
HackerXkaot: ok i have to put that?12:01
kaotHackerX: yeah just type "done" and hit enter12:01
LeaChimimagemagick will do it iirc andyjeffries - google it and have a look12:01
HackerXkaot: ohhhh ok its good now12:01
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andyjeffriesLeaChim: I'm actually after a GUI app...12:02
kaotHackerX: ok now edit /etc/modules and add ndiswrapper at the end there12:02
khaije1Phoul: i'm asking on #debian, you may wanna to see12:02
PolkadotshortsCAN SOMEONE HELP! I have got a bunch of .lit (ebook)files, and I have something that will convert it, but I have to compile it. How to I do that?12:02
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juztinhow do i switch from gdm to kdm?12:03
Stormx2I need to figure out what applications are hogging my connection. How?12:03
WarboPolkadotshorts: Usually ./configure && make && checkinstall12:03
peter84huumm no one?12:03
HackerXkaot: Alright done12:03
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kaotHackerX: oh, almost forgot.  sudo ndiswrapper -l12:04
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kaotHackerX: should say driver present, hardware present12:05
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Barkley_kaot :D12:05
Barkley_kaot that works now12:05
kaotBarkley_: got it?  everything works?12:05
cubikdicew0rd. successfully install Ubuntu 6.06 Server on this server :D12:05
cubikdiceLAMP server12:05
Barkley_kaot so i'm just natting between the two interfaces?12:05
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kaotBarkley_: yep12:05
K^HoltzJust got my CDs from shipit, bout to install now.. can someone tell me a list of packages i will have to install right away? this pc has a Nvidia TNT2 Graphics card...12:05
cubikdicehow do i get things started? like the webserver and such..or is that already running?12:05
Barkley_it routes eveyrthing --- no problems with this approach?12:05
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
PolkadotshortsThe program to convert lit files to something else, is called c-lit. Anyway, how am I supposed to know what THIS means:12:06
PolkadotshortsTo compile on linux:12:06
Polkadotshortscd lib12:06
Polkadotshortscd ../clit1212:06
Polkadotshortsclit12 (without parameters, will explain usage)12:06
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kaotBarkley_: nope, shouldn't be any12:06
ApocalypticOniI am installing Ubuntu on another computer. In the "prepare disk space" section, i selected "erase entire disk." It has ben somewhere around an hour and a half since then, and its only a 20gb hard drive. it doesnt seem like this should be taking so long. has something froze and is my computer doomed to a horrible fate?12:06
Warbocubikdice: Look in /etc/init.d12:06
PolkadotshortsThat is what I am supposed to do12:06
Barkley_kaot will you repaste that line?12:06
HackerXkaot: alright looks good12:06
Barkley_so i can save it....thanks a lot12:06
cubikdiceK^Holtz: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx ?12:06
cubikdiceWarbo: alright12:06
kaotBarkley: ok now iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s (osx box ip) -j SNAT --to-source (eth1 ip address)12:06
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WarboPolkadotshorts: Go on then :)12:06
cubikdiceshoot i gotta screen all these terms12:06
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PolkadotshortsBUT HOW!?12:06
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PolkadotshortsMy life is useless. I dont understand it12:06
juztinhow do i switch from gdm to kdm?12:07
WarboPolkadotshorts: Seriously, open a terminal and use "cd foldername" to get in to the right folder, then type those things12:07
PolkadotshortsBUT I TRY!12:07
kaotHackerX: k.12:07
PolkadotshortsI only get errors, like unknown command12:07
PolkadotshortsOr something or other12:07
WarboPolkadotshorts: What does it do when you "make"?12:07
kaotHackerX: gonna privmsg some more stuff real quick12:07
POVaddctkaot: easier: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE12:07
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gnomefreakPolkadotshorts: start by installing build-essential12:07
HackerXkaot: alright sounds good12:07
Polkadotshortsbash: make: command not found12:07
ApocalypticOni I am installing Ubuntu on another computer. In the "prepare disk space" section, i selected "erase entire disk." It has ben somewhere around an hour and a half since then, and its only a 20gb hard drive. it doesnt seem like this should be taking so long. has something froze or is this ust normal?12:07
WarboPolkadotshorts: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"12:07
bthorntonWhen connecting to a shared CUPS printer on another host, do I need to be running the same printer driver on the client as is used on the host physically connected to the printer?12:08
juztinApocalypticOni, that's a bit long for 20 gigs :P12:08
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Barkley_ok the IP chains are doing their job....thnx12:09
ApocalypticOnijuztin: i thought so, but the comp is completely froxen. is it even remotely smart to pull the plug and try again, or should i just leave it?12:09
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kaotPOVaddct: masquerade not recommended for static connections for some reason.  i dunno why.  i've always done snat.  but yeah -o eth1 works.12:09
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kaotBarkley_: np12:09
juztinApocalypticOni, i would not pull the plug.....just do a hard shutdown (hold the power button until it shuts off), and try again12:09
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juztincan someone tell me how to swtich from gdm to kdm login?12:10
nxvli have just installed ubuntu via netboot, but i think it fuk'd up my MBR, how do i start a liveCD or stuff from netboot?12:10
ApocalypticOni:juztin: thanks, i will do that12:10
juztinApocalypticOni, np12:10
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kaotHackerX: first tho check your /etc/network/interfaces , see if there's any reference to wireless stuff in there that may have been autoconfigured12:10
kranghow do I increment a variable in a script? Can i even do that, ie set $var to 3, then crank it up?12:10
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_daniel_Hi how can I type unicode commands using the keyboard ?12:11
POVaddctkaot: i always use that for both NATing ppp dialin and fixed ip adress setups. no problems so far.12:11
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POVaddctkaot: of course, my iptables rules are less restrictive as yours12:11
kaotPOVaddct: yeah i never really had a problem with MASQ either but what the heck, either way works, and iptables man suggests that way.12:11
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HackerXkaot: i cant get that command to work what am i doing wrong?12:12
kaotHackerX: what command?12:12
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kaotoh, edit or cat that file.   like cat /etc/network/interfaces12:12
Warbokrang: I am crappy at scripting, but I would do $var1=3 then loop $var2=$(($var1+1)), $var=$var212:12
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Warbo$var1=$var2 sorry12:13
Zane4111okay, so im having issues installing xgl...12:13
kaotkrang: or just $var++....altho i don't remember if that's valid for bash12:13
krangkaot: no, it isn't :-)12:13
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kaotwell shoot.  bash bites.  ;)12:13
Zane4111it needs GLProto, which i cant find at all12:13
HackerXauto lo12:13
HackerXiface lo inet loopback12:13
HackerXauto eth012:13
HackerXiface eth0 inet dhcp12:13
HackerXauto eth112:13
HackerXiface eth1 inet dhcp12:13
HackerXauto eth212:13
kaotholy crap12:14
HackerXiface eth2 inet dhcp12:14
kaotno pasting in channel12:14
HackerXauto ath012:14
WarboZane4111: Are you using the package repos?12:14
HackerXiface ath0 inet dhcp12:14
HackerXauto wlan012:14
HackerXiface wlan0 inet dhcp12:14
HackerXoh sorry12:14
krangWarbo: cheers, I'll try that12:14
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HackerXsorry sorry i didnt think about that12:14
POVaddctWarbo: bash scripting? that would be var2=$(($var1+1))  without the $ prepended to var212:14
Zane4111Warbo: well, as it turns out, theres not a GD thing in the repositories for that12:14
HackerXwont happen again12:14
kaotHackerX: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:14
WarboPOVaddct: Ah, what was I thining?12:14
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POVaddctWarbo: in bash you only put a $ before a variable name if you want to get the variable's content12:15
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HackerXkaot: oh ok12:15
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WarboPOVaddct: Yeah, I would have done that automaitcally if it was in front of me12:15
POVaddctWarbo: so $a=12 is a syntax error, but a=12 isn't12:15
fowlduck$ means replace what is after me with it's value12:15
HackerXbut does it look good or ???12:16
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POVaddctWarbo: in perl however, $a=12 is valid12:16
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kaotHackerX: no it looks like a mess12:16
WarboPOVaddct: I know a bit of bash and hardly any Python and that is it12:16
HackerXhold on12:16
_daniel_Hi am need to insert a special character which is unicode code is 040 but I dont know the keyboard combination to insert a characther, does anybody know ?12:16
fowlduckWarbo, ruby ftw12:16
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POVaddctWarbo: i only know bash and very little perl12:17
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hcjc92umm.... wtf, i just compiled something with g++ and it won't run (a cpp file i wrote)12:17
wosheeI've got a little problem with my webcam, the image is very dark and orange....12:17
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fowlduckPOVaddct, ruby ftw12:17
HackerXkaot: ok i used that site thing but how do you see it?12:17
POVaddctfowlduck: i know ruby exists :)12:17
kaotHackerX: i got it12:18
Zane4111wait, how do you use git...12:18
Zane4111is there even a git to be had?12:18
concept10POVaddct, what are you guys trying to code?12:18
Zane4111because when the error comes up it mentions git://git.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/proto/proto-GLProto12:18
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:18
concept10POVaddct, (if you dont mind)12:18
=== K^Holtz [n=K_Holtz@67-21-113-188.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowAnyone have luck removing open office?12:19
POVaddctconcept10: don't know. i just saw a few code snippets from Warbo12:19
Jenkenswhy is LVM and EVMS in some of the rcX.d directories, but not changeable by rcconf?12:19
concept10POVaddct, i was just asking (im always trying to sneak ruby into the system)12:20
Jack_Sparrow_daniel_: did you try ctrl-alt and that number12:20
Warboconcept10: krang wanted to make a variable increase, that seemed within my very limited Bash knowledge12:20
POVaddctconcept10: i scrolled back and found it12:20
kaotHackerX: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1728612:20
fowlduckconcept10, ruby ftw12:20
POVaddctconcept10: krang was asking how to increment a var in a (shell) script12:20
_daniel_Jack_Sparrow, yes it does not work12:20
_daniel_that is in windows12:20
Jack_Sparrowworth a try12:20
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POVaddctkrang: in bash, simple as that:   var=$[var+1] 12:21
cubikdicehow do i get out of screen? i have irssi running in it andi  screen -x back into it when ever i want...how do i get out leaving irssi still running?12:21
HackerXkaot: you want me to replace it with that and save it?12:21
krangPOVaddct, Warbo: yeah, got it. I used var=$(($var+1)) though12:21
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Zane4111theres no one active in #ubuntu-xgl, and i need help12:21
kaotHackerX: yep.  change "(your wireless network name)" to just be your wirless network name, whatever that is.12:21
krangPOVaddct: what difference does the []  make?12:21
Stxcubikdice: ctrl-a, ctrl-d.12:21
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POVaddctcubikdice: do you want to detach screen? or really terminate it?12:22
kaotahhh it evals that expression12:22
concept10krang, what does it increase to?12:22
fowlduckkrang, means evaluate me12:22
kaotit's coming back to me now12:22
roostishawhow would i go about installing fluxbox, and getting it to appear in that login menu for gdm?12:22
POVaddctkrang: in bash, $[]  is a shortcut for $(())12:22
=== kaot used to know this stuff, mind like soft cheese now
krangconcept10: 3 --> 412:22
krangPOVaddct: so []  and (()) are *precisely* equivalent?12:22
K^HoltzOK, i had this same problem with the previous ubuntu version... i put in the cd, click start or install ubuntu, and i get an error... it says something about PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6... crc error ... Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)12:22
kaotroostishaw: sudo apt-get install fluxbox, i imagine12:22
Warboroostishaw: "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"12:22
roostishawkaot, ok, just making sure  :D12:23
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POVaddctkrang: i think so. but better check the man page.12:23
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HackerXkaot: ok where the ssid is do i leave the ( ) around the ssid or just put the ssid12:23
krangPOVaddct: cheers12:23
kaotjust the ssid, no parens12:23
Jack_Sparrow_daniel_: This may help  http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#x1112:23
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Micksaso um, while messing around trying to get compiz working... :)12:24
MicksaI appear to have killed the "dbus session service".12:24
aunesthat thing is almost optional anyway12:24
POVaddctcubikdice: ctrl-a d to detach, screen -r to reattach, ctrl-a k to kill. if that was the question.12:24
MicksaI guess I can trash my gnome setup to get it back (a new user runs it) but that's a lotta work12:24
Micksawhat do I look for?12:24
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HackerXkaot: Alright its saved12:24
POVaddctcubikdice: to gently exit screen, just exit all applications running inside it12:25
kaotHackerX: ok.  now reboot, and cross your fingers.12:25
=== wayne_ [n=wayne@ppp223-231.lns3.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cyphase has a small suggestion for X
HackerXkaot: ok ill be back to let ya know. Thanks12:25
cyphaseif the current driver doesn't work, and X is going to crash, fall back to the vesa driver12:25
=== kaot --> food
Zane4111Im getting extremly frustrated and I need answers12:26
fowlduckZambezi, whats the problem?12:26
fowlduckZane4111,  whats the problem?12:26
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Zane4111trying to instal xgl, needs the proto-GLProto  package, points me at something called git, i dont have git, nor have i ever heard of git12:27
Warbocyphase: The auto-detection that Dapper does is quite good (but it makes a new xorg.conf, so I have to redo all of my resolutions :( )12:27
fowlduckZane4111, heh, no idea, google?12:27
nyxiehello. how can i run a *.glade file?12:27
Constydoes the server edition of ubuntu come with the gui?12:27
Constygnome I should say.12:27
Zane4111if anyone here has the slightest idea what Git is, let me know...12:27
KyralGit is kinda like SVN I THINK12:28
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WarboZane4111: You? Sorry that was mean :)12:28
Kyralits the same idea12:28
Kyralkernel.org uses it12:28
cyphaseWarbo, i mean, if you change the driver from nv to nvidia, and it doesn't work, it should fall back to vesa instead of crash12:28
Jenkensis there anything that can tell me what the default start/stop levels of a service I removed via update-rc.d were? rather than dropping them in at their defaults or whatever12:28
Jenkensdefault being "20"12:28
concept10Zane4111, I saw those earlier today12:28
cyphaseor even, fall back to nv12:28
ubotuI know nothing about glade12:28
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POVaddctg'night people12:28
fowlduckglade is an interface-builder12:28
fowlduckfor gtk12:28
concept10thats not it12:28
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Zane4111there doesnt appear to be any sign of it for download12:28
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Zane4111other then for cygwin12:29
Zane4111which is usless12:29
K^HoltzOK, i had this same problem with the previous ubuntu version... i put in the cd, click start or install ubuntu, and i get an error... it says something about PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6... crc error ... Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0). Can anyone help me out with this please? I'd really like to get on ubuntu12:29
fowlduckZane4111, google it for yourself12:29
levandannai'm having issues with xgl12:29
Zane4111so how are you all installing xgl if i cant, and all i did was install the GD os off the cd12:29
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fowlduckZane4111, learn to research12:29
eXistenZHow can search for patterns inside files?12:29
levandannaeXistenZ, grep12:29
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:29
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Zane4111okay, i get it, go to the other channel, where NO ONE IS ACTIVE12:29
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eXistenZKyral, just grep pattern ?12:29
levandannagrep pattern file12:30
KyralCombined with sed, the jackhammer of Shell Scripters everywhere12:30
fowlduckZane4111, no, we mean learn to do things for yourself12:30
levandannayou can pipe output sa well, eXistenZ12:30
Kyralor put it into a pipeline12:30
Zane4111you know, i thought ubuntu was supposed to have this great user base to help you...12:30
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nyxiefowlduck: thnx. im searching now -.-12:30
=== nvez_ [n=nvez@toronto-HSE-ppp4209966.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
KyralZane4111: There is a difference between doing it for you and helping12:30
Zane4111i dont need your elitest RTFM attitude, i need help12:30
KyralZane4111: Doing it for you != Helping you12:30
hcjc92what do i do with a .bin file?12:30
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fowlducknyxie, good, I and others are more apt to help if you're trying things on your own as well12:30
ubotuI know nothing about bin12:30
ubotuI know nothing about .bin12:30
Zane4111okay, thats all very nice, but all your doing is pointing to the internet and going "Look here"12:30
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-2272.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
picketah shoot12:31
WarboZane4111: The idea is FOLLOW the guide and use the repos it gives12:31
Kyralhaha I love the description on git on pacman12:31
fowlducknyxie, we don't want to do it for you, i don't manage your computer12:31
Kyral"Stupid Version Tracker"12:31
auneshcjc: make it executable chmod +x file.bin  and then run it like an .exe12:31
ConstyAnyone know if the server version of ubuntu has gnome or if its console based?12:31
nvezHey, small question;  What's the "codename" of the current 6.06 version (Hoary, Breezy, or what?) :p12:31
Kyral!info git12:31
ubotugit: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-8 (dapper), package size 251 kB, installed size 964 kB12:31
Kyralthere you go12:31
Kyrallearn how to use Apt :P12:31
Flannelnvez: Dapper Drake12:31
hcjc92when i double click the jre bin it opens terminal and nothing else happens12:31
Zane4111I have all the repositories on, it aint there12:31
fowlduckget the universe repository and install it with ease12:31
concept10Zane4111, will you were talking crazy I was looking in my history12:31
aunesConsty: its console based, but you can install gnome easily12:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:31
=== Micksa twitches
Jenkensis there anything that can tell me what the default start/stop levels of a service I removed via update-rc.d were? rather than dropping them in at 'default (20)'12:32
KyralZane4111: ubotu says its there, so its there12:32
nvezty Flannel, and edgy is which one tho?12:32
hedonisticI have a Dell E1505 laptop with a BCM4311 wireless card - I downloaded a version of ndiswrapper that was not available through synaptic and my led light is now on an wlan0 is active, but I cannot connect to my network...I have tried various recommendations from forums and have talked to a number of experienced linux users via qunu/irc and am still unable to connect - if you think you can help, I would appreciate the attempt.12:32
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule12:32
fowlduckZane4111, it's there, you may have the lines, but you probably don't have "universe" on those lines12:32
Jack_SparrowZane4111:  in synaptis/repositories, did you click on add?12:32
ubotubreezy was the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger"12:32
Zane4111yes i clicked all of them, all are there12:32
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"12:32
Zane4111all multiverse12:32
nvezkay, thanks.12:32
Zane4111all universe, everything12:32
Zane4111and it doesnt find ANYTHING i need12:32
krangShut up uboto. nobody likes you12:32
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krangso damn smug all the time12:33
Zane4111its like with dapper you took out all the usefull stuff and left in nothing12:33
KyralZane4111: Then quit bitching...jeez...12:33
Jack_Sparrowzane, listen carefully, did you click on ADD, not just put a check box next to the ones you saw..12:33
Kyralor use another distro12:33
krangDoes anyone here know what group you have to be a memer of to mount USB keys?12:33
KyralMight I suggest ArchLinux? But with your attitude you'd consider them elitest too12:33
fowlduckZane4111, just because you are either illiterate, incompetent, or both it doesn't make dapper bad12:33
WarboZane4111: If you want the freedesktop.org XGL then why don;t you use Gentoo? Dapper prefers to package it into repositories12:33
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concept10fowlduck, chill out a bit12:34
KyralAnd you have no idea what "Bad Support" means until you have met a BOFH12:34
fowlduckconcept10, he's slamming hard work because he can't take the time to read a howto12:34
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowconcept10: Zane is a little out of line for someone asking us to help12:34
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fowlduckconcept10, dapper and it's docs are hard work12:34
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concept10I know, i know..12:34
krangAnyone in the mood to answer questions instead of arguing?12:34
SeanTater_krang: Re-chmod the contents of the usb key12:35
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fowlduckJack_Sparrow, indeed12:35
concept10many people come in here and demand help daily12:35
david189help! i am having a really difficult time using floppy disks in ubuntu!12:35
SeanTater_krang: chowning may help too12:35
krangSeanTater_: Surely that won't help, it won't even mount the thing12:35
Micksaconcept10: on what presumption?12:35
Jack_Sparrowconcept10: Zane is a little out of line for someone asking us to help.  I dont thik he was hitting the ADD button, just putting checkmarks next to the ones he saw.12:35
SeanTater_krang: you have to be root to mount file systems, (including usb keys)12:35
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KyralSeanTater_: Not nessecarily12:36
comfreyhey all...12:36
Jack_Sparrowconcept10: He hasnt been back since I asked him that question12:36
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comfreyi am having an issue with package authentication12:36
krangKyral: How might I make that happen then?12:36
KyralIf the fstab line says "users" in the option then anyone can mount it12:36
concept10Linux does that to some people... sometimes I need ..err want an instant answer and I load IRC only to come away even more upset and fustrated12:36
Jack_Sparrowconcept10: He may be feeling a little stupid at this moment12:36
=== AlinuxOS [n=alinux@d81-211-244-28.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
gostviewis there a bot for ekiga to test it?12:36
comfreyi am pulling only from main and getting unverified packages12:36
KyralPeople think us Linux users are storehouses of info12:36
KyralNot true12:36
Zane4111no, as this is ridiculous and impossible12:36
concept10I found out the way to get stuff done.  Search and dont use IRC as a crutch12:36
Kyralwe just are really good at reading documentation :D12:37
comfreyi did install from debootstrap12:37
SeanTater_Kyral: ubotu is! Just not always /helpful/ info12:37
Kyralmanpages are your FRIEND :D12:37
aunesI'm not a storehouse.. I just know how tobe satisfied with limited functionality. :-)12:37
HackerXkaot: alright it didnt show up in my connection list im not sure if it worked or not12:37
krangKyral: Yeah, I have helped people with things I know nothing about just because I have better google skills12:37
fowlduckZane4111, maybe you should step away for a bit then come back fresh12:37
Micksait's good when manpages have the answers in there somewhere12:37
Micksabut they don't always12:37
Micksaanyone know about dbus? :)12:38
Zane4111why is something that is supposed to be a feature of the distro so impossible to install?12:38
Zane4111shouldnt it come down with xgl?12:38
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KyralNot much, aside that it will replace DCOP12:38
Zane4111or have it precompiled12:38
HackerXkaot: are you in here?12:38
Jack_SparrowZane4111: when you click on repositories and then on the add button how many check boxes come up, how many are checked..12:38
KyralZane4111: XGL is an Alpha toy12:38
=== foxfire [n=foxfire@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
WarboThe mencoder man page is horribly long :( (it is the same as mlayer)12:38
aunesxgl isn't a feature. its an addon, methinks.12:38
=== etavi [n=tavi@tavi.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de] has joined #ubuntu
aunesby default, if I plug my iPod into ubuntu, is it going to auto-recognize it? do I have to specially find drivers/programs and such to fiddle with it?12:38
Zane4111says on my box "Featuring such eye candy toys as XGL"12:38
K^HoltzOK, i had this same problem with the previous ubuntu version... i put in the cd, click start or install ubuntu, and i get an error... it says something about PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6... crc error ... Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0). Can anyone help me out with this please? I'd really like to get on ubuntu12:38
KyralZane4111: Its half broken, shiny, buzzword to make business execs go "Oooooo"12:38
concept10I promise finding info is a pain in the ass sometimes, but I promise I got more done (programming) one week when I lost my internet connection that with me hanging on irc asking questions to problems12:38
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aunesI would test it out, but its in the mail on its way to me.12:38
fowlduckZane4111, did you follow the howto?12:39
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MicksaZane4111: do you want your money back? ;)12:39
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LapoHi all :-D12:39
=== Zaire [n=foxfire@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Warboaunes: Well my mates iPod worked fine for me12:39
Zane4111im following, i got to the part with the glproto proto gl proto whatevers12:39
HackerXdoes anyone know if kaot left?12:39
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aunesWarbo: Just plug and play and everything is gravy?12:39
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concept10Zane4111, what are you reading?12:39
omglazersAnyone here mind answering a question about drive formats for linux?12:39
KyralZane4111: Think about it, do you NEED XGL or do you WANT it12:39
Kyralomglazers: I can try12:39
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Warboaunes: Yes, it goes in /media/iPod I think12:39
aunesomglazers: don't ask to ask. just ask.12:39
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:40
=== Kyral is very anti XGL
gostviewfound the bot: it's 500@ekiga.net12:40
=== concept10 loves XGL
=== blakef [n=blakef@dsl-165-8-242.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["arggg...."]
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KyralRemember the old programming adage. "Make it work, then make it work quickly"12:40
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Jenkensok... i'll ask once more for good measure incase it got blown by and then i'll come back later perhaps if nobody answers :)12:40
Zane4111to be perfectly honest im only installing it in the blind hope that it would maybe recognize my monitors resolutions better then the ati drivers in xorg12:40
Jenkenshi! is there anything that can tell me what the default start/stop levels of a service I removed via update-rc.d were? rather than dropping them in at 'default (20)'12:40
=== Zaire doesn't know what XGL is lol
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aunesre:xgl -- I like the wobbly windows, but the rest of it isn't my cup of tea.12:40
KyralZane4111: It won't12:40
=== sys8976 [n=not@adsl-68-89-81-249.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
concept10Zane4111, what type of card do you have12:41
WarboZane4111: XGL uses the same drivers as Xorg12:41
Zane4111any particular way to actually...fix that12:41
KyralYour fault for using Ati ;P12:41
=== Resnikus [n=resnik@BSN-95-199-141.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
omglazersKyral, aunes: I've got OSX on my powerbook and I want to put linux on.. ubuntu probably, and I'm trying to figure out how to divide up my partitions. I want to have one with my mp3s on it possibly so both itunes and nux can read them and play them so i'm not stuck using OSX for itunes... what kind of format can I put the 3rd non-system partition as so I can do that?12:41
fowlduckZane4111, are you following a howto?  there are many out there that will hold your hand like crazy12:41
WarboZane4111: What model is your card12:41
Zane4111you know, give it a proper refresh rate?12:41
Zane4111radeon 955012:41
ciaronthe only thing in XGL thats actually productive is the expose clone, the rest is just eye candy12:41
HackerXOk here the deal i used ndiswrapper to install my wireless card kaot helped me but its not in my connection list so how do i find it does anyone know?12:41
WarboZane4111: Ok, don't mind me12:41
ciaronits good as a tech showcase, nothing more12:41
concept10Zane4111, what was your default driver with clean install?12:41
Kyralomglazers: I THINK FAT3212:41
aunesomglazers: I have an NTFS partition (I'm a windows convert) with all of my mp3s on it and it works fine.12:42
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:42
Zane4111its a down clocked 9600 with less pipelines12:42
=== bolrod [n=bolrod@84-104-179-208.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
KyralI don't know much about what OSX can read12:42
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:42
aunesomglazers: I'm not familiar with the filesystems that macs can work with.12:42
Zane4111default driver was ati, but didnt have 3d support12:42
concept10Zane4111, I said default driver12:42
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omglazersKyral: Fat32 I figured but thats rather poor12:42
Zane4111the new driver is fireglx or something12:42
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-124-178-8-74.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
aunesomglazers: give me a sec and I'll look into it.12:42
KyralNVidia FTW12:42
concept10Zane4111, dont install fglrx, unless you need it.12:42
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=== penny [n=penny@d207-6-123-224.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
sys8976can anyone look at this pastebin and tell me why I get the errors at the end of most installs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1728712:43
concept10Zane4111, I have it working on stock ati drivers12:43
hedonistic I have a Dell E1505 laptop with a BCM4311 wireless card - I downloaded a version of ndiswrapper that was not available through synaptic and my wi-fi led light is now on and wlan0 is active, but I cannot connect to my network...I have tried various recommendations from forums and have talked to a number of experienced linux users via qunu/irc and am still unable to connect - if you think you can help, I would appreciate the attempt.12:43
K^HoltzAnyone good with install issues?12:43
Zane4111no tweaking?12:43
Zane4111im not talking gl, im talking 3d acceleration12:43
=== xlinuxted [n=me@c-24-7-30-47.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboati driver works fine for me, radeon driver gives good 3D on my 9200 whilst fglrx gives errors for anything using 3D or framebuffer12:43
HackerXHedonistic, i also have a dell but it has bcm4318 im trying to get it working with ndiswrapper also12:44
Zane4111so i should go back and change it to radeon?12:44
Zane4111or ati..12:44
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WarboZane4111: ATI and Radeon will give 2D on your card I think12:44
KyralYou should get an NVidia card :P12:44
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HackerXheh my helper left :-(12:44
Zane4111okay, no nonsense answers, whats going to properly give me 3d on this card with the resolutions is supposed to have12:45
concept10Zane4111, I tried on and off for weeks to get it running.  This morning I removed the drivers (fglrx) and made sure I had "ati" and everything worked12:45
owlmanattHey, I'm trying to set up a dual-head using Xinerama and my nVidia card with two outputs on it, but I'm having trouble...does anyone have example Xorg configs I can look at? None of the ones I find seem to be for two outputs on the same card, just two cards.12:45
xlinuxtedhow do I add a channel listed as Webnet port: 6667 room:  ?12:45
aunesomglazers: You should be able to use the default HFS (mac's default, I believe) if your kernel is newer than 2.1.x12:45
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HackerXlooking for a new one but thats not going so well12:45
Zane4111or is there any way to fix the flgrx12:45
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aunesomglazers: You'll just need to enable the HFS Kernel module12:45
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concept10Zane4111, but you are on the right track.  Once you are on default drivers, the problem is to get direct rendering working12:45
Kyralokay I'm treading into the darkside, no more helping from me....before the BOFH comes out12:45
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omglazersaunes: Would that be the newest ubuntu?12:46
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aunesomglazers: I believe so, yes.12:46
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farvaquick question, does the ubuntu installer have any tool help resize already made partitions?12:46
aunesJack_Sparrow: he's asking about the newest kernel version12:46
HackerXCan someone please help me with ndiswrapper i have the drivers installed but i cant find my card12:46
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levandannai recently installed compiz and there's no apps->compiz folder12:46
levandannain gconf12:46
krangAnyone: If I'm using NIS on a central server for authentication, will /etc/profile still run when a user logs in using gdm on a client machine?12:46
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levandannaanyone here use compiz?12:47
zambaroohey guys, i have a remote server that runs rhel. i have ssh access to it. the .iso sits on one of the partitions. any way to install ubuntu on top of rhel without leaving the office?12:48
jugheadI do not12:48
HackerXanyone please12:48
=== nornagon [n=nornagon@203-219-165-210.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXwow what happened to the help in this channel it was great at first12:49
aunesHackerX: just because people aren't well versed in your particular problem doesn't mean it isn't helpful12:49
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Jack_SparrowHackerX: I personally get tired of supporting broadcom products12:49
bbrazilzambaroo: there's debtakeover, but it's very dangerous and experimental12:49
aunesHackerX: that statement borders on trolling.12:50
K^HoltzOK, i had this same problem with the previous ubuntu version... i put in the cd, click start or install ubuntu, and i get an error... it says something about PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6... crc error ... Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0). Can anyone help me out with this please? I'd really like to get on ubuntu12:50
nornagonHi all. I'm having a little trouble with a hoary->dapper upgrade. When I boot, I get "Waiting for root filesystem...", which waits for a while, then drops me back to a shell saying "ALERT! /dev/hda2 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"12:50
zambaroobbrazil, have you tried it?12:50
nornagonbut grub manages to read that partition fine12:50
bbrazilzambaroo: don't have any non-debian boxes :)12:50
HackerXwell i understand that but i already have the drivers installed i just need help finding the device12:50
sys8976can anyone look at this pastebin and tell me why I get the errors at the end of most installs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1728712:50
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz: Whay type of hardware are you running12:50
bbrazilzambaroo: if you have a spare partition you should be able to install there, setup grub and then reboot12:51
HackerX*sigh* i want kaot to come back12:51
HackerXhe helped me12:51
bbrazilzambaroo: this is one of those things you want backups and physical access for12:51
zambaroobbrazil, how adventurous :)12:51
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zambaroobbrazil, well i'll give it a go, if it doesnt work, i have to be there tmrw anyway :)12:51
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: 900 MHz AMD processor, nvidia TNT2 graphics card,  384Mb Ram, its a Compaq...12:52
bbrazilzambaroo: see debian-from-scratch, modify instructions for ubuntu12:52
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w^xDeath to Myspace.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:52
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w^xsorry just had to vent12:53
HackerXcan anyone please help me with ndiswrapper???12:53
w^xI hate it!!!!!!12:53
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sys8976w that is why I use opera and the my.opera.com lol12:53
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concept10Zane4111, bhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17289 look at bottom12:54
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz: can I assume you had the CD check itself12:54
HackerXA n y o n e at all?12:54
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:54
Jack_Sparrowsys8976: those errors just say you have the latest version.12:54
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-124-178-8-74.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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HackerXi know i was nice at first but this whole deal is annoying me12:55
=== ryan_rousseau [n=rousseau@wsip-70-183-210-68.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sys8976Jack_Sparrow: down at the bottom where it says Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:55
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: well right now im running the Memory test, its 57% complete, but i didnt bother running the cd check yet because this happened with the previous version of ubuntu also, i got my CDs from shipit and i tried all 5 CDs last time and still got a similar error12:55
sys8976Errors were encountered while processing:12:55
sys8976 clvm12:55
sys8976 redhat-cluster-suite12:55
sys8976 system-config-cluster12:55
sys8976E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:55
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz: apples and oranges, that was last time... Please verify you have a good cd12:56
=== Jim_the_Coder [n=jim@pool-70-20-97-213.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== concept10 am i falling asleep or do i see redhat
Jack_Sparrowsys8976: It could not find packages that were not downloaded12:56
Jack_SparrowI see it too12:56
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HackerX***Can someone help me with ndiswrapper?***12:57
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i will after this memory check, but assuming the CD check comes out OK? then what could it be?12:57
Jim_the_Coderwhat do u need?12:57
sys8976Jack_Sparrow: ok I have had that happen on a few installs so thought it was something else thats why I wanted to check12:57
kaotHackerX: how'd that work out?12:57
=== Jenkens [i=j0oki@adsl-69-149-117-84.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXkaot: sweet yer back12:57
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz:  Odd question but do you have usb2.0 installed?12:57
Jim_the_Coderhackerx, what prob u having with ndiswrapper?12:57
Jack_Sparrowenabled in bios12:57
sys8976concept10: no redhat here lol12:57
concept10sys8976, i know12:57
sys8976concept10: hehe12:58
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: im pretty sure this PC im trying to install it on does not have 2.0 because of its age12:58
Dial_tonemy nfs drives are mounting like 10-15 min after bootup for some reason12:58
concept10HackerX, what card12:58
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HackerXkaot: ok heres the deal the device just isnt showing up im my connections12:58
kaotconcept10: broadcom 431812:58
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz: Just wanted to know for my own info12:58
kaotHackerX: do you have a light on your laptop that tells you when it's active?12:58
concept10HackerX, did you try the bcm43xx drivers12:59
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: :) alright12:59
nornagonHi all. I'm having a little trouble with a hoary->dapper upgrade. When I boot, I get "Waiting for root filesystem...", which waits for a while, then drops me back to a shell saying "ALERT! /dev/hda2 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"12:59
kaotconcept10: I've got a 4318 and bcm43xx didn't work for me at all.  tried bcm-fwcutter with a bunch of different bcmwl5.sys files, no go12:59
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nornagonbut grub manages to read that partition fine, it seems. :/12:59
HackerXthose came with it and installed but i couldnt connect and i read on the site i need ndiswrapper for this card12:59
HackerXkaot: yes i have a light12:59
Hexidigital_nornagon:: afaik, you cannot upgrade from hoary to dapper12:59
HackerXkaot: its off01:00
nornagoninteresting :P01:00
concept10kaot, did you extract them to /lib/firmware?01:00
kaotHackerX: yay.  sudo lsmod | grep ndiswrapper, see if it's in there.01:00
Hexidigital_nornagon:: i believe the ubuntu website has the available upgrade paths01:00
cyphaseany chance we might get a suse-type gnome menu?01:00
kaotconcept10: /lib/firmware and /lib/firmware/$(kernelversion)01:00
cyphasein edgy01:00
nornagonsynaptic told me to look at ubuntulinux.org for upgrade instructions, but I couldn't find them.01:00
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule01:00
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nornagonso how do I fix it?01:00
concept10kaot, did you reload the driver after that?01:01
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:01
kaotconcept10: yep01:01
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kaotconcept10: i think i've just got a funky card somehow.  no two bits of information agreed on which driver i should be using.  i got it working with ndiswrapper, i'm not screwing around with it anymore01:01
kaotdone!  had it!  up to here!01:01
jdavHey, Can anyone help mith samba?01:01
HackerXkaot: yes its in there 177364 001:01
LjLnornagon: you should upgrade from hoary to *breezy*, and only then to dapper - (and hope)01:01
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concept10kaot, ndiswrapper is about the same as far as install goes, the wiki page explains it good01:02
nornagonLjL: I've already done the upgrade.01:02
LjLnornagon: to breezy or to dapper?01:02
nornagonto dapper.01:02
LjLnornagon: and now i suppose everything's quite broken, correct?01:02
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jdavI need help! I've installed Samba and smbfs, I added my username under ubuntu to it along with my password, I can login in to it from windows under my netowork, but how to I map it so when I go to \\server it goes to the /var/www/torrent/downloads under linux?01:02
kaotconcept10: right except for the bit about mucking around with fwcutter and the fact that bcm43xx is a native driver versus ndiswrapper + bcmwl5.inf and well, they're not the same01:02
nornagonsurely there is a way to remedy this.01:03
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HackerXkaot: what else should i check?01:03
LjLnornagon: perhaps someone has better advice, who knows, but my own advice is: reinstall. messing up ubuntu that way doesn't lead to easy recovering01:03
concept10kaot, im talking about the ndiswrapper wiki01:03
ubotuI know nothing about clvm01:03
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:04
kaotHackerX: at this point you probably just need to find the right .inf file.01:04
nornagoncan I just reinstall straight over the old ubuntu? Will d-i ask me to overwrite stuff?01:04
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.01:04
jdavso can anyone help me?01:04
concept10kaot, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper01:04
gnomefreaksys8976: dont play with the bot01:04
La_PaRCaAny idea why f-spot wont show some of the photos in a directory after I import it?01:04
kaotconcept10: mine works, tell HackerX01:04
LjLnornagon: i wouldn't do that. i'd rather save your /home directory somewhere else (many people keep /home in a separate partition by the way), as well as your /etc, and install from a fresh partition01:04
concept10HackerX, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper01:04
HackerXkaot: so you think everything is right so i just have to keep adding and remove inf's until i get it01:04
sys8976gnomefreak: I am not I am trying to resolve something i have going on and those two words I wasnt for sure what they were and how I could effect them so I asked01:05
gnomefreaksys8976: use /msg ubotu <word>01:05
AnonyThe aircrack-ng repository seems to have been moved, but I figured out I could fix it http://anony.cjb.net/forum/index.php/topic,22.0.html01:05
sys8976gnomefreak: ahh very good thanks01:05
kaotHackerX: I think everytime you switch .inf's it rewrites those config files in /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5 so you have to run that command to change the radiostate settings01:05
nornagonLjL: :(01:05
AnonyWill this cause any sort of problem being a debian package rather than an ubuntu specific package?01:05
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valehruHey guys...Im just after noticing something.  Is it possible to have two applications use the sound card at the same time?  currently I cannot receive any calls on skype if I am playing music on my box.  I keep getting the error: /dev/dsp-1: Device or resource busy.  Any suggestions?  The same happens when I try and watch a you tube video with some music in the background.01:05
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HackerXok can you pm me that again?01:06
jgoebelrpm command seems to be broken in 6.0.6: I get -> rpmdb: unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented01:06
dlivalehru, yes, use esd sound daemon01:06
jgoebelrpm and apt-get don't have conflicting links to a db3 or db4 version...01:06
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concept10valehru, why would you want to do all of that. you only have two ears to listen at one time. oh wait...01:06
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LjLnornagon: it's not necessarily as bad as it sounds. your desktop settings are mostly in your /home directory, so you'll get them back when you restore it. and if you like you can also use "dpkg --get-selections" to list the package that you have installed, so you know what to reinstall, if you've installed a lot of programs01:07
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valehrudli, esd is already running in the background...01:07
HackerXkaot: when i do a lspci theres alot of them how do i know what one is my wireless card?01:08
dlivalehru, then, tell your applications to use esd (rather than /dev/dsp)01:08
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mateXi need a bit of help for pptp client?01:08
mateXanyone know?01:08
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kaotHackerX: one of those lines should say "dell broadcom blah blah" in your case01:09
nornagonLjL: yeah, I know. It's just a hassle.01:09
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nornagongood thing I have a 200G external hdd to back stuff up to...01:09
dliHackerX, lspci|grep -i net01:09
Jack_SparrowLjL How would I pipe my get-selections list to a file or the printer ?01:09
nornagonJack_Sparrow: dpkg --get-selections > out.txt01:10
mateXhow can i run a program as root01:10
LjLJack_Sparrow: right. and "dpkg --set-selections <out.txt" to restore a configuration01:10
KrhismateX, sudo01:10
sys8976mateX: sudo01:10
LjL!tell matex about sudo01:11
mateXok thanks01:11
sys8976Krhis: hehe01:11
valehrudli, hmm skype can only use /dev/dsp won't allow me to change it01:11
HackerXkaot: hmm says to use the R9482601:11
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Jack_SparrowLjl and nornagon thank yo both..01:11
HackerXkaot: that what i get under the id i put it01:11
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HackerXkaot: but it says its for a BCM430601:12
HackerXmaybe it will work ill try01:12
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kaotHackerX: mm hmmm.  That's why I said finding the right drivers seems to be guesswork.  if you google your chipset ID, you'll probably find 5 different answers for which files you should use.01:13
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HackerXKaot: thats the only problem with linux and broadcom seems to be the worst from what i have read01:13
sponixanyone know why bind9 hangs my system on shutdown/reboot processes (doesn't kill properly I take it) ?01:14
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TStoddenExcuse me, but could some assist me with a question?01:14
neighborleecan't install VLC, due to some dbus error and wondering if anyone has seen this and knows a workaround ? ;))01:14
psx1337I have Breezy Badger on my laptop and it seems it didn't come with any video codecs. I can play mp3s in XMMS (which i installed myself).. but as far as totem goes, with any Mpg video or even an mp3 it says it can't find the codec01:14
psx1337any help?01:14
kaotHackerX: yep.  bad bad wireless adapter to have.01:15
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:15
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TStoddenCould somebody point me to some instructions on installing tarballs?01:15
HackerXkaot: if it comes down to it ill just go buy one i really dont want to but i may have to01:15
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sponixbind9 hangs my shutdown/reboot, anyone seen that ? ... The script for its shutdown/reboot just hits a standstill01:16
HackerXkaot: ok if i change the inf is there anything else i have to do besides running that code01:16
psx1337If anyone's interested the Linksys WUSB54G v2 is great with Ubuntu under ndiswrapper01:16
kaotHackerX: yes I almost did that myself and then lucked onto a fix.01:17
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)01:17
kaotHackerX: well you know you have to ndiswrapper -e driver then ndiswrapper -i newdriver.  i rebooted between changes as well01:17
kaotand that's basically all I did until i found a working driver01:18
HackerXKaot: ok thank you soo much for all of your help01:18
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kaotHackerX: hang on one sec01:18
kulliTell me one thing... sody because so lego... i cant understant that there isnt firewall automaticly  when install ubuntu,xubuntu01:18
HackerXkaot: ok01:18
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Jack_Sparrowkulli: Firewall is in the kernel01:19
charle97kulli, iptables01:19
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jribkulli: ubuntu has no services listening on any ports so there really isn't any reason for firewall rules on a default install01:19
Jack_SparrowYou can add a firewall management tool like firestarter or guarddog01:19
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kaotHackerX: trying to find the link for the drivers that worked for my card01:20
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HackerXkaot: oh ok thanks01:20
sponixJack_Sparrow:  whats guarddog like ?01:20
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Jack_SparrowUnlike Windows that leaves everything open with a default install :)01:20
Jack_SparrowI like firestarter01:21
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TStoddenExcuse me, but could someone point me to directions on installing Tarballs in Ubuntu?01:22
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kaotHackerX: try this one:  http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=42208201:22
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kaotHackerX: might not work but i'm pretty sure that's the one that did it for me01:23
HackerXkaot: alright thanks ill let you know what happens01:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)01:23
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Jack_SparrowTStodden: I did after you asked the first time01:23
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)01:23
HackerXkaot: oh what card did you say you have?01:24
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kulliJack_Sparrow....i know it..... but i mean if you try to chaleng microsoft(iam sorry my english)01:24
kaotHackerX: broadcom 4318 rev 2 chipset, actual card is a belkin F5D7011.01:25
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TStoddenSorry I didn't catch you the first time Jack...  I'm pretty new to Ubuntu.01:28
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Jack_SparrowTStodden: Since you are new, do you know about synaptic, apt-get etc01:29
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Jack_SparrowTStodden: 90% of what most users need can be done automatically01:29
TStoddenI'm somewhat familiar with synaptic, but the computer I have Ubuntu installed is offline...  so I'm forced to take the manual route most of the time.01:30
h4v0kcan someone help me i need a little help with quickcam01:30
Jack_SparrowTStodden: This is not Windows...  :)01:30
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TStodden...as I'm obviously finding out here.01:30
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Jack_SparrowTStodden: You can download the deb's and burn them to a cd if you really want to do it offline01:31
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h4v0khow do i get the kgcc program01:31
Jack_SparrowTStodden:  point synaptic at the cd01:31
h4v0kand the kernel source01:31
Jack_Sparrownot that simple but .. you get the idea01:31
apokryphosapt-zip is good for such things01:31
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devhenhavoc: apt-get install kernel-source i think01:32
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TStoddenOK...  Does the same go for Tarballs, or do i have to turn them into deb files as well?01:32
bill[1] are there any newer gcc packages for dapper?01:32
dstyrkJack_Sparrow: Don't know if you remember talking with me.. But I finally got Ubuntu up and running..01:32
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h4v0kE: Invalid operation kernel-source01:32
devhenbill, why do you need 'newer' pkgs?01:32
dlih4v0k, sudo apt-get install linux-source01:33
Jack_Sparrowdstyrk: Yea, glad to hear it01:33
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bill[1] because I'm getting absolutely bizzare asm generated on a peice of code I'm working on (AKA a 64 bit copy is generating 32 bit code), and I'm out of ideas besides compiler issues.01:33
devhenyeah, linux-source instead of kernel-source sry forgot ubuntu was diff01:33
JesseI want to resize my ntfs partition so i can install ubuntu i have downloaded gparted iso and was wondering if it is safe enough to use with out backing up my ntfs partition since im low on dvd's01:33
dstyrkJack_Sparrow:  It only took me about 10 days.. lol..01:33
h4v0kim tryin to get my webcam to work but its a mother01:34
dliJesse, better to backup first, it's safe to most, but since ntfs is not open, anything can happen01:34
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ljlolelJesse: never safe enough01:34
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ljlolelJesse: even just going on the internet, a backup is important01:34
ljlolelnot that I follow my own advice ;-)01:34
bill[1] I've killed ntfs partitions resizing before.  Definately backup.01:34
h4v0kYou have only kernel headers but they are not configured01:34
h4v0khow can i fix this01:35
HackerXkaot: so should i be getting drivers for that?01:35
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Jessewell ill wait then till i buy some more dvds01:35
kaotHackerX: yeah try those next01:35
HackerXok im going to try thes first01:35
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dlih4v0k, what are you trying to do?01:37
DarkProphethi, anyone know how I can set a path variable for all users ?01:37
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h4v0kget my webcam to work on linux01:37
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DarkProphetwell, at the moment, im opening an application, and its not picking up my JAVA_HOME variable, unless I run it from the cmd line, ive defined JAVA_HOME in ~/.bashrc01:37
h4v0kdli, tryin to get my webcam to work01:38
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devhenDarkProphet: put it in /etc/bashrc01:38
dlih4v0k, is it supported by kernel natively?01:38
ReleaseXis there a specific channel for help installing ubuntu on mac hardware01:38
bimberiDarkProphet: editing /etc/environment should do it.  I haven't tested it though01:38
Tommy2k4my sendmail is broke01:38
h4v0kdli, how do i check what kernel i have01:38
dlih4v0k, uname -a01:38
Tommy2k4if i use mail() in a php page it takes 1min before the page eventually loads and the mail sends01:38
devhenbimberi may be right. its /etc/bashrc on most systems but try /etc/environment as well id say01:38
Tommy2k4and when starting the sendmail daemon on boot up it froze for like 5mins01:38
devhenhavoc: uname -r shows you just your kernel version ;)01:39
on2seeHey, I have this "Direcway" internet which has a 24-hour download cap of 500 meg. Therefore I cannot download Dapper... Any help?01:39
dliTommy2k4, no network?01:39
Tommy2k4im connected tho01:39
h4v0kdli, my kernel is version 2.6 and the webcam needs 2.401:39
dlih4v0k, which webcam?01:40
devhenon2see: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/01:40
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on2seeI already requested it, but that is too long...01:40
Jack_Sparrowon2see: Starnet is the same as directway and does not have the cap, which they avoid telling you until after you sign..01:41
h4v0kdli, logitech quickcam01:41
devhenuse a d/l manager and pause/resume 500 a day?01:41
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dlih4v0k, I think quickcam is supported natively01:41
ReleaseXi'm attempting to boot into the live cd on a mac.  it seems to start working then the screen blanks and all i get is a white bar across the bottom01:41
on2seeHow well does zipping up an ISO work?01:41
devhenprobably won't compress it much01:42
on2seeReleaseX: Is it an Intel Mac?01:42
YuffsterDoes the newest version of Ubuntu have support for the Nvida 420 or wireless Linksys adapters (like WUS11)?01:42
ReleaseXon2see, no01:42
kulliJack_Sparrow... i know it..i have firestarter... but iam land of Linux and  i have fell that  if it  linux "with out automatic" firewall good or not01:42
DarkProphetneither worked01:42
dstyrkReleaseX:   I just had the similar problem..01:42
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)01:42
DarkPropheti dont want to run it from the cmdline...cause that just sorta sux01:42
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ReleaseXdstyrk, did you figure out a fix?  I am having no luck searching for a solution01:42
dlih4v0k, sudo modprobe quickcam_messenger01:43
Jack_Sparrowkulli: No firewall manager is needed unless you need to tweak if for a particular app01:43
h4v0kdli, ok let me try01:43
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elhaxxorzprinting problems!01:44
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dstyrkReleaseX:  Yeah, I grabbed the alternate install CD... And then installed the desktop from the net, which someone else in here will have to help you with, because I am pretty new to linux and I don't remember the command they gave me.01:44
Mitrovarrhi guys, I have the strangest problem; when I boot up, my usb wireless adapter starts down and without an IP, but I can manually dhclient it at which point it works fine (until reboot/poweroff)01:45
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ReleaseXdstyrk, alright, thanks, that was going to be my next step if no one had answers01:45
dstyrkIt was something like get-desktop-app or something thing.. Can someone help me out?01:45
YuffsterWhat adapter do you have?01:45
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MitrovarrBelkin 705001:45
YuffsterOh, I have no idea.01:45
devhenwhat are you trying to do dstyrk?01:45
Micksawhy are there 2 bounties for changing ubuntu's slogan?01:45
dlih4v0k, any problem, install qc-usb-source qc-usb-utils01:45
Mitrovarrit uses ndiswrappered drivers.  It used to work fine, but somehow I broke it when redoing ndiswrapper for the new kernel01:45
Micksawhy do people have a problem with "linux for human beings"?01:46
Mitrovarrfor some reason rt2500 linux drivers don't work (even though it's the chip it uses)01:46
dstyrkdevhen:  installing the desktop from the net01:46
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elhaxxorzi need someone to help me set up my printer...nothing comes out and i think that i have installed everything right (converted the lexmark rpm with alien)01:46
Micksamaybe these hardcore geeks are getting offended at the implication that linux previously was only for, um, something else01:46
dstyrkReleaseX:  What mac are you on?01:46
DarkProphetno one has any idea then ?01:46
YuffsterCan someone please answer one quick question?  How do I access my USB drive from the command line in Ubuntu?01:46
MitrovarrMicksa:  I don't know, it seems fine to me; I don't like  the names of the versions, or a lot of free software names, but I've never disliked the slogan01:46
dliMitrovarr, rt2500 should work out of box01:47
YuffsterI have the Nvidia driver on there, but I can't access the GUI until I install it.01:47
jribDarkProphet: /etc/login.defs01:47
ReleaseXdstyrk: its an older g3 500mhz01:47
MicksaMitrovarr: use version numbers then ;)01:47
DarkProphetso it isn't /etc/profile ?01:47
Micksamuch snappier01:47
jribDarkProphet: only for login shells01:47
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kulliJakc_Sparrow....But .....i have try to explane many people that change to Ubuntu...but if its difficult for me.-...its very hard...of course now is v6.06...but anyway01:47
ReleaseXdstyrk: m5183 i think is the model01:47
Mitrovarrdli:  It doesn't here.  I don't know if that's because it's set to use ndiswrapper (which I've been using since before the rt2500 drivers existed) or just a peculierity to the specific usb device01:48
Ackeubu_Hey how do I make a dvd that works for a dvd player?01:48
Mitrovarrdli:  I know a fast and easy way to check.  I'll be right back01:48
elhaxxorzdid i ask the wrong way or im in the wrong place?01:48
Mitrovarrdli:  nevermind, if I pull the adapter I'll go offline here (I was gonna try it in another machine)01:48
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jrib!printing > elhaxxorz01:48
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on2seeelhaxxorz: you're in the right place01:49
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dstyrkReleaseX:  Ah.. yeah I'm on the older G3 iMac.. 500mhz I think as well...... Yeah it took me a few days to figure it out.01:49
Ackeubu_What dvd menu creators is there for ubuntu?01:49
Jack_SmirnoffZipped the 6.06 cd is still 680 meg01:49
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Jack_Smirnofftrying rar now01:49
Mitrovarranyways, is there some simple way to make it dhcp automatically?  I know I can do it the 'wrong' ways (i.e. putting it manually at the end of the init.d stuff or in the gnome startup) but that doesn't seem like the best idea.01:50
elhaxxorzJack_Smirnoff, shame you cant use squashfs01:50
Jack_SmirnoffMAximum compression will take another 12 minutes01:50
devhenJack_Smirnoff: you wont have more luck. 7z compresses slightly better but it'll still be very close to the original size01:50
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elhaxxorzgentoo uses squashfs, that does amazing things to file size01:51
Jack_SmirnoffI knew it was already compressed on the cd, just wanted to know if we could squeeze it down for him01:51
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devhenhow small do you need it?01:51
on2seeunder 500 meg01:51
dstyrkLess than 500 right?01:51
Jack_Smirnoffon2 needs under 50001:51
on2seethanks for the help01:51
Jack_SmirnoffSOmeone (else) could split it for him01:51
on2seeI'm still on Hoary :(01:51
Tommy2k4i think i fixed my sendmail problem01:51
dstyrkHow about the server install.. Then next day install off the net?01:51
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devheni think the server ISO is smaller, no?01:52
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on2see400-something meg01:52
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Mitrovarrok, well, I'll just set my card up the 'wrong' way and see if it works01:52
Mitrovarrusing rc.local01:52
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Mitrovarrthanks for the help!  I know it's a wierd problem01:52
YuffsterI was wondering if someone with a good Ubuntu knowledge-base could just chat with me for a few minutes?01:53
YuffsterI'm trying to kick the Windows habit, and I'd REALLY appreciate it.01:53
on2seeSo am I01:54
on2seeI hope you already kicked the IE habit01:54
apokryphosYuffster, on2see: fire away01:54
YuffsterOf course.01:54
YuffsterOh, thanks.01:54
kulliJack_Sparrow ...could you help  me.... i was stupid that i told my gilrlfriend that xubuntu is very good her notebook...i own you drink....and now icant get firestrater in it01:54
YuffsterI installed the old version... from last year.01:54
YuffsterHoary, I think.01:54
redguyYuffster, you might get two in the prico of one ;-)01:55
YuffsterBut then I downloaded the new version because the old version doesn't work out of the box with my Nvidia.01:55
YuffsterBut when I pop in the new disk...01:55
Jack_Smirnoffkulli: You really dont need it..01:55
YuffsterIt just boots up the old installation.01:55
on2seeMan, I went to OS-Dir and saw Dapper screenshots, it looked awesome01:55
YuffsterEven though I check the first option.01:55
apokryphosYuffster: hm, they should all work out of the box, but none will come with the nvidia *driver* out of the box (they'll be using another one, vesa or nv probably)01:55
Jack_SmirnoffYou can set what you need from commandline / iptables...01:55
Jack_SmirnoffShe dosent need a gui firewall manager01:55
YuffsterYeah, and another problem is that my wireless adapter is USB.01:56
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YuffsterSo I can't connect to the 'net.01:56
apokryphosYuffster: you won't be able to upgrade directly from hoary to dapper, since you'd be skipping out a version (breezy), which is explicitly not supported.01:56
YuffsterBut I DO have both drivers (I think) on a USB stick.01:56
YuffsterCan I uninstall Hoary?01:56
apokryphosYuffster: sure, just install dapper over it.01:56
YuffsterYeah, I've been trying to.01:56
apokryphosYuffster: you don't need the browsers on any disk, they're available in the repositories :)01:56
Jack_SmirnoffBetter to install fresh anyhow01:56
kulliOf course its not wired.....!01:56
YuffsterYeah, I don't know how to use the repositories, either.01:57
RopechoborraYuffster: did u use the live cd and dobble click on install ? :)01:57
on2seeAnyone still working on my issue, by the way...?01:57
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apokryphosYuffster: not a problem, it's very easy to get going :)01:57
YuffsterI burned the one for download.01:57
Jack_Smirnoffstill compressing01:57
Yuffster(And thanks a ton, guys!)01:57
apokryphosYuffster: the Desktop CD?01:57
on2see' '01:57
YuffsterAnd I select the first option, sorry I can't remember what it says.01:58
apokryphosYuffster: ok, so just insert it and reboot.01:58
YuffsterWell, it's like, something and install.01:58
devhensry what was your issue on2see?01:58
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apokryphoson2see: what's the issue?01:58
Jack_Smirnoff4 minutes01:58
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YuffsterWhen I reboot, though, it just puts me in the old installation after loading the kernel.01:58
dstyrkless than 500mb01:58
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YuffsterI guess I can try it again.01:58
on2seeMy internet has a download cap of 500mb, I need Dapper01:58
apokryphosYuffster: yup, just select "install" option.01:58
on2seeShipit is too long of a wait01:59
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devhenYuffster: make sure you BIOS is set to boot from the CDROM01:59
apokryphoson2see: either download it from someone else, or use shipit.01:59
RopechoborraYuffster: go to the bios, on advanced features and enable the first boot from CD01:59
YuffsterWhat should I do after I install to get the Nvidia 420 and Linksys WUSB11 2.8 working?01:59
apokryphoson2see: or purchase it on amazon.01:59
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YuffsterOh, it boots from CD-ROM.01:59
HackerXkaot: Are you still in here?01:59
YuffsterBut the boot disk spits me back out into the old installation, for some reason.01:59
on2seeUh... I'm kinda short on money here...01:59
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apokryphosYuffster: after you select the first option? That wouldn't happen.01:59
apokryphoson2see: that's fine, it's very cheap.02:00
YuffsterAlright, I'll try it again.02:00
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rpedroYuffster: how many hard disks do you have02:00
YuffsterOne, but I partitioned it a lot.02:00
on2seeLink me... and keep compressing02:00
YuffsterI have an 80 gig with five partitions.02:00
RopechoborraAnyone knows if i can run bitchx in X ? (without a terminal)02:00
rpedrorpedro: probably not what I was thinking then...02:01
jdavWill someone help me with samba?02:01
apokryphoson2see: I'm sure you know how to search amazon 8)02:01
apokryphosor Google02:01
Emilisubuntu installed boot manager on /dev/hdb (second hard drive), what should I do that when computer starts up it shouldn't automatically start up on first drive which is XP?02:01
bluefoxicychange boot order in bios.02:02
apokryphosEmilis: bios settings02:02
RopechoborraI think its grub issue02:02
EmilisI tried looking in bios, but it didn't give me a choice, between hard disks...02:02
YuffsterOnce I have Dapper installed, how do I get it to work with my Nvidia card?02:02
Jack_SmirnoffStill over 600 meg02:02
jdavWill some one help me with samba, I installed it on my ubuntu server and when I go to my network in windows I see it, but I want it so when I click that link in my netowrk under windows it goes to /var/www/torrents/downloads.02:03
devhenEmilis: I recommend reinstalling grub to the MBR of the first disk02:03
redguyEmilis, you can make ubuntu boot from the windows bootloader too02:03
m_tadeuwhy is rapip saying "could not connect to host localhost"?02:03
HackerXHey does anyone know why i Knetwork manager wont work for me?02:03
redguyEmilis, but what devhen suggests is propably easier02:03
RopechoborraYuffster: just install it, it shoud work02:03
YuffsterI'll give it a try.02:04
YuffsterThanks, guys.02:04
Emilishow do I reinstall grub to MBR?02:04
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:04
Jack_Smirnoffhacker, are you in Kubuntu or Ubuntu02:04
Emiliscan I boot from the CDROM and tell it to boot from /dev/hdb1?02:04
K^HoltzJack_Smirnoff: are you Jack_Sparrow?02:04
RopechoborraHow do i run BitchX on X ?02:05
dstyrkWhat do you all use to play DVD's?02:05
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jdavopen aterm and type bitchx02:05
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jdav:( no one will help me02:05
apokryphosdstyrk: check the FAQ02:05
Ropechoborrajdav: but i dont want it in text mode =/02:05
HackerXHey, does anyone know if i have to do anything to get Knetworkmanager02:05
jdavits only in text mode02:05
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jdavif you want a gui IRC client try xchat02:05
Ropechoborrasure? =S02:05
on2seeJack_Smirnoff: Any progress?02:05
Jack_Sparrowhackerx , are you in Kubuntu or Ubuntu02:06
jdavbitch and irssi are text only02:06
HackerXi think02:06
jdavbut you can run them from a terminal in x02:06
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow: whats the diference between kubuntu and ubuntu?02:06
jdavkde and gnome :)02:06
Ropechoborrait was obvious xD02:07
steinerHello.  I've a problem minimizing windows in Dapper.  Can anyone help?02:07
Constyblue and brown :P02:07
on2seeRopechoborra: Kubuntu is under the K desktop environment02:07
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on2seeUbuntu is under GNOME02:07
apokryphosConsty: dapper is organge for gnome!02:07
jribsteiner: what's the problem?02:07
Jack_SparrowIs Knetworkmanager KDE app02:07
HackerXJack_Sparrow, it just stops at 28% im already on the network i just wanted to have the manager02:07
ConstyI say its poop brown.02:07
apokryphosJack_Sparrow: yes02:07
Constyand the scrollbars look like bandaids.02:07
redguysteiner, well someone might as soon as you give more detail02:07
Jack_SparrowSOme KDE apps work... NOt all02:08
apokryphosin GNOME? Pretty much every KDE app should work in GNOME just fine.02:08
on2seeJack_Smirnoff: How is the compression coming02:08
redguyHackerX, but there's network-manager-gnome for gnome02:08
Wiseguyhey guys, im completely new to ubuntu and i just installed last night... i had fedora on my desktop systems before and i seem to like ubuntu better so far, but im not much of a gnome fan... how much different is kubuntu from ubuntu?02:08
Jack_SparrowIt was still over 600,02:08
steinerWhen I try to minimize a window, it simply disappears from the screen.  I can close the minimized app with the System Monitor, and I can alt-tab to the minimized app, but when minimized the app doesn't appear in the taskbar.02:09
HackerXredguy, oh really where that at?02:09
apokryphosWiseguy: Kubuntu is very good, and very easy to install from Ubuntu. Check the FAQ.02:09
HackerXis it that network manager at the bottom of the list02:09
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redguyHackerX, I would rather think that your interfaces are managed by ifup/down02:09
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redguyHackerX, not sure... I use aptitude02:09
Jack_SparrowTime for me to get some things done for the wife...02:09
HackerXredguy, ok where do i get that?02:10
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: if you remember the install issue i was having before, i'm pretty sure its fixed, after i ran the memory check and the cd check, it just seemed to start working.. im on the live cd now and im dreading clicking the install icon for fear that it will not work02:10
IntelligiI am having a huge problem with crashing. I think my computer is on its last leg. It has to either be the CPU or the hard drive. Right before it crashes, I can hear the hard drive make some noise, like it is either slowing down or trying to start spinning again.02:10
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IntelligiIt was doing this under Windows, so I don't think it is Ubuntu.02:10
redguyHackerX, open a terminal and run sudp aptitude install network-manager-gnome02:10
AngryElfhow do you run *.bin files?02:11
hcjc92i have a problem, i just installed sun-java5-jre (3 times) hwo do i configure firefox to work with it?02:11
steineruse automatix02:11
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.02:11
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hcjc92where does you get it?02:11
redguythat changed...02:11
apokryphosredguy: easyubuntu is generally recommended more around here.02:11
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LjLredguy: yep :\02:12
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.02:12
redguyapokryphos, that is what I remembered02:12
IntelligiEasy Ubuntu gives wrong sudo apt-get commands.02:12
HackerXredguy: ok thanks02:12
apokryphosIntelligi: it does?02:12
redguyapokryphos, the prevoius factoid was much more 'harsh' ;-)02:12
K^Holtzhow long does an ubuntu install typically take? i'm just asking because i dont want to start it and not finish b/c i have to leave in a little while02:12
apokryphosredguy: yeah, we settled for something a little more neutral.02:12
steinerIt's fast02:12
LjLK^Holtz: it depends on your processor, RAM, HD speed, CD speed02:12
apokryphosK^Holtz: totally depends on your system. On mine I'd say it was under half an hour.02:13
HackerXredguy, how do i run it after installed?02:13
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K^Holtzapokryphos: i'm assuming u have a farily new pc?02:13
IntelligiYeah, I prefer using the Synaptic Package Manager instead of the sudo apt-get commands found at Easy Ubuntu.02:13
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redguyHackerX, it should just appear in your 'systray'02:14
apokryphosK^Holtz: yes. amd64 3400+, gig of ram02:14
AngryElfwhat package is run in?02:14
redguyHackerX, if it doesn't I guess you could log out and log in02:14
Jenkensi get 4 font path element errors with startx (when I close out).. TTF OTF, Type1 and CID02:15
Jenkens(Jenkens) i cant seem to locate which packages would resolve these errors02:15
Jenkenscould anyone advise me ther02:15
HackerXredguy, what the icon look like i dont think its in there02:15
K^Holtzapokryphos: alright, thanks i'll just wait till i get back, its fine to leave liveCD running for a few hours right?02:15
ubotuYou can browse and search the packages in Ubuntu in synaptic, adept and online on http://packages.ubuntu.com02:15
apokryphosK^Holtz: of course02:15
on2seeHow can I get dapper, then?02:15
ubotuI know nothing about run02:15
IntelligiI am having a huge problem with crashing. I think my computer is on its last leg. It has to either be the CPU or the hard drive. Right before it crashes, I can hear the hard drive make some noise, like it is either slowing down or trying to start spinning again. It was doing this under Windows too.02:15
redguy!tell HackerX about networkmanager02:15
jdavdoes anyone in here know about configuring Samba?02:15
apokryphosAngryElf: see what ubotu said02:15
apokryphoson2see: I told you already ;-)02:15
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aXanaXaanyone here setup IPCop on Ubuntu?02:16
redguyHackerX, follow the link ubotu told you02:16
=== jdav is goign to cry if I can get help with fuckign samba
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apokryphosjdav: language, please.02:16
redguyaXanaXa, isn't IPCop a router distro?02:16
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brett_Can anyone tell me how to make my external USB drive not read only?02:16
AngryElfapokryphos, i tried that, now i'm asking here02:16
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IntelligiI heard Linspire is easier than Ubuntu, but you have to pay for that. Ubuntu is the way to go.02:17
lurker99Intelligi,  Hope you've got backups...  [ standby for disk crash. ] 02:17
aXanaXaredguy it is a firewall02:17
apokryphosAngryElf: it tells you; check p.u.c02:17
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HackerXredguy also what file do i edit to add a differnt res? and what the next res for a 15.4 widesceen after 1024x76802:17
Intelligilurker99, are you sure it is the hard drive and not the CPU?02:17
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frankenberrycan xchat be used to access Java-enabled chatrooms?02:17
lurker99u said "I can hear the hard drive make some noise"02:17
steinerWhen I try to minimize a window, it simply disappears from the screen.  I can close the minimized app with System Monitor, and I can alt-tab to the minimized app, but when minimized, the app doesn't appear in the panel02:17
redguy!tell HackerX about fixres02:17
HackerXRedguy, thanks02:18
Intelligilurker99, yes, but I don't know why it is doing that.02:18
redguyaXanaXa, hmm a firewall you say? something like shorewall?02:18
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aXanaXaredguy yes02:19
redguyaXanaXa, so you are not talking about http://ipcop.org/ ?02:19
frankenberryPlease help.  Can xchat be used to access chatrooms normally accessed via Java???02:19
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aXanaXaredguy that is correct02:19
harrynid help please. i've installed macromedia flash mx 2004 in dapper drake. but i cant run it02:20
redguyaXanaXa, ok, just checking02:20
on2seeThe CD's from Amazon are DVD's!!! I have a regular CD drive for my Ubuntu machine! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((02:20
aXanaXaredguy I know you can install it as a standalone system but I was wondering if anyone has integrated it into ubuntu before02:21
aXanaXaor installed it on Debian02:21
ardchoilleon2see: you can get free CD's from ShipIt02:21
=== |christophe| [n=drue@c-68-57-63-7.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
on2seeI know...02:21
on2seeI have been through that02:21
=== rpedro_ [n=rpedro@87-196-76-213.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
on2seeThat is too long though02:21
ardchoilleon2see: or you can have a look at:02:21
harrynid help please. i've installed macromedia flash mx 2004 in dapper drake. but i cant run it02:21
lurker99Intelligi, step 1: backups   step 2: does it crash when running a live cd and with th hdd removed? [ how often are the crashes? ]   and/or run a memtest02:21
AngryElfapokryphos, searching for "run" at p.u.c returns 45 matches.....if you know couldn't you just tell me?02:22
ardchoilleon2see: I have used Linux Central for a couple years and they are fast and efficient.. never had a problem02:22
=== JackRazz [n=JackRazz@209-144-248-128-dyndsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
|christophe|How can I get Ubuntu running on an iBook? I tried to boot it from the CD and it wouldn't work...is there a step before that that I am missing?02:22
apokryphoson2see: http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/linux/ubuntu02:23
kbrookson2see: i was patiently waiting, and my CDs arrived last night...02:23
apokryphosAngryElf: if it's an executable you're looking for, then look for something with bin/ ...if not, then no such file in the repositories exists02:23
redguyaXanaXa, well, never heard of it actually. It would be kindof pointless since you should have a dedicated box for a firewall02:23
apokryphosAngryElf: what are you trying to use it for?02:23
xoredjemand das dsl mode speedport w 501v und weiss, wie man da remote administration einstellt02:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:24
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aXanaXaredguy I agree however in testing it would make sense02:24
on2seekbrooks: Did you order them the day before? Wow02:24
=== eXCeSS [n=linux-de@ool-45777547.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoson2see: no, from shipit they take 4-6 weeks.02:24
dstyrkThis is the message I get when I try to play a DVD..                                Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.            Where and what plugins do I need to make a regular DVD movie play?02:25
=== phlexy [n=ben@60-234-226-178.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleapokryphos: wow, osdisc.com has better prices :)02:25
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apokryphosdstyrk: check the FAQ02:25
ardchoilleapokryphos: Thanks for the link02:25
redguyaXanaXa, hmm  perhaps... you could create a chroot jail for it I suppose02:25
dstyrkI did.. I can't find anything02:25
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp230-76.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
on2seeHow much is shipping?02:25
dstyrkI found something about codecs, but i don't understand that either..02:25
brett_Ugh... found my answer... NTFS drives are read only in Ubuntu... that stinks02:26
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apokryphosdstyrk: search the page for "DVD", it's there.02:26
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DarkMageZbrett_, you can have write access, but it is likely to damage your NTFS partition =D02:26
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:26
ardchoilleon2see: you can always click "Add to cart" and it should show the shipp[ing cost before you put in any credit card details02:26
=== GOAT|snaple [n=jeczapli@c-71-201-25-66.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jenkensi get 4 font path element errors with startx (when I close out).. TTF OTF, Type1 and CID .. is there a way to resolve them?02:26
brett_I just read all that... I think I will get a new drive and go fat32 on it02:26
GOAT|snapledoes ubuntu support any programs such as wine?02:26
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:27
=== sunknown [n=jason@rrcs-24-39-202-234.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ic56brett_: Microsoft isn't very forthcoming with NTFS information, so it's hard to code for them.02:27
bimberiGOAT|snaple: yw :)02:27
on2seeGOAT|snaple: Yes02:27
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brett_How would I reformat my NTFS drive via ubuntu?  What program does that?02:27
tsumeic56: hmm?02:27
tsumeic56: FreeBSD has had NTFS support and write for the longest time ;)02:27
harrynid help please. i've installed macromedia flash mx 2004 in dapper drake. but i cant run it02:27
tsumeic56: I was very surprised few years back when linux was just barely getting ntfs write support(barely)02:27
=== J-_ [n=justin@toronto-HSE-ppp4312404.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ic56tsume: Huh! I didn't know that02:28
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brett_NTFS is faster (so they say) but not really a good linux option02:28
ardchoilleharry: how did you install it and how are you trying to run it?02:28
tsumeic56: yeah. heh. Not sure why, BSDs even have a better wireless driver set. I think its a someone-not-wanting-to-fool-with-legal-issues02:28
J-_how do i install a .deb that i've downloaded, an upgrade of amsn?02:28
=== HackerX [n=hackerx@24-231-160-86.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
J-_i'm using breezy badger02:28
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)02:29
=== BIAF [n=jeffos@host81-7-31-12.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jribthat should be updated to say you need gdebi installed, I don't think gdebi is installed by default, is it?02:29
harryardchoille: i just double clicked the install.exe and it runned. then i changed the directory to my home, and it installed succefuly. after that. i'm trying to double click the flash.exe but it wont run02:29
=== rgould [n=rgould@S010600014a5e5049.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BIAFlooking a webmin wiz to help with mail issue.02:30
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harryardchoille: when i was trying to run it on terminal i get these errors " import_dll Library MSVCIRT.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\xerces-c_2_1_0.dll") not found02:30
harryerr:module:import_dll Library xerces-c_2_1_0.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\flash.exe") not found02:30
harryerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\flash.exe" failed, status c000013502:30
ardchoilleharry: afaik, .exe. files don't run in Linux unless you have wine or some other layer for Windows02:30
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:30
harryardchoille: i have wine. thats the issue02:31
J-_when i double click on the .deb archive manager coems up, and it cannot open the file, it states the archive type not supported.02:31
=== eXCeSS [n=linux-de@ool-45777547.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleharry: maybe ask in #winehq ?02:31
jribJ-_: install the package 'gdebi'02:31
J-_k will do02:32
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levandannawine repo is down02:32
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ardchoilleharry: are you trying to view flash in Firefox?02:32
BIAFany1 use Webmin02:32
harryno. i'm trying to run the Macromedia Flash MX. i already installed the plugin for Firefox02:33
ardchoilleahh, ok02:33
opgevenrecently i locked my laptop and wlaked away, and the battery died shortly thereafter.  the computer restarted as edubuntu, but i didn't install edubuntu or make any changes that would result in the computer thinking it would be running edubuntu.  what might've caused this?02:34
levandannalmao opgeven02:34
=== pennypacker [n=bart@535020D1.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXredguy, i was looking for somthing to scan for networks and then possibly connect to them02:35
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harryAnyone knows how to install macromedia flash MX to Ubuntu??02:35
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JackRazzanyone here use dar or kdar for system backups?02:35
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johnnyXcan someone tell me why the hell i type www.google.com into my browser and it keeps taking me to bbc news?02:36
johnnyXits been doing this for a while02:36
BIAFharry : try installing wine if its win32 mx your talking about02:36
johnnyXfor any site02:36
=== squiggly [n=topaz@adsl-68-127-102-125.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
harryBIAF: i already have wine. i've installed it. but it wont run02:36
pennypackerwine doesnt work 50%02:36
johnnyXand sometimes i'll type in a url and it will say it is forbidden02:36
mateXwell i m trying to install a pptpconfig thats used by pptp client so i need a binary for Debian for Ubuntu?02:37
johnnyXfor google02:37
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@user-11207j6.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXdoes anyone know why this happens and how to fix it/02:37
harryBIAF: i tried running it on terminal then i get this error messages "import_dll Library MSVCIRT.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\xerces-c_2_1_0.dll") not found02:37
harryerr:module:import_dll Library xerces-c_2_1_0.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\flash.exe") not found02:37
harryerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\home\\harry\\flashmx\\flash.exe" failed, status c0000135"02:37
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SAM_themanguys how Can i reconfigure my sound card02:37
SAM_themanwhats the command??02:37
HackerXHey whats the best way to remote desktop to a windows computer the windows box is running real VNC02:38
JNIBrotherBye everyone!!!02:38
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems02:38
SubHackerX, vncviewer.02:38
pennypackeryes alsa02:38
HackerXwhere do i get that?02:38
mateXwell i m trying to install a pptpconfig thats used by pptp client so i need a binary for Debian for Ubuntu?02:38
=== stpere [n=stpere@ts1-55.f1235.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
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johnnyXit was heat of the moment02:39
johnnyXtelling me what our hearts meant02:39
HackerXyou mean get real VNC on ubuntu?02:39
johnnyXwhy the hell does my browser keep taking  me to bbc news02:39
=== Dr4g [n=Dr4g@82-40-41-3.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
pennypackerbut bbc news isnt bad02:39
johnnyXand its telling me google is forbiden02:40
mateXwhere you from johnnyX02:40
Jenkensi get 4 font path element errors with startx (when I close out).. TTF OTF, Type1 and CID .. is there a way to resolve them? did I miss the message before?02:40
johnnyXits not pennypacker02:40
johnnyXbut its extremely annoying when i want to look something up and my browser never works02:40
=== n0k|a is now known as ranok
BIAFharry : its prob because flash mx needs other files that normaly sit in windows\system , try googling that error, - making a system folder and putting windows DLL's etc into it might have to be done.02:40
J-_i try to use Gdeb, the installation window coems up, after i press install nothing starts to install02:40
johnnyXthe midwest mateX02:40
HackerXsub, should i get the Tar or RPM pack?02:40
BIAFharry : or else nasty API errors that are not very fixable02:41
HackerXk thanks02:41
mateXi think something wrong with your firefox setting check it.02:41
=== kitty_ is now known as Mewshi
johnnyXi have mateX02:41
pennypackertmb reinstall it02:41
johnnyXeverything is fine02:41
johnnyXa look from you and i would fall from grace02:41
johnnyXdo you remember when we use to dance02:41
opgevennoone knows why my laptop would suddenly think it was running edubuntu instead of plain ubuntu?02:41
johnnyXan incident arose from circumstance02:42
SubHackerX, this is ubuntu, rpms are for red hat, just "sudo apt-get install vncviewer"02:42
johnnyXupdates opgeven02:42
HackerXok thanks02:42
SubHackerX, not living up to the name i see >_>02:42
johnnyXdid you install anything from the edutainment section opgeven ?02:42
dstyrkapokryphos:  Ok.. I did the search.. Didn't come up with anything for me.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=DVD&titlesearch=Titles02:42
dstyrkI need to find out how to play a dvd.. Not Rip, burn, backup, author, shrink... Those are the only things I have come up with.. The wiki was even worse.02:42
johnnyXi did and now it does the same thing02:42
opgevenjohnnyX:  nothing02:42
apokryphosdstyrk: point 5 under "using ubuntu"02:43
=== Ares [n=phill@c-24-1-20-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXi installed applications > education > klatin and now it does that opgeven02:43
HackerXsub, yea sorry im new to linux02:43
opgevenjohnnyX:  ok. thanks02:43
Flannel!tell dstyrk about dvd02:43
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@63-224-203-202.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mateXwell i m trying to install a pptpconfig thats used by pptp client so i need a binary for Debian for Ubuntu?02:44
HackerXsub, there is two differnt ones what one do i want?02:44
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J-_i try to use Gdeb, the installation window coems up, after i press install nothing starts to install02:44
SubHackerX, i cant remember from memory,what are they both called?02:44
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pennypackertry to start it in console02:45
johnnyXi never meant to be so bad to you02:45
Subbtw HackerX, realvnc has a nasty exploit going round at the moment, you should really use tightvnc02:45
johnnyXone thing i said that i would never do02:45
pennypacker& check errors02:45
johnnyXa look from you and i would fall from grace02:45
johnnyXand that would wipe the smile right from my face02:45
HackerXsub, xtightvncviewer, and svncviewer02:45
AltF4how much RAM does Ubuntu use02:45
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=== blue22 [n=dylan@adsl-75-24-154-145.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
pennypackera nice day for a white wedding02:45
dotslashrootHello everyone.  I have a Gateway 450sx4 that has been running breezy perfectly.  I just upgraded to dapper and now my sound card doesnt work (ES1988 Allegro)02:45
SubHackerX, the xtight one.02:46
HackerXk thanks02:46
=== capgadget [n=elifino@ppp-70-243-217-46.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue22somebody told me that rms is pissed because ubuntu is not all open source.  is this correct?  i thought it was.02:46
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AltF4use WINE to install the driver02:46
mateXis ubuntu a debain?02:46
johnnyXi cant get dvd installed02:46
emili1I am trying to create grub boot diskette, when I mount floppy it says, mount: you must specify the filesystem type, how am I supposed to mount it?02:46
johnnyXer running02:46
AltF4Not A DEBIAN02:46
johnnyXi've installed all the plugins02:46
johnnyXit tells me there is no plugin with totem02:46
dotslashrootWINE?  I never had to use that in breezy...how do I use WINE to install it?02:46
=== leagris [n=leagris_@meumeu.noiraude.net] has joined #ubuntu
pennypackeruse mplayer02:46
johnnyXwith xine it starts working and quits half way in02:46
johnnyXmplayer sucks02:47
AltF4Download wine02:47
pennypackeror vlc02:47
=== besonen_ [n=besonen_@dsl-db.pacinfo.com] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXvlc doesnt work02:47
mateXcan you guys have a look and tell me what pptpconfig i need for ubuntu? http://quozl.us.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/0-README.phtml02:47
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AltF4or go to the manufactuor and ask for a Linux Driver02:47
HackerXsub, sorry for being such a noob but how do i run the viewer after its installed?02:47
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johnnyXteenage ambitions never felt so well02:47
teimuhi ubuntu, is there a way to change my username?02:47
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-246-51.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenHow do I get a USB enternal hard drive that is formatted ext3 to AUTOmount writable as a regular user?02:48
dotslashrootI know how to install WINE but how is that going to run my sound card?02:48
apokryphosjohnnyX: please do not use caps like that.02:48
johnnyXlol sorry02:48
johnnyXi never meant to be so bad to you02:48
HackerXjohnnyx, Theres only 1/16in between the "A" key and the CAPS let try to keep it off02:48
dotslashrootwhen I run " sudo lspci -v | grep audio" it sees the card.  But the Sound preferences panel lists nothing02:48
johnnyXdo you remember when we use to dance?02:48
AltF4install the driver via WINE02:49
pennypackerinstall wine & feel the pain02:49
HackerXwhere do i find the vnc viewer after i installed it?02:49
Jenkenshrm. alright. well i must have done something wrong on my xserver-xorg install, because i get a bunch of font path errors for TTF, Type1, CID and another.. did I miss a font package or 3?02:49
=== PlayaX [n=PlayaX@c-24-0-68-177.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dotslashrootWhy do I have to do that when breezy ran with sound support without doing anything02:49
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johnnyXHackerX, type vnc whatever and type whereis02:50
johnnyXor whereis vnc-viewer02:50
blue22If Ubuntu is behind free and open source software, why do we suppor the proprietary Automatix and such?02:50
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mateXit was suggested to add this to my /etc/aptsources.list "deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./ " but i wanna do it manualy any suggestions?02:50
=== markg [n=markg@adsl-072-148-241-026.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
AltF4WHY DO YOU need sound02:50
hcjc92NO...... java is crashing firefox....02:50
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dotslashrootThats a stupid question02:51
pennypackeranyon can get rssowl to work02:51
pennypackeri cant02:51
mateXit was suggested to add this to my /etc/aptsources.list "deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./ " but i wanna do it manualy any suggestions?02:51
dotslashrootWhy wouldn't I want sound to work?  Music, videos, email alerts...the list goes on and on02:51
markganybody have wow running well on either cvscedega or wine 9.16 atm?02:51
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AltF4u use Ubuntu default02:52
AltF4I got nuthin02:52
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dotslashrootbreezy worked perfect....upgraded to dapper just now and my sound doesnt work.02:52
hcjc92meh.... meh.... meh.... click http://chat.abzde.com/ tell me if it crashes firefox(if you use firefox) it does for me02:52
HackerXhow do i make the vnc screen bigger?02:52
HackerXdo i do that server side?02:53
teimuhi ubuntu, is there a way to change my username? and keep all my settings?02:53
markgrunning dapper on a 380064x2 at 32bits and the ati 8.26 drivers for my x1900xtx but the frame rates are awful.  Can't even turn a 360 in game with out video lag.....02:53
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=== AltF4 [n=info@adsl-211-228-192.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenI need to make an external drive with reiserfs (or ext3) filesystem automount as writable by a regular user. Can anyone help?02:54
cougemmarkg: ure specs are too low02:54
markglol nice02:54
mateXcan anyone help me with this02:54
mateXit was suggested to add this to my /etc/aptsources.list "deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./ " but i wanna do it manualy any suggestions?02:54
hcjc92oops wrong window02:54
Sleeping_Slothhello everyone :)02:54
HackerXhow do i add a res to the list manualy02:54
pennypackerwhy would one run ubuntu instead of fedora02:55
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Sleeping_Slothby any chance, has anyone here installed openttd on a 64 bit machine?02:55
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roostishawwhat command would i use to install the correct linux-headers for my system? its something like sudo apt-get install linux-headers-(uname -r) or something... anyone?02:56
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markgIlike ubuntu/kubuntu because it feels like a fun distro compared to others02:56
dylan_EasyUbuntu or Automatix?  Which is better and safer?02:56
jinhohi I'm just curious, does anyone here have a radeon 9200 and have it working perfectly with OpenGL?02:56
bimberiteimu: yes, have a look at the usermod command, in particular the -l option02:56
SAM_themanGoto System->Preferences->Sound and disable "Enable Sound Server Startup"??02:56
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Sleeping_Slothhow can I tell what the dependances are for a .deb ....?02:57
HackerX***How Do I Manully Add a Res To The List???***02:57
SAM_themanIts only shows Enable software sound mixing (EDD) and play system sounds02:57
roostishawwhat command would i use to install the correct linux-headers for my system? its something like sudo apt-get install linux-headers-(uname -r) or something... anyone?02:57
YuffsterAlright, stupid question, but it's really bugging me:  In the first option for the Dapper boot disk, it's Start or Install Ubuntu.02:57
SAM_themanI am mean *(ESD)02:57
markgjinho am running an x1900 on 8.26 drivers02:57
YuffsterWhen I select it, I guess it's just starting it live.02:57
YuffsterBut I want to install it.02:57
YuffsterWhat do I do to do that?02:57
AresYuff: It's on the desktop02:57
bimberiHackerX: vncserver -geometry 1280x960   (for example)02:57
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: yes - click "install" on the desktop02:58
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.02:58
YuffsterI can't get to the desktop, though.02:58
Sleeping_Slothdamn you ares! :)02:58
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:58
YuffsterThe GUI crashes right away.02:58
AresYuff: Huh?02:58
SAM_themanjinho, ummm srry buddie but only 9600 series or higher02:58
AresYuff: Ouch.02:58
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: I may know why02:58
AresYuff: What exactly happens?02:58
bimberiroostishaw: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)       note the $02:58
jinhoSAM_theman: do you mean is supported or you're using?02:58
mateXit was suggested to add this to my /etc/aptsources.list "deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./ " but i wanna do it manualy any suggestions?02:58
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roostishawbimberi, thats it... thanks02:58
YuffsterWhen X Window (I think) starts, it just gives me a death screen.02:58
YuffsterDoes it in all Ubuntus.02:58
Sleeping_Slothyuffster.... how many partitions do you have?02:58
YuffsterI've got an Nvidia GeForce 420.02:58
HackerXbimberi ok that helps to but what i ment is for the my screen vnc aside02:58
pennypackerlook in the /var/log/xorg02:59
SAM_themanjinho, I mean its not supported,but its a worth of try02:59
HackerXin ubuntu02:59
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: can you get to a terminal?02:59
YuffsterYeah, I get to the terminal.02:59
markgthink ati hosed up some of the older chips on this release02:59
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jinhoSAM_theman- do you know where I could go look, I know google..but is there any place in particular?02:59
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:59
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: check your /home02:59
hcjc92does mysql come with ubuntu desktop/server02:59
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: 777 it02:59
SAM_themanjinho, can I pm u03:00
LjLhcjc92: not by default, but it's easy to install it03:00
YuffsterJust chmod 777 /home?03:00
YuffsterIs that the right command?03:00
LjL!tell hcjc92 about lamp03:00
bimberiHackerX: the last link from ubotu (above)03:00
arapehlDoes anyone know how to install the Java .bin file java_ee_sdk-5-linux.bin?03:00
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HackerXi dont wanna auto detect it03:00
SAM_themanjinho, well.....03:00
HackerXwill that tell me tho03:00
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: I had the same problem (I think) - giving user write access to home solved it (after a lot of head-bashing)03:00
mateXman no one is helping me :(03:00
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AresmateX: What is your problem?03:01
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:01
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: sorry, missed your last post03:01
mateXAres:   it was suggested to add this to my /etc/aptsources.list "deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./ " but i wanna do it manualy any suggestions?03:01
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: stick a sudo in front of it, and yes03:01
YuffsterThanks a ton.03:01
arapehlbimberi, is that also for the JDK? Because the JRE is different.03:01
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mateXAres:  i want it do it on this machine and install it on my ubuntu cause internet is not workin on ubuntu at the moment.03:01
jinhoSAM_theman: sure...03:01
SAM_themanjinho, well heres the site,I was going to help u installed the ATI driver in PM03:02
SAM_themano ok03:02
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: well, I hope that fixes it for you - check it's setting first though03:02
AresmateX: I'm slightly confused03:02
mateXAres:  why?03:02
Sleeping_Slothyuffster - just to see if you have write access already03:02
HackerXwhere can i get some widgets at?03:02
prowerThe widget emporium03:02
arapehlDoes anyone know how to install the Java .bin file java_ee_sdk-5-linux.bin?03:02
prowerI don't know, that's not very specific :>03:02
AresmateX: Ok, you want to install a package on another machine, because that other machine doesn't have Internet access, right?03:02
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rebekkahello... I realy would love some help!!!!!!!!!!03:03
mateXAres:  yes and it was suggested in pptpclient instalation that i have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line: deb http://quozl.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig ./03:03
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-108-50-84.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about enemyterritory03:03
Sleeping_Slothrebekka: what's the problem?03:04
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:04
mateXAres:  that download a program called pptpconfig actualy03:04
mateXi need to know what is the actual needed program.03:04
AresmateX: Apt-get wouldn't work without a connection though...03:04
rebekkacould anyone that really understands about ubuntu help me???03:04
mateXAres:  yes it wont.03:04
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:04
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mateXso i can download it on this machine and install it manualy i have not choice03:04
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:04
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Sleeping_Slothrebekka: that's probably not me, but I may be able to help - post your question and someone will answer it. you don't need to get peoples attention beforehand03:04
CokeNCodehey, goodnight, i'm looking for a program that i can use to stream winamp tv03:04
simpsonianbananawhat's wrong with this command on ubuntu "mount -o loop -t iso9660 -r cd_image.iso /mnt/cdrom"03:04
CokeNCodeand that gives me a list of all the winamp tv stations to choose from03:05
AresmateX: So, can you find the source.tar.gz [or whatever]  for whatever you want to download03:05
simpsonianbananashould it maybe be /dev/cdrom?03:05
mateXAres:  yes03:05
taeshey everybody03:05
ardchoillerebekka: I'll try to help if I can03:05
=== farky [n=exile@ip-66-80-81-4.lax.megapath.net] has joined #ubuntu
rebekkaMy brother installed Ubuntu here. I dont know hwat version I have installed , but I guess ist not really new...03:05
cubikdicehi taes03:06
rebekkaMy brother installed Ubuntu here. I dont know hwat version I have installed , but I guess ist not really new... I just know I wnat to install SKYPE here... I download the file (debian based) but I cant install03:06
taeshey dice03:06
rebekkawhat should I do??03:06
mateXAres:  do me a favor and have a look on this: http://quozl.us.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/03:06
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jrib!skype > rebekka03:06
mateXheh thanks.03:06
cubikdicewhats up?03:06
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CokeNCoderebekka, apt-get install skype03:06
CokeNCodeyou have to run it as root03:07
jribrebekka: are you interested in also upgrading to latest stable release?03:07
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farkyrebekka: go to the terminal, and type: sudo apt-get install skype03:07
=== ico2 is away: And now for something completely different... A man with 3 buttocks
taesnothing much thinking about installing ubuntu 6403:07
rebekkaI wnna know how I install it???03:07
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jribrebekka: ubotu sent you a private message with information03:07
CokeNCoderebekka, apt-get will install it for you, take care of dependencies etc03:07
AresmateX: so, you want to install, whatever that is, from source basically, do you know how to do the whole make install junk?03:07
dlifarky, is skype in ubuntu?03:07
SAM_themanEveryone be jealous ----> (http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=6/16211150376.png&s=f5)03:07
jrib!info skype03:08
ubotuPackage skype does not exist in dapper03:08
farkyrebekka: go to the terminal(Ctrl + Alt + F2) and type "sudo apt-get install skype03:08
farkydli: yes03:08
AresThe Ubuntu install script includes skype.03:08
=== Boelcke [n=Boelcke@c-24-99-247-67.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
taesdo you have it installed already?03:08
Sleeping_Slothits in the multiverse I think03:08
AresThe "easy" install or what not.03:08
mooseman447does anybody know if there is a way to tar directly to dvd but its going to need to be split across multiple dvd03:08
mateXAres:  not realy but i will try to ..03:08
farkydli: have it installed not, but I think as Sleeping_Sloth said, it is in the multiverse03:08
BoelckeHelp! gnome-volume-manager autodetects my camera, but only grabs the pictures, not videos.  Where can I manually find my (usb) camera?03:08
CokeNCodeSAM_theman, mine is better :P03:08
farkyyou just have to add the extra repositories03:09
dliAres, no, my understanding is you have to download the .deb from skype.com , and installed it yourself03:09
rebekkawhat do I use this apt get???03:09
SAM_themanlet me see it punk :P03:09
ico2Boelcke:  try /mnt/sda or /mnt/sda1 or somewhere in /media?03:09
farkyrebekka: go to the terminal(Ctrl + Alt + F2) and type "sudo apt-get install skype03:09
farkythats all you need to do03:09
Sleeping_Slothdli, farky - I'm not sure, as I had to download the static with qt3  - as I'm running 64 bit03:09
CokeNCodeSAM_theman, k, gimme a sec, let me upload it03:09
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AresmateX: I don't know either, but Google knows, so... http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html03:10
SAM_themanno problemo my friend03:10
Sleeping_Slothbut I'm sure I read somewhere that the i386 is in the multiverse03:10
farkySleeping_Sloth: Well i'm using 32-bit and it works03:10
ardchoillefarky: skype isn't in the repos03:10
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mateXAres:  heh thanks mate.03:10
AresmateX: ask if you need help, cause I'm sure someone here knows more then I do [Damn I hope so] 03:10
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hcjc92i love me (not sure why, but i do)03:10
farkyardchoille: you have to add the extra repositories03:10
weakwirehi i have this problem during ./configure configure: error: Python headers missing .. what package should i install? thank you in advance03:10
Boelckeico2, yeah, I've found nothing there.  Hmm...03:10
dliSleeping_Sloth, debian made it's clear, the skype license is not compatible with dfsg, so, it won't even be included in non-free03:10
farkyardchoille: i found them at ubuntuguide.org03:11
ardchoillefarky: I have had the extra repos enabled for months, and I don't see skype03:11
ico2Boelcke:    you might need to mount it, try mount /dev/sda (or sda1) then look03:11
Sleeping_Slothdli, farky, ardchoille - sorry, my mistake then03:11
Sleeping_Slothdli, farky, ardchoille - ah, dumbass, I remember now - there is a repos set up at skype03:11
simpsonianbananahow can I mount an iso under ubuntu?03:11
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:11
CokeNCodeSAM_theman, what do you think ?03:11
simpsonianbananathat was... unexpected03:12
dlisimpsonianbanana, mount -oloop03:12
mateXAres:  man i knew this btw ;) heh but i am not sure what file i need from this website: http://quozl.us.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/ to make it work with http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net03:12
weakwirecan anyone help me please?03:12
SAM_themanCokeNCode, no bad commrad03:12
mateXi dont know if anyone can have a look on this and tell me.03:12
AresAhh, let me dig around.03:12
Sleeping_Slothweakwire: post away and someone will help03:12
SAM_themanCokeNCode, not bad comrade03:12
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CokeNCodeSAM_theman, thanks, urz is pretty good also.03:12
Boelckeico2, device does not exist.  Sadly.03:12
taescould someone help me setup a duel hard drive system so i can choose which operating system i want to load03:12
weakwirepost away?03:12
mooseman447anybody have an idea for me?03:13
farkySleeping_Sloth, ardchoille: here is the link to add the extra repositories: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Messenger_.28Skype.2903:13
mateXhttp://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-ubuntu.phtml see this03:13
Arestaes: You mean a dual boot?03:13
dlitaes, grub can do that03:13
=== Boelcke doesn't want to have to boot into windows to retreive his videos!
rebekkaMy god.... I pressed Control  ALT F2 and I wnet to a screen... i took me 15 min to leave that screennnnnn03:13
Sleeping_Slothfarky: you beat me to it: the repos is: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free03:13
dlirebekka, Alt-f703:13
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farkySleeping_Sloth, dli: correction, that is the link for "how" to install it03:13
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  what does deb do?03:13
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CokeNCoderebekka, you're new to linux aren't you03:13
taesyes duel boot03:13
IntelligiI am having a huge problem with crashing. I think my computer is on its last leg. It has to either be the CPU or the hard drive. Right before it crashes, I can hear the hard drive make some noise, like it is either slowing down or trying to start spinning again. It was doing this under Windows too.03:13
=== HackerX [n=hackerx@24-231-160-86.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mateXwhats is deb ?03:14
rebekkaYes I am!03:14
simpsonianbananawhen I try and mount to anything other than a directory, i get 'mount point /mnt/cd does not exist'03:14
taesdoes grub have to be on the master hd03:14
IntelligiIs there anyway to correctly diagnos the problem?03:14
Ares!info deb03:14
ubotuPackage deb does not exist in dapper03:14
Sleeping_Slothmatex:  a deb is a debian package, similar to rpm03:14
dliIntelligi, sounds like a hdd problem, backup data first, badblocks03:14
farkySleeping_Sloth: yeah skype works, it just needs a little more work. It's pretty slow03:14
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rebekkaWell... going back to the subject... what am I supposed to do... can anyone try to be as simple as possible?03:14
HackerXWhere can i get a good wifi scanner/finder???03:14
IntelligiData is backed up already.03:14
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  thats what i have been asking :( and Ubuntu is a debain right?03:14
ardchoillesimpsonianbanana: you need to create the mount point before using it in mount03:14
Sleeping_Slothfarky - mine works okay on 64 bit under linux3203:14
Sleeping_Slothmatex: yes03:14
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-199-077.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
AresOh wait, mateX...03:15
J-_i don't think Gdeb is working, is there anyway i can fix it?03:15
simpsonianbananaardchoille, how would I do that?03:15
farkyrebekka: go here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Messenger_.28Skype.2903:15
AresMateX: You just want to edit a file?03:15
minimecIntelligi: This is the Harddisk. Save your Data as soon as possible. ;)03:15
dliIntelligi, then, run badblocks03:15
mateXgoddamn it03:15
Sleeping_Slothmatex: well, for the purposes of the question03:15
IntelligiIs there anyway to be sure exactly what my problem is?03:15
ardchoillesimpsonianbanana: sudo mkdir /path/to/desired/dir03:15
Sleeping_Slothmatex: why?03:15
ardchoillesimpsonianbanana: in your case: sudo mkdir /mnt/cd03:15
farkySleeping_Sloth: how fast does it start up though?03:15
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Sleeping_Slothfarky: a few seconds - hold on, I'll fire it up again...:p03:15
dliIntelligi, man badblocks03:16
IntelligiWhat is badlocks?03:16
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  actualy in an instalation i was asked to add "deb http://quozl.us.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/ ./" to my /etc/apt/services.list03:16
Sleeping_Slothfarky: lol..... it took a full 20 seconds....03:16
AresmateX: Yeah, that isn't hard.03:16
HackerX***Where can i get a good WIFI Scanner/Viewer03:16
farkyIntelligi: it tries to detect bad sectors in the disired partition03:16
Sleeping_Slothfarky: although both cpus are maxed folding03:16
simpsonianbananaardchoille, then I get an error in VMWare, cdrom not allowed as a directory03:16
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weakwireanyone? should i wait for some help?03:16
Sleeping_Slothfarky: but I think that would make little difference03:17
minimecHackerX: Kismet03:17
dli!ask > weakwire03:17
ardchoillesimpsonianbanana: oh, VMware, ok. Can't help with that03:17
HackerXKismet ok how do i get it?03:17
AresmateX: Just type in "sudo gedit /etc/apt/services/list" [into terminal] 03:17
mateXSleeping_Sloth:   and i cant access internet from that machine so i wanted to download the exact file needed so i can use copy it from this machine to Ubuntu one and use pptpconfig03:17
IntelligiI don't understand farky.03:17
simpsonianbananaIt wants something like /dev/hda2 or /dev/cdrom/03:17
weakwirehi i have this problem during ./configure configure: error: Python headers missing .. what package should i install? thank you in advance03:17
mateXAres:  thanks but thats not the problem03:17
AresmateX: Oh, ok NOW I understand you.03:17
farkySleeping_Sloth: yeah, but I can just tell, even with minimal processes running, it still takes like 10 seconds03:17
ardchoillesimpsonianbanana: those are devices and they probably already exist03:17
Sleeping_Slothfarky - thats what I remember - about 10 seems about right.03:18
farkyIntelligi: some hard disks have bad sectors which cause read-write errors which lead to other problems03:18
Ares!info pptp03:18
ubotuPackage pptp does not exist in dapper03:18
minimecHackerX: sudo apt-get install kismet ;)03:18
farkySleeping_Sloth: but at least it works eh?03:18
HackerXah thanks03:18
weakwiredli i did it before03:18
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Sleeping_Slothfarky: once it's fired up its fine. worked out of the box - IM, file transfer, VOIP03:18
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IntelligiI thought bad sectors just weren't written to.03:18
mateXAres:  actualy i m trying to use a pptpclient used for vpn connections try this: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net03:18
Sleeping_Slothfarky (although only using a headset - not tried proper VOIP calling through it)03:19
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  any suggestions?03:19
Sleeping_Slothmatex: you dont know what package you need?03:19
farkyIntelligi: I'm not sure about that, you would have to ask someone else for more detailed info about it, I just know what it does03:19
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  yes and i m confused03:19
AresmateX: If you don't have any connection to the pc you want to install this on, wouldn't it be impossible to use the actually client.03:19
dliIntelligi, if you just do: man badblocks03:19
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HackerX*** How do i add a res to the list i did the auto thing but it didnt fint my widescreen res***03:20
farkySleeping_Sloth: yeah im using a headset also, but it's a pain to use on an old 650Mhz, 128M ram laptop03:20
w32Grub error 21after fresh ubuntu dapper install any ideas as to why03:20
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mateXAres:  well i cant access internet cause i dont have any pptp client configured and for that i need this pptpconfig03:20
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w32scsi issue maybe ?03:20
dlifarky, debian can run on 128MB ram for sure03:20
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Sleeping_Sloththere arent many .debs in that repository03:20
bimberiarapehl: still there?  yes the jdk is there - package sun-java5-jdk03:21
Sleeping_Slothmatex: you're running an i386 machine?03:21
bimberi!info sun-java5-jdk03:21
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 4868 kB, installed size 11548 kB03:21
farkydli: i know, it justs runs pretty sluggishly, but it is manageable03:21
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  i dont really know03:21
=== Tonren [n=mcantor@ool-45724cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXminimec, what do i have to config to get kismet to run03:21
AresmateX: Ugh, mate I don't know.03:21
Sleeping_Slothmatex: it's an AMD  XP, or an intel pentium 3 or 4?03:21
Sleeping_Slothmatex: - i386 is 32 bit03:21
Sleeping_Slothmatex: you'd know if it were 64 bot03:22
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rebekkaI am really sad... I dont know what to do!!!03:22
farkyI'll be back in an hour or two03:22
camillaanyone know any option to liberate space ??03:22
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  its intel pentium 403:22
dlifarky, 650MB is not slow, 128MB is the reason, so, run debian, instead of ubuntu03:22
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spiderwormanyone have ffmpeg-dev in one of their repos?03:22
farky_awaydli: 128Mb of ram not 65003:22
Sleeping_Slothmatex: anyway - the point is, you can download the .debs (looks like theres 2 you'll need) from the address you posted earlier, and install them locally03:22
=== combox [n=combox@c-24-7-159-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
camillaanyone know any option to liberate space ??03:22
minimecHackerX: Hmmm... Go to the Kismet website and check the /etc directory. You have to announce your wifi-card in the config file.03:23
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  yeah i want to instal it localy03:23
mateXthats the only choice i have atm.03:23
tritiumcamilla: apt-get clean will clear out apt's cache of .debs03:23
mateXotherwise i would have prefered deb03:23
Sleeping_Slothok - so you'll need to download the relevant debs from that address. hang on a sec03:23
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hou5tonWhen I "sudo modprobe snd-" ... it says FATAL: Module snd_ not found.   Sooooooooo, what do I do now?03:23
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  ok03:23
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camillatritium, it will be clear the things i dont need?!?03:24
comboxheh hello everyone, first day to Linux, i want to play WoW on ym Linux machine, i purchased cedega but dont know how to install it03:24
tritiumcamilla: nope, just what I told you, and no more03:24
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ADrophello ppl..03:24
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camillai dont understand03:24
Sleeping_Slothmatex: http://quozl.us.netrek.org/pptp/pptpconfig/pptpconfig_20060410-0_all.deb03:25
Sleeping_Slothmatex: I think that's the only one03:25
tritiumcamilla: it removes just the .deb files (no need to worry, they're already installed, so they're safe to remove)03:25
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  ok thats what i thought after knowing ubuntu is a debain03:25
mateXi knew it but people here said its not a debain ..03:25
camillathanks tritium03:26
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems03:26
Sleeping_Slothmatex: well, technically it isnt03:26
tritiummateX: it's derived from debian03:26
Sleeping_Slothmatex: but it uses .debs - I know what you meant03:26
tritiumsort of like Dr. Pepper is derived from prune juice ;)03:26
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mateXok good03:26
Sleeping_Slothmatex: so you're away on a pogo-stick, hopefully :)03:26
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Sleeping_Slothtritium: was that a jibe at ubuntu or debian? I can't stand doctor pepper!03:27
mateXyea :)03:27
tritiumSleeping_Sloth: heh ;)03:27
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comboxHOW do i open cedega-small_5.2.1_i386.deb this file, I know 0 about Linux03:28
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tritiumcombox: sudo dpkg -i <foo.deb> to install it03:29
comboxit just downloads it on the desktop and then using Archive manager opens it03:29
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tritiumcombox: or, if you're on dapper, there's a gui app called gdebi03:29
comboxwhat doeas that mean?03:29
tritiumcombox: which part?  :D03:29
comboxim comming from Windows lol03:30
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comboxthe line of code part03:30
emilisI followed the grub document to make a boot diskette, and when I boot from floppy, it tells me error 15: file not found... what do I do?03:30
comboxwhere do i type that03:30
tritiumcombox: great, then this will only be easier!03:30
tritiumcombox: are you using Ubuntu Dapper?03:30
comboxyeahs Ubuntu03:30
tritiumcombox: yes, but which version?03:30
comboxthe latest03:30
HackerX***What did i do now every time i try to edit a file in the terminal its blank?03:30
comboxi updated it03:30
tritium(I should say "release")03:30
Lukehey guys, what are trunk, branch, and tag dirs for with svn?03:31
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  btw how will i install this package manual?03:31
tritiumcombox: then you should be able to double-click the .deb, and gdebi (an app) will help you install it03:31
simpsonianbananadoes ubuntu use devfs or udev?03:31
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comboxbut it doesnt it opens it with Archive manager03:31
tritiumLuke: that's explained nicely in the svn book (freely available, worth the read)03:31
comboxthen it shouw me the folders but i cant do anythign with them03:31
hcjc92okay.... mount /dev/hda2 (what mount point do i use)03:32
Luketritium: what part? i've got it open now03:32
kolajeare there any freenode rooms that focus on display adapters?03:32
tritiumcombox: try right clicking, open with, and choose gdebi03:32
tritiumLuke: ah, fantastic :)  I don't recall, actually03:32
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Luketritium: i've read a lot of it - its just... huge03:32
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Sleeping_Slothmatex: use dpkg03:32
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HackerX*** Can anyone help me config kismet?***03:32
hcjc92oh crap, i just mounted it to /mnt, meant to mount to mnt/hda103:32
emilisanybody can  help me with grub?03:32
tritiumLuke: I know...03:33
Sleeping_Slothmatex: you'll need to install that first though03:33
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SAM_themanguys i thought the radeon 9200 is supported or is it not??03:33
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  yeah03:33
mateX!info dpkg03:33
ubotudpkg: package maintenance system for Debian. In repository main, is required. Version 1.13.11ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 1821 kB, installed size 5424 kB03:33
tritiumSAM_theman: it should be03:33
YuffsterOk, guys... X is still crashing every time I start Dapper to install it... but this time I messed with xorg config and changed the video card to generic (vga).03:33
=== KaiHanari [n=kaihanar@stjhnf01-23-142163031207.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SAM_themancause i am trying to help jinho03:33
YuffsterWhen I tried to startx, I got a black screen for a little, then a sound...03:33
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SAM_themanand its not03:33
Luketritium: well is trunk for the main code?03:33
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YuffsterFollowed by a text error about a wacom tablet and font errors.03:33
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tritiumLuke: yes03:34
YuffsterDoes anyone have any ideas?03:34
Sleeping_Slothyuffster:I had the same stuf - I just commented the 3 wacom lines03:34
YuffsterDo you get the font error afterwards?03:34
Luketritium: ok thanks03:34
tritiumLuke: the average user doesn't have to worry about branches and tags03:34
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: sorry - the 3 wacom *sections*03:34
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: no joy with permissions then ?03:35
YuffsterI get that and then "Waiting for X server to shutdown FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/x11/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing."03:35
comboxdamn i cant find that programm03:35
mateXSleeping_Sloth:  so how will i use dpkg03:35
YuffsterBut the sound is reassuring... I'm probably close to getting someting to work.03:35
comboxcant find gdebi03:35
tritiumcombox: please open Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and type "which gdebi"03:36
HackerX***Can anyone please help me with kismet config file???***03:36
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: it sounds like it (no pun intended) - well, actually it was, but it was crap, so I'm disowning it03:36
YuffsterI really hope I can get Ubuntu installed sometime soon.03:36
Sleeping_Slothyuffster - permissions on home were okay?03:36
comboxi did nothing happened03:36
YuffsterSafe graphics mode didn't help, either.03:36
YuffsterI changed them beforehand.03:36
Sleeping_Slothyuffster :/03:37
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comboxbash: which gdebi: command not found03:37
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tritiumcombox: what does "lsb_release -a" tell you about the release you're running?03:37
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: is failsafe terminal the only thing you can run in?03:37
comboxdo i use the apostrafy?03:37
YuffsterPretty much.03:37
tritiumcombox: no03:37
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: it sounds so close to the problem I was having, I'm surprised its not perms03:37
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YuffsterDoes anyone know the correct video driver for Nvidia?03:38
tritiumcombox: that's the problem.  That's _not_ the latest03:38
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: however - comment out the wacom sections in xorg.conf03:38
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: nvidia-glx03:38
tritiumbreezy doesn't have gdebi03:38
YuffsterAh, yeah, I should try that.03:38
YuffsterIs that in the list?03:38
johnohey, has anyone got nforce5 working with ubuntu yet?03:38
comboxhow do i update?03:38
tritiumcombox: in that terminal, "sudo dpkg -i <yourfilenamehere.deb>"03:38
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: its in the multiverse I think03:38
YuffsterIs that online?03:38
HackerXWhy wont my text editor work in the terminal???03:38
nemikso i installed tor, privoxy and torbutton extension but my IP is still the same on whatbemyip.com. what am i doing wrong?03:38
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.03:38
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: add the multiverse to sources.list, then apt-get it03:38
HackerXEverytime i open somthing its blank03:38
YuffsterI don't know how to use the multiverse. >_>;03:39
YuffsterNever done it before.03:39
Sleeping_Slothyuffster - its in that or the universe - open your sources.list03:39
Sleeping_Slothyuffster (/etc/apt/sources.list)03:39
YuffsterWhere's the sources.list?03:39
tritiumcombox: nope what?03:39
YuffsterWhat do I do in there, though? (Sorry.)03:39
comboxbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'03:39
YuffsterI mean, the multiverse is Greek to me.03:39
=== avalente [n=andre@a83-132-136-22.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
avalentehello. Is there any Xubuntu Live iso?03:40
Sleeping_Slothdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe03:40
Sleeping_Slothdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe03:40
tritiumcombox: you likely didn't type it right, or didn't specify the full path the .deb file03:40
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YuffsterI'm not sure if I'm online.03:40
emilishelp! I created a grub boot diskette; and when booting from floppy I get Error 15: file not found..03:40
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: sorry, wrong line03:40
comboxhmm i just retyped its name03:40
Sleeping_Slothdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse03:40
Sleeping_Slothdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse03:40
YuffsterI downloaded the Nvidia drivers and put them on my USB stick.03:40
comboxmaybe if i just upgrade03:40
YuffsterIf I knew how to access them, I'd be in business.03:40
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: how do you connect?03:41
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-25-66.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
tritiumcombox: if that file is not in your current working directory, you'll have to either change to that dir, or specify the full path03:41
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avalentehello. Is there any Xubuntu Live iso? Is it the xubuntu-6.06-desktop or other?03:41
YuffsterI can connect through Windows.03:41
YuffsterBut I've got a LinkSys WUSB11 2.8.03:41
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: but you're going to need linux to connect ultimately anyway03:41
YuffsterYeah, I know.03:41
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YuffsterI figured the bridge might be easier to cross with a GUI.03:41
Sleeping_Slothyuffster :p I'm not the man to help on that one03:41
YuffsterWell, and I have the LinkSys driver on my USB stick, too.03:42
nemikso i installed tor, privoxy and torbutton extension but my IP is still the same on whatbemyip.com. what am i doing wrong?03:42
Jack_SparrowWhen I do lspci -v it shows my correct sound card but at the bottom says only available as root...  How do I fix that?03:42
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster - that may or may not be the case03:42
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tritiumnemik: did you configure your browser to use it?03:42
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YuffsterHow so?03:42
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: I have no experive with usb modems, although I'm sure there are plenty of howtos floating around03:42
tritiumnemik: (be sure to read the docs in /usr/share/doc/privoxy and tor)03:42
YuffsterIt might work in Dapper.03:42
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: well, most of what you need to do is likely text-editing anyway03:43
YuffsterIt didn't work in Hoary, but I didn't get the same errors this time.03:43
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jpiccoloCan i install kubuntu overtop of ubuntu?03:43
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: oh, as in PnP, so to speak?03:43
Zaireanyone with an HP computer should read this http://news.com.com/2100-7355_3-6090825.html?part=rss&tag=6090825&subj=news03:43
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: plug and play....03:43
=== ubuntugeek [n=ryantroy@24-247-108-192.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
foxinessthe speed of download something by or from apt-get repos , is from sleep : 143 b/s !03:43
YuffsterWhat's an easy way to check the 'net connection?03:43
nemiktritium: i followed a few tutorials. perhaps i need those ports open on ym rounter? but the internet still works it just shows my IP everywhere not a different ont03:44
YuffsterI tried lynx but I guess Ubuntu doesn't have that?03:44
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: I dont know, but I think you may be expecting a but much03:44
Sleeping_Slothyou could wget03:44
foxinessYuffster, ping www.google.com03:44
YuffsterAh, yeah, good idea.03:44
comboxwould upgrading ubuntu help?03:44
Sleeping_Slothor do something sensible like that :p03:44
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tritiumnemik: well, did you configure your browser to use them?03:44
YuffsterSo... to recap... if the 'net works, how do I get the video card to work?03:44
foxinessYuffster, ping www.google.com -c 3 "this better "03:44
tritiumcombox: help with what?03:45
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comboxgetting that install file to work03:45
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: I'm almost certain it wont be working - how is it going to know your account settings etc?03:45
YuffsterTrue, yeah.03:45
nemiktritium: no, i used the torbutton firefox extension which should do that automatically. but before i tried confing firefox manually also and nothing03:45
tritiumcombox: no, you just need to specify the full path, as I said earlier03:45
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumnemik: hmm, works here03:45
YuffsterSo how do I access my USB stick?03:46
comboxbut what does go to that directory mean when specifying a path03:46
HackerX!!! Ok im having a really hard time setting up Kismet can anyone help me please?03:46
ubotuI know nothing about !! Ok im having a really hard time setting up Kismet can anyone help me please?03:46
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: you'll need to mount it03:46
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nemiktrituim: i hear it works after a restart so i may try that now03:46
RopechoborraYuffster could u install Dapper ?03:46
YuffsterCould you give me the command?03:46
YuffsterNo, it crashes going into the GUI.03:46
Ropechoborrathe GUI ?03:46
nemiktritium: if still nothing i'll come back, thank you for the suggestions and help though03:46
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ubotuI know nothing about kismet03:47
YuffsterI get "Screens found, but none have a usable configuration."03:47
tritiumcombox: to which dir did you download that .deb?03:47
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HackerX! kistmet03:47
ubotuI know nothing about kistmet03:47
Jack_SmirnoffWhen I do lspci -v it shows my correct sound card but at the bottom says only available as root...  How do I fix that?03:47
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb_stick03:47
tritiumHackerX: please query ubotu in private so as not to spam the channel03:47
HackerXok sorry03:47
RopechoborraUff... i went crazy trying to configure my video card, fortunatly this version recongize it automaticaly :)03:47
tritiumHackerX: no worries.  Thanks, bud.03:47
dash\anybody play N on linux?03:47
YuffsterI wish I were so lucky.03:48
spiderwormN ?03:48
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: /dev/something03:48
HackerXCan A N Y O N E help me with kismet please please please03:48
YuffsterOh, and in a newbie note...03:48
YuffsterHow do I page up when the terminal spits giant lists at me?03:48
Ropechoborrawith page up buttom ? :P03:48
Yuffsterit just makes a ding noise.03:48
dash\nvm, that wasn't supposed to msg here :X03:49
mrmaniawith the scroll bar03:49
YuffsterI'm just on plain text.03:49
Ropechoborrawith the mouse scroll03:49
YuffsterWould the mouse work?03:49
Sleeping_Slothropechoborra: he's tty03:49
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hou5tonYuffster:  I think you do something like | less03:50
RopechoborraLet me try03:50
Broncho or | more03:50
tritiumcombox: you still there?03:50
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Yuffster| less?03:50
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: isnt it pipe to more?03:50
comboxwould it look something liek this? sude dpkg -i </home/combox/Desktop/cedega-small_5.2.1_i386.deb>03:50
YuffsterI don't get those options.03:50
tritiumcombox: don't use the < or >03:50
YuffsterI just get the end of the list and the command prompt again.03:50
Riesmaby a odd question, I do have imake, I do have gcc but I don't have make....03:50
kramer_Yuffster: like this for example -- "ls | more"03:51
Bronchopipe it through less03:51
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Rieswhich package might contain make???03:51
Bronchoas in command | less03:51
kramer_Yuffster: that would wait for you to press space to go 1 page at a time03:51
tritiumcombox: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/cedega-small_5.2.1_i386.deb03:51
=== feryana is now known as GianLuigiBuffon
YuffsterSo, do I append that to my command?03:51
foxiness2-letter code of your country: ??, i need a fast and stable server plz, who know one for me03:51
YuffsterAnd how do I find the device that corresponds to my USB stick?03:51
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: yes03:51
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kramer_Yuffster: yes you append the " | less/more"03:51
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YuffsterIf I can get the files off there, I'll be in business.03:51
Sleeping_Slothyou could modprobe it03:51
tritiumcombox: the ~ is an alias for your user's home dir (/home/combox)03:51
GianLuigiBuffonhi there pals03:51
Ropechoborra:( donno03:51
HackerX||| Can Anyone Help Me Setup KISMET Please??? |||03:52
Sleeping_Slothlook in your dev03:52
=== bulltitan [n=victor@host161.201-253-50.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
GianLuigiBuffonJust I need one tip03:52
jinhoSam_theman: I'll bb in a while- chow time03:52
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nornagonnew install of breezy03:52
YuffsterThere's a very long list in the dev.03:52
nornagonit faild to install all the packages right03:52
GianLuigiBuffonHow can I install a Conceptronic Wireless 54mb USB?????03:52
nornagonso now I try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:52
YuffsterWould it be like, hd?03:52
comboxdpkg: error processing ~Desktop/ (--install):03:52
combox cannot access archive: No such file or directory03:52
comboxErrors were encountered while processing:03:52
combox ~Desktop/03:52
GianLuigiBuffonI connect it and nothing happens03:52
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nornagonand it tells me to run dpkg --configure -a03:52
kulliHas anyone of you got laid recently?03:52
bulltitani'm trying to install vmware but it drops an error because i'm not root even if i am a root# but giving the su tells me that the password i'm using is wrong03:52
bulltitanwhat can i do?03:52
=== dstyrk [n=daryl@c-68-85-72-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
emilisCan anybody help me with grub; I created boot diskette, and when I select operating system it tells me Error 15: Cannot find file03:53
bulltitanisn't the sudo password the same as su?03:53
tritiumcombox: you forgot the "/" between ~ and Desktop03:53
nornagonwhich then fails with "dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed."03:53
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tritiumcombox: and please don't paste in the channel, as it's such a busy one03:53
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: its not sda1?03:53
ttyfsckercan someone look and see if the linux/kernel image for amd k6 processors is in the ubuntu repositories?  I am using debian but there is no k6 kernels in debian repos except for 2.4 kernel..  if there is no k6 please see if there is a 586 level kernel..  I appreciate it03:53
GianLuigiBuffonHow can I install a Conceptronic Wireless 54mb USB?????03:53
YuffsterI don't know.03:53
YuffsterI'll try it.03:53
Sleeping_Sloththeres no harm in trying03:54
YuffsterI have to reboot to give it a try, so I want to make sure I've got it right.03:54
RopechoborraYuffster /sys/devices ?03:54
YuffsterWhere would /sys/devices be?03:54
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: you dont need to reboot03:54
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kramer_GianLuigiBuffon: I dont know with that specifically, but you could try looking up ndiswrapper03:54
comboxSelecting previously deselected package cedega-small.03:54
combox(Reading database ... 62338 files and directories currently installed.)03:54
comboxUnpacking cedega-small (from .../cedega-small_5.2.1_i386.deb) ...03:54
comboxSetting up cedega-small (5.2.1) ...03:54
bulltitanin other words how can i give vmware the permissions to run the install script03:54
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: sorry, I get you03:54
tritiumcombox: don't paste here, please...03:54
SAM_themancombox, cedega......03:54
comboxSetting up cedega-small (5.2.1) ...03:54
kramer_GianLuigiBuffon: from what I hear you use windows drivers to get it working with linux03:54
YuffsterI do need to reboot, I'm on XP.03:54
RopechoborraI got them there.. in a strange folder called pci0000:0003:54
YuffsterWindows XP.03:55
tritiumno problem03:55
SAM_themancombox, whats seems to be the probelm03:55
YuffsterTrying to get Ubuntu working for the first time.03:55
GianLuigiBuffonKramer_ how I use ndiswrapper?03:55
comboxnow what03:55
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SAM_themancombox, *problem03:55
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GianLuigiBuffonwindows drivers? with wine?03:55
SAM_themancombox, type this into your termianl03:55
bulltitanyes vmware03:55
SAM_themancombox, cedega03:55
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: you should be able to get gnome working without the nvidia drivers for now03:55
RopechoborraYuffster may i ask why do u need that?03:55
kramer_GianLuigiBuffon: I am not entirely sure how to use it, I havn't used it for wireless on Linux, so you would have to look it up online. I'm just trying to point ya in the right direction03:55
YuffsterXServer crashes immediately.03:56
comboxahaha sweet thank you so much03:56
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YuffsterIt never loads me to the desktop, where I'm told the install process starts.03:56
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: you could always go straight to install03:56
GianLuigiBuffonok kramer_ thaks a lot... i have cable but sometimes i need wi-fi and sucks going back to shitdow$03:56
roostishawhow do i use a comment system? i cant seem to find one, or find out how to set one up...03:56
YuffsterWhen I select the option Start or Install, I just start.03:56
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: instead of "start/install" go to "install in text mode03:56
kramer_GianLuigiBuffon: ya, sorry I cant help more03:56
bulltitani'm trying to install vmware but it drops an error because i'm not root even if i am a root# but giving the su tells me that the password i'm using is wrong03:56
YuffsterAh, OK.03:56
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RopechoborraYuffster /home/YOURUSER/Desktop/  then ./install i think03:56
JenkensI am running: [zirc]  8.1 (build: 810) - illusion v2.003:56
GianLuigiBuffonkramer_ dont worry you did all that you could :))03:57
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Teejay_wpHow do you install a ATI driver for ubuntu 5.10?03:57
YuffsterBut when I'm done, won't I still have the video program?03:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:57
YuffsterProblem, even.03:57
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: well....quite possibly, but you wont have to wait an eon each time you reboot03:57
YuffsterYeah, true.03:58
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YuffsterI'll go install then.03:58
YuffsterThanks for the continued help.03:58
SAM_themancombox, and also my friend in this channel I have learn from experense that they don't specilize in games here so go to this channel #linux-gamers and #cedega03:58
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: hold on03:58
=== Phate[G] [n=accounts@c-71-199-99-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ropechoborrawish u luck!03:58
=== Zaire [n=foxfire@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bulltitanplease giveme a hand with this vmware thing03:58
SAM_themansrry for my language03:58
Sleeping_Slothyuffster - I'm off to bed - Im in the UK and its 3am03:58
comboxok well you have given me a good head start thank you03:58
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YuffsterAlright.  Thanks for the help!03:58
tritiumSAM_theman: this is not a gaming channel03:58
zcat[1] what's the recomended smtp and imap and pop clients? something that ties in nicely with local users and /var/spool/mail, NOT somethign that thies to do it's own mail system and use LDAP!03:58
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Sleeping_Slothyuffter: so - check perms on everything - make sure gnome can write everywhere it may need to03:59
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YuffsterI can do that.03:59
xblgood day!03:59
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: comment out the wacom stuff, and leave the driver as nv to start with - you should be able to get into X03:59
SAM_themantritium, for your imformation punk I was telling him to go to the gaming channel not here03:59
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Riesstupid me... I forgot to install make....03:59
GianLuigiBuffonthis is hard :P03:59
tritiumSAM_theman: watch your tone03:59
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Jack_SmirnoffWhen I do lspci -v it shows my correct sound card but at the bottom says only available as root...  How do I fix that?03:59
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: worry about harware accelleration oncde you have the net setup03:59
xblwhat driver can I use for EPSON LX300+ printer03:59
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snoopsI'm looking for a few books on debian based distro's (the concepts, indepth information on the various modules and systems and how it all fits together), as well as a good book on X11 window system. Again wanting it to be really in depth. Anyone can recommend some to read besides reference manuals? :)04:00
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bulltitanthanks guys04:00
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Sleeping_Slothyuffster: anyway - good luck, and good night :p04:00
Ropechoborralol xD04:00
YuffsterThanks a lot!04:00
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zcat[1] anyone?04:00
Sleeping_Slothyuffster: no worries04:00
Ropechoborrazcat[1]   ask04:00
SAM_themanzcat[1] , yo04:00
kcbannerIs it possible to connect to an already-running X session remotely? I do have SSH access.04:00
tritiumSAM_theman: I was merely pointing out that it can't be expected for us to support cedega here04:00
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Sleeping_Slothardchoille, are you there?04:01
zcat[1] what's the recomended smtp and imap and pop clients? something that ties in nicely with local users and /var/spool/mail, NOT something that thies to do it's own mail system and use LDAP!04:01
zcat[1] *tries04:01
GianLuigiBuffoncool is on synaptics04:01
Jenkensla la la04:01
ardchoilleSleeping_Sloth: yep :)04:01
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Ropechoborrazcat[1]   thunderbird ?04:01
SAM_themantritium, I know and i told the dude go here #cedega and #linux-gamers.net because this is not the place04:01
HackerXWhere is kismet stored on ubuntu?04:01
Rodietzehey guys look I got a spyware in my firefox.... how to fix it?04:01
tritiumSAM_theman: right, so no need for you to disrespect me04:02
Rodietzeit overides my homepage04:02
Jenkens877 packages..04:02
Jenkens1.21 GIGAWATTS?!04:02
rudolphMy SanDisk card says that it is read only. How do I change it to write?04:02
GianLuigiBuffonin linux????04:02
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Sleeping_Slothardchoille: hello mate - I've been on the last few days as martin. Anyway - you gave me a bit of help on something, I thought you'd be the man to ask about this...04:02
PlayaX;j #linux-gamers.net04:02
RopechoborraOn firefox???04:02
zcat[1] imap/pop3 server.... last time I tried to do this, everything I installed wanted to set up it's own mail system ..04:02
tritiumHackerX: dpkg -L <package name> to list files in a package04:02
RodietzeGianLuigiBuffon yes04:02
Sleeping_Slothardchoille: I want to install openttd on 64 bit kernel04:02
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SAM_themantritium, yeah then why where u repeating what I just siad liek 3 mins ago04:02
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ardchoilleSleeping_Sloth: yes, I remember. I'll try to help if I can :)04:02
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ardchoilleSleeping_Sloth: Sorry, mate, I know nothing about 64bit stuff :(04:02
GianLuigiBuffonhey other question04:02
Rodietzeyeah it is the second time firefox got it... and it looks like NVU has something to do with it...04:03
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Sleeping_Slothardchoille: but the problem is, I need a static package to run it in linux3204:03
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ardchoilleSleeping_Sloth: I'm not good with kernel stuff either04:03
zcat[1] I seem to have postfix installed already.. something that will let me access those mail file in /var/spool/mail via imap and pop3 would be nice..04:03
fdelacruzhi guys04:03
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tritiumSAM_theman: cut it out, right now04:03
HackerXtritium, im trying to find the config file i tryed the default location but it just opened a blank04:03
GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I update the system or something, at the end appears "E: mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" doesn't break nothing but just is annoying everytime seeing that04:03
Ropechoborrarudolph try with sudo04:03
GianLuigiBuffonhow can I fix it?04:03
Sleeping_Slothrdchoille: no worries - I *think* I need to make sure this package will use no system libraries04:03
tritiumHackerX: config files should be under /etc04:03
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SAM_themantritium, ok ok i was just testing you :P04:03
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Rodietzehow can I fix it? any idea? my homepages stills being google.com, but 1 second after looking for google, it redirects me to www.ualberta.ca04:04
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RopechoborraRodietze delete cookies ?04:04
Sleeping_Slothardchoille: but I have no idea how to do that :S04:04
RodietzeRopechoborra did it already04:04
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RopechoborraRodietze reinstall would be an option ?04:04
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KaiHanarii have ipmasq and dnsmasq installed. Ive noticed this means i have a dhcp server running now. How do i configure this server to be bound to ONLY ONE network card?04:05
hyperspaceAnyone install Pentaho on Ubuntu yet?04:05
RodietzeRopechoborra maybe I have a lot of packages that depends on mozilla04:05
SAM_themantritium, hope your still not mad at me :P04:05
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zcat[1] !imap04:05
ubotuI know nothing about imap04:05
RopechoborraRodietze are u shure it is spyware? it sounds more like a unwanted config to me04:05
GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I update the system or something, at the end appears "E: mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" doesn't break nothing but just is annoying everytime seeing that... how can I fix it?04:06
fdelacruzguys I check my partion and found out that I need to remove a file so that i can free the disk for my new installation of package but my problem is, it seems that the partion usage is still the same04:06
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SAM_themantritium, http://weblog.janus.dk/archives/IMG_2712.JPG04:06
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ardchoilleSleeping_Sloth: I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to start with kernel stuff either04:06
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tritiumSAM_theman: heh, hoping pictures of your baby will make me forget?04:07
SAM_themanmy baby ???04:07
Sleeping_Slothardchoille: ok, no probs - just thought I'd ask - nobody seemed to know earlier04:07
SAM_themandude I am 1604:07
anosai've activated my gaim-rhythmbox but my status won't change, any ideas??04:07
RodietzeRopechoborra but an unwanted, that installed by itself? ins't it a spyware?04:07
SAM_themanI thought a baby will lift up your spirtis04:07
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tritiumSAM_theman: right...04:07
RodietzeRopechoborra and where can I change this kind of config? My homepage stills being google...04:08
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RopechoborraRodietze cant help =/ try reinstalling04:08
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DerekRussoHi, I'm having problems getting java working, could anyone offer suggestions?04:09
anosai've activated my gaim-rhythmbox but my status won't change, anyone, please....04:09
RodietzeRopechoborra ok thanks anyways dude :)04:09
HackerXWhere do i find this info for my wireless card source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel] 04:09
RodietzeDerekRusso yes, which java version? GNU one?04:10
DerekRussoI was trying the sun one, but I don't care so long as it makes java work04:10
DerekRussobrb, sorry04:10
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roostishawwhat tool can i use to scan for networks?04:11
ApocalypticOniI'm trying to install ubuntu, but whenever i get to the partition step it freezes up. does anyone have any suggestions, is it normal for it to take a rediculously long time, or is my hard drive bad?04:11
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RodietzeDerekRusso ok, I have some experience, when u be back try PVTing me if I'm not here04:11
HackerXim trying to set it up now but lately no one will help me04:11
Sleeping_Slothcan anyone tell me how to tell whether a package is static or not?04:11
anosaroostishaw >>nmap04:12
RodietzeDerekRusso ok, you got probabbly jre1.5.bin right?04:12
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tritiumroostishaw: iwlist also works04:12
roostishawanosa, sorry. i mean wireless networks04:12
HackerXwhat is source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel]  for my wireless card04:12
h4v0kdoes anyone know the name of the kgcc compiler so i can do apt-get04:12
HackerXroostishow, Kismet04:12
tritiumroostishaw: else, network-manager04:12
roostishawHackerX, does that require any sort of configuration?04:13
ApocalypticOni I'm trying to install ubuntu, but whenever i get to the partition step it freezes up. does anyone have any suggestions, is it normal for it to take a rediculously long time, or is my hard drive bad?04:13
Wipstergood moring all, I'm having a real trouble setting up my sound settings, I use teamspeak and it seems to class what comes out of my speakers as mic input I have tried fiddling with the sound setting but am unable to rectify this, I just cant find the option in ubuntu saying use mic as input :/, I tried to open the native sound recorder to test things out and it  tells me my settings are invalid.... anyone have any idea?04:13
HackerXroostishaw, yes im trying to do it right now04:13
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HackerXroostishaw but no one will help me04:13
roostishawoh... tell me how it goes. ill start now too04:13
anosai've activated my gaim-rhythmbox but my status won't change, anyone, please....04:13
matexx!info dpkg04:14
HackerXroostishaw, you mean how to get it?04:14
ubotudpkg: package maintenance system for Debian. In repository main, is required. Version 1.13.11ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 1821 kB, installed size 5424 kB04:14
roostishawHackerX, no04:14
matexxany one know how can i use dpkg?04:14
h4v0kanyone know the name of the kgcc compiler04:14
roostishawHackerX, configure it... nvm04:14
HackerXroostishaw, what then?04:14
tritiumroostishaw: I recommend you try network-manager-gnome04:14
ApocalypticOni I'm trying to install ubuntu, but whenever i get to the partition step it freezes up. does anyone have any suggestions, is it normal for it to take a rediculously long time, or is my hard drive the problem?04:14
HackerXroostishaw, oh04:14
SAM_themanmatexx, dpkg -i04:14
HackerXsource=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel] 04:14
HackerXwhat do i need to put in there for a wireless card?04:15
tritiumh4v0k: it's not packaged (is it still in existence?)04:15
matexxand does apt-get works without internet?04:15
tritiumHackerX: please stop repeating04:15
tritiummatexx: no04:15
Gun_Smoke9Gaim or Xchat?     I am on Gaim now, I just installed Xchat, but can't get connected for some reason.. It just keeps on looping with the message that my name is already taken and it would try it with _ after it..  How can I fix this to get connected?04:15
HackerXim sorry im getting annoyed04:15
matexxok and if i m trying to install something thats in my system i have to use dpkg?04:15
tritiumHackerX: well, try to be patient04:15
SAM_themanGun_Smoke9, umm duh because ur using gaim and an account will xchat04:15
SAM_themanLog out of Gaim04:16
HackerXits not a diffacult thing im just new so i dont know where to find the info04:16
SAM_themanand use xchat04:16
Gun_Smoke9SAM_theman:  I tried that..04:16
tritiumHackerX: see the docs in /usr/share/doc/kismet04:16
SAM_themanhmm... restarted>04:16
HackerXi did04:16
simpsonianbananaHackerX: there's whole channels decicated to wardriving, they'll know much more than us04:17
Ropechoborrathe .wav file isnt supported in ubuntu.. is it ?04:17
SAM_themanLog out of gaim and log into xchat04:17
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ApocalypticOni I'm trying to install ubuntu, but whenever i get to the partition step it freezes up. does anyone have any suggestions, is it normal for it to take a rediculously long time, or is my hard drive the problem?04:17
SAM_themanhave u done that ?04:17
h4v0kTritium:idk but i need it for my webcam program04:17
RopechoborraApocalypticOni when i used it, it crash ! XD do u got windows? try with partition magic :)04:17
Gun_Smoke9SAM_theman:  Yupper.. I will try again just for s.a.g.04:18
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Ropechoborrathe .wav file isnt supported in ubuntu.. is it ?04:18
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ApocalypticOnithis is a spare, and has win2k04:18
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matexxhow can i install something with apt-get ?04:19
matexxsomething like apt-get install pptpconfig04:19
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anosadid anyone use gaim-rhythmbox plugin???04:19
matexxand i have downloaded the package and want to install it04:19
matexxhow can i?04:19
=== eNons3nse [n=adam@68-114-222-213.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DerekRussowould anyone be willing to help me get java working on my computer?04:19
Ropechoborramatexx sudo apt-get install name-of-the-package04:19
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:19
DerekRussoI've seen that but I'm having trouble04:19
matexxRopechoborra:  but i cant access internet on ubuntu machine at the moment.04:19
matexxi have the package in my local drive.04:20
=== mtn [n=mtn@vsat-148-65-200-206.c012.g4.mrt.starband.net] has joined #ubuntu
GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I update the system or something, at the end appears "E: mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" doesn't break nothing but just is annoying everytime seeing that... how can I fix it?04:20
Ropechoborramatexx if u got the package u wont need to04:20
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arapehlWhen trying to make a .deb package I get the following error: http://pastebin.ca/80115 . Can anyone give me a hand?04:20
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eNons3nseOk Guys.  Quick Question.  I'm trying to burn a couple audio CDs (my own original music) but I'm having trouble.  Serpentine keeps crashing & K3b is telling me my mp3s are an unsupported format.04:20
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eNons3nsecan anyone please help.  I've got a DJ gig in like an hour that I need these tracks for.04:21
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Wipstercan anyone lend a hand?04:21
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h4v0kwhats the password to make root passwd04:22
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h4v0ki mean the command04:22
pumph4v0k: it's the same that your user has04:22
hareemcan any one please tell me how to install chiilispot onto kubuntu04:22
pumpyou have to put sudo -s04:22
h4v0kpump it didnt accept it04:22
pumpand then your user's password04:22
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matexxwell i have downloaded the package to be installed but i dont know how to install it without using apt-get04:22
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Ropechoborrathe .wav file isnt supported in ubuntu.. is it ? how can i convert it to some supported one?04:23
h4v0kif you just give me the root password (Ctrl+D to cancel):04:23
h4v0ksu: Authentication failure04:23
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Ropechoborramatexx System --> Admin --> Snyaptic04:23
anosasudo passwd root04:24
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h4v0kanosa, ty thats the one04:24
matexxRopechoborra:  again that would need it to be in cd rom but the package is in my hard disk.04:24
matexxRopechoborra:  you are not reading what i m sayin i guess04:24
kholerabbiCould someone tell me how to get totem (or another movie player) to play flash .swf files?04:24
hareemdoes any one know how to install chillispot onto kubuntu04:24
Ropechoborramatexx in the cd rom??04:24
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HackerXWhats a good wardriving channel?04:25
matexxRopechoborra:  yeah its not in my ubuntu cd ofcourse thats something i dont have in there thats why i m downloaidng from internet and trying to install04:25
anosaso, no one used gaim-rhythmbox plugin huh04:25
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arapehlNever mind, I found it... I needed to "sudo apt-get install gcc"... duh.04:27
HackerX*** Does Anyone Know A Good Wardriving Channel?***04:27
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ApocalypticOniis there a program i can download to format my drive that'll run on win2k? i am unableto format when installing ubuntu04:27
=== KaiHanari [n=kaihanar@stjhnf01-23-142163031228.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
simpsonianbananaanyone have any experience with cdemu?04:27
kaotHackerX: you get your wireless working?04:28
RopechoborraApocalypticOni  gparted ?04:28
h4v0kman this sucks04:28
Ropechoborra*gpart  sorry04:28
KaiHanariwhere can i find the config file for dnsmasq?04:28
h4v0ki cant get the webcam to work04:28
Ropechoborrah4v0k try easycam04:28
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mateXand how can i configure my USB webcam on my Ubuntu?04:29
bimberiarapehl: fyi, the build-essential package includes gcc and a few other things for compiling software04:29
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:29
Ropechoborramatex try easypart04:29
h4v0kcouldnt find the pkg04:29
HackerXKaot, Hey Thank you soo much i got it working the 2nd one i tryed worked :-)04:29
Gonzois kubuntu that different from ubuntu? i mean whats the big deal?04:29
RopechoborraLol *easycam ... in kind of tired =(04:29
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ubotuI know nothing about easypart04:29
mateX!info easypart04:29
ubotuPackage easypart does not exist in dapper04:29
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ubotuI know nothing about easycam04:30
jackki want learn more about programing for linux, what should i do?04:30
jackkgo some forum or read some book or 04:30
kaotHackerX: good deal.04:30
sys8976Gonzo: KDE versus Gnome04:30
DerekRussowhen I try to add things to sources.list, it tells me I don't have permission04:30
Gonzoso nothing major as far as the os goes?04:30
DerekRussohow do I get permission set so I can change this?04:30
arapehlbimberi: that might explain why it still isn't working and says "plugin not found"... sigh... so I install build-essential then?04:30
ubotuI know nothing about cdemu04:30
Gonzopeople seems to be treating this like 2 different version of the same os...04:30
=== punkmexic [n=punk@dup-200-64-101-186.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
pumpsomeone with a tv card?04:30
sys8976Gonzo: that is right the core is the same04:31
Nameeaterjackk: think of a something you could do on linux then set it up, and when you run into things you dont understand, or dont work as expected, search the internet or ask in the appropriate irc channel :)04:31
HackerXkaot, Im trying to setup Kismet i have to define source=sourcetype,interface,name in the config do you know what the sourcetype is?04:31
sys8976DerekRusso: try from command line sudo gedit sources.list so then you have permissions04:31
Gonzoso... what is ubuntu called when you use it with afterstep?04:31
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bimberiarapehl: yes, try that first04:31
DerekRussook, thank you04:31
sys8976Gonzo: aubuntu hehe04:31
arapehlbimberi: will it conflict/overwrite with the separate gcc I installed since it comes with it? (I'm installing it as we speak btw)04:31
Gonzoi prefer asubuntu :P04:31
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jackkNameeater, thanks04:32
Gonzosounds eastern04:32
kaotHackerX: oh boy.  Kismet  won't work for you.04:32
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Gonzokismet = unreal engine?04:32
hareemanyone know how to install chillispot on kubuntu04:32
Kilopopohi hello04:32
Gun_Smoke1Ok... Still can not get logged in on Xchat.. i spent a good 5-10 min letting it try04:32
kaotGonzo: no kismet = wireless network discovery04:32
bimberiarapehl: no, gcc is a dependency, it will just install build-essential and its other dependencies.  This is assuming you're using an APT tool (synaptic, apt-get ...) to install gcc04:32
HackerXKaot, heh ok what should i use for a scanner/finder???04:32
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kaotHackerX: mmm... iwlist wlan0 scan.  over and over and over again.  :\04:33
DerekRussoThanks, That worked with the sudo04:33
misakihello, I'm trying to install the NVIDIA drivers using the instructions at http://eureka.emmgee.com/2006/05/ubuntu-606-part-2-installing-nvidia.html , but the nvidia-glx package conflicts with the the other packages i'm supposed to install (nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig). Can anyone help me?04:33
pumpi'm fighting with a pinnacle tv card, does some one have one?04:33
DerekRussonow, would someone be able to explain to me how I can get java installed?04:33
misakii'm very new to Linux04:33
DerekRussoI tried installing it via the wiki and didn't have any luck04:33
kaotHackerX: kismet doens't work with ndiswrapper, need bcm43xx driver, whcih barely works, sometimes, for a few cards.04:33
hareemhow do you install chillispot04:33
kaotHackerX: basically you're screwed there.  sorry.04:33
=== cubikdic1 [n=cubikdic@static65-87-232-179.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mDotwhats up with pastebin04:33
arapehlbimberi: yeah, I've been using apt-get... so now I have build-essential and gcc installed but the stupid thing still bombs on me and says "No matching plugin was found." Any ideas? ;)04:33
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dlimisaki, remove the packages: nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig04:34
HackerXkaot, ok so theres nothing like kismet that will work for me?04:34
arapehlbimberi: I'm trying to build a package for java_ee_sdk-5-linux.bin04:34
misakity, I'll try that04:34
bimberiarapehl: put the command and the error on the pastebin04:34
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mDotpastebin is broken04:34
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kaotHackerX: not so far as I'm aware, no.  I could be wrong but I think any app that works like that has to put a card into like "management mode" which requires a fully (or mostly) functional driver with specific capabilities04:35
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GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I update the system or something, at the end appears "E: mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" doesn't break nothing but just is annoying everytime seeing that... how can I fix it?04:35
pumphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209206 i'm having this problem :S04:35
mDotanyone know how i can config fstab to allow only me to edit files are a mounted drive04:35
arapehlbimberi: http://pastebin.ca/8012104:35
Wipsterok is there a way to reset the alsa or master sound settings to deaful or what ever ubuntu has...........04:35
mDoti have  media drive, and id like my neice to not be able to delete anything off of it04:35
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kaotmDot: in fstab, for that drive, add "ro" under options04:36
mateXRopechoborra:  how can i get easypart?04:36
HackerXkaot, hmm i thought maybe there was something that used the iwlist wlan0 scan command over and over to find it04:36
simpsonianbananaanyone ever used cdemu before?04:36
mateXand does it support micro innovatives webcams?04:36
mDotro applies to everyone, including me04:36
Ropechoborramatex sorry, it was easycam.. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam04:36
kaotHackerX: there might be, look around.  I tried kismet first and pretty much gave up, happy the card worked at all04:36
kaotmDot: oh I see what you're saying04:37
mDotsome kind of user filtering04:37
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HackerXkaot, oh yea im extremely happy the card works04:37
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:37
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kaotmDot: yeah there's a way to do it but I forget.  I think you can mount a whole drive with specific permissions.  having a brain-fart.04:38
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mateXthat doesnt support mirco innovative webcams04:38
punkmexiccan someone help me with my winmodem? i m connected with it..but to do that i have to open 2 terminals and put some commands..cuz i cant enter only using gnome-ppp can someone help me?04:38
RopechoborramateX try google04:38
=== kaot types "man mount" then feels slightly dirty
=== Gun_Smoke9 [n=daryl@c-68-85-72-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiarapehl: gee that's an informative message :|.  perhaps check that those files are present on your system04:38
HackerXkaot, so iwlist eth1 scan with find all the networks in the area right?04:38
mateXRopechoborra:  thanks but my last question is still unsolved..04:39
kaotHackerX: yes, only the ones with broadcasted SSIDs04:39
kaotWhich is most of them.04:39
HackerXok thats fine04:39
=== lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
mateXi was suggested to run apt-get install pptpconfig but as i cant access internet at the moment on my Ubuntu machine i need to download it and copy to my ubuntu machine drive how can i use it?04:39
HackerXkaot, im having a problem i tryed the auto res finder deal but it didnt find the widescreen res for me. what file do i edit to add it?04:40
ubotuI know nothing about gaim-rhythmbox04:40
lonegeekhow do i configure kxdocker in ubuntu...its not in menus nor is there a tray icon... Thats how your suppsed to get to the config04:40
kaotHackerX: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  good luck.04:40
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HackerXkaot, why good luck?04:41
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ubotuI know nothing about fmradio04:41
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ubotuI know nothing about tvcard04:42
mateXRopechoborra:  anyidea?04:42
kaotHackerX: It can be a pain.  Might not be, I remember it being pretty easy a few times.04:42
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mateXkaot:  do you knwo about my problem mate?04:42
RopechoborramateX Nope, sorry... try searching in the driver folder for a readme file or something04:42
kaotmateX: what?04:43
HackerXkaot, do you know what i have to edit?04:43
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mateXkaot:   i was suggested to run apt-get install pptpconfig but as i cant access internet at the moment on my Ubuntu machine i need to download it and copy to my ubuntu machine drive how can i use it?04:43
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max_nooby_noobCan someone tell me how to change Read-Only files to writeable files?04:43
lonegeekhow do i execute .so files?04:43
hareemhey how do you install mysql04:43
mateXmax_nooby_noob:  man chmod04:43
kaotmateX: you dualbooting?04:44
mateXkaot:  yes04:44
=== Mikel0 [n=mike@host139-145.pool8714.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Mikel0anybody wanna play gav here?04:44
max_nooby_noobmateX: is that it?04:44
HackerXkaot, they all say 1280x800 but i dont have that option in my list04:44
max_nooby_noobterminal: man chmod?04:44
kaotmateX: so download it under windows, reboot into linux, mount the windows partition, and get the package from there04:44
mateXkaot:  ok and how will i mount it?04:45
kaotHackerX: well heck.  what list?04:45
mateXand get it04:45
Gun_Smoke1Still no ideas.. i can not connect to a network with Xchat.. It just continues to cycle... If I try with Gaim, I am connected and in this channel in seconds.  What gives?  Anyone?04:45
HackerXthe res changer list04:45
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mateXGun_Smoke1:  its not detecting your network are you on lAN?04:46
kaotmateX: you know how to mount a windows partition or no?04:46
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mateXkaot:  nah i dont know.04:46
Gun_Smoke1mateX:  No.04:46
HackerXkaot, is there and command to change res04:46
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kaotHackerX: ctrl-alt-"+" and ctrl-alt-"-04:47
sys8976anyone know where i should go to see if I could install and run wow on ubuntu?04:47
Gun_Smoke1mateX:  It makes some progress, welcomes me back, and then nothing.. forever.04:47
kaot(that's control-alt-plus, control-alt-minus)04:47
JunK-Yhow do i add stuff to the ld.so.conf (before on debian) and now on ubuntu, since theres no more ld.so.conf, i just wanna add something to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?04:47
kaotbut it has to be the plus minus that's either on the numpad or not on the numpad, and I don't remember which right now04:47
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HackerXkaot, ok so what one of the 1300 do i pick?04:48
kaotand you're on a laptop so you don't have anumpad anyway04:48
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mateXkaot:  how can i mount it mate?04:48
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Mikel0anybody wanna play gav here?04:48
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zammitI'm having some problems installing, I'm new to ubuntu, anyone want to help?04:49
kaotmateX: sudo mkdir /mnt/c (or something similar), then sudo modprobe ntfs, sudo mount -t ntfs -o uid=yourusername -r /dev/hda(whatever) /mnt/c04:49
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kaotmateX: you'll havfe to fill in some blanks for your system configuration of course04:49
hcjc92what should i use as an alternative to ark?04:49
HackerXzammit, are you trying to dual boot?04:49
StriderZis there a "proper" way to modify my firewall with ubuntu? I'm setting up a router and need to set up iptables rules for masquerading and port forwarding04:49
zammithackerx, no04:49
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
justin_is there a GUI install package other than Gdeb?04:49
OMGLAZERSCan anyone tell me if I install the 5.06 (?) version of ubuntu, the one before Dapper, can I upgrade to dapper AFTER i install it?04:49
=== LastExyle [n=lastexyl@71-34-236-34.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
zammiti'm trying to do a clean install on 64meg of ram, old computer =)04:49
HackerXzammit ok what the problem?04:49
OMGLAZERSI have the previous version on CD and the the new version download istaking way too long04:49
justin_Gdeb isn't workin on breezy :S04:50
Gun_Smoke1OMGLAZERS:  Yes04:50
JunK-YOMGLAZERS: probably with a make dist-upgrade04:50
OMGLAZERSGun_Smoke1: How would I go about doing that?04:50
HackerXkaot, umm im not sure what to do now?04:50
anosaOMGLAZERS >> ubuntuguide.org04:50
zammitit goes through the hardware detection, then i get a kernal panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt error04:50
Ropechoborrai got the /home/rope/.xchat2/downloads directory ubut i dont see it neither in a terminal or in X =S why??04:50
snoopsis there a way to select multiple windows and than drag them all at the same time?04:50
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hcjc92what should i use as an alternative to ark? (someone)04:50
zammitthen it just doesn't do anything @hackerx04:50
OMGLAZERSKubuntu is turning out to suck04:50
StriderZhcjc92: file-roller2?04:50
mateXkaot:  what is /mnt/c?04:51
HackerXhmm talk to kaot he seems to know alot maybe he knows04:51
StriderZmateX: a directory04:51
Gun_Smoke1OMGLAZERS:  Why do you say that?04:51
OMGLAZERSGun_Smoke1: I just dunno why but I think I dont like KDE04:51
kaotmateX: /mnt/c would be the mount point for your windows partition, that's what I created for mine, you can call it whatever you want.04:51
mateXthats what i mean what drive windows c drive?04:51
zammitokay thanx =) ..btw its the alternative install b/c you need 192mb of ram for desktop correct?04:51
OMGLAZERSGun_Smoke1: When I installed Ubuntu I liked it more and stuff got done quicker, etc.04:51
tredligif my hardware is listed as compatible in ubuntu does that mean i dont need to download the driver?04:51
HackerX! res04:51
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:51
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hcjc92StriderZ, where do i get file-roller204:51
mateXkaot:  ok so the /c represent the name of that drive right?04:52
justin_is there a GUI install package other than Gdeb?04:52
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Gun_Smoke1OMGLAZERS:  I was thinking about trying it out.04:52
zammitkaot, you available?04:52
kaotmateX: it's arbitrary, it's just a directory you create as a place to stick the drive when you mount it04:52
kaotzammit: that problem you're having is a bit beyond me to be honest04:52
zammitoh sorry currently helping some1 i c04:52
LastExyleHi, can anyone tell me how to change the startup options for pure-ftpd?04:52
StriderZhcjc92: apt-get install file-roller04:52
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mateXkaot:  i see04:52
zammitokay thanks kaot, any idea where to look? i've googled for a while =\04:52
Jenkensmy screen seems to be stuck at configuring xserver-xorg (60%).. even though I can see the drive light flashing04:52
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hcjc92and, what cna i open 7z files with?04:53
StriderZhcjc92: 7z?04:53
StriderZsup feliciano04:53
felicianoI install ubuntu dapper, and then Xubuntu..04:54
zammit7z is great =)04:54
tredligdoes the ubuntu cd i'm burning have the capibility to format my drive?04:54
dotslashrootI just upgraded to dapper on my gateway 450sx4 and my NIC doesnt work now.04:54
kaotzammit: google.  if google doesn't know, your computer is possessed by demons.  sacrifice a chicken.04:54
=== Gonzo [n=gonzo@203-206-24-249.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zammitlol @ kaot04:54
felicianobut I Wanna remove all xubuntu aplications04:54
felicianoCan I do this?04:54
hcjc92ark tries to open 7z's but then doesn't work04:54
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felicianoI remove xubuntu-desktop but dont remove all04:54
zammityou're probably right on that one - i was hoping i could bring life to an old pc04:54
dotslashrootI get this error SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device but lspci sees the right NIC04:54
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kaotdotslashroot: mebbe nic driver isn't loaded?04:55
dotslashrootHow do I do that?04:55
LastExylehello, can anyone spare a moment for a (porbably) quick question?04:55
Jenkenshcjc92: p7zip, my guess04:55
stpereLastExyle, ask04:56
bimberiLastExyle: please just ask :)04:56
kaotdotslashroot: what kind of nic is it?04:56
dotslashroot0000:02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller (rev 42)04:56
dicesquirrelQuestion... I just read about WriteRoom and Darkroom (basically, fullscreen text editors with a few convenient features common to word processors) on Lifehacker, and I was wondering if there's an equivalent on Ubuntu. I really need to focus sometimes, and this seems perfect. I tried it with vim in a fullscreen terminal, but the fact that the text fills the whole screen (rather than the nicely cushioned column of WR and DR) and the ge04:56
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DerekRussocould someone please help me install java?04:57
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LastExyleI installed pure-ftpd, and it works fine, but I need to set it up to accept passive connections, right now it starts with the command "/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -l pam -u 1000 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -B", but I need to add -p 50000:50500 to that somehow04:57
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StriderZDerekRusso: what's the problem?04:57
DerekRussoI just haven't been able to get it to work04:57
bjvi had to run fdisk on my /home/ partition, and now my user is "not authorized to start the X server"04:58
DerekRussoI'm new to linux, so I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong04:58
DerekRussoit says I don't have dependencies04:58
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bjvi dont see any Xauth type file in /etc/ to edit04:58
bur[n] er_anyone know how I can transfer files to my phone with windows mobile platform via USB or Wi-Fi?04:58
meltdownHello there04:58
dalphianyone have experience getting postfix/amavis/spamassassin to work? I can't seem to get it to add spam headers04:58
StriderZbur[n] er_: now what does that have to do with ubuntu?04:58
bjvhow can i restore my users X privileges?04:58
mateXkaot:  ok after mouting how wiill i use apt-get install pptpconfig?04:58
bur[n] er_StriderZ: I am usign ubuntu on my desktop... and i want to browse and move mp3s to my phone using ubuntu!04:58
mateXor whatever software to install?04:59
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dotslashrootkaot:  lspci says:   0000:02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller (rev 42)04:59
kaotmateX: well no what you'd have to do if you have no internet in linuxis boot into windows and download the file04:59
StriderZbur[n] er_: google it, you're bound to find a solution04:59
mateXok done and?04:59
kaotmateX: the .deb file or files04:59
mateXyou just on my terminal?04:59
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StriderZLastExyle: man pure-ftpd05:00
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bjvwill  "dpkg-reconfigure x11-common" restore my users authorization to run the X server, in dapper?05:00
bjvthis is what im seeing on google for debian based, anyway.05:00
meltdownHey, does anyone have any experience settin up audio on VIA hardware? I've looked everywhere, but I just can't get audio to play. I know VIA offers Linux drivers themselves, and I've alien'd the RPMs, and installed them, but nothing changes. Any suggestions?05:00
kaotthen just copy them over05:00
bur[n] er_StriderZ: I did :)  I'm still trying05:01
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kaotmateX: copy them over into your ~/.  then install them using dpkg or whatever.  I'm kind of stupid with the package management stuff right now.05:01
LastExyleit's not the pure-ftpd configuration its self I'm having trouble with, I just need to know how to alter the startup command that runs it in /etc/rc2.d05:01
HudsonHi, where can i find docu about installing twinvieuw,i written down the part for xorg.conf but i mis a part05:01
kaotdpkg -i whatever.deb, maybe05:01
simpsonianbananaanyone know of a virtual CD system?05:01
simpsonianbananawhere I can mount an image as a dvd?05:01
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meltdownI believe the Linux kernel can do that natively. Have you tried right-clicking?05:02
meltdownIs it an ISO?05:02
bjvsimpsonianbanana: you should be able to mount .iso    man mount?05:02
hcjc92meh p7zip keeps saying incorrect command line....05:02
simpsonianbananathe point is that it needs to be a virtual drive05:02
hcjc927z -l blah.7z05:02
GianLuigiBuffonanyone knows how runs Ndiswrapper05:02
hcjc92shouldn't that work05:02
simpsonianbananai.e. respond to atapi commands05:02
DerekRussocan someone help me with skype?  I can't connect to another person with my webcam or with voice chat05:02
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mateXdpkg -i whatever.deb, i dont need to give the path of the package?05:03
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GianLuigiBuffonI've installed it and I have the driver of my usb wireless but I don't know how to run it with Ndiswrapper05:03
simpsonianbananasimply mounting with mount makes something that doesn't05:03
HudsonHi, where can i find docu about installing twinvieuw,i written down the part for xorg.conf but i mis a part05:03
kaotmateX: if it's in teh same directory you're in you shouldn't have to.05:03
kaotmateX: that's why i'm saying copy it over05:03
LastExylesomone's got to know how to do this05:03
dicesquirrelAgain... does anyone know of a way I can get similar functionality to Darkroom or WriteRoom (as seen on Lifehacker) in Ubuntu?05:03
meltdownLatExyle: What's the problem?05:03
mateXkaot:  heh yea alternatively we can give it a path too..05:04
mateXanyway thanks05:04
farky_awayGianLuigiBuffon: run this: ndiswrapper -i 'your inf file'05:04
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DerekRussohow do I know if my sound card is installed?05:04
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kaotmateX: alternately yes you could.  but i'd just copy it.05:04
Kibbled_bitshi all05:04
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Kibbled_bitsno comprende  ;)05:04
kaothow do you say "don't irc as root" in spanish?05:04
GianLuigiBuffonok great ty farky_away05:04
LastExyleI need to modify the startup command (/etc/rc2.d/S20pure-ftpd, I'm guessing) that manages pure-ftpd so I can add -p 50000:50500 to it05:05
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farkyDerekRusso: i think running lspci might work05:05
DerekRussofarky, I'm new to linux, could you walk me through that?05:05
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: it's farky now :)05:05
DerekRussojust type it?05:05
meltdownIt's a console command: lspci05:05
Kibbled_bitsso I'm d/ling Edubuntu for my kids05:05
DerekRussoand if I see a sound card there, it's installed?05:05
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Kibbled_bitsanybody checked it out?05:05
farkyDerekRusso: open a terminal and type: lspci05:05
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meltdownHey, does anyone have any experience settin up audio on VIA hardware? I've looked everywhere, but I just can't get audio to play. I know VIA offers Linux drivers themselves, and I've alien'd the RPMs, and installed them, but nothing changes. Any suggestions?05:05
h4v0keasycam keeps hanging05:06
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odin_might linux have a version of remote desktop that lets you connect to a windows comp on the same network?05:06
DerekRussoI'm having problems getting skype working, it says I don't have a sound card installed05:06
meltdownodin: VNC05:06
Kibbled_bitsare you experiencing NO or POOR sound?05:06
GianLuigiBuffonok just stupid question farky I just put all the path or I must place the inf in any place?05:06
DerekRussomy sound is fine, which is why I'm confused05:06
h4v0kit gets to the install driver part which i already did manually and it hangs05:06
farkyDerekRusso: what type of sound card do you have?05:06
DerekRussolike I can play music, etc05:06
DerekRussouh, not even sure, heh05:06
DerekRussoI have an IBM Thinkpad T4005:06
mateXkaot:  how can i run the execute *.deb file05:06
Kibbled_bitsso why are you fiddling with binary drivers?05:06
odin_!tell odin_ about VNC05:06
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD05:07
Ropechoborraroot__ i do :P05:07
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: just put the entire path to it. Is it a CD?05:07
h4v0ksudo apt-get install vncviewer05:07
meltdownodin_: Why? That's what you would use.05:07
kaotmateX: dpkg -i filename05:07
kaotmateX: i think.  haven't done it myself yet05:07
LastExylearg, this is driving me insane05:07
GianLuigiBuffonnop I downloaded it from conceptronic... is in wine files just that05:07
mateXkaot:  ok thanks05:07
mateXanyone else?05:07
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GianLuigiBuffonlet me do it :)05:07
DerekRussodoes anyone have suggestions on what I can do to get skype working?05:07
mateXhow can we execute *.deb file?05:07
kaotLastExyle: /etc/init.d contains all the startup scripts, start there?05:07
Kibbled_bitsSkype on Wine?05:07
odin_meltdown, huh?05:07
kaotmateX: you don't execute them.  try that command.05:07
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: join the channel #GianLuigiBuffon05:08
DerekRussoheh, I feel out of place.. what is Wine?05:08
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odin_DerekRusso, windows emulator05:08
kaotDerekRusso: kind of a windows emulator05:08
Kibbled_bitsWine: Wine Is Not Emulator05:08
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: nvm GianLuigiBuffon05:08
DerekRussoI have the linux version installed05:08
Kibbled_bitsit's a Windows subsystem for Linux05:08
Kibbled_bitsbut it doesn't use emulation05:08
DerekRussothey had a debian packet05:08
GianLuigiBuffonoh ok05:08
simpsonianbananaWhat does the Wine stand for in Wine is not Emulator?05:08
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Kibbled_bitsYES  :D05:09
farkyIt is an open source version of the windows API05:09
DerekRussodoes anyone have suggestions?05:09
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: do you have an inf file for the driver?05:09
kramericaDerekRusso: It basically provides the bare bone libraries to run windows programs05:09
Kibbled_bitswhat's that Derek?05:09
LastExyleit just has a symlink to /etc/rc2.d/S20pure-ftpd which is the script that starts it, but Iit doesn't seem to have the startup command written in it, so I'm asuming it's stored somewhere else, I've no idea where though05:09
aunesIs there a method to test whether my wireless connection, girlfriend's computer and/or my computer are vulnerable using some sort of scanning?05:09
Kibbled_bitsDEREK: I asked you, are you trying to get Skype to work within Wine?05:09
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simpsonianbananaaunes: give me their IP, names and passes :p05:10
meltdownroot_: no hablamos espanol.05:10
DerekRussowould someone be willing to private message to talk about this?  This room moves too fast05:10
GianLuigiBuffonfarky yeah I did and I have this05:10
GianLuigiBuffonInstalling crtusb05:10
GianLuigiBuffonand it's done05:10
kaotLastExyle: hang on, installing pure-ftpd05:10
aunessimpsonianbanana: username: user, password: pass05:10
user1aunes: do you mean wireless?05:10
farkyok, not type: ndiswrapper -l05:10
DerekRussoI think that skype has a linux distribution, I'm not using Wine05:10
LastExyleok, thanks05:10
aunesuser1: yea.05:10
GianLuigiBuffonbut I go to windows wireless drivers and nothing happens... what I should do now?05:10
DerekRussothe program itself is running05:10
aunesDerek: it does.05:10
farkyDerekRusson: yes it does :)05:10
GianLuigiBuffonvireless networks drives sorry05:10
DerekRussomy problem is with sound and video05:11
user1install kismet on one of your machienes05:11
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farkyGianLuigiBuffon: did you type: ndiswrapper -l     ?05:11
user1then you will be able to see what you are sending out05:11
farkywhat did it say?05:11
GianLuigiBuffonnow I can write in konsole... but I never understand that05:11
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GianLuigiBuffonfor what is that?05:11
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GianLuigiBuffoneryana@HAPLO:~$ ndiswrapper -l05:12
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GianLuigiBuffonand now I can just write there05:12
farkyyes type that05:12
DerekRussolet me tell you the error I get why I try to call someone on skype05:12
DerekRussoit just says "Problem with sound device"05:12
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bhongonghi, how can i kill a window that has hanged up in dapper?05:12
GianLuigiBuffonfarky I did05:12
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farkyGianLuigiBuffon: just type ndiswrapper with no options, what does it say?05:12
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bhongonghi, how can i kill a window that has hanged up in dapper?05:13
Kibbled_bitsDEREK: off subject, have you tried vonage?  I've used it for over a year now great service05:13
danc3bhongong: kill <pid>05:13
DerekRussono I haven't, is it free?05:13
Kibbled_bitsI use it as my main service05:13
bhongonghow do i list pid?05:13
GianLuigiBuffon-l                List installed drivers05:13
DerekRussoI use this primarily to video chat with my girlfriend when she's at college05:13
GianLuigiBuffonbut I do and nothing appears05:14
farkyKibbled_bits: does it suck up your bandwith?05:14
bhongongor how do i know the pid of the window?05:14
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danc3bhongong: ps aux05:14
danc3bhongong: or top05:14
Kibbled_bitsit isn't free but it replaces your existing Phone line05:14
DerekRussoohh, I'm a college student05:14
Kibbled_bits29.95 local + long distance unlimited05:14
snoopsDerekRusso I don't think skype for linux offers video at all05:14
DerekRussoso I don't live at a local address05:14
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: then typing: ndiswrapper -l                 should show if the driver is installed correctly05:14
OnurPhphow can i install gcc ?05:14
DerekRussosnoops, it doesn't?05:14
stephan__im on dapper - 2.6.15-25-686 and im trying to install " nvidia-glx " for 686 but for some reason i cant find one for my kernel that matchs anyone know if there is one05:14
OnurPhpi have no internet connection on Ubuntu05:14
Kibbled_bitsdoesn't suck up bandwidth I have Cable internet, no problems here05:14
odin_OnurPhp, apt-get install gcc05:14
DerekRussowhat is a good solution if I want to video chat with someone using windows, does anyone have suggestions?05:14
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OnurPhpodin_,  i have no internet connection :S05:14
farkyDerekRusson: skype?05:15
GianLuigiBuffonand if it doesn't appears?? My adapter is on the list of working drivers... so it should work05:15
dliDerekRusso, ekiga05:15
DerekRussofarky, someone just said skype didn't support video05:15
odin_OnurPhp, well then you're screwed ... wait, what're you doing on here then? :P05:15
Kibbled_bitsStephan have you looked within Sympatic Package Manager?05:15
DerekRussodli, ekiga has a windows installer?05:15
farkyit doesnt? oh my bad then05:15
bhongongi cant see Frostwire from the PID05:15
odin_OnurPhp, you can pro'lly find it on google easy05:15
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: now type,   iwconfig             and tell me what it says.05:15
tredlighmmm does ubuntu come built in with a internet browser?05:15
odin_OnurPhp, download the package and just put it over there05:15
OnurPhpbut how ?05:16
odin_tredlig, yes, Firefox05:16
hcjc92this is odd (commpared to other linux's i've used) when i'm in a directory with a file tha i've compiled with g++ and i say blah (that, being the output file for g++) it say command not found, what do i have to do to make it execute?05:16
farkytredlig: yes, firefox05:16
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GianLuigiBuffonlo        no wireless extensions.05:16
GianLuigiBuffoneth0      no wireless extensions.05:16
GianLuigiBuffonsit0      no wireless extensions.05:16
danc3tredlig: are you kidding?05:16
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tredligokay great05:16
odin_OnurPhp, burned CD?  flash drive?05:16
tredligdoes it come built in with network card drivers?05:16
zammitanyone want to give me some quick help w/ formatting my hdd? do i use fdisk? format? is this included in the ubuntu install? i'm kinda new to this stuff05:16
stephan__Kibbled_bits: i cant get into " x "05:16
DerekRussodoes anyone else have a suggestion on a video chat program that can go from linux to windows?05:16
danc3tredlig: yes05:16
OnurPhpodin_, i can do that but whats the package format ?05:16
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: then something isn't working. Where are the drivers located on your system?05:16
kramericahcjc92: say "./[programname] "05:16
GianLuigiBuffonin wine folder05:16
hcjc92oh yeah :) i forgot, lol05:16
odin_OnurPhp, I usually use .tar.gz packages05:16
Kibbled_bitsZAMMIT: yes it is, very easy just boot the disc05:16
kramericahaha np05:17
kaotLastExyle: heck i'd just start it from rc.local with whatever options you want.05:17
Kibbled_bitsit will navigate you through this process05:17
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OnurPhphmm odin_  where they store ?05:17
DerekRussoif I get Wine running, can I use msn messenger on it?05:17
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: do you know the full path?05:17
Kibbled_bitsASSUMING you want to blow it away  ;)05:17
GianLuigiBuffonferyana@HAPLO:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -i '/home/feryana/.wine/drive_c/Conceptronic/driver/CRTUSB.inf'05:17
GianLuigiBuffonInstalling crtusb05:17
GianLuigiBuffonferyana@HAPLO:~$ ndiswrapper -l05:17
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Kibbled_bitsDEREK: you don't need MSN Messsenger05:17
kaotLastExyle: I don't see an easy way to set custom options, everything is scripted with variables getting passed all over the place05:17
GianLuigiBuffonI did that05:17
odin_OnurPhp, I'm sorry, come again?05:17
farkyDerekRusso: just use aMSN05:17
Kibbled_bitsget GAIM, it replaces all of that05:17
ubotuI know nothing about amsn05:17
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OnurPhphmm odin_  where are they store ?05:17
odin_Gaim rocks05:17
DerekRussoKibbled, I just want something that lets me video chat with someone on windows05:17
OnurPhppackages. ?05:17
zammitkibbled_bits: ubuntu will take care of the rest? i have win98 currently installed (want to get rid of it)05:17
DerekRussothat's all I care about, I don't care what it is05:17
OnurPhp/usr/bin/.. ?05:17
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ruxpin__which is better to set the gnome desktop background - esetroot or hsetroot?05:18
elementdo you know if there is a good Palm app to sync my phone to my PC under linux?05:18
LastExyleI guess I could do that, thanks. So then do I just remove /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd and /etc/rc2.d/S20pure-ftpd to get rid of the other startup method?05:18
odin_OnurPhp, I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me.05:18
snoopsDerekRusso well, I'm pretty damn sure skype for linux does not support video like the mac and windows version do.. There was a new beta released a little while ago (like a week), and I don't think that included video support either05:18
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snoopssucks really05:18
odin_OnurPhp, the packages are online05:18
DerekRussosnoops, do you know some other program that does?05:18
odin_OnurPhp, are you trying to install gcc or, find it on your system?05:18
=== Nao [n=nao@fullerton-cuda-2-70-37-82-255.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaotLastExyle: I'd recommend installing "bum" and removing it from startup that way05:18
snoopsnope DerekRusso05:18
OnurPhpi tried find it my system but not found05:18
user1I need some info about ubuntu ketnal packages05:18
DerekRussothere must be some way to video chat with someone on windows05:18
OnurPhpi can't install gcc because i have no package .05:18
GianLuigiBuffonyou get it farky?05:18
kaotLastExyle: or sysv-rc-conf, but bum's easier to use05:18
bur[n] er_ok... anyone know about multisync?  I think I can use this to sync my Windows Mobile device to Evolution, but I'm having a fair bit of trouble initiating the sync.05:19
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: hmmm, that's odd. try typing it without the '    ' around it05:19
odin_OnurPhp, as I said, do a google search for it and then you can find a package05:19
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-119.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu
dicesquirrelDerekRusso: I believe aMSN has video support. Double check on that, though.05:19
Dial_toneok, gthumb imported some images from a memory card and I have no idea where it put them I don't understand this catalog business05:19
LastExyleis sysv-rc-conf command line? I'm doing this all over ssh05:19
DerekRussolet me look into this, thanks05:19
user1I have one called linux-source05:19
Kibbled_bitsseriously for long distance I would siwtch to vonage05:19
Dial_toneLastExyle: yes05:19
Kibbled_bitsanybody involved in any of the Ubuntu projects?05:19
user1is that the same as kernel source?05:19
Kibbled_bitsI'm looking to get involved05:19
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snoopsDerekRusso it's one area I believe linux is really really lacking05:19
Naohey, i just installed dapper from the desktop disc, and I have a laptop made to run in 1650*1080 resolution, but it only lets me change between three, can I add others to make it so that I can have my display look like it is supposed to?05:19
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GianLuigiBuffonthis is weird farky see this "crtusb is already installed. Use -e to remove it05:20
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snoopsI guess not enough geeks want to show themselves to the other person ;)05:20
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farkynow type ndiswrapper -l05:20
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stephan__im on dapper - 2.6.15-25-686 and im trying to install " nvidia-glx " for 686 but for some reason i cant find one for my kernel that matchs anyone know if there is one05:20
Kibbled_bitsNAO: yes, etc/X11/xorg.conf05:20
Kibbled_bitssomething like that05:20
Kibbled_bitsyou add a few lines to there05:20
GianLuigiBuffonnothing happens...05:20
user1any Ideas?05:20
GianLuigiBuffonferyana@HAPLO:~$ ndiswrapper -l05:20
GianLuigiBuffoni can write05:20
DerekRussoI tried installing amsn and I got a problem05:20
DerekRussocan someone help me with it?05:21
GianLuigiBuffonall of that in konsole05:21
Kibbled_bitsSTEPHEN: are you installing the one in the package manager?05:21
benplauthey, nalioth... you awake?05:21
DerekRussoit says dependency is not satisfyable:tcltls05:21
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arooni-linuxhey folks05:21
zcat[1] still looking for a simple pop3/imap server that will let me authenticate using /etc/passwd and read mail from /var/spool/mail  .. any ideas? everything I've tried wants to do it's own thing and totally ignore the existing mail system...05:21
stephan__Kibbled_bits: yes....i just did a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and its the wrong version05:21
jmworxQuick survey here... am I the only one for whom metacity gives focus to newly opened windows?05:21
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: try unistalling ndiswrapper and reinstalling05:21
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GianLuigiBuffonI just did it now from synaptics05:21
GianLuigiBuffonI'll do it again05:22
DerekRussoCould someone help me installing aMSN?05:22
user1I need some info about ubuntu ketnal packages05:22
Naokibbled:  do you know what I need to add to allow me to have it?  I see a couple of things that look like they might be right, but I'm not positive05:22
user1I need some info about ubuntu ketnal packages05:22
user1I need some info about ubuntu ketnal packages05:22
NaoI'm very new, sorry05:22
user1is that the same as kernel source?05:22
arooni-linuxim having trouble getting my resolution set corrrectly.... i set it at 1280 x 1024 in the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file, and restarted, but nothing happend05:22
jmworxi.e. is this a bug or a feature? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/5124205:22
danc3user1: yes05:22
user1I need some info about ubuntu ketnal packages05:22
farkyKibbled_bits: we are already involved in the ubuntu development05:22
Kibbled_bitssorry Derek I use GAIM and I don't use video on it so I dunno if it works05:22
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hybrid /cl05:22
benplautuser1: also, don't repeat yourself over and over05:22
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danc3user1: what's a "ketnal" package?05:22
zcat[1] so nobody knows?05:22
user1danc3: thanks alot05:22
DerekRussoKibbled, do you know what the Dependency is not satisfiable: tcltls means?05:23
Kibbled_bitsFarky: I'm not, how do I get involved?05:23
naliothbenplaut: what's up?05:23
farkyKibbled_bits: just talking here and helping people is being involved05:23
GianLuigiBuffoni've installed before the source, the utils and ndisgtk (all that appeared in synaptics) is that correct larky?05:23
zcat[1] why is it so hard to find a simple imap server in ubuntu?!!05:23
user1ya my spelling sucks when I type fast05:23
GianLuigiBuffonfarky (sorry)05:23
Kibbled_bitssounds like your missing a dependency or have the wrong dependency... something realing to TCL TLS05:23
arooni-linuxfolks any ideas on my resoloution isseu?05:23
Kibbled_bitswell I'm happy to help, whatever I can do05:24
DerekRussoso ow do I go about fixing that, Kibbled?05:24
kaotzcat[1] : you tried cyrus imap i take it?05:24
Gun_Smoke1Problem getting DVD::Rip to run.  I just installed it the way the FAQ suggested.. I ran it, but get the message that "One or several mandatory tools are missing or too old, you must install them before you can proceed with dvd::rip"05:24
Gun_Smoke1Any ideas?05:24
danc3user1: and then when you post the same thing 12 times, you don't think to correct it?05:24
benplautnalioth: can you approve me for #freenode-social? been waiting a while, didn't know you were a freenode op05:24
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Naodoes anyone know what to add to xorg.conf to add more options for resolution?05:24
Kibbled_bitsDerek: Where are you installing this from?05:24
zcat[1] cyrus imap wants to set up it's own mail directory and it's own users and everything...05:24
naliothbenplaut: you are off topic here, sir (better to /msg me)05:24
DerekRussoa mirror site from aMSN's site05:24
Kibbled_bitsyes it's well documented there's a few sets of lines that you need to add05:24
tredligby what i'm reading ubuntu doesn't support my network card? its a VIA VT6103 built in to my motherboard05:24
Dial_tonearooni-linux: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver.xorg05:24
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Kibbled_bitsit's on the Ubuntu WIKI05:24
kaotwell the thing about imap is i think it has to set up its own directories anyway.  that's just how it works.05:24
Kibbled_bitsbut if you look at the file you will see the pattern05:25
arooni-linuxDial_tone: nothing changes if im running ubuntu through vmware right?05:25
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DerekRussodoes anyone here use aMSN?05:25
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: there should just be one thing to install: ndiswrapper-utils05:25
zcat[1] I alresady have postfix. I have mail in /var/spool/mail. I want an imap server that can authenticate against /etc/passwd and read mail from /var/spool/mail/05:25
DerekRussoGun Smoke, you saying yes to me?05:25
danc3tredlig: are you asking someone here to do your research for you?  Look up the motherboard yourself.05:25
mateXkaot:  i guess *.deb need to be compiled and installed05:25
Dial_tonearooni-linux: we'll both know when you're done05:25
Gun_Smoke1DerekRusso:  Yes05:25
Jenkenseven though i set update-alternatives x-window-manager to something other than metacity, gnome and metacity still pop up? did I do something wrong05:25
DerekRussoGun Smoke, how didy ou get it installed?05:25
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kaotzcat[1] : does it have to be imap?  can't just use pop?05:26
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: run: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils      in the console05:26
arooni-linuxDial_tone: heres the error i got : /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver.xorg is not installed05:26
kaotzcat[1] : qpopper if it doesn't have to be imap05:26
zcat[1] pop or imap or both...05:26
arooni-linuxDial_tone: heres the error i got : /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver.xorg is not installed05:26
zcat[1] \I would prefer imap and pop.05:26
mateX!info dpkg05:26
ubotudpkg: package maintenance system for Debian. In repository main, is required. Version 1.13.11ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 1821 kB, installed size 5424 kB05:26
arooni-linuxDial_tone: sorry about that Package `xserver.xorg' is not installed and no info is available.05:26
simpsonianbananawill an external usb dvd burner work under ubuntu05:26
arooni-linuxi do have dapper05:26
Gun_Smoke1DerekRusso:  I forget..  add remove05:27
zcat[1] why do none of the imap packages I've tried want to use the users I already have and the mailspool that already has mail in it?05:27
kaotmateX: what?  what happend when you did dpkg -i?05:27
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DerekRussoI have a dependency problem05:27
=== zcat[1] bangs head on desk
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user1thanks for the help every one05:27
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DerekRussoI have a lot of them with aps I've been trying to install05:27
DerekRussohow do I get around these?05:27
mateXkaot:  not yet i was searching about the cam.05:27
mateXcam driver i mean05:27
dpeachDerekRusso: they have support groups for those with dependency problems.05:27
farkysimpsonianbanana: if you have the right drivers, then yes05:27
arooni-linuxDial_tone: so do you know how i can get this file you suggested ? xserver.xorg ?05:27
zcat[1] anyone? a package name? A howto?05:27
dpeachuser1: you're welcome.05:27
DerekRussodpeach, where are they located?05:27
kaotzcat[1] : first off forget imap.  that's overkill for what you want.05:28
Gun_Smoke1dpeach:  lol05:28
simpsonianbananafarky, what drivers would I need for a sony?05:28
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hcjc92what terminal command does one use for to make a new folder05:28
danc3zcat[1] : what are you talking about?05:28
kaotzcat[1] : try qpopper.05:28
mateXkaot:  they have suggested for a .deb file to be compiled and install see this: http://pcburn.com/article.php?sid=49305:28
dpeachIf it is alcohol dependency DerekRusso, you can go to AA05:28
kaotzcat[1] : i haven't done this in years tho.05:28
DerekRussohaha, oh05:28
Gun_Smoke1Problem getting DVD::Rip to run.  I just installed it the way the FAQ suggested.. I ran it, but get the message that "One or several mandatory tools are missing or too old, you must install them before you can proceed with dvd::rip"05:28
GianLuigiBuffonferyana@HAPLO:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/feryana/.wine/drive_c/Conceptronic/driver/CRTUSB.inf05:28
GianLuigiBuffonInstalling crtusb05:28
GianLuigiBuffonferyana@HAPLO:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -l05:28
DerekRussoI thought you meant they had actual sites dedicated to it05:28
farkysimpsonianbanana: no clue, search google05:28
GianLuigiBuffonthe same stuff05:28
dpeachDerekRusso: they also have groups for all kinds of other dependency issues.05:28
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:28
ubotuI know nothing about burndvd05:28
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: hmmm, then maybe your wireless device isn't supported, or maybe wrong driver05:29
DerekRussono one has suggestions on how to get aMSN working?05:29
danc3DerekRusso: no05:29
arooni-linuxDial_tone: you still there?05:29
dpeachDerekRusso: I have nothing of value to add. I am here for the entertainment of it all.05:29
danc3DerekRusso: use a real IM client05:29
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=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0182-aff-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
GianLuigiBuffonsupported is I've founded on the list and I downloaded the same of the list...05:29
DerekRussodanc3, I want to use video chat with someone on windows05:29
GianLuigiBuffonbut I'll take a look again05:29
DerekRussodo you have suggestions on what I could use?05:29
simpsonianbananaDerekRusso, what's the problem?05:29
GianLuigiBuffonthaks very much for your time farky :)05:29
danc3DerekRusso: convert them to linux05:29
simpsonianbananaI compiled and installed from osx05:29
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DerekRussoI am trying to find something to use video chat with05:29
odin_Gaim has webcam support, right?05:29
DerekRussomy girlfriend will not be able to use linux at all05:30
simpsonianbananaYou need Tcl/Tk05:30
zcat[1] how do I make qpopper answer port 110 after I've installed it? there's no /etc/init.d or anything?05:30
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danc3DerekRusso: why not?05:30
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farkyGianLuigiBuffon: anytime. I'd be happy to help you with any other problems you may have05:30
DerekRussoshe won't want to try and figure it out05:30
arooni-linuxcan someone help me get my resoultion to 1024x768?05:30
Kibbled_bitsthing is that the package manager should install it already05:30
arooni-linuxsorry i mean 1280 x 102405:30
Kibbled_bitsarooni: what version?05:30
GianLuigiBuffonsame here (but I guess you are an expert :P)05:30
danc3DerekRusso: so figure it out for her, just let her click away05:30
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Jenkenseven though i set update-alternatives x-window-manager to something other than metacity, gnome and metacity still pop up? did I do something wrong?05:30
odin_arooni-linux, System >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution05:30
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DerekRussoshe won't want to change her computer over, I know it05:30
DerekRussoit's not worth trying to convince her05:31
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DerekRussoI just want to video chat wit her05:31
danc3DerekRusso: get a new girlfriend05:31
rockzmancan someone tell me where is default fonts directory?05:31
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arooni-linuxodin_: i dont see the correct resolution listed (1280 x 1024)05:31
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: I don't know if I would say I'm an expert05:31
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snoopsand she shouldn't have to either DerekRusso.. best I can suggest until skype supports video in linux is to dual boot with windows or have a windows pc for it05:31
snoopsor mac05:31
user1how far away is she?05:31
odin_arooni-linux, you might have to check /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:31
farkyDerekRusson: if you are so destined then break the rules and use windows05:31
DerekRussoyeah, I'll proably end up dual booting with windows05:32
tredligwhat is the best version of vnc availible for ubuntu?05:32
danc3I can't take this any more05:32
danc3this channel is truly amazing05:32
rockzmanodin_: where is default font directory?05:32
danc3buh bye05:32
DerekRussowell thanks for the help guys05:32
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arooni-linuxodin_: i edited the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file to include '1280x1024' but i dont see any changes05:32
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DerekRussoI hae some more questions but I have to go to bed05:32
GianLuigiBuffonwell I know little thinks of dapper, I request more help that I give... but well in time will be different :P05:32
DerekRussoI'll be back, heh05:32
arooni-linuxodin_: and i also tried loggin out and back in (control alt backspace) with no results.... should i need to restart?05:32
odin_arooni-linux, did you try deleting the other resolutions so that it has to default to it?05:32
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farkytredlig: there is a terminal server installed with ubuntu, just enable it under settings somewhere, and connect to it with vnc viewer, or remote terminal client05:33
odin_arooni-linux, oh yes, definitely restart05:33
arooni-linuxodin_: ok thanks05:33
odin_arooni-linux, always restart after such things05:33
rockzmanfarky: yo tell me default fonts directory please.05:33
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cu83hey i need some helep05:33
cu83is this packet going in or out?05:34
Kibbled_bitsI hear you cu8305:34
cu83Packet[15] 05:34
cu83SERVER:Embedded UPnP/1.005:34
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cu83like from the outside in?05:34
cu83or the inside out?05:34
simpsonianbananaoutside in05:34
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odin_rockzman, I think it's in /etc/X11/fonts05:34
simpsonianbananalooks like the Host is connecting to the Location05:35
cu83fudgeing yes it worked!!!!05:35
rockzmanodin_: ok, thanks.05:35
=== Luke [n=Luke@bainbrdg-cuda1-69-160-220-56.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cu83that's what i thought05:35
simpsonianbananabbiab y05:35
=== HackerX [n=hackerx@24-231-160-86.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
odin_rockzman, when you need to find something, use Places >> Search for Files...05:35
Lyrasenhey... I'm using breezy and for some reason, I can't find /etc/asound.conf ... (neither .asoundrc) anyone know where  I can find the similar config files?05:35
HackerXHey, Does anyone know where i can find some Widgets?05:36
zcat[1] ok, how do I make qpopper start?05:36
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Kibbled_bitswhat kind of Widgets?05:36
varsendaggrhey i use to beable to move stuff around on my panles   what gives?05:36
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HackerXjust like battery life and wifi signal ya know just cool things05:36
cu83simpsonianbanana, why do u think it's outside in?05:36
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rockzmanodin_: i didnt get you05:37
odin_rockzman, what do you mean?05:37
rockzmanodin_: Search for files?05:37
rockzmanodin_: i wouldnt know fonts extension05:38
=== rockzman noob
=== zerokarmaleft [n=zerokarm@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
odin_rockzman, when you need to find something on Ubuntu, just go to Places and click Search for Files05:38
zcat[1] I alresady have postfix. I have mail in /var/spool/mail. I want a pop3 or imap server that can authenticate against /etc/passwd and read mail from /var/spool/mail/05:38
Kibbled_bitsHackerX: sounds like dashboard type functionality05:38
|rt|anyone know of any linux gps mapping software?05:38
hcjc92there any emerge in ubuntu?05:38
odin_rockzman, just type in fonts and it comes up05:38
farkyHackerX, just right click on one of the panels in gnome, and click Add New Item05:38
Kibbled_bitslike bars and stuff?05:38
rockzmanodin_: hehe i dont use gnome, what is the binary file of this aplication05:38
|rt|hcjc92: it's called apt-get in ubuntu05:38
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HackerXfarky, oh ok but im looking for the ones like macs have ya know on the side and really cool looking widgets05:39
swimcan anyone tell me how to reset my xorg.conf please?05:39
odin_rockzman, I once knew, but I've never had to use it.  there is something called find that searches recursively through directories, see if you have it05:39
vskyejrt - you might want to try aprs software.05:39
farkyHackerX, I have seen some, but I don't know where to find them. I'll do some googling.05:39
rockzmanodin_: well i use openbox its just a custom menu that is why i would have to know this utility what name has the program05:40
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rockzmanso i can try to run it odin_05:40
HackerXok thanks05:40
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odin_rockzman, what program>?05:40
hcjc92where might one get sdl?05:40
rockzmanodin_: this utility that u mentioned to find files05:40
odin_rockzman, in your terminal type in man find05:40
odin_rockzman, if something comes up then you have find, I haven't used it very much to know how well it works05:41
swimcan anyone tell me how to reset my xorg.conf please?05:41
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odin_swim, did you make a backup?05:41
HackerXfarky, k thanks05:41
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odin_swim, it's very easy to fix what you made if you remember what you did05:41
swimodin_: no, but there is a way to re-configure it05:42
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swimi remmeber all the setting i need05:42
vskyeswim - use this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure05:42
odin_swim, was that a question or a statement?05:42
swimthats it yes thank you05:42
varsendaggrhey is there a way to configure panels   ?05:42
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odin_vskye, I need to get more familiar with dpkg somehow05:42
farkyHackerX, This might help:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201542&highlight=widgets05:43
cu83is this packet going in or out:05:43
cu83Packet[15] 05:43
hcjc92anyone. where would i get sdl?05:43
cu83SERVER:Embedded UPnP/1.005:43
bimberivarsendaggr: right-click, Properties ??05:43
varsendaggrodin_, apt-get and apt-cahce search your package are you friends05:43
GianLuigiBuffonfarky! I guess that before i've downloaded a wrong driver. I've confused 2.0.1 (wrong one) with 2.1.0 hahaha05:43
Kibbled_bitsout coming in05:43
vskyeswim - actually its: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:43
cu83it worked thanks =P05:43
GianLuigiBuffonfarky ! I guess that before i've downloaded a wrong driver. I've confused 2.0.1 (wrong one) with 2.1.0 hahaha05:44
odin_varsendaggr, huh?  what are you talking about?  I didn't ask anything about packages05:44
swimthx vskye05:44
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: good news i guess? try it now05:44
GianLuigiBuffongoing to do the proccess again05:44
vskyeno problem05:44
GianLuigiBuffonI remeber it05:44
varsendaggrbimberi, ok    can you move your apps on the panels?05:44
farkyHackerX: this one might be better:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183358&highlight=widgets05:44
Kibbled_bitsregarding SKYPE: I see a DEBIAN package available, use that one05:44
HackerXsweet thanks05:44
varsendaggrlike the firefox icon   in default view05:44
=== adamant1988_ [n=adam@h-141-153-101-64.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggrodin_, sorry05:45
Kibbled_bitsjust right-click the icon then click "Add ... to Panel"05:45
steveklWill a bunch of files that nautilus tells me is 4.1 gigs fit on a 4.7 gig DVD? I know that sounds stupid  but I know from experience that when it comes to storage space, there's alot of weirdness and wiggle room05:45
bimberivarsendaggr: yes, right-click on them, you'll need to Unlock them if they're locked,  then you can right-click->Move them05:45
odin_varsendaggr, no prob, just wondering05:45
zcat[1] ok, I guess it's time to go back to debian.05:45
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varsendaggrbimberi, my move is greyed out05:45
farkyHackerX: No problem.05:46
bimberivarsendaggr: Unlock first05:46
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Tom39AwayAnybody here get a Motorola E815 to sync with Ubuntu?05:46
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bimberivarsendaggr: as in MouseUp on "Lock To Panel" to untick it05:46
Kibbled_bitsdoes it expose a memory card?05:47
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varsendaggrbimberi, sorry i am stoned05:47
=== ChrisC_ [n=chris@user-11219er.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== varsendaggr not really
Kibbled_bitsHACKING xorg.conf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:48
comboxhow do you run exe files in ununtu 5.1 ?05:48
farkyGianLuigiBuffon: any luck?05:48
ChrisC_trying to improve my mplayer setup in dapper/6.06 ...05:48
silentreadthrough wine05:48
DShepherdcombox: wine05:48
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Kibbled_bitsChrisC: try using VLC Media pLayer05:49
ChrisC_does anyone know how to get mplayer playback to double in size? (scale)05:49
ChrisC_Menu -> double size doesn't do it05:49
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Kibbled_bitsChris have you tried VLC Media Player instead?05:50
silentread@combox go into terminal , sudo apt-get install wine05:50
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ChrisC_ugh, yet another player05:50
meniskis there a java plugin for firefox on ubntu?05:50
silentreaduse suns05:50
Kibbled_bitsChris VLC is the most widely accepted media player05:50
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Kibbled_bitsdoes audio & video of all types05:50
Jenkensanyone have a good guide to getting truetype fonts to work in X?05:50
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Kibbled_bitseven windows format, i ncluding quicktime05:51
vskyeChrisC_ - try Xine. (apt-cache search xine)05:51
ChrisC_dang, I thought mplayer was, that was why I went for it it when I gave up on Totem05:51
varsendaggrKibbled_bits, no... mplayer is   look at freashmeat.net05:51
Gun_Smoke9I have a single button mouse (on an old iMac) what can I do to be able to right click?  I looked around on the FAQ and wiki, looked through the keyboard/keyboard shortcuts, and the mouse options.. I can't figure it out..05:51
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Kibbled_bitsLinux Format mag rated VLC Media player the best05:51
Kibbled_bitsthrough personal experience I'd agree with it05:51
issyVLC is pretty cool, but I haven't used it that much05:51
tredligwhat is the major difference between the server release and the desktop release?05:52
zcat[1] this is really pissing me off. Is there a single simple imap or pop3 server in ubuntu that just ties in with the existing local mail system and doesn't want to set up a complete multidomainldapauthenticatedwholenewmailsystem instead?05:52
Kibbled_bitsof Ubuntu?05:52
Kibbled_bitsthe GUI I believe is the biggest difference05:52
zcat[1] just one? anything?05:52
Kibbled_bitsserver has fewer bells & whistles05:52
Gun_Smoke9issy: I used to use it when I ran OSX.. Loved it.05:52
ChrisC_thanks Kibbled_bits05:53
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tredlighmmm k05:53
kaotman.  i really don't remember going through that much suffering setting up a pop server05:53
Kibbled_bitsyou want the mail system to simply use existing user accounts, without LDAP right?05:53
zcat[1] qpopper didn't install anything that I could tell.. nothing in /bin or /sbin or anwhere that remotely looked like a server, nothing in /etc/init.d/ to start a server.. nothing.05:53
kaotthen again i did it on slack.05:53
Kibbled_bitsyea qpopper should do it05:54
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zcat[1] Kibbled_bits: existing users in /etc/passwd/ existing mail in .var.spool/mail. Yes05:54
zcat[1] ok, after I install qpopper how tdo I make something listen on port 110 ?05:54
Gun_Smoke9I have a single button mouse (on an old iMac) what can I do to be able to right click?  I looked around on the FAQ and wiki, looked through the keyboard/keyboard shortcuts, and the mouse options.. I can't figure it out..05:54
Kibbled_bitswell qpopper is the pop dameon05:55
GianLuigiBuffonlarky with -l stills not working... what was the other command?05:55
ChrisC_if I already have lots of codecs for mplayer, will I need to download and configure them (read: pull hair out) again for a VLC install on the same machine?05:55
Kibbled_bitssince 110 is the default port it should be automatic05:55
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zcat[1] well it wasn't....05:55
Kibbled_bitsChrisC: you are good to go  :)05:55
zcat[1] I installed it. Nothing happened. I couldn't find any executable called pop3d or qpopper or anything with pop in it anywhere on the system.05:55
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zcat[1] or anything that might start it.05:56
tvgm2is there any way to disable the SHIFTx2+backspace shortcut?05:56
Kibbled_bitsit's there, try to setup a mail client to it05:56
Kibbled_bitsI mean it could be there05:56
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zcat[1] telnet localhost 110.. something should answer, right? the port's closed.05:56
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zcat[1] on all interfaces. I tried from outside too..05:57
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Kibbled_bitsis it installed?05:57
Kibbled_bitsdo you see it in Synaptic?05:57
Jenkensnobody knows how to do truetype fonts in ubuntu? gotta add the fonts and set up xfstt?05:58
zcat[1] I got frustrated and removed it again. Hang on I'll reinstall it.05:58
kaotzcat[1] : I had a pop server run through inetd a long time ago05:58
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ubotuI know nothing about xfstt05:58
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GianLuigiBuffonfarky stills the same omg05:58
Kibbled_bitsanybody here tried EDUBUNTU?05:58
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EvilscientistSUCCESS MOTHER F'ERS!!! :)05:59
silentreadisnt edubuntu the same thing except with different bundled software05:59
zcat[1] I've had pop servers and imap in the past that I just had to install. THey started. They authenticated against local users. They read my mailspool. It's not rocket sciences. Why does ubuntu make this so damn hard?!!!05:59
GianLuigiBuffonthis pc is weird because a similar stuff happens with a game on wine... must work but not to me doing the same with gides and help05:59
Kibbled_bitsyea, educational software05:59
Evilscientistgot my samba pdc purring like a kitten!05:59
charleseddyk, i installed in oem mode and then accidentally deleted the acct. from my main acct; main acct has less admin privs.  any way to get them back without an acct. that can access admin prefs or should i reinstall05:59
Kibbled_bitsPDC>..... you mean Primary Domain Controller?05:59
Evilscientistnow I did something silly that I want to undo....can someone answer the following..05:59
zcat[1] ok, qpopper's isntalled. Nothing's answeering port 11005:59
comboxso now how do i open a file with it?06:00
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majdthere's no way to install the graphical ubuntu from a server cd?06:00
zcat[1] how do I start it? reboot like goddamn NT server?06:00
Evilscientist...once xubuntu is installed....can it be uninstalled short of reformat?06:00
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silentread@combox, open terminal, type wine <path to file>06:00
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tonyyarussoEvilscientist: Installed in addition to Gnome you mean?06:00
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Evilscientistno...installed base dapper...then installed xubuntu with apt-get06:01
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zcat[1] anyone?06:01
Evilscientistis there a way to undo that....06:01
Kibbled_bitszcat... yes you can and as someone mentioned prior...06:01
CornelliusIs there any good amaroK-like for Gnome ?06:01
zcat[1] how do I get a list of the files this package just isntalled?06:01
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Kibbled_bitsI'm familiar with it on FreeBSD where it runs under the inetd dameon06:02
charle97cornellius, use amarok06:02
tonyyarussoEvilscientist: If you installed it with aptitude there would be, but with apt-get, while possible, it's quite difficult/time-consuming to do so.06:02
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Cornelliuscharle97: I want something that uses Gstreamer06:02
Evilscientistmeh...no biggy....I can live with it on there..it's not like it is a big system.06:02
kaotKibbled_bits: ah so I wasn't imagining that it ran under inetd06:02
Kibbled_bitstry System >> Administration >> Services06:02
kaotmust have been the same under slack06:02
=== kaot really should dust that box off
zcat[1] Kibbled_bits: I'm ssh'ed in, there's no gui stools installed. It's a server.06:03
kaotI'm getting a headache just thinking about what i'd have to do to get it back up tho06:03
Kibbled_bitsoh gotcha06:03
cntbnow on liveCD, how do I  start text install from liveCD UBUNTU6, new all-onboard intel -ati102 and UBUNTU liveCD gives only upto 640x480 res., so most install buttons invisible even on 8 pts font06:03
majdthere's no way to install the graphical ubuntu from a server cd?06:03
Evilscientistyes there is I believe majd06:04
Kibbled_bitsI don't know, majd you could have installed Desktop on a server06:04
Evilscientistapt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:04
Kibbled_bitsalthough you should be able to apt-get what you need06:04
ardchoillemajd: I would think that sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop would take care of that06:04
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comboxsays it could not find Mozilla in the right place06:04
tonyyarussomajd: After the fact with an internet connection there is, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop.  I don't think you can get the full system of packages just from the CD though.  Alternate CD, yes, not server.06:04
Evilscientistlets not everyone answer at once! :)06:04
zcat[1] I don't want a gui desptop. Is there something I can start or edit or respawn to make it start pop3d?06:04
vskyezcat: try this.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=qpopper&version=dapper&arch=i38606:05
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cntb(07:03:15) cntb: now on liveCD, how do I  start text install from liveCD UBUNTU6, new all-onboard intel -ati102 and UBUNTU liveCD gives only upto 640x480 res., so most install buttons invisible even on 8 pts font . pls help06:05
EvilscientistI would think there are some advantages to a gui on a server....06:05
ubotuI know nothing about text-install06:05
Evilscientist...in a glance....with little typing you can see what the fubar is going on.06:05
varsendaggrzcat[1] , do you need an xserver?06:05
silentreaddownloading drivers for ur ati card would fix ur resoulation problem06:05
zcat[1] not when the server is in a bsement in the middle of town and doesn't even have a keyboard or screen.06:05
comboxhmmm it cant find it in the right place for its libraries...06:05
sysrplhow do i make a symoblic link into a symbolic link to a shell script? ... in my file browser it's displaying as an unkown file type06:06
majdtonyyarusso, but it will install everything i need? (synaptic, gnome...) ?06:06
varsendaggrmajd, it should06:06
majdvarsendaggr, k..t.hanks i'll try it now06:06
sysrpli used sudo ln -s /etc/855resolution /etc/rc5.d/S45915resolution06:06
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cntbsilentread: that was for me?06:06
zcat[1] I don't want an x server or a GUI, I want an imap server that works.06:06
tonyyarussomajd: Yeah, ubuntu-desktop has all of those in it's dependencies.  You can apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop to see them for yourself.  (I think there's even a switch to show dependencies recursively)06:06
zcat[1] or even pop3, but I would prefer imap.06:07
ardchoillemajd: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package that pulls in all other packages needed for a proper desktop06:07
delmarzcat[1] , sourier06:07
Kibbled_bitswhat BitTorrent clients does everyone use?06:07
delmarzcat[1] , courier* even06:07
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varsendaggri have no idea what a imap is06:07
Kibbled_bitsI like Azereus but I get these popups that won't go away  :@06:07
Kibbled_bitsIMAP is an internet mail protocol06:07
Kibbled_bitsmore advanced than POP06:07
cntbbut silent thread Iam on live CD how do I start text install06:08
zcat[1] this is really pissing me off. Is there a single simple imap or pop3 server in ubuntu that just ties in with the existing local mail system and doesn't want to set up a complete multidomainldapauthenticatedwholenewmailsystem like courier wants to instead?06:08
zcat[1] .. and actually works?06:08
technelAnyone have any nice Ubuntu-compatible music tagging programs they would recommend? I used MusicBrainz Picard over on the Windows side and it worked well, but I was wondering if there is anything that works better for Linux06:08
Kibbled_bitsqpopper should work for you06:08
delmarKibbled_bits, download the latest version and install manually to wherever... ie /home/blah/apps/azereus06:08
Kibbled_bitsstick with it06:08
Kibbled_bitsthere's another one though06:08
tonyyarussovarsendaggr: It's an e-mail protocol, common in situations like school accounts where you're actually leaving the mail on the system, not downloading it, so it's accessible from anywhere, even after you read it.06:08
delmarKibbled_bits, qpopper is crap06:08
ardchoilletechnel: I like easytag06:08
tvgm2does amarok or vlc have a media library better than rhythmbox?06:08
Kibbled_bitshow's KTorrent?06:09
CptAJhey guys, could someone help me with mounting my ntfs partitions for write access? I did what was on the wiki and it didnt work06:09
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Evilscientistso I have a silly question....if you want to tranfer files (like for backup) between a windows client and dapper server....what should you format the drive as, ntfs, ext3?  does it matter?06:09
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tonyyarussotechnel: Someone I talked to once used quod libet, but I'm not very familiar.06:09
tonyyarusso(I think that was the name)06:09
Kibbled_bitsCAT: try popa3d06:09
technelardchoille, Do you have to manually type the stuff in or can you use an online database?06:09
Kibbled_bitsit's a smaller simpler pop3 daemon06:10
kaotooh hey popa3d forgot about that one06:10
ardchoilletechnel: *that* I don't know cuz I never needed such a thing. However, easytag may well have such capabilities06:10
kaotin fact i think that's the one i settled on06:10
techneltonyyarusso, ardchoille, Alright, thanks -- I will check out those applications!06:10
ardchoilletechnel: you're welcome06:10
stpereEvilscientist, linux can't write to NTFS06:11
zcat[1] YAY!!! popa3d's the winner!!06:11
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Evilscientiststpere...so it should be ext3 regardless?06:11
comboxwhat channel could help me with installing ActiveX for Mozilla on Ubuntu 5.1??06:11
Steven_Mhi all06:11
kaotwell done Kibbled_bits06:11
Kibbled_bitsthat's not true, I believe it can write to NTFS06:11
ardchoilletechnel: easytag homepage: http://easytag.sourceforge.net/06:11
CptAJEvilscientist: make it ext3, you can upload from windows regardless06:11
Kibbled_bitsI know Knoppix is at least capable of this06:12
zcat[1] thanks all.. sorry to be so grumpy but this has really been bugging me.06:12
technelardchoille, Yep, found it, thanks :)06:12
Kibbled_bitsI would try to mount the NTFS partition06:12
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sys8976how goes it all?06:12
Evilscientistwhy is that?06:13
comboxcan anyone point me in the direction of someone who knows about installing AciveX for Mozilla06:13
Kibbled_bitshave a good day Cat  :)06:13
sys8976combox: are you talking in linux?06:13
zcat[1] AciveX ? :006:13
Kibbled_bitsit's okay we've all faced that frustration before06:13
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sys8976combox: you should be able to go into tools-extisions and get more and get it from there06:13
comboxMozilla aciteX controll06:13
tvgm2if it's mounting the partition on logon, try unmounting and re-mounting in a terminal with the ntfs-fuse syntax06:13
Kibbled_bitsI think that only works in Windows06:14
Kibbled_bitscuz that has windows hooks (ActiveX controls)06:14
Kibbled_bitshowever IE 5.x will work under Wine06:14
sys8976combox: I use opera more secure so dont use it, Kibbled_bits yea but the active x ext is a xpi so it should still install06:14
Kibbled_bitsI know some people are doing that06:14
Steven_Mwhat's the name of gnome's default consonle app?06:14
delmarOK so i'm doing an install from the Dapper install CD, chose "Server" ... it's failing to install the base system, "unable to instal the selected kernel"  Kernel package 'linux-386'.    This is the latest Dapper alternative CD, verified and undamaged, and for the second time it's failing to install the kernel at this point during the install.  Is this a known issue? whats going on here?06:14
ardchoilleSteven_M: gnome-terminal06:14
tonyyarussoSteven_M: gnome-terminal06:14
Kibbled_bitsdoesn't mean it will work06:14
CptAJso? no one is up for helping me out with my ntfs read access problem?06:14
sys8976Kibbled_bits: you are right with that 100%06:15
CptAJ*write access that is06:15
silentreadmounting to ntfs = bad idea06:15
tvgm2cpt, if it's mounting the partition on logon, try unmounting and re-mounting in a terminal with the ntfs-fuse syntax06:15
delmarCptAJ, dont write to ntfs. BAD06:15
Kibbled_bitsat the API level, remember ActiveX = Active Template Library (ATL)06:15
tvgm2it's pretty reliable06:15
sys8976CptAJ: what the issue, you can use diskmounter to get it to read but right now there isnt a stable ntfs write tool out there06:15
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Evilscientistokay....got that.06:15
Evilscientistnow.....how do I set up a share directory so windows client can write to it, includin setting up directories.06:16
CptAJI was using the process explained in the wiki06:16
comboxcan u explain that plz06:16
K^HoltzI'm currently running updates, and it seems like its stuck at "Setting up capplets-data (2.14.2-0ubuntu1) ...   Does this usually take a long time to install?06:16
CptAJhow unstable can it be?06:16
EvilscientistI assume that is a mask level in smb.conf06:16
Kibbled_bitsEVERYONE: for you guys wanting to do all this Windows stuff on Ubuntu, why not install VMWare (free edition) and install XP on that06:16
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silentreadit can take quite a while updating06:16
sys8976CptAJ: enough to were you can lose the data completely06:16
Kibbled_bitsthen you could setup a share to it or use IE in it and the monster is somewhat contained06:16
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Kibbled_bitsthis is my next project VMWare on Ubuntu06:17
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kaotKibbled_bits: there's a free edition?06:17
roostishawanyone, how can i change the address that was assigned to my comp by my router?06:17
sys8976combox: just a question why are you needing axtive x in linux anyway?06:17
kaotshoot had i known that i'dhave it already06:17
CptAJoh well, guess I wont do it then06:17
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=== kaot goes a-hunting
Evilscientistkibbled....need native windows on my xp client for science analysis programs.06:17
comboxlol World of warcraft06:17
comboxim using cenega06:17
Steven_Mcould a person running Kubuntu install gnome-terminal without installing gnome?06:17
Kibbled_bitsEvil: they should run find through VMWare06:17
sys8976combox: here read this I am doing it right now while I chat http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061506:17
tonyyarussoSteven_M: You could do it without installing all of gnome, but you'd need some gtk libraries.06:17
TloricI"m sure its been asked a half million times, but i'm having trouble finding the answer on the net. My dapper wont keep my domain name and DNS servers for more than 30 seconds. Where is a fix?06:18
Kibbled_bitsI think so06:18
Evilscientistthese are very picky programs that are essential....not going to risk it....06:18
ardchoilleSteven_M: my question is why do you want gnome-terminal? Konsole not working for you?06:18
roostishawanyone, how can i change the address that was assigned to my comp by my router?06:18
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kaotTloric: are you setting something different than what you're getting via dhcp?06:18
Evilscientiststill....if I want to be able to write directly from windows client to server drive...how do I set that up?06:18
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rak_hey i'm having a little problem... i started ubuntu just now and my resolution is very small (640x480) and i can't change it with the gui apps, it's acting like the graphics card drivers aren't working or something actually happened to the graphics card (probably the former) any ideas?06:18
Kibbled_bitsVMWare is a very professional high end company if you guys have busines critical stuff they have high end products to meet those needs06:18
delmarGreat... the Dapper alternative CD install is broken..... MD5sum mismatch for the damn kernel modules package.   GRRRRR06:18
silentreadis ur graphics card ati?06:19
meniskcan someone help me install sun java on dapper06:19
EvilscientistI want to be able to drag and drop files from windows to linux server06:19
ardchoille!fixres > rak_06:19
silentreadati has terrible driver support06:19
roostishawanyone, how can i change the address that was assigned to my comp by my router?06:19
stpereEvilscientist, someone said Samba before?06:19
Evilscientistusing samba06:19
comboxyeah Ati 700 XT06:19
sys8976menisk: one sec i get you the link06:19
Evilscientistsamba pdc set up and working.06:19
Steven_Mardchoille: konsole conflicts with midnight commander.06:19
Kibbled_bitsmenisk, Java is installed myd efault06:19
Kibbled_bitsI'm almost positive06:19
sys8976menisk: https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu-dev.html here06:20
Evilscientistset up share directory as network drive....but can't drag and drop06:20
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silentreadto properly display ur resolution, use 3rd party drivers for ur graphics card06:20
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Kibbled_bitsFree edition of VMWare: http://www.vmware.com/products/server/06:20
ardchoilleSteven_M: gnome-terminal will have a ton of deps. You might want to try urxvt first as it doesn't have many deps06:20
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-246-51.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kibbled_bitsboth Windows & Linux versions available06:20
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menisksys8976, i have tried to install the sun java package from synaptic but its not there06:20
tonyyarussoWhat's the difference between lossy compression (OGG) and lossless compression (FLAC)?06:20
zcat[1] hmmm.. i still really want imap :(06:20
comboxi dont have a Windows CD06:20
londondavehi guys, now why would ueagle-atm module suddenly start working?06:21
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sys8976menisk:  have you done the universe changes in syn yet?06:21
zcat[1] tonyyarusso: "loss"06:21
kaotzcat[1] : unless you have a legitimate need for imap, you probably don't really want it.06:21
Kibbled_bitszcat then get an imap daemon  ;)06:21
kaotzcat[1] : you might *think* you want it06:21
silentreadtry the fglrx drivers for ati06:21
menisksys8976, yes06:21
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kaotzcat[1] : but then you'll get it, and wish you hadn't.06:21
kaottrust me06:21
sys8976menisk: which browser?06:21
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zcat[1] kaot: there are things imap handles that pop3 doesn't. Folders,etc.06:22
menisksys8976, wait up i missed a few thigs in the repositories06:22
kaotzcat[1] : that's what your mail client is for :\06:22
snoopstonyyarusso think of lossless like compressing your music track.. you can uncompress a compressed file and it'll be the exact same as it was originally. You can uncompress say lossy format too, but it will be different, quality will be lost06:22
sys8976menisk: :D06:22
TloricKaot, its just not keeping the DNS server info or my home network's domain.  otherwise everything's fine.06:22
roostishawanyone, how can i change the address that was assigned to my comp by my router?06:22
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zcat[1] and it does a better job of leaving mail on the server.06:22
tonyyarussosnoops: Ah06:22
Anonyroostishaw, ifconfig eth0
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kaotzcat[1] : ssh in and use pine  :P06:22
sys8976Tloric: what is your server machine that is running the setup?06:22
zcat[1] pop3 is a pain when you have several computers that you might want to access mail from.06:23
Anonyroostishaw, You can also use the network-admin feature in the gui06:23
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comboxso what do i do with this VMWare???06:23
Steven_Mardchoille: ok thanks06:23
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si1hello :) room : I have a big problem with Ubuntu06:23
Tloricdont understand the question sys.06:23
sys8976combox: vmware will not run wow sorry06:23
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comboxhehe kk06:23
si1I uninstalled dhcp3  and I don't know how to reinstall it06:24
menisksys8976, found it :)06:24
snoopstonyyarusso whether you can tell the difference it the hot topic for debate of course... I think flac is a great archiving format, and ogg more of an 'on the go' type thing06:24
sys8976Tloric: you say your server what os is your server? what is handleing your domain info to your machine06:24
comboxbut Cedega will06:24
sys8976menisk: welcome06:24
comboxand i ahve t but my wow patcher keeps screwing up06:24
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comboxit says i need activeX controller ofr mozilla06:24
sys8976combox: did you see that link I sent06:24
comboxyeah reading it06:24
tonyyarussosnoops: Trying to figure out what to convert my WMA music to.06:24
comboxhow do u unninstall wine06:24
comboxit says to do a complete wipe06:25
sys8976combox: here take this link download and then install it through the transgaming http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/MozillaControl1712.exe?download06:25
TrajanI noticed Ubuntu 6x does not include SMP download options. Are multi processors automatically detected?06:25
si1where can I deb packages of dhcp3-client along with dependencies06:25
misakiI'm trying to get WINE working (new to Linux), when I type `winecfg' it gives me this message: "Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.06:25
misakiMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly."06:25
misakiWhen I type `echo $DISPLAY' it gives me ":0.0"06:25
sys8976combox:  dont do that if you are paying for transgaming lol it will jack it all up06:25
Kibbled_bitsTrajan: I believe so06:25
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dr_willisi dont recall running winecfg06:25
cntbfound Ubuntu 6.06 Alternate Install CD . hope will solve me 640x480 res problem on neww intel-ati102 board -all onboard, where to find drivers and how to ID board from within liveCD?06:25
misakiI just finished installing NVIDIA drivers, it seems to be working (i got the splash screen), is this related to the $DISPLAY problem?06:25
TrajanKibbled: Thanks.06:25
TloricSys8976: nothing is right now except the network manager.  Which wont keep the settings longer than 30 seconds.06:26
cntbsystem-config-hal works in fedora not here06:26
Kibbled_bitsany programmers here?06:26
comboxstill has that library not found problem06:26
Kibbled_bitsI'm a programmer looking to help on the Ubuntu project06:26
sys8976Tloric: so you have just a router in the loop>?06:26
=== dr_willis is a expert in comal. :)
silentreadwhat probject06:26
zcat[1] tonyyarusso: flack is lossless but about half the size of the original WAV, ogg is very good quality and much smaller. Converting from a lossy format to anything else is generally not a good idea, but if you're going to do it I'd suggest ogg.. no point wasting the space on a lossless format when the information has already been lost.06:26
squigglyflac **06:26
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comboxhow do u install through transgaming06:26
sys8976combox: you are gettting a transgaming error?06:26
silentreaddoes ur project have a website?06:27
Tloricsys8976: If i understand the question, Yes.06:27
misakiwell I'm supposed to try to install the Mozilla ActiveX thing using wine, and I get the same error message06:27
Evilscientistbasic question what are directory mask and create mask?06:27
sys8976combox:  the same way you would install a game06:27
thompaanyone know why my spellchecker now has dissapeared from openoffice?06:27
dr_williscombox,  let me guess.. xlibs ?06:27
Kibbled_bitsmisaki: that won't work06:27
Kibbled_bitscuz that's the Linux Mozilla06:27
sys8976Tloric let me think a min06:27
Kibbled_bitsinstall Mozilla through Wine06:27
squigglywhat do you need a spellchecker for06:27
TrajanAnyone know the easist way to determine if Ubuntu server is taking advantage of multi processors?06:27
si1will XGL work on integrated intel855 graphic chipsets ?06:27
Kibbled_bitsthen activeX for that instance of Wine06:27
Kibbled_bitsdoes that make sense?06:27
sys8976misaki: you need to install the xlib packages06:28
misakiwhy do I get an error message about $DISPLAY when I try to run winecfg?06:28
zcat[1] Trajan: /proc/ should show more than one cpu ?06:28
misakibut yes, I'll do that with Mozilla06:28
sys8976misaki: cause you installed wine without the xlib pacjages06:28
TrajanZcat: Thanks06:28
si1will XGL work on integrated intel855 graphic chipsets ?06:28
thompait was just there before and now even the langauge setting is gone06:28
misakido I need to reinstall then?06:28
comboxim using cedega and um...06:28
sys8976Tloric: what version linux you using06:28
rockzmancan someone help me? i need to know why everytime i try to compile a gkrellm plugin i receive the same error06:28
sys8976misaki: yes uninstall wine install xlib then reinstall wine06:29
comboxi clicked install and selected the path to the exe file06:29
misakikk thanks06:29
Tloricsys8976: Ubuntu dapper06:29
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zcat[1] Trajan: cat /proc/cpuinfo I think will be what you're looking for06:29
comboxuduntu 5.106:29
sys8976combox: ok then what?06:29
si1will XGL work on integrated intel855 graphic chipsets06:29
sys8976Tloric: ok checking something06:29
comboxthen nothing06:29
rockzmancan someone help me? i need to know why everytime i try to compile a gkrellm plugin i receive the same error06:29
comboxit created a wine foled but nothing in it06:29
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TrajanZcat: You are a gentleman and a scholar but not neccesarliy in that order.06:30
ardchoillerockzman: pastebin the error: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org06:30
thompaopenoffice gets wobbly with text sometimes too when typing06:30
rockzmanardchoille: roger :)06:30
rockzmanroger that06:30
comboxlol i keep needing to isntall stuff to make me install mroe stuff06:30
thompai think maybe memory hole in OO06:30
Gun_Smoke9I can't get the non-free repository selected.  I check the box, and click add.  But if I go back, it is unselected again.. What gives?06:30
sys8976combox: try $sudo wine MozillaControl1712.exe  and see what it does that shuold install it06:31
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zcat[1] Gun_Smoke9: that's just bad UI.. it's been added. The dialog shows suggested options, not what's currently enabled.06:31
sys8976Tloric: what do you see when you clikc system-administration-networking06:32
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Kibbled_bitsgotta run06:32
Kibbled_bitsNITE guys06:32
Evilscientistso let me rephrase this...06:32
=== sys8976 shakes head cause I cant type due to to much drink
comboxwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\MozillaControl712.exe": Module not found06:32
sys8976Kibbled_bits: later06:32
rockzmanardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1730606:32
TrajanThe amount of people in this room is striking. I guess Ubuntu is really as popular as it appears.06:32
Evilscientist...how do I give windows permission to write to my linux dirves06:32
Tloricsys8976: Normal network manager that i've been using.06:32
thompaopenoffice doesnt work06:33
sys8976combox: ok take that exe file and put it in that dir and run again06:33
Dial_tonename another decent bittorrent client06:33
zcat[1] Trajan: or really hard to use, perhaps :)06:33
Kibbled_bitsCOMBO: are you installing this for the win32 or linux Mozilla?06:33
comboxlol well so far nothing has worked in Ubuntu for me06:33
Kibbled_bitsbecause it matters, Wine isn't going to see your linux Mozilla06:33
sys8976Tloric: so it shows your nic and that its active?06:33
zcat[1] lots of people looking for help....06:33
Tloricsys8976: eth0 is active06:33
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Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  Well then I am having problems finding flashplugin-nonfree which is supposed to be in that one.. But when i run a search is shows it isn;t there.??06:33
CptAJwhats a good text based browser I can use?06:33
Garethcombox, the power cord is plugged in right? :P06:33
zcat[1] Gun_Smoke9: did you refresh?06:33
Kibbled_bitsflash works06:33
GarethCptAJ, lynx06:33
sys8976Tloric: ok and when you click props it is showing config as dhcp?06:33
Kibbled_bitsshockwave doesn't06:33
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  Yes.06:34
Tloricsys8976: Yes.06:34
TrajanZcat: I thought this was the "people's OS"? What does this say about other distrbutions?!06:34
rockzmanardchoille: i couldnt paste the whole file06:34
Kibbled_bitsthere is a Flash install for Linux06:34
sys8976Tloric: kk still digging one sec06:34
zcat[1] hmm.. odd.06:34
Tloricsys8976: and its enabled.06:34
comboxhow do i get there06:34
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Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  Shockwave doesn't show either.06:34
Kibbled_bitsTrajan what is your point?06:34
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rockzmanardchoille: i just follow gkrellm plugins instructions "make"06:34
comboxComputer ->?06:34
zcat[1] there's no shockwave plugin for linux :(06:34
rockzmanardchoille: this is part of the error i receive06:34
sys8976combox: $cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/06:35
Kibbled_bitsno shockwave for linux06:35
sys8976Tloric: click cancel out of there and then click the host tab up top06:35
ardchoillerockzman: there's an analog clock for gkrellm in the repos. Open synaptic and do a search for gkrellm.. there's a bunch of plugins there.06:35
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TrajanI wish Real Player would shrivel up and die already06:35
rockzmanardchoille: oh really?06:35
zcat[1] there should be a flash-nonfree though.06:35
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Kibbled_bitsagreed Trajan06:35
ardchoillerockzman: as for your error, I don't know, I don't get those errors when I compile06:35
rockzmanardchoille: thank ya06:35
GarethTrajan, it has to buffer before it does that06:35
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ardchoillerockzman: you're welcome06:35
sys8976Tloric: do you have localhost and ip6 located in there?06:35
rockzmanardchoille: i understand06:35
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Tloricsys8976: yes i do.06:35
Gun_Smoke9Oops.. I meant Java.06:36
TrajanWe'll be waiting foever then06:36
zcat[1] is this i386 or amd64? there's only flash-nonfree for i386 ..06:36
Kibbled_bitsFlash works on FireFox/Linux06:36
Gun_Smoke9Ahh... I am AMD06:36
Kibbled_bitsI'm on it right now06:36
Steven_MI can't find that terminal on the dapper repos06:36
zcat[1] that explains it :)06:36
sys8976Tloric: ok for giggles can you open a terminal and type ifconfig and pastbin what it puts there and send me link so I can see that?06:36
TrajanWe'll still have the spyware to deal with after Real Player departs this earth06:36
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  So what about the Java?06:36
sys8976!pastebin > Tloric06:36
ardchoillerockzman: I use gkrellm-alltraxclock2 for an analog clock in my gkrellm, works great06:36
Kibbled_bitsREAL SUX06:36
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Kibbled_bitsNITE ALL06:36
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Kibbled_bitsfor real this time  ;)06:37
Garethdamn you can do that sys8976?  (the piping thing, I mean) useful!06:37
zcat[1] most people end up running i386 on their 64 bit systems because all the nonfree stuff only works that way :(06:37
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sys8976Gareth: :D yes06:37
Garethzcat[1] , it'd make much more sense to run i68606:37
K^HoltzWhat the command to install xchat? sudo apt-get intall xchat-gnome?06:37
CptAJGareth: Uh, could you elaborate a little? where do I get it? how do I install it?06:37
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  Yeah I would like to.. But this is a free machine for me to experiment and learn linux on.06:37
TrajanGood night all. Thanks for the help.06:38
GarethCptAJ, you should be able to go "gksudo apt-get install lynx" and have it install (and then run it with the command lynx afterwards)06:38
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zcat[1] hafta use the gpl flash and java then ..06:38
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CptAJGareth, trying that, thanks06:38
comboxbash: /home/combox/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/: is a directory06:38
combox lol06:38
freakshey i think i've found a bug in Ubuntu ...06:38
DShepherdfreaks: havent we all06:38
comboxi understand what i ahve to do i just dont know how lol06:38
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zcat[1] Gun_Smoke9: I think you'll probably have problems with wine too :)06:39
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freaksanyone want to try? here it freeze the system, or crash X06:39
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Tloricsys8976: Its on another machine so cant past it here. Right now its holding the right address and mask.  (wouldnt hold a connection long enough for me to get on irc with it).06:39
ardchoilleDShepherd: lol06:39
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rockzmanardchoille: u were right mate thanks again06:39
james_does anyone in here know how to configure a wxga laptop screen to switch to 1280x800 resolution? the forums mention using a package called '855resolution' which is not in my repos. i can get '915resolution', though...06:39
ardchoillerockzman: hope you find what you need there :)06:39
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  i don't even know what that is yet.. i've only been runing ubuntu for two daysnow06:39
james_will '915resolution' do just as well?06:39
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zcat[1] !wine06:39
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:39
K^HoltzWhat is the command to install xchat? sudo apt-get intall xchat-gnome?06:39
J231ive just done sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop, how do i run xubuntu-desktop?06:40
DShepherdjames_: what cared is it?06:40
ubotuI know nothing about xchat06:40
sys8976Tloric: ok thought that but thought maybe we could get that info so I could try to help  :D06:40
dr_willis!apt-get > K^Holtz06:40
kaotI got wine to run pokerstars.  mission accomplished as far as wine goes.  hehe06:40
Tloricsys8976: Dont suppose there's a way to turn off ip6 and go to ip4?  I seem to remember the last release worked just fine with that.06:40
sys8976J231: try to reboot06:40
james_DShepherd: i'm not sure lol06:40
james_DShepherd: it is an intel06:40
J231sys8976: alright06:40
K^Holtz!apt-get xchat06:40
ubotuI know nothing about apt-get xchat06:40
sys8976Tloric: havent learned that yet sorry :)06:40
CornelliusK^Holtz: sudo apt-get install xchat or sudo apt-get install xchat-gnomw06:40
ardchoilleJ231: log out, select xfce as your desktop, then log back in06:40
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] : From the FAQ06:40
Gun_Smoke9Some websites require the Java plugin for Mozilla Firefox. To install the java plugin, install the sun-java5-plugin package (for i386 machines) or the j2re-1.4-mozilla-plugin package (for amd64 machines) from the Multiverse repository.06:40
kale77inI'm seeing acroread (7.0.1) throw "**Gtk-WARNING** Cannot open display" when it's supposed to be running in command-line mode with '-toPostScript'. Nothing on the Adobe site about it. Any ideas appreciated.06:40
kaotTloric: remove ipv6 support from teh kernel, probably06:40
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arooni-linuxhey folks, im having trouble getting full screen resolution. host: winxp pro laptop w/ max resolution 1280x800. guest: ubuntu linux dapper. i'd like to throw up the ubuntu window at 1280 x 1024 on my lcd monitor. i have tried editing /etc/x11/xorg.conf and inserting the "1280x1024" monitor resolution with no luck.... any ideas?06:41
kaotI remember having to do that with gentoo, kept slowing my net down trying to resolve ipv6 names06:41
K^HoltzCornellius: whats the difference?06:41
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  i couldn't even find the one for amd06:41
zcat[1] I've given up trying to get wine to run IE.. I have it running Windows mozilla with the flash8 and shockwave plugins though06:41
silentreadarooni: do u have an ati graphics card?06:41
CornelliusK^Holtz: The frontend. Install both and see which one you like most06:41
DShepherdjames_: me not sure either then.. have you tried to reconfigure the xserver?06:41
zcat[1] It's definately wloeer than linux mozilla and breaks all the launch feedback and stuff too06:42
zcat[1] *slower06:42
james_DShepherd: no.... the instructions i read call for the package '855resolution', but i can't find that package06:42
sys8976arooni-linux: you will have about 15 different levels in xorg did you catch which one is set to default? mine was set to default 24 and that is the one I edited and it worked06:42
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charlesJacobsis there a way to turn off my touch pad? I don't need it when I'm using a mouse06:42
DShepherdjames_: hmmm have you tried to reconfigure the xserver?06:42
DShepherdjames_: or am I talking gibberish to you06:43
zcat[1] Gun_Smoke9: the i386 install will run fine on amd64 and will give you a lot more options...06:43
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arooni-linuxsys8976: i believe my default is 24 as well.. i tried 1) adding in a 1280x1024 option and trying to select it from system=>display prop etc.. and 2) eliminating all other options (crashed it and i had to restore from a backup file i made)06:43
Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  Thanks, I'll give it a shot now..06:43
james_DShepherd: no, from what i have read from people with the exact same laptop, i will need that package in order for it to work06:44
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lucazHello, does anyone know if there is a app like apple's dashboard for linux?06:44
DBODShepherd, you here?06:44
AnonyWould someone mind helping me get my sound working?06:44
james_i wish i just knew what repo i was missing06:44
J231a reboot didnt fix.06:44
DShepherdDBO: hey06:44
sys8976arooni-linux: what you have to do (or I did and it worked) is after the 1024x768 add in front of that 1152x864 and then the 1280x1024 the make sure you :qw (if you are using vi) so it saves it then it should flicker and make it right06:44
DShepherdDBO: xgl...06:44
DBODShepherd, I finished that script06:44
=== zcat[1] expects the situation will improve when there's more support for 64bit windows and people start porting and wrapping those drivers..
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si1can I install xgl in a intel855 integrated chipset06:45
sys8976lucasvo: yes and no if you have a 3d enabled vid card you can get something like that06:45
J231ive just done sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and rebooted, but how do i "start" it?06:45
comboxhmm why is it that Ubuntu runs in to problems installing everything06:45
AnonyThe sound card is an nm256AV in an omnibook 415006:45
arooni-linuxsys8976: so its like "1152x864"  "1280x1024"  "1024x768"  ?06:45
zcat[1] it sucks that windows is so far behing linux though :)06:45
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zcat[1] *behind06:45
sys8976lucasvo: but if you like the widgets then opera will give you that06:45
si1combox : select session before login in GDM06:46
sys8976arooni-linux: no 1280 then 1152 then 1024 then 800 etc06:46
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lucazsys8976: talking to me?06:46
arooni-linuxsys8976: ok then can i do control alt backspace to have these settings refreshed?06:46
sys8976lucaz: no sorry wasnt06:47
comboxim trying to install Wine so i can install AciveX for Mozilla so i can run and update ...06:47
si1how do I install a package when I don't have internet connection ??06:47
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zammitmy ubuntu installation is freezing at "mounting root file system" help?06:47
sys8976arooni-linux: as soon as you write the file and quit it should refresh if not then yes06:47
orbinlucaz: is that the launcher bar on the bottom?06:47
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arooni-linuxsys8976: ok let me try this06:47
sys8976arooni-linux: kk06:47
j23aive just done sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and rebooted, but how do i "start" it?06:47
lucazorbin: yes, I'm looking for something like that..06:47
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K^HoltzCornellius: it says that it cant find package xchat06:47
orbinj23a: choose xfce from the sessions menu at login06:47
Cornelliusj23a: Where you type your username and password06:48
j231ok thanks :)06:48
orbinlucaz: gdesklets has a launcher bar06:48
j231thanks guys, cya =)06:48
Lyrasenconfig question here under breezy... I'm using aoss for what it's intended to, but the sound I get is somehow hashed. I've read that what could solve this problem, is to redefine the fragment size oss uses in /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss ... this file is actually empty, so I have no idea of which syntax to use, could anyone point me to an example?06:48
Cornelliusj231: Go into session, and choose XFCE06:48
lucazorbin: will check it..thanks..06:48
delmarThats just GREAT. Where is the 'badblocks' command to check a device for bad blocks?06:48
delmarThe damn Dapper alternative install fails, and u cant do a badblocks check. DUH06:48
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Anony# aplay -l06:50
Anonyaplay: device_list:221: no soundcards found...06:50
HackerX*** Hey how do i get video codecs?***06:50
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AnonyHackerX, If you live outside the US try using automatix06:50
racarteris there a way to prevent root from logging in directly?06:50
orbin!restricted > HackerX06:50
HackerXI live in the us, why does that made a differnce?06:51
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Gun_Smoke9zcat[1] :  I just tried to grab the it... It still can not be located..06:51
zammitany ubuntu gurus here?06:51
hephaestusracarter ... it is disabled by default06:51
RopechoborraMy webcam is connected, but when i try to preview with Camorama it says to check te connection... what could it be?06:51
cyphasecan someone add a "Download File" option in the Nautilus "File" menu?06:51
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=== bimberi holds up a mirror
cyphaseit can already download links you drag from firefox06:52
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HackerXorbin ?06:52
Lukeis there a way I can select to use the security update kernel image vs. the current kernel image?06:52
orbinHackerX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:52
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AnonyI made a thread detailing the problems with my video card and the results of everything I have tried: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20988206:53
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ardchoilleefox: hi06:53
arooni-linuxsys8976: so i tried putting 1280 1152 1024 in that order, and now when i restarted it, i could only select 1024x768 as my max.... any other ideas?06:53
efoxis there a command u can enter to upload something to a site...? similiar to wget..but..opposite06:53
Anonyefox, ftp?06:53
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bimberiLuke: when you update kernels from the repositories, there are usually entries in the grub menu that allow you to boot from the old ones06:54
Lukebimberi: i want to boot form the newer one by default06:54
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Lukebimberi: for some reason it is not default06:54
sys8976arooni-linux: what vid card do you hvae?06:54
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efoxAnony: it COULD be, it could be anything. So long as i can back my data online, thats what im looking for. I found some online storage sites, rapidshare or megashare etc...but is there such a command ?06:54
Cornelliusefox: Get gFTP, connect to the ftp site in question and upload the files06:54
si1can I install xgl in a intel855 integrated graphics chipset06:55
HackerXWhat the command to download again?06:55
efoxCornellius: possible to use terminal for this...06:55
bimberiLuke: ok, have you modified /boot/grub/menu.lst at all ?  It is usually set to boot from the first entry and new entries are added to the top of the list06:55
dlisi1, yes, but very slow06:55
Anonyefox, I understand you are looking for a program that will use HTTP style uploads, but I dont think such a thing exists06:55
arooni-linuxsys8976: well i have a mobile intel 945GM express schipset family adapter (built in i think its just built in)..... and im runnin ubuntu linux thru vmplayer (host os is winxp pro)06:55
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Lukebimberi: nope i have not modified it06:56
sys8976arooni-linux: ahh ok so do you have the vmware tools installed?06:56
efoxAnony:  booo =(  ok..i guess ftp would be the way to go06:56
si1Dli : thanks06:56
arooni-linuxsys8976: indeed i do06:56
Anonyefox, Do you have an FTP server in mind?06:56
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ardchoilleefox: check out wput .. it's in the repos06:56
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AnonyWoa there is a wput06:56
HackerXwhats the command to download off the unbuntu server thing?06:56
AnonyThats awesome06:56
ardchoilleefox: wput - A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files06:56
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AnonyHackerX, apt-get06:57
Anonyardchoille, oh wait its an ftp client?06:57
=== Tloric smiles, waves thanks anyways, and packs it in for another day. =)
=== Ropechoborra Volvere
sys8976arooni-linux: I havent messed with the player but I did run it under straight vmware workstation adn I couldnt get past that either,,,I have a 6600 128mg card and vmwares tools so didnt help, once I flushed drive and installed without vmware then ubuntu saw my card and edited it there and all is good06:57
ardchoilleAnony: yes06:57
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efoxardchoille:  nice ! I will look into it. Thanks !06:57
technelI am running Ubuntu and Azureus. Any time a Warning pops up in the corner, when I put my mouse over thie Hide button it highlights, but I can't click it! It won't go away :(06:57
ardchoilleefox: you're welcome :)06:57
arooni-linuxsys8976: i also have vmware workstation installed.... could that help me06:57
bimberiLuke: hmmk.  Put it on a pastebin.06:58
Jessehey i was wondering how large is the upgrade for 5.10 to the latest version?06:58
CornelliusAnony: He just needs a terminal FTP client06:58
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sys8976arooni-linux: vmware is limited on what it can and cant do so I would have to say no06:58
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CornelliusAnony: I don't know any since I use gFTP though06:58
AnonyCornellius, "ftp" is a command line ftp client06:58
AnonyI use it all the toime06:58
arooni-linuxsys8976: ah do you use something else instead?06:58
AnonyCant STAND gftp06:58
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Lukebimberi: i dont even seem to have aone have a menu.1st06:58
AnonyThe tab paths are terrible06:58
arooni-linuxfor your vmmingness?06:58
Lukebimberi: dont have one*06:59
sys8976arooni-linux: no I formated my 60g drive and installed on it straight I no longer use windows :D06:59
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arooni-linuxsys8976: ahh gtocha06:59
CornelliusAnony: I know, but via a terminal ftp client he'll be able to upload his files to the server in question06:59
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arooni-linuxrunnning linux & windows side by side at once on one box is pretty compelling though06:59
AnonyCornellius, oic, good point06:59
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orbintechnel: known bug.  try pinging void^ or just ask in #azureus06:59
sys8976arooni-linux: now you can try bochs I think it is let me get link from what I read you can do more in it06:59
bimberiLuke: /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?07:00
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sys8976arooni-linux: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/07:00
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technelorbin, #azureus is dead (as usual), what do you mean ping void^?07:00
bimberiLuke: note that the first character in lst is lowercase L07:00
orbinvoid^: ping07:00
Lukebimberi: doesnt exist07:00
technelvoid^, ping07:00
technelorbin, What is supposed to happen?07:01
sys8976arooni-linux: I havent tried that one, cause I got mad a vmware and just flushed system lol07:01
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sys8976arooni-linux: but I have read a lot about it and they say you can edit more things than what you can in vmware so worth a shot if you are bored :)07:01
orbintechnel: he's supposed to answer if he's active.  obviously he's not.  i'm sure there's a forum topic on it @ ubuntuforums.org07:01
arooni-linuxsys8976: appreciate your help07:01
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Jessehey i was wondering how large is the upgrade for 5.10 to 6.06?07:02
sys8976Jesse: best to flush and do a clean install but the upgrade (guessing here) is bout 1g if you install all options07:02
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Jessesys8976, dang :( i was downloading the iso before it got to 400 then died and i can't continue it07:03
sys8976Jesse: oh the download the iso is less than 700mg cause it will fit on 1 cd07:03
sys8976Jesse: you on windows?07:04
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Jessesys8976, atm i am but i just found my a old hd and thought i would finally get around to installing, now theres a new version and i only have the pressed 5.10 cds07:04
ardchoilleogami: hi07:05
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Steven_Mardchoille: I've found xrvt now, thanks07:05
Steven_Mbye all07:05
sys8976Jesse: yea you are going to want 6.06 it rocks so much more, dump your temp files and try again07:05
sys8976Steven_M: later07:05
dreamcatcher5172my login screen settings in system-administration is missing and the login graphical interface wont work anymore....what gives?07:05
ogamianyone have success with ati drivers in breezy?07:05
ardchoilleSteven_M: I hope it works for you :)07:05
Jessesys8976, yeah im going to try again but damn it takes so long it took 4 hours to get where it was at07:06
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: what was the last thing that was installed?07:06
Steven_Mardchoille: I'll let you know :)07:06
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orbinogami: which ones? :P07:06
sys8976Jesse: yea I hear ya I set mine to dl at night after I went to sleep hehe07:06
dreamcatcher5172some themes for gnome fromt he packet manager07:06
ogamiorbin: 8.26.1807:06
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: did you try to apply one of those themes before it foobared?07:07
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Naohey, does anyone know anyway for me to use my trackpad on my laptop, but to turn off tapping?  like when you briefly tap the pad and it acts like clicking?  I'm on dapper, with a synaptics pad07:07
dreamcatcher5172i wish i had a logfile to look at....i dont quite remember07:07
Jessesys8976, now lets pick a mirror that won't die on me07:07
dreamcatcher5172i changed alot of themes07:07
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sys8976Nao: sorry havent learned that one yet (the reason I asnwered is I hate asking something and not getting an answer :)07:08
Naohaha, thanks07:08
ideogramDid I say I love ubuntu today?07:08
sys8976Jesse: cool I welcome you to get it installed the more the happier we are and billy is not :D07:08
RopechoborraSome client for MSN ?? (not gaim or aMSN)07:08
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sys8976ideogram: no you didnt but I love ubuntu as well :D07:08
bimberiLuke: did you see that last post from me? the first character in lst is lowercase L07:08
orbinogami: i used the officials in dapper and it broke apt.07:09
sys8976Ropechoborra: that is about all your stable choices you have :(07:09
dreamcatcher5172is there a .deb file to look for to make sure?07:09
ogamiorbin: :(07:09
ogamii havent even tried running dapper yet07:09
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Jessesys8976, yeah i wish i could totally get rid of windows but i can't i just like my games to much07:09
orbinogami: ubunut's ati and fglrx drivers both work though07:09
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ideogramluckily I don't play games anymore07:10
orbinfor me.07:10
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sys8976dreamcatcher5172: you can do $cd into the dir where they went then do ls |grep *.deb and see07:10
ideogrambut I still dual-boot XP just in case07:10
orbinogami: ymmv07:10
b00gz1how do I install a wireless PCMCIA card if I plug it in after it is booted up without rebooting?07:10
sys8976Jesse: that was my issue wow addict here lol but I am tired of the crap so I am working on wine and all to make it happen :)_07:10
Jesseideogram, this year gaming front was cold but next year the games lineup looks sweet07:11
dreamcatcher5172cant i reinstall a pragram that controls that aspect?>07:11
sys8976b00gz1: try killall gnome-panel worth a shot :D07:11
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ideogramwhat looks good?07:11
Jessesys8976, yeah wine seems alright but to save the hassle of teaching my family to use new software ill just leave windows there07:11
ideogramisn't there something from Will Wright?07:11
cefideogram: I've got a windows XP install on this machine. I think when I upgraded from Hoary to Breezy it got removed from my boot menu. I'm now running Dapper, and still haven't needed it, so I haven't re-added it to grub. I really should at some stage and do a Windows Update at least. *grin*07:12
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sys8976dreamcatcher5172: you can try to do sudo apt-get upgrade(s) and see07:12
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sys8976Jesse: I hear ya I am single so no worries lol07:12
b00gz1sys8876 :(07:12
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jlduggeris the GNOME debconf frontend broken at the moment?07:12
sys8976b00gz1: that is a reboot for gnome without having to reboot the system07:13
jlduggerjust logged into a remote machine =(07:13
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Jessesys8976, :( ten hours, 13,07:13
b00gz1sys8976 oh I thought you were joking none the less it didn't work07:13
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sys8976Jesse: aacckk07:13
b00gz1well I am going to just reboot then07:13
sys8976b00gz1: sorry was worth a shot :D07:13
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Jessedamn slow 512 internet07:14
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sys8976Jesse: hehe07:14
Dial_toneis there a flashget for linux?07:15
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zammitUbuntu won't install: keeps freezing at mounting root file system on the desktop install, i've tried alternative install as well (i get a kernel error)07:15
zammitany ideas?07:15
sys8976zammit: have you tried testing the cd?07:15
orbinDial_tone: i.e. the firefox extension?07:15
sys8976to make sure it is a valid burn?07:15
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ardchoilleDial_tone: I seem to remember a firefox extension by that name07:16
zammityea, it just does the install process it looks like, then i get the kernel error again, does that mean it is faulty?07:16
KrhisDial_tone,There are download managers?07:16
sys8976anyone know if freenode is down?07:16
Krhissys8976, you are on freenode07:16
zammiti've burned 3 cds: all w/ different downloads @ sys897607:16
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JesseKrhis, flashget is a download manager07:16
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sys8976zammit: hrmm give me your system specs07:17
KrhisJesse, I know, I've used it.07:17
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sys8976Krhis: haha sry been drinking tonight, I meant operas irc it isnt logging in lol07:17
PotnI need some help... How can i enable telnet?07:17
fyrestrtrzammit: are you burning them on 650 or 700 mb blanks?07:17
fyrestrtrPotn: telnet server?07:17
Krhissys8976, it's cool.07:17
snoopsflashgot is the firefox extension, flashget is the download manager07:17
sys8976Potn: hi07:17
zammitpII ~300mhz, 4gig hdd, 64meg sdram (also tried putting in 192)07:18
IRCMonkeyxhi to all friends, i have an easy question, anyone could you help me?07:18
zammit700 blanks07:18
ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: not until we know what it is07:18
sys8976zammit: does it run fine from the live aspect?07:18
fyrestrtrzammit: hrmm, does the livecd work/07:18
zammiti'm not sure? wuts the livecd =(07:18
lensif someone bans you, how long does it last?07:18
sys8976zammit: where you boot from the burn and run it that way?07:19
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sys8976lens: depends on server and how bad the ban was07:19
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aviszammit, i feel so bad for you you'd be a good candidate for my father to donate a box to.  we have a 1.1ghz celeron with 192 pc100 ram and 20 gig and 5 gig drive.  its not doing anything.  he's trying to find a poor person to give it to.07:19
IRCMonkeyxi just had ubuntu 6.06. I try to install. I have windows xp. In installation, i choose manually partition. and i am scare of losing my data on other drives07:19
aviswe can't ship it tho :/07:19
IRCMonkeyxi wanna install on drive e07:19
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JesseKrhis, d4x a good download manager? because im going to need one once my iso finally finishes downloading07:20
zammitsys8976, come again?07:20
sys8976avis: good idea zammit there ya go pay for shipping buddy and you have an upgrade07:20
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zammitavis: i got the pc for free =) i'm on a beefed up laptop =P07:20
aviszammit, if you were in houston you'd even get a monitor -- 17"07:20
sys8976zammit: put cd in turn off pc turn on pc and it should boot from cd07:20
lostar4545i just installed a 2nd hardrive and formatted it with gparted  for ext 2 but i cant figure out how to mount  or use it07:20
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zammitsys89: yes it boots from cd fine like that07:20
sys8976avis: I about 3hrs away lol that is almost worth the drive for the monitor :D07:21
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sys8976zammit: and runs with no issue?07:21
KrhisJesse, never used d4x. gwget is new but I use wget.07:21
YuffsterHurrah, I'm on Ubuntu for the first time. :D07:21
aviswell dad wants to give the whole thing away so if you just want the monitor take the tower too.  dad wanted to give it to a poor kid.07:21
zammitsys89: yea, i get the install screen07:21
YuffsterWell, on it with the 'net, anyways.07:21
sys8976Yuffster: woot welcome to the new world07:21
raphinkYuffster: congrats07:21
YuffsterBut I have a question...07:21
sys8976zammit: what version are you using?07:22
JesseKrhis, ok ill give wget a try when i change over to ubuntu07:22
ardchoilleYuffster: Kudos!07:22
YuffsterI've got a couple of TrueCrypt partitions...07:22
zammitsys89, it loads the kernal 100%.. .checks devices, then attempts to load the kernel, and it throws an error07:22
YuffsterAnd I'd like to access them now.07:22
YuffsterHow would I do that?07:22
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zammitsys: 6.0607:22
KrhisJesse, good luck. Never failed me.07:22
sys8976avis: I am sure there is someone that can use it way more than I could, check with the battered womens shelter and such that would help someone I am sure07:22
JesseKrhis, ok thansk07:22
IRCMonkeyxcan anyone help me for manual partioning pls??07:22
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@63-224-203-202.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
raphinkYuffster: truecrypt partitions? what is that?07:22
avisyes thats true07:22
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RawSewageanyone know a good Linux eBook reader07:22
YuffsterIt's an encryption thing...07:22
YuffsterFor Windows and Linux.07:23
avissys you are on a laptop ?  i have some laptop memory in the drawer next to me07:23
raphinkRawSewage: how about apt-cache search ebook?07:23
orbinIRCMonkeyx: dualbooting w/ windows?07:23
zammitsys89: get my msgs?07:23
YuffsterMy Windows partition doesn't work anymore, so I was hoping I could get the files without having to reinstall XP.07:23
RawSewageraphael, I did that07:23
snoopsIRCMonkeyx are you using the desktop install or the alternate?07:23
IRCMonkeyxi dony know how to partion manually07:23
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raphinkRawSewage: I'm not sure we have one... if there's even an official ebook format07:24
RawSewageraphink, actually, I typed ebook in Adept07:24
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sys8976avis: no I am on a amd64 1800+ 1.5g ram 60g main drive 40g spare, nvid 6600 gt vid card and a 19" mon, just was wanting to set up duel mons :D07:24
IRCMonkeyxorbin yes dual booting07:24
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IRCMonkeyxsnoops i use desktop07:24
zammitsys89: what resolution you running?07:24
stephan__can someone tell my why this command "  sudo echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " is gettings a  :Permission denied07:24
orbinIRCMonkeyx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot ... outdated, but the general steps you need to do are the same07:24
sys8976Yuffster: if you run the win cd and do a repair then it will fix the boot issue07:24
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sys8976zammit: 1280x102407:24
YuffsterWell, it's broken because I screwed up the video card.07:24
b00gzSo I rebooted my computer and I try and startx and I get IO error 10407:25
zammitsys: 1280x1024 on 19"? =(07:25
YuffsterI switched to my onboard instead of my NVIDIA because the NVIDIA wouldn't load with Ubunutu...07:25
snoopsIRCMonkeyx okay, and from that you chose manual partitioning I guess when it got to that state?07:25
YuffsterBut now I can't see anything on either card in XP.07:25
sys8976zammit: lol I am old hehe way better than 800 HAHA07:25
stephan__Yuffster, nvidia will load on Ubunu07:25
sys8976Yuffster: mine did what card you got07:25
YuffsterGeForce 420.07:26
avisthese are 2.5 cas pc2700 notebook chips and i could mail them 16mx64 *2 toshiba and samsung 2 * 256 megs each pc2700 cas 2.507:26
IRCMonkeyxsnoops in installation in 5/6 it asks07:26
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YuffsterIt kept crashing Xserver.07:26
sys8976Yuffster: yea that should load on install07:26
YuffsterSo I couldn't even install, because I couldn't get to the desktop to click on the install thing.07:26
IRCMonkeyxi say resize for my drive e , drive e is free and fat 3207:26
sys8976avis: can I message you?07:26
avisyes sir07:26
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snoopsIRCMonkeyx, no data at all on drive e?07:26
snoopsor /dev/hdc07:27
GeistDerZeitHi guys. I'm running at a Breezy version of Ubuntu and wanted to install  ruby, rails and other gems. But the recommended version (the one that works with gems) is 1.8.4, but i got only 1.8.3 in repositories. So, my question is, should i stick with ruby 1.8.3 and use the repositories version of rails, or install 1.8.4 from Dapper repos (or perhaps build it from sources)? Getting gems will corrompe my system in any way? Does it install things in other07:27
GeistDerZeit places tham user's home?07:27
IRCMonkeyxsnoops yes i took all on drive d07:27
stephan__Yuffster : cat /etc/fstab and see what your vidio identifier is07:27
raphinkGeistDerZeit: switch to Dapper is the best option imo07:27
IRCMonkeyxsnoops, i have no data on drive e, i wanna install on drive e07:28
snoopsokay IRCMonkeyx, and from the partitioner you've chosen the correct drive, the one with nothing on it, since it won't show up as drive e07:28
Jessebefore i go does any one know how to configure my netcomm nb1300 adsl modem in ubuntu?07:28
snoopsI'm using it'll show up as /dev/hdc, but heh07:28
YuffsterSorry, I don't see a video identifier...07:28
GeistDerZeitI fear the transition, cause i've a lot of packages installed. Is it smooth?07:28
snoopsI'm guessing* rather07:28
sys8976avis: are you getting my messages?07:28
YuffsterCan I message you the output?07:28
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avisno i dont think you are registered07:28
raphinkGeistDerZeit: it should be ;)07:28
sys8976bah I am not07:29
XVampireXI downloaded and applied the cairo-enabled clearlooks gtk theme, but it doesn't work.07:29
sys8976avis: whats that command again I forgot irc07:29
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XVampireXThere's no animation07:29
camanyone using vim with this parameter "set listchars"  set ? Even if I type ":set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-" , spaces and tab are not replaced in my file ..07:29
avis./msg nickserv help07:29
IRCMonkeyxsnoops ,but i stop at mount partioning part, because i scare, it says choose swap, choose / , and it shows my other drives too, not only e07:29
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sys8976avis: right one sec lol07:29
raphinkGeistDerZeit: it's much better to run Dapper if you need Dapper packages, than to use Dapper packages inside Breezy07:29
stephan__Yuffster : sorry im baked.....check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:29
GeistDerZeitAnyways, if i install gems, are there problems, or i can follow this path without much to fear?07:29
XVampireXDoes anyone know what's the problem or if I need to do anything else other than just download and dpkg -i it?07:29
YuffsterAh, yeah, that I understand.07:29
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Naodoes anyone know how to install the synaptics driver for dapper for my touchpad?07:29
snoopsIRCMonkeyx right, well there should be a drop down on the top right ish for selecting the drive to partition07:30
stephan__can someone tell my why this command "  sudo echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " is gettings a  :Permission denied07:30
b00gzSo I rebooted my computer and I try and startx and I get IO error 10407:30
raphinkGeistDerZeit: do _not_ install packages from dapper in breezy anyways. If you intend to do so, you should backport them (i.e. rebuild the packages with the breezy libs)07:30
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b00gzsomeone please help!07:30
IRCMonkeyxsnoops should i click resize, remember drive e is free07:30
YuffsterI'm not really that interested in getting the NVIDIA working right now anyways.07:30
sys8976b00gz: what is the whole error please07:30
snoopsIRCMonkeyx want me to pm you actually, might be easier (rooms a bit busy right now)07:31
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fdsdhey guys, what does dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) modify?07:31
raphinkGeistDerZeit: which is why I say it's much easier for you to just upgrade to dapper, unless you know something about backporting ;)07:31
sys8976avis: how bout now you get that one?07:31
sys8976fdsd: your world hehe07:31
ZeddiHi all, im having a problem attempting to install the ati fglrx driver. I've successfully installed it on a Deb system before07:31
raphinkfdsd: it relaunches the configure process of the linux-image-$(uname -r) package07:31
ZeddiNot sure whats wrong07:31
raphinkfdsd: i.e. is resets your kernel package07:31
GeistDerZeitEheh, yeah. I thought it would be the best option. I'll try the upgrade.07:31
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@222-153-30-9.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
fdsdraphink, okay, I am trying to modify the ubuntu live cd07:32
b00gzsys8976 it was fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server 0:0 after 0 requests07:32
fdsdraphink, I need to run that to customize the usplash screen07:32
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sys8976b00gz: checking it out one sec07:32
b00gzys8976 so now I am using Lynx and trying to google a fix :*(07:32
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fdsdraphink, I need to copy the files it modifies to my filesystem.squash (that is the file on the live cd that holds the filesystem)07:33
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IRCMonkeyxsnoops ?07:33
stephan__can someone tell my why this command "  sudo echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " is gettings a  :Permission denied07:33
YuffsterDoes Dapper come with LAMP?07:33
Naodoes anyone know how to install the synaptics driver for dapper for my touchpad?07:33
raphinkYuffster: there's an installation option to install a LAMP server by default07:34
sys8976b00gz: can you get into xwin?07:34
fdsdraphink, I looked to see what was modified and it looks like /lib/modules/kernelname the initrd.img and the /var/lib/initramfs-tools07:34
IRCMonkeyxsnoops Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )07:34
b00gzsys8976 how do I do that?07:34
YuffsterAh, I guess I probably didn't select that.07:34
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A1C497.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsk, you're not registered.. no worries07:34
fdsdraphink, I copied those files over and it doesnt change anything07:34
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sys8976b00gz: are you looking at cli (command line) now or gui (windows look)?07:34
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stephan__can someone tell me why i would get this error bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied07:34
fdsdraphink, I tried to run that while I was chroot'd to the filesystem.squash but it didnt work07:34
phizz whares the best place to keep common user files (mp3s, pics other crap) I used to run it out of opt. would /usr/local be more proper?07:34
IRCMonkeyxsnoops can we talk from msn?07:35
sys8976IRCMonkeyx: not hard to reg so you can /msg07:35
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snoopsIRCMonkeyx there's two steps.. the manual partitioning step involves you choosing the drive to install ubuntu on, and ideally making 3 partitions on theat drive07:35
fdsdraphink, since it is using a different kernel07:35
IRCMonkeyxi can give my msn07:35
b00gzsys8975 cli07:35
sys8976b00gz: ok one sec07:35
fdsdraphink, any idea how to do it in chroot or what files it modifies so I can copy it over?07:35
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IRCMonkeyxsnoops i see those two steps,07:36
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sys8976b00gz: try $sudo apt-get install xterm and see if that doesnt fix it07:37
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snoopsIRCMonkeyx so, that'll be the step before the current one you're on, the one for manually edit partition table.. from there will be a drop down box on the top right ish to select the drive you want to install on. It won't show up as "E" because that's windows terminology, and isn't used in the linux world. It'll probably be marked as /dev/hdc.. or it could be anything really07:37
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IRCMonkeyxbut my problem it shows my other drives too, and boxes as formatting07:37
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snoopsIRCMonkeyx when you select a drive from the drop down, it'll display the partitions on that drive.. hopefully from that you can deduce which drive is your drive 'E'07:37
b00gzsys8976 trying that now ... do I put the $ in front of sudo? if so what does that do? ...07:37
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sys8976b00gz: no07:38
InvaderI have a friends here what is trying to get his internet in ubuntu to work can someone help him07:38
quicoju_help! keep getting this error when trying to run Xorg:07:38
quicoju_could not open default cursor font 'cursor'07:38
IRCMonkeyxsnoops it says , choose swap and / thing07:38
b00gzsys8976 what is xterm?07:38
b00gzsys8976 thanks so much for the help you rock!07:38
snoopsIRCMonkeyx then once you find the correct drive from that step, you'll want to create 3 partitions (ideally).07:39
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snoopsIRCMonkeyx that can be say a swap partition, and size of that should roughly be twice your ram (it's just the rule of thumb and doesn't really matter if you have a lot of ram)07:39
sys8976b00gz: it is something that has caused that issue before07:39
sys8976b00gz: did it work?07:40
IRCMonkeyxsnoops ,do i have any chance to send you a screenshot? the window that i dont know what to do?07:40
b00gzsys8976 its downloading and install still it was like 185 MB worth ths stuff07:40
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sys8976b00gz: kk07:40
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Jesseany one know how to configure my netcomm nb1300 adsl modem in ubuntu?07:40
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Naocan anyone tell me how to install the synaptics pad drivers on ubuntu?07:41
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moforilaI have a old ibm machine, it has a k6 2/550, 500mhz cpu and 64mb of ram. Is this good enough to run ubuntu07:41
snoopsI think you're on the step after partitioning IRCMonkeyx07:41
snoopsI mentioned going back a step before..07:41
IRCMonkeyxyes snoops thats correct07:41
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fdsdraphink, any idea?07:43
moforilais 500mhz and 64mb of ram enought for ubuntu07:43
snoopsIRCMonkeyx the step you're on should be the one where you choose your / and swap partitions, since it assumes you've already created them07:43
b00gzsys8976 I now get creating new authority file... Server error07:43
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=== Ropechoborra ADIO! =)
raphinkfdsd: sorry was away for a time07:44
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fdsdraphink, I am tring to figure out how to run that command from chroot or copy the modified files from the booted live to my filesystem.squash I am modifing07:46
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fdsdraphink, any idea on what dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-blah modifies?07:46
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Jessemoforila, if the gnome ubuntu lags you might want to try xubuntu @ http://www.xubuntu.org/07:47
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raphinkfdsd: I'm not a kernel expert07:47
avisi'm running xubuntu on a 2.53 p4 and i like it better than gnome07:47
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
avisi also have a gnome box that i haven't played with thats a bit more powerful07:48
Jesseavis, well i haven't used ubuntu besides the live cd so i can't compare07:48
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rpedro_Jesse: isn't the Netcomm NB1300 a router?07:48
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Jesserpedro_, could be lol07:49
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Invaderanyone know how to get DSL internet working in Ubuntu?07:49
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Jesserpedro_, its a ethernet/ usb adsl modem router07:49
sys8976that Netcomm NB1300 is a adsl router/modem combo07:49
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rpedro_Jesse: so if it is, what's the issue? just connect to your nic and configure the network07:49
sys8976Invadeis it pppoe or what?07:50
sys8976err sorry that was for Invader07:50
ubuntuhello, is it possible to download an iso using a livecd if my memory is way less than the size of the iso? ie i need to access my hd somehow.07:50
Jesserpedro_, thats what i was going to do but just thought i'd double check07:50
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Invaderidk my firend is talking to me on a differnet IRC and his says his Internet does not work "he just installed ubuntu today"07:51
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Jessejron, no im quite sure the live cd doesn't allow you to acsess the harddrives07:51
sys8976Invader: mine works through dsl here so got to know how you connect through it07:51
sys8976Jesse: that is correct07:51
rpedro_Jesse: though you may have to configure things such as DHCP in the router, if you using it's usb interface before, I guess07:51
loquitus_of_borgHi. Is there a program I can install in Linux that will let me simply copy the entire contents of a DVD to a directory on my system from a DVD, similar to how WinDECSS works in Windows?07:52
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Jesserpedro_, nah im using ethernet07:52
jronare you sure Jesse, i know with the gentoo livecd, the HD can be accessed.07:52
rpedro_Jesse: ok07:52
dreamcatcher5172login screen wont start due to security policies07:52
dreamcatcher5172then it cant start /dev/wacom07:53
dreamcatcher5172says that last bit over and over07:53
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Jessejron, well sys8976 said im correct so i would presume you can't07:53
Naois there anyway for me to apt-get the synaptics drivers?07:53
icebreezehey is there any way to get a mouse button to act like a key press so it keeps the action you chose and then after you let go it stops it? say like if you crouch in a game it stays crouched but if you use the mouse it just crouches quickly and then lets go.  is there any way to make it stay crouched until you let go of the mouse?07:53
sys8976Jesse: hehe I dont know it all lol :D07:53
spadesjron what are you trying to do?07:53
rpedro_jron: System >> Administration >> Disk , and configure there the mountpoints07:53
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: try sudo apt-get updates07:53
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jrondownload an ISO to my HD while booting from a livecd.07:53
dreamcatcher5172tried to access login screen from artwork program cant do that..just download the file...and cant set login screen from system-administrations07:53
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jronrpedro_, thank you, just what i needed :P07:54
sys8976Nao: I am not sure sorry07:54
dreamcatcher5172what is wacom anyways07:54
spadesjron as long as you can mount and write it shouldnt be too hard, what filesystem is the harddrive running?07:54
Jessesys8976, yeah but im quite sure i tryed to do the same thing and they told me it wasn't worth it and it would most likely screw the partition up heh07:54
dreamcatcher5172E-invalid operation updates07:54
rpedro_jron: np ;P07:54
jronprob ntfs, ill need to format it first.07:54
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/07:55
dreamcatcher5172what ifi dont have a tablet07:55
dreamcatcher5172just a desktop with mouse and keyboard07:55
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dreamcatcher5172dont think i need wacom07:55
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: you are correct07:55
dreamcatcher5172do you suppose thats what is messing up my login screen?07:56
CptAJSo I got my nvidia running, its all nicely accelerated. Now, how do I make it detect my second monitor (tv) like it does on windows?07:56
sys8976Jesse: good point07:56
=== distantmsx [n=distantm@cpe-24-175-215-145.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dreamcatcher5172how do i get rid of it...edit xorg.conf?07:56
zammitsys89: any ideas on my installation problem?07:56
sys8976dreamcatcher5172: no that wouldnt do that07:56
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JImUbuntu Alternative 6.06 Installer CD has a "Install Server" choice... what's the difference of that installation choice and the Ubuntu 6.06 Server Installer cd's "Install to the harddisk" choice?07:56
sys8976zammit: question again please so I am informed I am helping here and in the opera channel :D sorry07:56
dreamcatcher5172login screen turns error for security policies and tries to loda /dev/wacom07:57
dreamcatcher5172i can still use gnome with startx07:57
snoopsdoes wget support threadding? eg split this file up into 5 portions and download them all from a list of addresses?07:57
sys8976JIm: server just sets opts in for server and install to harddisk sets for end user install07:57
dreamcatcher5172but login screen cant be configured and it wont start07:57
Jesse3 hours to go this is so exciting lol i can just see it now 3, 2, 1 phone rings we need you to come into work07:57
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zammitsys89: no problem, don't mean to hastle ya... my install freezes when it attempts to start the kernel after running the device loader (or w/e)07:57
sys8976Jesse: haha07:57
ice-thi! how can i find out which charset is standard on a linux-system in the terminal (ssh, bash)?07:58
=== nentis [n=nentis@69-30-99-210.dv1sn.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu
JImUbuntu Alternative 6.06 Installer CD has a "Install Server" choice... what's the difference of that installation choice and the Ubuntu 6.06 Server Installer cd's "Install to the harddisk" choice?07:58
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sys8976zammit: thats right and this is an older system right?07:58
avisi'm disabled i have unlimited computer time.07:58
zammitsys89: just downloaded it today, 6.0607:58
avisthough some dreadful days...07:58
Jessesys8976, though it doesn't beat the time in the live cd i couldn't modify a file so i went stuff it i want to be able to modify all the files and set them all to 77707:58
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dreamcatcher5172brb restarting x07:59
JIMUbuntu Alternative 6.06 Installer CD has a "Install Server" choice... what's the difference of that installation choice and the Ubuntu 6.06 Server Installer cd's "Install to the harddisk" choice?07:59
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sys8976Jesse: yea but 777 is huge security issue07:59
sys8976sys8976JIm: server just sets opts in for server and install to harddisk sets for end user install07:59
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Jessesys8976, yeah? well the whole system ended up screwing over but it was live cd so i could just reboot08:00
sys8976Jesse: good point I am just a security freak lol08:00
sys8976JIM: anytime08:00
AnonyCan someone please help me fix my audio? I made a list of things I have tried and thier output at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20988208:00
Jessesys8976, what are the flaws of using 777?08:00
JIMso, that would mean that both can be configured to be used as a webserver right sys8976?08:00
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avisJesse, its accessible and alterable to anyone.08:01
zammitanyone can read/write/execute08:01
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sys8976Jesse: well 777 gives everyone (outsiders also) the ability to read/write any file that is chmod to that08:01
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JIMso, that would mean that both can be configured to be used as a webserver right sys8976?08:01
sys8976JIM: no set server for that not install hdd08:01
Jessehmmm then what number allows me to just modify them?08:01
jronwhat is the root password for the livecds? =(08:01
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sys8976JIM: I mean you can do the install hdd but you would have to dl bunch more apts08:02
raphinkjron: there's a sudo access without a password08:02
avisJesse change them to 755 under the user you want only to have access to them08:02
zammitsys89: my specs are as follows: pII ~300mhz, 64mb ram, 4gb hdd, asus MB (with 16bit ISA slots as well as 32bit pci)08:02
raphinkjron: so sudo -i makes you root without a password08:02
sys8976Jesse: checking brain soured from beer right now lol08:02
avisJesse, make sure you are logged in as that use08:02
sys8976avis: thanks08:02
jronthanks, sorry for all the lame questions, use to gentoo's su08:02
JIMthanks once again sys897608:02
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sys8976JIM: anytime08:03
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JIMjron: sudo gives you a limited time to act like a root user... i think its about 15 mins..08:03
sys8976zammit: not sure man yours has me puzzled and cant trouble shoot like I want right now cause of drink sorry08:03
ideogramSo the only reason my dad still needs XP is to run the Photo management software that came with his camera.  Do you suppose there is a program easy enough to learn that I could get him to use Ubuntu?08:03
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sys8976jron: no lame questions we are all here for one another :D08:03
raphinkjron: when you discover about sudo, you won't want to use su anymore ;)08:04
zammitsys89: lol its okay, could it be due to the "low memory mode" ? i've only got 64meg of sdram08:04
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sys8976ideogram: search google with the make/model along with +linux at the end and you should find something if there is08:04
raphinkideogram: there are very nice photo programs in ubuntu/kubuntu08:04
Jesseugh bored of waiting08:04
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ideogramthe main thing is getting something easy enough for him to learn08:04
ideogramhe only does simple editing like red-eye elimination and cropping08:05
Madpilotideogram, check out gThumb, it's got some nice photo-management tools08:05
snoopsto view or edit raphink?08:05
sys8976zammit: that is a possiblity I wont rule out, but not wanting to lean to that.  you should still be able to dump into cli mode without gui on that system but it isnt even doing that08:05
raphinksn00p: you mean pics? either08:05
=== jarrod06 [n=jarrod06@adsl-155-191-168.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jessehey is the bot still here?08:05
raphinkI personaly use digikam, being on KDE, but I've hear f-spot is really nice on GNOME08:05
raphinkJesse: ubotu is a bot08:06
sys8976Jesse: yes08:06
raphink!what Jesse wants08:06
ubotuI know nothing about what Jesse wants08:06
Jesseyup that was the one i was thinking of08:06
raphinksee Jesse, you should just tell him what you want ;)08:06
zammitsys89: is there another linux os out there that i could test? see if i have faulty hardware? btw, i'm runnin win98 presently (want to get rid of it)08:06
Jesse!what esd08:07
ubotuI know nothing about what esd08:07
aviszammit, knoppix has a live cd.08:07
cefsys8976: memtest86 perhaps? is it on the cd?08:07
sys8976zammit: suse would be the only other one that I would think (from the dl driver support it has) would be the only opition to try08:07
rpedro_zammit: try Damn Small Linux08:07
sys8976cef: not sure08:07
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ardchoilleGood night all :)08:07
stephan__!what quake308:07
ubotuI know nothing about what quake308:07
sys8976ardchoille: night08:07
[Spooky] is it possible to change the Computer name ?08:07
stephan__!what quake08:07
ubotuI know nothing about what quake08:07
zammitsys89 & rpedro: thanks i'll try those *crosses fingers*08:07
cefsys8976: I know it's on the DVD, but not sure about the cd08:07
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Gonzomy xmms does not want to play wma anymore :( it use to work but now either skips over it or freezes08:08
sys8976cef: yea dont think it is on cd08:08
Gonzoanyone has an idea?08:08
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sys8976Gonzo: more beer08:08
ideogramboth gThumb and f-spot look good -- looks like I have many choices08:08
[Spooky] all i have found is on changing the workgroup name...08:08
sys8976lol sorry had to let it out08:08
Gonzosys8976:  gimme a sec08:08
ideogramheh maybe I will just confuse my dad08:08
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=== Gonzo grabs a can of jim beam
JIMGonzo: how about downloading the extension for playing wma again?08:08
GonzoJIM:  i did..08:08
avisGonzo, there is an updated .deb for win32 codecs in the wiki dated 6/0608:08
Gonzoas i said... i use to be able to play them08:08
Gonzonot anymore08:08
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sys8976Gonzo: have you updated like JIM suggested?08:09
JIMre-install the codec08:09
Gonzoyes i did08:09
XVampireXI can't install themes08:09
sys8976[Spooky] : yes there is but not sure hold on I look08:09
Gonzoanyway tru synaptic08:09
Gonzoreinstalled xmms all over as well08:09
XVampireXAny theme I install doesn't appear in the theme preferences08:09
avisif your nuts like me you'll do a apt-get install gstreamer0.10-* :) as well.  well, actually not, but you could.. and you'd pretty much be covered08:09
stephan__i just noticed when i installed kde it installed everthing as 386................how do i get 686's08:09
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JIMwhat desktop are you using XVampireX08:09
Jessesudo killall esd08:10
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raphinkXVampireX: please do not use caps like that. We know you have a problem, and many people do here, and it's not a reason to put the attention on you this way.08:10
XVampireXI just installed candido but it's not there!08:10
JIMhave you tried downloading themes from this site? >> http://www.gnome-look.org/08:10
XVampireXraphink, I came here few minutes ago08:10
sys8976[Spooky] : here ya go hange the Computer Name08:11
sys8976Select the General tab. Enter the name of the computer in the Hostname field.08:11
sys8976Click OK, close all open applications and reboot.08:11
XVampireXNo one said anything08:11
JIMhave you tried downloading themes from this site? >> http://www.gnome-look.org/08:11
JIMthemes on that site works well on my distro08:11
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raphinkXVampireX: maybe because this is not a hotline08:11
XVampireXJIM, Yeah, I even compiled candido!08:11
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JesseGonzo, when i had sound problems i just used sudo killall esd then started esd up again, worth a try08:11
JIMi didn't even compiled any stuff when changing a theme08:11
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sys8976gah I love google lol08:12
XVampireXCandido is not in the theme menu :(08:12
esotericdoes anyone know where i can locate linux drivers for the xbox dvd playback kit?08:12
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dAndyanyone know which package provides a go away message on login (like /sbin/nologin in redhat speak)08:12
sys8976XVampireX: did you install it via sudo08:12
GonzoJesse:  doesn't work08:12
XVampireXsys8976, yeah08:12
sys8976esoteric: old or 360?08:12
[Spooky] sys8976: thanks :P brb08:12
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XVampireXThere's one detail, I installed the gtk engine, not the theme08:13
XVampireXMaybe I'm confused08:13
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JesseGonzo, beats me08:13
=== bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
q_a_z_stevecan anyone help me with dual booting? I think I need to install /boot again, on my master drive, and I'm wondering if I need anything else moved around or if alternately if I can/should delete /boot on the slave...08:13
sys8976XVampireX: umm lol yea you have to install the theme after the engine to get it to work08:13
sys8976q_a_z_steve: details please08:13
XVampireXsys8976, Oh, thanks08:13
=== Gonzo kills everything
dAndynobody knows?08:14
esotericsys8976: i want to get drivers for my old xbox dvd playback kit so that it will work on linux08:14
esotericon my pc08:14
sys8976dAndy: sorry had 4 other tickets going tell me what was going on08:14
q_a_z_steveI installed Breezy on a 120GB slave to a 40 GB master.08:14
q_a_z_steveI've followed the other steps in this doc...08:14
JIMwhat a spec08:14
sys8976esoteric: whew not sure on that one sorry08:15
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dAndysys8976: i am migrating from centos, and at using nis, I put +::::::/sbin/nologin in the bottom of the passwd file08:15
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dAndybut /sbin/nologin doesnt exist in ubuntu, is there a package?08:15
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q_a_z_stevemy parts on the slave are as follows.08:15
esotericsys8976: np so any ideas where i can find the drivers or more specifically the source code for them so i can compile it for my system08:15
dAndyor something similar?08:15
NaoI'm looking at my xorg.conf and see that under the section inputdevice it says that my mouse's driver is just "mouse" does anyone know how to get it to use the synaptics one?08:16
orbindAndy: what does it do exactly?08:16
sys8976esoteric: have you hit google yet08:16
Redrosecan i ask, what is the difference between say, aircrack and aircrack-ng?08:16
Redrosewhat does the -ng mean?08:16
IRCMonkeyx /msg nickserv set unfiltered on08:16
esotericsys8976: extensivly...with no luck as of yet...08:16
sys8976orbin: here is dAndy have fun you two08:16
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dAndyorbin: just says "This account isnt available" and exits, (i could write my own, but when managing 50 boxes, I would rather have a deb08:16
IsDis4meis there an ubuntu app that is like Mathematica08:16
Redrosedoes ng stand for next gen?08:17
raphinkwhat is mathematica?08:17
dAndyRedrose: typically08:17
q_a_z_steve'/boot 30MB, swap, 768 MB, /windows 35G, / 15G , /home max08:17
Redroseso what is so much better about it vs the normal package?08:17
IRCMonkeyxsnoops here??  anyone could help me for mount points???08:18
sys8976esoteric: ok the firmware that xbox used for its dvd playback if I remeber right was a freaked out wma type have you tried any codecs for win media player yet?08:18
dAndyIsDis4me: there is R (which is more like a programming language for math type stuff) http://www.r-project.org/08:18
sys8976q_a_z_steve: what boot loader are you using?08:18
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Redroseand also, the device sit0 keeps showing up on my ifconfig, how do i get rid of it?08:18
q_a_z_stevestandard grub, which is why I didn't use bootpart at first08:19
sys8976IRCMonkeyx: got 4 tickets going if you can hold on I will try :D otherwise others here can also when they get free08:19
Jesseraphink, mathematica is a maths program which mainly helps with algebra08:19
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sys8976q_a_z_steve: what is grub showing on boot?08:19
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raphinkJesse: did you search for math programs in synaptic/adept/apt-cache?08:19
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IRCMonkeyxok thanx sys8908:19
esotericsys8976: i need the xir source....basically ive attached a usb cable to my xbox dongle and have plugged it into my ubuntu pc...the device manager is recognising this as an xbox dvd playback kit but it is using the xpad driver?08:19
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sys8976esoteric: ahh ok one sec08:20
Jesseraphink no im sure ive herd the teacher mention it before08:20
Redrosehow do i configure my wireless network card to automatically connect to one network...08:20
CntryboyWhy doesn't kaffine movie player allow me to have sound? The speaker with in the program has a slash through it.08:20
Jessebut from further googling it looks to be a programing language08:21
sys8976esoteric: here is something that might be what can help not sure didnt read it all but I think it will http://etl.cs.luc.edu/gkt/research/xir08:22
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Jessewell im going to cook dinner so cya thanks for the conversation and help08:23
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sys8976Jesse: it has been good conversation have fun08:23
esotericsys8976: nah ty but we need Xbox Infared Remote (xir) drivers for linux08:23
q_a_z_stevegrub never gets loaded my boot.ini doesn't go there...08:23
Jessesys8976, well ill probably be back tommorow in ubuntu asking how to do more things08:24
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sys8976q_a_z_steve: ok then you need to go in and change that08:24
sys8976Jesse: hehe ok take care08:24
IRCMonkeyxis there anyone free to help stupid windows user :D08:24
sys8976esoteric: looking some more08:24
q_a_z_stevesys8976, my boot.ini?08:24
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kholerabbiShould I set up additional partitions as ext2 or ext3?08:25
orbinIRCMonkeyx: just ask08:25
JIMwhats the problem ? IRCMonkeyx08:25
sys8976esoteric: here is one I think http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/LIRC08:25
q_a_z_steveboot.ini edited by bootpart...08:25
orbinkholerabbi: i'd go w/ 308:25
=== [Spooky] [n=spookan_@c-889fe155.93-2-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
sys8976esoteric: might have to change some values but it should be workable08:25
dlikholerabbi, what partition? /boot is okay with ext208:26
kholerabbiorbin: OK, its just ext2 is default08:26
kholerabbiJust for data08:26
CntryboyWhy doesn't kaffine movie player allow me to have sound? The speaker with in the program has a slash through it.08:26
IRCMonkeyxpeople this is my first time with lunix08:26
dlikholerabbi, jfs is good also08:26
IRCMonkeyxi have windows xp08:26
sys8976q_a_z_steve: yes you have to have the boot (grub) know that what it is looking for,08:26
IRCMonkeyxdrive c-d-e08:26
kholerabbidli: is there much difference?08:26
IRCMonkeyxdrive e is free no data, fat3208:26
dlikholerabbi, yes, jfs is fast with fsck (journal replay)08:26
IRCMonkeyxi try to install ubuntu08:26
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JIMok IRCMonkeyx.... and?08:26
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JIMand then?08:27
SurfnKidhi guys08:27
IRCMonkeyxi dont know how to mount points08:27
sys8976SurfnKid: hiya08:27
IRCMonkeyxi wanna install on drive e08:27
JIMjust set the mount point to "/08:27
JIMjust set the mount point to "/" IRCMonkeyx08:27
kholerabbidli: I'm not sure what fsck is, but I'll go jfs anyway - mayaslwell :)08:27
JIMwithout the quote ofcourse08:27
IRCMonkeyxjim but how?08:27
IRCMonkeyxi am scare of losing my data08:27
dlikholerabbi, that's good, I don't use ext[23]  any more08:27
JIMselect the Manually edit the partition08:27
JIMhere's a tip08:28
JIMremember the size of your drive e08:28
kholerabbidli: dose the os (dapper) require ext3 though?08:28
kholerabbiOr should I jsut use jfs altogether?08:28
=== Gonzo fixed it
dlikholerabbi, anyone would work, ext[23] , jfs, xfs, reiserfs08:28
kholerabbidli: ok thanks08:28
JIMin the Manually edit the partition option, find the hard disk size the matches your drive e08:28
esotericsys8976: thats along the right lines...i have read that page before but the problem is that the modules provided are compiled for the 2.4 kernel running on an xbox and i have been unable to load them into my 2.6 ubuntu kernel08:28
IRCMonkeyxjim i do those steps what you say08:28
Gonzonote to self: when something doesn't work... kill everything and start all over again...08:28
dlikholerabbi, you can do that, I use /boot jfs also08:28
delmarkholerabbi, use ext308:28
JIMand change the filesystem type of that from FAT32 to ext308:29
JIMgot it IRCMonkeyx?08:29
esotericsys8976: if i could find the source for those compiled files i presume i could recompile them for 2.608:29
sys8976esoteric: right now we just have to go through the lines and see where we need to make the changes before compile08:29
kholerabbiA bit of controversy here: delmar dli? Why do you pick ext3?08:29
IRCMonkeyxafter those new windows comes08:29
JIMthe installer will re-format that part of your harddrive08:29
sys8976Gonzo: hehe better than windows anyday08:29
delmarkholerabbi, if u are not gonna use ext3 use XFS.  I have had vast experience..good and bad .. and ive ended up with ext3 on most stuff or xfs.08:29
Gonzowell... that kind of thing worked right away in window...08:29
dlikholerabbi, up to you, anyone would work, anyone is stable enough, (ext3/jfs), but jfs is better with features08:30
Gonzobut lets just be patriotic... why not08:30
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kholerabbidelmar: I'll use ext3 on the main partition, and jfs on small data partitions? sound good?08:30
q_a_z_steve[boot loader] 08:30
delmarkholerabbi, ext3 is a journal file system anyway. XFS is in use commercially and military on SGI systems.08:30
IRCMonkeyxjim, after i make what say, new windows comes, it says prepare mount points ,hda1 hda2 hda5, with formatting boxes08:30
IRCMonkeyxi wanna use only hda5 which is my drive e08:30
q_a_z_steve[operating systems] 08:30
JIMselect hda508:31
esotericsys8976: wat source file have u found that needs to be modified?08:31
delmarkholerabbi, from experience, i would stick with ext3 and xfs only.08:31
JIMthen change its filesystem type to ext3 and the mount point to a /08:31
=== ApocalypticOni [n=Apocalyp@adsl-68-253-199-13.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dlikholerabbi, if you box crashes (say, power failure), it takes long for ext3 to do fs scan (scandisk in dos), jfs is super fast08:31
IRCMonkeyxjim, how to select?? just putting a tick to formatting box???08:31
kholerabbidelmar: oK, I'll think about it thanks :) - dose that meen you have had bad experiences with others?08:31
JIMwhat tick?08:31
sys8976esoteric: click some of the links in there on that page and you will see I just poked around some and found what they are talking bout it can be done08:31
delmarkholerabbi, yup. my favorite for a long time was reiserFS.08:31
JIMjust select it.. like hit Enter button08:31
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dlikholerabbi, don't use xfs, unless you have UPS08:32
JIMtry it08:32
sys8976q_a_z_steve: no if you do that windows goes byebye as far as boot08:32
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kholerabbiI don't - hehe08:32
delmarkholerabbi, judos to Hans for a great FS, but it let me down a few times08:32
delmarkholerabbi, kudos* even08:32
IRCMonkeyxi have many important data :)08:32
ApocalypticOniuntil recently i was a windows user, but now i am trying to make the switch to ubuntu. is there a linux eqiuivalent to control alt delete?08:32
IRCMonkeyxis there any screenshots on web for it??08:32
q_a_z_stevesys8976 '/join #ubuntu-chat08:32
sys8976you need a boot loader and from what I have tested you cant have an os (any from what I have tested) on a spare drive and boot from the main drive sorry08:32
JIMwhere's your important data located IRCMonkeyx08:32
dliApocalypticOni, for what?08:32
delmarApocalypticOni, there is08:32
IRCMonkeyxc and d08:33
IRCMonkeyxe is free08:33
JIMdont worry08:33
JIMif you selected hda508:33
delmarApocalypticOni, do you want to make it so u can press ctrl-alt-del and get the proc manager?08:33
JIMit wont delete your other hda08:33
ApocalypticOnidelmar: ya08:33
IRCMonkeyxjim what is / thing?08:33
IRCMonkeyxit says use / ?08:33
JIMa "/" slash08:33
IRCMonkeyxyes sir08:33
esotericsys8976: can u pls gimme a link to the page u are referring to08:33
delmarApocalypticOni, system, administration, system monitor08:33
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delmarApocalypticOni, thats the app that will show up08:34
JIMby-default, most linux users uses that as their mount point08:34
Cronos1388Can anyone help me out with installation from the Alternate Install CD? I'm having alot of trouble.08:34
JIMby-default, most linux users uses that as their mount point08:34
delmarApocalypticOni, to make it so that ctrl-alt-del will do that for you.. use Automatix08:34
sys8976esoteric: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/LIRC08:34
JIMjust select or indicated in the mount point that you woule be using "/"08:34
delmarApocalypticOni, apt-get install automatix08:34
sys8976esoteric: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/156984#15698408:34
sys8976esoteric: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/156055#15605508:34
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IRCMonkeyxyou mean i will put slash for hda5???08:35
orbindelmar: it's a script not a package08:35
IRCMonkeyxok thanx jim :)08:35
sys8976esoteric: through those it should get you at least closer to what you wanting and should get you to were you can compile with 2.608:35
IRCMonkeyxi will try08:35
JIMIRCMonkeyx, may i ask, are you installing your ubuntu distro after you booted it as a LIVE CD?08:35
sys8976I am out it is late, I am drunk and work calls in morning have fun all with everything you are doing talk with you all later08:35
IRCMonkeyxyes jim08:36
esotericsys8976:  ok thanks08:36
JIMlike you we're able to try the operating system first before you clicked the "Install" icon?08:36
JIMlike you we're able to try the operating system first before you clicked the "Install" icon?08:36
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IRCMonkeyxyes jim08:36
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sn00pcat /proc/usb/devices08:36
sn00pcat: /proc/usb/devices: No such file or directory08:36
sn00p how come I get that error?08:36
IRCMonkeyxit is 6,0608:36
dlisn00p, lsusb08:36
JIMhere's a good tutorial08:36
dreamcatcher5172ok i got it fixed08:37
dreamcatcher5172and now my desktop looks oh so sweet08:37
JIMhere's a good tutorial for installing ubuntu 6.06 in GUI mode... http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing.html08:37
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orbinsn00p: exactly as it says.  no file exists of that name08:37
JIMtry that IRCMonkeyx08:37
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kholerabbiIf I make changes to a file while using the livecd - like change fstab - will the original file (on the cd) or the modified file (on memory) be written when I install?08:37
IRCMonkeyxhey jim this is what i want:)))08:37
IRCMonkeyxthank you very much08:37
JIMits ok08:37
zhllgfreetype in ubuntu enabled bytecode interpreter?08:37
palermihi i need to know how (via script) include icons in the menu08:37
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JIMGlad i could help IRCMonkeyx.just remember to help other people if they needed to ask some help about ubuntu... oh and btw, you can always ask google to help you with your problems before going to irc channels... Have fun!08:39
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robokophello guys08:39
robokopis there a way such that i can view a log with continous updates08:39
IRCMonkeyxjim, when i learn ubuntu, of course i will help, humanity to others:)08:39
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palermihi i need to know how (via script) include icons in the menu (aplication->games)08:40
orbinrobokop: tail -f08:40
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JIMglad to hear that... just frequent this channel and tell other people to come here if they needed to ask some questions/advice/tips08:40
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orbinpalermi: why via script?08:40
robokoporbin: thanks for the help08:41
palermiorbin: eg: install-cube.sh -i want include the icon in the menu08:41
palermiorbi: i want using the scritp install.sh include the icons from cube in the menu (aplication->game), how i doing this?08:42
Cronos1388Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 on a Pentium II Dell box with 128 megs of ram. I'm using the alternate install CD.08:42
Cronos1388My problem is that when I get to the hardware check part it can't mount the CD drive08:42
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delmarI'm having a problem with an older system...It installs fine (Dapper 606 Alt CD, selected Server). It has two little 4.6g SCSI disks Raid Mirrored on an Adaptec 2110S Raid controler. As I say, it installs just fine.  When It's done and reboots, it boots kernel 2.6.15-23-386 but a short way after, I see error messages like "iop0: Device already claimed"  and "iop0:  DMA / IO allocation for I20 controler failed"  a while later it doe08:44
delmars.. "ALERT! /dev/i2o/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" .. which it does.     It would seem Dapper doesn't like the adaptec 2110S?  Anyone know the answer?08:44
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orbinpalermi: my guess is you need to find out where the menu launchers are kept and put the new one in there08:45
salahis there any possibility to resize the virtual screen size? The screen resolution is at 1600x1200, but still icons, window title, file menus etc is to big08:45
amonkeywhen i click on applications, places or system, the menu at first pops up compacted with a scroll button at the top and bottom. a subsequent click on the menu makes it show the full menu. how can i get it to never compact the menus?08:45
palermiorbin: yes i guess in ~/.gnome/apps/ but not work08:45
JIMmaybe your monitor just doesn't suppor the 1600X1200 resolution salah08:46
JIMUbuntu automatically adjusts itseld to the maximum resolution that your display could support08:46
salahJIM, sure it does, it works fine, but I can give you a screenshot to show you how08:47
JIMUbuntu automatically adjusts itself to the maximum resolution that your display could support08:47
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JIMi dont know if file transferring is allowed here08:47
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bulltitanis there a way to extract a .pkg file in ubuntu?08:47
JIMofcourse there is08:47
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gore_how would I open a bin file in ubuntu?08:48
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sn00pDoes anybody know that if there are any linux drivers for an asus wireless adatper wl-1607 one I d/'ed from asus.com doesn't seem to be working?08:48
orbinsalah: imageshack.us08:48
sn00pfor ubuntu08:49
JIMman dpkg08:49
Terminusgore_: depends on what the bin file represents. try typing "file foo.bin" to have ubuntu guess what it is.08:49
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salahorbin, yes sure, :-)08:49
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Cronos1388Can anyone help me?08:49
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JIMwhat is it cronos?08:50
gore_Terminus: you mean just running it from nautilus?08:50
xnull-how can I remove some services? like cups/etc...08:50
Terminusgore_: nope. from a terminal.08:50
Cronos1388Well I'm trying to install to a Dell machine08:50
EdganAnyone know what program/config in Dapper enables the eject button, onscreen display, volume control etc for a Mac?08:50
Cronos1388Pentium II 128 ram08:50
salahJIM, orbin: http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot441vp.png08:50
orbinpalermi: /usr/share/menu08:50
Cronos1388And when I get to the part where it detects hardware it can't find my CD Rom drive08:50
orbinpalermi: open up one of the existing files to look at the synta08:50
salahyou see the icons below the File menu? I want for example them to be smaller, and also the icons in all other programs, and also the window title08:51
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gore_Terminus, it just tells me its a data file08:51
Terminusgore_: it doesn't say Bourne shell script text executable or anything? is it a cd image?08:51
gore_Terminus, its actually just an iso, in windows I'd extract it using isobuster but is there a linux equivalent to that?08:51
Terminusgore_: oh... you need to use binchunker for that08:51
Terminus!info bchunk08:51
ubotubchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB08:52
orbinsalah: you said this is a virtual res. right?08:52
gore_thank you sir08:52
palermiorb: thank08:52
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IamEthosdoes Ubuntu not come with dhcpcd?08:52
palermiorbin: thank08:52
orbinpalermi: yw08:52
JIMsalah, i think you cant change that08:52
Terminusgore_: you're welcome. using bchunk is beyond what i know so you're gonna have to read the docs or ask somebody who uses it.08:52
JIMbye guys08:53
salahorbin, I really don't know what the virt. res. is, my screen is supporting up to 2048x<something>, but me gfx. card supports 1600x1200 (which this is at now). my screen is a 19", so the icons is very big here, how do I make them smaller?08:53
salahbye JIM08:53
salahthanks for trying08:53
orbinsalah: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:53
JIMsalah, its the size for openoffice.org icon08:53
sn00pI have an asus wireless usb adaptor, (dongle) how do I get it to work with ubuntu?08:54
bulltitani can't open the file is not debian file so i guess that dpkg is not it08:54
JIMbye everyone08:54
bulltitanbye jim08:54
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salahorbin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1731608:55
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bulltitantoday was a baaaad day no luck with vmware, i can't open this pkg file and i can't watch dvds08:56
bulltitanbut i still like ubuntu08:56
madagood to know :)08:57
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bulltitanseems to be that for dvds the css lib is working but not the codec i dont get it08:57
madathats strange, i can watch dvds on my box08:58
bulltitanand i have al win32 codecs, xinelib, extracodecs, etc plus mplayer08:58
orbinsalah: sys > prefs > screen res.  ... does it say you're in 1600?08:58
madabulltitan: strange ....08:59
salahorbin, it's nothing wrong with the screen resolution, I just want everything smaller08:59
silentreadso u wanna change the dpi?08:59
bulltitani know, and i did the restricted formats way, and also a bunch of other ways to get it ti work with no + result08:59
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sn00pHow do I fix this make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.09:01
madabulltitan: i sadly have no suggestions ...09:01
orbinsalah: i just loaded OO.  they're massive on my screen too09:01
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bulltitanthere's only one last chance that i'm looking at,.. the dvd it's a gift from my brother and it's a copy could that be it?09:01
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bulltitana bad copy?09:01
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madabulltitan: possible, you have another dvd to try?09:01
bulltitannot like a movie just a game09:02
salahorbin, so, no idea how to fix this?09:02
bulltitanbut i'll try to rent one tomorrow09:02
orbini know how to shrink other stuff e.g. titlebars, panels etc09:02
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madabulltitan: yeah, give that shot because most issues i know of just revolve around having the right plugins installed but it sounds like you have all your bases covered09:02
orbinbut i think there should be a setting for small toolbar icons in OO.  i'm looking now09:03
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orgeis there an app that records desktop, like, demonstrating something like how Novell demonstrated XGL, you know what im saying?09:03
bulltitanthanks for the tips mada09:03
amonkeyhow can i figure out why gnome crashes when i run gnome-window-decorator?09:04
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orbinsalah: looks like maybe it enforces 26x26 icons09:04
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sn00pHow do I fix this make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.?09:05
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LMJ_workhello the chan09:06
gore_is there a way to find out what codec is need to play a certain video file?09:06
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bulltitanwell in windows was gspot09:06
orbinsalah: do you have the same issue w/ other apps too?09:06
Hobbseesn00p: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules?09:06
madabulltitan: no prob (sorry, i was afk)09:06
bulltitani dunno in ubuntu09:06
bulltitanno problem09:07
madahiya LMJ_work09:07
bjronhmm, so when I run 'grub-install' it probably should not take more than a couple seconds right?09:07
salahorbin, yes, the text everywhere is to big09:07
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jron_I installed gftp off the livecd and got my HD ready to write my ISO to, however, gftp wont run as root... how can i add the ability to access my newly mounted hd for the guest user?09:07
madasn00p: i really don't know ... have you tried pasting the error into a google search? you get alot of good forum how-tos that way09:07
orbinsalah: that can be changed via sys > prefs > font09:07
madabjron: how long it been running?09:07
bjronmada, a good couple minutes anyway, but it just finally finished, so probably nevermind :P09:08
madabjron: :)09:08
bjronstill, no warning that it might take a long time :(09:08
bjronoh well, hope it worked. . .09:08
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LMJ_workhow i can know what package contain the command (binary) "setenv" ?09:08
gore_linux needs to fix its multimedia issues =[09:08
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orbinsalah: that'll shrink most buttons too09:08
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madabjron: probably did ... it would have given an error if something went wrong (normally)09:09
madaLMJ_work: google?09:09
bjronyea, time to test.09:09
LMJ_worki'm googleling09:09
sn00pHobbsee there is no package09:09
madaLMJ_work: :)09:09
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ALDIHi, how do I make a ftp user to access all directorys (777)?09:09
bulltitanto be honest compared to windows i was able to install ubuntu and hear some sounds wich win was like a mute under water in it09:09
Hobbseesn00p: hmmm.09:09
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!lilo:*! small regional server being shutdown for a hardware change-out09:10
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!lilo:*! affected users, a bit over 20009:10
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sn00pHobbsee, i found them09:10
Hobbseesn00p: :)09:10
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bulltitanubuntu has a lot of media related issues but a lot of em are related to license as far as i know09:10
sn00pthere was one specifically for 2.6.1509:11
salahorbin, I see, things are starting to work some greater, but im spending 12 hours of my day at school, so I am using openoffice a lot. But the icons at OpenOffice is to big09:11
LMJ_workis there any command to find the package contain the command (binary) "setenv" ?09:11
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HobbseeLMJ_work: apt-cache show setenv09:11
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HobbseeLMJ_work: look where it says source: blah09:11
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sn00pHobbsee, I still get that error09:12
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Edgananyone know where I can download a dapper live cd with the latest updates included?09:13
DBOEdgan, afaik you cant09:13
bulltitani still dont understand why kubuntu has a hole suite for media playing and ubuntu only has totem wich i think it stinks why not mplayer by default09:13
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LMJ_worki can't find it Hobbsee09:13
EdganDBO: why?09:13
DBObulltitan, there is a limited amount of space on the CD really09:13
snoopsI have to admit it does suck when you install dapper fresh and 90meg of updates shows up09:13
DBOEdgan, because... there isnt one?09:14
bulltitani see09:14
EdganDBO: I found instructions of how to do it, but hoped someone had09:14
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DBOEdgan, there may be unofficial ones, but nothing official09:14
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HobbseeLMJ_work: does it have anything to do with epic4?09:14
EdganDBO: I am fine with unofficial09:14
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HobbseeLMJ_work: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=setenv&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=dapper&arch=i38609:15
jackywho is developing the new init system?09:15
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ALDII have a ftp user on my vsftp server. But he only has access to his home dir. what do i need to change that he has access to the whole filesystem?09:15
snoopsif I would use ubuntu on a network setup.. eg 10 or so computers running it, can I setup a central server to grab the updates off locally? That way only one machine needs to get the updates?09:15
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AnonyDid I post my laptop sound problem in the wrong part of this forum? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1219301#post121930109:15
DBOALDI, why would you want to do that?09:16
Terminussnoops: sure you can.09:16
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ALDIDBO: for testing and easier managing the ubuntu machine09:16
LMJ_workthanks Hobbsee09:16
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Terminussnoops: i can think of lots of ways to do it. rsync, your own repos, etc.09:17
jron_can anyone fill me in on why gftp wont launch as root? it just says: Error: Can't find gFTP binaries installed in /usr/bin.... however, it runs fine as a non root user.09:17
DBOALDI, you might want to look into SSH and SFTP for that... its going to be a lot more secure09:17
bulltitansee u later09:17
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madajron_: run as sudo in regular user09:17
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ALDIDBO: ok, then how do i add a special dir, like /var/www ?09:18
jron_mada, i did, then i try and launch gftp after sudoing and it gives that error09:18
xxyyzzWhen I plug my USB stick into my computer which has Xubuntu, it comes up on the desktop fine. But when I double click on it, it says "unable to execute pmount" and won't let me open it. Is there a way to fix this?09:18
DBOALDI, in ssh just do "sudo mkdir /var/www"09:18
madajron_: oh, hrmmm...09:18
DBOALDI, ssh is just like having a terminal open locally on the machine, only its over the network09:18
LMJ_workdamned Hobbsee, i installed both, the command is still not available :-/09:18
DBOthats exactly what it was designed to do09:18
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jron_i really need gftp to be able to write to a newly mounted drive under this livecd so i can get this iso downloaded...09:18
ALDIdbo: the directory already exists, just want it to be editable for the ftp user09:18
jron_but it is giving me this issue =(09:19
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ALDIdbo: ssh works fine :-)09:19
HobbseeLMJ_work: hmmm...i'm not sure09:19
xxyyzzI don't mind re-formatting the USB stick... if that helps...09:19
xxyyzzBut I don't know how on Xubuntu.09:19
xxyyzzAnd I don't know if that will help.09:19
xxyyzzAnd I don't know what pmount is...09:19
DBOALDI, then you would need to chown it to the user you want to have access rights to it.  Even if you give them access from the FTP server, if the file system doesnt have the proper permissions it wont work09:19
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DBOALDI, but in general /var/www should be owned by root...09:20
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HackerXAre there any good war driving channels?09:20
whitehorseNtigerDoes "apt-get install ssh" do everything I need it to?09:20
jumbersHi, my name is Soup09:20
DBOHackerX, not here09:20
AnonywhitehorseNtiger, Annoyingly YES09:20
AnonywhitehorseNtiger, it even starts SSH unlike most other programs09:20
jumbersANONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<309:20
AnonyAnd ssh does not tell you this when you run it09:20
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AnonyHi jumbers09:20
ALDIDBO: Ok, is there a way to login via FTP as root?09:20
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HackerXWell i know that. thats why i asked for one09:20
jumberswheeeee I <3 Anony09:21
sn00pWhich package contains build ?\09:21
bbrazilALDI: don't use ftp as root09:21
Anonyjumbers you are not a soup.09:21
DBOALDI, no09:21
AnonyAlso <3 jumbers09:21
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DBOALDI, most servers will specificaly prohibit that09:21
Anonyjumbers, Not unless soup is bi-polar.09:21
Terminussn00p: you mean the compiler and stuff? build-essential09:21
jumbersjumbers is a good guy09:21
bbrazilALDI: if you must do file manipulation as root, use scp or sftp or rsync to keep everything erncrypted09:21
jumbershe's like soup09:21
Anonyjumbers, you have some sort of ubuntu problem?09:22
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sn00pTerminus, yea, i'm trying to compile something and build-essential is installed I get this error.  /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.09:22
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Anonyjumbers, I am helping with the really small stuff while I wait and pray for help with my sound card.09:22
cbx33Hi all09:22
Terminussn00p: what are you trying to build?09:22
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whitehorseNtigerDoes Linux have any programs that "take over control of the desktop" through ssh like some for-profit windows computers do?  Can anyone direct me to one?09:22
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs09:22
ALDII will try that later thanx! Right now I just want to grant the ftp user "web1" the full rights on /var/www How do I do that?09:22
sn00pTerminus, some drivers for my ASUS wireless usb adaptor09:22
HackerXAnyone here ever used Metasploit?09:22
cbx33Need some help, hoping someone can advise, admitidly there is some part fedora business going on here09:22
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:23
jumbersMy sound sucked really bad on 5.1009:23
cbx33suffice to say I had an LVM partition that was setup working fine09:23
AnonywhitehorseNtiger, you can use remote desktop to control a windows machine09:23
Terminussn00p: i suppose you already have kernel-headers installed?09:23
DBOwhitehorseNtiger, you mean like remote desktop?09:23
jumbers6.06 made it all better :)09:23
cbx33I used ubuntu to edit the partitions09:23
sn00pTerminus, dunno how do I check09:23
xxyyzzWhen I plug my USB stick into my computer which has Xubuntu, it comes up on the desktop fine. But when I double click on it, it says "unable to execute pmount" and won't let me open it. Is there a way to fix this?09:23
madawhitehorseNtiger: you can X forward over a ssh connection09:23
Anonyjumbers, I am running 6.06, unfortunately this soundcard is not officially supported09:23
cbx33now lvm fedora complains it cannot find the uuids09:23
xxyyzzDo ubuntu/xubuntu come with support for USB sticks? Or do I have to install something extra?09:23
cbx33any ideas?09:23
jumbersThat sucks :(09:23
Anonyjumbers, I made a rather lengthy and dry thread about it here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21003809:23
Terminussn00p: sorry, linux-headers i mean. you'll need those when building modules. dpkg -l|grep linux-headers to check.09:23
DBOwhitehorseNtiger, you can also use freenx with linux which is very snappy for remote desktop, much faster than vnc09:24
jumbersLengthy isn't my cup of tea :-/09:24
konfuzedok how do I check the cpu make model and speed?   the device manger does not show that info09:24
sn00pTerminus, nope which headers do I need?09:24
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webmindgood morning09:24
Terminussn00p: the one that matches your kernel version.09:24
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DBOkonfuzed, cat /proc/cpuinfo09:24
ALDIbbrazil: I will try that later thanx! Right now I just want to grant the ftp user "web1" the full rights on /var/www How do I do that?09:24
webmindIhow can I set the globa09:24
Terminussn00p: since i've never tried compiling drivers for your hardware though, i'm just guessing here.09:24
webmindI've got two questions:09:25
Anonyjumbers, You a linux guy?09:25
bbrazilALDI: easiest way is to create a real user web1, and give them permissions09:25
jumbersSi senor09:25
webmindhow can I set the global keyboard settings (so they are right in gdm aswell) and is there a way to make my own keyboard layout ?09:25
bbrazilALDI: my knowledge of virtual users is lacking09:25
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jumbersAnony: I only have winbloes on my gaming computer09:25
sn00pTerminus, i'm trying it09:25
Anonyjumbers, I am trying to become better with linux, although I doubt I will ever know as much about linux as I do about windows.09:26
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konfuzedmodel name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+09:26
konfuzedstepping        : 009:26
konfuzedcpu MHz         : 2010.20309:26
konfuzedcache size      : 512 KB09:26
jumbersMy notebook has been cleansed of it09:26
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madajumbers: get cedega and ditch the MS shit09:26
Anonyjumbers, lol09:26
jumbersmada: Not everything works on cedega09:26
madajumbers: true ...09:26
jumbersmada: I need EQ2 to work09:26
madakonfuzed: i have that proc ... Venice core right?09:26
Terminusmada: the whole point2play thing seems kinda messy. :(09:26
madajumbers: fair enough09:26
madaTerminus: never used it, just know of it09:26
madai don't game ... i code09:27
jumbersmada: I really would LOVE to get fully Linux, but it's not practical for games :(09:27
=== Terminus digs up old cedega packages
Terminusmada: i cancelled my subscription. my computer can't handle new games anyway.09:27
snoopsor flash web developers or photoshop people jumbers :(09:27
Zdracan someone suggest me a good program to create webpage, please ? (no not vim/emacs and other text editor) :-)09:27
jumbersPhotoshop can be replaced with GIMP09:27
AnonyI am still amazed at how fast Ubuntu runs on my p2 366mhz09:27
madajumbers: i don't game so it was really easy for me to go all linux, been onlinux only for about 6 years (was on debian for 5 of them and just went ubuntu a month ago)09:27
Terminusjumbers: all of the games from ID run on linux. at least you have that. and ut2004 too. :)09:27
jumbersTerminus: Too bad I don't have those :(09:28
TerminusZdra: bluefish? scite?09:28
FlannelZdra: if you're looking for WYSIWYG, your best bet is nvu.  But, most people /do/ use text editors.09:28
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jumbersTerminus: All I have is the original Quake09:28
Ramunashello everybody09:28
madahiya Ramunas09:28
konfuzedmada, I'd like to confirm that but I cant see it listed - chcec this out  bogomips        : 3981.3109:28
Terminusjumbers: for free games, enemy territory and tremulous run natively.09:28
snoopsjumbers gimp lacks a lot in the advanced features.. and well, it's hard to be the rebel against the industry when you rely on it to live09:28
konfuzedalmost 4000 bogomips09:28
jumberssnoops: Dual boot only when you absolutely need to? :-/09:29
hawkaloogieInkscape is awesome for an Illustrator/Freehand alternative09:29
hunkyspunky1how is the new ubuntu version comapred to the old 5.10?09:29
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madakonfuzed: oh ... i built mine so i bought the proc off the net09:29
ZdraTerminus: Flannel: yes I'm looking for wysiwyg but it's not for me... thx for answers !09:29
hawkaloogiehunkyspunky1, awesome, but for a couple upgrade snags09:29
EricTheMidgethunkyspunky1, so far so good here - ndiswrapper aside...09:29
madahunkyspunky1: sex, heaven, orgasmic .... do i really need to go on?09:29
hunkyspunky1i use to have 5.1009:29
snoopsjumbers not practical.. Oh well I'm hoping that'll change with time09:29
delmarI'm having a problem with an older system...It installs fine (Dapper 606 Alt CD, selected Server). It has two little 4.6g SCSI disks Raid Mirrored on an Adaptec 2110S Raid controler. As I say, it installs just fine.  When It's done and reboots, it boots kernel 2.6.15-23-386 but a short way after, I see error messages like "iop0: Device already claimed"  and "iop0:  DMA / IO allocation for I20 controler failed"  a while later it doe09:29
delmars.. "ALERT! /dev/i2o/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" .. which it does.     It would seem Dapper doesn't like the adaptec 2110S?  Anyone know the answer?09:29
TerminusZdra: if you're looking for the equivalent of dreamweaver, i don't think you'll find it.09:29
konfuzedmada, this one is supposed to be very over clockable but I dont have any need or use for that09:30
Terminusoh! nvu... forgot about that. heh09:30
hunkyspunky1is it any faster?09:30
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ZdraTerminus: A windows user who want to switch to ubuntu ask me how he can replace frontpage09:30
konfuzedthis box is basically a web browser and webmail09:30
hawkaloogieZdra, kde has something. quanta? quark? i forget09:30
madakonfuzed: me either, i am a programmer in the making, not a gamer ... i have no need for overclocking09:30
EricTheMidgetmy next box is going to be an overclocked dual core 2.66 to 4.009:30
snoopsZdra is this for template creation?09:30
AnonyI want to set up a screensaver that scrolls the news like in the matrix.09:30
=== HackerX [n=hackerx@24-231-160-86.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
madakonfuzed: and i must say that is a very powerful web browser and mail checker you have09:31
AnonyBut first sound.09:31
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snoopseg, get your website template going, then add the backend to it Zdra?09:31
madaAnony: then you should code one09:31
TerminusZdra: looks like nvu is your best bet then.09:31
HackerXHow do i execute and file?09:31
konfuzedZdra, its better to shoot people who persist in using frontpage09:31
madaAnony: code one that takes in RSS feeds09:31
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rebelfallenIs there a way to install ubuntu to a partition without using iso/cd ?09:31
madakonfuzed: amen09:31
Zdrait is for webpages like that: http://users.skynet.be/ptilougarou/ (oh my god)09:31
konfuzedwith a water pistol of course09:31
madarebelfallen: yup09:31
konfuzedfilled with ink09:31
hunkyspunky1ericthemidgit..u can actually take it to 4.0 ghz?09:32
madarebelfallen: you can install from hard drive off a data partition09:32
rebelfallenIm running fedora right now and want to make the switch.09:32
Anonymada, I have alot of dumb coding projects in line before the screensaver. First I need to learn to code more than simple C cli crap09:32
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snoopsZdra doesn't really answer my question.. you can use this to build a website dynamically, but you still need to write the code, but at least you see instant results http://www.gregtaff.com/rendar2.html09:32
whitehorseNtigerSorry for the delay.  I have a newborn to care for.  Thanks for the advise.09:32
HackerXHow do i execute a file in the terminal?09:32
EricTheMidgethunkyspunky1, you can take it to 4.1 but im not trying to be greedy09:32
hawkaloogieZdra, nVu seems to be a good one09:32
Zdrasnoops: skynet.be doesn't have PHP so I assume it's static ;)09:33
AnonyHackerX, What file? is it a script you made?09:33
madaAnony: fair enough, you should learn c++, java and python ... those will set you up nicely for the real world09:33
hunkyspunky1i got p4..but them couldn't go that fast09:33
madaAnony: "real world"*09:33
AnonyHackerX, chmod +x FILENAME09:33
EricTheMidgethunkyspunky1, liquid cooling09:33
hunkyspunky1i'm getting a laptop though with dul core09:33
konfuzedmada, I deserved a semi hefty system for my personal use09:33
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AnonyHackerX, and then ./scriptname09:33
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hunkyspunky1yah need alot cooling..lol but should be faster09:33
EricTheMidgetliquid cooling - cannot be done with air09:33
snoopsZdra ah well I guess it's worth for you to have a quick gander at rendar2 then.. might speed up your development time at least09:33
fractalworldI downgraded from Edgy back to Dapper.  One little problem:  /lib/mount/init-functions.sh and /lib/init/vars.sh are being called and don't exist.  This seems to be an issue with sysvinit, which I've already reinstalled.  Any ideas?09:34
madakonfuzed: fair enough ... i just built this one with money i saved, i am a broke college student trying to make my way through09:34
rebelfallenmada: what if I have only one main partition? can it be installed while my current partition is in use?09:34
hunkyspunky1whats the best ubnut version?09:34
konfuzednever had one before and I started with some programing 25 years ago and previous two computers are 550Mhz a piece09:34
fractalworldhunkyspunky1, Dapper (6.06 LTS09:34
madarebelfallen: oooo, good question ... i would google around the ubuntu forums for "dapper hard disk install" ... i haven't done a hard disk install in over a year09:34
rebelfallenthanks :)09:35
madahunkyspunky1: dapper (6.06)09:35
hunkyspunky1is kubuntu, edubuntu, x ubuntu any good?09:35
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concept10hunkyspunky1, you have to judge for yourself09:35
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fractalworldhunkyspunky1, I sometimes like KDE, but it doesn't get as much love as Gnome Ubuntu.09:35
Madpilothunkyspunky1, the only difference between them is the desktops/WMs09:35
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madahunkyspunky1: each is just as good as the next, just depends on how you want to interact with your desktop ... and edubuntu is mainly just ubuntu with educational software standard installed09:36
paramedhi all09:36
madafractalworld: amen09:36
concept10 does decaf really have no caffiene?09:36
paramedI am having problems installing a network printer which is connected to a Win XP pc in my office...09:36
paramedany ideas?09:36
HackerXIs there any simpler command to just run a script?09:36
hunkyspunky1gotta go09:36
hunkyspunky1later all09:36
hunkyspunky1good night09:36
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Zdrathx to you all, I'm installing/testing those programs... I hop it will be enough to let him forget winXP :-)09:36
AnonyHackerX, I dont think so. You have to set +x (execute) for it to be run at all, and ./scriptname is the shortest method I know of calling the script09:37
paramedcan anyone help me with getting the printer working?09:37
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madaparamed: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77516.html09:37
HackerXwhat about something like metasploit do i have to run it that way?09:38
madaparamed: that might help09:38
Guyver`you tell me09:38
DBOAnony, if its a shell script he can run it by ". ./scriptname" and then he doesnt have to chmod it <-- HackerX09:38
snoopsis there a list of supported scanners and printers for dapper?09:38
paramedthanks mada.. I'll check it out..09:38
AnonyDBO, Cool09:38
DBOAnony, that will run it in the current shell though, so if the script does and exit 0, the shell will close09:38
xnull-how do i remove a package without the deps.? something like rpm -e --nodeps package09:38
rebelfallenShould I just run a liveCD install?09:38
AnonyDBO Roger that09:38
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paramedno help.. that is for a jet direct printer...09:39
paramedI have it shared on windows XP pc...09:39
madarebelfallen: yes, its easier and the gui is nice to look at09:39
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madaparamed: sorry, wrong link .... this is the one i meant to send http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5383.html09:40
HackerXdbo, is there an easy way to call Metasploit i got it to work that way but i think theres a way to just call it09:40
madai'm out ....09:40
=== Anony [n=none@adsl-69-225-17-64.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOHackerX, just symlink it into /usr/bin, then you can just call it like any other program09:40
AnonyWrong clipboard.09:40
HackerXdbo, how do i go about doing that?09:41
robertoWhat's an easy GUI FTP client?09:41
robertoLike Filezilla...?09:41
DBOHackerX, sudo ls -s /path/to/metasploitmainfile /usr/bin/metasploit09:41
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whitehorseNtigerOk.  Easy question.  Really hard answer.09:43
whitehorseNtigerI have ssh working GRRRREAT.09:43
xnull-how do i remove a package without the deps.? something like rpm -e --nodeps package09:43
DBO(frosted flakes anyone?)09:43
DBOxnull-, sudo dpkg -P --force-depends package09:43
whitehorseNtigerHow would an idiot like me get my desktop forwarded to a PDA?09:43
TerminusDBO: can i have milk with that? :)09:43
DBOwhitehorseNtiger, uhm... you mean the GUI?09:44
xnull-DBO: thanks dude09:44
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whitehorseNtigerhehe  Yeah, well at least the browser would be nice.09:44
whitehorseNtigerimpossible I guess09:44
DBOwhitehorseNtiger, uhhh... you dont09:44
DBOunless your PDA runs xwindows anyhow...09:44
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Terminusor has a vnc client? :)09:45
zewoHi guys, anybody else experiencing an xserver crash when opening up the update manager to fetch today's updates?09:45
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zewoThe updates are ppp, login and passwd. Each time I open the update manager to fetch them X bombs out.09:45
depihi all, do you recommend to you aptitude instead of apt-get? (I really like that it removes all dependencies when uninstalling, but are there any cons too?)09:45
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whitehorseNtigerI am thinking of running linux on my pda.  Right now it is pocket pc with SSH client.09:46
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Ribszewo: yes09:46
RibsI had that yesterday09:46
zewoRibs: great I am not alone :D09:47
Ribsjust right click the icon instead, and select "install updates" from the pop-up menu09:47
NaoI need to add a line to xorg.conf, how do I save it with the new line?09:47
zewoRibs: am I right that I can work around it by right click ... snap! ok thanks confirmation09:47
Terminusdepi: there doesn't seem to be any cons.09:47
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zewoanybody logged a bug report of this behaviour?09:47
depiTeminus: so I should use aptitude without any problems?09:47
KenSentMe|afkNao: open it with 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' , then you can save it09:47
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Naook great, thanks09:48
Terminusdepi: yeah... so far, i haven't had any problems with it.09:48
whitehorseNtigerIs there a way to resize my desktop to 320 X 280 hehehehehehehe09:48
depiTerminus: okay09:48
AnonyThere really isnt anything better than gftp?09:48
depiTerminus: thanks09:48
whitehorseNtigerThen it would be PDA size I think09:48
KenSentMe|afk!resolution > whitehorseNtiger09:48
Terminusdepi: good luck. :)09:48
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jumbers320x240 you mean09:48
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Anonygftp has the features of a win 3.1 ftp client I used to use called "FTP COMMANDER!"09:48
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alexbrHi all09:49
KenSentMealexbr: hi09:49
whitehorseNtigerSorry.  that small of a resolution is not an option.09:49
whitehorseNtigeryeah that jumpers09:49
alexbrcan anybody tell me how to use a serial port with ubuntu linux?09:50
alexbrI have to communicate with a modem09:50
IRCMonkeyxhi again, "invalid file system for mount point" i get this error in installation09:50
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Ribszewo: I couldn't be bothered... It might be worth filing a bug report tho09:50
=== Ribs is lazy
zewoheh ok. well thanks for the hand Ribs.09:50
alexbrroot@centralino:~# cu -l ttyS009:51
alexbrcu: open (/dev/ttyS0): Permission denied09:51
alexbrcu: ttyS0: Line in use09:51
KenSentMe!paste alexbr09:51
alexbrthis is the message I get09:51
ubotuI know nothing about paste alexbr09:51
KenSentMe!paste > alexbr09:51
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IRCMonkeyxanyone help me for this?? , "invalid file system for mount point" i get this error in installation09:51
Anony!robots >> newfile09:51
someothernickAnony: http://www.programy.wabi.pl/screen_prog/ftp_commander.gif <-- i'll stick with gftp09:51
mheathKenSentMe, you're really not allowed to paste 3 lines in here?09:52
Anonysomeothernick, Ever used cuteftp?09:52
KenSentMemheath: sorry, i thought he was going to paste more09:52
banewhats up guys09:53
IRCMonkeyxi have no chance to install ubuntu today:(09:53
alexbrKenSentMe:  thanks09:53
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spadesIRCMonkeyx what are you doing that is showing that error?09:53
IRCMonkeyxspades i try to install ubuntu, by manual partioning09:54
robertoWhat's an easy to use GUI FTP client?09:54
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IRCMonkeyxand the drive that i wanna install ubuntu is fat32, is it problem??09:54
DBOroberto, places -> connect to server...09:55
spadesnever tried on a fat32 so im not sure09:55
DBOIRCMonkeyx, it wont install on FAT32, you will have to repartition it09:55
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whitehorseNtigerSomeone said I could forward X to an ssh client on another computer?  Is that right?09:56
IRCMonkeyxdbo, should i make it ntfs? how will i repartition__?09:56
IRCMonkeyxdbo, how can i make it ext3?09:56
DBOIRCMonkeyx, ubuntu installer has a partitioner that will take care of that09:56
whitehorseNtigerCan two ubuntu users have different screen res sizes?09:57
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IRCMonkeyxdbo, i install from cd, ubuntu installer didnt do anything for that, should i start tool from spesific place??09:58
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xxyyzzWhen I plug my USB stick into my computer which has Xubuntu, it comes up on the desktop fine. But when I double click on it, it says "unable to execute pmount" and won't let me open it. Is there a way to fix this?09:58
IRCMonkeyxdbo, i use live cd for 6.0.609:58
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DBOIRCMonkeyx, when you tell it which hard drive to install it on it will automagically set up the partitions09:58
IRCMonkeyxdbo, ok i did it,09:59
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IRCMonkeyxdbo,what did i do wrong?09:59
DBOwhat makes you think you did it wrong?09:59
IRCMonkeyxbecause i get that error ,when installation starts10:00
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OMGLAZERSDoes anyone know if it's possible to map my command key for a macintosh keyboard to something other than the command (like, ctrl, so it's actually useful in linux?)10:00
IRCMonkeyxshouldnt it be written ext3 instead of fat32?10:00
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IRCMonkeyxchanging to ntfs may solve my problem??10:01
HackerXHow do i compile an install?10:01
DBOIRCMonkeyx, im not really sure where you are going wrong... I mean its pretty easy to use (i use the text installer though)10:01
DBOperhaps someone else could better figure out where you are going wrong10:01
pkshello, why dpkg-reconfigure locales, does not show me list of locales to choose from?10:02
IRCMonkeyxi hope so10:02
baneyes ircmonkey, ntfs may solve your problem10:02
crimsunpks: because you're not supposed to do that anymore, as of Dapper. Use locale-gen.10:02
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IRCMonkeyxok bane i am changing into ntfs10:02
pkscrimsun: oh10:02
crimsunpks: pass locale-gen a whitespace-delimited list of first-column locales from /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED10:02
HackerXHow do i compile an install from the terminal?10:03
IRCMonkeyxbut as i know, fat32 is better for ubuntu than ntfs, am i wrong?10:03
IRCMonkeyxnoone got this error before?? "invalid file system for mount point"10:04
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DBOIRCMonkeyx, are you sure you are selecting the drive durring the installation process and letting it erase the contents of the drive?10:04
pkscrimsun: ok, it seems to work10:04
pkscrimsun: thanks10:04
crimsunpks: np10:05
banefat32 doesnt allow permissions10:05
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IRCMonkeyxdbo i only select manually partitioning10:05
DBOIRCMonkeyx, dont10:06
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IRCMonkeyxdbo i have win xp, i wanna use both10:07
banechek this, im tired so i may be reading it wrong10:07
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DBOIRCMonkeyx, how many partitions do you have?10:07
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IRCMonkeyxi have 5 partitions10:07
banewow lol10:07
IRCMonkeyxdbo, i use this , http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing.html10:08
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse10:08
silentreadntfs + ubuntu = bad things10:08
ompaulyou can read but NEVER write10:09
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silentready do u want to read/write ntfs?10:09
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IRCMonkeyxdbo, if you could at  link , i am at the section 6/710:09
ompaulsilentread, I hope you are not asking me :-)10:09
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ompaulbane, have you read that stuff about writing to ntfs10:10
DBOIRCMonkeyx, I really dont know what to tell you... I mean... I dont think I can explain any clearer than the walkthrough does...10:10
ompaulsilentread, I don't support windows in any format10:10
Teejay_wpwhen I start totem it says I have another video application running, but I do not10:10
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silentreadnot u10:10
silentreadi meant who asked the question10:10
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Kilopopohey guys10:11
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silentreadlike y he wanted too do so10:11
ompaulTeejay_wp, close off your web browsers10:11
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IRCMonkeyxdbo, thanx for your intererst10:11
Teejay_wpokay I have ompaul10:11
ompaulbane, you talking with me or silentread ?10:11
DBOIRCMonkeyx, im really sorry10:11
IRCMonkeyxyokmu yahuu bir tandkkk???10:11
Kilopopowhy is it that when i leave a partition unmounted (cause its windows partition) ubuntu reports that it isnt mounted and wont let me go to the next stage of installation10:11
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gatekeepersu to root10:11
baneyes im reading it now ompaul10:12
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Teejay_wpbut it still comes up with the same error10:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:12
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IRCMonkeyxdbo, no problem, thanx10:12
Kilopopowhy is it that when i leave a partition unmounted (cause its windows partition) ubuntu reports that it isnt mounted and wont let me go to the next stage of installation10:12
londondaveat last this ueagle-atm driver worked-thanks people10:12
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:12
Teejay_wpwhich I explained in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1732010:12
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ompaulTeejay_wp, what are you trying to watch?10:13
Teejay_wpa wmv movie10:13
Teejay_wpI am just starting up totem so I can view it10:13
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ompaulTeejay_wp, close totem/mplayer or anything like that and try this right click on the file and see what happens10:13
IRCMonkeyxYou'll then be presented with three options. This first option is ideal for users who want to set up a dual-boot (where you can choose whether you want to use Windows or Ubuntu each time you boot up your computer) but know very little about setting one up. Ubuntu will automatically shrink your Windows partition and create a new Ubuntu partition out of the free space.10:14
IRCMonkeyxif i choose that, do i lose my data???10:14
Kilopopohi IRCMonkeyx10:14
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IRCMonkeyxhi kilopopo10:14
ompaulIRCMonkeyx, no, however to make life easy defrag your windows partition first10:14
Kilopopowhats up dude10:14
Teejay_wpwhen I right clicked it it uses Xine10:14
ompaulTeejay_wp, and then it says that?10:15
Teejay_wpand xine loaded up okay, but I can view the files because it is encrypted10:15
Teejay_wpI can't10:15
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ompaulthat would be a drm issue then10:15
ubotuI know nothing about drm10:15
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ompaulTeejay_wp, I take it you have seen at least one wmv on your machine?10:16
ompaulTeejay_wp, it has worked at some time in the past?10:16
IRCMonkeyxompaul i will choose resize ide1master,but everyone says choose manuel partitioning, if you dont wanna lose your data10:16
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Kilopopohi dorel__10:16
Teejay_wpI only have just installed ubuntu, but I will try and watch a wmv file just wait10:16
Kilopopowhats going on10:16
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:16
Kilopopohi ompaul10:16
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dorel__all good10:16
Kilopopohi Healot10:16
Kilopopohi seank_10:17
Kilopopohave anyone used xgl on ubuntu10:17
ompaulIRCMonkeyx, you can read that there as pointed by ubotu - it is the collective knowledge of the community - it works10:17
Teejay_wpthe wmv movie I downloaded on xine worked fine10:17
K^Holtzi just installed flash player, but i still cant watch videos on break.com... any idea why?10:17
ompaulKilopopo, the xgl channel is #ubuntu-xgl please talk about xgl there10:17
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Kilopoposorry ompaul10:18
=== EdLin [n=jbl@as5300-3.216-194-7-96.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulno worries10:18
londondaveKilopopo: I just tried to use xgl, there is a guide on digg.com, but no good, had to get the old xorg.conf file back10:18
AnonyIf I want to follow these instructions on my ubuntu where do I put the lines that normally go into /etc/modules.conf http://mailman.linux-thinkpad.org/pipermail/linux-thinkpad/2003-May/011434.html10:18
IRCMonkeyxompaul, i am mixed, thanx anyways10:18
ompaullondondave, the same channel will help if it is achievable #ubuntu-xgl10:18
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ompaulIRCMonkeyx, it will work automatically as I said defrag windows first10:19
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Kilopopook i am installing stuff now10:19
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Kilopopoactually installing ubuntu10:19
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IRCMonkeyxok ompaul let me try, thank you10:19
Kilopopohow do i configure the kernel10:19
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IRCMonkeyxbye to all10:20
ompaulKilopopo, it should happen automatically10:20
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ompaulKilopopo, this is not linux of 6 years ago :-) it has changed a lot in that time and in the last two years significant change has taken place10:20
cntbusing alternate CD how to raise resolution of ati all onboard > 640x480 ?10:21
mitrovarrI'm having the strangest samba problems... I set this computer up with a config that I'm pretty sure is good, and it shows up find on itself, but not on any of the other computers on the LAN (they give a 'failed to connect to MITROVARR(20) ( error10:21
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mitrovarranyone know much about setting samba up?10:23
asdxmitrovarr: me10:23
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sn00pHow do I load a module at startup  in ubuntu?10:23
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:23
mitrovarrhow are you supposed to set up the wins topology?  make every sharing computer a wins server?  make one a server and the rest clients?10:23
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ompaulsn00p, modprobe it and add it to /etc/modules10:23
mitrovarroh and thanks ompaul, that's helpful10:23
AnonyCna I use "alias" in the /etc/modules file?10:24
Anony*Can I use "alias" in the /etc/modules file?10:24
gatekeepermitrovarr: you can use the GUI to help you, have a look at system settings, In the Internet & Network select sharing then File sharing10:24
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AnonyOh wait that file doesnt exist I have been reading about other distros for too long10:24
gatekeepermitrovarr: are you trying to share 2 linux boxes or linux with windows?10:24
ompaulAnony, you can have a /etc/modules10:25
mitrovarrgatekeeper:  2 linux boxes10:25
ompaulAnony, but alias - call it like it is10:25
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Anonyompaul, I will reboot and pray, thanks.10:25
mitrovarrI'm using samba because I'm reasonably familiar with it (as opposed to nfs of which I know absolutely nothing)10:25
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.10:25
gatekeepermitrovarr: then you don't want samba you want NFS Network File Sharing10:25
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mitrovarrgatekeeper:  I just need this for one transfer and then never again.  Is it really necessary to learn how to configure an entire network protocol for it?10:26
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markchas anyone built a new kernel for dapper ? .. what is the debian/rules invocation for a 686 SMP ?10:27
markcAUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=686 <- I tried this and it seems it still tried to build an i386 kernel.. but it crapped out anyway10:27
ompaulthere is a smp kernel already10:27
ompaulapt-cache search smp10:28
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markcompaul> I need to build a kernel later than 2.6.16 for a hsfmodem driver10:30
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yangohi... which one is your favorite regexp editor (if any) ?10:31
markcanyone tried this -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild ... if so, you might know what I need to use for 6868/SMP ?10:31
ompaulkernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:31
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mitrovarrwell, thanks for the help guys, I'm going to read those linked documents10:32
markcompaul> I have tried this method and the process died on me... I want to try again, now I've seen the i386 results, but for a single 686/SMP deb instead of the hour it takes to provide 20 packages that I don't need10:33
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Ribswhy not just use the supplied SMP kernel?10:33
ompaulRibs,he wants to go up a . version to .1610:33
hastesaverHow/where do I set a umask?10:33
markcRibs> because I need a kernel later than 2.6.16 for a hsfmodem (that won't work with a 2.6.15 kernel)10:34
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hastesaverSetting umask in .bashrc doesn't affect Nautilus and other GUI apps... is there some global place I should do it?10:34
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ubotuI know nothing about xnest10:34
ubotuI know nothing about presario10:35
makolakohi ppl....anyone knows how to mount my usb key ?10:35
ompaulmarkc, edgy which is under test at the moment is running 2.6.17 but I would not suggest that - you could upgrade and hope nothing you need is broken and wait for the "flights" or whatever they will be called this time10:35
ubotuI know nothing about ipw220010:35
markcI've got the 2.6.17-4 git repo on board, and tried the suggested method but the process died... like I say, I'd like to try again but with a more focussed invocation that just gets me a single 686/SMP kernel image10:35
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org10:35
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ubotuI know nothing about iso-8859-110:36
makolako!usb key10:36
ubotuI know nothing about usb key10:36
markcompaul> bin thar :)  and this is a new lappie install... I only need a later kernel10:36
makolako!thumb drives10:36
ubotuI know nothing about thumb drives10:36
ompaulmarkc, apt-get it from edgy10:36
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots10:36
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whiteri need a little help10:37
markclightstar> everything works except my modem...10:37
ompaulmarkc, then go back to dapper - but it may be an "interesting" result10:37
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bxshm, maybe someone can help me: i need to have ISO-8859-1 support. where do i get the corresponding locale archive?10:37
makolakoppl ...anyone knows how to mount a usb key ?10:37
whitersee i want to do a server install of ubuntu right, but i want a gui preferably fluxbox... so im wondering are there any GUI system tools (like the ones that come with gnome) that i could use10:37
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markcompaul> okay, I'll try pinning dapper and just update the kernel from edgy and see how that goes10:37
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ompaulmakolako, it should auto mount - if it does not appear on the desktop just unplug it and plug it into another socket10:38
whitercause i want to be able to change screen resolution and stuff like that graphically but i know nothing comes with fluxbox10:38
markcbit af a waste of a 250mb git repo though10:38
makolakoompaul: ok ty10:38
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Daveyboyhow do you join ubuntu to a windows 2000 domain?10:38
ompaul!samba > Daveyboy10:38
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markcompaul> thanks for your suggestions10:38
ompaulDaveyboy, please read the message from ubotu10:38
ompaulmarkc yq10:39
lightstarmarkc, even the wireless? i cant get mine 2 work10:39
ompaulmarkc yw even10:39
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:39
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markclightstar> yes.. I'm using wireless now... 48 hours and it's been solid10:39
Daveyboyis that for a workgroup or a domain?10:39
lightstarmarkc, cool...did u do ne special config?10:39
Jesse1 more hour till i can finally install ubuntu! hurrar10:39
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hav0kdoes anyone know why green scan lines are at the top of videos in totem?  it didnt do this before i upgraded to 6.0410:40
ompaulDaveyboy, comments on there about domain10:40
Jesseany programs that are a must install10:40
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ompaulJesse, those you want - I don't know your needs :)10:40
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ompaulJesse, and the basic install is kinda smart10:40
Jesseompaul, does it come with a dvd player?10:41
markclightstar> trying to think back on what I did... I think I only had to add some lines to /etc/network/interfaces to get it to auto connect on bootup. otherwise it worked from the initial install... intel pro 3945 on a del inspiron 640m10:41
hav0kdoes anyone know why green scan lines are at the top of videos in totem?  it didnt do this before i upgraded to 6.0410:41
ompaulJesse, please read the urls sent to you by ubotu10:42
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lightstarmarkc, i c..mine's a presario v2000..it just cant connect to an AP..checking up on forums now:)10:42
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Jesseompaul sounds like ill be using that a bit10:42
ompaulhav0k, you can't be running the same version of ubuntu as the rest of us :-) we are mostly on 6.06 - your scan lines --- strange that check it out in mplayer10:43
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markclightstar> any idea what the wireless chipset is ? ... my lspci just gave me a Intel Corporation: Unknown device 422210:43
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Jessealso do the w32codecs play windows media 11 files?10:44
markclightstar> and the wireless device was eth1, not a wlan0... when I did an ifconfig on first reboot it was "just there" (but not connected)10:44
Schalkenare there any good 3d games for ubuntu?10:44
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ompaulJesse, it is all documented in what the bot sent you10:45
lightstarmarkc, mine's eth1 as well..i read n found reference to ipw2000, which is loaded10:45
ompaulJesse, media 1110:45
ompaulJesse, you may have to wait on that10:45
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JesseSchalken, sure are unreal tournament works under linux10:45
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markclightstar> so is eth1 up when you do an ifconfig ? .. does iwconfig show anything ?10:46
SchalkenJesse: lol i mean free ones :p10:46
njanSchalken, take a look at enemy territory and true combat:elite (which is a mod for it)10:46
prammyDoom3, Quake4, UT2004, Quake3 + most mods10:46
njanSchalken, both of them are free10:46
prammytry www.linuxgames.com or www.happypenguin.org10:46
Schalkennjan: oh okay thanks10:46
njanSchalken, americas army v1.5 also has a native linux version although they haven't released v1.6 yet10:46
prammyhuge listing of games10:46
markclightstar> if iwconfig shows something for eth1 then you'll be just about right10:47
=== ompaul taps Seveas on the sholder and points to the pm
prammywhee having fun setting up Samba+LDAP with Fedora Directory Server as the ldap server10:48
=== Seveas points ompaul to the fact that I join ~40 channels on connect so the first 2 minutes after connect I can't do a thing
lightstarmarkc, eth0 and eth110:49
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lightstarmarkc, i tried doin a manual iwconfig but it cant associate w the AP10:49
markclightstar>  good, does iwconfig give you anything for eth1 ?10:49
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PhuzionHow can I install a megaton of perl packages?10:50
=== ompaul reminds Seveas as ompaul likes to say "there is that"
NgSeveas: irc addiction? ;)10:50
markclightstar> but does it show an entry for eth110:50
SeveasNg, no, IRC responsibilities10:50
lightstarmarks, yup..even iwlist eth1 scan shows results10:50
whiterhow would i install gtk by itself10:50
lightstarmarkc, yeah it has an entry10:50
markclightstar> have you added the iwconfig entries to /etc/network/uinterfaces and done an ifup eth1 ?10:51
lightstarmarkc, tried that..even used network-admin..still same results10:51
PhuzionI need Simple.pm for perl, is there a way to install more perl packages with apt-get?10:51
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Anony[   84.603092]  opl3sa2: can't grab port 0x010:52
Anony[   84.645878]  pnp: Device 00:11 disabled.10:52
Anony[   84.645896]  snd-opl3sa2-pnpbios: probe of 00:11 failed with error -1610:52
Anony[   84.648059]  Yamaha OPL3-SA soundcard not found or device busy10:52
markclightstar> okay, I thought maybe you could a copy of my settings and that may help10:52
xtractois there a way to download a copy of all the ubunty repositories?10:52
ompaulAnony, DONT PASTE thanks - use paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:52
xtractoor something like that?10:53
xtractoI installed xubuntu on a computer that does not have internet10:53
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ompaulxtracto, there are ~ 24 gigs of them10:53
lightstarmarkc, thx..i could try that...since everything else i tried didnt work10:53
xtractoquite a lot10:53
Anonyxtracto, make a list of what you want and just get those repositories10:54
lightstarmarkc, network-admin is a pain :(10:54
ompaulxtracto, go to packages.ubuntu.com and have a root around and you will get something that suits you10:54
amarokkerHi y'll, i need to access gmail through port 587 (smtp) - cant find the option for that in evolution10:54
amarokkerwhat gives?10:54
lightstarmarkc, trying 2 get kwifimanager now10:54
stephan__whats the command to see the process10:54
Phuzionps aux10:54
ompaulstephan__,  ps auwx or top10:54
xtractomm what is the name of the 6.06 distribution? warty hoary breezy??10:54
ompaulxtracto, try dapper10:55
xtracto"Browse through the lists of packages:"10:55
devhendapper drake :D10:55
markclightstar> auto eth1 \n iface eth1 inet dhcp \n pre-up /etc/network/wireless.sh10:55
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PhuzionIs there a way to get more perl packages via apt?10:55
xtractofirst, i know I want OpenOffice10:55
ompaulPhuzion, get them using cpan10:55
Phuzionis cpan a GUI tool?10:55
dsasamarokker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution10:56
ompaulPhuzion, you really need to find an online faq for that - (I don't know any off hand) - no it is a command line tool10:56
Phuzionompaul, nevermind, thanks10:56
HealotCPAN is perl commandline installer10:56
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Paladinextracto, afaik OOo is included in the 6.06 livecd10:56
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markclightstar> #!/bin/bash \n /sbin/ifconfig eth1 down \n /sbin/ifconfig eth1 up \n /sbin/iwconfig eth1 channel 11 \n/sbin/iwconfig eth1 rate 11M \n /sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid your_essid \n sleep 210:56
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lightstarmarkc, thx..trying it now10:57
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Uncle_Wiggleubuntu ftw.10:58
amarokkerdsas: THAnks10:58
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markclightstar> chmod +x /etc/network/wireless.sh10:58
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dsasamarokker: You're welcome10:58
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JavaChiphey all10:58
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JavaChipanyone here have experience with broadcom 43xx wireless cards?11:00
stephan__i wanna make a script to close certain programs....whats the best way to close the programs11:00
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ompaul!broadcom > JavaChip11:01
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ompaulJavaChip, please read the url that ubotu pointed you too11:01
Phuzionstephan__:  kill -9 pid number11:01
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JavaChipI've been all over the howtos, but I'm at my witt's end11:01
PhuzionSo, if you want to kill something with the pid of 555, "kill -9 555" minus quotes, of course11:01
Uncle_WigglePhuzion how do you findout the pid of it?11:01
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Phuzionps aux11:01
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Phuzionlists all processes11:01
stephan__Phuzion, would that be like just pressing the close button11:01
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PhuzionThat would be the Linux equivalent of Control-Alt-Delete for Windows11:02
Uncle_Wiggleyou want to close the program, stephan__... lol11:02
PhuzionBut even faster11:02
stephan__Phuzion, cause i dont wanna lose anything saved11:02
PhuzionAlright, that I'm not sure about11:02
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JessePhuzion, lol any thing is faster then windows control-alt-delete11:02
PhuzionPlus, I'd suggest against using pid's to close programs11:03
PhuzionJesse:  Good point11:03
stephan__what i exactly wanna do is make a script to kill all the kde / gnome process eating up junk11:03
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ompaulJavaChip, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:03
stephan__but not lose anything important11:03
Phuzionstephan__:  pid's are dynamic, so pid 573 might end up being something different every time11:03
Phuzionhaha, 573, inside joke11:03
sn00pi'm trying to get my wireless card working with kismet, I try to start and it says bad package or sourceline cananybody help meo ut and tell me what I need to put in the source line?11:03
Phuziontotally unintentional too11:03
devhenyep, your better off stopping the processes from running in the first place11:04
Phuzioni just mashed out 3 numbers from the number row11:04
Jessei don't get it lol11:04
devhenturn off gnome/kde completely (whicever you dont use)11:04
Phuziondevhen brings up a good point11:04
Anonysn00p, You have to set the source. You will have to do some reading to do that. Get going.11:04
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sn00pAnony, where do I find the reding?11:04
Anonysn00p, You will need to know the chipset, drivers you are using and some other stuff that will become obvious when you read the guide11:04
AnonyTry man kismet11:04
Anonylet me see.11:05
stephan__well i wanna to run certain things the stop them when possible....but not KILL the process just close as normal11:05
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sn00panony, well, I know what drivers i'm using but i'm not sure about the chipset11:05
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Kilopopohow do i become root in ubuntu11:06
Kilopopoi just finished installing it11:06
a_l_ehello, is there any way to manually run the "launch application" applet (or attach a keybinding to it)?11:06
Shanghaiteejwhat are you trying to do?11:06
Kilopopowhat is the password for root11:06
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Shanghaiteejthe password you used to set up ubuntu11:06
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KilopopoShanghaiteej, do you know11:06
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a_l_eKilopopo: there is no root password (or it is random generated!)11:06
apokryphosKilopopo: please read the FAQ11:06
kholerabbiIs there a way to track bandwidth usage??? So I know that I have downloaded 100mb over the last week? (or whatever)11:06
J-_How can I get permission to write to  my external Hard drive from linux?11:07
JesseKilopopo, sudo infront of the command will act as it is in root11:07
apokryphosJ-_: what filetype is it?11:07
Anonysn00p, just a minute I am looking up where the README for kismet it11:07
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a_l_eKilopopo: you're supposed to work with sudo and not become root.11:07
apokryphosJ-_: not possible from Linux, then.11:07
AnonyThose two should get you pointed in the right direction11:08
Anonyalso do "man kismet"11:08
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J-_damn, i hear a long time ago there was a drive i could install, never got any details but they have been pulling my leg. and when i slapped my hdd together there was only one option in regards to that filesystem11:08
blijblijblijKilopopo: sudo su11:08
apokryphosblijblijblij: no, please do not recommend that.11:09
Kilopopoblijblijblij, what is the default password for root11:09
a_l_esolved: it was <Alt>F211:09
apokryphosKilopopo: read the FAQ!11:09
AnonyThe Ubuntu anti-root phobia is astounding and irritating.11:09
dsasKilopopo: There is no password for root. Use sudo -i instead11:09
Anonyoops, hit enter.11:09
apokryphosAnony: why do you think that?11:09
dsas!rootsudo > Kilopopo11:09
blijblijblijcan be usefull in some cases, but as you say first go for sudo "command"11:09
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Kilopoposudo i ask me for password11:09
Anonyapokryphos, Being root saves typing.11:09
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dsasKilopopo: Enter in your users password11:10
apokryphosAnony: if you want to get into a root shell you can just use -i11:10
Anonyapokryphos, Security is of no concern to me, and if it were I would stay out of root myself11:10
AnonyI dont need ubuntu to constantly remind me that root is risky11:10
a_l_eAnony: i guess apokryphos is right: Kilopopo should first read why there is no root, and than find out how to become root despite all barriers :-)11:10
apokryphosAnony: that's not the point of it; sudo is the superior model.11:10
sn00panony how do I find the chipset?11:10
Anonyapokryphos, how is sudo superior to using the root account besides security?11:11
dsasAnony: What you wish to do with your own machine is your business. For the purposes of support the default configuration and proper way of doing things gets recommended11:11
Anonydsas, I agree, but I wish ubuntu users would relax about it.11:11
Kilopopook thanks11:11
hawkaloogieif you really want a root shell, why not?: sudo su11:12
apokryphosAnony: for a single one-user computer there aren't many advantages apart from it vaguely suggesting some good practices, but a better example is say a tradtional mainframe organisation. Sudo allows you to determine who runs what, as who.11:12
apokryphoshawkaloogie: no, please do not recommend that. sudo -i is the recommended method.11:12
dsashawkaloogie: sudo -i works just as well.11:12
stephan__what i exactly wanna do is make a script to kill all the kde / gnome process eating up junk11:12
hawkaloogieor that11:12
apokryphosand it sets up the environment more appropriately11:12
stephan__i wanna make a script to close certain programs....whats the best way to close the programs11:12
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apokryphosstephan__: click on the X in the top-right corner11:13
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HXGI'm using ubuntu and I can't start xChat11:13
stephan__apokryphos, i want to make a script to close all the kde process's but not lose the data " kill " it11:13
HXGit was ok yesterday11:13
dsasstephan__: kill `pidof program-name`11:13
HXGbut now I can't start it11:13
HXGbut now I can't start it11:13
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:14
HXGwhat could be the problem?11:14
Anonysn00p goto /etc/kismet/kismet.conf11:14
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KenSentMeHXG: try running xchat from the terminal and see if you get any errors11:14
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HXGwhere that xchat is installed?11:15
sn00panony I need to know my chipset I don tknow whwere to find it11:15
HXGit was installed with the OS11:15
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robokophey how can i use a dail in internet connection in ubuntu11:16
Anonysn00p, you can figure it out by checking lspci if I am not mistaken11:16
Kilopopodo you guys know where ubuntu keeps its grub.conf11:16
Anonyrobokop, Have you tried network-admin ?11:17
robokopyes but it wouldn't let me configure one without a password11:17
HealotKilopopo: it's /boot/grub/menu.lst nowadays11:17
Anonyrobokop, did you try your normal password?11:17
KilopopoHealot i tried but it looks like a different grub11:18
robokopAnony: i can open the network-admin11:18
robokopbut i have probs with configuring the connection while it doesn't need a password11:19
Healotpansu pansu11:19
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HXGroot@HXG:/usr/share/doc# xchat11:20
HXGLaunching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...11:20
HXGSegmentation fault11:20
Schalkenhow come when I try to load (play) vegastrike it quits with the error "Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)"11:20
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HXGKenSentMe: can you see the problem?11:21
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KenSentMeNo, but maybe you can search the ubuntuforums.org on that error11:21
HXGI'll try11:21
eth42yesterday, I've tried the graphical installer of Dapper. the Install-Icon was recognised as some Ogg-Media-File by Gnome's mime-magic, making it inpossible to start the installation. has anyone else experienced this before?11:21
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cntbinstalling for my customers, needs games on desktop pls point me to games links11:22
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KenSentMecntb: there's a games section in synaptic11:22
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HXGI think the problem is that I installed SCIM yesterday11:23
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damnedhi all. anybody knows if there is an ability to download engine that is used in launchpad.net11:24
paabmuquien eres11:24
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Healot!es > paabmu11:25
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PupenoDoes anybody know why the prompt is just black when I run an Xterm (or a Konsole, white in this case) instead of colorful as defined in .bashrc ?11:25
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eth42how do I start the text-mode installer in Dapper?11:25
kholerabbiI just installed dapper - but it doesn't have the highest supported resolution of my monitor (1280x1024), and goes only to 1024x768 - how do I configure it to show 1280x2024?11:25
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paabmude adonde eres11:25
Schalkeneth42: maybe you can try typing ubuntuity in the terminal11:26
eth42kholerabbi: first, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:26
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KenSentMeDoes anyone know a good music player like winamp? I want a bunch of kids to easily play their favorite music11:26
kholerabbieth42: oK11:26
eth42Schalken: ok11:26
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CarlosAraujo_join /#ubuntu-br-garimpeiros11:26
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robokophow can i configure a dail up connection which doesn't need a password11:27
cntbrobokop what dial up?11:27
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cntbcable  or POTS or xDSL ?11:27
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robokopcntb: default phone line11:28
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robokopcntb: tone choser11:28
kholerabbieth42: what xserver driver do I select??11:28
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto - also see !synaptic (gnome) or !adept (kde)11:28
eth42kholerabbi: can you accept adefault choice??11:29
cntbsorry Iam an installer for many years on windows side11:29
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cntblet us wait together for a good answer11:29
HXGhow can I turn off SCIM?11:29
HXGI kill it's process11:29
HXGbut it's still running11:29
kholerabbieth42: savage?11:29
cntbanything that has to od with using and installing is of interest 4 me11:30
HXGand I see it's new process after I type "ps-x"11:30
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HiP_Phmmm oh do i apt-get remove one package with uninstall the others with it?11:30
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kholerabbieth42: Should I select savage, I think it's default11:31
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eth42kholerabbi: mhh... I don't know without knowing your system. I'd just press ENTER (= accept default), wherever I don't know. I'd make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf first, so you can always return to your current state.11:31
HackerXWhy when i use the "make" command it says  No rule to make target11:31
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TTilusHXG: what is SCIM?  Do you know what starts it?11:32
eth42kholerabbi: then you can try out whatever you like, without doing any harm to your system11:32
kholerabbieth42: Is there another way of doing this - it has to configure ton of things, and I have no idea - can't I just add the resolution? I had it with breezy11:32
TTilusHackerX: because it can not find rules file11:32
TTilusHackerX: so "no rule to make target"11:32
Kilopopohow do i install nvidia drivers?11:33
HackerXttilus, ok what can i do11:33
HiP_Pill type that again because i balls it up. how do i apt-get remove one package with uninstalling the others with it?11:33
eth42kholerabbi: if you still have access to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on your breezy system, just take this one.....11:33
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HackerXttilus, the help file just says type that in the dir11:33
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kholerabbieth42: I reformatted over breezy11:33
TTilusHackerX: what are you exactly trying to accomplish?  you have source and want to install or?11:33
eth42kholerabbi: sure, you can add your resolution somehow. but I don't know how right now... :-)11:33
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:33
TTilusHackerX: why you do not install from debs?11:34
HackerXyea i have two differnt things that do it for me but the one i want to install right now is Ethereal11:34
TTilusHackerX: what are you trying install?11:34
HackerXtheres no deb that i could find11:34
eth42kholerabbi: I guess it depends on the configuration of your monitor and the Display sections in the Screen section11:34
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TTilusHackerX: i bet there is,  have you looked universe and multiverse?11:34
eth42kholerabbi: (in xorg.conf that is)11:34
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HackerXttilus, i know theres alot of things on there is there a way to look at a list? i only know how to run a apt-get from the terminal11:35
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TTilusHackerX: it is in universe http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060704/hl_afp/greecehealthdisease11:35
kholerabbieth42: in breezy it asked me what resolutions I'd like, but dapper didn't :(11:36
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TTilusHackerX: sorry, better off now with this http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=ethereal&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all11:36
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HXGSCIM is an application11:36
HXGwhere you can choose input language11:37
TTilusHackerX: you can browse packages for example in console with aptitude or online http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:37
eth42kholerabbi: still I'd first try dpkg-reconfigure and just press ENTER, whenever I don't care or don't know....11:37
HackerXttilus, ok sweet thanks11:37
TTilusHXG: why would you want to shut it down?11:37
stylehello everyone. i'm trying to install my fingerprint reader under dapper. My first problem is that i cant find the pam and pam-devel packet. does anyone know where/how to get them?11:37
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HXGTTilus: because I can't start xChat11:38
HXGbecause of it11:38
TTilusHXG: have you checked (with pstree or like) what starts it11:38
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stylehello everyone. i'm trying to install my fingerprint reader under dapper.11:38
styleMy first problem is that i cant find the pam and pam-devel packet. does anyone know where/how to get them?11:38
xantianhallo einer hier?11:38
POVaddctxantian: english please11:38
dburgerhaving problem doing an apt-get install sun-java5-jdk as per instructions here http://wiki.serios.net/wiki/Ubuntu_Java_JRE/JDK_installation11:38
HXGI installed SCIM and I can't run xchat now11:38
stylehallo xantian11:38
TTilusHXG: what makes you think starting xChat fails due to SCIM being on?11:38
xantiani need the filename to remove packagenames from the file self11:38
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:38
HXGTTilus: wait a sec11:39
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dburgernot sure what I need to do, uncommented multiverse in sources.list, did update and still can't find sun-java???11:39
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xantianch kann pakete nicht mehr entfernen gal ob ich purge force oder sonstiges benutzees gibt eine datei wo ich diese mauel aus der liste austrage nur weis ich nicht mehr wie oder wo die dei ist11:39
HXGroot@HXG:/usr/share# xchat11:39
HXGLaunching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...11:39
HXGSegmentation fault11:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:39
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Healotscim is still compiled with --enable-debug ?11:40
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TTilusHXG: did you install scim from packages?11:40
AnonyIs there any sort of autoscrolling for command line?11:40
AnonyLike man, only you can set scroll speed?11:41
HackerXttilus, how do i know what to apt-get for each pack on the site?11:41
TTilusAnony: "autoscrolling"? what the heck is that?11:41
xoredHello guys. Iam using proftpd and somehow, sometime the login ist just not wokring suddenly. It just randomly says "incorrect password" or similar, the debug output for this is : http://channels.debian.net/paste/3057 .. the config is http://channels.debian.net/paste/3058 . Thank you11:41
TTilusHackerX: ?!  i did not understand that one...11:41
AnonyTTilus, Where you set the speed, usually in line/time measure , and the text moves automatically11:41
TTilusAnony: what would you do with one?11:42
HackerXttilus nvm i got it11:42
AnonyTTilus, Read a book while in bed on my laptop.11:42
AnonyTTilus, lazier and lazier.11:42
TTilusAnony: and 'less' would be to laborious?11:42
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AnonyTTilus, indeed.11:43
AnonyI wonder if less has an autoscroll feature11:43
TTilusAnony: no, it does not11:43
yangoxored, isn't that you just randomly mistype the password? :P11:43
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TTilusAnony: why don't you just awk your own?11:44
xoredyango: no11:44
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AnonyTTilus, I dont know how to use awk11:44
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:45
HXGTTilus: yes, from packages11:45
AnonyTTilus, to be honest I have only heard the name.11:45
TTilusHXG: does uninstalling (or purging) scim help?11:45
TTilusHXG: have you checked scim (or xchat) bugs to see if that is a known issue?11:46
avisi was wondering if i could get some feedback on a video card to replace the one in this machine.  it seems it wont allow my monitor to run at 1280 x 1024 @ 76Hz which is what the manual says it should be refeshing at that resolution.  the current video card is a FX5200 nvidia card agp 8x.  i would like to replace it with a slightly higher end video card that might give me the clarity and refresh i need.  i've tried dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:46
avisand i've adjusted the HorizSync and the VertRefresh for my monitor in xorg.conf.  can anyone point me to a better nvidia card that might have the guts for focus/clarity and not cost an arm ?11:46
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yangolots of cards can do 1280x1024...  and why does it have to be nvidia?11:49
TTilusAnony: would this do the job for you?  $ cat yourbook.txt | awk '{ system("sleep 1s"); print }'11:49
AnonyTTilus, cool thanks!11:50
Kilopopocant seem to install my geforce2 gts card11:50
Healotmine an intel i810 with 1280x102411:50
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jimcooncatanyone here run webhttrack?11:50
ruxpindo you know some repositories that have dev code? I need gconf-2.611:50
cntbin ubuntu remote desktop (vnc) chat and file transfer not supoprted how to fix11:50
TTilusAnony: you have to put it in background (ctrl-z) and kill if you want to stop11:50
cntbIneed this to support my customers11:50
TTilusAnony: adjust sleep time to meet your needs11:51
ruxpingnome-2.16 would be nice too. is it on any repositories yet?11:51
AnonyTTilus, It seems to be working fine, how do I put it in the background?11:51
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TTilusAnony: press ctrl-z11:52
cntbxvid decoder anyone?11:52
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
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ompaulzenwhen, got a moment?11:52
AnonyTTilus, What is the advantage of that?11:53
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AnonyTTilus this is awesome, thanks11:54
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fabozciao a tutti11:55
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Healotpansu- pansu-12:01
serge_I'm using Xfce 4.2 and I'm wondering how to upgrade my Ubuntu to 6.06. I've noticed there's no graphical tool, and the "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" commands do nothing that resembles upgrading my distro. any ideas?12:01
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JavaChiphey all12:03
narfmasterserge_, you may need to do a clean install on xubuntu12:03
KenSentMeJavaChip: hi12:03
_Hug[o] _How can I revert a package to its previous version?12:03
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serge_narfmaster, and how do I do that please?12:03
WhiteNInjahello... just tried ubuntu(dapper)... set up a samba-network... it worked.. but now using the network-browser it comes always the message... network-dir cant be displayed... what is wrong?12:03
JavaChipjust wanted to thank the channel, I got my wifi working finally12:03
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narfmasterserge_, first you back up your data...12:03
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depiHi all, does Listen audioplayer (http://listengnome.free.fr/) supports OGG file format? (or I which libraries I should download?)12:04
serge_is none, installed about 30mins ago.12:04
narfmasterserge_, then you boot the xubuntu desktop disc and install away :)12:04
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serge_no disk, I used the install ubuntu base system and then "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"12:04
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passbewhen a usb device is loaded with ubuntu, where does it look for the drivers ? path ?12:07
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narfmastera device needs to have an installed kernel module (the limit of my knowledge there)12:08
Healotit's in the kernel module12:08
Healotlsmod > you'll find ehci or ohci module thre12:08
passbeah k12:08
narfmasterinsmod something if you know where you just installed it12:09
narfmasterrmmod, etc. :)12:09
passbeim trying to install the xir driver, not sure if any of u know of it ?12:10
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kholerabbiHello - Dapper dose not give me the option to change the resolution higher than 1024x760 - I want to be able to change to 1280x1024 - I have tried editing xorg.conf but with no results - could someone help me please?12:12
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narfmasterxir is a web cam?12:12
narfmasterkholerabbi, do you know the monitor scanning frequencies?12:13
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DBOnarfmaster, you can (hopefully) get those by running sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange12:14
Healot        SubSection "Display"12:14
Healot                Depth           112:14
Healot                Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"12:14
Healot        EndSubSection12:14
whiteri did a server install and i tried to install xserver-xorg along with fluxbox... but when i type startx it doesnt seem to work12:14
rivermy son pressed ALT F4 in ubuntu and we now have what looks like a full screen ternimal session12:14
kholerabbinarfmaster: No-o I'm not even sure what that is12:15
riverhow do I exit this ?12:15
DBOkholerabbi, what is the output of sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange12:15
whiterit spits back some stuff about wacom and no fonts12:15
whiterriver... CTRL+ALT+Backspace12:15
narfmasterkholerabbi, you should look in your manual or try and Google it :)12:15
kholerabbihealot: I edited xorg.conf just like that, but doesn't work12:15
snoopsHealot obviously he won't use that one though, because a depth of 1.. is a bit ridiculous to say the least.. he'll want 2412:15
kholerabbiI will12:15
whiteranyone know how to get x going12:15
riverwhiter: thanx .. tried that .. does nothing12:15
whiterit says "could not open default font 'fixed'"12:16
Healotchange that to 2412:16
whiterriver, "startx" then12:16
kholerabbiDBO: absolutely nothing12:16
MrDuckriver, try alt+F612:16
narfmasterriver, you want to do ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to the desktop12:16
MrDuckok f712:16
riverwhiter: startex gets errors12:16
DBOkholerabbi, then you will need to google search for your monitors sync ranges12:16
riverwhiter: soz ... startx gets errors12:16
whiterhow are you on irc right now12:16
snoopswhat's the monitor kholerabbi?12:17
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riverwhiter: valid question ... another machine12:17
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whiterwhat does exit do12:17
kholerabbisnoops: CMV 21ms 19inch breezy supported 1280x1024 and so dose windows12:17
snoopsit's an lcd?12:18
riverwhiter: logs out and leaves me at a "login" prompt12:18
whiteri have a problem, i installed ubuntu via the "server" option with intent on installing x and fluxbox to keep it small and stuff... well i did all that but when i type "startx" x wont start12:18
kholerabbiYes, lcd12:18
whiterriver: login then12:18
eamohi, trying to install foo2zjs for hp2010 printer.  make - command not found in home directory12:18
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riverwhiter: k .. logged in12:19
narfmastereamo, you need to install build-essential12:19
kholerabbiQuite a nice monitor actualyl :)12:19
CheticWhat do I need to change in /etc/fstab to make regular users able to read from my NTFS partition?12:19
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whiternow try startx12:19
snoopskholerabbi cm-934d by chance for the model number?12:19
eamonarfmaster: Ok, presume it is on synaptic!12:20
narfmastereamo, yes12:20
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kholerabbisnoops: cm-922D12:20
riverwhiter: kids have clarified the prob ... they were in GIMP and held CTRL ALT F4 .. any idea how to return to nornal ?12:21
whiterhold on12:21
whiterlet me see12:21
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whiterx should just start back up with "startx"12:22
whiterfrom what i see that just brings up a terminal12:22
whiterbut restarting will probably do it12:22
stelkijust kill all previous instances of X12:22
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narfmasterriver, you want to do ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to the desktop12:22
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snoopsokay kholerabbi a horizontal scan rate of 22~82 KHz and a vertical scan rate of 50~76  Hz12:22
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whiteranyone know what i should do, i have xserver-xorg installed but when i type "startx" it errors out saying "could not open default font 'fixed"12:23
narfmasterkholerabbi, you want to look for "HorizSync" and "VertRefresh" now12:23
CheticWhat property do I need to add/change in /etc/fstab to make regular users able to read from my NTFS partition?12:23
narfmasterin the xorg.conf12:23
WhiteNInjaanyone has a clue why i am able to ping from a winbox my ubuntu-host but otherwise i cant see the win-box?12:23
stelkiChetic: umask=022212:24
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rivernarfmaster: legendary stuff .. many thanks for you help12:24
narfmasterriver, you're welcome12:24
johlinI have a problem with gdm (I think). Everytime I log out or restart gdm with ctrl-alt-backspace, the screen just turns black and the only thing I can do is turn off the cmputer manually. Why?12:24
snoopsfirewall on the windows box WhiteNInja?12:24
riverwhiter: thanks for  your help too12:24
WhiteNInjay.. but the whole range of the private-netrange is allowed12:24
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whiterdoes anyone know why x isnt starting12:25
CheticThank you so much stelki! Finally :D12:25
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snoopsWhiteNInja for giggles, try shutting down the windows firewall :)12:25
stelkiChetic: no prob, I had alot of trouble with that too12:25
Schalkenhow can i not only reinstall a package, but re-download it?12:25
kholerabbisnoops narfmaster: thanks - I'll restart and see if it worked12:25
Schalkeni have a feeling it was downloaded brocken12:25
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snoopsif not come right on back kholerabbi :)12:25
kholerabbiyep wildo thanks12:26
narfmasterSchalken, packages are md5 verified12:26
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whiter:( no one can help me12:26
lipnotizis there a way to install ndiswrapper to a ubuntu which doesn't have any internet access ?12:26
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narfmasterbut if you're feeling up to it, you can rm /var/cache/apt/archive*12:27
snoopsdid it ever start whiter?12:27
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WhiteNInjahm.. ok.. firewall is down @snoops... ping possible now.. but i cant access the shared folder anyways :-(12:27
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whiterkeeps telling me about fonts and stuff12:27
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snoopsWhiteNInja how are you trying to browse the shared folder?12:27
WhiteNInjaif i am using netbrowser.. the messages comes... dir cant be showed12:28
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whiterit errors out at Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'12:28
snoopswhiter did you do a fresh(clean) ubuntu dapper install or something else (if so what)?12:28
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whiterfresh clean ubuntu install12:28
whiterwith the server option at boot12:28
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narfmasterwhiter, you may need to install gdm12:28
snoopsoh umm whiter which version did you install?12:29
narfmasteri'm not sure Ubuntu will work without it12:29
snoopsthe server release which doesn't include x?12:29
whiterok installing gdm12:29
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whiterwell see the idea was i could make a minimal install without all the crap that slows down my computer12:30
whiterbut it isnt working out quite right yet12:30
eamonarfmaster: thanks - installed12:30
snoopsWhiteNInja okay.. umm try places>connect to server and setup the shared dir name etc along with passwords12:30
narfmastereamo, let us know if you get other errors :)12:31
kholerabbiThanks everyone!! It works--annnnndd I have a faster refresh rate than I had on breezy (the flickering was starting to annoy me) :)12:31
snoopskholerabbi cool bananas for future reference the site where I got that info was http://www.cws.net.au/cmv/cm926.htm12:31
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kholerabbisnoops: thanks I'll bookmark it :)?12:31
kholerabbiignore question mark12:32
whiterok tried it with gdm installed and that didnt work12:32
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narfmasterwhiter, so what happens?12:32
whitersame thing12:32
whiterstartx, screen flickers i see some stuff then it closes and tells me about the font stuff12:33
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whiteri would search for the problem myself but lynx isnt exactly great... and thats all i got12:33
snoopswhiter you may have to 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.. or apt-get install xubuntu-desktop or apt-get install kubuntu-desktop..12:33
Ngwhiter: if you want a lightweight desktop you could try xfce, in which case install xubuntu-desktop12:34
whiteri dont like xfce12:34
Ngwhiter: what kind of desktop do you want to end up with then?12:34
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WhiteNInjahm... strange... i did it before (but changed the win-ip meanwhile).. now it works this way.. but only if i am specifying the name of the shared folder @snoops12:34
Ngwhiter: in terms of font packages, a regular ubuntu install has xfonts-100dpi, xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-base, xfonts-scalable and xfonts-utils12:35
WhiteNInjahow i am able to delete this entries now, if i want to do it?12:35
Ngwhiter: I think -base will contain the fixed one you need, but the rest would be useful to have anyway12:35
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snoopsWhiteNInja the connect to server entry? you can remove it from your desktop12:35
snoopsright click..remove12:35
whiterwill try in a sec12:35
WhiteNInjaok... i see , the wrong one was "connected".. i had to disconnect it first12:36
WhiteNInjathx for helping...12:36
snoopswasn't really helping - windows firewalls seem to always lie about what ports they'll keep open12:37
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Hudson_Hhi,i've installed my nvdia drivers,i changed my conf.org,but i still have no vieuw on my second screen12:38
WhiteNInjait doesnt matter anymore.. just backed-up the win-box and wanted to save that backup-file on the linux-box.. now i am going to shut down win and try linux/bsd on the box.. clean install :-)12:38
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snoopsah cool12:38
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whiterhey, it worked!12:39
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whiterbrb on X12:39
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style<- message while compiling http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/2057/ <- messege when i try to start the compiled application.12:40
WhiteNInjadoes anybody know whether it is better to use aac-files on an ipod or mp3? both encoded on a linux-box?12:40
stylehttp://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/2056/  first link12:40
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narfmasterWhiteNInja, aac is higher quality12:41
RopechoborraHave this situation: My mom "copie these files to a disck", I mount the diskette i got, Error mounting... (try an other disck) Mount succesful, try to copy, ERROR copying... and she was in a hurry so i made it on windows :( ( troubleless)12:42
WhiteNInjaok... then i will install the aac-tools, too... i guess gtkpod can manage all files then, too12:42
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Cheticuhh.. how do I mount my digital camera?12:42
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:43
narfmasterstyle, that went way over my head :p12:43
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nismo`hasanafter editing the /etc/apt/sources.list and doing an "apt-get update" is it necessary to do a "aptitude update" if i use aptitude instead of apt-get?12:45
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narfmasternismo`hasan, it couldn't hurt12:46
Ropechoborranismo`hasan is aptitude the same as apt-get?12:46
narfmasteraptitude does have its own database iirc12:47
Ropechoborrawhat is it for?12:47
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narfmasteraptitude is like synaptic for the console12:47
RopechoborraIll try it12:47
narfmasterit's not bad :)12:48
Ropechoborrahow do i know if my videocard is installed? (and not a generic one)12:48
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l0xathi all i am sort of new 2 ubuntu12:49
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narfmasterl0xat, welcome :)12:50
whiterokay now that fluxbox is installed and working nicely12:50
Ropechoborral0xat hi :)12:50
whiterhow can i get it to use gtk2 instead of gtk1 that i think its currently using?12:50
compengii installed the eggdrop on my os but don't know how to run it12:51
CokeNCodeyeh good point, what IS the difference between apt-get install and aptitude install ?12:51
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l0xatthank all12:51
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compengii typed in the terminal eggdrop it said: Eggdrop v1.6.17 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2004 Eggheads12:51
compengi<compengi> [13:49]  --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.17 (Thu Jul  6 2006)12:51
compengi<compengi> [13:49]  * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)12:51
Ignite_CokeNCode, i have no idea, i just like aptitude for its "show" ability :)12:51
CokeNCodeIgnite_, ok, hmmmm12:51
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CokeNCodeeggdrop, i remember that term from my Mirc windows "hacking" days ...12:52
CokeNCode!tell CokeNCode about eggdrop12:52
ubotuI know nothing about eggdrop12:52
l0xati want  to install aMule and got the .deb file but dont know how to proceed12:52
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CokeNCodeubotu, we're in the same boat then :S12:52
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)12:52
ubotuI know nothing about we're in the same boat then :S12:52
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narfmasterin a terminal, that would be "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"12:53
whiternarfmaster would you happen to know how to make ubuntu use gtk2 instead of gtk112:53
narfmasterwhiter, i have no idea :/12:53
nismo`hasananyone running initNG on dapper?12:53
narfmasteri just use Gnome12:53
whiter:( im sorry12:54
narfmasterwhiter, no problem :)12:54
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CokeNCodeanyhow guys, time for work, i'll be back in a bit12:54
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narfmasterthe latest XFCE is nice with GTK though12:55
narfmasterprobably not quite as lightweight as fluxbox12:55
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narfmasterbut definitely a lot lighter than Gnome12:56
RopechoborraGot any idea why is so difficult to copy some files into floppy ?? =S (the errors wont let me, and in windows i made it with 2 clicks :S)12:56
gore_guys I'm having a strange problem12:56
gore_when I try to add the workspace switcher to one of my gnome panels12:57
narfmasterRopechoborra, what errors are you getting?12:57
Ropechoborranarfmaster waitme12:57
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l0xatwhen i doubleclick the deb file they are opened by the file roller12:57
gore_it works just fine but, it will only display the current workspace, and when I try and change the preferences it gives me and error12:57
Frogzoo!enter > gore_12:57
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Frogzoogore_: how many workspaces u got defined?12:58
narfmasterl0xat, you should right-click and try "Open with"12:58
gore_I have 512:58
Ropechoborranarfmaster is in spanish... know how can i translate it?12:58
gore_it works fine on one of my panels, but doesn't work on any other12:58
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narfmasterRopechoborra, i might get the gist :)12:58
gore_I mean it works like I said before but only will give me the option to show my current workspace12:59
kenasi ve got a file *.tgz and i would like to know how to install it12:59
kenasits cedega12:59
Ropechoborramount: tipo de sistema de ficheros incorrecto, opcin incorrecta, superbloque incorrecto en /dev/fd0, falta la pgina de cdigos, en algunos casos se encuentra informacin en syslog, pruebe dmesg | tail   o algo parecido12:59
kenasand i cant find it in any repository12:59
l0xatwhat shall iuse to open with12:59
gore_tar -zxvf  whatev.tgz12:59
gore_cd whatev12:59
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kenasgore thankx12:59
narfmasterRopechoborra, that looks serious12:59
gore_make | make install | make clean01:00
Ropechoborrathat was like mount: wrong file system, wrong option, etc01:00
Ropechoborranarfmaster ok, it could be the disc... but i change it and..01:00
Ropechoborrai can mount it01:00
Ropechoborrawhen i trie to copy some files01:00
Frogzoogore_: can only suggest you try deleting the panel & trying again01:01
RopechoborraError Parmetros no vlidos al copiar file:///home...%202002.d01:01
gore_yah I've thought of doing that Frogzoo but I'm worried I wont be able to get it back, and that will be fruitless01:01
narfmasterRopechoborra, try changing the file name to something simple01:01
l0xatnarfmaster, what file shall use to open with01:01
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narfmasterl0xat, you want to Open with gDebi01:02
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Ropechoborranarfmaster lol... it worked01:02
Ropechoborraty ! :)01:02
Frogzoogore_: create a new panel & set it up b4 deleting the old one01:02
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Ropechoborrabut... why is that??01:02
narfmasterRopechoborra, good :)01:02
gore_.. yah I've done that01:02
gore_oh well01:02
gore_its an obscure problem01:02
narfmasterRopechoborra, the file system is limited in that fashion apparently01:02
whymehay there - does anyone have experience with nForce4 onboard 5.1 surround? I got stereo working, but I'd like the full setup, if poss01:02
RopechoborraI would like the same to my video card (i think its not fully functional)01:03
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Frogzoogore_: is the switcher space constrained so it couldn't expand if necessary?01:04
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gore_Failed: Failed: Schema `/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs/display_all_workspaces' specified for `/apps/panel/applets/applet_8/prefs/display_all_workspaces' stores a non-schema value01:05
gore_tahts the error message I get when I add the applet to another panel and try to go into the properties01:05
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mp3guyhow long should it take E17 to compile from CVS?01:06
Frogzoomp3guy: on a 386 ?01:07
Ropechoborrasome ScanDisk for diskettes?01:07
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Frogzoomp3guy: 10 mins +- 501:07
kenasgore i have done the first step01:07
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kenasand now i have 3 directories01:07
kenasbut ./configure01:08
kenasdoesnt work01:08
mp3guyFrogzoo: You sure? Its been going that long and is only on 8/5501:08
gore_what are the three directories01:08
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Frogzoomp3guy: you swapping badly?01:08
J_1hi all01:08
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Frogzoomp3guy: vmstat 501:09
mp3guyFrogzoo: No, 768MB ram, and only 61% used01:09
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narfmasterkenas, you might look at this: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS01:09
Frogzoomp3guy: 500MHz cpu ?01:10
mp3guyFrogzoo: 2.41GHz01:10
gore_thanks narf I was lookign for somethign like that01:10
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Frogzoomp3guy: does vmstat 5 show procs in the 'b' column?01:11
sammencan i install ubuntu on an external USB HD?01:11
l0xatnarfmaster, i cant locate gDebi01:11
Ropechoborrasome ScanDisk for diskettes?01:11
mp3guyFrogzoo: Everything is 0 in the b column01:11
narfmasterl0xat, use the terminal "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"01:12
Flannelsammen: yes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation01:12
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Frogzoomp3guy: crikey, what a monster, that's huge01:12
ubotuI know nothing about surround01:12
ubotuI know nothing about audio01:13
mp3guyFrogzoo: Whats huge?01:13
Frogzoomp3guy: your compile01:13
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems01:13
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Frogzoomp3guy: even wine only takes about an hour01:13
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arunhi.. can anyone help me: is there a simple(preferablly GUI program) of using an infrared device to transfer data to/from my Nokia01:14
gore_wow wine is pretty impressive01:14
Frogzoogore_: yes indeed01:14
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mp3guyFrogzoo: The cvs folder is 197mb01:15
gore_I just ran warcraft and quake3 from wine, they both ran not well but they ran, couldn't log into wow though01:15
kenasgore the three directories are /etc /opt /usr01:15
gore_sorry kenas  thats a weird setup01:16
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gore_you're best bet would be to look for an INSTALL file that tells you how to install it01:16
gore_or go to the cedega website and look for a install howto01:16
kenasok i will01:16
Frogzoomp3guy: just to compare - wine = 400meg01:16
kenasbut wht do u mean by weird ?01:16
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gore_well nothing is weird about it rather, I'm just unfamiliar with that setup01:17
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Frogzoogore_: check the wow wiki - you need to tweak a couple of things01:17
sammendoes anyone know right away if the "alternate" iso works like a live cd too?01:17
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pppoe_dudesammen: it doesnt01:17
gore_oh yeah?, I wasn't really sweating it because I dont really play it01:17
gore_but its cool to know I can get it to work01:18
sammenpppoe_dude hmm ok thanks01:18
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sammenwasting a lot of CDs on live cds and boot cds lately :)01:21
passbeok, if anyone can give me some serious help on how to get an xbox dvd dongle /  remote working with lirc, it would be much apreciated01:22
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purplehi everyone01:22
purpleone question01:22
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purplehow can i erase desktop icons?01:22
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:23
purplehome folder icon and trash icon as well?01:23
watson540!info fxruby01:23
ubotuPackage fxruby does not exist in dapper01:23
watson540!info libfox-ruby01:23
ubotuPackage libfox-ruby does not exist in dapper01:23
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Healot!find libfox01:24
ubotuFound: libfox1.2-dev, libfox1.2-doc, libfox1.2c2, libfox1.4, libfox1.4-dev (and 1 others)01:24
ompaulpurple, right click move to trash -- right click on trash and delete contents or right click delete01:24
purplei dont get "delete" in icon context menu01:25
watson540yeah this stupid FXRuby is giving me a helluva headache man01:25
watson540not in repos I installed libfox* and still cant install it01:25
narfmasterpurple, open Configuration Editor and go to "/apps/nautilus/desktop/home_icon_visible"01:25
HealotHold Shift key to directly delete the icon while select Move To Trash menu01:25
narfmastererr "/apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible"01:25
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watson540anyoione here know how to install FXRuby?01:27
purplethnxx narfmaster01:27
purpledoes this command delete icons or just hide'em?01:27
narfmasterpurple, it just hides the icons01:28
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gore_is there a file that contains all the options for gconf-editor01:32
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ubotuI know nothing about gconf-editor01:33
rixthgore_, I believe gconf-editor is just an interface to many different files. Don't call me on that, though.01:34
narfmastergore_, i think gconf just navigates to ~/.gconf01:34
gore_yah its definitely a database01:34
gore_thanks narf I'll start diggin through that01:34
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watson540bah i despise ruby and it can burn in hell and anyone who uses it too01:35
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watson540itds junk and broken01:36
narfmasterwatson540, it looks like you will have to build from source01:37
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watson540ive done everything i can01:37
watson540i tried installing fxruby from source, throuigh ruby gems, everything01:37
watson540its all broken01:37
watson540all for one lousy prgram that prbably isnt worth muy time anyway01:38
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narfmasterheh, do perl scripting :)01:38
watson540i wish, i could then make a scrip[t for irssi and be done with it01:38
watson540all i wanted was something to download my tv episodes via xdcc one by one , thats all..01:39
watson540just wanted it to send a ctcp xdcc get command then when that file finished, for the program to send for the next file..01:39
narfmasterirc bot?01:39
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watson540instead of sitting there and downloading 20 rars at a time ya know..01:39
narfmasteri think xchat can do perl scripts01:39
watson540yeah i can only q one file at a time on the bot but you nee dlike 20 files to make 1 tv episode01:40
watson540i found a similar script for xchat although it seemed to sit there and do nothinging01:40
watson540I found this cool looking program called xdcc fethcher or something but it requires all this ruby junk and it dont work01:40
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nismo`hasandidnt work :@01:40
watson540its tyhe closest thing ive foiund to what i need, of cours if i could figure out this /wait command in irssi i would probably be ok also :)01:41
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matteoAnyone here use beagle with the firefox extension?01:41
pianoboy3333What program can burn flac audio files?01:41
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Healotas files or as Audio CD?01:41
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pianoboy3333Healot: audio01:41
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IRCMonkeyxhi people i installed my first linux, but i am so suprised, everything is different.......01:43
IRCMonkeyxno exe??01:43
orbinpianoboy3333: rhythmbox can't?01:43
pianoboy3333hmmm... lemme check01:43
IRCMonkeyxand how will install my drivers?? from where01:44
orbinIRCMonkeyx: so you worked out the partitioning stuff? :)01:44
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narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, use "Add/Remove..."01:44
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IRCMonkeyxyes orbin:) it was swap problem:)01:44
orbinIRCMonkeyx: you really only need to worry about drivers when stuff doesn't work.01:44
kkmanI have a nasty networking problem01:45
IRCMonkeyxorbin what about usb modem? is it problem01:45
IRCMonkeyxnarf master , there is no add remove01:45
orbinIRCMonkeyx: well does it work?01:45
kkmanI have a pcmcia wifi card from Microsoft (MN-720) and i Use ndiswrapper and windows driver (not microsoft's but someone else's)01:45
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kkmanMy problem is that every now and then the laptop (ubuntu of course) looses connectivity01:46
kkmani can't ping from it anywhere01:46
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IRCMonkeyxorbin ,yes it works, but now i am on xp, cause  i dont know how to connect to internet from ubuntu01:46
kkmancould anyone assist me ?01:46
kkmanplease :)01:46
orbinIRCMonkeyx: is this dialup or broadband?01:46
narfmasterkkman, did you try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"?01:47
IRCMonkeyxorbin, it is adsl, usb pikatel modem01:47
kkmannarfmaster: ahh yes. then the network works again! but the problem is that it is a server that i connect from work ... icant restart networking from remote :)01:47
narfmasterwifi on a work server? :p01:48
kkmannarfmaster: not a "server" server ... just a small svn of my stuff :)01:48
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narfmasterokay, just thought it was rather strange01:49
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whiteranyone know what the app is called that handles the themes?01:49
IRCMonkeyxand what do we use instead of exe? how do we run programs? not by double clicking? and sudo thing etc by commands .. i think i will be hanged in ubuntu sea:D01:49
kkmannarfmaster: any suggestions?01:49
kkmannarfmaster: any logs i can look at? options to set?01:50
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kkmannarfmaster: how do i 'debug' this?01:50
narfmasterkkman, that's a doozy of a problem01:50
LordElphanyone know what "run-init: /sbin/init: error 80" means during boot? right after that I get "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" and that's it. This is a fresh 6.06 Server install.01:51
gore_whats the best way to search for a file, that doesn't ignore .whatever folders?01:51
thenukeIRCMonkeyx: you run the programs like doubleclicking the icon of it, choosing and clicking it from the menus, typing the name of it in console.. etc..01:51
kkmannarfmaster: nevertheless... any suspects? the wifi driver maybe?01:51
narfmasterkkman, absolutely01:51
orbinIRCMonkeyx: i say just plug it in, reboot and then maybe look here for adsl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE01:52
narfmasterkkman, another suspect is the hardware of course01:52
bogahas anyone been able to get cnn video playing in Ubuntu?01:52
kkmannarfmaster: is there any generic driver i can use?01:52
narfmasterkkman, plus you might have some interference from other devices in the area01:52
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orbingore_: i think locate finds hiddens01:52
IRCMonkeyxorbin: it is plugged already, thanx for the link01:52
kkmannarfmaster: then why should network restart fix it?01:53
narfmasterkkman, just my experience in the matter01:53
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narfmasterit works, don't knock it ;)01:53
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gore_I dont believe it does orbin01:53
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BrianB04Heylo all.01:54
orbingore_: i'm pretty sure it does.  it found .bashrc01:54
orbingore_: and it also found my .vux directory01:54
watson540ok can someone help ,me here? i might have figured my problem here , im missing the 'mkmf' command, what pkg is that in?01:55
orbingore_: do a sudo updatedb maybe01:55
BrianB04Gotta question for you guys: I have an ATI 1600 in my system. Now, after having messed with SuSe, and getting abysmal FPS with the ATI driver, anyone here have an ATI card, and can tell me how well the driver works within Ubuntu?01:55
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orbinwatson540: packages.ubuntu.com has a file search feature, or you can use apt-file01:55
POVaddctorbin: locate finds dotfiles like .bashrc, but it doesn't find files in not world-readable directories01:55
panzarcan't find any info about this. what's the difference between the "deb" repos and the "deb-src" repos in the repos-file?01:56
POVaddctorbin: the find process for locate usually runs as user nobody01:56
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orbinPOVaddct: oh. i see.01:56
orbinpanzar: deb-src has the source code. deb has the binaries01:57
shachafBrianB04: Well, after some work, I'm using a Radeon X200M (though I have to recompile the module with every kernel update).01:57
panzarorbin, ok thanks01:57
whiterwhats the gnome application that handles the themes01:57
whiterwhats the executable called01:57
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orbinshachaf: the official driver?  i tried installing that and i broke apt01:59
brahminhi there01:59
brahminneed a little help01:59
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shachaforbin: The one from ATI's website.01:59
watson540yes that doesnt help, but i know a real guru out thee knows what 'mkmf' does and how i can get it, can anyone help?01:59
brahminIm using old 200mhz pentium as a wifi router02:00
shachafwatson540: Is that Ruby?02:00
narfmasterwatson540, imake has xmkmf02:00
shachafwatson540: ruby1.8-dev has mkmf.rb02:00
watson540yes is ruby shachaf02:00
brahminand need to compile drivers for wifi card with rt61 chipset, but when I try to I get some errors02:00
watson540thanks ill try.02:00
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narfmasterbrahmin, what are the errors?02:01
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brahminnot sure, just a mmnt...02:02
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IRCMonkeyxorbin: i read all document, but shouldnt i install its driver before? could you tell me the way to install drivers? because when i put driver cd's nothing happens, and i dont know where device manager is, to load manually02:03
brahminim quite a newbie and dont know if i need kernel sources if I would like to compile driver02:03
narfmasterbrahmin, compiling kernel modules only requires the kernel headers02:04
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BladesonfireDoes anyone know how to change my keyboard layout through the command line?02:05
brahminnarfmaster, and where can I get them...02:05
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narfmasterbrahmin, install "linux-headers-386"02:05
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IRCMonkeyxwget -c http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/scanModem.gz02:07
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brahminnarfmaster, I get this error> root@xian:~/wifi/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.4.0/Module# make all02:07
brahmincc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno- strict-aliasing -fno-common -pipe -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 -DMOD ULE -DMODVERSIONS -include /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include/linux/modversions.h - DAGGREGATION_SUPPORT -DWMM_SUPPORT -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -c -o rtmp_main.o rtmp_main.c02:07
brahmin<command line>:138387449:41024: /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include/linux/modversion s.h: No such file or directory02:07
brahminmake: *** [rtmp_main.o]  Error 102:07
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narfmasterlinux 2.4?02:08
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orbinIRCMonkeyx: i should defer to someone else.  i'm on cable+ethernet. not sure i can walk you through sorry02:08
brahminnarfmaster, yes02:08
kay2is there a package to install so I get gcc/make/ all the dev tools ?02:08
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narfmasterUbuntu has 2.4 but it's 2.4.2702:09
IRCMonkeyxorbin: thank you  :) let me try some02:09
narfmasterbut i suspect that you really want 2.6 headers02:09
orbinkay2: build-essentail02:09
watson5401hey thankks for the mkmf tip man whoever helped me, unfortunately something in latest cvs xgl caused a hard lock before i could finish typing my thanks02:10
watson5401i been messing with this ruby crap all  nbight and i wanna go to bed !02:10
brahminnarfmaster, im using wifilinux distribution on the router...02:10
narfmasterbrahmin, ah okay :)02:10
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Frogzookay2: build-essential02:11
brahminnarfmaster, ubuntu is nice but too big02:11
narfmasterbrahmin, then you need to install the "kernel-devel" or whatever its called02:11
kay2Frogzoo: thx02:11
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PolkadotshortsCan someone please help my with MySQL?02:12
brahminnarfmaster, kernel-source-2.4.31-noarch-4mp.tgz?02:12
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PolkadotshortsI ahve been following this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_MYSQL_Database_Server02:13
watson5401unfortunately for me it did jack squat for the big picture so it turns out i just wasted 4 hours on ruby just for a program to not work anyway ( as i figured)02:13
narfmasterbrahmin, there's no kernel-devel-2.4.31?02:13
PolkadotshortsHowever, I have a problem with this part: "MySQL comes with no root password as default. This is a huge security risk. You'll need to set one. So that the local computer gets root access as well, you'll need to set a password for that too. The local-machine-name is the name of the computer you're working on."02:13
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narfmasterbrahmin, didn't you need 2.4.18?02:13
BladesonfireDoes anyone know how to change my keyboard layout through the command line? I installed Xgl and it screws it up. Fixed when using gnome-keyboard-properties, but I want this automated when my session starts02:14
PolkadotshortsWhen i do all that, i get this: andre@andre-desktop:~$ mysqladmin -u root password 8512002:14
Polkadotshortsmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed02:14
Polkadotshortserror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'02:14
brahminnarfmaster, ill look on the dist CD..02:14
jribPolkadotshorts: you set that password?02:14
PolkadotshortsYes. I did.02:15
mathieuhi, i reinstalled my laptop that had wireless out-of-the-box (breezy, upgraded to dapper). Now i've reinstalled dapper. After a reboot it doesn't find ath0 anymore: "ath0: error fetching interface information: Device not found". Where should I look?02:15
brahminnarfmaster, when I type kernelversion I get just 2.4... is there any other way how to get more specific number?02:15
PolkadotshortsAt least, i am trying to02:15
jribPolkadotshorts: do this: mysql -u root -p02:15
narfmasterbrahmin, try "uname -r"02:15
PolkadotshortsWelcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.02:15
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PolkadotshortsYour MySQL connection id is 10 to server version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06-log02:15
PolkadotshortsType 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.02:15
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PolkadotshortsI get that02:15
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PolkadotshortsI did type in my pass when it asked.02:15
brahminnarfmaster, I just found this kernel-headers-2.4.31-i386-1.tgz02:16
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narfmasterbrahmin, that sounds promising02:16
jribPolkadotshorts: exit out of there, and run it like this: mysql -u root, if that doesn't work then you are all set02:16
brahminnarfmaster, my kernel ver is 2.4.3102:17
narfmasterbrahmin, good02:17
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PolkadotshortsIt didn't work. i get this: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)02:17
PolkadotshortsSo, is that good?02:17
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jribPolkadotshorts: yep02:18
azcazandcohey folks02:18
azcazandcohow you all doing?02:18
Polkadotshortsok, but now...02:18
Polkadotshortsone problem02:18
brahminnarfmaster, I installed the package02:18
PolkadotshortsHOW do I log into my phpmyadmin now?02:18
brahminnarfmaster, now Im trying to compile02:19
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PolkadotshortsI am on the login screen on phpmyadmin02:19
richeefolks I am getting this dependency checking for LIBXML2... yes02:19
richeechecking for GLIB2... yes02:19
richeechecking for CSPI_1_0... configure: error: Package requirements (cspi-1.0 >= 1.2.0) were not met:02:19
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PolkadotshortsI try to enter my username (which I am sure must probably be my username which i use to log in on the computer02:19
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richeeI install ucspi-unix and proxy but did not solve the problem02:19
PolkadotshortsGot it. Username was root02:20
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brahminnarfmaster, the same error02:21
brahminnarfmaster, wrong makefile?02:21
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brahminnarfmaster, what do you think?02:22
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narfmasterbrahmin, maybe you need to run configure02:23
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narfmasterif it has configure02:23
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kenashow can i see hidden folders ?02:25
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narfmasterkenas, press ctrl+h02:25
brahminnarfmaster, make config02:25
brahminmake: ./Configure: Command not found02:25
brahminmake: *** [config]  Error 12702:25
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narfmasterbrahmin, yeah i thought it might not have a configure02:26
Curtis_Hillamn00b question here but how do i log in as root from the login screen?02:26
orbinkenas: ls -a02:26
orbinkenas: or ctrl+h in nautilus02:26
narfmasterbrahmin, you may need to do a search for a forum or mailing list on how to fix that02:26
kenasthnkx rbin02:26
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kenasorbin thnkx02:27
ompaulCurtis_Hillam, you don't you use sudo when you want to do something that root does, what is it you want to do?02:27
NameeaterCurtis_Hillam: its a really bad idea to do it02:27
ompaul!rootsudo> Curtis_Hillam02:27
brahminnarfmaster, ok.. thx a lot for your timw02:27
ompaulCurtis_Hillam, the channel bot has just sent you a url in a pm good idea to read it02:28
narfmasterbrahmin, no problem02:28
Curtis_Hillami wantted to use synaptic but it says im not logged in as root so can only read only02:28
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Curtis_Hillamok thank you02:28
ompaulCurtis_Hillam, when you try to use synaptic - Give it your password02:28
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ompaulCurtis_Hillam, that will allow the program to run02:29
samu2hmm, i dont think i will be able to install anything on this usb hd. seems the usb on this pc is really strange. sometimes stuff works, sometimes not.02:30
Curtis_Hillamok thank you02:30
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Schalkenmy lcd monitor has an ambient blue glow, like its black point it up in the gray area. anyone had this problem?02:33
Schalken(not a ubuntu question specifically, but still...)02:33
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stefgbad wiring?02:34
Peciskanyone can suggest goot CPU tepmerature app/applet for GNOME02:34
gore_whats the hotkey to switch workspaces02:34
Teejay_wpI'm just wondering if the etc/fstab file I have has the proper settings. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1733302:34
orbinPecisk: gkrellm's good enough for me02:34
finalbetaYeah, I need something like speedfan, but for linux02:34
gore_I thought it was ctrl+alt+tab02:34
phibxrgore_, ctrl+alt+<arrow>02:34
bimberigore_: ctrl-alt-left or right arrow02:34
spaceyPecisk: i got: http://computertemp.berlios.de/02:35
orbinPecisk: oh, applet...02:35
POVaddctPecisk: gkrellm. it's not a gnome tool, but it's cool.02:35
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gore_I'm so frustrated. I can't get my workspace switcher applet to display more than my current workspace because sometign in the gconf prefs is fubar'd02:36
JoaoJoaoI'm building a backup server using Ubuntu, which backup software would you people recommend for me to try?02:37
HBuzacottgore_, /schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs02:37
HBuzacottgore_, in gconf02:37
gore_yah, when I try to edit the preference, it yells at me that one of the values is now bolean or somethign or other, and I can't change it02:38
HBuzacottgore_, but you could open the context menu on the workspacewitch and select prefs.02:38
=== johnnyX [n=johnny@dsl-208-98-137-236.fmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXcan someone help me with a dvd playback problem02:39
johnnyXi've installed all the codecs and i still cant get it to play dvd's02:39
gore_if gives me the error when I try to edit it through gconf-editor, and when I just add it to my panel and go to its preferences02:39
johnnyXand now it wont even mount them02:39
gore_if = it02:39
richeeconfigure: creating ./config.status02:39
richeeconfig.status: creating src/Makefile02:39
richeeconfig.status: creating python/Makefile02:39
richeeconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in02:39
richeeWhich package do I need to install02:39
|rt|JoaoJoao: take a look at bacula02:40
=== stefan_ [n=stefan@st825a02.cs.fh-aargau.ch] has joined #ubuntu
stefan_hi all02:40
stefan_anyone may help me with a NFS-question? there seems to be no channel for that...02:40
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HBuzacottgore_, goto /schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs and 'unset' display_all_workspaces02:41
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Schalkenstefg: none of the pins are bent, i can tell you that much. i dont think its the wiring.02:41
gore_through gcon-editor?02:41
narfmasterjohnnyX, DVDs with copy-protection won't play without the libdvdcss2 installed02:41
HBuzacottgore_, yes02:41
=== WooD [n=rdltech@Toronto-HSE-ppp3751566.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
telemacoanyone is on edge ? how stable is ?02:41
FrogzoojohnnyX: you installed libdvdcss202:42
johnnyXnarfmaster, no dvd's will play02:42
gore_thanks a bunch HBuzacott, I dont know why I didn't try that02:42
johnnyXand they played with my last installation02:42
loveddmperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C")         what's this sentence mean?02:42
johnnyXyes Frogzoo02:42
loveddmwhat's that mean02:42
FrogzoojohnnyX: u using totem ?02:42
johnnyXtotem, gxine , xine , vlc , mplayer02:43
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johnnyXnone work02:43
=== Barkley [n=Barkley@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nameeateryou need to install totem-xine02:44
johnnyXi have02:45
=== Nekein [i=Bury@197.Red-80-33-122.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu []
johnnyXhow do i fix the dvd problem02:45
FrogzoojohnnyX: totem won't work - but gxine will - just set the path to /dev/dvdrom02:45
Barkleyso when you have mult disks on a machine /dev/sda1 hda1/2/3 etc  where do most people mount these on the system?  as in, is there a standard place like /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 that people use?02:45
Barkleyfor hard drives i mean02:45
NameeaterjohnnyX: have you tried rebooting? :o02:45
johnnyXFrogzoo, xine doesnt work02:45
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johnnyXum yes02:45
Nameeaterbugger :(02:45
narfmasterBarkley, usually in the /media folder02:45
Paladinejohnny, do you have libdvdcss2 installed?02:46
ubotuI know nothing about libxine-extracodecs02:46
Healot!info libxine-extracodecs02:46
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB02:46
PaladineI had issues with dvds I had to reinstall libdvdcss202:46
Barkleynarfmaster ah media ok.  is there a standard naming convention that most people follow?02:46
FrogzoojohnnyX: use gxine & configure dvd path as /dev/dvd02:46
narfmasterBarkley, usually hd/sd# for harddrives or cdrom# for CD/DVD drives02:47
johnnyXi have Frogzoo02:47
johnnyXthats not the problem02:47
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johnnyXit doesnt mount dvds02:47
johnnyXmanually or otherwise02:47
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Barkleynarfmaster ok got it, perfect...understood. thnx02:48
narfmasterBarkley, you're welcome02:48
=== lowfi [n=lowfi@chello080109033167.14.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
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wildmanusing dapper x86_64 here (gnome), with konversation, OSD is active, but not working, any ideas?02:50
azcazandcocan anyone tell me how to drag stuff between desktops in GNOME?02:50
narfmasterazcazandco, drag in the switcher02:51
orbinheh, didn't know that02:51
Tomcat_Didn't know that either... :)02:51
narfmasterit is nice :)02:51
Tomcat_I knew you could drag windows there... but content? Wow. :O02:51
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PupenoWhy are info sections of basic things that I have installed, just as gprof, missing ? I have the man page but the info is missing ? Maybe there's some package containing them ? I can't find it.02:51
jpjacobsor control-alt-shift-arrow02:52
Ngif you make the top panel 25 pixels tall instead of 24 you get little icons in the larger windows in it too :)02:52
azcazandcoI tell you something for nothing, I need to find a good get up to speed with the gimp tutorial02:52
azcazandcoi have been using photoshop for years and am lost02:52
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@] has left #ubuntu ["http://pupeno.com"]
wildmanazcazandco: aren't tutorials on GIMP site good enoguh? (www.gimp.org, look for Tutorials link)02:53
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Barkleynarfmaster why are cdrom and floppy symlinked in that directory?  and do i need to precreate the directories using the device names in media before mounting?02:53
=== Cass853 [n=Cass@cassnet.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Barkleyi'm assuming the disk manager in ubuntu modifies fstab permanently or no?02:54
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narfmasterBarkley, i don't know about the symlinks but i don't think you need to make the folders for the devices02:54
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sobersabrehi guys, I am trying to help somebody with ndiswrapper. he states the card connects and then disconnects at random. need help to characterize this thing...  I am using ipw2200 card, with no problems AT all.02:54
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narfmasterthen again, i could be wrong :p02:56
Frogzooazcazandco: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/02:56
azcazandcothanks Frogzoo02:56
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wildmanusing dapper x86_64 here (gnome), with konversation, OSD is active, but not working, any ideas? (not working = I don't see OSD when someone writes me a message even if that option is active in konversation settings)02:57
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BarkleyDo you have to make the physical directory for the mount point before mounting?  As in sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -t ntfs -o umask=0222 <----- does /media/sdb1 have to already exist?02:58
technelIf I want to completely uninstall a package can I use "apt-get --purge remove azureus"?02:58
technelto delete config files and all02:58
=== Mistero83 [i=KiKkO2@host107-27.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
pppoe_dudetechnel: yes02:59
Mistero83ciao a tutti02:59
technelpppoe_dude, And that deletes *everything*?02:59
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rajkhey everyone, i just recompiled a new kernel on 5.10 and ive lost sound. i had it with the kernel packaged with the distro. i have intel onboard sound.. any help?02:59
narfmasterBarkley, yes i think so02:59
narfmasterBarkley, make sure you sudo chmod 755 /media/sdb103:00
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pppoe_dudetechnel: yes03:00
orbintechnel: well it won't remove any dependency packages it installed ... aptitude though, does.03:01
=== llama32 [n=zak@077.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
technelpppoe_dude, Alright, thanks03:01
technelorbin, But you have to have installed it through aptitude for it to detect the dependencies no longer needed, don't you?03:01
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pppoe_dudeBarkley: yes you have to03:01
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-129-234-211.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
orbinwhich is why i finally saw the light and switched to aptitude :)03:01
technelorbin, Eh, too late for that now :) Although it would be nice to get rid of the extra 70+mb of dependencies03:02
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dxdemetriouhow can I disable the auto black screen? I have disable the screen savers and removed the DPMS from xorg.conf03:02
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=== DVDx [n=Trance@203-201-68-56.cust.voipex.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== orbin nods
ndeehttp://tazforum.thetazzone.com/viewtopic.php?t=2189 I try to install the nvidia driver for my machine but when I restart X, it tells me that no screens are found. What can I do?03:02
=== amachi [i=amachi@irz763.inf.tu-dresden.de] has joined #ubuntu
orbindxdemetriou: sys > prefs > power mgt03:03
Barkleythanks people :D03:03
thenukehow do I fix this? "please check that your locale settings fi_FI... are supported and installed on your system."03:03
JoaoJoaoinstall the fi_FI locale? :)03:03
=== Lars_IN [n=absenth@host-69-95-59-193.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu
DVDxguys what do i have to have installed in order to b ab;e to watch a DVD on ubuntu03:03
wildmanthenuke: exporting the correct locales, stumbled onto this with perl scripts and my locale (es_AR.UTF8)03:03
thenukeJoaoJoao: yes but how :)03:03
Lars_INis there an easy way to determine which network driver my WiFi card is using?03:03
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thenukewildman: umm, so how I do export them?03:04
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dxdemetriouorbin, thanks for the help :)03:04
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orbindxdemetriou: yw.  i couldn't work out why it was still blanking too03:04
wildmanthenuke: can we go pvt? I don't want to flood here with pasteing :) (even if it's just 4 lines...)03:05
RickXdoes anyone know if it is possible to have your home directory on a USB stick when using ubuntu ?03:05
RickX.. from a LIveCD/DVD03:05
thenukewildman: sure03:05
hastesaverwildman, you can also use Pastebin03:05
wildmanhastesaver: too much work for 4 lines :)03:05
hastesaverRickX, I don't see why not. It should be possible, AFAICT03:06
dudlehRickX, you can change the home directory variable when you login03:06
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dudlehforgotten the name of it though03:06
wildmanbut it looks like pvt chat isn't working, so I'll go the pastebin way, thenuke: ok?03:06
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Lars_INbeing more specific.  I have an Intel 2200bg wireless card in my notebook, and I'm attempting to convince Kismet it wants to play nice.03:06
FrdPrefctHello - Is openoffice in Ubuntu going to be updates to 2.0.3?  If not, is there a way to update it?03:06
RickXdudleh, are there some directions I can look up?03:06
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=== Lars_IN realizes he typo'd ipw2200 as ipw2000
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narfmasterFrdPrefct, https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/5163103:08
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FrdPrefctmarfm: Thanks!03:08
hastesaverRickX, one thing you can do is just login, and then set "HOME=/media/usbdisk" (or whatever). But this is a kludge, I'm sure there's a better solution03:08
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wildmanthenuke: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1733503:09
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wildmanthenuke: plz let me know if it fixes your problem.03:09
dudlehRickX, when you get to the prompt, assuming the usb drive is mounted with a dir home, do HOME=/mnt/usb/home03:10
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dudlehalso assuming it was mounted at /mnt/usb03:10
wildmanBTW, lol... I've misunderstood pastebin's "Name" field and used it as a title for the paste :P03:10
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=== Otacon22 : Installing fish
=== shaa-gi [n=shaggy@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanfixed name on pastebin :)03:11
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wildmanthenuke: I forgot to mention that you have to reopen a terminal window for the settings to ~/.bashrc to take effect, or to run 'source ~/.bashrc'03:12
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Barkleyare ntfs mounts read-only under ubuntu?03:14
Barkleyis writing experimental still?03:14
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orbinyep, afaik03:15
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narfmasterntfs is an old file system03:16
narfmasterthey really need to update it03:16
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=== narfmaster wonders if there's a way to install Windows on an ext3 partition
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FrdPrefctnarfmaster: Not going to winfs anytime soon  =P03:17
FrdPrefctnarfmaster: Needs to be on Fat32 or NTFS depending on which windows you are installing03:18
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Barkleywindows can read ext3 through an IFS (installable file system) driver, but prob can't boot off it03:18
|rt|narfmaster: there is an ext3 read only driver for windows03:18
njannarfmaster, ntfs is updated with each windows release03:19
narfmasterit would be sweet to replace ntfs, though03:19
Barkleywhy ntfs is fine?03:19
njannarfmaster, NTFS in 2k3/XP is actually v3.1, it's not the same filing system as the original one that shipped with NT 3.51..03:19
orbin|rt|: actually isn't it read AND write? http://fs-driver.org/03:19
azcazandcois it possible to save / autoload your multiple desktops?03:19
|rt|orbin: dunno it's been a long time since I've looked at that project03:20
Barkleyi think you can r/w ext2, not 303:20
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njannarfmaster, in several respects it's actually better than Ext3, in fact.. the maximum filesize and volumesize are considerably bigger and there are certain reliability advantages NTFS has particularly as far as data recovery's concerned.03:21
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=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasterhmm, maybe XFS or JFS would be better03:22
DVDxVLC won't play any of my dvd's either =\03:22
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njannarfmaster, xfs is substantially less reliable than NTFS and Ext3 unless you happen to have a very reliable power source03:23
njannarfmaster, the way XFS caches makes it particularly bad at recovering from sudden failures.03:23
DVDxsays you do not have appropriate plugins to handle it03:23
DVDxin totem03:23
thenukewildman: locale-gen fi_FI did something, but these few scandinavian chars still wont work (a and o with dots on)03:23
fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > DVDx03:23
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=== Afief [n=afief@85-250-12-71.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
stefgDVDx: consider easyubuntu to set everything up for you03:24
wildmanthenuke: that's a different pb ;) do you still get the 'falling back to xxx locale' messages?03:24
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:24
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-221-131.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Barkleyso should i just use ext3 for all my file systems? desktop, music, database, etc?03:25
njanBarkley, yes.03:25
njanBarkley, unless you have a compelling reason not to, the support alone is worth it.03:25
Barkleyyeah i follow03:25
narfmasterext3 is probably the most widely supported03:25
Barkleyi haven't seen benchmarks that are that much higher in resier03:25
njanBarkley, if your FS isn't written to a lot, Ext2 might be worth considering simply because it's easiest to recover data from03:25
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wildmanBarkley: some apps might benefit a bit/lot from the correct FS...03:25
=== JohnRobert [n=JohnR@rubie.geodata.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrreiserfs is good too03:26
=== gwark [n=gwark@203-217-88-146.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
njanBarkley, so you might consider it for /boot or a /store partition or whatever.03:26
njanBarkley, but for /, ~, etc, I'd definitely go with ext3.03:26
wildmanBarkley: like databases for example, but that's a whole science :P. I'm sure u'll find lots of articles on the net about this...03:26
JohnRobertIn ubuntu 6.6, do the windows in gnome 'stick' together when you move them near each other?03:26
Barkleyyeah i follow03:26
fyrestrtrJohnRobert: no03:26
Barkleythis is just a desktop machine03:26
fyrestrtrJohnRobert: with compiz they do ;)03:26
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JohnRobertdo in fedora core 503:26
JohnRobertw/o compiz03:26
Barkleymassive music, database work, compiling, etc.03:26
IRCMonkeyxhi people, anyone could help me to install usb modem, i did steps from admin/network it sees ethernet, but not modem03:27
Barkleynot a server03:27
fyrestrtrJohnRobert: might be a setting you need to tweak.03:27
gwark my sound keeps dropping out ... it isnt the connection ... their fine. could it be an updated alsa driver bug ?03:27
aLPHa_LeaKin fluxbox they stick as well03:27
=== joachim-n [n=joachim@ACD856F2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrBarkley: reiserfs is what I would recommend.03:27
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Barkleyfor data drives?03:27
Barkleyover ext3?03:27
Barkleywhy, just curious...i've read various articles and seen the benchmarks.  it does appear that much faster for  desktop use03:28
=== redguy [n=mati@11-mia-6.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrdepends on the kind of data you will be storing. For a large files, reiserfs is better. For large amount of small files, ext3.03:28
thenukewildman: nope, I did not get anymore that error, and rebooting seemed to fix this new errors :) now my  and  work in irc too :>03:28
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wildmanthenuke: all solved then ;)03:28
fyrestrtrBarkley: of course, this was way back when I was first trying to figure out what was the big deal with reiserfs -- might have changed.03:28
njanBarkley, again, I'd recommend against reiserfs. It's both less reliable and less well supported, in my experience.03:28
wildmanthenuke: for the fonts, maybe just restarting X might have solved it ;)03:28
IRCMonkeyxhi people, anyone could help me to install usb modem, i did steps from admin/network it sees ethernet, but not modem03:28
=== DerekRusso [n=russod@dhcp247.scorec.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrBarkley: avoid reiserfs4 like the plague.03:29
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: what kind of modem is it?03:29
Barkleyok thnx folks...i'm going boring tried and true03:29
=== NsOmNiAc [n=nsomniac@adsl-71-159-182-254.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
thenukewildman: yep03:29
njanI've had nasty breakage with reiserfs when treating it nicely several times, and the number of people who'll be able to help you out with it are fairly low in number, vs. ext3 which rarely if ever breaks, and which is pretty much the de facto FS in linux and therefore has good support.03:29
wildmanthenuke: good.03:29
redguyfyrestrtr, isn't it the other way around? reiser good for small files, ext3 for big?03:29
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JohnRobertthere's no gconf setting to do it fyrestrtr03:29
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: it is pikatel modem, karde03:29
Barkleyredguy agree---i think he had it backwards03:29
fyrestrtrBarkley: fwiw, I have always used reiserfs ... never had a problem. I have also used ext3 without glitch, but I found that for movies and other large length files, reiserfs seemed faster.03:30
JohnRobertas far as I can see anyway03:30
JohnRobertresier is faster03:30
zybridTips on a free dns-service for my domains?03:30
fyrestrtrredguy: might be, I forgot to be honest, I know it was one of the other :P03:30
fyrestrtrzybrid: dyndns ?03:30
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zybridfyrestrtr: dyns isnt free.03:30
JohnRobertyes it is03:30
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: unplug it, type tail -f /var/log/messages -- and then plug it in and watch the terminal for clues.03:31
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Barkleyis there a way to use du -h to get the size of all the top level directories in the folder where you are looking?03:31
fyrestrtrzybrid: you can always run your own dns (as I do).03:31
fyrestrtrBarkley: du --max-depth=1 -h03:31
JohnRobertI use djbdns it's easy and secure03:31
zybridfyrestrtr: well, i only have adsl03:31
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Barkleybeautiful thanks fyrestrtr03:31
JohnRobertzybrid, dns lookups require very little traffic03:32
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fyrestrtrzybrid: dns lookups are very light.03:32
Barkleythis is why ubuntu will win....the community doesn't eat it's young :D03:32
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fyrestrtrThey use udp (most of them) so they are *really* light (compared to the whole tcp package)03:32
JohnRobertBarkley, it's not a competition03:32
fyrestrtrBarkley: just ate.03:32
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: is this all "tail -f /var/log/messages"  ? sorry i am very new to linux03:32
zybridfyrestrtr: any tips on a great dns-package?03:32
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BarkleyJohnRobert ok, ok03:32
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: yes, open up a terminal, and type that in there.03:33
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fyrestrtrzybrid: if you want the easy way -- install bind and webmin and let webmin manage the zone files for you. I have heard good things about djbdns (or whatever its called) too, but I have personally only used bind.03:33
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DerekRussoHi, can someone help me get java working?03:34
fyrestrtrzybrid: bind is the most popular dns server by far.03:34
JohnRobertdjbdns has one very easy config file, but it's more complex to install03:34
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JohnRobertyou have to run djb's service deamon thing03:34
KenSentMefyrestrtr: too bad webmin isn't in the repos any more03:34
mattnashHello all.  I am having trouble installing Perl modules in the CPAN shell in a brand new Dapper installation: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1733803:34
KenSentMe!java > DerekRusso03:34
zybridfyrestrtr: thanks03:34
fyrestrtrDerekRusso: what is your issue with java?03:34
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DerekRussowell, I'm new to linux so I think it's my fault, but I try following the wiki and I can't get it to work03:35
DerekRussoit says I don't have the correct dependencies03:35
gwarksound issue fixed itself after a reboot. wierd.03:35
KenSentMe!sources > DerekRusso03:36
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KenSentMeDerekRusso: check what ubotu tells you03:36
jokersmildI need to find a Linux consultant to help me work out some issues with Ubuntu03:36
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KenSentMejokersmild: just ask your question and maybe someone can help03:36
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DerekRussook Ken, I'll run it again and tell you what it says03:36
BarkleyJohnRobert i was busy there for a sec, but wanted to say okok, perhaps i should rephrase that, this is what i have found to be diff and refreshing about hte ub community :D03:36
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jokersmildIs there anybody in the LA area that is willing to come by and help me configure my install03:37
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Kibbled_bit1hi all03:37
DerekRusso"Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java5-jre"03:37
JohnRobertBarkley, what communities did you have trouble with? I don't actually use ubuntu03:37
DerekRussoI downloaded a java5-jre package but that one didn't work either03:37
Kibbled_bit1Joker: what problems are you having03:37
zybridbut i would like my dns server to be on a static ip :/03:37
jokersmildI am unable to change the resolution within ubuntu03:38
DerekRussothat one says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java5-bin|ia32-sun-java5-bin03:38
zybridperhaps i can bind the domains to a dyndns account, heh.03:38
KenSentMeDerekRusso: have you added the multiverse repository?03:38
jokersmildI try and all it does is flicker and then take me back to the login screen03:38
Kibbled_bit1oh okay that's easy: System >> Preferences >> Change Resolution03:38
Kibbled_bit1something like that03:38
DerekRussoI may not have, hold on one second and I will see03:38
kingruedii want to use my soundcard (sb live!) and a mic to do some recording. I can hear everything on the speaker but audacity fails to record a thing. So how to set up audacity or alsa to record something?03:38
Kibbled_bit1if you need more customization than that then edit the config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:39
Kibbled_bit1something like that03:39
Kibbled_bit1I can dig up the page for you that details it perfectly03:39
BarkleyJohnRobert none, just observing a diff in the enthusiastic helpfulness amoung ub users03:39
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DerekRussocan I add the multiverse repository through add/remove?03:39
DerekRussoI'm not sure how to add it03:40
KenSentMeDerekRusso: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/extra-repositories.html03:40
JohnRobertBarkley, I dunno, I think the helpfullness is probably mainly due to the number of people rather than the individuals :p03:40
KenSentMeDerekRusso: check there03:40
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JohnRobertquite good really, creates a snowballing effect03:40
jokersmildKibbled I have tried to find info in the ubuntu community and nobody has an answer for my question at the moment...I see that other people are having the sam issue, but there are no solutions offered03:40
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fyrestrtrwhat is the problem?03:40
Kibbled_bit1JOKER: try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:40
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DerekRussook, I've changed that03:41
wildmanppl, I have a WML file (WAP XML) in a 'strange' encoding, which I cannot open, anyone stumbled onto this before?03:41
DerekRussonow, should the installer work?03:41
Barkleyok thnx for the guidance folks bye03:41
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KenSentMeDerekRusso: have you also clicked reload?03:41
Kibbled_bit1Joker: you are right I have seen it is a reoccuring issue03:42
DerekRussoyes, awesome, looks like it's going to install03:42
fyrestrtrwildman: how have you tried to open it?03:42
KenSentMeDerekRusso: nice03:42
DerekRussothanks a lot03:42
Kibbled_bit1I wonder if it's due to video/monitor drivers03:42
megasquidi'm trying to link the ubuntu mysql socket to /tmp/mysql.sock where most apps look, but it keeps being delted everytime i restart anyone know a better way for me to do this?03:42
florianhi, is it possible that a bash variable contains more than one line? if so, how can i access only the 2nd line?03:42
wildmanfyrestrtr: emacs, gedit, less (I see crap)03:42
DerekRussonow, should that just automatically work in firefox, or am I going to have to do something else to get it working there?03:42
Kibbled_bit1because Ubuntu SHOULD detect the video cards resolutions that it supports03:42
wildmanfyrestrtr: gedit refuses directly with all encodings I've tried, emacs and less show 'binary-like' crap03:42
exirohello, can somebody help me? Is it possible to prevent a window flashing while I am in another desktop on the account{for example, a Gaim chat window while someone has said something to me}?03:42
wildmanfyrestrtr: and file ze_file.wml tells me ... it's an MPEG video! :P03:43
fyrestrtrmegasquid: you can change that in the mysql configuration, or just create a symlink.03:43
KenSentMeDerekRusso: i think it's written in the wiki page03:43
WooDAny of you as been able to sync Pocket PC Mobile 5.0 to Evolution on Ubuntu ?03:43
DerekRussolet me take a look03:43
wildmanfyrestrtr: just installed kate, will try to open with it now...03:43
fyrestrtrwildman: its not wml then, probably has the wrong extension.03:43
megasquidfyrestrtr, yeah the symlink keeps being deleted03:43
fyrestrtrwildman: if you keep opening it up like that,you might corrupt the file.03:43
Kibbled_bit1WooD, what happens when you plug it in?03:44
wildmanfyrestrtr: no pb with that, cuz I can get the 'original' back03:44
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megasquidfyrestrtr, if i change to the mysql config does it create the socket there or look for it there?03:44
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DerekRussoAnother, unrelated question.  Does anyone know a good video/voice chat program that can go between linux and windows?03:44
fyrestrtrmegasquid: if it doesn't exist, it will create it -- assuming it can (ie, the directory exists, and the user launching it has permissions to create files there)03:44
DerekRussoskype doesn't do video in linux, I don't think03:44
fyrestrtrmegasquid: more questions > #mysql03:44
fyrestrtrDerekRusso: Ekiga03:45
KenSentMeKyral: Skype for linux doesn't work with video yet, i think03:45
DerekRussoEkiga doesn't have a windows installer that I can find03:45
KyralDunno then03:45
KyralI don't use it03:45
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Kyral(Voice/Video Chat that is)03:45
fyrestrtrEkiga uses netmeeting, so just have your windows buddy use netmeeting.03:45
WooDKibbled_bit1: i have been read a lot of forum for this and after all of test .. did not worked.. had to reinstall ubuntu because it was all $%?&, I think that Pocket PC Mobile 5.0 is not already compatible with Ubuntu03:45
mattnashHello, can anyone help me with a CPAN problem on a new Dapper installation?03:45
DerekRussoI will give that a try, thanks guys03:45
[zero] Hi does anyone know if there is a way to connect my Samsung d600 to ubuntu? there is a windows program which comes with it but I dont use windows?03:45
KyralPerl! WHOOO!!03:45
KyralWhats a Samsung d600?03:46
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:46
mattnashI tried that, and nobody responded.03:46
fyrestrtr[zero] : what kind of device is it?03:46
fyrestrtrmattnash: what was your question?03:46
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[zero] fyrestrtr: usb03:46
WooDzero: is it a smartphone ?03:46
megasquidfyrestrtr, thanks03:46
[zero] Kyral: a mobile phone03:46
fyrestrtr[zero] : .... ermm .... is it a music player? phone? what?03:46
exirohello? is there a way to prevent active windows flashing while I'm in another desktop in my account?03:47
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wildmanfyrestrtr: kate 'barks' it might be a binary file, but opens it and I can see XML markup!03:47
[zero] oh yeh I want to put mp3s on so yeh03:47
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mattnashHere's the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1733803:47
mattnashI can't install any CPAN modules03:47
fyrestrtrwildman: seems the program that wrote it, put some erroneous bits in it.03:47
Kibbled_bit1exiro: I don't know of any way03:47
[zero] its a phone tho fyrestrtr03:47
Kyralyanno it might be good to say "<Model number> <Device Type (Mobile Phone, Camera, etc)"03:47
mattnash"LICENSE is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.03:47
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Kibbled_bit1to some degree that might be out of your power, I haven't found most Windows as invasive as Windows, but I know what you mean03:48
florianhow to handle sql-selects in a bash script?03:48
wildmanfyrestrtr: yep, I'm being told that Windows' notepad opens the file w/o pbs...03:48
exirowell, can I totally prevent them from flashing?03:48
wildmanfyrestrtr: so it might be a bad encoding... thx anyway.03:48
Kibbled_bit1why are they flashing?03:48
Kibbled_bit1what app is it?03:48
Kyralmattnash: I'm no Perl Wizard but looks like a problem with the perl module03:48
Kyralmattnash: ask in #perl?03:48
mattnashKyral: I would think so on both counts03:48
mattnashBut ALL modules do this03:49
fyrestrtrwildman: in Kate, File -> Save As ;)03:49
Kibbled_bit1there are some settings in Gaim that you can set to minimize that03:49
Kibbled_bit1I believe  ;)03:49
mattnashand #perl is full of sociopaths, none of whom want to help me03:49
wildmanfyrestrtr: mind reader ;)03:49
Kyralexiro: There should be a setting someplace in Gaim (something like msg notification)03:49
fyrestrtrmattnash: before I say its a bad module, have you install build-essential ?03:49
Kyralmattnash: I dunno, never run into that problem with CPAN03:49
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mattnashlet me check03:49
exirowith a UI or in the terminal?03:49
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Kyralfyrestrtr: CPAN is basically a perl specific version of Apt :P03:49
mattnashbuild-essential is installed03:50
fyrestrtrKyral: yeah, I know what it is.03:50
ditt0I installed ubuntu, on a disk that had xp in first partition, now when I boot up ,it says operating system not found, what do i do?03:50
KyralI dig CPAN03:50
fyrestrtrmattnash: tried another module?03:50
KyralI also dig RubyGems :D03:50
hangfirewhat is CPAN?03:50
Kibbled_bit1what's the CPAN/Perl problem03:50
fyrestrtrKyral: pear is modeled after it.03:50
=== Kyral is in love with Ruby
Kibbled_bit1what error are you getting?03:50
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fyrestrtrhangfire: Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, I think.03:50
Kyralhangfire: Central Perl Archive Network or somesuch03:50
mattnashYes, any module I try will do this.  I am choosing Test::Simple because it goes quickly, as opposed to Bundle::CPAN03:50
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Kyralyah I think fyrestrtr is right03:51
hangfireoh, thx03:51
fyrestrtrmattnash: lemme try it here.03:51
Kyralmattnash: Didja try updating CPAN itself?03:51
mattnashKyral is right03:51
mattnashThe way to update CPAN is through CPAN03:51
mattnashwhich doesn't work03:51
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: i wrote the command that u said, it says no such file or diretory03:51
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KyralPEAR is Python's version of CPAN right?03:51
mattnashhow about perl -v03:51
fyrestrtrKyral: php's version03:52
ditt0anybody can help? I installed ubuntu on a disk that had xp on first partition, now when booting up it says operating system not found.. I am now booted up using live cd, GParted shows that the partitions are there...03:52
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fyrestrtrpython has python eggs or some such.03:52
DerekRussook, I got java working, but the chat that I want to use it for breaks when I try to load it, I get an exception03:52
DerekRussodoes anyone have any suggestions about that?  It works on windows03:52
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fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: how did you type it in?03:52
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fyrestrtrDerekRusso: same vm?03:52
KyralI dig Ruby :D03:52
IRCMonkeyxtail -f/var/log/messages03:52
DerekRussowhat is vm? heh, I'm not very up to speed on this03:52
KyralIt throws in like all the best things of all the languages I have learned into one :D03:52
narfmasterditt0, you probably have a grub install problem03:52
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IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: tail -f/var/log/messages03:53
hangfirekryral, whats so great about Ruby? Isnt that just a more object oriented Python?03:53
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Kyralhangfire: Its....good stuff lol03:54
hawkaloogieruby is an oriental perl03:54
KyralIts unretarded Java :P03:54
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: tail -f /var/log/messages (note the space)03:54
DerekRussodoes anyone have any way to help me try and fix this java problem?03:54
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Kyraland I....need to go to work03:54
florianis there a way to get lines from a file that do NOT match a pattern?03:54
fyrestrtrDerekRusso: well, we don't know what chat app you are trying.03:54
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njanflorian, grep -v03:54
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: i tried with space and without space03:54
Kyralflorian: grep -v03:54
redguyflorian, grep -v03:54
fyrestrtrflorian: sure, grep -v03:54
florian;) thanx03:55
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Kyralyou know you are shell scripter when....03:55
redguyflorian, man grep would have told you that as well :-)03:55
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Kyralgrep -v ^$ has got to be my most often used grep command03:55
ditt0narf: is there anything I can do; I have the drive mounted via live cd, and /boot/grub exists in the mounted partition03:55
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: there is something wrong with your setup. What version of ubuntu are you running?03:55
floriani looked, didn't find; -- i-v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines03:55
hangfirethats saying a lot to say that Ruby is unretarded Java. Java is a pretty good language, better at OOP than C++ in some respects03:56
CarlFKhow can I see what packages I have installed that match *pilot* ?03:56
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fyrestrtrditt0: there is a wiki entry about this kind of stuff.03:56
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:56
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: when i write to terminal sudo pppoeconf, it makes first step, in second step , it says device not connected or using by other program03:56
narfmasterditt0, did you double-check the BIOS boot settings?03:56
Kyralhangfire: I have a thing against Java so take anything I say with a grain of salt :P03:56
IRCMonkeyxfyrstrtr : i use 6.0.603:56
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Kyralbut now...WORK!03:56
DerekRussoAnyone there that might be able to help me with the java problem?03:56
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: in terminal, when you type cat /var/log/messages -- what do you get?03:56
ditt0narf: bios is definitely okay...03:56
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr:   should i write these --??03:57
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: no03:57
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fyrestrtrtype what is between the > and <03:58
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fyrestrtr>cat /var/log/messages<03:58
IRCMonkeyxok let me try cat thing, i need to restart03:58
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: without the > and <03:58
IRCMonkeyxcause i am on xp03:58
fyrestrtrermm ...03:58
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hangfiremy clock is not sychronized in ubuntu, anyone know why that could be?03:59
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KenSentMefyrestrtr: has he been on WinXP all the time? No wonder cat doesn't work03:59
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megasquidis xgl prone to crashing?03:59
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wildmanfyrestrtr: FYI, the file was saved with Windows' "Unicode" encoding, which is bad, saving with UTF-8 encoding in notepad solved it03:59
fyrestrtrKenSentMe: yeah, its one for clientcopia03:59
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narfmastermegasquid, XGL/Compiz is highly unstable04:00
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Kibbled_bit1HangFire: anything from battery on your mobo to wrong timezone setting04:00
Kibbled_bit1but that should word OOB04:00
jstewHi. I have an md raid that keeps getting resynced on every reboot even though it's clean. Is there a bug somewhere?04:00
fyrestrtrmegasquid: if you have the exact correct combination of video card + drivers + kernel + compiz + xgl -- I have heard its stable.04:00
hangfireok, thx Kibbled04:00
xukunhow can I apply changes in .bashrc and .xsession without rebooting?04:01
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Lars_INwhat is the command line string to burn an ISO to a cd?04:01
fyrestrtrxukun: logout -- restart gdm -- then login again, that should take care of it.04:01
fyrestrtrLars_IN: right click on the file, choose 'write to disc'04:01
Lars_INfyrestrtr: that easy eh?  NICE04:02
Lars_INfyrestrtr: that start with dapper?04:02
fyrestrtrdon't think so04:02
narfmasterLars_IN, cdrecord04:02
hangfirethats weird, its says I dont have NTP support to sychronize my time, its always been automatic before04:02
fyrestrtrjust install ntp-client04:03
Kibbled_bit1what changed?  'before' what?04:03
GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I use synaptics... when it finish i receive this error E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 104:03
hangfireok, thx fyreestrtr04:03
GianLuigiBuffonhow can I remove it? I tried to uninstall the package but no way04:03
ithiel   df04:03
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ithielwait, this is IRC, not a terminal04:03
ithieldang it.04:03
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Lars_INnarfmaster: how do I determine which dev is my cd-rw?04:04
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narfmasterhmm, good question04:04
Lars_INnarfmaster: cdrecord -v -pad speed=24 dev=?,?,?04:05
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narfmastertype "mount"04:05
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fyrestrtrLars_IN: grep cdrom /etc/fstab04:06
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Lars_INfyrestrtr: so I get /dev/hdc04:06
Lars_INfyrestrtr: so in the device=0,0,0 format that would be?04:06
fyrestrtrdon't know, man cdrecord (why, right click didn't work?)04:07
GianLuigiBuffoneverytime that I use synaptics... when it finish i receive this error E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 104:07
GianLuigiBuffonhow can I remove it? I tried to uninstall the package but no way04:07
Lars_INfyrestrtr: because right click doesn't list a "write to disk" option04:07
fyrestrtrGianLuigiBuffon: what do you mean you try to use synaptics?04:07
gardengnomehi there. when i'm trying to use debarchiver, it moves my packages to the REJECT directory. the debug mode says: "Message: libxmltv-perl_0.5.44-laga-dapper1_all.deb owner () do not match xmltv_0.5.44-laga-dapper1_i386.changes owner (1000)." the owner of these files is always the same, UID1000. any clues?04:07
xukunfyrestrtr, that would mean clossing all kind of running apps04:07
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: iwrote what u said , it again says "no files or directory", when i connect to internet on xp , it says "pikatel dialup ppp connection" . But it is adsl. should i use pppconfig instead of pppoeconf???04:07
Kibbled_bit1System >> Admin >> Synaptic04:07
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GianLuigiBuffonfyrestrtr for example I update my system and when I finish I receive that error, or after downloading anything from synaptics i receive that error04:08
fyrestrtrGianLuigiBuffon: it doesn't happen with anything else?04:08
GianLuigiBuffonI cant remove completly the mldonkey - server pacage04:08
GianLuigiBuffonfyrestrtr nop.... just with that package04:09
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GianLuigiBuffoni can update correctly my system and all but is annoiying the same every time04:09
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fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: cat[space] /var/log/messages04:10
ithielhello can-zero-beans04:10
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: iwrote what u said , it again says "no files or directory", when i connect to internet on xp , it says "pikatel dialup ppp connection" . But it is adsl. should i use pppconfig instead of pppoeconf???04:10
fyrestrtrGianLuigiBuffon: hrmm, you might have to speak with someone that is more familiar with apt.04:10
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fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: you didn't write what I wrote. Read what I wrote.04:10
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GianLuigiBuffonoh ok04:11
GianLuigiBuffonthanks man04:11
tomohawkHi there, I just tried installing Ubuntu 5.04 for AMD64 onto an external USB2 hard drive, with WinXP on an internal HDD. It installed the boot manager onto the master boot partition (i think it was called). Now the system hangs when it gets to the boot manager (i get a flashing cursor about 3 lines down from the top), and if i try to boot with the USB drive unplugged I get an error saying "GRUB Loading, please wait.... Error 21". Is04:11
tomohawkanyone able to help me? I'm mostly concerned now because I dont know how to boot into XP now. Is it even possible to dual boot between the two using an external drive like that?04:11
IRCMonkeyxmy friend you didnt give space, i will try again04:11
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ithieltomohawk, 5.04? we're on Dapper 6.0604:11
ithielyou're a year and a half behind04:12
tomohawkyeah i figured *shamed*04:12
fyrestrtr16:58 < fyrestrtr> type what is between the > and <04:12
fyrestrtr16:58 < fyrestrtr> >cat /var/log/messages<04:12
fyrestrtr16:58 < IRCMonkeyx> ok let me try cat thing, i need to restart04:12
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tomohawkbut i have litereally 200 5.04 cds in a box here04:12
tomohawkand AOL already took up all the CD space in landfill04:12
ithieltomohawk, frankly I don't even remember enough about 5.04 to be able to properly support you04:12
yangotomohawk, and why would you want to run 5.04?04:13
MDCore(cross-posting from kubuntu) having trouble resizing my xp ntfs partition from the live CD. QTParted tells me " opening /dev/hda1 as NTFS failed: Operation not supported". What do I do to resize this partition? I need to dual-boot this machine :P04:13
GianLuigiBuffontomohawk did you check on your MB the boot of your system????04:13
ithielyango, he's too lazy to download an ISO04:13
tomohawkBecause I was bored tonight and thought "I know, I'll try installing Ubuntu, given I have so many copies of it"04:13
yangowell, then use apt-get dist-upgrade04:13
yangoand you'll be up and running 6.0604:13
tomohawkin english?04:13
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yangowill he?04:13
ZhangZhongwhen i try to recompile my kernel I use the  mkinitrd like this: mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-
ZhangZhongbut there are these information:04:13
fyrestrtr!upgrade > tomohawk04:13
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GianLuigiBuffontomohawk may you have a conflict with your usb driver while booting... I have so... some MB "doesn't like" a big hard disk connected into a USB while booting04:14
ithielfyrestrtr: upgrade from 5.04? have you lost it?04:14
ZhangZhongFATAL: Module sg not found.04:14
ZhangZhongFATAL: Module sd_mod not found.04:14
ZhangZhongWARNING: This failure MAY indicate that your kernel will not boot!04:14
ZhangZhongbut it can also be triggered by needed modules being compiled into04:14
ZhangZhongthe kernel.04:14
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ZhangZhongwhat should i do?04:14
ithielZhangZhong: please do not spam, post such information into paste-bin04:14
fyrestrtrithiel: I hoping he will get a clue that even upgrades are not supported from where he is, and he needs to get dapper.04:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:14
ithielfyrestrtr: me too, we don't support 5.04 anymore04:14
tomohawkSo if I download the newest iso, and install that, that may be my best option?04:15
GianLuigiBuffonZhangZhong nice Kernel Panic :S04:15
ithieltomohawk: undubitably.04:15
tomohawkThank you :)04:15
fyrestrtrtomohawk: yeah, and get an internal hdd04:15
tomohawk$$$ :(04:15
fyrestrtrZhangZhong: what are you trying to do?04:15
ithielsomething IDE or SATA preferably04:15
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yangotomohawk, and use your 200 CD's as freesbees04:15
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ithieltomohawk: you can buy an IDE HDD for 40 bucks online, wtf mate?04:15
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tomohawkALready got a nice sata drive in there. And next week I'll probably wipe XP off that and replace it with ubuntu anyway, once my new mac arrives04:16
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fyrestrtrwhile you are at it, just remove Windows and have only ubuntu -- then you'll get all kinds of support. Hot chicks in bikinis will appear on your scren magically ... then this nurse will show up at your door.......04:16
ithieltomohawk: what kind of mac?04:16
ithieland where do you live? :)04:16
tomohawkmac mini *blush* It's mainly for media pc use (i'm a glutton for punishment)04:16
tomohawkAm on an iBook G4 now04:16
ithielmac mini?04:16
fyrestrtr*jaw drop*04:16
ithielwhy not get the imac education edition04:16
ithiel900 dolla.04:17
tomohawkI'm australian04:17
ithielfor that matter, if you can afford mac hardware, why can't you afford an internal IDE?04:17
tomohawkI bought the core duo mini at university student price04:17
ithielI have like 20 internal HDD's, no mac.04:17
yangooh, that explains a lot 8->04:17
tomohawkithiel: I can't afford internal IDE because I already bought a mac :P04:17
fyrestrtryou .. bought ... a .. CORE DUO .. mini?!04:17
ithielwanna buy a HDD?04:17
tredligi want to try out ubuntu but dont feel like moving my monitor down to my headless box :P04:17
ithielfyrestrtr: kinda pointless eh? why not get a macbook04:17
tomohawkBecause they man Durons seem icy cold.04:18
ithielfyrestrtr: or an imac.04:18
tomohawkAnd I already have an iBook04:18
tomohawkI wanted the mini for the fact that it is so small, and will fit into my Hoem theatre nicely :P04:18
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tomohawkI have no need for the screen on the iMac04:18
ithielhome theater. :P04:18
ithielI guess...04:18
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ithielI need a mac.04:19
tomohawkit sounds fancier than saying "My 5 year old CRT tv with average 5.1 surround)04:19
redguythey have minis with coreduo inside?04:19
ithieltomohawk: if you're worried about what people think of you, particularly as it concerns your entertainment system, you have much larger problems than a lack of internal HDD's04:19
fyrestrtrbet you can cook potattos on that thing.04:19
tomohawktheres the core solo 'cheap' one and the 1.66gHz cr duo04:19
tomohawknah I'm not overly worried about what peopel think about me, particuarly if it's a judgement on something like what tv i have04:20
ithielfyrestrtr: no, you can't. Intel's laptop hardware is actually rather good.04:20
yangowhat tv do you have?04:20
ithielnetburst sucked.04:20
fyrestrtrI think its the logic behind a core duo mini that has got people worried about you tomohawk.04:20
ithielI have a 24'' Widescreen 2048x1280 CRT hooked up to my other computer04:20
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tomohawkSerisouly, what's wrong with a core duo mini?04:20
fyrestrtrithiel: lies ..  I have a centrino thinkpad here ... I keep my coffee warm from the exhaust.04:21
yangoI've got the pre-centrino Intel P4M and it slows down like hell at high environmental temperatures04:21
ithieltomohawk: putting a 350 HP engine into a ford pinto04:21
yangoand I can warm my right hand while typing04:21
tomohawkAt least I didn't leave it at the 512mb spec ram. That's just stupid04:21
ithielfyrestrtr: hahaha, my dell lappy (Celeron M), it gets warm, but not from the processor, from the gfx chip04:21
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fyrestrtrtomohawk: nothing -- except I'd rather have something that I can expand if I am going to put core duo in it.04:21
ithieltomohawk: "that's just stupid" did you just talk about putting a dual core chip into the cheapest mac in existence?04:22
ithieloy vey.04:22
fyrestrtranyway, this is getting wayy OT.04:22
tomohawkHold on a second, is this becoming an attack on me? LOL04:22
ithielfyrestrtr: noone else requesting support, doesn't matter04:23
fyrestrtrtomohawk: to solve your problem (or actually, create a problem that we can remember the solution for) upgrade to dapper post haste.04:23
tomohawk:) thank you04:23
tomohawkI'm so used to using macs that I forgot that installing an OS onto an external drive isn't always foolproof safe on a pc =/04:24
=== Noxman [n=donkey@adsl-82-141-116-76.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonon laptop with broken function keys, is it possible to change screen brightness?04:24
fyrestrtrdon't get me wrong, I enjoy working on macs. They are definitately the ultimate convergence device.04:24
juananhow can i enter on the spanish channel?04:24
fyrestrtr...as long as the battery doesn't explode, or it starts growing stains, or you don't drop it......04:24
narfmasterrixxon, plug in another keyboard (if you have an available port for it)04:24
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ithielfyrestrtr: or it overheats, or whines04:25
ithielor the screen scratches up04:25
Noxmanjuanan, you must put /j in front of it04:25
ithieljuanan, type /join #ubuntu-es04:25
Noxmanor /join04:25
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Noxmansame thing04:25
rixxonnarfmaster: good idea, but i expressed myself badly. i mean the laptop-specific FN key which pluggable keyboards don't have04:25
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fyrestrtrithiel: actually, the newer powerbooks don't overheat as much .. the 'classic' ones ... yeah, you can toast bread on the bottom of those bad boys.04:25
ithielmy non laptop keyboard has a function key04:25
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ithielfyrestrtr: lolz.04:26
avalentehi.. How do I get the pt_PT locales without UTF8?04:26
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tomohawkOoh yeah, the exploding apple batteries are fun04:26
narfmasterrixxon, you should check with the owner's manual on that question i think04:26
ithielI was saying for years that PPC wasn't as fast as current i386 hardware...leave it to Apple to prove my friggin point.04:26
tomohawkMy dad had one of those with his 15" powerbook a couple years back04:26
fyrestrtrithiel: have worked with 12" and 15" powerbooks (both powerpc and intel)04:26
ithielI've worked with desktop and server PPC04:27
ithielnot impressed.04:27
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ithielgood for servers, not much else04:27
ithielIBM didn't really care about making PPC fast for Apple04:27
fyrestrtrthe grandest waste of desktop space and hardware ... that freakin' green tower they came out with.04:27
tomohawkMotorolla were worse04:27
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wildmanavalente: export LANGUAGE=pt_PT, same for LANG and LC_ALL as a minimum04:27
ithieltomohawk: they didn't used to be.04:27
maswanithiel: probably because they were neither high-volume nor high-margin04:27
ithieltheir phones make me laugh, they're the windows boxen of phones, crash like crazy04:28
avalentewildman: thanks04:28
wildmanavalente: then, add those to ur ~/.bashrc to make them 'permanent'04:28
wildmanavalente: u might need a system restart or similar too04:28
wildmanavalente: good luck04:28
=== hartym_ [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrithiel: curious bug with motorola phones -- their bluetooth doesn't stay on.04:28
tomohawkHow far back are we talking? I do not know much about the computer industry Pre G304:28
ithielmaswan: indeed. and who can blame IBM for ignoring apple, especially at a time when they were contracted to custom make chips that were being put into all three new generation consoles04:28
tomohawkfyrestrtr: Not all motorolla phones do that04:28
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ithieltomohawk: Motorola made the oollllldddd chips, they were their first manufacturer04:28
ithiel68000 or w/e04:29
tomohawkyeah, the 68k, or do you mean before that?04:29
ccookeithiel: it wasn't all that long ago...04:29
ithieltomohawk: nah I mean 68k04:29
fyrestrtrtomohawk: thank god for that04:29
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ithielccooke: I'm 18. it's old to me.04:29
ccookeithiel: ah, right. :-)04:29
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ithielApple is a curse for chip manufacturers04:29
tomohawkI have the V3 Razr. Bluetooth stays on, but will only stay discoverable for 60 seconds :(04:29
fyrestrtrman ... I remember when I was 18.......04:30
ithielwatch Intel lose to AMD...wait a sec....04:30
rixxonnarfmaster: apparently it works in windows to change brightness, but not ubuntu, he says04:30
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fyrestrtrtomohawk: yeah sorry, that's what I mean @ discoverable.04:30
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: 1-addrcong (netdv-up) eth0 link is not ready04:30
tomohawkthoguth you might... it's irritating that you can't have the option of always on04:30
ccookeithiel: I'm looking forward to the x86 market this year. Finally, Intel are releasing stuff that's as interesting as AMD...04:30
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: that's all you got? Nothing about detected new hardware, etc. etc.04:30
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: 2- acpi looking for dstt not found04:30
ithielccooke: here's to lower prices.04:31
fyrestrtrIRCMonkeyx: pastebin please04:31
ccookeWith a bit of luck, things will *continue* to be interesting04:31
narfmasternow all Intel needs are some mobos04:31
ccookeithiel: yep. But more importantly, here's to *innovation*04:31
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ithielmind you that Core Duo's are still slower than AMD offerings though, Core 2 Duo (Merom,Conroe,Woodcrest) had better pull off a neat trick04:31
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: no modules symbol , kernel module not enabled04:31
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ithielccooke: hahaha, indeed.04:32
fyrestrtrsomeone that can keep up with video cards. Is a nVidia FX5500-TD256 an average, above-average or high end AGP card?04:32
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ithielfyrestrtr: by my standard, or the general publics?04:32
fyrestrtrwell speak from experience.04:32
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narfmasterfyrestrtr, above average (above my average anyway)04:32
ithielmy standard, I'd trash it, sell a kidney, get a new computer that doesn't have AGP, I run PCI-Express04:32
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr: i have no chance to copy, all these mean sth?04:32
SimzICould anybody help me tro get my brightness function keys working?04:32
ithielpublic standard, it's *ok* as long as it runs the games you want04:32
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tomohawkI did wonder why apple didn't use the AMD chips at first. But I suppose that Intel had the name that the general public recognise, and have full integrated chipset options04:33
fyrestrtronly plan to do two things with it. Run WoW hopefully without the annoying ATI bugs, and XGL04:33
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu
SimzICould anybody help me tro get my brightness function keys working?04:33
tomohawkOK, now I feel uberstupid. I can't work out how to download the diskimage of the ubuntu i'm supposed to install04:33
ithielrun WoW on 5500? have fun.04:33
IRCMonkeyxfyrestrtr : if not nothing to do, thanx anyways04:33
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fyrestrtrtomohawk: probably because intel has a well established architecture and production facilities, and AMD has suffered in the past with production problems.04:33
ithielfyrestrtr: too bad intel gouges their prices04:34
mingoplease, somebody knows the command to set the root password ???04:34
fyrestrtrithiel: does that mean, no it won't work -- or what?04:34
ubotuI know nothing about roo04:34
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:34
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ithielfyrestrtr: it'll work...eghk.04:34
mingook, i 'll check04:34
tomohawkyeah, I think Intel was the logical choice. And you know, as a 19 year old who's never formally studied anything about the industry i'm qualified to make statements like that and all... =/04:34
=== adamlinux [n=adamlinu@dsl54028C77.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
SimzIPLEASE somebody help me to get my function brightness keys to work with ubuntu :(:(04:35
ithieltomohawk: lolz.04:35
fyrestrtrithiel: I was playing it fine on ATL x300 with 64 MB RAM -- with almost everything turned up, so I figured on this thing, it would be smokin'04:35
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Foobaltomohawk: never mind. this is teh internets. you are qualified enough if you look around at your audience =D04:35
ithielfyrestrtr: you are apparently graced with FPSB04:35
IRCMonkeyxi got mad here, cause of usb modem , good days to everyone.......04:35
fyrestrtrithiel: especially since the nvidia logo is right there on the settings page....04:35
fyrestrtrwhat is FPSB?04:35
ithielfyrestrtr: just because they have an advertising deal, rarely means anything, I won't go into exceptions04:36
tomohawkBut, onto a serious, albeit embarassing, question. How do I get the ISO to install the right ubuntu?04:36
ithielfyrestrtr: FPSB means a high tolerance for lag, Frames-Per-Second-Blindess04:36
ithielI get *ticked* if mine drop below 6004:36
fyrestrtrithiel: yeah I know about that part, but still.04:36
fyrestrtrithiel: or you mean I'm not a FPS gun-toting freak, then yeah -- you are right :)04:36
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fyrestrtrmy only two poisons -- WoW and x-plane.04:36
slavezerocan anyone point me to a good how-to on wifi in ubuntu04:36
ithielnothing to do with shooters, you're just blind to lag04:37
ithielget cedega04:37
fyrestrtrand one of which requires a top notch video card.04:37
mingothank you ubotu, i find on this page ! :)04:37
fyrestrtrithiel: had it running before with cvs wine + patches.04:37
fyrestrtrmingo: ubotu is a bot04:37
mingooh ! lol !04:37
ithielfyrestrtr: LOL04:37
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:38
mingoit's the first time i come here....i jus tcan guess it ^^04:38
=== slim [n=slim@c-68-44-168-161.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mingoi just can't guess it (sorry)04:38
DerekRussoHi, could I get some help with a problem I'm having with java?  I want to access a chat room that's java based (and works on windows/mac), but crashes in linux04:38
mingoanyway, thx04:38
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ithielDerekRusso: install java.04:39
DerekRussoit is installed04:39
DerekRussoit crashes, gives me a general error04:39
DerekRussowhen I try to load the chat client04:39
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fyrestrtrDerekRusso: are you trying to load this in firefox?04:40
DerekRussoin firefox04:40
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fyrestrtrDerekRusso: installed the plugin (not the same thing as installing java)04:40
bruno__does anyone know how to use engage04:40
DerekRussoyes, the plugin is installed04:41
DerekRussoit starts to load in the website, but then the java crashes04:41
DerekRussoit doesn't crash on other platforms, I'm wondering if there's something else I can do04:41
narfmasterDerekRusso, type "about:plugins" in firefox04:41
SimzIcould somebody explain how to get keycodes using "xev" please04:41
CarlFKDerekRusso: explain "crashes"04:41
DerekRussoit gives me a general error, hold on, and I will copy and paste it04:41
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yggworkhello gents, does anyone know a good # channel for open exchange ?04:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:42
DerekRussoat com.chatblazer.client.ChatClient.setVisible(Unknown Source)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.plugin.viewer.MNetscapePluginObject.setFrameSize(MNetscapePluginObject.java:735)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.plugin.viewer.MNetscapePluginObject.appletStateChanged(MNetscapePluginObject.java:970)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.applet.AppletEventMulticaster.appletStateChanged(AppletEventMulticaster.java:32)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.applet.AppletPanel.dispatchAppletEvent(AppletPanel.java:246)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(AppletPanel.java:686)04:42
DerekRussoat sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:324)04:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
DerekRussoat java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)04:42
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SimzIcould somebody explain how to get keycodes using "xev" please04:42
SimzIcould somebody explain how to get keycodes using "xev" please04:42
varsendaggrwhere's our bot?04:42
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gnomefreakSimzI: dont repeat04:42
fyrestrtrubotu: botsnack04:42
ubotuI know nothing about botsnack04:43
narfmasteryggwork, you could try #ubuntu-offtopic04:43
SimzIits just frustrating04:43
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gnomefreakSimzI: if someone knows they will help you04:43
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gnomefreakDerekRusso: dont paste in here04:44
gnomefreakuse pastebin DerekRusso04:44
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POVaddctSimzI: whats the problem? start xev from a terminal, move the mouse cursor in the black square, type the key and watch the output in the terminal04:44
chennaituxianDerekRusso, always use pastebin to show us your log files and outputs04:44
SimzIBut I don't understand what the keycode is, and I have to rpess two keys for the function04:45
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varsendaggrDerekRusso, if everyone did what you did that would be 5334 lines or paste04:45
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SimzIDo I have to hold down the key whilst pressing it POVaddct ?04:46
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POVaddctSimzI: no04:47
Thlaylihey, i'm a paranoid user. i just want to confirm that the packages "login","passwd" and "ppp" have been updated in ubuntu dapper drake today04:47
pupeno-Can anybody help me troobleshoot my X configuration. It is really really slow (I can see text forming and scrolling like in the days of BBS at 2400 bps). The config is on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17343. This is an ATI card, built in on a Thinkpad T60 (not sure of the exact model).04:47
POVaddctSimzI: the press event should be in the output04:47
Thlayliso, did you get the update message as well?04:48
POVaddctSimzI: also the release event04:48
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SimzII can get the keycode for the "Fn" button but not for the F5 and F604:48
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narfmasterThlayli, those were security updates04:48
SimzIAnd they need to be held togheter to change brightness04:48
Thlaylinarfmaster: i know04:48
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Thlaylinarfmaster: but i rather double-check if those binaries are changed04:49
POVaddctSimzI: not all keys show up as keycodes. that's notebook dependent. some keys or key combinations only produce ACPI events.04:49
narfmasterwell, i got the update too04:49
Thlaylik, thanks for the information04:49
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SimzIIt's reall annoying me POVaddct because I need to get this working to change my screen brightness04:49
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DarkProphetanyone ever made a video tutorial ?04:50
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mingocan I boot a Hard Disk format in NTFS on ubuntu ?04:50
POVaddctSimzI: as i said, there is no general solution for this. each notebook manfacturer makes its own "standard".04:50
Thlaylimingo: yes you can04:50
DarkProphetyou can boot, but you wont write to it04:50
DarkProphetNTFS is read only04:50
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mingono, just to get music on it04:50
SimzIPOVaddct, do you know if there is anyway to change my screen brightness on Ubuntu and not hardware side04:51
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Thlaylimingo: just mount it04:51
Foobalntfstools provides writing too for ntfs04:51
Thlaylimingo: make sure you got the ntfs module loaded04:51
mingook, thank, i try now !04:51
POVaddctSimzI: it IS hardware dependent. there is no general solution.04:51
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POVaddctSimzI: you need to know how to do that on _your_ notebook type.04:51
SimzIDamn, and if I can't get this stupid thing configured I can't change my brightness04:51
POVaddctSimzI: go google04:51
tomohawkwait a second.... why don't i just take the drive out of the USB enclosure and put it into my pc... voila instant internal drive04:52
SimzII have done04:52
POVaddctSimzI: and don't complain about linux, it's the manufacturers fault.04:52
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dudlehanyone know what the 'no network devices' little icon queries? because its there, but eth0 is up and working also.04:52
ubotuI know nothing about gami204:52
ubotuI know nothing about gam204:52
ubotuPackages for Gaim 2 beta 3 can be found via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-April/072721.html04:52
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chennaituxianmingo, boot or mount ?04:53
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POVaddctSimzI: which notebook do you have?04:53
SimzIPackard Bell E231604:53
monomaniacpatcan anyone tell me why my themes are all buggered up?04:53
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POVaddctSimzI: uh, never used packard bell.04:53
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monomaniacpatall my themes are using the wrong colours!04:54
SimzIYeh I know that now POVaddct04:54
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SimzISo there isn't really a solution to my problem POVaddct ?04:55
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Frogzoomonomaniacpat: which themes?04:56
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uubuntuhi to enable my pop3.domainname.com and smtp.domainname.com what i need to do ?04:56
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monomaniacpatFrogzoo: most of them04:56
uubuntui am using squid04:57
mingook, ubuntu detect it, but impossible to search in this hard disk04:57
slavezerocan someone tell me how to fix this: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-amd64-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument04:57
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: for example: is clearlooks not supposed to have a blue title bar?04:57
uubuntuwith client MS Outlook 200304:57
mingoi try to activate it, but it doesn't want to04:57
POVaddctSimzI: like i said, you have to google. without further knowledge if this particular hardware, i can't say anything. this web page http://lkcl.net/reports/packard.bell.e2316.html is no help for the brightness issue04:57
Frogzoomonomaniacpat: u running in 64k colors? mebbe colormap's exhausted, try running 16M if vid supports it04:57
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POVaddctSimzI: you can try looking for files in /proc/acpi/video/...04:58
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: I don't think so. It started to go wrong after I changes some gtk settings in kde04:58
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mingohow to mount a Hard disk please ?04:59
SimzIPOVaddct, there's a blank document called brightness in/proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD04:59
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pupeno-does anybody have an idea how can I make X not soooo slugish ?04:59
dudlehuse a lighter window manager?05:00
narfmasterpupeno-, install more RAM05:00
fyrestrtrpupeno-: what kind of computer do you have?05:00
POVaddctSimzI: cat /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness05:00
SimzIrick@e2316:~$ cat /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness05:00
SimzIlevels:  80 60 0 20 40 60 80 10005:00
SimzIcurrent: 005:00
SimzIoops sorry for paste, forgot05:01
monomaniacpatFrogzoo: the clearlooks preview is blue, but when in use, the title bar is brown05:01
mingocan it be possible that ubuntu didn't want to lunch a Hard disk its files system is : Windows NTFS ?05:01
pupeno-to answer all in one, another windown manager is not an option, text scroll would continue to look like a 2400bps BBS and an Intel Core Duo 1.8GHz with 2GB of RAM should be enough... for any window manager.05:01
SimzISo how do I change the level from there POVaddct05:01
POVaddctSimzI: echo 20 > /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness05:01
Frogzoomonomaniacpat: well reverse whatever you changed in gtk...05:01
POVaddctSimzI: echo 100 > /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness05:01
POVaddctSimzI: like this05:01
fyrestrtrpupeno-: what kind of video card do you have, and what monitor?05:01
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SimzII did that but nothing happened POVaddct05:02
pupeno-fyrestrtr: It seems it is an Ati Radeon x1300, one of the monitors is a 15" built-in flat panel (thinkpad t60) and the other a Dell 2001FP.05:02
POVaddctSimzI: you did it as user or root?05:02
SimzIroot@e2316:~# echo 20 > /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness05:03
w1z4rdim trying to setup a remote desktop connection script to connect to servers i have to admin... and i want to create scripts to make it easier... how do i stipulate a username and password in the command line rd? I have tried rd -u myadminaccount -p mypassword myserver.co.za , and it doesnt seem to work05:03
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POVaddctSimzI: then i don't know. maybe the ACPI bios is broken, like many bioses.05:03
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pupeno-fyrestrtr: this is a xinerama set up, the config file is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17343.05:03
fyrestrtrokay let me have a look05:04
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pupeno-fyrestrtr: more info: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1734705:05
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fyrestrtrpupeno-: direct rendering is working?05:05
pupeno-fyrestrtr: I don't know. I don't think so. How do I check ? (I am new to ATI).05:06
fyrestrtrpupeno-: fglrxinfo | grep direct05:07
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cello_rasphi, firefox is really slow on xubuntu with 128MB Ram. Are there any less intensive browsers ? or shoul i dump xubuntu or even get more ram?05:07
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fyrestrtrcello_rasp: get more ram05:07
ljlcello_rasp: you can try Epiphany05:07
narfmastercello_rasp, you could try Dillo05:08
cello_raspyeah i heart a lot that linux needs ram more than windows05:08
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pupeno-Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:08
pupeno-OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:08
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jribcello_rasp: I second dillo05:08
fyrestrtrcello_rasp: don't know where you heard that, but it definately doesn't.05:08
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Curtis_Hillamhi all just woundering how to get americas army 2.5 working05:08
LjLcello_rasp: linux itself doesn't really, but X and the various GUI libraries are quite a bit RAM hungry05:08
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Curtis_Hillami installed it correctly i think05:08
fyrestrtrpupeno-: yeah, you are not using direct rendering which would be the cause of your problems.05:08
pupeno-cello_rasp: I'd say konqueror might be faster, give it a try.05:08
wubrgamerhye guys, i'm looking for a linux alternative to M$ publisher05:08
pupeno-fyrestrtr: how do I enable it ?05:08
fyrestrtrpupeno-: have you read the wiki guide?05:09
ubotuI know nothing about video05:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:09
LjLpupeno-: surely not while he's using Xubuntu. that way he'll only gain having GTK *and* the Qt+KDE libraries loaded in memory.05:09
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cello_raspDell do funny things with their machines. Overclock their chips to 2GHz but give only 128MB ram :P05:10
Curtis_Hillamhow do you install KDE on ubuntu?05:10
LjLCurtis_Hillam: "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"05:10
Curtis_Hillamok thank you05:10
fyrestrtrCurtis_Hillam: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop -- or download the kubuntu cd05:10
pupeno-fyrestrtr: if I am not interested in 3d, can I get acceptable performance with free drivers ?05:10
cello_rasppupeno- the nvidia binary drivers for linux work well05:11
fyrestrtrpupeno-: I would suggest you get the binary ATI drivers because suspend/resume doesn't work properly with the free ones, and if you are doing ANYTHING other than single monitor use, you will get into very choppy video problems.05:11
cello_raspi wouldnt touch ATI05:11
LjLcello_rasp: that's definitely a stupid thing to do IMHO. RAM is more important than processor speed for most common tasks05:11
pupeno-fyrestrtr: ok. Thanks.05:11
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fyrestrtrpupeno-: not fault of the free drivers, ATI is very tight lipped about their hardware. I have the same problem as you, I am on a T43 with ATI x30005:11
LjLcello_rasp: the good thing is that RAM is cheap, at least if your computer uses the modern kind of RAM chips.05:11
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pupeno-it is impossible these days to say ati or nvidia without someone jumping with a useless comment how the other is better. I didn't have a choice guys, my boss bought this notebook.05:12
RopechoborraI want to install Amarok, but in the page its only aviable for Kubuntu... i got genome.. it still works??05:12
fyrestrtrpupeno-: plus the binary drivers from ati give you a nice control panel.05:12
pupeno-fyrestrtr: yes, I understand. I am well aware of the situation.05:12
LjLRopechoborra: yes.05:12
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narfmasterRopechoborra, it should work fine05:12
Frogzoopupeno-: the ati 3d drivers are lame05:12
fyrestrtrRopechoborra: sure, 'sudo apt-get instakk amarok'05:12
jribRopechoborra: yes, still works05:12
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root__can i write to ntfs disks with linux?05:12
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:13
rskjurgen yes05:13
LjLor "sudo aptitude install amarok" if you by any chance decide to remove it later, and don't want the KDE libraries hanging around anymore05:13
pupeno-fyrestrtr: I have done what's described in that guide.05:13
Barkleyroot__ not by default. there are some experimental drivers out there05:13
fyrestrtrjurgen: not reliably. I don't recommend you do.05:13
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cello_raspLjL: yeah.. sort of cheap. i can grab 512Mb of PC2100 for $20. And I just got 256Mb of PC100 for $3, for my friends machine. But that doesn't seemto have made a difference to his windows XP installation. Which is why it seems that for windows, CPU is more important.05:13
tomohawkwell now i just feel even more stupid. I just took apart my external drive enclosure, opened up my pc, tried to put the drive in a 3.5" bay05:13
benkong2what would cause my number pad on my keyboard not to work? dapper 6.06 LTS05:13
fyrestrtrpupeno-: then something is not right, because you should *not* be getting the MESA drivers.05:13
tomohawkAnd realised It's a 2.5" laptop drive :(05:13
pupeno-fyrestrtr: right.05:13
Foobalubotu is wrong there. it is not unsafe to use that stuff for writing. it refuses to work if something is unsafe for data and just ignores the dangerous operations..05:13
pupeno-fyrestrtr: I'll do it again just in case.05:13
fyrestrtrpupeno-: I can paste my xorg.conf file if you want.05:14
LjLcello_rasp: it's more like RAM is a bit less important. there still is a point where too little RAM starts resulting in an incredibly slow system05:14
fyrestrtrI have ATI direct rendering working.05:14
pupeno-fyrestrtr: ok, that might be usefull.05:14
narfmastertomohawk, at least it isn't too big05:14
LjLcello_rasp: in my experience, with Ubuntu that point is at around less than 170-180 megs of RAM05:14
tomohawktrue, but either way, i can't put it in there tonight05:14
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narfmasteri have a 3.5" drive in my 5" bay right now05:14
Barkleydisk strategy question.  i have a cargo drive that gets mounted in fstab to /media/sdb5   i want to share the entire disk through samba.  what do most people do?  create a symlink in export for the device than share that?05:14
tomohawksecondly, the IDE cable wouldn't fit it anyway05:14
tomohawki dont have a bracket to put it into though05:15
LjLcello_rasp: having 256 megs instead of 128 megs will make quite a big difference with ubuntu05:15
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jurgenwhat is utf8?05:15
pupeno-jurgen: an encoding for Unicode.05:15
tomohawkcharacter set05:15
jurgenkk..how can i change?05:15
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pupeno-tomohawk: no, it is an encoding, Unicode is the character set.05:15
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tomohawkahhh kk05:15
Ch1p_Leyyy got a problem when installing ubuntu dapper drake - got the message: /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control truned off05:16
wubrgamerhye guys, i'm looking for a linux alternative to M$ publisher05:16
cello_raspLJL: thanks, now i know how much to get :) i'm trying to turn my dad away from XP. so i'm tweaking xubuntu for when he gets back from business05:16
pupeno-wubrgamer: I think you might have better luck if you describe what you want without using other products, some of us don't know what that is.05:16
LjLwubrgamer: not much software of that kind around. you can try Scribus, but it's Qt rather than GTK, and its interface is a little... awkward05:16
GastenHi! Im tring to download Wine, and on thier homepage they tell me to "System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager" and click "add", but it seems like it is another version or something. What should I click on to make a costum download (is that what you call it?)? // First time linuxer.05:17
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:17
LjLwubrgamer: or you could use a word processor. KWord in particular is very layout-oriented (but, again, it's a KDE program, so you might prefer to avoid it), while OOo Writer and AbiWord are quite a bit more text-oriented05:17
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fyrestrtrpupeno-: 17353 is the pastebin number05:17
pupeno-fyrestrtr: aticonfig was not very useful: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1735205:18
cello_raspi really should put some of these custom xubuntu launchers I've made up on the forums. Spend yesterday making disk mounting utilities, including floppy :)05:18
LjLcello_rasp: with 256 megs, you'll probably be able to run Ubuntu (rather than Xubuntu) nicely enough. with 512, you'll be absolutely fine05:18
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pupeno-fyrestrtr: I'll check.05:18
Aganghow do i install center on ubuntu server?05:18
cello_raspLjL: yeah all this xubuntu was a bit wasted.. oh well!05:18
joeljkpi'm trying to set up access to an ImageRunner 5000i printer using a given IP address; what options do i choose in 'new printer'?05:18
tredligi wish there was a way to install totally headless05:19
pupeno-fyrestrtr: you have some modules that I don't, i'll add them and try.05:19
fyrestrtrAgang: 'center' ?05:19
tredliglike a boot cd with vnc05:19
Ch1p_Leyyy got a problem when installing ubuntu dapper drake - got the message: /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control truned off_ any ideas?05:19
tredligthat would be hot05:19
cello_rasptredlig: there is, look for automatic login on debian or ubuntu.05:19
Gastenthank you.05:19
jurgenwhere can i change the utf8?05:19
GastenI guess.05:19
fyrestrtrtredlig: you could always netboot the machine with a chroot running ssh server, then just login.05:20
cello_rasptredlig: its basically a c program that launches the user account. the user account launches a vnc server05:20
tredligi'm talking about a computer i have with xp on it now05:20
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cello_rasptredlig: sorry i misread your question05:20
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tredligi want to uninstall xp05:21
tredligand install ubuntu05:21
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tomohawkwait, if i was having problems with GRUB being installed in the master boot record before, i probably would want the alternate install version so i can put it some place else, right?05:21
pupeno-jurgen: you don't do that, you change it in an application ro something like that, otherwise your question doesn't make much sense for us.05:21
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jurgenpupeno-:  it's in xchat05:21
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fyrestrtrProcessor: 100% Use Networking: 98% Use ... now that's what I call efficient use of resources :P05:22
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narfmasterwhy change away from utf8?05:23
jurgenhave no idea...my friends at irc whines over something..05:23
thansenanyone created a deb for this http://www.gibix.net/projects/nspluginwrapper/ yet?05:23
wubrgamerlooking for a good program for desktop publishing05:23
jurgensome bad signs.05:23
fyrestrtrjurgen: tell him to stop using mirc.05:23
jurgenbut where can i change?05:23
Foobalthansen: if you're lazy, it's bundled with Opera linux versions05:24
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thansenFoobal: have you tried to alien their rpm on the website05:24
fyrestrtrwubrgamer: sudo apt-get install scribus scribus-template05:24
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Foobalthansen: umm, I think they provided .deb actually05:25
CrescendoMy machine has two sound cards, and is posting audio through the wrong one.  How would I go about switching them?05:25
jurgenfyrestrtr: ?05:25
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Foobalat least when I installed it to test it out I saw nspluginwrapper installed05:25
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SubCrescendo, system/preferences/sound and then pick "default sound card" at the bottom05:25
CrescendoHrm, one is showint up as SB Live [Unknown]  - does this mean that the drivers aren't installed properly?05:26
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thansenFoobal: I am only seeing the source and an rpm...but I'll keep digging05:27
task0hi all05:27
jurgencan someone help me with some things pls pm me..neeed help!05:27
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task0i'm having problems with nvidia dirvers05:27
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ajay_how do i boot a iso from qemu?05:28
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pupenofyrestrtr: no luck. And loading GLcore failed.05:28
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task0i'm having problems with nvidia dirvers, how do i install them?!05:29
narfmasterajay_, qemu -hda c.img -cdrom linux.iso -boot d -m 12805:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:29
fyrestrtrpupeno: hrmm -- which ATI drivers have you got installed?05:29
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fyrestrtrmeant to ask the binary ati ones or the ones from apt-get?05:30
pupenofyrestrtr: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx05:30
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cmkplI have a question: Can I extract a Ubuntu CD to treat it as a mirror for mini.iso to download files?05:30
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task0pupeno, tnkz :)05:30
pupenotask0: you are welocme.05:30
ajay_narfmaster, that is from cdrom?05:30
Lukeis there a Ubuntu specific LILO guide anywhere on the net? also does Ubuntu keep LILO updated with the current kernel like GRUB?05:30
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narfmasterajay_, that line assumes you want to install onto c.img05:31
londondaveIf Toma & dli are about I'd like to thank them for getting the cursed sagem fast 800 to work under linux05:31
narfmasterfrom linux.iso that is05:31
jurgenpupeno:  u know where i can change it in xchat?05:31
pupenojurgen: mmh, not really because I don't use xchat, sorry.05:31
ajay_ok narfmaster05:31
krangI have 6 client machines and an NIS server for logins. What's the best way to count how many logins have occurred? I can't just use /etc/profile or xsession, because I want to track logins centrally.05:31
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vakahow can i reload the fonts in ~/.font?05:32
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skyboxwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,missing codepage or other error05:33
skyboxanyone know what that means? I just bought a new dual layer burner, and I tried to mount the empty media05:33
narfmasterneed to burn it first :)05:34
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londondavedo computers move that fast whats a dual layer burner?05:34
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.05:34
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ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines05:35
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skyboxnarfmaster, ah I see :)05:35
narfmastercan't mount a blank disc05:35
skyboxdual layer discs (dvd9) are dvds that can hold over 8GB, londondave05:35
Lukeis there a Ubuntu specific LILO guide anywhere on the net? also does Ubuntu keep LILO updated with the current kernel like GRUB?05:35
skyboxcheers narfmaster!05:35
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.05:35
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londondavethat sound like almost twice the amount05:36
LukeFrogzoo: that didnt tell me anything I asked05:36
vakahow can i install new fonts?05:36
ubotufonts is Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, gsfonts-x11 - Microsoft fonts: install the msttcorefonts package05:36
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krangSo, er, no-one knows how to counts logins on an NIS based network? I suppose you can do it with LDAP :-)05:37
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zybridis the problem XGL-related?05:37
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zybridcompiz.real: No composite extension05:37
londondavei see the networking monkeys are in05:38
zybriduh oh. :(05:38
zybridi was afraid of that.05:38
jurgenwtf? e: not locked? what is that?05:38
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AltF4HI all05:39
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AltF4Hi ALL05:41
AltF4Hows it goin05:41
AltF4tough crowd05:41
zybridtry #teens05:41
=== Sub throws a tomato.
FrogzooAltF4: this isn't a channel for general chat05:42
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AltF4well nuthing else is bein said05:42
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rixxoncan you change brightness, like software-wise?05:42
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Lukeis there a Ubuntu specific LILO guide anywhere on the net? also does Ubuntu keep LILO updated with the current kernel like GRUB?05:42
AltF4how do I install things in ubuntu05:42
SubAltF4, ask away.05:43
FrogzooAltF4: dude - you're out of line - if you don't have an ubuntu related support question, please move along05:43
rixxonAltF4: use synaptic05:43
SubAltF4, system-admin-synaptic package manager.05:43
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AltF4where is that05:43
Bactacan i wash my wanky in ur sinky?05:43
rixxonAltF4: or Application/Add / Remove05:43
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rixxonAltF4: that's the most simple way anyway05:43
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rixxondoesn't list all programs though05:44
SubAltF4, i jus told you, goto system then admin then synaptic05:44
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AltF4I KNOW05:44
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Sub<AltF4> where is that05:44
SMG|CH_if I take the hard drives out of an ubuntu system and slap them into another different system and just turn it on ... are there any negative things that could happen? I did it and it worked fine, just had to reconfigure nic and few X settings, but wanna make sure im not gonna blow somethin up lol05:44
Subwhat a nub....05:44
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SubSMG|CH_, it should be okay.05:45
FrogzooSub: it's the centre - as in the 'nub' of the issue05:45
SubSMG|CH_, hardware might act a bit funny05:45
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Sublike if it's  set up for NVidia and you got an ATI in there itll throw a wobbly probs05:45
pupenofyrestrtr: no luck :( and now the cursor on the second monitor is a big blue square.05:45
SMG|CH_its the same exact card05:46
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SMG|CH_u see what happened is my ubuntu box blew up05:46
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SMG|CH_so i took the gfx card out of it and stuck it in another older box (p3-866->500celeron) and put the HDs in it as well and then booted it05:46
ProN00bwill ubuntu use a different color with the next release ?05:46
ProN00bi mean nazi brown isn't really what everyone likes05:46
rskProN00b maybe05:46
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=== richee HI
pupenoshouldn't there be a linux module for dri ?05:47
SubProN00b, it was worse in breezy :P05:47
FrogzooProN00b: actually, it's a good point - a choice of themes on install would be nice05:47
Subat least now it's got some orange highlights.05:47
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SubFrogzoo, itz different though.05:48
Suband earthy.05:48
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Subim not saying i like it :P - im jus saying i can see why they use it.05:48
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dimitri2401 /connect irc.rezosup.net05:48
FrogzooSub: just considering, you had a choice of say a half dozen stock themes05:48
maagimiesThe new Ubuntu theme is a looking theme, unlike the breezy one :p05:49
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SubFrogzoo, but you do, there jus not stuck in your face, if you hate it, your likely to look around and find the theme options.05:49
AltF4There is a new theme for ubuntu05:49
AltF4where is that?05:49
ProN00bFrogzoo, it doesn't even have to be full themes, just the same thing as it is now with brown replaced with other colors (maybe a bit brighter)05:49
maagimiesAltF4, the dapper one05:49
ProN00bSub, the other themes are not really consistent05:49
coventryThe ubuntu installer has hung during the "select a disk" section.  It appears to be having trouble querying the available disks, as the installer screen is not providing any options, just sitting there with an "I'm waiting" cursor.  Any suggestions for what I could do to try to move forward?05:50
ubotuI know nothing about amsn05:50
maagimiesProN00b, ?05:50
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.05:50
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FrogzooSub: yes indeed, but it's the first theme that noobs see, & brown is a bit off putting05:51
AltF4Does anyone know any good IRC Clients for Ubuntu Linux05:51
KenSentMeAltF4: Xchat, irssi05:51
SubAltF4, xchat05:51
Subor irrsi.05:51
Sublol ken beat me to it :P05:51
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AltF4cool thanks05:52
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ProN00bthere is only grey, blue (creamy blue like (that theme has shitty folder icon)) and brown05:52
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maagimiesProN00b, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=27141 and http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3896405:52
coventryIs there a better place where I could ask about installation issues?05:52
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juanca7777_hello everyone05:52
maagimiesProN00b, get those and you'll get a sexy dark desktop ;p05:52
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juanca7777_i was browsing the ubuntu site trying to find a place where all the updated packages are listed and the reason why they are updated, any idea where this could be?05:53
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ProN00blol, maagimies, completely black05:53
bignose__can anyone recommend a sata-2 raid5 controller that works well in linux ?05:54
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maagimiesProN00b, I like dark desktops, it's easier on my eyes, but you really have to hunt down the good themes05:54
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AltF4QUESTION: On my other computer, I have running a live CD and it won't recognize my Ethranet Card. Why05:55
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AltF4Sorry bad grammer05:55
=== MrDuck [n=mrduck@vrn78-1-82-232-35-93.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
AltF4I am running a Live CD05:56
CrescendoBad spelling was the only problem.05:56
SMG|CH_AltF4 does it show up with lspci?05:56
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AltF4it doesn't show up at all05:56
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SMG|CH_what have you tried to look for it? and what model is it anyway05:57
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LukianI have "login" in my ubuntu updates05:57
SMG|CH_I guess leaving the channel might fix it lol05:57
LukianClicking on it causes X to crash and restart05:57
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nicktk1still tryin to install my wc05:58
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hcjc92would telnetd be a telenet daemon i assume05:58
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Frogzoohcjc92: yup05:59
void^Lukian: using nvidia's graphics driver?05:59
hcjc92how would i run it?05:59
hcjc92i would think that telnetd would be the thing in bash, but it isn't06:00
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billybennettCan someone help me figure out why my laptop doesnt shutdown all the way?  It will just sit at a blackscreen for hours... ???06:00
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Frogzoohcjc92: telnetd is the server end - & it's a bad idea to run it on net connected machines, use sshd instead06:01
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Lukianvoid^: yes06:01
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Ropechoborrahow to convert .wav in some compatible format?06:01
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void^Lukian: well, look at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/5024506:02
BazziRopechoborra: wav is like the most compatible ;)06:02
maagimiesRopechoborra, google for audacity, it's a general audio editor, but it's easy with it to save to ogg for example :)06:02
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RopechoborraBazzi .wav is compatible??06:03
maagimiesBazzi, sure, but music collection would take quite alot more space in wav format :)06:03
billybennettCan anyone here help me troubleshoot a shutdown problem?!06:03
erUSULRopechoborra: sound-converter06:03
BazziRopechoborra: yeah because it's raw :P06:03
Traeyeah! My Ubuntu 6.06 cd's got here06:03
TraeI've already given away 406:03
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BazziI'd convert it into flac for personal use and mp3 for mp3 player use06:03
Traeoops, I'm not on #ubuntu-offtopic06:04
jokersmildIs there anybody in here that is in Los Angeles and would like to have a nice lunch and fix my screen resolution...Assume that I have read every manual and every forum that concerns this problem but have not been able to solve it myself.06:04
nicktk1im reading on how to install my wirless card and it is saying "make deb" what do they mean06:04
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Lukianvoid^: Does that help me?06:04
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Lukianwhat can I do to prevent it from happening / removing the update from the list?06:05
fractalworldAnyone here know much about sysvinit?06:05
hcjc92frogzoo, how do i get sshd, not found if i do apt-get install sshd06:05
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loststar4545how do i take a screenshot06:05
wastrelhcjc92:  openssh-server is the package name06:05
void^Lukian: not really, at least we can assume it's a problem related to nvidia's driver. you can update with apt-get, synaptic, or using nv/vesa drivers06:05
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wastrelhcjc92:  apt-cache search lets you search in the package database06:05
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cntbubotu is a wonder06:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage06:06
fractalworldI have changed sysvinit versions, but now I get complaints during booting that /lib/init/mount-functions.sh and /lib/init/vars.sh are missing.06:06
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fractalworldI have run "apt-get install sysvinit initscripts --reinstall" and it seems like all went well.06:07
nicktk1is it possable to copy the files that exsist for windows into linux to start my wifi connection06:07
POVaddcthcjc92: apt-get install openssh-server06:08
nicktk1no one?06:08
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fractalworldnicktk1 No.06:08
ubotuI know nothing about howto06:08
KenSentMenicktk1: linux wifi works different than windows wifi06:08
fractalworldnicktk1 What is your wifi card?06:09
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nicktk1a wireless linksys g adapter06:09
fractalworldnicktk1 Model number?06:10
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:11
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nicktk1if u find anything pm me i gotta go06:11
hcjc92will openssh-server be setup to work as is, or do i need to edit a config?06:11
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fractalworldnicktk1 Do you know how to use Google?  http://prism54.org/pipermail/prism54-devel/2004-August/001812.html06:12
nicktk1ok tell me i have thease chats logged06:12
nicktk1tryed it06:12
nicktk1that is...nothin06:12
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KenSentMehcjc92: mostly you don't need to do anything after installing openssh-server06:12
POVaddcthcjc92: it will setup itself, at least it will create the host keys and start the daemon06:12
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fractalworldnicktk1 Read that web page.  You need NdisWrapper.06:13
kranghow do you read memos when you get one on this server?06:13
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cntbubuntu is unique iinthat sudo uses common user's password , while root is disabled on desktops , right ?06:13
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void^wusb54gv4 uses a ralink 2570 chipset.. i'd use ndiswrapper anyway, the native ralink driver has been unreliable in my experience, at least for usb devices06:14
ompaulcntb, unique that it is the default setting - given that a few distros are downstream I doubt it :)06:15
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fractalworldnicktk1 http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/06:15
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wastrelcntb:  i don't think that's particularly unique, but it is i suppose noteworthy06:15
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wastrelcntb:  sudo always uses the user password06:16
rebanyone know some good c# resources other than msdn06:16
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fractalworldnicktk1 http://www.networkworld.com/columnists/2005/100305internet.html06:16
ompaulreb, why not look at mono, that other particular product is not supported natively under Ubuntu06:16
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La_PaRCais there a way to have nautilus listen to events on /mnt so that the drives mounted there are shown on the desktop?06:17
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coz_power management is set to sleep "Never" yet monito sleeps after about 15 minutes... any suggestions?06:17
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jrattner1coz_, its "blanks" after 15 minutes06:18
Jack_SparrowLa_PaRCa: Do you want them to be onscreen with every boot?06:18
coz_jrattner1, yes it does!06:18
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rebompaul: im using mono :), i was looking for some references tutorials and whatnot, monkeyguide isnt too great06:18
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OMGLAZERSHas anyone here ever installed Ubuntu on a Macintosh laptop?06:18
jrattner1coz_, it doesnt sleep, it blanks (theres an option under power management regarding it)06:18
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coz_jrattner1, let me look06:18
ompaulreb, apt-cache search mono | grep doc :-) that is as good as I can do06:18
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rebompaul: got that too, but thanks anyway :)06:19
coz_jrattner1, no thoses settings are correct "do nothing" is set for both06:19
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sorush20guys I keep getting this make error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1735606:19
ompaulreb, methinks you should be in #mono06:19
ompaulreb, they might just know more06:19
jrattner1coz_, try looking under screen saver settings...i forget where it is06:19
publicdustpuppyi can't get ubuntu dapper to work in vmware...06:20
rebompaul: thats a good idea06:20
La_PaRCaJack_Sparrow, um, basically that they come on screen when they automount06:20
coz_jr hold on06:20
publicdustpuppycan anyone help?06:20
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Jack_SparrowLa_PaRCa: USe this script...  http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter   then restart06:20
wastrelsorush20:  install   libwrapguile-dev06:20
Jack_SparrowLa_PaRCa: that is for ntfs, and fat32 partitions06:21
coz_jrattner1, that may have done it I will check back in if it doesn't thanks guy!06:21
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Jack_SparrowLa_PaRCa: You can also go to term and type gconf -editor    browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and put a check next to volums_visable06:22
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La_PaRCaJack_Sparrow, not what I was looking for. I was automounting some stuff to /mnt instead of /media and I wanted to know if there was a way for nautilus to show drives mounted to /mnt in the desktop when they become mounted06:23
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ubotuAn advanced and free (only as in price) Web browser. Howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser - Latest Ubuntu packages always at: http://opera.com/download06:23
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FunnyLookinHatFor some reason opera isn't showing up in my synaptic/ add programs thingies06:24
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pupenoWhat's the name of the free ATI drivers ? to use them instead of the proprietary ones ?06:24
nofx_brhey guys.. i'm want XGL!! huauha..... the stuff on the repository is up to date, cool ?  or its better to compile everything06:24
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nofx_bri'm on dapper06:24
fyrestrtr!ati > pupeno06:24
pupenommhh. I think that I get an error if I use ati.06:24
OMGLAZERSHas anyone here ever installed Ubuntu on a Macintosh laptop?06:24
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phibxris there any application in the repositories that is able to refresh a given HTML-page at intervals and notify if it changes?06:25
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jrattner1phibxr, you could make a pretty simple perl script to do that06:25
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frogzoophibxr: wget - not sure how to manage the notify part though06:26
Lukehow can I add a shell script to my gnome startup session (i know where the menu is but do i need to do "exec script.sh" or something)?06:26
technelWhat program do you guys recommend for tagging in Ubuntu that has support for MusicBrainz or Amazon (freedb isn't looking too good at this point; CDDB has a weird license)?06:26
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phibxrfrogzoo, wget could do it. i'll look into it. thanks.06:26
Luketechnel: cowbell06:26
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frogzooLuke: ~/.gnomerc06:26
Lukefrogzoo: you dont suggest just adding it to the session menu?06:26
sonicsis the only msn client with webcam support amsn?06:26
technelLuke, I actually downloaded cowbell earlier today. I like it except for the fact that after a album is tagged I can have the files renamed but not moved to another directory06:27
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JoaoJoaosonics: There's also Mercury06:27
frogzooLuke: either/or06:27
Luketechnel: sorry dont know then06:27
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sonicsgaim doesnt have any right?06:27
Lukefrogzoo: i'd like to add it to the GUI menu06:27
Lukefrogzoo: do you know how to do that06:27
Lukebrayner: quit pinging me06:27
technelLuke, You can put "Track - Title" but not "/media/hdb/music/Artist/Album (Year)/Track - Title" -- that would be ideal. How do you use it? Do you have a large music collection?06:27
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frogzooLuke: accessories -> al a carte06:28
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Luketechnel: yea but i do the directory stuff by hand06:28
Luketechnel: i did it a while ago when i had only a few mp3s so i have just kept it up to date since06:28
Lukefrogzoo: accessories?06:28
technelLuke, Ah, I see. I suppose I could do that too, I have to start over after a hard drive crash anyway (4000 songs, ouch)06:28
askjeevesgot a small problem06:28
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Lukefrogzoo: i dont want to add it to the menu... i want to use gnome-session-manager to start my shell script06:28
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Luketechnel: i'm sure there are other programs out there to do what you want06:29
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JoaoJoaobrayner: Pong06:29
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askjeevesI am trying to install ubuntu to my XP comp..I made the second partition but still it will not go through any one out there with fool proof link to this tut?06:30
rpedrotechnel: have you tried picard?06:30
Lukebrayner: are you pinging the whole channel?06:30
nofx_branyone on xgl ?? is this a good walktrought? http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=91606:30
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pupenoOk, it seems the free ones doesn't work at all, the packaged ones are dead-slow (even for scrolling text) and the ati.com's one, althought they have 2d acceleration, 3d acceleration doesn't work (unable to load dri) and the cursor in the second display is a big blue square... I am starting to see why people hate ATI.06:30
cntbhelp get xvid decoder pls !06:30
nctHi, I've a strange bug with oss in ubuntu (updated from debian some times ago). /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 both point to themselves. It looks like udevplug does something strange. Does anyone have experienced the same problem ?06:30
JoaoJoaoATI linux drivers suck06:30
Administrator__nofx_br, I would recomend using the ubuntu XGL guide on wiki.ubuntu.com06:30
Administrator__JoaoJoao, this is correct06:30
nofx_brAdministrator__:  that what i was looing for.. tnx06:31
OMGLAZERSHas anyone here ever installed Ubuntu on a Macintosh laptop?06:31
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technelrpedro, I have, on Windows. I read the instructions to install on Ubuntu but there were a ton of dependencies which also had dependencies which apparently had one or more dependencies not in repo that I would have to compile -- no thanks!06:31
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rpedrotechnel: it works fine for me06:31
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:31
rpedrotechnel: maybe some repository you configured has conflicting packages06:31
pupenodoes anybody have any piece of advise to get is as usable as an old trident 2MB card ?06:31
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technelrpedro, Eh, I suppose that is possible. It gives an error about not having some python package and it says it won't install it for me. When I add that package to my apt-get install line it says that has 3 or 4 dependencies, each of which apparently have dependencies as well (so I gave up)06:32
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idefixare websites made with windows or linux exactly the same? can two different html's/php's/other formats have the same appearance in an explorer?06:32
nofx_brpupeno: i got one of those in dual monitor once... but only 800x600 is really crap06:32
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rpedrotechnel: strange...06:33
rpedrotechnel: have you tried with synaptic ?06:33
Storkhi, i set in my shortcut-keys for a key to open a music player, how can i change which music player it is?06:33
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emhadeeI installed Ubuntu-server on a pentium-III, the installation went okay, but now it will not boot from the HD, it says "savedefault" and then "boot" and starts over again in an infinite loop06:33
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nofx_bridefix: should be dude... not for win or linux.... but for firefox(mozilla) and ie06:33
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technelrpedro, I added the repo, refreshed the list, and synaptic said there was no "picard"06:33
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rpedrotechnel: one sec...06:34
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Jack_Sparrowpupeno: To get more use out of a 2 meg trident video card ... Open door put edge of card under door and tap until it holds the door open.06:34
Storkhi, i set in my shortcut-keys for a key to open a music player, how can i change which music player it is?06:35
rpedrotechnel: you have universe and multiverse enabled?06:35
kaotlol Jack_Sparrow06:35
Jack_Sparrowpupeno: On a more serious note... Is that isa video card or pci06:35
emhadeeI suspect it has something to do with not having the right boot partition; does anybody know how to change the boot partition on ubuntu?06:35
technelrpedro, I uncommented all of the lines in sources.list, yeah06:35
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pupenoJack_Sparrow: you totally missed the point... I am trying to make an ATI Radeon X1300 work.06:35
Paladinewell that was fun06:35
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rpedrotechnel: add this line to your sources.list -->  deb http://users.musicbrainz.org/~luks/ubuntu dapper dev06:35
Paladineubu auto update just crashed xorg06:35
Paladinecrashed it good too06:36
technelrpedro, Oh, I had put "main"06:36
maagimiesHeh, just yesterday I deleted my 15 gb of music free willingly :D06:36
La_PaRCaHey, I am having some trouble with the skype beta. Basically, I cannot see my online contacs. Everyone looks offline to me.06:36
Paladinesent a bunch of crap to the video device06:36
rpedrotechnel: keep them both06:36
Jack_Sparrowpupeno: You will probably have the same amount of luck with that card.06:36
maagimieshmm, typed in the wrong channel...06:36
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Jack_Sparrowpupeno: You read through the docs here on ati correct06:36
Paladineanyone else had any problems like that, a friend of mine did the update a few minutes before me and the same happened to him too06:37
pupenoJack_Sparrow: I've read the ones on the ubuntu wiki.06:37
nctWell, I think I'll fill a bug report06:37
ncthave a nie day06:37
fractalworldAsking again:  Anyone here know how to fix sysvinit problems?06:37
rpedrotechnel: if after this you still have problems, join #musicbrainz , maybe someone can help you there06:37
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kaotfractalworld: can you elaborate?06:37
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harisundfractalworld what kind of problems? State it and probably someone might be able to help06:37
Jack_Sparrowpupeno: What is the current problem, just waking up here and I use nvidia myself06:37
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technelrpedro, Added those lines, did an apt-get update, it still says picard: Depends: python-tunepimp (>= 0.5.1) but it is not going to be installed06:38
hcjc92how cna i pipe "ps -aux" to a file06:38
jonah1980hi i've had a disaster, hope someone can help me. i just bought a new computer and i've put some bits from my old machine into new one. but now when i turn old one on it just beeps every couple of seconds, like an alarm with black screen, but it's got memory, a cd drive etc - i don't know what's gone wrong06:38
jonah1980can anyone please help me out?06:38
harisundhcjc92 "ps aux >> fileName"06:38
jonah1980i'm talking on new system now which works sweet but my girlfriend needs some stuff from old one!06:38
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:38
Paladinejonah1980, you motherboard manual should tell you what the beeps are for06:38
harisundjonah1980 just ask your question06:38
fractalworldkaot, I downgraded from one version to another.  Now I get messages during boot saying that /lib/init/mount-functions.sh and /lib/init/vars.sh are missing.06:38
Paladineit will either be graphics device or cpu06:38
pupenoJack_Sparrow: Ok, it seems the free ones doesn't work at all, the packaged ones are dead-slow (even for scrolling text) and the ati.com's one, althought they have 2d acceleration, 3d acceleration doesn't work (unable to load dri) and the cursor in the second display is a big blue square... I am starting to see why people hate ATI.06:38
jonah1980Paladine, i don't have a motherboard manual06:38
frogzoohcjc92:  you can't 'pipe' it, but you can redirect it '>'06:38
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Paladineso download it06:39
RatmanBueno chao otro dia me meto otra vez me voy a comer06:39
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Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: Yes I will help06:39
Jack_SparrowIS that one beep or 206:39
harisundHas anybody used FreeNX? Do you know whether the GDM should be running in order to use FreeNX?06:39
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, thanks man06:39
kaotfractalworld: oh boy.  haven't seen that one.06:39
jonah1980it's just one beep repeating every couple seconds06:39
fractalworldkaot, I found indications that Debian pretty recently made these changes (added these files) and that Edgy picked it up.06:39
Paladineanyone else had issues with ubu autoupdate crashing xorg06:39
Jack_Sparrowpupeno:  what do you get running glxgears06:39
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fractalworldkaot, When Edgy became too unstable for me, I downgraded to Dapper.06:40
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980:  Pull your ram chip and reseat it.. One beep is usually a memory error  or mismatched memory06:40
hcjc92is there any graphic way to do ps -aux (like the windows ctrl-shft-esc)06:40
pupenoJack_Sparrow: a still picture of three gears.06:40
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Paladinea simple yes or no response will do?06:40
kaotfractalworld: so now you have to figure out what's calling those scripts and fix it?06:40
pupenoJack_Sparrow: oh! wait! another frame... it moves!06:40
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fractalworldkaot, I have done my best to ensure that sysvinit and initscripts are correctly installed.06:41
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, could it be because i stole a little memory out of it? i just left 64mb in there06:41
LoRezWarning: `Ratman' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.06:41
fractalworldkaot, Right.06:41
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!06:41
harisundhcjc92 there is a process viewer.. you can set a keyboard shortcu to it06:41
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Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: YEp... some are meant to be in pairs06:41
harisundwhat's up with Ratman and Venezuela?06:41
hcjc92whats it called?06:41
jonah1980Jack Sparrow, i took two 256 mb chips out and put one 64mb back in instead06:41
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kaotfractalworld: just a thought, have you tried to grep /etc/ for those filenames,maybe they pop up in init scripts in there06:41
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fractalworldkaot, I have grepped all over the place (the /etc, /sbin, /usr/sbin and /lib/init trees).06:41
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fractalworldkaot, Yep06:41
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: THats how you fix it..06:42
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, ah bummer cos i've got my new machine up and running and i don't have any memory to put in old one without pulling it all in bits again06:42
fractalworldkaot,  tried that.06:42
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Paladinehello?? Has anyone else had a problem with autoupdate crashing xorg?06:42
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fractalworldkaot, That's what's stumping me.06:42
harisundhcjc92 I think it is process viewer.. not sure .. if you try to create a panel button you will find it06:42
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Ramunashow can i find Opera in the repositories?06:42
davemiccPaladine: yes!06:42
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: What type of memory chips are you running06:42
Jack_Sparrowpc100, sd ?06:42
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Paladinedavemicc, just happened to me and a friend of mine minutes apart06:43
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fractalworldkaot, the messages show up when I hit the /sbin/init stage of booting, but I can't figure out the source of the messages.06:43
Paladinedavemicc, proper crashed it too, sent a bunch of junk to the video device06:43
Jack_Sparrowpupeno:  type glxgears -printfps06:43
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, ok the one i left in, i just ripped it out - it's a Crucial 256mb ddr06:43
wastrel!opera > Ramunas06:44
davemiccPaladine: I just used synaptic instead of trying to track down the problem - it happened after I upgraded xserver-xorg-input-mouse package06:44
fractalworldkaot, since /sbin/init is a binary file, it is a little hard for me to debug./06:44
davemiccPaladine: I thought it was due to some other stuff I had been messing withe06:44
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, DDR06:44
kaotfractalworld: yes, I can see where that would be a problem :\06:44
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Paladinedavemicc, yeah I just installed that the other day, never had any problems, but just did todays update and got a scarey crash06:44
kaotkaot: have you tried downgrading sysvinit manually?06:45
Ramunaswastrel: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Makes_Opera_9_available06:45
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AspenHokay: Obscure Little Post-Dapper-Update bug regarding Xorg06:45
AspenI've got multiple monitors set up, and everything was working fine before the update. Afterwards, the mouse cursor doesn't change (in response to window edges, links, etc) on ONE of the screens. On the other one everything works as expected. Really tiny problem bug it's kind of annoying.06:45
AspenIs there someplace I can look in my xorg.conf to fix this?06:45
pupenoXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:45
pupeno863 frames in 5.9 seconds = 145.398 FPS06:45
pupeno810 frames in 5.4 seconds = 149.765 FPS06:45
hcjc92harisund, its system mointior :)06:45
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Storkhi, i set in my shortcut-keys for a key to open a music player, and it opens a music player i don't like. Is it possible to change the default music player to 'XMMS' ?06:45
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: Where did the 64 meg chip come from.  My concern is that if you forced it in you may now have a bad MB..  I have never seen a 64meg ddr chip06:46
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pupenoJack_Sparrow: there. But I'd say it is running at 140 frames per minute... maybe less. I can see the individual frames.06:46
iz_no_goudbonjour, quelqu'un connait un bon logiciel de gravage sous ubuntu ?06:46
kaotfractalworld: yeah i was talking to myself.  ahem.  have you tried downgrading sysvinit manually?06:46
Jack_Sparrowpupeno: Even the free drivers can do better06:46
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dxdemetriouI have installed the menu from Synaptic to have all programs in Applications/Debian. The problem is that if I choose "open with" for one file it crash the Nautilus. Anybody knows how can I fix it?06:46
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pupenoJack_Sparrow: understandable... when you manage to load DRI I imagine.06:47
Jack_Sparrowpupeno:  did you get any errors during the ati driver process06:47
wastrelRamunas:  you can download an ubuntu deb from opera's website06:47
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jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, no sorry it's 256, i thought it was 64mb - my mistake - it used to have two 256mb chips and i took one out and put in new machine alongside the two already in new computer06:47
bill[1] anyone know if there are any fixes in the line for the kdevelop svn bugs in the current version?06:47
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Ramunaswastrel: i know, i already have it installed, but after reading this i wanted to find it in the repositories06:47
pupenoJack_Sparrow: no.06:48
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: Put the candle back...  Oh flashback to old MEl Brooks movie Young Frankenstein06:48
wastrelRamunas:  i don't see it in the repos anywhere.06:48
sktxsomeone trying to msg me?06:48
gnomefreakRamunas: its not in the official repos on ubuntu06:48
Storkhi, i set in my shortcut-keys for a key to open a music player, and it opens a music player i don't like. Is it possible to change the default music player to 'XMMS' ?06:48
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Paladinedavemicc, the scariest thing is it hasn't dumped anything to the .xsession-error file either06:48
Ramunasgnomefreak: so where can i find them?06:48
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gnomefreakRamunas: its most likely froma  3rd party repo06:49
fractalworldkaot, Hah!  Found the calls.  Now I just need to figure out how to replace the missing files or else modify the files that call them.06:49
Jack_Sparrowsystem preferences preferred-applications06:49
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gnomefreakRamunas: opera.com ;) download the .deb and do sudo dpkg -i06:49
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Ramunasgnomefreak: well opera had that repository for ages, it must be something else06:49
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gnomefreakim having issues bringing the digg page up atm to see what they say06:49
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Jack_Sparrow!ati >Jack_Sparrow06:49
gnomefreakRamunas: i dont think opera 9 was ported to that repo06:49
gnomefreakedu: please dont spam06:50
AltF4what's wrong with digg06:50
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gnomefreak!easysource > Ramunas06:50
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gnomefreakRamunas: read your pm please06:50
cbx33hi all I need an lvm guru06:50
gnomefreakAltF4: whats wrong with it?06:50
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gnomefreakAltF4: you mean other than alot of it being bad/false?06:51
gnomefreakAltF4: if you mean bringing it up its not digg its me06:51
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AltF4no no06:51
IB-hi, is there installation instructions for XFCE 4.4 BETA for ubuntu 6.06 ?06:51
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AltF4I mean what is wrong with it when you bring it uo06:52
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ompaulalterr, this is not a chat channel it is a support channel06:52
ompaulalterr, sorry typo06:52
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ompaulAltF4, this is not a chat channel it is a support channel that would be the issue imo06:53
gnomefreakAltF4: i cant bring it up i have too much going on at once its taking forever to load06:53
jonah1980Jack_Sparrow: ok i'll put the candle back! bummer, ok thanks for the help dude06:53
b08yhello, does any one have a complette working cdemu source?06:53
gnomefreakIB-: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:53
AltF4this is #ubuntu not #digg06:53
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cbx33Jack_Sparrow, things have taken a turn for the worst :p06:53
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IB-gnomefreak: that installes a BETA version?06:53
gnomefreakompaul: ty not testing building06:53
ompaulgnomefreak, ohhhhh :-)06:54
gnomefreakIB-: yes06:54
gnomefreakAltF4: please join #ubuntu-offtopic i have too much going on to add a 17th window for chat06:54
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IB-gnomefreak: ok06:55
skyboxwhat's the command to give a folder/director FULL write/read etc settings?06:55
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IB-whats the diff between xfce4 package and xubuntu?06:55
Paladinels -al06:55
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CrescendoGetting a hard link count is wrong for /proc/9364 error... bug in my filesystem driver, when running a find comman... what is the problem here and how do I fix it?06:55
IB-why does xubuntu-desktop need "abiword" ?06:55
b08yskybox: "man chmod"06:56
skyboxokay, tx06:56
AltF4IS there a way to install a program in ubuntu inside vmware06:56
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wastrelIB-:  you must be running breezy?06:56
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frogzooCrescendo: fsck ?06:56
IB-i'm running dapper06:56
rebthe regular way works AltF406:56
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AltF4but it says archive not suported06:56
IB-this is an original 6.06 installation06:56
rebAltF4: whats your sources.list?06:57
wastrelIB-:  interesting, i don't have abiword but i do have ubuntu-desktop06:57
AltF4don;t know06:57
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CrescendoShould I run fsck -p06:57
rebsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:57
frogzooCrescendo: I think so...06:57
AltF4all know is when I donwload .rpms and .bins it says the error06:57
AltF4I'm not in ubuntu now06:57
IB-intalling just xfce406:58
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wastrelIB-:  anyway, ubuntu-desktop is not necessary, it's a wrapper you can safely remove06:58
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CrescendoAnd I'm like... NOOOOO!06:58
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SubAltF4, .rpms do not work with linux.06:58
rebAltF4: use alien -i to install rpms06:58
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).06:58
rhalffanyone owns a levono v100 ? :)06:58
Crescendo.rpms do not work with UBUNTU.06:58
maagimiesCrescendo, usually rpm's work for nobody06:59
AltF4what does06:59
rebAltF4: well. rpms do work, but not always as well06:59
gnomefreakCrescendo: with alien they do but not advised06:59
AltF4what formats do06:59
rebAltF4: bin packages are bad, avoid them06:59
AltF4do .debs work06:59
rebAltF4: you want to install most of your packages via synaptic06:59
gnomefreakreb: bins are fine06:59
void^Crescendo: don't run find on /proc ;)06:59
rebAltF4: debs work06:59
rebgnomefreak: yeah, but its an ugly method06:59
maagimiesreb, not all .bin packages are bad, some are easy to uninstall07:00
maagimiesdo note *some*07:00
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gnomefreakreb: ummm did you ever look through your filesystem?07:00
rebAltF4: is that ahhhhhh of understanding?07:00
exor|greyhaving issues getting php5 to work with apache1.3 on dapper, it appears apt only has the apache2 module07:00
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gnomefreakreb: /usr/bin07:00
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:00
rebgnomefreak: when i say bin, i mean xxxxinstall.bin07:00
ubotuI know nothing about cdemu07:00
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:00
gnomefreakreb: bin is bin either you do it manually or ubuntu does it07:01
rebgnomefreak: as in self-extracting binary packages, which are much uglier than debs or even rpms07:01
AltF4VMware is bette07:01
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JoaoJoaoa little more expensive too07:01
b08ysomeone familiar with cdemu, got working with dapper, msg me, as soon as possible07:01
exor|greyis there a current package for libphp5 against apache1.3 or do i need to add an apt source from a previous version07:01
AltF4I got te player07:01
AltF4the player07:01
rebgnomefreak: .bin packages arent in the apt database07:01
tomohawkhas anyone here had much luck hosting and streaming music+videos to iTunes on a local network?07:01
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rebgnomefreak: meanning you can get a file conflict07:01
AltF4use RSSitunes tomohawk07:01
JoaoJoaoXen + VT-enabled hardware seems to be fantastic07:01
AltF4Sorry RSSTunes07:02
tomohawkthank altf407:02
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tomohawkwill that do video too?07:02
AltF4uses RSS to broadcast your music on a port07:02
AltF4don't think so07:02
AltF4try it07:02
AltF4I use it for music07:02
hyalu_hi, does anybody know how I can switch of the bell in my terminal - each time I do a tab completeion the bell rings which is a little irriatting07:02
rebhyalu_: in konsole or gnome-terminal?07:03
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tomohawkoh wait, so it just works like an internet radio station, as opposed to the way iTunes does its music sharing?07:03
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hyalu_reb, aterm actually07:03
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AltF4it makes an RSS feed07:03
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AltF4so you go to your IP:port number07:03
rebhyalu_: is there a ~/.aterm file or folder?07:03
tomohawkhmm, ill look into it, but that's not what i'm lookin for :(07:03
hyalu_reb, no07:03
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tomohawkI'm trying to set up a server to house all my media for the media pc with the tv, and to the wireless laptops in the house07:04
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jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, hi again! more problems, ok so i put the candle back and thought horray when no beeping started but then the screen just went crazy colours and squares, no writing or bios appears etc either! what have i done now!07:04
AltF4just put HTML files and link to the music and video07:05
rebhyalu_: i cant remember, i used to use aterm all the time though....07:05
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icebreaki've just installed XFCE4, and tried to login into it (just the xfce4, without the xubuntu-desktop), and i've get a wired green desktop, without a working toolbar, and i cant do anything... am i missing something?07:05
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CarlFKhow do I install elm or some other dirt simple email reader ?07:05
rixxoncan you change lcd brightness in ubuntu07:05
rebhyalu_: you edit .Xresources07:05
CarlFKI am trying to figure out why one of my t-bird mail folders hangs tbird07:06
ccookerixxon: if your hardware supports it, chances are it's already working07:06
tomohawkthat would work, but it doesn't integrate into the Front Row software on the mac, and more importantly, still needs at least a mouse to operate :(07:06
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wastrelCarlFK:  try mutt07:06
CarlFKwastrel: thanks07:06
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rixxonccooke: friend is having problem, low brightness and unable to change it with fn+fkeys on laptop07:06
hyalu_reb, aah, thanks. Thats what I was forgetting!07:06
ccookerixxon: what laptop?07:06
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jonah1980Jack_Sparrow, so now the screen is just flashing crazy and lines of squares up and down07:06
rixxonccooke: Packard Bell E231607:06
rebhyalu_: or .Xsettings07:07
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hyalu_reb, actually just doing xset b off does the job07:08
rebhyalu_: hot07:08
SurfnKidcough cough07:08
hyalu_another question - is it possible to have a different image for the login screen than the one that comes with dapper?07:08
icebreakanybody here using xfce4 without xubuntu-desktop ?07:08
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ccookerixxon: ah, not one I know. There *may* be something in /proc/acpi07:09
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rebhyalu_: yes, run gdm-setup as sudo root07:10
rebhyalu_: gdmsetup, no -07:10
sorush20I keep getting a  huge amount of libtool warning..07:10
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rixxonccooke: for example?07:11
SurfnKidhyalu_, matter of fact im changing my themed greeeting as we speak07:11
rebsorush20: such as what, it might not matter at all07:11
SurfnKidhyalu_, u can download different themes, some from the gnome site07:11
ccookerixxon: it depends on the hardware... what's the graphics card?07:12
hyalu_SurfnKid, yes, I've got some theme tarballs. I was wondering how I'd install them07:12
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ferhelo !07:12
hyalu_reb, thanks again :)07:12
kaothyalu_: what kind of themes?07:12
Jack_Sparrowjonah1980: please join /Jack_Sparrow since this is not Ubuntu related problem07:13
ompaulhyalu_, yes - system administration login window after that it is up to you do choose where you drop stuff07:13
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hyalu_kaot, gdm themes07:13
fersome spanish ?07:13
wastrel!es > fer07:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:13
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WooDany know wich software Player can read : asx, ram files ? Totem does not read this kind of file07:13
CodeWarrior_hello folks07:14
kaothyalu_: /usr/share/gdm/themes/ maybe07:14
rebdoes !es > fer send a message to dim saying that?07:14
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SurfnKidhyalu_, in the gdmsetup option of themed greeting, at the bottom, install new theme, look for the tarball, itll automatically import the files into the theemed greeter, and youre done, select any new theme installed07:14
kaothyalu_: don't ask me how to choose themes though07:14
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rebWooD: helix player for ram, asx might work with mplayer07:14
hyalu_SurfnKid, thanks07:14
WooDreb: thanks07:14
rebhyalu_: many themes at gnome-look.org or art.gnome.org-07:14
ompaulhyalu_, you install them using system preferences themes07:14
maagimiesWooD, Totem should read those files if you have the codecs07:14
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SurfnKidhyalu_, i just chose random theme, cuz the default ubuntu themes are pretty gay07:14
WooDmaagimies: ok i need codecs..07:14
rebmaagimies: i dont think totem does windows media streams or real audio medi07:15
orgeis there an app that records desktop, like, demonstrating something like how Novell demonstrated XGL, you know what im saying?07:15
=== Gorlist [n=james@ironfoot.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
maagimiesWooD, mplayerhq.hu07:15
reborge: istanbul or byzanz07:15
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maagimiesWooD, the essential codecs package, unpack the codecs to /usr/lib/win3207:15
CodeWarrior_I would like to use apt-get to download all files (and dependencies) about xgl for dapper, but I'm on another machine that has debian, is there any way to get all files here (using apt-get) and later install all of them on ubuntu ? I just put ubuntu lines on source.list07:15
WooDmaagimies: thanks07:15
GorlistHi, is their a tool to mount virtual CDs? (other than ISO format, such as B5T etc)07:15
reborge: istanbul for longer stuff, byzanz records a gif07:15
Gorlistsomething like Daemon tools?07:15
rixxonccooke: some Intel PCI 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics07:15
ompaulrpedro, the bot is for ubuntu materials only, and when you try to edit it - it shows up where a series of editors can add it or reject it07:16
maagimiesGorlist, http://freshmeat.net/projects/cd-emu/07:16
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Gorlistthans maagimies07:16
jribCodeWarrior_: look into apt-zip but that's just a suggestion, I don't know much about using it07:16
maagimiesGorlist, but you can also use tools to convert the other iso formats to .iso, and just mount them normally07:16
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tibbeis it possible to change the file system used on my /home partition without copying all data from it?07:17
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Subtibbe, depends on what filesystem you want to change to/from07:17
Gorlisthmm, im looking to convert a B5T, B5I blindwrite file07:17
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Gorlistor atleast07:17
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jonah1980join /Jack_Sparrow07:18
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orgechecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool07:18
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orgehow do i install this?07:18
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Suborge, with cspan07:19
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Suborge, sorry cpan07:19
maagimiesGorlist, you could use Ultraiso with wine to convert various iso formats to .iso07:19
JoaoJoaoorge: "sudo cpan", "install XML::Parser"07:19
maagimiesI do that :D07:19
erUSULorge: apt-cache search xml perl07:19
Gorlistok thanks, will give it ago!07:19
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ashugheshey, does anyone know what package libfglrx_pp.so.1.0 and libGL.so.1 are part of?07:20
jribashughes: packages.ubuntu.com can tell you07:20
maagimiesGorlist, although Ultraiso does work greatly with wine, it's free only in trial mode, so you got about a month to search for a linux alternative ;)07:20
gnomefreakashughes: libgl-dev?07:20
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Subashughes, u can do a search for it in packages.ubuntu.com07:21
ubotuI know nothing about flashplayer07:21
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:21
gnomefreak!flashplayer is <alias> flash07:21
ubotuI'll remember that07:21
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=== AutoPilo1 [n=pierre@cpe-24-33-245-201.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Administrator_QUESTION: Is ther Microsoft "Symbol" font avaialbe for ubuntu?07:22
AutoPilo1I need help07:22
AutoPilo1with ndiswrapper07:23
rixxonAdministrator_: i know "easy ubuntu" install some microsoft fonts07:23
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.07:23
orgechecking for GTHREAD... configure: error: Byzanz requires GThread-2.0 >= 2.6.0 and XDamage >= 1.0 to compile.07:23
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MisterNadministrator_: isn't this the greek letters font?07:23
orgewhat is this?07:23
Administrator_MisterN, yes07:23
wastrelAdministrator_:  try installing msttcorefonts07:23
Administrator_wastrel, i dont think its included in that07:23
wastrelk :] 07:23
jriborge: byzanz is in the repositories07:23
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MisterNadministrator_: you don't need a damn greek letters font. just use greek letters in a decent normal font.07:23
ashughesok....i found libGL.so.1....its libgl1-mesa in synaptic07:23
ashughesbut I already have it installed07:23
ashughesany reason you can think of that it cant find it when I try to run aticonfig?07:24
AutoPilo1can anyone see what I'm typing?07:24
jrib!info byzanz07:24
ubotubyzanz: Byzanz is a desktop recorder. It records to GIF.. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 60 kB, installed size 268 kB07:24
jribAutoPilo1: yes07:24
gnomefreakashughes: .so files are normally in the -dev packages07:24
Administrator_MisterN, I just want the greek letters or sorrorities and fraternities to be displayed in gaim07:24
AutoPilo1I need some guidance07:24
jriborge: you just need the universe repository enabled it seems07:24
ashughesso why would I need dev packages to run aticonfig??07:24
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:24
SubAutoPilo1, we can see ya07:24
ashughesor is that a stupid question07:24
SubAutoPilo1, ask awa.07:25
AutoPilo1ok, good lol07:25
AutoPilo1I have I wireless USB adapter07:25
AutoPilo1trying to install it07:25
jribAutoPilo1: it's easier for everyone if you keep it one line07:25
MisterNadministrator_: i don't know what "sorrorities and fraternities" are but you might want to use the gnome-character-map tool07:25
AutoPilo1I installed ubuntu, first time linux user since last week07:25
ZambeziI need help now from a professional user!07:26
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Administrator_MisterN, ??07:26
ompaulZambezi, can you affort my rates?07:26
jribZambezi: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will try07:26
dr_willisZambezi,  how vague07:26
Zambeziompaul, Pm..07:26
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=== jrib afforts ompaul
gnomefreakZambezi: how about just asking your question07:26
ompauljrib, :)07:26
MisterNadministrator_: don't you want to type text that happens to be in greek?07:27
ompaulZambezi, if you don't ask your question, we don't know if we know the answer07:27
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ashughesok....so I just installed the dev package and it still says it cant find the fil07:27
Administrator_MisterN, no, I want text in my buddies aim profiles which is in greek to be shown in greek letters07:27
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AutoPilo1I read everything about ndiswrapper and my harware: Linksys wireless adapter with speedbooster: 13b1:001407:27
ashughesI am just trying to run fglrxinfo here....seems like it should be simpler than this07:27
AutoPilo1anyone knows anything about it?07:27
andy___i need help configuring an ATI card on ubuntu. dapper drake. it's a ati radeon 9800 card. i went to ATI's website and downloaded and installed "ati-driver-installer-8.26.18-x86"07:27
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MisterNAdministrator_: and you know that Symbol solves the problem?07:28
jrib!ati > andy___07:28
mog___hi; what is the kernel path for ubuntu6.06?07:28
MisterNAdministrator_: is the text in unicode?07:28
n08l3_JattAutoPilo1: what about it, you are not successfull  ??07:28
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Administrator_MisterN, I assume, I know its Symbol font07:28
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roostishawhow can i tell if my graphics card is working?07:29
mog___is kernelpath /lib/modules/kernelver/...07:29
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Blissexroostishaw: usually you look at the screen :-).07:29
Subroostishaw, open a terminal and type "glxgears"07:29
CarlFKAutoPilo1: open a terminal, do lsusb (list usb) - do you see something like: Bus 002 Device 006: ID 13b1:000b Linksys WUSB11 v4.0 802.11b Adapter07:29
Subif it runs well then you should be okay07:29
roostishawBlissex, thanks for that07:29
MisterNAdministrator_: ok this sounds like abuse :)07:29
ardchoilleroostishaw: glxinfo | grep render07:29
AutoPilo1well, I installed the drivers according to the instructions in the ndiswrapper list, it is under the L letter number 24, when I type ndiswrapper -l it says driver present and hardware present07:29
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AutoPilo1yes I have that, lsusb I have that entry07:30
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chicken-manHi, how do I stop gnome logging me out every 20 or so minutes ?07:30
] GoldenDragonummm, what would i need to get started with learning Ruby?07:30
wastrela ruby tutorial07:30
roostishawardchoille, direct rendering: Yes OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Rage 128 20041026 AGP 1x07:30
] GoldenDragondo i need to install anything?07:30
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roostishawardchoille, so its working?07:30
gnomefreakchicken-man: it just shuts down? or is it after you walk awayf or 10-20 mins?07:30
TraeAnything special I need to do to add this SIIG V 5.0 F0008-62 card to my machine?07:30
ardchoilleroostishaw: yes, it's working07:30
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roostishawardchoille, thank you07:30
Traeit's a Firewire card07:31
wastrel] GoldenDragon:  try ruby --version   at the command line07:31
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, is that a Linksys WUSB ethernet adapter?07:31
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AutoPilo1Bus 003 Device 011: ID 13b1:0014 Linksys07:31
chicken-mangnomefreak, I'm not too sure I leave it for 20-30 minutes and when I get back it's at the login screen07:31
] GoldenDragonit says command not found07:31
] GoldenDragon=] 07:31
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wastrel] GoldenDragon:  sudo aptitude install ruby  :] 07:31
] GoldenDragonhehe.07:32
gnomefreakchicken-man: ok go to system>prefference>screensaver and on the bottom of first tab check to see if lock screen is checked if it is uncheskit07:32
AutoPilo1I tried 3 drivers: the original, the Belken F5D7051, and the U.S. robotics07:32
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, install the wlan-ng package in Synaptic, That will enable communication07:32
chicken-mangnomefreak, I think it may have something to do with the screensaver, but every time I open the screensaver config thing it crashes07:32
gnomefreakchicken-man: ^^^ try that07:32
] GoldenDragonaptitude? O_o07:32
chicken-mangnomefreak, ok but it may crash the lot :-P07:32
wastrel] GoldenDragon:  or apt-get07:32
skyboxhow do I check if DMA is enabled for my dvd burner?07:32
] GoldenDragonhehe07:32
gnomefreakchicken-man: if it crashes please file a bug report on launchpad and get a backtrace of it if you can07:33
Foobalskybox: hdparm07:33
AutoPilo1wlan-ng package already unstalled, I did that yesterday07:33
compotatojHas anyone had any luck with sshfs or something similar in Dapper (AMD64)? I am trying to mount an ssh site.07:33
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] GoldenDragonnow just pick up a ruby tutorial? =] 07:33
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gnomefreak!bug > chicken-man07:34
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chicken-mangnomefreak, X crashes, no visable errors07:34
pandora--can I use an external monitor with ubuntu on a laptop?07:34
gnomefreakchicken-man: i see that07:34
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gnomefreakchicken-man: in your pm go to that like i will get you a link to create a backtrace07:35
jribchicken-man: you checked ~/.xsession-errors ?07:35
compotatojpandora--, Yes, I assume so. I set up a second monitor for Ubuntu, so I think an external one would be set up the same way.07:35
chicken-mangnomefreak, ok07:35
chicken-manjrib, I'll go check now07:35
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compotatojpandora--, do you want to use both screens?07:35
SurfnKidskybox, sudo hdparm -d   /dev/<dvdburnerdevice>07:35
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roostishawwhats this whole deal about compix & xgl? do i need both? can i install compiz with just 'sudo apt-get install compiz-gnome? what about xgl?07:35
AutoPilo1is there a USB product that I can buy that works?07:36
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, WUSB12 by Linksys07:36
pandora--compotatoj: I'd like to be able to use my desktop monitor, and a nice kb/mouse to use the laptop when i'm at my desk07:36
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, using the wlan-ng package07:36
pandora--compotatoj: so, not using both screens, just displaying on a nice big one07:36
skyboxah ok thanks07:37
AutoPilo1the one I have now is the WUSB54GSv207:37
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pandora--compotatoj: i've kinda done this, but my monitor doesn't support the resolution that my laptop renders at (widescreen)07:37
ENE|ToxicIs there some neat tweaking/program/device that has to be edited/downloaded to enable s-video ?07:37
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, you might want to check the list of usb compatible wifi adapters07:37
pandora--compotatoj: can I make X ignore my laptop screen?07:37
compotatojroostishaw, Have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl ?07:37
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawcompotatoj, do they both do the same thing?07:38
Traeokie dokie....07:38
maagimiesroostishaw, xgl is the underlying technology, and compiz is a way to use xgl to have cool effects and wobbly windows, so yes, you basically need both07:38
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TraeI have firewire card on desktop now, and lspci shows it.07:38
gnomefreakchicken-man: ok look at what jrib said give the errors in there and file the bug with those errors if you can im having issues right now if you give me the link when your done filing the bug ill take a look at it07:38
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compotatojroostishaw, I have no idea I haven't used it yet but i would like to try it later07:38
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TraeI've got a firewire cable going between my desktop and my laptop07:38
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AutoPilo1I checked that and the one I have : WUSB54GSv2 is compatible with ndiswrapper, they have instruction to install it, I did all that but I still get errors in the sys log07:38
Traethe laptop I need to get files off of it.  how would I do that?07:38
compotatojpandora--, sorry i'm not sure i'll look at my xorg.conf file right now07:38
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roostishawmaagimies, where can i find a guide to install xgl, since compiz is in the repos?07:39
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:39
chicken-mangnomefreak, Iok07:39
compotatojroostishaw, what was wrong with mine?07:39
coz_Ok checked the screensaver steetings as well as the power management settings... all are correct .. but monitor still sleeps after 15 miunutes!07:39
chicken-mangnomefreak, ok*07:39
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, have you tried the wlan-ng driver just for kicks?07:39
madaroostishaw: the ubuntu forums has a really nice tutorial ... forget where, but i'm sure it is .... nvm, go go gadget bot07:39
PetrolBombAny clever ethereal person?07:39
roostishawcompotatoj, um... that has nothing to do with linux07:40
roostishawcompotatoj, if im on the right page07:40
wotdu hey guys, how do i disable that graphical ubuntu logo and title with a loading bar ?07:40
FoobalENE|Toxic: Just read your xorg.conf, check what driver you are using and man it.. for instance "man nvidia" for nvidia driver manuals07:40
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wotduwhile booting i mean07:40
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AutoPilo1let me get this right, I have the wlan-ng installed, how do i try it? is it by any chance the wireless assistant? if so, when i execute it says " no usable wireless device found"07:41
TraeShould I even be able to access files via firewire from one machine to the next?07:41
ENE|ToxicFoobal: ok thx07:41
roostishawmaagimies, so a 'sudo apt-get install compiz-gnome xserver-xgl' would do the trick?07:41
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compotatojroostishaw, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl07:41
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SurfnKidAutoPilo1,  what does iwconfig return07:41
maagimiesroostishaw, it might, just follow the guides :)07:41
pierre-hello. Can you help me with installing ubuntu on fake-raid?07:41
AutoPilo1lo        no wireless extensions.07:41
AutoPilo1eth0      no wireless extensions.07:41
AutoPilo1sit0      no wireless extensions.07:41
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skyboxAutoPilo1 don't do that07:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:42
AutoPilo1my problem is that I can't get the wlan007:42
richeeardchoille: hi07:42
XiXaQI managed to deactivate Alt-gr and the norwegian characters. How do I get them back?07:42
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n08l3_JattAutopilo1: what is sit0 ?07:42
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, ok, when you run lsmod  | grep prism  what do you get ( but dont paste here! use pastebin)07:42
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orgeanyone know how to find PKG_CONFIG_PATH ?07:43
pierre-i followed instructions in wiki, but after i run fdisk no parittions appear under /dev/mapper07:43
mcmillenis there a way of either a) removing CUPS from dapper or b) making it not overwrite /etc/printcap daily? (i need to use kerberized print binaries that are not part of ubuntu)07:43
ardchoillerichee: hi :)07:43
AutoPilo1I'm a newbie, pastebin?07:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:43
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richeeardchoille: hows u ?07:44
sys8976!pastebin > AutoPilo107:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:44
ardchoillerichee: I am good. and you?07:44
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, when you have a large amount of copy paste data, we cant accept it here, or else we'll flood the channel07:44
richeeardchoille: great !07:44
rellimok, enough flooding about how to not flood07:44
ardchoillerellim: lol07:44
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PetrolBombAny clever ethereal person?07:44
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, so if you paste the results of the command i just mentioned to you, into pastebin.com  and give us the link   i.e. http://pastebin.com/123456  we can see it there07:44
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rellimi look away because my prof was ranting and i look back and all i see is flood about how to not do so, had to make a comment07:45
rellimPetrolBomb: sadly, not i07:45
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rellimPetrolBomb: very, what you trying to do with it?07:45
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mcmillenPetrolBomb: what about ethereal?07:45
chicken-mangnomefreak, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5212807:45
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CodeWarrior_great !!!! APT-ZIP is what I needed !!! I'm just getting all the packages I need ! thanks a lot friend07:45
AutoPilo1the return from lsmod  | grep prism is none07:46
anthonyok....this is kind of weird07:46
anthonywhen I try to run fglrxinfo, it says that it cant find libGL.so.107:46
SurfnKidAutoPilo1,  lsmod | grep *prism*07:46
anthonybut I browsed to the location, and I can see it07:46
lakcajis there a way to use the ppc install cd and not load the gui?  I want to use the traditional curses install method, because my old imac can't handle gnome running in ram.07:47
anthonyso the file is there, permissions are good, but for some reason it just cant see it07:47
anthonyi tried reinstalling the drivers and the libGL package to no avail07:47
ardchoilleanthony: perhaps it's in an unexpected location?07:47
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AutoPilo1lsmod | grep *prism* none, what is prism? I tried lsmod | grep sit0, is that right?07:47
TraeI posted my question on the forums here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1221197#post122119707:47
anthonyi checked online and, according to the library install instructions, it is in the right location07:48
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mikereThe application that tells me updates are available keeps crashing when I open it - what apt-get command will install the updates for me?07:48
ardchoilleanthony: is the case in the filename correct?07:48
mikerein fact it makes X restart completely when it crashes07:48
SurfnKidAutoPilo1, Im looking to see if the usb_prism  driver is in the core07:49
AutoPilo1if it helps, I installed prism at one stage07:49
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skyboxanyone know a way either command line/or gui that let's you burn a dual layer disc with a dual layer break?07:49
SurfnKidmmm, ok well also try hostap or follow the instructions on isntalling the ndiswrapper for that specific usb card07:50
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anthonyi am out of ideas07:50
user1i need to use su in a shell script, how can i pass the password to it?07:51
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mikereI guess apt-get upgrade is what I'm looking for07:51
roostishawhow can i tell if xgl is working?07:51
maagimiesuser1, can't you edit to script to use sudo?07:51
varsendaggrroostishaw, your windows will wobble07:51
hcjc92sudo still askes for the password (if i'm not root)07:51
compotatojuser1, try using gksudo or gksu07:52
varsendaggrit is all kinds of kickass07:52
] GoldenDragonumm, was there a recent ubuntu update that wants to mess with  "login" "passwd" and "ppp" ?07:52
ompaulhcjc92, cos sudo is sudo07:52
compotatojuser1, if you want a window to pop up like synaptic or somethig07:52
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anthonyanyone know where fglrxinfo is looking for lib files?07:52
ompaulhcjc92, you don't need to be root - and if you are you don't need sudo07:52
maagimies] GoldenDragon, I had an passwd upgrade recently07:52
ardchoillehcjc92: can you run the script as sudo?07:52
Blissexanthony: usual places. Also use 'ldd' to figure out things.07:52
jrib] GoldenDragon: yes, there was here07:52
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mikere] GoldenDragon: that's what it wanted me to upgrade today07:52
] GoldenDragonokay07:53
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mikere] GoldenDragon: here's hoping the repositories aren't compromised, lol!07:53
] GoldenDragoni hope so.07:53
=== student is now known as student27
] GoldenDragoncuz i clicked update and i got an error saying it couldnt detect the mouse and their might be some malicious software doing something or it could be that i clicked some other application that wanted to check that, but then that came up  about login/passwd so i got worried07:53
student27hi @ll07:53
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sys8976hiya student2707:54
orge  File "./vnc2swf.py", line 27, in ?07:54
orge    import Tkinter, tkFileDialog, tkMessageBox07:54
orgeImportError: No module named Tkinter07:54
hcjc92gksudo 4tw!07:54
anthonywhat is ldd?07:54
Guyver`don't know07:54
sys8976orge: what are you trying to do?07:54
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student27could anyone tell me how to handle a failure with the automatic configuration of dhcp while installing xubuntu?07:54
orgerecord screen07:54
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mikereanthony: man ldd - if you have it installed there's a man page07:55
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PetrolBombAny clever ethereal person?07:55
sys8976student27: elaberate please07:55
mikereanthony: prints shared library dependencies07:55
sys8976orge: not sure never done that one yet sorry07:55
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dseomnhow do I disconnect from a samba share? the server log doesn't show any disconnect when I right click -> unmount volume07:55
mikerePetrolBomb: ethereal is  nice tool07:55
student27ok, i try to install kubuntu on an old pentium 2 machine07:56
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PetrolBombyeh,are you proficient in it?07:56
sys8976PetrolBomb: what info are you looking for>?07:56
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PetrolBombI can PM you sys897607:56
PetrolBombone sec.07:56
sys8976PetrolBomb: kk07:56
student27when the installation procedure comes to the point that it should do an autoconfiguration of dhcp it fails07:56
cntbvideoLAN is the greatest07:56
student27but dhcp works with my windows xp installation on my laptop07:57
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mikerePetrolBomb: really depends on what you want to do, lol07:57
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student27in the log file of my router i can't recognize any information that gives me information about a router-desktop computer communication07:57
sys8976student27: have you tried running the cd live mode on your xp machine?07:57
student27no, i have used the installation cd07:58
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roostishawwhat does 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' do?07:58
student27install in text mode07:58
jribroostishaw: man apt-get, gives you a nice summary07:58
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roostishawanyone, what does 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' do?07:59
dseomndoes anybody know why ubuntu doesn't seem to correctly disconnect from a smb share?07:59
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nofx_brhuahuahu xgl gnome and ubutu ROX! ! !07:59
sys8976roostishaw: jrib just answered you07:59
maagimiesnofx_br, it does ;P07:59
nofx_branyone uses xgl  ?? where is the config stuff... just wanna make things faster07:59
mikereroostishaw: man apt-get - it's documented there well07:59
Subroostishaw, dont keepasking, and it just upgrades your system to the newest distribution, atm that is dapper.07:59
nofx_brahhh.. and how to flip my cube!?!?!!?!?! ghuahuahuahu07:59
maagimiesnofx, take the wobbly windows off if you don't like them, they take quite alot of cpu, atleast mine did :\08:00
Subnoflex, ctrl+alt+left/right08:00
AutoPilo1what is the best wireless in terms of support under ubuntu, pci USB linksys belken??08:00
maagimiesnofx_br, use gconf-editor to edit the settings08:00
SubAutoPilo1, anything with a prism/prism2 chipset08:00
nofx_brahh tnx maagimies gonna do it now08:00
student27no idea @sys8976?08:00
SimzIsomebody give me something fun to learn for linux as im a noob08:00
AutoPilo1how would I know if it has a prism chipset?08:00
squillaAutoPilot1: reZound08:01
nofx_brhmm I saw somthing..remeber now.. a graphical config... is this  ? already installed then?08:01
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sys8976student27:  sorry helping 4 at same time one sec please08:01
SubAutoPilo1, google "prism2 pci wireless cards"08:01
cntbnow vfat and SMB08:01
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:01
jribSimzI: tried python?08:01
sys8976SimzI: lol do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make changes and save that will learn you somethings08:02
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tomohawkI just finished installing ubuntu onto a 15" Apple PowerBook G4.... but can't change the resolution from 640x480, which is HORRIBLE!! what should I do?08:02
sys8976student27: ok so you have installed this on an old machine or the xp machine?08:03
jribcurumo: stop repeating that please.  If you have a real question about ubuntu, just ask08:03
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ubotuI know nothing about resloution08:03
curumocan I ask a question?08:03
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:03
john111119901211how do i change the driver for my network card?08:03
student27i have installed this on my old desktop machine08:03
sys8976!res > tomohawk08:03
curumocan I ask a question?08:03
dseomncurumo: yes08:03
student27but the windows machine gets an ip by dhcp08:03
sys8976student27: ok and you just cant resolve dhcp right?08:04
student27and xubuntu not08:04
curumoso what question shall I ask?08:04
student27as far as i see08:04
sys8976student27: ok so the nix box isnt getting ip at all? what happens if you type ifconfig08:04
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:04
squillaany ibook+dapper experts here?08:04
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Amaranthjrib: ?08:04
jribAmaranth: curumo , he did the same thing a couple of days ago.  just keeps repeating nonsensical things08:04
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student27well, the failure occurs during installation ... and the installation hangs now08:05
gnomefreakAmaranth: you got it?08:05
Amaranthcurumo: Do you have something to ask?08:05
student27i don't have a prompt08:05
Amaranthgnomefreak: yeah08:05
curumocan I ask a question?08:05
sys8976student27: ahh ok..maybe a bad stick of ram, how much ram do you have in there08:05
gnomefreakok ty08:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Amaranthcurumo: Yes, you can ask a question.08:05
student27256 mb ... should be enough08:05
AmaranthIn fact, you just did. :P08:05
student27for xubuntu at least08:05
curumook, what question?08:05
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mirakis there some gui to read apache logs ?08:05
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tomohawkok... it just told me that my user is not in the sudoers file....08:05
sys8976student27: should with no prob, is it one stick or two?08:05
sys8976student27: was an os runniing on this before with the same hardware?08:06
john111119901211i have a question about my network card in ubuntu08:06
john111119901211i have a cnet pro200wl08:06
sys8976student27: do you have another nic that you can install for testing?08:06
john111119901211when i boot off the "livecd", then ubuntu can access the internet (thru firefox)08:06
student27should this affect dhcp?08:06
john111119901211no sorry just one carf08:06
sys8976student27: the nic will08:06
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student27what does "nic" meen?08:06
john111119901211however, when i boot of my ubuntu HD installation, i cant get to the internet08:07
sys8976student27: network interface card08:07
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john111119901211i checked the "device manager" and when i'm running off the livecd, it says i''m using dmfe driver08:07
student27no, i only have one08:07
SMG|CH_does the nic show up with lspci john111119901211?08:07
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Wikipedia-Gast95what question shall I ask?08:07
kalosaurusrex!info bzr08:07
ubotubzr: bazaar-ng, the next-generation distributed version control system. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 655 kB, installed size 3636 kB08:07
john111119901211and when i run off the HD it says i'm using the tulip driver08:07
lakcaj_john111119901211: try going into System -> Admin -> Networking, and enable the network interface08:07
sys8976student27: it sounds like the install isnt picking up the nic that is in that machine...08:07
john111119901211did that08:07
squillaanyone at all: the livecd does not give me  a graphical interface or console - just hangs eventually with a flashing cursor - anyone have  a workaround?08:07
jribAmaranth: he seems to be back as Wikipedia-Gast95 :/08:07
sorush20guys I'm following this line  sudo sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list, in the Debootstrap Chroot wiki, but I don't think I should put down the s/dapper/breezy/g08:07
Wikipedia-Gast95what question shall I ask?08:07
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student27and the light at the router and the networking card is on08:07
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sorush20how do I adjust it ?08:08
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu:ibook08:08
john111119901211yup(in response to student27)08:08
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john111119901211basically how do i change the driver that linux uses from tulip to dmfe08:08
sys8976squilla: check the media to make sure the burn is good08:08
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squillasys:it's good - checked08:09
simmerzhow simple is it to upgrade from debian sarge to dapper drake for example? Obviously the principle is as simple as changed the apt sources file, but are the packages named with the same conventions etc?08:09
student27? @john111119901211?08:09
tomohawkShould the original user i set up have sudo rights?08:09
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sys8976student27: that just means you got a through put line (each end is seeing the other) however if on the install the os isnt seeing the nic then it isnt going to pull dhcp like it should08:09
guyincognitoI have been trying to get flgrx to work on ubuntu (i have a radeon 9800) but it keeps saying that the mesa drivers are loaded. I have folloed the instructions from both ati, and from the wiki with no luck08:09
tomohawkiwas under the impression that it did08:09
Scorpmoonhow do I install common codecs for Ubuntu?08:09
jrib!codecs > Scorpmoon08:09
IRCMonkeyxhi to all, today, during the day, i tried to install pikatel usb modem, and i couldnt be succesfull, is there anyone to help? it cant be detected by ubuntu, when i write pppoeconf, it says not detected08:09
student27why shouldn't it work?08:09
squillasys: any workaround to get a console?08:09
john111119901211how do i get my network card to use a particular driver?08:09
student27isn't there a workaround for situations like this?08:10
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sys8976student27: hardware (nic) needs the right drivers (software) to work or it wont that it just the life of a pc08:10
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simmerzjohn111119901211: compile it in to the kernel, or if you want it as a module, dont compile the others08:10
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sys8976student27: yes test with another nic would be the first step,08:11
Vironoanyone knows how to solve this problem? : Perhaps you should add the directory containing `mono.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'mono' found08:11
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Vironochecking for mono >= Package mono was not found in the pkg-config search path.08:11
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stephan__is there a program like bluefish but for shell scripting08:11
whiterwhats the program gnome uses to control volume08:11
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whiterwhats it called08:11
sys8976ok I have to get back to work will be back later this evening08:11
IRCMonkeyxmillettt, hi to all, today, during the day, i tried to install pikatel usb modem, and i couldnt be succesfull, is there anyone to help? it cant be detected by ubuntu, when i write pppoeconf, it says not detected, or using by other application08:12
pcmfAnyone know of a program to capture screenactions into .avi or .mpg files?08:12
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jribwhiter: gnome-volume-control08:12
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pcmfa movierecording program from screenactivity?08:12
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kehermanI am unable to resize /dev/sda1 with Dapper..."failure to resize /dev/sda1"08:12
pcmfsimilar to xvidcap08:12
Vironoanyone knows how to solve this problem? : Perhaps you should add the directory containing `mono.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'mono' found08:12
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kehermanI even chmod 777 /dev/sda108:12
jribpcmf: istanbul captures to ogg I believe08:12
roostishawcan anyone reccommend a good window manager for x besides gnome and kde and fluxbox?08:12
AutoPilo1I'm using AMD64 ubuntu, would this be a problem when installing drivers via ndiswrapper?08:12
kehermanroostishaw, xfce08:12
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jribroostishaw: xfce08:12
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kehermanauth00, yes08:13
IRCMonkeyxnoone knows the solution? that was my first linux experience??08:13
simmerzhow simple is it to upgrade from debian sarge to dapper drake for example? Obviously the principle is as simple as changed the apt sources file, but are the packages named with the same conventions etc?08:13
__mikemxfce will one day outsource gnome08:13
pcmfjrib: thanks!08:13
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:13
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guyincognitowhy after installing the ati drivers would it keep saying that mesa is still loaded?08:14
cntb__mikem: xfce will one day outsource gnome ? how so ?08:14
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anthonyok....i am makin some progress here08:15
anthonynow I can run fglrxconfig08:15
gatekeepersimmerz: I would have thought that you would need to do a fresh install08:15
__mikemBecause xfce like gnome is supposed to be a light weight desktop. However it does a superior job, not to mention that compared to xfce, gnome is bloated and clumsey. Not only that, xfce actually does a good job handling resources08:15
anthonybut the first line gives me an error:08:15
anthonyXlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"08:15
anthonyany ideas?08:15
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__mikemPeople who like light weight or just like the serious look of gnome will feel right at home in xfce while the people who want more features will end up using kde anyway08:16
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skyboxit's seems IMPOSSIBLE to burn a dual layer disc - with dual layer break in LINUX... *"*#08:17
IRCMonkeyxis there any other irc channel to get help?08:17
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IRCMonkeyxpls could you tell me?08:17
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stephan__is there a program like bluefish but for shell scripting08:18
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:18
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anthonyI get Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0" when running fglrx....any ideas??08:18
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AutoPilo1do wireless USB adapters work on ubuntu amd64 ?08:20
ProN00bcan i somehow find out what package would contain a specific library ?08:20
stephan__can someone help me ...is their a program to do shell scripting08:20
simmerzgatekeeper: any particular reason?08:21
SanneProN00b, at packages.ubuntu.com in section "Search the contents of packages"08:21
omeMy update notifier apeared today. Whenever i click it and try to install update ubuntu crash's.08:21
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ProN00bthanks, Sanne08:22
SanneProN00b, you're welcome :)08:22
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anthonyXlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"08:23
anthonyI get Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0" when running fglrx....any ideas??08:23
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ernzHello room. Can someone tell me how to fix a small problem I have with the ligin screen?08:24
anto9usanthony, have you installed the binary driver correctly? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:24
ernzI installed a screen from Gnome-Look.org, and every time I load Ubuntu I get a "It appears that login application is crashing. Using safe default".08:25
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compengiwhen i want to open fttp page this message opens: firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because protocol (fttp) isn't associated with any program08:25
wsjuniorhow could i route my wifi to the local network?08:26
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krangcompengi: try ftp instead of fttp08:26
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anto9usernz, login with safe default then go to System | Administration | Login Window and select a different theme08:26
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wsjuniordoes anybody knows how could i route my wifi to the local network?08:27
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sorush20guys what does that mean [mntent] : warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab08:27
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alex_ i run WoW under Wine(ver.9.16) everything goes well but i cant click anything inside the game.Anyone knows a solution?08:27
anto9uscompengi, it should be ftp:// not fttp://08:27
gatekeepersimmerz: not an expert on it, and although Ubuntu is based on debian I am not sure that you can simple upgrade from one distro to another, never heard of that being done, in fact a lot would probable recommend a fresh install when moving from Breezy to Dapper08:27
nofx_brmaagimies: you know what is the config for opening windows... when it moves like water.... i like it faster....08:27
Sannesorush20, I think just what it says. Go to the last line, hit return once, save (make a backup before that).08:28
ernzanto9us : I will give it a shot. BRB08:28
Jinzora_home_afkcan anyone help me get my monitor higher than 1024x768?  It supports 1280x1024 but will NOT go higher than 1024x768 - I do have 1280x1024 set in xorg.conf - it's a GeForce2 PCI card08:28
maagimiesnofx_br, I can't remember it, I don't have xgl installed right now ;p08:28
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Jasboneand I do have the nvidia driver install08:28
cntbcan ubuntu play wma ?08:28
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nofx_brok tnx bro... how to turn the cube you remember ?? tryed alt, control, shift08:28
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:28
=== blBLbbla [n=IRC@d47-69-189-223.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usJasbone, change your name to confuse is all, you may need to enter your monitor settings in your xorg.conf08:29
blBLbblawhats the site for sharing text like a network clipboard?08:29
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Jasbonesorry Anto9us - I did set it in there08:29
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:29
Redrosei'm am trying to use make, and i get a bunch of C errors, what do i need to install?08:29
JasboneI have 3 monitors08:29
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blBLbblathere we go, thanks08:29
Jasbonethe other 2 work great08:29
Jasboneand they all match08:29
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anto9usJasbone, you put in the refresh rates?08:29
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Jasbonelike I said the other 2 work08:29
cello_raspis there any way to change a machines name after installation? currently i have ma@xubuntu but i want omething like me@celeron08:29
cntbbest channel is here08:29
Jasbonejust this one08:29
EnverexIs anyone here running STEAM on WINE?08:29
omeJack_Sparrow: Hey Jack whenever i try and update my Ubuntu i get it crashs. Any idea of a fix?08:29
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hcjc92anyone here ever compliled zdoom under ubuntu?08:30
anto9usJasbone, are the resolutions listed in descending order? I've found that cause me problems if they're not08:30
gatalilaa todos que tal08:30
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs08:30
Jack_Sparrowome: Please define crash08:30
Redrosewhat do i need to intstall to compile C, C++ and do make files?08:30
Guyver`that's a secret08:30
Redrosei have make installed08:30
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:30
Jasboneactually I only have 1 listed - the 1280x1024 but it just ignores it and runs at 102408:30
Jasboneand thanks for the Anto08:30
hcjc92Redrose, gcc and make08:30
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hcjc92g++ i mean08:31
erUSULgatalila: vete a #ubuntu-es para conversar o pedir ayuda en  espaol08:31
neighborleehas anyone had trouble trying to install VLC in 64bit os ??08:31
SanneRedrose, there's a package called build-essentials (or similar), try that one.08:31
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aunesanyone have a suggestion on how I can fix WoW via Wine so I can click on NPCs?08:31
omeJack_sparrow: Update notifier popped up today. When i click on the little orange icon then choose install updates, screen gos black then it takes me to login screen. Unable to install updates08:31
Jasboneany ideas?08:31
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Barkleyso do i understand logical volume management correctly?  i could take two underlying devices (100GB and 400GB disks) and then combine them to one that gets a label like JUMBODISK and export that over samba?08:31
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:31
RedroseSanne:That did it, thanks08:31
nyxie!java > nyxie08:31
SanneRedrose, you're welcome :)08:31
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@p54BF539C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowome: Go to system, admin, synaptic08:32
PupenoCan I expect to have a relative good performance with the pre-packaged fglrx ? by that I mean, as well as vesa (but with higher resolution and xinerama).08:32
SubPupeno, definately better than vesa08:33
Jasboneanyone know why i can't get my monitor higher than 1024x768 - it supports 1280x1024 but just ignores it08:33
omeJack_sparrow: im there08:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:33
=== greddy [n=ubuntu@c-65-96-71-149.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowome:  click reload08:33
SubJasbone, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:33
JasboneSub, thanks, but I can't08:33
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Jasbonei've got 3 monitors08:33
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Jasboneand I've got the other 2 working great08:33
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ZambeziCan any help me with tct? I'm too panicted and stressed to even think!08:33
SubJasbone, you can specify the correct resolution in there.08:33
Jasboneactually they all work together08:33
PupenoSub: sure ? because I wasn't able to do it.08:34
greddycan i use the same partition for my swap and my install?08:34
Jasbonebut this third one08:34
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erUSULZambezi: tct??08:34
JasboneYeah, but I can' use that Sub08:34
cntbhow do I check openGL08:34
ubotuI know nothing about opengl08:34
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: No08:34
Subcntb, if itz work?08:34
Jasboneand if I look in the settings in xorg.confg it is ONLY 128008:34
PupenoSub: I installed the ati.com's one, but I had some problem with them.08:34
Subcntb, "glxgears"08:34
K^Holtzi just installed flash player, but i still cant watch videos on break.com... any idea why?08:34
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omeJack_Sparrow ok i did that. I noticed package manager icon is still on top but its grey now08:34
SubPupeno, > !ati08:34
cntbSub come again pls !08:34
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:34
Jack_Sparrowglxgears -printfps08:34
yaniswhat's the difference between the server edition of ubuntu andt the alternate one?08:35
WooDWhat is the best software to burn cd/dvd on Ubuntu please ?08:35
Subcntb, run "glxgears", if it works then opengl is working08:35
FoobalK^Holtz: becauce break.com designers are complete retards and have failed in creating proper tags08:35
PupenoSub: I have followed that guide, many many times, with no luck.08:35
cntb'bout openGL ppls ppl!08:35
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yanisWooD: k3b08:35
WooDyanis: thanks08:35
Jack_Sparrowome:  wll done08:35
Subyanis, the alt. is just a text based installer, the server install is just for servers, no desktop install.08:35
wsjuniordoes anybody know how could i route my wireless to the local network?08:35
Jack_Sparrowome: well done08:35
K^HoltzFoobal: so basically if i want to watch anything on break.com i cant use this pc?08:35
greddywhat filesystem should i format my drive with?08:35
SubPupeno, what card is it?08:35
omeJack_Sparrow thanks08:35
cntbkSub 10x. where is glxgears ?08:35
JasboneI'm using a geforce 208:35
greddyis ntfs okay?08:35
Subgreddy, for linux? ext3 preferably08:36
Jack_Sparrowin termnal08:36
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Subgreddy, linux cannot write to ntfs, not well anyway08:36
yanisSub: when you say 'no desktop install' you mean no Xserver,right?08:36
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Jack_Sparrowglxgears -printfps     DOne from Terminal screen08:36
cntbq.above Sub pls08:36
FoobalK^Holtz: most likely the flash on those pages works atm only on IE+windows combination.. they changed them couple days ago and practically managed to break them completely08:36
Subyanis, yes and also none of the desktop apps.08:36
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Subcntb, jus open a terminal and type "glxgears" , itz in the base installation08:36
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: Please think carefully about what you would lose if NTFS write fails..  Not 100% safe yet08:37
cntbk trying 10x ur great08:37
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PupenoSub: Radeon x1300.08:37
sorush20 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot, but when I try to follwo the instruction in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToBuildDebianPackagesFromScratch, and log in to my chroot, and when I try to install build essentials I keep getting asked for my password..08:37
K^HoltzFoobal: ok, thanks.. but just so u know, it does work with firefox+windows.. i know that because thats what i use on my windows machine08:37
nickwebcoukhey folks. I have a spare hard drive i just connected, and want to format it as a boot drive for windows. How can i do that thru ubuntu?08:37
Foobalthe ntfstools write is not unsafe. it won't allow write operations that are destructive for data..08:37
=== jcom [n=jcom@200-126-79-122.bk5-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
SubPupeno, i dont have an Ati so i cant be sure, but im not sure if the x1300 is fully supported at the moment.08:37
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: To share between XP and Ub , please consider making a fat32 partition which both XP and UB can write and read safely08:37
greddyis 2 gigs a good size for a swap partition?08:37
tomohawkImreally stuck with this resolution thing... it wont let me use sudo, and i cant work out how to log in as the root user... my Athlon64 is running properly, but the powerbook is giving me the shits08:37
cntbk what game using openGl was in default install if any ?08:37
FoobalK^Holtz: okay, that's at least good.. anyways, they are doing something weird with their tags08:38
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nickwebcouktomohawk, sudo su08:38
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: too much08:38
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: 1st how much ram do you have08:38
Subcntb, none , get tuxracer or something08:38
ubotuI know nothing about lvm08:38
Subto try out.08:38
omeJack_Sparrow: Just clicked it and tried to install updates and crashed08:38
greddy1 gig of ram08:38
K^HoltzFoobal: i'm assuming someone has already attempted to contact them about this issue?08:38
PupenoSub: ok. Thanks.08:38
cntbk is ti in any repo? tuxracer for eample ?08:39
tomohawk"tom is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported"08:39
tomohawkits the first user i set up08:39
omeJack_Sparrow what is reload supposed to do? it dosnt apear to install the updates08:39
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Jack_Sparrowome: HAve you done any manual changes, or installed anything other that what apt or synaptic have available08:39
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow can you help me with a partition problem ?08:39
FoobalK^Holtz: I'm glad there are some 5000000 other humor sites around, at least I wont bother :)08:39
Jack_Sparrowome: It just gets the headders from the repositories08:39
nickwebcouk I have a spare hard drive i just connected, and want to format it as a boot drive for windows. How can i do that thru ubuntu08:39
greddywith 1` gig of ram how large should my swap be?08:39
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  you are third in line at the moment08:39
=== HackerX [n=Andrew@24-236-175-242.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: Use 2 gig08:40
omeCant think of anything i installed that wasnt though packet manager08:40
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Barkleygui lvm tool in ubuntu?  gparted works?08:40
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  please explain your problem, did you delete that other partition like we talked about08:40
greddyyou just said 2 gigs was to much :P08:40
omeJack_Sparrow: last thing i installed was xchm08:40
nofx_brJack_Sparrow: i read somewhere that ram + swap should be  more then 512... so no much need with 1 gb08:40
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: for some people08:40
HackerXHey, Whats the command for a wireless scan???08:41
nofx_bri have 2 gb ram and put 400mb on swap08:41
WooDHi ! any of you are able to play asx file frome Ubuntu ? I have install MPlayer and tried to open an URL: .... http://www.nasa.gov/55644main_NASATV_Windows.asx  and it gives me an error08:41
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: you can go as low as one but that is too tight08:41
greddyill stay with 2 then08:41
WooDthe error is : Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET608:41
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omeJack_Sparrow: Can I update from terminal and get find out whats crashing it?08:42
greddythis is funny i am chatting in irc while installing :D08:42
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow I had 3 partitions, hda1 (ntfs) hda3 (linux) hda5(ntfs) y deleted hda5 and resize hda3.. but somehow there is no free space in hda3 !! :S check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1736408:42
FoobalWooD: open the .asx in text editor and use one of the urls from inside with mplayer08:42
K^Holtzis it safe to say that firestarter is the best firewall software without having to know how to write iptables? does anyone have an opinion of something better?08:42
Jack_Sparrownofx_br: IF your box goes to hibernate and tries to write all RAM to hard drive you need at least that much.  He has 1 gig of ram08:42
nooby_godI just tried out ubuntu for a month and I found a few things that irked me, does anyone want to her my complains? (perhaps to make ubuntu better?)08:42
WooDFoobal:  like what address ?08:42
Jack_Sparrowome term apt-get update08:43
nooby_god1there is no good prism2 integration (no different then using Gentoo), there is a bug for tat08:43
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nooby_god2. Ubuntu is not good because it suffers from debains problem too, you can't always have the latest version08:44
greddyanyone have a good link to what exactly mount points are?08:44
greddyi have my 2 gig partition set to swap08:44
nooby_godI cannot get Inkscape 0.44 or Amaork 1.4.108:44
greddyand my 17 gig set to /08:44
nooby_godgreddy you do not mount swap08:44
omeJack_sparrow: I just did sudo apt-get update and it didnt crash. Does that tell us anything?08:44
nooby_godjust activate it08:44
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra: hda3 is 6 gig correct?08:44
Bazzinooby_god: yes you can get amarok1.4.108:44
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Bazzidon't know about inkscape though08:45
greddywhat do you mean dont mount swap?08:45
nooby_godBazzi from a supported respitory?08:45
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow right .. but those are full... Dont know why.. if there r new :S08:45
=== BIAF [n=jeffos@host81-7-23-93.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Sannenooby_god, it's by design. If you want to always get the latest software, ubuntu might not be for you. Ubuntu is meant to be stable for 6 months.08:45
nooby_godgreddy you don't mount swap08:45
erUSULnooby_god: any distro suffers from that...08:45
Bazzinooby_god: yes, from the kubuntu.org repository08:45
gnomefreaknooby_god: inscape is not in a repo that i know of (atleast that version) as for amarok you need to add the amarok repo to your sources.list file to get 1.4.108:45
nooby_goderUSUL, not gentoo08:45
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greddyokay so in the prepare mount screen on the install08:45
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  IS it full or was it just never formatted for use08:45
BIAFapt-get install sendmail - is failing, any other ways to get send mail08:45
greddywhat should i have selected?08:45
nooby_godgreddy you mount a partition if you want to access it08:45
gnomefreakBIAF: what is the failure notice?08:46
nooby_godgreddy don't ask me I'm new to Ubuntu08:46
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow the 2Gbs partition was full, then i resize it to 6gbs08:46
Jack_Sparrowome what happened when you typed that08:46
Ropechoborra3gbs are supoused to be in blank08:46
PupenoWhich would you say is a better bet, the pre-packaged Ati drivers or the ati.com's one for a Radeon x1300 ?08:46
BIAFgnomefreak : e: package sendmail has no installation candidate08:46
gnomefreak!info sendmail08:47
ubotusendmail: powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent. In repository universe, is extra. Version 8.13.5-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 188 kB, installed size 244 kB08:47
greddyi have 3 paritions : programs (17gig), swap (2gig), storage (50gig) what should i have setup in the mount points screen?08:47
gnomefreakBIAF: enable universe repo08:47
Jack_SparrowRopechoborra:  delete hda3 DONT RESIZE it08:47
erUSULnooby_god: even gentoo has a stable version out of date. debian has inestable too with inkscape 0.44 and amarok 1.4.whatever. it is just that gentoo users run the inestable version always08:47
omeJack_Sparrow: bunch of get, hit and fetch lines08:47
RopechoborraJack_Sparrow but.. i will loose my linux =/ isnt other way?08:47
BIAFfreak : wheres the file to un-rem the lines08:47
nooby_godgreddy do you know what a mount point is?08:47
greddyno clue :P08:47
gnomefreakBIAF: /etc/apt/sources.list08:47
omeJack_Sparrow: the packet manager greyed out for a bit but its back to orange nagging 3 updates available08:48
=== HackerX [n=Andrew@24-236-175-242.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakBIAF: easy way gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:48
gnomefreak!repos > BIAF08:48
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Jack_Sparrowrpoe you can tar your linux install then repair hda3 and untar it08:48
ubotuI know nothing about backup08:48
gnomefreakalso your pm has a real easy way08:48
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HackerX***Hey is there a way to create a link on the desktop to run a wireless scan???***08:48
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BIAFthx, was going to do gksudo nautilus08:48
=== gnomefreak brb
nooby_godgreddy are you here08:49
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Jack_Sparrowome:  you may need to repair your sources list08:49
NKayhanhey, I'm having trouble getting the mplayer pluggin to work in firefox/opera08:49
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omeJack_Sparrow how do i got about that?08:50
Barkleyis there a newbie tool in gnome for LVM? :D08:50
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greddynooby_god: can you see my pms?08:50
NKayhanI've done the stuff in synaptic, but firefox doesn't recognize it08:50
jribNKayhan: I can try to help you out in firefox, I hear it's tricky in opera08:50
nooby_godgreddy nope, you need to be registared on freenode08:50
greddyi don't think you can see my replys08:50
greddyi can see what you type08:50
nooby_godgreddy a mount point is basicly this08:50
NKayhanjrib: let's just do firefox then08:51
nooby_godyou have / right? and under / you have many many folders like /usr or /var or /bin08:51
jribNKayhan: ok, you installed mozilla-mplayer and then restarted firefox?08:51
nooby_godor you have /mnt/win08:51
NKayhanjrib: yes08:51
nooby_godbasicly a mount point is where you can access the other partitions08:51
nooby_godso I have a mount point called /win08:51
omeJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1736708:52
nooby_godthere I can access my windows partition08:52
jribNKayhan: can you pastebin the contents of 'about:plugins' after you enter that in your address bar?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:52
nooby_godso /dev/hda1 is mounted at /dev/win08:52
greddywell on the installation screen it tells me that i need to pick a mount for my swap which is the confusion i think08:52
nooby_god*/win not /dev/win08:52
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tylerortmanhello all, I have a quick, probably obvious question about licensing--I've looked around more than I'd like to admit but can't find exactly what i'm looking for08:52
nooby_godgreddy I'm new to Ubuntu, I've only used the installer once, and I didn't pay attention08:53
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greddyso can i do "/" as my installation mount and then do "/home" as my storage mount?08:53
stephan__i need help scripting anyone good08:53
tylerortmanI'm looking for the exact wording of the licensing that should go onto a liveCD, distributed publicly08:53
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nickwebcoukhow can i format a drive as bootable in ubuntu08:53
greddywhat about "/boot"?08:53
nooby_godgreddy you can do that08:54
greddythere are a few others to08:54
greddyany links to specifics?08:54
nooby_godgreddy it's a good idea for security to keep /boot on a different partition08:54
greddyermmm heh k08:54
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nooby_godif / is screwed up, you can still access the kernel08:54
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NKayhanjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1736808:55
nooby_godI have three storage partitions, one for /, one for /home and /win08:55
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greddyermmm k08:55
greddywell this comp wont have windows08:55
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greddyso i'm gonna give this a shot08:55
alex_how opens the C compiler???08:55
greddyinstalling now :>08:56
WooDI still cant open Stream file from the www.nasa.org.. Im coming desperate.... someone told me to install MPlayer and install the essentiel codecs to /usr/lib/win32.. i did  and does not work either....08:56
Barkleyanyone know if there's a GUI front end for LVM in gnome?08:56
nooby_godgreddy are you new to linux?08:56
greddybah the installer just crashed :/08:56
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greddyyes i am08:56
ubotuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org08:56
WooDI want to be able to play one of those file from this website .. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/08:56
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jribNKayhan: do you have mozilla-plugin-vlc installed?08:57
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ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA08:57
NKayhanjrib: yes08:57
=== braim [n=braim@54.60-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
nooby_godgreddy I personally suggest reading the help docs and some parts of the wiki that pertain to you before doing anything08:57
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braimhi everyone08:57
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alex_how opens the C compiler???08:57
jribNKayhan: remove it, I think it's taking precedence over mplayer's08:57
greddyyeah i read a bit i guess ill read a bit more08:57
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NKayhanjrib: OK08:57
nooby_godreading docs is the most important part of linux08:57
ubotuI know nothing about sp08:57
a_l_ealex_: with a screw driver...08:57
braimI need some help with an external drive. Can anyone help me ?08:57
tsumenooby_god: not really08:57
a_l_ealex_: a can opener?08:58
Jack_Sparrowgreddy: Why not just let Ubuntu handle the partitions ..08:58
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Sannealex_, you use it from the command line.08:58
tsumenooby_god: being knowledable and knowing how to think is more important08:58
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kikeekiga no me reconoce el mic08:58
greddybah the installer crashed now all my drives are locked or something :/08:58
nooby_godtsume you can only be knowledgeable if you read docs08:58
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tsumenooby_god: not really08:58
a_l_ealex_: i guess you want to compile something with gcc... i'm right?08:58
braimno one ?08:58
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a_l_ealex_: it's something you downloaded or did you write the code?08:59
SonicChaogreddy: You're Ubuntu installer crashed?08:59
tsumenooby_god: I haven't read any docs, I just know how  to use programs because I modify the sources so much ;)08:59
NKayhanjrib: WOOT IT WORKS08:59
alex_what i have to type in terminal to open compiler?08:59
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jribNKayhan: great08:59
kikealguien habla espaol?08:59
alex_i download it08:59
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:59
a_l_ealex_: probably, yes you need the terminal...08:59
SonicChaoJowi: Already done. :)08:59
a_l_ealex_: ... but you don't need to launch gcc to compile a program.08:59
NKayhanjrib: thnx man, I thought putting both on would help, bye08:59
JowiSonicChao: beaten by 0.2 seconds. *sob*08:59
a_l_ealex_: i guess you should give us/me some more details before i can tell you what you should do...09:00
alex_how i can do it09:00
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Sannebraim, better just describe your problem. If somebody knows, I'm sure you'll get help.09:00
SonicChaoJowi: lol ;)09:00
alex_what you want to know?09:00
a_l_e... but most of the time, reading the README file in the package you downloaded will answer a lot of question!09:00
SonicChaogreddy: Are you still here...?09:00
=== MacSlow [n=mirco@dslb-084-063-038-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
MacSlowGreetings everybody!09:00
a_l_ealex_: what are you trying to do? what do you want to compile/install?09:00
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ubotuI know nothing about hi09:00
LeaChimbraim, what's your problem with your external drive?09:00
SonicChaoDarn...the ops didn't add my "hi" factoid09:01
alex_i have a problem with wine09:01
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MacSlowI wonder what possible legal issues are involved in using the ubuntu-logo (with link) to pimp it on ones site.09:01
SonicChaoalex_: what is it?09:01
alex_i download a source bagfix09:01
alex_and i have to compile it09:01
recnhey all... have a question about initrd. i need stdin while in initrd.  "tty" tells me im using /dev/console.  tried installing usbcore and usbhid and i still get nothing from my kbd. what am i doing wrong?09:01
a_l_ealex_: i guess that you have to compile the whole wine, then!09:02
alex_it is a text with c09:02
braimoh sorry leaChim :-) I pluged it but the owner is not the root and i'd like to change that.09:02
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alex_just the bagfix09:02
alex_i have a problem with WoW09:02
tsumeI like how people steal the ubuntu logo, its halarious09:02
tsumeI seen it being used as menu bullets on a website09:02
a_l_ealex_: "bugfix09:03
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:03
AutoPilo1hi again, I gave up on installing my linksys wusb54gsv2 wireless on ubuntu, I need to purchase a wireless adapter, usb or pci, from best buy, anyone can give me a definite answer which product would work on ubuntu amd64? I searched prism2 and didn't find a straight forward answer09:03
a_l_ealex_: can you give me a linke to the bugfix?09:03
sysrplwhat's the best ubuntu/kubuntu cd burning package?09:03
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TSWoodVHello!  What's the current story for NetworkManager and WPA/WPA2 with Atheros chipsets on 6.06?  Still SOL?09:03
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J-_How can I get permission to write to  my external Hard drive from linux?09:03
tsumesysrpl: k3b09:03
alex_yes wait09:03
Jack_Sparrowsysrpl: i LIKE k3B09:03
sysrpltsume: i have k3b, thanks ... i was just wondering if it was the best09:03
CyberaiI am having I am having a serious sound problem here folks, no matter what I do I can't get sound working in Dapper. Everything worked in Breezy. I even tried doing a "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" as root and get nothing.09:04
=== HackMaster [n=michael@c-69-180-80-183.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cyberaisomeone please help me here09:04
tsumeTSWoodV: tell ya what, pay some money, and someone will develop all your needs ;)09:04
JowiJ-_: what is the system type on it?09:04
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tsumesysrpl: yep, pretty much it is.09:04
a_l_ealex_: i don't think that you have a binary patch which you can apply to wine. i think that you have to apply the patch (with diff) to the source code, and then install from the source (./configure && make && make install)09:04
TSWoodVtsume:  Now, why would I want to do that? ;-)09:04
J-_ntfs. that was the only option09:04
OarchimondeoHi, I just ordered some Ubuntu install disks online, never used anything but Windows before, any tips?09:04
tsumesysrpl: if you're making video cds and such, there is vitod or whatever it is09:04
sysrpli am downloading partition magic because when i instealled the live cd setup only allocated 4GB of drive space for ubuntu09:04
FoobalJ-_: ntfstools.09:04
sysrplthe rest is ntfs09:04
JowiJ-_: not sure if ntfs write support is stable. maybe someone else ?09:04
tsumeTSWoodV: well then you're still SOL. Developers have to eat too :) so, wheres the money? ;)09:05
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J-_Foobal: thanks.09:05
braimno ntfs write support is still experimental ;-)09:05
ZambeziCan any help me with tct? I'm too stressed to even think!09:05
TSWoodVtsume: In my pockets - we network admins/DBAs have to eat too!09:05
AutoPilo1please help, haven't slept in 2 days, i really need this,  a dapper compatible wireless adapter, usb or pci or anything09:05
alex_what is diff??09:05
TSWoodVtsume: And there's the small matter of the wife and three kids...09:05
tsumeTSWoodV: well then I guess you're sol ;)09:05
braimit works but not really stable. I tried it once and I had to format a partition completely :-)09:05
Jowialex_: diff compares files09:06
J-_so, when will it be a non-experimental package =D09:06
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a_l_ealex_: it's a source diff file. i really think that you have to have to whole source code for wine, apply the patch to it and install from there. i don't know if it's something you are ready to do!09:06
SanneZambezi, what is tct?09:06
Jack_SparrowJ-_: When it works and stops trashing NTFS systems09:06
TSWoodVtsume: True, that!09:06
omeJack_Sparrow: can you point me someone I can start figuring out how to repair sourcelist?09:06
ZambeziSanne, Recoveryapplication.09:06
tsumefunny FreeBSD had support 3 years then linux for ntfs write, it even had read support before :)09:06
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omeJack_Sparrow: Somewhere*09:06
Jack_Sparrowome:  there was a link someone had for rebuilding source list09:06
nooby_godAutoPilo1 there are a lot of linux compatible wireless cards09:06
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SanneZambezi, thanks. Don't know it then, though.09:07
nooby_godsome of them are just harder to set up then others :/09:07
TSWoodVtsume: Those BSD playas got no fear, that's why! ;-)09:07
tsumethe only thing about ntfs which is hard to implement is the encrypted folders :)09:07
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Jack_Sparrowome:  google rebuilding source.lst09:07
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tsumeTSWoodV: yeah well :) you seen the article on trolldot about openbsd's wifi drivers being much better ;)09:07
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J-_that's pretty much what's stopping me from going full-tilt into linux )-=09:07
sysrpli have to reboot to windows09:07
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JowiJ-_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NTFSReadWrite for more info09:07
alex_thanks a_l_e09:07
J-_damn you windows09:07
Jack_SparrowJ-_: When it works and stops trashing NTFS systems or when Microsoft gives out full specs on it..09:07
tsumesysrpl: qemu all the way09:07
a_l_ealex_: but it's not black magic. you can do it, there is nothing very difficult with applying this patch. but you have to be confortable with using the terminal, spend some time to understand what is difff and how it works...09:08
TSWoodVtsume: Whatever those guys set their sights on gets done really well - openssh, anyone?09:08
sysrplwhat is qemu?09:08
sysrpli need to run partition magic09:08
alex_ok tnx09:08
tsumesysrpl: a very fast emulator, the latest release rocks.09:08
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a_l_e... and then lern how to configure // install some source code.09:08
SGershonHi all.09:08
RaitoSo I have ubuntu, and I installed the 'kubuntu-desktop' and 'xubuntu-desktop', my bootsplash changed to kubuntu and gdm to xubuntu, any way I can change then both to ubuntu?09:08
flankkAnyone know of a way to enable compiz drop shadows on ARGB visuals?09:08
tsumesysrpl: headles operation with VNC support09:08
SGershonI'm really enjoying dapper. Cool.09:08
sysrpli wonder if it will run partition magic?09:08
sysrpli better just reboot09:09
TSWoodVsysrpl: Ditch partition magic - try gparted instead.09:09
Jowinice SGershon :)09:09
tsumesysrpl: you're using partition magic? :D09:09
a_l_eok, going to bed, now! good night!09:09
sorush20I'm having problems with installing build-essentials in  dchroot -c mychroot -d09:09
SGershonsysrpl: why don't you use gparted?09:09
SGershonsysrpl: It is very easy to use.09:09
sysrplwell when i installed ubuntu the in staller only gave me a 4GB partition09:09
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BarkleySGershon --- is there an equiv tool for LVM?09:09
sysrplis that the package name? gparted?09:09
sorush20I keep being prompted for password to use with sudo but the password is incorrect.. I have followed this how to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot09:09
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J-_think i'm just going to wait until i can get a stable version of fuse09:09
TSWoodVAnyone here able to recompile the kernel from the Ubuntu linux-source package on dapper?  I get errors trying make-kpkg on some of the modules.09:10
Raitosysrpl: don't install a package, use the live CD, or when you install 'edit partition tables manually'09:10
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Jowisysrpl: yep, it is the package name.09:10
TSWoodVsysrpl: That's it - gparted09:10
sysrpli already tried that09:10
SGershonsysrpl: Yes. You must run it as root (sudo -s). Look for it on Synaptics.09:10
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grenegarubotu, ati > me09:10
Raitobut you can't really use gparted when you aren't on a live cd because you need to unmount everything dont you?09:10
sysrplsudo aptitude install gparted09:10
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sysrplwhat's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?09:11
JowiRaito: you can not modify a mounted disk.09:11
sorush20ubotu ait > me09:11
ubotuI know nothing about ait09:11
SGershonRaito: You only have to unmount what you need to change.09:11
SGershonsysrpl: In order to install it, you can just open Synaptics.09:11
Raitowell, it is just easier on a live CD because nothing is mounted in the first place >_<09:11
Jowisysrpl: apt-get and aptitude and synaptics are all frontends for apt09:11
sysrpli already ran "sudo aptitude install gparted"09:11
grenegarubotu ati > me09:11
tylerortmanquick, stupid question: anybody have a good link to complete license agreements for Ubuntu? i'm looking for language to put on the packaging of lot of copies of the liveCD09:12
grenegar!search gparted09:12
ubotuFound: gparted, disks09:12
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SGershonMy question is actually on GParted. How can I create an extended partition in order to contain other partitions? Any time I press "New", I've got an error asking me to create an extended instead of primary one.09:13
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sysrplshit, gparted wont le me resize my main ext3 partition09:13
bbraziltylerortman: it's a long, long list09:13
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eCokeNCodjeeze i'm getting some lag out of this world09:14
scott__hey, im trying to setup grub to boot back into a windows xp parition i have, it is on hda2. i have looked at howto on ubuntuforums but when i tried it said it couldnt boot into it, so im guessing i set the root parition wrong on it? i set it to root(hd0,2) (although it comes up as hda3 iirc in fdisk09:14
SGershonsysrpl: It is hard to unmount the partition you are working on. Try te Live-CD.09:14
eCokeNCodhow much bandwidth does ssh ned ?09:14
POVaddctSGershon: if gparted is too stupid, why not using cfdisk or fdisk?09:14
cougemi i've got a kde program running in gnome which uses fake transparency by using the kde background as its background. but, coz im in gnome it can't find my current background for the transparency. is there any way i can get around it?09:14
sysrplmaybe i need to aplly a change to my ntfs first09:14
brainsikso, i'm trying to install ubuntu. i'd like to be able to get to the boot: prompt so i can try passing some options in. how the heck do i get to it from this graphical screen?09:14
cougemlike set some variable with the path to my background?09:14
kaotI notice /var/cache/apt/archives is taking up nearly a GB of space.  I seem to recall it's good form to keep that stuff laying around, to some extent, to conserve bandwidth to the repos.  How often can I clean that up?09:14
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tsume*gag* Can't... breath.. noobs.. taking.. too.. much.. air..09:15
nooby_godkaot I clear that all the time09:15
SGershonPOVaddct: fdisk is a bit hard. I may try cfdisk.09:15
kaotfair nuff.  Off it goes.  Thanks09:15
=== TSWoodV gives tsume an oxygen mask...
tylerortmanbbrazil: is there no official wording to put on something like that?09:15
nooby_godtsume get out of the chan if you don't like noobs09:15
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brainsikkaot: i keep Clean-Installed "false" in my apt.conf and use apt-get autoclean every now and then09:15
tsumeTSWoodV: I wish there was a ubuntu-advanced channel09:15
nooby_godremember Ubuntu is now concidered an enerty point to linux09:16
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brainsikthat will keep around only the packages of the currently installed set09:16
nooby_godtsume join #gentoo for advanced stuff09:16
TSWoodVAnother curveball:  Anyone here reenable the firmware for a Keyspan USB to serial adapter?  Seems that Debian doesn't like the fact that these beasts require closed-source firmware to kickstart.09:16
tsumenooby_god: I know. I'm just used to having intresting discussions in channels like #freebsd09:16
brainsikkaot: generally i'll run the autoclean before an upgrade09:16
tsumenooby_god: are you kidding me.. thats like kiddie central.09:16
kaotbrainsik: I see09:16
tsumelist #ubuntu-*09:16
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TSWoodVSo they created a driver for these Keyspan boxes without the firmware.  Useless.  Completely useless.09:16
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brainsikkaot: then you can roll back if something breaks09:17
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bbraziltylerortman: I don't think so. Usually you make something up like 'You are free to use and copy this CD at no charge'09:17
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tsumegrr to freenode limitations09:17
bbraziltylerortman: if ompaul is around he has some good text09:17
brainsikkaot: that's on debian, though. i'm trying to install ubuntu right now and getting nowhere.09:17
Barkleykaot hey is there a decent lvm tool with a gui?09:17
SGershontsume: if there was an ubuntu-advanced channel, there would be many noobs on it as well. I would be there, at least -- even if only listening... ;)09:17
kaotbrainsik: bummer09:17
TSWoodVtsume: Yep - an advanced ubuntu channel would be nice.  Don't see that happening, however.  Glad to see the n00bs here though.  n00bs => growth in Linux usage, a Really Good Thing (tm).09:17
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kaotBarkley: dunno.  haven't played with lvm at all09:18
grenegar!search n00b09:18
ubotuFound nothing09:18
tsumeTSWoodV: I'm a network admin, my type of chat is implementation, programming, etc. Not support09:18
TSWoodVubotu needs to look around a bit...09:18
ubotuI know nothing about needs to look around a bit...09:18
greddyis it a common problem to have all sorts of distortion on buttons?09:18
brainsik!search boot:09:18
ubotuFound nothing09:18
kaotbrainsik: this is my first debian-based distro so i haven't done anything with apt before now.  kind of trying to figure this out on the fly.09:18
greddyi guess maybe i should find some non generic drivers09:18
tsumeSGershon: listening would be fine, but any noob questions would get the person kicked09:19
TSWoodVtsume: Network admin/research for the most part here.09:19
brainsikwell if you want to do what i'm doing, you can create /etc/apt/apt.conf and put this in it:09:19
tsumehmm, a name.09:19
brainsikAPT {09:19
brainsik        Clean-Installed "false";09:19
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tylerortmanbbrazil: thanks. sorry to be a bother, just trying to spread the joy.09:19
TSWoodVtsume: Not kicked, rejoined here.09:19
tsumeI got it09:19
tsume#ubuntu-tech - discussions for people who are advanced.09:20
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neighborleehas anyone had trouble trying to install VLC ?? ;-09:20
neighborleeim getting dep errors with libdbus09:21
neighborleevlc: Depends: libdbus-1-1 (>= 0.36.2) but it is not going to be installed09:21
neighborleeE: Broken packages09:21
neighborleeany idea ? ;)09:21
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bbraziltylerortman: check a CD from shipit if you have one09:23
loko555does anyone know how i can disable sound in firefox. cause the sound is very loud and not adjustable with the system-sound-mixer09:23
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omeJack_Sparrow: The crash occures just by opening packet manager, even when i dont click anything. Could it still be source.lst?09:23
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bbraziltylerortman: here's one "You are legally free t copy, modify and redistribute this DVD."09:23
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sysrplgparted wont allow me to resize my linux partition09:24
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ToHellWithGAwhat is a "dummy package"?09:24
ToHellWithGAsysrpl: boot with a live CD then resize the partition09:25
ToHellWithGAparted can't resize an active partition, and the very act of running parted from your / partition makes it active09:25
brainsikDoes anyone know how to get to the boot: prompt from the install disc?09:25
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tylerortmanbbrazil: seems like I should give GPL a shout-out...it's a CD packaged w/a book09:25
Barkleyso is ext3 recommend even for big mp3 drives?09:25
sysrpli already did that, and it didn't resize my partition09:25
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kaotbrainsik: ctrl-alt-F1?  haven't had to do it myself09:25
kaoti'd try that tho09:25
brainsikokay, i'll try that09:26
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Foobaltylerortman: how you suppose you can say the disc is GPL when not all the applications on it are definitely not GPL09:26
Jowineighborlee: just tried it and it works fine. maybe you have conflicting apt sources?09:26
=== baumer [n=baumer@c-67-164-183-147.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
loko555does anyone know how i can disable sound in firefox. cause the sound is very loud and not adjustable with the system-sound-mixer?09:26
ToHellWithGAFoobal: let's see how many negatives we can but in a sentence :P09:26
ToHellWithGAloko555: have you tried about:config ?09:27
brainsikkaot: yeah, doesn't work.. forgot i already tried that for F1-10 :)09:27
jribloko555: if you double click on the sound icon in gnome and change the pcm volume does that affect it?09:27
baumerapache2.conf is missing on my 'puter, what package provides it?09:27
sorush20guys after installing the debootstrap.. and using the  dchroot -c mychroot -d , will I still be asked for the root password?09:27
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loko555ToHellWithGA: where to look there?09:27
kaotbrainsik: doh.  I tried the install disk to upgrade to dapper, where i learned of that bug where it crashes if you want to leave your partitions intact, and did it through upgrade manager instead09:28
loko555jrib: this does no affect09:28
kaotso i didn't do a whole lot with the 6.06 installer09:28
ToHellWithGAloko555: you can type "about:config" where you'd type a URL in firefox and then search for options to toggle09:28
loko555jrib: this is not normal i guess?09:28
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loko555ToHellWithGA: i know what about:config is, but i didn09:28
brainsikkaot: at least you can get to the upgrade manager :)09:28
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cntbwhat is the difference between gksudo and sudo09:29
jribloko555: is this sound from flash?  or actually from firefox (like search errors for example)09:29
loko555ToHellWithGA: i know what about:config is, but i didn't find anything according to the sound09:29
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jribcntb: gksudo plays nice with the gui09:29
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slugicideIs there a special repository for getting Opera 9, 'cause I can't see it?09:29
cntbI ran gksudo gparted what if I did sudo gparted?09:29
ToHellWithGAthat's my best guess loko555.  good luck to ya09:29
loko555jrib: i think it is flash09:29
loko555ToHellWithGA: thx09:29
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cntb10x jrib09:30
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stephan__how would i do a shell script of ----- if the $? is anything other than 0 list its error09:30
tylerortmanFoobal: i know I can't...that's why I'm looking for the official line on this09:30
ToHellWithGAcntb: what's the 10x about?09:30
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cntbserious  question ToHellWithGA ???????/09:31
jribloko555: yeah for me pcm controls the flash volume, you can run 'alsamixer' in a terminal and see all of the possibilites09:31
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GianLuigiBuffonhow can I kill a frozen program on wine?09:31
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jribToHellWithGA: ten-x thx thanks09:31
Jack_Sparrowstephan__: http://arachnoid.com/linux/shell_programming.html09:31
GianLuigiBuffonrealplayer is froozen09:31
ToHellWithGAi hadn't seen that before09:31
jrattner1My current vehicle is an interstellar star ship...09:31
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jribGianLuigiBuffon: do you know that realplayer can run on linux without wine?09:32
GianLuigiBuffonjrib didn't know xDD but now how I kill it?09:32
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loko555jrib: i tried it, but maybe it is a problem cause i have intel high definition audio in the notebook, i'll keep on trying, thank you09:32
stephan__Jack_Sparrow, ty09:32
slugicideIs there a special repository for getting Opera 9, 'cause I can't see it?09:32
jribGianLuigiBuffon: try running 'xkill' in a terminal and then click on it09:32
feugan3333hello, My notification-daemon seems broken. It says that I have 3 updates but when I click on it, it says "downloading package infromation" and the gui dissappears (crashed?)09:32
=== noeffred [n=chris@M2574P027.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
Foobaltylerortman: official? then you'll most likely hit all kinds of fundamentalists (especially the kernel developers).. you're better off just providing everything with "as-is" license and getting rid of the responsibilities09:32
feugan3333Anyone know about such a problem?09:33
mc_____jrib, that shoul come into the FAQ09:33
GianLuigiBuffonno way09:33
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phoul (/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory09:33
Phoullibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool archive09:33
PhoulAny ideas?09:33
errpast-wcAm newbie, running 6.06 DD very happily.  Is it realtively easy to setup of an scp server, so I can move files to my home box?09:33
GianLuigiBuffoni log out then09:33
neighborleeJowi, hmm are you running 32 or 64 bit os ?09:34
jrib!ssh > errpast-wc09:34
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ZambeziCan any help me with tct?09:34
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Jowineighborlee: pure 3209:34
neighborleeah mine is 6409:34
brainsik!search boot09:34
ubotuFound: rescue, grub, lilo, ifrename, boot, installing, lamp, lost+found, bootoptions, password (and 1 more)09:34
neighborleeJowi, might be why dunno09:34
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Phoulanyone know about my issue?09:34
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cntbok few days ago I was on fedora .  my preferred dual boot there was thru boot.ini. grub not on MBR. thru rescue disk Itake boot sector to a file in windows boot partition.pls tell me how to dothis in UBUNTU !09:34
neighborleeJowi, during previous syaptic runs I had no errors so this is odd09:34
brainsikubotu tell me about bootoptions09:35
Flannelfeugan3333: are you a sudoer on the machine?09:35
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Jowineighborlee: dunno either. never had a 64bit cpu09:35
brainsik!ubotu bootoptions09:35
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu bootoptions09:35
cntbwow  coincidence09:35
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ubotuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions09:35
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jrattner1QUESTION: What is Lost + Found and why is nothing ever found in there?09:35
cntb!search boot09:35
ubotuFound: rescue, grub, lilo, ifrename, boot, installing, lamp, lost+found, bootoptions, password (and 1 more)09:35
nicktk1i hate this09:35
feugan3333Flannel: I'm not sure what you mean, I enter my password using the GUI09:35
nicktk1its sooooo hard to install wifi09:36
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pupenoOk, it is looking better now.09:36
Flannelfeugan3333: oh, it asks?  alright.  So, is it the right password?  Do you have synaptic (or some other package manager) open?09:36
Foobalnicktkl: install the network manager after the drivers work :)09:37
=== feryana [n=feryana@24-148-64-22.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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jrattner1Network Manager Sucks09:37
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feugan3333Flannel: No I don't have any other package manager open.09:37
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HackerXHey, Is there anyway to make a shortcut on the desktop to run a network scan?09:38
nicktk1is there an easy way of installing this09:38
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Phoulcan anyone help me?09:38
HackerXnicktk1, What are you trying to install?09:38
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:38
RedroseHow do i get the most out of my battery life on ubuntu09:38
nicktk1im trying to install wirless card09:39
nicktk1do i know u09:39
QRZHackerX:  What network scanning tool do you want to use?09:39
cowbudPhoul: ask your question..09:39
HackerXnicktk1, is there a deb pack for it?09:39
kaothur hur hur09:39
Redrosenicktk1, what's the card?09:39
PhoulI did already but here i will repeat it09:39
Phouls GianLuigiBuffon09:39
Phoul<jrattner1> Network Manager Sucks09:39
nicktk1lemme check09:39
Phoulohh umm09:39
Phoulthat was a mistake09:39
kaotdoesn't that network tools gui app have nmap built in?09:39
tylerortmanthanks for the advice, bbrazil and Foobal09:39
nicktk1its a linksys g wirless09:39
JowiPhoul: have you installed libxrender?09:39
Phoul(/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory09:39
Phoullibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool archive09:39
PhoulYes i have09:39
Redrosenicktk1, do you know what madwifi is?09:39
JowiPhoul: and the devfiles as well?09:40
HackerXwell i have to use ndiswrapper so i dont belive all finders like kismet dont work09:40
HackerXso i want to use the terminal command09:40
HackerXbut i want a shortcut09:40
Barkleyok need some guidance here. i have 4 disks im mounting in ubuntu.  i created names for the devices in /media/hda1 sdb1 etc.  so when the disks are mounted the media directory appears to list permissions for those device mount dirs that i set when the devices are mounted.  what should the underlying permissions be when they are not mounted?  should i just 775 or 777 the underlying mount dir then set 775 on it again when it's mounted?  th09:40
=== greenpete [n=peter@84-29-55-213.adsl.realpoptel.net] has joined #ubuntu
HackerXkaot, Hey09:40
Redrosenicktk1, can you tell me what the actual card its like a serial number?09:40
jmeHackerX: tried writing an alias in bash?09:40
nicktk1hold on09:41
ubotuI know nothing about hello09:41
RedroseHow do i tell ubuntu i am running it on a laptop, so that it will help to save power?09:41
baumermy apache2 install is hosed, how do I reinstall and overwrite all the config files?09:41
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org09:41
jmeRedrose: most likely it has autodetected the laptop09:41
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HackerXjme not sure how to do that, is there a way to make it run a scan every 5 or 10 secs or is there a tool already out that does that?09:41
jmeUbuntu has a builkt-in utility for that09:41
JowiPhoul: if you do "dpkg -S libXrender.la" do you get any results?09:41
nicktk1or moddle number09:41
jmeHackerX: have you tried Network Manager?09:41
Redrosewell the only reason i say it might not is because on windows, i get 3 hours battery, in ubuntu, i get 1.5 hour09:41
mc_____how to activate auto-login ?09:42
PhoulJowi, yes i do09:42
jmeHackerX: you can use just the daemon if you don't want to use the GUI Network Manager tool09:42
Phouldpkg: *libXrender.la* not found.09:42
mc_____in dapper09:42
HackerXjme, well i have to use ndiswrapper and i dont think it works09:42
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jmeyeah, it depends on your card's abilities09:42
Barkleynevermind found it :) the answer was set the right permission on "."09:42
QRZHackerX:  What is the command that you run, that works?09:42
HackerXbut i can do a terminal scan and it finds it09:43
jmeHackerX: try using iwconfig to set your card to associate with "any" AP09:43
Redrosenicktk1, haha... ok, is the card in?09:43
PhoulJowi, dpkg: *libXrender.la* not found.09:43
nicktk1yea...oh btw im on windows09:43
jmemc_____: try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_automatic_login_into_GNOME_.28not_secure.2909:43
JowiPhoul: yeah, saw it. investigating09:43
HackerXjme, how do i set it?09:43
Redroselol... ok, well get on linux09:43
mc_____jme, thank you09:43
nicktk1garrrrr windows09:43
=== Zedo [n=zedo@arc68-1-82-227-79-89.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicktk1well you see i have no connection when on linux09:44
HackerXnicktk1, *feels ones pain*09:44
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ubotuI know nothing about battery09:44
ubotuI know nothing about power09:44
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ubotuI know nothing about hockey09:44
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ubotuI know nothing about love09:44
nicktk1is it possable to just copy the files from windows on linux09:44
ubotuI know nothing about sex09:44
Redrosenicktk1, it's not a file, you need to et into ubuntu and check iwconfig09:45
greenpeteI'd like to find people using Linux/Ubuntu in my area (oxfordshire UK) where would be a good place to do this please?09:45
nicktk1i do have something that might work09:45
rskgreenpete in your local lug09:45
nicktk1its a wirless game adapter....i could try that as a temporary solution09:45
Phoulwhat the heck is a "lug"09:45
HackerXwhats the terminal command for a wireless device scan?09:45
greenpeteSorry what is lug?09:46
HackerXi forgot09:46
ithiellinux user group09:46
rsklinux user group09:46
pupenogreenpete: http://linux.org it has a directory of LUGs.09:46
ithiellocal support/discussion groups of Linux Users09:46
greenpeteOk I can google that yes?09:46
PhoulTo bad one dont exist near me haha09:46
ithielompaul runs an Irish Lug09:46
Redroseok, does anyone know how to get the most battery life out of my laptop?09:46
Redroseany tips?09:46
nicktk1ok im gonna try a few things ill brb09:46
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ithielRedrose: turn it off09:46
HackerXithiel, haha09:47
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PhoulJowi, anythin?09:47
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nicktk1good bye09:47
ithielRedrose: in all seriousness, turn the brightness all the way down09:47
HackerXredrose, yes that will save lots of batt09:47
cntbbored ppl #ubuntu-offtopic09:47
greenpeteFound http://www.lug.org.uk/ thanks! Bye....09:47
HackerX! commands09:48
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:48
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.09:48
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Redrosewho do i turn the brightness down?09:48
HackerX! sucking off men behind the dumpster at the local 7-1109:48
ubotuI know nothing about sucking off men behind the dumpster at the local 7-1109:48
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JowiPhoul: found the .a and .so file but not .la so far09:49
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jrattner1i bet you get banned but it was worth it : )09:49
HackerXya i know but i cant get banned i need this channel09:49
ithielHackerX: that's prolly a kick, but so worth it.09:49
HackerXits soo funny09:49
jrattner1or he'll get away with it....09:49
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HackerXi love the ol bot09:49
ithiel!HackerX's Mom's drug habits.09:49
ubotuI know nothing about HackerX's Mom's drug habits.09:50
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Redrosehow do i turn the brightness down?09:50
HackerXredrose, its differnt for each laptop09:50
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HackerXredrose, its a laptop control not a ubuntu control09:50
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ithielRedrose: do you have function keys that indicate bright/dark on your laptop?09:50
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pupenoHow do I choose between OpenGL implementations ? currently fglrxinfo shows I am using Mesa and I'd like to use the ATI one (thankfully, DRI seem s to be working) ?09:51
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adam0509hi, I installed " imagemagick", but ccan't launch it by the command "imagemagick"...09:51
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Redrosethey are under the F6 F7 button09:51
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rskits not a gui program i belive09:51
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kbrookswhat did pupeno or ithiel do?09:51
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Seveaskbrooks, bot abuse09:51
fr3drikRedrose: You're not supposed to. Try "convert".09:51
adam0509rsk, => talking to me ? :x09:52
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Redrosefr3drik, convert?09:52
fr3drikadam0509: Ops, yes.09:52
fr3drikRedrose: Sorry :)09:52
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hubrisjehow do i check the ubuntu version on the console plz?09:52
Seveashubrisje, lsb_release -a09:52
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs09:53
hubrisjeok thx09:53
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JowiPhoul: nothing. what are you trying to compile?09:54
Phoulim trying to compile "gimmie"09:54
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haggelguten abend09:55
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:55
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freebsehaggel: lol guten abend :) aber english in here pls09:56
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haggeloh, sry :)09:56
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alterrhello guys, where is the site to report a bug ?09:57
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com09:57
JowiPhoul: never heard off. either ask the author of gimmie or report a bug ("/msg ubotu bug" for info)09:57
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alterrubotu, thx09:57
ubotuI know nothing about thx09:57
Redrosemy laptop has an "FN" button, which i can use to decrease the brightness, but it won't work, (FN+F7), any ideas?09:57
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gnomefreakgimmie is not supported by ubuntu that i am aware of09:58
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cntbalter lol09:58
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RamunasRedrose: its a harware button afaik, OS doesn't have anything to do with it09:58
freebseRedrose: it will not work, because this is related to your OS...09:58
cntbubotu, thx09:58
ubotuI know nothing about thx09:58
Ramunasfreebse: really?09:59
jonah1980hi trying to install scribus on amd64 and i'm stuck, can anyone help me out please. tying to compile it from source as it recommends on their website but doesn't get past configure09:59
Ramunasi have an old dell laptop and fn button works fine09:59
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gnomefreakPhoul: reporting a bug on gimmie in launchpad wont do much good i would look on the site you got it from and see if they have a bug report area09:59
Phouli dont think its a gimmie bug tho09:59
PhoulSince gimmie did work for me on other OS's10:00
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freebseRamunas: I got a Tghinkpad and all extra buttons don't work at all... without special drivers... but I am not really sure if this is a button that the OS configures or the BIOS10:00
gnomefreakPhoul: what is "the bug"10:00
PhoulIts not really a bug but here10:00
Jowignomefreak: gimme need libXrender.la which seems to be missing from libxrender-dev package (intentional or not, i can not say)10:00
gnomefreakon dapper?10:01
Phoul/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory10:01
Phoullibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool archive10:01
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JowiPhoul: dapper or breezy?10:01
gnomefreakok let me look into this give me a few mins10:02
Phoulgnomefreak, can you pm me when your done? Im also looking so im not paying a ton of attention10:02
gnomefreakPhoul: i will if i find anything10:02
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sloucheri locked myself out of sudo. I ran something like usermod -G fuse user, and now i'm only in the fuse group. How acan I get back to being sudo10:05
gnomefreakPhoul: Jowi what arch?10:05
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Phouli guess... i38610:06
brainsiksloucher: hmmm.. bad situation10:06
SlyFlyIs there anyone here who can help me with multimedia support?  This is not about restricted formats.10:06
sloucherlol thanks brainsik10:06
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brainsiksloucher: you might need to boot via rescue mode and edit the groups file by hand10:06
SimzIHow do I install a GDM screen!?10:06
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sloucheryeah, sounds good10:06
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kbrooksSlyFly: ask10:06
whiteranyone know why mpd isnt working10:06
mingohow can I open a .deb archive ?10:07
whiterit just stopped working, i tried two differnet clients on it but it i snt working10:07
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Phoulwhiter, what clients?10:07
thenukeI wonder what I should install or reinstall to get these flash-videos working :o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxkr4wS7XqY10:07
brainsiksloucher: its /etc/group (in case you don't know)10:07
PhoulAnd have you configured mpd correctly?10:07
whiterncmpc, and glurp Phoul10:07
SlyFlykbrooks, Totem won't display videos properly...it seems to be playing the videos, but it won't actually display them...I have to move around the window for me to see different scenes, but videos aren't "flowing properly."10:07
thenukethey did work before, but then I apparently messed something up :)10:07
zenitmingo: dpkg -x <archive>, I guess.10:07
gnomefreakPhoul: when installing its looking for that lib?10:07
mingoin the console ?10:07
Phoulwhen compiling10:07
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SlyFlyWhy can't Totem just have the videos appear in the way they're supposed to appear...from the first second to the last.  All I see is a dark screen.10:08
whiterand when i try to connect it says unable to, timed out but when i "netstat" i can see mpd running correctly10:08
whiteras well as ps -A, that works too the clients just cant seem to connect to it anymore10:08
SlyFlyWhen playing videos with Totem, I get a dark screen...why?10:08
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jamie_i need help to mount another drive i have installed in my pc10:09
SlyFlyI am trying to get Totem to play videos, but it only shows a dark screen.10:09
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whiterjamie what file system is it10:09
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SlyFlyI have all restricted formats installed.  Totem still won't display videos correctly.10:09
jamie_i think its ext310:09
kalosaurusrexanyone have any experience with laptop heat problems?10:09
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jamie_it was an old ubuntu install10:09
mingozenith : it doesn't work...10:10
jamie_which has VERY important data on it10:10
whiterjamie, do this: fdisk -l10:10
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whiterdo it as root, find out the hard drive path10:10
SlyFlyWhy does Totem show a dark screen instead of playing a video as it should?10:10
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whiterlike /dev/hdb1 or whatever, then go "mkdir /mnt/hdb1" and then "mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1"10:10
jamie_   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:10
jamie_/dev/sda1   *           1       23564   189277798+  83  Linux10:10
jamie_/dev/sda2           23565       24321     6080602+   5  Extended10:10
jamie_/dev/sda5           23565       24321     6080571   82  Linux swap / Solaris10:10
whiterand change it up according to the name of your hard drive10:10
gnomefreakPhoul: all i found was usr/lib/libXrender.a  without the "l" im wondering if it changed names in dapper if i get a min i will see if i can grab the lib10:11
gnomefreakjamie_: dont paste10:11
jamie_thats the drive i need to mount10:11
jamie_sorry :(10:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:11
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jamie_how would i mount sda110:11
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whiter"mount /dev/sda1 /path/to/mount"10:12
Jowikalosaurusrex: well, not sure if it is related to your problem but I just cleaned a ton of dust from my wifes laptop cpu fan. blocked ventilation cause a lot of heat problems.10:12
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whiteri would mount it in /mnt/sda110:12
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:12
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Phoulis there a list of compatible mp3 players anywhere?10:12
kaotreminds me -- do ipods read .ogg?10:12
jadacyrusi just installed Skype, everything works except the audo input from my microphone. I have microphone volume turned all the way up in my mixer. And in the options the only devices it will let me use are /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 , what are these?10:13
gnomefreakPhoul: there was never a lib called libxrender.la in ubuntu (not sure if you can get it from debain or not off hand but i know someone that installed it but hes not online atm10:13
Dial_tonewhich version of gcc should I install for dapper?10:13
jonah1980hi trying to install scribus on amd64 and i'm stuck, can anyone help me out please. tying to compile it from source as it recommends on their website but doesn't get past configure command10:13
gnomefreakDial_tone: build-essential10:13
gnomefreakDial_tone: it comes with gcc4.010:13
Phoulgnomefreak, so how would i go about installing gimmie then w10:13
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Dial_tonethank you10:13
jamie_im getting a mount point does not exist error10:13
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Dial_toneand does it exist?10:14
gnomefreakPhoul: off hand i dont know i have soemthing building as we speak but im betting on another 4 hours :(10:14
K^Holtzi want to install vlc, could i get away with just typing sudo apt-get install vlc .. or do i have to install any of those variations i saw when i did and apt-cache search?10:14
jamie_i made the folder but it made no diff10:14
gnomefreakDial_tone: yes build-essential is a package on the cd10:14
Phoulgnomefreak, do you have msn/aim/yahoo?10:14
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Phoulcan i add you?10:14
Dial_toneno, i meant does his mount point exist10:14
JowiK^Holtz: give it a go :)10:14
jadacyrusi just installed Skype, everything works except the audo input from my microphone. I have microphone volume turned all the way up in my mixer. And in the options the only devices it will let me use are /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 , what are these?10:15
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs10:15
gnomefreakPhoul: i dont ever use it10:15
jamie_AHA, got it workin10:15
LjLK^Holtz: it won't hurt to try, and anyway in this case, it will work.10:15
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs10:15
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:15
=== gnomefreak works too much to use aim
Jemtjadacyrus: Please don't repeat your self. If someone is able to answer, you will recieve help.10:15
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jadacyrusJemt: K sorry10:15
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Jemtjadacyrus: No problem :)10:15
peteretiefhey all.whats after dapper10:15
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule10:15
gnomefreakpeteretief: edgy eft10:15
Phoulokay, does anyone know where i can find a list of comatible mp3 players that will work with linux?10:16
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richiefrichwhat repo is mplayer in please10:16
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jamie_oh anyone know any download managers cos i had a 3.2 gb half downloaded and it died :|10:16
LjLthose that simply behave as a USB key will work10:16
gnomefreakrichiefrich: multiverse10:16
jamie_im using kbuntu10:16
richiefrichgnomefreak ty10:16
Paradoxxneed some volunteers to test a chatroom10:17
peteretiefgnomefreak, can i upgrade now?10:17
Jowijadacyrus: please don't get offended, because this is an obvious one: You plugged in the mic to the mic or line-in?10:17
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gnomefreakParadoxx: join #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
LjLjamie_: kget10:17
jadacyrusJowi: yep10:17
gnomefreakpeteretief: no10:17
jribjamie_: wget, gwget, d4x10:17
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gnomefreakpeteretief: there isnt even an iso for it10:17
gnomefreakpeteretief: they just started on it10:17
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule10:17
jadacyrusJowi: wait no I didn't10:17
jadacyrusJowi: lol not it works10:18
jadacyrusJowi: now* damn im a fool10:18
Jowijadacyrus: :)10:18
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jadacyrusJowi: god sorry for wasting ur time haha goodbye10:18
jamie_i cant find kget in synaptic10:18
Jowijadacyrus: no probs :)10:18
LjLjamie_: then you don't have universe enabled10:18
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:18
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:18
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kaotTEH OH NOES10:18
naliothjamie_: please, your language isn't helping your situation10:18
jamie_OH god i have to redo 6 months of tax books :/10:19
kaotoh.  heck, i'd drop an F-bomb if I were you too10:19
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-6.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaotprobably a few dozen exclamation points tacked on for good measure10:19
kaotand then i'd throw something.  that bites.10:19
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=== kaot refrains from mentioning the value of backing up important data
jamie_it was backed up10:20
jamie_this was my backup lol10:20
jamie_i allready lost the first set cos my laptop went BANG10:20
=== A|ex [n=blood@host115-84.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
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A|exhi all ^^10:20
jamie_oh crap this is not good at all10:20
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ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html10:21
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto10:21
phibxrjamie_, don't touch it and send it off to a data restorage company?10:21
kaotexim!  exim!10:21
=== kaot pipes down
jamie_do u have any idea how much that would cost10:21
jamie_i actualy feel like crying10:21
kbrooksjamie_: they DO have to charge that much, dont they?10:21
brainsikanyone know what the difference between the -server kernels and the regular kernels are?10:22
=== wahjava [n=_abbe@unaffiliated/wahjava] has joined #ubuntu
peteretiefthere are recovery roms around10:22
jamie_im so not paying 200 euro to get back tax books and reciepts10:22
Bladedge! .img10:22
ubotuI know nothing about .img10:22
jamie_plus ever episode of lost was on there lol10:22
ubotuI know nothing about linux-image-server10:22
brainsik!server kernel10:22
ubotuI know nothing about server kernel10:22
richiefrichgnomefreak  it's not in that one unless i checked the wrong one :(10:23
wahjavahi channel10:23
=== Dr1ft3d [i=hht@dsl-146-69-211.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
juztinhi wahjava10:23
gnomefreakbrainsik: stop playing with the bot and ask a question10:23
kbrooksbrainsik: stop it10:23
wahjavajuztin, hi10:23
brainsikgnomefreak: i did10:23
gnomefreakbrainsik: what was it10:23
jamie_who made the bot? i like it :P10:23
gnomefreakrichiefrich: what are you looking for again?10:23
grenegarwahjava: hi10:23
Dr1ft3dcan apt compile stuff for you?10:23
jamie_how do u build a bot like that?10:23
brainsikgnomefreak: what is the difference between the server kernels and the regular kernels?10:23
wahjavahow do I install kubuntu dapper on ubuntu dapper from kubuntu CDs10:23
wahjavagrenegar, hi :)10:23
gnomefreakrichiefrich: its in multiverse not backports10:23
gnomefreak!mplayer > richiefrich10:23
jamie_ahh im going to cry, ive lost my websites 210:24
wahjavaI mean kubuntu install (+ live) cd10:24
gnomefreakbrainsik: ones built for server as for what exactly i dont know other than different modules10:24
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jmeare you sure they are separate kernels, brainsik?10:24
banecan anyone help me with wireless setup?10:24
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brainsikjme: yes10:24
gnomefreakjme: yes dapper seperated them10:24
kaotbane: what kind of wireless card?10:24
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jmeoh, interesting10:24
wahjavaI want to avoid downloading kubuntu stuff from internet10:24
grenegarwahjava: you could install 'kubuntu-desktop' from synaptic10:24
peteretiefbane, whats the matter10:24
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wahjavagrenegar, but that would download kubuntu from internet not from CD10:25
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brainsikgnomefreak: i'm trying to find specifics, but having trouble... i realize i can compare .config files, but i'm trying to avoid that arduous task10:25
=== prof is now known as prof_blink
jmeyeah, you'll want to add the CD to your repository list, wahjava10:25
A|exuhm all english here...10:25
cougemyeh stick grubs in it10:25
grenegarwahjava: ya true. if you set sources.list to have cd-rom entry first then it will get it from there instead10:25
technelHow do I get xterm to allow 256 colors?10:25
jmeuse the same format the regular Ubuntu CD is in on sources.list10:26
wahjavajme, I tried that but it didn't work either though CD is added successfully to the list10:26
gnomefreakbrainsik: join #ubuntu-kernel see if they are not busy and ask them10:26
brainsikgnomefreak: cool, thanks10:26
jmeah, sorry to hear10:26
wildmanA|ex: which lang do you need? usually, #ubuntu-LL, where LL is the 2 letter code for your lang works...10:26
kbrooksbrainsik: diff is not an arduous task10:26
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brainsikkbrooks: have you ever diffed .config files? not fund10:26
A|exuhm i try #ubuntu-IT10:26
wildmanA|ex: -it, ;)10:26
Jowiwahjava: you need to update/reload as well ("sudo apt-get update" or reload in synaptic)10:26
=== Afief [n=afief@85-250-218-164.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanA|ex: no capital letters on channel names ;)10:27
kbrooksbrainsik: i said "diff". the command10:27
A|exthanks :DDD i'm fighting with postfix :D10:27
A|exsorry wildman T.T10:27
wildmanA|ex: no pb. good luck.10:27
kbrooksA|ex: no need to apologise10:27
A|exthanks :D10:27
wahjavaJowi, i did that10:27
cougemHEY LOUSEYS10:27
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wahjava:( oops, it is downloading from internet10:28
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wahjavaBtW, there are only very few .deb on CD10:29
kbrookswahjava: false10:29
wahjava22 .deb10:29
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peteretiefcan i run kubuntu and dapper together - ?10:29
wahjavakbrooks; why false ?10:29
banehow do i reply to pm's?10:29
gnomefreakpeteretief: kubuntu is dapper10:29
kbrookswahjava: What CD10:29
Emilismy gnome session is occasionally being thrown back to login window, and when I put in my login and password, it starts my gnome session anew, losing all my active stuff; what's going on?10:29
atlantianhello can someone please help me getting a remote desktop connection working, i have tried so much, freenx just gives killed by signal 15, realvnc enterprise says aborted after typing vncserver or anything, please can someone help me get this to work10:30
Chousukepeteretief: kubuntu and ubuntu are basically the same thing. :)10:30
gnomefreakbane: type in the pm box10:30
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:30
wahjavakbrooks: I'm using install CD that shipit ships10:30
=== neighborlee [n=neighbor@c-24-16-102-212.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chousukepeteretief: the defaults are just different.10:30
technelIs there a way to get 256 colors in gnome-terminal?10:30
banelmao what pm box?10:30
ubotuI know nothing about common10:30
peteretiefah i see10:30
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Chousukepeteretief: you can install kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu and get the whole KDE thing.10:30
gnomefreakbane: join #ubuntu-offtopic for this10:31
wildmanbane: usually a 2nd tab is open with the 'pm box', on which u can click, then type as usual10:31
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peteretiefi see gnome is the default10:31
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wildmanpeteretief: if "unbuntu" yes10:31
wildmanpeteretief: if "kubuntuE, then kde is, if "xubuntu", then xfce is10:31
alteroocan anyone help us test a plonechat system?10:32
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kbrookswildman: "ubuntu", not "unbuntu"10:32
wildmanpeteretief: starting with dapper, change the bla-desktop from ubunutu, kubuntu, xubuntu, to get an of the other desktops10:32
cntbthe birds on openoffice.org are ubuntu color too10:32
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wildmankbrooks: oops, typo, sorry :)10:32
ditto132yhi room10:32
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wildmanget an -> get anY10:32
Emilis /var/log/messages shows gconfd (user-12497): Received signal 15, shutting down cleanly   --- this is happening spotaneously10:32
peteretiefso its just a desktop thing10:32
wildmandamn, still sleepy here :)10:32
peteretiefso fluxbox10:33
wildmanpeteretief: basically, yes it is.10:33
wahjavakbrooks: how do i install ??10:33
peteretiefthanks all10:33
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atlantianhello can someone please help me getting a remote desktop connection working, i have tried so much, freenx just gives killed by signal 15, realvnc enterprise says aborted after typing vncserver or anything, please can someone help me get this to work10:33
wildmanpeteretief: welcomed10:33
=== kitsuneofdoom [n=barry@ool-182edec9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jamie_how do i enable universe source10:34
wildmanjamie_: from synaptic, edit media10:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:34
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wildmandamn, I'm still not used to this ! thing :)10:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:34
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wahjavaatlantian: on what version of Ubuntu are you, have u tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC10:34
top222Are there 2.6.16 backports yet anywhere?10:35
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cntba german guy tried this against my desktop and in 5 min moved my mouse10:35
peteretiefbane, what with the wifi10:35
cntbatlantian: ?10:35
atlantian6.06 wahjava10:35
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cntbany bg guys here?10:36
atlantianwahjava i have not tired that let me look at it thanks10:36
jamie_how do i make an irc bot like the one here10:36
wahjavaatlantian: whenever you have problem in Ubuntu, check wiki.ubuntu.com first10:37
=== Exposure` [n=Exposure@a196215.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
cntbatlantian: system->preferences-> remote desktop10:37
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hcjc92is there any reason that i can't seem to find mod_rewrite with my apache installation....10:37
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atlantiancntb i have tried that before though, never worked10:37
atlantianwill try again10:37
wahjavajamie_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC_bot10:37
masterofallartsI need some help with 3d Acceleration10:37
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masterofallartscant get it started10:38
masterofallartsI have an ATI 900010:38
atlantianwahjava is there anyway to stop the user form having to grant access10:38
masterofallartsI followed the wiki10:38
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kitsuneofdoommasterofallarts: what computer type do you have?10:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:38
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atlantianjust untick ask for confirmation?10:38
wildmanmasterofallarts: check above URL meanwhile10:38
wahjavaatlantian: from *Remote Desktop* in *Preferences*10:38
atlantiansimple as that wahjava?10:38
masterofallartsa laptop?10:39
masterofallartson dapper.10:39
ubotuI know nothing about wahjava10:39
greddyi get weird corruption over some buttons in the OS what does that mean?10:39
Dr1ft3ddapper=brave in afrikaans10:39
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hid3Hello everyone. is there any way/tool to reset /proc/interrupts, transmited bytes/packets counters for a network device without rebooting the system?10:39
silentreadwhat do u mean wierd corruption?10:39
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:39
wahjavaoh that's a bot command cool10:40
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wildmanwahjava: which just rocks :)10:40
wahjavawildman: yup10:40
masterofallartswildman: does this mean that fglrx doesnt support a 9000 card?10:41
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Eazy-anyone knows of a sysinfo script that works?10:41
Glimerratihow can I run DVD..?10:41
Eazy-for xchat10:41
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:41
wildmanmasterofallarts: dunno about all hardware there is... sorry10:41
wildmanmasterofallarts: and always hade nVidia cards here, with binary nVidia drivers w/o pbs at all10:42
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:42
peteretiefwow 1066 files to upgrade to dapper from breezy10:42
kitsuneofdoomOk, I have a broadcom 54g a/b/g/bluetooth wifi card. Linux detects the card all right, and I have ndiswrapper around the bcmwl5 driver, only problem, I can't connect10:42
wildmanmasterofallarts: did you check http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/ to see if your laptop is listed?10:42
=== brainsik [n=brainsik@dsl092-001-132.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
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silentread@kitsune did u modprobe?10:43
POVaddctmasterofallarts: the radeon 9000 is supported without needing the flgrx driver. at least the mobile version is.10:43
wildmanmasterofallarts: there's always isntructions for lots of laptops there... and some can be used on any distro, even if the mini-howto for ur laptop is for another distro...10:43
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basschimphi guys10:43
basschimpi have a stupid question i think i already know the answer to. so feel free to mock for your own personal amusement10:43
POVaddctmasterofallarts: i tested a dell latitude d600 with ati radeon 9000 with dapper and 3d runs out of the box10:43
peteretiefi run an ati9000 as well10:44
banecan anyone tell me why iwconfig tells me my access point is invalid?10:44
basschimpcurrently running ubuntu with gnome. to get the option of a KDE desktop, do i just install kubuntu? and do i have to go through the whole installation rigamarole again?10:44
Jowimasterofallarts: from the binary driver page: "If you own an ATI card that is not on this list, you already have accelerated 3D."10:45
gnomefreakbasschimp: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:45
peteretiefbane, have you tried iwconfig10:45
basschimpgnomefreak, ty10:45
Jowimasterofallarts: to check, in a terminal: glxinfo | grep direct10:45
depihi, is there any good repo to install BONFIRE?10:45
masterofallartsbut why does fglrx show me that mesa is doing the rendering?10:45
basschimpand i'll have the option to choose which desktop environment i want from the login splash screen, right?10:45
gnomefreakpeteretief: he just said that was the command that he did10:45
masterofallartsJowi: answer is direct rendering: no10:46
gnomefreakbasschimp: on the login screen you can click sessions than choose what one you want to boot into10:46
K^Holtzi just installed w32codecs from synaptic, should all my audio and video play correctly now in vlc?10:46
basschimpgnomefreak, ty. again.10:46
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basschimpoff to experiment!10:46
Jowimasterofallarts: according to the help page, you should not use fglrx since 3d is already in the loaded driver for your card.10:46
masterofallartsXLib: extension xfree86-dri missing on display :0.010:46
gnomefreakbasschimp: have fun10:46
=== juztin [n=juztin@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
peteretiefoh sorry i have got many wireless cards running so just want to know were he's at10:47
juztinhow do i know if i'm using a 32 bit or 64 bit system?10:47
gnomefreakjuztin: uname -r10:47
gnomefreakjuztin: it should say at the end of it10:47
masterofallartsJowi: i can try uninstalling the driver.10:47
masterofallartsAs it isnt active anyway, i dont expect a change.10:47
baneyes i used iwconfig...thats how i get the "access point: invalid"10:47
juztingnomefreak, it doesn't...it just says 2.6.15-25-server10:47
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wildmanjuztin: euh... nice question :) do you have /lib64 for example?10:47
juztinwildman, where would that be located?10:48
gnomefreakjuztin: try uname -a10:48
wildmanjuztin: I've just given u the full path :)10:48
SimzIWhat's the commadn to remove xmms ????????10:48
gnomefreakSimzI: sudo apt-get remove xmms10:48
kitsuneofdoomsudo apt-get remove xmms10:48
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juztingnomefreak, it says Linux ubuntujuztin 2.6.15-25-server #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 11:52:05 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:48
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gnomefreakjuztin: i68610:48
wildmanthen, u r not juztin10:48
gnomefreakthats 32 bit10:49
wildmanjuztin: FYI: Linux linuxbox64 2.6.15-25-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 14 11:28:03 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:49
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juztinok thanks gnomefreak, wildman :D10:49
gnomefreakyw juztin10:49
wildmanjuztin: see amd64?10:49
juztinwildman, yup...gotcha, thanks for the infos :)10:49
wildmanjuztin: yw10:49
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kitsuneofdoomsilentread: sorry, I don't have x-chat set to highlight 'kitsune' yet10:50
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peteretiefbane, do you have a valid ap - does your wireless card work at all - isit an etheros chipset10:51
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=== KevinCLovesU [n=MForce31@d53-64-245-145.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
peteretiefdo you see ath0 with ifconfig10:51
jamie_i have a weird bug here10:51
banesec and ill tell you what i see10:52
lmmlanyone tell me where I can find working instructions on how to get the fglrx drivers working?10:52
K^Holtzwhy is synaptec stuck at Setting up w32codecs for about 5 minutes now?10:52
greddyanyone help me out? i'm getting weird corruption of the graphics on buttons for some reason?10:52
masterofallartsok, im trying to use driver radeon now. restarting X...10:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:52
jamie_synamtic says i have firefox installed but i cant find it in the kde menu10:52
=== Administrator__ [n=Administ@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
KevinCLovesUtry edit menu10:52
lmmlubotu: tried them.. 3 times, keep saying mesa drivers are loaded10:52
ubotuI know nothing about tried them.. 3 times, keep saying mesa drivers are loaded10:52
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KevinCLovesUor just type firefox in terminal10:52
KevinCLovesUor "Konsole"10:52
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KevinCLovesUim not a big K user10:52
banei see "lo" in ifconfig peter10:53
lmmloops.. talking to the bot.. :)10:53
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.75.39.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
jamie_synamtic says i have firefox installed but i cant find it in the kde menu10:53
masterofallartshi again....10:53
KevinCLovesUjamie, try typing "firefox" in the konsole10:53
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KevinCLovesUto see if it will launch10:54
masterofallartsi still have direct rendering: no10:54
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kitsuneofdoomOk, I have a broadcom 54g a/b/g/bluetooth wifi card. Linux detects the card all right, and I have ndiswrapper around the bcmwl5 driver, only problem, I can't connect. lsmod shows ndiswrapper as running.10:54
=== gatekeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-146.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
masterofallartsthough using driver radeon now.10:54
KevinCLovesUdid you install the drivers?10:54
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peteretiefbane, dont think ur card is detected10:54
baneit says its there...tells me exactly what kind of card it is and everything10:55
peteretiefu may need ndiswrapper10:55
CarlFKkitsuneofdoom: dmesg - see if the driver assigned it a /dev/10:55
banethats gonna suck huh?10:55
KevinCLovesUndiswrapper's not hard10:55
=== NeedHelp [n=lee@ACD50C48.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
kitsuneofdoomthe last few messages say:10:56
KevinCLovesUjust a couple commands10:56
NeedHelphelp! my sound device isn't being recogniced10:56
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wildman!sound > NeedHelp10:56
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=== KevinCLovesU knows nothing about sound cards
kitsuneofdoombcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not availiable or load failed10:56
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KevinCLovesUkits, have you downloaded he necessary drivers? if so, where?10:57
peteretiefbane, that doesnt mean its loaded modules to make it work :)10:57
NeedHelpI just get 'Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture''10:57
amonkeywhat city on the time zone selector is in cst in usa? it seems that there are no options for my timezone10:57
kitsuneofdoomKevinCLovesU: Using ndiswrapper10:57
baneahhh i see10:58
KevinCLovesUyou need to "wrap" the drivers with ndiswrapper10:58
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KevinCLovesUndis does not magically make cards work10:58
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NeedHelpBefore login, I hear the reassuring drum roll noise then after login it doesn't seem to think my sound card exists10:58
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KevinCLovesUhave you installed the drivers through ndis yet?10:58
kitsuneofdoomI wrapped the bcmwl5 driver10:58
Redrosehow do i compile the kernel, and if you know, with toshiba support?10:58
orgon23hello anybody10:58
ompaulkitsuneofdoom, there is this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:58
wildmanamonkey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Standard_Time_Zone10:59
NeedHelpcan anyone help me?10:59
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux10:59
kitsuneofdoomompaul: thankee muchly10:59
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:59
wildmanamonkey: there are some US cities listed there, if not you can set UTC-5 (as per the wiki page)10:59
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ompaulkitsuneofdoom, enjoy10:59
ubotuI know nothing about toshiba10:59
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erUSUL!kernel > Redrose10:59
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IRCMonkeyxglobespan based usb modem anyone knows it???10:59
NeedHelpBT Voyager?10:59
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amonkeywildman, why is there such a big blank part in the middle of the timezone map? conceivably some ubuntu users might live there and want to use that time zone instead of saying they live in mexico or something like that11:00
RedroseWhat is a linux header?11:00
wildmanamonkey: I'm not an ubuntu developer, sorry ;)11:00
LobsterGute Nacht11:00
=== Rondom_ [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b9648b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeedHelpCan anybody help me with my sound problem? I get 'Failed to create test pipeline for ....' on any sound driver11:00
IRCMonkeyxglobespan based usb modem anyone knows it???11:00
ubotuBroadcom 43xx driver info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:01
=== robert123 [n=robert12@cpe-24-160-184-19.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NeedHelpbefore login I do hear the 'drumroll'11:01
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A1C497.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanNeedHelp: then sound works, the pb is elsewhere11:01
=== mabus drumrolls
peteretiefa linux header goes into the back of the net11:01
robert123new to this place11:01
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NeedHelpCan anybody diagnose my problem?11:01
Redrosepeteretief, ?11:01
mabusNeedHelp: what's the problem11:01
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NeedHelpI don't get any sound, but before login i hear the drumroll11:02
patrickjI need a BBEdit replacement for Linux11:02
erUSULIRCMonkeyx: google probably knows. i've done the work for you though http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/download.php?lang=en11:02
exirohi, can someone tell me how to enable hibernation?11:02
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications11:02
Redroseii need to compile the kernel so it will have toshiba_acpi... but the page you gave me says to use a header, how do i do that?11:02
mabusNeedHelp: then you do get sound11:02
baneok i have ndiswrapper in a .tar file on a usb drive, hoiw do i install it on my linux box?11:02
NeedHelpand when I change sound driver on Multimedia System Selector I get 'Failed to create test pipeline for...' on all11:02
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IRCMonkeyxerusul: thanks but i know that site, my problem there is nothing to download for ubuntu, instead of ubuntu ,should i download suse's dirvers?11:03
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NeedHelpanybody who can help me?11:03
=== Raito [n=sokuban@toronto-HSE-ppp4043765.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
patrickjbluefish it is XD11:03
wildmanNeedHelp: I don't understand why u'd want to change sound driver when u do get the drums sound at login...11:03
NeedHelpBut there is no sound in the main login11:03
RaitoI installed a new bootsplash using usplash, but thing is, when I boot up, the whole screen is black while booting up, it eventually boots up but it doesn't show anything while that is happening. What might have I done wrong?11:03
NeedHelpI dont want to change the driver11:03
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wildmanNeedHelp: oh, didn't u said before that you do hear the drums?11:04
erUSULRedrose: go to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:04
exirothe hibernate button on the login screen doesn't work, how do I enable hibernation?11:04
NeedHelpI get the drumroll i mean, but when I am logged in.. . i dont appear to have a sound card/11:04
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wildman[18:02]  <NeedHelp> I don't get any sound, but before login i hear the drumroll11:04
PittNsciGuySo I know it's a total newb question....but what's the easiest way to get xorg on my system?  I'm trying to get my ati 3d acceleration to work!11:04
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NeedHelpI dont get sound once logged in11:04
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IRCMonkeyxerUSUL: thanks but i know that site, my problem there is nothing to download for ubuntu, instead of ubuntu ,should i download suse's dirvers?11:05
NeedHelpon volume control - 'No volume control elements and/or devices found'11:05
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erUSULexiro: hibernaton in linux is, as of today, a question of luck with your hardware configuration. no all systems can hibernait afaik11:05
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.75.39.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
SimzIAnybody know the URL to put into Rhythym Box to listen to Radio 1?11:05
wildmanNeedHelp: sudo lsmod | grep snd, returns empty?11:05
mabusSimzI: cbc radio 1?11:05
=== spyrotsk is now known as SpyroTSK
K^HoltzCan someone please help me get DVDs working with VLC?11:05
SimzIIt's an English FM radio11:05
POVaddctwildman: lsmod doesn't need sudo11:06
kitsuneofdoomok, it's telling me I have to remove ndiswrapper, how?11:06
NeedHelpI get loads of stuff with sudo lsmod11:06
wildmanPOVaddct: oups, remains from Mandriva, where no user but root can lsmod ;)11:06
patrickjwhats a really good ftp program for linux?11:06
wildmanNeedHelp: put the "|grep snd" part?11:06
exiroat the first time, suspend didn't work too, but I have enabled it in the config. Is this also possible for hibernate or should it be enabled by default?11:06
SimzIsudo apt-get install gftp11:06
patrickjgftp, hmm11:07
SimzIor just use Terminal patrickj11:07
POVaddctwildman: i doubt that. i guess users didn't have /sbin in their PATH.11:07
patrickjanything similar to transmit for osx?11:07
NeedHelpgrep snd does nothing but nothing11:07
erUSULIRCMonkeyx: dl the debian version or the source code. you also need to patch and recompile the kernel11:07
SimzIftp ftp.host.com11:07
wildmanPOVaddct: which translates to the same ;)11:07
POVaddctwildman: /sbin/lsmod would do on mandrive as well11:07
patrickjSimzI: for terminal ftp I use ncftp11:07
=== CodySt [n=SoDRevol@adsl-68-90-180-73.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
CodyStHello all11:07
wildmanPOVaddct: and indeed they don't, yes. it does. like /sbin/ifconfig...11:07
POVaddctwildman: without being root11:07
erUSUL!sound > NeedHelp11:07
NeedHelpCan anyone help?11:07
wildmanPOVaddct: yep, u r right11:07
NeedHelperUSL thats no help11:07
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wildmanerUSUL: I've tried that already, no help11:07
=== hoock [n=pocketir@242.Red-80-37-14.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanNeedHelp: so the "lsmod | grep snd" returns something, and not empty?11:08
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NeedHelpI have to go soon I really need to get this fixed11:08
CodyStHow can I find out if there are linux drivers for the built in wireless card for my laptop?11:08
NeedHelpsudo lsmod returns loads11:08
IRCMonkeyxerusul: thanx , let me try, this is my first experienment in linux, recompiling kernel it sounds scary:)11:08
wildmanNeedHelp: cuz if it does, sound drivers should be loaded fine, and all shuold be working :-|11:08
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peteretiefNeedHelp, was it soundcard11:08
NeedHelpgrep snd returns nothing11:08
erUSULNeedHelp: what apps are not working (you said you hear the drums so is not a driver problem)?11:08
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NeedHelpBefore login, I get the drumrolls, after login I get no sound as if there is no sound card11:09
erUSULwifi > CodySt11:09
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NeedHelpill get a screenshot11:09
erUSULNeedHelp: try aplay /usr/share/sounds/phone.wav in a terminal11:09
wildmanI always heard the african drumrolls _after_ login...11:09
CodyStWhat do you mean "wifi"?11:09
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CodyStWhere would I find drivers for the card11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib confmisc.c:560:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0ALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: Permission denied11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: Permission denied11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib confmisc.c:955:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: Permission denied11:10
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:10
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NeedHelpALSA lib conf.c:3948:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: Permission denied11:10
NeedHelpALSA lib pcm.c:2090:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default11:10
NeedHelpaplay: main:533: audio open error: Permission denied11:10
=== Anony [n=none@adsl-69-225-24-78.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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MTecknologyHow can I find the bitrate of an MP3 file?11:10
erUSULNeedHelp: do not paste here please. use a pastebin11:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:10
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ompaulNeedHelp, DONT PASTE in here thanks, please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:10
rockzmanwhere  do i download yacc package?11:10
erUSULNeedHelp: are you on the audio group??11:10
wildmanMTecknology: 'file the_file.mp3' ?11:10
NeedHelpwaitt ill check11:11
InazadWhere I can find a little chronometer (a program..)11:11
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peteretiefbut you do get noticed if you flood the channel11:11
jribMTecknology: or right click > properties > audio tab (wrong window before in offtopic)11:11
Dial_toneMTecknology, file *.mp311:11
=== dmb [n=dmb@ool-4573a293.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnonySince my sound card is barely supported, I want to use the old oss driver, or the old oss soundblaster driver. Can someone help me with this?11:11
NeedHelpno i wasnt ! i've beenm unticked from everything11:11
J0s3phhello. i was wondering if its possible to have ubuntu's remote desktop/vnc abilities working at the log on screen.11:11
erUSULNeedHelp: Go to System>Admin>Users&Groups . preferences/properties for your user> last tab11:12
NeedHelpI know11:12
dmbwhen configuring a wireless card with the gnome-networking tools, where does it store the stuff like essid and wep key?11:12
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NeedHelpI had nothing but 'Execute Admin Tasks'11:12
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NeedHelpwhy the hell did that happen11:12
MTecknologywildman, jrib, Dial_tone; that doesn't tell me the bitrate11:12
K^HoltzCan someone please help me get DVDs working with VLC?11:12
NeedHelpi have to go cya11:12
wildman!multimedia > K^Holtz11:12
jribMTecknology: right click > properties > audio tab does here11:12
dmbwhen configuring a wireless card with the gnome-networking tools, where does it store the stuff like essid and wep key?11:13
K^Holtzwildman: url not found11:13
MTecknologyjrib, there is no audio tab11:13
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erUSULdmb: /etc/network/interfaces afaik11:13
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe74de00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jribMTecknology: strange, you are using nautilus in GNOME?  'mplayer -identify /path/to/file.mp3' works too11:14
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wildmanK^Holtz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications opens here w/o pbs...11:14
=== tuxtux hello
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HackerX2That was not cool11:15
sponixany wine users in here ?11:15
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MTecknologyjrib, thanks11:15
erUSULsponix: only to run utorrent11:15
tuxtuxhelp please, for xine, klear with skystar2 video is ok, but no device audio11:15
=== meltdown [n=meltdown@cpe-24-198-164-162.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sponixALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory11:15
sponixfixme:jack:JACK_drvLoad error loading the jack library libjack.so, please install this library to use jack11:15
sponixALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory11:15
=== giganti1 [n=johan@d5153241D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sponixanyone seen that before ?11:15
Dial_toneMTecknology, yes it does11:15
=== jnneems [n=jniamehr@pool-71-251-23-139.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dial_toneit will say 128kbits or 192 or 256 or whatever11:16
=== Czar`` [n=czar@c-68-82-214-240.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlimFlamMani build and installed squid from source debs (i needed ssl support) - now the software updater is offering to install a new version of squid.  is it trying to overwrite my packages with prebuilt ones that don't support ssl?11:16
Czar``What is the konsole command to upgrade to dapper?11:16
gnomefreaksponix: use pastebin please11:16
jrib!upgrade > Czar``11:16
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.11:16
=== NeedHelp [n=lee@ACD50C48.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
NeedHelpANother problem...11:16
patrickjupgrading owns :P11:16
erUSULsponix: only to run torrent11:17
giganti1can somebody explain me the usage of root in ubuntu?11:17
MTecknologyDial_tone, can I pm you the result of when I do file *.mp311:17
NeedHelproot = admin11:17
patrickjkonsole... lol11:17
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-211-131.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreak!root > giganti111:17
jnneemsHope someone can help with this... Ive been searching like crazy for an answer... I have a USB CD-ROM drive and cant boot ubuntu because of it, anyone think they can help?11:17
Czar``jrib: thanks11:17
erUSULgiganti1: ubuntulog does not have root account11:17
Czar``gnomefreak: and thanks :)11:17
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:17
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega11:17
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0771.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
giganti1ow, thx a lot!!11:17
tuxtuxhelp please, for xine, klear with skystar2 video is ok, but no device audio11:17
Dial_tonei don't care11:17
NeedHelpthe default user is 'root' or 'god' and any user can be set to perform admin tasks11:17
peteretiefyou can create a root user if you want11:17
HackerX2What is the terminal command for a wifi scan?11:17
=== wotdu [n=psykon@10001265164.0000029015.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu
AnonyIs there a failsafe sound driver I can use?11:18
MTecknologyCreed - One Last Breath.mp3: MP3 file with ID3 version 2.4.0 tag11:18
jnneemsHope someone can help with this... Ive been searching like crazy for an answer... I have a USB CD-ROM drive and cant boot ubuntu because of it, anyone think they can help?11:18
jmejnneems: is the CD drive USB-powered?11:18
KenSentMepeteretief: the root user is already there, but it has a password that you don't know11:18
jmewell, it might not be bootable, sorry11:18
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jnneemsit also has a adapter though11:18
jnneemsfor power11:18
jmetry using it with the power adapter11:18
NeedHelpHelp! I have a DVD drive that I removed because it stopped working, so I replaced it with a different CD drive, the old CD drive still appears in 'Computer' and the new one doesn't seem to exist11:18
NeedHelpold DVD drive*11:18
MTecknologyDial_tone, I guess i split it a little between the pm and this window11:18
AnonyNeedHelp, mayble you hooked it up wrong11:18
AnonyNeedHelpCan you mount it manually?11:19
jnneemsu think it will work, from reading up it looks like i need to edit stuff in the registry and stuff11:19
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NeedHelpHow do I mount it manually11:19
wildmanNeedHelp: sudo mount device_name mount_point11:19
peteretiefKenSentMe, i created a root user so i could su -11:19
gnomefreakNeedHelp: is it master or slave?11:19
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crashzorAnony, maby trying to unmount it wil help ;)11:20
NeedHelpHow do I know the device name and mount point?11:20
NeedHelpI have 2 drives the other works fine11:20
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gnomefreakNeedHelp: did you set the jumper to master or slave?11:20
NeedHelpit's Master11:20
erUSULNeedHelp: dmesg | grep hd to see if your new driv is detected and which device it is assigned11:20
gnomefreakNeedHelp: what is the other one set to?11:20
AnonyNeedHelp mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom<A number here?> /media/cdrom011:21
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AnonyTo find out what number you put there, ls /dev/ | grep cdrom11:21
bubblenutwhere can I find the ubuntu live download?11:21
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Anonybubblenut, the internet is a great place to start looking11:22
gnomefreakbubblenut: for installing?11:22
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silentreadbubblenet, check the alternative install disk11:22
=== Jeeves__ [n=James@88-105-233-41.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakbubblenut: if installing it might be a good idea and time saver to use the laternative cd instead of live11:22
bubblenutNo, I need it as a recovery for a windows machine11:23
bubblenutI have searched for it but I can't seem to find it11:23
=== conman23456 [n=chatzill@d199-126-172-182.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), XCFE (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.11:23
Anonyicewm yay11:23
KenSentMebubblenut: the desktop cd is also a live cd11:23
gnomefreakbubblenut: try ubuntu.com11:23
jnneemsis there any alternative way besides the cd to install this os?11:23
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jnneemssince i cant boot a cd?11:23
gnomefreakjnneems: yes a few11:24
gnomefreak!install > jnneems11:24
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.11:24
gnomefreakjnneems: read yoru pm11:24
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues11:24
=== CodySt away: auto-away (l:on/p:on/d:2h 30m)
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:24
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patrickjwhats a good programming language to learn for linux application development?11:24
gnomefreakpatrickj: python11:25
ompaulpatrickj, python11:25
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peteretiefpatrickj, want to start a war11:25
patrickjalright, can it make good applications?11:25
silentreadpatrickj, c++, java, python, ruby11:25
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patrickjC++ sounds nice :P11:25
Anony!the ladies11:25
ubotuI know nothing about the ladies11:25
wildmanhere we go again...11:25
=== SteaK [n=SteaK@APoitiers-156-1-112-250.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Anonyubotu, me neither11:25
ubotuI know nothing about me neither11:25
ubotuI know nothing about !c11:25
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wildmanpatrickj: choose the right tool for the job11:25
ompaulAnony, stop playing with the bot11:25
peteretiefc++ not great11:25
patrickjhmm alright well can C++ not do everything?11:26
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ubotuI know nothing about c++11:26
patrickjsame :P11:26
wildmanpatrickj: in principle, ANY lang can do ANYTHING :)11:26
gnomefreakpeteretief: move programming languages to #ubuntu-offtopic please11:26
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jnneemsgnomefreak, i dont have a floppy drive either!11:26
peteretiefgnomefreak, me?11:26
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ompaulAnony, if it was to keep you out he would not have missed - no laughing matter11:26
gnomefreakjnneems: there are more than that there11:26
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gnomefreakpeteretief: all of you11:26
jnneemsill keep readying then11:26
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakpeteretief: this is not the place for it11:27
greddyhow do i know if i have 3d acceleration working?11:27
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greddyis there a built in utility in ubuntu?11:27
NeedHelpIt's the Secondary Master11:27
gnomefreakgreddy: glxgears -printfps11:27
NeedHelpthe 'CD-ROM CDU5-Q'11:27
NeedHelp[old] 11:28
ardchoillegreddy: glxinfo | grep render11:28
gnomefreakgreddy: the last number in each line should be higher than say a couple hundred11:28
wildmanNeedHelp: /dev/hdc is the device name then11:28
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gnomefreakardchoille: not all cards will give you rendering11:28
NeedHelpk wait11:28
greddyi  guess its working11:28
ardchoillegnomefreak: really? ok11:28
NeedHelphow do I mount it?11:28
wildmanmount /dev/hdc /mount_point11:28
greddyi'm having a strange problem11:28
wildmanwhere /mount_point has to be an existing dir, of course11:28
gnomefreakardchoille: it has something to do witha  kernel module i htink11:28
NeedHelpwhat do I put in mount_point?11:29
Kibounot all card give you direct rendering.. but that's what you want11:29
gnomefreakgreddy: ask and you shakll recieve11:29
ardchoillegnomefreak: oh, ok, that explains it11:29
NeedHelpok wait11:29
wildmaneuh... any empty dir? :)11:29
kbrooksKibou: none do11:29
wildmanmake up one just for this test11:29
FlimFlamManhelp please  :-)   i've mounted a remote filesystem using sshfs.  when i use gedit to edit a file from this mount point, i can't save - it tells me i don't have permissions.  but i can edit/save the same file with no problems using vi.  any ideas?11:29
greddysometimes i get weird artifacting on some buttons in the ui until i hover over them11:29
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-116-114.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
greddywhat is causing that?11:29
kbrooksKibou: um, no open source vid card drivers do11:29
Kibouintel + r200 work for me11:30
wildmangreedy: video card RAM and/or drivers maybe...11:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:30
Kiboui810 and radeon11:30
greddyi have never had trouble like this before11:30
greddyatleast in windows11:30
=== ifvoid [n=bas@5352E489.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoille!fixres > ardchoille11:30
ifvoidwhat happened to /etc/locale.gen?11:30
greddyand it goes away once i hover over the button11:30
ifvoidhow do I specify which locales are generated now?11:30
K^HoltzOk, well ive read the multimedia wikis, and asked a couple times, but i cannot find anything that explains to me how to get DVD playback to work with VLC specifically, i see a lot about getting it to work with gstreamer and xine.. Can someone please help me out with this issue?11:30
WarboAny guides for Amarok1.4.1? (The amarok-latest repo seems to have no visuals enabled)11:30
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erUSULifvoid: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales11:31
ifvoiderUSUL: nope11:31
ifvoidtries that11:31
ifvoidbut that just generates the locales11:31
=== PittNsciGuy [n=sstockto@c-67-186-7-45.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeedHelpright it works; how do I make it permanent11:31
ifvoiddoesn;t let me choose whcih ones11:31
ifvoid(this is edgy btw)11:31
PittNsciGuyHey, real quick question...how do I find the bus identifier for my video card?11:31
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WarboPittNsciGuy: lspci?11:31
NeedHelphow do I make it autop mount it like other CD-drives11:31
erUSULifvoid: then go ask in #ubuntu+1 XD11:32
wildmangreddy: well... Windows drivers != Linux drivers...11:32
PittNsciGuyThanks Warbo....I'm trying to get my stupid ATI Radeon IGP 345 M video card to do 3d rendering11:32
s_spiffwow..back here after long long time.11:32
aaronI was wondering if somebody can help me with a stupid problem, my z (pasted) doesnt work with ubuntu all of a sudden11:32
wildmanNeedHelp: by copying former line from /etc/fstab adapting to new device name11:32
robertj_which package contains the AM_PATH_PYTHON m4 macro11:32
greddyis it worth trying to use other drivers?11:32
WarboPittNsciGuy: Wow, that sounds really confusing. Why can't they just say "ATI 1, ATI2, ATI 3", etc.?11:32
wildmanwhich vid card do u have greddy?11:33
greddyi'm not sure if fglrx supports my card11:33
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giganti1isn't eclipse supported in ubuntu?11:33
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greddyhave a RADEON AIW VE11:33
PittNsciGuyWarbo: haha well b/c that'd be just too smart...and make live much easier for us!11:33
peteretiefeclipse and scite11:33
s_spiffgiganti1: eclipse is supported11:33
greddyits listing as a RADEON SV200 i my device manager11:34
giganti1i can't find it in packages11:34
aaronI cant hit z (pasted from google) key, it seems like its a broken shortcut and I cant figure out which - my z  (pasted) key is dead in ubuntu11:34
WarboPittNsciGuy: Yeah, but look at greddy's. These names are stupid. I gave up after GeForce cards stopped using sensible names11:34
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wildmangreddy: sigh... don't have any ATI hardware around... always used nvidia11:34
NeedHelpgonna reboot brb11:34
K^HoltzOk, well ive read the multimedia wikis, and asked a couple times, but i cannot find anything that explains to me how to get DVD playback to work with VLC specifically, i see a lot about getting it to work with gstreamer and xine.. Can someone please help me out with this issue?11:34
thenukeaaron: and your keyb is not broken?11:34
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.75.39.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
greddyit lists as a 750011:34
PittNsciGuyWarbo: Good point!  I'm about ready to give up if I can't get this stupid ATI card to start rendering!11:34
aaronno not at all11:34
greddywhen i am pretty sure its a 700011:34
Kibougreddy: laptop?11:34
s_spiffaaron: probably a hardware problem?11:34
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
wildmangreddy: did u check that URL?11:35
Kibouthat's an pretty old card then...11:35
greddyyeah i did11:35
giganti1why is eclipse not listed in synaptic?11:35
wildmanwell... what can I say? :)11:35
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
greddythe ati driver says you need a 8500 or newer11:35
WarboPittNsciGuy: Well the driver thing is usually straightforward, but there is no easy way to compare the cards. Even from the same manufacturer11:35
aaronim going to reboot11:35
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s_spiffgiganti1: what version of ubuntu u using?11:35
Warbogiganti1: Do you have Universe on?11:35
greddybut mine isn't11:35
wildmangiganti1: maybe cuz it's on restricted/multiverse/universe repos?11:35
greddyso i'm not really sure heh11:35
peteretiefdont ati offer some linux support11:35
RopechoborraHow do i mount an mp3 player?11:35
PittNsciGuyWarbo: oh yeah, well that part is a pain too yes!11:35
giganti1okay, i didn't knew that11:35
s_spiffwildman, its shown in 'Applications' in the menu..11:36
cntbxmms skins link anyone ?11:36
wildmangiganti1: almost always the answer when a given pkg is not found ;)11:36
s_spiffatleast did in the ubuntu BB 5.1011:36
giganti1thx wildman!11:36
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wildmangiganti1: yw11:36
wildmans_spiff: ?11:36
WarboAs far as I know, Radeon 9200 and below uses "radeon" driver (I do) and above should use fglrx11:36
wildmans_spiff: maybe the 'menu' message above wasn't for me?11:36
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s_spiffwildman: was fo r u..11:37
cntbRopechoborra: most probably usb like any usb disk11:37
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s_spiffactually its like more than 3 weeks since i got my hands on ubuntu11:37
wildmans_spiff: I'm lost then :)11:37
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abocan anyone recommand a good C++ ide ?11:37
Ropechoborracntb and.. how do i mount any usb disk ? x)11:37
s_spifflost touch with it.. and the new DD is launched, and I've havent been able to try it yet11:37
abois KDevelop the best ide for c++ in linux?11:37
kimoabo: eclipse or kdevelop11:37
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s_spiffabo Eclipse!11:38
aboEclipse for c++?11:38
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cntbplug in and if UBUNTU was installed OK must mount automatically11:38
=== gostview [n=gostview@adsl-148-63.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
nf4is there  a problem with the todays update11:38
s_spiffas far as i know, eclipse goes on to support java too..11:38
Ropechoborracntb Thanks11:38
greddywell according to the forum11:38
greddyif i change my theme11:38
greddythe artifacting will disappear11:38
greddybrb going to try that :D11:39
peteretiefeclipse supports many languages11:39
s_spiffhey any1 here who's got a Gigabyer iDNA motherboard?11:39
nf4it seems that when i click the update icon it scans and befor it can finish it crashes  and  returns to the login screen11:39
=== migue [n=migue@80-102-170-26.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonis it supposed to say "keyboard label" all over menubars?11:39
wildmanabo: eclipse does have the cdt package, which is C Development Tools, which includes both C and C++ IIRC11:39
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rixxonmenus, i mean. dropdowns11:39
NeedHelphi thanks guys11:39
=== Tarantulafudge [n=mdshort@cpe-66-61-77-245.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanNeedHelp: all working fine now?11:40
TarantulafudgeI'm having some issues mounting one of my other drives via nautilis11:40
NeedHelpCan you make the icons align on the right side instead of the left?11:40
wildmanNeedHelp: great. yw then ;)11:40
Tarantulafudgeor hoever you spell it11:40
ardchoilleAnyone know any good 2d side-scrolling games for Linux? or maybe in the repos?11:40
abowildman, ok thank you (and performance wise is it good?.. I have the impression that eclipse is too slow)11:40
brotakuli have a problem with my ATI Radeon 9600xt. i want to reduce the fan speed but i coldn't find anything like Ati Tray Tools for linux. do you know ant app like that i can use?11:40
TarantulafudgeIt says PUMOUNT: Device /dev/hda3 is not removable"11:40
wildmanabo: 1.5GB of RAM here, cannot really answer you ;)11:40
ReimuI have ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu on one machine, is there any disadvantage to cross running programs? Like say running Konversation in xfce or gnome?11:40
greddylol it worked11:40
NeedHelpCan you make the icons align on the right side instead of the left?11:40
greddythat is hot11:40
Warboardchoille: Geki3? (but it's not that good :) )11:40
=== Gullstad [n=gullstad@dsl-53-2-13.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanabo: but usually Eclipse performance is fine, even with less than 1.5GB RAM ;) (I've used it with 512MB before, no pbs)11:41
NeedHelpis it possible?11:41
=== Sleeping_Sloth [n=martin@81-179-66-176.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleWarbo: ok, I'll check it out. Thank you :)11:41
nf4any one have any problems with todays update?11:41
RopechoborraWich is the name of the music player?? amarekO? or something like that??11:41
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abowildman...ok..  I have 1GB it should be ok11:41
NeedHelpCan you make icons automatically align to the right, instead of the left11:41
Sleeping_Slothropechoborra: amarok11:41
Ropechoborranf4, I do11:41
ReimuRopechoborra: amaroK11:41
WarboAny guides or repos for Amarok 1.4.1 with libvisual support compiled in? (I can'r get it to build manually)11:42
nf4it seems to return to the login each time i try and use it11:42
s_spiffabo: eclipse is quite slow.. but with 512 it works pretty fine11:42
Ropechoborranf4, but i think its my internet connection11:42
wildmanabo: yep, 1GB should be enough ;)11:42
hcjc92i think i'm gonna remove kubuntu :)11:42
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RopechoborraReimu, Sleeping_Sloth ty11:42
nf4whats your problem?11:42
greddyokay ow11:42
Ropechoborranf4, too slow, and sometimes fails11:42
Sleeping_SlothRopechoborra: do you use conky?11:42
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greddynext issue need to get a vnc server running so i can start running this thing headless :>11:42
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NeedHelpCan you align icons to the right automatically?11:43
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rixxoncan you stop the minimize animation11:43
nf4mine just crashes befor it is finished scaning to see what updates are out11:43
nf4it wont even get to the part where i click install updates11:43
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brotakuli have a problem with my ATI Radeon 9600xt. i want to reduce the fan speed but i coldn't find anything like Ati Tray Tools for linux. do you know ant app like that i can use please?11:43
=== Leonidas [n=marek@pD9E1EA34.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
hcjc92has anyone here ever compiled zdoom under ubuntu, (i doubt it) cause mine always fails on anything todo with fmod....11:43
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Warbohcjc92: I have heard of many fmod problems in Doom engines11:44
peteretiefhow do i list channels in xchat?11:44
=== jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ReimuI have ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu on one machine, is there any disadvantage to cross running programs? Like say running Konversation in xfce or gnome?11:44
s_spiff{AWAY}use / list11:44
peteretiefah thnks11:44
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s_spiff{AWAY}good night ppl [ 3.15 am here ] ..cya11:45
=== pontifex [n=pontifex@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu
aergernReimu: No. You can run whatever you want in any of the window managers.11:45
hcjc92Warbo, i've installed fmod, and i know people that have (and run) zdoom on ubuntu it just annoying that the make fails on the first mention of fmod....11:45
greddybrotakul did you try installing the ati driver package?11:45
greddyi think it has some tools11:45
aergernThere is no advantage or disadvantage.11:45
ubuntuhola como estan se que no saben lo que digo po eso aprendan el espao no somos los unicos que devemos aprender otros idiomas idiatas.11:45
brotakuli an rookie user11:45
WarboReimu: KDE apps in particular use several servers and daemons, so running KDE stuff in GNOME or XFCE would cause a bit of overhead, but those daemons would then be shared by any other KDE apps11:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:45
pontifexMoin everyone. I have a machine running dapper that has started to lock up in x on me, i have changed from nvidia to nv driver but it still locks up. i can ssh in and note xorg taking 100%11:45
pontifexany ideas?11:46
greddythis thing11:46
pontifexi tried killing individual applications but that made no difference, killing x eventually caused gdm to restart as normal11:46
pontifexbut it keeps locking on me11:46
pontifexI have run a memtest for 24 hours and there were no problems11:47
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
LeonidasAnyoune in here, having experience with AGP caused freezes fo the X-Server?11:47
ReimuWarbo: I think I get it, if I run a KDE app, a GNOME app, and an xfce app all at the same time it is worse than using 3 xfce apps right? Because they each run different things?11:47
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:47
hcjc92how can i close gnome, and not shutdown11:47
pontifexit's just locked again after the jingle you get after logon11:47
ubotuI know nothing about easycam11:47
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:47
pontifexhcjc92: choose logout from the System menu ?11:47
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FlimFlamManis there a gtk2 syntax-highlighting code editor that works with sshfs?  gedit seems unable to save to an sshfs mount point (it says i don't have permissions to save the file, though i do)11:48
=== derda [n=derda@dslb-084-062-141-162.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboReimu: "XFCE apps" are usually similar to GNOME apps, so they are more generally called "GTK apps". Running QT (KDE) and GTK apps together is fine, but may run a little slower than using all GTK, or all QT (as long as you are in KDE when running the QT ones)11:48
LeonidasFlimFlamMan: tried SciTE?11:48
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-84-9-52-68.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
K^HoltzCan someone help me get my DVD to play in VLC specifically?11:48
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WarboK^Holtz: I think as long as you have decss installed and DMA enabled it should be fine11:49
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LeonidasIs it normal to load agpgart when I disable it in the blacklist? (I use NvAGP instead)11:49
pontifexis there any way to see which app is causing xorg to go to 100%11:49
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K^HoltzWarbo: well the dvd shows up on my desktop, totem opens automatically and it says that it cant play, but i dont care about totem, so i open vlc, and im not sure how to open the dvd11:50
WarboK^Holtz: If you use the regular Open box, rather than the "Quick Open" then it should be pretty obvious11:51
=== Tarantulafudge [n=mdshort@cpe-66-61-77-245.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kimoguys, anyone using some unofficial kernel debs?? (plz tell me about it, as default kernel, just doesnt like my hardware!)11:51
=== iamtherichard [n=dsl@dpc6746139215.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
TarantulafudgeI just installed something with like 10 deps, and I want to uninstall it11:51
kristianHatred, you here?11:51
TarantulafudgeI want the deps to come with it11:51
K^HoltzWarbo: hold on, let me try again11:51
=== Zaire [n=foxfire@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
WarboTarantulafudge: Try using aptitude11:52
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TarantulafudgeWarbo: I tried11:52
chrisbudden14anyone know why i get this error - > libtool: link: `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.3/../../..//libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool archive.  -dev for libxrenderer is installed11:52
hyphenatedTarantulafudge: use /var/log/dpkg.log to see what things got installed around the same time as that package11:52
WarboTarantulafudge: Well you could try debfoster if you don't mind wasting a bit of time11:52
Zaireanyone in her know anything about a package called xlibs?11:52
K^HoltzWarbo: ok, im in the open dialogue box, do i click the disc tab and just click OK?11:52
greddyahhh shoot11:53
WarboK^Holtz: You will need to give it the right device (usually /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd)11:53
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greddyby default does someone know what should be in /etc/modules11:53
greddywith a default install11:53
=== giant [n=johan@d5153241D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
K^HoltzWarbo: vlc just closed on me when i toldit to open /dev/hdc  lol11:54
TarantulafudgeWhy is it so complicated to remove a bunch of crap that came with something11:54
WarboK^Holtz: Try doing "sudo eject /dev/hdc" and the same for hdd. Then it is pretty obvious which one is your drive :)11:54
Tarantulafudgeall the other distros are the same way, it makes no sense at all to keep the extra crap11:54
=== hunter_ [n=hunter@cpe-066-057-015-200.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctTarantulafudge: you want to try deborphan11:55
=== chip42 [n=ftg2@24-117-208-37.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZaireIm trying to get cedega installed but it says Im missing a package called xlibs11:55
=== Falstius [n=jgregory@daioffice.physics.lsa.umich.edu] has left #ubuntu []
hunter_how can i change hte config for startx so it start fluxbox and not gnome?11:55
WarboZaire: That package doesn't actually exist, but xlibs-dev does11:55
TarantulafudgePOVaddct: but the point is I'm having to open insatll applications and use cli just to remove deps that should have been removed anyways11:55
ZaireI got that one but it still won't install the cedega.deb file11:55
=== jonah1980 [n=jonah@] has joined #ubuntu
K^HoltzWarbo: its definitly hdc.. but when i type dev/hdc in the open box, VLC just simply closes11:56
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jonah1980hi i've been trying to delete a folder for ages and it just won't let me, even if i sudo nautilus and navigate to it! please can someone help me get rid of it!11:56
abowhen I go to synaptic, and go to Settings->Repositories and then click on Add to add the restricted and multivers, in the Add Channel dialog, I select for each Channel the 4 components, and then click add, and then if i cycle again in the channel I see the univers and multiverse unselected again, any ideas?11:57
=== ^jacob^ [n=jacob@idxwc14-01.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanjonah1980: sudo rm -rf folder_name, run in a terminal11:57
WarboK^Holtz: Have you followed the guides for Totem and stuff? You said you don't care if totem can't play it, but if totem does, then VLC should do as well11:57
=== didj [n=didj@ASt-Lambert-151-1-55-238.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
TarantulafudgeAmazing, nothing in the deborphan output actually came from the app I uninstalled11:57
hunter_how do i make fluxbox start instead of gnome?11:57
Warbojonah1980: "sudo rm -r foldername"?11:57
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gatekeeperjonah1980: has the folder got anything inside it?11:57
=== gostview_ [n=gostview@adsl-ull-25-15.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Gun_Smoke9abo:  I had the same problem yesterday.. I still haven't figured it out..  Someone in here said its just bad GUI, and they are selected.11:58
=== WiNn3t0U [n=papanka@SE400.PPPoE-3891.sa.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu
=== giant [n=johan@d5153241D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jonah1980wildman, that didn't seem to do anything11:58
WiNn3t0Upeople i need big help...11:58
K^HoltzWarbo: ok, i guess i'll do that then..does that mean i have to run the gstreamer commands?11:58
aboGun_Smoke9, I was searching for sun java... can't find it in the list11:58
wildmanWiNn3t0U: just shot your question11:58
wildmanjonah1980: it should delete it all w/o asking...11:59
WiNn3t0UOK.... so.... i'm a newbie in linux, and i've installed it.....11:59
WarboK^Holtz: Not usually, but the packages you install should be the same (libdecss2 or something, ffmpeg maybe...)11:59
giantsame here winnetou11:59
WiNn3t0Uthen on linux's site i found the source-o-matic generator that i used.... and edited my sources.list11:59
=== whitehorseNtiger [n=wes@] has joined #ubuntu
WiNn3t0Uwhen i updated my system, i obviously wanted to reset and re log12:00
=== swaj [i=swa@] has joined #ubuntu
WiNn3t0Ubut while starting it, i had an error12:00
=== sir-p [n=raduerde@] has joined #ubuntu
Gun_Smoke9abo:   Good luck.. That is my mission for todya.. I'm looking for the same thing and have run into the same problems..12:00
=== eskina3 [n=eskina3@181.Red-217-127-138.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
WiNn3t0Uand i couldn't start it because of something related to the display12:00
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:00
WarboWiNn3t0U: Do you get a blue text-based screen?12:00
wildmaneskina3: EN only, #ubuntu-es12:00

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