
imbrandonanyone else here use yaboot and dual boot with osx ?12:09
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=== TheMuso used to.
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SynrGi gather i'm in the right place to look for help with #43516?01:15
SynrGwait, never mind.  it says status is "fix released"01:16
SynrGi had better get a better problem description from this user :)01:17
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bddebianHeya gang01:53
bddebianHeya ajmitch, what's shakin'?01:53
=== ajmitch shrugs
=== jsgotangco wonders what to do today
LaserJockmerges :-)01:58
bddebianjsgotangco: Yeah, you can have mine! :)02:00
=== jsgotangco runs
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ajmitchbddebian: why haven't you finished yours yet?02:05
bddebianajmitch: Because I'm lame02:10
bddebianI'm going to stop any Science packages though, they are a PITA02:10
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crimsunbddebian: well you could always help with the X transition...02:27
bddebiancrimsun: What can I do?02:28
crimsunhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/x-pkgs is a list of packages. We're working on libs right now.02:29
crimsun(libxrender is already done but not marked as such)02:29
bddebiancrimsun: What do they need?  Merges?02:34
crimsunsyncs preferred as always, but merges.02:37
crimsunthere's no MoM. We're by-handing them.02:37
bddebianI do that anyway02:41
bddebianI thought we strayed from Debian?02:41
crimsunwe diverged in the monolithic days02:44
crimsunnow we're realigning02:44
bddebiancrimsun: Which should I do?02:54
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=== bddebian pulls libxtst
crimsunsorry, I was doing alsa fixes03:06
crimsun(still doing them, back in ~5 mins)03:08
bddebiancrimsun: When you return.  For syncs just do an LP sync request like I do for my Universe packages?03:14
crimsunbddebian: only if they're true syncs (which in this case is an actual version bump, like from 1:1.0.0 -> 1:1.0.1)03:15
crimsunbddebian: otherwise you'll have to fakesync03:15
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crimsun(i.e., fakesync when Ubuntu & Debian have identical orig.tar.gz /names/ -- which guarantees an orig.tar.gz mismatch)03:16
crimsunbddebian: also, make sure all the build-deps are available in the archive first03:16
bddebiancrimsun: libxtst built fine in pbuilder03:18
crimsunbut it can't be uploaded yet03:20
crimsunit's blocked on the transitioned libxext03:20
crimsunhopefully mith will upload that in the morning03:21
bddebianAh, hmm03:23
bddebianSo, what should I do?03:24
crimsunsee if any others in that list can be uploaded :)03:24
crimsunin libs, that is03:25
bddebianDamn libxi needs libxext also03:26
bddebianas does libxinerama03:28
crimsunI think most of the rest are blocked on something else. I checked earlier, but a second pair of eyes never hurts.03:29
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crimsunblocked on transitioned libxt03:35
Hobbseecrimsun: your statement means x is still broken?  i was hoping you wouldnt say that.03:36
crimsunargh, need to fix libxrender03:36
bddebiancrimsun: Doesn't that page say rodarvus did libxt?  Or is it not uploaded yet?03:37
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:37
Hobbseehi bddebian03:37
crimsunbddebian: that page only tracks who grabbed a LOCK03:38
bddebianWell I'm not sure there's anything for me to do then03:38
crimsunit doesn't say whether the LOCK was released, whether a transitioned/merged source package was uploaded, or whether one was uploaded-built-published03:38
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crimsunyou have to check the source packages' pages -> build logs03:39
crimsunHobbsee: broken, dunno. being transitioned, yes.03:39
Hobbseecrimsun: right, cool.  i might be able to build stuff again then03:40
ryanakcaI don't want to jump to conclusions... but... is archives.ubuntu.com down, or is it a local problem? http://pastebin.ca/8103003:43
Hobbseeryanakca: looks like a local problem - i can still connect to the kubuntu.org repos03:44
crimsunryanakca: that looks like a proxy issue.03:44
crimsunCould not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)03:44
crimsunErr http://ku03:44
ryanakcahmmm... never used one...03:44
crimsunyes, it's accessing localhost:400103:44
ryanakcahmmm... is there a list of packages installed with aptitude?03:44
ryanakcaI'll try looking threw there...03:45
DarkMageZcrimsun, so it's not just me having issues finding libXrender.la?03:47
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crimsunDarkMageZ: apps should not be looking for it.03:51
DarkMageZi'm trying to compile rhythmbox with a custom patch =D03:52
crimsunjust about anything building against X Window System won't build in Edgy until the transition is complete.03:52
crimsunparticularly if what you're trying to build is 1) GTK+-based; 2) relies on .la03:53
DarkMageZhmm, this is on the dapper box...03:53
DarkMageZi did "apt-get build-dep rhythmbox", odd03:54
crimsunhmm, in Dapper? It should work.03:55
crimsunare you using Dapper's rhythmbox source package, too?03:55
DarkMageZgrabbed it from launchpad manually, the, and the .diff to apply the ubuntu patches. then the diff i'm using to fix an issue03:56
DarkMageZwhat package should libXrender.la be in?03:57
crimsunwe don't ship it.03:57
DarkMageZhmm, very odd... cause it's the ubuntu rhythmbox source package + http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=68474&action=view03:59
DarkMageZi'll see if it builds without my patch04:02
DarkMageZmy refering to not ubuntu04:02
crimsunfreeflying: zhcon 1:0.2.6-1 was synced (and has built on i386 at least)04:03
freeflyingcrimsun: nice,thx04:04
bddebiando be do be doo04:34
ajmitchfinished your merges?04:37
bddebianNope, waiting on crimsun to finish X first ;-P04:43
ajmitchwhy aren't you doing it instead?04:43
ajmitchleaving all the work to crimsun..04:43
=== Hobbsee tickles ajmitch
ajmitchoh dear04:45
bddebianajmitch: Of course, crimsun is the MacDaddy04:52
crimsunI'm a new McDonald's menu item?04:52
crimsunI'm pretty ambivalent toward that04:53
bddebianNah, you DA MAN04:53
crimsun...yeah, I think I may prefer being a menu item04:53
bddebianThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:54
bddebian  libgtkhtml3.8-dev: Depends: libgnomeprintui2.2-dev but it is not going to be installed04:54
ajmitchbddebian: yes, that's expected04:54
bddebianNot by me it ain't :-)04:55
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bddebianajmitch: started on your zope merges yet? :-)04:59
ajmitchof course 95% will be syncs05:00
bddebianof course :-)05:10
Laser_awayhmm, I wish 95% of my stuff were syncs, obviously I'm doing something wrong :-)05:11
bddebianYeah LaserJock, straighten up05:14
LaserJockwell, getting things upstream would definately help05:15
bddebianLaserJock: All you have to do is become a DD and maintain your own packages :-)05:15
LaserJockheh, I've already got 2 in Debian, that is enough for me05:15
LaserJockI don't think I'll become a DD05:15
LaserJocktoo much work and politics for a poor chemist :-)05:16
bddebianI wanted to for a long time but changed my mind05:16
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jsgotangcoi could finally see my house in google earth05:22
imbrandonhrm where does dch get your email address from ? the local user account ?05:24
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Kibbled_bitshi all05:53
Kibbled_bitsis anyone here alive?05:56
Kibbled_bitsI'm looking to help on the MOTU project05:57
HobbseeKibbled_bits: heya05:59
Kibbled_bitshey Hobb05:59
Kibbled_bitsI want to get involved in the Ubuntu project I read to get involved in MOTA06:00
Kibbled_bitsI read some online, so here I am06:00
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crimsunKibbled_bits: great, what are you interested in?06:00
Kibbled_bitshonestly whatever I can help with06:01
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Kibbled_bitsI'm a programmer06:01
Kibbled_bitsbut have some experience with administration too06:01
crimsunKibbled_bits: we mostly deal with packaging (universe/multiverse) in this channel, but other Ubuntu irc channels have other foci. For instance, #ubuntu-doc is where the docteam coordinates; #ubuntu-kernel is where our kernel team coordinates; #ubuntu-boot, #ubuntu-toolchain, #ubuntu-x, etc.06:02
Kibbled_bitsI can help packaging06:02
crimsunA very important channel is #ubuntu-bugs. It's a great place to get your feet wet with triaging bugs in the projects.06:03
crimsunAnd of course, there're #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu.06:03
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Kibbled_bitswhere would you say is the greatest demand06:04
Kibbled_bitsbetween here and the bugs?06:04
crimsunThere's demand everywhere. :)06:04
Kibbled_bitsthanks for the intro crimsun06:05
=== Hobbsee__ [n=hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kibbled_bitswhat if I want to help here06:05
crimsunA good place to start is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU06:05
Kibbled_bitsI'm there06:05
Kibbled_bitsMOTU is related to Debian I assume06:06
crimsunif you're not familiar w/ Ubuntu or Debian packaging, try the Packaging Guide on your computer. It's located in the System> Help> System Documentation  menu06:06
Kibbled_bitsI found the "Requested Packages"06:07
ajmitchis it really worth doing a merge of python2.3?06:08
=== ajmitch considers
crimsunajmitch: probably, but doko's opinion matters more06:09
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ajmitchcrimsun: I suspect we'll be dropping it from universe, along with zope2.806:10
ajmitchah, it was synced anyway06:10
ajmitchjust FTBFS06:10
Kibbled_bitsthanks crimsun, I'm reading it now06:10
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LaserJockso I'm reviewing something on REVU and I decided to check the .orig.tar.gz against the one from the homepage06:30
LaserJockthe .orig.tar.gz is twice the size of the tar.gz from the homepage06:31
ajmitchprobably has 2 copies of the source in it06:31
LaserJocksupposedly the same version06:31
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ajmitchyet another Hobbsee_06:31
LaserJockah, yes. that's it ajmitch06:31
LaserJockright on06:32
Hobbsee_yes, yet another one06:32
ajmitchapt really isn't playing nicely with squid here06:32
ajmitchif it uses squid, it nearly always fails to fetch the universe packages file06:32
=== ajmitch waves farewell to Hobbsee
imbrandonyea the little bit i have delt with squid in the past its been a nightmare ( abet thats only been a very limmited exp )06:33
=== Hobbsee pounces on ajmitch
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you get it built,b tw?06:33
imbrandonHobbsee, yea on my ppc, thats why i left and came back i'm on my amd64 now building the i386 and amd64 versions06:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice :)06:34
LaserJockhmm, so this tarball is also shipped as a debian native, so the package wiped out the debian/ and started over, is that ok?06:34
imbrandoni'm gonna try to setup dpkg-cross or something to automate the ppc version though06:34
imbrandonanyone here setup a cross toolchain for ppc on i386/x64 ?06:35
ajmitchimbrandon: you'd be lucky06:35
imbrandonajmitch yea i might just do the ppc ones by hand although that will get to be a pain later on06:36
imbrandonoh well06:36
imbrandonHobbsee, you get to be the first guiney ( sp? ) pig once this finishes building since it was your idea ;)06:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: woohoo!  sounds like fun06:38
Hobbseewasnt exactly my idea, per se.06:38
Hobbseebesides, it's not like the entire system would break.06:38
imbrandonheheh well kinda ;) hehe yea you will still have irssi ;)06:38
bddebianGnight folks06:38
imbrandongnight bddebian06:39
Hobbseenight bddebian06:39
LaserJockcya bddebian06:39
imbrandoncp -R ../official/konversation-0.19/debian/ /home/brandon/files/dapper/konversation/nightly/06:40
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dholbachgood morning08:17
Hobbseehey dholbach!08:17
dholbachhey Hobbsee08:18
bluefoxicyI'm amused.08:18
bluefoxicyI have 3 tabs in gnome terminal, ran qemu from the first, or something08:18
bluefoxicyI'm switiching back and forth, every time I hit the first tab, gnome terminal gets like 4 lines taller.08:19
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robitaillebluefoxicy,  that looks like bug 3534208:24
UbugtuMalone bug 35342 in gnome-terminal "Geometry size of the terminal window increases (dapper)" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3534208:24
bluefoxicyrobitaille:  Aww, I was going to file "gnome-terminal gets bigger when you play with it"08:25
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highvoltagesivang: how's it going with the free space spec?08:31
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imbrandonmoins \sh08:48
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freeflyingcrimsun: will zhcon-0.2.6 backport to dapper?10:04
crimsunfreeflying: if the buildd infrastructure can handle it, we'll do it shortly, otherwise it'll block til that's finished10:06
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crimsunToadstool: ping, fabbione would like you to be extremely careful when triaging X-SWAT bugs10:53
Toadstoolcrimsun: uh? what did I do?10:54
crimsunToadstool: I have no idea, just relaying the message from -bugs10:55
Hobbseeogra: ping?10:58
ograHobbsee, pong ?11:03
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Hobbseeogra: when you did the merge of rss-glx, werent you going to add xscreensavers-gl as a dep?11:04
=== Hobbsee remembers assigning a bug to you about it.
ograHobbsee, i'll add it, dont worry :)11:04
ogracurrently i want to get my merges done, then i'll jump on the bugs11:05
Hobbseeogra: okay, i was just glancing around the kde bug list, and saw that one still there and thought "i wonder what happened to that". if you want, i can patch it and you can sponsor it.  /me shrugs.11:05
ograthere are a *lot* of screensaver bugs, i'll have to poke aroundin the package a lot11:05
Hobbseethat is true11:05
ograit wont get lost, dont worry ...11:06
Hobbseeogra: okay.  i'm still looking for stuff to patch - i'm bored hehe!11:06
ogra(with bad luck i'll even have to merge it again if debian updates the package during next week :))11:06
Hobbseehehe true11:06
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robhmm, the edgy democracyplayer package has changes to the source?11:38
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shawarmaCould someone please take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2626 for me?11:52
shawarmacrimsun: It's the rawstudio package again with the copyright changes included..11:53
shawarmaI'm going to hang out with upstream in a few hours and it'd be really cool if I could tell him that it's in. :-)11:56
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\shajmitch: i merged aqsis12:18
Hobbsee\sh: he's away for the weekend12:19
\shHobbsee: ah ok :)12:19
Hobbseehi rob12:21
robI'm getting something odd when building a package from the edgy repo for dapper12:21
robdpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source12:21
robam I right to guess that the original source has been changed by whoever uploaded the package?12:22
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Hobbseerob: which package, and where did you grab it from?12:23
robfrom the edgy repo12:24
robok, so I copied the offending files from the orig.tar.gz into the actual unzipped package that I'm building from it, lets see what happens12:26
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robthe package was recently synced from the debian repo12:26
shawarmarob: 'unrepresentable changes to source' often means that there's some binary left from the build process when you're trying to make a new .diff.gz. Could that be the case?12:27
robcould be, I'm doing dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa12:28
shawarmarob: Usually there's a hint about the offending file.12:33
shawarmarob: Do you see it?12:34
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robdpkg-source: cannot represent change to portable/BitTornado/clock.pyc: binary file contents changed12:34
robdpkg-source: cannot represent change to portable/BitTornado/__init__.pyc: binary file contents changed12:34
shawarmarob: Yeah, that's it then. You've probably run it from the source directory, right?12:35
shawarmarob: a 'find . -name "*.pyc" -print0 | xargs -0 rm ' should to the trick.12:35
robyes, I ran it from the source directory12:37
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-229-222.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
robbeing above portable though, same level as debian/12:37
robthats giving me: rm: missing operand12:38
shawarmaThat can't be right...12:38
shawarmatry: find . -name "*.pyc"12:39
shawarmawhat's your $PWD?12:39
shawarmaMaybe it's the other way around! Maybe the .pyc files were there before, but now they're not!12:40
shawarmaThat's a new one. :-)12:40
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robdefiantly new to me :(12:40
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shawarmarob: Were those two files the only ones it complained about or did you just yank those two out of a long list?12:41
robdefinitely even12:41
robno, just those two12:41
shawarmaOk. check if they're in the .orig.tar.gz.12:41
robthe files are, yes12:41
shawarmaOk. Put those two back, then.12:42
shawarmaAnd if you can, fix the upstream makefile to NOT remove them in the clean target.12:42
TheMusoGloubiboulga: When you have a minute, speech-dispatcher is ready for you to look at. I think I have learnt not to cut and paste when it comes to packaging metadata. :)12:45
robit looks like the rules file was removing them12:49
robI've commented out the offending line, see what happens now12:49
robhmm, nope12:51
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shawarmarob: Same error?12:55
robthere don't appear to be any makefiles in the package12:56
shawarmarob: You DID put the files back in, right?12:56
robonly the one line in the rules file that rm's all the .pyc files, but commenting that out makes no difference12:56
shawarmaAre they still around?12:56
shawarmaHmm... Very odd. Could you compare and md5 of what you have in the unpacked dir and the ones in the tarball?12:58
shawarmaThere must be some reason why it thinks they've been changed.12:58
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robboth files have the exact same md5sum01:00
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GloubiboulgaTheMuso, my answer won't be very friendly, but you should read the python packaging guide, a lot of things have changed recently01:11
GloubiboulgaI have to read it again myself :)01:11
Gloubiboulgaeven better, I have to understand it :p01:12
TheMusoGloubiboulga: Right.01:12
TheMusoIs that guide on the wiki?01:12
Gloubiboulgano, it's the debian policy01:13
TheMusoGar! Why can't python stop being a moving target?01:13
TheMusoah ok01:13
sladenoh gawd, what no evilness has python packaging accquired?01:13
TheMusoIt just seems to me that the way that python stuff is packaged from version to version etc seems to change a lot.01:14
TheMusoThats how I see it anyway.01:14
TheMusoHmmm ok. The guide says that /usr/share/python-support is not used.01:20
TheMusoI must have misread what crimsun said to me the other day about python support and locations.01:20
sladenmaybe we can get crimsun to shed some light01:22
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ElectryfierHey, does anyone know how to turn source code into .deb installers01:25
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ElectryfierDoes anyone know which is the best antivirus in the repositories?01:57
pygiElectryfier, this is not the right channel :P01:57
pygiand ClamAV is mostly only one01:57
Electryfierthen adios01:57
shawarmarob: Did you figure the democracyplayer thing out yet?01:58
robshawarma, no01:58
robthe only place I can find where it cleans those files is in the rules file, but removing the offending line causes the same error but for about 5 different files01:58
robmy brain hurts :(01:59
shawarmarob: Try unpacking the orig and applying the diff somewhere else and move the .pyc check the md5sums of the .pyc files in there.01:59
shawarmaOh... It's for different files?01:59
robhmm my kicker has locked up02:00
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robyeah I might try that, but I'm too tired now02:01
Hobbseehi Kyral02:01
robthanks for the advise though02:01
shawarmaIf it's different files, then that's not it.02:02
robactually, includes those files, plus several other files02:02
shawarmaAh, ok.02:02
shawarmaif you just download the source again and try a dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa.. does that work?02:03
shawarmaie. no changes applied by you.02:04
robok (none were the first time)02:04
shawarmaWhen did it stop working then?02:05
robit never did02:06
shawarmaer... it's not working now.. You're getting "unrepresentable changes" and things..02:07
shawarmaSo... if it worked in the beginning..02:08
shawarmaand it's not working now...02:08
shawarmaat some point it must have begun not working.02:08
robI only just downloaded the source, and tried to build it02:08
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shawarmarob: No... You said you tried running it.02:09
shawarma12:35 < shawarma> rob: Yeah, that's it then. You've probably run it from the source directory, right?02:10
shawarma12:35 < shawarma> rob: a 'find . -name "*.pyc" -print0 | xargs -0 rm ' should to the trick.02:10
shawarma12:37 < rob> yes, I ran it from the source directory02:10
robI thought you meant "ran pbuilder"02:10
shawarmaWhen? Just now or when I asked at 12:35?02:11
robwell, I just redownloaded the source package fresh from the repo, and then tried to build, and it fails with the same error02:11
shawarmaAh.. That's an entirely different story then. i had no idea pbuilder was involved. :-)02:11
roboh, heh sorry :)02:12
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shawarmaI'll just have to update my pbuilder and try the build.. I'll grab some lunch in the meantime. I'll be back in half and hour.02:14
robok, well its about bed time for me, so I'll catch you later02:14
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\shok...I'm going down the universe merge list02:52
shawarmaCould some please take a quick look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2626 ?03:14
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bddebianHeya gang03:22
Toadstoolhey bddebian03:23
bddebianHi Toadstool03:23
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bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga03:29
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shawarmaCould I pursuado you to take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2626 ? You've already checked it out once and I've made the changes you proposed.03:37
shawarmahub: ^^03:38
nexuhow do i pick another gpg key to use?03:40
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shawarmanexu: with gpg? pbuilder? dpkg-buildpackage?03:42
nexujust in general03:44
nexui'm trying to sign Release file03:45
nexubut it keeps signing with a 'wrong' key03:45
nexui know how to pick another key when building packages03:45
Toadstoolping bddebian03:46
shawarmanexu: default-key in .gnupg/gpg.conf03:47
nexushawarma: what about the ENV GPGKEY ?03:48
nexudoesnt that suppose to work aswell ?03:48
bddebianToadstool: Yo03:49
shawarmanexu: Never heard of it.03:49
Toadstoolbddebian: wanna upload a merge for me? :)03:49
shawarmanexu: That does not mean it doesn't exist, though. :-)03:49
bddebianslomo: Damn it did you upload anjuta?03:49
tsengdholbach: oh cool, can we build gnome stuff again?03:49
Toadstoolbddebian: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=262803:49
nexushawarma: hmm i read it somewhere about it ...03:49
nexushawarma: but thanks, this works for now03:49
hubshawarma: I saw it this morning. didn't have the time yet03:49
bddebianToadstool: Yeah, give me a bit03:49
nexushawarma: i'll dig thru manual more later on about the env GPGKEY03:49
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Toadstoolbddebian: thanks03:50
slomobddebian: yes, why?03:50
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shawarmahub: Okay. the thing is that I'm going to hang out with upstream in a n hour or so, and it'd be so cool to be able to tell them that it's in. :-)03:50
hubshawarma: you need more than one advocate03:51
Toadstoolhey zul03:51
hubshawarma: and I'm at work atm03:51
slomobddebian: i had the merge (+stuff) ready since 3 days but it didn't build because of libxft-dev03:51
dholbachtseng: we're still merging :)03:51
shawarmahub: Yes, I know I need two. But one is closer to two than none. :-) But if you're at work, don't worry. I'll bug someone else.03:52
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bddebianslomo: I know I've had it ready for a week :-)03:58
slomobddebian: oh, before it failed for devhelp but i fixed that... hrm, sorry :( did you enable the gtksourceview and svn plugins too?03:59
bddebianNo worries, I'm just giving you a hard time :-)03:59
bddebianslomo: Can you take the rest of mine too then? ;-P04:00
hubelektra hasn't been packaged for Ubuntu?04:03
slomobddebian: i would prefer to not take them ;) i still have enough other stuff todo and many merges :(04:03
slomobddebian: i only took anjuta because it was on one of my transition lists04:04
bddebianExcuses, excuses ;-)04:04
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hubcrap libexiv2-dev 0.10 is incompatible with the previous one04:10
bddebianToadstool: Is this a merge?04:15
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Gloubiboulgahi bddebian, hi all04:31
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Toadstoolthanks for the upload bddebian04:36
nexugaahh, how do i get scripts for edgy for in /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/04:41
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dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ dlocate /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/edgy04:42
dholbachdebootstrap: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/edgy04:42
nexuwhat version of debootstrap is that?04:42
ogradholbach, i guess he wants it on dapper ;)04:42
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dholbachinstall edgy debootstrap on dapper :)04:43
ograyou should be able to just build edgys debootstrap on dapper and use it ... (thats what we do on the buildds)04:43
dholbach debootstrap
dholbachand packages.ubuntu.com helps too04:44
ograor if its a pbuilder you care about, just buiold a dapper one and upgrade04:44
dholbachit knows versions and containing files04:44
nexuyeah its for pbuilder indeed04:44
nexuwant to make edgy packages from dapper04:44
ograthen i'd rather upgrade a dapper one04:44
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nexugot it04:45
hubshawarma: still the same issues. can't advocate04:49
hubis there something cleaner than dh_make to generate debian packaging?04:53
dholbachdh_make -b <...>; rm debian/{*.ex,*.EX,dirs,docs,README.Debian}? :)04:54
hubah ok04:54
tsengmkdir debian/04:55
tsengcp -a myotherdebiandir/ .04:55
tseng? :)04:55
tsengnot recommended04:55
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Erlangfunniest little gamers: http://www.little-gamers.com/04:59
hubtseng: I do that usually04:59
hubI just wanted to know if I was crazy or not04:59
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tsengit works05:00
seaLnecan anyone suggest what might cause the following error "tar: -: file name read contains nul character" when building a package?05:02
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Electryfierdoes anyone know where to get makeinfo05:44
LaserJockok, I've got a question, if you are packaging a new package where upstream has a /debian, what do you do?05:44
bddebianElectryfier: texinfo05:44
tsengyou politely ask upstream to stop doing that05:45
LaserJockk, is it alright to blow away their debian/ in the .orig.tar.gz?05:45
tsengyou cant repack an orig.tar.gz05:45
tsengthen it wouldnt be orig05:45
tsengyou would build a native package if you insisted on continuing on this path05:46
LaserJockhmm, interesting. This is for a REVU review05:46
LaserJockand I wasn't sure how to handle it05:46
Electryfierwhere can I get gnome-config05:48
Electryfierdoes anyone know?05:48
bddebianElectryfier: Try packages.ubuntu.com and use the "Search for contents of packages" search05:49
ElectryfierI'll try05:49
bddebianBTW, gnome-config is in libgnome-dev05:51
Gloubiboulgalibgnome-dev: usr/bin/gnome-config05:51
Gloubiboulgaapt-file is so cool ;)05:52
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Lathiatwhat sthe dela with the x11 stuff & merges06:15
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brainsikIs there a document which (or can somone here) explains how security fixes are applied to the release version of the universe repository?06:20
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bddebianLathiat: They are in process06:22
bddebianbrainsik: They are approved and uploaded to a seperate repo06:22
Lathiatbddebian: i mean, i read somethign about not merging some things until its done?06:23
bddebianLathiat: Well some packages depend on the libs and they should be merged first, true06:23
brainsikbddebian: Can I expect that sec fixes which happen in Debian for packages also in universe will eventually come through?06:23
bddebianFor example libxext was a biggie06:23
LaserJockbrainsik: I would think so06:24
bddebianbrainsik: I don't believe it is automatic, no if that is what you mean.06:24
bddebianBut I am often wrong :-)06:24
LaserJockbrainsik: we grab the newest version of unstable when we start the release process06:24
brainsikLaserJock: i'm interested in how security fixes are applied to the current release06:25
LaserJockwell as they come in they can be uploaded to -security for sure, but it takes man power to do so06:25
brainsikLaserJock: basically, i'm evaluating whether to switch a cluster from debian to ubuntu, but i can't find anything about how security fixes are handled06:26
LaserJockbrainsik: security fixes are handled through the -security repo06:26
Lathiatim asuming he means the process of security updates and what not?06:26
brainsikLaserJock: yeah, but everything that talks about the universe repository disclaims guarantee for security fixes06:27
Lathiatbrainsik: that is correct06:27
seaLnecould someone have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2635 its a newly package app06:27
LaserJockbrainsik: right, so no guarantee as the work is done by community volunteers06:27
bddebianbrainsik: Yes, Universe is not officially supported by Canonical06:27
brainsikright, that's a nice cover-the-ass statement, but i want to know what really happens. :)06:27
Lathiatthe reality is universe security stuff is done to some exent by some people06:28
Lathiatas far as ic an tell no where near as comprehensive as main06:28
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LaserJockmostly depends on the package and if it is on our radar06:28
=== Lathiat nods
brainsikso, this is what it sounds like, please correct me if i'm wrong: something gets fixed in Debian which is part of universe .. if someone on the MOTU team cares, then they may merge that fix into the ubuntu package and upload it to the security repository.06:30
LaserJockor somebody files a bug in Malone, yes06:30
bddebianbrainsik: Bascially, yes.  Users are certainly free to file bugs on Launchpad also06:31
brainsikokay, this is very helpful.06:31
Yagisanbrainsik: sometimes people like myself find and fix security bugs in universe, before sending it on to Debian06:32
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brainsikYagisan: that's good to know06:33
brainsikright now, we are only relying on one package from universe: python-psyco .. any feelings about how important the MOTU team considers that?06:33
brainsikthat's probably an unfair question :)06:33
Yagisanbrainsik: it really would depend on the individual member. (Disclaimer, I'm not a MOTU)06:34
brainsikthank you all, this was very helpful.06:34
LaserJockhmm, I would think python in general would have a better chance then Universe as a whole06:35
LaserJockI'm not sure about psyco specifically06:35
Yagisanbrainsik: it's not any less support then say, Debian06:35
LaserJockbrainsik: you're always welcome join us and make sure python-psyco has good security support :-)06:36
brainsikYagisan: why do you think that?06:36
brainsikLaserJock: :) i'm contemplating it :)06:36
brainsikLaserJock: need to decide to switch to ubuntu first06:36
Yagisanbrainsik: should me miss an update, it's almost certainly rolled into the next release, which is always every 6 months06:37
Yagisanbrainsik: I'm happy I switched my business over06:37
brainsikYagisan: heh, yeah, well sometimes that's an unacceptable wait time06:38
brainsikYagisan: what kind of business is it?06:38
Yagisanbrainsik: IT Security06:38
Yagisanbrainsik: look, a certain large competitor, often does not fix their products, even when a vulnerability in them is publicly known06:39
Yagisanbrainsik: this place never does that. you always get a fix. (but you may need to file the bug to get it quick)06:41
Yagisanif no one picked it up already06:42
brainsikYagisan: are you comparing Ubuntu to Debian?06:42
YagisanThinking more of a non-volunteer organisation that I migrate customers from to Ubuntu06:43
brainsikWell, my only concern is Debian, because that's what our cluster is on now.06:44
brainsikYagisan: I'm trying to get a sense of what I can expect from the universe repository as it compares to Debian .. i think i have an idea now thanks to everyone in here.06:45
Yagisanbrainsik: universe pretty much has the same support as debian stable06:45
Yagisanfor the current release of Ubuntu06:45
Yagisanbrainsik: feel free to join, and help make it better support06:46
brainsikYagisan: I definitely will consider that, but I need to decide to move to Ubuntu first. :)06:47
LaserJockbrainsik: actually, if it is only one package (or a few) I'd say they security support can be quite good06:48
brainsikLaserJock: so far, it looks like it's just python-psyco06:48
brainsikLaserJock: just trying to cover my own ass on all of this :)06:49
LaserJockof course06:49
LaserJockhmm, anybody know of a place where I can look at who signed my gpg key?06:54
bddebianHoly cow openvrml is a pig06:54
ograLaserJock, keyserver.mine.nu06:55
brainsikLaserJock: do you have the key?06:55
LaserJockbrainsik: yeah, I just want to see what's on the keyservers06:55
ograLaserJock, but since you should upload signatures yourself, you should know who signed it06:55
bddebianLaserJock: gpg --check-sigs?06:56
LaserJockogra: well, I wanted to make sure that it all worked06:56
ograjust lokup yourself on a keyserver06:57
LaserJockyeah, got it06:57
LaserJocksome of the keyservers just seem to show the fingerprint06:57
LaserJocknot a list of people who signed it06:57
LaserJockbut the one you gave me worked fine06:57
jsgotangcoyou will have to download those public keys as well06:58
jsgotangcoheh! more than a year after UDU, mako signed my key06:58
ogramine too :)06:58
LaserJockyeah, I got mine, that's why I asked06:58
LaserJockI'm got my "strong set" significantly stronger ;-)06:59
jsgotangcoyou'll never catch up with our awesome key msd ranks!07:00
ograto bad fabio wasnt there ... you would be in the top 1000 wiht his signature07:00
jsgotangcolamont too07:00
LaserJockwell, I just wanted somebody that was debian/ubuntu related07:00
LaserJockthat was my goal07:00
ograbut you got mine and dholbach's that should already get you near :)07:00
sladenLaserJock: probably got lots!07:00
jsgotangcobah! that's not the pokemon spirit!07:01
dholbachhaha :)07:01
LaserJockogra: yeah07:01
LaserJockand I got jerome and mako, so ...07:01
jsgotangcoi used to be like 1200 in global msd but it dropped07:02
jsgotangcoLaserJock: http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/henkp/henkp/pgp/pathfinder/stats/92742B33.html07:03
sladenthink I dropped out of the top 200 ... I haven't done much for the few years07:04
LaserJockjsgotangco: beautiful, I was just going to ask07:04
ogralol, update.manager/notifiaer really have a problem ...07:04
sladenif you do actually make an effort, it's surprisingly fast to get to the top07:05
ograi clicked the notification icon about 6h ago ...07:05
sladenmoray did top 3 in about 4 months from nothin07:05
ograand just now gksudo popped up :)07:05
sladenogra: it's Friday....  update-manager probably popped down the pub after lunch07:05
jsgotangcoyeah like travel between continents regularly07:05
ograsladen, haha :)07:06
seaLnekey signings seem to have gone a bit out of fashion these days07:06
ograwoah, dholbach you have actually beaten me ...07:07
ograrank 81707:07
ograi'm 90107:07
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LaserJockI'm just glad I'm *on* the ranking at all :-)07:08
seaLnebah i'm not in top 1000 anymore07:09
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ivoksi'm kind of outdated08:23
ivoksthere is opera in gnome-app-install, but it says i should enable dapper-commercial08:23
ivokssince when we have that one? :)08:23
crimsunsince yesterday08:23
ivokswhere? :)08:23
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crimsunivoks: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main08:24
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crimsunhi Daniel08:24
LaserJockyeah, that's interesting08:25
dholbachre :)08:25
LaserJockcrimsun: do you know the difference between -commmercial and -multiverse?08:25
crimsunLaserJock: no, but I guess with -commercial Ubuntu is granted explicit provision to distribute?08:26
LaserJockcause I package desktop-multiplier for Multiverse but it seems to be sort of more in the -commercial category08:27
LaserJockI wonder if it will get moved over08:27
crimsunmdz question methinks08:27
LaserJockbah, if I read firewall one more time I'm gonna puck08:28
LaserJockhmm, s/puck/throw up/08:29
=== LaserJock runs for the garbage can
LaserJockand I think ZeroConf will become my new swear word ;-)08:33
crimsunI'll read that thread next week08:33
LaserJockI try every day to start reading them08:34
LaserJockand I only get 3 or 4 emails in before I've had it08:34
LaserJockI guess maybe that means I'm not geeky enough08:34
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bddebianLater gang08:43
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crimsunholy cow, a LaserJock upload09:39
crimsunthe world is coming to an end!09:39
pygicrimsun, !!!09:39
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LaserJockcrimsun: and it might not even be the last ;-)09:42
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zulyay...open suse ;)09:43
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zultseng: heh yes i know09:58
crimsunTheMuso: lsr uploaded.09:59
crimsun(& archived)09:59
cypher1arghh why does not pbuilder say something when it downloads while create command..10:00
cypher1i think pbuider should have that enhancement10:02
cypher1I: Checking component main on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu...10:05
cypher1the pbuider is stuck there for more than 5 min10:05
LaserJockright, but you haven't even got to the fun part :-)10:05
tsengyou do that exactly once10:05
cypher1it is not clear whether pbuilder is stuck or it is downloading10:05
tsengit isnt exactly a tool for end users10:05
cypher1tseng, yes.. i am planning to build a package.. :)10:06
crimsuncypher1: feel free to add a progress indicator10:06
cypher1crimsun, yes i was thinking.. especially because i am doing "df" frequently.. that also is not showing any increase10:07
crimsunyou could always try ntop or darkstat10:08
cypher1crimsun, thanks.. but let me find what it is ;)10:09
cypher1no base.tgz at /var/cache/pbuilder till now !10:10
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cypher1tail -f /var/cache/pbuilder/build/12083/debootstrap/debootstrap.log --> shows that pbuider is not hung :)10:27
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cbx33hi all10:50
cypher1Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  breezy/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:57
cypher1anyone has any idea about the error10:57
cypher1LaserJock, ?11:01
LaserJockI know every once in a while the Release files get messed up, but I woudn't think Breezy would have that problem11:02
cypher1I: Base system installed successfully.11:02
cypher1does the above mean i have the base.tgz ?11:03
LaserJockcheck for it11:03
cypher1no its not there11:03
LaserJockcypher1: where?11:03
cypher1pbuilder build gives error.. list of /var/cache/pbuilder also not there11:04
cypher1i used default11:04
sharmstry again, I just checked the server and the release file is intact and so is the binary-i386/Packages11:04
cypher1sharms, ok let me try again the pbuilder create command11:05
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cypher1sudo pbuilder create --distribution breezy --mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse"11:05
cypher1that is what i am using11:05
cypher1hope there is nothing wrong there11:05
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LaserJockumm, I think you need to have main in there too11:06
cypher1breezy = main in --mirror ?11:06
LaserJockbreezy main universe multiverse11:07
cypher1LaserJock,  so --mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main universe multiverse" ?11:07
LaserJockI think so, I usually use --othermirror for universe and multiverse, but whatever11:08
LaserJockare you doing this on breezy?11:08
cypher1LaserJock, yes on breezy11:09
Toadstooloops :)11:09
cypher1Toadstool, ??11:09
cypher1LaserJock, started again11:10
Toadstoolcypher1: don't worry I'm a little bit tired, just tried to close vim and typed :q in xchat :)11:11
cypher1Toadstool, :) yes even i am .. at 2:45 am i am feeling sleepy.. i am trying to get the pbuilder environment11:12
Toadstoolonly 11:15 pm here but I hardly slept last night and I've played football for 2 hours11:14
cypher1Toadstool, wow.. playing football11:15
Toadstoolanyway, got to go to bed if I don't want to fall asleep on my keyboard and flood the chan with random crap :)11:16
Toadstoolgood night everybody11:16
cypher1ToadZzZztool, good night11:18
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LaserJockbah, how do you find out what options ./configure has?11:48
tsengLaserJock: ./configure --help11:48
LaserJocktseng: thanks11:49
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ryanakcais this the "apt" department? my question yesterday... we thought it was a proxy... I don't have any installed... or running... "I'm having trouble running sudo aptitude update... the whole output from what I tried is here:   http://pastebin.ca/81794       as you may have noticed... at first I (wrongly) thought it was a proxy problem, so I tried restarting the network... no avail"11:56
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brainsikryanakca: why r u connecting to localhost?11:57
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bluekuja_laptophello guys12:04
bluekuja_laptopif upstream package points to PackageName (so .deb file install files in that dir), how can i point the installation to another dir, different of upstream one12:06
bluekuja_laptopif someone have some suggestions, it would be really appreciated12:06

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