
Sannepaddedwall, I just remember something12:00
eternaljoymwe: it doesnt work for me!  when I type /ignore mwe for example, it says:  Usage: IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..> mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com types - types of data to ignore, one or all of PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL12:01
dagrump_skavenge: i c something fly by that might help later note on paper most folks dont12:01
askyleXpenguin42: more than breaking, it just dddrrraaaggeeedd slowly, we never got to see the partition config dialog (it seemed to freeze when we got to 50% on the progress bar there)12:01
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Jack_Sparroweternaljoy: You might like Konversation... for IRC12:01
paddedwalljack_sparrow i'll check that next time I reboot12:01
Sannepaddedwall, if you have an sata2 disk, you might try to let it run as sata1. I think the sata2 controller gave some problems.12:01
thiago Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" what is this?12:01
penguin42askyleX: Interesting12:01
dagrump_ive got a pile of notes12:01
eternaljoyJack_Sparrow: and I may dislike it too :)12:01
skavengedagrump_: as do i, its a good practice, i keep a little notebook with useful commands etc, solutions to problems ppl get in here etc12:01
paddedwallsanne my sata disks are sata112:01
penguin42thiago: Your system is misisng working 3D drivers12:01
Jack_Sparroweternaljoy: You are a true Optimist..12:02
useronepenguin24: ok..yes..I only need to view it....I thought some graphics converter might convert it to, say, jpg..I just need some ideas to try...12:02
=== Niomi [n=Niomi@cpe-65-185-39-209.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thiagopenguin42, nvidia driver?12:02
penguin42userone: To do a convert you ahve to be able to understand the format; I don't think anything knows how to read MS Publisher12:02
eobanbuserone, i highly doubt there exists such a converter12:02
eternaljoyJack_Sparrow: cheers :)12:02
Sannepaddedwall, oh, then this is not the case. But the fact that the live cd worked might tell us that it may be some problem with your disks.12:02
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useronepenguin24: eobanb: thanks..I had to try!! :-)12:02
penguin42thiago: if you have an nvidia card then yes thats what you need to work12:02
eobanbuserone, as i said before, your best bet by far is to either find a windows system around with MS publisher, try to run publisher under wine, or ask for the file in a different format12:03
thiagopenguin42, i have installed nvidia12:03
eobanbwelcome, Surfer12:03
paddedwalljack_sparrow i'm going to try installing again after checking the sata bios settings12:03
askyleXpenguin42: now, i''m guessing it's just that her box has barely enough ram to handle the livecd12:03
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Odeihow would I chmod a directory to let my account move files there without root acces?12:03
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ubotuI know nothing about chmod12:03
askyleXeobanb: had i known that earlier... *downloading alternate now*12:03
Jack_SparrowK brb12:03
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Sannepaddedwall, and please be sure to share your knowl... oh, gone.12:04
eobanbaskyle, as far as i know it needs 128 MB RAM12:04
skavengeaskyleX; i would think that with not having to load X to install if it is just a ram issue the alternate would work well12:04
pussmanJust how hard is it to get wine set up and run a windows app such as microsoft office? I am curious for I am demoing crossover currently and am not too crazy about it.12:04
eobanbskavenge, negative, the liveCD needs 128 MB ram12:04
Niomithanks for your time -- a process called events/0 is eating up 60%-90% of my CPU constantly. i have a hunch this has to do with my wireless Ethernet card not functioning. what can i do? i didn't have this problem before i reformated my laptop and re-installed ubuntu dapper fresh. my old system was upgraded to dapper from breezy.12:04
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:05
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efoxhey hey12:05
ubotuI know nothing about events/012:05
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skavengeeobanb; regardless huh? thats wierd id figure the graphical install would require more12:05
fazexAnyone know how to get wine installed? Followed the directions from wineHQ but Adept says error reading the site12:05
efoxdoes wine only work for new installations or can it work on existed installations ?12:05
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bimberieobanb: 256MB (on the sleeve)12:05
eobanboh, sorry12:05
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:05
eobanb256 MB then.12:05
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efoxfazex: i just installed it with synaptics12:05
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askyleXskavenge, eobanb: i'll try the alternate anyway... thx : )12:06
=== kimo wants to try Xen, but the setup is so complex :(
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askyleXyay, ghost is dead!12:06
skavengegood luck12:06
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useroneok..penguin24, eobanb, sanne...thanks for your help..bye!12:06
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kimoaskyle: why is it deadd12:07
askylebimberi: that explains a lot : )12:07
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MinscSorry to repeat my question, but.,.. I've got the infinite sound loop problem. Whenever a sound is played, the first half second of it loops forever, and everything else stalls. The strangest part is that this only occurs in my installed ubuntu, but the live cd works fine.12:07
askylekimo: i was connected as "askyle", but then my connection froze or something, so i reconnected12:07
bimberiaskyle: good :)12:07
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snoopshaha sorry Minsc.. I love the irony of that12:07
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GIBson3Minsc: What sound daemon are you using?12:08
ardchoilleaskyle: did you use /ghost ?12:08
kimoaskyle: I thought u were talking about ghostsript :)12:08
askylekimo: no : )12:08
skavengeaskyle: if you are registered with nickserv i think there is a command to kill it12:08
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ardchoilleskavenge: yes,  /ghost nick password12:08
=== ChrisC_ [n=chris@user-11216t0.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeive heard of something like that12:08
skavengeah i see12:08
askyleardchoille, skavenge: true, but i'm not registered yet -- this is my first time in the channel : )12:08
ardchoilleaskyle: ah, I see12:09
pussmanOh look its a bird, no its a plane, noooooooooo its pussman.12:09
ChrisC_What is the default movie player for Ubuntu 6.06?  (I know it was Totem for 5.10)12:09
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axs221my mouse pointer is sometimes hidden, for example in Firefox's Customize Toolbar, hovering over the buttons. Anyone new have any ideas how to fix this?12:09
skavengetotem still12:09
bimberiChrisC_: totem12:09
kb1ibtkimo: how long do you think it will be, before cairo 1.2.0 hits the repositories?12:09
Surfercould anyone help me...? I'm trying to install Dapper on my laptop but when i choose to load livecd, only "uncompressing kernel... ok. booting the kernel" appears and everything stops. I tried to run livecd with acpi=off and it works but i think that this shouldn't be solution... is there any fix for this problem? If i try to install ubuntu from livecd with acpi turned off, will installed ubuntu have acpi turned off?12:09
ChrisC_bimberi: thanks12:09
bimberiChrisC_: yw :)12:09
GIBson3After switching monitors My X-Org is now stuck in 640x480.12:09
MinscGIBson3: Using ALSA12:09
snoopshow can I assign a mouse key to another mouse key on my mouse?12:10
kimokb1ibt: maybe never, coz dapper is stable now ? (but then I dont know)12:10
Minsc(sorry for the delay)12:10
snoopslike, hitting left mouse, is like pressing right mouse.. for instance12:10
facefacefacegtk-config: command not found ???\12:10
GIBson3Minsc: have you tried other daemons and what sound card are you running?12:10
facefacefacelike, what do I need to apt-get to get gtk-config?12:10
MinscGIBson3: I'm using a Ensoniq 5880 creative sound blaster. There have been some reports of problems with it, I've seen on ubuntuforums.org12:11
kb1ibtkimo: bleh i don't want to have to install if from source if i don't have to12:11
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ChrisC_On breezy/5.10, I had abandoned Totem and was finding MPlayer perfectly functional, especailly for odd file formats.  But now when I try to run MPlayer, I only get a quick error popup (that disappears).  Next troubleshooting step?12:11
kimokb1ibt: why do u need it ?12:11
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ChrisC_Sorry, I've upgrade to dapper/6.0612:11
MinscGIBson3: No, I haven't tried any other sound daemons. ALSA worked fine in previous versions of ubuntu with the same soundcard12:11
nikiis the JACK server what i should look into if i'm interested in using multiple audio apps at the same time?12:11
bimberiSurfer: probably no fix, unless you make your own livecd.  I don't know what the installer will do but you can edit grub boot options during boot to add acpi=off anyway12:11
facefacefaceChrisC_ did you install from source?12:11
askyleChrisC_ did you run mplayer from the command line?12:11
facefacefaceChrisC_,  (mplayer I mean)12:11
ChrisC_facefaceface: nope, just a synaptic install12:11
ardchoilleChrisC_: run MPlayer from a term and see if there is any error output12:11
ChrisC_askyle: yes, but it just gives me usage info12:12
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askyleyou have to give it a filename12:12
GIBson3minsc: Hurm, I can't say that I've used one with ALSA =(  Mine died with my Celeron 400.12:12
kb1ibtkimo: i'm trying to help with the webkit.org project and w/o out it during the compile it errors out (error: cairo_scaled_font_text_extents was not declared in this scope)12:12
ChrisC_testing ...12:12
GIBson3Minsc: it worked with Breezy?12:12
facefacefacehow do I use apt to find a specific file?12:12
bimberiSurfer: ...and once booted, edit the grub config file /boot/grub/menu.lst to add the option to make it permanent12:12
kimokb1ibt: http://cairographics.org/packages/debian/README.txt12:12
Lynourefacefaceface: file in a package or or package?12:13
MinscGIBson3: Yup. Though there were some wierd problems there that suddenly appeared one day. The sound quality dropped really badly. No idea why. Perhaps that's related...12:13
askylefacefaceface: iirc apt-cache has an option for that, try man apt-cache ?12:13
facefacefaceLynoure, erm...12:13
facefacefaceaskyle, tried, no joy12:13
ChrisC_OK, mplayer worked from the command line, so something must be wrong with the Gnome menu.  Lemmee look into that ...12:13
=== Pennypacker [n=pablo@ip70-187-229-28.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberifacefaceface: you need to install apt-file to do that, or do a contents search on http://packages.ubuntu.com12:13
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Sannefacefaceface, you can also try packages.ubuntu.com, section "Search the contents of packages" for a file.12:13
GIBson3Minsc: did you do any updates?12:13
Lynourefacefaceface: if you want to find which package out of those you have installed has a specific file, that's    dkpg-l filename12:13
fazexCan anyone help me with wine install I get this when i apt-get updateFailed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found12:13
askyleChricC_: _or_ with the mplayer gui stuff12:14
GIBson3(when the quality issues occured)12:14
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:14
MinscGIBson3: No. Updates of what?12:14
facefacefacedkpg-l command not found... will try the website...12:14
skavengeapt-cache search will find  a package but i dont think it will do a file in a package12:14
GIBson3through the Update-manager, synaptic, et cetera12:14
MinscGIBson3: My plan was to just wait until Dapper fixed the problem. =/12:14
Lynourefacefaceface: but for others, what Sanne said, but at least 2 months ago that site had way old indexes of package content, not up to date at all12:14
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bimberiLynoure: dpkg -l lists the installation status of a package12:14
ardchoillefacefaceface: it's dpkg -l  not  dpkg-l12:14
Sannefazex, I thought there's no wine for amd64.12:15
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ChrisC_OK, the menu calls for "gmplayer".  That won't run because the skin I had selected wasn't found.12:15
facefaceface;) ... dkpg: command not found ... lol12:15
Lynourebimberi: oops, should not work this late (01:15 or so here)12:15
GIBson3ok one second, let me fix my resolution so I can actually see the Packages list in Synaptic :)12:15
ardchoilleChrisC_: that seems to be common lately12:15
kb1ibtkimo: even with those it only gets up to 1.1.1012:15
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bimberiLynoure: lol, that's early for some!  but not me either :)12:15
MinscGIBson3: Anyways, the question I have to ask primarily is, "why would this infinite sound loop occur in my ubuntu installation but not when I run from the live cd?"12:16
Surferbimberi: if i'm not wrong the acpi is quite useful... I suppose that because of turning this off I have no sound and propably more things are not working... i tried to google this problem but i didn't find anything what could help me... if it is a kernel problem, can I make own livecd with newer kernel or maybe there is somewhere one that I could download and try...?12:16
xanatos_join #centos12:16
PennypackerDoes anyone know how to replace Ubuntu's default Save As/Open dialog window with one that looks more like KDE's (or Windows) Save As/Open dialog window?12:16
ChrisC_ardchoille: yeah, probably the breezy->dapper upgrade process eats the skins or something12:16
Lynourebimberi: dpkg -S filename, of course12:16
howy424Hi, I installed ubuntu yesterday for the first time, now I have my first problem, it won't boot. It is looking on the correct HD, in my case "/root/hdb1" but fails to mount several things, ending in Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off12:16
facefacefacecool, I found ... usr/bin/gtk-config --> libdevel/libgtk1.2-dev12:16
ChrisC_does anyone know where user information about mplayer skin pref is stored?12:16
Sannefazex, nope, look here, there's no amd64 repository: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/12:17
ardchoilleChrisC_: nope, I install a distro from CD , never upgrade, and I installed MPlayer and had the same problem.12:17
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Jack_Sparrowhowy424: Did you do anything that might have caused it like install windows?12:17
askyleChrisC_: ~/.mplayer ?12:17
ardchoilleChrisC_: ~/.mplayer is what you need12:17
Fata1another crash12:17
ChrisC_that's where I 'm looking ...12:17
Fata1getting a bit old...12:17
=== CAsurfer [n=eric@adsl-71-137-3-18.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pennypackerhowy, your issue may may lie with the boot manager.12:17
Fata1this time, it happened when the screen saver started12:17
GIBson3Minsc: if you have gotten any of the system updates since the initial release it's possible that something was "updated" the other possibility is that there is a setting that is different in the installed version12:17
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howy424Jack_Sparrow: I already had Xp installed on a seperate HD12:18
roostishawwhat command do i use to start apache2?12:18
GIBson3I'm not really sure, I haven't had it happen.12:18
kb1ibtkimo: not gunna work libcairo2:12:18
kb1ibt  Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.6-6) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is to be installed12:18
kb1ibt  Depends: libfreetype6 (>=2.2) but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed12:18
Sannefazex, but there's a howto for wine 32 bit on amd64 in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19120512:18
ardchoilleroostishaw: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:18
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: IT helps us to help you when we have all the info like dual drives XP on one Ub on the other12:18
Fata1if memtest shows no error and i still freeze, wtf is going on?12:18
facefacefacenow I have a question about "atp-get install" ... what is all this business about suggestd packages / recommended packages... should I just ignore that if I don't know about the other packages?12:18
Fata1linux is supposed to be stable :(12:18
bimberiSurfer: i'm really not sure, there might be other boot options that get you going with acpi (i've seen pci=nolapic, or something like that mentioned).  As for making your own LiveCD - that's pretty involved but there is a guide on http://wiki.ubuntu.com iirc12:18
facefacefaceardchoille, why don't ubuntu have the 'service' command?12:19
askylefacefaceface: it is "suggested/recommended" that you have a look at them and install them if you want12:19
bimberiLynoure: yes, that'll work (as long as the package is installed) :)12:19
PennypackerFata, the problem facing you may already be well documented...did you check out the Wiki/forums?12:19
facefacefaceaskyle, can I just ignore them?12:19
howy424Jack_Sparrow: sure, sorry about that12:19
CAsurfercan someone help me with a problem? I have compiz working in dapper, and it's perfect except whenever I open a window, it appears in the far upper left corner of the screen, such that the window decoration is completely obscured12:19
PennypackerFata, you should also consider google.com/linux12:19
Fata1last time i checked, the forums were down12:19
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SanneFata1, it might have something to do with your graphics card/driver. What do you use?12:20
askylefacefaceface: yep -- if you couldn't, they would be dependencies12:20
PennypackerCAsurfer, what do you mean by obscured? Can you be more descriptive?12:20
facefacefaceaskyle, heheh, OK :)12:20
ardchoilleFata1: forums work fine here12:20
Fata1ive got an ATI Radeon 9500 non pro12:20
PennypackerFata, the forums are back up.12:20
Lynourebimberi: which is what I said. But as only I think last week the fix was committed for updating the package contents on the site, and before that they were from months ago, I wasn't sure if the indexes were already being updated, or not12:20
SanneFata1, which driver do you use?12:20
AreEmmKayHow do I emulate a right-click with a control-click (OS X style)?12:20
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askylefacefaceface: so while it's (theoretically) safe to ignore them, it wouldn't hurt to check them out as well : )12:21
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  Can you think of anything you were doing that ight have changed it..?12:21
Fata1i havent changed anything, but on the windows portion of the harddrive, it is the hacked catalyst drivers the mod my card to a 970012:21
Lynourebimberi: and, alas, too sleepy to go looking. Short short weekend, too many things to do, too little sleep :)12:21
facefacefacecc: command not found - bleha12:21
facefacefaceaskyle, OK12:21
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@cpe-70-123-133-94.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dlifacefaceface, gcc12:21
bimberiLynoure: really? i didn't know that (and find it a bit suprising) :)12:21
askyleLynoure: that sounds like my world12:21
CAsurferPennypacker, when windows appear, they're complete, it's just that they're aligned with the top of my (physical) display, when they should be aligned with the bottom of the application bar12:21
dlifacefaceface, install build-essential , if not found12:21
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: There is a super grub repair CD ISO that might repir your grub12:21
facefacefacedli, I only got gcc-4.012:21
facefacefacedli, OK12:21
ChrisC_still not sure what my mplayer skin problem is ... it complains that it can't find the file "/usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/skin", which indeed does not exist, but "/usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/" does exist ...12:22
dlifacefaceface, gcc should be a link to a version12:22
Lynourebimberi: me too, ran into it when looking for a certain screensaver, and had to report a bug about it back then...12:22
facefacefacedli, sure... still getting used to apt ... I installed gcc-4.0 without knowing what I was really doing12:22
howy424yes, I installed bluefish "apt-get install blufish" & quanta "apt-get install quanta", then needed to boot back into XP, when I cam back is where I hit the wall12:22
PennypackerCAsurfer, why should applications be aligned with the top bar instead of the bottom one?  I am not sure I see the issue here.  Is something covering application windows, causing them to become obscured?12:23
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livingdaylightsomeone know about sbackup?12:23
howy424Jack_Sparrow: my apologies, I also installed wine12:23
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askyleChrisC_: is there anything inside the directory?12:24
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: Everything is a clue12:24
livingdaylightwhere is Sbackup?12:24
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: can you get into windows or are you in WIndows12:24
CAsurferPennypacker, what I should have said is that windows should appear in a location no higher than that which would cause them to be aligned with the bottom of the top bar.  The problem is that when windows appear, they appear too high up in the display, such that the top part of the window is cut off by the top bar (application bar)12:24
howy424JS: I;m in windows now12:24
nikiis there a way to reset alsa?12:24
Ademananyone here familiar with inkscape?12:24
=== penguin42 seems to remember there is a #inkscape somewhere
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  So did you fdisk /mbr to get XP back?12:25
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PennypackerCAsurfer, I am pretty sure I now know what you mean. Give me a second to pull up a screenshot, and I'll see if you and I are on the same page.12:25
howy424JS: no, I restarted and booted into windows12:25
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: If you type the first few letters of my nick and hit tab it will autocomplete for you12:26
ChrisC_askyle: yes, lots of skin files :)  just nothing called "skin"12:26
howy424Jack_Sparrow: oh cool, thanks12:26
livingdaylightwhere is sbackup, anyone know?12:26
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  Did grub menu come up?12:26
dagrump_CAsurfer: alt+hold lt mouse &drag them down12:26
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catch23anyone know why a mkfs & raid resync would cause a system to lockup?12:26
askyleJack_Sparrow: thanks to you i found out Opera does the autocompletion thingy too, thanks : )12:27
CAsurferdagrump. Yes, I can do that, but it's kinda irritating. Especially when I want to show it off to my friends.12:27
Fata1come to think of it, i think i may have had hardware issues from the start12:27
Fata1i remember when the installation froze when i opened up a game while it was going12:27
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howy424Jack_Sparrow: I am not 100% sure what you mean by grub menu, but the initial UB screen came up starting to show the list of things loading, then it returned to the command line12:27
livingdaylighthello, anyone know about backingup?12:27
ChrisC_hmmm, I see that it really does need that "skin" file, must have gotten eaten somehow.  I'll have to rebuild it.12:27
Jack_SparrowFata1: That would do it..12:27
facefacefaceCouldn't find package libjpeg12:27
ChrisC_askyle: thanks for your basic help :)12:27
Fata1rofl, no, i fixed it.12:28
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ChrisC_gotta go12:28
Fata1i just had to boot into windows and it being so godly easy to use fixed the partition12:28
askyleChrisC_: that's ungood, there should be one12:28
Fata1then i ran the installation again12:28
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  but it came up to a menu with option for XP or Ub right?12:28
dagrump_CAsurfer: such is the plight of man12:28
howy424Jack_Sparrow: yep, absolutely12:28
livingdaylightok, thx12:28
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  so grub is OK12:29
Jack_SparrowYou UB is hosed12:29
livingdaylighti can't believe out of 700 people now one knows about sbackup12:29
howy424Jack_Sparrow: great12:29
PennypackerCAsurfer, check out this screenshot: http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screentakeover27cd.png12:29
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  when you installed Wine12:29
PennypackerCAsurfer, does that describe what you're talking about?  Notice how the top bar is cover the top of the window.12:29
livingdaylightthere are 700 people here on ubuntu chnnel and no one knows about sbackup12:29
CAsurferPennypacker, that's it!12:29
facefacefacebleah... do I have to manually install things like libjpeg / libgif / etc?12:29
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  did you google it..?12:29
penguin42facefaceface: Try libjpeg6212:30
howy424Jack_Sparrow: "when you installed wine"?? do you mean when did I install wine?12:30
askylelivingdaylight: did you apt-cache search sbackup ?12:30
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livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: what is google?12:30
CAsurferPennypacker, is there a guide that says how to fix this? Or do you know what this problem is called?12:30
facefacefacePenguin, cool, its installed12:30
penguin42facefaceface: apt-cache search   is your friend12:30
askylelivingdaylight: : http://www.google.com12:30
livingdaylightFolks: i installed it from synaptic, but i don't see it anywhere?12:30
facefacefacehow about libpcap12:30
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: yes when you installed wine something went wrong...12:30
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penguin42facefaceface: apt-cache search   is your friend12:31
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askylefacefaceface: no.... if you install something that needs it, apt takes care of it12:31
facefacefacePenguin, ;)12:31
Seveaswe're all friends ;)12:31
ice228i installed firestarter, can anyone please tellmehow to run it ?12:31
livingdaylight ok. I installed sbackup from Synaptic but now i don't see it anywhere and it wont launch from the terminal either12:31
facefacefaceaskyle, yeah... I am trying to compile some obscure software...12:31
PennypackerCAsurfer, alright...the good news is that we're on the same page.  The bad news is that I too am having this problem, and I am currently looking for a solution.  The best solution is, as I have done (although for different reasons), is to drag down the top bar to the bottom, and removing the bottom bar.  It works well, and I am a lot more efficient this way.  Unfortunately, I don't know what it is called, but I was thinking of calling a t12:31
facefacefaceobscure but fun... (driftnet)12:31
askylelivingdaylight: on a console, try man sbackup12:31
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askylefacefaceface: ouch : )12:31
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:32
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penguin42facefaceface: If you are trying to compile you want the -dev versions of the packages as well - they have the libraries and headers for building against12:32
PennypackerCasurfer, I am not sure that would be descriptive enough of a thread title though.12:32
howy424Jack_Sparrow: OK, I see. I installed it using the instructions from winehq.com, so ohw do I remedy this?12:32
facefacefacePenguin, yup12:32
livingdaylightaskyle: wont work12:32
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PennypackerCasurfer, this seems annoying enough for developers to be notified.  I'll be checking out the forums, and I'll see if something can be done, other than moving the window down.12:32
CAsurferPennypacker, the last part of your second to last post was cut off12:32
livingdaylighthas anyone here actually used sbackup?12:32
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facefacefaceapt-cache search libgif ?12:33
PennypackerCasurfer, is there a way to enter a private conversation?  It's difficult to chat with a single person with so many people in the room.12:33
Jack_Sparrowhowy424: if you dont have anything special in your Ub partition I would reinstall. I know that isnt a good answer, but it is the easiest for me... :)12:33
riddleboxif I create a deb file with checkinstall, then install that file on another machine will it know all the dependencies?12:33
facefacefacegif.c:54: error: GIF_ERROR undeclared (first use in this function)12:33
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penguin42facefaceface: Well if apt-cache search can't find it then it doesn't have it - but perhaps it is called something different12:34
CAsurfernot that I know of, but we can both enter xgl-ubuntu, which has almost no posters12:34
Pennypackerriddlebox, as far as I know, checkinstall's only purpose is to know what has been installed, and not any info on dependencies.12:34
facefacefacePenguin, yeah.. that is the problem for a noob12:34
howy424Jack_Sparrow: Ouch! So does this mean I should just stay away from wine altogether, cause it's going to keep doing this?12:34
dagrump_pennypacker: is it something in the compiz settings? sorry still reading, i dont have this issue12:34
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PennypackerCasurfer, I am new to IRC, and I'll probably find entering a new room difficult...but let's try that...how would I do that?12:34
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: can you tell me more about google? otherwise can you help me with sbackup?12:34
askylelivingdaylight: checking sth...12:35
riddleboxPennypacker,  is there a way create a deb so that it you can have it get all dependencies?12:35
intelligiI need to FTP to my Xbox. Is there an FTP program that comes with Ubuntu?12:35
penguin42facefaceface: There seems to be something called giflib3g12:35
intelligiOr do I need to install it?12:35
penguin42intelligi: type 'ftp'12:35
Pennypackerdagrumpt, I am sorry but what is your question about?  I am answering several people at the same time12:35
CAsurfertype "[backslash] join xgl-ubuntu"12:35
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight: where did you get sbackup, which repos did you use?12:35
v_for_vendetatem alguem ai??12:35
askylelivingdaylight: google is a search engine -- it lets you search for things on the world wide web12:35
facefacefacepenguin42, which repo?12:35
Pennypackerriddlebox, I am sorry, but you're not looking for checkinstall to serve your purpose12:35
Jack_Sparrowlhow, wine works fine most of the time..12:35
livingdaylightaskyle: hahaha12:35
askylelivingdaylight: open your web browser and point it to http://www.google.com12:35
penguin42facefaceface: Seems to be in universe12:35
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: repos? look i just went into synaptic and installed it12:36
intelligiI need an FTP program.12:36
penguin42facefaceface: Ah, actually also libungif12:36
facefacefaceCouldn't find package giflib3g12:36
Pennypacker\join xgl-ubuntu12:36
askylelightstar: u asked ; )12:36
intelligiDoes Ubuntu come with one?12:36
intelligiO need12:36
intelligiI need help!12:36
askylelightstar: (sorry, tab typo)12:36
facefacefacepenguin42, yup, I need libungif too...12:36
riddleboxPennypacker, I understand that, I dont need to use checkinstall I will create the package another way, I just dont know of any howtos or anything to tell me how12:36
snoopshow does ubuntu handle dualcore cpu's?12:36
penguin42facefaceface: OK, try libungif4g12:36
dagrump_pennypacker i thought it might compiz settings as mine doesnt do that12:36
penguin42snoops: Just like 2 cpus12:36
askylelivingdaylight: YOU asked ; )12:36
livingdaylightisn't that something: evryone wants to help me with google. I want to know if anyone has used sbackup in ubuntu12:36
snoopspenguin42 do I need to enable anything?12:37
facefacefacepenguin42 = penguin42 ++12:37
penguin42snoops: Shouldn't12:37
livingdaylightaskyle: i also asked about sbackup  8-)12:37
pppoe_dudeintelligi, ftp12:37
snoopspenguin42 can I assign applications to each cpu?12:37
penguin42snoops: I think dapper does SMP by default (someone confirm?) - older ones needed you to install12:37
Pennypackerriddlebox and dagrump, I am very sorry, but this IRC room is way too confusing for me to answer any questions.  Text is moving much too fast, and if there was a way to do private conversations, I would have done it.  If you need any help, my Ubuntu username is H.E. Pennypacker.12:37
PennypackerCasurfer, are you sure it is backslash?12:37
livingdaylightwho cares what repos12:37
pppoe_dudeintelligi, or sudo apt-get gftp12:37
CAsurferPennypacker, try forward slash12:37
penguin42snoops: In principal you can, I'm not aware of a command line program to do it - just let the OS balance things12:37
CAsurferPennypacker, I'm new to IRC also :)12:38
askylelivingdaylight: less /usr/share/doc/sbackup/README12:38
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tailzercan anyone help with mplayer plug problem in firefox?12:38
=== solar_ [n=solar@67.Red-81-41-128.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsokay penguin42 how can I see the usage for each cpu?12:38
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight: 11 open bugs out of 13 bugs reported for Sbackup12:38
penguin42snoops: run top and then hit '1' to show each CPU seperately12:39
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight: you should12:39
askylelivingdaylight: (found it after: sudo dbupdate; locate sbackup)12:39
facefacefacedarn... seems I  still need  libgif (in one flavour or another) wot is licenced I beleive12:39
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howy424OK, well I'm off to re-install UB, then I'll research wine a LOT more before installing it again, bye12:39
penguin42facefaceface: Why?12:39
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Jack_Sparrowgoog luck howy42412:39
facefacefacepenguin42, cos I stll get compile errors12:39
askylegl howy42412:39
facefacefacegif.c:39: error: GifFileType undeclared (first use in this function)12:40
howy424Jack_Sparrow: the install is the easy bit12:40
howy424thanks all, cya12:40
Jack_SparrowOne sec12:40
Sannehowy424, wine shouldn't destroy an system. If it does, it would be a very grave bug.12:40
facefacefacegif.c:14:21: error: gif_lib.h: No such file or directory12:40
penguin42facefaceface: That is in libungif4-dev12:40
Jack_SparrowIthow It works best to delete the old swap and ext3 partitions12:40
livingdaylightaskyle: so, why doesn't it launch from terminal12:40
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facefacefacepenguin42, oops... sorry dude12:41
Sannehowy424, so if it happens again (of course I hope it does not!), please tell the devs about it.12:41
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Jack_SparrowYou do it during the install or using something like PArtition magic in XP12:41
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undesktopwhere's packages.debian.org for Ubuntu?12:41
howy424Sanne: ok, will do12:41
Fata1i cannot understand why a web page would load slower in ubuntu than in windows12:41
Sanneundesktop, packages.ubuntu.com12:41
Fata1myspace is absolutely a snail12:41
Sannehowy424, thanks, and good luck :)12:41
askylelivingdaylight: yes it does (i just ran srestore.py from a terminal)12:41
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undesktopSanne: ew, this is simple enough that I could have figured it out myself...12:42
uepmyspace doesn't work for me when i try to login, but i think it's because i don't have flash installed or something12:42
Sanneundesktop, no problem ;)12:42
askylelivingdaylight: simple-restore-gnome for a gui12:42
Fata1i installed flash, but it still crawls12:42
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livingdaylighti thought sbackup was a gui frontend application to backup stuff; where is it?12:43
facefacefacepenguin42, sucess :)12:43
facefacefaceI can now spy on my home network :D (driftnet rocks)12:43
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  During the install it tells you where it gets installed...12:43
Fata1what irc client do you people use?12:43
lannyhi, is this the right place to ask about synchronizing my sep900 with kontact or other kde programs (or just backuping it with multisync)?12:43
SeveasFata1, xcha12:43
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: synaptic didn't tel me wher e it is12:44
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snoopsthanks penguin42..12:44
askylelivingdaylight: try running simple-backup-gnome from the terminal12:44
Jack_SparrowFata1: Konversation12:44
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: usually things are in Applications somewere12:44
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snoopson the ironicness.. system monitor was using more cpu than any other application12:44
penguin42snoops: Hehe well yes - make your CPUs work for their money12:44
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askylelivingdaylight: I wouldn't expect that much from a package that won't even install a manpage =P12:45
facefacefacedarn... except driftnet aint working... oh well12:45
facefacefacebe seeing you12:45
askyletc facefaceface12:45
snoopsit's kind of strange though.. this 4400+ x2 seemed to work a lot better in ubuntu amd64.. but the damn apps didn't :(12:45
livingdaylightaskyle: i can't get this to run... :'(12:45
askyleany error messages?12:46
=== IcemanNumbe1 [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  you dont know which reps you used... You say it didnt tell you where it installed itself... 99% of the bugs reported for that program are not fixed... etc12:46
=== niki [n=niki@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nikii am experiencing a lot of static when playing beats with hydrogen through the jack servers...any suggestions to remedy this?12:46
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: so, are you saying it is a broken application i should just forget about?12:46
askyleJack_Sparrow: what would be a good alternative?12:47
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  just telling you you used non-supported repos, a program that seems to have bugs...12:47
livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: people made alot of noise about backing up being made simple in Dapper with this new application12:47
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skavengeanyway you should be able to 'dpkg -L sbackup' and find out where and what was installed12:47
Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  WHo said... Not one person in 700 + here heard about it.12:48
IcemanNumbe1question: anyone know why i cannot access a local NTFS partition.12:48
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livingdaylightJack_Sparrow: i don't want to have that arguement12:48
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumbe1:  Use the script Disk Mounter...12:48
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Sanneniki, did you set up jack and hydrogen for realtime priority?12:48
IcemanNumbe1ok..will try12:48
GIBson3xchat-gnome is crap12:48
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Jack_Sparrowlivingdaylight:  then explain your statement.. Who said that12:49
nikiSanne, yeah, i followed the directions from the ubuntu studio wiki12:49
=== Fata1 runs back to windows :(
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Fata1hehe brb when i'm done switching12:49
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undesktopdo Ubuntu kernels include suspend2?12:49
enycundesktop: ?whatis suspond2?12:49
enycundesktop: ?whatis suspend2?12:49
undesktopenyc: suspend2.net12:49
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumbe1:  remember to restart after you run it.. I know what it says.. but restart it..12:49
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@idxnew02-203.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoywhen I type sudo apt-get update , it says: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem!   Any advice to fix this?12:50
undesktopto suspend Linux to disk12:50
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumbe1: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/12:50
arapehlI'm a brand spankin' new Windows --> Ubuntu convert and I'd REALLY love to check out apple.com's movie trailers like I used to but I'm having trouble finding a decent Quicktime plugin for Firefox... any help?12:50
Sanneniki, oh, then the last option I would have for you is to ask on the forums in the ubuntustudio subforum, or ask in #ubuntu-studio here on freenode.12:50
undesktopeternaljoy: so why not run that command?12:50
penguin42undesktop: Well I have a .config file - if you can tell me what to look for12:50
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:51
eternaljoyundesktop: when I do, it only says >12:51
IcemanNumbe1thankx jack12:51
nikiSanne, i'm thinking maybe the sample rate they suggest is a little low....i will check the forums, thanks for the pointer :D12:51
askylearapehl: tried the mplayer plugin?12:51
undesktoppenguin42: grep SUSPEND2 .config12:51
enycundesktop: erm  no idea ;-) -- erm  if thep patch then provides config options to enable suspend2 compilation options... go read the /boot/config-  file for kernel in whatever ubuntu version you are interested in12:51
Sanneniki, good luck. Yeah, it might be some jack settings problem, but I'm sure the ubuntustudio people will be able to give some suggestions.12:52
Pennypackerarapehl, you should install either EasyUbuntu or Automatix.  Either one should take care of the issue for you12:52
penguin42undesktop: No, doesn't look like it - plenty of SUSPEND, no SUSPEND2's12:52
eternaljoycan someone help me fix sudo apt-get update? every time I run the command it says: 'dpkg --configure -a , but when I run this, nothing happens, it only stops at a prompt >12:52
undesktoppenguin42: ok, thank you, so suspend2 isn't compiled into the Ubuntu kernels normally12:52
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enycundesktop: / penguin42:  however the patch might nottt inwolve new config options mentioning  SUSPEND212:52
eternaljoycan someone help me fix sudo apt-get update? every time I run the command it says: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:52
eternaljoy but when I run this, nothing happens, it only stops at a prompt >12:52
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undesktoptoo bad, since suspend2 is IMHO "better" than swsusp12:52
arapehlaskyle: yeah, it just says "no image" on a lot of the videos :-/12:53
undesktopenyc: it does12:53
enyceternaljoy: you need to use sude ...12:53
arapehlPennypacker: heh, which one? ;)12:53
enyceternaljoy: sudo even12:53
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eternaljoyenyc: ok let me try12:53
enyceternaljoy: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'12:53
undesktopeternaljoy:  sudo dpkg --configure -a12:53
Jack_Sparroweternaljoy:  You can always use synaptic until you fix it..12:53
Sanne!tell arapehl about restricted12:53
Stormx2Nice nice.12:53
=== akcom [n=akcom@71-98.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
compengihow do i install .bin file?12:53
akcomI was attempting to install Ubuntu after having already installed windows so I could dual boot.  I think when I installed Ubuntu I accidentally put GRUB on the MBR because it refuses to work.  Is there anyway to correct this?12:54
intelligiI am trying to delete a file on my Xbox via FTP from gFTP. It is asking me if I want to delete "these 3 files and 1 directory" when I only have a single file selected. What gives?12:54
akcomWhen I attempt to boot, GRUB dies at step 1.512:54
enyccompengi: depends what you mean ;-)12:54
Stormx2compengi: Usually you just run it12:54
arapehlthanks Sanne12:54
eternaljoyenyc: thanks, you are a legend! that worked and its fixed :)12:54
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compengii can't run it it says error can't run it12:54
eternaljoyundesktop: why didnt you tell me that earlier? LOL12:54
Jack_Sparrowakcom: you can boot to a floppy or 98cd and fdisk /mbr to get XP back then reinstall..12:54
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enyceternaljoy: ?how did you come to conclusion 'enyc' == legend ?12:54
Fatal`ahhhhhhhhhh, that's better :)12:55
Fatal`was having withdrawals12:55
GIBson3mmmm resolution12:55
akcomJack_Sparrow: are you sure I have to reinstall ubuntu?12:55
eternaljoyenyc: guessing :)12:55
undesktopeternaljoy: sorry, I thought it would be obvious12:55
akcomhaha, fair enough12:55
eternaljoyundesktop: never assume as others dont think like you!  try empathy12:55
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Jack_Sparrowakcom:  but if that was a good install you would not have any problems12:55
Fatal`i must figure out what is making windows more stable than ubuntu12:55
tonyyarussoakcom: You can use a Live CD to try installing grub to the MBR again in case there was an error in that process.12:55
undesktopeternaljoy: sorry, I do nasty UNIX things all day12:55
Sannearapehl, the links will teach you how to set it up manually. I recommend trying that before you rely on automatic scripts that may mess up your system.12:55
Stormx2akcom: What have you done?12:55
|cougem|hey grub faces12:55
eternaljoyundesktop: assumptions are the cause of miscommunication12:55
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akcomI'm running from the live cd right now12:55
eternaljoyundesktop: not everyone does! so dont assume others know what you know!  its called trye empathy, try it ;)12:56
compengiStormx2, Couldn't display "/home/compengi/Download/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin".12:56
undesktopeternaljoy: I'm not able anymore to communicate with normal people because I'm UNIX brain damaged :-)12:56
enyccompengi:  bin file - - binary file -- presumably an executable ?12:56
akcomStormx2: I believe I installed GRUB to the MBR12:56
Stormx2akcom: Why would you reinstall? What have you done haha?12:56
akcomI'm not reinstalling...12:56
arapehlSanne: gotcha... manually huh... *grumble*... reading... I think I know how to do that. ;-)12:56
eternaljoyundesktop: you a developer?12:56
enyccompengi: erm... 2 things...12:56
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Stormx2akcom: Ah! I think I had this problem and I ended up reinstalling12:56
eternaljoyundesktop: if you are not a linux developer, than you are NOT UNIX brain damaged12:56
eternaljoyundesktop: :)12:56
enyccompengi: realplayer is includud in multiverse semewhere iirc as a package12:56
akcomI doubt that's necessary.12:56
undesktopeternaljoy: not really, but yes, I do programming...12:56
Stormx2akcom: I managed to wipe the mbr... had to run off a live cd.12:56
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Sannearapehl, it's better this way, really. If you get stuck in the process, just come back and ask here :)12:56
Jack_Sparrowakcom:  have you gotten the HD installed version to run?12:56
undesktopeternaljoy: however, no useful things12:56
compengiso what should i install12:57
enyccompengi: no need to run anether .bin _anyway_12:57
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penguin42 Is there a non-hardware-specific kernel testing set that is used before release - e.g. a set of filesystem exercises and network exercises to really hammer a kernel?12:57
eternaljoyundesktop: what programming lang?12:57
akcomJack_Sparrow: no, that would require a functioning installation of GRUB12:57
Jack_Sparrowakcom:  thats my point...12:57
penguin42(In particular do the ubuntu kernel maintainers run one prior to release?)12:57
undesktopeternaljoy: ooh, mostly C and all descendants12:57
eternaljoyundesktop: im also a programmer! I program in c++ and my only program says "hello World!" :)12:57
compengienyc, so what should i do?12:57
akcomhow would I get the HD installed version to run if I can't even get GRUB working?12:57
akcomundesktop: ever dabbled in D (by digitalmars)?12:57
Stormx2I do PHP/JS/Some BASH12:57
akcomIt's a superb language12:57
eternaljoyundesktop: where can I see and download some of your work?12:58
Jack_Sparrowakcom:  You dont12:58
enyccompengi: read ubuntu wiki on installing realplayer if you want it...12:58
undesktopakcom: yes, I find it quite nice12:58
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arapehlSanne: I'm looking at the "restricted formats" page and it's got a section called "how to make things work in a hurry" and it lists a bunch of packages to install... Is that what you mean by "manually" .. I mean synaptic isn't all that manual :)12:58
akcomI can't see myself going back to C++ after D12:58
eternaljoyundesktop: where can I see and download some of your work and programs?12:58
penguin42akcom: How is your disc partitioned, how big is it and how old is your PC ?12:58
undesktopakcom: I hope one day no one will ever use C++12:58
Stormx2akcom: Have you tried following the wiki?12:58
compengienyc, can you give me the link :P12:58
undesktopakcom: but, maybe, D :-)12:58
akcompenguin42: I don't see how that's relevant12:58
Stormx2Why is C++ bad?12:58
eternaljoyundesktop: you said you are a programmer, yet we cant download any of your programs? LOL12:58
akcomC++ just seems like a patch work of half baked ideas12:58
intelligiHow do I use gFTP to move files from one directory to another on the same system?12:58
undesktopStormx2: because it's unecessarly complicated and it's a language from the past (trying to be more modern)12:59
penguin42akcom: If the partition grub installs its stage 1.5/2 on is somewhere the BIOS can't find then things break wonderfully12:59
intelligiI like C++.12:59
Sannearapehl, yep, that meant by manual compared to automatic scripts like automatix (best avoided) or easyubuntu.12:59
mendhello. Is here anyone who has installed mysql-administrator or query browser from source?12:59
Stormx2undesktop: I see12:59
=== penguin42 likes C++ when used carefully
madewokherd`ooh, off-topic c++ bashing12:59
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enyccompengi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods12:59
undesktopI like C more than C++12:59
intelligiI need help!12:59
thomaswebbhi, when i try to compile a program i get the following error: No package 'gamin' found, yet the  gamin package is installed, any types on how to fix this?12:59
Stormx2intelligi, what with, sonny?12:59
intelligiHow do I move files from one directory to another with gFTP?12:59
akcompenguin42: the box is no older than 3 years, the hd is 200gb, split evenly into 98 for windows and 98 for xfs + swap12:59
Stormx2thomaswebb: You may need gamin-dev12:59
eternaljoyundesktop: you claim to be a programmer, yet not one of your programs is avaible! :P hence, I conclude you are only a backroom programmer, and none of your programs are good enough for the public12:59
kbrooksSanne: Give the choice12:59
undesktopthomaswebb: maybe try the -dev package12:59
thomaswebbcheers storm, will just give it a try :)01:00
arapehlSanne: ah! see, now things are starting to make sense... k.. I'll be back in a bit with news :)  BTW, do you ever run in to oskude on this channel? He helped me install Ubuntu and I wanted to thank him but I haven't seen him around.01:00
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Sannekbrooks, what do you mean?01:00
kbrooksSanne: "best avoided" isn't giving the choice01:00
eternaljoyundesktop: dont claim to be a programmer if you are not a true progammer! you look silly when caught out01:00
akcomok. so once I get my windows install fixed by restoring the MBR, how do I get grub installed properly?01:00
undesktopeternaljoy: oh well... I just focus on "research" than writing useful programs01:00
Stormx2thomaswebb: Rule of thumb that when you're compiling and it asks for a package, you really want the -dev package ;-)01:00
intelligiI have programmed stuff, dunno if that makes me a programmer or not.01:00
kbrooksSanne: "best avoided" is polarisation01:00
undesktopeternaljoy: like writing OS kernels01:00
eternaljoyundesktop: why didnt u say that?01:00
penguin42akcom: Hmm OK, not too unreasonable - you using xfs as your root file system?01:00
intelligiProbably a really bad one.01:00
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akcompenguin42: yes, I will be once I fix my install01:00
Stormx2intelligi: Ack I hate gftp. You mean remote files? let me think01:00
eternaljoyundesktop: what OS kernel have you written and where is it avialable?01:00
GIBson3I love the x-chat guys01:00
thomaswebbah ok, will remember that! i am fairly new to this linux lark01:00
Sannearapehl, didn't see him, and good luck with multimedia. Come back if you get problems :)01:01
GIBson3configure complete, now type 'make' and pray.01:01
dtsueihi, if i have winxp install on ubuntu, do i need to install windows patch?01:01
Stormx2GIBson3: Tis good eh?01:01
undesktopeternaljoy: it's nowhere available because it's not useful01:01
penguin42akcom: That's a little unusual - its the only unusual thing I can see; make a /boot partition, and make that something more common, ext3 say01:01
arapehlSanne: will do... thanks in advance.01:01
Jack_Sparrowakcom:  If you started reinstall when we started this conversation you would be done01:01
undesktopeternaljoy: like any home brew kernel01:01
penguin42akcom: Bonus points if you put the /boot nearer the start of the disc01:01
akcomJack_Sparrow: well I don't find throwing in the towel and just giving up to be a gratifying or educational experience01:01
GIBson3Stormx2: I've loved XChat forever, xchat-gnome in the repos though is crap01:01
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undesktopbtw. I used to write useful programs when I used Windows and Delphi... but under UNIX, writing GUI programs is too hard01:02
akcomwhy would xfs cause it to fail?01:02
undesktopat least compared to Delphi...01:02
akcomanything is going to be hard compared to delphi.01:02
Jack_Sparrowakcom: were you online or running programs during the install?01:02
akcomfor gui dev01:02
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akcomJack_Sparrow: no01:02
Stormx2GIBson3: Why?01:02
Sannekbrooks, it's my opinion, and I wanted to state that, sorry to have offended you, I couldn't elaborate in a hurry like this. Of course cjoice is important. But somebody recommended the scripts without warning, so I wanted to give one out quick.01:02
penguin42akcom: In principal I don't think it should - but I've had bad look with xfs and it is the only unusual thing I can see in your install01:02
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Seveasundesktop, learn glade and pygtk - it's dead easy...01:02
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akcomUnfortunately I've had some previous bad luck with xfs as well01:02
akcomoh well, c'est la vie.01:02
Stormx2Oh and Seveas, the link in the topic, IRC info, returns a 40401:03
undesktopakcom: note that Delphi basically isn't more or less advanced than, say, C++01:03
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SeveasStormx2, thanks01:03
Stormx2Seveas: Wait no01:03
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askylei was halfway downloading the intermet and it froze. should i reboot? (jk)01:03
Stormx2Seveas: Ack sorry. Please ignore me.01:03
intelligiWill someone please help me with gFTP?01:03
undesktopSeveas: oh well, pygtk would be worth a try01:03
SeveasStormx2, ghe 01:03
akcomundesktop: I'm going to have to disagree on a few points (array <-> pointer conversions, etc) but it's ot bad for RAD01:03
Stormx2Seveas: Actually it still does haha!01:03
akcomit's not*01:03
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askyleintelligi: what's your question?01:04
axs221hi, my mouse cursor disappears when pointing at certain things, such as jpegs in Firefox or the Firefox Customize Toolbar, it happens in other places as well, not just firefox. Any suggestions on fixing this? haven't found any help yet. i'm using the default cursor on Gnome, the other cursors do no different01:04
cyphasecan someone who knows how package Nexuiz for Ubuntu?01:04
intelligiHow do I move files on the remote machine from one directory to another?01:04
undesktopakcom: conceptually, they're quite the same: i.e. static typed language, manual memory managment, compiled, etc.01:04
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CrazyDoodeaxs221: then don't point at those things01:04
penguin42axs221: It sounds possible that its a video driver bug; look for 'software cursor' flags for your x config01:04
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter
axs221CrazyDoode: good idea01:04
akcomundesktop: that descriptions covers a pretty wide array of languages01:04
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undesktopakcom: not really, but it covers mostly used languages today I guess01:05
undesktopakcom: anyway, it turns out that C or C++ are quite bad for GUI development01:05
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askylei'm not sure if FTP can do that, 1 sec...01:05
akcomundesktop: and why is that?01:05
intelligiI've done it before.01:06
yfoxi need to get package injection working with aireplay, i have an atheros based card and im using the madwifi version that came with ubuntu 6.0601:06
akcomundesktop: I tihnk you could find quite a few people to argue against that opinion01:06
akcommyself included01:06
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penguin42undesktop: A lot of people get hung up on what is good or bad for things; fact is you can make a pigs ear of things in any language01:06
MinscGIBson3: I'm back :|01:06
undesktopakcom: i.e. C++ doesn't allow delegates (Callbacks on object members)01:06
yfoxany one willing to help me01:06
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Jack_Sparrowaskyle: Try NOT downloading the entire internet.. :) sorry getting punchy with questions like what is google?01:06
undesktopakcom: but delegates are usually used for event handling01:07
GIBson3Minsc: as am I and I have resolution :D01:07
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undesktopakcom: that's why QT uses that precompiler01:07
=== Minsc is now on Kubuntu. I still have a sound problem, but now instead of getting the infinite sound loop, I have no sound
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MinscGIBson3: That's awesome! Do tell. ^_^01:07
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penguin42undesktop: You can have pointers to member methods can't you?01:07
roostishawcan anyone help me setup a php page on my apache server? it sends me a phtml file whenever i visit...01:07
GIBson3dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works wonders when your monitor changes :)01:08
roostishaw.join #php01:08
undesktoppenguin42: yes, but they're strictly bound to the class, so they're not generic enough01:08
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undesktoppenguin42: actually, they're quite useless01:08
MinscGIBson3: Heh. Speaking of which, I should really up the resolution here.01:08
penguin42undesktop: ah01:08
askyleJack_Sparrow: So, should i download it in chunks then?01:08
GIBson3Minsc: I have to run for a bit, Finalizing wedding stuff. If you are around later I'll try and help figure out the sound thing.01:09
Loomy18When I try to use synaptic i get this error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " anyone know how to fix this?01:09
penguin42undesktop: I'm sure it is cureable with enough templates and ifdefs and masking tape01:09
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Jack_Sparrowaskyle: NO just the one chunk you need...01:09
MinscGIBson3: I can't guarentee I'll be around later. Can I give you my email?01:09
mcphailLoomy18: do as it says01:09
Loomy18i dont get what it says to do01:09
Loomy18this is my first time using ubuntu01:09
askyleLoomy18: just like the messahe says: dpkg --configure -a01:09
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axs221penguin42: in xorg.conf? i searched for "cursor", there two entries for cursor are one for a "cursor" Input Device and one under "Server Layout" for that device01:10
askyleLoomy18: open a terminal, then run that command01:10
undesktoppenguin42: in Delphi you just need to add a "of object" in the callback type declaration to get this01:10
mcphailLoomy18: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg --configure -a"01:10
Loomy18oh alright thanks01:10
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undesktoppenguin42: and don't call me if you got compiler errors in that template area...01:10
penguin42axs221: It isn't an option in there by default01:10
Loomy18brian@Brians:~$ dpkg --configure -a01:10
Loomy18dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege01:10
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penguin42undesktop: Hehe yes01:10
askyleJack_Sparrow: but if i do that won't the internet be broken and viruses will spawn?01:10
Jack_Sparrowaskyle:  But only a problem for Windows users :)01:11
hektikanyone ever try using plantronics usb headset?01:11
askyleLoomy18: sudo dpkg --configure -a01:11
intelligiWhy can no one help me with such a simple problem?01:11
GIBson3Minsc: sure just pm me with it.01:11
undesktopbtw., anyone has a HP 8200e?01:11
askyleJack_Sparrow: oh! that is just beautiful : )01:11
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askyleintelligi: doing some research01:11
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penguin42axs221: Find the 'device' section and add the line      Option "SWCursor" "true"01:11
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penguin42axs221: Then restart X01:11
axs221penguin42: thanks, i'll give that a shot01:12
Rerre211Hi! I've got a strange problem. I have made a Raid6 server with Ubuntu and connected this server to my Windows XP machine via network cards (no switches etc in between). For some reason I can copy files from Windows to Ubuntu ok, but not vice versa. If I do it, Windows loses the network and I have to boot up Ubuntu. Any clue, what happening here? My network card in my Ubuntu-machine is D-Link DUB-E100 USB 2.0, connected via Belkin's USB/firewir01:12
tonyyarussointelligi: I would assume just ssh into it and run a mv command.01:12
Loomy18hey i have another question are my video card drivers installed by default or do i have to do something to get them to work?01:12
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undesktop(HP 8200e is an external CDROM burner)01:12
intelligiIt is an Xbox.01:12
intelligiNot another Linux computer.01:13
penguin42Rerre211: How are you copying to and from your ubuntu box? When it stops how badly does it stop? Can you sitll ping the ubuntu box?01:13
askyleLoomy18: *most* video cards *should* work out of the box... in theory ; )01:13
tonyyarussoLoomy18: There are some drivers installed, but they likely aren't the ones from the manufacturer (as those are usually proprietary, unless you have some funky small name card.)01:13
Loomy18i have a 7800 gtx01:13
thomaswebbstorm2, i have a load of other other different pacakges needed, but they say they rely on libcairo2, but when i try to install libcairo2-dev i get this error: Depends: libcairo2 (=1.2.0-0ubuntu1) but 1.1.10-0ubuntu1 is to be installed01:13
undesktopanother bitchy piece of hardware: ATI Mach6401:13
intelligiWhy can't gFTP do this simple thing?01:14
intelligiI know it can.01:14
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undesktopdoes Ubuntu enable 3D acceleration for ATI Mach64 by default now?01:14
penguin42undesktop: a mach64 should work surely? They are as old as the hills?01:14
intelligiYou can move files into folders on the same window.01:14
Rerre211penguin42: Just via explorer in Windows. It stops almost immediately, it tries for a while to copy from Ubuntu to Windows, but then it freezes. I haven't tried to ping yet01:14
intelligiYou just can't move them up.01:14
undesktoppenguin42: DRI is still a problem it seems01:14
hektikis there a way to properly bind the volume+, volume-, and mute buttons on my usb headset to the pcm control on alsa conifg?01:14
undesktoppenguin42: because the Mach64 DRI driver has some security hole...01:14
penguin42undesktop: Nod, my radeon 7200 has it enabled, but is about as stable as a jelly01:14
Loomy18would a 7800 gtx be installed by default, also is there a way to test if the drivers are working?01:14
tonyyarussointelligi: Try right-click, move if it exists.01:15
undesktoppenguin42: jelly? doesn't sound too good01:15
penguin42undesktop: 3D is an embarrassing mess, even for the FOSS drivers01:15
penguin42undesktop: jelly=UK for jello01:15
intelligiI am just doing it the really hard and slow way at the moment...downloading them to this machine only to reupload them to another directory...01:15
GIBson3laters all01:15
Loomy18would a 7800 gtx be installed by default, also is there a way to test if the drivers are working?01:15
intelligiWill take about 15 minutes to do something that should take 15 seconds...01:15
penguin42Loomy18: Please don't repeat your question01:16
SanneLoomy18, is this an Nvidia card?01:16
mcphailLoomy18: very basic drivers will be installed by default01:16
Jack_SparrowLoomy18: what resolutions are available to you01:16
=== undesktop wonder if the Ubuntu founder couldn't pay really big money to Nvidia and ATI to disclose there hardware specifications
penguin42Rerre211: Try a ping, you need to figure out if the whole machine has got ill, or just the bits to do with file serving01:16
askyleATI cards have __awful__ support undel linux : /01:16
^thehatsrule^afaik, the nv driver will be installed, not the nvidia proprietary tho01:16
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Loomy18it is an xfx card01:16
intelligiThey offer free binary drivers, so what? My Ubuntu is running their stuff at the moment.01:17
intelligiI have the old TNT2 card.01:17
penguin42undesktop: I suspect the problem is that they can't because they might expose bits of IP that isn't theres, so they can't discuss it01:17
undesktopintelligi: jelly01:17
undesktopintelligi: I hear their drivers are not-so-stable01:17
intelligiWorks better than the other one.01:17
penguin42undesktop: I was talking about the free ones01:17
intelligiHaven't had any problem.01:17
SanneLoomy18, for Nvidia cards, this may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:17
Rerre211penguin42: yes, I'll try it, hang on01:17
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undesktoppenguin42: but it would only be the hardware API...01:18
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Loomy18640X768    800X600 and 1024X768 are my only screen resolutions available does this mean my drivers are incorrect?01:18
intelligiIn fact, the when using the other driver, a screen saver crashed my comp. They run right with the nvidia driver.01:18
penguin42undesktop: But perhaps they are using some tech bought from someone else? Or fear that if they detailed it they would get hit by a patent claim?01:18
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arapehlSanne: Uhm, the installation went off without a hitch, but there's no firefox plugin in all those packages. :-/01:18
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skavengeanyone with an intel 915 graphics chipset in thier laptops?01:18
undesktoppenguin42: IMHO it's still just a step behind the higher level APIs (DirectX, OpenGL)01:19
Sannearapehl, which plugin was it again?01:19
=== darkprophet is loving ubuntu...it has finally become a boring desktop.
darkprophetboring == good. stability :)01:19
arapehlSanne: Quicktime01:19
penguin42undesktop: Yeh but a lot lower level01:19
kbrooksstability is All Important(tm)01:19
arapehlSanne: I think it was the mplayer plugin that I had installed previously but it just kept giving me a "no image" message in most of the videos01:19
darkprophetany idea when the next release is going to be ?01:19
darkprophetlooking forward to it01:19
Pennypackerskavenge, I have 981501:20
askyledarkprophet: then install e17 in it ; )01:20
Pennypackerskavenge, I have i91501:20
Jack_SparrowLoomy18:  you are running higer than vesa so I would think you have the right drivers01:20
PennypackerDo you have a question?01:20
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Pennypackerskavenge, do you have a question?01:20
arapehlSanne: I think it's because they're multi-part quicktime videos where it says "click here to view video", and once clicked, downloads the video.01:20
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kbrooksdarkprophet: october. 6.10. edgy eft. discuss in #ubuntu+101:20
arapehlSanne: I think it just gets stuck on the first screen and says "no image". :-/01:20
darkprophetkbrooks: thanks01:20
Sannearapehl, I also think this should be covered by the mplayer plugin. Somebody else will have to help you here, though, because I don't have mplayer installed. Anybody could help arapehl, please?01:20
skavengePennypacker: are you running the stock drivers or other ones? i noticed a '915resolution' package but didnt know if it'd do any good01:21
arapehlSanne: sh*t ... youknow what? I should restart FF huh... ;) (though it was running when I ran the installl I hope that didn't keep it from installing)01:21
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Sannearapehl, heh, restarting is needed ;)01:21
arapehlSanne: checking now...01:21
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Rerre211penguin42: nope, I cannot ping either. I tried restarting samba as well, without any help01:22
undesktopok, actually I'm using Debian... how easy is it to change to Ubuntu?01:22
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lophyte|sundesktop: Ubuntu is really easy to use01:22
penguin42Rerre211: Hang on, you can't ping, but you can restart samba?01:22
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jrattner1QUESTION: Is network manager better with WEP or WPA (As far as functionality)01:23
Mikasulielhi, im new to linux and ubuntu in general, i just installed ubuntu last night and for some reason when i try to put a background on the file browser it will not work, also i cannot find this nautilus thing im supposed to use get the icons on the desktop. would anyone be willing to walk me through this?01:23
lophyte|sundesktop: especially if you're used to Debian... Ubuntu uses the same package manager01:23
penguin42undesktop: Its just like Debian except the packages are newer but about as stable01:23
Pennypackerjrattner, I have not tried WPA, but I did try WEP...and it works very well01:23
PennypackerJRATTNER, you should first try WEP, before trying WPA01:23
Sanneundesktop, debian and ubuntu don't aim to be binary compatible, so I wouldn't attempt a dist upgrade from debian to ubuntu (in case you asked for that)01:23
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penguin42undesktop: I don't think there is a netinstall CD01:23
undesktopSanne: I had exactly this in mind :-)01:23
IcemanNumbersorry to bother you again jack, but is there something i need to do to make that script executable?01:24
jrattner1!network manager01:24
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager01:24
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Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  open terminal type sudo bash diskmounter01:24
hektikhmm...thats weird01:24
Rerre211penguin42: yes, so it seems. I am a beginner with Ubuntu, but friend told me to type "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" and I got too ok-messages for it. It didn't restore the network however01:24
lophyte|smy wireless *does* just work, hehe01:24
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  then restart01:24
undesktopmaybe I could just remove the complete /usr and /var directories and then run the Ubuntu setup over that partition?01:24
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hektiknow the volume+ and volume- buttons on my headset are changing the bass volume o_O01:25
Sanneundesktop, I heard that people changed successfully from sarge to breezy (last ubuntu version), dunno if it works with current ubuntu dapper. If you don't mind a complete wipe if it borks, you could try it (but don't kill me...) ;)01:25
Bassettsi reaaaaly need to take Bass off of highlight01:25
undesktophektik: I call this fun01:25
askyleRerre211: tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   ?01:25
Rerre211askyle: Nope, I can try that one next01:25
hektikmute button is uselss tho01:25
undesktopSanne: as long as it doesn't turn my home directory in binary garbage...01:25
arapehlSanne: no luck :-/... trying gxine-plugin. Says it covers Quicktime. Hopefully it'll work.01:26
axs221penguin42: Thanks, that flag did the trick01:26
askyleundesktop: a sane practice (saved my bottom a cpl times) would be to keep /home in a separate partition/disk01:26
penguin42axs221: Can you file a bug please saying that it was necessary for whatever your card was01:27
Sanneundesktop, I really don't know... I changed from debian to ubuntu by installing to a new partition (cowardly).01:27
jrattner1QUESTION: anyone know of a network manager 0.16.3 package( not in repos)01:27
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GullstadWitch decode do chinese use?01:27
Sannearapehl, sorry to hear that. I hope somebody will jump in in case of more problems, but congrats so far for going through the 'manual' install. :)01:27
axs221penguin42: file it with Ubuntu?01:28
penguin42Rerre211: Hmm OK, do an 'ifconfig eth0' while it works and then again afterwards01:28
penguin42axs221: Yes please01:28
axs221penguin42: will do01:28
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thomaswebbhello everyone, i have traced all my problems back to this one thing: Depends: libfreetype6 (>=2.2.1) but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed, but i have no idea how to fix it?01:28
penguin42Rerre211: I'm guessing that your networking is setup wrong01:28
Rerre211askyle: nope, it failed to bring up eth0,1,2, ath0 and wlan001:28
freddyubuntuplz help me , when I start my ubuntu, it says file systems have error, and I should repair them manualy, and then I continue with CTR+D , then i ubuntu I cant no delete files it says the disk is READONLY, and I can not download email by thunderbird, it says the diks is readonly and it doenst have prvilage to download emails....what to do ?01:28
Ademan_is the last.fm media player in the repositories?01:28
undesktopaskyle: that's too late for me01:29
GullstadWitch decode do chinese use?01:29
Amaranthfreddyubuntu: fix the disk01:29
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arapehlSanne: Heh, I'm "paying my dues" right now. ;) Uhm, the gxine plugin is doing something here... asking me to configure it... it detected that there was quicktime video on the page so it's a start! :) I'll let you know if it works out.01:29
Sannethomaswebb, it seems you're trying to install from an unofficial repository? Which package, from where?01:29
penguin42freddyubuntu: What was the last thing that happened before those errors started happening01:29
freddyubuntuanarhabag /? how to fix disk?01:29
freddyubuntuI dont know nothing bad happen...01:29
Amaranthfreddyubuntu: whatever partition it says it's checking do fsck /dev/<partition>01:29
MikasulielQUESTION: I just installed ubuntu last night and for some reason when i try to put a background on the file browser it will not work, also i cannot find this nautilus thing im supposed to use get the icons on the desktop. would anyone be willing to walk me through this?01:29
Sannearapehl, yeah, I hope it works out, let me know how it goes.01:29
Amaranthfreddyubuntu: like 'fsck /dev/hda1'01:29
freddyubuntuaha thanx01:30
thomaswebbthat is an upgrade of libcairo201:30
snoopspenguin42 hey.. just to tell ya the i386 version doesn't have smp in it.. I grabbed the k7 kernel and can see both cpus now :)01:30
freddyubuntuand my system has become so slow01:30
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penguin42snoops: Ah ok; I'd assumed the instlaler had got round to getting that right by now01:30
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel:  Places/desktop is Nautilus01:30
jrattner1QUESTION: anyone know of a network manager 0.16.3 package( not in repos)01:30
Rerre211penguin42: ok, I'll boot up Ubuntu and try the ifconfig-command01:30
Pennypackersudo exit01:31
freddyubuntuI cant run the terminal to run fsck ...01:31
Pennypackergksudo exit01:31
Sannethomaswebb, from which repository are you trying to install?01:31
freddyubuntuthere is no terminal to enter my command01:31
penguin42erk is ubuntu really starting X after the 'you need to run fsck' ???01:31
freddyubuntuit doesnt run the terminal01:31
thomaswebbnot sure, is there a way to tell using synaptic package manager01:32
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ubotuI know nothing about restrictedformat01:32
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:32
askyleundesktop: it's never too late if you have the patience - you can copy everything to another partition, then edit /etc/fstab01:32
Pennypackerwhy isn't the exit command working here?01:32
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=== penguin42 hands Pennypacker a /
undesktopaskyle: the problem would be to create a new partition... there's no place for it01:32
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askyleundesktop: ouch : (01:32
Jack_SparrowHi IcemanNumber01:33
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Sannethomaswebb, the repositories are listed in the file /etc/apt/sources.list. You could paste the contents of this file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org, so we could have a look.01:33
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: Did it work01:33
IcemanNumberstill not working yet01:33
askylewb IcemanNumber01:33
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arapehlSanne: Success! (sort of) It works, I can see the video, but it isn't embedded in the page, it launches the player. No big deal really, I mean, in essence I wanted it to see the videos. I'll fiddle with the configuration though and see if maybe it's just a question of the settings. Hey, thanks a lot for all the help man.01:33
dagrump_pennypacker: try /exit01:33
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: in the ubuntu desktop guide it says to  3. Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately.  <---- there is no such option01:33
IcemanNumbermount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-fuse'01:33
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skavenge /exit heh01:33
Pennypackerpenguin, the forward slash doesn't help01:33
askylePennypacker:  try    /exit instead01:33
Jack_SparrowIceman, did you run the script in terminal01:33
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PennypackerIt says "No such command"01:33
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dagrump_ / 1st01:34
AmaranthPennypacker: /quit01:34
skavengetry /leave or /quit01:34
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: any errors?01:34
IcemanNumberit actually ran when i used bash01:34
lophyteanyone know why shift+backspace would be causing X to restart?01:34
Amaranthlophyte: You're using XGl01:34
lophyteyeah, I am :\01:34
IcemanNumberno errors01:34
Jack_Sparrowand you did a restart?01:34
lophyteany way to fix that?01:34
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Amaranthlophyte: xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-10101:34
Sannearapehl, how cool it (sorta) works! Congrats! I also watch videos with external players, I find it not too annoying. I hope you get it optimized. (And I'm no 'man') ;) You're welcome, in any case.01:34
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  None of your other partitions are showing on your desktop?01:34
Amaranthlophyte: if you have a US keyboard01:35
lophyteAmaranth: thanks :D01:35
IcemanNumberit also gave me the option to enable beta write support for ntfs01:35
Amaranthlophyte: you have to run that at every login01:35
lophyteAmaranth: alrighty01:35
arapehlSanne: heh, so then you're the (wo)man then .. ;) thanks either way. :)01:35
IcemanNumberthe partitions show, it just will not let me mount them01:35
penguin42IcemanNumber: Don't enable write on ntfs unless you are very happy to lose your data - it may well work, but don't trust it01:35
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askylelophyte: that IS the "official" way to kill a frozen X server though : )01:35
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  what partitions do you have01:35
larson9999everything was going just fine when all of a sudden, the volume from my speakers went very low and sound only came from one speaker.  so i swapped speakers and had the same results.  then i swapped my sb live out for an ensonic es1370 but my machine won't even boot ubuntu with that card in it.(is it supported?).  finally i booted windows and the sound it perfect.  one more test is to boot linux again to see if it's still borked.01:35
Sannearapehl, thanks, and have fun with Ubuntu! :)01:35
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Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  What do you show in your fstab?01:36
IcemanNumberits a laptop, so there is my ntfs for windows and another for recovery partition.01:36
lophyteAmaranth: thanks a lot.. brb01:36
JessehkI am going to be using the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome.html to make a /home partition. How much space should I leave for / ?01:36
IcemanNumbernot sure how to check fstab01:36
undesktopwow my home directory is 4.4 GB large, without containing any "multi media" files01:37
AmaranthJessehk: i usually do 10GB01:37
jrattner1Seriously no one knows where to find a network-manager-0.6.3 ubuntu package01:37
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MikasulielJack_Sparrow: in the ubuntu desktop guide it says to  3. Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately.  <---- there is no such option01:37
lophyteAmaranth: much better :D01:37
larson9999penguin42, i've been having crappy luck with fat32, too.  sp fare letting the windows boottime checker has kept me from losing data though.01:37
AmaranthJessehk: that's probably way too much but better safe than sorry01:37
Rerre211penguin42: yes, I did the ifconfig-commands before and after. It seems that the amounts of errors rise considerably in the values I got with the latter ifconfig-command01:37
debnubHi everyone. Got troubles connecting to web through a external dsl busybox router. connection is very slow (fine under win xp) any help?01:37
Amaranthjrattner1: maybe in edge01:37
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Amarantherr, edgy01:37
JessehkAmaranth, Thanks. I have plenty of space :)01:37
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Jack_Sparrowclick on Mika you will need to wait a minute01:37
penguin42Rerre211: Which errors - has the IP address stayed the same?01:38
mcphailThat shift-backspace thing is very annoying01:38
AmaranthI wonder why he wants 0.6.3 so bad, we have 0.6.201:38
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  click on places desktop to open nautilus go to root then etc to find your fstab and double click on it01:38
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lophytemcphail: yeah, it is01:38
=== Jessehk is going to go create a /home partition. Wish him luck ;)
Amaranthmcphail: It is one of several XGL annoyances01:38
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skavengeshift-backspace is only with xgl right? its ctrl+alt+backspace normally01:38
MikasulielJack_Sparrow, i've waited 5 minutes and nothing has happened01:38
lophyteits not shift-backspace if you fix it01:39
Amaranthskavenge: yeah01:39
lophytedoes ctrl+alt+backspace still work with Xgl, though? (I'd rather not try it right now)01:39
skavengeright on... seems to be the cool new thing lately which i had an nvidia graphics card heh01:39
Jack_SparrowMikasorry, I am busy, wife is in hospital, and others were ahead of you...01:39
Amaranthlophyte: i think so01:39
undesktophow can I make "du -ch --max-d=1" to sort the output by the size of the directories?01:39
mcphaillophyte: yes01:39
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Amaranthlophyte: I have DontZap01:39
lophyteAmaranth: what's that?01:39
Jack_SparrowMika having to juggle many things today01:39
J-_while running mplayer in firefox, the player downloads teh media i want to watch, plays for not even a second, then stops.. it's a wma file, could anyone help me?01:39
Amaranthlophyte: and xorg.conf option that disables ctrl-alt-backspace01:40
larson9999guess i'm finally gonna have to google gxl01:40
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
Rerre211penguin42: IP-address remains the same. This values rise with the latter try: rx packets: 3959 errors, tx packets: 7438 errors, both rxbytes and txbytes values have also risen considebly01:40
Amaranthnvidia drivers suck so if i kill X on accident i have to hit the power button to make things work again01:40
askyleJack_Sparrow: sorry to hear, best wishes : )01:40
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mcphailAmaranth: why do you have to reboot???01:41
Amaranthmcphail: Because nvidia drivers suck01:41
lophytemy nvidia drivers are fine01:41
Jack_SparrowNp.. dont mean to be testy...01:41
mcphailAmaranth: working fine here01:41
Amaranthmcphail: I can't even switch to a tty (ctrl-alt-f1)01:41
Amaranthmcphail: It's a well known issue01:41
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Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber:  did you get all of that?01:41
J-_while running mplayer in firefox, the player downloads teh media i want to watch, plays for not even a second, then stops.. it's a wma file, could anyone help me?01:41
Jack_SparrowMika please restat question..01:41
Amaranthwhen i shutdown i don't get to see anything01:41
Rerre211penguin42: I forgot to mention, but what we tried to do is to have static IP addresses for Ubuntu and Windows-machines. Machine running Ubuntu is not connected to Internet01:41
Amaranthjust a black screen01:41
mcphailAmaranth: i have never experienced that01:41
lophytemcphail: my ttys works fine01:41
lophyteAmaranth, rather01:42
Amaranthlophyte: that's nice01:42
IcemanNumberyes, but my root folder is not showing folders inside01:42
Amaranthlophyte: nVidia GeForce Go 7400 in a laptop01:42
mcphailAmaranth: nv or nvidia?01:42
Amaranthmcphail: nvidia01:42
Amaranthmcphail: Things are fine with nv01:42
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lophyteAmaranth: ah, only with a specific card?01:42
AmaranthIt's a driver bug.01:42
Amaranthlophyte: It looks like it's in every GeForce Go01:42
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lophyteah.. I've got a GeForce FX520001:42
lophytewith the nvidia driver01:43
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IcemanNumbernm...got it01:43
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: If you go to places desktop and click on the up arrow until it goes grey what do you see.01:43
MikasulielJack_Sparrow, im trying to get home, computer and trash on the desktop, also change backgrounds in file manager and trying to configure my ati card. I am following the instructions on the help site and i dont have the options01:43
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IcemanNumberim new to ubunto01:43
AmaranthIf I switch to a standard terminal size instead of the 640x400 that comes by default with ubuntu I can use my ttys again but suspend/hibernate break.01:43
mcphailAmaranth: the ATI drivers are awful with mobile cards as well01:43
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Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: I cant help with the ATI...01:44
debnubHi everyone. Got troubles connecting to web through a external dsl busybox router. connection is very slow (fine under win xp) any help?01:44
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: and you want a copy of your Home and computer on your desktop?01:44
MikasulielJack_Sparrow, ok could you help me with the other things then? or point me to a channel where i can get help?01:44
Ademanthe proccess gnome-panel has skyrocketed it's memory usage, its using 1.1 gig of physical memory, and 1.6 virtual... what the heck is wrong with it? (this is the second time its ever done this, nothing unusual is being run or anything)01:44
Amaranthgnomefreak: ?01:44
howy424HI, I'm back, not on UB01:44
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: yes01:44
gnomefreakAmaranth: having issues here01:44
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howy424sorry, not=now on UB01:45
axs221I guess there's no way to fix the Macromedia Flash issue where sound goes out of sync? I've read up on it but never found any good workarounds, i guess there isn't a fix, right?01:45
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dagrump_lophyte: ctrl+ alt+bksp blow ya out faaast i killed both boxes checking01:45
Sannedebnub, dunno if this is related to your problem, might have a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:45
howy424so does anyone think I should try to install wine now and see if that makes UB crap itself?01:46
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debnubSanne. thnanks, ill take a look01:46
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: If you try to put home folder on desktop it will error out... But I think you can symlink it..01:46
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Sannedebnub, you're welcome01:46
gnomefreakAmaranth: is it me or are you seeing funny looking chars?01:46
Jack_Sparrowhowy424:  why do you need xp stuff01:46
Amaranthgnomefreak: just you01:46
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IcemanNumberok, its not showing the etc folder in root01:47
gnomefreakAmaranth: what did MegaManX type?01:47
MilkteaWhy do youtube videos have no sound?01:47
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: it says in the desktop guide to do this:     Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately.  <----I cannot find that option anywhere01:47
howy424well, I have some old software, and config files, that are old chestnuts, plus I've paid for, but that doesn't mean the _HAVE_ to stat01:47
MilkteaMy other applications have sound01:47
IcemanNumbernm...got it :)01:47
Amaranthgnomefreak: something in another language01:47
noiesmoi am tring to get my laptop to tftpboot from my kubuntu system it finds the dhcp server and says loading pxelinux.0 but nothing else happens any ideas01:47
askyleJack_Sparrow: Mikasuliel: I think Mika really means to symlink it, not an actual copy... right?01:47
MegaManXI said hi :)01:47
gnomefreaki see funny chars  and im trying to fix this01:47
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gnomefreakoh ok01:47
Amaranthgnomefreak: looks like hieroglyphics :P01:47
gnomefreakMegaManX: stick with english in here please01:47
jrattner1Can someone walk me throught the CVS section of: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager01:47
Amaranthjrattner1: why do you need 0.6.3 so badly?01:48
IcemanNumbernot sure what to look for in fstab though01:48
Amaranthjrattner1: we have 0.6.201:48
MegaManXStrange that you got weird characters. By default Ubuntu should install Asian characters01:48
SonicChaojrattner1, using Linux is about LEARNING.01:48
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jrattner1Amaranth, Because I need improved WPA2 support that 0.6.3 has to offer?01:48
SonicChaojrattner1, not for people to walk you through every small detail01:48
=== larson9999 [n=larson9@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
askyleMikasuliel: are you running gconf-editor ?01:48
deitarionI have an Ubuntu-using friend who needs /usr/bin/strip but I use Gentoo so I have no idea what package he needs to install. A little help here?01:48
larson9999sound still very low in linux :(01:49
Mikasulielaskyle: no the guide doesnt say to do that01:49
Amaranthlarson9999: Intel ICH7 HD Audio?01:49
SonicChaolarson9999, what?01:49
Sannedeitarion, try to look for the package name on packages.ubuntu.com01:49
SonicChaoOh...low sound.01:49
larson9999Amaranth: no sblive01:49
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:49
askylerun gconf-editor, you should find those options in there01:49
Amaranthlarson9999: dunno then, sorry01:49
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Sannedeitarion, I just tested, I have /usr/bin/strip, so it should be installable.01:50
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larson9999SonicChao: for some reason the sound on my linux box went very low and only comes from one speaker(though it might just be so low i can't hear from the other) but works perfectly in windows01:50
SonicChaoHi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS.01:50
Mikasulielaskyle: well why doesnt it just say that in the guide?01:50
SonicChaolarson9999, okay01:50
askyleMikasuliel: to be more specific, under apps/nautilus/desktop01:50
jrattner1SonicChao, I apoligize I need help because I am inexpereience with CVS and building packages, when I type: sudo apt-get build-dep network-manager I get an error, E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list01:51
askyleMikasuliel: actually i remember having read this in the guide01:51
larson9999the good news is apparently others have had similar problems :)01:51
Mikasulielaskyle: well then could you show me the link because i do not know how to do that01:51
jrattner1SonicChao, and linux is about community...01:51
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jrattner1especially ubuntu01:51
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Mikasulielaskyle: i cant even find nautilus, i can only find file browser and i cant open a terminal from there01:52
SonicChaojrattner1, that doesn't mean everyone walks you through everything. If you're not willing to learn...on your OWN...01:52
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jrattner1SonicChao, alright whatever01:53
skavengespeaking of known issues i wish the applications -> accessories => terminal01:53
Sannedeitarion, I found strip in package 'binutils', in case you are still looking.01:53
noiesmoi am tring to get my laptop to tftpboot from my kubuntu system it finds the dhcp server and says loading pxelinux.0 but nothing else happens any ideas01:53
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skavengeoops i meant applications -> accessories -> terminal to open one01:53
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:53
=== IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu []
SonicChaoHi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS.01:53
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ProN00bis there a download manager for linux that can download one file from multiple sources at once ? (gui not needed)01:53
askylenautilus IS the filebrowser.  as for the terminal: applications -> accessories -> terminal01:53
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Stergiosaurusi just installed ubuntu, i am new to the linux community, and i am having trouble connecting to my dsl modem, can anybody help ?01:54
SonicChaoStergiosaurus, what happens?01:54
Stergiosaurusnothing actually, i click on the firefox application and i get the ubuntu documentation page, i cant access any websites01:54
SanneSonicChao, hey, go easy with jrattner1 ;)01:54
Stergiosaurusi went into network settings and tried to tinker with it, it wont let me connect01:55
SonicChaoSanne, k01:55
Mikasulielaskyle: so what am i supposed to do with this gconf thing? i see no reference to it in that section of the guide01:55
ProN00bStergiosaurus, why not call your isp and ask them how to use their service on linux ?01:55
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SonicChaoStergiosaurus, call the ISP01:55
Sannejrattner1, you would need to have some source repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list, so synaptic can fetch source packages.01:55
ProN00bStergiosaurus, how did you connect on windows ?01:55
askyleMikasuliel: did you run it?01:55
Stergiosaurusi just plug it into the ethernet port and it connects01:55
SonicChaoAh...that's how I connect01:56
jrattner1Sanne, should i put those CVS lines in my sources?01:56
maddyStergiosaurus, is it a usb modem?01:56
ProN00bStergiosaurus, and that works even after you reinstall windows ? or do you have to set something up ?01:56
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: You still here... sorry for the lag..01:56
SonicChaomaddy, he says it's Ethernet01:56
Stergiosaurusits not windows01:56
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maddyStergiosaurus, in that case there should be no difference01:56
Stergiosaurusmy windows box is fine, im on it right now01:56
Stergiosaurusits my ubuntu computer01:56
=== pau [n=pau@209.Red-83-44-53.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stergiosaurusi just installed ubuntu on one of my computers01:56
Mikasulielaskyle: i did and i still get nothing01:56
Stergiosaurusim new to linux01:57
askyleMikasuliel: then go to apps/nautilus/desktop (within gconf-editor) and there are your options : )01:57
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ProN00bStergiosaurus, i am just asking because if you need to set up something on your windows, you need to set up the same thing on linux01:57
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: tis ok01:57
SonicChaoHi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS.01:57
Stormx2Stergiosaurus: Whats the problem?01:57
maddyStergiosaurus,  modme should not be the problem try rebooting a few times01:57
halitusthat also means it not your router if its working with windows atm01:57
Mikasulielaskyle: im there and there *are* no options its a *blank* window01:57
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Stergiosaurusi plugged in my ethernet cable from my dsl modem01:57
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: Right click on desktop, create launcher01:57
Stergiosaurusas i ususally do with my windows box01:57
Stergiosaurusand it wont connect01:57
Stergiosaurusso i went into network settings01:57
askyletry typing into it01:57
MegaManXSonicChao: I don't think anyone knows for sure. There's just one way to know and it is by testing it. If everything gets screwed, then install Ubuntu ^_^01:58
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Stergiosaurusenebled my ethernet connection, and still nothing01:58
maddytry using static config Stergiosaurus01:58
SonicChaoMegaManX, Thanks for replying at least :)01:58
halitusstergiosaurus: can you ping it??01:58
Stergiosaurusk hang on lets see what happens01:58
Sannejrattner1, take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor like gedit, you will see some lines beginning with #deb-src in it. Remove those '#' signs to activate them (make a backup of the file first)01:58
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: nothing happens when i right click01:58
SonicChaoMegaManX, i'll ask in #mepis01:58
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: Set type to Link, command to /home give it any name you want01:58
MegaManXSonicChao: :).01:58
SonicChaoMegaManX, I kept reposting it 'cause no one was saying anything...sorry...01:58
Stergiosaurusmaddy, it asks me for ip subnet and gateway01:58
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: Then you have other problems01:59
=== uter [n=uter@chello212017114167.18.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
Stergiosauruscan i get those from ipconfig on my windows computer which is plugged into the same modem ?01:59
maddyStergiosaurus, u gotta get those from ur windows box01:59
Stergiosaurusok hang on01:59
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halitusHey while im here can any one help me upgrade from breezy to dapper? im having big problems01:59
skavengeright clicking on the desktop does nothing? yeah somethings messed up01:59
Sannejrattner1, you might also be able to activate the source repositories from within synaptic.01:59
ProN00bStergiosaurus, actually you don't have to get them from windows, you can just set dhcp01:59
axs221can i safely resize my harddrive partitions for ubuntu & windows if i rerun the ubuntu installer partitioner? i want to add more room to ubuntu's partition01:59
uterhi i have a problem with my Usb-stick (maxfield F-flash) - i cant mount it - can somebody help me?01:59
SonicChaohalitus, what seems to be the problem?01:59
Jack_Sparrowaxs221: yes02:00
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maddyStergiosaurus, maybe ur modme is set to 1 dhcp client only02:00
ProN00bif dhcp doesn't get an ip, use and as subnet02:00
ProN00balso, reset your modem/router02:00
askyleMikasuliel: Is there anything written in that blank window?02:00
ompaulhalitus, if you want to do that you need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:00
howy424hey, could installing msttcorefonts cause any problems, like I was here about previously preventing UB from booting?02:00
Jack_Sparrowaxs221: I still prefer to use something like partition manager to resize ntfs02:00
Mikasulielaskyle: No.....its blank02:00
Stergiosaurusit says the interface is active, but i still cant connect02:00
ompaulhalitus, leaving out dist will leave you hundreds of megs down02:00
jribhowy424: no, it definitely should not cause taht02:00
kbrookshowy424: but proprietary is proprietary02:01
halitussonicchao: well i have a cd here which i got from an iso  it boots into the live mode fine if not a bit slow02:01
axs221Jack_Sparrow: thanks, i'll give it a shot02:01
maddyStergiosaurus, this linux box have u got any other Os on it wich do get internet02:01
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.02:01
uterhi i have a problem with my Usb-stick (maxfield F-flash) - i cant mount it - can somebody help me?02:01
Jack_Sparrowaxs221: should work fine02:01
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Mikasulielaskyle: i have Dapper if that makes any difference02:02
howy424jrib, kbrooks: thanks, well my new install just finished its update, so it needs a rebooot. I'm going to do that now, then try installing one thing at a time to find out where the issue is02:02
=== askyle does the headscratching thing
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped.02:03
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Jack_SparrowThanks SonicChao02:03
halitussonicchao: then i click the old install icon and it gets to the point of keyboard layout and it hangs02:03
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askyleMikasuliel: just to recap: you opened a terminal, ran gconf-editor, and got a blank window?02:04
IcemanNumberonce again...thanks jack02:04
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: How far did you get?02:04
SonicChaoJack_Sparrow, np02:04
IcemanNumberi had to edit the fstab file02:04
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Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: So your good to go?02:04
IcemanNumberthe script set the filesystem to ntfs-fuse02:04
IcemanNumberchanged it to just ntfs02:04
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Mikasulielaskyle: i got the Configuration Editor for Desktop, I tried to right click on Desktop like Jack said to do, nothing happens when i right click, and the window in the right pane is blank.02:05
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: The script isnt perfect...02:05
larson9999Amaranth: found the problem.  i was using the headphone jack(the other is turned off for some reason) alsamixer helped fix it02:05
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skavengeright click on the actual desktop not the word02:05
IcemanNumberit taught me something about mounting partitions in linux though02:05
ic56askyle: if your recap is right, Mikasuliel's problem might be a badly tuned theme -- black on black somehow.02:05
Amaranthlarson9999: cool02:05
Mikasulieland im sorry if you think im giving you attitude, but ive read the manual cover to cover and ive got most things taken care of, its just these three things and i havent a clue how to fix them02:05
Mikasulielic56: i have the default theme02:06
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larson9999Mikasuliel: the joys of the manual!02:06
Jack_SparrowIcemanNumber: It was worth it if you learned something in the process.  Yours was the first system to fail with that script today02:06
askyleMikasuliel: ok, on the left pane, double-click on apps, then nautilus, then desktop02:06
ic56Mikasuliel: ah. well, an easy shot in teh dark anyway...02:06
lophyteAmaranth: you still around?02:06
skavengeMikasuliel: and you right clicked on the actual desktop, not in any program and it didnt work?02:06
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: You have worse problems that your wallpaper02:06
Amaranthlophyte: yeah02:06
Mikasulielone second02:07
=== HBuzacott [n=HBuzacot@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanNumberi always seem to have that luck02:07
lophyteAmaranth: any idea if there's another US keymap I can try? us-101 is giving me problems too02:07
askyleI think Mikasuliel right-clicked the word "desktop" on the gconf-editor window02:07
IcemanNumberthats how i learn....im always messing things up02:07
Mikasulielaskyle: on the left pane where?02:07
skavengeaskyle: as do i02:07
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halituswould i be able to chat in private with someone about upgrading to dapper? i have tryed alot of what was said and it didnt work for various reasons02:07
uterwhat can i do when lsusb doesnt work when i put my usbstick into the usb hub ? - how can i mount it ;) ?02:07
Amaranthlophyte: there is xmodmap.us101A_x8602:07
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Mikasulielam i supposed to click on the actual desktop?02:08
lophyteAmaranth: maybe I'll try that02:08
skavengeyes, right click on actual desktop02:08
Jack_Sparrowthen launch02:08
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HBuzacottDoes anyone know why the Ship-it CD's don't include the alternate CD?02:08
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sktxoh they don't??02:08
askyleMikasuliel: is there a list of folders on the configuration editor's left pane?02:08
apostolshow can i reconfigure sound in Dapper?02:08
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: there is no launch if i right click on the actual desktop02:09
Mikasulielaskyle: yes02:09
Mika_ieverytime some1 say Mikasuliel my hilight scream like big02:09
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skavenge'create launcher'02:09
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: create launcher02:09
askyleMikasuliel: is there a folder labeled "apps" ?02:09
Mikasulielaskyle: yes02:10
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: i did create launcher02:10
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: set type to link02:10
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MikasulielJack_Sparrow: ok02:11
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: set command to /home and Name it anything you want02:11
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askyleMikasuliel: doubleclick it. A sublist should appear -- find "nautilus" there02:11
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: there is no option for command02:11
metrolAfter many an hour hunting through Google searches... anyone know how to get Pent-D support to actually see 2 processors?02:11
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: and of course click on OK02:11
skavengetheres a huge box that says command:02:12
Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: title of the box should be create launcher02:12
metrolIt would appear that I already have an SMP kernel... ummm, I think I do02:12
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Jack_SparrowMikasuliel: name/generic name, comment command, type, icon02:12
MikasulielJack_Sparrow: just got it to work with what askyle told me to do02:12
lophyteAmaranth: strange.. I switched back to xmodmap.us and now shift+bksp isn't restarting X02:13
skavengemetrol: what kernel? the i386 ones dont have smp enabled by default02:13
dagrump_metrol: not sure but 686 s? restricted02:13
metrolskavenge: I'm just looking at Synaptic at the moment... where do I look for real here?02:13
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metrolComing from FreeBSD, and all this just looks odd to me still :)02:13
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skavengemetrol: open a terminal and do 'uname -r'02:13
=== askyle made himself useful at last -- sleep is now allowed
metrolSure enough, 38602:14
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Jack_Sparrowmetrol: My default install sees my P - d (both)02:14
MikasulielNEXT QUESTION: how do i get the backgrounds to work in file manager?02:14
skavengemetrol: yeah, afaik the 386 kernels dont have smp support (so i've been told)02:14
metrolJack_Sparrow: I checked /proc/cpuinfo and only one shows up02:14
metrolAlso, the dmesg specifically states one has been disabled... which lead me here to you fine folks!02:15
larson9999sound working again!02:15
=== SuperpeZ [n=SuperpeZ@206.Red-83-34-39.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
askyleMikasuliel: no idea, try playing around with nautilus' options now that you know where to find them ; )02:15
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=== SuperpeZ is now known as FreemaN
Mikasulielaskyle: it says to drag and drop onto the window i want it on....i do that and nothing happens and then for the next several minutes  i have that tile floating back n forth02:16
larson9999metrol: bsd?  what did they do, put a gun to your head?  :)02:16
metrolOh boy, in Synaptic it shows I have both the 386 and 686 kernels...02:16
Mikasulielaskyle: which leads me to believe its a video issue02:16
eugmanI made a script. How do I give it a special icon and make it so it won't ask me if i want to open it or run it. I want it to jsut run.02:16
skavengei just dragged one into the file browser, works for me here02:16
larson9999metrol: i mean to make you switch. i don't know many bsd folks who volunteer to use linux02:16
metrollarson9999: freeking nfs is borked hard in 6.1, which got me looking elsewhere02:16
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larson9999metrol: aha02:16
lasindiHi all, I've installed Ubuntu Dapper on one of my machines, and I installed the NVIDIA driver through Easyubuntu. In order to switch to the nvidia driver, I just changed the "nv" entry to "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Everything sems to work fine, except that as soon as X starts, my fan stops spinning. Is there a reason why this happens, and how can I fix it?02:16
metrolMan, and my time trials with Ubuntu and NFS xfrs blew me away!02:17
askyleMikasuliel: i'm really at a loss there, sorry02:17
noiesmohmmm my laptops doing the etherboot finds dhcp server and says its loading pxelinux.0 but not much happens02:17
askyleanyway, i desperately need some sleepies now -- hope to see y'all soon again : )02:17
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Mikasulielaskyle: thanks02:18
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larson9999metrol: i use smp but 2 p3 slot cpus.  i heard it was hard with those cpus02:18
Stormx2barney@deepthought:~$ sudo ln -s /media/Music /var/www02:18
Stormx2ln: creating symbolic link `/var/www/Music' to `/media/Music': File exists <--- meh?02:18
askyleMikasuliel: no problem02:18
metrolThere's still a stack of stuff to get around to get fully comfy in Linux land... like no jails, init.d, and all the "little" differences.  Still, I've been pretty impressed with Ubuntu for a while02:18
=== cute_bettong [n=shane@unaffiliated/B0FH] has joined #ubuntu
cute_bettongcan anyone tell me how to get a vnc client for ubuntu?02:19
metrolWell, it looks like I've got the 386 and 686 kernels installed here... do I force an uninstall on the 386 and a reinstall on 686?02:19
=== chahibi [n=chahibi@adsl-239-133-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
metrolAnd no, I don't have a clue how I got them both on here :)02:19
chahibiDoes Ubuntu have all Debian packages? More ?02:19
eugmanLasindi, it may be better to go through the motions and do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. The recofigure may find something specific to your card.02:19
Stormx2Wait, can I mount the same partition in two different places?02:19
thunderboltmetrol: If i recall correctly, it keeps the old kernel as a 'backup', you should be running with the new 686 kernel...02:19
cute_bettongcan anyone tell me how to get vnc from the repos02:19
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metrolthunderbolt: not according to uname -r02:20
Jack_SparrowStormx2: symlink it02:20
dagrump_metrol:is it the smp restricted02:20
skavengemetrol: you can pick which one to boot with grub as well02:20
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Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: I tried.02:20
cute_bettongi have the server on windows and i want the client on dapper02:20
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metrolskavenge: Darn it sir, you are right and that should have hit me earlier02:20
Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: barney@deepthought:~$ sudo ln -s /var/www /media/Music02:20
Stormx2ln: creating symbolic link `/media/Music/www' to `/var/www': Operation not permitted02:20
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MikasulielWould anyone have any idea why the backgrounds arent working when i drag n drop? Or is that more of a bug?02:20
eugmanAnyone know how to make a bash script run only?02:20
Stormx2eugman: run only... what?02:21
skavengeMikasuliel: works fine here02:21
metrolI tried that last night... but I had the keyboard in the wrong plug.  Just batting a 1000 here with Linux... duh!02:21
metrolBefore I go and reboot, one more question...02:21
larson9999metrol: i asked someone with a p4 chip(i think).  he said it just worked.  same for my p3's.02:21
eugmanStormx2, I want to skip the dialogue where it asks to run or write or run in terminal.02:21
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Mikasulielskavenge: well im glad it works somewhere! :D   now if we could just get it working on my system :-P02:21
Stormx2eugman: Ah i think its just a preference mate...02:21
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metrolIf I have loaded in the nvidia kernel module that's running nice with the 386 kernel, will it still play nice with 686?02:21
Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: hello?02:22
metrolI guess I'm about to find out :)02:22
thunderboltmetrol: that's the spirit!02:22
metrolI "should" be right back :)02:22
skavengeMikasuliel: yeah thats wierd, im doing it the same way too just dragging it from the 'backgrounds and emblems' window into the file manager02:22
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lophyteanyone know of an OSX-esque dock program for Ubuntu?02:23
lasindieugman: I tried that02:23
Jack_SparrowStormx2:  Im exhaused... SOmeone else will need to help with that..02:23
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stperelophyte, gdesklets02:23
lasindieugman: unless there's something special I need to do in dpkg-reconfigure02:23
lophytestpere: oh, is there one for gdesklets? *looks*02:23
Mikasulielskavenge: does the little "texture patch" stay and change the background or does it go back up to the background viewer?02:23
eugmanlasindi, not sure then. You may want to check on the forums to see if anyone has the same problem or if it's something realted to how you changed it.02:24
skavengeMikasuliel: mine changes as soon as i drop it and it goes back02:24
Mikasulielskavenge: mine doesnt change, it does go back, and then every couple of minutes, even after ive closed all that i still get a little patch "going back"02:24
=== GoTux [n=britty@Toronto-HSE-ppp3874751.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanmy trash won't empty... wtf...02:25
eugmanAnyone know how to make it so a specic script won't ask whether I want to run or open it? I just want it to run.02:25
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bimberiAdeman: got things in it that are owned by root?  ''ls -l ~/.Trash''02:25
skavengeMikasuliel: yeah im definitely not getting that, im running stock video drivers, i really dont know what the culprit might be its an odd problem heh02:25
Ademanaugman: you have #! /bin/bash   as the first characters right?02:26
Ademanbimberi: i'm pretty sure nothing is02:26
dagrump_soooorrry wrong keyboard02:26
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Ademanbimberi: yeah they're all my files02:27
Mikasulielskavenge: im running stock drivers too, i tried installing the ati stuff like it said to do in the manual and it totally fubar'd it, i had to go into command line and revert to the old settings02:27
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eugmanAdeman, yes.02:27
bimberiAdeman: hm, not sure then :/02:27
skavengeMikasuliel: if the rest of the video/graphics are fine i doubt its a driver issue anyway .. seems like an odd gnome problem02:27
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Ademanwhether or not its related, my gnome-panel is now using 1.6 gig of virtual memory and 1.1 physical memory02:27
Ademan1.1 gigs02:28
lasindieugman: ok, thanks02:28
metrolThat silly grub menu did it... but I lost my nvidia driver02:28
Mikasulielskavenge: they're a bit choppy02:28
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jeeves_Mossall:  can any one give me a hand installing RealPlayer 10, and possibly a stream player for M$ streams?02:28
metrolDoes grub remember the last picked kernel for the next reboot, or do I have some configuring to do?02:28
Ademanyou gotta configure iirc02:28
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eugmanJeeves_moss, there is a page in the wiki, let me find it.02:29
metrolAdeman: sounds like I gots me some reading to do... until then I need to figger out how to get the "right" nvidia kernel module in here I guess02:29
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GoTuxjeeves_Moss: are you registered?02:30
jeeves_Mosseugman:  thanks again.  Everything I've tried fails, and I'm getting annoyed with the M$ streams02:30
jeeves_MossGoTux:  Registered?02:30
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GoTuxi was going to suggest you pm me, that way things can be easier to follow02:31
GoTuxregister you nick on freenode02:31
eugmanhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods Still need to find streamer02:31
jeeves_MossgoTux:  I've got the other window open in XChat to talk to you.02:31
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jeeves_Mosseugman:  thanks, I'll have a look02:31
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eugmanJeeves_moss, could you remind me of the file format for a stream?02:32
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dagrump_metrol: u wont like it i did clean install , update, get restricted , then install driver as if kernal updated zaps the driver02:33
jeeves_Mosseugman:  I'm trying to play stuff from www.radiotower.com02:33
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proctori got the hdd mounting prob solved02:33
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eugmanAh real ausio. You don't need real player Jeeves_Moss. Somehoe I'm listening to it with mplayer02:34
eugmanI'll see if i can find anything about it.02:35
GoTuxjeeves_Moss: did you add gstreamer-mad02:35
jeeves_Mossno, I'm guessing MPlayer will stream it propely?  I'm not up for cut/pasting of URLs, etc.02:36
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larson9999speaking of playing things... anyone able to get radiomat.com to work?  with wine or other?02:36
jeeves_Mosseugman:  I have mplayer installed I think allready.02:36
eugmanJeeves_moss, but you probably need the right decoders which are unlikely to come with it by default02:37
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GoTuxjeeves_Moss:  i can probably help you out, but can we move to a less busy channel?02:38
jeeves_Mosseugman:  ok, I know I'm a n00b, and I'm lazy...  or should I say drunk, and a n00b, but is there a simple way of doing this to have all the codecs install properly?  Basicly I just want to be able to play streams (either M$ or real player) with out the cut/past of URLs02:38
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jeeves_MossGoTux:  ok, one sec.  can you acomplish all of those things I'd like to do?02:38
eugmanOne question, Jeeves_moss do you have the w32codecs installed?02:38
jeeves_Mosseugman:  I don't think so.  Is there a simple way of doing it?02:39
GoTuxprobably, go here to this channel for now, it's quieter #gotux02:39
eugmanyes you cut and past a few commands. let me get the link.02:39
ZambeziIs there a way to turn off gdm without erasing it? I tried to change a value to three, but it didn't work.02:39
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jeeves_Mosseugman:  I'm heading over to #goTux02:39
Jack_Sparrow!restricted >jeeves_Moss02:40
eugmanok see you there02:40
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tach00Hey, how do i resize my swap partition?02:40
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tach00Hey, how do i resize my swap partition?02:43
proctortach00: I was gonna ask that some time later...incase i were to increase my ram02:43
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metrolOff to do bad things to this poor PC02:43
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proctorwould I go back into windows and use partiton magic/gparted?02:43
skavengeproctor: that works02:43
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tach00proctor: does the size of the swap relate to the amount of ram? or can you size it how you want02:43
bsdirlproctor: or computer management in controlpanel>admin.tools02:44
wweaselHey guys. I have a pretty serious problem, and I am rather worried.  See, I can't boot up into Ubuntu anymore.  I get to grub and the first error message on my list is "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device" Help please?02:44
bsdirlcomputer management > disk management does some light partitioning02:44
dagrump_i use same as physcl ram02:44
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wweaseltach00: you can size it how you want, but the rule of thumb is same size as physical ram02:45
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: did you remove any drives?02:45
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tach00ok that make sense02:45
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: change any partitions, run qtparted or Partition magic02:45
wweaselJack_Sparrow: Nope. And I know for a fact that my Ubuntu partition is still there and nice. I can see it from windows (I use ext2fsd which is ext2 drivers for windows)02:45
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larson9999wweasel: funny, i usually hear the rule of thumb is twice physical ram... is that an old rule of thumb?02:45
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: those may be the cause of your problem02:46
wweasellarson9999: I don't know...I looked it up yesterday02:46
proctor*twice yeah02:46
tach00ok now for a dorky question, which is newer, gnome or kde?02:46
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dagrump_i luv this chnnl02:46
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: I used GParted, resizing and stuff yesterday, but I have used Ubuntu since.  I haven't done anything to partitions since I was last in Ubuntu.02:46
larson9999tach00: as in which put out the latest version or wich project was created last?02:46
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dagrump_i learn some i laugh a lot02:47
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MikasulielQuestion: is there any place or any person i can contact for help with the background issue? I've plain just given up on the video card02:47
tach00larson9999: which is better02:47
wweaseltach00: that's a very dangerous and inflammatory question02:47
larson9999tach00: the answer is the one you like best.02:47
Gareth1loaded question, definitely02:47
Gareth1give them both a spin, there is no issue with having them both installed02:47
Ignite_i've just redesigned my partition scheme and installed windows on another partition next to Kubuntu (i need windows for Photoshop :( ) but my times are all screwed, you see, my timezone info was set that the hardware clock uses UTC, which thanks to windows it nolonger does, is there a way to fix this or am i forced to reinstall? :'(02:48
wweaseltach00: Try them both, see what you like02:48
skavenge'better' is relative, and thats a flamewar waiting to happen heh02:48
tach00lol i c, guess there is some bias-ness02:48
larson9999tach00: there are plenty of other desktops/wms too.  i personally like kde much better than gnome.02:48
=== bigfoot1 [n=opera@FLH1Acf202.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
bigfoot1help, my totem can't play .mov files02:48
wweaselAnd I personally much prefer Gnome :)02:48
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tach00larson9999: it does seem to have more capability02:48
Ignite_BiGcaT, w32codecs, wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats02:48
bigfoot1totem seemed to work fine in my hoary and breezy days02:48
Ignite_damn tab complete02:48
larson9999tach00: imo if you'd like something close to windows, i think you'd prefer kde.  but definitely try some out.02:49
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skavengeyou can run kde apps on gnome and vice versa anyway02:49
wweaselAnyways, could someone help me with my problem? It's kinda worrying me.  I can't boot up into ubuntu.... "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device"02:49
Ignite_bigfoot1, see what i just said :P02:49
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Gareth1Ignite_, that's no worry02:49
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Gareth1you're just saying the clock is wrong, right?02:49
larson9999skavenge: yeah, funny how people seem to forget that.  i always do02:49
Gareth1I forget where it is that you set the time (are you using GNOME?) but I know it's definitely possible02:49
LTjakei'm trying to get VMware in fullscreen mode and i'm getting this message: "Unable to find an appropriate host video mode." anyone seen that before?02:49
larson9999skavenge: i don't always forget it. i always use gnome apps in kde and vice versa02:49
skavengeright click on the clock02:49
wweaselIf you're in gnome, just right click the clock02:49
wweasellarson9999: I don't. I use AmaroK and KMess, and Gnome.02:50
Gareth1yeah, probably something like that (using xfce here)02:50
skavengelarson9999: yeah i live by k3b even though i use gnome02:50
larson9999same as in kde02:50
mooseman447does anybody know where suse puts apache's httpd2-worker?02:50
Ignite_i'm using KDE, and i have used ntp to update the time automatically, problem is all the timezone info is incorrect, well, its not... but linux thinks the hardware clock is UTC and windows localtime02:50
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bigfoot1Ignite_:  i can play .mov files in mplayer, though02:51
tach00i cant seem to get k3b to do anything, the other cd burner software works but k3b just sits there and does nothing02:51
Ignite_bigfoot1, sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer then sudo apt-get install totem-xine02:51
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benplaut_winI've got a problem with mounting a media drive.  Here's the line in fstab, i thought it was set up that all users could rw:02:51
dagrump_now where did she put that hmmmmmm02:51
benplaut_win/dev/hdb1   /media/files   vfat   user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   002:51
wweaselHey guys. I have a pretty serious problem, and I am rather worried.  See, I can't boot up into Ubuntu anymore.  I get to grub and the first error message on my list is "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device" Help please?02:51
benplaut_winhowever, here's the line in mtab, and it's not rw:02:52
benplaut_win/dev/hdb1 /media/files vfat rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 002:52
bigfoot1Ignite_: if gstreamer worse than xine?02:52
benplaut_winany suggestions?02:52
bigfoot1Ignite_: i thoughtt that dapper has improved gstreamer to such a point that gstreamer has become the default. please confirm02:52
=== panthere_noire [n=panthere@adsl-soho-1-c18-p058.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_gstreamer is good02:53
Ignite_you don't have the plugins though02:53
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: Since you just repartitioned I would think it got hosed, even though you got back into it once...02:53
Ignite_you could install them...02:53
bigfoot1Ignite_: so how can i get the plugins02:53
DarkMageZgstreamer improved alot since version 0.8, 0.10 is usable02:53
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bigfoot1i tried searching for it in wiki.ubuntu02:53
Ignite_bigfoot1, not sure02:53
wweaselJack_Sparrow: I know it isn't hosed. I can browse through it from within Windows02:53
Ignite_one sec02:53
bigfoot1can anyone help me get plugins for gstreamer, so that i can play .mov files in totem?02:53
skavengegstreamer is default but it still has issues ... notably dvd playback still requires totem-xine which im not thrilled about02:54
MikasulielIs there any place or any person i can contact for help with the background issue in nautilus? I've plain just given up on the video card02:54
HiP_Pcan someone give me a hand trying this ati card working02:54
intelligiDid anyone ever get back to me on how to move files around on the remote system with gFTP?02:54
Ignite_bigfoot1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <-= that should help02:54
wweaselJack_Sparrow: I am going into a live CD right now to double check that it isn't hosed02:54
tach00has anyone used alinux 12.7?02:54
wweaselJack_Sparrow: What do you recommend I do?02:55
bigfoot1Ignite_: thaNKS02:55
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: You cant tell it is intact by browsing... You are using experimental windows tool which even complicates the issue02:55
Ignite_bigfoot1, no problem02:55
wweaselJack_Sparrow: ext2fsd isn't particularly experimental, and read-only mounting isn't dangerous.02:55
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  If you say so... Not my choice..02:55
bigfoot1but i'm still a bit confused. how is it that i can play multimedia in mplayer but not in totem?02:55
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HiP_Pits working but its not being used right02:56
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: How would I check if it's hosed?02:56
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  I suggest for you next install you create a second linux partition for a backup of your system02:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:56
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  If grub cant see the partition something is seriously wrong02:57
bigfoot1Ignite_: i'm on that wiki page, but which instructions do i follow?02:57
bigfoot1Ignite_: shoulld i keep my current version of totem?02:57
HiP_Pahhhh ... cheers02:57
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: I am in a Live CD now. How would I mount it?02:58
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks02:58
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Jack_Sparrowfor those that have handicaps... Click on System  click on administration click on disks02:59
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: I don't know what to do. You think it's hosed. How would I verify for sure?03:01
wweaselJack_Sparrow: If it is hosed, what should I do?03:01
Loomy11When I try to install my Nvidia drivers I get this message:03:02
Loomy11"  jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jdk-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip03:02
Loomy11(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).03:02
Loomy11Please visit03:02
Loomy11    http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.html03:02
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Loomy11now and download.  The file should be owned by root.root and be copied03:02
Loomy11to /tmp."03:02
Loomy11I go to the site and I don't know whitch one to get can someone help me please?03:02
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: I would make a second ext partition, copy my /home folder to it and reinstall03:02
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wweaselcould I just copy it to my FAT32 partition?03:02
joeljkpi need libopenal.so.0; should i install libopenal0, or libopenal0a?03:02
Loomy11sorry for my message making so many posts not sure why that happened03:02
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Jack_Sparrowbut that can have problems...03:02
wweaselJack: why?03:03
Jack_Sparrowfile length restrictions and such... but do it any way you want..03:03
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wweaselargh. So there's no way of recovering my file system? Even though I suspect that it is intact?03:04
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  Just my choice to use a spare ext303:04
=== ryanakca___ [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikasulielfor the 3rd and final time: can someone point me to someone/somewhere where i can receive help with this nautilus background error?03:04
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  it could be recovered.. with enough time and effort.. If you had the knowledge..03:04
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skavengeMikasuliel: google for an answer or you can pay for help through ubuntu's website, i dont know where else to look03:05
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salahI have a disk partition with all my stuff inside, has the label /, can I still make a partition inside it?03:05
joeljkpanyone? libopenal0 or libopenal0a?03:06
KilleroidMikasuliel: will ya calm down,most of the peope here are volunteers and so ust ask politely03:06
Loomy11is it okay for me to repost my question?03:07
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: Could you point me in the right direction if I wanted to try to see if it can be recovered?03:07
MikasulielKilleroid: i have been trying to ask nicely, but ive asked 3 times over the span of  a half hour/45 minutes, and ive been ignored each time when people after me have asked for help03:07
Patrick_XGL is pissing me off like no other03:07
Patrick_this is bull shit03:07
wweaselLoomy11: Yeah, after a while if no one answers03:07
ubotuPlease watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly.03:07
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Ignite_Patrick_, its alpha software.. it will be buggy..03:08
Patrick_it seems like its more trouble then good...03:08
Patrick_yes but this is outragious03:08
Loomy11When I try to install my Nvidia drivers I get this message:03:08
Loomy11"  jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jdk-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip03:08
Loomy11(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).03:08
Loomy11Please visit03:08
Loomy11    http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.html03:08
Loomy11now and download.  The file should be owned by root.root and be copied03:08
Ignite_it will be.. its alpha software..03:08
Loomy11to /tmp."03:08
Loomy11I go to the site and I don't know whitch one to get can someone help me please?03:08
skavengeif people are not replying it most likely means no one knows the answer .. they are not just ignoring03:08
david_is there a program to copy dvd's?03:08
wweaselMikasuliel: Probably no one knows the answer for you03:08
hackelOutrageous!  Patrick_ you should sue the developers!  Oh wait, that's YOU.03:08
Ignite_Patrick_, its not supposed to work properly... its not finished..03:08
skavengeLoomy11: what does java have to do with nvidia drivers?03:08
Patrick_I've spent....atleast 100+ hours getting it to work ignite_03:08
Jack_Sparrowwweasel: You are asking how high is up?   With yourcurrent level of knowledge you are better off reinstalling03:08
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Patrick_hackel? wtf?03:08
tanlaanok i have a problem, what piece of software would i use to run a shell script periodically?03:08
zaudragonhmmm, where should I ask about parted?03:09
=== TigerWolf [n=TigerWol@ppp202-65.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Loomy11skavenge: i dont have any idea but it gives me that response every time i try.03:09
Ignite_Patrick_, well, you can't complain really, its alpha software, expect it to act like alpha software03:09
hackelPatrick_:  You have no one to blame for the software not working the way you want but YOURSELF.  Go get off your ass and fix it.03:09
=== burnfire_ [n=burnfire@ip72-197-157-17.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Patrick_ignite_ well, I think it screwed up my video card drivers.03:09
Mikasulielwweasel: ok, thats fine i understand that, then it would be nice if they could point me in a direction that would help me, and i already have googled it03:09
Patrick_hackel, I don't have time for assholes03:09
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skavengeLoomy11: wish i could help but that ones got me baffled, i dont see how the two are connected03:09
ubotuPlease watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly.03:09
Ignite_Patrick_, its a completely different X server and its alpha software.. of course it did -_-03:09
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hackelPatrick_:  No but you have time to waste 100+ hours on something silly like that?  Come on, you obviously are not the most technical person around.  Just wait until it's done before playing with it and getting upset.03:10
Patrick_ignite_ fglrxinfo says "Unable to open display :0"03:10
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Patrick_hackel, please spare me03:10
adamant1988hackel, when your car doesn't work the way you want, I get the feeling you take it to someone else to fix it after spending a hefty amount of time complaining.03:10
joeljkpanyone? libopenal0 or libopenal0a?03:10
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tanlaanwhat would i use to run a shell script periodically?03:11
Patrick_ignite_ isant it supposed to use display :1?03:11
david_is there software that can copy a dvd?03:11
hackeladamant1988:  Exactly, I don't try to assemble a half-working prototype car when I know nothing about it and get upset that it doesn't work.03:11
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: I just don't want to give up and restart from scratch.  I am still able to see everything in my linux partition. I have booted it successfully a couple times since using GParted. Splashy still works until it encounters the error. I'd like to undrstand: what is broken? Why can't it detect the partition if a Live CD and the windows software can?03:11
=== dolmen [n=dolmen@cho94-1-81-57-157-99.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rpedrojoeljkp: do a 'dpkg -S <files_name>' ,it should give you the package with the file you want03:11
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Jack_Sparrowdavid yes, and it can shrink it like the windows prog03:11
Ignite_Patrick_, i don't know, i've never used it, i've used AIGLX and thats as close as it gets, that was just for playing around, i wouldn't use it full time, not yet03:11
=== lenrek [n=bruno@201-42-102-125.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
adamant1988hackel,  I bet you would when everyone else around is talking about how cool it is and doing it.03:11
hawkaloogieI just updated to Dapper and now I can't run k3b as anything but root. I also can't run gnomebaker at all, it says it has a GThread error (only one can be started at at time). How can I fix one or the other?03:11
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  then use live and reinstall grub03:12
Patrick_ignite_ hmm...03:12
Ignite_hawkaloogie, try running k3bsetup as root03:12
joeljkprpedro: they both have the same file03:12
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Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  that cant hurt03:12
joeljkprpedro: and the same description03:12
wweaselJack_Sparrow: You think that might help?03:12
tanlaanwhat would i use to run a shell script periodically?03:12
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Patrick_Does anyone know how to fix such an error? with fglrxinfo, it says "Unable to open display :0"03:12
hackeladamant1988:  Especially not if the car maker GAVE me the spare prototype parts for free.03:12
rpedrojoeljkp: then get the one with the most recent version number03:12
wweaselJack_Sparrow: I had to do that once, after I reinstalled Windows yesterday and it rewrote my MBR. Grub was restored successfully, and I opened up Ubuntu once. Shut it down, went out, came back, now this.03:13
DarkMageZhackel, are you guys talking about xgl & compiz by any chance?03:13
joeljkprpedro: openal0: 0.2005080600-2.1build2, openal0a: 1:0.0.8-1ubuntu103:13
hackelDarkMageZ:  No, we're talking about cars. :)03:13
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DarkMageZhackel, oh, but before that :P03:14
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  I'm done with this...03:14
rpedrojoeljkp: get the ubuntu version, don't know where you got that other one03:14
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wweaselJack_Sparrow: Sorry to bother you.03:14
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adamant1988DarkMageZ, yes, we were talking about XGL/compiz03:14
lenrekWhat yours preferred application for irc client?03:14
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Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  You keep remembering things you did...03:14
hackelDarkMageZ:  yes, that's the general topic.03:14
joeljkprpedro: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libopenal0, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libopenal0a03:14
wweaselJack_Sparrow: No, I don't. I know exactly what I did.03:14
joeljkprpedro: they're both in dapper03:14
tanlaanwhat might i use to run a shell script periodically?03:14
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333wo0t! GAME STARTING IN #ubuntu-trivia!!!!!03:15
Jack_Sparrowwweasel:  Even when I asked what all lead up to the problem you NEVER mentioned you reinstalled Windows..03:15
wastreltanlaan:  cron -  check  man crontab  and crontab -e03:15
adamant1988wweasel, I know this is off topic... do you or did you do graphical art?03:15
DarkMageZPatrick_, xgl is in #ubuntu-xgl :P03:15
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wweaseladamant1988: I have no idea what you're talking about.03:15
adamant1988nevermind then :)03:15
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tanlaanwastrel: what?03:16
DarkMageZPatrick_, it is really nice once you get it working. keep at it if you have the time03:16
wweaselJack_Sparrow: I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier. But it didn't seem relevant. I have been in Ubuntu since I reinstalled windows.03:16
wweaselJack_Sparrow: And since I restored grub earlier today03:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:16
wweaselJack_Sparrow: (which was after installing windows)03:16
wastreltanlaan:  cron is the program to use for scheduling periodic execution of commands03:16
dakinei am on the verge of instling ubuntu and need to know if/how i can import firefox bookmarks03:16
Patrick_darkmagez, I am aware of how awesome it is.... it also makes productivity even easier. I got AIGLX working, but it was slowish and alot of people told me that XGL will run much faster03:16
wweaselJack_Sparrow: And obviously the partitioning was before reinstalling windows.03:17
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a decent howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm03:17
Patrick_darkmagez, that channel..bah, nobody answers me...03:17
tanlaanwastrel: ok thankyou03:17
wweaseldakine: yes, you can import your entire firefox profile03:17
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DarkMageZPatrick_, yeah, that channel depends on the time of day and stuff.03:17
tanlaanwastrel: are there any programs that work like crontab except have a gui?03:18
=== polishkoop [n=maka@dynamic-acs-24-154-102-8.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastreltanlaan:  i dunno, i just use cron :] 03:18
dakineok tkz, is ther a graphical file manager ( i hate to say it but like windoze explore) so i can see what is in which directories? last question, i promise03:18
wweaselJack_Sparrow: To be honest, I have no clue what caused the change in between the time Ubuntu booted up nicely (after all of that) and now, when it bitches about not having a partition. I am sorry I didn't recount the entire story, and if that wasted any of your time.03:19
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Killeroiddakine: yes03:19
tanlaanwastrel: haha well are there any help files for cron?03:19
wastreltanlaan:  man crontab, man cron.  also that link ubotu sent03:19
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skavengedoes dvdrip do shrinking as well or do i need to install something else?03:19
Killeroiddakine: yes,ubuntu has a graphical file manager03:19
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dakinei didnt see it on the live disc03:20
dakinewhat is it called03:20
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Killeroiddakine: its called nautilus03:20
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ubotuI know nothing about nautilus03:20
=== Hudson_H [n=mike@230-51.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
polishkoopI'm running ubuntu dapper and I'm trying to get my wireless internet to work.  I managed to get the windows drivers installed.  I can't seem to connect to my wireless internet though and ubuntu seeing my wifi card as eth1 is making me confused.  Can anyone offer some help?03:20
tanlaanwastrel: thanks man you were a big help :D03:20
metallordHello,I need some help with ghamachi,I'm using Ubuntu 6.06,and I'm new at everything about linux,can anybody help me?03:21
godlygeekpolishkoop: what kinda card do you have?03:21
wweaselpolishkoop: wireless is a pain in the ass. what wifi card are you working on/03:21
wastrelwhat's ghamachi?03:21
Jack_Sparrowdakine: Click on places then desktop to start Nautilus03:21
wweasel(excuse my language before someone types !language)03:21
metallordghamachi its the GUI for hamachi,a very simple VPN program03:21
dakineok, i'll spin it up again and look for nautilus, tks killeroid03:21
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polishkoopgodlygeek: linksys wireless-g with speedbooster pci.  Model wmp54gs and it uses the broadcom chipset.03:22
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craCOhow do i back up my psx game in linux?03:22
craCOi always get input output errors and whatnot03:22
craCOit only copys 20mb of it03:22
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pumphi, i need help with a Pinnacle PCTV Stereo03:23
godlygeekafter an apt-get dist-upgrade to dapper, apt-get update spits a few lines out at the end that say "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release: Unknown error executing gpgv03:23
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=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC8C4B0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:24
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godlygeekanyone have any suggestions about fixing it?  i've found similar problems on the net and been unable to fix it using their suggestions.03:24
=== abc123 [n=abc123@cpc4-yarm1-0-0-cust657.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
pumpi need help with a Pinnacle PCTV Stereo, i don't have signal03:24
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abc123is there humans in here?03:24
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polishkoopgodlygeek: do you have any ideas?03:25
xnull-how do I install gnome 2.15.x ?03:25
abc123is there ne one hu is intrested in astro travelling?03:25
abc123im not selling ne thing lmfao03:25
Jack_Sparrowabc123: Have a question?03:25
millai've just installed ubuntu 5.10 and i have no root password03:25
=== dr_willis thinks someone may get projected soon.
Jack_SparrowUse Sudo03:26
millai need to login as root03:26
dhamiltomilla, use sudo03:26
=== skon [n=skon@c220-237-18-72.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
millaim new at this.03:26
dr_willismilla,  thats how it woprks.. and no ya dont03:26
pumpsudo and your user's password03:26
xnull-how do I install gnome 2.15.x ?03:26
godlygeekit's possible to use sudo to get a root shell - if you ever need to.03:26
tonyyarussoAny way to make USB devices sync the data without umount so that you can unplug them any time (except while actively writing of course)?03:26
pumpyou need the dapper repos i think03:26
millaasks for a password03:26
Jack_Sparrowyour password03:27
millaafter typing sudo and password03:27
skavengeYOUR password03:27
dhamiltomilla, type "sudo su -"03:27
dhamiltoand do like skavenge03:27
=== socket7 [n=socket7@c-69-181-120-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xnull-how do I install gnome 2.15.x ?03:27
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=== dapatrick [n=dapatric@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
abc123how do i accesss my slave drive?03:28
abc123its got windows xp03:28
abc123on it03:28
abc123has it got a diff file system so i can acssess it03:28
=== benplaut_win [n=plaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
millathanks dhamilto, i owe you a blowjob03:28
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  You want it mounted every time?03:28
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miguelsrsome one know if i could install a lexmark printer to dapper?03:28
dgh1973when cna I collect?03:28
Killeroidmiguelsr: yeah03:28
miguelsrKilleroid do u know how?03:29
abc123some one going to answer me please:(03:29
Jack_Sparrowabc123: ntfs should be used as read only, fat32 can be rw03:29
socket7Can anyone help me out with using MAKEDEV? its a long story but i need it to make a /dev/hdc so i can make my CD rom hot swappable.03:29
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:29
miguelsrKilleroid because i try but it dont doit03:29
dgh1973abc123:  you don't have an icon for it on your desktop?  Try places>computer03:29
abc123but can i acess it throught this OS?03:29
Jack_Sparrowabc123: yes03:29
Killeroidmiguelsr: check linuxprinting.org for the lexmark linux drivers03:29
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dgh1973abc123:  open your places menu at top, then computer, that should list your drives03:30
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  you can manually edit fstab or use the diskmopunter script03:30
=== arapehl has to say, I've been running Ubuntu (Linux for that matter) for just a few days now and I am FREAKIN IMPRESSED. Not only is the OS rock solid (in comparison to Windows), but the community is incredibly helpful and the more I discover what I'm able to do on this platform, the more impressed I get. Man, this has been a good week!
pumpdoes anybody here have a pinnacle card?03:30
=== milla [n=eddie@] has joined #ubuntu
millaim back03:31
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks03:31
=== tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
millai need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make windows the default OS03:32
abc123how do i use a wireless lan card?03:32
benplaut/dev/hdb1 on /media/files type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000)    << Anyone know why this wouldn't be rw for either user or root?03:32
=== Jessehk [n=jesse@Toronto-HSE-ppp3883334.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
millabut i need to do it as root right?03:32
dgh1973milla: eeek, no!03:32
abc123ive got the drivers03:32
Jack_Sparrowmilla: Ok, so do it03:32
abc123sorry im a noob to linux03:32
pumpmilla: you can copy and paste the windows section to the top of the list03:32
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  drivers for ?03:32
dgh1973milla:  yeah milla, as root03:32
abc123ive got em for my wireless lan card03:32
tomlikestorockcan anyone tell me why my wire connection can access my lan, but my wireless can't, even though I can access the internet through both?03:32
abc123i just dno how to use it03:32
millai need to be root to do so03:32
abc123the card03:32
millai cant login from the main screen as root03:33
pumpuse sudo03:33
pumpin a terminal03:33
millawhat can I do to change the attributes of /boot/grub/menu.lst03:33
millain order to make it writeable03:33
pumpsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:33
dagrump_Jack_Sparrow: ask the bot about homebrew, just for a laugh03:33
pumpput that in a terminal03:33
dgh1973milla: nope, you'll have to open a term or log in as you on console then do that whole "sudo su -" thing03:33
pumpand when it ask for a password put your password03:33
dgh1973or what pump said03:34
metallordhow do I install or fix the gtk libraries?03:34
socket7Can anyone help me out with using MAKEDEV? its a long story but i need it to make a /dev/hdc so i can make my CD rom hot swappable. the man pages aren't doing me any good :(03:34
millaim root in the console, i have #03:34
dgh1973you shouldn't need to on ubuntu... udev03:34
millaand then? how do i edit menu.lst03:34
JessehkIf I delete a partition, will /etc/fstab change itself, or will I have to manually chane it?03:35
socket7dgh1973, I have never been told about udev03:35
dgh1973vi /boot/grub/menu.lst and put the block for your windoze entry above the rest03:35
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Jack_SparrowJessehk:  manually03:35
dgh1973socket7: udev should automagically create device entries for you03:35
tomlikestorockanyone? Why can't my wireless access my lan, but can access the internet?03:35
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qaozhow can i change the hostname that shows up in bash. i mean the qaoz@localhost thing. how do i change localhost to something i want?03:35
JessehkJust not worth it. I'll create a /home partition on my next computer.03:36
dgh1973qaoz: vi /etc/hostname03:36
abc123ive found my hdd its VFAT03:36
=== boelloesch [i=nono@ip104.63.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
socket7dgh1973,  thats nice. it's not working for me.03:36
abc123and inaccessable03:36
abc123now what?03:36
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millai cannot write :(03:36
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millai cannot edit menu.lst03:36
dgh1973socket7: what does your cdrom device show up as in your /etc/fstab?03:37
millawhat else can i do?03:37
dgh1973what error are you getting when trying to edit it milla?03:37
millai cannot write03:37
boelloeschhi - got a little question03:37
socket7dgh1973, uh. It doesnt. It's a removable drive. I'm trying to make my laptop find it when i've installed the drive after boot, and I'm also trying to find out how to remove it without the system locking up completely.03:37
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  do you want my help?03:38
socket7dgh1973,  I'm trying to use ./idectl 1 rescan to get it to find the drive03:38
socket7but it says /dev/hdc is not found03:38
dgh1973socket7: ahh I see... what kind of drive is it, usb?03:38
millawhat other editor can i use? im using vi /boot/grub/menu.lst03:38
socket7hot swap bay03:38
millaand i cannot write03:38
dgh1973milla: nano is a good one03:38
tomlikestorockvi is also good03:39
Jack_Sparrowabc123: go to term, type sudo nautilus, browse to boot/grub, double click grub.lst you should be able to edit and save it03:39
socket7idectl errors out with /dev/hdc cannot be found, and theres no /dev/hdc when i ls /dev03:39
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boelloeschis there a a really easy way to install a mp3-player at ubuntu?03:39
=== ShadowLurker [n=ShadowLu@ppp-68-250-175-46.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:39
socket7so I've been trying to create a /dev/hdc to make idectl work.03:39
miguelsrKilleroid hey i download the driver but it doesnt works03:39
dgh1973what model laptop socket7?03:39
dr_willisick running nautilus as root,   :)03:39
socket7fujitsu P5010D03:40
ShadowLurkerneed help03:40
ShadowLurkeri tried to install AIM03:40
socket7i have friends who have the same model as mine and have gotten it to work03:40
metallordI need to install or fix the GTK libraries,anybody can tell me how?03:40
ShadowLurkerfor "All Other OS"03:40
abc123i dont have a clue03:40
abc123wtf is term03:40
abc123there is no term03:40
ShadowLurkerand it says to type, usr/local/bin/aim in the command line, i tried that and it said it was an invalid command03:40
abc123there is nothign what u said03:41
dgh1973socket7: if you power down, insert cdrom and boot up it should automatically create the device for you (i guess it isn't) but ejecting it live is a bad idea in general... hot bays on laptops are treated as ide in most cases I think03:41
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  go to applications, accessories and term03:41
abc123im confused03:41
=== NightVision [n=night@or-71-48-176-70.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
abc123there is know term03:41
ubotuI know nothing about terninal03:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:41
socket7dgh1973: I can do it in windows03:41
dgh1973socket7:  what model laptop and version of ubuntu?03:41
dr_willisTime to learn some Linux basics.03:41
boelloeschis there an easy way to install a mp3-player at ubuntu?03:41
Killeroidmiguelsr: try installing the driver through the system -> administration -> printing03:42
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:42
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  it is part of the default install...03:42
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-147-169-191.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShadowLurkerboellesch: search google for "Easy Ubuntu"03:42
dgh1973boelloesch: www.getautomatix.com03:42
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  it is part of the default install...  What do you see when you click on applications then accesories03:42
tomlikestorockanyone else ever have this problem? Wireless can access the internet, but not anything on the lan?03:42
Tom7eanyone have a link for setting up 5.1 surround sound?03:42
dgh1973yeah easyubuntu also03:42
=== Kartharak [n=jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ShadowLurkeranyone who can help me install AIM, go to #UbuntuPalace03:42
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.03:42
miguelsrKilleroid i tryed too it detects my printer but doesnt works03:42
abc123dint work03:42
KartharakDoes anyone know if there is a version of an IM that can work with Yahoo webcam for linux?03:43
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  it is part of the default install...  What do you see when you click on applications then accesories03:43
dgh1973I've had no issues with automatix03:43
=== Kartharak is now known as iJeff
abc123sent me to the fucking shitty one ive seen about a million times03:43
abc123the master hdd03:43
benplauthave there been alot of questions in here today about problems mounting FAT drives?03:43
iJeffDoes anyone know if there is a version of an IM that can work with Yahoo webcam for linux?03:43
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  You should see an option for terminal03:43
abc123yeah i got it03:43
socket7dgh1973,  Its a fujitsu p5010D.  I'm running ubuntu dapper, and turning the laptop off its not an acceptable solution for me. I'm not switching until I can do everything in linux i can in windows. And windows can hot swap these drives no problem.03:43
abc123i wrote03:43
dr_willisiJeff,  may want to do some googling for that.. and try the latest gaim03:43
NightVisiondoes anyone know if EMBOSS is available  in any of the apt repositories?03:43
Jack_Sparrowbenplaut: yes03:43
abc123that thing u said03:43
abc123dint work03:43
iJeffdr_willis: im on gaim 2.0 beta03:43
abc123at all03:43
abc123sent me to my master hdd03:44
benplautJack_Sparrow, i'm thinking rogue update...03:44
abc123which i dont care about03:44
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benplautit's pretty f*ed up over here03:44
abc123as i need to delete viruses from my slave hard driver03:44
=== eric__ [n=eric@cpe-66-67-29-65.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
abc123hard drive^03:44
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eric__Wonder if I could solicit some help with a Sony Vaio and a USB hard drive.03:44
abc123which is becoming a chore for this unstable peiece of shit they call an opertating system03:44
socket7I just need to know why MAKEDEV wont make an /dev/hdc for me :(03:44
Jack_Sparrowabc123: go to terminal, type sudo nautilus, browse to boot/grub, double click grub.lst you should be able to edit and save it03:45
eric__Ubuntu installer kept failing so I installed PCLINUX (for now) on the USB drive.  Put LILO on the MBR of the USB  drive...03:45
Jack_Sparrowabc123: saying it didnt work is NOT helpful, where did it not work03:45
abc123i typed the sudo nautilus then thats it03:45
abc123cause i dint think they are supposed to have commas03:45
ShadowLurkerCAN SOMEONE HELP ME?03:45
stpereShadowLurker, please don't shout03:46
eric__..but the VAIO won't boot off of it.  Can't set the BIOS to look at the USB drive and it's my work machine, so I don't dare mess with the main drive by adding GRUB or LILO to its MBR.03:46
abc123i done that it sent me to the master hard drive which ive said03:46
Jack_Sparrowabc123: go back to XP, you two were made for each other if you cant follow SIMPLE instructions03:46
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dagrump_my ears!!!03:46
abc123i cant go back to xp03:46
eric__..so I'm thinking I need to make a boot disk.03:46
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  did nautilus open03:46
abc123i need to fix it hence the reason im using shitty linux which doesnt work for humans03:46
eric__Then I thought maybe I could use my UBUNTU live CD to point to the kernel on the HD I have.03:46
dagrump_made my i's hurt03:46
eric__Is there a way to do that?03:46
KilleroidShadowLurker: whats your problem?03:46
abc123dno wat that word mean03:46
abc123but two icons came up03:47
=== HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-147-96.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
skonis there a quick way i can check what port a programme is using ( eg synergy )?03:47
abc123and some other small file03:47
abc123which dint look too usefull03:47
=== Cornellius [n=alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
stpereskon, ask ;-)03:47
Jack_Sparrowabc so you are in nautilus... press the up arrow until you see boot folder03:47
skoni did but it would not tell me03:47
dgh1973socket7: did you mean Fujitsu P1510D?03:47
eric__Maybe someone has a better/slicker solution than this one?03:47
Tom7eanyone have a link for setting up 5.1 surround sound?03:47
wastrelskon:  netstat -a | grep synergy    maybe03:48
abc123no root poped up03:48
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abc123nothing about that funy word03:48
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  double click on boot folder then double click on grub folder and double click on menu.lst03:48
ShadowLurkerKilleroid: go to #UbuntuPalace please03:48
abc123which isnt english03:48
socket7dgh1973,  no. its a P5010D. Its one of their older ultraportables03:48
benplautJack_Sparrow, have there been more fat questions than... usual?03:48
skonwastrel: okay thanks03:48
abc123ive opened dboot strap03:48
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stpereskon, it is 2480003:48
Jack_Sparrowbenplaut: all day..03:48
dgh1973I'm trying to do some research for ya socket703:48
stpereskon, by default03:48
benplautok... glad it's not just me :P03:48
socket7I've already done it. I know whats wrong03:48
tomlikestorockwhy would a network interface not be able to access internal lan addresses?03:48
skonstpere: yes03:48
HiP_Pive install Gstreamer and it seems to messed up my sound :(03:48
socket7and its /dev/hdc is missing.03:48
abc123its blaitenly shit as its saying fucking qwerty keyboards03:49
=== benplaut checks launchpad
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socket7and MAKEDEV isn't creating  it for me03:49
wastreltomlikestorock:  is the nic set as the DMZ?03:49
abc123# Inserted by languagechooser.03:49
abc123# Inserted by kbd-chooser.03:49
abc123# inserted by prebaseconfig03:49
abc123thats wat it said03:49
skonif i can find the port synergy uses then i can open it up on the other PC's firewall03:49
HiP_Puse paste bin03:49
abc123nothing to do with my 160gig hard driver.03:49
wastrelabc123:  we realize you are frustrated, but please try to be civil03:49
tomlikestorockwastrel: good question. How do I check?03:49
stpereskon, use netstat03:50
benplautJack_Sparrow, have any of them been solved?03:50
tomlikestorockwastrel: this nic would be my broadcom wireless03:50
Jack_Sparrowabc123: you need to go one step at a time and tell us what you see, or you will get NO more help03:50
abc123# Inserted by languagechooser.03:50
abc123# Inserted by kbd-chooser.03:50
abc123# inserted by prebaseconfig03:50
skonstpere: okay thanks03:50
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abc123thats wat i see03:50
Jack_SparrowI have solved them all day.. did you have another03:50
abc123ur not actually listeing chap03:50
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abc123ur blaming it on me03:50
wastreltomlikestorock: if you haven't set it up as dmz, it's probably not dmz.03:50
abc123when ur skipping wat im saying03:50
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tomlikestorockwastrel: that's what I was thinking ;)03:50
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  start from the beginning and step by step03:50
abc123i dont mean to be an arse hole03:50
HiP_Pabc123 please use the paste bin03:50
abc123right im in a root folder03:50
skavengeJack_Sparrow: i applaud your patience03:50
Jack_Sparrowabc123: then stop being one03:50
tomlikestorockwastrel: nonetheless, is there any iptables madness I need to be messing with or something? Why would my wire connection not have this problem?03:51
Tom7eis the sound card configured in xorg.conf or somewhere else?03:51
wastreltomlikestorock:  so this is your wireless nic?  is it working with the internet, but not LAN?03:51
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  do you see a folder named boot03:51
benplautJack_Sparrow, was it one thing messing up for all of them, with a similar sollution? trying to file a bug report03:51
HiP_Pah cheers Tom7e03:51
abc123and that file is the only one i can see along side desktop03:51
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Jack_Sparrowbenplaut: no just noobs03:51
tomlikestorockwastrel: exactly. I'm on the wireless nic right now, but I can't access any other computer on teh network03:51
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bcronIm wondering if anyone can help me with an odd problem.  I can boot from my cdrom but it's damaged and it stops right after the kernel is loaded.  I have a usb cdrom I can load ubuntu with but I can't boot from it03:51
bcroncan I boot from the floppy to get the usb cdrom working?03:52
Jack_Sparrowabc close it all down and start over.03:52
abc123yeah found it alot easier to get it from a diff location03:52
wastreltomlikestorock:  first thing to check is whether you're connected to the wireless network you think you're connected to... use iwconfig  and look at the essid.03:52
abc123as that command prompt wernt working in my favour03:52
Tom7eHiP_P: cheers?03:52
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abc123# Inserted by languagechooser.03:52
abc123# Inserted by kbd-chooser.03:52
abc123# inserted by prebaseconfig03:52
HiP_Pfor helping03:52
phprookiim trying to setup a crontab, i can run /opt/lampp/bin/php -q /home/olid/server/test.php in terminal and it gives the output Wrote 34 bytes to the end of look.html! which is correct but its supposed to write this to the file look.html not to terminal any ideas ?03:52
abc123as it give me that03:52
tamranhi guys, I just downloaded the iso image thinking it was supposed to boot03:52
tomlikestorockwastrel: check. I'm on the correct one03:52
benplautJack_Sparrow, the next one that comes around, could you PM me their relevent dmesg output?03:52
Jack_Sparrowabc123: open a terminal window03:52
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abc123some shita bout a qweerty keyboard and uk03:52
wastreltomlikestorock:  so can you ping the router?03:52
HiP_P!pastebin >abc12303:52
tamranto do a fresh install on a computer, what version of the ISO should I download?03:52
pianoboy3333Can anyone here help me with a quick perl question?03:53
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tomlikestorockhost unreachable03:53
Jack_Sparrowabc close it all down and start over.03:53
Jack_Sparrowabc close it all down and start over.03:53
abc123grub was up then i closed a diff window. and it disapperaed03:53
tomlikestorockwastrel: host unreachable. Which is interesting. Last time I was trying to deal with this I got no route to host errors03:53
xnull-hey how do I change the resol. to bootspash ? i want 102403:53
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abc123im new to linux and its not running smoothly at all03:53
abc123all closed03:53
wastreltomlikestorock:  check your routing table -  route03:53
phprookiim trying to setup a crontab, i can run /opt/lampp/bin/php -q /home/olid/server/test.php in terminal and it gives the output Wrote 34 bytes to the end of look.html! which is correct but its supposed to write this to the file look.html not to terminal any ideas ?03:54
abc123ive been getting loads of errors and cant find my hdd03:54
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  boot all the way into ubuntu03:54
russhow do i change what app Firtefox calls for a file type if I already chose the options "Always Do This"03:54
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
abc123wat does that mean03:54
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  boot all the way into ubuntu03:54
tamranis the desktop ubuntu cd only for use with windows?03:54
abc123i thought its here now03:54
tamranas the cd doesn't seem to boot03:54
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  turn on your computer and wait for Ubuntu to run03:54
russI mean, i made mplayer always open ASX files with Firefox, but I want Firefox to call Xine when it sees and ASX file03:54
abc123its obivously running03:54
abc123should i reset?03:55
Jack_Sparrowtamran:  it dosent need windows03:55
skonstpere: can't see synergy in netstat - as soon as connection attempt fails it shuts down again03:55
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  at this point NOTHING is obvious03:55
dagrump_tamran: burn to disc as iso03:55
abc123it seems that way03:55
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tamrandagrump_: I've burned it to disk03:55
abc123fuck all is working03:55
tamrandagrump_: booting to it doesn't work03:55
nomasteryodasweet... kubuntu finally installed and upgraded on my powerpc03:55
pumpdoes somebody have a pinnacle tv card?03:55
HiP_Phmmm cant change the sound daemon03:55
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  do you have an applications option at the top of the screen03:56
stpereskon do you have access to the synergys03:56
stpereskon, server03:56
tomlikestorockwastrel: two entries for both eth0 and eth1, and they're identical03:56
dagrump_it needs to burn as an iso not a data disk03:56
skonstpere: ahh yes server you are right03:56
wastreltime to kick this guy out03:56
abc123and term03:56
skonthere it is03:56
abc123but its fucking shit03:56
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  go to applications, accessories and terminal03:56
pianoboy3333abc123: language03:56
stpereskon, start it and look the port it is using03:56
wastreltomlikestorock:  is there a default line with the router address?03:56
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  enough of YOUR shit, knock it off it is YOUR ignorance that is the problem03:57
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skonstpere:: yeah i found it with netstat - thanks mate03:57
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stpereskon, you are welcome03:57
abc123no its linux03:57
abc123its a fucking huge problem03:57
tomlikestorockwastrel: yup, for both interfaces. identical03:57
abc123i like computers... i have paitence03:57
abc123but u just dont listen03:57
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  type"sudo nautilus"03:57
abc123and blame it on me03:57
wastrelthis guy's a troll03:58
tomlikestorockGenmask:, metric/ref/use/:003:58
bcronIt can be frustrating but don't take it out on the ppl trying to help you unless you paid money and dialed an 800 number03:58
HiP_Pno ops kick him is there?03:58
Jack_SparrowSomeone ban this idiot03:58
skavengeYOUR the one not listening jeez just ban this ignorance03:58
dgh1973what's wrong abc123?03:58
=== talon218 [n=talon218@ip68-103-181-164.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
abc123now for like the millionth time03:58
abc123there are two icons03:58
dagrump_tamran: check disk integrity03:58
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bcronI guess it's not as easy as abc 12303:59
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abc123one saying "    dbootstrap_settings          "                the other saying "          desktop             "03:59
abc123do 103:59
wastreltomlikestorock:  hm actually the default gateway is irrelevant03:59
dgh1973your the one trying to access your windowsa partition?03:59
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talon218how do you install an ftp server with logins and passwords03:59
abc123nothing else there03:59
Jack_Sparrowabc123: did a window open with the header root File Manager03:59
rendoWhat video player supports .bin formats in Ubuntu?03:59
tomlikestorockwastrel: oh03:59
tamrandagrump_: ok, I'll md5 it03:59
abc123ive told u loads03:59
tomlikestorockrendo: vlc03:59
abc123just root03:59
abc123did u read it04:00
Jack_Sparroware you typing NAUTILUS correctly04:00
abc123yes cause i copy and paste04:00
tomlikestorockrendo: do yourself a favor and run automatix for the codecs before hand, though. then install vlc player, and you should be good04:00
Jack_SparrowDid it ask for your password04:00
wastreltomlikestorock:  i don't have any ideas... :] 04:00
abc123unles ur doing it wrong04:00
boelloesch<------ throwing tha comp outta window - no mp3 worx :(04:00
tomlikestorockwastrel: curses04:00
talon218how do you install an ftp server with logins and passwords04:00
rendoI have the codecs.04:00
wastrel!mp3 > boelloesch04:00
nomasteryodaboelloesch, you can make it work04:00
rendoVLC?  Thanks.04:00
tomlikestorockwastrel: I appreciate it04:00
tomlikestorocktalon: pure-ftpd04:00
ubotuI know nothing about pure-ftpd04:01
abc123see what i mean... linux = shit04:01
talon218is that a graphical interface??04:01
ubotuI know nothing about pure-ftp04:01
nix4me<talon218> there is a good howto on the forumsd04:01
skavengeJack_Sparrow: it does come up as the root dir when you do that .. he's gonna have to go up the directory tree to see the boot dir04:01
tomlikestorocktalon: not at first, but there is a gui package you can install as well04:01
dgh1973abc123: what he's telling you is good, "sudo nautilus" in a terminal window should prompt for password then open up a new file manager window as root04:01
ubotuPlease watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly.04:01
ubotuI know nothing about making-love-to-a-woman04:01
wastrelabc123:  Please be civil or you'll be kicked out.04:01
talon218k thx i'll give it a try04:01
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tomlikestorockno prob04:02
t94xrthats funny04:02
skavengehe needs to hit the green 'UP' button once then he'll see the boot dir04:02
abc123well people are as thick as shit04:02
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.04:02
abc123as they blame me for thier mistakes04:02
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!04:02
=== coucho [n=nikos@s559155cf.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
abc123i only wanted simple answers to a simple question04:02
=== tomlikestorock is surprised
dgh1973abc123: what is it you are trying to do?  are you the one trying to access a windows partition?04:02
abc123i dont mean to annoy people04:02
Jack_SparrowI know how it comes up... and if that idiot would read and press the up arrow he would get to where he needs to be, but he is jus being stupid..04:02
ubotuI know nothing about GStream04:02
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ubotuI know nothing about gstreamer04:02
ubotuI know nothing about g-streamer04:02
abc123well i want to access my 160gig slave hdd to be precise and delete the viruses and spyware..04:03
ubotuI know nothing about g-string04:03
couchoi need to know how to decrypt an email sent by launchpad04:03
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dgh1973abc123: do you know if it's an ide drive?  if so what placement?  (primary master/slave etc)04:03
=== dapatrick [n=dapatric@pool-71-126-108-35.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodaabc123, download and burn to disk ultimate boot cd04:03
abc123if there are two04:03
nomasteryodait's free04:03
pumpanybody with a pinnacle pctv stereo here?04:03
ubotuI know nothing about wearing-womens-underwear04:03
abc123that  means there are two icons04:03
nomasteryodahas some excelletn free tools on it abc12304:03
abc123not one hiding which will pop up when u press up arrow04:03
nomasteryodat94xr, thanks04:03
couchodoes anyone know how i can decrypt that message?04:04
F0LL0W3Rhow can i install emaces ?04:04
t94xrim Google.04:04
skavengetons of icons pop up when you hit the up arrow04:04
t94xrno literally04:04
t94xrim a url database04:04
skavengenamely alot of directories04:04
abc123its a slave ide04:04
wastrelF0LL0W3R:  sudo aptitude install emacs04:04
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dgh1973abc123: ok, primary or secondary?04:04
couchoanyone at all?04:04
nomasteryodaabc123, but it is ntfs right?04:04
tonyyarussocoucho: You need to use the PGP key you submitted to Launchpad04:04
Jack_Sparrowabc123:  click on system,administration then disks04:04
=== tomlikestorock is grumpy
F0LL0W3Rwastrel thx alot :)04:04
couchotonyyarusso: of course, but what do i use to decrypt?04:04
abc123wat the top ide is on my 20 gig master and my bottom ide is on my 160 gig slave follow?04:05
abc123i dont know if thats right04:05
tomlikestorockhow is it possible for there to exist two nics on one computer - both access the internet, but only one accesses internal resources?04:05
tonyyarussocoucho: What's your e-mail client?  Should give you an option right in there.04:05
nomasteryodacoucho, you need the gpg key from the keyserver i would guess04:05
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abc123yeah its there now04:05
couchouhm i gave a hotmail address04:05
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abc123but i cant do nothing with it04:05
nomasteryodacoucho, do you have a launchpad account?04:05
abc123all the boxes are grey04:05
tanlaanim trying to set up gmailfs, does anyone know how to mount it?04:06
abc123and i cant enable it04:06
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abc123(vfat) the file type04:06
nomasteryodaabc123, if it is windows drive, with windows XP installed it is NTFS - nothing you can do to it without ultimatebootcd04:06
t94xranyone know any good tuts on the firewall?04:06
dgh1973abc123: ok if it's your primary slave ide drive with ntfs filesystem try this in a terminal as root (no quotes) - "mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows"04:06
tonyyarussocoucho: Ah, okay.  You can do it on the command line with gnupg I believe..there's a page on the wiki with instructions.  One sec.04:06
nomasteryodadgh1973, but he can'04:06
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:07
nomasteryodanot write to it if it is ntfs04:07
gnomefreakwastrel: did you need something?04:07
abc123cheers dgh1973 quite the clever person04:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
abc123unlike some04:07
dgh1973nomasteryoda: ntfs write is stable now04:07
wastrelgnomefreak:  user was misbehaving but seems to not be a troll, just a jackass04:07
tanlaananyone know how to mount the gmailfs?04:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions04:07
nomasteryodadgh1973, er, ok04:07
nomasteryodanot for my data04:07
dgh1973abc123: did that work?04:07
couchontfs write stable? nice!04:07
dagrump_gotasa go nite all04:07
gnomefreakcoucho: no04:07
Jack_Sparrowcoucho NO04:07
abc123permision denined04:07
tichhow do you change the theme of root protected applications? when i run synaptic it always reverts to whatever theme it had on install.04:08
nomasteryodaJack_Sparrow, gnomefreak thanks04:08
coucho<dgh1973> nomasteryoda: ntfs write is stable now <- what is that then?04:08
nomasteryodaunstable it is coucho04:08
=== GullyFoyle [n=jpar@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodavery... lose data you will04:08
dr_willistich,  root protected? they use roots default theme im guessing.. run the theme tool as root.04:08
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tanlaandoes anyone know how to mount gmailfs?04:08
Jack_Sparrowcoucho: Dont believe everything you read..04:08
nomasteryodacoucho, download the ultimatebootcd04:08
nomasteryodayou will have tools to do what you need04:08
dgh1973abc123: ok... try it like this then "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows"04:08
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dr_willistanlaan,  check the gmailfs docs/homepage yet?04:08
nomasteryodaif you want to remove windows spyware, viruses, etc.. you need a windows os04:09
Jack_Sparrowcoucho... Example... Coucho is Gay...04:09
couchoi can decrypt that message with ultimatebootcd?04:09
dgh1973abc123: or like this if you want to be paranoid and have read only access  "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -o ro -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows"04:09
tanlaandr_willis: yes i just cant get my system to mount...do you know how?04:09
abc123only root can do that04:09
tonyyarussocoucho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#head-b54d61303895f1d048333715a2a372923aad22a804:09
abc123only root can do that04:09
abc123only root can do that04:09
abc123sorry i dno if everything is sending04:09
dr_willisabc123,  do you mean to say that only root can do that? :P04:09
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tanlaandr_willis: like i dont understand how to mount anything04:09
gnomefreaktomlikestorock: are you done abusing the but?04:10
dr_willistanlaan,  mount command. :P and lots of options. worth reading/learning about.04:10
skavengesudo gives you root privliges, wow04:10
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks04:10
Jack_Sparrowtanlaan: DO you want to have drives mounted and on desktop with every boot?04:10
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dashriKehmm, on your average IDE cable, does it matter which end goes into which piece of hardware?04:10
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gnomefreakabc123: please dont repeat stuff like you are04:10
Jack_SparrowdashriKe: dosent matter04:10
dgh1973abc123: just type sudo before the command and type your login password04:10
Jack_SparrowdashriKe:  jumper selectable.. most systems04:10
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dashriKeI knew the out-of-hand rule that the lone end goes in the mobo, but I didn't know if that was absolute04:11
HiP_Phmmmm "No volume control GStraner pluins and/or devices found."04:11
=== FluxLover [n=Flux@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanlaanwell what i want to do is to have the gmailfs mounted so i can just drag and drop things into it and have it in my gmail account04:11
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Jack_Sparrowah... diferent problem..04:11
GullyFoyledr_willis: but your mp3s aren't cd quality04:12
GullyFoyleoops mistell04:12
abc123it doesnt give me the option to put my pass word in04:12
dr_willisGullyFoyle,  given the womans choice of music... i dont think it matters. :P04:12
Jack_Sparrowdgh1973: Enjoy... :)04:12
GullyFoyledr_willis: good one04:12
dgh1973abc123: it won't if you have already run sudo in the past, what 5 minutes or so04:12
dr_willisplus i cant tell the diff either.04:12
tomlikestorockwhat are the programs that entail nic access to network resources?04:13
=== Blacko [n=Blacko@c-24-129-90-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
abc123k cheers for helping me04:13
BlackoAnyone mind helping me?  I'm trying to install my network (again >.>)  And It gives me a "driver present" but not a "hardware present" when I do a - sudo ndiswrapper -l04:13
tomlikestorockiptables, etc?04:13
abc123did u read the convo with me and jack04:13
abc123he was blaming his too fast for his own good skim reading on me04:13
dgh1973abc123: sorry no, too much traffic here04:13
dgh1973I'd be glad to have a private chat with you and try and walk you through the details04:14
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Jack_Sparrowdgh1973: good get him the F out of here...04:14
=== tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengethats insane the whole time he had valuable advice you were too impatient to follow04:14
couchouhm ok gpg --decrypt says that there's not valid gpg data found04:14
abc123i love u jack04:14
abc123i love ur huge brain04:15
Jack_Sparrowabc123: f off04:15
abc123that doesnt function properly04:15
=== dr_willis feels the love.
tomlikestorockwhy was I kicked?04:15
tonyyarussoHas anyone gotten gmailfs to work successfully lately?  I tried it once and had some trouble.04:15
dgh1973what IRC client are you using abc123?04:15
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ardchoilleI use Ubuntu with the xfce desktop and someone is logged into the computer and has their screensaver running. Is it possible for me to log into VT1 and start the xfce desktop on VT8?04:15
pumpneed help with a pinnacle pctv stereo, does anybody know?04:15
couchonever mind04:16
abc123jack is probs going to use his small brain and hack me04:16
t94xrthat is so ekard04:16
couchoi'll ask someone who gives a shite04:16
dgh1973ok, did you get some kind of pop up conversation window with me saying "hello?"?04:16
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HiP_Pnot a good idea to put email in a public chat room04:16
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Jack_Sparrowabc123:  Ask everyone here, you just DONT listen..04:16
abc123would of clicked it04:16
abc123no u jump the gun04:16
t94xrDear John - CC: the world04:16
abc123how come im getting along with dgh?04:16
ardchoilleHiP_P: pffft, it's hotmail.. M$ sells those email addresses to spammer anyway04:17
tonyyarussoardchoille: Ctrl-Alt-F1 should get you to VT1, not sure what the command would be though, maybe startxfce or some such thing, and then just check the man to specify VT8.04:17
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skavengeno YOU dont listen people could teach monkey's the three commands he was trying to have you do04:17
wastrelJack_Sparrow:  leave it alone, he won't.04:17
pete6Hi I'm having trouble changing my resolution, it's set on 1600x1200 and i'm trying to change to 1280x1024 and set it as default and it doesn't stay after i hit apply04:17
dgh1973oh well, at least i tried04:17
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GullyFoyledude using msn on freenode deserves all the abuse that he gets04:17
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HiP_Psome people just cant be helped04:17
wastrelpete6:  i'd just remove the 1600x1200  from /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (backup the original first)04:18
gnomefreakguys get back to support04:18
skavengethat whole ordeal was getting severly old, sheesh04:18
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pete6wastrel: alright, give me a second04:18
Jack_SparrowAnyone have a question..04:18
tomlikestorockwastrel: other than iptables and iwconfig, are there any other utilities I should be checking for this issue?04:18
dgh1973pete6: you can try getting down and dirty with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file04:18
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HiP_Pyup me04:18
wastreltomlikestorock:  i dunno - check /etc/network/interfaces  and turn off auto on the interface you're not moving maybe04:18
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wastreler using04:19
abc123__hi im back04:19
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dgh1973tomlikestorock: System>Administration>Networking04:19
HiP_Pcant fix the sound, i keep getting "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."04:20
dgh1973tomlikestorock: near the bottom of the window is the "Default Gateway Device" dropdown, that set to your wireless card?04:20
abc123__dgh is there like a remote asstiance u could do for me?04:20
pete6wastrel: which 1600x1200? there are multiple entries under subsection "display"04:20
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Smeggycan anyone at all help me as to why my network never starts at boot?04:20
wastrelpete6:  yeah delete all of them if you don't want to use that resolution04:20
tomlikestorockdgh1973: if I'm using network-manager, should I be messing with these settings?04:20
tomlikestorockdgh: they're not going to conflict, are they?04:21
boelloeschonce again: is there an easy way to listen to mp3 at ubuntu?04:21
pete6wastrel: can i delete all the resolutions i'm not going to use? (dumb question :P )04:21
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:21
wastrelpete6:  yes you can if you want04:21
dgh1973tomlikestorock: not sure about that, is that something additional you've installed?04:21
tomlikestorockboelloesh: install automatix, grab the codecs, install xmms, enjoy04:21
benplaut[17180094.200000]  FAT: Filesystem panic (dev hdb1)04:22
benplaut[17180094.200000]      fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)04:22
benplaut[17180094.200000]      File system has been set read-only04:22
benplautany suggestions?04:22
wastreltomlikestorock:  we don't recommend automatix on this channel04:22
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead.04:22
tomlikestorockwastrel: heh, interesting04:22
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:22
benplautwhat happened to the neutral entries?!04:22
tomlikestorocksame thing, basically04:22
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tomlikestorockisn't pretty much everything use at my own rish?04:23
tomlikestorocker, risk?04:23
tomlikestorockrm -rf04:23
Smeggycan anyone at all help me as to why my network never starts at boot? ... it's set to auto in /etc/network/interfaces... so i'm at a loss as to why it won't work.. anyone?04:23
tomlikestorockuse at my own risk04:23
dgh1973abc123__: you have AIM or jabber?04:23
abc123__nah lol04:23
abc123__yahoo and msn04:23
abc123__u could use my ip addy04:24
abc123__to contact me couldnt u?04:24
gnomefreakdgh1973: and abc123__ join #ubuntu-offtopic04:24
skavengeit means in here people are not gonna troubleshoot anything involved in the two, hence your own risk .. they both have thier own channels anyway04:24
pete6wastrel: i am unable to save the xorg.conf in the same location04:24
abc123__on gnome meeting04:24
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dgh1973Smeggy: auto means dhcp, try this "sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/networking /etc/rc2.d"04:24
dgh1973gnomefreak: thanks04:24
gnomefreakdgh1973: yw04:24
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wastrelpete6:  ah yes you need to have superuser priviliges to edit the file.  save it in your homedir and you can copy it over with sudo04:24
benplautSeveas, are you awake?04:25
tanlaanhow do you move files in terminal?04:25
gnomefreaktanlaan: cp or mv04:25
skavengetanlaan: mv04:25
gnomefreakbenplaut: more than likely not04:25
wastreltanlaan:  be careful, mv or cp will silently overwrite existing files.04:25
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tanlaanok will remember04:25
wastreltanlaan:  and there's no undo.   use  -i  to be safe04:25
abc123__DGH1973 say if i give u my ip addy?04:26
benplautgnomefreak, whatever happened to the agreement of easyubuntu and automatix haveing the same 'user at your own risk' factoid?04:26
xarqtanlaan: mv also moves dirs04:26
gnomefreaktanlaan: good advice use cp to copy file to wher eyou want it if it works than get rid of the org.04:26
gnomefreakbenplaut: they should04:26
pete6wastrel: what is sudo?04:26
Smeggydgh1973, did that.. rebooted.. still doing the same04:26
benplaut..they don't04:26
boelloeschtomlikestorock --- im newbee04:26
gnomefreakbenplaut: i see it give me a few04:26
benplautthank you04:27
wastrelpete6:  sudo gives root privilidges to the command you call with it.04:27
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:27
abc123__i wrote sudo still dint work04:27
HiP_Poh your in the uk abc12304:27
dgh1973Smeggy: my bad Smeggy, you'll have to do something like "sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/networking /etc/rc2.d/S50networking"04:27
abc123__is taht a problem?04:27
HiP_Pjust saying04:28
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HiP_Pgot it from your ip04:28
abc123__kk would u send me my ip?04:28
HiP_Pyou dont know your ip?04:28
abc123__i think i do04:28
abc123__want to make sure04:28
=== boelloesch_ [n=boelloes@ip123.26.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
HiP_Pill pm it you04:28
abc123__nothing has come up04:29
HiP_Pwell sent it04:29
pete6wastrel: i'm confused as to how i use sudo to copy the xorg.conf, sorry this is my first time with linux04:29
abc123__i dont think i can receieve pm04:29
abc123__i think my ubuntu is a dodgy one i swear04:29
HiP_Pok one more time then04:30
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-147-169-191.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeyou have to be registered on freenode to recieve pms04:30
Tom7ewhat is wrong when I type 'make' and it says command not found... i have gcc installed...04:30
gnomefreakabc123__: stop using enter so much try to put more on one line04:30
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gnomefreakTom7e: install build-essential04:30
jramseypete6, what are you trying to do??04:30
HiP_Pgnomefreak thats just being mean isnt it?04:30
abc123__right now going to change ip ne way04:30
Jack_Sparrowpete6: would you like another way?04:30
gnomefreakHiP_P: what is?04:31
jmeIs there a guide anywhere to the stuff that the Ubuntu installation does?04:31
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.04:31
Tom7egnomefreak: thanks04:31
pete6jramsey, i took out resolutions that i couldn't use from my xorg.conf because i couldn't change the resolution04:31
abc123__aslong as some one tell me hwo to use a wireless lan card04:31
wastrelpete6:   sudo cp file1 file2   this will move file1 to the location of file2.   for example  sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:31
abc123__as im using a wired pci port now04:31
abc123__ne one kniow?04:31
dgh1973jme: yeah, it's called dpkg -l04:31
jmeFor instance, like what it does when it sets up my grub configuration, and how I can re-run that?04:31
varsendaggrxgl is the coolest thing ever!!!!04:32
=== HiP_P goes off to find the sound panel .conf
dgh1973varsendaggr: yeah, wish it worked with nvidia glx though04:32
dashriKeI wonder if my RAM is hotswappable04:32
abc123__sorry i use the enter key loads when im using msn messenger, its become a major habbit as ive been using it for the last 3 years lol04:33
dgh1973dashriKe: I'll bet your CPU is04:33
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Jack_Sparrowdgh1973:  but he needs to be really fast04:33
abc123__is ne one good at networking in here?04:33
jramseyabc123__, ask ur question04:34
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dgh1973I can hold my own04:34
abc123__im using a wired pci ethernet card at the moment... but my drivers are working now unbelievable which wasnt working on XP, but im still using the wired port so does ne one know how to use the wireless one instead?04:34
pete6if i want to use sudo to copy a file from my desktop, would i just put desktop/xorg.conf ?04:35
pete6because i can't write into my home folder04:35
varsendaggrdgh1973, how do you mean?04:35
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dgh1973abc123__: yeah, in gnome go to System panel at top then Administration then Networking04:35
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jramseyabc123__, you mean you're still wired/cabled to the enet port on your wireless router/base station??04:35
Jack_Sparrowpete6: would you like another way?04:35
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pete6jack_sparrow if there is a another way, yes :)04:36
varsendaggri'm getting 3Mb/s04:36
dunefancan I post some error messages for some help04:36
danielado you speak german?04:36
varsendaggri am soo excited!!!!04:36
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:36
Jack_Sparrowpete6: click on applications,accessories and go into a terminal04:36
dgh1973abc123__: when you open that up do you see a "wireless" connection?04:37
dunefanwhat can I do to fix these:04:37
dunefanErrors were encountered while processing:04:37
dunefan clvm04:37
dunefan redhat-cluster-suite04:37
dunefan system-config-cluster04:37
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  from there type sudo nautilus and you should see root file manager at the top of the new window04:37
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Jack_Sparrowpete6: from there click the up arrow until it turns grey04:37
lonegeekHow can i easily find which driver i am using..my fps in glxgears has dropped dramattically..i cant even watch videos full screen... or view flash anything04:38
pete6Jack_Sparrow: alright, now should i be able to copy the xorg.conf?04:38
Jack_Sparrowpete double click etc double click X1104:38
wastrellonegeek:  glxinfo | grep render04:38
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pete6Jack_Sparrow: and now copy the xorg.conf from my desktop?04:39
dunefanHow can I fix these errors I get when I run apt-get update:04:39
dunefanErrors were encountered while processing:04:39
dunefan clvm04:39
dunefan redhat-cluster-suite04:39
dunefan system-config-cluster04:39
Jack_Sparrowpete6: you can drop your edited file into x11 or edit it in place04:39
gnomefreakdunefan: stop pasting please04:40
pete6now when i restart should it not be able to find the 1600x1200 resolution and just go to the highest available?04:40
lonegeekwastrel: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:40
lonegeekdirect rendering: No04:40
lonegeek    GLX_ATI_render_texture04:40
lonegeekOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:40
dgh1973lonegeek: glxinfo |grep direct    if it says "direct rendering: Yes" you should be good, for some reason my glxgears is all slow to but I play 3d games no prob04:40
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  yes04:40
pete6alright, gimme a second04:40
gnomefreaklonegeek: dont paste in here04:40
dgh1973lonegeek: ahh there's an issue then04:40
dunefangnomefreak if I do not paste how can you see my errors?04:40
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  was that easy enough for you?04:40
jramsey!tell dunefan about pastebin04:40
gnomefreak!paste > dunefan04:41
dgh1973lonegeek: what kind of card?04:41
dunefani see04:41
nomasteryodado the nvidia-glx drivers work on powerpc?04:41
pete6Jack_Sparrow: yes i was unaware that i couldn't just drag and drop, thank you04:41
lonegeekdgh1973, well i installed kde....and that messed it up..so im using a previous kernel....    radeon 9500...i used to get much much higher fps04:41
gnomefreak!nvidia > nomasteryoda04:41
nomasteryodasorry for caps04:41
Jack_Sparrowpete6: Glad to help, amazing that was too much for another user to understand04:41
dgh1973lonegeek: ahh sorry, not much experience here with ATI04:42
dgh1973lonegeek: they have always been notorious for sub par linux support04:42
wastrellonegeek:  follow the ati howto on the wiki04:42
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pete6Jack_Sparrow, you can find every type of person on the internet :) and now on restart the resolution is fixed04:42
lonegeekwastrel: it worked before!!! i have dual montiors running!04:42
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:42
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  I dont know what all you did to the xorg.. but yes04:42
xarqlonegeek: the settings can revert when you update files04:43
dunefanthanks for the help guys...I come for legitiimate help and get a lecture on pastebin04:43
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tonyyarussoHow do you set the user agent string in Opera 9?  it's not in the same place as in 8.04:43
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wastrellonegeek:  check if there's a backed up xorg.conf file in /etc/X1104:43
xarqdunefan: people went through a lot of time and effort to create pastebin so the channel won't get flooded04:43
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jramseydunefan, pastbin is a good thing; paste your errors there and then the pastebin link here and someone will look at it04:44
lonegeekwastrel: what am i looking for?04:45
wastrelprueba ingles?04:45
wastrellonegeek:  i dunno, a backup of your old xorg.conf maybe04:45
prueba1no, no hablo ingls04:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:45
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
lonegeekwastrel: i got it....can i just overwrite my current one...paste in old info?04:46
boelloeschestrella de la noche04:46
gnomefreakboelloesch: /join #ubuntu-es04:46
wastrellonegeek:  don't overwrite, save another backup of your current one, and restore the backup04:47
lonegeekok ok04:47
gnomefreakboelloesch: than speak english04:47
boelloeschcoz i dont speak spain04:47
HiP_Pwhats the command to rescan the sound card again?04:47
gnomefreakboelloesch: what language do you speak?04:47
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benplaut_winis that an exploit?04:49
TanteMarthakewl - im in here twice04:49
gnomefreakbenplaut_win: no thats the person being banned04:50
benplaut_winno... were they trying to trigger one?04:50
TanteMarthano problem04:50
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #ubuntu
TanteMarthaplease take me from the ban-list soon04:51
Frederickfolks isnt netbeans in apt/04:51
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gnomefreakFrederick: apt-cache search java04:51
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nomasteryodaubotu, that stinks!!04:51
gnomefreakTanteMartha: why do you plan on doing something you shouldnt?04:51
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ubotuI know nothing about that stinks!!04:51
lonegeekI edit my xorg.conf file   ctrl alt backspace  and the file is still the same... i did this all as root04:52
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Jack_Sparrowlonegeek:  Wuld you like another way?04:52
Frederickgnomefreak, I think it isnt present04:52
lonegeekJack_Sparrow: sure?04:52
Jack_Sparrowfollow my instructions for pete604:53
Jack_Sparrowpete6: click on applications,accessories and go into a terminal04:53
gnomefreakif it is there (im not sure) but it would be under multiverse repo04:53
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  from there type sudo nautilus and you should see root file manager at the top of the new window04:53
FrederickI have it enabled04:53
Jack_Sparrowpete6: from there click the up arrow until it turns grey04:53
TanteMarthagnomefreak - tere is something wrong04:53
gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: use gksudo please04:53
Jack_Sparrowpete double click etc double click X1104:53
gnomefreakTanteMartha: what might that be?04:54
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: shouldn't it be gksudo nautilus --no-desktop ?04:54
Frederickfolks why is eclipse SO slow on my machine in ubuntu? it was fine in gentoo and is fine with windows04:54
lonegeekJack_Sparrow: im doing sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and pasting data in...04:54
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lonegeekand that doesnt work.....04:55
s1gnalIm running Ubuntu 6.06 64-bit and I have samba-common and smbclient installed, I tried to execute /etc/init.d/samba restart and it does not exist?04:55
lonegeekWhy should i used gksudo instead of sudo ...i dont understand the difference04:55
Jack_Sparrowlonegeek: what if you double click your xorg.conf04:56
gnomefreaklonegeek: gksudo is used for gui/gtk apps04:56
lonegeekfrom nautalis....?04:56
TanteMarthagnomefreak --- i c - you are kinda elephant - never forgets!04:56
gnomefreaklonegeek: using sudo for gui apps is not a good idea it can mess up permissions04:56
lonegeekwell i dont know how to do that as root...well i see how you did it....04:56
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Frederickdoes anyone here uss netbeans?04:57
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lonegeekI will try gksudo on xorg.conf04:57
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Jack_Sparrowlonegeek:  from term gksudo nautilus04:57
Jack_Sparrowlonegeek:  click on up arrow until it turns grey04:57
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=== ardchoille has a feeling lonegeek's desktop is going to change
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pete6if i am getting choppy display on my monitor, does that mean my onboard video is not sufficient or something is wrong with my display setup?04:58
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Jack_Sparrowardchoille: No idea what he edited in that file.. :)04:59
jigheadI keep getting segfaults on the postinstall process for libgtk2.0-bin and it's driving me nuts, I just can't get this package fixed04:59
lonegeekardchoille: im pasting backup...well previous xorg.conf file from when it worked correctly04:59
Jack_Sparrowpete6: system dosent support your selection04:59
sybaritenok, i have a /mnt dir with a couple of prepared mount points for different harddrives ... i've added a new one now, and i can not write to it as a user. The dirs under /mnt are owned by root. is this generally a problem ?04:59
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: doesn't matter, nautilus manages the desktop and typing gksudo nautilus will have root nautilus taking over his user desktop. He needs to type: gksudo nautilus --no-desktop04:59
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sybaritenor do i need to add some options to the mount command? lets just forget about fstabs and so for the moment, wanna do it by hand first05:00
pete6Jack_Sparrow, which selection? is 1280x1024 not supported?05:00
Jack_Sparrowardchoille:  we have had this discussion...  yes gksudo is correct05:00
lonegeekbrb...... ctrl alt backspace will use new xorg.conf file..? or should i reboot?05:00
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ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: I am talking about the "--no-desktop" option to nautilus05:00
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salahcan I get the window titles to be transparent?05:02
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nomasteryodasure... i used some crystal theme05:02
HiP_Pno cant for the life of me work this one out "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."05:02
nomasteryodahmmm, what was it called05:02
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Jack_Sparrowpete6: go to your backup and re-edit it05:03
pete6i am05:03
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Frederickis netbeans avaliable in ubuntu?05:04
Tmobanyone using ubuntu on their laptop?05:04
Jack_Sparroward, that --no-desktop option gives me an error05:04
HiP_Pall the cards are listed when cat /proc/asound/cards05:04
pete6what is the highest support resolution? 1024x768?05:04
Tmobmy suspend/resume doesn't resume the X properly05:04
Tmobseems to hang up05:04
Tmobanyone know how to fix hits?05:04
tonyyarussoTmob: Thinkpad T4305:04
Jack_Sparrowpete6: I dont know what your hardware will support05:04
sybaritenshould i be able to just do "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/harddisk" with an ext3 partition, and be able to use it ?05:04
jmeLnux supports any ol' resolution05:04
salahnomasteryoda, any ideas how?05:05
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pete6oh i thought you meant supported by ubuntu, my monitor supports up to 1280x1024, but it's still choppy05:05
HiP_Pany clues anyone?05:05
wastrelpete6:  maybe use a lower color depth05:05
Tmobtonyyarusso, i'm on Dell D41005:05
Jack_Sparrowpete6 then you nned to back it down..05:05
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Tmobtonyyarusso, intel 915 chipset05:05
=== steve__ [n=steve@S0106001217ad5109.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: the error you get is because you used gksudo05:06
LTjakei'm trying to get VMware in fullscreen mode and i'm getting this message: "Unable to find an appropriate host video mode." anyone seen that before?05:06
=== Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowI just cut and pasted what was suggested..05:06
lonegeekHey......file isnt saving....or what............is it because im selecting previous kernal...because when i installed kde...idk but its all messed up now05:06
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pete6wastrel: how do i change the color depth?05:07
steve__Does anyone know, off-hand, what config file I can use to set the screensaver from the command line? (gnome-screensaver) The preview of the currently-selected screensaver in the prefs dialog freezes this machine.05:07
=== __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tanlaani have a shell script that doesnt want to be executed on startup, how can i make it?05:07
Fredericktanlaan, does it have the right permissions?05:08
tanlaanit should05:08
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tanlaanits just that normally you have to cd to the files folder05:08
__mikemHEy, I know this is a little off topic, but I was wondering, if I can ping a domain name but when I try to access the website I get timeout errors, and the site is typically a low traffic website, would it be safe to assume that a DOS attack might be afoot?05:08
Fredericktanlaan, does it HAVE or should have?05:08
tanlaanthen execute it with ./Startmux05:08
wastrelpete6:  it might be useful to find the monitor specs , hsync vsync resolution and color depth, in the manufacturers documentation or a hardware database.05:08
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wastrelpete6:  you can comment out depth settings in your xorg.conf05:08
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lonegeekI did "install" kubuntu-desktop... can i remove all packages it installed?05:09
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__mikemlonegeek, for what ever reason when I try that, it insists on removing the whole thing05:09
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AlethesHow do I fix the ".mp3 is not a supported filetype." error in amarok when trying to update id3 tags from musicbrainz?05:09
lonegeek_mikem: ? when  i do it ...it only removes kubuntu-desktop itself which is 40kb.....but all the packages where...140 mb....05:10
tanlaanwhat permissions does it need??05:10
__mikemlonegeek, thats weird, I have never had any luck with it in any event05:10
Fredericktanlaan, maybe 755 not sure about what do you want to do05:10
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millai need an mp3 player for ubuntu :(05:11
=== burepe2 [n=bdmp@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:11
tanlaanill try 755 and check if its been executed05:11
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tanlaanso ill bb in a couple of minutes05:11
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millawhere can i download plugins for the ubuntu media player05:11
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:12
skavengeat that site05:12
AlethesI read that page05:12
Alethesit wasn't useful for my issue, which is why I'm here :)05:12
=== druzya [n=krazukev@c-71-233-182-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowmilla:  go to the links above05:13
pete6wastrel: after i editted the color depths in the xorg.conf i can't get past the log in screen :/05:13
millai also read that page05:13
millaim kinda new at this05:13
skavengeif you want mp3 playback the restricted formats page is what you want05:13
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millaim switching form windows and i need some help05:13
wastrelpete6:  what did you do?05:13
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lonegeekHow can i completely remove "kubuntu-desktop"  ?05:13
millai dont understand the restricted format page05:13
pete6i took out the 24 and 16 color depths05:14
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  what depth did you leave in?05:14
Jack_Sparrow8 x 1024x768..05:14
malvanyone know if there is a substantial slowdown when using LVM?05:14
millatells me to install k3b-mad and stuff and i dont know where to get them05:14
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millai want mp3 playback05:15
pete6yes that is what i tried to run Jack_Sparrow05:15
millaplease, help me.... 8(05:15
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Jack_Sparrowpete6:  I dont think anything supports that05:15
skavengemilla; are you running gnome or kde?05:15
Jack_Sparrowmilla: you need to read that again.. it is exactly what you need05:16
millabut... yeah i,ve read it, i dnt understand05:16
Jack_Sparrowardchoille: are you here..?05:16
skavengemilla open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly'05:16
millaim new at linux thing05:16
pete6Jack_Sparrow, how do can i fix the damage i've done? :((((05:16
skavengewithout the 's05:16
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: yes05:16
=== Mikasuliel [n=mika@24-54-78-63.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowardchoille: What is the best way to get root nautilus, gksudo nautilus --no-desktop dosent work05:17
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Jack_Sparrowardchoille: Would just like to try to unify what we tell people..05:17
millait says it couldnt find the package gstreamer0.1005:17
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ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: I have been using sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser for over a year without any problems. gksudo seems to not allow you to use a command followed by switches.05:18
Jack_Sparrowmnilla did you enable the other repos05:18
tanlaananyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work05:18
skavengemilla; did you put the -plugins-ugly on there too?05:18
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tanlaananyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work05:18
Jack_Sparrowardchoille:   agreed...05:18
skavengemilla; do you have universe and multiverse enabled in the repositories?05:18
milla? i dont know....05:19
Mikasulielhey guys, i found out what was wrong with Nautilus Backgrounds, you can only have a background when your in Icon View, it doesnt let you have it in List View05:19
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: sounds to me like gksudo needs to be fixed, but that's just my opinion05:19
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millawhat are universe and repositories05:19
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_joehow can i arbitrarily disable services and daemons from running on startup?05:19
_joefor instance, i don't need cups or hp printing, b/c i have no printer05:19
_joenor bittorrent or rsync05:20
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tanlaananyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work05:20
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skavengemilla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories'05:20
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=== ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
burepe2I converted some ogg files to mp3 with sound converter and a bunch of them are 18 min and 20 min when they should be 3 or 4. Does this happen alot?05:21
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millammmm..... :'( i want mp3 playback....05:21
skavengemilla; the unchecked ones that have 'universe' qand 'multiverse' in thier name you need to check05:21
HiP_Pbah still getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1698105:21
skavengeonce the repositories are added it will find the gstreamer file05:22
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Jack_Sparrowmilla:  you are getting good advice, just listen carefully..05:22
=== milla [n=jdmilla@] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowmilla:  you are getting good advice, just listen carefully..05:22
tanlaandoes anyone know of a place i can go for shell script help?05:22
=== sagarp [n=sagar@user126-62.wireless.ocsnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
millai dont know what im doing wrong but i dont have mp3 playback05:22
_joetanlaan: what sort of help?05:22
sagarpi have this dell LCD screen (two identical ones with twinview), and one of them wont let me change the settings on it...it puts up a big padlock..anyone seen this before??05:22
millaplease go ahead....05:23
=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC892FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
millafrom the begining05:23
skavengemilla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories'05:23
=== ikken [n=woo@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
noclipHi, everyone! I'm trying to get my USB wireless adapter to work. Can anyone help me? Here is what I've done so far: http://pastebin.ca/7677205:23
ikkenhow do you install fonts in Ubuntu?05:23
noclip(Thanks in advance)05:23
millamy OS is in spanish05:23
sagarpikken copy them to ~/.fonts05:23
ikkendoes Ubuntu already have FreeType installed?05:24
skavengemilla; there is a spanish ubuntu channel which may be able to help better then ..05:24
tanlaani need to find out whats wrong with a shell script i have, well why i cant use session to start the script on startup05:24
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:24
_joeikken: yes05:24
millai speak english05:24
millawait me 5 seconds05:24
millaill launch ubuntu in english05:24
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skavengesounds good05:25
h4v0ki need some help with the vncviewer05:25
h4v0ki cant find the passwd file05:25
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ikkensagarp: do you have to restart X after you install a font?05:26
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tanlaan_joe: i need to find out whats wrong with a shell script i have, well why i cant use session to start the script on startup05:26
h4v0kcan anyone help me with vncviewer05:26
millaim back05:26
millaand it has english now05:26
millaim ready to rumble05:26
=== Jeffe [n=kilo@c-71-195-237-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengemilla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories'05:26
sagarpikken no05:26
Gareth1zomg Riffz05:26
h4v0kand is there a VB editor for linux?05:27
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millawhere is settings?05:27
=== Verithrax puts on his asbestos trousers.
Jack_Sparrowh4 there is realbasic that is a cross platform compiler05:27
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skavengemilla; did you get synaptic open?05:27
Jeffecan somebody help me with a smb issue?05:27
=== KooL [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-4-169-172.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
millaits open05:27
KooLhey could anyone help me05:27
_joetanlaan: ah. have you read about setting up session startup things in the wiki yet?05:27
_joetanlaan: if not, i'd suggest that05:27
skavengemilla; 'settings' should be at the top05:27
VerithraxI'm planning on instalilng WIndoze again on this box. I know the damn thing is going to mess my MBR, does anyone know what the easiest way to clean the mess up afterwards and install a proper dual boot is?05:27
=== cArNaGe` [n=john@plns-64-111-156-62-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
JeffeI have ubunut05:28
millai have synaptic open05:28
h4v0kJack_Sparrow thank you and do you know about the vnc program05:28
tanlaan_joe: no i havent05:28
Jack_Sparrowno sorry05:28
skavengemilla; 'settings' should be on the top of the synaptic window next to 'help'05:28
millaok im in repositories05:28
HiP_Pwhy is everyone writing visual basic these days05:28
Jack_Sparrowgoogle realbasic, it is supposed to be free and will take vb source05:28
_joetanlaan: i think if you search it for "startup" you'll find the page05:28
JeffeI have a smb, rhythmbox, windows networking questions can anyone help?05:28
millai write on Vb05:28
_joetanlaan: but...if you shell script doesn't work to begin with, you're going to have trouble05:28
millaim in repositories05:29
Jack_SparrowHiP_P: easy quick...05:29
KooLwindows xp boot sequence died on me; reformating seems to be the only way i can fix it, so im using ubuntu to save my files, what does "Unable to mount the selected volume" mean?05:29
tanlaan_joe: no it works05:29
skavengemilla; okay the ones listed that say 'universe' or 'multiverse' in the description you need to check and save05:29
_joetanlaan: ah, ok05:29
tanlaan_joe: its just im tired of haveing to open terminal and starting it up manually05:29
h4v0ki think it means the file system is unable to be used in linux format05:29
noclipHi, everyone! Can anyone help me get my USB wireless adapter to work? Here is what I've done so far: http://pastebin.ca/76772 (Thanks in advance!)05:29
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KooLcould someone help me with ubuntu and my harddrive? please pm me05:30
tanlaan_joe: where is the wiki?05:30
HiP_Pjust i guess i dont like it because it looks messy05:30
Jack_SparrowKooL: have you saved anything yet?05:30
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KooLwhat do you mean saved anything?05:30
KooLright now im booting from my cd drive05:30
KooLand i cant seem to access my hdd05:30
Jack_SparrowKooL: your XP files05:30
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KooLwhat happens is, i go through the boot screen of my mobo05:30
KooLthe splash05:30
KooLand then it asks to start windows normally05:31
KooLand it reboots05:31
Jack_SparrowKooL: have you tried system , admin , disks..05:31
KooLi was tweaking my cpu earlier, do you think a cmos restart would work?05:31
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HiP_Pright iam off to bed ill ask in here tomorrow about the card problem05:31
millai cant find anything that sez universe or multiverse05:31
Jack_SparrowKooL:  I would set it back to default before getting to far into this05:31
KooLjack, i went through admin05:32
KooLand it says05:32
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KooLyou do not have permission05:32
=== agamotto bows
=== noclip waves hi
millai cant find anything that sez universe or multiverse05:33
Jack_Sparrowkool1 when did it say that... did disk manager open05:33
skavengemilla; there are a bunch that have a line in the description that says 'community maintained: (universe)' and (multiverse), you need to check those05:33
=== noclip doesn't know what to do about wireless =(
KooLdisks manager opens and i see my hard drives05:33
KooLwhen i try to go to browse05:33
KooLit doesnt work05:33
Jack_SparrowKooL: and click on partitions05:33
millai went thu search and chosen to search in the description field05:33
millanothing saz universe or multiverse05:33
Fatal`damnit, jack05:33
Fatal`you're here all day?05:33
_joetanlaan: wiki.ubuntu.com05:33
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jeffecan anyone help me with a rhythmbox smb issue?  If so PM me please05:34
Jack_SparrowYea, mother in law in hospital, trying to keep my mind busy05:34
PMantisCan anyone tell me if LVM needs MD ?05:34
Fatal`hehe, i bitched out on ubuntu for a while05:34
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Jack_Sparrowfata, glad to see you and sorry for off topic05:34
tanlaan_joe: it says nothing about scripts :(05:34
Fatal`there's got to be a reason for my random freezing05:34
Fatal`that's the only thing turning me off from ubuntu05:34
skavengemilla; this is under 'settings', and 'repositories', not in the package manager itself05:34
Fatal`that, and the extra buttons on the mice dont work!05:34
Fatal`tis a bitch for browsing05:35
tanlaan_joe: and it says that if you dont find what your adding in your menues that you shouldnt add it05:35
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_joetanlaan: ah05:35
_joetanlaan: well, i'm kinda new to ubuntu myself, so i don't know what else to tell you05:35
KooLi can change the access path05:35
KooLi think05:35
skavengemilla; above the search button theres 'Help', and next to that 'Settings' thats what you want05:35
KooLwould that be the problem?05:35
tanlaan_joe: ok ill ask other ppl :D05:35
KooLwhen i click on that, i can see my folders05:35
Jack_SparrowKooL:  are you in partitions05:35
KooLit says partion 105:36
tanlaanhey does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:36
rpedroFatal`: you using binary drivers for your gfx card?05:36
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Jack_SparrowKooL:  find the partition with the files you are trying to save...05:36
pete6i'm still getting a wipe effect on my monitor, is my onboard video not enough or are some settings not optimized?05:36
KooLwell theres only one right now05:36
Gareth1hm, has anyone been getting a "error: C compiler cannot create executables" when trying to compile the latest wine source (with build essential and build-dep for wine installed)?05:37
Jack_Sparrowkool click on it and click on accessible05:37
Gareth1that is, for amd6405:37
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rpedroFatal`: I had a few freezes before because of the ati binary drivers, added an option to xorg.conf , now it works fine05:37
NameeaterVerithrax, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_restore_GRUB_menu_after_Windows_installation05:37
KooLstatus says accessible05:37
=== Superman is now known as byen
Jack_SparrowKooL:  you should now be able to read it05:37
tanlaanhey does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:37
millajow i have multiverse and universe05:38
NameeaterVerithrax: you will probably need to have a partition already setup for windows to use05:38
millaits downloading r8 now05:38
KooLstill doesnt work05:38
VerithraxI do, in fact.05:38
KooLit was accessible by default05:38
skavengemilla; so you found the plugin then? gstreamer ugly?05:38
VerithraxWindows just killed itself for no reason once I installed Linux on this box.05:38
Gareth1lack of self confidence, probably05:39
millai have gstreamer0.8-lame05:39
agamottoVerithrax:  Most of us could come up with a nasty and funny comment on that one...05:39
millai have gstreamer0.8-mad05:39
VerithraxYes, Windows is probably the first OS that can be described as 'emo'.05:39
skavengemilla; are you on dapper 6.06 or breezy 5.10?05:39
millabreezy 5.1005:39
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NameeaterVerithrax: is it still there on the harddrive?05:39
agamottoVerithrax:  However, since this is a help channel, go to the wiki.ubuntu.com, and search for 'restoring windows mbr'05:39
tanlaandoes anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:40
agamottoThat is usually the problem05:40
Jack_SparrowVerithrax: do you want to fix your XP?05:40
millathe next week ill have drapper05:40
pete6i'm still getting a wipe effect on my monitor, is my onboard video not enough or are some settings not optimized?05:40
VerithraxANYWAY, I'm off to actually do it. Wish me luck. Or say I'm betraying the movement, whatever floats your boat.05:40
=== Kilo [n=kilo@c-71-195-237-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
millait's downloading on the other pc right now05:40
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  keep after it..05:40
millaso slow, man, you wouldnt imagine05:40
=== JethroMendonca [n=lu@20132139125.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
skavengemilla; you need gstreamer0.8-mad in breezy, search for that one05:40
millai have gstreamer0.8-mad05:40
pete6the refresh rate, resolution, and color depths are all at what my hardware supports, what other settings are there Jack_Sparrow?05:40
MOWVIwindows will be fine, it's Genuine Disadvantage calls Microsoft daily05:40
_joemilla: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:41
skavengemilla; that should be all you need for mp3 playback05:41
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Jack_Sparrowpete6:  I would start very low and work up05:41
millalet's see if it works05:41
_joemilla: ah. if you gstreamer0.8-mad it should work05:41
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tanlaandoes anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:41
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MOWVImad by itself doesn't work, you need the whole thing05:41
millait doesnt05:42
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skavengeaccording to the wiki thats all you need05:42
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millaim using totem movie player and05:42
DiablitaHola, Estoy En Busca De Nuevos Amigos . . .05:42
MOWVIthe weaki is wrong05:42
millaand it doesnt work05:42
milladiablita, anda al mercado a buscar amigos....05:42
MOWVImilla: search at packages.ubuntu.com for mp3, and get something called, I forget05:42
skavengeMOWVI: do you know what is needed offhand? trying to get mp3 playback for milla ...05:42
pete6Jack_Sparrow, i just worked my way up from 640x480 with resolution, and i doubt that color depth would cause a wiping effect, what do i change to edit the refresh rate in xorg.conf ?05:42
Jack_Sparrowskavenge:  wasnt there one more step not in the reps05:42
agamottoDiablita:  En Ingles, por favor o mueve #ubuntu_es05:43
millahola diablita05:43
Vaske_CarIs there any tutorial how to install Ubuntu from the internet? I have Laptop that does not have CD drive...05:43
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Vaske_CarIt has Floppy05:43
skavengeJack_Sparrow: not on the restricted formats page, no, says just install gstreamer0.8-mad for playback05:43
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  do you have your backup xorg handy.. start with that05:43
=== feross [n=feross@71-215-81-164.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
=== JethroMendonca is now known as JethroDawnfine
millai have installed gstreamer0.8-mad and still no mp3 playback05:43
tanlaandoes anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:43
_joemilla: what software are you using for mp3 playback?05:44
_joemilla: ah. have you tried rhythmbox?05:44
_joemilla: just to test05:44
Jack_Sparrowskavenge:  w32codecs05:44
agamottomilla:  I think you still need the w32codecs05:44
_joei had mp3 playback just fine on 5.10 without w32codecs05:44
agamottojoe:  Really, cool?05:44
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_joeyeppers :)05:44
liamhey, what file do fonts go in?05:44
=== jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowjoe.. most need it05:44
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_joeJack_Sparrow: interesting. what do you mean by "most". most files or most people?05:45
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tanlaandoes anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup?05:45
skavengemilla; paste these lines in terminal: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb05:45
Jack_Sparrowjoe.. most systems/users need w32codcs to run mp305:45
MOWVInevermind, the package for mp3 I found is only for 6.0605:45
skavengemilla; then run : sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb05:45
skavenge    *05:45
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@ool-45796272.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
_joeJack_Sparrow: so some systems, like mine, are just freak accidents that somehow don't?05:45
Jack_Sparrow_joe:  consider yourself lucky05:46
JethroDawnfinetalking about mp3 playback, is it a big deal to exchange Rhythmbox for Amarok when you're using Gnome? I really prefer Amarok, but it would install lots of KDE stuff on my computer... does it worth?05:46
=== agamotto shrugs
_joeJack_Sparrow: hehe05:46
agamottoI found Totem to be useless05:46
ferosshey I need to change the default keymap. I use dvorak so on install I chose dvorak but the login window is now dvorak. I need to change it so that the default is qwerty. tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data but that didn't help. Looked around for a howto but no use. THe login window options changed it but then it goes back to dvorak after a reboot.05:46
MOWVImp3 playback package that works: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp305:46
ic56tanlaan: in unix systems, scripts can go anywhere binaries go.  So the answer is yes.05:46
skavengeMOW; breezy doesnt use 0.1005:46
MOWVII know, but I'm just saying, for some reason mp3 playback is failing on the mad package, even on dapper05:47
tanlaanwell then i have no idea why its not working05:47
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millapaste these lines in terminal: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb05:47
millai have pasted it on terminal05:47
MOWVItry automatrix milla05:47
skavengeMOWVI: dapper doesnt use mad it uses gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly05:47
millait gives me an error05:47
skavengemilla; what error05:47
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.05:47
milla404 you know what it means haha05:47
MOWVIyeah, that, it doesn't work skavenge05:48
millahttp error 40405:48
skavengeMOWVI: im running dapper thats how i got my mp3 playback, with the ugly package05:48
Jack_Sparrowskavenge: why not have her follow the wiki05:48
MOWVIthat's what I did when I was using 5.10, automatrix for everything, had no serious problems, stuff just worked, as it should05:48
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skavengeJack_Sparrow: she says the w32codecs site is giving her a 404 ..05:48
MOWVIskavenge: it didn't work for me for some reason05:48
ic56tanlaan: where exactly are you putting the script?05:48
milla404 it means not found05:49
MOWVIthey say automatrix has flaws, but as big of a flaw as packages that should work don't work?05:49
millaim so sad....05:49
_joemilla: have you tried rhythmbox?05:49
tanlaanok its a script to run a program i have, like i have to cd to the folder to run it *in terminal*05:49
millaand sleepy05:49
millait doesnt work wither05:49
_joeit doesn't work? what error do you get?05:49
tanlaanand in session i just go to sessionstartup and add that script to startup05:49
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skavengemilla; i havent used it but suspposedly automatix will install all that for you .. i dont know what to say if the site for w32codecs is down05:50
ic56tanlaan: in terminal, there is no need to cd to the script's location.05:50
millait says this file is not an audio stram05:50
ic56tanlaan: I'm not a GUI person, I cannot answer that part of your question.05:50
skavengemilla; try that paste again anyhow the site isnt down i just checked05:50
Jack_Sparrowmilla:  you are doing those lines one at a time right?05:51
tanlaanwhat do you mean there is no reason?05:51
_joemilla: that is strange. you are quite positive you have "gstreamer0.8-mad" installed?05:51
tanlaanhow am i supposed to run the script if im not in its location?05:51
millashould i reboot05:51
_joemilla: no, no need to reboot05:51
millaive updated my kernel too05:51
ic56tanlaan: by specifying its location on the command line.05:51
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ic56tanlaan.  Give me the specifics and I'll give you an example.05:51
millai dont wanna drink again in my life05:52
skavengemilla; you still may need w32codecs, and that wget command i pasted is the way to get it, the site is up i didnt get a 40405:52
_joemilla: you restarted your audio player program after you installed gstreamer0.8-mad?05:52
millait gave me ubuntu05:52
=== BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
noi5emakerQ: i have a dual boot Powerbook ,(OSX and Dapper) but after upgrading , i cant get to Dapper. What happened to yaboot????05:52
millawait for me05:52
millaim going to reboot the machine05:52
millaand grab a glass of vodka05:52
tanlaanhow would i type it?05:52
_joemilla: there's no need to reboot, but do so if you like :)05:52
ic56tanlaan:  Give me the specifics and I'll give you an example.05:52
_joeheh, vodka. i actually had a shot of the stuff about 20 minutes ago05:52
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tanlaangame is the folder that Startmux is located05:53
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dagrump_like a bad penny, im back!05:53
wastreli'm going to set up my printer05:53
icebreezehmmmm for some reason when i go to run glxgears my system hardlocks05:53
ic56tanlaan: what is your current directory in the Terminal?  Use "pwd" to find out.05:54
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ic56tanlaan: ok.  You can execute the script in the following equivalent alternate ways (pick whichever is least typing):  /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux05:55
ic56tanlaan: ~/mux2.4/game05:55
icebreezecan someone help me figure out why exactly my system hardlocks when i try to run glxgears? I have a savage video card.   I've looked on the forums and i can't seem to find anything similar to my problem.  this is a fresh install.05:55
MOWVIsome awesome person really needs to make and host a package that will call up all multimedia packages05:55
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Jack_Sparrow  ~  tilde is to the left of the number one05:56
ic56tanlaan: oops, that should have been: ~/mux2.4/game/Startmux05:56
MOWVII mean at least, better yet would be to include it on the disk, but that's not happening05:56
ic56tanlaan: mux2.4/game/Startmux05:56
ic56tanlaan: bash mux2.4/game/Startmux05:56
=== adam-tropics_ [n=adam@CPE-203-51-200-236.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowMOWVI:  you run into the gnu problem05:56
tanlaanits not working05:56
ic56tanlaan: that covers the general possibilities.  You can try permutations thereof too05:56
noi5emakernalioth: hey. i have a question for you. How can i fix a broken yaboot, when i dont get a menu at login?05:56
skavengea whole other deal is having people enabling repos .. i wish we could have them all on out of the box but thats not going to happen either05:57
ic56tanlaan: define "not working".  What is the error message?05:57
Jack_Sparrownoi sorry not many Mac people around05:57
wastrelit isn't difficult to enable a repository05:57
tanlaani tried it in multiple ways and it said no such file or directory05:57
skavengewastrel: to brand new users it can be challenging05:57
skavengethe problem is the wiki and that say 'for mp3 do this', well thats all well and good but you need the repos on first, alot of people miss that step i think05:58
Jack_Sparrowskavenge: and it gives up a purpose in life05:58
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
pete6Jack_Sparrow, do you know what i mean by a wiping effect? like how if i open or move a window it wipes from top to bottom05:58
MOWVIJack_Sparrow: other distros already do this05:58
skavengeJack_Sparrow: hah05:58
ic56tanlaan: either you are mistyping the name, or you are incorrect about the names of the script.05:58
tanlaanthats the directory im in05:58
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  yes I know the wiping effect05:58
tanlaanto start the script normally05:58
MOWVIalthough in truth it would be best for ubuntu to remain "clean" from pesterings, so it's better the way it is05:59
noi5emakernalioth: Its ok, its me...nicholaspaul:)05:59
pete6is it possible that my onboard video isn't enough or is incompatible with ubuntu?05:59
ic56tanlaan: and the name of the script?  Try: "ls mux2.f/game"  Is Startmux in there?05:59
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ic56tanlaan: and the name of the script?  Ooops -->Try: "ls mux2.4/game"  Is Startmux in there?05:59
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  It was running some resolutions that worked correct?05:59
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adam-tropics_Anyone have the cpu frequency applet working on a celeron M ? It works but left click opions gone!06:00
Jack_Sparrowpete6:  So restore your backup xorg...06:00
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pete6i did, i changed everything back to default to work with it tomorrow, but still have the wiping effect (like at the beginning)06:01
Jack_Sparrowpete6: sorry if I am distracted.. I have been here about 16 hours..06:01
tanlaan/home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game the directory i just cd-ed to06:01
tanlaanStartmux is in it06:01
pete6it's totally alright, some help is better than no help :)06:01
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noi5emakeranyone know what partition yaboot is likely to be on??06:01
paramanui have trouble with sound in xine and mplayer and my totem crashing after installing bad and ugly pluggins06:01
tanlaanif i cd to / and type /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux it should work shouldnt it?06:02
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Jack_Sparrowpete6:  lets work on it when fresh tomorrow06:02
paramanucan somebody help!06:02
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pete6Jack_Sparrow, alright, i'll be here in the morning, thank you so much06:02
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ic56tanlaan: try ls -lb  Are there any wierd characters in the filename?06:02
jfieldshello all06:02
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Jack_Sparrowpete6:  you are welcome.. goodnight06:02
lufiscan someone explain restricted modules to me?06:03
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ic56tanlaan: yes that should work too but not any differently than any of the other methods I gave you.  If they didn't work, this won't either.06:03
Jack_Sparrowlufis:  things you need to play copyrighted formats06:03
lufisJack_Sparrow: In the kernel?06:03
ic56tanlaan: paste the one line of ouptut for that file in channel here for me to see.06:03
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:03
tomlobatoHello! is there some trick to get ubuntu accessing DVD like HDs, using DVD-RAM feature?06:03
cwilluhow do I configure proxy_http to only allow access to a particular domain (not a reverse proxy though, clients will be treating it as their regular proxy)06:04
Jack_Sparrowlufis: read up there then ask questions06:04
tanlaanforget this06:04
tanlaani give up06:04
cwilluoops, definately the wrong channel06:04
ic56tanlaan: ok06:04
lufisI'm not asking about multimedia, I know what restricted formats are06:04
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Jack_Sparrowlufis: one and the same06:04
lufisI'm talking about restricted modules which are installed with the kernel06:04
Jack_Sparrowlufis:  better questions make for better answers06:05
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lufisJack_Sparrow: How fucking clear could I possibly get?06:05
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tomlobatoCan ubuntu use DVD-RAM feature??06:07
icebreezesight i feel so much like a noob again not being able to get this savage card to work with opengl without hardlocking my system.  I've ran gentoo for so long and now a distro that is supposed to set everything up for you is giving me problems lol.....06:07
tomlobatocause Im trying without success06:07
user1hey channel06:08
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cwilluhey user106:08
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user1I am tring to instal a kernel from the linux wacom project06:09
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tanlaani figured out what was wrong with my shell script!06:09
user1were would I find the patches to make it a Ubuntu kernel06:10
ic56tanlaan: yes? share!06:10
cskhi all. i am trying to get my partitions to mount in ubuntu. i got my windows partition to mount, but i have another partion (vfat) that states "unable to mount the selected volume". i went to /etc/fstab and added "/dev/hda5 /media/Share vfat unmask=0000 0 0 " after creating the share folder. its still the same. can anyone please help06:10
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MOWVIin the repositories, what is the newest nvidia driver that will work on a Vanta LT?06:10
MOWVIor is there any at all that will?06:11
tanlaanit tries to find mux.config06:11
tanlaan/home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux: line 7: mux.config: No such file or directory06:11
user1or are they not avaliable ?06:11
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ic56csk: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.06:11
ic56csk: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.  If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation.  I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.06:11
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ic56tanlaan: that's a different error message from before.  What were you doing wrong before?06:12
tanlaanmost likely i typed something wrong06:12
ic56tanlaan: good.  now you understand.06:13
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tanlaanbut that means i would need to change the shell script06:13
tanlaanso that it knows which directory to look for...right?06:13
Jack_Sparrowcsk... /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0  is how I have my fstab06:13
ic56tanlaan: no it doesn't.  What this error message is saying is that you need to supply a configuration file06:14
tanlaansay i know which is in the folder i normally cd to06:14
tanlaanwhich means it looks for it in the directory i am in06:14
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tanlaanso i need to change it so it looks in a different directory06:14
ic56tanlaan: the config file must be called mux.config but it doesn't tell you where to put it or what should be in the file.  This is normal.  It means it's time to read the documentation :-)06:15
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ConstyNVU vs Bluefish, anyone know which is better?06:15
jfieldsi'm looking for a good laptop that works without much problem in linux..... i was lookin at one of the acer's on newegg... and the ones from cyberpower...06:15
arapehlHey, has anyone ever gotten IE to work on Linux? As a web developer it's kinda important for me to be able to test my work in IE as well as FF.06:15
Jack_Sparrowjfields: my dells work fine and my hp work fine06:15
bimberiarapehl: yes, using wine06:16
MOWVII would say NVU06:16
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:16
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ConstyMOWVI: Think so?  Just curious06:16
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tanlaanno no no06:16
arapehlbimberi: thanks!06:16
skavengeeverything on my dell laptop ran out of box with ubuntu except the wireless nic but its broadcom so thats expected06:16
bimberiarapehl: frankscorner.org has good info for getting things like IE running06:16
MOWVIConsty: Yes but just my opinion06:16
jfieldsi also need to know about wireless... anyone use the new 11n under linux yet?06:16
bimberiarapehl: np :)06:16
tanlaanmux.config is in /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/06:16
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jfieldsskavenge, ok... so what wireless are good.. i heard something of atheros??06:17
ic56tanlaan: did you install it to that location or did you just unpack it there?  Installing is the process of configuring a piece of software with information about the locations of config files, executables, etc.06:17
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tanlaani already configured the file06:18
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cskic56 - i have run the script and it states /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab (same for hda5) should i delete that code from fstab?06:18
skavengejfields: dunno there i would do some web research on what is nativley supported in linux if you really want no headaches .. most (like mine) can use the windows driver and a program called ndiswrapper to work anyway though06:19
tanlaanthe script is made to only be unpacked06:19
tanlaanand it is looking in the place it is to look for other files06:19
skavengei just had to tinker a little06:19
agamottoHere is a good one for sound experts:  How is it that sound can work for movies played within a web page, but not work within Mplayer, etc...?06:19
tanlaanwhich means i need to change the script to look in a specific directory instead of the directory it is in06:19
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Toma-agamotto: mplayer might be using a different sound system06:20
ic56tanlaan: if you don't understand the script, post in pastebin.  I'll take a quick look and venture an opinion as to what you've done wrong.06:20
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Toma-agamotto: what browser, what plugin and what sound system do you have selected in mplayer?06:20
ic56csk: run the script with the -b flag -- it will backup your /etc/fstab and re-generate it, making a pretty decent attempt at getting it right.06:20
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tanlaanthats the script06:21
tanlaanon line 7 you will see what im talking about06:21
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ic56csk: it'll save you a lot of work, if you're a newbie06:21
agamottoHmmm... Firefox 1.5, the Mplayer plugins for the browser, and I not sure how to find the sound server with KDE06:21
Toma-agamotto: ahh. open up mplayer06:22
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agamottoToma-:  Ok, done06:22
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Toma-agamotto: right click the movie screen and select Preferences. go over to the Audio tab and see the driver its using06:23
ikkenhow can I search for text inside a document. I want to find a certain phrase in a certain document, but I'm not sure what the document is, only the phrase - how do I search for the phrase throughout the entire system?06:23
cskic56 - thanks that seems to have worked will reboot and see06:23
agamottooss is the one highlighted06:23
_joeanyone know how to disable daemons/services from starting on startup?06:23
Toma-agamotto: try selecting alsa or arts06:24
Toma-agamotto: and then give it a go06:24
wastrelikken:  grep -lr "search phrase" files06:24
ic56csk: this is a poorly written script.  Makes a lot of assumptions.  One of them is that mux.config is in your current directory when you invoke the script.  So, if you cwd is /home/tanlaan, then mux.config must be tehre too.  If mux.config is in mux2.4.... wherever it was that you unpacked the sw, then it's easiest if you cd to that location and execute the script like so: ./<script name>06:24
wastrelikken:  where files are the files you want to search06:24
hektikwhats the differnce between compiz-quinn and compiz-aglx o_O06:25
^catalysthrmm, is there a wine support channel ?06:25
tanlaanthats what ive been saying!06:25
wastrelhektik:  maybe ask on #ubuntu-xgl06:25
hektikwastrel: ahh, such a channel exists06:25
tanlaanas i said i would need to change the script to look in a specific directory instead of assuming that its being executed from that directory06:26
ic56tanlaan: there's more problems.  It never defines the variable $PIDFILE .  You need define it before invoking the script06:26
agamottoToma-:  Ok, I just did that, and tried to play a clip from my hd... no sound06:26
Tmobmy suspend/resume doesn't resume the X properly... it hangs up after it powers on.. anyone nkow how to fix this? i'm usnig it on a Dell d410 lapto06:26
agamottoGo figure06:26
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tanlaanwhy would i need to06:27
tanlaanit seems to work06:27
Toma-agamotto: dont quote me on this, but it might need a restart (Mplayer that is)06:27
agamottoAhhh, ok06:27
tanlaanlike if its already running it gives me the right error06:27
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ic56tanlaan: yeah, you can get by without it.  Oh, wait, it's probably being defined inside mux.config  the latter in fact becomes part of your script.06:27
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tanlaanmost likely06:28
ic56tanlaan: ok. so you're cool?  all done?06:28
tanlaanumm i guess06:28
tanlaani basically have to do a lot of changing directories06:28
ic56tanlaan: eh?  Why?06:29
tanlaanso i can use the script on startup06:29
tanlaanotherwise i cant use it] 06:30
ic56tanlaan: oh, you must mean for finding mux.config  ok.  Do you speak Bash or is it foreign to you?06:30
ikkenwhere is thunderbird mail stored?06:30
tanlaankinda foreign but im good06:30
tanlaanbbs dinner06:30
ic56I'll fix it in paste bin for you. hang on06:30
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agamottoToma-:  Hmmm, still no go06:30
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Toma-agamotto: im sorry, im kinda busy atm, might wanna ask again and see if someone else can help. basically, its your driver that you need tweaking in mplayer, or even the Kde sounds system in control centre06:31
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agamottoAhhh, ok.  I will try a few things then06:32
ic56tanlaan: ok.  can you see the changed script?06:32
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tach00_question, what directory has the desktop backgrounds?06:32
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ic56tanlaan: 7683506:33
mejobloggshey, can someone tell me where the howto is for installing nvidia drives, and configuring x ?06:33
ubotuI know nothing about nv06:33
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:33
bimberiikken: try in ~/mozilla06:33
bimberiikken: oops, try in ~/.mozilla06:33
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ic56tanlaan: just do this:  mv <wherever mux.config is currently>  ~/.muxrc06:34
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agamottoOk, this is going to sound ignorant, but where is the volume control kept in KDE?06:34
ic56tanlaan: then hmmm, do you want the script in your PATH?  To save you some typing?  Or are you happy invoking it from where it is?06:35
Hobbseeagamotto: alt+f2, kmix06:35
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tach00_question, what directory has the desktop backgrounds?06:35
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aduMOWVI: ?06:36
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TimirUhm, could anyone point me to a game chat on freenode?06:37
ic56tach00_: looking for you06:37
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tach00_thanks ic5606:37
ubuntuinstallerhi. how do I recover Windows XP after a failure of the ubuntu installer?06:38
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Jack_Sparrowubuntuinstaller: boot to a floppy or 98cd and fdisk /mbr06:38
MOWVIhave a nice day or night, time for me to go06:38
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:39
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=== agamotto waves
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:40
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tanlaanok bak06:41
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mejobloggshi, im having problems following the BinaryDRiverHowTo06:41
mejobloggsfor nvidia it says "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"06:41
mejobloggsbut when I do that, the terminal tells me......06:42
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ubuntuinstallerJack_Sparrow: I wish I had one... I'll try to find a way to perform fdisk /mbr. thanks06:42
ic56tach00_: sorry, I have that stuff disabled and can't find it now.  If you can figure out the name of the background image, you search for it.  Wait, are you sure this isn't the splash image loaded by grub?06:43
mejobloggswhats wrong with pastebin!! arggh06:43
ic56tanlaan: are you ok with the changed script in pastebin.ca/76835 ?06:43
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tach00_no i was looking for some backgrounds that i have in my root dir, but cant seem to find the folder there in, i did a search for *.jpg but not sure thats the format06:44
skavengeubuntuinstaller: bootdisk.com has some with fdisk on it, might wanna check that out06:44
Jack_Sparrowubuntuinstaller: any windows cd will do06:44
mejobloggsanyone have another pastebin link i can use?06:44
mejobloggspastebin.com isnt working for me06:45
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:45
ubuntuinstallerskavage: thanks!06:45
Jack_Sparrowtach png maybe06:45
tanlaanidk if that would work06:46
mejobloggshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16984 <-- can you look at that please?06:46
tach00_thats what i thought too, but not, thats what all the icons and stuff are06:46
mejobloggsthe BinaryHOwTo thing never mentions that06:46
tach00_almost has to be jpg jack06:47
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tanlaani say it should change to . /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/mux.config06:47
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mejobloggsno one gonna help me? :(06:47
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ic56tanlaan: ok.  Whatever feels cleanest to you.06:48
tach00_lol sounds easy to just do a search but there is a unbelieveable amount of pics on this machine lol06:48
ubuntuinstallerI'll try a "rescue disk" I found and then bootdisk.com. bye. Do I need to post a bug report for the installer crash on partitioning or is it a known bug? I found few threads on your forums but apparently no answer06:48
dlimejobloggs, you didn't follow the nvidia howto06:48
tanlaanill try both06:48
mejobloggsdli: i did!06:48
mejobloggsdli: why do you say that?06:48
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mejobloggsdli: i am following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:49
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mejobloggsi installed nvidia-glx, and the linux-restricted-modulues where allready installed06:50
tanlaanbrb im gonna try it out06:50
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dlimejobloggs, nvidia-glx shouldn't modify xorg.conf06:50
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mejobloggsdli: well that is all i have done, nothing else06:50
polishkoopI'm using dapper drake 6.06 and I can't get my wireless card to work.  I successfully installed the windows drivers with ndiswrapper because there are no native drivers for my wifi card.  I also configured the card under eth1 <-- which is what it came up as.  I can't seem to connect to the internet with it though.  Anyone have any ideas06:51
XenDoes anyone know if there's a good VM app for linux that can run near native speeds?06:51
mejobloggsdli: can you tell me what to do next?06:51
dlimejobloggs, dpkg-reconfigure first, then, follow the binary howto again06:52
Gareth1Xen, Parallels Workstation (not free though)06:52
mejobloggsdli: exactly the same thing is going to happen, i did nothing wrong06:52
XenGareth1: yeah.. heard of parallels.. need something free ><06:52
dlipolishkoop, which chipset?06:53
mejobloggsdli: what does dpkg -reconfigure do anyway?06:53
polishkoopdli: it's broadcom.06:53
dlipolishkoop, broadcom 43xx? it's in kernel now06:53
tach00_question, what directory has the desktop backgrounds?06:53
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Gareth1Xen, there was a comparison of virtualization software somewhere on wikipedia, let me see if I can dig it up06:54
dlipolishkoop, no need to go ndiswrapper06:54
polishkoopdli: it is bcm4306.  that has native linux support now?06:54
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dlipolishkoop, yes, bcm43xx is supported natively06:54
polishkoopdli: nice, i gotta figure out how to get that working.  Thanks man06:55
Gareth1dli, the bcm43xx driver doesn't seem to support more than 802.11b speeds (ie 11 mbit)06:55
mejobloggsits not working :(06:55
XenGareth1: ah okay thx06:55
dlipolishkoop, not sure about ubuntu kernel, but you can always get kernel source from kernel.org06:55
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tanlaanmy way didnt work06:55
lecarossomeone has configured and usb dsl modem? the device is working, but pppoeconf can't configure it06:55
tanlaanim gonna try yours06:55
dliGareth1, still better than ndiswrapper :(06:55
ic56tanlaan: why didn't your way work?!  it's no better or worse than mine06:55
Gareth1there's always the angry hatemail to broadcom06:55
ic56tanlaan: what exactly did you do?  Don't fly blind.06:56
dliGareth1, is rt2x00 is still the best supported?06:56
tanlaanmaybe because i put a space06:56
skavengenothing wrong with ndiswrapper, at least it works06:56
tanlaani put06:56
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:56
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tanlaan. /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/mud.config06:57
efoxim doing an install on my desktop, how much space should i allocate for /boot ?06:57
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Gareth1dli, not sure06:57
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ic56tanlaan: the syntax is correct.  but "mud.config" should be mu *x* .config06:57
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dliGareth1, no point to be angry, sell the bcm card on ebay, get a rt2500/zd1211, even an intel ipw394506:57
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ic56isn't that the correct filename? mux.config ?06:58
Gareth1dli, I've an intergrated broadcom 4318 in my acer unfortuantely06:58
tanlaanblah im dumb06:58
skavengebroadcom's work fine with ndiswrapper, mine does06:58
tanlaanoops :D06:58
Gareth1I didn't really know anything about linux at all when I'd bought my laptop, I would have definitely gone for an intel chipset if I had06:58
ic56tanlaan: if you can't type right, you should *always* cut and paste.06:58
dliGareth1, then, people should check before ordering06:58
tanlaanhere it is pasted06:58
tanlaan. /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/mux.config06:58
t94xric56: i can see that copy and paste every word in a sentence :P06:59
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dliGareth1, I heard intel is making a fully GPLed driver for its ipw394506:59
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polishkoopdli: where should i look to find out how to get my wifi card workign with the linux drivers?06:59
Gareth1I think I'd kiss whoever sold me the laptop06:59
tanlaanmaybe it shouldnt have a space?07:00
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lecarosnobody? :(07:00
tanlaanlike ./home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/mux.config07:00
dlipolishkoop, download kernel source from kernel.org , you can see yourself07:00
ic56tanlaan: no, the space is *required*.  The `.' is a verb, the /home/... is it's argument.07:00
Gareth1lecaros, unfortuantely not much experience with usb modems07:00
efoxanyone ?07:00
efoxmy laptop has 128MB but i think that was too much for /boot07:00
Gareth1what I do know is that they are a pain07:01
dlipolishkoop, better, download a livecd which supports bcm43 :)07:01
tanlaanthen why didnt it work :(07:01
ardchoillejoselecaros: hahahaha07:01
ardchoilleThat's the first time I have seen the bot show a sense of humour07:01
polishkoopdli: i think i already have kernel-source for my kernel07:01
Gareth1efox, anywhere between 40-200 mb should be great07:01
dlipolishkoop, this is a beta release livecd ( not for ubuntu!), http://linktrim.com/5c507:01
ic56tanlaan: give me more than just "doesn't work".  Your wasting a lot of time with meaningless short answers.  You need to be giving explicit error messages, if you want to get effective help from people here.07:01
skavengebcm43xx is in dapper, HAL thought thats what mine was and i had to blacklist the module to get the ndiswrapper driver to load07:02
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dlitanlaan, right, " it doesn't work " doesn't bring in much help , be specific07:02
tanlaanno i meant like i set it up, and then tried to connect to my server *which the script starts* and it didnt allow connection07:02
polishkoopskavenge: if if they have the driver how come u were using ndiswrapper?07:02
tanlaanwhich means it didnt work07:02
tanlaanill see what the error is07:03
tanlaanone sec07:03
efoxGareth1:  but thats such a large range...is there no way of narrowing it down. What would recommend ? My current config is 128mb...07:03
efoxskavenge:  do you kno if the bcm43xx can go the full 54Mbs...i followed a howto, and it said i can only get 11Mbs07:03
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tanlaanfor some reason it didnt give me an error but didnt start it up07:04
skavengepolishkoop: because mine isnt a  43xx, thats just what ubuntu thought .. i had to use ndiswrapper for mine, its a dell 1350 wireless nic but its broadcom based07:04
homerh_linuxmorning ppl07:04
ic56tanlaan: the script couldn't be found is also "didn't work".  Couldn't find the config file is also "didn't work".  You've given us more information -- that's better.07:04
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skavengeefox: dunno i didnt use that driver, couldnt say07:04
ic56tanlaan: is it already running?07:04
tanlaanit would have given me the error remember07:04
ic56tanlaan: pastebin everything.07:04
dliHomer, not morning everywhere :(07:04
Gareth1efox, I'm currently using 90/200 MB in my /boot07:05
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homerh_linuxim having a problem with my ubuntu system loging me out to the singin screen it only happens i think when firestater is running or azureues any ideas07:05
Gareth1that's with four kernels07:05
tanlaanthere isnt anything to pastebin07:05
tach00_can someone help me with a cd burner issue, none of the burner software will do anything,it will go all the way to the write process, then just sit there for ever07:05
tanlaanit didnt give me any errors07:05
dliGareth1, 90MB is at excess07:05
tanlaanwhat so ever07:05
homerh_linuxdli i know it just a habit07:05
Gareth1dli, I know - I've just been playing around with kernel compilation07:05
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Gareth1most of it's been a mess, somehow I managed to compile every flavour07:05
tanlaanim gonna try your way and see if it works07:05
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dliGareth1, build your own livecd :)07:06
ubuntuinstallerI-m back. Still trying to recover windows Xp after the ubuntu installer failure. The recovery disk provided by the manufacturer of my computer will restore the original content of my hard disk. It doesn-t allow me to fdisk /mbr. And my computer has no floppy disk drive, so I can-t take a boot floppy image from bootdisk.com and use it. Any other ideas?07:06
Gareth1bah, brb firefox is fscked07:06
mejobloggsdli, what can i do now to isntall the nvidia drivers?07:07
ic56tanlaan: you've modified the script.  How do I know you didn't screw up something else, given that you've already shown yourself a bad typist?  Further, I've never seen the config file.  Put that in the pastebin too.  Also, the invocation -- cut and paste what you typed and what got displayed upto and including the subsequent shell prompt.  If there is any additional info pastebin that too -- like how do you know that "it 07:07
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dliubuntuinstaller, are you installing ubuntu still?07:07
mejobloggsi guess i already have it installed, so I need help to set them up07:07
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dliubuntuinstaller, if so, you can use grub to load windows:)07:07
bcronubuntuinstaller: are you sure your XP is bad or you just can't get to it because the installer is bad07:07
bcronor rather bootloader...07:07
ic56tanlaan: by being lazy about providing us with information, you've wasted what? half an hour? one hour now?07:07
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tanlaanfine ill paste bin everything07:08
ic56tanlaan: looking fwd to it07:08
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dlitanlaan, you should have done that at the very beginning, anyway07:08
tach00_can someone help me with a cd burner issue, none of the burner software will do anything,it will go all the way to the write process, then just sit there for ever07:09
bcrondoes Ubuntu make a bootfloppy.img?  I found one made by DSL but it only works to book Knoppix07:09
ubuntuinstallerdli - the installer messed up the mbr of the hard disk, so if I boot without the ubuntu live cd, I get the grub console prompt. I still would like to install ubuntu but the installer crashes when I assign partitions.07:09
=== Gareth [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dlitach00_, what about k3b ?07:09
bcronguess that's good enough thou... since I could use knoppix or DSL to load the other distro07:09
ic56dli: thanks.  It's nice to get some some support when explaining protocol to a newbie.07:09
tach00_dli: same thing07:09
cbergyQuick question, if I'm a web app developer new to Ubuntu, should I get the Server version for testing PHP/MySQL locally, or just get the regular release and install the LAMP seperately?07:10
tach00_i've tried all of the ones that come with ubuntu07:10
tach00_has to be some kind of setting i am over looking or maybe a conflict07:10
bcronubuntuinstaller: don't mess with the manufacturer CD... XP is fine it's just hiding... I had this happen before and Im looking for what the solution was07:10
icebreezei've got a brand new ubuntu install and for some reason my system hardlocks when trying to run a opengl program.  So far DRI is enabled and the glxinfo output seems to be normal.  I'm running a savage video card.  I'm not to sure how to go about solving this issue since everything seems to be normal except for the fact it crashes.  Any suggestions?07:10
jojoman02how do i restart samba services?07:10
dliubuntuinstaller, okay, I suggest you to boot livecd, make a small /boot partion, install grub :)07:10
icebreezejojoman02: /etc/init.d/samba i think07:11
icebreezewith a restart07:11
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dlitach00_, any error messages from k3b or from dmesg ?07:11
icebreezeafter the /etc/init.d/samba07:11
hektikanyone familiar with LinEAK?07:11
tach00_dli: i let k3b sit all night last night, thinking it might jsut be slow, didnt do anything all night, just sat on 0%07:11
ic56cbergy: I think the server install omits the GUI.  I think either way can work but I've never done it.07:11
tach00_dli: nope07:11
dliicebreeze, savage has some known issue with glx07:11
cbergyic56: awesome, thanks :) I'll just use the typical install and add apache, php, mysql, ruby, etc.07:12
jojoman02icebreeze: thankz, it was ---> sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart07:12
icebreezedli: so are you saying its not going to work or there is a fix i can do07:12
tach00_dli: i have also tried 2 different burners that i know work, a usb and a ide.07:12
joselecarosardchoille, you what?07:12
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ic56cbergy: I'm pretty sure I've heard people in channel doing just that.07:12
ardchoillejoselecaros: ?07:12
ic56cbergy: have fun!07:12
hektikive setup a lineakd config to make my volume+ and volume- buttons on my headset function properly, but the buttons only change the volume by 1% at a time.  how could i make it do 10% at a time?07:13
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dliicebreeze, I have savage here, it works normally with xorg-7.0 7.1 , doesn't crash07:13
ubuntuinstallerdli: I'm using the ubuntu livecd now.  I'll try to make the boot partition.07:13
Seqdoes anybody have a Logitech G5 mouse working? I cannot get it to work at all (I thought it worked as a plain-old HID device?)07:13
dliubuntuinstaller, don't destory your windows partition :)07:13
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bcronubuntuinstaller:  Im sorry when I had this problem it was with lilo not grub...07:13
dliicebreeze, it might be a ubuntu issue, are you running dapper?07:14
icebreezedli: hmmm can you tell me what you did? well first off when you install ubuntu 6.06 you are given xorg 7  correct?  Did it work out of the box or did you have to tweak some stuff07:14
icebreezei'm using whatever you guys have on the site i believe it is 6.0607:14
ic56tanlaan: looking07:14
bcronubuntuinstaller: does your floppy drive work?07:14
ubuntuinstallerdli: crossing my fingers. this is a nasty bug for an OS installer.07:14
Constyhow can I have synaptic get newer versions of software?  for instance firefox 2.0 and such?07:14
dliicebreeze, but I don't run ubuntu myself :( I run gentoo on that savage box07:14
ubuntuinstallerbcron: it's a notebook without fdd07:14
kalosaurusrexcan I install dapper without having to boot into the live cd?07:14
tanlaanoo i cant copy what my client says while connecting to the server after "starting" the script07:15
icebreezedli: yah i'm tempted to put gentoo on that system however its a family cpu and i don't really feel like maintaining it07:15
Garethkalosaurusrex, you can get the alternative CD and that is a text-only framebuffer installation07:15
dliubuntuinstaller, I heard the rumor that debian is proud of ubuntu, untill dapper released07:15
tanlaanit just wont let me copy it07:15
ic56tanlaan: ah.  the config file is also making stupid assumptions.07:15
icebreezedli: can you tell me what your glxinfo says07:15
kalosaurusrexgareth: on ubuntulinux.org ?  I haven't seen that as an option..07:15
dliicebreeze, gentoo is slow at installation, but more stable the ubuntu dapper :)07:15
kalosaurusrexGareth, as in Belgareth?  or maybe it's belgarath hehe07:15
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tach00_dli: any ideas on what would make the system just sit there and not even try to write07:15
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GarethI thnk you have to dig for them, they're pushing the livecd variant I think07:16
bcronubuntuinstaller: do you have any other distros handy?07:16
dliicebreeze, okay, I will pastebin07:16
Garethalthough how can you pass up playing tetris during your install?07:16
ic56tanlaan: if you're in Terminal, copyng should work indiscriminately.  Perhaps mouse button problems?07:16
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kalosaurusrexthat's cool07:16
Constygentoo is not as stable as dapper in my opinion07:16
icebreezedli: oh i know i've run gentoo for a long time i was just interested in ubuntu since i'm tired of coming home every couple months to my sisters destroying their computer07:16
kalosaurusrexwell for some reason I think my laptop cd-rom is too slow for the live cd. or something.  not sure.07:16
icebreezeConsty: gentoo is saber if you stay withing the sable tree.07:16
kalosaurusrexbut breezy installs fine.  I just can't get dapper to install.07:16
tanlaanwhat do you mean? the client thing?07:16
ubuntuinstallerbcron: fedora core 5. I was dropping it but maybe I should reinstall it and see if grub will show XP again. Is it a good idea?07:17
bcronIm running xubuntu now and it worked perfectly07:17
Garethkalosaurusrex, http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/   under the heading "alternate install CD"07:17
Constyicebreeze: No more stable than dapper is..  its the same stuff just wrapped with a different name, sure some version differences but thats it07:17
kalosaurusrexrock on thanks gareth!07:17
dliicebreeze, I have xorg-x11-7.1, xorg-server-1.1.0-r1, and x11-drivers/xf86-video-savage-2.1.107:17
ic56tanlaan: pastebin me a listing (ls -l) of the directory containing the sw too.  I have no idea if the config file is refering to stuff that pre-exists or not.07:17
Garethkalosaurusrex, you might have a corrupted CD (it's happened before to me)07:17
=== Guitarhero [n=mcneely1@pool-71-244-97-190.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56tanlaan: yes, I meant the client thing07:17
Garethor a scratch on the disc07:17
Garethyou're welcome07:18
bcronyeah... I once installed suse just to get my mbr back in order07:18
tanlaanits not terminal, its gnome-mud07:18
icebreezeConsty: so then why say gentoo is not as stable as ubuntu :-p07:18
bcronthat's a much less destructive path than wiping your XP07:18
Guitarherocould someone please take a look at this:07:18
ubuntuinstallerbcron: i'll try fc5 then. thanks for the help. bbl07:18
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icebreezedli: do you think its a good idea to use the use maintained tree rather than the ubuntu official ones?07:18
kalosaurusrexguitarhero, please don't just post a link.  at the ver least give an idea of what your problem is perhaps?07:18
ic56tanlaan: not familiar with gnome-mud; cannot comment on what should and shouldn't work inside its window.07:18
Guitarheroit has to dow ith my network card not alloowing me to boot07:19
Guitarheroive been trying to fix this for days07:19
Guitarheroi was on here last night07:19
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tanlaanok ill paste bin the ls07:19
dliicebreeze, http://pastebin.ca/7685507:19
Guitarheroim exuasted with this problem07:19
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dliicebreeze, since ubuntu is not source based, mixing repositories would lead to nowhere07:20
Constyicebreeze: isn't gentoo's stable branch like hella far behind ubuntu dapper?  I think so.. and therefore generally one would think that dapper is more stable.. is there really a need to argue your pointless endevours?07:20
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icebreezeConsty: i don't belive so07:20
bcronGuitarhero: I think you have to lose the card or the distro and seeing how the distro is free I'd get rid of that07:20
icebreezedli: nowhere?07:20
Constyicebreeze: hehe I'm just playing.. :)07:20
=== JDredd [n=al@149-135-50-186.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
GuitarheroWell then thats it for linux for me07:21
hektikhttp://pastebin.ca/76858 <- with this it takes 3-4 clicks on my headset to adjust 1% pcm volume. how could i make it adjust faster?07:21
bcronslow down there07:21
Guitarheroive tried other distros and nothing else is appealing07:21
Guitarheronah its fine07:21
kalosaurusrexguitarhero:  I know this might suck..but does breezy work?07:21
dliicebreeze, right, deps disaster07:21
bcronhave you tried pc linux os?  that is a snap too07:21
Guitarheroi used breezy before with a different network card07:21
Guitarherohavnt tried it with this one07:21
icebreezedli: well is 7.1 even avialable for ubuntu07:21
Guitarheromy old card was a netgear, this is linksys07:21
Constyis this just a wired network card guitarhero?07:21
Constyor wireless?07:21
ConstyGuitarhero: doesn't work with ndiswrapper?07:22
dliicebreeze, are you sure? 7.1 breaks nvidia binary driver07:22
Guitarheroi was going to try it but someone posted in my thread that said they had the same problem and ndiswrapper doesnt do it07:22
icebreezedli: didn't you just say that you were running 7.1 on that savage system07:22
Guitarherobut i guess i have no other options so i might as well try it07:22
ConstyGuitarhero: whats the product #?07:22
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Constydesktop or pcmcia?07:23
dliicebreeze, yes, 7.1, and with the version of savage driver as 2.1.107:23
Paladineicebreeze do I know you?07:23
ConstyGuitarhero: what version?07:23
Guitarheroi just bought it so whatever the most recent is07:23
ConstyGuitarhero: I have that in my pc and its auto detected07:23
Guitarherodidnt know there was more than one07:23
hektikhmm i think i solved my own problem :S brb restarting07:23
icebreezePaladine: well i'm not to sure where would you know me from07:23
dliGuitarhero, is wmp56g supported by rt2500?07:23
icemanHello everyone.07:23
Paladineyou live in canada?07:23
tanlaanic56: did you check it out?07:23
icebreezedli: um what is with ubuntu having two package gui things07:23
ConstyIf he has a v4 I think it is.. then its a rt250007:23
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Constybut if it was it would automatically be detected07:24
Guitarherowhat is rt2500? and i have wmp5407:24
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Guitarheroit is detected07:24
icebreezedli: one is add/remove apps and the other is snaptic package manager... isnt that redundant07:24
ic56tanlaan: sorry, I just noticed the pastebin number now. Looking07:24
icemanI'm having alot of problems installing the gnome-splashscreen-manager...07:24
dliGuitarhero, just try, modprobe rt250007:24
ConstyGuitarhero: so whats the problem?07:24
Guitarherobut i can configure and activate it but it still doesnt working07:24
ConstyGuitarhero: Ohhhh did you type in a SSID to connect to?07:24
tach00_dli: any ideas on what would make the system just sit there and not even try to write07:24
Guitarheroand then after i configure it i reboot and i cant get into ubuntu07:24
icemanCan someone help me out with it?07:24
ConstyGuitarhero: and enable DHCP ?07:24
ic56tanlaan: I said "ls -l".  Not "ls".  Please pay attention.07:24
dlitach00_, what do you mean?07:24
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ConstyGuitarhero: Makes no sense, maybe you have some funky version.. the one I have works perfectly no problems07:25
tanlaansorry :(07:25
ic56tanlaan: waiting for new pastebin output07:25
Guitarheroi type in my essid and dhcp, then i activate it07:25
Guitarheroit doesnt work07:25
tach00_remember, the whole my cd burner software just sits there and does nothing, no error messages, just doesnt write07:25
Guitarherothen i reboot07:25
Guitarheroand i cant get in07:25
dliGuitarhero, can you get ip?07:25
ConstyGuitarhero: Here's a question.. where you type the SSID in can you pull the drop down and see your wireless network?07:25
Guitarherowhat pull down07:26
Guitarheroin network configuration07:26
icemanCan anyone explain to me how dependencies work? I keep having problems installing software.07:26
Guitarheroi do iwconfig and it seems to see the network cand connect07:26
ConstyGuitarhero: yeah where you type your SSID information theres a little thing that you can pull down to show detected wireless networks07:26
ConstyGuitarhero: See if ti shows up07:26
Guitarherobut the internet doesnt work and it screws up my system07:26
Guitarherooh no07:26
Paladineicebreeze join offtopic a sec07:26
Guitarheroit doesnt show that07:26
ic56tanlaan: :-) looking07:26
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Guitarheroi click the pulldown thing and its all white07:26
dliiceman, deps is handled by apt auto :)07:26
Paladineicebreeze, I not registered so can't use /msg07:27
Guitarherobut it not detcting the network would cause ubuntu to stop booting07:27
icemanSo how do I fix the deps problems?07:27
icebreezewhere is offtopic07:27
Guitarheroit never gets past the part right after checking all file systems07:27
Guitarherowhich is about networking07:27
ic56tanlaan: yeah, whoever wrote this is *really* accustomed to cd'ing to a place before invoking executables.  I'll fix the config file. Hang on.07:27
ConstyGuitarhero: Very odd, well I do know that eventually it'll boot up, just that dhcp tries forever07:28
Guitarheroive ctrl+c past it but then it goes to login, i login, then it just sits at a brown screen with a mouse pointer07:28
icemanI try to install the different deps that it says it having problems with but then that file also has dep problems.07:28
icemanI'm new to linux...07:28
tach00_me too07:28
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icebreezedli: well great this is weird it looks like i have the same settings as you.... i'm so tempted to just get gentoo on here07:28
ConstyGuitarhero: Try going into the command prompt and type iwlist scan07:29
ConstyGuitarhero: see if anything showsup07:29
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Guitarherowell im on my windows hdd now because ubuntu isnt working07:29
Guitarheroill do that next time07:29
ConstyGuitarhero: oh.. windows.. *puke*07:29
Guitarheroi have to use a live cd or take out my network card07:29
hektikweee it works ;D07:29
Guitarheroyes i know but its all i can use for now07:29
tach00_has anyone had problems with their cd burner not working with dapper?07:29
ConstyGuitarhero: Might as well buy yourself another wireless card that you know will work cuz windows is on its way to the garbage07:29
ic56tanlaan: I hate this.  I don't want fix it badly.  but with the way you want to invoke it, I must hardcode everything.  If you move it, you'll have re-edit the config file.  You wanna proceed that way or do you wanna fix it right?07:29
roostishawhow would i make the following make sence (as in, what is the oporator for 'or')?  if   (document.referrer != "" or "")07:30
Guitarheroany suggested brands that are more linux friendly?07:30
Guitarheroi tried a dlink one first but it was terrible07:30
Guitarheroback to netgear?07:30
tanlaanumm its fine if i move it ill fix it07:30
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Constywell I hear netgear is alright... I like linksys though but you just need to find one that works.. what I'de do is like buy one07:30
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Constythen if it works keep it if not take it back and return it for another one07:30
icemanCan someone help me with dep issues?07:31
Paladinedlink all th way baby!07:31
HealotGuitarhero: anything with RT2xxx chipset as recommended by FSF07:31
ic56tanlaan: ok.  You understand what needs to be done?  the config file is saying the bin directory (and all the other dirs are in "." (= the current directory).  This means07:31
Guitarherodlink was getting an 8% signal while this linksys one gets 70%07:31
Guitarheroalright thanks07:31
PaladineIam a dlink posterboy07:31
ConstyHealot: That doesn't help him though when he doens't know which cards have that chipset.. know of a site that shows?07:31
Paladineall my networkingis dlink07:31
Guitarheromy router is07:31
Guitarherowhich is why i tried a dlink card first, but it sucked07:31
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PaladineI even have an internal 9dB dlink wifi antenna07:32
tach00_has anyone had problems with their cd burner not working with dapper?07:32
Guitarherowell ill go troubleshoot some more i guess, thanks for the support07:32
ic56tanlaan: you must either cd to the place where that bin is or you must change change the config file to specify an absolute pathname instaed of ./bin07:32
GuitarheroWish me luck.....07:32
Paladinegood luck07:32
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efoxim doing an install07:32
ConstyI'm curious to know if anyone in here is running ubuntu on a mac?07:32
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:32
tanlaanok ill do it07:32
tanlaanits simple enough07:33
ic56tanlaan: cool.  Have fun!  You'll learn more.07:33
efoxand i set up my partitions as /, /home, /boot and swap plus my 2 windows paritions..however i dont have enuff mounting points with dapper07:33
TheMoebiuskdm doesn't seem to want to start and when I look in /var/log/kdm.log i see  "Unrecognized option: tcp" and the usage information07:33
tanlaanlol ok07:33
HealotLinux wireless LAN support http://linux-wless.passys.nl07:33
efoxi only have 507:33
efoxwhich should i mount ?07:33
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ic56tanlaan: fyi, the *right* way is:07:33
Healothttp://ralink.rapla.net/ >> Full list of supported wifi nic07:33
efoxi figured it out07:34
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noiesmolooking for help with pxeclient pxelinux.0 invalid image error07:35
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icebreezehehe well one use for a ubuntu cd is to save time and just use it to install gentoo... sigh i was liking ubuntu untill opengl decided it wasn't going to work for me07:35
ic56tanlaan: have the config file in your homedir, and hardcode the script to look for it there.  then the config file should refer to all the other places with respect to $HOME.  This way, everything is wrt to a system-provided variable -- which is a stable configuration -- even if you re-install and use a different username, it will still work.07:35
Constyopengl doesn't work?07:35
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Constyworks just fine fo rmy laptop and desktop.. weird07:35
tanlaanmakes sense07:36
ic56tanlaan: that's the unix way.07:36
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ic56tanlaan: :-)07:36
tanlaanone question, in the config file should i leave the .?07:36
tanlaanim guessing not07:36
tach00_has anyone had problems with their cd burner not working with dapper?07:36
ic56tanlaan: mmm which "."?  Give me a line number.  "cat -n" can report line numbers to help you point me in the right direction07:37
ic56tanlaan: I meant: cat -n <filename>07:37
tanlaanif i change it to BIN=/home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/bin07:38
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tanlaani that right?07:38
zoskyhey peeps07:39
ic56tanlaan: "./bin" is just a fancy way of saying "bin"  (though there is a specific context (i.e. when trying to bypass the $PATH) when that fancy way is essential.07:39
ic56tanlaan: Yes.  your new BIN= looks right07:39
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XenDoes anyone know how to install the KQemu accelerator on Ubuntu?07:39
varsendaggrhey xgl is cooler thatn any thing07:40
varsendaggrXen, have you looked at the ubuntu wiki?07:40
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zoskyam working on a bash script and having probs with mplayer understanding stdin - can anyone help me ?07:40
varsendaggri know there is a section in there for it. but i haven't done it   i use vmplayer07:40
zoskymy script spits out a URL like this http://www.totaleclips.com/Player/Bounce.aspx?eclipid=e20056\&bitrateid=10\&vendorid=102\&affiliateId=07:41
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zoskynow if i run "mplayer -cache-min 5 -playlist" on a command line and follow it by the url it works07:42
zoskybut if i end my script with 'mplayer -cache-min 5 -playlist -' mplayer crashes ??07:42
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tach00_can someone just point me to the right forum about why cd burners dont work with dapper07:43
varsendaggrzosky, sorry dude07:43
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icemanCan someone help me out with dep issues07:43
ic56tanlaan: one more thing: ".conf" is a naming convention used for config files in .../etc directories.  For config files in /home/ic, the convention is to use .<packagename>rc  Either way works, but people have expectations and it makes life easier if things are as people expect them.07:43
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^richiefrichiceman ?07:43
No1VikingAnyone know of a antivirus program that checks all the incoming and outgoing traffic in realtime?07:44
ic56tanlaan: /home/ic -> $HOME07:44
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^richiefrichNo1Viking that be more like iptables07:44
icemanI'm trying to install gnome-splashscreen-manager but keep getting dependency issues.07:44
ic56tanlaan: cool.  Have fun! ttyl07:44
No1Viking^richiefrich, that is a firewall, isnt it?07:45
No1VikingI'm lokking for a antivirus program that checks all the incoming and outgoing traffic in realtime07:45
zoskyvarsendaggr, i dont think this is an mplayer issue, i think its a syntax thing. since im passing a URL could bash be trapping special chars ? is thier any way i can tell the last command in a chain to accept stdin (-) in quotes ... litterly without interpretation ?07:45
^richiefrichu can tail-root07:45
^richiefrichNo1Viking ^^07:45
^richiefrichthe log files07:45
EdLinNo1Viking: you can set iptables to log everything, but do you really want that?07:46
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^richiefrichthen i can watch waht u want07:46
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^richiefrichantivirus is not what u want07:46
No1VikingIsnt there a daemon that takes care of the viruses in realtime, that checks all the traffic?07:46
PaladineNo1Viking, what viruses?07:47
Paladinethis isn't windows07:47
EdLinNo1Viking: Linux has practically no viruses07:47
^richiefrichNo1Viking why are u stuck on viruses07:47
^richiefrichu want a log07:47
^richiefrichof traffick07:47
^richiefrichroot-tail ir07:47
khaije1hes a hydrochondriac07:47
khaije1oops :-/ hypo d'oh!07:48
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No1VikingOK, gonna read about that somewhere07:48
Paladinethe only virus my ubuntu box phears is when I get a cold07:48
EdLinthere is something you should be concerned about, root kits, not viruses07:48
Paladineedlin, hehe that brings back memories lol07:48
Paladinethe nick Imean07:49
fontpapt-get install hax07:49
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EdLinPaladine: even Microsoft's line editor was an inferior product, but "ed" doesn't make a good nick. ;-)07:49
tach00_any reason why my cd burner software does nothing when i try to write something to disc07:49
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icemanAnyone here have a good understanding on dependency on Ubuntu? I need some advice/help.07:50
^richiefrichtach00 test it with the CLI cdrecord07:50
PaladineEdLin, I had some fun with edlin when I was a wee young whipper snapper :)07:50
^richiefrichtach00 it's much nicer.. and what are u trying to burn ?07:50
^richiefrichtach00 iso mp3 CD  real wav CD DVD ?07:50
EdLinPaladine: I even used it as a primative version of patch(1) for a script that was distributed that way for Zcomm/Pro-YAM07:51
EdLinPaladine: that was cool07:51
tach00_richiefrich: anything, ive tried to burn data and iso, when it gets to the write screen, just sits on 0% all day, doing nothing07:51
tach00_whats much nicer07:51
ice_1963i want to install gnomebaker....what do i need to add to my sources.list?07:52
Healot!info gnomebaker07:52
ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 862 kB, installed size 2640 kB07:52
EdLinice_1963: it's probably in universe07:52
^richiefrichtach00  http://penguinslair.dyndns.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=307:52
konfuzedwhat is the default preferred networking used for ubuntu to ubuntu boxes ?07:52
^richiefrichtach00  try that man07:52
PaladineEdlin, I used it to write a funky batch script many many years ago which I installed on every system in our office (which was a government software testing department) to make all the screens flash funky colours and play the death march through the pc speaker flashing up that a virus had infected the network hehe07:52
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Paladinemy bosses didn;t find it overly amusing07:53
Healotthe universe section of "dapper" repos, the one you need to enable, ice_196307:53
Paladinebut I about shat myself laughing ;)07:53
tach00_richiefrich: thanks07:53
konfuzedshould I use samba or scp or what across the LAN07:53
^richiefrichtach00 np  man those are all CLI07:53
^richiefrichtach00 they will give u all the output u need to fix it.. or it'll just work07:53
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guliwho runs ubunto on a wide screen laptop with not the greatest resolution?07:54
guli1280 x 80007:55
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skavengei do07:55
EdLinguli: that resolution X can do07:55
t94xris there a firewall commandline front end07:56
psyoptikdoes anyone know anything about the flash actionscript "localconnection" and why it might not work in ubuntu/linux?07:56
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EdLint94xr: several07:56
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xcham`the dapper installer crashed on me :(07:56
t94xredlin, whats the best one?07:56
xcham`Right at the "Configuring boot loader" stage07:56
^richiefrichtach00 anu question on them just ask or m pme07:57
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EdLint94xr: I like ipkungfu, but it is not graphical07:57
kabbhow do you open/close ports with ubuntu?07:57
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Paladineipkungfu hehe07:57
dlixcham`, time to install debian :) too many stories about crashing ubuntu installer07:57
t94xri cant find the packages07:58
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guliigcek: skavenge: i was just wondering how you have it set up07:58
t94xri did apt-get install ipkungfu07:58
gulii dont like how it is default07:58
xcham`dli: honestly considering it07:58
Tmobanyone know that tool which can securely wipe clean a harddrive?07:58
EdLinxcham`: does the alternate installer not work too?07:58
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xcham`EdLin: What's the alternate installer07:58
psyoptikwhen I use websites that utilize the "localconnection" actionscript with flash, that function seems to not work at all, when it works fine on windows. Any idea?07:58
xcham`do I need to download the "alternate" ISO?07:58
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xcham`I've got an AMD64 system.07:58
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dliTmob, define wipte clean? overwriting?07:59
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yggdrasi1jowi you around ?07:59
gulixcham`: no, unless your computer is old07:59
EdLinxcham`: it's on the bottom half of the download page07:59
Tmobdli, unrecoverably destroyed data07:59
guliignore me07:59
rob_pkabb, by starting a daemon that binds to the port of interest...07:59
jojoman02anyone know a really quick simple gui http FILE server07:59
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Tmobdli, selling a HDD.. so want to wipe all my info07:59
JohnnyXcan someone help me, all the sudden i get a message when i try to play music that there is no audio output device07:59
JohnnyXhow do i fix it07:59
xcham`EdLin: okay, do I have to download and burn a separate ISO?07:59
EdLinxcham`: yes07:59
Tmobdli, i read about it on /. a while ago.. just dont remember that tool :/07:59
^richiefrichjojoman02 what u mean a frontend ?07:59
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xcham`EdLin: so what is the point of the "alernate" thing, exactly? I was using desktop08:00
dliTmob, boot livecd, put the hdd in an enclosure, do something like, " cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda "08:00
jojoman02^richiefrich: no a complete file server08:00
hektikwhen i got to my keyboard settings, nothing is listed.  any ideas?  i got a message box last time i restarted saying something about X or Gnome kb08:00
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^richiefrichjojoman02 none that i know man08:00
yggdrasi1how can i get xorg to reconfigure ?08:00
^richiefrichjojoman02  u dont like apache08:00
jojoman02^richiefrich: or an ftp file server will do too...08:00
dliyggdrasi1, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:00
EdLinxcham`: it's installer is somewhat more flexable and it works on hardware the desktop iso doesn't.08:00
EdLinxcham`: the latter is your problem08:00
xcham`I see.08:01
t94xrEdLin: what one can i use using apt-get in commandline?08:01
jojoman02^richiefrich: apache is great if i wanted to run a web server but it's overkill, i just want to share a folder over the network (samba is driving me nuts)08:01
JohnnyXcan any help?08:01
^richiefrichjojoman02 well then.. nfs08:01
JohnnyXit says no audio output device08:01
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jojoman02^richiefrich: it's with a windows machine...08:01
kabbhow do you open/close ports with ubuntu?08:01
kabbhow do you open/close ports with ubuntu?08:01
JohnnyXit was working fine a couple hours ago08:01
^richiefrichjojoman02  so08:02
EdLin!info ipkungfu08:02
ubotuipkungfu: iptables-based Linux firewall. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-7 (dapper), package size 33 kB, installed size 212 kB08:02
dlikabb, install firestarter08:02
jojoman02^richiefrich: windows machines can't read nfs shares...08:02
^richiefrichjojoman02  http://www.google.com/search?q=nfs+on+windows&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=flock&rls=FlockInc.:en-US:official08:02
^richiefrichjojoman02 yes they can08:02
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jojoman02lemme check08:02
EdLint94xr: it's in universe08:02
kabbok thanks08:02
^richiefrichu need an ap08:02
JohnnyXhow do i reinstall my sound card?08:02
JohnnyXor make sure its being found?08:02
t94xrhow do i install it from there?08:02
Tmobdli, nah.. that wont really do much..08:02
^richiefrichjust like mounting ext2/308:03
xcham`I will try the altenate installer tomorrow, then08:03
hektikdli:  does that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg thing work for keyboard settings too?08:03
yggdrasi1dam x is crashed on me08:03
EdLint94xr: do you have the universe repository enabled?08:03
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t94xrim not sure08:03
dliTmob, or dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda08:03
yggdrasi1i can get the gdm and xdm but when i log in it jsut gives me a console and then start the dm login again08:03
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JohnnyX"This is an audio-only file, and there is no audio output available" thats the message i keep getting08:03
Tmobdli, http://wipe.sourceforge.net/08:03
dliTmob, but why dd couldn't do it ?08:04
EdLint94xr: uncomment the universe lines in /etc/apt/source.list and apt-get update, or do it in synaptic08:04
EdLiner, sources.list08:04
JohnnyXhow do i get my sound back can someone please help08:04
t94xroh ok brb08:04
Tmobdli, no, problem is you need to overwrite multiple time sin certain pattern to erase everything such that you can't recover using statictical analysis08:04
t94xrcommandline server only though08:04
=== ^richiefrich agrees dd will work
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Tmobdli, i'm not totally aware of all the things they do to recover data, but i can't find the article on /.08:05
EdLint94xr: editing sources.list in /etc/apt will work fine without a gui08:05
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dliTmob, sure, if you have some illegal stuff on it, you'd better burn it later08:05
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Tmobdli, haha i hope i dont08:06
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Tmobdli, but got work src..08:06
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dliTmob, or, dd if=/dev/urandom08:06
t94xrEdLin: got it08:06
rob_pTmob, install the, 'wipe' command line utility to destructively erase files/directories.08:06
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EdLint94xr: well, you'll have to edit its files now08:07
^richiefrichjojoman02  why not gnump3d08:07
^richiefrichjojoman02 or u want to share more them music ?08:08
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t94xrnow is there a way to run the app?08:08
^richiefrichwhat app ?08:09
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^richiefrichu can look at what it installed08:09
EdLint94xr: you have to edit the config files before you run it08:10
^richiefrichand grep08:10
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jojoman02^richiefrich: i wanna share movies,08:10
hektikhttp://www.redhat.com/archives/k12osn/2005-August/msg00731.html <- this is what i got. i chose gnome and now i cant see any keyboard layouts.  any way to switch to "x settings" ?08:10
^richiefrichjojoman02 ahh ok.. so u see nfs in windows?08:10
kabbdoes ubuntu permanately delete files via the "rm" command08:10
EdLint94xr: it's really not all that much easier for a simple setup than without a front end. I like it because its configuration is more wordy than the iptables command line08:10
Hobbseekabb: as far as i know, yes08:11
jojoman02^richiefrich: there are not any simple easy to use or free for that matter nfs clients on windows afaik from my 10 min of searching, (i read forum posting and wahtnot)08:11
kabbok thanks08:11
dlikabb, rm doesn't use trashbin by default08:11
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dlikabb, therefore, it's recommended to use nautilus to delete (to Trash)08:12
^richiefrichjojoman02 well ftp GUI's   --> axyftp easyftp nvemftp \pureadmin08:12
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^richiefrichjojoman02  but it's so easy to set up one with no GUI08:13
^richiefrichjojoman02  u use vsftpd08:13
TheMoebiusis it possible to use XGL/compiz with dual monitors?08:14
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^richiefrichjojoman02  http://penguinslair.dyndns.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8   <-- skip  ste p108:14
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JohnnyXcan someone help me with an audio problem08:16
JohnnyXi keep getting the message "This is an audio-only file, and there is no audio output available."08:16
JohnnyXwhen i try to play any ttype of file08:16
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animatohello, any idea where i can find the xubuntu official wallpapers? i tried google but i just couldn't find them :(08:17
Lynoureanimato: unofficial won't do?08:18
animatoi want the default one that comes with it08:18
JohnnyXtry synaptic animato08:18
Lynourehttp://www.vivaolinux.com.br/wallpapers/verWallpaper.php?codigo=4795 looks pretty good08:18
animatothat blue background08:18
Lynoureprolly cannot help then as I don't know what it looks like.08:19
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animatooh right!08:19
animatoxubuntu-art on syanptic!08:19
animatothanx johnnyx :008:19
JohnnyXcan someone help me with my sound?08:20
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JohnnyXhow do i install my sound card again?08:21
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JohnnyXit just stopped working08:21
EnchanterHow to download the directory with "exam" using lftp?08:22
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tonyyarussoHas anyone noticed Gaim taking a long time to close after selecting File > Quit lately?08:23
baconbaconJohnnyX: i don't know how to reconfigure sound (maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base or alsa-utils)08:24
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[[pilot] ] hi ppl08:24
JohnnyXwhen i try to open a file i get This is an audio-only file, and there is no audio output available.08:24
EdLintonyyarusso: on some networks, such as IRC, the client *should* notify the network that its disconnecting08:24
Kyozabe1Hey, can someone give me the name of a somewhat cheap mic that works perfectly with Skype in Ubuntu?08:24
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alef0I'd like to backup some files over the network using rsync. The problem is that I can't log in as root (the "ubuntu way"), but the files are readable only for root. I tried something like this, but it doesn't work: sudo rsync -axv -e "ssh -l non-root-user" root@source:/ local-target/  It asks me for a password, but doesn't accept the password for the non-root-user. Any ideas?08:24
cute_bettongwhats better 802.11b or directly connecting to the router?08:24
tonyyarussoEdLin: Ah, true.  I have aim, msn, and jabber.  Jabber is the only recent addition - might it be that?08:25
Garethcute_bettong, direct connection08:25
baconbaconcute_bettong: directly as in cable?08:25
cute_bettongyes cat 5e08:25
EdLintonyyarusso: could be, I'm not familiar with Jabber08:25
tonyyarussoEdLin: Okay.  Sounds likely anyway.08:25
Gareth802.11b is 11 Mbit, a cat5 connection would be 100 Mbit or better08:25
baconbaconcute_bettong: cat5 is faster and more reliable than wireless, if you can use it easily you should08:25
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cute_bettongi was wondering if haveing some computers connected to the internet via the wifi on the router if  it was actually gonna slow it down08:25
baconbaconJohnnyX: if you want to check for harware issues you could boot a live cd and check sound08:26
cute_bettongyea i have both i was just wondering lol08:26
JohnnyXi dont know how or what to look for08:26
baconbaconJohnnyX: its unlikely that it's a hardware problem but if it is no configuration gonna solve that08:27
[[pilot] ] alef0: check your sshd_config file for PermitRootLogin or RTFM for OpenSSH08:27
JohnnyXwhat should i do?08:27
[[pilot] ] can anyone tell /me what target is ubuntu build for?08:28
baconbacon!tell johnnyx about sound08:28
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[[pilot] ] is it really i386? i doubt they use it even in africa these days08:30
mheath...Wow, so much elitism and stupidity, all rolled into one.08:31
EdLin[[pilot] ] : i386 means it runs on the entire 386 family.08:31
TheMoebiusdo I actually have to build the Xgl/compiz from CVS source as the guide describes online? Aren't there debs in the testing repositories?08:31
mheathIts kinda overwhelming.08:31
TheMoebius(for amd64)08:32
[[pilot] ] EdLin: i know ;)08:32
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[[pilot] ] EdLin: but it also means it dows not use any of later cpus features08:32
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EdLin[[pilot] ] : it really means 486 actually, recent kernels and GCC don't support 386 well.08:32
mheath[[pilot] ] , who told you that?08:33
EdLin[[pilot] ] : my first Linux, kernel 0.95, was running on a 386sx-16 with 4 megs of RAM and a 40 meg HD.08:33
mheath[[pilot] ] , there are VERY few core changes and feature additions to the x86 architecture.08:33
[[pilot] ] mheath: that was my question actually -- what build target and arch are used for ubuntu packages08:33
EdLin[[pilot] ] : the Pentium hadn't even been released I think, or if it had there was only the P60.08:34
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mheath[[pilot] ] , There ARE, hwoever, quite a few _extensions_ the CPUs. Extensions are used by particular programs (like your video card driver, or a game or multimedia program), and do not require the entire software distribution to be compiled with support for them08:34
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EdLin[[pilot] ] : Ubuntu might rhyme with Gentoo but the philosophy is not the same. ;-)08:35
[[pilot] ] EdLin: i ran At&T system V on the same hardware, at least tried, it did not run actually, it crawled...08:35
ShigunProblem.  I installed the xubuntu-desktop, and played around for alittle, didnt like it, so I uninstalled it, reinstalled ubuntu-desktop.  Now, my sound doesnt work anymore, sorta.  I can hear the login sound, but I cannot hear anything from amarok or firefox.08:35
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EdLin[[pilot] ] : I had an account on a Microport SysV machine that was running (buggily) on a 286.08:35
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[[pilot] ] EdLin: that can't be true! they say 286 had a bug in protected mode...08:37
EdLin[[pilot] ] : Microport was the only flavor of SysV for 286s, well, besides the one AT&T made for their own propritary computers.08:37
[[pilot] ] EdLin: at least that's what I read why OS/2 can't actually run on it08:37
MadpilotEdLin & [[pilot] ]  - you might want to join #ubuntu-offtopic to continue the chat about Jurrasice computers you have known ;)08:37
EdLin[[pilot] ] : it's true. It was more common to run it on Xenix or Minix or Coherant08:37
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Madpilots/Jurrasice/Jurrasic ;)08:37
EdLin[[pilot] ] : the protected mode wasn't "buggy", it just was limited08:38
EdLin[[pilot] ] : you had to deal with segments08:38
[[pilot] ] ok, it might be faster to research myself, my install disk download is already 90%08:38
[[pilot] ] thanks anyway!08:38
ShigunAnybody?  Kinda would like sound again08:38
EdLinMadpilot: sorry. :-)08:38
Kyozabe1Well? Any mic info?08:40
[[pilot] ] EdLin: yes, it was Microport, you are right! now I remember... it was like ages ago but in fact only 20 years or so...08:40
Kyozabe1Still need info on a cheap headset that works in Ubuntu and Skype08:40
EdLin[[pilot] ] : I'm right. As usual. ;-)08:40
Ademanwhere do your icons go?08:41
Shigunkyozable: Have you checked the skype linux forums?08:41
Ademanlike the ones currently selected?08:41
ShigunI know they have made mention of some there before08:41
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[[pilot] ] EdLin: and before that was UniSys System II Plus for 68000, gees taht one was good, but no XWindows08:42
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[[pilot] ] EdLin: err, System III Plus ;008:42
MrMozarthi! i just started running ubuntu and everything was working fine until now. I entered the wrong password with the sudo command too many times and now it just tells me that im not in the sudoers file. Can i be removed from there if I type the wrong password too many times?08:42
EdLin[[pilot] ] : the 68Ks were better suited for *nix than 286s08:42
MadpilotMrMozart, not as far as I know. In a terminal, type "groups" - is "admin" in the line you get back?08:42
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EdLin[[pilot] ] : I'm on #ubuntu-offtopic now... :-)08:43
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MrMozartmadpilot: no08:43
Tmobmy suspend/resume doesn't resume the X properly... it hangs up after it powers on.. anyone nkow how to fix this? i'm usnig it on a Dell d410 lapto08:43
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[[pilot] ] EdLin: yes that bird flied even with 256KB memory08:43
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LiraNunai am trying to install libc608:43
LiraNunaand it fails...08:43
MrMozartmadpilot: hm i was changing something with groups the otherday to add cvsgroup, can I have removed admin :P08:44
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EdLin[[pilot] ] : the 68K was designed for Unix08:44
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bill[1] normally when I install ubuntu dapper, it detects my sound card, but this time it didn't.  Is there a way to force it to redo the hardware detection?08:44
MadpilotMrMozart, could be, I guess08:44
[[pilot] ] brb08:44
LiraNunathis is what it says08:44
MrMozartmadpilot: is there any rescue then or do i need to reinstall everything?08:44
ShigunOk, issue now:  XMMS works.  Amarok doesnt.  It just skips through the songs.  Thoughts?08:45
LiraNunai tried to use the fix option08:45
MadpilotMrMozart, no, you can rescue. Just a minute, I need to look the commands up for you.08:45
ic56anyone here from Namibia?08:45
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LiraNunaif i use the fix command, i get this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/q0T2dn89.html08:46
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Ademanwhen i do a search in nautilus it doesn't seem to be searching recursively, do i have to specify that?08:46
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Sjoerd_hi, anyone that running a webserver can tell me what permissions apache logs should have?08:47
LiraNunaAdeman: use the terminal: find <location> -r | grep <name>08:47
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AdemanLiraNuna: thanks, is it possible to use wildcards in that? (like *) ?08:47
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LiraNunasomeone have successfully installed libc6 ?08:48
LiraNunai allways get errors..08:48
LiraNunai got 2 broken packages, and when i try to fix them, i get this08:48
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Ademanare you doing it through apt-get?08:49
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FlannelSjoerd_: the apache2 folder is 755 (root:root), the logs themselves are... 500 root:adm08:49
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ic56LiraNuna, Adman: that's an invalid command.  Should be: find <location> -name '*<name>*'08:49
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Sjoerd_ok thanks flannel08:50
FlannelSjoerd_: er, 600, not 500.08:50
LiraNunaic56: oh, sorry. i'm used to use grep08:50
Sjoerd_Flannel: You sure :) ?08:50
AdemanLiraNuna: seems like apt is broken...08:50
LiraNunaAdeman: got an idea how can i fix those?08:50
ic56LiraNuna: the problem that drew my attention isn't the use of grep but the non-existent -r flag to find08:50
LiraNunai need libc for development08:50
FlannelSjoerd_: no.  They're 540.  rw-r-----08:50
FlannelSjoerd_: but, now I'm sure ;)08:50
LiraNunaic56: isn't -r means recursive?08:51
Ademanisnt it08:51
LiraNunaoh wait08:51
Ademansorry, i'm multi-lining it, my apologies08:51
LiraNunafind searches recursivly by default08:51
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ic56LiraNuna: In some commands, -r indeed means recursive.  find isn't one of those commands.  Find only has *one* mode of operation: recursive.  There's no flag to specify it.08:51
LiraNunafind | grep name08:51
LiraNunaic56: thanks for clearing that up08:52
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ic56LiraNuna: yw!08:52
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hektikanyone know why no keyboard layouts show up in my keyboard settings?08:53
baconbacon-r, -R when -r is already used :S08:53
Ademanhey guys, is there a SUSE LiveCD ? i found a live DVD but i don't have dvds to burn to.  Either way, i was wanting to try out Xgl + compiz but not actually install them... and i heard the SUSE liveCD did that08:53
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LynoureAdeman: No idea, sorry, maye suse site will tell you. And there might even be #suse08:53
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Ademanalso, does ubuntu maintain a set of symlinks to the current icon theme?08:54
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LiraNunacan someone help me fix libc's intallation?08:57
Shigunugh, still needing some help.  XMMS plays music, plays it fine.  Amarok doesnt.  I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it, no luck08:57
Sjoerd_Flannel: For a chance, are you running awstats as well?08:57
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metrolShigun: have you messed around with which engine Amarok is using?08:57
FlannelSjoerd_: nope08:57
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MadpilotMrMozart, sorry for the delay. You'll need to reboot your machine - hit ESC during the restart to get into Grub, and choose the Recovery Console. in that, do "adduser MrMozart admin" then "shutdown -r now" - replace MrMozart with your actual user name08:58
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Shigunmetrol: It uses xine, the same engine its always used.  I never had an issue before today08:58
=== Hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-42-126.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HajuuHey guys08:58
metrolShigun: Perhaps you could try pointing it to something like gstreamer?  Just grasping at straws here08:59
=== captine [n=captine@dsl-145-35-171.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
metrolI haven't config'd amarok on Ubuntu in a while08:59
metrolI recall it was kinda clever to get going08:59
HajuuI have an issue ive had once before that resolved itself... Um.. My ctrl+c and the like shortcuts dont work in anything (gedit, xterm etc etc) and instead just types the letter.. any ideas?08:59
Shigunmetrol: How would I do that?  I really dont see *why*, though.  I have it setup.  It points to the device labeled 'default', as that is what my asound.conf points to08:59
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metrolShigun: Just offering up a few things to try is all.  I'm not the all knowing expert you were hoping to find here :(09:00
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Shigunmetrol: Kinda need alittle bit more support, as it seems to be affecting sound in other programs too =\ Thank you though09:00
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MrMozartMadpilot: ok, thanks alot!!09:01
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=== cyphase has dual monitors
cyphaseit was very easy actually09:01
=== metrol does too
Madpilotcyphase, shiny :)09:01
rudolphCould anyone help with errors upon installing Ubuntu?09:02
metrolHad to steal my old config from FreeBSD to get it to work though :(09:02
=== ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasei just followd the guide on the doc site09:02
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miguelsrhey some of yours use azureus?09:02
LiraNunasomeone got libc6 installed? i can't install new packages...09:02
LiraNunai got two broken packagage09:02
metrolcyphase: it gets a little more clever when you're using the Nvidia drivers09:02
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metrolXinerama isn't the route to go with that09:03
cyphasemetrol, i am using the nvidia driver09:03
LiraNunacalling apt-get install -f doesn't work...09:03
cyphasethat guide won't work without it09:03
metrolcyphase: cool!09:03
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metrolHmm, I think I had something similar to that on my BSD box... for some reason I can't recall I used another config I found somewhere09:04
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metrolPlopped it into Ubuntu... sort of... and it seems to be working pretty nice09:04
rudolphI need help installing Ubuntu please.09:04
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metrolrudolph: you might want to start with a specific question09:04
ZhangZhongPlease tell me how can I use my Pocket PC in Ubuntu? It can't be connected09:04
cyphasehopefully edgy will have a good X config GUI09:05
bulltitani have a script here that uses the command lndir but the terminal shows an error and something about the command not found09:05
Garethheh I love the irony there cyphase09:05
bulltitanis lndir same as ln?09:05
metrolcyphase: ALL of these *nix's could use one! :)09:05
miguelsrhey some of yours use azureus?09:06
rudolphOk, I installed the system but upon boot when it says that it is uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernal, it just freezes and does nothing.09:06
kabbanyone know where to find a good Windows 98 ISO09:06
bulltitanany help with this lndir thing?09:06
wenkothe garbage09:06
metrolrudolph: are you able to hit ESC and get to the grub menu?09:06
Ademanis there any way to manually set an icon so that it will change according to the current theme?09:07
ic56bulltitan: yes on lndir.  Ask more specifically.09:07
EdLin"lndir" doesn't make sense, ln -s will make a symbolic link from a directory to another place, and regular ln won't do it because making a hard link to a directory is a good way to foul up your  filesystem09:07
ZhangZhongAnyone could help  me how can I use my Pocket PC in Ubuntu?09:07
=== mounteen [n=mounteen@3e44b25b.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
rudolphOnce that message appears, I have only a flashing curser and escape does not function.09:07
Lynourekabb: you can buy them for very little money. This is not the kind of channel where you could get warez09:07
metrolrudolph: You just jumped WAY outta my league09:08
bulltitani see09:08
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Shigunmetrol: got it.  Either has something to do with me rebuilding the playlist, or installing a few of the libxine packages09:08
bulltitanwell that command is used by the installed playstation emu09:08
cyphasewow, long screenshot..09:08
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACE762.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
metrolEdLin: Is there anything like BSD's mount_nullfs in Ubuntu?09:08
rudolphI have re-installed it a couple of times but I still get the same result upon boot.09:08
bulltitanafter you install the one in the repos that is the initial script09:08
metrolShigun: Wicked cool!09:08
Sjoerd_where do i get deb files for ubuntu?09:08
LiraNunacan someone help me fix libc6 ?09:08
Sjoerd_the page where they are listed09:09
Shiguncyphase: Soon, I wil have a dual monitor setup as well.  Dell 2007FPW 20.1" Widescreen, plus 17" Balance LCD09:09
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ic56EdLin: lndir is what one uses to foul up that filesystem ;-)09:09
EdLinmetrol: I don't know what nullfs is...09:09
Sjoerd_nevermind google fount it forme: http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:09
LiraNunacan someone help me fix libc6 ?09:09
LiraNunai get errors when trying to autofix and can't install more packages09:10
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metrolEdLin: It allows you to mount a directory (within the same partition) onto another directory.  Much more seemless than a symbolic link, and with the hassles of a hard link09:10
metrolDoesn't survive a reboot though09:10
bulltitanic56 this is one of the lines inside pcsx emu "lndir -silent /usr/lib/games/psemu/libPlugin"09:10
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cyphasebu both at once..09:10
cyphaseanyone tried it?09:10
HajuuI have an issue ive had once before that resolved itself... Um.. My ctrl+s and the like shortcuts dont work in anything (gedit, xterm etc etc) and instead just types the letter.. any ideas?09:10
EdLin*with* the hassles of a hard link? ;-)09:10
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cyphasea top/bottom/etc panel for each screen09:11
bulltitano ki think i made a mistake installing that crappy emulator09:11
baconbaconHajuu: ctrl+shift+s?09:12
metrolHmm, that man page over complicates it a bit09:12
bulltitana mistake easy to solve09:12
igcekhas anybody tried a game 3dchess?09:12
ic56EdLin, bulltitan.  I'd forgotten about that. Just checked the manpage: lndir doesn't make hardlinks.  It makes parallel symlink trees -- like for setting up a build hierarchy from a source hierarchy09:12
metrolKinda like symbolic links, you never know you needed 'em until you got 'em... then it gets hard to think of them not being there09:12
bulltitani see09:12
Sjoerd_anyone using midnight commander? It seems broken for me.. The screen is filled with aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa instead of normal lines?09:13
bulltitanso i'll give it a chance to see if i can solve it and make it roll09:13
MrMozarthow can I setup VNC so that i can login remotly without needing a local session already started? (I want to be able to login remotley from that the machine boots)09:13
EdLinic56, metrol sounds like a neat feature.09:13
bulltitanuse tux commander is better09:13
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ic56bullitan: that lndir is creating a directory tree under 'Plugin", that appears to contain the entire directory tree from /usr/lib/games/psemu/lib09:14
ic56bulltitan: that lndir is creating a directory tree under 'Plugin", that appears to contain the entire directory tree from /usr/lib/games/psemu/lib09:14
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metrolEdLin: There's a stack of stuff I'm really getting excited about playing with on Linux that BSD doesn't have... but oh man I think I'm already missing some of them BSD toys09:14
metrolThere's just no pleasing me :)09:14
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bulltitanbut it gives an error message of command not found what is wrong09:14
bulltitanin terminal i mean09:15
bulltitanotherwise does nothing09:15
ic56bulltitan: yea. lndir isn't in the default install. hang on...09:15
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EdLinmetrol: what excites you most about Linux?09:15
metrolEdLin: The NFS trials I ran blew me away for starters... wicked quick09:16
Healotit makes me thorny09:16
metrolOther aspects of mounting are a LOT more flexible on Linux09:16
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ShigunAnybody know why I get *no* sound in firefox?09:16
metrolMore user level control rather than needing root to work with devices09:16
EdLinmetrol: NFS is something a lot of Unices don't get right.09:16
Shigunflash or streaming video, that is09:16
jojoman02if anyone is having problems with samba sharing just know that ubiquity defualts for mounts (in fstab) don't work with samba (Change to umask=0000)09:16
bulltitandon't sweat it ic56 just tell me if it is a package i can get googleing09:16
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:16
metrolFreeBSD used to... but OH MAN is it messed up on 6.109:16
metrolGot me looking at some flavor of Linux in a big hurry09:17
ShigunHealot: Already have the restricted formats installed, as well as an asound.conf setup09:17
ic56bulltitan. right... lndir used to ship with X11.  Apparetnlly it still does, at least in XF86 under Debian, but not in Ubuntu.09:17
ShigunHealot: It plays and all fine, I just get no sound from it09:17
jojoman02omg 666 users, ubuntu is the devil, lol... j/k...09:17
bulltitani see i'll search fot it man thanks a lot09:17
EdLinmetrol: FreeBSD at one time was better in some ways than Linux, but 5.x and 6.x have ben an unmitigated train wreck09:17
ic56bulltitan: yw!09:18
metrolEdLin: I wouldn't go that far, there's been some really cool things going on over there too09:18
Paladine666 users in the channel09:18
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HealotShigun: what version of flash movie are you playing?09:18
metrolJust gotta wonder what the heck is going on when NFS locking is known broken for over 4 months without a fix09:18
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SS2Paladine: not anymore :)09:18
Healotcan you actually get sound from playing other media format? Shigun09:19
ic56bulltitan: it's a simple utility.  You could whip up the basic functionality in a couple lines of bash code.09:19
baconbaconwe're safe ... for now!09:19
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metrolI'll brb09:19
jojoman02after i leave it will be 666 (which is right now)09:19
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ShigunHealot: I get no sound from firefox at all.  Other applications play sound fine09:20
baconbaconok im out , good night (EVIL IS BACK!)09:20
HealotShigun: which site are you dl'ing the file?09:20
metrolOne thing I'm loving about Linux here is the ability to actually use Flash 7... never had any FreeBSD luck with that09:20
bulltitanhey i have something to remember here,... more like a photo,... bill gates and steve jobs :P09:20
ShigunHealot: Right now, youtube for a music vid09:21
Johnmikersonim having severe video issues09:21
HealotShigun: give the url, and let me find out why?09:21
Paladinemetrol, tell that to 64bit users09:21
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HealotI can listen to youtube movie09:21
metrolPaladine: I JUST bought a new box, and stuck with the Pentium D for that very reason09:21
Healotwatching the school girl fight right now09:21
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metrolSeemed like nobody is having much 64-bit fun from Adobe09:21
ShigunHealot: o.o schoolgirl fight?  k, interesting.  But, no sound at all for me, from any online source09:21
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Paladinethereis a 32bit wrapper available now for flash plugin, but still not 64bit flash09:22
dbakerhello. I have an sound card that I need to reconfigure in alsa...anyone know how to do that?09:22
metrolI originally bought this box with FreeBSD in mind... then I started running Linux distros through it09:22
metrolSo far, really liking Ubuntu09:22
metrolNot so hot on Gnome... mostly wish I could configure the mouse a bit more09:23
ShigunHealot: I've tried killing esd, using aoss, no luck on either09:23
Paladinemetro that reminds me I need to update my world on my freebsd box09:23
bulltitanthe only thing i don't like about ubuntu is that i'm not able to play dvds even after following the restricted howto step by step09:23
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HealotI use alsa09:23
ShigunHealot: As do I09:23
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metrolbulltitan: Have you tried playing with kmplayer?09:23
ShigunHealot: But, no sound, regardless09:23
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metrolI can't get totem to work for a DVD, but KMPlayer works great09:24
bulltitanhum not really but i have mplayer that works full with all but dvds09:24
EdLinmetrol: do you like KDE? Kubuntu uses it by default (and it can be installed from Ubuntu as well, kubuntu-desktop + the file for kubuntu themes (forgot what its called)09:24
davroanyone else having problems with X locking09:24
ShigunHealot: Wait, I take that back, I have sound from streaming video, but nothing from flash still09:24
metrolEdLin: I'm normally a KDE user, but I thought I'd give Gnome as fair a try out as I could09:24
HealotShigun: used the nonfree flash or the gpl'd flasj09:24
metrolMostly if I could get my mouse working like it did in KDE I'd be about 90% there09:25
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ShigunHealot: nonfree flash installed.  gpl'd flash installed as well, but when I removed the nonfree, I got a message about not having the latest flash09:25
t94xrwhats the command to uninstall ipkungfu ?09:25
Shigunt94xr: try 'sudo apt-get remove ipkungfu'09:25
bulltitantotem player has a loong way to transit to be a good player yet ,... sad to say09:25
davrosudo apt-get remove ipkungfu --purge09:25
metrolStuff like Alt-Right click to resize a window, or middle click the maximize button for vertical max only09:25
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bulltitanand i mean looooong09:25
EdLinmetrol: maybe you can install the KDE program that adjusts the mouse, and use it within GNOME if you like what you see.09:25
KenSentMe|afkHow do i become a ubuntero on launchpad?09:25
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metrolEdLin: I sincerely doubut it'd be that easy09:26
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metrolMouse actions are pretty core to the window manager in use09:26
EdLinmetrol: nm, I see what you're missing now09:26
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metrolBesides, I have yet to begin to fail to customize Gnome to my liking :)09:26
EdLinmetrol: I thought you meant something else, not window manager stuff.09:27
bimberiKenSentMe|afk: Sign the Code of Conduct - link on LHS of your launchpad page09:27
SS2how can I check up if a modem is running?09:27
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metrolI used to not like Gnome because I thought it was just ugly... man have they ever fixed that!09:27
metrolGnome looks pretty sweet these days09:27
EdLinmetrol: yeah, GNOME 2.x compared to 1.x is like night and day.09:28
SS2metrol: it is sweeter as sugar ;)09:28
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bulltitanhave you seen the main menu in fedora core? it uses gnome right?09:28
EdLinbrb, I just apt-getted a new kernel.09:28
SS2anyway, is there a way to find out if a modem is running on a laptop?09:28
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bimberiKenSentMe|afk: also this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto09:29
metrolThing is, it was easier to deploy KDE to end users at work because of the kiosk abilities in KDE09:29
ShigunHealot: Yea, cant use the gpl'd flash (libflash, libflash-mozplugin) as they throw an error about not being the latest version09:29
ic56bulltitan: still need an lndir?  I whipped one up...09:29
metrolShigun: On the best of days those libs don't work right anyway09:29
KenSentMe|afkbimberi: ah, thanx. I did become one, but i didn't know what caused it :)09:29
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bulltitani have it ;) thanks it works like charm now09:30
Shigunmetrol: Recommendation then?09:30
Ademanhow can i give samba access to "local users" you know? so someone with the username and password information that matches a local user can login and modify files09:30
bulltitanbut i don't have any playstation games to play with lol09:30
ic56bulltitan: Ah!  Where did you find it?09:30
metrolShigun: is that the adobe plugins you're referring to, or the free ones?09:30
bimberiKenSentMe|afk: ah, np :)09:30
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bimberiAdeman: sudo smbpasswd -a <username>09:31
bulltitanlet me see if i have that url cos i've closed the browser09:31
metrolYou need Adobe Flash for darn near anythying out in the wild09:31
Shigunmetrol: libflash-nonfree works, but I get no sound09:31
ic56bulltitan: not important.09:31
Healotwatching scary movie trailer on you tube09:31
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ShigunHealot: You are just taunting me now =P09:31
u221eI just installed ubuntu 6.06 and found that I have 3d acceleration by default (ATI 9600XT)... what driver would ubuntu be using?09:31
Healotand playingdvd at the same time, and i have sound from both09:31
metrolShigun: I've been having glitchy problems with that too.  Sometimes I get sound, others I don't09:31
ic56bulltitan: I was just curious whether you went to the X repository or picked up a copy from an unverified source09:31
metrolLots of rebooting :)09:31
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intelligiI just used Snyaptic to download Macromedia Flash, and it still isn't working in my browser.09:32
intelligiWhat gives?09:32
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Ademanbimberi thanks09:32
bulltitani just typed the lndir word in google and well a lot of things appeared09:32
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bimberiAdeman: np :)09:32
Ademando i need to restart samba after that? or am i good to go?09:32
metrolintelligi: in Firefox put "about:plugins" in the URL bar and see if it shows up09:33
ic56bulltitan: Ah. you never noticed where you got it from.  Was it an ubuntu package or a naked binary?09:33
bimberiAdeman: not sure.  I guess you'll find out pretty soon :)09:33
bulltitanso i picked up a site don't remember which one that had a file said to contain lndir and well the rest is history09:33
intelligiNo, it doesn't.09:33
bulltitannot ubuntu package09:33
ic56bulltitan: not a .deb ?09:33
ic56bulltitan: cool. good to know. thx09:33
metrolintelligi: This is what stinks about changing platforms... on BSD I could tell ya right where to look :(09:34
metrolHmmm, gimme a sec09:34
Ademanwierd, my everywhere EXCEPT when i connected to my gnome server, i have my new themed icons09:34
zdux0012can someone help me to install vlc ? apt-get tells me it cannot find the package09:34
bimberi!info vlc09:34
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB09:34
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bimberizdux0012: you'll need to enable the universe repository09:34
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bimberi!universe > zdux001209:35
snoopsis there a way to map two mouse buttons to the same event? Say middle click and left click are mapped so middle click triggers a left click, as well as left click triggering a left click?09:35
metrolSure enough, I'm still totally lost in this file system :)09:35
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html - file permissions are explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:35
bulltitani was a bit scared the first time i installed mplayer cos it dropped an error when changin the video to xv instead default but with gl works ok09:36
metrolbimberi: Thanks!  I'll read it through09:36
bulltitani mean mplayer rocks09:36
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bimberimetrol: yw :)09:36
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metrolBTW, the browser plugins are in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/09:36
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metrolShould be a flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so in there or you don't get Flash09:37
Shigungot it, Healot09:37
Healotwhat did you do?09:37
bulltitannow that you bring that up metrol i have to say that flash sound is totally ugly and i tryed the restricted way09:37
Healoti jsut install the non-free flash...09:37
Healotworks after i restart konq and firefox09:38
ShigunHealot: I have the non-free flash, its the only one that works09:38
Healotsure it is09:38
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metrolbulltitan: Still better than being stuck on version 6 of Flash in BSD land :)09:38
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metrolI can actually watch Google Video!!  WooHoo! :)09:38
bulltitansure or with no sound at all :P09:39
ShigunHealot: Sound is out of sync with video now @.@09:39
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snoopsso anyway have an idea how I can do that?09:39
zdux0012can I ask for some help with installing vlc ?09:39
metrolbulltitan: I seem to have been able to reboot out of problems with that over the last couple of days of playing09:39
HealotShigun: I wasn't doing anything like the thread says, it work automagically after flash installed09:40
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metrolLike some other service has a lock on the audio device09:40
snoopsxmodmap throws an error if I try to set two key numbers with the in different positions09:40
ShigunHealot: I hate you, just so you know =P09:40
snoopszdux0012 have universe repository enabled then simply sudo apt-get install vlc09:40
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Healotyou used esd output previously?09:40
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Healotcoz, i use alsa all the way09:40
bulltitan:D no problems like that in ubuntu lucky me i guess09:40
metrolHeck, I don't know what kind of audio backend I'm using right now! :)09:41
intelligiWhat is the default installation path of Firefox?09:41
ShigunHealot: ESD out is still going, but I use alsa for everything I use09:41
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metrolAhh, the beautiful ignorance of just barely grasping what I'm using here :)09:41
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zdux0012snoops: I uncommented the universe lines but I could still not find the package09:42
snoopsyou'd think remapping keys would be easy.. but no :(09:42
bulltitanaim low 3 months out of win drug09:42
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snoopszdux0012 if you uncommented it, you need to reload the list of repositories in apt.. 'sudo apt-get update'09:42
mc__!easysource > zdux001209:42
bulltitanstill a bit surprised how good ubuntu works09:42
metrolbulltitan: Same here09:42
bulltitanno but i mean it i'm starting to like it ,.. i even ordered 5 cds for my friends09:43
intelligiMe too.09:43
mikereUbuntu installed perfectly and recognized all my hardware on my asus z71v laptop.09:43
metrolStill, for someone looking to learn Unix I think one of the BSD's is a good place to start.  Mostly because they don't provide the ease of use like Ubuntu does09:43
intelligiAnyway, installing Macromedia Flash player...what is the default installation path for FireFox?09:43
EdLinmetrol: slackware is like that too09:44
metrolintelligi: Looks like /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/09:44
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HealotI can't remember the path, whereis firefox settles that09:44
metrolEdLin: I've heard folks say that about Slackware... as well as Debian09:44
zdux0012snoops: thanks that did it,, I thought update updated the system, and I assumed that the file was checked each time apt-get was used09:44
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mc__Gentoo is also good for learning09:45
metrolDebian installation guide scared me away :)09:45
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mikeremetrol: debian's really dead easy to install09:45
bulltitanonce in ubuntu forum i've read something about slackware like mayor thing not for beginners right?09:45
EdLinmetrol: Debian takes care of more things than Slack, though it's extra tools are all command-line09:45
snoopszdux0012 nah ;) well cool though.. I like vlc too09:45
metrolmikere: Not saying it isn't... just the guide looked scary :)09:45
bulltitanis it so hard to get it to work?09:45
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EdLinmetrol: I like Debian pretty much, I have both Debian and Ubuntu installed ATM.09:46
mc__bulltitan, only if you are really really smart09:46
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=== mc__ was a chest-haired Debian-SID user till 2 weeks
metrolI started moving away from Windows with RH 6.0... nice taste of things at the time, but I didn't really learn how to get around Unix09:46
metrolMy fault, not red hat's09:46
ShigunI learned in a painful way: Gentoo Linux09:46
cynehello! i've setup samba and can connect to my ubuntu machine with XP box.. but it won't accept my username/password... any ideas?09:47
mc__Shigun, everyone should have taken that way once09:47
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metrolFor whatever reason, I really dug BSD straight off09:47
snoopsmetrol changed a bit since then eh?09:47
HealotGentoo has bi/multiarch now... currently compilation is the pain09:47
mc__metrol, NetBSD is nice09:47
ShigunThat CLI install scared the hell out of me, but I got it right on my second install, and never looked back.  Just played with different distro's.  Ubuntu and Gentoo are certainly my fav09:47
EdLinmetrol: BSD is very nice, it's too bad that FreeBSD seems to be getting worse.09:47
spikebShigun: same here.09:47
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spikebShigun: ubuntu/debian are the only two binary distros I can stand.09:48
metrolsnoops: Only just recently... stuff like NFS screw ups recently, and wanting some hardware like an OfficeJet has me looking this way09:48
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Shigunspikeb: completely understood and agreed09:48
bulltitani remember the first time i tryed solaris,... in a irc channel they told me "you need to have some skills to use it" that was my extense experience with solaris09:48
metrolThere's still a LOT I like about FreeBSD stuff... Jails, PF, the ports tree, and just a familarity I have with it09:48
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EdLinI've tried Solaris 10, good OS, bad ancient userland.09:49
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davidjohnstonso I have a few older boxes that I am debating installing Ubuntu server on....one would be a development server for my web projects in PHP or RoR, the other would be a subversion server09:49
EdLinmetrol: yeah, IPF or PF are much nicer than iptables09:49
metrolAlways wanted to play in Solaris land09:49
davidjohnstonso do you all think I'm making the right decision on Ubuntu server for this09:49
metrolEdLin: I thought I read somewhere about PF on Linux?09:49
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EdLinmetrol: not that I know of09:50
bulltitani think i'll stick to ubuntu and maybe beos for some fun09:50
metrolPF is wicked wicked wicked cool stuff... them some smart fellers in OpenBSD land :)09:50
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davidjohnstonAnyone in here use Ubuntu Server??09:50
bulltitanu mean nubuntu?09:51
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Healotthe server install CD...09:51
Healoti guess there are some...09:51
davidjohnstoni don't know...i'm just starting to look into Ubuntu...so probably09:51
bulltitanmy mistake nubuntu is not that :P09:51
davidjohnstonyea the server install cd09:51
davidjohnstonthat's what I downloaded09:51
davidjohnstonHealot:  do you use it09:51
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metroldavidjohnston: I just installed the desktop, then manually added the servers I wanted.  No idea if that was a good or bad thing09:52
Healotfor customers yes... like 3 servers atm09:52
metrolJust starting to evaluate it for serving stuff myself for work09:52
metrolMostly E-Mail and chat to start with09:52
davidjohnstonmetrol:  from what I can tell the only difference would be that it comes more lightweight09:52
Healotwhat's the probleme you encountered so far, davidjohnston?09:53
metroldavidjohnston: That'd be my guess.  Was looking to try that very CD here next week09:53
davidjohnstonhealot:  do you think it is a good server system then...I couldn't find many details...does it use a gui09:53
Paggywho can tell me why i cannt send a file to other in opera09:53
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pradeepPaggy, to other?09:53
Healotdavidjohnston: it doesn't install X and desktop by default...09:53
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davidjohnstonhealot:  i don't have one...I just want opinions from people who use it09:53
davidjohnstonhealot...that's what I thought and good with me09:54
RugHowdy all09:54
Healotgood>? I don;t know... btu my customers haven't complain much...09:54
metrolHealot, sounds like Debian :)09:54
EdLindavidjohnston: if it's like Debian Stable it probably is an excellent server OS09:54
Healotmetrol: i guess...09:54
davidjohnstonEdlin:  yea that is what I was going with...i think I'm going to do an install tomorrow09:54
EdLindavidjohnston: using Ubuntu rather than Debian will give you some nice things like PHP5 without using a third party repository.09:54
pradeephello Rug09:55
EdLindavidjohnston: but otherwise I'd lean towards Debian09:55
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davidjohnstonEdlin:  the other reason I was looking this direction09:55
davidjohnstonI want the PHP5 and such09:55
davidjohnstoni have used debian servers and don't care about the 3rd party repositories but still09:55
Plebismjust a quick ques .. does the Ubuntu update feature include Kernel updates ?09:55
bulltitanseen a lot of php stuff in repos09:55
mc__Plebism, yes09:55
Paladinehehe helps if when I change my IP, that I don't set my gateway to my ISPs gateway :)09:55
EdLindavidjohnston: Ubuntu Dapper LTS has a long support cycle too, if that's an issue.09:55
RugPlebism: yes09:56
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davidjohnstonEdLin:  probably not too much but always nice to know09:56
Plebismthanks - thats a great bonus :D09:56
ufkis there a gui for update-rc.d?09:56
Healotit's a shell script09:56
Healotdoesn't need gui :)09:56
davidjohnstonwell guys...i appreciate it09:56
metroldavidjohnston: good luck with it!09:57
ufkcan't it list me all of the init scripts and and their status? (will/will not be used)09:57
mc__ufk, look at bum09:57
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mc__ufk, bum -boot up manager09:57
metrolmc__: I was thinking bum, but wasn't sure and didn't want to look much more dumb than I am :)09:58
metrolRead about that somewhere09:58
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davidjohnstonmetrol: thanks...i we be on tomorrow night...tell everyone how it goes...i'm doing two ubuntu servers and kubuntu on a desktop and shockingly enough I'm going to do a win 2003 server to do a clone of one at work...sorry for any flames following the win server but I got to get paid09:58
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mc__metrol, maybe cause automatix can install it09:58
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metrolmc__: haven't used automatix, but I did read about it09:59
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bulltitanthere was another thing comming up with my ubuntu this morning, it started ok then 5 minutes later the screen went black like in stand by mode and a ctrl+alt+backspace" fixed it,.. in xsession log there was something about anacron error09:59
bulltitanwhat is anacron anyway09:59
mc__metrol, its really great09:59
flxHi, I just downloaded ubuntu 6.06 and ... my mouse is not working. Neither the usb nor the serial ... is this a known problem or better: how can i configure my mouse later? via the text terminals, that i can easily reach?10:00
mc__metrol, with automatix i got my fully equippded desktop,including skype,java,opera and so on in just a few clicks10:00
metrolmc__: I'm sure I'll be looking at it at some point10:00
metrolhehe, I just got Java going while I was on here :)10:00
metrolI just can't live without Jedit10:01
metrolHmmm, speaking of which, I need to go get that10:01
bulltitanflx seems to be that the mouse thing for me was fixed after an acpi update10:01
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mc__metrol, try emacs ;)10:01
bulltitandunno for sure but it works now10:01
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flxbulltitan hmm how do i get it?10:01
mc__MetaMorfoziS, emacs is really a great editor and Operating System10:01
Paladinemc vmware server for win2k3 :)10:01
metrol"Emacs is a fine operating system.  Just needs to get a decent text editor." :)10:01
bulltitanwell it is supposed to be automatic by synaptic10:01
Paladinethat way you can contain that hugeass piece of malware :)10:02
bjvmounting all my /etc/exports shares take 1m45 on both my client machines.10:02
bjvit doesnt matter if i mount 1 file, or a 6+ gig directory. over wired or wireless ethernet.10:02
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bulltitanit tells you when an update is avaliable10:02
bjvwhat logs am i supposed to check, for nfs mounts?10:02
bulltitancorrect me if i'm wrong ppl10:02
mc__metrol, hehe,but emacs is really a nice editor too10:02
mc__metrol, jde is a nice java ide10:02
flxi can't do anyting in the graphical environment ...10:02
Paladinexemacs == bloatware10:02
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mc__Paladine, not really10:03
bulltitanups then you have some thing going with the video card too10:03
snoopshow do I go remapping mouse keys in linux?10:03
Paladinelast I checked xemacs was like 80MB10:03
mc__Paladine, take eclipse for comparison..10:03
Healotxemacs? cool bloatware, at least i can use emacs in X10:03
thunderboltbah, real programmers use cat to edit files.10:03
metrolmc__: I've actually tried to like emacs, on a number of occassions.  My brain and those key strokes were never able to align10:03
Paladinetry bluefish10:03
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metrolVIM I can get around pretty handily10:03
bjvhm. i found a pair of ubuntu mountd entries in /var/log/syslog10:03
bjvno errors though.10:03
mc__metrol, it just takes some time10:03
bulltitani have an ati 9600 and it was ok with gui flx10:03
metrolJEdit just rocks for how I like to work10:03
thunderboltI like vim too,10:03
Paladinebluefish is a spinoff from OOo10:03
thunderboltModal editing is sweet.10:03
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mc__metrol, i dont like vim10:04
metrolPaladine: I don't think so10:04
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bulltitanbut tell me maybe i'm mistaken you mean nothing like moving the mouse right?10:04
mc__too many commands to remember10:04
Paladinemetrol, you don't think what?10:04
metrolbluefish was a spin off of OOo??10:04
thunderboltmc__: says the emacs user ;-P10:04
flxyeah. moving the mouse. or clicking.10:04
bjvmy /etc/exports i have set up like                     /var/cache/apt/,no_root_squash,async)10:04
bjvit takes exactly 1 minute 45 seconds for my other share too       /mnt/data/doc/,async)10:04
bulltitanflx  use alt+F1 to access the menus10:04
flxbulltitan keyboard works fine10:04
bjvanyone ever see this kind of delay when mounting over a network?10:05
metrolI thought bluefish was around before OOo?10:05
Paladinemetrol, spin off might have been the wrong phrase, it is a side project from OOo10:05
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metrolNot important... probably the time line in my brain is messed up10:05
bulltitanthe scroll the options of any programs by hittin tab key10:05
metrolLike SO many other things10:05
PaladineBluefish is an editor for experienced web designers and programmers. It supports many programming and markup languages, but focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites. Bluefish is an open source development project, released under the GPL license.10:05
PaladineFor more information, visit the Bluefish Website at http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/10:05
minimecHi folks. I have two similar dapper installations. On one installation I can run nxtvepg without any problem, on the other I cannot (I get an error saying, 'Failed to initialise the Tk library at '/usr/lib/tk8.4' - exiting.10:06
minimecTk error message: this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black"10:06
bulltitanyou might need to add some repos if it is a fresh install10:06
flxbulltitan cool, i have the menus now. thanks10:06
bulltitandont get freaked :P10:06
minimecAnd know... onlay god knows, why that is...10:06
floi have this problem....libcairo is upgradable and when i try to do that i get upgrade (break) and gnome is giviing me a lot of error mesegez , is inusable, nothing works anymore, how can i get to know wich package enters in conflict with libcairo?10:06
bulltitanby the way flx10:06
metrolPaladine: I've tried it a number of versions back... it was okay, but not great... haven't looked at it in a while10:06
Paladinemetrol, I like it, using the latest version here10:06
schmakkazureus fails to show its icon in the systray and the warning/info boxes it shows from time to time is stuck on the screen... help10:07
bulltitanwhen booting into ubuntu try hitting the bloq num key to get the usb recognized10:07
metrolHeck, I'll give it a shot a little later10:07
metrolWith that... I'm outta here for the night.  Later on folks!10:07
flxbulltitan ok. ill try a reboot10:07
bulltitanjust a thing i used to do before the update to get the mouse working and it did always10:07
=== snoops sighs.. so remapping keys in linux.. is it possible to map two keys to the same thing?
flxand then i need to run synaptix?10:08
bulltitanat ubuntu first screen hit the key10:08
bulltitani know it sounds silly but it works :P10:08
snoopsbulltitan yes?10:08
bulltitanso far i have my usb mouse working10:08
flxah shit. i am still from the live cd10:08
flxso synaptix won't d much, will it?10:08
bulltitanand before the update too10:08
ufkbum doesn't work!10:09
Paladinesynaptic still works on livecd10:09
PaladineI installed a bunch of stuff whilst running LiveCD10:09
ufki ran bum, went to samba, pressed on deactivate & aplly now, and the list comes again with samba activated10:09
bulltitansnoops you have the mouse thing too?10:09
snoopsbulltitan I'm trying to work out how to map the mouse keys to what I want10:09
snoopsis that your issue too?10:10
bulltitanwell my issue was no mouse at all :P10:10
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bulltitanfixed now10:10
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snoopsit's so frustration when I can't find any documentation or anything on remapping two keys to the same trigger10:11
bulltitantry mouse map keyword in ubuntu forums10:12
monomaniacpatanyone got any experience using USB game controllers/joypads?10:12
bulltitanmaybe something will come up10:12
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snoopshehe already done bulltitan10:12
bulltitanor key map10:12
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bulltitanno ideas then i don't go that far10:13
amarokkerHi, i just burnt a dapper ISO whose after checksum test and all that jazz...turns out, once i booted, i am getting an 'invalid kernel' error10:13
amarokkerand when i try to execute the win32 apps on windows, all i get is a dos window10:13
amarokkerand then nothing happens...perhaps I've got the wrong options selected in k3b? any ideas?10:14
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bulltitanbad iso?10:15
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bulltitani have gnome baker and it never failed for me10:15
amarokkerbulltitan: even after mD5 sum check?10:15
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bulltitanat default i mean10:16
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amarokkerOk, i'll try it with gnome baker then.10:16
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amarokkerbulltitan: but which mode do i use? DAO/TAO/RAW?10:17
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bulltitani'm using gnome baker with an overrecorded rewritable cdrom of cheap quality and tryed xubuntu this morning10:17
bulltitanuse the default setting10:17
bulltitanit works10:17
bjvsomething is wrong with my NFS. mounting any share takes 1m45 seconds10:17
bjvanyone familiar with something like this?10:17
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bjvthe mount does work. some lookup, etc. is hanging somewhere, and i dont know where to start looking :\10:18
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schmakkcant anyone tell me why azureus fails to show in the systray and why the info boxes are stuck in the lower right corner?10:18
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bjvonly messages are in syslog, and that just says "mount attempt", and then "mounted".10:19
bjv*messages i have found, so far.10:19
bjvive tried mounting from 2 computers, both explicitly named in /etc/exports.10:20
Ademanyou have to pay for cedega right?10:20
bjvmounting 3 shares of sizes from 1 file to 6+ gigs takes 1m45sec each. :\10:20
bjvAdeman: there is a crummy CVS you can compile.10:20
bjvAdeman: they just updated the CVS, friday i think.10:20
bulltitangeee i have a site here with all the lawsuits made to microsoft and i'm like :O lol10:20
bulltitanho but also apple :P10:21
Ademanbjv: what do you pay for then?10:21
bjvAdeman: the CVS is like 3 months behind, and pretty useless.10:22
Ademanbjv: oh, haha, probably miles ahead of wine though right?10:22
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bjvAdeman: both wine and the cedega CVS can 'start' most games.10:23
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Ademanbjv: i've been headbutting Steam for a month or so (with wine) lol, cedega interests me10:23
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bulltitani tryed cedega,... failed for me,... i also tryed winex same thing, also vmware, same thing, but wine did it for some things i think i was lazy in some point10:25
mc__bjv, cvscedega is not useless,it runs nice for me10:25
Ribscvscedega is very out of date10:25
Hajuubulltitan: How exactly can vmware "fail" ?10:25
Ademanwinex != wine?10:26
Hajuuyour just running windows under linux :/10:26
bulltitanhem human mistake?10:26
mc__Ademan, winex==cedega10:26
Hajuuwinex is wine for gamers10:26
AdemanHajuu: ah thanks10:26
bjvwell, winex got folded into wine, right?10:26
mc__cedega was formerly known as WineX10:26
HajuuI believe so10:26
bjvthe dx9 support?10:26
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bjvcedega just took the winex base and went proprietary, iirc10:26
mc__the dx9 support isnt WineX10:27
Ademanhaha winex's source forge page is empty10:27
bulltitani'm the shake and bake kinda guy10:27
mc__bjv, no10:27
bulltitanso i hate to wait that's my mistake hajuu10:27
Hajuubulltitan: so pirate it ;D10:27
mc__bjv,  transgaming took wine and made a version for gamer called wineX10:27
dixiehello gyys10:27
mc__bjv, and then they changed the name to cedega10:27
bulltitani'm not that kinda guy either that's why i love ubuntu's freedom10:28
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Frogzoomc__: winex was open source, whereas cedega isn't10:28
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Paladinecedega is pretty good though10:28
bjvwith the cvs, they pretend to be open source.10:29
dixiecedega is for free ?10:29
FrogzooPaladine: wine is pretty good10:29
Frogzoodixie: guess again10:29
bulltitanyep but cedega has a lot of things updated that winex don't have more over for the latest games10:29
Paladinethe cvs version is free10:29
bulltitanbut i can't afford it so i don't play latest games :P10:29
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Paladineand the pay version is like $5 a month10:29
mc__Frogzoo, cedega is OS afaik except the copyright and directX parts10:29
Paladineso hardly a bank breaker10:29
Frogzoobulltitan: winex is old code, wine is in many ways better than cedega, and has google behind it, amongst others10:30
s1How do I change from KDM to GDM, I haveto reconfigure a package, right?10:30
Paladinewine would be fine if they would bring out a damn 64bit version10:30
bulltitansay it again? bettter? are you sure cos if you are i get it right now10:30
Paladinebut I don't think the directx support is there in wine yet is it?10:30
Paladineor at least not as well as cedega10:30
Frogzoo!appdb > bulltitan10:31
Frogzoobulltitan: just check the app you want to run against the wine appdb10:31
mc__Paladine, not as well as in cedega but there is of course directX support10:31
bulltitanthe low that i've read form some place is that ubuntu's repos are frozen in time so if i get it from there i will get an old one for sure10:31
Paladinemc__, yeah Iknow thereis some directx support, but cedega is able to play a lot more games than wine afaik10:31
Paladinethe supported game list on cedega is upto about 300 games now10:31
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bulltitanho that place was ubuntu forums :P10:31
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:32
mc__Paladine, of course cedega is much better for games10:32
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PaladineI have a paid account with cedega, I am happy to fork out $5 bucks a month to support a project that is helping to overcome oneof the biggest reasons more "domestic" computer users don't use linux10:33
mc__i dont want everyone to use linux10:33
Frogzoo!no, wine is <reply> wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. Latest repo is at: "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main"10:33
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bulltitanfor example i have an old totem according to totem's website but synaptic is not updating it10:33
PaladineI would say probably 95-98% of people I know use windows becauseof games10:33
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St0n3-C0lhello...i wanna ask why my system is using too much load.. ?10:34
mc__Unix is for networking,Linux for Working and WIndows for pinball10:34
FrogzooPaladine: depends on which game (check wine's appdb), and there's games that run native linux as well10:34
dixiei know lot of people which are using windows and they are not playing games :-)10:34
St0n3-C0lmy load average is 44% and m not using anything heavier and it happens everytime...10:34
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PaladineFrog, yeah I know, but not a lot10:34
Frogzoodixie: that's what you think :D10:34
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monomaniacpatWhy with Wine installed, do windows CD's appear blank?10:35
mc__St0n3-C0l,  look at the output of top10:35
Frogzoomonomaniacpat: cd protection schemes10:35
Paladinethat is another area where cedegais strong for games, copy protection10:35
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: anything I can do about it?10:35
bulltitanbecause wine got windows drunk10:35
Paladinewine has issues playing a lot of games cos of copy protection afaik10:35
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St0n3-C0lmc__: ? i've typed top and now ?10:36
rpedroPaladine: gamecopyworld.com :P10:36
Frogzoomonomaniacpat: check wine's appdb - there's 2 options afaik - either get a crack, or mount a virtual cd copy with cdemu10:36
monomaniacpatOh, that old mucker, eh?10:36
Paladinerpedro, not every game has a nocd crack10:36
Paladineand some people may not wish to use a nocd crack for legal reasons10:36
bulltitanstickin to the classics10:36
bjvnfs is on the fritz some where, mounting takes exactly 1m45s on all shares.10:37
bjvhas anyone ever seen this before?10:37
HiP_Pwont they  run vnware10:37
mc__St0n3-C0l, now you can see which processes take how much cpu time10:37
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: what should I do exactly? where's the app database?10:37
Frogzoo!appdb > monomaniacpat10:37
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ubotuI know nothing about danke10:38
mehcan anyone help me with somehthing?10:38
PaladineI am not saying wine doesn't have its place as well, clearly it does10:38
St0n3-C0lmc__: It happens like...now it's taking too much load right...when I'll restart the pc and use it then it won't take the load...and when another time i will use it then it'll again use that much load10:38
St0n3-C0lit's Xorg10:38
Paladinebut when it comes to gaming, cedega is the way to go10:38
FrogzooPaladine: I expect big things from wine will develop10:39
rpedroPaladine: there's nothing preventing you from using a no-cd crack for a game you own, nothing10:39
Paladinerpedro, actually DMCA makes nocd cracks illegal10:39
Frogzoorpedro: depends on local DRM laws10:39
Paladineas they circumvent copy protection10:39
mc__St0n3-C0l, well you cant kill Xorg...10:39
bulltitanas far as i know cedega is a developed thing that got the code originaly from wine10:39
mehi edited my xorg config file,and now the gui wont start,how can  i restore my old xorg settings,or use some kind of auto ubuntu thing to config xorg like it did at the installatio10:39
St0n3-C0lmc__: Yeah...:>10:39
bulltitanso the still use wine's engine with some mods right?10:40
St0n3-C0li've got da latest one...so maybe thats the reason it's doing that?10:40
mc__meh, you would better have a backup10:40
Frogzoomeh: either undo your edits, or 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:40
mc__bulltitan, the forked wine years ago10:40
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mehFrogzoo,after i do that,what will happen?:p10:41
bulltitani see10:41
Frogzoomc__: it's not clear that wine patches don't 'osmose' into the cedega code base...10:41
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: any ideas what I'm looking for exactly? what should I search for?10:41
Paladinefrog, I hope wine does ecome something special, I really do, and when it does i will be the first person to put my hand in my wallet and fork over some funds.  But at the moment, I choose to support cedega because they are helping to bridge the biggest gap betweenwindowsand linux, that being gaming10:41
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mc__alky is a very interesting project10:41
HiP_Pright i still get a http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16981 :(10:42
mehFrogzoo,after i do that,what will happen?:p10:42
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PaladineI maybe play games a couple of times of month, but the reason I pay $5 a month to cedega is to support the project, not to play games10:42
mc__meh, you will be asked some questions10:42
mehthanks everyone :p10:43
HiP_Pcan anyone help?10:43
gourdinwho is the maintener of the sun jdk package ?10:43
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bulltitanwhat you get where?10:43
Seveasgourdin, apt-cache show sun-jre-something10:43
gourdinSeveas: thx10:44
Tmobwhat do you guys use for torrent? i'm on xubuntu and azureus seems to want to install all sort of gnome crap..10:44
HiP_Pright i still get a http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16981 everytime i click the speaker10:44
FrogzooTmob: tbh, I use azureus10:45
mc__Tmob, i use opera10:45
bulltitangot me there maybe paladine can help you out man10:45
HiP_Pgnome i GUI for linux10:45
monomaniacpatanyone know how to get CD's to load properly in wine?10:45
Paladinehelp with what?10:45
HiP_P*gnome is GUI for linux10:45
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TmobFrogzoo, mc__, uh.. ok.. dont wnat to install either of those :/10:45
bulltitanask hip:p paladine10:45
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FrogzooTmob: apt-cache search torrent          - take your pick10:46
mc__Tmob, apt-cache search bittorrent10:46
mc__Frogzoo, lol10:46
Frogzoomc__: snap!10:46
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HiP_Pokey dokey. cheers bulltitan10:46
bulltitanhave you solved that hip?10:46
bulltitanask for paladine10:47
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PaladineHiP_P, is your soundcard configured?10:47
Paladinebulltitan, when did I become the resident sound expert hehehe?10:47
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: what should I be searching for on the wine appdb?10:47
HiP_Pit was then in installed gstream ugly and so on restarted gone10:47
bulltitanlol that's why i tell you to ask no to know :P10:47
Frogzoomonomaniacpat: plug in the name of your app - it will show if the app is supported, & how to get it to run10:48
bulltitangotta crash tc all10:48
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monomaniacpatOK, so if I wanted to view half life cd I should enter half life?10:48
PaladineI am still an xorg novice, I been a cli user for like 10 years10:49
Paladinebut I help where I can10:49
flxbulltitan: my mouse is still not working10:49
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flxi booted with num key pressed10:49
flxyou know where the mouse config sits?10:49
flxin text form?10:49
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Frogzooflx: it's there in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  under Section "Input Device"10:50
HiP_PPaladine: it was then i in installed gstream ugly and so on then restarted and it was gone10:50
=== gatekeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-146.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
PaladineHiP_P, you tried reinstalling gstream?10:51
d1zzyuhmmm hi... just wondering, doesnt dapper have a package for doom3, quake4, cedega, ed2k-gtk-gui ?10:51
d1zzycant seem to find with apt-cache search for these anything10:51
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HiP_PPaladine: yup10:51
Frogzood1zzy: you won't find to pay for packages in the repos10:52
HiP_PAlexC: alright10:52
flxyou  know the configurations for a 3 button serial mouse logitech?10:52
PaladineHiP_P, try uninstalling gstream and see if sound comes back10:52
AlexCIve just installed fglrx-control ... but how do I open it ?10:52
Paladineat least then we know if gstream is causing the problems10:52
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d1zzyFrogzoo: "won't find to pay" ?! what do you mean ?10:52
HiP_PPaladine: cant without installing ubuntu desktop10:52
FrogzooAlexC: log out, restart gnome, & you'll find an icon under apps -> accessories10:52
AlexCFrogzoo, Ahh right ok, thanks.10:52
PaladineHiP_P, yeah uninstall it then do sudo apt=get install ubuntu-desktop (I think)10:53
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AlexCHiP_P, Ubuntu-desktop is just a meta apackge as far as I know10:53
Paladineapt-get even10:53
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mormolocwhat codecs should i install to read wmv 8 files?10:53
HiP_Pahhh the power apt-get10:53
Frogzood1zzy: s/w that requires payment won't be found in the repos10:53
d1zzyFrogzoo: but there are demos that are not in the repos either which dont cost10:53
mc__d1zzy, proably license restrictions10:54
d1zzyFrogzoo: and why is that that I cant find them ? Im not looking for the payed content, just the freely distributed one (doom3/quake4 native binaries, and so on)10:54
d1zzymc__: hmm10:54
d1zzybut then why dont they have *-package packages10:54
HiP_PPaladine: ill do that now... back in a bit10:54
d1zzyso I download the stuff and I buid .deps with that10:54
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Frogzood1zzy: -> http://www.google.com/search?q=linux%20games10:54
d1zzylike debian's java-package, etc10:54
Paladined1zzy, there probably are .deb packages, just not in the repos10:54
Paladinetry searching for them on the web10:55
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d1zzyFrogzoo: no, I want my distribution to manage the software I install so I want to go with's dpkg package system10:55
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d1zzyPaladine: thats the problem, why aren't they in the repo ?10:55
Paladinelicensing reasons most likely10:55
AlexCHum, fglrx-control is not in the menu .... who ever I was talking to before,10:55
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d1zzyI see, but as I said even with licensing problems they can do *-package things10:55
gatekeepermormoloc: have you got w32codecs installed?10:55
d1zzyso basically it seems I moved from one distribution where I had these things to another which doesnt10:55
Sisyphushi all !10:56
d1zzyprobably wont stick much arround with this one...10:56
Frogzood1zzy: .debs may or may not be available, and the .debs may or may not be compatible with your setup10:56
Paladined1zzy, as I said there probably are packages, just not in the default repos, you can add other repos though, either in synaptic directly or via your source.list10:56
mormolocgatekeeper: yep but which one?10:56
Frogzood1zzy: which distro did you use before?10:56
bjvwhat distro has quake 4 packages? o_O10:56
Paladineanyway brb I have to tend to my son10:56
Sisyphusi did a apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6 didnt work .. didnt find the package any idea?10:56
mc__bjv, gentoo10:56
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mormolocgatekeeper: you mean gstreamer10:57
gatekeepermormoloc: this is a pckage in it's own right10:57
d1zzyFrogzoo: gentoo for some time but got tired yesterday that I wanted to reinstall with kde and whould take 10 hours or so10:57
mc__freebsd also has some games10:57
mc__freebsd for instance quake210:57
d1zzyFrogzoo: but in gentoo tho I have cedega, doom3, quake4, ed2k-gtk-gui (which btw is GPL and as such no restrictions)10:57
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d1zzyhere I dont have anything of these it seems10:57
void^doesn't mean the data is hosted on freebsd or gentoo servers10:57
d1zzyI guess its a price that comes with binary distributions10:57
mormolocgatekeeper: can i find it with synaptic?10:57
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Sisyphusanyone uses wxpython ?10:58
gatekeepermormoloc: hang on...10:58
mormolocgatekeeper: k10:58
HiP_Pbah got restart i guess10:58
mejobloggshow do I start the x config 'wizard' setup thing from a terminal ?10:58
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dakinei am an absolute newbie to linux but i must install it and use it b4 monday...i was told NOT to use partition magic to partition my disk...i have used it for years and it does allow me to create ext3...what do linux users have against part magic???10:58
Muki-EXhow do you install a deb file straight?10:59
pequatreHi. my xubuntu doesnt beep when i "double-tab" in the command line. Actually, it never beeps for whatever. But when logg in through ssh from another pc on the lan it does beep. Anyone knows how to enable beeps ?10:59
=== Frogzoo ponders - what would a fusion of gentoo & ubuntu look like? where you have access to repos, but can build your own up to date packages?
gatekeepermormoloc: for these instructions: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories10:59
d1zzyFrogzoo: interesting11:00
gatekeeperfollow even (ooops)11:00
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d1zzyFrogzoo: I agree tho that binary package systems are more strict to the licensing then source based ones but even binary systems can install scripts that build the binary package from a source for those packages they cant distribute as binary (like debian installs kernel-package, or java-package which one can use to build a .dep out of the kernel source or java-ver.bin)11:01
d1zzyas I can see ubuntu too does something similar for qmail with "qmail-installer" package11:02
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:02
d1zzycause qmail license doesnt allow distribution as binary11:02
d1zzythey just need to make doom3-installer, quake4-installer, cedega-installer and so on :))11:02
=== HardCoder [n=HardCode@81-235-252-78-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzood1zzy: depending on the app, you might find .debs are available, which might run, or rpms which you can convert but with less chance of success11:02
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d1zzyFrogzoo: those are more headache that solution (like I just installed the debian .dep for ed2k-gtk-gui which seems to be broken as it installs the files in /usr as rootdir but it looks for them in /usr/local lol, borked build)11:03
WarOfAttritionIs 1p quake4 any good?11:03
d1zzyWarOfAttrition: depends if you like that kind of the game11:03
mentor13siema jest tu jakis polak11:04
d1zzycedega is more interesting cause I could run them Morrowind (runs perfectly with cedega > 5.0)11:04
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dakinewhats wrong with usin partition magic to create linux partitions?11:05
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twinoatlWhen I hit CTRL+ALT+F1, I get a black screen and no login shell. How can I reactivate this please ?11:07
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AdmiralCrunchAnyone happen to know how to get drop shadows without Compiz on post-9250 ATI cards?11:07
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Frogzood1zzy: does Oblivion run under Cedega?11:08
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pequatreHi. my xubuntu doesnt beep when i "double-tab" in the command line. Actually, it never beeps for whatever. But when logg in through ssh from another pc on the lan it does beep. Anyone knows how to enable beeps ?11:08
d1zzyFrogzoo: the latest supports oldoblivion which is a hack over oblivion to run on cards without SM3.011:08
Paladinethat was my 6 month old11:08
d1zzyFrogzoo: because even the latest cedega doesnt still have a fully SM3.0 implementation11:08
gatekeeperdakine: from what I have seen in the past, people who use partition magic for linux partitions seem to end up damaging them may be this would be better: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:09
Sisyphushas anybody installed  python-wxgtk2.6 ?11:09
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HiP_PPaladine: makes more sence than me11:09
gatekeeperdakine: I think Dapper uses GParted as part of it's installation11:09
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twinoatlWhen I hit CTRL+ALT+F1, I get a black screen and no login shell. How can I reactivate this please ?11:09
Sisyphusi did apt-get install but nothing.. any help:?11:10
dakineok but will it queer my current windows partition or let me work with it in a dual boot?11:10
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HiP_Psisyphus: you tryd sudo apt-get -f install?11:10
Frogzootwinoatl: can you telnet/ssh in?11:11
Sisyphusthe pavckage is rt?11:11
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HiP_Psorry mate11:11
gatekeeperSisyphus: you have to have the universe repo enabled to install this package11:11
Paladinesorry bout this lol11:12
HiP_PPaladine: 6 month old or you getting bored?11:12
Paladinehe wants to be a geek like his dad11:12
Eazy-twinoatl: hit CTRL+ALT+F1 one more time, usually works for me11:12
Sisyphusit says package is missing or is obsolete...11:13
ubotuI know nothing about !11:13
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Sisyphushow can i do that gatekeeper?11:13
WarOfAttritiongparted will let you work in dual boot for crissakes, as long as you leave ntfs alone11:13
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:13
=== xRaal [n=xRaal@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about who-is-the-gatekepper11:13
u221eHow do I change specific screensaver preferences in 6.06?11:14
Seveasyou don't11:14
Seveas(that is a bug, yes)11:14
WarOfAttritiongrub made windows boot faster on someone's machine I set up11:14
Sisyphushow do  you enable the unicerse repo??11:14
ompaulSeveas, I did not think you were around - ergo the email cos I kept forgetting to say it11:14
twinoatlFrogzoo:  This is my computer :-) I'm chatting on it currently. And yes, I can ssh localhost11:14
=== ompaul runs and hides
gatekeeperSisyphus: I would follow these instructions then you will get everthing you want: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories11:14
monomaniacpatCan anyone tell me how to view files on a game CD with wine installeD?11:15
twinoatlEazy-: this does not work for me. Screen stays black11:15
Sisyphusthx a lot !!!11:15
Seveas%reload Encyclopedia11:15
Seveasgood boy11:15
gatekeeperyou are welcome11:15
Seveasompaul, I', never far away ;)11:15
ompaulthere is that11:15
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Tmobi installed azuerus (just unziped into a folder) myself.. how do i link it such it appears as default app for .torrent files/11:15
HiP_PPaladine: i unstalled gstream that ripped out a oad other things. restarted. installed ubuntu-desktop which installed gstream again :(11:16
Seveasompaul, ah, fun bug :/11:16
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ompaulSeveas, well I wanted it for our friend ...11:16
HiP_PPaladine: and the errors is still there11:16
ompaulanyway no matter11:17
Frogzoowhy are GTK screensavers soooo slooooowwwww .......????11:17
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gourdingtk =)11:17
ompaulFrogzoo, to encourage you to get back to work?11:17
gourdinompaul: =)11:17
CaptainZeroCoolFrogzoo, what video card do you have if any?11:18
HiP_PFrogzoo: maybe the drivers for your gfx card aint installed11:18
=== Frogzoo ok - no more mr nice guy - me filing bug
WarOfAttritionnot all of them11:18
=== cyphase loves his dual monitors :D
FrogzooCaptainZeroCool: yes I have a vid card, & it is radeon 9700 mobile - latest fglrx 8.26.18 driver11:18
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:19
CaptainZeroCoolWell, then I have not a clue.  If the drivers installed correctly...11:19
=== HiP_P goes to mess around with gstream
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CaptainZeroCoolthen it should work.11:20
bjv "NFS request from nokia originated on insecure port, psychoanalysis suggested"11:20
bjvpsychoanalysis?? lol11:20
KarhutonI blacklisted ipv6 module in modprobe, but now my syslog keeps getting full of warning messages: Not loading blacklisted module ipv611:20
dakinei had the same vid card prob with a radeon x300, so on on startup i just chose the generic graphics option...all looked good11:21
Eazy-twinoatl: then I dont know. I had the same problem when I wanted to install Nvidia drivers. Now when I hit ctrl+alt+f1 I see splash screen and then I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it works11:21
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Eazy-anyone knows why nvidia-settings don save my settings?11:21
twinoatlEazy-:  I see nothing else than a black screen11:22
Eazy-have you rebooted?11:22
ompaulKarhuton, that is all the times your system would have loaded it, suggest you just block it in firefox and allow it back out to play11:22
Karhutonompaul: I don't have firefox, this is a server11:22
twinoatlEazy-:  multiple times11:22
ompaulKarhuton, ahh11:22
Eazy-nividi gfx?11:22
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pequatrehello. i can't hear bips (BEL characters) in my terminal, either X11 or tty, butwhen i ssh from another comp it works. What gives ? :(11:23
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twinoatlEazy-:  did you installed nvidia-settings ? on my computer, trying to install this package would remove nvidia-glx11:23
Karhutonompaul: I get something like 16 messages in few seconds. That can't be good for performance11:23
WarOfAttritionEazy-: try writing in the .nvidia-settings-rc file settings manually, then make it read only11:23
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Eazy-yes, you dont need to install nvidia-settings...it is included in the drivers11:23
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Eazy-just open a console and type: nvidia-settings11:24
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igcekhow to copy more files in terminal? files that start with same three letters?11:24
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Eazy-WarOfAttrition: have tried that11:25
WarOfAttritionigcek: cp abc*11:25
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WarOfAttritionEazy-: if it's read only it has to stay that way11:25
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Eazy-I have a script to to apply the settings in my startup....but I get this: ERROR: Error parsing assignment '[0/RedGamma=0.868786] ' (Trailing garbage).11:26
Eazy-I only want to make my screen a litle darker11:26
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ompaulKarhuton, can't find my book that might give me a clue on that one11:27
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WarOfAttritionEazy-: then it's not in the correct format11:27
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bjvEazy-: man xgamma?11:28
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WarOfAttritionI had to set TV/Overscan by hand in there, made it read only and stayed that way11:28
HiP_PPaladine: you still here dude?11:28
gatekeeperTmob: never done it myself but found this: http://www.pcquest.com/content/linux/handson/299060101.asp11:28
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Eazy-I use Kubuntu and in kcontrol there is a gamma thing....but that settings also get reverted after I log out and then in again11:29
Eazy-so here I am with a too bright screen :P11:30
ompaulKarhuton, the only thing I can think of is rebuild the kernel with no ipv6 support in it11:30
Eazy-I know it worked in breezy11:30
ompaulEazy-, ask in #kubuntu perhaps11:30
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WarOfAttritionEazy-: why not tweak your monitor?11:31
Eazy-I cant11:31
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cynehello can someone help me pls... i have samba and proftpd installed to try an exchange files with my windows machine but samba is asking for a password and proftpd connects but disconnects straight away without user/pass.11:31
Eazy-I use the dvi11:31
HiP_Phmmm nop i still get this thing working11:31
cynei need just either one of them working11:31
bjvEazy-: xgamma?11:31
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Eazy-whats that?11:31
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Sisyphusok i did that.  binary or source or both though?11:32
Polkadotshortscan anyone help me with an MP3 problem....11:32
WarOfAttritionI hate those things. expensive rip off cables11:32
ompaul!restricted > Polkadotshorts11:32
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Sisyphusi mean the settings at synaptic11:32
HiP_Pdamn GStreamer for make me this way!11:32
ompaulPolkadotshorts, read the message from ubotu11:32
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HiP_P*damn you11:32
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WarOfAttrition$100 for a cable... seriously now11:32
bjvEazy-: a brightness adjusting program for X, run      man xgamma    to see how it works.11:32
PaladineHiP_P, you fix your problem?11:33
Eazy-k thanx bjv11:33
HiP_PPaladine: nop11:33
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Paladinedidsound work again once you uninstalled gstreamer?11:33
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HiP_PPaladine: uninstall.restart.reinstalled ubuntu-desktop which reinstall gstream11:33
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=== bjv 8 seconds, and bjv's router will upgrade itself to dapper..
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HiP_Pkinda off jamed in there with it11:34
bjv*leap of faith*  :p11:34
Paladineis dmesg showing a sound device?11:34
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snoopshow can I restart gnome panel?11:35
HiP_Pill just check11:35
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jribsnoops: pkill gnome-panel11:35
stgrabersnoops: killall -9 gnome-panel11:35
stgrabersnoops: gnome will restart it11:35
cynei tried to configure samba but now it asks for user/pass when i try and access the ubuntu samba share from windows.11:35
cynei entered in my root password and it asks me again for the user/pass11:36
Paladinecyne, of course it does11:36
Paladineroot pass or your pass?11:36
cynePaladine... they are both the same11:36
Paladineyou need to type in your username, then your password11:36
cyneyes i did that11:36
Paladinecaps lock?11:37
PolkadotshortsHow can I access my windows hard drive form ubuntu. I have two hard drives. When I try to, I get this message: error: device /dev/hda1 is not removable11:37
Polkadotshortserror: could not execute pmount11:37
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cynePaladine, nope :)11:37
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AlexCHow can I play WMV videos in Ubuntu?11:37
HiP_PPaladine: not by name11:37
dli!ntfs > Polkadotshorts11:37
PaladineHiP it might be your soundcard is not supported, what card is it11:38
stgraberAlexC: you need some codecs for gstreamer11:38
PaladineHiP_P, you installed the latest sb drivers?11:38
AlexCstgraber, I have all the gstreamer codecs11:38
WarOfAttritiondoes anyone know what package is needed here? -- make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/X11R6/lib/libXExExt.a'11:38
cynePaladine, so where is samba getting the user/pass from ?11:38
HiP_Pwell it was work before the gstreamer install11:38
dliAlexC, try mplayer + win32codecs11:38
gazsorry to interrupt but where do you get the gstreamer codecs from11:38
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PaladineAlexC, , I think you need the win32 codecs, but I am not entirely sureon that since I wouldn't piss on a wmv if it was on fire11:39
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HiP_PPaladine: well it was work before the gstreamer install11:39
Tmobgatekeeper, thanks11:39
WarOfAttritionbut there are so many wmv videos offered on the net, you miss out if you dont play them11:39
HiP_Psorry keep forgetting to put your name on the front .... hence the repeating11:39
PaladineHiP_P, you searched the ubu forums for similar issues?  I know SBLive can cause a few headaches11:39
stgraberAlexC: wget http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb11:39
stgraberdpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb11:39
AlexCPaladine, How do I get the win32 codecs?11:39
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AlexCstgraber, 40411:40
PaladineWarlord384, how do I miss out, I am not interested in wmv files11:40
Sisyphusbinary and source options at the repository channel (synaptic) can coexist or you have to choose one of the two?11:40
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AlexCstgraber, can find file11:40
HiP_PPaladine: trust me to the sound that everthing hates11:40
PaladineHiP_P, chances are somone has experiencd the same problems and started a htread on the forums about it11:41
Paladinesothats probably the best place to start looking for a solution11:41
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HiP_Pokey dokey .... well cheers for your help Paladine11:41
bjvwho needs wmv when you have youtube and wget? amirite?11:41
Paladinesorry I couldn't do more11:41
AlexCbjv, maybe when videos are in wmv format?11:42
WarOfAttritionif only all sites offered xvid or something like that11:42
cntbhi guys googled  < grep kil> and found http://www.tech-recipes.com/unix_tips742.html handy command when in trouble11:42
cntbps -u <username> | grep <processname_pattern> | awk '{print $1}' |  xargs kill -911:42
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HiP_PPaladine: you listen and tryd thats all you can do .... and thank you for it11:42
Paladinenp man11:42
cntbtrust me bookmark link above11:42
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AlexCHow do I install the Win32 codecs then for mplayer?11:42
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ern-hi! my computer is runnung ubuntu 5.10. the standard ps2-keyboard is recognized during startup, but when gdm is started the first time, there is no reaction on key presses (worked before a few days). after choosing the xdmcp menu in gdm (by mouse) and returning, the keyboard works again. any ideas?11:43
PaladineAlex, grab the deb package then do dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb11:43
bjvi thought mplayer had codecs compiled into it, or something11:43
bjvwmv doesnt come standard?11:43
stgraberAlexC: http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb11:43
Badm4nany one can help me to make my squid transparant ?11:43
stgraberbjv: no, you need w32codecs11:43
AlexCstgraber, now it works,11:43
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HiP_PPaladine: if i find anything ill let you know.... then you can pass it on11:44
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Paladinesure thing HiP_P11:44
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WarOfAttritionhow odd though, wmv has problems on mplayer's plugin for firefox11:44
Badm4nubotu transparant proxy > badm4n11:45
ubotuI know nothing about transparant proxy11:45
Schalkenis there somwhere I can report bugs and/or sugegstions to Ubuntu development?11:45
HiP_PPaladine: cheery bye11:45
HiP_Pas in bye bye11:45
PaladineWarOfAttrition, to be honest linux users are ucky to have any wmv support since it is a propriety format11:45
mormolocbjv: just read a tutorial which said that ubuntu doesnt support wmv :(11:46
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HiP_Pbye all in room11:46
Paladinelater HiP_P and good luck11:46
kristianHatred, there was something wrong with the guide you send last night. It's not the same kernel in the guide and on my pc.11:46
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truzakhello, is there a packaging issue related to latest libcairo update? it's always kept back...11:46
Eazy-Thanx bjv, it worked with xgamma :)11:46
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mormolocbjv: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs11:46
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ompaulhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMV  it is an open standard for the last couple of years11:47
spikebpatent encumbered or not?11:47
WarOfAttritionPaladine: true, but wmv does suck compared to others11:47
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kristianhatred, you here?11:48
ompaulspikeb, I live in europe, and thankfully we don't have software patents (no matter what the EPO says), your jurisdiction may have other thoughts on it11:48
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spikebyes, mine certainly does. lovely united states government and all that.11:48
ompaulspikeb, even if I said no, how could I know with the way patents are written, ;-)11:48
spikebompaul: haha11:49
gatekeepermormoloc: the win32codecs don't allow you to play wmv?11:49
mormolocnope :(11:49
bill[1] is the gib-2.0-dev package broken11:49
bill[1] glib even11:50
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mormolocgatekeeper: used the command sudo apt-get install w32codecs11:50
mormolocbut nada11:50
gatekeepermormoloc: ok11:50
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stgrabermormoloc: http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb11:50
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kimo_^_guys, I want to turn an old box, into (traffic manager, Firewall, Proxy, IDS ) appliance, for some friend Windows admins. Any recommended projects that do this kinda things ?11:50
stgraberand then : dpkg -o11:50
stgraberand then : dpkg -i11:50
gatekeepermormoloc: have you got windows?11:51
spikebkimo_^_: m0n0wall11:51
mormolocgatekeeper: nope11:51
kimo_^_spikeb, thnx .. will look into it, any other recommendations11:51
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spikebkimo_^_: not offhand.11:51
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gatekeepermormoloc: I was thinking of possible some sort of convertion program of some sort no idea if one exist11:52
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Togehow can I created a DVD from a .avi (divx codec)?11:53
kristianhow can i update my kernel to an older version? is that possible?11:53
Togedo you know any program?11:53
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mormolocgatekeeper: the tutorial you gave me had  the following phase in it:11:53
mormolocgatekeeper: "Stubby All known codecs work except for wmv"11:53
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Schalkenkristian: it sure is, but if you are downgrading FROM the one came with ubuntu you might break something ;)11:53
jribmormoloc: if you are on a i386, then w32codecs should let you play wmv.  It's not in ubuntu's repositories though11:54
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ern-does anyone have an idea why my ps2 keyboard doesn't work in gdm at first?11:55
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Eazy-hmm, I can play wmv-files with vlc11:55
kristianSchalken: oh.. I can check, I think I have a newer version than the kernel from the live-cd. What kernelversion was that on the Live-Cd?11:55
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WarOfAttritionern-: what does the keyboard say in xorg.conf?11:56
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jribEazy-: yeah, vlc can play them unless they are wmv9 (unless you recompile)11:56
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gatekeepermormoloc: have a look at this: http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-list/2005-November/msg02212.html probable need to do some googling11:56
mormolocgatekeeper: i installed the plugin11:57
mormolocill see if it work11:57
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gatekeepermormoloc: ok11:57
Eazy-just rememberd that some wmv-files dont work11:57
Schalkenkristian: i can see the oldest one in the repos is, thats rpobably the one on the cd.11:57
kristianSchalken: I have 2.6.15-25-k7 now, and I need 2.6.10-5-38611:57
karlhi please help - trying to auto mount ntfs drives in dapper, tried all sorts of sugested entries in fstab but as normal user I get permision errors when I navigate to mount points11:57
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mormolocgatekeeper: well i can hear sounds but no pictures :(11:58
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Paladineompaul, it may be an open standard but it isn't an open format, or at least not in the traditional sense11:58
ern-WarOfAttrition: there is an identifier, driver is kbd, xkbrules on xorg. the keyboard is referenced in the server layout section. this worked before a few days and works after going into xdmcp chooser and returning, for example11:58
mormolocim using vlc and totem11:58
gatekeepermormoloc: bit by bit :-)11:58
Paladineanything that can be stuffed with drm can't really be considered open as it is against the law to circumvent that drm11:58
ompaulPaladine, do the words embrace and extend11:59
mormolocgatekeeper: :)11:59
Firetechis there any way to check from which repo a conflicting package comes from?11:59
Schalkenkarl: if it helps, my windows partition entry in fstab looks like this: "/dev/sda1/media/windowsntfsro,nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0"11:59
Eazy-karl: your ntfs-disk is probably already mounted under /media11:59
amortvigilik hebwhat does this say : after i downlaod something with lynx it says: /bin/tar tvf -11:59
Paladineompaul, thats just my opinion of course11:59
Schalkenkarl: (it says 'sda1' cuz i have a sata drive)12:00
FrogzooPaladine: depends on which country's law you're talking about12:00
kristianSchalken: Ok. 2.6.10-5-386 is very old then... Could you take a look at a guide?12:00
Paladinefrog, well DMCA may well be US law but many countries (including the whole of europe) have treaties with the US to uphold DMCA12:01
Schalkenkristian: i gotta go. hope you get working whatever your trying to get working ;)12:01
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Paladineso DMCA is basically annexed to other soveriegn states12:01
Paladinehowever, the future is bright12:02
ompaulPaladine, the dmca is not called that here, but it is an order of magnititude worse12:02
Eazy- (jrib) Eazy-: yeah, vlc can play them unless they are wmv9 (unless you recompile) ...do you mean recompile vlc player or...?12:02
Paladinethere is a very large movement against DRM in europe atm12:02
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Paladineand it is getting larger every week12:02
Paladineompaul, whre are you based?12:03
karlthanks fstab entry same as Schalken, have 3 drives as hda1, hde1, hdf1 and a sda1, sda1 = usb and works, can mount as root or login as root and access I just want help with user access, tried captive and had same issues12:03
ompaulPaladine, the best movement against this stuff is called "customer rejection"12:03
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ompaulPaladine, we are well offtopic here - #ubuntu-offtopic12:03
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jribEazy-: well you can recompile it with wmv9 support... dvd john had a guide on his site12:03
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Eazy-got a link for me? :)12:03
Paladineompaul, I agree 110%, which is why I have been boycotting the industry for over 2 years, believe me, I know a great deal about DRM and other such anti consumer laws, I am stuck rightin themiddle of a HUGE lawsuit12:03
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PolkadotshortsCan anyone tell me how I can set midi's to play back on an external midi device (a keyboard)12:04
PolkadotshortsThe keyboard is plugged in12:04
snoopsoh wow.. what an amazing compiz effect.. I didn't even know it was there.. ctrl+alt + page down.. did anyone else know about that?12:04
PolkadotshortsInto a USB12:04
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aunesHi all.12:06
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PolkadotshortsCan anyone help me12:06
ern-i must leave, thanks WarOfAttrition, bye12:06
aunesWhat's the problem, Polka?12:06
PolkadotshortsI have an externel midi device.12:06
PolkadotshortsA keyboard.12:06
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PolkadotshortsAnd I need to play midi's through there12:06
jribEazy-: http://www.nanocrew.net/?p=12912:06
PolkadotshortsI just don't know how to set it as the default midi playback device12:06
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Polkadotshorts(And input device, if possible)12:07
Eazy-thanx...tried to google...seem to suck at it ;)12:07
AlexCHow do I install the latest ATI fglrx Drivers, the ones that fix the bug with 100% RPM fan speed12:07
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aunessomething there should work for you. the first and third links look helpful12:07
karlhelp - why does water not work on my compiz, enabled but does nothing12:07
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kristianhatred, you here? :)12:08
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AlexCKarl, you need to enable the Windows Key as Super in the Keyboard options12:08
gatekeepermormoloc: there are shed loads of windows programs that seem to be able to convert wmv files other formats, so I would expect that you can find a linux converter somewhere try posting a question in the main ubuntu forum and/or comp.os.linux.misc on usenet12:08
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AlexCkarl, System -> preferences -> keyboard -> layout options -> Alt/Win Key -> Super is maped to win key12:09
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hattthello!  my question is a simple one about the upgrade facilities in ubuntu.  are there, in general, separate packages for various hardware drivers that can be installed via a package manager, if i didn't want to compile the driver myself?12:09
Polkadotshortsi don't have a problem with software synths12:09
AlexCkarl, then just press CTRL+Super ( Win key ) and click in the desktop or anywhere!12:09
PolkadotshortsThat is nto what iw ant./12:09
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Polkadotshortswhat i need is for it to play into a device which is plugged into USB12:09
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PolkadotshortsI midi keyboard12:09
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cynehow do i restart inetd ?12:09
Frogzoohattt: that's the idea - you use kernel modules for drivers12:10
WarOfAttritionI think software synths are better than the midi hardware in creative cards12:10
WarOfAttritionfar more polyphony if your system can handle it12:10
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mormolocgatekeeper: thanks12:10
ubuntu_vale madre ubunto y sus Gcompiz12:10
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ubuntu_me chingaron la maquina12:11
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amortvigilwhat does /bin/tar tvf -12:11
gatekeepermormoloc: I haven't done anything, not least that you could call helpfull :-)12:11
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cntbzaya lol12:11
AlexCHow do I install the latest ATI fglrx Drivers, the ones that fix the bug with 100% RPM fan speed12:11
Frogzooamortvigil: man tar12:12
zayacntb si we. ahora estoy entrando con el live cd.12:12
mormolocgatekeeper: well you tried to help , thks:)12:12
zayaestoy en el live cd.12:12
gatekeepermormoloc: good luck I  would be intersted to see what solution you come up with12:12
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:12
sedrakehow do I activate opengl direct rendering?12:12
gatekeepermormoloc: your welcome :-)12:12
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AlexCsedrake, do you mean install nVidia/ATI drivers?12:12
Frogzoosedrake: should be enabled by default - what do you get for: 'glxinfo |grep direct'12:13
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amortvigilFrogzoo: what can i do now to go install it?12:13
__doc__Hi, I've bigger problems trying to ge aac converted to mp3 on my dapper, any ideas?12:13
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sedrakeAlexC, Frogzoo, i have had it installed but my settings got messed up I tried to reset it but now direct rendering doesnt work12:13
mormolocgatekeeper: can you read/open wmv ,or do you have the same problem?12:13
snoopswhy not ogg?12:13
__doc__well, whatever fits on my ipod12:14
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AlexCsedrake, just reinstall nvidia/ati drivers?12:14
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sedrakeFrogzoo: output: direct rendering: No12:14
WarOfAttritionconverting from aac to mp3 will ruin the quality12:14
karlAlexC- thanks mapped key - still no rain, Gset shortcuts for water read <Control><Super> for init and <Super>F9 fro toggle is this OK12:14
sedrakeAlexC - how do I do that?12:14
_stefanhello, ATX = ATX?12:14
__doc__well can I play ogg on my ipod?12:14
gatekeepermormoloc: don't know haven't tried, got a small one I could download from somewhere  and try?12:14
Frogzoosedrake: which vid card?12:14
__doc__besides the question, I tried converting to ogg as well, doesn't work either12:14
AlexCsedrake, https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html12:14
Alex_stefan: No - much smaller, doesn't fit properly in most cases (the PCI slots)12:15
joryany ideas why dapper doesn't work well with usb disks? (sd cards through card reader, pendrive) ? I cannot format them, can't see files, free space is wrong, I CAN write on the free space (but its size is wrong)12:15
snoopskarl try out ctrl+alt+page down ;)12:15
amortvigilFrogzoo: what can i do now to go install it?12:15
__doc__aac -> anything doesn't seem to work anywhere12:15
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AlexCkarl, yes - thats how I have mine and it works12:15
sedrakeFrogzoo: nvidia geforce4 ti 420012:15
Frogzoo!nvidia > sedrake12:15
WarOfAttritionare they DRM aac songs? if so, no you can't do a thing with them - maybe try project hymn <_<12:15
aunesdoc: which gen ipod?12:15
__doc__aunes: nano12:15
AlexCkarl, well actually init rain for me is shirt+F912:15
kristianFrogzoo, have you used this guide before? :http://www.ubuntu.si/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instaliranje_gonilikov_za_ati-jeve_karticei12:15
AlexCkarl, shift, not shirt lol12:16
Frogzookristian: .si ? I don't think so12:16
karlctrl-alt-pgdwn works as does eveything else but no water, hmmm, compiz did an update today I though that might fix it but no12:16
aunesdoc: looks unlikely12:16
__doc__I installed soundconverter, soundkonverter, audio-converter, none of them seems able to convert12:16
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redbladesHey hey12:16
joryany ideas why dapper doesn't work well with usb disks? (sd cards through card reader, pendrive) ? I cannot format them, can't see files, free space is wrong, I CAN write on the free space (but its size is wrong)12:16
AlexCkarl, WOW, I didn know about pgdown!! that amazing12:16
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_stefanAlex: http://www.asrock.com/PRODUCT/AM2NF4G-SATA2.htm12:17
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_stefanAlex: that is an ATX board12:17
snoopsAlexC yeah.. I found that out today.. fun12:17
AlexC_stefan, are you talking to me?12:17
kristianFrogzoo: I got if from Hatred, it's how to install driver for graphic card, but there is something wrong :P I try to write sudo apt-get install linux restricted-modules-2.6.15-25-k7-xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-control, which is a code in that guide, but it dosn't work...12:17
aunesI'm trying to download wine. I followed their instructions but b/c I'm using the 64 bit version, the source is looking in binary-amd64 instead of binary-all for the file Packages.gz   Any thoughts how I can redirect synaptic?12:17
redbladesI was wondering, is there a way to generate a HTML playlist (much like Winamp) ?12:17
_stefanAlexC: to Alex12:18
AlexC_stefan, ok =)12:18
monomaniacpatGuys: How do I get wine to show the contents of a PC game CD? it's invisible to me atm.12:18
Frogzoo!fglrx > kristian12:18
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kristianFrogzoo, tried that one. Hatred told me to try the link, then it probably would work. I have tried the howto 3-4 times12:19
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monomaniacpatFrogzoo told me about the appdb but I don't know what to look for12:19
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hatttFrogzoo, thanks - so if i know that the ralink rt2500 driver in dapperdrake has intermittent problems (and it happens to occur to my laptop, too), would it be likely that i could upgrade just that driver via the package manager, without resorting to source?12:21
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tafsenHow can I delete a swap file?12:21
sedrakeI still dont get direct rendering to work, see I hav had it worked so my nvidia drivers is already installed12:21
karlthanks alexc - hm odd no caps now12:22
redbladesI'm planning to write one, with better HTML that the winamp one, but I need a way to get Song title, artist, track length, album12:22
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__doc__still can't do anything with aac convert> anything12:23
ufk/tuborg/VM Storage" /usr/zlocal/vmstorage smbfs defaults 0 0, i can't use "" on fstab, and adding //tuborg/VM\ Storage doesn't work too. any ideas?12:24
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Frogzoohattt: the repos always host the latest available - if that doesn't work, you'll need to look to source12:24
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sedrakeFrogzoo: nvidia drivers is already installed but still no direct rendering12:24
Frogzoosedrake: dunno cos I use fglrx - but typically the common problems are detailed in the wiki entries12:25
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gatekeepermormoloc: just tried downloading a clip from here: http://www.amd.com/us-en/Corporate/VirtualPressRoom/0,,51_104_572_585,00.html click on the clip and kaffine starts up and plays it!12:26
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salahany idea how I install this theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3787112:27
WarOfAttritionsedrake: is "nvidia" the driver set in xorg.conf? or is it "nv"12:27
=== cyphase wonders if there is a monitor without "border" all around it
cyphasejust the picture :)12:27
mormolocgatekeeper: some had the same problem with w32codecs install12:27
sedrakeWarOfAttrition: nvidia12:27
zdux0012if I install xubuntu-desktop will I lose gnome?12:27
WarOfAttritionthat would be a fragile monitor12:28
cyphasezdux0012: no12:28
mormolocgatekeeper: it sais there the problem comes from videolan and totem12:28
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mormolocgatekeeper: ill try gxine12:28
__doc__well, I conclude, linux/unbuntu incapable of aac decoding then. fine12:28
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monomaniacpatWarOfAttrition: NV is the default ubuntu video driver, you need nvidia (nvidia-glx)12:29
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mormolocgatekeeper: works perfect with gxine :)12:30
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gatekeepermormoloc: woohoo :-)12:30
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mormolocgatekeeper: yeah wohoo :)12:31
gatekeepermormoloc: think I am using xine as the amaroK engine12:31
redbladesHow do I set up a shared folder with a Vmware machine?12:31
monomaniacpatnow anyone know much about wine's appdb?12:31
gatekeepermormoloc: pleased you got that sorted :-)12:32
mormolocgatekeeper: ubuntu makes you sweat all the time :)12:32
gatekeepermormoloc: It sure does :-)12:32
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gatekeepermormoloc: just need a little persistence sometimes12:32
cyneanyone good with samba?12:32
cyneor proftpd12:32
cynei just want to share my files man12:32
lainuxHi everybody! I've a problem with my wifi card. (It's a Realtek RTL8180) It's recognize by Dapper, but I can't connect to my AP... :( Somebody cna help me? (Sorry for my english, I'm french...^^)12:33
mormolocgatekeeper: yeah12:33
lucasvoI can't install svn, it says there is no installation candidate...12:33
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Frogzoolucasvo: subversion12:33
lucasvoPackage subversion is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:33
Badm4nany one can help me to make my squid transparant ?12:33
lucasvoFrogzoo: it says it's only available from another source or it's obsolete.12:34
tripppywho uses bitornado?12:34
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:34
AlexCHumm, guys my keyboard is Fubar, when I press  quick it ends up like this    <-- it puts a little thing on. I want a standard British layout12:35
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Frogzoolucasvo: dapper?12:35
lucasvoFrogzoo: yes12:35
amortvigilhow to add a computer to a network via a terminal?12:36
cntbAlexC right button on bar add keyboard12:37
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cntbamortvigil: add computer to what network ?12:37
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amortvigilmy home network12:38
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lucasvoamortvigil: just plug in the ethernet cable and it should work12:38
ubotuI know nothing about squid12:38
lucasvoamortvigil: do you have a router?12:38
Badm4n!transparant proxy12:38
ubotuI know nothing about transparant proxy12:38
amortvigilsince i did that i cant see anycomputer on the network12:38
Stormx2AlexC: So put it on a standard british...12:38
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Lellyguess what? i need help ^_^ i have shorewall on my laptop and i dont know how to accept external connections (ie: use bittorrent)12:39
AlexCStormx2, cntb huh?12:39
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amortvigillucasvo: yes12:39
lucasvoamortvigil: how do you want to see them?12:39
AlexCStormx2, I have no standard british layout, the only UK one I haev is .... UK International with Hard lock12:39
lucasvoamortvigil: with samba or ping ?12:39
AlexCStormx2, woops, with Dead Keys even12:40
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redbladesOkay, how can I share files with a VMware machine?12:40
Stormx2AlexC: Preference > Keyboard. Add. Selected "United Kingdom" and hit OK12:40
Frogzoolucasvo: try searching subversion in synaptic12:41
Frogzoolucasvo: maybe try the main repos if problem persists12:41
AlexCStormx2, Ahh thats better, I was actually selecting one of the options inside UK - thanks12:41
Stormx2AlexC: Thats what i did12:41
Stormx2AlexC: Tricked me out too ;-)12:41
Nameeaterredblades: vmware has a pack that can sometime do it, I know it did for my windows vmware install it made a virtual networked folder12:41
amortvigillucasvo: works12:41
AlexCStormx2, hehe12:42
redbladesNameeater, where?12:42
lainuxNobody can help for wifi problem?12:42
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WarOfAttritionnow you're maxing it out12:42
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NameeaterI am not sure sorry, I havnt installed vmware since I upgraded to dapper, what OS are you installing on vmware?12:42
lucasvoamortvigil: what works? :)12:43
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cwilluis there any way to remove a package that ubuntu-desktop depends on without removing ubuntu-desktop itself?  (I know ubunbtu-desktop is just a meta-package; this is just an aesthetic thing)12:44
spikebcwillu: no.12:44
WarOfAttritionI hate meta packages12:44
WarOfAttritionthey smell like old bread12:44
redbladesNameeater, DaveyJ12:44
amortvigillucasvo: ping12:45
redbladesNameeater, Dapper I mean12:45
lucasvoamortvigil: and what's the problem?12:45
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mormolocare there any openoffice 2.0.3 pakages for ubuntu yet?12:46
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amortvigili want to get from comoputer 1 to computer 212:47
amortvigillucasvo:i want to get from comoputer 1 to computer 212:47
lucasvoamortvigil: what data do you want to transmit?12:47
lucasvoamortvigil: if ping works, you can already communicate with them12:47
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amortvigillucasvo: like downlaods and music12:48
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enyc?is there a channel for ubuntu-backports?12:50
foxinesshi , i want to start new local channel for ubuntu on my area12:50
lucasvoamortvigil: try: Places > Connect to server12:50
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lucasvoamortvigil: Choose SSH, enter the IP of the server12:51
lucasvoamortvigil: port is not needed12:51
Ignite_hows pcmcia/wireless support in ubuntu, friend is having issues with fedora, considering how much of a pleasure it is for me using ubuntu i figured i would ask seeing as i haven't ever needed to setup wireless :P12:51
lucasvoamortvigil: enter the user name, and in Folder I would enter /home/__USER__/12:51
lucasvoamortvigil: and then press connect12:52
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lucasvoamortvigil: you should have an icon on the desktop which says /home/__USER__/ at IP12:52
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lucasvoamortvigil: double click on it and you should see the your homedir on the other machine12:53
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ompaulfoxiness, ?12:53
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amortvigillucasvo: its conection refuses and i dont have gui12:54
lucasvoamortvigil: where don't you have gui?12:54
finalbetaIgnite_, it's still hell. You still want to be using ndiswrapper, unless you have a bmx or something chipset that has a module. My wireless still only works on B while the card should be working in G12:55
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amortvigillucasvo: its a ubuntu server12:55
amortvigilonly the base system12:55
Ignite_finalbeta, ok, thanks for the insight12:55
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AlexCWhat does it mean when I get this error in sudo apt-get update :GPG error: http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl dapper-seveas Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBK12:56
ubotuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams12:56
Badm4nany one can help me to make my squid transparant ?12:56
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AlexCBadm4n, put it in a blender?12:57
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Badm4nmean ?12:57
bimberiAlexC: have you added the package signing key to apt's trusted keys database?  If not see the info at http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/ itself12:58
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AlexCbimberi, i'll do that now12:58
lucasvoamortvigil: you only need the gui on the client12:58
lucasvoamortvigil: does ssh user@server work?12:58
AlexCBadm4n, well you put a squid in a blender, it then becomes a liquid - and liquid is transparant slightly ( might not be after all the blood n guys of the squid though )12:58
war95Anyone here do any benchmarking with SW RAID5 vs. chunk size in a performance analysis?12:59
AlexCbllod n guts*12:59
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lucasvoBadm4n: I don't know how to do it12:59
lucasvoBadm4n: but afaik it's the same procedure for all the operating systems12:59
AlexCthanks bimberi - I should of thought of that.12:59
amortvigillucasvo shh amortvigil@ and shh amortvigil@ wont work12:59
lucasvoBadm4n: you should be able to find a howto on google12:59
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amortvigillucasvo: shh amortvigil@ and shh amortvigil@ wont work01:00
Badm4ni need help to make my proxy transparant but using iptables rule01:00
lucasvoamortvigil: and ping  works?01:00
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lucasvoamortvigil: the ip is usually reserved for broadcasting01:00
amortvigillucasvo: the ping works01:01
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SaTaN`_how could I setup Shell on ubuntu??01:03
AlexCGuys, I've just installed ubuntu-fglrx-386 to get the latest ATI drviers, after I installed I get this message You need to install the accompanying kernel module for X to remain functiona01:04
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AlexCWhy are the accompanying kernel module for x?01:04
ernzMorning Everyone!!!01:04
SaTaN`_how could I setup Shell on ubuntu??01:04
AlexCSaTaN`_, by wating more than 2 mins :p01:04
jribSaTaN`_: what do you mean exactly?01:04
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ernzThis is kind of a stupid question. But I have seen a few screenshots of Ubuntu desktops on line.01:04
ernzSome of these shots have the terminal script feeding directly onto the desktop - How would I do this?01:05
SaTaN`_am, i Mean the shell, that you can buy... i would like to put this on my machine, to larn, how to use real shells....01:05
ernzI suspect a gDesklet, but I can't seem to find one that does it.01:05
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jribSaTaN`_: you mean applications > accessories > terminal?01:06
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jribernz: maybe you can link to the screenshot?01:07
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ernzjrib: Sure, one second.01:08
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ernzjrib: http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=1&screen_id=1520205582435bac8c57dea&m=screen01:08
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alex_i have a 500Mhz celeron cpu with the bord ga-6bxc and 160mb sdram + 16 mb vga01:09
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alex_how can i make my ubuntu 5.1 with gnome quiker01:10
Frogzooalex_: you installed fglrx-kernel-2.6.15-25-386        assuming you're running a 386 kernel, I'd recommend 686 personally01:10
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jribernz: it may just be a transparent terminal with the border removed01:10
alex_how to install the kernel01:10
jribernz: actually, it looks more like a log -- I remember seeing something like that on the fluxbox faq, one sec01:11
ernzIt looks that way to me too jrib, but the options just don't hack it in GNOME Terminal - Perhaps I should be using a different terminal?01:11
Frogzooalex_: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-25-686            & reboot (will only work on p4 or better)01:11
alex_i have a celeron 500 cpu01:12
Frogzooalex_: should be fine01:12
alex_not p401:12
Frogzoothink it's p2 actually01:12
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jribernz: I don't know how well this works on gnome, but you can look into it: http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docs/en/faq.php#roottail01:12
ernzWill do jrib, thanks for help.01:13
alex_a686 kernel is for older systems?01:13
alex_or 4 p401:13
Frogzooalex_: you should probly uninstall the ubuntu-fglrx-386 first01:13
alex_to uninstall01:13
Frogzooalex_: synaptic01:13
Frogzoo!fglrx > alex_01:14
yaramazhi  have a us robotics 9110 and wireless usb adaptor but my ubuntu(5.10) isn't support it  try to use ndiswrapper but it can't do01:14
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alex_first install 686 or uninstall 38601:14
auneshey all. I'm trying to install wine on the 64bit distro... Being a newbie, I don't really understand how to (and what it means to) install a chroot 32bit system. What will this do to my computer? What will I have to keep up with? I found documentation on how to do the chroot, but I'm kinda scared b/c I don't really know what it does.01:15
Frogzooalex_: uninstall  ubuntu-fglrx-386 first, then install linux-image-2.6.15-25-68601:15
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pradeephi Gorlist01:16
Gorlisthaving some problems with my Audio,01:17
Gorlistwell it works more or less but im slightly confused :)01:17
Subhumanhow so?01:18
Gorlistwell ive got normal desktop speakers, nad a 5.1 USB headphone/mic set01:18
Gorlistnad - and01:18
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Gorlistcan ubuntu use both at the same time?01:18
alex_have i to remove linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386?01:19
Gorlistor do I have to use the 'change device' option in the Volume Control system01:19
infelddude. like01:19
SubhumanGorlist, well it can only output to one at a time, and take input from one at a time01:19
monomaniacpathow do you force quit a program?01:19
Subhumanso you could have ure desktop speakers and your headsets mic01:19
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infeldwill ubuntu let me install without formatting an existing partition?01:20
Gorlistok simple enough01:20
infeldmonomaniacpat: xkill01:20
Gorlisthow could I tell which one Buntu is using at anyone time,01:20
SubhumanGorlist, like I use a usb mic with my desktops speakerS (i use headphones when im using the mic)01:20
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Gorlistor if I turn on the USB headphone will it automatically use them01:20
SubhumanGorlist, I am not sure.01:20
alex_have i to remove linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386?01:20
rpedroGorlist: System>>Preferences>>Sound01:21
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Gorlistok, part of the problem is im not able to get audio input from the mic01:21
infeldalex_: yes01:21
rpedroGorlist: change the default device there01:21
Gorlistright i see01:21
infeldGorlist: check volume on the mixer, and see if mic is active01:21
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monomaniacpatinfeld: that doesn't work: it says usage: -option01:22
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Gorlistis the mixer called Volume Control?01:22
Gorlistif I open up the window from the speaker symbol top left01:22
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infeldmonomaniacpat: dude, it should be installed. or else install it man.01:23
infeldxkill is sweet01:23
alex_this remove too? linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-38601:24
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infeldwill ubuntu let me install without formatting an existing partition?01:25
monomaniacpatxkill already installed01:26
narfmasterwhich is bigger? openoffice or koffice?01:26
infeldnarfmaster: openoffice man01:26
MetaMorfoziSinfield, ubuntu need space, so you may create a new partition, if you don't want to format an other01:26
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infeldnarfmaster: openoffice is like, way bigger man01:26
narfmasterhow much bigger?01:26
Gorliststill not getting any audio input01:26
slonnikhi al colleagues01:26
Gorlistselect PCM Capture Source to Mic01:26
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alex_this remove too? linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-386????????????01:27
bimberiinfeld: yes, just head into 'manually edit the partition table' and tell it which ones are root and swap etc and not to format them01:27
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infeldMetaMorfoziS: i have mandriva already installed in the partition. but i don't wanna lose a lot of documents in my home folder. and i have no way to backup01:27
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Frogzooalex_: you can leave that - just reboot - the 686 wont use the 386 modules01:27
infeldbimberi: thanks man. you kick ass01:27
MetaMorfoziSif no space to backup, wher do you want to isntall ubuntu?:)01:27
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infeldMetaMorfoziS: i want to install it where mandriva is currently installed01:28
bimberiinfeld: ha, np :) - it would be a very good idea if you could find a way to backup (eg. ftp-ing stuff to another pc)01:28
MetaMorfoziSinfield it's impossible01:28
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MetaMorfoziSwithout format, i think01:28
infeldMetaMorfoziS: the partition is 20GB, and I have 17GB of my own documents and files01:28
ernzCan someone help me please, It would appear that I am stupid.01:29
alex_Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig01:29
alex_Abhngigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut... Fertig01:29
alex_E: Konnte Paket linux-image-2.6.15-25-686 nicht finden01:29
infeldMetaMorfoziS: bimberi just said it was possible01:29
slonnikdoes anyone use Synce plugin for MultiSync ?01:29
MetaMorfoziSand other partitions?01:29
jribernz: best to just ask01:29
alex_he can't found it01:29
aunesgrr. I think the default Ubuntu repositories stink.... Any idea where I can find dchroot?01:29
ernzI changed on of the menu options in GNOME Terminal (Xterm) that removed the menu. Now when I load xterm, I can't access the menu to turn the menu's back on.01:29
MetaMorfoziSi don't know what i the possible way... ask bimberi about it...01:29
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jribernz: I think ctrl-f10 is default shortcut key01:30
ernzI can't see which switch would run the terminal with menus either.01:30
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narfmasteraunes, dchroot is in universe01:30
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slonnikcan anyone consult me about synce plugin for multisync01:30
ernzHang on a sec, right clicking will allow me to access the profiles menu01:30
infeldMetaMorfoziS: no, no way for other partitions man, theyre stuffed too01:30
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stelkiaunes: multiverse I suppose01:30
ernzThx again jrib01:30
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infeldMetaMorfoziS: so like i just wanna install ubuntu but keep my stuff man01:31
jribernz: np, I did the same thing once...01:31
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ernzYour usefulness is only surpassed by my newbee idiocy.01:31
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jribernz: well we were all there once01:31
stelkiaunes: or perhaps universe, I see it in my apt at least01:31
monomaniacpatI can't xkill a wine program - help!01:31
alex_he can't found the linux kernel when i type in  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-25-68601:31
aunesweee! Thanks stelky / narfmaster01:32
alex_what to do01:32
ernzAhh, much better :D01:32
bimberiinfeld: i should say that the technique i've seen described is to boot from a livecd, mount the hdd and delete everything except /home (and /opt and /usr/local) and then install after that - i'm not sure about installing _over_ an existing install sorry01:32
Vironoanyone knows a way to add a special key.. like for example.. I want pressing both right and left mouse buttons, to be treated as pressing alt+ctrl01:32
jribalex_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please01:32
ernzI'm sure I'll BBL01:32
slonnikplease help me with SynCE plugin01:32
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alex_whats pastebim?01:32
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Vironoanyone knows a way to add a special key.. like for example.. I want pressing both right and left mouse buttons, to be treated as pressing alt+ctrl01:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:33
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infeldbimberi: yeah man i plan to wipe out everything except my stuff man01:33
jribVirono: maybe with xbindkeys but I'm not sure how well it works with mouse combos like that01:33
aunesI'm following a help file. It keeps telling me to put Hoary everywhere but since I'm running 6.06, I should put in Dapper, right?01:33
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Vironojrib thanks01:34
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jribaunes: what is the help file for?01:34
aunesmaking a 32bit chroot01:34
ryanakcahey, when I registered for launchpad, it created a wiki account, how do I change the wiki's username?01:35
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Sisyphushi all ! i think i need some help .. i have english language default but i want to write in greek.. how can i do that?01:35
jribaunes: yeah, changing to dapper makes sense then01:35
aunesjrib: awesome. thanks.01:36
slonniksory i am back . I have installed SynCE synce tray icon cn see my device and i can see device filesystem everything is ok but when i syncronise throgh synce plugin no changes are syncronised01:36
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alex_how to pastebin my /etc/apt/sources.list? on the internet site isn't something about it? i am was a stupid windows user01:36
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castalex_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list, then throw up the output on http://rafb.net/paste01:37
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Sisyphusany help with multilanguage input?01:37
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alex_whats cat?01:38
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castalex_: oh. it's a command to print a file to stdout. you up a terminal, maybe gnome-terminal and type01:39
castalex_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list   and that will print the contents of that file to screen01:39
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alex_yo thanks01:40
Gorlistno still can't get input from my Muc01:40
Gorlistfrom USB headset01:40
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GorlistIn the Volume Control PCM catpure Source is set to mic01:40
castalex_: if you type "whatis cat" at the terminal, that should give you an answer too01:40
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rpedroGorlist: is the headset detected?01:41
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rpedrowhen you plug it in01:41
livingdaylightHi, not ubunut related, but...i got an .odt file i want to compress to .gz can someone tell me?01:41
ryanakcahey, when I registered for launchpad, it created a wiki account, how do I change the wiki's username?01:42
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narfmasterlivingdaylight, you could use Archive Manager (file-roller)01:42
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rpedrolivingdaylight: open the folder with the file in a nautilus window, then right click -> create archive , done.01:42
livingdaylightnarfmaster: can you say more01:42
livingdaylightrpedro: ok01:42
narfmasterwhat rpedro said :)01:42
infeldwe're all stupid man01:42
livingdaylight :)01:42
ryanakcalivingdaylight: open a terminal and type in "gzip filenamegoeshere"01:43
alex_what i have to do when i throw up it on http://rafb.net/paste01:44
jribalex_: give us the URL01:44
livingdaylightrpedro: it says open with archive manager. I see no 'create' anything anywhere.01:45
Gorlist rpedro: sorry was getting the dog in. Well it works?01:45
GorlistI get sound through it01:45
castlivingdaylight: alternatively. "gzip filename.odt" will do it01:45
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rpedrolivingdaylight: you right clicked on the file you want to compress?01:46
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ShadowLurkerif somebody can help me with Gaim, please go to #UbuntuPalace01:46
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alex_and now?01:47
Gorlistright I can just about hear myself, its working be really really quiet01:47
livingdaylightrpedro: sure01:47
rpedrolivingdaylight: what type of file is it ?01:47
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jribalex_: is line 24 really one line in your file?01:48
livingdaylightrpedro: .odt O.O doc01:48
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narfmasteralex_, you're missing an end-of-line in line 2401:48
rpedroGorlist: go into edit->preferences , in volume control01:48
rpedroand select 'mic boost'01:48
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:49
jribShadowLurker: just ask your question here, or you can try #gaim01:49
Gorlisttheirs Auto Gain Control?01:49
livingdaylightcast: i did 'gzip filename.odt didn't work?01:49
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rpedrolivingdaylight: it won't compress it because it already detects it as compressed file, .odt files are really zip files (I think) with xml ,etc. files inside01:50
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livingdaylightrpedro: ooops01:50
livingdaylightcast it said no such filename or directory01:51
omeAnyone know an easy way to assign alt key to one of my mouse buttons?01:51
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cynehey y'all01:51
livingdaylightrpedro: can i rename it to something else?01:51
ompaulfoxiness, #foxiness101:51
ryanakcawhen I registered for launchpad, it created a wiki account, how do I change the wiki's username?01:51
jribalex_: the reason you don't have linux-image-2.6.15-25-686 is because you are using breezy.  linux-image-2.6.15-25-686 is only available in dapper which is the current stable release of ubuntu.  I'll send you update instructions if you are interested01:51
jrib!upgrade > alex_01:52
Gorlistwired, see I can hear alot of background noice, and faintly my voice01:52
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livingdaylightanyone know for sure whether .odt files cannot not be gzipped? I thought .odt was just the Open Office equivalent of .doc01:52
mocosuelohola alguien en espaol01:52
Gorlistbut regardless of what I adjust it stays quiet01:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:52
cynei've got apache2 and php5 installed but when i connect to apache in the browser, i get the option to download index.php.. what's up with that?01:52
cynei've checked in the wiki and nothing is working for me01:52
jribcyne: is the php5 module enabled? try 'sudo a2enmod php5'01:52
narfmasterlivingdaylight, anything can be gzipped01:53
ryanakcalivingdaylight: anyfile can be gzipped.01:53
cynenarfmaster, yes it is01:53
alex_what is this for a link?01:53
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rpedrolivingdaylight: like ryanakca said , you can compress to gzip using terminal, type in 'gzip <filename>'01:53
ryanakcalivingdaylight: open a terminal and type in "gzip filename.odt"01:53
jribalex_: dapper upgrade instructions, did ubotu send them to you?01:53
rpedrolivingdaylight: probably not a good idea to just rename it01:53
alex_i' m interested01:53
cyne"This module is already enabled!"01:54
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jribalex_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades01:54
cynejrib: yes it is01:54
ryanakcaupgrade to dapper or to edgy?01:54
cynejrib, i can't work out why it's not parsing the php for me01:54
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CrippsFXryanakca, dapper. edgy is not usable yet.01:55
ryanakcakk, phew...01:55
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jribcyne: did you reload apache after enabling it? and clear your browser's cache?01:55
cynejrib... ahhh didn't clear the cache, i'll try that01:55
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narfmasterdon't you need "libapache2-mod-php" to use php?01:56
cynenarfmaster, yep got that01:56
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cynejrib, same thing :(01:56
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jribcyne: not sure what else to suggest, sorry01:58
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cyneok thanks anyway01:59
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paddedwallmorning everyone - I have a large question - is everyone ready?02:01
paddedwallSystem: ASROCK 939 Dual Sata2, AMD64 3500, 1gb PC3200 RAM, nVidia 7900GTX, two SATA1 drives (BIOS set to use SATA1 mode), two EIDE drives, new Lite-On DVD writer.  Boot drive is brnad new Seagate 200gb EIDE.02:02
paddedwallTried installing Drake from desktop CD. The install hung up after I clicked "Restart Computer" at the line that reads "Shutting down LVM volume groups...".  After waiting for about 10 minutes, I did a hard reset to see if system would boot.  It got all the way to the point where is was "Loading hardw02:02
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paddedwallwell that didn't work...02:02
paddedwalli'll try it in smaller chunks02:02
paddedwallSystem: ASROCK 939 Dual Sata2, AMD64 3500, 1gb PC3200 RAM, nVidia 7900GTX, two SATA1 drives (BIOS set to use SATA1 mode), two EIDE drives, new Lite-On DVD writer.  Boot drive is brnad new Seagate 200gb EIDE.02:02
paddedwallTried installing Drake from desktop CD. The install hung up after I clicked "Restart Computer" at the line that reads "Shutting down LVM volume groups...".02:02
paddedwallAfter waiting for about 10 minutes, I did a hard reset to see if system would boot.  It got all the way to the point where is was "Loading hardware drivers" and hung.02:03
paddedwallI tried reinstalling a couple of times, butno joy. Next, I tried to install Breezy. The install couldn't resolve my DHCP connection, and after "detecting hardware", if froze up on an empty blue screen.02:03
paddedwallFinally, I tried installing Drake from the "alternate" CD. It was almost done installing the system files, and it got to 97% and the status line said "Cleaning up", but it just sat there.02:03
paddedwallI'm currently downloading PCLinuxOS because it was the first one I could think of that was a single CD install other than Ubuntu.02:03
paddedwallI don't really want to use PCLinux, but I want to be able to say I've tried anything anyone might come up with.02:03
paddedwallDoes anyone have any ideas that wiull help me get Ubuntu installed?02:03
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narfmasterwow, dual sata202:04
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narfmasternot sure if that'll work with Ubuntu02:05
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paddedwalllook at the text - it's running two sata1 drives in sata1 mode02:05
narfmasteri'm using ye olde IDE here02:05
paddedwalli'm installing onto an ide drive as well02:05
paddedwalla 200gb ide drive02:05
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paddedwallthis is also not a dual-boot configuration02:06
paddedwalland i'm not running raid02:06
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narfmasterpaddedwall, the problem seems to be kernel-related though02:07
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paddedwallif it's kernel related, why doesn't breezy install either?02:07
redbladesHi, is there a way to configure the appearance of apache webfolders?02:07
narfmasterit could be your hardware is too new for Breezy02:07
redbladesas in, how the contents look? I'm thinking background color font, etc02:07
paddedwallthis is pretty frsutrating...02:08
=== noobian [n=scd@host-87-242-44-219.prtelecom.hu] has joined #ubuntu
truzakhello, apt-get refuses to apply (keep back) latest libcairo2 updates, anyone else having this issue?02:09
noobianhi all02:09
narfmasterpaddedwall, it could be your network hardware possibly02:09
paddedwallyou mean the onboard nic?02:09
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Gorlistok well it appears to be a driver problem perhaps - though I get audio through the headphone I can't vary the volume, the mic does work but real quiet even with mic boost/gain02:10
Gorlistany suggestions?02:10
noobiancan anybody help me about kernel compiling?02:10
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narfmasterlibcairo2 updates?02:11
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pppoe_dudeGorlist, paste the output of 'amixer' in pastebin plz02:11
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paddedwalli'm pretty pissed off that Linux won't install on this box...02:11
Gorlistpppoe_dude: sorry how do I do that ?02:12
truzaknarfmaster: few hours ago update-manager warned about new updates, but they dont applied...02:12
paddedwalland most likely because "the hardware is too new"02:12
noobiancan anybody help me about kernel compiling?02:12
narfmasterpaddedwall, you could try shutting down and installing without the sata drives02:12
pppoe_dudeGorlist, run 'amixer > amixer_output.text' then open gedit, select everything and paste in pastebin02:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:12
paddedwallespecially when Windows 2000 doesn't seem to have a problem with it, and that os is 6 years old02:12
paddedwalli'm not going to disconnect the sata drives just to install Linux...02:13
thesonorkguys maybe u can help me: i got this gericom laptop at home (very old one, this X5Force) and i cannot install linux on it, even the Live cd does not work, whats up there?02:13
pppoe_dudeGorlist, *open amixer_output.text with gedit02:13
paddedwallThelive CD boots up fine02:13
paddedwallwhy doesn't it boot up fine from an install on a hard drive?02:13
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narfmasterpaddedwall, did you install 32 or 64 bit?02:14
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paddedwall32 bit02:14
Gorlistok got it - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1699802:14
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wizardjameshow do you restart in line..02:14
Gorlisttheir 5.1 USB headphones/mic02:14
ufkis there something to overcome samba's 2GB file size limit?02:15
pppoe_dudeGorlist, and the problem is with the mic or all audio?02:15
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GorlistI have no audio volume control & the mic is deadly quiet02:15
Gorlisteven with mic boost02:15
pcmfAnyone know of a program workable on the latest Ubuntu 6.06 that's similar to Xvidcap?02:15
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pppoe_dudeGorlist, oh so this is not from a sound card... just USB?02:16
paddedwallYa know what it kinda looks like to me is that the LVM support is broken...02:16
Gorlistjust USB02:16
Gorlistare their 5.1 USB drivers or something?02:16
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pcmfI need a program to capture my desktop down to an .avi or .mpg/.mpeg file with sound02:16
narfmasterpaddedwall, possibly02:16
pcmfany suggestions?02:16
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wizardjamesHow do i restart the computer when i am in x02:16
narfmasterwill VLC capture with sound?02:16
richardneed help with bloothooth02:17
narfmasteri'm pretty sure VLC can capture video02:17
paddedwallmaybe I can't use the whole 200gb drive, but I've never seen anything mentioned about drive size limitations...02:17
richardie how to connect to my phone - is there a bluetooth package for ubuntu?02:17
pcmfi'll try VLC then02:17
pcmfXvidcap are so old now02:17
Matrikzwizardjames: what WM are you using?02:17
pcmfi cant even install it on my machine cause my required libs are too new :D02:18
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wizardjamesits something .. 702:18
S1ixxneed your help lol02:18
Matrikzdon't think i've used that one02:18
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wizardjamestheres no WM02:18
Matrikzno i mean like KDE or iceWM or fluxbox02:18
wizardjamesits linebased right now02:18
wizardjamestrying to get gnome working but it crashed02:19
S1ixxhow do i get the Sound recorder to work properly ?02:19
Matrikzopen up a terminal and type in init 302:19
S1ixxwhen i click record on microphone .. it goes to capture02:19
Matrikzor quit x02:19
S1ixxand doesnt record !02:19
Matrikzi think02:19
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Gorlist anyideas in the end?02:19
Matrikzif you use init 302:19
Matrikzto get back to x just type in init 402:19
Matrikzthen log in02:19
S1ixxhow do i get the Sound recorder to work properly ?02:20
pppoe_dudeGorlist, 1 sec02:20
S1ixxwhen i click record on microphone .. it goes to capture02:20
S1ixxand doesnt record !02:20
PupenoHello. Do you know of a caching DNS server more lightweight than Bind to run on my notebook to avoid having to use my ISP's dns servers (which are not working correctly) ?02:20
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castwhat spec laptop? wouldn't have thought bind would be a significant load02:22
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paddedwallwell, pclinux is done downloading. I'm gonna go see if I can install it on this box...02:23
tiredbonesI'm using breezy. received an email yesterday that has locked up evolution. I can not delete the email, nor ca i do anything else with evolution. The email has an attachment to it, which I think is causing the problem. How can I just get rid of that email?02:23
wizardjamesWoot nvidia is woroking on my tnt2 ..ftw i just had to reconfiger serverx-xorg ..for the 2000 time02:24
=== Gentix [n=theo@ip51ce33e5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
pppoe_dudeGorlist,  try 'amixer set Speaker 50%'02:24
pcmfCant seem to find any information about VLc being able to capture my screen into video02:24
pcmfanyother suggestions?02:24
Gentixis it possible to convert my system to reiserfs4?02:24
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pppoe_dudeGorlist, and tell me what it says on the first line of that output02:25
narfmastermust have confused VLC with something else02:25
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Gorlistok trying now02:26
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Gorlistpppoe_dude: amixer set Speaker 50%02:27
vir_novumwhy do you want to convert to reiserfs?02:27
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Gentixvir_novum: it is reiserfs302:27
pppoe_dudeGorlist, did it give you an output?02:27
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Gorlistpppoe_dude: Simple mixer control 'Speaker',002:27
Gentixvir_novum: whats wrong with reiserfs??02:27
pppoe_dudeGorlist, anything different now?02:27
Gorlistthen some other bits below it02:27
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vir_novumjust from what i heard the differences in performance were negligible unless you had a huge amount of small files02:28
vir_novumbetween reiserfs and say, ext302:28
os2macOK just installed LTS on my Inspiron 8600 it detected my wlan card but when I go enable it I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file or diretory" and I am using Kubuntu... but doesn't seem anyone is able to help there......02:28
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Gorlistpppoe_dude: no02:28
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auneslooks like I actually have to go back, redownload and reinstall 32 bit ubuntu02:29
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=== aunes grumbles and growls.
Gorlistright heres what strange, when I adjust the volume on the headphone the volume slider appears on buntu and moves back and forward02:29
Gentixvir_novum: what people tell me is that reiserfs is faster then ext302:29
vir_novumi can't imagine you'd notice a difference if you upgraded02:29
Gorlistbut maks no difference to the volume02:29
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GorlistI mean when I use the volume adjust buttons on the headphones02:29
vir_novumthere are some situations where ext3 is better, some where reiser is better, from what i've heard02:30
Gorlistso its connected with buntu atleast02:30
FluxboxenHi guys, I have NZBperl, everytime i double click it it opens with Gedit. Anyone know how to run perl scripts through terminal properly?02:30
vir_novumreiser has the slight advantage but it's not very noticible02:30
pppoe_dudeGorlist, what is the name of the headphones exactly?02:30
vir_novumand I can get windows working with ext3, so that tips the balance02:30
Gentixvir_novum: okay, but then again. is it possible to convert to reiserfs4?02:30
richardyay! got bluetooth working on ubuntu02:31
Gorlistthey are SpeedLink Medusa 5.102:31
vir_novumlike i said, i think you'd have to reformat02:31
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vir_novumand i doubt you'd notice a differnce02:31
Gentixvir_novum: okay.. but it is supported by the standard kernel???02:31
Gorlistright, i just added Speaker 2 to the mixer interface02:31
FluxboxenGorlist, My dad has them, they have good sound but their drivers for windows are abominable02:31
Gorlistthat controls the volume on the headphones instead of speaker02:31
Gorlistbut again the volume buttons themselfs have no effect02:32
pppoe_dudeGorlist, yes there were two 'speakers' and one of them was muted02:32
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pppoe_dudeGorlist, do they work at least?02:32
Gorlisti get sounds, but no mic02:32
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Gorlistrephrase, I get mic but useless level02:32
mp3guyhow do I run sudo commands on startup without having to enter my password02:33
stevkoI have a question about how to install nvidia driver (I read BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia on wiki). However in /etc/X11/xorg.conf stays Driver "nv" and if I change nv to nvidia, I get "FATAL: Module nvidia not found." anyone can help?02:33
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pppoe_dudeGorlist, ok... there is probably a driver issue, because the mixer seems to be *properly* configured02:33
=== gezenti mp3: a perfect circle - emotive - imagine john lennon cover ( 04:50 ) - ( 192 kbps ) - ( 44 hz)
vir_novumheh, actually i don't think reiserfs4 is supported by the standard kernel, let me look it up02:33
wastrelmp3guy:  you can add the command to /etc/sudoers  with the nopasswd flag02:34
=== jorgg [n=jorgg@125.80-203-113.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gorlistare their any other drivers I could try?02:34
killazlo guys.... is there a tool in linux which let you just choose colour from a colour wheel....02:34
pppoe_dudeGorlist, unless the mic playback has something to do with it... you can try and increasing that02:34
Calixhi guys, i installed 5.10 yesterday because the 6.06 cd wouldn't work properly, then i updated 5.10 with 157 meg of stuff, now when i switch my laptop on, all i get is a blank screen, no gnome02:34
Gorlisti can turn everything to max02:34
castvir_novum: its not02:34
wastrelmp3guy:  or you can just set up the init script that's running it so it has superuser perms02:35
Gorlistmic is still quiet02:35
mp3guywastrel, at what point are those commands run?02:35
pppoe_dudeGorlist, even in the 'capture' tab?02:35
ompaulkillaz, what application02:35
Gentixcast: there's no reiserfs 4 support02:35
=== DocTomoe [n=martin@p54A83FA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
castGentix: agreed.02:35
jorggThe live CD thing doesnt work, and i want to install ubuntu and use as desktop permanently, what type of iso should i download?02:35
pppoe_dudeGorlist, and the playback tab? make sure you go to EDIT>Preferences and select all the items there02:35
DocTomoeI am still having problems getting ndiswrapper to work with my kubuntu dapper fresh-from-start-install. I managed to get the non-working bcm-kernel-drivers out of memory, however, ndiswrapper doesn't seem to work either. Any helpful ideas?02:35
casti should patch me kernel :), i think it's stable enough02:35
Gentixcast: okay.. that ends my search!02:35
pppoe_dudeGorlist, or you can try 'alsamixer' and crank up everything there02:36
killazompaul, I dont really need an application but a tool which let me fill in a colour or pick a colour in HTML, RGB, CYMK format02:36
Gorlistim using the Volume Control02:36
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Gorlistguess thats the right place?02:36
wastrelmp3guy:  it depends on how you set it up to run on startup02:36
GorlistPlaybakc is full02:36
Gentixvir_novum: Thanx for the help!02:36
vir_novumoh sure, if i was at all :p02:36
os2macDOC did you not get your nic auto installed on install?02:36
Gorlistwill try it now02:36
pppoe_dudeGorlist, try 'alsamixer' and make sure everything is unmuted and full there - sometimes alsa mixer shows more stuf02:36
killazompaul, I'm right now building a website and i need to pick some colours to CSS02:36
vir_novumanyone have any experience with winmodems?02:36
ompaulkillaz, ahh - then what you want to do is go to gimp and use its wheel02:36
DocTomoeos2mac: I beg your pardon?02:36
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto02:37
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vir_novumdid that02:37
os2macyou said you are using NDISwrapper.....02:37
tiredbonesI'm using breezy. I received an email yesterday that has locked up evolution. I can not delete the email, nor can i do anything else with evolution. The email has an attachment to it, which I think is causing the problem. How can I just get rid of that email?02:37
os2macand your using a broadcom nic...02:37
jorggIs it possible to install ubuntu without logging into the live desktop function first? What iso should I use?02:37
ubotuI know nothing about chm02:37
DocTomoeos2mac: I said I want to use ndiswrapper, but i do not get a wlan0 interface02:37
pppoe_dudejorgg, download 'alternate install' CD02:37
killazompaul, I think starting GIMP for this is like using a crane to lift a small bucket of water....02:37
finalbetaHow can I show windows help file format? (compressed html)02:37
vir_novummy modem worked just fine, then i installed the dapper updates, now it dials veeeerrrry slowly and runs at half speed02:37
ompaulvir_novum,  I solved one of those the other day by searching on google with the keywords "ubuntu Make Model" it took me 15 minutes02:37
DocTomoeos2mac: well, I didn't say that, but that's what I meant02:38
ompaulkillaz, well it is all I know02:38
jorggpppoe_dude;  okay02:38
kimo_^_Hi, is it possible to install and use two DIFFERENT java versions on one Linux machine. And point applications to different versions. Please let me know asap ....02:38
Gorlistright some more information, the Volume control on the headphone set its self controls the mic volume??02:38
os2macwhat type of computer are you on?02:38
ompaulkillaz, and it offers hundreds of meters of lift :-)02:38
=== ompaul has to go
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, yes and yes02:38
=== Paladine slaps os2mac with a Bugged sized dustpuppy
DocTomoeos2mac: this is an acer extensa laptop02:38
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, depends on which java kinds you're thinking02:38
os2macwhat brings you here?02:38
Paladineheya bud :)02:38
chrisbudden14does anyone know if skype for linux works on AMD64 ?02:38
killazompaul, exactly....02:38
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, thnx a lot .... what do u mean ?02:38
Paladinebeen hanging here for a couple of weeks now02:38
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, and depends on how clean you want them to be. like, it is not a good idea to install two different Sun java's02:39
os2macI am in and out....02:39
PaladineI greeted you in offtopic, but you ignored me :p02:39
vir_novumi've got an amd64 processor but I'm running the 32 bit version02:39
Calixanyone know why my laptop screen is blank when i boot my newly upgraded ubuntu (was 5.10)02:39
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, + not possible with apt-get.. only binaries02:39
os2mactrying to get my wlan nic working on my lappy...02:39
killazompaul, :S ...02:39
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, but you can have gnu java and sun java installed and use both02:39
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, I have no problem installing from non debs ... (from Sun downloads)02:39
Calixi think its logged into ubuntu, but not showing anything on the screen02:39
ZambeziI'm trying to configure glftpd, but this doesn't work: 21/tcp  open  ftp What should I do? This link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=f8a84c7edf9fc3e55607d0e24ed6923c&t=87505&highlight=glftpd02:39
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, basically how do I point apps to a certain version ?02:40
vir_novumum, i have an intel 536ep modem, which intel actually released the source for the drivers for02:40
Gorlisti give up02:40
Gorlistthanks for the help02:40
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pppoe_dudekimo_^_, well... way i would do it is just issue a '/path/to/java -jar <app name>'02:40
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, or write a small shell script that does that02:40
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, what if the application uses java libs ..02:41
stelkihey how would I tar -xzf all tgz archives in a directory? (100+ archives)02:41
vir_novumit goes beep (long pause) beep (long pause) beep.... etc, when it dials02:41
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pppoe_dudekimo_^_, shouldnt be an issue....02:41
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kimo_^_pppoe_dude, how will it be handled ?02:41
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, are you running jar fiels?02:42
vir_novumand it connects at like half the speed it was before02:42
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, the java binary iirc will handle the paths to the libs02:42
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, no, I'm running large applications like oracle02:42
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pppoe_dudekimo_^_, this is as much as i know... you can try and see if it works02:43
kimo_^_pppoe_dude, ok thanks a lot :)02:43
pppoe_dudekimo_^_, you can also try #java02:43
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linux_usertrying to install a deb package here, get this error under gdebi----Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xlibs02:44
linux_userhow would i solve this?02:44
pppoe_dudelinux_user, what are you trying to install?02:44
pppoe_dudelinux_user, opera?02:44
kinemahow do i remove a package (mldonkey-server) that did not fully install because the packager was drunk and screwed up the package?02:44
pppoe_dudelinux_user, i believe xlibs was replaced by another package in dapper...02:44
monomaniacpatI have an application I can't close - xkill doesn't seem to work (sudo wine xkill)02:45
pppoe_dudelinux_user, try 'apt-get -f install' and see if it suggests any packages02:45
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Calixanyone know why my screen is blank? is it because of my laptop specs maybe?02:45
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pppoe_dudemonomaniacpat, 'killall <app name>02:45
linux_userppooe_dude apt-get -f install nerolinux?02:45
pppoe_dudelinux_user, without nerophibia02:46
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, without nerolinux02:46
castdoh. you guys aren't supposed to use nero!02:46
narfmasteri use nrg2iso02:47
linux_userppoe_dude 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:47
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, oh so nerolinux didn't even extract?02:47
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linux_useri have a nrg file to burn to dvd, unable to figure how to do it02:48
wastrellinux_user:  is this package from an ubuntu repo?02:48
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, nrg2iso02:48
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linux_usercannot figure out the command to run nrg2iso02:48
pppoe_dudelinux_user, apt-get install nrg2iso02:48
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, then run it02:49
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linux_userppoe_dude nrg2iso is installed, unable to figure out the command02:49
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narfmasterlinux_user, nrg2iso image.nrg image.iso02:49
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linux_userive run that command does not work, let me try again02:49
pppoe_dudelinux_user, what narfmaster02:49
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narfmasterworked fine the last time i tried it02:50
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Calixwill i need tom completely re-install ubuntu again now then?02:50
pppoe_dudelinux_user, also try 'man nrg2iso' if u need more info02:50
binaWhen I try to install inkscape I get the following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17000 ./configure doesnt say I'm missing any libraries.  It does it whenever I try to compile something that uses GTK.  does anyone know what the problem might be and how I can fix it?02:50
=== penguin42 has an NFS question; if I try and do an NFS mount using the livecd it hangs; if I apt-get install portmap, the mount works - I'd bug reported this as the livecd missing portmap - (bug 50558) - but its just got rejected saying nfs client doesn't need portmap - if thats the case why can't I mount without it?
pppoe_dudebina, why are you installing from source?02:51
wastrelbina:  inkscape 0.43 is in the ubuntu repos02:51
linux_usernrg2iso image.nrg image.iso02:51
linux_user--version    display version number02:51
linux_user--help       display this notice02:51
binapppoe_dude, I'm trying to install 0.44, only 0.43 is in the repos02:51
linux_userthats all it does02:51
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, nrg2iso --help02:52
binawastrel: yeah, i want to try 0.44 though :) too impatient to wait :P02:52
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narfmasterinkscape 0.44 has lots of improvements02:52
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, did u specify the right nrg image?02:53
linux_userknew i shouldve left my dvd burner on my windows machine02:53
u221eIs there a way to change where mplayer looks for the win32 codecs?02:53
linux_userppoe_dude yes02:53
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, nrg2iso <absolute path to nrg image> image.iso02:53
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penguin42narfmaster: If the 'configure' has said it is ok then it is an inkscape bug; please report it to them - it is possible that you just need to install something, but their configure should have spotted it02:53
linux_userppoe no understandy02:53
narfmasteri installed inkscape binary, i didn't compile it02:54
linux_usercommand line is very foreign to me02:54
wastrelbina you probably need a newer version of that library its complaining about  libpango ...02:54
pppoe_dudelinux_user, for example, 'nrg2iso /home/linux_user/image.nrg target.iso02:54
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pppoe_dudewhere /home/linux_user/image.nrg is the original IMAGE you wwant to convert02:54
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binawastrel: sweet, I'll try to install it.  I think i might upgrade to dapper if not then hopefully most of my libraries will be upgraded02:55
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, if it is easier, change directory to where that image is and replace with nrg2iso ./source.nrg target.iso02:55
monomaniacpatCan anyone tell me how to force quit a program - how do I get program manager?02:55
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pppoe_dudemonomaniacpat, go to a terminal window, type: killall <app name>02:55
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penguin42monomaniacpat: From the 'system' menu, go to 'administration' and then to 'system manager'02:56
mc__monomaniacpat, alt-F2 xkill02:56
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penguin42monomaniacpat: Sorry 'system monitor'02:56
pppoe_dudemonomaniacpat, alternatively, type 'top' then press 'k' and select the number of the process running (left column) then press enter and type '9' then enter02:56
mc__monomaniacpat, killall $appName -9 kills it immidiately02:56
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pppoe_dudelinux_user, did it work?02:57
linux_usernaaa, im lost02:57
pppoe_dudelinux_user, where is the .nrg image located?02:57
monomaniacpatthanks guys, system monitor worked. Couldn't work out the name of the app, as it was wine running a windows prog02:57
linux_userit should create the iso on the desktop where the nrg is correct?02:57
slonnikehmm nobody helps me with synce and multisync02:58
mc__monomaniacpat,  wine,wineserver,wine-preloader02:58
pppoe_dudelinux_user, if you run it right yes02:58
dsas!patience > slonnik02:58
linux_usernot happening02:58
Calixlinux_user in windows, the abscolue address is something like c:\downloads\image.nrg02:58
elliot__hey all, A few days ago I installed ubuntu on a use largest continuous free space partition. This should have been teh 80gb area of the harddrive I left unpartitioned for the installation. Now I can't boot back into windows or my recovery partition. Ubuntu just claims they're not there02:58
Calixin linux its similar, but different02:58
pppoe_dudelinux_user, did u type cd '~/Desktop'?02:58
linux_userppoe yes sir02:58
dsasslonnik: multisync and synce was flaky at best last time I tried02:58
pppoe_dudelinux_user, are you getting an error?02:58
linux_userterminal cd /home/linuxuser/Deskto02:59
pppoe_dudelinux_user, paste all what you are typing and getting in a pastebin02:59
slonniksorry what is "flaky" ?02:59
pppoe_dude!pastebin > linux_user02:59
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linux_usersorry whats a pastebin?02:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:59
dsasslonnik: Uhm, "unreliable" is probably a better term.02:59
linux_userIm just wasting your time here, thanks for the help, its much appreciated03:00
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slonnikhow can i syncronise my contatcts from Qteck to Ximian ?03:00
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wastrelximian eh - you can run that on ubuntu?03:01
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Calixi updated my breezy (i think to dapper), and rebooted to complete the install, now all i get when gnome should be loaded is a blank screen, but my laptop is still running, any idea why?03:01
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slonnikI really liked Ubuntu but still can't throw windows off i need syncronisation03:01
pppoe_dudeslonnik, synchronise or import/export?03:01
wastrelCalix:  probably your x server isn't configured properly03:01
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elliot__ hey all, A few days ago I installed ubuntu on a use largest continuous free space partition. This should have been teh 80gb area of the harddrive I left unpartitioned for the installation. Now I can't boot back into windows or my recovery partition. Ubuntu just seems to ignore them03:02
kinemahas anyone here ever managed to get the mldonkey-server package in universe to install?03:02
Calixwastrel i ran the recovery and it said something about my x server, but i didn;t know what that meant03:02
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wastrelCalix:  that's the program that manages your display/monitor03:03
Calixi can only access the recovery, so is it possible to fix it this way?03:03
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elliot__Calix, what graphics card do you have?03:03
narfmasterelliot__, from the live CD?03:03
wastrelcalix, try running  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:03
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Calixwastrel - a via 64mb onboard km400/kn400 i believe03:04
JdGordonhelp, how do i get gcc working? ive just installed the gcc package but it still wont compile anything03:04
slonniksorry guys03:04
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RustyJameselliot__, can you mount the windows partitions?03:04
Calixok, thanks03:04
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narfmasterelliot__, did you try rebooting the live CD03:04
slonniki need syncroisation likw with windows XP03:04
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elliot__oh, I not running off the live CD, I installed using it03:04
Calixthank the lord for dual boot lol03:04
slonnikwhen i syncronise my Outlook with Pocket PC03:04
elliot__no rusty I can't03:04
monomaniacpatanyone know how to view game cd's with wine installed or how to get steam to install properly?03:04
furax_hi, i try to install xubuntu but during install, i have a black screen with 2 small white square ... I try to burn another image and to change CD-ROM drive but It always freeze ...03:04
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slonnikso i wonna synchornise Evolution03:05
narfmasterelliot__, i was thinking you could examine the partitions again using the live CD03:05
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RustyJameselliot__, can you see the other partitions e.g. with fdisk ?03:05
elliot__oh, ok, I'll try that now, I  will be back03:05
slonniki am eager to throw windows out but i can't do it till i make such PocketPC syncroisation on Ubuntu03:06
elliot__no never tried fdisk?03:06
penguin42furax_: You might like to try doing an install from the server or alternate cds - its a much smaller install; if that works then you can try adding other stuff03:06
Calixslonnik i have no experience with these 2 programs, but is there not an export setting/ export contacts etc option on 1, and an import on the other?03:06
elliot__how'd u use it03:06
monomaniacpatanyone? anyone at all?!03:06
RustyJamestry fdisk -l03:06
RustyJamesas root03:06
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:06
furax_penguin42: I use the alternate CD03:07
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slonnikCalix you may be right but import exprot is not 100% exact what i am lookin' for03:07
elliot__no, just03:07
elliot__/dev/sdd1               2       36481   293025600    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)03:07
elliot__/dev/sdd5               2       36481   293025568+   7  HPFS/NTFS03:07
=== pppoe_dude will watch the larting
penguin42furax: when you get these two white squares - the rest of the screen is just black? What was the last thing on the screen before that happened?03:07
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Calixok, no problem, just thought i might suggest it03:07
elliot__oh ok, how do I mount the second partition? sdd5?03:07
elliot__or, boot from the first or second03:08
RustyJameselliot__, these are windows partions03:08
slonnikCalix I really engoyed Ubuntu but still need syncronisation03:08
theplatypusProblem with upgrading to Dapper. Stalled for 15 minutes or so at " Checking and creating device nodes ... * Starting Bluetooth services... hcid sdpd"  Any thoughts?03:08
elliot__ok, how do I boot from them03:08
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RustyJameselliot__,you have to configure grub03:08
elliot__how? (thanks for the help by the way!)03:08
penguin42theplatypus: Have you got many peripherals plugged in - I'm wondering if there is one that is confusing it?03:09
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theplatypuspenguin42 : A usb flash drive is plugged in03:09
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penguin42theplatypus: Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem - nothing else?03:10
narfmasterelliot__, if you have a Windows rescue disk, that would be handy03:10
RustyJameselliot__, you have to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst03:10
theplatypuspenguin42 : just the usual keyboard and mouse(non USB)03:10
furax_penguin42 : yes the rest of the screen is black, is during the last stage installation but i don't exactly know the percentage. there's no problem during the install of base03:10
elliot__nope, sorry, I don't even have an installation disk for windows, it an HP machine, just the sdd1 for recovery03:10
RustyJameselliot__, normally ubuntu writes an entry for windows into it03:10
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elliot__it hasn't this time03:11
furax_penguin42: I have the 3 same PC so I will try to another know ... perhaps a memory problem03:11
KlaidasHello. Is there a way to look how much bandwidth has been used on a specific port since reboot? Example, how would I see how much traffic has been used on port 6667 since I booted my system this morning. Maybe using iptables or something like that? :)03:11
penguin42furax_: Yeh it's a bit odd03:11
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penguin42Klaidas: I can kind of see how you could do with it iptables ish - you can create a rule that matched that port and accepted - it then has stats showing you how many packets (not bytes?) matched that rule03:12
theplatypuspenguin42 : I don't actually use bluetooth on this pc03:12
penguin42theplatypus: Can you turn the bluetooth port off on the PC?03:12
RustyJameselliot__, ok you should add an entry to /boot/grub/menu lst: \n root            (hd3,4)03:12
theplatypuspenguin42 : I'm not sure03:12
KlaidasWell, is there something for bytes? :/03:12
RShadowI need some help.. I removed my /etc/postfix directory (so I could start from scratch) but now postfix won't install because apparently it wan'ts postfix-script in that directory (why it isn't including with the postfix package is beyond me).. but what do I do now?03:12
RustyJameselliot__, if your windows is on sdd503:13
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monomaniacpatI want to access game cd's with Wine, but the files are invisible? Is there a particular file from appdb I could use to sort this out?03:13
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m_tadeuwhich program do you recomend for configuring iptables?03:14
hawkaloogiem_tadeu, i've been using Firestarter03:14
gnomefreakm_tadeu: firestarter03:14
RShadow(sorry wasn't authed before) ... need some help with reinstalling postfix if I removed /etc/postfix .. how can I?? am I looking at reinstall of the OS?03:15
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m_tadeuthx guys ;)03:15
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theplatypuswtf? Now my root password doesn't work03:15
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RustyJameselliot__, here is a description of recovering grub but it is in german: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Grub?action=show&redirect=Bootloader03:16
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snoops https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:16
snoops^ not in german03:17
RShadowany ideas?03:17
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theplatypusI get the feeling that this upgrade has completely hosed my system03:18
pequatrehi. i'm on a lan and i'd like that at the end of a script of mine on pc1, pc1 automatically sends a message to pc2 telling him to "Beep". I've installed the Beep package on both computers. Any idea or pointers ? thx.03:18
hawkaloogietheplatypus, does sudo still work? sudo passwd03:18
RustyJameselliot__, or here is something in english: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_restore_GRUB_menu_after_Windows_installation03:18
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theplatypushawkaloogie :yes, it still works03:20
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m_tadeumy synCE is telling me i have firewall rules that my prevent it from working correcly...can anyone help me with this?03:20
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davro_anyone having problems with x freezing, keeps doing it to me about 3-5 times a day.03:21
narfmasterreinstalling packages can be a real pain when they don't want to uninstall03:22
theplatypusshould I kill this upgrade and try again?03:22
narfmasterdavro_, while doing what?03:22
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RustyJamesdavro_, only X or your whole system?03:23
davro_while im work, while it standing idle, tryed running different kernels, window managers, disabling screen saver you name it03:23
Dapperguyhey, was wondering how to, or if there is a specifi package for doing a baseline test for a web app03:23
furax_penguin42: ok i start the installation on an other PC but exactly the same ... (i hope it works, it's for blender workshop in the  libre software meeting in 2 days)03:23
RShadowI guess I'm looking at a complete reinstall of the os?03:23
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RustyJamescause i got the same problem03:23
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davro_Locks X but i can't event Ctrl+Alt+Backspace out, whole system locks.03:23
bbrazilDapperguy: there's an apache benchmark thingy, I forget the package name03:24
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penguin42furax_: Well good look on the other pc - be careful you are probably going to have to have a fight with 3D drivers if you are doing blender03:24
davro_I just cannot pinpoint the problem to any area of the system, and it really issing me off.03:24
RustyJamesdavro_, what system is it u are using? im using a toshiba laptop and it also freezes from time to time everthing else just works fine03:24
bbrazilDapperguy: ah, 'ab' in apache2-utils03:25
wastrelRShadow:  have you tried apt-get install --reinstall postfix03:25
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RShadowwastrel: yes.. doesn't work either03:25
furax_penguin42: no pb with drivers at the moment the problem is install !!! ;)03:25
penguin42furax_: Nod03:25
Dapperguybbrazil, k , how do i run that from the command line?03:25
davro_running a sony vaio pcg-z1rmp with dapper drake, belive its an ati gfx card03:25
wastrelRShadow:  have you used the -f (force)  flag?03:25
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bbrazilDapperguy: you'll have to check the manpage, I don't know offhand03:25
RShadowwastrel I'll give it a shot03:25
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Dapperguybbrazil, k thanks03:26
wastrelRShadow:  sry that may be --force=yes03:26
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kinema1280*1024 is killing me... what is the best way to edit xorg's conf to up my max resolution to the 1600*1200 that i'm used to?03:26
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wastrelRShadow:  no its  -f03:26
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Dapperguybbrazil, since it is bugzilla using mysql and apache, does this test all three?03:27
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penguin42kinema: Look for some   Modes "1280x1024" and change them to "1600x1200" - but that will only work if everything else believes it can go upto 1600x120003:27
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RShadowwastrel: nope.. doesn't work03:27
RustyJamesdavro_,  you know what ati gfx? cause i think there could be the problem. ive got a radeon x200 on my system03:28
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penguin42kinema: Worth seeing if System->Preferences->Screen Resolution believes in it?03:28
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theplatypusWhat is the worst that could happen if I restart the upgrade process?03:28
wastrelRShadow:  try downloading the package with  -d and installing it with dpkg -i03:28
davro_RustyJames: So there is no real fix for this freezing bug, will have a look at the gfx card one sec.03:28
bogaHow do I solve this problem...Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings."?03:28
RShadowwastrel: I'll give it a shot03:28
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davro_RustyJames: lspci said VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY03:29
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RustyJamesdavro_, well i didnt find any soution till now.03:29
elliot___I am having trouble booting to my fat32 (recovery) and ntfs (winxp) partitions? Any ideas? Grub won't list them, they are located as sdd1 and sdd503:29
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bryanlanyone here running apache 2.2?03:30
RShadowwastrel: were is the apt-get cache located at?03:30
wastrelRShadow:  /var/cache/apt/archives/03:30
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elliot___bryanl, I tryed to, it ruined my apt-get setup03:30
RustyJamesdavro_, well its a diffren gfx card but also the mobility03:30
elliot___it cycles through it each time trying to set it up03:30
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bryanlelliot___: i have it in /usr/local/apache2 now... but i would prefer it as a deb..03:31
RShadowwastrel: nope.. same issue.. starts to install but says that /etc/postfix/postfix-script is missing03:31
davro_RustyJames: i have read on the ubuntuforums of people having freezing problems that are running nvida chipsets so ?03:31
Ignite_agh, i'm using Photoshop in crossover office, trouble is, i need to press alt and click at the same time for some tools but gnome (metacity?) takes over and makes me move the window, how do i disable it please?03:31
penguin42Ignite_: Try system->preferences->key shortcuts ?03:32
RustyJameselliot___, have you tried to add the grub entry mannually? your sdd5 should be hd(3,4) for grub03:32
Ignite_penguin42, thanks :)03:32
wastrelRShadow:  you've got a broken package but there's ways to fix it with apt, i just don't know them03:32
penguin42Ignite_: Not sure it will help, worth a go03:32
RustyJamesdavro_, so its another problem03:32
penguin42Ignite_: How well does crossover work for photoshop?03:32
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RustyJamesdavro_, i also have the feeling that it freezes faster if im running firefox03:33
RShadowwastrel: hmmm.. ok.. I'll see what I can figure out... however I'm really really really staring to miss my emerge command :(03:33
davro_RustyJames: Think so but im not sure, i have just finished downloading the debian iso, so i think im going back to debian, this is silly as there seems to be no rush to sort/find/fix the problem/bug whatever.03:33
Ignite_penguin42, the latest release has a bug with TWAIN drivers or something, i'm using 5.0 but 5.0.1 and up have the bug, it works perfectly for PS 7 but anything later is no go i'm afraid03:33
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penguin42Ignite_: Nod - it is always a little hit and miss03:34
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Ignite_yeah, shame really03:34
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fwtestin which package can i find dnet.h ? i have installed libdnet and libdnet-dev, still it cant find dnet.h in my system03:34
truzakwill there be a libfreetype6 2.2.1 for dapper?03:34
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RShadowwastrel: just got a tip in #ubuntu-server .. for future ref.. apt-get remove postfix --purge was what I need :)03:35
wastrelpurge eh03:35
RustyJamesdavro_, yes im also pissed off because everything else worked really fine but if the system falways reezes you cant really use it03:35
Ignite_penguin42, can't seem to find the alt+click one in there, going to have a play with gconf03:35
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No1VikingHow do I secure my computer from rootkits?03:36
theplatypushow do I stop this update manager?03:36
narfmasterpenguin42, go to Preferences > Windows03:36
theplatypuscan't find it with Top03:36
penguin42narfmaster: Ah good point03:36
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davro_RustyJames: Real shame i liked ubuntu, but i cannot work in hope that it not going to freeze every hour or two.03:36
Ignite_No1Viking, chkrootkit03:37
jbroomeNo1Viking: don't put it on the 'net03:37
fwtestthere is no dnet.h?03:37
RustyJameshas somone else those freezing problems?03:37
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davro_Might even go as far as to get my old 98 box out, proberly get more uptime with it =)03:37
penguin42davro_: Does it only hang under some circumstances? e.g. while running a screen saver is a classic03:37
RustyJamesdavro_, yes the same for me03:37
penguin42davro_/RJ: So 1) Do you guys share any common hardware  2) Is it entirely random?  3) After reboot is there anything in the logs?03:38
davro_penguin42: i have disabled the screen saver, remove about as many services as i can, just cannot pin point the problem, along with many other people, DEV's where are you.03:38
wizardjameswhats a guide on how to do apache and such..03:39
RustyJamespenguin42,  1) we both have a ati mobility gfx card, but systems with nvidia also report problems03:39
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wastreli have ati mobility03:39
No1Vikingjbroome, is it your way to do it?03:39
Ignite_hrm, i've changed it from alt+click to move a window to super+click, but now Photoshop doesn't seem to recieve the click, any ideas?03:39
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penguin42davro_/RustyJames: Are you running the ATI closed drivers or running with a dumb frame buffer?03:40
davro_penguin42: checked log files, found nothing! tryed kernels from 15-25 to 15-2003:40
RustyJamespenguin42, 2) it seems randomly im trying to pin point it down but that could take a long time03:40
No1VikingIgnite_, thanks. Worked well03:40
finalbetaHow can I make a program like azureus shut down cleanly when I shut down the PC? Every time I boot azureus says it wassn't shut down properly.03:40
Ignite_No1Viking, no worries :)03:40
bill[1] Assigning a hotkey to homedirectory doesn't work.  (assign correctly, no action on keypress), any ideas?03:40
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davro_penguin42: Im running the ATI Mobilitity M6 chipset but i know people that are running nvida chipsets that are having problems03:41
wastrelwhat problems with ati mobility?03:41
penguin42davro_: Nod, I'm just saying its worth trying with the dumb vesa framebuffer and get rid of the binary drivers - just to see if that is the problem03:41
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RustyJamespenguin42, at first i used the fglry driver but there was another bug that my mouse freezes after some time now i use the radeon03:42
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RustyJamespenguin42, fglrx i mean03:43
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davro_penguin42: Kinda seems pointless if other people are having the same problem, running without radeon drivers, kinda rules out the radeon drivers in a fashion.03:44
narfmasteri've only seen a crash when there was memory leaking quickly03:44
penguin42davro_: You can't be sure if two random crashes are actually the same problem03:44
millahow do i make sudo to mount automatically my NTFS drives?03:45
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mormolochow do you install the new version of openoffice (2.0.3), is there a .deb pakage yet?03:45
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millahow do i make sudo to mount automatically my NTFS drives everytime I boot ubuntu03:45
RustyJamespenguin42, davro_ , what i noticed it was always on a laptop, the freezing problem03:46
furax_penguin42: exactly the same thing with the other PC at about 70%03:46
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PFA!tell milla about ntfs03:46
wastrelwhat's the freezing problem?03:46
penguin42furax_: *weird* does the machine respond to a ctrl-alt-f1 or the like?03:46
wastreli've had several freezes in dapper on my laptop03:46
narfmasteryou ever see a freeze while top was running?03:46
davro_Nope no responce, have to hard-reboot to get anything.03:47
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RustyJameswastrel, ubuntu freezes randomly, without doing anything specific03:47
penguin42so all 3 of you seeing it are laptop users? Hmm -  power management type problem?03:47
wastrelRustyJames:  yes i've had that, usually when i've got some program pegging the cpu with a lot of computations.03:47
davro_Had a freeze while working many times, and had a freeze while idle.03:47
RustyJamese.g. while browsing an chatting and listening to music03:47
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dipnlik_my xubuntu freezes sometimes03:47
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wastrelRustyJames:  if i wait for that cpu hog to stop it usually unfreezes03:47
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millahello, how do i set this up to mount the NTFS drives automatically?03:48
wastrelit's gnome freezing, the x server still moves the mouse pointer03:48
dipnlik_but i noticed my problem is opengl or youtube videos03:48
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nanaki_yamabushihi I have a small problems. Accidently I made my Desktop folder as root. is there a way I can undo that?03:48
penguin42wastrel: Your problem doesn't sound as severe as the other two guys03:48
furax_penguin42: it seems to respond but the screen doesn't change (I see it works with the Num Lock ... when I switch to F2, num lock disapear and when switch to F1 it appears ...) CTRL-ALT-SUPR work too03:48
RustyJameswastrel, no its not that it totally freezes you cant do anything and also while low cpu use03:48
RaoulMillaiscan anyone recommend a good ext3 fs driver for windows?  theres a so many to choose from03:48
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: as root, chown youruser Desktop03:48
wastrelah, no i may have had that once03:48
nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: how do you mean?03:48
davro_I have tryed many wm's, gnome, kde, blackbox, fluxbox but still it froze.03:49
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: How did you chown it to root ?03:49
wastrelbut usually the mouse moves and i can kill X with ctrl-alt-backspace if i want03:49
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millahow do i make sudo to mount automatically my NTFS drives?03:49
penguin42furax_: Oh weird - is this the same type of system?03:49
RustyJameswastrel, and no key combination works(CTRL-ALT-F1 or CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE03:49
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nanaki_yamabushiIt got to root when I installed AIM, which needed to be done in root03:49
furax_penguin42: yes exactly the same !03:49
penguin42furax_: OK, sounds like something it doesn't like about the machine - tell me about the machine03:49
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redmonkeyhi. is there a little tool for gnome that checks if there are new emails waiting on my pop3 account?03:50
Subhumanredmonkey, yes evolution has a notifier app.03:50
furax_penguin42: it's a dell celeron03:51
furax_penguin42: integrated video card, i think intel i8xx03:51
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CyberaiI just upgraded to dapper and now I have no sound. I had sound fine under breezy. Xmms, Ogle, totem, all have no sound. I don't even get the "tinkly" sound when I log in.03:51
davro_Seems there are enought people getting this problem, theres a poll at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20458803:51
Cyberaiis this a common thing?03:51
furax_penguin42: it works with the live CD03:51
redmonkeySubhuman, thank you03:52
earthencould some one tell me how I can change the refresh rate for my monitor, the gui selector in "System-> Preferances -> screen res" only give me one option of 7503:52
penguin42furax_: any peripherals?03:52
SubhumanCyberai, no, ive had no issues after upgrade03:52
Subhumanearthen, its defined in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:52
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millanow, i need some MP3 playback, which i dont have03:52
nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: can you help in private message please03:52
millahow do i do that?03:52
earthenI don't see the option of in the xorg.conf file03:52
wastrel!mp3 > milla03:52
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: No, there may be others here who would learn from any advice or could correct me03:52
furax_penguin42: nothing, only an hard disk and a CD-ROM drive03:53
ubotuI know nothing about restricedformats03:53
earthenSubhuman, ware and what do i have to change in that file03:53
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:53
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penguin42furax_: I take it you've tried another burn of the cd ?03:53
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nanaki_yamabushiah cna ya help me step by step Penguin24. I am still not used to root and that stuff03:53
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redmonkeySubhuman, is the app that you mean in the evolution-plugins package?03:53
furax_penguin42: i try another burn, another cdrom drive ... verify the md5 ...03:53
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: OK, first open a terminal03:53
amortvigilhelp ik heb gister een server geinstalleert maar nu is opeens mijn ip veranderd:S03:53
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nanaki_yamabushiAmor vraag dat eens in #ubuntu-nl03:54
millahello, can someone help me out to setup mp3?03:54
furax_penguin42: i know try to install without language support, i remember hear about a bug with nls03:54
Subhumanearthen, you shouldnt really edit it manually, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and then when it comes to asking questions about your monitor, go to "expert" (i think) and put in the vert/horiz rates (theyll be in youre monitors spec list if you can find it_03:54
penguin42furax_: I wonder whether the install really has crashed or whether it is just X ?03:54
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amortvigilnanaki yes i see:P03:54
Subhumanredmonkey, it should be built into evolution.03:54
penguin42furax_: I.e. if you just leave it will it finish?03:54
nanaki_yamabushimilla: I just used synaptic and installed all revelant MP3 and Mpeg libs03:54
Subhumanredmonkey, i havent used evolution in a while but i know the app exisitnfs.03:54
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furax_penguin42: the install crash, i use alternate cd beacuse it's extremmly slow with the live CD03:55
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earthenSubhuman, well I've allready setup some of it my self to get duel head working and I had to do it to get the ATI 3d drivers working03:55
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penguin42furax_: Quite a few people seem to have seen that; how much RAM has this machine got?03:55
furax_penguin42: i let it finish during 1 hour but it doesn't boot03:55
Subhumanearthen, well i nthat case03:55
jsimmonsdrake hates me03:55
furax_penguin42: 256 Mo03:56
penguin42that ain't too bad03:56
millagot another issue, i have on my desktop two folders that i want to delete, the thing here is that it doesnt allow me to, is there any command to delete folders from the terminal03:56
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amortvigili installed a server yesterday but i think its dinamic so it changed today :S how can i change it back?03:56
nanaki_yamabushiPenguin24: how do I get to do it to get my desktop back as my user03:56
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: OK, open a terminal03:56
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nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: is open03:56
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Subhumanearthen, in the section  "montior" , there is a horizsync and a vertrefresh values.find those values for your montior and enter them in, then you should be able to select the refresh rates your monitor supports.03:56
castamortvigil: what does dinamic mean?03:57
earthenSubhuman, with LCD monitors it should be set to 60 I think03:57
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: now do an    ls -l Desktop        and show me the line it gives, and tell me your username on your system03:57
furax_penguin42: do you think i can try server or oem install ?03:57
jsimmonswhat does "completely removed ntfsprogs" mean?03:57
Tom06hi everyone03:57
penguin42furax_: I'd say the server is worth it03:57
Tom06i need some help03:57
penguin42furax_: I'd give it a 50% chance it is X related03:57
Subhumanjsimmons, it removes all dependencies too.03:57
castTom06: just ask, rather than adding lines of noise to the room03:57
amortvigilcast: that everytime i restart my router my ip changes03:57
millawhat's the command to delete from the terminal03:57
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penguin42milla: rm03:57
jsimmonssubhuman what dependencies?03:57
furax_penguin42: but it's stange it's happen during the install and the install is in text mode03:57
nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: i get several lines. which one exactly?03:57
mc__milla, you should google for a basic intodruction to unix03:58
penguin42furax_: Maybe it is trying to configure the x server package when it installs it03:58
Subhumanjsimmons, any that ntfsprogs required that other aps do nto need.03:58
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: Sorry, do    ls -ld Desktop03:58
Tom06i have a freshly istalled ubuntu , it boots up fine and after login in i get a garbled box and the PC freezes03:58
castamortvigil: oh. dynamic. so your ip changed, and you want to change it back? heh03:58
Tom06i tried reconfiguring x but it didnt work03:58
jsimmonssubhuman okay03:58
nanaki_yamabushiPenguin24: this is the line "drwxr-xr-x 5 root nanaki 4096 2006-07-02 15:12 Desktop" and my user name is nanaki03:59
millahow do I delete directories from terminal, rm is for files only.03:59
jsimmons64bit drake is stuck at 97% in the installation process03:59
nanaki_yamabushimilla: use rm -rf <dir>03:59
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: OK, in the terminal type   sudo chown -R nanaki  Desktop03:59
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jsimmonshd light is on steady03:59
furax_penguin42: ok perhaps, i know there was a problem 2 or 3 year ago with those PC (We have to use 845patch) but know it's in xorg standart release03:59
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nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: Done, now what?03:59
penguin42furax_: It's not unusual for bugs to return03:59
Tom06i have a freshly istalled ubuntu , it boots up fine and after login in i get a garbled box and the PC freezes03:59
jsimmonsi can't seem to get this freakin thing installed03:59
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: You should find that Desktop is now owned by you04:00
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davro_Tom06: welcome to ubuntu, my X or System freezes about once every hour or two.04:00
jsimmonsmouse is frozen too04:00
nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: looks like it04:00
millahow do i install mp3 playback?04:00
[nycff-1] petehi i've been getting a wiping effect on my monitor, what are the settings that could be causing this? i already editting the xorg.conf and took out resolutions that my monitor did not support.04:00
SubhumanTom06, have you done a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ??04:00
millaive already read those pages of formats...04:00
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Tom06to no avail04:01
elliot__pete, descrime the effect04:01
Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, that sounds like a refresh rate issue04:01
nanaki_yamabushipenguin24: yep got it back. many thanks04:01
Subhumanchange it until it stops, some monitors are real picky about it (my friend has the exact same issue)04:01
furax_penguin42: i will stay in front of the PC to see wich package cause problem04:01
jsimmonsanyone else here rubnning a asrock motherboard?04:01
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: I'm curious, how did you break it in the first place?04:01
davro_Has system freezes every hour been as some sort or usablity feature, saving rsi etc.04:01
wheels351972How do I restore GRUB on my MBR I re-installed an OS after Ubuntu was installed04:01
penguin42furax_: Might be worth seeing if a /var/log/installer was left on the machine after crash and see what was left in it04:01
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[nycff-1] petesubhuman, i agree but i cannot change the refresh rate in basic settings and don't know where to edit xorg.conf to change the refresh rate. my monitor supports 60 and 75, but the refresh rate is set at 76 for some reason04:02
nanaki_yamabushiother question. is anyone using yahoo or Aim for linux?04:02
Subhumandavro_, you sure ure install/upgrade went okay? dapper has been more stable than any linux distro for me04:02
jsimmonsi've been trying to install ubuntu for 2 freakin' days04:02
penguin42wheels351972: Typically grub-install /dev/hda   but you want to make sure you add your other OSs to it04:02
penguin42nanaki_yamabushi: Yes, use the 'gaim' package04:02
Dapperguyis there an open source equivalent to citrix, for linux ?04:02
furax_penguin42: ok thancks04:02
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Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, thats probably your problem, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and youll get to a bit about your monitor, you can define the correct resolutions and refresh rates there.04:03
nanaki_yamabushipenguin42: is what i am using right now. but I mean original yahoo or aim, because gaim is working on my nerves with file transfers04:03
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:03
davro_Subhuman: Who know mate upgraded a while back only within the last couple of weeks has it been playing up.04:03
[nycff-1] petesubhuman, alright gimme a second04:03
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tbenitaHi what source do I need in order to find slapd-dev ?04:03
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Dapperguyas in, Presentation/Metaframe server04:03
lz1gjdafter installing apache package what should I do to make the server work, i copy the contents to the /srv dir. but it does not work04:03
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Tom06anything i could try?04:04
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millacan someone teach me something interesting to do with linux?04:04
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jsimmonswhy does the live cd boot fine, but install fails?04:04
Paladinelz1gjd, readng the documentation on apache's website is the best start you can get04:04
penguin42Dapperguy: Do you particularly need it to be compatible with citrix terminals or do you just want to do the same type of thing?04:04
Tom06im using the alternative cd btw04:04
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lz1gjdoh, thx Paladine ;)04:04
DapperguyPenguin, same type of thing04:04
Tom06login sceen comes up fine04:04
nanaki_yamabushimilla: you can use it as you do with windows.04:04
wheels351972I have tried that but getting no where how doI know where my installs are04:04
Tom06but after loging in i get a garbled box04:04
davro_Not to worry debian disk just finished burning.04:04
Tom06and the system becomes unresponsive04:05
CrazyDoodemilla: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html04:05
DapperguyPenguin, but if the citrix web client was compatible, that would be cool04:05
penguin42Dapperguy: Oh, that's a lot easier - the login program you see when you login to ubuntu is 'gdm' you can configure that to allow remote connections, and then use an 'x terminal' (not to be confused with xterm) to open a remote session04:05
lz1gjdjust thought it would work "out of the box" so to say ;) i guess will have to do some tweaking here and there04:05
Fatal`well, memtest86 passed flawlessly04:05
Fatal`looks like hardware problems04:05
RustyJamesdavro_, so you are switching to debian?04:05
Fatal`thought, how they could be intermittent, i dont know04:05
DapperguyPenguin, and run seamless apps ?04:05
[nycff-1] petesubhuman, i ran that command and tried autodetect and it couldn't detect my onboard video04:06
penguin42Dapperguy: Should do - only ones you normally have problems with are 3D graphics and video that really need a local display for speed04:06
Tom06is it only me who experiences this garble thing?04:06
davro_RustyJames: Yup after running ubuntu for about year and a half, i really need to have a stable laptop for next week.04:06
millawhat is the c++ compiler for this?04:06
penguin42milla: g++04:06
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Fatal`would hardware problems cause instability in ubuntu?04:06
CrazyDoodeg++ google for more material04:06
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penguin42Fatal`: Yes of course04:07
davro_Fatal: Nope been there.04:07
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RustyJamesdavro_, i understand that. tell me if the problem remains ;-)04:07
Subhumanmilla, youll need the package "build-essentials" to compile c++04:07
Tom06could someone help please?04:07
R3linquish3rFatal`, What kind of hardware problems?04:07
lz1gjdi am new to ubuntu, just switched from SuSe, and apps seem to start slower , is it just me, or this is a normal behaviour of a debian based distro ?04:07
wheels351972How do I find out where GRUB sees my partitions?04:07
davro_RustyJames: Will do mate :)04:07
nanaki_yamabushiWell I have to log now CU all04:08
Fatal`i can only assume that is what is causing my random lock up that forces me to restart04:08
Fatal`because memtest86 revealed nothing04:08
R3linquish3rwheels351972, gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:08
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wheels351972that goes in the menu list ok04:08
Tom06cant anyone help?04:08
R3linquish3rTom06: I can try :)04:08
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R3linquish3rTom06, Whats wrong?04:09
Tom06i have a freshly istalled ubuntu , it boots up fine and after login in i get a garbled box and the PC freezes04:09
=== penguin42 wonders what the right way for someone sitting here and noticing lots of people reporting similar problems to bug report it, even if they dont have the detailss - it seems important to report something like 'lots of laptop users seeing random hangs' - but that hardly has the detail to put a normal bug in
jsimmonswhat do i need to type at the grub prompt to get ubuntu to boot up?04:09
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R3linquish3rTom06: What kind of garbled box?04:10
bogahow do I add a printer in Dapper?04:10
jsimmonsand why isn't it doing it for me?04:10
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penguin42jsimmons: Probably because ti can't find the /boot/grub/menu.lst04:10
moshedoes Ubuntu's build of Thunderbird store settings in .thunderbird or .mozilla-thunderbird?04:10
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Tom06it think it would be the gnome autoconfig box04:10
mosheI'm doing some housecleaning and I have folders by both names04:10
jribboga: system > administration > printing04:10
penguin42moshe: try ls -lt to see which one changed most recently04:11
R3linquish3rTom06: Sorry I've really never dealt with that b4. No clue.04:11
bogajrib: I do not have that menu!04:11
lz1gjdTom06: i have experienced similar problems before , my vid card is pciexp ati x800gto, i had to change xorg.conf file, had to use another driver, the one that came with the install didnt work correctly04:11
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jribboga: are you using GNOME?04:11
Tom06what did you use ?04:11
scottecan u get a version of ubuntu that comes with all the packages?04:11
wastrelTom06:  can you do ctrl-alt-backspace to restart the x server?04:11
moshePenguin, good call.  checking the date stamps didn't occur to me.04:11
bogajrib: yes04:11
Tom06system lockup04:12
bogaI am using dapper.04:12
moshesomehow, I've had the .thunderbird dir on my drive for over a year and it's not been touched04:12
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lz1gjdI installed the one from ati's site fglrx04:12
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Tom06which alternative driver to use?04:12
bogajrib: may be I need to edit the menu...but I do not see the menu editor either!04:12
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Tom06i am using the nv di04:13
Tom06i am using the nv driver04:13
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jribboga: is gnome-cups-manager installed?04:13
lz1gjdwell, go to nvidia's site download their proprietary binary driver, and try searching google for how to install them04:14
R3linquish3rTom06: What kind of graphics card do you have?04:14
ceramiki have a newb question: how to have sounds from flash in firefox?04:14
jrib!flash > ceramik04:14
fwtestfollowing situation, at server, there is a program, which is listening on port 1500, the server allows only local connection to this port, but allowing ssh connection from outside, my question, how can i access to this programm (port 1500) from outside using ssh? there must be something to do with tunneling, but i dont know how04:14
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R3linquish3rTom06: Shouldn;t have any problems with that driver....04:14
ceramikok i'm gonna rtfm04:15
bogajrib: yes...in fact I have something on localhost:631...but adding a printer fails on the root password04:15
elliot__creamik, newb answer: you don't flash 7 for linux with firefox doesn't work very well for much more than basic animations04:15
Tom06well , there are...04:15
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jribboga: it should be your user password, but use gnome-cups-manager not the web interface04:15
R3linquish3rTom06: I realised lol. I'm sorry but I really don't have a clue. Not exactly a guru :P04:16
bogaok I will install the manager thanx04:16
decafsomeone please send me a dapper grub config file example04:16
millais there a way to install k,desktop for ubuntu?04:16
Tom06thanks anyway , also it wont work at all with framebuffers...04:16
decafI installed in a very unusual way. everything worked except grub04:16
jribMika_i: you mean kde?04:16
Tom06i mean X wont work04:16
lz1gjdcould you try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?04:16
Mika_ijrib: ?04:16
[nycff-1] petesubhuman, i fixed the refresh rate using the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command, but i'm still getting a wiping effect on my monitor. the resolution, color depth, and refresh rate are all at the optimal setting supported by my monitor04:17
jribmilla: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:17
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jribMika_i: sorry, completion error04:17
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Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, do you have windows installed? do you get the problem in windows? (i.e could it be a hardware issue)04:17
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millait's downloading now04:17
[nycff-1] peteno, i just build this shuttle, i used the monitor before on my gaming computer with no problems04:18
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Fatal`that's what is bullshit.  windows doesn't have any trouble at all for me04:19
Fatal`but ubuntu is unstable as fuck04:19
ZhangZhongCould any one tell me how i can find the source file of kernel (especially those modified for ubuntu)?04:19
[nycff-1] petethen go back to windows fatal` :-/04:19
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Fatal`i am in windows right now :/04:19
decafZhangZhong: install linux-sources-xxxxxx04:19
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by gnomefreak
gnomefreakFatal`: you are muted for your language04:20
decafZhangZhong: you'll find a bz2 file in /usr/src04:20
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[nycff-1] petesubhuman, is it possible that my onboard video card is not powerful enough to run @ 1280x1024 with 75 hz refresh rate?04:20
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lz1gjdcould any1 answer why applications seem to start slower on ubuntu, compared to suse ?04:21
millapete: its because of the monitor, it doesnt support that resolution and refresh rate04:21
gnomefreakFatal`: you can talk now04:21
Fatal`i know ;)04:21
[nycff-1] petemilla, yes it does :)04:22
Tommy2k4my ubuntu used to randomly crash when i had it on 24bit :|04:22
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Tommy2k4after id been booted up for ages, not while loading X or anything04:22
Fatal`what does ubuntu run in stock form?04:22
Fatal`maybe thats my problem O_o04:22
kizzyhi room04:22
decaf[nycff-1] pete: most of video cards can work at 1280x1024, Hz is monitors problem04:23
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[nycff-1] petedecaf: i'm changing to 60 hz right now, and if this doesn't work i'll be stumped04:23
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Fatal`from randomly browsing the forums, it appears my problem is ATI vs ubuntu04:24
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gullstad_How many users does Ubuntu got?04:24
Fatal`not the best fight04:24
bonyi want to download ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso dvd04:24
shigutsoI removed a HD from my PC, and now my Ubuntu 6.06 don't recognize my CD-Rom Drive anymore... and when I try to see the disks-manager in Gnome, it says that and error ocurred with the script... what am I supposed to do? Re-configure the /etc/fstab? How?04:24
bonywere can i get the link04:24
Fatal`it's on the website...did you even look?04:24
Schalkenhelp! ubuntu keeps crashing! i think it's because i installed a package from the edgy repo and all it's dependencies! how can i fix it???04:25
bonyFatal`, i did look at it but cant find dvd04:25
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ubotuI know nothing about users04:25
jbroomeSchalken: Oooh, ouch04:25
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gullstad_How many users does Ubuntu got?04:25
jsimmonsman, drake is FUBAR...04:25
R3linquish3rgullstad_: a butt load04:25
steveireCan I get a text editor to autoindent my code?04:25
Schalkenjbroome: any ideas??? :(04:25
jbroomeSchalken: did you see this from #ubuntu+1: Edgy is still not stable to use, and04:26
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jbroome          is likely to break your system04:26
jbroomeSchalken: i don't have any.  sorry04:26
bonyooops sorry i found the dvds04:26
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jsimmonsinstall 32-bit, and it doesn't get beyond "Installing hardware drivers" at reboot, install 64-bit and it appears grub isn't fully configured04:26
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visik7my mother complain about the lack of a translator from italian to english in his ubuntu how can I solve without I'm forced to give her windows ?04:28
Schalkenjbroome: it was just the latest rhythmbox, the latest was only in edgy so i installed it and its dependencies. but now anything that tries to use samba or a printer crashes!04:28
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mesutis there a channel for ubuntu on ppc ?04:28
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shigutsoI removed a HD from my PC, and now my Ubuntu 6.06 don't recognize my CD-Rom Drive anymore... and when I try to see the disks-manager in Gnome, it says that and error ocurred with the script... what am I supposed to do? Re-configure the /etc/fstab? How??04:28
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monomaniacpatHas anyone here ever compiled wine from a tarball - make takes ages!04:29
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Frogzoovisik7: wine/qemu/vmware...04:29
pdc303shigutso: does the BIOS detect your CD-ROM drive ok?04:29
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Schalkenis there any way to make APT ensure that all the installed packages are in the repositories, if if not remove or downgrade to what is???04:29
monomaniacpatshigutso: do what pdc303 says from boot04:29
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shigutsopdc303, ... yes!04:30
Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, is this wiping when you move a window or something or is it constant?04:30
shigutsomonomaniacpat, but it detects...04:30
visik7Frogzoo: 'come on there isn't  a translator ?04:30
Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, and are you using the right drivers?04:30
monomaniacpatshigutso: surely, it's just a case of remounting the drive?04:30
pdc303no... why would it not auto-mount now?04:30
[nycff-1] petesubhuman, it's when i move or open/close a window, i believe i am using the right drivers, how would i check? and i'm ushing 60 hz now too04:30
Frogzoovisik7: wordtrans-qt04:31
shigutsomonomaniacpat, maybe... but how do I remount it? I can see here in my /etc/fstab that the old HD that I removed is still there...04:31
=== [nycff-1] pete is now known as pete6
BCK14grr firestarter is very crap04:31
millahow do i mount floppy disk04:31
shigutsomonomaniacpat, how can I know what to fix on it?04:31
ubotuI know nothing about cdrom04:31
Subhuman[nycff-1] pete, ahh right! i thought you meant constantly, your display rate is not an issue, its the drivers, what onboard video is it?04:31
mwefirestarter rocks04:31
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks04:31
pdc303shigutso: my first thought is that the mater/slave settings for the drive were messed-up since your removed your HDD04:31
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pete6i have sis mirage onboard video04:31
pdc303shigutso: but you seem sure this is not the case04:31
mweactually it's just an iptables front end04:31
monomaniacpathmmm, I dont actually know, but there must be something on the wiki04:31
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BCK14mwe: it doesnt seem to twant to allow kopete thru even tho the ports are open04:32
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation04:32
BCK14yet will let irc thru04:32
Subhumanpete6, are you using the sis driver?04:32
shigutsopdc303, no... the CD is Secondary Master, and the old HDD was Primary Slave...04:32
mweBCK14: open firestart and look at the log window. the right click the blocked connection and create an exception04:32
pete6when i ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" i selected the sis driver, so i think so04:32
pdc303shigutso: what does `sudo mount /media/cdrom0` give you?04:32
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BCK14ive done that04:32
gnomefreak!behaviour > Fatal`04:33
Zambezi"How many user may be logged in at the same time: max_users 15 5" Does it mean 15 users online, five downloading?04:33
shigutsopdc303, let me see04:33
BCK14mwe: hence me calling it crap04:33
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mweBCK14: so it's not showing in the log anymore?04:33
Fatal`i guess you've never been a little angry with instability in your first linux OS ever...lol04:33
mweBCK14: then it's not firestarter04:33
yggdrasi1can somone help me fix my xwindows... it was working fine and now i cant log in. ive treid everything.04:33
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Schalkenis there a way to reinstall all packages?04:33
Fatal`now that i've calmed down, i'm almost sure it's the ATI drivers04:33
Subhumanpete6, it is a driver issue, like 3d acceleration is probably not enabled. I do not have any experience with sis drivers, maybe the forum will help there?04:34
Fatal`seems to be a widespread ubuntu problem04:34
mweBCK14: it logs all blocked trafic04:34
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BCK14mwe: ill try configuring via iptables04:34
SubhumanFatal_2, ati is so bad in linux04:34
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gnomefreakFatal`: i have yes but thats no reason to break rules04:34
Subhumanthey hardly support it, nvidia are alot better in that respect.04:34
shigutsopdc303, it asks me the type of mounting... and I tried Automatic, but it doesn't go04:34
skavengeati and linux dont get along well, along with a handful of other hardware brands04:34
pete6subhuman, i am registering for the ubuntu support forums now, but where else should i look for help?04:34
mweBCK14: if it doesn't show as blocked in the log it's not blocking anything04:34
Fatal`meh, just venting, my bad :P04:34
pdc303shigutso: can you paste the exact error message?04:34
Subhumanpete6, google "sis driver 3d acceleration linux" or something04:35
mweBCK14: you need to open the log window _before_ the connection attempt though04:35
BCK14mwe: maybe its kpete then04:35
Subhumanshigutso, in pastebin04:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:35
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millahow do i know which ports i have open04:35
shigutsopdc303, there is no error. I just askes the type of mounting...04:35
pdc303"type of mounting" ??? You mean the filesystem?04:35
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mweBCK14: try stopping firestarter 'sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter stop' to see if it works then04:35
pete6subhuman, why would it be 3D acceleration?04:35
BCK14mwe: it just connected04:36
Schalkenis there a way in synaptic to filter packages from a different distribution???04:36
BCK14restarted kopete04:36
Fatal`ahhhh "swearing not appreciated"04:36
mweBCK14: uhm. ok04:36
BCK14weird tho04:36
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shigutsopdc303, oosp, sorry.. I was executing the command in the wrong place :P04:37
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mweBCK14: firestarter is very good imho04:37
telliottI have a fat32 drive that refuses to mount.  It is shown with a removable drive icon but it's a fixed drive.04:37
shigutsopdc303, how do I use pastebin?04:37
=== Mason59 [n=doug@d141-215-7.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mixx`telliott - what kind of drive?  SATA, PATA.. ?04:37
BCK14do you know how i can start it at bootup in tray ?04:37
Meta-I need some help- with kubuntu04:37
pdc303shigutso: pastebin.com --> New Paste --> Paste your text and click OK. then you will have an URL to provide us04:37
BCK14mwe: it is dunno what was up with it then, was frustrating me :P04:38
mweBCK14: start what?04:38
Frogzoopete6: I'd just google 'linux + driver + make/model'04:38
pdc303shigutso: this is only necessary if your text is more than 2 lines long04:38
Meta-There is no hda so I don't know how to mount my drive04:38
telliottpata.  Second drive on primary controller04:38
UltraMagnushi, i need some help with grub, i just installed ubuntu, used the inbuilt resizer to resize my NTFS, now grub refuses to acknoledge that my NTFS partition is a valid filing system04:38
mweBCK14: firestarter or kopete?04:38
BCK14mwe: start firestarter at bootup in tray ?04:38
pete6frogzoo, alright trying that04:38
BCK14or at least in gui ?04:38
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pdc303UltraMagnus: `grub-install` maybe? This will re-install grub04:39
FrogzooMeta-: describe your drive configuration04:39
mweBCK14: I think if it's there when you log out it should start next time. if not create a simple script in ~/.kde/Autostart that runs it04:39
UltraMagnuspdc303: how do i do that?04:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:39
BCK14mwe im a gnome man :P04:39
shigutsopdc303, here all is in portuguese, because I am brazillian... will you understand?04:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:39
BCK14but ok :)04:39
pdc303shigutso: No! :P04:39
=== [Grendel] [n=Grendel@xdsl-213-168-108-100.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
mweBCK14: oh04:39
=== wheels351972 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-49-37.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweBCK14: I asumed KDE, using kopete04:39
shigutsopdc303, so I will try to translate :P04:39
pdc303UltraMagnus: I don't know. do a `man install-grub`   or google04:40
BCK14mwe: i like kopete over gaim04:40
FrogzooUltraMagnus: see ubotu ^^^04:40
Meta-Frogzoo:  This is on kubuntu live, I 2want to get fuiles from my hd. I know how to mount an hd in linux, but ubuntu is different04:40
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-72-129-230-133.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fatal`does ubuntu automatically detect ati/nvideo video cards and load the correct driver, or do you need to manually do it04:40
mweBCK14: I'm not sure how to make things autostart in gnome04:40
wheels351972I am having an issue I am re-installing Ubuntu Dapper and I dont see the partition that it's already on04:40
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-86.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu
Meta-Frogzoo: there is no /dev/hda04:40
Schalkenis there a way to remove all packages that came from the edgy repository???04:40
BCK14mwe: np i can do it :)04:40
mweBCK14: session management or something04:40
UltraMagnusfrogzoo: which one should i follow? the "lost grub" one or the other one?04:40
cappicardanyone else got a radeon 9600? I'm hating ati's binary drivers. when I use fglrx, both monitors go out of sync and go to sleep. My xorg.conf file: http://home.kc.rr.com/cappicard/xorg.conf04:40
BCK14mwe:  :)04:40
pdc303Fatal`: read the forum or wiki. This is covered a hundred times04:40
cappicardI'm on dapper here04:40
Fatal`i have read the wiki04:40
Schalkenplease anyone?04:40
Meta-Frogzoo:  So, what do I do?04:41
Fatal`it's showing me how to install the radeon drivers04:41
FrogzooUltraMagnus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:41
Fatal`just wondering if it come stock04:41
Mason59Anyone having problems with Konqueror hanging on opening?04:41
pdc303Fatal`: I don't think so.04:41
Mixx`telliott what command ar eyou issuing to mount it04:41
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pete6frogzoo and subhuman, i just googled it and on the sis driver site it says that most default drivers that come with linux are sufficient04:41
FrogzooMeta-: ubuntu is same as all linux when it comes to mounting - you sure you don't need to mount a partition? ie /dev/hda1 etc?04:41
UltraMagnusfrogzoo: thanks04:41
=== TanitoARG [n=TanitoAR@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:42
shigutsopdc303, it says the dispositive is protected against writing, so it will be mounted for just reading. And then says the filesystem is incorrect, invalid option, invalid 'superblock' in /dev/hdc04:42
=== Mason59 [n=doug@d141-215-7.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
pdc303shigutso: 1) a CD-ROM drive *should* be mounted as read-only ;)04:42
=== bixen [n=bixen@eu83-213-21-187.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
Meta-Frogzoo:  I am sure. I am looking in /dev now... no hda hdb no nothing04:43
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-194-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggrMeta-, you should run fdisk and see if your hd is there04:43
ubotuI know nothing about x-chat04:43
shigutsopdc303, hehe... sure04:43
=== CarNagE__ [n=CarNi@dslb-084-056-244-035.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggr!info xchat04:43
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB04:43
varsendaggr!info x-chat04:43
ubotuPackage x-chat does not exist in dapper04:43
varsendaggr!info aim04:43
ubotuPackage aim does not exist in dapper04:43
varsendaggr!info gaim04:43
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In repository main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 816 kB, installed size 2148 kB04:44
mwedon't play with the bot04:44
mwe/msg it please04:44
FrogzooMeta-: sometimes the live cd isn't real great - you might do better with a real install - either that or mknod04:44
varsendaggrmwe, ohhh sorry04:44
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debnubmwe: sorry, i'm new here04:44
=== schrapnel [n=schrapne@static-dsl-246.213-160-180.telecom.sk] has joined #ubuntu
UltraMagnusfrogzoo: how do i know what my ubuntu root install folder is?04:44
UltraMagnuswell, partition04:44
RShadow?!!? what key creates the ^]  escape char?04:44
FrogzooUltraMagnus: it's '/'04:44
=== gullstad_ [n=gullstad@dsl-53-2-13.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
Schalkenis there any ANY way to remove all installed packages from the edgy repository?04:45
UltraMagnusfrogzoo: i meant partition04:45
pdc303shigutso: http://www.google.com/search?q=mount%20bad%20superblock%20cd-rom04:45
=== X3n0n [n=X3n0n@ppp123-178.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggrUltraMagnus, you could look in /etc/fstab04:45
FrogzooUltraMagnus: 'sudo fdisk -l'   & take your best guess04:45
TanitoARGHello! I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 in my notebook and I have a little problem with my wireless card. Is this the right place to ask for help without bothering?04:45
X3n0nhalo! i have a problem with networking can someone help me?04:45
varsendaggrX3n0n, yeah04:45
shigutsopdc303, thank you04:45
pdc303shigutso: good luck04:46
FrogzooTanitoARG: see the  banner ;)04:46
mweX3n0n: maybe if you provide more detail04:46
shigutsopdc303, :D04:46
=== zOap [n=zOap@] has joined #ubuntu
X3n0ni have a pc with windows that has ICS. trough a network card it connects with a pc with ubuntu 6.06. when i run live cd everything is ok and i have network and internet automatically but when i install it everything is dead...04:47
=== Nezza [n=Administ@userdh038.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
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FrogzooTanitoARG: which wifi card?04:47
=== AreEmmKay [n=theross@ip68-100-225-247.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TanitoARGFrogzoo, wait a min pls.04:47
ZambeziAnybody knows glftpd? I'm confused. max_users 15 5 means 15 users online  and 5 is downloading/uploading?04:47
=== mumbles is now known as mumbles-out
NezzaUbuntu newbie needs help!04:47
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-194-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
NezzaJust did my first install04:48
FrogzooX3n0n: you need to play around in /etc/network/interfaces  - googling might get you a sample config04:48
wheels351972I am re-installing Dapper Drake and when I get the the prepare disk space I dont see my partition that Linux is already on.  Do I need to goto Manually edit partition table?04:48
X3n0ni think that this is common as i know other people having this problem...is there any solution?04:48
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Frogzoowheels351972: yup04:48
X3n0ni'll post my config....04:48
=== Boglizk [n=Boglizk@c-3fe471d5.024-80-6f72653.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
mweX3n0n: not here. use paste.ubunt-nl.org please04:49
FrogzooX3n0n: not here you won't - pastebin04:49
Nezzaits logged me into a terminal rather an GUI?04:49
Nezzai was expeted a GUI to fire up!04:49
pdc303Nezza: which ISO did you install?04:50
X3n0nhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17006       i know04:50
Nezzaerr, hang on04:50
andyjeffriesI'm running Ubuntu 6.06 with 2.6.15-25-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT; when the machine is under high I/O load (prozilla combining downloads from multiple streams) the machine literally pauses and won't start new processes until it's finished.  I'm previously a Gentoo user and never had this problem before and wouldn't expect it from a dual core machine.  Is there some setting I need to change on Ubuntu or some other Kernel that may be b04:50
=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACBC726F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
X3n0ni have some others outputs also if they are needed04:50
debnubInternet services partially running. www is ok, but can acess gaim. I'm behind a external router. Any help?04:50
pdc303Nezza: ubuntu-6.06-server-i386  is for *servers*.  You wanted ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i38604:51
Nezzanow that is embarrising!04:51
debnubSorry CAN'T access gaim04:51
pdc303Nezza: try sudo apt-get install gnome04:51
=== MrWoo [n=kob0724@71-34-33-125.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrWoohow do I check the md5 check sum04:51
Nezzais it worth reinstalling  the right disk from scratch or should I try that?04:52
=== adam0509 [n=benoit@stc92-1-82-227-107-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
pdc303Nezza: It can do no harm :)04:52
MrWoopdc, where do i type that04:52
Nezzaok, lets give it a whirl!04:52
=== SonicChao [n=demo@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about md5sum04:52
pdc303MrWoo: in your console, type md5sum --help04:52
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:52
wheels351972What do I do at the Gparted screen?04:53
=== epastor [n=epastor@c-68-80-160-18.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nezzacount find package gnome!04:53
SonicChaoNezza, what?04:53
adam0509hi all, I'm gonna re-install ubuntu, but this time I will install dapper (dapper don't install correctly so I need to begin from breezy then update), what is the best thing to do between :04:53
=== x0nix [n=x0nix@164-46-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz] has left #ubuntu []
adam05091) server / xubuntu desktop / breezy update / dapper04:53
adam0509adam0509 2) server / breezy update / xbuntu desktop / dapper04:53
adam0509adam0509 3) server / dapper / xubuntu desktop ?04:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:53
=== ckasprzak [n=ckasprza@69-162-199-115.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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pdc303SonicChao: Nezza installed server by mistake. How does he get gnome installed?04:54
=== xiq [n=pix@nivm250.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jbroomesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:54
Nezzadon't tell anyone, I've got a degree in Comp Sci!04:54
Nezzaright i'll try that04:54
SonicChaoNezza, LOL04:54
=== debian_ [n=debian@hlfxns0146w-142167169093.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
epastorHey everyone - anyone know a fix for the problem where you can't shutdown cleanly in Dapper while running the fglrx drivers?04:54
=== telliott [n=telliott@68-179-149-245.bsr-c3-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Nezzathe way I read the download page I thought the desktop install that just booted from the cd for you to try ubunto04:55
=== whyami [n=john@ip68-102-23-64.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
xiqhow do i start an ssh server on the dapper livecd?04:55
X3n0ndid you get my link of the pastebin?04:55
Nezzawithout having to install the whole thing - i've seen this before04:55
SonicChaoxiq, install Ubuntu04:55
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Frogzooepastor: update to the latest - off the seveas repo04:55
SonicChaoxiq, it is a bad idea to use a LiveCD for most things04:55
pdc303Nezza: The desktop ISO is a LiveCD with an "Install" option on the desktop04:55
Frogzooepastor: suspend/hibernate is still busted unfortunately04:56
SonicChaoNezza, it probably is best to reinstall the desktop version.04:56
=== knubbe [n=knubbe@host019a.turbinen20.se] has joined #ubuntu
pdc303Nezza: So it installs while you can still surf the internet in Firefox and stuff :)04:56
=== tpelliott [n=telliott@68-179-149-245.bsr-c3-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
wheels351972Frogzoo:  I am at the Gparted screen I want to completely reformat that partition /dev/hda2 (my linux partition) what do I do at this screen?04:56
epastorFrogzoo: that's no problem - but as a newb, how do I get to the seveas repo?04:56
=== Cyor [n=Cyor@] has joined #ubuntu
pete6http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1205481#post1205481 here is a thread that describes my problem, i'm goin afk for a while, any help is greatly appreciately04:56
CyorHey, is there a channel to discuss different licenses I can choose from?04:56
Frogzoo!fglrx > epastor04:56
debian_im just toying around with beagle and was wondering if someone knew if vfat patitions support the extended attributes (user_xattr) setting in fstab for making the index and search work faster and also if the user_xattr support is included in the newer 2.6 kernels (2.6.15-25-k7 is what im currently running on)04:56
CyorI.e. If I was making software - which one to pick?04:56
epastorFrogzoo: thanks04:56
Nezzacouldn't find package ubuntu-desktop04:57
SonicChaopete6, wait for a reply on the forums, don't post it here also.04:57
SonicChaoNezza, install the desktop pkg.04:57
Frogzoowheels351972: when you select that partition, there's an option for reformatting it & you select the file system (ext3)04:57
Fatal`i must be blind, but i can't find the min specs to run ubuntu04:57
Fatal`anybody wanna clue me in?04:57
SonicChaoNezza, you have to, I don't see how to use server edition for a home computer04:57
Nezzawhats the command?04:57
yggdrasi1hah i was out of space04:57
=== thegattaca [n=thegatta@adsl-65-68-205-144.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
xiqSonicChao: i'm trying to image one drive to another machine over the network, and i want to do it over ssh..04:57
yggdrasi1thats why x was crashing04:57
Frogzoo!hardware > Fatal`04:57
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Nezzaok, i'll reinstall the right version04:57
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Nezzai feel like such a div!04:57
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SonicChaoNezza, it's okay...we all make mistakes04:58
=== Illusia [n=kvirc@user-0c6sf5g.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["So]
wheels351972Frogzoo thank you I see it's under the pull down menu and not on the right click of the mouse my bad sorry04:58
=== Raito [n=chatzill@HSE-Toronto-ppp286549.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Nezzaok, thanks for the help guys, i'll get downloading!04:58
SonicChaoNezza, okay see ya.04:58
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RaitoWhat is the ubuntu command to renew and release? sort of like ipconfig on windows04:58
FrogzooRaito: sudo ifdown eth0 ; sudo ifup eth004:59
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dngldoofand still my Flash is not working..04:59
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:59
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
TanitoARGFrogzoo, I'm here again, sorry, I had a phone call05:00
=== UltraMagnus [n=chatzill@unaffiliated/ultramagnus] has joined #ubuntu
UltraMagnushi again....05:00
dngldoofthe problem is that Firefox doesn't 'understand' the plugin is already installed05:01
TanitoARGFrogzoo,  ... The issue is that my wireless card worked perfectly with many other distros, other O.S. and so on... but here I have the problem that when I don't use wireless connection for a while, my wireless card seems to "sleep" and then connections (when I need it again) starts with lag, sluggishness, slow... so e.g. If I ping any host, 3 or 4 first pings are missed and then everything seems OK... but there is a first lapse of time that my card is05:01
TanitoARG "asleep"... 4 o 5 seconds...05:01
X3n0ncould you please tell what a proper /etc/network/interface configuration? i can't find anything in google...05:01
SonicChaoUltraMagnus, what does URG mean?05:01
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
wheels351972Frogzoo:  I just ran into an error message.  Warning:  Unable to detect filesystem!  Possible reasons are:  -The Filesystem is damaged.  -The filesystem is unknown to libparted.  -There is no filesystem available (unformatted)05:01
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SonicChaowheels351972, the filesystem is probaby down/damaged...reinstall Ubuntu05:01
=== bit_doidao [n=duda@BHE200139178228.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
wheels351972That's waht I am TRYING to do Sonic05:02
UltraMagnuswhen i put the CD into my drive and use "rescue" mode i get this http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/8766/000016gv.jpg and i took a pic of my original error that i am trying to solve http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/6813/000050dx.jpg05:02
bit_doidaoHello Folks! How Can i Use Festival?05:02
Frogzoowheels351972: thought you wanted to reformat? (just be sure you're actually formatting the right partition)05:02
SonicChaowheels351972, you don't have to yell, I'm just trying to help, I wasn't here for you're whole conversation05:02
wheels351972Frogzoo I do wanna reformat lol.  But it's telling me it cant for some odd reason.05:02
=== RyanTMulligan [n=rmulliga@d192-24-129-98.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
wheels351972sorry didnt' mean for the caps sonic05:03
FrogzooTanitoARG: no idea, maybe someone in chan can help you05:03
wheels351972my bad there05:03
X3n0nfrogzoo: can you help me allitle more please?05:03
TanitoARGFrogzoo, thanks!05:03
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byenmorning guys05:04
wheels351972Ok one more question after using Gparted shoudl it have allocated about 350mb as used?05:04
FrogzooX3n0n: can you ping the ics box - ?05:04
byenI need some help with Ubuntu recognizing my external USB hard drive. Can someone help me as it does not show up anywhere05:04
andyjeffriesI'm running Ubuntu 6.06 with 2.6.15-25-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT; when the machine is under high I/O load (prozilla combining downloads from multiple streams) the machine literally pauses and won't start new processes until it's finished.  I'm previously a Gentoo user and never had this problem before and wouldn't expect it from a dual core machine.  Is there some setting I need to change on Ubuntu or some other Kernel that may be b05:04
X3n0nfrogzoo: no only local and lo05:05
=== aunes [n=justinli@cpe-024-168-219-032.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
byen!external USB05:05
TanitoARGHello folks... I'm new here and I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 (I love it!). I have a little problem with my Wireless card... I think it could be related to power management... could someone help me?05:05
ubotuI know nothing about external USB05:05
aunesalrighty. finally back w/ the 32 bit version *whew*05:05
ubotuI know nothing about usb05:05
=== fresch [n=fresch@p54ADCF2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
X3n0nfrogzoo: i have the outputs of these commands : cat /var/log/syslog | grep eth         ifconfig            mii-tool05:06
FunnyLookinHatandyjeffries, it's very strange that the drive wouldn't show up at all... Does it work windows?05:06
UltraMagnushi, could anyone help me with a problem with grub, when i try to boot winxp i get this http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/6813/000050dx.jpg i really like ubuntu and dont want to have to nuke it just to get windows back....05:06
aunesI wish there was some sort of progress bar for compiling applications :-/05:06
=== tpelliott [n=telliott@68-179-149-245.bsr-c3-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net] has left #ubuntu []
debnubanyone can give me a hand on network problems? got only partial services running. checked etc/services and it's fine.05:06
FunnyLookinHatUltraMagnus, You may find a fix at this website: http://www.tinyempire.com/shortnotes/files/ntldr_missing.htm05:06
X3n0nfrogzoo: thei weird thing is that with live everything works great.....is the live a different version?05:06
epastorHm - okay, I was sent to the seveas repo to get the newest fglrx ati drivers - but it doesn't have AMD64 stuff. I've already built the kernel module myself from the ATI binary - what do I do? I'm still having shutdown/restart problems...05:06
FrogzooX3n0n: disconnect all the other nics, & then do 'ifconfig' & check you're using eth0 to connect to ics05:07
wheels351972Frogzoo i think i know what I did I think I might have hit cancel on the format that caused me to get that error cuz it went through just fine and now it's saying it's allocated about 350MB is that normal for Gparted to do?05:07
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:07
FrogzooX3n0n: 1st possibility is that the order of nics has changed05:07
X3n0ni'll post the outputs through pastebin05:07
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X3n0nfrogzoo: no the system is EXACTLY the same05:08
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byenI need some help with Ubuntu recognizing my external USB hard drive. Can someone help me as it does not show up anywhere05:08
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UltraMagnusfunnylookinhat: i dont think that is what i need....05:08
FrogzooX3n0n: yes, but ubuntu may have changed some config settings05:08
FunnyLookinHatUltraMagnus, let me take a look at that screenshot again05:08
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epastorFrogzoo: I tried the seveas repo for the newest fglrx ati drivers - but it doesn't have AMD64 stuff. I've already built the kernel module myself from the ATI binary - I'm still having shutdown/restart problems... would you have any other ideas? (Thanks for the help so far, btw)05:08
debnubUltraMAgnus: You have a few options left before nuke it. GRUB SUPER DISK is very handy. Do youthat error on grub boot?05:09
JTSiliuscan ubuntu be installed via iso image on a slave drive?05:09
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FunnyLookinHatUltraMagnus, yea... you may be up a creek.  Seems like GRUB can't access that partition at all...05:09
andyjeffriesFunnyLookinHat: Wrong person, I'm after problems with a kernel and high I/O load05:09
UltraMagnusdebnub: i get that error when i try to load winxp from grub05:09
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FunnyLookinHatJTSilius, It's worth a try, I've heard of people installing it off of flash drives with the image on it...  but your motherboard and bios will have to support it05:10
X3n0nfrogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1700705:10
JTSiliusFunnyLookinHat: ok thanks, maybe i should just go to my friend's house and burn a cd :)05:10
debnubUltraMAgnus: what is your boot partition, mbr on win xp partition?05:11
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johlincould someone just quicky check their permissions on ~/.gnupg?05:12
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millahow do i set this up to mount NTFS drives automatically05:13
UltraMagnusdebnub: my winxp is on hda1 my ubuntu is on hda2 my boot partition is hda205:13
byenis there a way to check where my external hdd is mounted? or is there a way to mount my external hdd05:13
jsimmonswell, i disabled sata in bios to see if i can get drake installed. however, why does the live cd boot fine, yet the install fails?05:13
FrogzooX3n0n: how many nics in this machine?05:13
jsimmonswelcome to the 80's all over again05:14
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151089201.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
X3n0nfrogzoo: only one05:14
tpelliottHow do I edit files if I'm not the "owner"?  I just installed ubuntu05:14
X3n0nfrogzoo: if you mean the ubuntu pc05:14
Frogzoojsimmons: the culprit would be sata driver maybe?05:14
pdc303tpelliott: sudo05:14
FrogzooX3n0n: ok, remove the other nics in /etc/network/interfaces - just a sec05:14
jrib!sudo > tpelliott05:14
jsimmonsbuy why? sata's been around long enough that it shouldn't be a oproblem05:14
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X3n0nfrogzoo: now i am on xp...i'll go now on ubuntu05:15
millahey, i want this to mount automatically the NTFS drives05:15
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millahow can i do it?05:15
johlinmilla: for me it does05:15
jrib!ntfs > milla05:15
johlin!ntfs > johlin05:16
Frogzoojsimmons: well maybe it is...?!05:16
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ciaronhow do i find out what was updated in my last apt-get update?05:16
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UltraMagnusdebnub: are you still there?05:17
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doenerisn't the official ubuntu-channel now on OFTC?05:17
SonicChaodoener, no.05:17
FrogzooOFTC ??05:17
SonicChaodoener, only Debian moved to OFTC.05:17
SonicChaoFrogzoo, that's the network Debian moved too05:18
doenerSonicChao: k, thank you05:18
aunestrying to load wine on dapper. I compiled from source, got 2 dll files needed (msvcp60 & mfc42) but I get the error: Applications tries to create window but no driver could be loaded. Make sure your X server is running (it is, I'm using gnome as we speak) and that $DISPLAY is set correctly05:18
ubotuI know nothing about oftc05:18
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auneshow do I know where to find $DISPLAY and what it should be set to?05:18
johlinIt's an IRC network05:18
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:18
FrogzooSonicChao: ooohhh someone spit the dummy?05:18
SonicChaoFrogzoo, guess so05:18
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SonicChaoFrogzoo, there are still people in #debian, believe it or not05:19
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SonicChaoFrogzoo, actually, 600 people. Only 132 less than here05:19
alex_i have installed the linux kernel linux-image-2.6.15-25-686, but the system does not start only with a 386 kernel. what to do?05:19
alex_; have a 500Mhz 160mbsdram 16mb vga;05:19
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alex_have ubuntu 5.1 with gnome05:20
UltraMagnusdoes anyone know how to fix getting this when i try to boot winxp through grub http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/6813/000050dx.jpg05:20
=== byen wonders if being able to use his external USB via windows is the only option for him now
Frogzooaunes: why not try the up to date wine repo ? just use repo: "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main"05:20
ciaronFrogzoo: not at all, there was no ill feeling at all, it was just people tended to gravitate towards oftc for whatever reasons, and oftc is closely linked to the debian project05:20
debnubUltraMAgnus: Grub gives you access to a command line, you can repair it from there. Or if your confortable with the command line, you could try grub superdisk05:20
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wheels351972Does Gparted Allocate space as used after it's done it's operations?05:20
=== Schalken [n=ubuntu@cor9-ppp3453.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jsimmonsinstall is apparently stuck at 82% - "Running 32gnome_power_manager"05:21
Frogzoociaron: good to know, thx m805:21
Schalkenis there a way to mount my ubuntu partition form the livecd???05:21
jsimmonsi just can't catch a breaK HERE05:21
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UltraMagnusdebnub: oooh k, and how would one repair this through the command line?05:21
ciaronFrogzoo: np05:21
debnubUltraMAgnus: if your NOT confortable with a command line05:21
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-129-234-207.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
philipsmithI am running SUSE 10.0 and have downloaded DAPPER to take a look at it! I Downloaded it on my Windows XP machine, and I also downloaded the NERO MD5 verifier (http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/eng/Nero_MD5_Verifier.html). In Step 1 of the MD5 Verifier, I need to specify the "original MD5 checksum." I don't know what that is! I downloaded DAPPER from http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/. Could you tell me how to find that o05:22
philipsmithriginal MD5 checksum?05:22
=== Zoom [n=ZoomCiti@60-240-209-42.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
alex_can somebody help me?????????????????05:22
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UltraMagnusdebnub: ok, how would you fix it through the command line?05:22
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debnubTry starting with http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html05:22
haakonni have a pretty wide screen, but i don't want mplayer to break the aspect ratia of films when i go to full screen. what is the options for that? i have tried -aspect etc05:22
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aunesFrogzoo: Apparently wine doesn't like that. *shrug*05:23
aunesFrogzoo: I'm just following the how-to on linked to from Ubuntu05:23
timgreetings. I am new to ubuntu.. doing my first setup. Configuring software raid. Do I want the swap partition to be a physical volume for raid?05:23
alex_i have installed the linux kernel linux-image-2.6.15-25-686, but the system does not start only with a 386 kernel. what to do?05:24
jsimmonsis there a way to skip the partitioning part of the install?05:24
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Frogzooaunes: this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingWineFromSource05:24
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aunesone on the forums, but I'm following that one now.05:24
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Frogzooaunes: that's the one I'd recommend ;)05:25
aunesFrogzoo: I just found it. I actually had forgotten to do apt-get build-dep wine05:25
aunesFrogzoo: Do you play WoW via Wine?05:25
root____I just changed my screen frequency to 87hz and the screen went blank... how can I change it back?05:25
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Frogzooaunes: I've been know to, yup05:25
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jongoldsz3can someone help me setup wifi on my laptop?05:25
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b12f.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
DocTomoeHi ... I unfortunately still have a problem with my wlan configuration ... I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29#head-b3e888974e3f23d9367ca6f2f32edcb3764613a5, but the card (internal pciexpress Broadcom BCM4318) is still identified as eth1, and won't work05:26
aunesFrogzoo: Does CTRaidAssist (and other mods) work with it?05:26
TanitoARGHello folks... I'm new here and I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 (I love it!). I have a little problem with my Wireless card... I think it could be related to power management... could someone help me?05:26
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debnubUltraMagnus: Found this page who describes it. But there are several versions online. Check wich one is better for you. http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=182905:26
Frogzooaunes: I've used mods that worked, not that one05:26
byenis dealing with external USBs that complicated or that silly? i have been trying for a long time and no one has any idea05:27
=== byen feels ignored
jsimmonsis there a way to skip the partitioning part of the install?05:27
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:27
DocTomoebyen: what are you trying to do?05:27
byensorry Frogzoo very frustated05:28
byenDocTomoe, I am trying to mount an external USB harddrive05:28
DocTomoeso are we all, or most of us, byen05:28
arapehlI just changed my screen frequency to 87hz and the screen went blank... how can I change it back?05:28
dagrumpalex_: try to reinstall that image & reboot05:28
byenit used to automount on Breezy but does not on Dapper anymore05:28
DocTomoebyen: should be existant as /dev/sda[NUMBER] , shouldn't it?05:28
jongoldsz3Does anyone know how to setup a WPA connection to a router?05:29
byenlogically it shud. But i dont see it05:29
jribarapehl: does the grub menu showup when you boot?05:29
byenon Breezy it used to be on sda105:29
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byenbut on dapper it does not show up anywhere05:30
DocTomoecheck if /media/sda1 directory exists and then try "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1"05:30
johlinbe right back05:30
arapehljrib: yeah... I chose recovery mode and now I'm in IRCII chatting in text mode... I haven't actually tried to restart the desktop yet05:30
johlingonna see if initng works05:30
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Frogzoobyen: tail -f /var/log/messages   - then plug it in & see what log is spat out05:30
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jribarapehl: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, should let you change it, or edit xorg.conf if you are comfortable05:31
byenok Frogzoo ...trying it r8 now05:31
MrWoohelp! i'm having major issues with the live CD05:31
arapehljrib... I'm not comfortable ;)05:31
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.05:31
DocTomoeMrWoo: That's a very good problem description05:32
=== speel [n=speel@cpe-24-90-226-63.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrWoowell it really is multiple problems, best summed up by that description05:32
jsimmonsis there a way to skip the partitioning part of the install?05:32
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speelHey is there any way to request a package?05:33
MrWooproblem number 1: sometimes my Mac G4 doesn't even recognize the live CD is there, i have to pop it in and out a few times05:33
FrogzooDocTomoe: you've a sharp eye for problem descriptions :)05:33
jramseyanyone ever see windows as apps are minimized leave a ghost of the window border on the screen as the window minimizes? (it is a decreasing size transparent box with nothing in it); was running a java app when this happened05:33
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ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa05:33
DocTomoeMrWoo: next problem please - I don't use mac over here05:33
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Barkleywhat's the command to quickly test the i/o speed of a disk?05:33
byenFrogzoo, i get Jul  2 11:33:11 localhost kernel: [17184983.864000]  usb 4-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1905:33
MrWoowhen it does get the disc, it see a screen with a "boot:" prompt05:34
arapehlHow can I leave IRC running and go back to the shell?05:34
Frogzoobyen: & that's all she wrote?05:34
arapehland then switch back?05:34
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DocTomoeMrWoo: have you tried pressing <ENTER> or the mac version of this?05:34
MrWooand i'm now getting this new message about something being corrupt05:34
byenthe last number address xx where xx keeps changing05:34
byenFrogzoo, ^05:34
DocTomoeMrWoo: about *what* being corrupt?05:34
=== skavenge [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrWooi'm getting "unknown or corrupt filesystem"05:34
speelHey is there any way to request a package?05:35
UltraMagnushow do i open a text file as root please?05:35
Ribsspeel: you can always make one yourself :)05:35
MrWooit says it can't open vmlinux file05:35
speelLol true but i'll leave it up to the experts xD05:35
DocTomoeMrWoo: seems your live cd is defective. Did you burn it yourself?05:36
skavengeUltraMagnus: just use sudo beforehand, example 'sudo gedit xorg.conf' or whatever, when it asks for password put your user password in05:36
MrWooi dled the ISO and the md5 for the ISO checked out05:36
DocTomoeMrWoo: if so, burn it at a lower speed and try again.05:36
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DocTomoeMrWoo: some cd burners are somewhat messy at high speeds -_-05:36
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philipsmithI downloaded DAPPER. How do I check to see if it downloaded correctly?05:37
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aunes_rabble rabble...05:37
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wastrelphilipsmith:  get the md5 sum05:37
MrWooallright, well i've never had a problem with this one b4, i've literally burnt over 30 DVDs with it and not one had a problem05:37
jramseyarapeh1 ctrl-alt-f1 to switch to console mode, ctrl-alt-f7 to switch back05:37
MrWooi would think CDs would be a walk in the park for it05:37
wastrelphilipsmith:  and check it against the published md5 sum for the iso you downloaded05:37
=== jeldert [n=jeldert@f166033.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoobyen: in a perfect world, you'd get something like "Initializing USB Mass Storage driver..."05:37
aunes_so how do I uninstall something I installed by source (speficially wine)?05:37
MrWooalghouth, the first time i was trying to burn it DVD decrypter gave me some crap error message05:37
philipsmithwastrel: where can I find the published md5 sum?05:37
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MrWooi'm going to do it a little different this time05:38
UltraMagnusskavenge: that diddent work!05:38
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
byenFrogzoo, so is there anything i can do05:38
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wastrelphilipsmith:  usually in the same place you find the link to the iso.. where'd you get the iso?05:38
DocTomoeI still have that problem with my broadcom BCM4318 wlan card ... if someone has an idea, I'd welcome it...05:38
sexcopter8000mhow do i get a fps score with glxgears?05:38
skavengeultramagnus;  thats how you open as root, what error did it give?05:38
wastrelsexcopter8000m:  -showfps  prolly05:39
ubotuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.05:39
wastrelah s/show/print/05:39
=== Josh9 [n=Josh@203-121-199-18.e-wire.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
UltraMagnusskavenge: that i dont have sufficent privilages to overwrite the file05:39
philipsmithWastrel: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/05:39
skavengeUltraMagnus: even with 'sudo'? that doesnt make any sense unless even as root it is read only05:39
compengii need a canon i350 ubuntu driver05:39
jsimmonshmmm, that might be my problem - burned cd at 48x...05:39
=== sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Josh9hey guys, quick question: which do i download to perm install, server or desktop?05:39
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wastrelphilipsmith:  http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/MD5SUMS   (there's a link near the middle of the page)05:40
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skavengeJosh9: either .. both are livecds and installs as well05:40
Frogzoobyen: that's it? just the one line & nothing more?05:40
sexcopter8000mand is 3700 or so fps in glxgears "good"?05:40
DocTomoecompengi: go and ask canon? Canon isn't particulary helpful with giving device information etc.05:40
philipsmithwastrel: THANKS!!!!05:40
=== AlexC_ [n=AlexC@host86-128-101-119.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
byenFrogzoo, Jul  2 11:40:28 localhost kernel: [17185421.336000]  usb 4-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 12305:40
Josh9skavenge: Oh, what do i type in boot screen during install to perm install?05:40
UltraMagnusskavenge: its the boot.lst in the grub files05:40
byenand the adress number keeps changing05:40
DocTomoesexcopter8000m: as your brain only is able to check 25 picures per second, yes.05:40
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aunes_Frogzoo: What's the url for the installation of wine from source?05:41
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skavengeJosh9: just hit enter, it loads the x window system from the livecd then on the desktop there's an icon called 'install' click on it and there you go05:41
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Josh9Ahh thanks:D05:41
sexcopter8000mDocTomoe, that's not quite the point though is it? it's a simple rendering and i though scores in the thousands of fps were normal. just wondering if my graphics card is up to scratch05:41
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jramseysexcopter8000m, mine is 94 min and broadcast tv is 30 so yeah that is good05:42
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DocTomoesexcopter8000m: basically, this is the point.05:42
Josh9skavenge ill go try it now, soon ill have the latest ubuntu :P05:42
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aunesAnyone know how to uninstall something you've installed from source?05:42
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pppoe_dudeaunes, try 'make uninstall' in the directory you installed from05:43
aunesawesome. thx.05:43
Frogzooaunes: this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingWineFromSource05:43
aunesFrogzoo: Yup. Thanks!05:43
mwesexcopter8000m: if you think the fps in glxgears is to low change resolution and try again or make the window really small. that will bump up your "benchmark"05:43
byenFrogzoo, does that mean I am screwed.. or that there is still an option? what gets me is.. it used awesome on Breezy05:43
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Frogzoobyen: not screwed, just delayed05:43
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Frogzoobyen: google is your friend - what's the drive make/model?05:44
skavengeUltraMagnus: you should have no problem editing the boot.lst using sudo .. you could try 'sudo nautilus' in terminal which will open the file browser in root and navigate to the boot dir and try to edit it that way05:44
byeni will check google out Frogzoo05:44
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Frogzooaunes: make uninstall (from existing build directory)05:45
aunesFrogzoo: Got it. thx.05:45
jsimmonsdoes anyone think burning at 12x would be too fast for the iso?05:45
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DocTomoejsimmons: depends on your burner05:45
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DocTomoejsimmons: worked fine for me, however05:46
jsimmonsit's a brand new lite-on05:46
skavengeburner and media, i burnt mine at 16x no hiccups05:46
speeli usually burn all my media at 24x05:46
MrWooDocTomoe: just burned it again, getting the exact same error, its can't find the exact same file05:46
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MrWooDoctomoe: something about not being able to find vmlinux05:47
GrubChubHowdy peeps, anyone have some time to help me through some PHP installation questionmobobs?05:47
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wastreli really want to because of the word questionmobobs but i don't know anything about php05:47
DocTomoeMrWoo: then, I'm out of ideas -_-05:48
jsimmonswell, the install seems to be failing at randomly different places, so I'm gonna try a slower burn and see if that helps05:48
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debnubInternet services partially running. www is ok, but can acess gaim. I'm behind a external router. Any help?05:48
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GrubChubwell ubuntuguide.org makes it look pretty easy05:48
GrubChubapache was a peice o cake05:48
wastreldebnub:  is your router filtering outgoing internet?05:49
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead05:49
GrubChubbut forwhatever reason apt is spitting out E: Couldn't find package php505:49
johnnyXhow do i set my laptop so i dont have to give a password every time i close the lid?05:49
MrWoodoctomoe:this is weird cause the first live cd I burned kinda work, something went wrong with Gnome when it loaded though05:49
GrubChubah alrighty05:49
ompaulGrubChub, read what ubotu said05:49
GrubChubty ubotu & paul05:49
pppoe_dudeany ideas if aview can produce coloured output?05:49
pppoe_dudeor a similar program05:50
debnubwastrel, i think not, but not completely sure. it runs busybox05:50
jsimmonsif it's inaccruate and outdated, why is it still available?05:50
wastreli dunno from busybox.05:50
wastreldebnub:  you're in control of the router?05:50
MrWoodoctomoe:allright, the problem is with my Burner, i don't know what he heck is going on but its giving me this message about not being able to stream something05:50
ompaulGrubChub, ubotu is the channel guide05:50
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:50
GrubChubah ha05:51
GrubChubwell don't I look silly :P05:51
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GrubChubi was about to hit on a bot :p05:51
GrubChubhey baby05:51
wastreldebnub:  try this   telnet login.oscar.aol.com 519005:51
skavengenaw ive seen people have 15 minute conversations with the bot without knowing it hah05:51
debnubwastrel: Yes. Have http and telnet access.05:51
GrubChubthanks for that php installtion help, you doin anything tonight? ;) :pp05:51
johnnyXdoes anyone know how to configure my laptop so i wont have to give a password every time i close the lid?05:52
wastreljohnnyX:  if you find out, let me know05:52
GrubChubI imagine that's a pretty necessary security feature johnny05:52
GrubChubI wouldn't want that removed05:52
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debnubWastrel: i suspect its a dns problem. but couldn't figure how to solve it05:52
johnnyXits not05:52
NilsyGrubChub, depends on why you got a laptop05:52
johnnyXi want it removed05:52
johnnyXits really annoying05:53
kismetI can get esd to not open exclusive the /dev/dsp ?05:53
wastreldebnub:  but your web works?   can you resolve names from the command line with host?  host google.com05:53
NilsyjohnnyX, yeah I agree ;)05:53
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Nilsythou I never got my ass around to disable it05:53
johnnyXdo you know how to fix it NickaNicka ?05:53
johnnyXsomeone helped me before05:53
johnnyXi cant remember what file to edit though05:53
Nilsygconf ?05:53
johnnyXsomething in /etc/acpi/05:53
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debnubwastrel: Can ping router but not www.google.com05:54
i\oHow can i install fluxbox and gnome.. or enlightenment and gnome.. it seems that it just goes right into flux or e without gnome05:54
ConstyIs there anyway to get beta software installed through synaptic?  For example installing firefox 2.0?05:54
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wastreldebnub:  can you ping
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dagrumpjohnnyX: sys>admin>login>security tab. enable automatic login 4 your user name05:55
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michelConsty, only if someone made a package for it05:55
debnubwastel: nop05:55
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Jack_SparrowWhat is the official position on support.. gksudo nautilus --no-desktop has a glitch and does not work, so should we use gksudo nautilus or sudu nautilus --no-desktpo05:56
NilsyjohnnyX, screenblack perhaps ?05:56
Nilsythat atleast lock the screen05:56
wastreldebnub:  but your web works, so the router must be blocking your outbound traffic05:56
alex_i have installed the linux kernel linux-image-2.6.15-25-686, but the system does not start only with a 386 kernel. what to do?05:56
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fyrestrtralex_: how did you install it?05:56
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wastreldebnub:  check your router config interface05:56
alex_sudo apt-get install05:56
wastrelalex_:  your computer only runs with the -386 kernel?05:57
fyrestrtralex_: hit esc when grub is loading then choose it from the menu05:57
Nilsybut I think you can just disable lock in the screensaver gconf setup05:57
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johnnyXdagrump, i dont see anyting on automatic login for my user?05:57
alex_686 doesn't start when i choose it05:57
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alex_safe mode don't work too05:57
Fatal`so has the random total lockup issue been fixed?  browsing the forums, the threads tell me otherwise05:57
Jack_SparrowFata.. it is just you.. :)05:58
wastrelalex_:  your processor doesn't support 686 maybe05:58
Fatal`psh, obviously not :P05:58
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alex_celeron 500 Mhz05:58
Fatal`otherwise there wouldn't be 10 page threads on the issue05:58
wastrelalex_:  cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep family05:58
Jack_SparrowFatal`: Just kidding..05:58
ConstyWhats the best DVD player for Ubuntu that everyone uses?  Ogle?05:59
ConstyLooking for the most compatible one.05:59
wastrelConsty:  i use xine05:59
jribConsty: I use xine05:59
wastreler totem-xine05:59
xiqcool, i just made a clone of a machine using two ubuntu livecds..05:59
debnubwastrel: looking for?05:59
dagrumpjohnnyX: security tab @ the top >enable automatic login05:59
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Jack_SparrowConsty: have you done the restricted formats wiki yet05:59
wastreldebnub:  i dunno - firewall or something :] 05:59
johnnyXi know dagrump05:59
GullstadHow create another partition whit the bash-shell or any other application in ubuntu.05:59
ConstyJack_Sparrow: Yeah05:59
johnnyXit doesnt say anyting about enable automatic login05:59
johnnyXare you using dapper?05:59
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fyrestrtrGullstad: gparted or fdisk depending on your skill level06:00
dagrumpyes on 3 machines06:00
Gullstadfyrestrtr: Whats the easyest? ;-)06:00
johnnyXim on breezy06:00
dagrumpsorry my bad06:00
mmyjonai need help06:01
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johnnyXnah i should have said so06:01
johnnyXi remember it had something to do with /etc/acpi/06:01
johnnyXi just cant remember what file to edit and what to put in06:01
dagrumpu could always upgrade06:01
aunesis there a diffrence between:   sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b  and   running the same as root?06:01
jribmmyjona: just ask your question06:01
monomaniacpatAnyone here good with wine?06:01
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mmyjonai am using icewm06:01
aunesI just want to make sure my permissions aren't b0rked when I go to try to run the applications.06:01
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jsimmonsiso bruned at 24x, installing AGAIN06:01
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Gullstadfyrestrtr: Command not found.06:02
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mmyjonaand the icewm-session doesn't work06:02
aunesjsimmons: I burned at 8x (twice, actually) better safe than sorry :-/06:02
mmyjonait said a session has already running06:02
fyrestrtrGullstad: you might need to install it06:02
johnnyXdoes anyone know how to edit /etc/acpi so i wont have to type in a password everytime i close my laptop for breezy?06:02
monomaniacpatI need a specific .dll for wine to run half-life06:02
apollo2011hi everyone06:02
alex_wastrel. and support my cpu 686?06:02
johnnyXcan you turn the password off altogether?06:02
skavengeman no menus or subtitles with totem for dvd playback and using gxine the colors are a little washed out with light static across the whole thing .. *sigh*06:02
adamant1988can someone help me to get my canon pixma ip1500 working under Ubuntu dapper 6.06?06:02
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johnnyXi dont really need any security on this laptop06:02
mmyjonai didn't see the desktop and wallpapper and icons06:02
wastrelalex_:  cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep family06:03
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alex_cpu family      : 606:03
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Frogzooanyone use hnb?   there's highlighting when editing...06:03
wastrelalex_:  i guess that should work with 686, i don't know the problem.06:03
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shadeofgreyhey everybody06:03
BarkleySeveas did you msg me?06:03
Frogzooanyone use hnb?   there's _no_ highlighting when editing...06:03
jsimmonsaunes well, i have a crapload of empty CDs and nothing but time... >/06:03
wastrelwhat's hnb?06:04
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jsimmonsis there a way to skip the partitioning part of the install?06:04
SeveasBarkley, no06:04
apollo2011I am installing ubuntu on my laptop and I used the partition tool in the graphical installation to remove a partition and resize my c: ntfs partition larger and leave room for Linux, but I think what happened was the partition was resized but the fs wasn't, because Windows still says C has the same space as before but the Disk Management and every Linux partition manager shows the drive as larger. How can I fix this?06:04
shadeofgreyis the update for openoffice.org from version 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 available through ubuntuy yet?06:04
Gullstadfyrestrtr: And what to do when It06:04
Barkleyi'm not reg on this network, so pms are ignored.  ok06:04
apollo2011I am installing ubuntu on my laptop and I used the partition tool in the graphical installation to remove a partition and resize my c: ntfs partition larger and leave room for Linux, but I think what happened was the partition was resized but the fs wasn't, because Windows still says C has the same space as before but the Disk Management and every Linux partition manager shows the drive as larger. How can I fix this?06:04
Gullstadfyrestrtr: And what to do when It's "locked"?06:04
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gnomefreakshadeofgrey: no06:04
Frogzoowastrel: hierarchical notebook06:04
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wastrelapollo2011:  sounds like a windows problem... :] 06:05
fyrestrtrGullstad: you use it to resize partitions.06:05
shadeofgreygnomefreak:  have any idea wghen it'll hit the pike?  its a really significant update06:05
gnomefreakshadeofgrey: not sure it will06:05
Gullstadfyrestrtr: .. but i can't :s06:05
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:05
alex_i change something in the sources.list! is that a problem??06:05
apollo2011wastrel: I don't know. the Windows Disk Management program knows about the increased space but the file system doesn't reflect that change06:05
alex_or the problem06:05
shadeofgreygnomefreak:  who would be the best person to talk to about it?06:05
aunesDoes ubuntu use any specific naming conventions when upgrading?06:05
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fyrestrtreh? what do you mean you can't?06:06
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iLLf8dhey all whats the name of that script/app that adds additional media apps and tweaks to ubuntu ala mplayer/xine like stuffs?06:06
Gullstadfyrestrtr: It's only pics. of some locks and I cant do anything whti the partition06:06
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gnomefreakshadeofgrey: dont know truthfully i havent seen or heard anything about it being ported for dapper nor edgy06:06
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fyrestrtrGullstad: you can't resize the partition that you are actively using.06:07
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gnomefreakshadeofgrey: i would try the ubuntu users mailinglist06:07
Gullstadfyrestrtr: Well, only got one partition and swap.06:07
Toblerdamnit... which key do i press to boot from the live cd?06:07
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fyrestrtrGullstad: hrmm, you would need to reboot from a CD that had gparted to resize it then -- because you can't resize an active partition (iirc)06:08
fwtestif i connect to solaris box and try to read mail with mutt, the german umlaut is not correctly showed, also if i try to write mail, the backspace works like delete key, what should i do?06:08
fyrestrtrfwtest: set the correct TERM type06:08
Jack_Sparrowtobler, usually just power it up06:08
Gullstadfyrestrtr: Doh, well. Cant be bothered now. ;-)06:09
fwtestfyrestrtr, how?06:09
dagrumpiLLf8d: automatix06:09
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Jack_Sparrowtobler, is your pc set to look at the cd boot sector before looking at the hard drive06:09
fyrestrtrfwtest: export TERM=something-here -- dont know what it is for solaris. Never had the pleasure of working with it.06:09
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Toblerprobably not, since it starts windows06:09
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Jack_Sparrowtpbler, hit delete is the usual way to get into the bios and check it06:10
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shadeofgreyim going to try the forums instead06:10
iLLf8ddagrump, thanks pointed me in the right direction! have you tried automatix and easyubuntu? was wondering if there were any obvious differences in the end result06:10
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Jack_Sparrowtobler, on power up during memory test06:10
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dstyrkHaving problems with the LiveCD .  I get it to start up, then it gets a far a playing a little sound then the screen goes black.  I left it like that for 10-15 min just to see if it would finish and still nothing..  I am trying to run it on an old G3 iMac06:10
hakanwI'm using ubuntu-server, and just installed vsftpd.  I want all users to be able to upload files to ~/public_html ... but if they do now, the files don't allow read access to the web server by default, how do I fix this?06:10
subHello. I have an nvidia go 6660 an installed nvidia-glx & restricedmodules ... Now i'm wondering why i do not have a "nvidia" kernel module to load?06:11
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abderahmanhi 2 all06:11
skavengeanyone actually play dvd's in totem? my sound is so quiet its ridiculous, even with volume at max for the dvd and master volume, what gives?06:11
Jack_Sparrowdstyrk:  did you have the cd check itself for erors06:11
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abderahmani got a question06:11
abderahmancan someone help me?06:11
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dagrumpiLLf8d used automatix on all 3 boxes worked great 4 me06:11
alex_how to change a kernel06:11
dstyrkJack_Sparrow:  No.. maybe I should start there eh'.  lol06:12
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adamant1988skavenge, I use kaffeine06:12
fyrestrtrskavenge: I use gxine06:12
skavengehavent tried that since its a kde app and im running gnome .. maybe i should try vlc as well06:12
skavengefyrestrtr: do you get any 'washing out' on your dvds? like the whites are -really- white?06:13
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adamant1988skavenge, it's a good app, I use gnome too... I love kaffeine though06:13
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abderahmanwell look i instaled the linux sistem in my pc and i burnd on a dvd the msn torret and some other tuf well when i instaled linux i trid 2 put what  is on the dvd on the desktop and it said error and i cant open the msn nither whats going on what can i do?06:13
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skavengeadamant1988: ill have to check it out thanks for the heads up06:14
abderahman well look i instaled the linux sistem in my pc and i burnd on a dvd the msn torret and some other tuf well when i instaled linux i trid 2 put what  is on the dvd on the desktop and it said error and i cant open the msn nither whats going on what can i do?06:14
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adamant1988if that goesn't work for you you can try ogle skavenge.  but I find kaffeine more intuitive and user friendly06:14
fyrestrtrskavenge: only when I have my lcd tilted :)06:14
abderahmancan someone help me?06:15
skavengeyeah its wierd, video is awesome for me in totem and audio is awful, exact opposite in gxine06:15
subHello. I have an nvidia go 6660 an installed nvidia-glx & restricedmodules ... Now i'm wondering why i can not load the "nvidia" kernel module?06:15
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:15
erUSULabderahman: just ask06:15
michel_huh, so far dapper seems to be buggier than warty for me06:15
michel_ymmv ;)06:15
Jack_Sparrowabderahman:  how did you try to open it06:15
=== pppoe_dude is now known as in_a_trance
jsimmonsinstall stuck AGAIN at 97% ("completely removed user-setup")06:16
abderahman well look i instaled the linux sistem in my pc and i burnd on a dvd the msn torret and some other tuf well when i instaled linux i trid 2 put what  is on the dvd on the desktop and it said error and i cant open the msn nither whats going on what can i do?06:16
michel_weird bug in synaptic, I click apply and get an error, and then click apply again and it works06:16
=== drega [n=drega@cpc4-bagu1-0-0-cust675.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowabderahman: stop repeating, and answer the question06:16
Mannymichel_: you reported it already, right?06:16
erUSULabderahman: what is msn?06:16
michel_Manny, I just discovered it ;)06:16
concept10erUSUL, do you know anyone that might know someone that knows anything about something at all in somewhat of a bind06:17
michel_but yeah, i'll drop it in right now06:17
=== debian_ [n=debian@hlfxns0146w-142167169093.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeanyone know offhand where to set video output in gxine?06:17
erUSULabderahman: to acces the msn im network use gaim? Apps>Internet>gaim06:17
michel_dappper also doesn't get my panel res right (like breezy), but warty got it just fine.06:17
johnnyXhow do you force a process to be killed06:17
abderahmancan some 1 help me06:17
fyrestrtrjohnnyX: kill -9 pid06:18
Jack_Sparrowabderahman:  how did you try to open it or copy it to your desktop?06:18
=== spacepup [n=spacepup@24-177-223-231.dhcp.almg.nm.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
michel_johnnyX, if you can see the frozen program in X you can also run xkill and then click the hung program06:18
erUSULabderahman: you can not exec msn in dapper. Use gaim to connect to messenger06:18
johnnyXit keeps saying operation not permitted06:18
Jack_Sparrowabderahman:  Did you verify the burn to dvd with another machine?06:18
NgjohnnyX: use sudo06:18
fyrestrtrjohnnyX: sudo kill -9 pid06:18
=== Polkadotshorts [n=andre@dsl-165-250-227.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
abderahmanwith windows06:19
johnnyXi did fyrestrtr06:19
abderahmanwhat is gain06:19
=== m0gsi [n=chris@194-247-240-59.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeooh a little contrast tweaking in gxine made it pretty watchable, sweet06:19
Ngabderahman: what, exactly, is on the dvd?06:19
m0gsiHey guys how do i get gedit out of over run06:19
johnnyXwhat would kill -0 pid do?06:19
PolkadotshortsCan someone tell me how I can play DivX files in Ubuntu. I tried installing totem-xine, but to no avail.06:19
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erUSUL!mp3 > Polkadotshorts06:19
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:19
NgjohnnyX: nothing, most likely06:20
abderahmanthe msn bitlord films internet explorer beta 3 torrents music06:20
PolkadotshortsAlso, how can I install skype?06:20
NgjohnnyX: -15 is a regular "please exit now" signal, -9 tells the kernel to unload the process. see "man kill" for more information06:20
PolkadotshortsThat is the most important application I need06:20
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:20
johnnyXi did Ng but its kind of vague06:20
Ngabderahman: if you want to use MSN, just go to Applications->Internet->Gaim06:20
Ngabderahman: as for IE7 beta3, I seriously doubt you'll get that working in linux06:21
abderahmanand bitlord06:21
=== zelig [n=zelig@68-116-199-179.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXis there  a plugin for webcams for gaim?06:21
abderahmanand the things i was downloding with it thats on the dvd06:21
Toblerwhat are the format types when formatting?06:22
skavengeie on linux ... *shudder*06:22
=== ubuntutim [n=tim@i5387D2AF.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
NgjohnnyX: not afaik, but there is amsn in the repositories, which supports cams06:22
ubuntutimanyone familiar with using truecrypt on ubuntu with usb drives? crypted complete partition using windows. trying to mount it using ubuntu, but without success, any suggestions?06:22
dagrumpbill gates is the devil06:22
johnnyXi have amsn06:22
Ngdagrump: noise like that -> #ubuntu-offtopic06:22
johnnyXbut whenever someone offers webcam i dont get it06:22
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m0gsiWhy you you want ie7 in ubuntu!!!?06:23
=== Teddy [n=Teddy@unaffiliated/teddy] has joined #ubuntu
abderahman and the things i was downloding with it thats on the dvd06:23
Toblerwhat are the format types when formatting? extended 2, extended 3, JFS etc, and should i pick the default extended 2?06:23
=== Larsson-Sweden [n=Apan@84-216-57-117.sprayadsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu
NgTobler: ext3 is probably the best one to go for06:24
Toblerwhat are the differences?06:25
Jack_Sparrowtobler 3 or default06:25
Jack_Sparrowtobler, google it.. not much06:25
skavengenow that i have dvd playback working maybe i can monkey with dvdrip heh .. new can of worms there im sure06:25
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Toblerbit annoying to google without a mouse... i'll pick extended 306:25
Jack_Sparrowtobler, did you get the cd to boot?06:25
jsimmonsi'm jealousa of all of you - i can't even get drake installed...06:26
=== Arnald [n=Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tobleri'm formatting the harddrive now06:26
abderahman and the things i was downloding with it thats on the dvd06:26
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foxinessTobler,  index "can do clean on start up faster"06:27
rooteroI have tried to change my normal use directory with usermod, now I cannot enter with that user, how can I enter with that user again? (the directory structure has not been lost)06:27
fwtestis it possible to configure firefox, so that if we middle clik on the page, it will reload the url from the buffer?06:27
foxinessabderahman, !sa06:27
abderahman and the things i was downloding with it thats on the dvd06:27
snikkerin a amd64 system, some 32-bit applications are dysplayed with very small font. why?06:27
abderahmancan some 1 help me06:27
Tobleryeah i figured i should have formatted before, but it's a small harddrive06:27
rooteroI have tried to change my normal user directory's name with usermod, now I cannot enter with that user, how can I enter with that user again? (the directory structure has not been lost)06:28
skavengei still cant believe dapper picked up  everything on this dell laptop, which is probably full of generic hardware .. last one i had was a toshiba from 1812 and oh boy was that trouble for -any- distro heh06:28
Toblernow.. if i'm running ubuntu from the live cd, how do i install it?06:28
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Tobleroh fuck i'm stupid... icon right there on the desktop >.<06:28
skavengeTobler: 'install' icon on the desktop once it loads06:28
Jack_Sparrowtobler, click on the desktop icon INSTALL06:28
Jack_SparrowTobler: np06:29
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=== jsimmons wished that actually worked
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Jack_Sparrowskavenge:  my dells worked fine as well as my Hp430006:30
foxinessubotu, tell foxiness about arabic06:30
ubotuI know nothing about arabic06:30
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: HAving trouble06:30
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ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa06:30
jsimmonsjack_sparrow - oh yeah - big trouble06:30
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skavenge Jack_Sparrow;  yah ive got an inspiron 6000 here and it was smooth as glass06:31
randomdouchei have a pc with a 40 gig hd, first partition is 20 gigs for Win ME, 2nd is 20 gigs for my files. can i partition the 1st in half so that ubuntu can have 10 gigs without affecting the other partition?06:31
Toblerdid they change GMT? it says sweden is GMT +206:31
=== jsimmons has tried almost evrything you kmight suggest
CrazyDooderandomdouche: yes, the install disk can do this for you06:31
sysdocTobler, I'd get the install CD and not the live CD for installing06:31
Jack_Sparrowrandomdouche:  yes, but I would do it with partition magic for windows06:31
NgTobler: summer time?06:31
Toblerhmm... that might be it06:31
lapisdecorhi I have a question about /var/www permissions, should i ask it here or in another channel?06:32
Toblerwhat's bad about using the live cd? =/06:32
Jack_Sparrowtobler, you can fix it later clicking on the clock06:32
rooteroI have changed my default's user configuration with usermode and I can not enter anymore, any clue to recover it?06:32
sysdocTobler, It is like Ubuntu-Lite06:32
rooterowith "usermod" pardon06:32
jsimmonsi've tried disabling sata in bios, completely unplugging the sata drives, burning at slower speeds, trying the other install CDs (alternate and amd64)06:33
Jack_Sparrowsysdoc:  I havent heard that before06:33
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OHPhoneGuyWho do I talk to about helping out with the OEM installer?06:33
jsimmonsi'm almost done burning the cd at the slowest speed (8x)06:33
johnnyXhas anyone used gpsdrive?06:33
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Toblerwhy would the install cd and the live cd install different ubuntus?06:33
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  so it hates your sata, what does it do, what error06:34
bonyjohnnyX, yes06:34
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jsimmonsit doesn't matter if sata is in ior not - install always fails06:34
gnomefreakTobler: if they are both 6.06 they wouldnt06:34
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jsimmonsi'm installing onto a brand new 200gb drive06:34
michel_jsimmons, did you try the alternate install?06:34
Jack_SparrowTob I understand that the install is the old installer live is the new one.  I have not heard anything about being different until now06:35
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sysdocJack_Sparrow, I was reading that there were some things that were not included on the LiveCD a week or 2 ago. Don't recall what they were, to.06:35
Toblergnomefreak: they are06:35
amortvigilhow can i share via a terminal?06:35
amortvigilhow can i share files via a terminal?06:35
gnomefreakthey should bei nstalling same version of ubuntu than06:35
jsimmonsi'm about to try the kubuntu insatall06:35
michel_well that's all i got unfortunately, jsimmons were you previously using warty?06:35
jsimmonsno - brand new driive06:35
=== BrownMan [n=tarun@adsl-69-208-142-233.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowsysdoc:  anything missing can be quickly added if you find you need it.06:35
sysdocJack_Sparrow, sure06:35
pradeepamortvigil, ftp ?06:35
michel_hmm, it might be worth it for diagnostic purposes to try a warty install, and then do an upgrade06:35
fyrestrtramortvigil: what what with whom?06:35
BrownManhi, i installed xgl on my computer but now when i open banshee music player it is always visible on all workspaces and is discolored (not to my theme) and acts like it is frozen even though it is not06:35
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fyrestrtrBrownMan: #ubuntu-xgl :)06:36
johnnyXbony, why does it say my computer is in germany when im in idaho?06:36
BrownManim in there but no one is responding06:36
FrogzooBrownMan: -> #ubuntu-xgl06:36
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  do you have bios option to treat sata as ide?06:36
xconsHeya. Is anyone able to help with a prism2 based wireless card? warty warthog (4.10)?06:36
bonyjohnnyX, so did you plug in the gps device?06:36
BrownManfrog and fyre, in there but no one is saying anything06:36
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow - not an option in bios - it does use sata1 mode though06:37
=== Versed` [i=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
amortvigilfyrestrtr: like hwo i can get from ubuntu server to my fathers windows workstation?06:37
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: where does the install fail?06:37
Frogzoo!samba > amortvigil06:37
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fyrestrtramortvigil: Places -> Connect to Server...06:37
jsimmonsjack_sparrow usually at 97%06:37
=== gnomefreak bbl got work to do
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amortvigilfyrestrtr: i told you i got ubuntu server there is no hui06:38
=== JustCharlie [n=Charlie@ip70-174-154-192.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I assume you did the cd self check?06:38
Toblerwhoo, installing. Now, how good is wine for running games and other windows apps?06:38
jsimmonsjack_sparrow every time06:38
Frogzoo!appdb > Tobler06:38
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joeljkpi'm looking for a way to play doom that's as close to the original as possible; is there such a thing?06:38
Jack_Sparrow!wine > tobler06:38
joeljkpmaybe with bugfixes only or something?06:38
Frogzoojoeljkp: you can get the real thing...06:39
michel_joeljkp, search in synaptic for 'doom' there are a few options for you06:39
JustCharlieHello, may I ask a question please.06:39
skavengei think the doom engine is gpl, you gotta get the .wads from somewhere else though06:39
michel_i think one is called lxdoom06:39
michel_and the other is boom06:39
michel_or something like that06:39
amarokkerHi cant open evolution no more :(06:39
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-224-072.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
joeljkpfrogzoo: is there an original linux installer on the disc?06:39
fyrestrtramortvigil: you need the samba tools then, search the wiki or query the bot06:39
michel_and there are free .wads called 'freedoom'06:40
JustCharlie...new to IRC, obviously...06:40
=== avis [n=whale@adsl-71-159-60-54.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
joeljkpmichel_: yeah, i'm looking up some of those, but they all seem like they're focused on adding features and new graphics and stuff06:40
johnnyXwhat is the plugin that gets the album info when you rip a cd?06:40
Jack_SparrowJustCharlie: what is the problem?06:40
chrisbudden14new gnome-main-menu06:40
joeljkpmichel_: is there an official linxu binary or something i can use? or a "pure" updated version?06:40
amarokkerAnd why's gnome acting up lately?06:40
skavengethe shareware wads are in the repos as well i see06:40
amarokkerafter 2.14.?06:41
jsimmonskubuntu startup sound is soooo gay06:41
joeljkpskavenge: yeah, i'm looking for a "pure" engine to use06:41
amarokkerjsimmons: gay as in light-hearted, joyful?06:41
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Frogzoojoeljkp: you might take a look here: http://eyagi.bpa.nu/eyagi/community-projects/yagisan-s-doomsday-for-debian-ubuntu06:42
jsimmonsno gay as in flamming faggot gay06:42
JustCharlieThanks Jack_Sparrow, I was wondering if anyone has ever been able to configure/use a smart card (eg ActivCard) reader in Ubuntu (for accessing secure websites, authenticating w/ smart card certificate)06:42
amarokkerjsimmons: kde is just too bulky- but still apps are quite useful-06:42
skavengeamarokker: i agree06:43
=== in_a_trance is now known as pppoe_dude
jsimmonswell, i wouldn't be trying to install it if ubuntu would cooperaTE06:43
Jack_SparrowJustCharlie:  google ubuntu smartcard and lots of into is there06:43
=== smaugslayer [n=smaugsla@c-24-60-117-89.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXi need something that will rip the track title and album info06:43
Jack_SparrowKubuntu kept crashing on me..06:43
johnnyXi had it before but i cant find it06:43
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jsimmonsJACK_sparrow if it installs, i'm gonna keep it06:44
CkenyonAfternoon all06:44
skavengei was just never a fan of the default themes in kde .. im sure with some work it can look fancy .. i havent tried it since breezy anyway06:44
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JustCharlieI see that - it looks like I get CCID for USB driver and perhaps ActivCard middleware to work with Firefox?  I was just wondering if anyone here has successfully done such a thing06:44
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Jack_Sparrownpuse what works06:44
pppoe_dudeanyone know how i can disable mouse cursor themes in gnome??06:44
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CkenyonIs there anyone there who can help me with an install of dapper on a new machine - Am trying to work out the partioning06:45
jsimmonsi've been figting the installer for two days now06:45
eclairCkenyon: what's up?06:45
amarokkerI've asked the question earlier here on irc- about a dapper iso i downloaded- did the md5 sum check-  it checks out- but when i try to install ubuntu on afresh, i get the message corrupt kernel06:45
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amarokkeri downloaded from one of the mirrors- i think sunsite06:45
pppoe_dudeamarokker, might be a corrupt CD burn06:46
jsimmonscopying files...06:46
Ckenyoneclair:  I want to leave windows on the laptop and give it 20% of the hardrive06:46
JustCharlieI would like to know what you find out as well Ckenyon, it seems everyone has a different opinion on partitioning06:46
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amarokkerpppoe_dude: yeah- lately i've been unable to burn anything on ubuntu properly- I'll know when i check it using a virtual drive-06:46
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Jack_SparrowCkenyon: If partitioning an NTFS drive I still prefer a windows tool like Partition MAgic06:47
amarokkeri mean on windows- speaking of which lemme see if apps work when i mount it on linux06:47
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CkenyonI am using the dapper cd on a friends new pc06:48
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CkenyonSo just want to use the dapper CD06:48
amarokkerwine: could not load L"Z:\\home\\g0dchild\\archives\\dapper\\programs\\abiword\\AbiwordSetup.exe": Bad EXE format for06:48
amarokkerthats the message i get?06:48
Fatal`hehe, i was thinking of installing dapper on my friends old 300mhz pc06:48
amarokkerany clues as to what is going wrong?06:48
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salahany idea how to check my CPU temperature?06:49
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jsimmonsconfigurting apps06:49
michel_Fatal`, go for it, i got it running fine here on an 366mhz server (with 512MB ram, that might be your only bottleneck on the old machines)06:49
Jack_Sparrowamarokker:  did you do winecfg?06:49
jsimmonsscanning mirror06:49
=== dstyrk [n=tedmoore@c-68-85-72-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
michel_ram is everything ;)06:49
jsimmonsdetecting hardware06:49
Jack_Sparrowgo jsimmons06:50
jsimmonsconfiguring hardware06:50
jsimmonsi ain't gettin' a woody just yet06:50
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jsimmonsremoving packages06:50
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dstyrkis installing the server pretty straight forward?  i am trying to install the server so that I can then install the desktop06:51
jsimmonsand it freakin hangs again06:51
Jack_Sparrowdstyrk:  why not the standard install ?06:52
fyrestrtrdstyrk: just type 'server' (minus the quotes) at the boot: prompt06:52
=== CarNagE__ [n=CarNi@dslb-084-056-244-035.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
zOapdstyrk, why would you install a desktop on the server?06:52
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  be patient06:52
michel_joeljkp, i don't know much about the games myself, i just see the packages come up every now and then in synaptic06:52
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jsimmonsit's stuck at removing ntfsprogs06:52
ubuntuhow do i have internet?06:52
dstyrkJack_Sparrow:  well I am out of CD that will hold the standard06:52
michel_ubuntu, you download it06:52
FrogzoozOap: web interface at least...06:52
jsimmonshow long should I wait?06:53
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zOapFrogzoo, naah,06:53
ubuntumichel_ how06:53
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I would give it 5 or 10 just to be sure06:53
FrogzoozOap: that's the spirit06:53
CkenyonAny help on the install of Ubuntu to a new PC - Simply need advice on ensuring that I do not wipe Windows from this machine, would like to leave 20% of the HD for it06:53
dstyrkUnless I become pretty good with these computers and understand how to do the network install by the end of the day... I am going to try this way06:53
michel_ubuntu, my response was not serious.  your question is extremely broad, no one could possibly know the answer for you06:53
zOapFrogzoo, :) yeah. I'm not a big fan of gui servers06:53
michel_ask specific questions or go read the manual06:54
ubuntui have no internets06:54
dstyrkI pretty much have a day to waste and a computer to experiment with06:54
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=== fyrestrtr smells troll
dstyrkLinux... sounded fun.06:54
ubuntui search 4 explorer06:54
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Frogzooubuntu: the default irc nic on a stock ubuntu install is... you guessed...06:54
zOapfyrestrtr, I think you're right... :/06:54
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Jack_Sparrowdstyrk: Have at it.. not hard06:55
ubuntui look at help06:55
ubuntui did gaim06:55
fyrestrtrFrogzoo: depending on the client you use. On irssi its your username.06:55
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ubuntuhelp said ask here06:55
skavengeubuntu; you mean you cant find the web browser?06:55
ubuntuya i cant find the internets06:55
michel_fyrestrtr,  yeah, I try to assume the trolls are just innocent idiots at least for the first 2 questions ;)06:55
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smaugslayeranyone try suse 10.1 yet?  wondering how is compares to dapper.06:55
zOapubuntu, alt+F2, firefox06:55
fyrestrtryeah I like to wait it out myself.06:55
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smaugslayererr, how it compares06:56
ubuntuWelcome to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS!06:56
ubuntuthats help06:56
Frogzooubuntu: can you click on the firefox icon?06:56
dstyrkJack_Sparrow:  I have used the live CD about a year ago.. That worked perfect on my brand new eMac... But I am having some issues with this older iMac..  I think I get through it.06:56
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tonyyarussoUncool kernel 2.6.15-23.  Literally.  Not only are there problems with suspend, but now it won't even shut down with the new subversion, but fan control turns off, so the system ends up heating up.06:57
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fyrestrtrhrmm ubuntulog looks suspect.06:57
=== _JP [n=jpn@dsl-trebrasgw1-fe40fa00-194.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrtonyyarusso: what laptop?06:57
tonyyarussofyrestrtr: Thinkpad T43.06:57
pppoe_dudeanyone know how i can disable mouse cursor themes in gnome?? i want the original X cursor06:58
fyrestrtreh? works fine here.06:58
Jack_Sparrowdstyrk: I have a P5 here gathering dust, booted it onece looked around and shut it down06:58
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Fatal`yeah, i wouldn't have any trouble installing it, but i want to make sure the stability troubles are fixed before i put ubuntu on any friends computers06:58
fyrestrtrFatal`: stability troubles are generally the fault of the hardware being used.06:58
skavengestability is relative to hardware06:58
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fyrestrtrFatal`: best way to judge is to boot from the livecd and let it run for a few days.06:59
fyrestrtrthen you can click the aptly-named 'Install' icon to get it installed.06:59
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Fatal`yeah, i should of noticed my issues from the start and maybe avoided it temporarily07:00
dstyrkJack_Sparrow:   what type of computer are you running ubuntu on?07:00
Fatal`i guess that would be the best idea07:00
ZambeziRename folders in the terminal, how?07:00
fyrestrtrZambezi: mv oldfolder newfolder07:00
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Jack_SparrowI used mepis for years, everything was fine, the new mepis uses ubuntu debs etc and will not run on my box but Ubuntu has been flawless... Go figure07:01
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Jack_SparrowMSI P4 3ghz sata drives07:01
Fatal`how different is the new version of ubuntu from previous ones?07:01
Fatal`cause i hear the older versions work flawlessly07:01
Jack_Sparrow2 dell lappys and an hp4300 lappy07:01
dstyrkbrb.. Going to try the new cd I burned.07:01
Zambezifyrestrtr, I though it was mvdir. I'll try with mv.07:02
skavengefatal`; especially with an ati video card your going to have to jump through hoops in any version07:02
nix4mei wouldnt say flawlessly, but ubuntu works very well07:02
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Jack_Sparrowbrb wife on the phone with the hospital and her mom...07:02
LeanCalPerI follow without having aceleraccion graphical with my ati 9250 in amd64, somebody the obtained a?07:02
CkenyonAfternoon all07:02
ajtThe IP on my server change and now when I try to mount a NFS export I get this error - "mount server reported tcp not available, falling back to udp      mount: RPC: Remote system error - No route to host" What's wrong?07:02
fyrestrtrLeanCalPer: have you read the wiki yet? I have acceleration on my ATI x30007:03
Fatal`i don't understand why the card being ATI effects anything07:03
=== ShadowLurker [n=ShadowLu@ppp-68-250-175-46.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fatal`should be as easy as any other card to code a driver07:03
fyrestrtrFatal`: because nvidia has better drivers than ATI07:03
ubotuI know nothing about joystick07:03
ubotuI know nothing about drivers07:03
ubotuI know nothing about driver07:03
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skavengefatal`; ati doesnt want to support linux in the least therefore the drivers are dodgy at best07:03
Jack_SparrowFatal it effects everything07:03
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ShadowLurkercan someone hel me set up my Gravis Blackhawk on Ubuntu 5.10?07:04
fyrestrtrFatal`: if you want graphical acceleration without headaches, buy nvidia.07:04
=== adu [n=adu@pool-72-66-83-105.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeati, broadcom, im sure ppl in here can name some other companies than just dont mix well with linux unfortunetly07:04
CkenyonCan someone spare me 5 minutes and take me through this:  I am installing 6.06 on a new PC - Simply need advice on ensuring that I do not wipe Windows from this machine, would like to leave 20% of the HD for it07:04
FrogzooFatal`: 3d on ati blows07:04
LeanCalPerif I have leido but without results, the problem is that when I give grlxinfo in the console it appears Error: couldnt get an RGB, Double-buffered visual07:04
Fatal`unfortunately, i cant throw money at the problem :/07:04
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:04
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tonyyarussoCkenyon: ^^ should help.07:05
Jack_SparrowCkenyon:  sure...07:05
snoopsCkenyon it's best to install windows BEFORE you install ubuntu07:05
dr_willisShadowLurker,  ya mean a gamepad?07:05
snoopsbecause ubuntu installs the grub boot manager07:05
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: idk, it's a joystick for a computer, i guess so07:05
snoopsand if you install windows after, the boot manager will be whiped, so you'll have to restore it07:05
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ShadowLurkerJack_Sparrow: I got AIM to work07:05
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dr_willisshad plug it in. see if a /dev/js0 or /dev/input/js0 exists07:05
ShadowLurkerJack_Sparrow: and im not sure how but...07:05
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: how do i do that?07:06
Fatal`so, theoretically, i'd have trouble on any linux distro because of my vid card?07:06
skavengeubuntu correctly installed and configured my -microsoft- sidewinder usb gamepad, go figure heh07:06
skavengefatal`; yes07:06
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fyrestrtrFatal`: yeap07:06
skavengefatal`; it is not distro specific07:06
Fatal`ahhhhhhhh, no fun :P07:06
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dr_willisls -l /dev/js0 , ls -l /dev/input07:06
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snoopsskavenge ubuntu gave me better keyboard support than with windows (it's an ms keyboard)07:06
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CkenyonMany thanks07:06
Jack_SparrowFatal Yes, but you could use std vesa07:06
skavengesnoops; funny how that works sometimes07:07
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: the second one gave me a list07:07
dagrumpFatal ': i have an box w/ ati & it works very well07:07
jsimmonsjack_sparrow it's froze up tighter than my ex-wife07:07
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ShadowLurkerJack_Sparrow: thanks you so much07:07
Fatal`im not familiar with that07:07
ShadowLurkerjsimmons: lmfao07:07
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  sorry to hear it..07:07
fyrestrtrFatal`: if you don't need acceleration, then you don't have any worries. But if you do something like XGL or gaming, then you are in for some grief.07:07
dr_willisShadowLurker,  and do you see a js0 in the list?07:07
Fatal`i just dual boot with windows so i can do any gaming i want in windows07:07
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: no, the closest is ts007:07
Fatal`i wouldnt mind turnign off things to get ubuntu stable07:08
Fatal`just dont know how and i suck at searchign to find the solution07:08
jsimmonsmaybe the hard drive is simply too big?07:08
diezarejoing #attack07:08
fyrestrtrFatal`: or just get an intel mac :)07:08
FrogzooFatal`: what's your vid card?07:08
skavengemy intel graphics chipset on this laptop actually has 3d accel out of the box .. no gforce power mind you but it works07:08
Fatal`watch it :P07:08
Fatal`ati 9500 non pro07:08
dr_willisShadowLurker,  can also check the outut of the 'dmesg' command as ya remove/plug in the device. and see if its seen. You may need to load a module for it to be seen right07:08
ShadowLurkerdiezare: it's /join #attack07:08
Fatal`l shaped memory, so i mod it to a 9700 in windows07:08
sktxFatal`:  you still having those lockups? (that was you right?)07:08
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: so i have it in right now, so should i unplug it and while unplugging it type 'dmesg'?07:09
Jack_SparrowOk, I;m off the phone but lost as far as where we were...07:09
FrogzooFatal`: you should install the fglrx driver from the seveas repo dude07:09
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dr_willisShadowLurker,  try dmesg, unplug check again, plug in.. ect.. it aint going to hurt anything07:09
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CheticIf an app needs gtk+ installed to be compiled, which package should I get?07:10
jsimmonscan someone assist with manual partitioning?07:10
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Fatal`http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=423584 that what you are talking about frogzoo?07:10
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: how many times?  cause i need to screwdrive it in and out07:10
jsimmonsmaybe if I break the drive up into smaller chunks, i can get drake installed?07:10
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  what program do you want to use?07:10
dr_willisShadowLurker,  huh? this isent a usb joystick?07:10
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: no, it's the kind a printer plugs into07:10
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  that shouldnt matter...07:10
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: or close to that07:11
phiber_opticI just upgraded to 6.06 and when its booting it says loading pcmia failed how can i fix thatt?07:11
=== drew3 [n=drew3@pool-72-65-121-143.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsimmonsjack-sparrow forced to using software in ubuntu dexktop cd07:11
FrogzooChetic: apt-cache search gtk |grep dev            - choose wisely...07:11
pbuchanhey do any of you guys play WoW on ubuntu?07:11
dr_willisShadowLurker,  pribnter? You sre you dont mean the old joystick/midi port?07:11
pbuchani cant get my right mouse button to work :(07:11
Cheticok Frogzoo, hmm...07:11
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:11
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Frogzoopbuchan: wow runs fine07:11
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  qparted is fine07:11
dr_willispbuchan,   thats a common cedega bug and mentioned in the cedega forums/pages07:11
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: im not sure, it's a GRAVIS Blackhawk07:11
pbuchani dont use cedega i use wine07:11
dr_willisShadowLurker,  that means nothing to me..07:11
ShadowLurkersearch google for it07:12
skavengedr_willis: im sure its a gameport like on the back of the old soundcards etc07:12
Frogzoopbuchan: same here07:12
jsimmonsjack-sparrow and i know partition sizes shouldn'tmatter but I'm out of ideas07:12
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ShadowLurkerskavenge is correct07:12
ShadowLurkeri think07:12
dr_willisShadowLurker,  you proberly need to load the right modules for it. time to google for what module you need to load.07:12
pbuchani looked at hte cedega fix and i dont know where this wine config file is07:12
ShadowLurkerit plugs in the back of computer07:12
CheticFrogzoo: is it libgtk+2.0-directfb-dev?07:12
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  have you tied other distros?07:12
ShadowLurkeri searched07:12
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fyrestrtrpbuchan: usually in ~/.wine07:12
jsimmonsyeah - breezy07:12
FrogzooChetic: no idea07:12
ShadowLurkerfor driver for GRAVIS Blackhaw on linux07:12
dr_willisyou could just load all the joystick modules :P07:12
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  same result?07:12
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: how do i do that?07:12
pbuchanfyrestrtr, i see some files.reg type files07:12
ShadowLurkera apt-get?07:13
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jsimmonsno - different set of probs, but cd was burned at 48x07:13
dr_willismodprobe modulename07:13
ShadowLurkerdr_willis, how do i do that?07:13
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phiber_opticI just upgraded to 6.06 and when its booting it says loading pcmia failed how can i fix thatt?07:13
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis, do i tpe something in terminal?07:13
Frogzoopbuchan: it's in  ///World\ of\ Warcraft/WTF/Config.wtf07:13
drew3Hi,,, What is wrong, when gparted cannot read a partition, (in this case the entire win2k drive) And it asks to a plug-in.07:13
pbuchanyou add it to that file?07:14
dr_willisShadowLurker,  sudo modprobe >modulename<07:14
Frogzoopbuchan: there's settings that need to go in there - the opengl  & sound settings07:14
pbuchani dont have problems with that07:14
rsa_i just installed ubuntu, and when i browse my BOX from my windows laptop it asks for a login + password07:14
pbuchani have problems with my right mouse button not working07:14
rsa_what is it?\07:14
ShadowLurkerso search google for GRAVIS Blackhawk module?07:14
fyrestrtrpbuchan: read the writeup at the winehq.org site.07:14
pbuchani cant loot or talk to people07:14
dr_williswhere modulename is what you need to figure out. and the modules are in  /usr/lib/KERNELVERSION/kernel somwhere07:15
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fyrestrtrrsa_: the same that you use to login to the machine07:15
Jack_SparrowI think I am running Drake... How do I verify that?07:15
Frogzoopbuchan: interesting - did you install wine from the repos?07:15
pbuchani followed the ubuntu install write up and looked over the gentoo wiki and i cant get it to work07:15
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: can i just search google?07:15
jsimmonsjack-sparrow can we go to a less noisy channel?07:15
pbuchanyeah i installed wine from add/remove programs07:15
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: go to #Jack_Sparrow07:15
ilpumCan somebody help me? I'm unable to mount my DVD Drive.07:15
ShadowLurkerjsimmons: try #UbuntuPalace07:15
rsa_fyrestrtr its not acceping that login07:16
spokenbeats /msg nickserv set unfiltered on07:16
dr_willisShadowLurker,  i advised searching google earlier.07:16
Frogzoopbuchan: interesting..... but this works: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingWineFromSource   - if you could update the wine wiki to say that there's a problem with wow....07:16
ShadowLurkerbut what should i search for?07:16
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Cheticgot it, thank you Frogzoo!07:16
pbuchanok i'll try that next07:16
pbuchanthank you07:16
=== james [n=root@modemcable020.85-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeShadowLurker: from what im reading on google the very basic joystick module supports the blackhawk07:17
ShadowLurkerdr_willis, what should i search for?07:17
FrogzooChetic: nice!07:17
fyrestrtrJack_Sparrow: cat /etc/issue07:17
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ShadowLurkerskavenge: what module is that?07:17
MrWoowhen i boot the ubuntu live cd, it gets to the loading of the cd user and then i get a black screen07:17
rsa_When i enter the login shizzle for my linux box in networkplaces(windows) it fails to login.. where can i edit the login and such07:17
Garethzomg hello Chetic07:17
ilpumand it doesn't even eject over the screen, what is the default path to a dvd drive?07:17
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RShadow?!? has xchat been modified under Ubuntu? I can't seem to figure out how to get tabs instead of a tree.. I know it was an option before07:17
Cheticwtf Gareth07:18
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GarethRiffz and MikeJS are here too07:18
MrWoowhat is live video=ofonly?07:18
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ubotuI know nothing about video=ofonly07:18
Cheticwtf Gareth, I had no idea :D07:18
ShadowLurkerskavenge: what module was it?07:18
ubotuI know nothing about ofonly07:18
skavengeShadowLurker: all i see is options for manual installs, i search for 'gravis blackhawk linux installation' came up with alot of hits07:18
MrWoo!live video=ofonly07:18
ubotuI know nothing about live video=ofonly07:18
ShadowLurkerskavenge: what is that module you said though07:19
ag`Hi, I have a problem with my iPod: It is detected and mounted fine (on USB cable), but it keeps disconnecting and getting reconnected... Dmesg says "USB disconnect, address 53"07:19
ubotuI know nothing about sex07:19
rsa_When i enter the login shizzle for my linux box in networkplaces(windows) it fails to login.. where can i edit the login and such07:19
Ckenyontonyyarusso:  Um - so if I leave 10Gb for Windows, create a ext partition of 20 GB and a linux-swap of 1gb - should I be okay?07:19
fyrestrtr!samba > rsa_07:19
dr_willisShadowLurker,  /kernel/drivers/input      has  joydev.ko  and a whole dir of joystick moduels for you to load up and play with07:19
skavengeShadowLurker: look at this- http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~vojtech/joystick/07:20
fyrestrtr!tell rsa_ about samba07:20
tonyyarussoCkenyon: Provided your used space under Windows is currently less than 10 G, yes.  It's also generally wise to run the Windows defragmenter first.07:20
nomasteryodaag`, i'd say you should run fsck on the ipod... sounds like a fat32/16 broken chain or some file table error07:20
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: so i should type 'sudo modprobe joydev.ko'?07:20
nomasteryodaumount it first though07:20
dr_willisShadowLurker,  for a start yes.07:20
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ShadowLurkerskavenge: already been there, download that, and couldnt figure it out07:21
dr_willisShadowLurker,  linux tip #1 - learn to07:21
ubotuI know nothing about anything07:21
skavengeShadowLurker: ah i see07:21
ubotuI know nothing about !*07:21
Ckenyontony - Its a brand new pc - never been used - is that still necessary?07:21
dr_willisShadowLurker,  linux tip #1 - learn to 'think about what you are doing' and learn whats going on. You need to find the modules and load them.07:21
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skavengeapparently my sidewinder uses the same driver, but it autodetects the usb input so i dont have to touch anything07:21
Ckenyontonyyarusso: tony - Its a brand new pc - never been used - is that still necessary?07:21
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: i am new to this, i dont know how to access the foler /home/07:22
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tonyyarussoCkenyon: Maybe?  Depends how dumb Windows install really is..07:22
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CkenyonOkay - Am pressing apply and crossing fingers07:22
cmpalmeranybody know who I should pester about having a newer Nagios version in Edgy?07:22
dr_willisShadowLurker,  you may want to spend some time reading a few linux fundamental guides/tutorials then.     'cd  '  should take you to the home dir. :)07:23
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: FATAL: Module joydev.ko not found.07:23
fyrestrtrcmpalmer: the nice people at ubuntu+107:23
skavengecmpalmer: edgy channel is #ubuntu+1 , might start there07:23
=== joel [n=joel@host86-129-222-144.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisdont use .ko on the end07:23
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: then i dont get anything07:23
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joelGuys a quick question07:24
dr_willisShadowLurker,  now thinking back.. rember the dmesg command? run it again and see what it says07:24
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GrubChubhmm do you have to have php5 downloaded before running sudo aptitude install php507:24
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fyrestrtrGrubChub: no, it will download and install it.07:24
cmpalmerfyrestrtr: thanks07:24
cmpalmerskavenge: thanks07:24
procrastinatormy tv-card has taken over /dev/dsp and left my soundcard with /dev/dsp1 - what do i do?07:24
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: all i get is a bunch of Unkown key pressed/released07:24
dr_willisShadowLurker,  and also check  ' ls -l /dev/input'07:25
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dr_willisShadowLurker,  if the js0 device shows up - then it should work.07:25
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GrubChubbah! it doesn't seem to want to. I keep getting Couldn't find any package whose name or description matcher "php5"07:25
philipsmithI'm having trouble installing DAPPER on my AMD 64 machine! I downloaded the ISO to a WIn XP machine, and did a md5 check sum... and the chesksums matched. Next, I used NERO and created a bootable CD with the ISO on it. Next I inserted the CD into the AMD 64 machine (currently has SUSE 10.0 on it) and instructed it to boot from the CD. Never worked!!! The last message I got was: Starting Dr Caldera Dr-DOS. CMM386 3.27. copyri07:25
philipsmithght (2) 1999, 1998, Caldera Inc. All rights reserved. What am I doing wrong?07:25
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: no, the closest i get to js0 is ts007:25
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fyrestrtrphilipsmith: how did you burn it from nero?07:25
joelSorry need some help i am trying to set up a LAMP and i cannot get root access on the terminal any idea's?07:26
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aunestype: sudo su07:26
dr_willisShadowLurker,  look in  /lib/modules/<YOURNUMBERSWILLVARY>/kernel/drivers/input/joystick/ and try loading those modules07:26
philipsmithfyrstartr: I burned it as a bootable CD.07:26
fyrestrtrjoel: sudo apt-get install apache mod_php5 php5-cli07:26
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aunesjoel: sudo su      then your password in the console07:26
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ShadowLurkerdr_willis: how do i get to those folders?07:27
skavengeGrubChub: you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?07:27
philipsmithfyrestrtr: I also, just burned it as a data disk... I didn't even get that "Dr Caldera" message that way!07:27
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dr_willisShadowLurker,  the 'cd' command - it may be time for you to read a bash tutorial or 207:27
fyrestrtrphilipsmith: did you expand the image, or just burn the iso file onto the cd and checked the option to make it bootable? In Nero, hit file -> open, then select 'All files' from the file type list, and click the iso file you downloaded, and then it will expand and burn the image to the CD ... making it bootable.07:27
Vraidtobler here again... so now i need to connect to the internet07:27
fyrestrtrphilipsmith: you didn't burn it properly.07:27
skavengeGrubChub: because when i search for php5 it comes up right away07:27
joelcheers guys i got access07:27
ShadowLurkerdude, i kno the cd command, i just dont know where to run it from, i cant find those directories in and directories i ls07:27
GrubChubI'm not sure, I'll google that to find out if I can find out :p07:28
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:28
fyrestrtrShadowLurker: open the terminal.07:28
RShadowany ideas why I can't connect to the dapper-security repo?07:28
skavengethe repositories link is what you want07:28
philipsmithfyrestrtr: Thanks! I'll try that!07:28
dr_williscd /lib/modules/    for a start07:28
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dr_willisand see whats in there07:28
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:28
fyrestrtrphilipsmith: see ^07:28
ShadowLurkerhow come i cant see 'em when i ls?07:29
dr_willisShadowLurker,  no clue what you are even going on about. :)07:29
ShadowLurkeru told me i didnt know cd07:29
fyrestrtrShadowLurker: you don't have permissions, or the files are hidden.07:29
ShadowLurkeri did07:29
dr_willisls -l /lib/modules should show them07:29
ShadowLurkerfiles hidden07:29
dr_willisthey are not hidden at all.07:29
finalbetaApplication Enemy terretory grabs the cursor. How can I leave the window without having to close it? On windows this would be the windows key.07:30
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ShadowLurkernow, dr_willis, which one, 2.6.12-10-368, 2.6.12-10-686, or 2.6.12-9-386?07:30
fyrestrtrfinalbeta: have you tried the windows key?07:30
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fyrestrtrShadowLurker: cd `uname -r`07:31
dr_willisShadowLurker,  depends on which kernel you are running at this time07:31
finalbetafyrestrtr, yes ;)07:31
ShadowLurkerso go with the 686 one?07:31
dr_willis2.6.12-10-686  would be my guess then07:31
Vraiddodo i o to system -> administration ->networking to set up a connection?07:32
ShadowLurkernow what?07:32
dr_willisthe dir    kernel/drivers/input/joystick    is where you want to look07:32
pbuchanapt-get source wine07:32
fyrestrtrI <3 xgl07:32
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pbuchanhey guys apt-get source wine is pulling down an old version what could be wrong here?07:32
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dr_willisas i said earlier --->  look in  /lib/modules/<YOURNUMBERSWILLVARY>/kernel/drivers/input/joystick/ and try loading those modules07:32
fyrestrtrpbuchan: old source in the repositories07:32
pbuchanhow do i update that?07:33
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: by the command with sudo u told me to do earlier?07:33
MrWoognome is going haywire07:33
fyrestrtrpbuchan: just download it from winehq using cvs/svn or whatever they have.07:33
Vraid[19:32]  * Tobler has quit IRC (Connection timed out) <- i thought i timed out 10 minutes ago =/07:33
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-194-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeif thats the kernel your running then yes07:33
dr_willissudo modlrobe whatever (WITH NO .ko) yes..07:33
pbuchanfyrestrtr,  ok07:33
dr_willisoops morprobe07:33
fyrestrtrShadowLurker: ffs, cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/joystick/07:33
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MrWoohelp, gnome says it had an issue starting up the setting daemon07:34
MrWoowhat do i do?07:34
nathanaelI got my XGL session to login, but it was incredibly slow, and... no effects!07:34
dr_willisfyrestrtr,  heh - dont forget to mention that ` is a backtick thats on the top left hand of the keyboard. not a '07:34
nathanael(ati mobility radeon 9000)07:34
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: still no js007:34
ShadowLurkertry another one?07:34
skavengenathanael: #ubuntu-xgl is your best bet07:35
MrWooand nautilis won't work07:35
MrWoowhats going on?07:35
fyrestrtrShadowLurker: no, means that the module is not available for you.07:35
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fyrestrtrMrWoo: was it ever working?07:35
dr_willisShadowLurker,  back to tip #1 ;) think.. try a ls and see what module names seem to be related to gravis07:35
MrWoono, i just finally got the live CD to work07:35
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MrWoothis is the first time trying07:35
=== testerss [n=twisted@host-87-251-209-109.wtnord.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willissee aht modules are there.. see if any look like gravisSOMTHING or gravSomthing and load them first.07:36
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fyrestrtrMrWoo: you are trying to install, or just play with the livecd?07:36
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: joydum.ko?07:36
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ZambeziCan I check the size of a folder in the terminal?07:36
MrWooi would like to install, but i haven't tried that yet, so far i've just been trying to get the live CD to work07:36
dr_williscould try a  'ls grav*' and see if any seem to stand out.07:36
TWiSTEDSOhello when installing ubuntu and ssh , and i want to connect via ssh outside the local lan do i need to alter anything ?07:36
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ShadowLurkerNo such file or directory07:37
titanqtwistedso: forward some ports on the router and get putty07:37
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fyrestrtrTWiSTEDSO: as long as the ssh port is not blocked, you don't have to do anything else. Just ssh username@hostname.domain.com07:37
ShadowLurkercan we go to #UbuntuPalace?07:37
ShadowLurkerwhere it isnt so crowded07:37
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nathanaelNo luck in ubuntu-xgl07:37
skavengei just noticed on google only the gravis blackhawk DIGITAL is supported .. if its not the digital that may be an issue as well07:37
fyrestrtrShadowLurker: a quick google tells me you need to load joydev, analog and ns558 to get the gravis working.07:38
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MrWoofyrestrtr, i haven't tried to install it yet, although i would like to do that07:38
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dr_willisfyrestrtr,  your google foo is better then mine. :P i still cant find anything not related to kernel 2.4 :)07:38
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fyrestrtraye, I have spent many years atop a hill pondering the misteries of the one they call The Google.....07:38
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ShadowLurkerfyrestrtr: didnt work07:39
=== FWO [n=eric@68-188-156-208.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrand apparently, forgot spellcheck while I was there ... mysteries07:39
ShadowLurkertried loading all thre07:39
fyrestrtrwhat didn't work?07:39
titanqis there a way to install grub with the live CD, to fix my install on the HD?07:39
dr_willisShadowLurker,  and how did you PROVE it dident work?07:39
joelfyrestrtr can i borrow you 2 seconds to help me with this lamp07:39
FWOhow can you get to play windows media format things?07:39
ShadowLurkeri did that same thing07:39
Vraidcan anyone help me to setup an internet connection?07:39
fyrestrtrjoel: you need a 50W bulb or a 100W?07:39
FWOand shockwave/flash games07:39
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:40
joelno i wish it was that easy :D07:40
fyrestrtrthose are the only two I have, although I recommend Philips incandescent bulbs, they last longer.07:40
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skavengeFWO; follow ubotu's link07:40
ShadowLurkerand didnt see js007:40
fyrestrtrjoel: what's up?07:40
MrWoohelp, gnome is on the fritz, it says there was an error starting the settings deamon what do i do07:40
dr_willis686/kernel/drivers/input/gameport  - ya may need to right module for the gameport first07:40
joelWell I half got it fry but its asking me to edit files within the console07:40
joeland thats got me07:40
fyrestrtrisn't there some obscure command that builds modules in the kernel?07:40
joeli got root access07:40
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fyrestrtrjoel: what is asking you to edit files?07:41
titanqwhere is the grub config located?07:41
ShadowLurkerdr_willis, should i go to the home dir. to do that?07:41
fyrestrtrtitanq: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:41
skavenge*shrug* i dont have js0 and mine works07:41
joelI am following a tutotirla07:41
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skavengemaybe thats because its usb07:41
joelto create the perfect LAMP setup07:41
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fyrestrtrjoel: is the tutorial specific for ubuntu?07:41
ubotuI know nothing about motd07:41
ShadowLurkerskavenge: do u know a game i can test it out on?07:41
fyrestrtrnathanael: try /topic ;)07:42
joelThink so i got it from the ubuntu support forums07:42
joelor atleast the link to it07:42
FWOi386 architecture what is this?07:42
skavengeShadowLurker: i use mine is zsnes but then you need to find roms etc .. dont know one offhand for free that uses a joystick07:42
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fyrestrtrjoel: to be honest, I just apt-get installed the different packages, and it was working out of the box.07:42
MrWoohelp, gnome is on the fritz, it says there was an error starting the settings deamon what do i do07:42
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5153101E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
pbuchanfyrestrtr, how does one go about applying a patch?  do you move the patch right into the source directory?07:42
fyrestrtrMrWoo: stop repeating, we saw it the first three times.07:42
fyrestrtrpbuchan: yes, then use the patch command.07:43
ShadowLurkerskavenge: huh?07:43
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joelI think i installed everything07:43
fyrestrtrjoel: using apt-get/synaptic ?07:43
skavengeShadowLurker: no i dont heh07:43
joelApache is defianatly start and restarting07:43
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joelsorry i dont understand that fry07:43
ShadowLurkerskavenge: any programs...?07:43
ilpum_in which channel should I go for problems with my dvd-drive under Ubuntu?07:44
ShadowLurkerskavenge: 'cause obviously u have one07:44
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fyrestrtrjoel: how did you install stuff? Did you use apt-get install apache2 or did you click on System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager or did you do something else?07:44
fyrestrtrilpum_: you are at the right spot.07:44
joelNo i used to console07:44
fyrestrtrilpum_: just ask a question and wait :)07:44
tionhello, anyone of you who think you can help me with a mouse problem? x suddenly crashed and when I restarted, the mouse pointer is smacked to the right of my screen..07:44
joeland i thought to have install everything07:44
fyrestrtrjoel: what did you type?07:44
=== Gooofy [n=Gooofy@toronto-HSE-ppp4185781.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ShadowLurkerskavenge: is there a way to make my joystick my mouse?07:44
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fyrestrtrgah, let me just pull up the tutorial and see what you have been doing.07:45
skavengeShadowLurker: yeah and i was trying to say i use mine for a super nintendo emulator but the games arent free so you cant really check without one..07:45
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joel$ sudo aptitude install apache207:45
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ShadowLurkerskavenge: how!???!!!!???!!?!?!?!?!!07:45
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzeris there anyway to turn on TV-out withou restarting X?07:45
=== WiFiChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-1284.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
FWOso basically u can't watch any vids online if u have ubuntu and a pc07:45
fyrestrtrjoel: ah okay, then you are alright. So where are you stuck?07:45
twa1296hi, would it be problematic to install 32-bit ubuntu on an x64 cpu?07:45
Ckenyontonyyarusso:  Many thanks - All installed. New Thinkpad for friend installed and working well.07:45
skavengeFWO; you obviously ddont read well windows formats work fine07:45
ilpum_Well, I am unable to control my DVD-drive, sometimes the icon shows up, sometimes it doesn't, and when it doesn't I can't even mount manually07:45
fyrestrtrtwa1296: no07:46
pbuchanpbuchan@shitbox:~/Desktop/wine/wine-0.9.16$ patch -pl < wow_patch_0.9.16.diff07:46
pbuchanpatch: **** strip count l is not a number07:46
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joelI thinki i have installed everything however this is my first linux system07:46
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joelSo how do i test SQL/PHP here?07:46
pbuchani cant tell if thats an error or i applied it correctly?07:46
twa1296fyrestrtr thanks07:46
tonyyarussoCkenyon: Good to hear - congrats!07:46
fyrestrtrpbuchan: you have to give it the file you are patching.07:46
FWOskavenge i read ine, it said on a pc windows codecs wont ork07:46
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slonnikcolleagues i use gnome dektop but wanna install adress book from kde what package should i download ?07:46
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ShadowLurkerskavenge: go to #UbuntuPalace pleaase07:46
fyrestrtrjoel: well just type php -v07:46
fyrestrtrand see what you get.07:46
fyrestrtrsomething like07:47
skavengefwo; no it doesnt .. you need the first link ubuntu posts, the 'restricted formats' page, will tell you how to install it all07:47
Nezzaubuntu newbie needs help please!07:47
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:47
Nezzajust installed ubuntu desktop07:47
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ShadowLurkerskavenge: please go to #UbuntuPalace07:47
skavengeim playing a wmv right now on ubuntu on a pc so i know they work heh07:47
ShadowLurkerEasy Ubuntu07:47
Nezzaall fine, can access everything on my local network, including windows servers07:47
ShadowLurkerinstall that07:47
joelroot@joel-desktop:/home/joel# php -v07:47
joelbash: php: command not found07:47
ShadowLurkersearch google and install that07:47
fyrestrtrjoel: no worries, means you didn't install the client binary for php07:48
tionnooone who can helt me with my simple mouseproblem?07:48
skavengeShadowLurker: im in the middle of something i cant .. i really dont know how you can test your joystick07:48
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Nezzabut I can't access the internet, my dns and gateway setttings are correct?07:48
ilpum_*scratch* Many I mount the wrong path but why then does the drive show up sometimes?07:48
FWOskavenge what is i386 architecture07:48
snoopstion.. ask away07:48
FWOis that whjat i follow07:48
skavengeFWO; pc's07:48
joelahh ok07:48
fyrestrtrnext thing you need to do is, enable the user homedir feature. This will allow you to create a directory under you home directory called public_html, which is accessible via http://localhost/~username/07:48
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skavengeFWO; there are programs called easyubuntu and automatix that supposedly set this up for you, that might be easier07:48
FWOskavenge how do I follow this? wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb07:49
FWOsudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb07:49
Nezzacan anyone help me?07:49
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tionwell.. x crashed and when I restarted it, the mouse pointer just sticks to the right.. I have checked the xorg.conf, tried older confs, checked the mouse, tried different usb conn and so on..07:49
skavengeFWO; do you know how to open a terminal?07:49
snoopshow are you connected to the network Nezza?07:49
skavengeFWO; then just paste the first line and hit enter, then do the second07:49
joelNot Found07:49
joelThe requested URL /joel/ was not found on this server.07:49
joelApache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 Server at localhost Port 8007:49
Nezzai'm connected via a hub07:49
=== nyxie [n=nyx@host92.201-252-161.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Nezzathe physical connection is fine07:50
fyrestrtrah that last line tells you that you have configured apache and php together correctly07:50
snoopsand the hub is connected to a router?07:50
ilpum_Plz, I need to access my drive, I have to do a presentation in our university tomorrow! XS07:50
AstinusReally simple and rather stupid question; I have Xinerama configured on my nVidia 6800 graphics card, and the restricted driver is loaded fine. Everything works, except the 'primary' display which gdm / apps display onto by default is annoyingly the CRT ;) What is the easiest way to specify the other display be the primary for DE/WM purposes?07:50
twa1296are there any irc for general hardware support, not ubuntu-specific (though i am an ubuntu user)?07:50
pbuchanfyrestrtr, im applying the patch as to how its said on the how too07:50
Nezzano hardware issues07:50
snoopswhich is connected to your net..07:50
Nezzaother pc's with the same settings can sccess net fine07:50
fyrestrtrjoel: type sudo a2enmod userdir07:50
snoopsare you using dhcp or static?07:51
Nezzaon my new ubuntu box i can access web server running locally07:51
Nezzaso network card is working07:51
joelNot Found07:51
joelThe requested URL /joel/ was not found on this server.07:51
joelApache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 Server at localhost Port 8007:51
MrWoocan I install ubuntu onto my harddrive from a live CD07:51
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skavengeMrWoo: thats how its done07:51
Nezzawas originally on dhcp07:51
MrWoohow do i got about that?07:51
snoopsif you ping a known server, such as google, does it return anything Nezza?07:51
Nezzanow changed everything to static, double checked all the settings07:51
fyrestrtrjoel: then, type mkdir ~/public_html && cd ~/public_html && echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' > index.php all in one line.07:51
skavengemrwoo; when the live cd is booted there should be an icon that says 'install' on the desktop07:52
GrubChubwoo hoo! thanks to whoever told me to enable the universal and mutliverse p :)07:52
skavengeGrubChub: got php5 then?07:52
fyrestrtrjoel: then type http://localhost/~joel/index.php in firefox07:52
Nezzasays the address cannot be found07:52
snoopsumm, how about just the ip, so it doesn't need to check dns (that's what I'm thinking is being dodgy for you)07:52
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FWOskavenge i did that and gxine opens but nothing happens07:52
GrubChubwoot! yep :)07:52
MrWooskavenge: there is nothing on my desktop, just a red screen, gnmoe said something about not starting it settings deamon07:52
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skavengeFWO; try totem, you may need to install a plugin for gxine07:52
auneshow do I know if Ubuntu is using the correct drivers for my graphics card?07:53
Nezzaoh, you mean ip address for external website?07:53
snoopsyep Nezza07:53
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fyrestrtraunes: do you need 3d acceleration?07:53
Nezzaerr, don't know any off the top of my head, how would i find that out?07:53
skavengeMrWoo: well gnome has to be started correctly for you to see it so you have other issues going on07:53
fyrestrtraunes: have you followed the binary drivers howto in the wiki?07:53
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joelroot@joel-desktop:/home/joel# mkdir ~/public_html && cd ~/public_html && echo '<?php phpinfo (); ?> '>index.php07:53
i3dmasterhow to play .flv file?07:53
FWOskavenge how do i use totem to play a vid offline...where the vid should be it is black and say "gxine browser plugin"07:53
snoopsgive a go Nezza07:53
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debian_is there a way to add additional menus to the panel similiar to Applications, Places, and System? Not like submenus using Alacarte, but ones that are visible directly on the gnome-panel bar07:53
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nyxiei3dmaster:with VLC07:54
Nezzaok , thx, trying now07:54
aunesfyrestrtr: Didn't see them yet. I'm just trying to get WoW working. I'm going on like 7 hours working on this.07:54
skavengeFWO; alright you didnt say it was in a browser you need to install another plugin then .. you on breezy or dapper?07:54
fyrestrtrjoel: now restart apache, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:54
FWOskavenge im on breezy07:54
i3dmasternyxie, tried. it didn't recognize the format07:54
fyrestrtraunes: then you are not using accelerated drivers ie. 3d acceleration.07:54
aunesfyrestrtr: I can get it to load in wine, but the refresh is to slow to even login.07:54
AstinusAnyone know how to specify the primary display in a Xinerama configuration? Please... :P07:54
MrWooskavenge: well how do i fix gnmoe07:54
joelroot@joel-desktop:~/public_html# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:54
joel * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName07:54
joelapache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName07:54
joel                                                                         [ ok ] 07:54
fyrestrtrjoel: that's okay, don't paste everything here.07:55
skavengeMrWoo; never seen that problem couldnt say07:55
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skavengeFWO; 1 second07:55
Amaranthdebian_: nope07:55
fyrestrtrjoel: http://localhost/~joel/index.php in firefox07:55
debian_Amaranth: k, thanks07:55
RShadowanybody know what package i need to install to get zlib?07:55
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joelThe requested URL /~joel/index.php was not found on this server.07:55
joelApache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 Server at localhost Port 8007:55
MrWooskavenge: i thought ubuntu was supposed to be easy to set up, yet all i've had is problems with it07:56
AmaranthMrWoo: What's the problem?07:56
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tionanyone got a sec now? hehe07:56
MrWoofirst the cd wouldn't even boot, so i burned the iso again and then ubuntu would freeze at the loading scre07:56
Nezzano, nothing... damn07:56
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Nezzaso weird, all the settings are correct07:57
MrWooamaranth, then i finally got ubuntu to boot up and gnome settings daemon couldn't start07:57
Jack_SparrowMOst problems with any distro are due to unsupported hardware, broadcom, ati asrock mb's are just a few problem areas07:57
snoopsNezza so ping in terminal yeilds what?07:57
skavengeMrWoo; its relative to your hardware .. i installed it and -everything- worked out of the box i dont know what to say07:57
AmaranthMrWoo: hrm07:57
MrWoowait, what is this about ATI being crap?07:57
Vraidhow do i set up an internet connection? =/07:57
Jack_SparrowNOt crap, but not as well supported as nv07:57
fyrestrtrjoel: ls -la /home/joel/public_html what is the owner and group of the file there?07:58
skavengeFWO; more than likely you need totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin assuming your still using the gstreamer backend07:58
MrWoowell, this particular mac I'm using has a ATI card in it07:58
Nezzasays network is unreachable07:58
MrWoodammit! now  ubuntu just locked up07:58
Nezzain terminal07:58
joelroot@joel-desktop:~/public_html# ls -la /home/public_hmtl07:58
joells: /home/public_hmtl: No such file or directory07:58
skavengeFWO; so you could do 'sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin' in terminal to get that07:58
tionTrying to post my prob one more time:P - x crashed and when I restarted it, the mouse pointer just sticks to the right.. I have checked the xorg.conf, tried older confs, checked the mouse, tried different usb conn and so on..07:58
snoopsyet if you ping the ip of the other machine in your network (the same way) what does it say?07:58
FWOskavenge im not sure i know i at least had it but, i either switch from it or to it because i wanted soemto to play divx smoothly07:59
tionanyone who knows what might have happened?07:59
snoopswhat kind of router are ya using Nezza?07:59
fyrestrtrtion: what did the log say? what were you doing when it crashed? are you using accelerated drivers?07:59
skavengeFWO; well if you switched to the xine back end you need totem-xine-firefox-plugin07:59
tionlog for x?07:59
Nezzathey reply fine, several boxes07:59
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FWOskavenge will it mess with the divx play07:59
Nezzaoops, 510#07:59
=== fyrestrtr brb -- laundry + dinner
JAGS-VZi need some help!08:00
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsNezza and that doesn't need any client tables etc.. say 'add this machine' for it to go?08:00
FWOskavenge because before the sound was way off (by like 5 seconds) and now it works fine08:00
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MrWoowhy isn't ATI supported by Ubuntu08:00
NKayhanI need help with the package manager08:00
gnerali using gnome 5.10 ubuntu, and i installed kde-base, how to switch to kde ?08:00
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tioncouldn find anything who sticked out really.. not that good on reading logs08:00
skavengeFWO; i cant say for sure i dont think it would though08:00
Nezzaive connected loads of different devices to i08:00
Jack_Sparrownezza alacatel is a winmodem isnt it?08:00
FWOskavenge ok i'll try it, thanks08:01
skavengeFWO; i dont use divx personally so i dont have alot of experience there08:01
Nezzait's a seperate box08:01
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tionusing the fglrx driver for ati08:01
Nezzarouter, adls modem, firewall in onw08:01
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tionit has been stable for a long time, so I dont think the drivers are the problem08:01
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JAGS-VZi have a Vaio Desktop, and i need install some driver to reduce the speed of the FAN, in windows i install the driver from the cd of the sony but in ubuntu how i can install that?!08:01
Nezzai'm thinking it must be dns or gateway08:01
snoopsMrWoo lots of people can get 3d accell going fine with ati cards in ubuntu.. it's just a bit harder than the nvidia option.. reason being is ati's strength is in its hardware, not software08:01
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mguerraccomo como congiguro el teclado ya que no me funciona08:02
Nezzabut both settings are right08:02
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Fata1anybody have time to help me figure out how to install xchat? rofl08:02
snoopsNezza, well hmm.. I can't put my finger on what.. I'm assuming it's a problem with stuff on the point where net comes into the network, since it isn't a dns issue (can't ping a direct ip)08:02
Fata1i dont know what to do with these rpm files08:03
MrWoosnoops, nvidia isn't an option for me right now, what do I have to do to get it to work08:03
Fata1never seen them in my life08:03
skavengeFata1: xchat is in the repositories08:03
snoopsMrWoo there are guides..08:03
dliFata1, sudo apt-get install xchat08:03
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skavengewhat dli said heh08:03
FWOskavenge Couldn't find package totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin08:03
Fata1i'm liking this apt-get command, whatever it is :)08:03
Barkleyi have a spare sun server --- linux box.  what should i do with this thing?  already have dev servers, firewall etc setup :D08:03
skavengeFWO; do you have the multiverse and universe repositories enabled?08:04
tonyyarussoFata1: You can run 'man apt' for more info on it and its cousins.08:04
FWOskavenge i dont know08:04
Fata1ahhh yes, the manual08:04
Fata1haha, i'm loving this :)08:04
snoopsNezza, I would start ripping stuff out (hardware wise) until I can find out what's wrong.. like get rid of firewall08:04
FWOskavenge how would i go about checking that08:04
Fata1we'll see if the new vid drivers have it stable or not08:04
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:04
Fata1*crosses fingers!*08:04
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Nezzafirewall is built into the router08:04
dliFata1, the bueatiful thing about debian is that debian doesn't care you like it or not :)08:05
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skavengeFWO; follow ubotu's link with 'repositories' in it, will walk you through it08:05
snoopscould try directly connecting the ubuntu machine to the adsl modem08:05
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MrWoowhat is a squashfs error08:05
snoopsNezza just using NAT for the firewall eh?08:05
Nezzaadsl modem is connected via cat508:05
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joelfry you still here?08:05
jbirdAngelHello, i have a slideshow going in gthumb, is there a wayto make it go from one image right to the next, it fades a picture out stays black for a moment and then goes to the next picture, i dont want it to stay balck08:05
GrubChubso php4 will install08:05
dliMrWoo, maybe the squashfs is broken08:05
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GrubChubbut not 508:05
MrWoojoel, fry went to eat dinner08:05
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Nezzaerr? don't quite understand you?08:06
JAGS-VZHello...i need some help...when some can tell me!...i have a Vaio Desktop, and i need install some driver to reduce the speed of the FAN, in windows i install the driver from the cd of the sony but in ubuntu how i can install that?!08:06
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Fatal`xchat is awkward08:06
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ilpumMy dvd-drive opens und closes well, but Ubuntu only finds it sometimes and if it doesn't I can't even mount manually. oO08:06
Jack_SparrowFatal have you tried Knoversation?08:06
snoopsNezza, well don't know what to tell ya, strange problem, I don't see how it could possibly be a problem with ubuntu's nic support, considering you can access local machines fine.. therefore logically you'd have to find the place where it gives net to that machine08:06
NKayhanhere's my problem, symaptic will not show me any of the installable packages, only the ones I all ready have installed08:06
Fatal`nah...is there an apt-get for that? ;)08:06
dliNezza, can you run: sudo route08:07
Jack_Sparrowor synaptic08:07
Fatal`the only thing i'm looking for in an irc client is multiple server ability and being able to run some basic scripts like i would in mirc08:07
NKayhanand when I try to click repretorys, nothing oppens08:07
HorzA-how do i connect to phpMyAdmin after installasion?08:07
ZambeziWhy doesn't printscreen works?08:08
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skavengei think if you printscreen then open the gimp and paste it may work08:08
joelGuys can i08:08
skavengeso i've heard08:08
joelAnyone got any ideas on how to install a LAMP08:08
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP08:09
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joelwoot i love bot's08:09
Fatal`is scripting in xchat identical to mirc?08:09
NKayhanany ideas on how to fix?08:09
hawkaloogieFatal`, no08:09
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Fatal`i just want to make a basic script to connect to 8 servers and 30 channels on start08:09
hawkaloogieFatal`, mIRC scripting is horrible. xchat uses actual programming languages08:09
Nezzadli: you mean just type sudo route?08:10
hawkaloogieFatal`, that's doable without a script. look at the servers list08:10
Fatal`i know how to script in mirc... :(08:10
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hctibtipotshow do you install the ati drivers in ubuntu???08:10
Fatal`i see08:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:10
dliNezza, yes08:10
hawkaloogieclick on "Edit" and you can auto-connect to the servers and channels08:10
Fatal`sorry for being such a newb08:10
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snoopshawkaloogie for small jobs mirc scripting is good fun, and you don't need to know lots about programming to do it08:10
Nezzaok, desitination says
ilpumhow do you find available drives? :S08:10
NKayhanhere's my problem, symaptic will not show me any of the installable packages, only the ones I all ready have installed08:10
NKayhanhere's my problem, symaptic will not show me any of the installable packages, only the ones I all ready have installed08:10
Nezzawhich strikes me as wrong!08:11
NKayhanany ideas on how to fix?08:11
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hawkaloogieFatal`, next time: better to ask for what you want to do instead of how to do it08:11
NKayhanand when I try to click repretorys, nothing oppens08:11
Nezzagenmask is set to my subnet08:11
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adamant1988NKayhan, that sounds like a problem with your sources.list08:11
OHPhoneGuyDoes anyone have any good ideas with the OEM installer?08:11
adamant1988have you made any changes to your repositories?08:11
hawkaloogiesnoops, i've made my own fserv in mIRC scripting, it's horrible :p08:11
Fatal`for multiple channels, do i just seperate with a semi-collon08:11
NKayhanhow can I fix it without being able to click on repretories08:11
hawkaloogieFatal`, comma i think08:11
snoopshawkaloogie ah well yeah.. small things I reckon it's great for.. big things nope08:12
adamant1988NKayhan, have you altered your repos? When did this start happening?08:12
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OHPhoneGuyI'm trying to automate the OEM install as much as I can....the documentation on the OEM install is scratchy, at best.08:12
NKayhanjust, a couple minuits ago, and no not in a long time08:12
OHPhoneGuyDoes anyone know of a good place for me to start looking (or documentating, either)08:12
adamant1988any updates? NKayhan ?08:12
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mukundOHPhoneGuy: the wiki perhaps?08:13
OHPhoneGuymukund, there's really not a lot of technical information about the OEM install on the wiki.  Even the screen shots aren't current.08:13
joelGuys what the difference beetween the server and the desktop versions of Ubuntu?08:13
NKayhanwhen I click on it it goes straight to this masage: Repositories changed08:13
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Jack_SparrowOHPhoneGuy:  A lot of people want to see the oter partitions mounted and sitting on the desktop like Knoppix and some other distros08:14
skavengejoel; server doesnt install a GUI for one08:14
adamant1988NKayhan, something had to change to prompt this reaction...08:14
joelI am having a problem with a LAMP setup08:14
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joelits partially installed08:14
joelCan you give me a hand :D08:14
skavengejoel; never even tried it sorry im no help there08:14
NKayhanI'll try reinstalling synaptic08:14
adamant1988NKayhan, copy your sources list and put it in a pastebin and put it here asking for help;08:14
mukundOHPhoneGuy: oh i thought you wanted to document it08:14
joelthanks anyway skavenge08:14
joelcan you install a GUI08:15
joelto the server edition?08:15
OHPhoneGuyJack_Sparrow, I'm not disputing that at all....however, in an attempt to roll out ubuntu, I just keep bashing my head for a way to automate the install.08:15
Fatal`no freezes so far!08:15
Fatal`how do i check my systems load?08:15
OHPhoneGuymukund, I am documenting it (but, I'd like to find more technical documentation if it's available)08:15
Jack_SparrowI like the current install..08:15
OHPhoneGuyJack_Sparrow, The current install is very slick...from Live CD to Installed system in six clicks....you can't beat it.08:15
skavengefatal`' 'top' in terminal will show you load otherwise theres the system monitor08:15
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ernzThat's MY NAME!!!08:16
ernzAnyway - Anyone know how I can stop devices just mounted from appearing on the desktop?08:16
michel_woohoo screen rez problem solved! had to remove the ati driver dapper comes with and uge fglrx08:16
joelAnyone give me a hand with a LAMP setup please, i have a project in tomorrow any need to finish the PHP coding on it. I think its all installed but i am not sure its right08:16
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skavengejoel; yes you can install a gui later on if you like from the repositories08:16
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FWOskavenge it still says it cant find them08:17
skavengeFWO; did you update your repositories? sudo apt-get update08:17
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jeldertdid anyone ever installed subversion on Ubuntu?08:19
ernzAnybody able to assist SVP?08:19
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ernzI just wan't to stop devices showing altogether on the desktop08:20
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OHPhoneGuyjeldert, I believe you can get subversion from the universe repository08:20
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jeldertOHPhoneGuy: I know, but I can't get it start on every boot08:21
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jeldertthere is no /etc/init.d/svnserver08:21
skavengeis there no way to kill the title of dvd and minutes elapsed etc from the gxine window? cant find the option anywhere08:21
FWOskavenge i just did and still nothing08:21
OHPhoneGuyjeldert, ok...let me do some quickiechecking.  What Version of Ubuntu are you running?08:22
jeldert6.06 (server)08:22
skavengeFWO; i just tried it and it works .. all your repositories arent added or something08:22
FWOskavenge W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net sarge/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_sarge_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)08:22
FWOW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems08:22
FWOE: Couldn't find package totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin08:22
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ColdAngelheya all08:24
coopsterI need to be able to boot my Ubuntu without X loading, because I fubar'd my xorg.conf.  Whenever I boot 'into' X, I end up with just a non-blinking cursor on the screen.  I can type and log in, console like, but I can't see anything.  I've been trying to set this up for a few days now, and it's just one problem after another.  Can someone pls help me?08:24
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ColdAngelI cant help sorry... this is the first time ive ever used linux08:25
OHPhoneGuycoopster, have you tried telling the system to INIT=4 or runlevel=3 from the grub boot prompt?08:25
skavengeFWO; and you ran sudo apt-get update and its still telling you that? your repos are not right somehow08:25
ColdAngeland im impressed :P08:25
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coopsterAlso, I can't boot the liveCD and use that to recreate my conf, because the liveCD (and regular Ubuntu) freeze completely while trying to load the OHCI Host Interface08:25
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ernzSomeone please help a little prob here?08:25
ColdAngelgnome interface is quite nice08:25
coopsterOHPhoneGuy:No, I was looking for a solution like that08:25
dr_williscoopster,  try alt-ctrl-f1 to get to a console?08:25
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
OHPhoneGuycoopster, ok :)08:26
coopsterdr_willis:  No such luck.  I can type my password and log in like that, but i'm just assuming that works because I can sudo shutdown and it does, i cant actually SEE anything08:26
coopsterOHPhoneGuy:  is that just a seperate command, or a boot parameter for kernel?08:26
ColdAngellol is it normal to feel wierd like this... ive been using windows for so long... its wierd feeling08:26
PMantisAnyone know if Edgy will have Network Manager 0.6.3 ?08:27
FWOskavenge that link u gave me for the repos wasnt for breezy it talked about "software update"  and i dont have that so i went to the synaptic and went to repos and clicked each one then clicked universe then multi verse then i clicked ok08:27
OHPhoneGuycoopster, it's just an extra paramater that you apply when you see the ubuntu boot (or grub) screen.08:27
skavengePMantis: you could ask in #ubuntu+1 , the edgy channel, i would think someone would know08:27
FWOskavenge then reload08:27
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FWOthen the terminal stuff08:27
dr_williscoopster,  if you cant see the console. thats a framebuffer  issue. you can disable the framebuffer by using the 'nofg' option  at the end of the kernel= line in your grub. (yiou can edit the boot line from the grub menu (hit e))08:27
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dr_willisoops thats 'nofb' option08:27
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ColdAngelgod this is wierd lol08:28
coopsterdr_willis: i can see the splash screen, then as soon as it tries to load X, it all just goes to a single underscore on my monitor, and no more responses08:28
PMantisskavenge, Ahh, ok. I forgot that chanel name, and it wasn't in the topic...08:28
UltraMagnushmm, my computer just made a bios type beep....08:28
skavengeFWO; yes, once updated retry the sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin  .. if repos are setup right it will work i tried it to make sure i was giving you good instruction08:28
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coopsterdr_willis: it worked before I monkeyed around with my xorg.conf08:28
dr_williscoopster,  disable all the  eye candy perhaps. try the rescue mode.  Could be some other oddity.08:29
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UltraMagnuscan anyone help me, i cant download updates, or any kind of packages unless i do an "nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com"08:29
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coopsterOHPhoneGuy:  so, I should just edit the 'kernel' line from grub, and then add "runlevel=3" to it?08:29
mhoagAnyone know how to get java working?08:29
gneralhow to switch: gnome -> kde ?08:30
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:30
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE08:30
OHPhoneGuycoopster, it appears that ubuntu uses two different runlevels.  I would suggest adding the nofb at the end of your boot line like dr_willis suggested.08:30
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:30
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Adam__my 6.06 cd doesn't work in this 1 computer - it's not the cd, it boots fine everywhere else. It's this machine, it hangs on "mounting root filesystem" - how could that be?08:31
coopsterOHPhoneGuy, dr_willis:  i'll try that, thanks.  brb08:31
Jack_SparrowAdam__: sata drives?08:31
skavengeAdam__: just to clarify how long did you wait as well? mounting the filesystem took like 10 minutes on my pc08:31
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mikeregneral: once you have both kde and gnome installed you can select which one to use on your login screen (which is gdm by default I think?)08:31
Adam__hi jack - no, it's an old PIII 1Ghz, just 1 slow old ide08:31
Jack_Sparrowskavenge:  same here08:31
Adam__skavenge - 10 mins?08:32
swajAdam__, it could take quite a while... it's a live CD08:32
Jack_SparrowAdam__:  PAtience..08:32
swajAdam__, just gotta wait for it08:32
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Adam__f*** me - 10 minutes08:32
Jack_SparrowAdam__: at least...08:32
Adam__fair enough08:32
skavengeAdam__: yah 10 minutes for me literally .. took longer to do that then install the OS almost hah08:32
Adam__i'll try it again - thanx guys08:32
_grouthow can i change the documentRoot in apache2?08:32
swajAdam__, It's loading an OS into memory with an entire window manager08:32
swajAdam__, such things take a while ;)08:32
UltraMagnuscan anyone help me, i cant download updates, or any kind of packages unless i do an "nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com"08:32
Adam__yeah, fair enough08:33
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flodineman dapper so good dont have nothing to fix08:33
Jack_Sparrowand uncompressing everything08:33
gneralmikere, i cant see kde on login screen08:33
Adam__there was an other thing tho08:33
mikereLIve CD is a nice way to get a bit of a feel for a distro - but on slower computers might as well just install on hard drive - much faster.08:33
Adam__it didn't load the normal menu08:33
mikeregneral: did you install kde?08:33
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:33
Adam__it went into the old style menu like from live cd 5.1008:33
gnerali did: sudo apt-get install kde-base08:33
Adam__anyone seen a 6.06 cd do that before?08:33
mikeregneral:  hmm.... I'm gonna install it here and double check.08:33
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gneralhm, thank you mikere , i will wait you08:34
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=== skavenge is going to find food, bbiab
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FWOwhat is whe windows media file extension?08:35
mikeregneral: I'm installing kde instead of kde-base08:35
coopsterArgh!  This is driving me nuts!  Every time that Ubuntu tries to load OHCI Host Controller support on my nForce430 based Asus motherboard, it freezes.  This affects the LiveCD, and 2 installations.  I worked around this problem (i thought) by disabling firewire on the motherboard, but now it's unexpectedly came back, and firewire is STILL disabled.  Can someone help?08:35
Adam__any1 any idea y the 6.06 cd wouldn't load it's nice looking menu and have the old style 1 appear?08:35
mikeregneral: get a *lot* more packages but covers all the bases08:35
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gneralwmw or wmv ?08:35
coopstergneral:  wmv08:36
mikeregneral: in synaptic, look for package kde to get the full install, btw08:36
gneralnow i will do mikere , really thx :)08:36
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gneralsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:37
_grouthow can i change the documentRoot in apache2?08:37
mikeregneral: no guarantees it will fix the problem, but will ensure you have a lot of neat stuff =)08:37
gneralis that full kde ?08:37
coopsterI've googled and looked in forums, all to no avail.  Has anyone else had problems with firewire support freezing the computer?08:37
gnerali using 5.10 ubuntu08:37
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mikeregneral: yah, full kde08:37
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mikeregneral: I updated to dapper a week or 2 ago - quite enjoying it08:38
Fatal`do i need mouse drivers to make the additional mice buttons work?08:38
mikeregneral: I'm at 132 of 383 packages downloaded, lol08:38
Jack_Sparrowcoopster:  what tool are you using to manage the firewall?08:38
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[Surge] !repos08:38
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:38
Fatal`rather, how can i assign operations to the buttons on mice08:38
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gneralmikere, i waiting ubuntu cd's, i shipped :)08:39
coopsterJack_Sparrow:  firewall?  i don't have one, behind a wireless router.  i'm having a firewire problem, if there's been a typo somewhere08:39
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installing-guyanyone here using freenx?08:39
[Spooky] dam im going crazy here... anyone have any idea how to get rid of the red line in the Xchat chat windows ?08:39
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mikeregneral: right on.  I upgraded over the net this time around.08:40
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Jack_SparrowFirewall is built into the kernel from my understanding..08:40
exileHi everyone08:40
Tommy2k4[Spooky] , prefs > interface > text box > show line marker08:40
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mikeregneral: usually a bunch of us in town get together and download on install cd and burn a bunch of copies08:40
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dstyrkNeed some help08:40
exileI'm having a problem with my Logitech MX518 USB mouse08:41
Jack_SparrowYou can use firestarter and guarddog tools to manage it.. Those are KDE tools I think, look for Ubuntu tools08:41
coopsterJack_Sparrow: ok. then i'm using all the defaults, but i dont see the connection...08:41
snoopswhat problems exile?08:41
[Spooky] Tommy2k4: its off and still showing...08:41
exileIt is not responding at all once X starts08:41
dstyrkJack_Sparrow I'm back.... And in some trouble08:41
snoopsah.. did it do that in the live cd exile?08:41
Fatal`the only thing that is annoying is having to actually click the back button in firefox instead of pressing the back button on my mouse08:41
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: were you running that combo unit?08:41
exilesnoops: Yeah08:41
Tommy2k4[Spooky] ,  maybe its the current one still showing, hopefully it will never show again08:42
coopsterJack_Sparrow: nope, musta gotten me confused with someone else08:42
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snoopsexile hmm did you change your xorg.conf?08:42
Jack_Sparrowk, what is your hardware?08:42
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Fatal`i have the mx518 and it's fine08:42
exilesnoops: umm how can I do that? since I can't open console or anything08:42
snoopsoh I'm asking if you did change it08:43
coopsterJack_Sparrow:  i have an asus A8V-MV mobo, AMD64 chip, i installed the x86 Ubuntu08:43
snoopssince something in it may be missing08:43
exileno i didnt08:43
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snoopshave another mouse to test?08:43
Jack_SparrowI will need to run to the Hospital when the wife calls, so want to warn you in advance that I may need to run08:43
exileit's the x64 version of dapper08:43
Jack_Sparrowcoopster:  what is the nic in that machine..08:44
dstyrkHow do I install the desktop from the server?08:44
exileyeah i do, ill be back on here in a couple, going to switch to my laptop so i can test it on my desktop08:44
FatDwarfcould someone who has some experience in installing a vanilla kernel in dapper pm if they have time for a couple of question please08:44
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coopsterJack_Sparrow:  I have no problem with the NIC or network access, I'm having an issue where Ubuntu will not boot at all, it hangs when trying to load OHCI_HCD at the very beginning of the boot process08:45
Jack_SparrowSo sorry..08:45
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mikeregneral: installing packages now, lol08:46
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dstyrkI am a little closer to having ubuntu running... Need some help08:46
coopsterArgh!  This is driving me nuts!  Every time that Ubuntu tries to load OHCI Host Controller support on my nForce430 based Asus motherboard, it freezes.  This affects the LiveCD, and 2 installations.  I worked around this problem (i thought) by disabling firewire on the motherboard, but now it's unexpectedly came back, and firewire is STILL disabled.  Can someone help?08:47
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gneralmikere, :)08:48
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dstyrkI couldn't get the liveCD to boot... Someone a couple of days ago suggested to download the server ISO burn that, install it and then install ubuntu from there.. Well I have the server installed and sitting infront of me but i have no clue what to do.  Can someone help?08:48
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Jack_Sparrowcoopster:  Have you tried turning off your usb ports in bios?08:49
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coopsterJack_Sparrow:  No, I have a USB mouse so I've been avoiding that08:49
OHPhoneGuydstyrk, Are you trying to install the desktop version of ubuntu, or the server version?08:49
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coopsterTurning off the firewire port worked for a little bit, but the problem came back for apparently no reason08:50
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: It is worth a try just to see. Or limit your usb to 1.0 and not 2.0+08:50
FatDwarfcould someone explain how to get usplash to work after installing a vanilla kernel... all i get is the black screen until the login screen comes up unless i tell grub "nosplash" then all i get is text which is expected08:50
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: Sorry but that is my only guess for now08:50
dstyrkOHPhoneGuy; the desktop is my overall goal.. I believe I have the server installed as of now... I am stuck at a screen that says ubuntu login:08:50
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Vraidwhere do i open the terminal?08:51
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OHPhoneGuyyes....you've got the server installed, which really wasn't what you were trying to do.08:51
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OHPhoneGuydstyrk, if the desktop/live CD didn't work for you, I would point you to the "Alternative Install CD" and use that one.  It has the older, text-based installer that will set up the desktop system on your computer.08:52
dstyrkOHPhoneGuy: Nope... But I couldn't get the LiveCD to boot, and someone a couple of days ago suggested to install the server and then I would be able to grab the desktop from there.. True?08:52
alef-nullcoopster: you could try to disable the firewire driver by blacklisting it. see man modprobe.d08:52
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Jack_Sparrowcoopster: Next time you have it turned off I would try to disable the usb and boot even if you dont have a mouse to see how far it gets08:54
dstyrkOHPhoneGuy: My LiveCD starts to boot, then the screen "resets" stays blank and I hear some sound.. Then nothing.08:54
RQthere is new Skype beta on skype website! :)08:54
coopsterJack_Sparrow: trying now..08:54
PMantisHmmmm, GFS or GNBD ?08:55
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: I'm very curious about that..08:55
exilesnoops: I tried another mouse(PS2 instead of USB), and same thing happened08:55
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OHPhoneGuydstyrk, That sounds like a framebuffer/x server issue.  My best guess is to have you try the alternative Install CD...it's text-based (and you can turn off the framebuffer when installing if it's causing problems for you)08:55
hctibtipotshow doyou install java???08:55
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Patrick_hey all08:56
RQhctibtipots, apt-cache search sun java508:56
RQapt-get install packages you want08:56
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RQhi Patrick_08:56
Patrick_does anyone know how I can make it so I can transfer files from my windows computer to my ubuntu laptop?08:56
Patrick_I don't have a router08:56
Patrick_its just a LAN cable08:56
Patrick_my laptop gets internet through my desktop08:57
Patrick_(so they're communicating alright)08:57
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exilePatrick, do yo know what FTP is?08:57
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Patrick_file trasnfer protocal08:57
exilePatrick: try setting up an FTP server either on your laptop or desktop to transfer files, or set up a Samba share08:58
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RQPatrick_, just share a folder from ubuntu08:58
Fatal`yay, ubuntu just passed the screen saver test08:59
coopsterJack_Sparrow:  worked.  it got past the OHCI loading part08:59
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: Did anything change08:59
coopsterJack_Sparrow:  Any clue how to get the appropriate drivers/something to get that to work?08:59
Jack_SparrowOk, so I would try a different mouse..?08:59
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coopsterJack_Sparrow:  I turned off 2.0 support, my 1.1 mouse actually still works08:59
exileFatal: can you help me with something?09:00
ukhshould a package really have a different Priority depending on it's architecture?09:00
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mikeregneral: gonna log out and back in and see if kde is an option now09:00
Jack_SparrowLike I said it was just an educated guess09:00
Fatal`doubtu, im the biggest linux beginner here09:00
Fatal`but what's up?09:00
exileoh hah09:00
exilecause you said you got the MX518 working09:00
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Fatal`it worked from the start09:00
Fatal`i386, though09:00
Adam__Jack - you were right about waiting for the livecd to mount root - it did eventually09:01
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exilemaybe i'll try the 32 bit version09:01
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: NOt sure how to get you usb 2 back, but at least you now know where the problem is and have a working Ubuntu system09:01
Adam__but now it saying buffer i/o error on device hda109:01
GrubChubphp doesn't seem to be parsing php scripts09:01
hctibtipotswhat is the command to install java???09:01
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somoene5how do you use apt-get to uninstall something?09:01
GrubChubsudo apt-get remove09:02
Adam__my live cd doesn't seem to load because of a hda1 hardware error - is there a way around this?09:02
GrubChubI'm sure09:02
hawkaloogiehctibtipots, i've been told it's best to get Sun's version from java.com09:02
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GrubChubI think :-|09:02
RQsomoene5, apt-get remove09:02
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somoene5now would instsalling mysql-server, mysql-client, and libmysql12-dev mess up the graphics?09:02
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hctibtipotsi had the command the other day but cant find it now, it was summin...."alternative updates: ro summin like that09:03
[cro] smileyis there an applet for gnome panel that would display uptime?09:03
RQsomoene5, why would it?09:03
lophytehey everyone09:03
somoene5well, thats all i did to my system, and now it won't boot up into the graphical mode09:03
somoene5i can log in09:03
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somoene5and muck around in it09:04
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somoene5but i cant use man, saying its read only or something and cant create a temporary file09:04
hctibtipotscommand to install jave in terminal????any1???09:04
RQsomoene5, have you checked the logs?09:04
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lophytehctibtipots: didn't you install it the other day?09:04
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zOaphctibtipots, stop with all the !!!09:04
mikeregneral: yep, it worked09:04
Mewshiare there any tools i can use to make a video's resolution lower??09:04
hctibtipotsmy hard drive crashed and had to put a new one in09:04
somoene5how do i go about doing that?09:04
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[cro] smiley09:05
[cro] smileyis there an applet for gnome panel that would display uptime?09:05
[cro] smiley09:05
mikeregneral: however I accidentally shut down comp instead of log off, lol09:05
gneralmikere, i didnt see09:05
skavengeis there no way to kill the title of dvd and minutes elapsed etc from the gxine window? cant find the option anywhere09:05
lophytehctibtipots: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin09:05
Fatal`when does the swap file start to get used?09:05
Adam__anyone? - 6.06 livecd won't finish booting - "Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 432, 433, 434..."09:05
pussmansun java rocks lol09:05
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mikeregneral: on your login screen you should have a "session" or an "options" button.  Clicking them should give you option to select a wm when you log in09:05
hawkaloogieoh bloody hell ubuntu's got packages for sun's linux java now09:05
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gneraloptions button09:05
somoene5sorry to ask in a chat, i can look it up in google09:05
RQsomoene5, less /var/log/Xorg.0.log usually09:05
Jack_Sparrowcoopster: is it still working or are you installing now?09:06
RQthen find lines with "EE" there09:06
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Adam__does anyone know what device dm-0 is?09:06
gneralthank you mikere09:06
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mikeregneral:np =)09:06
Davi1can someone give me the link to package site?09:07
lophytehctibtipots: is that working?09:07
notrashdoes somebody have a 3Com Nic and uses WOL?09:07
somoene5oh weird it didnt like me checking it with vi09:07
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Jack_SparrowDavi1: Are you usning synaptic?09:07
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Garethsomoene5, try "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE"09:07
Davi1ik i'll use it09:08
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hctibtipotsno it isnt...09:08
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somoene5i got to go unload groceries09:08
somoene5ty for your help09:08
Gareththat'll parse the output of the log and print out only the lines with EE in them (you might get stuff with the word screen etc though)09:08
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lophytehctibtipots: what's not working about it?09:08
hctibtipotsroot@tagz:~# apt-get install sun-java5-jre09:09
hctibtipotsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:09
hctibtipotsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:09
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lophytehctibtipots: do you have synaptic open?09:09
lophyteclose it ;)09:09
efoxif i were to get apache, should i get apache or apache 2 ?09:10
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efoxim just looking to upload my files and get them again where ever i am...would apache do that ?09:10
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lophyteefox: you can do that with ftp if you really wanted to09:10
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lophyteefox: but if you just want a place to store files, either one will work09:11
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fyrestrtrefox: ftp or scp09:11
efoxive heard of scp09:11
pussmanOH no he slime me.09:11
notrashefox: scp is the way09:11
efoxhowever, would i have to retrieve it from another linux box ?09:11
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efoxi want the freedom of gettin it from any OS09:11
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hctibtipotsLophyte:still didnt update to 5, it is stil v1.4.209:11
lophyteefox: nope, you can download an scp client for windows09:11
lophytehctibtipots: k, one sec.. there's another command but I can't remember what it was09:12
efoxoh ic...so a client is nessesarry...hm...09:12
fyrestrtra good, free scp client for Windows is winscp09:12
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hctibtipotsLophyte:thtas the on im tryin to remember...summin alternative update09:12
joelyay fry you are back09:12
notrashefox: scp is also more secure than ftp09:12
GrubChubnow php is working :)09:13
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joelfry i checked the owner of that file09:13
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joeland it didnt exist09:13
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efoxmy files arent top secret..but if i do need too, i will use scp, but for simplicity and the freedom i think ftp will work for now09:13
efoxand ive dual booted both desktop and laptop with dapper, so...09:13
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efoxok, thanks for the inf09:14
lophytehctibtipots: sudo update-alternatives --config java09:14
fyrestrtrjoel: it didn't exist? Anyway -- what you have to do is, as your *normal* user, create ~/public_html and in it create any file -- and you can browse to it using http://localhost/~username/filename.ext09:14
joelany idea how to get PHP my admin running?09:14
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hctibtipotsthere we go thanx again lophyte09:14
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lophytehctibtipots: no prob :)09:15
GrubChubsudo apt-get install phpmyadmin09:15
hctibtipotsthis tyme im writin it down09:15
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hctibtipotsnow only if i could get winrar installed09:15
tylersmithHi! I just installed Dapper... looks great! I wanna install RealPlayer now. Is there an easy way of doing this?09:15
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:16
skavengerealplayer is on the link above09:16
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FantasticFooanybody know how i can install ubuntu on my intel imac?09:16
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joelit says php my admin is the latest version09:17
joelany idea how i can pull it up?09:17
fyrestrtrhttp://localhost/phpmyadmin would be a good bet.09:17
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gatekeepertylersmith: there are 2 or 3 ways09:17
GrubChubprobably something like http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ Joel09:18
tylersmithGatekeeper: please tell me more!09:18
pussmanAnyone have wine installed and using windows apps successfully? I wish to know for if so I am going to take the plunge. I think it best to ask first then go ahead with it. Also I would like to know if running wine works better than apps like crossover that do not work so good.09:18
joelGuys you rock09:19
hawkaloogiepussman, far better still to find alternatives09:19
GrubChubdid that work?09:19
gatekeepertylersmith: hang on while I find what I am looking for09:19
GrubChubwoot! :)09:19
fyrestrtrpussman: I have ran some programs with wine (like fireworks and games like WoW) but that was just for personal experimentation09:19
skavengecrossover works better than wine for business apps, as cedega works better for games than wine .. most the time09:19
skavengeppl dont like to pay though heh09:19
lophyteyou don't necessarily have to pay for cedega..09:20
GrubChubMysql is taking foreever to install09:20
lophytetheir cvs repo is open and free as far as I know09:20
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lophyteif you're up for compiling it yourself09:20
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skavengethe free cedega is ancient .. and much more headaches than the pay version09:20
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intelligiUbuntu rocks.09:21
pussmanYeah the only app that I see that crossover runs half ass is microsoft office. Still many bugs in it. So I just went through the pain of learning openoffice.09:21
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intelligiI only use the Word processor, and it feels just like Microsoft Word. Even looks better.09:21
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pussmanEither way thanks for the info folks. That will save me a lot of time and heartache.09:21
B_ratany idea how to mount an ntfs partition ? and how to clean it of windows viruses ?09:22
skavengeespecially if your dual booting i see wine as being pretty pointless, ive found linux ways to deal with my needs09:22
Jack_SparrowKwork is smaller faster easier.. if running kde09:22
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joelwhats the directory for putting file in that you want hosted?09:22
gatekeepertylersmith: here we go do this:09:22
gatekeeper    wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb09:22
gatekeeper    sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb09:22
gatekeeperNote created Jun 22, 200609:22
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gatekeepertylersmith: do you want me to put this in paste bin09:23
fyrestrtrB_rat: install clamav, then mount the drive and let it run through it.09:24
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tylersmithgatekeeper: Thanks for your advice! I'm doing th wget now. I'm not sure what "paste bin" is.09:25
hou5tonI'm going to try another Ubuntu install ... last time it needed some manual disk partitioning on this dual boot / dual hard drive system ... does it get three partitions: boot, swap, and root?09:25
B_ratim running from a live version of ubuntu fyrestrtr09:25
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton: yes09:25
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Jack_Sparrowhou5ton: an extra fat32 can also be usefu;09:26
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fyrestrtrB_rat: what do you mean 'live' version? livecd?09:26
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gatekeepertylersmith: command lines are in: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1703009:26
fyrestrtroh, don't think that's possible then.09:26
hou5tonJack_Sparrow: interesting .... I didn't realize I could do that at the same time09:26
B_ratsafest thing to do now would be to delete and reinstall windows ?09:27
ompaulhou5ton, good idea - what sizes were you thinking and how much ram have you got09:27
Jack_SparrowI use fat32 to share files with XP09:27
Jack_SparrowMusic pics and such09:27
hou5tonJack_Sparrow: what linux file types should I use.  I have 2GB of ram and I'll allocate 30GB of one hd to Ubuntu09:27
horaciohow i cant go to a spanish room??09:27
tylersmithgatekeeper: I did that sudo thing and got an error message... "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"09:27
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horaciohow i cant go to a spanish room??09:27
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton: default ext2 or 309:28
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:28
hou5tonJack_Sparrow: for root too?09:28
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horacioy donde pongo eso?09:28
B_rathmm.. how can i move files from one ntfs partition to the other ? (and how to mount them)09:28
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton: just let it default..09:28
somoene5okay i'm back, who had trouble booting x09:28
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu??09:29
ompaul /join #ubuntu-es09:29
fyrestrtrB_rat: easiest and most reliable way, stick the drive in an existing windows xp system.09:29
ompaulhoracio, that is the channel bot09:29
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somoene5and i was able to access the log09:29
hou5tonJack_Sparrow: ok ... from what I've read ... how about 100MB for boot, and 1500 MB for Swap?09:29
Jack_SparrowB_rat: I like the script Diskmounter... but I dont write to NTFS09:29
gatekeepertylersmith: didn't realize you where using Amd6409:29
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somoene5and i found a few errors09:29
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J_Phi all09:30
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B_rathmm.. ok, thanks fyrestrtr09:30
tylersmithgatekeeper: I appologize. Is it still possible to install RealPlayer?09:30
somoene5but at the end it says AUDIT: Sun Jul 2 09:31:45 2006: 4288 X: client 1 rejected from local host09:30
aunesI hate this feeling of being inept at an operating system09:30
Jack_SparrowMy swap is 100 meg09:30
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aunesI've literally been trying to get my applications installed for around 9 hours now.09:30
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userundefineaunes, what applications?09:31
aunesuserundefine: first wine, now WoW09:31
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userundefineaunes, ah, when it comes to games all bets are off.09:31
gatekeepertylersmith: have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2167809:32
aunesuserundefine: So true, So true. In truth, that's the only thing keeping me back from linux, the lack of WoW09:32
joelfry one last question09:32
joelwhat was that directory again?09:32
gatekeepertylersmith: possible not09:32
somoene5near the end of Xlog it says "AUDIT: Sun Jul 2 09:31:45 2006: 4288 X: client 1 rejected from local host"09:32
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kalosaurusrexanyone have any experience with getting cpu fan to work on breezy?  I've been researching it but nothing really helpful..09:33
binaAre most DVD burners supported under Linux (sony in particular)?09:33
somoene5is that a bad thing and what could cause it?09:33
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gatekeepertylersmith: I thought that your Amd64 would run 32 bit stuff but may be there is more to this than meets the eye not really sure09:33
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skavengelets install a non windows operating system so as soon as its rolling we try and install windows games/applications over the top .. i really dont understand, then people are mad programs dont run at the native speed windows runs them .. anyway </rant>09:34
johlinname a good c++ editor that is easy to merge with gcc and is in the respositories09:34
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tylersmithgatekeeper: Ok. thank you!09:34
userundefineaunes, I've never tried, but you might want to check the transgaming forum (http://transgaming.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=51) and wiki (http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/wiki/World_of_Warcraft) if you haven't.09:34
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mikerejohlin: for c++ editing I'd just use vi - or perhaps eclipse09:35
[Spooky] Tommy2k4: thanks for the info regarding the marker ;)09:35
Tommy2k4bit of a delayed reply lol09:35
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gatekeepertylersmith: take a look at this: http://lwn.net/Articles/113527/09:35
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aunesuserundefine: Transgaming, from what I could tell, is trying to sell a wine-like product09:35
gatekeepertylersmith: looks like there is a work around09:35
johlinmikere: But those aren't like visual studio for example (that I use when I'm in windows), that you press f7 and boom...it compiles. I want it that simple.09:35
ubuntuWhen installing Ubuntu-Desktop, can you not change the mount point for the partitions? Using the GUI?09:35
kalosaurusrexplease don't let the next thing be can I ask a question..09:35
aunesuserundefine: not something I'm really interested in buying as I already pay $15/month just for the game.09:35
hawkaloogieaunes, more appropriately, they're trying to sell a fork of wine09:36
mikerejohlin: eclipse is what you want then09:36
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johlinokay mikere09:36
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auneshawkaloogie: just like crossover office, really.09:36
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PM^does anybody know how I could share a tv tunner card on a network ?09:36
mikerejohlin: I use it for java but it can do c++ as well09:36
auneshawkaloogie: different userbase, same idea09:36
userundefineaunes, yes, Transgaming puts out Cedega which is a subscription-based product, but you can compile it from cvs although it lacks some things of the actual product (mainly a frontend GUI).  But from what I've heard WINE has gotten so good cedega isn't really necessary09:36
notrashpm^: know vlc ?09:37
p47hey, where can I get synaptic ? my apt doesn't found the pakage !09:37
mukundjohlin: gvim or nedit should serve well for simple GUI C++ editors. i like nedit's always-on search (just like firefox)09:37
johlinmikere: it eats 135mb of disk space if I install it with apt-get, is there something that doesn't use that much?09:37
apollo2011How do I listen to mp3s in Amarok on Dapper? There is no package listed in the Restricted Formats Wiki page for amarok under Dapper and I can't play mp3s in amarok right now...09:37
aunesuserundefine: I think once I get it installed (currently copying over the cds to HDD) I might get it to work.09:37
johlinthanks mukund09:37
userundefinep47, in your System > Administration > Synaptic menu09:37
Jack_Sparrowp47 click on applications..add... advanced09:37
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skavengeapollo2011: look under mp3 not amarok on the restricted page09:37
PM^notrash: yes, i do; i was thining though if there was a generic way to share devices09:37
Jack_Sparrowuserundefine: Never saw that thanks09:38
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ag`Does anyone know  if there is a deb package with the standard ubuntu kernel just without EFI support compiled in(it breaks ipods)?09:38
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userundefineJack_Sparrow, np09:38
johlinmukund: does nedit compile the project when I tell it to? or do I still need to gcc from commandline?09:38
p47yes but I was unistall, because synaptic gave me some problems now I want to reinstall but apt coudn't find !09:38
hawkaloogieag`, standard ubuntu kernel breaks ipods? why does mine work then?09:38
skavengemy ipod works fine with the standard kernel09:38
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apollo2011skavenge: I searched the page for both. Amarok only has a plugin package listed under Breezy, and that one didn't help, nothing listed under Dapper for Amarok under MP309:38
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mukundjohlin: it's got a Shell window and you can run macros from there.. it's customizable09:39
ag`hawkaloogie: It probably doesn't happen for everyone, let me dig up the bug report09:39
hawkaloogiemy own stupidity broke it when I decided i could physically trash everything on it using nautilus09:39
skavengeapollo2011: once you install the codec any player should be able to play them09:39
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notrashpm^: didnt know anything about that, sorry09:39
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mukundjohlin: it's a very old editor.. uses motif, but it's very good09:39
yvesHi guys.09:39
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gioacchinohow to install the complete bases pacages ( gcc kedit ecc ecc... )  ?09:39
n001Hey, this is my first time on IRC !  any tips?09:40
mukundits 1:1 gtk alternative is gedit, but gedit doesn't have the always-on search bar facility... there was a bug open for it, but i don't know what happened of it09:40
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Jack_Sparrown001... Listen09:40
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Fatal`try not to get angry at sparrow and his excessive use of periods09:40
Fatal`it angers everybody.09:40
yvesGot a prob. Am using Breezy and got a prob with my ADSL connection. It just wont reconnect on reboot.  I used the pppoeconf tool to configure and I did "yes" on "Connect at boot time". Any clue? Please advise.09:41
Jack_Sparrowfata... Just you...09:41
Fatal`im weird :)09:41
Jack_Sparrown001, did you have a question.. If so just ask09:41
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gioacchinohow to install the complete bases pacages ( gcc kedit ecc ecc... )  ?09:41
apollo2011skavenge: I found it...I must be going blind...09:41
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kalosaurusrexJack_Sparrow:  once again -- my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!09:42
skavengeanyway to clear the info off a dvd in gxine? time elapsed, name of dvd etc?09:42
Jack_Sparrowkalosaurusrex: what did I do this time09:42
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Jack_SparrowOh and ...09:42
skavengeboy thats annoying all this nonsense info in the bottom black widescreen box09:43
aunespreferred linux irc client?? I'm using xchat and join/part messages are driving me crazy (and conference mode won't work)09:43
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p47can somebody give me your sources.list file ?09:43
Jack_SparrowUsing Konversation here.09:43
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hawkaloogieag`, so this bug only affects IA64 processors?09:43
gatekeepergioacchino: do you know how to use your pacakage manager?09:43
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hawkaloogieag`, i'm sure that ubuntu has kernel sources.09:43
kalosaurusrexjack: hehe it's a surprise. :)  the just ask already.09:43
ag`hawkaloogie: No, I am using an athlonXP09:44
dreamcatcher5172this automatix script is awsome...saved me loads of time09:44
gioacchino[21:43]  <gatekeeper> gioacchino: do you know how to use your pacakage manager? no and I prefer use the shell ...09:44
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ag`anyway my problem is that my ipod keeps getting disconnected, so I can't use it for longer periods of time09:44
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gatekeepergioacchino: ok use sudo apt-get install <package name>09:45
Jack_SparrowAg You might consider trying to change your cmos/bios to use usb1.1 and not 2.0 and see if it stays connected?09:45
Jack_SparrowFYI Ipod works here too09:45
yvesGot a prob. Am using Breezy and got a prob with my ADSL connection. It just wont reconnect on reboot.  I used the pppoeconf tool to configure and I did "yes" on "Connect at boot time". Any clue? Please advise.09:46
finalbetacan I get surround sound in rhythmbox?09:46
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n001Jack_Sparrow - no, I didn't have any questions.  I'm just excited about finally getting on IRC.  I'm gunna have a whole lotta questions once I get used to it :)09:46
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finalbetaNot using rear boxes09:46
UltraMagnushi, i need help with an error i am getting, when i try to load up windows xp (hope) through grub i get an error 29 "disk write error"09:46
ag`Jack_Sparrow: sure I could try that, USB2 should be working though, 1.1 is pretty slow :) I can't get it to mount over firewire at all09:46
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Jack_Sparrown001: welcome... Just try to ask well thought out questions, not ones like How do I use Ubuntu, or how high is up?09:47
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Jack_SparrowAg'I only mention that because we had that issue with usb2 this morning and backing it down fixed it..  It is a shot in the dark though09:48
Patrick_hey all09:48
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Patrick_I set up samba and all that09:48
Patrick_and I can see the computer on my windows computer09:48
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Patrick_however, it prompts me for a user name and password09:48
Fatal`yay, i found out how to bind buttons09:48
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Patrick_and, samba never prompted me for setting a user name and password...09:48
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Patrick_any way I can fix this?09:48
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nikihow do i format an external hard drive?  and what would be the best format for it if it was used just for backing up mp3s?09:49
Patrick_I set up samba and all that09:49
Patrick_and I can see the computer on my windows computer09:49
Patrick_however, it prompts me for a user name and password09:49
Jack_SparrowFatal`: Thanks for that link..09:49
Patrick_and, samba never prompted me for setting a user name and password...09:49
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Patrick_any way I can fix this?09:49
skavengedont repeat we saw it the first time if someone knows they will answer09:49
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dreamcatcher5172i have that same delima09:50
skavengei guarantee you can find the answer with a quick google as well09:50
jacobian_has anyone here used wireless without any encryption on ubuntu09:50
Patrick_jacobian_ yes09:50
nikijacobian_, i have09:50
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Patrick_jacobian_, if you run into an encrypted one, theres always airsnort :D09:50
jacobian_did you have to configure it without using the network configuration manager?09:50
Patrick_jacobian_ no09:50
wweaselHey everybody, I have a problem that is rather serious. I can't boot up into Linux, and after a few steps I found out that my superblock is corrupt. Can I recover/resurrect it?09:51
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nikijacobian_, i just plugged in my card and it automatically connected09:51
Patrick_the setup is pretty straightfoward09:51
jacobian_I'm having a weird problem09:51
jacobian_my wireless router sees my wireless card09:51
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jacobian_and even *thinks* that it is assigning it an IP09:51
jacobian_but ifconfig never reports the device as having an IP address09:52
procrastinatorhow do I switch /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1?09:52
miguelsrsome one know how to get to the k3b menu editor09:52
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nikijacobian_, are you sure your card is supported?09:52
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Patrick_ok so, has anyone here had a problem with samba prompting you for a user name and password on the windows computer and samba never allowed you to set one?09:53
skavengehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76647 explains samba setup and the need to ADD a user for it .. first hit on google09:53
B-ratone more question, why does Gaim keep crashing when i login to msn im ?09:53
Patrick_skavenge, thanks, I dislike google with a passon, being on dialup and all09:53
varsendaggrB-rat, because it hates you09:53
UltraMagnushi, i need help with an error i am getting, when i try to load up windows xp (home) through grub i get an error 29 "disk write error", does anyone know how to fix this please?09:53
skavengePatrick_: then learn to love the forums09:53
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wweaselHey everybody, I have a problem that is rather serious. I can't boot up into Linux, and after a few steps I found out that my superblock is corrupt. Can I recover/resurrect it?09:54
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Patrick_skavenge, I do, 407 posts :D09:54
B-ratany clues ?09:54
Patrick_I figured this would be a fast answer so, I decided to ask here first :)09:54
jacobian_niki no, but everthing seems to work09:54
bcoop_Ok, I have ubuntu set up with an nvidia card and TwinView.  My problem is that I want the monitors switched, right now X picks up my crappy LCD as the primary and the good LCD as the secondary. even physically switching the plugs in the back does not change this, has anyone had thsi problem?09:54
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jacobian_the router even gets the DHCP request packets09:54
MalMendeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main09:54
MalMendeb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main09:54
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MalMenhow can i add it to reposits =?09:54
skavengeppl tend not to answer extemely simple questions though, hence your lack of a  response from anyone at first09:55
userundefineMalMen, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:55
procrastinatorwweasel:run fsck.09:55
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fabio__i have a question, the resolution of the "login screen" used by my ubuntu is NOT supported by my monitor, so it's dangerous to use it since my monitor can fail.. Where can I set the screen resolution of the "login screen" ? thank you very much.09:55
nikiI have an external USB drive that's formatted from windows...i want to reformat it for linux.  how would i go about this?09:55
wweaselprocrastinator: I did. That's what told me my superblock is corrupt.09:55
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miguelsrsome one know how to get to the k3b menu editor09:56
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kalosaurusrexniki, I'd suggest use gparted..09:56
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kalosaurusrex!info gparted09:57
finalbetacan I get surround sound in rhythmbox?09:57
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB09:57
justinlillyso I just downloaded konversation.. any ideas how to get the channel listing on the side?09:57
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nikikalosaurusrex, awesome, getting it now...thanks :)09:57
justinlillyI can't actually see what any of my channels are b/c I have so many open.09:57
wweaselDoes anyone here know how I could go about recovering/resurrecting a corrupt superblock?09:58
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wweasel(in ext3)09:58
jongoldsz3Does anyone know how to open the wpagui interface?09:58
Silencerwhat is the network samba file system in ubuntu 6.06 ?09:58
Silencermount -t smbfs don't work :/09:58
jongoldsz3I know my question is noobish09:59
jongoldsz3but can someone tellme?09:59
miguelsrsome one know how to get to the k3b menu editor09:59
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finalbetacan I get surround sound in rhythmbox?09:59
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fabio__does someone know how to change the screen-resolution of the ubuntu login screen? thank you.09:59
skavenge'k3b menu editor'? never heard of it, what menus would k3b be editing?09:59
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bcoop_jongoldsz3, google can tell you09:59
jongoldsz3I tried that09:59
donpaoloHi guys! What is the /usplash_fifo archive I have in my ubuntu dapper install? thank you!10:00
iLLf8danyone know where I can find some ubuntu logoed socks?10:00
nikikalosaurusrex, my external drive does not show up as a partition in gparted...10:00
aunesiLLf8d: google: custome embroidery10:00
nikiiLLf8d, there's an ubuntu store....it has an ubuntu thong10:00
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bcoop_jongoldsz3, man wpagui10:00
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jongoldsz3there is no entry10:01
iLLf8dniki, I know it binds up a bit too10:01
bcoop_jongoldsz3, sure you have it installed?10:01
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jongoldsz3I used the synaptic package installer10:01
nikido you have to unmount a partition before you can fromat it?10:01
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bcoop_jongoldsz3, tried wpa_supplicant ?10:02
kalosaurusrexniki oh hmm...10:02
nikikalosaurusrex, i see it now10:02
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jongoldsz3though I have no clue on how to use it10:02
kalosaurusrexwhat's this about a thong?10:02
nikikalosaurusrex, but i can't format it...its grayed out...i can unmount, though10:02
nikikalosaurusrex, the ubuntu store totally sells an ubuntu thong10:02
wweaselDoes anyone here know how I could go about recovering/resurrecting a corrupt superblock? (in ext3)10:02
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iLLf8dkalosaurusrex, they're edible10:03
kalosaurusrexniki damn.  I need to get a gf that likes linux...10:03
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bcoop_I'm using nVidia TwinView, only X is picking up the 'wrong' monitor as my primary monitor.  How do I control which monitor gets set to be the Primary, and which one is the secondary?  I've tried physically plugging them into the other ports, that does not change anything10:03
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VraidI'm trying to set up my internet connection: I entered 'sudo ifup eth0' in the terminal, it discovered various DHCPs on eth0 to on port 67, AND it recieved a DHCPOFFER from
Vraidbut when it's finished it says "No DHCPOFFERS recieved"10:03
nikiwhich filesystem is it that windows _and_ linux can read and write to?10:03
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skavengeniki; fat3210:04
nikiskavenge, thanks :)10:04
jajaja-hey guys, my resolution for text/graphics looks fine, but when I try to watch livetv in myth the quality is pretty bad...any idea?10:04
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skavengeniki; np, thats probably the safest FS to use for both10:04
iLLf8dVraid, you sure you have a dhcpserver running and is it dropping you out by your hw mac?10:04
B-ratno one can help ?10:04
kalosaurusrexyeah I agree on the fat32 thing10:05
Vraidi used the same network cable that i'm using now10:05
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Vraidhw mac?10:05
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iLLf8dVraid, ah it said DHCPOFFER hrm10:05
ardchoilleHow hard is it to re-master the Ubuntu LiveCD? Is there a set of apps that can help with this?10:05
iLLf8dVraid, dunno it should've borged it up then10:05
kalosaurusrexb-rat, what's your question?10:05
Vraidi did the same thing more times, but then it got no dhcpoffer =/10:05
skavengeardchoille: i believe someone said last night there was documentation on the wiki on how to build a livecd, dunno if that helps10:05
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.10:06
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ardchoilleskavenge: That's a start, thank you :)10:06
kalosaurusrexeh well worth a shot.10:06
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timgreetings.. installed freeradius.. got it up and going fine. Now I just did an apt-get for freeradius-dialupadmin and I cant quit figure out what I need to do to get it working. All the files are there, apache is running, but it doesnt look like apache got setup to access the files10:06
B-rati already asked ;(10:06
Vraidi mean... shouldn't i be able to connect to the same DHCP with that machine as with this one =/10:07
=== Paradoxx [n=Paradoxx@port0169-acx-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
B-ratanywho why does gaim keep crashing when i try to connect to a msn account ?10:07
iLLf8dVraid, should work10:07
kalosaurusrexB-rat: does it give an error? or just crash?10:07
B-ratit just closes10:07
iLLf8dVraid, you may want to set it static in interfaces just to see if its working right and add a route10:07
B-ratincluding my irc windows10:07
kalosaurusrexperhaps do a sudo tail -f /var/log/messages10:07
kalosaurusrexand run it again10:07
MalMenhow can i set ident on xchat ? :X10:08
kalosaurusrexand check the log.10:08
skavengetail -f is spiffy heh10:08
kalosaurusrexI love it :)10:08
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B-ratsudo tail is for me ?10:08
VraidiLLf8d, IP address would be the same local one as on this comp i guess, but what would subnet mask and gateway address be?10:08
kalosaurusrexB-rat:  open a terminal window, enter the command then run gaim again until it breaks,  and check the log for errors.10:09
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B-ratexpect to see me disconnect soon hehe..10:10
aunesurgh. I'm close to just wiping this linux partition and going back to windows.10:10
Jack_Sparrowaunes: good choice for your needs10:11
B-rat-f command not found10:11
skavengeB-rat: tail -f10:11
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B-ratoh heh10:11
aunesmy only non-standard need is the ability to play 1 video game that is installable.10:11
aunes... theoretically installable, at least.10:11
B-ratnow what ?10:11
iLLf8dVraid, just do a ifconfig eth0 192.168.0.whatever up then route add -net default gw netmask
timanyone help me with my freeradius-dialupadmin issues there?10:12
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skavengeB-rat: you did tail -f /var/log/messages ? now leave that open and run gaim again till it breaks .. if it gives an error it will show up with that first command10:12
michaelsis there any good app for ubuntu that can be given a folder and rename every single file therein at random?10:12
nikimichaels, you could probably write a script to do that10:12
iLLf8dVraid, I gotta go for a bit cya10:12
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varsendaggraunes, us vmplayer to have a virtual windows10:13
Vraidk, thanks for the help10:13
michaelswell niki, I personally can't. :)10:13
nikimichaels, why not? :D10:13
michaelsniki: since I haven't coded in years and even then it was child's play (literally, a kids' VB course. *shudder*)10:14
skavengeLOGO! woo gotta love turtles10:14
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nikimichaels, i write simple scripts and i've never done any coding10:14
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B-ratit doesnt display anything new10:14
michaelsniki: then I have yet to learn how to script and I don't have the time to figure it out atm10:15
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aunesit might be working!!!!!10:15
=== aunes does a jig.
michaelsbleh, how do I get kooldock to not hide (first use of the thingo)10:15
nikimichaels, well....just a thought :P10:15
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michaelsk niki, thx10:15
ninjaxfce.. good desktop *smile10:15
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MrWoowhat is a DSC timeout?10:17
B-rathelp ?10:17
B-ratthe terminal doesnt seem to have anything new after the crash10:18
MrWooare you talking to me?10:18
skavengeB-rat: no new messages? bummer it was a shot we were hoping it would give an error10:18
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B-ratthats all that it says10:19
J-_can anyone help me in a gdesklet problem?10:19
adudid i ever mention a file sorter in here?10:19
skavengei dont use gaim myself you may want to check the forums and see if its a known bug, possibly someone has a workaround10:19
J-_with rather10:19
=== redir [n=robrien@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
B-ratwhats weird is that it didnt crash the last time i used the live cd10:20
burgermannDoes anyone know if Dapper uses another way of loading usb devices than breezy?10:20
J-_anyone know the update interval of the SideCandy Weather 0.3 widget? i was messing around with the time interval, now it doesn't work.10:21
ninjais it possible to deinstall evolution or other gnome-programs and having a "working" ubuntu (with gnome desktop, for example) or should I better avoid such experiements? (just installed the drapper-cd)10:21
B-rathmm.. and i have another minor problem.. more of an annoyance, my clock doest want to display the right time, even after i set the timezone.. it just never changed10:22
gnomefreakninja: not if you get rid of evolution10:22
eobanbninja, you can remove packages within reason10:22
dr_willismodules blacklist --->10:22
dr_willismodules blacklist ---> /etc/hotplug/blacklist10:22
eobanbninja, but if you remove certain stuff, then things might start breaking10:22
ninjathat i want to avoid :-)10:23
ninjabut i want a "clean" and fast install10:23
ninjajust for testing10:23
J-_or does anyone know of a channel that can help me with gdesklets?10:23
ninjawithout double programs10:23
kalosaurusrexb-rat are you using gaim 1.5 or 2?10:23
dr_willisbest advice for gdesklets - avoide them :P10:23
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kalosaurusrexusing dapper?10:24
=== Codenut [n=Alan@dpc6746179042.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
B-ratits a year old live cd.. possibly more10:24
J-_what type of widgets can i install then that do the same thing?10:24
userundefinegdesklets aren't that bad10:24
kalosaurusrexpossible to try the current live cd?10:25
dr_willisuserundefine,  just more eye candy.10:25
userundefinedr_willis, so, some people like it10:25
kalosaurusrexI find gdesklets more annoying than anything else.10:25
dr_willisuserundefine,  and some people are known to be.. well..  i be polite and not go on...10:25
B-ratnot right now...10:25
dr_willisLovely applets that are under my full screen windows.. vs taskbar/dockbar/warf applets that i can actually see :)10:26
ninjaeoban? may we talk for some min in dialog?.. i guess, that my problems are not for great interest in the main channel10:26
B-ratcan i update gaim ?10:26
=== yoshiznit123 [n=sciyoshi@adsl-75-3-30-71.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
userundefinedr_willis, heh10:26
J-_userundefine: do you run the daemon?10:26
gnomefreakB-rat: i would upgrade your ubuntu version10:26
userundefineJ-_, yes10:26
=== salah [n=salah@216-30-75.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
kalosaurusrexif it's year or so old it sounds like you may be using hoary..or warty..10:26
B-ratcan i upgrade gaim without changing my ubuntu version ?10:27
gnomefreakB-rat: warty isnt supported anymore and hoary is on its way out of support come oct10:27
J-_could you do me a huge favor? i juse need a setting, i was screwing around with the update interval and the thing crapped out on me10:27
gnomefreakB-rat: you can download it and build it maybe find a .deb somewhere but your gonna run into problems with dependencies than10:27
kalosaurusrexB-rat:  so in other words, it's probably possible, but you are probably on your own..10:27
userundefineJ-_, what setting10:28
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B-ratokey... fair warning heh10:28
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yoshiznit123hey everyone, is there a way to download a dapper CD that has all the updates since the release?10:28
ninjaeobanb_ ?10:28
gnomefreakB-rat: what does lsb_release -a say if you type that in terminal10:28
gnomefreakyoshiznit123: no not yet10:28
yoshiznit123ok, thanks10:28
B-ratim only running it because this machines windows has critical systems effected by a virus10:28
yoshiznit123gnomefreak, but what do you mean, not yet?10:29
varsendaggrB-rat, that should be your first clue10:29
kalosaurusrexgnomefreak:  dude I've ALWAYS wanted to know how to do that!!10:29
gnomefreakyoshiznit123: there is an issue witht he live cd installer and last i heard they were gonna re-release it10:29
=== varsendaggr is worried that a virus might hit his vmplayer winxp
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gnomefreakkalosaurusrex: know hot o do what?10:29
B-rati should type lsb_release -a into the terminal ?10:29
kalosaurusrexlsb_release -a10:29
kalosaurusrexvery handy10:29
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gnomefreakB-rat: yes and give the what is comes back with10:30
B-ratdoesnt do anything10:30
gnomefreakB-rat: ok what about uname -r10:30
yoshiznit123gnomefreak, so they don't build daily iso's anymore10:30
gnomefreakyoshiznit123: not after release10:30
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yoshiznit123ok, thanks alot10:30
ninjafirst... the main issue into the i386-install-cd is the behaviour with tft-monitor... *grumble10:30
gnomefreakok i know those bvoth work in hoary :(10:31
=== Luke [n=Luke@bainbrdg-cuda1-69-160-220-56.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
J-_userundefine: if you have SideCandy Weather 0.3, put iton teh desktop>right click, configure desklet, go to weather tab, and what does the update interval say?10:31
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userundefineJ-_, 180010:32
gnomefreakB-rat: after typeing it in terminal you are hitting enter?10:32
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J-_thanks man, much appreciated!10:32
B-ratlol, yes10:32
varsendaggris there a way to allocate more memory to my vmp;layer winxp  without having to reinstall xp?10:32
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johlinHow do I use grep with ls?10:33
gnomefreakB-rat: type cat /proc/version  and let me know10:33
B-ratgggrrrrr... im running outdated software everywhere..10:33
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userundefinels *somewhere* | grep *something*10:33
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JeffeI have a samba question can somebody help me?10:33
johlinuserundefine: thanks, I was doing it the other way around10:33
JeffePM me please if you can10:33
JeffeNE body?10:34
Jeffesamba question over here10:34
kalosaurusrex!helpme > jeffe10:34
ninjapolitely asking... someone in who can show me a way for trying out a clean, minimal install for ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu (for example)... (some min in dialog preferred...)10:34
userundefinewhy dont you just ask the whole chat.  more likely to get an answer.10:34
B-rathey wait a minute.. that uname -r returns this 2.6.10-5-38610:34
zOapI need an app which scans the network for ip adresses in use10:34
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gnomefreakB-rat: that sounds like hoart hedgehog i would update atleast to breezy if not dapper10:35
B-rat /proc/version returns Permission denied10:35
Jeffecan anyone tell me why the following string does not work in fstab?10:35
Jeffe/kris/"My Music"/iTunes/ /home/kris/Music  smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials    0    010:35
gnomefreakB-rat: because you didnt use cat10:36
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skavengehow do i set the default player dvd's use? ive been fishing around  the wiki and all i see is for mp3s movies etc, there's no 'open with' tab under properties for the dvd .. anyone know?10:36
=== DR_K13 [n=me@ip68-4-132-123.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
B-ratLinux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 200510:36
DR_K13anyone good with broadcom stuff? my 4306 stopped working10:37
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kalosaurusrexJeffe:  not that I'm good with samba, but I'm thinking that mount will try to mount what you have exactly there, none of which are network shares..10:37
kalosaurusrexthe /kris/... would be taken as a dir in your root /10:37
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hakanwwhat's the recommended way to setup a cron job that will update a dyndns dynamic dns address?10:37
kalosaurusrexso it would be trying to mount a local fs10:37
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Jeffesorry I had the string wrong10:37
Jeffe/kris/"My Music"/iTunes/ /home/kris/Music  smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials    0    010:37
B-rati need to update everything i own...10:38
Jeffe////kris/"My Music"/iTunes/ /home/kris/Music  smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials    0    010:38
Jeffesorry, here is the string: //kris/"My Music"/iTunes/ /home/kris/Music  smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials    0    010:38
Jeffethere we go10:38
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kalosaurusrexoh gotcha lol10:38
JeffeI can't see what thats not working10:38
ninjawhat, if u prefer the ip? instead of kris?10:38
DR_K13anyone good with broadcom stuff? my 4306 stopped working10:38
JeffeI can get it to work if I just to mount -t etc....10:39
kalosaurusrexjeffe are you connect to the server? I mean is there an smb kris file on your desktop?10:39
JeffeIP = no good10:39
kalosaurusrexassuming you are using gnome.10:39
Jeffenot at the momemnt10:39
Jeffebut I can coonect10:39
Jeffesmb is working10:39
kalosaurusrexnot sure if it will help..but perhaps it may?10:39
JeffeI can do it with smb4k10:39
mweJeffe: what's the mount command you use?10:39
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kalosaurusrexI'm really not sure on mounting network shares through the fstab though10:40
lamegoit is ok to have samba mounts on the fstab10:40
JeffeI used moun -t smbfs //kris/"My Music"/iTunes /home/kris/Music -o usrname=user,password=pass10:40
=== hey560 [n=himesh@S01060011d8c100ff.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ninjamainly it isnt a good idea *though.. using fstab... a little script is better *just thinking10:40
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B-ratthx for the help10:41
=== TobiasFar [n=tfar@ACB421E3.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweJeffe: so use that in fstab as well instead of the credidentials stuff10:41
JeffeI'll give it a shot bit I don't think it's going to work10:41
Jeffefstab does not to commands from what I knows10:41
varsendaggrok this may not be the right place to ask this so...    her goes anyway .  i want to be able to use two nic    with vmplayer   is this a possiblity?10:42
=== SUSaiyan [n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
auneswell.. wow is installed... but now I'm getting errors from the application itsself *growls*10:42
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mweJeffe: the -o on the command line is what is under options is fstab10:42
mweJeffe: it should work I think10:42
ninjavarsendaggr: why not?10:42
=== Imperial [i=Ironic@ACA49737.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
aunesI don't understand why my computer isn't doing what everyone elses is doing. It doesn't make sense10:42
Imperiali have a question10:42
skavengehardware makes all the difference in the world10:43
kalosaurusrex!helpme > imperial10:43
=== B-rat [n=Brat@BSN-61-45-112.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has left #ubuntu ["staying]
Jeffeso how should my string read?10:43
Dreamglideri just watched a wiveo10:43
JeffeI just don't see what I am doing wrong10:43
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MrWoocan someboedy tell me where to go to get help with gnmoe10:43
Dreamglideri just watched this http://www.fhm.com/site/100sexiestgame/index.html and i lost all sound, cant hear anything10:43
ninjavarsendaggr: whats the real prob?10:43
ImperialDoes ubuntu support winmodems?10:43
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.10:43
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aunesskavenge: So it would seem. I think its a memory refrence error10:43
hey560How does one change the default resolution/refresh rate for the login screen?10:44
J_Phey all, anyone know how to use --exclude argument in tar for exclude one directory on tar ? I try this :tar -czvf A.tar.gz A --exclude=/tmp/A/b/  but not works. Anyone have know how use that ?10:44
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ImperialDoes ubuntu support winmodems?10:44
ubotuI know nothing about winmodems10:44
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:44
lamegoJ_P, try it without the trailing /10:44
aunesis it necessary to tell wine in some way what my graphic card is and/or install drivers for it?10:44
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mweJeffe: //kris/"My Music"/iTunes /home/kris/Music smbfs usrname=user,password=pass 0 0, I think10:45
skavengeaunes; very much so if the game needs 3d acceleration especially, though i dont know how10:45
lamegoaunes, I don't think so, wine just sends the output to your Xserver, the driver doesn't matter10:46
J_Plamego: i try now: tar -czvf A.tar.gz A --exclude=/tmp/A/b    But not works too!  :-(10:46
=== hou5ton [n=hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu
ninjafor me wine gets always drunk..10:46
skavengelamego: yeah he needs 3d acceleration working in the x server for it to translate to the game though10:46
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varsendaggrninja, i want to run xbox connect inside windows inside ubuntu and i can't seem to figure out how to share the drive,   i think the issue is that i have two network cards ( one mobo one pci )  and the vmplayer is only showing the pci (  i ronically i can get the interent  in windows but the pci card is only hooked up to my xbox via a crossover cable10:47
mweJeffe: you probably want a umask like 0222 or 0000 as well though10:47
ninjaskavenge: only for some games, though :-)10:47
lamegoand that is driver dependent "inside" wine ? isn't that handled by X itself using hw or sw depending on the X driver ?10:47
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hou5tonI've got Ubuntu back on this laptop, but the screen resolution still refuses to adjust to 1440x900. Breezy did, and FC5 does. Any suggestions? I happen to have a printout of hte FC5 xorg.conf10:47
BCK14what would i use to develop C applications?10:47
skavengelamego; not inside wine no if thats what it sounded like my mistake10:47
=== varsendaggr use tobe a windows tech but i can't remember all this junk
lamegoBCK14, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:48
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skavengehe does need 3d accel going in the x \server though10:48
MrWoocan i get some help with gnome here?10:48
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mweskavenge: of course :)10:48
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lamegoskavenge, ok :)10:48
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BCK14lamego: i have that, what should i use to run c code?10:48
jribBCK14: text editor and gcc, anjuta if you want an IDE10:48
Jeffeman this is a pain in the ass10:48
Jeffestupid smb10:48
lamegoBCK14, you should learn to use a compiler, or install an editor10:48
BCK14anjuta sounds like what i want10:48
mweJeffe: it's not working when you remount?10:48
lamegoBCK14, try code::codeblocks10:48
aunesI'm up to the point of installing updated drivers using nvidia-glx-config enable, but I get an error: This script cannot proceed automatically. and wants me to manually change things.10:48
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BCK14lamego: i can compile from source :)10:48
Jeffemwe: nope10:49
Jeffeit works in command line10:49
ninjavarsendaggr: it depends on the basic-system... u can change mainly all... install, remove hardware, for example... if u have the needed drivers... it "is" a windows problem then (guessing), not a problem of vmware-workstation or vmware-player10:49
Jeffebut not in fstab10:49
klaygod damn wine tools10:49
BCK14lamego: just going to start writing my own C app's10:49
dooglusBCK14: that's what you need to do.  C code can't be run - it has to be compiled.10:49
JeffeI'm just trying to get it to mount on boot10:49
=== xtd333 [n=zlaferri@c-67-187-240-188.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jeffethats all10:49
mweJeffe: Odd. the options in fstab should work exactly as if it was done with  mount from the cli10:49
Jeffemaybe and sh script should do it10:49
klayim trying to get this windows hentai game to work on my box10:49
Allz-i-hello i have not on my computer for a 9 month -so do i have to download the update ?10:49
lamegoaunes, you will need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace the "nv" with "nvidia" on the driver section10:49
klayonly supports direct x10:49
=== sexcopter8000m [n=NNSCRIPT@dslb-082-083-194-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
klayno direct draw10:50
Allz-i-hello i have not been on my computer for a 9 month -so do i have to download the update ?10:50
DBOklay, dont be surprised if you dont get any help...10:50
dooglusAllz-i-: no.10:50
dooglusAllz-i-: it's optional10:50
J_Panyone know how to use --exclude argument in tar for exclude one directory on tar ? I try this :tar -czvf A.tar.gz A --exclude=/tmp/A/b/  but not works!10:50
auneslamego:  I _just_ did that. will I need to restart X?10:50
lamegoAllz-i-, you should install a fresh version :P10:50
Jeffethe other strange thing10:50
JeffeI can't unmount10:50
ninjathe "sharing" might be a linux problem, though.. u have to install a linux-user/samba-user, too10:50
varsendaggrninja, maybe you can help me with this i have three options for network   bridged nat and host only.    is there away to alter these10:50
Jeffeso maybe thats a problem10:50
lamegoaunes, yes, ctrl-backspace should do it10:50
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mweJeffe: mount //foo /bar -o blah should be working equivalently to if you put it in fstab10:50
aunesalright. brb.10:50
jribJeffe: any output when you try?10:50
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=== vraid [n=vraid@84-217-67-166.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jeffeline X is bad in fstab10:51
compengihow do create irc shell accounts10:51
lamegoJeffe, grrr you can't put the "mount" itself there10:51
Jeffe[mntent] : line 11 in /etc/fstab is bad10:51
Jeffelemme see10:51
dooglusJ_P: you can only exclude things which would otherwise be included10:51
lamegolook at a default fstab line, and fill the fields according to it10:51
DBOcompengi, you want to give people local accounts that they can (ssh?) log into for IRC usage???10:51
dooglusJ_P: so if you're tarring up 'A', try excluding 'A/b'10:51
vraidoh wow10:51
vraidi'm connected10:52
compengiDBO, yes10:52
DBOcompengi, thats a very very very bad idea...10:52
Jeffehere is how the string rreads now: mount //kris/"My Music"/iTunes /home/kris/Music  smbfs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials    0    010:52
compengiDBO, why10:52
=== kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jeffeand when I do a mount -a10:52
JeffeI get the error10:52
DBOcompengi, because you would end up giving them local access to the box10:52
lamegoJeffe, you are not supposed to place a mount command on /etc/fstab10:52
=== aunes [n=justinli@cpe-024-168-219-032.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vraidi have one problem though, firefox can't access any pages10:52
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-48-193.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jeffethats what I thought10:52
aunesI got it to run, now I just have to get it updated :)] 10:52
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Allz-i- hello i need help -i get about virutal memmory is to low10:53
mweJeffe: here is an example: // /mnt/linux smbfs username=myusername,password=mypassword,umask=0000 0 010:53
lamegoyou are supposed to put a plain filesystem descrption, that will be used on the mount command10:53
Allz-i-whaaat does it mean10:53
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aunesI love you all and may your children be blessed and so on and so forth.10:53
Jeffemwe thanks lemme see what that does10:53
=== aunes spews forth praise and adoration.
compengiDBO, but if i want them to use the shell account for only psybnc and eggdrop?10:53
mweJeffe: don't copy verbatim of course10:53
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Jeffeyeah Iknow10:53
Allz-i-i cant play games ;( -i get some error about virutal memmory is to low - pleaaaaaase someone tell me what does it mean10:53
Jeffethe thing is, it's not a linux share10:54
GooofyI am installing UT2004, asking for CD#2, how to unmount/mount10:54
Jeffeit's a windows share10:54
skavengeanyway to turn off all the movie info in gxine when playing in a window? (the bitrate, name of file, time left, etc)10:54
mweJeffe: use the appropiate name10:54
lamegoGooofy, sudo umount cd_path10:54
J_Pdooglus: ok, trying :-)10:54
DBOcompengi, why dont we step back a minute and you tell me what you want other people to be able to do (more generally than use ssh for irc) and we will work out a proper solution10:54
mweJeffe: make sure your mount point exists and you can use the name instead of the IP10:54
Gooofysudo umount /media/cdrom010:54
compengiDBO, can i IM you?10:54
Jeffeyeah the mount point exist10:54
DBOcompengi, sure10:55
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mweJeffe: just use the options you do from the CLI and unmount it then remount it10:55
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JeffeI've not had any luck using IP thus far10:55
J_Pdooglus: tar -czvf A.tar.gz A --exclude=A/b  not works too :-(10:55
Jeffemwe: unmount command is not owkring10:55
mweJeffe: huh?10:55
JeffeI should just do: sudo unmount /dir/of/mount10:55
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mweJeffe: sudo umount /mount/point10:55
Jeffeyeah, thats not working10:55
TechnelI have two hard drives: a 30gb PATA drive and a 160gb SATA drive. I want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows and so it has to be on the PATA drive (GRUB ALWAYS assumes that Ubuntu/MBR is on the IDE drive). I was thinking of installing Windows/Ubuntu onto the IDE drive and storing all backups, large files, music, etc. on the SATA drive. I want to use Windows (WoW, BF2, CS:S, etc) just for gaming and Ubuntu for general surfing, pr10:55
Technelogramming, and everything else. Do you think that 30gb would be enough? My current Windows install is 41gb but...I don't know..ideas?10:55
mweJeffe: that is if it's mounted10:56
johlinWhy does anjuta want to save c++ files as .cc? I want them to be cpp so that I can edit them in Windows and Linux without having a copy?10:56
Jeffekris@ubuntu:~$ sudo unmoun /home/kris/Music/10:56
Jeffesudo: unmoun: command not found10:56
mwejohlin: can't you change that in settings?10:56
mweJeffe: umount10:56
reemuski'm such a noob. i've checked the faq, but i can't get dapper drake to use my dsl modem to connect10:56
mweJeffe: not unmount. umount10:56
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lamegojohlin, because .cc is the standard sufffix for C++ files, and the suffix is not relevant unless you depend on a specific IDE to build your project10:56
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Jeffekris@ubuntu:~$ sudo unmount /home/kris/Music/10:57
Jeffesudo: unmount: command not found10:57
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johlinmwe: I've taken a quick look and it doesn't look as if.10:57
Jeffegot it10:57
mwejohlin: odd10:57
Jeffebeen at this too long10:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:57
lamegoi mean the standard on ajunta :P10:57
JeffeI'm seeing letters that are not there10:57
mwejohlin: file a bug report if it's not possible10:57
johlinlamego: that's the thing, I need to be able to just open the files in Visual Studio on Windows without renaming everything.10:57
Jeffelets try agian10:57
johlinmew: I'm sure you can, but I was just looking for a quick answer for where I change it, the settings dialog is pretty big.10:58
BoredPenguinnew updates problem: libcairo2 requires libreetype6 >= 2.2.1 but that package is missing10:58
reemuskis there supposed to somewhere for me to enter a username/password for my DSL carrier???10:58
dooglusJ_P: works for me: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/tar-exclude.txt10:58
lamegojohlin, there should be an option on ajunta preferences to chat that, but I am not an Anjuta user myself10:58
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MrWoocan i get some gnome help10:58
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lamegoerm, to change10:58
mwejohlin: well it's been a while since I last used it so I can't help you there10:58
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Jeffehmm no go10:58
poorsodi need some help about my wireless nework10:58
JeffeI guess I'll have to google fstab10:59
Jeffelearn a bit more10:59
pcfannew updates problem: libcairo2 requires libreetype6 >= 2.2.1 but that package is missing10:59
Jeffethanks anyway10:59
johlinmwe: sure, ow problem10:59
Ademanhey i'd like to dual boot windows and ubuntu, i heard that installing windows overrides the bootloader (in my case grub) which means i'd no longer be able to boot into ubuntu, is there a way to restore grub after installing windows? (since i already have ubuntu installed)10:59
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lamegojohlin, if you are still chossing an IDE give code::blocks a try, because there is win/lin versions it will be easier to compile the projects with it10:59
jribMrWoo: you can ask gnome questions here, there is also #gnome on GIMPNet10:59
Lobsterusing an boot-floppy10:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:00
reemuskis this the right place to get assistance with my connection issues?11:00
mweJeffe: 'man mount' and 'man fstab' is good reading11:00
poorsodi need some help with my wireless network11:00
pcfannew updates problem: libcairo2 requires libreetype6 >= 2.2.1 but that package is missing11:00
poorsodi have an old belkin it is based on atmel11:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:00
MrWoojrib, i'll go there in a sec, but do you know anything about the settings deamon not being able to start11:00
johlinlamego: sounds good. Can I get it from apt-get?11:00
poorsodlast time i tried ubuntu11:00
J_Pdooglus: are you using dapper ?11:00
poorsodit recognised the adapter but wouldnt let me connect to router11:01
jribMrWoo: no, does it happen everytime?11:01
MrWoojrib, when i can get the thing to actually boot, yes11:01
poorsoddoes this happen with the new version?11:01
LobsterGute Nacht meine Freunde11:01
dooglusJ_P: no, sid; but the behaviour will be the same.  can you run those same commands I ran in /tmp and show me what happens for you?11:01
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MrWoojrib, this has happened on two different G4's mind you11:01
lamegojohlin, I don't think so, I have it installed from the daily builds, there are Ubuntu .deb packages11:01
J_Pdooglus: yes, I paste for you in private message..11:02
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J_Pdooglus: look there!11:02
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:02
johlinlamego: good enough11:02
jribMrWoo: when you try to run 'gnome-settings-daemon' from a terminal, does it work?11:02
lamegopoorsod, the best thing to do is to give it a try with the live CD11:02
MrWoojrib, how do i do that?11:02
reemuskwhere do i enter my dsl username/password?11:02
poorsodi will come back 2moz never mind it is not a very important question11:02
poorsodok i will do that11:02
jribMrWoo: just go to applications > accessories > terminal, type in 'gnome-settings-daemon' without the quotes, and press enter11:03
Gooofyhow to mount?11:03
Jack_Sparrowreemusk: I didnt need to do anything for my DSL11:03
poorsodi need to go to bed it is 11.00 over here11:03
skavengeif its old and it doesnt have support yet it likely wont ever without additional work after install11:03
lamegoGooofy, sudo mount /device /mountpath11:03
reemuskjack: mine will not connect...it says the ethernet is active....and DHCP...the connection is enabled...still it does nothing11:03
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reemusk"server not found"11:03
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stiv2khow come i don't have the package flashplugin-nonfree11:04
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jribstiv2k: you need multiverse11:04
skavengeprobably dont have the repositories enabled11:04
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:04
Gooofysudo mount  /dev/cdrw  /media/cdrom0  ?11:04
stiv2kjrib: gotcha11:04
lamegoGodFather,, assuming the device and mounpoints are correct, yes11:04
lamegoI meant, Gooofy11:05
MrWoojrib, around the terminal window it turned orange and then it said was overidding entries11:05
stiv2kjrib: do i just close and reopen firefox after this is installed11:05
TechnelI have two hard drives: a 30gb PATA drive and a 160gb SATA drive. I want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows and so it has to be on the PATA drive (GRUB ALWAYS assumes that Ubuntu/MBR is on the IDE drive). I was thinking of installing Windows/Ubuntu onto the IDE drive and storing all backups, large files, music, etc. on the SATA drive. I want to use Windows (WoW, BF2, CS:S, etc) just for gaming and Ubuntu for general surfing, pr11:05
Technelogramming, and everything else. Do you think that 30gb would be enough? My current Windows install is 41gb but...I don't know..ideas?11:05
stiv2kjrib: and it should be ther?11:05
jrib!multiverse > stiv2k11:05
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stiv2kyes yes i know11:05
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stiv2ki got multiverse11:05
skavengestiv2k: once its installed yes all it takes is a firefox restart11:05
stiv2kskavenge: thanks11:05
stiv2kjrib: thanks11:05
lamegoTechnel, do you expect us to know your data size needs ?11:05
skavengenot that flash works very well in linux anyway but theres tweaks in the forums you can do11:06
TechnelLets say I had World of Warcraft (~6gbs) on a second harddrive, would it be slower to read it off a second hard drive?11:06
reemuski can't connect using my DSL modem, can anyone assist? i've been told it should "just connect"11:06
MrWoojrib, something changed11:06
lamegoit is more than enough for the OS11:06
Gooofymount: you must specify filesystem type11:06
mwereemusk: does you interface show with sudo ifconfig?11:06
Gooofysudo mount /dev/cdrw /media/cdrom011:06
jribMrWoo: ok... so I guess it runs ok.  I'd try creating a new user and seeing if the error still occurs when you login to gnome with the new user11:06
lamegoGooofy, that means the cd media you are trying to install does not have a recognized file system type11:06
Technellamego, Is it much slower to read data (specifically games) off of a secondary, slave hard drive?11:07
lamegoops, install = mount11:07
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pcfannew updates problem: libcairo2 requires libreetype6 >= 2.2.1 but that package is missing, any ideas?11:07
skavengeyeah file a bug11:07
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kalosaurusrexpcfan, run sudo apt-get -f install11:07
lamegoTechnel, that depends on the hard disk specification and interface11:07
faki3hey all11:07
reemuskmwe: haven't tried it. instructions??11:07
zOapI need an app which searches for ip adresses in use on local lan. it does not have to be a gui app...11:07
MrWoojrib, well the desktop and other stuff didn't load11:07
MrWoojrib, but how do i make a new user11:07
mwereemusk: open a terminal. type sudo ifconfig at the prompt11:08
jribMrWoo: sudo adduser foo11:08
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OHPhoneGuyz0ap: nmap?11:08
reemuskand then?11:08
MrWoojrib: What11:08
lamegoz0ap I guess you need something like  a portscanner or just write a script wichs pings the entire lan11:08
zOapOHPhoneGuy, I'll try11:08
MrWoojrib, do i type that in the terminal11:08
PShi, can anyone help - i'm wondering why sound juicer is taking 40 mins to encode a cd to mp3 even tho i have a 3GHz cpu?  my gstreamer pipeline is this "audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 quality=0 bitrate=192".  Any advice?11:08
zOapOHPhoneGuy, ty11:08
Technellamego, Primary hard drive: 7200RPM Western Digital 30gb PATA/IDE; Secondary: 7200RPM Western Digital 160gb SATA11:08
jribMrWoo: yeah, there is also system > administration > users11:08
MrWoojrib, k11:08
lamegoTechnel, it should be just fine, beeing slave does not make it slower11:09
hakanwhow do I make the /var/www dir writable by anyone (including my ftp server) ?11:09
OHPhoneGuyz0ap: No problem.11:09
hakanwI tried to chown it to "ftp"11:09
OHPhoneGuyhakanw, chmod -R a+w /var/www/11:09
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faki3PS I had the some issue, try this one audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc vbr=4 vbr-quality=2 ! xingmux ! id3v2mux11:09
simian__i'm trying to set up pureftp and i think that i've done it correct, can i connect to my computer through a web browser or do i nee an ftp cliant?11:09
OHPhoneGuyer,  chmod -R a+rw /var/www/11:09
jribMrWoo: nautilus is the program that should be handling your desktop11:09
lamegohakanw, that is not safe to do, but do it at your own risk: chmod 777 /var/www11:09
Technellamego, So if I were to install Windows programs onto the SATA drive while the OS is on the PATA/IDE drive, it wouldn't be slower to read off of the second HD?11:09
reemuskmwe: so open a terminal, sudo ifconfig....then what comes next? anycommands afterwards?11:09
hakanwlamego: any other suggested solution?11:09
hakanwlamego: symlink to the ftp's user dir perhaps?11:10
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lamegoTechnel, well thats an hard question, it would be slower botting the OS, as for the rest it depends a bit on the system use11:10
PSthanks faki3, i'll give that a go now11:10
mwereemusk: tell me if the command shows your network interface11:10
faki3PS kewl11:10
Technellamego, Thanks11:10
hakanwanyone have a recommended way to do this?11:11
lamegohakanw, what are you trying to achieve from a functional point of view ?11:11
MrWoojrib, i created a new user and logged out, then logged back in and i got the same error11:11
Garethhm, what would I use to change the clock speed/voltage of my AMD Turion?  cpuinfo is telling me that it's runninng at 800 mhz (it's good for 1600 mhz)11:11
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MrWoojrib, it also says something about nautilus not working either11:11
hakanwlamego: trying to make it possible to ftp to the main www/ dir on my server, for some special users11:11
johlinthe link for the code::blocks ubuntu .deb is broken, does anyone have it?11:11
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mweGareth: well it will run faster when the cpu gets loaded11:12
hakanwI've come so far as to give us read privileges to there, but we can't write yet11:12
jribMrWoo: can you give the exact text in both of the error messages?  I'll help you google11:12
lamegohakanw, I believe the apache on ubuntu is using a www-data group11:12
lamegoyou should only need to add them to the www-data group11:12
mweGareth: it's just clocking down when it's not busy11:12
Garethah right of course mwe, I'd forgotten about that awesome little feature11:12
lamegoI am assuming there is g+w on the web root dir11:12
hakanwlamego: but the ftp server is running under its own account, do I add ftp then?11:12
Gareththat's powernowd doing it's think right mwe?11:12
mweGareth: yeah11:12
MrWoojrib, would knowing the specific error help, cause i have it11:13
lamegohakanw, that depends on the ftp server you use, ftp servers usually really on the login user permissions11:13
jribMrWoo: yeah11:13
mweGareth: at least in breezy it was. not sure if it changed to the built in kernel support in dapper11:13
lamegothe ftp user itself is not part of the permission control11:13
hakanwlamego: aah11:13
hakanwI'm using vsftpd11:13
hakanwlamego: ah ok, I mixed that up with how apache works I guess11:13
GarethI'm fairly sure you're right11:13
lamegohakanw, the ftp server will switch to whatever using has logged in, the control is based on the login user, not on the ftp user...11:13
hakanwok, great11:14
GarethI'll try and find something to burn cpu cycles and see11:14
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MrWoojrib, System excpetion:IDL:omg.org/COBRA/COMM_FAILURE: 1.011:14
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lamegoyup, ftp does a switch user, unlike apache :)11:14
hakanwlamego: thanks!11:14
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PSfaki3, that's done the job nicely - rip time is down from 40 mins to about 4 mins, sweet!  :-)11:16
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reemuski'm going to go check it now11:17
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MrWoojrib, i'm not getting anything are you?11:17
jribMrWoo: a few hits with your error, but no hints yet11:17
MrWoojrib, this is my exact problem right here http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2003-June/msg00275.html11:17
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mweGareth: while true; do echo $((10*10)); done should bump up the cpu clock I think11:18
MrWoojrib, well not exactly11:18
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Garethheh good idea11:19
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zcat[1] cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null should work too....11:19
monomaniacpatAnyone here good with wine? are there any good channel for such things?11:20
mweGareth: or just while true; do i=$((10*10)); done if you don't wanna spam the terminal11:20
jribmonomaniacpat: #winehq11:20
Garethyeah you were quite right mwe, powernowd scaled the proc to 160011:20
jmac__Hello everyone! Thanks Ubuntu for the awesome OS. I am having a problem with a USB Wireless Targus PAWM004 mouse. Anyone have any luck with it?11:20
mweGareth: well good then11:20
jmac__Google turned up very little11:20
Gareththanks for the pointer11:20
skavengeGareth: what are you using to check cpu speed?11:20
Garethcat procinfo11:20
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skavengeah okay11:21
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mwecat /proc/cpuinfo you mean?11:21
Garether, yeah11:21
GarethI was just in the /proc directory11:21
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vraidhey guys.. i just got my internet working, but firefox refuses to connect11:21
monomaniacpatjrib: thanks11:21
zcat[1] vraid: it's not in offline mode/11:22
zcat[1] ?11:22
varsendaggrhey i can connect through the internet with my nic card   but how do i set up usb?11:22
MrWoojrib, by the way, when i logged in as the new user i created all i get is a big red screen11:22
varsendaggrcan anyone see me?11:22
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kalosaurusrexvarsendaggr: what's wrong with your usb?11:22
lamegovraid, what error do you get ? Have you checked your dns configuration ?11:22
jribMrWoo: that's really strange, I haven't seen this before11:22
MrWoojrib: just my luck11:23
jribMrWoo: is it cobra or corba?11:23
__mikemWhere did all that come from11:23
__mikemI swear I didn't do it11:23
MrWoojrib, idk, i might have copied it down wrong11:23
MrWoojrib, i thought it was cobra11:23
jribMrWoo: when did this start?11:24
varsendaggrok here goes:   i have a qwest modem that has 1 usb output one ethernet output  and i wnat to setup xbock connect on a vmplayer running winxp11:24
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MrWoojrib: as soon as i tried to put ubuntu onto these macs i just got, this is my first time ever using ubuntu11:25
kalosaurusrexvarsendaggr: ah.  so you are trying to connect your cable modem to your computer via usb.  honestly not sure how to make that work.11:25
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MeGaQuArKCan someone help me with a keyboard layout problem?11:25
MrWoojrib: i haven't even been able to install ubuntu on these computers yet11:25
varsendaggri have never been able to get usb connectivity with linux11:25
jribMrWoo: so this is the livecd?11:25
MrWoojrib: correct11:25
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gaboI have a 5.1 dolby sound system. with a C-media 8738, and my subwoofer does not  sound11:26
lamegovarsendaggr, how dows vmware player come into play for your usb cable problem ?11:26
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varsendaggri want to use it to play xbox connect under vmplayer winxp11:26
lamegoif you have an ethernet connection why not use it instead ?11:26
hakanwlamego: so, maybe I screwed up the /var/www/ perms before because I chowned it :/   what's the default?   I tried to change the owner back to www-data11:26
kalosaurusrexvarsendaggr: your cable modem doesn't have a eth connection?11:26
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jribMrWoo: hmm, you could try the text installer and see if it doesn't happen on a real install11:27
auneswhere is the default mozilla install directory for ubuntu?11:27
MrWoojrib: how do i do that11:27
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kalosaurusrexaunes: ~/.mozilla11:27
kalosaurusrexi think11:27
jribMrWoo: just download the alternate install disk iso11:27
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lamegohakanw, drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-06-24 17:08 /var/www/apache2-default/11:27
ubotuI know nothing about gnash11:27
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mooseman447hey guys whats up11:27
neutrinomassFunnyLookinHat: IIRC it's not in the repos ...11:28
hakanwoh, root...?11:28
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mwe!info gnash11:28
neutrinomass!info gnash11:28
ubotuPackage gnash does not exist in dapper11:28
MrWoojrib, allright, thats what i've been doing, thats the one that will work with systems with less and 192mb right?11:28
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auneskalosaurusrex: flash installer doesn't think so11:28
lamegohakanw, yes, but it has +rx for all :)11:28
ubotuI know nothing about info11:28
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:28
varsendaggrher is why i want to use the usb   i have gotten the usb to work with winxp    before    and i thout it would be easier to use this way... i have been trying with the other way all afternoon11:28
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mooseman447ubuntu would be good for a apache with php server right?11:28
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MeGaQuArK!keyboard layout11:29
ubotuI know nothing about keyboard layout11:29
lamegovarsendaggr, if your USB device does not work on linux, it will not work inside vmware player11:29
FunnyLookinHatneutrinomass, that's what i was hoping for... dangit.11:29
mweMeGaQuArK: please don't play with the bot in the room. /msg it instead11:29
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hakanwlamego: but what about the www-data group? shouldn't that be the owner to let them change it?11:29
jribMrWoo: before dapper, the installer was always text based.  The livecd with the install is a new thing, and to be honest it seems to still have a few problems11:29
lamegovarsendaggr, and using the ethernet port should be easier11:29
=== Jeeves__ [n=James@88-105-231-78.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
JWHow can I determine which video board is in the system?  My system runs Ubuntu very slow, but Knoppix fast  Why?11:29
kalosaurusrexaunes: caps M or lower case?11:30
varsendaggrit might11:30
MrWoojrib: oh, so its not exactly the most stable thing in the world11:30
lamegohakanw, no, changing files is not an usual privilege for a web service11:30
jribMrWoo: be sure to burn at like 2x or 4x11:30
MrWoojrib: why?11:30
johlinI'm trying to compile Code::Blocks, but I get this error. johan@johan:~/.devel/codeblocks-1.0rc2$ ./bootstrap11:30
johlinbash: ./bootstrap: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory11:30
johlin, what is wrong?11:30
auneskalosaurusrex: heh. I'm using firefox :-X11:30
finalbetacan I get surround sound in rhythmbox?11:30
MrWoojrib: do i really have to go that slow?11:30
zcat[1] jrib: 16x works.. just not 52x :-)11:30
jribMrWoo: bootable cd's that are burnt at higher speeds end up as coasters sometimes11:30
lamegohakanw, when I need to do that I manually change the file owner making sure it belongs to the web server group11:31
mwejohlin: what are you doing, exactly?11:31
aunesMrWoo: I had to burn at 8x for mine to work.11:31
hakanwlamego: so the solution is to let some other group own this, but let anyone execute/read, right?11:31
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=== zcat[1] does everything at 16x .. anything slower is just being silly
kalosaurusrexaunes: me too11:31
johlinmwe: ./bootstrap, as it says.11:31
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kalosaurusrexso it might me ~/.mozilla/firefox11:31
kalosaurusrexmine is..11:31
mwejohlin: as what says?11:31
MrWoothis will be the 4th CD i've turned into a coaster11:31
_ShoGo_can anyone please tell me how to uninstall a game installed from an *.sh?11:31
MrWooi whish I would've been warned about htat11:31
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: what game?11:31
johlinmwe: a guide I'm following. I just found out that this is a problem with dos line endings, and that I should use dos2unix, but that command doesn't exist11:31
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lamegohakanw, if you need a group to change the files, you need to make sure they are group owned by a given group which will include all the users that will need to access the files, on this case www-data to make sure they will also be read by the apache process11:32
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: where can i look at the script?11:32
mwejohlin: perl -pi -e 's/\r\n$/\n/' dos.txt11:32
_ShoGo_wait a moment11:32
johlinmwe: and I replace dos.txt with bootstrap?11:32
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_ShoGo_this is the official web11:33
mwejohlin: yeah11:33
jribMrWoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13145 if your problem returns, this thread has some things you can try11:33
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johlinmwe: thanks. that worked. you're my hero11:33
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LorriSince, I dislike GIMP, how can I use Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu?11:33
LorriWill a normal package of WINE work?11:34
johlinI need automake 1.7, but 1.4 is the latest in the ubuntu respositories, should I compile a new one?11:34
lamego_ShoGo_, there is no generic procedure for files install from a script, you will need to look at the script for the files and where they were installed11:34
mweLob-Sogular: you can't11:34
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kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: whoa11:34
johlinnevermind, 1.7 does exist11:34
kalosaurusrexcool looking game..HUGE script though..11:34
lamegojohlin, there is automake1.9 on the ubuntu repos11:34
mweLorri: you can't use photoshop cs2 unless you run it under vmware11:34
_ShoGo_u mean i have to learn the programming language it is written from?11:34
_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, nobody is playing, NEVER :D11:34
skavengephotoshop has a history of not liking linux11:35
lamego_ShoGo_, it is a shell script, yes you will need to understand it11:35
skavengeits not gonna run at all in wine11:35
Alethesheh -- looks like an icewm theme I created years ago is available in a ubuntu package *beam*11:35
johlinI've tried with both 1.7 and 1.9 installed, but it still tells me: Automake 1.7 or above is required. Aborting build...11:35
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: lol good to know.  i'm downloading it.  it will take me a min.  if it puts it all in the same place shouldn't be a problem.11:35
Lorrimwe what's vmware?11:35
mweLorri: you can't expect to be able to run all your favorite windows programs in linux, unfortunately11:35
grimboyLorri, That's a shame maybe you'll like gimpshop (http://www.gimpshop.net/)11:35
_ShoGo_i just know pascal programming :'(11:35
JWHow can I determine which video board is in the system?  My system runs Ubuntu slow, but Knoppix fast  Why?11:35
ZeZuphotoshop is pretty damn intense on gdi11:35
_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, nice connection mate :D11:35
LorriWell, I just saw this11:35
mweLorri: it's a virtual machine. it's costs money and you install windows inside it11:35
_ShoGo_I mean, nice internet connection, if it only lasts a min for u11:36
ZeZuvmware emulates the pc so you could install windows on this emulated pc11:36
_ShoGo_im sorry about my english11:36
ZeZuand run windows apps in windows in a window hehe11:36
lamegoJW, did you tried to setup the proper 3d driver for your video card ?11:36
mweLorri: you need a vmware licence and windows licence to do it11:36
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: lol i wish.  it will be a few min.11:36
JWlamego, no11:36
lamegoyou dont need a vmware license, you can use the player11:36
_ShoGo_well, i'll wait for u then11:36
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mweLorri: and a few hours of work11:36
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grimboyLorri, Have you tried gimpshop at all?11:36
LorriNo, just normal gimp11:37
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JWlamego, I think my video card is a Trident Cyberblade=i111:37
gooniesanyone using a dell 2005fpw monitor by any chance11:37
hakanwlamego: ok, I'm kinda new to the whole unix permissions thing, but I'm trying... this is how it looks right now: --wxrwxr-x 1 www-data hakan  567 2006-07-02 22:34 index.html11:37
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lamegoJW, sorry, can't help your with that card11:37
LorriHow does GRUB react to a Vista installation?11:37
_ShoGo_Lorri, i think it will surely get angry11:37
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lamegohakanw, your change is not correct, www-data should be the group not the user, on the ownership11:38
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lamegohakanw, chown -R root:www-data /var/www11:38
LorriWell, I can get used to gimp11:38
_ShoGo_Vista will erase grub, i think u will have to reinstall it11:38
Lorriit's just that11:38
=== avis` [n=whale@adsl-71-159-60-54.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
gaboI have a 5.1 dolby sound system. with a C-media 8738, and my subwoofer does not  sound11:38
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: honextly you may want to hit up their irc channel..11:38
Lorriwhen it reads my older .psd's11:38
hakanwlamego: ok, thanks11:38
_ShoGo_but i cant remember how u can do that11:38
Lorrithere's a lot of effects left out11:38
skavengewhoo im gonna check this gimpshop out looks pretty slick, though i dont mind the gimp11:38
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Lorri_ShoGo_ I meant when GRUB is put ontop of the Vista boot11:38
finalbetacan I get surround sound in rhythmbox?11:39
_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, i didnt notice they had one11:39
LorriTriple Boot XP-Ubuntu-Vista11:39
_ShoGo_im gonna look for it11:39
gabosend a private message if you can help me11:39
gabo have a 5.1 dolby sound system. with a C-media 8738, and my subwoofer does not  sound11:39
_ShoGo_Lorri, i think it wont happen nothing bad to your system then..11:39
mweLorri: I suppose grub will handle vista fine, basically like win xp11:39
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: IRC.DYNAMIX.COM #Legends :)11:39
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:39
_ShoGo_im gonna take a look of it11:39
varsendaggris there a way to allow wine to use a certain port?11:39
LorriVista's boot.. thing is a lot different from XP's11:40
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JWHow can I determine which video board is in my system?11:40
YannigHello everybody :)11:40
dribble'ello Yannig11:40
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_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, thank u at all mate11:40
gaboespaol ????11:40
_ShoGo_gabo, yo11:40
mweLorri: isn't like a windows boot loader on the boot sector?11:40
gabohola shogo11:40
YannigI have a little problem: I installed Edgy (beta) a few days ago and I get a segmentation error when I try to sudo11:40
neutrinomassJW: with 'lspci' ...11:40
mweLorri: I think so11:40
LorriI thought it was mbr11:40
Yannig(so no update possible)11:40
varsendaggrwow it is kinda working11:40
finalbetagabo, lucky you I've got a C-Media Electronics CMI9780 , center and bass are inverted and I can't get surround using alsa11:40
Lorrimeh I'll try it later11:41
_ShoGo_Hola gabo  :)11:41
=== FCTE [n=chris@c-24-15-102-80.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gaboque tal?11:41
YannigDo I have another alternative as re-installing the sistem from scratch?11:41
gaboberro leiste mi mensaje de ayuda ?11:41
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mweLorri: I'm sure it works11:41
lamegoYannig, try #Ubuntu+1 , and is a bit early to report problems on edgy :P11:41
_ShoGo_Creo que esta gente se va a enfadar si hablamos en espaol11:41
_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, nobody is answering.. as i expected11:41
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mweLorri: the mbr is a boot sector btw11:41
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: no worries.  sorry I couldn't help more.11:41
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Lorriah ok11:41
reemuskmwe, are you still here?11:41
kalosaurusrex_ShoGo_: eww11:41
reemuski ran the sudo11:41
YannigThanks lamego:)11:41
gabook let's go to a private ?11:41
mwereemusk: and?11:41
_ShoGo_kalosaurusrex, doesn't matter mate :)11:42
mwereemusk: what did it say?11:42
reemuskmwe: it Rx'd no packets, but Tx'd 12 with no errors..interesting i tried to pring some websites, and got "host name not found"11:42
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gabomi subwoofer has no sound11:42
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@24-54-145-55.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwereemusk: you haven't told me if sudo ifconfig shows your interface11:42
Syco54645how can i force something to the front with wine?  i am running a game and i am seeing my gnome panels11:43
reemuskmwe: define interface...i'm confused about that11:43
mweSyco54645: bind a key to enter full screen11:43
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mwereemusk: interface is your network card11:43
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exilemy installer for the alternate install cd of ubuntu 6.06 freezes at the disk partitioner(it doesn't show up)11:44
Syco54645mwe: i am running the game fullscreen.  it changes the resolution and then i can still see myt bars11:44
reemuskmwe: pwnt! i need to check that11:44
mweSyco54645: hmm11:44
reemuskmwe: should it show the name of my NIC?11:44
mwereemusk: nah not exactly11:44
Syco54645mwe: i am thinking of maybe just running it in a different window manager, just so that i could get the biggest bang out of it.11:44
mwereemusk: is it wifi or ethernet or what?11:44
foikerhi ppl....I tried googling on how to get RAR support but I couldnt get any help from ubuntuguide or another site...anyone can tip me ?11:44
reemuskmwe: ethernet...ADSL external modem11:45
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Syco54645mwe: is there a way to force wine to move stuff to the very top?11:45
lamegoexile, you can switch to the debug consoles using CTRTL-F1, F2... it could give you some more details on the problem11:45
varsendaggris there a way ot allow wine to use a port   ?11:45
mweSyco54645: there is a way to force gnome to force the wine window to the top but I use kde. sorry11:45
varsendaggror can i por t forward11:45
IRCFrEAKi set up xubuntu on my son't computer and there is noone that has root capablities11:45
IRCFrEAKhow do i fix that?11:45
mwereemusk: well just tell me the output of 'sudo ifconfig'11:46
Syco54645mwe: ah ok.  thanks, that helps so that i know that it is possible.  have a good evening11:46
kalosaurusrexIRCFrEAK: sudo ?11:46
reemuskmwe: i will bbs11:46
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengethe orgiinal user should have root privilage with sudo command11:46
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kalosaurusrexIRCFrEAK: hmm.  not sure if there is a diff with xubuntu.11:46
IRCFrEAKi used to just put his password in for the sudo command11:46
foikerIRCFreak ...Ubuntu will ask you to grant root privz when needed : If ya want you can sudo su to get a root shell11:46
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kalosaurusrexIRCFrEAK: cat /etc/sudoers11:46
Bassettshow can i stop my ftp client seeing files with ~ on the end ?? it keeps uploading them11:47
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IRCFrEAKbut i found him playing around, so i took his admin away and added myself11:47
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IRCFrEAKi forgot to five myself admin11:47
kalosaurusrexIRCFrEAK: coh11:47
kalosaurusrexIRCFrEAK: doh11:47
lamegoBassetts, that depends on the ftp client you are using11:47
mweIRCFrEAK: boot to recovery mode and add yourself to the admin group11:47
jb_diese Mail hat rein gar nichts damit zu tun, dass ich als Mod den Beitrag im Mlleimer gefunden habe. Ich hatte ihn schon im Thread vorher gelesen und berlegt, wie ich darauf reagiere. Deine Bitte, ihn zurckzuziehen, lies es berhaupt erst zu einer  PN kommen. Ansonsten htte Dir darauf jemand anders geantwortet.11:47
jb_Nun zur Sache:11:47
jb_Diesmal hast Du den Bogen deutlich berspannt.11:47
jb_Da Du jedoch selber darum gebeten hast, das wieder zu entfernen, werde ich es nicht gro aufhngen. Bedenke jedoch, dass ich nicht der Seppel vom Dienst bin, an dem man seinen Frust auslassen kann.11:47
jb_Hast Du dazu irgendwas zu sagen?11:47
mweIRCFrEAK: adduser youruser admin11:47
jb_my mistake11:47
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foikerGuys anyone can gimme a tip on who to deal with the RAR case ?11:48
lamegoRAR case ?11:48
kalosaurusrexfoiker:  ?11:48
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mwefoiker: rar files?11:48
foikercant get rar to open11:48
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression11:48
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Bassettslamego: fireftp and gftp11:48
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hyphenatedBassetts: or stop using an editor that creates files with those names11:48
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lamegoBassetts, I don't believe gftp has such an option, I dont know aboure fireftp11:49
Bassettsi love gedit11:49
kalosaurusrexi dislike gtftp A LOT11:49
lamegoBassetts, files ending with ~ are just usual files for a ftp client11:49
hawkaloogieBassetts, you can get gedit to stop making those backups11:49
Bassettskalosaurusrex: i use fireftp most, but if that crashes then gftp11:49
foikerthankz ppl :)11:49
Bassettshawkaloogie: how11:49
lamegoI use nautilus for ftp11:49
hawkaloogieBassetts, it's in the config somewhere11:50
kalosaurusrexBassetts: i want a stable ftp.  i use fireftp, unless i have to do an image then i use terminal. ugh11:50
Bassettsok thanks mate11:50
Bassettshawkaloogie: your in css arent you11:50
hyphenatedthere's an option.. Edit -> Preferences, Editor tab11:50
kalosaurusrexBassetts: someone needs to make a better one..11:50
Bassettskalosaurusrex: i agree, i do miss smartftp11:50
hawkaloogieBassetts, since nicknames are the same across an entire network... yes?11:50
adwrkalosaurusrex: Whats wrong with gftp?11:50
dockois there any non-gui utility to install firewall on ubuntu? something like guarddog for gnome11:50
hawkaloogieadwr, random lockups?11:50
kalosaurusrexadwr: whenever i try and do more than like 100 filesish it crashes.11:50
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Bassettshawkaloogie: heh just wondered if it was you, might of been similar names :P11:51
kalosaurusrexhawkaloogie: *nod*11:51
hawkaloogieadwr, more specifically: lockups when it tries to get directory trees without providing a dialog to cancel11:51
adwroh....havent tried that11:51
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adwrhawkaloogie: ok11:51
hawkaloogieadwr, there are certain operations you'll see a "Getting directories..." dialog. certain others you won't and then it'll just stop working altogether11:51
kalosaurusrexvery unstable if you plan on doing several hundred/thousand files, dir.11:51
hawkaloogiemight be a good thing for me to get my feet wet on... hmm...11:52
Bassettshawkaloogie: found the option, thans11:52
=== kais [n=user@AMarseille-153-1-82-79.w86-209.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kalosaurusrexhawkaloogie: python?11:52
hawkaloogiekalosaurusrex, hacking gftp, i don't know what it's written in11:52
=== Consty [n=grimlock@pool-71-102-128-38.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalosaurusrexeh sorry offtopic.11:52
kalosaurusrexhawkaloogie: well lemme know how it works out :P)11:52
=== psiborg niest weer eens extreem explosief
=== softhack [n=softhack@host214-102.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== IRCFrEAK [i=Owner@] has joined #ubuntu
Eazy-anyone have the X-Sys_2 script working? ....my gfx is does not advertise correctly11:55
IRCFrEAKmwe: I booted to recovery mode, how do i add myself to the admin list?\11:55
mweIRCFrEAK: adduser youruser admin11:56
=== cybercobra [n=cybercob@h-69-3-232-204.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
JWOn a system with a ATI Radeon 9100 video card, How can I increase the screen relolution beyond 1024x768 @61Hz?11:57
=== reemusk [n=reemusk@h69-128-246-22.69-128.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
reemuskmwe: want to have a private11:57
LorriDo I need a license for VMWare?11:57
mwereemusk: ok11:57
mwereemusk: or /j #mwe11:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:58
lamegoLorri, for the player you don't need11:58
reemuskwe can do that11:58
=== MalMen [i=Elite@bl8-124-40.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomasshawkaloogie: Is there a bug report open for the gftp issues ?11:58
lamegoLorri, sudo apt-get install vmware-player11:58
zcat[1] !res11:58
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:58
Lorrilamego What's the difference between that and the one that requires a license?11:58
MalMeni want turn on my 2 screens, what can i do ? i am using a laptop11:59
lamegothe player only allows to "run" virtual machines, while the workstation version allows to create them and much more11:59
cybercobramy desktop installer is stuck after step 3. any advice?11:59
lamegobut the player is good enough for most of the cases, specially if you only need to run a specific set of applications inside Linux11:59
=== kylewp [n=kylewp@c-68-84-229-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hawkaloogieneutrinomass, there are tons of open bugs12:00
neutrinomasshawkaloogie: True. Looking at upstream, it appears to be unmaintained as well :-/12:00
=== nexeus [n=nexeus@host81-155-25-220.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== maddy [n=maddy@i86189.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kylewpCan anyone give me some help with wireless in ubuntu???12:00
hawkaloogieneutrinomass, indeed...12:00

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