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J_Phey all, I am compiling kernel, I compile the kernel and install ok, but I try install second compiled kernel but the new kernel try create same name in /lib/modules/... But In kernel package I specific diferent argument in --revision : root@concord:/usr/src# make-kpkg --revision=test.1.0 kernel-image.02:08
J_PSo, I have this kernel do install via dpkg -i : kernel-image- and kernel-image- But first kernel create dir /lib/modules/ and when i try install second kernel ubuntu show error for me that dir /lib/modules/ already exist. Why if my argumtn in --revision when compile is diferent ?02:08
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nnonixanyone have any idea why postfix would respond 502 for a single computer on another network when it issues EHLO whatever?07:06
nnonixThis is nuts, it only happens on a single machine.07:06
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mikal-laptopAnything in the logs at that time?07:08
nnonixjust connect / disconnect07:10
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mikal-laptop502 == command not implemented07:10
mikal-laptopI'd run ethereal and see what's happening07:10
nnonixI'm considering it07:11
mikal-laptopIt's prolly your best bet07:11
nnonixnothing on the net I can find07:11
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thefishi have made a xen dom0 kernel for ubuntu, (enabled MD support), made a new partition (type 8e), but now i cant create a lvm pv: "Can't open /dev/hdb1 exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?", I also cant format it. I tried lsof | grep hdb1, but that didnt return anything. Any idea what i could look for?01:34
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