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klepasmoin lapo09:43
lapociao klepas09:45
klepashow are things lapo09:55
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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lapobusy but fine here :-)10:04
klepasjust compiled gimp2.3.10 from cvs10:05
lapodo ya like the new icons?10:06
klepasthey are brilliant10:10
klepasi love them :)10:10
=== jd_ [n=jd@wikipedia/Meanos] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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kwwiibersace: did you see marks mail about renaming the specs, etc.?03:40
bersacewhere he plan to implement such feature in launchpad ?03:40
kwwiihehe, renaming them should not be hard (but I reported a bug today about an oops I got when trying to rename one)03:41
kwwiimoin klepas03:41
kwwiithe bigger problem is how to link them03:42
kwwiihe wants one spec which have the targets of the process as dependencies03:42
kwwiibut really we need to set the bigger spec to be dependent on the milestones of other specs, it seems03:43
kwwiiand if I just start renaming everything, I'll mess up all the links in the wiki pages03:43
kwwiibersace: have fun on holidays :-)03:58
bersacethanks :)03:58
kwwiisounds like more fun than renaming a lot of specs on wiki pages :-)03:59
=== andreasn [n=andreas@h44n2fls34o839.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
jsgotangcoso guys04:06
jsgotangcoshout out your opinion04:07
jsgotangcodoes the 6.06 cd cover have any semblance of a swastika?04:07
klepaserr. no?04:09
klepasbunch of happy chaps holding hands...04:10
newz2000Yeah, but why are they so happy? Maybe its because they're about to act upon their evil plans!04:11
newz2000(sorry, felt like I had to chime in on that one... too funny to not say anything)04:12
=== ems [n=ems@203-214-133-79.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
emsI just would like to point out what was brought to my attention04:14
klepasjsgotangco: not meaning to offend you but there seems to always be at least someone that picks out some resemblance to hitler/the swastika in most things04:14
klepasthere even is a paradox for it... found in on wikipedia once :)04:14
emsthe current ubuntu photo could possibly offend groups of people as it looks like a Nazi Swastika04:15
kwwiiif I squint my eyes hard enough I see a big green chicken04:15
jsgotangconice kwwii!04:15
emsoh hello jsgotangco04:15
klepaswhat. a. coincidence04:15
kwwiiand we all know the socio-political importance of big green chickens - WE MUST STOP BIG GREEN CHICKEN ABUSE!!!!04:15
klepasems: jsgotangco said the same, just before you arrived04:15
klepaskwwii: seconded04:16
jsgotangcoklepas: because he raised it on -devel04:16
klepasnow lets add that to launchpad ;)04:16
jsgotangcoand i wanted an opinion of an artist :)04:16
emsif this could be pointed out to the art directed so he should realise...04:16
kwwiiI am pretty sure that everyone has heard that already04:16
klepaswell i think it's bloody fine04:16
kwwiiand actually the new pic looks less like one than the old pic did04:16
klepasi mean first of all:04:16
klepasthe art team didn't pick the cd artwork04:17
emskwwii: I didn't see the old yet...04:17
kwwiiyeah, look how crappy the kubuntu artwork is, and be happy04:17
emskwwii: any link?04:17
kwwiiems: the CD sitting on my table :p04:17
klepasand secondly anyone that is offended by a bunch of happy chaps holding hands, in a circle (how else?) really should consider that that is not the secret intention of Ubuntu...04:18
kwwiibe happy that they are not naked :-)04:19
newz2000like on the first cd04:19
kwwiievery suse wallpaper was criticized for including breasts, vaginas, penis's, etc.04:20
jsgotangcohalf naked04:20
kwwiiand I swear to god that I never tried to include something04:20
klepashey, someone here got amarok installed?04:21
kwwiiif people stare at something long enough, they naturally form ideas...not sure why, something unconscious I guess04:21
newz2000If you're hungry, you'd probably see a cheeseburger04:21
emswhy doesn't everyone learn a lesson about simplicity from Plan 904:23
jsgotangcobecause people like diversity and complexity?04:25
emsPlan 9 could do with some good artists04:26
emsand I don't mean paint and paper04:26
emsbecause they already have a very good one for that04:27
emsjust look at the wonderful paintings at http://cm.bell-labs.com/plan9/glenda.html04:27
newz2000ah yes, the plan 9 bunny.04:30
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emswell see you later04:35
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