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nixternal | a little OT, but i just found some of my first ever type of documentation.... SOP: Operations of the Mobile Fire Arms Range - United States Navy NAVSEAINST 8023.11 | CNETINST 1500.20C | 04:40 |
nixternal | completed 10 years ago | 04:40 |
rob | interesting, I've written several SOP's myself in the past | 04:41 |
nixternal | it is funny..i was an E4 then, low ranking, and I wrote the first ever SOP for such a situation..and it is still in effect to this day | 04:41 |
rob | heh | 04:42 |
rob | unchanged? | 04:42 |
nixternal | only thing that changed was the lead trap and cleaning it | 04:42 |
rob | ah, cool | 04:42 |
LaserJock | I helped write a Laser SOP for our lab, but that isn't as cool | 04:46 |
nixternal | haha | 04:47 |
nixternal | that is way cooler | 04:48 |
nixternal | LaserJock: sorry, but quit "humping the laser" | 04:48 |
nixternal | it had to be done | 04:48 |
LaserJock | yikes, not even a laser in sight | 04:50 |
LaserJock | except for the cd burner | 04:50 |
nixternal | haha | 04:50 |
=== nixternal don't even want to know | ||
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Madpilot | hi all | 07:01 |
nixternal | hiya Madpilot | 07:03 |
Madpilot | hi nixternal | 07:03 |
nixternal | any idea how to add an image like ubuntu-au did at https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-au | 07:03 |
nixternal | im trying to do one for ubuntu-chicago | 07:03 |
Madpilot | I think it's the "hackergotchi" link | 07:04 |
Madpilot | yeah, it is | 07:04 |
nixternal | hmm..i don't see where to do that with the team | 07:04 |
Madpilot | on my user page, it's one of the links halfway down the blue panel on the left | 07:05 |
nixternal | on the user page ya..but this is a team page | 07:05 |
Madpilot | I've no idea how team pages differ, not being a team admin myself | 07:07 |
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Madpilot | you could always bug one of the .au team's admins and ask how they did it | 07:07 |
nixternal | thats what i am planning on next | 07:07 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:07 |
nixternal | gah.bimberi | 07:08 |
nixternal | australians are running late tonight | 07:08 |
=== mpt__ rubs his eyes | ||
nixternal | haha | 07:09 |
nixternal | heya mpt | 07:09 |
mpt | Good ... evening! | 07:09 |
Burgundavia | http://ubuntu.ca/Edubuntu-casestudy.png | 07:11 |
Burgundavia | thoughts? | 07:11 |
Burgundavia | Madpilot: you got a lipsum generator somwhere? | 07:13 |
Madpilot | Burgundavia, sure - let me find the URL for you | 07:13 |
Madpilot | http://www.lipsum.com/ | 07:13 |
Madpilot | Nice front cover - where's the rest of it? ;) | 07:14 |
Burgundavia | it would be a single page | 07:14 |
Madpilot | ah, OK | 07:16 |
Madpilot | in that case, tuck "Case Study" up with the Edubuntu name/logo - that's the title of the thing, after all | 07:17 |
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Burgundavia | ok, cut and paste is driving me nuts | 07:24 |
Burgundavia | for some reason, epiphany is not pasting to inkscape | 07:24 |
Madpilot | Inkscape has some known cut & paste bugs | 07:25 |
Burgundavia | grumble | 07:28 |
Burgundavia | grumble more as text importation fails to work | 07:29 |
Burgundavia | but scribus has as interface that is only marginally better than the gimps | 07:30 |
Burgundavia | in other words, far far inferior to that of inkscape | 07:30 |
Burgundavia | look at that image again | 07:40 |
Madpilot | nice | 07:42 |
Madpilot | is that TuxLab logo really as low-res as it seems in that screenshot? | 07:42 |
robotgeek | http://shiftingpixel.com/lightbox/ is the coolest greasemonkey extension | 07:42 |
Burgundavia | yes, yes it is | 07:42 |
Burgundavia | I grabbed it quickly | 07:42 |
Madpilot | Burgundavia, can you scrounge up an SVG TuxLab image, or at least a high-res one? | 07:43 |
Burgundavia | I will once, I write the actual text | 07:43 |
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Burgundavia | I put it there merely for illustrative purposes | 07:43 |
Madpilot | good - the layout itself looks good, anyway | 07:44 |
Burgundavia | I did copy it from nearly every case study out there | 07:44 |
Burgundavia | back side is going to have text from that EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy thingy | 07:45 |
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Madpilot | Burgundavia, random layout point: first paragraphs of sections don't need to be indented, generally | 07:53 |
Madpilot | so, Matt East challenged Michael Richter on -sounder to put up or shut up WRT the modem/getting online docs - wonder when we can expect Michael's first patch to the list? ;) | 07:57 |
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mvirkkil | I'm putting up a newer work-in-progress version of the docbook->moinmoin converter: http://users.tkk.fi/~mvirkkil/db2mm/ | 08:48 |
mvirkkil | It only supports converting single articles or single chapters, graphics don't work yet etc. | 08:49 |
jsgotangco | i will check | 08:50 |
nixternal | nice work on that btw mvirkkil | 08:51 |
mvirkkil | nixternal: Thanks :) | 08:54 |
robitaille | is that new? http://ubuntuos.com/ Never heard of them until tonight | 09:11 |
nixternal | robitaille: they have been up for about a month | 09:13 |
nixternal | they did a Riddell podcast | 09:13 |
nixternal | i don't approve of their site for one reason, i went on to check it out, and my daughter was on my lap, and their was a half naked woman and an a$$ in a g-string in the ad's up top | 09:14 |
nixternal | my daughter is 10 and probably caught worse on tv, but still | 09:14 |
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nixternal | now they removed their ads | 09:15 |
Madpilot | nixternal, adblocking is a wonderful thing - I didn't even know there were banners on that site | 09:15 |
nixternal | there isn't any more..or i am ad blocking again | 09:15 |
robitaille | you should block ads in your browser. I didn't even knew they had an ad on their page :) | 09:15 |
Madpilot | interesting read: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/07/06/rethinking-community-documentation.html | 09:15 |
nixternal | i just looked..it seems like they had enough complaints | 09:15 |
nixternal | that looks like a good read | 09:16 |
Madpilot | I've just bookmarked it to finish tomorrow - need sleep very soon here | 09:17 |
nixternal | me too | 09:18 |
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mdke_ | morning | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | morning mdke_ | 10:29 |
jsgotangco | hello | 10:30 |
Fujitsu | Evening. | 10:30 |
=== mdke_ wonders why he gets so much spam encouraging him to be a better lover | ||
mdke_ | someone is trying to tell me something :/ | 10:35 |
=== Fujitsu wonders the same. | ||
Fujitsu | You cut off your tail! Self mutilation is not an option! | 10:36 |
mvirkkil | mdke: hi | 10:36 |
jsgotangco | thank you for using the ubuntu.com email spam service | 10:37 |
Fujitsu | Hahahahah | 10:37 |
mvirkkil | mdke: I "published" a version of the xslt:s with my additions. Still no support for graphics. | 10:39 |
mdke | jsgotangco: nod | 10:44 |
mdke | mvirkkil: right, nice | 10:44 |
mvirkkil | mdke: I'll need to test it and develop it a bit further, but over the next few days I won't have much time for it. So I thought I'd put a snapshot out for the time being. | 10:47 |
mvirkkil | it should map procedures to numberedlists, and variablelists to bulletlists | 10:48 |
mvirkkil | jeffsch: --^ | 10:48 |
mdke | mvirkkil: I'll upload it to the repository if you send it to me | 10:50 |
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mpt | yo yo yo | 10:51 |
=== Fujitsu wonders why somebody like mpt would be saying that. | ||
jsgotangco | mdke: dapper-commercial gets reflected if you have dapper-updates and app-install-data is refreshed | 10:57 |
jsgotangco | but yeah it wasn't clearly indicated | 10:57 |
jsgotangco | its relatively new and was under discussion in paris | 10:57 |
Burgundavia | mdke: I believe dapper-commercial is hosted on canonical servers, rather an Ubuntu ones (yes, there is not much difference) | 10:57 |
jsgotangco | yes | 10:57 |
jsgotangco | but nonetheless you can't get into dapper-commercial if you don't have the appropriate app-install-data | 10:58 |
mdke | jsgotangco: only in gnome-app-install | 11:01 |
mdke | Burgundavia: quite interesting that article which disapproves... | 11:01 |
mdke | he has a point | 11:01 |
jsgotangco | mdke: you're supposed to use g-a-i by default | 11:02 |
mdke | jsgotangco: right, but no one does | 11:02 |
mdke | and not adding it to apt is a significant problem | 11:03 |
=== jsgotangco thinks its your issue not the majority of people | ||
Burgundavia | I agree with mdke | 11:03 |
mdke | dude, do you use gnome-app-install? | 11:03 |
jsgotangco | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateManagerEdgyRepo | 11:03 |
mdke | to install EVERYTHING? | 11:03 |
Burgundavia | not adding it to apt is a bizarre decision | 11:03 |
jsgotangco | mdke: i patch to g-a-i? duh! | 11:03 |
mdke | jsgotangco: so? | 11:03 |
jsgotangco | your point? | 11:04 |
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mdke | jsgotangco: you can code on something and not use it to install things | 11:04 |
Burgundavia | ultimately, things like Opera are not really going to hurt Ubuntu | 11:04 |
crimsun | mdke: which article? | 11:04 |
mdke | especially given that you can't install everything in it | 11:04 |
jsgotangco | mdke: dude its not perfect but don't say it doesn't work | 11:04 |
mpt | eh | 11:04 |
mpt | Finally Opera shows up in g-a-i for me, but it's 8.5.1 | 11:04 |
mpt | I thought it was supposed to be version 9 :-/ | 11:04 |
mdke | crimsun: http://opensource.apress.com/article/44/opera-makes-ubuntu-sing-a-sad-song | 11:05 |
crimsun | thanks | 11:05 |
mdke | jsgotangco: I'm not saying it doesn't work | 11:05 |
mdke | I'm saying most people don't use it | 11:05 |
crimsun | 9.00-20060616.7 500 http://archive.canonical.com dapper-commercial/main Packages | 11:05 |
jsgotangco | so its a waste of developer resource | 11:05 |
mdke | jsgotangco: no, I'm simply saying there is little point adding opera to gnome-app-install, and not helping to include it in sources.list | 11:06 |
mdke | especially if the repo exists | 11:06 |
crimsun | you two are talking past each other | 11:06 |
jsgotangco | dude you're not SUPPOSED to put anything in your sources.list by hand if you're using g-a-i | 11:06 |
mdke | jsgotangco: you're intentionally missing my point, which is that loads of people don't use g-a-i | 11:07 |
jsgotangco | give me a stat | 11:07 |
mpt | >1 graphical package management program => madness | 11:07 |
jsgotangco | im not missing the point | 11:07 |
mdke | me, Burgundavia, mpt, crimsun | 11:07 |
mdke | right? | 11:07 |
=== jsgotangco gives up | ||
mpt | I used g-a-i to install a couple of games | 11:07 |
mdke | me too | 11:07 |
Burgundavia | same as well | 11:07 |
mpt | because using synaptic to find games is awful | 11:07 |
Burgundavia | I checked it out to see opera | 11:08 |
crimsun | jsgotangco: he's not arguing that g-a-i is or isn't the proper way; he's lamenting a particularly common use case | 11:08 |
crimsun | (hence you two talking past each other) | 11:08 |
jsgotangco | sorry language barrier coming, i didnt understand what it meant | 11:08 |
crimsun | both of your concerns are valid, but you're addressing different things :) | 11:09 |
Burgundavia | we all agree that gai is the preferred method, however users have different ideas | 11:09 |
Burgundavia | hence mdke's concern about opera only being easily available via gai | 11:09 |
mdke | right | 11:09 |
jsgotangco | app-data-install has all that data and opera wasn't there in the first place if it was, it should have been made easy | 11:10 |
jsgotangco | hence a dapper-update was made on the said package | 11:10 |
Burgundavia | but those who don't use gai have an issue | 11:10 |
Burgundavia | there is no other graphical way to add it to your sources.list | 11:10 |
mdke | jsgotangco: the repository exists (apparently), so it can be added to sources.list and made available in _other_ package managers too | 11:10 |
jsgotangco | probably on purpose? i dunno, ask mdz he's the one who uploaded an updated app-install-data | 11:10 |
crimsun | (this is a case where Debian pedigree can actually be a "detriment", since people tend to muck with sources.list regardless) | 11:10 |
Burgundavia | and mucking with sources.list is known source of pain | 11:11 |
mdke | it could easily have been added to software-properties | 11:11 |
jsgotangco | feel free to comment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateManagerEdgyRepo | 11:11 |
mvirkkil | mdke: It's up at http://users.tkk.fi/~mvirkkil/db2mm/db2mm-0.4/, I don't have access to anything except a browser and IRC at the moment. | 11:11 |
jsgotangco | we made the mockup with a UI specialist | 11:11 |
crimsun | I'm pretty guilty of it myself; I say "add the universe repo" et al. | 11:11 |
rob | heh, I muck with it all the time, but then I don't use gai at all | 11:11 |
jsgotangco | its already in the dev tree | 11:11 |
mvirkkil | mdke: I was more like hoping to get some feedback on what you guys would still want to see implemented. | 11:12 |
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mpt | mvirkkil, implemented for what? (sorry for clowning in halfway through the conversation) | 11:14 |
jsgotangco | hmm omnis studio is also in app-install-data-commercial | 11:15 |
mdke | mvirkkil: that's great, I'll download it thanks | 11:15 |
mdke | mpt: mvirkkil is working in the SOC moin<->docbook tools | 11:15 |
mdke | in/on | 11:15 |
mpt | oh, nothing to do with g-a-i then :-) | 11:16 |
=== mpt can't really comment, he doesn't know DocBook that well | ||
mdke | mvirkkil: do you want to tar it up for me? :) | 11:17 |
mpt | I reported a bug on the Yelp style sheets yesterday saying "<varname> should be in italics, we're having to use <emphasis> instead", and got a reply back within a couple of hours saying "no, you should be using <replaceable>" | 11:17 |
mdke | for what? | 11:18 |
mpt | for things like <screen>apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable></screen> | 11:18 |
mvirkkil | mdke: As I said, can't at the moment :/ | 11:19 |
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mdke | mvirkkil: oh yeah. sorry | 11:19 |
mvirkkil | mdke: I just put it up before I left home. | 11:19 |
mpt | http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/replaceable.html | 11:20 |
mdke | mpt: got it | 11:20 |
jsgotangco | interesting | 11:21 |
mdke | mvirkkil: i'll put it at http://doc.ubuntu.com/~matt | 11:21 |
mdke | now that I've found out public_html is enabled on that server >_< | 11:21 |
jsgotangco | is that the svn server? | 11:22 |
mdke | no, that's our server | 11:22 |
mdke | mvirkkil: uploaded | 11:22 |
=== jsgotangco lost his access to it already | ||
mvirkkil | mpt: Any preferance what moin markup you want to have it as? | 11:22 |
mpt | mvirkkil, have what as? | 11:23 |
mdke | mvirkkil: however it is with the nwalsh stylesheets is likely to be a good default | 11:23 |
mpt | oh, various DocBook elements? | 11:23 |
mpt | well, DocBook -> Moin will be lossy because DocBook is semantic while Moin is presentational | 11:24 |
mvirkkil | mpt: yeah. | 11:24 |
mdke | mpt: you can assume mvirkkil knows quite a lot about that sort of thing | 11:24 |
mpt | :-) | 11:24 |
mvirkkil | mpt: When I'm going from moin->docbook I'm doing a bit of trickery, to get some extra information. | 11:24 |
mpt | mdke, if you've had a chance to look at my patch, how should I continue? Carry on with the other sections, or am I doing several things wrong? | 11:25 |
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mvirkkil | mpt: Or at least I'm planning to check if the first row of a table has all the texts bolded, and make it a heading row in docbook, etc. | 11:25 |
mpt | mvirkkil, nifty! | 11:25 |
mvirkkil | mpt: But now I'm focusing on basic functionality. | 11:26 |
mpt | mvirkkil, and `foo` on a line by itself is probably <screen></screen> ... | 11:26 |
mdke | mpt: I haven't yet. But I'd like to talk about any changes to conventions of using different tags and so on on the list if possible. | 11:26 |
mvirkkil | mpt: well moin already has {{{ for codeblocks. | 11:26 |
mpt | sure | 11:26 |
mdke | we need to develop consistency and include some things like that in the styleguide | 11:26 |
mvirkkil | mpt: But for example {{{#python will get mapped in to a programlisting, etc. | 11:26 |
mpt | mvirkkil, true, but many are just a single line | 11:26 |
=== mdke goes for a shower | ||
mvirkkil | mpt: If its something that needs to be inline {{{hello}}} it gets mapped to code, at the moment. | 11:27 |
mpt | mdke, I think the biggest issue is what structure we should be moving towards for a unified help | 11:27 |
mvirkkil | mpt: If it's not inline, it gets mapped to screen or programlisting. | 11:27 |
mpt | whether the Desktop Guide should embrace and extend everything, or have top-level documents called things like "Music & Media" and "Setting up a server" | 11:28 |
mvirkkil | One of the niftier parts of the whole conversion, is that you can make structurally complex tables using the wikisyntax. Like cells spanning several columns, and/or rows. Alignment etc also works. | 11:28 |
mpt | s/have/the various documents should be split into/ | 11:28 |
Fujitsu | mpt, you forgot the extinguish part. | 11:29 |
=== mpt extinguishes Fujitsu | ||
Fujitsu | :O | 11:29 |
Fujitsu | mpt is Microsoft! | 11:29 |
mpt | :-( | 11:29 |
Fujitsu | If you embrace, extend and extinguish, that's the only possibility! | 11:30 |
=== mpt embraces Fujitsu | ||
mpt | I'll leave the extending to the spammers | 11:31 |
Fujitsu | Bwahahaha. | 11:31 |
mpt | Apple does a fair bit of embracing and extending too | 11:33 |
Fujitsu | Yeah, but they don't extinguish too much. | 11:34 |
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mpt | Audion, Watson, Internet Explorer for Mac, Konfabulator | 11:35 |
mpt | four examples that come to mind | 11:35 |
jsgotangco | going to the mall bbl | 11:36 |
mpt | though Internet Explorer for Mac is more to do with Microsoft taking their ball and going home | 11:36 |
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mpt | Watson is the most odious example, because Sherlock has been utterly neglected ever since | 11:39 |
mdke | mpt: sure, that's a separate issue, we definitely need to get that sorted out quickly if it's an option for edgy | 11:42 |
mdke | mpt: re the tag changes, if you could summarise the changes you've done and post to the list, that would be really helpful | 11:43 |
mpt | ok | 11:43 |
mdke | maybe include some at DocumentationTeam/DocbookTags | 11:43 |
mdke | i have to disappear for a bit now, see you later | 11:44 |
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mpt | ok | 11:45 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | does ubuntu have any info on setting up nat/other ip forwarding? i'm trawling around trying to find info, so if not i'm willing to try and start a page | 12:47 |
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mpt | mdke, sent | 01:01 |
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mpt | http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/41728 | 02:09 |
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smitten | Hello. | 05:47 |
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smitten | I would like feedback on #337584 in the GNOME bugzilla.. It is an interface change to Yelp (for the better I hope). Please respond on the bug or on the mailing list gnome-doc-devel-list@gnome.org | 06:25 |
smitten | thanks | 06:25 |
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