
terjecool, I'll get it worked out, thanks.12:36
terjeI figured there might be some nifty tool I could use.12:36
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andyphi Toadstool!09:19
andypis this the right place to ask/talk about getting an alien 'server' package included, possibly...??? or is alien good enough for server?09:21
andypi'm asking about 'samba-vscan', i think I used an RPM09:22
andypany server dudes hereabouts? ;-)09:23
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andyphi fabbione!09:29
andypdo the server guys (n gals) meet up anytime?09:30
andypdo you know>09:30
andypopps, do you know?09:30
andypi had question about an alien server package09:31
fabbioneandyp: alien server package?09:31
andypgetting it included, that is09:31
andypthe 'samba-vscan' package, i used an RPM i think09:32
fabbionemeh no09:32
fabbioneit needs to be done properly09:32
grenegarthanks for sparc port fabbione09:32
fabbionegrenegar: welcome :)09:32
fabbionegrenegar: i hope it works for you09:32
grenegarvery well! running on 2 ultra 10s at the moment09:33
fabbionegrenegar: are you using them as workstation with X?09:33
grenegartry a SS20 soon when I have (lots of) time.09:33
fabbionewe don't support 32 bit.. only UltraSparc09:33
grenegarI had loaded the dapper beta with gnome and it worked well (very minor glitches)09:34
fabbioneand iirc the SS20 is 3209:34
grenegaroh ya. doh!09:34
fabbionegrenegar: great.. do you think you can collect gfx hw info for me and send me the generated xorg.conf and how it should have been done? includeing a prtconf -p -v would help too09:34
grenegarnow I have loaded dapper release 'server' install - no gui. very good so far09:34
grenegarslick - no glitches yet09:34
grenegark. i will reload reload 'desktop' install and do that09:35
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fabbionegrenegar: well don't feel forced to. if you can it would be handy09:37
grenegarit's ok - i love to experiment with this09:37
grenegari recall using generic ati driver - worked fine.09:41
fabbioneok :)09:44
grenegarxorg.conf was very basic. no treaks. 1024x768x24 @85Hz09:45
grenegari recall having to fix the apt headers file so i could be parsed, but it was fine when i did the latest 'server' install.09:48
grenegar'it' could be parsed :)09:48
grenegari also recall that when loading gnome desktop all gnome panel apps crash and prompt for restart.once restarted, it was fine09:51
grenegarhope this helps...09:51
fabbionegrenegar: ok thanks!09:57
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