
=== eXistenZ [n=eXistenZ@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu
lemurCntryboy: sorry about your slow dialup.  Maybe you should make friends with someone in the area who has a faster connection. ;)  Join an LUG or hang out with IT people12:01
Dr_Williselement,  stick with the good brand names.12:01
Kibouwhat's a "high-end" dvd burner?12:01
kordokuvasthere's no dc++ and how to download it and run eith synap when it's everywhere written i have to go to some directories and compile some sourse12:01
Dr_Williselement,  ive had great luck with plextor.12:01
lemuror get a wireless rig and leech a hotspot. In the name of GNU!12:01
LjLa dvd burner placed on the roof12:01
elementDr_Willis, SATA or IDE?12:01
mweelement: About all burners work with linux12:01
Jack_Sparrowtechnel: I will walk you through that if you need..12:01
LjLkordokuvas: wha?12:01
Dr_Williselement,  im all ide12:01
Cntryboylemur: 5 min away they have it, but don't know too many ppl here because i just moved here a year ago..12:01
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frying_fishkordokuvas: there is dc++12:01
LjLkordokuvas: you don't have to compile nothin' from source12:01
Dr_Williskordokuvas,   Tip #5 - when asking a question, dont be vague and rambling.12:02
elementDr_Willis, ah, I went SATA-II for my new system, so I have 2 320gb drives sitting here...waiting to order the rest of the hardware now.12:02
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kordokuvasu call this inteligent OS when u need to spend hours and came out with still nothing,can't even install a single program12:02
Dr_Williselement,  ive not even seen a sata cdrom yet12:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:02
frying_fishit is either known as dcpp or, if you want something else try valknut12:02
lemurkordokuvas: there is a DC++ client for linux.  If it's not in the repositories, you will have to install it manually.  If it is, then alrighty, but it probably won't be found in the base repo (probably universe or multiverse)12:02
elementDr_Willis, plextor has one, but it has some compat issues with mobos12:02
lemurno word on what you want that horrid program for in the first place12:02
frying_fishkordokuvas: if its really that bad for you, then stop whinging and go back to windows.12:02
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Dr_Williskordokuvas,  lack of effort on your part is not a failure of the os.12:02
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kordokuvasI see how helful you are12:02
frying_fishAnd as the others said, a lack of effort on your part is you failing, not the OS.12:03
Dr_Williskordokuvas,  we see how 'thoughtfull' you are.12:03
technelJack_Sparrow, I am going to restart and see if Diskmounter worked12:03
Kibouhe's just trolling..12:03
LjLkordokuvas: you're a troll. you're boring. you've bored me. we're not here to hear you whining, and we're not here to hear you saying that linux is bad every 2 minutes. stop it now.12:03
ubotuI know nothing about linus12:03
redguykordokuvas, I've had it with you12:03
kordokuvas100 times told me to get the fuck outta here and go to windows12:03
Dr_WillisKibou,  yep. i agree12:03
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux12:03
elementDr_Willis, so you think this will work just fine? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1682724900312:03
lemurkordokuvas: if you don't improve your attitude you are lining yourself up for administrative action.  We're here to help you as best we can, but you have to meet us halfway12:03
frying_fishkordokuvas: http://linuxdcpp.berlios.de/articles.php?um=index12:03
kordokuvasthen u say people should use Linux12:03
Dr_Williselement,  im not one to ask for that. id say google12:03
redguykordokuvas, read the guide I told you about12:03
frying_fishthat is the linuxdc++ client the "official" one anyway.12:03
LjLkordokuvas: i said, STOP IT NOW12:03
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!12:03
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elementDr_Willis, google doesn't know much better :P12:04
redguykordokuvas, red the !universe link ubotu will give you12:04
redguykordokuvas, install dcgui212:04
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:04
redguy!tell kordokuvas about universe12:04
eromerohi there :) hey any1 knows how do i tell ubuntu not to load certain modules at boot?12:04
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Dr_Williseromero,  there is a blacklist file in /etc/hotplug.d/ I think :P12:04
frying_fisheromero: add them to /etc/blacklist12:04
Cntryboylemur: let me try this sudo chmod 777 /var/cache/apt/archives12:04
Cntryboylast resort I guess12:05
kordokuvasavery1 is telling me different thing12:05
frying_fishDr_Willis: I don't think hotplug is with dapper (so if they are using that it won't work)12:05
LjLkordokuvas: that's because there is more than one way to do the same thing.12:05
kordokuvascompletly lose any idea of what to do12:05
ompaulkordokuvas, there are many ways to do a job12:05
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eromerowhere's the file that tells ubuntu which modules to load?12:05
Dr_Willisfrying_fish,  that explains why i cant find it on this box now! :P but its on my other box! lol12:05
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lemurCntryboy: that will give everyone read/write/list access to that directory.  Since you arleady have read access, you perfectly covered.  I think the problem here is with the destination12:05
frying_fishDr_Willis: yeah, dapper uses udev not hotplug12:06
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Dr_Willisfrying_fish,  im soo confused. :) lol12:06
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Dr_Willismy old file server is like running... breezy or warty :P its so old.12:06
lemurDr_Willis: it's not THAT old :)12:06
hyphenatederomero: the man pages for 'modprobe.conf' and 'depmod' will explain it better than people on IRC can12:06
abois there a way to print to a file ?12:06
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LjLkordokuvas: perhaps it would help if you stopped whining and just listened, and asked the *relevant* questions. anyway, 1) follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and enable the Universe repository, which contains a few Direct Connect clients   2) install one of them (possibly the one called "dcgui") using Synaptic, as clearly explained by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto12:07
technelJack_Sparrow, It works, thanks :)12:07
Dr_Willisabo,  configure your printer.. and print away12:07
lemurI remember when there was no such thing as ubuntu12:07
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Jack_SparrowNo Problem technel12:07
VoytekGHi everyone. I have a hard drive partition that I just reformatted to FAT32 file system (it was NTFS before) and now Ubuntu can't see any of the files on there, while Windows can. Can anyone help or give advice?12:07
charle97what is this ubuntu?12:07
SeveasLjL, too bad you wasted so much effort, he 'left' 12:07
eromerohyphenated: thanks12:07
eromerolet's see...12:07
aboDr_Willis, I need to print to a file ... a PS or PDF file12:07
Dr_WillisVoytekG,  check the fstab entry12:07
Cntryboylemur: sorry bro I found out why, it was a lock file that it was trying to skip12:07
LjLSeveas: i noticed, yep... but at any rated it'd still have been wasted even if he was still here >:12:08
Cntryboylemur: i didn't need it so Im all good I think12:08
technelOne question though: What are those things called that allow you to click on it and go to another folder? (Equivelant of a Windows shortcut) Like symbols or something?12:08
VoytekGDr_Willis- will do, thanks.12:08
Jack_SparrowVoytekG: How did you change the Partition format..12:08
ompaulLjL, sharp observation12:08
redguytechnel, symbolic links12:08
lemurCntryboy: yeah, the lock file is not readable, but that is just for the program's use..you won't need it12:08
technelredguy, Ah, thanks12:08
lemurCntryboy: :)12:08
redguytechnel, np :-)12:08
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charle97voytekg, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows12:08
VoytekGJack_Sparrow - I did it in Windows, using My Computer / manage Drives.12:08
Cntryboylemur: yah I didn't know that :) yay12:08
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codecaineI don't know what happen now when I login to ubuntu gui gnome my sound sounds bag and seems to dragout anybody know what could cause that?12:09
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lemurman, I wish linux weren't regarded as an alternative to windows :(12:09
Fatal`why :(12:09
kordokuvaswhy did u kick me?12:09
lemurto stop people from comparing them12:09
SeveasLjL, so true12:09
Seveaskordokuvas, for being obnoxious in a support channel12:09
Fatal`wtf...what do you want to compare linux to?12:09
Seveaslet that be a warning, next time it's a ban12:10
VoytekGcharle 97 - i will check that out too. this isn't the Windows partition, though, it's a third partition meant to act as a place to store files. i will look at all these options, though and will be back. thank you!12:10
reemuski can't figure out how to install flash. where do i extract the files to in firefox?12:10
lemurFatal`: to unix ;)12:10
codecaineman wonder what happen to my login sound :P12:10
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Fatal`my only comparison, being a lifetime winodws user, is windows!12:10
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:10
Fatal`and i like ubuntu better :)12:10
kordokuvasobnoxious-I'm not exatcly english speaking as 1st lang12:10
Cntryboylemur: thanks again for help bro12:10
kordokuvaswhat does it mean12:10
Cntryboygoing to get off here and get this install done12:10
lemurI used to use DOS back in the day... had to be dragged kicking and screaming to windows when that got popular12:11
lemurCntryboy: have fun12:11
redguyreemusk, read the wiki links ubotu gave you12:11
Seveaskordokuvas, mostly annoying12:11
xenoborgwhy don't you use the flash plugin in the multiverse repository12:11
Fatal`hehe, i won't ever use windows if i can just get ubuntu stable12:11
lemurmaybe kordokuvas could use a second chance..  let's not get too hard on his case lest he become bitter12:11
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Fatal`till then...dual boot12:11
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Zairehow do you view the history on Konqueror?12:12
kordokuvasannoying-another word i dont no,maybe when i go back to windows will see it in the dictionary12:12
lemurFatal`: sorry... we've all been there :)12:12
skavengewww.dict.org look it up12:12
LjLkordokuvas: you have a dictionary in Ubuntu12:12
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xenoborggoto dict.leo.org12:12
lemurZaire: a story of intrigue and revenge12:12
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lemursorry, bad pun12:12
gnomefreakkordokuvas: please dont troll in here12:12
codecainehow do I make sure I have alsa for my main sound?12:12
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ZaireI seriously have no idea how to view the history on konqueror12:13
kordokuvaswell,i dont,and i wont ask,there's no point,and i need to see what does it mean in bulgarian12:13
LjLZaire: F912:13
lemurZaire: there should be a side pain that will expand on the left.  I don't know if you have it or not12:13
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ba5edoes anyone know if its possible to get a windows xp corp key that is multi language?12:13
Zaireah thanks got it now lol12:13
gnomefreakkordokuvas: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that topic12:13
ba5eshit sorry wrong room!12:13
LjLkordokuvas: , 12:14
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lemurba5e: you are forgiven12:14
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ZaireI had no idea cause I use firefox mainly but needed the history from the other12:14
ba5edidnt mean to ask that12:14
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Seveasbye bye cracker12:14
moparfan90hello. im and trying to get vmware to work and when i try to start it i get "vmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configuredfor this system. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command:/  usr/bin/vmware-config.pl."12:14
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gnomefreakSeveas: ;)12:14
moparfan90and i configured it  times and nothing12:14
amortvigilhow cani switch files from /var/www/ to /media/htdocs?12:14
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kordokuvashow did u do it with the bulgarian?12:14
Seveasamortvigil, edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default12:14
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skavengetheres about 100 translating webpages12:15
LjLkordokuvas: i typed "bulgarian dictionary" into google, and a site called http://sa.dir.bg/ showed up, and i used it. then i copied&pasted12:15
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Eazy- I have to deactivate and activate my network in kcontrol after every reboot to get online...anyone have a clue what might be wrong? I know I should probably be asking in #kubuntu, but noone seems to know there :P12:15
lemurwhere would we be without google12:15
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lemurEazy-: are you using dhcp?12:15
LjLlemur: at a far place called AltaVista12:15
=== ompaul missed that
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lemurLjL: I still remember that place!12:16
Zairedude wth was with the mass ban remove?12:16
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VoytekGHey, to everyone to gave me advice. Thanks -- my partition is back. I edited the fstab file (it was the first thing I tried) and it works. Thanks again!12:16
Eazy-tried with static IP but it didnt work either12:16
LjLEazy-: do you have "resolvconf" installed?12:16
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SeveasZaire, op on power trip 12:16
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LjLEazy-: type "apt-cache policy resolvconf | grep Installed"12:16
lemurEazy-: I had an issuse with my static IP configuration where ubuntu's graphical config would not properly store the nameserver info.  This may make it seem like you don't have a connection12:16
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HartNotdoes anyone use swiftfox here?12:16
Zaireah ic shouldn't have op in that case12:16
Fatal`alright...i think im going to migrate on over to ubuntu...what's ctrl-alt-f2 do again?12:16
Eazy-I see i dont have it installed12:17
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SeveasZaire, well, ompaul is the friendliest op we have actually ;)12:17
LjLFatal`: switches your virtual terminal, like all ctrl+alt+fX keys12:17
ompaulZaire, if it was mass ban I might concur12:17
Eazy-so it should be enough to install resolvconf?12:17
LjLFatal`: F7 is generally your X terminal12:17
lemurEazy-: one would hope12:17
LjLEazy-: no12:17
LjLEazy-: i had a similar problem, and it turned out that resolvconf was *causing* that problem12:17
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derekI just got Linux!!!!!!112:18
Zairejust a little iffy since recent events I read about on digg that happened on freenode lol12:18
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Seveasderek, welcome to the dark side of the force12:18
lemurI had the same problem as LjL...I had to manually add my nameserver in the resolveconf config files12:18
derekYeah to bad windows is gone, so i have no choice12:18
lemurotherwise it would not stay12:18
ompaulZaire, ehh, that would be bans12:18
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ompaulZaire, I have another 20 or so before I go to bed12:18
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Eazy-ok, I got some hints now anyway :)12:19
LjLlemur: i simply removed resolvconf, and then the KDE settings magically worked again12:19
derekYEah so some geeky kid gave me the disk12:19
zimI LOVE xlg it rocks12:19
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lemurI'm surprised this resolveconf problem exists in ubuntu LTS, and that it hasn't been patched12:19
lemurI guess I could try uninstalling it to, but I already configured it manually :)12:19
lemurall that work put to waste12:19
Eazy-I'll try to installe it first :)12:19
ompaulderek, #ubuntu is a support channel, join the chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks :-)12:19
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LjLlemur: well, in the responses to my bug report, i have been assured that resolvconf was *not* installed automatically as a part of kubuntu12:19
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LjLlemur: on the other hand, i don't recall installing it, and i don't see what could have installed it. but anyway12:20
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cheeseman557im getting this error while installing ubuntu: a buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block <some number>. anyone know what to do?12:20
derekDoes anyone know any burning software for Ubuntu?12:20
zimcan i set a diff background on each desktop12:20
ubotuI know nothing about backup12:20
Eazy-I have a fresh install of Kubuntu and its not installed12:20
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reemuskit says to install the package flashplugin-nonfree12:21
ompaulderek, gnomebaker or if you have an iso on your desktop just right click on it12:21
reemuski don't see that package in synaptic12:21
LjLderek: k3b, but it's for KDE12:21
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gnomefreakderek: there are alot gnomebaker, k3b, nautilus-burner12:21
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redguy!tell reemusk about universe12:21
yo_mero T  Preg. n 3/30 * Tema: simpsons (Autor: Homero)12:21
yo_mero T  Quin se enamor de Lisa?  ( 1 pal.)12:21
yo_mero IRcap Trivial  juego en pausa 12:21
derek<3 IRC12:21
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gnomefreakLjL: still runs in gnome ;)12:21
Jack_SparrowLjL: K3b works fine in Ubuntu12:21
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lemurLjL: I have been using ubuntu...  I did have kubuntu-desktop installed but later removed it12:21
DonLI like K3b too12:22
lemurI should have paid better attention to how the installs went12:22
zimis there a way to have a diff background image on each desktop ???12:22
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LjLgnomefreak, Jack_Sparrow: and? gnomebaker runs fine in kubuntu (i suppose), but i'm still not going to use it. perhaps someone else would, but i still do find it polite to warn people when a program i'm telling them about is for another environment than the one they're using.12:22
redguyreemusk, flashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse repository12:22
gnomefreakLjL: yes12:22
nbjaymehello everybody,  is there already a solution to the "Failed to Intialize HAL!", i have placed the smbfs mount in rc.local and i still have the errors... please help..12:22
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gnomefreakLjL: when you isntall them they install the libraries they need to run if you install k3b without kubuntu its still gonna install libqt3-mt12:23
derekI have to say this...Windows must burn12:23
lemurk3b is a part of KDE, but it is not necessarily "for" it in the sense that you can't use it all by itself in any other graphical environment.  It fits in with gnome just fine12:23
LjLgnomefreak: i know that12:23
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Jack_SparrowLjL: We always prefer an informed user. But saying that is a KDE app implies it will not run on Ubuntu12:23
zimderek have you installed xgl ???12:23
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LjLlemur: except you'll have to install the KDE libraries -- actually, they'll get installed automatically, but anyway12:23
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:23
DonLYes. I'm a big fan of Gnome, but K3b installed with just the necessary kde libraries and no more. Works like a charm12:24
derekThanks for the DVD burning software guys12:24
brian__hey, how do you find your machine's IP address in ubuntu?12:24
lemurLjL: yeah, that's true...  it'll take up some disk space and sit on more memory when you load it, but all in all it's not such a bad deal12:24
codecainewhen I play  movies and stuff the sound is off12:24
codecainehow can I fix that even when loading in windowsw12:24
codecaineI mean ubuntu12:24
derekBrain__ I usually use www.whatismyip.com12:24
zimcan anyone tell me how i can have a diff background image on each of my 4 desktops in gnome12:25
gnomefreakbrian__: ifconfig12:25
=== Eazy- [n=eazy@81-229-126-193-no48.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
lemurI use my handy dandy router with dyndns..  never haver to worry what my ip is anymore ^_^12:25
brian__ipconfig you mean?  in the terminal?12:25
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HartNotdoes anyone know how to install the mplayer plugin for swiftfox12:25
lemurHartNot: does swiftfox read /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?12:26
Eazy-Installed resolveconf...now it works...lets see for how long :)12:26
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derekI'm new to Linux, I download things but it goes into a archive thingy, and i cant install it. why?12:26
zimbrian is a windoze boy ifconfig12:26
useenamederek you probably want to use Synaptic to install things12:27
gnomefreakderek: because you choose it to open with that instead of downloading to a dir12:27
dreamcatcher5172does anyone have a good fps or rpg game running on ubuntu right now? I just need to pointed to the right direction in terms of the popular games that everyone likes12:27
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lemurHartNot: if it does, then I imagine that the mplayer-mozilla package in multiverse will work like a charm12:27
HartNotlemur, I'm not sure, how do I check that?12:27
brian__aha, got it, thanks zim12:27
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lemurHartNot: to be honest, I'm not sure how you check it..  but that's where firefox loads its plugins from12:27
=== AndyCooll_ [n=AndyCool@spc1-stkp2-0-0-cust137.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
zimbrian are you using wireless12:27
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-84-9-55-195.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
reemuski added the repositiories and reloaded12:28
reemuski still don't see flash-nonfree12:28
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lemurreemusk: I just let flash install firefox automatically for me12:28
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derekThe archive manager is the only thing I can choose....12:28
derekI cant pick anything else12:29
=== Beckyrmwfc [n=BeckysRM@adsl-211-40-68.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
reemuskleemur : i tried that but it said ti failed12:29
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lemurreemusk: how odd12:29
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lemurreemusk: what architecture are you running?12:29
reemuskleemur: very!12:29
redguyreemusk, ok, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:29
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:29
reemuskleemur: dapper drake12:29
reemusktrying that now12:29
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lemurfor x86?12:29
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reemuskyes x8612:30
Zaireis there anyone on right now running an FX 5200 nvidia card that has twinview working?12:30
=== nverhaar [n=nverhaar@mail.senews.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu
lemurreemusk: oh, I see... hope the package works for you12:30
reemuskleemur: i got this error when i apt: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:30
reemuskE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:30
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lemurreemusk: it means that dpkg is running from another process.  Make sure you're not using anything else like aptitude, synaptic, etc12:31
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reemuskoh i have synaptic running12:31
reemuskelt me close that12:31
jumperI have 2 hd: a Sata and A Udma hd. should I install the so on the sata and use the Udma for my data or viceversa? pls help12:31
reemuskleemur: now i have a new error12:31
reemuskreemusk@ReeDesk:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:31
reemuskReading package lists... Done12:31
reemuskBuilding dependency tree... Done12:31
reemuskE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree12:31
gnomefreakreemusk: dont paste in here12:31
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reemuskgnomefreak: sorry12:31
gnomefreakreemusk: oh and enable multiverse12:31
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reemuskgnome: educate me :)12:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:32
gnomefreakreemusk: ^^^12:32
reemuskgnome: i've already acivated those and reloaded12:32
gnomefreakreemusk: than paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin so i can look at it12:32
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reemuskgnome: how do i display it12:33
vbgunzhow do I find out my public ip address through Ubuntu? ifconfig, does not tell me what the public address is :(12:33
=== MehAdult [n=paul@adsl-65-68-1-24.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:33
gnomefreakreemusk: ^^ open that linka nd paste the file cont4ents there12:33
reemuskgnome: i knew that, how do i display the file contents, or do i just find the file?12:34
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gnomefreakreemusk: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:34
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reemuskgnome: at pastebin now12:35
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DonLHartNot, can12:35
Aviatrixiegood evening from cloudy southwest Pennsylvania USA  :)12:36
DonL't believe I havent heard of Swiftfox. I'll check it out12:36
lemurAviatrixie: good afternoon from hot and sunny southern California12:36
reemuskgnome: should it always take this long to load the page AFTER I paste the information? it's just sitting here with the java box12:36
Jack_Sparrowlemur: San Diego here12:36
amortvigilhwo do you remove useres in console12:36
=== dueyfinster [n=dueyfins@213-202-173-51.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Sometimes it lags12:36
AviatrixieLOL @lemur... how's the air quality today?  ;)12:37
reemuskjack: preesh :)12:37
=== dueyfinster [n=dueyfins@213-202-173-51.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:37
Jack_SparrowALways good where I live...12:37
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reemuskgnome: still waiting12:37
Aviatrixie<--- happens to like gnome... bunches12:38
cheeseman557anyone know what this error means: buffer I/O on device sr0, logical block 25527?12:38
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vbgunzanyone know if Ubuntu can give me my public ip address? ifconfig doesn't seem to give it to me12:39
Aviatrixiebut then it reminds me of my old but beloved powerbook12:39
Jack_Sparrowcheeseman557:  Accessing a usb removeable drive?12:39
cheeseman557no just my hard drive12:39
reemuskgnome: still waiting, is there any other way i can get this to you?12:39
gnomefreakreemusk: i told you to paste the contents on pastebin12:39
Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Paste it to #Jack_Sparrow while you wait12:40
reemuskgnome: i did. i'm waiting12:40
gnomefreakreemusk: can i have the address after you hit send12:40
reemuskjack: thanks, will do so. pastebin just asked me to download a php file12:40
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reemuskafter I hit send nothing happens12:40
reemuskit's stuck on loading12:40
dsahI can't get my ethernet to work at all12:41
Jack_Sparrowdsah: Your hardware type?12:41
dsahAsus A7N8X Deluxe12:41
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Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak: He only has the mains enabled12:42
dsahtwo onboard ports12:42
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gnomefreaki figured as much12:42
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gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: he said i already enabled all those :(12:42
dlidsah, two ethernet cards?12:42
gnomefreak!repos > reemusk12:42
dsahboth are onboard on the motherboard12:43
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Jack_SparrowI was just trying to expedite things..12:43
Aviatrixielottsa support happening at the moment... obviously not a good time for small talk. Have a good night all... and happy 4th to those in the usa  :)12:43
dsahG don't have ant non-onboard ones12:43
=== nny [n=scott@69-164-49-183.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakreemusk: please read that wiki and enable multiverse repo12:43
dlidsah, that's very weird :( pastebin your lspci12:43
reemuskgnome: i have enabled multiverse repo12:43
nnydoes ubuntu support hfsplus (like say from a new mac)12:43
dlidsah, I don't mean it's impossible, but most likely, only one onboard nic12:44
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dli!lspci > dsah12:44
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ubotuI know nothing about lspci12:44
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=== nny wonders how to check the dapper kernel to see if it has that option
Jack_Sparrowdsah:  That has nvidia and 3Com lan cards12:44
dsahyeh, I know12:44
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dsahwould it matter that I am trying to connect through a hub?12:45
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reemuskjack: i have enabled multiverse as the wiki page states. i have reloaded synaptic. pastebin is not working. what do i do?12:45
dlidsah, sudo apt-get install pciutils12:45
diguanaAnyone know where I can find the setting that controls how long an SSH session can be inactive without disconnecting? I'm trying to access my home computer from work and it keeps kicking me out if I take my eyes off the window for a minute or two.12:45
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Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Your paste into channel says dufferent12:45
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reemuskjack: interesting. interesting..12:46
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reemuskjack: i do this in the software properties, correct?12:46
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patrickjDual lcds, finally :D12:46
Jack_Sparrowreemusk:  It just shows 4 mains12:46
dsahdliw that didn't do anything12:46
Jack_Sparrowreemusk:  what?12:46
dliDIguana, that's controlled by sshd, the server side12:47
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reemuskjack: it says to activate the repositories i must use software properties in administration12:47
elementpatrickj, me too :) 20"s :P12:47
patrickjelement: mine are only 17"12:47
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Jack_SparrowSynaptic settings repositories12:48
patrickjwhat kind are yours?12:48
Jack_Sparrowclick on all of them12:48
reemuskthey are all clicked12:48
reemuskAdding the Universe and Multiverse Repositories12:48
reemusk    Navigate to "System" > "Administration" > "Software Properties".12:48
zimwhere do i map keys in gnome i want to map some custome keys on my logitec keyboard12:48
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Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Try it my way12:48
elementpatrickj, do you see a conflict between these two? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820227124 -- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E1681313102212:48
patrickjelement: nice, DO you think I could check out your xorgconfig to see an example of the dual lcds?12:48
Jack_SparrowSynaptic settings repositories12:48
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elementpatrickj, I'm still on windows :P  this is my new box12:49
stelkiI'm going to try my luck again: Have anybody other than me experienced a menu entry in gnome that you just can seem to remove? I've been trying with alacarte, but everytime I try to disable the entry, it just comes back instantly - what can I possibly do to get around this?12:49
patrickjdamn, lol k12:49
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reemuski'm there12:49
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elementpatrickj, so do you?12:49
patrickjelement: no I dont see any conflict between those two, why uou ask?12:49
reemuskjack: they are all checked12:49
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elementpatrickj, ordering my new hardware ;)12:50
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patrickjelement: its really good ram12:50
elementdual 320gb drives, 2gb of ram, dual-core12:50
elementdual 20" monitors, and more :P12:50
Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Were they before?12:50
elementpatrickj, SATA-II too :)12:50
patrickjelement: oh, nice12:50
patrickjyou could go for a little bit better of a motherboard though12:50
elementcost me a pretty penny, but well worth it12:50
patrickjelement: and what cpu ?12:51
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[Nige_Away] j #debian12:51
patrickjhmm nice12:51
patrickjlucky bugger12:51
stelkielement: damn, you won the lottery?12:51
patrickjIm just running dual xeons12:51
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elementstelki, no, my old computer is slowly dieing :P12:51
patrickjand dual 17" lcds :P12:51
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elementstelki, I have a 2ghz w/ 1gb of ram right now, about 5 years old12:51
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stelkielement: pfft, nothing wrong with that :D12:52
elementI'll be selling a lot of my hardware too, 17" Samsung LCD, speakers, and some more12:52
elementstelki, too slow for me :)12:52
patrickjlol k12:52
patrickjmines Dual 2.2GHz Xeons, 512mb Ram though12:52
elementstelki, I like top performance12:52
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stelkielement: hehe, I getcha, luckily I'm patient enough12:52
elementpatrickj, I didn't want to go xeon, AMD is far above Xeon right now -- you should upgrade your ram too12:52
elementstelki, more than welcome to buy my old hardware :)12:53
patrickjYeh I know, but im broke ATM12:53
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patrickjand 512mb ram is fine for linux12:53
patrickjI ONLY run linux12:53
elementI have an extra Samsung 172X now :)12:53
patrickjk lol12:53
Jack_Sparrowreemusk: Your silence implies that it now works for you... Glad to help12:53
patrickjalso, this mobo takes RDRAM, so basically its alot to get more ram :\12:53
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ompaulnotice  --  flood of unbans  coming up12:54
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=== stelki hides
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patrickjwell im going to install Debian, im ditching ubuntu sadly lol12:55
PFAin gtk/deborphan . . . how do i know which packages to remove? :S12:55
stelkioh for the love of god I dont get this, silly gnome12:55
patrickjelement: nice talking :P12:55
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Jack_Sparrowstelki: Anything we might do to help?12:55
nekromaanhello, i compiled a new kernel and get this error msg http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=443368 , i also cant use my second hard drive, what options do i have to en/disable in the kernel menu?12:55
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stelkiJack_Sparrow: yeah I already asked a while ago, dont wanna spam too much with my silly questions though12:56
stelkifigures noone answered noone knows12:56
Stormx2Ask away.12:56
Jack_SparrowI probably wont know but ask anyhow12:56
Stormx2Oh and btw, you should all buy the ubuntu cds. They come with free stickers!12:56
stelkiAlrighty then: Have anybody other than me experienced a menu entry in gnome that you just can seem to remove? I've been trying with alacarte, but everytime I try to disable the entry, it just comes back instantly - what can I possibly do to get around this?12:57
Gareth1ooh, stickers12:57
gnomefreakstelki: buy?12:57
Jack_SparrowWhat is it and where in the menu12:57
Stormx2stelki: Ooh odd, I've never had that.12:57
gnomefreakshipit comes with stickers now ;)12:57
n0k|ayou buy and get free stickers?12:57
Stormx2You don't have to pay any money12:57
Stormx2they send em to you for free12:57
Stormx2because our millionaire cosmonaut overlord commands them too.12:58
stelkiAnd to be precise, its a menu entry from transgaming cedega12:58
Gareth1and the stickers are $3.5 each on the store12:58
Stormx2Haha really?12:58
=== MoDaX [i=brsomd@lan-84-240-22-131.vln.skynet.lt] has joined #ubuntu
Gareth1yep http://www.cafepress.com/ubuntushop/12:58
Stormx2Wow canonical must be making such a loss12:58
Jack_Sparrowstelki: You want it off the menu or off the system12:58
Gareth1are they the oval stickers Stormx2?12:58
Stormx2stelki: All I can suggest, make sure you only have one menu editor open, make sure the cedega process is fully terminated...12:58
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Stormx2Gareth1: They are rectangular except one side of curved, in a semi-circle sorta fashion12:59
Stormx2And I got 12!12:59
Stormx2Im gonna stick them on stuff12:59
Stormx2and people..12:59
Gareth1wow, not bad number12:59
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Gareth1I've been looking for stickers for my laptop12:59
stelkiJack_Sparrow: off the menu only12:59
gnomefreakGareth1: no they are rectangle12:59
Stormx2they're not your usual small stickers tho01:00
Gareth1ah gotcha01:00
Stormx2these are biggens'01:00
Gareth1yeah, the store says 5 inch x 3 inch01:00
stelkiStormx2: yea, tried all that stuff :/01:00
Stormx2stelki: Kill X and log back in?01:00
amortvigilhow to delete a map?01:00
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Stormx2amortvigil: a... map?01:00
amortvigilhow to delete a directory?01:00
Stormx2amortvigil: rmdir01:01
Jack_Sparrowstelki: Like storm said earlier, same advice I would give..01:01
PFAhow big should ubuntu be after install?01:01
Stormx2amortvigil: or, if its not empty, rm -rf01:01
stelkiStormx2: did a whole pc restart earlier (to change a few fans), but the problem persists01:01
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Stormx2stelki: I really don't know. Perhaps ask in #gnome ?01:01
Stormx2this is neat01:02
Gareth1PFA, for a standard ubuntu install, everything normally takes up about 2 gigs of space01:02
Stormx2theres only like 4 of us here01:02
PFAGareth1: thanks01:02
Stormx2its cool and a lot less hectic than normal01:02
Gareth1although if you are really concerned with disk space, go for xubuntu (doesn't come with all the stuff that ubuntu comes with)01:02
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stelkiStormx2: I will try, thanks01:02
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Jack_Sparrowstelki: When you uncheck the box for it it comes back?01:02
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stelkiJack_Sparrow: yep, first time I uncheck it it comes back, then when I uncheck again it doesnt, but the entry is still there01:03
stelkiJack_Sparrow: and its checked when I start alacarte again01:03
Stormx2stelki: So delete it?01:03
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Jack_Sparrowstelki:  I wonder if gksudo alacarte would give the permission to do it01:04
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stelkiStormx2: delete option blanked out01:04
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stelkiJack_Sparrow: oh will just try that, did a sudo alacarte earlier though01:04
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moparfan90im trying to install cedega and it says i need xlibs.. and there no package for it.. what should i do?01:04
stelkibleh, same result01:04
Stormx2stelki: Try #gnome01:05
stelkialright off I go then01:05
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Stormx2moparfan90: May be something like libx, use your imagination01:05
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Stormx2stelki: Sorry for not being able to help :(01:05
moparfan90i think theres  a .deb file online somewhere but i cant find it01:05
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moparfan90anyone know where01:05
Luke-bHi, I have installed CentOS on my computer, and now I want to install Ubuntu aswell. Can I use the same swap space partition for both OSs?01:06
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stelkiStormx2: ahh its ok, I've been fooling around with it for some time without being able to do it myself too, google didnt really show anything either01:06
Stormx2moparfan90: Maybe theres a howto/wiki on cedega?01:06
hyphenatedLuke-b: of course. only one of them is going to be running at any one time, so it's not going to matter01:06
moparfan90ill look01:06
Luke-bhyphenated: thanks01:07
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Jack_Sparrowstelki: Does sudo still show the remove button as grey01:07
Luke-bAlso, how do you recommend I re-partition my drive? I don't want to risk losing all my stuff01:07
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Stormx2moparfan90: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega01:07
hyphenatedLuke-b: carefully ;-)01:07
Jack_SparrowLuke-b: No repartitioning is risk free in Linux or Windows01:07
dliLuke-b, better backup01:07
Gareth1Luke-b, back up to another drive01:08
Luke-bI will backup :) but how should I go about doing it after that?01:08
Stormx2Luke-b: whatever happens, don't back up.01:08
Gareth1do you have a separate partition for /home?01:08
Stormx2Yeah I do.01:08
Gareth1yeah, good idea Stormx201:08
Stormx2gives the pr0n room to breathe.01:08
stelkiJack_Sparrow: yip01:08
Jack_SparrowHow do you force Ubuntu to use /home on a different partition? Does it need to be ext2,3 or reisf01:09
Stormx2I use ext301:09
Stormx2and you just mount it01:09
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Gareth1it's just in your fstab01:09
dliJack_Sparrow, /etc/fstab01:09
Stormx2You do it in the installer...01:09
Gareth1I'm using reiserfs for my /home, but I imagine any recognizable filesystem would do01:09
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Stormx2Anything yeah.01:10
Jack_SparrowI have been copying it to another partition, but having it use the other partition would be better01:10
Stormx2Best not use FAT though ;)01:10
Jack_Sparrowdli:  what would I put in my fstab?01:10
Gareth1say, is grub still limited to ext* partitions?01:10
Jack_SparrowDOnt think so01:10
dliJack_Sparrow, follow other entries there, make an entry for /home01:11
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Stormx2My setup is like this: 20gb HDD. 10gb "Stuff" (documents and such) 10gb Windows XP. 80gb HDD. 63.5gb "Music", 11gb /, 5gb /home, 1.5gb swap01:11
dliGareth1, no, you can use reiserfs, jfs, xfs, ufs2, ffs, even fat for grub01:12
Stormx2I'll need a new HDD for music soon >.<01:12
Gareth1ah, thanks dli01:12
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Gareth1hm, should I take the risk of redoing my /boot?01:12
Torfinn'sudo apt-get install lyx' # give error 2 because of said corrupted package. Q: Does 'sudo apt-get clean lyx' prepare for new download and install?01:12
Stormx2I guess ;-)01:13
Gareth1Stormx2, there are plenty of places selling some nice 250 gb hard drives for ~100 dollars01:13
Jack_Sparrowdli: thanks, I will mess with that tomorrow... Thanks to all here for the help...01:13
compengihow to number my pages in office writer?01:13
Stormx2Thats alright!01:13
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Jack_SparrowI'm calling it a day.. for now01:13
Stormx2I can start ripping in FLAC again haha...01:13
Stormx2I'm gonna be off too.01:13
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compengihow to number my pages in open office word processor?01:15
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useenamehi compengi, you probably want to edit the footer/header01:19
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compengiuseename, yeah i want to add a page number at the end of the page01:20
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA01:20
useenameactually, it's in Insert -> Fields01:20
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dockocan anyone help me? i'd like to make a mailserver for my local network - something that would collect all emails and computers on local network should read emails via IMAP... how to do it?01:21
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ppcguyhey all borked my xserv again..01:22
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ppcguyknow it's dkpg something to get it back to don't remember the exact command off the top of me head01:23
ppcguyany help?01:23
ppcguyah should mention I'm running dapper01:23
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spadesppcguy to reconfig xserver?01:24
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spadesdpkg-reconfigure xserver-org01:24
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useenamedocko: you can read up on exim and postfix01:25
useenamei think those programs are mail software01:25
zimhi all what is the super button ???01:25
useenamezim: it turns on the HyperVapor in your CPU01:26
XVampireXzim: it's the winkey01:26
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useenamewait, there's really a "super" key?  in what context?01:27
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Gareth1useename, it's the windows key01:30
gnomefreakuseename: the super key is the windows key01:30
gnomefreakor meta key01:30
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J_Phi all01:30
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PhoulHello. Im re-installing ubuntu and im wondering which iso i need. when i had breezy i only had one option and now theres 3. I use my computer as a desktop system . Would i get the desktop cd?01:31
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PhoulIm just not used to ubuntu ever having a livecd that your soposed to install off of hehe01:31
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useenameyou want the desktop cd if you're installing from scratch and not upgrading01:33
Phoulokay well im installing over genpoo01:33
cyphaseNot that I usually read Foxnews, but.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,201765,00.html01:33
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oneeyedelf1is there any way to increase ubuntu's startup01:37
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Hexidigital_oneeyedelf1:: you can try using hybernate, depending on your system01:37
livingdaylighthi, How does one detect hardware?01:37
boricuai see that ubuntu apache localhost  shows a directory of apache2-default while apache2-default shows the initial page saying the server was setup correctly, is this correct of did the set up miss something?01:37
livingdaylightHow can i check what the computer says my dvd writer is?01:37
jbaloulhi, anyone have MAXSOCKS problems with vncserver on amd64 ?01:38
Bot_BuilderHey, anyone know of a good source for info on ubuntu's fstab? I want to know about the options like errors=remount-ro,utf,umask=007,gid=4601:38
oneeyedelf1Hexidigital_: hibernate doesnt work on my system01:38
Hexidigital_boricua:: when you put an .html file in your /var/www,  the .html file will be the default01:38
Hexidigital_oneeyedelf1:: mine either :(01:38
J_Phey all, I am compiling kernel, I compile the kernel and install ok, but I try install second compiled kernel but the new kernel try create same name in /lib/modules/... But In kernel package I specific diferent argument in --revision : root@concord:/usr/src# make-kpkg --revision=test.1.0 kernel-image.01:38
J_PSo, I have this kernel do install via dpkg -i : kernel-image- and kernel-image- But first kernel create dir /lib/modules/ and when i try install second kernel ubuntu show error for me that dir /lib/modules/ already exist. Why if my argumtn in --revision when compile is diferent ?01:38
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_nano_Hi, filesystem of / shows 0.6% non-contiguous blocks...what does this mean?01:39
_nano_*filesystem check01:40
Bot_Builder_nano_ - that means those sections are fragmented, no big deal really01:40
Bot_Builderjust when that number gets bigger you might want to defragment01:40
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_nano_Bot_Builder, is there anyway to defragment?01:40
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_nano_Bot_Builder, how?01:40
hyphenated_nano_: yes, but it's generally not necessary (it's done automagically for most filesystems)01:40
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_nano_hyphenated, ah ok...so i guess i don't have to worry about it01:41
Bot_Builderyeah, I wouldn't01:41
Bot_Builder.6% is tiny01:41
hyphenated_nano_: as Bot_Builder said, it's "no big deal"01:41
Bot_BuilderI think I'm at like 2%, and thats still tiny :P01:41
Hexidigital_boricua:: you there?01:41
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_nano_I have another question...ubuntu by default installed as ext3 ...there are others like reiserfs etc...which one's the best?01:41
bit_doidaoHello all! does anyone had succes in syncing palm zire 72 in ubuntu? This is my last issue for my perfect desktop01:42
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Hexidigital_boricua:: make a test page <html><body>test</body></html> and name it index.html, then reload the page01:42
oneeyedelf1so is there any way other than using hibernate to decrease my startup times01:42
hyphenated_nano_: even if it were horrendously fragmented, it's not going to matter, because performance doesn't degrade on ext3 the same way it does with fat32 (a windows filesystem). and the files that _do_ get used often will have automagically been defragmented as well.01:42
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Bot_Builder_nano_: Nothing is really best - some are good in some areas, some are better in others.  Ext3 is plenty good though01:42
cyberitehi, i'm running Amarok 1.4 (from the dapper repo's) - but when I run the first run wizard and add the directory that contains my music, nothing shows up in my collcetion. Has anybody seen this?01:42
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_nano_hyphenated, Bot_Builder, many many thanks  :)01:43
hyphenatedcyberite: I've only seen that for files that weren't tagged properly01:43
leftyhey will ubuntu run ok on my old powerbook g3?01:43
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FCTEAmarok is tricky, I just messed with it enough until it started evntually working right01:43
oneeyedelf1cyberite: did yuo wait for it to finish building your catalog01:43
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cyberiteyes, the window showed 100%01:43
Bot_Builder_nano_: no problem :)01:44
livingdaylightIs there any specific way dvd witers need to be configured that i should know about?01:44
cyberitehyphenated, yes, some of them might be improperly tagged01:44
spikebeh, the kde packages are kind of unstable for me01:44
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livingdaylightk3b says it can write, but i've tried to burn dvd .iso and yet it says it is blank01:44
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hyphenatedlivingdaylight: after going into the menu and choosing Tools -> Burn DVD ISO Image ?01:45
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hyphenatedlivingdaylight: have you previously gone to Settings -> K3b Setup ?01:47
livingdaylighthyphenated: yea, did that and burnt the iso ; but it shows up as empty  - i'm trying again now01:47
livingdaylighthyphenated: went to Settings -> configure k3b , and under device it confirms that it has picked up the new dvd writer i just bought01:48
boricuaHexidigital_:sorry i am here01:48
hyphenatedlivingdaylight: the other one (K3b setup) checks/changes permissions of a bunch of things if they are set incorrectly01:49
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livingdaylightwhat am i looking for?01:49
FCTEAnyone running xgl/compiz?01:49
SonicChaoMy video card isn't working, it's a Mobile Intel 915GM Express Chipset01:49
SonicChaoCan someone help?01:50
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leftyxubuntu or ubuntu on powerbookg3?01:50
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leftyany suggestions?01:50
SonicChaolefty: Ubuntu01:50
UsunnyFCTE thers a #xgl channel01:50
FCTEUbuntu is better IMHO01:50
FCTEsweet thanks01:51
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leftywill it be slow with 333mhz processor though01:51
SonicChaoCan somoene help me?01:51
Comrade_Shi sonic01:51
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Comrade_Swhat do you need01:51
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SonicChaoWhat a pleasant surprise!01:51
wweaselTo those of you who use a VNC client in Ubuntu, what client do you recommend?01:51
Comrade_Shi sonic01:51
SonicChaoComrade_S: My video card isn't working, it's a Mobile Intel 915GM Express Chipset01:51
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SonicChaoUbuntu 6.0601:52
Frederickcant I use lex and yacc on ubuntu?01:52
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Comrade_SSonicChao: I cant help you with that unfortunately.Not my expertise01:52
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erUSULFrederick: sure why not?01:54
FrederickerUSUL, couldnt find the packages01:54
FrederickI know there is byson and flex01:54
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livingdaylighthyphenated: in k3b setup ; how should things be?01:55
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livingdaylighthyphenated: ?01:56
hyphenatedlivingdaylight: it should load up stuff about 'Settings', 'Devices' and 'External Programs'01:56
livingdaylighthyphenated: yea..no, how should they be setup?01:57
livingdaylighthyphenated: its there; but  i dont know if it is right or wrong01:57
wweaselTo those of you who use a VNC client in Ubuntu, what client do you recommend?01:57
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livingdaylighthyphenated: k3b again burnt a blank dvd01:57
erUSULFrederick: then you will have to get the source and compile it... i'm afraid01:57
hyphenatedlivingdaylight: it's showing you 'how things should be'. is "Apply" clickable or disabled?01:57
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livingdaylighthyphenated: its disabled01:58
bimberiwweasel: i use the one shipped (xvncviewer) via Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client01:58
livingdaylighthyphenated: un-clickable01:59
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hyphenatedso it does a complete burn with no errors, and it still appears blank to you when it's done?01:59
riddleboxI need to enable a script in /etc/init.d how would I do that?01:59
livingdaylighthyphenated: thats about it02:00
loderunnerwhat would/could 'tracer' refer to other than traceroute?02:00
wweaselbiberi: oh, cool, I didn't know it shipped with one.02:00
bimberiwweasel: :)02:00
hyphenatedlivingdaylight: I'd use google to find out if other people have complained about that drive in linux02:00
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livingdaylighthyphenated: ok, a project for tomorrow then02:00
bimbeririddlebox: use the update-rc.d command for that, you'll need to consult the man page for how to run it02:01
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Glassiusi'm trying to get frequency scaling to work properly on my pentium-m, but for some reasons there only seems to be two available steps, 600mhz and 1,5ghz...any idea on how to get the other steps working?02:01
Glassius"cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies" returns "1500000 600000", the same does cpufreq-info02:01
ConstyAnyone know why xmame's package is broken?  I have the binary nvidia drivers installed and working and I can't get xmame to work with GL.. saying libGL.so is not found.02:01
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byenhey guys i have a quick question: I did a sudo shutdown -h +60 and now i have to undo it. how can i do that via the terminal02:02
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Comrade_Sbyen: sudi shurtdown -c02:04
Comrade_Sbyen: sudoshurtdown -c02:04
byenthanks Comrade_S  :P02:04
Comrade_Sbyen: sudo shutdown -c02:04
byenyou saved my butt :P02:04
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byenlol.. shurtdown? :D02:04
spikebyay shurtdown02:04
Glassiusman shutdown is your friend :P02:04
jason_I'm getting "not authenticated" messages in synaptic02:04
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byenthat would stop any sudo shutdown -h process Comrade_S ?02:05
byenkool. thanks mate02:05
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J_Phey all, I am compiling kernel, I compile the kernel and install ok, but I try install second compiled kernel but the new kernel try create same name in /lib/modules/... But In kernel package I specific diferent argument in --revision : root@concord:/usr/src# make-kpkg --revision=test.1.0 kernel-image.02:06
J_PSo, I have this kernel do install via dpkg -i : kernel-image- and kernel-image- But first kernel create dir /lib/modules/ and when i try install second kernel ubuntu show error for me that dir /lib/modules/ already exist. Why if my argumtn in --revision when compile is diferent ?02:06
m_tadeuhi everyone....if iptables -L is empty, means that the firewall is not filtering anything, right?02:06
jason_is there a gpg key for backports?02:06
wweaselI have a question, and it seems really stupid considering I've been using Ubuntu for a few months now. What about defragging?02:07
zerby_no defragging for linux02:07
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Frederickwweasel, this is a windows issue02:08
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wweaselSo Linux disks don't become fragmented?02:08
jason_wweasel, ext2/ext3 are designed not to be02:09
wweaselCool. That's good to know.02:09
jason_but there are tools to do it if you really want to02:09
J_Panyone can help me with kernel-package ?02:09
zerby_next question: virusses ?02:09
m_tadeulolol don't forget about adwares02:10
zerby_yes yes adwares02:10
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Glassiuswhat about registry clean-up?02:10
zerby_what about windows02:11
Gareth1don't forget to make sure you have a genuine copy, to "protect" you from piracy02:11
zerby_oh yeeeesssss02:11
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m_tadeunever, but never use a key generator02:11
Bot_Builderhmm, mounting a partition into a folder in my home dir isn't working so well02:11
Glassiuscan i run WGA in wine? :P02:12
Gareth1haha Glassius02:12
Bot_BuilderI get 'Error "Not on the same filesystem" while deleting'02:12
Glassiusi'm wondering if i have a pirated version of kubuntu02:12
Bot_Builderwhen i try to delete something in it02:12
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Bot_BuilderGlassius - lol, is there such a thing02:13
zerby_wow illegal copie of ubuntu!!??02:13
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Glassiusactually, that would be a fun project, getting wga running in wine...wonder what it would think :P02:13
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wweaselGlassius: I think I've read about people doing crazy stuff like that.02:14
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rackerzcan someone help me get my webcam working when i start up ubuntu?02:14
docta_vdoes anyone here know a fair amount about spf (sender policy framework)02:15
docta_vwould appreciate a msg if you can help me interpret some spf records02:15
=== socket7 [n=socket7@c-69-181-120-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
socket7Can anyone help me get udev to see the CD-rom drive in my laptop as a hot swap device02:16
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socket7Has anyone here ever configured udev by hand?02:20
farkyCan someone help me with setting up my sata drive?02:21
J_PAre there one doc to compile kernel one ubuntu using kernel-package ?02:21
Bot_Builderhmm, can i make a symbolic link to a folder?02:21
hyphenatedBot_Builder: sure02:22
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bimberiJ_P: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:23
Bot_Buildernone of the docs i looked at specifically said you could do folders02:23
Dr_Willisfarky,  give a few more details as to what you are wanting to do02:23
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socket7725 people and nobody has any idea of how to configure udev by hand?02:23
farkyDr_Willies: mainly, I cannot get the text installer to start the partitioner because it is not detecting my drive02:24
Dr_Willissocket7,  whats to config. :P its got its files in /etc/udev/  go forit!@02:24
Dr_Willisfarky,  hmm..  could try the live cd and see if it sees the drive02:24
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socket7Dr_Willis. So you have no idea then.02:25
F0LL0W3Rhow to configure out the modem properties for HSP56 mr via to get the connection workin ?02:25
farkyDr_Willis: well I have another problem there, the Live CD does not detect my mouse. I have tried three different mice: PS/2 and USB02:25
Dr_Willissocket7,  i would guess the udev homepage would be where to start. :) as you hopefully await a response here.02:25
Dr_Willisfarky,  now thats odd.  this a desktop machine? or laptop?02:26
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farkyDr_Willis: desktop02:26
hussamwill edgy eft contain xorg 7.1?02:26
spikebhussam: yes02:26
hussamor is too late for that?02:26
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hussamspikeb: ah ok good02:27
Dr_Willisfarky,  hmm.. could try some other live cd.. but the hw detection in the ubuntu live seemed quite good last i tried it.02:27
Samus_Arancan anyone suggest why I might be getting "fork resource unavailable" when I have 1.25 GiB RAM, only 170 processes and ulimit shows "unlimited" ?  top shows half a gig of cache used and 50 MiB RAM free02:27
farkyDr_Willis: I have tried the slax series of live cd's also, but same problem02:27
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Dr_Willisfarky,  that almost sounds like some odd motherboard/bios issue then.02:28
F0LL0W3Rany1 would help me abt the modem properties to configure out the problem to bel solved ^_^02:28
Dr_Willisfarky,  may want to google for your exact machine and see if any othe rlinux users have had issues like that.02:28
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farkyDr_Willis: ok I will try that, thanks02:28
witlesshi. when playing a dvd in ubuntu, does it bypass regional encoding?02:29
socket7Dr_Willis, I'm sorry you've proven my theory once again.02:29
Dr_Willissocket7,  sure whatever...02:29
GrubChubis there a default username/password for phpmyadmin when you install it through apt?02:29
socket7Linux users are assholes :D02:29
Dr_Willisfarky,  you could see what exact x config is being generated. and see if the dev is matching up.02:29
Dr_Willissocket7,  yea sure... whatever.02:30
GrubChubbah some of the guys I work with are :p02:30
Dr_Willisya missed the fun earlier today.02:30
GrubChubI hate it when they are zealots about the OS02:30
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GrubChub:) I think it's an awesome os02:30
Frederickcan I get flash 8 for linux?02:30
GrubChubbut some subscribe to it like a religon :-|02:30
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rskFrederick no02:31
Frederickgreat =/02:31
farkyDr_Willis: maybe upgrade my bios? I just read that some guy had the same problem with the hard disk and he just upgraded the bios and it worked fine02:31
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Dr_WillisGrubChub,  heh - its a tool. and all tools have limitations and take efforts to learn.02:31
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GrubChubThat's not the point i'm arguing at all02:31
GrubChubI understand that completely02:31
Dr_Willisfarky,  i had linux issues in the past that there fixed by bios updates.  so if there is a bios update - id be sure to try it02:31
GrubChubyou guys are extremely helpful here02:31
Dr_WillisGrubChub,  :P02:31
farkyDr_Willis: ok thanks02:32
GrubChubthere are some linux users are like... look me not in the eye foul swine! you have the stench of microsoft on you!02:32
Dr_WillisMy laptop was usless under linu untill i updated its bios02:32
Dr_WillisGrubChub,  thats #debian :P02:32
ssuehrhey now02:32
Dr_WillisHeh heh that woke them up!02:32
Dr_Willishmm.. i just noticed that under kde i got a battery gague and cpu speed  applet.. wonder where a similer thing is for gnome.02:33
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Comrade_SDr_Willis: gDesklets02:36
Dr_Willissocket7,  i just noticed several hotswap packages for ide devices under synaptic :)02:36
Dr_WillisComrade_S, yea - i lperfer the panel applets myself.02:37
socket7I already used apt to install hotswap.02:37
Comrade_SDr_Willis: ok,np02:37
skavengetrying to install on an old desktop machine now, after, 'mounting root filesystem' i get hdb: timeout waiting for dma , then hdb: not ready for command or something like that, then it just does i/o errors on the drive over and over till i reboot .. anyone seen this? im not coming up with much on google ..02:37
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ssuehrhave you tried booting with  'ide=nodma'?02:38
dtsueijust a quick quesiton, wut's the keyboard shortcut to switch to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th desktop in ghome?02:38
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J_Pbimberi: thanks! :-)02:39
skavengessuehr: ill give that a try, didnt see it on the boot options on the disc just tried acpi=off02:39
ssuehrskavenge, when i've had similar problems it's been indicative of a hard drive going bad.02:40
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skavengessuehr: hdb's the cdrom so maybe thats dying02:40
spadesyou have your cdrom on the same channel as harddrive/02:41
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skavengehda's the harddrive .. yes i might spades dunno for sure02:41
bimberiJ_P: yw :)02:41
socket7Dr_Willis, All those hotswap utilities in synaptic do not work. I've tried them already. I've read their manuals too.02:41
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ssuehrskavenge:  does this help?  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-9914.html02:41
kordoi dont think so02:42
skavengessuehr: taking a look now02:42
kordoany1 knows how to install anything?02:42
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spadesskavenge if im not mistaken, it will only go as fast as the slowest thing which is your cdrom, maybe put that on secondary and it will be hdc and it wont slow down your harddrive02:43
skavengehmm ill have to pull the side off it and see02:43
kordoLinux only make me angry02:43
skavengeits kind of a pain cause there is no internet on it right now so i cant paste errors etc02:49
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kordobut i hate when someone tell me to go to windows02:49
GrubChubgo to windows!02:49
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has left #Ubuntu ["onwards]
kordojust need a help02:49
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install mc     (will install the program mc)02:49
Dr_Willisas an example02:49
GrubChubgo to beos :p02:49
kordohere again02:49
GrubChub;) :p sorry02:49
kordoanother 102:49
GrubChubjust fooling around02:49
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spadesskavenge im not referring to errors, just general usage to keep them on different channels02:49
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop               will install the whole xubuntu-desktop set of packagtes as another example.02:49
skavengekinda funny no hiccups on my laptop with the dapper livecd but the desktop cries heh02:49
Ghost_Printerkordo stop trying to use Linux like Windows and you will have an easier time02:49
kordonot that understand anything02:49
=== Dr_Willis wonders if the default gnome menus have that 'add/remove programs' item.
kordowell,i only try to get some help02:49
kordobut everyone says only if u dont understand go to windows02:49
spikebthat's not good :(02:49
Ghost_Printerhelp with what Kordo ?02:49
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=== ssuehr thinks he's walking into the middle of a conversation.
kordowith Linux02:49
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kordowith installing programs02:49
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Ghost_Printerwhich program?02:49
kordoi downloaded valknut02:49
kordobut i don't know how to install02:49
MeshyfCan someone give me a little advice, on how well Ubuntu would run on a Dell 3800?02:49
Usunnykordo so your stuck with a .rpm ?02:49
skavengeooh i think the ide=nodma got it through the error .. obviously have to fix that later if i can02:49
socket7Meshyf, It will run perfectly assuming you have enough spare time in your life to devote to beating it into submission.02:49
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Usunnywell, then02:49
ssuehryou can skavenge, to make it permanent.02:49
flyinprogramersundude90 needs help with modem drivers02:49
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).02:49
MeshyfSocket7: Really that bad?02:49
Dr_Willis!info valknut02:49
ubotuvalknut: graphical client for Direct Connect. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.3.7-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 863 kB, installed size 3044 kB02:49
vbgunzkordo: sudo apt-get valknut first!02:49
skavengessuehr: well hopefully i can fix whatever it is, not having dma for my drives would make it slow02:49
Dr_Willisvbgunz,  he needs to set up the right repos first02:49
socket7Meshyf Thats linux in general. If you have weird hardware, it gets even wrose.02:49
Dr_Willisdone he? or is uni the default.. i forget.02:49
kordosudo apt-get valknut?02:49
=== someoneuseless [n=puppet@rev213-183-178-4-adsl-gk1.nc-adsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
Usunnyyes, in console02:49
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install PackageName02:49
sundude90I want to conect my computer to the internet using dialup.  I have ubuntu02:49
vbgunzkordo: thats all you need if you have the right repos in your sources.list02:49
kordowhat is this,and what is console?02:49
Dr_Willisya frogot the install  part.02:49
Meshyfsocket7: I've installed ubuntu on some funky stuff and it ran fine but never tried a laptop so I was just curious/02:49
Usunnyyou shold read a manual ^^02:49
James_im having a really annoying problem, where my recent install wont boot, in 'normal' mode, it stops on the step "uncompressing linux...booting the kernel", and in recovery mode, it stops on "acpi: looking for dsdt...not found". All i did to break it was change my xorg.conf file02:49
arapehlI can't get my CD-ROM and CD-RW drives to mount... I can see them, but I can't get them working. Any ideas?02:49
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:49
flyinprogramersundude90 i would suggest telling what kind of modem you have, a.k.a copy paste the lspci line of your modem card02:50
James_doesnt boot with the dapper or hoary live cds either02:50
sundude90flyinprogramer   help me allen02:50
Ackeubu_you guys i am looking for the export_divx4.so object, in what package can i find it?02:50
Dr_Willisconsole/terminal/command line interface = where you type in commands02:50
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socket7Meshyf, laptops usually fail to suspend and or hibernate, show incorrect screen resolutions, or hot swap bays wont work correctly.02:50
someoneuseless@James: use a live linux from cd and repair your file02:50
socket7in the case of my laptop, all 3 are true02:51
arapehlI can't get my CD-ROM and CD-RW drives to mount... I can see them, but I can't get them working. Any ideas?02:51
MeshyfSocket7: Ah aight, thanks.02:51
sundude90fly  can I copy and paste here or npt02:51
kordoapplications-accesoires does not have a terminal02:51
James_i tried to, changed it back to the old one and it still doesnt work. Also tried booting from the hoary live cd/dapper install cd and neither will boot. Knoppix and DSL seem to work though02:51
flyinprogramerdoes anyone know if you can use the x.org config file that ubuntu uses with gentoo?? because unbuntu supports my 1280x8000 res, and gentoo won't.....easily, and i was wondering if one could just copy the xorgconf file to my gentoo system to get it to work02:51
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kordosystem does not have a console02:52
sundude90flyinprogramer how do I copy and paste02:52
flyinprogramersundude90 you have the screen, just type it word for word02:52
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Amaranthkordo: what is the problem?02:53
whitehorseNtigerI see some cluster stuff in synaptic.  Does anyone have a ubuntu cluster up and runner?   What should I install?02:53
ubotuI know nothing about cluster02:53
Dr_Willisi really think they need to put a terminal icon on the panel by default :P02:53
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kordothe problem is how to install dc++ client02:54
kordoor codecks for playing avi files02:54
arapehl725 ppl in the channel and nobody knows how to get my CD-ROM and CD-RW drives to work? :-) C'mon guys, I've gotten so much help here in the past! :-)02:54
kordoor anything like it in Linux02:54
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:54
whitehorseNtigerwhat is "!cluster"?02:54
AmaranthwhitehorseNtiger: nothing02:54
ubotuI know nothing about cluster02:55
Dr_Willisarapehl,  you see them but cant access them once they are mounted you are saying?02:55
sundude90ok alllen02:55
flyinprogramermy name keeps getting longer02:55
arapehlDr_Willis: It's weird, they show up in my Computer File Browser but when I try to read a disk it gives me errors... the latest (from the CD-ROM) is wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb,02:56
arapehl       missing codepage or other error02:56
arapehl       in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:56
arapehl       dmesg | tail  or so02:56
sundude90 I have a Conexant HSF 56k Data/ Fax modem02:56
Dr_Willisarapehl,  thats a genric mount failed error.02:56
Dr_Willissounds like.02:56
skavengei have to do ide=nodma to boot the livecd, should I do anything to setup for this before I 'install' so it will boot once its booting from the harddisk?02:56
AmaranthwhitehorseNtiger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuOnCluster02:56
snoopskordo there's a few dc clinets to choose from02:56
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snoopskordo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_connect_file-sharing_application#Linux.2FUnix02:57
arapehlDr_Willis: the funny thing is, I'm using the Ubuntu boot CD I used to install the system in the first place :)02:57
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sundude90I need to know how to add that driver to a ubuntu computer02:57
Amaranthsundude90: you have to pay some jerks to get a driver for that02:57
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sundude90Amaranth   i do02:57
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someoneuselesshow do you leave a manual opened with eg. $man gcc02:58
Amaranthsundude90: http://linmodems.org/02:58
sundude90Is there a download site for it or something02:58
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Amaranthsundude90: You have to buy it.02:59
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James_Anyone got any idea why my computer will fail to boot from the dapper install cd, stopping on the "Uncompressing Linux...booting the kernel" message?02:59
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kordodo i have to download it all?02:59
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kordoany1 who knows something about it?03:00
James_yet it booted fine about an hour ago when i installed dapper?03:00
useenameJames_ : how long did you wait?03:00
James_a while03:00
snoopskordo no of course not.. just giving you an IDEA of what dc clients are around for linux03:00
James_stops at the same point when booting from the hard drive03:00
sundude90Amaranth  I have the driver in the computer but I need software to run it on linux03:00
kordono,the link03:00
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kordowhat to do here?03:01
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Amaranthsundude90: You have the hardware in the computer, you have to buy the driver (software) to run it with linux.03:01
snoopsdo you just want vlc kordo?03:01
kordoto play files video files03:01
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snoopskordo either open synaptic package manager then search for vlc and choose to download it from that or type 'sudo apt-get install vlc' in terminal03:02
=== JackDeth_ [i=user@nenhwi11-vlan494-102.wi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsbut you really should install multimedia codecs for linux as well, eh kordo..03:03
kordoOk,why is so difficult for elementary playing of files to do this,and i still don't understand how to do it03:03
=== vem0m [n=spyder2k@adsl-68-92-122-168.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kordothere is no terminal03:03
kordowell,i did03:03
=== JDredd [n=al@203-49-242-119.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kordoand nothing03:03
kordostill cannot play avi03:03
sundude90flyinprogramer Ineed to buy it not fair  now I am mad.  Bye see ya soon.   Have a great trip.  Thanks ofr all your help.   Friends forever.  Saty safe and good luck with ya family03:03
arapehlUhm, what's a "sym link" and how do I make sure it's not broken on my machine?03:03
Dr_Willisapplications --> accessories --> terminal is where i see  the terminal icon.03:03
snoops!restricted > kordo03:03
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vem0mgoto run command and type konsole03:04
James_useename: I tried it again, waited for 3 minutes. Still doesnt boot03:04
snoopsread the links ubotu sent you kordo03:04
vem0mshould bring up terminal03:04
kordoI did03:04
kordoand it says to install vlc03:04
kordoand i dont know how03:04
vem0mgoto adept and search for that or use apt-get03:04
ubotuI know nothing about dpdt03:05
snoopskordo there's a lot more than just 'install vlc' in those guides, if you read them03:05
GrubChubcan someone tell me how I get to IRC?03:05
zcat[1] gah! sco openserver 5. What fun!03:05
vem0mu are in IRC03:05
=== neighborlee [n=neighbor@c-24-16-102-212.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisor the 'applications' --> 'add/remove'  icon can let ya isntall vnc if you check the  'unsupported' check box.03:05
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Dr_Willisoops i ment vlc03:05
neighborleedoes ubuntu plan on fully supporting LSB and if so when ? ;-))03:05
kordowhatever,it's obviosly is no way to install simple program in Linux03:05
arapehlDr_Willis: the funny thing is, I'm using the Ubuntu boot CD I used to install the system in the first place :)03:05
sundude90flyinprogramer    helo allen03:05
vem0mGrubChub: this is IRC03:05
=== Homer [n=chatzill@c-71-195-237-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
arapehlDr_Willis: I did a search and came up with "sym link"... could it be that they icons for the drives are reversed?03:06
GrubChubokay how do I connect to #ubuntu?03:06
kordoJust for the record-there is no VLC in synaptix03:06
Usunnyyou! Ogg vs mp3, hit me!03:06
James_grubchub: That's where you are now ;-)03:06
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zcat[1] kordo: universe or multiverse?03:06
vem0mtype /join #ubuntu03:06
Dr_Williskordo,  takes me all of 10 sec to get the stuff installed.. add/remove programs. check that check box.. find vlc..  check it.03:06
kordo'what is this?03:06
arapehlDr_Willis: When I try and use the CD-ROM, the whole system just hangs until I hit a button (eject) on the drive... very, veri weird.03:06
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zcat[1] !repos03:06
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:06
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GrubChubooooohh okay... soo how do I chat?03:07
Dr_Willisarapehl,  i agree there03:07
JackDeth_Wow! there's a lot of people here. Maybe I could get what I hope will be a simple question answered....  ;-P03:07
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zcat[1] kordo: go read what ubotu said03:07
=== sundude90 slaps flyinprogramer with a smelly sea bass
arapehlDr_Willis: So how do I go about diagnosing and fixing they sym links? I've never done anything like that.03:07
vem0mummmm u type thing into the box at the bottom of ur IRC program and hit enter on your keyboard03:07
whitehorseNtigerHas anyone got openMOSIX working on ubuntu?03:07
Dr_Willisarapehl,  ick. not sure where to start03:07
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arapehlDr_Willis: Awesome! ;) j/k03:07
kordoit's only totem in add/remove03:08
zcat[1] the best way to fix ubuntu is to not break it in the first place :)03:08
GrubChubI've got to go to the bafroom03:08
Dr_Williskordo,  check the unsupported check box - and the comercial check box perhaps and see if it shows up then03:08
vem0mlol i had to fix kicker earlier as i messed that up somehow lol03:08
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=== arapehl begins to panick
=== whitehorseNtiger wants openMOSIX included by default but disabled unless turned on.
cyberslugIs anyone here willing to assist me in setting up something to graph latency in ping.... I am having considerable difficulties with RRDTool... Are there any other options?03:08
James_hmm, my live cd still gets stuck on the "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." stage, as does my hard drive install and a hoary live cd03:08
=== chespirito [n=rgg@200-161-136-227.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
kordo?where are these boxes?03:09
JackDeth_I am completely new to Linux, but have been tasked with putting together a computer for our church's gradeschool which will act as a Librarian's desk PC for their small library. I found a full featured open source library management package which sounds perfect for what we want, but it runs on Linux only.03:09
vem0myour cd sound to be corrupted03:09
Dr_Willisright in the middle of that dialog box where it shows "show unsupported applications'03:09
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zcat[1] JackDeth_: koha ?03:09
JackDeth_The version it recommends include Debian and Fedora.03:10
vem0mJackDeth_: install linux03:10
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JackDeth_Yes!! Koha! How did you know?03:10
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:10
James_vem0m: me? But my hard drive installed copy fails at the same point. Could just be a coincidence i suppose03:10
zcat[1] just go ahead and install ubuntu.. it's the easiest distro03:10
Usunnyyou mind telling kordo that ? :>03:10
kordoi red it03:10
vem0mjames it might be due to u installing from a corrupted cd or an attempt by one03:11
chespiritois there any software available for ubuntu that is similar to adobe after effects or discreet combustion?03:11
kordoand i wanted to install vls03:11
kordobut u only say read03:11
JackDeth_Well, someone told me that Ubuntu has it's roots in Debian or some such thing and I was wondering if Koha would work with it....03:11
vem0mits debian based03:11
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kordowhat to read,this help is for advansed users03:11
vem0mwhich is linux03:11
James_ven0m: My hard drive install did work for a while, but I edited my xorg.conf file, in a futile attempt to install XGL, and i gues i may have broken something03:12
snoopsJackDeth_ yep that's correct.. like debian, ubuntu has apt, which makes things very easy :)03:12
kordothere is no help that helps new users03:12
James_ven0m: but i cant see how that would break my live cd03:12
zcat[1] hmm.. not sure there's a koha package for ubuntu.. it's not in th repos!03:12
vem0mhmmmmm i dunno03:12
=== boga [n=boga@toronto-HSE-ppp3995555.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
vem0mtry redownloading it and trying if that don't work it might be a hardware failure03:13
Usunnylinux isnt like win, you need to read a few pages to get the feel for it03:13
James_ven0m: suppose i can give a new cd a try03:13
zcat[1] afk.. brb03:13
bogahow do I start the sound system?03:13
James_ven0m: i'll just md5 the copy i downloaded before03:13
JackDeth_Also, I see there are two version of Ubuntu, server and workstation. Well, we only have one computer and I planned on running the koha server on it as well as allowing the librarians to access the graphical client from the same computer to check kids in and out. It sounds like the server version of Ubuntu installs many of the prerequisites for koha, but I still want all the user friendly GUI stuff too. Which version do I use?03:13
vem0mkk :)03:13
snoopskordo there is, but requires patience and getting to understand different ways of doing things.. takes a bit of time, and in my opinion is well worth it in the long run03:13
kordowell this pages are not well written03:13
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm03:13
vem0mworkstation is more for a desktop based setting03:13
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cyberslugJackDeth_, In my experience, linux programs are fairly usable althroughout the distributions. The only thing that really differs is an occasional directory structure deviation. I would hate for this to be the one case out, but meh. Also - Ubuntu is very much based on Debian - so you should be fine03:14
vem0mand debian is linux03:14
snoopsJackDeth_ if koha is in the ubuntu repositories (I'm pretty sure it is), then you can just do from terminal "sudo apt-get install koha" or find koha in synaptic (provided you've got universal and multiverse repositories added).03:14
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kordoI'm starting to hate really serious Linux03:15
cyberslugJackDeth_, Both can be updated to include exactly the same pacakges (workstation and server), and so all that differs is what is on the install cd :)03:15
cyberslugkordo: Why?03:15
kordowell,any1 read Slackware help for fdisk03:15
vem0myea that and resouce management and usage of either03:15
vem0mi use kbuntu03:15
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kordodoesn't even help for nothing03:15
n0k|afdisk is usefull\03:16
kordoi didnt istall Slackware bacause of fdisk03:16
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kordoonly errors03:16
kordoand can't split hard drive03:16
kordoand make swap03:16
BlueEaglekordo: sure it can.03:16
sundude90bye see yall03:16
vem0mubuntu is best and fastest easiest to learn distro i have found i have tried 403:17
BlueEaglevem0m: good for you! :)03:17
=== MrObvious [n=not@adsl-65-68-1-24.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
n0k|akordo, try FreeBSD03:17
kordowell,it's not a help for fdisk available03:17
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vem0mlol blueeagle03:17
BlueEaglekordo: just type ? or h at the prompt03:17
kordoyeah,why,to hate another OS03:17
=== bthornton [n=bthornto@pool-71-97-41-142.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JackDeth_Does anyone have a good resource for learning the basics of navigating Linux using command line and how the whole directory structure works in relation to, say, Windows? Any good material with frames of reference between the two?03:18
kordojust it is so easy for you sinse you are advansed users03:18
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sundude90cyberslug THANKS FOR THE BYE!03:18
vem0mwell i dunno but i usally find heap on goole03:18
n0k|aand how do you think I got that way03:18
bthorntonDoes 'hdparm' usable with SATA drives, or just IDE?03:18
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bthornton*Is , not "does"03:18
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BlueEaglejackdeth_: Are you at all familiar with the windows command prompt?03:18
n0k|aJackDeth_, any specific questions?03:18
cyberslugsundude90, np :P03:18
kordodidnt even 1 of you had the same problems with Linux?03:18
useenameJackDeth_: the *nix file system is a single tree, starting at /03:18
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zcat[1] http://www.koha.rwjr.com/ -- koha for Windows :)03:19
n0k|akordo, no problemsat all03:19
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useenameJackDeth_: you can learn about the commands pwd, ls, dir, cd, pushd, popd, cp, mv03:19
kordoI doubt it03:19
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n0k|ait's true03:19
zcat[1] .. and it's not in the ubuntu repos. I checked :( Probably not to hard to install under ubuntu though.03:19
=== ] GoldenDragon [n=w00t@pool-70-111-104-251.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kordono way nobody has a problems03:19
useenameJackDeth_: just type "man <command>" in your terminal03:19
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Usunnykordo I don't get it. thers a perfectly fine manual, pdf, html @ ubuntu.com why not just read the damn thing?03:19
n0k|aI've installed many Linux and BSD server with fdisk, and no troubles03:20
kordocuz it doesnt help03:20
Ghost_PrinterKordo the only problem is between your chair and your keyboard03:20
Usunnysure it does03:20
] GoldenDragonwhen installing pcsx through synaptec and trying to enter command "pcsx" in terminal i get the error "line 31: lndir: command not found"03:20
=== kkrizka [n=kkrizka@d206-116-1-46.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglejackdeth_: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/ looks comprehencive.03:20
Blazeixkordo, what problems did you have?03:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:20
=== mark_ [n=mark@233.246-200-80.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
n0k|abtw, with apt/synatic, is there a way to save state?03:20
BlueEaglejackdeth_: that is if you're familiar with 'cd', 'cp', 'mv' and so on and so forth. You might want to install mc to help navigate.03:21
kordodo i have to tell for 1000 time that i cant install a thing in Linux03:21
n0k|aso you save a list of all installed programs, so you can install onto other computers?03:21
=== James_ [n=James@cartmel.nat.lancs.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu []
kordowhat u gonna tell me now03:21
kordoGo read03:21
BlazeixSorry, I just joined. I take it you are using apt-get?03:21
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Usunnyfind the terminal03:21
kordoor Go to windows03:21
vem0mchill kodo03:21
Usunnywich we told you were to find a thousend times03:21
zcat[1] kordo: you got ubuntu installed, right?03:21
useenamen0k|a: you can try dpkg -L03:22
=== James_ [n=James@cartmel.nat.lancs.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kordoo,yeah,that's my favorite-this terminal,like find Loch Nes monster03:22
Dr_Willisgee start him on how to launch a terminal from gnome :P03:22
Dr_Willisthen work ya way up03:22
n0k|aand | "list.txt"03:22
kordoit doesnt exist03:22
Dr_Willisor you are over looking it.03:22
=== RootsLINUX [n=olsen@adsl-71-145-169-227.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kordoyes,only thing i have installed03:22
cyberslugkordo, What do you mean you cannot install? Do you mean that you cannot compile, or that you cannot use the apt-get system, or what?03:22
vem0mKordo PM03:22
useenamen0k|a: you can try dpkg --get-selections03:22
useenameis what I meant03:23
=== danc3 [n=danc3@ip70-187-36-214.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisya could hit alt-f2 and type 'gnome-terminal'03:23
kordoi cannot get help03:23
kordoi am a new in linux03:23
vem0mtalk to em in PM03:23
=== Mixx` [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_WillisYou can not get a 'tutor'03:23
rixthCan I rotate my display? I have this monitor http://supportapj.dell.com/support/edocs/monitors/2407WFP/GRAPHICS/monitor-base-2.gif and I want to know if Xorg can output in portrait mode03:23
useenamedoes anyone know how to ignore a user?  I'm using Gaim03:23
vem0mblock them03:23
bimberilol useename03:23
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useenamerixth: look into xranr03:23
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useenamerixth: look into xrandr03:24
useenameis what I meant03:24
n0k|auseename, goto tools, privacy03:24
n0k|aand you can block people there03:24
BlazeixKordo, have you gone to www.ubuntuforums.org? Ubuntu has a very useful forum.03:24
useenamethe X resize and rotate extension, IIRC03:24
rixthuseename, thanks!03:24
ToHellWithGAis there a tool to easily convert windows/dos .txt files into appropriate character encoding that a terminal can handle03:24
snoopskordo people are willing to teach, but you need to be patient and willing to learn new things..03:24
danc3kordo: what do you need help with?03:24
useenametools, privacy only shows my AIM account, not the IRC one03:24
kordou can't help me in chat,what about forum03:24
useenameI tried "\ignore"03:25
ToHellWithGAwhen i cat files with some accented characters those characters appear as 03:25
useenameand "/ignore"03:25
kordowith install03:25
Dr_WillisToHellWithGA,  dozens of them.  ya need to translate the cr/lf format of dos to just the cr format of unix.  there are (dos2unix) and (unix2dos) commands that i rember also.03:25
foxinessi want to try this " http://users.utu.fi/ljtaim/dapper-improvments.php ",but before start doing that i want to know what happen with ppl who test this stuff "thank you"03:25
danc3kordo: what do you need help with on the install?03:25
ToHellWithGADr_Willis: it's deeper than that03:25
vem0min a chat with them click block at bottom o chat window03:25
vem0mhang on03:25
Dr_WillisToHellWithGA,  :()03:25
rixthHow can I find out what my currect display is?03:25
ToHellWithGAcr/lf to cr is an easy fix i can implement in my scripts03:25
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kordoother p2p for linux03:26
danc3kordo: if you're not going to speak in sentences I can understand, I can't help you03:26
kordowell,this is it,i dont know how to install them03:26
=== n0k|a is gone
vem0mVLC Media Player03:26
subzonejust /ignore kordo. he doesn't appreciate people here that help him.03:26
=== joelmar10 [n=joelmar1@12-214-187-170.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarOfAttritionuseename: might as well use a better irc client03:27
ToHellWithGADr_Willis: http://thestonepedo.pastebin.ca/7840803:27
snoopsdance vlc is a media player. Kordo can't play mp3 files and videos etc.. links have been sent on setting up restricted formats.. to no avail.03:27
cyberslugkordo, What do you want to install?03:27
arapehlWhat the heck is /dev/hdb and /dev/hdc?03:27
danc3snoops: lol, ok03:27
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vem0mheh i had issues with mp303:27
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ToHellWithGAarapehl: those are IDE devices03:27
vem0mi had to get the xine crap03:27
cyberslugarapehl, Do you have multiple harddrives?03:27
mark_anyone out here with wifi experience?03:28
kordoi don't know anymore,just-dc++ for linux let's say03:28
=== rixth [n=tester@203-109-245-204.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
arapehlcyberslug: I've got two CD drives... a CD-ROM and a CD-RW and neither work :(03:28
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WarOfAttritionget fluendo then you can play mp3, search fluendo in the packages03:28
=== Dr_Willis wonders if anyone with a new/clean install can go to the "applications add/remove" item - and check 'show unsupported' then see if vlc and valknut show up in their list.
mark_I have an iBook g4 here with a bxm4306 wifi card03:28
ToHellWithGAarapehl: i think it's part of linux's HAL to call things on your IDE buses hda hdb hdc hdd... just like my sata drives are sda sdb sdc... (which i think applies to both SATA and SCSI iirc)03:28
vem0msudo apt-get install Programorneededfilehere03:28
arapehlcyberslug: I'm trying to debug the problem as best as a linux noob can and I've tracked down my cdrom and cdrw symlinks to those.03:28
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mark_it associates with my wireless acces point03:28
cyberslugarapehl, That is strange...03:29
mark_but it refuses to get an ip03:29
James_hmm, I tried writing a new dapper cd and I still get this error where it hangs at "booting the kernel" on the live cd and installer03:29
useenameDr_Willis : yes03:29
ToHellWithGAarapehl: let's look at /media03:29
cyberslugarapehl, Do the come up in: System -> Administration -> Disks?03:29
arapehlToHellWithGA: is it possible that for some reason something is broken in the way it identifies my drives?03:29
vem0mu sure DHCP is working mark?03:29
ToHellWithGAarapehl: ls /media/03:29
useenameDr_Willis : oh, sorry, no, probably because I have lots of repositories03:29
Tommy2k4 Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/config.inc.php on line 403:29
ToHellWithGAwhich folders exist in /media?03:29
arapehlToHellWithGA: checking03:29
Tommy2k4why would that happen when phpmyadmin works fine03:29
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James_could try a new cd drive i guess, but it worked fine with knoppix/dsl03:29
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arapehlToHellWithGA: cdrom and cdrom0 (though they're both different colors)03:30
mark_vem0m, I'm quite new to wireless03:30
mark_I never needed it03:30
snoopskordo if you'd like me to private message you on a few of the basics in linux I'd be happy to?03:30
vem0mjames it might be due to the kernel loading a hardware support driver and crashing due to a device problem on your end03:30
arapehlcyberslug: Uhm, what do you mean?03:30
tach00is there a channel for blag?03:30
ToHellWithGAarapehl: now look at your /etc/fstab.  "cat /etc/fstab"03:30
arapehlcyberslug: hang on checking03:30
mark_but dhcp is something I'm quite comfortable with03:30
Dr_Willisuseename,  lol :P03:30
James_ven0m, ah, i see....hmm03:30
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vem0mcheck and make sure its enable mark03:30
Dr_Willisuseename,  thats what im not sure of. I was thinkign the first install - it even asked to add the other repos03:30
=== RadiantFire_ [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
modernI have dapper up and running and realized that I have a non smp kernel running. When I load up a new kernel (smp) I get to the login screen and I have no mouse or keyboard control. Anyone know how to fix this?03:30
vem0mi had that problem with mandriva linux03:31
mark_vem0m, I can start a dhcp client, but it does nothing03:31
ToHellWithGAarapehl: when i do cat /etc/fstab i get (among other lines) "/dev/hdc        /media/dvdrw    udf,iso9660 user,noauto                 0   0"03:31
vem0mit failed on kernel load03:31
=== wheatstraw______ [n=wheatstr@dsl093-017-050.msp1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberslugarapehl, Also, you might want to do what ToHellWithGA said: ls /media ... That will show you all the directories (and files) in the folder /media03:31
useenamedr_willis: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=vlc&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all03:31
useenamevlc is in universe03:31
Dr_Willis!info vlc03:31
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB03:31
=== RadiantFire_ is now known as RadiantFire
=== scabootssca [n=scaboots@dsl-gerl-135-239.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
vem0mhmmmmm well that is what u need aqurie an ip thu make sure u have it pointing to right gateway03:31
BlueEaglejackdeth_: http://www.lowfatlinux.com/linux-files.html also looks useful03:31
ToHellWithGAarapehl: if you'd like to get out of this crowded channel i could consult with you in PM and then if we can't solve the problem you could always return03:31
kordothere is no show unsupported03:31
arapehl# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>03:31
arapehlproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       003:31
arapehl/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:31
arapehl/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       003:31
arapehl/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:31
ToHellWithGAarapehl: let's PM03:32
zcat[1] !paste03:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:32
mark_vem0m, I know how dhcp works, I'm just wondering what else could be wrong03:32
ToHellWithGAthat is definitely pastebin worthy03:32
mark_or where dhcp and the wireless hardware interact03:32
vem0mhave u searched the forums?03:32
vem0mmight help mark03:32
=== Dr_Willis wonders if kordo installed dapper or some earlier ubuntu
=== CrimsonScythe [n=CrimsonS@181.80-202-216.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
JackDeth_Sorry gang. Had a child-related emergency to attend to...   ;-)03:32
kordo5.4 must be03:32
JackDeth_I didn't know there was a koha for Windows. Thanks cat!03:32
vanssomebody  install ubuntu breezy in sony VAIO FJ 270??03:32
=== _CeRt_ [n=cert@ppp24-128.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
vem0mis linux picking up DHCP support?03:33
cyberslugarapehl, Unfortunately I do not have time to sort out your problem ... Good Luck!03:33
JackDeth_However, I also planned on installing Zimbra on this same computer so would still need Linux anyway.03:33
vem0mtry the newest 6.0603:33
CrimsonScythehi guys. i'm going to use linux on my desktop in my new job (yay!), and i was wondering if anybody have experience with both gentoo and (k)ubuntu. which is the most convenient for maintenance in a job setting?03:33
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vem0mkordo as that version is a lil older03:33
zcat[1] windows is teh suck anyhow.. just letting you know all the options :)03:33
JackDeth_BlueEagle: What is mc?03:33
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kordowell,dont expect me to handle the new 103:34
Tommy2k4 Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/config.inc.php on line 403:34
mark_vem0m, I have perfect wired access03:34
Tommy2k4why would that happen when phpmyadmin works fine03:34
cyberslugAnyway - See you later!03:34
danc3kordo: we don't expect you to do anything03:34
BlueEaglejackdeth_: midnight commander. A clone of the all-popular norton commander03:34
mark_and some communication is happening between my wireless modem and the access point03:34
BlueEaglejackdeth_: It's a graphical filesystem browser for *nix.03:34
cjonescan anyone help me configure wine?03:34
kordoi can get any help for that,what to say about new03:34
vansguy! which pavlkete need install for AGP nvidia 6600GT..03:34
vem0mwifi is still newly supported in linux i don't use it i am just throwing ideas out there03:34
vanscjones, tell me03:34
mark_ok, thx anyway03:34
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technelOk, so I went into the HP bios and I did a "Reset Options to Defaults". Now when I boot up I get the GRUB boot loader (I have a Win/Linux dual boot), it tells me that the partition doesn't exist, no matter what I select. What got messed up and how do I fix it?03:35
kordoI quit03:35
vanscjones,  i have wine workon properly03:35
vem0mKordo try upgrading to version 6.06 of ubuntu03:35
mark_anyone who could help me get my wireless working?03:35
James_ven0m: When i try to boot it into recovery more, it stops on: "ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... not found!"03:35
James_ven0m: if that helps...03:35
zcat[1] vans: apt-get install nvidia-glx03:35
mark_ibook g4, bcm4306 chipset03:35
=== lukaswayne9 [n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] !nvidia03:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:35
vem0mmight work better for ya03:35
kordoi still wont understand03:35
cjonesvans i wont to run a game/programe called magic online but all i can to work in wine is notepad03:35
mark_iwlist eth0 scan shows me it sees my access point03:35
vem0mdo a search sorry we told u how03:35
vanszcat[1] , yes,,, but not work,,,try to nvidia-setting, nivida-;legacy,,03:35
danc3kordo: why don't you just go back to windoze, then?03:36
Dr_Willisabout all the docs and guides are now being updated for the dapper release.. which is  6.0603:36
ssuehrhere we go again03:36
kordocan u at least tell me how to erase the linux partition and not lose windows folders03:36
zcat[1] kordo: if you are already familiar with windows and have no particular need to migrate, you might be better off staying with windows03:36
Dr_Willisor install the latest dapper. that way we can be on the same 'level ground' :)03:36
mark_I can associate with my access point, but that is everything it seems03:36
kordowell,i didnt expected linux users to tell me to go top windows03:36
mark_any suggestions on how to troubleshoot03:36
kordobut u all say it so03:37
zcat[1] kordo: just reinstall windows, when it gets to partitioning remove everything that's not an NTFS or FAT filesystem03:37
=== illusin1 [n=illusina@c-24-130-101-219.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Williskordo,  get that ubuntu book when it comes out in the bookstores. :P03:37
mark_kordo, I haven't heard what your problem is exactly03:37
vanscjones, try instal    wine "program.exe" in .wine/program files, etc...and them... run the program   wine .wine/progra,,,/etc/etc/xxx,exe03:37
ssuehryeah, it's all our fault.  it has nothing to do with the fact that you don't take any of our suggestions.03:37
zcat[1] kordo: we tried to help.. you seem to have trouble understanding what you're told.03:37
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kordoi am afraid it doesnt recognize non-NTFS03:37
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danc3kordo: format c: /u /y03:37
ardchoilleHow do I put an app launcher on the xfce desktop?03:37
kordou didnt03:38
vem0mkordo search the forums u shall find what u seek03:38
kordou give me some links only03:38
zcat[1] windows will know if the filesystem isn't NTFS and can remove and reformat it, even if it can't read it.03:38
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vem0mi found everything i needed so far there03:38
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kordoand tell me to go to windows03:38
kordoonly that u did03:38
cjonesvans thanks ill give it a try03:38
vem0mthis is 2nd day using ubuntu also all the info i needed was on the forums03:38
vanscjones, goog luck!03:38
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kordono1 told me how to install anything03:38
ssuehryes, they did kordo03:39
Dr_Williskordo,  they also told you to use the latest ubuntu, now that we have extabilished the fact you are using   version 5.403:39
zcat[1] the links describe how to do what you want. I'm not going to retype an entire webpage in here just because you're too lazy to open a browser03:39
danc3kordo: STFU and go away03:39
vem0mread the links03:39
ssuehri feel /ignore coming03:39
BlueEagledanc3: now, there, there. No point in letting the troll get to you.03:39
=== abstractism [n=abstract@cpe-66-25-67-217.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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vanscjones, remember the path of you Windowd emolatur     /~user/.wine/......03:39
kordoi told u i did03:39
Dr_Williskordo,  ya could try 'alt-f2' then run the command 'sudo apt-get install vlc'03:39
danc3BlueEagle: true dat03:39
kordoand download software03:39
vem0myep i said same03:39
ssuehranyone else think that kordo is just here to annoy and really doesn't have any problem at all?03:39
danc3kordo: stick to windoze03:39
subzonekordo: this is not a paid-support room where people here MUST help you. roll back to your room and sleep.03:39
danc3kordo: <------------TROLL03:39
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto03:39
abstractismcan anyone help me get my ubuntu system to read mac formatted CDs?03:39
zcat[1] <plonk>  talk to the filter...03:40
vem0mhehe mac03:40
kordoIs this Linux society?03:40
BlueEaglekordo: If you want to remove linux and recover the space for use with windows you simply fire up fdisk in windows and erase the partitions on which you installed linux. Then format it in a windows compatible file system.03:40
technelIs there a way to re-generate fstab?03:40
mark_abstractism, as far as I know, macs also format CD's in the iso9660 format03:40
ssuehrbye kordo\03:40
danc3kordo: <------------TROLL03:40
kordoGo to windows,get out,go to read03:40
Tommy2k4why wont mysql work in php5 when phpmyadmin works fine03:40
danc3kordo: you forgot STFU03:40
Dr_Willisupdate to the latest. even :P03:40
vem0myep should be readable not usable but readlable if not use a mac emu03:40
Tommy2k4Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/config.inc.php on line 403:41
kordowhat is stfu03:41
=== winXperts [n=WinXpert@ip70-171-63-240.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
abstractismmark_: I can't get this to work then03:41
ssuehrany ops here ever kickban anyone?03:41
danc3kordo: google it03:41
James_kordo: www.google.com03:41
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vem0mShut the fuck up STFU03:41
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zcat[1] ssuehr: yeah, seveas kickbanned me once :)03:41
Ghost_PrinterKordo = ID10T03:41
BlueEaglekordo: but "go read" is typical for the linux community. Why should we look things up in the manual and copy it here when teaching you how to use the manual will help you in so many more ways?03:41
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:41
skavengeno one is going to walk you through everything especially when everyone here put hours of reading online themselves to get things working well .. being lazy is no excuse03:41
abstractismI'm trying to get my old lucasarts games running with scummvm03:41
mark_abstractism, sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you any further03:41
Dr_WillisThen realize you are using a year old out of date install. :)03:42
mark_or at least not much03:42
Dr_Willisabstractism,  hard core! :)03:42
kordo'alt-f2' then run the command 'sudo apt-get install vlc'03:42
kordodoesnt work03:42
illusin1Anyone have any suggestions on how to get dual screens to "dock" windows as opposed to having a virtual "2600x1024" type resolution? e.g. two windows to handle separate dockings03:42
BlueEaglekordo: no windows folders reside on any linux partitions (uless you've moved them over after installing linux)03:42
vem0mlol what does it say?03:42
abstractismwell, I'll try again and post results and such of what happens03:42
mark_abstractism, what happens when you insert the cd03:42
kordocuz i told u this manuals are for at least advanced users03:42
ardchoillekordo: are you trying to install vlc?03:42
vem0mkordo what does ti say03:42
JackDeth_Thanks for all the feedback gang!  Thanks for the links BlueEagle.03:42
zcat[1] !vlc03:42
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs03:42
James_ven0m: seem to have "fixed" it by booting with 'acpi=off' at the boot prompt03:42
vem0mno they are for nubs like u kordo03:43
BlueEaglejames_: np. :)03:43
vem0madvanced don't need manual03:43
danc3kordo: <------------NUB/TROLL03:43
Dr_Willisvem0m,  :)03:43
kordoCannot display location03:43
JackDeth_I'm going to go attempt to set all this up with no prior experience and see how far I can go before I really mess things up.   ;-)03:43
=== thansen|laptop [n=thansen@170-215-90-120.bras01.mcl.id.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
James_will 'acpi=off' cause me any problems in the long term?03:43
vem0mahhhhhh told u it was the kernel loading something :P03:43
James_(anything noticeable)03:43
zcat[1] JackDeth_: fresh install, no dual-boot?03:43
JackDeth_zcat - Correct. I'm just going to hose Windows on that computer all together.03:44
snoopsJackDeth_ fresh ubuntu install without dual-booting I've found is nice and easy :)03:44
kordoThere is no Linux society03:44
illusin1Anyone have any ideas?03:44
danc3kordo: sure there is, but you sure aren't part of it03:44
ardchoillekordo: are you trying to install vlc?03:44
vem0mjames just might fix something on your end :P03:44
] GoldenDragonafter installing pcsx through synaptec and trying to enter command "pcsx" in terminal i get the error "line 31: lndir: command not found"03:44
BlueEaglekordo: ok, let's take this from the top: To install applications using a graphical interface use synaptic or adept or the other application installer that I don't remember the name of. To install applications on the command line please use aptitude or apt-get03:44
zcat[1] Yeah, well.. most stuff is automatic.. if you know your timezone, what language you speak, and what your own name is, you generally can't go too far wrong.03:44
JackDeth_Thanks again guys!03:44
=== JackDeth_ [i=user@nenhwi11-vlan494-102.wi.tds.net] has left #ubuntu []
kdittydoes anyone else have a problem with nautlis messing up sometimes and not loading again until reboot?03:44
abstractismthis is odd03:44
WarOfAttritiontrolls... some people have a strange sense of entertainment03:45
Dr_Willishttp://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing.html   :)03:45
vem0mkordo either read and search or use windows i hate windows i don't recommend it to anyone but if u aren't willing to read and learn stick with the kiddie crap windows03:45
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kordoBlue,u think i understand that?03:45
] GoldenDragondr willis, what's that for?03:45
Dr_Willisfor our pet troll. :)03:45
Kibouuse osx.. it's made for morons03:45
danc3kordo: what "do" you understand?  Are you a complete moron, or what?03:45
BlueEaglekordo: Yes I do, because you will find "Adept" or "Synaptic" under the system->administration menu. It should even be labled "Package manager".03:45
ardchoillekordo: would you like to try and help?03:45
subzonekordo: do us a flavour, leave this place.03:46
zcat[1] as ooposed to windows which is made BY morons... :)03:46
=== meheren [n=meheren@140-34.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisheh heh03:46
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WarOfAttritionI don't know what's worse. trolls, or people who fall for trolls03:46
=== prxq [n=prxq@C5554.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
kordoNo Linux society acts like this03:46
technelOk, so I went into the HP bios and I did a "Reset Options to Defaults". Now when I boot up I get the GRUB boot loader (I have a Win/Linux dual boot), it tells me that the partition doesn't exist, no matter what I select. What got messed up and how do I fix it?03:46
danc3kordo: STFU03:46
meherenis there a way to have coloured command line?03:46
BlueEagledanc3: Please do not harm him. Yes, he is a n00b and yes I would prefer it if he was a newbie, but trolling back at him won't make him learn anything at all.03:46
KyoLaptop1Hey, someone says he was banned without ever having been in here03:47
kordou r just linux users,not society03:47
KyoLaptop1nick = winner03:47
vem0mno person using linux is so unwilling to read and learn as u are kordo03:47
ardchoillekordo: I have asked you three times if you want me to help you. Do you want some help with your problem?!?03:47
hyphenatedtechnel: you probably changed the drive mode from LBA to CHS03:47
KyoLaptop1can an Op PM him about it please?03:47
danc3BlueEagle: yeah ok03:47
] GoldenDragonafter installing pcsx through synaptec and trying to enter command "pcsx" in terminal i get the error "line 31: lndir: command not found" anyone got pcsx working on ubuntu before?03:47
abstractismactually this CD is acting funky03:47
snoopstechnel do you have other hdd's on that pc?03:47
BlueEagledanc3: Thank you.03:47
GaiaX11Why are people sending kordo away? Is that fair?03:47
technelsnoops: Yes, two hard drives03:47
=== JDredd [n=al@203-49-242-119.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kordoand i can tell u if i knew how to use Linux,i would be able to explain03:47
BlueEaglekordo: Now, have you found synaptic in the menu yet?03:47
technelhyphenated: So I could change that back in the BIOS?03:47
snoopstechnel grub is probably pointing to the wrong hdd..03:47
Dr_WillisGaiaX11,  how long you been watching this go  on?  its going on like 20 hrs now.03:47
=== austin_ [n=austin@ip68-227-196-207.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
hyphenatedtechnel: yeah. you should have a choice between 'Auto', 'CHS', 'LBA' or something03:48
technelsnoops: But it worked fine before. GRUB booted up the partitions perfectly until I defaulted the settings03:48
danc3GaiaX11: did you just wake up or something?03:48
GaiaX11Dr_Willis, What?03:48
vem0mits not hard just READ!03:48
technelhyphenated: And I want LBA?03:48
=== seawolf_ beats his head on the desk, wow my head hurts from reading
kordoi did it 3 hours ago,so what?03:48
hyphenatedtechnel: usually, yeah03:48
KyoLaptop1wait a sec03:48
=== cyphase came in late on this..
vem0mREAD KORDO03:48
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abstractismactually, I have a different problem now ;)03:48
KyoLaptop1Why did you guys ban @silenceisdefeat.org ?03:48
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technelhyphenated: Ok, let me go try and I will let you know if it works. Thanks!03:48
snoopsah technel, k guess you should follow hyphenated's suggestions, sorry :)03:48
vem0mu may learn to fix your problem03:48
kordoi need to install programs and do sometnig with this OS03:48
Kibouhe's going for a troll marathon03:48
meherenis there a way to colourize ur terminal?03:48
KyoLaptop1the hell did they do to you guys?03:48
looksausanyone out here who could help me diagnose a problem with wireless?03:48
WarOfAttritionbecause @silenceisdefeat.org sucks03:48
cyphasekordo, what are you having trouble with?03:48
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu
vem0mREAD that is how u learn to install and USE THIS os03:49
kordocant watch video,listen to music,use p2p programs03:49
cyphasei didn't see..03:49
danc3meheren: yes there is03:49
cyphasekordo, which p2p programs?03:49
=== jcsmith [n=jcsmith@wv-morgantown-cdnt1-bg1-4c-104.mgtnwv.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
meherengentoo has a cloured terminal (red name of computer blue the filepath)03:49
BlueEaglekordo: If you are talking to me it would greatly help if you prefixed the line with "blueeagle:". That way it highlights in my IRC client.03:49
=== james__ [n=james@cartmel.nat.lancs.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
meherendanc3, how?03:49
KyoLaptop1are there any ops in the channel right now?03:49
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=== ssuehr watches another attempt to help kordo
danc3meheren: google "bash color prompt"03:49
ssuehryet another attempt03:49
vem0muse amule03:49
cyphasekordo, try installing gtk-gnutella03:49
BlueEaglekordo: Now after starting synaptic you will get a nice interface that will list all packages that are availible to you in your active repositories.03:49
vem0minstead of emule03:49
kordowell Blue,i dont know how03:49
nverhaarim having problems with Ubuntu and IPTABLES. I have allowed MASQUERADE'ing for all outgoing traffic on ETH1 and attempting to transfer files to/from an external FTP on port 1111 and i keep getting 426 CONNECTION CLOSED errors at seemingly random times. I setup an IPCop box and tried the same thing and it worked flawlessly. Any ideas?03:49
zcat[1] ssuehr: you mean another successfull troll from kordo.. ?03:49
meherendanc3, ok03:49
james__thanks all for your help anyway (but i found the solution in the forum in the end :)03:50
BlueEaglekordo: just type bluee and hit TAB that will complete the nick. :)03:50
GaiaX11danc3, Dr_Willis, why are people angry with kordo? I want to understand that.03:50
abstractismit reads the disc but now I can't get at the files03:50
=== KyoLaptop1 somewhat desperately needs to speak with an op
KibouBlueEagle: he refused to get synapitc 2 hours ago already03:50
abstractismthere's data and audio tracks on here03:50
danc3GaiaX11: because he's been offered the solution to his problems, but refuses to listen, or even try03:50
kordoBlueEagle, yeah,it works03:50
BlueEaglekibou: No point in giving up on him yet. :)03:50
vem0mkordo u are now ignored for being not only stupid but annoying03:50
BlueEaglekibou: So you've got synaptic up and running?03:50
KyoLaptop1hundreds of people were banned for no reason, come on03:50
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zcat[1] GaiaX11: because he asks questions and then utterly, totally fails to follow any of the replies.03:50
=== kitsuneofdoom [n=kit@ool-182edec9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasekordo: as far as media, run this command..03:51
ssuehrnverhaar, it's not a ftp port issue, is it?  as in, use 'passive' for the xfer?03:51
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:51
Dr_WillisGaiaX11,  hes been going on for about Hmm 20 hrs now.. demands help then dosent listen,  then rants about how we suck03:51
Kiboukibou != kordo03:51
seawolf_sheesh, these questions and kordo's ignorance are driving me to the edge of insansity, back to sanity03:51
kordoInstead all helping,u are all united against me,Society of Linux03:51
cyphaseapt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll totem-xine gxine libxine-extracodecs vlc03:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] by gnomefreak
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
vem0meveryone type /ignore kordo03:51
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Dr_WillisOr coruse Now it comes out hes using Ubuntu 5.4 (i think)03:51
vem0mno more kordo03:51
GaiaX11All right!03:51
BlueEaglekibou: I do apoligize. I am too lazy with my nick completer. :)03:51
WarOfAttrition100s? as long as it's not 1000s it's fine03:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
Dr_Willisso of course none of the guides/docs/ apply any more.03:51
hyphenatedgnomefreak: while you're at it, you could probably help KyoLaptop1 out03:51
BlueEaglekordo: So you've got synaptic up and running?03:51
vem0mits been known he refuses to upgrade03:51
useenamevem0m: that doesn't work because I'm using Gaim03:51
] GoldenDragonafter installing pcsx through synaptec and trying to enter command "pcsx" in terminal i get the error "line 31: lndir: command not found" anyone got pcsx working on ubuntu before?03:51
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useenameanyone know how to ignore a user in Gaim?03:52
vem0msad i am using konversation03:52
kordoBlueEagle, yes,but it is not dc++ client on it03:52
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gnomefreakwhat did he do03:52
kitsuneofdoomI am trying to get ATI accelerated graphics to work, I have an HP dv5000z03:52
KyoLaptop1Ok, gnomefreak (or any op who isn't afk), could you please unban @silenceisdefeat.org?03:52
BlueEaglekordo: Ok. Have you modefied the file called /etc/apt/sources.list ?03:52
GaiaX11If he refuses to listen and to try, he wll not learn anything from here then. That's a pity!03:52
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:52
KyoLaptop1at least 200 people have been blocked from the channel due to that ban03:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:53
danc3how can you regulars in here take this kind of punishment...?  This channel is absolutely painful.03:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] by gnomefreak
Ghost_PrinterKordo...people have tried to help you but your too damn lazy to do anything....you freakin troll03:53
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-78-234.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kitsuneofdoomI am trying to get ATI accelerated graphics to work, I have an HP dv5000z, and when I load gdm using it, the computer crashes03:53
WarOfAttritionthen they probably deserved it, that doesn't sound like any isp to me03:53
kordoBlueEagle, see why this sites cant help?What is this file to modifie03:53
vem0mkitsuneofdoom: hey PM i will help u with ATi03:53
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakKyoLaptop1: tell him to join #ubuntu-offtopic03:53
skavengedanc3: its not usually this bad, most people wanting help are serious03:53
KyoLaptop1silenceisdefeat is a public access unix server03:53
cyphasesorry. i thought 3 lines was the limit03:53
cyphasemy bad03:53
WarOfAttritionyou mean a proxy?03:53
danc3can't take this place any longer03:53
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kordoI am not lazy,just cant understand,u r talking with commands03:54
KyoLaptop1did I say proxy?03:54
cyphaseah, right. 3 lines on my screen isn't 3 lines on mine. doh03:54
WarOfAttritionwell that's what it is if they're connecting through it03:54
zcat[1] kordo: are you in ubuntu now?03:54
gnomefreakcyphase: no its cool03:54
KyoLaptop1WarOfAttrition, I suppose it could be used as a proxy, why?03:54
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KyoLaptop1is that reason enough for a ban?03:54
WarOfAttritionthis server doesn't allow proxies03:55
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cyphaseanyway, kordo..03:55
kordostill didn't try to format the linux part :)03:55
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BlueEaglekordo: To get a customized sources.list file please go to http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic and check fill in the form with "Dapper", and your architecture (should be i386), fill in the two-letter code for your country and check "Include updates" and "Include security updates" Then check off "Packages" for every repository that lists "Dapper" as a supported version.03:55
cyphaseeveryone here is volunteerting03:55
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:55
KyoLaptop1well, it isn't just a proxy.03:55
BlueEaglekordo: That will give you a sources list with your nearest mirror and all repositories.03:55
KyoLaptop1you donate a buck to get in, and it c-03:55
Dr_WillisBlueEagle,  i dont think hes using dapper.03:55
KyoLaptop1screw it, just visit silenceisdefeat.org for info03:55
BlueEagledr_willis: Really?03:55
zcat[1] kordo: are you in ubuntu now? Do you know which is the bottom-left corner of your screen? Can you find the applications menu?03:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@silenceisdefeat.org] by gnomefreak
BlueEaglekordo: Do you know if you're using dapper or breezy or hoary?03:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Dr_WillisBlueEagle,  yes - that fact came out a while ago.. i think - hes using ubuntu 5.4  whatever that is.03:56
zcat[1] warty?03:56
naliothKyoLaptop1: please join #ubuntu-offtopic for that03:56
=== adu [n=adu@pool-72-66-83-105.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntuno, hoary03:56
BlueEagle5.4 would be hoary I guess.03:56
WarOfAttritionblame the scum that uses proxies for dos attacks03:57
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Dr_Willisi always found the use of names - to be annoying. :)03:57
gnomefreakBlueEagle: hoary was 5.0403:57
BlueEaglewarofattrition: blame the people that runs open proxies for people to run dos attacks trough. :)03:57
KyoLaptop1even though you can't run your own programs in silenceisdefeat.org.03:57
kordohow do u download from this site?03:58
KyoLaptop1your logic fails, WarOfAttrition03:58
BlueEaglekordo: ok, mark off all that list "hoary" as supported version. Either that or you might want to upgrade for a number of reasons. One being that hoary is soon to be unsupported (if it's not already)03:58
WarOfAttritiondo I make the server rules?03:58
=== twa1296 [n=twa1296@pub082136112061.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleBlueEagle: Hoary is no longer supported03:58
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gnomefreakKyoLaptop1: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that please03:58
gnomefreakardchoille: yes it is03:59
chespiritowhat does /i686/soundtest.o mean?03:59
gnomefreakwarty is no longer supported03:59
ardchoillegnomefreak: It is? ok, I stand corrected.03:59
elkbuntu18 months is not up yet03:59
gnomefreakardchoille: until oct03:59
BlueEaglekordo: You can copy and paste it.03:59
ardchoillegnomefreak: yeah, I must have been thinking about Warty03:59
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WarOfAttritioneither way, thanks to them, a webhost will charge you more for dos attack defense. thanks to scum03:59
=== technel [n=ubuntu@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntuWarOfAttrition, please take this to -offtopic04:00
gnomefreakWarOfAttrition: join #ubuntu-offtopic04:00
BlueEaglekordo: the easiest way is to open a terminal and run the command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:00
jorgeuhi, i need help with locales in ubuntu 6 LTS. The locale configuration "dpkg-reconfigure locales" doesn't let me choose with locales i want, it just generate the locales already installed. Any idea?04:00
ssuehrkordo claims to have no terminal04:00
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BlueEaglekordo: it will prompt for your password and open an editor with root privileges.04:00
kordoHow are u even working with that Linux?04:00
technelhyphenated: I couldn't find what you were referring to. I got a more detailed error though: "Could not find partition   root (hd0,2)   Error 22: No such partition" perhaps that ISN'T the right partition...hd0,2?04:00
=== IdleOne [n=idleone@c-69-249-134-218.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kordohow to open terminal04:01
=== Dr_Willis coughs *alt-f2* then enter "gnome-terminal"
=== kditty [n=kditty@cpe-69-135-195-202.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] kordo: are you in ubuntu now? Do you know which is the bottom-left corner of your screen? Can you find the applications menu?04:01
BlueEaglekordo: It should be in your applications menu.04:01
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elkbuntukordo, applications > accessories > terminal04:01
=== Dr_Willis coughs or look in the menu items for it.
BlueEaglekordo: or you can press ALT+F2 and type in gnome-terminal in the run dialog box.04:01
snoopstechnel, you can try others.. hd0 refers tot he first hdd, then ,n is the partition, starting at 004:01
kordothere is no terminal there04:01
zcat[1] kordo: are you actually reading any of this or are you a troll script?04:01
zcat[1] kordo: are you in ubuntu now? Do you know which is the bottom-left corner of your screen? Can you find the applications menu?04:01
snoopstechnel so hd0,2 would be first hdd, third partition04:02
=== daffodil [n=daffodil@pool-71-98-85-191.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jorgeuhi, i need help with locales (i hate UTF-8) in ubuntu 6 LTS. The locale configuration "dpkg-reconfigure locales" doesn't let me choose with locales i want, it just generate the locales already installed. Any idea?04:02
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kibouisn't it the upper left by default?04:02
technelsnoops: But why would have my BIOS effected GRUB? =\04:02
ardchoillezcat[1] : unless he moved his panel, Applications menu should be in the top left of the screen04:02
elkbuntuis anyone trying 1 on 1 in private dialog with him?04:02
zcat[1] sorry..04:02
gnomefreakjorgeu: go to system>admin>language04:02
ardchoilleelkbuntu: I tried, but I guess he ignored me04:02
kordonow what04:02
chespiritokordo has no terminal?04:02
BlueEagleelkbuntu: What would be the odds of him having registered with nickserv?04:02
snoopstechnel it could have changed the way hdd's were detected? switched them? I'm grasping at straws04:02
ssuehryay, terminal!04:02
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elkbuntuBlueEagle, good point04:02
ardchoilleBlueEagle: heh, good point04:03
snoopstechnel are both hdd's detected in bios?04:03
kordowell it only comes out with Alt+F204:03
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technelsnoops: Yep. I went to the drives section and it showed both of them.04:03
BlueEaglekordo: Good, now type: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:03
technelsnoops: The settings appear to be the same as before (I had looked at them just before I did the reset)04:03
BlueEaglekordo: it will prompt you for your password and then open an editor04:03
gnomefreakBlueEagle: gksudo please04:03
naliothBlueEagle: keep !gksudo and !kdesu in mind, please04:03
chespiritowhat exactly is kordo trying to do?04:03
=== Dr_Willis wonders how many mb of that first apt-get upgrade will be. :)
abstractismkdesu, heh04:03
technelsnoops: Perhaps my MBR is bad?04:03
=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willischespirito,  installing stuff on a 5.4 install04:04
kordodeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20050330)] / hoary main restricted04:04
snoopsk technel.. well I guess I'd just try getting it to boot, so I'd mess with grub.. wait for it to load, then hit a key before it starts to load04:04
=== daffodil is now known as `daffodil
siriusnovacan anyone help me with wpa_supplicant?04:04
siriusnovai need to compile it from source04:04
chespiritoDr_Willis: oh,ok...5.04,that looks strange04:04
kordoand how do you remember this commands?04:04
nalioth!compile > siriusnova04:04
siriusnovabecause i installed patched madwifi drivers04:04
chespiritobut i have my own problems actually :)04:04
Dr_Willischespirito,  and its so out of date now - its scary.04:04
`daffodilhas anyone had any luck installing winXP under win4lin with Dapper?04:04
technelsnoops: What do you mean hit a key before it starts to load?04:04
siriusnovanalioth - hmm ?04:04
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)04:04
Dr_Willishow do we rember commands? its all logical.04:04
naliothsiriusnova: you have a PM04:04
kordoBlueEagle, it opened it04:04
BlueEaglekordo: Now delete everything there exept for the line that reads: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu....04:05
naliothsiriusnova: that was unnecessary04:05
snoopsthen you can hit e, to edit the main line, and which partition, hdd it boots from technel.. I don't see how an mbr would be corrupted/edited from changing a bios setting.. umm grub gives you a count down before it tries to boot an os.. bit a key that isn't enter before than to stop the countdown04:05
ssuehrdaffodil, I've not tried but I've had great luck with VMWare workstation under Linux, running a WinXP client on the Linux host.04:05
ardchoillegnomefreak: how do I run nautilus with gksudo ?04:05
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naliothsiriusnova: the bot has been changed to send factoids differently than before04:05
siriusnovanalioth - i dont understand04:05
gnomefreakardchoille: gksudo nautilus04:05
siriusnovaahh ok04:05
kordoBlueEagle, i did it04:05
BlueEaglekordo: Now have you been to the source-o-matic and chosen all repositories that are supported for hoary?04:05
gnomefreakardchoille: not always a good idea btqw04:05
ardchoillegnomefreak: ahh, ok04:05
snoopstechnel then hit e on the one you want to try and boot, and change the root line, trying different hd combinations.. I'm just grasping at straws since it's all so odd04:05
kordothey are not much04:05
=== eXistenZ [i=eXistenZ@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglekordo: Did you get the automatically generated sources.list in your browser?04:06
siriusnovathat page doesnt really help me with wpasupplicant04:06
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naliothsiriusnova: join #ubuntu-classroom please04:06
technelsnoops: Would "sudo mount hd0,3 mnt" do basically the same thing?04:06
jorgeugnomefreak: that admin tool only handle the language support installed. Don't let me drop UTF-8 that is my problem now. In past releases of ubuntu the command "dpkg-reconfigure locales" solved it because were possible to uncheck all the UFT-8 related locales and select the NON-UTF-8 locales. It isn't possible anymore?04:06
technelsnoops: To test if it works04:06
BlueEaglekordo: Good, now select everything in your browser by clicking and dragging to mark it. Then go to the gedit window and click your middle button below the line you left.04:06
kordoBlueEagle, im not sure it is in browser like and it says:04:06
`daffodilssuehr, i will look into that and give that a shot, i'm a bit new to this emulation/virtualization thing, i just want to find something that will let me run the whole winXP OS under linux, so then i can finally do away with it, guess i'm turning into more of an ubuntu-aholic than i originally bargained for :)04:06
BlueEaglekordo: That should paste the new sources.list in your gedit window.04:06
kordodeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20050330)] / hoary main restricted04:06
snoopstechnel nope, it wouldn't. that'd generate an error04:07
technelsnoops: Why?04:07
`daffodilssuehr:  and VMware worked under dapper for you?04:07
BlueEaglekordo: is that all you got from source-o-matic?04:07
chespiritoHoary Hedgehog,i feel like i'm in my grandma's house when i read that04:07
kordoBlueEagle, huh?04:07
snoopstechnel grub sees hdd's as hd number,partition.. linux sees them as /dev/hda, /dev/hdb.. or /dev/sda /dev/sdb04:07
ssuehrI installed it under Debian Sarge today and I'll be installing it under Dapper soon.  I would expect that it would work under Dapper at least as good as under Sarge04:07
technelsnoops: Ohh, ok. Are you going to be around for a little while? It will take me a bit to test it and this LiveCD takes ages to load04:08
kordoBlueEagle, no,that is from this alt f2 commands04:08
=== lostinc [n=richard@pool-71-121-84-105.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglekordo: in the gedit window?04:08
snoopstechnel okay, and yeah I'll be around04:08
technelsnoops: Alright, thanks04:08
kitsuneofdoomI am trying to get ATI accelerated graphics to work, I have an HP dv5000z, and when I load gdm using it, the computer crashes04:08
chespiritoanyway,what i want to know is.04:08
kordoBlueEagle,  gedit window?04:08
lostincI have several hundred page docs to scan into the system as PDFs is there a good prog to do this?04:08
`daffodilthanks for the info ssuehr :)04:08
chespiritoi am compiling cinelerra,the ./configure went well.04:08
BlueEaglekordo: The window that opened with the command sudo gedit.04:08
kordoo,yes,i see it is on the top04:09
chespiritoi tried "make" and i receive an error message about some "i686/soundtest.o"04:09
chespiritowhat does that mean?04:09
kordoBlueEagle, yes-gedit04:09
BlueEaglekordo: Now please go to your browser.04:09
vem0mwhat error exactly?04:09
chespiritoFATAL: can't create i686/soundtest.o: Arquivo ou diretrio no encontrado04:09
chespiritothat is portuguese for "file or directory not found"04:09
BlueEaglekordo: Have you got the text #Automatically generated sources.list there?04:09
nverhaarssuehr, its not a PASSIVE/ACTIVE issue im having... the problem is intermittent. FTP transfers to an external FTP on port 1111 work well with small files, but once the files get larger im getting 426 CONNECTION CLOSED errors at seemingly random intervals04:09
vem0mu do a ./configure first?04:10
kordoBlueEagle, it's open:http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:10
BlueEaglekordo: Did you fill in the form like I told you to?04:10
vem0mtry sudo make04:10
chespirito same error04:10
NickGarveyvem0m: you shouldn't need to do that04:10
chespiritodumb question.04:10
NickGarveyvem0m: the only sudo you should need is for make install04:10
kordoyes,with packages of hoary04:10
chespiritoit is about sound,so i think i should ask it04:10
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vem0mwell i usally use it and all goes fine :P04:10
NickGarveychespirito: have you googled your error?04:11
BlueEaglekordo: good, did you click the button "Give me a sources.list" at the bottom?04:11
vem0myea google loves helping04:11
chespiritoNickGarvey, yes,i found nothing useful04:11
chespiritoanyway,is the "sound" error related to amarok?04:11
vem0mwhat is it u are trying to install?04:11
kitsuneofdoomI think I found a way to fix my problem, but it involves downgrading a version of a package, how would I do this?04:11
chespiritoi mean,everytime i get an error message with the word "sound" on it,i blame it on amarok.04:11
kordoBlueEagle, now i did :)04:11
NickGarveychespirito: could you pate the error?04:11
vem0mcan u get it thu apt-get or adept?04:11
BlueEaglekordo: Good now click and drag to mark the text in the browser. Then go to the gedit window and click your middle button below the last line you've got there. This should in theory past the content of the generated sources list into your gedit window.04:11
NickGarveychespirito: paste*04:11
whyamichespirito: I built cinelerra for ubuntu awhile back. I wish I documented. If I remember right, it is trying to build for esd? I think you do something like ./configure --disable-esd (unless you really want esd...) do ./configure --help, maybe or if that doesn't work, edit the configure file and look for the options.04:12
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chespiritoFATAL: can't create i686/soundtest.o: File or directory not gound.04:12
chespiritofound* :P04:12
=== technel [n=michael@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
chespiritoit didnt say gound anyway,i translated from portuguese.04:12
whyamiI like gound....04:12
chespiritowhyami, what is esd?04:12
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BlueEaglegound is good for you!04:12
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:12
chespiritoi don't know what gound is04:12
farkyhow can i share a connection?04:12
vem0mchespirito can u get it thu apt-get or adept?04:12
NickGarveychespirito: ah, well, then you need to get that, and I have no idea how to do so.. so I think.. google would be your best (only) bet04:12
chespiritognomefreak, i dont need ubuntu-br,i know english :P04:12
kordoBlueEagle, cant understand04:13
whyamichespirito: esd is the enlightenment sound daemon, that gnome seems to like. It's been nothing but trouble for me. In any case, I vaguely remember that I couldn't make either, and then I configured without esd and all was ok.04:13
kordocant just i copy/paste?04:13
chespiritowhyami, I'll try it04:13
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BlueEaglekordo: That is what I am telling you to do.04:13
BlueEaglekordo: The quick way is to mark the text to copy it and click the middle button to paste it. :)04:14
ardchoilleAnyone know how to get an app launcher on the desktop?04:14
kordou sayd drag :)04:14
ardchoillethe xfce desktop04:14
chespiritoanother doubt,is gound a real word?04:14
=== HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
whyamichespirito: not that I know of. BTW which source for cinelerra did you pick up? There are a couple...04:15
kordoBlueEagle, this quick doesnt work.copy/paste did04:15
chespiritowhyami, i tried --disable-esd and the error was the same,the source i picked up was...04:15
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=== vem0m loves KDE
BlueEaglekordo: Ok, well that can happen. The important thing is that your source.list is in your gedit window.04:15
Dr_Williswhy dont you marry it then. :P04:15
BlueEaglekordo: now save that file.04:15
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BlueEaglekordo: If you closed synaptic before please open it again now.04:15
whyamichespirito: is there another error earlier that perhaps you aren't noticing becuase it doesn't break the make process?04:16
vem0mlol i would if i wasn't engaged to my lovely bride to be04:16
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Dr_Willisvem0m,  run away!04:16
snoopsWould anyone know anything about mapping mouse buttons?04:16
kordoBlueEagle, safe and open04:16
whyamichespirito: but where did you get this source? I think there's a fork in the source development.04:16
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chespiritoi got that one on sourceforge04:16
BlueEaglekordo: Hang on, I will just need to check this setting.04:17
ssuehrcan you do an 'iptables -nL' from the ipcop machine to see what it's doing differently than your custom rules?04:17
whyamichespirito: also, just so you know, there is a #cinelerra room04:17
kordoBlueEagle, oks04:17
Dr_Willissnoops,  ive seen quite a few gentoo wiki pages that cover  the MD518 and other mice - in aganozing details.:)04:17
chespiritoin this server?04:17
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Dr_Willisoops mx51804:17
whyamichespirito: tes.04:17
whyamiI mean yes04:17
kitsuneofdoomI need to get the xorg-driver-fglrx package version04:17
chespiritoi'll try asking for help there04:17
vem0mbrb all04:17
kitsuneofdoom8.24.8 I mean04:17
whyamichespirito: so you are SURE you are reporting the first error and there isn't another one earlier in the build that you haven't noticed?04:18
snoopsDr_Willis haha.. I'm wondering if it's possible to map two buttons to the same function.. say middle click and left click both map to 'left click'04:18
=== XVampireX [n=XVampire@] has joined #ubuntu
kitsuneofdoomI need to get the xorg-driver-fglrx package version 8.24.8 instead of 2.26.18 which is the recent version04:18
XVampireXBig problem on elm street04:18
Dr_Willissnoops,  yes it is. i did that a long time ago.. and amazing thing was the windows drivers would NOT let me do that04:18
XVampireXMy microphone doesn't want to work04:18
Dr_Willissnoops,  i had a hurt finger so i made the thumb button click :P04:18
spadessnoops you can keysm with xmodmap iirc04:18
chespiritowhyami, there is actually another error in the make.04:18
whyamichespirito: and that would be...04:18
=== technel [n=michael@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
chespiritomake -f build/Makefile.cinelerra04:19
chespiritosh: -c: line 1: sintaxe error: unespected "end of file"04:19
technelsnoops, So, yeah. Ubuntu is now booting, (hd1,2) worked, but Windows it just says unrecognized partition type04:19
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XVampireXCan anyone help me with the microphone?04:19
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whyamichespirito: and is there an error before that one?04:19
snoopsspades oh how would I use keysm? Like I've tried xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5..etc" but when I try xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 2..etc" for instance, the difference being 2 is used twice I'll generate an error04:19
chespiritowhyami, no04:19
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whyamichespirito: can you paste the entire output of the make before it breaks?04:20
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whyamiinto the pastebin, that is?04:20
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snoopstechnel ah.. so I guess you need to keep trying different hd(number),(partition) until you find the windows one as well?04:20
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spadessnoops man xmodmap although im not 100% sure it will do mouse buttons with keysm, the syntax is in the man page04:20
BlueEaglekordo: now go to the Settings menu and click Archives04:20
whyamichespirito: do a make clean first04:20
BlueEaglehe left. Can you all believe it?!??! He LEFT! :(04:20
barongascan anyone help me with getting cdemu or anything comparable that'll help me mount iso's bins etc?04:21
chespiritowow,big output,what does make clean mean?04:21
vem0mTHANK GOD!04:21
naliothBlueEagle: you can't smell the mutton?04:21
snoopsspades oh umm the man is very small (I've read it) and it doesn't show any real examples for mice, except about just mapping different keys to different functions, eg replace this button with this one.. not using two buttons for the same thing04:21
ssuehrchespirito, make clean removes artifacts from a previous compile.04:21
naliothchespirito: "make clean" puts the source directory back to the way it was when it was first extracted04:22
whyamichespirito: make always tries to start where it last left off. when you run make clean, it cleans up all the unfinished business and flags itself to start from scratch next time.04:22
Bryan_3hey everyone, need some help on this one, i am trying to start mozilla-thunderbird, an i am getting an error message that says that thunderbird is already running, but it is not, at least it is not in my process list, and i have already tried to reboot04:22
snoopsbut I'll have another look spades thanks04:22
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spadessnoops im not 100% sure on it but its worth a look04:22
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dribbledoes rhythmbox crapout/unkillably freeze on anybody else?04:23
chespiritothere you go,"make" after i "make clean"ed :P04:23
AresSo far, no.04:23
AresRhytmbox is working fine for what I'm playing.04:23
technelsnoops, Well the Disks thing in Ubuntu says that it is Partition 1 -- I know it is on hd1 because it is on the same hard drive as Ubuntu...so why doesn't (hd1,0) work? I did try a few others, they didn't help04:23
juztinwhat command would i use to mount /dev/hdb to /storage if hdb is fat32?04:23
arapehlI need some serious CDROM/CDRW mounting help from someone who really knows their stuff.... PLEASE!!!04:23
techneldribble, I just started using it as well, haven't had any problems04:23
spadessnoops maybe see if imwheel can do that04:24
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dribbletechnel, harumph.  it's been givin' me tons of grief04:24
AresYou sure you have the codecs and stuff?04:24
farkywhere can i find the debian package for ndiswrapper?04:24
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skavengendiswrapper is in the repos04:24
skavengewhy do you need the .deb04:24
farkyto put it on a computer without internet04:24
Dr_Willissnoops,  i  just followed that gentoo wiki.. lets see if it worked.. :P brb04:25
naliothfarky: packages.ubuntu.com04:25
skavengendiswrapper is on the cd04:25
Hobbseefarky: it's on the ubuntu cd04:25
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farkyHobbsee: it is?04:25
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barongasI'm going to need my kernel source package, anyone know what repository I need?  I can't find 2.6.15-25-386...04:25
skavengeyes it is04:25
Hobbseefarky: yep04:25
ardchoillearapehl: cd's should mount automatically.. mine do04:25
chespiritoand is there anything similar to cinelerra for ubuntu?04:25
arapehlardchoille: heh, I wish mine did.04:25
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dadcould someone help me with wine?04:26
chespiritoor anything similar to adobe after effects,or combustion,actually,the softwares i used on winblows04:26
farkyHobbsee: thank you04:26
juztinchespirito, i got cinelerra to run with ubuntu04:26
Bryan_3hey everyone, need some help on this one, i am trying to start mozilla-thunderbird, an i am getting an error message that says that thunderbird is already running, but it is not, at least it is not in my process list, and i have already tried to reboot04:27
whyamichespirito: I dunno...I'm still thinkin'04:27
whyamichespirito: are you on dapper or breezy?04:27
bimberibarongas: linux-source is the package04:27
ardchoillearapehl: the settings to auto-mount a cd are in System -> Preferrences -> Preferred Applications04:27
naliothBryan_3: killall mozilla-thunderbird04:27
chespiritojuztin, how? :P04:27
barongasbimberi thanks04:27
snoopsspades I had a look at imwheel - seemed really crappy! but this seems kind of right.. using keysym, and xev to find out the button keycode of the mouse then writing a rule to remap it04:28
ardchoillearapehl: the first tab04:28
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bimberibarongas: np :)04:28
juztinchespirito, it was on another install that is now gone...but if i remember correctly, i downloaded it from the website and installed it :P04:28
barongasbimberi, was looking for the right numbers... too easy :)04:28
XVampireXgstreamer-properties-Message: Error running pipeline 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture': Could not open resource for reading. [gstalsasrc.c(526): gst_alsasrc_open (): /pipeline0/alsasrc1:04:28
XVampireXRecording open error: Invalid argument] 04:28
juztinchespirito, however, it ran a little slow due to my lack of necessary ram (i only have 256)04:28
SixtyWattI am freaking beyond impressed with Ubuntu. This is my first day using it.04:28
XVampireXPlease help04:28
=== technel [n=michael@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillearapehl: sorry, it's in Removeable Drives and Media04:28
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akarimcowheee, howdy04:29
chespiritojuztin, the problem is that i can't compile it04:29
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akarimcoi just posted this question to the forums, but I thought someone might be able to lend a hand in here04:29
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Bryan_3nalioth: see that is just the thing, there are no process to kill04:29
akarimcomy laptop is trying to burn my lap ever since I switched to Ubuntu04:29
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juztinchespirito, why not?04:29
chespiritoi do ./configure,and it all goes fine,than on make,i receive a message error about "i686/soundtest.o"04:29
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naliothBryan_3: then some of your mozilla-thunderbird files may be mis permissioned or something04:30
arapehlardchoille: All the mount checkboxes are checked... which means there's aproblem somewhere and the drives don't mount automatically ... hence the reason why they won't mount manually either. I need to figure out what's wrong and fix it first :(04:30
juztinchespirito, might wanna take that to the cinelerra forums...i bet they could help04:30
_groutim trying to mount a volume but it keeps asking me to specify the file system04:30
Bryan_3nalioth: so is there some simple way to deal with it?04:30
juztinchespirito, it looks like a pretty decent video editor, except for the horrible icons they use for their effects :P04:30
ardchoillearapehl: ahh, nice job of tracking that down on your part :)04:31
Bryan_3i try to reinstall from the repos04:31
juztinchespirito, they look like they were drawn by a 12 year old with MS Paint04:31
dadI installed wine from the add/remove programs thing, but its not showing up in the applications>office menu.  can anyone help?04:31
chespiritojuztin, well,if i wanted nice icons,i'd be on winblows :P04:31
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barongas_grout,  mount -t filesystem file04:31
whyamichespirito: there is an unofficial .deb binary for cinelerra, at least for breezy. You could look around and see if they have one for dapper yet...04:31
juztinchespirito, lol, gotcha :D04:31
=== Matrikz [n=raditz@pool-141-158-148-24.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
chespiritowhyami, gonna look for it,thanks04:31
juztinchespirito, that's how i did it, what whyami just said04:31
naliothBryan_3: not sitting in front of your box, i'd not know04:31
arapehlardchoille: I haven't done too much on my own actually... ToHellWithGA has been helping me.04:31
Toma-cinelerra is being considered for edgy, iirc at motu04:31
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bimberidad: it's not an application per se.  you use it to run win32 apps, for example using the command 'wine freecell.exe'04:32
naliothBryan_3: you might try irc.mozilla.org  #thunderbird04:32
dadokay thanks04:32
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whyamichespirito: I just found it.04:32
ToHellWithGAardchoille: he's having trouble mounting the drives period04:32
Matrikzcan anyone tell he how i can properly compile gaim beta 3 on ubuntu?04:32
bimberidad: by the way you configure it with the 'winecfg' command04:32
ubotuI know nothing about winer04:32
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:32
chespiritowhyami, really?all i found was some packages for debian04:32
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technelsnoops, So, yeah, when I pick the correct partition Ubuntu says the partition type was unknown or something and then there are a bunch of messed up characters, like smilies and other symbols04:32
dadokay thanks04:32
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snoopstechnel err which partition?04:33
technelsnoops, the windows one04:33
ardchoilleToHellWithGA: ahh, ok04:33
akarimcoI guess I can wait for a reply to my forum post... thanks04:33
whyamichespirito: http://lprod.org/deb/dapper/. You need to edit you /apt/sources list and add deb /http://lprod.org/deb/dapper/ ./ as well as deb-src http://lprod.org/deb/dapper/ ./04:33
AresSorry =?04:33
BlueEaglematrikz: As a general rule of thumb: If you do not know how to compile a piece of software you ought to be using the pre-compiled and packaged (ie. non-beta) software provided in the repositories. As for building from source build_essential is required.04:33
ubotuI know nothing about build_essential04:33
ubotuI know nothing about build_essentials04:33
ToHellWithGA!info build-essential04:34
chespiritohold on whyami.04:34
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB04:34
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BlueEaglethankyou tohellwithga04:34
whyamichespirito: then you do an apt-get update then finally apt-get install cinelerra04:34
ToHellWithGABlueEagle: it's a dash, not an underline04:34
Matrikzwell Ubuntu is the only distro that i haven't been able to get gaim 2.0 beta 3 to compile on04:34
Matrikzwhich is why i asked04:34
chespiritocan you please give me an example with one of the files?04:34
dadwow, that wine thing is amazing04:34
chespiritoi should do...04:34
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=== ToHellWithGA thinks that's not his real dad
chespiritodeb /http://lprod.org/deb/dapper ./04:34
chespiritoand then deb-src...?04:34
whyamichespirito: have you edited /etc/apt/sources.list before?04:34
technelsnoops, Any ideas?04:35
arapehlardchoille: do you have any experience troubleshooting cdrom/rw mounting?04:35
ardchoillearapehl: no, sorry, they've always just wokred for me.04:35
whyamichespirito: okay then just add 2 lines. The first is: "deb http://lprod.org/deb/dapper/ ./" (without the quotes)04:35
newbuntuCan anyone here please help me, im trying to convert downloaded avi movies to vcd or dvd, basically so I can watch them on my DVD player & TV ... I'm trying without luck to find a single application that can do the conversion.04:35
whyaminewbuntu: use tovid and tovidgui04:36
arapehlardchoille: okay, well thanks anyway :)04:36
juztinwhat's that really good partitioning program that starts with a 'g' ?  :P04:36
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whyamijuztin: gparted04:36
Toma-newbuntu: qdvdauthor will work04:36
juztinwhyami, thats it, thanks :)04:36
newbuntuwhyami thanks i'll try that04:36
arapehlanyone? out of the 721 ppl here, SOMEONE MUST know how to troubleshoot CDR and CDRW mounting! PLEASE!04:36
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BlueEagleWhy does aptitude hold libcairo2 back. It sais 1.1.10-0ubuntu1 is installed and that it is holding back the "upgrade" 1.0.4-0ubuntu1 (dapper).It sais it's because of libfreetype6 or something.04:36
Toma-newbuntu: basically, converting to avi to dvd requires you to "Author" a dvd. you can googling "dvd authoring ubuntu" if you want, but qdvdauthor will be the best bet04:37
winneri'm trying to install ubuntu, but during the partition process i get stuck with "resize operation failure"04:37
winnerwhat should i do?04:37
chespiritowhyami, i'm downloading cinelerra04:37
AresHmm, what are you trying to resize?04:37
chespiritothank you very very much,wow!04:37
AresThat was at winner.04:37
leftyhey i downloaded the ubuntu iso(PPC) and its 702mb which i can't write to cd. Why is this? anyone know what i can do04:37
winnerAres: i'm trying to resize one of my hard drive partitions to make room for an installation04:38
newbuntutoma- thanks im going there now04:38
whyaminewbuntu, Toma-: I have to disagree. qdvdauthor does a nice job but it is hard to use and buggy. tovidgui is fast, quick, painless and...doesn't give you as much control with menus and such.04:38
ardchoillearapehl: does the cd drive appear in the hardware browser?04:38
AresWinner: Whats currently on it?04:38
winnerAres: my windows xp partition lol04:38
arapehlardchoille: yep... just doesn't mount04:38
=== elijahsnow [n=warrenp@user-0cceoq3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-whyami: ok then. i use it flawlessly to create multi-movie dvds04:38
ardchoillearapehl: tried mounting as root?04:38
Atomic_UEIs there a simple way of downloading software/updates using one ubuntu machine, then slipstreaming those updates to other ubuntu machines on the network? or getting them to retrieve them from the first machine?04:39
whyamiToma-: okay. Sorry. I guess you mileage is different than mine. :-)04:39
arapehlardchoille: yeah, all it does is comes back to the prompt... no errors nothing!04:39
Atomic_UEThis way you're not constantly downloading the same thing04:39
AresWinner: So, do you only have one hard drive?04:39
arapehlardchoille: where's a log file I can check?04:39
winnerAres: no i have two04:39
ardchoillearapehl: /var/log/messages04:39
AresWinner: The one you are trying to resize, is it all used space?04:39
winnerAres: no theres quite some free space04:39
Toma-whyami: newbuntu, if its simple and all you need, then use it. for a full featured authoring system (probably not needed) use qdvdauthor04:40
arapehlardchoille: thanks, checking now04:40
leftyhey i downloaded the ubuntu iso(PPC) and its 702mb which i can't write to cd. Why is this? anyone know what i can do?04:40
AresWinner: Damn, and you defraged the disk before firing up cfdisk or gparted?04:40
=== Toma- goes back to writing school reports :/
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whyamichespirito: you are doing this with an apt-get install?04:40
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chespiritowhyami: yes04:41
winnerAres: no. damn. is that going to be a problem? should i go back to windows and defrag?04:41
winnerAres: or, actually, is there a way to defrag while in the installation state?04:41
whyamichespirito: let us know...04:41
AresWinner: I hear it always helps, either then that I really don't know =P [No way to defrag in installation state that I know of :(] 04:41
arapehlardchoille / ToHellWithGA: "Jul  3 22:31:46 desktop kernel: [55884.692313]  cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!"04:41
ardchoillearapehl: blank disc?04:41
wheelswitchhow do i open programs up into another workspace from the command line?04:41
wheelswitchis there an argument?04:41
=== cjones [n=cjones@wercs.wercs.com] has joined #ubuntu
winnerahh alright. im going to go see if it'd be better after i defrag it. thanks Ares :)04:42
arapehlardchoille: last I tried it was a commercial CD (Norton Anti-Virus in my CDRW and ATI Radeon Drivers in my CDR)04:42
AresWinner: No problem, but I'm not really smart with Linux :O04:42
cjonesdoes anybody in hear know wine very well04:42
ardchoillearapehl: wow04:42
technelsnoops, This is the error I am getting: filesystem type unknown partition type 0x7 from http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml (GRUB error 17)04:42
wheelswitchcjones:  what do you want to know?04:42
ToHellWithGAardchoille: i figured if he tried commercially pressed data discs they should recognize easiest04:42
cjoneswell i am installing a game and as it loads the files the file names are in arabic04:43
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juztini am trying to mount a hard disk to /storage .... when i try, i get this message : "mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /storage busy" ...  it isn't mounted....what do i do to make /storage not busy?04:43
ardchoilleToHellWithGA: yeah, that's what I'd have done too. I think the drive itself has a problem reading.04:43
BlueEagletechnel: 0x7 is HPFS/NTFS file system.04:44
ToHellWithGAardchoille: he said the drives worked under windoze, so there must be something deeper04:44
cjoneswheelswitch i am installing a game and as it loads the files the file names are in arbic04:44
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ardchoilleToHellWithGA: Really? ok, yeah, something's amiss04:44
technelBlueEagle, Yeah, I am trying to boot into Windows. But I am getting that error04:44
chespiritowhyami, it's running!04:44
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wheelswitchcjones:  not somthing ive seen before, sorry.04:45
chespiritoI don't know whether it is good or not,but that's another thing :P04:45
BlueEagletechnel: I see. Could you put your menu.lst on ubuntu.pastebin.com?04:45
BlueEagleor !pastebin04:45
=== Pr0n [i=TnT@220-245-117-169-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
technelBlueEagle, Absolutely, one second04:45
whyamichespirito: excellent! Have fun with it. I found it a bit buggy but worth putting up with. It's pretty powerful. I haven't used 2.1...04:45
ToHellWithGA\begin{CarTalk}technel: i think i've found your problem.  you're trying to boot into windows\end{CarTalk}04:45
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
winneris there a list of what wine is capable of running?04:46
Pr0nmy friend has a ubuntu box at his house and i can ssh into it, where can i find a guide to installing vnc through ssh...?04:46
wheelswitchhow do i open a program in another workspace from the command line, is there an argument?04:46
ToHellWithGAwinner: winehq.com04:46
Dr_Williswinner,  check the wine homepage..  i doubt if theres a definitive list04:46
=== nick_ [n=l33t_n00@ool-43502f29.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
chespiritowhyami, you should receive a Noob Savior award or something.04:46
ToHellWithGAthere is a good list called AppDB04:46
purserjquick question, who would I need to speak to about finding out if the realplayer package in multiverse is "official" as in Real Media has approved it?04:46
GrubChubhi there, when I run apt I sometimes get some dependancy errors, can these dependancies usually be installed through apt?04:46
whyamichespirito: thanks. I got SO MUCH help here when I was starting out...04:47
arapehlI'm getting the following errors with my CDR/CDRW drives ... http://pastebin.ca/78444 ... can anyone help?04:47
technelToHellWithGA, I had Microsoft as much as the next guy, but still some things for work and games aren't available on Linux04:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:47
=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
chespiritowhyami, i received a lot of help here in my first weeks,now I'm using it a little less for problem solving04:48
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technelBlueEagle, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1713704:48
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cjoneswheelswitch are you there?04:48
siriusnovai need help recompiling wpa supplicant for my patched madwifi drivers, can anyone help?04:48
ToHellWithGAtechnel: yeah man.  i feel you on that.  i can't run Sony's jukebox software to transfer to my minidisc now :/04:48
wheelswitchcjones:  yeah04:48
GrubChubThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:48
GrubChub  linux-image-2.6.12-9-386: Depends: initramfs-tools (>= 0.17) but it is not going to be installed04:48
Dr_WillisGames are for the Weak.04:48
Pr0nmy friend has a ubuntu box at his house and i can ssh into it, where can i find a guide to installing vnc through ssh...??04:48
barongasI'm trying to figure out why I don't have a /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/build folder... I installed linux-source.. do I need to dpkg it or something? can't remember how to do these things...04:48
whyamichespirito: now if only there where I channel like this so I could figure out how to fix my car...04:48
=== yann- [n=yann@ABayonne-152-1-20-67.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
abstractismDr_Willis: ya rly04:48
Dr_WillisPr0n,  sudo apt-get install vncserver04:48
BlueEagletechnel: sata, scsi or ide disks?04:48
chespiritowhyami, hahahahaha.04:49
deshantmhi, any recommendations on digital camera software?04:49
ToHellWithGADr_Willis: winmine.exe runs great under WINE.  it's the best computer game ever anyway so i don't need windows to play games04:49
Pr0ndo i need root access or not?04:49
cjoneswheelswitch i am installing a game and the words are in arabic can i show you a screenshot04:49
technelBlueEagle, Both partitions are located on my SATA drive -- I have an IDE drive as well, but it is just storage04:49
Dr_WillisPr0n,  to install somthing - of course.04:49
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ToHellWithGAdeshantm: you'll have to be more specific04:49
ToHellWithGAphoto editing?04:49
chespiritowhyami, real life should have things like irc or google.04:49
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whyamideshantm: I know this is lame but I use picasa under wine...04:49
chespiritoas a very funny quote on bash.org says,i need to find my socs :P04:49
wheelswitch<wheelswitch> cjones:  not somthing ive seen before, sorry.04:49
Dr_WillisPr0n,  or you could use the Xming stuff under windows to have remote X apps show up on your windows box.04:49
Gareth1Pr0n, yes you would (sudo means to run something as root, it will prompt you for the root password)04:49
deshantmi just acquired a Kodak DC340004:49
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=== hareem [n=hareem@toronto-HSE-ppp4078228.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ToHellWithGAlol @ acquired.  5 finger discount, deshantm ?04:50
cjonesthanks anyway04:50
deshantmjust want to be able to use the format functionality04:50
AresWhen you type in your root password as "sudo" in Terminal, is it suppose to come up with * or absolutely nothing?04:50
deshantma gift04:50
ToHellWithGAAres: nothing i think04:50
hareemdoes any one know how to setup ubuntu to work in an internet cafe enviroment04:50
BlueEagletechnel: I see. Well it has been my experience with the SIS sata chip that grub is unable to see the difference between (hd0) and (hd1) between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage.04:50
deshantmfrom a friend who got a new one04:50
Gareth1Ares, nothing - it doesn't echo what you're typing04:50
=== skeen [n=skeen@host-87-75-4-103.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
GrubChubanyone have any suggestions for resolving depandancy issues? can they usually be installed through apt? or do you usually have to hunt for them?04:50
BlueEagletechnel: That might be what causes your alement. Are you booting from your IDE drive or your SATA drive?04:50
BlueEagletechnel: (ie which mbr is read)04:50
whyamideshantm: after picasa...I suppose you could use GQview. I don't think any of them are great...04:50
deshantmubuntu did fine with getting the pics off it... thats not a problem04:50
AresAnyway to echo what I'm typing, or a way to echo that I am infact typing, I always mess up. :(04:50
Dr_Willishareem,  ya may want to clarify that statement as to what you are tryign to do.04:50
whyamideshantm: so what do you want?04:51
skeenI just tried to install Ubuntu but it froze at the last moment. I noticed that the harddrive had heated so much that I couldn't touch it for anymore than a second. Is this the likely cause? Do I need a new fan?04:51
hareemwell sir i am trying to setup a ubuntu or kubuntu cyber cafe04:51
nick_grubchub, I usually use the X front end... Adept to solve these issues04:51
Gareth1Ares, I don't believe so unfortuantely - it's coded into the sudo program I think04:51
deshantmwhich app would you think could support "format"04:51
Dr_Willisskeen,  fans are always good.04:51
BlueEagleskeen: How much RAM is on your box?04:51
deshantmi.e. delete pictures04:51
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-30-26.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
technelBlueEagle, Booting from SATA drive. I had a HUGE issue with installing GRUB with that second hard drive (it was like 4 or 5 pages of forum posts on ubuntuforums.org), but I ended up just unplugging it and installing GRUB. It worked great, but then I went into my BIOS and did the "Switch to Default Options & Save", and then somehow this stuff got messed up.04:52
AresGarth1: Just sudo, or every box? It seems to mimic that behavior in Slackware.04:52
GrubChubthanks nick :)04:52
whyamideshantm: the programs I named will work. Also EOG (eye of gnome) is built into gnome and you could just use nautilus to look at the thumbnails and delete etc. is this what you want?04:52
BlueEagleskeen: Well then you shouldn't be swapped to death. But a fan for a single harddrive is usually not required unless you've insulated it or covered the breathing hole(s).04:52
ToHellWithGAskeen: can you move the hard drive away from other hot parts of your PC?04:52
ToHellWithGAi put my primary hard drive as low and far from other warm stuff as possible04:53
hareemcan ubuntu be setup so that the users sessions expires after a certain time04:53
BlueEagletechnel: Check that your sata boot rom is enabled in the bios.04:53
deshantmwhyami, thanks i will look into those04:53
Gareth1Ares, it's the same for every distribution that uses GNU code (which sudo is a part of)04:53
BlueEagletechnel: I think it should be but it doesn't hurt to check.04:53
skeenIm not really referring to a harddrive fan...but the general fan in the box, whatever thats called.04:53
nick_grubchub if you want, you could quickly see what that package depends on by typing apt-cache depends {insert package name} | less04:53
AresGareth1: [Damn]  Thanks though.04:53
BlueEagletechnel: it might be labled as "raid boot rom" or "raid rom" in the BIOS.04:53
Gareth1Ares: yeah, it's a pain - bit confusing for a first time user04:54
skeenWhen I put my hands in front of it...I can hardly feel anything. Its pretty much useless. Is overheating associated with freezing?04:54
Gareth1Ares, you could use gksudo come to think of it04:54
nick_grubchub, but adept does this also by going into detail on the package your trying to install04:54
Jack_SparrowIt can be04:54
SixtyWattI cannot get wmv videos to play in firefox. I have tried everything listed in the guide.04:54
AresGareth1: Explain? I just started using Ubuntu today.04:54
skeenJack_Sparrow...I saw Johnny Depp today. :)04:54
siriusnovacan anyone help me with recompiling wpa supplicant ?04:54
SixtyWattI even installed mplayer plugin which worked on my other desktop04:54
technelBlueEagle, This is a HP computer, they have a really different BIOS than I am used to. Would it be under like when you go to Disk Management, select a disk, and it shows the options for it?04:54
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Gareth1Ares, try running "gksudo synaptic" - you should get a fancy GUI prompt window for the password (which will echo * when you type)04:55
grteAres: gksudo is like sudo, except that instead of having to type it into a terminal, a graphical prompt will pop up and ask you to enter your password.04:55
BlueEagletechnel: Either that or somwhere around integrated peripherals.04:55
Gareth1hm I wonder04:55
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}04:55
Pr0nive forgotten my root password, but i can login on my normal account, how can i get my root passwrd?04:55
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skeenlol @ Pr0n...04:56
spadesPr0n sudo passwd and set a new one04:56
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grteHe can't.04:56
guesthellow channel04:56
Jack_SparrowPron there is no Root password... Use Sudo04:56
grteHe can't login to his normal account.04:56
BlueEagleHello guest.04:56
hareemdoes any one know how to setup ubuntu to work in an internet cafe enviroment04:56
technelBlueEagle, Alright, I will look for it04:56
BlueEagletechnel: Good luck04:56
AresGareth1: Oh wow, pretty, to bad I hate the choppy fade :(04:56
spadesgrte reread that, he can login, unless he typo'd04:56
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Jack_Sparrowhareem:  Any specifics on what you need04:57
Gareth1Ares, glad to hear it worked for you - about the choppiness, are you using an older machine? or perhaps you are using the incorrect video drivers04:57
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siriusnovacan anyone help me with recompiling wpa supplicant to support my patched madwifi drivers ? the wpa options dont exist in Network Manager anymore so i am assuming i need to recompile wpa supplicant04:57
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AresGareth1: I'm using a Nvidia GeForce4 with 512mb ram and the driver I got was from the "Easy Ubuntu" script.04:57
guestlooking advice  ...  thinking of installing a lamp server  is there a package that is  1 good package for admining all  ?04:57
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jon_As "root" how do I access my "home/username" folder in the terminal04:58
spadescd /home/username04:58
hareemwell jack i want to setup a ubuntu cyber cafe. So that my clients come in get a ticket  and use any ubuntu machine for the time on their ticket04:58
gumpishcd ~username04:58
grtecd ~04:58
grtecd ~username, yeah.04:58
AresWhat does cd stand for again?04:58
gumpishchange dir04:58
skavengechange directory04:58
guestchange dir ??????04:58
spadesguest you can use webmin as a portal but im not sure if its pretty04:58
AresDer, thanks.04:58
=== Ares feels stupid
BlueEaglespades: webmin is no longer in the repositories afaik.04:59
jon_"cd~username" worked, thx for helping me out, I'm a noob04:59
Gareth1heh Ares we were all new once04:59
=== gumpish pats Ares on the head.
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.04:59
spadesBlueEagle he can compile it :)04:59
grteAres: Check out linuxcommand.org04:59
AresIts not that I don't know some commands, I know them, its that my memory is absolutely horrible.04:59
guestah looking something  i can install on to the  box and run from it04:59
hareemany help04:59
BlueEaglespades: He can, but it is depreciated. (I still use it to set up shorewall tho=04:59
livinghi, i have two mouse installed here (a PS2 and a USB) but only one of them is enabled when I boot. and what's worse is that I cannot choose which one to enable (it looks random). is there any way i can choose which one to use (without unplugging them) or, even better, use both?04:59
Gareth1I can never remember uname when I need it04:59
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gumpishliving: just for kicks, why do you need both?05:00
NickGarvey"uname -r" is kernel05:00
NickGarveyuname -a is everything05:00
NickGarveythats all you really need05:00
BlueEagleliving: what gumpish asked05:00
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ToHellWithGAgumpish: akimbo mousing pwns05:00
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Gareth1yeah, I know - I just forget the command NickGarvey05:00
AresI only need three commands, sudo, gedit, and ls. Moving in terminal makes me feel tired :O [Perhaps I'm lazy?] 05:00
NickGarveyGareth1: ah ;)05:00
uboyodid anyone notice that dapper's xorg is choppy?05:00
livingBlueEagle, gumpish: i am used to the trackball mouse while my mom is used to the "typical" mouse05:00
uboyomouse movement stutters05:00
grteGUI is good for moving files from one folder to the other.05:01
gumpishliving: the trackball is PS/2?05:01
sjhillis there a channel specific to ubuntu and wireless adapters?05:01
grteFor everything else, terminal is the lazy way.05:01
grteIt just takes learning.05:01
hareemcan ubuntu be used in an internet cafe enviroment05:01
livinggumpish: yes05:01
Jack_Sparrowhareem:  WHat software would thry use if youwere running windows?05:01
Jack_SparrowJust trying to see the features you are after05:01
guest!lamp server05:01
ubotuI know nothing about lamp server05:01
hyphenatedliving: can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?05:01
NickGarvey!lamp > guest05:01
=== arapehl [n=ara@toronto-HSE-ppp4169647.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hareemwell quite simply i would use windwos 2003 server and xp as client05:02
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.05:02
Gareth1damn, was hoping for something else there05:02
BlueEaglehareem: I do not know of a package in the repository that will do what you are asking. You will need to search the internet. However Ununtu is just as suitable for installing those packages, however support on those packages is done by the provider (unless anyone here has got any experience with them)05:02
hareemdomain controller would do this job. But windows means that i have to cough up $4500 to Microsoft05:02
NickGarveyI have read that women howto thing05:02
=== sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
barongasanyone know where the kernel source directory ends up after download linux-source?05:02
Jack_Sparrowhareem: How you manage the amount of time05:02
livinghyphenated: sure.  done -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1713805:02
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guestsamba not be set up as a domain controler ?05:03
hareemwell i can just remote log off the user05:03
hareemi really dont need to time stamp them05:03
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-48-193.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hareemin windows atleast05:03
livinghyphenated: right now, the USB mouse is working. sometimes it is the PS2 that works05:03
gumpishOk, is there a package that monitors the status of a host and mails you when it stops responding to ping?05:03
Gareth1hareem, that'd be quite difficult with anywhere more than 10 stations05:04
hareemwell how would i do it with 10 stations Gareth105:04
BlueEaglehareem: Have you installed ubuntu yet? I see there is a package named "pessulus" that might be what you're after.05:04
AresHey, can anyone time check Texas? I think my BIOS messed up Ubuntu's time. [Again] 05:04
siriusnovacan anyone help me with recompiling wpa supplicant to support my patched madwifi drivers so i can use wpa via Network Manager?05:04
abstractismits 10:04 here05:04
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AresOk, thanks.05:04
GaiaX11hareem, I think you need to set up cron05:04
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abstractismwelcome, at least I can help a little bit here05:05
=== technel [n=michael@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
AresAbstractism: Haha, don't worry, I'm sure you help out tons =)05:05
hyphenatedliving: yeah, that's the "Configured Mouse" section of it. if you had a section for the PS/2 mouse, and it was listed in the "ServerLayout" section, then they'd both work together.05:05
hareembut how would i be able to contoll the stations05:05
technelSorry, who was helping me again?05:05
AresTechnel: wait a second, I'll look =P05:05
livinghyphenated: but wouldn't that section get cleared on next reboot? i mean, it looks like ubuntu reworks the xorg.conf file on every boot, doesn't it?05:06
abstractismAres: nah, I just got here today and couldn't find anyone to help me get my mac formatted CD-ROMs working05:06
BlueEagle!info pessulus05:06
ubotupessulus: lockdown editor for GNOME. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 52 kB, installed size 728 kB05:06
AresTechnel: BlueEagle was helping for a bit... and maybe someoen else to.05:06
GaiaX11GaiaX11, hareem I think from the server.05:06
technelAres, Ah, yes, that's right. hyphenated started, then snoops, and now BlueEagle05:06
hyphenatedliving: what does ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf say?05:06
sjhillhmm, no help for wireless here i guess05:06
technelBlueEagle, I was not able to find that in the BIOS =\05:06
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AresTechnel: What was your problem again? Unable to find the Windows partition?05:07
=== ozmodiar [n=ozmodiar@h218n1fls33o869.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
hyphenatedtechnel: google for details about HP bios and how to configure LBA mode for your disk in it. it should be there somewhere05:07
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livinghyphenated: heh. looks like it doesn't rework it ;)05:07
=== Touru [n=mango@S010600134688c31b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
hareemso i can use a normal ubuntu desktop to act as server right05:07
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BlueEaglehareem: msg05:07
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technelAres, At this point I am 99% sure it is on (hd1,0), but it gives the error that the partition couldn't be read or something -- 0x705:08
sjhillnot much better than debian05:08
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nedss_hey all...05:08
goethehow do i check which services are currently running on my machine??05:08
technelI have a picture of the error, one second05:08
hareemok i have that installed but i would have to manually make lock down changes on all pc;s05:08
=== kramer_ [n=gavin@c-24-20-3-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEagletechnel: Ok. You could attempt to install grub to your ide disc and boot from that perhaps?05:08
hyphenatedliving: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17139 <-- my touchpad (basically a PS/2 mouse using synaptics driver instead of whatever it is) and a USB mouse play together fine05:08
BlueEagletechnel: Not sure if that will work at all tho.05:08
nedss_trying to use vnc...and am getting a blank screen w/ an X whats wrong?05:08
=== kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dibblegohow do I generate an ISO from a Ubuntu CD? I have the CD but it is scratched up05:08
GaiaX11hareem, there is a ubuntu cd server in distrowatch05:08
hareemis there any way i can centrally control my users05:08
BlueEagletechnel: just for kicks: try setting your windows root to (hd0,0)05:08
abstractismspeaking of which05:09
zcat[1] dibblego: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=ubuntu.iso05:09
hareemyeah but that cd is LAMP--- what would i be doing with apache installed05:09
nedss_trying to use vnc...and am getting a blank screen w/ an X whats wrong?05:09
dibblegogah, I knew that too, thanks05:09
BlueEagletechnel: it should not work for any logical reason but after all it's windows we're trying to boot. :)05:09
livinghyphenated: thankyou a lot :) i'll do some tests now and come back in a few minutes with the bad or good news05:09
GaiaX11hareem, go there download it and install it05:09
abstractismcan anyone help me get my mac formatted discs working?05:09
nedss_don't have physical access to the machine05:09
hyphenatedliving: you'll have to change the driver for the synaptics section. I can't remember what it should be changed to05:09
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nedss_but do have ssh access05:09
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AresTechnel: Please, come back it works, I really want to know if 0,0 does in fact work for no reason [aswell] :P05:09
BlueEagletechnel: other than that installing windows to the primary master IDE drive will in most cases cure your problem because that's where windows "wants to be"(tm) :)05:10
livinghyphenated: "PS/2" i guess. or "ImPS/2"05:10
=== heimdall_ [n=MS3@203-214-56-229.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
technelBlueEagle, Over the course of a month of asking in here and on ubuntuforums.org, it was determined that a bug in Ubuntu/GRUB does not work if your OS is on a SATA drive and you have an IDE drive installed05:10
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AresOh! You have a SATA and an IDE installed?05:10
hyphenatedliving: for Protocol, yes. but you also need Driver set correctly ;-)05:10
AresI could have told you that!05:11
technelAres, BlueEagle, Here is the weird error: http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/720/000019pt.jpg05:11
BlueEagleares: Thing is that I had a sata+ide setup and it didn't matter if I specified (hd0,0) or (hd1,0) it booted the same partition in every case.05:11
livinghyphenated: ah, heh. "mouse" should do i guess :P05:11
hareemi checked that ubuntu server has no central user control05:11
AresI know a fix to that bug.05:11
technelBlueEagle, Here is the thread I have been referring to if you are interested: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17990805:11
AresI think.05:11
hareemwho ever suggested this. You can check for your self to05:11
BlueEagletechnel: oh oh oh!05:11
AresTechnel: Switch to Lilo.05:11
hyphenatedor psmouse. I can't remember. give it a whirl.05:11
BlueEagletechnel: in your menu.lst change root (hd0,0) to rootnoverify (hd0,0)05:11
kramer_Does anybody know how to change the default web browser05:12
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BlueEagleor make it hd(1,0) since that was what you had. :)05:12
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heimdall_I got a problem after upgrading to dapper from breezy, my laptop is sleeping without warning05:12
BlueEagletechnel: in your menu.lst change root (hd1,0) to rootnoverify (hd1,0)05:12
Tonren'Sup #ubuntu.05:12
BlueEagletonren: the opposite of down. :)05:12
technelBlueEagle, Alright, doing it now05:12
abstractismhi tonren05:12
heimdall_as if the energy saver function was on, but no :/05:12
AresTonren: Hello.05:12
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TonrenBlueEagle: You will pay for your tomfoolery05:12
BlueEagletonren: I already do. :)05:13
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TonrenHey, doe sanyone have any experience installing a 32bit chroot on 64bit arch?05:13
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BlueEagletonren: It's true. Each month I pay various operators a bribe so they won't kick me when I'm off topic like now. :p05:13
AresBlueEagle: How much?05:13
siriusnovaanyone know how to recompile wpa supplicant to support new madwifi drivers?05:13
TonrenBlueEagle: You do what you've gotta do.05:13
hareemby the way is there a domain controller for ubuntu or kububtu05:14
BlueEagleares: I pay "an undisclosed amount"(tm) to keep them happy. (hint: The currency is cookies)05:14
AresBlueEagle: What type? I must pay off a few people, and do they pay for postage? :O05:14
snoopsbinding mouse buttons to other mouse buttons anyway? I've been struggling with it for a couple days now05:14
abstractismfor dapper x64, are there any good voip apps other than ekiga and twinkle?05:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions05:14
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noiesmoany apt-get guru's here trying to work out what i need to remove to let apt-get install a package that has dependany problems05:15
snoopsfor which protocol abstractism?05:15
BlueEagleabstractism: skype runs on linux. Not sure if they've got x64 arch yet tho.05:15
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TonrenSo, no one's done a 32bit chroot?05:15
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livinghyphenated: ok, done! :) thankyou very much05:15
hareemguys is there a domain controller for ubuntu or kubuntu05:15
TonrenI knew I shouldn't have installed the freaking 64bit version.  But now I don't know what to do to properly install the other version.05:16
AresBlueEagle: Ok, I think an operator will kick me soon, so BlueEagle, anyway to help me change my menu.lst to boot Windows first and have Ubuntu selected etc? [Details will be explained] 05:16
heimdall_is anyone has an idea for my problem ,05:16
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Tonrenheimdall_: What's buggin' you?05:16
hyphenatedliving: working? sweet05:16
abstractismI checked skype.com earlier today and there's just i38605:16
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto05:17
technelBlueEagle, It just showed the screen like before, no error, but it was just the screen with the funky characters at the bottom05:17
Tonrenabstractism: You're running 64 bit?  What do you do about Macromedia Flash?05:17
AresAbstractism: The joys of 64.05:17
technelBlueEagle, Maybe I just need to reinstall GRUB?05:17
Jack_SparrowAres: so edit your menu.lst05:17
AresJack_Sparrow: I'm to much of a weeny after screwing up all my other bootloaders.05:17
technelBlueEagle, What was thing you were telling me to change in the BIOS earlier?05:17
BlueEagletechnel: That might help.05:17
heimdall_Tonren : since I've upgraded to dapper, my laptop is sleeping without warning :/05:17
abstractismTonren: I havent got that running either05:18
Jack_SparrowAres: to make windows default it just as easy as movi it up to the top of the list05:18
BlueEagletechnel: The sata raid controller might need to be active or the sata boot rom. Everything named sata perhaps?05:18
Tonrenabstractism: It's driving me up the wall.  I'm tired of not being able to see stuff on Youtube!  I'm not sure if I want to scrap it and install 32bit, or install a 32bit chroot!05:18
Tonrenheimdall_: That's dreadful.  Is it SLEEPING or shutting down?  Can you "wake it up" again once it sleeps?05:18
BlueEaglehareem: A "domain controller" is a windows NT thing. What you probably want is a file and printer server isn't it?05:19
heimdall_yep I can wake it up05:19
Jack_SparrowAres: copy your grub/menu.lst to #Jack_Sparrow05:19
heimdall_Tonren : but I can't figure out why it is sleeping05:19
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Tonrenheimdall_: Hmm... you should snoop around Ubuntu resource sites, like the forums.  I'll bet you that someone else has had this problem.05:19
abstractismTonren: yeah its a pain, but I probably won't scrap it..I have a windows machine thats running 32bit xp pro, because they fail05:19
hareemwell is there any alternative domain contoller for linux. Or something similar to domain controller in ubunut or linux world05:19
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heimdall_Tonren : I did, I found nothing on the forum05:19
Jack_SparrowAres: To edit it go to term sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:20
BlueEaglehareem: ...unless you want to have windows machine logging on to your network that is. Then you'll need something like samba or something.05:20
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abstractismTonren: multiple computers for the win :)05:20
Tonrenabstractism: I have one too, it's sitting right next to my laptop at the moment.  But it's SUCH a hassle to get the URL from an IM window on one screen to the other, you know?05:20
abstractismyeah, it is05:20
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Tonrenabstractism: I actually have three computers within five feet of where I am this second, that I own.  Hehehe.05:20
halitusi have 4  :P05:20
spadesi have 50005:20
BlueEaglehareem: Linux can replicate any and all features of the nt domain controller afaik. However I cannot guarantee that you will find a GUI for setting up everything.05:21
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abstractismTonren: I originally wanted a mac, windows, and linux machine, but finances and reality tell me that two computers is kinda enough.05:21
AresYeah, I just got booted.05:21
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siriusnovaanyone know how to recompile wpa supplicant :(05:21
hareemwell i am ok with a command line version as well05:21
Tonrenabstractism: Hehe, probably.05:21
hareemwhats the name of the linux domain controller blue eagle05:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
SurfnKidabstractism maybe 3 computers, 1 for radio listenin 1 for business and 1 for games :P05:22
abstractismthey're both amd64 anyway05:22
BlueEaglehareem: samba and ldap should suffice for most implementations unless I am mistaking.05:22
abstractismeventually I'll get tired of PC gaming and install linux on that other one anyway05:22
BlueEaglehareem: The question is if using a samba network is "the right way"(tm) to go when you're on an all linux network.05:22
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halitusoh hey how can i find my ip adress in ubuntu  anything simmilar to ipconfig /all??05:23
hareemso samba is the controller or is samba a file print sharing system05:23
BlueEaglehareem: Still it would be nice to offer wireless (or even wired) access for people with laptops and windows and in such a case samba and ldap would be fitting.05:23
spadeshalitus ifconfig05:23
SurfnKidwhere can i get information on modifying the way packets are sent in and out05:23
hyphenatedhalitus: ifconfig05:23
abstractismSurfnKid: hehe, a gamer05:23
halitusthank you05:23
=== twa1296 [n=twa1296@pub082136112061.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #ubuntu
daddoes anyone know of a program that could convert from avi to gif?  all i've been able to find has been for windows05:24
hareemso how can i offer wifi authentication05:24
BlueEaglehareem: samba can do many things like being the master file/printer browser and replicationg an nt domain controller.05:24
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hareemok thats great05:24
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hareemi will check up with some links to see how samba is setup. I have heard its a pain in the ***05:24
tichwhere would i find a list of ubuntu compatible (laser) printers?05:25
technelBlueEagle, How do I get it to re-generate the config file? I did "sudo grub-install /dev/sda1" but it didn't overwrite the file05:25
kalosaurusrextich: http://hplip.sourceforge.net is a good start :)05:25
Jack_Sparrowtich:  HP 1100 work great05:25
BlueEaglehareem: That is another issue. What springs to my mind is to have the router that accepts wifi keep track of each connection in some way.05:25
hareemso how can i setup wifi service for my cafe05:25
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BlueEagletechnel: I am guessing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub05:25
spadestich see whats on the cups compat list?05:25
alindemanI've just read over the Java wiki entry about installing the firefox plugin, but I cannot find a package named sun-java5-plugin ... am I missing something?05:25
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hareemok. so you know how to install chillispot on kubuntu05:26
daddoes anyone know of a good video editor for ubuntu?05:26
BlueEaglehareem: Don't know of any packages that does that but I cannot see any reason for there not being such a piece of software.05:26
spadestich http://www.cups.org/ppd.php05:26
BlueEagle!info chillispot05:26
ubotuPackage chillispot does not exist in dapper05:26
abstractismdad: you're not my dad!05:26
hareemaltight thanks for the help05:26
Travis|T60How do I install Ubuntu Dapper Drake without writting to the MBR? I have a laptop with a recovery partition and if I modify the mbr it will get screwed up so I just want to put the boot data on a /boot partition and I will put it in my other bootloader05:26
dadyes i know, its my account name05:26
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:27
Jack_SparrowGrub floppies05:27
Jack_SparrowNo floppy... boots to windows05:27
Bot_Builderdad - sadly, it seems like vid editing, general manipulation is severely lacking in linux05:27
Jack_SparrowNo one even knows there is another OS05:27
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dadwell all i want to do is convert a clip from avi to gif05:27
tichthanks all!05:27
TonrenHey guys, how do you know when the new version of an app will hit the repositories?  I am aching for amaroK 1.4.1, but it seems like it hasn't hit the repos yet.05:27
Bot_Builderoh, well that you could probably do05:27
tonyyarussoTravis|T60: I think you can skip the Grub installation step...  I have one of those recovery partitions too, and installed Grub, then fixed the error so that it still works, so if you go that route, it is possible.05:27
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
AresBot_Builder: I remember one vid editing software that was amazing, but lacked a community and documentation and was like blender3d in terms of easy to use.05:28
elknof1does anyone knows whats the meaning if difussion gate??  its in advanced prefferences of ethernet...05:28
dadwell I searched around and didn't find anything... but i'll try installing stuff and looking into the features05:28
snoopsyou could build it from source Tonren05:28
Tonrensnoops: I know, I know.  But I'm lazy!  Besides, I built 1.4.0 from source and it crashed all the freaking time.05:28
Bot_Builderares - huh, that's odd, if it was good i wonder why there wasn't a community05:29
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Bot_Builderseems to me like its a rather large gap in the wall of linux killer apps05:29
kitsuneofdoomOk, I have a Broadcom 505:29
AresBot_Builder: It was new, and you would be surprised at how many projects are out there without communities.05:29
=== JDredd [n=al@203-49-242-119.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Travis|T60tonyyarusso I just need to make sure nothing touches the MBR because this laptop is a loaner so I can't screw it up05:29
abstractismeubey d00by whooooo05:29
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tonyyarussoTravis|T60: Loaner from who?05:29
Travis|T60t60 thinkpad05:29
kitsuneofdoomOk, I have a Broadcom 54g Wireless card. I've managed to find the windows driver. Now how the heck to I get a wireless internet connection?05:29
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kitsuneofdoomI'm using ndiswrapper05:30
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SurfnKidkitsuneofdoom breezy or Dapper05:30
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BlueEaglehareem: you might be able to install the .deb files directly. Download it and try to install them.05:30
BlueEaglehareem: You will also need a radius server and a webserver apperantly.05:30
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AresTravis: If worse comes to worse you could get a recovery console cd and type fdisk /mbr [or fdisk \mbr]  I can't remember which.05:30
hareemthis is for chillispot rite05:31
Jack_Sparrowfdisk /mbr is right05:31
kitsuneofdoomSurfnKid: Dapper. I should mention this in my intro...heh05:31
Travis|T60Ares that wouldn't work thought because the recovery partitions bootloader is in the mbr, but I guess I will take the risk05:31
snoopsTravis|T60 you can make a backup of the mbr and restore it later05:31
BlueEaglehareem: yes.05:31
Travis|T60snoops how would I do this?05:31
tonyyarussoTravis|T60: Why is Lenovo loaning you a laptop?  Anyway, mine's a T43.  I'm trying to remember what your options are for skipping grub installation...you might need to use the Alternate CD and try to bypass it.05:32
SurfnKidkitsuneofdoom should have picked it up i guess as eth1, last time i installed,  try ndiswrapper if not the other way05:32
hareemyeah. i am going through the free radius setup. Man this is complicated05:32
Jack_SparrowTravis|T60: There is the ultimate boot cd ... google it05:32
Fitzzhow do i paste in xterm? :p05:32
ubotuI know nothing about bcmwl505:32
BlueEaglehareem: http://www.chillispot.org/download/chillispot_1.0_ok_i386.deb would be the stable version afaik.05:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:32
snoopsTravis|T60 from terminal.. "dd if=/dev/thehddhere of=/home/mbr.bak bs=512 count=1"05:32
BlueEaglehareem: notice that since these were buildt for debian they might not work on ubuntu but odds are that they will.05:32
Jack_SparrowTravis|T60: IT boots and has fdisk and many many other useful tools for partitioning and then some05:32
SurfnKidkitsuneofdoom try that05:32
Travis|T60tonyyarusso yeah I read about using the alternative cd, the laptop is being loaned for a review05:32
BlueEagletechnel: any luck?05:33
tonyyarussoTravis|T60: The only thing that you can't do with grub installed to the MBR is use the Access IBM button to get at that function; you can still make a fully functional Grub menu item to boot it.05:33
tonyyarussoTravis|T60: Oh, cool.05:33
ubotuI know nothing about xterm05:33
Travis|T60snoops gotcha05:33
hareemcan i get freeradius of the repos05:33
AresJack_Sparrow: Does it have cfdisk? [Or was it sfdisk?] 05:33
SurfnKidis anyone in the houston area?05:33
BlueEagle!info freeradius05:33
ubotufreeradius: a high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1343 kB, installed size 4252 kB05:33
BlueEaglehareem: yes05:33
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hareemi heard ubuntu is based on DEB. but maybe im wrong05:33
Travis|T60well I'll play around05:33
BlueEaglehareem: it is05:33
Areshareem: It's a fork.05:34
snoopsTravis|T60 that'll backup the boot info as well as partition table. If you want to ignore the partition table change bs=512 to bs=446.. and to restore it "dd if=/home/mbr.bak bs=512 count=1" (if it's the 512 one, other wise change bs to 446)05:34
hareemfork ?05:34
spadessplit from it05:34
spadeslike a fork in the road causing you to turn05:34
Bot_BuilderIt would be really nice if nautilus would ask you for the root password (using gtksudo or whatever it was), when you try to do illegal ops05:34
AresHareem: It was forked [split]  off of the Debian tree.05:34
tonyyarussoAres: Spoon!  Hehe.05:34
=== Ares is confused
snoopswhoops, that dd is totally out of whack05:35
hareemoh.. well in that case they should have kept some parent properties05:35
hareemoh well time will tell05:35
BlueEaglehareem: a fork in this term is when someone takes a base of something and continues to develop it in their own way regardless of what is done with the original software.05:35
Bot_Builderbranch is more of a cooperative thing05:35
BlueEaglehareem: it's one fo the blessings (or curses if you whish) of the open source world.05:35
Jack_Sparrowdd = dangerous in the wrong hands05:35
tonyyarussosnoops: I suggested a spec that the installation should allow for auto backup of the MBR (I think Suse has this).  Hopefully this will get simpler.05:35
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snoopstonyyarusso cool beans05:35
tonyyarussoAres: (See Mark Shuttleworth's personal page on the wiki)05:35
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HighHopesHello! I need help... Is it possible to change default text-mode from 80x25 to (e.g.) 132x50 characters? ...05:36
=== aristotlewilde [n=scott@adsl-71-144-86-157.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
AresTony: Is it another recursive antonym or whatever? Last time someone explained G.N.U. I went into a six month coma.05:36
Gareth1hah like WINE Ares?05:37
snoopsanyone have any idea how I can bind mouse buttons to mouse buttons?05:37
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AresGareth1: Don't be evil. DONT BE EVIL05:37
NickGarveywould patching your kernel be better than recompiling it?05:37
kalosaurusrexhareem: ubuntu is based on debian.  and uses deb packages.05:37
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tonyyarussoAres: Na, it's his response to "Is Ubuntu a fork of Debian?"  "Yes, no, it's a spoon, maybe" or something like that.05:37
BlueEaglenickgarvey: patching a kernel implies compiling it.05:37
AresTony: Lol, I get it =P05:37
=== chariscomp [n=chatzill@pool-71-113-252-159.herntx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wweaselI'd like to make my Desktop folder in another location, as in not ~/Desktop. How would I do that?05:37
=== Ares seizures anyway.
NickGarveyBlueEagle: so whats the difference between getting the kernel source and the patch?05:37
Gareth1NickGarvey, it's not patching in the windows sense, it's basically adding some modifications to the linux source before compiling05:38
Bot_Builderwweasel - have you tried a symbolic link?05:38
BlueEaglenickgarvey: 1st you get the kernel source then you get the patch then you merge the patch with the kernel source then you compile the pathced source.05:38
NickGarveyGareth1: ah.. so I can just compile a new one if I am lazy?05:38
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hareemlisten i used the repos to install ldap and freeradius05:38
Gareth1NickGarvey, yes05:38
SurfnKidhow can i compile my kernel to have APM support05:38
AresBot_Builder: Can you explain a sym link, I hear it, I hear its wonderful, I have no idea what or how to use it05:38
NickGarveyGareth1: ok, thank you05:38
hareemhow can i manage them05:38
wweaselBot_Builder: I just made one. It worked, but no icons appear on my desktop. If I go into my home folder and click the symbolic link it brings me to the right place. Perhaps I should restart X?05:39
NickGarveyAres: man ln05:39
AresNick: Roger.05:39
NickGarveyAres: actually, the man file isn't that good05:39
AresNick: Info better?05:39
Bot_Builderwweasel - yeah, restart nautilus or X05:39
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NickGarveyAres: a sym link acts like the file you link too, but unlike a hard link, when you delete the original file, a sym link won't work05:40
wweaselbtw, how do I exit a man page?05:40
NickGarveyAres: its a link to the reference, instead of a copy of the reference05:40
Jack_SparrowSymlink = Windows Shortcut05:40
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ardchoillewweasel: press the "q" key05:40
Fitzzwweasel, "q"05:40
Bot_BuilderAres - yeah, i used one the first time today - its like a windows shortcut but kicks more ass05:40
AresNick: So its basically every single href link?05:40
wweaselbrilliant. Bot_Builder: brb, restarting x05:40
Gareth1heh Ares if you want something really bad, check out the HURD acronym meaning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Hurd05:40
AresNick: like*05:40
NickGarveyAres: um.. yes pretty much05:40
=== FatchaMaCallitz [n=chatzill@adsl-065-080-182-115.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
AresNick: Sorry, I'm very crude.05:41
Bot_BuilderAres - the difference is that to a program on linux the file is actually whatever it points at05:41
FatchaMaCallitzsorry guys.. can I ask a quick question?05:41
BlueEagleares: a symlink (symbolic link) is a "shortcut" to another file somewhere else in the filesystem. It is used by issuing the ln command to create the symlink.05:41
chariscompHello, I am having a problem when attempting to install xubuntu. I am using the alternate install CD. When I get to the section of the installation that deals with partitioning, I am attempting to use the software RAID and setup RAID 1 mirrors of all partitions. However, once I have created my partitions and marked them as physical volume for RAID and choose Setup RAID, the setup seems to...05:41
chariscomp...hang. Does any one have any suggestions on how to get it past this point? Thanks for any help. If this is not the right place to ask this, please tell me where to ask this question.05:41
wheelswitchis there a way i can open up a program in a different workspace from the command line?05:41
Bot_BuilderSo you can read to/from a symbolic link, and it is the data that is in the file it links to05:41
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BlueEaglechariscomp: you can also try #xubuntu05:42
AresBot: Explain that again, I didn't get it.05:42
Fitzzwhat is the key to paste to xterm?05:42
AresBot: Like... is the best Windows reference a "short-cut" or whatever?05:42
chariscompok, I'll try that. Thanks, BlueEagle!05:42
BlueEaglechariscomp: but thankyou for taking time to formulating your question so thuroughly. I am sorry I do not know the answer for you. :)05:42
FatchaMaCallitzI've installed Ubuntu, however when I try to boot from HD, my screen is spammed with the word grub (i know its the bootloader)05:42
Jack_SparrowSHift ctrl-v?05:42
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spadesshift+insert *05:43
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Fitzzyeah Jack_Sparrow ... it does work on gnome-terminal but not in xterm05:43
wweaselWell, it worked. I am very happy. Now Linux and Windows share both Firefox and Thunderbird profiles and Desktops.05:43
Bot_BuilderAres: In windows, if you had a shortcut to a text file, and opened it in notepad, you'd get the shortcut data - some format that stores the location of the file it links to.  In linux, any program that accesses a symbolic link will get the data of the file it links to05:43
BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: This is in most cases due to a failed installation of grub. Often caused by the 2nd stage not being found where grub expects it to be.05:43
Fitzzoh yeah.. totally forgot that one.. thanks spades !05:43
Jack_SparrowI switched to Knoversation, I couldn't take X-term05:43
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darkyoshi372My status thingy (whatever the system tray is called) is messed up. Sometimes an icon or two disappear, leaving a permanent space until I refresh the panel, and the limewire/frostwire icons are always squished. What's going on?05:43
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Bot_BuilderAlso, I think that symbolic links are updated when you move the destination around, but i'm not sure05:44
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BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: What you need to do is to boot from you CD and mount the partition containing /boot (either a separate partition or it's on your / partition)05:44
AresBot: So if I open up... lets say an icon that sym links to menu.lst it would have menu.lst's information?05:44
BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: then get your menu.lst file and post it to pastebin05:44
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FatchaMaCallitzsorry blue05:44
FatchaMaCallitzi'm a linux noob05:44
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BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: you will find an IRC client on the live cd and alternate cd (xchat or irssi if I remember correctly)05:45
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AresFatacha: 500 of the people in this room probably are.05:45
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FatchaMaCallitzok i'm in windows right now.. brb ima run to my linux box05:45
BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: ok. First up: Are you using the live cd or the alternate install cd?05:45
FatchaMaCallitzits a live boot05:45
Bot_BuilderAres - yep, and the program would think it was reading and writing to the sym link file, but really its not, the reading/writing is being forwarded through it.  Its like an internet proxy05:45
haydenanyone help me with my monitor, i am dual booting with windows with a 17inch crt 1280x1024 60hz, and when i change from windows the screen is not in the right place an i have to manually center the screen properly in ubuntu, is there a way to resolve this?05:45
BlueEaglefatchamacallitz: ok. Boot up the live cd and start an IRC client. xchat or irssi will do. Then connect here.05:45
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FatchaMaCallitzrighto, gimmie 3 min.. brb as Fatcha205:46
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kane_Hi, im using ubuntu dapper, with madwifi and my connection seems to drop pretty often, when this happens i am unable to start it back up w/o a reboot, using kwireless assistant it says it appears an external switch has been turned off...05:46
kane_any idea?05:46
technelHow do I rename files in linux from cmd line? "rename old new" always gives an error05:46
abstractismfor hayden's problem, I think that might be in xorg.conf05:46
FunnyLookinHatkane_, do you use network-manager05:46
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BlueEaglehayden: You might be running a different resolution/refresh rate in linux. If you've got an on-screen display on your monitor you will probably find the current vertical refresh rate (vsync) in th emenu.05:46
FunnyLookinHatThat could fix it...05:46
BlueEaglethe menu*05:47
snoopstechnel mv old new05:47
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StickyBittechnel: mv oldname newname05:47
technelBlueEagle, So at this point, what do you think I should do?05:47
abstractismI never had that problem since I have LCDs05:47
technelah, thanks05:47
BlueEagletechnel: not dualboot with windows? :p05:47
AresHow do I exit a man page again? [I'm so God damn forgetful] 05:47
StickyBitAres: "q"05:47
haydenBlueEagle: they are both 1280x1024@60hz05:47
technelBlueEagle, Seriously, it worked like 2 hours ago05:47
AresSticky: I so new that... Thanks.05:47
ShigunI am having an issue with flash, where it will play a couple of seconds, then just stop.  Anybody experienced it/know how to fix it/have a recommendation?05:47
=== Ares wonders why he kept trying Esc :O
StickyBitAres: when in doubt ctrl+c kills a process05:48
technelBlueEagle, I went through every BIOS page, I never saw that thing you were talking about05:48
BlueEagletechnel: One alternative is to set up lilo. There you have got a lower level control of which harddrive uses what. However it's very very very easy to bork your system with lilo.05:48
Smoxiehey all. i just downloaded the latest ubuntu release and am installing it on my new laptop. i go 'start or install ubuntu', it goes through a few screens, but when it gets up to the actual install part (it plays the welcome sound), the screen goes black and nothing seems to happen. im guessing this is bad resolution settings, so anyone any idea how to fix?05:48
NickGarveywhen I update my kernel, what might break? I know my wireless ndiswrapper driver will, anything else?05:48
AresWhat was the logic in Ctrl-C? :\05:48
NickGarveyAres: I know?! copy = break!?05:48
AresNick: I don't get it, but I'm laughing either way.05:48
NickGarveyheh yeah05:49
BlueEaglesmoxie: are you able to press CTRL+ALT+F1 to get a console?05:49
spadesAres hes referring to windows copy being ctrl+c05:49
SmoxieBlueEagle: yes05:49
AresSpades: Yeah, =P05:49
BlueEaglesmoxie: try the command: /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:49
kane_FunnyHat-Away, aye05:49
AresSpades: Maybe the guy who did that shortcut was using the key placement of dvorak.05:49
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NickGarveyAres: c in qwerty is j in dvorak05:50
AresSpades: He's only one off of K.05:50
NickGarveyAres: and c in dvorak is i in qwerty05:50
NickGarveyaoeu ;)05:50
wheelswitchmy ubuntu menu takes up too much space!, is there an easy way to change it? |Applications Places System|05:50
AresNick: Yep =) How do you know :O05:50
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BlueEaglesmoxie: any luck?05:50
Bot_Builderhmm, yeah i never thought about ctrl-C being odd.  It works as copy in most linux apps as well05:50
StickyBitctrl+ c = cancel05:50
NickGarveyAres: aoeuidhtns heh05:50
AresNick: Heh, I can only use the home row so far. :O05:51
SmoxieBlueEagle: stopping=ok, starting=fail05:51
NickGarveyAres: oh I type with it normally05:51
NickGarveyAres: works fine for me05:51
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NickGarveyAres: not sure how many wpm I type, but its pretty good, faster than most people for sure05:51
BlueEaglesmoxie: I see. Have you tried enabling VGA safe mode when you boot?05:51
AresNick: Same here, I'm just not nearly as fast yet.05:51
ShigunActually, flash is gimping everything now.  Causing my browser to freeze up.  Thoughts, anybody?05:52
AresNick: Damn, I'll give you a wpm checker when I can.05:52
SmoxieBlueEagle: no, but i shall. i trust its a menu option? ;o05:52
NickGarveyAres: heh, I went from 70~ wpm in qwerty to dvorak though, HARD change05:52
BlueEaglesmoxie: Yes, it's F4 or something on the boot screen.05:52
AresNick: I'm 120 in QWERTY05:52
BlueEaglesmoxie: it should be listed at the bottom05:52
Bot_BuilderNickGarvey - judging by your message times you type damn fast05:52
NickGarveyAres: wow.. is that possible?05:52
AresNick: As long as I don't have to use any ,'s.05:52
SmoxieBlueEagle: ok thanks, i'll try that, bbs ^^05:52
NickGarveyAres: 120... wpm.. or cpm...05:52
NickGarveyBot_Builder: ;)05:52
AresNick: wpm.05:53
Bot_BuilderI'm not going to learn dvorak though - then you can't use normal keyboards as well05:53
ShigunNick: Its easily possible, I get around 116 WPM05:53
BlueEaglebot_builder: you :ca05:53
snoopsBot_Builder you can05:53
NickGarveyShigun: naw...05:53
BlueEagle_can_ use qwerty after learning dvorak but it's not fun at all.05:53
AresBot: When you use Linux, you can't use Windows as well =P05:53
snoopsI learnt dvorak awhile ago.. but it's a bit of a pain switching back and forth..05:53
NickGarveyShigun: I mena I typed 70~ when I was 13.. but.. I don't see hitting 120 anytime..05:53
NickGarveysnoops: why do you need to switch back and forth?05:53
snoopsmemorised the home row for dvorak actually05:53
AresI'm 14 and I got 120 wpm.05:54
ShigunNick: Why not?05:54
ShigunAnybody have a thought on this flash issue?05:54
=== Fatcha2 [n=ubuntu@adsl-065-080-182-115.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
AresI memorised the home row to, I know the p g c r and y keys for upper row. Thats it.05:54
snoopsNickGarvey because everyone else doesn't use dvorak05:54
NickGarveysnoops: so...?05:54
Fatcha2blue, ares.. back05:54
StickyBitShigun: is it temporary or permanent?05:54
BlueEagleshigun: I've got lots of thoughts on flash and various issues with it but unfortunately none of them will help you with your problem. :)05:54
Bot_BuilderNickGarvey: so, what if you use someone else's computer?05:54
NickGarveyAres: over 3 minutes? I mean I hit 120 in a 12 second sprint.. but..05:54
NickGarveyBot_Builder: linux or windows?05:55
Fatcha2ho-kay, blueeagle.. what did you want me to do?05:55
snoopsso.. I'm not a recluse. I go around to peoples places, end up helping them with pc probs, and don't want to stuff around with remapping keys or gosh taking a keyboard with me05:55
AresOh, three minutes, Probably around 80 then.05:55
ShigunStickyBit: I can close FF, open it again, and it does the same thing05:55
NickGarveyBot_Builder: in linux, "setxkbmap dvorak"05:55
AresI can do iono, a page of random babbling in 120wpm [Aim style] 05:55
BlueEaglefatcha2: I really don't remember. What was the problem again?05:55
Bot_Builderyeah, then you'll forget to switch it back and they'll have a messed up keyboard05:55
NickGarveyBot_Builder: in windows, control panel > regional/language settings > something something...05:55
Bot_Builderprobably go to the store and buy another05:55
snoopsat work we have a lot of pcs.. I can bind my one to dvorak, but when I have to use another, which I do, then I need to switch back.. the world can't change for me05:55
Bot_Builder(I know it doesn't switch the keyboard actually)05:55
NickGarveyBot_Builder: don't forget to switch it back!05:55
Bot_Builderbut people might think it would05:55
NickGarveyBot_Builder: although, this program "autohotkey" can remap it for you05:56
Fatcha2BlueEagle: grub fails to install.. and when i boot my screen is spammed with GRUBGRUBGRUBGRUB05:56
AresThe worst thing so far is when I was playing Warcraft and it switched. My friend and I couldn't talk anymore. I'm like AOEU! AOEU!05:56
Bot_Buildernah, it's a hassle.  I can type as fast as I can think05:56
StickyBitShigun: well in my experience flash on linux doesn't work very well in general. It's v7 and they just released v9. never had much luck with tht eplugin05:56
BlueEaglefatcha2: Ahh, yes.05:56
=== Wallakoala [n=wallakoa@ool-43567bf6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglefatcha2: When you installed ubuntu did you choose a separate partition for /boot?05:56
Bot_Buildersomeone needs to make a programmer keyboard layout05:57
StickyBitShigun: you could try deleting all your broswer cache and reinstalling the plugin05:57
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NickGarveyBot_Builder: I saw one once05:57
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Fatcha2BlueEagle: I made a swap partition and a / partion.. 2 parts total one ext3 and one swap05:57
BlueEaglefatcha2: Do you remember which partition is your root (/) partition?05:57
ShigunStickyBit: Did that05:57
BlueEaglefatcha2: ie /dev/hda5 or something05:57
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Bot_BuilderNickGarvey: ooh, cool.  Symbol keys with no shift pressage :O05:57
Fatcha2BlueEagle: hda105:57
BlueEaglefatcha2: ok. please open a terminal window05:57
Fatcha2lol k05:57
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt05:57
snoopsBot_Builder someone did.. it was a called a touchstream lp, developed by fingerworks05:57
BlueEaglefatcha2: cd /mnt/boot05:58
NickGarveyBot_Builder: you colud make one if you wanted05:58
NickGarveyBot_Builder: you have a bunch of keymap files05:58
StickyBitShigun: does it work well in your other broswers?05:58
BlueEaglegedit menu.lst05:58
snoopsthe company was bought, and a conspiracy is around who bought it - the concensus seems to be apple05:58
NickGarveyBot_Builder: you can edit them pretty easy05:58
Fatcha2BlueEagle: only root can do that >.<05:58
ShigunStickyBit: No other browsers05:58
AresDoes the away thing work?05:58
BlueEaglefatcha2: after which command?05:58
Fatcha2BlueEagle: after mount /dev/hda1 /mnt05:58
Bot_Buildernick - heh, yeah, but then I'd be even more screwed than if I just learned dvorak05:58
=== ] GoldenDragon [n=w00t@pool-70-111-104-251.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt   <= that one?05:58
NickGarveyBot_Builder: heh true05:59
_with_a_ykinda off topic but does anyone know how to create the newer, glassy-looking icons?  i'm not really a GIMP/Photoshop expert.05:59
BlueEaglefatcha2: did you remember "sudo"?05:59
AresWith: Check out gimptalk.05:59
Fatcha2BlueEagle: oooh I thought you meant "so do"05:59
] GoldenDragonhow do i find the device name of my keyboard(i dunno what its called.. should look like... " /dev/input/js0 "05:59
Fatcha2<<like I said.. noob05:59
ShigunStickybit: Got it.  ln -s /tmp/.esd-1000 /tmp/.esd05:59
_with_a_yares:  thanks.05:59
BlueEaglefatcha2: hehe :)05:59
Bot_Builderwould be interesting to do keyboard analysis like what was used to create dvorak, only with code in various languages as data on frequency05:59
StickyBitShigun: well i haven't experienced your problem, so i'm just guessing, but you could try to install another broswer and see if you get the same results (opera, konquer) if you do it's firefox05:59
AresWith: Not sure though, just check it out.05:59
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StickyBitShigun: cool.06:00
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foofoooodoes neone know how to  SAAFELY dual  boot windows  xp  & ubuntu ?   (i    tried the ubuntu boot loader with badger  with terrible results)06:00
foofoooodoes neone know how to  SAAFELY dual  boot windows  xp  & ubuntu ?   (i    tried the ubuntu boot loader with badger  with terrible results)06:00
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ok.. done.. i'm in the mnt dir06:00
BlueEaglefatcha2: gedit menu.lst06:00
AresBot: I remember seeing documentation on a QWERTY vs Dvorak battle. It was a computer algorithm making the "best" computer keyboard due to multiple peoples user inputs. The computer couldn't come up with a better Dvorak layout.06:00
BlueEaglefatcha2: now open a webbrowser and head to the pastebin site that ubotu sais06:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:01
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ok.. i'm at a blank doc06:01
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BlueEagleyou've got a blank doc?06:01
jmeIs there a good way to identify the generic wireless card I'm using in my laptop?06:01
Fatcha2BlueEagle: totally blank06:01
BlueEaglethat's weird06:01
AresFoo: I'm using XP and Ubuntu safely.06:01
Bot_BuilderAres - well, dvorak is undoubtadly better06:01
BlueEaglefatcha2: however that will explain the error. :)06:01
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Fatcha2BlueEagle: >.<06:01
BlueEaglefatcha2: no, wait. My bad.06:01
johanbrjme: lspci06:01
BlueEagleclose the gedit window06:01
Fatcha2BlueEagle: righto06:01
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Bot_BuilderQWERTY was actually designed to slow you down, unless thats just  an urban legend06:01
BlueEaglefatcha2: gedit grub/menu.lst06:01
BlueEaglethat should help06:02
AresBot: Yeah, thats what I hear.06:02
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Fatcha2BlueEagle: right sec06:02
BlueEagleoh wait. You're in the /mnt directory?06:02
Bot_BuilderBut it's plenty fast for me06:02
AresThe only problem right now, when I use QWERTY is that I pound my keyboard to peaces.06:02
foofoooodoes neone know how to  SAAFELY dual  boot windows  xp  & ubuntu ?   (i    tried the ubuntu boot loader with badger  with terrible results)06:02
BlueEaglefatcha2: make that: gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst06:02
AresFoo, yes. Use the regular install?06:02
snoopsno it wasn't designed to slow you down. It was designed so certain key combinations weren't together so the OLD typewriter keys would not lock up when you pressed two commonly used keys together in quick succession06:02
Fatcha2BlueEagle: rofl k06:02
BlueEaglefatcha2: Don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing. :p06:02
AresSnoops: Wouldn't that be slowing you down?06:02
Bot_Buildersnoops - ah06:02
Fatcha2BlueEagle: AAH! woot! Text!06:03
Bot_Builderyeah, i think it would :P06:03
snoopsAres the result slowed you down, but it wasn't designed to slow you down06:03
AresSnoops: Now you are just messing with me.06:03
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BlueEaglefatcha2: Goodie. Now open a browser and head to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:03
snoopsit was designed around the mechanical issues of the typewriter06:03
Fatcha2BlueEagle: kk sec06:03
BlueEaglefatcha2: and copy the text from the gedit window and into pastebin then hand us the url06:03
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AresSnoops: Ok. You win, I don't want a flame battle raging so soon.06:04
snoopswhen dvorak came out it was known to be far better, but the cost was close to a month's salary back then06:04
jmejohanbr, I don't believe lspci displays pcmcia devices06:04
foofoooocan  someone help me with dual booting  ubuntu?06:04
AresFoo: Yes, if you ask a questian.06:04
Fatcha2BlueEagle: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1714006:04
s34nWill 6.06 live CD boot with 128M RAM?06:04
jmes34n, I'd recommend the alternate install CD06:04
johanbrjme: Oh, it's pcmcia... maybe "dmesg |tail" just after you plug in the card.06:04
AresS34n: Probably. Though I suggest getting a different window manager.06:05
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] GoldenDragonhow do i find the device name of my keyboard(i dunno what its called.. should look like... " /dev/input/js0 "06:05
ic56] GoldenDragon: are you sure you don't want /dev/tty ?06:05
s34nI've tried a laptop and a PC, both with 128M, and both boot eternally (as in I quit after multiple hours)06:05
] GoldenDragonhmm, i'll try, what is tty supposed to be?06:06
BlueEaglefatcha2: on the command line (you might need to open a new terminal or new tab): ls /mnt/boot/vmlinux-2.6.15-23*06:06
BlueEaglefatcha2: does that give you anything?06:06
ic56] GoldenDragon: what are you trying to accomplish?06:06
Fatcha2BlueEagle: sec.. lemme give that a shot06:06
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foofoooocan  i connect to  my existing subversion respository which is   currently on a  windows   box &  shared over a local network?06:06
] GoldenDragonumm, i'm trying to configure the OmniJoy plugin for pcsx but when setting the keys it says "error opening device dev/input/js0 please double check yourself!"06:07
Fatcha2BlueEagle: no such file or dir..06:07
BlueEaglefatcha2: oh, really?06:07
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ja06:07
BlueEaglefatcha2: ls /mnt/boot   <= does that show anything that looks like vmlinuz at all?06:07
Fatcha2BlueEagle: sec06:07
abstractismFatcha2: the correct answer was ya rly06:08
abstractismhehe ;)06:08
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BlueEagleabstractism: o'rly?06:08
Fatcha2BlueEagle: vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-38606:08
abstractismya rly!06:08
ic56] GoldenDragon: hang on, checking something06:08
Fatcha2rofl i hear my hd on my lappy chruning away06:08
] GoldenDragonk06:08
BlueEaglefatcha2: ahh, my typo. :)06:08
jmejohanbr, that worked06:08
Fatcha2i'm installing a very light kde distro06:09
jmeat least, it got the chipset, which should be enough...06:09
BlueEaglefatcha2: Well then that's not the issue there.06:09
ToHellWithGAhow can i use alias to make a long command shorter?06:09
Fatcha2BlueEagle: now wait.. what are you refering to?06:09
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:09
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ToHellWithGAthanks jme06:09
BlueEagletohellwithga: alias shortcommad="longcommadn --with-options"06:09
jmewell, that's not quite it06:09
ToHellWithGAthanks BlueEagle as well06:09
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johanbrjme: Ok, cool. Now you just have to find the proper driver. :)06:10
jmeToHellWithGA, you'll want to put the alias in your ~/.bashrc file06:10
BlueEaglefatcha2: I am refering to the fact hhat it's 6:14 am and I'm typing "vmlinux" instead of "vmlinuz" :)06:10
jmejohanbr, it's an atmel-based card06:10
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jmefortunately it has an OSS driver, but the card itself is garbage!06:10
mouseIs there any way to fastswitch tabs, like ctrl+tab in windows?06:10
Fatcha2BlueEagle: aah lol, ho-kay.. so can we continue? Please continue helping the noob06:10
jmeI want to try to update the firmware...06:10
abstractismBlueEagle: are you in europe or asia?06:10
Fatcha2mouse.. alt-tab?06:11
] GoldenDragonmouse alt+tab works,06:11
BlueEaglefatcha2: I am attempting to think here. :)06:11
ToHellWithGAthanks jme06:11
BlueEagleabstractism: Norway. GMT+106:11
mouseThose both change open windows, not open tabs06:11
Fatcha2BlueEagle: yea.. thats kinda hard lol06:11
abstractismBlueEagle: neat :)06:11
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BlueEagleabstractism: That's a question of definition. :)06:11
Fatcha2i think this is the most positive irc i've ever been in06:11
] GoldenDragonctrl tab is working to change tabs here(atleast in GAIM)06:11
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BlueEaglefatcha2: ok, close your browser and your gedit window.06:11
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AresHmm, anyone know of any hardening Ubuntu guides?06:11
Fatcha2BlueEagle: rgr06:12
] GoldenDragonits also working in firefox06:12
abstractismtexas, USA; GMT-606:12
johanbrjme: I don't know anything about atmel specifically, but firmware is usually extracted from the windows drivers in one way or another.06:12
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mouse] GoldenDragon, , Sadly not in xchat or the majority of tabbed things in icewm06:12
ToHellWithGAjme: i don't have a ~/.bashrc file06:12
AresNo point in running Linux if you don't get paranoid with security after all =)06:12
s34nwhat are the recommended specs for dapper?06:12
ToHellWithGAshould i just make one with vi with my alias in it?06:12
Fatcha2BlueEagle: done, back at the console06:12
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jmeToHellWithGA, you presumably due, but it's hidden06:12
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mousealt+1 etc seem to work for xchat, I will try it in icepref real quick06:12
jmetry 'ls -A' in your home directory06:12
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ToHellWithGAvi ~/.bashrc gave me an empty file06:12
Aress34n: Your only problem is your ram I think, 128 is a little low for Gnome, maybe a lighter Window Manager?06:12
navidSorry guys, I know this is the Ubuntu IRC but I got a problem with Kubuntu.06:12
navidI installed ubuntu but then changed my mind and installed the kubuntu-desktop and uninstalled ubuntu thoroughly. Now I can't have kdm as my display manager and every time I boot the computer it reaches runlevel 4 and then I have to type " startx ". Any way to set KDM as my display manager?06:12
BlueEaglefatcha2: on the commandprompt: sudo mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/proc && sudo chroot /mnt/06:13
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jmejohanbr, it's a native driver: http://atmelwlandriver.sourceforge.net/ -- but it doesn't support the full wireless extensions06:13
ic56] GoldenDragon: /dev/tty is for higher level work.  Sounds like you really do need that device.  My Debian system indeed has a /dev/input/js0 . My Ubuntu system (5.10) doesn't, though that directory in Ubuntu does contain the other devices like event0, mouse0, etc.  I see a /dev/input/ts0 in my ubuntu system.  No idea what it does, but it doesn't exist on my Debian system.  See if you have something like that.  It might be 06:13
mouseDarn, alt+2 didnt work in icepref or iceconf06:13
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j1pis there a way with wget to just download all files of a certain file extension in a directory?06:13
BlueEaglefatcha2: that should (in theory) put you with a shell prompt in the installed environment.06:13
Fatcha2BlueEagle: oooh... root06:13
s34nAres: I'm downloading the alternate iso now06:13
Fatcha2BlueEagle: yuuummy06:13
johanbrjme: But upgrading the firmware won't help you with the wireless extensions. Or am I missing something?06:13
jmeToHellWithGA, you're not running a weird custom install, or running as root...?06:13
] GoldenDragonhmm... i'll look06:13
ToHellWithGAi am not06:13
BlueEaglefatcha2: now: grub06:13
jmewell, the card might suck less!06:13
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Aress34n: Think you need to get the alternate Ubuntu cd with that other manager.06:14
BlueEaglefatcha2: that should give you the grub cli.06:14
ToHellWithGAi see /etc/bash.bashrc when doing a search06:14
ToHellWithGAis that the right file?06:14
Fatcha2BlueEagle: yep06:14
BlueEaglefatcha2: now I need to loop up the commands for you. :)06:14
johanbrjme: That's possible, but extensions support lies in the driver, not in the firmware.06:14
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jmeToHellWithGA,  try 'find / -name .bashrc'06:14
Fatcha2BlueEagle: that went right above my head.. do what now?06:14
AresS34n: I think Xubuntu would be the one.06:14
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jmeit woud be darn weird, because Ubuntu defaults with a custom bash06:14
axisyshow do I open a .doc file that is written in bengali ?06:15
anarchticsomeone give me the info about lamp06:15
AresS34n: http://www.xubuntu.org/06:15
Ares!info lamp06:15
ubotuPackage lamp does not exist in dapper06:15
BlueEaglefatcha2: root (hd0,0)06:15
ToHellWithGAjme: i'm getting "/etc/skel/.bashrc" and "/root/.bashrc"06:15
=== boitano [n=aedwards@cpe-24-174-147-69.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
] GoldenDragonehh, its late i'll work on it tommorow06:15
BlueEaglefatcha2: setup (hd0)06:15
anarchtic!info lamp06:15
ubotuPackage lamp does not exist in dapper06:15
Fatcha2BlueEagle: wait06:15
BlueEaglefatcha2: errors?06:15
Fatcha2BlueEagle: selected disk does not exist06:15
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP06:15
jmewell, at any rate, you can make your own ~/.bashrc to customize Bash06:15
BlueEaglefatcha2: Oh, really?06:15
AresToHellWithGA: Nice.06:15
Fatcha2BlueEagle: hd1 perhaps?06:15
ToHellWithGAyall are so crazy about knowing when to use and not use !info06:16
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ic56] GoldenDragon: ok. goodnight!06:16
BlueEaglefatcha2: try this instead then: find /boot/grub/stage106:16
ToHellWithGAthanks jme06:16
axisysthe fonts are all garbage.. i need to be able to convert them in bengali font in openoffic before i can read it06:16
boitanoFirefox is extremely unstable on my dapper box, are there any known issues? I have used automatix in the past06:16
Fatcha2BlueEagle: from grub gli or from console06:16
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BlueEaglefatcha2: from grub06:16
Fatcha2BlueEagle: righto, sec06:16
AmaranthToHellWithGA: !info is for looking up packages06:16
Amaranth!info alacarte06:16
ubotualacarte: easy menu editing. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu12 (dapper), package size 57 kB, installed size 472 kB06:16
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Aresboitano: Have you tried #Firefox on irc.mozilla.org [or something, I can't remember] 06:16
Fatcha2BlueEagle: error, file is not found06:16
BlueEagleoh really?06:17
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Fatcha2yes really06:17
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ToHellWithGAlisten to Amaranth to figure out how to use ubotu :D06:17
NickGarvey!info linux-sources06:17
ubotuPackage linux-sources does not exist in dapper06:17
IdleOne!tell boitano about automatix06:17
ToHellWithGA!info quodlibet06:17
BlueEaglefatcha2: quit06:17
ubotuquodlibet: audio library manager and player for GTK+. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.18-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 26 kB, installed size 128 kB06:17
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Amaranth!info linux-source-2.6.1506:18
ubotulinux-source-2.6.15: Linux kernel source for version 2.6.15 with Ubuntu patches. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.6.15-25.43 (dapper), package size 43417 kB, installed size 43556 kB06:18
Fatcha2BlueEagle: done06:18
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:18
jmewait, nm06:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
imarunghi all.. i installed wxPython from source.. now i am able to import wx from inside the wxPython directory but when I import from elsewhere it reports error saying missing.. any ideas06:18
BlueEaglefatcha2: ls /boot06:18
Amaranthjme: :P06:18
BlueEaglefatcha2: ls /boot/grub/06:18
BlueEaglefatcha2: do you see a file named stage1 anywhere?06:18
Amaranthjme: I'll stop. :)06:18
NickGarveyimarung: add it to your path file06:18
Fatcha2BlueEagle: yep06:18
BlueEaglefatcha2: in /boot or in /boot grub?06:18
Amaranthkinda slow in here though06:18
imarungNickGarvey: did that..06:19
Fatcha2BlueEagle: grub06:19
NickGarveyimarung: no idea then :)06:19
BlueEaglefatcha2: oh really?06:19
Fatcha2BlueEagle: no, not really06:19
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ROFL, dude i'm kidding, its int /boot/grub06:19
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BlueEaglefatcha2: pwd06:20
abstractismBlueEagle: ya rly! ;)06:20
Fatcha2BlueEagle: term returns /06:20
BlueEagleabstractism: @@:)  <= the roflm smiley06:20
abstractismand/or no wai!06:20
BlueEaglefatcha2: oh? I see.06:20
Fatcha2BlueEagle: do i need to cd to grub?06:20
BlueEaglefatcha2: whoami06:20
Fatcha2BlueEagle: root06:21
NickGarveyBlueEagle: you are BlueEagle06:21
BlueEaglenickgarvey: haha06:21
BlueEaglefatcha2: weird.06:21
abstractism hehe06:21
imarunghow do i remove a software that i installed from source06:21
BlueEaglefatcha2: grub06:21
jmeWhee, found the firmware I need! http://packages.debian.org/stable/net/atmel-firmware06:21
BlueEagleimarung: make uninstall or make clean usually06:21
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BlueEaglefatcha2: find /boot/grub/stage106:21
Fatcha2BlueEagle: i love you just throwing term commands at me06:21
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abstractismoh, another internet romance blossoms06:22
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SurfnKidanyone recommend a good usb adapter chip06:22
Fatcha2BlueEagle: error 15: file not found06:22
BlueEaglefatcha2: I am not throwing them. Term commands are fragile so I am gently handing them over. :p06:22
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Fatcha2BlueEagle: lol should be 40406:22
SurfnKideasy to connect to without going thru kernel compilation etc06:22
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Fatcha2BlueEagle: btw, good one06:22
BlueEaglefatcha2: ok, this I do not understand. :(06:22
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SurfnKidusb wifi adapter that is..06:23
Fatcha2BlueEagle: well i'm confused too, so you're not the only one06:23
abstractismsounds french06:23
Fatcha2must be italian06:23
SpecIs it possible to make mount check/load a module before it mounts a specific partition?06:23
abstractismoh yeah, italian, lol06:23
BlueEaglefatcha2: when I run find /boot/grub/stage1 I get back (hd0,9) which is my /boot partition. :(06:24
SoliloDoes anyone in here know if the MPD package on the universe repository was compiled w/o support for MP4/M4A/AAC decoders?06:24
abstractismFatcha2: owned r i06:24
Fatcha2lol abs06:24
Fatcha2BlueEagle: want a screenie?06:24
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abstractismI like that movie but couldn't really remember the quote06:24
BlueEaglefatcha2: No, no. I believe you, but I do not undestand why you are getting that error.06:24
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abstractismwhich is sad cause I'm usually rather good at quotes06:25
BlueEaglefatcha2: Which filesystem have you got on /dev/hda1?06:25
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ext306:25
Fatcha2i think06:25
BlueEaglefatcha2: fdisk -l /dev/hda06:25
Fatcha2BlueEagle: from grub?06:25
BlueEaglefatcha2: no, my mistake06:25
BlueEaglefatcha2: quit06:25
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s34nAres: xubuntu requires 128M to install (which is ok for me this time, but is still a lot for a "light" edition)06:26
BlueEaglefatcha2: fdisk -l /dev/hda06:26
abstractismfrom the normal terminal, I think06:26
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BlueEaglefatcha2: what is listed under "system" for hda1?06:26
BlueEagleis it hpfs/ntfs?06:26
Fatcha2BlueEagle: lol nothing was returned06:26
BlueEaglefatcha2: logout06:26
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda06:26
Aress34n. Wait, you can't afford 128mb of memory?06:27
Fatcha2System for hda1 is linux, system for hda2 is sawp/solaris06:27
BlueEaglefatcha2: damn, then that's not the error either :(06:27
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Aress34n: As in, harddrive memory? Or was that just ram?06:27
Linuturkok, got a wierd problem. partitioned a harddrive with the window install disk (120 gb disk  80-ntfs 40-unpartitioned) windows install goes fine, with all updates and service packs processed.06:27
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s34nAres: RAM06:28
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Linuturkinstalled Ubuntu 6.06 onto the unallocated space, with an automatic partitioning scheme06:28
Fatcha2BlueEagle: I feel really special, having a really chalenging problem and all..06:28
cyphaseis Ares = Ryan?06:28
Aress34n: If you want something small, why don't you forget fancy displays and fire up a full screen terminal =)06:28
AresUm, no?06:28
AresI just use Ares as a term on Warcraft, I'm sorry.06:28
sethkBlueEagle, getting your boot partition displayed is not a problem there06:28
AresThough you can call me Ryan if it makes you feel better.06:28
BlueEaglefatcha2: You should be feelign really stupid for having such a ridiculous probem. :p hehe06:28
Fatcha2BlueEagle: is there any way for me to do a remote deskop?06:28
Linuturkwhen I tried to boot into windows again, it would show it's loading page, but reboot immediately06:28
AresWhat version of Windows, XP?06:29
sethkLinuturk, usually that means the boot loader for windows is still there but the windows partition itself is damaged06:29
BlueEaglefatcha2: I am not sure.06:29
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BlueEaglefatcha2: I haven't used the ubuntu livecd. I run xubunty myself.06:29
rixthIf a process is marked as 'uninterruptible' how can I kill it?06:29
LinuturkAres, XP Home06:29
Linuturksethk, fresh install06:30
Fatcha2BlueEagle: oh >.<06:30
BlueEaglerixth: sudo kill -9 PID06:30
sethkLinuturk, fresh install of what?06:30
Linuturkxp home06:30
rixthBlueEagle, didn't do it06:30
Linuturkno partition resizing06:30
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start06:30
cfh_devWhat is the lettering order for ide drives?  primary, master is hda.  How do the others fall?06:30
BlueEaglefatcha2: does that work at all?06:30
Fatcha2BlueEagle: cmd not found06:31
AresLinuturk: You installed Ubuntu ontop of Windows? :O06:31
BlueEaglefatcha2: I thought so. :(06:31
Linuturkno Ares06:31
ic56cfh_dev: primary slave is hdb, sec master hdc, etc06:31
Linuturkin the unallocated space06:31
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cfh_devic56: ah, so it is controller then device.  thanks!06:31
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johanbrrixth: You can't.06:31
s34nrixth: kill -15 PID06:31
ubotuvnc is a (slow) way of doing remote desktop, x11vnc uses your current session. A faster remote desktop is !freenx06:31
ic56cfh_dev: correct. yw!06:31
AresLinuturk: You have to partition the harddrive before installing Ubuntu.06:31
rixthjohanbr, it's a rhythmbox process ffs.06:31
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX06:31
Specx11vnc uses your current session eh?06:31
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Fatcha2this hurts, my suse 10 dvd is beckoning me06:32
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Specis it possible to use your own session with freenx?06:32
LinuturkAres, i did, via the windows installer06:32
TTT_TravisI am having a problem with ubuntu, I can't get a display resolution above 1024x768, my laptop's native res is way higher then that06:32
johanbrrixth: Let me guess... there's an nfs mount involved?06:32
TTT_Travis4000xsomething or so06:32
LinuturkAres, then i partitioned using the ubuntu installer06:32
rixthjohanbr, nope06:32
AresLinuturk: I'm very confused on what you are saying :O06:32
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AresLinuturk: You installed Windows, first, correct?06:32
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc06:32
LinuturkAres, yes06:32
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo chroot /mnt/06:32
AresLinuturk: Did you use the whole hard drive?06:32
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:33
BlueEaglefatcha2: sudo apt-get install sshd06:33
johanbrrixth: Strange, then I don't know. Anyway, you can't do much about uninterruptible processes. Except wait and hope for them to exit.06:33
BlueEaglefatcha2: acutally you don't need sudo on the last one.06:33
LinuturkAres, no, i left 40 gigs unformatted06:33
Specrixth: zombie processes won't go away06:33
Fatcha2BlueEagle: sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()06:33
Specrixth: you have to kill the parent process that spawned it06:33
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rixthSpec, top doesn't have it marked as a zombie06:33
LinuturkAres, then i formatted using the Ubuntu installer, after i updated windows06:33
BlueEaglefatcha2: Then I'm all out of ideas. Sorry that I couldn't help you.06:34
AresLinuturk: Does Ubuntu run?06:34
deshantmhi, does anyone know how to make ctrl+tab work in epiphany like it does in firefox? (i.e. to switch to the next tab)... currently ctrl+page up/down do that06:34
Fatcha2BlueEagle: oooh you're kidding06:34
LinuturkAres, yes, perfectly06:34
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BlueEaglefatcha2: it's 6:40 am and I've been up since 9am yesterday.06:34
AresLinuTurk: So, you have Windows start loading through... Grub via Chain loading, right?06:34
AresLinuTurk: Then, it just hangs.06:34
LinuturkAres, windows is caught in a reboot loop. The loading screen pops up, but it quickly restarts06:34
Fatcha2BlueEagle: is there a possibility that it could be my partition? should it try the autoinstall? I feel your pain also blueeagle.06:34
AresLinuTurk: I had something like that happen, but God dammit, I forgot that too.06:35
cfh_devIs it possible to get a device description for the various /dev/hd* ?06:35
BlueEaglefatcha2: It shouldn't be. The problem is that grub can't seem to find your root partition at all.06:35
LinuturkAres, i tried the process twice. Once with auto partitioning, once manual06:35
Fatcha2Linuturk, can you do F8 and console, chkdsk06:35
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BlueEaglefatcha2: and that is a problem I've never had nor seen.06:35
sysdocTTT_Travis, lol 4000xsomething! Maybe 1440xsomething....06:36
Fatcha2BlueEagle: well ty for your time..06:36
TTT_Travisthats what I mean't ;)06:36
Fatcha2BlueEagle: ty ty alot06:36
TTT_TravisI wish it was 4000xsomething06:36
BlueEaglefatcha2: You could check in your bios that the drive is set to LBA and not some other exotic system.06:36
LinuturkFatcha2, didn't think of that06:36
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TTT_Travisanother question how do I get my wireless to work? this is a Lenovo Thinkpad T6006:36
ubotuI know nothing about epiphany06:36
TTT_Travisdon't know what card it is06:36
LinuturkFatcha2, how would the ubuntu install tear up windows though?06:36
elementis there a DAP for linux? (download accelerator plus)06:37
AresLinuTurk: Did you put your grub info in the wrong place/06:37
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Fatcha2linuturk, no idea.. as long as the windows partition is still there, you're prolly still ok windows wise06:37
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins06:37
BlueEaglefatcha2: you're very welcom06:37
LinuturkAres, it handled that automatically, as far as I could tell06:37
BlueEaglenow I am calling it the night. Have a good one everybody.06:37
Linuturkseeing as windows was on the first partition06:37
Fatcha2BlueEalge: night man06:37
Paul2Hey can anyone help me with a network problem related to the nVidia 410 chipset and ubuntu 6.06?06:38
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Fatcha2guys, i'm out.. ima play with ubuntu.. try to fix my problem06:38
sysdocTTT_Travis, you have 2 questions there that require you knowing what the hardware is.06:38
BlueEaglefatcha2: oh and if all else fails make a smaller /boot partition as /dev/hda106:38
SurfnKidI like Breezy06:38
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SurfnKidthe only thing I dont is the lack of APM support06:38
SurfnKidi need to do some forum checking06:39
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AresLinuTurk: Oh yeah, you're right, this isn't like other systems :/06:39
Fatcha2BlueEagle: 8gb is what it is now.. its a 100 gb drive06:39
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ubotuI know nothing about APM06:39
AresLinuTurk: If worse comes to worse, redo everything.06:39
LinuturkAres, well, i've done that twice06:39
Fatcha2BlueEagle: swap is a gig06:39
AresLinuTurk: Um, got a spare hard drive?06:39
Fatcha2yea ares, thats a great thing to tell someone06:39
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LinuturkAres, nope06:40
Fatcha2just like.. phuck it06:40
Fatcha2reinstall rofl06:40
AresFetcha2: I came from windows =)06:40
Linuturkthat is the windows philosphy06:40
Fatcha2nice (>.<)06:40
AresFetcha2: We're lazy, and don't care =P06:40
Paul2My ethernet card stops working after rebooting to windows then back to ubuntu. Does any one know how to fix this it is my only yay to connect to the internet.06:40
Fatcha2well i'm a windows user too06:40
[soop] paul2: stop rebooting into windows06:40
Linuturkretry, restart, reinstall06:40
hey560has anyone made an amarok 1.4.1 package yet?06:40
[soop] problem solved06:40
Linuturkthe three r's of windows administration06:40
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AresLinuTurk: If all else fails, find someone who made a Wizard that solves the problem.06:41
[soop] paul2: why are you rebooting back into windows?06:41
Paul2I wish I could.06:41
[soop] why can't you?06:41
Fatcha2peace out -_-06:41
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sysdocLinuturk, please no,lol06:41
renewiphi, can I write on ntfs partition if I rebuild ubuntu kernel ???06:41
[soop] renewip: I don't think so06:41
AresRenewip: I don't think NTFS is writable just yet.06:41
[soop] not at any level I'd trust06:41
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Linuturksysdoc, please no what?06:41
donutsHello all! I have a problem installing dapper on a powerbook (related to bootstrap partition)06:41
AresRenewip: fat32 is, but I really wouldn't try writing to anything with NTFS.06:41
sysdocDon't recite the 306:42
Paul2I have a few work related progs that won't run with WINE.06:42
AresPaul2: What are they?06:42
Linuturksysdoc ;p06:42
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Paul2What are they what?06:43
donutsdoes anyone have much knowledge about installing dapper on ppc32?06:43
Paul2oh nvm06:43
inonoIs there a package for RubyGems06:43
[Ex0r] Happy independence day!06:43
AresPaul2: What are the programs you can't use or haven't found an alternative too?06:44
Paul2custom in company stuff06:44
[soop] Paul2: which programs?06:44
AresDammit, I screwed up my clock again.06:44
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[soop] like what? vb apps for inventory or something similar?06:44
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Paul2not to mention my wifes games.06:44
[soop] or is it not something that users could utilize a terminal server for06:44
[soop] paul2: which ones, I had the same issue06:44
[soop] now she's somewhat content06:45
pete27I'm a gentoo/fedora user who loves KDE.  I want to try ubuntu.  Should I try regular Ubuntu regardless of my preference for KDE, or is Kubuntu just as good as regular ubuntu?06:45
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donutshello, any mac users here? (having issues with bootstrap partition)06:45
[soop] pete: if you like kde stick with kde06:45
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farkydonuts: intel mac?06:45
[soop] i was a windowmaker fan and now I dont mind gnome06:45
AresPete27: Gentoo fan who is a fedora fan? Holy hell, I never would see the day.06:45
jiShfor kde dont use kubuntu imo06:45
donutsnop ppc06:45
jiShsomething like mepis 6 better for kde06:45
hey560pete27: kubuntu will be as good as ubuntu but with KDE06:45
donuts1 ghz powerbook aluminium g406:46
Paul2I have read that forcedeth is the problem here but I have found no soultion.06:46
farkydonuts: nvm cause there was an article on the forums I saw about the macbook pro06:46
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donutsfarky: thanks06:46
hey560you can switch between them very easily too06:46
noiesmopete27, only if you want to learn gnome other wise the kubuntu and ubuntu same base just desktop varies06:46
farkydonuts: I "might06:47
farkydonuts: I "might" be able to help06:47
pete27Everyone makes a big deal about ubuntu, so I figured maybe they did some nice stuff with gnome.06:47
AresIts very streamlined and fast.06:47
AresThats about it.06:47
pete27And I thought that Kubuntu might have been an afterthought06:47
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AresOh, and you can download a compiz/xgl binary for Ubuntu [Gnome] 06:47
pete27hence I should give ubuntu a shot instead of kubuntu, but if that's not the case, I'll go with kubuntu06:48
donutsfarky: would it be an idea to pv?06:48
farkydonuts: join the channel #donuts06:48
AresWant to try out compiz, I hear its rad.06:48
Ares[Directed to pete27] 06:48
pete27Ares: I thought you could use xgl with KDE just fine?06:48
noiesmoi run XGL?Compiz on kubuntu Ares06:48
donutsfarky: I'm not on my box now, so I'll jsut have a few questions, no spoonfeeding needed06:48
pete27I checked our Koraraa and it was awesome06:48
AresI alway sthought Compiz was backing Gnome nativly.06:48
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farkydonuts: so what are you trying to do? Again I'm no expert06:48
pete27nah, the gentoo HOWTO says xgl and compiz work fine with KDE06:49
pete27I would try Xgl with gentoo but I'de have to reemerge X and gnome and that takes about a day06:49
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AresThought we could end the KDE vs Gnome thing.06:49
noiesmopete27, no problems here  running kde xgl/compiz06:49
amonkeywhat package do i need to get if what i'm trying to compile needs kdialog?06:49
pete27noiesmo: can you run opengl apps inside Xgl06:49
=== noiesmo installs gnome on laptop just to give gnome a go as he loves kde
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varsendaggrhey would someone plese tell me how to play quake 2   i have it installed but i need soemthign else    the .quake files06:50
noiesmopete27, can play quake306:50
varsendaggri love xgl06:50
varsendaggri don't htink i can go back06:50
noiesmopete27, but i have setup so can switch between xgl compiz and normal as some sdl apps dont like xgl compiz06:50
Risky_jattwhat is the latest kernel used for ubuntu dapper 606:50
pete27it is pretty damned cool06:50
pete27noiesmo: I imagine I would do the same06:51
varsendaggrhow do you get quake 3 for linux?06:51
=== varsendaggr bets he could find a demo.... off to the races
pete27buy it at a store06:51
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Risky_jattis ubuntu dapper 6.06 can use kernel 2.6.17 ?06:51
noiesmopete27, here's link to my screenshoots its a little slow at moment http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/mediagallery/album.php?aid=1&page=106:51
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AresCan you just apt-get Compiz and xgl?06:52
noiesmopete27, howto on site as well for kubuntu dapper06:52
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noiesmoAres, yes06:52
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pete27noiesmo: cool. I have to d/l the iso first though and install06:52
[soop] man I hate to say it but ubuntu has made me lazy06:52
noiesmoAres, would use quinnstorm packages need to add repos06:52
Risky_jatthow to update kernel in ubuntu ?06:52
[soop] I just want to apt-get everything06:52
pete27Have you tried kororaa?06:53
[soop] apt-get complete system with everything i could possibly ever think of compiling06:53
AresNoiesmo: Mind guiding me through everything?06:53
noiesmoapt-get roks06:53
[soop] make world06:53
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Paul2so no one knows how to fix the "windows is skrewing up my nForce 410 ethernet card" problem other than "don't run windows." eh?06:53
noiesmoAres, here's link to howto http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=2006060217365863206:53
Risky_jatthow to update kernel ?06:54
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noiesmoAres, got a few this todo at mo just thought throw in my 2cents worth haha06:54
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cyphasewhich state are you in io-error?06:55
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noiesmoAres, also join channel ubuntu-xgl for specific help too06:55
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cyphaseoh, he's gone06:55
stperePaul2, try to ifconfig eth0 down06:55
AresPaul2: Hold the cards makers and everyone involved at gun point until they fix it.06:55
stperePaul2, then get it back up06:55
stperePaul2, if it doesn't work, a cold boot should work06:55
skonhave a server with eth0 assigned dhcp ( wan ) and eth1 assigned static ( lan ). My question is do I set a gateway in the eth1 config and where might I point it?06:56
stperePaul2, rather than rebooting, turn off your computer then turn it back on06:56
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Paul2Cold boot? power down unplug wait 15 sec replug powerup?06:56
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anhey guys ,06:57
anhwo can i use icq in gaim?06:57
CaptainMorganI can't get Kaffeine to display an mpg... I got Libxine-extracodecs, wavpack and w32codecs installed.... Im only getting sound with no display - any Ideas?06:57
stperePaul2, no need to wait 15 sec.. hold the power switch for 4 seconds06:57
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AresNano's shortcuts are retarded.06:59
CaptainMorganno, yours are06:59
[soop] anyone knwo if 7.1 dolby sound actually works?06:59
[soop] I've never actually tried it in linux06:59
[soop] I've never had 7.1 speakers <laffs>06:59
AresCaptain: You're probably right, but I'm going to be a troll and say that V and Y are to far apart.06:59
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=== CaptainMorgan has no clue... live long and prosper
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AresAnyone know of any Linux ports that will scan my face and destroy and blemishes?07:00
Paul2I hate windows but I gotta use it. Anyway I hope that works.07:00
BSoDirlAres: Clearasil Mplayer.07:01
BSoDirloh wait..07:01
farkyAres: sorry no I don't07:01
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soopAres: tetracyclene07:01
anhow can i add rooms in icq?07:01
varsendaggrPaul2, no you don't us vmplayer07:01
sooprooms? ICQ has rooms?07:01
BSoDirlClearasil xzgv w/ antialias.07:01
varsendaggran /j #room07:01
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Aresfarky: Isn't their some shortcut in Vim or Emacs?07:01
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soopwhen did icq get rooms07:01
soopan: yes?07:02
ani use icq in gaim07:02
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soopan: wanna do me a favour07:02
soopquery the acct # 42105407:02
jmewell darn, getting a new version of the atmel firmware didn't make my wireless work07:02
BSoDirlI do too an, I didn't see any rooms.07:02
AresLike, shift + ctrl + alt + C+L+E+A+R+F+A+C+E should work, right?07:02
sooptell me what email address is associated with it, I can't remember my icq password07:02
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Paul2need the pay for version to use my windows install dont i?07:02
ansoop,but i have no buddy in my icq ,so when i login icq in gaim ,it asked me fill in the room like in irc07:02
soopPaul2: huh?07:02
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eugmanHey, is there a comprehensive downloadable source of help information? Like the wiki plus some other stuff?07:03
soopoh ... i see07:03
Paul2I don't have a premade vm for windows.07:03
soopi couldn't tell you dude, i use jabber and msn *shudder*07:03
AresEugman: Man pages?07:03
soopPaul2: vm = virtual machine?07:03
ansoop. ok07:03
Tom7ewhat is the command to load the trashcan from prompt?07:03
BSoDirlcd ~/.Trash07:03
soopyou're trying to use windows in ubuntu? not via wine but via vmware or something?07:03
anbsodirl,can u help me?07:04
eugmanAres, I mean more howto-ish stuff like howto fix your resolution07:04
farkyAres: there should be one in Emacs, but it might have been an older revision I saw it in07:04
soopeugman: /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:04
jmeeugman, no07:04
BSoDirlI';m fixing to go frag some noobs..07:04
cyphaseor if you want it in nautilus, nautilus ~/.Trash07:04
BSoDirlit'll cut into my bandwidth.07:04
eugmanThanks jme.07:04
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ansoop ,neither ,i just install windows and ubuntu ,2 system07:04
Paul2var-some dude said use vmplayer07:04
jmewelcome to the self-documenting world of Unix!07:04
whitepyroAnyone know how to get postfix to bloody well work? :D...07:04
BSoDirldocumentation ftw07:05
anbsodirl,yes ,icq , in gaim07:05
soopwhitepyro: www.qmailrocks.org ;)07:05
soopim not a fan of postfix07:05
whitepyroi just wanna use mail() in php LOL.. i will check that :|07:05
BSoDirli dont even remember my UIN07:05
Tom7ei had trash it wouldn't let me delete07:05
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whitepyroWell i can't get sendmail nor post fix so..07:05
eugmanSoop, Let's say I break my xorg config and i don't have internet acess then what would I do.07:05
soopwhitepyro: it's a good tutorial07:05
AresHow do I make this name "belong" to me?07:05
whitepyrough wasted all day07:05
BSoDirlin trash directory.. sudo rm -r *07:05
CaptainMorganI can't get Kaffeine to display an mpg... I got Libxine-extracodecs, wavpack and w32codecs installed.... Im only getting sound with no display - any Ideas? - Ive tried VLC and Mplayer and all three have sound but now display....07:05
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AresEugman: I thought you can use LINKS through Term or whatever.07:06
soopeugman: well back it up before you modify it " cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.working"07:06
BSoDirlCaptainMorgan, tried gxine yet?07:06
BSoDirlits the bomb07:06
anbsodirl,yes ,icq , in gaim07:06
BSoDirlan, I just said I forgot my UIN #07:06
eugmanSoop, my point is this: If I have a computer not connected to the internet and something goes wrong I have limited redress.07:06
=== BSoDirl runs away to go frag on an MMO
soopeugman: you're in x right now right?07:07
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whitepyrosoop: you got gmail to work on your local machine yes?07:07
Tom7ei have a problem.  I like to set both panels at the bottom of the screen, with the applications at the very bottom, but whenever i restart my PC, they are swapped with the workspaces panel at the very bottom..07:07
AresEugman: You know that Linux relies on Broadband connections, right?07:07
CaptainMorgangxine doesn't work either07:07
eugmanI was speaking hypothetically. Everything is fine. However I may be setting up a friend of mine with ubuntu07:07
CaptainMorganwwhat is going on??07:07
soopi haven't thrown it in to ubuntu yet but i've had many a slackware install of it work perfectly07:08
eugmanAres, in what way?07:08
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RShadowwhat is the kernel image for athlon proc? K7 or 686?07:08
whitepyrosoop; Ic.. Hopefully this works.. I've spent all day trying to configure these P.O.S. LOL07:08
soophehehehe no worries07:08
AresEugman: Collaborative projects, sources distribution, etc.07:08
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AresEugman: Help would be one =P07:08
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AresEugman: I'm 14, we were the first on the block to have a Cable modem, shutup, I'm spoiled =)07:09
jmeAnyone have experience with an atmel-based wireless card?07:09
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eugmanAres, I have broadband as well. However i'd like a way for my friend to be self sufficient if something goes awry.07:10
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AresEugman: Give him a punching bag.07:10
siriusnovacan anyone help me with recompiling wpa supplicant to support madwifi-old07:10
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PORDOis the world cup over yet?07:10
grigorahi, I am trying to follow some web site on how to upgrade to dapper drake and once I run the update-manager, I don't see an Upgrade button, anyone knows why? thanks07:10
AresEugman: But really, you could just download wiki's of it. Or get the Ubuntu manual thats coming out shortly07:11
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AresEugman: It should be coming later this month.07:11
whitepyroSoop: If this works I might just be inclined to kiss ya.. *JOKES*. Crosses fingers..07:11
RShadowI'm getting different opinions.. is an Athlon processor listed as a 686 or K7 in Ubuntu?07:11
eugmanAre you referring to the o'reilly book or the free one from lulu?07:11
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AresEugman: I'm referring the the add they sent me with my shipit cd.07:12
soopwhitepyro: it should, just follow the steps, make sure your dns is working though07:12
skavengeRShadow: pretty sure its k707:12
grigoraanyone knows how to upgrade from breezy to drake? either gui or apt. thanks07:12
whitepyroi dunno if it is or not07:12
AresEugman: It should be coming out LATE July. So, don't be going, where is it or anything.07:12
RShadowskavenge, thanks07:12
whitepyrohow do i check :D07:12
jmethis dumb wireless card won't get out of 802.11-DS mode, and it appears to be a firmware problem :(07:13
eugmanGrigora, update manager should have a big upgrade button on it.07:13
grigoraeugman: for some reason it does not07:13
eugmantry updatemanager -d07:13
eugmantry update-manager -d07:13
grigoraeugman: i tried both07:13
eugmany rather odd.07:14
grigoraeugman: with and without -d07:14
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eugmany it update-manager updated fully?07:14
eugman ignore the y's07:14
eugmanI play too much tfc.07:14
whitepyroppl still play TFC?07:14
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eugmanA half-life mod07:14
=== CHodapp read "I play too much IRC"
=== Ares plays to much TFT
grigoraeugman: ignore the y-s? what does that mean?07:15
siriusnovawhat's a good wifi pc-card that works well with ubuntu07:15
eugmanI prepend my stantments with y's because it's a reflex resulting from playing a game which requires such.07:15
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whitepyroAIM BOT!07:15
grigoraeugman: all I have on update-manager is a Reload button and a sign that reads: Your system is up-to-date07:16
grigoraeugman: how can i do it via apt?07:16
eugmanHmmm very unusual. One moment.07:16
AresHow to you pause soemthing in Totem?07:16
grigoraeugman: ok07:17
siriusnovacan anyone help me at all? im about to format ubuntu :(07:17
johanbrsiriusnova: I've heard Ralink cards work well. Prism cards are also good, but kind of hard to get hold of. Intel's cards are also well supported.07:17
RShadowanybody else have issues with xchat not working with XGL?07:17
AresUgh, I have to go my bladder and bed are killing me.07:17
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siriusnovajohnabr - do prism cards supprt wpa ?07:17
siriusnovajohanbr ^^07:17
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lostar4545how do i find out the type of  ram my PC uses with ubuntu07:18
chariscompHello, I am having trouble installing ubuntu using the alternate installation cd. I want to use software RAID. When I get to the section that is to help me setup RAID, my computer seems to freeze or at a minimum go very, very slowly. Any suggestions on why this might be?07:18
johanbrsiriusnova: I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is "yes, if you configure it manually, but not with networkmanager".07:18
eugmanGrigora, could you check if you have ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop installed for me?07:18
chariscompI notice that the hard drive light stays lit continuously.07:18
snoopsanyone know anything about binding mouse buttons to other mouse buttons?07:18
grigoraeugman: i have ubuntu-desktop07:19
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siriusnovajohanbr - what works with network manager WPA wise07:19
eugmanok good then this should work. Follow these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades#head-0171d3953a2ea19e9b4228bcd5cde3ecfb67f7af07:19
eugmanand one more thing07:20
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Tom7ei have a problem.  I like to set both panels at the bottom of the screen, with the applications at the very bottom, but whenever i restart my PC, they are swapped with the workspaces panel at the very bottom..07:20
eugmanIT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you follow the instructions EXACTLY or you could ruin your setup. Pay close mind to the warnings at the end.07:20
johanbrsiriusnova: What I know to work: Intel cards, Broadcom 43xx, ndiswrapper. Probably more also...07:20
whitepyrogod I quit07:21
chariscomphello, anyone have any suggestions on my problem?07:21
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whitepyroeven step 2 don't work07:21
eugmanWhitepyro, I rather doubt he cares unless you don't mean with computer stuff.07:21
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whitepyrono i'm in referance to seting up gmail LOL07:22
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siriusnovaanyone here use aircrack on ubuntu?07:23
FunnyHat-Awaysiriusnova, you mean airsnort?07:23
siriusnovaFunnyHat-Away - i mean aircrack-ng07:23
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siriusnovai had to recompile madwifi drivers to support packet injection and now i cant use WPA :(07:23
FunnyHat-Awaysiriusnova, hmmm  no, sorry07:23
eugmanjesse_, you have my attention?07:24
jesse_thats good07:24
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eugmanDo you have a question?07:24
jesse_yeah... why are we still using IRC07:25
eugmanAs opposed to?07:25
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jesse_EVERYTHING else07:25
eugmanWell shouting has alimited range.07:25
jesse_ya no AIM, AOL, YAHOO,07:25
jesse_all that other stuff07:25
cheeseman557if i want to make a partition that is read/writable by both windows and ubuntu, does it need to be fat32 and what should the mount point be?07:25
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eugmanFirstly we get free hosting with freenode.07:25
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eugmanAnd what do you mean aim,aol ? isn't that redundant?07:26
jesse_Do you actually have like intelligent conversations07:26
jesse_why are you talking like that07:27
eugmanI think the conversations usually resemble something intelligent. Of course this is the support channel so it's more about fixing problems.07:27
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siriusnovai wish someone could help me fix my problems :(07:27
cheeseman557me too07:27
eobanbjesse_, do you have a legitimate question about ubuntu, because now is the time to ask07:27
chariscompMe, three!07:27
siriusnovaive been here for 2 days lol07:27
nate_jesse_, lead the way, leave IRC and get on those07:27
eugmanI talk like that because i find speaking ironically far too enjoyable.07:27
eobanbsiriusnova, cheeseman557, chariscomp, what are your questions07:27
jesse_okay heres a question... is there anyway i can download a windows based program while running umbunto07:28
cheeseman557if i want to make a partition that is read/writable by both windows and ubuntu, does it need to be fat32 and what should the mount point be?07:28
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Lynouresiriusnova: sorry, I have no idea about patched madwifi drivers...07:28
eobanbjesse_, you mean *run* a windows programme?07:28
nate_jesse_, yes, you can download whatever you want.07:28
jesse_yes run dowload its all the same shit07:28
eugmanJesse_, yes but windows may have a hard time accessing it.07:28
jesse_well how do i do it then07:28
eobanbjesse_, running and downloading are definitely not the same thing.07:28
eugmanNo it's not the same.07:28
siriusnovaeobang - i had to use madwifi-old patched drivers to support packet injection, now the WPA menu is disabled in Network Manager, Im assuming i have to recompile WPA supplicant to support madwifi-old ?07:28
eugmanInstall wine to run it.07:28
siriusnovaor not?07:28
nate_jesse_, they're far from the same07:28
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:29
ubotuI know nothing about whine?07:29
chariscompMy question is this: I am trying to install Ubuntu on a machine and use the built-in software RAID to create a RAID 1 mirror. I am using the alternate install CD. When I get to the point of trying to setup the software RAID, the setup seems to freeze on me. As in, lots of disk activity, screen updates extremely slowly, if at all. Any suggestions?07:29
eobanbsiriusnova, what wireless chipset07:29
siriusnovaeobanbg atheros card07:29
jesse_look i want to DOWNLOAD a windows based program on my computer while running umbuntu.... how would i go about doing this you little smart ass07:29
nate_jesse_, thats a great way to get help07:30
eobanbjesse_, i would think you would go to the website, and click on the link to downloaded the .exe file, just like you would on windows.07:30
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:30
cyphaseit's another kordo07:30
eugmanAnd of course you want windows to be able to acess it correct?07:30
ubotuI know nothing about jerk07:30
siriusnovaeobanb - it's a SMC 2336W-AG so it uses the atheros chipset07:30
chariscompThanks for any help anyone can give me with this.07:30
reemuskhey team, i'm back07:30
nate_well, let me educate you, ubotu.  see jesse_ ?07:30
reemuski still can't find flash-nonfree in synaptic07:30
whitepyrohey anyone ever set up gmail for ubuntu ?07:30
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cheeseman557if i want to make a partition that is read/writable by both windows and ubuntu, does it need to be fat32 and what should the mount point be?07:30
eobanbsiriusnova, i would think that the old drivers would not support WPA, and i guess since the new ones do, then you'll have to switch between them.07:30
cyphaseeveryone help chariscomp. he's being nice07:30
chariscompThanks! :)07:31
reemuski've refreshed synaptic, added the repositories several times07:31
reemusknothing, team07:31
eugmanCheeseman557, ext2 drivers also exist for windows but may cause problems.07:31
nate_cheeseman557, that's a good idea, yes, having it fat32 helps.07:31
siriusnovaeobanb - how do i recompile the new ones in ubuntu, if i use madwifi-ng straight from the madwifi website WPA doesnt work either07:31
cheeseman557what should the mount point be?07:31
jesse_ok so if i goto a porn sight and i want to download like a short clip but i want to run it with WINDOWNS media player07:32
eobanbsiriusnova, are you sure the card itself can do WPA?07:32
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siriusnovai was thinking maybe i just used the source from the ubuntu ones which appear to be different then madwifi-ng and madwifi-old but i dont know where to get that source from07:32
jesse_it opens up on like totemmovie or someshit07:32
siriusnovaeobanbg - yes WPA works fine with stock modules in linux-restricted07:32
eobanbcheeseman557, yes, fat32 is good choice of filesystem07:32
nate_cheeseman557, there are Reiser drivers for windows now too, I hear.  But if you don't want to muck around, use fat3207:32
siriusnovalinux-restricted-modules i mean07:32
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cheeseman557but what should the moint point be07:32
nate_jesse_, language, thanks07:32
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:32
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jesse_just answer the question07:32
jesse_i dont need a preacher i need a helper07:32
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:33
eugmanJesse_, I'm pretty sure windows media player is a porpiety application not runnable in ubuntu but I can check07:33
cheeseman557swap, /, /home, /boot, /usr, or /var?07:33
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eugmany you can however tansfer the files to windows and watch in windows.07:33
grigoraeugman: the upgrade is working, thanks for your help!07:33
eobanbjesse_, you can play windows media files with other players, but you can't run windows media player.07:33
alexiconjesse_: you cant use windows media player in linux07:33
eugmanI'm glad your computer isn't a brick, grigora.07:33
jesse_Well what should i use in replacement of that07:33
eobanbcheeseman557, probably somewhere in /media07:33
grigoraeugman: what does that mean?07:33
chariscompeobanb, any suggestions on my RAID problem? (or anyone?) Please?07:33
reemuski cannot find flash-nonfree after installing all the repositories and reloading synaptic. can anyone assist?07:33
farky_can someone help me with setting up the nvidia driver?07:33
eugmanI suggest mplayer.07:34
alexiconmplayer or something07:34
siriusnovaeobanb - that is for restricted codecs, im looking for the source that Ubuntu Dapper uses for madwifi07:34
eobanb!tell jesse_ about restricted07:34
eugmanJesse_, do you have w32codecs installed?07:34
jesse_what would give me a nice picture so ican see some pussy action eh? how fucking family friendly is that bitch07:34
alexiconkick him07:34
eobanbsiriusnova, i am trying to help jesse_ as well07:34
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:34
eobanbjesse_, please leave now.07:34
cheeseman557eobanb, i dont have a /media option07:34
jesse_get me out bitach07:34
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eobanbcheeseman557, /media/whatever is the preferred mount point for drives07:35
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alexiconanyway :P07:35
nate_Amaranth, many thanks, he was quite abusive07:35
eugmanThere are children here. Right ares?07:35
eobanbthere may well be, yes.07:35
spadeschilren dont have to be present to keep it civil07:35
alexiconanyone have any issues with kubuntu and xine?? im trying to use amarok and it keeps saying that xine cant find any sound device. but i can listen to music fine in any other app07:35
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:35
eobanbcheeseman557, you'll generally want to make a directory like /media/win or something like that07:35
nate_some people don't appreciate that sort of language at any age07:35
nate_like me07:35
cheeseman557eobanb, i dont have any option with /media in it. my options are: "blank", /, /home, /boot, /usr, /var07:35
chariscompPlease help me with my RAID installation issue. Thanks!07:36
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alexicon!xine >alexicon07:36
eobanbcheeseman557, what are you looking at07:36
ubotuI know nothing about xine07:36
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alexicon!amarok >alexicon07:36
cheeseman557im looking at the thing after making your partitions07:36
eugmanSpades, know but it removes room for argument.07:36
cheeseman557i have a fat32 partition ,a ext3 partition and a swap partition07:36
cheeseman557its asking me for the mount points07:36
spadeseugman errm, i was just saying, just cuz there are kids are no reason to not keep it civil07:36
eobanbcheeseman557, ignore the mount point option there.07:36
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cheeseman557so just leave it blank?07:36
alexiconive tried two different versions of amarok but both have the same xine issue07:36
eobanbcheeseman557, that's something totally different07:36
eobanbcheeseman557, yes07:37
BeanBagcan anyone help me with ntop on ubuntu?07:37
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cheeseman557ok thank you very very very much07:37
siriusnovaeobanb - my problem is that the madwifi-ng drivers straight from madwifi-ng dont work with Network-Manager and WPA and neither does madwiif-old so basically im screwed :(07:37
cheeseman557it says i ned to select a mount point07:37
reemuski cannot find flash-nonfree after installing all the repositories and reloading synaptic. can anyone assist?07:37
eugmanSpades, your use of double negatives confuses me. Whatever the case you are probably right.07:37
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alexiconreemusk: i dont think its in there, theres some gpl version of flash07:37
alexiconbut it didnt work for me07:38
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alexiconi just downloaded from flash website07:38
spadeseugman i agree, its too late to bother to correct myself though =/07:38
alexiconits an easy install07:38
reemuskalexicon :yeah it failed installation07:38
eobanbsiriusnova, i'm sorry, i don't know what to tell you.  packet injection is not something most users need.07:38
alexiconany particular error erin_r07:38
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alexiconreemusk: i meant07:38
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chariscompAnyone know anything about installing Ubuntu with RAID 1?07:38
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nesagwacan somone help me with setting up the firmware in ivtv in xubuntu? ive tried the wiki guide but ran into alot of problems about where to put the firmware files07:39
reemuskalexicon: you meant..? :) are you typing a response07:39
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alexiconreemusk: just askin if there was a particular error you got in the install07:39
reemuskalexicon: i just get an install failed. then it asks me to install through the command line07:40
whitepyromy install has errors too!.... i can't even install gmail right07:40
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alexiconyeah reemusk do that07:40
reemuskalexicon: that's the problem..i can't figure it out07:40
eugmaninstall gmail?07:40
alexiconreemusk: unpack it, cd into the dir, then run the install file07:40
whitepyroqmail rather07:40
alexiconthe details are on the website07:40
alexiconlemme link you07:40
eugmany ah ok that makes more sense.07:40
reemuskalexicon: i don't think i'm that advanced, could you dumb it down a shade for me?07:41
whitepyrohehe... following tutorial soop gave me and then it errors out LOL07:41
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alexiconok reemusk what file you got atm?07:41
alexiconis it still all packed up?07:41
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alexiconor do you have a directory with a bunch of stuff??07:42
reemuskalexicon: yes, it's still packed.....i downloaded it and it's open now07:42
alexiconok cool07:42
RShadowhas anybody ever replaced syslogd with syslog-ng on their Ubuntu boxes?07:42
alexiconon the commandline do: gunzip install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz07:42
alexiconthen do tar xvf install_flash_player_7_linux.tar07:42
alexiconthat will make a directory with all the flash files and stuff07:42
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alexicontell me when you got the dir07:42
farky_Hey, can someone help me with setting up the nvidia drivers?07:42
reemuskalexicon: gunzip: install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz: No such file or directory07:43
spadestar xzf inst*07:43
soopwhitepyro: where did it error out?07:43
alexiconoh well cd into the right directory first hehe07:43
alexiconwhered you download the file to?07:43
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whitepyroi msged to u so i don't spam cahn07:44
reemuskalexicon: desktop07:44
alexiconok so do:     cd Desktop07:44
alexiconthen do the gunzip and tar commands07:44
reemuskalexicon: bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory07:44
NordalAnyone knows if there is'nt any mythtv packages in drapper, I have enabled multiverse, universe and the backports packages but apt-cache search mythtv only results in a mythlib package?07:44
eobanbfarky_, what's the issue?07:44
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spadescase sensitive, ~/Desktop07:44
alexiconyeah big D07:44
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reemuskand then run the command?07:45
alexiconyou can use tab to have it fill it in for you after the first letter etcetc07:45
whitepyrocan i borrow someones brain so I can be a linux masta :D07:45
CaptainMorganI can't get Kaffeine to display an mpg... I got Libxine-extracodecs, wavpack and w32codecs installed.... Im only getting sound with no display - any Ideas? - Ive tried VLC and Mplayer and all three have sound but now display.... used automatix to download every player know practically.. ALL play sound but no display07:45
alexiconthe do gunzip install.......07:45
farky_eobanb: i followed the instructions on ubuntuguide.org, and when i restart gnome i get a wierd X error message07:45
alexiconthen do tar xvf install....07:45
jasonmcan someone explain to me how to install refus07:45
alexiconif you press tab after you start to type it will fill it in for you07:45
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eobanbfarky_, for further reference, ubuntuguide.org is not an official guide of any kind07:45
soopwhitepyro: you did?07:46
=== Duff [n=duffboy3@cpe-70-116-111-113.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
reemusk install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz07:46
DuffOh awesome.07:46
reemuskalexicon: tar: install: Cannot open: No such file or directory07:46
reemusktar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now07:46
farky_eobanb: ok hah, but can you help we with restoring my original xorg.conf?07:46
DuffAnyways, guys I have a question.07:46
eobanbsure, farky_, just do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:46
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eobanbfarky_, what's the X error message btw07:46
DuffIf I download ubuntu, will I still be able to access Windows XP?07:46
eobanbDuff, yes.07:47
DuffAnd what if I decide to delete Ubuntu? How would I do that?07:47
farky_eobanb, i forget, but now it's saying "No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0_ found07:47
eugmanDuff, by acess you mean run right?07:47
eobanbDuff, the ubuntu installer will resize your fat32 or NTFS partition and create a menu that appears at startup allowing you to choose which operating system to start.07:47
eobanbfarky_, hm, odd.  well, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose nv as the driver for now07:47
whitepyroa boot loader called Grub07:47
whitepyrowahoo i answered a question.. Now qmail :D07:48
DuffHow about programs? Will I be able to download iTunes and programs like that on Ubuntu?07:48
eobanbDuff, all you have to do to remove ubuntu is erase the partition on which it is installed07:48
eobanbDuff, itunes is an app for windows and mac os x, and won't run on ubuntu.07:48
eugmanDuff, yes and no.07:48
eobanbDuff, there are similar programmes available though.07:48
jasonmwhen i try and install the rufus .deb i get; dpkg-deb: `rufus_0.6.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive07:48
jasonmdpkg: error processing rufus_0.6.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install):07:48
jasonm subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 207:48
jasonmErrors were encountered while processing:07:48
jasonm rufus_0.6.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb07:48
spadesand fixmbr from a windisc to remove grub07:48
jasonmany help?07:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:48
eobanbjasonm, what is rufus07:49
DuffI think I might download it and try it out.07:49
jasonmeobanb, bit torrent client07:49
spadesgive the desktop livecd a whirl07:49
DuffHopefully I won't be back here asking how to delete it.07:49
jasonmeobanb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent07:49
whitepyrolol 4 sure duff07:49
eobanbgood to hear, Duff.  and remember, the liveCD will let you try ubuntu without having to install it on your hard drive.07:49
eugmanDuff you don't have to.07:49
Paladinehillary duff is switching to linux?07:49
eugmanDuff, the desktop cd lets you give ubuntu a test drive without side effects.07:50
cheeseman557hey if i want to make a partition that is read/writable by both windows and ubuntu, what should the mount point be?07:50
farky_eobanb: im going to switch computers07:50
reemuskcan anyone help me with firestarter? it says i can't activate the firewall07:50
eugmanCheeseman557, I don't think it matters that much?07:50
alexiconnite everyone!07:50
DuffHow do I get a CD?07:51
cheeseman557as long as its fat32 will windows read it?07:51
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eugmanThe website should have a link.07:51
soopDuff: you dont need itunes07:51
eugmanAnd you can burn one or oder one which will arrive weeks from now.07:51
DuffI just need something to play my music.07:51
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Paladinecheese, there are no certainties with windows, other than the certainty of uncertainty07:51
DuffAnd I was just using iTunes as a reference.07:51
eugmanSoop, unless he has itms music.07:51
soopDuff: sudo apt-get install beep07:51
johanbrcheeseman557: 1) Anywhere 2) Yes.07:51
cheeseman557ok thank you very much07:52
chariscompHello, can anyone help me with a question regarding installing Ubuntu and setting up RAID 1 mirrors while doing so?07:52
farkyeobanb: thanks for helping me with getting things back to normal, now can you help with setting up the driver?07:52
reemuskcan anyone help me with firestarter? it says i can't activate the firewall07:52
eobanbfarky, yes.07:52
eugmanDuff, Using linux is like buying the generic brands. Not everyone does it, you won't always find pop tarts but it's much cheaper in the long run.07:52
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whitepyrosoop did you recieve my private message w/ the error i got?07:52
farkyeobanb: should I use apt-get to install the drivers?07:52
soopwhitepyro nope ...07:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:53
eugmanGenerally any program in windows has a linux alternative07:53
eobanb^-- follow that, farky07:53
soopDuff: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13840507:53
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)07:53
farkyeobanb: thanks07:53
soopDuff: run that script07:53
eobanbDuff, there are many music players for ubuntu07:53
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eobanb*sigh* no, duff, please don't.07:53
InnerFIREI have macromedia flash installed but some websites wont load.. like chat windows..07:53
InnerFIREdo i need any other plugins.07:53
DuffAlso, the reason I have been afraid to download Linux, is because when I hear people having problems with it, it's always something like...07:53
ymengfirst time user of xchat, i want to know how to config apci / apm ?07:54
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eobanbsoop, we don't recommend automatix to anyone because it will break things and then they come back and ask us to fix it and i'm absolutely sick of it.07:54
Duff"You need to add /server.someshit I don't understand to your main prompt.07:54
eobanbsoop, people need to just read the ubuntu wiki.07:54
soopInnerFIRE: are they asking for flash8 because then you need to tell them to stop spending unneccessary money on upgrades07:54
jasonmInnerFIRe, you dont have flash 8?07:54
soopeobanb: sounds good to me07:54
jasonmInnerFIRE, the sites you are trying to use are probably flash807:54
eugmanDuff, well there is some stuff like that but it's usually cut and paste instructions.07:54
reemuskwhen i start firestarter it says "the device eth0 s not ready, please check your network settings and try again" well obviously it's ready if i'm using it! can anyone assist?07:54
InnerFIREit is i think..07:54
DuffAlright, I'm out of here for now.07:54
DuffI'm going to download it.07:54
soopeobanb: what does it break?07:55
DuffThanks for all the help guys.07:55
eobanbhave fun, Duff07:55
InnerFIREwhere do i get flash8?07:55
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eugmanOMG guys duff spelled backwards is FUD!07:55
eobanbInnerFIRE, there is no version of flash player 8 for linux.07:55
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soopshit i hate when my wife puts my half empty warm beers in front of me07:55
reemuskeugman: actually it's fudd :)07:55
soopi forget they're warm and god knows how old07:55
whitepyrolol soop07:55
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eugmanACTUALLY it's ffud.07:55
whitepyrosoop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1714107:55
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reemuski know :)07:56
InnerFIREdo we have something to get around it?07:56
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reemuskwhen i start firestarter it says "the device eth0 s not ready, please check your network settings and try again" well obviously it's ready if i'm using it! can anyone assist?07:56
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eobanbInnerFIRE, yes, we send emails to macromedia asking for a newer version of flash for linux.07:56
jasonmInnerFIRE, install windows firefox with wine07:56
soopwhitepyro: sec, pulling it up07:56
eugmanJasonm, wait flash 8 works in wine?07:56
chariscompPlease help me with my question regarding software RAID during installation. Please? :)07:56
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eobanbchariscomp, what drive setup do you have07:57
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jasonmeugman, im watching video's on youtube as we speak07:57
chariscompI have two PATA drives. Both on separate channels. One is hda and the other hdc.07:57
jasonmcan anyone help me with my question now, hahaha07:57
chariscompby the way, thanks for trying to help!07:58
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eugmanJasonm, which was?07:58
=== akulah [n=akulah@izvoru-comimpex.sebis.arad.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu
akulahI hav a question07:58
soopwhitepyro: sudo apt-get install build-essentials07:58
InnerFIREok installing it now..07:59
eobanbthe package name is build-essential, actually07:59
jasonmeugman, im trying to install Rufus... i followed the instructions found here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent07:59
eugmanAkulah, you'd save time if you went straight to asking that question.07:59
akulahwhen edgy will be available as cd image?07:59
eobanbakulah, not for a while07:59
eobanbakulah, discuss edgy in #ubuntu+107:59
whitepyrook its installing07:59
chariscompAny further questions or suggestions?07:59
akulahno thanks07:59
jasonmeugman, i get a message saying: dpkg-deb: `rufus_0.6.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive07:59
eugmanJasonm, well from your massive pasting it sounded like the deb was corrupt or broken.08:00
eugmanbut I'm a semi-newb so it's a guess.08:00
eugmanDoes the site have a hash of the deb?08:00
soopsec, im gonna give you a bunch to apt-get08:00
whitepyrocause theres new errors now lol08:00
whitepyroso thats good :P08:00
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fowlduck-is there a way to use apt or dpkg to install all packages in a certain directory08:01
ymenghi, i have a question on apm / acpi power management, can anyone help?08:01
soopwhats the new error?08:01
eugmanFowlduck, install from or to?08:01
ajax4I got an error when I ran Software Update today. It said that it could not upgrade "libcairo2"...anyone know what this is all about?08:01
soopwhitepyro jabber: sysmatt@gmailc.om08:01
fowlduck-eugman, from08:01
sooperr gmail.com08:01
whitepyroits on qmail-remote.c08:01
jasonmeugman, i also have, Rufus_0.6.9_src.zip... would you or anyone else be able to explain to me how to install this type of fike08:02
whitepyrohmm i don't have a jabber acct lemme see if i can make one08:02
eobanbjasonm, you are trying to build from source?08:02
soopwhitepyro: got msn?08:02
fowlduck-eugman, as in, I'll have a directory full of packages that I want to install, and they satisfy eachother's dependencies08:02
soopmsn is the same08:02
=== SurfnKid [n=klormexo@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
spadesfowlduck have you tried dpkg -i *  ?08:02
InnerFIREis there a certain way i should install flash with wine?08:02
soopdo yourself a favour, get a gmail account08:02
InnerFIREit says some .dll cant be opend08:02
jasonmeobanb, well since the .deb is broken it seems to be my only other option08:02
SurfnKidwow, amaroK now works08:02
fowlduck-spades, nopers, was just wondering before I do all that work for nothing08:03
fyrestrtrbest to ask in #wine08:03
eugmanfowlduck, sudo dkpg -i filename should do it. I'm not sure about a bunch of mutuall dependant ones though.08:03
chariscompCan anyone help me with installing Ubuntu Dapper Drake using software RAID to mirror partitions?08:03
SurfnKiddont know what happened but it now plays streaming music, where before it actually crashed each time08:03
reemuskwhen i start firestarter it says "the device eth0 s not ready, please check your network settings and try again" well obviously it's ready if i'm using it! can anyone assist?08:03
whitepyroya i got msn and I do have a gmail account..08:03
fyrestrtrSurfnKid: there was a recent update to it.08:03
eugmanjasonm do you even have build-essential installed?08:03
soopwhitepyro: gmail = jabber account08:03
fowlduck-eugman, ok, thanks for the suggestion, and you too spades08:03
soopgoogle gmail and jabber setup08:03
SurfnKidfyrestrtr: auto or manual08:03
ymenghello, first timer here, how should I start? just post question, hoping someone picks up? I'm confused...08:04
SurfnKidfyrestrtr: cuz i didnt do anything08:04
fyrestrtrymeng: you got it :)08:04
SurfnKidymeng: just chat and someone will pick up eventually :P08:04
jasonmeugman, if dapper doesnt come with it, then i dont.08:04
Madpilotymeng, yes, just start asking questions - nobody here bites (well, they shouldn't...) ;)08:04
ymengk :)08:04
SurfnKidymeng: if not, its not that we're ignoring you :D08:04
ymengi have questions on apm / acpi power management08:04
SurfnKidymeng: hey those were my questions!08:04
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eugmanymeng, come on you still aren't asking. You are describing.08:05
frarocoevery body08:05
ymengmy cpu fan runs like crazy, (no problem with XP)08:05
eugmanFraroco, do you have a quesiton?08:05
eobanbwelcome, fraroco08:05
ymengi checked /proc can't see acpi, but i can see apm08:05
ymenghow do i enable acpi, disable apm08:05
frarocoI wanna join the sever irc.globalchat.org eugman but I can not find it in the list of servers08:05
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eobanbfraroco, /server irc.globalchat.org08:06
frarocoeobanb thanks hello.08:06
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SurfnKidthat was an easy08:06
eobanboh, right, i forgot xchat's default is to not open a new tab >_<08:06
chariscompI have asked about RAID 1 during installation many times here. Is there some problem with my question or the way I am asking it? Or is it simply a case of no one knowing how to answer? Thanks for any response.08:06
SurfnKideobanb: if real life work would be this easy08:06
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SurfnKidchariscomp: simply a case of no one knowing08:07
Madpilotchariscomp, silence usually indicates ignorance08:07
eobanbchariscomp, have you tried posting on the forum08:07
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SurfnKidwhats better acpi or apm or is there not necessarily a better choice, just that one does one thing and the other one does different?08:07
farkyeobanb:well, that didn't really work08:07
eugmanUbuntu wiki run on moinmoin right?08:07
cwilluwhat's the name of the package to make firefox pretend to be explorer?08:08
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: ACPI is a newer standard, and more powerful I believe.08:08
eobanbfarky, were you having nvidia driver issues? (i cant quite remember)08:08
farkyeobanb: yeah08:08
reemuskfyrestrtr: can you assist me with firestarter? when i start firestarter it says "the device eth0 s not ready, please check your network settings and try again" well obviously it's ready if i'm using it!08:08
ymengi'm hoping acpi can help, because it sounds like more advanced than apm08:08
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: i see, could there be a way to integrate acpi with apm08:08
eobanbfarky, what's the problem08:08
eugmanCwillu, go toe the firfox site and search for an extention relating to user-agent08:08
chariscompNo, I have to get this machine working by tomorrow morning. I thought this might be the quicker response method. Thanks for letting me know that my question is not being answered simply due to ignorance.08:08
eugmanI think.......08:08
eobanbfarky, i assume you followed the ubuntu wiki instructions08:08
farkyeobanb: you pointed me to the wiki to get them installed, but I did what it said and nothing really happened08:08
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SurfnKidtonyyarusso: at this point my power button will not option to standby/shutdown/restart08:09
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: Not to my knowledge anyway - I think they're totally separate things.08:09
SurfnKidDapper used to do so08:09
ymengi assume i have apm running, because I can ampd08:09
ymengi can see ampd08:09
fyrestrtrreemusk: hrmm ... that's a strange error.08:09
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: oh ok right08:09
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jasonmthis is helpful08:09
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eobanbfarky, does nvidia show up as a driver option when you do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:09
eobanbfarky, also, what graphics card do you have08:09
reemuskfyrestrtr: any ideas? i'm pretty sure i configured it right08:09
SurfnKidi wish i could get lmsensors going08:09
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fyrestrtrreemusk: so you didn't go with the whole shorewall thing?08:10
eobanbSurfnKid, does your hardware have sensors?08:10
SurfnKidfan kciks in at 55C instead of 48 where i want it08:10
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farkyeobanb: i forget if it does, and I have a eVGA GeForce 6800 GS08:10
eobanbSurfnKid, if it's old enough (pre 2000 or so) it may not have sensors the software can access directly08:10
SurfnKideobanb: yeah, I can control both GPU and CPU fans on XP thru I8KGUI08:10
eobanbSurfnKid, ah, okay08:10
eobanbfarky, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:11
eugmanPffft metric! I measure by stones per furlong.08:11
SurfnKideobanb: its a Dell 8600 lappy, Bios turns them on which is ok but i wish i could control them08:11
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reemuskfyrestrtr: no sir08:11
eobanbfarky, then scroll down and check if it's using nv or nvidia08:11
ymengi can see ampd, so i figured i'm running apm, how do i enable acpi?08:11
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: I think there are instructions for modifying things like the fan on the ThinkWiki site, might help.08:11
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: will look thx08:12
ymengthere should be a acpid running08:12
fyrestrtrreemusk: let me install firestarter and see what is going on. I use shorewall -- I tried firestarter once but it didn't give me the control that I wanted (I have two network cards, and I run a vpn)08:12
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: definitely need the fan control08:12
fyrestrtrSurfnKid: you might have to build in the module for lmsensors08:12
farkyeobanb: it says nvidia, and should I had the "RenderAccel" "true" property?08:12
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eobanbfarky, okay, great, you're using the nvidia binary drivers then.  can you open a new terminal and do glxinfo08:13
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eobanbfarky, and then pastebin the output08:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:13
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SurfnKidtonyyarusso: dont care much about apm, acpi runs, so it does cool off at approx~55C and off at 45C so its ok, but these laptops are so delicate, they are known for frying. so i dont wanna risk any dumb factor i didnt take in concern, like overheating08:13
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eugmanCome on, I need more easy questions so i can develop a false sense of contribution.08:14
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: Yeah, I'm considering the same.  I'm running at 51, and it often goes over.  (I've seen it go up to 79 once when there was a bug in the temp control and speedstep during beta before I noticed.)08:15
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reemuskfyrestrtr: i'm just on a pc with 1 nic interface08:15
farkyeobanb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1714508:15
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SurfnKidtonyyarusso: ouch, be careful, so yousay its ThinkKiwi then? got a site08:15
girishhi all can anyone help me to backup the downloaded applications ?08:16
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: Wiki, not kiwi ;) http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki08:16
SurfnKidmy mind is still in New Zealand08:17
fyrestrtrreemusk: okay, how did you set it up?08:17
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SurfnKidtonyyarusso: oh but thats for ThinkPads, mmm got one for Dells?08:18
eobanbfarky, could you pastebin your xorg.conf08:18
eobanbwelcome, Al2O308:18
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fyrestrtrSurfnKid: google 'linux (your dell laptop model)'08:18
girishHI dear frenz ...can nyone help me to backup the softwares i have installed to use it after installing a fresh copy og ubuntu 6?08:18
hydroksydeis it OK to develop proprietary software?08:19
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eobanbgirish, what software08:19
fyrestrtrhydroksyde: sure08:19
kijunhi all08:19
Al2O3Just a quick statement, then a question or two about permissions on the desktop.  I have used PPC on eMac Ubuntu occasionally in the past, not much.  I'm now installed with Dapper Drake (6.06) on x86 to setup the machine for the kids and children.08:19
eobanbhydroksyde, sure, just abide by the GPL..08:19
fyrestrtrhydroksyde: I do it all the time.08:19
reemuski figured it out fyrstrtr:)08:19
reemuskgnite all08:19
kijunI have a problem with my DSL connection, is anyone can help me please...08:19
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Al2O3that all said, I have the DD6.06 install done.  Insert CD, and it is owned by root (which is fine), but Movie Player can't read the device.08:19
tonyyarussoSurfnKid: Not offhand, but there may exist such a thing.  I'm lucky that my computer matches an exhaustive resource ;)  Don't know how much overlap there is to other machines.08:19
eugmanHydrosyde, it's understandable in certain situations but I don't like being stuck with a windows 95 program because the comapny went belly up.08:20
farkyeobanb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1714608:20
eobanbAl2O3, what sort of CD is it08:20
fyrestrtrAl2O3: is it a dvd?08:20
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: yeah im sure there is some compatibility i just have to read a lot, whicih i dont mind08:20
Al2O3ISO with one file on it, an .avi08:20
SurfnKidtonyyarusso: seem to get better results on linux than on windows lately :)08:20
kijunI have to do "pppoeconf" all the time whenever I reboot my labtop to get on the internet... how can I fix this??08:20
Al2O3its an ownership thing.08:20
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fyrestrtrAl2O3: you probably need to mount the iso first.08:20
girish_HI dear frenz ...can nyone help me to backup the softwares i have installed to use it after installing a fresh copy og ubuntu 6?08:20
=== carlos [n=carlos@208.Red-83-33-192.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbfarky, yeah, try enabling RenderAccel08:21
eugmankijun, not a fix but you could have it run automatically by editing your sessions preferences.08:21
gdbhydroksyde: You do not have to follow the GPL if you are developing proprietary applications on Linux that do not include GPL'ed source.  You do not have to abide by the GPL if you use GPL code in your own personal projects or "proprietary" software that you do not redistribute, either.08:21
farkyeobanb: ok, and restart X?08:21
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Al2O3fyrestrtr, the CD is a CD, ISO standard (9006 or whatever)08:21
Al2O3it is  not a .iso08:21
hydroksydegdb, yes08:21
girish_HI dear frenz ...can nyone help me to backup the softwares i have installed to use it after installing a fresh copy og ubuntu 6?08:21
kijuneugman:  really?  then.. what about password that I need to type in?08:21
eobanbgirish, what software08:21
eobanbgirish_, what software08:22
Al2O3I'm wondering, with root.root ownership, Movie Player doesn't seem to want to play it, and users don't seem to have the ability to read it (can't cp the .avi off the CD, but can view it on the Desktop)08:22
gdbeobanb's response to you could have been construed as being misleading so I wanted to make sure you were clear on those points.08:22
Al2O3anyone got an idea on why this is the case?08:22
girish_i installed webserver apache and many ide's so i dont want to loose them wen i install newer ubuntu08:22
eugmanKijun, A little bit harder but i think you could amke a root owned bash script which starts it and is executable by anyone and have session start that up after boot.08:22
=== kkrizka_ [n=kkrizka@d206-116-1-46.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
girish_eobanb: i installed webserver apache and many ide's so i dont want to loose them wen i install newer ubuntu08:23
=== farky [n=farky@adsl-69-110-106-28.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3btw, super easy install, much like BeOS...  Congrads to the folks at Ubuntu for taking Linux to another level of simplicity.08:23
=== gdb has no idea what "many ide's" means.
fyrestrtrgirish_: backup /var/cache/apt/archives08:23
girish_how to do that08:23
kijuneugman:  I can write it but I have no idea how I can save my password, do you know?08:23
farkyeobanb: ok08:23
fyrestrtrAl2O3: well, can you browse it from nautilus?08:23
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eobanbgirish, i assume you want to back up your httpd.conf08:23
girish_yeah i want to backup the sources too08:24
fyrestrtrgdb: he means IDEs08:24
eobanb'the sources'?08:24
=== Al2O3 is browsing the CD with the default file browser (if that is nautilus, then yes)
eugmangdb, ide's are programming enviroments.08:24
girish_yes the sources as well as configurations08:24
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
gdbI know what an IDE is, I didn't get the connection to apache.08:24
eugmanKijun, you don't have to. If root owns it then it has permission to run the program.08:24
fyrestrtrAl2O3: do you know what format the movie is in? Could be that movie player just can't recognize the format.08:24
farkyeobanb: ok, i added "RenderAccel"    "true"08:24
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Al2O3fyrestrtr, no it can't read it, permissions not allowed.08:24
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eobanbfarky, and then you have to restart X (ctrl-alt-backspace) for it to take effect08:24
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-129-234-207.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3Its mounted at /media/cdrom0/...08:25
farkyeobanb: i did08:25
gdbWhat he's saying is, "I've installed a bunch of random crap that I want to keep when I wipe the machine."  My question would be, "why wipe the machine, then.  What's preventing an upgrade?"08:25
eugmanKijun, or does that program need a password for another reason?08:25
eobanbAl2O3, what sort of files are on the disc08:25
fyrestrtrAl2O3: hrmm, that is strange ... you let the system mount it, or you mounted it yourself?08:25
kijuneugman:  I mean... whenever you do "pppoeconf", it asks you the ID and password for your DSL service... that's what I meant08:25
Al2O3system mounts it08:25
eugmanAhh ok.08:25
Al2O3eobanb, like I said, one .avi08:25
fyrestrtrgdb: I think he wants to replicate the configuration on another machine, without having to redownload everything.08:25
eobanbAl2O3, sorry, i must have missed that08:25
girish_hi thanx frenz08:26
fyrestrtrAl2O3: don't know what it could be, can you copy the file to your desktop and play it from there?08:26
=== xice [n=ben@220-245-163-83-sa-nt-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3fyrestrtr, tried that already08:26
farkyeobanb: i already restarted it08:26
girish_i mean thanx fyrestrtr and eobanb08:26
Al2O3its root.root owned, with permission 60008:26
gdbgirish_: Are you wanting to upgrade the machine this software is installed on or duplicate the installation on another machine that's running a newer Ubuntu?08:26
eugmanKijun open up a terminal and type man pppoeconf, it may list a way you can send the information as an argument .08:26
girish_i want to upgrade this machine08:27
girish_am using08:27
fyrestrtrAl2O3: strange -- file a bug and then change the owner of the file.08:27
Al2O3its weird, I would have suspected the CD rom would have mounted as owned by the current user.08:27
kijuneugman: that's good idea.08:27
Al2O3fyrestrtr, can't change it, it is CDROM08:27
kijuneugman:  I will try right now.08:27
fyrestrtrAl2O3: yeah you can ;)08:27
girish_gdb : i want to upgrade this machine08:27
girish_girish_ am using08:27
gdbgirish_: So what is the compelling reason you have to wipe the machine rather than upgrading the operating system in place?08:27
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Al2O3fyrestrtr, I'll try.08:27
eugmanKijun, after enough linux you get used to that sort of thinking.08:27
eobanbfarky, try glxinfo again08:27
girish_i cant find a way to upgrade08:27
girish_thatz it08:27
fyrestrtrAl2O3: see what entry you have for your cdrom in /etc/fstab08:28
girish_the gksudo doesn't provide option08:28
Al2O3fyrestrtr, nope, Read Only File System error.08:28
farkyeobanb: same thing as before08:28
gdbgirish_: Then I think the question you want to be asking is, "how can I upgrade the Ubuntu I have to the new Ubuntu?" rather than what you've asked so far.08:28
Al2O3fyrestrtr, this is the Desktop 6.06 distro, right out of the box.  No mods.08:28
eugmangirish, read this wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades08:28
tito_i installed Xubuntu but i sweat it looks like Gnome.......any way to make it look a bit diff?08:28
Al2O3Only thing I want to do with this system is make a simple computer/media center for the kids and wife.08:28
Al2O3I'll check out /etc/fstab08:28
kijuneugman:  there is very little infomation about pppoeconf unlike the other commands08:28
fyrestrtrtito_: you can always change the theme08:29
Al2O3btw, how can I get a root account on this distro...  Tried to Terminal/su and says I can't.08:29
Al2O3do I need to add me to admin group?08:29
eugmanMatheus, have a question? Skip to step three where you ask if so.08:29
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:29
girish_gdb:gdb: but the problem is that i got some link yesterday to some manual and the options shown in that are not there in my desktop app08:29
kijuneugman:  only description and author...08:29
matheuseugman, yes :)08:29
fyrestrtrAl2O3: ^ is for you08:29
matheuseugman, when upgrade to ubuntu 608:29
SurfnKidgoin to crash, thx for the help guys08:29
gdbgirish_: huh?08:30
eugmanKijun, hmm how odd. pppoeconf --help may work but I doubt it. I'll do some snooping on the internets.08:30
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matheuseugman, app that I did build with the old kernel headers... Need to rebuild ?08:30
eugmanMatheus, NOW! Seriously you can do it anytime you want.08:30
girish_gdb:yes the gksudo doesnot show a button to upgrade to newer linux08:30
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-067-021.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
girish_as it is said in the manual08:30
InnerFIREwhy does firefox randomly close by itself..08:30
fyrestrtrAl2O3: a quick way to become root is to type sudo bash -- and when you are done, type exit. We discourage people using root for anything other that short sysadmin tasks, which is why the root account is 'disabled' on ubuntu installs, and we encourage the use of sudo.08:30
InnerFIREi installed it with wine so that i could use flash808:30
eugmanMatheus, probably since dapper uses a newer version of the kernel but I'm no expert08:31
gdbgirish_: Which Ubuntu are you running?  And have you installed *every* available update?08:31
kijuneugman:  I did that so many times...08:31
kijuneugman:  thanks for your help anyway08:31
matheuseugman, is too many apps :(08:31
girish_am running 5.108:31
eugmanWell You might be able to lock your kernel version.08:31
gdbgirish_: Also, you do not need or want to use -d at this time.08:31
eugmanOr even better I may be wrong.08:32
gdbgirish_: That would have you installing Edgy Eft, not Dapper Drake.  Simply run Update Manager normally.08:32
farkyeobanb: I got the same output as last time08:32
Al2O3fyrestrtr, I have been using *NIX for about 17 years :)08:32
gdbgirish_: Your other option is to do the editing of /etc/apt/souces.list method.08:32
matheusanyone can tell me about if need to rebuild apps that uses kernel headers when upgrade to dapper ....08:33
girish_to do wat?08:33
Al2O3I have once on NeXTStep 0.9 destroyed an install back in 1989 with bad use of su, I learned then to do stupid things once and never again.08:33
gdbgirish_: if I am not mistaken, the alternative CD also offers an "upgrade in place" option (I could be mistaken about that one).08:33
Al2O3but I appreciate the scene here and will use sudo instead.08:33
fyrestrtrAl2O3: ah then -- you should know why we discourage the use of 'root' here. Ubuntu attracts a lot of linux newbies.08:33
Al2O3yes, I appreciate that :)08:33
girish_but wat can i do by eiting sources.list?08:33
Al2O3and I have done dumb things to know why.08:33
girish_but wat can i do by editing sources.list?08:33
fyrestrtrAl2O3: you are lucky, I had to wreck a gentoo server ... twice before I learned that lesson.08:33
gdbgirish_: What's posted in that documentation that ubotu keeps telling you about.08:33
girish_thank u verymuch gdb08:34
gdbgirish_: You can upgrade to Dapper in place.08:34
Al2O3ok, here is the entry for /etc/fstab08:34
gdbgirish_: Change all instances of "breezy" to "dapper" do an apt-get update and then apt-get dist-upgrade08:34
Al2O3/dev/hdc  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto  0   008:34
gdbmake sure you back up your important files first ;) (which probably brings you back to your original question).08:34
=== theshibboleth [n=chatzill@pool-71-105-74-192.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3that seems standard08:34
Al2O3and shouldn't it then be mounted as the user currently in session?08:35
eugmanfyrestrtr, whats the difference between sudo su and sudo bash?08:35
girish_ok gdb will that consume a lot of my download limit08:35
fyrestrtrAl2O3: yeah, don't know what happened in your case. It really is strange. My knee jerk would be to add a mask to the options line in fstab, but I wonder why it would do that to you, and not to me.08:35
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-067-021.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoCan you use the Desktop CD as an apt source?08:35
gdbgirish_: It will not consume any more than downloading a Dapper CD image would.  But it will consume a fair bit of it.08:36
InnerFIREwhy does firefox randomly close by itself..08:36
InnerFIREi installed it with wine so that i could use flash808:36
Al2O3tonyyarusso, was that directed to me?08:36
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Al2O3and if so, what is apt source mean?08:36
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tonyyarussoAl2O3: Only if you know the answer.08:36
Al2O3ok, I guess not.08:36
fyrestrtreugman: sudo -- temporarily allows you to run commands as another user, as long as you are in a sudoers list file. You use your own password to authenticate. su is switch user, for which you need the password of the other user account you want to switch to. sudo bash just launches the bash shell as the superuser (root).08:37
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girish_ok can i backup all the applications in cache to harddisk and start from a fresh install and afterwards copy the backup files to cache again?08:37
fyrestrtranother (subtle, but important) difference is that your shell environment doesn't change with sudo, only with su.08:38
girish_r they version independent08:38
girish_i mean the packages08:38
gdbgirish_: Since none of really has a firm grasp on what you're asking, "backup my <unspecified> applications", what you're asking is really outside the scope of this channel.  I would encourage you to seek consulting services local to where you are.08:38
farkyeobanb: i think i got it to work! check out this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1714708:38
Al2O3fyrestrtr, so how would the entry in /etc/fstab look to work for me here?08:38
theshibbolethI'm trying to use gftp, but I seem only to be able to type in the first four characters of my password. Any ideas?08:38
girish_ok thank u gdb08:38
Al2O3fyrestrtr, I'll take a hack solution to make this work now instead of doing it 'right' and figuring out a clean solution.08:38
fyrestrtrAl2O3: add a mask= option, which gives a liberal mask to the files. Like 66608:39
rixthIs there any decent Flash for x64 yet?08:39
gdbgirish_: I'm just afraid that if you went by random advice from people making assumptions about what software you're talking about, you're going to end up losing data.08:39
gdbgirish_: It sounds to me like you need to have a friend / guru / etc actually look at your machine and talk over with you what you're wanting to do, and then helping you make that transition.08:39
girish_ok gdb: now i will try some fair way08:39
Al2O3fyrestrtr, makes sense, will do it.08:39
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Al2O3right now I sudo'ed to root with sudo sh, then copying to desktop, and seeing if that will work.08:40
Al2O3I'll do the mask solution to make it work (brute force) and see if that also works.08:40
Al2O3brb with results.08:40
gdbAl2O3: I think you want to use "sudo -s" for that. ;-)08:40
gdbWith no other arguments.08:40
=== gdb 's cat is annoying.
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Al2O3gdb, I use sh by default :)08:42
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fyrestrtrrixth: don't think so.08:42
Al2O3so -s and sh are the same to me08:42
rixthI hate that. Practically all processors made these days are 64bit, right?08:42
gdbso are sh and bash08:42
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Al2O3rixth, no practically all processors today are 8 bit or 1608:43
rixthWell, computer processors.08:43
rixthNot microwave or calculator processors =)08:43
Al2O3or car processors, or space shuttle processors08:43
=== Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-28-82.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
gdbThe 3 processors that run an F/A-18 are 8088s.08:43
rixthGood ole 2038 bug.08:43
fyrestrtror processors for your phone or pda08:43
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Al2O3scarey thought that foam is not going to stop the NASA 'discovery' channel.08:44
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fyrestrtrare they going to try it again?08:44
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=== rixth wonders when CPUs go epensive.
Al2O3fyrestrtr, they are a go with launch today08:44
rixthfyrestrtr, Tuesday08:44
Al2O3and my kid said, wait for daytime fireworks.08:44
gdbIt's scary how NASA used to be a bunch of really bright guys doing really amazing things.  Now it's a bunch of really short sighted guys doing really amazingly dumb things.08:44
Al2O3he's only 10, and he isn't ***THAT*** stupid to not be worried or have concerns about defective foam.08:45
fyrestrtrhrmm, I might watch the nasa tv webcast of that, do you know what time they will try?08:45
CntryboyHello all, I backed up all my /var/cache/apt/archives today and reinstalled using kubuntu, but now after I copied files from cd-r to the dir and type in sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx I get an error08:45
rixthAre Dual Core's worth the money?08:45
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Al2O3gdb, they are concerned about one thing, budget, budget and more budget.  If this one doesn't fly, NASA may as well kiss its ass goodbye and hello to smallscale commercial solutions.08:45
fyrestrtrrixth: the mobile ones from intel are.08:45
gdbrixth: is having 2 physical CPUs worth the money to you?08:46
dlirixth, yes, run gentoo :)08:46
gdbdli: yay a fanboi08:46
gdb#gentoo is that way ~~>08:46
dlifyrestrtr, amd also has dual core mobil08:46
rixthI just feel it's time for a PC upgrade. The fact of no Flash worries me, though.08:46
fyrestrtrdli: yeah but I heard they have heat management issues.08:46
fyrestrtrrixth: buy a mac then -- flash runs fine, and its dual core.08:46
Cntryboyonly shit im lagging08:47
dlirixth, sounds like a software problem08:47
CntryboyHello all, I backed up all my /var/cache/apt/archives today and reinstalled using kubuntu, but now after I copied files from cd-r to the dir and type in sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx I get an error08:47
professornorfCntryboy, what error08:47
rixthI mean, I've just ordered a new Dell LCD (woop!) and I've currently got 512mb ram and 2400+ XP CPU. Kinda lacking, I need my machine to match m display08:47
gdbCntryboy: I did something today and it didn't work.  Why?08:47
fyrestrtrCntryboy: copied to where?08:47
gdbCntryboy: You need to be a bit more explicit about your issue.08:47
CntryboyPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:48
CntryboyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:48
Cntryboyis only available from another source08:48
CntryboyE: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate08:48
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Cntryboyopps sorry08:48
Madpilotrixth, just stuff a bunch more RAM in your current box - 1Gb + a 2400+ CPU will be fine08:48
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rixthMadpilot, and fx5200 gfx.08:48
=== satan [n=satan@S01060080c6f1efed.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixthThis display is 1920 * 1200 pixels, not sure that card will even output at that res.08:48
Al2O3fyrestrtr, btw, where in that line should the mask=644 be inserted, and tab delimited?  should it read...08:48
fyrestrtrin the options column, where it has user,noauto08:49
Cntryboymmm, I copied my backed up /var/cache/apt/archives from a cd-r and pasted them in /var/cache/apt/archives after I reinstalled.. Then I typed sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and I get that error I pasted up top..08:49
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fyrestrtrno, <tab>udf,iso9660<tab>user,noauto,mask=644<tab>08:49
Al2O3ok, the copy to desktop worked with Terminal and sudo -s/sh08:50
dliCntryboy, don't repeat :(08:50
Al2O3fyrestrtr, ty08:50
Al2O3now I'll try and remount08:50
dliCntryboy, obiviously, you need packages.ubuntu.com08:50
Cntryboyhe wanted to know where, and ive already said it08:50
Cntryboydli is it, why would I need the packages when I have them in my dir08:51
fyrestrtrCntryboy: you copied the packages from the same version?08:51
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cntryboyremember I BACKED them up08:51
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanhey how do i make grub aware of a windows partition?08:51
=== BiGcaT [n=Perl@84-12-67-37.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CntryboyI copied them after I reinstalled kubuntu08:51
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fyrestrtrAdeman: just add the entry to its menu.lst file08:51
Cntryboyhow easier do I have to explain this lol08:52
Ademanfyrestrtr: alright, we'll see how well i'll do with that, thanks though08:52
fyrestrtrAdeman: there is a wiki entry for that08:52
Ademanhaha, alright, i'll chec kit out08:52
professornorfCntryboy, your ghay08:53
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@62-31-45-140.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CntryboyI have 2.1KB so I backed up the archive files so I wouldn't have to redownload them, after fresh reinstall I copied the back up files to the main archive dir. But the apt-get install isn't working like normal08:53
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Al2O3trying to restart, as an eject and close doesn't mount the CD at all...08:53
=== Al2O3 wonders why he has such problems when the rest of the world is happy and using Ubuntu for multimedia 'crack' consumption pipe.
Cntryboyprofessornorf: what ever dude08:54
g-nomeshould i update lo libcairo2?08:54
Al2O3professornorf, I'm new here and I find you offensive.08:54
seliniumhi all, is there an OS application similar to Ghost for linux08:54
Cntryboyit's just Ive repeated myself now for a 100 times, and im still getting asked the same questions..08:54
fyrestrtrselinium: norton ghost?08:54
seliniumfyrestrtr: yes, similar to norton ghost...08:55
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fyrestrtrselinium: well, not sure. But there are ways to get similar functionality. You can create your own livecds, or have a central server that holds all your packages from which you install.08:56
Cntryboycan't anyone help me with this?08:56
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fyrestrtrselinium: there are people that have done it before, but I don't recall there being an app that does it in one shot.08:56
professornorfCntryboy, i can08:56
fyrestrtrCntryboy: question -- what do you mean 'I have 2.1KB'08:56
=== Duff [n=duffboy3@cpe-70-116-111-113.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cntryboy2.1kb dial up08:56
DuffAlright guys.08:56
seliniumfyrestrtr: and use an 'if of' type arrangement?08:56
DuffI'm back.08:56
professornorfCntryboy, i can help you08:57
Cntryboyso i was trying to save myself the trouble of redownloading, by backing up the files in archives08:57
fyrestrtrselinium: don't understand what you mean by 'if of' type arrangement.08:57
Al2O3fyrestrtr, once I take out the mask=644 we are back to mounting with root.root and 600 permissions08:57
Cntryboyafter i reinstalled using kubuntu, I copied the files from cd-r I made and put them in the main archive dir.08:57
Al2O3weird as getup.08:57
Al2O3I know this should not be happening.08:57
Cntryboyapt-get install gives me an error when i know I have that file08:57
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fyrestrtrCntryboy: let me get this straight -- you had a kubuntu workstation. You backed up the cached packages. Then you installed kubuntu on another PC, and copied the packages over, and now apt-get won't read the new packages. Is this correct?08:58
fyrestrtrAl2O3: hrmm, you can try one thing.08:58
professornorfno fyrestrtr08:58
professornorfthats not it at all08:58
fyrestrtrAl2O3: try setting the guid or uid instead of the umask.08:58
professornorfwhat Cntryboy is trying to say is hes retarded08:58
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: pretty close, I had ubuntu at first, and reinstalled using kubuntu on this pc08:58
professornorfand dosnt know how to perform basic mindless repetitive tasks08:58
professornorfright Cntryboy?08:59
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Al2O3ok, I'm uid 1000, so I'll try uid=1000   ???08:59
Cntryboyprofessornorf: thx dude :) glad u have fun acting 10 yippie for u, wanna slushi?08:59
Ademanwhat should i put for the kernel in menu.lst? I gave it the title and root partition... do i need to specify a kernel for a windows boot?08:59
seliniumfyrestrtr: cheers, I want to build a live CD to administer all types of networks. including windoze.... arghhh :)08:59
professornorfCntryboy, yes as a matter of fact i do08:59
professornorfadd jager to it08:59
professornorfand we'll all be happy08:59
Cntryboyweek and half to linux professqueer eat me09:00
Cntryboynow buzz off kid09:00
professornorfim not hungry09:00
fyrestrtrCntryboy: I'm not an expert, but I don't know if kubuntu and ubuntu packages are interchangable. Anyway, you could just do dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/sources/package-file-name09:00
DuffDo you guys know where I can get a live CD? I tried the ubuntu website, but the ship-it website is down.09:00
professornorfim 2980 years old09:00
professornorfI am god09:00
professornorfI own you09:00
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!09:00
Cntryboywell own my dingy in ur mouth and shut the freak up09:00
professornorfits professor queer to you asshole09:00
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-69-250-152-167.hsd1.md.comcast.net] by Madpilot
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ufkhow can i change the default window manager? (don't use gdm)09:01
DuffDo you guys know where I can get a live CD? I tried the ubuntu website, but the ship-it website is down.09:01
Al2O3well, that is a bit better, now I'm not able to play it due to the codec's not being installed :)09:01
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: still here man?09:01
fyrestrtrufk: that's the login manager, you can just install another one.09:01
ufki don't want a login manager09:01
ufki have no login manager.09:01
Al2O3next question, is there a bulk distro/install package for the major encoders to work with Movie Player?09:01
MadpilotDuff, you can download the ISO & burn your own - it's a ~600Mb download09:01
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fyrestrtrufk: you just want to login directly to gnome?09:02
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Al2O3or is the FAQ starting to sound like my friend here?09:02
Madpilotubotu, tell Al2O3 about restricted09:02
fyrestrtr!tell Al2O3 about RestrictedFormats09:02
jgonzalezhi, i have 2 ubuntus and has the same problem, in "printer driver list" appears in blank, what could happend ?09:02
ufkfyrestrtr, or anything else... if i want to change the default window manger to something else, what do i dol?09:02
Cntryboyprofessornorf: if your god help me with my problem instead of acting childish, i'm stoned, it's late, i'm tired, and im new to linux.. alright?09:02
fyrestrtrufk: just install another one -- there are a few in the repositories.09:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:02
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:02
Al2O3ah, ! notation is for the bot, ubotu :)  I'm getting warmer now.09:03
MadpilotCntryboy, professornorf got himself banned09:03
g-nomei can't upodate libcairo2 :-(, it says: Depends on libfreetype6 (>=2.2.1), but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is installed. ???09:03
Al2O3fyrestrtr, ty09:03
fyrestrtrhrmm the tell trigger is not working.09:03
MadpilotAl2O3, you should have gotten a PM from ubotu too09:03
ufkok i found it thanks09:03
Cntryboymadpilot: okay09:03
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Deadly_Aimdoes anyone who knows exactly how to install wine on breezy wanna help me in private chat?09:04
Deadly_Aimi need help :P09:04
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: can you help me purdy please :(, im sooo tired of sitting here09:04
ConstyDeadly_Aim: Thought that the channel only supports dapper now?09:05
Al2O3Madpilot, I sure did09:05
fyrestrtrCntryboy: I wish I could, but I don't have experience with kubuntu and I don't want to give you wrong advice.09:05
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=== Al2O3 acknowledges ubotu as his personal digital bitch/friend :)
fyrestrtrCntryboy: ask in #kubuntu09:05
fyrestrtrubotu: botsnack09:05
ubotuI know nothing about botsnack09:05
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: if I was using just gnome what would u tell me to do, ill try it09:05
ubotuPackages for Gaim 2 beta 3 can be found via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-April/072721.html09:05
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots09:06
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: kubuntu room is silent and boring09:06
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=== Al2O3 is reading about software repositories right now
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fyrestrtrCntryboy: well, first thing you do is sudo apt-get update09:06
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: why would I have to do that if I saved all the current deb packages?09:06
Cntryboysorry bro im new to this and just trying to understand it09:07
fyrestrtrCntryboy: don't know, but just try it.09:07
auneswhat's the command line tool to check disk usage?09:07
Cntryboyonly had kubuntu for hour now and its confusing enough, especially using gnome for the first week/half09:07
DuffIf I download it. And burn it, does it still come with that thing where I can test it.09:07
fyrestrtraunes: du09:07
aunesfyrestrtr: thx09:07
DuffAnd not actually have it on my hard drive.09:07
MadpilotDuff, the LiveCD? Yes09:07
DuffBut if I make my own?09:07
DuffDownload the .iso and burn it, I mean.09:08
Cntryboycd@cd-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get update09:08
CntryboyReading package lists... Done09:08
Deadly_Aim does anyone who knows exactly how to install wine on breezy wanna help me in private chat?09:08
MadpilotDuff, go to the download page, get the "desktop" ISO file, burn it, that'll get you the LiveCD w/ install option09:08
MadpilotDuff, the ISOs you download are completely identical to the pressed CDs from ShipIt09:08
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: took a sec, meaning it was prob up to date right?09:08
tonyyarussoCan the Desktop CD be used as an apt source?09:09
aunesfyrestrtr: du is just listing the size of every file on the HDD. Is there something that will just show the totals based on /dev/hda /dev/hdc etc.09:09
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Madpilottonyyarusso, don't think so09:09
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tonyyarussoMadpilot: Dang.  Although, when I stuck it in it suggested maybe I could, but everything I've heard says otherwise...09:10
sooptonyyarusso: yup09:10
soopyou'll notice that in the /etc/apt/sources.list the first line refernces the cd09:10
fyrestrtraunes: df :)09:11
soopbut most people comment it out09:11
tonyyarussosoop: Well, my line references the Alternate.09:11
Madpilottonyyarusso, I haven't tried it myself, TBH. But I know you're stuck w/ dialup, which must make some of the big updates... interesting...09:11
Cntryboyfyrestrtr: well does it?09:11
fyrestrtrjust a sec09:11
fyrestrtron phone09:11
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Most notably, if I want KDE and Gnome, kubuntu-desktop would be special.09:11
=== Al2O3 wishes software patents didn't exist.
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MadpilotAl2O3, reading the RestrictedFormats page, are you? :)09:12
soopoooh getting kde is like 75 meg download, that'd be painful to grab via dialup09:12
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tonyyarussosoop: Try 160 MB.09:13
Al2O3Madpilot, and some.09:13
Al2O3I also understand this problem will pose a serious limitation for mainstream to come and use Ubuntu as a result, and that saddens me.09:13
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Al2O3This distro is by far IMHO the best I have seen linux desktop, and this one issue will not go away, thus making the media hungry masses stop and wonder why their .avi's won't play here when they will in OSX and Windblows out of box.09:14
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-6.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3there is no way around it, and that saddens me to see.09:14
=== Al2O3 doesn't like RMS much, but here he has a point.
konfuzedok i wanna know where I can find the desktopbackground image so I can email it to somebody09:15
konfuzedthe desktop properties wont eveal the path09:15
HealotRMS is the coolest geek ever09:15
=== Duff [n=duffboy3@cpe-70-116-111-113.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Al2O3Healot, that is a matter of opinion of course, but I respect yours as much as the next groupie :)09:15
DuffAlright, I downloaded the .iso09:15
=== onispawn [n=onispawn@209-33-199-202-dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu
DuffIt has 8 files and 11 folders, right?09:16
DuffI need to know how to run the little trial thing so I can test it out.09:16
Cntryboywhen writing a file to a dir with same file name what is the command to over right the other file when u cp a file09:16
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Madpilotkonfuzed, /usr/share/ something - let me check09:17
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konfuzedthanks mucho09:17
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Madpilotkonfuzed, /usr/share/backgrounds09:17
eXCeSSguyz i wana lurn linicks bekuz i red sumwere that onley smart ppl uze it09:17
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tonyyarussokonfuzed: It's probably in gconf - looking.09:18
Cntryboyglad someone is getting help, ive been here 30 min now or longer and haven't gotten any where09:18
epinephrineeXCeSS: for your own sake, I hope you're joking.09:18
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eXCeSSepinephrine: lol yes i am09:18
eXCeSSCntryboy: dont be so bitter09:18
KnomeCntryboy: cp /dir/file1 /dir/file209:19
DuffHow do I run the trial thing?09:19
TmobCntryboy, you should rather try google09:19
Cntryboyand that over writes it? I thought I had to have a - (letter) to over write09:19
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TmobCntryboy, -f09:19
Cntryboytmob: if you had 2.1KB dialup google takes 15 min to load09:19
tonyyarusso...why is the Dapper background called warty-final?09:19
Cntryboywould use wanna wait when ur dead tired09:19
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eXCeSSCntryboy: i wouldnt be touching anything i didnt konw if i was 'dead tired'09:20
eXCeSSCntryboy: the internet is a bunch of tubes09:20
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konfuzedcause edubuntu-girl is not available in dapper-edubuntu09:20
Cntryboyexcess: im the type that sits at it until its done :(09:20
[Nige] hi all09:20
cyphasewhat's the ~/.wapi folder for?09:20
eXCeSSCntryboy: not a truck09:20
DuffI need to know how to install ubuntu.09:20
cyphasesomething to do with mono?09:20
eXCeSSDuff: click th einstall icon09:20
[Nige] i deleted a folder is there anyway I can get it back?09:20
cyphase[Nige] : maybe it's in the trash?09:21
DuffThere is no install icon.09:21
TmobCntryboy, trust me.. i have been in your situation.. google saves a lot of time.. its just worth giving a shot.. many times i just get it in the first link itself..09:21
[Nige] cyphase,  no09:21
[Nige] its not09:21
cyphasei don't know then09:21
eXCeSS[Nige] : you're screwed09:21
[Nige] i havent written anything to the drive since then09:21
cyphasei'm sure it's possible though09:21
[Nige] eXCeSS, really....09:21
konfuzedmy daughter was a little bumbed at the green earth map on green background look09:21
MadpilotDuff, there should be an "Install Ubuntu" link on your desktop, if you're running the LiveCD09:21
[Nige] i thought you could do it.............09:21
Cntryboytmob: I ususally do, but I can't phrase my questions tonigth lol.09:21
eXCeSS[Nige] : i have no idea lol you prolly can09:21
DuffHow do I run the liveCD?09:21
DuffThat's my question.09:21
DuffI've only downloaded the .iso09:22
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eXCeSSDuff: burn it09:22
eXCeSSDuff: to a cd09:22
eXCeSSDuff: then put it in and restart09:22
eXCeSSDuff: and then your computer is like OH NO A LINUX CD SELF DESTRUCTIING09:22
DuffAnd this is going to do what? Run ubuntu?09:22
eXCeSSDuff: do you have nero09:22
DuffNo, I don't have nero.09:22
eXCeSSDuff: what cd thing do you use09:22
MadpilotDuff, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:23
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Madpilotthere's a link to a freeware ISO burner for WinXP there09:23
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cyphasefound it: http://www.mono-project.com/Mod_mono09:23
DuffSorry for me being a complete idiot at this.09:24
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DuffI'm young and learning.09:24
=== Gorlist [n=james@ironfoot.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eXCeSSkeep an open mind and youll go far09:24
eXCeSSdont give up either stick with it09:24
soopDuff: you've got the iso right?09:24
soopdid you burn it?09:24
MadpilotDuff, no problem - only suggestion I've got is to ease off on the Enter key a bit - one line per thought is good :)09:24
eXCeSSand you can be the 3j33t h4x0r on your clock09:24
GorlistHi - quick question, does a Logitech Momo Forcefeedback steering wheel work in Buntu??09:24
nbjaymeHELP!!! we're having problem with networking on Ubuntu AMD64 : Ethernet Controller:Realtek Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+(rev10) ....09:24
soopnbjayme: whats the issue?09:24
DuffI have the .iso, I'm going to go and get a blank CD to burn it right now.09:25
soopthere you go09:25
nbjaymecan't connect to network.....09:25
soopnbjayme: www.pastebin.ca and post /etc/network/interfaces from your machine09:25
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mouseJust finished adjusting my xorg.conf, wanted to see if it was working better09:26
mouseEarlier it took a second for the irc page to scroll, but now it seems to be functioning much more efficiently09:26
g-nomei can't upodate libcairo2 :-(, it says: Depends on libfreetype6 (>=2.2.1), but 2.1.10-1ubuntu2.1 is installed. ???09:27
soopthen post the pastebin link here09:27
soopdo the same with the results from the command "ifconfig"09:27
eXCeSSmouse: no09:27
mouseRunning beautifully09:27
DuffAlso, when it says "Burn the ISO", it means all the files and folders individually, right? Or do I put them all in one folder and burn that?09:27
snoopshow do I go about binding mouse buttons to other mouse buttons?09:27
RedeI've installed apache2 via apt, but it doesnt start automatically. i think it might be related to the way the "sudo/etc/init.d/apache2 start" command doesn't seem to start the server (there isn't even any output, error or otherwise) but "sudo apache2" does work. "sudo /etc/init.d apache2 stop" does start the server when i've started it via "sudo apache2". does anyone know how i might resolve this?09:28
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eXCeSSyou dont extract the iso, you hit burn image or something like that09:28
eXCeSSits a disc-image09:28
Al2O3https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-74857744ddf74499c6447a19c7e94a2fcb382e0c  is that my saviour?09:28
KenSentMeDuff: you should burn it like an iso image. That's an option in you burning program.09:28
eXCeSSso you dont put it on the cd, and you dont extract it09:28
KenSentMe!burniso > Duff09:28
=== hartym [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuburniso is To burn an ISO CD in windows, mac, or linux, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:28
KenSentMeDuff: check the page ubotu sent you09:28
Al2O3do I have to basically apt-get install all that stuff :)09:28
fyrestrtrRede: first you are not starting the server when you do sudo apache209:29
mouseApparently while this stupid neomagic supports 24bit color, it runs so badly as to make it unbearable.09:29
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MadpilotAl2O3, more or less, yes09:29
Gorlistdoes Linux have something like Daemon Tools to mount virtual CDs?09:29
DuffUbuntu sent me a page?09:29
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KenSentMeAl2O3: yes09:29
fyrestrtrRede: secondly, check the apache log files ( /var/log/apache2/error.log ) for any clues.09:29
nbjaymesoop, my mate is going to countercheck anything we missed.... gonna post the status on this problem.... :)09:29
fyrestrtrGorlist: yeah, mount :)09:29
MadpilotDuff, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto - i think I gave you this URL already, though?09:29
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KenSentMeDuff: you got a message from ubotu, but it's here in this channel too, after i typed !burniso09:29
dliGorlist, to mount .iso images? mount -oloop foo.iso /mnt/blah09:29
DuffOh OK. THAT page.09:30
Redeok. to be more accurate: when i run that command the server responds to me typing my ip into my browser09:30
Gorlist :) right, can it be done from a menu as well?? :)09:30
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fyrestrtrRede: seems its working then.09:31
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fyrestrtrGorlist: don't know, but its easy to create a shortcut for it.09:31
Gorlistright will try now thanks09:31
Al2O3gstreamer0.10-pitfdll seems to be missing at the standard apt-get repository locations.  Any clue where it can be found now?09:31
Madpilot!info gstreamer0.10-pitfdll09:32
ubotugstreamer0.10-pitfdll: GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 79 kB, installed size 260 kB09:32
MadpilotAl2O3, it's in Multiverse09:32
Madpilotubotu, tell Al2O3 about multiverse09:32
Redeyeah but it doesn't start when i boot, and it doesn't respond to "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" as it should09:32
fyrestrtrRede: how do you know it hasn't started when you boot?09:32
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Redethe server functions properly once started, im having problems with starting it09:32
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Gorlistcan it mount B5T images?09:33
compengiwhere can i find driver for canon i350 printer and if it's connected to another pc on a network and it's shared do i need a driver?09:33
fyrestrtrRede: what output do you expect?09:33
Redei type my ip into the browser and there is the "problem loading page" error mozilla returns when the connection is refused. once i type "sudo apache2" it displays the web page09:33
DuffAlright, I have CDBurnerXP Pro 3 open, and it's giving me these options "Juliet" "ISO Level 1" and "ISO Level 2" Which do I pick?09:34
Redesomething indicating that the server has been started or even a response from the server before i have to type "sudo apache2"09:34
fyrestrtrRede: do this 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop' then 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start' -- then type http://localhost/ in your browser.09:34
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Gorlistok right what does /mnt/blah mean :)09:34
Gorlistis that the path to the image09:34
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp230-76.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrGorlist: that's the path where you want it mounted to.09:35
Rederesult is: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.09:35
snoopsfyrestrtr his problem is apache2 does not start on boot, he has to manually start it09:35
Gorlisti don't know where I want it mount?09:35
KenSentMecompengi: When you check this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters that most Canon printers run when you install the driver for a printer that resembles your model. If you get your printer working, maybe you can add a line on that wiki page on how you've got it to run and how it works.09:35
Gorlistjust want it mounted like a cd?09:35
Redethen i type "sudo apache2" and refresh and am shown the directory listing i expect to see09:36
garryFJUliate iso level onw was my hcoice.09:36
DuffAlright, I have CDBurnerXP Pro 3 open, and it's giving me these options "Juliet" "ISO Level 1" and "ISO Level 2" Which do I pick?09:36
fyrestrtrGorlist: mkdir ~/image-mount-point && sudo mount -o loop somefile.iso /home/yourusername/image-mount-point09:36
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
DuffWhich one?09:36
garryFlevel 109:36
DuffJuliet or ISO Level 1?09:36
Gorlistright i understand, thanks!09:36
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:36
DuffAlright, let me try it. Also, there are a whole bunch of files and folders. Do I just add them all to the CD?09:36
Redethe "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop" does work. it also displays [OK]  upon working09:37
garryFoh I'm not so sure now.09:37
garryFI belive its Joliet09:37
FlannelRede: you can also do both at the same time (stop, start) by sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart09:37
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Redeyeah, but that stops the server and doesn't restart it09:37
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garryFIf you are burning an iso you should not have folders to add to the cd09:38
=== hydroksyde [n=hydroksy@222-154-141-244.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
KenSentMeDuff: Then you've got the wrong option i think. Did you do as said in the wiki. Go to the File menu, choose Write Disk from iso file?09:38
=== Hit3k [n=allan@152.079.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
DuffWTF is File menu? Where is that?09:38
=== Polkadotshorts [n=andre@dsl-165-250-227.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
KenSentMeDuff: does it anywhere say image or something?09:39
Redeactually i take that back, it either properly restarts the server or it has no effect at all. there is no output09:39
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DuffIn this burning program, I chose the option to where I can burn ISO images.09:39
=== icarus [n=icarus@S010600c002e4a755.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenSentMeDuff: ok, that should be good09:40
=== Gog123 [i=JoeMorri@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
DuffI downloaded the .iso from ubuntu and when I opened it, it had all of these folders.09:40
Gog123microsoft = evil09:40
Gog123they updated the msi.dll which broke google browser sync09:40
Gog123intentionally too09:40
DuffDo I just stick all of those folders on the disc?09:40
KenSentMeDuff: in the program you should now be able to select the downloaded iso file09:40
=== jiping [n=jiping@c-24-128-202-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Gog123 uses ubuntu
KenSentMeDuff: don't open the file in Windows09:40
FlannelRede: do: ps aux | grep apache2  is anything there? (except your grep)09:40
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DuffFuck. I already opened it.09:40
DuffDo I have to re-download it?09:40
=== darkyoshi372 [n=eli@CPE0004e2d9f884-CM0013718690da.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gog123i need some help in modifying ubuntu09:40
LynoureGog123: hmm, if you have some evidence of the intentionality, Slashdor or some other site might be interested (if it is not already there)09:40
Gog123i used easyubuntu but some codecs dont work09:41
Gog123lynoure:  Its ok, microsoft was sued09:41
Gog123im going to contact the attorneys09:41
garryFOh you've mounted the iso, Those folders are what is in the iso already. Don't worry that you opened, or mounted it, just choose burn iso to cd.09:41
Redeno only my grep09:41
KenSentMeDuff: no, it's saved somewhere on your harddisk, go to that location with your burning program and select the iso file09:41
Gog123lynoure:  Its part of the windows update that someone sued over09:41
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Gog123lynoure:  Works fine with linux :)09:41
=== anthony_ is now known as rikaisboss
DuffI have no idea where it is saved though.09:41
Lukehow can I clean out unused deps?09:41
LynoureGog123: I know it works fine with linux.09:42
FlannelRede: try the start one then.  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start then do the grep again09:42
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Gog123lynoure:  I would use linux all the time but there are some glitches still09:42
garryFYeah, I usually just double click on the iso. Do a windows search for *.iso09:42
KenSentMeDuff: maybe in your 'My Documents' folder09:42
Redejust did, only the grep listed.09:42
Gog123mostly gtk bugs which im sure will be corrected in edgy eft09:42
Remyhi guys, anyone know how to setup an email with multiple users in ubuntu ?09:42
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=== Gog123 cant wait till october :P
LynoureGog123: Also in MS Windows. Is there some software type that you miss from MS Win?09:42
DuffAlright, I'll try the search. @KEN: I download it with firefox and just chose the "Open with:" option.09:43
Remywhether evolution mail can do it, or other prog is required...09:43
madawell i realized i didn't have shit to do tonight, so i thought i would drop in09:43
Gog123lynoure not really......... i was upset that google earth didnt work09:43
Gog123but they came out with a linux version :)09:43
Redeif i type "sudo apache2" it does show the running process09:43
Gog123lynoure:  The bugs ive experienced are mostly gtk related and evolution related09:43
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Gog123the gtk bugs are known, should be fixed by edgy eft09:44
Gog123evolution should be fixed by then too in the next update09:44
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FlannelRede: no idea, only thing I can think of is that youve got some bad configuration somewhere.  Might try asking in #apache they should be able to help you more09:44
=== draconius [n=j00@12-226-244-247.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gog123lynoure:  the thing is some windows media files wont work09:44
HealotI am still using Windows, MacOSX.. Linux is currently running on another machine too09:44
=== nashy [n=hsdkljh@220-253-84-228.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Gog123even after installing easyubuntu09:44
Redeahhh ok i thought here would be the place to try since i got it from the ubuntu apt repos09:45
=== CarNagE__ [n=CarNi@dslb-084-056-249-091.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengido i need a driver for a printer located on a network throught a pc running on windows?09:45
Gog123looks like linux will be the new standard for os tho09:45
nashyAny hints on first boot of Ubuntu, I'm installing it now :-)09:45
KenSentMeDoes anyone know a nice gui password generator?09:45
Paladinecompengi, samba09:45
LynoureGog123: That'll prolly be a neveranding race. When they get supported, MS will probably sprout a new format.09:45
Gog123windows employees are all moving to google at a fast clip09:45
compengiPaladine, what?09:45
Gog123another 2 more employees just this week :)09:45
snoopsKenSentMe passwords are supposed to be things you can remember :)09:45
Paladinesamba is for file and print sharing09:46
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Healotnashy: after successful installation, you can just enter the desktop :)09:46
Paladinebetween linux and windows09:46
Redenashy: if you don't know about it already, use automatix once you're done installing.09:46
Gog123lynoure:  Is easyubuntu the only program to install the codecs?09:46
Flannelnashy, don't use automatix.09:46
Gog123cause it doesnt work for all files09:46
nashyI know nothing about Linux OS' this is the first one I want to use and hopefully convert from Windows09:46
KenSentMesnoops: yeah, but they're not supposed to be obvious like my birthdate09:46
compengiPaladine, where should i install it?09:46
Gorlistwhen I try to mount, comes up with ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy09:47
Gorlistmount: you must specify the filesystem type09:47
Healotnashy: learn slowly, but be eager at the same time09:47
Paladineyou install samba on linux09:47
garryFAutomatix is the alternative to easyubuntu, which seems to be screwed up at now. I got lucky and used it when easyubuntu was worth the bits it was written on.09:47
Paladineand you make sure File and Print Sharing is installed in windows (it normally is by default)09:47
LynoureGog123: not only. But not that bad. I think automatix also does but I have heard mixed things about it09:47
Gog123automatix changes the source list09:47
Gog123i was told not to use automatix09:47
punkmexicdoes anyone knows if amsn or gaim support audio conversations for msn?09:47
Gog123cause  it modifies stuff09:47
LynoureGog123: indeed.09:47
snoopsKenSentMe yep.. think of some word, add a few numbers and a few extra characters and there you go09:47
Gog123lynoure correct?09:47
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs09:48
Gog123lynoure:  Turns out easyubuntu has been revised a little09:48
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:48
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:48
punkmexicdoes anyone knows if amsn or gaim support audio conversations for msn?09:48
LynoureGog123: Never tried it. Never needed to. And too tired to look it up.09:48
Paladinethere you go compengi09:48
jenda-lappyI need a bit of help with OpenOffice. My dad uses .doc exclusively and whenever he saves a document in OO.org, the next time he opens it, all "" are replaced with a japanese character of some sort. When done again, all of these are converted to question marks. Any ideas?09:48
garryF!info samba09:48
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In repository main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 2778 kB, installed size 7080 kB09:48
jenda-lappyGog123, yes, easyubuntu is safe to use.09:49
Paladinejenda, save as is your friend09:49
PaladineOOo can save as ms office filetypes09:49
Gog123will the google summer of code ubuntu updates make it to edgy eft?09:49
Gog123or will that be in the next release09:49
MadpilotGog123, maybe - it's hard to say09:49
jenda-lappyPaladine, that's not the problem. _When_ it's saved as .doc, the encoding gets borked.09:49
ConstyIt sucks that OOO Database doesn't support Access databases... not even exporting :/09:49
=== Al2O3 has found this page [http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/] useful
Gog123madpilot due to google's funding and profitability, they seem to be a major contributor09:50
Paladinejenda, I have never had any problems saving as or reading from .docs09:50
Gog123last time they sped up linux big time09:50
snoopsaccess databases.. oh gosh!09:50
DuffAlright guys, I think I may have downloaded something...Wrong-ly. The .iso is supposed to be 600mb right?09:50
jenda-lappyPaladine, perhaps because you don't use non ASCII characters...09:50
MadpilotAl2O3, yet another private project that overlaps the existing documentation @ help.ubuntu.com - gah....09:50
Paladineconsty, OOo database supports SQL, Access supports SQL, so yes they are both compatable with each other09:50
MadpilotDuff, 697Mb, it looks like09:51
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Al2O3Madpilot, I would agree, and a little more streamlined and simple for my mind's eye.09:51
Al2O3but yes, agreed.  Duplicate.09:51
DuffFuck. The .iso I have is only 94mb.09:51
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ConstyPaladine: uhhhh. I'm referring to stand alone database file types.  Yes they both support SQL.. but from a design point of view and creating a dbase they dont09:51
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jenda-lappyDuff, language...09:51
garryFI'm going to try this saving and see what happens.09:51
LynourePaladine: different versions of SQL are often quite incompatible, unfortunately. But nice if at least those too play along.09:51
MadpilotDuff, language, thanks - and it looks like you got a bad download..09:51
PolkadotshortsUbuntu people, I have a question. what is the purpose of the About Me. (System -> Preferences -> About Me)09:51
Gog123madpilot:  theres now an opensolaris version based on ubuntu....... but is opensolaris activly developed now?09:51
MadpilotGog123, no idea09:51
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=== Gog123 is tempted to try it
Gog123its the same code packages but with a opensolaris kernel09:52
garryFHmmm, Duff, Iso's are meant to burn to a CD then you boot the cd to install or run linux as a live cd.09:52
PolkadotshortsUbuntu people, I have a question. what is the purpose of the About Me. (System -> Preferences -> About Me)09:52
Gog123solaris was commercially developed09:52
ConstyPaladine: I can't take a database created with ooo database and open it in access, or vice-versa.09:52
=== Al2O3 is watching the BrotherWhereArtThou.avi file he was perplexed 1.5 hours ago on getting to be usable from CDROM in Ubuntu, now I will work on sound :)
=== Gog123 is tempted
=== Awal [n=asdf@adsl-69-155-45-6.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jenda-lappyPolkadotshorts, some apps can draw that info to include in your documents or fill in web forms for you.09:53
DuffI know, Garry. I was just wondering why My .iso was only 94 MBs.09:53
=== Al2O3 hears a grand hurra for the community from his groggy mind.
PaladineI would be suprised if OOoBase doesn't support ODBC09:53
MadpilotDuff, your download must have been stopped somehow09:53
=== Risky_jatt [n=noble@adsl-68-254-163-53.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiPaladine, can't i access the windows network without all these skripting!09:54
PaladineI think you can basically use Base as a front nd for any engine if my understanding is correct09:54
Healotand opensolaris is community based... I think canonical is developing nexenta based on opensolaris and GNU tools atm09:54
compengiPaladine, can't i access the windows network without all these scripting!09:54
Gog123healot cannocal is involved with nexenta?09:54
=== Al2O3 bows and worships the existence of this wonderfully helpful channel and it's people/users.
DuffAlright, I'm just going to order a CD. Screw it. How long do CDs take? Like...Shipping time?09:54
Paladinecompengi, sure, use a windows netowrk.  but if you wanna share files and printers between linux and windows you need to use samba09:54
garryFI save a file with a Y in it in word 97 win xp, win 2000 format and have not that issue with y being changed.09:54
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@217-175-216-92.dyn-pool.spidernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenSentMeDuff: a few weeks. Where are you from, if i may ask?09:55
Gog123healot:  Yep its community based, but how is opensolaris vs linux09:55
LynoureDuff: Have you ignored all the comments to you about language or are you just pushing the limits for fun?09:55
MadpilotDuff, takes 6-8 weeks, maybe a bit less if you're lucky09:55
dxdemetriouI have the samba with the smbpasswd, and I saw that works different with the samba of gnome. What is better to use?09:55
=== foofoooo_ [n=chatzill@cpe-66-75-246-196.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
garryFBad hair night likely.09:55
HealotGog123: both are good, it's really depends on your choice...09:55
Gog123healot which is better for what?09:56
DarkMageZDuff, it took 3 weeks to get mine09:56
Healotto me, I can go with either...09:56
Duff6-8 Weeks? D: Language? All I said was "Screw it."09:56
Healotatm Linux is more stable and supported commercially09:56
PaladineConsty, OOo Base supports ODBC so just export to ODBC09:56
PolkadotshortsCan I ask a question? I sometimes see screen shots of people's Linux desktop, and then I see these widget type things. Can someone please shed some light (so far, my 3 questions I have posted here have been ignored, but try and answer this one).09:56
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garryFDuff, are you on dialup?09:56
blaster999hi all09:56
Paladinewhich access also supports09:56
LynoureDuff: And I bet you meant little metal bits with that, sure.09:56
blaster999is there a way to install Lilo instead of grub on ubuntu?09:56
DuffNo, I'm connected wirelessly to a cable connection.09:56
MadpilotPolkadotshorts, look up "gdesklets", that seems to be the most common desktop widget set09:56
ConstyPaladine: ODBC is a protocol for communicating with the database.. I'de have to program queries for everything.09:56
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ConstyPaladine: Totally unrealistic.09:57
Paladinestill doable though09:57
nashy97% Installation - Fingers Crossed everyone09:57
Paladineyou never said you wanted an easy solution09:57
PolkadotshortsMadpilot: Thanks!09:57
blaster999because Grub doesn't seem to work on my lappy09:57
ConstyPaladine: If you create something in java.. but you can't do it in OOO itself.09:57
DuffAnd can I really not say "Screw it." in here? That's not even bad.09:57
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garryFWel, you should download the iso to your computer and burn it or are you saying when you only had 67 mb that you don't have room for the iso on your hard drive?09:57
Healotblaster999: with alternatCD, expert install mode09:57
=== yvette [n=yvette@AP-202-70-111-253.compass.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu
blaster999Healot: thanks!09:58
=== meander [n=mike@c-71-192-7-48.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiPaladine, i don't want to share my linux files, i just want to access my windows network and to use the printer on the windows network09:58
Paladinewhy do you have to support access anyway? it is pretty much deprecated09:58
meanderok. heres the thing09:58
Healotin the boot loader install, choose either lilo or grub09:58
DuffNo, I have room for the full 600mb, I just don't know why it stopped at 94mb.09:58
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Paladinecompengi, like I said, you need to use samba09:58
MadpilotDuff, try downloading it again - the Ubuntu servers are fairly fast09:58
meanderme and some others have been trying to get amarok working on my ubuntu 6.06 system09:58
garryFOh, you probably just had some internet issues. It is pretty fast to retry.09:58
=== diop [n=diop@125.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
meanderfolowed probably every guide there is, and nothing came out of it09:59
DuffIt was only downloading at like 26kb/s. Anyone know how to increase my download speeds in FF?09:59
blaster999meander: worksforme (TM)09:59
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yvetteplease help, one of my pc can only dislpay 640x480 resolution09:59
=== joyrom [n=yegermai@ip-16-161.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
compengiPaladine, it's so complex here in linux in windows it's much simpler, and btw if i used samba do i still need a driver for that printer?09:59
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:59
joyromhello people09:59
Healotyvette: what's your graphics card?09:59
yvetteits an onboard video10:00
Paladinecompengi, well the other solution would be to get a USB switch and have theprinter plugged into the windows network and the linux machine, then just switch between the two10:00
nashyJoyrom - Hey10:00
joyromhey nashy10:00
garryFDuff:  Is that slow speed what you got now or way back when you first tried.10:00
=== revilot [n=se7en1ne@24-171-76-81.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Healotbrand perhaps? yvette. if you used windows previously, you can check that out first10:00
PaladineI got a USB "KVM" device for 17GBP10:00
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joyromI installed the xubuntu version10:00
joyromthere is another chan for this?10:01
DuffGarry, that's what I got when I first tried.10:01
yvettei have another unit with the same specs but those unit is capable of using 800x60010:01
revilotanyone have a clue as to how I could get a turtle beach santacruz soundcard to work in dapper?10:01
KenSentMeIn order to be able to help people like Duff burning iso's i've downloaded and installed cdburnerxp with wine. Does anyone know how i could fake or make that program recognize a cd bruner, otherwise i can't use the burn options.10:01
Madpilotjoyrom, there's #xubuntu, but it's often very quiet10:01
garryFI bet it could be a harbinger of internet issues you had back then. try it now, see if it's faster.10:01
=== meander [n=mike@c-71-192-7-48.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
nashyHelp!  I'm at the login screen, but I wasn't asked to provide username details10:01
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KenSentMe!resolution > yvette10:01
Healotit just start the desktop nashy?10:01
KenSentMeyvette: check what ubotu tells you10:02
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@mailhost.newtec.be] has joined #ubuntu
nashyNope, booted straight to login screen10:02
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:02
Madpilotnashy, new install or LiveCD?10:02
joyromok Madpilot can I reamin here?10:02
nashymadpilt - New install10:02
Madpilotjoyrom, sure, and if you can't get an answer in #xubuntu, ask here10:02
yvettegot it thanks10:02
=== jleibold [n=jleibold@R30a1.r.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
garryFThere is a wine channel, I've heard they are pretty helpful there. Ibet you could get a faster answer there on wine and that cd burner issue.10:03
nashySo how do I login?10:03
joyromanyone can tell me if the difference is only the X system?10:03
Madpilotnashy, at some point during the install, you should have been asked for username, password & computer name10:03
jleiboldtvtime is extremly slow - xawtv runs without problems - any idea?10:03
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Flanneljoyrom: xubuntu has xfce insead of gnome.  A few program differences as well.10:04
nashyit asked for a password and computer name10:04
nashyno username though10:04
Healoteh? X chooser login?10:04
blaster999Healot: How exactly does one enter an expert mode using 6.06 alternate?10:04
Madpilotnashy, you sure?10:04
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garryFjoyrom: Well, I think kde in Kbuntu uses a different package manager.10:04
nashyvery, I went through that stage twice as my first attempt at install didn't work10:04
Healotblaster999: follow the screen instruction, choose text mode10:04
garryFI got both kde and gnome on this system10:04
Madpilotnashy, odd - using the LiveCD's installer?10:05
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Healotnext type expert and press Enter10:05
nashyumm.. I downloaded the alternate cd10:05
joyromcan I install anyway another X system10:05
garryFThat's the best choise to get nashy10:05
joyromin every distro10:05
revilotanyone have a clue as to how I could get a turtle beach santacruz soundcard to work in dapper?10:05
Madpilotjoyrom, sure10:05
blaster999Healot: thanks!10:05
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Madpilotnashy, ah - I'm not sure how the Alternate CD's installer works, haven't used Dapper'10:05
nashyif it did ask me for a username I would have used nashy for sure.  Is there anyway to login as root to add a user?10:06
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HealotgarryF: yup you can manually isntall XFree or other X server...10:06
Madpilots - but the Breezy install certainly asked for a pw10:06
Madpilotnashy, you can use the recovery console, which has root access10:06
Healota bit hard i think. but possible, garryF10:06
joyromok I have to learn about Linux too10:06
DuffThe download started at like 600kb/s and steadily went down to 208kb/s. I'm just going to have to install it in the morning.10:06
garryFrevilot: I remembr that card. Tried all kinds of things tryign to get the card from santa cruz to work.10:06
SubhumanMadpilot, the alternative installer CD is just the text based installer like breezy had10:06
MadpilotSubhuman, yeah, thought so10:06
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DuffAlso, once I stick the CD with the .iso on it, and boot it up, is it going to auto partition it or what?10:07
garryFWasn't my card. Someone here had it.10:07
garryFIt can auto partition10:07
revilotgarryF: thats not good news10:07
joyromthank you at all10:07
nashyDuff - It will give you partition options10:07
MadpilotDuff, there are options for partitioning during the install, but the LiveCD won't touch your harddrives at first10:07
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KenSentMeDuff: you have several options, but you need a spare partition to put ubuntu on10:07
twagerAny help with s/b live ens1370 ??10:07
garryFrevilot Yeah. I wish I knw what his fix was. It was several weeks ago.10:07
DuffAlright, I'm just asking. Also, Do I choose "Boot from CD" or do I just open the CD in windows?10:07
revilotgarryF: did he get it working10:08
KenSentMeDuff: boot from the cd10:08
MadpilotDuff, start your machine w/ the CD in your drive10:08
jleiboldcan no one help me with tvtime?10:08
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DuffMy machine isn't set to boot from it's drives though.10:08
nashyOk - I'm in recovery console, what do I do from here, I have no idea :-s10:08
garryFrevilot Seems he did. I can't recall what he did.10:08
DuffAt least I don't think it isn't.10:08
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revilotok thanks m810:08
KenSentMejleibold: what you could try is to run tvtime from the terminal and see if it's produces any errors10:09
twagerAny help with s/b live ens1370 ??10:09
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garryFDuff: Ye need to set it to boot from the cd rom if there is one in drve.10:09
MadpilotDuff, you'll need to tweak your BIOS to allow booting from CDROM before HDD10:09
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems10:10
DuffUmm...So when I start my computer I press...Which one of the F_ Buttons?10:10
nashyF8 usually10:10
nashyor DEL10:10
PaladineDEL to enter the BIOS10:10
KenSentMeor F210:10
garryFMine was f210:10
PaladineF8 for boot options10:10
dxdemetriouWhat must I have to works the samba of gnome, and what I must delete for the smbpasswd I worked before?10:10
DuffxD I'll just press F8 and hope everything works.10:10
jleiboldKenSentMe: no errors when running from terminal - tvtime runs but only get one frame every ten seconds10:11
nashyhow do I add a user via recovery console?10:11
Subhumanmine was f8 or f12 on my laptop10:11
PaladineI have seen F8 and occassionaly F5, never seen F210:11
twagerubotu:This I have done...Sound was perfect in ubunto and mepis before I tried out Suse then sound stopped working10:11
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu:This I have done...Sound was perfect in ubunto and mepis before I tried out Suse then sound stopped working10:11
garryFIt should tell you which to press to get into cmos10:11
twagerin both ubuntu and mepis10:11
KenSentMejleibold: i don't know the program that good, so i can't help you. Running in terminal mostly tells you when there are problems10:11
garryFI've seen some that were ctrl-alt-s10:11
jleiboldKenSentMe: I wonder why msp3400 produces heavy cpu load when running tvtime10:12
DuffWell, on my other computer it's like...Ctrl+D or something.10:12
Paladinegarry, muist be a furranor thing ;p10:12
nashyhow do I add a user via recovery console? Anyone?10:12
garryFA dinobox10:12
Subhumannashy, "adduser username"10:12
DuffThanks again for all the help guys. I'm done with questions for the night. I'm sure I'll be back here tomorrow though, when I install it.10:13
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Madpilotnashy, as Subhuman said, then "addgroup username admin" - same username as the one you just created, so you've got sudo privs10:13
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KenSentMejleibold: have you searched the ubuntuforums.org on your problem, maybe there is someone who had the same10:14
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Madpilotnashy, then "shutdown -r now" to restart your computer10:14
nashyMadpilot / Subhuman:  The user 'nashy' does not exist10:14
Paladinemad - "reboot" works too :)10:14
jleiboldKenSentMe: searched a lot of forums - will have a look there - thank you10:14
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Madpilotnashy, "adduser nashy" doesn't work?10:14
Al2O3fyrestrtr, question now.  I have 4 accounts on this computer, and the uid=1000 solution works for me, user 1000 UID, but not obviously for others, how to solve this was in theory to use mask=666 where all parties (users) would mount and have xw prives, but we know that didn't work in /etc/fstab.  The uid=1000 did for me as I stated, but now I want the other users to be able to login, and have mount/read on the CD working.  Any oth10:14
Al2O3er ideas on how to solve this problem?10:14
jenda-lappyI need a bit of help with OpenOffice. My dad uses .doc exclusively and whenever he saves a document in OO.org, the next time he opens it, all "" are replaced with a japanese character of some sort. When done again, all of these are converted to question marks. When I use the replace tool to fix this manually, save and load, all my "" are replaced by copyright signs... Any ideas?10:14
Subhumannashy, type "adduser nashy admin"10:14
Subhumanand follow the prompts10:14
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nashysorry.. I read wrong guys.  Try reboot now thanks :-)10:16
MadpilotSubhuman, that's a simpler method that the one I was suggesting - thanks :)10:16
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Paladinenite peeps10:17
garryFHere is what I put in my /etc/fstab to get access to a particular drive accross users ... /dev/sda1 /mnt/Sata1 ntfs uid=1000,umask=000,ro 0 010:17
garryFNight Paladine10:18
nashyohh guys.  This is a nice looking OS you got here10:18
Healotnashy: up and running already?10:18
nashyYeah.  No internet though.  Whats the process to fix that?10:19
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nashyNetwork works, I can see my router, just no connection :-S10:19
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garryFIs it wireless?10:19
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nashyna, blue cables everywhere :-p10:20
Madpilotnashy, wired net usually just works - odd that it didn't10:20
girishhi all ....can i copy debian packages available with magazine cd's like that of LFY to the apt/cache?10:21
Madpilotdo you have more than one network port on your box, nashy?10:21
Healotblue? by any chances th cables is written "cat 5"?10:21
nashyI'm running cat 5 from computer (only one port) to a switch, then to a router10:21
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garryFsystem/administration/network nashy. It will ask for a password, that will be the password for the first account you created.10:21
nashyit connects to my router as I can view the config of it10:21
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KenSentMegirish: you could copy them to your ubuntu and install them with 'sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb'10:22
ubotuI know nothing about network10:22
Madpilotnashy, hmm, if it's connecting to your router, it should get the rest of the way out to the net...10:22
nashyShould yeah, but firefox does nothing10:22
garryFSee under system/administration/networking maybe that help.10:23
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girishkensentme: hiii if i backup the already downloaded packages to my harddisk and upgrade to ubuntu 6 then will i be able to install the same packages without having to download them10:24
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nashyAdd/Remove thing is connected, it just updated :-s10:24
garryFThere are also network tools.10:24
Madpilotgirish, are they Ubuntu packages or Debian ones? There are differences10:24
girishthey r ubuntu packages10:24
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KenSentMegirish: if you are talking about ubuntu packages, then it's best to download new ones, because the versions are upgraded10:24
girishi downloaded with synaptic10:24
girishohh but i juz downloaded them10:25
Madpilotnashy, open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type "ping -c 5 google.com" - see what that does10:25
girishkensent me:ohh but i juz downloaded them10:25
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nashyMadpilot: ping:bad number of packets to transmit10:25
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KenSentMegirish: when you are upgrading ubuntu it means that you install newer versions of the software, so the old versions are mostly not used anymore10:26
nashyMadpilot: I got it to ping, and its fine with 10 packets10:26
Madpilotnashy, then Firefox is being stupid for some reason :|10:27
nashyhmm.. I'll have to have a look at the settings :-S10:27
girishkensentme:some of the IDE's are not in the ubuntu cd10:27
girishlike eclipse10:27
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Madpilotgirish, eclipse is available via Ubuntu's online repos - it's in Universe10:28
KenSentMegirish: then mostly you can download them with the package manager synaptic, but it probably will be newer versions10:28
ubotuI know nothing about aiglx10:28
SpeesKeekhi there. Im trying to install. but it takes ages before the cd boots (and other distro's too) uncompressing linux takes about 20-25minutes10:29
girishohh...i know madpilot but the thing is that i want to avoid a redownload coz i have the packages in my cache right now10:29
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nbjaymeokay.... we reinstalled ubuntu and everything works fine....10:30
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garryFFirefox under edit/preferences/general has a connection config button. Might try looking at that.10:31
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garryF!info aiglx10:31
ubotuPackage aiglx does not exist in dapper10:31
girishbye guys..10:31
Constyanyone have problems with their sound sounding all crackly with programs like zsnes?10:32
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garryFHmm, I got cracklines once after changing some settings by using alsamixer. I fixed it by experimenting with alsamixer command in terminal mode10:33
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spadesthere is an alsamixergui fyi10:34
garryFer cracky sound.10:34
nashyI have a USB audio interface device, are there any drivers for it?10:34
garryFnice, thanks10:34
ubotuI know nothing about usbsound10:34
ubotuI know nothing about usb10:34
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nashygarryF: What?10:34
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:34
garryFsound blaser live?10:34
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nashyno.  Its a USB sterio10:35
Constyits onboard intel something.. forget the # but its detected by alsa10:35
ConstyI mean I can play dvd's and such just fine10:35
AnAntis there software in Ubuntu that can be used to edit media files ?10:35
Constybut zsnes, mame, and other apps sound bad.10:35
soundraynashy: ubuntu should load the driver for it automatically.10:35
garryFHmm, The ! before a word is an attempt to get the bot to show you useful info on getting your sound working.10:36
nashysoundsray: Its not there / working10:36
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems10:36
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soundraynashy: do you get any errors when you plug it in?10:36
garryFFirefox still giving you fits getting past router?10:37
garryFer that was for nashy10:37
nashyI haven't unplugged it.  I also don't have Sys - > Pref -> Multimedia10:37
stefgI'm a bit confused using mount with the '--bind' or '--rbind' switches. I'm trying to mount only a dir called /boot on hda1 (vfat for a reason) to the /boot mountpoint on hda5 (which is my ubuntu root). Can anyone tell me what to enter to the otpions colum in fstab to accomplish this?10:37
nashyyeah, firefox still a no go10:37
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soundraynashy: unplug it, run 'tail -f /var/log/messages', then plug it in and see if any errors are reported.10:38
garryFI guess I"ve been lucky. It detected all stuff except sound which was easy to figure out how to fix. I wish I knew how to fix firefox.10:38
soundraynashy: sorry, tail -f /var/log/syslog10:39
nashyIt says its there, and tells me the device name, and says open prefs10:39
nashybut its not in the list to say I can select it10:39
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soundraynashy: have you restarted gnome since you connected it?10:39
nashyI was gunna try and get my internet working first10:40
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soundraynashy: better to solve one problem at a time.10:40
cheeseman557hey im installing ubuntu and i keep getting this error repeatedly: buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block 2555310:40
garryFnashy can ping, but his firefox just sits there and does nothing.10:40
dabaRgarryF: did he clear the cache?10:40
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garryFdabaR DUnno10:41
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nashysoundray:  I'll play with Internet first, I need that more than sound, if all else fails with sound I can use my laptop10:42
nashyFirefox still not working :-(10:42
soundraycheeseman557: could be a faulty CD or CD drive.10:42
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cheeseman557soundray: but my laptop is practially brand new10:43
cheeseman557do you tihnk i shuld burn a new cd?\10:43
dabaRnashy: do you have a firewall installed that you know of? firestarter?10:43
soundraynashy: what kind of firewall?10:43
garryFMaybe brand new faulty device10:43
cheeseman557yea but i installed windows with it and windows is fine10:43
nashydabaR / soundray: This is a clean install, I wouldn't have a clue, I've never used Ubuntu in my life10:43
soundraycheeseman557: perhaps check the CD first. There is a boot option.10:43
cheeseman557soundray, yea thats what i did and thats when im getting this error10:44
soundraynashy: I mean on your network. Is there a router/firewall?10:44
cheeseman557does that mean my cd is messed up?10:44
dabaRnashy: and you tried pinging you say? "ping google.com" in a terminal gets replies?10:44
soundraycheeseman557: probably. Try burning a new one. Some people have solved problems like that by selecting a lower burning speed.10:44
nashysoundray:  No firewall in use10:44
garryFIf I recall, nashy used the recocery mode to add a new user, unless I got him mixed up with another. Perhaps the new user has no internet and sound priveleges?10:45
nashydabar: Yeah, ping is fine10:45
nashygarryF:  Correct, I needed to add a user10:45
cheeseman557soundray, ok thanks.. i just reformmated my comp thinking it was a problem with the hard drive >_<10:45
garryFARgh, I hate my spelling10:45
Madpilotnashy, open a term, type "groups"10:45
nashyMadpilot: nashy admin10:45
garryFYes! Mad's good. I hope to learn to fix this too by watching.10:46
nashywhat have I done/not done?10:46
Madpilotit should look something like "brian adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin" - that's what I get from 'groups'10:46
nashyeek.  How would one go about fixing that?10:46
dabaRI have an issue with printing to a HP PSC 1215 on a win XP computer. I get to add the printer through the gnome-cups-add dialog, and it gets detected on the network, after entering the proper passwords for connecting to that PC. I then get to choose the printer driver, and mine is not listed. There is psc 1210, and 1200, so I tried choosing either, and the printer gets added, and says ready when the other PC and printer are on. However,10:46
garryFIs it possible nashy is in livecd mode?10:47
dabaRIs "machine" the last word there?10:47
MadpilotdabaR, "on. However"10:47
nashygarryF: I just did a fresh install.  I chose OEM install10:47
soundraynashy: go to System-Admin-Users and Groups. Give your user all rights.10:47
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Madpilotnashy, ah - OEM install is odd. No wonder you're having issues10:47
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garryFYeah, oem sounds like a solaris thing.10:48
fyrestrtrsoundray: what kind of advice is that?!10:48
garryFNextenta, an dapper with a solaris core backend.10:48
dabaRon. However, I send the printer a job, which gets added to the printer q for a moment, then the printer status goes to ready again, but nothing prints on the machine.10:48
soundrayfyrestrtr: what do you mean?10:48
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nashyshould I reinstall?  Its no hassle if thats the best thing to do10:49
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fyrestrtrsoundray: no reason for a user to be part of all groups in the system. That's just asking for trouble.10:49
garryFLikely, using default install10:49
soundraynashy: is it correct what garryF said, that you added a new user in recovery mode?10:49
nashysoundray: yes10:49
Madpilotnashy, you might be better off reinstalling, using the default install mode10:49
garryFI agree10:50
soundraynashy: I wouldn't waste time reinstalling.10:50
dxdemetriouI have stay on ext3 for the reason that I never had problem with power lost. Is there another like this file system?10:50
nashySo instead of selecting OEM install, I select Text Install?    soundray: what do you recommend, I mean, if its easier to re-install its no hassle at all10:50
garryFthere is one person who worked me through recreating the groups and all.10:50
soundraynashy: if you are going to login with that username you added, all you need to do is give that user all system privileges, including connecting to the internet.10:50
cheeseman557whats the minimum size for the swap file?10:50
Flannelnashy: you want to end up with a normal desktop?10:50
Flannelcheeseman557: 010:50
nashyFlannel:  Well, I want normal yeah :-p10:51
Flannelnashy: then, put in the alternate CD, and just hit enter.  or, the default thing.10:51
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Flannelnashy: text install soudns about right.  not server, not OEM.10:51
Madpilotnashy, go System->Admin->Users & Groups, select your user, hit Properties, then go to the User Privs tab - select stuff there10:51
garryFText install gives you more flexability too. Might try what Madpilot says first.10:52
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nashyI just added all privs10:53
nashyno change10:53
Madpilotnashy, you might have to log out & log in again - I'm not sure10:53
soundraynashy: you need to log out and in again to activate the changes.10:53
garryFMight have to reboot.10:53
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garryFThe user you are logged in as should be user id 100010:54
SpeesKeekinstall takes ages, whats the prob? (eg uncompressing linux takes about 20-25minutes)10:54
jenda-lappyI need a user-level (not sudo) command to restart the ethernet connection. Can anyone hint me in?10:54
garryFHmm, last time I saw a slow install, it was a dying hard drive or slow computer10:54
Ngjenda-lappy: I don't believe there is such a thing10:54
soundraySpeesKeek: underclocked 386 processor?10:54
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SpeesKeekgarryF .. i tried a 666mhz, 800mhz and a 1ghz.. all the same10:55
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SpeesKeeksoundray .. just a std PIII10:55
fyrestrtrjenda-lappy: unplug the cable10:55
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fyrestrtrjenda-lappy: plug it back in.10:55
SpeesKeekgarryF .. it is the install cd that takes ages to show me the install...10:55
nashyLogged out and in, terminal shows all privs, still no firefox10:55
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jenda-lappyNg, really? Strange... the thing is that Ubuntu doesn't detect the ethernet wire being plugged and unplugged - so I need to remind it each time, and I don't want to make dad type his pwd each time.10:55
Gog123nexenta which is based on ubuntu with opensolaris looks nice10:56
garryFSpeesKeek: How much memory?10:56
soundraynashy: maybe you do want to reinstall10:56
Gog123the only thing is the kernel.....10:56
jenda-lappyfyrestrtr, that exactly is what doesn't work...10:56
Gog123in a comparison test, is linux or opensolaris better?10:56
nashysoundray:  Will do :-)10:56
SpeesKeekfor a text based thing 256 seems enough to me :)10:56
fyrestrtrjenda-lappy: hrmm, that's strange.10:56
garryFOpensolaris seems slow in booting10:56
soundraySpeesKeek: are you installing from CD?10:56
SpeesKeekits an ubunu :p10:56
SpeesKeekjup soundray10:56
fyrestrtrGog123: they are two different things, can't really compare one to the other.10:56
=== incubii [n=incubii@cor9-ppp2110.syd.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SpeesKeektied the server cd  and the alternate10:57
Gog123fyrestrtr:  Which is better for desktop pc?10:57
SpeesKeekthe ubunbtu 6 version10:57
Gog123opensolaris or linux10:57
SpeesKeekand a redhat 7.110:57
SpeesKeekboth afwull slow10:57
soundrayGog123: try asking this in #ubuntu-offtopic10:57
Gog123nexenta is essentially the same thing as ubuntu but with an opensolaris core10:57
garryFHmmm, Not sure, but 256 memory seems low for a gui10:57
nashyI'l talk to you guys soon, I'm reinstalling now :-)10:57
fyrestrtrGog123: ubuntu10:57
debarshiubuntu dapper (ie 6.06) is fine10:57
SpeesKeekgarryF .. i dont want gui10:57
garryFSpeesKeek Oh10:58
SpeesKeekjust a text based router, proxy thing10:58
debarshiBut my choice is Fedora10:58
SpeesKeekdebarshi .. a red hat 7.1 isnt working well either10:58
SpeesKeekand 7.1 is quite old.. a 150mhz pc ran that10:58
debarshiwhat is the machine you have?10:59
SpeesKeekthu there i a prob with HW i guess of a boot option10:59
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SpeesKeekdebarshia pIII 800mhz 256mb ram, dell optiplex thing10:59
soundraySpeesKeek: strange, it should run well. Have you tried a floppy distribution -- tomsrtbt?10:59
garryFAnd he wants a command line install no gui on his debarshia p11111:00
garryFer command line os11:00
debarshithings like FC2 should work fine11:00
cheeseman557holy moly i just reformmated my hd because i thought the hd was messed up but it was the cd!11:01
debarshiI mean I have seen such machines work.11:01
SpeesKeekthe install cd boots... but its taking 30minutes to come to recognizing the ide ports and stuff like that (things that taek normally spoken 3-4 secs)11:01
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SpeesKeekdebarshi .. ive got a much older red hat version than your fedora core thing an it isnt working either...11:01
garryFOuch cheeseman55711:01
soundraySpeesKeek: perhaps you should get one of those tiny routers that run OpenWRT. Your investment will be returned in electricity saved within a couple of years.11:01
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cheeseman557well i can finally sleep knowing it wasnt my brand new hd lol11:02
=== panthere_noire [n=panthere@adsl-soho-1-c18-p058.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
SpeesKeeksoundray ..  i dont want that.. i already HAVE those.. i need a linux server11:02
soundraycheeseman557: sr0 usually refers to optical drives.11:02
garryFOn that note, its good night time for me.11:02
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cheeseman557ok thanks11:03
=== garryF [n=garry@adsl-66-122-184-126.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
stylenie ein stream file ber smb share aufmachen11:03
cheeseman557this was a hard learnt lesson for a linux noob like me lol11:03
styleubuntu hngt sich auf :D11:03
soundraystyle: falscher channel11:03
stylehast recht11:03
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:03
styleeigentlich ist der gar nicht mal so schlecht der channel11:04
KenSentMestyle: please talk english or leave the channel11:04
debarshiSpeesKeek: are you trying to make it a server?11:04
stylei have a little problem, the aiglx config tool in the taskbar is not here any more (my fault). now i cant find it anymore11:05
soundraySpeesKeek: is there something wrong in the BIOS setup perhaps? Strange memory timings?11:05
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debarshiSpeesKeek, There is a guy in #fedora who is running FC5 on a PIII 500MHz.11:06
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SpeesKeekdebarshi yep11:06
SpeesKeeksoundray .. memory tinings cant be editited in a dell bios11:07
nashydebarshi: I've fun FC 3 on a P3 50111:07
SpeesKeeki ll try a win XP install to see if there are strange things there11:07
=== phreak97 [n=phreak97@219-90-167-181.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== p0mtop [n=p0m@c210-49-13-22.fitzg1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
p0mtopHi guys, I'm having an issue with a Radeon x1600 and Dapper 6.06.11:08
debarshinashy, thats what... I think SpeesKeek has got a different problem.11:08
p0mtopIt's booting, but when it gets to GDM, it just drops to a completely blank screen.11:09
p0mtopThis is using fglrx, not the default drivers that come on install. Anyone got any suggestions? :)11:09
SpeesKeekyeah i dont think it will run slow.. i run gentoo on an pIII 667 .. but the install is slow as a snail :)11:10
=== kbrust [n=kbrust@p54B6FC59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpeesKeekon this pIII 800 ..11:10
SpeesKeekso i think there are boot option problems11:10
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soundrayp0mtop: can you switch to a text login with Ctrl-Alt-F1?11:11
p0mtopNope, not at al.11:11
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p0mtopFirst thing I tried actually.11:11
p0mtopSetting the driver back to vesa allows it to boot.11:11
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p0mtopWell, to get to GDM would be more accurate.11:11
soundrayp0mtop: amd64 or i386?11:11
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p0mtopHaven't attempted using the drivers directly from the ati site as yet, was next on my list after checking in here.11:12
DuffQuestion: I'm writing the .iso to a disc, and I set it to 1x and I made sure the disc was set to "Bootable". Am I doing everything right?11:12
nashyDuff: You could load up the disc in something like Daemon then just copy on the fly11:12
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:12
p0mtopDuff, Sounds about right11:13
DuffAlright, because when I set it to "Bootable" it gave me all these options and I just left them at what they were at.11:13
=== Hit3k [n=allan@227.080.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zanattay eso11:13
soundrayp0mtop: have you commented out the int10 line in xorg.conf?11:13
p0mtopEr, nope.11:13
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p0mtopHad no suggestions to do that.11:13
p0mtopOne second, dropping to safe.11:13
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watson540zanatta<-- #ubuntu-es11:14
zanattaque es linux11:14
KismetTo let a library be load its enough to set propertly the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable or do I have to run even ldconfig?11:14
watson540zanatta<-- #ubuntu-es11:14
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p0mtopRight, rebooting with int10 commented out.11:15
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soundrayp0mtop: it's enough to do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:15
p0mtopOh, duh11:15
p0mtopI forgot about that.11:16
soundrayp0mtop: oh sorry, you can't if it's frozen...11:16
p0mtopYeah, heh.11:16
p0mtopBut I could've used start instead.11:16
acusterHey all, my external usb disk is not being recognized, where do I find info about hot-plugging?11:16
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-232-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
p0mtopOk. Screen's still black, flickers every now and then.11:16
=== Bixente [n=Bixente@ANantes-157-1-50-38.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayp0mtop: this int10 thing is from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI -- have you been through that page?11:17
p0mtopAh, I've been through the top half.11:17
p0mtopUp until using the binary drivers from ati.11:17
soundrayp0mtop: it's in the Notes section.11:18
p0mtopXorg didn't mention that error however.11:18
soundrayacuster: do you see any error messages related to plugging the drive in /var/log/syslog ?11:18
p0mtopGuessing using the drivers from ati.com wouldn't help.11:19
p0mtopOnly other reference I can find is http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=44763511:21
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purplequiet here11:22
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p0mtopArguing with an amd64 and a x1600 card, heh.11:22
raffyhello ppl11:22
soundrayp0mtop: is the ati driver working for you?11:23
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p0mtopIt was by default after install, yes.11:23
acustersoundray, yeah, lots thanks.11:23
andyjeffriesWhere can I find out about upcoming package version bumps?  I need a feature in PHP 5.1.3, but Ubuntu is currently on 5.1.2.  Is there an online database of packages, current live version, testing version and progress?11:23
p0mtopHere we go.11:24
SpeesKeekandyjeffries .. why dont you get the source frome php.org ?11:24
p0mtopIn the latest gdm error, O'11:24
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p0mtopStupid keyboard.11:24
soundrayp0mtop: so you could stick with those, or you could do an i386 install (might be better anyway, unless you want to run numbercrunching apps)11:24
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p0mtopI've got "Fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found.11:24
andyjeffriesSpeesKeek: Purely because I'm new to Ubuntu (previous Red Hat, then Gentoo user) and I'm trying to keep my system clean (only using .debs etc).11:24
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soundrayacuster: can you make sense of them? Paste them on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if not.11:25
SpeesKeekandyjeffries: i never had a ubuntu  system :p11:25
dabaRandyjeffries: there is a development version of ubuntu. /msg ubotu info php5 edgy11:25
p0mtopsoundray, Nah, not really for numbercrunching. Most I'd be doing is a few python replacement strings etc.11:25
=== bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
afd_hi! I've got an nvidia card on dapper and after some recent upgrades X wouldn't work anymore. I'm using nvidia-glx, and the x server error message is about some mismatch between nvidia kernel driver and x module driver. Any fixes or pointers on this issue?11:26
andyjeffriesdabaR: Thanks mate, apparently Edgy is still on 5.1.2 as well though. :-(11:26
p0mtopObviously I can keep the partition structure, heh.11:26
p0mtopI'll try that, thanks soundray :)11:26
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soundrayp0mtop: I'd go with i386. It's better anyway if you need Flash or Adobe Reader.11:26
p0mtopFlash is definitely needed.11:26
dabaRandyjeffries: nothing wrong with compiling.11:27
p0mtopThe monkeying about with firefox et al for that would be painful.11:27
=== thiago [n=thiago@200-210-53-225-arq.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
acustersoundray, seems like it was a few bad boots in a row from my crummy external usb case. another boot worked (with autodetect). thanks again11:27
p0mtopThankfully my ISP is one of those who are hosting the iso download.11:27
dabaRandyjeffries: /msg ubotu compile, /msg ubotu compiling11:27
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soundrayacuster: any time11:28
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andyjeffriesdabaR: Are you talking about from an aesthetic point of view?  I want to keep my system neat (so when I upgrade to Edgy on it's release it can automatically update those packages).  Maybe my best bet might be to read how to create a .deb.  Is there an easy way to get the current Ubuntu PHP 5.1.2 .deb and update it with a new PHP 5.1.3 tarball?  I'm not used to .debs (but know I could do the same thing with RPMs or Ebuilds).11:29
andyjeffriesI'm also a software developer so I'm not afraid of compiling, just dislike seemingly adhoc changes rather than going through the distributions package management system.11:29
=== cyphase thinks we need an ubuntu team just for creating menu entries for all ubuntu packages
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cyphasemaybe not a team, but it needs to be a goal11:30
p0mtopHeh. And not just add it to the end of the debconf?11:30
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p0mtopIronically I know someone with the same setup as me and it works fine apparently in kubuntu.11:31
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dabaRandyjeffries: ya, if you make a checkinstall, which I believe is covered in one of the links ubotu has on compiling, you will be able to also uninstall the source-code-made package at a later time, for upgrades, say. Not the easiest way to go around maybe, with all the links necessary to let the system know to use that php, but that is what I can think of.11:32
Ngandyjeffries: if the newer version is in edgy/debian you may well be able to patch the dapper package up to the latest version, but you should be careful of what patches are already applied - it may be that dapper includes some of the latest bugfixes11:32
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cupworldhi Hobbsee11:35
Hobbseehey cupworld11:35
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orbinanyone else getting this odd intermittant error message: "Error Launching Browser Window: No XBL Binding For Browser" when starting firefox?11:37
=== blo [n=blo@adsl-70-143-91-233.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRI have an issue with printing to a HP PSC 1215 on a win XP computer. I get to add the printer through the gnome-cups-add dialog, and it gets detected on the network, after entering the proper passwords for connecting to that PC. I then get to choose the printer driver, and mine is not listed. There is psc 1210, and 1200, so I tried choosing either, and the printer gets added, and says ready when the other PC and printer are on.11:38
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dabaRHowever, I send the printer a job, which gets added to the printer q on the XP PC, and starts being printed, then hangs forever. Any clues?11:38
=== murphy|away [n=murphybo@cpc4-cmbg2-0-0-cust358.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
MetaMorfoziShow can i set , to a user only have acces to his home?11:38
=== spikeb [n=spikeb@207-118-219-37.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
MetaMorfoziSnot anywhere systemfolders, /media etc11:38
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Slavikspeak czech and slovak ?11:39
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biertieI have a probllem11:39
biertieI am a starter with linux11:39
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.11:39
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biertieyesterday, I have installed ubuntu on my windows pc (dual boot)11:40
biertieeverything works great11:40
biertieexept.. my asus usb modem11:40
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g-nomewhat is the debian menu for?11:40
Slavikubotu dik11:41
ubotuI know nothing about dik11:41
Slavikthanx :)11:41
=== ke [i=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== cyphase is lately hearing stuff in his music that he didn't hear before
dabaRg-nome: it is a menu. really a left over feature noone ever cleaned up, it seems to me.11:41
cyphasestuff that's part of the song11:41
=== Tomcat__ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip72.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
g-nomedabaR: what a bloat...11:42
dabaRg-nome: meh. Do you know how to use alacarte?11:42
orbincyphase: new ears?11:42
g-nomeyeah removed it11:42
cyphaseit's as if it was always there11:42
cyphasebut the programs i use can't play it11:42
cyphasegsteramer update?11:43
cyphasemeaning, from breezy to dapper11:43
g-nomeorbin: how can you hide your country like this (in irc)? i want too :-)11:43
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nashyhey guys11:44
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orbing-nome: request a cloak from a freenode staffer11:45
nashyreinstalled, still no firefox11:45
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eugmanSo why do so many people idle here?11:45
g-nomeorbin: how can i do this exactly?11:45
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nashyso anyone know whats happening with Firefox?  :-(11:47
orbing-nome: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#helpfromstaff11:47
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nashy*still no firefox*11:48
iBroodMy kuubntu installation icon wont work. can someone please help me.11:49
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACCEDA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbinnashy: missed the question.  did you remove it?11:50
=== mitsuhiko [n=blackb1r@ringmaster.active-4.com] has joined #ubuntu
eugmanIBrood, installation icon? Could you elaborate?11:50
iBroodthe icon in dapper that is support to start installing from the live cd11:50
=== blo [n=blo@adsl-70-143-91-233.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRWhat does the A in "i   A   hpijs - printer driver..." in aptitude stand for?11:51
eugmanIBrood, what happens when you try it?11:51
bloHi, I'm wondering if the Ubuntu package for amaroK is compiled with libvisual support.  Anyone know?11:51
=== spike [n=spike@unaffiliated/spike] has joined #ubuntu
spikehi there11:51
iBroodnothing, it bounces around for a while and then dissapers11:51
spikeon dapper apt-get install w32codes and libdvdcss2 fail11:52
spikeit says package has no available candidates11:52
dabaRspike: of course11:52
spikeworked fine on my old breezy11:52
iBroodkonqueror works, but after a long delay11:52
diophow do i know the version of my Xorg ?11:52
KenSentMe!multiverse > spike11:52
dabaRspike: you had external repos in your sources.list11:52
Hobbseeblo: should od, yeah11:52
spikedabaR: so I have now, the restricted repo11:52
KenSentMe!restricted > spike11:52
KenSentMespike: check what uboto tells you11:53
bloHobbsee: Well, is there any reason no libvisual plugins show up in amaroK for me?11:53
bloJust xmms ones... I have all the libvisual packages installed and everything11:53
eugmanSorry, iBrood. I'm not sure what to do.11:53
dabaRKenSentMe: neither of those packages are in multiverse, are they?11:53
iBroodI'll post it on the forums then11:53
orbiniBrood: never tried it, but can you right-click on it and view it's properties?11:53
eugmandiop, you could probably look at the packages in synaptic.11:54
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Hobbseeblo: do you have libvisual0.2-plugins installed?11:54
Hobbseeblo: which amarok, too?11:54
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iBroodwell, there's a power cut at my place so I cant use that computer now11:54
iBroodwhat do you want me to check though?11:54
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bloHobbsee: I have that package installed, yes... amaroK 1.3.911:54
Hobbseeblo: weird, i dont know.  it seems to be.11:55
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bloShould I purge amarok and reinstall it?11:55
eugmanZaya, Ask a question first.11:55
orbiniBrood: what command it runs.  try launching it from a terminal.  might spit out some errors.   just a stab11:55
bloOr should I find another repository that has amaroK 1.4.1 in it and try that?11:56
iBroodok, I'll check it when the power comes back, went out a sec ago11:56
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eugmanZaya, I want to help you but I need to know what your problem is.11:56
Lynourezaya: Ubuntu is a good distro but it does not grant mindreading abilities to people using it, unfortunately :)11:56
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eugmanLynoure, should i report that as a bug?11:56
KenSentMedabaR: could be, i think he should look at the restricted page11:56
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zayathanks.  im a mexican.. i join in ubuntu-es11:57
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zayamy inglish its bad.11:57
zayathank =)11:57
Lynoureeugman: Maybe against the mindreading package. =)11:57
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Lynourezaya: good luck!11:57
Healotmy spanish is bad... zaya11:58
KenSentMedabaR: ok, thanx for the ubotu messages, but i already know them11:58
zaya=) oks thanksss.!! (y)11:58
dabaRKenSentMe: oh, the restrictedformats page...ya, you are right.11:59
nashyI've still got no working broswer, but have network connectivity11:59
nashyanyone help?11:59
eugmanNashy, what happens whe you try to visit a website?11:59
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nekromaanhello i compiled a new kernel and get this error msg http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=443368 and i cant mount my second hard drive11:59
bonynashy, firefox must be there?11:59
nashyeugman: sits for ages, then times out11:59
bogaI want to make money writing articles for Linux. Anyone knows what sites accept articles for cash?11:59
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bloIf libvisual doesn't work in amaroK installed from Ubuntu package repos (1.3.9) what should I do?12:00
bonyboga, try freesoftwaremagzine or linuxjournel12:00
nashybony:  Its isntalled, doesn't work though12:00
=== TigerWolf [n=TigerWol@ppp167-71.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
bonynashy, dose it quit the movment you try to run it?12:00
bonynashy, if so try running it from the terminal12:01
Lynourenashy: how have you tested network connectivity? And have you tried accessing various servers?12:01
eugmanhmmm, nashy install links2 and then type links2 www.google.com    . That should determine if it's related specifically to that browser or not.12:01
eugmanType that into the terminal I mean.12:01
fyrestrtryou don't need to install links212:02
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fyrestrtrfirst thing you need to do, is find out if your dns is setup properly.12:02
bonyxanax`, hello12:02
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fyrestrtrfrom a terminal, type dig google.com12:02
fyrestrtrdo you get a response?12:02
nashyeugman:  I have tried pinging google, and all is fine, and firefox opens my router all fine12:02
eugmanOk, so firefox is just wonky then correct?12:03
nashyfyrestrtr: as above12:03
nashyyeah.  Won't connect to the net12:03
fyrestrtrnashy: are you behind a proxy?12:03
nashyI don't believe so12:03
fyrestrtrwhat happens when you type wget http://www.google.com/ in a terminal window?12:03
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nashyfyrestrtr: Resolving google.com...         Connecting to google.com||:80...12:04
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fyrestrtrgoogle.com doesn't have the ip address of
fyrestrtrtype cat /etc/resolv.conf -- what do you see on the screen?12:05
FitzzCan someone suggest me a software wich i could use to chat and file share over intranet?12:06
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fyrestrtrFitzz: chat Applications -> Internet -> Gaim12:06
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Fitzzcan ip talk on gaim?12:07
Fitzzconnect inside intranet with gaim?12:07
nashyfyrestrtr: cat: /etc/resolve.conf: No such file or directory12:07
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eugmanFitzz, dod you know wht protocol you need to chat on?12:07
dabaRnashy: and how does pinging work by domain names then?12:07
fyrestrtrnashy: its cat /etc/resolv.conf (no e)12:08
RShadowcan somebody explain to me how I can install a piece of software, without install the dependencies? (for example I want to install mailman, but it wants to install apache. I don't want it to install apache because I already have a local build of it (I wanted 2.2 of apache) )12:08
diophow to know my material config ? graph card, HDD, processor and so on :12:08
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Fitzzeugman, any protocal that doesn't require server... that i can connect to other computer if she is waiting. And i am able to share files too12:08
nashyfyrestrtr: nameserver
dabaRRShadow: ignore-depends12:08
nashywhich is my router12:09
RShadowdabaR, thnx12:09
dabaRRShadow: man apt-get, man dpkg12:09
eugmanFitzz, Hmm I not sure then. Keep asking.12:09
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kristianHatred, you here?12:10
orbindiop: hardinfo is nice12:11
fyrestrtrnashy: now, what do you get when you type dig ubuntu.com | grep ubuntu.com. (that extra period at the end is important)12:11
RShadowdabaR, I have checked the man files for apt-get which is why I asked, because it doesn't mention it.. and ignore-depends doesn't work.12:11
orbindiop: but i usually just use some console commands12:12
dabaRRShadow: it is a dpkg option.12:12
dabaRRShadow: perhapd download all the packages that you want installed, then dpkg -i them, with ingore-depends. You are aware that you could break something like this, right?12:12
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nashyfyrestrtr: Done, now what?12:13
RShadowdabaR, yes I'm aware of that, but IMHO Ubuntu has some pretty strange depends.. (for example, mutt depends on postfix). But there should be a simple way to tell apt-get to just install the software I want.. I guess I'm spoiled by emerge12:13
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dabaRRShadow: not sure.12:14
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fyrestrtrnashy: what did you get as a response?12:15
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fyrestrtr(sorry am working on three pcs at once)12:15
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foxinesscan i chagne d4x to show me a speed of download with Kb or KB?12:15
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edgyHi, I put a script in /etc/cron.hourly but it seems it's not working, where can I find the log for it to track the reason?12:16
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foikerhi ppl12:18
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KenSentMeedgy: maybe you could look in /var/log/syslog12:18
foxinesshi foiker12:18
nashyfyrestrtr:  All sorts of stuff about blackcatnetworks, and stuff.  Everything says IN12:18
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PookyIs there a way to enable utf-8 in the local file system?12:18
foikeranyone know where the config file for totem gstreamer is? So I can change the subtitles codepage...12:18
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fyrestrtrnashy: okay, now do this command dig @ ubuntu.com | grep ubuntu.com. -- you get the same results?12:18
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KenSentMefoiker: i think the gstreamer config files are in /home/<user>/.gstreamer12:19
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nashyfyrestrtr: the numbers after the .com's are different12:20
foikerKenSentMe: Been there....it doesnt exist...(I enabled hidden files)12:20
nashyother than that they are the same12:20
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edgyKenSentMe: on syslog there is messages like: (root) CMD (   run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) but the name of my script doesn't show12:20
fyrestrtrnashy: okay, now try this wget http://www.ubuntu.com/12:20
cwilluyay, the night is over12:20
webmindI've got a question about gscreensaver12:21
KenSentMeedgy: i don't know much about crons, it was just a thought12:21
webmindit doesn't seem to be completely functional12:21
cwillunow, who wants to help me get a printer working?12:21
webmindis that correct ?12:21
cwilluwebmind: in what sense?12:21
KenSentMecwillu: what printer?12:21
webmindcwillu, well for instance.. I've got a slideshow screen saver.. but no way to set the slides ?12:21
cwillubrother mfc3240c12:21
cwilluwebmind: ah, yes12:21
webmindor any screen saver specific settings at all for that matter12:21
cwilluwebmind: quite12:21
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webmindso dapper now has a only partial working screensaver as default ?12:22
cwilluwebmind: apparently this is by design, but yes, it's misguided12:22
nashyfyrestrtr:  same as when I did it to google.com earlier, says connecting etc. |80... and keeps flashing at me12:22
webmindcwillu, this is by -design- ??12:22
edgyKenSentMe: thx any way for the trial12:22
cwilluwebmind: install xscreensaver and remove gnome-screensaver12:22
cwilluwebmind: not _my_ design :p12:22
webmindcwillu, yes. I know the solustion for me12:22
fyrestrtrnashy: does it download anything?12:22
webmindbut I'm also thinking of those loads of cluebees I try to convert12:22
cwilluI wish they hadn't done it myself;  there's also some security concerns in bringing in the extra libs used in the gnome version (screen locking)12:23
spikebwebmind: well, there's no real solution for them12:23
nashyfyrestrtr: nope12:23
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webmindspikeb, any idea how this came to be ?12:23
fyrestrtrnashy: type tracepath google.com12:24
spikebwebmind: gnomescreensaver finally got accepted.12:24
spikebwebmind: that's how heh12:24
fyrestrtrsee where it is hanging -- there is a problem with your router or something.12:24
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webmindspikeb, but why ?12:24
cwilluwebmind:  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/22007 might be what you're after12:24
spikebwebmind: i'm guessing because ubuntu is gnome orientated12:24
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cwilluwebmind: what spikeb is trying to say is that they didn't really think about the implications much  :p12:25
KenSentMecwillu: it seems like you can download the debian/ubuntu drivers from this page: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/cups_drivers.html and then probably you can 'sudo dpkg -i <downloaded.deb file>' to install it12:25
spikebcwillu: basically.12:25
cwilluKenSentMe: oops, I was there, completely missed the deb file12:26
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nashyfyrestrtr: Now what?  It went around the world as if I did it on windows tracert, 16 - 31 no reply12:26
fyrestrtrokay we can still try some things.12:26
webmindcwillu, k12:26
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webmindok, other question.. does anyone know how to create something like an ubuntu update cd ?12:27
webminda custom one12:27
nashyfyrestrtr: alrighty...?  Should I be scared :-p12:27
whitepyrodose ubuntu have a fire wall that might block postfix/sendmail from sending out?12:27
fyrestrtrnashy type this telnet google.com 8012:27
KenSentMecwillu: well, it might not work, i'm now trying to install my HL2030 with the .deb, but it doesn't work properly12:27
nashyfyrestrtr: connected12:27
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fyrestrtrthen type this GET /index.html HTTP/1.112:28
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fyrestrtrthen type Host: google.com12:28
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-187-40.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
fyrestrtrand hit enter (again)12:28
foikercan anyone at least tell me the name of the config file for gstreamer so I can search it ? its a buzzer12:28
nashyfyrestrtr: woo text google.  That worked12:29
KenSentMefoiker: maybe you find something in gconf-editor12:29
fyrestrtryou got HTTP/1.1 302 Found and all that junk from the google server?12:29
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nashysure did12:29
dabaRdid he enter a proxy, by chance?12:29
fyrestrtrnashy: okay now hit ctrl and ] 12:29
foikerKenSentMe: ok ty...will do r8 now12:29
fyrestrtrthen at the telnet> prompt, type quit12:30
fyrestrtrnashy: there is no problem with your internet connection, and you are not using a proxy -- congratulations.12:30
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nashyhoorah.  Firefox still doesn't like me though12:30
fyrestrtrokay now open up firefox12:31
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whitepyrohelp I broke my toe!12:31
nashyfirefox open at the welcome to ubuntu file12:31
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fyrestrtrnashy: what happens when you try to go to www.google.com ?12:32
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whitepyroyou tried reinstalling firefox?12:33
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nashyit just says connecting, the after a while it will time out12:33
foxinesscan i chagne d4x to show me a speed of download with Kb or KB?12:33
DarkMageZwith nautilus, where do i find the settings which tell it which files to open with which programs?12:33
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spikebDarkMageZ: right click on the file12:34
whitepyroedit -> pref -> connection settings. whats in their12:34
DarkMageZspikeb, oh, yeah i know those ones, but i wanna change a .wma to default to totem on double click, instead of mplayer12:35
shade^Anyone have experience with sata + ata drivers and grub? I cannot seem to get grub load and therefore I cannot boot to ubuntu at all.. Sata is master with xp installation?12:35
spikebthat USED to change the default. no idea now.12:35
SVisorMOT: Which video driver should I use in Win98 (guest) with WMWare server running on Ubuntu?12:35
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fyrestrtrnashy: what are your firefox settings?12:36
fyrestrtrnashy: do other things work -- like can you ... refresh the repos from synaptic, get on gaim, etc.12:36
nashyrepos are fine, I'll check another thing12:36
DarkMageZspikeb, got it :), have to goto properties in the right click menu =D12:36
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foikergrrrrr cant seem to find it I'll wget totem xine..it's a pity though gstreamer work fine for me12:37
MetaMorfoziShow can i set to a user ONLY can read and modify his home?12:37
foikerat least till now12:37
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nashyfyrestrtr: FF settings is selected Direct connection to the net, just like my windows laptop12:37
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MetaMorfoziShow can i set to a user ONLY can read and modify his home?12:38
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nashyfyrestrtr: gaim isn't connecting12:39
bogaMetaMorfoziS: what are you trying to prevent?12:39
foikerMetaMorfoziS: mas douleueis ? :P12:39
MetaMorfoziSmi a faszvan?12:39
cwilluMetaMorfoziS: how do you mean?12:39
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MetaMorfoziSi mean, if he logins on sftp, he only can list his home12:39
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MetaMorfoziSlist and modify12:40
p0mtopIf I'm reading that right, I'd just make sure they're not in sudoers and any other groups that allow / access.12:40
bogap0mtop: right on the head!12:40
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nashyfyrestrtr: trying to connect to both msn and icq, neither of which work12:41
p0mtopUnless he doesn't want the user enumerating ~any~ folder other than their own.12:41
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p0mtopIn which case, yeah, just make sure they're not in any of the system groups.12:41
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p0mtopMetaMorfoziS, Just make sure the user isn't in /etc/sudoers, and their 'groups' is something completely separate.12:42
p0mtopMight even give them their own group, just to be safe.12:42
cwilluHe'll still have access to any files with 'other' permissions though12:42
p0mtopYeah, that's my concern.12:42
KenSentMecwillu: do you manage to get your printer installed?12:42
p0mtopI mean, I know some versions did allow to stop users jumping out of dirs.12:43
cwilludepending on the service he's logging on via, you might be able to tell it to only allow certain access, regardless of permissions12:43
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cwilluKenSentMe: deb installed, printer driver hasn't shown up though;12:43
p0mtopI'd just make main folders unreadable by nonroot.12:43
p0mtopIe, / /etc, /var.12:43
KenSentMecwillu: the deb wasn't working correctly for me either12:43
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cwillup0mtop: that's kinda crappy though,12:43
stelkiWhere do I set my media player in ubuntu? (if I can change that - rhythmbox is silly)12:43
nashyfyrestrtr: both just cancelled because of the time it was taking12:44
p0mtopIt is.12:44
cwillup0mtop: installing acl support is probably the only general solution12:44
cwillubut that's not exactly beginner territory12:44
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor7-ppp4064.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
p0mtopOr some form of fake root to sit the folder in.12:44
cwillusupport's in the ubuntu kernel though, so it's not kernel-hacker territory either :)12:44
Schalkenis there anything that can be used to increase system performance?12:44
cwilluSchalken: is there anything that can make me run faster?12:45
cwillubetter be a bit more specific :p12:45
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p0mtopstelki, gstreamer-properties if you're trying to change your sound output.12:46
cwilluKenSentMe: any luck finding the ppd via locate yet?12:46
Schalkenwell ubuntu is running HORRIBLY slow on a pretty fast computer (celerond 64bit 3ghz, 1gb ram)12:46
cwilluI'm just updating my db to check if you haven't12:46
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Schalkencwillu: see above12:46
cwilluSchalken: again, doesn't tell me much, but I'll take a guess that you might be swapping a bit aggressively12:46
SVisorSchalken: Video drivers have huge impact. What kind of video do you have?12:46
cwilluSchalken: try sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=012:46
stelkip0mtop: not exactly, just the media player that it tries to control with my internet keyboard keys12:47
cwilluSchalken: see why I asked?  :)12:47
SchalkenSVisor: onboard12:47
p0mtopJust trying to rememer that.12:47
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webminduhm.. can anyone tell me how to set the slideshow in gscreensaver ?12:47
SchalkenSVisor: sis 661fx, to be specific12:47
p0mtopI think changing open-with usually does it.12:47
whitepyrook dose ubuntu have a firewall yes/no?12:47
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p0mtopwhitepyro, Yes, and is locked down by default iirc.12:47
fyrestrtrnashy: reinstall firefox12:47
cwilluwhitepyro: kernel has firewall support, but most linux installs don't need one12:47
bezibaerchenwhitepyro: not by default. install firestartet e.g.12:48
p0mtopI recall having to open up ports, unless firestarter added a default conf.12:48
cwilluwhitepyro: the linux solution is to just not run services on the internet by default;  anything beyond that is overkill for most home use12:48
whitepyrook now I setup postfix but it keeps failing to send.. Could a firewall be blocking port 25 from sending?12:48
KenSentMecwillu: mine was in /etc/cups/ppd/12:48
nashyfyrestrtr: How?  It won't let me remove it or anything12:48
whitepyroaka timeout12:48
Schalkencwillu: uhm, i just did 'sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=0', what did i just do?12:48
KenSentMecwillu: but it doesn't work12:48
SVisorSchalken: No to me known trouble with that one. Except it does not have DRI support.12:49
cwilluSchalken: it tells the kernel to not swap out processes until absolutely neccessary;  if apps are hanging for a few seconds at a time, it's generally a good approach12:49
cwilluSchalken: but i still don't know if that's your problem :)12:49
cwilluKenSentMe: one sec, trying seomthing12:49
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Schalkencwillu: hmm12:49
DarkMageZSchalken, run top in a terminal, top lists processes in order of processor usage. see if anything is doing overkill =D12:50
compengiSchalken, the sis chipset is slow and it's celeron so you have 256k level 2 cash12:50
p0mtopAnd this is where I cross my fingers and hope that i386 works with my x1600 when amd64 didn't.12:50
cwilluSchalken: open a terminal window12:50
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cwilluand do a 'locate 1'12:50
SchalkenSVisor: yes im aware of the lack of dri. anything opengl runs about 0.03 frames per second or less :p12:50
KenSentMecwillu: to get the installation of the deb to run without errors i made symlinks in /etc/init.d from cups and lpd to cupsys12:50
cwilludo the files go flying by, or are they slow?12:50
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cwilluKenSentMe: does the printer work at that point though?  I didn't get any errors on the deb, but it still didn't work12:51
Schalkencwillu: flying by12:51
cwilluKenSentMe: yay for alien built debs :(12:51
Schalkencwillu: zoom12:51
KenSentMecwillu: no12:51
cwilluSchalken: okay, doesn't sound like the vid card12:51
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cwilluKenSentMe: I'm seeing a file /usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapperMFC3240C-1.0.0 that refers to a ppd file internally, but the ppd file isn't anywhere12:52
notmeHow do I reconfigure ethernet?  I swapped my hard drive to a new computer and now ifconfig shows only lo0.12:52
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cwilluSchalken: can you describe what you mean by slow?12:52
cwillunotme: what about the gnome-networking tool?12:52
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cwilluwhitepyro: are you sure your isp isn't blocking it?12:53
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whitepyrowell im not doing relay...12:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:53
p0mtopGoing from breezy to dapper, my download speeds seem to have trebled.12:53
whitepyrobut could my isp be blocking it even though its from sendmail module?12:53
p0mtopAt least from the repo's.12:53
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p0mtopwhitepyro, Possibly.12:54
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:54
Schalkencwillu: well its kinda the drawing. as i drag a window around the screen, it lags behind. and you can kinda see the window being drawn from top to bottom with each refresh of movement. (about 3 times a second)12:54
BoglizkHow do i rename stuffs? i think i'm using the wrong parameters...12:54
whitepyrohow can I change the port to test this theory?12:54
p0mtopBoglizk, Rename a file?12:54
p0mtopBoglizk, Generally mv is as good as rename if you're using a console.12:54
p0mtopSo, mv oldname newname12:54
Schalkencwillu: do you know what i mean? its like its struggling to draw the window on the screen.12:54
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Boglizkp0mtop, ah, thanks12:54
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cwilluwhitepyro: I'd almost want to check that the service is listening on an external adapter (i.e., eth0) rather than on localhost (lo)12:54
whitepyrohow can i check to see if its doing that?12:55
cwilluSchalken: how do the screensaver's look?  (esp the 3d ones)12:55
p0mtopBut you have to be in the same dir as the file :)12:55
whitepyroi spent 6 hrs trying to get this thing going12:55
boboboguisn't there a nice paste bin with all repos on it someware12:55
cwilluwhitepyro: have you looked at the conf file in /etc ?12:55
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:55
Frogzoo!easysource > bobobogu12:55
Schalkencwillu: like hell. as i said everything opengl runs at a frame every couple of seconds.12:55
jribbobobogu: paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666612:56
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cwilluah, missed that bit12:56
whitepyrotheres lots of cfg's :D which should i look at..  postfix?12:56
p0mtopYeah, postfix.12:56
cwilluya, Schalken, vid card isn't configured right;  I'll have to hand you off to somebody who knows something about them though :)12:56
p0mtopI think that's the one. Don't quote me on that, haven't touched postfix in a bit.12:57
whitepyronever setup a mail thingy before :| still kinda new..12:57
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jribSchalken: what card do you have?12:57
p0mtopIt's a fun experience, heh.12:57
whitepyrolol for sure12:57
boboboguchears jrib12:57
Schalkencwillu: hmmm. maybe it better run like anything when i get my geforce 6200. but right now im trying to do some word processing and scrolling the page goes really badly. :(12:57
whitepyroespecially when ur trying to program and can't cause u need to test mail12:58
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Schalkenjrib: onboard, a sis 661fx chipset.12:58
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jribSchalken: oh, don't know about those12:58
foxinessif am using proxy and put it on "Network Proxy" is that will be wide use "on GUI app ,CLI app like wget" or not?12:58
whitepyrolocalhost.localdomain type stuff12:58
p0mtopHere we are.12:59
Schalkenwhats the command to reconfigure your xorg configure thingo?12:59
cwilluKenSentMe: see if you can find a ppd file (printer cd, windows machine that it works on, etc), and use that in the gnome add-printer dialog12:59
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cwilluSchalken: what type of mb?12:59
p0mtopinet_interfaces in main.cf whitepyro.12:59
notmeSchalken: dexconf12:59
jribSchalken: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:59
p0mtopIs that specified at all?12:59
foxinesscan i change d4x to show me the speed of download by KB or kb?12:59
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whitepyroset to all01:00
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:00
whitepyroi followed the ubuntu server tutorial for the last 2 hrs lol01:00
intelligiMy Java Runtime Environment isn't working, and I did everything it said to do on the webpage.01:00
Schalkencwillu: gigabyte sis 661fx chipset with DDR40001:00
FrogzooSchalken: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'01:00
Schalkenjrib: yeah thats the one. thanks.01:00
p0mtopSo it's listening on all interfaces.01:01
whitepyroit would seem so01:01
jribintelligi: what do you mean by "isn't working" exactly?01:01
jribSchalken: np, gl with your card01:01
whitepyroconnection timed out (port 25)01:01
p0mtopAlright, open up /etc/services01:01
whitepyrothats all it keeps spamming in mail.log01:01
intelligiFirefox doesn't recongize it.01:01
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whitepyropermission denied..01:02
p0mtopEr, sudo gedit /etc/services01:02
whitepyronano works01:02
whitepyrojust tried that01:02
=== cyphase wonders if this is in GTK because of him..
harryis there a google earth for ubuntu??01:02
cyphase GtkStatusIcon, a cross-platform "tray icon" API01:02
cyphase GtkAssistant, a widget for creating multi-step wizards01:02
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jribintelligi: what does 'apt-cache policy sun-java5-plugin | grep -i Installed' say?01:02
cyphasenew in GTK 2.1001:02
CViruswhat is the alternate edition ?01:03
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cwilluCVirus: text mode install in case the livecd doesn't work properly01:03
bezibaerchenhabtool: version on earth.google.com works01:03
intelligiUnable to locate.01:03
whitepyrohuge list in here :D01:03
harryis there a google earth for ubuntu??01:03
matusbragaAmule closed alone!!! what i do?01:04
Frogzooharry: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/06/google-earth-on-ubuntu-dapper-video.html01:04
bezibaerchenhabtool: version on earth.google.com works01:04
jribintelligi: try to prepend my name to your response so I don't miss it in the traffic.  What webpage did you follow?01:04
CViruscwillu: Thanks01:04
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p0mtopwhitepyro, looking for smtp.01:04
whitepyrosmtp 25/tcp mail01:04
whitepyrono desc :D01:05
p0mtopIf I'm right, it should be a case of changing that port.01:05
foxinessbezibaerchen, not habtool harry01:05
p0mtopUse something other than 25, 80, etc.01:05
whitepyrohow do i change port.. grr01:05
bezibaerchenfoxiness: yeah fixed it, too much use of "tab" :-P01:05
intelligijrib: I followed the one that tries to auto-install the plugin for Firefox but fails, by clicking on the manual button. Then I installed the stuff in that webpage. I put it in the /usr/local folder and created a link to it in the mozilla-firefox/plugins folder.01:05
p0mtopJust change the 25 bit :)01:05
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foxinessbezibaerchen, haha01:05
foikergrrrrrrrrrrrrr some 'ol with vlc too......ppl I'm desperate. I googled it, searched locally. Spare me, anyone knows how to change the codepage for subtitles in totem gstreamer ?01:05
jribintelligi: did you try the wiki instructions?  (which basically tell you to install sun-java5-plugin)01:06
jrib!java > intelligi01:06
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whitepyroi gotta find that in a CFG01:07
foikerwell which one :) thatz the case01:07
p0mtopHeh, I'm not familiar with postfix sorry whitepyro.01:07
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p0mtopBut the service will listen on what's spec'ed in /etc/services01:07
intelligijrib: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre01:08
p0mtopAnd woot. I have 3d accell working now.01:08
whitepyronope not that cfg01:08
foikerintelligi: Repositories01:08
jribintelligi: you need to enable multiverse01:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:08
intelligiI have.01:08
intelligiWhich packages?01:08
Warbointelligi: Search for java in synaptic or aptitude01:09
ynefintelligi: apt-cache search sun :)01:09
jribintelligi: make sure you have dapper multiverse, not just dapper-backports multiverse.  You can paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a URL afterwards, if you still can't find the package01:09
intelligiThere is tons of crap. Which one?01:09
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ynefintelligi: sorry, search for jre :)01:09
jribintelligi: sun-java5-plugin is all you need, it'll pull in the jre01:10
jribsun-java5-bin is the jre package I believe01:10
WarboI intalled them all (but not -doc because it needs a bit of setting up)01:10
=== Pickle_Weasel [n=w00f@pool-71-100-131-132.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pickle_Weaseli know i'm a bit late on this bandwagon, but where would i find the instructions to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06?01:12
whitepyroi have to edit /etc/services i think :|01:12
jrib!upgrade > Pickle_Weasel01:12
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.01:12
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Pickle_Weaselthanks, i forgot all about the bot, it's been a while01:12
intelligiI don't see any sun-java thing in Synaptic.01:12
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jribintelligi: then pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
Warbointelligi: Check Settings>Repositories and make sure the top one has multiverse ticked01:12
pl_icehi guys :) any one can tell me how to install ubuntu from floppies? can't find info on the net, my server won't boot from CD ... :(01:13
matusbragaAmule closed alone!!! what i do?01:13
TheDevilhi all... wanna ask a question. i've looked for this but can't seem to find the answer... should i fire away?01:13
Warbomatusbraga: What exactly do you mean?01:13
jribTheDevil: go for it01:13
pl_icefire :)01:13
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ynefpl_ice: I doubt you can do that -- if you can't find any info, check out debian01:13
intelligiWarbo: I have everything clicked. There is no sun-java5.01:13
Warbointelligi: Dump your /etc/apt/sources.list into a pastebin then :)01:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:14
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ynefintelligi: I don't think that multiverse is "clickable" by default -- pastebin it01:14
pl_iceyeh, i don't really want BSD on it ;) how bout if i can drop the system on the HD then install? any chance of that?01:14
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KenSentMepl_ice: i thought it was possible to start the installation from floppy, one moment01:15
intelligiHow do I pull that up on the terminal? /etc/apt/sources.lis?01:15
ynefintelligi: cat /etc/apt/sources.list01:15
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TheDevilcheers. ok i've got 2 hard disks. on the primary master theres win2k, xp and 2 more partitions that host data all NTFS... on my primary slave theres win2k3 server as "/hdb1" and theres data as "/hdb2"... now ubuntu is sitting on this second disk and during the installation i chose NOT to install GRUB into MBR... this is cause it kept stuffing up everything so that i had to fixmbr with win cd.... anyway01:15
Warbopl_ice: In my experience, to boot a drive which the BIOS (or whatever) doesn't like then you need the right drivers in a kernel on a bootable device. I have not got a Linux kernel from Ubuntu to fit on a floppy though (I boot my USB drive from a CD)01:15
ruxpin_where are the 'denied users' saved?01:15
AlexCHey, what do this error mean when I go to compile GimpShop checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool01:15
TheDevili chose to install GRUB onto a floppy...01:16
fyrestrtrAlexC: means you need to install XML::Parser01:16
TheDevilits all working fine...01:16
pl_iceWarbo yeh, i can boot linux from a floppy, but then i just start the installation from a CD?01:16
fyrestrtrintelligi: a better way is grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list01:16
AlexCfyrestrtr, I gathered, but when I search for XML::Parser I get nothing.01:16
ruxpin_TheDevil: why won't you use GRUB?01:16
TheDevili wish to duplicate that floppy... can't be too sure with floppy!!!!01:16
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KenSentMepl_ice: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall check there and follow the link to booting from floppy. It should work01:17
TheDevili do use grub... but i chose to install it on a floppy01:17
TheDevilnot the MBR01:17
ruxpin_TheDevil: why?01:17
pl_icethnx :) can't wait to run that old HP server :D01:17
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fyrestrtrAlexC: maybe you need this libxml-parser-perl - Perl module for parsing XML files01:17
TheDevili've had many experiences where it will not load anything01:17
Warbopl_ice: The kernel I have put on my CD is the actual kernel I run my system from, so it is pretty big (and the initrd.img is about 8MB). I don't know if you can use one kernel to boot another01:17
TheDevilGRUB hangs with random errors such as error 22 and 1501:17
AlexCfyrestrtr, thanks =)01:17
KenSentMepl_ice: the link to the grub boot floppy is not working, check this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy01:18
TheDevilanyway i wanna copy the boot disk... but it wont let me...01:18
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cyphaseif we take openoffice off the install cd and include something smaller..01:18
ruxpin_TheDevil: put in another floppy and write the mbr on that01:18
cyphasewhat else could we fit on it?01:18
ruxpin_TheDevil: and copy /boot01:18
ynefTheDevil: dd if=/dev/fd0 of=backup.img bs=1440 count=1 will copy the floppy to a file, which you can then write to several other floppies if you need (same command, reverse parameters "if" and "of")01:18
intelligiHere it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1715401:18
Awesome-o2000how hard is it to compile progs from source in ubuntu?01:18
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WarboTheDevil: To duplicate a floppy just do "dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/home/whatever/floppy.img" to get an image of it, then reverse the if and of with a new floppy in the drive to create a duplicate01:18
TheDevilynef!! cool01:18
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TheDevilcheers everyone!01:19
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)01:19
WarboDammit, too late :)01:19
TheDevili was just using the GUI to auto mount and it wouldnt display the contents... not in windows or linux01:19
ynefWarbo: well, yours is probably better :)01:19
Awesome-o2000say for instance I wanted a few things to be a bit gentoo-like - tvtime, mplayer,etc would I have problems compiling these apps in ubuntu?01:19
pl_iceKenSentMe yeh, that should do it :/ as long as i boot the thing :) thnx01:19
ynefTheDevil: do Warbo's version01:19
TheDevilhopefully the dd will work... cheers01:19
jribAwesome-o2000: nope01:19
Warboynef: I always use bs=512, I don't know if it is better or what01:19
TheDevilok will do thanks ... kudos to all!01:19
polpakAwesome-o2000: though you probably don't need to compile01:20
jribAwesome-o2000: although I don't know what you mean by 'gentoo-like' :P01:20
KenSentMepl_ice: no problem, tell me if it worked01:20
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KenSentMe!comile > Awesome-o200001:20
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ubotuI know nothing about comile01:20
intelligiDid you guys forget about me?01:20
polpakAwesome-o2000: most of these packages are in universe01:20
KenSentMe!compile > Awesome-o200001:20
Awesome-o2000jrib, I mean downloading source packages instead of precompiled binaries and being able to compile them myself01:20
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Awesome-o2000jrib, I dont want to do it with everything, just the kernel and some apps01:20
jribAwesome-o2000: yep, 'apt-get source packagename' will get you the source package01:20
pl_iceoh, another question, just now my HD is failing, not sure what is it, eg. power failure, is there a bootable program that can check my motherboard etc? my linux box just freezes, no logs nothing, or jumps to safe cli :/01:21
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: why would you want to do that, unless there was some dire reason such as --- you desperately need a newer version of something.01:21
AaSFishould i change the identifier for Display device where it says Default Screen (there are 2 display devices) in order to use the propietary ati driver?01:21
=== whitepyro puts gun to his head *BANG*
AaSFithats my xorg.conf01:21
Warbointelligi: You don't have multiverse enabled01:21
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ynefAwesome-o2000: do that, but make sure to put them in a package so you can remove them in a controlled fashion -- use checkinstall if you don't want to learn how to make debian packages by hand01:21
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, I usually only do it when there is a fecal bug in a program01:21
intelligiHow do I enable it?01:21
Warbointelligi: I will edit your list and paste it back........01:21
fyrestrtrpl_ice: boot from the cd and run memtest01:21
Awesome-o2000ynef, thats what im asking - I can use those sources I d/l to build .deb packages01:21
pl_iceyeh, but that's just memory test, i've done that01:22
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: i think you should spend some time reading the manual page for dpkg01:22
fyrestrtrpl_ice: are you sure your computer isn't overheating?01:22
pl_icefyrestrtr unless it's got more attribs in it :)01:22
intelligiOh, I understand now. You have to edit it to enable it.01:22
Warbointelligi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1715501:23
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, I think I just wanted to find out the situation with ubuntu, rather than reading a gigantic overblown manual for something I might not ever use.01:23
ynefAwesome-o2000: yep -- plenty of info on that on the internet. download the source, and when you're about to type "make install", just type "checkinstall" instead (provided you've installed that program) -- you'll get a package that you can remove using synaptic01:23
pl_icefyrestrtr neh, it's cool, i got 2 hd, one for system, from time to time, it's just halts access to the hda, bang, freezes the system, or sometimes it's just can't access some blocks :D01:23
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Awesome-o2000ynef, a .deb package?01:23
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fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: well, ubuntu by default doesn't even have the build tools (like make) installed -- because its not really geared towards people that tend to compile things by hand (there is gentoo for that).01:23
ynefAwesome-o2000: yeah, checkinstall can make slackware-ish tar.gz, RPM and DEB01:23
=== FCTE [n=chris@c-24-15-102-80.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BoglizkDoes anyone have any suggestions of low-resource themes and stuffs which will make my computer run faster?01:24
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: first thing you would do is, install the build-essential package, that will give you the basic toolchain (ld, make, gcc etc)01:24
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, do me a favor - dont respond to any more of my posts.01:24
Warboynef: So checkinstall is fixed in the repos? I know it was broken a while ago so I installed a package I found in the forums01:24
ynefBoglizk: do you need to use Gnome/KDE? if not, changing to a window manager like blackbox will make your computer fly :)01:24
fyrestrtrBoglizk: install fluxbox01:24
ynefWarbo: I wasn't aware that it was broken -- what's wrong with it?01:24
Awesome-o2000I appreciate the effort but its entirely misguided; whatever it is you're trying to accomplish isnt working.01:24
foxinessi want to twike wget to do unlimited resume and short peried when try to access to the server01:24
BoglizkI'm a linux newbie, a window manager would be prefered01:24
cowai think xubuntu is for slow systems...01:25
jribBoglizk: you can use xubuntu instead or set /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources in 'gconf-editor'01:25
SonicChaoWhy when I change my desktop picture, it doesn't say the same on the next boot?01:25
pl_iceBoglizk what system u got? :)01:25
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ynefBoglizk: try to install the xbuntu-desktop meta package01:25
Warboynef: It couldn't make files and stuff, so it just aborted (no, it wasn't a permission problem, it was a commonly known problem)01:25
intelligiWhat is the delete command in the terminal?01:25
BoglizkI have a 399mhz with 192mb ram01:25
fyrestrtrintelligi: rm01:25
cyphaseWhat does everyone think of having an ubuntu-desktop-expanded package that installs more programs alongside ubuntu-desktop?01:25
FCTEBuild a new PC :)01:25
Awesome-o2000not trying to be jerky here but I use gentoo on my personal box and ubuntu on my servers01:25
BoglizkFCTE,  no money01:26
Awesome-o2000Im aware of what the distros are01:26
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ynefWarbo: that's really dumb :( I don't know what version is in the repos, no -- sad bug01:26
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: so do I, what's your point?01:26
cyphasemaybe even in main01:26
cwilluKenSentMe: any luck?01:26
pl_iceyeh, fluxbox or something like that, i had laptop similar to urs, worked ok :) with that one01:26
Warboynef: I would test it, but obviously my version works :)01:26
ynefAwesome-o2000: you can also check out the project called apt-build :)01:26
jribWarbo: yeah it was broken a few weeks before dapper release, but checkinstall was fixed01:26
BoglizkFluxbox or X-whatever ?01:26
whitepyroI QUIT!01:26
whitepyromy god01:26
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Warbojrib: OK, cheers. Now I can recommend it to people again :)01:27
FCTEI know people swear by blackbox01:27
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, my point is that comments like <fyrestrtr> Awesome-o2000: i think you should spend some time reading the manual page for dpkg  <---- worthless.01:27
ynefWarbo: what version is that? my number is 1.5.301:27
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SonicChaoWhen I change my desktop background, why won01:27
Awesome-o2000ynef, apt-build sounds interesting01:27
tickiMorning Everyone. I' m new to Ubuntu. I would like to change the out for the Grub Loader. `grub help` doesn't help much. Does anybody know how to do this. thanks01:27
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: you are the one wanting to know about turning stuff into .deb -- that's one tool you'll need to know about.01:27
SonicChao't it stay the same on next boot?*01:27
pl_iceBoglizk google it, c if i can find it, a list of Xes for old systems01:27
cyphasei.e. a feed reader, tomboy, beagle, f-spot, some games, etc01:27
polpakwhitepyro: did you ask a question?01:27
cwilluAwesome-o2000: there are source file debs that build and install the package from source;  I think that's about what you're looking for01:27
Warboynef: 1.6.0-101:27
cyphasexchat-gnome :)01:27
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, thats lovely. isnt support burnout a bitch?01:27
ynefAwesome-o2000: yeah, doesn't it? :) I've never used it, but I checked it out when I went from gentoo to the debian world ;)01:28
Awesome-o2000cwillu, nice01:28
[gijoe] ticki: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst01:28
ynefWarbo: ah, well, that *is* newer :)01:28
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cwilluAwesome-o2000: also, if you end up doing any ./configure&make&make install stuff, check out checkinstall01:28
tickithanks gijoe01:28
pl_iceshit :/ i just run HD test on laptop, couse new ubuntu states that logical errors are present, and the HD is good :(01:28
Awesome-o2000ynef, Im frightened - I really do love gentoo, I doubt i'll leave it on this box, but you can pretty much say bye bye to windows. Ubuntu is really nice and I love the community.01:28
Boglizkjrib, where is this "/apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources" ?01:28
cwilluAwesome-o2000: you run it instead of 'make install', and it launches it itself, monitoring what it does, and packages a binary deb of the result that you can then install (and uninstall)01:29
pl_icei hate computers ... :(01:29
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jribBoglizk: run 'gconf-editor' in a terminal01:29
Awesome-o2000I even have xubuntu on my old p266mmx laptop01:29
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Awesome-o2000cwillu, is it configurable - I dont know how well I can do without emerge01:29
cwilluAwesome-o2000: also, Ignore is a wonder irc feature :p01:29
Awesome-o2000I really love emerge01:29
Hedahi all - my usb won't detect drives - it detects mouse and keyboard but nothing else01:29
SonicChaoCan I get some help?01:29
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Awesome-o2000cwillu, nah - he isnt trying to be malicious.01:30
ranokSonicChao, ask01:30
cwilluAwesome-o2000: I can't say I've done much at all with gentoo01:30
WarboI set someone up with Debian last week with E16 (had to fit in 700MB, so Ubuntu's advantages over Debian were basically lost). Works quite well with a crappy bootup script I made01:30
ynefHeda: plug something in, wait a couple of seconds and see what the last lines of output from the command "dmesg" is01:30
pl_iceHeda probably u have to mount them by hand, check the logs, it should find all things01:30
Awesome-o2000if he told me to rm -rf / I'd ignore him01:30
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:30
SonicChaoranok: Already did, I asked why when I change my desktop background, it doesn't stay the same on the next boot01:30
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Awesome-o2000if he just isnt any better at answering questions than I am at asking them I can hardly fault the guy.01:30
cwilluAwesome-o2000: :p;  I'd be surprised if you couldn't tweak compile settings, although I think 'not breaking stuff' is generally considered higher priority than "best possible performance"01:31
Hedapl_ice: its weird because it automounted then last night but now its not even showing then in /dev01:31
pl_iceSonicChao random desktop image?01:31
ranokSonicChao, hmmmmmm01:31
SonicChaopl_ice: It turns a brownish colour.01:31
whitepyroscrew port 25 CHANGE!!01:31
WarboSonicChao: Are you using Nautilus for your desktop background? (I don't and I end up with brown image as well)01:31
pl_iceSonicChao yeh,i had that one, did u by any chance use program for random images on desktop? they don't work, and u left with brown screen :D01:32
ynefHeda: so how about that dmesg output?01:32
Hedanothing zip zilch01:32
SonicChaopl_ice: No, I just tried Ubuntu Yesterday01:32
Awesome-o2000cwillu, thats the problem - what drove me to gentoo was the random bugs found in precompiled binaries. I have a real problem just waiting for devs to compile a fixed version - I havent found that people are really hot on doing heavy development work for no pay for short, bitchy Jews like myself.01:32
fyrestrtrgod xgl is so loverly -- all my colleagues want me to install it on their machines. I'm like -- nope -- because then I'll be flooded with -- what happened to IE? Where is Outlook? type support calls.01:32
pl_iceHeda reboot :D01:32
SonicChaopl_ice: I did move the image after I put it on, can this be a problem?01:32
WarboI use E16 and it starts with brown desktop image until E has finished loading, then it uses the right image01:32
cwilluwhitepyro: silly question, but which package are you using again?01:32
WarboSonicChao: Yes01:32
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cwillufyrestrtr: ie4linux to the rescue :p01:32
ranokSonicChao, yeah, if it can't find it, it'll be a plain color01:32
pl_iceSonicChao then it can't find the image, just drop a new one in01:32
Hedai tried to restart hald but to no effect - will i try a full blown cold yeah ?01:32
whitepyroconnection timed out (port 25).01:33
BoglizkSo... how do i change from GNOME to XFCE?01:33
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fyrestrtrwhitepyro: might be blocked?01:33
edgyHi, If I put any script in /etc/cron.hourly it won't run. can any one confirm this please?01:33
WarboSonicChao: Files are loaded into memory while they are used, so you can delete a song you are listening to without it stopping, but trying to load it again won't work. Same with images01:33
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whitepyroi'm trying to change the port01:33
whitepyroit won't change darnit01:33
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pl_iceHeda i found my ipod shits on my usb system, and i have to reboot :/01:33
Awesome-o2000I absolutely love xgl. I cannot wait to migrate. I just want to make sure I have direct rendering in both apps and the desktop01:33
ynefBoglizk: if it's installed, all you need to do is click on the "Options" on the login screen, choose Session and switch to the XFCE session01:33
SonicChaoWarbo: Okay thanks, didn't realize that, sorry01:33
fyrestrtrwhitepyro: where? for what?01:33
Hedapl_ice: lol - ok i'll give it a bash01:33
Boglizkynef, ohh... its that simple? cool01:34
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: surely, you have heard of kororaa right?01:34
ynefBoglizk: :)01:34
whitepyrosince port 25 is timing out gonna try a diff port see if it works. But it won't change ports ...01:34
cwillufyrestrtr: you check the interfaces, is it binding to all _addresses_? ( ish)01:34
pl_iceoki, thnx i'm off01:34
cwillufyrestrtr: fair warning, I don't run my own mail stuff, just shouting stuff01:34
WarboI tried rebuilding Kororaa once. Dammit I hate Gentoo :)01:34
fyrestrtrcwillu: why are you shouting at me then? :)01:34
cwilluoops, wrong person01:34
=== HackerX [n=hackerx@24-231-160-86.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Awesome-o2000fyrestrtr, I have. I have the xgl livecd here. I have an nvidia 6800gs 512mb agp01:35
cwilluwhitepyro:  what I just said to fyrestrtr01:35
=== Awesome-o2000 can't wait for xgl to stabilize on gentoo
HackerXHow does one go about getting help?01:35
WarboAwesome-o2000: Erm, stable? Gentoo?01:35
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: is that a high end card? don't know my way around these model numbers. The ram is impressive though.01:35
Awesome-o2000im pretty sure Xgl will be the death of windows01:35
WarboHackerX: Ask01:35
spatiemangood morning.. :)01:35
SonicChaoWhat is all the hype about XGL?01:35
NgHackerX: ask a question, if someone can help you, they will01:35
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SonicChaoAnd what is XGL??01:35
cwilluwhitepyro: are you sure it's not binding to a particular _address_ either?  ( or something?)01:35
jribHackerX: just ask your question, if someone knows they'll answer01:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:35
Ngchat about xgl would be better in #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
Awesome-o2000Warbo, absolutely - ive got better stability out of windows than out of any other distro01:35
cwilluwhitepyro: also, are you restarting the daemons after you change config?01:36
cwillu(sudo'ing as neccessary)01:36
whitepyropostfix stop then restart then reload01:36
Awesome-o2000sorry out of gentoo01:36
FCTEI don't gget the hype either, it's useless eyecandy at the cost of many resources01:36
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Awesome-o2000I was going to say I have to go take a windows01:36
Awesome-o2000:)) brb01:36
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=== Awesome-o2000 is extremely drunk @ 5 in the morning now
fyrestrtrFCTE: its to show capabilities of advanced desktops, and its not just eye candy.01:36
cwilluooo, brb;  download finished :)01:36
whitepyromaybe reboot?01:36
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zoolandercineva din romania care ma poate ajuta ?01:37
WarboFCTE: I don't like it that Compiz has all of these features. It would be better to make them independant like Composite, so any WM can use them01:37
fyrestrtrFCTE: for example, hit F12 on XGL enabled desktop to see all your open windows on one screen = great productivity enhancer.01:37
foikerguys come on spare me ...I cant believe my luck.....Isnt there any config file for totem gstreamer ?01:37
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HackerXUbuntu says that it sees my wireless device in my laptop and i enter my ssid for the network then it activates the device and say device active yet i have no network/net and the network is set to LO mode what should i do? Thanks01:37
ranokwho here likes ATC?01:37
FCTEit's still buggy and not worth risking your xserver01:37
fyrestrtrair traffic control?01:37
jribfoiker: ~/.gnome2/totem_config01:38
fyrestrtrI do, why?01:38
FCTEI like stability more than eyecandy01:38
foikerjrib: doesnt exist01:38
=== ranok is making a multiplayer version
anzio_Anyone here know about the Rockwell/Riptide Soundcard-Modems and how to get Ubuntu to recognize them? hcfpcimodem doesn't seem to work01:38
meowmixI downloaded a firefox icon, it's on my desktop now.  I'm trying to paste it into the same folder as the default firefox icon.  It won't let me.  Why, and how can I?01:38
fyrestrtrFCTE: well its still in alpha/beta mode -- so give it a few months.01:38
HackerXi ment Ubuntu says its in lo mode01:38
jribfoiker: make a config change to totem and see if it gets created01:38
SonicChaoHackerX: I had a similar problem, the best solution is too hook up your computer with a Ethernet Cable01:38
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WarboFCTE: I like useful WM features rather than Metacity-like WM with wobbly stuff01:38
whitepyrois there a way to dump logs and have them blank? ;D01:38
Awesome-o2000I like stability AND eyecandy. when Xgl is stable, windows is FUXXED01:38
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FCTEwobbly makes me sea sick01:38
peter07how can I run quicktime movies ( H264 Codec ) ??01:38
cwilluanybody see that new desktop metaphor vid on reddit a few weeks back?01:39
foikerjrib: you lost me there :) can you rephrase plz ?01:39
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SonicChaoHackerX: But...?01:39
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:39
Awesome-o2000I showed Xgl to some of my windows pals and they said when its stable I can replace windows on their box01:39
fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > peter0701:39
cwilluicons on the desktop were manipulated like paper01:39
cwillulooked really impressive, although it was running on xp :/01:39
HackerXim almost positve it will work with ether but is it possible to get wireless working? it really bothers me not to have wireless01:39
Awesome-o2000theres hardly any linux games, this is a bummer01:39
ubotuI know nothing about hcfpcimodem01:39
Awesome-o2000and cedega blows a gigantic goat01:39
ubotuI know nothing about rockwell01:39
jribfoiker: go to totem's preferencs and change something, then see if the file exists afterwards01:39
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ynefcwillu: was that the one where they didn't have file names, so you were supposed to look at each and every Word document until you found the one you needed? pass!01:39
SonicChaoHackerX: why does it bother you?01:40
Dr4gAnyone ever had the problem - of booting up live-desktop-cd.. and it start crashing while loading the GUI up to click "install"01:40
WarboAwesome-o2000: There are loads of the kind I like, that is simple little puzzles and gravity game type things01:40
foikerjrib: thankz...:)01:40
FCTEUnreal Tournament 2004, Quake and Doom all run natively01:40
dave__can anyone help me ive got a weird problem with firefox on xubuntu, it keeps closing itself when opening bit-tech.net :-S01:40
Awesome-o2000not to mention im not exactly stoked on the concept of being considered a know nothing douchebag again01:40
polpakAwesome-o2000: wine is pretty good for some things (blizzard & other openGL games) and most FPS's run native01:40
fyrestrtrhey, tuxracer > *01:40
cwilluynef: I was assuming that served the same purpose as the 1024x1024 icons on the demo mac osx desktops01:40
WarboI found out about Enigma the other day, it's pretty cool01:40
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FCTEtux kart :)01:40
Awesome-o2000polpak, no, they DONT run native anymore. I am SO po'd about ArmyOps01:40
foikerstill no totem_config file01:40
ynefdave__: do you have any extensions and plugins (flash, for instance) installed? flash in particular crashes firefox ever so often01:40
polpakAwesome-o2000: well, not knowing stuff can be fixed. The other part... well.. ;p01:40
Awesome-o2000polpak, so far the only native ones I can run are ut2004 and et01:41
HackerXwell wireless came out so i wouldnt have to be teather tethered to line and about 90% of the time im no wheres near a line01:41
dave__yeh got flash installed, tabmix plus, and noir theme01:41
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FCTEI've had no success with wine :(01:41
polpakAwesome-o2000: all the ID ones work, as does Savage and Savage 201:41
jribfoiker: weird, maybe it's only for totem-xine01:41
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FCTEI used Cedega for a while01:41
FCTEand it was pretty stable01:41
Awesome-o2000polpak, Ive been working on the other part for years. 5 years of therapy and im angrier than when I started. Yay therapy.01:41
jribfoiker: what are you trying to do?01:41
HackerXI mean it is a laptop01:41
ynefdave__: you might try to disable flash then, or install that NoFlash extension -- see if that helps01:41
SonicChaoHackerX: lol, I actually prefer the cable, but you can try installing Network Manager in Add/Remove01:41
WarboAwesome-o2000: I have run Quake 1 2 and 3 and Gish natively. Doom3 and above won't run on my PC01:41
foikerjrib: think so...And totem-gstreamer *sucks* in documentation01:41
polpakAwesome-o2000: and vendetta online is a pretty fun native space combat game01:41
fyrestrtrWoW works reasonably well with wine/cedega ... as long as you don't have an ATI video card01:41
=== fyrestrtr curses ATI
Awesome-o2000FCTE, stable? sure. it gives me 1/4 the performance of windows and games play like excrement01:42
FCTEI have Nvidia 680001:42
dave__noflash, that off mozilla site yeh? ynef01:42
jribfoiker: any reason you don't use totem-xine instead?01:42
foikerjrib: I'm trying to change the codepage for my subtitles so it can be shown properly in totem01:42
polpakAwesome-o2000: what video card do you use?01:42
Awesome-o2000I need a realistic FPS game01:42
fyrestrtrAwesome-o2000: play paintball :)01:42
HackerXwell yea i love cable to cuz thats the way it always was but now laptop and wireless is the best and being that im never around a cat5 line its just better01:42
ynefdave__: yeah, hit "download more extensions" or whatever that link is called in the Extensions window -- search for it and you should find it01:42
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FCTEI had no problems with Half-Life 2 or Battlefield 201:42
WarboAwesome-o2000: Check out Doomsday if you have any DOOM 1 or 2 WADs01:42
HackerXThanks ill try tht01:42
foikerjrib: It came with the installation gstreamer I mean....I'll give it a try right now....the situation is driving me mad01:42
Awesome-o2000polpak, I have an nvidia 6800gs 512mb agp01:42
ynefdave__: could have been flash block as well... you'll figure it out01:42
NgFCTE: does battlefield2 work in cedega?01:43
SonicChaoHackerX: I use Cat5 on my laptop, but for Wireless Networks, Network Manager usually helps01:43
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FCTEoccasionaslly the sky would go black, that's about it01:43
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@60.115-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Awesome-o2000Warbo, I havent played doom since before the turn of the century01:43
FCTEBF2 worked for me01:43
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PingunZhi, is there a command to know if you have hda, sda, ... ?01:43
dave__ynef, flashblock?01:43
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FCTEsorry I'm newb to irc, don't know how to answer directly :(01:43
ynefdave__: sounds good -- what does it do?01:43
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polpakFCTE: just prefix with the persons name01:44
WarboAwesome-o2000: Doomsday is a FLOSS engine for Doom, with particle effects, 3D environments, high-res textures, fire, liquid, etc. It's a hell of a lot better than Quake3, but I have not played Doom 3 so I don't know about that01:44
NgFCTE: interesting :)01:44
SonicChaoFCTE: Press the first few letters and press "Tab" and it will autocomplete01:44
meowmixHow do I get the extra back and forward buttons on my mouse to work?  It's a Belkin, infrared, about 5 years old.01:44
jribfoiker: oh, I've never messed with subtitles.  You'd probably have better luck with something like mplayer or xine though (even if it's just in the ability to google for help).  totem-xine is the same as the totem you have now except the backend is xine instead of gstreamer.  If you want totem-xine, just enable universe, and install totem-xine package01:44
ynefFCTE: type part of the other guy's user name, hit tab and see if your client doesn't add it for you01:44
=== Kristan_uk1 [n=Kris@modem-758.lion.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXok ill give that i shot i was just suprised as hell when i seen it even found my wireless card. i planed on trying to use that deal where you can use windows drivers on a linux platform01:44
jrib!mouse > meowmix01:44
Awesome-o2000doom3 has great graphics and fecal gameplay01:44
FCTEynef, thanks :)01:44
dave__ynef, blocks flash01:44
meowmix!firefoxicon > meowmix01:44
ubotuI know nothing about firefoxicon01:44
Awesome-o2000however i may be forced to stick to idsoftware games because they have linux clients01:44
ynefdave__: then that sounds good to me :)01:44
SonicChaoHackerX: If it doesn't work just tell me01:44
=== rem [n=rem@bas-flu-adsl-dynip-197-250.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrthe only thing that could run doom3 in my possession was the xbox.01:44
foikerjrib: thankz for the help mate :)01:45
PingunZ is there a command to know if you have hda, sda, ... ?01:45
dave__unef, but wot if i look at a flash site? doh01:45
FCTECedega is definitely not worth $5 a month that's for sure. They also fudged how much it supports and it's ease of use01:45
HobbseePingunZ: sudo fdisk -l01:45
PingunZty ;)01:45
WarboPingunZ: "ls /dev/?da" ?01:45
meowmixxchat is weird01:45
FCTEFRame rates are not equal either01:45
Awesome-o2000yeah im cancelling my subscription and getting my money back. What a total POS cedega is01:45
HackerXalright i havent installed yet because i wanted to see if i could get it to work im opening that right now ill let you know in a min01:45
ynefdave__: you'll get a "play" icon you can click on (actually a flash movie with a play button) -- once you do, the original movie is loaded instead01:45
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SonicChaomeowmix: You can say that again, that's why I use Konversation :P01:45
Awesome-o2000if they dont refund my money i'll just cancel the payment through the bank01:45
dave__ynef, why does firefox have a prob with flash? :S01:46
FCTEI'm stuck with XP lingering for a while. :(01:46
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Hedais there a way to totally restart the usb system without restarting the entire box ?01:46
meowmixI'll have to check that out01:46
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0441.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaomeowmix: It's right in "Add/Remove"01:46
meowmixI thought there'd at least be a user list01:46
Awesome-o2000its a crying shame transgaming advertises their product as functional when its obviously a turd of a product01:46
polpakFCTE: the biggest problem I have with cedega is that unlike wine their business model seems to conflict with good deisgn goals01:46
WarboHeda: Use lsmod to see the loaded modules, then rmmod them and modprobe them back01:46
FCTEHeda, try reinstallling hotplug01:46
ynefdave__: it doesn't -- it's the flash plugin that sucks. the same site that crashes when you visit it in firefox, will crash if you go there with mozilla or konqueror or anything else that uses the same plugin01:46
HackerXi want the Knetwork Manager correct?01:46
SonicChaomeowmix: Go to "internet" and Scroll down 'till you see a K. Than find Konversation01:47
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SonicChaoHackerX: Yes01:47
Hedacool - cheers will try that if i get the same problem again01:47
wildmanhello *01:47
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dave__ynef, ah right, is there any kinda workaround going on about that, doh01:47
FCTEpolpak, I was very unsuccessful with getting games in wine, but successful with cedega, it was an ok program, it would be a great program for free, but not at a monthly fee. It does not support enough and you are really stuck tweaking it a lot.01:47
polpakFCTE: wine is slowly but surely implementing the win32 api bug for bug.  Whereas cedega just fixes their code to get the latest/most popular games working (often at the expense of previous games)01:48
SonicChaowildman: Hello, what seems to be the problem?01:48
dave__ynef, is it worth uninstalling the flash plugin in synaptic01:48
ynefdave__: none than I know, although IIRC macromedia/adobe will release a new version of the plugin in the future01:48
WarboAwesome-o2000: Any non-free program on Linux works a little dodgily. FLOSS can be packaged properly, integrated with themes and toolkits, etc. Also a lot of non-free stuff I have doesn't even use ALSA, since they have to aim for compatibility with older systems/distros01:48
ynefdave__: that seems a bit drastic -- see if flashblock does the trick first01:48
foikergrrr just installed xine and now I cant see any divx xvid or any other typeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr01:48
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Awesome-o2000Warbo, theres nothing dodgy about it. If it was dodgy it would work if set up properly. Cedega is simply not a good emulator.01:48
dave__ynef, well it aint crashed yet so we'll see! lol01:49
jribIf I don't have nautilus draw my desktop in GNOME, what could I use instead?01:49
Awesome-o2000and yes, cedega and wine ARE emulators.01:49
polpakfoiker: install the restriced formats codecs01:49
FCTEpolpak, many people downloaded cedega thinking it worked right out of the box running everything and they found the truth out quickly, only a few games are four stars in their list01:49
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cwilluKenSentMe: still there?  I'm having a bit more luck01:49
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WarboAwesome-o2000: Maybe because WINE Is Not an Emulator?01:49
ynefjrib: thunar from xfce or rox, if you enjoy painfully ugly icons01:49
reikitrying to configure a wireless access point without having to reboot to windows. Can't remember IP of access point. Is there an app that will tell me what's on the LAN?01:49
FCTEpolpak, Call of Duty was a no go01:49
Awesome-o2000Warbo, wine is not an emulator and nixon was not a crook.01:49
tickibye bye everyone. thanks for your help01:49
fyrestrtrreiki: are you connected to it now?01:50
foikerpolpak: the name of the package is ?01:50
WarboAwesome-o2000: You obviously don't use emulators every day like I do. WINE is NOT an emulator01:50
cwilluAwesome-o2000: it technically isn't;  the binaries are running normal x86 code, and they're calling normal libraries01:50
tickibye gijoe, thanks mate. ;-)01:50
=== ticki [n=joedoe@200-55-113-244.dsl.prima.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
dave__also can anyone help me with getting samba to work properly so i can see my windoze shares?01:50
WarboIf WINE was an emulator then you wouldn't need to run it through Qemu on PPC01:50
reikifyrestrtr, the access point is connected to the LAN, but I am not connected to it wirelessly. I'm on a desktop01:50
Awesome-o2000Warbo, wine is a windows emulator, regardless of its claims. Its entire purpose is to run windows programs.01:50
dave__cheers ynef :001:50
cwilluAwesome-o2000: it _is_ a reimplementation via reverse engineering, which has it's problems, but it's not an emulation :)01:50
fyrestrtrdave__: Places -> Connect to Server... <-- try this first.01:50
polpak!restricted > foiker01:50
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Awesome-o2000if I wrote a program who's entire purpose was to run atari 2600 programs it would be a 2600 emulator01:50
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:51
meowmix!stop_retyping_password > meowmix01:51
ubotuI know nothing about stop_retyping_password01:51
cwilluAwesome-o2000: you can (and people do) compile against wine libs instead of the windows one's :)01:51
Awesome-o2000even if wine goes about it in a different way - it is STILL an emulator.01:51
polpakAwesome-o2000: no01:51
WarboAwesome-o2000: An emulator makes a computer in software. A "Windows emulator" would be ReactOS, since that is an OS and WINE isn't01:51
fyrestrtrreiki: you could ping the broadcast address and see who responds ... or you could try the defaults. Linksys defaults to for example.01:51
Awesome-o2000polpak, yes.01:51
dave__fyrestrtr, i dont have places, im on xubuntu so that not built in01:51
cwilluAwesome-o2000: likewise, cygwin isn't an emulator either, it's an implementation of the unix api01:51
cwilluAwesome-o2000: no.  Implementation of an api does not an emulator make01:51
Awesome-o2000Warbo, an emulator runs programs meant for another operating system or hardware setup.01:51
polpakAwesome-o2000: you're redefining (wrongly) the word emulator just to suit what you think it means01:52
FCTEWine emulates a Windows environment.01:52
Awesome-o2000wine is an emulator01:52
Ngwine is not an emulator ;)01:52
reikifyrestrtr, ok dumb question... long time away from network stuff...broadcast address for 192.168.254.x network?01:52
WarboAwesome-o2000: Exactly. Run WINE on another system. Have you run WINE on M68K, PPC, MIPS, ARM?01:52
Awesome-o2000polpak, on the contrary - the WINE developers redefine the word emulator01:52
fyrestrtrreiki: if that's the subnet you are on, then yes.01:52
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WarboAwesome-o2000: Would you count AROS as an emulator then?01:52
ynefreiki: depends on network submask, but I'm going to guess that it's
reikifyrestrtr, no... I meant what would be the broadcast address? :)01:53
Awesome-o2000Warbo, i'd have to know what that is01:53
reikiahhh... answered01:53
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fyrestrtrreiki: 255 is always the broadcast address.01:53
cwilluAwesome-o2000: the pedantic definition of emulator is quite useless, because it would also mean amd is an emulation of intel, and a word processor is an emulation of a type writer :)01:53
WarboAwesome-o2000: aros.org. It runs AmigaOS programs on M68K, but when run on x86 or PPC it can't run them01:53
dave__cos thunar on xubuntu doesnt seem to handle samba stuff01:53
=== dra [n=dra@p57A5032D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrdave__: you can always use smbmount from the cli01:53
Awesome-o2000Warbo, what a fecal emulator01:53
tickihi. i' m here again. How can i add a new screen resolution? i have modified the file and when i rebooted i said: Uknown Frequency or Frequency not supported (something of the like)....01:54
WarboAwesome-o2000: Yes, it would be quite pathetic if they were trying to actually make an emulator01:54
Awesome-o2000at least xmame runs on different os01:54
neopsycheim having problems with my mouse configuration01:54
fyrestrtrticki: your monitor doesn't support that resolution at the refresh rates you have setup for it.01:54
neopsycheits a ps2 mouse01:54
Awesome-o2000Warbo, yes, it is pathetic.01:54
Netcadsay there is a line in the format token1-token2 token3-token4-token5. how to replace the - characters only between token3 token4 and token5?01:54
WarboAwesome-o2000: UAE can emulate an Amiga COMPUTER, but not the OS. AROS is a replacement OS01:54
neopsychesorry... correction .. a serial mouse01:54
tickifyrestrtr: but i use 1280 x 1024 under windows.01:54
Awesome-o2000Warbo, thats nice.01:54
dave__fyrestrtr, so i just wud type smbmount and then my computer name and share name?01:54
tickifyrestrtr: and ubutu only give me upto 102401:55
neopsychetried configuring in xorg but its still not working01:55
fyrestrtrdave__: don't remember the exact syntax, try man smbmount01:55
neopsychecould someone help me?01:55
dave__righto cheers mate01:55
fyrestrtrticki: what video card is it?01:55
neopsycheoh msg to ticki01:55
tickifyrestrtr: it's an onboard card with my Intel Mobo.01:55
Awesome-o2000Warbo, #  Computer Science. To imitate the function of (another system), as by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, execute the same programs, and achieve the same results as the imitated system.01:55
=== Tape [n=cephalop@udp035348uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Awesome-o2000aint that a bitch.01:55
FCTEticki, you have to change your xorg.conf01:55
wildmanSonicChao: euh... no pb, just being polite ;)01:55
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reikifyrestrtr, weird... pinging broadcast address gets no response. Might be because I'm all switches and not hubs?01:56
fyrestrtrticki: hrmm, could be that the resolution you want isn't supported by the drivers -- but I suspect the real reason is that your monitor's refresh rates aren't configured correctly.01:56
tickiFCTE: i think i have edited that. i did what it said in the ubuntu manual.01:56
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WarboAwesome-o2000: Then WINE, ReactOS and AROS are grey areas then01:56
FCTEticki, did you remove everything other than 1280 x 1024 in each category?? THat is what I had to do01:56
fyrestrtrreiki: what is your broadcast?01:56
tickifyrestrtr: how can i check the frequency? it is a standard monitor (CRT 19 inches)01:56
reikifyrestrtr, hmmm... maybe ping the MAC address of the access point?01:57
Awesome-o2000Warbo, theyre as grey as xmame.01:57
andyjeffriesAnyone out there experienced in getting Xgl/compiz working?  I'm willing to paypal someone 10 to help me get it working (I've tried following every Ubuntu tutorial/howto I can find on it).  I'm on a fast PC/connection so it shouldn't take long if you're an expert in Xgl/Compiz (I'm an nvidia user)01:57
fyrestrtrreiki: no, you can't ping mac addresses01:57
=== gnubie [n=wort@66-190-111-72.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:57
reikifyrestrtr, I did ping -b
tickiFCTE: nope, i added 1280.01:57
=== Gorlist [n=james@ironfoot.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Gorlisthi, are their any plugins to allow me to watch .wma and quicktime movies?01:57
neopsychecan someone please help me with xorg conf re: my mouse isnt moving01:57
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polpak!restricted > Gorlist01:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:57
FCTEticki, go back into you xorg.conf and make sure everything is 1280x1024, delete all others01:57
fyrestrtrreiki: is that your broadcast? check ifconfig to find your broadcast address.01:58
neopsycheGorlist.. Try VIDEO LAN CODEC VLC01:58
WarboVideoLAN Client01:58
tickiFCTE: thanks , i will try that.01:58
fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > Gorlist01:58
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edgyKenSentMe: I just figured out that a cron script shouldn't have a "." in its name in case you are interested ;)01:58
polpakGorlist: you can use the normal video player.. you just need the restricted codecs01:58
neopsychewarbo.,. do you know how i can fix my xorg mouse settings?01:58
FCTEticki, no problem, do it for every section01:58
reikifyrestrtr,  Bcast:
edgyKenSentMe: or in case some one asked the same question here01:58
polpakGorlist: you don't need to install VLC, though you can if you like01:58
Warboneopsyche: Nope, sorry01:58
neopsycheedgy .. do you know how i can fix my mouse ?01:59
FCTEticki, It did the same thing to me and I have a Nvidia 680001:59
reikifyrestrtr, and there are other devices running that should also be responding01:59
neopsychexorg settings01:59
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tickiFCTE: at the moment, what i have for every sections is: Modes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:59
neopsycheFCTE? do you know how i can fix my mouse settings?01:59
fyrestrtrreiki: maybe icmp echo is blocked on your network.01:59
=== monomaniacpat [n=patrick@81-179-122-32.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXAlright, heres what i get now its hangs 28% (Configuring device) and then after about a min it says disconnnected and trys again01:59
edgyneopsyche: I see there an update to the xserver-mouse today did you install it?01:59
FCTEticki, delete everything other than 1280x1024, that will solve the problem01:59
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meowmixi made the changes !mouse said to, but now it won't let me save "xorg.conf", it says I don't have permissions.01:59
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reikifyrestrtr, I have no idea WHERE that would be blocked on the LAN. I didn't block it anywhere that I can remember02:00
polpakmeowmix: you need to edit it with sudo02:00
fyrestrtrmeowmix: you need to edit it as a superuser (with sudo)02:00
tickiFCTE: ok. and what if other user want to use a lower resolution?02:00
FCTEneopsyche, what kind of mouse?02:00
=== whitepyro [n=whitepyr@CPE0080c8de8887-CM0011e6beb0cd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
fyrestrtrreiki: you are the lan administrator?02:00
meowmixhow to i make it ask my password?02:00
neopsycheits a microsoft wheelmouse serial02:00
reikifyrestrtr, yeah... it's my house! :)02:00
=== Tomasz [n=Tomasz@c-71-57-57-209.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
neopsyche1.1A serial compatable02:00
=== dmitri [n=dmitri@ppp83-237-126-198.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrticki: you can leave all your resolutions in there and use ctrl+alt+numpad - and numpad + to cycle through them.02:00
TomaszHI ALL02:00
neopsycheneed to edit xorg.conf02:00
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fyrestrtrticki: it will default to the first resolution listed.02:01
FCTEticki, i guess you can change it later02:01
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neopsychethats what i did last time but cant remember commands02:01
HackerXyou there?02:01
fyrestrtrreiki: well heck .. lol02:01
FCTEticki, but if you want to get the 1280x1024 you have to remove all the other listings and add in the 1280x1024 in every category02:01
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dmitriHey all...got a wacky one here with installing AC '97 modem on m x31 running latest Dapper - can anyone help please?02:01
tickifyrestrtr: i didn' t understand the CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD thing02:01
meowmixpolpak: how do i edit xorg.conf with sudo?  i browsed to it and double clicked it, and it opened in gedit02:02
tickifyrestrtr: got it.. thanks..02:02
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fyrestrtrticki: when you are in X, you can cycle through the screen resolutions by hitting ctrl+alt and then the - or + keys on the numeric keypad (numpad)02:02
reikifyrestrtr, simple LAN setup inside a DSL modem/router combo. But I don't use hubs anywhere. Does BCast go through switches?02:02
monomaniacpathow do you get usb game pads working in ubuntu?02:02
fyrestrtrmeowmix: type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from the terminal02:02
alfredhas anyone had trouble with dual or triple network cards switching positions?  Like one boot card #1 is eth0 and the next it is eth302:02
jrib!dialup > dmitri02:03
meowmixi thought you didn't have to type stuff like that in ubuntu :(02:03
=== Awesome-o2000 pulls out a razor sharp katana and goes berzerk in the room
tickifyrestrtr: by if i remove everything other than 1280 as suggested by FCTE, i don ' think i will be able to do that.02:03
neopsycheI changed my resolution to 1024x768 and now no more mouse working02:03
monomaniacpatcan anyone help me please?02:03
=== jim__ [n=jim@pool-70-109-182-181.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXmy wireless device is found but wont connect any ideas?02:03
fyrestrtrticki: you are right, because there will be only one resolution listed :)02:03
fyrestrtrreiki: not sure about that, but it should.02:03
monomaniacpatHackerX: try using different encryption02:03
FCTEticki, that's the route I took becaue I do not need any other resolutions :)02:04
tickifyrestrtr: the problem is when i add 1280, it breaks... anyway, i will try to do what FCTE suggested as see how it works.02:04
reikifyrestrtr, I would think it would have to... hmmm... I wonder if arpwatch would find the IP based on the MAC02:04
fyrestrtrreiki: an easy way to figure this out would be to turn on your wireless radio and see what it picks up as the AP02:04
fyrestrtrticki: adjust your horizontal and vertical refresh rates.02:04
tickiFCTE: i don' t need anyother res. either.. because it is only me here... but i was just wondering..02:04
monomaniacpatHackerX: say plain instead of hex02:04
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fyrestrtrticki: they are not correct for your monitor, look them up on the web and then adjust your xorg file. Don't guess these numbers, as wrong values may damage your monitor.02:04
FCTEticki, if you need to change it to something else, just do the same, remove the 1280x1024 and put in the new resolution :)02:05
reikifyrestrtr, I'm on a desktop box... no wireless on here02:05
HackerXsorry to say and i know i will get flamed for this but i live in the middle of no where i really couldnt care less if somone used my netowrk cuz im not very close to the road anyways so i have zero encryption02:05
tickifyrestrtr: ok.. i will look that up02:05
tickibut can i do that fort every different res.?02:05
fyrestrtrticki: FCTE you can also change the resolution from within gnome itself.02:05
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fyrestrtrsystem -> preferences -> screen resolution02:06
HackerXany ideas now?02:06
tickifyrestrtr: yes. but it doesn't  list 128002:06
tickiand when i try to add it, it breaks.02:06
FCTEfyrestrtr, where at? I used to be able to mess around with my Nvidia settings in Breezy, but when the drivers are installed in Dapper they are nowhere to be found02:06
fyrestrtrticki: that's because it reads the xorg file and only lists what you have there.02:06
monomaniacpatcan any tell me how to get usb gamepads working?!02:06
tickiwell, breaks.. i never starts with that unsupported freq.02:06
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neopsychedoes anyone know how to get a dialin server working?02:06
tickifyrestrtr: yes, i know.02:07
fyrestrtrticki: what monitor do you have?02:07
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tickiviewsonic e90f+ (19 inches CRT)02:07
neopsychein WInDoZE u just select dialin server option on .. and it lets people dialup to your pc.. shared folders etc.02:07
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HackerXi guess not02:07
HackerXhmm anyone else know?02:08
wilburthi I have a question, i tried installing ubuntu before but didnt go well :\ partitions sorta messd me up, anywho im going to do it again but im wondering should i just let the installer do it for me or use partition magic to do it? thanks02:08
Awesome-o2000tich, viewsonic g810 and a benq fp91G+ here02:08
Gorlisthow can I convert a B5T image to iso or something?02:08
Awesome-o2000god damnit02:08
Awesome-o2000ticki, I mean02:08
FCTEwilburt, do you need the drive for anything else?02:08
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wilburtFCTE: well its the family pc so Il need a dual boot02:08
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tickiAwesome-o2000: is that LCD?02:09
lasindiHi all, I have a program that I need to be run by a CGI script on my webserver. The program technically requires X to run (i.e. it produces errors if it can't access the X server), but it doesn't actually open any windows and as soon as it's done running, it quits. Is there a way to trick this program into thinking an X server is there, or have it actually access the X server that's running?02:09
Awesome-o2000ticki, one is one isnt02:09
FCTEwilburt, oh, I have no dual booting experience that didn't go horribly02:09
meowmixis it supposed to keep asking me for my password?02:09
tickiAwesome-o2000: yeah..i  have no idea about hardware.. ;-)02:09
wilburtFCTE: well last time i tried installing it i formatted my hd :\02:10
KenSentMewilburt: but it's best that before you run the installer you have a free partition that ubuntu can use02:10
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idefix__how can you copy e-mails from a webbased client into evolution mail?02:10
meowmix!password > meowmix02:10
Awesome-o2000ticki, behold my glory.02:10
cypher_lasindi: wont redirecting error /dev/null a possibility here ?02:10
FCTEwilburt, everytime I have attempted dual booting grub eats my Windows partition.02:10
fyrestrtrticki: your monitor's refresh rates are 30-86 H, and 50-180 V -- set these in xorg and your resolution should work.02:10
HackerXUbuntu found my wireless device but it wont connect... any ideas?02:10
neopsycheis there a lighter version of gui on ubuntu other than gnome?02:10
wilburtKenSentMe: ok cool thanks :)02:10
wilburtFCTE: aww :( so what do you do? just run ubuntu on its own?02:11
cypher_HackerX: by wireless device you mean your AP right ?02:11
FCTEneopsyche, try xbuntu02:11
Nameeaterfluxbox, or there is that other one or two, fvwm perhaps02:11
FrogzooFCTE: that's very unusual - could you upgrade your bios perhaps?02:11
KenSentMeidefix__: what client do you use?02:11
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neopsychecan i run xbuntu from ubuntu?02:11
Awesome-o2000neopsyche, youll like xubuntu - its very nice02:11
neopsychemy pc only has 64megs ram thats why im asking02:11
FCTEwilburt, i do it ghetto with two drives, i just unconnect/reconnect LOL02:11
HackerXNo, sorry my wireless card in my laptop02:11
Nameeaterxubuntu-desktop is the package to install02:11
wilburtFCTE: old school ftw :)02:11
lasindicypher_: no because the program actually quits because of the error. To be specific, I'm trying to run OpenOffice.org macros from the script. Works fine with X, but I never see a window pop up. I just need it to run without ever trying to access X.02:11
tickifyrestrtr: right now what i have is: 28-51H, 43-60V02:11
neopsycheok.. how do i switch between boots?02:12
tickifyrestrtr: may I know where you get that info. i would like to check it.02:12
fyrestrtrticki: might want to adjust those02:12
neopsycheif i wan to boot into xubuntu .. does this mean it will boot every time?02:12
fyrestrtrticki: the all mighty Google02:12
tickifyrestrtr: link?02:12
FrogzooFCTE: have you tried setting the master/slave jumpering on the drives?02:12
fyrestrtrticki: google.com :P02:12
FCTEFrogzoo, I dunno, my board is only a year old, I think it's the placement of grub in the MBR that FUBAR's my chances of dual booting02:12
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Nameeaterneopsyche: you can choose it at the login screen, or change it in a config file02:12
fyrestrtrticki: http://www.viewsonic.com.au/support/manuals/download.php?id=5402:12
FrogzooFCTE: but that's what grub does best... usually02:13
Awesome-o2000neopsyche, no, you must find the sparrow king to boot in xubuntu02:13
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FCTEFrogzoo, my jumpers are set straight02:13
meowmixi can't find imwheel in synaptic to get my extra mouse buttons working02:13
FrogzooFCTE: ide or sata? LBA set in the bios?02:13
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tickifyrestrtr: haha. thanks, i was reading the same file.02:13
HackerX_____ok Ubuntu=Found Wireless card Wireless card=Wont connect ANY IDEAS???02:14
FCTEI dunno I rarely ever use my windows drive except for the ocasional game so I have no problem with the way it is now02:14
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cypher_sorry got dc'ed02:14
tickifyrestrtr: but from the google cache.02:14
FCTEFrogzoo, PATA02:14
cypher_HackerX: paste your iwconfig output02:14
cypher_HackerX: run iwconfig as root02:14
lasindicypher_: ah, did you get my reply?02:14
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cypher_lasindi: yes sorry02:15
HackerXHUH? sorry im slightly new to this what is the iwconfig?02:15
cypher_lasindi: i dont think i have any answers to that sorry02:15
Yogarinegood morning02:15
FCTEFrogzoo, I haven't messed with the BIOS other than to make sure it sees everything and set my boot selection.02:15
lasindicypher_: ok, thanks anyway02:15
cypher_HackerX: it is similar to ifconfig but for wireless02:15
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HackerXand where would i locate this?02:16
k31thhey, the windows resizer for dapper how long does it normally take ?02:16
cypher_lasindi: i have not run much cgi other than small things :)02:16
cwilluanybody know of any way to take the output of a program that thinks its talking to, say, an epson, or an hp4, and convert that to an arbitrary printer (via pdf, or whatever)?02:16
FrogzooFCTE: well check you've got LBA mode set next time you're in the bios - but this should just work...02:16
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cypher_HackerX: in a terminal type: sudo iwconfig02:16
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idefix__KenSentMe... I use www.alumnus.utwente.nl02:16
wildmannow I do have a question :)02:16
wilburtcypher_: you the same cypher from UL?02:16
kholerabbiCould someone please explain how to switch between gtk2 themes (in gnome)?02:16
wildmanubuntu 6.06 LTS x86_64 here, konversation is the IRC client I'm using02:16
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cypher_wilburt: UL ?02:16
neopsychewhat is the command to install.. sudo .???02:17
lasindicypher_: ah, well, I tested it actually by running it as another non-root user while in the same X session and found the results02:17
cwilluneopsyche: ?02:17
wilburtcypher_: ok myabe not, University of limerick, must have the same name :)02:17
Nameeatercwillu: you can get a pdf printer and make the program use that02:17
wilburtcypher_: sorry02:17
tickifyrestrtr: what does this mean? Under "Resolution"  ... " recommended and supported" : it says: "1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz (VESA)" right bellow the values you told me02:17
cypher_wilburt: no sorry :)02:17
wildmanI've set Konversation up to display OSD messages when someone writes my name on a message, but am not seeing anything at all, ideas?02:17
neopsychewant to install xubuntu02:17
KenSentMeidefix__: i think that's going to be hard to copy, maybe someone on your uni knows a way to export the mail02:17
FCTEFrogzoo, I'll check it out, also I use two 160GB Samsung standard PATA, one for each OS02:17
Frogzoo!themes > kholerabbi02:17
cwilluNameeater: that's the problem02:17
Yogarineneopsyche: sudo apt-get install **02:17
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dmitrisorry: badly phrases. I need help with my modem device drivers (Name:  Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem ControllerPCIID:  8086:24C6 1014:0524) for Thinkpadx31. been trying to install via the conexant website and get the error (02:17
dmitriNote: kernel module snd-via82xx-modem overridden by hsfmc97via02:17
dmitriNote: kernel module snd-intel8x0m overridden by hsfmc97ich hsfmc97sis02:17
dmitriNote: kernel module snd-atiixp-modem overridden by hsfmc97ati02:17
dmitridpkg: error processing hsfmodem (--install):02:17
dmitri subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12302:17
ynefneopsyche: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:17
dmitriErrors were encountered while processing:02:17
dmitri hsfmodem)02:17
kholerabbi!changethemes > kholerabbi02:18
cwilluNameeater: I need something that can either take epson output, or pcl output, and turn it into anything else02:18
k31thHello ???02:18
k31thhey, the windows resizer for dapper how long does it normally take ?02:18
idefix__KenSentMe... but reading the mail was possible so my inbox is now in evolution mail02:18
Nameeatergood luck with that :/02:18
cypher_lasindi: i guess you want a dummy X to make your office macro to work, right ?02:18
ompauldmitri, DONT paste, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org, thats02:18
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ompauldmitri, thanks02:18
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k31thompaul: yo02:18
lasindicypher_: preferably not, but I could actually live with that if it would work02:18
ynefk31th: likely depends on the amount of data on the partition -- completely trashing my harddrive's partitions took about five minutes02:18
dmitriok sorry02:18
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ompaulk31th, hello02:19
ompauldmitri, you didn't know you do now ;-)02:19
k31thynef: i see02:19
neopsychecan someone please help me configure my mouse?02:19
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ubuntu_i'm newbie in linux can somebody tell me what is the terminal ?02:20
tickifyrestrtr: you there?02:20
ompaul!cli> ubuntu_02:20
cwilluubuntu_:  dos prompt'ish thing02:20
ompaulubuntu_, read the message from ubotu02:20
ynefubuntu_: it's a place where you can type commands, like the old dos prompt02:20
florian__2hi, is it save to resive and move my root partition and my home partition with gparted live cd or may i have problems afterwards runnung my ubuntu?02:20
Frogzoo!mouse > neopsyche02:21
tickiand does anybody know why ubutu uses 1024x768 instead of 1024x800 ? is there a special reason for that.02:21
ynefflorian__2: as long as the partition numbers are the same, it shouldn't be a problem -- otherwise, you should mount your harddrive and edit /etc/fstab to show the changes you've made02:21
Frogzooneopsyche: also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mouse02:21
k31thynef: how does it resize ? i mean i asked it to resize it by about half of the partition about 1/4 of it was used02:21
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mathieuticki: i've never seen 1024x80002:21
KenSentMeidefix__: i know, but the mail that is still on the webmail is the problem i think02:21
Frogzooticki: the vga standard02:22
ompaulticki, standard screen sizes02:22
florian__2ynef: just edit the fstab, nothing else to do?02:22
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ynefk31th: beats me -- the bugger killed everything on my harddrive when I attempted it... ntfs support is shaky, at best02:22
tickioh.. is it? i thought it was 1024x80002:22
ynefflorian__2: well, no, shouldn't be02:22
Hudson_Hhi can someone tell me what i do wrong, i follow the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot?highlight=%28chroot%29 i made an error in this line sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 breezy /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ so i changed breezy in dapper,but then it says that is is a wrong command?02:22
florian__2ynef: thank you so much02:22
tickiyou are right.02:22
wildmanI'll shot my question again:02:23
wildmanI've set Konversation up to display OSD messages when someone writes my name on a message, but am not seeing anything at all, ideas?02:23
tickiok. i' m gonna restart. let' s see what happens.02:23
Frogzooynef: there's an open bug against qparted's ntfs resizing - it's known to kill ntfs02:23
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tickione last quetsion, Where can i set the Hz for my screen resolution02:23
ynefFrogzoo: well, isn't that just lovely? ;) luckily, the computer was brand new, so I didn't lose anything02:24
fyrestrtrticki: in xorg.conf02:24
Frogzoo!fixres > ticki02:24
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florian__2is it possible to boot from an iso cd image with grub?02:24
Frogzooynef: I'm just advertising this little known fact...02:24
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k31thntfssize from 70  to 40 gigs is that going to take hours ?02:24
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tickifyrestrtr: yes, but in the viewsonic manual, besides the input signal, it says: 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz (VESA)02:24
ynefFrogzoo: there *really* ought to be more than a slight warning about that...02:25
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Hudson_Hk31th: no,but remember to defrag it first02:25
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wildmanticki: if this helps, I had to find the proper horiz and vert (k)hertz settings for X to take the highest possible refresh rate automatically02:26
oskudeticki, try to find the vertical refresh and horizontal sync rates for you monitor, maybe in its manual or website (pdf)02:26
Frogzooynef: 100% agree: -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/4822902:26
wildmanand am at 1280x1024x75hz on my 17''LCD02:26
Hudson_Hhi can someone tell me what i do wrong, i follow the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot?highlight=%28chroot%29 i made an error in this line sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 breezy /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ so i changed breezy in dapper,but then it says that is is a wrong command?02:26
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tickiwildman and oskude: i have that info but in addition to that, my monitor manual set that about the @75Hz02:28
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Hudson_Hok then i trie something else, Install the ia32-libs and ia32-libs-dev packages,how can i do this on a 64 bit machine?02:28
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tickiI think one this i the Video Sync, and the other one is the Refresh Rate02:28
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Frogzooticki: you need to set horizsync & vertrefresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, just as the docs mention02:29
wildmanticki: once I've put the correct horiz and vert refresh rates the monitor went to highest refresh rate (75Hz in my case) _alone_02:29
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tickiwildman: where di you set the 75hz in xorg.conf ?02:29
wildmanticki: nowhere02:29
tickiok. so everything is done automatically02:29
Subticki, you dont put the actual refresh rates in02:29
tickiist hat correct?02:29
wildmanticki: see the _alone_, and automatically in my phrases?02:29
tickiok. Cool. just wondering..02:29
wildmanticki: yes02:29
Hudson_Hhow can i install on a 64 bit machine the ia32-libs and ia32-libs-dev packages?02:30
wildmanticki: provided you set the correct refresh rates for both horiz and vert02:30
tickiwildman: i was already writting that line when you wrote that.. I read it .. hehe. thanks,02:30
wildmanHudson_H: apt-get install ....02:30
wildmanticki: slow reader/writers everywhere (happens here too ;))02:30
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wildmanticki: or should I say "fast"? ;)02:30
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Hudson_Hwildman: he won't to,he says it needs wine and thats nog 64bit suportive02:31
tickiok.restarting gnome to see how it goes.02:31
wildmanHudson_H: euh... I think I do have the ia32-libs installed here w/o pbs, however cannot say the same about the ia32-libs-dev one...02:32
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p0mHeya guys. Anyone know which package I need to install to satisfy muine that there's something to play to?02:32
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p0mI've got everything else working, xine with codecs etc.02:33
Frogzoop0m: play what?02:33
TLEany cedega users here ?02:33
p0mmp3 files right now.02:33
Hudson_Hwildman: i just saw that on http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit there is an ubuntu manual too,just the beginning is not clear to me02:33
p0mIt's telling me there's no decoders.02:33
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p0mI can actually play the file via xine.02:34
wildmanHudson_H: didn't play with Wine here yet... sorry02:35
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CatalinuXhello everyone02:35
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CatalinuXI installed a server version of ubuntu breezy today. How do I update it to Dapper from the commandline ?02:35
=== ticki [n=joedoe@200-55-113-244.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanHudson_H: euh... which is the part that u don't understand?02:36
Hudson_HCatalinuX: apt-get update02:36
Frogzoop0m: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:36
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tickihi everyone. Here i' m back running 1280x800@75Hz .. hehe02:36
CatalinuXHudson_H: Do I have yo to change the sources.list in any way ?02:37
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tickione question. it doesn' t take the whole screen. there is like a little unsed gap on the four sides.. how cna i fix that?02:37
Hudson_Hwildman: it says i have to go to lib32,but there is no lib32?02:37
Frogzoop0m: my guess you're missing gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly02:37
wildmanHudson_H: maybe it's /usr/lib32 ?02:37
wildmanHudson_H: wait plz02:37
p0mActually, I've got all those.02:37
p0mIncluding ugly.02:38
Nameeaterticki: with the monitor buttons (usually on the front) ?02:38
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wildmanHudson_H: I do have /usr/lib32 here... so I guess that's where one should go02:38
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ubotuI know nothing about words02:38
ubotuI know nothing about /usr/dict/words02:38
wildmanHudson_H: OTOH, the 'run as *root* part' means u have to prepend 'sudo ' to all commands shown there02:38
tickiNameeater: yes, but if i boot windows, I will have to adjust it again.02:38
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osfameronanyone know where /usr/dict/words lives on debuntu?02:39
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wildmanHudson_H: those instructions are not very 'literal' indeed, one has to make a few 'guesses'02:39
p0mHm, thanks anyhow Frogzoo.02:39
Hudson_Hwildman: ok but in usr i have a path with lib but not a lib32path02:39
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rabbit7_hey. i have a question about automount. which system is used in dapper. I want to change the umask option, but i dont find any config files02:39
rabbit7_thanx for your help02:39
Nameeaterticki: are you sure?02:39
tickiwell. i suppose02:39
HackerXOk my wireless card is found but wont connect. i was told to copy and paste my config file on here but im not on laptop that have ubuntu what exactly am i looking for in the config?02:39
tickilet' s try02:39
Nameeateryou could test it :)02:39
Hudson_Hwildman: pff i need a bether tutorial,i'm to noob to guess a lot02:40
tickihow will my monitor know i am running ubuntu and not windows?02:40
osfameronaha, /etc/dictionaries-common/words02:40
osfameronubotu: words is see /etc/dictionaries-common/words02:40
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=== osfameron sighs
wildmanHudson_H: I'm giving you the missing bits ;)02:40
plasmoduckwhats hte command to setup my network card with dhcp?>02:40
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Nameeaterosfameron: slocate is good too :)02:40
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rabbit7_plasmoduck: sudo dhclient eth002:40
LTjakehello. i'm running tomcat5 on dapper. i'd like tomcat to be able to write to a particular directory, to whom should it be chown'ed?02:41
rabbit7_automount anyone ? all i need is a hint :)02:41
Hudson_Hwildman: first of all,how do i get the needet /usr/lib32 with the needet files in?02:41
osfameronNameeater: oh, yes - though `slocate words` finds rather a lot of stuff02:42
tickiDoes anybody know how to search in the current folder in Nautilius?02:42
wildmanHudson_H: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-devel02:42
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wildmanHudson_H: gimme 1', I'll double check the pkg names02:42
Nameeaterslocate dict | grep words ?02:42
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HackerXOk now im getting slightly irritated!!!02:42
Nameeater/usr/share/dict/words :)02:42
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rabbit7_automount anyone ? it doesnt seem to be autofs right ???02:42
reaperHEY! can anyone help me with an onboard sound problem?02:43
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wildmanHudson_H: hmm... I DO have ia32-libs, but synaptic (the graphical pkg manager) doesn't display ia32-libs-devel after a search for 'ia32' in the pkgs names...02:43
MatthewVrabbit7_, what are you trying to automount?02:43
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wildmanHudson_H: so, I'm not sure where one gets the ia32-libs-devel pkg from...02:43
rabbit7_MatthewV: automount works. i want to change the umask option from 077 to 02202:44
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reaperHEY! can anyone help me with an onboard sound problem?02:44
MatthewVrabbit7_, edit /etc/fstab ?02:44
FrogzooLTjake: www-data at a guess02:44
Hudson_Hwildman: that was the problem i have,but i don't know where he putted the ia32-libs02:44
rabbit7_MatthewV: It seems like it used to be something like /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf but thats not installed02:44
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MatthewVreaper, see if you can find what the chipset of your sound is..02:44
rabbit7_Matthew: usbmount doesnt have any entrys in fstab..02:44
Nameeaterreaper: ask the question, dont ask for help02:44
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LTjakeFrogzoo: i'll give it a whirl.02:45
HackerXWhy is it that one person will start to help you and then when you give a respone as to what happen they are no where to be found02:45
osfameronNameeater: bah, fair enough :-)02:45
reaperMatthewV, Nameeater, im on a notebook,02:45
wildmania32-libs are in /usr/lib32 Hudson_H....02:45
MatthewVrabbit7_, so you're trying to change the umask for a usb device?02:45
reaperMatthewV, Nameeater, i cant seem to get the sound working02:45
rabbit7_MatthewV: i mean automount, you know when something gets mounted into /media/BLA02:45
Hudson_Hno like i said,have no usr/lib32 path02:45
Nameeaterreaper: what notebook?02:45
reapernew toshiba P10002:45
reaperwant a specific model?02:45
MatthewVreaper, try lspci and see if your soundcard is listed.. if so check for some identifier02:45
wildmanHudson_H: did u 'sudo apt-get install ia32-libs' ?02:46
MatthewVrabbit7_, ok, I am not too sure then...02:46
LTjakeFrogzoo: no go. dang.02:46
reaperMatthewV: im a bit nooby, dno what lspci is!02:46
Nameeateryea, if its very new tho you may be out of luck for a bit :)02:46
Hudson_Hwildman: ok now i found them :-)02:46
rabbit7_reaper: take a look at lspci02:46
wildmanHudson_H: cuz if u didn't install ia32-libs u won't have /usr/lib32....02:46
wildmanHudson_H: ok :)02:46
HackerXugh, ok now im pissed...02:46
reaperrabbit7_: i dno what lspci is!02:46
MatthewVreaper, from command line (Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal) type in lspci and hit enter02:46
reaperNameeater: yeah, its fairly new,02:46
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reaperok tah02:46
Hudson_Hwildman: i now gonna check those ln -s things02:46
rabbit7_MatthewV: yeah mean either.. i was looking for some docs how thats done.. cant find any02:47
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rabbit7_MatthewV: must be some app with some config.. question is where and what up :)02:47
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wildmanHudson_H: ok, remember to prepend 'sudo ' to the shown commands....02:47
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reaperMatthewV: i cant find any audio related devices in that?02:47
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reaperis ICH7 something to do with audio?02:48
MatthewVreaper, paste the output in pastebin02:48
reaper7.1 or something?02:48
HackerX***Wireless card found but wont connect any ideas???***02:48
reaperHackerX: i updated to latest version and it fixed my wifi card not being found02:48
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MatthewVHackerX, you don't need to repeat your question every minute02:48
Hudson_Hwildman: done that now the next step :-)02:48
dstyrkHi all.. I am having trouble installing shockwave.02:49
wildmanHudson_H: good luck! ;)02:49
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rabbit7_reaper: lspci | grep audio02:49
HackerXMatthewV, you updated to 6.06?02:49
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reaperrabbit7_: ill have a look02:49
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MatthewVHackerX, yes i am on 6.0602:49
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Hudson_Hwildman: i need help for the next step, what do i have to put more to that line beside sudo?02:50
croccoHello all. I have a small problem with my X. I have everything up as I want it except for one little problem. Everytime I hit <Shift> <Backspace> I restart X(Using compiz, and I think it's got something to do with that).02:50
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rabbit7_reaper: cat /proc/asound/cards02:50
wildmanHudson_H: 'that line' = which one?02:50
rabbit7_anyone knows anything about the automount system in dapper ?? which apps are used to do it ?02:50
HackerXMatthewV, yea so am i... just got it. like i said ubuntu sees my card but wont connect02:50
Hudson_Hwildman: LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32"  ./configure02:50
MatthewVcrocco, its a well-known bug with compiz... maybe someone else knows about it more than i do02:50
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wildmanoh, that one is a little tricky02:50
croccoAnyone that could point me to the right direction how to solve this?02:50
reaperrabbit7_: 0 [Intel          ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel02:51
reaper                     HDA Intel at 0xb0000000 irq 5802:51
wildmanHudson_H: sudo goes just before ./configure02:51
wildmanHudson_H: LDFLAGS=.... sudo ./configure02:51
MatthewVHackerX, maybe give network-manager a try02:51
FrogzooLTjake: does java security let you write files?02:51
croccoMatthewV: Thanks. No known work arounds yet?02:51
Hudson_How ok02:51
neopsyche_OK i got the mouse problem sorted.. thanks for everyones help02:51
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neopsyche_can someone please help me configure a winmodem?02:51
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wildmanHudson_H: FYI: LDFLAGS=bla is an envvar definition, the comand comes after it (sudo ./configure)02:51
MatthewVcrocco, not sure, maybe the folks in #xgl know02:51
rabbit7_reaper: ur soundcard seems to be installed. you sure its not muted ?02:51
neopsyche_not sure how exactly to get this one going>!02:51
croccoMatthewV: Thanks again :)02:51
HackerXMatthewV, already did stops at 28% (configuring device) and then trys again02:51
reaperhaha how do i check? sorry i am quite the noob02:51
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MatthewVHackerX, I'm not too sure then..02:52
dstyrkHi I am new to Ubuntu.. I am trying to install the shockwave plugin for firefox.  Can someone please help02:52
reaperrabbit7_: nah its at 100%02:52
Hudson_Hwildman: /configure: command not found02:52
HackerX<MatthewV> ok thanks02:52
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MatthewVdstyrk, schockwave is actually unavailable for linux02:52
rabbit7_reaper: can you run alsamixer and unmute the master and pm ?02:52
neopsyche_anyone know how to configure dialup networking on linux?02:52
MatthewVdstyrk, there is one possible workaround, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:52
reaperrabbit7_: elaborate?02:52
dstyrkMatthewV:  Ah.  Thank you.02:53
neopsyche_lol.. macromedia DOES NOT like opensource02:53
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MatthewVdstyrk, no probs :)02:53
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neopsyche_and neither does adobe02:53
rabbit7_reaper: just enter alsamixer in the console02:53
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MatthewVneopsyche_, at least we have flash02:53
neopsyche_can someone please help me configure my modem02:53
HackerXUbuntu found my wirless card but wont connect does anyone know what i can do?02:53
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wildmanHudson_H: ./configure, not /configure02:53
reaperrabbit7_:  seems to be 100% for both02:54
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wildmanHudson_H: see the "." ? it's vey important ;)02:54
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Frogzoo!wifi > HackerX02:54
rabbit7_reaper: make sure line in and jack are muted02:54
Toma-HackerX: can you ping your router?02:54
Hudson_Hwildman: i forgeted to copy that . to here,but same error02:54
HackerXrabbit7_ let me try02:54
neopsyche_Please can someone help me with my modem02:54
wildmanHudson_H: euh... in which dir are you standing?, you should be in wine's sources dir02:54
HackerXFrogzoo, what?02:55
neopsyche_dial up modem.. not sure how it works on linux02:55
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reaperrabbit7_: it doesnt display linein, im pretty sure this new notebook auto senses the jcaks02:55
wildmanHudson_H: yes, if you are going to compile a thing by hand, you do have to know how to guess some things ;)02:55
Nameeaterreaper: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4943902:55
rabbit7_HackerX: what ubuntu are you running ?02:55
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reaperNameeater:  thanks il have a look02:55
wildmanHudson_H: that mini-howto is not really written for total noobies (no pun intended)02:55
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finalbeta!burn dvd02:55
ubotuI know nothing about burn dvd02:55
rabbit7_reaper: aplay -l in the konsole02:56
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems02:56
HackerXrabbit7_, im running 6.06 desktop02:56
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Hudson_Hwildman: wildmandon't wanna compile,but it seems the only way to get wine on a 64 but machine,and i know thats to soon without a good howto02:56
Nameeaterits an already acknowledged bug with those laptops, I pasted the link02:56
Nameeaterfor the sound problem02:57
dstyrkhey can someone point me in the direction of some good background shots?  I only have the defult and don't like em'02:57
reaperthanks Nameeater02:57
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fyrestrtrgenaus: gnome-look.org / www.deviantart.com02:57
reaperit seems like its already a bug, but how long till i can play music!02:57
reaper0 [Intel          ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel02:57
reaper                     HDA Intel at 0xb0000000 irq 5802:57
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MatthewVdstyrk, don't like any in the Sample Files02:57
reaperim a muso so i will probably have to boot into windows so i can listen!02:57
wildmanHudson_H: look, ./configure and make commands are used to compile, so yes, it looks like you have to compile wine by hand after doing the proper symlinks (ln -s ...) to have wine find the libs it needs both for compilation and for running02:57
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rabbit7_HackerX: network-manager installed ?02:58
Nameeaterreaper: :( can be a problem with linux and laptops02:58
FrogzooHackerX: read ubotu's pm02:58
HackerXrabbit7_, No i cant ping my router. also it says that its in a loop back if that helps02:58
dstyrkMatthewV:  The rust colored ones?  Nope.02:58
finalbetaMatthewV, thnx02:58
wildmanHudson_H: so, the last part of that mini-howto implies:02:58
reaperi sold my desktop for this laptop.....02:58
MatthewVdstyrk, i mean in your home folder/Examples02:58
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MatthewVfinalbeta, no probs02:58
rabbit7_HackerX: ifconfig ath002:58
wildmanHudson_H: 1) you downloaded and unpacked wine's sources; 2) u r standing on the dir were u've unpacked the sources; 3) u will run all those commands as a regular user (no sudo, but on the last line)02:59
reaperit scores an extra thousand points in 3dmark 03, and is better overall, and extremely portable. and yeah...... dissappointing, might have to wait a while for it to get sorted02:59
MatthewVdstyrk, otherwise take a look at art.ubuntu.com and art.gnome.org02:59
rabbit7_can anyone help me with the automount system ?02:59
Nameeaterreaper: if you go back to windows just keep an eye out and at some point it may work :)02:59
HackerXifconfig ath0, device not found02:59
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Hudson_Hwildman: i don't see where i should downloaded the wine sources so that wil be the problem03:00
Brunnomy amule is closing itself when i leave it open for a while... (ie: i go to sleep and leave it downloading something, in the morning its closed) anyone can help me ?03:00
rabbit7_HackerX: what is your wireless device ?? ifconfig03:00
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reaperyeah, Nameeater.... i've always had some sort of problem with linux since i first tryed to install FC3 on my 400Mhz P3.... all well. lucky im gonna give the open source community heaps of chances03:00
wildmanHudson_H: indeed :)03:00
reaperi can wait.03:00
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wildmanBuilding Wine on Ubuntu / Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) = Compiling and Installing Wine on ..., Hudson_H03:01
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wildmanHudson_H: so, you already did the libs symlink part, now, plz get wine's sources, unpack them somewhere you have write access too (your home dir, or /tmp); ...03:01
wildmanHudson_H: ... cd to that dir, and run the commands after "Run configure, build and install with:" exactly as they are shown (no sudo where it doesn't appear, sudo where it does)03:02
wildmanHudson_H: ok?03:02
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Hudson_Hwildman: just apt-get wine-sources then?03:02
HackerXrabbit7_, when i do ifconfig it doesnt show up but when i goto the network thing its eth1 but i tryed that also no go. i know it found it cuz its in my devices list with full info03:02
wildmanHudson_H: if you run into further problems, plz check with wine ppl03:02
rabbit7_automount please anyone ? cant be that magic03:02
FrogzooHackerX: if you do 'iwconfig' as long as your drivers setup, you should see the wifi interface03:02
MarkAngelsHi, I have a dual boot system with Dapper and XP. Just bought an external 500gig usb2 harddrive which has ntfs. Will it be writable if I make it fat32? Is fat32 writing safe?03:02
wildmanHudson_H: euh... no, I think you have to download the sources from wine's webpage03:02
Traenomasteryoda, You awake?03:02
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KnowledgEngii have installed ubuntu 5.10 now03:03
wildmanHudson_H: I don't think someone packaged the sources for apt ;)03:03
rabbit7_HackerX: iwconfig eth1 scan03:03
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KnowledgEngibut before update to new release03:03
KnowledgEngii think that is better update the source.list03:03
KnowledgEngiis correct?03:03
rabbit7_HackerX: i mean iwlist eth1 scan03:03
HackerXrabbit7_, unregonized wireless request "scan"03:04
Brunnocan anyone help me with amule ? its closing randomly when i leave it open for a while...03:04
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nyxieBrunno: have you tried to reinstall aMule?03:04
fyrestrtrBrunno: check the logs03:04
wildmanHudson_H: what?03:05
HackerXrabbit7_, no scan results03:05
Brunnonyxie, already tried...03:05
rabbit7_HackerX: that means it cant find your router03:05
Brunnofyrestrtr, where do i find it ?03:05
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UsunnyFrogzoo sure you can make it fat32, just don't get any files lager then 4gb ..03:05
rabbit7_automount anyone ? i want to change the umask. which apps are used for automount in ubuntu dapper ???03:05
HackerXrabbit7_, ok so what should i do?03:05
monomaniacpatanyone used joystick calibrator before?03:06
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HackerXrabbit7_, any way to force it?03:06
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rabbit7_HackerX: try ifconfig eth1 up and then scan again03:06
FrogzooUsunny: you mean gparted? yes, fat32 is fine03:06
jsimmonswhere do I find the install commANDLINE options03:06
Hudson_Hwildmin,how can i know if i found the latest sources?03:06
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FrogzooUsunny: it's a better option anyhow, for linux access03:07
neopsyche_does anyone know how to use the linmodems.org testing tool?03:07
HackerXrabbit7_, permission denied03:07
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Usunnyyes it is03:07
rabbit7_sudo ifconfig eth1 up03:07
jsimmonsi've been trying for four days to get Crapper installed03:07
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finalbetaMatthewV, do prefer some brurning application yourself? Do they use buffer underrun protection on the drive?03:08
MarkAngelswww.fs-driver.org might be better than having fat32, but I don't know how safe it is03:08
ubotuI know nothing about winext203:08
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Usunnythe main issu is probebly the win-stuff :>03:08
HackerXrabbit7_. no such file or directory03:08
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nyxieBrunno: try to upgrade wxGTK 2.6.303:08
MatthewVfinalbeta, i generally use gnome (right-click, burn to cd...) for isos... and gnome-baker or bonfire for the rest03:08
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MarkAngelsNot winext2?03:09
nyxieyou can find it hopefuly on Synaptic03:09
MatthewVi would try gnome-baker though.. as bonfire is not in the repos (i compiled it myself)03:09
wildmanHudson_H: well... winehq should have the good sources...03:09
rabbit7_HackerX: ??? sudo ifconfig03:09
Brunnonyxie, thanks, ill try that. :)03:09
reaperok boys, time to do something even harder03:09
reapercan anyone help me install xlg?03:09
nyxieBrunno: np :)03:09
finalbetaMatthewV, I've installed it, was a little scared, sinse I don't see nothing about buffer underrun protection. But ok, I'll give that one a shot.03:09
Usunnytry joining the #XGL03:09
reaperahh thanks Usunny03:09
Traereaper, #ubuntu-xgl03:09
HackerXrabbit7_, only has eth0 (ethernet) and lo03:09
finalbeta"don't see anything"03:10
MatthewVfinalbeta, I've never had problems :) but that's no guarentee ;)03:10
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rabbit7_HackerX: ifconfig eth103:10
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FrogzooHackerX: can you see your wifi nic with 'iwconfig'  ?03:10
highvoltageI have a  user that gets the message: bash: /usr/bin/pmount: Permission denied03:10
wildmananyone here using konversation? and its 'osd' feature?03:10
highvoltageand it seems that this is the reason they can't mount usb devices either.03:11
highvoltageanyone know where to fix this?03:11
_Zxc_Does anyone have any tips for increasing the microphone recording level on an audigy2 sound card? Right now everything is maxed out and mic boost is on and I still don't get much sound03:11
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HackerXrabbit7_ ok looks the same as my ether with a dif mac03:11
fyrestrtrBrunno: /var/log/03:11
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monomaniacpathas anyone successfully used a gamepad on ubuntu!?03:12
HackerXrabbit7_ it says ethernet but the mac doesnt match03:12
monomaniacpatMy Y axis is back to front!03:12
Healoti haven't test my gamepad yet03:12
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rabbit7_HackerX: ? strange world. sudo ifconfig eth1 up03:13
iBroodHello, can someome help me with an installation problem? My installation icon wont respond.03:13
Brunnofyrestrtr, thanks, ill check it.03:13
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HackerXrabbit7_ still no such file or directory03:14
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MatthewViBrood, maybe try running the install app from terminal... or find out where the icon refers to (right click --> properties)03:14
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rabbit7_sudo ifconfig works ??03:14
neopsyche_hmm..anyone know how to install a modem???03:14
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rabbit7_and sudo ifconfig eth1 works too03:14
iBroodok, I'm a newbie, can someone please tell me how to run it from the terminal?03:14
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HackerXrabbit7_ yes03:14
HackerXrabbit7_ both work03:15
iBroodniether the one on the menu, nor the desktop icon work03:15
HackerXrabbit7_ just not the up one03:15
rabbit7_and ifconfig eth1 up gives you no such file or directory03:15
rabbit7_hmm.. strange03:15
HackerXrabbit7_ correct03:16
rabbit7_and iwconfig gives you ?03:16
dregai'm havving the same issue it seems rabbit703:16
dregaexcept when I installed ndiswrapper it created the wireless interface as eth1 rather than wlan003:17
HackerXrabbit7_ lo,eth0, then on eth1 it has all the info on the card 802.11g and then all the diffnt varibles03:17
iBroodwhich tab should I check in properties03:17
finalbetaanyone installed windows on Xen yet? How stable is it, is performance the same like VMware or worse/beter?03:17
jsimmonsare thyere any parameters i can pass to the installer? i don't need the raid or pcmcia stuff03:17
rabbit7_HackerX im puzzled03:18
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HackerXrabbit7_ hmm, is there anything in this list that would help you like (access point:invaild) or any other varible?03:19
Hudson_Hwildman: i have a weard problem?03:19
rabbit7_HackerX: mode should be managed right ??03:19
wildmanHudson_H: tell me03:20
iBroodit seems that the install menu finally popped up after 7-8 minutes03:20
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Hudson_Hi unpacked the source files in /home/mike03:20
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Hudson_Hbut when i do cd /home/mike i cant enter it03:20
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rabbit7_HackerX: and if you scan with another wireless card you can see the access point ?03:21
wildmanHudson_H: is 'mike' your username?03:21
HackerXrabbit7_ the card is a Broadcom 4318 id that helps03:21
wildmanHudson_H: how did u unpack the sources? which command u've run?03:21
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Bassettsis it possible that cleaning all the dust from my pc actually made it faster =S03:21
HackerXrabbit7_ i had windows up a min ago on the same laptop and it found i03:21
Hudson_Hdubleklicked on it and unpaked it with file-roller 2.14.303:22
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wildmanHudson_H: did you make sure to have the 'recreate dirs' option (or something like that) enabled?03:22
velenois there some app able to record the activity on video and also the audio coming from the microphone?03:22
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Hudson_Hwildman: in filemanager i can go to the dir,but in the terminal i got no acces03:23
jsimmonsare thyere any parameters i can pass to the installer? i don't need the raid or pcmcia stuff03:23
velenobasically i need to record a session of work on a site, video and audio.03:23
wildmanHudson_H: if so, you shuold have a subfolder/subdir named wine-something03:23
wildmanHudson_H: "inside" /home/mike/03:23
rabbit7_HackerX: what card is it ?03:23
Hudson_Hwildman: in the filemanager i went to the correct dir and everything is there03:23
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ardchoilleveleno: try istanbul03:24
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Hudson_Hbut on terminal i dont have acces03:24
wildmanHudson_H: then, why are you trying cd /home/mike, while you should be trying cd /home/mike/wine-something ?03:24
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Hudson_Hwildman: the whole line gave me an error,so i went up dir by dir03:24
velenoardchoille, sounds ok for video. what for audio recording?03:25
HackerXrabbit7_ Broadcom 431803:25
wildmanHudson_H: open a terminal window plz03:25
ardchoilleveleno: oh, that I don't know03:25
HackerXon a dell b13003:25
ardchoilleveleno: I don't use sound in anything.03:25
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wildmanHudson_H: on that window: cd wine-something, replacing something with the real name of the folder03:25
Hudson_Hwildman: i get still the same error03:26
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nyxiemonomaniac: you there? did you solve the gamepad problem you had?03:27
wildmanHudson_H: I don't understand how comes, if u did all as user mike, don't have access to your own files...03:27
wildmanHudson_H: there's something wrong on your proceedings...03:27
Hudson_Hwildman: that is what i find weard03:27
foxinessi want to tweak wget where can i do that?03:27
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oskudefoxiness, try: sudo nano /etc/wgetrc03:28
Frogzoofoxiness: /etc/wgetrc03:28
Hudson_Hwildman: i know,but i don't know what,it all started yesterday after the use of gparted,it messed up everything03:28
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HackerXrabbit7_ do you know anything about ndiswrapper03:28
foxinessthanks oskude Frogzoo03:28
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rabbit7_HackerX: not really i have tried it long time ago and it didnt work for me03:28
jsimmonsare there any parameters i can pass to the installer? i don't need the raid or pcmcia stuff03:29
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oskudefoxiness, allways look in /etc if you want to edit config files of some program (and there are allso .programname dirs in your home for some programs)03:29
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HackerXrabbit7_ its looking like i might have to use that. but i dont understand why it see the card but cant connect03:29
wildmanHudson_H: which is the wine sources filename u've downloaded?03:30
rabbit7_HackerX: i dont know either. im sorry03:30
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foxinessoskude, ok next time i will do that ,thank you for help03:30
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dregarabbit7_ i just got the broadcom wireless working with ndiswrapper.03:30
litbhi ppl03:30
oskudefoxiness, youre welcome03:31
litbis there a graphical program which lets you edit config files?03:31
dregapiece of cake; just make sure to unload the bcm43xx driver before you use ndiswrapper.03:31
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HackerXrabbit7_ Alright, thanks for the help03:31
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litbeg which parses those files in etc, regognizes its format and let you change things by checking boxes etc ?03:31
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wildmanHudson_H: and u have /home/mike/wine-0.9.16/ ?03:32
KismetHow can I avoid to GNOME to handle the  special key of my multimedia keyboard?03:32
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oskudelitb, that would be alot of work, but some programs have tools for their config files...03:32
xukun#/join #cups03:32
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oskudelitb, just open the config file with nano/gedit, they are mostly good commented, or try "man programname" or "man program.conf" for more info...03:33
wildmanHudson_H: and u cannot just open a terminal window (which should leave you already inside /home/mike) and cd wine-0.9.16 ?03:33
jsimmonsare there any parameters i can pass to the installer? i don't need the raid or pcmcia stuff03:34
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oskudejsimmons, i dont need/have them neither, but they arent "breaking" my system...03:35
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eyedoli have a wide screen and i can't play supertux03:35
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xukunsinds I upgraded to ubuntu dapper printing throu ipp is not working. We have a company printer server using ipp. I see all the pritners but my print jobs are not going to the pritners. Any idea's?03:35
eyedolthe graphics get disttored03:35
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jsimmonsoskude i've been trying to install drake for four days, changing install params is my last idea03:36
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wildmanHudson_H: ?03:36
Hudson_Hwildman: it's ok i'm in that directory now03:37
eyedolany howto to solve that?03:37
oskudejsimmons, whats the problem ? does the installer freeze in the "ubuntu boot logo" ?03:37
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Hudson_Hwildman: do u still have that link of that page? by restarting the pc i lost it03:37
wildmanHudson_H: good luck following the rest of the instructions starting on LDFLAGS....03:37
debnubHi everyone. Need help configuring my network. I got full web services access from winxp, but partial servicesunder ubuntu. any help?03:37
jsimmonsoskude if you want a complete rundown, check the ubuntu install forum03:37
wildmanHudson_H: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit03:37
oskudejsimmons, got a direct link ?03:37
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wildmanHudson_H: welcomed03:38
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gidnaI have a problem witf my printer03:38
jsimmonsoskude www.ubuntu.com03:38
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jsimmonsoskude click community and then find the link to the forums03:39
oskudejsimmons, doh, i mean direct link to your post03:39
rabbit7_does anyone know how to change HALs umask of fvat disks without changing the policy file ??03:39
jsimmonsoskude wait one03:39
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gidnaHow I can istall my printer?03:40
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debnubgidna: describe your problem please03:40
rabbit7_HackerX: im sorry it seems to be a hardware driver related issue i am at loss. you might want to check the gentoo forums for advanced help03:40
jsimmonsoskude http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207349&page=203:40
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MatthewVgidna, give System --> Administration --> Printing a try03:40
jsimmonsoskude check the next-to-last post03:40
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gidnathe printer runs with turboprint spoftware03:41
oskudejsimmons, ill check03:41
gidnabut it pirints also the logo of turboprint03:41
gidnabeacause I have to pay 30$03:41
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gidnaanother way to installa less paying?03:41
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debnubgidna: have you tried foomatic?03:42
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MatthewVgidna, so the way i said above won't work?03:42
neopsychemy chipset family03:42
neopsycheNOW .. does anyone know how to get linux working with that chipset?03:42
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TheFuzzballhello, how do I set up my system to do a dual boot for Kubuntu and Windows XP pro?03:43
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wildmanbye *, have a nice day/whatever_according_to_your_time_zone03:43
neopsycheFUZZBALL.. GRUB LOADER03:43
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TheFuzzballneopsyche, can you give me instructions?03:44
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SVisorSkype does not seem to be able to open /dev/dsp ... so how do I get Skype to work?03:44
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neopsycheyou should be able to install it in your MBR but im not sure how to do that from scratch.. better ask someone more advanced in that sort of thing03:44
baalfirst install Windows XP pro, then install ubuntu03:44
gidnaIn this page03:44
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smtkrInteresting problem: Using the latest Ubuntu and Firefox, I can't visit www.ishares.com (server not found message). In Windows (and latest Firefox), I can. Any ideas?03:44
neopsycheor do a search on grub loader03:44
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gidnathere isn't pixma canon ip 1600...03:45
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto03:45
gidnadebnub: anothe solution?03:45
rekrutacjahi all i have problem with gaim: with file transfer feature in jabber i can receive files, but not send them. no error message is generated, simply my client is waiting for other side to accept file transfer, but other side is not receiving it. any ideas?03:45
oskudejsimmons, hmm, that sounds sad. i was hoping you had old hardware where the solution could have been "ide=nodma" as boot option (had it many times)... but i havent never used amd64 nor sata, so dunno if thats the problem, sorry (btw. you say your 1st sata drive has a ntfs partition, i hope you didnt try to install linux in ntfs partition?!)03:45
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chopchop_hi guys, im trying to compile vim 7.0 but it keeps telling me that it cannot find any teminal library and recommends that i should have installed ncurses while i have already installed it03:45
chopchop_any solution?03:46
dreamthief rekrutacja , just don't use gaim for jabber. the jabber implementation is crap03:46
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baalAnyone who use AD1981B? is your soundcard have sound in ubuntu?03:46
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jsimmonsoskude noooo I said in that post that I'm installing onto a 200gb IDE drive03:46
debnubgidna: try foomatic03:46
oskudejsimmons, yeah, and i top you say: 10) The 1st SATA1 drive has a single NTFS partition03:46
jsimmonsoskude but that sata drives are just data drives03:47
rekrutacjadreamthief: the probnlem is i want to use one IM app for my different accounts, and gaim is supporting gadu gadu - obscure polish instant messanger which is very popular among my friends...03:47
gidnadebnub: I told you I have  searched in the list but there isn't03:47
chopchop_any idea for the vim problem?03:47
jsimmonsoskude i'm not even planning on mounting any of those partitions03:47
erUSULchopchop_: de dev version of the library?03:47
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dreamthiefthan you're SOL03:48
debnubgidna: launch synaptic and search for foomatic03:48
litbis it normal that sata drives doesn't trigger a hotplug event?03:48
rekrutacjadreamthief: i'm sure this is something trivial because it was working before, just recently stopped03:48
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jsimmonsoskude i just want to install the freakin os03:48
oskudejsimmons, ah ok, miss read that...03:48
baalregister AD1981b03:48
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dreamthiefsomeone installed a software- or hardware firewall ?03:48
debnubgidna: system---->administration----> synaptic03:48
gidnain the database03:48
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gidnaof the fromatic03:48
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jsimmonsoskude the live cd boots fine, i hear sounds, and I can connect to the net - the installer is CRAP03:48
dreamthiefor perhaps a NAT router with a firewall?03:48
gidnaisn't my printer03:49
yxahow do I use touch to date a file x secs from CURRENT TIME?03:49
rom1__anyone know where i can find help on debugging eclipse ?03:49
chopchop_erUSUL: how can i get it?03:49
xukuncould it be that ubuntu team has released a version that has printing broken?03:49
oskudejsimmons, have you tried to install when you _only_ have the 200gb ide hd and cdrom installed ?03:49
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abstractismmorning #ubuntu03:50
rekrutacjadreamthief: how to check that?03:50
jsimmonsoskude if you mean without the sata drives, yeah03:50
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debnubgidna: Have you tried CUPS?03:50
oskudejsimmons, hmm... sorry cant think of anything atm...03:50
gidnais not supported my printer03:50
dreamthiefask your buddies ^^03:50
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rekrutacjadreamthief: nobody installed it for sure as this is my personal machine i use over private adsl line , but maybe with some recent (i mean last 3-4 weeks) ubuntu update this was changed?03:51
chopchop_erUSUL: 5.5-1ubuntu303:51
jsimmonsoskude what really ticks me off is that nobody from ubuntu appears to give a crap03:51
dreamthiefuh guy03:51
gidnaIF I want to print I have to pay is not correct!!03:51
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debnubgidna: sorry then, can help. have you search from posts for that printer?03:52
dreamthiefmaybe someone of your friends installed this f*ckin hard or software on his side ^^03:52
rekrutacjadreamthief: just tell me you dont know how to check what is broken :-)03:52
rekrutacjadreamthief: no. i cannot send files within my home network too03:52
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oskudejsimmons, well, without error messages that would be hard...03:52
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dr_willisgidna,  let me guess.. normal cups drivers dont support your printer but the commercial pack does?03:53
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jsimmonsoskude there are no error messages - installation just hangs up03:53
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chopchop_please help me compile vim 7.003:53
dr_willisgidna,  could be worse off.. my printer isent even supported by the comercial drivers03:53
oskudejsimmons, have you tried the (old) text mode installer from the alternate cd ?03:53
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varsendaggrhey  my domain server keeps resetting itself.   i tried to give it a really long reset time but that didn't work any sugestions03:53
rixxonchopchop_: ./configure; make; make install03:53
jsimmonsoskude i thikn you can probably tell that if there were any, I would have listed them in my "recap" message03:53
erUSULchopchop_: sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev03:54
xukunwhy ist that nobody is responding to my calls. A,m I asking the wrong quations here or what? (;03:54
dr_willischopchop_,  or follow the svn/cvs docs on the vim7 docs/page03:54
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a_l_ehello, how can i edit a file which should be published as latin1 without changing the encoding of the whole system?03:54
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jsimmonsoskude yeah,and it hung up too03:54
gidnaso I can't print?03:54
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erUSULa_l_e: gedit does that just fine03:54
varsendaggrthis is in /etc/resolv.conf03:54
dr_willisgidna,  no idea. there may be some alternative drivers for your printer.  that may take some googling to find out.03:54
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monomaniacpathoe do I force a cd drive to open? It claims the device is busy when umounting03:54
dr_willisgidna,  i dont even knwow hat pronter ya got.03:54
oskudejsimmons, if you jump to ctrl+alt+f1 (atleast in live cd boot phase) you get error messages...03:55
chopchop_got it, thanks guys03:55
xukundo you want me to say it again?03:55
killazhi ubuntu....03:55
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monomaniacpatforcing a cd drive open command?03:55
Hudson_Hdamm wildman is gone, don't knwo why i can't compile an executable03:55
dr_willismonomaniacpat,  you want to kill off the apps that are accessing the cdrom, use 'lsof' to find what ones those are.03:55
oskudejsimmons, btw, did you do the "check cd" option on the install cd ? (or checked the md5sum on the images?)03:55
gidnathe solution is to eliminate ubuntu03:55
xukunis there anybody here using dapper with ipp printing?03:55
killazI have a question about scanning images. I hope that one of you can help me..03:56
varsendaggrkillaz, yeah ?03:56
dr_willisgidna,  yea.. whatever.03:56
dr_willisxukun,  yes.03:56
monomaniacpatdr_willis: I am using wine to install a pc game. I cannot kill the process - it's halfway through installing!03:56
debnubgidna: or buy another printer03:56
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killazI have xsane installed..... but I find the resolution very poor, comapre to what Im used to with this same scnaner.... do you know how to imporve this?03:56
killazI searched for a manual/tutorial on the web but couldnt find anything03:57
a_l_eerUSUL: it's a html file with "<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">" encodings. firefox doesn't show the accented chars if i save the file with ISO-8859-1 encodings :-(03:57
juztinwhat is gconf?03:57
monomaniacpatdr_willis: wine eject was the command I needed03:57
dr_willismonomaniacpat,  wine is weird in ways. theres wine options to allow it to mount/unmount the cdrom, or for the user to manually do this. Or i alwayus just copy the cd's to a dir. then install from there.. elimineating the cdrom totally.03:57
debarshijuztin, gconf lets u configure GNOME03:57
gidnathere is a strange fact03:57
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juztindebarshi, its an app?03:58
dreamthiefmonomaniacpat, try using a paperclip to open the drive manually03:58
rekrutacjahi all i have problem with gaim: with file transfer feature in jabber i can receive files, but not send them. no error message is generated, simply my client is waiting for other side to accept file transfer, but other side is not receiving it. any ideas?03:58
User542hi guys03:58
oskudejuztin, you may be looking for this: gconf-editor03:58
gidnawhen I go to administration ->piornter and add printers03:58
xukundr_willis, could you print after the installation of dapper without changing anything execpt putting ipp in client.cups or did you made more changes?03:58
gidnathe system Knows my printer03:58
User542im having trouble installing ubuntu server, nothing happens when i start the computer with the cd in03:58
debnubdr_wills: having trouble with my web access via external router, wx works fine but ubuntu has partial access03:58
juztinoskude, i'm actually just wondering what it was, because i downloaded a script that optimizes gconf03:58
gidnathen open me a page where I have to choice my printer03:58
dr_willisxukun,  hmm.. all i did was run that gnome printer config and enter the ip# and stuff for my ipp printer.03:58
oskudejuztin, optimizes gconf ?? where did you get such script ?03:58
dr_willisxukun,  i never altered the client.cups03:58
=== jeff931 [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jeff931hey guys03:59
jeff931my computer just boots right to windows even with the ubuntu server install cd in03:59
juztinoskude, i got a collection of optimization scripts somewhere, i could hunt it down...theres scripts for docs, evolution, gconf, gnome, openoffice, and rhythmbox in the zip file03:59
jeff931can anybody help me?03:59
oskudejuztin, aha, well, if you trust them...03:59
juztinjeff931, you have to change your BIOS to boot from cd first03:59
jeff931how do i do that?03:59
jsimmonsoskude right after "booting the kernel", I get "[4294676.563000]  usb 1-1:device descriptor read/all, error -110"04:00
juztinjeff931, at startup, hit the button that brings up the bios, usually del or f10 or f1...then change your bootup order04:00
dr_willisor backspace..  :P04:00
jeff931lol ok04:00
juztinnp :)04:00
oskudejsimmons, do you have usb devices connected ?04:00
jeff931ill try that04:00
juztingood luck04:00
debarshijuztin, yeah its an app04:00
debarshigconf at the console invokes it04:00
jsimmonsoskude but then it proceeds through the boot process untiul it hangs at "Loading hardware drivers...":04:01
juztindebarshi, ok, thanks :)04:01
debnubhaving trouble with my web access via external router, winxp works fine but ubuntu has partial access04:01
oskudejsimmons, and you didnt say if you did "check cd" or checked the mkd5sum on the images...04:01
jsimmonsoskude yes, i checked cd and checksums, and yes I have a usb devcice connected - it's a game controller04:01
dreamthiefunplug the controller ^^04:02
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oskudejsimmons, and the "check cd" said that the cd is OK ? unplug the game controller...04:02
jsimmonson another m/b that wasn't necessary04:02
jsimmonsif i can't used the controller, linux is pointless04:03
oskudejsimmons, well, you can "install" it afterwards...04:03
dr_willis'linux cant handle my gamepad.. its useless!!!"04:03
oskudejsimmons, but if the installer hangs on it, unplug it...04:03
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debarshijuztin, you are welcome04:03
jsimmonsfyi, it's a $1500 steering wheel/pedal set04:03
oskudejsimmons, and from MS ? ;)04:04
juztin1500 bucks for a steering wheel?!?!04:04
=== dr_willis wonders what game is to be used with it.
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dr_willisi dont know of any raceing games under linux04:04
jsimmonsyi'm serious about my sim raciong04:04
dreamthieftry buying a real car. its more fun anyway ... @ jsimmons04:04
juztini got my REAL car for less than 150004:04
juztinits a piece of crap....but it's real!  w00t!04:05
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jsimmonsmayb e my system is too big for Linux04:05
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debnubHey guys, give me a hand here, please.having trouble with my web access via external router, winxp works fine but ubuntu has partial access04:06
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oskudejsimmons, hmm, did "check cd" say that the cd is OK ? and did unplugging the usb controller help ? or are you flaming...04:06
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dreamthiefnoah, he just wants linux to behave like windows04:06
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juztinwtf is windows?  :o04:06
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dreamthiefjsimmons, why do you want to use linux?04:07
jsimmonsoskude it's rebooting now without the controller connected, and yes, i'm just giving back what i'm getting04:07
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oskudejsimmons, i still dont know if "check cd" said ok or failed...04:07
jsimmonsthat's an irrelevant question - if you need a definition of irrelevant, look it up on google04:07
dreamthiefnoah, it isnt04:07
varsendaggrit's easy to make linux behave like windows,   just in the course of your day randomly hit the reset button04:08
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juztinlol varsendaggr04:08
Klaidashello. I\m ucrrently using Ubuntu's default kernel (2.6.15-25-386). I'm o an Pentium 4 with 1.7GHz. What would be the advantage of using 2.6.15-25-686 kernel? It says it's for PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP/UP04:08
Lynourevarsendaggr: It's funny, unfortunately :)04:08
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varsendaggryeah and we have BSOD too04:08
varsendaggrthere are in the screensaver04:08
varsendaggrha  ha ha04:08
dreamthiefKlaidas, it uses the advanced instructions of these processors ;)04:08
oskudeKlaidas, i havent noticed any difference, but i allways use the kernel "made" for that processor... just a habbit...04:08
a_l_estill with my encodings problems: i have a html file encoded as html. if i view it through the local apache the accents get screwed, if i upload it on my web server the accents are shown correctly. anyone has a clue?04:09
iMac_G5_userhi folks.  anyone up for a liveCD  6.0.6 bug report on a particular PPC box?04:09
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Klaidasso, do you think I should install 686?04:09
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oskudea_l_e, try using html entities04:09
debnubcould you just tell me why i beeing ignored here? that way i could learn something, thks04:09
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a_l_e(btw the html file is encoded as latin1 not as html :-)04:10
juztindebnub, maybe nobody knows the answer here?  we're not ignoring you, promise :D04:10
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dr_willisdebnub,  you could be a little more specific about your problem.. its rather vague.04:10
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a_l_eoskude: what du you mean with "using html entities"?04:10
dr_willisubuntu has partial access - means very little to me04:10
a_l_eoskude: &auml;?04:10
oskudea_l_e, google for "html entities" then you know04:10
jsimmonsoskude, and yes, when i said i checked the cd and the checksums, i would have said something like "they werse completely hosed up"if they weren't okay04:10
oskudea_l_e, yup04:11
varsendaggrdebnub, what is the problem?04:11
crocddoes anyone have any advise as to resolving slow browsing speed and connections to the net? I get between 50 - 30 packet loss on a ping but within vmware running xp i dont get any.04:11
vernekany of you guys know about hight temperature in laps tops with ubuntu 6.0604:11
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oskudejsimmons, well, i didnt know that...04:11
jsimmonsoskude, and yes, when i said i checked the cd and the checksums, i would have said something like "they werse completely hosed up"if they weren't okay04:11
a_l_eoskude: it would show up correctly but doesnt solve my problem.04:11
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abstractismdebnub: it could be because of the firewall?04:11
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jsimmonsoskude, with the controller disconnected, i don't get the usb error,m but booting still hangs at "Loading hardware drivers"04:12
oskudea_l_e, maybe you should go to "html" channels, doesnt really have something to do with ubuntu...04:12
cypher_crocd, are you using wireless or cable ?04:12
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oskudejsimmons, go to ctrl+alt+f1 and hope for error messages :)04:12
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debnubdr_willis: have a nat router (external) running montavista linux (d-link dsl-g604t) right now i on ubuntu on chatzilla. i got web access, finger, localnet respondes file, ethernet printer works, but not gaim, or ping to external network.04:12
jsimmonsoskide i did that and there are bnone04:12
varsendaggrdebnub, i have had the same problem.    xchat works but google doesn't right?04:12
altechhi every buddy04:13
oskudejsimmons, hmm...04:13
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debnubvarsendaggr: the other way around with me :)04:13
=== oskude is eating a kebab.... jummy :)
crocdcypher_: using cable04:13
mahmuderm, i am wondering if anyone here can help, someone has installed ubuntu on my inspiron 9400 dell laptop04:13
cypher_debnub, netstat -rn04:13
jsimmonsoskude i passed "hmmmm..." about three days ago :/04:13
juztinmahmud, oh no!04:13
vernekdid you guys see my question?04:14
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mnkjuztin, hehe04:14
jsimmonsoskude i am plumb out of ideas04:14
abstractismmahmud: those pranksters, lol04:14
dr_willisvernek,  my laptop runs cooler with ubuntu then windows.04:14
jsimmonsyands i'm just a little pissed off about this04:14
oskudejsimmons, how new is your hardware ? like newer than 3months ?04:14
jsimmonsoskuded my video card04:14
dr_willisvernek,  may want to google  for your exact laptop and linux, and perhaops check  the ubuntu wikis theres a laptop forum also.04:15
mahmudwas it a bad idea to install ubuntu on my laptop, as the graphics seems very unresponsive in game play and the colors are all wrong04:15
dr_willismahmud,  depends on your video card.04:15
Lynouredebnub: sounds like a problem in the router, maybe firewalling outgoing traffic. Maybe montavista has a support channel, too?04:15
jsimmonsoskude my video card04:15
debnubcypher: just ran that. 3 lines. do you want me to paste it?04:15
mahmudi got ATI mobility radeon x140004:15
juztinmahmud, problyneed to update your video drivers04:15
vernekI tryed it before bu no aswers for my problems04:15
jsimmonsoskude eVGA 7900GTX04:15
cypher_debnub, check your routing table by "netstat -rn"04:15
mahmudi installed this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:15
oskudejsimmons, i think motherboard (and the cotrol chips)04:15
dr_willismahmud,  and have you installed the ATI drivers yet?04:15
juztinvernek, there are a ton of people in here...sometimes you gotta repeat your question after five mintes or so :D04:15
dr_willisok.. could be that card has less then perfect support at this time.04:16
altechhello any buddy knows where i could get games for ubuntu 3d graphic games04:16
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mahmuddr_willis, yes04:16
juztinaltech, synaptic04:16
cypher_debnub, yes paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:16
altechhello any buddy knows where i could get games for ubuntu 3d graphic games04:16
jsimmonsoskude motherboard is 6 months old, bios is latest version availanble04:16
vernekthe problems is  when I have the ACPI able04:16
dr_willisaltech,  set up the video card drivers right..a nd start installing. :P04:16
oskudejsimmons, you could try google with linux and your MB name to see if any problems are known...04:16
altechhello any buddy knows where i could get games for ubuntu 3d graphic games04:16
jsimmonsoskude i did, and there aren't04:17
oskudejsimmons, hmm...04:17
a_l_eoskude: i'm also trying to get an answer on the apache channel... but no solution seams to be around for now :-(04:17
abstractismaltech: people are answering your question04:17
rskaltech, idsoftware.com04:17
iMac_G5_user[hmm, this is a busy forum!]   hi folks. anyone up for a liveCD 6.0.6 bug report on a particular PPC box?04:17
mahmudi tried unreal 2004 demo on ubuntu, colors come brown and graphics look jerky - it was much better under windows xp media center04:17
altechhello any buddy knows where i could get games for ubuntu 3d graphic games04:17
POVaddctaltech: go away, troll04:17
abstractismwow, thats lame04:17
=== dr_willis thinks altech needs to read more
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gnomefreak!games > altech04:18
cypher_crocd, is the ping for the same host fails sometimes while it succeeds sometimes ?04:18
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oskudejsimmons, and it still freezes but dont give any error messages in ctrl+alt+f1 ?04:18
a_l_eoskude: and i guess that it's somehow an ubuntu problem, since the same programs i use now, worked correctly before installing ubuntu (and it's a standard install of ubuntu!)04:18
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inonoIs there a package for installing RubyGems on Ubuntu ?04:18
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jsimmonsoskude right04:18
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altechi want 3d games04:18
vernekdr_willis,  I have isntalled the ubuntu 6.06 few weeks ago, I will try ti get mofe inf. at Google04:18
jsimmonsoskude it just stops booting04:18
abstractismaltech: there's america's army04:19
abstractismand doom 304:19
gnomefreakaltech: if you read the link ubotu sent you there should be 3d games on that list04:19
juztinaltech, i like A Tale In The Desert04:19
oskudejsimmons, have you tested that your RAM is ok ?04:19
debnubcypher. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1716604:19
altechi have 128mb agp graphic card04:19
jsimmonsoskude yeah, no errors04:19
dr_willisaltech,  thers alwo the Quake3 based games that are comming out for free. like Tremulus (sp) and some others04:19
mahmudi tried unreal 2004 demo on ubuntu, colors come brown and graphics look jerky - it was much better under windows xp media center04:19
abstractismaltech: read what people are saying to you04:19
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altechbut where04:20
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juztinwb dreamthief04:20
mahmudis there a problem wih linux and my graphcis card, ati mobiliry radeon x1400?04:20
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cypher_debnub, what is eth0 and eth1 and are you using both interfaces ?04:20
[Ex0r] does anybody here know of a program that can convert nero .nrg images to .iso or .cue ?04:21
dr_willismahmud,  if its a problem it would be in the official ATI drivers.. so there very well could be issues04:21
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iMac_G5_userI'll try submitting at a less busy time, if there is time.  Good luck, everyone.  *waves*04:21
mahmuddr_willis, sorry did not understand04:21
debnubcypher: eth0 is my wired interface, eth1 wireless. using eth0 now.04:21
mrDanielyesterday i have installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu-linux. But now i see, that i prefer GNOME much more than KDE and i want to remove kubuntu-dektop. Yesterday i have installed three packages: kubuntu-desktop, language-pack-kde, language-pack-de-base04:21
dr_willismahmud,  ithere very well could be issues04:22
=== dreamthief slaps juztin with a bunch of obscene expressions *lol*
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mrDanielmy question: it there i 'clean' way to remove kubuntu-dekstop again?04:22
mnkis anyone else using ati radeon with ubuntu?04:22
cypher_debnub, try "ifconfig eth1 down"04:22
[Ex0r] mnk I am04:22
cypher_debnub, try "sudo ifconfig eth1 down"04:22
dxdemetriouIf I make killall gnome-panel how can I reload the tray icons?04:22
Hudson_Hchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables What do i miss to get it work?04:22
mnk[Ex0r] , are games ok?04:22
dr_williskubuntu-desktop is a meta packatge - removeing it wont remove anything real. (i think)04:22
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[Ex0r] mnk, I dunno I don't game anymore :)04:22
dagrumpmahmud:  u need to instaal the restricted modules & then the fglrx driver, in that order04:22
mahmuddagrump, i am very new to linux, how do i do that, whatever u said to do!?04:23
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mnkanyone else using a dell 9400 inspiron?04:23
fowlduckdr_willis, well, the metapackage could in theory also be used to update kde as a whole (adding new packages in an update), so it could break in theory04:23
johlinI need to download some packages from http://neutronic.mine.nu/ubuntu/dapper/Packages.gz, how do I format that line in sources.list?04:24
slackern[Ex0r] : http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html check that out.04:24
juztin!restricted > mahmud04:24
[Ex0r] slackern, just found that :)04:24
cypher_debnub, which version of ubuntu are you running ?04:24
dagrumpmuhmud: w/ the packge manager04:24
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crocdcypher_: yeah, I ping my isp's website and get different results04:24
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fowlduckdr_willis, BUT it's entirely unlikely to the point of disregarding it04:24
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:24
debnubcypher: eth1 is down04:24
oskude_these damn lags...04:24
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
cypher_debnub, try whether ping to external network works04:25
[Ex0r] now to see if there is an ISO extractor like WinISO04:25
fowlduckdr_willis, i enjoy answering questions people didn't ask04:25
slackern[Ex0r] : i don't have any idea how good it is though, i don't even own a cd-burner here :p04:25
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mahmuddagrump, what do i look for in the package manager?04:25
mwe[Ex0r] : just mount the iso04:25
dr_willisthe main purpose of the meta packages i though was to allow easier updateing.04:25
jsimmonsoskude i'm installing - AGAIN - without the controller connected... Not expecvting anything different though04:25
dr_willisand less typing :P04:25
robertjcould someone with a relatively stock install of Dapper that was clean installed (not upgraded) please give me a list of just the service names that are listed under System->Administration->Services?04:25
debnubcypher: it workssss!!!!!!!!!!!!04:26
oskude_jsimmons, crossing fingers, as im out of ides :/04:26
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jsimmonsoskude i was out of ideas on sunday04:26
nyxieHudson_H: have you tried: sudo apt-get install build-essential?04:26
juztinrobertj, i can04:26
jsimmonsoskude i'm too old for this crap :/04:26
debnubcypher: but not x-chat nor gaim :(04:26
Hudson_Hnyxie: gonne trie it now04:27
mahmuddagrump, my friend says he has already installed easy ubuntu04:27
dagrumpmahmud: restricted modules 4 the kerrnel u have installed which should be marked already04:27
oskude_jsimmons, then leave it :/04:27
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[Ex0r] hehe or I can open the ISO in the archive manager :)04:27
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SonicChaoWhat command do I have to use to make Fluxbox a choice in "Select Session"?04:27
juztinrobertj, here they are : anacron, atd, cron, klogd, sysklogd, mysql, gdm, cupsys, apache204:27
SonicChaoCan anyone help?04:27
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borfasthi everyone04:27
mnkhi borfast04:27
KnowledgEngii need the default source.list of ubuntu 6.06 LTS04:27
juztinrobertj, i added mysql and apache2 i'm pretty sure04:27
inonoIs there a radrails ubuntu package?04:27
cypher_debnub, are you getting any error in xchat or gaim..04:27
jsimmonsoskude i don't think it's too much to expect an install to go pretty much as expected04:27
KnowledgEngiwher can i get it ?04:27
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oskude_jsimmons, well, not when the hardware makers dont open their specifications...04:28
mahmuddagrump, i am at a total loss in what this restricted and module stuff is....can u tell me what i need to do step by step please?04:28
Hudson_Hnyxie: can't source is not availeble04:28
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SonicChaoWhat command do I have to use to make Fluxbox a choice in "Select Session"?04:28
=== Reimu [n=chatzill@HSE-Toronto-ppp287217.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
juztinSonicChao, just install it04:28
jsimmonsoskude if the live cd boots, the installer should work04:28
ReimuHow come internet works in Windows but not ubuntu :/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717004:28
SonicChaojuztin: sudo apt-get install ____________ ?04:29
jsimmonsoskude wouldn't you thinik?04:29
juztinSonicChao, um...fluxbox?04:29
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: You have tried how many distros that all failed and we are still here trying to help you..... Oh, and good morning..  :)04:29
oskude_jsimmons, nope, the live cd doesnt touch your hd (controller chip) but installer does...04:29
=== blinky [n=brett@203-59-16-182.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jsimmonsoskude my point is that ifthwe live cd can resolve the hardware, the installer should succeed as well04:30
oskude_jsimmons, btw, what format did you partition your / dir and did you make an swap partition ?04:30
blinkyhowdy fellas04:30
Jack_Sparrowthe gforce4 chipset even has bugs and data loss for windows users with most drives except seagate04:30
SonicChaojuztin: That worked! Thanks!04:30
oskude_jsimmons, as i said live cd doesnt touch your hd, but installer does, so there could be the problem...04:30
debnubcypher_: x-chat ok. gaim gives error, i'll check it. Thanks for your help. :)04:30
jsimmonsoskude i let gparted deo it automagically04:30
juztinSonicChao, lol, np04:30
blinkydoes anyone know why all the popup notification things i get from azureus do not go away? i click hide but it doesnt do anything04:30
=== oskude_ thinks automatic sucks (every where) :)
blinkyi installed exactly as azureus's tutorial said04:31
tiredbonesDoes anyone here know where I could ask a question on evolution problem I'm having?04:31
SonicChaoI am gonna try to boot into FluxBox04:31
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Hudson_Hnyxie: i have it all04:31
jsimmonsoskude after install finished and prompts to reboot, the system freezes at "Shutting down LVM volume groups"04:32
nyxieHudson_H: ok.. hm..04:32
mahmudok erm, to drop a bomb shell in this forum, i think windows is better than ubuntu - most things work out of the box in windows and not in ubuntu yet - and i cant work out how to fix problems in ubuntu whereas in general a google search finds the fixes for windows...04:32
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jsimmonsmahmud stop being a troll04:33
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juztinmahmud, well i think windows is sucks!......just to drop a bomb shell...04:33
=== SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
juztinwb SonicChao04:33
abstractismmahmud: guess you've never used a mac then04:33
oskude_jsimmons, well, i nver had a 200gb hd... maybe trying to manually patition and do like 10gb for / (ext3) and ~500mb swap and leave the rest unpartitioned...04:33
SonicChaoThis is weird04:33
blinkymahmud, why even bother saying that?04:33
Hobbseemahmud: dont troll.04:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
mahmud:), cos it got ur attention :)04:33
Hobbseejuztin: dont troll, you too04:33
blinkydoes anyone know why all the popup notification things i get from azureus do not go away? i click hide but it doesnt do anything?04:33
juztinSonicChao, get it working?04:33
Lynouremahmud: I kind of feel differently about fixing problems... At least in linux I can always look at the logs. in Windows often logs give nothing.04:33
blinkyi installed exactly as azureus's tutorial said04:33
SonicChaojuztin: Thanks for helping04:33
SonicChaojuztin: Yup04:33
juztinHobbsee, yessir :D:D04:34
ReimuHow come internet works in Windows but not ubuntu :/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717004:34
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Hobbseejuztin: :)04:34
juztinSonicChao, np....flux rocks, its all i use....there's a fluxbuntu in the works right now04:34
SonicChaojuztin: It's weird...Not what you'd call a good Default Desktop Manager. :D04:34
abstractismHobbsee: 2 points04:34
Jack_SparrowNuke the Trolls04:34
SonicChaojuztin: Really? Didn't know that04:34
juztinSonicChao, nah, it takes some getting used to...some configuring04:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
mnkhey guys04:34
mnkwho kicked off mahmud?04:34
juztinSonicChao, check out www.fluxbuntu.org04:34
=== caglar [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-109-216.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbseeany other flamers around?04:34
abstractismwindows just isnt' smart04:34
Hobbseemnk: i did04:34
mnkHobbsee, hey that wasn't nice04:35
Hobbseemnk: the next time it happens, it'll be a kickban.04:35
mnkit was his first day on ubuntu!04:35
juztinkickban kapow!04:35
Hobbseemnk: there's no flaming on these channels, thanks.04:35
mnkhe's frustrated04:35
Hobbseemnk: he's free to rejoin04:35
SonicChaojuztin: Okay...still, you've gotta admit, when you first boot it, it's weird04:35
blinkyso does anyone feel like helping me with my problem?04:35
Hobbseemnk: it was more of a warning04:35
LynoureHobbsee: He didn't seem like a troll, asked a question earlier and responded to help04:35
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HobbseeLynoure: okay, fair enough04:35
mnkhey we need to be patient with the newbies04:35
juztinSonicChao, yeah...i was pretty used to it though, cuz i used to use blackbox, and flux is kind of a spinoff of blackbox04:36
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=== kevin [n=vader@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3563879.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mnku gotta admit, coming from a bindows world it is frustrating when things just don't work04:36
tiredbonesDoes anyone here know where I could ask a question on evolution problem I'm having?04:36
Hudson_Hmnk thx maybe u can answer me then :-)04:36
Hobbseemnk: sure04:36
SonicChaojuztin: How do you get BlackBox? I'm trying out every desktop manager.....at least every mainstream one. :D04:36
mnkHudson_H, what's ur q?04:36
oskude_mnk, and why doesnt it "just work" ?04:36
juztinSonicChao, it might be in the repos...try sudo apt-get install blackbox04:36
jsimmonsdoes linux have a problem with large hard drives?04:36
blinkyHobbsee, Lynoure, when i said "why even bother saying that here" he responded with ":), cos it got ur attention :)"04:37
=== dsah [n=hsad@64-126-68-53-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnkoskude_, i know why!! but it doesn't make it less frustrating for newbies04:37
SonicChaojuztin: Okay....dumb question, where is the terminal in this thing?04:37
juztinjsimmons, it has no prob with my 200 gig04:37
=== Doat [n=tatu@addr-82-128-232-241.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbseeblinky: yeah, exactly - that was the final bit that i booted him over.04:37
kevinok, one quick question. I want to try a different driver for my bcm 4318 wireless, I have the driver downloaded, and have the fwcutter. I need to know how to get the new driver to install from the desktop04:37
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: I am running a 400 and a 160 sata here... no problems04:37
=== Hobbsee *was* ignoring the rest.
Hudson_Hwhat does i miss ? checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:37
juztinSonicChao, umm...i think its under Apps somewhere...i'm not sure cuz i wrote my own custom menu a looooong time ago04:37
SonicChaojuztin: Ok04:37
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dsahI still can't get my ethernet to work04:37
blinkyso can someone help me with azureus?04:37
wheelswitchSonicChao:  applications > accesories04:37
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: are you still trying to run with both an sata and ide in the same box?04:37
abstractismbut ubuntu seems to be the best distro of linux for people that are new to linux04:37
kevinHudson_H, have you done that with sudo?04:38
oskude_mnk, optimism captainn, optimusm ;)04:38
mnkyeah i agree abstractism04:38
jsimmonsafter install finished and prompts to reboot, the system freezes at "Shutting down LVM volume groups". what would cause that?04:38
juztinabstractism, agreed :)04:38
blinkyabstractism, im damn new to linux, and i rekon it's great04:38
wheelswitchit is somthing every one should have in their top panel or somewhere easy to access04:38
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Hudson_Hmnk yes04:38
juztinwheelswitch, he's using flux04:38
SonicChaojuztin: Okay, found an XTerm...:D04:38
Jack_Sparrowdsaj what hardware... Is that that mb with two nics from yesterday or am I confused04:38
abstractismyeah I still don't know everything about linux04:38
Hobbsee!azureus > blinky04:39
juztinSonicChao, great :D04:39
=== varsendaggr [n=varsenda@67-42-224-119.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
wheelswitchjuztin:  oh sorry04:39
dsahJack_Sparrow, yep04:39
Reimucan someone please help me? I can't seem to get internet in ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717004:39
juztinSonicChao, the first thing you'll probly want to do is edit that crap menu it comes stock with04:39
Jack_Sparrowdsaj  Did you try shutting down one of them04:39
SonicChaojuztin: Maybe, it's just a test...I'm doing it to compare Desktop Managers04:39
abstractismI find that ubuntu is almost like MacOS X in terms of user friendliness04:39
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dsahseveral times, on both of them04:39
blinkyHobbsee, i already have it installed, but it isnt working, and I dont even know how to uninstall it to try again04:39
oskude_Reimu, could you post your /etc/network/interfaces too ?04:40
juztinSonicChao, ah ok...well tell me what you think when you try a few more :D04:40
jsimmonsjack_sparrow still can't install... :(04:40
Hobbseeblinky: sudo aptitude remove --purge azureus, if it was installed via apt-get04:40
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Reimuoskude_: one sec, gotta boot back into ubuntu04:40
SonicChaojuztin: It was in the repos04:40
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gnomefreakHobbsee: i dont think the --purge works with aptitude04:40
juztinSonicChao, i'm assuming you've already tried KDE?04:40
oskude_Reimu, and the "right" command is "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start"04:40
Hobbseegnomefreak: it does, it doesnt with apt-get04:40
SonicChaojuztin: Tried XFCE, GNOME, KDE, FluxBox04:40
=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  HAve you tried to install with just one of your IDE's installed?04:41
juztinSonicChao, i like xfce too...its just a little heavier than flux tho04:41
gnomefreakHobbsee: sudo apt-get remove --purge works atleast it did in dapper04:41
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  and not an sata04:41
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Hobbseeblinky: oh, yeah, right, you should be able to use sudo apt-get remove --purge azureus then04:41
Hobbseegnomefreak: interesting, i've only ever used aptitude to purge04:41
=== gnomefreak cant test aptitude atm as it no longer is on my system :(
SonicChaojuztin: Right now XFCE is the favorite :)04:41
blinkyHobbsee, to uninstall?04:41
jsimmonsjack_sparrow the install actually finishes and prompts to reboot, but the system freezes at "Shutting down LVM volume groups"04:41
Hobbseegnomefreak: i think it broke too, on your edgy04:41
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  and not just turned off in bios04:41
Hobbseeblinky: yes04:41
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gnomefreakit did it was removed04:41
blinkyHobbsee, thanks04:41
juztinSonicChao, i like it a lot too...might get it today in fact, as i've removed it....haven't used it in awhile04:42
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: agreed, but the install may just think it has a valid install...04:42
_absolution_hey how do you get "clamav" to scan?04:42
JTSiliushere's my problem: I cant get any screen resolution other than 640x800. i tried reconfiguring xorg and it gave me the options for higher resolutions but in gnome i cant select any other resolution than 640x800. my video card is a 3dfx voodoo 3 3000, 16 megs of memory on it.04:42
juztinSonicChao, did you get regular xfce, or the xubuntu-desktop package?04:42
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SonicChaojuztin: Xubuntu-Desktop Package....that's what the instructions said04:42
juztin_absolution_, might wanna ask #clamav04:43
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Hudson_Hcan no one help me?????04:43
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SonicChaoHudson_H: What's wrong?04:43
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blinkyHobbsee, "Azureus is not installed, so not removed" however I have got it installed, because if I go to the azureus directory (in home folder) and double click one of the files, I get the splash screen. the program, however, does not appear, and I cannot see my notification arrea to see if it is running, because an azureus notification is in the way04:43
mahmudthanks for whoever booted me off04:44
Hudson_HSonicChao: while i trie to compile with sudo i get this error checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:44
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oskudeJTSilius, could be that youre monitor settings are not correct04:44
andrew__hello all04:44
Hobbseeblinky: odd.04:44
Lynoureblinky: Did you install it manually, by compiling, for example?04:44
SonicChaoHudson_H: Sorry, I have to reboot my machine, I'll brb04:44
=== mrproper [n=kbreit@c-71-201-124-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakHudson_H: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:44
mrproperIs us.archive.ubuntu.com down?04:44
blinkyLynoure, I'll get you a link to the azureus tutorial04:44
andrew__I'm having some trouble getting my ATI drivers working04:44
oskudeJTSilius, you could start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:45
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Hudson_Hgnomefreak: done that04:45
JTSiliusoskude: thank you04:45
mahmudHobbsee: are we not allowed to have our own opinion on what we believe is a better operating system?04:45
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=== Lynoure is opeating on huge sleep defecit, so sorry about thought bugs
juztinandrew__, whats the problem?04:45
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blinkyLynoure,  Hobbsee : http://azureus.sourceforge.net/howto_linux.php04:45
andrew__I had a hoary install which then I apt-get dist-upgrade to dapper04:45
jsimmonsjack_sparrow well, disconnecting hardware just to get an OS installed is a load of 80's crap, but i'll try it... :/04:45
andrew__but when I follow the dapper install instructions they don't work04:45
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  for an anology, If I write a letter, put in the email address (that I assume is valid) and send it off I expect it to get where I sent it.  But if something in that address is wrong, I wont know it...  It just wont get to where I evpected.04:45
gnomefreakmrproper: its a good chance here is a command to fix that sudo sed -e 's/us\.//' -i /etc/apt/sources.list04:45
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Lynoureblinky: Was that a yes or no answer to the question?04:45
juztinandrew__, i got a link for you that might help04:45
inonoWhich eclipse packages do I need to run radrails ?04:46
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  JUst trying to help you define your exact problem..04:46
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mrpropergnomefreak, What was wrong with it?04:46
gnomefreakandrew__: upgrade to breezy than to dapper04:46
juztinandrew__, i had a lot of trouble too, till i followed this guide : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide04:46
blinkyLynoure, that was a no. I downloaded a file, and wrote two or three commands into terminal, which the tutorial told me to04:46
andrew__thats the one I tired04:46
andrew__but it wont load properly04:46
gnomefreakmrproper: us archives are always ina nd out atleast for me they were04:46
Lynoureblinky: if you followed those instructions, package managers in ubuntu cannot uninstall it for you04:46
mrpropergnomefreak, Oh okay thanks.04:46
Lynoureblinky: as it is not a .deb04:46
juztinandrew__, what happens when you type fglrx-info in term?04:46
andrew__I get Mesa04:46
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juztinandrew__, did you manually make the deb packages and run them?04:47
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peokliswhats the best text editor or word processor? I want it to have, aspell spell checker, rectangular text sellection, autocorrect, autocomplete, regex04:47
_absolution_how do you get clamav to scan?04:47
fowlduckinono, http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/home/04:47
andrew__ya using the ati binary installer04:47
blinkyLynoure, how can i uninstall it?04:47
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: done that its all there but i keep to get that error04:47
juztinandrew__, the gui installer doesn't have them for ubuntu...read the whole guide :D04:47
mrDanielis there a 'clean way' to remove kubuntu-desktop? i have ubuntu and wanted to try kubuntu, but i dont like kde04:47
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oskudepeoklis, open office is for me the only word processor ;)04:47
juztinandrew__, read method 204:47
fowlduckinono, click on distributions, they have one for ruby on rails that already has radrails installed and integrated04:47
dsahanybsdy have any ideas on how to get my PC to register a connection?04:48
Lynoureblinky: deleting all the files should do, but see my disclaimer above04:48
HobbseemrDaniel: sudo apt-get remove --purge libqt3-mt04:48
andrew__????I did it says to  run ./aticonfig --buildpkg Ubuntu/dapper04:48
Jack_SparrowMr Daniel... best way is fresh install of Ubuntu04:48
blinkyLynoure, ok04:48
gnomefreakHudson_H: what are you trying to compile04:48
andrew__which I did04:48
peoklisapart from open office?04:48
juztinandrew__, oh ok you did that....did you do all the steps?04:48
=== SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
juztinwb SonicChao04:48
gnomefreakalso Hudson_H what version of ubuntu04:48
SonicChaoHudson_H: Back04:48
oskudepeoklis, other i know is abiword, but newer testet, and i think kde has a fiice suit allso04:48
andrew__I think it has something to do with upgrading from hoary04:49
SonicChaojuztin: I have to skip BlackBox, not downloading.04:49
Hudson_Hgnomefreak:  wine for a 64 bit version i have dapper http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit04:49
thotzare there any openoffice 2.0.>3< packages available?04:49
Hudson_Hwb SonicChao04:49
=== kevin [n=vader@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3563879.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Ubuntu]
juztinandrew__, maybe so04:49
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i know, i've been trying to install ubuntu since friday - i'm just a little tweakede over the problems i'm having04:49
gnomefreakthotz: not fro dapper04:49
andrew__I think this because when I run Automatix it tells me it can't install on hoary04:49
oskudepeoklis, and i think emcas has all you need, but i never even started to learn it :/04:49
SonicChaojuztin: I have to update my repos...I bet they removed it04:49
oskudepeoklis, *emacs04:49
juztinandrew__, automatix is the devil!04:49
andrew__I know04:49
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I have been with you on this most of the way have I not04:49
=== Reimu [n=chatzill@HSE-Toronto-ppp287217.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
andrew__it was just to try04:49
nyxieHudson_H: can you paste the output? paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:49
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:49
juztinSonicChao, you could always get it from the website04:49
mrDaniel@hobbse: will 'sudo apt-get remove --purge libqt3-mt' remove kubuntu-desktop in a clean way? and: what means --purge ?04:49
gnomefreakthotz: it also doesnt look to good that dapper will ever have it unless you build it yourself04:49
gnomefreakmrDaniel: --purge removes and clears config files04:50
SonicChaojuztin: I donno how to do it that way :D, I've been using "sudo apt-get install _________" forever04:50
andrew__okay so should I make the packages for hoary04:50
jsimmonsjack_sparrow yeah i know, so you probably have an idea about what i'm talking about when I say tweaked04:50
juztinandrew__, well which are you running?04:50
thotzok thanks, gnomefreak04:50
Lynoureblinky: using packaged stuff, even if you have to make the package yourself, are nice e.g. for the reason that removing them is trivially easy and virtually brainfree :)   But java stuff still tends to take manual work currently.04:50
juztinSonicChao, you should learn, its good stuff to know :D04:50
andrew__I told you dapper04:50
andrew__but the dapper install didn't work04:50
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I would have switched MB out long ago... You are tenatious04:50
andrew__and other programs have told me it's hoary04:51
andrew__so should I use hoary04:51
SonicChaojuztin: lol, you're probably right, I've just been putting it off04:51
juztinandrew__, i dunno then, sorry...it worked fine for me...the only problem i had was i had to replace libGL.so.1.2 with the old version04:51
Reimuoskude: here is my interfaces http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717204:51
gnomefreakHudson_H: what does apt-cache policy build-essential say?04:51
Hudson_Hnyxie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17171 but a part is in dutch04:51
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  part of why I want to help you.. You listen and dont gripe .. well more than expected04:51
oskudeReimu, checking...04:51
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i think i've installed drake more often than the devs have04:51
juztinandrew__, you could give it a shot04:51
=== Vliegendehuiskat [n=vliegend@h8441223199.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nyxieHudson_H: np04:51
andrew__okay I will04:51
=== juztin runs off to install google earth
andrew__then I need some help getting rid of the fglrx from module-assistant04:51
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17171 i just pasted it for nyxie :-)04:51
andrew__would I use the purge option04:52
oskudeReimu, omg, 3 network interfaces ? (never heard about ath)04:52
juztinandrew__, i think you do that with a text editor, no?04:52
fowlduckoskude, i've seen online ones with 4 on one card04:52
AdamGok, so the command to mount a partition is "mount"... what's the command to unmount? "unmount"? :P04:52
gnomefreakHudson_H: what does uname -r say?04:52
oskudeReimu, could be your cable is not connected to eth004:52
Reimuoskude: No idea >_< also when I do 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking start' this comes up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717304:52
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AdamGah, ok04:52
andrew__is that what disable the module does on the top of method 104:53
Reimuoskude: not sure what you mean, but internet works on the same comp in windows04:53
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: 2.6.15-25-amd64-generic04:53
jsimmonsjack_sparrow okay - installing with just the primnary ide drive physically connected04:53
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  fingers crossed as always04:53
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i cut my fingers off because that doesn't work for me04:53
juztinandrew__, i believe so04:54
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gnomefreakHudson_H: if there is a README or an INSTALL file handy look at them and see what version of gcc was used to build it04:54
andrew__okay cool04:54
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andrew__thanks I'll try it04:54
Jack_SparrowHere is my lucky 4 leaf clover...04:54
dsahmy networking is notworking :(04:54
fowlduckReimu, can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file content to pastebin?  then can you paste lspci output as well?04:54
andrew__I might be back if it doesn't work04:54
juztinandrew__, k, lemme know how it works out04:54
jsimmonsjack_sparrow and as far as tenaicty goes, it's now turned into a personal thing - drake will NOT beat this redneck04:54
Jack_SparrowIm a redneck too.04:54
oskudeReimu, thats irrelevant, dunno if windows and linux map the same interface as "eth0"... try commenting out all other interfaces, like here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17174 and run the init.d command, if nogo, try cable in another interface and try command again...04:54
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juztinjsimmons, that's the spirit!  :D04:55
Reimufowlduck: I pasted interfaces, it is  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17172 and what is lspci04:55
Jack_SparrowAny farther south and I would be a wetback...04:55
fowlduckReimu, a command, try it at the console04:55
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fowlduckReimu, it probably won't work, but...04:55
dsahmy networking is notworking :(04:55
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Reimuok, oskude, fowlduck, booting up in ubuntu and trying what you btoh say04:56
AdamGcan I safely unmount my swap partition if I have enough RAM, or will it crash my system?04:56
oskudeReimu, lspci is like ls for filesystem, but for the pci bus04:56
jsimmonsjack_sparrow you must be in brownsville04:56
gnomefreakHudson_H: the error you are getting afaik are mainly caused by not having gcc installed using wrong gcc to compile it or not being on the right arch. 2 down last one to go if it was built/compiled with gcc3.4 you cant compile it with gcc4.0 you have to install and use gcc3.404:56
Jack_SparrowNo san diego04:56
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oskudeReimu, means, lspci lists all devices connected to your pci bus...04:56
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Jack_Sparrowbut I can hear the Mariachies04:56
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i used to live in el cajon (6 yrs ago)04:56
fowlduckoskude, i think he's in vmware04:56
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Jack_SparrowCool... Santee04:56
AdamGeh, whatever, I'll just do a liveCD repartition, that's simplest :)04:56
Jack_Sparrowon the lake04:57
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i'm in san antonio now04:57
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fowlduckoskude, i am and my network config is identical04:57
soundrayAdamG: running swapoff will not crash your system04:57
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AdamGah, thx04:57
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: i don't find the gcc version yet04:57
fowlduckoskude, and i've had issues with running it in bridged mode, it will only work for me in NAT mode04:57
jsimmonsjack_sparrow (i lived iu santee just before i moved)04:57
oskudefowlduck, well, i never even tried virtul machines... who needs that...04:57
Lunar_Lampok, really silly question here.  on a pc i don't know, and want to install 3d graphcs drivers - how do i find out what gfx card is installed?04:57
Jack_SparrowSpent a lot of time in San Antonio... nice town..   HAve you been to Shlitterbahn.. (No more off topic sorry)04:57
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gnomefreakHudson_H: it might be easier to ask in #wine-hq04:57
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:58
soundrayLunar_Lamp: try 'lspci'04:58
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fowlduckoskude, it's nice to be able to revert to snapshots04:58
Lunar_Lampsoundray, thats the one!04:58
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow yeah, an dsix flags and splashtown and i live right behind sea world04:58
oskudefowlduck, well, i like to have the "full power" of pc in _one_ os, be it server or desktop...04:58
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fowlduckoskude,  it's not an "all the time" thing04:59
fowlduckoskude, like right now I'm working on a project that requires a fresh ubuntu install04:59
gnomefreakHudson_H: its eitrher #wine-hq or #winehq i cant remember04:59
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  what brand of sata drive do you have there?04:59
jsimmonsjack_sparrow wd i think05:00
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fowlduckoskude, that would suck to do on a machine with rebooting and everything, and anything i don't want to do to the vm i can escape out of and do in my host os05:00
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: gcc 2.7.2 is used05:00
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oskudefowlduck, ok, for that its good (playing a round, and saving hardware costs) but in "production" useless to me (lets continue in offtopic, if needs:)05:00
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow yup wd05:00
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gnomefreakHudson_H: open synaptic and look for it05:00
jsimmonsjack_sparrow they were fine on my other mb05:00
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=== gnomefreak cant remember if that was in dapper or not
Stormx2Guys, I have a question about partitioning a disk. Gimme a second05:00
jsimmonsjack_sparrow when i was running 5.0405:00
fowlduckoskude, nah, that's fine, it really doesn't help either of us05:00
dsahany ideas on anyhting I can do to get my ethernet working?05:01
fowlduckdsah, are you that guy i was talking to?05:01
oskudefowlduck, yeah, but maybe as in  "entertainment" ;)05:01
=== Bobster [i=Bobster@ADSL-TPLUS-98-179.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2OK, what is a good tool for resizing NTFS? And don't say ntfsresize cause it won't work :(05:01
dsahI was here yesterday with the same question05:01
Hudson_Hgnomefreak:  i have gcc 4:4.0.3-105:01
fowlduckoskude, right right, i actually have some stuff to get to05:01
fowlduckdsah, nope, I was talkin to someone like a minute ago05:02
gnomefreakHudson_H: yes i know thats what build-essential installs by default but now you need to download and install the 2.7 version that it was built with (i would use synaptic) to do that05:02
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow install is done - reboioting05:02
oskudefowlduck, btw, are you using virtual machine under linux ?05:02
Bassettscan someone help me with using istanbul?05:03
fowlduckoskude, of course :)05:03
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oskudefowlduck, then its ok ;)05:03
Stormx2Guys - Good bootable CD for resizing partitions?05:03
fowlduckoskude, i use suse for my desktop, ubuntu for dev, forensics, etc05:03
fowlduckoskude, it's so slow in windows, ugh05:03
Bassettswith instanbul my cursor has a yellow box around it05:03
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Bobsteri would use maxblast for partitions05:03
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thotzStormx2: I used Knoppix (qtparted)05:04
jsimmonsjack_sparrow well spank my ass and call me honey05:04
Jack_SparrowHI Honey05:04
oskudefowlduck, have you tried xen ? (i think we should stop or go to offtopic)05:04
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fowlduckoff-topic it is05:04
Stormx2thotz: That tries to load the partition table then inexplicably crashes!!05:04
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I know it isnt a solution.. but it does show the exact problem eh?05:04
jsimmonsshould i shut down and reconnect my other drives now?05:04
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  give it a try05:05
Reimuoskude, fowlduck: Here is my lspci output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17175, and when I comment everything other than the first two ones, (eth0 and something) then start networking, in just gives me a * starting network devices or something05:05
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ElazarRunning Dapper, have already run Update Manager, and am having trouble installing Flash Player as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b. Firefox ( keeps prompting me to install the plug-in. Any advice?05:05
thotzStormx2: newest Knoppix 5?05:05
DENiAL[design] waiting for ubuntu to download.. ack.. slow a** dsl..05:05
DENiAL[design] :)05:05
Stormx2thotz: Nah i think it was knoppix 305:05
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  you might be able to install XP on sata and switch OS in bios for now?05:06
fowlduckReimu, are you in vmware?05:06
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Reimufowlduck: no, I am in windows05:06
haze76Does Kubuntu not boot into a GUI?05:06
Reimudual boot05:06
oskudeRede, hmm, i only see 1 eth controller05:06
Jack_Sparrowhaze yes it does05:06
thotzStormx2: Yeah, I used (use) Knoppix 3.7. Perhaps a new Knoppix version helps.05:06
Reimuhaze76: it boots into a GUI but you can select an option to make it not boot into a GUI05:06
varsendaggrvmware is the best way to go05:06
haze76I'm trying to install ubuntu for PPC. Ubuntu had too much problems, so I'm going to try kubuntu, but it boots into text mode. How do I start the installer from there?05:06
fowlduckReimu, hmmm, i dunno then man, sorry05:07
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Reimufowlduck: oh I should also note05:07
haze76Reimu: kubuntu PPC seems to boot into a text mode, whereas ubuntu boots into gui, albeit with a lot of bizzarre problems05:07
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oskudeReimu, dont worry. your network controller is supperted 100% by linux..05:07
Reimufowlduck: that when my other computer (a kubuntu one) is off, I have internet fine, but when it is on, ubuntu can't get internet, only windows05:08
haze76How do I start the installer from text mode?05:08
gfhhfgdhjknows from kvirc?05:08
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thotzStormx2: I don't know, but perhaps also the Ubuntu- Desktop- CD can do this?? (gparted)05:08
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Stormx2thotz: Tried...05:08
Stormx2thotz: It wouldn't resize it05:08
ElazarRunning Dapper, have already run Update Manager, and am having trouble installing Flash Player as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b. Firefox ( keeps prompting me to install the plug-in. Any advice?05:08
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haze76It really sucks that Yellow Dog Linux is the ONLY Apple distro that actually works05:09
haze76Cause I hate yellow dog05:09
fowlduckReimu, say what?05:09
Jack_Sparrowthotz: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/05:09
gfhhfgdhjElazar u have any knowledge of kvirc?05:09
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj: I use kvirc05:09
Hudson_Hgnomefreak:  if i trie to compile it with ./tools/wineinstall it says permition denied,and if i put root b4 it then it says rerun as a user?05:09
Reimufowlduck: I have internet in ubuntu when the other comp in the house is off, but when it is on internet only works in windows05:09
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Elazargfhhfgdhj: No clue what you're talking about.05:10
thotzStormx2: Ok, last tipp :-) --> http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:10
gfhhfgdhjJack_Sparrow how do i change the banmask?05:10
fowlduckReimu, hmmm, is the ubuntu one using dhcp?05:10
gnomefreakHudson_H: using sudo?05:10
jsimmonsjack_sparrow doeswn't work with the sata drives connected05:10
fowlduckReimu, the other one05:10
Reimufowlduck: I believe so05:10
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oskudeReimu, look what IPs the both machines have "ifconfig" in the terminal05:10
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  did you set the bios to IDE first05:10
Hudson_Hgnomefreak: then it say don't use it as root trie it als user05:10
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj: NEver had to mess with bandmask05:10
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow yeah05:11
fowlduckReimu, if there is an ip address conflict, it could explain the weird behavior05:11
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gnomefreakHudson_H: im not sure i would try #wine-hq   i dont play with wine in general05:11
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  then the sata in your box is the problem05:11
gfhhfgdhjanyone knows how to change the BANMASK in KVIRC?05:11
Reimuoskude: but even if there is an ip address conflict, shouldn't I be able to use ifdown and ifup?05:11
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Hudson_Hgnomefreak: there answers no one05:11
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  play with Ub for a bit while you have it running05:11
gnomefreakHudson_H: than i dont know im sorry05:12
jsimmonsjack_sparrow you mean the bios is hosed...05:12
Bassettswhen using istanbul i get a yellow box around my cursor, any help?05:12
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qmxHi everyone05:12
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Jack_SparrowNot the bios.. there are some real issues with that sata firmware05:12
oskudeReimu, i think so (note: i never use ifdown, i use /etc/init.d/networking)05:12
Hudson_HSonicChao: can u help me further?05:12
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  windows too...05:12
jsimmonsjack_sparrow windows has been fine05:12
ElazarRunning Dapper, have already run Update Manager, and am having trouble installing Flash Player as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b. Firefox ( keeps prompting me to install the plug-in. Any advice?05:12
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fowlduckReimu, that is weird man, I'd try checking the ips05:12
oskudeReimu, maybe you could use static ip address (yeah, is only a workaround)05:13
Reimufowlduck: alright, so what would I do if the ips are the same?05:13
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons: there were issues when transfering files over 4 gig05:13
SonicChaoHudson_H: I am sorry, I cannot.05:13
Reimuand what would Ido if they aren't the same05:13
fowlduckReimu, set them manually to something different05:13
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  drive to drive05:13
oskudeReimu, thats weird, both use dhcp and get same ip ?05:13
dsahwell I fixed something...05:13
hangfireElizar- use easyubuntu05:13
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow don't have any files that big :)05:13
Reimuor whatever, brb, going to boot up in ubuntu and check ips05:13
fowlduckReimu, and if they aren't the same, then we've eliminated a possible ssue05:13
qmxis there some kind of package building howto?05:13
qmxor better05:13
dsahnow instead of instantly not being able to find anything, it does look, but still can't find them05:14
fowlduckqmx, yes05:14
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I know we dont have a solution but at least we now know the question and you have a Ubuntu install to play with for the moment05:14
fowlduckqmx, all your documentation needs, including packaging: help.ubuntu.com05:14
oskudeqmx, "or better" make&&make install&&checkinstall ;) (but theres lot more to it to make a good debian package)05:14
jsimmonsjack_sparrow gonna try booting with the sata controller disabled in bios05:14
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow failed again05:15
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  there is a known issue with ide and sata using Ubuntu (and probably other distros as well)05:15
gnomefreakoskude: you forget ./configure? and added a make install step when checkinstall does that step05:15
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qmxoskude: fowlduck: where we suggest/contribute packages at ubuntu?05:15
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oskudegnomefreak, yeah, forgot ./configure, damn what 1 beer can do :/05:15
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  must be physically disconnected.. blah05:15
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fowlduckqmx, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation05:16
qmxfowlduck: thanks!05:16
Al2O3is the server Cd install as GUI friendly as the Desktop, only with more 'tools' at the CLI available?05:16
qmxoskude: thanks too05:16
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fowlduckqmx, no problem05:16
skavengeAl2O3: server doesnt install a gui by default05:16
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Reimumy kubuntu comp's ip is normal, but the ubuntu one seems to have no ip05:17
Al2O3skavenge, but can be done thru altering the install stuff, or is that pretty involved?05:17
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fowlduckoskude, do you think it could be a MAC address conflict?05:17
Reimuit is like fe80 something, and I can't see an ip address anywhere on ifconfig's output05:17
oskudeReimu, ok, so dhcp didnt work... hmm, maybe the drivers are not loaded...05:17
=== Al2O3 admires that there are folks here to answer all kinds of questions, quite a community really!
=== dsah [n=hsad@64-126-68-53-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeAl2O3: you can apt-get install one later with no headaches but initially it comeos with no gui, strictly cli05:17
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fowlduckoskude, i leave it in your capable hands05:18
Reimuoskude: drivers? but it works when one computer is off >_>05:18
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oskudeReimu, and with "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" dont get any ip neither ?05:18
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Reimulemme try05:18
Al2O3skavenge, ty05:18
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oskudefowlduck, :/ ;)05:18
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i disabled legacy usb support, aND AM trying again05:18
oskudeReimu, ah yeah, forgot that, hmm...05:18
Elazarhangfire: EasyUbuntu isn't doing squat. I still get prompted to install the plug-in and the install still fails every time I try it.05:18
jsimmonsjack_sparrow crap again...05:18
Jack_SparrowGood thought05:19
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  do you have usb 2.0 enabled?05:19
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Jack_SparrowDrop that back to 1.105:19
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Smileyhey guys, do you have some db which says which machines boot with ubuntu05:19
dsahwhat items of 2 machines on the same server, but on a hub be different [like IP, subnet mask, etc]  ?05:19
Smileyespecially as my laptop works brilliantly05:19
Jack_Sparrowwhat is db05:20
Reimuoskudo: nope, it talks about DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 port 67 interval (random #)05:20
skavengeElazar: you are restarting firefox after the install right? just checking05:20
soundrayDoes Dapper support NCQ, and is it a good idea to buy a hard disk drive with that feature?05:20
Elazarskavenge: Yes.05:20
jsimmonsjack_sparrow it's the sata drives...05:20
Reimuoskude: might as well set up a static ip, how would I do that?05:20
Bassettshas anyone got xvidcap working?05:20
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i wonder if there are any new drivers05:20
skavengeSmiley: the laptop list is on the wiki05:20
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Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  more likely you would need firmware05:21
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oskudeReimu, try "man interface.conf" thers all the info, ask again if unclear05:21
robertjjuztin: thanks for your list of services05:21
juztinrobertj, np :)05:21
dagrumpremui: both computers have same name ?05:21
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Reimuthat is the manual for setting up a static ip? ok05:21
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Reimu'no manual entry for interface.conf'05:22
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Reimuoh wait05:22
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oskudeReimu, its the "manual" help file for interfaces.conf05:22
Kacherhi all05:22
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gfhhfgdhjanyone knows how to change the BANMASK in KVIRC?05:22
gfhhfgdhjversion 3.2.005:23
Smileyskavenge, do you have a link to the wiki (sorry im not being self helping, im a gentoo user, i just thought i would drop by and let you guys know that it boots fine on a Dell Latitude 100L.05:23
Kacherhelp me!!05:23
Reimuoskude: I just went into the folder and I got it, but how do I set up a static ip?05:23
skavengeSmiley: ill find it one second05:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:23
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abstractismhow do I get m4a files to work in rhythmbox?05:23
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oskudeReimu, sec05:24
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:24
Kacheri work from Ubuntu 6.0605:24
oskudeman interfaces.conf05:24
Bassettscan someone help me with my repos?? some of them wont update :(05:24
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj:  quick google says banmask removed in favor of setmask05:24
gfhhfgdhjthere is a command setmask?05:24
Kacherhto to po ruskomu govorit?05:24
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj:  quick google is something you may want to TRY in the future05:24
ubotuI know nothing about xserver05:24
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skavengeSmiley: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell?highlight=%28laptop%29 looks like Latitude 100L is on the list already05:24
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Smileyah ok skavenge; cheers for your help ^_^ good luck with ubuntuage, i might be trying to get my gf to use it (can't be bothered to build a gentoo system just for her)05:25
Smileyespecially if shes not going to use it :05:25
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skavengegood luck05:26
Kacher  !!!05:26
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ubotuI know nothing about russian05:26
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help05:26
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ubotuI know nothing about rusian05:26
oskudeReimu, sorry, the command was "man interfaces" that gives the manual, heres how your file could look like  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17176 (and maybe with "gateway" too)05:26
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help05:27
AmaranthKacher: /join #ubuntu-ru05:27
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Reimuoskude: ok, but what ip adress number should I put? how do I know what number to put >_>05:27
jsimmonsjack_sparrow maybe I can get away with an add-on sata card instead of buying a whole new motherboard05:27
oskudeReimu, what ip does the kubuntu machine have ?05:28
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help05:28
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  I would think so... check hardware list for Linux support05:28
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intelligiMy computer refuses to come back from hibernation most of the time. What is the problem?05:28
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowNeed suggestion for add in SATA card for use with Linux/Ubuntu05:28
jsimmonsi'm there, but i sin't spending more for this card than i did for the mb itself...05:29
Aragorn_Guardianmy hwclock is different from my sys clock. changing the clock could be dangerous for my running daemons? i need reboot after change hwclock?05:29
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  those were 20 - 3005:29
soundrayintelligi: I have that with some of my machines, and not others. Sometimes it helps to edit ACPI- and suspend-related settings in /etc/rc.d05:29
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oskudeReimu, then try (and look that you take the same netmask)05:29
soundrayintelligi: sorry, that's /etc/default05:29
monomaniacpatanyone here good with wireless mice? USB?05:30
JowiAragorn_Guardian: which clock is correct, sw or hw?05:30
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i'm on the linuxmafia site now05:30
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Bassettscan someone give me their sources.list with universe, multiverse and backports? mine does not work05:30
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:30
JowiAragorn_Guardian: how much do they differ?05:30
Reimuoskude: ok, I guess I should comment everything except the net iface eth0 inet static?05:30
Aragorn_Guardian3 hours05:30
Bassettsskavenge: thanks05:30
gfhhfgdhjJack_Sparrow i cant change it05:30
oskudeReimu, yup, as in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717605:30
Aragorn_GuardianJowi, seems my timezone05:30
JowiAragorn_Guardian: yeah, can be bad05:31
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Kacher 05:31
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JowiAragorn_Guardian: is the hw in the future or past ?05:31
Kacher  05:31
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  this is a good read http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html05:31
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help05:31
Aragorn_Guardianhw is in the past05:31
Kacheri know05:31
Jowiah Kacher :)05:31
Kacheri dont write -ru05:32
Aragorn_GuardianJowi, my crontab runs before the right time... :/05:32
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj:  try the Kvirc site....05:32
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto05:32
JowiAragorn_Guardian: so it should be safe to set the hw clock forward to the correct time05:32
J-_I've enabled the GOK keyboard, figured it'd help me with typing, but i can't seem to close it now.. any ideas?05:32
Jack_Sparrowgfhhfgdhj: that is where I found the command you wanted05:32
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JowiAragorn_Guardian: are you using ntp?05:32
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Strykr-Sleepdoes anyone know a good place to download apps?? i can only find gnome ones05:33
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Kacherwhy i dont read any words in rusian?05:33
Strykrwhere lol05:33
Jack_SparrowStrykr: and what OS desktop are you using05:33
Ignite_hey, i added the repo for the latest amarok version (official Kubuntu repo) but its version 1.4.0a and the latest is 1.4.1 with a ton of new features i'm _dying_ to try, anyone know where i can get a package for the latest version? please? >_<05:33
SonicChaoStrykr: If you find one, tell me, ok?05:34
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Strykrgnoppix live CD 2.105:34
Aragorn_Guardiani see that i can delete /etc/adjtime. and so make adjusts05:34
Strykrbut i have it installed as os05:34
SonicChaoStrykr: This happens to be #ubuntu05:34
Jack_SparrowStrykr: If you are running Gnome desktop then you will be looking at Gnome apps05:34
SonicChaoStrykr: For Ubuntu support O_o05:34
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Reimuoskude: I did what you said, and put the same netmask as my kubuntu machine, but the internet doesn't work >_>05:34
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Strykrthe desktop tho is ubuntu05:35
Jack_SparrowStrykr: You can add apps with synaptis05:35
JowiAragorn_Guardian: so you get the correct time from a server or ..? (/etc/ntp.conf should have the correct server in it)05:35
oskudeReimu, did you do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ?05:35
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Reimuoskude: did both restart and start05:35
Jack_SparrowStrykr: Ubuntu desktop is Gnome05:35
Aragorn_GuardianJowi, yes. pool.ntp.org05:35
oskudeReimu, and does "ifconfig" say any ip address ? (no ipv6;)05:36
Strykro didnt know that05:36
Jack_SparrowStrykr: Kbuntu desktop is KDE the two main desktops05:36
Reimuoskude: ifconfig, shows only lo O_O05:36
Reimuoskude: no eth005:36
JowiAragorn_Guardian: if you get the correct time from that ntp server, then the hw clock should be updated to match that time, no?05:36
bogaHow do I restart the sound system in Dapper?05:36
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Strykrk well thanks im downloading the program i needed now thats all05:36
Jack_SparrowStrykr: We can still answer general questions for you05:37
Strykri have no others05:37
nyxieboga: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart05:37
Strykrthats all i needed05:37
oskudeReimu, hmm, had that yesterday too at work, (but with dhcp) with static ip i got everything to work, and what was weird, after reboot of router, dhcp worked again...05:37
Strykrwell see in a few hours lol05:37
nyxienp, hope it help.05:37
Jack_SparrowStrykr: what prog were you after05:37
Aragorn_GuardianJowi, no... :/05:38
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Jack_Sparroware you loading05:38
Reimuoskude: ok, rebooting router, so my internet would disconnect from irc for a moment05:38
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JowiAragorn_Guardian: will investigate. brb05:38
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Aragorn_GuardianJowi, nice... thanks by help...05:38
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Kellerhow are you ppl?05:38
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Aragorn_Guardiangonna read more and back soon.05:39
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Raptor4128does anyone know if edgy's locale problem has been fixed?05:39
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Kellerit's my first time here; is it possible to get some help in this room?05:39
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HobbseeRaptor4128: see ubuntu+1 and yeah it did05:39
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michaelswhat app can give me a floating widget-like icon dock along the lines of kooldock? I saw something like that in a screenie once and I can't find the real thing.05:39
ubotuI know nothing about op05:39
skavenge#ubuntu+1 is the edgy channel, might want to ask there05:39
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Hobbseeusuario: english only please05:39
Jack_SparrowKeller: we are fine and ready to help if you have a question else  #Ubuntu-offtopic05:39
JowiAragorn_Guardian: maybe you should use "hwclock --systohc" (sets hardware clock to system time)05:40
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skavengemichaels: gdesklets?05:40
JowiAragorn_Guardian: probably need a "sudo" for that to work05:40
dxdemetriouWhere are saved the shortcuts from the menus on panel?05:40
michaelsskavenge: is there that kind of dock there?05:40
Aragorn_Guardiangonna try...05:40
Aragorn_Guardiani back later here...05:40
Aragorn_Guardianthanks by help05:40
Jowinp Aragorn_Guardian05:40
IdleOnemorning all. need help getting update manager working. I get a " unable to lock file" error. any ideas?05:40
skavengemichaels: i believe so .. google it and im sure you'd find a screenshot05:40
skavenge!info gdesklets05:40
ubotugdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 465 kB, installed size 2448 kB05:40
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hastesaverIdleOne, run as root (gksudo ...)05:41
Jack_SparrowIdleOne:  do you have apt and synaptic both open?05:41
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BHSPitLappyhey all05:41
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KellerJack_Sparrow: thanks, my problem is with running ubuntu on my laptop Toshiba satellite m60-161; I have 5.05 and now the new one 6.06 but i can't get them run, i also tried 5.05 on my old pc (sold already so can't test 6.06); the problem is that after loading ubuntu, PCMCIA and that stuff (i'm a beginner) screen becomes black and there is nothing i can do05:41
monomaniacpatCan anyone point me in the direction of help to get a MS Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0 clicking properly? It sometimes won't respond05:41
IdleOneJack_Sparrow, it says i may have apt running but I dont think I do05:41
Raitooskude: ok, I restarted the router but I still don't see the eth005:41
tritiumRaito: restarting a router won't bring up an interface05:42
hastesaverIdleOne, how are you starting it? From a menu / from a commandline / ... ?05:42
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IdleOnehastesaver, from the menu05:42
oskudeRaito, hmm, could you post your current /etc/network/interfaces file again05:42
Raitooskude: I am Reimu btw, this is the default name for this comp05:42
Raitooskude: ok, I won't include the commented lines05:43
Jack_Sparrowmonomaniacpat:  have the MS part of that mouse euthanized  :)05:43
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hastesaverIdleOne, try "ps aux | grep apt" and "ps aux | grep synaptic" -- maybe one of them is running. Of course, you can also just reboot :)05:43
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IdleOnehastesaver, I have tried rebooting it's the same error05:43
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tritiumhastesaver: or use pgrep ;)05:43
BHSPitLappymy friend's computer has an onboard graphics adapter (which I think doesn't work) and an Nvidia geforce4 card. when we boot the live dapper cd, X fails to start, because there are no suitable screens. any thoughts? is this a symptom of having two display adapters?05:44
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hastesavertritium, thanks, I hadn't discovered pgrep :)05:44
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tritiumBHSPitLappy: check /var/Xorg.0.log to see what's going on05:44
tritiumhastesaver: :)05:44
stelkiCan I disable gnome from changing my screen resolution?05:44
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Raitooskude: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717705:44
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goubuntuwhats the name of the program you can use to format disk drives?05:44
stelkiwops, wrong channel probably05:44
michaelsthanks skavenge, looks like gDesklets StarterBar is the thing.05:45
soundrayBHSPitLappy: it could be. Can you disable the onboard video in the BIOS setup? Or at least set it to use the Geforce by default?05:45
Jack_SparrowKeller: what chipset is in that toshiba as far as video...05:45
skavengemichaels: glad it helped05:45
hastesaverstelki, what, GNOME is changing screen resolution without your permission? That's weird05:45
tritiumRaito: again, restarting a router won't bring up an interface.  You need to do that.05:45
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KellerJack_Sparrow: ATI05:45
Raitotritium: so what should I do?05:45
snedarhi! when using gmail chat, firefox often crashes here. does anyone know a way to find the error?05:45
oskudeRaito, and what does "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" say ? (pastebin if more than 1 line)05:45
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Deanodriverbugger it05:45
IdleOnehastesaver, ps aux | grep apt05:45
IdleOneidleone   6334  0.0  0.7   3060   748 pts/1    S+   11:44   0:00 grep apt05:45
KellerJack_Sparrow: more specific it's ATI radeon x700 for mobile05:45
tritiumRaito: bring up the interface manually.  (sudo ifup eth0)05:45
stelkihastesaver: naw, but when I press ctrl+alt+minus/plus it doesnt work very well together with the X resolution changing thingy05:46
tritiumRaito: if that works, we'll work on automating that at boot05:46
Jack_SparrowKeller: You may need to run that as vesa video then try to get ati running05:46
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tritiumRaito: s/mask/netmask in your file05:46
hastesaverstelki, oh, you can probably change that from Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts, I think05:46
KellerJack_Sparrow: could you point me somewhere to read how to do that or could you explain me? I'm a beginner in linux05:46
Jack_SparrowWife just got up... she is cuter that you guys so I will be away for a bit  :)05:46
Raitooskude: *Reconfiguring network interfaces [ok] 05:46
stelkihastesaver: alrighty then05:47
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Raitotritium: s/mask/netmask? what is that05:47
soundrayJack_Sparrow: Hello, Poppet ;)05:47
oskudeRaito, and still "ifconfig" dont show any ip ?05:47
Jack_SparrowKeller:  Google Ubuntu and Ati05:47
tritiumRaito: replace "mask" with "netmask"05:47
KellerJack_Sparrow: thanks ;)05:47
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-136-113.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Raitotritium: ok05:47
tritiumoskude: it shouldn't05:47
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Jack_SparrowSorry to run.. but I adore my wife  :)05:47
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Raitotritium: oops, it is netmask, (I manually copied from one comp to another)05:48
tritiumRaito: unless you have a line such as "auto eth0", don't expect the interface to come up automatically05:48
oskudetritium, Raito LOL, SORRY, i should stop beer or irc right now ;)05:48
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wilburtmm beer05:48
D1does anyone know the url for a custom repo somebody in this channel ran? I think he was an op.05:48
IdleOnehow do i end all cureent X sessions?05:49
Raitoand ifup says it can't connect, and that my ip adress is an unknown host05:49
tritiumRaito: "man interfaces" for details on the /etc/network/interfaces file05:49
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:49
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=== oskude is just killing time before football ;)
wilburtwhos playing?05:49
skavengeD1: your talking about seveas i think .. dont know the link though05:49
tritiumbut it's months before football season ;)05:49
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:49
skavengebingo ;)05:49
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soundraywilburt: Germany-Italy. Discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic pls05:49
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wilburtsoundray: hmmm :\05:50
IdleOnehow do i end all cureent X sessions?05:50
jsimmonsjack_sparrow looks like almost any promise card will work05:50
Raitotritium: ok, but I am in the belief that I have a correct interfaces05:50
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wilburtsoundray: lol thought you were joking about the other channel! lol05:51
shigutsohow can I turn Off the effect of minimize/maximize in my Ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome?05:51
sysdocIdleOne, /etc/init.d/gdm stop or kdm stop05:51
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  Yes Promise makes a good card..05:51
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IdleOnesysdoc, thank you05:51
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tritiumIdleOne: you can call any initscript in /etc/init.d with "sudo invoke-rc.d <servicename> start | stop | restart"05:52
kanghi, stupid qquestion: is there a good/supported ubuntu i686 repository ? (i just see projects in forum)05:52
RaitoWTF O_O, someone left the channel a lot of time05:52
Jack_Sparrowjsimmons:  Yes Promise makes a good card.. downside is that it is a bit pricy.. $2 on pricewatch05:53
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!05:53
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shigutsohow can I turn Off the effect of minimize/maximize in my Ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome??05:53
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow still better than installing windows again obecause of m/b sawap...05:54
GigaClonwe should just keep +r on05:54
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SeveasGigaClon, +r sucks05:54
jsimmonsjack_sparrow i checked asrock website - noi linux drivers :(05:54
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Seveasbut sometimes it's needed05:54
Raitotritium: so umm, what do I do to get the eth0 working, ifup doesn't work, is my ip address I chose bad?05:54
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DevOne-Hi. I've just installed Ubuntu 6.06 in qemu, but it didn't prompt me for a user troughout the installation process (it did prompt me for a 'user password though'). Is this normal? What should i do?05:55
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IdleOnehello ompaul ltns05:56
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shigutsohow can I turn Off the effect of minimize/maximize in my Ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome?05:56
tritiumRaito: did you change your interfaces file yet?05:56
=== ompaul falls over IdleOne hi there
tritiumRaito: please use ifup eth0 -v, and inspect the verbose output for the cause05:57
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow Promise SATA300 TX2 Plus\PCI SATA is $41 at newegg05:58
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow i guess that's my only recourse if I want to install Ubu05:58
IdleOneupgrade to Dapper has begun05:58
oskudeRaito, i hope tritium can help you, i said you all that i know (need) for network to work :/ (but your symptoms are weird)05:58
tritiumoskude: :)05:59
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jsimmonsjack_sparrow oh well, thanks for all your help...05:59
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Raitotritium: ok, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1717806:01
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shigutsohow can I turn Off the effect of minimize/maximize in my Ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome??06:01
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spatiemanQuestion: How can i install Mplayer in dapper ? ,apt-get install mplayer (or mplayer-686) says that there is no mplayer package.06:02
xavdemanI have a question: what extra's does the DVD version of Ubuntu offer over the CD version? (I ordered the CD version so I can copy it and give it to friends)06:03
nalioth!mplayer > spatieman06:03
stefg!repos > spatieman06:03
naliothspatieman: PM incooming06:03
spatiemansaw it..06:03
axisyswow u can use redirect as a PM.. cool06:03
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axisys!mplayer > axisys06:04
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spatiemanSorry. The page you have requested does not exist. Try one of the following pages with similar names or see the full title index.06:04
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stefg!lamp > stefg06:04
rockzmani cant upgrade my ubuntu to 6.06 can anyone guide me to this upgrade?06:04
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tritiumRaito: are you sure your netmask is right?  Is it not
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.06:04
spatiemani did a upgrade via 5.10 to 6.06 ,true the upgrade manager :)06:05
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george_looneyWindoze Rulez06:05
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dr_willisIn Bizarro Land.06:05
Raitotrituim: I am sure, when I am on the comp that has internet and go 'ifconfig' the Mask:
oskudegeorge_looney, yeah, and it will rule you too ;)06:05
rockzmanspatieman: my software updates says that my system is up to date06:05
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rockzmandr_willis: my software updates says that my system is up to date06:06
george_looneyI love windows06:06
Tommy2k4 would php give an error on mail() if the mail stuff wasnt set up properly06:06
axisysgeorge_looney: hmm.. incomplete sentence..06:06
dr_willisand what leads you to think that its not?06:06
Raitohere I'll pastebin my working one's ifconfig06:06
tritiumgeorge_looney: while you're entitled to that opinion, please don't troll here, okay?06:06
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spatiemanhmm, administrator and than upgrade manager, not the package manager06:06
axisysWindoze Rulez george_looney06:06
rockzmandr_willis: my version keeps on 5.10 and it says that is up to date...06:06
sertmannis there a config file somewhere you can change gtk themes in, since i installed a messed up theme so i can't login normally?06:06
dr_willisrockzman,  what 'version' ?06:06
JowiRaito: what exactly are you trying to connect to and how is it set up (for example, modem->router->wireless ap <- network card)?06:06
=== george_looney succeeds in ruffling some feathers
rockzmandr_willis: i wish to upgrade to 6.06 and my ubunt says im up to date06:07
dr_willis!upgrade > rockzman06:07
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dr_willisdid ya read/follow that url yet?06:07
axisysgeorge_looney: u r not entitled to your opinion in windows world..06:07
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Raitotritium: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17179, I am trying to connect with modem, router, and network card. No wireless06:07
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sikamediaanyone knows any good options to encrypt harddisk in ubuntu 6.0606:07
rockzmandr_willis: yes sir.06:07
ml--is there a command similar to "top" but that shows network traffic?06:07
axisysgeorge_looney: there is no such thing called freedom of choice in windows world06:08
dr_willisml--,  ntop06:08
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BHSPitLappyin my X error log, I see (WW) VESA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:7:0)06:08
xavdemanyes there is, between Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger, you see, two different vendors :)06:08
axisysxavdeman: hehe06:08
george_looneyNow that I have made my grand enterance, could anyone here tell me if she/he has tried compiere on Ubuntu?06:08
ml--dr_willis: -bash: ntop: command not found06:08
CHodappgeorge_looney, that's not so much "ruffling feathers".... it's more like setting up a booth in a big walkway, and people walk around you instead of ignoring you.06:08
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dr_willisml--,  perhaps that  means you should INSTALL it then.. :) Logical eh?06:09
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Raitotritium: I tried to use a static ip, because everyone thinks it is an ip address conflict. When this computer is turned off, the other one has internet06:09
george_looneyokay okay...I was having a li'l fun, c'mon06:09
BHSPitLappytritium, was it you who referred me to that log?06:09
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xavdemanI have a question... Does Ubuntu run Counter Strike?06:09
=== george_looney make whiny doggy face
tritiumBHSPitLappy: which log?  Xorg?06:09
tritiumgeorge_looney: please behave06:09
BHSPitLappy(EE) VESA(0): Cannot read V_BIOS06:09
rockzmandr_willis: "Breezy-Updates"06:10
rockzmanthis repository i dont have06:10
BHSPitLappy(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.06:10
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ml--dr_willis: ok, i thought it would be installed from scratch06:10
BHSPitLappyFatal server error: no screens found06:10
sertmannrephrase: tried to install a gtk engine from source which wen't wrong, so i can't login in a normal session without my system hangs after a bunch of gtk errors, is there any way i can change the theme from command line? can't for the love of god find it - and even google fails me06:10
BHSPitLappytritium, yeah06:11
rockzmancan anyone help me to get this repository, "Breezy-Updates"06:11
gnubesertmann: Can you use another session, aside from the default which I assume you are using?06:11
george_looneysertmann: try running make uninstall in the build directory of the said Gtk engine06:11
dr_willisrockzman,  you trying to upgrade to dapper?06:11
sertmannin debian i'd probably be able to log-in as root, don't know about ubuntu though06:12
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stefgsertmann: depends on if it's in ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes(?) ... I'd try deleting it and hoping Gnome's smart enough to fall back to a default06:12
sertmanngeorge_looney, you lost me there im affraid06:12
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gnubesertmann: You would be able to login as root if you set the root password.06:12
rockzmandr_willis: yes.06:12
dr_willisUpgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades06:12
george_looneysertmann: sudo bash06:12
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QMarioWhen will Linux support Flash 8?06:12
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dr_willisI dont think you need the breezy updates.  you use the dapper repos06:13
stefgor sudo -s06:13
juztinis there a way in gnome to make the Applications/Places/System menu condense into one menu?06:13
lommesfirst thing i did after setting up ubuntu :) sudo chpasswd root06:13
tritiumsudo -i06:13
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kokeola conectarse con migo06:13
oskudeQMario, you mean when does flash 8 support linux ?06:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:13
rockzmandr_willis: yes but on this guide says i need to have breezy updates repository and i dont have it =\06:13
sertmannok, ill try that bunch of stuff06:13
QMarioOskude, yes.06:13
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gnubelommes: Yeah, me too.06:13
ml--dr_willis: thanks06:14
oskudeQMario, then ask macromedia :/06:14
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gnubeI do not like the way Ubuntu thinks I do not need to use root.06:14
snoopsQMario adobe aren't making a flash 8 for linux. They're working on flash 9 they say, but they said that about flash 8 as well.06:14
lommesonliest thing i miss with ubuntu is the "real" root user06:14
dr_willisrockzman,  which guide? I dont see that mentioned.. they give the apt.sources example in that dapper url.. just use it.06:14
snoopsoskude adobe bought macromedia ;)06:14
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george_looneygnube: but you have the choice to change that06:14
oskudesnoops, roger06:14
hangfireIm trying to install ubuntu, and the wizard is taking for ever to load, Im on the second screen and the icon is still a rolling ball06:14
sjaa "real" root user is easy enough to set up06:14
tritiumgnube: you're free to enable the root account, if you don't mind lowering your security a bit06:14
gnubegeorge_looney: You are right actually.06:14
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:14
Kamping_Kaisergnube, you dont need to, you just want to06:15
gnubetritium: Right, I should not blame Ubuntu for added security.06:15
lommeserm ... he just said that he already did06:15
rockzmandr_willis: k06:15
igorzolnikovhow can i install java for firefox?06:15
tritiumigorzolnikov: on dapper?06:15
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gnubeKamping_Kaiser: Well, I am not so sure about that actually.06:15
dr_willisrockzman,  or just do a clean install of dapper. :P is better.06:15
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tritiumigorzolnikov: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin06:15
Raitotritium: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17179, I am trying to connect with modem, router, and network card. No wireless06:16
gnubeI know one can do everything with sudo but there are some things that are just damn iconvenient, like reading logs.06:16
gnubehaving to sudo all the time when you are used to using the root account strains the fingers and brain.06:16
tritiumgnube: that's why I use "sudo -i"06:16
igorzolnikovE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-plugin06:16
KenSentMe!jave > igorzolnikov06:16
ubotuI know nothing about jave06:16
sjaUbuntu has a "real" root acount ... it's just that the password is unknown to you.  So, just do a " sudo passwd root" and set your own password06:16
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dr_willisalias s = sudo :)06:16
hangfireanyone know why the install wizard for ubuntu would load so slow as to not be usuable?06:16
KenSentMe!java > igorzolnikov06:16
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prowersudo su - would get you a root prompt as well06:16
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Daveyboyis there a forum for ubuntu server packages?06:17
dr_willissudo sudo sudo su - gksu :)06:17
Ngprower: that's equivalent to sudo -i, so is a bit redundant06:17
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Daveyboychanel i mean06:17
igorzolnikovi have java...06:17
Raitotritium: lunch, i'll be idling, so post if you figure it out06:17
KenSentMeDaveyboy: you can ask here about server installs too06:17
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prowerNg: Ahh, I see06:17
igorzolnikovi need set plugin for firefox06:17
tritiumRaito: I've checked it out.  I'm not sure what to suggest right now.  Let me think a bit06:17
hangfiredoes sudo give you all root privledges?06:17
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:17
shachafdr_willis: I usually use "exec sudo su -"06:17
tritiumigorzolnikov: I told you waht to isntall06:17
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tritiuminstall even06:17
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dr_willisshachaf,  i tend touse 'sux' :)06:18
igorzolnikovE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-plugin06:18
tritiumigorzolnikov: you might not have the right repos configured06:18
BHSPitLappycan somebody help?06:18
KenSentMeigorzolnikov: chekc the page ubotu sent you06:18
tritiumigorzolnikov: you need multiverse06:18
Ngigorzolnikov: you need to enable the multiverse repository06:18
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Ramunashello, is there a way to get the new version of amarok?06:18
KenSentMeBHSPitLappy: with what?06:19
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george_looneyRamunas: you could compile from source, if really want to06:19
BHSPitLappy"my friend's computer has an onboard graphics adapter (which I think doesn't work) and an Nvidia geforce4 card. when we boot the live dapper cd, X fails to start, because there are no suitable screens. any thoughts? is this a symptom of having two display adapters?"06:19
BHSPitLappy(EE) VESA(0): Cannot read V_BIOS06:19
whackoI was trying to install ubuntu dapper 6.06 2day, when it was doing the select and install pkg part it went black. but its not cd prob can anyone help me06:19
BHSPitLappy(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.06:19
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BHSPitLappyKenSentMe, that's the sum-up at this point06:19
Ramunasgeorge_looney: well i guess i'll have to do this06:19
dr_willisBHSPitLappy,  disable the onboard thing in the bios - will be  the first advice you will get.06:19
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dr_willisBHSPitLappy,  could also try some other live cd's see if they detect things right06:20
BHSPitLappysomething tells me it already is disabled, but I'll check06:20
_max_could someone take a look at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Matrox , and tell me if im missing out on any important information other than the commands in the grey areas.06:20
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_max_i dont speak german =/06:20
alecksanybody know any good proxy finders for linux?06:20
BHSPitLappydr_willis, and if those other ones do? save the xorg.conf?06:20
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dr_willisBHSPitLappy,  yea.  see how it differs from the ubuntu one.06:21
george_looneyalecks: proxy finders??06:21
Ramunashey, there's a package for kubuntu, why no package for ubuntu?06:21
george_looneyRamunas: use that one06:21
dr_willisyou could do the text install to install the disrto then install the official nvidia drivers. which may fix everything. but the live cd has some limitations06:21
alecksgeorge_loony: yeah, such as charon for windows06:21
skavengeuse that one, amarok is a kde app therefore it'd be in kubuntu06:21
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inonoWhy is Eclipse so doggone slow !!!06:21
george_looneyalecks: you mean to say you want to find open proxies?06:22
hangfireanyone know why the install wizard would have troubles loading/running?06:22
george_looneyinono: Evrything Java is Sloooooooooow06:22
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inonoit takes 10 seconds to save a file06:22
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hangfireno, I mean really slow, I cant even get the second screen of the install wizard to work06:22
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kokeola porfavor contestame vale06:23
george_looneyhangfire: do the CD Test06:23
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hangfiregeorge, what is the cd test?06:23
cntbkoe hi #ubuntu-es is sleepy ?06:23
mattiCoool... 6.06 works like a charm :)06:23
sysdocatababy tritium06:23
george_looneyhangfire: ummmm, when you boot with the CD there is an option to Test the CD06:24
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bertugoluhey some06:24
whackoWhen I tried to install ubuntu dapper 6.06, after base installation , my system hangs while doing the select and install pkgs. I have 915Gav ll it be any driver probs, I am sure its not cd prob. Please clarify my dbt.06:24
bertugolui need help06:24
hangfireok thx, george, Ill try that06:24
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cntbmatti: where from?06:24
bertugolui downloaded the live ch06:24
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bertugoluand i want to install ubuntu ...how may i do that06:24
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george_looneybertugolu: burn the downloaded ISO image on D06:25
matticntb: You mean? Where I live?06:25
cntbbertugolu: most straightforward06:25
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bertugolui did it already06:25
bertugoluand when i run it06:25
george_looneybertugolu: then boot your PC with the CD06:25
BHSPitLappydr_willis, I think the BIOS setting is OK06:25
cntbsee straighforward06:25
cntbyeah matti06:26
matticntb: If so, then... I live in Poland.06:26
BHSPitLappydr_willis, the primary Video Controller is set to Auto instead of Onboard, and the picture's coming from the AGP card06:26
LordElphbooting a fresh dapper server install I get this 5 times "request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-0000" and then it hangs. Aside from trying another distro, anyone got a clue how I might repair or fix the problem?06:26
cntbah vshistko vporadku06:26
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xlinuxtedhi all06:26
cntbIam from problematic ME06:27
tritiumLordElph: at what point during install do you get that?06:27
matticntb: LOL06:27
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LordElphthat's at boot, after the install has completed06:27
george_looneyyp xlinuxted06:27
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tritiumLordElph: ah, install is complete?  Let's try blacklisting that module.06:27
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cntbso UBUNTU speaks fluent Polish ?06:28
xlinuxtedwhen I use bzflag (3D game) on 64bit install the bullets go through people.  On 32 bit it works fine.  Any ideas?06:28
tritiumcntb: in another channel06:28
matticntb: Almost.06:28
cntbtritium socializing06:28
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george_looneyxlinuxted: which CPU are you on?06:28
cntbis good for UBUNTU06:28
LordElphtritium: how would I go about blacklisting it? what does binfmt actually do anyway?06:28
ephesiusis there a specific forum for laptop related questions?06:28
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl06:29
cntbok now serious06:29
matticntb: But I stick with english localization all the time.06:29
tritiumLordElph: hold on06:29
xlinuxtedgeorge_looney:  just a sec...06:29
george_looneyephesius: not really, I think06:29
cntbis a pinnacle TV card good for UBUNTU /or any linux 4 that matter ?06:29
ephesiusgeorge_looney: ok thanks06:30
cntb10x skavenge very much06:30
Bassettsis there no easy way to make a flash screencast?06:30
xlinuxtedgeorge_looney, I have a AMD Athlon 3000+06:30
skavengenp that site's helped me out tons06:30
ephesiusWhy do usb ports on my thinkpad t40 not work in ubuntu06:30
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george_looneycntb: I think so06:30
cntbgeorge_looney:  yu know pinnacle TV is ok 4 linux?06:31
Ramunashow can i install amarok-xine package without installing package amarok?06:31
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george_looneyephesius: what device are you trying to connect to them06:31
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BHSPitLappyso, the kororaa livecd works, X-wise06:32
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BHSPitLappybut ubuntu doesn't06:32
george_looneycntb: My friend had one of their cards, it worked A-OK with the "bttv" driver06:32
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Al2O3Isn't [H5N1]  a type of avian influenza?06:32
cntbbttv  = Brooktree TV06:32
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xlinuxtedgeorge_looney, why did you wanna know about my cpu?  Would it affect bzlfag?06:32
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lommesin english its called birdflu06:32
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: do a text only install and configure the X Window system later06:33
cntbmy experience only in WINDOWS06:33
george_looneyxlinuxted: use the 32-bit version if it works fine :)06:33
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YogSothothI use GNOME. Ryhthmbox has just crashed. I try to kill it but I can't. Any help?06:33
oskudecntb, maybe this list can help http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Cardlist.BTTV06:33
xlinuxtedcan i specifically use the 32bit version of bzflag on 64bit install?  if so, how?06:33
xlinuxted(that was for george)06:33
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george_looneycntb: bttv was the first driver AFAIK for TV cards on Linux06:34
dseomnhi, I'm using edgy and when I try to boot a 2.6.17 kernel (-3 or -4) it can't find my root partition (hda1)06:34
george_looneyxlinuxted: you have me cornedred now, dude06:34
dseomnmy ide controller is 0000:00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801DB (ICH4) IDE Controller (rev 02)06:34
xlinuxtedhe he he06:34
george_looneyxlinuxted: I thought you said it worked for you06:34
ephesiusgeorge_looney: any device06:34
Aresdseomn: You using Grub to boot?06:35
tritiumdseomn: #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions06:35
Raitotritium: ok, I'm back, I'll still be idling06:35
dseomnAres: yeah06:35
dseomntritium: thanks06:35
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xlinuxtedgeorge_looney, I had a 32install.  when I changed to 64 that's where the problem comes up06:35
tritiumRaito: you haven't tried 192.168.x.x, have you?06:35
george_looneyephesius: I'm command line junkie, so if you can do "dmesg" in a root console after you attach the device06:35
jpgvietnamhow to intall jdk5.0 on Unbuntu Linux06:35
BHSPitLappygeorge_looney, we -have- a text-only install06:35
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AresOh, does anyone know what version of Grub Ubuntu ships with these days?06:36
Raitotritium: no, I haven't, and what should the x's be?06:36
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: ooops, must have been the beer06:36
ephesiusgeorge_looney: i do that but how do i put it in pastebin?06:36
tritiumLordElph: does booting into recovery mode (single-user) work?06:36
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:36
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xlinuxtedgotta go06:36
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locohabla en espaol06:36
BHSPitLappygeorge_looney, I didn't say it, but we do have a text-only install. the alternate install cd created it06:36
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george_looneyBHSPitLappy: I meant the beer joke on me :)06:36
BHSPitLappyand there's no network access, and X is desired06:37
tritiumAres: 0.97-106:37
BHSPitLappygeorge_looney, and I just told you I didn't say it to begin with06:37
Arestritrum: Thanks.06:37
BHSPitLappyso don't worry about it06:37
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: ok So I'm still in my senses :)06:37
tritiumAres: 0.97, actually.  The -1 is related to the ubuntu build06:37
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BHSPitLappybut what can we do from here?06:38
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: get into a root session with "sudo -i"06:38
nguyepdoes any1 know if ubuntu supports buslink's usb-ide bridge06:38
BHSPitLappyyou want me to boot to the text-only installation?06:38
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: then "apt-get install x-window-system-core"06:38
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Ramunasanybody here already uses amarok 1.4.1 ?06:38
BHSPitLappyI said there's no network access though06:38
BHSPitLappyunless it can use the Ubuntu CD as a source06:39
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: Have already installed?06:39
ephesiusgeorge_looney: wut should i do after I dmesg06:39
valehruanyone know a way I can record skype calls on ubuntu?06:39
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george_looneyBHSPitLappy: Have you already installed ?06:39
george_looneyephesius: do you know how to use pastebin?06:40
ephesiusgeorge_looney: nope06:40
BHSPitLappygeorge_looney, we have a text-only install, but I think it's crippled.06:40
energywhiz123happy new user here.. just wanted to say thanks06:40
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george_looneyenergywhiz123: you are welcome06:40
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tritiumBHSPitLappy: you did a server install?06:40
BHSPitLappyand it isn't SUPPOSED to be text-only06:40
BHSPitLappytritium, no. just a text-mode installation06:41
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george_looneyBHSPitLappy: crippled!? like how?06:41
george_looneyephesius: go to pastebin.com06:41
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BHSPitLappylike, it should be NORMAL, but instead it doesn't have a GUI06:41
tritiumBHSPitLappy: but which installer?06:41
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BHSPitLappytritium, the first choice on the alternate cd install menu.06:42
tritiumgeorge_looney: not sure if he was thanking you.  heh06:42
BHSPitLappyInstall in Text-Mode06:42
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: oh ok, so I guess you can at least login in the text mode06:42
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shigutsohow can I turn Off the effect of minimize/maximize in my Ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome??06:42
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tritiumBHSPitLappy: alternate?  okay...06:42
BHSPitLappynot OEM, not server06:42
tritiumshigutso: I don't believe that you can.  Why?06:42
george_looneytritium: I was representing the community on that occasion :)06:42
BHSPitLappyok, george_looney06:43
shigutsotritium, it is because I dont like this effect... :(06:43
BHSPitLappyI'm sudo -i in the installed Ubuntu06:43
BHSPitLappyat a # prompt.06:43
shigutsotritium, just like windows, I want to make it "faster"06:43
TonyEberlyHowdy all - I am currently having a bit of trouble accessing the Security updates repositories --- I have more info on my situation posted here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1213424  Help would be greatly appreciated :)06:43
george_looneyBHSPitLappy: now give this "apt-get install x-window-system-core"06:43
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george_looneyBHSPitLappy: tell me what it says?06:43
tritiumshigutso: you don't want to be able to min or max windows at all?06:44
george_looneyshigutso: use XFCE06:44
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george_looneyshigutso: But, I'm sure the option to disable those effects are available somewhere, Google maybe!?06:44
shigutsotritium, no no, I only don't want to have that effect when maximizing/minimizing... i don't like it and it is kinda "laggy" for me06:44
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shigutsogeorge_looney, I've already searched in google :/06:45
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whackoI have a prob. When I tried to install ubuntu dapper 6.06, after base installation , my system hangs while doing the select and install pkgs. I have 915Gav ll it be any driver probs, I am sure its not cd prob. please help me. I even ran it in console mode ctrl+alt+f4 , I cud see its unpacks and config all pkgs. and when it was setting up all the pkgs, it hangs the same way06:45
BHSPitLappygeorge_looney, it seems to be working, using the cd06:46
BHSPitLappyI'll be back in a little while, thanks for helping so far06:46
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george_looneyBHSPitLappy: you are welcome06:46
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ephesiusgeorge_looney: it wont let me submin06:47
ephesiusgeorge_looney: can i open up a dialog window with you and paste it in there06:47
george_looneyephesius: ok06:47
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TonyEberlyHowdy all - I am currently having a bit of trouble accessing the Security updates repositories --- I have more info on my situation posted here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1213424  Help would be greatly appreciated :)06:48
soundraywhacko: how long have you left it in this hanging state?06:48
whackosoundray: abt 15-20 mins06:48
soundraywhacko: is it unpacking something at that point?06:48
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Leirai've tried prelink, i found my / and /usr used larger space, then i runned prelink -all -undo, to expect retrive back the lost space06:49
whackosoundray: no its not unpacking06:49
Leirabut i found when i undoed prelink, the used space even get lager~06:49
soundraywhacko: what's the last screen message?06:49
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Leiraand i tried to redo the prelink, the used space is still increasing, it is strange06:50
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whackosoundray: I cud see setting up xorg ... then quickly it goes blank06:50
Leirait seems prelink just eating space, and never give back06:50
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Barkleyanyone using vmware?  i'm tossing around windows server host, linux guest or vice-versa.  are there known performance differences between the two approaches?06:51
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ephesiusBarkley: go with the linux host06:51
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soundraywhacko: does it respond to any keys? Try Alt-F8 and Alt-F1, as well as those two with Ctrl held down as well.06:51
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Barkleyephesius --- what's the rationale?06:51
chariscompI have installed ubuntu dapper drake many times on my system. I am unable to get it to boot. When it boots, it tells me that the /dev/hda1 cannot be mounted as root, becase the drive is busy or unavailable. I have figured out it is because it thinks that /dev/hda1 is part of a software RAID device. I did not choose to set this up when I installed it. How can I remove any references to the...06:52
chariscomp.../dev/md0 device that I did not create? (I had previously tried to install using RAID, but had deleted all partitions before this installation) Why am I still seeing references to /dev/md0 when I didn't ask it to install? Also, is there a text editor that can be used from the busybox environment?06:52
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Barkleydoes windows slow down much as a guest?06:52
Barkleycan you do 3d as a guest?06:52
whackosoundray: it responded to ctrl+alt+del but not to ctrl +alt+F*06:52
chariscompAny suggestions? I am getting really desperate! :(06:53
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AresCharis: Busy box?06:53
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ephesiusBarkley: it seems to work well, get the server and I think you can run it without a gui remotely....or try xen on a ubuntu server install, there is a really good guide on how-to forge for it06:53
Ares!info busybox06:54
ubotubusybox: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1:1.01-4ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 281 kB, installed size 508 kB06:54
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chariscompAres, what do you mean by your question?06:54
george_looneyephesius: but, I don't think Xen supports windows06:54
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AresCharis: You may want to try Nano I guess?06:54
soundraywhacko: did you install from a Desktop CD?06:54
chariscompwhere is nano stored? Is it in /boot?06:54
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whackosoundray: s :)06:54
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ephesiusgeorge_looney: yea you're right, sorry Barkley....vmware should still work well06:55
Barkleyephesius: yeah might try that06:55
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ephesiusBarkley: I dont know how well windows is supported in xen06:55
Barkleyyou are saying grab the ubunutu server install or the vmware server (gsx or whatever)06:55
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AresNah, nano is just an editor through terminal.06:55
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AresCharis: What would you care to edit?06:56
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soundraywhacko: did you install from a Desktop or Alternate CD?06:56
george_looneyephesius: Xen requires patching the guest OS kernel06:56
ephesiusBarkley: ubuntu then install vmware server, i think vmwares costs money06:56
whackosoundray: desktop cd06:56
george_looneyephesius: obviously, Windows is not an option06:56
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chariscompAres: I am trying to edit my /etc/fstab but can't seem to find anything to do it with.06:57
ephesiusgeorge_looney: i never really thought about running windows in it, i guess i should research more before i start saying stuff haha06:57
AresOpen up terminal?06:57
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chariscompAres: The problem is that I can't get my system to boot normally at all.06:57
soundraywhacko: I suggest you try booting with a kernel option. In the grub menu, you can hit 'e' to edit the first entry. Append 'vga=771' to the kernel line, then boot.06:57
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AresCharis: Got Terminal?06:58
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chariscompAres: It never has booted properly.06:58
george_looneyephesius: actually, the Microsoft Research did provide the original Xen developers with a copy of Windows XP06:58
george_looneyephesius: which was modified so as to be tested with Xen06:58
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mrDanieli have ubuntu, than i installed kubuntu, and than i removed kubuntu again. But when i restart my computer, than still the blue kubuntu logo appear at startup06:58
KnowledgEngii has install the program "gaphor" using synaptic06:58
KnowledgEngithis is the error that come when i run gaphor06:58
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valehruhey guys, I want to be able to record a conversation in skype...what is the best application to help me with this?06:59
ephesiusgeorge_looney: thats suprising06:59
KnowledgEngisomeone have idea?06:59
mrDanielwhere i can change my 'startup-logo' to the normal brown/orange ubuntu logo?06:59
whackosoundray: I tried installing in anothr sys with no OS fresh hdd06:59
bastard79hi all, i need share motion from my webcam on www, which program can do this ?06:59
sponixaye, how do I get the kubuntu (kde) taskbar at the bottom of the screen when the panel is at the top (I want the two seperated) ?06:59
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mrDanielkubuntu-remove: i have removed all packages manually07:00
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mrDanieldo anyone know where the startup-logo can be changed?07:00
mrDanieli want my blue ubuntu logo back :)07:00
mrDanieli mean orange :)07:00
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soundraywhacko: and?07:00
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AresCharis: Type in "nano /etc/fstab" into Terminal and that should be an editor ....07:01
whackosoundray: so no grub how to edit that07:01
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soundraywhacko: what?07:01
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dudlehsomeone got an offsite link to the ubuntu dapper upgrade guide? wiki won't load for me07:02
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aergernmrDaniel: /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/07:02
whackosoundray: that's a new sys and im going to install ths ubuntu now, tell me how to do that07:02
aergernThat's where you can find the splash screens for Gnome.07:02
soundraydudleh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades works fine here07:03
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zi1hi all07:03
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george_looneyyo zi107:03
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AresCharis: Did you try that line in Terminal :\07:03
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dudlehsoundray, cheers, seems i've got some dns problems though, they mirrored anywhere?07:04
zi1is there a gnome gui for configuring samba i use vi but a friend needs to be able to point and click07:04
soundraydudleh: if it's DNS, try
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zi1or is there a kcontrol equiv for gnmone07:05
zi1gnome sorry07:05
george_looneyzi1: how about SWAT07:05
ephesiusgeorge_looney: i posted everything to a blog i made real quick, http://ephesius.blogspot.com/ if you dont mind could you check it out07:06
xoredIhr seid Frinks :) ! SCHLAND!07:06
dudlehstill nothing, think theres some malware or something on here, thanks anyway.07:06
cntbguys  http://www.nasa.gov/ram/35037main_portal.ram07:06
zi1what is SWAT07:06
soundraywhacko: ask someone who will tolerate your poor manners.07:06
george_looneyephesius: ok sure07:06
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Aressoundray: What did Whacko do?07:06
cntbhow to ainstall & enable Realplayer in UBUBNTU ASAP ?07:06
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:06
cntb http://www.nasa.gov/ram/35037main_portal.ram07:06
mrDanielthank you for your help @aergern ((usr/share/pixmaps/splash/) but i dont mean this picutres. i mean the logo at the very beginning: the picture appears promptly after the bootloader is 'gone'07:07
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:07
george_looneyzi1: SWAT is a web based admin tool for Samba07:07
soundrayAres: nothing in particular, we just don't get along.07:07
Aressoundray: Understood =)07:07
zi1no i need a program07:08
zi1needs to be KISS07:08
george_looneyzi1: thought so07:08
george_looneyzi1: I don't know of any that is really KISS07:08
george_looneyephesius: did you connect a PSP?07:09
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ephesiusgeorge_looney: but the same thing happens wiht a thumbdrive and even the mouse craps out after a little07:10
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wikingwhere i can find my ubuntu version?07:10
george_looneyI suspect your USB is going bad or most probably a hardware issue07:11
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aergernmrDaniel: You can do that by going to the admin menu and choosing login window..07:11
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george_looneyephesius: it could of course be a Linux issue as well07:11
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george_looneyephesius: can't confirm07:11
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saik0zi1, System -> Administration -> Shared Folders  KISS enough?07:12
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bthorntonGot a quick kernel question: There was a time when certain SCSI features needed to be enabled in order to write to CD/DVD-R/RW discs--even if the drive was IDE.  Is this still the case in 2.6.x kernels?07:12
george_looneybthornton: nope07:12
saik0bthornton, no07:12
mrDaniel@aergern: at admin->login_window only the gdm can be configured, but i mean the logo at the VERY beginning after grub-bootloader. Its a big ubuntu-logo at the top and at the bottom a text appears.07:13
george_looneybthornton: use dev=/dev/hdc or whatever07:13
ephesiusgeorge_looney: its a ubuntu issue, dsl work, debian, and knoppix all recognize it07:13
mrDanielwhere i can find this picture07:13
george_looneyephesius: well then it is07:13
mrDanieli want to change my logo from kubuntu-blue to ubuntu-ornge07:13
bthorntonso I can pretty much safely turn off everything in the SCSI device support section of the kernel config if I know I don't have any SCSI devices?  (which I know I don't)07:13
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george_looneyephesius: if others work then its an issue07:13
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ephesiusgeorge_looney: but hwo do i solve this issue07:14
wikingin admin menu?07:14
george_looneyephesius: do you get the same error with default linux-image-386 kernel?07:14
ephesiusnot sure...installed the 386 right off the bat07:15
ephesiusshould i just apt-get it?07:15
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george_looneyephesius: I have to go now, sorry, its late out here, I will try to contact you on your blog07:16
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george_looneyephesius: I hope it is ok with you07:16
Ro1how do i get wmv files to play in totem?07:16
cntbshuttle launch in less than hour07:16
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johlincould someone help me getting code::blocks working with SDL?07:16
michelneed a hand. here's the problem.  I need toconfigure GDM so it accepts xdmcp connections from distant host (internet). can anyone assist?07:17
saik0!tell Ro1 about RestrictedFormats07:17
ephesiusgeorge_looney: thats cool, thatnks a lot...will it work through apt get?07:17
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:18
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ROBOdi have added several repositories to my sources.list07:19
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cjnodellIs there a simple way to install DRI so i can enable my ATI Rages 3d?07:19
ROBOdand i'd like to see in synaptics (or any tool) which of the repositories does provide the specific package I want07:19
mrDanieldo anyone know how to change the startup-logo after grub-bootloader?07:20
soundraycntb: football starts in 100 minutes. Both subjects are best discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic07:20
jribROBOd: apt-cache policy package_name07:20
cntbcntb:  http://www.nasa.gov/ram/35037main_portal.ram07:20
ROBOdin synaptic and aptitude there's "versions" ... but that shows just "dapper" "dapper", etc07:20
cntbrun to see it07:20
skavengewhat package?07:20
soundraymrDaniel: I think you need usplash07:20
soundray!info usplash07:21
ubotuusplash: Userspace bootsplash utility. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.2-4 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB07:21
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ROBOdthanks jrib07:21
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mrDaniel@soundray: the problem is, i want to change my blue kubuntu logo to the orange ubuntu logo07:21
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Osakaso im having some troubles installing ubuntu is this the right place to get some help?07:22
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saik0!tell mrDaniel about grub07:22
Jack_SparrowmrDaniel:  is that the Start equivalent logo you are trying to change07:22
juztinis there a way in gnome to change the way you resize windows?  i want it to be ALT-RIGHT-CLICK instead of ALT-MIDDLE-CLICK....07:22
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Jack_SparrowOsaka:  yes07:23
DYm00n 07:23
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jolmashhello all, could somebody help me on configuring my ubuntu as a vpn server?07:23
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ROBOdhow to make a certain package version "ignored"?07:23
ROBOdi want to ... skip it somehow07:23
Barkleyam i correct in assuming that even if you have an amd64 chip, you are still better off installing the x86 version to avoid all the driver and 32-bit problems?07:23
Osakaok so i have the ubuntu iso mounted with daemon tools but when i try to get it to run it just loads the splash loader and then.. silence07:23
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mrDanieli want to change the start-logo, because07:24
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mrDanieli have ubunutu, than i installed and removed kubuntu-desktop, but the blue kubuntu start-logo is going on my nerves07:24
Jack_SparrowOsaka:  why not just boot the cd live07:24
codecaineanybody know how I can get movies to play with mplayer by double clicking with my mouse I choose mplayer but it never loads07:24
saik0Barkley, unless you feel like running certain things in a 32 bit chroot (headache) then yes thats about right07:24
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mrDanieli want my old orange ubuntu logo back07:24
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:25
mrDanieland not the blue kubuntu logo at the startup07:25
codecainebut if I do mplayer movie in terminal it does :/07:25
soundraymrDaniel: I think you need to do 'cd /etc/alternatives ; sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/usplash-default.so usplash-artwork.so'07:25
Barkleysaik0 thanks, nope i don't have time to screw with that07:25
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Osakahow would one boot the cd live07:25
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JowimrDaniel: it's not enough to remove kubuntu-artwork-usplash?07:26
saik0Barkley, btw. the only issues arise are from non-free software thats only availiable in a 32 bit incarnation. ex: Flash and win32 codecs07:26
Jack_Sparrowosaka set bios to boot cd first then power up07:27
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mrDaniel@jowi: i have removed kubuntu-artwork-usplash, but this didn't work07:27
mrDaniel@soundray: i will try this07:27
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Barkleywhat's about nvidia display drivers :D07:27
ubotuI know nothing about nv07:27
Osakaokie now i have to get off my bum and find a blank cd >.<07:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:27
saik0Barkley, pff beats me ;)07:27
Barkleysaik0 so as a server...i should run it as 64?07:28
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Jack_Sparrowosaka.. it is the best way to get started07:28
Barkleyi don't need flash and win32 codecs07:28
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JowimrDaniel: how about "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so"?07:29
ephesiuscould someone help me get usb ports working on my thinkpad t40?07:29
nstrichhi ihave a problem, i fucked up xfce!07:29
saik0Barkley, I cant see any reason why you would'nt want to run x86_64 on it07:29
nstrichthe panels come up, but the desktop area is regular gnome :\07:29
saik0Barkley, but I'm known for failing to see the obvious ;)07:29
JowimrDaniel: (should give you a list of images you can select to be the usplash image)07:29
Jack_SparrowOSaka, it will boot all the way into Ubuntu and evaluate hardware.  Icon on the screen for hard drive installation07:29
Barkleydoes stuff like lighttpd, apache, mysql all run fine on amd64?07:29
screnityHello :), My question is as follows, I was advised to use FreeNX as a remote desktop application as opposed to RealVNC, I have successfully installed the server and client but wonder how to set settings for the server, and if the password is the password of my user account? Do i also have to open SSH 22 on this machine - Thanks07:30
tonyyarussoephesius: They don't?  I have a T43 and everything was fine.  You might find something on the ThinkWiki though - great site dedicated to Linux on Thinkpads.07:30
saik0screnity, yes and yes07:30
codecainehow open a video with the mouse using terminal commands?07:31
ephesiustonyarusso: they work on like debian and they worked on breezy but not dapper....07:31
tonyyarussoephesius: Very strange...07:31
mrDanielat /etc/alternatives are only three files: usplash, usplash_down und usplash_write07:31
screnitysaikio, So i need to open SSH 22 on my router, then people can connect only using my account i was logged in as? or as root?07:31
ROBOdhow to make a certain package version "ignored"?07:32
screnitysaik0* or saiko heh07:32
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mrDanielat /usr/lib/usplash/ i can find two files: usplash-artwork.so and usplash-default.so07:32
kyozabeHow do you paste things into irssi through SSH?07:32
ephesiustonyyarusso: i couldnt find anything on thinkwiki07:33
kyozabectrl v doesn't work07:33
saik0screnity, thats right. You could setup some iptables firewall rules to only allow a certain IP/subnet access to port 22, or perhaps your router has some firewall capabilities07:33
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Gog123does gtk2.10 fix the bugs with ubuntu?07:33
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screnitysounds good thank you, so I can allow a certain subnet and the password is the root account? or user i set it up with? although hmm it had to be granted admin rights im sure07:34
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Gog123can i update to gtk2.10 ?07:34
lefthas someone already seen a thing like this? : http://img382.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1vn.png :O07:34
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leftthe unallocated is a ntfs windows partition07:34
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eikkeI got a stupid issue. I installed ubuntu (dapper) on my laptop before, worked fine, now I had to reinstall, used lvm this time, and installation hangs on "configuring wvdial". Anything I can change about that?07:34
mrDanieljust for understanding: i dont mean a splash-screen like this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3308207:34
cmathesoni've compiled my own kernel so that i can use the badram patch, but i don't have the nvidia kernel module now... which package contains the source for that?07:34
JowimrDaniel: how about "sudo apt-get remove --purge usplash" and then "sudo apt-get install usplash"?07:34
mrDanieli mean the logo at the very beginning after grub07:34
tonyyarussoephesius: Filed a bug yet?07:34
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ephesiusno...wear can i do that07:35
ephesiuswhat information should i include07:35
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saik0screnity, you can login to your machine with any user account (with a default Nx config). You can disable root logins to ssh as well. But I'm not sure if thats the default in ubuntu these days.07:35
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mrDaniel@jowi: i will try this07:35
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WooDHi ! Any of you as found an easy way to sync a Pocket PC Windows Mobile 5.0 to Evolution with Ubuntu ?07:35
mrDanielmaybe man-pages exists for usplash07:36
screnityok thanks saiko, lastly how do you rate freeNX ?07:36
KyoLptp`how do you paste into irssi through screen using SSH?07:36
saik0screnity, You can also do some additional security with pub/private key configs. Just read the docs. I love Nx I use it every day at work ;)07:36
sysdocKyoLptp`, shift+insert07:36
jolmashhello all, could somebody help me on configuring my ubuntu as a vpn server?07:37
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KyoLptp`thanks sysdoc07:37
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cmathesonwhere does one get the source for the nvidia kernel module?07:37
screnitysaik0 sorry but i have another question :), How would I make NXViewer and really any application appear in the applications menu as every .deb i install does not, and only those installed via add/remove do although even some of those do not07:38
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screnitythanks again :)07:38
AresHow do you install XGL and compiz [etc]  through apt-get?07:38
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leftapt-get install ?07:38
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SAM_theman/home/samuelp/.setup12170: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:39
saik0screnity, do killall gnome-panel and see if they appear07:39
sysdoccmatheson, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper07:40
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screnitythanks saik0 i cant figure out why that would be disabled by default though07:41
mrDaniel@jowi: removing and installting usplash again work well, thank you very much for your quick and uncomplicated help .)07:41
martiiI have problem with totem07:41
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Ramunashttp://www.nasa.gov/55644main_NASATV_Windows.asx <-- Discovery launch from NASA, LIVE07:41
Jowino probs mrDaniel. there must be another way though that does not require a complete removal. :)07:41
martiitotem --screen=1 --fulscreen media_file dies07:41
martii(Details: serial 58 error_code 8 request_code 141 minor_code 19)07:42
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cmathesonsysdoc: hmm, i don't want to use the stuff from nvidia though, is there no package that just contains the source so that it can be built alone (breezy used to have this package, i'm fairly sure)07:43
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WooDAny as success with Pocket PC with ubuntu ?07:43
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saik0!offtopic Ramunas07:44
ubotuI know nothing about offtopic Ramunas07:44
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saik0!tell Ramunas about offtopic07:44
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AresHow would I test my graphics card to know if its working properly?07:45
satafterhhay all, is there  a linux program that would allow me to record from my camcorder that would be connected to my tvtuner card right to dvd07:45
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blockycan somebody gimmie a hand with something07:45
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sysdoccmatheson, If you want it to actually work, I'd suggest method 2 on that page....07:45
blockywhen I got up this morning, my box was totally unresponsive and required hard reboot07:45
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blockysyslog shows cron.daily running about 3 hours ago, and nothing between then and the reboot i just did07:46
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cmathesonsysdoc: hmm, ok thanks07:46
sysdoccmatheson, search the repos for nvidia.07:46
blockyim running 2.6.17-ck107:46
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sysdoccmatheson, I didn't even look for the source in the repos, and have always use the driver from nvidia. So I really wouldn't know. But I do know that it just works if ya follow those instructions on that page...:)07:48
cmathesonsysdoc: oh, for some reason i was thinking that nvidia-kernel-source didn't have an installation candidate, but it's working now07:48
cmathesonsysdoc: thanks07:48
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cmathesonsysdoc: ok, cool07:48
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bjorkBSDwhoa! i'm back in \:D/07:49
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bjorkBSDthe ban is lifted. but i no longer have an interest in ubuntu :-?07:49
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Aresbjork: You use BSD?07:50
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d2812Does anyone know how I can view network shares in thunar?07:50
peter84Hi. How do i cd to a folder with spaces?07:50
bjorkBSDit kicks ARSE.07:50
bjorkBSDpeter, use \ ;)07:50
bbrazilpeter84: '\ '07:50
tibbewhat's a recommended split of a 40gb laptop hard drive if I want a separate /home?07:50
peter84ahhh okay thanks07:50
Jowipeter84: or use quotes: "/my dir"07:50
Aveneverytime I upload a song in a media player, it always says "this file is not an audio stream"07:50
Avenhowever it is 100% audio stream and I can play it in XMS07:51
AvenXMMS, rather07:51
Avennot just one song, but lots07:51
bjorkBSDoh well.07:51
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Arestibbe: I would say 10/30 or 20/20 :O [I put to much stuff in Home don't I? =)07:51
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Avenwhat is the problem for that?07:51
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tibbeAres: I usually put all my media (movies etc) in /home, don't want to loose them during reinstall07:51
Avenwhat is the problem for that?07:52
tibbeand why does the default layout put swap in hda5 instead of hda2 right after / which is at hda1?07:52
saik0tibbe, For a desktop I normally do 100Mb /boot, 5GB /, and use the rest for /home07:52
Avenwhat is the problem for that? lol07:52
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Aveneverytime I upload a song in a media player, it always says "this file is not an audio stream"07:52
Avenhowever it is 100% audio stream and I can play it in XMMS07:52
saik0tibbe, oh and swap about the size of my RAM07:52
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tibbesaik0: do you feel that it's worth it to have a separate /boot?07:53
d2812aven: what do you mean by upload a song? ftp?07:53
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Avend2812: I mean, adding it to the playlist and stuff07:53
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tibbealso, should I check round to cylinders when making partitions?07:53
Avenlots of media players say "this is not a valid audio stream" except a few07:54
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sladentibbe: probably 10G root, 30G home07:54
tibbesaik0: do you use an extended partition or just put everything on the 4 primary partitions?07:54
saik0tibbe, I do beacuse i use ext3 for /boot and xfs for / and /home.07:54
Aventhey're also .mp307:54
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saik0tibbe, for desktop use i maily use 4 Primary partitions07:56
rtuxHello Ubunters.. do you think it's a nice day today?07:56
dgh1973it's always a nice day07:56
d2812aven: afraid i cant really help. i find moc does everything for me.07:56
Avend2812: is that a media player?07:57
Avenif so, does it work with ipod?07:57
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d2812aven: yes it is a media player, but i dont think it works with ipod.07:57
rtuxI have a question if someone minds to answer. I have tried hard to configure my ATI driver. The end result is.. it's configured as Radeon 9500 pro instead of Radeon 9700 pro. What can I do to make sure I configure it correctly?07:57
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goki-rtux, does it work?07:58
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rtuxIt works. But I think it causes Freezing sometimes. Not stable.07:58
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axisyshow to read docs of different language in OO?07:59
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Avend2812: to open it, is the command 'moc'?07:59
Avendoesn't seem to work for me07:59
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Avenah ok08:00
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rtuxhelloo? where are the gurus?08:00
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d2812aven : to quit it is Q (case sensitive), and moc will play in the background. you can even close the terminal08:00
d2812aven: h is help, and to shut it off, type moc -x at the command line08:01
naknomikIs there a way to install ubuntu over the network without downloading the whole CD?08:01
Avenooh ok, ty08:01
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jmeaxisys, can't you just open them?08:01
Ares!info firefox08:01
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7725 kB, installed size 22888 kB08:01
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axisysjme: when i open i see all wired characters..08:01
jmeoh, that's more a font support issue08:02
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jmewhat language is the document in?08:02
nyxiethere's a good video/image recognition software fos linux?08:02
axisysjme: in bengali08:02
dgh1973rtux: sorry, not much experience with ATI, I've always heard their Linux support is a bit sub-par08:02
rtuxdghl1973.. do you know about xorg configuration?08:03
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d2812avan - I meant mocp -x to quit08:03
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jmeaxisys, try the fix at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=20820208:03
AresHow would I go about switching my current Firefox profile with the Windows Firefox profile [on hda1]  without having to log back into windows? [Please] 08:03
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goki-rtux, I'm not a guru in any sense, but I have heard/experienced major instability with ATi under linux, if they even work08:04
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goki-rtux, some people say they can get them working perfectly, but I'm not so sure :)08:04
axisysjme: let me look, ty08:04
naknomikIs there an installation guide for Ubuntu?08:04
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KenSentMenaknomik: check help.ubuntu.com , but the installation should be pretty easy08:05
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dgh1973naknomik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation08:05
rtuxgoki I think I did it before by luck but I don't seem to be able to do it again. The problem is.. I am trying to change OpenGL to direct rendering, get what I am saying?08:05
dgh1973see the FAQ08:05
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jbwivguys, the default initrd installed on my dapper install includes dm-mod.ko...the device mapper support for LVM, because my root is installed on an LV. I'm trying to regenerate an initrd and for the LIFE of me can't get dm-mod to be included. I've added it to /etc/mkinitramfs/modules (as dm_mod), but the resulting image doesn't include it. Can anyone  tell me what I'm doing wrong?08:05
sysdocnaknomik, see this page: http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ and find Alternate install CD08:05
naknomikKenSentMe: All I want to really find out is if it is possible to install Ubuntu over the network.08:05
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:06
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sysdocnaknomik, the answer is yes08:06
ConstyWhen using flash drives with FAT after a while of using them in ubuntu they begin to have some weird problems.  I get a FAT filesystem panic and it remounts it as read only.. the only way to fix it is to bring the drive to windows and repair it using chkdsk08:06
ConstyAny idea as to why this happens?08:06
ConstyIf I switch to fat32 will it repair the problem?08:06
ompaulnaknomik, read the wiki page there - be aware that there is also help.ubuntu.com as a url08:06
naknomiksysdoc: OK let me check08:07
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goki-Consty, are you unmounting the drive before removing it?08:07
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jbwivI will ship the first person to answer an nice, slightly chilled Guiness...08:07
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idefixis it possible for anyone to see my desktopwallpaper?08:07
Constygoki-: Yes.. the only thing that I cannot be sure of is when shutting down ubuntu while the drive is in the slot08:07
Constygoki-: I'm assuming ubuntu auto umounts it...08:07
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Constygoki-: but maybe not?08:08
Aresidefix: What do you mean?08:08
d2812idefix : if they are behind you - yeah :)08:08
idefixwell, remote desktopping should be possible now in the year 200608:08
goki-Consty, it should do yup08:08
rtuxOk.. this question is important for me now. Does Dapper update provide new driver configurations or just apps and security?08:08
Aresidefix: Through a remote connection or if they are behind/near you, then yes.08:08
Constygoki-: yeah well I'm still getting the problem...  its very weird08:08
goki-Consty, FAT32 is better than FAT, so it seems worth a try08:08
idefixhow can one make such a remote connection? is it difficult?08:08
goki-well, FAT32 vs FAT1608:08
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Aresidefix: It is out of the scope of this chat, but you can google around for OpenSSH how-to and such.08:09
wikinghow to install opera? i have deb package on desktop.08:09
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jmeAnyone have experience getting Atmel wireless cards to work?08:09
dgh1973idefix: VNC is a method of doing this, however X itself allows this with "xhost +" on your box and someone else doing xwd and pointing to your IP and X session port08:09
dgh1973idefix: be aware of the security implications of that though08:09
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idefixso if someone is remotely using my desktop, bad guys could hack my PC?08:10
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_absolution_where would I get Aterm?08:10
Aresidefix: Um, sorta.08:10
dgh1973idefix: with VNC you set a password08:10
AresIdefix: Don't let it be a weak/stupid password.08:10
dgh1973idefix: with "xhost +" you potentially open up more08:11
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d2812wiking: try dpkg -i filename08:11
dgh1973idefix: but if you just want to show someone your desktop wallpaper it's probably safer/easier to send them an email08:11
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Spechey, i'm at an airport and I'm trying to apt-get update and I'm getting stuck on "Waiting for headers", i can ftp into archive.ubuntu.com and I can wget from archive.ubuntu.com as well ... why does it stay stuck at 'waiting for headers'?08:12
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idefixit is really awesome08:12
LynoureSpec: does it normally work for you?08:13
dgh1973idefix: xhost can be fine tuned to allow only certain ip's or users to, if you know the ip addy of your friend you can do "xhost + ip_address" and tell them to do something like "xwd your_ip:6000" (something like that)08:13
wikingd2812: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:13
saik0idefix, Theres also FreeNx which tunnels an X session through ssh, and has better compression than just xhost08:13
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SpecLynoure: yes08:13
m_tadeuhi....can anyone help with SynCE?08:13
Ignite_hey, i'm having a big of an issue here, i wiped windows, copied my data from another hard disk that used the NTFS file system until now, reformated it as ext3, edited /etc/fstab to use it as my home, (obviously backing up me /home data first.. deleting it and restoring it) then copied my data to my home directory, now i can't access them, i've even tried "sudo chmod -R 777 /home/oliver/*" out of frustration, any ideas?08:13
Ares!info SynCE08:13
ubotuPackage SynCE does not exist in dapper08:13
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SpecLynoure: what could they possibly block to not let apt get the headers? I can wget just finen ...08:13
LynoureSpec: this is an insomniac advice, but I'd say not to get worried about it, updage later unless you know there is a serious security bug in need of fixing and blame the airport net unless it happens again elsewhere08:14
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dgh1973Could be proxy problem?08:15
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Speci suppose, but wget works fine, doesn't apt just use wget or the equivalent?08:15
slonnikhi all guys08:15
Speci mean, apt only commmunicates over port 80 as far as i know08:15
dgh1973Spec: yes I think you are correct08:15
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Specso unless they have a specific content filter against .debs or something akin to that08:15
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LynoureSpec: yep, me too, that's why the advice.08:15
debarshiropex, hi08:16
wikingd2812: ???08:16
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LynoureSpec: or serious limiting of simultaneous connects, maybe08:16
d2812wiking: just trying to install now08:16
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ropexHi.. im trying to download the xchat from xchat.org but ubuntu distro doesnt appear.. for wich one should i download ?08:16
d2812wiking: do you get opera depends on libqt3-mt (>= 3.3.4); ?08:16
wikingd2812: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:16
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ubotuI know nothing about xchat08:17
Specwhere are the header files?08:17
Revendew living hot08:17
SpecI wanna try to specifically wget a header file and see what happens08:17
slonniki would like say great thanx to authors of ubuntu i really enjoyed it08:17
wikingd2812: ??? what a libqt3 ???08:17
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Revenfor what is this channel????08:17
d2812wiking: is that the message you get?08:17
Revenplease answer me08:18
dgh1973Reven: support08:18
wikingd2812: which one?08:18
cntbslslonnik it is many contributors and Canonical08:18
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dgh1973Reven: Topic explains purpose08:18
Jack_Sparrowropex:  did you try synaptic or apt-get first08:18
LynoureReven: It's a support channel for Ubuntu Linux08:18
d2812wiking: "opera depends on libqt3-mt (>= 3.3.4);"08:18
juztinhi, i have a wireless logitech keyboard that has some buttons on it for media control....i would really like to get them working with amarok.  how do i do this?08:18
cntbjuztin not a clue08:19
cntbmust be logitech's  responsibility08:19
wikingd2812: no, opera depends on libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.2.1)08:19
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LynoureSpec: you country try fiddling with apt.conf for warmth and passtime08:20
Ignite_omg help!, none of my data will retain its permissions or ownership info, i can't access it unless using sudo! please help me :(08:20
slonnikcntb: i am a newre in the linux and ubutnu is really iwas loking for08:20
dgh1973juztin: try looking into "dcop", amarok probably has a bunch of dcop calls that can be issued to it for various functions.  There is a keybinding utility in KDE (sorry forgot name of it) that can map keystrokes to dcop functions08:20
sjachown and/or chmod08:21
d2812wiking : type "sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt"08:21
juztindgh1973, i'm using gnome though08:21
cntbubuntu is the friendliest linux ever08:21
Ignite_sja, if you were talking to me, i've tried that08:21
d2812that gets the missing dependancy08:21
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Ignite_sja, it won't retain it, but i get no errors08:21
bur[n] er_ juztin dgh1973: kdcop is the kde thing08:21
slonnikcntb: i am reading article about windows vista and smiling :)08:21
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juztinbur[n] er_, but i'm using gnome, will it still work?08:21
blackmaboolhow can i update to the latest flash player?08:21
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bur[n] er_juztin: yes... amarok is a kde app... so it uses dcop calls08:22
d2812wiking: you may then have to type "sudo apt-get -f install"08:22
LynoureSpec: the pipeline depth might be worth trying08:22
Jack_Sparrowlgnite data from whic program?08:22
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Specpipeline depth?08:22
juztinbur[n] er_, ok thanks :)08:22
juztindgh1973, thanks :)08:22
sjaignite-> do a "sudo chown yourid:yourgroup *" in the directory above what you want to change08:22
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dgh1973juztin: in that case you can get a utility called xbindkeys and follow similar advice, most kde apps should launch the dcop server when they run (I think at least) so they can receive signals, xbindkeys is a generic keymapping program08:22
sjauh, make that "sudo chown -R yourid:yourgroup *"08:22
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d2812wiking : that got opera working on my machine08:22
LynoureSpec: (but like I said before, I'm working on way too little sleep... so my advice is to be taken with loads of caution today)08:22
cntbslonnik: check this out http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/08:22
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naknomikIs there a way to upgrade from 5.0 to 6.06?08:23
Eazy-juztin: http://www.yoper.com/wiki/index.php?title=Setting_up_multimedia_keyboards_in_Yoper08:23
Ignite_sja right, i will try, but i've done it before, only without the group part08:23
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Eazy-this works in ubuntu also08:23
dgh1973juztin: unfortunately you are running into a classic dilemma of running applications that are not fully integrated with your desktop08:23
Eazy-but you need to bind all buttons in each program08:23
Ignite_sja, no change08:23
sysdocnaknomik, yea can do it through the net08:23
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juztinEazy-, checkin it out, thanks :)08:23
cntbI can hear flight personnel from NASA thru Real PLayer on ubuntu right now08:23
wikingd2812: "(Reading database ... 58584 files and directories currently installed.)08:23
wikingRemoving opera ...08:23
juztindgh1973, i know....but i'm determined :D08:24
cntbsome 30 min or so to launch08:24
FlamekebabAloha guys08:24
sjaignite-> Hmmm, strange ... in that case, I dunno08:24
SpecLynoure: what is pipe line depth?08:24
dgh1973juztin: you could probably make them work in rhythmbox but making them work in a kde app will take a bit of work08:24
Ignite_sja, thanks anyway08:24
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d2812wiking : that after the -f install?08:24
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sysdocnaknomik, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades08:24
juztindgh1973, i gotta get it to work lol....i like amarok way too much, and i don't like kde08:24
FlamekebabI'm wondering whether anyone has any advice to me on using Kino under Dapper08:24
naknomiksysdoc: yup reading that.08:24
sjaignite->, create a root password ("sudo passwd root"), then su root (rather than being stuck using sudo) ...08:24
wikingd2812: yes08:25
sjaignite-> and try again08:25
LynoureSpec: see man apt.conf   , it prolly won't help but maybe might, if there is something seriously wrong with the proxy there08:25
xephHelp! I just got my Ubuntu 6.06 from ShipIt today and I can't upgrade from Breezy. How do I go about doing so?08:25
dgh1973juztin: if you are determined enough do a bit of research on dcop calls, you'll understand what I mean in time, and xbindkeys, I think those will do the trick for you08:25
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:25
blackmaboolhow can i update to the latest flash player?08:25
wdhhi ppls.. i currently have a second harddrive with an LVM, mounted on /data. I am planning to replace the harddrive with a larger one and use the existing for something else. I would like to get rid of the LVM part too.. Does anyone see any complications for doing it like this? "dd if=/dev/mapper/lvmvolume of=/dev/hdc1"??08:25
FlamekebabI've got it working but I need it to allow me to import MP4 files, taken with my nokia N7008:25
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juztindgh1973, ok, thanks!08:25
dgh1973juztin: xbindkeys also allows you to "detect" the keystrokes by pressing them in a little window and it will spit out the code to use in an .xbindkeysrc file08:25
slonnikcntb i like tha everythin is in my power and everything is free08:25
erUSULsja: the ubuntu way is sudo -i (which will give you a root shell)08:25
d2812wiking : what happens if you try opera at the command line?08:25
juztindgh1973, really...i need that08:26
sysdocnaknomik, be aware that if your current kernel is a custom compiled one, then that method may not install the drivers and can fail. It did on me08:26
d2812wiking sorry, type opera at the command line08:26
concept10how do I clear a package that will not install?08:26
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sennxeph. i had breezy and upgraded with the download link it worked fine08:26
juztindgh1973, xev does that as well08:26
slonnikof cause in my country windows is very chip and you can by it everywhere :)08:26
wikingd2812: /usr/lib/opera/9.00-20060616.5/opera: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:26
naknomiksysdoc: no this is my first Ubuntu install. I'm coming from the land of Fedora and CentOS.08:26
xephsenn, I'm on dialup, it'll take me ages to upgrade via the internet08:26
LynoureSpec: out of curiousity, which airport?08:26
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sjaerUSUL->  I know, the ubuntu way ... don't make it the right way ... sometimes you need root without the sudo BS08:27
dgh1973juztin: yeah, then you just do something like "dcop amorok function to play" and map that to a key, you'll need to learn exactly what dcop calls amorok likes though.  Ya xev to, I think there are others as well - good luck to you!08:27
Flamekebabno one on here has any experience using Kino?08:27
sysdocnaknomik, Then just download the CD and just go for it!08:27
spikebsja: no you don't. that's what sudo -i is for08:27
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d2812wiking : what happened after you typed  "sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt"?08:27
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erUSULsja: if you need root (account) then is a bug in ubuntu and should be submited bugs.ubuntu.com ;)08:27
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sjaspikeb-> still rather have a real root account08:28
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spikebthere's no need for it.08:28
=== spikeb shrugs
dgh1973spikeb: agreed08:28
Lynourespike, sja: quite the other way around: sometimes you don't want to trust your account with sudo :)08:28
amarokkerIs there any application that allows one to capture a scrolling web page in linux?08:28
Eazy-juztin: or you can just install KDE and pick your keyboard i kcontrol and it works ;)08:28
Ignite_hrm.. i've narrowed my problem down a little, i can see permissions etc.. using sudo but not without :'(08:28
aztracker1okay, trying to change my video card (ubuntu desktop 6.06) from a radeon 7000 series to an nvidia mx4000 series..08:28
wikingReading package lists... Done08:28
wikingBuilding dependency tree... Done08:28
wikingYou might want to run apt-get -f install to correct these:08:28
wikingThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:28
wiking  libqt3-mt: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed08:28
wiking             Depends: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed08:28
amarokkeror do i need to cut it and patch it up, bit by bit?08:28
wiking             Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.1) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed08:28
wiking             Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.0.1) but it is not going to be installed08:28
aztracker1the display wasn't very good..08:28
dgh1973that's what editing the sudoers file is for08:28
wiking  opera: Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.2.1) but it is not installable08:28
wikingE: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution).08:28
d2812wiking : stop08:28
aztracker1how do I get x to reconfigure?08:28
Eazy-is there not a think like that in gnome?08:28
amarokkerDo'h- whats wiking doing?08:28
erUSULwiking: do not paste here use a pastebin please08:29
erUSUL!pastebin > wiking08:29
cntbwiking hold your horses boy08:29
wikingreally sorry08:29
d2812we are trying to get opera working for wiking08:29
juztinEazy-, i don't think there is08:29
=== Flamekebab feels frustrated at being ignored
juztinEazy-, i can't find it anyway08:29
sys8976can someone go look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17186 and tell me how I can fix it? This same error has happened on a few installs that I have tried08:29
cntbyou were this close to be kicked by ymoderators08:29
slonnikd2818 use firefox instead08:29
amarokkerFlamekebab: tell me bout it- :P08:29
=== Pjay_ [n=Pjay@host-87-75-164-198.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sennxeph then try a app from hiedy called eraser.  make a floppy and boot with it .it will over write your hdd and will leave you with a clean install. warning you WILL loose all your data.08:29
aztracker1sorry for jumping in... if anyone knows, would be greatly appreciated... how does one have the X redetect the video card, and autoconfig?08:30
aztracker1like in the initial setup?08:30
dgh1973juztin: there is, but if it does anything it will do it for rhythmbox, not amorok08:30
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d2812slonnik : wiking wanted to use opera08:30
spikebaztracker1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:30
dgh1973juztin: what kind of keyboard?08:30
amarokkerwiking:  i use opera :)08:30
erUSULaztracker1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:30
Pjay_hi, just installed ubuntu off the server cd and it doesnt seem to have a gui what do i need to do?08:30
juztindgh1973, its a logitech wireless S 51008:30
Eazy-juztin: the link I gave you is some work, but it will work...its universal for all distros I think....so save the script for the future :)08:30
sys8976aztracker1: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:30
juztindgh1973, the really flat one08:30
=== MrGreen [n=MrGreen@client-82-3-94-118.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjaignite-> if you can see the permissions with sudo, can you changed them?  You really need to change the ownership to yourself.08:30
slonnikd2812 hmm starnge maybe it will be easier to explain that firefox is much better08:31
bjronanyone got a favorite program for reducing the bitrate (and I would hope the file size) of an ogg vorbis file?08:31
ubotuI know nothing about eth008:31
juztinEazy-, i'm checking that out now, mapping out the keys as we speak :)08:31
ubotuI know nothing about dhcp08:31
amarokkeralthough- the latest build 9.02 is very slow on linux- anyone's noticed?08:31
ubotuI know nothing about network08:31
FlamekebabIs there a good video converter available for Ubuntu/Linux08:31
sys8976erUSUL: lol beat me at that one'08:31
sys8976can someone go look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17186 and tell me how I can fix it? This same error has happened on a few installs that I have tried08:31
ubotuI know nothing about lan08:31
d2812wiking : can you paste that message at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:31
ubotuI know nothing about ethernet08:31
amarokkerand i think, firefox's better now in terms of performance.08:31
ConstyFlamekebab: About the only useful one is mencoder, but its all command line so its not very user friendly08:31
erUSULPjay_: a server usually do not need a gui ;) you can isntall one (sudo apt-get install { xk}ubuntu-desktop)08:31
MrGreenrunning ubuntu dapper trying to set up network (lan)08:32
FlamekebabSometimes I really HATE Linux.08:32
dgh1973juztin: there are a handful of logitech layout options in System>Preferences>Keyboard (then layouts tab) but again if it's there and it detects the keys it will probably only set up bindings that will operate with rhythmbox08:32
juztinEazy-, mysteriously enough, the volume up/down button already works for system volume08:32
aztracker1-bash: sudu: command not found08:32
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MrGreenadded modules for lan card but!!08:32
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spikebaztracker1: sudo, not sudu :)08:32
amarokkerFlamekebab: you might find what you're looking for on KDe-apps.org08:32
Eazy-did for me aswell08:32
Flamekebabwe've got about four hundred editors, countless LaTeX things08:32
aztracker1lol, my bad..08:32
ConstyFlamekebab: thats about the only program I wish I had too.08:32
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Eazy-but not the other buttons08:32
=== ville_ [n=ville@a80-186-82-63.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Flamekebabbut few good medium-skilled end-users  apps08:32
ConstyFlamekebab: It'd be nice to have something like virtualdub for linux08:32
MrGreenI need to set up network08:32
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Flamekebabhell yes08:32
Eazy-got a internet logitech08:32
Pjay_erUSUL, the desktop cd sounded like a live cd in the description, would i be best off just getting the other cd and reinstalling08:32
FlamekebabI have videos from my Nokia N7008:32
Flamekebabin MP4 format08:32
Flamekebabnot sure on codec08:32
[Fractal] hi!, I have some problems installing linux, could somebody help me ?08:33
sys8976erUSUL: can you go look at the pastebin I have set or are you tied up right now?08:33
Flamekebabbut I'd hazard a guess at H26408:33
dgh1973whats the problem [Fractal] ?08:33
amarokkerFlamekebab: can you sync it with linux?08:33
sys8976Fractal what is going on?08:33
amarokkeri mean the N70-08:33
Flamekebabnot a clue, ne'er tried08:33
Flamekebabmight do at some point though08:33
erUSULPjay_: if you have inet connection doing what i said will install everything you need afaik (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)08:33
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Flamekebabcurrently I'm more concerned about getting Kino to open my MP4s08:33
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Pjay_would that be better than just getting the other cd?08:34
sennfractal go to the ubuntu forums page for the how too's08:34
FlamekebabI'm quite good at some things under Linux, but my knowledge isn't complete, obviously08:34
erUSULsys8976: i looked but that errors are as cryptic to me as they are to you... :(08:34
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-70-125-182-20.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flamekebabbut I've got quite a bit of experience with video formats08:34
amarokkeryeah- its a bit of a bother to get the data read through the card reader each time- i tried getting one of those XDA smart phones working usnig KSynCE- it just keeps crashing.08:34
juztinEazy-, my mute works as well :P08:34
dgh1973Flamekebab: I think kino only works with .dv files natively, however it can convert them to other formats or convert other formats to .dv08:34
wikingd2812: i need just insert my name & text?08:34
Lynouresys8976: Was that all of the error?08:34
codecainewhen I open a link from gaim or irc it takes me to http://www.arizona.edu/08:35
FlamekebabI know that Kino can import MJPEG08:35
codecainewhat could cause that?08:35
d2812wiking : yes08:35
[Fractal] sys8976, it seems that there is no partitions on my hard drives08:35
ConstyFlamekebab: Well the creator of virtualdub said that anyone can use the code to try and port it08:35
Flamekebaband I think it can handle DivX too08:35
Eazy-juztin: didnt for me...must be becaus we dont have exactly the same keyboard08:35
FlamekebabConsty - I can do many things, but sadly, coding isn't one of them08:35
Lynouresys8976: someones one gets info about in what part the error was ran into.08:35
sysdocFlamekebab, see the forum there are posts with lists of programs that you can use for different tasks there...08:35
juztinEazy-, i also have a home key that i'd like to get setup so when i hit it, it opens nautilus08:35
FlamekebabI've not got the logical and mathematical mind required08:35
wikingd2812: & send?08:35
dgh1973Flamekebab: right and mpeg2 as well, forgot08:35
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Ignite_http://pastecode.com/962 <-= please can someone help? i really need my data, i have over 30GB of files/work which i can't access, that paste is the output of "ls -l Music/" from my home directory08:35
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erUSUL[Fractal] : paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdxx' in a pastebin08:35
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Eazy-juztin: have you tried to just bind your keys in amarok?08:35
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juztinEazy-, not sure how08:36
wikingd2812: yap08:36
Flamekebabsysdoc - posted on the forum both in [desktop]  support and in the mailing list08:36
dgh1973Flamekebab: does it not even offer to import them to a dv format? (the mpeg4s?)08:36
Flamekebabgot ignored there too08:36
martynHow to i auto mount NTFS Partions08:36
Flamekebabwhen I try and open them, it tries to import them08:36
Flamekebabbut fails08:36
Flamekebabsame with 3GPs08:36
Lynouresys8976: what happens if you install them in smaller bits? I think you can e.g. install clvm first08:36
FlamekebabI'm only really concerned with MP4s though at present08:36
sjaignite-> Ugh!  That's ugly!  No idea that's going on08:36
sysdocFlamekebab, No, do a search there are already posts there with lists of pgms to use.08:36
dgh1973Flamekebab: difficult thing is, if it's a proprietary format people may not know much or care to help08:37
Eazy-juztin: in amarok --> settings ---> global shortcuts08:37
ConstyFlamekebab: Ohhhh I found something.08:37
ConstyFlamekebab: http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/  looks promising!08:37
juztinEazy-, yeah, just found it....it doesn't work08:37
slugicideHello all.  when I try to 'dpkg --configure -a' it stalls at the flashplugin part.  It just hangs there.  Any suggestions?08:37
sys8976Lynoure: thanks I will look into that one08:37
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codecainehow can I make it so when I right click on my desktop I can choose gnome terminal?08:37
juztinEazy-, you can't type in a keycode, you have to hit the key...and when i hit the key, nothing comes up08:37
Jack_Sparrowmartyn: do you want them mounted every time you boot and do you intend to write to them.. (Not advised)08:37
Eazy-I have a swedish kubuntu so I dont really know exactly how it looks for you08:37
FlamekebabConsty, investigating08:37
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ConstyFlamekebab: oh wow, its actually in the repositories too.. sweet08:38
dgh1973Consty: Flamekebab: yeah, that's part of automatix to which can automatically get a bunch of proprietary format related software for you08:38
erUSULIgnite_: what is the problem? 'sudo chown -r <youruser>.users Music/*' and then 'sudo chmod -r 755 Music/*'08:38
spikebugh, automatix.08:38
=== Flamekebab drools
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.08:38
d2812wiking : just reading now08:38
martynJack_Sparrow: no mate its just for acsess i was givven a auto mount script in here before but cant find it any where08:38
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b12f.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Eazy-juztin: then go on with the guide then :)08:38
Eazy-will work08:38
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sys8976Lynoure: sorry scrolled up and seen what is all error that is it out of terminal. I was redoing my xorg config with dpkg and that is what I got at the end of the config08:38
Ignite_erUSUL, i've been trying that for hours08:38
Jack_SparrowThat was me.. diskmounter08:38
[Fractal] erUSUL fdisk returns nothing08:38
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FlamekebabI know it's a proprietary format, but what am I supposed to do, buy only hardware that deals natively in open video codecs?08:38
dgh1973Thanks JAck08:39
=== espenel [n=espenel@user-4090.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_erUSUL, i can only see the file permissions/owner/group info with sudo08:39
Eazy-juztin: leave the buttons that allready works08:39
erUSULIgnite_: what is the error you get when you try the comand?08:39
wikingd2812: ok08:39
juztinEazy-, will i have to install KDE?  it's telling me to go to a directory ~/.kde/Autostart ... i have the directory .kde for some reason, but no autostart....and kde isn't installed08:39
Ignite_erUSUL, none.. not one08:39
dgh1973Flamekebab: that's what stallman would tell you, but we all know reality is more complex than that08:39
FlamekebabStallman's a dogmatic git though08:39
dgh1973Flamekebab: check out www.getautomatix.org08:39
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dgh1973Flamekebab: /agreed08:39
Flamekebabshall do later, dgh197308:39
Eazy-juztin: think there is some autostart in gnome...I dont know08:39
martynJack_Sparrow: no mate its just for acsess i was givven a auto mount script in here before but cant find it any where08:40
slugicideHello all.  when I try to 'dpkg --configure -a' it stalls at the flashplugin part.  It just hangs there.  Any suggestions?08:40
Lynouresys8976: also, in some cases doing sudo dpkg --configure --pending in some cases can help08:40
codecainecan you smb to windows from ubuntu?08:40
Jack_SparrowDiskmounter says you dont need to reboot, but to see them on the desktop you will need to restert08:40
FlamekebabI'm currently chatting from a Xubuntu live CD distro08:40
codecainelike make file shares on ubuntu08:40
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dgh1973Eazy-: System>Preferences>Sessions08:40
Flamekebabin the process of installing it08:40
d2812wiking : try running apt-get -f install again, afaik, that *should* fix the dependancy issue for libqt3-mt08:40
erUSULIgnite_: but the files do not change the mod nor the owner/group, right?08:40
Flamekebabwanted to get some useful info for use on my laptop later08:40
dgh1973Eazy-: Then startup programs tab08:40
FlamekebabStallman would be pleased though - all my music is in Ogg Vorbis!08:40
Flamekebab20GB iRiver = digital audio luvin'08:40
Eazy-juztin: you saw what dgh1973 just wrote? :)08:41
Ignite_erUSUL, thats right08:41
juztinEazy-, yup08:41
aztracker1thanks for the help... working now.. :)08:41
ConstyFlamekebab: Wow it looks REALLY promising actually.. I'm messing with it right now08:41
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erUSULIgnite_: what type of filesystem does Music live?08:41
aztracker1spikeb, erUSUL, sys8976, thanks.. later08:41
Ignite_erUSUL, ext308:41
Eazy-I feel it kind of hard to follow what ppl says here...so much text :P08:41
martynhow do i mount an NTFS and FAT 32 partions ?08:41
sys8976welcome later08:42
spikebaztracker1: no problem, glad i could help08:42
dgh1973bbl all08:42
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sys8976Lynoure: yea I did sudo but I had 3 others things installing at same time :D08:42
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=== aztracker1 == linux n00b, well for the most part.. more of an applications (programmer) type, less system config..
Ignite_marcels, mount -t vfat (or ntfs) /dev/<device> <location to mount>08:42
Ignite_martyn, *08:42
Ignite_i should stop using tab complete in such full channels..08:42
erUSULIgnite_: it is very weird root (sudo) should be able to change de perms and owner and everythin of the files08:42
martyn<Ignite_> i had a n auto mount last time i was in here08:43
erUSUL!ntfs > martyn08:43
sys8976well ALL I am out I am going to go burn the yard down grilling since we are celebrating the 4th here have fun and stay true to OSS happy 4th to those that it applies to everyone else have a great day/night08:43
[Fractal] erUSUL, I have done fdisk -l /dev/hdxx and I have no answer08:43
juztinEazy-, hmmm....now i need the KDE command-line commands i think08:43
Ignite_erUSUL, it does change them, but only sudo can _see_ the changes, "oliver" can't08:43
[Fractal] not error, nor messages08:43
martynthx mate08:43
thotzHas anybody got a DESKJET 6840? I'm having a problem with it when I print from OpenOffice!08:43
erUSULIgnite_: but you changed the owner to the user you want?08:43
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Ignite_"oliver" owns all the files in /home/oliver08:43
Ignite_which is where Music resides08:44
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Flamekebabis it easy to encode to theora under linux?08:44
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Ignite_erUSUL, all the files which i have the problem with were originally on a NTFS partition08:44
Eazy-juztin: for what you mean?08:44
erUSUL[Fractal] : estoy en ubuntu-es hablemaos all hay menos jaleo08:44
[Fractal] ok, gracias08:44
slugicideAnyone know why dpkg hangs when installing flashplugin-nonfree?08:45
wikingd2812: how to stop file loading? :/08:45
erUSULIgnite_: have you tried the chown command as i told you?08:45
Lynouresys8976: Have fun, don't get burned.08:45
juztinEazy-, maybe not...but i dont' understand what i'm supposed to put for the last part in the text file you create...for instance, from his example, #email client ... is that just for reference, or is that a command?08:45
ConstyFlamekebab: holy crap!  it works for what I need it for.. I like to strip certain stuff out of anime episodes like intro and ending.. and it works perfect for it08:45
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Flamekebabsweet monkey tuesdays!08:45
d2812wiking : on the phone08:45
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Flamekebabdo you reckon it'll open MP4s and allow me to save as a format Kino will like?08:46
juztinEazy-, nevermind08:46
Flamekebaboooooh, just had an idea08:46
juztinEazy-, it's comments08:46
Eazy- juztin: just for reference08:46
Ignite_erUSUL, i've been playing with chown, chmod and chgrp for hours now, numerous different settings, i can only see permission info with ls -l if i use sudo, not just executing ls -l normally, and no other program (like amarok) can access the files either08:46
zHackhey, for some odd reason ubuntu will not install on my old laptop. its like the cd drive just stops08:46
Flamekebabif mencoder is command line, couldn't I write a bash script that I could quickly run on video files?08:46
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spikebFlamekebab: yes you could08:46
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wikingd2812: sorry, please wait 96%08:46
ConstyFlamekebab: it seems like it08:47
Flamekebabsometimes Linux rocks my face08:47
Flamekebabhowever, what's the bet that I'll try and fail hopelessly?08:47
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spikebyou got the whole love/hate thing going on :)08:47
Flamekebabof course08:47
Flamekebabbetter than Windows where it's just a hate/hate relationship08:47
zHackis there some where that i can get ubuntu or xubuntu in a zip file?08:47
Dragonfyre13Hey guys.  I have a question about my ethernet.08:47
Dragonfyre13zHack, Iso is the nly way to go.08:47
Flamekebabbut what can you expect from a relationship with such a gold-digger?08:47
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erUSULIgnite_: well i'm afraid i can not help you further... if chmod nor chown con change nothing of the files i'm at a lost. ow do you copied them to the ext3 partition?08:48
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Ignite_erUSUL, http://pastecode.com/963 <-= thats the output of running the command using sudo (sudo ls -l Music/)08:48
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Dragonfyre13zHack, sorry.08:48
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zHackbecuase my cable is running slow and is taking for ever to download xubunut08:48
Dragonfyre13zhack, Try using shipit.08:48
slugicideSo, no help for slugicide?  Come back later?  OK, come back later.08:48
Dragonfyre13zhack, yes, try torrents.08:48
[Fractal] bye, thanks for all08:48
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Ignite_erUSUL, i copied them to /backup, then erased the partition they were originally on, formatted that as ext3 and copied them back08:49
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zHackim running at like 14 KB/sec08:49
Flamekebabtorrents are better than an orgy with five gymnastically-inclined amazonian princesses08:49
_absolution_if I download an iso file of a distro will it be installed right away?08:49
juztinEazy-, this is the part that's not gonna work...i've made the autostart file....but its talking about configuring it to work in kde08:49
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Dragonfyre13zHack, that's not the cable, that's the source. Try a different mirror, or us torrents.08:49
sysdocFlamekebab, lol08:49
d2812flamekebab : thats debatable :)08:49
erUSULIgnite_: what are the permisions of Music (the folder)08:49
Dragonfyre13Flamekebab, No. No, nothing is better than that. Except perhaps 6.08:50
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sys8976Lynoure: hehe thanks08:50
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Ignite_erUSUL, http://pastecode.com/96408:50
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FlamekebabConsty - any luck with avidemux?08:51
Dragonfyre13I have a question about my ethernet, if someone can help. I think my port is only running at 10 mbps, and it is a gigabit ethernet card. I really just want to bump it to 100 mbps...08:51
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mp3guywhen I do sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17189 Whats wrong?08:51
fwtesti use ubuntu on my centrino laptop, is there any package i can controll the processor frequence?08:51
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Eazy-Juztin: you just made a script that will autostart on both gnome and kde....you just have to do as dgh1973 said08:51
Dragonfyre13fwtest cpuz08:51
=== Flamekebab remembers something
FlamekebabDon't buy from www.scratchcomputers.com08:51
zHackwhat do i need to open a torrent?08:51
Seveasmp3guy, disable quinnstorms repos08:51
FlamekebabzHack - a bit torrent client08:51
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fwtestDragonfyre13, apt shows nothing about cpuz08:52
Seveasmp3guy, and probably: downgrade lots of packages to non-quinnstorm versions08:52
Seveasor ask quinnstorm to fix his things08:52
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zHackwhat do you think is the best install, ubuntu or xubunutu08:52
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Dragonfyre13fwtest, yep, grab it off sourceforge, or there should be a deb out there.08:52
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Dragonfyre13fwtest, hang on.08:52
erUSULIgnite_: i can not see what may be the problem... evething seems just fine...08:53
fwtestDragonfyre13, you know other package? because i prefer anything, which can be found in apt repo08:53
ZobaI'm installing ubuntu for my little brother, but I wonder if there are any good parental control options for his computer?08:53
zHackwhat is the best install for a old laptop, Ubunutu or Xubuntu08:53
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Dragonfyre13hang on then. fwtest08:53
Ignite_erUSUL, you don't understand, i can do anything i want with the files as sudo, but without sudo i can't even see the permissions08:53
ZobazHack probably xubuntu08:53
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fwtesthang on?08:54
juztinEazy-, ok i screwed up something...now my key between d and g doesn't work (i can't type it to tell you), as well as my carriage return08:54
canihojrany people can help me whit x11vnc?? :(08:54
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zHackthats what i was thinking, what about the alternate install?08:54
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Dragonfyre13fwtest, cpudyn08:54
fwtestwhich should i install so that i have build directory in /lib/modules/2.6.* ?08:55
Dragonfyre13I have a question about my ethernet, if someone can help. I think my port is only running at 10 mbps, and it is a gigabit ethernet card. I really just want to bump it to 100 mbps...08:55
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fwtesti have problem compiling something, which ubuntu cant find08:55
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d2812Ignite: sorry to butt in, but what is the permissions of the parent folder?08:55
fwtestmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.08:55
erUSULIgnite_: yes i understand you... but i do not know why is that the case if the owner of the files and folder is oliver he should be able to do everything he wants to. is Music in a separate partition?08:55
juztingonna restart08:55
sponixis there an easy way to switch over from gdm to kdm, or another like xdm ?08:55
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zHackwhat does the alternate install do? is it better for an older computer with less ram?08:55
Dragonfyre13fwtest, grab the headers for your current kernel version.08:56
fwtestDragonfyre13, cpudyn or powernowd is better?08:56
Eazy-juztin: as you dont yet have it in any autostart it will be as it were if you reboot/logout login08:56
Dragonfyre13fwtest, I hear powernowd has some problems.08:56
fwtestDragonfyre13, i installed linux-headers-2.6.15-23 and kernel-headers-2.4.27-2, but it doesnt fix the problem08:56
Eazy-then you perhaps need to do it all over again :/08:56
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Dragonfyre13create a symlink to the folders for them in /usr/src08:57
Dragonfyre13call the symlink "linux"08:57
Dragonfyre13g2g guys, sorry.08:57
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fwtestbrb, italy vs german is started ;)08:57
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notoshi what drivers do i need to install for a  NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] 08:59
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erUSULIgnite_: Music in a  separate partition? i mean is Music the mount point of the partition the files are?08:59
juztinEazy-, i think i'm just gonna forget i have those keys lol08:59
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juztinDoes anyone know where the config file is for the gnome panels?08:59
Ignite_erUSUL, sorry was asking in ##linux08:59
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Ignite_my /home is on hdb1 and / on hda109:00
cntbgermany vs Italy09:00
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Ignite_erUSUL, i have it sorted now, i needed to chmod +x the directory :)09:01
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Ignite_thanks for all your help09:01
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kristianHatred, you here?09:02
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erUSULIgnite_: dohhh!!!! :S09:02
Eazy-juztin: think it will work if you do it right09:02
zHackcna anyone give me an idea why my download speeds are so slow?09:03
zHacki run a cable moden09:03
erUSULIgnite_: well i've been of little help... :(09:03
Ignite_erUSUL, yeah :)09:03
Ignite_i owe you one for all the time you spent helping ;)09:03
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juztinEazy-, i'm gonna do some more research on it....maybe i'll even give kde a shot09:04
zHackDoes anyone have any idea as to why my download speeds are really really slow?09:04
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juztinEazy-, never actually tried kde...i just never used it cuz i heard it was way slower than gnome09:04
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JowizHack: "sudo ethtool eth0" and see what Speed and Duplex say09:04
Eazy-juztin: for me Gnome is slower than KDE09:04
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zHackwell this really isnt a linux think im running windows09:04
juztinwhats the easiest way to install kde?09:05
zHacktrying to download xubunutu09:05
Eazy-through Synaptic09:05
JowizHack: then you should ask in #windows or ask your ISP09:05
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affanHi all, I have already installed Java SDK on my Xubuntu 6.06. but cant access the plugin through the browser. I thought it installs the plugin on install? How do i configure it? thanks!09:05
dash`I broke something09:05
JowizHack: ...or try a different download mirror for xubuntu09:05
dash`sudo: apt-get: command not found09:05
MetaMorfoziScan i calculate md5sum from a directory09:05
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zHackJowi: it isnt hust xubuntu its also bit torrent09:06
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MetaMorfoziScan i calculate md5sum from a directory?09:06
JowizHack: then my first advice still holds :)09:06
dash`sudo: apt-get: command not found09:06
Fatal`how do i run a script like script.sh09:06
dash`I think thats bad09:07
zHackJowi:ok thanks09:07
MetaMorfoziSsh script.sg09:07
ACEawhat is the status of the libavcodec-dev package? I only get compilation errors when I try to use it09:07
=== Ares [n=phill@c-67-173-223-34.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
MetaMorfoziScan i calculate md5sum from a directory?09:07
FunnyLookinHatMetaMorfoziS, I don't think so09:07
AresHow would you revert soemthing you just did in Terminal, or is that not allowed?09:07
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FunnyLookinHatMetaMorfoziS, only if you threw the entire directory into a tar.gz file or something09:07
affandash`: remove the : after sudo09:07
MetaMorfoziSok, so how can i calculate md5sum from a directory?09:07
FunnyLookinHatMetaMorfoziS, no, I'm saying that you cannot.09:07
dash`affan, that is just the error it gives09:08
MetaMorfoziSi think it calculates all files md5sum09:08
juztinEazy-, which one in synaptic?  there are many of them...09:08
MetaMorfoziSand i get one md5sum from a bigbig directory09:08
dash`I tried "sudo apt-get update", and that was the lesult09:08
MetaMorfoziSthat i write to dvd, and i can check09:08
affandash`: oh09:08
MetaMorfoziSit's correct?09:08
FunnyLookinHatOh , then I have no idea09:08
MetaMorfoziSor any way to check a writed dvd is correct?09:08
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sjajuztin-> install kubuntu-desktop from synaptic09:09
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juztinsja, thx :)09:09
AresDoes anyone know what the Green and Blue text in Terminal represents? =|09:10
juztinholy crap, 339mb?!09:10
mattiAres: Where?09:10
JowiAres: blue = directories. green = executables09:10
JowiAres: light-blue = links09:10
MetaMorfoziSis there way to check a writed dvd is correct?09:10
Aresjowi: Thanks, know how to revert or undo a command then?09:10
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JowiAres: undo what? you can not undelete files.09:11
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AresJowi: I don't want to, I just want to untar a file.09:11
Fatal`how about running a .run file09:11
JowiAres: tar or tar.gz?09:11
Fatal`going to try to update my ATI drivers09:11
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AresJowi: .tar09:11
juztintar xvfz file.tar09:12
AresJuztin: That would undo a tar that I just did?09:12
JowiAres: tar zvf file.tar09:12
dash`how does one "recover" certain commands?09:12
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erUSULFatal`: chmod + x *.run; ./*.run09:12
Eazy-juztin: sorry, was away for a while...but you allready got the answer :)09:12
juztinAres, you want to re-archive it?09:12
juztinEazy-, np :D09:12
FlamekebabThanks for the ban. I wasn't even advertising!09:12
JowiAres: you can not _undo_ an already extracted file. only delete the directory and files it unpacked09:12
juztinEazy-, if i don't like it, i can remove it, right?09:13
AresJuztin: I just "unzipped" a tar in the wrong location.09:13
erUSULdash`: from bash history? up arrow (Crtl+r to search backwards in history very handy)09:13
Eazy-juztin: yes09:13
FlamekebabI was trying to make sure none of you bought from the same useless company I tried to buy from09:13
dash`I apparently removed something09:13
Eazy-but you will ;)09:13
juztinAres, oh ok...not sure on that one, sorry :P09:13
MetaMorfoziSis there way to check a writed dvd is correct?09:13
dash`so now I have no apt-get or man commands09:13
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Fatal`that isn't outputting anything erUSUL09:13
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juztinEazy-, is it as configurable as far as looks go as gnome?09:13
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AresJowi: How do you use -rm and what is in your ~/.mozilla/firefox/ directory? [ So I can just revert it all] 09:14
MetaMorfoziSand what is finalize in the writing?09:14
erUSULAres: if you want to gzip it go ahead gzip *.tar09:14
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PhoulHello. Im wondering if its safe to install a breezy cd and dist upgrade to dapper09:14
erUSULFatal`: chmod +x *.run; ./*.run09:14
Eazy-juztin: yepp09:14
JowiAres: read up about basic commands. hang on, i tell ubotu to give you the link09:14
Jowiubotu: tell Ares about commands09:14
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:14
FlamekebabConsty, you still here?09:15
Eazy-or even better09:15
AresJowi and erUSUL: Thanks, know about the ~/mozilla/firefox/ folder though?09:15
JowiAres: the .mozilla/firefox contain your firefox settings like some plugins, bookmarks, user preferences aso09:15
Fatal`ewps, says i need to run this as super user09:15
Fatal`but the command is working now09:15
AresJowi: I know, but I put a bunch of extra stuff in there and don't know what was the "default"09:16
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JowiAres: the most important directory in it is somewierdnumber.default09:16
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erUSULAres: you want to delete the directory?09:16
Eazy-juztin: you can pick gnome or kde to use in gdm09:16
Fatal`how do i run a file as a super user?  sudo command doesn't work09:16
AreserUSUL: No, just the things I just untarred in that directory.09:16
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:16
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Phouldoes blackdown work with ubuntu?09:17
juztinEazy-, i know...i just wanted to make sure that i could remove it, as the package is like 400mb lol09:17
juztinPhoul, yup09:17
JowiAres: copy the vlx667667.default (or whatever it is called) directory and profiles.ini. that's basicly what you want to keep if you plan to delete the whole directory09:17
Cybo-Mobilehowdy, running ubuntu, can't ssh IN from a server, I can ssh out from server to a debian box. firstarter is stoped.  Any ideas?09:17
erUSULAres: rm -r ~/.mozilla/firefox/dir_you_want_to_delete (be careful with rm -r it is dangerous and files rm'ed can not be recovered).09:18
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toxygenwhere can i download ubuntu live cd?09:18
JowiAres: vlxblablah.default will have a different name for us all, so you need to see for yourself which one you want to keep.09:18
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erUSULAres: maybe is better to do it graphically run 'nautilus ~/.mozilla/firefox/'09:18
Eazy-juztin: yep, just uninstall everything with the name kde in synaptic if you dont like it....but give it some time....think your gonna like it09:18
toxygenCybo-Mobile: specific link? i've looked for live cd there and couldn't find it09:19
Cybo-Mobiletoxygen on min09:19
AreserUSUL: Thanks =)09:19
juztinEazy-, alright...thanks for your help :)09:19
JowiCybo-Mobile: yes, that is normal. ssh user@ won't work.09:19
Eazy-np :)09:19
Cybo-Mobileone min-on09:19
MetaMorfoziSis there way to check a writed dvd is correct?09:19
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JowiCybo-Mobile: ooops, sorry. it should work09:20
Cybo-Mobiletoxygen, iirc NOW ubuntu is both live and install, same cd09:20
speedya question09:20
Cybo-Mobilejowi that is what I though09:20
JowiCybo-Mobile: I forgot I had changed my port09:20
sjajuztin-> easiest way to uninstall is to uninstall kubuntu-desktop ... either via synaptic or "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop"09:20
dash`any suggestions on how te fix my lack of commands like apt-get ?09:20
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juztinsja, cool, thanks :)09:20
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Cybo-Mobilebut it just hangs (the server I am running ssh from)09:20
speedycan ai download files wive the live cd and save to a extern hd09:20
JowiCybo-Mobile: try to "ssh user@ -p 22"09:20
Cybo-Mobilejowi, k09:21
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signature16When I "postfix reload" it says: Permission Denied. How do I fix that?09:21
toxygenCybo-Mobile: is it ordinary install cd?09:21
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sjadash-> so a "ls /usr/bin/apt-get" to see if it's really there or not09:21
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Cybo-MobileJowi, still just hangs09:21
Fatal`is the ATI driver install from ATI's website the same thing as fglrx?09:21
toxygenok thx09:22
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speedyspricht jemand deutsch09:22
dash`it is not09:22
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JowiCybo-Mobile: and I guess a restart of the server does not help?09:22
Cybo-MobileI will try09:22
sjadash-> then you're up the creek ... looks like you deleted stuff you shouldn't have (sudo can be VERY dangerous)09:22
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dash`can I get it off the CD or something?09:23
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Cybo-MobileJowi, what server do you recommend I restart?09:23
JowiCybo-Mobile: you can also try to add (without the quotes) "sshd: ALL" to /etc/hosts.allow09:23
Cybo-Mobileping!  I will bet that is the ticket09:23
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JowiCybo-Mobile: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart09:24
Cybo-Mobilessh is NOT in init.d09:24
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JowiCybo-Mobile: and you are sure you installed openssh-server ?09:25
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sjadash-> who knows what all you're missing -- I'd reinstall from scratch if it were me09:25
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Cybo-MobileJowi, well, I can ssh OUT09:25
JowiCybo-Mobile: when you connects out, you use the client.09:25
Jowinot the server09:25
Cybo-MobileJowi, so that would be no, I am not sure09:25
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ompaul-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2016 2006-05-18 01:43 /etc/init.d/ssh09:25
JowiCybo-Mobile: sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:25
Cybo-Mobilejowi, on it09:26
dash`I figured if I had apt-get at least, I could reinstall what I needed09:26
kristianHatred, you here?09:26
derekGuys,, I just installed Ubuntu and sound isnt working...why? It worked fine on windowz09:26
Cybo-Mobiledash`, how can you NOT have apt-get09:26
dash`not quite sure on that09:26
L1Are video drivers compatable across distributions?  Knoppix works, but Ubuntu Dapper video display is shakley and distorted at resolutions above 1024x768.09:26
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Cybo-Mobiledash`, dpkg -l apt09:27
sjadash-> try one more time -- "ls /usr/bin/apt-get -al' ... make SURE it's missing09:27
juztincan someone help me on this? every time i log out of gnome, my screen either goes all black and nothing happens (i can't even switch to another tty), or it goes all white, with a faint box where i can login at (in which case, switch to tty1 makes crazy colored lines go all over my screen)09:27
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ompaulderek, audio is not a great thing - have you no audio "start up drums" as the logon screen appears?09:27
dash`Cybo-Mobile,: what should that tell me?09:28
ideogramfirefox is slower on Ubuntu than Windows XP.  Why is that?09:28
L1Problems appears related to Trident Cyberblade video board.  Where to find dirvers?09:28
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sphygmoshey.. can anyone recommend a really good book on project management or leadership in a technology firm?09:28
Cybo-Mobiledash`, Advanced front-end for dpkg09:28
sjaideogram-> turn off ipv6 in firefox and try it again09:28
juztinL1, check out fasterfox09:28
dash`k, mine said something similar09:28
Cybo-Mobiledash`, "sudo apt-get update"09:29
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dang`r`ushi there09:29
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kristianWhat do I need to watch films at www.metacafe.com ?09:29
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ideogramwhere is ipv6?09:29
L1juztin, fasterfox?09:29
Cybo-Mobilekristian, a web access?09:29
dash`still not found09:29
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dang`r`uswhat's the reason that linux-image-686 is 2.6.15-23, but there is also a linux-image-2.6.15-25, i.e. a newer one?09:29
juztinL1, yeah, i just found it yesterday....its firefox, but faster..optimized for linux09:29
Cybo-Mobiledash`, what do you mean "not found"09:29
AresVi scares me.09:29
kristiancybo-mobile, :) Yes, and I... im not sure if i have... weelll...09:29
juztinvi rox09:29
AresIt may rock, but it still scares me.09:30
=== Cybo-Mobile wonders if dash` is not running fc5
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dash`Cybo-Mobile :: http://pastebin.arslinux.com/346309:30
ompaulsphygmos, that can be approached at many levels, I suggest you remember two things, it is all about people, if they don't like you or it, it won't get done, and second I would search amazon and go by ratings; however that subject is well off topic for here - the ubuntu support channel, you can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic and see if anyone bytes :)09:30
sjaideogram-> in the address bar of firefox, type "about:config" ... then scroll down to the network section ... find the reference to ipv6, then double click the line to disable it09:30
Cybo-Mobiledash`, what did you do?09:31
dash`I have no idea09:31
Cybo-Mobiledash`, how did this come about?09:31
sjadash-> if apt-get really isn't there, who knows what else is missing -- reinstall09:31
Kibouanyone have a theme called clearlooks-graphite?09:31
dash`k :\09:31
=== twa1296 [n=twa1296@pub082136112061.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Cybo-Mobiledash`, you must be running fc509:31
kristianWhat programz do i need to look at films at metacafe?09:31
dash`its Ubuntu 5.1009:32
L1juztin, is fasterfox a display driver for a Trident Cyberblade video card?09:32
Cybo-Mobiledash`, apt is a core part of ALL debian, if it is gone do what the other guys said, re-install09:32
Cybo-Mobiledash`, you, or someone ripped out the core of your os09:32
juztinL1, uh, no....its..um....did i say that to the wrong person?  fasterfox is a web browser09:32
dash`probably me :P09:32
Cybo-Mobiledash`, do you have any gui at all?09:32
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juztinlol i did...i meant that for ideogram09:32
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juztinideogram, check out fasterfox09:32
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Patrick_does anyone know anything about cygwin?09:33
sjaPatrick-> some -- what's your question?09:33
Cybo-Mobiledash`, you could fix it the hard painfull way, install cd, use dpkg manualy to install one piece at a time09:33
juztinand it's not fasterfox09:33
dash`I dislike hard painful things :P09:33
juztinits swiftfox, my bad09:33
ideogramthere is no mention of ipv6 on the page09:33
juztinideogram, check out swiftfox lol09:33
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Cybo-Mobiledash`, you sound like my wife09:33
dang`r`usPatrick_, I've been using it ...09:33
Patrick_sja, apparently the 'make' command is not found, how would I get it on there? there is no sudo apt-get build essential, so its much much harder lol09:33
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thoron_Hi! I just got Ubuntu 6.06 CD by mail. Unfornately it seems that it doesn't work with my ATI Radeon 9250. Screen seems to say black and my monitor power LED blinks as there is something wrong with picture. Is this known problem?09:34
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juztinswiftfox with the fasterfox extension is way faster than regular firefox for ubuntu09:34
Cybo-Mobilethoron_ simple fix, go get a live cd, copy the xorg.conf and install it in ubuntu09:34
sjaideogram-> yes there is ... the line is "network.dns.disableIPv6"  (I'm assuming your using Firefox 1.5x)09:34
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Stardoganyone here good in wine and wow?09:35
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thoron_I should have tested the beta release.09:35
ShadowLurkeri have a question09:35
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xephI just got my Ubuntu 6.06 cd in the mail and I can't seem to use it to upgrade from Breezy. Help!?09:36
sjaPatrick-> never tried to use make from cygwin ... just used the pc version of it ...09:36
ShadowLurkeris there any FTP program or something i can run to FTP to my site?09:36
crocdwhat kernel is the best to us e for amd64 system. I am running the generic one at the moment?09:36
ShadowLurkeror can somone tell me ho to send something to my Desktop to my Server09:36
twa1296thoron_: should be fine, i have a R9250 too, do as Cybo says...09:36
sjaPatrick-> out of curiosity, are you trying to compile a linux program on a PC via cygwin?09:36
AresWhat is the kill all command, specifically to kill Firefox?09:36
AresI would look, but I can't.09:37
ideogramoh it was a case sensitive search09:37
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Stardoganyone here good in wine and wow?09:37
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juztinAres, killall kills all processes with a certain name...like killall firefox will kill all firefoxes09:37
FunnyLookinHatAres, killall firefox09:37
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ideogramso what was it doing, trying to use ipv6 first?09:37
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AresGod dammit.09:37
AresFirefox still won't start.09:37
=== xRaal [n=xRaal@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulStardog, please wait 15 minutes beteen asking09:37
Patrick_sja, apparently the 'make' command is not found, how would I get it on there? there is no sudo apt-get build essential, so its much much harder lol09:38
thoron_twa1296, is there fixed CD available?09:38
ShadowLurkerGuys, I need to upload a folder with FTP.  Can someone tell me how to send something through FTP?09:38
ShadowLurkerit is on my desktop09:38
aztracker1have another question.. re: dialup under ubuntu.. is anyone familiar with the error "LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests"09:38
ideogramdid you read man ftp?09:38
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jon_anyone know where i can find "grub.conf" on my system, search turned up nothing09:38
ShadowLurkeri can figure out where the local folder is09:38
juztinwtf is dialup?09:38
sjaideogram-> many home type modems/routers don't support ipv6 ... so, if enabled, it tries, and tries, and tries and finally defaults to ipv409:38
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Cybo-Mobilejuztin that is how you get chinese food09:38
ubotu<reply>  FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd09:38
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Aresjon: I think Ubuntu uses menu.lst09:38
juztinlol Cybo-Mobile09:39
rpedroStardog: try /j #winehq09:39
aztracker1juztin, it's for a client.. hell I'm getting him off of windows.. he only uses email and browsing..09:39
=== aztracker1 hates dialup.
jon_thanks Ares09:39
ideogramyeah I knew I didn't have ipv6, just didn't realize firefox would keep trying it by default09:39
sjaideogram-> if that works for you and you use Thunderbird, turn off ipv6 in Thunderbird09:39
ShadowLurkerideogram, what?09:39
ideogramI don't use thunderbird09:39
ideogramshadowlurker do you know how to get a terminal window?09:39
ideogramI use gmail09:39
ShadowLurkerideogram, i cant find where the file is on the local server09:39
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twa1296thoron_: your monitor led blinks and the screen doesn't go on? why do you think that this is a radeon issue?09:40
ShadowLurkerideogram, yes, and i can connect to my server09:40
ideogramyou can't find the file?09:40
rpedro!appdb > Stardog09:40
sjaideogram-> I use gmail too -- as a pop server -- and use Thunderbird as my client09:40
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ShadowLurkerideogram, it says local-file: and i dont know where it is09:40
ideogramis there a search function on ubuntu?09:40
ShadowLurkerit is on my desktop09:40
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Stardogrpedro: k thx09:40
ShadowLurkerideogram, but i dont know what to put there09:40
ideogramcan't you browse for it?09:40
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j1phas anyone in here built songbird for ubuntu successfully?09:40
sjaideogram-> search for text in files or for files?09:40
ShadowLurkerideogram, no, that is with a program09:40
ShadowLurkerideogram, i couldnt find any linux ftp programs09:40
ideogramI had problems with Thunderbird the last time I used it09:41
thoron_twa1296, I googled around little bit and debian unstable X is also broken. OpenGL modules jams the system exactly same way.09:41
ShadowLurkerideogram, i am using command line on linux09:41
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ideogramyeah, ftp on the command line should work for you09:41
ideogramhow do you normally get to the file09:41
hou5tonCan someone help me with making sound work on xfce ... it works on Gnome. ??09:41
ShadowLurkerideogram, it is on my desktop09:41
ideogramI have no problems with Gmail's user interface09:41
JowiShadowLurker: if it is on your desktop it is in /home/username/Desktop09:41
ompaulShadowLurker, tar cvf word.tar /path/to/directory << then >> ftp wherever.whatever ; username; password; cd /path/to/put/file ; lcd /path/to/tar; put file.tar ; then ssh into the box and cd to location and do this: tar xvf file.tar and the directory will unfold before your very eyes - print that and do it09:41
sjaShadowLurker -> open a terminal and type "ftp"09:41
ShadowLurkerjowi: thanks09:41
twa1296thoron_: did you manage to install? when does the screen go blank?09:41
ShadowLurkersja: i know09:41
ShadowLurkerjowi: that was my problem09:41
auge02also can used mc09:41
ShadowLurkerjowi: thank you so much09:41
ideogramI like being able to access my email from any host and any OS09:41
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ideogramI have several computers and dual boot WinXP and Ubuntu09:42
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james__would anyone in here be up to walking me through setting up a dell truemobile 1470 wireless card (broadcom chipset) to work, with or without ndiswrapper?09:42
JujuDoes anyone know if this is a valid permission?    ?-w-rwSrwT09:42
Stardogafter installing wine, copying all files (overwriting when prompted), and trying to run the installer.exe file, i get the errormsg, not enough space on my hardrive.....09:43
JujuI installed Xubuntu yesterday on a friend's PC, and it was working, but now it gets permioosion denied on practially everything09:43
james__i has the driver installed in ndiswrapper, and it recognizes the card, but i am stuck09:43
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thoron_twa1296, there is this ubuntu logo on screen and below that rolls those messages on loading modules. It goes dark after loading something like LVM or Enterprise Volume Management anyway stuff that obvious comes last and then I guess Ubuntu 6.06 install tries to start X?09:43
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Stardogsry wrong room09:43
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ShadowLurkerjowi: where was it?09:44
twa1296thoron_: and do you get a command line after that?09:44
ShadowLurkerjowi: i forgot09:44
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ShadowLurkerjowi, what is the directory it should be in again?09:44
MetaMorfoziSis there way to check a writed dvd is correct?09:44
thoron_twa1296, no, debian unstable jamms exactly same way, system is totally unresponsive, no way to get console even with ctrl-alt-f109:45
Patrick_on cygwin, apparently the 'make' command is not found, how would I get it on there? there is no sudo apt-get build essential, so its much much harder lol09:45
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twa1296thoron_: ah i see, sorry was trying to understand your problem09:45
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ideogramcygwin has an installer gui that should list make among programmer tools09:45
ShadowLurkerjowi...where are you?09:45
twa1296thoron_: boot in recovery mode into a command line, change your xorg.conf from there09:45
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ShadowLurkercome out, come out, wherever you are09:45
JowiShadowLurker: /home/username/Desktop09:45
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aaron_Hey guys, my java isn't @ /usr/bin/java or w/e how can I find where I have it installed?09:47
sjaPatrick-> check www.cygwin.com -- many packages aren't installed by default09:47
wesleywillianshi folks09:47
wesleywilliansi have a problem here09:47
AresOk ok, last question, how do I give everything in a specific folder and sub-folders read/write access?09:47
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ShadowLurkerJowi: please go to #UbuntuPalace09:47
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sjaaaron-> Sun's java?09:47
aaron_yes sja09:47
wesleywilliansi have a notebook HP livestrong (l2005). i am trying to use the projector to show a presentation, but the ubuntu does not reconeize my video boad on projector.09:48
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wesleywillianscan u help me?09:48
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Cybo-MobileI am still unable to conect to this box via ssh from other boxes, but vis-versa is good09:48
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sjaaaron-> if you installed it for Dapper via the repository, it's likely in /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun09:49
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ShadowLurkerJowi, I sent you an IM here, please look at it09:49
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epodHi, I'm having a weird apache issue.  If I go to www.blah.ca, www.fooblah.ca or www.blahfoo.ca, the correct page loads, but if I go to just blahfoo.ca, or fooblah.ca, I get blah.ca's page.  Can anyone tell me what I have wrong in my vhost setup perhaps?09:49
aaron_sja, no file or dir there. Isn't there a command you can use that will show the ver, location and everyhting09:50
Cybo-Mobileis there a way I can drop all firewall via the cli?09:50
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ShadowLurkercan someone help me?09:50
ShadowLurkeri can put regular files onto my server via ftp09:50
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ShadowLurkerbut not folders09:50
_absolution_I'm currently downloading an iso image of another distro.....where will that file be stored??09:50
ShadowLurkerhow can i upload folders?09:50
_absolution_in the archive manager?09:50
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wdh_absolution_, whereever you are downloading it to..09:51
sjaaaron-> in a terminal, type "java -version" and see what it says09:51
Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, where did you tell it to, are you running windows?09:51
aaron_java command not found09:51
sjaaaron -> then you can look in /etc/alternatives and see where java is linked to09:51
_absolution_"save to disk"09:51
ideogramshadowlurker you need to use tar09:51
wdh_absolution_, take a look on your desktop then :)09:51
ideogramtype man tar09:52
blockycan someone tell me how to search in vi09:52
Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, it is saved where ever your defualt location is, what app, check it out.09:52
sjaaaron-> you should also be able to type "which java" and have it return you its location09:52
linux_user400354is there a ubuntu wiki guide for gmailfs? i searched for one and did not find it.09:52
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Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, sounds like a windows help desk question, are you sure you are not running windows?09:52
ShadowLurkerideogram: what do u mean tar?09:52
aaron_sja, it returned nothing09:52
_absolution_no I'm running ubuntu09:52
sjablocky-> hit esc, then type /<what you are searching for>09:52
aaron_maybe I messed up on the install09:52
ideogramtar is the command that packages up a directory tree as a file so you can ftp it09:53
sjaaaron-> then you don't have java installed09:53
JowiShadowLurker: easiest way is to use gftp. a graphical interface for ftp similar to wsftp on windows. you can't go wrong there. you will see exactly where the files go and it is just as easy to download folders.09:53
aaron_ok sja, thanks09:53
Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, ok I will bite, "How" are you donwloading this iso09:53
ideogramor you could use the gui09:53
blockysja, thanks - is that case sensitive?09:53
ideogramthat's probably your best bet09:53
ShadowLurkerlol, help09:53
_absolution_what do you mean?09:53
ShadowLurkerwhich one?09:53
ShadowLurkerand where can i get it?09:53
Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, what app?09:53
ideogramjowi mentioned gftp09:53
wdh_absolution_, with firefox probably?09:53
JowiShadowLurker: sudo apt-get install gftp09:53
stelki_absolution_: what program are you using to download?09:53
ideogramI haven't used it myself, but you could give it a try09:53
sjablocky -> yes .... also that will only find the first occurence ... to find others, hit n09:53
stelki_absolution_: the default place to download files is the desktop of yours09:54
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_absolution_so it won't automatically install?09:54
stelkiNo, how did you get ubuntu installed? :)09:54
Al2O3well, sadly I'm installing Windows 2000 instead of ubuntu or mandriva :(  Its just Bill Gates up my butt again.09:54
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_absolution_lol....I never downloaded an iso file before09:54
Al2O3thanks for your help guys, linux just isn't up to the task of out-of-box end user experience yet, almost, but not quite.09:54
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stelkiFIlthy lies09:55
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_absolution_on a cdrom09:55
ShadowLurkerhow do i run gftp09:55
sjaAl204-> maybe not for you, but for me it is ... dumped Win a couple of years ago09:55
ShadowLurkerg2g so quick09:55
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aaron_sja, one last q. What is the best way to install jre 1.5?09:55
Subhuman_is there much difference between a debian server install and a ubuntu one?09:55
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bvaliwrite gftp09:55
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Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, I deal with system admin who don't know how to burn ISO09:56
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RopechoborraI mounted an ntfs partition on /mnt, wich is the command to change its privileges so i can read, execute and write it ??09:57
Cybo-Mobile_absolution_, look under preferences for firefox, download that will tell you the dir your ISO is downloaded to09:57
sjaaaron-> from synaptic, get sun-j2re1.509:57
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_absolution_oh ok...thanks09:59
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softworkola mundo!09:59
bvaliRopechoborra: you need to mount the partition in rw mode. Usually it's mounted in ro, and NTFS in linux is rather unstable in write mode.09:59
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bvalibut generally you must specify the umask when mounting09:59
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  Nooooooooo09:59
Fitzsimmonsis there a known problem booting ubuntu server with / on raid?10:00
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow:  SIIIIIIIIIIIIII10:00
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow:  ke hace aka mano?? =P10:00
Fitzsimmonssoftware raid that is10:00
Cybo-MobileI sill need help ssh into ubuntu, debian and rhel both work in and out, but ubuntu only works out10:00
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  If you need it is much better to set up a fat32 to share between or set ntfs as read only10:00
bvaliI agree with Jack_Sparrow10:01
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Jack_SparrowRopechoborra: No bueno por nada...10:01
Ropechoborraveni al pv10:01
fowlduck /join #ubuntu-es10:01
aaron_aja, done, but I still get nothing from java --version or which java10:02
aaron_I did  sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.510:02
xephHelp! I just got my Ubuntu 6.06 from ShipIt today and I can't upgrade from Breezy. How do I go about doing so?10:02
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RopechoborraJack_Sparrow:  wich would be the comand so i can have access to the drive ?10:03
HowardTheDuckIs it possible to rdp into ubuntu from windows?10:03
sjaaaron-> that's the JRE (run time java) so I don't think "java -version" will work  ....10:03
Patrick_sja, apparently the 'make' command is not found, how would I get it on there? there is no sudo apt-get build essential, so its much much harder lol10:03
Patrick_sja, this is on cygwin10:04
sjaaaron-> not positive, tho, I'm never just installed the JRE, just the JDK/SDK10:04
Patrick_sja, I asked it about, 10 mins ago or so.10:04
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sjaPatrick-> check www.cygwin.com -- many packages aren't installed by default10:04
Jack_SparrowRun that script.. It will enable NTFS writes if you insist.. Still Not recomended by my.. Use at your own riskk.10:04
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CheticHow do I set one folder, with all the files and subdirectories in it, to let regular users write to it?10:04
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aaron_ok thanks10:04
Patrick_sja, I have no clue wtf to do lol.10:04
sjaaaron-> try something that uses the JRE, like ... I dunno ... Azureus?10:04
sjaPatick-> the likely answer is to reinstall cygwin and select make as one of the packages ..10:05
nsahooi am trying to make a nfs mount happen everytime i boot the comp .. i added the line "nachi:/home/nsahoo /home/nachi  nfs     rw,hard,intr    0 0" to the /etc/fstab .. but, it's not automounting10:05
Jack_SparrowChetic: a folder that you creat ... you can right click and set permissions there10:05
bvaliChetic: chmod -R 777 directory10:05
sjaPatrick-> or you could ask in a Windows channel?10:05
bvaliR is recursive10:05
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sjansahoo -> good help on ubuntu wiki ... you might check that out10:06
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dylan_Why is Ubuntu a non-free distribution by default?10:06
lophyteit is?10:06
eimajenthathi, I seem to remember hearing about a tool like deborphan but better, anyone heard of such a thing?10:06
skyboxhi! If I use clonecd in linux/vmware will it operate just like it does in windows?10:07
lophytedylan_: Ubuntu is as free as any other Linux distro10:07
dylan_lophyte, it has non-free drivers, i hear from RMS10:07
BHSPitLappydylan_, why is the sky purple?10:07
dylan_BHSPitLappy, it is not10:07
lophytethat's the point :P10:07
BHSPitLappythere's your answer.10:07
linux_user400354has anyone got gmailfs to work?10:07
dylan_BHSPitLappy, oh yeah?  do this:  install "vrms" and run it10:07
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RopechoborraJack_Sparrow: thanks!! it really helps me :)10:08
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lophytedylan_: there's a difference between a specific software package, and Ubuntu as a distribution10:08
BHSPitLappywhy should I have to install anything, dylan_ ?10:08
Jack_SparrowNot a problem10:08
BHSPitLappyI thought you were talking about "default"10:08
skyboxclonecd in vmware/wine, same support as in windows?10:08
lucasvo_anybody have problems with totem? I have this X BadAllog errors10:08
lucasvo_it's really annoying10:08
dylan_BHSPitLappy, exactly.  ubuntu is non-free by default.10:08
lophytefor example, VMware Workstation for Linux is non-free... but that doesn't make Ubuntu non-free.10:08
Jowidylan_: ubuntu-offtopic please. this is a support channel10:08
Jowi# even10:08
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nsahoosja: i checked that .. it doesn't look like i need anything other than just adding a line to /etc/fstab for static mount10:09
Ropechoborraf*ck =S still says permission dennied ! =(10:09
Jack_Sparrowrope.. when you try to write to it?10:09
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skyboxis there a way to burn dual layers dvd+r in linux?10:09
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Fitzsimmonshow do you install ubuntu onto a / within software raid1?10:09
RopechoborraNop... access10:09
sjansahoo-> my nfs mount like in /etc/fstab looks like .... /reardon     nfs     rw,hard,intr    0       010:10
lophyteskybox: it should be the same as burning any other dvd/d10:10
sjansahoo-> just make sure the mount point really exists on your machine (in my case, /reardon)10:10
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Jack_SparrowRope.. it has worked for dozens of people.. works on my sata10:10
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  what is in your fstab10:10
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skyboxlophyte, i'm afraid not, I need to have the burner app/frontend to put my burner into bitsetting - dvdrom mode and dual layer modes10:11
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Ropechoborrabash: cd: /media/hda5: Permiso denegado10:11
nsahoosja: does it have to be ip address at the start .. not the hostname .. i have the hostname in the /etc/hosts file10:11
skyboxclonecd does this on auto, but i'm wondering if I run clonecd with wine/vmware, will it be the same thing?10:11
lophyteskybox: ah.. I've never done dual layer burning myself, so I'm not entirely sure.. I just assumed it was the same.10:11
ubotuI know nothing about duallayer10:11
Jack_SparrowRope, do you see disk icons on your desktop10:11
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:11
linux_user400354skybox, cdrecord10:11
sjansahoo-> if you have the host name in the hosts file, that sould be fine10:11
ubotuI know nothing about dvdburning10:11
skyboxheh, thanks anyways lophyte10:11
skyboxcdrecord hmm10:11
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow: nop, arent there10:12
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Jack_SparrowRopechoborra: after a restart you should see all the partions mounted on your desktop.  Did the script ask any questions?10:12
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sjansahoo-> I took another look at your fstab line --- get rid of the / before home10:12
RopechoborraYes.. about writing10:12
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  how did you run that script10:12
RopechoborraLike the help file says10:13
skyboxI'll check it out, just a quickie, If I run clonecd in wine/wmare will it be the same thing?10:13
Constydoes anyone run xmame in dapper?10:13
Ropechoborrasudo bash diskmounter10:13
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Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  did you restart after running the script... I know it says not to, I am getting that changed10:13
sjansahoo-> also, not sure if you can point it multilevel -- never tried10:13
lophyteskybox: I don't think VMware supports cd/dvd burning10:13
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow: no, i didnt...10:13
Jack_SparrowStart there10:13
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RopechoborraNTFS drives will be mounted read-only! <--- that means i should restart?10:13
RopechoborraOk brb10:14
ConstyJack_Sparrow: Remember that problem that I had the other day with totem not playing dvds even though libdvdcss2 was installed?10:14
sjalophyte ... yes, you can burn cd/dvds via VMWare10:14
skyboxah lophyte, that's a shame :(10:14
lophytewhat, since when10:14
PetecakesWhen trying to boot with the live CD, the boot process says that it cannot read from the CD. I have tried this with several CDs (they're all immaculate) and it always happens at the same point. I'm assuming it's a problem with my drive? How do I fix it?10:14
ConstyJack_Sparrow: figured out what it was.. did a install of dapper to replace breezy but we kept the home partition intact on that install.  It had settings for the prior breezy install ~/.libdvdcss and such.. after cleaning out all that it worked like a charm.10:15
Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  did you have the cd do a self test, did you manually check the MD5 checksum?10:15
ConstyJack_Sparrow: just thought it'd be a nice fyi incase someone else encounters it.10:15
sjalophyte -> I've always been able to do it ... but can't tell you what version of VMWare as I dumped it a few months ago for CrossOver Office ...10:15
nsahoosja: does it take a while to automount? i mean .. after the system is up and you could log in .. it seems like it's still trying in the background and finishes mounting after a couple of minutes10:15
Jack_SparrowConsty:  thanks10:15
eimajenthatgetting some weird errors when I apt-get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1719010:15
sjaonly need to run 1 Windows program so VMWare was too heavy a hit on my machine10:15
ConstyJack_Sparrow: anyone upgrading from breezy to dapper would have the same problem as well. :P10:15
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Jack_SparrowGood to know..10:16
sjansahoo, you may have to install autofs, not sure, BUT ...10:16
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PetecakesJack_Sparrow: They're all ShipIt CDs..10:16
lophytesja: I remember reading it wasn't supported.. huh, I'll have to look into that.10:16
ConstyJack_Sparrow: have you messed with xmame at all ?10:16
sjansahoo, you should be able to type "sudo mount -a" in a terminal and get an immediate response10:16
Jack_SparrowConsty:  No sorry10:16
nsahoosja: I installed autofs .. but, i am not using it ..10:16
ardchoillePetecakes: I have heard that someone ordered 25 CD's from ShipTi and they were all bad10:16
CrashProneSo.. how can I make Wine not screw up? ;D  (try'n to install Kingmaker NWN expansion, Wine screws up, debugs and shuts off the exe)10:16
nsahoosja: thats right .. but, i just wanted it to mount automatically10:16
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Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  Do a self test. Manually check the MD5 checksum?10:17
nsahoosja: it seems fine now .. just that it takes a couple of minutes after the reboot to complete automounting it10:17
Petecakesardchoille: Not only that, but I have a self-burnt CD of Kubuntu which also spouts the same error at the same point.10:17
sjansahoo, great!10:17
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nsahoobye for now10:17
ropeJack_Sparrow: it works :)10:18
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tonyyarussoIs there any way to play music files that were downloaded through Rhapsody under Windows on Linux?10:18
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Jack_Sparrownsahoo Use the diskmounter script10:18
Jack_Sparrowrope... Cool glad it worked for you10:18
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eimajenthatcan anyone tell me what these errors mean? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1719010:18
Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso: What is the file format10:18
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tonyyarussoJack_Sparrow: I believe they're .RAX (Real Audio encrypted)10:19
thenukehelllo. what do I need to get this movie playing http://www.metacafe.com/watch/169810/are_cats_better_then_dogs10:19
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Jack_SparrowRopechoborra: Sorry about the script saying you dont need to reboot... I will get that changed soon10:19
Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso: Find a windows conversion program10:19
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: what does the script do?10:20
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow: nothing to appologise for... thanks to you i got that mounted =D10:20
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tonyyarussoJack_Sparrow: Any idea where to start looking for that?  Part of the problem is, they would be DRMd.10:20
blockyis there a way to make cat show the file that each line is from?10:20
Otacon22where i get plugins for see a file .qtl10:20
Jack_SparrowIt sets mounts partitions in the system10:20
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: oh, got it, never mind10:20
Jack_SparrowIt mounts partitions in the system10:20
blockyI'm cat'ing a lot of source files together to find a certain line, and I need to know which file it's in10:21
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rtuxHi guys. I need just 15 minutes from anybody who has an ATI video card running Ubuntu.10:21
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Jack_Sparrowtonyyarusso:  you are talking about a propietary file format..10:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:21
tonyyarussoJack_Sparrow: I know.10:21
rtuxJack_Sparrow.. I have tried that zillion times.10:21
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PetecakesJack_Sparrow: The checksums are all fine.10:22
Jack_SparrowI run Nvidia so I wont be any help10:22
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Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  What hardware are you using.10:22
rtuxjack.. do you use xorg.conf in any way?>10:22
ardchoilleblocky: why not just:  grep certain_line /path/to/dir/containing/files/*10:22
rtuxIf so.. you can help me understand which modules to load at least.. or what are they?10:22
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Jack_Sparrowrtux: what about it10:23
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PetecakesNot sure of the make/model, but it's a DVD+/-RW, 2.8GHz P4 processor, 512MB DDR2 RAM10:23
ardchoilleblocky: that'll tell you which file it's in as well as give yu the certain line10:23
rtuxI think there is an optimized configuration.. if I NOT loaded some of them.. maybe my card will perform better?10:23
Petecakes@ Jack_Sparrow10:23
ideogramare you using nVidia rtux?10:23
rtuxno ATi10:23
joelGuys anyone know anything about Apache Server10:23
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blockyardchoille, sorry how does that tell me which file its in?10:23
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blockyi did cat *.c | grep certain_line10:24
ardchoilleblocky: the output will show the file path and the cretain line10:24
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sjajoel-> depends ... what's your question?10:24
joelWhats the deafault apache directory? Root?10:24
Blaze^^can somebody help me with the vmware's network sharing?10:24
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Blaze^^(ubuntu through virtual Windows XP)10:24
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rtuxI need to understand this xorg.conf so I can manually edit it and optimize it for my Radeon 9700 pro card. Currently it shows "Radeon 9500 pro".. it must show 9700 pro. I am trying to fix it!10:24
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Blissexrtux: it is right, dont worry.10:25
Jack_SparrowI just cant believe people switch to linux then insist on bring their blotware apps and trying to get them running in an emulator.. Sorry for venting10:25
rtuxBlixxex how are you so sure? I think my pc freezez because of it sometimes. Do you know if software rendering will perform better than OpenGL?10:25
Ghost_Printeragrees with Jack10:26
blockyJack_Sparrow, sometimes people need to run said bloatware for some business purpose, and the ability to killall -9 windows without losing any of their other work is invaluable10:26
Blissexrtux: sw rendering in 3D is very slow. If you are using 'fglrx', that is is just a fair bit buggy.10:27
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thenukenow I am getting an error message which states that I have too old version of macromedia flash player.. any way to get around this?10:27
sjajoel-> not sure what you mean by "default apache directory" ... apache 2 is installed in /etc/apache210:27
Jack_Sparrowblocky:  that it actually one of the few decent answers I have seen.10:27
rtuxYou mean that fglrx is already bugy? So what alternatives do I have?10:27
Jack_Sparrowwhat apps are you trying to run10:27
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kaotrtux: new vid card?  :\10:27
amarokkerAny thouhts on the better browser when comparing epiphany and firefox? I understand that they both use the same engine- so whats the difference there?10:27
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rtuxkaot.. that's the easiest thing to say :D10:28
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ideogramrtux the name of the card in xorg.conf is just a label10:28
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kaotrtux: sometimes the easiest to do, too, unfortunately10:28
rtuxI remember you had a vid card store kaot?10:28
ideogramit doesn't affect anything10:28
kaotI came real close to shelling out for a different wireless card because linux hates mine :\10:28
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PetecakesI'm assuming from the lack of replies that no-one can help me further?10:28
rtuxideogram how do you think I can make sure that my vid card is configured correctly? Any commands to try?10:29
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kaotrtux: glxgears10:29
Warboglxinfo | grep "direct"10:29
blockyJack_Sparrow, I'm not running anything emulated right now, I was just pointing out a legitimate use for windoze emulators =)10:29
Jack_SparrowPetecakes: If the disks check out it isnt the Ubuntu install disks it is your hardware10:29
sjajoel -- document root is in /var/www if that's what you're asking10:29
ardchoillertux: glxinfo | grep render10:29
rtuxthank you guys I will try this now and send results.10:30
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=== ardchoille likes grep ;)
rtuxdirect rendering: Yes10:30
rtux    GLX_ATI_render_texture10:30
rtuxOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9500 Pro Generic10:30
Warbortux: You have 3D :)10:30
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blockywow, grep * is much better than cat | grep =P10:31
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: Any ideas on how to get around hardware problems?10:31
joelSja yeh your right found it mate10:31
rtuxWarbo :) I know ;) I just don't feel it's optimized due to some slugishness in Screensaver output.10:31
joelcan i save files to there?10:31
Jack_SparrowIs this a laptop or desktop10:31
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Warbortux: Ah. Which driver is this, the fglrx one?10:31
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Warbortux: OK10:31
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: me? Desktop10:32
ardchoilleblocky: :)10:32
ideogramhow do I get that info output from glxgears?10:32
Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  the error you get?10:32
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rtuxnice question ideogram. I want to know too!10:32
PetecakesCannot read from CD10:32
Warbortux: Which screensavers exactly? I have found that 3D objects work OK on my ATI, but blurry/transparent stuff goes slow10:33
PetecakesWell, that's the general jist of it anyway.10:33
Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  does it read/boot from other cd's10:33
ideogramlast time I ran glxgears on my system it was fast enough to blur10:33
ideogramnow it just looks normal10:33
ideogramis this deliberate?10:33
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: Define "other CDs". You mean like normal CDs, or OS CDs?10:33
zHackDoes anyone have charter cable internet?10:33
Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  anything that boots10:33
kaotzHack: I do10:34
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zHackkaot: what is your download speed on average10:34
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: I've only tried booting into (K)Ubuntu and DSL, and DSL works fine.10:34
kaotzHack: 3Mbps10:34
Jack_Sparrowbooting kubuntu live?10:34
zHackkaot: that is what mine is supposed to be10:34
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zHackkaot: but im at like 14kb/sec10:35
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:35
rtuxWarbo, I don't feel my driver is set in a stable way. I will tell you something, try going to the Screensaver selection screen.. and then switch between the screensavers very quickly.. you will either see slow response OR freeze!10:35
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kaotzHack: well that bites10:35
zHackkaot: is there a charter irc?10:35
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: Yes10:35
Jack_SparrowPetecakes: Use Kubuntu live to download the Ubuntu CD10:35
blockyardchoille, err, it stopped doing it10:35
kaotzHack: dunno.  they probably have a live support webchat thingy but you won't get much farther than "what OS are you running"10:36
Setwhere can I find a sample ubuntu sources.list file?10:36
Jack_SparrowAre those the Ubuntu DVD's?10:36
JowizHack: "sudo ethtool eth0" and see if Speed and Duplex is correct10:36
Jack_Sparrowor cd's10:36
kristianDoes Limewire or Frostwire work with Ubuntu?10:36
zHackkaot: well right now, windows.10:36
zHackkaot: :(10:36
lophytekristian: sure does.10:36
blockyardchoille, you mind if i pm you?10:36
skavengekristian: both do10:36
kaotzHack: then they'll say you've got spyware and tell you to reinstall :D10:36
ZobaHi, I'm fairly new to linux and just installed xubuntu on an old machine.  I'm trying to get mad wifi working on it.  The old machine doesnt have ethernet, so I've had to download the "tarball" and burn it, and then copy it.  Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what to do with it now.10:36
ardchoilleblocky: not at all :)10:36
Warbortux: Hmm, works OK for me (but I am on the other driver, which goes slower)10:36
Petecakes>_< Jack_Sparrow: What I meant was that I've /tried/ booting Kubuntu live, and it spouts the same error as Ubuntu10:36
zHackkaot:  lol i know i dont though. thats whats so funny, maybe its becuase i am in the hills of kentucky10:37
rtuxWarbo.. you are on ati driver?10:37
LeaChimZoba, is it a .deb file you got?10:37
sjazHack -> dunno if this is the answer, but, cable is shared by everyone on your loop ... if a lot of folks on your loop are downloading, your performance will stink10:37
Warbortux: radeon (but it gives no 3D above 9200)10:37
Set!easy sources10:37
ubotuI know nothing about easy sources10:37
ZobaLeaChim, no I got a .tar.bz2 file10:37
nonix4GParted pukes on my partitions... how do I install w/ manual partitioning skipping that buggy gparted?10:37
Jack_SparrowPetecakes: then it is your hardware.. and that is something there is no workaround for...  Drop in a different cd or dvd reader10:37
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:37
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@24-54-145-55.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaotzHack: that could well do it.  it's not unusual to have crappy signal out there and population density makes it not cost-effective to fix10:37
LeaChimZoba, you want madwifi drivers right? you need a .deb file. lemme find it for you10:37
nonix4(5.10 => 6.06 upgrade)10:37
kristianlophyte, how do I install frostwire?10:37
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:37
ZobaLeaChim, thanks a ton10:37
Syco54645cany anyone tell me where my wineconfig would be?10:37
rtuxnot sure what you mean.. do you use fglrx or ati or vesa Warbo?10:38
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire10:38
Warbortux: radeon10:38
lophytethere ya go, kristian10:38
zHacklol, i need me some T310:38
skavengefrosstwire's in the repos10:38
nonix4Can I simply mount the dst partition somewhere and tell the installer to go on from there?10:38
Jack_SparrowSyco54645:  you run that from a terminal window10:38
kaotzHack: you rich?10:38
skavengeif they're enabled 'sudo apt-get install frostwire'10:38
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JowiZoba: I don't use it but I found this on the site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi10:38
zHackkaot: i wish10:38
Syco54645Jack_Sparrow: i mean the text file to configure wine10:38
kaoti mean, everyone needs t3, or fiber to the home.  it should be an inalienable human right.10:38
rtuxWarbo, I didn't see this one anywhere that's why I asked again. Can you tell me how I can install a radeon driver?10:39
ZobaJowi, thanks I will check it out10:39
kaotLife, liberty, and near-unlimited bandwidth.10:39
PetecakesJack_Sparrow: I'm sure I've got a spare CD drive lying around somewhere that I could pop in. Thanks a lot for the help, though, much appreciated :)10:39
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Jack_SparrowPetecakes:  sorry I couldnt be more help10:39
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Warbortux: If you have anything above a Radeon 9200 then it's not worth bothering10:39
zHackkaot: im not reaching near my bandwidth10:39
kaot:] 10:39
rtuxActually I do. Thanks anyway.10:39
nonix4kaot: pfft, too slow! 10Gbps all the way :-)10:39
sjazHack -> I don't know if you have it available, but my DSL is 7Mb and it's not shared -- you might do a comparison check between cable and dsl in your area10:39
kaotOC48 straight to my skull10:39
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zHackgood idea10:40
malavarhey what are some good free shooter games for linux?10:40
zHacki think bell south is the main dsl provider here10:40
LeaChimZoba, can you tell me the output of 'uname -r' please? run that in a terminal without the quotes10:40
Syco54645Jack_Sparrow: i am looking for the text config file for wine so that i can edit it10:40
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sjazHack -> mine's QWest ... all the telcos have different plans10:40
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kaotI never did like adsl10:41
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Jack_SparrowAH.. sorry, should be something like~/.wine10:41
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Warbomalavar: Doomsday (with shareware WADs), Nexuis (I think that's how it's spelled) Enemy Territory10:41
ZobaLeaChim, 2.6.15-23-38610:41
kaotPPPoE is oogleh10:41
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LeaChimZoba, so what wireless card/model do you have?10:41
Syco54645Jack_Sparrow: one would think, but it isnt there10:41
Brunnodoes anyone know how do i install lazarus on ubuntu dapper ?10:41
EvilscietnistI need a little help setting up my domain...any takers..pm me please10:41
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sjakaot -> don't know about your DSL experience ... I'm definitely not on PPPoE10:41
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ZobaLeaChim, NetGear WG31110:42
=== madness [n=jfranji@83-131-27-152.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
sjaEvilscientist -> ask your question(s)10:42
malavarok thanks10:42
kaotsja: last I knew all adsl was pppoe.  I've been out of it for a while though.10:42
aztracker1back.. okay.. another question.. now on a different display, and the sync is now too high/out of range for the display... how do I change this from the command line?10:42
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Jack_SparrowSyco54645: do you see any folders starting with /.xxx10:42
LeaChimZoba, and you installed dapper right?10:42
aztracker1probably same command as earlier... 6.0610:42
Warbokaot: USB ADSL is the worst. At least PPPoE has a standard set of tools10:42
Syco54645Jack_Sparrow: well there is a .wine folder, but the config isnt in there10:42
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ZobaLeaChim, yes...dapper xubuntu10:42
EvilscietnistI'm all set up as far as I can tell...when winxp client tries to join domain get "access denied"10:42
kaotWarbo: why would you do that to yourself?!  :\10:42
kristianWhy is Frostwire taking so long time to open?10:42
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:42
Jack_SparrowI dont use wine at all10:42
rtuxWarbo.. can I configure my fglrx driver to optimize it for best performance rather than quality through aticonfig or something?10:43
Syco54645Jack_Sparrow: oh ok, thanks anwyas10:43
kaotany networking over usb bites, as far as I'm concerned10:43
sjakaot -> I'm PPPoA10:43
WarboSyco54645: I think the settings are either universal ones somewhere in /etc, or maybe they are in .wine/drive_c/windows10:43
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LeaChimZoba, what encryption do you use? none/wep/wpa?10:43
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pinkyDoes anyone else have trouble using libvisual plugins with amaroK in Dapper Drake?10:43
kaotwtf is pppoa?10:43
Syco54645Warbo: do you know what the file is named by chance10:43
EvilscietnistI can access the server computer from within a workgroup...but not as domain...10:43
ideogramyou can restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace10:43
Brunnohow do i install a program from a tar.gz package ? (source, right ?)10:43
Jowikaot: only some countries and providers use it instead of PPPoE10:43
ZobaLeaChim, let me check I forget10:43
Warbortux: I don't know. The only configuring tool I've seen for fglrx lets me set the whole screen to yellow and set up a TV10:43
kaotJowi: ok, but what is it?  PPP over ATM?10:44
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=== kaot googles
Jowikaot: PPP over ATM if I'm notmistaken10:44
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sjaEvilscientist -> I can't help, don't do Windoze -- my virus scanner removed it10:44
pianoboy3333can anyone help me with audacity?10:44
WarboSyco54645: No sorry, I was suprised after the registry things were gone from .wine recently, but winecfg made me feel better10:44
Evilscietnistvery funny sja....10:44
=== ubiquity [i=ubiquity@24-176-171-132.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
epodHi, I'm having a weird apache issue.  If I go to www.blah.ca, www.fooblah.ca or www.blahfoo.ca, the correct page loads, but if I go to just blahfoo.ca, or fooblah.ca, I get blah.ca's page.  Can anyone tell me what I have wrong in my vhost setup perhaps?10:44
Warbopianoboy3333: Sound not starting by any chance?10:44
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ZobaLeaChim, whichever one is the "stronger" one...I always get them mixed up10:44
wubrgamerhey guys10:45
wubrgameri just discovered GPG10:45
sjaPPPoE stands for point to point protocol over ethernet. It is a method of encapsulating your data for transmission to a far point.10:45
sjaPPPoA is PPP over ATM10:45
spadesepod make sure to have www.domain and domain in the ServerAlias10:45
wubrgamerwhat like10:45
wubrgamerclient should i use ?10:45
pianoboy3333Warbo: no, not that, I was wondering how to position the cursor exactly 2 secs from the end of the file10:45
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rtuxOk Warbo. Do you or anybody have success with using Wine?10:45
epodspades: so have 2 ServerName lines?10:45
LeaChimZoba, it'll take longer to get wpa. mind asking for someone else to help sorry? i haven't really got the time. apologies10:45
kaotsja: yes thank you we established that10:45
ardchoillewubrgamer: I use it with thunderbird-enigmail in thunderbird and it's great10:45
andyjeffriesCan anyone help - what's the name of the package containing the PHP HTML help files?10:45
Warbopianoboy3333: Oh, OK. I am pretty useless with Audacity myself, but I know how to kill ESD before I run it :)10:45
Syco54645Warbo: well i am trying to get a game working in cedega that works in wine, and i figure it is a config file difference10:45
wubrgamerno no no, just for managing my keys etc.10:45
spadesepod ServerName domain.ca  ServerAlias www.domain.ca domain.ca10:45
ZobaLeaChim, if you can do WEP that'd be fine and I can just change my router10:45
sjakaot -> he was quicker than I was ... I was looking it up10:45
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epodspades: ahh ok thanks!10:46
pianoboy3333Warbo: I don't need to hear what I'm working on, I'm that good ;)10:46
kaotnever heard of PPPoA used in US tho10:46
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Warbortux: I have run quite a bit of stuff in WINE (but only applications, not games. Well, I ran one but it was pathetically slow)10:46
kaotbut like I said I've been out of it for a while10:46
Warbopianoboy3333: We have another Beethoven10:46
sjakaot -> Qwest switched to it 2-3 years ago10:46
ZobaLeaChim, if not though that is alright.  Thanks for the help so far10:46
rtuxThat's encouraging Warbo :D10:46
=== nstrich [n=nostrich@cpc2-rdng2-0-0-cust222.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillewubrgamer: I use Seahorse to manage keys. seahorse is in the repos10:47
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Jowikaot: yeah, first time I came accross it was in france with an ISP called 9telecom. only ISP I ever saw even in france.10:47
wubrgamerseahorse ?10:47
pianoboy3333Warbo: no, I ripped a cd with banshee, but banshee keeps the 2 secs of black in between each song... and it's dark side of the moon, and I don't really want gaps on that album...10:47
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Evilscietnistso no one has had "access denied error" trying to login to domain??10:47
epodpianoboy3333: try Grip10:47
wahlausorry guys10:47
wahlaui have a very off topic question10:48
Warbopianoboy3333: Surely there is a way to not have gaps? (I use grip, which lets you choose)10:48
erUSULpianoboy3333: use grip or soundjuicer if you want more control10:48
wahlauanyone here speaks italian?10:48
ardchoillewubrgamer: yes, seahorse .. yu can also use kgpg if you use kde10:48
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:48
epodrtux: I ran WoW just fine in Wine.10:48
ubotuI know nothing about ita10:48
pianoboy3333Warbo: epod: erUSUL: yea.... normally it's fine...10:48
pianoboy3333my friend burnt it bad10:48
=== stephan__ [n=stephan@c-67-187-39-50.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rtuxepod that's great news. Did you try cedega?10:48
m0gsiHow would i make the command sudo modprobe ndiswrapper , execute on startup?10:48
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skavengem0gsi: add 'ndiswrapper' to /etc/modules10:49
pygiHey hey all :)10:49
Warbopianoboy3333: Can't you just get a data CD of the files instead, if it is a copy?10:49
m0gsiThank you skavenge10:49
erUSULm0gsi: echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules10:49
andyjeffriesCan anyone help - what's the name of the package containing the PHP HTML help files?10:49
skavengem0gsi: put it at thye bottom of the list, the sudo and modprobe bits arent required10:49
wahlaui actually need someone to translate something for me :)10:49
kaotskavenge: is that the actual way to do it?  adding that /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper file to /etc/modutils worked for me but that's prob ably wrong.10:49
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kaotI don't even know why it worked.10:49
pygiZoba, hey :)10:49
kaotbut, it did.10:50
m0gsiThanks you all10:50
skavengekaot: dunno if its right i followed an online tutorial when i did mine thats what they suggested10:50
=== kaot ain't touching nuffin after that mess
Zobapygi, hey there10:50
pygiZoba, so you don't have a internet connection or?10:50
epodrtux: No, I can't pay for cedega, they don't take Amex, so I just use Wine.10:50
kaotwhat's funny tho is the driver that finally worked for my card has the lights backwards, the activity light acts as the power light and vice versa10:50
ardchoillekaot: lol10:50
kaotbut as long as it works...10:50
Zobapygi, I do but I'm on my laptop...but the desktop doesnt10:50
stephan__whats the best way to bind keys to the keyboard like media.home,playt .....etc10:50
skavengetechnically my nic is supposed to work with a driver in the kernel now but i got it working with nidswrapper so im not touching it either heh10:50
pygiI guess you could generate a download script with synaptic for network-manager-gnome10:50
kaotskavenge: broadcom chipset?10:51
skavengekaot: you got it10:51
kaotmine to10:51
kaotgod that sucked.10:51
skavengekaot: dell 1350 nic but its broadcom guts10:51
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pygiZoba, and then import those packages on your desktop machine10:51
kaotyeah mine's a belkin10:51
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pygiZoba, you get it? :)10:51
Zobapygi, (and most unfortunately I dont have any CD-RWs...just CD-Rs)10:51
kaoti wasn't thinking about making this laptop a dualboot when I bought the nice10:51
=== kaot breaks his fingers
nonix4How do I start the text mode installer w/ 6.06?10:52
ardchoillekaot: hahaha10:52
Zobapygi, Unfortunately my laptop (the one with the internet) has Windows10:52
pygiZoba, that's fine, you can still get url's from download script10:52
ardchoillekaot: lol, you sure you got your keyboard installed correctly?10:52
j1phas anyone here installed songbird on linux?10:52
Zobapygi, I'm a bit too much of a newbie I think10:52
Lord_Nightmaream I allowed to ask why certain 'universe' packages (namely fonts) don't work properly? is there some cache i have to manually update or paths i need to manually define? I recently replaced my debian installation with ubuntu, and the packages worked perfectly fine in raw debian...10:52
kaotardchoille: you know, that must be it.  I doubt my typing skills could be anything less than exemplary.10:52
kaotstupid keyboard driver.10:52
=== jme [n=jme@119.181-78-65.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu
pygiZoba, just open the "sh" script that will get generated by synaptic10:53
pygiwith notepad :P10:53
rtuxepod: May I ask you (excuse my laziness) what type of problems that you faced generally in using Wine? Special dependencies etc?10:53
Zobapygi, the desktop doesnt have internet though10:53
pygiZoba, well, you don't need internet on desktop10:53
pygiok, lemme guide you10:53
epodrtux: I actually used winehq's .deb's for wine, instead of Ubuntu's.  They were more up to date.  I had to add IE and all the fun stuff, but winesetup makes it pretty simple.10:54
Zobapygi, ok I will try10:54
pygiZoba, open a synaptic10:54
kaotfor my next trick, I'm going to use this laptop as a wireless bridge for a desktop box I've got in this room.10:54
=== vitry [n=vitry@192.Red-80-38-185.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaoti can feel my hair turning gray already10:54
pygiZoba, select network-manager-gnome10:54
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pygiZoba, then: File --> Generate download script10:54
epodkaot: I hate to gloat but.. I can do that in about 0.0002 second with my Mac.  it's 1 checkbox ;)10:54
pygiZoba, then you choose where you wanna save sh script10:54
=== teThys [n=jfranji@83-131-29-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
rtuxThanks epod. If anybody can confirm to me whether I should use Ubuntus Wine or other ones? Anybody knows if Ubuntus Dapper Wine works fine?10:55
kaotepod: I hate you and your mac.10:55
pygiZoba, then you can open the script with gedit10:55
pygiZoba, and see the packages URL that you need to download on Windows10:55
Zobapygi, there is nothing listed in synaptic10:55
kaotactually it shouldn't be too hard.  just that my iptables-fu is rusty10:55
ks1can someone point me in the direction of how to make .deb that is easy and comprehensive ?10:55
epodrtux: I'm unsure, I haven't used wine on dapper.  Go with the newest versions, and check winehq.10:55
ideogramI need to buy a mac10:55
ardchoilleepod: you can make your hair turn grey with one checkbox???10:55
pygiZoba, what do you mean by nothing? :P10:55
kaotardchoille: lol10:55
epodideogram: I'm selling one for $1100 US. :)10:55
ideogramthey are finally at a reasonable price and they look like fun10:55
kaoteverything is easier with a mac10:55
ideogramno that's too much10:55
=== JohnRobert [n=JohnR@i-195-137-116-41.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
ideogram$500 is good10:55
JohnRoberthere's a question. Has anyone found a solution to the flash sound sync problem? i.e you go on to google video/youtube and all the sound is out of sync.10:55
Zobapygi, no packages are listed10:55
epodideogram: hahaha.  that's funny :)10:55
rtuxepod. You know that apt-get update gets the newer packages of course?10:55
kaot[]  Prematurely Age  [ok]  [cancel] 10:56
epodardchoille: nah, that's one command in iPhoto ;)10:56
pygiZoba,uh, please pastebin me a /etc/sources.list10:56
ideogramI built my athlon 3200+ with 1GB ram for less than $50010:56
ardchoilleepod: hehe10:56
pygiZoba, and join me in #xubuntu, less traffic10:56
Zobapygi, perhaps I should just install a network card10:56
epodrtux: yes, but the winehq repositoties aren't part of sources.list by default.10:56
Warbortux: Dapper WINE seems OK, but so does WINEHQ's. I don't know what this obsession with newest versions is, since the Dapper ones should be the most stable10:56
ardchoilleideogram: I've never spent more than $400.00 US on a computer10:56
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=== kaot got a secondhand alienware laptop for $250
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=== kaot gloats
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rtuxWarbo, maybe some might think there is bug-fixes in newer versions that's all :)10:57
Jack_Sparrowideogram:  I have a G4 Power PC here gathering dust10:57
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epodideogram: I can do that too, but you go build me a notebook from scratch for $400 and I'll be impressed ;)10:57
Malin`my flatmate just launched ubuntu with xgl10:57
ardchoillekaot: nice price for a lappy10:57
kaotardchoille: heck yeah10:57
=== tufsy [n=tufsy@client-82-27-245-106.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ideogramYou can buy a notebook new for $50010:57
kaotfriend hooked me up10:57
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epodcrap ones.10:57
kaotdisplay does 1600x120010:57
ideogrameverything these days is fast enough10:57
Malin`looks sweet10:58
ideogramthe last application that needs power is video editing10:58
tufsyhi all10:58
dimitrihi all10:58
tufsycan someone tell me what is GART?10:58
ideogramJack_sparrow: I don't want an obsolete computer10:58
epodideogram: and gaming.10:58
ideogramgamiing is all about the video card10:58
kaotideogram: sometimes.10:58
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kaotideogram: you stick a top of the line vid card in a PIII with pc100 ram you'll be ticked.10:58
Jack_Sparrowidea You dont want anything decent if you only have $500 and want a Mac10:58
Warbortux: But the Dapper ones and the WINEHQ ones are not that different. Dapper ones would probably work better though. (The worst case of "newest version" fever is graphics card drivers. Why get x.xx.xxxxxx2 instead of x.xx.xxxxxx1 when the Dapper packaged one is much easier to set up?)10:59
tufsyin dmesg i get [17179607.632000]  [fglrx]  total      GART = 134217728 - but i should have 256mb on my ati radeon graphics card - which works fine on windows10:59
ideogramPIII is obsolete10:59
JohnRobertI use a p310:59
JohnRobertwith gentoo10:59
epodthere's some nice p3's in tablets.10:59
JohnRobertworks well10:59
kaotso you have to keep the cpu and mobo and ram up to date as well10:59
ideogramyou can get an Athlon 3200+ for less than a hundred bucks10:59
kaotso it's not *all* about the vid card.10:59
ideogramI'm talking about what you can buy for $400 today10:59
tufsymy ati card only shows 128mb whereas it should be 256 mb10:59
tufsycan someone pls help?#10:59
ideogramI'm not talking about sticking an up-to-date video card in an obsolete PC10:59
rtuxWarbo, that's why I asked to use Dapper ones ;) I know it's saving lots of headache ! :) I will try it now and give results soon. Thanks Warbo.10:59
WarboI set up a PII the other day. Pretty good at multimedia, word processing and CD writing10:59
ardchoilleideogram: I don't run games, so onboard video is sufficient for most things with me11:00
ideogramwell that's fine for you11:00
epodhate onboard video.  hate.11:00
sjatufsy -> Geometric Aspects of Representation Theory???  In what context are you asking?11:00
kaothate onboard anything11:00
ideogrammy $200 video card runs Half-Life 2 just fine11:00
epodkaot: I like onboard nics.11:00
kristianI need a program to download music, movies, and so on... Not limewire or frostwire, cause it's not working here...:S11:00
ideogramI'm waiting for a $500 Intel-based Mac11:00
Lord_Nightmaremy problem is that after installing xfonts-terminus it doesn't show up in the font selection window in xchat11:00
kaotI don't.  I'm just prejudiced, I don't even have a valid reason.  Onboard = bad.  You can't convince me otherwise.11:00
kaotI'll plug my fingers in my ears.11:01
epodideogram: keep waitin.  I think the cheapest minis are like $69911:01
sjakristian -> download PAN then get a usenet account11:01
Warbotufsy: If that is what the xserver config says then just leave it blank and it should use the right amount (unless it is onboard, in which case it usually doesn't have any RAM at all)11:01
tufsysja, i am looking in dmesg - trying to figure out why my graphics card is only showing 128mb whereas on windows it shows 25611:01
tonyyarussoAnyone used the Realplayer 10 .deb from Marrillat?  Did you have any Debian-Ubuntu incompatibility problems?11:01
ideogramwell prices will come down11:01
kristiansja: What is PAN?11:01
ideogramand I wouldnt' run Ubunto on a mac11:01
ideogramthe whole point of mac hardware is to run mac software11:01
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epodideogram: this is apple.  really, no.  They'll just phase in new stuff.  You'll be buying 2nd hand11:01
sjatufsy -> sorry, can't help ... use NVidia11:01
ideogramno, the mac mini shows they are taking the low end seriously11:01
rtuxWarbo.. I am download the packages now. Meanwhile I would like to ask.. did you or anybody tried using Adobe Photoshop with Wine?11:01
sjakristian -> usenet reader11:01
tufsyWarbo, i have tried to leave xorg.conf blank for mem - but it won't recognise 256mb11:01
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ideogramthey aren't just a premiom brand anymore11:02
doctormoI want a sound tone visualisation program, something that will produce a graph.11:02
tufsyWarbo, it only shows 128 - but windows shows full 25611:02
doctormodoes anyone know of anything available?11:02
kristianWhere do I find PAN? Url?11:02
Jack_Sparrowdoctormo: You mean something like souhndforge on WIndows?11:02
Warbotufsy: So what? My Radeon 9200 show up as a Radeon Mobility 9000, doesn;t affect the performance though11:02
doctormoJack_Sparrow: never heard of it11:02
sjakristian -> assuming you're using ubuntu, it's in the respository --- use synaptic or "sudo apt-get install pan" ...11:02
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Jack_SparrowONe sec..11:03
tufsyWarbo, yeah but it is not using 256mb ... is it?11:03
kristiansja, yes okai.11:03
sjakristian -> but without a usenet account (I use usenetserver - unlimited access, $14.95 a month) it's worthless11:03
Warbotufsy: I don;t know. Only one way to test, try a stupidly hungry game11:03
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Jack_Sparrowdoctormo: Google soundforge6 and see if that is something like what you need.11:04
tufsyWarbo, i ran glxgears but am only getting:11:04
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ardchoillehow do you get the fps output with glxgears?11:04
kristianI don't want to pay for it :P11:04
CyburaiI am having a problem with sound. I have no sound in xmms/xine under dapper. My laptop is fine, but my two desktops have the same sound chips (Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller) and they have no sound. They were both fine under Breezy.11:04
tufsyWarbo, 319 frames in 5.0 seconds = 63.660 FPS11:05
tufsyWarbo, that's when glxgears is full screen11:05
Warbotufsy: You have the right driver set up?11:05
Cyburaican anyone help?11:05
tufsyyeah i have the latest ati driver11:05
kristiansja, I don't want to pay for it :P11:05
Jack_SparrowWhat is the glxgears command line for fps?11:05
kristianim a pirat :)11:05
doctormoJack_Sparrow: no it's something which isn't available on Linux.11:05
sjakristian -> then you're SOL as for as usenet goes11:05
tufsyWarbo, OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 Generic11:06
Warbotufsy: Well I don;t get the FPS (and it should not be taken as a definitive benchmark) so I don;t know if it is working fully or not11:06
kaotoutputs every 5 secs11:06
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tufsyWarbo, OpenGL version string: 2.0.5879 (8.26.18)11:06
kristiansja, SOL?11:06
sjakristian -> uh .... "sure out of luck" ... yeah, that's it11:06
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zOapI need a good dvd to divx/quicktime converter11:07
tufsyWarbo, try: glxgears -printfps11:07
=== Teqonix [n=ion1@71-208-66-230.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbokristian: Try FreeNet. Frost has a usenet type system, and it is heaven for pirates :)11:07
Jack_Sparrowonly getting 250 fps... but I have a few windows and apps running..11:07
kristiansja, well, right then. I just want to download:P11:07
ideogrampirating is best on bittorrent11:07
kristianWarbo: How do I try Freenet? I don't know what we are talking about :P11:07
tufsyJack_Sparrow, which card do u have?11:08
Jack_SparrowNvidia 660011:08
sjaMuch easier to track downloaders on IRC than from usenet... but, whatever, windows is gone and so are my old bad ways11:08
Warbokristian: Look on freenetproject.org if you want (but it goes SLOOOOOOW)11:08
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe74de00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tufsyWarbo, any luck?11:08
Seveasillegal downloading discussions elsewhere please11:08
Jack_SparrowWhat are other people getting for FPS?11:08
Warbotufsy: -printfps doesn't seem to be an option11:08
Seveasor better: not at all11:08
kristianWarbo: Well, then I don't do ;)11:09
CyburaiI am having a problem with sound. I have no sound in xmms/xine under dapper. My laptop is fine, but my two desktops have the same sound chips (Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller) and they have no sound. They were both fine under Breezy. Can anyone help? Seveas?11:09
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kristianBut how am I going to open frostwire at all? It's not working...11:09
SeveasCyburai, xmms set up to use esd?11:09
epodCyburai: you did unmute the sound, right?11:09
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:09
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tufsyWarbo, glxgears -printfps11:09
spikI have a question about Ubuntu and it's packaging11:09
Jack_Sparrowtufsy:  What are you getting for FPS11:09
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spikit's the only beef I have with Ubuntu11:09
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=== derek [n=derek@216-164-138-188.c3-0.upd-ubr5.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
spikHow do I stay on the bleeding edge?11:10
ubotuI know nothing about mutella11:10
Seveasspik, run edgy 11:10
derekWhy dont I have any sound?11:10
Seveasbut that really can be *bleeding* edge as in: broken11:10
tufsyJack_Sparrow, glxgears -printfps11:10
derekI cant join any more channels, for offtopic chat..why?11:10
spiklike I want the latest version of a program11:10
Seveasderek, freenode allows max 20 channels11:10
Jack_SparrowGot htat, just curious If my 250 is average or not11:10
Seveas250 is slow11:11
Warbotufsy: Doesn;t work (just gives me a list of options like -display and stuff)11:11
Jack_SparrowTHought so..11:11
skavenge250 what? fps?11:11
tufsyi get 1485.492 when the program is small - but when i make it full screen it just gives me a rubbish fps:11:11
spiklet's say a new veson of foo was released yesterday11:11
Jack_SparrowNeed to shut down some windows and try agai..11:11
udowho can i install my adsl usb modem (access runner) in dapper?11:11
derekI cant get in any more channels then thiso ne11:11
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spikhow would I get a .deb of that?11:11
Warbospik: Try Edgy (and then realise why Ubuntu is not bleeding edge)11:11
derekthis one*11:11
Seveasspik, hope that the developers produce .deb files11:11
spadesspik build from source and use checkinstall to build and install the deb11:11
Seveasor learn to package yourself11:11
gnomefreakspik: what app?11:11
tufsy50 odd11:11
SeveasUbuntu is not about bleeding edge, but stability.11:11
spikAmarok and too11:11
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tufsyplus my processor goes up to 100%11:12
bobgreen5show do you get glxgears to display fps?11:12
Warbospik: Ah, I would recommend the SVN of it11:12
Seveasbobgreen5s, glxgears -printfps11:12
TeqonixWhoo-boy.. I have a doozy of an issue here (About Ubuntu 6.06 Server), mind if I spit out a question?11:12
bobgreen5sah thanks11:12
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SeveasTeqonix, ask away11:12
gnomefreakTeqonix: go for it11:12
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Warbospik: I found a bug with the one in Dapper [gradients disappeared]  so I asked them to fix it and it is in SVN11:12
SeveasGO GO GO!11:12
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dimitrican any1 help me with a simple msql issue, it sais ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'dimitri'@'localhost' (using password: NO), when i just type msql form the console, i installed from the repos, verson 5.011:12
spikWarbo how would I create a .deb of that?11:12
gnomefreakbtw Seveas edgy is not installable anymore :(11:13
Cyburaidimitri, it's been my experience that mysql v5 is messed up11:13
spikI'm used to Gentoo, where I can just emerge the latest version11:13
TeqonixWell, I'm wanting to install a LAMP server on an old hunk of junk I have, but when I try to do anything with the install disk, the first thing I see after 'Decrompressing Linux, booting the kernel', I get a wierd error:11:13
Seveasdimitri, mysql -u root localhost (default mysql account is root without password, and you should change that asap)11:13
Teqonix' Buffer I/O error on device hda block 0'11:13
sjadimitri-> have you granted access to dimitri@local host?11:13
dimitrithats sux11:13
Warbospik: Use SVN to grab the source, do the ./autogen.sh, ./configure, make stuff, but instead of make install use checkinstall11:13
rpedrospik: for amarok add this to your sources.list : deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main11:13
gnomefreak!compile > spik11:13
TeqonixSo, I switched HDD's, and I get the same thing.11:13
Seveasspik, ubuntu isn't gentoo11:13
derekI am randomly surfing the web on Firefox, and Ubuntu just closes firefox randomly..why?11:13
Seveasyou can't have it both ways 11:13
Cyburaidimitri, but you should try logging into mysql the first time as root, not your user name11:13
Warbospik: (I am on about Inkscape)11:13
dimitrisja how do i do that11:13
TeqonixAnd I have no clue what to do.11:13
nonix4Is the text-mode installer only available on the alternate cd?11:13
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Seveasderek, most likely a bug in the flash player or java plugin11:13
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spikSeveas I understand that, all I want is the latest version of certain packages11:13
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kristianWarbo: I don't find how to open frostwire... Nothing happen when I try.11:14
ideogramwhat are the advantages/disadvantages of ubunto vs gentoo?11:14
spikWarbo will checkinstall create a deb?11:14
gnomefreakderek: are you going to site with flash and no flash player installed for ff?11:14
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SeveasTeqonix, check the cable and the motherboard (cable is more likely)11:14
Warbokristian: I was on about Frost anyway, not frostwire. I have never used frostwire11:14
udowho can i install my adsl usb modem (access runner) in dapper?11:14
bobgreen5skristian, ubuntuguide.org11:14
Warbospik: Yes11:14
gnomefreakideogram: ubuntu you dont have to build anything11:14
derekAny old site, it closes11:14
Cyburaiideogram, gentoo takes forever to install, and you don't want to take a system that is mission critical offline as long as it takes gentoo to upgrade11:14
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David42UKhi all, anyone built the eagle-usb driver for linux, this is driving me nuts using xp11:14
gnomefreakderek: give me a link to a site crashing ff11:14
dimitriCyburai, that worked, thank, but i dont want to work as root11:14
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TeqonixHmm.. Checking the cable, now.11:14
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ardchoilleideogram: advantages are, you get to use apps *now* instead of waiting for hours and hoping you don't forget why you wanted the app11:14
dimitrihow can i give myself access11:14
mc__s/thank/thank you11:14
WarboDavid42UK: I worte the guide. What do you want to know?11:14
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derekgnomefreak: http://www.pspcrazy.com/11:15
Cyburaiideogram, aside from that, it's just the normal distro differences11:15
stefgTeqonix: try booting with acpi=off noapic nolapic11:15
WiLd_TiGeRhello all11:15
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.11:15
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David42UKi have all the build esseentials11:15
ideogramdoes compiling from source get you better performance?11:15
sjadimitri-> don't remeber offhand -- check mysql.com -- essentially you start mysql by typing "sudo mysql" ... then do a grant all on <whatever> to <whoever@wherever> identified by <password>11:15
Jack_SparrowMy xorg.conf shows the correct video card...  ANy suggestions on gettng a faster fps11:15
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.11:15
WarboDavid42UK: Are you following the Wiki guide?11:15
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:15
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doctormoDamn, I can't seem to find any tone visualisation software, seems they all do ocilascopes and not tone based graphs.11:16
jmeit's not like you need a limewire clone when gnutella is open11:16
CyburaiI am having a problem with sound. I have no sound in xmms/xine under dapper. My laptop is fine, but my two desktops have the same sound chips (Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller) and they have no sound. They were both fine under Breezy. Can anyone help?11:16
David42UKi have all the build essentials and kernel tree, point the configure script to /usr/src/linux and it cab't find it11:16
udowho can i install my adsl usb modem (access runner) in dapper?11:16
ardchoilleideogram: depends on who yuo talk to. gentoo users will say yes, most others will say no11:16
pennypackeris that the built in answerbot11:16
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:16
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems11:16
ideogramI guess I'm not running any performance critical tasks anyway11:16
SeveasDavid42UK, --^11:16
WarboDavid42UK: Just having the right linux-headers should work, you don;t have to point it anywhere11:16
suspektanyone have any experience with enlightenment16 or installing kde?11:16
ubotuI know nothing about Ares11:16
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Warbosuspekt: E16 yes, KDE no11:16
ubotuI know nothing about Knoppix11:16
ideogramI was very impressed by how easy Ubuntu was to install11:16
kristianWarbo: Do Ubuntu use .zip files?11:16
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Seveassuspekt, installing kde: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:16
ideogramreally a huge step forward11:17
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:17
kristianLimewire is a .zip file here...11:17
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David42UKWarbo: it says kernel-sources not found i cannot figure it out11:17
ideogramI like Gaime a lot11:17
ideogramI am using it now11:17
ardchoilleSeveas: thank you :)11:17
Warbokristian: .zip is just an archive. If this is Limewire then just open it up and run the java program11:17
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derekSorry Seveas11:17
gnomefreakderek: im not sure it didnt crash for me11:17
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WarboDavid42UK: Do "sudo dpkg -l linux-headers-`uname -r`"11:18
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seth_archIs there any software firewall on in ubuntu?11:18
gatekeepersuspekt: I had a look at enlightenment I downloaded OLive and gave it a try, and was extreamly impressed with speed things loaded nice window manager might try it on my test box11:18
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)11:18
Seveasseth_arch, --^11:18
udowho can i install my adsl usb modem (access runner) in dapper?11:18
seth_arch10 411:18
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darkyoshi372Hi everyone, I'm having trouble syncing with my Palm Tungsten|E. Anyone who could help?11:18
derekOkay, thanks for trying gnomefreak, I just got Ubuntu yesterday, how do I send PMs on IRC? I'm new, sorry.11:18
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ardchoillederek: /query nick11:18
gnomefreakderek: register your nick11:18
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hou5tonno kidding .. i've tried it all ... and can't get sound working with Dapper on this laptop ... is someone up for a challenge?11:19
David42UKI'm using xp, the modem is only working under xp-I cannot download anything with linux11:19
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ardchoillegnomefreak: good catch11:19
gnomefreakderek: than /msg nick or /query nick11:19
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suspektI understand you can run enlightenment under gnome by using enlightenment instead of metacity...   while i only sort of understand what that means my question is anyone have any experience /advice?11:19
gnomefreakardchoille: ;)11:19
pennypackerenlightenment is nice11:19
gnomefreakderek: yes it did11:19
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton:  you tried alsa  correct11:19
hou5tonand the forum guidelines11:19
WarboDavid42UK: If you look at the Wiki page I have been quite straightforward. Also the headers are on the install disc I think (maybe not desktop CD?)11:19
pennypackerbut metacity is more handy11:19
gnomefreakderek: please ask before pming me thank you ;)11:19
hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  and who knows what all11:19
hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  it works with Gnome or other distros11:20
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton:  what sound card11:20
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Warbosuspekt: Check for an "E-GNOME" option in GDM11:20
derekOkay sorry gnomefreak11:20
rtuxWarbo I was using wine right now. It works very well, however no sound. What do you think I should do first?11:20
seth_archSeveas: thank you that fixed my issue11:20
Warbortux: Sorry, I have not used sound in WINE11:20
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ardchoillesuspekt: the default window manager in gnome is Metacity. Metacity can easily be replaced by most any other window manager, including enlightenment. I use openbox as my window manager in gnome11:20
David42UKWarbo: I have read it everywhich way, I have built packages loads of times before, It just will not build11:20
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hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  or maybe that's the chipset ... it's an Intel ICH511:20
ideogramI like sawfish11:20
rtuxok Warbo. no problem.11:20
ideogramIf you like Emacs you'll love sawfish11:20
rtuxAnybody had SOUND issues in Wine? Please tell me11:21
ardchoillesuspekt: if you're interested in changing the window manager in gnome, /join ##gnome .. they have some instructions for that in their wiki11:21
darkyoshi372Hi everyone, I'm having trouble syncing with my Palm Tungsten|E. Anyone who could help?11:21
ideogramonly problem is it's not maintained anymore.  But it's quite useable11:21
pennypackeryou will get fed up with wine11:21
pennypacker50% doesnt work11:21
WarboDavid42UK: So you are following it exactly? When you say you have done it before, are you using the version I have linked to on the guide (I found that the older versions don;t work)11:21
gatekeepersuspekt: as enlightenment is a window manager I would have expected that to be one of the alternative that you could run when you logged in if you installed it11:21
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kristianWarbo: I have opened SunJava and now im trying to open Limwire with "sh ./runLime.sh", but "wrong directory".11:22
hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  and I've been all through this, with no results: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544911:22
udowho can i install my adsl usb modem (access runner) in dapper?11:22
suspektso what exactly is metacity?11:22
David42UKI have tried that version and sagem's own linux driver on their web site-still both configure scripts say 'kernel-sources not found'11:22
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hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  also .. EasyUbuntu11:22
Warbokristian: Try just "java -jar limewire.jar" (or whatever the filename is)11:22
skavengekristian: if you installed limewire from the repositories there should be an icon right under 'internet'11:23
WarboDavid42UK: Try "ls /lib/modules/*/build"11:23
ardchoillesuspekt: it's a window manager.. it's used as the window manager in the gnome desktop environment11:23
Jack_Sparrowhou5ton: If you have tried everything then you can go to the distro that worked or start from the beginning again.. THe only two options I see.11:23
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:23
suspektjoin /gnome11:23
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hou5tonJack_Sparrow:  well ... those two options are kind of a bummer.  :-)11:24
David42UKthat build directory does not exist in /lib/modules on my dapper install, source is in /usr/src/linux11:24
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David42UKthanks for your help by the way, I do appreciate it11:24
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Warbosuspekt: If you do "export WINDOW_MANAGER=enlightenment" then run "gnome-sessioN" then you will be using E16 (or in my case, I have some newer E16 packages, so I use "e16" instead of "enlightenment")11:25
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Jack_SparrowHou5 google your hardware... see what you can find, but sometimes people miss a step somwhere and trying again works when they go slow and read carefully11:25
dwhsixany suggestions on why sound in Flash player in Firefox stopped working after dapper upgrade?11:25
ardchoilleWarbo: that's what I did :)11:25
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WarboDavid42UK: Why is it not in /lib/modules (should be a link in there)?11:25
dwhsixI've tried some of the items in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b no luck yet11:25
fallen_angel_nicumm i have a noob questio11:25
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gatekeeperWarbo: is enligtenment an option at login?11:26
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David42UKthere is no build directory, I created one as root to try and build ueagle-atm and still nothing11:26
Jack_Sparrowdwhsix:  there was a guy here this morning that found a /home folder or something was preserved in the upgrade and kept him for having everything work..11:26
ardchoillesuspekt: http://natsci.eckerd.edu/~bordelsr/gnomehelp/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Gnome212.WindowManager11:26
Warbodwhsix: Flash uses OSS, os you can;t have any apps using sound when you open FF11:26
fallen_angel_nici have burned the iso to a disk and tried to run it, nothing happens....11:26
Jack_Sparrowfallen_angel_nic: how did you burn it..11:27
Warbofallen_angel_nic: Is the iso file on the disc, or did you burn the image (there are loads of files on the disc)11:27
fallen_angel_nicim getting quite annoyed and i would just like to install xubuntu....how do i go about this11:27
fallen_angel_niciso file11:27
Jack_SparrowIf you read it with windows or ? do you se one file.. the .iso or many files11:27
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David42UKfallen_angel_nic: when u burn the iso, you must burn it as an iso image, otherwise it won't work11:28
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boboboguThe following packages have been kept back        linux-image-server11:28
boboboguif that happens11:28
Warbofallen_angel_nic: Windows can't do it by itself, you will need Nero or something11:28
bobobogushould i just do apt-get install linux-image-server11:28
Jack_Sparrowfallen_angel_nic:  A free tool for ISO's in Windows is ISOrecorder.. Fre and works like a charm. just double click an ISO to burn it11:28
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:29
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wildmanbye bye Germany....11:29
WarboDavid42UK: I have not tried ueagle-atm (but it is supposed to be better)11:29
pennypackerhehe yes goals11:29
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David42UKitaly were the better side11:29
Warbowildman: You missed the "A" :)11:29
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pennypackerwell played11:29
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wildmansorry ;)11:29
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luzy_luhey how install spa5xx for my webcam??11:30
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wildmansorry for offtopic ;)11:30
darkyoshi372Hi everyone, I'm having trouble syncing with my Palm Tungsten|E. Anyone who could help?11:30
kristianWarbo: Can someone find the LimeWire installpackage name? I'll try to install using command line... :P11:30
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bobobogu when doing an upgrade apt said: The following packages have been kept back linux-image-server11:30
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David42UKthat won't build either, it changes directory to the non existent build directory in lib modules I have never been this stumped11:30
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KyoLptp`How can I access the Multimedia settings?11:30
boboboguanyone know why?11:30
gnomefreakbobobogu: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:30
gnomefreakbobobogu: that will install it11:31
Warbokristian: easyubuntu or something may give it from a repo. If not then try to Google for a Repo, or maybe use apt-get.org11:31
gnomefreakbobobogu: use the update-manager too will work ;)11:31
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TeqonixWell, I changed the cables out on the mobo, and I'm still getting the 'Buffer I/O error on device hda' errors. I'll try booting with those flags mentioned earlier..11:31
luzy_luhey how install spa5xx for my webcam??11:31
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WarboDavid42UK: So you have a folder called /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.xxxxxxxxx?11:31
David42UKthere are problems at the moment with dist-upgrade if you use kubuntu -the ubuntu site now has an iso that will upgrade11:32
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bobobogugnomefreak: so apt-get install linux-image-server is not the right aproch11:32
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David42UKWarbo: yes with usual symbolic link linux that points to it11:32
gnomefreakbobobogu: if it being held back its because you ran sudo apt-get upgrade11:32
rtuxThis is an error that was generated while configuring sound in Wine with winecfg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d17195 I hope anyone could tell me which libs I should install.11:32
bobobogui ran that yeah11:32
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gnomefreakbobobogu: upgrade wont update kernels and some other stuff. to get those you need dist-upgrade11:33
WarboDavid42UK: OK, and you have a link /lib/modules/2.6.xxxxxx/build which also points to it?11:33
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suspektdad gum there is a lot of fluff that comes with kubuntu11:33
suspekti can't bring myself to install all that11:33
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fallen_angel_nicim kinda stupid11:33
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fallen_angel_nicsorry guys11:33
bobobogugnomefreak: thanks a heap :)11:33
Tom7ehow do you uninstall apps that you compiled from source?11:33
David42UKno, is that it? but th configure script has a if-else that also tries /usr/src/linux11:33
gnomefreakbobobogu: yw11:34
suspekt its like /.uninstal ?11:34
wastrelTom7e:  try  make uninstall11:34
Jack_Sparrowfallen_angel_nic:  I just got back.. Did you still need help11:34
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fallen_angel_nicits  so much easyer to install linux on an ipod11:34
Tom7ewastrel:  where?11:34
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WarboTom7e: You did use checkinstall didn;t you? If not then you can go to the source directory (or redownload and configure it if you deleted it) then "sudo make uninstall"11:34
kristianI don't understand... I can't find limewire in apt-get.org. It's so hard just to isntall it? Why not: sudo apt-get install limewire?11:34
wastrelTom7e:  in the source folder where you did the make install11:34
David42UKmake uninstall, but you need the original source code. try using 'paco' or build a debian package11:34
rtuxThis is an error that was generated while configuring sound in Wine with winecfg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d17195 I hope anyone could tell me which libs I should install.11:35
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Tom7eWarbo:  ok, i have to redownload then, never thought to keep source.  plus it seems a waste of space.11:35
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bobobogugnomefreak: ok now I have another problem11:35
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garryF!info limeware11:35
ubotuPackage limeware does not exist in dapper11:35
gnomefreakbobobogu: anything11:35
WarboTom7e: Use checkinstall or soemthing to make a package which you can treat in the usual way11:35
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vy2wuhello all11:35
David42UKuse frostwire it's better than limewire11:36
Tom7eWarbo:  does checkinstall make a deb?11:36
WarboTom7e: Yes11:36
gnomefreakTom7e: yes11:36
gnomefreakmost of time11:36
vy2wuhave a question11:36
Tom7eWarbo:  it will then appear in my Add/Remove?11:36
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boboboguI did a control c to my apt-get install linux-image-server just as it got to the unpacking stage11:36
garryF!info frostware11:36
ubotuPackage frostware does not exist in dapper11:36
WarboTom7e: Probably not. It will be in Synaptic though (the "advanced" button)11:36
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:36
garryFDare I try info ubuntu?11:36
SeveasfrostwIre, not frostwAre11:36
Tom7eok thanks11:36
pinkyWhere can I find an Ubuntu repository for amarok 1.4.1?11:36
gnomefreakbobobogu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a11:37
grubchubis "daper" the code name for the current release of ubuntu?11:37
Seveaspinky, kubuntu.org11:37
vy2wuhow do I get rid of a lock on my system?11:37
bobobogunow when i try to do dist-upgrade it says dpkg was interupted ....etc11:37
Seveasgrubchub, it's "dapper"11:37
David42UKdapper is11:37
garryFJUst do info and the package you want to know ehre it is.11:37
grubchubdoh :p11:37
Jack_SparrowSystem Admin Synaptic11:37
Tom7eWarbo:  do I need to ./configure, and make before make uninstall?11:37
Warbo!info frostwire11:37
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in dapper11:37
fallen_angel_niclinux is easy right?11:37
David42UKvy2wu: what package created the lock file11:37
Seveas!info coreutils11:37
ubotucoreutils: The GNU core utilities. In repository main, is required. Version 5.93-5ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 1284 kB, installed size 8228 kB11:37
pinkySeveas: there is a repo at kubuntu.org?11:37
WarboOK, I'll stick to gtk-gnutella then11:37
Seveas!info frostwire edgy11:38
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in edgy11:38
gnomefreakfallen_angel_nic: its a learning experience11:38
kaw69Hi warbo11:38
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garryF!info amarok11:38
WarboTom7e: ./configure then make uninstall11:38
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 7630 kB, installed size 18672 kB11:38
gnomefreakSeveas: frostwire isnt in apt in any11:38
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Seveasgnomefreak, ah, my bad11:38
vy2wuI will check.11:38
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Jack_Sparrowgrubchub: "Code Name" Yes Dapper, and after the install we teach you the secret handshake11:38
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:38
gnomefreakif someone was looking for it11:39
grubchubhehe jack :)11:39
Warbofallen_angel_nic: Regular stuff is fine (sometimes easier than Windows). Just that if you get a problem then it can get hard (but pretty much ALWAYS possible to fix somehow)11:39
rpedropinky: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main11:39
grubchubis red text in x-chat a prive message?11:39
rpedropinky: add that to sources.list11:39
grubchubbah! i can't type today11:39
gnomefreakgrubchub: no red is just someones talking blue is for you11:39
pinkyrpedro: Thanks!  This'll work with regular Ubuntu and not Kubuntu too, right?11:39
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grubchubah okay11:39
David42UKred text just means a message happened on that channel11:39
gnomefreakgrubchub: last i remember11:39
fallen_angel_nicits just i have 2 hard drives i want one to run lin the other windows11:39
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amarokkerHi, can anyone try and see if you can access this: http://fcn.twilightparadox.com/ - my web server. want to check if its working11:40
garryF!the answers you really need to know today!11:40
ubotuI know nothing about the answers you really need to know today!11:40
Jack_Sparrowgrub. not private, just directed to you11:40
rpedropinky: yep, using it right now with gnome ;)11:40
kaw69Hi warbo11:40
Jack_Sparrowgrubchub:  not private, just directed to you11:40
pinkyrpedro: Cool! Thanks a lot!  What about libvisual 0.4?11:40
Warbokaw69: Hi. Is your account registered?11:40
Jack_Sparrowgrubchub:  full name of user turns the line red just for your eyes11:40
wastrelamarokker:  no route to host11:40
malavarhey does it matter what torrent program i use as far connection speed is concerned?11:40
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@cpe-66-25-19-47.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kaw69Don`t know11:41
rpedropinky: just checked now, and the repository doesn't yet have version 1.4.1 , just 1.4.0a11:41
Jack_Sparrowgrubchub: use the tab key to complete the user name11:41
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pinkyAh, libvisual 0.4 is only for 1.4.1 and that's just 1.4.0a11:41
garryFFar as I know, it don't really mater much.11:41
Warbokaw69: Register it and I can private message you (go into offtopic first)11:41
malavargarryF u talking to me?11:41
amarokkerwastrel: - ah, ok- just checking :)11:41
garryFexcept it might improve my typing.11:41
David42UKktorrent is good, but isps don't like bittorrent11:41
rpedropinky: maybe you need to compile from source if you want, or wait till they upload it11:41
grubchubJack_Sparrow, sweet :)11:41
pinkyrpedro: Will the repo you sent me get 1.4.1 and libvisual 0.4 at the same time?11:41
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grubchubkinda like in the console11:41
Jack_SparrowThats it11:41
garryFsay malavar yes.11:42
amarokkerDavid42UK: doesnt bittornado has something to thwart ISPs blocking bittorrent service?11:42
fallen_angel_nici must poof11:42
fallen_angel_nicgood bye11:42
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=== fallen_angel_nic poofs
amarokkeri suppose it doesnt work that well, does it?11:42
amonkeyhow can i resolve libglib2.0-dev's dependency on libglib2.0-0 (2.10.2-1ubuntu3) without removing ubuntu-desktop as it depends on libglib2.0-0 (2.10.3-0ubuntu1)?11:42
suspektjust do like i do, call comcast techinicall support and say 'when my torrent server is running your connection service sucks. fix it'11:42
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kaw69where`s off topic11:42
garryFOk, I better get off Irc, I can't type today.11:42
Setcan someone tell me what the official repositories for Ubuntu are?11:42
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wastrelamonkey:  you can remove ubuntu-desktop, it is a wrapper package, removal will not affect your system11:42
Warbokaw69: Buddy List>Buddies>Join Chat> Put in #ubuntu-offtopic11:42
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David42UKamarokker: if you encrypt it yes, they can't see the tell tale bitttorent stream11:43
gnomefreakkaw69: /j #ubuntu-offtopic11:43
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suspektdoes azures have that feature?11:43
amonkeywastrel, how often does it get updated? will i miss out on updates down the road if i remove it? i know it won't have an immediate effect.11:43
rpedropinky: no idea wath libvisual is, and the repo still only has amarok 1.4.0a11:43
grubchubin a attempt to install xubuntu I borked my system and lost my book mark to what seemed like an awesome wikiwquickstart guide (i don't think it was wikiguide) anyone have any clue what it might have been?11:43
vy2wucheers all, have to deal with dinner11:44
wastrelamonkey:  it is just a wrapper, which pulls other "real" packages, the real packages will be updated individually.  ubuntu-desktop will never be updated11:44
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gnomefreakrpedro: amarok 1.4.1 is not yet out on servers11:44
grubchubProvided some awesome one liner cli commands to get PHP, MYSQL,  Apache, and MySQLAdmin and and running11:44
Setcan someone tell me what the official repositories for Ubuntu are?11:44
grubchubor MyPHPAdmin11:44
grubchubI always forgot what it's called because everyone renames the dir :p11:44
gnomefreak!repos > Set11:44
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amarokkerrpedro: but i think you can get it from the repo mentioned in the source-o-matic thingy.11:44
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amonkeywastrel, ah.11:45
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amarokkerhavent checked yet- its still 1.4.0 here too11:45
amonkeycan i disable PCMCIA services if i'm on a desktop with no pc card slot? if so, how?11:45
rpedropinky: read what amarokker said11:45
gnomefreakamonkey: 1.4.1 hasnt been released11:45
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rpedro!source-o-matic > pinky11:45
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amonkeygnomefreak, of?11:46
rpedrognomefreak: it has, says so on amarok.kde.org11:46
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gnomefreakamonkey: sorry not you i meant amarokker11:46
khafraI had to get my motherboard fixed, and seem to have to reinstall Ubuntu11:46
khafraCan I access my old RAID 0 drive?11:46
suspektaie thats a good question amonkey...    on a windows system i know how to tweak the rig to get the most performance out of it (by basically turning off half the ms bloat) and what not....     how do i do all that stuff in ubuntu?11:46
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khafraOr, "How do I recover a RAID 0 drive, which is presumably undamaged but not recognized by the new system"11:46
David42UKamonkey: you probably have a process that starts pcmcia services at start, you need to disable it in say kcontrol or whatever gives you access11:47
gnomefreakrpedro: http://kubuntu.org/11:47
gnomefreakrpedro: kde.org is not for ubuntu11:47
gnomefreakits for kde only11:47
amarokkermoi? heh. ok- yeah, i asked a few days ago at #amarok too- they mentioned getting it out of the SVN- was too much trouble for me though11:47
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amonkeykcontrol would be kde, am i looking for gcontrol?11:47
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rpedrognomefreak: yes ok, I was just saying it's released even though not yet a package for kubuntu11:48
khafraHow do I access my old raid 0 drive?11:48
khafraIt was a soft raid11:48
David42UKamonkey: not sure there it will be the package that lets u configure your system11:48
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gnomefreakrpedro: correct and there is a few people that have a repo of it floating around but last i heard that it was not ready for ubuntu11:48
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PetecakesSo my earlier problem of the live CD not booting, but I have two further problems, which someone can hopefully help me with: My resolution is stuck at 640x480, and even though eth0 is reported as being active and all my modem lights are on, I can't connect to the internet11:50
PetecakesAny ideas?11:50
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khafraNever mind, punters, I figured it out myself.11:50
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dwhsixblegh - is uninstalling firefox a problem?  synaptic says that will also remove ubuntu-desktop... :-)11:50
chaos_of_apocalycan anyone tell me what to use to compile progs in assembly?11:51
Warbodwhsix: Ubuntu-desktop is not needed11:51
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dwhsixok - seemed to say it was useful for upgrades and such11:51
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ubuntu_Izi need help with changing permissions for my apache directory11:51
dwhsixI really like ubuntu's automatic pkg/upgrade mgmt... would hate to mess it up11:51
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Warbodwhsix: Yes, reinstall it for a dist-upgrade but you don't need it for day-to-day use11:52
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rpedrognomefreak , pinky: link for amarok latest 1.4.1 >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok#head-04cd071d84f1f106cb3a6f6f15b86a29f1c2aed711:52
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Avenmy PC kept rebooting saying it is overheated11:53
Avener, shutting down I mean11:53
Avenwhat can cause that?11:53
Avenfans are working11:53
ubuntu_Izmine was doing that too11:54
ubuntu_Izsomeone suggested that maybe it was a problem with the acpi daemon11:54
gnomefreakty rpedro i will keep that in mind (wish i could use it)11:54
Avenwhat's that? :P11:54
ubuntu_Izpower management11:54
wastrelPetecakes:  modem lights are different from ethernet card lights - i assume you mean the link light on your NIC?11:55
ubuntu_Izi was told to try shutting down the acpi daemon like so: sudo /etc/init.d/acpid stop11:55
ubuntu_Izit works for me11:55
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satafterhanyone know of a good pitcure editing software for linux?11:55
jribsatafterh: gimp11:56
Avenubuntu_Iz: ah ok11:56
Avenstopped it, heh11:56
Petecakeswastrel - My ethernet modem is plugged into an ethernet port on my PC, there's no "link light" that I know of, bar the power, DSL, ethernet and internet lights on my modem11:56
ubuntu_Izgive it a try, as long as your fans are working11:56
Jack_SparrowHow do I enable direct rendering in Nvidia?11:56
PetecakesUnless I'm just being a total n00b on this one.11:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:56
WarboJack_Sparrow: DRI?11:56
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Avenubuntu_Iz: I'm afraid my fans might be having issues, although what's the worse that can happen?11:56
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, my glsgears is real slow11:56
grubchubdoes anyone have xgl running on ubuntu?11:56
pinkyrpedro: Well I need libvisual 0.4 if I do that, right?11:56
Jack_Sparrowothers are showing 10 times faster11:57
ubuntu_Izit would over heat i guess if your fans didnt work11:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:57
wastrelPetecakes:  you mean your dsl modem then?  do you have a pppoe connection for your dsl?11:57
grubchubthank jrib :)11:57
Petecakeswastrel - yes.11:57
WarboJack_Sparrow: I was going to say that DRI is not implemented in nvidia driver (but direct rendering does)11:57
pharcvdehas anyone been successful with joss and quake3?11:57
ubuntu_Izi keep this pc up for weeks with the acpi daemon shut down11:57
ubuntu_Izseems to be ok11:57
pinkyrpedro: That's cool, and yeah I'd like to get 1.4.1, but I need my projectM... so I need libvisual 0.4, too, right?11:57
amonkeyhow can i get libfreetype6 2.2? libgtk2.0-dev depends on it in a roundabout way.11:57
wastrelPetecakes:  have you set up your dsl connection in System > Administration > Networking  ?11:58
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tony_hi all! need help! background where ther is no text in some apps - (maybe kde apps )such as xchat and klibido is black even thought it is not set as black. http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4778/xchat8gx.jpg11:58
tony_how can i change this?11:58
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PetecakesWastrel - Yes. But now that you mention it, it could be that I messed that up, so now I need to go alllll the way back into ubuntu to check that out again. brb11:59
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rpedropinky: i don't know, sorry , the latest version for package libvisual on ubuntu is 0.211:59
wastrelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE   Petecakes  check the wiki page here11:59
ubuntu_Izaven: you post on searchirc.com?11:59
wastrelfor adsl/pppoe info11:59
grubchubif apt-get gets stuck on some dependancies, how do you usually go about installing them?11:59
grubchubdo you usually search the web?11:59
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Avenubuntu_Iz: yeah12:00
CheticHow do I change what sound device is default?12:00
ubuntu_Izi thought that nick looked familure12:00
Knomeuse "apt-get build-dep <packagename>"12:00
grubchubah ha :)12:00

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