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A-Kaserpoy poy10:08
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=== RShadow [n=SB@] has joined #ubuntu-server
RShadowI need some help with reinstalling postfix... I deleted /etc/postfix to start over and now I can't reinstall it.. what should I do?03:21
lionelpWhat is your error RShadow ?03:30
RShadowI removed /etc/postfix and now when I try to install postfix againi it says /etc/postfix/postfix-script is missing03:31
lionelpapt-get install --reinstall postfix03:32
RShadowI've tried that and -f to force and -d to download it and dpkg -i install it.. all with the same results03:32
lionelpdid you try to remove it apt-get remove --purge postfix03:33
RShadowno.. didn't try that yet..let me give it a shot03:34
RShadowworked out good03:34
ZambeziAnybody knows glftpd? I'm confused. max_users 15 5 means 15 users online  and 5 is downloading/uploading?04:38
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RShadowanyone running apache 2.2?07:59
=== J_P [n=juliano@] has joined #ubuntu-server
J_Phi all09:30
J_Ppeople, are there some url where explaim diferences between normal kernel and server kernel in ubuntu-server ?09:31
screebJ_P: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelServerRoadmap10:33
screebit could help you10:34
J_Pscreeb: thanks!10:36
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@ubuntu/member/toadstool] has joined #ubuntu-server
J_Phey all, I find one problem in ubuntu-server:11:58
=== Jeeves__ [n=James@88-105-231-78.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
J_PI try in /usr/src do this : tar -xvf <TAB> <TAB>. the first <TAB> complete line with this : root@concord:/usr/src# tar -xvf linux-source-2.6.15.tar, but second <TAB> not show nothing and congeals the terminal, but in anoteher temirnal i was running top and I see that first terminal where I set two times <TAB> using 99% of cpu. and machine was reaaly very slowest. That is a bug ?12:01

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