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screebhi all09:22
screebinfinity: we spoke some days ago about using e-smith on ubuntu server09:23
screebI did some work to figure out who it would be difficult09:23
infinityWe did?09:24
infinityDfine "some days"?09:24
infinityI have a pretty short stack, if it was more than a week or two, it's long gone. :)09:24
screebeuhm... I'd say about a week09:24
screebI think it was with TrioTorus09:25
screebwell, I don't have much time right now, I'll give you more details later ;)09:25
infinityFair enough.09:26
screebwhat does it mean?09:32
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andyphi guys, I've got a question about the PREEMPT setting in the various kernels07:31
andypfor a server kernel is it meant to be off or on?07:32
andypthanks fabbione :-)07:40
andypI've just upgraded a DP server from breezy to dapper and the amd64-xeon kernel is indicated as SMP PREEMPT by uname07:41
fabbioneyou need to switch to -server kernel manually07:41
fabbionethere is no way to know you did a server install and you want a -server kernel07:41
andypah! thanks, is -server a new 'set' of packages just for us server dudes then?07:42
fabbioneonly kernel07:42
andypfound those pesky -server packages now, thank you very much, most appreciated ;-)07:44
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andypsorry, one more question...?07:44
andypIs there a -amd64-xeon-server or do I just need the -amd64-server (xeon is implied)?07:45
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