[12:00] paddedwall, I just remember something [12:01] mwe: it doesnt work for me! when I type /ignore mwe for example, it says: Usage: IGNORE mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com types - types of data to ignore, one or all of PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL [12:01] skavenge: i c something fly by that might help later note on paper most folks dont [12:01] penguin42: more than breaking, it just dddrrraaaggeeedd slowly, we never got to see the partition config dialog (it seemed to freeze when we got to 50% on the progress bar there) === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === thiago [n=thiago@201-13-77-142.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] eternaljoy: You might like Konversation... for IRC [12:01] jack_sparrow i'll check that next time I reboot [12:01] paddedwall, if you have an sata2 disk, you might try to let it run as sata1. I think the sata2 controller gave some problems. [12:01] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" what is this? [12:01] askyleX: Interesting [12:01] ive got a pile of notes [12:01] Jack_Sparrow: and I may dislike it too :) [12:01] dagrump_: as do i, its a good practice, i keep a little notebook with useful commands etc, solutions to problems ppl get in here etc [12:01] sanne my sata disks are sata1 [12:01] thiago: Your system is misisng working 3D drivers [12:02] eternaljoy: You are a true Optimist.. [12:02] penguin24: ok..yes..I only need to view it....I thought some graphics converter might convert it to, say, jpg..I just need some ideas to try... === Niomi [n=Niomi@cpe-65-185-39-209.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] penguin42, nvidia driver? [12:02] userone: To do a convert you ahve to be able to understand the format; I don't think anything knows how to read MS Publisher [12:02] userone, i highly doubt there exists such a converter [12:02] Jack_Sparrow: cheers :) [12:02] paddedwall, oh, then this is not the case. But the fact that the live cd worked might tell us that it may be some problem with your disks. === Surfer [i=HydraIRC@chello084010003131.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] penguin24: eobanb: thanks..I had to try!! :-) [12:02] thiago: if you have an nvidia card then yes thats what you need to work [12:03] userone, as i said before, your best bet by far is to either find a windows system around with MS publisher, try to run publisher under wine, or ask for the file in a different format [12:03] hi [12:03] penguin42, i have installed nvidia [12:03] welcome, Surfer [12:03] jack_sparrow i'm going to try installing again after checking the sata bios settings [12:03] penguin42: now, i''m guessing it's just that her box has barely enough ram to handle the livecd === FluxLover [n=Flux@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] how would I chmod a directory to let my account move files there without root acces? === zerdith [n=zerdith@71-10-25-163.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] !chmod [12:03] I know nothing about chmod [12:03] eobanb: had i known that earlier... *downloading alternate now* [12:03] K brb === fazex [n=fazex@atlsfl-bundle-69-167-93-42.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] paddedwall, and please be sure to share your knowl... oh, gone. [12:04] askyle, as far as i know it needs 128 MB RAM [12:04] askyleX; i would think that with not having to load X to install if it is just a ram issue the alternate would work well [12:04] Just how hard is it to get wine set up and run a windows app such as microsoft office? I am curious for I am demoing crossover currently and am not too crazy about it. [12:04] skavenge, negative, the liveCD needs 128 MB ram [12:04] thanks for your time -- a process called events/0 is eating up 60%-90% of my CPU constantly. i have a hunch this has to do with my wireless Ethernet card not functioning. what can i do? i didn't have this problem before i reformated my laptop and re-installed ubuntu dapper fresh. my old system was upgraded to dapper from breezy. [12:05] !wine [12:05] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. === efox [n=enrico@CPE00134688ad6b-CM000a73667150.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] hey hey [12:05] !events/0 [12:05] I know nothing about events/0 === cougem [n=james@82-42-121-219.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] eobanb; regardless huh? thats wierd id figure the graphical install would require more [12:05] Anyone know how to get wine installed? Followed the directions from wineHQ but Adept says error reading the site [12:05] does wine only work for new installations or can it work on existed installations ? === GIBson3 [n=sean@d-65-175-229-56.metrocast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] eobanb: 256MB (on the sleeve) [12:05] !wine [12:05] oh, sorry [12:05] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [12:05] haha. [12:05] 256 MB then. === stefan_ [n=stefan@Ra82a.r.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] fazex: i just installed it with synaptics === lillpelle [n=mickep@c-391fe055.311-17-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] skavenge, eobanb: i'll try the alternate anyway... thx : ) === kimo wants to try Xen, but the setup is so complex :( === Gonzo [n=gonzo@203-206-87-167.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] yay, ghost is dead! [12:06] good luck === askyleX is now known as askyle [12:06] ok..penguin24, eobanb, sanne...thanks for your help..bye! === Gloamgeist [n=chatzill@adsl-19-242-112.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] askyle: why is it deadd [12:07] bimberi: that explains a lot : ) === cougem [n=james@82-42-121-219.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === |cougem| [n=kvirc@82-42-121-219.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] Sorry to repeat my question, but.,.. I've got the infinite sound loop problem. Whenever a sound is played, the first half second of it loops forever, and everything else stalls. The strangest part is that this only occurs in my installed ubuntu, but the live cd works fine. [12:07] kimo: i was connected as "askyle", but then my connection froze or something, so i reconnected [12:07] askyle: good :) === Tmob [n=total@rescomp-05-82786.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] haha sorry Minsc.. I love the irony of that === eigenlambda [n=daesotho@216-15-119-166.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:08] Minsc: What sound daemon are you using? [12:08] askyle: did you use /ghost ? [12:08] askyle: I thought u were talking about ghostsript :) [12:08] kimo: no : ) [12:08] askyle: if you are registered with nickserv i think there is a command to kill it === Kibou [n=shh@unaffiliated/kibou] has joined #ubuntu === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-224-191-34.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:08] skavenge: yes, /ghost nick password === ChrisC_ [n=chris@user-11216t0.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] ive heard of something like that [12:08] ah i see [12:08] ardchoille, skavenge: true, but i'm not registered yet -- this is my first time in the channel : ) [12:09] askyle: ah, I see [12:09] Oh look its a bird, no its a plane, noooooooooo its pussman. [12:09] What is the default movie player for Ubuntu 6.06? (I know it was Totem for 5.10) === facefaceface [n=dan@cpc2-cmbg1-0-0-cust1010.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] my mouse pointer is sometimes hidden, for example in Firefox's Customize Toolbar, hovering over the buttons. Anyone new have any ideas how to fix this? [12:09] totem still [12:09] ChrisC_: totem [12:09] kimo: how long do you think it will be, before cairo 1.2.0 hits the repositories? [12:09] could anyone help me...? I'm trying to install Dapper on my laptop but when i choose to load livecd, only "uncompressing kernel... ok. booting the kernel" appears and everything stops. I tried to run livecd with acpi=off and it works but i think that this shouldn't be solution... is there any fix for this problem? If i try to install ubuntu from livecd with acpi turned off, will installed ubuntu have acpi turned off? [12:09] bimberi: thanks [12:09] ChrisC_: yw :) [12:09] After switching monitors My X-Org is now stuck in 640x480. [12:09] GIBson3: Using ALSA [12:09] Hurm [12:10] how can I assign a mouse key to another mouse key on my mouse? [12:10] kb1ibt: maybe never, coz dapper is stable now ? (but then I dont know) [12:10] (sorry for the delay) [12:10] like, hitting left mouse, is like pressing right mouse.. for instance [12:10] gtk-config: command not found ???\ [12:10] Minsc: have you tried other daemons and what sound card are you running? [12:10] like, what do I need to apt-get to get gtk-config? [12:11] GIBson3: I'm using a Ensoniq 5880 creative sound blaster. There have been some reports of problems with it, I've seen on ubuntuforums.org [12:11] kimo: bleh i don't want to have to install if from source if i don't have to === niki [n=niki@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] On breezy/5.10, I had abandoned Totem and was finding MPlayer perfectly functional, especailly for odd file formats. But now when I try to run MPlayer, I only get a quick error popup (that disappears). Next troubleshooting step? [12:11] kb1ibt: why do u need it ? === chowells2 is now known as chowells [12:11] Sorry, I've upgrade to dapper/6.06 [12:11] GIBson3: No, I haven't tried any other sound daemons. ALSA worked fine in previous versions of ubuntu with the same soundcard [12:11] is the JACK server what i should look into if i'm interested in using multiple audio apps at the same time? [12:11] Surfer: probably no fix, unless you make your own livecd. I don't know what the installer will do but you can edit grub boot options during boot to add acpi=off anyway [12:11] ChrisC_ did you install from source? [12:11] ChrisC_ did you run mplayer from the command line? [12:11] ChrisC_, (mplayer I mean) [12:11] facefaceface: nope, just a synaptic install [12:11] ChrisC_: run MPlayer from a term and see if there is any error output [12:12] askyle: yes, but it just gives me usage info === operative [n=operativ@host81-157-64-38.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] you have to give it a filename [12:12] minsc: Hurm, I can't say that I've used one with ALSA =( Mine died with my Celeron 400. [12:12] kimo: i'm trying to help with the webkit.org project and w/o out it during the compile it errors out (error: cairo_scaled_font_text_extents was not declared in this scope) [12:12] testing ... [12:12] Minsc: it worked with Breezy? [12:12] how do I use apt to find a specific file? [12:12] gtk-config? [12:12] Surfer: ...and once booted, edit the grub config file /boot/grub/menu.lst to add the option to make it permanent [12:12] kb1ibt: http://cairographics.org/packages/debian/README.txt [12:13] facefaceface: file in a package or or package? [12:13] GIBson3: Yup. Though there were some wierd problems there that suddenly appeared one day. The sound quality dropped really badly. No idea why. Perhaps that's related... [12:13] facefaceface: iirc apt-cache has an option for that, try man apt-cache ? [12:13] Lynoure, erm... [12:13] askyle, tried, no joy [12:13] OK, mplayer worked from the command line, so something must be wrong with the Gnome menu. Lemmee look into that ... === Pennypacker [n=pablo@ip70-187-229-28.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] facefaceface: you need to install apt-file to do that, or do a contents search on http://packages.ubuntu.com === Kristan_uk2 [n=Kris@modem-1984.lion.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] facefaceface, you can also try packages.ubuntu.com, section "Search the contents of packages" for a file. [12:13] Minsc: did you do any updates? [12:13] facefaceface: if you want to find which package out of those you have installed has a specific file, that's dkpg-l filename [12:13] Can anyone help me with wine install I get this when i apt-get updateFailed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [12:14] ChricC_: _or_ with the mplayer gui stuff [12:14] (when the quality issues occured) [12:14] !wine [12:14] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [12:14] GIBson3: No. Updates of what? [12:14] dkpg-l command not found... will try the website... [12:14] apt-cache search will find a package but i dont think it will do a file in a package [12:14] through the Update-manager, synaptic, et cetera [12:14] GIBson3: My plan was to just wait until Dapper fixed the problem. =/ [12:14] facefaceface: but for others, what Sanne said, but at least 2 months ago that site had way old indexes of package content, not up to date at all === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] Ahh [12:14] Lynoure: dpkg -l lists the installation status of a package [12:14] facefaceface: it's dpkg -l not dpkg-l [12:15] fazex, I thought there's no wine for amd64. === howy424 [n=grahamho@dsl-202-173-176-18.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] ;) [12:15] OK, the menu calls for "gmplayer". That won't run because the skin I had selected wasn't found. [12:15] ;) ... dkpg: command not found ... lol [12:15] dpkg [12:15] bimberi: oops, should not work this late (01:15 or so here) [12:15] ok one second, let me fix my resolution so I can actually see the Packages list in Synaptic :) [12:15] ChrisC_: that seems to be common lately [12:15] kimo: even with those it only gets up to 1.1.10 === xanatos_ [n=xanatos@] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] Lynoure: lol, that's early for some! but not me either :) [12:16] GIBson3: Anyways, the question I have to ask primarily is, "why would this infinite sound loop occur in my ubuntu installation but not when I run from the live cd?" [12:16] bimberi: if i'm not wrong the acpi is quite useful... I suppose that because of turning this off I have no sound and propably more things are not working... i tried to google this problem but i didn't find anything what could help me... if it is a kernel problem, can I make own livecd with newer kernel or maybe there is somewhere one that I could download and try...? [12:16] join #centos [12:16] Does anyone know how to replace Ubuntu's default Save As/Open dialog window with one that looks more like KDE's (or Windows) Save As/Open dialog window? [12:16] ardchoille: yeah, probably the breezy->dapper upgrade process eats the skins or something [12:16] bimberi: dpkg -S filename, of course [12:16] Hi, I installed ubuntu yesterday for the first time, now I have my first problem, it won't boot. It is looking on the correct HD, in my case "/root/hdb1" but fails to mount several things, ending in Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off [12:16] cool, I found ... usr/bin/gtk-config --> libdevel/libgtk1.2-dev [12:16] does anyone know where user information about mplayer skin pref is stored? [12:17] fazex, nope, look here, there's no amd64 repository: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/ [12:17] ChrisC_: nope, I install a distro from CD , never upgrade, and I installed MPlayer and had the same problem. === Fata1 [n=fatal@] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] howy424: Did you do anything that might have caused it like install windows? [12:17] ChrisC_: ~/.mplayer ? [12:17] ChrisC_: ~/.mplayer is what you need [12:17] ahhhh [12:17] another crash [12:17] that's where I 'm looking ... [12:17] getting a bit old... === CAsurfer [n=eric@adsl-71-137-3-18.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] howy, your issue may may lie with the boot manager. [12:17] this time, it happened when the screen saver started [12:17] Minsc: if you have gotten any of the system updates since the initial release it's possible that something was "updated" the other possibility is that there is a setting that is different in the installed version === roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] Jack_Sparrow: I already had Xp installed on a seperate HD [12:18] what command do i use to start apache2? [12:18] I'm not really sure, I haven't had it happen. [12:18] kimo: not gunna work libcairo2: [12:18] Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.6-6) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is to be installed [12:18] Depends: libfreetype6 (>=2.2) but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed [12:18] fazex, but there's a howto for wine 32 bit on amd64 in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191205 [12:18] roostishaw: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start [12:18] howy424: IT helps us to help you when we have all the info like dual drives XP on one Ub on the other [12:18] if memtest shows no error and i still freeze, wtf is going on? [12:18] now I have a question about "atp-get install" ... what is all this business about suggestd packages / recommended packages... should I just ignore that if I don't know about the other packages? [12:18] linux is supposed to be stable :( [12:18] Surfer: i'm really not sure, there might be other boot options that get you going with acpi (i've seen pci=nolapic, or something like that mentioned). As for making your own LiveCD - that's pretty involved but there is a guide on http://wiki.ubuntu.com iirc [12:19] ardchoille, why don't ubuntu have the 'service' command? [12:19] facefaceface: it is "suggested/recommended" that you have a look at them and install them if you want [12:19] Lynoure: yes, that'll work (as long as the package is installed) :) [12:19] Fata, the problem facing you may already be well documented...did you check out the Wiki/forums? [12:19] askyle, can I just ignore them? [12:19] Jack_Sparrow: sure, sorry about that [12:19] can someone help me with a problem? I have compiz working in dapper, and it's perfect except whenever I open a window, it appears in the far upper left corner of the screen, such that the window decoration is completely obscured [12:19] Fata, you should also consider google.com/linux [12:19] last time i checked, the forums were down === AreEmmKay [n=theross@] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] Fata1, it might have something to do with your graphics card/driver. What do you use? [12:20] facefaceface: yep -- if you couldn't, they would be dependencies [12:20] CAsurfer, what do you mean by obscured? Can you be more descriptive? [12:20] askyle, heheh, OK :) [12:20] Fata1: forums work fine here [12:20] ive got an ATI Radeon 9500 non pro [12:20] Fata, the forums are back up. [12:20] bimberi: which is what I said. But as only I think last week the fix was committed for updating the package contents on the site, and before that they were from months ago, I wasn't sure if the indexes were already being updated, or not [12:20] Fata1, which driver do you use? [12:20] How do I emulate a right-click with a control-click (OS X style)? === dli [n=dli@adsl-68-252-254-252.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] facefaceface: so while it's (theoretically) safe to ignore them, it wouldn't hurt to check them out as well : ) [12:21] howy424: Can you think of anything you were doing that ight have changed it..? [12:21] i havent changed anything, but on the windows portion of the harddrive, it is the hacked catalyst drivers the mod my card to a 9700 [12:21] bimberi: and, alas, too sleepy to go looking. Short short weekend, too many things to do, too little sleep :) [12:21] cc: command not found - bleha [12:21] askyle, OK === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@cpe-70-123-133-94.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] facefaceface, gcc [12:21] Lynoure: really? i didn't know that (and find it a bit suprising) :) [12:21] Lynoure: that sounds like my world [12:21] Pennypacker, when windows appear, they're complete, it's just that they're aligned with the top of my (physical) display, when they should be aligned with the bottom of the application bar [12:21] facefaceface, install build-essential , if not found [12:21] howy424: There is a super grub repair CD ISO that might repir your grub [12:21] dli, I only got gcc-4.0 [12:21] dli, OK [12:22] still not sure what my mplayer skin problem is ... it complains that it can't find the file "/usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/skin", which indeed does not exist, but "/usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/" does exist ... [12:22] facefaceface, gcc should be a link to a version [12:22] bimberi: me too, ran into it when looking for a certain screensaver, and had to report a bug about it back then... [12:22] dli, sure... still getting used to apt ... I installed gcc-4.0 without knowing what I was really doing [12:22] yes, I installed bluefish "apt-get install blufish" & quanta "apt-get install quanta", then needed to boot back into XP, when I cam back is where I hit the wall [12:23] CAsurfer, why should applications be aligned with the top bar instead of the bottom one? I am not sure I see the issue here. Is something covering application windows, causing them to become obscured? === Heartsbane [n=ne1469@] has joined #ubuntu === livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@62-31-45-140.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === AreEmmKay [n=theross@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:23] someone know about sbackup? [12:23] Jack_Sparrow: my apologies, I also installed wine === Heartsbane [n=ne1469@] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] ChrisC_: is there anything inside the directory? [12:24] howy424: Everything is a clue [12:24] where is Sbackup? [12:24] howy424: can you get into windows or are you in WIndows [12:24] Pennypacker, what I should have said is that windows should appear in a location no higher than that which would cause them to be aligned with the bottom of the top bar. The problem is that when windows appear, they appear too high up in the display, such that the top part of the window is cut off by the top bar (application bar) [12:24] JS: I;m in windows now [12:24] is there a way to reset alsa? [12:24] anyone here familiar with inkscape? === penguin42 seems to remember there is a #inkscape somewhere [12:25] howy424: So did you fdisk /mbr to get XP back? === ben_d [n=ben@cpe-66-67-129-4.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === hartym_ [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] CAsurfer, I am pretty sure I now know what you mean. Give me a second to pull up a screenshot, and I'll see if you and I are on the same page. [12:25] JS: no, I restarted and booted into windows [12:26] howy424: If you type the first few letters of my nick and hit tab it will autocomplete for you [12:26] askyle: yes, lots of skin files :) just nothing called "skin" [12:26] Jack_Sparrow: oh cool, thanks [12:26] where is sbackup, anyone know? [12:26] howy424: Did grub menu come up? [12:26] CAsurfer: alt+hold lt mouse &drag them down === kkrizka_ [n=kkrizka@S010600207801aeb7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] anyone know why a mkfs & raid resync would cause a system to lockup? [12:27] Jack_Sparrow: thanks to you i found out Opera does the autocompletion thingy too, thanks : ) [12:27] np [12:27] dagrump. Yes, I can do that, but it's kinda irritating. Especially when I want to show it off to my friends. [12:27] come to think of it, i think i may have had hardware issues from the start [12:27] i remember when the installation froze when i opened up a game while it was going === synacktion [n=synack@70-33-63-97.clspco.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["PSH,RST"] [12:27] Jack_Sparrow: I am not 100% sure what you mean by grub menu, but the initial UB screen came up starting to show the list of things loading, then it returned to the command line [12:27] hello, anyone know about backingup? [12:27] hmmm, I see that it really does need that "skin" file, must have gotten eaten somehow. I'll have to rebuild it. [12:27] Fata1: That would do it.. [12:27] Couldn't find package libjpeg [12:27] askyle: thanks for your basic help :) [12:28] rofl, no, i fixed it. === khaije1 [n=khaije1@] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] gotta go [12:28] i just had to boot into windows and it being so godly easy to use fixed the partition [12:28] ChrisC_: that's ungood, there should be one [12:28] then i ran the installation again [12:28] gawd [12:28] howy424: but it came up to a menu with option for XP or Ub right? [12:28] CAsurfer: such is the plight of man [12:28] Jack_Sparrow: yep, absolutely [12:28] ok, thx [12:29] howy424: so grub is OK [12:29] You UB is hosed [12:29] i can't believe out of 700 people now one knows about sbackup [12:29] Jack_Sparrow: great [12:29] CAsurfer, check out this screenshot: http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screentakeover27cd.png [12:29] howy424: when you installed Wine [12:29] BRB [12:29] CAsurfer, does that describe what you're talking about? Notice how the top bar is cover the top of the window. [12:29] there are 700 people here on ubuntu chnnel and no one knows about sbackup [12:29] Pennypacker, that's it! [12:29] bleah... do I have to manually install things like libjpeg / libgif / etc? [12:29] livingdaylight: did you google it..? [12:30] facefaceface: Try libjpeg62 [12:30] Jack_Sparrow: "when you installed wine"?? do you mean when did I install wine? [12:30] livingdaylight: did you apt-cache search sbackup ? === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] Jack_Sparrow: what is google? [12:30] Pennypacker, is there a guide that says how to fix this? Or do you know what this problem is called? [12:30] Penguin, cool, its installed [12:30] facefaceface: apt-cache search is your friend [12:30] livingdaylight: : http://www.google.com [12:30] Folks: i installed it from synaptic, but i don't see it anywhere? [12:30] how about libpcap [12:30] howy424: yes when you installed wine something went wrong... === athlon [n=athlon@e180128087.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] facefaceface: apt-cache search is your friend === axs221 [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu === ice228 [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] facefaceface: no.... if you install something that needs it, apt takes care of it [12:31] Penguin, ;) [12:31] we're all friends ;) [12:31] i installed firestarter, can anyone please tellmehow to run it ? [12:31] ok. I installed sbackup from Synaptic but now i don't see it anywhere and it wont launch from the terminal either [12:31] askyle, yeah... I am trying to compile some obscure software... [12:31] CAsurfer, alright...the good news is that we're on the same page. The bad news is that I too am having this problem, and I am currently looking for a solution. The best solution is, as I have done (although for different reasons), is to drag down the top bar to the bottom, and removing the bottom bar. It works well, and I am a lot more efficient this way. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is called, but I was thinking of calling a t [12:31] obscure but fun... (driftnet) [12:31] livingdaylight: on a console, try man sbackup === slackern [n=slackern@81cm72.cable.soderhamn-net.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] facefaceface: ouch : ) [12:32] <^richiefrich> !mp3 [12:32] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === kb1ibt [n=shawn@c-24-34-200-115.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === catch23 [n=catch23@c-67-191-252-3.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:32] facefaceface: If you are trying to compile you want the -dev versions of the packages as well - they have the libraries and headers for building against [12:32] Casurfer, I am not sure that would be descriptive enough of a thread title though. [12:32] Jack_Sparrow: OK, I see. I installed it using the instructions from winehq.com, so ohw do I remedy this? [12:32] Penguin, yup [12:32] askyle: wont work === |50pln| [n=xxx@bqo167.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] Casurfer, this seems annoying enough for developers to be notified. I'll be checking out the forums, and I'll see if something can be done, other than moving the window down. [12:32] Pennypacker, the last part of your second to last post was cut off [12:32] has anyone here actually used sbackup? === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === |50pln| [n=xxx@bqo167.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu [] === riddlebox [n=victoria@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] apt-cache search libgif ? [12:33] Casurfer, is there a way to enter a private conversation? It's difficult to chat with a single person with so many people in the room. [12:33] howy424: if you dont have anything special in your Ub partition I would reinstall. I know that isnt a good answer, but it is the easiest for me... :) [12:33] if I create a deb file with checkinstall, then install that file on another machine will it know all the dependencies? [12:33] gif.c:54: error: GIF_ERROR undeclared (first use in this function) === Swedish_Chef [n=razor@c-69-143-243-56.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] facefaceface: Well if apt-cache search can't find it then it doesn't have it - but perhaps it is called something different [12:34] not that I know of, but we can both enter xgl-ubuntu, which has almost no posters [12:34] riddlebox, as far as I know, checkinstall's only purpose is to know what has been installed, and not any info on dependencies. [12:34] Penguin, yeah.. that is the problem for a noob [12:34] Jack_Sparrow: Ouch! So does this mean I should just stay away from wine altogether, cause it's going to keep doing this? [12:34] pennypacker: is it something in the compiz settings? sorry still reading, i dont have this issue === v_for_vendeta [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] Casurfer, I am new to IRC, and I'll probably find entering a new room difficult...but let's try that...how would I do that? [12:34] Jack_Sparrow: can you tell me more about google? otherwise can you help me with sbackup? [12:35] livingdaylight: checking sth... [12:35] Pennypacker, is there a way create a deb so that it you can have it get all dependencies? [12:35] I need to FTP to my Xbox. Is there an FTP program that comes with Ubuntu? [12:35] facefaceface: There seems to be something called giflib3g [12:35] Or do I need to install it? [12:35] intelligi: type 'ftp' [12:35] opa [12:35] dagrumpt, I am sorry but what is your question about? I am answering several people at the same time [12:35] type "[backslash] join xgl-ubuntu" [12:35] livingdaylight: where did you get sbackup, which repos did you use? [12:35] tem alguem ai?? [12:35] livingdaylight: google is a search engine -- it lets you search for things on the world wide web [12:35] penguin42, which repo? [12:35] riddlebox, I am sorry, but you're not looking for checkinstall to serve your purpose [12:35] lhow, wine works fine most of the time.. [12:35] askyle: hahaha [12:35] livingdaylight: open your web browser and point it to http://www.google.com [12:35] facefaceface: Seems to be in universe [12:36] Jack_Sparrow: repos? look i just went into synaptic and installed it [12:36] I need an FTP program. [12:36] facefaceface: Ah, actually also libungif [12:36] Couldn't find package giflib3g [12:36] \join xgl-ubuntu [12:36] lightstar: u asked ; ) [12:36] Does Ubuntu come with one? [12:36] O need [12:36] I need help! [12:36] lightstar: (sorry, tab typo) [12:36] penguin42, yup, I need libungif too... [12:36] Pennypacker, I understand that, I dont need to use checkinstall I will create the package another way, I just dont know of any howtos or anything to tell me how [12:36] how does ubuntu handle dualcore cpu's? [12:36] facefaceface: OK, try libungif4g [12:36] pennypacker i thought it might compiz settings as mine doesnt do that [12:36] snoops: Just like 2 cpus [12:36] livingdaylight: YOU asked ; ) [12:36] isn't that something: evryone wants to help me with google. I want to know if anyone has used sbackup in ubuntu [12:37] penguin42 do I need to enable anything? [12:37] penguin42 = penguin42 ++ [12:37] snoops: Shouldn't [12:37] askyle: i also asked about sbackup 8-) [12:37] intelligi, ftp [12:37] penguin42 can I assign applications to each cpu? [12:37] snoops: I think dapper does SMP by default (someone confirm?) - older ones needed you to install [12:37] riddlebox and dagrump, I am very sorry, but this IRC room is way too confusing for me to answer any questions. Text is moving much too fast, and if there was a way to do private conversations, I would have done it. If you need any help, my Ubuntu username is H.E. Pennypacker. [12:37] Casurfer, are you sure it is backslash? [12:37] who cares what repos [12:37] intelligi, or sudo apt-get gftp [12:37] Pennypacker, try forward slash [12:37] snoops: In principal you can, I'm not aware of a command line program to do it - just let the OS balance things [12:38] Pennypacker, I'm new to IRC also :) [12:38] livingdaylight: less /usr/share/doc/sbackup/README === DBO [n=DBO@cpe-71-65-4-255.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] can anyone help with mplayer plug problem in firefox? === solar_ [n=solar@67.Red-81-41-128.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] okay penguin42 how can I see the usage for each cpu? [12:38] livingdaylight: 11 open bugs out of 13 bugs reported for Sbackup [12:39] snoops: run top and then hit '1' to show each CPU seperately [12:39] livingdaylight: you should [12:39] livingdaylight: (found it after: sudo dbupdate; locate sbackup) [12:39] darn... seems I still need libgif (in one flavour or another) wot is licenced I beleive === Bogus8 [n=Bogus@ip68-226-156-90.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] OK, well I'm off to re-install UB, then I'll research wine a LOT more before installing it again, bye [12:39] facefaceface: Why? === mcphail [n=mcphail@dyn-62-56-48-136.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === carrasclas [n=carrascl@246.Red-83-35-186.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] goog luck howy424 [12:39] penguin42, cos I stll get compile errors [12:39] gl howy424 [12:40] gif.c:39: error: GifFileType undeclared (first use in this function) [12:40] Jack_Sparrow: the install is the easy bit [12:40] agreed [12:40] thanks all, cya [12:40] One sec [12:40] yeah? [12:40] howy424, wine shouldn't destroy an system. If it does, it would be a very grave bug. [12:40] gif.c:14:21: error: gif_lib.h: No such file or directory [12:40] facefaceface: That is in libungif4-dev [12:40] Ithow It works best to delete the old swap and ext3 partitions [12:40] askyle: so, why doesn't it launch from terminal === higen [n=ehasting@240.84-48-99.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] penguin42, oops... sorry dude [12:41] howy424, so if it happens again (of course I hope it does not!), please tell the devs about it. === undesktop [n=undeskto@p5080DEEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] You do it during the install or using something like PArtition magic in XP === dagrump_ [n=dagrump@] has joined #ubuntu === papyromancer [n=papyroma@cpe-24-165-210-54.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] where's packages.debian.org for Ubuntu? [12:41] Sanne: ok, will do [12:41] cya [12:41] i cannot understand why a web page would load slower in ubuntu than in windows [12:41] undesktop, packages.ubuntu.com [12:41] myspace is absolutely a snail [12:41] howy424, thanks, and good luck :) [12:41] cheers [12:41] livingdaylight: yes it does (i just ran srestore.py from a terminal) === howy424 [n=grahamho@dsl-202-173-176-18.qld.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [12:42] Sanne: ew, this is simple enough that I could have figured it out myself... [12:42] myspace doesn't work for me when i try to login, but i think it's because i don't have flash installed or something [12:42] undesktop, no problem ;) [12:42] livingdaylight: simple-restore-gnome for a gui [12:42] i installed flash, but it still crawls === lanny [n=another@ppp-62-245-161-25.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === bhagabhi [n=bhagabhi@h167n1c1o269.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] i thought sbackup was a gui frontend application to backup stuff; where is it? [12:43] penguin42, sucess :) [12:43] cool [12:43] I can now spy on my home network :D (driftnet rocks) [12:43] livingdaylight: During the install it tells you where it gets installed... [12:43] what irc client do you people use? [12:43] hi, is this the right place to ask about synchronizing my sep900 with kontact or other kde programs (or just backuping it with multisync)? [12:43] Fata1, xcha [12:43] t [12:44] Jack_Sparrow: synaptic didn't tel me wher e it is === carrasclas [n=carrascl@246.Red-83-35-186.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:44] thanks penguin42.. [12:44] livingdaylight: try running simple-backup-gnome from the terminal [12:44] Fata1: Konversation [12:44] Jack_Sparrow: usually things are in Applications somewere === Subhuman [n=jack@host86-144-106-12.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] on the ironicness.. system monitor was using more cpu than any other application [12:44] snoops: Hehe well yes - make your CPUs work for their money === rocha [n=rocha@] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] livingdaylight: I wouldn't expect that much from a package that won't even install a manpage =P [12:45] darn... except driftnet aint working... oh well [12:45] be seeing you [12:45] tc facefaceface [12:45] it's kind of strange though.. this 4400+ x2 seemed to work a lot better in ubuntu amd64.. but the damn apps didn't :( [12:45] askyle: i can't get this to run... :'( [12:46] gh [12:46] any error messages? === IcemanNumbe1 [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] livingdaylight: you dont know which reps you used... You say it didnt tell you where it installed itself... 99% of the bugs reported for that program are not fixed... etc === niki [n=niki@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] i am experiencing a lot of static when playing beats with hydrogen through the jack servers...any suggestions to remedy this? [12:46] Jack_Sparrow: so, are you saying it is a broken application i should just forget about? [12:47] Jack_Sparrow: what would be a good alternative? [12:47] livingdaylight: just telling you you used non-supported repos, a program that seems to have bugs... [12:47] Jack_Sparrow: people made alot of noise about backing up being made simple in Dapper with this new application === DBO [n=DBO@cpe-71-65-4-255.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] anyway you should be able to 'dpkg -L sbackup' and find out where and what was installed [12:48] livingdaylight: WHo said... Not one person in 700 + here heard about it. [12:48] question: anyone know why i cannot access a local NTFS partition. === GIBson3 [n=sean@d-65-175-229-56.metrocast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] Jack_Sparrow: i don't want to have that arguement [12:48] IcemanNumbe1: Use the script Disk Mounter... [12:48] ok === chris12349 [n=chris@71-34-80-247.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] niki, did you set up jack and hydrogen for realtime priority? [12:48] ok..will try [12:48] xchat-gnome is crap === Tremitos [n=poopy@modemcable023.4-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] livingdaylight: then explain your statement.. Who said that [12:49] snthdiueoa! [12:49] Sanne, yeah, i followed the directions from the ubuntu studio wiki === Fata1 runs back to windows :( === Sonderblade [n=meh@c-0a5ae353.131-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] hehe brb when i'm done switching === Fata1 [n=fatal@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:49] do Ubuntu kernels include suspend2? [12:49] undesktop: ?whatis suspond2? [12:49] undesktop: ?whatis suspend2? [12:49] enyc: suspend2.net [12:49] ?? [12:49] IcemanNumbe1: remember to restart after you run it.. I know what it says.. but restart it.. === eternaljoy [n=truth@idxnew02-203.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] http://suspend2.net/ [12:50] aah [12:50] when I type sudo apt-get update , it says: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem! Any advice to fix this? [12:50] to suspend Linux to disk [12:50] IcemanNumbe1: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/ [12:50] I'm a brand spankin' new Windows --> Ubuntu convert and I'd REALLY love to check out apple.com's movie trailers like I used to but I'm having trouble finding a decent Quicktime plugin for Firefox... any help? [12:50] niki, oh, then the last option I would have for you is to ask on the forums in the ubuntustudio subforum, or ask in #ubuntu-studio here on freenode. [12:50] eternaljoy: so why not run that command? [12:50] undesktop: Well I have a .config file - if you can tell me what to look for [12:51] !restricted [12:51] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [12:51] undesktop: when I do, it only says > [12:51] thankx jack [12:51] Sanne, i'm thinking maybe the sample rate they suggest is a little low....i will check the forums, thanks for the pointer :D [12:51] np [12:51] arapehl: tried the mplayer plugin? [12:51] penguin42: grep SUSPEND2 .config [12:51] undesktop: erm no idea ;-) -- erm if thep patch then provides config options to enable suspend2 compilation options... go read the /boot/config- file for kernel in whatever ubuntu version you are interested in [12:52] niki, good luck. Yeah, it might be some jack settings problem, but I'm sure the ubuntustudio people will be able to give some suggestions. [12:52] arapehl, you should install either EasyUbuntu or Automatix. Either one should take care of the issue for you [12:52] undesktop: No, doesn't look like it - plenty of SUSPEND, no SUSPEND2's [12:52] can someone help me fix sudo apt-get update? every time I run the command it says: 'dpkg --configure -a , but when I run this, nothing happens, it only stops at a prompt > [12:52] penguin42: ok, thank you, so suspend2 isn't compiled into the Ubuntu kernels normally === axs221 [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] undesktop: / penguin42: however the patch might nottt inwolve new config options mentioning SUSPEND2 [12:52] can someone help me fix sudo apt-get update? every time I run the command it says: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [12:52] but when I run this, nothing happens, it only stops at a prompt > === GigaClon [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu === compengi [n=complex@] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] too bad, since suspend2 is IMHO "better" than swsusp [12:53] askyle: yeah, it just says "no image" on a lot of the videos :-/ [12:53] enyc: it does [12:53] eternaljoy: you need to use sude ... [12:53] Pennypacker: heh, which one? ;) [12:53] eternaljoy: sudo even === eXistenZ [i=existenz@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] enyc: ok let me try [12:53] eternaljoy: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' [12:53] eternaljoy: sudo dpkg --configure -a [12:53] eternaljoy: You can always use synaptic until you fix it.. [12:53] !tell arapehl about restricted [12:53] Nice nice. === akcom [n=akcom@71-98.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] how do i install .bin file? [12:54] I was attempting to install Ubuntu after having already installed windows so I could dual boot. I think when I installed Ubuntu I accidentally put GRUB on the MBR because it refuses to work. Is there anyway to correct this? [12:54] I am trying to delete a file on my Xbox via FTP from gFTP. It is asking me if I want to delete "these 3 files and 1 directory" when I only have a single file selected. What gives? [12:54] When I attempt to boot, GRUB dies at step 1.5 [12:54] compengi: depends what you mean ;-) [12:54] compengi: Usually you just run it [12:54] thanks Sanne [12:54] enyc: thanks, you are a legend! that worked and its fixed :) === diezare [n=diezare@] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] i can't run it it says error can't run it [12:54] undesktop: why didnt you tell me that earlier? LOL [12:54] akcom: you can boot to a floppy or 98cd and fdisk /mbr to get XP back then reinstall.. === Fatal` [i=Fatal@] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] eternaljoy: ?how did you come to conclusion 'enyc' == legend ? [12:55] ahhhhhhhhhh, that's better :) [12:55] was having withdrawals [12:55] :o [12:55] mmmm resolution [12:55] Jack_Sparrow: are you sure I have to reinstall ubuntu? [12:55] enyc: guessing :) [12:55] eternaljoy: sorry, I thought it would be obvious [12:55] No [12:55] haha, fair enough [12:55] undesktop: never assume as others dont think like you! try empathy === livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@62-31-45-140.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:55] akcom: but if that was a good install you would not have any problems [12:55] i must figure out what is making windows more stable than ubuntu [12:55] akcom: You can use a Live CD to try installing grub to the MBR again in case there was an error in that process. [12:55] lol [12:55] eternaljoy: sorry, I do nasty UNIX things all day [12:55] arapehl, the links will teach you how to set it up manually. I recommend trying that before you rely on automatic scripts that may mess up your system. [12:55] akcom: What have you done? [12:55] <|cougem|> hey grub faces [12:55] undesktop: assumptions are the cause of miscommunication === mend [n=mend@] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] I'm running from the live cd right now [12:56] undesktop: not everyone does! so dont assume others know what you know! its called trye empathy, try it ;) [12:56] Stormx2, Couldn't display "/home/compengi/Download/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin". [12:56] eternaljoy: I'm not able anymore to communicate with normal people because I'm UNIX brain damaged :-) [12:56] compengi: bin file - - binary file -- presumably an executable ? [12:56] Stormx2: I believe I installed GRUB to the MBR [12:56] akcom: Why would you reinstall? What have you done haha? [12:56] I'm not reinstalling... [12:56] Sanne: gotcha... manually huh... *grumble*... reading... I think I know how to do that. ;-) [12:56] undesktop: you a developer? [12:56] compengi: erm... 2 things... === cougem [n=kvirc@82-42-121-219.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] akcom: Ah! I think I had this problem and I ended up reinstalling [12:56] undesktop: if you are not a linux developer, than you are NOT UNIX brain damaged [12:56] ? [12:56] undesktop: :) [12:56] compengi: realplayer is includud in multiverse semewhere iirc as a package [12:56] I doubt that's necessary. [12:56] eternaljoy: not really, but yes, I do programming... [12:56] akcom: I managed to wipe the mbr... had to run off a live cd. === axs221 [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] arapehl, it's better this way, really. If you get stuck in the process, just come back and ask here :) [12:56] akcom: have you gotten the HD installed version to run? [12:56] eternaljoy: however, no useful things [12:57] so what should i install [12:57] compengi: no need to run anether .bin _anyway_ === IcemanNumbe1 [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:57] Is there a non-hardware-specific kernel testing set that is used before release - e.g. a set of filesystem exercises and network exercises to really hammer a kernel? [12:57] undesktop: what programming lang? [12:57] Jack_Sparrow: no, that would require a functioning installation of GRUB [12:57] akcom: thats my point... [12:57] (In particular do the ubuntu kernel maintainers run one prior to release?) [12:57] eternaljoy: ooh, mostly C and all descendants [12:57] undesktop: im also a programmer! I program in c++ and my only program says "hello World!" :) [12:57] enyc, so what should i do? [12:57] how would I get the HD installed version to run if I can't even get GRUB working? [12:57] undesktop: ever dabbled in D (by digitalmars)? [12:57] I do PHP/JS/Some BASH [12:57] It's a superb language [12:58] undesktop: where can I see and download some of your work? [12:58] akcom: You dont [12:58] compengi: read ubuntu wiki on installing realplayer if you want it... [12:58] akcom: yes, I find it quite nice === thomaswebb [n=thomaswe@host86-136-60-155.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] Sanne: I'm looking at the "restricted formats" page and it's got a section called "how to make things work in a hurry" and it lists a bunch of packages to install... Is that what you mean by "manually" .. I mean synaptic isn't all that manual :) [12:58] I can't see myself going back to C++ after D [12:58] undesktop: where can I see and download some of your work and programs? [12:58] akcom: How is your disc partitioned, how big is it and how old is your PC ? [12:58] akcom: I hope one day no one will ever use C++ [12:58] akcom: Have you tried following the wiki? [12:58] enyc, can you give me the link :P [12:58] akcom: but, maybe, D :-) [12:58] penguin42: I don't see how that's relevant [12:58] Why is C++ bad? [12:58] undesktop: you said you are a programmer, yet we cant download any of your programs? LOL [12:58] C++ just seems like a patch work of half baked ideas [12:58] How do I use gFTP to move files from one directory to another on the same system? [12:59] Stormx2: because it's unecessarly complicated and it's a language from the past (trying to be more modern) [12:59] akcom: If the partition grub installs its stage 1.5/2 on is somewhere the BIOS can't find then things break wonderfully [12:59] I like C++. [12:59] arapehl, yep, that meant by manual compared to automatic scripts like automatix (best avoided) or easyubuntu. [12:59] hello. Is here anyone who has installed mysql-administrator or query browser from source? [12:59] undesktop: I see === penguin42 likes C++ when used carefully [12:59] ooh, off-topic c++ bashing === madewokherd` joins [12:59] compengi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods [12:59] I like C more than C++ [12:59] I need help! [12:59] hi, when i try to compile a program i get the following error: No package 'gamin' found, yet the gamin package is installed, any types on how to fix this? [12:59] intelligi, what with, sonny? [12:59] How do I move files from one directory to another with gFTP? [12:59] penguin42: the box is no older than 3 years, the hd is 200gb, split evenly into 98 for windows and 98 for xfs + swap [12:59] thomaswebb: You may need gamin-dev [12:59] undesktop: you claim to be a programmer, yet not one of your programs is avaible! :P hence, I conclude you are only a backroom programmer, and none of your programs are good enough for the public [12:59] Sanne: Give the choice [12:59] thomaswebb: maybe try the -dev package [01:00] cheers storm, will just give it a try :) [01:00] Sanne: ah! see, now things are starting to make sense... k.. I'll be back in a bit with news :) BTW, do you ever run in to oskude on this channel? He helped me install Ubuntu and I wanted to thank him but I haven't seen him around. === squire [n=squire@] has joined #ubuntu === dtsuei [n=dtsuei@CPE000c413bbf67-CM0011ae00c944.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] kbrooks, what do you mean? [01:00] Sanne: "best avoided" isn't giving the choice [01:00] undesktop: dont claim to be a programmer if you are not a true progammer! you look silly when caught out [01:00] ok. so once I get my windows install fixed by restoring the MBR, how do I get grub installed properly? [01:00] eternaljoy: oh well... I just focus on "research" than writing useful programs [01:00] thomaswebb: Rule of thumb that when you're compiling and it asks for a package, you really want the -dev package ;-) [01:00] I have programmed stuff, dunno if that makes me a programmer or not. [01:00] Sanne: "best avoided" is polarisation [01:00] eternaljoy: like writing OS kernels [01:00] undesktop: why didnt u say that? [01:00] akcom: Hmm OK, not too unreasonable - you using xfs as your root file system? [01:00] Probably a really bad one. === njan [n=james@unaffiliated/james] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] ROFL [01:00] penguin42: yes, I will be once I fix my install [01:00] intelligi: Ack I hate gftp. You mean remote files? let me think [01:00] undesktop: what OS kernel have you written and where is it avialable? [01:00] I love the x-chat guys [01:00] ah ok, will remember that! i am fairly new to this linux lark [01:01] arapehl, didn't see him, and good luck with multimedia. Come back if you get problems :) [01:01] configure complete, now type 'make' and pray. [01:01] hi, if i have winxp install on ubuntu, do i need to install windows patch? [01:01] GIBson3: Tis good eh? [01:01] eternaljoy: it's nowhere available because it's not useful [01:01] akcom: That's a little unusual - its the only unusual thing I can see; make a /boot partition, and make that something more common, ext3 say [01:01] Sanne: will do... thanks in advance. [01:01] akcom: If you started reinstall when we started this conversation you would be done [01:01] eternaljoy: like any home brew kernel [01:01] akcom: Bonus points if you put the /boot nearer the start of the disc [01:01] Jack_Sparrow: well I don't find throwing in the towel and just giving up to be a gratifying or educational experience [01:01] Stormx2: I've loved XChat forever, xchat-gnome in the repos though is crap === cyberquiet [n=John@host230-88.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] btw. I used to write useful programs when I used Windows and Delphi... but under UNIX, writing GUI programs is too hard [01:02] why would xfs cause it to fail? [01:02] at least compared to Delphi... [01:02] haha [01:02] anything is going to be hard compared to delphi. [01:02] akcom: were you online or running programs during the install? [01:02] for gui dev === yfox [n=uu@81-229-125-164-no50.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Jack_Sparrow: no [01:02] GIBson3: Why? [01:02] kbrooks, it's my opinion, and I wanted to state that, sorry to have offended you, I couldn't elaborate in a hurry like this. Of course cjoice is important. But somebody recommended the scripts without warning, so I wanted to give one out quick. [01:02] akcom: In principal I don't think it should - but I've had bad look with xfs and it is the only unusual thing I can see in your install === stpere [n=stpere@ts1-32.f1232.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] undesktop, learn glade and pygtk - it's dead easy... === wheatstraw____ [n=wheatstr@dsl093-017-166.msp1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Unfortunately I've had some previous bad luck with xfs as well [01:02] oh well, c'est la vie. [01:03] Oh and Seveas, the link in the topic, IRC info, returns a 404 [01:03] akcom: note that Delphi basically isn't more or less advanced than, say, C++ === Exposure` [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === njan [n=james@unaffiliated/james] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Stormx2, thanks [01:03] Seveas: Wait no === rjls [n=Robert@static-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] i was halfway downloading the intermet and it froze. should i reboot? (jk) [01:03] Seveas: Ack sorry. Please ignore me. [01:03] Will someone please help me with gFTP? [01:03] Seveas: oh well, pygtk would be worth a try [01:03] Stormx2, ghe [01:03] undesktop: I'm going to have to disagree on a few points (array <-> pointer conversions, etc) but it's ot bad for RAD [01:03] Seveas: Actually it still does haha! [01:03] it's not* === DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] intelligi: what's your question? [01:04] hi, my mouse cursor disappears when pointing at certain things, such as jpegs in Firefox or the Firefox Customize Toolbar, it happens in other places as well, not just firefox. Any suggestions on fixing this? haven't found any help yet. i'm using the default cursor on Gnome, the other cursors do no different [01:04] can someone who knows how package Nexuiz for Ubuntu? [01:04] How do I move files on the remote machine from one directory to another? [01:04] akcom: conceptually, they're quite the same: i.e. static typed language, manual memory managment, compiled, etc. === mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ [01:04] axs221: then don't point at those things [01:04] axs221: It sounds possible that its a video driver bug; look for 'software cursor' flags for your x config === ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter [01:04] CrazyDoode: good idea [01:04] undesktop: that descriptions covers a pretty wide array of languages === mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-001-069.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] akcom: not really, but it covers mostly used languages today I guess [01:05] akcom: anyway, it turns out that C or C++ are quite bad for GUI development === NickGarvey [n=nick@unaffiliated/nickgarvey] has left #ubuntu ["Suse] [01:05] i'm not sure if FTP can do that, 1 sec... [01:05] undesktop: and why is that? [01:06] I've done it before. [01:06] i need to get package injection working with aireplay, i have an atheros based card and im using the madwifi version that came with ubuntu 6.06 [01:06] undesktop: I tihnk you could find quite a few people to argue against that opinion [01:06] myself included === njan [n=james@unaffiliated/james] has joined #ubuntu === Minsc [n=geoff@Newmarket-ppp277186.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] undesktop: A lot of people get hung up on what is good or bad for things; fact is you can make a pigs ear of things in any language [01:06] GIBson3: I'm back :| [01:06] bbiab [01:06] akcom: i.e. C++ doesn't allow delegates (Callbacks on object members) [01:06] any one willing to help me === blastermaster [n=blasterm@] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] askyle: Try NOT downloading the entire internet.. :) sorry getting punchy with questions like what is google? [01:07] akcom: but delegates are usually used for event handling [01:07] Minsc: as am I and I have resolution :D === iamtheRichard [n=iamtheRi@dpc6746139215.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] akcom: that's why QT uses that precompiler === Minsc is now on Kubuntu. I still have a sound problem, but now instead of getting the infinite sound loop, I have no sound === TobiasFar [n=tfar@ACB4ED77.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] GIBson3: That's awesome! Do tell. ^_^ === roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Loomy18 [n=brian@CPE-70-92-88-143.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] undesktop: You can have pointers to member methods can't you? [01:07] can anyone help me setup a php page on my apache server? it sends me a phtml file whenever i visit... [01:08] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works wonders when your monitor changes :) [01:08] .join #php [01:08] oops [01:08] penguin42: yes, but they're strictly bound to the class, so they're not generic enough === hektik [n=sadlkfj@c-67-163-120-225.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] penguin42: actually, they're quite useless [01:08] GIBson3: Heh. Speaking of which, I should really up the resolution here. [01:08] undesktop: ah [01:08] Jack_Sparrow: So, should i download it in chunks then? [01:09] Minsc: I have to run for a bit, Finalizing wedding stuff. If you are around later I'll try and help figure out the sound thing. [01:09] When I try to use synaptic i get this error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " anyone know how to fix this? [01:09] undesktop: I'm sure it is cureable with enough templates and ifdefs and masking tape === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu === Rerre211 [n=rerre211@DCCII.ara.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] askyle: NO just the one chunk you need... [01:09] GIBson3: I can't guarentee I'll be around later. Can I give you my email? [01:09] Loomy18: do as it says [01:09] i dont get what it says to do [01:09] this is my first time using ubuntu [01:09] Loomy18: just like the messahe says: dpkg --configure -a === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] penguin42: in xorg.conf? i searched for "cursor", there two entries for cursor are one for a "cursor" Input Device and one under "Server Layout" for that device [01:10] Loomy18: open a terminal, then run that command [01:10] penguin42: in Delphi you just need to add a "of object" in the callback type declaration to get this [01:10] Loomy18: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg --configure -a" [01:10] oh alright thanks === tbrk [n=krbt@200-206-224-28.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntugeek [n=ryantroy@24-247-108-192.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] penguin42: and don't call me if you got compiler errors in that template area... [01:10] axs221: It isn't an option in there by default [01:10] brian@Brians:~$ dpkg --configure -a [01:10] dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege [01:10] brian@Brians:~$ === Avdi [n=avdi@] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] undesktop: Hehe yes [01:10] Jack_Sparrow: but if i do that won't the internet be broken and viruses will spawn? [01:11] askyle: But only a problem for Windows users :) [01:11] anyone ever try using plantronics usb headset? [01:11] Loomy18: sudo dpkg --configure -a [01:11] yup [01:11] Why can no one help me with such a simple problem? [01:11] Minsc: sure just pm me with it. [01:11] btw., anyone has a HP 8200e? [01:11] Jack_Sparrow: oh! that is just beautiful : ) === mcphail wonders if he accidently joined #programming-bravado [01:11] intelligi: doing some research === iamtheRichard [n=iamtheRi@dpc6746139215.direcpc.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:11] axs221: Find the 'device' section and add the line Option "SWCursor" "true" === Minsc is now known as Minsc37 [01:11] axs221: Then restart X [01:12] penguin42: thanks, i'll give that a shot [01:12] Hi! I've got a strange problem. I have made a Raid6 server with Ubuntu and connected this server to my Windows XP machine via network cards (no switches etc in between). For some reason I can copy files from Windows to Ubuntu ok, but not vice versa. If I do it, Windows loses the network and I have to boot up Ubuntu. Any clue, what happening here? My network card in my Ubuntu-machine is D-Link DUB-E100 USB 2.0, connected via Belkin's USB/firewir [01:12] intelligi: I would assume just ssh into it and run a mv command. [01:12] hey i have another question are my video card drivers installed by default or do i have to do something to get them to work? === roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:12] (HP 8200e is an external CDROM burner) [01:12] It is an Xbox. [01:13] Not another Linux computer. [01:13] Rerre211: How are you copying to and from your ubuntu box? When it stops how badly does it stop? Can you sitll ping the ubuntu box? [01:13] Loomy18: *most* video cards *should* work out of the box... in theory ; ) [01:13] Loomy18: There are some drivers installed, but they likely aren't the ones from the manufacturer (as those are usually proprietary, unless you have some funky small name card.) [01:13] i have a 7800 gtx [01:13] storm2, i have a load of other other different pacakges needed, but they say they rely on libcairo2, but when i try to install libcairo2-dev i get this error: Depends: libcairo2 (=1.2.0-0ubuntu1) but 1.1.10-0ubuntu1 is to be installed [01:13] another bitchy piece of hardware: ATI Mach64 [01:14] Why can't gFTP do this simple thing? [01:14] I know it can. === mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] does Ubuntu enable 3D acceleration for ATI Mach64 by default now? [01:14] undesktop: a mach64 should work surely? They are as old as the hills? [01:14] You can move files into folders on the same window. [01:14] penguin42: Just via explorer in Windows. It stops almost immediately, it tries for a while to copy from Ubuntu to Windows, but then it freezes. I haven't tried to ping yet [01:14] You just can't move them up. [01:14] penguin42: DRI is still a problem it seems [01:14] is there a way to properly bind the volume+, volume-, and mute buttons on my usb headset to the pcm control on alsa conifg? [01:14] penguin42: because the Mach64 DRI driver has some security hole... [01:14] undesktop: Nod, my radeon 7200 has it enabled, but is about as stable as a jelly [01:14] would a 7800 gtx be installed by default, also is there a way to test if the drivers are working? [01:15] intelligi: Try right-click, move if it exists. [01:15] penguin42: jelly? doesn't sound too good [01:15] undesktop: 3D is an embarrassing mess, even for the FOSS drivers [01:15] undesktop: jelly=UK for jello [01:15] I am just doing it the really hard and slow way at the moment...downloading them to this machine only to reupload them to another directory... [01:15] laters all [01:15] would a 7800 gtx be installed by default, also is there a way to test if the drivers are working? [01:15] Will take about 15 minutes to do something that should take 15 seconds... [01:16] Loomy18: Please don't repeat your question [01:16] sorry [01:16] Loomy18, is this an Nvidia card? [01:16] Loomy18: very basic drivers will be installed by default [01:16] Loomy18: what resolutions are available to you === undesktop wonder if the Ubuntu founder couldn't pay really big money to Nvidia and ATI to disclose there hardware specifications [01:16] Rerre211: Try a ping, you need to figure out if the whole machine has got ill, or just the bits to do with file serving [01:16] ATI cards have __awful__ support undel linux : / [01:16] s/wonder/wonders [01:16] <^thehatsrule^> afaik, the nv driver will be installed, not the nvidia proprietary tho === rob [i=Robert@ubuntu/member/rob1] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] it is an xfx card [01:17] They offer free binary drivers, so what? My Ubuntu is running their stuff at the moment. [01:17] I have the old TNT2 card. [01:17] undesktop: I suspect the problem is that they can't because they might expose bits of IP that isn't theres, so they can't discuss it [01:17] intelligi: jelly [01:17] What? [01:17] intelligi: I hear their drivers are not-so-stable [01:17] Works better than the other one. [01:17] undesktop: I was talking about the free ones [01:17] Haven't had any problem. [01:17] Loomy18, for Nvidia cards, this may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [01:17] penguin42: yes, I'll try it, hang on === rob is now known as rjls [01:18] penguin42: but it would only be the hardware API... === cyberquiet [n=John@host230-88.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:18] 640X768 800X600 and 1024X768 are my only screen resolutions available does this mean my drivers are incorrect? [01:18] In fact, the when using the other driver, a screen saver crashed my comp. They run right with the nvidia driver. [01:18] undesktop: But perhaps they are using some tech bought from someone else? Or fear that if they detailed it they would get hit by a patent claim? === darkprophet [n=chatzill@82-46-144-4.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === rjls is now known as rob [01:18] Sanne: Uhm, the installation went off without a hitch, but there's no firefox plugin in all those packages. :-/ === dereks_ [n=dereks@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] anyone with an intel 915 graphics chipset in thier laptops? [01:19] penguin42: IMHO it's still just a step behind the higher level APIs (DirectX, OpenGL) [01:19] arapehl, which plugin was it again? === darkprophet is loving ubuntu...it has finally become a boring desktop. [01:19] boring == good. stability :) [01:19] Sanne: Quicktime [01:19] undesktop: Yeh but a lot lower level [01:19] stability is All Important(tm) [01:19] Sanne: I think it was the mplayer plugin that I had installed previously but it just kept giving me a "no image" message in most of the videos [01:19] any idea when the next release is going to be ? [01:19] looking forward to it [01:20] skavenge, I have 9815 [01:20] darkprophet: then install e17 in it ; ) [01:20] skavenge, I have i915 [01:20] Loomy18: you are running higer than vesa so I would think you have the right drivers [01:20] Do you have a question? === Mutacion [n=lalito@] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] skavenge, do you have a question? [01:20] Sanne: I think it's because they're multi-part quicktime videos where it says "click here to view video", and once clicked, downloads the video. === Mutacion [n=lalito@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Rinchen [n=Rinchen@unaffiliated/rescue] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] darkprophet: october. 6.10. edgy eft. discuss in #ubuntu+1 [01:20] Sanne: I think it just gets stuck on the first screen and says "no image". :-/ [01:20] kbrooks: thanks [01:20] arapehl, I also think this should be covered by the mplayer plugin. Somebody else will have to help you here, though, because I don't have mplayer installed. Anybody could help arapehl, please? [01:21] Pennypacker: are you running the stock drivers or other ones? i noticed a '915resolution' package but didnt know if it'd do any good [01:21] Sanne: sh*t ... youknow what? I should restart FF huh... ;) (though it was running when I ran the installl I hope that didn't keep it from installing) === saxin_ [n=saxin@216-138-34.0513.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === njan [n=james@unaffiliated/james] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] arapehl, heh, restarting is needed ;) [01:21] Sanne: checking now... === IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] penguin42: nope, I cannot ping either. I tried restarting samba as well, without any help [01:22] ok, actually I'm using Debian... how easy is it to change to Ubuntu? === jrattner1 [n=jrattner@pool-151-198-153-28.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] undesktop: Ubuntu is really easy to use [01:22] Rerre211: Hang on, you can't ping, but you can restart samba? === zerby [n=phoranix@84-104-97-17.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] QUESTION: Is network manager better with WEP or WPA (As far as functionality) [01:23] hi, im new to linux and ubuntu in general, i just installed ubuntu last night and for some reason when i try to put a background on the file browser it will not work, also i cannot find this nautilus thing im supposed to use get the icons on the desktop. would anyone be willing to walk me through this? [01:23] undesktop: especially if you're used to Debian... Ubuntu uses the same package manager [01:23] undesktop: Its just like Debian except the packages are newer but about as stable [01:23] jrattner, I have not tried WPA, but I did try WEP...and it works very well [01:23] JRATTNER, you should first try WEP, before trying WPA [01:23] undesktop, debian and ubuntu don't aim to be binary compatible, so I wouldn't attempt a dist upgrade from debian to ubuntu (in case you asked for that) === darkprophet [n=chatzill@82-46-144-4.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === neoXite [n=neoxite@xdsl-84-44-192-38.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] undesktop: I don't think there is a netinstall CD [01:23] Sanne: I had exactly this in mind :-) [01:24] sorry to bother you again jack, but is there something i need to do to make that script executable? [01:24] !network manager [01:24] networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager === axs221 [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] IcemanNumber: open terminal type sudo bash diskmounter [01:24] hmm...thats weird [01:24] penguin42: yes, so it seems. I am a beginner with Ubuntu, but friend told me to type "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" and I got too ok-messages for it. It didn't restore the network however [01:24] my wireless *does* just work, hehe [01:24] IcemanNumber: then restart [01:24] maybe I could just remove the complete /usr and /var directories and then run the Ubuntu setup over that partition? === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACCAEECB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] now the volume+ and volume- buttons on my headset are changing the bass volume o_O [01:25] undesktop, I heard that people changed successfully from sarge to breezy (last ubuntu version), dunno if it works with current ubuntu dapper. If you don't mind a complete wipe if it borks, you could try it (but don't kill me...) ;) [01:25] i reaaaaly need to take Bass off of highlight [01:25] hektik: I call this fun [01:25] lol [01:25] Rerre211: tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ? [01:25] askyle: Nope, I can try that one next [01:25] mute button is uselss tho [01:25] Sanne: as long as it doesn't turn my home directory in binary garbage... [01:26] Sanne: no luck :-/... trying gxine-plugin. Says it covers Quicktime. Hopefully it'll work. [01:26] penguin42: Thanks, that flag did the trick [01:26] undesktop: a sane practice (saved my bottom a cpl times) would be to keep /home in a separate partition/disk [01:27] axs221: Can you file a bug please saying that it was necessary for whatever your card was [01:27] undesktop, I really don't know... I changed from debian to ubuntu by installing to a new partition (cowardly). [01:27] QUESTION: anyone know of a network manager 0.16.3 package( not in repos) === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACCAEECB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === freddyubuntu [n=fred@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] Witch decode do chinese use? [01:27] arapehl, sorry to hear that. I hope somebody will jump in in case of more problems, but congrats so far for going through the 'manual' install. :) [01:28] penguin42: file it with Ubuntu? [01:28] Rerre211: Hmm OK, do an 'ifconfig eth0' while it works and then again afterwards [01:28] axs221: Yes please [01:28] penguin42: will do === Ademan_ [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] hello everyone, i have traced all my problems back to this one thing: Depends: libfreetype6 (>=2.2.1) but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed, but i have no idea how to fix it? [01:28] Rerre211: I'm guessing that your networking is setup wrong [01:28] askyle: nope, it failed to bring up eth0,1,2, ath0 and wlan0 [01:28] plz help me , when I start my ubuntu, it says file systems have error, and I should repair them manualy, and then I continue with CTR+D , then i ubuntu I cant no delete files it says the disk is READONLY, and I can not download email by thunderbird, it says the diks is readonly and it doenst have prvilage to download emails....what to do ? [01:28] is the last.fm media player in the repositories? [01:29] askyle: that's too late for me [01:29] Witch decode do chinese use? [01:29] freddyubuntu: fix the disk === mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === Pennypacker [n=pablo@ip70-187-229-28.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:29] Sanne: Heh, I'm "paying my dues" right now. ;) Uhm, the gxine plugin is doing something here... asking me to configure it... it detected that there was quicktime video on the page so it's a start! :) I'll let you know if it works out. [01:29] thomaswebb, it seems you're trying to install from an unofficial repository? Which package, from where? [01:29] freddyubuntu: What was the last thing that happened before those errors started happening [01:29] anarhabag /? how to fix disk? [01:29] I dont know nothing bad happen... [01:29] freddyubuntu: whatever partition it says it's checking do fsck /dev/ [01:29] QUESTION: I just installed ubuntu last night and for some reason when i try to put a background on the file browser it will not work, also i cannot find this nautilus thing im supposed to use get the icons on the desktop. would anyone be willing to walk me through this? [01:29] aha [01:29] arapehl, yeah, I hope it works out, let me know how it goes. [01:29] freddyubuntu: like 'fsck /dev/hda1' [01:30] aha thanx [01:30] that is an upgrade of libcairo2 [01:30] penguin42 hey.. just to tell ya the i386 version doesn't have smp in it.. I grabbed the k7 kernel and can see both cpus now :) [01:30] and my system has become so slow === larson999 [n=larson@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Pennypacker [n=pablo@ip70-187-229-28.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] snoops: Ah ok; I'd assumed the instlaler had got round to getting that right by now [01:30] Mikasuliel: Places/desktop is Nautilus [01:30] QUESTION: anyone know of a network manager 0.16.3 package( not in repos) [01:30] penguin42: ok, I'll boot up Ubuntu and try the ifconfig-command [01:31] exit [01:31] exit [01:31] sudo exit [01:31] I cant run the terminal to run fsck ... [01:31] gksudo exit [01:31] thomaswebb, from which repository are you trying to install? [01:31] there is no terminal to enter my command [01:31] erk is ubuntu really starting X after the 'you need to run fsck' ??? [01:31] it doesnt run the terminal [01:32] not sure, is there a way to tell using synaptic package manager === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACCAEECB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === flosch [n=flosch@unaffiliated/flosch] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] !restrictedformat [01:32] I know nothing about restrictedformat [01:32] !restrictedformats [01:32] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:32] undesktop: it's never too late if you have the patience - you can copy everything to another partition, then edit /etc/fstab [01:32] why isn't the exit command working here? === freddyubuntu [n=fred@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:32] exit === penguin42 hands Pennypacker a / [01:32] askyle: the problem would be to create a new partition... there's no place for it === IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] undesktop: ouch : ( [01:33] Hi IcemanNumber === larson9999 [n=larson@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] hi [01:33] thomaswebb, the repositories are listed in the file /etc/apt/sources.list. You could paste the contents of this file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org, so we could have a look. [01:33] IcemanNumber: Did it work [01:33] still not working yet [01:33] wb IcemanNumber === Sebo [n=sebastia@p54A314CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] Sanne: Success! (sort of) It works, I can see the video, but it isn't embedded in the page, it launches the player. No big deal really, I mean, in essence I wanted it to see the videos. I'll fiddle with the configuration though and see if maybe it's just a question of the settings. Hey, thanks a lot for all the help man. [01:33] pennypacker: try /exit [01:33] Jack_Sparrow: in the ubuntu desktop guide it says to 3. Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately. <---- there is no such option [01:33] exit/ [01:33] mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-fuse' === ghostghost [n=casparbl@host81-132-77-10.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] /exit heh [01:33] penguin, the forward slash doesn't help [01:33] Pennypacker: try /exit instead [01:33] Iceman, did you run the script in terminal === sjoerd_ [n=wiebren@ip565243fd.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] yes [01:33] It says "No such command" === lophyte [n=dave@bas9-toronto63-1128737761.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] / 1st [01:34] Pennypacker: /quit [01:34] try /leave or /quit [01:34] IcemanNumber: any errors? [01:34] it actually ran when i used bash [01:34] anyone know why shift+backspace would be causing X to restart? [01:34] lophyte: You're using XGl [01:34] yeah, I am :\ [01:34] no errors [01:34] and you did a restart? [01:34] any way to fix that? [01:34] yes === debnub [n=chatzill@10001248038.0000022387.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu === gypsum [n=dbatey@cpe-66-68-27-142.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] lophyte: xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-101 [01:34] arapehl, how cool it (sorta) works! Congrats! I also watch videos with external players, I find it not too annoying. I hope you get it optimized. (And I'm no 'man') ;) You're welcome, in any case. [01:34] IcemanNumber: None of your other partitions are showing on your desktop? [01:35] lophyte: if you have a US keyboard [01:35] Amaranth: thanks :D [01:35] it also gave me the option to enable beta write support for ntfs [01:35] lophyte: you have to run that at every login [01:35] No [01:35] Amaranth: alrighty [01:35] Sanne: heh, so then you're the (wo)man then .. ;) thanks either way. :) [01:35] the partitions show, it just will not let me mount them [01:35] IcemanNumber: Don't enable write on ntfs unless you are very happy to lose your data - it may well work, but don't trust it === maddy [n=maddy@i86189.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] lophyte: that IS the "official" way to kill a frozen X server though : ) [01:35] IcemanNumber: what partitions do you have [01:35] everything was going just fine when all of a sudden, the volume from my speakers went very low and sound only came from one speaker. so i swapped speakers and had the same results. then i swapped my sb live out for an ensonic es1370 but my machine won't even boot ubuntu with that card in it.(is it supported?). finally i booted windows and the sound it perfect. one more test is to boot linux again to see if it's still borked. [01:35] arapehl, thanks, and have fun with Ubuntu! :) === Jessehk [n=jesse@Toronto-HSE-ppp3883334.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] IcemanNumber: What do you show in your fstab? [01:36] its a laptop, so there is my ntfs for windows and another for recovery partition. [01:36] Amaranth: thanks a lot.. brb [01:36] I am going to be using the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome.html to make a /home partition. How much space should I leave for / ? [01:36] not sure how to check fstab [01:37] wow my home directory is 4.4 GB large, without containing any "multi media" files [01:37] Jessehk: i usually do 10GB [01:37] Seriously no one knows where to find a network-manager-0.6.3 ubuntu package === lophyte [n=dave@bas9-toronto63-1128737761.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] Jack_Sparrow: in the ubuntu desktop guide it says to 3. Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately. <---- there is no such option [01:37] ? [01:37] Amaranth: much better :D [01:37] penguin42, i've been having crappy luck with fat32, too. sp fare letting the windows boottime checker has kept me from losing data though. [01:37] Jessehk: that's probably way too much but better safe than sorry [01:37] penguin42: yes, I did the ifconfig-commands before and after. It seems that the amounts of errors rise considerably in the values I got with the latter ifconfig-command [01:37] Hi everyone. Got troubles connecting to web through a external dsl busybox router. connection is very slow (fine under win xp) any help? [01:37] jrattner1: maybe in edge === thomaswebb [n=thomaswe@host86-136-60-155.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:37] err, edgy [01:37] Amaranth, Thanks. I have plenty of space :) === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@cpe-69-201-204-148.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] click on Mika you will need to wait a minute [01:38] Rerre211: Which errors - has the IP address stayed the same? [01:38] That shift-backspace thing is very annoying [01:38] I wonder why he wants 0.6.3 so bad, we have 0.6.2 [01:38] IcemanNumber: click on places desktop to open nautilus go to root then etc to find your fstab and double click on it === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] mcphail: yeah, it is === Jessehk is going to go create a /home partition. Wish him luck ;) [01:38] mcphail: It is one of several XGL annoyances === ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] yup [01:38] shift-backspace is only with xgl right? its ctrl+alt+backspace normally [01:38] Jack_Sparrow, i've waited 5 minutes and nothing has happened [01:39] its not shift-backspace if you fix it [01:39] skavenge: yeah [01:39] does ctrl+alt+backspace still work with Xgl, though? (I'd rather not try it right now) [01:39] right on... seems to be the cool new thing lately which i had an nvidia graphics card heh [01:39] Mikasorry, I am busy, wife is in hospital, and others were ahead of you... [01:39] lophyte: i think so [01:39] how can I make "du -ch --max-d=1" to sort the output by the size of the directories? [01:39] *wish [01:39] lophyte: yes === J-_ [n=justin@toronto-HSE-ppp4313664.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] lophyte: I have DontZap [01:39] Amaranth: what's that? [01:39] Mika having to juggle many things today [01:39] while running mplayer in firefox, the player downloads teh media i want to watch, plays for not even a second, then stops.. it's a wma file, could anyone help me? [01:40] lophyte: and xorg.conf option that disables ctrl-alt-backspace [01:40] guess i'm finally gonna have to google gxl [01:40] !restricted [01:40] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [01:40] penguin42: IP-address remains the same. This values rise with the latter try: rx packets: 3959 errors, tx packets: 7438 errors, both rxbytes and txbytes values have also risen considebly [01:40] nvidia drivers suck so if i kill X on accident i have to hit the power button to make things work again [01:40] Jack_Sparrow: sorry to hear, best wishes : ) === dagrump_ [n=dagrump@] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] Amaranth: why do you have to reboot??? [01:41] mcphail: Because nvidia drivers suck [01:41] my nvidia drivers are fine [01:41] Np.. dont mean to be testy... [01:41] Amaranth: working fine here [01:41] mcphail: I can't even switch to a tty (ctrl-alt-f1) [01:41] mcphail: It's a well known issue === Gareth1 [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] IcemanNumber: did you get all of that? [01:41] crap [01:41] while running mplayer in firefox, the player downloads teh media i want to watch, plays for not even a second, then stops.. it's a wma file, could anyone help me? [01:41] Mika please restat question.. [01:41] when i shutdown i don't get to see anything [01:41] penguin42: I forgot to mention, but what we tried to do is to have static IP addresses for Ubuntu and Windows-machines. Machine running Ubuntu is not connected to Internet [01:41] just a black screen [01:41] Amaranth: i have never experienced that [01:41] restate [01:41] mcphail: my ttys works fine [01:42] er [01:42] Amaranth, rather [01:42] lophyte: that's nice [01:42] yes, but my root folder is not showing folders inside [01:42] lophyte: nVidia GeForce Go 7400 in a laptop [01:42] Amaranth: nv or nvidia? [01:42] mcphail: nvidia [01:42] mcphail: Things are fine with nv === Morlane [n=AndreasU@ip68-13-120-85.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] Amaranth: ah, only with a specific card? [01:42] It's a driver bug. [01:42] lophyte: It looks like it's in every GeForce Go === incubii [n=incubii@cor8-ppp3997.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] ah.. I've got a GeForce FX5200 [01:43] with the nvidia driver === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] nm...got it [01:43] IcemanNumber: If you go to places desktop and click on the up arrow until it goes grey what do you see. [01:43] Jack_Sparrow, im trying to get home, computer and trash on the desktop, also change backgrounds in file manager and trying to configure my ati card. I am following the instructions on the help site and i dont have the options === MegaManX [n=alex@84-217-147-46.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] im new to ubunto [01:43] If I switch to a standard terminal size instead of the 640x400 that comes by default with ubuntu I can use my ttys again but suspend/hibernate break. [01:43] Amaranth: the ATI drivers are awful with mobile cards as well === howy424 [n=hof@dsl-202-173-176-18.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [01:43] crap.. === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [01:44] Mikasuliel: I cant help with the ATI... [01:44] Hi everyone. Got troubles connecting to web through a external dsl busybox router. connection is very slow (fine under win xp) any help? [01:44] Mikasuliel: and you want a copy of your Home and computer on your desktop? [01:44] Jack_Sparrow, ok could you help me with the other things then? or point me to a channel where i can get help? [01:44] the proccess gnome-panel has skyrocketed it's memory usage, its using 1.1 gig of physical memory, and 1.6 virtual... what the heck is wrong with it? (this is the second time its ever done this, nothing unusual is being run or anything) [01:44] gnomefreak: ? [01:44] HI, I'm back, not on UB [01:44] Jack_Sparrow: yes [01:44] Amaranth: having issues here === mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ [01:45] sorry, not=now on UB [01:45] I guess there's no way to fix the Macromedia Flash issue where sound goes out of sync? I've read up on it but never found any good workarounds, i guess there isn't a fix, right? === dv_ [n=dv@M1489P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] lophyte: ctrl+ alt+bksp blow ya out faaast i killed both boxes checking [01:45] debnub, dunno if this is related to your problem, might have a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 [01:46] [01:46] so does anyone think I should try to install wine now and see if that makes UB crap itself? === noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-58-166-158-88.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Sanne. thnanks, ill take a look [01:46] Mikasuliel: If you try to put home folder on desktop it will error out... But I think you can symlink it.. === zaphod__ [n=zaphod@dsl-58-7-0-11.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] debnub, you're welcome [01:46] Amaranth: is it me or are you seeing funny looking chars? [01:46] howy424: why do you need xp stuff [01:46] gnomefreak: just you === chris_ [n=chris@pD9E5EB4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] hih [01:47] ok, its not showing the etc folder in root [01:47] Amaranth: what did MegaManX type? [01:47] Why do youtube videos have no sound? [01:47] Jack_Sparrow: it says in the desktop guide to do this: Tick the box beside computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, and trash_icon_visible. The changes take effect immediately. <----I cannot find that option anywhere [01:47] well, I have some old software, and config files, that are old chestnuts, plus I've paid for, but that doesn't mean the _HAVE_ to stat [01:47] My other applications have sound [01:47] nm...got it :) [01:47] gnomefreak: something in another language [01:47] i am tring to get my laptop to tftpboot from my kubuntu system it finds the dhcp server and says loading pxelinux.0 but nothing else happens any ideas [01:47] Jack_Sparrow: Mikasuliel: I think Mika really means to symlink it, not an actual copy... right? [01:47] I said hi :) [01:47] i see funny chars and im trying to fix this === jrattner1 [n=jrattner@pool-151-198-153-28.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] oh ok [01:47] gnomefreak: looks like hieroglyphics :P [01:47] MegaManX: stick with english in here please [01:47] Can someone walk me throught the CVS section of: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager [01:48] jrattner1: why do you need 0.6.3 so badly? [01:48] not sure what to look for in fstab though [01:48] jrattner1: we have 0.6.2 [01:48] Strange that you got weird characters. By default Ubuntu should install Asian characters [01:48] jrattner1, using Linux is about LEARNING. === deitarion [n=deitario@moinmoin/fan/deitarion] has joined #ubuntu === Minsc [n=geoff@Newmarket-ppp277186.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] Amaranth, Because I need improved WPA2 support that 0.6.3 has to offer? [01:48] jrattner1, not for people to walk you through every small detail === larson9999 [n=larson9@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] Mikasuliel: are you running gconf-editor ? [01:48] I have an Ubuntu-using friend who needs /usr/bin/strip but I use Gentoo so I have no idea what package he needs to install. A little help here? [01:49] sound still very low in linux :( [01:49] askyle: no the guide doesnt say to do that [01:49] larson9999: Intel ICH7 HD Audio? [01:49] larson9999, what? [01:49] deitarion, try to look for the package name on packages.ubuntu.com [01:49] Oh...low sound. [01:49] !symlink [01:49] Amaranth: no sblive [01:49] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [01:49] run gconf-editor, you should find those options in there [01:49] larson9999: dunno then, sorry === garryF [n=garry@adsl-66-122-184-126.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] deitarion, I just tested, I have /usr/bin/strip, so it should be installable. === Sebo [n=sebastia@p54A314CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] SonicChao: for some reason the sound on my linux box went very low and only comes from one speaker(though it might just be so low i can't hear from the other) but works perfectly in windows [01:50] Hi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS. [01:50] askyle: well why doesnt it just say that in the guide? [01:50] larson9999, okay [01:50] Mikasuliel: to be more specific, under apps/nautilus/desktop [01:51] SonicChao, I apoligize I need help because I am inexpereience with CVS and building packages, when I type: sudo apt-get build-dep network-manager I get an error, E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list [01:51] Mikasuliel: actually i remember having read this in the guide [01:51] the good news is apparently others have had similar problems :) [01:51] :) [01:51] askyle: well then could you show me the link because i do not know how to do that [01:51] SonicChao, and linux is about community... === garryF [n=garry@adsl-66-122-184-126.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:51] especially ubuntu === halitus [n=halitus@] has joined #ubuntu === ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3898F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] askyle: i cant even find nautilus, i can only find file browser and i cant open a terminal from there [01:52] jrattner1, that doesn't mean everyone walks you through everything. If you're not willing to learn...on your OWN... === M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm128228.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] SonicChao, alright whatever [01:53] speaking of known issues i wish the applications -> accessories => terminal [01:53] deitarion, I found strip in package 'binutils', in case you are still looking. [01:53] i am tring to get my laptop to tftpboot from my kubuntu system it finds the dhcp server and says loading pxelinux.0 but nothing else happens any ideas === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-145-89.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] oops i meant applications -> accessories -> terminal to open one [01:53] !divx [01:53] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:53] Hi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS. === Stergiosaurus [n=sva212@] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] is there a download manager for linux that can download one file from multiple sources at once ? (gui not needed) [01:53] nautilus IS the filebrowser. as for the terminal: applications -> accessories -> terminal === Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] i just installed ubuntu, i am new to the linux community, and i am having trouble connecting to my dsl modem, can anybody help ? [01:54] Stergiosaurus, what happens? [01:54] nothing actually, i click on the firefox application and i get the ubuntu documentation page, i cant access any websites [01:54] SonicChao, hey, go easy with jrattner1 ;) [01:55] i went into network settings and tried to tinker with it, it wont let me connect [01:55] Sanne, k [01:55] askyle: so what am i supposed to do with this gconf thing? i see no reference to it in that section of the guide [01:55] Stergiosaurus, why not call your isp and ask them how to use their service on linux ? === Morlane [n=AndreasU@ip68-13-120-85.om.om.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:55] Stergiosaurus, call the ISP [01:55] jrattner1, you would need to have some source repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list, so synaptic can fetch source packages. [01:55] Stergiosaurus, how did you connect on windows ? [01:55] Mikasuliel: did you run it? [01:55] i just plug it into the ethernet port and it connects [01:56] Ah...that's how I connect [01:56] Sanne, should i put those CVS lines in my sources? [01:56] Stergiosaurus, is it a usb modem? [01:56] no [01:56] Stergiosaurus, and that works even after you reinstall windows ? or do you have to set something up ? [01:56] Mikasuliel: You still here... sorry for the lag.. [01:56] maddy, he says it's Ethernet [01:56] its not windows === pharmakom [n=pharmako@c-24-20-199-57.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] Stergiosaurus, in that case there should be no difference [01:56] my windows box is fine, im on it right now [01:56] its my ubuntu computer === pau [n=pau@209.Red-83-44-53.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] i just installed ubuntu on one of my computers [01:56] askyle: i did and i still get nothing [01:57] im new to linux [01:57] Mikasuliel: then go to apps/nautilus/desktop (within gconf-editor) and there are your options : ) === hackel [n=hackel@CPE-69-76-5-54.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] Stergiosaurus, i am just asking because if you need to set up something on your windows, you need to set up the same thing on linux [01:57] Jack_Sparrow: tis ok [01:57] Hi, I'm running SimplyMEPIS, which is based off Ubuntu, it uses KDE, and would like to know if what applys for ubuntu applys for MEPIS. [01:57] Stergiosaurus: Whats the problem? [01:57] Stergiosaurus, modme should not be the problem try rebooting a few times [01:57] that also means it not your router if its working with windows atm [01:57] askyle: im there and there *are* no options its a *blank* window === j_ack [n=rudi@p508DC159.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] i plugged in my ethernet cable from my dsl modem [01:57] Mikasuliel: Right click on desktop, create launcher [01:57] as i ususally do with my windows box [01:57] and it wont connect [01:57] so i went into network settings [01:57] try typing into it [01:58] SonicChao: I don't think anyone knows for sure. There's just one way to know and it is by testing it. If everything gets screwed, then install Ubuntu ^_^ === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] enebled my ethernet connection, and still nothing [01:58] try using static config Stergiosaurus [01:58] MegaManX, Thanks for replying at least :) [01:58] stergiosaurus: can you ping it?? [01:58] k hang on lets see what happens [01:58] jrattner1, take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor like gedit, you will see some lines beginning with #deb-src in it. Remove those '#' signs to activate them (make a backup of the file first) [01:58] Jack_Sparrow: nothing happens when i right click [01:58] MegaManX, i'll ask in #mepis [01:58] Mikasuliel: Set type to Link, command to /home give it any name you want [01:58] SonicChao: :). [01:58] MegaManX, I kept reposting it 'cause no one was saying anything...sorry... [01:58] maddy, it asks me for ip subnet and gateway [01:59] Mikasuliel: Then you have other problems === uter [n=uter@chello212017114167.18.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] can i get those from ipconfig on my windows computer which is plugged into the same modem ? [01:59] Stergiosaurus, u gotta get those from ur windows box [01:59] wonderful [01:59] ok hang on === reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-172-116.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] Hey while im here can any one help me upgrade from breezy to dapper? im having big problems [01:59] right clicking on the desktop does nothing? yeah somethings messed up [01:59] jrattner1, you might also be able to activate the source repositories from within synaptic. [01:59] Stergiosaurus, actually you don't have to get them from windows, you can just set dhcp [01:59] can i safely resize my harddrive partitions for ubuntu & windows if i rerun the ubuntu installer partitioner? i want to add more room to ubuntu's partition [01:59] hi i have a problem with my Usb-stick (maxfield F-flash) - i cant mount it - can somebody help me? [01:59] halitus, what seems to be the problem? [02:00] axs221: yes === Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] Stergiosaurus, maybe ur modme is set to 1 dhcp client only [02:00] if dhcp doesn't get an ip, use and as subnet [02:00] also, reset your modem/router [02:00] Mikasuliel: Is there anything written in that blank window? [02:00] halitus, if you want to do that you need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:00] hey, could installing msttcorefonts cause any problems, like I was here about previously preventing UB from booting? [02:00] axs221: I still prefer to use something like partition manager to resize ntfs [02:00] magic [02:00] askyle: No.....its blank [02:00] it says the interface is active, but i still cant connect [02:00] halitus, leaving out dist will leave you hundreds of megs down [02:00] howy424: no, it definitely should not cause taht [02:01] howy424: but proprietary is proprietary [02:01] sonicchao: well i have a cd here which i got from an iso it boots into the live mode fine if not a bit slow [02:01] Jack_Sparrow: thanks, i'll give it a shot [02:01] Stergiosaurus, this linux box have u got any other Os on it wich do get internet [02:01] !upgrade [02:01] Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version. [02:01] hi i have a problem with my Usb-stick (maxfield F-flash) - i cant mount it - can somebody help me? [02:01] axs221: should work fine === IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] askyle: i have Dapper if that makes any difference [02:02] jrib, kbrooks: thanks, well my new install just finished its update, so it needs a rebooot. I'm going to do that now, then try installing one thing at a time to find out where the issue is === askyle does the headscratching thing [02:03] cya [02:03] !patience [02:03] The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. === howy424 [n=hof@dsl-202-173-176-18.qld.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === Whatsisname [n=whatsisn@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm128228.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] Thanks SonicChao [02:03] sonicchao: then i click the old install icon and it gets to the point of keyboard layout and it hangs === P3L|C4N0 [n=sopmac@] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] Mikasuliel: just to recap: you opened a terminal, ran gconf-editor, and got a blank window? [02:04] once again...thanks jack [02:04] IcemanNumber: How far did you get? [02:04] Jack_Sparrow, np [02:04] i had to edit the fstab file === thunderbolt [n=ryan@69-170-83-197.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] IcemanNumber: So your good to go? [02:04] the script set the filesystem to ntfs-fuse [02:04] changed it to just ntfs [02:05] ah === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] askyle: i got the Configuration Editor for Desktop, I tried to right click on Desktop like Jack said to do, nothing happens when i right click, and the window in the right pane is blank. [02:05] IcemanNumber: The script isnt perfect... [02:05] Amaranth: found the problem. i was using the headphone jack(the other is turned off for some reason) alsamixer helped fix it === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-145-89.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:05] right click on the actual desktop not the word [02:05] it taught me something about mounting partitions in linux though [02:05] n8 [02:05] askyle: if your recap is right, Mikasuliel's problem might be a badly tuned theme -- black on black somehow. [02:05] larson9999: cool [02:05] and im sorry if you think im giving you attitude, but ive read the manual cover to cover and ive got most things taken care of, its just these three things and i havent a clue how to fix them [02:06] ic56: i have the default theme === MegaManX [n=alex@84-217-147-46.tn.glocalnet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:06] Mikasuliel: the joys of the manual! [02:06] IcemanNumber: It was worth it if you learned something in the process. Yours was the first system to fail with that script today [02:06] Mikasuliel: ok, on the left pane, double-click on apps, then nautilus, then desktop [02:06] Mikasuliel: ah. well, an easy shot in teh dark anyway... [02:06] Amaranth: you still around? [02:06] Mikasuliel: and you right clicked on the actual desktop, not in any program and it didnt work? [02:06] Mikasuliel: You have worse problems that your wallpaper [02:06] ack [02:06] lophyte: yeah [02:07] one second === HBuzacott [n=HBuzacot@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] i always seem to have that luck [02:07] Amaranth: any idea if there's another US keymap I can try? us-101 is giving me problems too [02:07] I think Mikasuliel right-clicked the word "desktop" on the gconf-editor window [02:07] thats how i learn....im always messing things up [02:07] askyle: on the left pane where? [02:07] hmm [02:07] askyle: as do i === metrol [n=metrol@24-75-146-34-st.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] would i be able to chat in private with someone about upgrading to dapper? i have tryed alot of what was said and it didnt work for various reasons [02:07] what can i do when lsusb doesnt work when i put my usbstick into the usb hub ? - how can i mount it ;) ? [02:07] lophyte: there is xmodmap.us101A_x86 === osfameron [n=osfamero@www.greenokapi.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] am i supposed to click on the actual desktop? [02:08] Amaranth: maybe I'll try that [02:08] yes [02:08] yes, right click on actual desktop [02:08] oy [02:08] then launch === apostols [n=apostols@] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Does anyone know why the Ship-it CD's don't include the alternate CD? === port7 [n=Bob@port7.vm.bytemark.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Hi [02:08] oh they don't?? [02:08] Mikasuliel: is there a list of folders on the configuration editor's left pane? [02:08] how can i reconfigure sound in Dapper? [02:09] Jack_Sparrow: there is no launch if i right click on the actual desktop [02:09] askyle: yes [02:09] everytime some1 say Mikasuliel my hilight scream like big === Lynoure [n=lynoure@lynoure.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] 'create launcher' [02:09] Mikasuliel: create launcher [02:09] Mikasuliel: is there a folder labeled "apps" ? [02:10] askyle: yes [02:10] Jack_Sparrow: i did create launcher [02:10] Mikasuliel: set type to link === CrashTestPenguin [n=aaron@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] Jack_Sparrow: ok [02:11] Mikasuliel: set command to /home and Name it anything you want === CrashTestPenguin [n=aaron@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:11] Mikasuliel: doubleclick it. A sublist should appear -- find "nautilus" there [02:11] Jack_Sparrow: there is no option for command [02:11] After many an hour hunting through Google searches... anyone know how to get Pent-D support to actually see 2 processors? [02:11] Mikasuliel: and of course click on OK [02:12] theres a huge box that says command: [02:12] Mikasuliel: title of the box should be create launcher [02:12] It would appear that I already have an SMP kernel... ummm, I think I do === lophyte [n=dave@bas9-toronto63-1128737761.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] Mikasuliel: name/generic name, comment command, type, icon [02:12] Jack_Sparrow: just got it to work with what askyle told me to do [02:12] k [02:13] Amaranth: strange.. I switched back to xmodmap.us and now shift+bksp isn't restarting X [02:13] metrol: what kernel? the i386 ones dont have smp enabled by default [02:13] metrol: not sure but 686 s? restricted [02:13] skavenge: I'm just looking at Synaptic at the moment... where do I look for real here? === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] Coming from FreeBSD, and all this just looks odd to me still :) === matusbraga [n=matusbra@c8fc886c.bsb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] metrol: open a terminal and do 'uname -r' === askyle made himself useful at last -- sleep is now allowed [02:14] Sure enough, 386 === AskHL [n=ask@] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] metrol: My default install sees my P - d (both) [02:14] NEXT QUESTION: how do i get the backgrounds to work in file manager? [02:14] metrol: yeah, afaik the 386 kernels dont have smp support (so i've been told) [02:14] Jack_Sparrow: I checked /proc/cpuinfo and only one shows up [02:15] Also, the dmesg specifically states one has been disabled... which lead me here to you fine folks! [02:15] sound working again! === SuperpeZ [n=SuperpeZ@206.Red-83-34-39.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] Mikasuliel: no idea, try playing around with nautilus' options now that you know where to find them ; ) === eugman [n=chatzill@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === SuperpeZ is now known as FreemaN [02:16] hello [02:16] askyle: it says to drag and drop onto the window i want it on....i do that and nothing happens and then for the next several minutes i have that tile floating back n forth [02:16] metrol: bsd? what did they do, put a gun to your head? :) [02:16] Oh boy, in Synaptic it shows I have both the 386 and 686 kernels... [02:16] askyle: which leads me to believe its a video issue [02:16] I made a script. How do I give it a special icon and make it so it won't ask me if i want to open it or run it. I want it to jsut run. [02:16] i just dragged one into the file browser, works for me here [02:16] metrol: i mean to make you switch. i don't know many bsd folks who volunteer to use linux [02:16] larson9999: freeking nfs is borked hard in 6.1, which got me looking elsewhere === lasindi [n=lasindi@] has joined #ubuntu === Gerrath [n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] metrol: aha [02:16] Hi all, I've installed Ubuntu Dapper on one of my machines, and I installed the NVIDIA driver through Easyubuntu. In order to switch to the nvidia driver, I just changed the "nv" entry to "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Everything sems to work fine, except that as soon as X starts, my fan stops spinning. Is there a reason why this happens, and how can I fix it? [02:17] Man, and my time trials with Ubuntu and NFS xfrs blew me away! [02:17] Mikasuliel: i'm really at a loss there, sorry [02:17] hmmm my laptops doing the etherboot finds dhcp server and says its loading pxelinux.0 but not much happens [02:17] anyway, i desperately need some sleepies now -- hope to see y'all soon again : ) === Tape [n=duct@udp035348uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] askyle: thanks === IcemanNumber [n=ryan@adsl-67-38-31-77.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:18] metrol: i use smp but 2 p3 slot cpus. i heard it was hard with those cpus [02:18] barney@deepthought:~$ sudo ln -s /media/Music /var/www [02:18] ln: creating symbolic link `/var/www/Music' to `/media/Music': File exists <--- meh? [02:18] gnight [02:18] Mikasuliel: no problem [02:18] There's still a stack of stuff to get around to get fully comfy in Linux land... like no jails, init.d, and all the "little" differences. Still, I've been pretty impressed with Ubuntu for a while === cute_bettong [n=shane@unaffiliated/B0FH] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] can anyone tell me how to get a vnc client for ubuntu? [02:19] Well, it looks like I've got the 386 and 686 kernels installed here... do I force an uninstall on the 386 and a reinstall on 686? === chahibi [n=chahibi@adsl-239-133-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] And no, I don't have a clue how I got them both on here :) [02:19] Does Ubuntu have all Debian packages? More ? [02:19] Lasindi, it may be better to go through the motions and do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. The recofigure may find something specific to your card. [02:19] Wait, can I mount the same partition in two different places? [02:19] metrol: If i recall correctly, it keeps the old kernel as a 'backup', you should be running with the new 686 kernel... [02:19] can anyone tell me how to get vnc from the repos === zerby [n=phoranix@84-104-97-17.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] thunderbolt: not according to uname -r [02:20] Stormx2: symlink it [02:20] metrol:is it the smp restricted [02:20] metrol: you can pick which one to boot with grub as well === Killeroid [n=Killeroi@pool-141-154-217-47.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Jack_Sparrow: I tried. [02:20] i have the server on windows and i want the client on dapper === phatmonkey [n=ben@firshman.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:20] skavenge: Darn it sir, you are right and that should have hit me earlier [02:20] Jack_Sparrow: barney@deepthought:~$ sudo ln -s /var/www /media/Music [02:20] ln: creating symbolic link `/media/Music/www' to `/var/www': Operation not permitted === matusbraga [n=matusbra@c8fc886c.bsb.virtua.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:20] Would anyone have any idea why the backgrounds arent working when i drag n drop? Or is that more of a bug? [02:20] Anyone know how to make a bash script run only? [02:21] eugman: run only... what? [02:21] Mikasuliel: works fine here [02:21] I tried that last night... but I had the keyboard in the wrong plug. Just batting a 1000 here with Linux... duh! [02:21] Before I go and reboot, one more question... [02:21] metrol: i asked someone with a p4 chip(i think). he said it just worked. same for my p3's. [02:21] Stormx2, I want to skip the dialogue where it asks to run or write or run in terminal. === boricua [n=illustre@cpe-24-161-34-84.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] skavenge: well im glad it works somewhere! :D now if we could just get it working on my system :-P [02:21] eugman: Ah i think its just a preference mate... === spacefinn2 [n=naprinci@pool-71-120-192-150.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] If I have loaded in the nvidia kernel module that's running nice with the 386 kernel, will it still play nice with 686? [02:22] Jack_Sparrow: hello? [02:22] I guess I'm about to find out :) [02:22] metrol: that's the spirit! [02:22] I "should" be right back :) [02:22] Mikasuliel: yeah thats wierd, im doing it the same way too just dragging it from the 'backgrounds and emblems' window into the file manager === Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549CC4F4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] anyone know of an OSX-esque dock program for Ubuntu? [02:23] eugman: I tried that [02:23] Stormx2: Im exhaused... SOmeone else will need to help with that.. === eXCeSS [n=kubuntu@ool-45777547.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === dark_light [n=dark@unaffiliated/darklight] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] lophyte, gdesklets [02:23] eugman: unless there's something special I need to do in dpkg-reconfigure [02:23] stpere: oh, is there one for gdesklets? *looks* [02:23] skavenge: does the little "texture patch" stay and change the background or does it go back up to the background viewer? [02:24] lasindi, not sure then. You may want to check on the forums to see if anyone has the same problem or if it's something realted to how you changed it. [02:24] Mikasuliel: mine changes as soon as i drop it and it goes back [02:24] skavenge: mine doesnt change, it does go back, and then every couple of minutes, even after ive closed all that i still get a little patch "going back" === GoTux [n=britty@Toronto-HSE-ppp3874751.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] my trash won't empty... wtf... [02:25] Anyone know how to make it so a specic script won't ask whether I want to run or open it? I just want it to run. === Pliskin [n=Pliskin@adsl196-176-140-206-196.adsl196-5.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] Ademan: got things in it that are owned by root? ''ls -l ~/.Trash'' [02:25] Mikasuliel: yeah im definitely not getting that, im running stock video drivers, i really dont know what the culprit might be its an odd problem heh [02:26] augman: you have #! /bin/bash as the first characters right? [02:26] bimberi: i'm pretty sure nothing is [02:26] dagrump [02:26] soooorrry wrong keyboard === charle97 [n=c@udp007586uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] bimberi: yeah they're all my files [02:27] skavenge: im running stock drivers too, i tried installing the ati stuff like it said to do in the manual and it totally fubar'd it, i had to go into command line and revert to the old settings === chahibi [n=chahibi@adsl-239-133-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has left #ubuntu [] [02:27] Ademan, yes. [02:27] Ademan: hm, not sure then :/ [02:27] Mikasuliel: if the rest of the video/graphics are fine i doubt its a driver issue anyway .. seems like an odd gnome problem === jeeves_Moss [n=jeeves@CPE0008a11f809f-CM00122544901a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === metrol [n=metrol@24-75-146-34-st.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === wenko [n=wenko@S0106001217036213.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] whether or not its related, my gnome-panel is now using 1.6 gig of virtual memory and 1.1 physical memory [02:28] 1.1 gigs [02:28] eugman: ok, thanks [02:28] That silly grub menu did it... but I lost my nvidia driver [02:28] skavenge: they're a bit choppy === dolmen [n=dolmen@cho94-1-81-57-157-99.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] all: can any one give me a hand installing RealPlayer 10, and possibly a stream player for M$ streams? [02:28] Does grub remember the last picked kernel for the next reboot, or do I have some configuring to do? [02:28] you gotta configure iirc === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === sixteenwords [n=Lettuce@CPE-65-30-199-244.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === wory [n=wory@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Jeeves_moss, there is a page in the wiki, let me find it. [02:29] Ademan: sounds like I gots me some reading to do... until then I need to figger out how to get the "right" nvidia kernel module in here I guess === wory [n=wory@] has left #ubuntu [""] [02:30] jeeves_Moss: are you registered? [02:30] eugman: thanks again. Everything I've tried fails, and I'm getting annoyed with the M$ streams [02:30] GoTux: Registered? === Whatsisname [n=whatsisn@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mumbles is now known as mumbles-off [02:31] i was going to suggest you pm me, that way things can be easier to follow [02:31] register you nick on freenode [02:31] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods Still need to find streamer [02:31] goTux: I've got the other window open in XChat to talk to you. === kb1ibt [n=kb1ibt@c-24-34-200-115.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] eugman: thanks, I'll have a look === proctor [n=proctor@c-24-60-216-243.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mikearthur [i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] Jeeves_moss, could you remind me of the file format for a stream? === whitedemon0 [n=whitedem@] has joined #ubuntu === kb1ibt [n=kb1ibt@c-24-34-200-115.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:33] metrol: u wont like it i did clean install , update, get restricted , then install driver as if kernal updated zaps the driver [02:33] eugman: I'm trying to play stuff from www.radiotower.com === vorbote [n=vorbote@unaffiliated/vorbote] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] i got the hdd mounting prob solved === vorbote [n=vorbote@unaffiliated/vorbote] has left #ubuntu ["Don't] === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] Ah real ausio. You don't need real player Jeeves_Moss. Somehoe I'm listening to it with mplayer [02:35] I'll see if i can find anything about it. [02:35] jeeves_Moss: did you add gstreamer-mad [02:36] no, I'm guessing MPlayer will stream it propely? I'm not up for cut/pasting of URLs, etc. === Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] speaking of playing things... anyone able to get radiomat.com to work? with wine or other? [02:36] eugman: I have mplayer installed I think allready. [02:37] Jeeves_moss, but you probably need the right decoders which are unlikely to come with it by default === axs221_ [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] jeeves_Moss: i can probably help you out, but can we move to a less busy channel? [02:38] eugman: ok, I know I'm a n00b, and I'm lazy... or should I say drunk, and a n00b, but is there a simple way of doing this to have all the codecs install properly? Basicly I just want to be able to play streams (either M$ or real player) with out the cut/past of URLs === ryanakca__ [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] GoTux: ok, one sec. can you acomplish all of those things I'd like to do? [02:38] One question, Jeeves_moss do you have the w32codecs installed? [02:39] eugman: I don't think so. Is there a simple way of doing it? [02:39] probably, go here to this channel for now, it's quieter #gotux [02:39] yes you cut and past a few commands. let me get the link. [02:39] Is there a way to turn off gdm without erasing it? I tried to change a value to three, but it didn't work. === Healot [n=kubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] eugman: I'm heading over to #goTux [02:40] !restricted >jeeves_Moss [02:40] ok see you there === tach00 [n=root@ip24-252-159-125.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] Hey, how do i resize my swap partition? === axs221_ [n=axs221@] has joined #ubuntu === Zeddicus [n=zeddicus@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Zeddicus is now known as Zedd [02:43] Hey, how do i resize my swap partition? [02:43] tach00: I was gonna ask that some time later...incase i were to increase my ram === wweasel [n=karen@modemcable154.138-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] Off to do bad things to this poor PC === bsdirl [n=bsdirl@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] would I go back into windows and use partiton magic/gparted? [02:43] proctor: that works === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC8C4B0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] proctor: does the size of the swap relate to the amount of ram? or can you size it how you want [02:44] proctor: or computer management in controlpanel>admin.tools [02:44] Hey guys. I have a pretty serious problem, and I am rather worried. See, I can't boot up into Ubuntu anymore. I get to grub and the first error message on my list is "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device" Help please? [02:44] computer management > disk management does some light partitioning [02:44] i use same as physcl ram === iRob [n=rsmith@] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] tach00: you can size it how you want, but the rule of thumb is same size as physical ram [02:45] wweasel: did you remove any drives? === bsdirl runs === bsdirl [n=bsdirl@dialup-] has left #ubuntu ["P33ce!"] [02:45] ok that make sense [02:45] wweasel: change any partitions, run qtparted or Partition magic [02:45] Jack_Sparrow: Nope. And I know for a fact that my Ubuntu partition is still there and nice. I can see it from windows (I use ext2fsd which is ext2 drivers for windows) === DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] wweasel: funny, i usually hear the rule of thumb is twice physical ram... is that an old rule of thumb? [02:46] wweasel: those may be the cause of your problem [02:46] larson9999: I don't know...I looked it up yesterday [02:46] *twice yeah [02:46] ok now for a dorky question, which is newer, gnome or kde? === zerdith [n=zerdith@71-10-25-163.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] i luv this chnnl === lakcaj [n=lakcaj@wnpgmb02dc1-183-189.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] Jack_Sparrow: I used GParted, resizing and stuff yesterday, but I have used Ubuntu since. I haven't done anything to partitions since I was last in Ubuntu. [02:46] tach00: as in which put out the latest version or wich project was created last? === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:47] i learn some i laugh a lot === LTjake [n=bricas@CPE0011506c8049-CM0013711405ec.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] Question: is there any place or any person i can contact for help with the background issue? I've plain just given up on the video card [02:47] larson9999: which is better [02:47] tach00: that's a very dangerous and inflammatory question [02:47] heh [02:47] tach00: the answer is the one you like best. [02:47] loaded question, definitely [02:47] give them both a spin, there is no issue with having them both installed [02:48] i've just redesigned my partition scheme and installed windows on another partition next to Kubuntu (i need windows for Photoshop :( ) but my times are all screwed, you see, my timezone info was set that the hardware clock uses UTC, which thanks to windows it nolonger does, is there a way to fix this or am i forced to reinstall? :'( [02:48] tach00: Try them both, see what you like [02:48] 'better' is relative, and thats a flamewar waiting to happen heh [02:48] lol i c, guess there is some bias-ness [02:48] tach00: there are plenty of other desktops/wms too. i personally like kde much better than gnome. === bigfoot1 [n=opera@FLH1Acf202.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] help, my totem can't play .mov files [02:48] And I personally much prefer Gnome :) === just_ [n=just@] has joined #ubuntu === Kirk [n=kirk@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] larson9999: it does seem to have more capability [02:48] BiGcaT, w32codecs, wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats [02:48] bigfoot1* [02:48] totem seemed to work fine in my hoary and breezy days [02:48] damn tab complete [02:49] tach00: imo if you'd like something close to windows, i think you'd prefer kde. but definitely try some out. === Kirk [n=kirk@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:49] you can run kde apps on gnome and vice versa anyway [02:49] Anyways, could someone help me with my problem? It's kinda worrying me. I can't boot up into ubuntu.... "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device" [02:49] bigfoot1, see what i just said :P === sktx [n=sktx_@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Ignite_, that's no worry === kbrooks [n=kbrooks@unaffiliated/kbrooks] has left #ubuntu [] [02:49] you're just saying the clock is wrong, right? [02:49] yeah [02:49] skavenge: yeah, funny how people seem to forget that. i always do [02:49] I forget where it is that you set the time (are you using GNOME?) but I know it's definitely possible [02:49] i'm trying to get VMware in fullscreen mode and i'm getting this message: "Unable to find an appropriate host video mode." anyone seen that before? [02:49] skavenge: i don't always forget it. i always use gnome apps in kde and vice versa [02:49] right click on the clock [02:49] If you're in gnome, just right click the clock [02:50] larson9999: I don't. I use AmaroK and KMess, and Gnome. [02:50] yeah, probably something like that (using xfce here) [02:50] larson9999: yeah i live by k3b even though i use gnome [02:50] same as in kde [02:50] does anybody know where suse puts apache's httpd2-worker? [02:50] i'm using KDE, and i have used ntp to update the time automatically, problem is all the timezone info is incorrect, well, its not... but linux thinks the hardware clock is UTC and windows localtime === benplaut_win [n=plaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] Ignite_: i can play .mov files in mplayer, though [02:51] i cant seem to get k3b to do anything, the other cd burner software works but k3b just sits there and does nothing [02:51] bigfoot1, sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer then sudo apt-get install totem-xine [02:51] :P === FliesLikeABrick [n=Ryan@about/rpi/rawdor] has joined #ubuntu === lasindi [n=lasindi@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:51] I've got a problem with mounting a media drive. Here's the line in fstab, i thought it was set up that all users could rw: [02:51] now where did she put that hmmmmmm [02:51] /dev/hdb1 /media/files vfat user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 [02:51] Hey guys. I have a pretty serious problem, and I am rather worried. See, I can't boot up into Ubuntu anymore. I get to grub and the first error message on my list is "mount: Mounting /dev/hda2 on /root failed: No such device" Help please? [02:52] however, here's the line in mtab, and it's not rw: [02:52] /dev/hdb1 /media/files vfat rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 [02:52] Ignite_: if gstreamer worse than xine? [02:52] any suggestions? [02:52] Ignite_: i thoughtt that dapper has improved gstreamer to such a point that gstreamer has become the default. please confirm === panthere_noire [n=panthere@adsl-soho-1-c18-p058.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] gstreamer is good [02:53] you don't have the plugins though [02:53] wweasel: Since you just repartitioned I would think it got hosed, even though you got back into it once... [02:53] you could install them... [02:53] Ignite_: so how can i get the plugins [02:53] ? [02:53] gstreamer improved alot since version 0.8, 0.10 is usable === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-145-89.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] i tried searching for it in wiki.ubuntu [02:53] bigfoot1, not sure [02:53] Jack_Sparrow: I know it isn't hosed. I can browse through it from within Windows [02:53] one sec [02:53] can anyone help me get plugins for gstreamer, so that i can play .mov files in totem? [02:54] gstreamer is default but it still has issues ... notably dvd playback still requires totem-xine which im not thrilled about [02:54] Is there any place or any person i can contact for help with the background issue in nautilus? I've plain just given up on the video card [02:54] can someone give me a hand trying this ati card working [02:54] Did anyone ever get back to me on how to move files around on the remote system with gFTP? [02:54] bigfoot1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <-= that should help [02:54] Jack_Sparrow: I am going into a live CD right now to double check that it isn't hosed [02:54] has anyone used alinux 12.7? [02:55] Jack_Sparrow: What do you recommend I do? [02:55] Ignite_: thaNKS [02:55] wweasel: You cant tell it is intact by browsing... You are using experimental windows tool which even complicates the issue [02:55] bigfoot1, no problem [02:55] Jack_Sparrow: ext2fsd isn't particularly experimental, and read-only mounting isn't dangerous. [02:55] wweasel: If you say so... Not my choice.. [02:55] but i'm still a bit confused. how is it that i can play multimedia in mplayer but not in totem? === runes [n=runes@Ottawa-HSE-ppp242569.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] its working but its not being used right === insomnik [n=insomnik@smg13-2-82-232-128-209.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] Jack_Sparrow: How would I check if it's hosed? [02:56] wweasel: I suggest for you next install you create a second linux partition for a backup of your system [02:56] !ati [02:56] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [02:57] wweasel: If grub cant see the partition something is seriously wrong [02:57] Ignite_: i'm on that wiki page, but which instructions do i follow? [02:57] Ignite_: shoulld i keep my current version of totem? [02:57] ahhhh ... cheers === LeanCalPer [n=LeanCalP@] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] Jack_Sparrow: I am in a Live CD now. How would I mount it? [02:58] !mount [02:58] Disks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks === Metaltron [n=Metaltro@66-53-228-19.red.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] for those that have handicaps... Click on System click on administration click on disks === Razumikhin [n=FMD@cpe-24-175-253-67.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Loomy11 [n=brian@CPE-70-92-88-143.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] Jack_Sparrow: I don't know what to do. You think it's hosed. How would I verify for sure? [03:01] Jack_Sparrow: If it is hosed, what should I do? [03:02] When I try to install my Nvidia drivers I get this message: [03:02] " jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jdk-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip [03:02] (choose the non-update version if this is the first installation). [03:02] Please visit [03:02] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.html === jhnjwng [n=wj1918@pool-70-18-166-13.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] now and download. The file should be owned by root.root and be copied [03:02] to /tmp." [03:02] I go to the site and I don't know whitch one to get can someone help me please? [03:02] wweasel: I would make a second ext partition, copy my /home folder to it and reinstall === joeljkp [n=jjp@host-69-59-75-111.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] could I just copy it to my FAT32 partition? [03:02] i need libopenal.so.0; should i install libopenal0, or libopenal0a? [03:02] sure [03:02] sorry for my message making so many posts not sure why that happened === kkrizka [n=kkrizka@S010600207801aeb7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] but that can have problems... [03:03] Jack: why? [03:03] file length restrictions and such... but do it any way you want.. === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:04] argh. So there's no way of recovering my file system? Even though I suspect that it is intact? [03:04] wweasel: Just my choice to use a spare ext3 === ryanakca___ [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] for the 3rd and final time: can someone point me to someone/somewhere where i can receive help with this nautilus background error? [03:04] wweasel: it could be recovered.. with enough time and effort.. If you had the knowledge.. === Ophiocus [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] Mikasuliel: google for an answer or you can pay for help through ubuntu's website, i dont know where else to look === Zedd [n=zeddicus@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] I have a disk partition with all my stuff inside, has the label /, can I still make a partition inside it? [03:06] anyone? libopenal0 or libopenal0a? [03:06] Mikasuliel: will ya calm down,most of the peope here are volunteers and so ust ask politely [03:06] *just [03:07] is it okay for me to repost my question? === Patrick_ [i=Patrick@] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] Jack_Sparrow: Could you point me in the right direction if I wanted to try to see if it can be recovered? [03:07] ... [03:07] Killeroid: i have been trying to ask nicely, but ive asked 3 times over the span of a half hour/45 minutes, and ive been ignored each time when people after me have asked for help [03:07] XGL is pissing me off like no other [03:07] this is bull shit [03:07] !language [03:07] Loomy11: Yeah, after a while if no one answers [03:07] Please watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly. === bigfoot1 [n=opera@FLH1Acf202.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has left #ubuntu [] === david_ [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] Patrick_, its alpha software.. it will be buggy.. [03:08] it seems like its more trouble then good... [03:08] yes but this is outragious [03:08] When I try to install my Nvidia drivers I get this message: [03:08] " jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jdk-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip [03:08] (choose the non-update version if this is the first installation). [03:08] Please visit [03:08] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.html [03:08] now and download. The file should be owned by root.root and be copied [03:08] it will be.. its alpha software.. [03:08] to /tmp." [03:08] I go to the site and I don't know whitch one to get can someone help me please? [03:08] if people are not replying it most likely means no one knows the answer .. they are not just ignoring [03:08] is there a program to copy dvd's? [03:08] Mikasuliel: Probably no one knows the answer for you [03:08] Outrageous! Patrick_ you should sue the developers! Oh wait, that's YOU. [03:08] Patrick_, its not supposed to work properly... its not finished.. [03:08] Loomy11: what does java have to do with nvidia drivers? [03:08] I've spent....atleast 100+ hours getting it to work ignite_ [03:08] wweasel: You are asking how high is up? With yourcurrent level of knowledge you are better off reinstalling === zaudragon [n=takumi@growl/zaudragon] has joined #ubuntu === sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] hackel? wtf? [03:08] ok i have a problem, what piece of software would i use to run a shell script periodically? [03:09] hmmm, where should I ask about parted? === TigerWolf [n=TigerWol@ppp202-65.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] skavenge: i dont have any idea but it gives me that response every time i try. [03:09] Patrick_, well, you can't complain really, its alpha software, expect it to act like alpha software [03:09] Patrick_: You have no one to blame for the software not working the way you want but YOURSELF. Go get off your ass and fix it. === burnfire_ [n=burnfire@ip72-197-157-17.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] ignite_ well, I think it screwed up my video card drivers. [03:09] wweasel: ok, thats fine i understand that, then it would be nice if they could point me in a direction that would help me, and i already have googled it [03:09] hackel, I don't have time for assholes === burnfire_ [n=burnfire@ip72-197-157-17.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:09] Loomy11: wish i could help but that ones got me baffled, i dont see how the two are connected [03:09] !language [03:09] Please watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly. [03:09] ... [03:09] Patrick_, its a completely different X server and its alpha software.. of course it did -_- [03:09] lol === GoTux [n=britty@Toronto-HSE-ppp3874751.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [03:10] Patrick_: No but you have time to waste 100+ hours on something silly like that? Come on, you obviously are not the most technical person around. Just wait until it's done before playing with it and getting upset. [03:10] ignite_ fglrxinfo says "Unable to open display :0" === benplaut_win is now known as benplaut === badbrainz [n=me@adsl-065-012-248-023.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] hackel, please spare me [03:10] hackel, when your car doesn't work the way you want, I get the feeling you take it to someone else to fix it after spending a hefty amount of time complaining. [03:10] anyone? libopenal0 or libopenal0a? === zaudragon [n=takumi@growl/zaudragon] has left #ubuntu [] === AskHL [n=ask@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] what would i use to run a shell script periodically? [03:11] ignite_ isant it supposed to use display :1? [03:11] is there software that can copy a dvd? [03:11] adamant1988: Exactly, I don't try to assemble a half-working prototype car when I know nothing about it and get upset that it doesn't work. === auk [n=scott@h-69-3-213-153.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] Jack_Sparrow: I just don't want to give up and restart from scratch. I am still able to see everything in my linux partition. I have booted it successfully a couple times since using GParted. Splashy still works until it encounters the error. I'd like to undrstand: what is broken? Why can't it detect the partition if a Live CD and the windows software can? === dolmen [n=dolmen@cho94-1-81-57-157-99.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] joeljkp: do a 'dpkg -S ' ,it should give you the package with the file you want === user_ [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] david yes, and it can shrink it like the windows prog [03:11] Patrick_, i don't know, i've never used it, i've used AIGLX and thats as close as it gets, that was just for playing around, i wouldn't use it full time, not yet === lenrek [n=bruno@201-42-102-125.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] hackel, I bet you would when everyone else around is talking about how cool it is and doing it. [03:11] I just updated to Dapper and now I can't run k3b as anything but root. I also can't run gnomebaker at all, it says it has a GThread error (only one can be started at at time). How can I fix one or the other? [03:12] wweasel: then use live and reinstall grub [03:12] ignite_ hmm... [03:12] hawkaloogie, try running k3bsetup as root [03:12] rpedro: they both have the same file === Mikasuliel [n=mika@24-54-78-63.bflony.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:12] wweasel: that cant hurt [03:12] rpedro: and the same description [03:12] Jack_Sparrow: You think that might help? [03:12] what would i use to run a shell script periodically? === user_ is now known as Budtye [03:12] Does anyone know how to fix such an error? with fglrxinfo, it says "Unable to open display :0" [03:12] adamant1988: Especially not if the car maker GAVE me the spare prototype parts for free. [03:12] joeljkp: then get the one with the most recent version number [03:13] Jack_Sparrow: I had to do that once, after I reinstalled Windows yesterday and it rewrote my MBR. Grub was restored successfully, and I opened up Ubuntu once. Shut it down, went out, came back, now this. [03:13] hackel, are you guys talking about xgl & compiz by any chance? [03:13] rpedro: openal0: 0.2005080600-2.1build2, openal0a: 1:0.0.8-1ubuntu1 [03:13] DarkMageZ: No, we're talking about cars. :) === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === cute_bettong [n=shane@unaffiliated/B0FH] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:14] hackel, oh, but before that :P [03:14] wweasel: I'm done with this... [03:14] joeljkp: get the ubuntu version, don't know where you got that other one === wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] Jack_Sparrow: Sorry to bother you. === lwizardl [n=james@] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] ubunto [03:14] DarkMageZ, yes, we were talking about XGL/compiz [03:14] What yours preferred application for irc client? === ryanakca___ is now known as ryanakca [03:14] wweasel: You keep remembering things you did... [03:14] DarkMageZ: yes, that's the general topic. [03:14] xchat [03:14] rpedro: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libopenal0, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libopenal0a [03:14] Jack_Sparrow: No, I don't. I know exactly what I did. [03:14] rpedro: they're both in dapper [03:14] what might i use to run a shell script periodically? === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] wo0t! GAME STARTING IN #ubuntu-trivia!!!!! [03:15] wweasel: Even when I asked what all lead up to the problem you NEVER mentioned you reinstalled Windows.. [03:15] tanlaan: cron - check man crontab and crontab -e [03:15] wweasel, I know this is off topic... do you or did you do graphical art? [03:15] Patrick_, xgl is in #ubuntu-xgl :P === dakine [n=darat@cpe-70-95-24-89.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] adamant1988: I have no idea what you're talking about. [03:15] nevermind then :) === Jack-Ho [n=nimrod@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] wastrel: what? [03:16] Patrick_, it is really nice once you get it working. keep at it if you have the time [03:16] Jack_Sparrow: I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier. But it didn't seem relevant. I have been in Ubuntu since I reinstalled windows. [03:16] Jack_Sparrow: And since I restored grub earlier today [03:16] !grub [03:16] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [03:16] Jack_Sparrow: (which was after installing windows) [03:16] tanlaan: cron is the program to use for scheduling periodic execution of commands [03:16] i am on the verge of instling ubuntu and need to know if/how i can import firefox bookmarks [03:16] darkmagez, I am aware of how awesome it is.... it also makes productivity even easier. I got AIGLX working, but it was slowish and alot of people told me that XGL will run much faster [03:17] Jack_Sparrow: And obviously the partitioning was before reinstalling windows. [03:17] !cron [03:17] cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a decent howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm [03:17] darkmagez, that channel..bah, nobody answers me... [03:17] wastrel: ok thankyou [03:17] dakine: yes, you can import your entire firefox profile === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:17] Patrick_, yeah, that channel depends on the time of day and stuff. [03:18] wastrel: are there any programs that work like crontab except have a gui? === polishkoop [n=maka@dynamic-acs-24-154-102-8.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] tanlaan: i dunno, i just use cron :] [03:18] ok tkz, is ther a graphical file manager ( i hate to say it but like windoze explore) so i can see what is in which directories? last question, i promise [03:19] Jack_Sparrow: To be honest, I have no clue what caused the change in between the time Ubuntu booted up nicely (after all of that) and now, when it bitches about not having a partition. I am sorry I didn't recount the entire story, and if that wasted any of your time. === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] dakine: yes [03:19] wastrel: haha well are there any help files for cron? [03:19] nautilus [03:19] tanlaan: man crontab, man cron. also that link ubotu sent === PetrolBomb [n=king@dsl-165-223-194.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === metallord [n=metallor@] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] does dvdrip do shrinking as well or do i need to install something else? [03:19] dakine: yes,ubuntu has a graphical file manager === godlygeek [n=godlygee@cpe-24-193-242-134.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] i didnt see it on the live disc [03:20] what is it called === Metaltron [n=Metaltro@66-53-228-19.red.clearwire-dns.net] has left #ubuntu ["X-Chat"] [03:20] dakine: its called nautilus === unsigned2 [n=unsigned@2.251.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] !nautilus [03:20] I know nothing about nautilus === Hudson_H [n=mike@230-51.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] hi [03:20] I'm running ubuntu dapper and I'm trying to get my wireless internet to work. I managed to get the windows drivers installed. I can't seem to connect to my wireless internet though and ubuntu seeing my wifi card as eth1 is making me confused. Can anyone offer some help? [03:20] wastrel: thanks man you were a big help :D [03:21] Hello,I need some help with ghamachi,I'm using Ubuntu 6.06,and I'm new at everything about linux,can anybody help me? [03:21] polishkoop: what kinda card do you have? [03:21] polishkoop: wireless is a pain in the ass. what wifi card are you working on/ [03:21] what's ghamachi? [03:21] dakine: Click on places then desktop to start Nautilus [03:21] (excuse my language before someone types !language) [03:21] ghamachi its the GUI for hamachi,a very simple VPN program [03:21] ok, i'll spin it up again and look for nautilus, tks killeroid === soberon [n=soberon@] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] godlygeek: linksys wireless-g with speedbooster pci. Model wmp54gs and it uses the broadcom chipset. === Entonian [n=Entonian@h-66-167-49-241.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === craCO [n=complexi@bb-66-63-118-241.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] how do i back up my psx game in linux? [03:22] i always get input output errors and whatnot [03:22] it only copys 20mb of it === miguelsr [n=miguelsr@] has joined #ubuntu === Ophiocus [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu === pump [n=santi@OL126-58.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] hi, i need help with a Pinnacle PCTV Stereo [03:23] after an apt-get dist-upgrade to dapper, apt-get update spits a few lines out at the end that say "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release: Unknown error executing gpgv === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === guaxinim [n=guaxinim@] has joined #ubuntu === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC8C4B0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] !printer [03:24] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows === guaxinim [n=guaxinim@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:24] anyone have any suggestions about fixing it? i've found similar problems on the net and been unable to fix it using their suggestions. === abc123 [n=abc123@cpc4-yarm1-0-0-cust657.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] i need help with a Pinnacle PCTV Stereo, i don't have signal === robersonfox [n=roberson@] has joined #ubuntu === dhamilto [n=DGH@69-174-44-167.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] hi [03:24] is there humans in here? [03:25] oablz? === milla [n=eddie@] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] NO [03:25] godlygeek: do you have any ideas? [03:25] Moo! [03:25] hey [03:25] sweet [03:25] hello [03:25] how do I install gnome 2.15.x ? [03:25] is there ne one hu is intrested in astro travelling? [03:25] ;) [03:25] im not selling ne thing lmfao [03:25] abc123: Have a question? [03:25] o_o [03:25] i've just installed ubuntu 5.10 and i have no root password === dr_willis thinks someone may get projected soon. [03:26] Use Sudo [03:26] i need to login as root [03:26] milla, use sudo === skon [n=skon@c220-237-18-72.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] im new at this. [03:26] milla, thats how it woprks.. and no ya dont [03:26] sudo and your user's password [03:26] how do I install gnome 2.15.x ? [03:26] it's possible to use sudo to get a root shell - if you ever need to. [03:26] Any way to make USB devices sync the data without umount so that you can unplug them any time (except while actively writing of course)? [03:26] you need the dapper repos i think [03:26] asks for a password [03:27] your password [03:27] after typing sudo and password [03:27] YOUR password [03:27] milla, type "sudo su -" [03:27] and do like skavenge === socket7 [n=socket7@c-69-181-120-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] how do I install gnome 2.15.x ? === dhamilto is now known as dgh1973 === dapatrick [n=dapatric@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] how do i accesss my slave drive? [03:28] its got windows xp [03:28] on it [03:28] has it got a diff file system so i can acssess it === benplaut_win [n=plaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] thanks dhamilto, i owe you a blowjob [03:28] abc123: You want it mounted every time? === benplaut_win is now known as benplaut [03:28] some one know if i could install a lexmark printer to dapper? [03:28] haha [03:28] :P [03:28] when cna I collect? [03:28] miguelsr: yeah [03:29] Killeroid do u know how? [03:29] some one going to answer me please:( [03:29] abc123: ntfs should be used as read only, fat32 can be rw [03:29] !cups [03:29] Can anyone help me out with using MAKEDEV? its a long story but i need it to make a /dev/hdc so i can make my CD rom hot swappable. [03:29] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [03:29] Killeroid because i try but it dont doit [03:29] abc123: you don't have an icon for it on your desktop? Try places>computer [03:29] but can i acess it throught this OS? [03:29] ubuntu [03:29] yes [03:29] abc123: yes [03:29] miguelsr: check linuxprinting.org for the lexmark linux drivers [03:30] how === craCO [n=complexi@bb-66-63-118-241.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:30] abc123: open your places menu at top, then computer, that should list your drives [03:30] abc123: you can manually edit fstab or use the diskmopunter script === arapehl has to say, I've been running Ubuntu (Linux for that matter) for just a few days now and I am FREAKIN IMPRESSED. Not only is the OS rock solid (in comparison to Windows), but the community is incredibly helpful and the more I discover what I'm able to do on this platform, the more impressed I get. Man, this has been a good week! [03:30] mounter [03:30] does anybody here have a pinnacle card? === milla [n=eddie@] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] hey [03:31] im back [03:31] !mount [03:31] Disks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks === tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] i need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make windows the default OS [03:32] how do i use a wireless lan card? [03:32] /dev/hdb1 on /media/files type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000) << Anyone know why this wouldn't be rw for either user or root? === Jessehk [n=jesse@Toronto-HSE-ppp3883334.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] but i need to do it as root right? [03:32] milla: eeek, no! [03:32] ive got the drivers [03:32] milla: Ok, so do it [03:32] sorry im a noob to linux [03:32] milla: you can copy and paste the windows section to the top of the list [03:32] help [03:32] abc123: drivers for ? [03:32] milla: yeah milla, as root [03:32] yeah [03:32] but [03:32] ive got em for my wireless lan card [03:32] can anyone tell me why my wire connection can access my lan, but my wireless can't, even though I can access the internet through both? [03:32] i just dno how to use it [03:32] i need to be root to do so [03:32] the card [03:33] i cant login from the main screen as root [03:33] use sudo [03:33] in a terminal [03:33] what can I do to change the attributes of /boot/grub/menu.lst [03:33] in order to make it writeable [03:33] sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [03:33] Jack_Sparrow: ask the bot about homebrew, just for a laugh [03:33] put that in a terminal [03:33] milla: nope, you'll have to open a term or log in as you on console then do that whole "sudo su -" thing [03:33] and when it ask for a password put your password [03:34] or what pump said [03:34] how do I install or fix the gtk libraries? [03:34] Can anyone help me out with using MAKEDEV? its a long story but i need it to make a /dev/hdc so i can make my CD rom hot swappable. the man pages aren't doing me any good :( [03:34] im root in the console, i have # [03:34] you shouldn't need to on ubuntu... udev [03:34] and then? how do i edit menu.lst [03:35] If I delete a partition, will /etc/fstab change itself, or will I have to manually chane it? [03:35] dgh1973, I have never been told about udev [03:35] vi /boot/grub/menu.lst and put the block for your windoze entry above the rest === luke [n=luke@d58-108-51-166.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] Jessehk: manually [03:35] socket7: udev should automagically create device entries for you [03:35] anyone? Why can't my wireless access my lan, but can access the internet? === qaoz [n=woax@ppp18-128.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] how can i change the hostname that shows up in bash. i mean the qaoz@localhost thing. how do i change localhost to something i want? [03:36] Just not worth it. I'll create a /home partition on my next computer. [03:36] qaoz: vi /etc/hostname [03:36] ive found my hdd its VFAT === boelloesch [i=nono@ip104.63.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] dgh1973, thats nice. it's not working for me. [03:36] and inaccessable [03:36] now what? === lindsay [n=lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] i cannot write :( === lindsay [n=lindsay@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:36] i cannot edit menu.lst [03:37] socket7: what does your cdrom device show up as in your /etc/fstab? [03:37] what else can i do? [03:37] what error are you getting when trying to edit it milla? [03:37] i cannot write [03:37] hi - got a little question [03:37] :( [03:37] dgh1973, uh. It doesnt. It's a removable drive. I'm trying to make my laptop find it when i've installed the drive after boot, and I'm also trying to find out how to remove it without the system locking up completely. [03:38] abc123: do you want my help? [03:38] dgh1973, I'm trying to use ./idectl 1 rescan to get it to find the drive [03:38] but it says /dev/hdc is not found [03:38] socket7: ahh I see... what kind of drive is it, usb? [03:38] what other editor can i use? im using vi /boot/grub/menu.lst [03:38] hot swap bay [03:38] and i cannot write [03:38] :( [03:38] milla: nano is a good one [03:39] vi is also good [03:39] abc123: go to term, type sudo nautilus, browse to boot/grub, double click grub.lst you should be able to edit and save it [03:39] 8( [03:39] idectl errors out with /dev/hdc cannot be found, and theres no /dev/hdc when i ls /dev === |TigerWo| [n=TigerWol@ppp151-169.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] is there a a really easy way to install a mp3-player at ubuntu? === ShadowLurker [n=ShadowLu@ppp-68-250-175-46.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] !mp3 [03:39] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:39] so I've been trying to create a /dev/hdc to make idectl work. [03:39] Killeroid hey i download the driver but it doesnt works [03:39] what model laptop socket7? [03:39] ick running nautilus as root, :) [03:40] fujitsu P5010D [03:40] need help [03:40] i tried to install AIM [03:40] i have friends who have the same model as mine and have gotten it to work [03:40] I need to install or fix the GTK libraries,anybody can tell me how? [03:40] jack [03:40] for "All Other OS" [03:40] i dont have a clue [03:40] yes [03:40] wtf is term [03:40] there is no term [03:40] and it says to type, usr/local/bin/aim in the command line, i tried that and it said it was an invalid command [03:41] there is nothign what u said [03:41] ever [03:41] socket7: if you power down, insert cdrom and boot up it should automatically create the device for you (i guess it isn't) but ejecting it live is a bad idea in general... hot bays on laptops are treated as ide in most cases I think [03:41] abc123: go to applications, accessories and term [03:41] im confused [03:41] terminal? === NightVision [n=night@or-71-48-176-70.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] yes [03:41] there is know term [03:41] !terninal [03:41] I know nothing about terninal [03:41] !terminal [03:41] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [03:41] dgh1973: I can do it in windows [03:41] socket7: what model laptop and version of ubuntu? [03:41] Time to learn some Linux basics. [03:41] is there an easy way to install a mp3-player at ubuntu? [03:42] !mp3 [03:42] miguelsr: try installing the driver through the system -> administration -> printing === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:42] abc123: it is part of the default install... === Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-147-169-191.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] boellesch: search google for "Easy Ubuntu" [03:42] boelloesch: www.getautomatix.com [03:42] abc123: it is part of the default install... What do you see when you click on applications then accesories [03:42] anyone else ever have this problem? Wireless can access the internet, but not anything on the lan? [03:42] anyone have a link for setting up 5.1 surround sound? [03:42] yeah easyubuntu also === Kartharak [n=jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] !automatix [03:42] anyone who can help me install AIM, go to #UbuntuPalace [03:42] automatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. [03:42] Killeroid i tryed too it detects my printer but doesnt works [03:42] dint work [03:43] Does anyone know if there is a version of an IM that can work with Yahoo webcam for linux? [03:43] abc123: it is part of the default install... What do you see when you click on applications then accesories [03:43] I've had no issues with automatix === Kartharak is now known as iJeff [03:43] sent me to the fucking shitty one ive seen about a million times [03:43] the master hdd [03:43] have there been alot of questions in here today about problems mounting FAT drives? [03:43] Does anyone know if there is a version of an IM that can work with Yahoo webcam for linux? [03:43] abc123: You should see an option for terminal [03:43] Benyes [03:43] yeah i got it [03:43] dgh1973, Its a fujitsu p5010D. I'm running ubuntu dapper, and turning the laptop off its not an acceptable solution for me. I'm not switching until I can do everything in linux i can in windows. And windows can hot swap these drives no problem. [03:43] i wrote [03:43] iJeff, may want to do some googling for that.. and try the latest gaim [03:43] does anyone know if EMBOSS is available in any of the apt repositories? [03:43] benplaut: yes [03:43] that thing u said [03:43] dint work [03:43] dr_willis: im on gaim 2.0 beta [03:43] at all [03:44] sent me to my master hdd [03:44] Jack_Sparrow, i'm thinking rogue update... [03:44] which i dont care about === BWD [n=bdotson@pdpc/supporter/student/bdotson] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] it's pretty f*ed up over here [03:44] as i need to delete viruses from my slave hard driver [03:44] hdd === eric__ [n=eric@cpe-66-67-29-65.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] hard drive^ === domster [n=dominics@] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] Wonder if I could solicit some help with a Sony Vaio and a USB hard drive. [03:44] which is becoming a chore for this unstable peiece of shit they call an opertating system [03:44] I just need to know why MAKEDEV wont make an /dev/hdc for me :( [03:45] abc123: go to terminal, type sudo nautilus, browse to boot/grub, double click grub.lst you should be able to edit and save it [03:45] Ubuntu installer kept failing so I installed PCLINUX (for now) on the USB drive. Put LILO on the MBR of the USB drive... [03:45] abc123: saying it didnt work is NOT helpful, where did it not work [03:45] i typed the sudo nautilus then thats it [03:45] cause i dint think they are supposed to have commas [03:45] CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? [03:46] ShadowLurker, please don't shout [03:46] ..but the VAIO won't boot off of it. Can't set the BIOS to look at the USB drive and it's my work machine, so I don't dare mess with the main drive by adding GRUB or LILO to its MBR. [03:46] i done that it sent me to the master hard drive which ive said [03:46] abc123: go back to XP, you two were made for each other if you cant follow SIMPLE instructions === gandalf [n=gandalf@ip68-8-172-126.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] my ears!!! [03:46] i cant go back to xp [03:46] ..so I'm thinking I need to make a boot disk. [03:46] hello [03:46] abc123: did nautilus open [03:46] i need to fix it hence the reason im using shitty linux which doesnt work for humans [03:46] Then I thought maybe I could use my UBUNTU live CD to point to the kernel on the HD I have. [03:46] made my i's hurt [03:46] Is there a way to do that? [03:46] ShadowLurker: whats your problem? [03:46] dno wat that word mean [03:47] but two icons came up === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-147-96.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] desktop [03:47] is there a quick way i can check what port a programme is using ( eg synergy )? [03:47] and some other small file [03:47] which dint look too usefull === Cornellius [n=alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] skon, ask ;-) [03:47] abc so you are in nautilus... press the up arrow until you see boot folder [03:47] i did but it would not tell me [03:47] socket7: did you mean Fujitsu P1510D? [03:47] Maybe someone has a better/slicker solution than this one? [03:47] anyone have a link for setting up 5.1 surround sound? [03:48] skon: netstat -a | grep synergy maybe [03:48] no root poped up === prxq [n=prxq@C53a0.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] nothing about that funy word [03:48] abc123: double click on boot folder then double click on grub folder and double click on menu.lst [03:48] Killeroid: go to #UbuntuPalace please [03:48] which isnt english [03:48] dgh1973, no. its a P5010D. Its one of their older ultraportables [03:48] Jack_Sparrow, have there been more fat questions than... usual? [03:48] wastrel: okay thanks [03:48] ok [03:48] ive opened dboot strap === arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-192-193.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] skon, it is 24800 [03:48] benplaut: all day.. [03:48] I'm trying to do some research for ya socket7 [03:48] skon, by default [03:48] ok... glad it's not just me :P [03:48] I've already done it. I know whats wrong [03:48] why would a network interface not be able to access internal lan addresses? [03:48] stpere: yes [03:48] ive install Gstreamer and it seems to messed up my sound :( [03:48] and its /dev/hdc is missing. [03:49] *installed [03:49] its blaitenly shit as its saying fucking qwerty keyboards === benplaut checks launchpad === ShadowLurker [n=ShadowLu@ppp-68-250-175-46.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:49] and MAKEDEV isn't creating it for me [03:49] tomlikestorock: is the nic set as the DMZ? [03:49] # Inserted by languagechooser. [03:49] LANG_INST="en_GB.UTF-8" [03:49] LANGUAGE_INST="en_GB:en" [03:49] # Inserted by kbd-chooser. [03:49] KEYBD="i386/qwerty/uk" [03:49] # inserted by prebaseconfig [03:49] SUITE="breezy" [03:49] thats wat it said [03:49] if i can find the port synergy uses then i can open it up on the other PC's firewall [03:49] use paste bin [03:49] nothing to do with my 160gig hard driver. [03:49] drive [03:49] abc123: we realize you are frustrated, but please try to be civil [03:49] wastrel: good question. How do I check? [03:50] skon, use netstat [03:50] Jack_Sparrow, have any of them been solved? [03:50] wastrel: this nic would be my broadcom wireless [03:50] abc123: you need to go one step at a time and tell us what you see, or you will get NO more help [03:50] # Inserted by languagechooser. [03:50] LANG_INST="en_GB.UTF-8" [03:50] LANGUAGE_INST="en_GB:en" [03:50] # Inserted by kbd-chooser. [03:50] KEYBD="i386/qwerty/uk" [03:50] # inserted by prebaseconfig [03:50] stpere: okay thanks === bcron [n=brian@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] SUITE="breezy" === NightVision [n=night@or-71-48-176-70.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:50] thats wat i see [03:50] I have solved them all day.. did you have another [03:50] ur not actually listeing chap === poncho1 [n=poncho@] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] ur blaming it on me [03:50] tomlikestorock: if you haven't set it up as dmz, it's probably not dmz. [03:50] when ur skipping wat im saying === tonyyaru1so [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] wastrel: that's what I was thinking ;) [03:50] abc123: start from the beginning and step by step [03:50] i dont mean to be an arse hole [03:50] abc123 please use the paste bin [03:50] right im in a root folder [03:50] Jack_Sparrow: i applaud your patience [03:50] abc123: then stop being one [03:51] wastrel: nonetheless, is there any iptables madness I need to be messing with or something? Why would my wire connection not have this problem? [03:51] is the sound card configured in xorg.conf or somewhere else? [03:51] tomlikestorock: so this is your wireless nic? is it working with the internet, but not LAN? [03:51] abc123: do you see a folder named boot [03:51] Jack_Sparrow, was it one thing messing up for all of them, with a similar sollution? trying to file a bug report [03:51] file:///root/dbootstrap_settings [03:51] ah cheers Tom7e [03:51] and that file is the only one i can see along side desktop === tonyyaru1so is now known as tonyyarusso [03:51] benplaut: no just noobs [03:51] wastrel: exactly. I'm on the wireless nic right now, but I can't access any other computer on teh network === Jack-Ho [n=nimrod@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:51] Im wondering if anyone can help me with an odd problem. I can boot from my cdrom but it's damaged and it stops right after the kernel is loaded. I have a usb cdrom I can load ubuntu with but I can't boot from it [03:52] can I boot from the floppy to get the usb cdrom working? [03:52] abc close it all down and start over. [03:52] yeah found it alot easier to get it from a diff location [03:52] tomlikestorock: first thing to check is whether you're connected to the wireless network you think you're connected to... use iwconfig and look at the essid. [03:52] as that command prompt wernt working in my favour [03:52] HiP_P: cheers? === tamran [n=tamran@d199-126-26-133.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] # Inserted by languagechooser. [03:52] LANG_INST="en_GB.UTF-8" [03:52] LANGUAGE_INST="en_GB:en" [03:52] # Inserted by kbd-chooser. [03:52] KEYBD="i386/qwerty/uk" [03:52] # inserted by prebaseconfig [03:52] for helping [03:52] im trying to setup a crontab, i can run /opt/lampp/bin/php -q /home/olid/server/test.php in terminal and it gives the output Wrote 34 bytes to the end of look.html! which is correct but its supposed to write this to the file look.html not to terminal any ideas ? [03:52] SUITE="breezy" [03:52] [03:52] as it give me that [03:52] hi guys, I just downloaded the iso image thinking it was supposed to boot [03:52] wastrel: check. I'm on the correct one [03:52] Jack_Sparrow, the next one that comes around, could you PM me their relevent dmesg output? [03:52] abc123: open a terminal window === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] some shita bout a qweerty keyboard and uk [03:52] tomlikestorock: so can you ping the router? [03:52] !pastebin >abc123 [03:52] to do a fresh install on a computer, what version of the ISO should I download? [03:52] k [03:53] Can anyone here help me with a quick perl question? === deitarion [n=deitario@moinmoin/fan/deitarion] has left #ubuntu [] [03:53] host unreachable [03:53] abc close it all down and start over. [03:53] abc close it all down and start over. [03:53] kk [03:53] grub was up then i closed a diff window. and it disapperaed [03:53] wastrel: host unreachable. Which is interesting. Last time I was trying to deal with this I got no route to host errors [03:53] hey how do I change the resol. to bootspash ? i want 1024 === russ [n=russ@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] im new to linux and its not running smoothly at all [03:53] all closed [03:53] tomlikestorock: check your routing table - route [03:54] im trying to setup a crontab, i can run /opt/lampp/bin/php -q /home/olid/server/test.php in terminal and it gives the output Wrote 34 bytes to the end of look.html! which is correct but its supposed to write this to the file look.html not to terminal any ideas ? [03:54] ive been getting loads of errors and cant find my hdd [03:54] abc123: boot all the way into ubuntu [03:54] how do i change what app Firtefox calls for a file type if I already chose the options "Always Do This" === nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] wat does that mean [03:54] abc123: boot all the way into ubuntu [03:54] is the desktop ubuntu cd only for use with windows? [03:54] i thought its here now [03:54] as the cd doesn't seem to boot [03:54] abc123: turn on your computer and wait for Ubuntu to run [03:54] I mean, i made mplayer always open ASX files with Firefox, but I want Firefox to call Xine when it sees and ASX file [03:54] its obivously running [03:55] should i reset? [03:55] tamran: it dosent need windows [03:55] stpere: can't see synergy in netstat - as soon as connection attempt fails it shuts down again [03:55] abc123: at this point NOTHING is obvious [03:55] tamran: burn to disc as iso [03:55] it seems that way === t94xr [n=x@222-154-185-68.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] dagrump_: I've burned it to disk [03:55] fuck all is working [03:55] dagrump_: booting to it doesn't work [03:55] sweet... kubuntu finally installed and upgraded on my powerpc [03:55] whew [03:55] does somebody have a pinnacle tv card? [03:55] hmmm cant change the sound daemon [03:56] abc123: do you have an applications option at the top of the screen [03:56] skon do you have access to the synergys [03:56] yup [03:56] skon, server [03:56] wastrel: two entries for both eth0 and eth1, and they're identical [03:56] yup [03:56] yp [03:56] yp [03:56] y [03:56] p [03:56] ypu [03:56] ypu [03:56] ypuy [03:56] it needs to burn as an iso not a data disk [03:56] p [03:56] stpere: ahh yes server you are right [03:56] time to kick this guy out [03:56] uy [03:56] and term [03:56] there it is [03:56] yes [03:56] but its fucking shit [03:56] abc123: go to applications, accessories and terminal [03:56] done [03:56] abc123: language [03:56] skon, start it and look the port it is using [03:56] tomlikestorock: is there a default line with the router address? [03:57] abc123: enough of YOUR shit, knock it off it is YOUR ignorance that is the problem === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:57] stpere:: yeah i found it with netstat - thanks mate === debiz [n=david@cm129209.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] skon, you are welcome [03:57] no its linux [03:57] its a fucking huge problem [03:57] wastrel: yup, for both interfaces. identical [03:57] Flags:UG [03:57] i like computers... i have paitence [03:57] but u just dont listen [03:57] abc123: type"sudo nautilus" [03:57] and blame it on me [03:58] this guy's a troll [03:58] Genmask:, metric/ref/use/:0 [03:58] It can be frustrating but don't take it out on the ppl trying to help you unless you paid money and dialed an 800 number [03:58] no ops kick him is there? [03:58] Someone ban this idiot [03:58] YOUR the one not listening jeez just ban this ignorance [03:58] yeah [03:58] what's wrong abc123? === talon218 [n=talon218@ip68-103-181-164.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] now for like the millionth time [03:58] there are two icons [03:58] tamran: check disk integrity === MistaED [n=mistaed@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] I guess it's not as easy as abc 123 === halitus87 [n=administ@] has joined #ubuntu === rendo [n=rendo@cable-24-139-11-220.listowel.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] haha [03:59] one saying " dbootstrap_settings " the other saying " desktop " [03:59] do 1 [03:59] tomlikestorock: hm actually the default gateway is irrelevant [03:59] your the one trying to access your windowsa partition? === dribble [n=dribble@3-211.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] how do you install an ftp server with logins and passwords [03:59] nothing else there [03:59] abc123: did a window open with the header root File Manager [03:59] What video player supports .bin formats in Ubuntu? [03:59] wastrel: oh [03:59] no [03:59] dagrump_: ok, I'll md5 it [03:59] ive told u loads [03:59] rendo: vlc [03:59] just root [04:00] did u read it [04:00] root [04:00] root [04:00] root [04:00] are you typing NAUTILUS correctly [04:00] yes cause i copy and paste [04:00] rendo: do yourself a favor and run automatix for the codecs before hand, though. then install vlc player, and you should be good [04:00] Did it ask for your password [04:00] tomlikestorock: i don't have any ideas... :] [04:00] unles ur doing it wrong [04:00] <------ throwing tha comp outta window - no mp3 worx :( [04:00] wastrel: curses [04:00] how do you install an ftp server with logins and passwords [04:00] :( [04:00] I have the codecs. [04:00] !mp3 > boelloesch [04:00] boelloesch, you can make it work [04:00] VLC? Thanks. [04:00] wastrel: I appreciate it [04:00] talon: pure-ftpd [04:01] !pure-ftpd [04:01] I know nothing about pure-ftpd [04:01] see what i mean... linux = shit [04:01] is that a graphical interface?? [04:01] !pure-ftp [04:01] I know nothing about pure-ftp [04:01] there is a good howto on the forumsd [04:01] forums [04:01] Jack_Sparrow: it does come up as the root dir when you do that .. he's gonna have to go up the directory tree to see the boot dir [04:01] talon: not at first, but there is a gui package you can install as well [04:01] abc123: what he's telling you is good, "sudo nautilus" in a terminal window should prompt for password then open up a new file manager window as root [04:01] Yep... [04:01] !language [04:01] Please watch your langage and keep this channel family friendly. [04:01] !making-love-to-a-woman [04:01] I know nothing about making-love-to-a-woman [04:01] HAha [04:01] heh [04:01] abc123: Please be civil or you'll be kicked out. [04:01] k thx i'll give it a try === nicholaspaul [n=nick@d198-53-228-206.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] lmao [04:02] no prob [04:02] thats funny [04:02] he needs to hit the green 'UP' button once then he'll see the boot dir [04:02] well people are as thick as shit [04:02] !women [04:02] !ops [04:02] The women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively. [04:02] as they blame me for thier mistakes [04:02] Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! === coucho [n=nikos@s559155cf.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] i only wanted simple answers to a simple question === tomlikestorock is surprised [04:02] abc123: what is it you are trying to do? are you the one trying to access a windows partition? [04:02] i dont mean to annoy people [04:02] I know how it comes up... and if that idiot would read and press the up arrow he would get to where he needs to be, but he is jus being stupid.. [04:02] !GStream [04:02] I know nothing about GStream [04:02] yeah [04:02] bugger === elkbuntop [n=melissa@203-206-255-153.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] !gstreamer [04:02] I know nothing about gstreamer [04:02] !g-streamer [04:02] I know nothing about g-streamer [04:03] well i want to access my 160gig slave hdd to be precise and delete the viruses and spyware.. [04:03] !g-string [04:03] I know nothing about g-string [04:03] i need to know how to decrypt an email sent by launchpad [04:03] sorry === xarq [n=xarq@c-24-6-158-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] abc123: do you know if it's an ide drive? if so what placement? (primary master/slave etc) [04:03] jack === dapatrick [n=dapatric@pool-71-126-108-35.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] abc123, download and burn to disk ultimate boot cd [04:03] if there are two [04:03] icons [04:03] it's free [04:03] !wearing-womens-underwear [04:03] anybody with a pinnacle pctv stereo here? [04:03] I know nothing about wearing-womens-underwear [04:03] that means there are two icons [04:03] Liar! [04:03] has some excelletn free tools on it abc123 [04:03] www.ultimatebootcd.com [04:03] lol [04:03] haha [04:03] not one hiding which will pop up when u press up arrow [04:03] t94xr, thanks [04:04] does anyone know how i can decrypt that message? [04:04] how can i install emaces ? [04:04] im Google. [04:04] tons of icons pop up when you hit the up arrow [04:04] no literally [04:04] im a url database [04:04] namely alot of directories [04:04] its a slave ide [04:04] F0LL0W3R: sudo aptitude install emacs === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:04] abc123: ok, primary or secondary? [04:04] anyone at all? [04:04] abc123, but it is ntfs right? [04:04] coucho: You need to use the PGP key you submitted to Launchpad [04:04] school? [04:04] abc123: click on system,administration then disks === tomlikestorock is grumpy [04:04] wastrel thx alot :) [04:04] tonyyarusso: of course, but what do i use to decrypt? [04:05] wat the top ide is on my 20 gig master and my bottom ide is on my 160 gig slave follow? [04:05] i dont know if thats right [04:05] how is it possible for there to exist two nics on one computer - both access the internet, but only one accesses internal resources? [04:05] coucho: What's your e-mail client? Should give you an option right in there. [04:05] coucho, you need the gpg key from the keyserver i would guess === proctor [n=proctor@c-24-60-216-243.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === zenrox-server [n=kergan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] yeah its there now [04:05] uhm i gave a hotmail address === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] but i cant do nothing with it [04:05] coucho, do you have a launchpad account? [04:05] yes [04:05] all the boxes are grey [04:06] im trying to set up gmailfs, does anyone know how to mount it? [04:06] and i cant enable it === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] (vfat) the file type [04:06] abc123, if it is windows drive, with windows XP installed it is NTFS - nothing you can do to it without ultimatebootcd [04:06] anyone know any good tuts on the firewall? [04:06] abc123: ok if it's your primary slave ide drive with ntfs filesystem try this in a terminal as root (no quotes) - "mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows" [04:06] coucho: Ah, okay. You can do it on the command line with gnupg I believe..there's a page on the wiki with instructions. One sec. [04:06] k [04:06] dgh1973, but he can' [04:06] !firewall [04:07] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface) [04:07] not write to it if it is ntfs [04:07] wastrel: did you need something? [04:07] cheers dgh1973 quite the clever person === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [04:07] unlike some [04:07] nomasteryoda: ntfs write is stable now [04:07] gnomefreak: user was misbehaving but seems to not be a troll, just a jackass [04:07] anyone know how to mount the gmailfs? [04:07] !ntfs [04:07] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [04:07] dgh1973, er, ok [04:07] not for my data [04:07] abc123: did that work? [04:07] ntfs write stable? nice! [04:07] gotasa go nite all [04:07] coucho: no [04:07] coucho NO [04:07] nah [04:07] permision denined [04:08] how do you change the theme of root protected applications? when i run synaptic it always reverts to whatever theme it had on install. [04:08] Jack_Sparrow, gnomefreak thanks [04:08] nomasteryoda: ntfs write is stable now <- what is that then? [04:08] np [04:08] unstable it is coucho [04:08] ah === GullyFoyle [n=jpar@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] very... lose data you will [04:08] tich, root protected? they use roots default theme im guessing.. run the theme tool as root. [04:08] mmk === adelfino [i=Dam@200-127-232-38.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] does anyone know how to mount gmailfs? [04:08] coucho: Dont believe everything you read.. [04:08] coucho, download the ultimatebootcd [04:08] you will have tools to do what you need [04:08] why? [04:08] abc123: ok... try it like this then "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows" === halitus87 [n=administ@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:08] tanlaan, check the gmailfs docs/homepage yet? [04:09] if you want to remove windows spyware, viruses, etc.. you need a windows os [04:09] coucho... Example... Coucho is Gay... [04:09] i can decrypt that message with ultimatebootcd? [04:09] abc123: or like this if you want to be paranoid and have read only access "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows && mount -o ro -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows" [04:09] dr_willis: yes i just cant get my system to mount...do you know how? [04:09] lol [04:09] only root can do that [04:09] coucho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#head-b54d61303895f1d048333715a2a372923aad22a8 [04:09] thanks [04:09] only root can do that [04:09] only root can do that [04:09] sorry i dno if everything is sending [04:09] abc123, do you mean to say that only root can do that? :P === adelfino [i=Dam@200-127-232-38.cab.prima.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:09] dr_willis: like i dont understand how to mount anything [04:10] tomlikestorock: are you done abusing the but? [04:10] lol [04:10] s/but/bot [04:10] tanlaan, mount command. :P and lots of options. worth reading/learning about. [04:10] sudo gives you root privliges, wow [04:10] !mount [04:10] Disks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks [04:10] tanlaan: DO you want to have drives mounted and on desktop with every boot? === Q_Continuum [n=Q_Contin@rrcs-67-52-219-78.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === dashriKe [n=dash@64-151-26-25-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu === satan [n=satan@S01060080c6f1efed.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] hmm, on your average IDE cable, does it matter which end goes into which piece of hardware? === debnub [n=chatzill@10001248038.0000022387.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] abc123: please dont repeat stuff like you are [04:10] dashriKe: dosent matter [04:10] k [04:10] abc123: just type sudo before the command and type your login password [04:10] dashriKe: jumper selectable.. most systems === llama32 [n=zak@086.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] I knew the out-of-hand rule that the lone end goes in the mobo, but I didn't know if that was absolute [04:11] hmmmm "No volume control GStraner pluins and/or devices found." === FluxLover [n=Flux@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] well what i want to do is to have the gmailfs mounted so i can just drag and drop things into it and have it in my gmail account === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [04:11] ah... diferent problem.. [04:12] *GStreamer [04:12] dr_willis: but your mp3s aren't cd quality [04:12] oops mistell [04:12] it doesnt give me the option to put my pass word in [04:12] GullyFoyle, given the womans choice of music... i dont think it matters. :P [04:12] dgh1973: Enjoy... :) [04:12] dr_willis: good one [04:12] abc123: it won't if you have already run sudo in the past, what 5 minutes or so [04:12] plus i cant tell the diff either. [04:13] crazy [04:13] lol [04:13] what are the programs that entail nic access to network resources? === Blacko [n=Blacko@c-24-129-90-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] k cheers for helping me [04:13] Anyone mind helping me? I'm trying to install my network (again >.>) And It gives me a "driver present" but not a "hardware present" when I do a - sudo ndiswrapper -l [04:13] iptables, etc? [04:13] did u read the convo with me and jack [04:13] he was blaming his too fast for his own good skim reading on me [04:13] abc123: sorry no, too much traffic here [04:14] I'd be glad to have a private chat with you and try and walk you through the details === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [04:14] cool [04:14] dgh1973: good get him the F out of here... === tomlikestorock [n=tomlikes@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] thats insane the whole time he had valuable advice you were too impatient to follow [04:14] uhm ok gpg --decrypt says that there's not valid gpg data found [04:14] i love u jack [04:15] i love ur huge brain [04:15] abc123: f off [04:15] that doesnt function properly === dr_willis feels the love. [04:15] why was I kicked? [04:15] Has anyone gotten gmailfs to work successfully lately? I tried it once and had some trouble. [04:15] what IRC client are you using abc123? === CrashTestPenguin [n=aaron@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] I use Ubuntu with the xfce desktop and someone is logged into the computer and has their screensaver running. Is it possible for me to log into VT1 and start the xfce desktop on VT8? [04:15] msn [04:15] need help with a pinnacle pctv stereo, does anybody know? [04:15] lewissymonds@hotmail.com [04:16] never mind [04:16] jack is probs going to use his small brain and hack me [04:16] that is so ekard [04:16] i'll ask someone who gives a shite [04:16] ok, did you get some kind of pop up conversation window with me saying "hello?"? === coucho [n=nikos@s559155cf.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Later"] === noclip [n=noclip@c-67-180-82-130.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] not a good idea to put email in a public chat room === pete6 [n=vvhatami@host-24-149-211-72.patmedia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] nope [04:16] abc123: Ask everyone here, you just DONT listen.. [04:16] would of clicked it [04:16] no u jump the gun [04:16] Dear John - CC: the world [04:16] how come im getting along with dgh? [04:17] HiP_P: pffft, it's hotmail.. M$ sells those email addresses to spammer anyway [04:17] ardchoille: Ctrl-Alt-F1 should get you to VT1, not sure what the command would be though, maybe startxfce or some such thing, and then just check the man to specify VT8. === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === abc123 [n=abc123@cpc4-yarm1-0-0-cust657.pete.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [04:17] no YOU dont listen people could teach monkey's the three commands he was trying to have you do [04:17] Jack_Sparrow: leave it alone, he won't. [04:17] Hi I'm having trouble changing my resolution, it's set on 1600x1200 and i'm trying to change to 1280x1024 and set it as default and it doesn't stay after i hit apply [04:17] oh well, at least i tried [04:17] true === Smeggy [n=Smeggy@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] dude using msn on freenode deserves all the abuse that he gets === RoninGurl [n=RoninGur@unaffiliated/RoninGurl] has joined #ubuntu === ThePizzaKing [n=thepizza@c211-28-165-190.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] some people just cant be helped [04:18] lol [04:18] pete6: i'd just remove the 1600x1200 from /etc/X11/xorg.conf (backup the original first) [04:18] guys get back to support [04:18] that whole ordeal was getting severly old, sheesh [04:18] thanks === pump [n=santi@OL126-58.fibertel.com.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:18] wastrel: alright, give me a second [04:18] Anyone have a question.. [04:18] wastrel: other than iptables and iwconfig, are there any other utilities I should be checking for this issue? [04:18] pete6: you can try getting down and dirty with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file === RoninGurl [n=RoninGur@unaffiliated/RoninGurl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:18] yup me [04:18] hmm [04:18] tomlikestorock: i dunno - check /etc/network/interfaces and turn off auto on the interface you're not moving maybe === abc123__ [n=abc123@cpc4-yarm1-0-0-cust657.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] er using [04:19] s/moving/using/ [04:19] hi im back === jighead [n=soccio@69-162-25-95.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Janitux [n=Pacman@219-130-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === Janitux [n=Pacman@219-130-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:19] tomlikestorock: System>Administration>Networking [04:20] cant fix the sound, i keep getting "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." [04:20] tomlikestorock: near the bottom of the window is the "Default Gateway Device" dropdown, that set to your wireless card? [04:20] dgh is there like a remote asstiance u could do for me? [04:20] wastrel: which 1600x1200? there are multiple entries under subsection "display" === sko1 [n=skon@c220-237-18-72.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] can anyone at all help me as to why my network never starts at boot? [04:20] pete6: yeah delete all of them if you don't want to use that resolution [04:20] dgh1973: if I'm using network-manager, should I be messing with these settings? [04:21] dgh: they're not going to conflict, are they? [04:21] once again: is there an easy way to listen to mp3 at ubuntu? [04:21] wastrel: can i delete all the resolutions i'm not going to use? (dumb question :P ) [04:21] !mp3 [04:21] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:21] pete6: yes you can if you want [04:21] tomlikestorock: not sure about that, is that something additional you've installed? [04:21] alright [04:21] boelloesh: install automatix, grab the codecs, install xmms, enjoy [04:22] [17180094.200000] FAT: Filesystem panic (dev hdb1) [04:22] [17180094.200000] fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0) [04:22] [17180094.200000] File system has been set read-only [04:22] any suggestions? [04:22] tomlikestorock: we don't recommend automatix on this channel [04:22] !automatix [04:22] automatix is a script that automates installation of some items and has been reported to break your system while doing that, please see http://help.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. [04:22] wastrel: heh, interesting [04:22] pffffff [04:22] wtf? [04:22] !easyubuntu [04:22] EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu. [04:22] what happened to the neutral entries?! [04:22] same thing, basically [04:22] dunno === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] isn't pretty much everything use at my own rish? [04:23] er, risk? [04:23] rm -rf [04:23] can anyone at all help me as to why my network never starts at boot? ... it's set to auto in /etc/network/interfaces... so i'm at a loss as to why it won't work.. anyone? [04:23] use at my own risk [04:23] ;) [04:23] abc123__: you have AIM or jabber? [04:23] nah lol [04:23] yahoo and msn [04:24] u could use my ip addy [04:24] to contact me couldnt u? [04:24] dgh1973: and abc123__ join #ubuntu-offtopic [04:24] it means in here people are not gonna troubleshoot anything involved in the two, hence your own risk .. they both have thier own channels anyway [04:24] wastrel: i am unable to save the xorg.conf in the same location [04:24] on gnome meeting === chowells [n=chris@kde/howells] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:24] Smeggy: auto means dhcp, try this "sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/networking /etc/rc2.d" [04:24] gnomefreak: thanks [04:24] dgh1973: yw === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] pete6: ah yes you need to have superuser priviliges to edit the file. save it in your homedir and you can copy it over with sudo [04:25] Seveas, are you awake? [04:25] how do you move files in terminal? [04:25] mv [04:25] tanlaan: cp or mv [04:25] tanlaan: mv [04:25] benplaut: more than likely not [04:25] thankyou [04:25] damn [04:25] tanlaan: be careful, mv or cp will silently overwrite existing files. === ChakRa [i=UPP@user-b91b01.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] ok will remember [04:25] tanlaan: and there's no undo. use -i to be safe [04:25] k [04:26] DGH1973 say if i give u my ip addy? [04:26] gnomefreak, whatever happened to the agreement of easyubuntu and automatix haveing the same 'user at your own risk' factoid? [04:26] tanlaan: mv also moves dirs [04:26] tanlaan: good advice use cp to copy file to wher eyou want it if it works than get rid of the org. [04:26] benplaut: they should [04:26] wastrel: what is sudo? [04:26] dgh1973, did that.. rebooted.. still doing the same [04:26] ..they don't [04:26] tomlikestorock --- im newbee [04:26] benplaut: i see it give me a few [04:27] thank you [04:27] pete6: sudo gives root privilidges to the command you call with it. [04:27] !sudo [04:27] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [04:27] i wrote sudo still dint work [04:27] oh your in the uk abc123 [04:27] Smeggy: my bad Smeggy, you'll have to do something like "sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/networking /etc/rc2.d/S50networking" [04:27] yeah [04:27] is taht a problem? [04:28] just saying === jramsey [n=jramsey@] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] kk [04:28] erm [04:28] got it from your ip [04:28] anyways [04:28] kk would u send me my ip? [04:28] you dont know your ip? [04:28] i think i do [04:28] want to make sure === boelloesch_ [n=boelloes@ip123.26.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] ill pm it you [04:29] nothing has come up [04:29] well sent it [04:29] wastrel: i'm confused as to how i use sudo to copy the xorg.conf, sorry this is my first time with linux [04:29] i dont think i can receieve pm [04:29] i think my ubuntu is a dodgy one i swear [04:30] ok one more time then === Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-147-169-191.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] you have to be registered on freenode to recieve pms [04:30] what is wrong when I type 'make' and it says command not found... i have gcc installed... [04:30] its [04:30] abc123__: stop using enter so much try to put more on one line === PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] Tom7e: install build-essential [04:30] cheers [04:30] pete6, what are you trying to do?? [04:30] gnomefreak thats just being mean isnt it? [04:30] right now going to change ip ne way [04:30] pete6: would you like another way? [04:31] HiP_P: what is? [04:31] Is there a guide anywhere to the stuff that the Ubuntu installation does? [04:31] !enter [04:31] Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying. [04:31] gnomefreak: thanks [04:31] jramsey, i took out resolutions that i couldn't use from my xorg.conf because i couldn't change the resolution [04:31] nevermind [04:31] aslong as some one tell me hwo to use a wireless lan card [04:31] pete6: sudo cp file1 file2 this will move file1 to the location of file2. for example sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:31] as im using a wired pci port now [04:31] ne one kniow? [04:31] jme: yeah, it's called dpkg -l [04:31] For instance, like what it does when it sets up my grub configuration, and how I can re-run that? [04:32] xgl is the coolest thing ever!!!! === HiP_P goes off to find the sound panel .conf [04:32] varsendaggr: yeah, wish it worked with nvidia glx though [04:32] I wonder if my RAM is hotswappable [04:33] ... [04:33] sorry i use the enter key loads when im using msn messenger, its become a major habbit as ive been using it for the last 3 years lol [04:33] dashriKe: I'll bet your CPU is === libdmb [n=dmb@2001:4830:1212:0:213:2ff:fea0:de59] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] dgh1973: but he needs to be really fast [04:33] is ne one good at networking in here? [04:34] abc123__, ask ur question === dr_willis [i=willis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:34] I can hold my own [04:34] im using a wired pci ethernet card at the moment... but my drivers are working now unbelievable which wasnt working on XP, but im still using the wired port so does ne one know how to use the wireless one instead? [04:35] if i want to use sudo to copy a file from my desktop, would i just put desktop/xorg.conf ? [04:35] because i can't write into my home folder [04:35] dgh1973, how do you mean? === dunefan [n=dunefan@24-159-145-55.dhcp.smrt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] abc123__: yeah, in gnome go to System panel at top then Administration then Networking === daniela [i=master@p549E514D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] abc123__, you mean you're still wired/cabled to the enet port on your wireless router/base station?? [04:35] pete6: would you like another way? === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:36] jack_sparrow if there is a another way, yes :) [04:36] i'm getting 3Mb/s [04:36] can I post some error messages for some help [04:36] do you speak german? [04:36] i am soo excited!!!! [04:36] !de [04:36] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [04:36] pete6: click on applications,accessories and go into a terminal [04:37] abc123__: when you open that up do you see a "wireless" connection? [04:37] what can I do to fix these: [04:37] Errors were encountered while processing: [04:37] clvm [04:37] redhat-cluster-suite [04:37] system-config-cluster [04:37] pete6: from there type sudo nautilus and you should see root file manager at the top of the new window === lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === spacefinn2 is now known as spacefinn [04:37] pete6: from there click the up arrow until it turns grey [04:38] How can i easily find which driver i am using..my fps in glxgears has dropped dramattically..i cant even watch videos full screen... or view flash anything [04:38] Jack_Sparrow: alright, now should i be able to copy the xorg.conf? [04:38] pete double click etc double click X11 [04:38] lonegeek: glxinfo | grep render === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Jack_Sparrow: and now copy the xorg.conf from my desktop? [04:39] How can I fix these errors I get when I run apt-get update: [04:39] Errors were encountered while processing: [04:39] clvm [04:39] redhat-cluster-suite [04:39] system-config-cluster [04:39] pete6: you can drop your edited file into x11 or edit it in place [04:40] dunefan: stop pasting please [04:40] now when i restart should it not be able to find the 1600x1200 resolution and just go to the highest available? [04:40] wastrel: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". [04:40] direct rendering: No [04:40] GLX_ATI_render_texture [04:40] OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect [04:40] lonegeek: glxinfo |grep direct if it says "direct rendering: Yes" you should be good, for some reason my glxgears is all slow to but I play 3d games no prob [04:40] pete6: yes [04:40] alright, gimme a second [04:40] lonegeek: dont paste in here [04:40] lonegeek: ahh there's an issue then [04:40] gnomefreak if I do not paste how can you see my errors? [04:40] pete6: was that easy enough for you? [04:40] !tell dunefan about pastebin [04:41] !paste > dunefan [04:41] lonegeek: what kind of card? [04:41] i see [04:41] do the nvidia-glx drivers work on powerpc? [04:41] Jack_Sparrow: yes i was unaware that i couldn't just drag and drop, thank you [04:41] dgh1973, well i installed kde....and that messed it up..so im using a previous kernel.... radeon 9500...i used to get much much higher fps [04:41] !nvidia > nomasteryoda [04:41] THANKS [04:41] sorry for caps [04:41] pete6: Glad to help, amazing that was too much for another user to understand [04:42] lonegeek: ahh sorry, not much experience here with ATI [04:42] lonegeek: they have always been notorious for sub par linux support [04:42] lonegeek: follow the ati howto on the wiki === byen-afk [n=byen@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] Jack_Sparrow, you can find every type of person on the internet :) and now on restart the resolution is fixed [04:42] wastrel: it worked before!!! i have dual montiors running! [04:42] !automatix [04:42] Automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. [04:42] pete6: I dont know what all you did to the xorg.. but yes [04:43] lonegeek: the settings can revert when you update files [04:43] thanks for the help guys...I come for legitiimate help and get a lecture on pastebin === talon218 [n=talon218@ip68-103-181-164.ks.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:43] How do you set the user agent string in Opera 9? it's not in the same place as in 8. === boelloesch_ is now known as TanteMartha === YeTr2 [n=william@pool-71-251-77-84.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:43] lonegeek: check if there's a backed up xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 [04:43] dunefan: people went through a lot of time and effort to create pastebin so the channel won't get flooded === byen-afk is now known as byen === prueba1 [n=prueba1@] has joined #ubuntu === pvd2006 [n=pvd2006@unaffiliated/pvd2006] has joined #ubuntu === benplaut_win [n=plaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] dunefan, pastbin is a good thing; paste your errors there and then the pastebin link here and someone will look at it [04:44] hola [04:45] wastrel: what am i looking for? [04:45] thanks [04:45] prueba ingles? [04:45] www.marabinos.com [04:45] lonegeek: i dunno, a backup of your old xorg.conf maybe [04:45] no, no hablo ingls [04:45] !spanish [04:45] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. [04:45] !es === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] wastrel: i got it....can i just overwrite my current one...paste in old info? [04:46] estrella de la noche [04:46] boelloesch: /join #ubuntu-es [04:47] nope [04:47] lonegeek: don't overwrite, save another backup of your current one, and restore the backup [04:47] ok ok [04:47] boelloesch: than speak english [04:47] coz i dont speak spain [04:47] whats the command to rescan the sound card again? [04:47] boelloesch: what language do you speak? [04:47] ipcscan === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip104.63.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] by gnomefreak === boelloesch [i=nono@ip104.63.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [04:48] haha [04:49] is that an exploit? [04:49] kewl - im in here twice [04:50] benplaut_win: no thats the person being banned [04:50] no... were they trying to trigger one? [04:50] nope [04:50] no problem [04:50] ohhh [04:50] nm === Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] please take me from the ban-list soon [04:51] folks isnt netbeans in apt/ === salah [n=ubuntu@216-30-75.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] Frederick: apt-cache search java === lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] ubotu, that stinks!! [04:51] TanteMartha: why do you plan on doing something you shouldnt? === epk [n=epk@69-182-198-52.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] I know nothing about that stinks!! [04:52] I edit my xorg.conf file ctrl alt backspace and the file is still the same... i did this all as root === tyler [i=1001@cm68.omega20.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] lonegeek: Wuld you like another way? [04:52] gnomefreak, I think it isnt present [04:52] Jack_Sparrow: sure? [04:53] follow my instructions for pete6 [04:53] pete6: click on applications,accessories and go into a terminal [04:53] if it is there (im not sure) but it would be under multiverse repo [04:53] pete6: from there type sudo nautilus and you should see root file manager at the top of the new window [04:53] I have it enabled [04:53] pete6: from there click the up arrow until it turns grey [04:53] gnomefreak - tere is something wrong [04:53] Jack_Sparrow: use gksudo please [04:53] pete double click etc double click X11 [04:53] k [04:54] TanteMartha: what might that be? [04:54] Jack_Sparrow: shouldn't it be gksudo nautilus --no-desktop ? [04:54] k [04:54] folks why is eclipse SO slow on my machine in ubuntu? it was fine in gentoo and is fine with windows [04:54] Jack_Sparrow: im doing sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and pasting data in... === jazzi [n=jazzi@] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] and that doesnt work..... [04:55] Im running Ubuntu 6.06 64-bit and I have samba-common and smbclient installed, I tried to execute /etc/init.d/samba restart and it does not exist? [04:55] Why should i used gksudo instead of sudo ...i dont understand the difference [04:56] lonegeek: what if you double click your xorg.conf [04:56] lonegeek: gksudo is used for gui/gtk apps [04:56] from nautalis....? [04:56] yes [04:56] gnomefreak --- i c - you are kinda elephant - never forgets! [04:56] lol [04:56] lonegeek: using sudo for gui apps is not a good idea it can mess up permissions [04:56] well i dont know how to do that as root...well i see how you did it.... === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [04:57] does anyone here uss netbeans? === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip123.26.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] by gnomefreak === TanteMartha [n=boelloes@ip123.26.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [04:57] I will try gksudo on xorg.conf === lophyte [n=dave@bas9-toronto63-1128737761.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] lonegeek: from term gksudo nautilus [04:57] lonegeek: click on up arrow until it turns grey === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+b boelloes!*@*] by gnomefreak === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === ardchoille has a feeling lonegeek's desktop is going to change === DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] if i am getting choppy display on my monitor, does that mean my onboard video is not sufficient or something is wrong with my display setup? === sybariten [n=jds@h16n1c1o986.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] ardchoille: No idea what he edited in that file.. :) [04:59] I keep getting segfaults on the postinstall process for libgtk2.0-bin and it's driving me nuts, I just can't get this package fixed [04:59] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16979 [04:59] ardchoille: im pasting backup...well previous xorg.conf file from when it worked correctly [04:59] pete6: system dosent support your selection [04:59] ok, i have a /mnt dir with a couple of prepared mount points for different harddrives ... i've added a new one now, and i can not write to it as a user. The dirs under /mnt are owned by root. is this generally a problem ? [04:59] Jack_Sparrow: doesn't matter, nautilus manages the desktop and typing gksudo nautilus will have root nautilus taking over his user desktop. He needs to type: gksudo nautilus --no-desktop === sko1 [n=skon@c220-237-18-72.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === Tmob [n=total@rescomp-05-82786.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] or do i need to add some options to the mount command? lets just forget about fstabs and so for the moment, wanna do it by hand first [05:00] Jack_Sparrow, which selection? is 1280x1024 not supported? [05:00] ardchoille: we have had this discussion... yes gksudo is correct [05:00] brb...... ctrl alt backspace will use new xorg.conf file..? or should i reboot? === mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [05:00] Jack_Sparrow: I am talking about the "--no-desktop" option to nautilus [05:01] yes === mode/#ubuntu [-b boelloes!*@*] by gnomefreak === mode/#ubuntu [+b boelloesch!*@*] by gnomefreak === mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-194-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] can I get the window titles to be transparent? === j_ack [n=nico@p508DC159.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] sure... i used some crystal theme [05:02] no cant for the life of me work this one out "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." [05:02] hmmm, what was it called === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu === birula [n=birula@] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] pete6: go to your backup and re-edit it [05:03] i am === Kibou [n=shh@unaffiliated/kibou] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] is netbeans avaliable in ubuntu? [05:04] anyone using ubuntu on their laptop? [05:04] ard, that --no-desktop option gives me an error [05:04] all the cards are listed when cat /proc/asound/cards [05:04] what is the highest support resolution? 1024x768? [05:04] my suspend/resume doesn't resume the X properly [05:04] seems to hang up [05:04] anyone know how to fix hits? [05:04] this* [05:04] Tmob: Thinkpad T43 [05:04] pete6: I dont know what your hardware will support [05:04] should i be able to just do "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/harddisk" with an ext3 partition, and be able to use it ? [05:04] Lnux supports any ol' resolution [05:05] nomasteryoda, any ideas how? === numist [i=numist@unaffiliated/numist] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] oh i thought you meant supported by ubuntu, my monitor supports up to 1280x1024, but it's still choppy [05:05] any clues anyone? [05:05] pete6: maybe use a lower color depth [05:05] tonyyarusso, i'm on Dell D410 [05:05] pete6 then you nned to back it down.. === lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] tonyyarusso, intel 915 chipset === steve__ [n=steve@S0106001217ad5109.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Jack_Sparrow: the error you get is because you used gksudo [05:06] i'm trying to get VMware in fullscreen mode and i'm getting this message: "Unable to find an appropriate host video mode." anyone seen that before? === Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] I just cut and pasted what was suggested.. [05:06] Hey......file isnt saving....or what............is it because im selecting previous kernal...because when i installed kde...idk but its all messed up now === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] wastrel: how do i change the color depth? [05:07] Does anyone know, off-hand, what config file I can use to set the screensaver from the command line? (gnome-screensaver) The preview of the currently-selected screensaver in the prefs dialog freezes this machine. === __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] i have a shell script that doesnt want to be executed on startup, how can i make it? [05:08] tanlaan, does it have the right permissions? [05:08] it should === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] its just that normally you have to cd to the files folder [05:08] <__mikem> HEy, I know this is a little off topic, but I was wondering, if I can ping a domain name but when I try to access the website I get timeout errors, and the site is typically a low traffic website, would it be safe to assume that a DOS attack might be afoot? [05:08] tanlaan, does it HAVE or should have? [05:08] then execute it with ./Startmux [05:08] pete6: it might be useful to find the monitor specs , hsync vsync resolution and color depth, in the manufacturers documentation or a hardware database. === cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-72-129-230-133.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] pete6: you can comment out depth settings in your xorg.conf === max67010 [n=max@ip-79-76.evc.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] I did "install" kubuntu-desktop... can i remove all packages it installed? === Hudson_h [n=mike@230-51.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] <__mikem> lonegeek, for what ever reason when I try that, it insists on removing the whole thing === klos [i=hans@p54A82351.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] How do I fix the ".mp3 is not a supported filetype." error in amarok when trying to update id3 tags from musicbrainz? [05:10] _mikem: ? when i do it ...it only removes kubuntu-desktop itself which is 40kb.....but all the packages where...140 mb.... [05:10] what permissions does it need?? [05:10] <__mikem> lonegeek, thats weird, I have never had any luck with it in any event [05:10] tanlaan, maybe 755 not sure about what do you want to do === milla [n=eddie@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] hey === epk [n=epk@69-182-198-52.adsl.snet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:11] i need an mp3 player for ubuntu :( === burepe2 [n=bdmp@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] !mp3 [05:11] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:11] ill try 755 and check if its been executed === kumpakan [n=thotsaka@216-15-65-137.c3-0.tlg-ubr1.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] <__mikem> !mp3 [05:11] so ill bb in a couple of minutes [05:11] yeah === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === kumpakan [n=thotsaka@216-15-65-137.c3-0.tlg-ubr1.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:11] where can i download plugins for the ubuntu media player [05:11] <__mikem> !mp3 === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:12] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:12] at that site [05:12] I read that page [05:12] it wasn't useful for my issue, which is why I'm here :) === druzya [n=krazukev@c-71-233-182-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] milla: go to the links above [05:13] wastrel: after i editted the color depths in the xorg.conf i can't get past the log in screen :/ [05:13] i also read that page [05:13] im kinda new at this [05:13] if you want mp3 playback the restricted formats page is what you want === MOWVI [n=host@] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] im switching form windows and i need some help [05:13] pete6: what did you do? === skon [n=skon@24-151-130-199.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] How can i completely remove "kubuntu-desktop" ? [05:13] i dont understand the restricted format page [05:14] i took out the 24 and 16 color depths [05:14] pete6: what depth did you leave in? [05:14] 8 [05:14] 8 x 1024x768.. [05:14] anyone know if there is a substantial slowdown when using LVM? [05:14] tells me to install k3b-mad and stuff and i dont know where to get them === noclip [n=noclip@c-67-180-82-130.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] i want mp3 playback [05:15] yes that is what i tried to run Jack_Sparrow [05:15] please, help me.... 8( === burepe2 [n=bdmp@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:15] ? [05:15] haha [05:15] pete6: I dont think anything supports that [05:15] milla; are you running gnome or kde? [05:15] gnome [05:16] milla: you need to read that again.. it is exactly what you need [05:16] but... yeah i,ve read it, i dnt understand [05:16] ardchoille: are you here..? [05:16] milla open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' [05:16] im new at linux thing [05:16] Jack_Sparrow, how do can i fix the damage i've done? :(((( [05:16] without the 's [05:16] Jack_Sparrow: yes === Mikasuliel [n=mika@24-54-78-63.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] ardchoille: What is the best way to get root nautilus, gksudo nautilus --no-desktop dosent work === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] ardchoille: Would just like to try to unify what we tell people.. [05:17] it says it couldnt find the package gstreamer0.10 === raffy [n=raffy@] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] Jack_Sparrow: I have been using sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser for over a year without any problems. gksudo seems to not allow you to use a command followed by switches. [05:18] mnilla did you enable the other repos [05:18] anyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work [05:18] milla; did you put the -plugins-ugly on there too? [05:18] yeah === Hudson_h [n=mike@230-51.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [05:18] anyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work [05:18] ardchoille: agreed... [05:18] milla; do you have universe and multiverse enabled in the repositories? [05:19] ? i dont know.... [05:19] hey guys, i found out what was wrong with Nautilus Backgrounds, you can only have a background when your in Icon View, it doesnt let you have it in List View [05:19] Jack_Sparrow: sounds to me like gksudo needs to be fixed, but that's just my opinion === _joe [n=joseph@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] what are universe and repositories [05:19] <_joe> hello === burepe2 [n=bdmp@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] <_joe> how can i arbitrarily disable services and daemons from running on startup? [05:19] <_joe> for instance, i don't need cups or hp printing, b/c i have no printer [05:20] <_joe> nor bittorrent or rsync === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-147-96.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === ibrasil [n=ibrasil@2-140-248-200-WSAN.awo.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === ibrasil [n=ibrasil@2-140-248-200-WSAN.awo.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [05:20] anyone know how to get a shell script to run on startup? ive tried to use the session program, and put the script as a command to be executed. but that didnt work === eKSeR [n=eKSeR@] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] milla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories' === Mikasuliel [n=mika@24-54-78-63.bflony.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] I converted some ogg files to mp3 with sound converter and a bunch of them are 18 min and 20 min when they should be 3 or 4. Does this happen alot? === milla [n=jdmilla@] has joined #ubuntu === kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] mmmm..... :'( i want mp3 playback.... [05:21] milla; the unchecked ones that have 'universe' qand 'multiverse' in thier name you need to check [05:21] bah still getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16981 [05:22] once the repositories are added it will find the gstreamer file === lepingbeta [n=lepingbe@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] milla: you are getting good advice, just listen carefully.. === milla [n=jdmilla@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] milla: you are getting good advice, just listen carefully.. [05:22] does anyone know of a place i can go for shell script help? === sagarp [n=sagar@user126-62.wireless.ocsnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] i dont know what im doing wrong but i dont have mp3 playback [05:22] <_joe> tanlaan: what sort of help? [05:22] i have this dell LCD screen (two identical ones with twinview), and one of them wont let me change the settings on it...it puts up a big padlock..anyone seen this before?? [05:22] ok [05:23] please go ahead.... === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC892FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] from the begining [05:23] milla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories' === ikken [n=woo@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] Hi, everyone! I'm trying to get my USB wireless adapter to work. Can anyone help me? Here is what I've done so far: http://pastebin.ca/76772 [05:23] how do you install fonts in Ubuntu? [05:23] (Thanks in advance) [05:23] my OS is in spanish [05:23] ikken copy them to ~/.fonts [05:24] does Ubuntu already have FreeType installed? [05:24] milla; there is a spanish ubuntu channel which may be able to help better then .. [05:24] !es [05:24] i need to find out whats wrong with a shell script i have, well why i cant use session to start the script on startup [05:24] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. [05:24] <_joe> ikken: yes [05:24] noooooo..... [05:24] but [05:24] i speak english [05:24] wait me 5 seconds [05:24] k [05:24] ill launch ubuntu in english === h4v0k [n=joseph@pool-70-111-114-87.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] ok? === jxpx [n=jxpx@rigel.act.psi.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] sounds good [05:25] i need some help with the vncviewer [05:25] i cant find the passwd file === Hit3k [n=allan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] sagarp: do you have to restart X after you install a font? === milla [n=jdmilla@] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] _joe: i need to find out whats wrong with a shell script i have, well why i cant use session to start the script on startup [05:26] can anyone help me with vncviewer [05:26] im back [05:26] and it has english now [05:26] :-( [05:26] im ready to rumble === Jeffe [n=kilo@c-71-195-237-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] milla; open the synaptic package manager, click on 'settings', then 'repositories' [05:26] ikken no [05:26] zomg Riffz [05:26] :o [05:27] and is there a VB editor for linux? === Verithrax [n=brd@201-68-96-94.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === adam-tropics [n=adam@CPE-139-168-162-165.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] where is settings? === Verithrax puts on his asbestos trousers. [05:27] h4 there is realbasic that is a cross platform compiler === MikeJS [i=mikejs@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] milla; did you get synaptic open? [05:27] can somebody help me with a smb issue? === KooL [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-4-169-172.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] yeah [05:27] its open [05:27] hey could anyone help me [05:27] <_joe> tanlaan: ah. have you read about setting up session startup things in the wiki yet? [05:27] <_joe> tanlaan: if not, i'd suggest that [05:27] milla; 'settings' should be at the top [05:27] I'm planning on instalilng WIndoze again on this box. I know the damn thing is going to mess my MBR, does anyone know what the easiest way to clean the mess up afterwards and install a proper dual boot is? === cArNaGe` [n=john@plns-64-111-156-62-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] yeah [05:28] I have ubunut [05:28] i have synaptic open [05:28] Jack_Sparrow thank you and do you know about the vnc program [05:28] _joe: no i havent [05:28] no sorry [05:28] np [05:28] milla; 'settings' should be on the top of the synaptic window next to 'help' [05:28] ok im in repositories [05:28] why is everyone writing visual basic these days [05:28] google realbasic, it is supposed to be free and will take vb source [05:28] <_joe> tanlaan: i think if you search it for "startup" you'll find the page [05:28] I have a smb, rhythmbox, windows networking questions can anyone help? [05:28] i write on Vb [05:28] <_joe> tanlaan: but...if you shell script doesn't work to begin with, you're going to have trouble [05:29] im in repositories [05:29] HiP_P: easy quick... [05:29] windows xp boot sequence died on me; reformating seems to be the only way i can fix it, so im using ubuntu to save my files, what does "Unable to mount the selected volume" mean? [05:29] _joe: no it works [05:29] milla; okay the ones listed that say 'universe' or 'multiverse' in the description you need to check and save [05:29] <_joe> tanlaan: ah, ok [05:29] subpos [05:29] _joe: its just im tired of haveing to open terminal and starting it up manually [05:29] i think it means the file system is unable to be used in linux format [05:29] Hi, everyone! Can anyone help me get my USB wireless adapter to work? Here is what I've done so far: http://pastebin.ca/76772 (Thanks in advance!) === gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] anyone? === neotard [n=ThePub@dyn53-020.res-hall.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] could someone help me with ubuntu and my harddrive? please pm me [05:30] _joe: where is the wiki? [05:30] just i guess i dont like it because it looks messy [05:30] KooL: have you saved anything yet? === gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:30] what do you mean saved anything? [05:30] right now im booting from my cd drive [05:30] and i cant seem to access my hdd [05:30] KooL: your XP files [05:30] ah === HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:30] what happens is, i go through the boot screen of my mobo [05:30] the splash [05:31] and then it asks to start windows normally [05:31] and it reboots [05:31] KooL: have you tried system , admin , disks.. [05:31] i was tweaking my cpu earlier, do you think a cmos restart would work? === ikken [n=woo@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["noenemies.com"] [05:31] right iam off to bed ill ask in here tomorrow about the card problem [05:31] i cant find anything that sez universe or multiverse [05:31] KooL: I would set it back to default before getting to far into this [05:32] jack, i went through admin [05:32] and it says === HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-132-147-96.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] === agamotto [n=agamotto@adsl-75-21-122-233.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] you do not have permission === agamotto bows [05:32] jack? === noclip waves hi [05:33] i cant find anything that sez universe or multiverse [05:33] kool1 when did it say that... did disk manager open [05:33] milla; there are a bunch that have a line in the description that says 'community maintained: (universe)' and (multiverse), you need to check those === noclip doesn't know what to do about wireless =( [05:33] yeah [05:33] yeah [05:33] disks manager opens and i see my hard drives [05:33] when i try to go to browse [05:33] it doesnt work [05:33] KooL: and click on partitions [05:33] i went thu search and chosen to search in the description field [05:33] nothing saz universe or multiverse [05:33] damnit, jack [05:33] you're here all day? [05:33] <_joe> tanlaan: wiki.ubuntu.com === PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] can anyone help me with a rhythmbox smb issue? If so PM me please [05:34] Yea, mother in law in hospital, trying to keep my mind busy [05:34] Can anyone tell me if LVM needs MD ? [05:34] hehe, i bitched out on ubuntu for a while === HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] fata, glad to see you and sorry for off topic [05:34] _joe: it says nothing about scripts :( [05:34] there's got to be a reason for my random freezing [05:34] that's the only thing turning me off from ubuntu [05:34] milla; this is under 'settings', and 'repositories', not in the package manager itself [05:34] that, and the extra buttons on the mice dont work! [05:35] tis a bitch for browsing [05:35] :P [05:35] _joe: and it says that if you dont find what your adding in your menues that you shouldnt add it === lecaros [n=JoseLeca@182-12-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] <_joe> tanlaan: ah [05:35] jack [05:35] yes [05:35] <_joe> tanlaan: well, i'm kinda new to ubuntu myself, so i don't know what else to tell you [05:35] i can change the access path [05:35] i think [05:35] milla; above the search button theres 'Help', and next to that 'Settings' thats what you want [05:35] would that be the problem? [05:35] _joe: ok ill ask other ppl :D [05:35] when i click on that, i can see my folders [05:35] KooL: are you in partitions [05:35] yeah [05:36] it says partion 1 [05:36] hey does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? [05:36] Fatal`: you using binary drivers for your gfx card? === byen is now known as Superman [05:36] KooL: find the partition with the files you are trying to save... [05:36] i'm still getting a wipe effect on my monitor, is my onboard video not enough or are some settings not optimized? [05:36] well theres only one right now [05:37] hm, has anyone been getting a "error: C compiler cannot create executables" when trying to compile the latest wine source (with build essential and build-dep for wine installed)? [05:37] kool click on it and click on accessible [05:37] that is, for amd64 === madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] Fatal`: I had a few freezes before because of the ati binary drivers, added an option to xorg.conf , now it works fine [05:37] Verithrax, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_restore_GRUB_menu_after_Windows_installation [05:37] status says accessible === Superman is now known as byen [05:37] KooL: you should now be able to read it [05:37] hey does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? [05:38] yeah [05:38] jow i have multiverse and universe [05:38] Verithrax: you will probably need to have a partition already setup for windows to use [05:38] its downloading r8 now [05:38] still doesnt work [05:38] I do, in fact. [05:38] =( [05:38] 8) [05:38] it was accessible by default [05:38] milla; so you found the plugin then? gstreamer ugly? [05:38] Windows just killed itself for no reason once I installed Linux on this box. [05:39] lack of self confidence, probably [05:39] i have gstreamer0.8-lame [05:39] Verithrax: Most of us could come up with a nasty and funny comment on that one... [05:39] i have gstreamer0.8-mad [05:39] Yes, Windows is probably the first OS that can be described as 'emo'. [05:39] milla; are you on dapper 6.06 or breezy 5.10? [05:39] breezy 5.10 === [lnx] elvis [n=ALIVE@] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] Verithrax: is it still there on the harddrive? [05:39] Verithrax: However, since this is a help channel, go to the wiki.ubuntu.com, and search for 'restoring windows mbr' [05:40] does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? [05:40] That is usually the problem [05:40] Verithrax: do you want to fix your XP? [05:40] the next week ill have drapper [05:40] i'm still getting a wipe effect on my monitor, is my onboard video not enough or are some settings not optimized? [05:40] ANYWAY, I'm off to actually do it. Wish me luck. Or say I'm betraying the movement, whatever floats your boat. === Kilo [n=kilo@c-71-195-237-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] it's downloading on the other pc right now [05:40] pete6: keep after it.. [05:40] so slow, man, you wouldnt imagine === JethroMendonca [n=lu@20132139125.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] milla; you need gstreamer0.8-mad in breezy, search for that one [05:40] i have gstreamer0.8-mad [05:40] the refresh rate, resolution, and color depths are all at what my hardware supports, what other settings are there Jack_Sparrow? [05:40] windows will be fine, it's Genuine Disadvantage calls Microsoft daily [05:41] <_joe> milla: what version of ubuntu are you using? [05:41] 5.10 [05:41] milla; that should be all you need for mp3 playback [05:41] ok === jbrouhard [n=joeb@cm-24-121-115-231.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] pete6: I would start very low and work up [05:41] let's see if it works [05:41] <_joe> milla: ah. if you gstreamer0.8-mad it should work === jbrouhard [n=joeb@cm-24-121-115-231.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has left #ubuntu [] === difekta [n=BROKEN@71-34-105-197.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #UBUNTU [05:41] does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? === dagrump_ [n=dagrump@] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] mad by itself doesn't work, you need the whole thing [05:42] it doesnt === Vaske_Car [n=opera@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Diablita [n=bienhot@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] according to the wiki thats all you need === liam [n=liam@c-68-80-80-199.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] im using totem movie player and [05:42] Hola, Estoy En Busca De Nuevos Amigos . . . [05:42] the weaki is wrong [05:42] and it doesnt work [05:42] diablita, anda al mercado a buscar amigos.... [05:42] milla: search at packages.ubuntu.com for mp3, and get something called, I forget [05:42] MOWVI: do you know what is needed offhand? trying to get mp3 playback for milla ... [05:42] Jack_Sparrow, i just worked my way up from 640x480 with resolution, and i doubt that color depth would cause a wiping effect, what do i change to edit the refresh rate in xorg.conf ? [05:42] skavenge: wasnt there one more step not in the reps [05:43] Diablita: En Ingles, por favor o mueve #ubuntu_es [05:43] hola diablita [05:43] Is there any tutorial how to install Ubuntu from the internet? I have Laptop that does not have CD drive... === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC892FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] It has Floppy [05:43] Jack_Sparrow: not on the restricted formats page, no, says just install gstreamer0.8-mad for playback [05:43] pete6: do you have your backup xorg handy.. start with that === feross [n=feross@71-215-81-164.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] !restricted [05:43] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === JethroMendonca is now known as JethroDawnfine [05:43] i have installed gstreamer0.8-mad and still no mp3 playback [05:43] does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? [05:44] <_joe> milla: what software are you using for mp3 playback? [05:44] totem [05:44] <_joe> milla: ah. have you tried rhythmbox? [05:44] <_joe> milla: just to test [05:44] skavenge: w32codecs [05:44] milla: I think you still need the w32codecs [05:44] aha! [05:44] <_joe> incorrect [05:44] <_joe> i had mp3 playback just fine on 5.10 without w32codecs [05:44] joe: Really, cool? === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC892FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] <_joe> yeppers :) [05:44] hey, what file do fonts go in? === jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [05:44] joe.. most need it === NemesisBLK [n=Menes@68-190-228-115.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === NemesisBLK [n=Menes@68-190-228-115.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:45] <_joe> Jack_Sparrow: interesting. what do you mean by "most". most files or most people? [05:45] liam~./fonts === kofj [n=kofj@] has joined #ubuntu === rshane [n=shane@dsl092-213-253.atl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] thanks [05:45] does anyone know if scripts are aloud to be put into sessionstartup? [05:45] milla; paste these lines in terminal: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb [05:45] joe.. most systems/users need w32codcs to run mp3 [05:45] nevermind, the package for mp3 I found is only for 6.06 [05:45] milla; then run : sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb [05:45] * === FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@ool-45796272.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] <_joe> Jack_Sparrow: so some systems, like mine, are just freak accidents that somehow don't? [05:46] _joe: consider yourself lucky [05:46] talking about mp3 playback, is it a big deal to exchange Rhythmbox for Amarok when you're using Gnome? I really prefer Amarok, but it would install lots of KDE stuff on my computer... does it worth? === agamotto shrugs [05:46] <_joe> Jack_Sparrow: hehe [05:46] I found Totem to be useless [05:46] hey I need to change the default keymap. I use dvorak so on install I chose dvorak but the login window is now dvorak. I need to change it so that the default is qwerty. tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data but that didn't help. Looked around for a howto but no use. THe login window options changed it but then it goes back to dvorak after a reboot. [05:46] mp3 playback package that works: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 [05:46] tanlaan: in unix systems, scripts can go anywhere binaries go. So the answer is yes. [05:46] MOW; breezy doesnt use 0.10 [05:47] I know, but I'm just saying, for some reason mp3 playback is failing on the mad package, even on dapper [05:47] well then i have no idea why its not working === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACC892FE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] paste these lines in terminal: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb [05:47] yeah [05:47] i have pasted it on terminal [05:47] try automatrix milla [05:47] MOWVI: dapper doesnt use mad it uses gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly [05:47] it gives me an error [05:47] milla; what error [05:47] !automatix [05:47] Automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. [05:47] 404 you know what it means haha [05:48] yeah, that, it doesn't work skavenge [05:48] http error 404 [05:48] MOWVI: im running dapper thats how i got my mp3 playback, with the ugly package [05:48] skavenge: why not have her follow the wiki [05:48] that's what I did when I was using 5.10, automatrix for everything, had no serious problems, stuff just worked, as it should === ghost_ [n=ghost@i-83-67-217-154.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] Jack_Sparrow: she says the w32codecs site is giving her a 404 .. [05:48] skavenge: it didn't work for me for some reason [05:48] tanlaan: where exactly are you putting the script? [05:49] ? [05:49] 404 it means not found [05:49] they say automatrix has flaws, but as big of a flaw as packages that should work don't work? [05:49] im so sad.... [05:49] <_joe> milla: have you tried rhythmbox? [05:49] ok its a script to run a program i have, like i have to cd to the folder to run it *in terminal* [05:49] and sleepy [05:49] yeah [05:49] it doesnt work wither [05:49] either [05:49] <_joe> it doesn't work? what error do you get? [05:49] and in session i just go to sessionstartup and add that script to startup === caduardo [n=caduardo@] has joined #ubuntu === caduardo [n=caduardo@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:50] milla; i havent used it but suspposedly automatix will install all that for you .. i dont know what to say if the site for w32codecs is down [05:50] tanlaan: in terminal, there is no need to cd to the script's location. [05:50] it says this file is not an audio stram [05:50] tanlaan: I'm not a GUI person, I cannot answer that part of your question. [05:50] milla; try that paste again anyhow the site isnt down i just checked [05:51] milla: you are doing those lines one at a time right? [05:51] what do you mean there is no reason? [05:51] <_joe> milla: that is strange. you are quite positive you have "gstreamer0.8-mad" installed? [05:51] how am i supposed to run the script if im not in its location? [05:51] yeah [05:51] should i reboot [05:51] <_joe> milla: no, no need to reboot [05:51] ive updated my kernel too [05:51] tanlaan: by specifying its location on the command line. === jkanter [n=jikanter@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === noi5emaker [n=nicholas@d198-53-228-206.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] tanlaan. Give me the specifics and I'll give you an example. [05:52] i dont wanna drink again in my life [05:52] milla; you still may need w32codecs, and that wget command i pasted is the way to get it, the site is up i didnt get a 404 [05:52] <_joe> milla: you restarted your audio player program after you installed gstreamer0.8-mad? [05:52] it gave me ubuntu === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] Q: i have a dual boot Powerbook ,(OSX and Dapper) but after upgrading , i cant get to Dapper. What happened to yaboot???? [05:52] wait for me [05:52] im going to reboot the machine [05:52] and grab a glass of vodka [05:52] how would i type it? [05:52] <_joe> milla: there's no need to reboot, but do so if you like :) [05:52] tanlaan: Give me the specifics and I'll give you an example. [05:52] ok [05:52] <_joe> heh, vodka. i actually had a shot of the stuff about 20 minutes ago === icebreeze [n=Paul@ool-43512b0c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game [05:53] game is the folder that Startmux is located === llama32 [n=zak@075.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] like a bad penny, im back! [05:53] i'm going to set up my printer [05:53] hmmmm for some reason when i go to run glxgears my system hardlocks [05:54] tanlaan: what is your current directory in the Terminal? Use "pwd" to find out. [05:54] /home/tanlaan === bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] tanlaan: ok. You can execute the script in the following equivalent alternate ways (pick whichever is least typing): /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux [05:55] tanlaan: ~/mux2.4/game [05:55] can someone help me figure out why exactly my system hardlocks when i try to run glxgears? I have a savage video card. I've looked on the forums and i can't seem to find anything similar to my problem. this is a fresh install. [05:55] http://www.qdb.us/60934 [05:55] some awesome person really needs to make and host a package that will call up all multimedia packages === milla [n=jdmilla@] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ~ tilde is to the left of the number one [05:56] tanlaan: oops, that should have been: ~/mux2.4/game/Startmux [05:56] I mean at least, better yet would be to include it on the disk, but that's not happening [05:56] tanlaan: mux2.4/game/Startmux [05:56] tanlaan: bash mux2.4/game/Startmux === adam-tropics_ [n=adam@CPE-203-51-200-236.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] MOWVI: you run into the gnu problem [05:56] its not working [05:56] tanlaan: that covers the general possibilities. You can try permutations thereof too [05:56] nalioth: hey. i have a question for you. How can i fix a broken yaboot, when i dont get a menu at login? [05:57] a whole other deal is having people enabling repos .. i wish we could have them all on out of the box but thats not going to happen either [05:57] tanlaan: define "not working". What is the error message? [05:57] noi sorry not many Mac people around [05:57] it isn't difficult to enable a repository [05:57] i tried it in multiple ways and it said no such file or directory [05:57] wastrel: to brand new users it can be challenging [05:58] the problem is the wiki and that say 'for mp3 do this', well thats all well and good but you need the repos on first, alot of people miss that step i think [05:58] skavenge: and it gives up a purpose in life === cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] Jack_Sparrow, do you know what i mean by a wiping effect? like how if i open or move a window it wipes from top to bottom [05:58] Jack_Sparrow: other distros already do this [05:58] Jack_Sparrow: hah [05:58] tanlaan: either you are mistyping the name, or you are incorrect about the names of the script. [05:58] /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game [05:58] thats the directory im in [05:58] like [05:58] pete6: yes I know the wiping effect [05:58] to start the script normally [05:59] although in truth it would be best for ubuntu to remain "clean" from pesterings, so it's better the way it is [05:59] nalioth: Its ok, its me...nicholaspaul:) [05:59] is it possible that my onboard video isn't enough or is incompatible with ubuntu? [05:59] tanlaan: and the name of the script? Try: "ls mux2.f/game" Is Startmux in there? === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] tanlaan: and the name of the script? Ooops -->Try: "ls mux2.4/game" Is Startmux in there? [05:59] pete6: It was running some resolutions that worked correct? [06:00] yes === tomlobato [n=tom@201-43-92-4.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] Anyone have the cpu frequency applet working on a celeron M ? It works but left click opions gone! [06:00] pete6: So restore your backup xorg... === paramanu [n=rr@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] hi [06:00] ok.. [06:01] i did, i changed everything back to default to work with it tomorrow, but still have the wiping effect (like at the beginning) [06:01] pete6: sorry if I am distracted.. I have been here about 16 hours.. [06:01] /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game the directory i just cd-ed to [06:01] Startmux is in it [06:01] it's totally alright, some help is better than no help :) === tomlobato [n=tom@201-43-92-4.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === cwill1 [n=cwillu@207-195-69-112.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] anyone know what partition yaboot is likely to be on?? [06:01] i have trouble with sound in xine and mplayer and my totem crashing after installing bad and ugly pluggins [06:02] if i cd to / and type /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux it should work shouldnt it? === _neoXite_ [n=neoxite@xdsl-81-173-183-13.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] pete6: lets work on it when fresh tomorrow [06:02] can somebody help! === jfields [n=jfields@cpe-24-162-82-91.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] Jack_Sparrow, alright, i'll be here in the morning, thank you so much === cwill1 is now known as cwillu [06:02] tanlaan: try ls -lb Are there any wierd characters in the filename? [06:02] hello all === lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-59-46.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] :-[ [06:02] pete6: you are welcome.. goodnight [06:03] can someone explain restricted modules to me? === phlexy [n=ben@60-234-226-178.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] no [06:03] tanlaan: yes that should work too but not any differently than any of the other methods I gave you. If they didn't work, this won't either. [06:03] lufis: things you need to play copyrighted formats [06:03] Jack_Sparrow: In the kernel? [06:03] tanlaan: paste the one line of ouptut for that file in channel here for me to see. [06:03] !restricted [06:03] For lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:03] Hello! is there some trick to get ubuntu accessing DVD like HDs, using DVD-RAM feature? [06:04] how do I configure proxy_http to only allow access to a particular domain (not a reverse proxy though, clients will be treating it as their regular proxy) [06:04] lufis: read up there then ask questions [06:04] blah [06:04] forget this [06:04] i give up [06:04] lol [06:04] oops, definately the wrong channel [06:04] tanlaan: ok [06:04] bye [06:04] I'm not asking about multimedia, I know what restricted formats are === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === kevan [n=kevan@cpe-66-67-109-12.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] lufis: one and the same [06:04] I'm talking about restricted modules which are installed with the kernel [06:05] lufis: better questions make for better answers === user1 [n=user1@c-24-61-239-60.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] Jack_Sparrow: How fucking clear could I possibly get? === lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-59-46.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ThePizzaKing [n=thepizza@c211-28-165-190.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === paramanu [n=rr@] has left #ubuntu [] === kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] Can ubuntu use DVD-RAM feature?? [06:07] How? [06:07] sight i feel so much like a noob again not being able to get this savage card to work with opengl without hardlocking my system. I've ran gentoo for so long and now a distro that is supposed to set everything up for you is giving me problems lol..... [06:07] *sigh [06:07] cause Im trying without success [06:08] hey channel === csk [n=chetan@c220-237-62-128.eburwd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] hey user1 === PacketScan [n=PacketSc@ool-45763453.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] I am tring to instal a kernel from the linux wacom project === jayakumar2 [n=jayakuma@] has joined #ubuntu === tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] i figured out what was wrong with my shell script! [06:10] were would I find the patches to make it a Ubuntu kernel [06:10] tanlaan: yes? share! [06:10] hi all. i am trying to get my partitions to mount in ubuntu. i got my windows partition to mount, but i have another partion (vfat) that states "unable to mount the selected volume". i went to /etc/fstab and added "/dev/hda5 /media/Share vfat unmask=0000 0 0 " after creating the share folder. its still the same. can anyone please help === imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] in the repositories, what is the newest nvidia driver that will work on a Vanta LT? [06:11] or is there any at all that will? [06:11] it tries to find mux.config [06:11] /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/Startmux: line 7: mux.config: No such file or directory [06:11] or are they not avaliable ? === No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] csk: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line. Follow the instructions to save and run the file. It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer. [06:11] csk: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write. Answer no. If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation. I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong. === Ignite__ [n=Ignite@ACC9894D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mugginns [n=froglok@cpe-065-190-157-104.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === JDredd [n=al@149-135-50-186.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] tanlaan: that's a different error message from before. What were you doing wrong before? [06:12] most likely i typed something wrong [06:13] tanlaan: good. now you understand. === adam-tropics_ [n=adam@CPE-203-51-200-236.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] but that means i would need to change the shell script [06:13] so that it knows which directory to look for...right? [06:13] csk... /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 is how I have my fstab [06:14] tanlaan: no it doesn't. What this error message is saying is that you need to supply a configuration file [06:14] say i know which is in the folder i normally cd to [06:14] which means it looks for it in the directory i am in === Consty [n=grimlock@c-71-202-200-84.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] so i need to change it so it looks in a different directory [06:15] tanlaan: the config file must be called mux.config but it doesn't tell you where to put it or what should be in the file. This is normal. It means it's time to read the documentation :-) === Q_Continuum [n=Q_Contin@rrcs-67-52-219-78.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] NVU vs Bluefish, anyone know which is better? [06:15] i'm looking for a good laptop that works without much problem in linux..... i was lookin at one of the acer's on newegg... and the ones from cyberpower... [06:15] Hey, has anyone ever gotten IE to work on Linux? As a web developer it's kinda important for me to be able to test my work in IE as well as FF. [06:15] jfields: my dells work fine and my hp work fine [06:16] arapehl: yes, using wine [06:16] I would say NVU [06:16] !wine [06:16] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. === ^catalyst [n=catalyst@203-214-34-136.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] MOWVI: Think so? Just curious === gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] no no no [06:16] bimberi: thanks! [06:16] everything on my dell laptop ran out of box with ubuntu except the wireless nic but its broadcom so thats expected [06:16] arapehl: frankscorner.org has good info for getting things like IE running [06:16] Consty: Yes but just my opinion [06:16] i also need to know about wireless... anyone use the new 11n under linux yet? [06:16] arapehl: np :) [06:16] mux.config is in /home/tanlaan/mux2.4/game/ === Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-78-234.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] skavenge, ok... so what wireless are good.. i heard something of atheros?? [06:17] tanlaan: did you install it to that location or did you just unpack it there? Installing is the process of configuring a piece of software with information about the locations of config files, executables, etc. === eclair [n=clair@] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] i already configured the file === hektik [n=sadlkfj@c-67-163-120-225.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] ic56 - i have run the script and it states /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab (same for hda5) should i delete that code from fstab? [06:18] blah [06:19] jfields: dunno there i would do some web research on what is nativley supported in linux if you really want no headaches .. most (like mine) can use the windows driver and a program called ndiswrapper to work anyway though [06:19] the script is made to only be unpacked [06:19] and it is looking in the place it is to look for other files [06:19] i just had to tinker a little [06:19] Here is a good one for sound experts: How is it that sound can work for movies played within a web page, but not work within Mplayer, etc...? [06:19] which means i need to change the script to look in a specific directory instead of the directory it is in === roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:20] agamotto: mplayer might be using a different sound system [06:20] tanlaan: if you don't understand the script, post in pastebin. I'll take a quick look and venture an opinion as to what you've done wrong. === AdmiralCrunch [n=quandar@63-229-213-118.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] cool [06:20] agamotto: what browser, what plugin and what sound system do you have selected in mplayer? [06:20] csk: run the script with the -b flag -- it will backup your /etc/fstab and re-generate it, making a pretty decent attempt at getting it right. === ZhangZhong [n=moses@] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] http://pastebin.ca/76811 [06:21] thats the script [06:21] on line 7 you will see what im talking about === BoSJo [n=BoSJo@32.84-48-208.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] csk: it'll save you a lot of work, if you're a newbie [06:21] Hmmm... Firefox 1.5, the Mplayer plugins for the browser, and I not sure how to find the sound server with KDE [06:22] agamotto: ahh. open up mplayer === ikken [n=woo@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] Toma-: Ok, done === [lnx] elvis [n=ALIVE@] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] agamotto: right click the movie screen and select Preferences. go over to the Audio tab and see the driver its using [06:23] how can I search for text inside a document. I want to find a certain phrase in a certain document, but I'm not sure what the document is, only the phrase - how do I search for the phrase throughout the entire system? [06:23] ic56 - thanks that seems to have worked will reboot and see [06:23] oss is the one highlighted [06:23] <_joe> anyone know how to disable daemons/services from starting on startup? [06:24] agamotto: try selecting alsa or arts [06:24] agamotto: and then give it a go [06:24] ikken: grep -lr "search phrase" files [06:24] ok [06:24] thanks [06:24] csk: this is a poorly written script. Makes a lot of assumptions. One of them is that mux.config is in your current directory when you invoke the script. So, if you cwd is /home/tanlaan, then mux.config must be tehre too. If mux.config is in mux2.4.... wherever it was that you unpacked the sw, then it's easiest if you cd to that location and execute the script like so: ./