
J_Panyone here  can see this problem, I think is a big bug!12:05
J_Pafter 35 seconds second <TAB> show root@concord:/usr/src# tar -xvf linux-source-2.6.15.tar  linux-source-2.6.15/ and cpu come back to normal use.12:09
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J_Pthis ocurred only with user jpsuser. User jpsuser is one user with root userid and gid : root@concord:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep -i jpsuser12:13
J_PUsing normal root user: sudo -i this problem I don't have!12:14
Jeeves__Ok, don't know if this is a question for this channel but i am running Ubuntu server and am having problem using SSH to remote it12:20
Jeeves__Once in it is ok but it takes an age to ask me for the password12:21
Jeeves__and it sometimes times out so even if I enter the write password it closes he connection.12:22
Jeeves__any ideas why this could be?12:22
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dekopoliswas hoping someone could help me uninstall a network adapter and reconfigure networking02:52
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mooseman447whats up guys04:50
mooseman447im considering setting up hosting for a couple ppl very simple and i wanted to give them ssh access is there any way i can log their ssh so i know if they are trying to mess with me?04:52
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fowlduckdo you think it is reasonably possible to run DNS for one domain, Apache (running a rails app and a mono app), and one email server on a P3 933 MHz with 512 MB RAM?06:09
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avalenteIf I install ubuntu-server and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, will I get the Server+GUI or will I get the same as Ubuntu Desktop?01:06
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mooseman447anybody here?05:15
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