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thefishanyone know if there are plans on getting a xen ubuntu kernel into any apt repos?11:59
lionelpthefish: it is forseen for Edgy12:02
lionelpSee https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/xen-edgy12:02
thefishooh nice12:02
thefishthank lionelp12:02
thefishwhen is the planned release for it, 6.10?12:03
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lionelpyes, Edgy is 6.1012:03
lionelprelease is planned for 26 of october12:03
=== thefish dribbles
thefishive got some domUs running dapper now, but it was not quick and easy12:05
thefishwould be really nice to apt-get a xen kernel12:05
Shere`Khancan i manage an local network with ubuntu server ? (can i see the bandwith, traffic metter for each IP, traffic limiter for each IP, port locker.....)12:07
lionelpShere`Khan: yes you can, but you have to install specific tool12:09
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lionelpthere is no out-of-the-box interface to do so12:09
thefishShere`Khan: sounds like you want a firewall/router distro instead12:10
thefishbut ubuntu can do that12:10
thefishif you dont want to get your hands dirty, try ipcop - it does a lot of that stuff and has plugins that can do more12:10
Shere`Khanand .. where can i get the tools?12:10
Shere`Khanand where do i get that ?>:)12:13
Shere`Khanand.. another question .. i have 4 lines of adsl .. can i put them all in one server ??12:13
thefishyes you can, but be prepared for a lot of reading12:23
Shere`Khani`m here12:24
Shere`Khanwhere can i find the documentation ?12:29
lionelpI thinks this one is a good starting point : http://lartc.org/12:31
lionelpIt is not Ubuntu specific but it is very complete12:31
Shere`Khanit says and how i put 4 lines into a server ?12:34
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thefishapparently ubuntu can set up a certified lamp server with a single command. Google is full of this claim, but does anyone have any idea what this magic command is?01:01
fabbionethefish: at install time01:07
fabbioneselect lamp01:07
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J_Phi all01:19
thefishfabbione: no way after install?01:24
fabbioneapt-get install packanges...01:24
fabbionethe packages do work out of the box no matter how you install them01:25
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goldrakesomeone has yet installed ubuntu on openpower server?01:48
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aurelyano_18can i open an http site on ubuntu server ???????03:08
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lionelpaurelyano_18: yes !!!!!!!03:32
spikeI guess that 18 is a typo, the one you wanted is just 2 keys on the right03:39
lionelpaurelyano_18: what do you mean by " open an http site on ubuntu server" ?03:42
aurelyano_18never mind03:51
aurelyano_18how do i change the resolution from terminal??????03:51
aurelyano_18how do i change the resolution from terminal??????03:54
lionelpaurelyano_18: I think thath your "?" key is blocked :)03:54
lionelpthis is not relative to server by the way :)03:54
aurelyano_18i just instaled the desktop03:55
lionelpfor desktop questions, #ubuntu is the good channel03:55
aurelyano_18oo tnx03:56
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mneisenIs there a way to install ubuntu on a remote server where I have access to a rescue system (i.e., I have no way to insert an installation CD into the machine)?04:32
lionelpmneisen: you can use a debootstrap04:38
mneisenlionelp: do you have some pointer or URL to a tutorial/howto?04:43
lionelpno, but I am sure that you will find good examples on google04:49
lionelpit is really an easy tool to use04:49
lionelpsomething like debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /dapper/ http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com04:49
mneisenok, thanks a lot!04:50
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dan__where can i find some tools for router for ubuntu server05:48
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dan__where can i find some tools for router for ubuntu server??06:16
A-Kaseras ?06:16
A-Kaserwhat do you want to make ?06:16
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