
bluekuja__cya :)12:12
=== bluekuja__ is now known as bluekuja_laptop
cbx33ogra, I should have all lisas stuff sorted by tomorrow morning about 7 am12:34
cbx33then I'll get her to sign the CoC and we're away12:34
ogracbx33, ok, tell me when she subscribed to the ubuntu-art ML, then i'll announce her (she should probably follow up and introduce herself :) )12:36
ograwow, that was an 1h upload for kdeedu 12:38
ograyay, i'm done with my two nightmare packges :)12:38
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:02
bimberiLaserJock: well it's here :)01:02
LaserJockhanks :-)01:03
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
ubotuSeveas, gnomefreak, apokryphos, ompaul, thoreauputic, Hobbsee, Amaranth, bimberi, nalioth, Madpilot, LjL, Riddell, imbrandon, uniq01:19
bimberigah, apologies for the unnecessary ping01:21
LaserJockdang it, I forgot the sft syntax for bzr bush01:21
LaserJockbimberi: hehe01:21
crimsunfor what?01:21
LaserJocksftp:// blah blah blah01:22
LaserJockI keep getting parent directory doesn't exist01:22
crimsunbzr push --create-prefix sftp://login@bazaar.launchpad.net/~group/product/branch/01:23
crimsun(at least I presume you meant push and not bush, which doesn't appear to be valid)01:24
bimberilol i was wondering if there was a 'bush' command and what it would do01:24
LaserJockdoh, didn't even see that01:24
LaserJockcrimsun: hmm, should --create-prefix be needed for an existing branch?01:25
crimsunno, why?01:28
crimsunwhat's the syntax you're using?01:28
jsgotangcogood morning01:29
LaserJockbzr push sftp://login@host/absolute/path/01:29
jsgotangcothat should work01:29
LaserJockhi jsgotangco 01:29
crimsunwell, are you sure the path actually /does/ exist?01:30
crimsunlog in via sftp and check01:30
LaserJockI mean I cd'd to the directory01:30
LaserJockand did pwd to get the absolute path part01:31
crimsunit should be relative to the sftp root.01:31
LaserJockbut it comes back to me very quickly, like it isn't even talking to the host01:31
LaserJockwhat does that mean exactly?01:32
LaserJockI'm trying everything I can think of and get the same thing01:32
crimsunand you have python2.4-paramiko installed, correct?01:32
LaserJockI think so01:33
crimsunerr, that's not a good sign ;)01:33
LaserJockwell, it's on OS X so it's a bit different ;-)01:33
crimsunsilly non-free OSes01:33
LaserJockit's bzr 0.8.2 through fink01:34
LaserJockmaybe I'll try it from a real OS ;-)01:34
LaserJockbah, bzr really is silly for this kind of thing :/01:35
crimsunwhy /are/ you using bzr?01:35
jsgotangcowhat are you using it for?01:35
LaserJockdoc team repo :-)01:35
jsgotangcogood luck01:36
jsgotangcobut personally i used bzr in LP for my own repo01:36
LaserJockI was going to freshen it up since jjesse actually wanted to try it out today01:36
jsgotangcoof docbook files01:36
crimsununless you used aptitude to install bzr, though, you'll get that error01:36
LaserJockreally? it's paramiko?01:36
crimsununless os x has some funky way of installing [or includes]  python2.4-paramiko01:37
crimsunbecause without python2.4-paramiko, python don't grok no sftp.01:37
crimsunI ran into this when I first started maintaining packages in bzr01:37
jsgotangcoi think paramiko is the only way to be able to publish via sftp at the moment01:38
LaserJockinstalling now :-)01:38
crimsunno pony for you!01:38
LaserJockthey could've put a better error messege like, "You dope, your stupid OS didn't include paramiko"01:38
jsgotangcoLaserJock: its all in the bzr wiki01:38
jsgotangcono pony for you!01:39
crimsundude, definitely no pony.01:39
LaserJockah, that's better01:39
LaserJockwell, you figure when the make these packages that the include the neccesary deps :-)01:40
LaserJockshame on me01:40
jsgotangcoit doesnt assume you will publish in sftp for starters so01:40
LaserJockthat's kinda dumb, IMNSHO01:40
ograRecommends: python2.4-paramiko01:41
LaserJockogra: right, which helps only if you are using aptitude or wait for edgy from what I've seen01:41
LaserJockI hate being stuck in OS X all the time01:42
LaserJockI wouldn't mind dual booting even01:42
ograwell, recommends also says "this package works without it, so we dont depend tightly on it"01:42
jsgotangcoYou can simply use rsync to copy your branch to a web server, but using bzr push is the easiest way. Note that to use sftp, your need to install paramiko and pyCrypto. See Installation page in the wiki.01:42
jsgotangcoLaserJock: ^^01:42
LaserJockright, so you can do all the distributed revision control you want, you just can't get it off your box :-)01:42
ograsure, with rsync :)01:43
LaserJockright, but the point is that bzr doesn't seem to really care about remote usage very much01:43
jsgotangcotroll all you want the bzr wiki sure needs organizational love though01:43
LaserJockhopefully it gets better, cause it really rocks01:43
LaserJockI'm no troll :-)01:44
jsgotangcoexcept when you use it with lp atm01:44
jsgotangcoand have 600+ revisions01:44
jsgotangcothen open up bzrk01:44
LaserJockI just don't understand how I'm supposed to efficently use bzr for things that aren't local and have more than like 10 revisions01:44
jsgotangcoif you dont need to refer to past code, you don't need something that gives you all revisions i guess01:45
LaserJockhmm, well I have no idea what I just did to the doc team bzr repo, but it kinda worked, I think :-)01:48
jsgotangcoyou imported the whole history?01:48
LaserJockheck no01:48
LaserJockI tried01:48
LaserJockbut we are over 3000 commits and tailor barfed after like 10001:49
jsgotangcowell it shouldn't be hard to create a new bzr mainline it just works 01:49
LaserJockand it didn't seem to like the idea of starting at 2000 either01:49
jsgotangcoit doesnt make any sense too01:50
crimsunwith dapper's tailor?01:50
=== jsgotangco wonders how the kernel was moved from bitkeeper to git
LaserJockno, I downloaded it from the website01:50
crimsunI know dapper's tailor is one package revision behind what's necessary to have it work with dapper's bzr01:51
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LaserJockhmm, so I did a bzr push and then on the server did bzr commit so now I have 2 commits for the same thing01:52
LaserJockI'm obviously missing something01:52
LaserJockoh wait, maybe not01:53
LaserJockit's just weird01:53
crimsunwelcome to decentralised vcs01:53
jsgotangcoits fun01:53
LaserJockcrimsun: honestly, the more I use bzr the more I'm confused :-)01:53
=== jsgotangco learned a lot on decentralised vcs with g-a-i and u-m
LaserJockaaanyway, bzr rocks for these little projects I'm doing, it's just a pain in the put to be hauling around 200MB for the doc team repo01:58
LaserJocks/put/butt/ ;-)01:58
LaserJockack, time for me to go home01:58
crimsunnow imagine several kernel trees.01:58
=== LaserJock runs away
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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=== mhz sighs and wishes there was an e-Groupware in python and Php independant : \
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sbalneavHello edubuntu!  Everyone's favorite rotund Canadian has arrived!04:53
lecaroshi sbalneav04:53
sbalneavHello hello!04:53
mhzyou are not my favorite candian04:55
bddebianmhz: Celine Dion is?05:00
=== bddebian hides
sbalneavBut I bet I'm your favorite ROTUND canadian :)05:00
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cbx33can we sign 1.0.1 yeT?07:10
cbx33ping jsgotangco / ogra 07:14
cbx33lisa is now ubuntero07:14
cbx33feel free to activate07:14
jsgotangcocbx33: its done thanks07:16
=== bimberi_ is now known as bimberi
cbx33i know :p07:17
cbx33just got the mail07:17
jsgotangcobeing husband and wife i think you should sign both of your keys07:17
=== jsgotangco grins
=== cbx33 will be doing that later
cbx33although someone at my lug once laughed at me for saying that :p07:18
cbx33WOW GL Runs SMOOOOOTH on my new dapper07:18
cbx33XGL + Compiz too :D07:18
cbx33I've never seen it run so good07:19
cbx33fedora blows07:19
crimsunwhat is a ubuntero?07:20
cbx33signed the CoC07:20
crimsunUbuntero: Not yet07:20
crimsunwell that's ... funny.07:20
jsgotangcobasically someone who has signed the CoC07:21
cbx33why have you already signed it?07:21
bimberiwhat? surely not? gasp!07:21
crimsunI'm core-dev. Kinda a prereq.07:21
cbx33yeh swat i thougt07:21
crimsunI just had to sign 1.0.107:25
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz signed CoC long ago
mhzand even translated CoC into spanish07:30
mhzbut that was old version 07:30
=== mhz is now known as mhz_zzZZ
bimberimhz_zzZZ: you're shown as 'Not Yet' too07:36
mhz_zzZZbimberi: where?07:36
jsgotangcomeh! me too!07:37
=== jsgotangco will do it later
lecarosmhz bimberi's right07:38
bimberii think version 1.0.1 of the CoC has been around for a while but it's only recent that signing it has been required to stay as an Ubuntero07:38
jsgotangcolp should have aleterted people or it probably has07:39
jsgotangcono dramas though can be fixed later07:39
mhz_zzZZhmm, interesting07:39
bimberii don't recall07:40
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bimberi... any notification07:40
mhz_zzZZyeah, well, it is time to sign the 10107:40
bimberibut yes, no dramas :)07:40
mhz_zzZZthough, there should be a kind of announcement07:40
mhz_zzZZmaybe in Newsletter?07:40
mhz_zzZZanyways...as in Mike Patton's words, "my life is falling to pieces, somebody put me together"07:42
mhz_zzZZi gotta get some sleep07:42
mhz_zzZZbye ayou all07:42
lecarosme too...07:49
lecarosgood night07:49
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
=== highvoltage sees at least two edubuntu specs approved :)
pygihighvoltage, link to edgy specs pls? :)08:32
=== Zaire [n=foxfire@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagepygi: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+specs08:40
pygihighvoltage, I wanted edgy specs, but found it, thanks ^_^08:40
highvoltagepygi: i mean, https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-paris/+specs08:40
highvoltageok :)08:40
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RobinShepheardhi all10:02
jsgotangcohi RobinShepheard10:03
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RobinShepheardhiya  jsgotangco 10:03
RobinShepheardhow are you??10:03
RobinShepheardcan someone point me to information about time plans for the release of alpha/beta cd's for edgy if there is anything about??10:08
RobinShepheardI have just done a search on the edubuntu wiki and can't see anything relevant10:08
RobinShepheardall I can find is a date of  september 28th for beta release, will that be the first release??10:10
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pygiRobinShepheard, I'll need to have a talk with you later today11:06
RobinShepheardpygi, ok, am I in trouble??11:06
pygiyes, you are11:06
RobinShepheardwhen would you like to talk??11:07
pygiRobinShepheard, when I'm back :P11:07
RobinShepheardlol ok, any idea as to a rough time frame??11:07
pygino :P11:08
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RobinShepheardI will be popping out for lunch (30 mins) in about 2.5-3 hours and then leaving to go home in about 7hours, but anytime during that timescale is fine11:09
pygino worries11:09
pygiRobinShepheard, I will post something to edu-dev list also11:11
RobinShepheardpygi, what about the chat??11:12
pygiRobinShepheard, that will later :P11:12
pygiAS I said, gotta run now :)11:13
RobinShepheardok see you later pygi 11:13
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RobinShepheardpygi, ready when you are12:41
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-229-222.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcowhat's done is done no more dramas i'd say12:43
pygijsgotangco, I agree12:43
RobinShepheardI have tried to correct the situation as best as I can, and shall do my best to see that it doesn't happen again12:44
RobinShepheardI believe that I have made it clear in my emails that I am directly responsible and that no blame sits with anyone else12:45
RobinShepheardand that no slight was ment to anyone or any project12:46
pygiRobinShepheard, don't worry ^_^12:46
jsgotangcoyep no worries12:46
RobinShepheardso am I still allowed to contribute to the handbook??12:53
pygiRobinShepheard, 'fcorse ^_^12:53
RobinShepheardok I did just want to check 12:53
RobinShepheardit was a fairly serious mistake12:54
pygiwe all make mistakes, be shh ^_^12:54
RobinShepheardpygi,  I notice you will be talking in Hungary in september, do you speak magyar??12:58
pygiRobinShepheard, no :P12:58
RobinShepheardahh so in english then12:58
pygiaha ^_^ Why, you from Hungary?12:58
RobinShepheardnahh, I have quite a lot of hungarian friends and love the country12:59
RobinShepheardand they do do a Very good firework display for st Istvans day01:00
jsgotangcobbl friday night =)01:09
=== Electryfier [n=Electryf@cm227-hs.europronet.ba] has joined #edubuntu
ElectryfierHey, does anyone know how to turn source code into .deb installers?01:24
ograElectryfier, please ask in #ubuntu-motu, this is the channel for edubuntu support01:24
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ElectryfierHow do I move files/folders in terminal?03:21
Electryfierthat is, via terminal03:22
bddebian mv03:22
mhzmv SourceFiles TargetDirectory03:24
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=== mhz can't help using WikiCamelCase
Electryfierbut how do I get root access, real root, because fakeroot don't work the way I need it03:25
Electryfierother than terminal03:26
Electryfierogra, can u help03:26
bddebian sudo mv foo bar03:26
Electryfierthat is the command03:26
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bddebian Well sudo mv <source> <target>03:27
Electryfierhello, I do not need that command03:27
Electryfierknow it now03:27
mhzElectryfier: everytime you need 'root' privileges in Ubuntu, default command to start each line is 'sudo'03:27
mhzthis will require your user-admin password03:28
ograElectryfier, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:28
mhzElectryfier: however, unless you do know what you are doing, i wouldn't recommend the use of 'root'03:28
ElectryfierI know what I am doing03:29
Electryfierjust need to follow instructions03:29
mhzyeah, it is just that the good thing about sudo is that the 'user' do stuff and so, the logs will always tell you who was the one making mistakes :D03:29
Electryfiergotta go03:30
=== mhz crosses fingers Electryfier don't come back saying "I rm -rf /etc" or stuff
mhzogra: re my ideas of edubuntu latino (light desktop + spanish as default language).. Wouldn't it be better if we -people with special identified needs for a 700 MB CD with other language, or other things- could encourage others to adopt and cutomize edubuntu and keeping 'edubuntu core-skeleton'? Maybe having an irc classroom how-to session may help this purpose.03:35
ogramhz, feel free to hold one03:36
ograi have never customized an edubuntu Cd in my life03:37
ogra(or an ubuntu CD)03:37
mhzI mean, yes, one way of achieving that purpose is I get to make it work using dsslive + dapper skeleton. However, that is a 'non-ogra's way'03:37
mhzoh, it seems i may have wrong concepts then03:37
ograwell, then you should have a dsslive developer attending ;)03:37
mhzyeah, lol03:38
ograi'll happily answer questions about the existing CD or about packages, but i have no clue about how to do what you want to do beyond the stuff thats written on the wiki about it03:38
mhzwell, it seems i may have some wrong concepts. afaik, what you do is use ubuntu-skeleton + add a set of applications and artwork. Then build an iso. Is that right?03:38
ograi dont do it in a way that you could access03:39
ograyou're better off with the customizing howto from the wiki03:39
mhzthen, if not using dsslive approach, how do you picture I could work on edubuntu-latino?03:40
pygimhz, http://lichota.net/~krzysiek/projects/ubuntu-livecd-customization/03:40
pygithis way ^_^03:40
ogracolin has a bzr repo of the debiancd scripts we use and his modifications ...03:40
mhzoh, ok, i'll keep reading03:40
ograbut that wont help you with the livefs building ...03:41
mhzthx, pygi and ogra 03:41
pygimhz, :03:41
mhzwell, I have a meeting with the guys who would help in Chile first. Yeah, we all will read the info suggested so far03:42
mhzthx, guys03:43
=== mhz gotta take a shower and leave
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@mail.legalaid.mb.ca] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavMorning all!04:06
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-252-219.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
ograsbalneav, scottie !!!!!!!!!!!104:08
sbalneavHey ogra!!!!04:08
sbalneavHow's it going?04:08
ograwell, i just read the notes of klaus knopper on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDShareThisCD04:09
ograapart from that i postponed my driving to tomorrow04:09
ograhave nearly all merges done ...04:09
ograhavent heard back from my last unapproved spec ...04:10
ograand will buy a voip headset today :)04:10
ograi'm pondering to port the knopper-terminalserver to use zenity so we could put it in universe , sounds helpful04:13
ogra... it uses dialog+Xdialog, it can be run "graphically" in textmode as well as in X. It's basically a configuration frontend for pxelinux, TFTP, DHCP and NFS ...04:14
sbalneavI've used Xdialog before.  Zenity should be a simple "search and replace" substitute.04:15
sbalneavhey, I've got a question.  Ever hear of cmake?  It's a much simpler replacement for autotools.  Does debian/ubuntu have a requirement that the packaging stuff MUST be done with auto*?  Or is it configurable to the point where if there's a different meta-builder used, it can adapt.  And more to the point, would this fall within Ubuntu guidelines?04:18
ogracmake is only in universe, so nothing in main can use it ... unless its moved to main04:19
ogradunno why its not in main though04:19
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-230-219.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
ograsbalneav, whats your plan with lp_server ? lpd is dead upstram afaik ... 04:21
ograwouldnt it be better to use cups ? or do you consider that to bloated04:23
sbalneavright.  Well, I suppose what should happen is I should package it up, so that it could be an installable package.  It's a standalone program, it just basically emulates an hp print server04:23
sbalneavugh, no, cups is too huge.04:23
sbalneavCups can TALK to lp_server, though.04:23
ograwell, lpd wont get updates or security fixes if nobody maintains it04:23
sbalneavlp_server doesn't use lpd, afaik04:24
ograoh, i thought it was derived from lpd ...04:24
sbalneavno, not at all.04:24
ograthen just ignore me :)04:24
sbalneavI'd never do that.04:24
ograwell, if i ask silly questions, youre allowed to ;)04:25
sbalneavDude, if we're keeping track of silly questions, I think I'm ahead of you by several orders of magnitude, so I think you're allowed a few now and then.04:26
sbalneavLets talk about lp_server as well on monday, as that would be an excellent little project to get my feet wet in the packaging universe.04:27
sbalneavEventually I should become a motu as well.04:27
ograespecially it would move one thing we have to compile out of the ltsp package :)04:27
sbalneavWhen I become MOTU, do I get a cape and thor's hammer?04:27
ograwe'll make you a motu, dont worry :)04:27
ograwe all have that :)04:28
=== ogra produce some rolling background thunder with the hammer hidden behind his chair
sbalneavThat would be called Mjolnir, if my Norse mythology serves me correctly :)04:29
ograMjolnir ==  hammer hidden behind chair ?04:29
=== sbalneav has a mental image if ogra with his cape and long hair flowing majestically in the wind, smiting enemies with his hammer.
sbalneavThat was the name of the hammer, I think.04:30
sbalneavhold on..04:30
RobinShepheardcapes are a bad thing, haven't you seen the incredibles04:31
sbalneavInstead of smiting enemies, I think I should have said smiting bugs.04:32
sbalneavMore apt, if I may use the pun.04:32
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bddebianHeya jsgotangco05:09
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PetarisHello all05:37
bddebianHello Petaris05:37
Petaristo get an ltsp server running is there something speacial I have to choose durring install?05:38
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
Petarisit seems to me last time I installed it "just worked" but this time around its is doing anything but05:40
PetarisI've decided to wipe the install and try again05:40
PetarisDo I want the desktop cd or the install cd?05:40
PetarisI would think install right?05:41
Petaristhats the one I downloaded for the installation last time05:41
=== Electryfier [n=Electryf@cm238-hs2.europronet.ba] has joined #edubuntu
ograPetaris, thats fine ... se the link from the channel topic05:43
Petariswhich one?05:44
Petaristhe edubuntu.org?05:44
ograwell, the one that says you should read it before installing :)05:44
Electryfierdoes anyone know where to get makeinfo05:44
ograElectryfier, please05:44
Petarisogra: ahh, I'm allready reading it05:45
ogracould you please ask such questions in a dedicated devel channel05:45
ogra(or general support channel)05:45
Petarisogra: anything speacial I have to do for installing an amd64 server with support for i386 clients?05:46
ograPetaris, wipe the amd64 client root after install and run sudo ltsp-build-client --arch i38605:47
Petarisogra: ok, and do you know if you can run the flash plugin as a local app on the clients?05:47
PetarisI know it doesn't work on amd6405:47
ograwe dont support local apps at all yet05:48
ograyou can run firefox in a chroot on the server05:48
ograthere are howtos on the web how to set that up05:48
PetarisIs there something that is preventing local apps from working?05:49
ograyes, a implementation :)05:49
Petarisdon't you just chroot into the /opt/ltsp/i386 and apt-get the program?05:49
Petaristhen what is there to not work?05:50
ograsure, thats how you install it ...05:50
PetarisI'm not trying to be troublesome just curious05:50
ograinstalling it is no problem :)05:50
ograyou need to execute it in a safe way *in* th eusers session on the server05:51
Petarisso if I install ff + the flash plugin as local apps I can get around the amd64 issue with flash05:51
ograyou can indeed set it up yourself ... by installing a ssh server in the client chroot and running a script that ssh's into the client from the users session and executes firefox05:52
Petarisogra: how so?05:52
ograbut thats a bunch of work05:52
Petarisyeah, sounds resource heavy too05:52
Petarishrm, there must be a better way to do this05:52
PetarisDo you know if local apps are part of Mue Kow?05:53
PetarisI can't remember what Jim said05:53
ograwe *are* mue cow :)05:54
ograand indeed local apps are planned to be implemented eventually05:54
Petarisogra: ok05:55
ograit is planned that we merge our muecow implementation with ltsp upstream within the next two releases05:55
ograso all the stuff ltsp.org has will enter our implementation one or the other way05:55
ograand vice versy05:55
PetarisI can't wait for the new local devices stuff and ltspfs05:56
ograso its likely that from edgy+2 on muecow owont exist anymore but ltsp-5 will *be* muecow for all distros05:56
Petarisogra: would it be possible to install alsa in the client chroot?06:03
Petarisor would that not work06:03
ograits already installed :)06:03
ograour client chroot is a ubuntu base system ...06:04
ograwith xserver and ldm added ...06:04
Petarisso sound can be done locally on the clients then?06:04
ograjust make sure to enable it in the lts.conf ...06:04
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Petarisogra: how, is it just alsa = true or something?06:05
ograSOUND=True 06:05
ogra(mind the capitalization :)06:05
ograits documented on the edubuntu.org homepage somewhere06:06
Petarisbut I thought you had to specify a sound daemon or something06:06
Petariseg, esd06:06
ograesd is the default06:06
Petarisbut if your using alsa why would yoiu use esd?06:06
ograit should just work 06:06
Petarisoh, wait06:06
ograbecause alsa is no sounddaemon but a driver framework06:07
ograyou need to transfer the sound through the net ... that can only be done by a souddaemon06:07
ograwe have support for nasd included, but esd is the default06:07
ograat some point phonon will replace esd06:08
ogra(i think sbalneav is working on that)06:08
pygimore KDE stuff !!!06:08
Petarisoh, with gstreamer or the like06:08
PetarisI would like to see something that works with everything06:08
Petaristhe problem with arts, esd, etc is that they only work really well with the desktop they were made for06:09
Petariswell, artsd doesn't work well with anything but thats another rant ;)06:10
=== jsgotangco is happy to announce that he will be involved with an edubuntu deployment for a local TV foundation here in the coming months
ograYAY !!06:10
ograpygi, KDE ?06:11
jsgotangcoogra: its BIG06:11
ograjsgotangco, WOW !06:11
ograpygi, err, right, i mean the successor of polypaudio ... its not called phonon, but has a similar strange name 06:11
pygiogra, I am talking rubbish, ignore me :P06:11
bddebianjsgotangco: Awesome, congrats06:12
jsgotangcoits actually a nationwide project06:12
ograpygi, no youre righrt06:12
=== bddebian is stuck in MS world :'-(
jsgotangcoin other news, i can now see my house in google earth06:12
pygiogra, ah, if you say so ^_^06:13
Petarisbddebian: That sucks06:13
bddebianPetaris: Aye but it pays the bills06:14
rodarvusjsgotangco, cheers!06:14
Petarisogra: do you have to use a sound daemon with local apps too?  Or could they directly talk to alsa?06:14
jsgotangcorodarvus: hi rodrigo!06:14
ograPetaris, they could use alsa directly ...06:15
ograPetaris, we support dmix ...06:15
Petarisogra: hrmmmmmm, that sounds like something that could be played with06:15
LaserJockogra: puls06:16
ograyeah !06:16
Petarisogra: is there anyway to use the xfce mixer?06:16
ograthere isnt even a way to use the gnome mixer yet :)06:16
ograafaik pulse shall address that too06:16
PetarisWhat is pulse?06:16
pygiogra, right, that is not KDE stuff!!!06:17
jsgotangcorodarvus: its basically a program by the foundation to equip far flung public schools with computers and net connectivity and edubuntu is the favored system06:17
rodarvusjsgotangco, great stuff :)06:19
jsgotangcoironically, the rival network has its own foundation as well with a similar program but has MS as a partner i find it very funny06:20
Yagisanjsgotangco: I found my house in google maps. That was rather cool06:21
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-255-29.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
PetarisYagisan: Me too06:21
jsgotangcoYagisan: well its the first time manila got mapped in google06:21
Yagisanlooked for the north korean missile test site too, but it wasn't high enough resolution pics06:21
jsgotangcobefore its just a blur06:21
PetarisYagisan: haha, Me too06:22
=== pygi_ is now known as pygi
jsgotangcoseoul is rather clear in google though06:22
Petarisso is Washington DC06:22
Yagisantokyo isn't. needs a few more pics06:22
jsgotangcoYagisan: strange, you had your key signed in UDU, we could have met?06:22
LaserJockI was able to find my in-laws house in the middle of Montana :/06:23
Yagisanjsgotangco: perhaps, but I didn't sign your key06:23
=== Petaris waits for pyongyang to use google maps api as a guidance system
Yagisanjsgotangco: remember anyone there *without* a laptop ?06:23
jsgotangcothere was news here today about the marines raiding suspected rebel soldiers and said they used a satellite system..deep inside i thought they just used google earth06:24
jsgotangcobut i could remember faces easily06:24
jsgotangcoare you tall, with glasses and dark hair06:24
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jsgotangcook are you hairless06:24
jsgotangco(on top)06:25
Yagisanno glasses, brown hair (with natural blonde streak in summer)06:25
Yagisanvery skiney06:25
Yagisannose that looks like it's been broken06:25
Yagisan(it has a few times)06:25
jsgotangcoshow me a pic and i'll remember if i saw you06:26
Yagisanjsgotangco: you meet pitti ?06:26
jsgotangcomany times06:26
Yagisanat UDU ?06:26
jsgotangcoYagisan: i was at UDU06:26
Yagisanif so, you may have met me, as all my work was with pitti06:26
=== Yagisan lloking for a pic
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-255-29.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanjsgotangco: http://eyagi.bpa.nu/~jamie/uf/20060621_Jamie_Jones_ID_Photo_120x160.jpg06:29
jsgotangcoah! yes! i did see you06:29
jsgotangcoim pretty sure you got captured in my camera somewhere06:29
Yagisanjsgotangco: I'm afraid I would not remember your face :(06:30
jsgotangcono worries06:30
jsgotangcojust look at p.u.c06:30
jsgotangcoerr planet.ubuntu.com06:31
jsgotangcoi did meet some interesting aussies though06:33
jsgotangcolike thoreaupeutic06:33
Yagisanjsgotangco: I found you! you are vaguely familar06:45
jsgotangcoactually im only one of 2 asians during UDU06:46
jsgotangcothe other one was colin charles06:46
Yagisanjsgotangco: what's your keyid ?07:22
=== Yagisan is curious about the trust path from me to you
LaserJockno trust at all07:25
Yagisanheh. It goes via my old key07:26
Yagisanjsgotangco: http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/henkp/henkp/pgp/pathfinder/mk_path.cgi?FROM=4B6E7209&TO=9E379FC6&PATHS=trust+paths07:27
=== jsgotangco purges trust with LaserJock
jsgotangcoah from BjornT07:27
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Yagisanbddebian !! the man that can solve any problem. How are you ?07:34
=== bddebian looks around for another bddebian
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=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp2.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi everyone!08:28
LaserJockhi EmxBA 08:29
EmxBAwhat's up in here? i wasn't online *a lot*08:29
LaserJockhmm, not really sure08:32
LaserJockpeople hanging out, working, etc.08:32
LaserJockgot lots of spec work done for Edgy08:32
EmxBAanything *really* special, except cookbook?08:33
LaserJockhere are some specs to look at: https://launchpad.net/people/ogra/+specs08:36
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-249-249.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockthe "approved" ones are cool08:37
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juliuxhi ogra_ 09:43
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=== hareem [n=hareem@toronto-HSE-ppp4078228.sympatico.ca] has joined #edubuntu
hareemhi i just installed edubuntu. How can i setup the ltsp users09:58
hareemcan some one help me09:59
baconbaconcheck http://www.edubuntu.org/ThinClientConfig09:59
baconbaconor http://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted10:00
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lucasvohi everybody10:18
pygi!! hi !!10:19
ubotuI know nothing about ! hi !!10:19
lucasvohi pygi 10:19
lucasvoI feel like doing some work for edubuntu atm10:20
lucasvoit's been a long time since I last did anything actively here...10:20
hareemi got the thin clients working ok. But how can i control them from the server. Like remotely log them off10:23
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hareemhey how can we control the thin clients that connect to us10:27
lucasvohareem: there is no application that can do this yet10:28
hareemthen how can i limit their usage time10:28
ogra_hareem, install student-control-panel from universe10:28
LaserJockstudent-control-panel might help some but I'm not sure what all it can do right now10:28
ogra_it has no time options, but you can kick them out 10:28
ogra_(patches for a timeout tool gracefully accepted ;) )10:29
hareemhow can i setup the student control panel10:29
ogra_install it with synaptic (the package manager) from universe10:29
ogra_it will show up in your administration menu10:30
LaserJockogra_: I saw an interesing email on the sabayon thread10:32
ogra_about ?10:32
LaserJocksomebody asked what happens if you use alacarte out of the menu10:32
LaserJocksince it uses xnest you won't have alacarte to turn alacarte back on10:33
Amaranthif you remove alacarte from the menu using alacarte?10:33
LaserJockso you fire up your xnest and use alacarte to edit the menu10:33
LaserJockbut one of the things you might want to take out of the menu is the ability to edit the menu10:34
LaserJockbut once you've done that and saved the profile10:34
LaserJockthen when you go to edit it again, no alacarte10:34
Amaranthum, right click on the menu and choose edit menus :P10:34
Amaranthon the panel applet, i mean10:35
ogra_doesnt the profile offer this ugly list with checkboxes once you have saved the profile ? 10:35
ogra_you should be able to revert it there10:35
LaserJockhmm, maybe10:35
LaserJockI'll have to check that10:35
LaserJockbut it was an interesting though10:35
ogra_i think there is such a thing like a step by step log10:35
LaserJockyou could alway edit the profile manually10:35
ogra_but i'm not sure10:35
LaserJockbut that isn't very elegant10:36
LaserJockanyway it was an interesting email because the person was wanting to do a very similar thing to what we want to do10:36
LaserJockoh, is that DanielC10:37
LaserJockdoh, wrong email10:38
LaserJockah, this is the email: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/sabayon-list/2006-March/msg00001.html10:47
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cbx33evenin everyone10:49
lucasvohi cbx33 10:50
cbx33hey lucasvo 10:50
cbx33long time no see10:50
=== lucasvo is just learning python and django (www.djangoproject.ocm
cbx33what's that?10:53
lucasvocbx33: a webframework10:53
cbx33ah cool10:53
cbx33like ruby on rails can do?10:53
lucasvo*very* powerfull10:53
pygicbx33, better then ruby on rails !!!10:53
lucasvocbx33: yeah10:53
cbx33i only glanced t ruby and thought wow this is quite cool10:53
cbx33so it must be amazing10:54
pygicbx33, take10:54
LaserJockhi cbx33 10:54
cbx33hey LaserJock 10:54
pygicbx33, ask Lisa what she thinks about it pls? ^_^10:55
cbx33I like it10:55
cbx33who did it?10:55
pygiEva ^_^10:55
lucasvopygi: what are you talking about ? :)10:55
pygilucasvo, the drugs I just sold to cbx33 ^_^10:56
=== lucasvo wants to look at it as well
lucasvoI had plenty of drugs the last two weeks10:56
pygicbx33, one of my friends from London10:56
cbx33ah wicked10:56
cbx33I love it10:56
cbx33it looks kinda manga-esqe with some pop art thrown in10:56
pyginice, care to ask lisa to comment? ^_^10:57
pygiWe will also get 3 teddy bears holding hands =P10:57
pygi!! :)10:57
cbx33hehe nice10:57
ubotuI know nothing about ! :)10:57
cbx33I'll ask her10:57
pygiubotu, you know nothing about nothing10:57
ubotuI know nothing about you know nothing about nothing10:57
pygicbx33, thanks ^_^ ask her about the teddies too :P10:58
pygi(idea, considering she's leader now)10:58
pygiand thanks ^_^11:00
lucasvopygi: you know django?11:08
pygiI know nothing ^_^11:08
cbx33pygi, lisa said she loves it.....11:25
cbx33bring it on :p11:25
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pygicbx33, nice ^_^11:45
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