
crimsunerm, I keep forgetting it may not seem logical if you don't have a software engineering background, sorry12:07
LaserJockbut I managed to get a spec approved, I'm happy about that12:09
LaserJocktakes a bit more than I thought12:10
crimsunhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureSpecifications is fair12:11
crimsunhave a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process if you're not familiar with it12:12
hubuh ohj12:22
hubhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ <- the tab for Edgy point to Dapper12:22
fowlduckdum dum DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!! (cue scary music)12:22
hubtime to go12:23
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crimsunhub: it's the diabolical scheme that Edgy Doesn't Yet Exist.12:26
fowlduckoh the humanity12:26
Toadstoolyiha France's just won the semi-final!!!12:37
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raphinkToadstool: _just_ won? tu as un lag sur ta tl ? ;)12:50
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Toadstoolraphink: non non mais j'ai tran un peu dans le bar o j'tais, c'tait un peu le bordel pour sortir :)12:51
raphinkah oki12:51
raphinkbon allez au lit12:51
Toadstoolbonne nuit12:51
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ryanakcagrrr... is there a way to set REVU up not to display e-mails? ex: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=243901:26
ryanakcamy email is now in google, and now I just had a kaboom in spam. (~1 per month to 25 in 3 days...)01:26
mukundryanakca: i get > 100 every day01:27
mukundbecause i have my firstname@gmail.com01:27
mukundand everybody with that first name thinks he owns the account01:27
mukundand hands out the address to others, subscribes it to all sorts of junk, etc.01:27
mukundi don't use it for mail anymore01:27
tsengSpam Happens (TM)01:27
tsengget a filter01:27
bluefoxicyI thought I re-uploaded pax-utils a day or two ago01:27
ryanakcatseng: eh hunh01:28
bluefoxicyit hasn't hit revu, is this automated or is somebody doing this every week or what01:28
mukundtseng: gmail comes with a filter.. but the spam is random in this case.. even legit mails for those firstname guys are spam for me01:28
crimsunbluefoxicy: did you reupload the entire source package?01:29
bluefoxicycrimsun: whatever "dput pax-utils_0.1.13-0ubuntu1_source.changes" does01:29
tsengdepends on how you built it01:29
crimsunbluefoxicy: did you build it with -sa?01:29
bluefoxicyI built it with -S -rfakeroot01:29
crimsunthat's why01:30
bluefoxicyok, I'll try again.01:30
crimsun-S -sa -rfakeroot [...] 01:30
bluefoxicyI typed my password into the gpg agent01:30
=== bluefoxicy typed his gpg passphrase into gksu earlier trying to run synaptic
bluefoxicyAlready uploaded to revu.tauware.de01:31
bluefoxicyDoing nothing for pax-utils_0.1.13-0ubuntu1_source.changes01:31
crimsunremove the .upload01:32
crimsunor use -f01:33
bluefoxicyUploading via ftp pax-utils_0.1.13-0ubuntu1.dsc: Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of pax-utils_0.1.13-0ubuntu1.dsc01:33
crimsunsorry, not a REVU admin01:34
bluefoxicyyeah.  I'll wait.01:34
ajmitchtry again01:34
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bluefoxicyI need to figure out that orig.tar.gz thing, I'm sure it doesn't want a thousand copies of that uploaded.  At least it says it doesn't.01:35
ajmitchyes it does01:36
bluefoxicyok I'll just wait for that to go through then.01:40
ajmitchplease join https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members01:43
bluefoxicy... okay o.o01:46
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mankeythe new amarok packages, from http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141, are similar to the ones in http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-latest/, or are they more stable?02:35
mankeyi mean, is the former repo more official than the latter?02:35
crimsun"more official"? No.02:35
mankeycrimsun: then why did i get a rss from kubuntu.org earlier today?02:36
mankeycrimsun: as though it's something new02:36
mankeycrimsun: oh, so for more stability i need to wait for a backports version?02:37
crimsunmankey: http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-latest/ should point to the latest. In this case, it's http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141/02:38
crimsunmankey: so "no, one is not more official than the other" since they're identical.02:39
Laser_awaycrimsun: you use KDE?02:39
crimsunLaser_away: I use all the desktops in some fashion02:39
crimsunsound doesn't care what DE is being used. It's either functional and audible, or it's broken.02:40
Laser_awayheh, do you have a primary one? I thought you used KDE a lot but couldn't remember02:40
crimsunI use screen mostly, followed by GNOME/KDE/whatever02:41
LaserJockcool, similar here02:42
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Hobbseehi all03:58
LaserJockhi Hobbsee04:00
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Hobbseehey zul and LaserJock :)04:03
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.04:03
Hobbseehi TheMuso04:03
ajmitchafternoon all04:09
Hobbseehi stranger04:09
scundihi all, any word on when the next 'revu day' is?04:11
LaserJockI think people are working on it04:12
scundiorganising a day?  ahh ok04:12
scundihow does it work, is it a meet on irc, or real life...04:13
LaserJockthat and MOTUs trying to work through the review04:13
Hobbseepresumably that'll be after all the syncs and all that?04:13
Hobbseea lot of revu stuff currently is merges, iirc...04:13
LaserJockjust a day for MOTUs can focus on REVU04:13
LaserJockthere are a lot of NEW packages on REVU04:13
Hobbseescundi: not in real life04:14
LaserJockwe need to focus on stuff that will be affected by UVF since that is on the 13th04:14
scundirightio, ta04:14
scundiwhat's uvf?04:14
LaserJockUpstream Version Freeze04:14
=== scundi looks up wiki
LaserJockthat point at wich we don't take new upstream versions and the automatic merge/sync process stops04:15
LaserJockscundi: wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:15
LaserJockimbrandon: ping?04:17
imbrandonerr pong04:17
LaserJockwhatever, you're alive04:17
imbrandonheh yea , and kickin tonight wasup bro ?04:17
imbrandonoops just noticved the PM04:18
imbrandoni dont see queriers easy , one sec04:18
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bluefoxicymore font packages are screaming at me04:23
bddebianHeya gang04:25
ajmitchhello bddebian04:26
bddebianajmitch!!!  Where ya been man?04:26
LaserJockbddebian: that's bad when Keybuk says stuff like that ;-)04:27
ajmitchbddebian: the great lost continent of Four-Ecks04:27
bddebianLaserJock: Aye, no shit :-)  Hi btw04:27
bddebianajmitch: Ahh04:27
zulfour ecks?04:28
ajmitchotherwise known as australia04:29
zulheh...oh yeah...penal colony ;)04:29
=== Hobbsee murders zul, as we're a bunch of convicts who know no better.
bddebianOh and here all this time I thought it was the penile colony04:30
zulHobbsee: lol04:30
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=== Hobbsee has had enough sex jokes to last a long while!
LaserJockpoor bddebian ;-)04:34
HobbseeLaserJock: heh04:35
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bddebianMan, Hobbsee is a chanserv?  How frightening.. :-)04:44
Hobbseebddebian: in multiple places, yes.04:44
ajmitchbddebian: learn to never get on the wrong side of Hobbsee04:45
Hobbseeyou mean ther'es a right side?04:45
TheMusoOf course there is. :)04:46
LaserJockgotta be04:47
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zakamehi all05:34
Hobbseehi zakame!05:34
bddebianHeya zakame, jsgotangco05:38
zakameheya Hobbsee bddebian05:44
zakameback home now05:44
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imbrandonmoins zakame06:16
bddebianHeya imbrandon06:17
imbrandonheya db06:17
imbrandonerr bddebian06:17
imbrandondamm tab complete ;)06:17
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bddebianGnight folks06:44
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Hobbseeanyone around to upload to universe?  maybe Gloubiboulga?08:21
raphinkHobbsee: when are you going to go to TB ?08:22
crimsunwe're around, but the daemon's down.08:22
Hobbseeraphink: no idea08:22
Hobbseecrimsun: ah ok, so it's down for everyone then.08:22
crimsuni.e., no one will be able to upload08:22
=== Hobbsee glares.
Hobbseewhat on earth is with this package.08:22
Hobbseedpkg-source: error: file knmap_2.1.orig.tar.gz has size 1705099 instead of expected 1705259 <-- odd.  think this one's having trouble.08:23
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Hobbseeraphink: dont know when i'm going to TB - probably when it's at a sane time.08:30
shawarmaHobbsee: did you download that from the archive?08:30
Hobbseeshawarma: yeah, i grabbed the debian current, which fixed the package whihc had been packaged wrongly in the previous version.  it's wokring now :)08:31
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shawarmaHobbsee: If the info in the .dsc doesn't match the files, something is very wrong somewhere.08:31
shawarmaHobbsee: I see. Nevertheless, the orig.tar.gz should be the same in Ubuntu and Debian.08:32
Hobbseeshawarma: i think i was grabbing the debian.dsc against the ubuntu .orig.tar.gz, cos it was repackaged08:32
Hobbseeas it was originally bz2'd08:32
crimsunerr, don't do that.08:32
crimsunthat's usually where the discrepancy arises08:32
Hobbseecrimsun: tht's what grab-merge grabbed.08:32
crimsunit grabbed the bz2?08:33
Hobbseecrimsun: no, but the last version was a bz2 from upstream, so ubuntu repackaged it08:33
Hobbseeso the ubuntu dsc wouldnt have the same size as the now later released .tar.gz?08:33
crimsunsame orig.tar.gz filename?08:33
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Hobbseecrimsun: i believe so08:34
crimsunyeah, you'll need to grab the orig.tar.gz from Ubuntu, then08:34
Hobbseeonce the bz2 was converted, of course it was08:34
Hobbseecrimsun: if i'm requesting a sync for this anyway, wont all of the ubuntu stuff be ignored, and the debian unstable package be brought to ubuntu?08:34
crimsunHobbsee: if the same orig.tar.gz version is used, then only the diff.gz, dsc, and source.changes will be08:35
=== Hobbsee thinks that it isnt hte same .orig.tar.gz, but it's named as if it is.
Hobbseethat's what i suspect, anyway.08:36
Hobbseeoh man, do they always have TB meetings at 2000UTC?08:36
robitailleHobbsee,  yes08:38
Hobbseeoh grr.08:38
Hobbseeraphink: that's the answer then.  when i'm really really awake.08:40
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dholbachgood morning08:42
=== Hobbsee waves to dholbach
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
Hobbseedholbach: i've been merging :)08:43
dholbachi noticed! :)08:43
Hobbseedholbach: i saw i only had two merges for june!  shameful!08:50
jsgotangcoi have none at all!08:50
=== jsgotangco grins
Hobbseecrimsun: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/knmap/+bug/5205308:51
UbugtuMalone bug 52053 in knmap "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync version 2.1-1 from Debian Sid" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] 08:51
Hobbseecrimsun: thanks08:51
Hobbseejsgotangco: bad!  :P08:51
crimsunHobbsee: I'm pretty sure they can't take the orig.tar.gz08:53
Hobbseecrimsun: well, bleh, okay.08:53
crimsunHobbsee: go ahead and reject it, then do the merging manually, pretending there's a real delta.08:55
Hobbseecrimsun: argh, drat.  debian and ubuntu versions of the same file are really both different sizes.08:55
crimsunso it'll be 2.1-1ubuntu108:55
Hobbseecrimsun: oh does that end up working?08:55
crimsunwell, yeah, it won't be a sync from the archive's perspective, but it will be a sync for all practical purposes08:55
Hobbseecrimsun: what happens next version then?08:55
crimsunHobbsee: you have to continue this fake syncing until the next orig.tar.gz08:56
crimsunHobbsee: like 2.1a, 2.1.1, or 2.2, ...08:56
Hobbseecrimsun: right, yep.  so i take ubuntu's orig.tar.gz, and effectively sync it?08:56
crimsunthen you can request a proper sync from Debian08:56
crimsunwell, you'll have to actually merge the changelog entries.08:57
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imbrandonHobbsee: http://www.buntudot.org/2006/07/06/buntudotorg-radio-podcast-2/  posted ( with LaserJock Interview )09:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice okay :)09:00
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shawarmaAnyone care to take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2555 ?09:25
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shawarmaHmm... guess not. :-)09:31
crimsunshawarma: in debian/copyright, the phrase "Any code not declared GPL is free for all uses" is ambiguous09:31
shawarmacrimsun: It's taken directly from the source file.09:32
crimsunplease ask for clarification if the author{,s} are reachable09:32
shawarmaHow is it ambiguous?09:32
crimsunfor the precise reason that "free for all uses" does not explicitly state what precisely that freedom entails09:33
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spaceyyou might as well relicense it to gpl then, all code is GPL :p09:33
crimsunare those portions public domain? are they free but with some restriction like "you can't use this code to assassinate presidents"?09:34
shawarmaI'm not sure I see what you mean. Could you give an example of what you're not sure would be allowed? It makes it easier for me when phrasing the question to upstream.09:34
shawarmahmm... I don't see how you could possibly be in doubt as to whether or not it'd be allowed to assassinate presidents with it when it says "free for all uses"..09:35
crimsunfree for all uses doesn't cover for-profit09:36
crimsunit also doesn't cover redistribution of source and/or binary09:36
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crimsunthe reason is that "free for all uses" is so contextually loaded09:37
shawarmaI suppose.09:43
Toadstoolgood morning everybody09:53
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shawarmacrimsun: I just thought of something. Since the version of dcraw included in rawstudio also includes the GPL parts, the rest must effectively be GPL, right?10:43
crimsunshawarma: the rest of what?10:45
shawarmacrimsun: the rest of the source code.10:45
crimsunaccording to the copyright, it is GPLed10:45
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crimsunthe only thing that /may/ be an issue is the wording "free for all uses", which simply needs to be clarified.10:46
crimsunthat's it.10:46
shawarmaRight. I'll figure something out. thanks for your help!10:46
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screebI am trying to package e-smith for ubuntu (originaly desinged for CentOS)12:09
screebThe changelogs I have doesn't match the debian standards12:09
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dholbachhi screeb12:10
screebAnyone knows what I should do (rewrite all the changelogs?)12:10
dholbachwhat do you mean by that?12:10
dholbachdebian/changelog is maintained separately of ChangeLog, CHANGES or whatever the upstream changelog is called12:11
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screebso debian/changelogs should only deals with the changes I made?12:14
screebok :)12:14
tsengone entry per revision12:14
dholbachinstall devscripts and use    dch -i -Dedgy12:15
screebok, thanks12:16
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AnAntI have a problem with packaging, the Makefile has this line: install -m 4711 file destdir01:39
AnAntwhich sets the file with +s mode01:40
AnAntnow, after I create the deb package & install it, the file is not in that mode, why is that ?01:40
Toadstooldh_fixperms removes the sticky bits01:41
Toadstooluse -X option if you really want it01:41
ograbut consider thrice if you really need it ...01:41
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AnAntok, I the package I am adding, I see that mandrake has added some stuff to it, am I allowed to import that or not ?01:54
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AnAntin the Common mistakes02:38
AnAntit says that I should NOT change the source tarball even if the directory layout is not in package-version format02:39
AnAntI did that but when I run debuild I get this tarball: package_version-revision.tar.gz02:40
dholbachmove the originial tarball to package_version.orig.tar.gz02:42
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phanatichi people02:42
dholbachunpack it, add debian/ dir, then   debuild -S02:42
dholbachthat will give you a nice .diff.gz02:42
AnAntoh yes, I found my mistake02:43
AnAntI named it package-version.orig.tar.gz instead of _ !02:43
lionelpDoes somebody have time to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2615 ?02:53
phanaticlionelp: i'll have a look02:54
lionelpthanks phanatic02:54
phanaticcool package name btw ;)02:54
dredgha. hahaha. oh god.02:54
dredgtry not to restart *that* flamewar that hot-babe caused on debian-devel :)02:55
lionelpphanatic: it's a cool software used by my collegues, so i decided to package it :)02:55
phanaticnice :)02:56
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phanatici'd rather see real women tho ;)03:03
phanaticlionelp: just a small issue, see my comments :)03:04
lionelpOk, thanks03:06
Mithrandirlionelp: you're aware that the package has been deemed inappropriate in the past?03:06
lionelphum... no :)03:06
Mithrandirit has.03:06
lionelpOk, so we have to forget it, right ?03:07
Mithrandiryes, please.03:07
lionelpNo problem !03:07
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phanaticoops :)03:12
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bddebianHeya gang03:48
Hobbseehi bddebian03:48
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:48
bddebianHobbsee: I see you got knights working :-)03:48
Hobbseebddebian: yeah.  somehow.03:48
=== Hobbsee has forgotten how now.
Hobbseebddebian: oh yeah, now i remember....03:48
Hobbseebddebian: ajmitch had suggested taking one of the sets of double brackets out in the rules, then it worked fine.03:49
zakamehi gang03:50
phanatichey bddebian, Hobbsee, zakame :)03:50
Hobbseehi phanatic and zakame03:51
zulhi zakame03:51
bddebianHi zakame, phanatic, zul03:51
zakameheya phanatic Hobbsee zul bddebian03:52
Hobbsee@ hi zul03:52
Hobbseetoo many Z names.03:52
zulyes we are taking over03:53
=== Hobbsee considers naming herself Zarah.
=== ajmitch will stay as ajmitch{,_}
zulits a cult03:54
zullike girl guides03:54
bddebianNice, another desktop file gets added in Debian03:56
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Sp4rKyhey motus04:03
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Sp4rKytoday i start packaging of torsmo and autoscan :)04:04
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zakamehmm what's the current merging procedure now?  Do I still follow the old procedure in Dapper?04:09
ajmitchsee topic - general practice is grabbing merges where you last touched the package, afaik04:10
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zakamewell I just saw MOTU/merges and its still very much the old process, just confirming04:12
Hobbseezakame: merge-o-matic makes merging a lot easier04:19
tsengHobbsee: I still dont use MoM04:22
tsengi am old school04:22
Hobbseetseng: i never said you had to, i said it makes it easier (often, anyway) :P04:23
jsgotangcoajmitch: don't be so harsh on zakame, he's $2500 richer now04:23
tsengI used to do it completely from memory when I was the only guy doing mono04:23
jsgotangcowhich is a *LOT* of money here04:23
=== jsgotangco beams
ajmitchpoor zakame04:25
zulparty at zakame's place04:26
bddebiantseng: Me either, it's a pain :-)04:30
tsengbddebian: finally, someone agrees04:31
bddebianI think it's more steps that grabbing the Debian package and manually merging in our changes :-)04:31
Sp4rKychecking for XOpenDisplay in -lX11... no04:31
Sp4rKychecking for XdbeQueryExtension in -lXext... no04:31
Sp4rKywhat must i add to B-d ?04:31
tsenglibx11 libxext?04:32
Sp4rKylibx11-dev && libxext-dev, isn't it ??04:32
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zakameajmitch, zul: lol04:35
bddebianGo Sp4rKy, go Sp4rKy ;-)04:36
Sp4rKybddebian, thx :)04:37
Sp4rKybddebian, i'm packaging torsmo04:37
Sp4rKyi've a few strange issue ...04:37
Sp4rKybddebian, checking for XOpenDisplay in -lX11... no04:39
Sp4rKychecking for XdbeQueryExtension in -lXext... no04:39
Sp4rKywhat package must i include ?04:39
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AnAntI need help regarding patches04:40
AnAntin the Ubuntu help it says, that if I am to modify anything in the source , I should put it in debian/patches04:40
AnAntI did the steps04:41
AnAntall until putting the patches list in 00list04:41
AnAntnow, how do I instruct the debian packager to apply those patches ?04:41
bddebianSp4rKy: Didn't tseng just answer you? :-)04:42
Sp4rKyoups, i didn't see04:42
Sp4rKybut is it libx11 or libx11-dev ?04:43
tsengand you figured it out for yourself04:43
bddebianAnAnt: Depends on the packaging system.  If it's dpatch, it should get picked up automagically if its in 00list04:43
tsengwhy ask twice?04:43
Sp4rKytseng, bddebian i've already add them to B-D but doesn't work any more04:43
tsengthen you should ask us about that04:44
AnAntbddebian: I did use dpatch04:44
AnAntbddebian: but when I ran pbuilder it did not apply the patches04:44
Sp4rKytseng, sorry :(04:44
AnAntbddebian: so I shouldn't add anything in the rules file ?04:46
HobbseeAnAnt: dpatch is a build-dep, isnt it?04:46
bddebianAnAnt: If it has ../foo/bar/dpatch.mk in the rules, no.  Do you know that any of the patches are getting applied?04:46
AnAntHobbsee: yes, it is in Build-Depends04:47
AnAntbddebian: no it does not have any dpatch in the rules file04:48
hubthere is no mugshot package in edgy?04:49
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AnAntbddebian: so how should I add it ?04:52
bddebianAnAnt: If you are using CDBS, add the following line to rules:  rules/dpatch.mk04:57
bddebianWith the proper path of course04:57
AnAntwhat if I used debhelper ?04:58
azeemAnAnt: dpatch has documentation on how to use it in debian/rules AFAIK04:58
bddebianThen you have use use somethign like dpatch apply-all04:58
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bddebianHeya azeem05:06
azeemhi Barry05:06
AnAntok, I did that, I am getting this: applying patch 01_description to ./ ... failed.05:12
bddebianAnAnt: Then your patch is wrong :-)  Did you use dpatch-edit-patch to create it?05:13
AnAnterr, hang on, I think I know the mistake05:13
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bddebianHeya Toadstool05:17
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Toadstoolhi bddebian05:17
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MadMan2kI guess I should avoid installing things in /usr/local? (packaging gimp 2.3.10 right now)05:23
AnAntI am getting an error when I run "dpatch call-all -a=pkg-info >patch-stamp" : 01_description.dpatch: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument05:25
bddebianAnAnt: I don't think you need call-all but I am no dpatch expert05:26
zakameMadMan2k: using stow might help05:26
MadMan2kright now im installing it to /opt and copying making gimp-2.3 in /usr/bin/ and /usr/share/applications05:29
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Sp4rKythis is my issue during pbuild of torsmo05:33
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bddebianSp4rKy: You are missing a build-dep somewhere05:34
bddebianDo you have xlibs-dev or whatever it is now?05:35
Sp4rKyi've added xlibs-deb , libx11-dev and libxext-dev05:35
Sp4rKyi've added them :)05:36
zakametry looking for the old xlibs-split script somewhere, that also tells good x build-deps05:36
Sp4rKyxlibs-dev are needed05:37
bddebianThis looks conspicuous:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -g -O2 -Wl,-z,defs -Wall -W -c x11.c05:37
bddebian -I. -I. -I. ?05:37
bddebianOne of those should be -I/usr/include/X11 ?05:38
Sp4rKybut if i do ./configure && make &&make install , it works05:38
hubI have an app foo that builds its own libs05:39
hubcan I name the package foo-libs ?05:39
Sp4rKylibfoo are better i think05:41
zakamehmm what are the .sos?05:41
bddebianzakame: Literaly .sos or .so ?05:42
bddebianSp4rKy: Are you passing anything to make in your rules?05:42
Sp4rKybddebian, only the defaut configuration created by dh_make05:43
zakamebddebian: .so05:43
bddebianThat's doesn't help me any Sp4rKy :-)  $(MAKE) <what?>05:43
bddebianzakame: sonames05:43
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Sp4rKybddebian, only $(MAKE)05:44
bddebianSp4rKy: Ah, OK05:44
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Sp4rKybuild-stamp:  config.status05:44
Sp4rKy        dh_testdir05:44
Sp4rKy        # Add here commands to compile the package.05:44
Sp4rKy        $(MAKE)05:44
bddebianSp4rKy: How about configure?05:44
Sp4rKyconfig.status: configure05:45
Sp4rKy        dh_testdir05:45
Sp4rKy        # Add here commands to configure the package.05:45
Sp4rKy        CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -Wl,-z,defs" ./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info05:45
Sp4rKybddebian, any idea ?05:47
bddebianzakame: It allows the library to point to different (correct?) versions.  So the app can always lookf ror libfoo.so  but libfoo.so may symlink to libfoo.so.1.2 or some such05:47
bddebianSp4rKy: Are there any LDFLAGS in your rules?05:48
Sp4rKyonly LDFLAGS05:48
zakamebddebian: erm I wasn't asking about sonames, I was asking about hub's app, in particular the names of the build libs05:49
bddebianSp4rKy: ??05:50
bddebianzakame: Oh, hehe, sorry05:50
bddebianOh, what are THE .sos, not what are .sos :-)05:50
zakameno prob :)05:51
=== bddebian makes a note to learn to read
Sp4rKybddebian, no LDFLAGS in my rules, only CFLAGS05:51
bddebianSp4rKy: Hmm, ok05:54
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zakamegreat, done the first merge for apollon06:08
zakamewas able to reduce the diff to go without the ecess POs06:09
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zakamegn8/away zzz06:14
bddebiangnight zakame06:15
bddebianOK, this is invalid but is there a better way to do it other than to split it into multiple lines?06:16
bddebian        install -m 644 support/{mp3.conf,mp3_with_mysql.conf,mysql_schema} $(CURDIR)/debian/libapache-mod-mp3/usr/share/doc/libapache-mod-mp3/examples06:16
bddebianNot my code btw :-)06:16
zakameuse $(shell foreach) ?06:17
bddebianzakame: ?06:18
bddebianSorry my regexp foo sucks majorly06:18
zakamethat's in make right? I suppose you can use a foreach-do-done snippet then06:19
zakamea bit longer, but a bit more readable06:19
bddebianNo, this is debian/rules06:20
zakameyou can still use that, its a makefile06:21
Sp4rKybddebian, it works :)06:21
bddebianSp4rKy: Excellent, what was it?06:21
Sp4rKyi've just add --x-libraries=/usr/include/X11 :)06:21
zakameanyhow gn8 really :D06:22
Sp4rKybddebian, i've add --x-libraries=/usr/include/X11 to the configure target and it works correctly now :) thx for your help06:23
bddebianSp4rKy: Gah, you fixed it, nice work :-)06:24
bddebianzakame: Gnight, thx06:24
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mitsuhikodoes anybody know if edgy will ship python2.5?06:47
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ apt-cache show python2.506:48
dholbachPackage: python2.506:48
dholbachPriority: optional06:48
dholbachSection: universe/python06:48
dholbachsee you later06:49
phanaticbye dholbach06:50
bddebianLater dholbach06:53
=== bddebian hugs dholbach on the way out..
dholbachbye phanatic, bddebian06:53
bddebianw00t, another desktop file added in Debian..07:05
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Ramunaswas Opera added to ubuntu's repositories?07:14
Erlangsounds unlikely to me.07:15
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RamunasBy using the Ubuntu Add / Remove Programs feature, users can choose to install a wide variety of applications. This announcement continues the drive to ensure Ubuntu gives real choice and real flexibility as well as an easy to use interface that everyone can use.07:16
Erlangwell, that's a recent announcment.  Give it some time.07:16
Ramunasi'm just really curious :)07:16
ograit depends ... you should have dapper-updates enabled to get the last version of gnome-app-install and/or gnome-app-install-data07:17
ograthat will use the opera repo to install it automatically07:18
Ramunasso if user has updates lines in his sources.list uncommented he'll be able to install opera via apt-get?07:18
Ramunasdid i get this right?07:18
Ramunasplease explain07:19
ograif a user had updates enabled (which is the default) he will get new data for the add/remove feature that enables him to install opera with one click07:19
Ramunasthanks for explaining07:24
Ramunasand do you have any idea when will this happen?07:25
Ramunasits not yet avaible, isn't it?07:25
ograshould be in the next uptade of gnome-app-install-data07:25
ograi run edgy here, so i cant verify if it has hit dapper :)07:25
Ramunasah :)07:25
Toadstoolcould someone review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2621 please? :)07:28
Ramunasogra: thanks for your answers, bye bye07:28
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bddebianToadstool: Give me a sec07:29
mukundofftopic: does anyone here have windows and can quickly check just 1 page for me in IE please?07:29
bddebianmukund: Sure07:35
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MadMan2kI want to replace gimp from teh repositories with my own version but not split it up in gimp-data etc07:47
MadMan2khow can I avoid problems with other packages like xsane which depends on libgimp?07:47
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hubMadMan2k: you have to have the same packaging07:48
hubMadMan2k: or you'll have to change all the packages07:48
hubalternatively using the "Provides" field in the control file07:48
MadMan2kcant I do something with Replace/ Provides?07:48
hubyou will have to install it using apt anyway07:49
bddebianHeya LaserJock07:49
LaserJockhi bddebian07:49
MadMan2kcould "Provides: libgimp2.0" do it, or does it ahve some version appended?07:50
MadMan2k*have to have07:50
MadMan2kbut perhaps I'll just try to split it up - wanted to dig into this sometime anyway07:51
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bddebianToadstool: Sorry, test building now...08:27
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LaserJockany Ruby people about?08:47
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bddebianDamn REVU has a buttload of packages on it...09:18
crimsunthis x transition is /fun/09:20
crimsunas in http://futurepast.free.fr/you-are-my-pony.png  fun09:20
bddebianHi crimsun09:21
LaserJockI love crimsun's random pony pics09:24
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bddebianI just love crimsun ;-P09:25
bddebianHeya dholbach09:25
dholbachhey bddebian09:25
bddebianLaserJock: Oh, I pinged panthera last night and he claims he is going to upload Scilab 4 this weekend09:27
dholbachhey LaserJock09:28
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LaserJockbddebian: excellent, hopefully that is true09:29
bddebianWell I'll keep bugging the shit out of him :-)09:29
LaserJockI didn't pursue it09:30
LaserJockand it never got done so...09:30
LaserJockI'm currently building the MOTU Science lists-that-rock-the-world ;-)09:31
bddebianLaserJock: Cool, show me when you are done09:32
LaserJockk, check out http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/merge_list.html09:32
LaserJockand http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/all_list.html09:32
LaserJockI had to modify lucas' scripts to grab the new MoM reports09:33
LaserJockand I refreshed the lists for edgy, etc.09:34
bddebianOh, cernlib can't be done yet09:34
LaserJockso MOTU Science now has 452 source packages :-)09:36
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dredgdholbach: hello09:42
dholbachheya dredg09:42
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dholbachnice to see you again09:42
dredgi've been spending all my time doing horrendous things to breezy :)09:42
dholbachhaha - great :)09:43
dredgnearly at dapper though :)09:44
dholbachwelcome to the future :)09:44
dholbach... or something09:44
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=== dredg laughs
bddebianBah, Dapper is old news.. ;-)09:44
dredgonce dapper is done i can start looking at edgy. i reckon it'll be a month before I can do that though09:45
sladenLaserJock: what subset are those lists on your site of?09:45
dredgbddebian: yeah, yeah. it took me an age to figure out kerberos nfs breakage between breezy and dapper09:46
LaserJockthat is Electronics, Math, and Science sections of the repos + misc. packages that are science related09:46
LaserJocksladen: oh, they come from the edgy repos09:46
sladenLaserJock: those scripts look useful, could they be put somewhere to generate the same information set for other packages09:47
sladenLaserJock: the information is actually presented in a useable form09:47
LaserJocksladen: yes, they come from lucas09:48
dredgdholbach: i just made a goobuntu usplash for dapper. i'm tempted to take awful photos and leak them to slashdot09:48
LaserJocksladen: wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiDistroTools , but I had to tweak them a little for edgy09:48
dredgthey'd have to be really blurry and grainy, just to kick off the conspiracy theorists :)09:48
dholbachdredg: hahahaha - that'd be so cool!09:49
LaserJocksladen: http://tiber.tauware.de/~lucas/versions/ has more lists some of which are general to Universe09:49
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Toadstoolbddebian: the warning when building mmpython is normal, current dpkg doesn't know about the new python policy10:01
dredgdholbach: and it looks like i have to go to the next UDS :)10:06
dredghad intended to go to paris but managed to book 3 weeks in the US that overlapped.10:06
dholbachdredg: nice, i'm happy to see you there next time10:07
dredgsabdfl was in the office a couple of weeks ago and told me to go10:08
dredgliam (another guy working on goobuntu) managed to make it though10:08
dholbach rock ' n ' roll :-)10:08
=== dholbach hugs dredg
tsenggoobuntu as in google?10:08
bddebianToadstool: Ah, of course, silly me10:09
dholbachdredg: spread the rumour :)10:09
Toadstoolbddebian: np :)10:09
dredgOMG NO COMMENTZ!!110:09
dredgyeah, goobuntu as in google10:09
=== bddebian wonders when Winbuntu is coming out
=== tseng wonders how long to choke bddebian to make him pass out
dredgno, it will never be released. yes, it's based on ubuntu. it's purely for google engineers though10:11
tsengyes, I am aware10:11
dredgjust making sure ;)10:11
tsengI am not a frothing fanboy10:11
bddebiantseng: :'-(10:13
dredgi'll try and get some tshirts made up and bring them along10:14
sladenbddebian: WinFOSS10:18
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Toadstoolping another motu than bddebian to review mmpython :)10:25
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crimsunToadstool: debian/copyright: mmpython should be (C) 2003-2005, not just 2003.  debian/mminfo.1: You'll want to capitalise "June".  Otherwise it looks good.10:41
Toadstoolcrimsun: ok thanks10:44
bddebiancrimsun: Damn man, how do you catch that crap10:45
TheMusobddebian: grep for copyright?10:45
crimsunbddebian: magicalponies.10:45
bddebianGah, why do I even ask... :)10:45
Toadstoolcrimsun: why 2003-2005 by the way?10:46
LaserJockhmm, somehow crimsun has tapped the power of the magical ponies for super MOTU strength ;-)10:46
bddebianLaserJock: crimsun is core-dev now, don't insult him like that.. ;-P10:46
crimsunToadstool: the release dates for three latest releases10:46
LaserJockbddebian: yes, but he's doing MOTU reviewing so ...10:46
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LaserJockhe must have some other pony power for core-dev10:47
Toadstoolcrimsun: ok10:47
=== bddebian would make a comment but would probably get /kicked again :)
Toadstooldo it and run faster than ever :)10:48
jribHi, for this package, I need to change the debhelper version to 5.07 but how would I know to do this?  Is it always just the version I have installed despite the fact the control file that got created had 4.0.0 in there?10:48
jribthis package=http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=251110:48
LaserJockjrib: you look at what the current version of debhelper is10:49
dredgBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= current.version.of.debhelper) in your control file10:50
bddebianjrib: Change debhelper (>= 4.0.0) to debhelper (>= 5.0.x) in debian/control10:50
LaserJockI have 5.0.7ubuntu13 installed so I would use >= 5.0.0 and 5 in debian/compat10:50
jribk, makes sense, thanks everyone10:50
imbrandoncrimsun: dosent share his pnie power ;) ----> [04:42]  <crimsun> best picture ever. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/no-pony-for-you.jpg10:55
tsengdamn right no pony for you10:55
imbrandonmoins everyone10:55
Toadstoolhey imbrandon10:55
LaserJockhi imbrandon10:55
imbrandonheya LaserJock podcast posted if you dident already notice ;)10:56
LaserJockI saw it, haven't listened to it yet. I'm afraid that I'll sound way stupid :-)10:56
Toadstoolbddebian, crimsun: feel free to advocate and upload mmpython now that I've applied what crimsun's advised me to do :)10:56
=== Toadstool hides
imbrandonhahahah nah it sound good , buut i'm a tad bias10:57
crimsunToadstool: sure, make us use Find, eh?11:01
Toadstoolhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2622 here you have11:02
bddebianDamn, beat me to it11:03
crimsunyou can upload if suits your ponies.11:04
Toadstoolbddebian: it's up to you ;)11:04
bddebianNah, screw you all now.. :-)11:08
LaserJockbddebian: now that isn't very CoCish ;-)11:08
bddebianToadstool: uploading11:11
Toadstoolthanks bddebian11:12
=== Toadstool hugs bddebian & crimsun
bddebianDid persia / Emmet ever apply for MOTUship?11:14
LaserJocknot sure11:14
crimsunhe's not listed11:14
LaserJockthere is a fairly big list at the ubuntu-dev LP page11:14
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bddebianGrr, fscking maxima11:28
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bddebianLater folks11:50
LaserJockcya bddebian11:53
TheMusoHey ajmitch.11:56
TheMusoajmitch: Still in AU?11:57
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ajmitchTheMuso: yes11:58
imbrandonheya TheMuso and ajmitch11:59
TheMusoHey imbrandon.11:59
LaserJockpoor ajmitch ;-)12:02
ajmitchI know..12:02
Toadstoolhi ajmitch12:03

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