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stromhami would like to apologize12:28
stromhammy antics where bad12:30
stromhami did not Dos attack you12:31
stromhami just spamed12:31
stromhamit was b/c i thought you where trying to streal my project from me12:31
stromhamwell bye12:32
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dotwafflelovely even01:07
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adamant1988hello all!03:03
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adamant1988how's everyone?03:04
j_baerjust checked in, doing ok ...03:05
adamant1988that's good.03:06
adamant1988I've had my faith in the future of ubuntu in the home restored.03:06
adamant1988I thought that the codecs were a bit hard to get for the home user right now, especcially one who is unfamiliar with linux or a command line... but the easycodecs thing for eft looks promising :)03:07
j_baerI've haven't tried eft yet, how does it look?03:08
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adamant1988I don't think Jenda is here...05:28
Selti would like to apologize.05:28
Seltadamant1988 for my immature behavior05:28
ormiretjenda ought to be back on Tuesday05:28
adamant1988are you the one with the bot?05:29
Seltwhy did he close my channel?05:29
Selt#goubuntu forwards to here05:29
adamant1988that's not what I asked.05:29
adamant1988I asked if you were the one with the bot.05:29
Seltyes i did have the bot(s) and yes i was immature and yes i spammed.05:30
adamant1988ok... well... that's probably why your channel was closed... (best guess)05:30
Seltbut it was my channel05:30
bimberiSelt: jenda didn't close it. And afaik didn't request it.  It was Freenode staff at the request of a lot of other annoyed people in this channel05:30
Seltwell i said i was sorry and there is not any more i can do05:31
=== Selt [n=macy@c-24-9-63-202.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["bye"]
bimberiSelt: That said.  Onya for coming to apologize :)05:31
bimberis/z/s/ :)05:33
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matthewrevellMorning all.10:56
mdkeis it possible there have been no emails to the list since yesterday evening?10:59
mdkethis is unheard of11:00
matthewrevellmdke: I've been busy the past few evenings, trying to revive a dying ThinkPad, and Jenda's on holiday :)11:00
mdkeas long as my newsgroup isn't broken11:00
matthewrevellmdke: Do you access it through Google Groups? Or do you have a mail to nntp gateway?11:01
mdkei use gmane11:03
matthewrevellAh right11:03
matthewrevellThat would explain why you don't wanna be CC'd :)11:03
mdkeyeah, although when I used email I didn't want to be either :)11:04
ompaulmdke, I don't think you were here yesterday when cody and his mate came back in and said sorry11:10
ompaulwe were all so shocked we put away our mailers :)11:10
ompaulhe did some screenshots and stuck them on flicker and linked from the SU page11:11
matthewrevellompaul: Ooh, what time was that?11:12
matthewrevellompaul: Wanna scroll back through logs :)11:12
ompaulmatthewrevell, last night - if you really want a time I will get it11:13
ompaulcirca 21:30 uk local11:14
matthewrevellompaul: Cheers.11:14
matthewrevellOkay, so Cody seems apologetic.11:28
matthewrevellI'd like to see him sign the CoC, at least, before he takes part in the team.11:28
Kamping_Kaiserit was ~ 11 hours ago11:29
matthewrevellKamping_Kaiser: Yeah, I'm just reading back through the log :)11:29
ompaulmatthewrevell, well I think we get him to do a little and then say here is the CoC11:31
ompaulhave a look, it is what we aspire to11:32
ompaulmatthewrevell, I think that works better11:32
matthewrevellompaul: Maybe I'm missing something here. I mean, the bloke's gonna prove himself one way or the other through his actions, so most of this is moot, but I don't see why he shouldn't sign the CoC before anything else.11:33
Kamping_Kaisermatthewrevell, hm. making people sign it doesnt really jell with me :|. if they sign it for the sake of it then its not any advantage to anyone11:34
=== Kamping_Kaiser gets over it
Madpilotinteresting - stromham even showed up here and tried to apologize - check the "current" log11:35
ompaulmatthewrevell, I have to say I am with Kamping_Kaiser11:35
ompaulMadpilot, I saw that but he was gone before I got to reply11:35
mdkeCoC signing should be a prerequisite of team membership, I'd say11:35
mdkewhatever team membership is11:36
Madpilotompaul, he reappeared as "Selt", it looks like11:36
=== Kamping_Kaiser winces... i havent signed 1.0.1, so i'm not technically ubuntero atm i think... i had trouble signing it... nm.
ompaulmdke, I concur, but that being said I would not turn anyone away that was reading or contributing :-)11:37
Madpilotcomplaining that he'd had "his channel" taken away from him11:37
ompaulMadpilot, had not seen that11:37
Madpilotompaul, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-marketing-current.html @ 0530 mark11:37
matthewrevellOver the years, I've dealt with loads of guys who mistake the anonymity of IRC and other online communications with an opportunity for impunity.11:40
mdkeompaul: the code governings all interactions on Ubuntu channels and lists11:40
matthewrevellThe torrent of abuse against Jenda was pretty harsh, all becaus they thought he'd taken "their" project.11:40
matthewrevellAsking them to read the CoC and agree to it means that they have the opportunity to understand how we expect people to interract and means we have some stick-potential, i.e. "You read it, you've broken it, you should have known better"11:41
Madpilot"stick potential" - nice way to put it ;)11:42
matthewrevellKamping_Kaiser: It's not a case of getting over it. I'm not particularly bothered by guys like this, they're all over the net. But the CoC is pretty important to Ubuntu, IMO, and these guys have demonstrated they're not in tune with it.11:42
ompaulmdke, yes that is what it is there for, I will reply with a little more verbosity in a moment11:42
matthewrevellAnyway, if the team isn't bothered, then I'll leave it :) Don't want to discourage people from taking part but we do have community, errr, rules and they'r eimportant to enabling us to get on with our work here.11:45
matthewrevellRight, I'll leave it there :) I'll spend my time doing something more constructive :)11:45
ompaulThe CoC is there to include people in the community, it does govern the interactions between people. Showing it to someone should not be done with a demand to sign. It should be shown to them as this is how we interact and how we define our relationships with each other. We ask them to respect that. That is all.11:48
ompaulIf they see fit to get more involved they have some concept of where we are at.11:48
matthewrevellNot a demand to sign, but a request that if they want to take part in our team, they should demonstrate they understand the way we work by reading it and agreeing to it, because they're demonstrated they really don't understand that, so far.11:49
matthewrevellAnyway, sorry, I said I'd leave it :)11:49
Madpilotlater all - need sleep11:51
mindspinbtw had anyone success in signing COC v.1.01 ? I never had luck when traying to sign it11:54
ompaulmindspin,  I revoked my old gpg keys so it I kind of had to :-)11:55
matthewrevellmindspin: Yeah, no probs11:55
mindspinit was always complaining that the file is not the correct version, any help ompaul?11:55
ompaulmindspin, lets take it to pm11:55
mdkemindspin: known bug, but should be fixed now11:57
mdke(in launchpad)11:58
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matthewrevellhello guys12:21
bimberihi matthewrevell :)12:22
PlHLHi matthewrevell12:22
PlHLWouw, there has come a lot of members in here since my last visit :)12:22
matthewrevellYeah, things are building up :)12:23
PlHLSure is. The post list has also been busy I can see: 100+ mails :)12:24
matthewrevellYeah, it's good to see12:26
PlHLAny statistics on how Ubuntu is doing after the dapper release? On how many new users / downloads?12:28
matthewrevellI don't have any, but it's certainly the sort of info I'd like to get.12:29
PlHLHnm, we should consider making a statistics group within the marketing team some day. Doing statistics on all sorts of things e.g. user contet12:39
PlHLproblema areas, wishes and so forth12:39
ompaulPlHL, the install base is not really possible - you are talking about corrilating all the downloads from how many different mirrors, let us not forget the torrents - and then there is the did they upgrade or install for one disk - so it is my opinion that figures for Linux are way lower shipit alone is responsible for how many disks and how many of them were copied, and as for well everyone uses login and it was patched how many downloads12:45
ompaulof that took place my update with feed 5 6machines12:45
ompaultypos wow, ehh, my update will feed 5 or 6 machines12:46
PlHLYeah you're right ompaul; it would be highly inaccurate figures. It would stille be fun to know how many new Ubuntu users there are after the Dapper release12:48
ompaulPlHL, [semi humourous rant]  there are 11781 wiki pages right now :-) there is approx 21 gigs to make a full archive :-) There are currently 495758 people and 482 teams registered in Launchpad. :-) and you want to know how many people are using dapper that were not using Ubuntu before .... well, ehh one that I know of12:50
ompaulactually several people are now using it that were not using it before :-) I gave dvds to all the staff in a small company I do some work for now and again12:51
PlHLHeh, I want to know how total number of Ubuntu users developed since the launch, and especially how the development in new users has been after Dapper. Dapper has received a huge response as no distro before it. It got to have some impact12:52
PlHLYeah ompaul, With Dapper I've also managed for the first time to convince some people to try out Linux ;)12:53
PlHLIt's my enthusiasm which convinces them: "well, if it's SO good I'll try it" :P12:53
ompaulit is interesting to note the change in #ubuntu over the last couple of years12:55
PlHLOnly been there for a year. But remember it was hard to get answers from people then; well, perhaps it's because my questions then was dumber than today ;P12:57
Kamping_KaiserPlHL, back then i was 'helping' ;)12:57
PlHLHeh, not me Kamping_Kaiser :P12:57
PlHLI had too many problems with hoary then, so eventually I gave up on it and only rarely used it. Now I run Dapper on 3 out of 4 partitions :)12:59
=== Kamping_Kaiser has been using ubuntu since warty, exclusively since hoary
ompaul2 years ago the community looking for help were more technical,01:00
PlHLyeah ompaul, probably why it was more difficult to get newb help even a year ago01:01
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PlHLNow even I can help some newbs with problems (I'm still a newb though)01:02
ompaulmostly ex other distro users, now it is mostly new from windows, one of the pointers to this is the fall off in the amount of requests of the bot for !rootsudo01:02
bimberiompaul: there are a few other measures too - in dapper when you first open gnome-terminal on a fresh install it tells you about sudo01:03
bimberiompaul: i miss bob2 :(01:06
ompaulbimberi, this is true, however even with that knowledge to hand there was many a stand up row about "I am not using sudo I am using root" in #ubuntu and we kind of have gotten to the point of if you are going to advise users please do it "this way", your way is not necessarly wrong but it involves others in this channel not knowing the base configuration and that is hardly fair on the person being helped or us.01:06
ompaulbimberi, he was rather useful, I hope where ever he is, he is enjoying himself.01:07
bimberiompaul: aye to both of those :)01:07
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PlHLOg darn; xgl didn't install succesful... i'll just keep on trying ;P01:14
ompaulPlHL, vist #ubuntu-xgl with that, they focus on it [pun may be intentional ;-))] 01:16
PlHLYea, I know of that chan. Kept it in mind if it would be neccessary to use some day. I'll initially just read on about it though01:19
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Phlostenevening all03:57
Phlosteni guess #goubuntu got the chop?03:58
Phlostenwas just reading the mailing list03:59
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newz2000hey pascal, you're up early05:53
newz2000klepas, or is that late?05:53
klepasstayed up till 4 AM yesterday =\05:53
klepasearly, it's 1:5305:53
newz2000Are you out on winter break?05:54
klepasi need to go back at noon today to pick up my final scores but other than that i essentially have ~2.5 weeks off05:55
klepasyourself? :)05:55
newz2000I just started a new job :-)05:55
klepashey cool - where at? (:05:56
newz2000Ubuntu.com webmaster05:56
klepasvery, very cool :)05:56
newz2000I thought so05:56
klepasmake sure you fix the main page ;)05:56
klepasmatthewrevell: hey there05:56
newz2000Yeah, its on the todo list.05:56
klepasdid you see the comments that msikma made on it?05:57
newz2000when was that?05:57
matthewrevellklepas: hey05:57
klepasmatthewrevell: not sure if you remember me, with the amount of mail you folks get through show@lugradio.org, but i was the one that tried to tell you dudes where the artists can be found when you guys asked where the heck we all were...05:58
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klepasyou folks never actually got around to saying where there were... just dissed my name :P05:58
klepasnewz2000: one moment05:59
matthewrevellklepas: I remember getting the email. Sorry, we do tend to get sidetracked when we get a serious email.06:00
matthewrevellDid we make some rubbish joke about Pascal programming?06:01
matthewrevellklepas: So, you're an artists?06:04
matthewrevellklepas: Just re-read your email. We definitely need designers/artists in the marketing team.06:06
Kamping_Kaisermatthewrevell, hes hardcore06:06
klepasi would be happy to help... [the artwork team is kinda disorganised ^^] 06:07
klepasas for the joke, yea... i think it was something about the french and pascal, the language06:07
matthewrevellAch, we're predictable.06:08
klepasnewz2000: damnit...06:08
klepasi can't find the stuff, and michael is not responding...06:08
matthewrevellI'd say the most momentum is behind SpreadUbuntu at the moment.06:08
=== newz2000 puts his hands up "I didn't do it"
newz2000klepas: don't worry, I'll check it out06:08
klepashe wrote something on the art team ml a while back06:08
klepasshould be locate-able through a message header search06:08
matthewrevellI believe  newz2000 is gonna have a think about the webastery side of things :)06:09
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newz2000yeah, I saw it come through, but I don't remember what it said06:09
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matthewrevellklepas: I've gotta push off now, but if you haven't seen it, have a look at our ML - http://lists.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-marketing06:10
klepasoh, good. he just outlined what was wrong and offered a few suggestions and some mockups on how it could be fixed - did a good job :-)06:10
klepasmatthewrevell: no worries - i'm signed up to it... :)06:11
matthewrevellcool :)06:11
klepasjust got to get around to reading it more often :)06:11
klepasso much to do...06:11
matthewrevellklepas: Yeah, juggling is an artform :)06:11
matthewrevellRight, gotta get home. Speak to you all later06:11
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