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anibalmdz: ping01:28
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zulheh...i like the new usplash in edgy01:46
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_ionVery pretty. :-)01:48
zulwell at least the new grub works 01:56
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troy_sis scott usplash man?02:02
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jsgotangcogood morning03:42
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Hobbseemorning all04:11
Who_What is this 'morning' you talk of :P I see only darkness out my window04:16
jsgotangcoWho_: don't blame us if we live in the future :P04:16
Hobbsee@time sydney04:18
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: July 01 2006, 12:18:0304:18
Hobbseealmost morning :P ^04:18
bddebian@time Philadelphia04:18
bddebian@time Eastern04:18
UbugtuCurrent time in Canada/Eastern: June 30 2006, 22:18:4104:18
Hobbseeyou've still got plenty of time to stay up!04:19
LaserJockhmm, somethings fishy there bddebian ;-)04:19
Who_troy_s: what do you think of the brown monstrosity I just posted to the list?04:25
HobbseeWho_: hehe, link?04:25
profoX`@time Brussels04:26
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Brussels: July 01 2006, 04:26:0304:26
Who_Hobbsee: If you really want to see it, it's here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/BrownBubbles - I actually meant to post it to troy in ubuntu-artwork :S04:27
Hobbseehehe oh dear04:28
_ionNoooooooo (fade)04:28
_ionNot the "crystal" balls, or whatever they're called.04:29
RadiantFirelol, i vastly prefer the blue version :-)04:30
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anibal@time bogota04:32
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Bogota: June 30 2006, 21:32:4704:32
anibal@time miami04:33
Hobbseehi anibal 04:33
anibalHobbsee: hello04:33
anibal@time caracas04:34
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Caracas: June 30 2006, 22:34:0504:34
anibal@time buenos aires04:34
LaserJockhmm, so bogota and caracas are under America and Philly is under Canada? :-)04:36
anibal@time buenos_aires04:37
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires: June 30 2006, 23:37:0904:37
anibalLaserJock: america is from tierra del fuego to alaska :)04:37
bddebianAck, Nooo, we've been invaded by Canukistan..04:37
anibalLaserJock: the USA is just one of many countries in the continent calle america :)04:38
LaserJockwell sure04:39
LaserJockbut Philly isn't in Canada so I was thinking maybe Caracas would be in Anatartica or something ;-)04:39
zulwe dont want philly you can have her04:39
anibalLaserJock: I see your point now :)04:40
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Hobbseeogra: ping?06:51
Hobbseeogra: i've just commented a bug report about those screensavers - will try to fix them once and for all later.  seeing as i reformatted yesterday, it seemed like a good time to test :P07:00
Hobbseeand it's annoying me, and i want it fixed.07:02
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azeemW 3111:05
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sivangre all11:28
sivanghmm, good to have the muse back11:28
sivangwops, forgot to run screen, bbl11:30
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sivanghey raphink , what's cracking? :)11:47
raphinkhi sivang11:47
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Kamiondieman: pong12:01
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thuglifeis here anyone working on the ia64 port? it seems that lamont is quiet idle12:19
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Kamionzul: thanks for the grub merge, but please use the -v<last_version_in_Ubuntu> option to debuild12:55
Kamionso that the .changes file is more useful12:55
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zulno problem12:57
zul...now to enjoy canada day12:57
sivangKamion: I am going to try culmus, okay?12:57
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Kamionsivang: sure, though I'd expect it to be a sync. If it isn't a sync yet, then perhaps you should leave it until after the X merge has happened and then it will be a sync01:03
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sivangKamion: I see, so you assume that if it01:05
sivangcrap, CR in error01:05
sivangKamion: so you assume it conflicted due to changes in X font conf , and after X merge from debian will be over, then we could just sync up the package without hassle?01:05
Kamionsivang: yes01:06
Kamionwell, I don't assume, I checked01:06
pygisivang, , poke? :)01:08
sivangKamion: ah :) okay, I'll se e other packages where I can help01:08
sivangpygi: hi :)01:08
pygisivang, hey, hey :)01:09
pygisivang, do we want py bindings against trunk or stable release of "Dar" stuff?01:09
pygiI suppose stable one?01:09
sivangpygi: against the version in sid01:11
sivangpygi: since this is going to be synced everntually, if not already so01:12
=== sivang checks
pygisivang, oki, that's the most important work for Edgy01:12
sivangpygi: are you working on them ?01:12
pygisivang, not yet, but will do :)01:12
pygisivang, if you agree :P01:12
sivangpygi: ofcourse I do :p01:13
sivangpygi: does it seem complicatd to achieve ?01:13
pygisivang, haven't looked really yet, but it shouldn't be01:14
pygiEven if it is, it's better if we do it then use that SWIG stuff :P01:14
sivangpygi: we need to pay attention to propogate nicely the complex C++ exception system it has01:14
pygisivang, ofcourse, no worries :)01:14
sivangpygi: If you are going to do it, it's gonna need to be completed quickly for edgy. So we could give it proper testing. If not, then we'd better concentrate on making the current support (that uses spawning dar as a subprocss) more robust and give it as much testing as we can before release.01:18
=== sivang checks the release schedule
pygisivang, it can be done in let's say a month? (given my current free time allocation :P)01:18
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pygi_sivang, sorry, dc 01:22
pygi_so what do you think?01:22
sivangpygi: let see :) Feature Freeze is in September 7th , and I see there almost 2 months to the release from there01:23
pygisivang, that should be good I believe01:24
pygihey \sh01:25
sivangpygi: yes, if you need only one month to come up with it, it seems alright :) would give us enough time for testing hopefully.01:25
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pygisivang, I can be sure next week, Wednesday01:26
pygithen all should crystalize :P01:27
sivangpygi: however, We'll need to agree on an "interface" between the backend and the front end, since right now there is some ugly hack I am using to make sure the front end can monitor the progress of the backend...01:27
sivangpygi: this involves passing the pty fd where dar is runnign to gnome.io_watch 01:27
pygisivang, agreed, write it on TODO :P01:28
sivangpygi: It basically breaks the seperation between the backend and the front end, but if we have python dar bindings then this should change and we need to adjust the front ends.01:28
sivangpygi: I think I have it there somewhere in the TODO01:30
pygisivang, oki, care to mail me?01:30
sivangpygi: btw, the branch is now public and member of ubuntu-dev team, so any universe uploader can commit changs01:30
pygisivang, you do understand I am not a universe uploader? :P01:30
pygisivang, but you can commit changes, that's good :)01:33
sivangpygi: right :)01:33
sivangI will merge from you then01:33
pygiDar bindings should be packaged, so you can sponsor that upload as well :P01:34
pygi(if package is good :P)01:34
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sivangpygi: sure01:36
sivangpygi: I will also check about the dar bindings01:45
pygisivang, doki oki01:45
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chinai want to learn network programming in linux ,can some on tell me what i should to learn? is any good resource for learn it? thanks 02:12
azeemchina: please ask somewhere else02:13
chinaazeem : why?02:13
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sivangcdrecord: Operation not permitted. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl04:47
bSONwhat do the ubuntu developers think about tighter integration of beagle into the ubuntu desktop?04:51
bSON(e.g., adding beagle and mono to the ubuntu desktop core)04:52
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jsgotangcohey BenC05:05
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neuralisbSON: it's been in the works for a while05:11
bSONneuralis: is there a spec about that?05:12
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neuralisbSON: not one i remember off the top of my head; check the list on lp05:19
neuralisbSON: wouldn't be for edgy, if there was one05:19
bSONbut i thought edgy would be a bleeding-edge build, open for new features and experiments05:20
diemanKamion: around?05:22
neuralisbSON: then better get a spec written. you have until jul 6 to get it approved.05:22
diemanwhats the best way to get more input on a spec if you didn't get a chance at uds?05:23
diemanuds-p, rather05:23
bSONneuralis: oh...05:23
diemanjust email -devel asking for comments?05:23
neuralisdieman: that works.05:23
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Kamiondieman: briefly05:30
Kamionsorry about the bugmail spam I caused by subscribing ubuntu-dev to bug 51347 for a short period; I'm apparently not really awake yet despite it being mid-afternoon05:32
UbugtuMalone bug 51347 in librpcsecgss "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync librpcsecgss 0.13-1from Debian sid" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5134705:32
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diemanKamion: i was wondering, i looked briefly but didn't want to shoot you a duplicate bug, is there already a bug for cases when a usb-storage device grabs sda,sdb,etc before ahci or another sata driver gets loaded in d-i?05:33
Kamiondieman: yeah05:34
diemanhit that one yesterday 05:34
diemani was like 'sdc'?!05:34
Kamiondon't know the bug number offhand but I've certainly had discussions about it05:34
Kamionmodule load order in hw-detect is wrong05:34
diemanthat was it, thanks :005:35
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bSONneuralis: must I let someone else write a spec, or can I directly add a spec?06:05
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=== Chipzz wonders... are there any guidelines as wrt -Wl,--as-needed ?
Chipzzwhy doesn't ubuntu use it as a default?06:09
neuralisbSON: you can definitely write it yourself06:09
dannywhere I find a clear and simple guide to make a deb file from a normal source tarball06:10
neuralisdanny: try http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html06:10
Chipzzdanny: I don't think there is such a thing as "an easy way to create a deb"06:10
Chipzzbut the help system of ubuntu provides some pointers06:11
neuralisdanny: that said, as with any packaging system, creating a debian package is not a matter of following a list of bullet-point steps.06:11
Chipzzdanny: start help, and click on ""06:12
Chipzz    Ubuntu Packaging Guide06:12
sivangdanny: the ubuntu packaging guide is a good start, it rather tries to bring in all info into one source06:14
dannyok... this guide I know allready... thanks.... 06:14
Chipzzdanny: there are also multiple choices to make packaging either06:15
Chipzzdanny: there is dh_make, which will generate a basic debian/rules for you, which you can then edit06:15
Chipzzthere is dbs, and cdbs, which rely on makefile snippets to make stuff easier (but they do add an extra build-dependency)06:16
neuraliscdbs is evil.06:16
Chipzzneuralis: I try to avoid it to, but why do you think it's evil?06:17
dannythere is a package version 1.2.5 from libdvdcss, the stable sources are 1.2.9. I have problems with this lib, so I thought about building a verion 1.2.9 deb file, so apt i able to keep tracking my system changes...06:18
neuralisChipzz: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2006/06/msg00467.html06:18
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bSONneuralis: but which status should i select? braindump?06:21
neuralisdrafting while you're working on it06:22
neuraliswhen you're finished drafting, set it to 'review' to ask for a review06:23
bSONneuralis: there is already a very shortly described spec beagle-integration marked as braindump. can i extend the wiki page and ask for review again?06:27
neuralisbSON: sure, go for it06:28
neuralisbSON: but it might make most sense to grab one of the mono guys and just ask what the status is06:28
bSONgood idea06:28
neuralisbSON: the developers are picking their own targets for this release cycle, so unless you're prepared to do whatever work is necessary..06:28
bSONyeah... but many things are already implemented, the first issue is if we are willing to make beagle (and thus mono) part of ubuntu-desktop, so the beagle search capabilities are usable by default06:31
bSONand i'm ready to do some work if necessary06:31
lifelessI think this is something upstream need to move on06:31
giftnudelbSON: it might be that it gets dropped because of the size mono + beagle will take on the install cd06:31
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neuralisgiftnudel: getting beagle in is something that's been discussed for a long time; i believe we were blocking on beagle maturing06:33
bSONyeah, I already thought about that too...06:33
giftnudelof course, I still think size matters06:33
bSONand i think some people don't like the idea of mono being in the ubuntu gnome desktop by default06:33
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bSONbecause mono apps need more ram and stuff06:36
_ionIn a way it i wouldn't like it, but if some killer apps use it, it would be acceptable. E.g. tomboy rules (i use it myself) and so will beagle, as soon as it matures enough. I've also heard good things about f-sport, but i don't own a camera.06:36
_ionSigh, s/it // :-)06:37
neuralis_ion: you don't need a camera for f-spot; it'll just manage a bunch of pictures you throw at it06:37
_ionneuralis: Yeah, but i don't have a bunch of pictures to manage. :-)06:37
bSONi think that's a reason why one proposed soc2006 project was "A complete beagle-like desktop search app that doesn't use mono, but any of C, Ruby, Python or Perl as a programming language"...06:37
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bSONand the same for a "f-spot like application"06:38
neuralisbSON: there's a thread right now on -devel about using tracker.06:39
neuralisbSON: see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntegratedDesktopSearch06:39
_ionOn the other hand, if mono were installed but _not loaded_ by default, it wouldn't hurt at all. 06:39
bSON_ion: normally mono is only loaded if you call up a mono app06:39
_ionAlthough then users would have to add things like tomboy to their panels manually.06:40
bSONthere's no mono daemon or such, afaik06:40
_ion(I was thinking hypothetically that maybe tomboy would be a part of the default desktop.)06:40
bSONanyway, i would find beagle in ubuntu great, a much better desktop experience - windows can't beat that (i've seen no similair feature in my installed windows vista beta 2)06:42
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_ionAs long as it doesn't make the whole system crawl by eating all the available memory and then some. :-)06:44
=== _ion has hard time finding information about the "tracker" software.
bSON_ion: :) well it has been done in SLED 10, so i guess it isn't too much of a deal06:45
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bSON(though i didn't test the distro)06:46
phanaticmdz: ping06:46
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KaiLStunde gepennt, aber kein Tor verpennt06:51
KaiLops, wrong window06:51
bSONKaiL: falsche sprache ;)06:53
KaiLthat too06:54
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sladenmjg59: what changes went in between -23 and -25 that are likely to have killed Resume?07:11
sladenKamion: thanks for xara07:12
sivangsladen: hey Paul07:14
sladenhello sivang, riddell is just talking about Kubuntu and KDE 407:19
sivangsladen: where are you guys?07:21
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sivanglaters folks08:02
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