
flacostehave a nice week-end everybody!12:18
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lifelesshi guys01:58
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sharmsdoes a user need special permissions to move a bug to "needs more info" or "confirmed"?08:21
matsubarasharms: nope08:23
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sharmsmatsubara: how can I do that then?  I would love to help with triage, but when I read the triage section of the wiki I didn't see any useful information, and I don't see any links jumping out to me on the bug report itself08:25
matsubaraclikc on the product/sourcepackage name right below the affects column08:26
matsubarasharms: that's bug 1095 btw08:28
UbugtuMalone bug 1095 in malone "Unnecessarily difficult to find how to change status or reassign a bug" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/109508:28
sharmsthanks :)08:29
sharmsThat is unbelievably simple now that I know08:41
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edgyHi, I want to use rosetta from my local server, how can I obtain it?10:11
edgyLarstiQ: hi ;)10:11
edgyHey, don't be shy to tell me I should pay for it. I won't say no ;)10:18
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