
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nixternal_hey bddebian12:17
nixternal_anyone know what the future holds for kontact and the entire kde pim suite?12:17
nixternal_as it seems everything on kde's site is way outdated12:17
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bddebianHi nixternal12:18
nixternallag is my friend ;)12:18
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kwwiithe kde sites will be updated sometime soon12:49
kwwiiwe are working on a new design/infrastructure12:50
nixternalhey kwwii..thats good to know...12:51
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apokryphoswere kopete 0.12 packs built anywhere?01:52
crimsunnot officially afaict01:58
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abattoirapokryphos: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete/ ?02:00
apokryphosabattoir: ah, there it is, thanks.02:00
abattoirapokryphos: no problem :) 02:00
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Hobbseehi all04:11
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RadiantFirehi hobbsee04:24
Hobbseehey RadiantFire 04:24
Hobbseenixternal: ping?04:24
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nixternalheya Hobbsee05:10
Hobbseenixternal: feel like doco writing?05:17
nixternalwhats up?05:17
=== nixternal grabs a soda...keep talkin' ;)
Hobbseeon phone05:18
nixternali can doc write for ya if you need some05:19
=== profoX|zZz is now known as profoX`
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Hobbseenixternal: there's a way to install a deb05:29
Hobbsee_phoneinside a pbuilder05:29
Hobbsee_phoneit's done by sudo pbuilder login, copying the deb into the pbuilder to install, then apt-get -f install to get the deps - if it works, then the deb instals05:30
Hobbsee_phonewe probably want some documentation on that05:30
Hobbsee_phonesorry for the typing - fingers are freezing,a nd i'm on the phone still05:30
nixternalits alright..take your time...i will be here05:31
nixternalim reading kde-look and kde-apps right now ;)05:31
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Hobbseeright, i'm back06:09
Hobbseeimbrandon_: ping?06:10
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternali got an email back concerning the fall semester at that college im going to attend. it seems all their programming is via microsoft, but would greatly appreciate me doing it in Linux, as most of the course are .NET and will allow me to do mono stuff06:33
nixternalnow i definately can't wait to get back into school..only been...ummm...almost 10 years since i graduated the last time06:33
nixternali can get back into programming06:34
nixternalthe first two classes are intro to windows command line and intro to linux...i asked if i could do something else..as those courses i did when i was 10 years old ;)06:35
nixternalexagerating..but i am going to do a shell scripting course and an xml course as fillers for those 206:35
nixternalHobbsee: whats up with this doc stuff you need or requested?06:40
Hobbseenixternal: imbrandon knows about it - i'm going out sorry :P06:41
=== Hobbsee is just screensaver testign while she has a clean dapper
nixternalno going out06:41
nixternalyou have to stay and work ;)06:41
nixternal4 months til edgy..we can't afford Hobbsee going out and having fun ;)06:41
=== Hobbsee did 3 merges last night :)
nixternali will talk to imbrandon then when he returns06:42
nixternali seen your merges06:42
nixternalgood job06:42
nixternal1 as hobbsee and 2 with your real name ;)06:42
nixternali was like..she's confused06:42
Hobbseeno, all three were by real name :P06:42
nixternali seen a hobbsee commit06:42
Hobbseeshouldnt be06:42
Hobbseewher'd you see that?06:42
nixternalkdbg as a matter of fact06:43
Hobbseehmm...and bddebian just left.  you'd have to ask him about that - that's unusual06:46
nixternaltold ya ;)06:47
nixternalthe other 2 though are SH06:48
Hobbseethey had sarah hobbs listed next to them06:48
nixternaleveryone still knows who it is..no biggy06:48
Hobbseei dont know why it got signed that way though - i never sign packages as Hobbsee06:48
nixternali am not 100% on how that works so i couldn't even begin to tell you06:49
nixternalbut i will know 110% for edgy+106:49
Hobbseeman this is weird06:56
Hobbseenice :)06:56
nixternaleverything is weird06:56
nixternalim reading the  UPG now..i will setup pbuilder and build some stuff so i know exactly what you guys are talking about..that will probably help me a little ;)06:56
Hobbseeah yeah, nice :)06:58
=== Hobbsee should go out.
=== Hobbsee will look at screensavers again when she comes home.
nixternalhave a good time Hobbsee..be safe06:58
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee[15:00]  <Hobbsee> ogra: i've just commented a bug report about those screensavers - will try to fix them once and for all later.  seeing as i reformatted yesterday, it seemed like a good time to test :P07:02
Hobbsee[15:02]  <Hobbsee> and it's annoying me, and i want it fixed.07:02
=== Hobbsee takes the source with her.
Hobbseeit's in  main, so i might have a bit of trouble getting someone to upload it, we'll see07:03
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Hobbseeright, enjoy everyone07:06
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Tonio_let's start merging !11:57
Tonio_yop raphink11:57
raphinkhi Tonio_11:59
Tonio_raphink:  ca va ?12:00
Tonio_moi j'ai russi mon bourrage de crane de la semaine12:00
Tonio_le pouce est entr en action12:00
=== Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Tonio_yop Riddell12:00
Tonio_I'm starting the merging for the universe apps12:00
Riddellhi all, UKUUG now seems to have network!12:00
Riddellexcellent news Tonio_ 12:01
Tonio_raphink: will you be able to make uploads for my packages in main ? untill I get access :)12:01
raphinksure Tonio_ just send them to me12:01
Tonio_I hope to finish until tomorrow, except kaffeine12:01
Tonio_since I have to improve and split it12:01
Tonio_Riddell: what is the plan for edgy ? gstreamer or xine ?12:02
Tonio_that's important for kaffeine12:02
RiddellTonio_: are you keeping https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates up to date?12:02
Tonio_Riddell: yes that's the plan :)12:02
=== raphink reported a bug on juk not reading mp3 btw
RiddellTonio_: probably xine unless there's actually a reason to use gstreamer12:02
Tonio_I didn't start for the moment since my girlfriend staid until yesterday12:03
Tonio_Riddell: okay12:03
Riddellraphink: using which backend?12:03
UbugtuMalone bug 51462 in kdemultimedia "Juk doesn't play mp3s" [Medium,Confirmed]  12:03
RiddellTonio_, raphink: make sure any KDE packages uploaded depend on kdelibs >= 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu312:04
Tonio_Riddell: okay12:04
Tonio_what is the new standard ? I assume 3.7.2 no ?12:04
Tonio_Riddell: are there 2 versions available on edgy repos ?12:05
RiddellTonio_: of what?12:05
Tonio_I don't see the need to specify the version if only one is available12:05
Tonio_of kdelibs12:05
RiddellTonio_: earler qt/kdelibs versions had a binary compatibility problem12:05
Tonio_Riddell: so the build will fail if we don't give the version12:06
Tonio_hum, that's a problem for backports....12:06
Riddellhmm, good point12:06
Riddellwell 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu3 seems to be compiled everywhere so it shouldn't be a problem12:06
Tonio_Riddell: we can work on packages and wait for the qt/kdelibs to be built succesfully12:07
Tonio_okay, thanks Riddell12:07
=== Tonio_ plans to work on openwengo-ng this week
Tonio_I will contact upstreams to talk about default inclusion in kubuntu12:08
uniqriddell: hi, kio-apt is now synced with dapper. http://ubuntu.lnix.net/archive/edgy/ 12:15
Riddelluniq: great thanks12:25
Riddelluniq: although I won't be able to review anything until monday12:25
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?12:58
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RiddellTonio_: hi01:32
Riddellanyone have a screenshot of amarok 1.4.1?01:37
jpatrickI can get one...01:37
Riddellthat would be great (if it's in the next 5 minutes)01:37
jpatrickjust random screenshot?01:39
Riddellfor talk slides01:39
Riddellso something that looks good from 20 metres01:39
Riddellgreat, thanks jpatrick 01:44
jpatrickI love moodbar: http://tiber.tauware.de/~jpatrick/snap7.png01:54
Riddellhow do you know what the colours mean?01:57
jpatrickyou don't, really...01:57
jpatrickit's just the mood of music appartently01:58
\shhmmm...do I have to file bugs now for merges?02:07
Tonio_Riddell: if no newer version has been released do I still need to change N to Y on the wikipage02:10
RiddellTonio_: yes 02:11
Riddellelse we won't know02:11
RiddellTonio_: put a comment too, NOCHANGE02:11
Tonio_okay, will do02:11
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nixternal^^ decent read if you haven't seen it yet...he isn't griping, but has valid points that i believe are already being taken into consideration06:35
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mornfallpoint 5 is ummmmmmmmmm06:51
mornfallat best06:51
mornfallit's actually pretty much bs06:52
mornfalla) 90+% of desktop is IO-bound06:56
mornfallb) let's measure adept filtering performance with -O2 and with -O2 -march=pentium-m -mtune=pentium-m :-)06:57
nixternali didn't understand his whole cpu mumbo jumbo06:58
nixternali have taken a few of those other os's, and ran them side by side to see which performed the best...for my amd k7's...Ubuntu/Kubuntu won06:59
nixternalnone of the other os's boot to a desktop with 3.5.3 nearly as quick as Kubuntu does for me06:59
nixternali wonder if he realizes there is a heck of a lot more to a computer than a processor06:59
=== mornfall waits for compiler :-)
mornfallso right, cpu-optimized and non-cpu-optimized versions have about same performance :)07:14
nixternalyou can't tell a difference..thats for sure07:14
mornfalli have cpu timer dumps there07:15
nixternalthe only time i could ever tell a difference..is when i hacked the kernel, and optimized it for ME07:15
mornfallwell, the optimized one gave some 5% better on one go and 1% worse on another (relative to unoptimized)07:15
mornfall-O0 -> -O2 gives *much* more07:16
nixternalok..mepis crashed on me a few times..but it was still a good os...but it really is Kubuntu w/ some extra stuff, and yes the nvidia/ati driver config is superior in mepis as well as getting mp3's playing..but i believe that is all being worked out in edgy07:17
mornfall(the -O0 -> -O2 reduces time to roughly 50% -- noticable :-)07:17
mornfall(to be specific, 1890ms -> 850ms and 3200ms -> 1570ms, for the two tested cases)07:18
mornfallso much for cpu optimization :-)07:18
nixternali don't know..just something about an OS that goes to the top of the list in 2 years time, and beats out the other os's who have a 10+ year advantage..i think makes people wtf07:18
mornfallwell, ubuntu is based on debian -- with 10+ years of development :-)07:19
nixternalthat kind of popularity always attracks the naysayers07:19
nixternalso true mornfall..and they look past that07:19
nixternalim sorry..i will never ever again mess with the rpm pm07:20
nixternalnever never never ;)07:20
mornfallcome on :P07:20
mornfallrpm is fine ;-)07:20
mornfallwell, fedora is probably among the most advanced distros out there07:21
nixternali will honestly say...i had more issues getting fc working for me...but it was pretty nice once i got it up and running07:21
mornfallwell, maybe not from user POV07:22
nixternalyou will usually see however, packages for FC and SuSe b4 you will Ubuntu...that is the only advantage i have really seen07:22
mornfallbut which other distros come with selinux working out of the box? great xen support?07:22
nixternalplus..they don't have the community..the Ubuntu community and meaning is what trueally dragged me in ;)07:22
mornfalloh, that's being fixed ;-)07:22
nixternalonce i seen the community, and then kubuntu, i was like hey, i like everything this is about07:22
nixternali have gone over their wiki though...and their team structures are pretty solid07:23
nixternalsee...if i don't try out these other distro's, then i feel i am being close minded07:24
mornfallredhat is doing a great job, really ;-) it's maybe not that visible, but huge load of kernel and base system (glibc, ld.so) work07:24
nixternalredhat i think is the reason linux is still really around..back in the 90's..it was them leading everything in the linux world...all the other distro's were attractive to hackers, while redhat said hey, leave microsoft and try me07:25
nixternali think that little campaign worked for them in a sense07:25
mornfalli should probably note that i am on redhat payroll :] 07:26
nixternalwell..i used to be sort of back in the day07:26
nixternalVA LInux07:26
nixternalserver rep07:26
nixternalengineering lab in Lisle, IL with AT&T07:26
mornfallgood thing about the whole free software thing07:26
mornfallthat heaps of work are shared07:27
mornfalleven if people are in different camps07:27
nixternalVA Linux seems to have really gone away..i haven't seen anything from them07:28
nixternali remember when RedHat and VA got together..VA provided the servers and they merged a distro (VA Linux)...i used to love their setups07:28
=== nixternal still doesn't like rpm ;)
mornfallfor me, it's not rpm that's the problem -- dpkg is same nasty hack as rpm just different codebase ;-)07:29
nixternalactually...i would be lieing by using that statement07:29
nixternali have always been a SuSe fan ;)07:29
nixternalback in the day, my desktop was either Corel Linux which i believe became mandrake??? or merged with them..then it switched to SuSe for a while..until a couple of years ago07:30
nixternalmy servers were always RH and Debian07:30
mornfalli think corel went under07:31
mornfallcorel linux that is07:31
mornfallmandrake was big eclectic buch back when i tried it07:31
mornfalllike, redhat release with bunch of debian and other distro stuff in it :)07:32
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nixternalhehe ya07:40
nixternali remember all of that back then..caldera was and yellowdog were good router/servers back then too...but caldera and sco went to bed and killed that07:40
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nixternalhiya apachelogger07:42
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nixternalany plans for OOo 2.0.3 packages for Dapper?  don't kill the messanger ;)08:10
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claydohlol nixternal I was composing a post in kubuntuforums, then you butted ahead of me :)09:01
nixternalsorry ;)09:01
nixternalim doing a wifi post now..so stay away ;)09:01
claydohthe phone rang, and it just had to be the census bureau calling me09:01
claydohon a saturday no less09:01
=== claydoh of course volunteered for a survey so it is his own darned fault
nixternaland when you went in...boom there was nixternal ;)09:02
nixternali leave the census stuff alone..they want way to much personal info usually09:02
claydohyup, went back to finish typing and submit, bang!09:02
claydohyeah, this was a long term (3 years?) mostly about income changes, nothing too difficult09:03
claydoheven funnier is the agent out in Cali used to live just down the street from my grandfather in Maine, knew my aunt very well09:04
nixternali love when people post an hour later the same topic/question09:04
nixternaloh well...go ahead and post..i need fo0d ;)09:05
claydohmy faves are the same pst in 3 forum topics09:05
claydohyou said what i was gonna, then some09:05
claydohdang the kontact post too???09:06
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CyorxampIf such an ability exists, I wish to lodge a formal complaint to ubuntu officials about the mistreatment my a ubuntu op... if anyone knows any details please adivse me.10:32
imbrandonCyorxamp: what ?10:33
CyorxampThere is no simpler way for me to explain what I have asked, please re-read10:33
imbrandonCyorxamp: join me in #ubuntu-ops10:33
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nixternaljpatrick: ping!11:13
=== Cyorxamp [n=Bobbleja@] has left #kubuntu-devel []
jpatricknixternal: ging11:14
nixternalhey...are you a mod at kubuntu forums.net?11:15
jpatrickbe afraid11:15
nixternali thought you were11:15
nixternalgreat..now i forgot wth i was gonna say11:15
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternaloh..is there a way to refer double posts to mods to make their work easier...11:16
DaSkreechWhat's up with libcairo?11:16
nixternalbah claydoh is a mod too11:16
jpatricknixternal: the notify button11:16
claydohyaeh, so what of it?11:16
=== claydoh reads up
nixternali see you camping in the forums now11:17
claydohi have a day off from work :)11:17
nixternalKsnapshot bug..posted in 2 sections..get on it ;)11:17
DaSkreechI have alib cairo2 as upgradeable but it's not flagged to be upgraded11:17
nixternali dont' like looking at a forum that has the same post twice..hurry before i flip out and go into convulsions11:18
DaSkreechis it being held for somereason?11:18
nixternalcouldn't help you there DaSkreech11:18
nixternalyou don't have a hold on it local do you?11:18
DaSkreechNope never even realized I had it instaleed11:18
nixternalas i have done that accidentally in the past somehow and it placed a stupid file in my ~/ that would hold stuff11:18
jpatricknixternal: nope can't see it11:19
nixternali clicked notify11:19
nixternalanyways..it is in the "hasn't been replied to yet" section11:19
DaSkreechSooo Just upgrade it? There are no problems known with libcario 2?11:20
jpatricknixternal: nuked one11:20
nixternali don't know truthfully DaSkreech11:21
nixternalhehe..thanks jpatrick ;)11:21
=== DaSkreech upgrades everything else first and sees
nixternalnow i can look back at the w/o replies section w/o getting annoyed at stoooopidity11:21
jpatrickshower time...11:22
nixternaloh..also add a "Show My Posts" link up top with the other "Show Post" links..so i do't have to go through my profile to fine the ifno ;)11:23
claydohyou'll have to ask opesource for that, if you cange thold of him11:24
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claydohpost in the feedback forum, he usually tries to accomodate good requests :)11:25
nixternalthank you sir11:28
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