
troy_smsikma, no svg will not work with xcursorgen12:16
troy_smsikma, of course you can create them in svg, then export to png and xcursorgen them12:17
msikmaAh, I see.12:19
msikmaI guess it's useful to have vector versions around anyway12:19
msikmaFor enlarging purposes, I guess.12:19
msikmaWell, tomorrow will be a day of hard work of Ubuntu art for me. I finally have the chance now.12:21
msikmaSee you later.12:21
=== marcin_ant [n=marcin@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_snewz2000, is the artwork finished?  if so, perhaps there is a good texture or some approach in it that is appropriate to the Ponder phase spex.  Just post a cropped version to the textures page.12:34
newz2000No, Its scribbled on a notepad12:34
newz2000I'm drafting out the bzr website12:34
troy_sperfect for proposal12:34
troy_sthe proposal phase hopes to gather looser ideas before people get too 'stuck' in a routine12:35
troy_sthat way they can get refined by the people who need to care and you can take them in a given direction12:35
newz2000My idea is to have the actions, "Get Bazaar" "What is Bazaar" and "Become Bazaar"12:35
troy_ssketches are great12:35
troy_sgreat ideas... keep them darn loose at first.12:35
newz2000I think dinner's done, so I'm gonna wrap up.12:36
troy_smock - ups aren't worthwhile if they haven't been workshopped a bit before.12:36
newz2000I'll catch you all later.12:36
=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
viper550Hello again01:55
viper550I was just doing some adjustments to Tropic right now01:56
viper550I decided to move it over to the Ubuntulooks engine (I was originally using gFlat01:57
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troy_sneed help06:32
troy_sanyone alive?06:32
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@cust1772.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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mhbehm ... how many of you use Inkscape 0.44 ?05:34
=== megabyte405 [n=megabyte@user-0cdvltn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
mhbnobody? :-I05:56
troy_si do05:57
mhbthe thing is - I use it too, and I am somehow suprised that it's not yet in Edgy05:58
mhband in 5 days comes the UpstreamVersionFreeze day (no new versions get in Edgy)06:00
mhbthe new version is (IMO) quite better than the previous one06:03
mhbwhat do you think?06:04
klepasshould be in it i would assume06:07
=== msikma [n=msikma@s55933ad4.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
mhbdo you know who's the responsible person for that?06:14
mhbwho should be notified before the deadline?06:14
klepasi am not sure06:19
klepasmaybe ask on the devel channel06:19
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@cust1772.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
mhbklepas: hm, no use06:46
mhbklepas: but I'll keep asking :o)06:47
mhbthey seem to spend the weekend - without work! :o)06:50
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fschoeptroy_s: I'm online08:04
troy_sfschoep, you in?08:23
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fschoeptroy_s: yeah08:27
fschoepoh dear, need to register with nickserv, hang on08:29
fschoeptroy can you see me in the PM now?08:31
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msikmaHmm, Frank is gone.10:53
msikmaIf anyone sees Frank after I'm gone, please tell him I've sent him a monster e-mail.10:54
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_smsikma - what did you send him?11:56
msikmaI'm going on a holiday and he invited me to send any or all preliminary things that I might have to him so that he could make sure it's considered. It contained a couple of things and a lot of text.11:57
troy_show long are you holidaying for?11:58
troy_si would imagine he is asleep now... he will probably be up later.11:59
troy_smoin kwwii11:59
kwwiihowdy troy_s11:59
kwwiithought I would check in before I go to bed11:59

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