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zul@schedule montreal07:08
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 04 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 06 Jul 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:08
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rodarvus@schedule Sao_Paulo07:12
UbugtuSchedule for America/Sao_Paulo: 04 Jul 17:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 17:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 06 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 09:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:12
dholbachSeveas: you implemented that @worldcup command? :-p07:16
zulhehe...i hope the germans loose ;)07:17
dholbachI wouldn't have thought they manage to win the last game, so I'm the wrong one to ask :)07:17
jsgotangcobah they were lucky07:18
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Klaidas@schedule VIlnius09:32
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Vilnius: 04 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 05 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 06 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 05:00: Ubuntu Development Team09:32
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=== jjross is away: I am away, but I'll be Back
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 19:00 UTC: Edubuntu Cookbook | 06 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
\shmorning people09:51
Klaidaspretty much evening here, tho :)09:51
KlaidasTue Jul  4 22:54:25 EEST 200609:52
\shwell, it's 21;52 UTC+209:52
\shI have a flaky umts connection09:53
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\shhey scott09:54
Klaidasthe meeting must go on ;)09:54
\shI'm sitting outside with a flaky umts connection09:54
\shif we can manage it, I would like to put my request as first on the list09:54
KeybukHi everybody, at the moment there's just me09:59
KeybukI'm pinging other TB members to see whether they've forgotten10:00
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Keybukmdz, at least, is on holiday today10:00
Keybuksome celebration of the time the americans had to get the french to fight a war for them, or something10:00
\shdon't tell me , the TB meeting is postponed...I just managed to get a UTMS modem ;)10:00
Keybukright, we have Q10:01
Keybuklet us begin10:01
Keybuk\sh has asked to go first, due to a flaky modem10:02
Keybuk\sh: off you go10:02
\shhi, my name is Stephan Hermann, I think most of you know me10:02
\shI disabled my developer rights the last months, because of personal problems10:03
\shbut these personal problems are solved, and I want to re-apply for motu and core.10:03
\shthat's why I'm here today...10:04
Keybukmjg59: any thoughts here?10:04
mjg59I don't have any objection10:05
Keybukmyself neither, \sh appears to be active again, and has been stuck in sponsor hell for a while10:05
mjg59Though we haven't really got any formal process, this seems similar to the Debian emeritus process10:05
Keybukhe's sufficiently proved, to my mind, that he's able to resume his duties again10:05
mjg59I agree10:05
Keybuk\sh: welcome back10:06
mjg59Ok. Core candidates?10:06
ogra\sh, congrats10:06
mjg59There's a couple on the list, are any of them here?10:06
=== rodarvus is here
\shThanks a lot...so if anyone put me back into the teams, I can upload tomorrow a lot of stuff I have on my laptop10:06
LaserJockwahoo \sh10:07
Keybukrodarvus: you're up, would you care to introduce yourself10:07
Keybukyour past experience10:07
Keybukand what you'll be doing for Ubuntu10:07
rodarvusI'm Rodrigo Novo, have been doing linux distro development for the last 9 years10:07
rodarvus(I worked at Conectiva, Freedows Consortium and Nokia Institute of Technology)10:08
rodarvusat conectiva I used to do rpm packaging but the rest of the job was basically the same as in ubuntu distribution10:08
rodarvusat INdT (Nokia institute...) I worked on the "platform sdk"10:08
rodarvuswhich are the core packages + development packages, run inside scratchbox, to do development for Maemo platform10:09
rodarvusI was hired by Canonical three weeks ago10:09
rodarvusto work mainly on Edubuntu, and in the near future, OLPC10:09
rodarvus(hopefully a Ubuntu community effort)10:09
rodarvusmjg59, thats why I asked you about OLPC yesterday, actually :)10:09
rodarvusright now, I'm working on X packages for Edgy10:10
rodarvusmore specifically, I'm working on a spec with the description and list of the changes (which are quite big)10:10
\shrodarvus: so you are replacing deniels10:10
Keybukwhat's the general play for X in Edgy?10:10
rodarvusand am already working on integrating changes from debian xserver-xorg-video-* into our video drivers10:10
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rodarvusKeybuk, I had relatively little time to talk with infinity, as he went on vacation a few days ago10:11
rodarvus(two days after I started the task)10:11
rodarvusthe plan is to integrate better our X packages with debians10:11
rodarvusas we don't have the manpower to maintain them ourselves10:11
mjg59Sounds like a good start10:11
mjg59Are we moving to 7.1?10:12
\shsounds great10:12
rodarvusmjg59, yes, hopefully even in time for edgy10:12
rodarvusthe first part of the job is to base our package on theirs, though10:12
\shrodarvus: do we get all transitional packages as debian?10:12
rodarvusand do like we do with Gnome - just diverge on upstream versions10:12
rodarvus\sh, yes, this is the plan10:12
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mjg59rodarvus: How much experience have you of Debian packaging?10:13
rodarvusmjg59, I've been doing this daily for the last few years10:14
rodarvusand I have very strong knowledge of packaging policy itself10:14
rodarvus(which is the most important part, I believe)10:14
Riddellrodarvus: what experience do you have relevant to edubuntu?10:14
rodarvusin this case, I have almost 9 years of experience (counting rpm and deb packaging)10:14
\shrodarvus: why do you want to do the packaging of Xorg for ubuntu? 10:15
rodarvusRiddell, I have little experience with edubuntu itself - I have some (previous) experience with thinclients (which is related to LTSP, and thus, edubuntu)10:15
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rodarvus\sh, partly because it is in a semi-abandoned status in Ubuntu10:16
rodarvusand partly because I want to be involved in the maintenance of X packages10:16
rodarvus(which are important on any linux distro, of course)10:16
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\shrodarvus: I'm just asking because of the "sometimes" political indifference between ubuntu and debian....so I would like to see if someone tries to combine the affords of packaging between ubuntu and debian....thx for your answer :)10:17
rodarvusRiddell, thinclients are a very common setup in Brazil, and I have done a "edubuntu-like" package setup for Conecitva Linux in the past (though not for educational purposes)10:17
mjg59Keybuk: Any more questions?10:17
KeybukI have none, I've had the opportunity to meet rodarvus in person in Paris10:18
ograrodarvus will take a bunch of responsibilitys in the edgy ltsp development10:18
rodarvusogra, right, I have a few (three) LTSP-related specs to complete on Edgy timeframe10:18
ogra(and hopefully beyond :) )10:18
\shIf keybuk met rodarvus I10:18
\sh'm second the decision10:19
Keybukmjg59: any more questions from you?10:19
mjg59Nope, I'm happy10:19
Keybukok, votes10:20
Keybuk+1 from me, I'm confident he'll do a good job10:20
=== ogra cheers for rodarvus
mjg591 from me10:20
Keybukmjg59: + or - ? :)10:21
ograwell 1 > 0 :)10:21
mjg59Keybuk: I'll let you decide10:21
\shcongrats rodarvus and welcome to ubuntu :)10:21
ogracongrats rodarvus !10:21
rodarvusthanks :)10:21
Keybukanybody else applying for core-dev/10:22
LaserJockrodarvus: \o/10:22
mjg59We'll move onto universe if nobody speaks up in the next minute or so...10:22
Keybukthere's nobody else on my list, anyway10:23
Keybukso, universe10:23
Keybuklukketto?  present or ping'able by anyone?10:23
Keybukbluekuja: present?10:23
Keybukid_sonic?  present or ping'able by anyone?10:23
Keybukzbowling?  present or ping'able by anyone?10:24
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Keybukright then10:27
Keybukany other business?10:27
Keybukanyone want to comment on anything edgy related?10:27
ograit sucks to have no keyboard supoort on ibooks10:27
ograedgy related ^^^10:27
Riddellare all the specs going to be reviewed by thursday?10:27
KeybukRiddell: good point10:28
Keybukmdz send an e-mail to u-d-a today10:28
Keybukbasically, if you have a spec that has not yet been approved10:28
Keybukthose people can review your spec and get it to Pending Approval10:28
Keybukmembers of the TB (myself, mjg59, mdz) and Kamion can approve specs10:29
slomo_ogra: that's fixed now10:29
slomo_ogra: well, will be with the next kernel upload10:29
Keybukit is _your_ responsibility as a spec author to drive it to approval10:29
ograslomo_, i know10:29
Keybukdon't leave it too late either, the reviewer may have many comments that need addressing10:29
ograslomo_, i still always type on the wrong keyboard :P10:30
Keybukend of meeting10:31
Keybukthanks everybody10:31
ograthanks Keybuk 10:31
=== Keybuk wanders back to pissing about with asterisk :p
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=== ogra goes back to his patriotic duty and watches tv
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bddebianogra: :-)10:35
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sabdflevening all10:48
jenda@schedule Prague10:49
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Prague: Current meeting: Technical Board | 05 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 06 Jul 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 06 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team10:49
jendaevening, sabdfl10:49
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zulevening sabdfl 10:49
sabdflapologies for being late, am i catching the tail end of the meeting?10:49
ograsabdfl, meeting is over 10:49
ograit was pretty short10:49
sabdflany fun decisions?10:50
ograreapproval of \sh as uploader10:50
ograapproval of rodarvus as main uploader10:50
ograthats it10:50
ograand a call for us to get our specs reviewed :)10:50
sabdflspecs specs specs!10:52
sabdflthe mating call of ubuntu core devs10:52
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