
Keybukqueue-builder still doesn't appear to be working automatically12:59
Keybuk22:50:03 INFO    Rebuilding Build Queue.01:02
Keybuk22:50:03 INFO    creating lockfile 22:50:03 ERROR   Cannot Acquire Lock.01:02
kikowho else is holding that lock?01:03
Keybukseems to be the slave scanner01:04
Keybukwhich runs every, single, minute01:04
Keybukno wonder the queue builder doesn't get a change01:04
Keybukuh, chance01:04
kikowhy should the slave scanner hold that lock?01:05
Keybukno idea01:05
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doko$ sudo apt-get install python-tk02:46
dokoReading package lists... Done02:46
dokoBuilding dependency tree02:46
dokoReading state information... Done02:46
dokoSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have02:46
dokorequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable02:46
dokodistribution that some required packages have not yet been created02:46
dokoor been moved out of Incoming.02:46
dokoSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that02:46
dokothe package is simply not installable and a bug report against02:46
dokothat package should be filed.02:46
dokoThe following information may help to resolve the situation:02:46
dokoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:46
doko  python-tk: Depends: python2.4-tk (>= 2.4.3)02:46
dokoE: Broken packages02:46
dokopython-tk is now built from python-stdlib-extensions02:46
dokoresulting in a python-tk_2.4.3-1ubuntu2 package02:47
dokoalthough the package is built, it's not shown in the archive ...02:48
dokoKamion, Kinnison, Keybuk: ^^^02:48
Keybukdoko: what you say makes no sense, I'm afraid03:39
Keybukthe last upload of python-stdlib-extensions was 2.0ubuntu103:39
Keybukby yourself, about 8 hours ago03:40
Keybuknot 2.4.3-1ubuntu203:40
Keybukpython-tk_2.4.3-1ubuntu2 comes from the python-defaults package03:41
Keybukif you want the binary built by python-stdlib-extensions to replace that, it needs to at least have a higher version number ;)03:42
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mptGooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:00
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spivHmm, bzrlib failure when merging into sqlobject.06:28
jameshspiv: so we have a common way to get to the sync() or syncUpdate() methods of sqlobjects that are security wrapped?06:35
spivAre you asking "do we" or "should we"?06:42
spivAnyway, I think the answers are "no" and "yes", respectively ;)06:43
spivflush_database_updates() makes me nervous, it's a big hammer and we overuse it.06:43
spivBut we really want to be able to do syncUpdate one way or another, because it's so useful in tests.  So I think it's OK to allow it through the security proxies.06:44
jameshthat should have been 'do we'06:48
jameshdo you think an extra interface as a parent would be the way to do it?06:49
jameshthere is sqlos.interfaces.ISQLObject, but it exposes a lot more than we'd usually want to06:50
jamesh(destroySelf and set)06:50
spivI think that would be the way, yeah.  It's a large change, though.06:50
jameshI suppose sync() and syncUpdate() are always safe.06:50
spivWhich is why I'm ambivalent about it, I can't quite convince myself it's worth the benefit.06:50
jamesh(although overusing them can be a perf issue)06:51
spivThey should be.06:51
spivRight, but lots of things are perf issues when overused :)06:51
spivAnd they're much less of a perf issue than flush_database_updates.06:51
jameshof course, they should be cheaper than flush_database_updates() ./..06:51
jameshgot any ideas about an interface name?06:57
spivI'd say "ISQLObject" if we didn't already have one.06:57
jameshin practice there is nothing wrong with duplicate interface names ...06:58
spivIt's potentially confusing, and annoying if we want to import both into the same module for some reason.07:00
spivBut maybe it's ok here.07:00
jameshwould I have a rubberstamp for adding ISQLObjectSyncable?07:00
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #launchpad
spivI'm ok with that, but it's probably worth getting a 3rd opinion.  A pity SteveA's at europython.07:01
kwwiione small question: does the "fix committed" status mean that the bug should now be fixed?07:01
spivkwwii: It generally means it's fixed in the development version, but not yet in the released version.07:02
jameshkwwii: "fix committed" is meant to mean "the fix has been committed to version control", and "fix released" means "a new release with the fix is available"07:02
kwwiispiv: cool, thanks :-) I won't waste anyones time in responding that the bug is still there07:02
spivIf you're talking about Launchpad, then it means we've committed a fix into our sourcecode repository, and it will be included in an upcoming production update.07:02
kwwiijamesh: excellent, good thing I asked07:03
spivWhich usually happen weekly.07:03
jameshkwwii: for distributions, that might mean "I've made a fixed package", and "it has been accepted into the repository and you should be able to install it"07:03
kwwiiok, back to work...thanks for the quick answer :-)07:06
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spivI've figured out some of the intermittent bzr failures.08:20
spivIt's running too fast ;)08:21
spivI've posted an analysis to the lp list.08:21
jameshso it is throwing away the subsecond accuracy of the stat data?08:22
spivjamesh: look at the _fingerprint function in bzrlib/hashcache.py08:23
spivjamesh: The short answer is "yes"08:24
jameshspiv: yeah.  I was looking at your email.08:24
spiv    # we discard any high precision because it's not reliable; perhaps we08:24
spiv    # could do better on some systems?08:24
jameshI wonder what systems subsecond accuracy is not reliable?08:25
jameshI mean, it might not be present on some systems, but I'd expect it to be reliable if present08:25
jamesh(assuming you account for the errors introduced by python converting the times to floats08:26
spivYeah, that comment is a mystery to me.08:27
jameshe.g. using long(fs.st_mtime * 1000000) should be as reliable08:27
spivbzr annotate blames r866, by mpool.08:28
spivWhich is very slightly less than a year old :)08:29
jameshthe floating point comparison is the only issue I can think of,  The Python stat values are created with the following:08:39
jamesh                fval = PyFloat_FromDouble(sec + 1e-9*nsec);08:39
jameshI don't seem to get any subsecond accuracy even after calling os.stat_float_times(True)08:43
jameshwonder if ext3 records it08:44
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jameshspiv: looks like ext3 doesn't do nanosecond accuracy in mainline, so even if bzrlib wasn't truncating to integer times, the problem would persist08:48
Keybukext3 doesn't do nanosecond accuracy08:49
Keybukhowever the page cache *does*08:49
Keybukand you're almost never going to have a file flushed out of the cache within a second08:49
jameshspiv: so time.sleep() would probably fix it :)08:50
jameshor play around with the times with os.utime()08:53
Keybukisn't bzr supposed to discard hashcache entries from the same second?08:55
spivI don't know what it's supposed to do, but I can tell you what it does ;)08:55
spivWhen comparing the working tree to the hash cache, it checks the stat information, intentionally ignoring subsecond information, to check if the files are the same.08:57
spivSo we're seeing intermittent failures because sufficiently rapid sequences of commits of simple (i.e. single file) trees in the test suite are occasionally bombing out because they think there's nothing to commit.08:57
spiv(in bzr's own test suite)08:58
Keybukthe theory from waaayyy back was that if it found a hash cache entry which, rounded to the nearest second, was the same time as NOW, then it would ignore it08:59
jameshI wonder if the problem has been addressed since we last updated bzr in our tree?08:59
spivjamesh: nope08:59
spivjamesh: well, the _fingerprint function at least hasn't changed.08:59
spivjamesh: I guess there could be smarts like Keybuk just described elsewhere, but _fingerprint would be the sensible place to put it.09:00
spivKeybuk: that sounds like a good idea, but I haven't seen any sign of it in my skimming of the source.09:00
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=== mpt WTFs at https://launchpad.net/binarypackagenames
mptoh, there's already a bug report about it09:29
mptreported by me, even!09:29
mptForgetful minds think alike09:30
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doko_Keybuk: no, python-tk isn't built from python-defaults10:32
Keybukit was10:33
doko_yes, and the last version was 2.4.3-1ubuntu1, and 2.4.3-1ubuntu2 (built from python-stdlib-extensions) isn't in the archive10:34
Keybuk^ clearly has python-tk and python-gdbm in it10:34
Keybukwhy do you think python-stdlib-extensions is 2.4.3-1ubuntu2 ?10:34
Keybukpython-stdlib-extensions is 2-0ubuntu110:34
Keybuk2-0ubuntu1 < 2.4.3-1ubuntu110:34
Keybukso the binaries built by python-stdlib-extensions are older than what's there10:35
Keybukso they won't show up10:35
doko_Keybuk: no, look a the binary versions, not the source version10:35
Keybukbet LP doesn't do binary versions10:35
Keybukgiven that it's UI doesn't seem to expose them10:36
Keybukdoko: note "changes file not available"10:36
Keybuktbh, at this point you need a soyuz engineer10:36
KeybukI expect you've found a katie/deb feature they didn't know about <g>10:37
Keybukfor reference, the queue entry was10:39
Keybuk   64293 | -B | python-stdlib-extens | 2-0ubuntu1           | 11 hours10:39
Keybuk         | * python-gdbm/2.4.3-1ubuntu2/ia64 Component: main Section: python Priority: OPTIONAL10:39
Keybuk         | * python-tk/2.4.3-1ubuntu2/ia64 Component: main Section: python Priority: OPTIONAL10:39
Keybuk16:03:06 DEBUG   Publishing source python-stdlib-extensions/2-0ubuntu1 to10:40
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Keybuk22:03:05 DEBUG   Publishing build to ubuntu/edgy/ia6410:42
Keybuk22:03:05 DEBUG   ... python-gdbm/2.4.3-1ubuntu2 (Arch Specific)10:42
Keybuk22:03:05 DEBUG   ... python-tk/2.4.3-1ubuntu2 (Arch Specific)10:42
Keybuk22:09:47 DEBUG   Added10:42
Keybuk+/srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-stdlib-extensions/p+ython-gdbm_2.4.3-1ubuntu2_ia64.deb from library10:42
Keybuk22:09:47 DEBUG   Added10:42
Keybuk+/srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-stdlib-extensions/p+ython-tk_2.4.3-1ubuntu2_ia64.deb from library10:42
Keybukit's on the archive on drescher10:44
Keybukbut only the ia64 deb10:45
Keybuklooks like the others got lost10:45
Keybukmalcc: some debugging for you there10:45
malccKeybuk: Ta10:45
Keybukmalcc: interesting that the build record doesn't have the changes file10:46
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doko_malcc: submitted bug 5206410:52
UbugtuMalone bug 52064 in launchpad "soyuz confused by version numbers different in source/binaries" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5206410:52
malccdoko_: Thanks10:53
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Keybuknote that it's not necessarily that which has happened10:59
Keybukit could be the fact there's no changes file from the buildd10:59
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malccThe four architectures which didn't get their builds for python-stdlib-extensions, plus some other build results, seem to be backed up from last night11:20
malccCould be knock-on effects from the troubles and the reboot; I don't want to mess until someone who knows more turns up, but I suspect these can be given a kick and will then all turn up fine11:20
mpt__malcc, make check_merge keeps hanging for me in either pagetests/soyuz/23-sourcepackage-hctstatus.txt or 25-binarypackagenames.txt11:28
mptAre you familiar enough with the tests yet to have any idea why? :-)11:28
malccmpt: Bummer. I don't think those do anything odd, but I'll take a look.11:28
mptactually, it'll be 25-binarypackagenames.txt11:29
mptthe output is "    /home/mpt/hackiTests hung - no output for 600 seconds. Killing ... Not dead yet!  - slaughtering mercilessly"11:29
mptwhere "/home/mpt/hacki" is the beginning of the path of 25-bpn11:30
malccmpt: I can't see anything odd in that test, and certainly nothing odd enough to break the test engine half way through printing a path11:30
lifelessmalcc: deadlocks11:31
malccmpt: I suggest you've got a ghost in the machine in fact unrelated to these thoroughly unremarkable tests11:31
lifelessmalcc: specifically, stderr is probably full11:31
lifelessmalcc: no ghosts11:31
mptIt's the third time exactly that test has failed11:31
mptThe first thing the test does is ask for http://localhost/binarypackagenames, and the URL gives me a 40411:32
lifelessmalcc: we have a wrapper around the tests, it reads the stderr/stdout and shows them11:32
mptthough launchpad.dev/binarypackagenames works11:32
lifelessmalcc: I strongly suspect its a full pipe deadlock. Until the parent does a read on the other pipe, the child will not resume. And the parent is blocked reading from the first pipe.11:32
lifelessor something like that11:32
malccmpt: I'm pretty sure localhost is ok in pagetests, even though it doesn't work in development11:33
malcclifeless: Your theory sounds reasonable, given I know very little about all that. If you're correct, what does that mean we do to fix it?11:34
lifelesscheck run_test.py or whatever it is. See if it drills down to a select loop on the two pipes. If it does not, then we should convert it to do that, i.e. using twisted's processprotocol rather than subprocess, or some similar tool11:35
mptRunning the soyuz story by itself works11:38
malccmpt: I'm betting on lifeless' idea, I'm just checking the code in test_on_merge now to see if its subprocess handling is suspect11:41
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Atomycanybody here..11:42
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malcclifeless: To my limited knowledge, test_on_merge looks ok. It uses popen with stderr=STDOUT then uses a select loop.12:17
malccOn stdout12:17
jameshspiv: I've got a branch up for review now that fixes the branch scanner bug that turned up (and should reduce the chance of similar bugs in the future)12:26
lifelessmalcc: ok.12:31
lifelessthat means someone needs to talk mpt though attaching gdb and getting a backtrace from both the child process and the parent process, to understad where and how it is borked.12:33
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mptI have a problem with getLink12:51
jameshmpt: I expanded the PythonBugTrackerCompetition page earlier this week.  Haven't looked at updating the wiki syntax spec implementation section.12:57
mptBjornT, the problem is a bit complicated for IRC, I've replied to you on launchpad-reviews12:58
mptjamesh, ok01:00
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malccKeybuk, doko: The problem with python-stdlib-extensions is confirmed to be unrelated to names/versions etc., it was just some Soyuz build results stuck after drescher problems yesterday. Kinnison has unstuck them and everything should be fine now.01:04
Keybukmalcc: cool01:04
Keybukgeneral bug/feature request -- the UI could do with showing binary version numbers :p01:04
dokomalcc: thanks01:04
malccKeybuk: Which pages are missing binary version numbers where they'd be useful to you?01:05
Keybukmalcc: well, the fact there's no publishing history pages for binaries01:06
malccKeybuk: Really? I assumed I just hadn't found them yet01:08
Keybukthere could be some secret unlinked page somewhere01:08
Keybukbut not one I'm aware of01:08
Keybukcurrently the soyuz UI is a bit "here's some sources, here's what happened to the sources, oh and they got built, but HERE'S MORE SOURCES"01:09
KinnisonEveryone loves the source dude01:10
KinnisonErm /distros/ubuntu/edgy/i386/python-support01:12
Kinnisonwitness the binary pub hist01:13
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malccMy faith that Soyuz can infact give you anything you want if you can only penetrate the Barrier of Confusion (tm) has been restored01:14
=== mpt would dearly love to watch over the shoulder of some people using Soyuz
mptI understand how people use Malone01:16
mptand I understand how people use Rosetta01:16
mptI don't understand how people use Soyuz.01:16
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Kinnisonmpt: don't watch me then, 'cos I type URLs01:27
mptKinnison, I suspect most people do that for Malone too :-)01:30
mpt(I certainly do)01:30
mptor bookmarks01:30
=== Kinnison has quick-access keyword bookmarks for malone, aye
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mptbug 1234501:51
UbugtuMalone bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1234501:51
mptThis has been a test of the Ubugtu system01:52
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kikohello hello01:54
Kamionpublisher crash: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3282274/petQjyUqbU2w58HGOQLKrOCh3PF.txt01:54
kikoare people ready for the most important moment of the week!01:54
Znarlstub : Ping?01:54
KamionIOError: [Errno 2]  No such file or directory: '/srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/pool/universe/h/haskell-src-exts/libghc6-harp-dev_0.2-5_amd64.deb'01:55
stubZnarl: pong01:55
malcckiko: It's time already for the sunday morning Hollyoaks omnibus edition?01:55
Znarlstub : chinstrap is getting slow rsyncing launchpad production logs again.  Can you rotate them?01:55
Kamionwhich is frankly just bizarre, given that it's trying to publish that01:55
kikomalcc, not that moment -- the other one!01:55
stubZnarl: ok.01:55
kikoare you going to be presiding this week after all?01:56
SteveAhi kiko01:56
SteveAi haven't prepared, but I'll be here01:56
kikois that a yes or a no? :)01:56
salgadostub, did something go wrong with yesterday's nightly.sh run?01:56
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KamionI'm going to hope that the publisher runs successfully next time round01:57
stubsalgado: I killed some of the processes because I needed to grab locks on some tables if that is what you are looking at.01:57
SteveAkiko: i'll do it01:58
salgadostub, I asked because the mirror prober reported that no mirrors were probed01:58
stubsalgado: That wasn't me01:58
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stubI've never seen it actually probe a mirror01:59
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kikoI have02:00
salgadoit's been probing lots of them, since almost two weeks02:00
SteveAlaunchpad meeting02:00
SteveAwho is here?02:00
kikoo/~ Is it me you're looking for? o/~02:00
mptthat's what I was trying to say02:00
SteveA== Agenda ==02:01
SteveA* Roll call * Agenda * Next meeting * Activity reports * Actions from last meeting * Oops report (Matsubara) * Bug report report (mpt) * Sysadmin requests * Production and staging (Stuart)02:01
SteveA---- * (other items)02:01
SteveA---- * Keep, Bag, Change * Three sentences02:01
SteveAirssi sucks for this02:01
SteveAbut irc is banned at cern02:02
=== mpt thinks that's an improvement
SteveAso i must go vi ssh02:02
jameshssh port forwarding02:02
kikois the future02:02
SteveAnext meeting... same time next week?02:03
SteveAcool.  someone please set the channel title appropriately.02:03
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 13 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveA * Activity reports02:03
SteveAi suck.  anyway, i've been at europython.02:03
salgadoI'm up to date02:04
=== flacoste is up to date
kikoI'm half-sucky02:04
KinnisonI am not up-to-date. I have sketchy notes but I've worked a lot of last week on paper rather than on the laptop.02:04
stubUp to date02:04
cprovI'm up to date02:04
jameshI'm not up to date02:04
bradbup to date, less sprints02:04
matsubaraup to date02:04
kikoI was sprinting last week and this week has been context-switch festival02:04
Kinnisonstub: It's old-school technology02:04
malccUp to date02:04
mptone day behind (and I've been batching)02:04
matsubaraI'm also guilty of batching02:04
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:04
SteveA * Steve to ask Kiko to run next week's meeting02:05
SteveAah, well, anyway02:05
SteveA * everyone (including those not at the meeting): read https://wiki.canonical.com/SysAdminRtUsageGuide and subscribe to it02:05
spivAnd I'm behind on activity reports. :(02:05
SteveAplease say "read" or "not read" according to whether you have read that page yet.02:05
kikoI read it and used the advice in there02:06
=== flacoste read and subscribed
matsubararead and subscribed02:06
SteveAmost excellent02:06
mptmost of us are also subscribed02:06
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)02:07
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 44860, 42755, 2497, 51097 and 3060202:07
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:07
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:07
UbugtuMalone bug 51097 in rosetta "Selection of untranslated entries is too slow" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5109702:07
UbugtuMalone bug 30602 in rosetta "ERROR IN: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/vlc/+pots/vlc/tl/+translate" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3060202:07
matsubaraKiko any news about bug 42755. Is that fix going to address comments on tickets also?02:07
matsubarahmm carlos isn't here...02:08
kikostub, would you have time to work on bug 2497? I have a simple-ish plan for it02:08
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:08
kikobug 42755 you say?02:08
stubkiko: Mark is pushing me to work on CanonicalPillarNames02:08
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kikoyeah, that's true.02:08
kikostub, let's do that call after the meeting02:08
matsubaraTop time outs are on +translate(51097 and 30602) and +translations(2497) page.02:09
matsubaraThe only one not assigned is 30602, want to take that kiko?02:09
kikomatsubara, that's better a carlos bug really02:09
matsubaraI'll talk to him then02:09
matsubaraand lastly, pqm is rejecting my commit attempts.02:09
bradbMe Too02:09
matsubarais there anyone looking on that problem?02:09
spivmatsubara: Did you see my email to the list?02:10
lifelesscan you be more specific ?02:10
spivmatsubara: I suggest just keep trying, the bzr failures are intermittent due to a race condition.02:10
matsubaralifeless: random test failures. I mailed the list with the failures I got02:10
spivmatsubara: I had the same failure as you, got through the second time though.02:10
matsubaraspiv: I've seen it, thanks for looking on it.02:10
matsubaraI tried 5 times yesterday, I'll keep on trying then.02:11
spivWellk, the same as three of yours, haven't looked at all of yours though :)02:11
kikolifeless, can you please disable that test for now?02:11
spivkiko: It's more than one tests.02:11
spivone test, rather.02:11
lifelessanyone in the lp team can commit to the p copy of bzr02:11
lifelesss/p / lp /02:11
spivkiko: it's lots of them, any that make lots of small commits very quickly, which is at least three of them, judging from matsubara's failures.02:11
lifelessI am about to fly home, so no, I cannot do that.02:12
kikolifeless, sure, but that's a judgement call that i'd rather you made02:12
lifelessit sounds like there is a real, valid bug in bzr though.02:12
kikoor authorize somebody to do it02:12
lifelessbecause the hashcache is meant to be race condition free.02:12
kikolifeless, great. let's not let it stop launchpad development from happening though :)02:12
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spivI can call Martin tomorrow to discuss the problem if people want?02:12
lifelessfor the record, I'm happy with ddaa or spiv or jamesh doing commits to bzr or bzrtools in the lp tree at any point.02:12
lifelesskiko: ^02:12
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kikolifeless, any commit? including not running bzr tests upon commit? :-)02:12
spivAnd then do a commit to our bzr based on that conversatino.02:12
lifelessspiv: please do that, I was about to suggest asking Martin to treat it as urgent.02:12
lifelesskiko: if that is what it takes for a short period of time, then [grudgingly]  yes.02:13
stubI've also been seeing intermittent failures with cscvs. 02:13
spivOk, I'll do that.  In the in ~12 hours until then, just keep retrying :)02:13
lifelesskiko: however, I suggest talking with the sysadmins tonight02:13
spivstub: Oh, that's one I'm not aware of.02:13
lifelessbecause this started happening 02:13
stubIt may have been triggered by upgradinig Balleny to dapper.02:13
lifelessand nothing was changed in our copy of bzr or bzrtools when it started.02:13
matsubarastub: one of my test failures was related to that02:13
lifelessstub: I've never seen these failures on dapper on other machines.02:14
lifelessits even possible, that its a dapper bug02:14
stublifeless: Machines that are 64 bit and as fast?02:14
stubI suspect timing issues02:14
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lifelessstub: FSVO 'as', yes.02:14
lifelessstub: lets not get into a technical dsicussion right now.02:14
lifelessstub: I'm aware of the parameters.02:15
matsubaraok, SteveA, kiko I'm done with the oops report02:15
kikothanks matsubara 02:15
matsubarathanks all02:15
SteveAthanks matsubara02:15
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:15
mptThe oldest, most important bugs this week are:02:15
mptbug 1294, assigned to bradb02:15
UbugtuMalone bug 1294 in malone "Filing a private bug requires the ability to Cc the maintainer" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/129402:15
kikomatsubara, to answer your question, no, it won't solve +ticket timeouts.02:15
mptbug 6459, assigned to carlos02:15
UbugtuMalone bug 6459 in rosetta "Timeout error on distribution release language page" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/645902:15
mptbug 31308, not assigned02:16
UbugtuMalone bug 31308 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot set branch associated to a product series" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3130802:16
matsubarakiko: I'll file a new one then, thanks02:16
mptbug 36060, assigned to bradb02:16
UbugtuMalone bug 36060 in malone "Bug needs a date last updated column" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3606002:16
mptbug 37866, assigned to kiko02:16
UbugtuMalone bug 37866 in malone "+editstatus should not accept binary package as source package" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3786602:16
mptand bug 37897, assigned to ddaa02:16
UbugtuMalone bug 37897 in launchpad-bazaar "renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3789702:16
mptcarlos and bradb, how are you doing with those?02:16
mptand who should take 31308?02:16
jameshmpt: some of those bugs you listed are fix committed02:16
mptoh, carlos isn't here02:16
elmowe just a lost an apps server02:17
=== bradb updates 36060 to fix released
mptjamesh, I realize that -- they should be verified02:17
mptand marked as fix released02:17
elmostub: ping?02:17
kikompt, as per bug 37866. we need to clean up sourcepackagename now :-(02:17
UbugtuMalone bug 37866 in malone "+editstatus should not accept binary package as source package" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3786602:17
mptdoes 31308 belong to ddaa?02:17
bradb1294 I'll fix in probably the next few days02:18
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flacostematsubara: the ticket timeout problem is mentioned on bug 3786502:19
UbugtuMalone bug 37865 in launchpad-support-tracker "Support listing could use a list similar to the bug listing" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3786502:19
mptanybody? :-)02:19
jameshmpt: I guess it is.  I'm not sure 31308 is critical though02:19
matsubaraflacoste: it's not that one. I mean the timeout when a ticket has too many comments02:19
mptok. kiko, do you have time for 37866, or should it go to someone else?02:19
lifelessddaa, stevea and I have spoken about 3130802:19
lifelessit is currently critical as it completely mucks up the user experience for bzr use with lp, for native upstreams02:20
kikompt, I doubt anybody else will actually do what needs to be done there, which is basically researching what sourcepackagenames need to be killed and moving bugs back02:20
lifelessbut we can do a short fix, and downgrade it, though it will not be the 'entire fix'.02:20
mptlifeless, maybe you can summarize your discussion in the bug report02:20
mptSteveA, I'm done.02:21
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:21
kikoI asked them something02:21
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:21
kikoto open up the launchpad.net stats they are already generating02:21
kikoit's currently IP-protected02:21
stubNothing thrilling is happening with production or staging. I have an outstanding cherry pick to push out for Carlos.02:21
stubI expect the next rollout will be on Tuesday, rolling out HEAD as of now unless people tell me otherwise.02:21
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SteveAthanks stub02:22
SteveA * booking flights for launchpad sprints02:22
jameshstub: I've got a branch pending review to fix the branch scanner.  It'll probably need to be cherry picked02:23
SteveAI want to find out who has arranged travel for the launchpad sprints, and who has not.  please say "all arranged" or "partially arranged" or "not yet arranged"02:23
SteveAall arranged02:23
spivall arranged02:23
stubnot yet arranged02:23
jameshall arranged02:23
Kinnison"will either buy train ticket or diesel on the day"02:23
=== Kinnison doesn't know what that counts as
malccNothing to arrange02:24
matsubaranot yet arranged, I think02:24
cprovnot yet arranged02:24
matsubarakiko: should I mail james about it?02:24
bradbnothing to arrange02:24
kikomatsubara, sure02:24
SteveAok, thanks02:25
SteveA * Everyone to note that lifeless should be cc-ed on PQM-related RT issues (Steve)02:25
SteveAplease note that lifeless should be cc-ed on any PQM-related RT issues02:25
kikomatsubara, ask taciana to sort it out02:25
matsubarakiko: I'll thanks.02:25
SteveA * pqm and bzr test suite (kiko)02:25
kikoSteveA, already resolved.02:26
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:27
kikokeep: staging working (it's currently not)02:27
malccKeep: The numbers 4 and 202:27
stubBAG: Running test suites of non-interdepandant packages on Launchpad commit. It gives us little or no gain but large downsides.02:28
kikostub, hmmm, so no cscvs or bzr tests? 02:28
spivkiko: Well, commits to lp cannot break bzr.02:28
spivkiko: but commits to bzr can break lp.02:28
spivkiko: so in one case we need to run both bzr and lp tests, but not in both.02:28
kikois that feasible?02:28
SteveAi agree with this.  it means developing a way to represent these dependencies02:29
stubIndeed. And if bzr is screwing up, there is no reason to block Launchpad commits.02:29
SteveAand then teaching pqm how to understand that for running test suites02:29
SteveAit is not trivial02:29
SteveAit requires a spec02:29
stubOr cscvs, or twisted, or any of the one-way dependancies02:29
kikocould we not just special-case launchpad02:29
kikosince it would give us the most bang for the least buck02:29
kikoso something like02:29
kikoif committing_to(launchpad):02:29
kiko   run_lp_tests()02:29
spivkiko: no, there's some stuff like hct that depends on lp02:29
kiko   run_all_tests()02:30
kikoso add a run_hct_tests() in there02:30
SteveAkiko: propose that on the lp list, so lifeless can contribute when he gets home02:30
kikobut anyway, strawman :)02:30
stubAs far as I can see, we just need two make check rules. One run when launchpad commits are made and one when other commits are made.02:30
SteveA * Three sentences02:31
SteveAplease go ahead02:31
mptDONE: Rosetta hacking, specifications, non-Landscape work02:31
mptTODO: land Rosetta branch, LaunchpadLoginService, MaloneSimplifications02:31
mptBLOCKED: Kiko, e-mail + code review; carlos/jordi, import policy update02:31
spivstub: it's not so much about make check rules as about how we configure PQM02:31
stubDONE: bug fixes 'n' stuff02:31
spivDONE: reviews, fixed bug 50473, finally merged fix for 33223, fixed 39814.02:31
spivTODO: reviews, continue work on bzr smart server, sftp bugs.02:31
spivBLOCKED: no.02:31
stubTODO: CanonicalPillarNames02:31
stubBLOCKED: No02:31
UbugtuMalone bug 50473 in glibc "Problem with locales in update of Dapper Drake to Edgy" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5047302:31
matsubaraDONE: oops report analysis, fixed some validations bugs, traversal bugs, test conversion.02:31
matsubaraTODO: bug fixing (product ownership reassignement and oops bugs) and more triage02:31
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:31
malccDONE: Soyuz troubleshooting, publish-distro-optimization testing, merged cprov's dak-tools branch into publish-distro-optimization.02:31
malccTODO: Finish publish-distro-optimization testing, cron.daily changes, merge and land some branches.02:31
malccBLOCKED: No.02:31
bradbDONE: Landed attach-while-commenting. Resurrected fix for bug 41399. Started working on some of the release management stuff spec'd in London.02:31
UbugtuMalone bug 41399 in malone "Error message not specific in bug-reporting page (+filebug)" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4139902:31
kikoDONE: sprint, webserver stats, catching up with 800+ emails, planning02:31
flacosteDONE London sprint, write support tracker specifications, investigated ticket search02:31
bradbTODO: Release management. XMLRPC.02:31
flacosteTODO complete ticket search02:31
flacosteBLOCKED waiting on mpt and kiko feedback for support tracker workflow spec02:31
bradbBLOCKED: No.02:31
kikoTODO: some performance work, reviews02:31
kikoBLOCKED: no02:31
salgadoDONE: Attended Support Tracker sprint, code review, email catch up and worked on KarmaContext02:31
salgadoTODO: Finish KarmaContext and land it, random bugs and code review02:31
salgadoBLOCKED: No02:31
jameshDONE: code reviews, dyson to urllib work, fix branch scanner bustage02:32
jameshTODO: code reviews, finish off dyson stuff, look at wiki markup spec for mpt02:32
jameshBLOCKED: no02:32
cprovDONE: archive-tools, bug fixes in queue UI02:32
cprovTODO: cron.daily fixes and start Build-Unpublished-Sources02:32
cprovBLOCKED: no02:32
mptflacoste, I don't know what you're referring to, I haven't received any request for feedback02:32
KinnisonDONE: lots of design work around PPA. Helped resolve various build/buildqueue problems. Pre-pre-implementation call for PPA with sabdfl. Attempted again to learn {ME,}TAL{,ES}.02:32
KinnisonTODO: Reach pre-impl stage on PPA, actually get around to sorting my pending branches.02:32
KinnisonBLOCKED: none.02:32
stubspiv: I don't think there is any reason that commits to launchpad branches don't trigger 'make check' and commits to the other branches trigger 'make fullcheck'. I think we just run the same command at the moment because Robert wants it that way.02:32
flacostempt: ok, I thought the spec tracker sent email notification on request for feedback, I'll send you an email then02:33
spivstub: right, because it's the simplest way to make sure all tests pass always, but we can optimise.02:33
mptflacoste, it's a bug reported in Blueprint, feedback requests don't02:33
SteveAany blockers or other issues not dealt with?02:34
mptyes, mine :-)02:34
=== stub looks at the pqm config file
lifelesssee you all monday02:34
mptkiko, if you're busy maybe you can get lifeless to reallocate the branch?02:34
stublifeless: You not stopping in Bangkok on the way back?02:34
lifelessstub: no, it routes via hong kong02:35
lifelessstub: I would have liked to stop by02:35
stubNext time ;)02:35
lifelessstub: we have bidirectional dependencies on lp.02:35
kikompt, what is this about?02:35
spivkiko: you have review in your queue that's 10 days old.02:36
lifelessstub: specifically hct and importd and IIRC a couple others02:36
mptkiko, (1) my needs-review branch is in your queue, and (2) I e-mailed you 1.5 weeks ago about arranging a phone call, and pinged you 0.5 weeks ago as a reminder02:36
stublifeless: Yes, but not all the externals are bidirectional. We can reduce problems if we only run the tests suites on those ones rather than everything.02:36
lifelessagreed. as steve said - a spec is needed.02:36
lifelessgotta run, bus to catch. tchau02:36
spivlifeless: happy travels!02:37
mptkiko, (1) is nearly two weeks old now, so maybe it should go to another reviewer02:37
stubI'll spec out the quick hack version in a spec that should keep us happy for the foreseeable future.02:37
SteveAi think that all remaining issues are between individual people, and not for the whole team02:37
kikompt, I was in London. did you try SteveA?02:37
SteveAso, thanks everyone02:37
spivThere's a "Rejected Reviews" section on the PendingReviews page just waiting to be used ;)02:37
mptkiko, SteveA was the one who asked me to arrange it02:38
Kamioncould I grab soyuz people for urgent publisher help nw?02:38
malccKamion: sup?02:38
fabbionemalcc: the world is in collision course with Mars02:38
Kamionthe publisher has crashed twice in succession with the same error02:38
=== bradb feels jolted by the meeting finishing 7 minutes early
stubHad to wake up early?02:39
Kamionit was publishing that package in the last-but-one run, yet apparently objected to the package not being in the pool02:39
Kamionso I am now confused02:39
bradbstub: not really. i was up 3 hours ago.02:39
bradbgotta find some time in the day to learn Go02:39
kikoKamion, that's odd. 02:39
=== stub always sleeps though launchpad meetings after setting up a few triggered responses in his IRC client.
=== spiv wanders off
kikoKamion, I'm looking at the code.02:40
KinnisonKamion: care to take this to ##soyuz1.002:41
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kikostub, so, do you want to do that call now?02:42
stubI guess02:43
=== stub looks for his headphones
kikostub, or in a moment?02:43
kikoI don't have skype02:43
=== stub looks for his hands free ki
stubkiko: I'm ready when you are02:45
kikostub, do I call the 8862 number?02:45
mptBjornT, thanks for your prompt reply -- should I assume that every Launchpadder is using an editor with "Remove trailing spaces when saving" or equivalent turned on?02:45
=== mpt realizes that gedit doesn't actually have such an option
stubkiko: I doubt it. I don't have any number with 8862 in it.02:46
bradbmpt: I use Emacs's delete-trailing-whitespace fu02:48
bradbtrailing whitespace is like dirt on the canvas02:48
mptIf I had that such an option turned on, and not everyone else did, I'd generate spurious diffs02:53
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flacostebradb: have you seen the 'About a month until PSF call for test tracker' email on python-announce?02:58
bradbnope, i don't read that list. but i'm aware of date posted on their call for trackers page.02:59
bradbs/of/of the/03:00
=== bradb heads to the office, bbiab
SteveAwin 503:21
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salgadostub, ping?05:15
stubsalgado: pong05:16
salgadostub, if I run the foaf-update-karma-cache.py script manually, shouldn't it create/update the cache entries on launchpad_dev?05:17
stubI think so, yes.05:18
stubkiko: I've bounced staging. Don't know why it locked.05:22
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kikothanks stub 05:48
kikobradb, I'm out for lunch and then back we will chat on the topics of python.org and security bugs.05:49
bradbkiko: sounds good05:49
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jbaileyI'm just looking at doko's spec's, I'm curious why https://launchpad.net/people/doko/+specs includes canonical-support-categories.08:43
jbaileyI don't see him on that spec, and I'm wondering if it's' somehow blending my specs and his on that page.08:43
jbaileyOh, he's in the subscriber set.  That's why.08:44
bradbBjornT: Is it okay to use database classes directly in vocabulary code?08:48
kikoit's okay but you go to jail afterwards :)08:50
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=== bradb tunes back into IRC
henoanyone have any experience with importing ODF files to Rosetta? Via docbook perhaps? I'm looking to translate some example-content for Ubuntu09:23
henoI guess the docteam already import docbook files right?09:24
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mdke_heno: rosetta needs gettext pot files, you have to have a toolchain for converting to that...10:02
=== mdke_ afk
henook, thanks10:02
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kikocprov, I haven't seen you had landed my fix for the timeout HTTP stuff! good on you!10:59
cprovkiko: was in my small-fixes, did I comment it properly ? I don't remember.11:00
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