there?08:27
LaserJockcrimsun: I thought they were fixed recently (at least cpio)08:28
bddebianHeya chillywilly08:28
crimsunLaserJock: the first two should be08:28
crimsunLaserJock: binutils bug only rears its head in stripping08:29
LaserJockthis release cycle is so short, I sure hope things like that  can get ironed out soon08:30
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hubhow often update MoM listing?08:47
bddebianLaserJock: I almost have scilab-4.0 nailed, I think08:56
crimsunwho's uploading merges with MoM still listed in the changelog? :)08:56
bddebianNot I08:56
bddebianOK, now I am really confused.  I did a pubilder login --save-after-login, apt-get update, and exit08:58
bddebianAnd when I pbuilder build foo, it still can't find x11proto-gl-dev08:58
LaserJockbddebian: can you put your source package up somewhere?09:00
bddebianIt's not mine09:00
LaserJockwho's is it?09:01
=== shenki [n=shenki@ppp147-73.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Cya!"]
bddebianBut it works in her and imbrandon's pbuilders09:02
LaserJockbddebian: oh, then that's quite odd09:06
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crimsunbddebian: you don't have x11proto-gl-dev in http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages ?09:34
bddebiancrimsun: If I do an apt-get install from pbuilder login, it works fine09:34
bddebianpbuilder build doesn't get it09:35
crimsungot the source package posted?09:36
crimsundsc would be fine for starters09:36
bddebianNo, Hobbsee sent it to me via e-mail09:37
bddebianThough it might be on REVU by now09:37
crimsunyeah, that is on revu09:37
crimsungot something funky in your pbuilder, perhaps?09:39
bddebianAye but I can't figure out what..09:41
crimsunand the pbuilder's up to date n' all?09:42
sivanghey slomo , 'sup? :)09:42
bddebianI did both a 'sudo pbuild-edgy update --override-config' and tried 'sudo pbuilder login --save-after-login' and apt-get update inside09:42
bddebianOK, dumb question.  What is PREFIX vs. DESTDIR?09:56
crimsunprefix is the actual prefix of the path where file are installed09:57
crimsunnormally, /usr09:57
crimsundestdir is the destination where compiled source is installed into09:57
bddebianAh, hmm09:58
bddebianMan this stupid scilab package is making me feel more stupid than usual :-(09:58
crimsunso for Debian/Ubuntu packages, prefix is normally /usr, and destdir is normally $(pwd)/debian/$package09:58
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bddebianWell this is what Scientific Computing is doing for scilab..  $(MAKE) -e install PREFIX=$(CURDIR)/debian/scilab/usr DOCNAME=scilab09:59
crimsunso they're using PREFIX where packages normally use DESTDIR?10:02
crimsuncan you post the Makefile?10:02
bddebiancrimsun: According to Debian.readme, they specifically aren't touching the configuration files10:03
bddebianBut they are using normal debhelper stuff, not cdbs10:04
crimsunright, but I would need to see the Makefile to understand its semantics10:04
bddebianOh, sorry, hang on10:04
crimsun(well, its syntax but the semantics of the call)10:04
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Specwhen is uds-paris?10:09
LaserJockit was last week10:10
crimsunit happened already10:10
Specoh, cool10:10
=== Spec wrote a spec and it got approved :)
LaserJockwhich one?10:11
bddebiancrimsun: will a makefile.in do?10:13
crimsunbddebian: erm, well, we'll see10:14
bddebianI guess I can make one10:14
SpecLaserJock: it's not a very impressive spec, but it should've been implemented since breezy ;p10:16
crimsunno, usability improvements are impressive regardless10:17
crimsunlots of small improvements win10:17
crimsunwhat is most annoying to me at the moment is that external storage via usb/firewire isn't unmounted pre-suspend-to-{ram,disk}10:18
LaserJockto me there seemed to be a lot of activity around usability and a11y in Paris10:23
crimsunas there should have been imnsho10:23
LaserJockI wish I could have gone to all the BOFs :-)10:24
LaserJockit was really hard picking and choosing10:24
bddebianDamn, apparently I REALLY don't understand cdbs :'-(10:35
crimsunthere is simply too much inanity in #ubuntu atm10:35
bddebiancrimsun: If you get a sec:  http://www2.bddebian.com:8000/packages/ubuntu/scilab4/10:43
crimsunI'm firewalled on 800010:43
crimsunpretty much firewalled on everything save 80, 22, and 21.10:43
crimsun(sec, I need to find another host)10:44
LaserJockcrimsun: bummer, I feel your pain, although not quite that much10:44
uniqi can mirror for you if you want.10:50
uniqthere you go.10:51
bddebiancrimsun: It seems like even with PREFIX set, it tries to create the $package dir under debian/tmp10:53
crimsunbddebian: right, so they're using PREFIX where DESTDIR normally is10:54
crimsunprefix/destdir a non-issue10:55
crimsunwhat dh_compat?10:55
bddebiancrimsun: Yeah, the do weird crap like prefix=$PREFIX10:55
crimsunany .installs?10:55
bddebian3 of them10:55
bddebianCompat 410:55
crimsundoes debian/rules force it into debian/tmp/ ?10:55
bddebianI am trying to.  Or do you mean theirs?  scilab-3.0 cdbs did10:56
crimsunwhat do the .installs use?10:56
crimsunmeaning scilab-4.0's10:56
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bddebianI know but the scicomputing package or mine?  scicomputing only builds 1 binary10:56
bddebianThey use debhelper10:56
crimsunwhichever package you're having problems with10:57
bddebianAh, mine has the following, witch is wrong:10:58
crimsun(hi barry!)11:01
bddebianDid you mean what are the .install files?11:03
bddebiancrimsun: Did I lose you?11:05
crimsunbddebian: yes11:07
=== Axces [n=zaman@cpe-65-27-156-105.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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crimsunbddebian: the "yes" was in response to the .install11:11
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bddebiancrimsun: Oh, sorry.  scilab.install, scilab-doc.install, and scilab-bin.install11:13
crimsunbddebian: right, do those use tmp ?11:13
bddebianThe first two lines of scilab.install is what I posted above11:14
crimsunnod, and fixing those results in...?11:14
bddebianWhat do you mean by "fixing" those?  My package doesn't install in temp unless I hack that PREFIX= line11:15
crimsunsource package would work best. Offline for 30 minutes.11:15
bddebianAnd even then it's screwed11:15
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bddebiancrimsun: I have to head home.  Thanks for your time and hopefully I can catch you later on..11:33
bddebianLater folks11:33
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