
=== danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimo\sh_away: ping?12:09
nixternalDaSkreech: don't run from the channel..get back there and help me..im swamped ;)12:37
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=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechNope Libcairo breaks the machine01:19
=== DaSkreech laughs at nixternal's opacity
nixternalmy lord01:22
nixternalhow many times did i say it to him?  and he kept going at you01:22
DaSkreechYeah people get like that in big irc rooms I guess01:23
DaSkreechOr very small01:23
nixternalwho runs ubotu?01:31
DaSkreechMan small minded people really need a better vocabulary01:31
nixternalas it seems they are making fun of him in the pub as he can't spell01:31
=== mikix [n=mikix@AOrleans-152-1-68-14.w86-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu-devel []
abattoirnixternal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:34
nixternalyou shouldn't have really showed me that ;)01:36
nixternalubotu: tell Seveas that on the !language script, you spell it langage and that the channel picked on you01:36
ubotuI know nothing about tell Seveas that on the !language script, you spell it langage and that the channel picked on you01:36
nixternalubotu, tell Seveas that on the !language script, you spell it langage and that the channel picked on you01:36
ubotuPlease watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly.01:36
abattoir!no language is Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:37
abattoir[05:07:22]  <ubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. Thank you for your attention to detail01:37
nixternalalthough, i probably didn't need to have it msg him, as he will see all the red nick highlights01:38
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DaSkreechWho Seveas ?01:38
=== DaSkreech grins
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DaSkreech-hup Daskreech02:05
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DaSkreechbddebian: Hi03:51
bddebianHello DaSkreech03:52
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhiya Hobbsee05:01
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee_@CPE-144-136-118-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi all05:16
DaSkreechHobbsee: Hi!!05:17
nixternal[22:01]  <nixternal> hiya Hobbsee05:17
Hobbseehey DaSkreech :)05:17
Hobbseehi nixternal 05:17
nixternalyou didn't hop on right away ;)05:17
DaSkreechnixternal: Cheater05:17
nixternalim building konversation .20 from svn right now05:17
Hobbseeyeah i'm fixing my machine05:17
Hobbseenixternal: ah fun.  how close is it to release?05:17
DaSkreechWhats in .20?05:17
nixternalit doesn't seem like it is that far off from the changelog05:18
nixternali heard the taskbar can be set to tree format05:18
Hobbseewe cant take that from SVN for edgy we need to wait till release05:18
nixternalwhich i hope..otherwise im ditching konversation05:18
DaSkreechAnd going with X-chat?05:18
Hobbseebleck.  xchat is nice in some ways but the other ways really annoy me.05:19
Hobbseeirssi at the moment usually konversation05:19
nixternali played with xchat tonight and it is god awful ugly05:19
=== DaSkreech pfffs at the first comment KDE users always have :)
=== DaSkreech muchly dislikes kopete
DaSkreechDefense: But it's pretty!05:27
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechSo whats in the .20?05:36
nixternalnothing good from the looks of it05:36
nixternaldoesn't look any different to me05:36
=== nixternal deletes the junk
nixternalim almost going to just run mIRC in wine ;)05:38
Hobbseeoh man this thing is *still* upgrading!05:44
Hobbseeseeing as it formatted / last night05:46
Hobbseewhen i tried to remove edgy and just install GRUB.05:46
Hobbseeit decided to format /, did it uncleanly, so had to be redone again, etc05:46
nixternalanyone try kvirc?05:50
Hobbseenixa while ago05:53
Hobbseenixternal: a while ago05:53
nixternalit is kind of ugly ;)05:56
nixternalim going to try it though..it does my window list/tree view05:56
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=== |nixtern| is now known as richj
richjso i don't make my other screen blink all the time05:56
DaSkreechBye Hobbler 06:03
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nixternali see you06:33
Hobbseehi again all06:33
Hobbseehey nixternal :P  i see you too06:33
nixternalhiya Hobbsee06:33
nixternali was makin' fun of imbrandon on that one06:34
DaSkreechBed time06:52
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nixternalice cream time!!!07:10
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Hobbsee\sh_away: ping?08:00
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danimoHobbsee: I tried that a while ago, seems \sh really means it this time09:05
Hobbseedanimo: hehe okay then09:05
danimomoin Hobbsee btw09:05
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=== imbrandon pokes Hobbsee FINALY
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon back feebly
Hobbseedont do that :P10:42
=== sean_ [n=sean@sub-stinger-dsl-67-43-69-241.wvi.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandongot everything setup but my edgy chroot and email but i'll do that tomarrow ;)10:42
Hobbseenice :)10:42
crimsunHobbsee: you should scream op abuse.10:43
imbrandoneven got my osx booting inside a "window" in dapper from the other partition LOL10:43
imbrandonwith mac-oon-linux10:43
Hobbseecrimsun: heh, i could boot him if i wanted.10:43
imbrandonlol @ crimsun10:43
crimsunnah, just say he has a history of oppressing you10:43
crimsunlike that cyorxamp person10:44
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o imbrandon] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== Hobbsee contemplates
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has left #kubuntu-devel ["did]
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=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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crimsunhelp help I'm being oppressed10:45
imbrandon /kick crimsun10:46
imbrandonthat was kinda funny earlier crimsun too bad Sev*eas wasent arround10:46
imbrandoni'm sure he would have given him a what for chewing10:47
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs10:54
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verwilst_firefox doesn't play sound sometimes..12:50
verwilst_any idea how to fix it?12:50
verwilst_which FIREFOX_DSP i have to use?12:50
uniqtry #kubuntu12:52
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=== verwilst_ slaps uniq
verwilst_found it01:08
verwilst_alsa-oss to the rescue ;)01:09
Hobbseehi all01:09
verwilst_firefox has some annoying issues01:09
verwilst_when used under kde01:09
verwilst_the sound is one thing01:09
verwilst_when you download a movie for example01:09
verwilst_and it plays01:09
verwilst_and you then click on the item again in the download box, nothing happens01:09
verwilst_you have to reclick the link to download it01:10
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@pD950B27D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
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Hobbseehi bddebian 03:40
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:40
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
abattoir_Riddell: hello :)03:51
abattoir_Riddell: can you please ask Kamion about the oem-installer backend, for me?03:52
abattoir_Riddell: I have mailed him, msg ed him on IRC and have even PM'ed him... no response at all.03:52
Hobbseeabattoir_: FYI, it *is* a sunday.03:53
abattoir_Hobbsee: i meant over a few weeks :(03:53
abattoir_I was patient knowing how busy he is03:54
abattoir_Riddell: btw, I have also created a rough UI similar to Ubiquity03:54
\shabattoir_: hmmm, first there was UDS Paris, and I think he has some time off now03:54
Riddellabattoir_: I would just start porting if I  was you03:54
abattoir_It is still rough, i have to implement stuff like the World Map for time zone03:55
Hobbseeoh hi Riddell!03:55
Riddellabattoir_: you can just copy my code from ubiquity03:55
Riddellwhich is just a copy of kworldmap03:55
abattoir_Riddell: I have just left the bits which are backend dependent... have kinda done the rest03:55
HobbseeRiddell: ubiquity is really nice, from what i saw - i only tried to use the ubuntu one though03:55
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950B27D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
abattoir_Riddell: I'll smoothen the edges, implement the map widget....03:56
Riddellwell, port to pyton not copy03:56
Riddellhi Hobbsee 03:56
RiddellHobbsee: why only ubuntu?03:57
abattoir_and then base it on the current oem-installer03:57
HobbseeRiddell: that was what Pia had.03:57
Riddellabattoir_: yes03:57
RiddellHobbsee: bah, she's biased :)03:57
abattoir_the .templates, .mnu s etc.03:57
HobbseeRiddell: hehe, yeah, but she's the second person i've actually met in person - and neither of htem were carrying spiffy kubuntu cds03:57
HobbseeRiddell: who the heck took off the server install option for the live cd, and what was the rationale behind it???03:58
abattoir_Riddell: ok thank you :)03:58
RiddellHobbsee: a live install just copies the live filesystem, you don't have a choice to not install something03:58
HobbseeRiddell: also, kubuntu-desktop for edgy is not installable, due to an amarok dep not being installable - it needs updating.03:58
\shRiddell: how can I order kubuntu cds > 10 media?03:58
\shHobbsee: which dep?03:58
HobbseeRiddell: true...03:59
=== Hobbsee thinks back.
RiddellHobbsee: I'll be doing all the rest of the updates next week03:59
Riddell\sh: you can do a special order, there's a link for custom order now03:59
Hobbseea b-d:  libtunepimp2-dev --> libtunepimp3-dev03:59
\shRiddell: sip4, pyqt3, pykde3 is laying ready on this laptop03:59
Riddell\sh: you rock04:00
RiddellHobbsee: oh good, that means tunepimp got through NEW04:00
\shRiddell: would you like to upload or should I wait for tuesday?04:00
HobbseeRiddell: i believe so, yes.  04:00
Riddell\sh: put it on revu and I'll take a look at it when I can04:00
Riddellwhich will be tomorrow04:01
\shok..uploading it later to revu04:01
HobbseeRiddell: also, that edgy package updates thing, apparently we're supposed to be using MoM for that, and MoM has a more up to date listing04:02
=== Hobbsee needs to write a howto for how to use the MoM, too.
=== Hobbsee shouldnt keep pointing people to those unfortunate logs - as she ended up cursing later in them, and teaching the devs somethign :P
\shthe problem with mom right now is, that nobody knows who is doing what...I think I have to have a look on grab-merges and adjust it to file bugs in LP04:03
Hobbsee\sh: true04:03
Hobbseeeveryone's doing what they last changed, arent they?04:04
=== Hobbsee wonders if stevenk did her latest upload.
=== Hobbsee isnt *that* confident that something didnt bork there.
\shproblem with that is, "I'm too old, to remember what I did" ;))04:04
Hobbsee\sh: it's called the search function :P04:04
\shI forgot to add "I'm lazy, too" so I would take anything what comes to my fingers...04:05
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to do all of hers.
=== Hobbsee thinks the last count was...49?
Hobbseemind you, i'm not going to touch cdbs again - i'm not syncing that!04:06
RiddellHobbsee: where does mom have a list of packages?04:06
\shHobbsee: why not? cdbs is very popular ;) 04:06
Hobbsee /universe.html04:07
Hobbseeditto restricted, et04:07
Riddellcdbs is a pain to touch04:07
=== Hobbsee likes cdbs, but not hacking it. unless it's somethign really simple.
=== Riddell agrees
\shRiddell: right...I don't like cdbs very much04:08
\shhmm..we could merge grap-merges with lpbugs.py04:08
Hobbsee\sh: what upload privs do you have at the moment?  none?04:09
\shHobbsee: none04:09
Hobbsee\sh: yeah, damn04:09
\shHobbsee: I wonder if I can reactivate them on tuesday04:09
\shwell, I want to spam my inbox again ;)04:10
Hobbsee36 merges that i should be doing.  ouch.04:10
Hobbsee\sh: hehe, nice04:10
\shI'm hungry for merges ;)04:10
Hobbsee\sh: if you do, i'll warn you now - i'll probably be poking you for upload privs :P04:10
Hobbsee\sh: you and bddebian, and zak*ame and whoever else looks interesting with power.04:11
\shHobbsee: I don't have power :)04:11
=== bddebian has no power
Hobbsee\sh: but you will04:11
Hobbseebddebian: rubbish, you can upload04:11
\shHobbsee: but I will speak for you in front of the TB :)04:12
Hobbsee\sh: thanks :)04:13
Hobbseeoh nooooooooooooooooooooooo!04:13
=== Hobbsee has lost her "devel" folder from when she reformatted.
=== Hobbsee hopes there was nothing of importance in there
Hobbsee\sh: next TB is at 6am - there's no way in hell i would make that one - and be coherant04:14
Hobbsee\sh: however, if you could check a package for me, i'd appreciate it.  just give me a bit of time to try it again04:15
Hobbseeoh, \sh - with kdiff3, you added a couple of b-d's - how do i tell if they're still needed?04:16
\shHobbsee: well, next TB will be 22:00 german time, which is really late for me as well, when I'm not at home...you know, that I'm working the week in karlsruhe..04:16
Hobbsee2200.  10pm.  late?  weird.04:17
Hobbseetrue, right04:17
\shHobbsee: lemme check04:17
Hobbsee\sh: in all seriousness, i *really* dont do mornings well - see logs of the meetings, or whatever04:17
\shkdiff3 (0.9.88-5ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low04:18
\sh  * debian/control: added libacl1-dev and libattr1-dev to build-deps04:18
Hobbsee\sh: yes04:19
Hobbsee\sh: the package still seems to build fine with them in04:19
\shHobbsee: I'll check plain debian upstream in the moment...give me some minutes04:20
\shI added them because it didn't build without them04:20
Hobbsee\sh: that'd be cool04:20
Hobbseeah ok04:20
\shand because we changed something in kdelibs at this time, when I remember correctly04:20
\shwell more build-deps won't hurt..but less ;) 04:21
Hobbsee\sh: yeah, true04:21
=== Hobbsee checks to see if it's exploded this time.
\shhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libi/libidn/libidn11_0.5.18-2_i386.deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libi/libidn/libidn11-dev_0.5.18-2_i386.deb04:22
\shnot found...can't build arg04:22
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Hobbseeit built a couple of days ago04:23
\shwell, it's a dep from kdelibs4 or libqt3-mt but it's not in the archives right now04:23
\shstrange 0.6.3 is in the archives04:25
\shlemme update my edgy pbuilder04:25
\shcould be my problem04:25
\shah ... didn't update for a couple of days ;)04:26
Hobbsee\sh: that'd do ti :P04:26
\shwell, it's on my companies laptop...so I didn't care ;)04:27
Hobbseehehe nice :)04:28
=== Hobbsee double checks that this builds.
cmvoHobbsee: Hi! Thanks for looking into the screensaver problem (#23743). It happens here in breezy, dapper04:32
Hobbseebug 2374304:32
UbugtuMalone bug 23743 in kdeartwork "Screensaver plugins Swarm and Space GL do not start" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2374304:32
\shHobbsee: request a sync for kdiff3 04:32
Hobbseeheya cmvo 04:32
Hobbsee\sh: it can be synced?04:32
cmvoHobbsee: and dapper + kde
Hobbseeoh yeah....04:32
Hobbsee\sh: how on earth do i do that?04:33
\shHobbsee: yes04:33
Hobbseebug report, and assign to motu reviewers?04:33
Hobbsee\sh: that doesnt include the dh_iconcache fix though, or your two extra b-d's04:33
cmvoHobbsee: I've seen a patch for swarm somewhere that is supposed to fix it, but I can't find it anymore.04:33
Hobbseecmvo: if you do find it, please tell :)04:34
\shHobbsee: ok...wait04:34
=== Hobbsee will be most pleased.
Hobbsee\sh: which are the last changes that we had from debian04:34
Hobbseeer, deviated from debian04:34
\shHobbsee: you have to merge the dh_iconcache stuff, but not the two adds in build-deps04:34
Hobbsee\sh: oh, so we dont need them now?04:34
\shHobbsee: the two build deps? no. but the dh_iconcache in debian/rules04:35
cmvoHobbsee: But I doubt it is a GL problem, because swarm is non-GL.04:35
Hobbsee\sh: you just checked that it built without them, i take it?04:35
cmvoHobbsee: I'll keep looking...04:35
\shHobbsee: yes, didn't see the iconcache addon 04:35
Hobbsee\sh: MoM seemed to merge that fix okay...04:35
Hobbseecmvo: yeah, definetly.  those screensavers annoy me, and i havent taken the time to sit down, look at them, and figure out what the heck is going on04:35
Hobbseeoh yes.  Riddell, you around?04:36
\shHobbsee: which file did you inspect?04:36
Hobbsee\sh: w.r.t?04:36
=== Hobbsee is lost
Hobbsee\sh: maybe if you tell me what i found in this file i inspected, i'll know which one you're meaning.04:37
\shHobbsee: the kdiff3_0.9.90-1.patch file just diffs 0.9.88-5 and 0.90.104:37
\shbut not 0.9.88-5ubuntu2 and 0.9.90-104:37
Hobbseethat would be in the other patch file, also in that MoM directory wouldnt it?04:37
\shbut in the source dir of 0.9.90-1ubuntu1 our patches are in04:37
\shHobbsee: I used grab-merges :)04:37
Hobbsee\sh: yes, same here04:38
Hobbseeman my head hurts....04:38
Hobbseethat's true, yes...04:38
\shHobbsee: so, it just gives us the difference between last debian upstream and new debian upstream but not the diff between last ubuntu version and new debian upstream04:38
\shwhich sucks04:38
\shso you have to check the source dir of new mom ubuntu version to be sure...argl04:38
Hobbsee\sh: er, there are two diffs there.04:38
\shHobbsee: there are two patch files04:39
\shkdiff3_0.9.88-5ubuntu2.patch and kdiff3_0.9.90-1.patch04:39
Hobbsee\sh: yes04:39
\shthe first one gives us diffs between 0.9.88-5 and 0.9.88-5ubuntu2 04:40
Hobbseeisnt the former the one you're talking about?04:40
\shthe second just from 0.9.88-5 to 0.9.90-104:40
Riddellhi Hobbsee 04:40
Hobbseeah okay...04:40
\shthere is no real merge file04:40
\shthe merge is directly done in dir kdiff3-0.9.90-1ubuntu104:41
HobbseeRiddell: sorry to annoy you, cos i'm aware that i'm not *too* coherant at the moment, but what would be the impact of putting a dep of kscreensaver-xsavers in kubuntu-desktop?04:41
Hobbseeboth packages are in main04:41
RiddellHobbsee: we'd have to bring in xscreensavers which is a gtk job04:41
HobbseeRiddell: no, only xscreensaver-data04:42
\shwe could put kscreensavers-xsavers as suggested package into the control fil04:42
RiddellHobbsee: still a gtk job04:42
\shHobbsee: kscreensaver-xsavers has a depend on xscreensaver-data04:43
\shHobbsee: which would pull in gtk 04:43
Hobbsee\sh: indeed, that's what i said (i think)04:43
\shHobbsee: we should avoid that ;)04:43
Hobbseebleh.  you're right, i was under the impression that kscreensaver was pulling in xscreensaver-data anyway04:43
HobbseeRiddell: there are a fair few bug reports on the screensavers not working correctly - which need these packages to fix, pretty much04:44
=== Hobbsee hasnt looked at the upstream kscreensavers, but they seem to be replicating part of rss-glx, and doing it badly.
\shHobbsee: ok, remove libacl1-dev, libattr1-dev from debian/control (you can see the conflict in kdiff3-0.9.90-1ubuntu1/debian/control) and add the dh_iconcache in the debian/rules file again, everything should be ok04:45
RiddellHobbsee: kde shouldn't list screensavers from xscreensaver unless kscreensaver-xsavers is installed04:45
HobbseeRiddell: it does.  or something borks.  because....04:45
Hobbseebecause something.04:45
Hobbseebecause solarwinds is shown04:46
Hobbseeand that's part of rss-glx - to my knowledge, that's not in kscreensaver04:46
Hobbsee\sh: okay....later...04:46
\shHobbsee: move dh_iconcache in the binary-arch: build install section and not in the install: section, :)04:47
Hobbsee\sh: yeah, i know - i'm not sure why it's there.04:47
=== Hobbsee is amused.
=== Hobbsee thought she was the queen of the dh_iconcache fixes, and she's being told how to do them :P
=== chowells [n=chris@kde/howells] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellHobbsee: chowells here is a maintainer of kscreensaver04:48
\shhmm..I could do the merge now ;)04:48
Hobbsee\sh: go for it04:48
Hobbseehey chowells 04:48
chowellsI'm not here right now04:48
=== Hobbsee wonders if this can wait approx 24 hours until she feels human again.
chowells(Sorry, real life stuff like trying to work out why my bank closed my bank account, leaving me without access to any money)04:49
Hobbseechowells: sure.  what timezone are you in?04:49
Hobbseewell, what's the current time, etc?04:49
Riddellhe's in .uk04:49
HobbseeRiddell: we dont have any other kde based screensaver packages installed as a result of k-d, do we?04:50
RiddellHobbsee: we have kscreensaver by default04:50
Riddellbut not kscreensaver-xsavers04:51
Hobbseeyeah, any others?04:51
Hobbsee(oops, thought i mentioned that)04:51
Hobbseecmvo: ping?04:52
Riddellno others04:52
cmvoHobbsee: yo04:52
HobbseeRiddell: cool04:53
Hobbseecmvo: chowells is the maintainer of screensaver04:53
\shI wonder what this is:04:53
\sh-rw-r--r--  1 shermann shermann   8127 2006-03-13 07:41 dirbrowser.png.DEBIAN04:53
\sh-rw-r--r--  1 shermann shermann  29082 2004-06-14 08:08 dirbrowser.png.UBUNTU04:53
Hobbsee\sh: debian did newer versions of those files than ubuntu, it looks like04:54
cmvoHobbsee: Solar Wind works here without kscreensaver-xsavers installed.04:54
\shso I will use debians or ubuntus?04:54
Hobbseecmvo: fully, or only on the top half of the screen04:54
Riddellcmvo: do you have xscreensaver-data installed?04:54
Hobbsee\sh: *raises an eyebrow* - debians - they're later, and theyr'e smaller04:54
cmvoHobbsee: Ah, thanks. kde maintainer?04:54
Riddellcmvo: yes04:55
cmvoHobbsee: fully04:55
\shHobbsee: hmmm....this could be a sign...04:55
Hobbseechowells: what interests me right this second is why do we have two xsavers in the middle of a kscreensaver package?  these two seem to not work without kscreensavers-xsavers installed (i think, either that or another package)04:56
cmvoRiddell: No, xscreensaver-data is not installed.04:56
Hobbseechowells: why are these two not in kscreensaver-xsavers?  bug 23743 04:56
Riddellsounds like a kde screensaver then04:56
UbugtuMalone bug 23743 in kdeartwork "Screensaver plugins Swarm and Space GL do not start" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2374304:56
HobbseeRiddell: it's from rss-glx, usually04:56
Hobbseegorgeous screensaver :)04:57
RiddellHobbsee: oh, right04:57
Hobbseechowells: apologies for any rudeness, etc, from myself - it's around 1am, and i'm fighting not to pass out - and have been doing so on and off all night04:57
cmvoRiddell: My problem is, that Swarm and Space GL only work in test mode.04:57
chowellsHobbsee: someone ported two of the RSS screensavers to KDE natively04:58
Hobbseecmvo: they're the only two xsavers in the middle of kscreensaver.  i'm wondering why they're there at all04:58
Hobbseechowells: oh nice!  wish they worked.  which was the other - solarwinds and ?04:58
chowellsHobbsee: I'm not sure without looking04:58
Hobbseeor were you referring to kspace and kswarm?04:58
Hobbseeah okay04:58
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Hobbseechowells: oh, euphoria04:59
chowellsHobbsee: this is really bad time for myself also, trying to move house/find out why my bank closed my accounts without asking/do washing. bbl04:59
Hobbseechowells: okay, you'll come back in 24 hours or so maybe?04:59
Hobbseeor once you have an answer?04:59
\shmerge done.04:59
chowellsHobbsee: in a few hours, maybe04:59
Hobbsee\sh: excellent, thanks.  that was of kdiff3, so i dont have to worry about it?04:59
Hobbseechowells: i'll be asleep sorry - UK/AU timezones are terrible05:00
Hobbseechowells: but whatever, and there's always email if you really cant find me05:00
\shHobbsee: yes..I'll upload the source packages to my server so someone can take it and do an upload05:00
apacheloggerif there is no .pot in the po directory, do I still have to generate it while packaging?05:00
=== Hobbsee just wants this figured out. because it's annoying :P
Hobbseenight all.  if i make it that far.05:01
Hobbseenight Riddell 05:02
Riddellconference over, I'm gone05:02
Riddellnight Hobbsee 05:02
Hobbseehehe cya05:02
cmvoHobbsee: night, cu around05:02
Hobbseecmvo: i'll be here :P05:02
Hobbseea bit05:02
Hobbseeajmitch_: is here, so not a lot.05:02
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jpatrickhi nixternal07:39
apacheloggeryummy :D07:41
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nixternalwell hello there jpatrick07:48
nixternalhey Riddell...what are you yay'n for?07:48
nixternalapachelogger: please don't rub it in...you know the fact you have your cd's and I DON"T!!!07:48
apacheloggerhehe, my cds = anyone's cds07:49
apacheloggerthey will soon visit whole austria ;-)07:49
Riddellnixternal: that apachelogger has kubuntu CDs07:50
nixternalahh yes07:50
=== nixternal waits for his
nixternalapachelogger: did they come with stickers or no?07:51
nixternali see the Ubuntu cd's come with stickers07:51
apacheloggerno stickers07:51
=== nixternal ;(
apacheloggerand some strange words ;-)07:51
hungernixternal: Yeap... but only the ubuntu ones and those come printed on a white background.07:51
hungernixternal: Can't have those on my nice black thinkpad;-)07:52
nixternalim gonna paste my ubuntu stickers all over the taco bell windows like veryone else does ;)07:52
apacheloggerfor example the cover says "to install kubuntu, run the live cd and double click on the install icon"07:52
apacheloggeryeah... never saw double click in kde :P07:52
nixternalhehe no doubt07:52
nixternaldouble click would start 2 instances of an installation07:53
=== nixternal waits for the bugs to start duplicating on malone
apacheloggeranother thing is "to request free ubuntu CDs, visit shipit.kubuntu.org"07:53
jpatrickapachelogger: probably to trick the windows people07:53
apacheloggerI guess the text is just stolen from the ubuntu cd :P07:53
apacheloggeranyway, really minor stuff that is07:53
nixternalpost it as a bug...you might as well be the first one07:54
apacheloggersomehow I think no one would care ;-)07:54
nixternal"when i double click as told on my kubuntu cd's from shipit, it opens up 2 install windows, which one do i use"07:54
nixternali will reply with "neither, as it will void the warranty"07:54
nixternaland then reject it07:55
apacheloggerAmarok 1.4.1 in ~2 hours07:55
nixternali already have it ;)07:56
apacheloggerhuh, how so?07:57
apacheloggerI haven't tagged yet07:57
jpatrickhe got a leaked version07:57
apacheloggeroioi :P07:57
nixternalapachelogger: on the Amarok site, there is a nice splash screen with the cars coming at you...is this going to be the new splash for "Fast Forward"07:57
apacheloggernixternal: can you give me the URL?07:57
nixternalit is on the front page of the site07:58
=== nixternal looks
apacheloggereven though I have to admit - we don't have a new splash yet07:58
jpatricknixternal: that's the decoy07:58
apacheloggerour artists use to disappear  a lot :S07:58
apacheloggeronly release pic for beta1 that is07:58
nixternali like that splash...since kds isn't gettin' fixed to stop the splash from appearing after you disable it ;)   i might as well have that cool looking splash ;)07:59
nixternalwell kds is getting fixed...i just wanted to be a pain in the.............07:59
apacheloggerI'm not sure whether this is a kde issue08:00
apacheloggereven more a bug in amarok caused by dappers kiosk rc08:00
nixternalreally...i have heard different things concerning it...so i just stuck with what i heard last i think08:00
apacheloggerif you remove the show splash screen option from the amarokrc in kubuntu-default-settings you can turn the splash off08:01
nixternalarg..gotta go do some work..and then do some packaging later on08:01
=== jpatrick wonders what was on his must package list...
Riddellsee https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates jpatrick :)08:31
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=== taglogger is now known as apachelogger
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kwwiiRiddell: ping?10:33
kwwiiRiddell: heads up, there is an email about the kubuntu.org page (looks and content) on the ubuntu-artwork list.10:35
nixternalmoins kwwii10:45
kwwiihi nixternal10:46
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=== releaselogger is now known as rubylogger
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=== rubylogger is now known as apachelogger
abattoirapachelogger: awesome :) 11:54
\shapachelogger: congrats :)11:58
apacheloggerthx :)11:58
\shapachelogger: tell it to the other amarok devs as well :)11:58
apachelogger\sh: done ;-)11:59
abattoirso its officially Amarok now?12:00
abattoir... instead of amaroK12:00

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