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mossmanI had one working years ago.  Did you compile the driver,  or use a binary package?12:09
erovbinary (default installation) drivers.. it's been that way since install.. it's a busted laptop hooked to a monitor to be used like a desktop12:09
slavohi , i have one problem : i installed apache2 and it worked, but i have deleted /etc/apache2/ and i removed apache in adept but when i install apache2 again , it do not create /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , how to ?  tahnk you for your help12:09
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erovi get 640 no matter what12:10
erovand ive went over the xorg.conf manually12:10
mossmancheckout http://linmodems.org/  there is some info there.  Try building your own driver.  May do the trick12:10
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stupendo44mossman, I did build it12:11
VieLGuS-KuTaSvigilante: where do the fonts install , because they are not on the font list?12:11
mossmanahh. Sorry,  misunderstood12:11
erovoh you aint talking to me12:11
erovsorry i interjected into that convo12:11
mossmanMy fault erov.  Not reading well today12:11
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stupendo44mossman, when I run "lsmod | grep lt" I see both ltserial and ltmodem as I should. I've also already created the symlink from /dev/modem to /dev/ttyLTM012:13
stupendo44I followed the instructions from http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/archive-fifth/msg01177.html12:13
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mossmanthat sounds right to me12:22
stupendo44mossman, ok, I'm going to try dialing with the log box open. It will probably hang, but I might get to see something12:23
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vigilantehow do I start up kget, can't find it12:32
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ryanakcaI'm having trouble running sudo aptitude update... the whole output from what I tried is here:   http://pastebin.ca/81794       as you may have noticed... at first I (wrongly) thought it was a proxy problem, so I tried restarting the network... no avail12:33
ryanakcavigilante: should be under KMenu-Internet-KGet.... if not... alt-f2 -> kget     .... and add it to KMeny12:34
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vigilanteryanakca: I tried running it from cli, got not found12:35
vigilantenot in Kmenu either12:35
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vigilanteryanakca: its not installed, just looked in Adept for it, and its available to install12:38
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mad_slackienight all! :)12:43
vigilanteis there a make live cd script in kubuntu to generate a new live cd based off you hardrive install, similar to what Mandriva one and PCLinuxOS has?12:45
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vigilantebtw, kudos to whoever developed the X gui config for monitor and video card in 6.06 :)  , we're getting close to having something like Yast or Harddrake12:51
D4m4gegood night :)12:53
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vigilanteAnyone here using xgl/compiz?  And is it worth the trouble?  (I heard you get 3D performance drop in games)01:02
devlin__I've tried installing Kubuntu 6.06LTS on two different machines neither would partition the hard disk. The only common denominator is they both have Maxtor 80G drives. I was able to install 5.10 on the same drive w/o problem. any ideas would be greatly appricated.01:02
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jeremybyou could use a separate program to partition your hard drive01:06
jeremybalso, can't you just try upgrading to 6.06?01:07
Blissexdevlin__: thats extremely unlikely.01:07
Blissexvigilante: not worth the trouble, and probably never, or at least for a few years.01:07
vigilanteBlissex: thats what I thought... from reading and seeing the demos, I can tell w/o even installing it that its not worth it01:08
devlin__jeremyb: 5.10 got deleted when I reformated my disk due to a nice Win crash... Its really odd that it's done it on actually 3 pc's all crap out at repartitioning and all using the same make and size HD. What would you suggest for a reliable repartitioning prog. I can download?01:10
SpAwNdevlin__: dla win98 boot disk and put it in and use fdisk01:11
devlin__Ack! that will kill my XP Pro install01:11
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhere are the msttcorefonts , i installed it but can select any of the fonts from kcontrol fonts01:11
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=== devlin__ doesn't have a CD to re-install that
jeremybI used qtparted on a CD01:12
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devlin__isn't that what 6.06 uses?01:12
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jeremybsorry, I think I used gparted01:15
h3sp4wnjeremyb: Did it downgrade ok ?01:15
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devlin__jeremyb: will look up that gparted. I liked 5.10 but I've seen 6.06 so I'm not giving up just loosing fists full of hair trying to get it on my machine lol01:17
jeremybyes, I believe so, thanks very much h3sp4wn01:17
jeremybdevlin, did you use the check for errors feature on the 6.06 CD?01:18
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matt___does anybody use pci (laptop) wifi cards on their ubuntu boxes?01:20
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhere are the msttcorefonts , i installed it but can select any of the fonts from kcontrol fonts01:20
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devlin__jeremyb: yes, it didn't find any on either cd I burned. ( 1st thought I just burned a bad disc)01:20
matt___does anybody use pci (laptop) wifi cards on their ubuntu boxes?01:20
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h3sp4wnmatt__: minipci ?01:21
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angelos-would you like to taste my own ubuntu flavor, called dickuntu ?01:22
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crimsunangelos-: does it have ponies?01:23
matt___h3sp4wn: regular pci01:23
angelos-it is juicy01:23
Fiyawerxi dont think a pci card is gonna fit in a laptop01:23
angelos-with nice guis01:23
crimsunangelos-: right, but does it have ponies?01:23
matt___yeah, pcmcia, I'm terrible at all networking related things :(01:23
BlissexFiyawerx: there are mini-PCI cards and most laptops have some.01:23
Fiyawerxmatt___: i do, on a dell latitude d60001:23
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crimsunangelos-: what a crock.01:24
FiyawerxBlissex: i know, he said pci, that's what i was saying :)01:24
matt___Flyawerx: what brand do you use, and did you use ndiswrapper, or was the support native?01:24
Blissexmatt___: a mini-PCI to PCI adapter can be obtained, but they are very expensive.01:24
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Blissexmatt___: some for PCMCIA to PCI adapters.01:24
Blissexmatt___: instead a native PCI wireless card can be very cheap, e.g. RALink ones.01:25
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h3sp4wnmatt___: I would say atheros are unconditionally the best but others may disagree01:25
Blissexmatt___: anyhow USB is also a good idea for WiFi. Very portable.01:25
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Fiyawerxmatt___: support was native, good question tho, let me see what it is01:25
Blissexh3sp4wn: Atheros good, but expensive and very recent cards not supported.01:25
matt___Blissex: I have heard there are stability problems w/ usb wi-fi01:25
Fiyawerxmatt___: suppor was native on my desktop w3g11v2 card also01:25
Fiyawerxhad to change a modprobe option tho01:25
h3sp4wnBlissex: Madwifi 0.91 supports all of them (appart from usb) as far as I know01:26
Blissexmatt___: same for non USB WiFi too.01:26
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Fiyawerxmatt___: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG01:27
Fiyawerxis my wifi01:27
matt___Fiyawerx: is that pcmcia?01:27
shocktrooper1hello.  I used wink screen capturer and my only screen resolution available is 640x480.  How can I reset this?01:27
Fiyawerxoh, sorry, it's built in01:27
matt___anybody use this driver, I recently bought a card from a fellow linux user employed at a compusa and he sent me a link for this driver: RT2500-Linux-STA-
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h3sp4wnmatt___: I don't like ralink stuff the radios in the two types of cards I have had have all been of poor quality01:29
shocktrooper1anyone know of a way from the commandline?  Display doesn't work.01:30
matt___so, what is the best Atheros card out there for ubuntu laptops?01:30
stupendo44I need help, whenever I access /dev/modem, which is symlinked to /dev/ttyLTM0, kubuntu hangs unrecoverably. First of all, what would cause that? Is the kernel crashing?01:30
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jeremybI am using NetGear WG111v2 USB right now01:31
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stupendo44I followed the instructions from here: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/archive-fifth/msg01177.html01:31
matt___jeremyb: how much was was it to set up?01:31
Blissexstupendo44: you are probably using a softmodem/winmodem, and those drivers are very buggy.01:31
stupendo44there was only one thing that I didn't follow01:31
stupendo44it was related to permissions, so it could possibly be causing the problem01:32
jeremybit's quite nearly plug & play01:32
stupendo44the instructions said to edit /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions, but there is no permissions.d directory01:32
h3sp4wnmatt__: http://www.ubnt.com/super_range_cardbus.php401:32
matt___jeremyb: what was the non-plug & play work you had to do, and did you have access to WEP encrypted networks?01:32
matt___h3sp4wn: thx, I will check that link01:33
stupendo44also, how do I unload modules that I loaded with modprobe?01:33
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jeremybI installed KNetwork Manager and don't know about WEP, but I assume that there is no problem01:33
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matt___so, KNetwork Manager did the work for you as far as setting up the connection?01:34
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matt___h3sp4wn: is the super range linux compatible?01:35
h3sp4wnmatt___: Madwifi supports it but you need a suitable router to use it01:36
matt___suitable how?01:36
MasterEvilAcewhere's setting to make my hard-drive powerdown after a certain amount of time01:36
h3sp4wnmatt___: You can't use extended range unless you have an atheros based router (or compatible)01:37
matt___would a belking54g router be compatible?01:37
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h3sp4wnmatt___: That card does g and a (simultaneus) with the right router01:37
matt___h3sp4wn: so, it has to be an atheros based router to work period at any functionality level?01:38
h3sp4wnmatt___: No it will still work (probably better than any other card) at 54g01:39
matt___h3sp4wn: so is this the card that you use on an ubuntu laptop?01:39
h3sp4wnmatt___: That is the best atheros card - there are others - I have one based on the same chipset but have other ubiquiti cards that are better than any other I have found yet01:41
matt___cool, so pretty much a guarantee of working then?01:41
h3sp4wnmatt___: I know someone who has one that has it working with no problems01:42
matt___sorry, but I've been looking for good wi-fi for a long time, and want to be sure to get it right this time01:42
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matt___I'll give it a try01:42
h3sp4wnThat with a suitable accesspoint uses 2 connections at the same time and autoswitches if one goes down01:43
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h3sp4wnand balances the traffic between the 2 bands with no user intervention01:43
stupendo44how do I unload modules that I loaded with modprobe?01:44
h3sp4wnstupendo44: rmmod01:45
matt___would a d-link card have an Atheros chipset?01:45
stupendo44h3sp4wn, thanks. I also found out on my own just now that 'modprobe -r' does the trick01:46
stupendo44maybe I should use man more often :)01:46
h3sp4wnstupendo44: Some man pages are good some bad01:46
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MasterEvilAcewhere's setting to make my hard-drive powerdown after a certain amount of time01:57
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VieLGuS-KuTaScan someone tell me how to setup cleartype fonts?02:01
VieLGuS-KuTaSare there any sleartype fonts for linux then the ms fonts?02:01
KDEfanboyanyone running xgl with kde: how well is it working with KDE nowadays?02:03
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bipolargood questiong KDEfanboy02:04
bipolarI've never tried it but often wondered02:04
KDEfanboythx heh02:05
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VieLGuS-KuTaSxgl runs really bad on kde using ati driver02:07
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VieLGuS-KuTaScrashes ALL the time , unusable02:08
cirrus_I have no clue how to use IRC.  This should be fun ;)02:08
senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: Run xgl ON kde?02:10
KDEfanboyi tried it back in february, i think it was... took a lot of effort to get going on my old gentoo system, and compiz had display artifacts, system tray problems, and didn't recognize multiple desktops... wonder if it's changed much. it was stable on nvidia drivers tho02:10
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: i tried it out a few weeks ago02:10
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h3sp4wnIs compiz-kde working yet ?02:11
senseiGah, I have some reading to do.. I always thought xgl was an x-server on its own02:11
senseiNot a program ran under a WM02:11
VieLGuS-KuTaSwell it is a new xserver02:12
VieLGuS-KuTaSbut it uses window decorations etc that messes it up02:12
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h3sp4wnIt is an x-server on its own but I wouldn't want to use the gnome windwos decorator02:12
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senseih3sp4wn: So one doesn't actually run xgl on kde?02:12
stodgeWhen I click Home in Konq, I get an error:    Cannot find parent item file:///home in the tree. Internal error.02:12
stodgeAny ideas what's wrong?02:12
h3sp4wnsensei: You run compiz - with xgl or aiglx02:13
KDEfanboymeant xgl server, compiz wm02:13
h3sp4wnat least some of aiglx is in xorg 7.102:13
senseih3sp4wn: I take that as a no and halts the reading plans02:13
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h3sp4wnsensei: you run kde on xgl or xorg (with aiglx) and use a window decorator02:14
senseiYeah, that makes more sense02:14
VieLGuS-KuTaSit works a lot batter on nvidia cards , if u have a ati card forget about using it with kde02:15
h3sp4wnVieLGuS-KuTaS: So are you using compiz-kde ?02:16
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larson9999why do there continue to be linux users who buy ati cards?  they get them while they were windows users?02:17
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larson9999or cheap from others who've switched?02:17
VieLGuS-KuTaSh3sp4wn: no , when i tried it compizkde was a mess ...so i didnt even bother02:17
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danlwhat are someother good kde apps to install, so far i've installed superkaramba, kxdocker, yakuake...02:27
senseikolf is crucial02:28
larson9999sensei: never heard of it.  guess i've been missing out02:28
danlalready installed02:28
senseilarson9999: Oh yeah, can't do much work on a Linux station without kolf02:29
larson9999sensei: the golf game?02:30
danli find yakuake the most useful :-D02:30
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larson9999is it good?  right now i just use nerverputt to get my mini-golf fix02:31
senseiHaven't really tried anything else, but I'm happy with it :)02:31
senseidanl: Tried Bukkake ?02:31
larson9999the neverball and foobilliard guys should get together and make a golf game02:31
danlhmmm... im thinking thats not a linux app02:32
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senseidanl: Hm, could be right :/02:32
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senseiShould be though.. *gets the whiteboard*02:32
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larson9999although i'd rather see the foobilliard guy get the rules to billiards right first02:32
TheHighChildAny 1337 folks using xgl?02:32
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larson9999ok, here goes kolf02:33
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senseiLet's start a holywar between minigolf games  la firefox rules and opera sux02:34
larson9999oh, neverputt is better02:35
senseiThat's so not true!02:35
senseineverputt steals code from kolf!02:35
senseiAnd introduces new features in stable releases.. it suck!02:35
larson9999neverputt had tabbed mini-golf waaayyyy before kolf02:36
vigilanteTrackball rules!02:36
senseiOh, how unexpected, a third zealot! :)02:37
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vigilantehehe, I like Trackballs cause I was a MarbleMadness fan from nintendo days02:38
=== sensei is not so happy with kolf any more after a 66 round and tries neverputt
senseiYeah, trackball's nice.. Haven't got the patience for it tho :/02:39
larson9999you know, lots of the kolf holes look a lot like the neverputt holes :)02:40
vigilanteJust tried installing nvidia drivers per the wiki: I get this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17460 , help please?02:40
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senseivigilante: Just edit it by hand02:42
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senseiProbably works anyways.. Although I'm guessing now, I really have no idea if nvidia-glx-config enable does anything other than altering xorg.conf02:42
senseiBut what the heck, can't break anything :)02:42
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Fiyawerxsensei: famous last words02:43
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senseiFiyawerx: lol, true02:45
vigilantesensei: my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1746202:45
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larson9999that looks a lot like the message i'd get in mandriva when i'd have headers from a version of the kernel that didn't match the kernel actually running02:45
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larson9999i suppose that's not the problem here though02:46
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oomphdo i need to edit my hosts.allow to allow SSH access?02:55
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h3sp4wnoomph: openssh does not use tcp wrappers on ubuntu03:00
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oomphok... so what should i check03:01
oomphto connect to it03:01
h3sp4wnoomph: It just works by default if openssh-server is installed03:01
oomphwhen i try to connect it gives me a blank screen03:02
h3sp4wnAre you at the ubuntu machine now ?03:02
oomphi can be03:02
oomphim trying to help my friend across the WAN, he has his firewall open for me to connect to03:03
oomphhes running kubuntu03:03
oomphand did an apt-get install openssh-server03:03
actinicoomph, does he have port 22 open?03:03
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h3sp4wnThe only thing I can think of is port forwarding if he is using it is not working properly03:04
actinicand you sure ssh is running on his end?03:04
oomphto my knowledge yes03:04
actinicas root he should do:  /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:04
oomphk trying now03:05
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oomphhe just did that command and its a no go03:05
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actinicwhat's the error message?03:06
oomphfrom putty i get no error03:06
h3sp4wnoomph: sudo netstat -lpAinet (get him to do that) if he doesn't have something similar to tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN     2395/sshd (its not running)03:06
oomphjust a blank screen that hangs03:06
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vigilantegot it working now, right monitor selected and nvidia drivers03:07
actinicerror message from his end?03:07
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actinicpc you're trying to connect to must run the /etc/init.d/ssh restart command03:08
oomphhe just did and got nothing with sshd03:08
actinicgot nothing?  no error message?03:08
actinicjust a blank?03:08
actiniccursor blinking?  what?03:08
oomphyeah just blank03:08
oomphblinking curser03:09
vigilantewhat is the purpose of adept installer, vs adept package manager?03:09
actinici think he hasn't installed03:09
actinicat least correctly03:09
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oomphlet me check some things03:10
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Fiyawerxthere's a guide for it?03:12
oomphif he had a wifi card and ethernet03:13
oomphcould it be listening on wrong adapter?03:13
oomphsorry a bit new to linux still :)03:13
h3sp4wnIt would bind to all interfaces by default unless specifically changed03:13
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actinicwhat's with automatic preview?  I can't seem to disable it.  grrrrr03:18
vigilantehow do I add new programs automatically to Kmenu (non kde ones don't show up)03:20
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larson9999i didn't realize dick and jane was a remake.  watching the original now.  so seldom is there a remake that's even as good as the original.  let alone better.  why do they bother?03:21
larson9999vigilante: you can run kappfinder03:21
vigilantelarson9999: that doesn't seem to be installed by default03:21
larson9999vigilante: maybe not.  install it then03:21
larson9999if you want :)03:22
vigilantebetter than manually adding stuff, that should really be in kubuntu by default, and set to auto run after adept03:23
larson9999it never worked for me in mandriva but it seems to work find in ubuntu03:23
vigilantehmm, its not finding the programs I installed03:23
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larson9999vigilante: oh well.03:23
larson9999i think it has to do with the directories they're installed in etc.  for instance ooo isn't picked up if you install from the ooo site03:24
larson9999but it picked up about 40 programs when i ran it03:24
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blakeHey could someone help me with something simple?03:29
oomphgetting connection refused error now03:29
oomphgetting closer :P03:29
blakeHow do I make the windows transparent?03:29
blakeUsing Kubuntu03:30
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blakeCould anyone help me with that?03:30
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talljon84Evening all -- If adept is giving an error about retrieving dapper-security Release.gpg on fetch updates, what is going wrong?03:30
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto03:31
talljon84Why would you need to do this for the Dapper security repository?03:32
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vigilantehow do I access the nvidia card settings panel in kubuntu?03:33
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h3sp4wntalljon84: It should be in ubuntu-keyring03:34
talljon84h3sp4wn: this is a fresh kubuntu install. nothing has changed yet and this user is getting this the first time they try to load adept updates. i don't recall having to do anything on install, how come they need to now?03:35
h3sp4wntalljon84: They don't - It could be a server problem03:35
oomphis there a way to check with apt-get which repository your getting a certain package from?03:36
coldhmm why doesn't ubuntu have mkinitrd ?03:36
Hawkwindoomph: apt-cache policy <app>03:36
blakeHow do I make windows transparent?03:36
coldand how can I get it installed03:36
blakeAnyone know ?03:36
Hawkwindblake: Depends on the app in question03:37
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blakejust the active window in Kubuntu03:37
Hawkwindblake: Or do you mean true transparency like making all of konqueror transparent ?03:37
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blakeyeah, true transparency03:37
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Hawkwindblake: xcompmgr and transset is what you need to read about then03:37
oomphthanks hawkwind03:37
Hawkwindblake: That's handled through Xorg.03:38
Hawkwindoomph: No problem03:38
oomphthats exactly the command i needed03:38
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grooviswhat happens when you try to download that?03:42
groovisKDE opens a text editor on me.03:42
groovisI want the file to 'save as' instead...anyone else having this problem?03:42
actinicwhen I try ftp://username:password@ipaddress i get a 'could not connect to host"03:42
actinicany ideas?03:42
actinicthis is trying to connect kubuntu to another linux box03:43
actinicwithin my lan03:43
groovisactinic: you did install ftp, yes?03:43
actinicyes, it shows as installed03:44
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groovisdo ftp 'ip address'03:44
Hawkwindactinic: Leave off the password part.  It should ask you for one IIRC03:45
actinicthis is in konqueror by the way03:45
groovisso, anyone heard of my little KDE problem?03:45
actinicftp "ip address" shows 'could not connect to host'03:46
actinicin my case
groovisno no03:46
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groovisdo it from a console03:46
grooviswhat's the error?03:46
actinicfrom console the error is: 'No such file or directory'03:47
actiniccorrection ...03:47
actinicerror message is: 'bash: No such file or directory'03:47
actinicftp shows 'connection refused'03:48
actinicfrom console03:48
groovisthen it's not set up.03:48
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actinicat which end?03:48
groovisinstall it on kubuntu03:48
groovisapt-get install ftp03:48
Hawkwindgroovis: I get a box that asks me if I want to save it to disk or open it with an app of my choice03:49
groovisHawkwind: really?03:49
groovisHawkwind: damn...mine opens my text editor.03:49
Hawkwindgroovis: Yep.  Just like with any other download link03:49
Hawkwindgroovis: Then you probably need to change your file associations03:49
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groovisHawkwind: I haven't touched them.03:49
actinicaccording to apt, 'ftp is already installed'03:50
groovishang on.03:50
actinic'0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded'03:50
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groovisHawkwind: I have no file association in Konqueror for .deb files.03:51
groovisHawkwind: I removed it.03:51
groovisHawkwind: so KDE should ask me what I want to do with it...03:52
Hawkwindgroovis: You doing this in konqueror ?03:52
coldcan someone help me setup /etc/mkinitrd ?03:52
groovisactinic: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_204.html03:52
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Hawkwindgroovis: Ahhh, it opens it in an editor here as well if I do it in konqueror03:53
Hawkwindgroovis: I was using firefox so that's why it saves it03:53
HawkwindThat's why I don't use konqueror as a webbrowser but only as a file manager03:54
blakeah, krystal allows you to change the opacity and things03:54
Hawkwindblake: What is krystal ?03:54
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groovisHawkwind: I know FF works...but it's too slow for me...03:55
blakethe window decoration03:55
groovisHawkwind: try that in Konqueror03:55
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Hawkwindgroovis: I did.  It opens up an editor03:56
talljon84Alright, so this is weird. This user is on a fresh Kubuntu install, can ping us.archive.ubuntu.com but apt-get update times out. I'm not having any problems updating. What are we missing?03:56
Hawkwindtalljon84: Try archive.ubuntu.com instead03:57
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LeeJunFantalljon84: have they a proxy set?03:57
Hawkwindtalljon84: Or are you talking about during the install apt-get is timing out ?03:57
talljon84Hawkwind: ok. standby03:57
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talljon84no proxy. it's just a normal home DSL connection03:58
groovisHawkwind: ok...so make that stop. :)03:58
Hawkwindgroovis: I have no idea how unless you set a file association for .deb files within konqueror/kde03:59
groovisHawkwind: see that's the problem...I just want it to prompt me to 'save as' like it does in FF04:00
groovisHawkwind: and it's driving me mad!!04:00
LeeJunFantalljon84: are you sure one wasn't set during setup by mistake? Check the /etc/apt/apt.conf file for proxy settings just in case maybe.04:00
talljon84good point. i'll have her check that04:00
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jebidiahwhen i press ctrl+alt+f1 it just restarts my X instead of going to console?04:03
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhat is the purpose of the katapult?04:03
jebidiahKatapult is a Linux software utility that runs under KDE. It allow the user to quickly launch applications or open files by pressing Alt + space and typing the beginning of the file or application name. It's written in C++04:03
jebidiahIt was inspired by Quicksilver for Mac OS X04:03
VieLGuS-KuTaSjebidiah: press ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to xserver04:03
grooviskatapult rocks.04:04
groovisYakuake is another good one.04:04
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jebidiahVieLGuS-KuTaS: Yeah, I know that04:04
VieLGuS-KuTaSjebidiah: ok ,04:04
HawkwindVieLGuS-KuTaS: He said the problem is that ctrl-alt-f1 restarts X.  It does NOT take him to a console04:05
jebidiahVieLGuS-KuTaS: for some reason, when i press ctrl+alt+f1 it _restarts_ my X instead of taking me to console04:05
larson9999does kwickview work with dapper yet?04:05
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larson9999Hawkwind: happen to find out if apt-get works on partial names yet?  as far as i can tell it doesn't04:06
Hawkwindlarson9999: Haven't looked04:07
larson9999apparently kuickview doesn't04:07
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vigilanteDoes anyone else have the problem of non-kde programs not showing up in Kmenu when installed?  This is the first kde distro that Ive had this problem with... and kappfinder doesn't help04:08
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larson9999vigilante: funny thing is that in mandriva i had that problem since the 90's but kubuntu is much better :)04:10
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i install teh flash player for swiftfox under x64 , last time i installed itself through the web , but now it doesnt and when i want to install manually it sais it doesnt support x6404:10
Hawkwindvigilante: Works here, but then again I don't use KDE and see the menus there04:11
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HawkwindVieLGuS-KuTaS: Flash isn't available for 64Bit04:11
vigilantelarson9999: I just tried mandriva, no problems...  I installed Firefox and many others, don't show up04:11
vigilanteerr, not firefox, but some others04:12
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angel12hey guys, im a new convert to kde, how do i get it to show a 12 hour clock instead of the 24 hour clock?04:13
Hawkwindangel12: Try right clicking on the clock and going to options/settings or something maybe ?04:13
angel12i cant find it in there04:14
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angel12oh well04:16
VieLGuS-KuTaSHawkwind: i know , but swiftfox supports the flash with the 32bit libs on the x64 platform04:16
angel12stupid american culture as gotten me lazy04:16
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benkong2why does knetworkmanager only have 40/104 bit encryption available? I am using 128 WEP and it keeps asking for my password04:26
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VieLGuS-KuTaShow can i move files in kde as root , without using console?04:28
larson9999angel12: right click on the clock and it's Adjust Date & Time Format04:28
angel12larson9999: where at?04:30
nixternalVieLGuS-KuTaS: alt+f2    type in      kdesu konqueror04:30
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larson9999angel12: right click on the clock in the lower right hand corner.  then Adjust Date & Time Format04:30
VieLGuS-KuTaSnixternal: is that temporary or not?04:30
h3sp4wnVieLGuS-KuTaS: kdesu krusader (krusader is alot better than konqueror I think if you need graphical)04:31
angel12larson9999: yeah, but where in the config?04:31
nixternaluntil you close konqueror04:31
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VieLGuS-KuTaSok thanks04:31
ubuntuhow do i browse a windows partione and a ffs partition in kubuntu04:31
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ubiquitousubuntu: ntfs u meant?04:32
larson9999angel12: oops! it's just 'Date & Time Format'04:32
ubuntuubiquitous: yes one is ntfs, the other is ffs04:32
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ubiquitousubuntu: theree is no "ffs" filesystem04:33
larson9999angel12: oops! it's just 'Date & Time Format' -> 'Time & Dates' -> 'Time Format' drop down -> select the on with AMPM04:34
h3sp4wnffs is bsd04:34
LjL... and amiga04:34
h3sp4wnBut normally refered to as ufs04:35
ubuntuok, so what should i call it?04:35
h3sp4wnubuntu: Is it a freebsd partition ?04:35
ubuntuno it's a netbsd partititon04:35
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ubuntuok how do i access ntfs? i want to do it one by one04:36
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Kadranhi all04:36
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Kadranwhy updat-grub doesn't add my windows installation in the other harddisk, any ideas?04:37
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benkong2does networkmanager.conf still require adding a policy for the non-privilidged user to work correctly in Kubuntu?04:38
angel12larson9999: thanks, i got it figured out right before i saw your message lol, i didnt play around enough04:39
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Kadranwhy update-grub doesn't add my windows installation in the other harddisk, any ideas?04:41
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ubuntuanyone know how to access ntfs from kubuntu?04:42
Kadranubuntu you can use capitive but it still beta04:43
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ubuntui'm now in kubuntu live cd(which is a pain)04:43
ubuntuit's soooooooo slow i don't know what's goin on04:44
ubuntuthe cdrom keep running04:44
Kadranubuntu: so i guess you can't install the capitive on it...04:44
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Kadraninstall it on your hd it will work faster04:44
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Kadrani have tried using capitive but it takes a long time to copy any thing to ntfs04:46
ubuntuwell, i have two hard drive, one is ntfs, the other is netbsd ffs, or whatever you call it04:47
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h3sp4wnubuntu: I would probably call it ufs204:50
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CntryboyAnyone know if apollon p2p program has a feature to turn off the download notification?05:04
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actinicwant to learn more about kubuntu?  Check this out ....05:25
ubotuI know nothing about !!05:25
actinic42 pages lol05:26
Hawkwindactinic: LinuxLoader.com is a great site.  I've known PDR60 for a while now since he and I both ran Mandrake/Mandriva and I've been a member of his site for a while05:26
actinicquiz tomorrow05:26
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actinicI saw that.05:26
HawkwindI've got several posts on the forums there :)05:26
actinicGood job Hawkwind05:26
actinici bookmarked you '10 tips' post05:26
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Hawkwindactinic: Heh kewl.  I've also got a forum I run at http://LinuxForDummies.org/  which has some info on it too :)05:27
actinicauthor seems high on Adept05:28
actinicwhat's your feeling?05:28
oomphnice site05:28
oomphthanks for the link05:28
Hawkwindactinic: I've actually not read all of it yet.  But I do know PDR60 talks highly of Adept on the Mandriva Club Forums too05:28
oomphhawkwind: do you make use of the pinning function in apt?05:29
oomphfor your source.list05:29
oomphi'm trying not to break my install :P05:29
Hawkwindoomph: No, but I know about it and should start using it one day.  I've just switched from Mandriva to Kubuntu about 2 weeks ago05:29
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes if i can install ooo 2.0.3 rc7 from source on x64 kubuntu?05:29
Hawkwindoomph: Ahhh, all those sources are tested to not break an install05:29
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Hawkwindoomph: I've got about 150 users using it and they have had no problems05:30
maltronhey all - ok, ubuntu crashed on me yesterday, and I wanna find out why.  It was a complete system lock-up.  kern.log said this: BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!05:30
bobstrohas the kde artwork app disappeared in dapper? i loved that thing.05:30
Hawkwindoomph: Only sources that might cause a problem that you can easily comment out are the Compiz and XGL sources05:30
maltronsorry, I'm using kubuntu, but it shouldn't make a difference.  Dapper, by the way05:30
Hawkwindmaltron: Did you look in /var/log/messages for anything referencing it ?05:31
oomphwhat do you like more about kubuntu over mandriva?05:31
maltronHawkwind: I've saved all the logs, but what does the "reference" look like?  What am I supposed to look for?05:31
Hawkwindoomph: About the only thing I like 'over' Mandriva is the speed of the package manager.  Though I don't know apt-get like I know urpmi, it's tons faster than urpmi is.05:32
Hawkwindoomph: Plus I like the size of the community and the backing it has financially.  Plus so far it seems really stable and even a bit faster overall on the same system I ran Mandriva on05:32
larson9999oomph: i like the philosophy of ubuntu more.05:32
Hawkwindmaltron: Have you put that into google and see what it returns ?  That reference error ?05:32
larson9999hawkind is it faster?  i didn't notice05:32
oomphyeah, i just began using linux this monht05:33
larson9999i have a slow system so you'd think i'd notice05:33
maltronHawkwind - I'll check now05:33
oomphright when dapper came out05:33
Hawkwindlarson9999: A bit.  Not super fast, but it is slightly noticable05:33
oomphbeen trying to decide on mepis or kubuntu05:33
bur[n] erhappily using kubuntu?05:33
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larson9999Hawkwind: if you can't put in partial names, i think i might prefer urpmi05:33
Hawkwindoomph: Kewl kewl.  I've been using it for 4 1/2 years.  Started with Mandrake and used it ever since then.  I did test other distros a bit but always had Mandrake/Mandriva as my main OS05:33
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oomphi think im gonna go kubuntu because of the larger community base05:34
Hawkwindlarson9999: That doesn't bother me since I know how to use apt-cache search05:34
larson9999Hawkwind: things in kde seem to work better, too.05:34
oomphalthough there are some things i really like about mepis05:34
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actinicHawkwind: ever try PCLinuxOS?05:34
danlis there an easy way to get java installed for firefox?05:34
Hawkwindoomph: I ran the largest 3rd party RPM repository for Mandriva at http://SeerOfSouls.com/ which gets millions of hits per month.  I'm trying to learn deb packaging so I can expand SoS a bit05:34
oomphyeah, i much prefer kde over gnome05:35
danli have the jdk installed and usable for this user, but not the plugin for ff05:35
mebsdme too05:35
mebsdkde rocks05:35
bobstrooomph:  i really liked mepis, but it seems to have deviated far enough from debian for a few things to break. at least that was my impression.05:35
larson9999Hawkwind: aha, that will do it.  i knew there was something05:35
Hawkwindactinic: Yes.  I didn't care for it mainly because it was such a small community and such.  Plus Texstar comes from Mandrake as well and he lives about 20 minutes from me.  He was pushed out of Mandrake for several reasons05:35
oomphwell the new mepis 6.0 is based on kubuntu05:36
actinicthere's still a few annoying bugs with KDE and Kubuntu05:36
mebsdif i install kubuntu on hard drive, will it see the already existed netbsd ffs?05:36
actinicHawkwind: as you've prob noticed the PCLOS community is rapidly growing05:36
maltronHawkwind: all I can find out from Google is that that messages about the soft lock up doesn't seem to usually result in a crash05:36
larson9999Hawkwind: your site sucked05:36
bobstrooomph:  i last tried it about a year ago. what have they changed from kubuntu?05:36
maltronHawkwind: maybe it's something else...05:36
maltronHawkwind: but it did happen at the time of the crash05:37
Hawkwindactinic: Yep.  I've got a couple of users in my #LFD (help channel for the http://LinuxForDummies.org/ site) that are part of the PcLinuxOS team actually05:37
larson9999actinic: such as?  i've found it to be better than kde+mandriva05:37
maltronHawkwind: there was also a mention about Skype doing something05:37
oomphbob: right now its very similiar to kubunu using many of the same repositories05:37
mebsdhow much space kubuntu need?05:37
actiniclarson9999, here's a demonstration ....05:37
oomphthey have some additional system control panel tweaks05:37
oomphand a few different packages05:37
Hawkwindlarson9999: Though you used SoS all the time IIRC :P05:38
oomphalready installed05:38
actinicdrag & drop a *.txt file from konq to the desktop05:38
maltronHawkwind: I'm using the new Skype Beta, but even if it crashed it shouldn't have taken the system down.05:38
Hawkwindmaltron: It's possible it might have.  Beta software is known to do pretty much anything05:38
oomphanyone know where i can find some asci drawing for my motd :P05:38
actinicthe test file on the desktop is in 'preview' mode05:38
actinicthere's no way to disable preview mode05:38
larson9999Hawkwind: yeah your site rocked.  will i be getting debs from you too?05:39
Hawkwindlarson9999: I'm learning to build deb packages so hopefully soon. I do have Xchat-2.6.4 that I built that is now part of Edgy05:39
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bobstrooomph:  text or drawings?05:40
maltronHawkwind: yeah, but surely an os like linux should just take it in its stride?  When I say lock up, I mean I couldn't do anything.  couldn't go back to an ascii terminal, couldn't log in remotely -nothing05:40
oomphbob: either is cool05:40
bobstrooomph:  figlet lets you do the "big print" stuff using ascii chars05:40
Hawkwindmaltron: I've had xmms totally lock up the system before.  It 'can' happen.  Beta software makes it even more believeable05:41
oomphnot familiar with that05:41
maltronHawkwind: it was just like those agp lockups i used to get with the proprietary radeon drivers (I use the open source ones onw)05:41
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oomphi just want a penguin or something05:41
maltronHawkwind: in fact there was something about the agp in the logs too05:41
bobstrooomph:  lots of fonts you can install. good for motd and such. also, there's at least one image-to-ascii program out there, but i'm not sure if there's a deb in the repositories.05:41
actinichey guys, i've got some pretty nice wallpapers for the taking if you're interested:  ftp://oberon.gotdns.com/Wallpaper/05:41
maltronHawkwind: wow, who would've though?05:42
larson9999actinic: the disable flag doesn't work if you log off and back on?05:42
bobstroif only i could get the kde artwork program back!05:42
actiniclarson9999: nope05:42
larson9999actinic: i might never have noticed that05:42
maltronHawkwind: is it worth reporting a bug?  And to whom?05:42
Hawkwindmaltron: If you report it it needs to be to skype pesonally since it's their software05:43
oomphi just installed figlet05:43
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oomphdoes anyone know if there is a way to start a KDE session to a PC from a windows box?05:43
bobstrooomph:  hmm. a quick search in synaptic reveals there are quite a few ascii art toys!05:43
bobstrooomph:  as in a terminal services session?05:43
oomphyes, more or less05:44
actinicanyone installed Istanbul?  <-- captures screen sessions05:44
bobstrooomph:  what do you mean "kde session"?05:44
oomphsomethign other than vnc05:44
larson9999what's the deathmatch ascii game?  it looked pretty cool05:44
oomphlike a client that can connect to the xserver05:44
bobstrooomph:  you could run x apps with cygwin.05:44
actiniclarson9999: there's other stuff too, mostly annoyance05:44
maltronHawkwind: I'm not yet 100% sure it was Skype though - gaim was the program that crashed, skype itself kept going for a bit.  About the AGP, here's the very last thing that kern.log said before the reboot:[drm]  Loading R200 Microcode05:44
maltronHawkwind: I have a radeon mobility 920005:45
oomphis cygwin pretty fast?05:45
AmazingRussoomph:  look into vmplayer05:45
maltronHawkwind:I'm not sure why it had to load the "R200" microcode05:45
AmazingRussget the vmware demo, and you can create a kubuntu vm05:45
bobstrolarson9999:  don't know that one, but it seems there's a ski jumping game using ascii artwork!05:45
AmazingRussthen run it free with the player05:45
jimmy__I have a simple question05:45
jimmy__for anyone05:46
larson9999oomph: i've used freenx with a no machine client from windows xp.  it's faster than tightvnc and free.05:46
bobstroAmazingRuss:  that'll run linux on the windows box, but not access a remote linux box. at least not directly.05:46
oomphi have vmware i don't need to run kubuntu in a virtual machine05:46
oomphits my host OS05:46
oomphon my laptop but my gaming pc is still windows05:46
jimmy__by the way... THANX VECTER05:46
bobstrooomph:  vnc no good for you?05:46
actinici'm tempted to change the kernel ... currently running 386 ... on an Opteron!05:47
larson9999oomph: yeah, that setup lets you connect remoting from windows.  gives you an x windows.  that not what your looking for?05:47
oomphvnc is alright but im looking for other options that maybe out there05:47
oomphyes larson, i think ill check that out05:47
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oomphsound along the lines of what id be looking for05:47
jimmy__will bittorrent run in kde05:48
oomphwill it work over ssh?05:48
oomphjimmy use ktorrent05:48
larson9999oomph: yeah.05:48
jimmy__thank you05:48
actinicOpera 9 has a built-in bit torrent and works great05:48
oomphyeah the new opera isn't bad either05:49
mebsdopera sux05:49
actiniclove the widgets too: http://widgets.opera.com/05:49
actinicincl the bittorrent widget05:49
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oomphlarson will it work on a windows client?05:49
mebsdi use bitcomet, it's the best05:49
larson9999oomph: it took me a whole weekend to figure out how to setup it up but i'm a moron.  forgot what site i found that finally put it into english for me.05:49
actinicmebsd: using ver 9?05:49
oomphwell if you happen to find it again shoot me the link05:50
larson9999oomph: yes.  freenx is the oss linux server part and the windows client is no machine.  the no machine windows client is free05:50
AmazingRussI'm having intermittant shutdown problems...x goes black, but the console don't come up.  Anybody have ideas?05:50
mebsdactinic no i don't use opera05:50
orient2000Hi there. I need some help. apt-get update E Type http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix/apt is not known on line 32 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list05:51
actinicmebsd: ok, i'll assume the 'sux' comment was for effect :)05:51
oomphlarson: is this what you are refering to?05:51
larson9999oomph you probably won't have issues.  i do a lot of things like skip steps on accident that trip me up a lot.05:51
AmazingRussorient...did you put that line in yourself?05:51
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhat is the command to specify which jave to use as default?05:51
orient2000I can not run adept or update manager, can not open adept cache05:51
oomphlarson: you're forgetting i'05:52
mebsdthere's free firefox and avantor, why need opera05:52
larson9999oomph: yep.05:52
oomphve only used linux less than a month05:52
VieLGuS-KuTaSand swiftfox05:52
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actinicopera's free too plus speed and greater rendering and ...05:52
orient2000Yes I did put this line myself into list.05:52
AmazingRussorient: do you need it?  If not, just stick a # in front of it05:52
oomphlarson: is it available via apt-get?05:52
actinicfirefox is getting bloated05:52
larson9999oomph: well, you could get hawkwind to get it working on his system and then tell you how.  he's pretty good with newbies05:53
mebsdok i'm downloading opera. i'll tell you what i think05:53
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mebsdfirefox got extension though05:53
orient2000Ok but I can not save it because I do not have privilages. I do nkow how to edit. I am the only user.05:53
oomphbrb im gonna go buy beer and i got 5 mins before they stop selling05:53
VieLGuS-KuTaSopera is pretty cool , but i prefer swiftfox over them all05:53
oomphgotta haul ass05:53
actinici'm running this irc chant on Opera too05:53
Frederickfolks anyone got a cool colos scheme for konsole?05:53
actinicer chat05:54
mebsdopera is bloat too. why would a browser need irc?05:54
AmazingRussgo to a console and run sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:54
larson9999oomph: i haven't look but i wouldn't be surprised if there was a nice site talking about how to set it up in ubuntu.  i recently switched from mandriva and haven't set it up in ubuntu yet05:54
AmazingRusswill prompt you for password...yours will probably work05:54
actinicbecause it's a tab just like web sites ... easy access05:54
mebsdopera got everything, mail, irc, browser, but none of them are really good05:54
actiniclol mebsd, give the newest version a chance05:55
AmazingRussDont do it man!  Opera gave me genital warts!05:55
actiniclol, there's a vaccine for it now05:56
larson9999opera is fine.  but i'm penalizing them for taking so long to go ad free05:56
actinicnothing cures norton05:56
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larson9999norton! oh god05:57
actinicnorton is the only prog which is worse than the problem05:57
actinicshort of windows geniune advantage :)05:58
AmazingRussit solves a problem that isnt mine05:58
AmazingRusswindows lives in a vm and doesnt touch the internet on my machine05:58
AmazingRussand it dont get updated either05:58
actinicstill running 98, eh?05:59
orient2000I can see the list file but I do not understand bottom commands. How I edit it in nano?05:59
AmazingRusssometimes I poke it with a stick and giggle05:59
AmazingRussknow how to get a termina screen up?05:59
AmazingRussterminal that is06:00
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actinicstart > run > console or somethin?06:00
AmazingRusswe're not good spellers06:01
actinicu got dat rite06:01
larson9999oomph: hey, i don't think that is the one i used.  i think i used the one without the knx.  not that the knx won't work.06:01
VieLGuS-KuTaSal bi rajt bak06:01
orient2000I am in console and in nano but I can not type or anything.06:02
actinicorient2000: don't use nano06:02
AmazingRusshit ctrlc06:02
actinicnano is good if you're not running X06:02
AmazingRusstryin to get him sudoed06:02
Frederickwich is the command for solve deps in debian? I'm lazy I know06:02
orient2000ok  be it sudoed.06:02
AmazingRussok..try this...once you are out of nano.....type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:02
AmazingRussmore civilized i guess06:03
actinicotherwise try: or kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list06:03
actinicscratch the 'or'06:03
AmazingRusskwrite is the tool of satan!06:03
actinicat kate is his whore!06:03
orient2000sudoed  /etc/apt/sources.list  ? command not found.06:04
AmazingRussnope...like this06:04
AmazingRusssudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:04
larson9999holy smokes! i bought these metal soldier figures from a yard sale for $1 and it looks like they'll bring $200+ on ebay06:04
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larson9999or use the best editor, xe!06:05
actinicno, vi :)06:05
AmazingRussvi makes the baby Jesus cry06:05
oomphi made it06:05
oomphgot the beer with a minute to spare06:05
actinicok orient2000, how you doin?06:06
orient2000I did sudo ed I am in and do not see anything how to quit with no changes?06:06
larson9999vi is fine.  but seriously, if you're in a shop with mainframe converts, give xe a try.  they'll be much happier that with vi.  and the price is right.06:06
actinicjust close the window06:06
AmazingRussctrl d06:06
AmazingRussyou help him...im confusing the situation :)06:06
actinicyou certainly are :)06:07
actinicpoor guy06:07
orient2000OK I am out I go for sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:07
AmazingRusseven though my way is obviously better06:07
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actinictalkin of freaks!06:07
AmazingRussgood call orient06:07
AmazingRussfreaks make the world go round06:08
actinicthat's what he gets running automatix .... hehe06:08
AmazingRussthere is a gigantic freak treadmill at the center of the earth06:08
actinicyes, occupied mainly by gentoo users06:08
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actinicstill doin stage 1 installs06:08
actinicgoing around in circles06:09
AmazingRusstheir gigantic brains all a-throb06:09
larson9999i was going to install gentoo, then i found out there is less to compile if you run LFS06:09
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actinicbut you start from .... um, scratch06:09
actinicyeah, that's the ticket06:10
larson9999actinic: just a little joke06:10
AmazingRussi've thought about it...would be a very educational experience06:10
actinicsorry, slow tonight :)06:10
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AmazingRusslike the time i put my tongue on a street sign in winter06:10
actinicclosest I came was installing Arch06:10
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Mezactinic - use bzr instead :P06:11
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larson9999i did install linux from scratch. in 2000 or 2001 i think.  maybe 2002.  took me forever to get just a basic system setup.06:11
s0v3r1gnhey Im having trouble mounting my additional Hard drives06:11
AmazingRussmaybe if you bought them flowers first06:12
Mezs0v3r1gn, what trouble (and why the l337 - it makes my eyes hurt)06:12
AmazingRusstalked to them a bit06:12
actinics0v3r1gn: fdisk -l baby!06:12
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhen using java alternative command , what file should be used from jre5 to set as default?06:12
s0v3r1gnI dont buy flowers for my mounts, they buy my flouers06:12
actinicshow us what ya got!06:12
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touchishabetter nick?06:12
AmazingRussyes...refined, yet subtly oriental06:13
orient2000I am fine now. Thanks. I knew I screw up with this last line. I need to learn more about editing programs.06:13
AmazingRussright on06:13
touchishasame meaning, japanese06:13
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actiniceven with Russ' help huh?06:13
larson9999i like the l33t nick better06:13
AmazingRusskate saved the day!06:13
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actinicthat who.. :)06:14
orient2000I have some errors. Maybe somebody could take a look? Where can I paste it? I never did it before.06:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:14
AmazingRusskwrite would have resulted in system annihilation06:14
Mez!tell orient2000 about pastebin06:14
actinichow 'bout kedit.  ok?06:14
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touchishaso Im pretty new to linux... cough...  so um I cant get my 2 extra HDDs to mount right. any idea?06:15
actinichey Mez i'm 3 lines ahead of ya :)06:15
larson9999good night06:15
AmazingRussknow what device/partition your drives are?06:15
actinicsee ya06:15
AmazingRusslie /dev/hda1 or somesuch?06:15
Mezactinic, cept I use the nbice version06:15
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touchisha  /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdd106:15
mebsdshlt how can i stop opera's builtin torrent client, it sux06:16
AmazingRussok...got a directory named /mnt?06:16
touchishahave them mounted to /mnt/hd1 and /mnt/hd206:16
AmazingRussk...whats the problem?06:16
touchishabut cant view the contents06:16
Meztouchisha, if they're mounted whats the problem ?06:16
AmazingRussprolly rights06:16
AmazingRussgo to a terminal and do sudo -s06:16
AmazingRussthen try to look at em06:17
touchishaI tried to add them to fstab and they didnt mount on boot, have to mount manually06:17
AmazingRusswhat is one of the fstab entries?06:17
touchisha... /dev/hdb1       /mnt/hd1        ntfs    noauto,user,owner 0 006:18
Meztouchisha, what filetype are they ?06:18
Meztouchisha, ntfs = read only in linux06:18
AmazingRussthe noauto maybe?06:18
Mezit's not safe to write to them06:18
AmazingRussntfs is the file system of satan!06:18
touchishastill cant see the files as user06:18
AmazingRussbut you can as root?06:19
touchishahurm cant after reboot06:19
orient2000http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17519 some strange errors. Any good advise what could it be?06:19
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SpAwNtouchisha: if u write to a ntfs partion u will serverly corrupt it and the data on it06:19
AmazingRusstry mount /mnt/hdb106:19
AmazingRussshoudl pick it up from fstab06:20
touchishasays it cant mount it06:20
Meztouchisha, you need to like - set the user it mounts as06:20
Mezyou only using a one user system ?06:20
touchishabah they are mounted now under some tmp folder06:20
Meztouchisha, one sec lemme look something up06:21
AmazingRussI think thats normal06:21
touchishaI unmounted it from the /tmp/ and remounted it to /mnt/hd1/ cant see files06:21
touchishawait there they are06:22
AmazingRussorient...does that for me too.  I don't worry about it cuz kate runs ok06:22
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Meztouchisha, paste your fstab line for it06:23
touchisha  /dev/hdb1       /mnt/hd1        ntfs    noauto,user,owner 0 006:23
Mezchange it to06:24
Mezdo you know the user id of your user06:24
orient2000I am not worry too much about it. Kate runs fine and everything is OK. I think I have these errors after installing java and perl. Thanks.06:24
Mezdo this:06:24
Mezsudo grep username /etc/passwd06:24
Mez(where username is replaced by the username of your user)06:25
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:25
AmazingRussi think you need to symlink it06:25
AmazingRusswell, I've spread enough disinformation for one night...farewell!06:26
Mezpaste that line to me (it wont containt a password)06:26
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touchishaso I get "touchisha:x:1000:1000:Joshua Ferguson,,,:/home/touchisha:/bin/bash"06:26
Mezthats simple06:26
Mezyour  current fstab line is06:26
Mez/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hd1 ntfs noauto,user,owner 0 006:26
Mezchange it to06:27
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Mez/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hd1 ntfs noauto,user,owner,uid=1000 0 006:27
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Mezsorry - change it to06:27
moparisthebestdoes anyone know how to share files on a local network?06:27
Mez/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hd1 ntfs auto,user,uid=1000 0 006:28
moparisthebestwhen i right click the file and click sharing, it only lets me click a button that says configure sharing06:28
Mezmoparisthebest, depends on how you want to share it06:28
moparisthebestthen i type in the root password, and a window comes up with everything greyed out, i can only click ok or cancel06:28
moparisthebestjust so i can access the file from my laptop Mez06:28
touchishaok ill reboot and brb =p06:28
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Mezmoparisthebest, windows laptop ?06:30
moparisthebestis that possible?06:30
Mezsudo apt-get install samba06:31
Mezis your first step06:31
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touchishawoot that worked06:33
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:33
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moparisthebestok Mez i think i got it, booting up the laptop right now :)06:34
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Meztouchisha - no problem - had the same thing myself06:34
Mezmoparisthebest, you need to share it and stuff - but it should all be sorted now06:35
Mezmake sure you set samba up with the right workgroup06:35
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moparisthebestok Mez i got it shared and everything, and I can see it from the windows laptop in the right workgroup06:37
moparisthebestbut it wants a username and password to connect06:37
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moparisthebestive tried my username and pass and also root, but niether one works06:38
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Mezok - you need to open kcontrol ...06:38
Mezand in there there are network settings or something similar - and then theres like - a samba section06:38
Mezlook in there06:38
Mezand tell me what you see (or send a screenshot to imageshack)06:38
moparisthebestshould it be set to simple sharing or advanced sharing?06:40
moparisthebestand the samba section your talking about is different for each folder shared right?06:40
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Mezno theres a like - thing to set it up06:40
MezI think it's in advanced06:40
MezI cant remember06:40
Mezcan you send a screenshot of it to imageshack.us06:41
Mezand then I can se06:41
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:41
orient2000I am in adept. What does it mean complet update?06:41
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ABACVSlo all06:43
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VieLGuS-KuTaSorient2000: means it just installed all the ipdates06:49
VieLGuS-KuTaSABACVS: lo06:50
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ABACVS...just got done installing kubuntu, needless to say I'm a n00b to linux in general.  I have two hard drives in my compy and while I was running knoppix, the drive was detected and mounted, 'cept kubuntu is seeing it, but not mounting it.06:56
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unix_infidelarso_: where are you looking?06:56
unix_infidelerm ABACVS06:57
ABACVSI'm getting this error: "mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:57
ABACVSI have two questions... What does that mean, and how do I fix it >:(06:57
unix_infidelABACVS: its looking for a partition by the name of hdb1, meaning the first partition on the slave disc.06:57
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unix_infidelABACVS: do cat /etc/mtab to see which partitions are mounted.06:58
unix_infideland WHERE they are mounted...knoppix may have put them in /mnt but ubuntu might have put them in /media06:59
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:59
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unix_infidelLOL, heat wave in london according to the BBC.07:03
ABACVSthe last (and only line) with a reference to a hard drive says "/dev/hda5 /boot ext3 rw 0 0"07:03
unix_infidelwhen temps are about 70F for the last week.07:03
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ABACVS*after running cat07:04
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ABACVS...so how do I get my slave drive to mount?07:13
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DaSkreechWith a Stirrup07:14
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ABACVSahh yes...  I should pick up some of those soon.07:15
unix_infidelABACVS: you should read up on the naming conventions and how mount works.07:15
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks07:16
unix_infidelABACVS: more pertinent though is figuring out which partition is which in relation to the linux naming schemes (eg: /dev/hdb1 vs. /dev/hdb2)07:16
unix_infideloh yea, i forgot some people actually use gui's for this stuff.07:16
DaSkreechSomeone should really change that :(07:16
ABACVSGUIs are for us Win and Mac converts.  Change is... traumatic.07:17
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unix_infidelABACVS: if you're a mac convert who hasnt figured out terminal yet you might as well be using vista beta07:17
unix_infidelfirst thing i fire up on my mac is audio production software, second thing is a couple of shells.07:18
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ABACVSOh no... I've managed to keep Mac from poisioning my home... except for iPod.07:22
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mebsdwhere does pppoeconf script store the pppoe information?07:24
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VieLGuS-KuTaSsomeone tell me how to set the sun java to default07:30
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ABACVSummm.. how do I get back to the prompt after using the man pages?07:34
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ABACVSdamn.  I thought is was something simple like that.07:35
ABACVSthank you.07:35
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DaSkreechback back forward forward up left punch07:36
DaSkreechShould finish it :)07:36
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ABACVSI tried standing on my head and doing a kooky dance...  but the monitor just stared at me like always.07:37
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DaSkreechOh you can't face the monitor when doing that07:38
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ABACVSok.. so "q" and headstand + kooky dance -not facing monitor-07:38
ABACVSthis "linux" thing...  who knew!?07:38
DaSkreechYeah the monitor likes a bit of moon now and again07:39
DaSkreechwell You can add a patch that will accept ballroom dancing :)07:39
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ErtainHello everyone.  I have an update on cupsys, but it says that it can't update and I don't exactly know why.07:40
ABACVSI'm not too thrilled about the latest version of the ballroom dancing patch.07:40
=== Ertain looks at the sources.
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ErtainHmm, apparently the files haven't been uploaded, or I can't get them.  Strange.07:42
DaSkreechYou use the source .. Erm Luke?07:42
railkhas anyone else got problem installing the most recent updates?07:42
ErtainRight here.07:42
railkyou also get "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break the packages" (from the adept updater)?07:44
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes anyone know where the update-alternatives config file is?07:45
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robotgeekVieLGuS-KuTaS: should be in /etc/alternatives07:46
VieLGuS-KuTaSrobotgeek: TY07:46
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=== Ertain checks /etc/alternatives
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ErtainCrap, I don't have an /etc/alternatives.07:48
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robotgeekErtain: hmm, weird07:50
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DeshHow do I see how many monitors my laptop is set up to use?07:51
ErtainWhat are some of the alternatives, then?07:51
VieLGuS-KuTaSrobotgeek: do u know how to specify a path for sudo update-alternatives --config java?  because it doesnt see my java install07:51
DeshB/c fglrx will not work and I think it is b/c it thinks I have 2 monitors since ATI Control Panel lets me adjust settings for 2 screens.07:51
robotgeekVieLGuS-KuTaS: don't have access to my machine right now, so maybe "man update-alternatives" might help07:52
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indierossim haveing some screen resolution issues with ubuntu can anyone help me out08:00
ABACVSallright - I got the salve device to mount, moounted it to /dev/windows (It used to be my main compys heart - but I "upgraded" to a larger HD).  How do I tell if it's read-only?  I tried using all hte switches and stuff the kubuntu readme said, but it wasn't mounting.08:00
indierossit wont let me set it to 1280x102408:00
ABACVSso I just used the regular mount command without all the extra parameters08:00
ABACVSI found it.08:01
ErtainSo I guess the official Ubuntu update servers aren't working?  How does one use an alternative server?08:02
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[Nige] anyone been abple to get Mplayer working with kubuntu? pre8??08:03
ErtainI've been able to get Mplayer to work.08:05
=== Ertain uses Mplayer.
ErtainYep, seems to be working.08:05
[Nige] where you able to compile it. do you did you get a deb package?08:06
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DeshHow do I disable a 2nd monitor? In the system settings I can see a 2nd monitor options even tho I dont have one.08:06
[Nige] !mplayer08:08
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs08:08
tobias_Hello! I have problems with my Plextor SATA DVD under Dapper. Every 4 s I got a lot of error messages as long no DVD is in the drive.08:10
ErtainI got the Mplayer pack.08:11
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hhhjrevening, can someone suggest a channel where a newbie can get some help? please08:15
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[Nige] aptwhere did you get the mplayer pack?08:15
charleneany singaporean here08:16
DaSkreechcharlene: O-T?08:17
charleneOT means?08:17
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:18
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DaSkreechIn case this is an offtopic chat08:19
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hhhjrOk maybe someone can help me here, I am trying to install firefox in draper and it ask me to install the kubuntu draper 6.06 disk , and I did but it keeps telling me to install it. I tried to remove the reference undre the repository management but it comes back?08:22
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hhhjris there a way to get it to install from the web?08:22
ABACVSthanks evry1 for your help.  I'm gonna crash now.  It's time to sleep.  Better luck with Linux tomorrow.08:24
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DaSkreechhhhjr: You need to enable your repos08:24
DaSkreechABACVS: Night08:25
hhhjrok I have tried but if I edit it it always reverts to the way it was first installed08:26
DaSkreechhhhjr: How are you editing them?08:27
[Nige] f@#$King mplayer08:27
hhhjrunder adept  manage repositories08:27
DaSkreechhhhjr: So you click on them then click enable?08:29
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes anyone know how to change the directory in which the update-alternatives --config java looks for available java clients?08:30
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hhhjrI have and also disabled and even tried to remove the cd repository but it goes back to the configuration it was08:30
hhhjrI cant even use the apt-get in a root terminal08:31
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hhhjrwell thanks amnyhow I am giving up for tonight08:32
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DaSkreechhhhjr: can you open it in kate?08:35
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stoic_no i can't08:37
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DaSkreechHi stoic_?08:38
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DaSkreechWere you talking to me?08:39
geneo91need a little help with grub08:39
stoic_im not sure, i thought you where answering my question08:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:39
stoic_well at either rate, would anyone know how to fix a partition problem with an external hard drive?08:40
geneo91maybe testdisk can fix it08:40
DaSkreechWhats the problem?08:41
geneo91DaSkreech:  what do you know about grub08:41
DaSkreechThat it's tasty :)08:41
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geneo91well leme explain this mess08:41
stoic_well actualy what happened was, i formatted my external hard drive with QTparted, and my computer does not recognize the device now08:41
stoic_and when i went into ect/fstab to change the format type, there was no trace of the device08:42
DaSkreechstoic_: ooer :( try Gparted instead? qtparted is a little less mature08:42
DaSkreechgeneo91: Listening08:42
geneo91i have kubuntu on first drive second partition and installed it again on second drive 1st partition then installed mandriva but i cant get to kubuntu on second drive08:43
stoic_im using kde not gnome08:43
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DaSkreechgeneo91: ah man grub.conf and edit as needed08:44
kkathmangeneo91: why so many installs?08:44
DaSkreechstoic_: You can still install it08:44
kkathmanDaSkreech:  Im not sure that mandriva uses grub does it?08:44
kkathmanI was pretty sure they still use lilo08:44
geneo91DaSkreech:  this one on first drive was from old machine08:44
DaSkreechAh that would explain a bit wouldn't it?08:44
lowtecholilo is mandriva default, but it gives the choice of grub08:45
kkathmanright, mandriva just overwrote the MBR08:45
geneo91and its not really for this motherboard08:45
kkathmanso hopefully geneo91 made a copy of his grub lst and he can restore that08:45
geneo91be nice if it would do same as install some how08:46
VieLGuS-KuTaSok , quick question , i installed the latest java jre, but i want to install it in a different directory , how do i remove the java i installed??08:46
kkathmangeneo91:  well, you need to be much more careful on what a distro uses to boot08:46
geneo91kkathman:  what good would that do this machine doesn't have the 6 scsi drives08:47
DaSkreechVieLGuS-KuTaS: How did you install the first one?08:47
VieLGuS-KuTaSDaSkreech: i downloaded the java .bin package and run the installer08:47
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DaSkreechah.. erm I think they have an uninstall walkthrough in the readme for that08:48
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:48
rockbelleHi, I can't connect to my wireless access point, but it works in Windows.  Does Kubuntu by default support wireless cards?08:49
DaSkreechNight all08:49
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VieLGuS-KuTaSsee u08:50
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raphinkvery quiet this morning08:53
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rockbelleDoes anyone know about wireless support on kubuntu?08:56
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kkathmangeneo91: ??08:57
kkathmangeneo91:  you know that every time you install a distro, it writes an MBR right (in fact all OSs do)08:58
geneo91sorry was doing some reading08:58
geneo91kkathman:  yes i do08:58
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kkathmanwell when you installed mandriva, it didnt recognize the other installs, and overwrote the MBR for itself, I reckon.08:59
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geneo91i usually write grub to root but over looked it when i installed 2nd kubuntu08:59
kkathmanits peculiar to mandriva...most other major distros can see those installs and write a grub listing for them09:00
VieLGuS-KuTaShow can i get the sudo update-alternatives to rescan the folders for java installations?09:00
kkathmangeneo91:  that wouldnt have made NO difference if you installed mandriva last09:00
geneo91yeah mandrive dont like other linux installs09:00
geneo91see the only way i'm able to get to kubuntu on first drive is because its is in root09:01
kkathmangeneo91:  when you boot your system now, what comes up?09:02
geneo91but sawping to new machine was the difference09:02
geneo91lilo same as always09:02
kkathmanyah I hate lilo09:02
geneo91kkathman:  i had 7 distros on the other machine09:03
kkathmanseems excessive..but whatever09:03
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oomph_can windows write to a linux file server running samba using the ext3 file system?09:04
geneo91any way i need to install grub in root of second drive09:04
blakegrub is a pain :(09:04
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kkathmanon the contrary...grub is very easy and straighforward09:05
kkathmanbut geneo91 you need to get the grub on the MBR I think, if you want to get all the kubuntus back09:05
kkathmanok whatever09:06
VieLGuS-KuTaSis there a way to edit sim links?09:06
geneo91just for second install then i will replace first with something else09:06
centyxhi. when i try to run firefox, I get an error beginning with the line "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 157." This just started happening, I'm not sure what's up.09:06
centyxkde applications give the same error, but launch anyway09:07
centyxif run from a terminal09:07
blakeWhy are Opaque windows biggy with Kubuntu? I've been having problems with them09:07
geneo91kkathman:  i went from dual p3 to dual p4 xeons09:08
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centyxnot much activity at this hour eh.09:11
oomph_can windows write to a linux file server running samba using the ext3 file system?09:12
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centyxoomph_: over samba yes, and there is also an ext3 driver for windows too if you want to try that09:13
centyxI would go with the first09:13
centyxif that's possible09:13
oomph_what is the driver called?09:13
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oomph_how about riserfs?09:14
centyxnot sure09:14
centyxI've seen the driver used in some file manager program.. total commander? or something like that. some shareware prog. not sure if there's a standalone version or not.09:14
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oomph_ill STFW09:15
oomph_for it09:15
centyxi've got to quit X to try to fix this, bbiab09:15
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centyxis this error a bad sign? kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!09:26
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centyxargh the default console resolution in kubuntu is terrible09:27
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oomphanyone use webmin on kubuntu?09:29
bimberinixternal: ping09:31
nixternalbooyah bimberi09:31
nixternali have been waiting for you09:31
bimberinixternal: hi, i saw your hackergotchi question ...09:31
nixternalhehe ya09:32
nixternali want to put one up for Ubuntu chicago09:32
bimberinixternal: just add /+edithackergotchi to the url for team's launchpad page09:32
centyxis it normal to not have an /etc/ld.so.conf?09:32
nixternalthanks a ton09:32
bimberinixternal: np :)09:32
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nixternali owe you a beer if we ever meet ;)09:33
geneo91kkathman:  i got into it09:33
bimberinixternal: done :)09:34
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touchishaok im back for more newbie questions09:37
touchishai need to install the Nvidia 3d accelerator09:37
touchishafor that I need to change my run level09:38
touchishaor somethign like that09:38
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cps1966woot even got grub installed on second drive10:01
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Sakunix*wave at all the wonderful people*10:17
Sakunixhi all10:17
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Sakunix228 people in channle and no hello10:18
Sakunixwhats up here10:18
judeHi all, I am new to linux and wonder if you could help me10:18
Sakunixjude: I can try my best10:18
Sakunixbit like blind leading the blind but10:18
judejust installed kbuntu on a mac but had to do the text install10:19
SakunixI am relativly new to it too10:19
judeI can now startx but I would like it to boot straight to graphics and then log on, any ideas10:19
Sakunixno idea about mac and am currently installing Kubuntu myself for the first time ahaha10:19
serenitywhat will happen when you boot without cd?10:20
judeI think I need to amend one of the conf files but not sure which one10:20
judethe install is fine10:20
Sakunixthere is options in the guis control panel to have a gui login aint there?10:20
judeI am in it now but when I log out it returns to text10:20
Sakunixthere is an option somewhere to change that I have seen it10:21
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chunLaptopyea there's auto logon is that what you're asking about?10:21
Sakunixnot auto login10:21
Sakunixbut starting the xserver then loging in10:22
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judechunLaptop: \i would like it to boot up in graphic mode and then log in as a user10:22
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SakunixI understand what you want to do jude but I dont have the knowledge to give you a solution10:22
serenityhmmm...graphical logon ist done by gdm10:23
judeSakunix: many thanks, perhaps the others may have an idea10:23
chunLaptopit doesn't boot into graphic mode when it boots up?10:23
komputerhai serenity10:23
judeno it is in text mode untill I startx10:23
judeafter I have logged in10:23
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judeuniq: yes?10:24
uniqjude: try 'sudo apt-get install kdm;dpkg-reconfigure kdm'10:24
chunLaptopwell, if you go into system settings and click on user management, goto the convienience tab, enable Auto-Login    that will log you in when you type startx i think10:25
judeuniq: I have installed KDM and it appears10:25
uniqjude: but?10:25
judefine just not able to select it on logon10:25
judeas it boots straight to gnome10:26
uniqjude: i don't follow. KDM should start when you start your computer.10:26
uniqGDM starts instead of KDM?10:26
chunLaptopyou purposely made it boot to console jude?10:27
judeit may be because I did the text install. I could not do the graphic install on the mac as the graphics went blank each time10:27
judeit was the default install for the alternative install cd10:27
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uniqjude: does it boot to console, or does it boot to GNOME?10:28
judeit boots to console10:28
VieLGuS-KuTaScan someone please help me set the default java10:28
chunLaptopyou can edit an rc file to make it autoboot into graphical, err forgot which rc file -_-10:28
uniqjude: ok, is KDM installed?10:28
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uniqjude: and you want KDM to start when you boot?10:31
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judeyes so Others can log in graphically10:31
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uniqjude: ok, try, 'update-rc.d kdm defaults;dpkg-reconfigure -plow kdm'10:32
jude2 secs10:33
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judewhat is the run as cmd10:34
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoesn anyone know how to set the sun java as default when the alternative doesnt see it?10:34
uniqjude: sudo10:34
judeuniq: ta10:34
uniqjude: 'sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults;sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow kdm'10:35
judeit says kdm not installed....starange used synaptic to install it10:36
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judebrb, just trying something10:38
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoesn anyone know how to use the cleartype fonts?10:39
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uniqjude: try 'sudo apt-get install kdm'10:44
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RawSewagehow do you synch the clock10:57
RawSewagebesides rebooting10:57
RawSewageI figured it out10:58
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flaccidlike ubuntu, has kubuntu started including opera?11:35
LynoureIt seems much harder to install HP laserjet 1022 on kubuntu than it was on debian unstable.11:36
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cristianohello people how to tell Realplayer to use USB headphone and not the main soundcard? even on the browser plugin11:36
aeon17xflaccid: nope, you still have to install it separately.11:36
flaccidok cool11:37
flaccidwell cool, but not cool!11:37
flaccidwhat is the default window manager for ubuntu anyway/11:37
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cristianoflaccid: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu kde11:38
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flaccidso gnome ended up getting opera before kde, that sux11:39
cristianoIMHO firefox is better than opera11:39
flaccidopera 9 supports bit torrent and now has widgets11:40
flaccidyeah i use both11:40
cristianomaybe u'll find opera in the kubuntu repository too, i'll look for it11:41
Lynourehttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193258 makes me feel sad. Getting HP Laserjet 1022 to work in sarge took about 3min11:42
cristianobtw anyone to help me with the prob about realplayer?!?11:42
cristianoflaccid: no opera in the repos, sry11:44
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chunLaptopfirefox isn't better it crashes w/ the flash plugin in ubuntu ><11:45
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cristianochunLaptop: here i never had a crash with firefox and flash on kubuntu11:46
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LynoureWhat username&password does CUPS web interface expect in kubuntu? my username&password does not seem to work11:48
Lynourehmm, nevermind, might have typoed twice11:49
chunLaptoponly some flash sites, try logging into myspace and visiting a few people's sites11:49
likuI have a question: how to limit number of simultaneous downloads in apt-get?11:49
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ilmaurizioi think it depends on how many sources u have in sources.list11:50
chunLaptopyou mean adept, if you just use the apt-get tool in konsole it downloads sequentially11:50
likuchunLaptop: The problem is that it does - I have like 5 downloads right now.11:51
Lynourenope... seems that it really does not want my normal username and password there. But what, then?11:51
chunLaptopyou try root?11:51
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chunLaptopmost programs use root as the login name for admin stuff11:52
LynourechunLaptop: root has no password enabled11:52
LynourechunLaptop: I haven't change that ubuntu default11:52
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chunLaptopare you accessing cups web interface?  you should try printers in system settings11:54
LynourechunLaptop: I tried that first, but the printer didn't end up printing11:55
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chunLaptopi think you have to add a root password to use the cups admin interface, i usually do that on my clarkconnect linux server11:56
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LynourechunLaptop: Wizard claims the file was sent to the interface, but nothing happened (and yes, test page from printer's test page button did print and cables are connected)11:57
villehow can I burn an image in run lvl 2?11:57
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chunLaptop2 is bash prompt right? i think command's cdrecord11:59
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chunLaptopprinter webpage test button you mean?12:00
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villechunLatop But how can I burn with cdrecord12:01
villethat's the prob12:01
LynourechunLaptop: No, didn't get that far on the web side because of the password thing12:01
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villesorry dc12:02
cristianodamn guys i need to know how to tell apps which sound device they should use, pls!!!!!12:02
villeso what should I type to burn the image?12:02
whiskousHey all. I just tried to install Kubuntu but how do i make it install in the free 5gb space that i got on my HDD ?12:02
chunLaptopnot sure Lyn, i remember having a similar problem and checking linuxprinting.org to get it working12:04
railkville: cdrecord dev=/dev/... image.iso (i think)12:04
railkthe ... is of course the device...12:04
villerailk thanks12:04
LynourechunLaptop: I remember it taking all 3 minutes in debian sarge. So I'm getting a bit disappointed in ease of Kubuntu :(12:04
railkville: you could try man cdrecord....12:05
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villerailk it says no write mode specified12:05
railkcheck the man12:05
railkenter "man cdrecord" ...12:06
Lynourehmm ubuntu has older hplip...12:06
chunLaptopyea i know what you mean Lyn, this distro isn't as refined as it claims to be =X but it's one of the more popular right now12:06
railkyou need to specify something like -sao or -tao i think12:06
railkor -dao12:06
whiskousHow do i make Kubunty install on the free 5gb disp space on my HDD? The remaining 4 partitions; sda1,2,3,4 are Windows while sda-1 is free space. I selected it but then i have to choose where to mount it and i only hAve sda1,2,3,4 and NOT sda-1 which is th<12:06
LynourechunLaptop: popularity does not make it any better... quire the other way around :)12:06
whiskousHello ? :S12:08
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chunLaptopyes i totally agree, i didn't say this was the best, i use it because i know there is a forum like this where i can ask and give help =p12:08
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villeit just whines something12:09
villeso much text12:09
cristianoso no clue about how to tell my apps which sound device to use?12:09
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whiskouswill someone please answer my question?12:10
villewhy cant these linuxes be simple..12:10
railkcristiano: sound device? or sound engine?12:10
chunLaptopoh hey cristiano, you mean like to use digital output?12:10
villeand those manuals.. lol I cant understand anything12:10
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railkwhat the heck is wrong with the updater? ....12:11
cristianochunLaptop: i mean: i have a soundcard and a USB headphone set, how can i tell my apps (like flightgear, realplayer and so on) to use USB instead of the soundcard?12:11
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villec'mon someone12:12
villetell me exactly what do I have to type to burn that12:12
chunLaptopusb headphone? so it is its own soundcard?12:12
cristianoyep but i have also the onboard AC97 soundcard12:12
LynoureIs there a hplip 0.9.9 (or possibly newer) available fore ubuntu somewhere, or do I need to take my chances with the debian package or compiling my own?12:12
cristianoand it seems like all my apps (which don't have a sound conf tool) use the AC97 instead of USB headphone12:13
villesimple problem but no answers12:13
railkyeah y'know i'm kinda used to using some gui for burning discs...12:14
chunLaptopcristiano> google for using two soundcards in linux,  oh yea check if your usb sound card is working too12:14
villerailk, yea I kinda would use too if I could get that gui somehow12:15
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Whisky`How do i make Kubunty install on the free 5gb disp space on my HDD? The remaining 4 partitions; sda1,2,3,4 are Windows while sda-1 is free space. I selected it but then i have to choose where to mount it and i only hAve sda1,2,3,4 and NOT sda-1 which is the free space12:15
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villeIm tryin to burn newer version12:15
villeI have some oldie12:15
Whisky`anyone willing to answer?12:15
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chunLaptopLyn>if it's not on the repository, i'd try to find an ubuntu 6.06 package, if not then source12:16
railkhmm ville, your cdrecord might still use dev=0,0,0 or similar... start by running cdrecord -scanbus12:16
cristianochunLaptop: usb is working well coz i can hear system sounds, the problem is that some apps don't use them too!12:16
Whisky`you guys suck12:16
villerailk, then what?12:16
gatekeeperWhisky`: sda1,2,3,4 are windows sda1 is free? huh?12:17
railkwhat is the X,X,X of your burner?12:17
Whisky`like, wtf, ive been asking for the last 15 minutes and no ones answering12:17
Whisky`gatekeeper: SDA-1 .... it has a -12:17
chunLaptopwhisky, what's your free partitions?12:17
villeit doesnt say anything about that12:17
railkville: http://nic.phys.ethz.ch/readme/30 , section 212:18
villeI cant open browser..12:18
railkapt-get links12:18
railkor elinks12:18
Whisky`ahh screw it12:18
gatekeeperWhisky`: use the installer, when it comes to partitioning select manual partition put ext3 on sda-1 etc etc12:18
railkapt-get install* :P12:18
villerailk I cant because dpkg has some probs12:19
villeit just freezes12:19
chunLaptopwell take that partition and delete it splitting it into something like 3 gig for /, 1 gig for swap, 1 gig for /home12:19
railkyours has too?12:19
villeI cant do anything12:19
railkwell then12:19
villeIf I could just burn that cd I could reinstall12:19
railkwhat do you get when you run sudo cdrecord -scanbus12:19
villethe same thing12:19
railksome list of devices?12:19
gatekeeperWhisky`: no point losing your temper doesn't impress people12:19
ville*WARNING* you're running linux 2.5 etc12:19
Whisky`It says, Select the partition you want to use for your new instalaton and where you want to mount each of them. and all it gives me is the choice of sda1,2,3,4 and NOT sda-1.12:19
villeno device lists12:20
chunLaptopman whisky i'm a slow typer, just trying to help12:20
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gatekeeperchunLaptop: isn't sda1 == sda-1?12:21
chunLaptopthat's not a standard name, it should just be in sda1,2,3,412:21
Whisky`sda-1 is free space12:21
chunLaptopif it's on another hard drive it would be sdb112:21
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railkville: i give up. no idea12:21
villeI'll install mandrake..12:21
gatekeeperWhisky`: I would go for that, if that is what it says :-)12:21
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villethen I dload that thing12:22
villethen I burn it12:22
villedamn keyboard12:22
gatekeeperWhisky`: make it a ext3 partition and march onward I would guess12:22
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Whisky`i cant create it12:22
Whisky`ill just use windows12:22
villedamn that some friends of my lil brother12:22
Whisky`linux sucks, like alwas12:23
villefukin freeks12:23
chunLaptopdamn it12:23
villethat one speaks to him self12:23
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villeand screams like a retard12:23
villeI'll install mdk now12:23
villecyas for now12:23
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gatekeeperville: agree ttfn12:24
railkcya ville12:24
chunLaptophey ville, use a live CD12:24
villeI have a live cd actually12:24
villewhat do I do with that?12:24
railkboot from it12:24
villeok wait up12:24
railkput it in drive, reboot :P12:24
chunLaptopthere's a boot parameter toram ? i think it's called12:24
gatekeeperville: need to go into bios to make CD first thing to boot from12:25
chunLaptopgoogle it,  but yea if you load to ram, then you can use your CD drive12:25
railkhe cant google12:25
railkaint got no text-mode browser installed12:25
railkand dpkg isn't working for him either...12:25
railk(as it isn't for me atm...)12:26
chunLaptopoh lynx or links doesn't come default ><12:26
=== railk slaps adept_updater around a bit with a macintosh
railkO_O its working...12:27
chunLaptopwell it should actuallly give you the options when you boot to the CD presss F1 for help12:27
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codeRathi, I want to install netbeans...where should I install it?I'm new to kubuntu and don't know where is the best place to put it..12:28
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codeRat /opt ?12:30
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Villelolnow Im on live12:33
Villelolanyone her?12:34
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chunLaptopok ville, can you eject the CD?12:34
Villelolhow do I mount that hd in this live?12:34
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Villelolchunlaptop, no :|12:34
Villelolok that's it..12:34
chunLaptopthat's what the toRAM was for, unless you have 2 cd drives?12:35
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chunLaptophow many cd drives do you have?12:35
chunLaptopand you want to burn to a CD?12:35
D4m4gehello all12:36
Villelolisnt there any way to store that live cd in to ram?12:36
chunLaptopthat's what i was saying toram12:36
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Villelolwhat is it?12:36
chunLaptopi think you probably left the channel while i said that =p12:36
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Villelolwhat is toram?12:37
Villelolwell.. wait up12:37
chunLaptopit's a boot parameter,12:37
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VillelolI have 786Mb ram is it enough to use toram?12:38
VillelolI cant find anything from google12:39
Villelolno faqs about toram12:39
chunLaptopi haven't tried it w/ this distro, but it should be12:39
Villelolhow can I use it12:40
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Villelolanyone know?12:41
chunLaptopi'm not sure if they have it w/ kubuntu live cd, but12:41
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chunLaptopwhat you do is when you restart12:41
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chunLaptopand it gives you a few seconds to press something,12:42
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chunLaptopthere's usually a F1 for help screen that shows up how to use toram and other boot parameters12:42
zorglu1chunLaptop: what is toram ?12:43
SonicChaoThis is probably stupid question...I run multiple sessions, (Ubuntu, installed 'kubuntu-desktop') and why in the world does Konversation and GIMP open when I boot to KDE?12:43
zorglu1SonicChao: likely because you had them open when you quitted the last kde session12:43
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SonicChaozorglu1: That makes a difference in KDE?...........hm.............12:44
=== SonicChao used GNOME a lot before KDE
chunLaptopzorglu, some distros can load their livecd to their ram w/ a boot parameter called toram12:45
Villelolchunlaptop so I reboot and just press f112:45
zorglu1chunLaptop: ah ok. thanks for the info12:45
chunLaptopyea i think so ville, it should say something like F1 Help or something12:46
chunLaptopand i'm not sure that this distro has toram or not! ><12:46
Villelolok ^12:46
VillelolI'll try12:46
zorglu1i am installing windowxp on a kubuntu via qemu... crossing finger :)12:48
zorglu1it would be so nice :)12:48
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BazziRzorglu1 if that doesnt work try vmware server12:49
chunLaptopwe have windows running in vmware at my university runs ok~ kinda slo no 3d accel12:50
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zorglu1well i dont want to spend money :)12:51
BazziRyou can enable 3d acceleration though12:51
BazziRzorglu1, vmware server is free12:51
zorglu1BazziR: oh i try to get this info from their web site but i couldnt go thru all the buzzwords12:51
BazziRzorglu1: Products -> FREE Virtualization -> VMWare Server there you go12:52
BazziRif you'd like to try it anyway12:52
zorglu1ok thanks12:52
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chunLaptopok i'm going to sleep, gooodnight12:56
chunLaptopif ville comes back and it doesn't work, just tell him to use the live cd, connect to his homenetwork, or a thumbdrive and transfer whatever image he has to it12:58
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chunLaptopthat's to whoever's awaaake =p12:59
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railkhuh, who? ;)12:59
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senseiGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 0.14.3+seriouslythistime-0ubuntu3 [67.7kB] 01:14
senseiHeh, nice package name01:14
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senseiOr, build, w/e01:14
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ville-pekkaokies I installed the mandreka01:17
ville-pekkadamn it01:17
zorglu1damn, the marketing done during the window installation is better than linux one01:17
ville-pekkaamerican keyboard layout -.-01:17
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luca_bzorglu1: I don't know if it would be feasible to display any using the livecd install01:18
zorglu1luca_b: why not ?01:18
ville-pekkagod damn it01:18
ville-pekkano scandinavian letters -,-01:18
luca_bzorglu1: Well, I think it would clutter more, (personal opinion)01:19
railkyou coulda chosen the kb layout sometime probably, ville-pekka01:19
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zorglu1luca_b: those are only simple text. the point is more how they are written. very user oriented. 'work anytime, anywhere' 'music and entertainment just got better'01:19
ville-pekkarailk it chosed this layout when I chose the language for this Os I think01:19
ville-pekkaI couldnt choose it by my self01:19
ville-pekkathe layout01:19
railkits the kind of distro that doesn't seperate language and kb layout... annoying01:20
zorglu1luca_b: a lot more sexy than 'installing vnc server' and 'amarok now use last.fm stream' :)01:20
ville-pekkaI took american/english lang even though I could've chosed the finnish01:20
luca_bzorglu1: You are right. Anyone knows how long is the livecd install procedure?01:20
railkville-pekka: which desktop manager are you using?01:20
luca_bit *is* on topic, but I also think all that marketing blurb stays on a lot because win install can be slow01:20
zorglu1luca_b: nope. what is the relation with anything ?01:20
ville-pekkadesktop manageR_01:20
ville-pekkaIm on gnome now01:21
luca_bzorglu1: because of the time needed for install I mean01:21
railkmeh dunno how to change the layout in gnome01:21
railkbut i'm sure its possible01:21
zorglu1luca_b: well this is a time when the user doesnt do anything but waiting in front of the screen. seems like a good time to present the os to him01:22
railk.. somewhere, somehow01:22
ville-pekkaubuntu,kubuntu or debian_ >D01:22
zorglu1luca_b: ok got your point.01:22
ville-pekkaaasdf just ignore those strange marks..01:22
zorglu1luca_b: so maybe a slideshow/presentation runnable just after the install. my idea is their presentation of the OS to new users is nice01:22
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luca_bzorglu1: yeah it's a good idea01:22
ville-pekkaI\ll take kubuntu I like kde )D01:23
=== zorglu1 is installing window for the first time after 10years... so i got a fresh look :)
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luca_bzorglu1: Mandriva used to have something like that when you started fersh01:23
railkzorglu1: the presentation is already on the cd, it's under examlpes or something on the livecd..01:23
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railkit just needs to get presented01:23
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zorglu1railk: yep like a icon directly on the desktop. "presentation to new users"01:23
zorglu1well suggestion from 10000miles here :)01:24
railkit could be even more intrusive than that01:24
RawSewagehow do you install KOffice01:24
luca_brailk: like a window that opens up at first login?01:24
railkif it would be force-fed during the boring bits of the installer that would be useful01:24
RawSewagesudo apt-get install koffice  ?01:24
railkRawSewage: probably..01:24
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ville-pekkaum.. does dvd/rw\s boot _01:25
luca_bville-pekka: well, they should01:26
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ville-pekkaor can i only boot from cd/r01:26
railkthey should boot..01:26
ville-pekkaI\ll try01:26
luca_bville-pekka: I did several boot-ups from DV01:26
HowitzerAll of a sudden, the ~/.kde/Autostart function doesn't do it anymore :/01:26
railkquite a few ditros are available on bootable DVD01:26
ville-pekkayea but I have dvd/rw01:26
luca_bHowitzer: How come?01:26
ville-pekkadoes it need to be dvd/r_01:26
ville-pekkaif I remember right debian didnt boot from cd/rw01:27
Howitzerluca_b, you tell me :s01:27
railkmeh well FC5 booted from my laptop's DVD+-RW...01:27
luca_bHowitzer: what do you have on autostart?01:27
railkbut dunno bout ubuntu and stuff01:27
Howitzeryakuake, 2 superkaramba themes en knotes01:27
Howitzerin .desktop format01:27
Howitzerthey did it fine yesterday01:27
luca_bHowitzer: did you try to reproduce it?01:28
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Howitzeri installed some packages relating Xen and i installed some icons and themes01:28
Howitzerhow do you mean reproduce?01:28
luca_bHowitzer: I mean, logging out and back in? Did you see it more than once?01:28
BoSJoAll: So where can i find all my settings for programs like Konversation, Konqueror, Kmail, Kopete etc.01:29
Howitzerjust tried it, nothing01:29
HowitzerBoSJo, in the Settings menu-bar :)01:29
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BoSJoHowitzer: he he, i meant for transferring it to another PC :-)01:29
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luca_bHowitzer: Odd indeed.... to workaround, you may want to start clean, start the programs you want, and save the session01:30
luca_bHowitzer: (I don't use autostart anymore because I have a session saved)01:30
Howitzeri thought of that01:30
railkBoSJo: probably in ~, in lots of hidden folders...01:30
luca_bBoSJo: they're all in .kde/ usually01:31
Howitzerbut i often have lots of programs still on when needing to do a fast shutdown01:31
railkfine then...01:31
tomyssj4everHy ,please give me the link that explains how to update safely to dapper01:31
Howitzeryes, BoSJo, ~/.kde/apps i think01:31
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BoSJoOk, thanks Ill give it a go :-)01:31
railkcd ..01:32
Howitzersudo apt-get update01:32
Howitzersudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:32
luca_bHowitzer: I think he means also updating the sources changing references to dapper01:32
luca_bfrom breezy01:32
Howitzerisn't that done automaticly?01:33
luca_bHowitzer: not sure, I think you have to change them by hand or in adept01:33
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luca_bI prefer command line so I just edited them with vi01:34
Howitzeri love vim :x01:34
luca_bI can tell there are some problems to look for when dist-upgrading (seen in 2 upgrades)01:34
Howitzeri discovered it yesterday01:34
luca_bHowitzer: me too heh01:34
luca_bI use the command line and related tools a lot more since I almost left windows01:35
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Howitzeri'll never eat greasy things for breakfast :'(01:39
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luca_bHowitzer: you'd better avoid them indeed01:39
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kQuestion. How do I change my display name in Kopete?01:51
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ninHerhi all01:57
zorglu1boyouoyouy tierd of waiting01:59
zorglu1hi all01:59
ninHerKwukki: hello01:59
duneHow can I change the open office theme to the one with the gradient?01:59
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kQuestion. How do I change my display name in Kopete?02:01
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railkk: you click on the icon for each account at the lower right and change it somewhere in the properties02:03
Bizzehwhat would i have to change this line to, to get 1280x102402:03
Bizzehmodeline  "1024x768@60" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -vsync -hsync02:03
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railkBizzeh: just a guess, you need to replace the 1024x768 with 1280x1024 and add 1280 before the second 1024 and 1024 before the second 768...02:04
railki.e. "1280x1024@60" 65.0 1280 1024 1048 1184 1344 1024 768 771 777 806 -vsync -hsync ... or something like that... just a guess02:05
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zorglu1WOW! i think got window :)02:06
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railkzorglu1: so, how is it after 10 years?02:07
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zorglu1more colorfull :)02:07
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railkthat probably goes for all the OSs...02:08
zorglu1yep, current kde is way more colorfull than motif was :)02:08
kheh :-)02:10
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ubuntuhi guys02:10
r0xzhi ubuntu02:11
ubuntui have a problem with my installer i want to setup my kubuntu on hdb but the installer only let mit install on hda02:11
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kubuntu-installehow can i get root privilegs under the install live cd?02:12
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D4m4gekubuntu-installe to edit a file?02:12
kIs there a mail client included in Kubuntu?02:13
kubuntu-installeD4m4ge: i want to mount a win partition02:13
kubuntu-installek, install mozilla-thunderbird02:13
D4m4gekubuntu-installe just sudo mount then02:13
kubuntu-installeD4m4ge: the livecd want a password :)02:13
D4m4genever happened to me02:13
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Hobbseek: kmail, yes02:14
kkubuntu-installe: you sure?02:14
r0xzk: kmail and thunderbird rules02:14
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:14
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kHobbsee: is it included? as in bundled02:14
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D4m4gek yes it is02:14
Hobbseek: yes02:14
fekkubuntu-installe: follow the page02:14
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kHobbsee: why dont i see it in the menu?02:14
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kHobbsee: i mean K menu02:15
Hobbseek: ah, open up kontact02:15
Hobbseeand it should be there02:15
=== k clicks on the icon
kubuntu-installeoh i was wrong, i dont need a password ^^02:16
D4m4gek as long as you dont say "start menu" :p ...02:16
kCool :P02:16
luca_bdoes anyone know of a good antispam solution that works in kmail with IMAP?02:20
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luca_bbogofilter completely messed up my inboxes02:21
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senseiluca_b: Tried isbg ?02:22
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senseispamassassin imap enabled02:23
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luca_bsensei: I've never heard of it until now02:23
pinkmanWhats the differnece between kubuntu and ubuntu?02:23
senseiOkay, I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard success stories about it02:23
cpthow can i download win32 codecs for my ubuntu?02:23
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:23
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome02:23
cptim newbie02:23
ubotuI know nothing about restrictedformat02:24
kpinkman: Ubuntu uses Gnome02:24
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cpthow can i download win32 codecs for my ubuntu?02:24
luca_bsensei: oh, now I remember about isbg, thanks02:24
senseicpt: Repeating won't get you anywhere02:24
senseino luca_b02:24
zorglu1cpt, google for 'ubuntu restricted format' it will give you a page for this02:24
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cptplz help me02:24
kzorglu1: no:02:24
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:25
pinkmanwhats kubuntu use?02:25
senseicpt: Depends on your player I guess.. You can grab the package for mplayer on www.mplayerhq.hu and put it in /usr/lib/win32 and just go02:25
kzorglu1: therrre is a factoid for us to use02:25
zorglu1k, well my solution worked too :)02:25
kubuntu-installesensei:  can't i install win32codecs with apt-get?02:25
kpinkman: the bot told you... KDE02:25
senseiDunno, I didn't02:25
senseiBut most likely someone's made a repo of it..02:26
luca_bkubuntu-installe: yes if you have the right repository02:26
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luca_bPLF and seveas repositories have the win32codecs I believe02:26
kubuntu-installeluca_b:  ok, i come from gentoo ;). i only install kubuntu for my parents02:26
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pinkmanx_x' So whats better lol? Ubuntu or Kubuntu02:27
kubuntu-installexubuntu ;)02:27
pinkmanwhats that?02:27
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kpinkman: neither is better. boot the 2 of them up02:28
luca_bpinkman: all a matter of choice02:28
zorglu1pinkman: up to you to choose. personnaly i prefere kubuntu. but it is only my choise02:28
kpinkman: try them02:28
kubuntu-installereboot ^^02:28
zorglu1pinkman: live cd are good to try stuff02:28
pinkmanguess ill google xubuntu not sure what it is though02:28
Bizzehis there any way of mounting MTP (P4S) devices in 6.06?02:28
pinkmando you know a good cd bootable burner for ubuntu?02:28
kpinkman: get the 2 livecds and burn & boot them02:29
omeowHow do I share my printer on Kubuntu? I have a windows client that needs to be able to print to it.02:29
pinkmanI need a bootable cd burner for ubuntu02:29
luca_bpinkman: under which OS?02:29
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senseipinkman: cdrecord02:29
kpinkman: try them. personally, i use both of them on dualboot02:30
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pinkmanis there anyway to install them without a CD?02:30
kpinkman: ?02:30
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kpinkman: what do you mean?02:30
sensei$2 on cds is a fortune ;)02:30
luca_bpinkman: if you want a live-CD like environment (i.e. seeing without installing), no02:31
Bizzehsensei: when you dont have the $2 it is02:31
kpinkman: order both CDs from shipit02:31
pinkmanI am out of CD's atm. Hmm, no way around it then?02:31
Bizzehand when the closest place to get them is 2 towns away, its not just $2, its what it costs you to get there and back too02:31
pinkmanIll burn some. When I get my CD"s02:31
zorglu1pinkman: you can download the CD iso on window and run it thru qemu02:31
andrisphello all, how can i configure konqueror to show preview in icons only for image files, not text etc ?02:31
kpinkman: no, buy your CDs02:32
kpinkman: order, I mean02:32
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senseiBizzeh: Boo hoo02:32
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kpinkman: shipit.kubuntu.com02:32
pinkmanyou can download the CD iso on window and run it thru qemu02:32
kit is FREE to order the cds02:32
pinkmanhow to do that?02:32
pinkmanshipping is free?02:32
luca_bpinkman: yes02:32
kpinkman: right02:32
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pinkmanim 14, dont got money02:32
Bizzehsensei: thats one of the standard responces for someone who has  just been proven wrong and cant think of a whitty comeback02:32
senseiBizzeh: Yeah02:33
SonicChaopinkman: only distro that does free shipping. :)02:33
luca_bpinkman: takes a few weeks but free02:33
kpinkman: but it takes 4 to 6 weeks to get the CDs shipped02:33
senseiI change my mind.. $2 is a fortune. You win02:33
pinkmanI dont feel like waiting a few weeks02:33
Bizzehsensei: its not just $202:33
SonicChaopinkman: but it sends via snail mail, so it takes 3-6 weeks02:33
pinkman"you can download the CD iso on window and run it thru qemu" Whats this all about?02:33
kpinkman: well, i patiently waited :-)02:33
SonicChaopinkman: I ordered in April and haven't got anything yet02:33
kpinkman: link to the page02:34
kSonicChao: you will02:34
luca_bpinkman: quemu is a virtualization environment i.e. it basically emulates another computr on your own02:34
snikkerhow can i send a broadcast messages to the others client pc (with windows) on the lan?02:34
kluca_b: emulation02:34
senseiBizzeh: True.. he may live in a farm so his parents *never* have to go to the big scary city and buy anything and pick up 2 cds on the way, surely.. You win again. I regret my statement from the bottom of my heart.02:34
kluca_b: virtualization and emulation aree not synonymous02:34
pinkmanwhere can i download qemu?02:34
zorglu1pinkman: http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/02:34
pinkmanill just go with that.02:34
luca_bk: Yeah, my bad02:34
Bizzehcd's are only cheap if you buy a  pack of 2502:35
Bizzehor 5002:35
Bizzehot 10002:35
kpinkman: provide a link to the page where it mentioned qemu02:35
Bizzehif you just get 102:35
Bizzehthey are still expencive02:35
senseiEh, where in the uk do you live if you pay more than $1 for a cd ? o.O02:35
pinkmanSomeone on here, said that I could download iso, and run with qemu or something.02:35
kpinkman: who02:36
pinkmaninstead of burning to cd, and booting it?02:36
pinkmanI dont know.02:36
Bizzehfor 1 cd on its own, 1.5002:36
pinkmanSome random red text. :P02:36
Bizzehfor a pack of 25, 3 quid02:36
kpinkman: there must have been a nickame02:36
zorglu1pinkman: i did, and yes you can :)02:36
luca_bpinkman: it can be a viable option, a friend of mine has done that somewhat02:36
senseiBizzeh: My local tobacco vendor sells them for 50p each02:36
kpinkman: qemu, being a emulator, will be very slow02:36
Bizzehthats in your area02:37
ksensei: erm? pound??/02:37
senseik, yes02:37
pinkmanIll just stick with ubuntu for now02:37
pinkmanuntil I get a cD02:37
ksensei: isnt that equalivent to a dollar02:37
luca_bk: Aren't there any VMware player images for kubuntu 6.06?02:37
senseik, never said it was02:37
ksensei: i'm asking you!02:37
senseik, but pinkman is american, that's why I said dollar to begin with02:37
zorglu1k you can relax02:37
zorglu1enjoy the day :)02:37
senseik, ok.. no it isn't :)02:38
pinkmansappose Ill leave :P Good day02:38
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ksensei: is it conceptually the same thing as a cent, or a dollar?02:38
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senseiYeah.. a pence is like your cents02:39
sensei100 pence is 1 pound02:39
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ksensei: so... 50 dollars ...02:39
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ksensei: thats expensive02:39
senseiNo, p is pence :)02:40
Howitzeri'm using swiftfox which is untarred into my home dir.02:40
sensei50 pence.. half a pound02:40
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ksensei: cheap now :-)02:40
HowitzerI'd like to use flash on it but installing it trough apt doesn't work02:40
ksensei: things suddenly get cheap :P02:40
senseiK, yeah :) Last time I checked, I think a pound is 1.85 USD02:40
ksensei: heh :-)02:41
luca_bHowitzer: you could symlink02:41
luca_bfrom the firefox dir02:41
luca_bI mean,02:41
Howitzerjust did an apt-get remove --purge firefox :/02:42
Howitzerooh wait02:42
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Howitzeri can do it manually via the flash tar02:42
Howitzerjust need to copy 2 files to the plugins dir02:42
Howitzerfinally youtube02:42
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Howitzerbut didn't they release flash 8 for Linux?02:42
Howitzeri read it somewhere02:43
zorglu1nope they wont02:43
luca_bHowitzer: no, Adobe said they'd be SKIPPING 802:43
luca_band going straight to 902:43
senseiWasn't it 8.5 they're going for ?02:43
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zorglu1i hear 8.4 :)02:43
luca_bIMO, Flash is horrible, even though widely used02:43
zorglu1ok lets bet :)02:43
larson9999luca_b: first they said they'd be going straight to 8.5.  now it looks like it might be straight to 10.02:43
senseiWe can probably find links that supports all theories tho :P02:44
Howitzeri can't play any teagames.com games because of that >:(02:44
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larson9999i think the shift happened when adobe bought them.  i think we should just boycott flash sites02:44
luca_blarson9999: I already do, somewhat02:45
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Howitzerbtw, have any of you read that blogpost about the downfall of Ubuntu because they set up a commercial repository? (for Opera and the likes)02:45
zorglu1mouaoua :)02:45
senseiBah.. fundamentalists02:45
luca_bHowitzer: nope, I didn't even know there was a repository like that, though I read about Opera 902:45
sensei"That's not Linuxish!!" .. No, but it fscking works..02:45
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Howitzerindeed sensei02:46
Howitzeryou can't live on on something that isn't fit for the future02:46
Howitzeralthough it sucks deeply02:46
zorglu1the dogme commitee of lixisher said so !!! :)02:46
zorglu1autoproclamed obviouly :)02:46
Howitzerthat blog :)02:46
vijayhi all, just now i installed kubuntu, how to install gnome desktop from cd?? help??02:47
luca_bHowitzer: it didn't make the mainstream news sites luckily02:47
sensei"root is evil" "I can't read the code, hence it sucks" "*Gasp* look at the license! I can't redistribute it"02:47
zorglu1but nothing less than the future of Ubuntu is at stake. <- dramatisation mode on :)02:47
senseiJust how many here would actually poke around in operas source and redistribute it? Or any other software for that matter..02:47
Howitzeryou can always redistribute it02:47
Howitzerjust need permission then02:47
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zorglu1the world may be in jeopardy02:47
senseiHowitzer: That wasn't opera specific02:47
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senseiJust general ranting :)02:47
Howitzeri mean, i believe 10% of the Linux crowd actually needs the source02:47
=== BazziR feels the power of the source
luca_bHowitzer: if you work in academia it's always better to have the source IMO02:48
sensei10%? :O02:48
Howitzerit's the reason why Ubuntu and Suse are here02:48
senseiThat people needs the source? :)02:48
Howitzerthat most people don't want it02:49
zorglu1and really it is real bad to make the life of the user easier... by putting a repotisory.  stuff they can get thru the web but harder02:49
zorglu1wow real bad :)02:49
senseiFrom the blog "But this isnt about software. Its about politics.".. I'm close to actually lol:ing for real02:50
luca_bwell, I don't mind as the core is still free02:50
luca_b(as in freedom)02:50
vijayhi all, just now i installed kubuntu, how to install gnome desktop from cd??, i am unable to do it from synaptic02:50
luca_bvijay: it does not fit on CD, you need to download it off the internet02:50
Howitzervijay, do you have another live cd with gnome on it?02:51
vijayluca_b:but last time (in breezy) i installed it from cd only02:51
Howitzervijay, they changed the installation way02:51
Howitzeri tried it too02:51
senseiThat blog post is the biggest load of crap I've ever read.. and I'm not saying that to defend ubuntu..02:51
vijayHowitzer:how to do it?02:52
Howitzeryou can't02:52
Howitzeryou need to install ubuntu-desktop over the internet via 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'02:52
Howitzeror you download the 'alternate installation cd' which still has the text-based installation method02:52
Howitzerand which you can use as a repository for the ubuntu-desktop02:53
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Howitzerman, my typing skills have improved :x02:53
vijayHowitzer:ok thank you02:53
Howitzer,p :)02:53
larson9999as long as they don't go the mandriva route where they try to make it look like you have to pay even though you don't.02:53
Howitzeras long as they don't offer ANY form of payment unless it's for corporate support02:54
Howitzerbut they won't do that02:54
Howitzerthey need the image of Ubuntu to be completely free02:54
larson9999howitzer i just leave it at as they don't offer ANY form of payment. i switched for that very reason.  i'd likely go to debian if so.02:55
senseiPersonally I believe that kubuntu has boomed because it's so damn simple, not that it's so damn hippie02:55
luca_blarson9999: I used to be a silver member on MDV02:55
larson9999Howitzer: yeah, the site says it always will be.02:55
Howitzersensei, do you mean ubuntu aswell?02:56
senseiHowitzer: Yes02:56
luca_blarson9999: The support was good, the distro was good even, but the company was totally irrational02:56
Howitzeri found kubuntu a bit harder at the beginning because i used ubuntu for 1 year02:56
senseiWhat's the difference?02:56
Howitzerthings were handled differently02:56
senseiAny other than gnome vs. kde?02:56
Howitzeri thought there was02:57
Howitzernot sure now actually02:57
HowitzerKDE seems so more functional now02:57
larson9999luca_b: i paid once for standard to support the distro.  but i didn't see any benefit.  but what i couldn't stand was the site to download sure tries to muddy the waters when it comes to download the free version.  can't tell you how many newbies have looked at that site and didn't try mandriva because 'you had to pay'.02:57
senseiSo what you mean is that you find gnome easier than KDE? ;)02:57
Howitzerbut once it comes to modifying things, gnome is just crap02:58
Howitzeryou need to dig in the register-alike thing02:58
luca_blarson9999: I switched when they fired Gael Duval02:58
vijayHowitzer:another question, i reinstalled xp, how to install grub? can i use my breezy cd for this??02:58
Howitzeri think so vijay02:58
Howitzeryou'll need to go root and do "grub-install '(hd0,0)' "02:59
larson9999luca_b: i tried to switch a few times but i couldn't get anything before dapper to install on my main box with is a dual p3.02:59
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Howitzervijay, check google to be 100% sure, i don't want to ruin your MBR :)03:00
larson9999vijay: don't have a 2nd hd to put that windows on?  things seem to be smooth that way03:00
luca_blarson9999: first install was breezy on this laptop, now upgraded to dapper03:00
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omeowHow do I share my printer on Kubuntu?03:02
larson9999there's something appealing about a company that says it'll alway be free and ships cd to boot.03:02
Howitzerhell yes larson999903:02
senseiomeow: Can't windows do IPP ?03:02
Howitzeri just love the fact i can order a nice cd with a nice cover03:02
omeowWhat's IPP, sensei?03:02
luca_bomeow: yes but it's a little complicated to set up03:03
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luca_ber, not omeow, was directed to sensei03:03
larson9999sensei, omeow, yes it can03:03
larson9999sensei: works great here03:03
luca_blarson9999: I had my share of troubles trying to make a win2k box using IPP to see a CUPS printer on a linux box03:03
senseilarson9999: Ok, good to know03:03
omeowBut what is it? :)03:03
senseiInternet Printing Protocol03:04
omeowinternet printing protocol? =P03:04
senseiSet up CUPS03:04
omeowwow,  I guessed correctly.03:04
senseiAnd make it broadcast ipp03:04
senseiCan't help you with the windows part of it tho03:04
omeowRight, I can already print from this computer. But my brother's windows machine can't print on it.03:04
omeowI can't login to the cups thing though, my password doesn't work.03:04
larson9999luca_b: don't have win2k but with xp here is was a snap.  figuring out the port might be tricky but for this printer, the printer has a 'net test page' that you can print out with the info you need03:05
larson9999omeow: yeah, in unbuntu you have to modify groups to do that.  there is a site that talks about how.  google cups ubuntu and you should find it03:06
omeowMy printer has an ipp address.03:06
larson9999the one that talks about adding stuff to the shadow group is what that worked for me.03:06
luca_bomeow: yes, that's the URI for the printer03:06
larson9999omeow: you might need the port, too. for me it's port0, iirc03:07
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larson9999omeow: in windows i don't need the myhostname.03:08
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edulixhow can i configure kpowersave to use suspend2 (hibernate) when hibernating?03:09
liedi just install kubuntu. i have problems with my soundcard, what i have done: modprobe snd-cmipci (from lspci). under gentoo i had a tool called alsaconf, is this package available in kubuntu?03:10
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senseilied: Aparently it's obsoleted in ubuntu03:11
luca_blied: One second, checking03:11
omeowlarson9999: I dual boot this machine too, so it would be very nice if I could set up one printer on my clients and it wouldn't matter if I'm working on Windows or Linux. (so they don't first have to check what OS i'm using and then switch printers)03:11
luca_bomeow: What about as sharing it on samba with the same name?03:12
omeowHm, I don't know how to do that. Let's see...03:12
omeowSamba isn't in my list of internet & network things.03:12
ray79cthi to all03:12
ray79cti'm italian03:13
ray79ctcan u help me03:13
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luca_bomeow: I did it the command line way on my print server, unsure if there's a point and click thing03:13
omeowHello ray79ct from Italy. What's your question?03:13
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omeowluca_b: urf. =/03:13
liedluca_b:  and is there such a command?03:14
ray79cti  can't download from mirc03:14
ray79ctcan u send me a file .. because xdcc i can't use :(03:14
luca_blied: no, there is no package with it inside03:14
luca_bray79ct: you mean the /dccserver command?03:14
omeowluca_b: There's a samba configuration tool in kcontrol (not ubuntu's system configuration thing) going to see if I can set it up with that.03:15
ray79ctomeo pls hlp me03:15
luca_bray79ct: that's a mirc extension03:15
luca_bnot much you can do with it in linux03:15
ray79ctyeah ..03:15
ray79ctwhen i go to overflow03:15
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ray79cti receive the file but download are blocked03:16
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luca_bray79ct: if you're using windows, this is the wrong channel though03:18
luca_bomeow: any luck with the samba configuration tool?03:19
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omeowYeah, I think i've got it configured properly. But I don't know how to start the service. There's no mention of it in the system services module. =/03:20
ray79ctno windows03:20
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ray79ctbut for me it's new03:20
ray79cti think that u can hlp me03:20
ray79ctbut i can't download :((03:21
luca_bomeow: sudo /etc/init.d/samba start03:21
omeowLike I said, samba isn't listed.03:21
luca_bomeow: sudo apt-get install samba-server03:21
omeowHm, perhaps it's not installed. (but why would it give me configuration options for it, if it's not installed?)03:21
luca_bomeow: probably it writes a smb.conf regardless if the server is there or not (my guess)03:22
omeowsamba-common is installed.03:22
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omeowsamba however, is not.03:23
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omeowAlthough, the package description of samba-common talks of server and client files.03:23
luca_bomeow: probably they originate from the same source package03:23
ray79ctwhat is Samba ?03:23
omeowIt's a type of dance.03:23
ray79ctsorry but in Linux i'm ignorant ! :D03:24
haejinhi, i got a problem with apt and mldonkey, i pasted all here :http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?board=56.003:24
ray79ctallicchici i baddi a to pa03:24
ray79ctyeah .. i don't like it :D03:24
luca_bray79ct: aside the dance, it's the linux implementation of SMB protocol, used in windows file sharing03:24
ray79ctit's another problem .. i see ntfs partition but i can't enter there03:25
luca_bray79ct: enter as in browse or write?03:25
ray79ctand in old windows partition i ve all document03:25
ray79ctin everymode03:25
ray79cti can't enter ..03:25
luca_bit says "accesso negato"?03:25
ray79ctin the icon i se a lock03:25
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luca_bray79ct:  that IS a permission problem then03:26
ray79ctluca hlp auto03:26
Flosoftdoes Kubuntu support 2 screens? with extending them=03:26
luca_bray79ct: english please, and I'm trying03:26
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luca_bray79ct: are you using Kubuntu or plain ubuntu?03:27
ray79ctluca_b ... how i can insert the pass to take all permission of administator and i'll can use old ntfs03:27
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ray79cti'm real stupid in this os !03:27
luca_bray79ct: look in the menu and open up the terminal program03:27
ray79ct_Konsole ?03:28
luca_bray79ct: yes03:28
ray79ctlike prompt of shitty windoz03:28
ray79ctnow ?03:28
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Kwukkihij neemt het zlfs niet03:28
luca_bray79ct:  paste this:03:28
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luca_bray79ct:  cat /proc/mounts | grep ntfs03:29
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luca_bpaste the result here03:29
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luca_bray79ct: ok, let's do it differently03:30
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ray79cti'll paste the  command but nothin' compare03:30
ray79ctok ..03:30
luca_bray79ct: open up "Impostazioni di sistema"03:30
luca_bray79ct:  should be in the menu03:31
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Kwukkican someone help me with samba and printer sharing?03:31
ray79cti don't find03:31
luca_bKwukki: what do you need?03:31
ray79ctin System - administrator ?03:31
Kwukkii have a win xp machine, with a hp psc 1213 printer03:32
KwukkiI can print to it from m ykubuntu machine03:32
Kwukkithe printer starts, but then, when he have to take the paper, he stops.03:32
luca_bray79ct: erm, I can't figure out which ubuntu flavor you have, and if you have ubuntu I know almost 0, I only use KDE03:32
Kwukki(srry for my bad english ;-))03:33
luca_bKwukki: like it opens up and then stops?03:33
Kwukkihe starts, is preparing himself and then it halts03:33
Kwukkihe's not trying to take a paper03:33
luca_bKwukki: ok, got it03:33
luca_bKwukki: open a terminal03:33
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luca_bKwukki: then try printing, and after the printer stops do a " sudo tail /var/log/cups/error_log"03:34
luca_bit should print out some lines03:35
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luca_bsee if you can find any reference to errors03:35
luca_bray79ct: try asking on #ubuntu03:35
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haejinhi, i got a problem with apt and mldonkey, i pasted all here :http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?board=56.003:36
coachJok, i have a stupid question, How do I know if I have 3D video working?03:37
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luca_bcoachJ: open a terminal and do glxinfo | grep direct03:38
luca_bif it says "Direct rendering: Yes", 3D accel is working03:38
coachJsays NO03:38
luca_bcoachJ: then somewhat it's not working, what video card do you have?03:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:39
coachJasus 700003:39
ksee the URL above03:39
coachJyea that is what got me doing this03:39
coachJIf I screw up will I lose the gui?03:40
luca_bbe back later, got some vacuuming to do03:40
KwukkiE [08/Jul/2006:15:38:20 +0200]  CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized03:40
kcoachJ: well03:40
kcoachJ: you can set it to vesa temporarily03:40
kcoachJ: do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:41
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coachJwhat will that do?03:41
kcoachJ: ask you a series of configuration questions03:42
kcoachJ: in a certain step, you'll get  a list of drivers. find vesa in the list. go to next03:42
kthe next step*03:42
coachJis this if I lose the GUI?03:42
kyou won't lose the GUI03:43
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kwell, you will TEMPORARILY03:43
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kafter you answer the configuration questions, install the approopriate 3d graphics package03:45
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kcoachJ: there? ^^^^^^03:45
coachJK> i appreciate your help but I am nt sure I wnat to get into this right now, just gathering info.03:45
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kcoachJ: the terminal is easy to use03:45
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kget fimiliar with it. :-)03:46
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coachJI not afrid of it I just got back from the DR and jsut dont feel like getting all involved03:47
Kwukki15 minutes ago i asked something03:47
kKwukki: Ask.03:47
ray79ctluca ... ok03:47
coachJthanks again I really appreciate the help03:47
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KwukkiI have a xp machine with a hp psc 121303:48
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kKwukki: not a question yet...03:49
Kwukkii can print to it from kubuntu03:49
Kwukkibut when he have to take the paper he halts :-s03:49
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liedlol kubuntu is like windows, reboot and sound is working03:50
shocktrooper1hello.  "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display'03:50
klied: no, it isnt03:51
liedk ;)03:51
shocktrooper1can someone please help me with this error?03:53
liedshocktrooper1:  did you tried XGL?03:53
dr_willisKwukki,  you are saying it prints one pag4e then dont print any  more?03:53
Kwukkino, it prints nothing03:53
dr_willisKwukki,  you are using the latest Ubuntu  (Dapper) ?03:54
Kwukkiwhen he have to take the first paper he halts03:54
dr_williscould check the cups logs in /var/log/cups (i think) and see if any error emssages are shown)  You Did configure the printer using the Gnome-Printer tool?03:55
Kwukkiwith kde 3.5.303:55
Kwukkino, kde03:55
shocktrooper1lied, could you be more specific?03:55
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Kwukkimaybe i have to run it as root?03:56
klied: i ummm. he doesnt have it installed03:56
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kshocktrooper1: do you have XGL?03:56
shocktrooper1I don't know.03:56
dr_willisYou have to use the printer config tool and go to 'administratior' mode and thus enable root for the adding of a printer.03:56
kshocktrooper1: Do you rememberb installing a  "compiz" package?03:57
dr_willisi think thats how the kde tool does it.03:57
shocktrooper1k, no03:57
kdr_willis: ummm, no03:57
kshocktrooper1: Then you dont have XGL03:57
kshocktrooper1: Did you edit xorg.conf to enable 3D?03:57
shocktrooper1It shows the nvidia splash03:57
kshocktrooper1: that isn't an answer to my question03:58
shocktrooper1k, no.03:58
kshocktrooper1: Did you use "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" (exactly as typed)03:59
kshocktrooper1: Did you restart X?03:59
kshocktrooper1: OK, so you get that error after the nvidia splash screen shows.04:00
shocktrooper1k, yes.  in xorg.conf under "Module" there is no nvidia or nv04:00
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shocktrooper1k should I just add 'Load  "nvidia"?04:01
kshocktrooper1: no......04:01
coachJK> one more question can I do this from System settings> display?04:02
kcoachJ: Do what? Install the 3D driver?04:02
liedhm can someone help? sound is working with xmms. amarok is not working (xine with alsa as output)04:04
kno, you can't. Let me double check04:05
kcoachJ: loading04:05
liedhm .wav is working but .mp3 not, with xmms i can play mp3 and wav04:06
imbrandonlied, then you need to install04:06
shocktrooper1k, would you like to see my xorg.conf?04:06
kcoachJ: no, you can't. you can only change the driver04:07
imbrandonsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:07
imbrandonlied ^^04:07
imbrandonthat will let amarok play mp3's04:07
liedthat make sense ;)04:07
coachJill have to get the software for this chat on my windows machine do if I need help I can get it04:08
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imbrandoncoachJ, xchat works in windows ( if you need to )04:08
liedNICMICHAEL:  yes your utf8 is working ;)04:08
kcoachJ: xchat, but the offivial version has gone shareware for win32. try silverex04:09
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kcoachJ: its free04:10
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:10
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coachJhow do I find this chat from my Xchat on windows?04:14
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Jeff_k are you still here04:16
sdolnackcan anyone recommend a good all-around guide for compiling and installing software from tarballs?04:16
Jeff_can someone talk me thu installing 3d drivers for my machine?04:16
sdolnackwhat card do you have04:17
Jeff_asus 7000 ati04:17
Kwukkii have the same, can someone help me too?04:17
sdolnackradeon 7000?04:18
sdolnackhold on, lemme see what i can do04:18
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sdolnackthat's an old card isn't it04:19
Jeff_2 for the price of onw04:20
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sdolnackis it a mobility radeon?04:20
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Jeff_no tv out04:21
raytray25my system just lost all sound.. can someone help me?04:21
raytray25after restart there is still no sound04:21
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sdolnackJeff: are you using the latest driver?04:21
sdolnackor is that what you are having trouble with04:22
sdolnackoh wait nevermind04:22
Jeff_? default driver i guess04:22
Kwukkiis ther a driver for it?04:22
Jeff_the gui says "driver ati"04:22
Kwukkii thought that there was no driver fot the 700004:22
Jeff_it runs 3d fine04:22
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sdolnackfglrx doesn't support it04:23
Jeff_systems settins says fgrix ati card driver installed04:23
Jeff_dected i mean04:23
Jeff_lot there can you sumerize04:25
senseiYeah, I'm tired today too.. I want you to do the work for me while I relax.. then you can just tell me.. is that ok sdolnack?04:26
Jeff_very funny04:26
senseiJust bear in mind that I won't pay you04:26
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senseiI do realise that you do this for free, but anyways04:26
Jeff_ok, ok i get the message, geezzz04:27
sdolnackjeff: you should switch from the 'ati" driver to the "radeon" driver by modifying your xorg.conf file04:27
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Kwukkikopete 0.12 is very buggy.04:27
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dr_willisLife is buggy04:28
coachJis this what Jeff shoud do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:29
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Jeff_sdolnack--is this what I should do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?04:31
sdolnacknot sure04:31
sdolnacki'd just post on the ubuntu forums04:32
sdolnacknow in the meantime04:32
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sdolnacki'm looking for personal suggestions here: can anyone recommend a good all-around guide for compiling/installing tarballs?04:33
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Jeff_yeah right04:33
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sdolnackafter upgrading to an i686 kernel (and most softwareon the repos seeming to be built for i386) it only seems logical to build stuff myself04:34
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shocktrooper1hello.  "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display'04:34
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Jeff_sdolnack--how long have you been using linux?04:35
sdolnackbout a month and a half or so04:36
Jeff_oh come ON!04:36
sdolnackoh come ON! what?04:36
maltronhi - my sound isn't working properly - it won't mix sounds from two different apps.  mplayer reports that /dev/dsp is busy and can't be opened.  This has happened after some wrangling when no sound would work at all, after skype beta mucked around with my system.  Try as i might i can't get it back.  Running dapper04:36
maltronany ideas?04:36
Jeff_you sound quite knowledgable04:37
maltroni've tried removing modules but some of them refuse to get removed04:37
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senseisdolnack: The performance gain is very slim when compiling manually04:37
sdolnacksensei: but as someone who's learning linux, it's an essential skill04:37
sdolnackbesides, a lot of software just isn't available int he repos04:38
senseisdolnack: True, I wasn't opposing you learning it ;)04:38
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sdolnackswiftfox ROOLZ!!!04:40
senseisdolnack: For a shortcut, just search that page for "Installing from source is remark"04:41
senseiAlthough reading it all is good for understanding I suppose04:41
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sdolnackwow--this is incredibly easy04:43
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senseiWith some prior basic know-how around computers, yeah, it's not that hard at all04:43
sdolnackwhichi i have a great deal of04:43
h3sp4wnsdolnack: Try compiling mame from source04:43
sdolnackso sensei basically it's the same 5 steps for virtually every software program?04:46
sdolnackwhat are signatures for?04:46
sdolnackthese asc files04:46
senseisdolnack: Yes, basically04:46
senseiSometime you may stumble upon perl makefiles etc.. but then it's usually well described in the INSTALL file04:46
senseiconfigure scripts usually has some options which you can access through --help which can help you do what you want04:47
h3sp4wnsometimes you need to use autoconf (If you are building something that is not in the repos - that is more likely)04:47
sdolnacksensei: the rule-of-thumb directory for installing 3rd party software is /usr/local, right?04:49
senseisdolnack: Yeah, that's usually the default04:49
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senseiSo no need to --prefix everything there ;)04:50
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sdolnackjust --prefix=/usr/local? does it create a dir itself or do I have to mkdir every time04:50
senseiIt creates04:51
senseiBut there's no need to do --prefix unless you want to install it in some odd place04:51
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senseiLike if you don't have root access somwhere, you can use --prefix=/my/home/dir04:51
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sdolnacki do04:51
sdolnacki am KINGz04:52
sdolnackwait--i thought you needed --prefix to install in /usr/local?04:52
sdolnackwhat do you do then04:52
senseiNothing, it does that by default04:52
sdolnacko rly04:53
senseiYeah, unless the creator of the Makefile has stated otherwise.. but there's usually no reason to do that04:53
senseiAnd you'll probably know by the time you hit one of those ;)04:54
sdolnackuh oh04:54
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sdolnackconfigure: error: Unable to find libncurses or libcurses04:54
senseiIf you look in the configure script, there should be a line like ac_default_prefix=/usr/local somewhere04:55
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senseiOk, install libncurses5-dev04:55
sdolnackbut i have libncurses5 already04:55
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senseiYou'll probably need the -dev package since it's those that contains the header files etc.04:55
Cntryboyis there a codec pack I can download all in one for kaffeine04:56
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sdolnackyou know what04:56
sdolnacki bet it was coz i didnt' use sudo04:56
senseiWhen running configure you mean ?04:57
maltronok, now I'm a little annoyed04:57
maltroni've rebooted and now my sound is broken04:57
maltronwhat on earth is going on?04:57
maltroni know it serves me right for using skype beta, but I've got rid of that now04:57
senseiCntryboy: I suppose you could try and download the 'all' package from ftp.mplayerhq.hu and place in /usr/lib/win3204:58
maltronso something must be corrupted, but whay?04:58
senseior /usr/lib/codecs04:58
Cntryboyis there a codec pack I can download all in one for kaffeine???04:58
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senseiCntryboy: Eeh ?04:58
sdolnackoh sensei what are asc's/signatures/keys for again?04:59
senseisdolnack: Verifying things authority04:59
abattoirCntryboy: [20:27:46]  <sensei> Cntryboy: I suppose you could try and download the 'all' package from ftp.mplayerhq.hu and place in /usr/lib/win3204:59
Cntryboysensei: not an easier way?04:59
CntryboyI'm lagging hard guys sorry..05:00
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senseiHeh easier?05:00
senseiThan download and extract a file?05:00
Cntryboybut isn't there an easier way to do the codecs?05:00
Snake[Sleep] Anyone in here know anything about bugs? (The creatures) -- offtopic05:01
senseiSnake[Sleep] : I took advanced biology in high school? :)05:01
Cntryboyi mean like apt-get ?05:01
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senseiCntryboy: Probably there is.. I've never used it though.. But I bet someone's made a repo of them05:01
sdolnacksensei: like MD5's?   are they necessary?05:02
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senseisdolnack: Usually no.. They're basically there for automated processes to compare the downloaded file with the authors version05:03
senseiI never use them manually05:03
Cntryboysensei: how could I find out? VlC is a buggy proggy05:03
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maltronany idea what I can do about this: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy  ?05:03
senseiCntryboy: It will probably take you longer to find out than it is to download a file from the Internet and extract it, unless anyone here knows about it05:04
abattoirCntryboy: what sensei says is right... just click http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20060501.tar.bz205:04
abattoirCntryboy: save it on your desktop/home folder05:05
Cntryboywell do u know how to change icons in konqueror, to small list of files? only option I see is preview in, and it says image view or file view that file view is odd and retarded05:05
abattoirCntryboy: View->View mode05:06
abattoirand choose what you want05:06
senseimaltron: kill whatever is using it? :)05:06
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Cntryboyabattoir: thx man05:07
Cntryboykonqueror I dont care for much05:07
senseiwget http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20060501.tar.bz2 -O blah.tar.bz2 && sudo tar -jxvf blah.tar.bz2 /usr/lib/win32/05:07
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senseiShould do it in one line05:08
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abattoirCntryboy: it doesnt get simpler than that :P05:08
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sotiredhello all05:09
sotiredim having sound issues05:10
sotiredim pisse05:10
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gioacchinoI have a problem with flah05:10
sotireda few applications have gone crazy with sound. some only playing some elements, some none.05:10
gioacchinoI use mozilla firefox05:10
sotiredlemme guess no sound05:10
gioacchinoI had installed the flash plugin05:11
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Cntryboyabattoir: yah that's simple, but I was trying to right click with in the folder, but not many shortcuts for konqueror, like in gnome ctrl+h shows hidden files does kon. have a short cut for that?05:11
gioacchinobut firefox crash when I open a page with flash05:12
Kwukkiyo can set one in konqueror05:12
gioacchinoWindow with title "Libero Web Mail - Mozilla Firefox" is not responding. This window belongs to application firefox-bin (PID=5105, hostname=localhost).05:12
gioacchinoDo you wish to terminate this application? (All unsaved data in this application will be lost.)05:12
abattoirCntryboy: i'm not aware of a shortcut for Konqueror, but I do View->Show hidden files05:13
gioacchinobefore the istallation of flash plugin firefox not crash...05:13
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abattoirCntryboy: but for certain Dialogs, like the file open dialog F8 does the trick05:13
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VieLGuS-KuTaSwhere is the switch to admin mode on the process table?05:15
gioacchinohoe to resolve this problem?05:15
gioacchinoI can disable flash?05:15
senseigioacchino: Remove the flash plugin05:15
senseiOr at least move it out of firefox's way :)05:16
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Cntryboyshoot the easy way I did flash this time, was downloaded it, extracted it, copied those 2 files to a folder called .plugin and told konqueror to find it..05:16
gioacchinohoe see flash05:16
gioacchinonow ?05:16
gioacchinohow to see flash noe ?05:17
Cntryboykonqu. was different than the browser with gnome05:17
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senseigioacchino: You can't ?05:17
senseiYou just removed the plugin05:17
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the msfonts that i installed??/05:17
gioacchino[17:17]  <sensei> gioacchino: You can't ? yes it tell me istall missing plugin05:17
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: they should appear along w/ the other fonts in a font dialog :)05:17
senseigioacchino: No, you can't.. Sorry, retorical question05:18
Cntryboysensei: the codecs that is taking its sweet time with my 2.1KB dialup, does it have codecs for divx,svcd,dvd,wmv ect?05:18
gioacchinothank you05:18
senseiAt least not with ff, you can try another browser05:18
senseiCntryboy: As the name implies it has codecs for 'all' ;)05:18
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: yes, they should05:19
senseiI think it even does .mov and .rm05:19
abattoirCntryboy: doesnt divx, xvid work out of the box? depends on the container i guess...05:19
gioacchinoyou can use vlc05:19
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: they dont?05:19
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: do u know what they are called . couse i dont see anything new there05:19
gioacchinocaffeine crash with dvx avi ecc05:20
gioacchinovlc work with all format..05:20
sdolnackhow unsafe is it using "unstable" wireless drivers05:20
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: you might need to restart X...05:20
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: have you done that?05:20
senseisdolnack: Not unsafe at all really05:20
Cntryboyvlc is buggy05:20
senseisdolnack:  It just means that they may crash and not work..05:21
sdolnackrly? coz it keeps stressing on the page how important it is for end users to use stable releases05:21
sdolnackand that the others are for dev/testing only05:21
Cntryboysensei: is there a way I can see what codecs I have as of now that kaffeine uses?05:21
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senseisdolnack: If there is a stable release, I suggest you use it :)05:21
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: yes , i did05:21
senseiCntryboy: Don't know, I don't use kaffeine05:21
Cntryboysensei: oh also kaffeine has a line through speaker icon it doesn't give me sound why?05:21
gioacchinoCntryboy: dont use caffeine it crash with avi rm ecc ecc, use vlc it work with all format05:22
senseiCntryboy: Did you do the mp3-steps?05:22
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:22
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senseiInstall the restricted stuff?05:22
Cntryboyive used vlc05:22
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: installed through adept?05:23
gioacchinohow to use samba?05:23
Cntryboybut it was buggy opening stuff, take me sometimes 3 tries to get it working if it did finally end up working on some videos05:23
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:23
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ is there a msttcorefonts folder?05:23
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VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: yes , there is05:24
abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: ok, with .ttf files in it i assume ;)05:25
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: yup  .tff05:25
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: ttf05:25
dabblerany possibility of entering a local directory in sources.list?05:25
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: ok , let me see if i have those names on the font list05:26
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abattoirVieLGuS-KuTaS: ok05:26
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VieLGuS-KuTaShmm , looks like i do , are all of these truetype fonts?05:30
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: i should have looked more closely05:30
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: are all of these truetype fonts?05:30
abattoiryes, .ttf->True type Fonts right?05:31
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VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: lol , sounds about right05:31
VieLGuS-KuTaSabattoir: thanks a lot05:31
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oemhello evry body05:40
oemi am Moustafa05:40
oem18 male05:40
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oemfrom Egypt cairo05:40
oemany hot girl here?05:40
oemwhat is your boobs size05:41
oemjust tell me05:41
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oemand i will shoose the best05:41
senseiWhat makes you think you're in a position to 'shoose' anybody ?05:41
tomek_I have a problem05:41
oemtell me05:42
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oemi can help you05:42
tomek_tomek@tomek:~$ glxinfo | grep "direct"05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual05:42
oemhey hey05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:42
oemforget about that05:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:42
oemno problem man05:42
senseitomek_: What drivers have you installed?05:43
oemi want to see a busy cat05:43
tequila_i use edgy and the included kernel 2.6.17 - can you tell me, where the module mmc_block is?05:43
tomek_I have GeForce 520005:43
tomek_FX Go05:43
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oemiam happy for taht05:44
oemfor that05:44
tomek_what can Ia do it ??05:44
oemyou have a beautiful card05:44
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i start the ksysguard as the administrator?05:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:44
oemtake care of it05:44
senseiimbrandon, crimsun wakey05:44
tomek_hmm ok05:45
tomek_i look for them05:45
senseihaha, have to hand it to him though.. "You have a beautiful card, take care of it" is quite funny05:45
oemdo you work?05:45
tomek_sory but my english is not good05:45
oemdon't play with matches05:45
tequila_because i need it for the SD cardslot in my laptop :(05:45
VieLGuS-KuTaStomek_: a co chcesz05:45
senseihaha I'm actually lolling from 'you have a beautiful card'05:46
tomek_tomek@tomek:~$ glxinfo | grep "direct"05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
oemthanks man05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
gioacchinoI hve a problem with samba05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
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tomek_Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
oembut really it's wanderful05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
tomek_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:46
senseitomek_: ffs..05:46
gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/etc# mount -a05:46
gioacchinoERROR: Unable to open credentials file!05:46
VieLGuS-KuTaSinstall the driver05:46
VieLGuS-KuTaSthen reconfigure the xserver05:46
oemi miss love , like a desert miss the rain05:47
senseioem: I bet you'll find it here05:47
oemi hope taht05:48
oemi hope that05:48
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oemi want to work05:48
oemi can work copmuter engneering05:48
oemon database05:49
oemon fixing05:49
oemi have a dangerus mind05:49
oembelieve me05:49
Jeff_I have loaded the AREO-AIO super krumba them but it is tranparent how can I configure the theme?05:49
oemi want to life05:49
senseioem: Dangerous mind?05:49
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oemiam from Egypt05:49
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oemand in there05:49
ubotuHelp! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, or imbrandon05:49
oemno work05:49
senseiSo everyone from Egypt is dangerous ?05:49
senseiOr 'has dangerous minds' +05:49
c0ldhey I just installed kernel and right when it says its going to boot the kernel it hangs05:50
abattoirpygi: :D05:50
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c0ldcan somone help me out ?05:50
pygioem, please calm down, thank you ^_^05:50
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VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i start the ksysguard as the administrator?05:51
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imbrandonpygi, ?05:52
pygiimachine, "oem" dude = kick please :) thanks05:53
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senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: kdesu ksysguard ?05:53
imbrandonoem, are we done being a pain ?05:53
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VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: tried that , it cant find it , cant find x-sysguard either05:56
JreinaldoHei! Could someone help me?05:56
JreinaldoHere is my problem: I have 2 HDs, each one with many partitions. When I try to install the Kubuntu on the 1st HD the " qtparted" give me an error: " Critical error during ped_disk_nwe".05:56
JreinaldoIf I by pass this error, I can choose the partitions to install it. But when I try to install i get the error " No root file system", even I had the "/"(root file system and the "swap" partition.05:56
senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: Well, do you have it installed? :O05:56
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: yup , i cant run it from the menu05:56
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: i can05:56
padikubuntu printing: using localhost:631 I can't complete the adding of a printer because neither the username nor the root user work when asked for the login on localhost, what's wrong with cups and kubuntu?05:57
imbrandonpygi, he seems to have shushed now, if it becomes a problem again just ping me05:57
senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: Check properties for the menu entry and see what command is being executed05:57
pygiimbrandon, oki, thanks ^_^05:57
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VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: ksysguard05:57
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: ksysguard % U05:58
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imachinepygi, ?05:58
senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: Can you execute that without kdesu (skip the ) in alt+f2?05:59
imbrandonimachine, he propply was trying to say imbrandon and tab completed on im<tab>05:59
imachine;] 05:59
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imachinejust when i see my name and kick05:59
imachinei wonder whats up05:59
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pygiimbrandon, ah, right :P05:59
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: yes , i can run it wothout kdesu05:59
senseiVieLGuS-KuTaS: Try it from konsole06:00
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senseiSo you can see the output06:00
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: what would the cammond be ? sudo ksysguard?06:01
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VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: well , thats works06:02
VieLGuS-KuTaSsensei: ty06:02
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imbrandonanyone here work with nfs shares at all ?06:03
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padihey come one guys06:06
padithere must be someone using PRINTING and kubuntu06:07
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pygiimbrandon, what you need...I worked with that ^_^06:07
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imbrandonpygi, http://pastebin.ca/8249906:08
imbrandonpygi, ^^ both are ubuntu boxes06:08
pygiimbrandon, so basicly you wanna make a NFS share? :)06:09
imbrandonpygi, yea06:09
padiosho: cups printing! ever heard of?06:09
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pygiimbrandon, hopefully NFS port is open?06:10
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imbrandonpygi, yea its a local lan06:10
imbrandoni would assume so06:10
carstenhow can i move a kubuntu instalation from one harddisk to another??06:10
imbrandoncarsten, dd06:11
pygiimbrandon, please check...yes, but ubuntu has closed ports, remember? :)06:11
imbrandonpygi, how LOL06:11
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes anyone know if any repo has the jre 1.05.07 debs?06:11
gioacchinoI have a problem with samba06:12
imbrandongioacchino, what kinda problem ?06:12
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gioacchinooot@gioacchino-desktop:/etc# mount -a06:12
gioacchinoERROR: Unable to open credentials file!06:12
imbrandongioacchino, sudo mount -a06:12
gioacchinoimbrandon:  I had a root shell06:13
gioacchinoERROR: Unable to open credentials file!06:13
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gioacchinotell me error with root and with sudo ...06:14
imbrandonhrm looks like a fstab prblem06:14
imbrandonhard to tell without more info06:14
imbrandonpygi, wht ports need to be open ?06:14
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pygiimbrandon, what about I write you a little tutorial now? :P06:14
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gioacchinoI had add  this line on fstab06:14
gioacchino/servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  defaults,uid=0,gid=0,credentials=~/.smbpasswd,umask=777  0  006:14
imbrandonpygi, sure06:14
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pygiimbrandon, 2049 is NFS if I remember correctly06:15
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liedhello i have just crashed my X, how can i create a default xorg.conf06:15
imbrandongioacchino, it needs to be the full path not ~/.smbpasswd06:15
pygilied, sudo dexconf06:15
gioacchinowhat's thefull path ?06:16
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imbrandongioacchino, where ever the file is06:16
imbrandonlike /home/gioacchino06:16
imbrandonand you probbly want a diffrent uid and gid06:17
gioacchinocredentials=home/gioacchino/.smbpasswd    is ok ??06:17
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imbrandonits /home/.....06:18
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imbrandonand depends on if thats where the file is06:18
imbrandongioacchino, do this ...06:18
pygiimbrandon, mail pls ? :)06:19
imbrandongioacchino,  /servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  uid=gioacchino,gid=admin,username=windows_user,password=windows_pass,rw  0  006:20
imbrandonpygi, imbrandon@kubuntu.org06:20
pygiimbrandon, right, silly me :P06:20
Snakeimbrandon: wazzap06:20
imbrandonsup Snake06:20
Snakeimbrandon: doesnt your wife/kids get mad at you on your comp all day? :P :)06:20
imbrandonSnake, i'm divorced ( and no they are on the comp too )06:21
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Snakeimbrandon: ahh okay and LOL! gotcha :)06:21
imbrandonSnake, since you know it is my job and all ;)06:21
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pygiimbrandon, o yes, you running portmap?06:21
Snakeimbrandon: As far as I can tell you chill in ubuntu rooms all day:P06:21
imbrandonpygi, yes06:21
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pygistarted before the nfs?06:21
imbrandonSnake, thats te great thing about working for yourself06:21
gioacchinoimbrandon: thanks it work!!06:22
imbrandonpygi, yea i think06:22
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imbrandongioacchino, np06:22
pygiimbrandon, share like this: " /x2x/mnt/cdrom nfs rsize=1024,wsize=1024,noauto   0 0"  ?06:22
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gioacchinoimbrandon: it tell me only root can use it06:23
imbrandonpygi, i was trying to do it on commandline before fstab to make sure it worked06:23
gioacchinohow use it with my user ?06:23
imbrandongioacchino, did you use -->  /servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  uid=gioacchino,gid=admin,username=windows_user,password=windows_pass,rw  0  006:23
pygiimbrandon, right, right06:23
coma_any developers in here interested in working on a RTS?06:24
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:/media$ sudo mount /media/nfs06:24
imbrandonmount to NFS server '' failed.06:24
imbrandonRTS ?06:24
coma_Real time strategy06:25
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imbrandonah no06:25
pygicoma_, !!!06:25
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sysrplhow can i search for installed packages?06:25
pygicoma_, this is not RTS development channel06:25
pygiimbrandon, could you look at ur server logs if you have a firewall?06:25
sysrpli am trying to remove the mono stuff and sudo apt-get remove mono yields no packages to be removed06:25
coma_is it against TOS to ask if anyones interested?06:26
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imbrandonpygi, nope no firewall06:26
jbwivguys, anyone running amaroK 1.4.1 on dapper?06:26
gioacchinoCould not mount device.06:26
gioacchinoThe reported error was:06:26
gioacchinomount: only root can mount /servername/sharename on /media/mountname06:26
pygiimbrandon, then the port is just blocked ^_^06:26
sysrplyet typing the mono compiler mcs at the terminal still shows it's installed06:26
imbrandonsysrpl, run " sudo dpkg-query -l |grep ii|grep mono " and remove all those06:26
gioacchinoimbrandon:  yes I use  /servername/sharename  /media/mountname  smbfs  uid=gioacchino,gid=admin,username=windows_user,password=windows_pass,rw  0  006:26
coma_pygi : is it against TOS to ask if anyones interested?06:26
stoicyeah i am06:26
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gioacchinobut it tell me06:27
gioacchinoCould not mount device.06:27
gioacchino[18:26]  <gioacchino> The reported error was:06:27
gioacchino[18:26]  <gioacchino> mount: only root can mount /servername/sharename on /media/mountname06:27
sysrplwhere is the grep ii?06:27
imbrandongioacchino, only root can mount it yes, but any user can use it06:27
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imbrandonsysrpl, paste that06:27
pygiimbrandon, I also hope you have "portmap: <client ip>/" in /etc/hosts06:27
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imbrandonwith no quotes06:27
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sysrpli did, and it worked ... i was just wondering what ii was06:28
imbrandonpygi, ahhh no i dont06:28
pygiimbrandon, please do ^_^06:28
imbrandonii means installed06:28
sysrploh, thanks06:28
mikearthurIs it safe to mount /var/ as noexec with ubuntu?06:28
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pygicoma_, not really :P06:28
gioacchinoroot@gioacchino-desktop:/etc# mount.smbfs service mountpoint [-n]  workgroup=MSHOME06:28
gioacchinoCould not resolve mount point mountpoint06:28
coma_pygi : phew! didnt wanna get banned off my fav channel! we are desperate though06:29
pygicoma_, eh, good luck in making a game ^_^06:29
coma_pygi : its made, we need help recoding the engine so it can be sort of...an open RTS engine....06:30
pygicoma_, oh, you wanna open source a game?06:30
imbrandonpygi, ok i got that in the server now but i still get the same error on the client, i think its a client problem06:31
coma_its already open, its just a lot of it is hardcoded....06:31
gioacchinoimbrandon: I can use shared printer ?06:31
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:/media$ showmount -e
imbrandonmount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered06:31
pygiimbrandon, I would rather say you have to open port on server ^_^06:31
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imbrandonpygi, i have http and smb shares on that server and dident have to open any ports06:32
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imbrandonpygi, how do i open the port then, i have no firewall running on it06:32
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sysrplimbrando: i am about to reinstall all this mono stuff from sources to be compiled ... afterwards sice they are compiled (instead of installed through apt-get) will the show up in the package cache?06:33
pygihm,sec, lemme try to think of something else06:33
imbrandonsysrpl, not as ii06:33
imbrandonpygi, ok06:33
imbrandonpygi, whats the mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered mean06:33
sysrplimbrandon: how will they show up then if i need to remove them in the future?06:33
imbrandonsysrpl, if they are compiled from source they you done06:34
imbrandonthats the problem with compiling programs from source06:34
sysrplimbrandon: oh06:34
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sysrplimbrandon: well how do i track what's installed on the system by way of compiled installs?06:34
imbrandonsysrpl, if you want to beable to remove them laster look into making debs from the source and install the debs06:34
imbrandonsysrpl, there isnt a way06:35
gatekeepersysrpl: I think you want to use checkinstall06:35
sysrplwell if i ned to upgrade from updated sources will that screw me up?06:35
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imbrandonsysrpl, probbly not you just compile and install over the old06:35
imbrandonin the case of MONO06:35
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imbrandonnot all are that easy though06:36
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sysrplthat's what i wanted to know06:36
imbrandonsysrpl, look into checkinstall06:36
sysrplty much06:36
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sysrplwhat does that do differently?06:36
gatekeepersysrpl: I don't think imbrandon is entirely correct I think if you use checkinstall they will show up in your package manager as installed packages06:37
imbrandonit makes a psudo deb from the source that you can install ( but only works for the computer you make the deb on, dont redistribute it )06:37
imbrandongatekeeper, yea checkinstall it will becosue its a deb, but not from source06:37
sysrplmake;sudo make install ... change to make;sudo make checkinstall ?06:38
pygiimbrandon, mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered it means that nfsd or mountd is not running on the server06:38
imbrandonyea replace sudo make install to checkinstall06:38
gatekeeperimbrandon: doesn't ./configure;make;checkinstall get hime where he wants to be?06:38
pookieroxjust FYI ... amarok 1.4.1 with last.fm radio is SWEEET06:38
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sysrpli need sudo for that though right?06:38
imbrandonsysrpl, yea06:39
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i specify a path for update-alternatives --config java??06:39
pygiimbrandon, you get it? :)06:39
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imbrandonpygi, checking now06:39
imbrandonthanks pygi that was it06:40
imbrandonbrandon@server:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start06:40
imbrandon * Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...                                                                                                                               [ ok ] 06:40
imbrandon * Starting rpc nfsd...                                                                                                                                                         [ ok ] 06:40
imbrandon * Starting rpc mountd...                                                                                                                                                       [ ok ] 06:40
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pygiimbrandon, should I call for ops? :P06:40
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pygi/kick imbrandon06:41
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pygicongrats imbrandon :)06:41
imbrandonthanks pygi ;)06:41
imbrandonthats been buggin me for days06:41
pygiyou are welcome ^_^06:41
pygijust you laugh at me :P06:42
imbrandonlaugh at myself06:42
pygiok, now I can erase this beginners article to NFS world :P06:42
pyginice :)06:42
pygiimbrandon, problems are usually big, but solutions are trivial06:44
pygiif solution is complex, then it's not a solution06:44
imbrandonhahaha how so very true06:44
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pygiimbrandon, :)06:44
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pygianyway, congrats, I must look for some laptop ^_^ Deciding beetween two currently mostly ^_^06:45
imbrandonif the solution isnt kubuntu you have the wrong problem ;)06:45
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pygiimbrandon, !!! lol !!!06:45
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imbrandonpygi, i like my iBook ;)06:45
imbrandonworks great06:46
imbrandonand everything in it just works(tm)06:46
pygiI am not sure I can get iBook in this country =P Just that dual Mac laptop thingies :P06:46
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imbrandonyea coreduo's are nice too06:47
pygiright, but I don't wanna pay 5k$ for a laptop :P06:47
imbrandonthey are about 1.5k$ here06:47
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pygiimbrandon, I'll try to find some Ibook...perhaps international order ^_^06:48
imbrandonebay ;)06:48
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pyginever trust ebay !!!06:48
pygijoke, ebay doesn't have much apples06:48
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=== pygi looks for some apple thingie ^_^
imbrandonwoot now i can put my /home/brandon dir on the nfs and use it on my lappy or desktop ;)06:49
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pygiimbrandon, aha ^_^06:49
sysrplsudo checkinstall thank you for the check install .. works good, though it's a bit verbose06:50
MDCore_hey guys. I'm busy switching from WinXP to Kubuntu.. and there's a few app equivalents that I'm looking for (or useful alternatives, of course). I use tortoiseSVN regularly on win.. is there a kde alternative?06:50
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imbrandonMDCore subversion06:50
pygiimbrandon, http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/item.asp?itemid=2362&catid=17406:50
pygithis one?06:50
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i specify a path for update-alternatives --config java??06:51
imbrandonpygi, haha thats almost an exact thing i have, yes it works great06:51
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imbrandonVieLGuS-KuTaS, not sure if you can06:51
pygiimbrandon, there is this one as well: http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/item.asp?itemid=236306:51
pygiMDCore, there is, it just doesnt look the same...search at Adept "svn"06:52
pygiand you should get something06:52
pygiimbrandon, what about that second one? same as you have?06:52
omeowHow come my printer always prints an extra blank page when I print something with it?06:52
imbrandonyea i have the superdrive and bigger hdd06:52
imbrandonthat the second one has06:52
pygiah, right ^_^06:53
pygiimbrandon, so you suggest to take that instead of regular laptop?^_^06:53
VieLGuS-KuTaSimbrandon: i used the installer from .bin and it wont see it , so how can i set it as default when it doesnt see it and i cant specify the path?06:53
pygiimbrandon, http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/item.asp?itemid=3562 !!!!!06:53
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imbrandonpygi, here is my iBook running http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/screenshots/mol.png06:54
imbrandonlol nice pygi06:54
pygiimbrandon, no really, do you suggest me to buy Ibook instead of regular laptop?06:54
imbrandonVieLGuS-KuTaS, i dont know bro, i think it only works for pkgs06:54
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pygiMac-On-Linux? Emulator/Virtualization?06:55
imbrandonpygi, yea i like them much better , they run very smooth and have a long batterie life06:55
VieLGuS-KuTaSimbrandon: ok , ty06:55
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imbrandonpygi, virt, it runs your osx install alongside linux ( from another partition )06:55
pygiimbrandon, right, right, I couldnt go without adium if I had Apple ^_^06:56
imbrandononly works for ppc though06:56
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pygiright ^_^06:56
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MikeStyleHi, i have a big problem06:56
imbrandonyup thats my little green duck06:56
zorglu1imbrandon: aware of any solution to run macosx on linuc pc ? im search something to do that ? like qemu is able to do so ?06:56
VieLGuS-KuTaSimbrandon: do u know if any repo has the latest sun-java jre?06:56
pygizorglu1, no, not qemu ^_^06:57
imbrandonzorglu1, x86 ? pearpc06:57
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pygiimbrandon, is that open source? (pearpc)06:57
imbrandonVieLGuS-KuTaS, only the official one06:57
imbrandonpygi, yea06:57
pygiuh, nice :)06:57
MDCore_what do u guys recommend as a gui text editor. I edit PHP, ASP, python... ruby.... lots of HTML+JS+Code.06:57
pygizorglu1, you couuld run MacOS on x86 in Qemu if you had super-computer06:57
=== pygi will take imbrandon's advice, and just buy the same Ibook he owns
zorglu1pygi: you mean this would be slow ?06:58
pygizorglu1, aha ^_^06:58
zorglu1so ?06:58
imbrandonpowerpc emulator06:58
zorglu1imbrandon: yep looking at the screenshot right now :)06:58
pygiimbrandon, right, but just on apple architecture :P06:58
zorglu1imbrandon: do you know if it work ok ?06:58
MikeStyleGuys, i installed a sorta beta distro on my second hard drive in my main machine (40 gb) and the main (80 gb) has windows on it. within windows i formatted the drive (40 gb) because i wasnt using it. now my computer gets a grub error on bootup...grub error 17 if the drive is enabled in bios and error 21 if disabled... they are both sata...can anyone help??06:59
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imbrandonzorglu1, no idea, i use a real ppc ;)06:59
zorglu1imbrandon: ok :) i will test then :)06:59
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imbrandonMikeStyle, boot from a windows recovery disk and run "fixmbr"06:59
pygizorglu1, he can use virtualization, you cant06:59
marijozejoin #almeria06:59
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zorglu1pygi: man answer my previous question07:00
MikeStyleimbrandon, windows recovery...ok i think i have one. thank you!07:00
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imbrandonpygi, you know parrellels for osx ? mol is kinda like that07:01
MikeStyleimbrandon, that in no way will affect my files right?07:01
deuce868anyone have first hand knowledge of getting sd card readers built into laptops going? I've seen that it's supposed to have been put in place with dapper?07:01
imbrandonMikeStyle, correct you just need to fix the MBR07:01
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MikeStylei believe dell has a 2 gb recovery partition called dellutility... but ive never seen it on boot menu ... 0_o07:02
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imbrandondeuce868, might check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam07:02
imbrandonMikeStyle, no07:02
imbrandonnot the recovery partition07:02
imbrandona real windows cd07:03
imbrandonthen choose recovery from that07:03
imbrandonotherwise you WILL loose data07:03
imbrandononce at the recovery console just type "fixmbr" it will give you a warning etc etc etc, tell it yes07:03
imbrandonthen your reboot and are golden07:03
imbrandontakes about 5 min total07:04
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pygiimbrandon, mol?07:05
pygizorglu1, which one?07:05
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pygiimbrandon, did I miss something? :P07:05
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imbrandonMikeStyle, if you have an old windows95/98 floppy bootdisk arround you can use it too by booting from it and running "fdisk /mbr"07:05
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imbrandonpygi, mol == mac-on-linux07:05
deuce868imbrandon, yea I was looking there. Those that are close to my laptop's model number all have that the sd card readers as untested07:05
MikeStyleimbrandon, lol no. the cd worked i think07:05
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pygiimbrandon, ah, right, sorry ^_^07:05
pygibattery 6 hours??!!!07:06
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imbrandondeuce868, it SHOULD work out of the box as they are just usb interfaces though07:06
imbrandonpygi, yea my batterie last a LONG time in my iBook07:06
pygibut it doesnt have kind of perfomarmance as turon 4000 or Centrino 1.86?07:06
MikeStyleomg imbrandon thank u so much07:06
imbrandonthats one of the things i like about it07:06
MikeStyleit worked07:06
imbrandonMikeStyle, np07:06
MikeStyleill never install novell linux enterprise desktop 10 again07:07
pygiimbrandon, ok, and does that wireless card works on Linux?07:07
pygiMikeStyle, :)07:07
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deuce868imachine, that's the thing. I've seen some posts in the forums say it should work out of the box with dapper. I think this is my card in lspci07:07
deuce8680000:08:06.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments: Unknown device 803b07:07
imbrandonMikeStyle, lol any linux will do that if you just "delete it" but thats how to fix it ;)07:07
MikeStyleimbrandon i never had problems with ubuntu or kubuntu and that ...07:07
imbrandonouch yea07:07
imbrandonMikeStyle, youve never just "deleted them" then ;)07:08
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhats a ls command to only show symbolic links?07:08
MikeStyleimbrandon, true07:08
imbrandonVieLGuS-KuTaS, ls -la will show links also other files07:08
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VieLGuS-KuTaSk ,ty07:09
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pygiimbrandon, any chance for a response? I promise, thats my final question about apple :)07:09
MikeStyleanyone here good with windows and familiar with norton ghost?07:09
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pygiMikeStyle, !!!07:09
MikeStylepygi !!! ?07:10
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imbrandonpygi, what question?07:10
imbrandonsorry was afk a moment07:11
=== darkaudit hasn't run linux in nearly a year... forgot most of his skills :(
pygiimbrandon, no worries :) does wireless card in that ibook works on linux?07:11
imbrandonpygi, oh yea right out of the box with dapper, airports use the orinoco drivers ( no config needed cept your wep key )07:11
pygio, good to know ^_^07:12
Random_Transithey, I'm looking for people from Canada, specifically Ontario to help start an Ubuntu street team, help get the word out about Ubuntu07:12
MikeStylewoohoo norton ghost copying all data from C:/ to G:/07:12
MikeStyleg being a western digital MyBook07:12
imbrandonairport classic usees the orinoco and airport extreeme uses BCMxx07:12
imbrandonbut both work out of the box07:13
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pygiimbrandon, right, well, it seems this is extreme airport ;)07:13
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MikeStylei heard mac laptops run ALOT better under linux07:13
imbrandonMikeStyle, i like mine ;)07:13
pygiMikeStyle, you mean apple laptops !!!07:13
abattoirpygi: thinking of getting a MBP ? :P07:13
MikeStylepygi, why is it called macbook then/07:14
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imbrandonMikeStyle, mine is an iBook not a mpb ;)07:14
pygiabattoir, just iBook07:14
MikeStylewhy not applebook?07:14
abattoirpygi: you mean MacBook?07:14
MikeStyleim content with my dell inspiron 510007:14
pygiabattoir, no, I mean Ibook :P07:14
pygi<abattoir> pygi: you mean MacBook?07:14
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abattoirpygi: ah ok, the black one looks swanky :)07:15
pygiabattoir, http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/item.asp?itemid=3562&catid=174 :P07:15
pygi(this is the one I wont buy :P)07:15
imbrandonabattoir, the ppc ones use less batterie ;)07:15
MikeStyleat work i salvaged an internal wireless out of a broken inspiron 5150, installed but kubuntu didnt pickit  up :(07:15
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pygiMikeStyle, chip?07:15
imbrandonchipset ?07:15
MikeStylepygi pentium 407:15
imbrandonMikeStyle, wireless chipset ;)07:16
abattoirMikeStyle: the wireless chipset07:16
pygiMikeStyle, wireless pentium 4 chipset????!07:16
MikeStylesame exact as 515007:16
MikeStylehold on07:16
MikeStyleneed to take it apart now07:16
pygiI almost thought I missed entire decade or so :P07:16
imbrandonafk , gonna go migrate my /home to the nfs server ;)07:16
abattoirimbrandon, pygi, hasnt ibook production stopped?07:16
MikeStyleerr cant find my screwdriver...07:16
imbrandonabattoir, yea but there is still a ton out there and they run great07:16
pygiabattoir, not sure, perhaps yes ^_^07:17
MikeStyleits broadcom07:17
abattoirthen pygi must be able to get a discount...07:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:17
pygiabattoir, not really :-/07:17
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abattoirhmm, my ubotu entry didnt get added :(07:17
imbrandonabattoir, i payed about 300$ for my iBook07:17
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imbrandonabattoir, are you on the editors list ?07:18
pygiimbrandon, that ibook costs 1900$ here !!!07:18
imbrandonpygi, ouch07:18
pygisend me one ? :P07:18
abattoirimbrandon: nope, it was forwarded to #ubuntu-ops07:18
imbrandonabattoir, ahh07:18
pygiimbrandon, I would pay, ofcourse ^_^07:18
abattoirMikeStyle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper07:18
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pygijust look at the difference ... 300$ compared to 1900$ :P07:18
imbrandonpygi, i got mine from ebay ;(07:19
MikeStyleoh god they want me to set up ndiswrapper07:19
pygihm, sec07:19
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pygiimbrandon, right, right07:19
abattoirMikeStyle: the dapper kernel has a bcm43xx module07:20
MikeStyleabattoir, then why doesnt it work/07:20
pygiimbrandon, http://computers.search.ebay.com/ibook_Laptops-Notebooks_W0QQsacatZ5114807:20
pyginothing useful07:20
abattoirMikeStyle: section 1.2 ?07:20
abattoirMikeStyle: though i myself prefer ndiswrapper...07:20
imbrandon!no bcm43xx is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper07:20
ubotuI'll remember that07:21
imbrandonthere ya go abattoir07:21
abattoirimbrandon: thanks :)07:21
MikeStyleis ubotu a bot?07:21
imbrandonMikeStyle, yes07:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:21
abattoirMikeStyle: indeed :)07:21
=== pygi thinks is it wise to give 1900$ for apple Ibook
imbrandonpygi, yea it realy is worth it , i love mine07:22
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imbrandoni dunno if i would buy a apple desktop but i wouldent buy any other laptop07:22
uniqibooks are great.07:23
uniqi love mine too :)07:23
pussfellerhow do i set what services start up on boot07:23
pygiimbrandon, http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/item.asp?itemid=3567&catid=175 :)07:23
ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto07:23
pygiimbrandon, oh, oki, I'll probably go and buy it then ^_^07:23
abattoirpygi: slightly offopic, is da yes, like in Russian?07:23
imbrandonheya uniq ;)07:23
uniqhi imbrandon.07:23
pygiabattoir, "da" = "yes", right ... where you saw "da"?07:24
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abattoirBluetooth: da07:24
abattoir Airport Extreme: da07:24
pygiah :P07:24
abattoirand no is nyet? :P ?07:24
pygi"no" = "ne" :)07:24
abattoirok, thanks :)07:25
MikeStyleguys, when i do "apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter", it says package cannot be found07:25
pygiabattoir, nema na cemu :)07:25
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abattoirpygi: no problem? ;)07:25
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pygiabattoir, "you are welcome" :)07:25
uniqmikestyle: have you enabled universe?07:25
uniq!universe > mikestyle07:25
abattoir!info bcm43xx-fwcutter07:25
ubotubcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In repository universe, is optional. Version 20060108-6build1 (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 100 kB07:25
MikeStyleuniq, probably not07:26
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:/media$ apt-cache madison bcm43xx-fwcutter07:26
imbrandonbcm43xx-fwcutter | 20060108-6build1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages07:26
imbrandonbcm43xx-fwcutter | 20060108-6build1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Sources07:26
pygiimbrandon, kick urself :P07:26
pygiagain !!! :)07:26
pygithat's a kick-ban :P07:26
MikeStyleAH where is synaptic package manager?!07:26
abattoirMikeStyle: do you know how to enable it?07:26
imbrandonheh ok, me go's afk to work on this nfs ;)07:26
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pygiimbrandon, good luck :)07:27
abattoirMikeStyle: fire up adept07:27
pygiMikeStyle, Kubuntu doesnt have synaptic07:27
MikeStyleabattoir ok07:27
abattoirMikeStyle: Adept->Manage Repositories....07:27
MikeStylenow what07:27
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MikeStyleok now what07:28
darkauditshocked and amazed that I had no difficulty getting my wireless set up when I installed Kubuntu last night... bravo people!07:28
imbrandonMikeStyle, patients he is probbly looking ;)07:28
abattoirMikeStyle: you see the line 'deb   xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main' ?07:29
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MikeStylei found universe and enabled07:29
abattoirok now apply....07:29
abattoirand fetch updates07:30
abattoirit'd be a good idea to enable multiverse and restricted too... if it isnt already :)07:30
MikeStyleand i did07:30
MikeStylenow try it?07:30
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pygiabattoir, 21:00 PM07:31
abattoirpygi: yes i found out :)07:31
abattoirthank you07:31
gatekeeperMikeStyle: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories07:31
MikeStyleok i think i got it07:31
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abattoir@time Munich07:34
abattoir@time Berlin07:34
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Berlin: July 08 2006, 19:34:5707:34
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pussfellerwhats mysql ngb and ngb manager07:35
pussfellerdo i wanna start that or mysql07:36
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pussfellerkubuntu really needs a better services manager :)07:37
pussfellerbum doesnt seem to read the runlevels directly but rather queires dpkg07:38
pygipussfeller, write it, this is free world ^_^07:38
uniqpussfeller: what about ksysv?07:39
pussfelleruniq i will try that one07:40
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pussfelleruniq i "cut" the entries out of each runlevel i dont want?07:42
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centyxupgraded to amarok 1.4.0 from kubuntu.org hoping to get support for windows media streams etc. no luck. is there anything else I need to do? I've got libxine-extracodecs and w32codecs installed.07:44
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centyxnote: the streams work in kaffeine07:44
omeowcentyx: Do you have a link to the stream? I'd like to try it too.07:45
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centyxomeow: sure. mms://windowsmedia.byu.edu/Instrumental is one07:46
zorglu1mplayer mms://windowsmedia.byu.edu/Instrumental works07:46
omeowworks for me.07:46
zorglu1nothing to do with amarok tho07:46
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omeow(in amarok)07:46
centyxsince they work in kaffeine using the xine engine, i'm assuming that xine is ok and it's an amarok issue07:47
centyxomeow: weird07:47
omeowcentyx: I use amarok 1.4.1 though.07:47
zorglu1you sure you want to listen to THAT stream ? :)07:47
centyxomeow: ah. is there a package for that?07:47
omeowYes, one sec.07:47
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Frederickfolks kubuntu updated my kernel how do I remove the old one?07:48
centyxzorglu1: I know, it'd put most ppl to sleep ;p07:48
pygiabattoir, ???07:48
pussfellernow i need to find out whats starting stupid beagled07:48
omeowadd "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141 dapper main" to your adept repository list.07:48
centyxthanks, I'll try that07:48
pussfellerwhich cant handle the way kde does removable storage07:48
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omeowcentyx: There's also a predefined radio stream for classical music in amarok. Did you try that one too?07:49
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johnsandmanunsermake command not found what i am missing ?07:50
centyxomeow: no, I didn't. do I need to apt-get upgrade, or I will be safe just fetching amarok-xine, amarok-engines, and amarok?07:50
omeowYou need to add the repository (remember to click apply before you close the window), then fetch updates and let it update everything to update.07:51
_simian_i'm having trouble with xine and amarok at the moment07:51
omeow(most likely only amarok I think)07:51
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centyxomeow: I was doing it by hand07:51
omeow_simian_: It'd be more helpful if you said what the problem was.07:51
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centyxomeow: dist-upgrade didn't show any other media-related files, so I'm good I guess07:51
_simian_omeow: lol i was in the middle of typing it07:51
centyxomeow: I went ahead and did it anyway tho b/c I figured it wouldn't hurt07:52
omeowcentyx: Oh ok, I'm not too familiar to those commands, just check the version number of amarok after you restarted it.07:52
centyxomeow: I was worried about libtag etc07:52
omeowFor tunepimp you mean?07:52
_simian_omeow: it amarok keeps saying that it can't load the xine engine, then i log out and log in again it's all right (but i'm sure that the is a better way to deal withproblem07:53
omeowI get that stuff from a thirdparty because the official repository comes without the much needed mp3 support.07:53
omeow_simian_: does it tell you why? perhaps the audio device is in use?07:53
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omeow(an even better place to ask this stuff is in #amarok by the way)07:53
centyxomeow: hey they work!07:54
centyxomeow: the upgrade did the trick07:54
centyxomeow: ah, I didn't even think it'd have a large enough user base to have its own channel07:54
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centyxlooks a litle better too ;)07:55
_simian_omeow: it's working well at the moment so i can't check but going by memory i don' think it did give a reason07:55
Frederickfolks kubuntu updated my kernel how do I remove the old one?07:55
centyxomeow: anyway thanks07:55
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_simian_when i hold the mouse pointer over the amarok window it is constantly swithing between a standart mouse pointer adn a pointer that  indicates that the computer is busy, does it sound like i have some memory issues?07:58
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Bennneri'm having troubles running SMB4K, the apps comes slow and i get this message "smbumount must be installed suid root"07:58
neylaraalguien habla espaol07:59
z00m_hi all, im new to kubuntu, do it have a firewall built in it?07:59
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_simian_zoom linux has iptables built in but as far as i know it is just an empty shell in kubuntu07:59
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farouswhy is it that some times even the terminal window is soo slow on dapper?08:00
z00m__simian_: does it have a firewall built into the it or do i need to enable one08:01
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jerryI have a question08:04
_simian_z00m_: I don't think it has what your talking about but all ports are blocked by default so unless you have unblocked them you should be fine08:04
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jerryI have a question08:05
Hawkwindjerry: Just ask08:05
jerryI can't get music to play on a webpage08:05
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jerrymusic dosen't play08:06
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sysrplshit, what linux gui text editor supports macro recording and playback?08:07
Bennneri'm having troubles running SMB4K, the apps comes slow and i get this message "smbumount must be installed suid root"08:07
jerryI click install plugin and nothing happens08:08
z00m_can anyone tell me how i get security updates on kubuntu, where do i search for updates any help would be great08:08
AmazingRussneed to edit your sources.list08:08
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AmazingRussthat make any sense?08:08
z00m_its ok i found it ;)08:09
jerrysays I'm missing a plugin08:09
zorglu1jerry: to get help, you would need to get more info :)08:10
jerryat http://peppyprankcall.ytmnd.com/08:10
jerryit says missing plugin08:10
zorglu1jerry: see just 'it doesnt work' is hard to work on :)08:10
jerrybut the button does nothing08:10
zorglu1ah this is info :)08:10
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zorglu1jerry: ok i hear some sound on this webpage08:11
jerrywell I don't08:11
jerryand it says missing plugin08:11
zorglu1jerry: so my guess is simple, you need to install the flash pligin for firefox08:11
darkauditwhoops... wrong window... sorry08:11
jerryhow do I do that?08:11
zorglu1i dunno :)08:12
zorglu1likely some stuff in adept08:12
zorglu1and i heard that some minor issue happen in the install08:12
zorglu1this is explaining how to add the flash plugin08:13
jerryholy shit all of that08:13
zorglu1well only this 'install flahs08:14
zorglu1not the whole page :)08:14
jerryis there anyway to get kubuntu to auto update itself08:14
zorglu1this is like 3 commands, nothing too big :)08:14
jerrythere are 14 update packages available08:15
zorglu1in adept theere is a big button 'fully updagre'08:15
jerrycan I have it setup at a certain time to auto upgrade08:15
jerrylike noon08:15
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zorglu1yep you do the proper apt-get at a given time08:16
gatekeeperjerry: cron job08:16
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jerrywhat would I do08:18
jerryin /etc/crontab?08:19
padihas anyone else problems adding/modifying a printer in kubuntu under dd 6.06?08:19
gatekeeperjerry: use KCron08:19
padiin the log there is always: unauthoritive08:19
gatekeeperjerry: are you using Firefox?08:19
padibut my user is member of the group lpadmin08:20
padido I have to enable the root user?08:20
gatekeeperjerry: K -> System -> KCron08:20
zorglu1unauthoritive doesnt seem like 'not authorized'08:20
zorglu1padi: just a remark.08:21
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padiwait, the exact word is08:21
z00m_whats a good linux firewall ?08:21
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z00m_that works on kubuntu08:21
jerryIt's still not working08:21
gatekeepertried this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox08:21
z00m_another thing what the hell is CUPS 1.2 service ?08:22
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padiE [08/Jul/2006:18:31:47 +0200]  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!08:22
z00m_another thing what the hell is CUPS 1.2 service ?08:22
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fiyawerxfor printing i believe08:23
gatekeeperjerry: I have this installed too: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/446/08:23
zorglu1padi: oh so this is a right management issue. no clue about the answer tho08:23
overlimithow can u define which modules are loaded at boot time?I mean in slack there is a /etc/rc.d/rc.modules file08:23
gatekeeperjerry: possible a codec issue08:24
zorglu1padi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136818&page=2 <- you are not the only one having this message08:24
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sysrplis there no linux text editor that supports macro recording?08:25
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jerrywhat do I save it as or do with it?08:25
zorglu1sysrpl: emacs support macro08:26
z00m_overlimit: just goto program menu then select system settings >> system services08:26
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jerryWhat do I do with mediaplayerconnectivity?08:27
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z00m_anyone send time on securing there computer in here ? if so whats a good firewall to use with this distro ?08:27
gatekeeperjerry: press 'install now' if you are talking about Mediaplayerconnectivity08:27
jerrythen what08:27
zorglu1padi: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/39484 <- the official issue description08:27
jerryI did that and it pops up some window08:27
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gatekeeperz00m_: iptables comes as standard08:28
padioh great08:28
padizorglu1: !! thanks08:28
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)08:28
nduwakI recentlly installed Kubuntu but i cant get the sound while plaing KsCD any help?08:28
sysrplgeeez emacs is a big set of files to install08:28
hastesaversysrpl, but it's worth it ;)08:29
AmazingRussemacs makes my teeth ache08:29
gatekeeperjerry: just say OK to installing it08:29
hastesaversysrpl, Emacs (and/or Vim) is the best text-editor there is.08:29
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jerryoh god08:30
sysrplwell it doesn't work with the gui clipboard very well08:30
jerryok I got install.js and install.rdf and chrome08:30
sysrplwtf is up with that?08:30
hastesaversysrpl, that's sadly true. I've been facing those problems too. In fact, I can copy from Emacs to some apps, and not to others. But klipper takes care of it08:31
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gatekeeperjerry: I am confused?? what are you up to?08:31
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jerrywell I clicked on that one thing08:32
sysrplwhere is this macro recording and playback? i dont see it in the menu and it's not mapped to the expected ctrl+shift+r08:32
jerryand saved it to the desktop08:32
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hastesaversysrpl, oh, if it's the first time you're using Emacs, you might as well give up :) All keybindings are weird and different08:32
padishould the file /etc/cups/printers.conf be empty?08:32
z00m_gatekeeper: thanks08:32
hastesaverI've noticed that if you have klipper running, selecting (or copying) in Emacs shows up in Klipper, but it doesn't paste in the other app unless you click on Klipper and select that text. This is very strange, anyone know the cause of this?08:33
sysrplwell what normal operating text editor for windows supports macro rrecording and playback ... as well as the clipboard08:33
padithe bug seems not resolved yet08:33
padiwhat a mess08:33
z00m_gatekeeper: is that terminal based or had it got a GUI ?08:33
gatekeeperjerry: no go back to the web site and press the 'Install now' URL08:33
ChefWillanyone know where plugins folder for kopete is?08:33
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)08:33
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z00m_thanks ;)08:34
gatekeeperz00m_: firestarter is a GUI (there are others) ^ ^08:34
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z00m_so i need to get firestarter08:34
gatekeeperz00m_: hope you manage to get it to do what you want08:34
gatekeeperz00m_: yep08:35
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gatekeeperz00m_: or another one if you don't like that one e.g. guarddog08:35
z00m_im on a wifi network and dont want other computers on the network to have access to this computer, block pings and port scans08:35
z00m_and stealth scans ... :)08:36
morphadohello anyone know about officall wine channel08:36
hastesaversysrpl, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_text_editors :)08:36
jerryI just want to hear it08:36
zorglu1morphado: #winehq08:36
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hastesaversysrpl, you could probably try gedit08:37
sysrpli was reading in there before i asked here :)08:37
morphadothanks guys trying to make my win app working ;)08:37
sysrplgedit doesnt do macros accept through scripts08:37
sysrpli need macro recording08:37
gatekeeperz00m_: that's what you want, I haven't played with it myself, but someone said everything is blocked by default and only application that you install open up ports08:37
sysrpli'm looking at jedit right now ...08:37
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gatekeeperz00m_: all my PC's sit behind a router which has already got a firewall08:38
z00m_gatekeeper: it may allow hosts on the network to be trusted, i just wanted to setup one just incase08:38
jerrycouldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: content.ytmnd.com08:39
z00m_network meaning the internal network08:39
gatekeeperz00m_: ok, you can always go to the test web sites and see what happens08:39
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gatekeeperjerry: that is what you get when you press on the URL?08:40
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jerryholy cow08:40
z00m_gatekeeper: We have a router setup with a IDS / firewall built into it, so that will stop the outside attacks to some level. But i wanted to have the hosts on the internal network protected with a firewall too08:40
zorglu1guillermo: #kubuntu-es seems more what you want :)08:40
guillermotrank you08:40
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gatekeeperz00m_: good thinking :-)08:41
z00m_just incase. you can never be too secure !! lol08:41
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gatekeeperz00m_: too true :-)08:41
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hastesaversysrpl, but seriously, if you're a programmer, you should take a look at [X] Emacs  and [G] Vim. They're very powerful once you learn how to use them. But if your text-editing needs are not much (only occasional), then probably don't bother.08:42
gatekeeperjerry: if firefox will not let you install add-ins I don't know what to suggest08:42
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jerryhey how do I add crontab to have it auto update08:43
gatekeeperjerry: when did you install it?08:43
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z00m_gatekeeper: been using windows for the last few years and im fed up of 1:spyware and 2:being exploited08:43
z00m_so i think linux is the best option08:43
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gatekeeperz00m_: join the club :-) one of the motivations I changed, collegues at work said linux rock so I decided to investigate and agree08:44
z00m_does anyone know if the amd64 build of this distro has any better feature towards security messures. i.e protected memory and so on ?08:44
zorglu1i run linux only for like 10years, but i was tired of not being exploited :) i installed windows today :)08:44
Eragonuhh hi guys08:44
zorglu1it is amazing how delighted i am about this08:44
zorglu1no idea why :)08:44
z00m_zorglu1: serious ?08:45
Eragonim gonna try out kubuntu dual boot now08:45
gatekeeperjerry: when did you install kubuntu?08:45
Eragonin kubuntu how do i access my windows files?08:45
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Eragoni just mount the windows drive?08:45
zorglu1z00m_: yep :) except for my motivation tho :)08:45
jerryI just did it08:45
morphadoyep eragon08:46
jerryworks cool08:46
Eragonah ok08:46
zorglu1z00m_: tired of not being exploited" should be replaced by "need to port for stuff on window" :)08:46
z00m_zorglu1 so did u get exploited alot on linux then ?08:46
Eragonsince i can access all my windows files from linux i dont need that much space allocated to kubuntu right08:46
Eragonlike 2gb is enough?08:46
sysrplhastesaver: i am a programmer but prefer ide's like kdevelop, monodevelop, and eclispe08:46
zorglu1z00m_: nope :) i do like linux :)08:47
zorglu1sysrpl: which language do you code in ?08:47
z00m_i think its hard going from windows to linux its a hard learning curve08:47
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:47
morphadoI am just a new but for the wap partition u need a last the double size of your RAM08:47
sysrplhastesaver: free pascal, c#, and java08:47
zorglu1z00m_: nope :) believe me. linux to window is hard too08:47
gatekeeperz00m_: how so?08:47
sysrplsometimes C++08:47
zorglu1sysrpl: i do c++ in eclipse... not the best choise tho :)08:48
gatekeepersysrpl: people still use pascal woow :-)08:48
zorglu1sysrpl: i use eclipse because i was used to it when i did some java08:48
z00m_<<< windows makes life easy, you could setup an server in one click on windows. I think thats why its alwaus being exploited, default setups08:48
zorglu1i hope the pascal stuff is school stuff :)08:48
sysrplpixel the graphics editor is written in free pascal and i am working on a library for that project08:49
sysrplbut i would very much like a gui integrated text editor for linux like textpad under windows08:49
gatekeeperz00m_: Installing in linux is usually much easier, try installing Php/Apache/MySql on windows the in linux and you will know what I mean08:50
liedcan someone help with my graph-drivers? i have an geforce mx 460, which driver should install?08:50
sysrplfor general purpose stuff08:50
zorglu1z00m_: and you got this people like us to help you. how nice is that ? :)08:50
morphadowhy to switch after I love the magic of dual boot08:50
sysrplmacro recording is a huge feature to me08:50
gatekeeperz00m_: package manager generally makes life very easy08:50
morphadogatekeeper yes but for people who has a net access !!!08:51
Eragonin a dual boot how much space should i allocate to kubuntu so that i can install most of the useful linux software without keeping much data on the linux drive08:51
AmazingRuss20 meg should be plenty08:51
AmazingRusser gig08:51
gatekeepermorphado: I surpose so got broadband so I surpose I tend to forget that :-)08:51
AmazingRussim old08:51
Eragonhow about like 4 gigs08:52
zorglu1ok too :)08:52
z00m_yea its got easy now compare to what it use to be like, i linux installed before and you had to compile everything /configure  .. blah blah make , then find dependances, i was back on windows within 2 hours08:52
sysrplgod damn this all sucks .... [error]  AWT-EventQueue-3: java.lang.InternalError: Pango: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()08:52
AmazingRusswould do 0 minimum08:52
sysrpljedit refuses to run08:52
AmazingRusser 808:52
AmazingRusscant type08:52
gatekeeperz00m_: apt-get/synaptic are your friends :-)08:52
zorglu1z00m_: stick at it, you will love adept :) and its 18000 free apps one click away08:53
zorglu1"18000 free apps one click away" <- nice slogan :)08:53
morphadoeragon for me I allocated 20 giga08:53
gatekeeperz00m_: zorglu1: hate Adept much prefer CLI or synaptic Adept does my head in :-)08:53
z00m_yea thats true, i like playing games though so i need windows for that mainly. battle field 2 and ghost recon advanced war08:53
SpAwNz00m_: if u are looking for a nice easy firewall i suggest ipkungfu.........or if u want a firewall capable of ingress/egress filtering id suggest apf08:54
Eragonhmmm do you keep much data on the linux drive morphado08:54
SpAwNboth are cli only....but pretty easy to set up08:54
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jerryI have a question08:54
z00m_SpAwN: yeah that would be a good one for me so it asks if i want to allow apps to access the outside also08:55
gatekeeperSpAwN: do both require a good knowledge of iptables?08:55
jerryIs there a way to setup so that at noon all the packages get updated in adept?08:55
HawkwindIpkungfu doesn't08:55
z00m_i know on windows there firewall does not ask it just allows out going traffic unless its trying to bind to a port then it asks08:55
SpAwNz00m_: the apf is a little more advanced......is the computer phisicly in front of you?08:56
SpAwNgatekeeper: not at all08:56
Hawkwindjerry: Look into crontab/cronjob08:56
jerrywhat would I put in there?08:56
jerryin etc/crontab ?08:56
SpAwNz00m_: good......when i installed apf.. i accidently blocked everything.....if it was a remote computeri woulda been fucked08:57
Hawkwindjerry: man crontab08:57
Hawkwindjerry: Or man crontab08:57
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HawkwindErmmm, man cronjob08:57
morphadozoom what is your graphic card, because mine is geforce 6600gt but ghost recon AW quality is low !!08:57
z00m_morphado: its the geforce 7600 GT by BFG overclocked one08:58
SpAwNbut z00m_ ipkungfu is realy easy to set up and works great...i dont think it does the egress though08:58
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gatekeeperSpAwN: I will have to have a look at that, read some stuff on iptables but have never really had the time so far to get my head round it all thanx for the tip :-)08:59
SpAwNz00m_: i got a 7800 GT OC :P08:59
entropycould someone help me fix apt-get/dpkg or whatever-it's-called please? I'm new to debian(based) systems and I've broken it. I tried to install setiathome. the install failed. now when i try install *anything* (eg apt-get install foo) it retries the setiathome install which is still failing (it tries to connect to a site during  the install and fails). so i'm now unable to install any new software :( :(08:59
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z00m_SpAwN: good cards aint they08:59
SpAwNgatekeeper: np man =D08:59
morphadozoom ok08:59
SpAwNz00m_: the fucking rock08:59
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bcronI installed xubuntu and then I installed kubuntu-desktop and now I don't have "display" on my desktop configuration09:00
z00m_morphado: did you download the lastest updates for the game ?09:00
thomasg' evening guys09:00
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bcronanyone ever see that happen before and/or know how to fix it?09:01
morphadozoom no man because my copy is cracked so i can't pach it man09:01
omeow_simian_:  Did you get your problem solved? (Sorry, I was away for a bit)09:01
thomasis there a tagger for music files which uses allmusic.com for tagging kinda semi-automatically?09:01
z00m_there is new options for antistropic filtering, plus if you click on advanced option in the graphics section on options you can setup the quality in there, mine is set at medium09:01
gatekeeperz00m_: I have learnt something from your question all good stuff :-)09:01
omeow_simian_: I have the cursor switching problem with adept. Not with amarok.09:02
z00m_gatekeeper: i like secuirty, spend most of my time playing with it :D09:02
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gatekeeperz00m_: you might have to come back and teach me a thing or two :-)09:03
z00m_im not that clever, I hang the irc.bsrf.co.uk09:04
z00m_hang in the ^09:04
z00m_SpAwN: do i need to get some drivers then to get my geforce card running like it should in kubuntu ?09:05
entropytrying to do 'apt-get --fix-missing' also fails it freezes here: http://rafb.net/paste/results/v2Ny1r32.html09:05
z00m_entropy: did you sudo ?09:05
jerryI can't find it09:05
morphadoby guys I have to leave, 1 hour of net access cost me 1 euro, off fuck my net provider09:07
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z00m_morphado: lol ok ;)09:07
z00m_expensive that is09:07
hastesavermorphado, wow, and I thought Internet was cheap in Europe (at least in France it is)09:07
morphadowoops who tell i am from france09:08
morphadoactually I am from algeria don't be afraid i am not harmfull ;)09:09
z00m_entropy: you there ? did you solve the problem ?09:09
sysrplwhat is the terminal deltree type command under linux?09:09
hastesavermorphado, no, I just meant that I'd heard Internet is very cheap in France, so I assumed (stupidly) that it's cheap in all of Europe (and because you said Euro, I deduced Europe) :)09:09
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drizdo I just select how much space i want to run Kubuntu on if i want to dual boot09:10
z00m_entropy: try this apt-get autoclean09:10
z00m_that should get rid of that old crap09:10
z00m_entropy: try this "sudo apt-get autoclean"    << in terminal09:11
gatekeeperdriz: are all your partition(s) NTFS?09:11
morphadohastesaver i converted to euro as u can understand it actually it's 100 dinars !!09:11
drizgatekeeper: ya.09:12
z00m_gatekeeper: do you know much about GFX drivers, where will i get mine for the geforce card for linux ?09:12
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z00m_there site or do i get them from package manager ?09:12
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:12
gatekeeperz00m_: you mean that ^09:12
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z00m_yes that it thanks :)09:13
gatekeeperdriz: if you have a single NTFS partition then defrag it, then shrink and put kubuntu in the shrunken space09:13
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gatekeeperz00m_: good luck off to watch a film :-)09:15
drizgatekeeper: how would i do that this is for my friend and his on the phone..09:15
gatekeepernight all catch you latter09:16
drizoh man09:16
drizok later09:16
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gatekeeperdriz: not sure09:16
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z00m_gatekeeper: catch you later09:17
gatekeeperdriz: needs to use a suitable piece of software something qtparted (I think that is what it is called)09:17
drizoh ok thanks09:17
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gatekeeperdriz: good luck :-) others should be able to help you09:18
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sysrpli am instaling eclipse to get an editor with macro support09:23
Jeff_can someone tell me why a super krumba theme would be totaly transparent on the desktop?09:24
omeowsysrpl: Out of curiousity, what do you use macro's for?09:24
z00m_ cool09:24
Jeff_coll to the point of being invisable i mean09:24
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omeow*macros =P09:25
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gioacchinohow to use the profile of portable thunderbird ( windows )  on thunderbird ( linux )  ?09:26
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omeow(might need to select the link since konversation 0.19 has issues with it)09:27
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omeowJeff_: Sorry, I don't know.09:28
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usp8riotJeff_: i don't there is a way, it seems to be a glitch with transparency09:32
usp8rioti just now turned my transparency off, seems too glitchy09:33
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:34
yangohello... I upgraded to 6.06 and I cannot use Konqueror to download images from my camera09:34
yangoIn breezy I could easily09:34
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=== yango uses a brighter lamp: Linux Apache {Middleware} Postgresql
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starhey guys09:39
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stari mounted my ntfs drive so i could view the files on it, but it is refusing to load my folders that have spaces in them... how can i load these folders?09:40
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starany clue?09:41
yangoare you cd'ing to them, or using konqueror?09:41
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Knaghi there09:42
dr_williscd  'spaces are here'09:42
Kwukkii seek a program like publisher, but for linux09:42
Kwukkisomeone an idea?09:42
zorglu1Kwukki: scribus ?09:42
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Kwukkilets take a look09:43
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zorglu1i dont even know what is publisher :)09:45
z00m_quick question where do i edit my repository file for apt-get09:45
zorglu1so tell me what you think and if scribus is close to publisher :)09:45
zorglu1z00m_: kate /etc/apt/somethingidontremember :)09:46
zorglu1source.lst ?09:46
zorglu1z00m_: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic <- to automatically generate the source file09:47
Kwukkizorglu1: very good09:47
Kwukkiwe want to create a small magazine09:47
zorglu1Kwukki: nice to hear :)09:47
zorglu1Kwukki: the first headline should be 'zorglu1 is a great guy' :)(09:48
Kwukkii'll post it on the website too ;-)09:48
zorglu1cool :)09:48
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starE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it09:50
starsorry guys im a super newbie to linux09:50
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starso bare with me09:50
dr_willisya got more then one apt program going at the same time   perhaps.09:50
dr_willislike synaptic, then you run apt-get in the shell.09:50
starim so dumb09:50
qbitwhat's the trick to get amarok to work?09:51
qbitI have as yet to ever see this work09:51
zorglu1star: check what dr_willis said. else they are some cases in which this message got triggered for other reasons09:51
starhe was right09:51
z00m_zorglu1: its in the /etc/apt/sources.list for future reference ;)09:51
stari just felt so dumb i didn't reply09:51
zorglu1ok cool :)09:51
zorglu1z00m_: ok noted :)09:51
Kwukkizorglu1 : how can i change thefooter of 1 of the templates?09:52
dr_willisyea the use of 'process' when they could be saying 'program' may  make that message a little more clear.09:52
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zorglu1Kwukki: hmm i never even run the scribus, just know it by reputation :) which is quite good btw :)09:52
staryou guys are big helps09:52
stari figured you guys would just be smartasses and make me feel stupid09:52
stari am having some issues installing ubuntu from my live cd09:53
starbrb and i can get my error code if you guys think you can help09:53
starit install but then didnt boot09:53
zorglu1Kwukki: there is a #scribus btw :) they may know a lot more than me :)09:53
Knagqbit: what happens with you amarok?09:54
z00m_yey sorted it out now, i got more packages :D09:54
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qbitKnag: it just jumps straight to "Playlist finished" without actually doing anything09:54
qbitKNag: XMMS works fine, as well as system sounds09:54
Knagi dunno, i'm new to (k)ubuntu :D09:55
roadrunnerAlright, I have a retarded question... Im new to linux and am not too sure how to install things. I have done it before, but I can't seem to install a game (Xmoto) could someone walk me through it real quick?09:55
z00m_zorglu1: do you know or anyone else in here how to install the GFX card drivers for geforce cards ? can i do with apt-get ?09:55
ChefWillqbit: what engine are you using?09:55
zorglu1z00m_: nope. sorry09:55
qbitI've tried it with the xine and the arts engine09:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:55
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ChefWilltry xine09:56
ChefWilland re-add all your songs09:56
roadrunnerI just re-downloaded the tar.gz file... so, could someone help me?09:56
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=== zorglu1 is worried about all the problem reports he see about amarok...
ChefWilltar zvfx file.tar.gz09:56
ChefWillthen read the INSTALL file09:56
zorglu1such apps should be properly installed by default09:56
roadrunnerI did read the install file09:56
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roadrunnerand it simply says to apt-get install xmoto09:57
roadrunnerwhen I do that, it downloads the 1.10 version... I want to install the new 1.16 version (I think thats it)09:57
SpAwNz00m_: yes u need drivers09:57
zorglu1roadrunner: ok try "./configure" in the directory which have been created when you untared09:57
z00m_SpAwN: can i get them from apt-get ?09:58
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SpAwNz00m_: u can use the ones provided by kubuntu ....there called "nvidia-glx" i think09:58
SpAwNz00m_: yes09:58
z00m_buzzing ;)09:58
ChefWillroadrunner:  install from cvs09:58
z00m_im scrolling a web page and its chpping like mad09:58
SpAwNz00m_: i had a few probs with them......everyone said i was crazy.....so if u have any probs u can find me here and i walk u through manualy installing them09:58
roadrunnerwhat is CVS?09:58
z00m_ok thanks SpAwN09:58
SpAwNz00m_: yea the stock "nv" driver wouldnt even work for me...i had to use "vesa"09:59
SpAwNand was quite choppy09:59
roadrunnerit says I have: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH09:59
roadrunnerhowever, I know I have the newest GCC package and other C/C++ compilers installed09:59
ninHerhi all09:59
SpAwNz00m_: i use this nick and rOOb......09:59
ubotuI know nothing about build-essantial09:59
zorglu1nunit_res_tclosestnode(const nunit_testclass_ftor_t &testclass_ftor)throw();10:00
zorglu1no not that :)10:00
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:00
SpAwNz00m_: also type "!nvidia" in here...... it will give u step by step directions....10:00
zorglu1roadrunner: goto the build essential i just got from the bot10:00
zorglu1roadrunner: it will explain to you how to get a 'GCC10:01
roadrunnerI have tried installing stuff that way... it doesn't work10:01
roadrunnerand I just told you, I have GCC10:01
zorglu1damn i wasnt concentrating10:01
roadrunnergcc 4.0 I believe10:01
roadrunnerand I know I have some other C/C++ compilers, as my Nvidia drivers needed them to install10:01
SpAwNroadrunner: build-essential gave me everything i need to compile stuff.....what are u trying to get done?10:01
zorglu1roadrunner: 'gcc -version' provides an answer ?10:01
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starhey guys what is srub 1.5?10:01
roadrunnerfor some reason, when I do the apt-get install x-moto it downloads the 0.1.10 version, not the 0.1.1610:02
omeowroadrunner: You don't generally need gcc to install nvidia drivers.10:02
SpAwNroadrunner: u installed build-essential? and the nvidia driver wont install right?10:02
omeowNot on kubuntu in any case.10:02
roadrunnerSpAwN: Im not talking about installing drivers... I was just stating that is when I got the compiler10:02
zorglu1hehe the roadrunner issue is about installing xmoto 1.16 from source10:02
SpAwNroadrunner: oh k10:03
SpAwNroadrunner: u cant use apt-get to install it?10:03
roadrunneromeow: I also know that now... but I was just doing what my prompt told me to do as I tried to install the drivers. It didn't work anyways, someone else helped me install those10:03
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starwhen it tries to load, it said srub 1.5 error10:03
zorglu1roadrunner: dont worry sometime we are more focused than that :)10:03
roadrunnerSpAwN: Like I said, I try it, and then it downloads an old version 0.1.10, when the new version I want is 0.1.1610:03
SpAwNroadrunner: and u defiantly need the 0.1.16?10:04
zorglu1roadrunner: ok 'gcc -version' provides an answer ?10:04
roadrunnerI never said that... but it would be nice wouldn't it? Who doesnt like updated games with more features?10:04
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usp8riotanyone know how to use whois in the console? other words, i need an ip, just bored and trying to surf the web in the console10:04
SpAwNroadrunner: i read somwhere that u might need to use a command silliler to like "export CC=GCC" or somthing like that....i never had to do it...but i remember seeing a article on it10:04
zorglu1roadrunner: well about game, have you tried tremulous ? tremulous.net ?10:04
roadrunnerzorglu1: says command not found10:05
zorglu1roadrunner: way more sexy than xboto10:05
roadrunnerzorglu1: however, when I check in Adpet, it says gcc is installed10:05
zorglu1roadrunner: this is your problem :)10:05
zorglu1roadrunner: so it is a path issue10:05
zorglu1roadrunner: do10:05
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zorglu1roadrunner: do 'locate gcc'10:05
z00m_SpAwn: "!nvidia" in the app-get ?10:05
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SpAwNno in here10:05
omeowroadrunner: Well, in kubuntu you just install nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules via adept and are done with it. No compiling needed.10:05
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:05
z00m_oh right :D10:05
roadrunneromeow: We aren't talking about drivers... I have my drivers properly installed now XD10:06
zorglu1omeow: roadrunner problem is not about nvidia :) but about xmoto 1.16 compilation :)10:06
roadrunneromeow: I was merely making a reference to when I did install them, no worries10:06
starno one know the issue im having?10:06
omeowAh ok, sorry. :) Just thought you were still going on about drivers.10:06
z00m_well im going to try then nvidia-glx drivers now10:06
zorglu1roadrunner: so locate gcc ?10:06
zorglu1star: retransmit ?10:06
roadrunnerzorglu1: I did that, there is a ton of output... what part do you need?10:06
zorglu1SpAwN: ?10:06
zorglu1roadrunner: to know if it find gcc :)10:07
SpAwNz00m_: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf .working10:07
SpAwNz00m_: then if the drivers dont work10:07
starzorglu1:  I installed ubuntu and it installed fine, but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error like SRUB 1.5 error10:07
zorglu1roadrunner: but this mean gcc is like there10:07
roadrunnerI dunno... I typed in locate gcc and there are a crapload of output... paths to the gcc installs I would assume10:07
zorglu1star: never heard of it orry10:07
z00m_SpAwN: thanks thats good advice10:07
SpAwNall u have to do is mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.working /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:07
SpAwNthen restart x10:08
SpAwNz00m_: ive learneed the hardway =D10:08
roadrunner4.0, 3.4, and 3.3 are all installed it looks like10:08
zorglu1roadrunner: ok i boot a ubuntu to see :)10:08
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z00m_i was just going to install and keep my finger crossed ... lol10:08
starill reinstall then10:08
SpAwNz00m_: well theres plan B10:08
Jeff_can someone tell me why a super krumba theme would be transparant, on the desktop10:08
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Jeff_star--you sure thats not grub10:09
starlol maybe it was grub10:09
usp8riotis there a way to surf the web in the konsole?10:09
zorglu1roadrunner: ok do "echo $PATH" and paste the result it10:10
z00m_im well impressed with this kubuntu so far... love it :D10:10
zorglu1roadrunner: those are the default path in which executable are search10:10
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z00m_thats untill i can't start the Xserver ... lol10:11
zorglu1roadrunner: still here ?10:11
usp8riotsame here z00m, i booted to windows today after a week of using kubuntu and told myself it's time to go back home10:11
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z00m_usp8riot: i think the only reason im going to go back to windows is to play the odd game that i buy, thats it10:12
zorglu1roadrunner: this doesnt not make sense... gcc is supposed to be in /usr/bin10:12
z00m_dual boot setup10:12
zorglu1roadrunner: do "ls -l /usr/bin/gcc*"10:12
Jeff_linux is not ready to be the main desktop for most users10:12
zorglu1roadrunner: what do you see10:12
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SpAwNi installed windows then mandriva linux....never booted to windows.....used mandriva for like 5-6 months.....and now running kubuntu....and i still have a fresh install of windows then ive never been booted to10:13
z00m_SpAwN: the drivers are installed now what do i have to do in the terminal restartx ?10:13
SpAwNsudo /etc/init.d/kdm start10:13
roadrunnernothing at all... and my prompt is now just a >10:13
roadrunnerjust a sex10:14
roadrunnercan't type at all10:14
zorglu1roadrunner: sorry i have to go. but it is why you have this 'no gcc' message while compiling xmoto10:14
sysrpli give up. i can't find a single text editor on linux that has the same basic macro recording capabilities as textpad, ultraedit, word, vs.net, and borland ides on windows10:14
z00m_sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start10:14
z00m_without loggin out ?10:14
SpAwNz00m_: yea that should start it?10:14
roadrunner-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 93584 2006-04-20 18:22 /usr/bin/gcc-4.010:14
roadrunner-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16245 2006-04-20 18:13 /usr/bin/gccbug-4.010:14
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SpAwNwait zoom how ddi u do it10:14
roadrunnerthere... that's what that said...10:14
roadrunnerzorglu1: Does that help you at all?10:15
SpAwNz00m_: u used apt-getet right?10:15
zorglu1roadrunner: no plain gcc ? without -40 ?10:15
zorglu1roadrunner: yep10:15
roadrunnerthat's all it said10:15
z00m_i just install the files from Adept Manager10:15
SpAwNz00m_: ahh k10:15
z00m_is that cool ?10:15
SpAwNz00m_: "ctrl alt backspace"10:15
roadrunnerzorglu1: so do I need to install something more?10:15
SpAwNz00m_: yes10:15
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z00m_logout ?10:15
z00m_then back in ?10:15
zorglu1roadrunner: i dunno i think it is just an install glitch. you need to tell xboto to use gcc-4.010:15
staris there anything you can do in windows but not in kubuntu?10:16
SpAwNctrl alt backspace restarts the x server10:16
zorglu1roadrunner: like CC=gcc-4.0 or CXX=gcc-4.010:16
SpAwNz00m_: it should dropp u at the login screen10:16
z00m_oh right im pressing ctrl alt del here like a wintendo kid10:16
zorglu1roadrunner: ok im going now. good luck :)10:16
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SpAwNz00m: in a konsole type "glxinfo | grep render"10:18
z00mseems to be still working10:18
SpAwNz00m: did u see a nvidia logo?10:19
Mortalmankubuntu never asked me to provide a root password.....   so what is it by default?10:19
z00mno logo10:19
ChefWillyour user pass Mortalman10:19
SpAwNMortalman: there is no root10:19
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:19
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SpAwNz00m: realy u didnt see alogo?10:19
HawkwindMortalman: You can however setup a traditional root account10:19
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SpAwNwhat does that command say z00m10:20
HawkwindSpAwN: Not everyone will see the Nvidia logo10:20
z00mXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"10:20
z00mmany more line10:20
user- there is no root?10:20
z00mmany more lines10:20
SpAwNHawkwind: ahh was un aware of that10:20
dr_willisoften the nvidia logo flashes on/off to fast to see. :P10:20
z00mError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual10:20
user- wut is alt f1  login; root ?10:20
SpAwNz00m: did u foloow the set up step by step?10:20
MortalmanHawkwind: I would love to set up a traditional root account. How would I go about doing that if I'm not root. lol10:20
HawkwindMortalman: sudo passwd10:20
z00mon that link ?10:20
user- lol10:20
HawkwindMortalman: Then enter the sudo password, then create a root password and then verify it10:20
user- use a rescue disk and set the root pw10:21
z00mno i just downloaded the drivers and installed them and hit crtl alt bakcspace10:21
SpAwNz00m: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2910:21
user- chroot /dev/hdax10:21
Hawkwinduser-: No need10:21
user-  right10:21
Hawkwinduser-: sudo passwd  does that for you10:21
user- blah10:21
z00mSpAwN: mine is a PCI express card will that make any difference10:22
user-  i wanna know the root pw10:22
SpAwNk z00m  u also need to install linux-restricted-modulesfor your kernel version10:22
user- sue me10:22
Hawkwinduser-: You create it10:22
SpAwNz00m: nope...i also have a pci-e10:22
HawkwindThat's what that command does10:22
z00mlinux-restricted-modules in the apt-get ?10:23
SpAwNz00m: do this....in a terminal type "uname -r" what ever numbers that gives you is the kernel version u are using10:23
SpAwNz00m: then open adept and search for linux-restricted-modules10:24
SpAwNz00m: there will be several diff ones there....make sure u pick the one that matches your kernel version10:24
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z00mSpAwN: it says that they are already installed ?10:26
SpAwNz00m: oh k do this now "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"10:26
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SpAwNz00m: once u run that command u *should* be good to go10:27
z00mok got the message that a backup has been made and "10:27
z00mWarning: your X configuration has been succesfully changed.10:27
z00mIn order to take full advantage of the changes, X needs to10:27
z00mbe restarted.10:27
z00mrestart now then hey ;)10:28
SpAwNz00m: ctrl alt backspace10:28
z00mthanks for this help10:28
SpAwNz00m: np10:28
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z00m_yes it worked ;)10:29
SpAwNz00m_: good stuff10:29
z00m_thanks SpAwN10:30
babblehi all :)10:30
babble(newbie questions are okay?)10:30
z00m_it that it then now ?10:30
apokryphosbabble: no!!10:30
apokryphosbabble: all kubuntu-related questions are of course welcome :)10:31
SpAwNz00m_: yea for the driver u will be all set till either A: a kernel update or B: a xorg update10:31
SpAwNz00m_: then all u have to is that again....but its realy easy10:31
babblehehe. :)10:31
SpAwNbabble: we arnt mind readers so out with the qeustion!10:31
babblecan I configure Konq. to open a given folder (home, or any arbitrary location) in something other than icon view?10:31
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z00m_SpAwN: yea it not to bad when u got someone talking you through it, thanks again for that ;) .... i have a ! mark in the bottom right saying there are 53 upgradable files10:32
babbleideally, I need per-folder views to be different for any given place.10:32
SpAwNz00m_: upgrade then =D10:33
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z00m_:) 53 ...10:33
z00m_man i onyl downloaded the distro today10:33
SpAwNbabble: i dont know how to do that maby ask in #kde10:33
babblethanks tho :)10:33
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z00m_well im downloading them anyways10:34
SpAwNz00m_: ahh 1st thing i do after a install is update it10:34
z00m_SpAwN: had a dad time today with my 250GB usb drive, i was running windows and thats why now im going to linux. I had something on my computer no anti virus was detecting it but i kept getting DEP warnings from .exe files that I never had them on before, so i know something was playing around with them.10:36
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SpAwNz00m_: yea there are some truly nasty little works for windows10:38
z00m_after trying to install windows again, i selected to delete partition on the wrong drive through rushing, my 250gb one with everything i had backed up on it10:39
SpAwNz00m_: been there....only it was a 120 gig10:39
z00m_thought to myself thats it windows is going for sure!10:39
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z00m_mines a external 250gb drive USB10:40
SpAwNi have a 250 internal and a120 external10:40
dr_willisthats barely enough for my err.. vacation pics.. :P10:40
z00m_all the CD's i had around the house i bined and put them on that drive so now i have nothing :(10:40
SpAwNthe external is sooooooo handy for storing rare movies/music...stuff im afraid i could deldte10:41
z00m_dr_willis: lol10:41
SpAwNdr_willis: llol10:41
SpAwNmy goal is to have at least a half TB10:41
z00m_dr_willis: you got them saved as .BMP's  lol10:41
SpAwNz00m_: i think he was being sarcastic.............10:42
dr_willisHeck i got like 8gb of just wallpaper pics ive collected over the last few years10:42
z00m_i know yeah10:42
z00m_my drive was PGP encrypted with the HOLE disk option also, so i think there is noway to restore the partition on it :(10:43
SpAwNhehe im to lazy to encrypt a drive10:44
dr_willis0_o now what kind of videos would ya bother to encrypt? ......10:44
dr_willisNow they will get ya for destruction of evidence10:44
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HowitzerDoes anyone here have any basic knowledge about bash (scripting)?10:44
z00m_o_O   :    No there was a few handy tools on there and loads of games and magic videos and stuff10:44
SpAwNz00m_: maby u could try knoppix-std its geared toward forensics and recovery/black hat10:45
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SpAwNHowitzer: #bash probly does10:45
Howitzerty SpAwN :D10:45
SpAwNHowitzer: np10:45
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jerryI have a question10:46
SpAwNdr_willis: so if u have a encrypted drive and somehow someone needs the shit in it....they could get u for that?10:46
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SpAwNsomeone as in the law10:46
jerryI have a question10:46
SpAwNjerry: we dont read minds10:47
jerryabout Mail - Contact10:47
z00m_SpAwN: I could try to restore them but most of the stuff is for windows and if i do restore it within a week or so, ill get some spyware that will wipe it again or something.   Im not going to bother10:47
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jerryit won't check my email and keeps poping up with errors10:47
bluesceadai have a problem...10:47
SpAwNahh k z00m_10:47
bluesceadasomehow kubuntu uses a buggy trident driver10:47
jerryI used aol.com10:48
jerrybut it says can not connect to aim.com10:48
bluesceadasome game says, it cant allocate memory or so10:48
bluesceadaand another thing is that the tft display on the laptop is moved to the right by 2 or 3 pixels10:48
dr_willisi saw a case the other day. a guy got fired.. so he formated his work laptop and reinstalled it to defaults.. then returned it..10:48
bluesceadaso i have 2/3 black lines at the left and 2/3 lines missing at the right10:48
jerryand it is a imap server10:49
dr_willisthe company wanted to scan it for evidence of him doing 'things' so they charged him with destroying evidence. :P but not sure wht the crime was. lol10:49
jerryI have a question10:49
bluesceadaanyone knows how to use another, maybe newer xorg trident driver??10:49
z00m_dr_willis: he should have said what evidence !!10:49
SpAwNdr_willis: id be pissed10:49
z00m_they got no way to prove it10:50
jerryDoes anyone know how to get it so that at 2PM it downloads all the updated packages10:50
dr_willisyea - im not sure if the WHOLE sotory came out.. i just rember that bit.10:50
jerryfor adept10:50
jerryIs there something I can put in /etc/crontab that will do that?10:51
z00m_saying that though i think if they want to see what is / was on the harddrive it is possible to restore files from 10 formats ago, so thats why i use encryption on all the files!10:52
dr_willisthat implies you could store 10x the data on a hd...10:53
SpAwNhow can i use apt-get to automaticly dl updates?..i want to set up a cron job to auto update it10:54
jerryDoes anyone know how to do that?10:54
z00m_thats how these shredder programs work, what they do is then write over the file data with 000000 and 111111.   about 30 times per file so it makes it harder to restore if not impossible10:54
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jerryI have the same question that SpAwN has10:54
SpAwNz00m_: shred for linux is supposed to work good10:54
jerryhow can i use apt-get to automaticaly dl updates? I want to set up a cron job to auto update it10:55
SpAwN* jerry im new to kubuntu and apt-get10:55
jerryme too10:55
jerryI just got this computer from them about a week ago10:55
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jerryThey gave me free 3 yr techsupport but only 100 sessions left and I'd rather not use them all until I have big problems like the computer not turning on10:55
SpAwNijust installed kubuntu like a week ag o many10:56
jerrybut these people are very friendly and helpful10:56
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jerryI think the main people are off shift right now10:56
dr_willisive never notiuced  ubuntu having any auto-download & update feature.10:56
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dr_willisnot sure if any other distros do that either.10:56
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SpAwNdr_willis: it would be easy enough to make a simple bash script to do it10:56
dr_willisi think RH may10:56
chun_yea you can make a cron job10:57
SpAwNdr_willis: on mandriva i made a bash script to auto update every day at 6am10:57
dr_willisbut is it really that needed. :)10:57
jerryright now I have 13 updates I need10:57
SpAwNchun_: do u know how to use apt-get to update?10:57
jerryI don't really care to do this every day10:57
SpAwNdr_willis: it is nice to have10:57
jerryyesderday it seemed like 610:57
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jerrytomorrow it will probably be another 610:58
dr_willisuntill theres a update that breaks somthing. :P10:58
SpAwNdr_willis: on mandriva that rarly happened...wost thing was x wouldnt start back up....i d neeed to reinstall the driver..took all of 2 mins10:58
chun_i haven't tried it yet, but you  can probably use kchron and have the commands be:10:58
h3sp4wndr_willis: cups has been updated from dapper-updates10:59
drizI need to dual boot kubuntu on my friends NTFS windows. anyone please help.10:59
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chun_apt-get -y update; apt-get -y upgrade10:59
drizhe defragmented but he doesnt know what to do.10:59
SpAwNchun_: just what i need to know big thanks =D10:59
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chun_no prob =)10:59
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jimmy__I have a hardware question for the masses11:01
jimmy__can I do that here?11:01
dr_willisGo for iit!11:01
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scotthey, does google earth (native) cause hardlocks for anyone else using an ati and fglrx drivers?11:02
jimmy__I have a motherboard that has power running to it11:02
jimmy__led light is on and everything11:02
jimmy__but the pc wont power up11:02
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jimmy__no lights on the case11:02
jimmy__no fans turn11:03
jimmy__dead in the water11:03
jimmy__not the PSU11:03
jimmy__and the memery works11:03
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jimmy__come on.... there ought to be someone out there with any idea11:05
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SpAwNHawkwind: would u like me to post a auto update script for kubuntu on lfd?11:06
dr_willisno beeps?11:06
HawkwindSpAwN: Sure, if you have one.  That would be awesome11:06
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HawkwindSpAwN: I need to start getting more Kubuntu/Ubuntu stuff on the LFD forums.  Majority of it is Mandriva related11:07
SpAwNHawkwind: i will try and write up a little howto/script tonight...i have the script now....but will write up a littel somthing on it11:07
SpAwNHawkwind: yea i saw11:07
jimmy__no beeps11:07
HawkwindSpAwN: Kewl.  If you'll post it then I'll edit it later if need be to pretty it up :)11:08
jimmy__all you hear is the click of the power switch11:08
SpAwNHawkwind: here it is ....just used the old mandriva one...changed it a bit http://pastebin.ca/8269811:09
jimmy__fans dont even jerk from the effort to turn on11:09
_simian_i've got 2 ubuntu (kubuntu) machine on my network. 1 has a document that i want to edit from another machine. but when i try to open it openoffice loads and then closes again11:09
jimmy__I'm thinking that I'm down to the CPU or the motherboard being bad11:10
HawkwindSpAwN: Kewl.  Pretty simply, but makes it easy11:10
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dr_willisjimmy__,  that almost sounds like part of the PS may be bad.11:10
dr_willisi think if ya take out the cpu. the mb will beep at ya.11:10
jimmy__not the PSU11:10
jimmy__just replaced it11:10
dr_williswhen in doubt Prove it. :P try a nother  PSU11:11
jimmy__I even tested my old one and its good11:11
dr_willisdouble check the conectors on the mb.11:11
dr_willistripple check everything. :P11:11
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jimmy__checked it more that 4x11:11
dr_willisthen start swapping out bits.11:11
SpAwNHawkwind: yea very basic11:11
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jimmy__swpped out everything except CPU and mb11:11
dr_willisi would strip the thing down to just the cpu and mb. and ram /video card11:12
MehAdultjimmy__: Did you try shorting the 2 pins that control powering the mobo?11:12
jimmy__I need another mb that takes 939 pin cpu (it's 64 bit)11:12
gatekeeperevening all11:13
dr_willisIf you are not getting any Beeps from the POST test.. that sounds like the CPU may be dead.11:13
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jerrythe whole system is lagging I have no idea why11:14
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MehAdultjerry: What are your CPU usage, memory, and swap usage?11:15
jerryhow do I find that out?11:16
MehAdulttop is a good utility11:16
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jerrywell now it's saying that I have 5 updates11:16
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jerryhow many updates did I say I had before?11:16
MehAdultUpdates? Huh?11:17
jerryI think11:17
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MehAdultAre you trying to update your system or something?11:17
jerrywell the crontab worked for the most part11:17
jerryI have a question11:18
MehAdultSo do I. My question is...11:18
jerryWhat exactly are these card ports on the front of my computer good for?11:18
MehAdultWhy is the sky blue? :p11:18
MehAdultjerry: What kind of ports are they?11:18
jerryreflection on the earth11:18
dr_willisDifraction of the air.11:18
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dr_willisits not blue.. its just how you see it. :)11:19
jerryit's actually reflecting the earth color11:19
dr_willisits actually hot pink.11:19
MrSquiddyjoin #hottub11:19
MehAdultOr not...11:19
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MehAdultWhat kind of port is it?11:20
jerryI have no idea what those 16 updates were but atleast I won't have to see them anymore11:20
jerryIt's one of those card slots11:20
sotiredmy sound has stopped working in some games, and some games only play certian sounds. can someone help me fix this?11:20
jerryI have two of them11:20
jerryones a big fat one and the other is like a smaller slot11:20
user- situred:  get windows11:21
sotiredha no11:21
sotiredthey all worked...then suddenly stopped11:21
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sotiredim not going back to win...id rather have someone show me hwo to fix this11:21
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MehAdultsotired: It might be a conflict.11:21
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jerrywell one looks like the slot for one of those camera picture cards11:21
mad_slackiea good night to all ladies and gentlemans!11:21
MehAdultSometimes it can conflict, esp. if a game doesn't know how to use arts11:22
jerryand I have no floppy drive11:22
MehAdultjerry: You said it was a media reader for like digital cameras?11:22
Jefishi, i have some situation here, i try to isntall kubuntu, and setup crashes, at detecting hardware11:22
jerrysomething like thayt11:22
Jefistrying third time11:22
jerryit's got this one that looks like it could fit something with pins on it11:22
z00m_is there a skype for linux ?11:22
jerryI'll count them11:22
Jefisz00m_: jes, there is11:23
sotiredmehadult: so what do i do? on a sidenote the apps that arent working are not running in wine, they are native linux games11:23
MehAdultz00m_: You betcha!11:23
jerrymaybe 100 pins11:23
jerryIt's a aria case if that helps11:23
jerryI'm just wondering what I can do with them11:23
MehAdultsotired: I've heard you can try artsdsp (executable) to force something to use arts which is what KDE uses.11:23
MehAdultjerry: Got a pic?11:23
z00m_MehAdult: where do you get it from ?11:24
z00m_i just tryed adept manager11:24
MehAdultz00m_: Do you have the universe/multiverse set up?11:24
sotiredmehadult: would that explain why it worked when i installed the games but suddenly stopped?11:24
MehAdultI'm not sure if that matters or not but it's a good idea.11:24
MehAdultz00m_: Ok try skype.com11:24
z00m_in the search ?11:25
MehAdultsotired: That's what I'm thinking yes.11:25
z00m_or there site ?11:25
jerryHere it is http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=1513011:25
jerryif you look in the photo you'll see these two card slots11:26
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sotiredmehadult: artsdsp only works for binaries?11:26
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MehAdultsotired: I never tried it.11:27
MrSquiddyz00m_: Skype is definitely in my Adept and I don't have any special repos enabled except the universe11:27
jerryit's got these two card slots11:27
h3sp4wnThe penguin liberation front have dapper skype deb's11:27
jerryI have no idea what they're good for11:27
jerrywhat's skype?11:27
abattoirMrSquiddy: debian packages installed w/ dpkg are also added to the 'adept list'11:28
sotireddamn...i jsut want this to work11:28
MasterEvil`Laptojerry: VoIP service11:28
jerryYou can call anyone with it free?11:28
sotiredfor now11:28
jerryok call me 619-256-024911:28
sotiredskypeout is free untill at least end of 200611:28
z00m_MrSquiddy: are you in adept manager ?11:28
jerryI bet this dosen't work11:28
sotiredit works...why wouldnt it...are you like a voip non believer or something?11:29
jerrywell call 619-256-0249 and prove that it works11:29
sotiredi dont use skype11:29
user- lol11:29
jerryhw do you know if it works then?11:29
user- he's an nerd11:29
sotiredwhy do you think it wont work?11:29
h3sp4wnI know it works (my housemate wastes my upstream bandwidth with it far too often)11:30
sotireddo you think skype doesnt work? or voip in general11:30
jerrywell I can't believe that someone would give free phone service11:30
sotiredbecause i am using vonage (i know iknow) and my voip works fine11:31
sotiredskype is not free11:31
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sotiredits free OUTGOING till the end of the year...if you want ppl to be avble to call you back then u have to pay11:31
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h3sp4wnSkype works fine (If you have qos setup properly)11:31
z00mMrSquiddy: its not there in my list11:31
sotiredbut ebay bought it and they can afford to give it away...trust me11:31
jerrysee how can they do that?11:31
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abattoirthese are the latest skype packages http://skype.com/download/skype/linux/13beta.html11:32
ubuntuhi folks i| m new on linux so please don|t be too offended if i ask a stupid question once in a while11:32
abattoirapparently w/ also support11:32
ubuntuthe first question i have is, how can i setup up mz display_11:33
abattoir*alsa support11:33
MrSquiddyhttp://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb is the latest.11:33
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ubuntusince i am not able to set the resolution to its regular value of 1620x105011:33
abattoirMrSquiddy: yes the latest 'stable' version11:34
z00mi just dont know why it is not in my list if everyone else has it11:34
ubuntuthe nv driver is installed, but i am not sure how to set the monitor values11:34
ubuntuas there is not a driver out yet11:35
abattoirz00m: afaik, it is not in the official repos, however if you install a .deb from the above links, it *will* get added to the 'list'11:35
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GullyFoyleanyone have any recommendations for a PCI wireless card?11:36
z00mabattoir: ok thanks11:36
ubuntutry netgear11:36
z00mGullyFoyle: NETGEAR WG311T atheros chip set11:36
h3sp4wnGullyFoyle: Anything atheros based11:36
GullyFoyleubuntu: works for you?11:36
z00mor the WG511T11:36
ubuntuit does fine11:36
h3sp4wnNetgear makes poor quality hardware11:37
MrSquiddyabbatoir:  I have a fresh kubuntu 6.06 install and I have not installed Skype and it's deffo there in Adept.  I can't identify which repo is providing it (is there any way of checking?)11:37
ubuntunetgear is okay regarding the price11:37
chun_nick ChunLaptop11:37
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:37
ubuntuof course i rather prefer linksys11:37
GullyFoylethere are many listed on atheros' website, i just wondered if anyone favored a particular brand11:37
Samuli^!deb skype11:37
ubotuI know nothing about deb skype11:37
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abattoirMrSquiddy: it should be under 'section'11:37
abattoir!info skype11:37
ubotuPackage skype does not exist in dapper11:37
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abattoir!search skype11:38
ubotuFound: skype11:38
ubuntuwell, i got to go11:38
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bluesceadaanyone can help about this (to fix it manually? use some more up to date driver or so?) -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-trident/+bug/5232111:39
z00m!info skype11:40
ubotuPackage skype does not exist in dapper11:40
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ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc11:40
dmitriHi, how do I save a view mode in konqueror?11:40
z00mi have the amd64 version of kubuntu11:41
h3sp4wnz00m: plf has skype for dapper (as a single deb)11:41
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bluesceadadmitri: settings > save view profile11:41
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dmitribluesceada: thanks11:42
abattoirz00m: then i guess you should use the tar.bz2 version11:42
bluesceadayou're welcome :)11:42
h3sp4wnThe tar.bz2 should work if it is compiled statically11:42
gatekeeperrepo for skype: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free11:42
h3sp4wnBut is that repo for amd64 ?11:43
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z00mh3sp4wn: is that repo for amd64 ?11:43
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z00mthe plf ?11:44
abattoirgatekeeper: i get redirected to the normal download site11:44
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h3sp4wnz00m: I don't know11:44
gatekeeperabattoir: are you the one after skype?11:45
z00mwhen i try to run the skype.deb i get this message11:45
z00mdpkg: error processing /home/z00m/skype_1.2.0.18-2_i386.deb (--install):11:45
z00m package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)11:45
z00mErrors were encountered while processing:11:45
z00m /home/z00m/skype_1.2.0.18-2_i386.deb11:45
z00mPress <enter> to exit...11:45
abattoirgatekeeper: nope11:45
abattoirz00m: you are trying to install an i386 package...11:45
z00mnot the amd64 version11:46
abattoirafaik, there is no amd64 package for skype...11:46
abattoiryou should use the .tar.bz2 version, as i said before11:46
gatekeeperz00m: install the build-essentialls if you need to compile11:47
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gatekeeperz00m: have a look at this might prove usefull not sure: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-16143.html11:49
MasterEvil`Laptoi think my monitor is dead.. :(11:51
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Howitzerwhat are you staring at then MasterEvil`Lapto?11:51
gatekeeperz00m: and another one too :-) http://www.maxxer.it/?page=notsoweirdprograms11:51
gemidjychecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:51
gemidjyI have installed libx11-dev11:52
MasterEvil`LaptoHowitzer: my laptop. my desktop's monitor died. ugh. My laptop has hardly anything on it, and not a whole lot i use on a daily basis11:52
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bluesceadaanyone can help?11:53
bluesceadahow can i get newer packages than those in ubuntu11:53
z00mgatekeeper: thanks11:53
bluesceadanewer versions of the programs..11:53
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gatekeeperz00m: np :-)11:53
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bluesceadahm no one can help :(11:54
gatekeeperbluesceada: what specifically are you after?11:54
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saperDuperhi. i have installed kubuntu 6.06 and it's very sources-demanding for my old pc. so, i want to "convert" it to ubuntu.is this possible?how?11:55
bluesceadagatekeeper: another xserver-xorg-video-trident11:55
bluesceadabecause of this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-trident/+bug/5232111:55
GullyFoylesaperDuper: try xubuntu11:56
skeithsaperDuper, try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Other_Desktop_Environments11:56
Howitzerwhat is the time variable for Bash?11:57
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Howitzeri tried $TIME, $time and time11:57
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skeithfor some reason gnone isn't listed, but xfce is very lightweight will probably suit your needs11:57
PupenoHowitzer: time variable ?11:57
phoenix198I could use a bit of help; anyone know anything about sharing folders between Vista and Kubuntu?11:58
PupenoHowitzer: what do you want ?11:58
saperDupercan i install in kubuntu ubuntu-desktop? is there such desktop?11:58
mcrandellosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:58
PupenosaperDuper: yes, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop11:58
HowitzerPupeno, i want my Bash script to return the time11:58
saperDuperand sudo apt-get uninstall kubuntu-desktop?11:58
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PupenoHowitzer: then I'd recommend you to use the program/command 'date'11:59
HowitzersaperDuper, sudo apt-get remove11:59
mcrandellowait, remove it?11:59
mcrandelloyeah apt-get remove11:59
Howitzerthat's even better Pupeno, thanks :)11:59
PupenosaperDuper: after ubuntu is working please.11:59
phoenix198Anyone good with file/folder sharing?  I can't successfully share a folder with my Vista PC.11:59
PupenoHowitzer: check the man page for date, it is very customisable.11:59
GullyFoyleis gnome going to be any less resource intensive?11:59
saperDuperok.thanks :)11:59
Howitzeri can modify the output?12:00
skeithgnome is less resource intensive than kde, at the cost of eye candy of course12:00
Howitzereven MORE better!12:00
Howitzerskeith, i wouldn't say that12:00
gatekeeperbluesceada: can't find that package using the firefox package engine in (k)ubuntu but can only find a debian one, here http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/xserver-xorg-video-trident guessing you will have to live with it untill it's fixed not sure12:00
saperDuperGullyFoyle: i assume yes.doesn't have eye-candy :)12:00
Pupenophoenix198: I don't think that would be possible. I know M$ is know to change the protocols as much as they can and hide it. So, Vista, being so new, it is likely to not be using the SMB we now and thus being incompatible with Samba.12:00
bluesceadagatekeeper: hm ok12:00
Howitzeri'm running Xorg at 50mb ram12:00
GullyFoylei use fluxbox, with kde apps like konqueror for file manager and such. very fast12:00
Pupenophoenix198: there's a big trial going on in Europe (well, it is more or less over now I think) regarding that and other things.12:00
PupenoGullyFoyle: I've found that Gnome starts faster that KDE, but besides that, how do you really compare them ?12:01
bluesceadagatekeeper: i made a deb out of the package of knoppix, which doesnt have the problem... but the version seems nearly the same ... it's just -2-i386 or so instead of -0-ubuntu12:01
phoenix198Pupeno:  Very sad.  Definitely appears not to be working.  Can only get so far.  Permissions 100% correct and I still cannot connect. Very annoying.12:01
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PupenoGullyFoyle: will Firefox being slower than Konqueror be a point for KDE ? and if we compare Kontact to Evolution ? is it still KDE vs Gnome. Other than starting time I haven't noted any difference.12:02
phoenix198Pupeno: Thanks for the info.  M$ sucks....and all that.  later.12:02
GullyFoylePupeno: i was just thinking that if his box is older/slower he might want to run a lightweight wm instead of a DE like gnome or kde12:02
Pupenophoenix198: yes, and Vista has not even been released.12:02
gatekeeperbluesceada: if it works use it and post it on the ubuntu forums I am sure others would appreciate your work :-)12:02
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phoenix198Pupeno:  I'm one of the ....lucky.... beta testers :P12:02
GullyFoylePupeno: or xfce ala xubuntu12:02
mcrandelloif you want lightweight it's all about the twm12:03
bluesceadai think no one else besides me has the problem12:03
PupenoGullyFoyle: xfse (xubuntu) is lighter indeed. I used to run it on an old notebook.12:03
bluesceadaas no one uses an older laptop with a trident card ^^12:03
Pupenophoenix198: I envy you... *not*.12:03
phoenix198Pupeno:  Not all that bad (can't at all compare to mmy Kubuntu, though).  It's really very different, much prettier, but much slower.  The 360 MCE thing is pretty cool (reason I'm a Beta Tester).12:04
gatekeeperbluesceada: you never know, someone might be scratting around now or in the near future12:04
bluesceadabut there should be a fix in the near future...12:04
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bluesceadai reporte the bug12:04
Pupenophoenix198: it is not free; beyond that there's little I really care about.12:04
mcrandelloanyone know how to get say my usb drivers to use a different irq?12:05
gatekeeperbluesceada: providing someone fixes it, and in a way you have already fix it :-)12:05
mcrandellosudo modprobe ohci_hcd irq=x doesn't seem to work well12:05
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bluesceadagatekeeper: damn it's not the solution :/12:06
bluesceadait's not just another trident driver :S12:06
=== ando__ [n=ando@213-66-221-69-no37.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
gatekeeperwork around?12:07
GullyFoylebluesceada: i have an old PII 233MHz that has the trident card. but i run kanotix on it, with fluxbox, not (k)ubuntu12:07
bluesceadaGullyFoyle: ah ..12:07
gemidjythis howto made me unable to install kdebase-dev afterwards...hrm12:07
bluesceadai want to use kubuntu though12:07
gatekeeperbluesceada: see there you go found a customer already :-)12:07
gemidjy  kdebase-dev: Depends: kate (= 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27) but 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu0.2 is to be installed12:07

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