
SonicChaojohn: lol12:00
=== Pupeno goes to re-read that in search for missing pieces of information.
dliPupeno, if you read a little bit more, it says, kernel >=2.6.1612:01
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dliPupeno, however, since 2.6.16 is a really bad release, you may want to go 2.6.1712:01
CarlFKhow do I tell apt-get and synaptic to use a proxy?12:02
Pupenodli: if someone wanted to run a custom kernel on Ubuntu, what is the best way ? grabbing the source packages from edgy and building packages ?12:02
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dliPupeno, I suggest you to try vanilla12:02
Pupenoahg... I don't want vanilla.12:03
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SonicChaoPupeno: why?12:03
jirchello people yet again, all the trouble with securing a remote desktop over the net, could i simply connect to a realvnc windows machine using encryption then form that machine connect to the unix machine locally using the remote desktop features that comesd with ubuntu no encryption as then all the traffic as it passes over the net will be encrypted but on the local lan link from windows to unix box will not, but this will not matter as people will not12:03
jirc be able to see that traffic, is this a good idea?12:03
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SonicChaojirc: I would say, no, but that's my opinion.........................................12:04
jeremybI am having troubles upgrading to edgy--is this channel only for dapper issues?12:04
PupenoSonicChao: because I don't want to go thru 1000 little options trying to guess the best ones to get this beast to work. I've chosen Ubuntu over Gentoo and that was one of the main reasons.12:04
jircsonicchao can you explain why?12:04
SonicChaojeremyb: Edgy is testing.12:04
PupenoSonicChao: also, I do trust that the good Ubuntu developers, aside of options, have chosen a nice set of patches for me.12:04
SonicChaojeremyb: why would you want to upgrade to it?12:04
jeremybwhich channel do I use then?12:05
CarlFKPupeno: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/software/CustomKernel12:05
PupenoCarlFK: thanks.12:05
SonicChaojeremyb: this channel, when Edgy comes out. ;)12:05
Agrajagjeremyb: #ubuntu+1 I think12:05
CarlFKPupeno:  there are about 6 other pages like that that you should read but I can't find them12:05
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PupenoCarlFK: yeah :( I imagine.12:05
SonicChaojeremyb: [Notice]  -ChanServ- [#ubuntu+1]  Edgy Eft is not yet usable. Please don't use it yet.12:06
SonicChaothat says it all...........12:06
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jircsonicchao can you answer me why it is not doable? I mean is what i say true as in it will still be encrypted?12:07
sherzHi I have a problem to write on an external HDD I tried mount /dev/sda1 /pladde/ -w and I can create folders but if copy files I get a error message permission denied ..12:08
SonicChaojirc: It's doable...not recommended by me tho.12:08
SonicChaosherz: are you logged in as sudo?12:08
Eazy-what does eft stand for in Edgy eft?12:08
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SonicChaoEazy-: an eft is an animal12:08
jircwell not really the doable part, im asking is it secure whereby as as it traverses the internet is is encrypted and only once on the LAN is it not12:08
Agrajagjirc: I'm confused here. What do you want to do exactly? Securely VNc to the Ubuntu desktop?12:09
Eazy-what kind? :)12:09
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jircand everything i have tried has failed12:09
SonicChaoEazy-: this is a support channel......I can talk to you in #ubuntu-offtopic12:09
jircfreenx especially let me down12:09
sherzSonicChao Yes I tried sudo also12:09
Agrajagjirc: You should use SSHd then12:09
jircagrajag, please explain furthermore12:09
Agrajagcreate an ssh tunnel for the VNc port and do all your VNCing over that tunnel12:10
Eazy-well it was a question :P12:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:10
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:10
jircthat shows how to make an SSH tunnel?12:10
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:10
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jirci have putty i have connected to the machine via CLI, but i want GUI agrajag12:10
Agrajaginstall openssh, and open up port 22. then from the client side, open up a tunnel to port 5900 on your desktop at home or whereever12:10
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SonicChaoEazy-: 'tis a lizard I think12:11
SonicChaoEazy-: some kind of reptile12:11
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Eazy-k, thanx12:11
jircagrajag i have installed open ssh sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:11
Agrajagjirc: in putty, in the main connection window, go down all the way to the bottom on the left, to tunnels.12:11
ompaulit is a newt - SonicChao you are right about it being not a support question :-)12:11
JemtUps, sorry12:11
AgrajagAdd a tunnel, from port 5900, to localhost:590012:12
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Sleeping_Slothanyone here folding on a multi processor box?12:12
Agrajagthen log in, and in your VNC client, connect to localhost, and the connection will tunnel though SSH to the linux box.12:12
Agrajageverything will be encrypted.12:12
Agrajagyou just have to leave the putty window open while you use VNC.12:13
jircok agrajag thanks, i am trying this now, i will get back to you on how it goes12:13
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ryanakcaI'm having trouble running sudo aptitude update... the whole output from what I tried is here:   http://pastebin.ca/81794       as you may have noticed... at first I (wrongly) thought it was a proxy problem, so I tried restarting the network... no avail12:14
Sleeping_Slothanyone here folding on a multi processor box?12:14
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Sleeping_Slothoops sorry12:14
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SonicChaoompaul: thanks....lol12:15
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Sleeping_Slothis nobody in here folding?12:15
SonicChaoompaul: A newt????????? Lol!12:15
lampshadewhat's the difference between apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade?  The man tells me nothing12:15
SonicChaoBin-Laden: knock if off, stop changing your name12:15
jirchang on agrajag, about the tunnel, all of the tunnel settings is made on the viewer? so say if the unix box ip is , how will it be set? i miss understand about localhost, sorry :S12:16
Bin-LadenSonicChao: sorry12:16
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:16
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ubotuI know nothing about mac12:16
AgrajagYou create the tunnel in putty.12:16
ubotuI know nothing about osx12:16
ubotuI know nothing about apple12:16
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ubotuI know nothing about maggotbox12:16
clemis it possible to get X to run from a chrooted partition ?12:16
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SonicChaomajd: Knows nothing.........12:16
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AgrajagThe tunnel forwards all traffic incoming to localhost:5900 to your remote machine:590012:16
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majdi'm looking for a way to permanetly share a connection between my ubuntu and my mac12:17
hyphenatedlampshade: dist-upgrade will remove packages if it needs to. the man page is a bit weak, it makes it sound magical ;-)12:17
majdi'm told i need to set samba up...12:17
SonicChaomajd: Isn't samba for Windoze?12:17
Agrajagsamba is for file-sharing, not sharing an internet connection12:17
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majdAgrajag, i know....that's what i need12:18
mic__r irc.newnet.net12:18
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lampshadehyphenated: isn't removing packages generally frowned on?  Does it only remove packages that are obsolete then?12:18
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nf4any one use folding@home?12:18
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Sleeping_Slothlol nf4, I asked the same q a minute ago12:18
eamoHi, where do I get libdvdcss to play dvd?12:19
Sleeping_Slothnf4: what's *your* problem?12:19
jircagrajag, in putty i click the two tick boxes yeah? and click remote and auto is ok for the settings?12:19
ompauleamo, I will send you something now12:19
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nf4are you useing it sleeping_Sloth?12:19
jircsource port 5900 and destination the remote address12:19
eamoompaul: always there, thanks12:19
ompauleamo, enjoy that12:19
Sleeping_Slothnf4: yes, sort of - I have a problem with 2 cpus though12:19
ompauleamo, :-)12:19
Agrajagno, leave the boxes unchecked12:19
majdis the guide to permanently mount windows the same as for mounting a mac computer?12:19
Agrajaglocal and auto on the radio buttons12:19
nf4did you use the ubuntu guides?12:19
Sleeping_Slothnf4 yes:12:20
ubotuubuntuguide is an inaccurate and outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead12:20
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Agrajagand the forwarded port, when added, should show up as "L5900   localhost:5900" in the little list12:20
ompaulSleeping_Sloth, nf4 ^^^ read ubotu12:20
nf4i cant figure out why the guides are soo long and use a differant insall than the stanford guide12:20
Sleeping_SlothI used a 5.10 forum guide12:20
Seveas!forget ubuntuguide12:20
ubotuI've forgotten it12:20
hyphenatedlampshade: "if it needs to" :-)12:20
ompaulSeveas, ?12:20
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Seveasompaul, I've been told that ubuntuguide has changed owners and improved a lot12:20
Sleeping_Slothompaul: ...12:20
Seveaswouldn't be fair to keep that factoid until that has at leest been looked at 12:21
Agrajagjirc: all you should have to do is put 5900 in the top text entry box and localhost:5900 in the bottom one12:21
ompaulSleeping_Sloth, read what Seveas said12:21
Agrajagand click add12:21
nf4i just ran the exe and seem to be working properly12:21
Sleeping_Slothnf4: i didnt use the "ubuntu guide", I found a guide on the forum. do you want the url?12:21
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jircah i think i get it now, and vncviewer will be directed to putty? when i put the port12:21
nf4 thats what i ment12:21
nf4the guide made for ubuntu regardless of the name12:22
nf4i read both the wiki and the fourm guide12:22
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Agrajagit will be directed through the SSH tunnel if you connect to localhost after logging in on putty.12:22
clemif I chroot I get the terminal to use another partition ad my root partition right ? How can I do the same graphically ? I mean how can I start X from there ?12:22
Sleeping_Slothnf4: it was for 5.10 I think12:22
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Agrajagyou have to log in using putty first.12:22
nf4the exe runs  just fine though12:22
Sleeping_Slothnf4: are you using multiple cpus?12:22
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nf4my core is single just like me12:22
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Agrajagclem: Why do you need to start X from a chroot?12:22
AgrajagYou can run graphical programs from a chroot in your already-existing X server.12:23
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clemAgrajag: I'd like to design a distribution from the existing Kubuntu live CD.12:23
Sleeping_Slothnf4: well, I'd be fine if I had a single cpu - it works on one of them, but not both12:23
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nf4do you have two cpu's or one cpu with two cores12:24
clemAgrajag: I can chroot into the distro-to-be but I'd like to get into it graphically to test it before making the iso.12:24
Sleeping_Slothnf4: my machine is getting it on half the time, like me :p12:24
jircso agrajag, sorry really embarassed now, I put localhost and 5900 in the session and in the tunnel option?12:24
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CarlFKsynaptic, Settings, Prefferences, Network - where does it store the proxy setting?  (I don't see it in /etc/apt/sources.list )12:24
Sleeping_Slothnf4: 2 physical cpus - oppie 248's to be precise :)12:24
Agrajagno, just the tunnel.12:24
reikigetting ready to build new box. Will be reusing this hard drive. What (if anything) should I back up? Or should I just build clean from scratch? I'm really ok either way since my email is on an imap server12:24
ddonkyis there a harware compatitbility list for Dapper?12:24
AgrajagIn session you put your normal connection information, the address of the remote server you want to SSH to.12:24
NemosNemosHi, why can't I find the files I download from Amule? I can't see any folder in home/user/Amule!12:24
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clemNemosNemos : could be hidden, try ls -la12:25
nf4nice I almost built one of those but i built a dfi/opty 146(s939) system insted12:25
Sleeping_Slothheh - I almost built one of them!12:25
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Flannelddonky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:26
Sleeping_SlothI'm on a k8we - bought it when it came out, cost me 40012:26
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nf4i got a good deal on those Venus boards so i bought it to see if they were all they were cracked up to be12:26
Sleeping_Slothnf4: and the outcome?12:26
nf4I like it its nice but not worth more than a regual expert board12:27
mlehreranyone here familiar with the LTS version of forcedeth?12:27
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jircok agrajag that is set, so in realvncviewer i put localhost 5900?12:27
Agrajagjust localhost should work fine12:27
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Sleeping_Slothnf4: have you got nf4 drivers installed?12:27
Agrajag5900 is the default port12:27
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nf4every 20minutes I get 1% complete on this folding set up seems about right12:28
jircthanks, agrajag how can i prove the traffic is encrypted btw?12:28
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AgrajagYou need proof? You could use something like Ethereal to look at the traffic going through your NIC and see the difference between SSH traffic and a VNC session.12:29
AgrajagFor example, all the traffic is now going to port 22, not the VNC port. Anything on that port is encrypted because the only thing using that port is SSH.12:30
Sleeping_Slothnf4: it depends a lot on the job- but that sounds alright12:30
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AgrajagAnd you can see for yourself the difference in the actual data going through12:30
jircwell im trying this now, so fingers crossed, thanks again bro alot12:31
Agrajagno problem12:31
eternaljoyhow can I clean out Limewire history?12:31
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Sleeping_Slothnf4: since I can only run on one cpu at the moment, your performance and mine will be fairly similar i'd imagine12:32
=== nf4 pats every one in here on the back good job guys keeping opensource alive and kicking
nf4whats the clock speed of the 248?12:32
Sleeping_Slothnf4: do you have nforce4 drivers installed?12:32
eternaljoynf4: 24812:32
Sleeping_Slothnf4: 2.212:32
nf4no i dont think so12:32
nf4i forgot about that12:32
ryanakcaI'm having trouble running sudo aptitude update... the whole output from what I tried is here:   http://pastebin.ca/81794       as you may have noticed... at first I (wrongly) thought it was a proxy problem, so I tried restarting the network... no avail12:33
Sleeping_Slothnf4: me neither: ALSA for now....12:33
MrRioanyone come across a less than 5gb offline version of Wikipedia?12:33
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy: what do you mean?12:33
Sleeping_Slothnf4: 146 runs @ 2.0 doesn't it?12:33
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nf4yeah mine is 2.5 right now12:34
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nf4useing stock volts12:34
Sleeping_Slothnf4: wow - thats quite a jump12:34
nf4you can try the ipod wikipedia12:34
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Sleeping_Slothnf4; what cooling have you got on it?12:35
judahryanakca: it looks to me like your apt-proxy isn't running even though your networking is up..12:35
h4v0kcan anyone help me get fonts to work12:35
Shizboomokay if i go to "Computer" there is a disk on there that says "56 gig Volume" it wont let me mount it. how do i get it mounted?12:35
judahryanakca: all that could not connect to localhost mombojumbo.12:35
wsjuniorhow to show always show another mounted hd at desktop? do i have to add some special parameter to its fstab line?12:35
eternaljoySleeping_Sloth: how can I clean Limewire from showing what files I have searched for and downloaded?12:35
nf4artic cooling frezzer pro  64 idle temps 34c full load after 17hrs of prime is 42C12:36
h4v0kuninstall it :D12:36
nf4folding for 12hrs temp  is 38C12:36
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ryanakcajudah: I'm trying to figure out where it got that "localhost mombojumbo".... It was working fine till a couple of days ago... I having trouble getting other programs to connect...12:36
corvettehello, can you tell me how to associate Firefox with IRC protocol?12:36
Sleeping_Slothnf4: have you got a temp monitor working on ubuntu?12:36
nf4to who ever wanted the offline wikipeida you might want this one http://encyclopodia.sourceforge.net/en/12:36
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judahryanakca: can you pastebin your sources.list and your /etc/hosts file?12:37
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wsjuniorhow to show mounted devices at the desktop? it used to work here but now i cant see my other partitions at the desktop anymore..12:37
Sleeping_Slothnf4: sadly I don't - my box is cool and quiet, but I dont really want to overclock12:37
eternaljoySleeping_Sloth: well?12:37
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy - whay are you asking me?12:37
stefgcorvette: either install chatzilla, or think the other way... how to integrate your browser with you IRC client12:37
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy - I dont use limewire12:37
nf4no need to if you have 4ghz12:37
eternaljoyis there a ubuntu program that fully cleans all internet activities, eg, cleans recent documents, websites, etc etc?12:37
eternaljoySleeping_Sloth: you are hopeless and trolling12:38
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nf4firefox can do that12:38
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corvettecool thanks stefg12:38
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy: I am neither, thanks12:38
eternaljoynf4: firefox doesnt clean recent documents12:38
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h4v0kafter i use wget where is the file stored12:38
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jircok agrajag when i click open with putty the window stays blank, done what u said, installed open ssh on nix box, session is the remote ip port 5900, tunnel says 5900 localhost, and vnc says localhost12:39
judahryanakca: also the output from ping security.ubuntu.com12:39
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nf4under places if you go there you can clear resent doctuments if you hit the clear resent documents button12:39
soccioDoes exists an applet for gnome working like Klipper?12:39
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h4v0kwhereis wget12:39
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy: I was having a discusion with nf4- I've been legitimately looking for help with a folding@home problem. Am I not allowed to have a friendly discussion in the meantime, or is that trolling? And just because I'm unable to answer *your* question, am I hopeless....?12:39
ryanakcajudah: http://pastebin.ca/8183712:40
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy: I've answered my fair share of peoples questions on here before - if I can help, I will - but dont just target me because I'm having a talk with someone else12:40
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juztinhow do i disable some of my ttys?12:41
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ryanakcajudah: http://pastebin.ca/8183912:41
err0rrjuztin: in /etc/inittab delete some of the lines like 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty612:41
judahryanakca: why do you have this line? ubuntu12:41
juztinerr0rr, thanks :)12:42
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gnomefreakSleeping_Sloth: as long as its ontopic and follows all code of conduct and irc guidelines its fine12:42
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ryanakcajudah: dunno12:42
ryanakcajudah: delete it?12:42
judahryanakca: i'd remove it.12:42
jumbersubuntu ftw12:42
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Sleeping_Slothgnomefreak: it was sort of a rhetorical question - it started out as a support request, turned into a genearl discussion - I very much doubt I've broken the guidelines12:43
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gnomefreakSleeping_Sloth: not that i have seen just informing you12:43
mad_slackienight all! :)12:43
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Sleeping_Slothgnomefreak: and I would consider trolling a pretty harsh description of what I've been doing.12:43
aLPHa_LeaK n812:44
Sleeping_Slothgnomefreak - no, I wasn't complaining12:44
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judahryanakca: are you actually running an proxyies?12:44
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Sleeping_Slothgnomefreak: I think he just got upset because I couldn't help him clear all the porn off mommys computer12:44
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ryanakcajudah: ps aux | grep proxy    output nothing...12:45
vigilanteis there a make live cd script in ubuntu to generate a new live cd based off you hardrive install, similar to what Mandriva one and PCLinuxOS has?12:45
Seveasvigilante, no.12:45
judahryanakca: well try sudo apt-get update12:45
nf4glade candles smell good and offer relaxing aroma therpy12:45
eternaljoySleeping_Sloth: stop trolling12:45
judahryanakca: after you remove that one line from /etc/hosts12:45
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ProN00btheres 4.1 gb space on a dvd, right ?12:45
dliProN00b, 4.712:46
Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy:if I were trolling, I'd be kicked, I imagine. swipe that chip off your shoulder12:46
h4v0khow do i stop gok12:46
ryanakcanope :)12:46
eternaljoySleeping_Sloth: you get very defensive and you feel you need to explain yourself. thats a sign of guilt12:46
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Sleeping_Slotheternaljoy: nah - not a sign of guilt, a sign of being right and knowing it12:46
ProN00bdli, how many MB is that ?12:46
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naliothSleeping_Sloth: please don't feed the trolls    :)12:46
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FlannelProN00b: 4.7x102412:46
vigilanteSeveas: that would be a nice future feature... is it difficult to remake the cd manually?12:46
nf4Sleeping_Sloth dont worrie i think he was booted12:47
SeveasSleeping_Sloth, offtopic (non-support) talk is better off in #ubuntu-offtopic 12:47
ProN00bFlannel, no, not really12:47
brainsikProN00b: 4489.25    MB12:47
AfiefI am unable to install libgnomeui-dev, some of it's dependencies are broken it seems12:47
Sleeping_Slothdoes anyone in here run folding on a multi processor machine?12:47
Seveasvigilante, it involves some trickery12:47
brainsikProN00b: 4597       MiB12:47
La_PaRCaI am getting a "no screens found" error when trying to start xgl. Any ideas as to why?12:47
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FlannelLa_PaRCa: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL support12:47
Sleeping_SlothSeveas: I'm sorry - as I tried to explain - we were talking on-topic to start with....12:47
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Sleeping_SlothSeveas: and I'm still looking for help.12:48
ProN00bbrainsik, how did you get that number ?12:48
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AfiefCan someone tell me how to install libgnomeui-dev?12:48
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brainsiki calculated them a while ago.. i have bytes, sectors, kilobytes, etc.. sitting in a text file.12:48
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Sleeping_SlothIf you ask your question too frequently, it's flooding :p12:48
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SeveasAfief, sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-dev12:48
ubuntu01brazuca na area12:48
Seveas!find libgnomeui12:48
nf4Sleeping_Sloth I think I figured out your problem12:48
ubotuFound: libgnomeui-0, libgnomeui-0-dbg, libgnomeui-common, libgnomeui-dev, libgnomeui-doc (and 3 others)12:48
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:48
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hcjc92whats the apache php5 module?12:49
Sleeping_Slothnf4: oh yeah? what do you reckon?12:49
Seveashcjc92, libapache2-mod-php512:49
fabioHi james this my firts time in xchat12:49
^james_is Limewire a type of peer-to-peer?12:49
brainsikProN00b: i can message you the full list of them12:49
judahryanakca: any luck?12:49
err0rrlimewire is gnutella12:49
h4v0khow do i stop gok12:49
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PapaPitufojames, yes12:49
Sannehcjc92, you can search for package names with 'apt-cache search <name>' or on packages.ubuntu.com12:50
DrappaI need some help with my installation.12:50
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ubuntu01this my firts time in xchat too12:50
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^james_err0rr: what does gnutella mean exactly?12:50
ProN00bnah, thanks brainsik, the mib/mb is enough12:50
PapaPitufo^james_: yes, limewire is p2p12:50
fabiohi ubuntu0112:50
^james_PapaPitufo: what is p2p exactly?12:50
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ubuntu01hi fabio12:50
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PapaPitufoubuntu01: have a pleasant experience12:50
err0rr^james_: http://rfc-gnutella.sourceforge.net/12:50
PapaPitufo^james_: p2p=peer to peer12:50
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xaviusshadowWhen I'm trying to install it keeps giving me and I/O error saying it can't find a sector on hdc, what's that mean?12:50
^james_PapaPitufo: if a person uses p2p, does the files transfter through the persons ISP?12:50
hareemis there any way that i can interconnect some ubuntu pc's toghether12:51
fabioDid you ever use gaim?12:51
nf4Have you trying running a second  terminal window and loading /home/ejwalt/Desktop/FAH504-Linux.exe -config and changeing the machine ID from 1 to 212:51
Jemthareem: LAN ?12:51
PapaPitufo^james_: yes12:51
brainsikryanakca: what does: `host -av archive.ubuntu.com` say?12:51
^james_PapaPitufo: so its not a direct link between users?12:51
h4v0khareem, ethernet network them12:51
Sleeping_Slothnf4, gnomefreak: what do you think about this pm from eternaljoy "ill be back for you, havent finished yet with you"12:51
hareemlike you know like windows xp has. that workgroup type setup12:51
ompaulxaviusshadow, what is hdc? is it a hard drive or a cd?12:51
Flannel^james_: well, it has to go through routers to get to the other computer12:51
Sleeping_Slothsomeone's got a *very* short fuse!!12:51
^james_PapaPitufo: so the ISP gets the exact same file stored on their hard drive that I download using p2p?12:51
vigilantebtw, kudos to whoever developed the X gui config for monitor and video card in 6.06 :)  , we're getting close to having something like Yast or Harddrake12:51
gnomefreakSleeping_Sloth: ignore it12:51
err0rr^james_: yes, limewire allows information to travel between you and your friends computer without leaving through your ethernet card even12:52
^james_Sleeping_Sloth: dont falsely accuse eternaljoy12:52
PapaPitufo^james_: yes it is a direct link between both of you. Any direct link on the internet always goes out through your ISP12:52
hareemsee im trying to this ubuntu up at my cafe. But i did the lockdown of them. But i wanted to remotely logoff the users.12:52
Sleeping_Sloth^james: I'm not12:52
nf4yeah lam3rs are getting lamer  these days12:52
xaviusshadowompaul: I'm trying to install from cd Here's the message "Buffer I/O error on device hdc"12:52
^james_PapaPitufo: so the ISP gets the exact same file stored on their hard drive that I download using p2p?  So they can view the file?12:52
naliothSleeping_Sloth: please keep the offtopic stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic12:52
hareemyou can do this in windows xp by remote connection desktop or something12:52
PapaPitufo^james_: the only way to avoid your ISP is by actually using a cable of your own between your computers12:52
Afiefthis is my error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745512:52
bbrazil^james_: only if they're monitoring you. usually they pass the traffic through12:52
fabioAre you still on line ubuntu 0112:52
nalioth^james_: your ISP "MAY" monitor everything you do online12:52
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nf4Have you trying running a second  terminal window and loading  FAH504-Linux.exe -config and changeing the machine ID from 1 to 212:53
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err0rr^james_: just use strong encryption12:53
dlixaviusshadow, sounds like a hardware problem :(12:53
Sleeping_Slothnf4: what do you suggest I try?12:53
err0rron your file12:53
nf4read three lines up12:53
^james_Sleeping_Sloth: eternaljoy is a regular here and a helpful and good person!  we dont appecriate you backstabbing him when he is not here to defend your false accusations12:53
xaviusshadowdli: With the cdrom?12:53
^james_nalioth: ok12:53
PapaPitufo^james_: no, the ISP does not store it. It just acts as a "gateway", they're the highway in p2p12:53
xaviusshadowdli: Or the HD?12:53
bbrazil^james_: you have to realise there's a lot of traffic going through every day, storing it all isn't a good idea12:53
nalioth^james_: can you and Sleeping_Sloth take your thread to #ubuntu-offtopic please12:53
^james_PapaPitufo: ok12:53
err0rrPapaPitufo: they *could* store it12:53
^james_nalioth: ok12:53
KizzumeI have a delta 66 sound card, and the only drivers I can find is OSS, which I can't seem to get working--does anyone know about OSS?12:53
dlixaviusshadow, I saw this on both, with cd-rom, you can ignore it, as far as it works12:53
ompaulxaviusshadow, I asked a question you did not answer, what are the drives on your machine, ide0 = hda and so on12:53
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Sleeping_Sloth^james: do you want me to post a screenshot? I am here to get help, not get abused by your friend12:54
ubotuI know nothing about realcodecs12:54
Afiefseveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745512:54
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Seveas(that was eternaljoy)12:54
xaviusshadowompaul: 0 is hd, 3 is CDrom I think.12:54
vigilantehmm, is it possible to install realcodecs, without realplayer?12:54
KizzumeDelta 66 is an M-Audio card...12:54
nalioth!restricted > vigilante12:54
PapaPitufoerr0rr: as I said, the "safest" way for peer2peer would be a direct cable between the two computers :)12:54
ompaulxaviusshadow, okay how many hard drives / cdroms have you got in that box12:55
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xaviusshadowompaul: I have 1 hda and 1 cdrom12:55
SeveasAfief, are you on edgy?12:55
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PapaPitufo^james_: you should not need to worry, unless if you are one of those been investigated by FBI12:55
judah /dev/hda primary master /dev/hdb primary slave /dev/hdc secondary master /dev/hdd secondary slave12:55
AfiefSeveas: nope, Dapper12:55
judahompaul: --^12:55
PapaPitufo^james_: FBI just caught some of those from a chatroom, you know12:55
jackrazzis this the best instructions to use for installing xgl with nvidia card?12:55
vigilantenalioth: so from that link, it looks like realplayer is the only option12:55
bbrazilPapaPitufo: he's gone12:55
Bassits there a better way to open a 4mb text file and search it, gedit crashes even on my pc12:55
Seveas!info libgnome2-dev12:56
ubotulibgnome2-dev: The GNOME 2 library - development files. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.14.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 104 kB, installed size 304 kB12:56
bbrazilBass: less12:56
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bbrazilBass: or grep/fgrep for just searching12:56
PapaPitufobbrazil: thanks12:56
ompaulxaviusshadow, it means that something is not being read on the CD rom - if it works then work away if not then burn it slower12:56
Bassbbrazil: thanks12:56
bbrazilnalioth: +d ?12:56
SeveasAfief, then fix your sources.list and don't mess around with non-ubuntu sources.12:56
ompaulbbrazil, realname12:56
xaviusshadowompaul: I burned the cd as slow as I could at 8x12:56
naliothbbrazil: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml12:56
KizzumeThanks everyone for the gui tips.  It got my system working great as far as that goes..12:56
hareemhey can some one tell me how can i share folders between two ubuntu machnes12:56
SanneBass, you can search in less with /searchterm12:57
clemI found my answer I think.. I don't really need to chroot at all. The CD uses squashfs, I might be able to squash my own installation into it.12:57
ompaul!nfs > hareem12:57
dlihareem, install openssh-server12:57
Seveashareem, system  administration  shared folders12:57
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bbrazilnalioth: ah, per-channel dline12:57
Afiefsaveas: i only have one extra repository for XGL and one for Wine, both of which i have been advised to add here12:57
PapaPitufooh dear12:57
hareemok thanks for the help12:57
Afiefsaveas: both for ubuntu12:58
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SeveasAfief, then disable those.12:58
sobersabreBass vim also can handle it.12:58
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sobersabreBass but the correct way to search files is sed12:58
bbrazilsobersabre: vim of large files is dodgy in my experiance - but I'm talking >50MB12:58
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Sleeping_Slothnf4:  I can't seem to do that12:59
sobersabrebbrazil he's talking 4 MB12:59
Afiefsaveas: disabled, reloaded, but it still doesn't help12:59
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dlibbrazil, there should be a large file mode for vim12:59
nf4what run the config or change to machine id 212:59
bbrazildli: there probably is, but I don't know of it :)12:59
PapaPitufoQUESTION: Does Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) LiveCD include XGL, and if so, is it activated by default? (answer not found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions)12:59
SeveasPapaPitufo, twice no01:00
sobersabredli is it compile time option ?01:00
AfiefPapaPitufo: nope01:00
Seveasxgl is far too unstable to be supported01:00
judahSeveas: is that a double negative then?01:00
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Seveasjudah, smartass :01:00
dlisobersabre, I don't really know :(01:00
nf4you have to manuly install xgl/compiz01:00
PapaPitufoSeveas: SuSE DEL includes it...01:00
bbrazildli, sobersabre: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=150601:00
SeveasPapaPitufo, good for them.01:00
gnomefreakPapaPitufo: this isnt suse ;)01:00
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phireHey, I'm installing Dapper via debootstrap, and I've done most the things base-config used to do. But How do I setup the sudoers file?01:01
nf4Thats becouse novell made suse and made xgl01:01
Sleeping_Slothnf4: hold on - I may have sorted it01:01
naliothphire: "man visudo"01:01
dlibbrazil, good, but probably I don't need it, if the file is huge, I would use other tools01:01
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Subphire, with visudo01:01
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Seveasphire, install the sudo pacakge and add this line to /etc/sudoers: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL01:01
PapaPitufowell, I assumed that since it is being distributed on an Enterprise level distribution, XGL must already be stable enough.01:01
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bbrazildli: depends on the type of editing required. I needed to play with a mysql dump once01:01
PapaPitufoThen again, Novell invented XGL01:01
Subphire, jus add a the group "admin" to sudoers, and then make sure all admin users are in admin01:01
sobersabrebbrazil http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=34301:02
naliothphire: but man visudo first01:02
SubPapaPitufo, XGL is far from stable01:02
dlibbrazil, then, I would try perl01:02
nf4XGL is as stable as my bank account01:02
zenwhentrue, XGL is pretty buggy.01:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:02
Afiefsaveas: disabled them, reloaded the info, but it still won't install01:02
PapaPitufoSub: I guess that SuSE LED must have a newer version of XGL then01:03
KizzumeAnyone know about M-Audio cards?01:03
sobersabreSub is there a timeline, or schedule as for when xgl is going to be stable ?01:03
bbrazildli: I'd try sed or awk first :)01:03
monomaniacpatI assume every configure file is unique? It's just that I have a makfile without any visible means of configuring the damn thing :/01:03
nf4or suse LED isnt stable01:03
PapaPitufook bye01:03
judahpeople sure like their drop shadows and wobboly windows..01:03
PapaPitufothank you01:03
sobersabreKizzume what about them, they're quite great audio interfaces...01:03
Seveasnf4, filed for bankrupcy yet?01:03
PapaPitufojudah: yup01:03
bbrazilmonomaniacpat: some programs only have makefiles - check the INSTALL and README files01:03
err0rrPapaPitufo: you might want to look at WASTE01:03
KizzumeSobersabre:  Do you know how to get them working in ubuntu linux?01:03
nf4not yet i still have 75 cents usd01:03
sobersabreKizzume yes.01:03
SeveasAfief, then you did really weird things to your system....01:03
PapaPitufojudah: actually, the neat thing is sharks swimming between windows01:04
Sleeping_Slothnf4: the second process ran while it was in terminal, but I cant start or stop it with etc/init.d/foldingathome01:04
Subsobersabre, PapaPitufo suse use the same version of xgl as we do - there constantly improving it, but i would never use it on a production/workstation01:04
PapaPitufoerr0rr: Waste?01:04
sobersabredoesn't it work out of the box ?!01:04
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err0rrPapaPitufo: http://waste.sourceforge.net/01:04
judahPapaPitufo: and true transparancy.01:04
LukianHow do I unmark something using apt / aptitude for upgrade/installation ?01:04
Subjava is terrible with it, and it;s still very sketchy with accelerated 3D01:04
AfiefSeveas: weird, i'm not aware of doing anything like that01:04
sobersabreKizzume which interface do you own ? audiophile ?01:04
Kizzumesobersabre:  I have a delta 66 card, and they didn't have drivers on their site, they said to use OSS, but I can't get that working....01:04
bbrazilLukian: aptitude install packagename01:04
PapaPitufoerr0rr: thanks!01:04
Lukianbbrazil: unmark01:04
AfiefSeveas: is there a way to fix it?01:04
sobersabreKizzume don't use OSS :)01:04
SeveasLukian, updates are there for a reason...01:04
sobersabreit sux, especially the free one01:04
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bbrazilLukian: remove, _01:04
Kizzumesobersabre:  What should I use?01:04
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nf4Yeah i dont know anything about that i just run the exe in termial and call it good sorry i cant help further01:05
LukianSeveas: It wants to install lilo instead of grub on a clean dapper install..01:05
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sobersabreKizzume: Deltas are great :)01:05
vigilantePapaPitufo: suse is just including xgl in sled only, to try to out eyecandy vista and osX, its just a rushed gimick, doesn't improve usability of desktop01:05
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monomaniacpatbbrazil: it doesn't have an install file and the only readme says it comes preconfigured :\01:05
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bbrazilmonomaniacpat: then type 'make'01:06
Kizzumesobersabre:  Yes, I know they're great, they work great in Windows and the Mac, but I can't find drivers for them for linux..01:06
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bbrazilmonomaniacpat: you might want to look a the makefile01:06
SeveasLukian, then you better solve that instead of trying to work around it...01:06
PapaPitufonf4: Sub: Seveas: err0rr: thanks for the quick reply! Better than Yahoo Answers :P01:06
Sleeping_Slothnf4: have you tried starting/stopping with init.d?01:06
Afiefvigilante: actually sorting all the windows with one key + thumbail switcher(alt+tab) is quite useful01:06
sobersabreKizzume, just for the feeling: modprobe -l | grep ice01:06
SubPapaPitufo, anytime :)01:06
LukianSaveas: that was my question..01:06
vigilanteAfief: kompose does that already, w/o xgl01:06
nf4I dont know what init.d is01:06
sobersabreKizzume, just for the feeling: modprobe -l | grep ice | grep snd01:06
maddashI've got a problem with the package "locales" after I tried to install the libc6-2.3.6 package from debian.org "Locales" is marked as broken. When I check on it in Synaptic, I see that "Locales" needs libc6-2.3.5. So what do I do?01:07
Sleeping_Slothtry running this: sudo /etc/init.d/foldinathome restart01:07
Subvigilante, xgl does havea  few features which are actually productive - but yes alot is eyecandy01:07
Afiefvigilante: let's say, it adds that to metacy too01:07
nf4when i stop it i just close the terminal window that is running in01:07
Stormx2hey folks01:07
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nf4and restart it it saves to where it stoped at01:07
monomaniacpatbbrazil: make: *** No targets.  Stop. - the makefile doesn't say much01:07
Kizzumesobersabre: let me try that... brb01:07
sobersabreKizzume this doesn't turn'on the sound01:07
sobersabrethis only lists drivers01:07
Stormx2monomaniacpat: what are you compiling?01:08
sobersabreKizzume listen...01:08
bbrazilmonomaniacpat: what package is it?01:08
sobersabreare u there... ?01:08
monomaniacpatbbrazil: an xpad driver01:08
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AfiefSeveas: is there a way to fix my system enough to get it working??01:09
maddashdammit, I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown01:09
SeveasAfief, possibly - but you need to ask someone else, I'm going to bed in < 5 minutes01:09
MacskeeballI'm going to be using Ubuntu 6.06 to run a server, and I need to use DHCP with a manual address so that the Port Forwarding settings on my router will always work. How do I set Ubuntu to use DHCP with a manual address?01:09
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monomaniacpatbbrazil: here's the makefile (it is simply called "makefile") http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745601:09
Sleeping_Slothnf4: ahah - solved it01:09
Kizzumesobersabre: it says that -1 is a not a valid option01:10
BlissexMacskeeball: you create a DHCP config file with a static entry.01:10
Sleeping_Slothnf4: I just ran the .exe config twice, and it sorted it01:10
jarrettCan anyone tell me what the best way to install Steam would be? I've tried multiple things (Wine, Cedega (from pvp), cvscdega) i can get all of them to install Steam, but once steam goes to update, thats when all my problems start. Can anyone help me please?01:10
Sleeping_Slothnf4: once for each cpu - I had assumed the first thread was running on cpu1, but it must have been on cpu201:10
MacskeeballBlissex: Thank you, now that you've said that I know where to llok.01:10
Sannemaddash, you should better not install from debian.org. ubuntu and Debian are not meant to be binary compatible.01:11
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monomaniacpatjarrett: you need to install the font tahoma.ttf and a dll file01:11
bbrazilmonomaniacpat: hmm, there must be another file to run or something01:11
BlissexMacskeeball: 'man dhcpd.conf' usually01:11
sobersabreKizzume I am trying to speak privately01:11
AfiefI am unable to install  libgnomeui-dev, because some of it's dependencies won't install. can someone help me?01:11
BlissexMacskeeball: 'man dhcpd.conf' usually, a 'host' entry with a fixed MAC and IP address.01:11
bbrazilmonomaniacpat: can you pastebin me 'find -ls' ?01:11
sobersabredo you see my messages ?01:11
MacskeeballBlissex: Will do. Thanks again.01:11
jarrettmonomaniacpat: where do i get these, and how do i install them please?01:11
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monomaniacpatjarrett: google steam 26%01:12
monomaniacpatjarrett: Ill talk in a minute01:12
monomaniacpatbbrazil: hang on01:12
nf4thats great01:12
phireQuestion, I'm setting up a firewall, using debconfig. should I use linux-image-server or linux-image-686?01:12
Sleeping_Slothnf4: thanks for the help01:12
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jarrettmonomaniacpat: thanks01:12
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Sleeping_Slothnf4: now.... can you do me a favour and check if you have a foldingathome in your /etc/init.d/ folder?01:12
nf4I know this program is kind similar to mprime01:12
phiresorry, useing debootstrap01:12
SonicChao I updated Ubuntu, and it said I was going to download "deskbar-applet" which is "A deskbar similar to Google Desktop"...I ran "deskbar-applet" in Terminal, and nothing happened. How do I run deskbar-applet?01:13
SonicChaoCan someone help?01:13
bbrazilphire: probably go for server, I doubt it'll matter too much01:13
dliphire, I suppose -server , but you can switch later after01:13
monomaniacpatbbrazil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745701:13
gnomefreakSonicChao: you add it to the panel01:13
nf4no i dont01:14
SonicChaognomefreak: ...how?01:14
nf4but i just went to the standford site and downloaded the exe01:14
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nf4and ran the exe01:14
gnomefreakSonicChao: right click click add to panel and look for it01:14
Sleeping_Slothnf4: ah, I see01:14
bbrazilmonomaniacpat: anything of note in Kconfig?01:14
sobersabreKizzume !01:14
sobersabreare you here ?01:14
Sleeping_Slothnf4: well, if you dont mind having it in a terminal, I guess that's not a poblem :p01:14
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sobersabreDo you need your Delta working ?01:15
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nf4is that  a problem how elese would it run01:15
SonicChaognomefreak: it's called "Deskbar" in "Accessories"01:15
karimI have a problem with apt-get. when I upgrade all the packages, it ugprades them without error, but then apt-get wants to upgrade the same packages after that, like if nothing happened01:15
AfiefI am unable to install  libgnomeui-dev, because some of it's dependencies won't install. can someone help me?01:16
njdubeI have a really old funky emachine board with intergrated video that can only be disabled by putting in a video card.  I have a nvidia geforce 2 PCI card in there now.  Auto detection of my video is out of the question.  How do I install kubuntu with out it auto detecting my video and how to I setup my video manually?01:16
sobersabrekarim are you running thecommand as root ?01:16
bbrazilkarim: can you pastebin it?01:16
SonicChaognomefreak: O...that's cool....it's a lot like Windoze version. :)01:16
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sobersabrekarim do you run the command as regular user or prepend sudo before it ?01:16
karimI sudo01:16
karimit would fail before that without su or sudo01:17
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monomaniacpatbbrazil: I did have a look at that, I don't think so *checks again* here's the text: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745801:17
dliAfief, first, to avoid typical n00b problems, clean up your sources.list ( !easysource), then, pastebin the error message01:17
sobersabreKizzume are you here?!01:17
=== sobersabre looks at Kizzume and doesn't see where s/he hides....
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:17
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sobersabrekarim do you have enough disk space ?01:18
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bbrazilmonomaniacpat: I suspect that it's alla actually ment to be made part of a kernel tree. You'll have to figure out the rest on your own01:18
angelos-would you like to taste my own ubuntu flavor called dickuntu ?01:18
KizzumeI'm typing to you in private...01:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
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karimsobersabre: 1G left01:18
karimso yes01:18
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monomaniacpatbbrazil: it was inside a kernel tree, actually, but there are hardly any other files there...01:19
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Kizzumesobersabre: It took me a moment to realize you were typing in a private window--I've been responding..01:19
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bbrazilmonomaniacpat: it's not going to work outside of one01:19
sobersabreKizzume so you see the private messages ?01:19
maddashSanne: you don't know what you're talking about, do you?01:19
Kizzumesobersabre: Yes, and I have responded...01:19
Sannemaddash, huh?01:19
sobersabrelet's go there, since this discussion has not much interest for the rest.01:19
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karimgood night01:20
sobersabreKizzume I haven't seen any of your responses in there...01:20
sobersabreKizzume which IRC client you are using ?01:20
bbrazilsobersabre: freenode stops unregistered users /msging registered user by defailt01:20
Kizzumesobersabre:  allright--there must be something wrong with my mirc--01:20
naliothKizzume: you need to register to speak with anyone on irc01:21
bbrazilsobersabre: /msg nickserv set unfiltered on01:21
nalioth!register > Kizzume01:21
bbrazilsobersabre: I think01:21
Kizzume!register Kizzume01:21
ubotuI know nothing about register Kizzume01:21
sobersabrebbrazil i am registered01:21
naliothKizzume: read your PM from ubotu01:21
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sharmsAnyone know why I can't print? In my cups error long it just reads a ton of: "Local authentication certificate not found!"01:21
sobersabreKizzume try again in the private window!01:21
naliothsobersabre: you need to type /msg nickserv set unfiltered on     if you wish to recieve msgs from unregistered folks01:21
monomaniacpatjarrett: I PM'd you01:22
sobersabrenalioth thanks I've done that.01:22
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bbrazilsobersabre: but Kizzume isn't01:22
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naliothbbrazil: it's fine now.01:22
cbx33anyone know what the package titled "Video Capture" is called01:22
breadmachinecwillu: god help me01:22
sobersabrebbrazil I am registered,01:22
cbx33it has a small interface quite long and thin?01:22
breadmachinewho wants to try and help me tackle my problem next? lol01:23
Sannemaddash, would you be so kind and explain your previous statement to me, please?01:23
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naliothsobersabre: perhaps you and Kizzume might join #ubuntu-classroom (that is what this is for :)   )01:23
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jarrettmonomaniacpat: im sorry, but i dont see a pm01:23
sobersabrenalioth is it as noisy as in here ?01:23
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Flannelsobersabre: no, its a lot quieter01:23
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naliothsobersabre: not at all01:24
sobersabrewe're already in the private little room...01:24
sobersabre :>)01:24
breadmachinewho here is well versed in the ways of running DSL in Ubuntu01:24
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VTStevenVThey, i'm having trouble with a walkthrough http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133427 anyone give me a hand?01:24
swervezhi i'm having trouble changing the resolution in boot-up01:24
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swervezi want to install but the installer isn't able to be seen01:24
dliswervez, you mean X or framebuffer?01:24
swervezX I think01:25
breadmachinepossibly an unsupported video adapter?01:25
swervezits supported01:25
ErZoIs there some swedish ubuntu channel? Got an Swedish Ubuntu user who cannot speak English very well. I'm not an Ubuntu user myself so.01:25
swervezbut i'm not sure how to switch to it01:25
dli!fixres > swervez01:25
SubErZo, !se01:25
swervezfrom term?01:25
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se01:25
bbrazilErZo: #ubntun-se I guess01:25
ErZobbrazil: Thanks ;) Sub: Thanks ^^01:25
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:25
swervezwhat is !fixres?01:25
swervezwhere do I type that01:25
naliothswervez: just read in the channel01:25
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:26
naliothswervez: please read before triggering the same factoid01:26
dlinalioth, can you may ubotu prints to channel, when the user is not registered01:26
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naliothdli: ubotu prints to channel if the factoid is requested in the channel01:27
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Sannemaddash, please. You made an unfair accusation when I was only trying to help. Please explain.01:27
swervezhow can i force a resolution in VGA?01:27
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naliothSanne: it was probably a mis-tabbed name completion01:28
dliswervez, read the howto first, then, ask your questions01:28
swervezi read it01:28
swervezi'm not sure where ubuntu is storing the fglrx if its not installed yet01:28
Sannenalioth, oh, you think so? Ok. Would love to have maddash explain this, though. But thanks :)01:28
monomaniacpatjarrett: first thing - where did you get wine from? the one in the winehq repos is a lot easier to get working than the tarball01:28
dliswervez, then, it's an ati question01:29
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swervezyeah but can i force a higher res than 640?  VGA supports up to 1024... I just need to run the installer01:29
jarrettmonomaniacpat: i got wine from the ubuntu repos01:29
naliothswervez: hit f1 at the boot prompt for resolution options01:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:29
swervezit didn't seem to do anything01:29
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monomaniacpatjarrett: uninstall it and add the wine hq repos... I'll get you the link01:30
naliothswervez: hitting f1 gives YOU info so you can start the procedure how you want it01:30
jarrettmonomaniacpat: ok, thank you01:30
nalioth!wine > monomaniacpat01:30
dliswervez, figure out your ati driver first, to test resolution only, you may be able to try the xorg ati driver01:30
swervezthanks for !ati01:30
monomaniacpatjarrett: http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb01:30
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monomaniacpatnalioth: thanks for the thought, but I didn't get a PM01:31
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breadmachineid kill to actually be able to download Wine, but my internet is all screwy in linux01:31
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naliothmonomaniacpat: interesting01:31
monomaniacpatnalioth: It just appeared, thanks01:31
swervezit would be nice if ubunti defaulted to 800x600 OR 640x48001:31
Subbreadmachine, how is it screwt?01:31
shocktrooper1how can I reset my screen resolution?  Display went kaput.01:32
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swervezshock read !fixres01:32
nalioth!fixres > shocktrooper101:32
phiretry dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:32
breadmachineSub: well, i can nslookup, ping, wget, and whois sites, but when i try and access the pages in firefox, all i get is a big fat timeout message01:33
hareemdoes ubuntu have its own domain controller or something similar01:33
bbrazilbreadmachine: is firefox setup to use a proxy?01:33
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breadmachinebbrazil: nope01:33
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bbrazilhareem: see samba if you want to be a pdc for windows machines01:33
Subbreadmachine, thats IPv6 messing up, i had to fix it on a friends machine01:33
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Subbreadmachine, ill show you how to fix it01:34
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:34
Subbreadmachine,  ^^01:34
Subtry that,01:34
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breadmachineSub,: think you could walk me through some barebones steps?01:34
Subbreadmachine, you just need to edit a text file01:34
breadmachineSub: even better01:34
hareemno no i want to setup a domain controller for ubuntu not windows pc01:34
Subsudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list01:34
SubAdd this line:  alias net-pf-10 off01:34
bbrazilhareem: what sort of setup are you looking for?01:35
michaeljb2005anyone and expert in sound and games?  I'm having a problem with sound causing ut2004 to be very choppy01:35
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hareemsomething to run and manage my cyber cafe01:35
jarrettmonomaniacpat: sorry, but i dont understand ther whole "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main" thing, it says "bash: deb: command not found"01:35
bbrazilhareem: there's various options for different numbers of systems, reliability, cost etc.01:35
stupendo44why is there no /etc/udev/permissions.d directory? Isn't it supposed to be there?01:35
breadmachineSub: does it matter that im not using dapper? im actually using hoary01:35
tmshey, how come file-roller is not compiled with rar archive support?01:35
bbrazilhareem: then maybe look at ltsp01:35
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Agrajagtms: unrar is nonfree01:35
nalioth!repos > jarrett01:36
nalioth!wine > jarrett01:36
jerommalguien entiende el espaol?01:36
Subbreadmachine, thats the old breezy way, the new dapper method is diff, but yes it should work in hoary01:36
stupendo44tms, I think it is as long as you have unrar installed01:36
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:36
hareemwell i got the machines and all other stuff. But i can't seem to find a way to either time my user or control my users01:36
hareemall i can do is lockdown01:36
stupendo44it doesn't show progress though01:36
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firebird619Hi, I just installed Dapper (clean install) and I am trying to compile my modem drivers, which I know will work, but when I enter the command make clean, it says bash: make: command not found. What could be causing this problem?01:37
breadmachineSub: ok, ill try that, but since im in XP ill have to reboot and do it, will you be around for a bit if its no go?01:37
tmsstupendo44, oh..01:37
monomaniacpatjarrett: OK, hang on, let me remind myself01:38
tmswell there is a "unrar-free" package in the rpos01:38
stupendo44firebird619, you need to install make using adept or synaptic01:38
Subbreadmachine, ill be here for 20 mins probs01:38
stupendo44also, you probably don't have gcc either01:38
stupendo44I had to do the same thing01:38
monomaniacpatjarrett: don't you just put it into the repos in synaptic?01:38
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breadmachineSub: kk then, hasta01:38
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jarrett<monomaniacpat> ok sorry, yeah, one sec, im a linux noob01:39
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firebird619stupendo44: how can I do that, I don't have access to the Internet on that computer, are those packages on the Dapper Desktop CD.01:39
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stupendo44firebird619, possibly, I'm not sure. the only way to know is to try it01:39
dpnHi, has anyone installed xgl on an amd64 ubuntu install?01:39
Agrajagnot just make, you probably need build-essential. That may be on the CD.01:39
monomaniacpatjarrett: settings>repos>add>custom, if you get stuck01:39
stupendo44I think it will use the cd as a repo as long as it's in01:39
stupendo44firebird619, I can't remember01:40
Shizboomis xgl the spinny cube desktop?01:40
stupendo44Shizboom, yeah01:40
firebird619stupendo44: Ok, thanks. What are the package names for make and gcc. Are they just make and gcc or what?01:40
Shizboomi heard it was unstable, is that true?01:40
phirewell you need both xgl and compiz01:40
Agrajagfirebird619: just install build-essential01:40
AgrajagAs long as it's on the Cd that will give you everything you need01:40
dpnhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133427 , I'm reading this walkthrough and it says xserve-xgl and compiz will be in synaptic01:40
dpnbut neither are01:40
stupendo44firebird619, yes, just make and gcc. gcc is dependent on gcc4.0, so it will install that01:40
dpnthey dont mention changing the default repositories either01:40
rpedrofirebird619: do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'01:40
phireyou need to add the repoes01:41
FlannelShizboom: it's not necessarily unstable, but it's unsupported in Dapper, it should be fully supported in Edgy.  #ubuntu-xgl for more information.01:41
dpnwhere would I find them01:41
firebird619Agrajag: Do you know if build-essential is on the Desktop CD.01:41
rpedrofirebird619: it installs everything you need to compile basic programs01:41
Agrajagno, I don't. Just try it, if it doesn't work we'll see what's possible from there01:41
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule01:41
AgrajagIt was on the older version CDs I think01:41
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:42
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phiredpn https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl01:42
firebird619Ok, Thanks stupendo44, rpedro, and Agrajag.01:42
michaeljb2005when will the next schedule be released?01:42
michaeljb2005do you have a schedule for that?01:42
kizzumeUgh, I forgot your handle of who I was just talking with....01:42
Agrajaga schedule schedule?01:42
ubotuI know nothing about wheresmypants01:42
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swervezi'm having some trouble using the ATI howto for fglrx01:42
Snow_Sheltercan someone _please_ tell me why vobcopy is so freaking slow? I've compiled vobcopy, libdvdread, and libdvdcss from source, and it's still slower than a teenager on monday!01:42
Eazy-nn folks!01:42
firebird619I just tried it. Build-essential is on the Desktop CD. It's installing now.01:42
swervezI'm getting a fail on the GNOME Display restart01:42
Snow_Shelterswervez: I'll send you my 6600GT and you can kiss you problems good bye01:43
stupendo44why is there no /etc/udev/permissions.d directory? Isn't it supposed to be there?01:43
michaeljb2005for some reason when I run ut2004 with ut2004 sound it causes it to be choppy, with music player or something it's fine01:43
swervezno time for that snow01:43
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jarrett<monomaniacpat>ok, now do i just install the wine package or do i need any of the others (libwine, libwine-dev, wine-dev)?01:43
kizzumeI forgot the handle of who I was just talking with--I switched computers....01:43
=== profoX` [n=profox@d54C0FBA7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterswervez: ATi has horrible drivers for linux, don't expect it to work without a lot of elbow grease, and even then it may not01:43
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swervezwhat is the default root password for ubuntu desktop install cd?01:43
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Odddati does have pretty bad drivers for linux01:44
monomaniacpatjarrett: I don't think so01:44
meffhow do i change my locale in ubuntu? it thinks im en_AU .. need to change to en_US01:44
phireswervez: there is none01:44
OdddWhat is the "best" supported video card for linux?01:44
phireuse sudo01:44
profoX`Question: on my laptop, my CPU gets changed dynamically in userspace, I want to manually choose my CPU speed, what should I change ?01:44
profoX`Oddd: I think nvidia is your best shot01:44
bbrazilOddd: anything not nividia or ati01:44
phiresudo -s gives you root console01:44
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: UT04 may be using a different sound engine, or it could be trying to push sound out that is the wrong rate (ie 44.1Khz instead of 48Khz). Running a music player might correct the audio01:44
jarrett<monomaniacpat>wine is now installed01:44
monomaniacpatjarrett: no, you don't I don't have them and steam works ok01:44
DaveyJquick question.. i just formatted a new drive ext3.. and i know info is always written to the partition.. but 3.78gigs?01:44
Snow_ShelterOddd: anything by nVidia has full GLX support.01:44
Odddnvidia not open source tho?  Is that right?01:44
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phireOddd: yes01:45
monomaniacpatjarrett: OK... bear with me01:45
Snow_ShelterDaveyboy: was the original partition supposed to be 4GB>01:45
profoX`Oddd: thats right, unless you get an open source driver, but those suck01:45
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profoX`for nvidia01:45
maddashSanne: You weren't trying to help. It's as simple as that.01:45
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kizzumeI forgot the handle of who I was just talking with--I switched computers....  can that person please send me a private message?01:45
jarrett<monomaniacpat>no problem, thanks for bearing with me01:45
Odddit is a pretty sad state01:45
DaveyJits a few hundred gigs01:45
Snow_ShelterOddd: thier drivers aren't open source, but they sure as heck work a million times better than ANYTHING ATi has01:45
DaveyJ232.88 total01:45
mjrDaveyJ, you probably want to reduce the space reserved for root, tune2fs -m /dev/partition for example01:45
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mjr-m [number]  that is01:45
profoX`Question: on my laptop, my CPU gets changed dynamically in userspace, I want to manually choose my CPU speed, what should I change ?01:45
Snow_ShelterDaveyboy: is that the space used, or the space free?01:46
jeremybI can't log into Ubuntu through my kubuntu machine01:46
profoX`DaveyJ: thats because of space reservation for root01:46
Snow_Shelteranyone here a vobcopy/dvd expert?01:46
DaveyJthis drive is for backup01:46
DaveyJso i dont need that, right?01:46
maddashSanne: I can't find a copy of your first message to me, since my irc window is quite full, but I'm certain that it went along the lines of "Don't install from debian.org"01:46
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Snow_Shelterjeremyb: do you have ssh installed?01:46
mjrDaveyJ, probably not, you can pretty safely set it to 001:46
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monomaniacpatjarrett: now followe steps 2.3+3 of this guide (font and dll) http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games#prepare01:46
michaeljb2005Snow if I run a music player it doesn't let ut2004 play any sound01:46
Sannemaddash: yes, I said that Ubuntu and Debian are not meant to be binary compatible.01:46
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: I'd reccomend JFS for large partitions like that. It's fast to check and fix, and has virtually no overhead01:47
profoX`DaveyJ:        -m reserved-blocks-percentage              Specify the percentage of the filesystem blocks reserved for the              super-user.   This  avoids  fragmentation, and allows root-owned              daemons, such as syslogd(8), to continue to  function  correctly              after non-privileged processes are prevented from writing to the              filesystem.  The default percentage is 5%.01:47
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DaveyJjfs eh? i never heard of it01:47
michaeljb2005do you mean to run the music player, then stop it and then run the game?01:47
maddashSanne: a) You don't even know the exact parameters of my situation, so how can you even make that first statement, *and call it help* ?01:47
Blissexmichaeljb2005: Snow_Shelter: I like JFS too, and have done extensive tests and benchmarks01:47
DaveyJdoes it have good recovery incase of data loss?01:47
profoX`mjr, DaveyJ: you should NOT set it to 0 !!01:47
Agrajagmichaeljb2005: have you tried using aoss?01:47
lucky__later upgrade,ubantu crash and don't load01:47
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: yep. I use it on my 160GB partition (250GB drive) and my 115GB partition (160GB drive)01:47
michaeljb2005I don't know what tha tis01:47
=== energywhiz123 [n=kwelty@cpe-66-65-166-226.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Agrajagas in running "aoss ut2k4"01:47
michaeljb2005that is01:48
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: I've never had data loss with it01:48
kizzume!register Kizzume01:48
BlissexDaveyJ: JFS is pretty good for recovery, better than most others.01:48
lucky__can someone help me?01:48
ubotuI know nothing about register Kizzume01:48
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michaeljb2005oh, no I haven't01:48
AgrajagI think ut2k4 uses oss, not alsa01:48
michaeljb2005what wiill that do?01:48
DaveyJokay so i should use JFS for backup?01:48
Agrajagso the aoss wrapper ight help01:48
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: the check is damn fast though01:48
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: on a partition that big, yup01:48
michaeljb2005I'll try it with aoss01:48
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: you see01:48
maddashSanne: b) Given the information I *did* provide in the first message, how does wagging your finger at me for doing a "sudo dpkg -i ..." help?01:48
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BlissexDaveyJ:  I currently use JFS for everything -- root, user, backup.01:48
Blissexactually I use 'ext3' for MS Windows filesystems though.01:49
DaveyJi dont wanna reinstall ubuntu or maybe i'd use that for my normal fs ;)01:49
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: the audio program blocks you hardware sound device, so only one application can access it at one time. Unless you run arts, which puts everything to a soft mixer then out to hardware, but arts has other issues01:49
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kimoBlissex: u r joking, right!01:49
jeremybok, I installed ssh and it still doesn't work right01:49
Snow_ShelterBlissex: really? I thought root had to be ext2/301:49
Snow_ShelterBlissex: yea, how much work was that (ext3 for windows)01:49
naliothmaddash: Sanne take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please01:49
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Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: I stick with ext3 for everything but my large partition, it works extremely well01:50
BlissexSnow_Shelter: no, it can be a anything supported, for Linux. As long as full POSIX semantics.01:50
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: So don't use arts?01:50
Sannenalioth: will do, sorry.01:50
DaveyJall my partitions are large lol01:50
jeremybwhen I try to enter gnome, I see the 2 taskbar thingies at the top & bottom for gnome01:50
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: unless you're using KDE, no.01:50
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: how big is your /?01:50
jeremybnothing is on them and they flash until I CTRL+ALT+Backspace01:50
DaveyJwell.. all but that ;)01:50
Blissexkimo: no, not at all. The boot partition for MS Windows must be FAT32 or NTFS, but the other 3 partitions I use for MS Windows are all 'ext3'.01:50
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: What should I do then?01:50
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: I find arts brings more problems than it fixes01:50
DaveyJonly 40 gigs01:50
DaveyJthe rest are 120-35001:51
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maddashSanne: The response I *did* expect to my first msg was, "What *exactly* is happening..." from someone who is well-versed in this area. I hope you see my point. At any rate, I still appreciate the effort you made with the initial response.01:51
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: turn off your stereo? I'm used to playing games with no audio because it sucks so much01:51
maddashnalioth: gotcha.01:51
DaveyJwhats hfs ooc?01:51
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: see if you can control the audio sample rate from UT0401:51
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: You said to run the music player before hand to help correct the problem?  someone recommend aoss ut200401:51
Sannemaddash: we are asked to continue on #ubuntu-offtopic, will you join me there?01:51
Blissexkimo: the reason is that someone has done a _very good_ 'ext3' (without journaling though) driver for MS Windows: http://FS-driver.org/01:51
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Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: HFS is a partition type that apple computers used up until OS X, they now use HFS+ or HFS+ Journaled01:51
[Wiebel] Hi01:52
DaveyJoh alright :)01:52
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: I have no experience with aoss, I cannot help you there01:52
phireHow do I configuer grub?01:52
[Wiebel] is as an Intel 2915ABC wifi minipci card supported in ubuntu?01:52
Snow_Shelterphire: /boot/grub/menu.lst01:52
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jeremybdo any of you have any other ideas for why I can't get into gnome?01:52
Snow_Shelterphire: I assume that's what you want01:52
DaveyJis JFS specifically for anything or is it just a general FS?01:52
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: Do you know how I can correct the sample rate?01:52
Snow_Shelter[Wiebel] : doubt it01:52
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: as I don't own UT04 myself, no01:52
[Wiebel] hmmz :/01:52
kimoBlissex: Thanks for that!!!! Very weird01:52
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Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: you could see if you could adjust it from UT0401:53
phireno, I've installed grub via apt-get, but there is no /boot/grub01:53
Sleeping_Slothif my sata drives are sda and sdb, what are my usb devices called in /dev?01:53
AgrajagSleeping_Sloth: sdc?01:53
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: or you could manually resample the audio using a program like audacity, but be SURE to MAKE BACKUPS of the audio before you mess around with that stuff01:53
[Wiebel] what minipci wifi card should I buy if I want a/b/c support?01:53
Agrajagand sdd, sde, etc01:53
[Wiebel] with ubuntu01:53
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: hmm..perhaps you are right, I have the same problem with neverwinter nights, it doesn't happen as quickly but it does happen eventually01:53
Snow_Shelterphire: dunno then, I just let the PC install grub itself01:53
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Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: what? this problem doesn't occur at once?01:53
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Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: what's your hardware?01:53
Sleeping_Slothagrajag: I must be blind - I didnt see sdc01:53
[Wiebel] a/b/g even01:53
michaeljb2005dell i930001:54
kimoBlissex: how robust is that driver!01:54
Snow_Shelterok ok ok, everyone be quiet, I want to make sure my MusicOne is recording! (just kidding)01:54
AfiefI am unable to install  libgnomeui-dev, because some of it's dependencies won't install. can someone help me?01:54
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michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: dell i9300, I'm not at it right now so I can't check on the sound card01:54
Snow_ShelterAfief: reload your repo list, see if that helps01:55
[Wiebel] ah01:55
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: is this a laptop01:55
[Wiebel] ipw2200 seems to support the 2915 as well01:55
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: could this be an issue of incorrectly identified hardware, yes it is a laptop01:55
AfiefSnow_Shelter: i did so, didn't help01:55
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: you're screwed01:55
AfiefSnow_Shelter: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745501:55
Snow_ShelterAfief: wait until someone fixes the repos01:55
Blissexkimo: that driver seems pretty robust to me. I use it all the time.01:55
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: Why?01:55
DaveyJwth.. everytime i go to format to a new partition.. the file browser window pops up and then gparted cancels out01:55
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AfiefSnow_Shelter: ouch01:55
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: sound support on laptops in linux is horrible at best.01:55
DaveyJi unmount it and everything01:55
AfiefSnow_Shelter: is there a way to report this error?01:56
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Snow_ShelterAfief: life sucks. Someone tell me why vobcopy sucks so much?01:56
jarrett<monomaniacpat>steam froze at 26%, in the guide it says to go here (http://appdb.winehq.org/commentview.php?appId=1163&versionId=1554&threadId=10204) if that happens, but the link is broken01:56
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: Hmm..seems to work in everything but the games01:56
Blissexkimo: 'ext3' does not have full NTFS semantics, like reparse points or resource forks or extended ACLs, but usually that is not an issue.01:56
Snow_ShelterAfief: don't think so, other than here01:56
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: is this the linux version of UT04, or are you using a windows emu?01:56
michaeljb2005linux version01:56
Agrajagmichaeljb2005: I'm still willing to bet that it just doesn't like OSS01:56
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Afiefdevs: libgnomeui-dev won't install for some reason. look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1745501:56
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: linux version01:56
michaeljb2005I'll try aoss when I get home01:56
monomaniacpatjarrett: have you run the winecfg yet?01:57
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter:Agrajag: I'm leaving here in three minutes01:57
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: well, I'm not sure. I can't really help you troubleshoot it without being in the game, is there a demo I can try?01:57
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jarrett<monomaniacpat>yes, but i didnt configure anything, is there something specific i need to do?01:57
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michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: Yeah if I can IM you later I'll send a link to you01:57
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monomaniacpatjarrett: did you delete the .wine folder before reinstalling/running winecfg?01:58
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Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: I would try to see if you can adjust the sample rate from inside UT04, that would be most ideal. If not, find the sound files, if they're not in propritary format, and resample them using an audio program, try not to loose too much quality though.01:58
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viper550Hello everyone!01:58
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: I don't think I'm advanced enough for that01:58
monomaniacpatjarrett: I think that was all I did and it just *worked*01:58
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: ok.01:58
monomaniacpatjoin #winehq01:58
snoopswhen using mplayer to play videos etc, I'd like to be able to disable my power saving settings (eg turn monitor off after 45 mins), how can I do that?01:58
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: you got msn?01:59
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michaeljb2005aim, yahoo, or here01:59
NewbDo all I need to do to try Ubuntu is to have the live cd on a drive and restart winxp?01:59
viper550I'm working pretty hard on a new theme for Edgy01:59
monomaniacpatjarrett: go to #winehq01:59
viper550Yes, that's all!01:59
Snow_Sheltersnoops: System > Preferences > Screensaver01:59
Agrajagas far as I know, all the sound in ut2k4 is vorbis. But it's all contained in specialized data files, and if you go screwing with them you probably get kicked from any server that checks client-side files, which is pretty much all of them01:59
riddleboxwhat is the package name in apt-get for the kernel ?01:59
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: aim, yahoo, or here01:59
Flanneltoresbe: Newb right.01:59
viper550Step 1. Put the disk in01:59
NewbStrange, it won't work01:59
viper550Step 2. Reboot Computer01:59
Snow_ShelterAgrajag: is the sound messed up on your comp?01:59
snoopsSnow_Shelter not my screensaver, my power saving settings?01:59
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: I heard you.01:59
Snow_Sheltersnoops: one sec01:59
michaeljb2005Agrajag: I hope what you said works02:00
FlannelNewb: make sure your CD is set higher than your HD in your boot order (in BIOS)02:00
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viper550Step 3. Let it load02:00
AgrajagSnow_Shelter: I play games in windows.02:00
viper550Step 4: Enjoy02:00
viper550Step 5: There is no step 502:00
Snow_Sheltersnoops: System > Preferences > Power Management02:00
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phireriddlebox: linux-image-386 or linux-image-68602:00
NewbHow do I set the CD higher than the HD in boot order?02:00
AgrajagI did play it in linux before, but on a different distro, on different hardware, so I have no idea what works and what doesn't02:00
snoopsyes Snow_Shelter.. but how can I get it so when I play video it disables itself02:00
Snow_ShelterAgrajag: smart person. I use the free version of Cedega02:00
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snoopsthen when the video stops, it enables itself again02:00
Snow_Sheltersnoops: write a shell script?02:00
viper550BIOS baby02:00
riddleboxphire, thats what I thought thanks02:00
Agrajagoh snap, 5:00, bye02:01
NewbOk, I'll try to check there. Brb02:01
Snow_Sheltersnoops: I know Apple has made different energy saver settings for this kind of stuff, but Ubuntu isn't an Apple product02:01
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Snow_ShelterAgrajag: office frag party?02:01
eternalswordI have dell's integrated Sigmatel 7.1 channel audio.  The sound works, but it is really quiet, does anyone know how to boost the volume?02:01
FlannelNewb: when you're starting your computer, you'll hit.. del, or f10 or somethign to enter the BIOS setup (this is before anything OS comes up), you can then change your boot order02:01
LinuturkI just installed LGeneral via Symantic. It doesn't appear in the menu. Where is it?02:02
snoopsSnow_Shelter I guess it I see it's silly that it isn't in some gui setting already.. You'd think when you play a video that you don't want the monitor to go into standby mode02:02
Snow_ShelterLinuturk: in hyperspace02:02
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Snow_Sheltersnoops: I don't know, I don't have that problem02:02
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LinuturkSnow_Shelter, you can't be serious02:02
Snow_Sheltersnoops: partly because I don't watch movies on my PC, and partly because I just kill my screensaver before I watch one02:02
Snow_ShelterLinuturk: be careful what you believe around me ;)02:03
DaveyJ1 item, with size 16.0 KB02:03
DaveyJ(some contents unreadable)02:03
DaveyJdoes this mean my drive is no good?02:03
DaveyJbecause it got corrupted last time i formatted it02:03
Snow_ShelterLinuturk: some applications don't appear in the menu, I don't know how to solve it02:03
snoopsSnow_Shelter the screensaver isn't the problem, it's power saving :)02:03
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Snow_Sheltersnoops: what kind of moniter?02:03
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Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: don't have permission?02:03
michaeljb2005Snow_Shelter: You male or fem?02:03
snoopsa 24" widescreen dell lcd02:03
LinuturkSnow_Shelter, i figured as much, but where would the LGeneral game files be?02:03
Snow_ShelterDaveyJ: wipe it and start over02:03
mark_hey, could someone link me to a guide/tutorial on changing a window manager02:03
DaveyJi'm trying to wipe it02:03
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deadcati just compiled the orinoco_usb driver. when i stick the card into my ibook. it loads the driver but fails to load the firmware. "orinoco_usb: No firmware to download" .. i have the orinoco_ezusb_fw file in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware but it doesnt see it i guess. this setup works fine on my debian ibook. but not the ubuntu ibook. can someone help?02:04
DaveyJbut it wont let me.. everytime i try, the filebrowser window pops up for "usbdisk"02:04
asdxdoes ubuntu has plans for using initng or another init in the next release?02:04
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Snow_Sheltersnoops: I've got a 17" Dell, and the only time it goes into low power mode is when the VGA signal gets cut, and that's controlled by software02:04
DaveyJeven after i delete the ext3 partition02:04
asdxor it will still ship with sysvinit?02:04
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: dude, computer geek, you figure it out02:04
mark_hey, could someone link me to a guide/tutorial on changing a window manager02:04
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michaeljb2005I'm out, see you later Snow_Shelter: women can be geeks too02:04
Snow_ShelterLinuturk: 'sudo updatedb' 'locate lgeneral'02:04
Flannelmark_: you mean like, installing K/Xubuntu?02:04
Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: later dude02:04
mark_well, except over Gnome02:04
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Snow_Sheltermichaeljb2005: and no, if a woman has computer smarts, she's got 'skills'02:04
mark_I'd like to install another window manager on this current installation02:05
snoopsSnow_Shelter right, I have it set in power saving to turn off after 30 mins of inactivity.. no where can I see the option of disablity that when a video is played02:05
Snow_Shelterhe left before my witty comment02:05
Flannelmark_: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:05
ryanakcabrainsik: hey, sorry... output is http://pastebin.ca/8188702:05
mark_what about fluxbox02:05
benplautmark_: which window manager do you want?02:05
benplautmark_: sudo apt-get install fluxbox02:05
Flannelmark_: fluxbox is in repositories I believe02:05
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benplautmark_: sudo apt-get install fluxbox fluxbox-themes02:05
mark_thanks ben02:05
Snow_Sheltersnoops: yea, you can write the software to do that, since it doesn't exsist, or hang around here for a month until some drunk colledge kid gets back from a frat party, and in his drunken stupididity he agress to write it for you02:05
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Sheltersnoops: I generally don't like to wait that long, plus, the code generally ends up drunk02:06
dpnThis walkthrough is infuriating, if your title bars are indeed gone then great.....what the hell does it mean if they're still there.02:06
mark_how would I change to fluxbox now02:06
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mark_I actually already installed it02:06
brainsikryanakca: is it still happening?02:06
mark_just not sure how to switch02:06
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mark_I killed x and typed "fluxbxo", but obviously you need x running02:06
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dpnHas anyone here used the xgl walkthough to install on an amd64 system succesfully ?02:06
DaveyJi swear this thing keeps auto-mounting02:07
Flanneldpn: #ubuntu-xgl is the place to be!02:07
Sleeping_Slothdpn: yes02:07
snoopsSnow_Shelter okay, I'm fine with the idea of writing it, but it needs to work transparently through the gui.. eg not encapsulting the player in a shell script that just disables it then runs the player I chose, but well, it needs to work when I just open a player02:07
dpnNo one ever talks in there02:07
phireI know someone who did02:07
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rathehow do i edit the list thing that lets me apt-get stuff from that universe thing, srry im new02:07
snoopsdpn yep02:07
ryanakcabrainsik: yes02:07
corvetteMark : you need to select it in the GDM startup login thingy02:07
phiredpn: ask02:07
Sleeping_Slothdpn: I followed the howto and it worked as expected02:07
mark_okay corvette02:07
hoehaver....i need help02:07
snoopsyou following a guide dpn?02:07
dpnon #6 when I restart X my title bars are apparently supposed to disapear02:07
dpnbut they don't02:07
phirehelp with what hoehaver?02:08
snoopsah duon't use that guide dpn02:08
benplautrathe: use this command:  "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"02:08
jribroot_: everything ok?02:08
hoehaverum... i mounted my second hard drive to  home/john02:08
reikiok I'm going to shut down in a few minutes, toss a 20gig drive in here to save off some stuff before formatting this drive? if I cp -r /home the otherdrive/home2 ... what else would I want to copy over.... /var?02:08
hoehaverit erased me account02:08
snoopsit's using very old builds of compiz and xgl.. so not good at all02:08
dpnWhat guide do I use?  That one is stickied in the main forum02:08
brainsikryanakca: where was the first pastebin output?02:08
snoopsdpn, nvidia or ati?02:08
hoehaveri made another one using  sudo adduser hoehaver admin02:08
dpnon amd6402:08
snoopscool, okay, revert the changes you currently made02:08
ryanakcaroot_: I thought you weren't going to log into irc with the user root anymore :P02:08
hoehaveri went into this account and disabled the hard drive in enabled02:08
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ryanakcabrainsik: I think your talking about this: http://pastebin.ca/8179402:09
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dpnI made a lot of changes =/02:09
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hoehaveri went back into my origanal account and i got an error message saying like..." control...something, ect ect " hell i forget02:09
rathewhat is the min ram requirements for ubuntu02:09
MoocassoI'm having trouble compiling something, and I've already killed one installation, so before I try it, I'd like some help if I could get some :)  I'm following the instructions in the readme, and the first step is ./configure, which gives me an error 'SDL version 1.2.0 not found'02:09
bbrazilrathe: 196MB for the desktop CD02:09
hoehaverbut!, um... on my origanal account the sound works but on this one it doesnt02:09
bbrazilrathe: alternate uses less02:09
brainsikryanakca: you said something about proxies before. is apt trying to use a proxy?02:09
rathebbrazil will it run faster than windows xp on a 384mb ram machine02:10
bbrazilrathe: depends on what you do with it02:10
Snow_ShelterDid you know? Ubuntu is ancient african for "couldn't install debian".02:10
ryanakcabrainsik: no... It shouldn't02:10
ruskie_hey i get really bad default settings for my screen, 60hz pain in the eyes >_<02:10
Snow_Shelterbrb, have to walk the dog02:10
phirehoehaver: well the contents of /home/john are missing02:10
hoehaverand the screen herz is so high on the origanal one that i cant see any thing at all to work around02:10
brainsikryanakca: yeah, i know it shouldn't but it looks like it is02:10
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rathebbrazil generl use and playing wow etc02:10
snoopsdpn okay.. this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl that should get you sorted.. but you'll also want to add another repository for the 64bit packages that repository would be " deb http://ubuntu.moshen.de/ dapper all"02:10
hoehaverwell...can i just delete my origanal account02:10
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bbrazilrathe: I don't have enough experiance of XP to comment02:10
ryanakcabrainsik: I've never ever used proxies... as a matter o'fact I barely know what a proxy is other than its a middle man who makes your identity "anonymous"02:10
hoehaverand will that fix the problem with the sound ...or....?02:11
phireyou could02:11
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ruskie_no ideas?02:11
phireit might not fix sound02:11
brainsikryanakca: that's a bad definition, but we digress. :)02:11
MoocassoI'm having trouble compiling something, and I've already killed one installation, so before I try it, I'd like some help if I could get some :)  I'm following the instructions in the readme, and the first step is ./configure, which gives me an error 'SDL version 1.2.0 not found'  Do I need to download SDL?  Or is there a package for it under Synaptic under a different name?  Or should I ignore it?02:11
brainsikryanakca: do you have an /etc/apt/apt.conf?02:11
rathehow do i make the user list show up in this gnome xchat that comes with ubuntu02:11
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JemtMoocasso: Please don't repeat your self02:11
viper550"Did you know? Ubuntu is ancient african for "couldn't install debian"." LOL! IT actually means humanity02:11
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MoocassoJemt: sorry, didn't see a response...02:11
hoehaveris there a termal ...line, that i can type in to adjust the hertz?02:12
JemtMoocasso: Does an older version of the program exist in repositories ?02:12
snoopsdpn also that moshen repository is gpg authenticated, so you need to go to the main url (http://ubuntu.moshen.de) and add the key it mentions02:12
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ratheis there a command to see if the graphics drivers are installed for my video card on ubuntu?02:12
hoehaverif so , than that will help02:12
Linuturkif an item appears in the usr directory, shouldn't it appear under the menu?02:12
ryanakcabrainsik: yes... 1 lines... the first: APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";      the second: Acquire::::Proxy "false";02:12
JemtMoocasso: If so, you might be able to get build-essential fetch the dependencies for you02:12
ryanakcabrainsik: delete the second one?02:12
bcronwhat do you call the system and weather info that is part of the background on some desktops?02:12
MoocassoJemt: I didn't see anything named SDL, would it possibly be under a different name?02:12
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brainsikryanakca: hrmm, that shouldn't matter02:12
JemtMoocasso: Which program are you trying to install ?02:12
eobanbrathe, glxinfo02:13
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MoocassoJemt: Dosbox, it's a DOS emulator02:13
brainsikryanakca: wait, that's not what it's supposed to say02:13
rathek go thanks02:13
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eobanbhoehaver, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:13
brainsikryanakca: mine says this: Acquire::http::Proxy "false";02:13
phirecould someone give me the boot commands for booting ubuntu from grub?02:13
hoehaverthank you02:13
rathesobanb what do i look for when i list all that02:13
brainsikryanakca: you are missing that "http" between the double set of double colons02:13
JemtMoocasso: It's in repositories02:14
reikihmmm.... I press the button on the CD and it won't open. .... hmmmmm....02:14
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JemtMoocasso: apt-get install dosbox02:14
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JemtMoocasso: (As root)02:14
eobanbrathe, by the way, ubuntu runs fairly well on 384 MB of RAM02:14
MoocassoJemt:  As in, in Synaptic somewhere, right?  Or am I missing something...02:14
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phirereiki: you need to unmount it02:14
MoocassoJemt: k, I'll try that02:14
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riddleboxis anyone else having problems getting phpmyadmin, or any php files to work with apache in dapper?02:14
archetypokaot you here?02:14
ratheeobanb i did that glxinfo what do i look for to see if my card is installed02:14
JemtMoocasso: Oh, sorry. I'm using clean Debian. But I would be surprised if it was not available in the Ubuntu Repositories02:15
eobanbrathe, at the top, where it says Direct Rendering02:15
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ryanakcabrainsik: nothing different...02:15
rathethis is the first linux that worked on this laptop without a load of ashle02:15
ratheim happy02:15
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reikiphire: how do I check if it's mounted?  And wouldn't eject unmount it and open th drawer?02:15
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ratheit says direct rendering Yes02:15
ratheso is that a yes?02:15
MoocassoJemt:  It says it can't find the package02:15
eobanbrathe, you're all set.02:15
ruskie_hey i wanna change my screen hz, howdo i go abaut it?02:15
W8TAHhi folks i am trying to upgrade Konversation on my breezy system -- i have the deb file -- how do I make synaptic use that to upgrade it?02:15
JemtMoocasso: Have you enabled Multiverse ?02:15
rathek coo02:16
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eobanbruskie_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:16
JemtMoocasso: Could you pastebin the content of /etc/apt/sources.list ?02:16
ratheeobanb one last question for now, is there a way to make transparent menus etc in the default gui02:16
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eobanbW8TAH, all you have to do is sudo apt-get install konversation.  you don't need to download a .deb file yourself02:16
MoocassoJemt:  Ooo, sorry, hold on, my bad, seems ot be working now02:16
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JemtMoocasso: No problem :)02:16
eobanbrathe, no, not really, not without xgl and compiz.02:16
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MoocassoJemt: Seems to have worked that time :D  Now I just need to figure out how to use the bloody program, lol.  Thankyou very much :)02:17
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W8TAHeobanb, .19 does not appear to be in synaptic -- it says the latest avail is .1802:17
rixxoncan you make curl follow redirections?02:17
rathewhats that and is it worth the trouble ?02:17
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phirereiki: type mount to see if it is mounted, sometime eject and unmount doesn't work02:17
eobanbrathe, probably not for your situation, no.02:17
JemtMoocasso: You are very welcome :)02:17
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NewbThanks, that did the trick. Too bad it was just a demo. Well I'm off to reading more about Ubuntu02:17
eobanbW8TAH, do you really need 0.19?02:17
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W8TAHeobanb, yes, it has a few bugfixes in it that i want unless i will endanger my system by installing it02:18
snoopsrathe xgl is an open gl rendered server layer on top of x, and compiz is a compositing manager that utilizes an open gl desktop.. They're both still in alpha, so a lot of trouble.. and problems with open gl software running on it still02:18
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eobanbW8TAH, i see 0.1902:18
rathek tks man02:18
reikiphire: does not show as mounted02:18
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W8TAHhumm -- ok - maybe i dont have the right repos enabled02:18
eobanbW8TAH, are you running 6.06?02:18
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W8TAHno - 5.10 -- breezy badger02:19
snoopsrathe in saying that, check it out at least.. it's amazing stuff02:19
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eobanbW8TAH, well there you go..02:19
deadcatanyone have problem with zd1211 on ibook?02:19
eobanbW8TAH, time to dist-upgrade..02:19
eobanbdeadcat, what's a zd121102:19
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spadesW8TAH if you dont wanna upgrade, build it from source02:19
W8TAHeobanb, ok02:19
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsrathe there are lots of videos on youtube etc showcasing a few of the features..just use keywords xgl compiz :)02:19
ryanakcabrainsik: any ideas?02:19
JemtW8TAH: What seems to be the problem ?02:19
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DaveyJi just booted off my gparted livecd02:19
DaveyJand everything went peachy :)02:20
brainsikryanakca: one more02:20
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W8TAHspades, ok - last time i tried that i complaind about not being able to connect to x for some reason or the other02:20
deadcateobanb: usb wireless02:20
ThJhow do i prevent a device driver from loading in ubuntu? i don't want to use my internal sound card as i have a PCMCIA one. also, tell me how to set the global default sound device, as just editing the prefs only affects my own profile.02:20
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eobanbdeadcat, what's the chipset02:20
brainsikryanakca: type `env` and look for something about proxy there02:20
snoopsrathe and if you do decide to give it a go.. use this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl02:20
=== RogerBacon [n=RogerBac@toronto-HSE-ppp3958561.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
deadcateobanb: zd121102:20
spadesW8TAH just offering an alternative, you dont _have_ to upgrade if you dont want to, it might help if you need an updated app that is known to work in dapper though02:20
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ryanakcabrainsik: YOU ARE A GENIUS!02:20
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phirereiki: thats strange, rebooting will fix it02:20
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ryanakcabrainsik: http_proxy=http://localhost:400102:21
dpnHow do I delete stuff through the cmd line, what's the cmd? rmv? dlt?02:21
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W8TAHspades -- i appreciate the alternative02:21
brainsikryanakca: nice, that's the problem02:21
ryanakcabrainsik: how do I remove it?02:21
ThJwhy does it say unregged? i'm registered with nickserv!02:21
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eobanbdeadcat, oh okay, sorry02:21
phiredpn: rm02:21
eobanbdeadcat, have you checked the ubuntu forum02:21
phiredpn: rm -r for directires02:21
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dennis_if someone can help me set up my nvidia card can you pm me?02:21
eobanbThJ, this isnt the place for that question02:21
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Jemtdennis_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:21
brainsikryanakca: assuming you are using bash, try `export -n http_proxy`02:21
snoopsk dennis_02:22
reikiguess I'll try a reboot02:22
W8TAHjemt -- the prob is -- looks like im outta luck till i upgrade -- thanks any way02:22
ThJeobanb: it isn't? i type /join #ubuntu and it sends me to #ubuntu-unregged02:22
hoehaverHEY WHO E VER told me sudo dpkg ect ect ect02:22
hoehaverthank you very much02:22
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ThJeobanb: i figured it had to do with me being nickserv-regged or not.02:22
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eobanbThJ, did you identify to nickserv?02:22
brainsikryanakca: any idea how that got set?02:22
JemtW8TAH: Oh? What does Dapper do that Breezy dosn't ?02:22
ryanakcabrainsik: nope02:22
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brainsikryanakca: are u using bash?02:22
W8TAHjemt -- support konversation .1902:22
ThJeobanb: yes, in fact that's why i rejoined just now.02:22
ryanakcamaybe when I installed a tty web browser?02:22
ryanakcabrainsik: yeah02:22
hoehavercan someone tell  me how to mount a second hard drive02:23
ThJeobanb: i id'ed with it after joining, so i left and rejoined but it didnt work apparently02:23
hoehaverits fat 3202:23
brainsikryanakca: make sure to check your ~/.bash* files for that stuff.02:23
dpnsnoops, can you answer a question I sent you in the pm?02:23
eobanb /msg nickserv help , ThJ02:23
snoopsdennis_ you need to have a registered nick to pm someone on freenode02:23
orbinhoehaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:23
ThJeobanb: what? i'm identified with it!02:23
eobanbhoehaver, sure, just go to System > Administration > Disks02:23
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eobanbThJ, then what's the issue?02:23
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hoehaverno no, the last time i went to system> admin.... i deleted my account02:24
dennis_oh sorry hang on02:24
ThJeobanb: why am i redirected to the unregged channel if i am regged?02:24
dennis_I went through the online guide02:24
benplautThJ: are you logged it?02:24
eobanbThJ, well you seem to be here right now02:24
cheatersrealmso I install ubuntu breezy and then immediately dist-upgrade to dapper, upon restarting in dapper, I have no networking (no eth0 or a.e. either) any idea what modules I need to load?  (iBook g4)02:24
dennis_installed it and enabled it02:24
hoehaveri mounted it to /home/john02:24
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dennis_but when i reboot I get no signal to my monitor02:24
hoehaverand it fucked it up02:24
dennis_I can only boot using vesa02:24
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php02:24
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ThJeobanb: my channel status line says #ubuntu-unregged >.>02:24
keleushow do i change the order of my soundcards? (so my external USB is preffered over the built-in ali5451)02:25
benplautThJ: are you in irssi?02:25
=== Wallakoala [n=wallakoa@ool-43567bf6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThJbenplaut: logged into nickserv? i identified with it.02:25
ThJbenplaut: yes.02:25
=== farky [n=farky@adsl-69-110-106-28.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplaut#ubuntu(+Lcfnt #ubuntu-unregged)02:25
keleusAlso look at happypenguin.org02:25
benplautit's just saying that it redirects to there02:25
ThJbenplaut: oh02:25
snoopsdpn yep?02:25
dpnCan you check the PM I sent you please02:25
ThJbenplaut: i don't use irssi since... 2 years ago02:25
=== DeLmAr [n=delmar@203-114-178-231.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsneed to be registered to pm dpn :/02:26
ThJbenplaut: didn't know IRC flags did that these days02:26
benplautit's just saying that it redirects to there02:26
ThJfigured it was something other excotic.02:26
benplautThJ: yea... they do anything :P02:26
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dpn<dpn> one of the steps in the guide i originally followed had me install:02:26
dpn<dpn> dpkg --force-all -i compiz_cvs20060218+opacityplugin-1_amd64.deb02:26
dpn<dpn> dpkg --force-all -i glitz-cvs_0.5.3+cvs20060218-1_amd64.deb02:26
dpn<dpn> dpkg --force-all -i mesa-cvs_20060218-1_amd64.deb02:26
dpn<dpn> dpkg --force-all -i xorg-xgl_0.0.1+cvs20060218+patch-1_amd64.deb02:26
dpn<dpn> how would i go about removing what those installed02:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:26
ThJwhen i started IRCing, +m was kind of a novelty02:27
snoopsdpn a simple /msg nickserv register [password]  does the trick though02:27
Jemt!tell dpn about pastebin02:27
bbrazilThJ: exotic modes tend to be specific to a small number of ircds02:27
ThJbbrazil: yeah02:27
ThJbbrazil: that, combined with me forgetting how IRSSI works...02:27
snoopsdpn you can remove them from synaptic.. eg search for them, and then right click and check completely remove02:27
eobanbdpn, talk about xgl and compiz in #ubuntu-xgl please02:27
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ThJback to my actual question02:27
dpntheres no one in there02:27
ThJpreventing a device from loading.02:27
dpnI would If someone responded02:27
eobanbdpn, be patient?02:28
dpnIve been in there hours02:28
ThJis it even possible to do that?02:28
snoopsI'm in there now dpn, so I can help ya there if you want02:28
Jemtdpn: In short, what is your problem ?02:29
phirecould someone give me a copy of their /boot/grub/menu.lst please?02:29
farkyIs there a way to a restore point? Or image the disk or something?02:29
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W8TAHspades -- i am trying to compile from source as you suggested -- i am getting the following error - -configure error -- cant find X includes -- how do i resolve this?02:29
lampshadeDoes anyone know how to move between tabs on Gedit with a shortcut key??? Can you not do it??? What the hell?02:29
ThJi have googled, i found one relevant forum post, plus a reply from the same person, "i take it from the silence that this cannot be done?"02:30
Jemtlampshade: ALT+n (n = 1, 2, 3)02:30
benplautlampshade: probably alt+#02:30
benplaut^^ :P02:30
eobanbW8TAH, don't try compiling conversation yourself, the dependencies are outrageous02:30
Jemtlampshade: Or "scroll mode" : CTRL + PageUp/Down02:30
lampshadeyar  I tried everything but that.  Is there a way to change that?  I was doing ctrl+tab ctrl + -->  stuff like that02:30
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lampshadeOh awesome02:31
DaveyJJFS seems to be faster overall against ext302:31
lampshadethat's what I was looking for02:31
W8TAHeobanb, ok - thanks a bunch - -i appreciate the warning - - back to .1802:31
eobanbW8TAH, dpkg -i the 0.19 .deb file or upgrade to dapper02:31
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SurfnKidok people i have a big problem02:31
eobanbSurfnKid, well we can't help you until we know what it is.02:31
Jemtlampshade: Glad I could help :)02:31
lampshadeJemt: do you have to enable that, ctrl+page up and page down do nothing for me02:31
W8TAHeobanb, dpkg -i hits dep errors also02:31
=== qwzybug [n=qwzybug@23-90-174-206.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbW8TAH, then upgrade to dapper02:31
qwzybugSup #ubuntu02:31
eobanbwelcome, qwzybug02:31
W8TAHeobanb, i'll wait till i switch the system to gentoo and do it from there02:31
qwzybughey, I have a quick question02:31
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:32
Jemtlampshade: Hm, PageUp/Down is only for firefox then02:32
SurfnKidi want dapper, but withouth all the hassle02:32
squigglyDCC SEND NARFSNARF 0 0 002:32
qwzybugis the PowerPC CD download a LiveCD?02:32
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!02:32
qwzybugI booted it, and it just gave me options for installing02:32
SubSurfnKid, like what?02:32
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alindemaneobanb: Yo?02:32
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eobanbSub, no, an idiot script kiddie02:32
clemSurfnKid: what hassle ?02:32
=== MehAdult [n=Mr0bviou@adsl-65-68-1-24.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!02:32
=== steveeeeee [n=steve@c211-30-106-95.carlnfd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Subeobanb, itz a netsplit.02:32
eobanbSub, no, it's not.02:32
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ryanakcaweee netsplit!02:32
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Subeobanb, it is a netsplit for sure.02:33
naliothryanakca: now02:33
=== Kazukisan [n=kazuki@cpe-65-27-155-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ryanakcaeobanb: don't worry... it IS a netsplit02:33
naliothryanakca: no it is not02:33
=== papyromancer [n=papyroma@cpe-24-165-210-54.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThJmy problem is small, but annyoing: each time my laptop boots up, Ubuntu enables my built-in sound card, and plays its intro tune at wham smack maximum volume, scaring the hell out of me. i wanna disable the soundcard. :p02:33
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Subeobanb, they all have similar hosts.02:33
=== brainjuice [n=brainjui@c-69-139-225-99.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThJi bet this is an attack02:33
=== darkfrog [n=darkfrog@ppp-68-89-237-114.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lampshadeugh so other people felt that then huh haha02:33
SurfnKidSub,  wheeling and reeling with the configuration of the wifi, im not so troubled by the ATI configuration, but wifi is what is bothering me, I think im going to ruin my breezy by doing the Dapper update, if it dont work I'll just reinstall Dapper from scratch02:33
ThJhey wasnt there a hack attack a few weeks ago? i raad about that on slashdot02:33
SubSurfnKid, what card you got?02:33
benplautThJ: yea... bantown02:33
ryanakcanalioth: what is it?02:33
darkfrogI'm trying to install ubuntu, but it keeps telling me I haven't selected my swap partition....I created a linux-swap, what more do I have to do?02:33
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!02:33
qwzybuganyone know, is the PPC CD a LiveCD? I booted it and it only seemed to have options for installation02:33
eobanbsquiggly needs to be kicked immediately02:33
robheh, I love rumors02:34
robeobanb, he was klined02:34
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Subdarkfrog, try "swapon /dev/hdxx wherer hdxx is the partition02:34
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ryanakcaooooh... I see see02:34
naliotheobanb: what is up?02:34
ThJubotu is deopped?02:34
Cirvin_Foxhey, can someone help me with a sound issue regarding ALSA and Jack?02:34
kolajeI just installed nvidia drivers, and in /etc/X11/xorg.conf i changed the "nv" to "nvidia" and changed some other option for the driver to support my laptop's "geforce4 420 go" display adapter.  the problem is the resolution max in x is 600x800, but the xorg.conf file says that there are higher resolutions available for use.  is there anyway to allow me to use them in X overriding what it displays is possible for me to use?02:34
darkfrogSub, can I not specify during installation?02:34
naliothryanakca: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please02:34
Subdark, it should of created one during install02:34
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darkfrogSub, I'm manually partitioning02:35
SurfnKidSub, bcm4306  works 100% on Breezy, i didnt have any problems with ndiswrapper, Im just trying to find out if Dapper will accept ndiswrapper if i force it or invoke a driver another way02:35
lampshadekolaje: after changing the resolution in the xorg.conf you should be able to choose the right resolution in System >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution02:35
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kleberhello folks, anybody can help me about Dapper + XGL + NVidia ??02:35
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eobanbthat would be a question for #ubuntu-xgl02:35
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SubSurfnKid, i have a broadcom card here, with no issues with the bcm43xx driver02:36
Subin dapper02:36
=== i3dmaster [n=i3dmaste@c-24-8-51-181.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidyoure shi**ing me02:36
Cirvin_Foxis there a channel about the sound systems?02:36
SubSurfnKid, no ndiswrapper02:36
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems02:36
darkfrogSub, mind if I message you privately?02:36
SurfnKidbut its up as eth1 instead of wlan002:36
SubSurfnKid, 0000:00:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)02:36
Subthat one?02:36
ThJi take it there's no quick answer for my "disable a device" question. i know my way around debian if that helps.02:36
kolajelampshade:  in xorg.conf in the "screen" section, it shows the displays as having higher resolutions.  is there a particular section that i need to set the exact resolution i want?02:36
=== skarface [i=antix@ip70-177-80-4.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SubSurfnKid, you need to rip the FW and thats it02:36
eobanbThJ, what device do you need to disable02:36
Subdarkfrog, im not regged.02:37
ThJeobanb: one of my sound cards, a SiS on-board sound card.02:37
SurfnKid0000:02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)02:37
MoocassoHi guys, I have a question here that makes me feel very much like a noob.  I have a program that's frozen...in Windows I would use ctrl+alt+del to end the process, but in Linux I have no idea...anybody want to answer a (hopefully) easy question?  :)02:37
ThJeobanb: need more details?02:37
SubSurfnKid, yes i have an identical card02:37
qwzybugis the Ubuntu install CD also a liveCD?02:37
eobanbThJ, and you want to disable it..?02:37
SurfnKidmatter if its a diff version02:37
SurfnKidrev i mean02:37
benplautThJ: how far do you need it disabled? not working, or flaming pile of card?02:37
darkfrogqwzybug, yes02:38
spadesSurfnKid this is on your laptop?02:38
SubSurfnKid, use this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear but use this driver to rip from http://forums.fedoraforum.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=775902:38
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ThJbenplaut, eobanb: i want the kernel model to not load for it.02:38
SubSurfnKid, i got all that from here http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?p=5502:38
ratheis there a quicktime or mpg plugin u can get for firefox02:38
SurfnKiddid you use the .inf and/or .sys or that other file that was available starts with letter a something02:38
qwzybugdarkfrog, the PPC version too? I booted the one I just downloaded, and the boot menu only seemed to have install options02:38
=== hawkaloogie [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about blacklist02:38
SubMoocasso, system-admin-system monitor02:38
benplaut!bad bot02:38
ubotuI know nothing about bad bot02:38
SurfnKidspades,  yes Dell 860002:38
eobanbThJ, that would probably disable your sound entirely02:38
benplautThJ: one sec, i know how to do that02:38
MoocassoThankyou Sub!  :)02:38
=== Consty [n=grimlock@pool-71-102-128-38.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidSub, ok let me read about it02:38
darkfrogqwzybug, dunno, I use the x8602:38
ThJeobanb: why would it? my PCMCIA sound card uses an entirely different kernel module.02:39
RogerBaconMoocasso to restart xorg press : ctrl + alt + backspace02:39
eobanbThJ, oh okay.02:39
Cirvin_Foxdoes ALSA allow more than one program to output to the soundcard at once?02:39
eobanbCirvin_Fox, yes02:39
benplautThJ: add the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:39
SubSurfnKid, itz easy to do, i have a broadcom pcmcia card too ,and that worked with the same guide.02:39
ThJbenplaut: that simple?02:39
vigilanteJust tried installing nvidia drivers per the wiki: I get this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17460 , help please?02:39
qwzybugdarkfrog: hmm, okay... I'll try it again02:39
SurfnKidSub, as wlan0 or eth102:39
Cirvin_Foxwell, i've gone and installed creox and jack02:40
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Cirvin_Foxand it reports erros on the output side02:40
ThJhope it works. my built-in speakers are LOUD when set to max. they scare the shit out of me when ubuntu boots. on Windows i had the volume turned down, until i disabled it in Device Manager, lol02:40
Cirvin_Foxalong with audacity02:40
SubSurfnKid, well itz eth2 on my system, but works 100% okay02:40
SurfnKidok thanks guys im going to give this a try again, i took dapper out again cuz of that prob02:40
naliothThJ: let us watch our language please, this is not a locker room02:40
eobanbvigilante, can you pastebin your xorg.conf02:40
=== wyzourek [n=wyzourek@host-84-9-149-67.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rathedoes anyone here know02:41
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ThJwhat word did that react on?02:41
=== devaudio [n=sclark@cpe-69-201-67-10.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThJor is that a person not a bot02:41
=== sztanpet [n=sztanpet@dsl5402C687.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
benplautThJ: that's a person :P02:41
benplautan op =P02:41
ThJlol sorry02:41
SeveasThJ, contrary to popular opinion, nalioth is an actual person02:41
eobanbThJ, i believe it was the other four-letter word for poop02:41
devaudiohey - how do i install gnome-art? it doesn't show up in add/remove applications even after i check "show unsupported apps"  -- the wiki just tells me to use add/remove02:41
ThJawe i cant say s*beep*t?02:42
eobanbdevaudio, uhm, in synaptic?02:42
Cirvin_FoxWhat would keep something like audacity from beign able to use the sound system but still let xmms do it?02:42
devaudionot in synaptic either02:42
ThJreminds me of those forums where you go "f*beep*k you" and it replaces with "hug you"02:42
Subdevaudio, try a "apt-cache search gnome-art"02:42
eobanbdevaudio, that's because it's in universe02:42
naliothThJ: some irc clients can do word substitutions02:43
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devaudioahh of course it's in the universe! what does that mean02:43
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:43
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darkfrogSub, I have LinkSys Wireless-G WMP54GS card, you've gotten the drivers working for that?  Have a link for the drivers to use and/or tutorial?02:43
lampshadeAny other guesses on how to change tabs in Gedit without using alt+# which is really uncomfortable02:43
benplautdevaudio: the mythical parallel ubuntu universe :P02:44
Seveaslampshade, with the mouse02:44
benplautlampshade: try alt+left alt+right02:44
eobanbSeveas, haha02:44
Subdarkfrog, sorry i only know how to get Bcom cards working since thats the card i have.02:44
lampshadeSeveas:  you're hilarious02:44
Seveaslampshade, and <ctrl><PgUp>02:44
Seveas(also for PgDn)02:44
=== farky [n=farky@adsl-69-110-106-28.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lampshadesee that doesn't work for me02:44
SurfnKidSub, anyway02:44
SurfnKidSub, this one doesnt work http://forums.fedoraforum.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=775902:44
farkyIs there any for sure way to test that the nvidia drivers are working?02:45
vigilanteeobanb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1746202:45
webbeni've installed much of kubuntu alongside ubuntu ... but how do i get KDE to show up as a session option in GDM?02:45
lampshadealt left right and ctrl page up and down don't.  nor do the other obvious ones like ctrl+tab02:45
Seveaslampshade, then maybe you mapped that shortcut to something else (are you using xgl perhaps)02:45
devaudiohad to restart add/remove after enabling universe02:45
SubSurfnKid, does for me, pops up a file download dialog for a tar.gz02:45
lampshadeno,  well, I do run XGL, but Im not in an xgl session right now02:45
eobanbvigilante, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select 'nvidia' as the driver02:45
Subfarky, "glxinfo | grep rendering" - if it comes up a line saying "yes" then they are02:46
Cirvin_Foxwhat would keep a program from being able to access the ALSA system?02:46
farkySub: thank you02:46
benplautlampshade: try medit (not sure if it's in the repos)... it's much more configurable02:46
eobanbCirvin_Fox, if it can only use OSS? :)02:46
farkySub: yes they are working thank you02:46
Cirvin_Foxwell, methinks audacity should work,02:46
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:46
Cirvin_Foxsince ints from the repository02:46
DeLmArHi everyone.  I am able to get the latest Dapper (server) to install fine, but when the system reboots it fails to start.  I get errors like "iop0: device already claimed" and "iop0: DMA / IO allocation for I2O controller failed".  The system has an Adaptec 2110S Raid card.  I found something interesting at http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?showtopic=29556 while googling around but this is for Suse, not Ubuntu, but I wonder02:46
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qwzybughmmm. I'm starting to suspect the ppc CD is not, in fact, a LiveCD02:47
rebekkacould someone here help me?02:47
eobanbqwzybug, yes it is.02:47
SurfnKidpops up attachmeht.php02:47
eobanbrebekka, sure, just ask your question.02:47
vigilanteeobanb: ok, will try, then do the script also?02:47
DeLmArWhat I don't get is, if it boots fine on the install CD using the same kernel, what's wrong with it when it boots from the HDD.02:47
qwzybugeobanb: when I boot it, it shows me the command-line boot: prompt... all the options are for things like rescue, install, etc.02:48
eobanbvigilante, no, just restart x with ctrl-alt-backspace02:48
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eobanbqwzybug, this is the dapper desktop CD/02:48
freaksi wonder where system path variable are stored on ubuntu ?02:48
eobanbbecause all you should have to do is hit return02:48
qwzybugeobanb: not sure. I got it from the ubuntu download page02:48
eobanbqwzybug, if you have the desktop CD then just hit enter at the yaboot prompt.02:49
benplautqwzybug: just hit enter02:49
qwzybugeobanb, benplaut: yeah, but the default image on my cd is "install", so it takes me to the big blue install menu02:49
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qwzybugohhhh wait a minute02:50
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benplautqwzybug: might be a good idea to go back to the download site and get the 'desktop' cd02:50
qwzybugeobanb, benplaut... hmm. it looks like I got the 'alternate' cd instead of the 'desktop' CD.02:50
qwzybugI am a stooopid02:50
eobanbqwzybug, that would be it then.02:50
freaksi would like to add /usr/local/myprog/bin/  to the system path, how can i do that?02:50
qwzybugheh :)02:50
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qwzybugway to go me02:50
benplautqwzybug: the alternate is also very nice, but not graphical02:50
benplaut(i prefer it :P)02:50
rebekkacould someone here help me?02:51
eobanbrebekka, yes, but not until you ask your question02:51
freaksand me too..02:51
qwzybugyeah, it looks like a good option for installing, but I'm not ready for partitioning etc. yet :)02:51
benplautrebekka: you're going to have to ask your question some time ;)02:51
freaksi asked...02:51
freaksi would like to add /usr/local/myprog/bin/  to the system path, how can i do that?02:51
rebekkaOk... first of all... how do I fin dout what version of ubuntu I have???02:51
freakssomeone can help?02:51
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.02:51
benplautfreaks: yes... PM me02:51
Jemt!tell freaks about enter02:51
qwzybugI'm looking forward to running linux on decent hardware for once. this powerbook oughta handle it much better than my 166 thinkpad running slackware and xfce :)02:52
eobanbgood to hear it, qwzybug02:52
Cirvin_Foxi have installed jack and creox using apt-get, but it tells me it cant write to the ALSA device, what can be done?02:52
phireok, my newly bootstraped ubuntu stop booting after grubs, "Ok, booting the kernel." message. Any ideas?02:52
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SurfnKidSub, is that tar file for the bcm, the same as wl_apsta?02:53
rebekkaI wrong !version on the terminal but it didnt work....02:53
rathehow do u unzip bz2 files02:53
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-4.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsqwzybug yeah! Linux on good hardware is really really nice02:53
eobanbwith bunzip, rathe02:53
tailsfanI'm having some trouble with Dial-up in Ubuntu?02:53
benplautrebekka: write what ubotu said02:53
rathei tried bunzip filename02:53
rathenothen happend02:53
eobanbrebekka, look at what ubotu wrote02:53
qwzybugsnoops: that's what it sounds like. I have a feeling I'll probably miss OSX, though02:53
JemtI'm running Debian Sarge on a 500 Mhz PC with 256 MB Ram - works like a charme02:53
eobanb[19:51]  eobanb!version02:53
eobanb[19:51]  ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.02:53
rebekka !version: event not found02:54
eobanbrebekka, ugh, no, you type 'lsb_release -a'02:54
eobanbwithout quotes02:54
tailsfanIs there anyway to make networking changes permenant02:54
Cirvin_Foxi have installed jack and creox using apt-get, but it tells me it cant write to the ALSA device, what can be done?02:54
phireanyone? do you think its a grub problem, or a kernel problem?02:54
rebekkais it really really old??02:54
phrizerrathe, bunzip202:54
freaksbenplaut, you asked me to PM you, which i did.. but you don't answer ?02:54
benplautrebekka: there's your first problem02:54
eobanbrebekka, that is from october 200402:54
benplautfreaks: sorry... i'm new to this irc client :P02:55
rebekkaok... so what should I do???02:55
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive02:55
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.02:55
freaksbenplaut, type /query freaks02:55
tailsfanI'm really scared now :(02:55
benplauteobanb: nooo02:55
freaksbenplaut, it will suffice no need for a dcc chat02:55
ratheanyone know why when i try to install mplayer it says im not using a supported complaier02:55
eobanbbenplaut, ...?02:56
rathedo i have it in the wrong directory02:56
eobanbrathe, why are you compiling mplayer yourself02:56
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rebekkais there a way that I can update the system without having to burn cds or floppy disks... just fom the intenet??02:56
ratheim confused?02:56
benplauteobanb: never upgrade from warty all the way up02:56
benplauteven in steps02:56
Jemtrebekka: apt-get dist-upgrade02:56
qwzybugalright, I'll be back... from UBUNTU02:56
ratheim new and i wanted to try to get it so i can use and watch streaming video from firefox02:56
rathei need to install it dont it02:57
qwzybug...in 1h42m02:57
ratheer i02:57
Jemt!tell rebekka about upgrade02:57
tailsfanMy Dial-up is continusly d/cing on me, can anyone help me plz?02:57
ratheeobanb is there some better way to do it?02:57
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tailsfanand my settings keep on getting changed back02:57
=== DB2 [n=hello@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
DB2what is the package name of the i686 kernel?02:57
rebekkaso I cannot upgrade to the last version of ubuntu automatic... I have to go to ubunto 5.10 and then 6???02:57
eobanb!tell rathe about apt02:58
phireDB2: linux-image-68602:58
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rathei tried apt02:58
ratheit said it dident find anything02:58
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DeLmArHi everyone. I'm having exactly the problem mentioned in this post http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189110 .  I need to get this sytem booting properly.  Does anyone know if there is a fix for this issue?02:58
eobanbthat's because mplayer is in multiverse, rathe...02:58
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:58
DB2phire: you sure?02:58
rathei uncommented the line for the multiverse i thought02:58
rebekkaso I cannot upgrade to the last version of ubuntu automatic... I have to go to ubunto 5.10 and then 6???02:59
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rathewhat do i need to do to get stuff from the multiverse?02:59
eobanbrathe, you did not, since there isnt just a line that you can un-comment02:59
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sponixrebekka:  aye, what are you trying to do ?02:59
sztanpetcan someone paste me a nice looking custom PS1?02:59
eobanbrathe, read the links ubotu sent02:59
Shizboomrebekka - you could just just format and install dapper02:59
DB2phire: it's linux-68602:59
sztanpeti mean the command prompts thing02:59
eobanbsztanpet, ...?02:59
Sleeping_Slothhello - can anyone tell me why I cant chmod a mounted usb drive?02:59
sztanpeteobanb echo PS1 :D03:00
phireit is?03:00
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cubikdicehey guys, i'm running an Ubuntu server with ProFTPD, i was wondering what i could configure that would allow the username which is used to log in; start in / installed of ~ or /var/www as well as have root?03:00
benplauttailsfan: we hear you03:00
phiretailsfan: don't shout03:00
revilotanyone know of place to get roms for NES, PS2, whatever03:00
sponixDB2:  if I go from linux-386 to linux-686 do I need to reinstall my nvidia drivers ?03:01
DB2any ubuntu tips for running on laptop ?03:01
benplauttailsfan: linux doesn't really work too well with dialup, unfortunately03:01
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benplautrevilot: not in here03:01
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:01
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DB2sponix: i dont know .. from what i remember i think it takes care of it automatically (there are special resreicted drivers)03:01
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revilotbenplaut: sry03:01
tailsfanHow do I make my modem changes permenant and how do I remove a ethernet card from Ubuntu03:01
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phiretailsfan: pull the card out03:02
freakshow do i modify system paths ? i mean system wise.. not /home/user1/.basrc03:02
vigilanteeobanb: hmm, now I can't edit display properties in system settings (kubuntu)03:02
Relay2Good night, I try to instal Ubunto for first time, my computer have the PS/2 mouse port, but I use serial mouse and, in the install process the mouse dont work, someone can help me ?03:02
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eobanbsorry, vigilante, i dont know much about kde.03:02
benplautfreaks: /etc/profile03:03
brainjuicehello anyone have a link to a gaim 1.5 deb ?  thx03:03
tailsfanOh and the modem changes03:03
tailsfanevery time I try to connect to the internet it gives me probs03:03
eobanb!tell brainjuice about apt03:03
jribRelay2: not sure how to fix your issue, but you could instead use the alternate cd, then you won't need a mouse during the install iirc03:03
ratheim confused03:03
Sleeping_Slothhow do I change umask with mount? its right in the fstab, but I dont want to reoot right now03:03
brainjuicethat for gaim 2.0 i need 1.5 for xfire please03:04
freaksbenplaut, no03:04
eobanbbrainjuice, ..?03:04
freaksbenplaut, it's not there03:04
benplaut/etc/profile isn't there?03:04
ubotuPackages for Gaim 2 beta 3 can be found via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-April/072721.html03:04
brainjuicei need an older version to get the xfire plug in work03:04
brainjuicewith gaim03:04
jribbrainjuice: gaim in dapper is 1.5, ubotu gave you a link for gaim2 beta3 deb03:04
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freaksbenplaut, no it's not in there03:05
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freaksbenplaut, no path defined there03:05
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benplautfreaks: oh03:05
rathewhats the edit command03:05
brainjuicehmm everytime i use apt i get 2.003:05
Relay2thanks jrib, but I dont have experence whit linux, I want learn, but i dont know where download the "alternate CD"03:05
rathewhen im tryen to edit /etc/apt/sources.list03:05
freaksi would like to know where global system paths are defined03:05
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-installation CD, with no live session. Use this if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an expert install.03:05
benplautfreaks: not sure, then... i haven't used a debian system in a while03:05
freaksbenplaut, me too...03:05
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jribRelay2: ubuntu.com, the download page as usual.  In the download options, you'll see the alternate cd for your architecture03:06
Relay2Okey, understand, thaks to all !!!03:06
Relay2Good night03:06
jribRelay2: good night and good luck03:06
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vigilanteeobanb: got it working now, right monitor selected and nvidia drivers03:06
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ratheeobanb i did what that said and checked all the stuff in software properties its not working still tho03:06
eobanbvigilante, great to hear03:07
eobanbrathe, you are still trying to add multiverse to your sources.list?03:07
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tanlaani had 3 error messages on startup relating to Bonobo-activation-server and nautilus, if anyone can help here are the 3 errors http://pastebin.ca/8203403:07
benplautrathe: did you have it grab the list from the internet (probably with apt-get update)03:07
revilotanyone have any knowledge on setting up a midi keyboard (creative prodikeys) in linux03:07
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ratheit dident tell me to but doing it now03:08
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ratheE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:08
ratheE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:08
benplautrathe: put a 'sudo' in front of that03:08
rathewhats that mean?03:08
benplautclose synaptic03:08
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eobanbrathe, two instances of apt cannot be run at the same time03:09
BMXerhi. i tried to install ubuntu-desktop but not foun one package...where do i change the mirror?03:09
ratheOk i did the update03:09
rathethen i tried sudo apt-get install mplayer03:09
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rathesays it dont got it03:09
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eobanbrathe, pastebin your sources.list03:10
rathehow do i open it agian03:10
rathesrry i sux03:10
ThJi think i found a bug. i disabled the built-in SiS sound chip, but the ubuntu GUI now claims there are no sound cards (default sound card dropdown box is greyed out), but i KNOW there are drivers loaded for my PCMCIA card and they worked before03:10
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eobanbsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:10
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benplaut!tell ThJ about bugzilla03:10
ubotuI know nothing about bugzilla03:10
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com03:11
tanlaani had 3 error messages on startup relating to Bonobo-activation-server and nautilus, if anyone can help here are the 3 errors http://pastebin.ca/8203403:11
ThJto me it would seem that some system script is being stupid and is not counting hotplug sound devices as real sound devices.03:11
=== wolki [n=wolki@client418.sg.fr.studentenwohnheim-bw.de] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbwelcome, SlyGuy03:11
webbenif i download some source for a debian package (i.e. the dsc, orig.tar.gz, and diff.gz files --- what command do i use to build the package into a deb?03:11
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reviloti get a resolvconf failed msg on boot up, anyone know what that is and how i can rectify it?03:11
eobanbwebben, what are you trying to install03:11
SlyGuywhere would be place to get some assistance in getting my laptop monitor to display in its native res?03:11
webbencheckinstall 1.603:11
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SlyGuyi got the NVidia drivers installed properly03:12
eobanbwebben, checkinstall is already in the repository03:12
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rathesec trying to get pastebin to work03:12
benplautok, i'm out for the afternoon... bye folks :)03:12
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webbeneobanb: er ... 1.6 i said03:12
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eobanbwebben, oh.03:12
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eobanbwebben, in that case you'd probably be better off building from source.03:13
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rathehttp://pastebin.ca/82052 eobanb03:13
eobanbthank you rathe.03:13
webbeneobanb: yes ... i know i could build from source, but i want it installed as a nice deb03:13
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SlyGuyhmm the forums might be a better place eh?03:13
tanlaani had 3 error messages on startup relating to Bonobo-activation-server and nautilus, if anyone can help here are the 3 errors http://pastebin.ca/8203403:14
potremchey, i have a problem03:14
eobanbrathe, you don't have universe enabled here03:14
=== Redrose [n=root@c-67-174-77-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
webbeneobanb: after all, that's why i'm bothering with checkinstall in the first place03:14
rathei did what that link said03:14
rathewhat do i need to do03:14
eobanbrathe, on lines 1 and 2, you need the word 'multiverse' at the end03:14
potremci installed kubuntu yesterday and got the internet working fine (connected to another comp that has net via ethernet)03:14
Redrosewhat is sit0?03:14
potremci ran a few updates restarted and now it doesnt work at all03:14
BMXerwhere do i change the apt-get mirror?03:14
eobanbrathe, actually, put them on 16 and 17 instead, for organisation's sake.03:14
Redroseand how do i turn it off03:14
jribwebben: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc   <-- that is what I use03:14
eobanbRedrose, six-to-four03:15
eobanbRedrose, it's for IPv603:15
potremcdns is correct, gateway is correct, subnet and ip are correct03:15
picketi must be a retard, but whats the differens betwen GDM and GTK ?03:15
Redroseshould i turn it off?03:15
rathedo i add the ' or just multiverse03:15
eobanbRedrose, it doesnt matter03:15
eobanbrathe, just multiverse, no quotes03:15
potremcanybody know what the problem might be?03:15
Redrosei know, but still, i'd like it out of my ifconfig03:15
eobanbat the end of lines 16 and 1703:15
webbenjrib: thanks :)03:15
SlyGuyGDM is gnome03:15
SlyGuygtk is a widget toolkit03:15
phirepotremc: is the network working?03:16
rathek sec let me update and try03:16
picketso for ubuntu (im looking for themes) id go with GDM ?03:16
potremcjust not internet03:16
tanlaani had 3 error messages on startup relating to Bonobo-activation-server and nautilus, if anyone can help here are the 3 errors http://pastebin.ca/8203403:16
Redrosehow do i shutdown sit0?03:16
reviloti get a resolvconf failed msg on boot up, anyone know what that is and how i can rectify it?03:16
potremci can communicate with the machine i am connected to03:16
SlyGuygdm is the app that is gnome..03:16
phirethe the routing table setup propely03:16
pickethum :s03:17
potremcwhen i ping google.com the ip resolves but i dont get responses03:17
eobanbRedrose, i don't mean to be a jerk here, but what does it matter03:17
potremcroute returns:03:17
SlyGuyall i want it to get my damn laptop out of this crap 1024x768 res03:17
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:17
potremc192.168.0.0   * U 0 0 eth003:17
potremcdefault UG   0 0 eth003:17
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potremc192.168.0.1 is the router i am using as a gateway03:18
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eobanbpicket, a gdm theme is just a theme for the login screen, not the entire UI03:18
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eobanbpicket, for a window theme you probably want a metacity theme03:19
potremci've played around constantly with the network config dialog, route, ifconfig etc03:19
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potremcbut i cannot get it working03:19
potremci'm beginning to think it is a problem with kubuntu because everything is logically correct03:19
Sakarahey all I just attempted to install nVidia drivers for my desktop I now cant startx any ideas?03:19
Sakarathe error is API mismatch:03:19
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phirethere might be a problem with the router,03:20
SurfnKid2319! we have a 2319! hehe love that part03:20
tanlaanneed help with a couple of errors on startup talking about bonobo activation server http://pastebin.ca/8203403:20
potremchmm, 3 other comps on the network all working fine03:20
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tanlaanit starts to load nautilus, then gives me 3 errors, and wont go past that03:20
phireany idea what got updated?03:21
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deadcatno one uses zd1211 wireless usb on ubuntu ibook?03:21
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picketeobanb , is there any webpage about this ?03:21
eobanbpicket, gnome-look.org03:21
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crashzorbert van lent @ 100%nl join #100p.nl @ quakenet03:22
picketah yes, im at that page right now :> what do i need to run it ?03:22
rathecanhey eobanb  is there a aptget for the mozilla plugin thing for mplayer, i dont know how, I would go about searching for that03:22
crashzorsorry for the msg here :$03:22
dredhammerhello can anyone tell me if there is a recent guide for installing compiz and xgl as a session?03:22
dredhammeron dapper03:22
eobanbrathe, sudo apt-cache search mplayer-mozilla03:22
RyanTMulliganis there a proscribed way to network install ubuntu using a disk drive boot?03:23
phirepotremc: try pinging something else, something you haven't been to03:23
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eobanbrathe, er i mean mozilla-mplayer03:23
potremcall network devices ping03:23
potremcnothing outside the network pings03:23
potremcthough dns is working fine03:23
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potremceverything resolves as it should03:24
potremcno net apps (e.g. firefox) are working03:24
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phiredns is often suplyed my the router03:24
=== hunter [n=hunter@cpe-066-057-015-200.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:24
hunteris there a vmware(player) package?03:24
LjL!info vmware-player03:25
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.1-4 (dapper), package size 11563 kB, installed size 31248 kB03:25
hunterLjL:  Couldn't find package vmware-player03:25
LjLthen you don't have multiverse enabled.03:25
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:25
hunterwould it be main multiverse of just multiverse?03:26
=== Dasnipa [n=Dasnipa@c-67-162-122-72.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanlaani need help on how to kill bonobo-activation-server, and how to restart nautilus03:27
rathecan u goto multi servers on xchat03:27
hunterxchat -> sever list pick on and connect03:28
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phireIf went booting, and nothing is printed after the grub messages, does that mean the kernel failed?03:28
LjLhunter: i'm not following you. see, there are these repositories: "dapper", containing most of the stuff, "dapper-updates", containing bugfixes, "dapper-security", containing security fixes, and "dapper-backports", containing programs from the experimental ubuntu.  each of these if divided into the following components: "main", containing stuff that is mantained by the Ubuntu developers, "universe", containing stuff mantained by the Ubuntu commun03:28
LjLuff mantained by the Ubuntu devs, "multiverse", containing non-free stuff (or stuff with non-free dependencies) mantained by the Ubuntu community03:28
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mateXhow can i set pptp client?03:28
mateXanyone know?03:28
ThJthere we go, bug filed: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5228703:29
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LjLhunter: if i were you, i would enable multiverse in the "dapper", "dapper-security" and "dapper-updates" repos03:29
rathehunter what do u mean03:29
farkysnoops: oh i figured it out, arrow keys :)03:30
farkysnoops: which plugin is the wobbly tool tips and menus?03:31
sztanpet my laptop freezes when i logout, log in, logout and try to log in again03:31
tanlaani need help on how to kill bonobo-activation-server, and how to restart nautilus03:31
randiejust installed ubuntu on my laptop.  the touchpad works but when i plugged in my mouse it won't work. help!03:31
sztanpetanything i can do about that?03:31
blindtanlaan: killall nautilus03:31
tanlaanblind: should that fix these errors http://pastebin.ca/8203403:32
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blindtanlaan: i have no clue.03:32
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tanlaanblind: ok well one of the errors said to kill bonobo and restart nautilus03:33
tailsfanIs KPPP Good?03:33
tanlaanblind: and killall nautilus will do that?03:33
colddoes ubuntu have mkinitrd ?03:33
tailsfanand if so, can it run in GNOME?03:33
blindkillall nautilus will kill nautilus, and in my experience, the program restarts itself.03:33
tanlaanblind: ok ill try it03:34
ratheis there a command to search for a file on your system03:34
sztanpetrathe slocate03:34
spadeslocate file, may need to run updatedb03:34
spadesor find /path -name file03:34
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rathenot showing the mp3 hm03:35
theeilhow does one set which x server will be started?03:35
sztanpetrathe do a sudo updatedb03:35
sztanpetrathe and try again03:36
tailsfanDial-up can be a pain03:36
tailsfanI keep on getting Disconnecte03:36
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sztanpetand i have a 2gb limit on my net connection03:37
sztanpetimagine that03:37
sztanpetnot as bad though03:37
rathehow come its telling me theres a file in my home folder but i cant see the folder03:37
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rathesorry noob here03:37
sztanpetrathe maybe its a hidden file? :D03:37
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RugHowdy all03:37
rathehow do i see all hidden files03:37
Rugrathe: ls -al03:37
phiresztanpet: I've seen worse, 200mb a month, and 2c a mb over03:38
Rugrathe: or just ls -a03:38
theeilrathe: or in nautilus you can press ^h03:38
sztanpetomg :D03:38
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rugtheeil: hehe damn, people use GUI too don't they?03:38
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jenn_dRug: nah, not real people. :)03:38
Rugjenn_d: har, you got it03:38
ratheok thanks03:38
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rathei got one problem tho the file name has a grip of spaces03:38
ratheand i cant mv03:39
sztanpetso any1 have a nice PS1 they want to share with me? im thinking of the command prompts thingy echo $PS103:39
ratheany ideas on how to move it03:39
theeilRug: I use whatever is in front of me, which is whatever is fastest (right tool for the rigtht job?)03:39
=== scholtz [n=scholtz@toronto-HSE-ppp4020197.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
phiresztanpet: but i like my 700mb a day, which drops down 2 64k when it goes over03:39
spadesrathe use \ before a space, ie:  name\ of\ band\ -\ name.mp303:39
jenn_drathe: try tab-completing. Type mv [first few letters] [tab] 03:39
kolajei installed the nvidia drivers on my laptop, but the max res is 800x600.  in /etc/X11/xorg.conf it reads that it will allow higher resolutions, why wont it show up in the screen resolution window in X?03:39
Rugrathe: use " too!03:39
scholtzis the latest version dapper?03:39
tailsfanI'm also having trouble with sound03:39
sztanpetphire at least you dont pay extra03:39
Rugmv "very long name here.txt"03:39
theeilsztanpet: mine is a mess, but works fine: [${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\] \u@\h\[\033\] :\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033\] ] \$03:40
cubikdice<kolaje>, you must edit your xorg.conf file. go to the bottom, add the resolutions you want, save and then restart X03:40
Rugscholtz: the latest 'production' version yes.  The bleeding edge is edgy eft03:40
scholtzcan i upgrade this i386 server breezy to amd64 dapper?03:40
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Sakarakolaje: I just attempted to install the nvidia drivers too and now I have no working xserver03:40
Rugscholtz: yupp03:40
rathek i guess im stupid on this part lol03:41
tailsfanDepends if it has the right requirements03:41
scholtzRug: how?03:41
kolajesakora: are you on a laptop?03:41
Rugscholtz: one step at a time.03:41
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kolajesakora: i found a website that taught me to edit the config file for certain laptops to work03:41
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Rugscholtz: first you need to update your sources.list, then apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade03:41
kolajesakora; that's what happened to me originally as well, with my laptop03:41
techmadSakora: have you checked your xorg.conf?03:41
Rugscholtz: THEN update your kernel manually.03:41
sztanpettheeil thanks, it's nice03:42
Sakaratechmad: I have mate03:42
Sakaratechmad: I have read the log files I dont know what to do03:42
techmadSakara: which driver does it say it is using?03:42
Sakarassh'n in now03:42
tailsfandoes ALSA support ESS Soundcards?03:42
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sidHow can I install xvidcap with ffmpeg encoding support on Ubuntu dapper?03:43
RugAnybody using conky & fluxbox?03:43
phiretailsfan: like a really old one?03:43
sidI want to make Ubuntu video guides with xvidcap, and have it be mpeg; istanbul boggs my system down too much. And I am not able to use it.03:44
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techmadRug: no but you shouldnt really have a problem03:44
Sakaratechmad: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!03:44
Rugtechmad: I am using it, I just wanted to compare notes.03:44
Sakarathats from my xconf.0.log03:44
tailsfanlike a ESS audiodrive03:44
techmadRug: ahh ok :)03:44
Sakarathis is still a breezy badger machine though has dapper drake had an updated kernel?03:45
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ElBrujoalgien usa e17???03:45
techmadSakara check your pm03:45
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techmadPrivate message03:45
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SakaraI havnt got any pm's03:46
techmadtry to pm me03:46
phiretailsfan: you could try alsa-config03:46
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Sakarajust tried then03:46
Sakaratechmad: I think this client diaf03:47
Sakaraopening up another irc cleitn03:47
tailsfancommand not found03:47
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Sakunixtechmad: you get my pm03:49
SurfnKidwhatss the command to bring up the upgrade manager03:49
SurfnKidnot the synaptic03:49
tailsfanphire, it says command not found03:49
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techmadSakunix: maybe its me03:50
spadesSurfnKid gksudo update-manager03:50
phiresorry alsaconf, if its installed03:50
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tailsfancommand not found03:50
techmadSakara: i think its the irc server03:50
Sakunixok np03:50
techmadSakara cause you have to register to send a pm03:51
techmaddo you have aim?03:51
SakunixI do not unfortuantly03:51
Sakunixcan you create a channel on this server03:51
coldcan someone helo me set up /etc/mkinitrd ?03:51
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Sakunixjoin #techmad03:51
kolajeis there an option for starting X that sets the resolution it starts with?03:51
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testanyone know of any config errors with bittorrent?03:51
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MrZaiusis there a way to run ubuntu's installer from inside of a preexisting install?03:52
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Tom7ehi.  what is the difference between tar.gz and tar.bz2 files?03:52
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MrZaiusI've got an idle partition on a gentoo box that I want to install ubuntu on03:52
MrZaiusbut I can't afford any downtime03:52
MrZaiusgotta just install ubuntu and chroot into it for a while03:52
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phireMrZaius, you have to use debootstrap03:52
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MrZaiusphire: how's that done?03:52
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tailsfanGaim sometimes closes on me03:53
ubotuI know nothing about debootstrap03:54
=== harisund_ [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
scholtzok i did a dist-upgrade dapper....how do i turn it into amd64?03:55
phirefirst you install debootstrap, you then use it to install a base ubuntu system03:55
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phireyou then chroot into it, and configure it, and istall a kernel03:56
MrZaiusthank god03:56
phirethen you should be able to boot into it03:56
scholtzis it easy to update dapper 386 to amd64?03:56
MrZaiusyou just saved me from having to stay in my server closet till 10:30pm03:56
=== MrZaius gets to go home!
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narfmasterscholtz, i think you need to at least install a different kernel03:57
phirebut change breezy to dapper03:57
phireand base-config nolonger works03:57
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FunkyDiscoManLO - easy question if anyone wants to take it up. How do you stop the gnome menu collapsing to hide some items? been pissing me off for a while03:57
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AresHow do I find out everything about my computer?03:57
AresIn Dapper Drake.03:58
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techmadI dont know if some of you know03:58
AresLet me clarify, all hardware properties, etc.03:58
narfmasterAres, install sysinfo03:58
techmadbut aim/aol seems to be banning people using a client other than their own03:58
F7i'm trying to install ubuntu desktop 6.06 but the installation dialog window is larger than 640x480 while i can't get any higher resolution. Anyone has a solution to this?03:58
AresThank you.03:58
FunkyDiscoManF7 yes03:58
=== reiki [n=yardbird@70-98-238-124.dsl1.hol.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ares!info sysinfo03:59
ubotusysinfo: Simple GTK program that shows some UNIX/Linux system information. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 93 kB, installed size 508 kB03:59
F7hi FunkyDiscoMan03:59
scholtznarfmaster: not sure how to do that, cant find an amd kernel03:59
FunkyDiscoManf7 hold alt and drag window about then set up after install03:59
FunkyDiscoMansimple as that03:59
F7ok thanks FunkyDiscoMan! :)03:59
Tom7ehi.  what is the difference between tar.gz and tar.bz2 files?03:59
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reikiok... dumb question time. I burned the 6.06 alternative image to CD. Is it bootable? I'm about to tear down this machine and want to make sure I have a bootable CD.03:59
scholtzhow do i install the amd kernel from dapper i38604:00
FunkyDiscoManTom7e higher compresssion algorithm used in bz204:00
MrZaiushmm... wrong window04:00
AresOk, how do I add the repository universe into my apt-get or whatever, config?04:00
Tom7eFunkyDiscoMan:  why do source packages release both?04:00
racefire_Hey guys, I have a problem with ZSNES.04:01
theeilreiki: yes, it really should be04:01
farkyanyone know why xchat, by default, starts in workspace 2?04:01
FunkyDiscoManincase some people dont have bz2 installed , try installing it without ;)04:01
racefire_On my windows partition, I have ROMS and snapshots,04:01
sidHow can I install xvidcap with ffmpeg encoding support on Ubuntu dapper? I want to make Ubuntu video guides with xvidcap, and have it be mpeg; istanbul boggs my system down too much. And I am not able to use it. But this xvidcap seems to be a bitch to install; ./configure shows me I have all the things necessary. I installed a crapload a -dev packages. But it won't compile --> http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/uOwMjy95.html04:01
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
racefire_for snes9x04:01
reikitheeil: ok thanks... worst case is I'll have to pull the hard drive and put it back into this box to bug you with more questions :)04:01
sidI don't want to use istanbul; as it sucks up too much cpu for the demos I want to do; and it lags the shit out of my machine. xvidcap would be much better, if I could get it installed.04:01
racefire_And I want to try to get those working under ZSNES Linux.04:01
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racefire_I know I must be interrupting something, but I wanted to ask.04:02
Tom7edoes the ubuntu kernel have hotplug?04:02
tailsfanracefire_ www.emulationrealm.net try finding another emu04:02
farkyTom7e: yes04:02
msarmetI'm having problems to install my wireless driver (IPN2220- LanExpress) in my notebook. I find the driver, but I got a "Illegal driver" message... can anyone help me?04:02
theeilreiki: if you have the latest version, it should also be a fully functional live cd04:03
hunterwhat kernel version is in the current ubuntu?04:03
farkymsarmet: are you using ndiswrapper?04:03
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reikitheeil: I didn't download the desktop CD. I downloaded the alternative one.04:03
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msarmetYes, I'm using ndiswrapper on Ubuntu 5.1004:03
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farkymsarmet: is the file you are using an .inf file?04:04
theeilreiki: ah, i have that for xubuntu but didn't know they have them for the main distro04:04
msarmetfarky: Yes - neti2220.inf04:04
SurfnKidtaco wrapper04:04
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs04:04
rathethis might sound stupid but04:04
=== debian_ [n=debian@hlfxns0146w-142167163030.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
hunterwhat kernel version is in the current ubuntu?04:04
ratheis it possible for linux to slow down your internet connection04:04
rathei feel like my internet is a bit slower download sense i switched04:05
farkymsarmet: then maybe wrong driver and/or wrong driver for device04:05
FunkyDiscoManrathe, how slow04:05
racefire_Thank you, tailsfan. I'll check.04:05
=== divorcedpop [n=divorced@ip68-102-229-19.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunkyDiscoMani had problems with  ipv6 dns04:05
tailsfanNo Prob :)04:05
msarmetfarky: do you have any idea where I can find it? I tried on Acer homepage and sereval forum pages, but I coudn't find it...04:06
debian_does anyone know if there's a command line equivalent for switching from one workspace to another04:06
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farkymsarmet: hold on ill find something04:06
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ratheidk just seems slower04:06
raptros-v76Seveas: are you there?04:06
msarmetfarky: thanks!!! I'm using one Acer TravelMate 235004:06
scholtzanyone know how i cant install an amd64 kernel? is there a source?04:07
rathelike i was getting 130kbs now its like 40ish04:07
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
tailsfanWho uses Dapper Drake in here04:07
SurfnKidused to04:07
siddebian_: chvt04:07
SurfnKidgoing to soon04:07
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tailsfanI'm trying to get a good software recemondation04:07
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FunkyDiscoMan4 what ?04:08
tailsfanI'm trying to get a good Download Manager04:08
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debian_sid: is that for tty's or virtual desktops?04:08
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racefire_I know FreshDownload is good for Windows, I don't know if there is a Windows version.04:08
racefire_Returning the favor! :)04:08
farkymsarmet: try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179270&highlight=IPN222004:08
phirewget works04:08
tailsfanI did that already04:09
tailsfanand what about Freeedownloader04:09
=== Thlayli [n=bigwig@p54976866.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
msarmetfarky: ok. I'll try. Thanks a lot.04:09
siddebian_: man chvt04:09
FunkyDiscoMantailsfan theres a firefox extension, never used it tho04:09
narfmasterscholtz, you might have to do a clean install with an amd64 disc04:10
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narfmastercan't seem to find other sources04:10
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tailsfanWhat extension?04:10
theeiltailsfan: i use freeloader for bittorrent, but it also works for http, and there is always wget ;)04:10
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racefire_Tails? The only reason I don't already use SNES9x Linux (now in 1.5) is that I can't get the frontends working....04:11
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tailsfanIs it installed already?04:11
scholtznarfmaster: ok04:11
J_Phi all04:11
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scholtzdoes cdrecord work for dvds?04:11
FunkyDiscoManHow do you stop the gnome menu collapsing to hide some items? its really pissing me off now04:11
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tailsfanalso does anyone use KPPP?04:11
narfmasterFunkyDiscoMan, huh? when did that start?04:12
FunkyDiscoManim using dapper04:12
Gh3ckoheya can anyone plz help me i just instaled ubnutu... and i got someprobs i think i screwed up with the partition format ..04:12
FunkyDiscoManlike those bloody ms ones, progress!04:12
tailsfanKPPP, as in the KDE Dial-up program04:12
racefire_snes9x? I can download an archive from their main mirror.04:12
FunkyDiscoManscholtz try k3b04:12
narfmasterFunkyDiscoMan, i have yet to have the pleasure of seeing that happen04:12
tailsfanI think you can04:12
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scholtzFunkyDiscoMan: i just want cmdline, i have server install04:13
tailsfanI just got Gens _racefire04:13
rathewhats the cmd to show hard drive space stats etc04:13
spadesdf -h04:13
Gh3ckocan anyone hlp?04:13
racefire_Gens.... Isn't that Genesis?04:13
FunkyDiscoManscholtz cdrdao04:13
a5an0whats up gh3cho?04:13
Gh3ckorly dunno04:13
Gh3ckoinstaled ubuntu04:14
narfmasterGh3cko, try using gparted on it04:14
Gh3ckoand i cand make folders and stuff04:14
Gh3ckoonly on desktop04:14
=== linopil [n=yehudit@DSL217-132-40-32.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
racefire_Then how is it relevant? Sorry if I'm being and idiot....04:14
Gh3ckoi think i screwed up with the root partition format04:14
tailsfanFusion is not listed04:14
scholtzFunkyDiscoMan: it looks like cdrecord does it04:14
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Gh3ckoi picked at install the first one..04:14
=== dli [n=dli@ppp-67-39-183-228.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gh3ckosmthing 3:P didnt remember it .. v newb with linux:D04:15
tailsfanI <3 Dapper Drake!04:15
Sakunixhas 6.06 for i386 seen a new kernel since 5.1004:15
tailsfanexcept for modem reasons04:15
narfmasterSakunix, since 5.10?04:16
Sakunixsince breezy04:16
narfmasterSakunix, several04:16
Sakunixwhat kernel version is shipped with dapper?04:16
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Sakunixok compiled with gcc404:16
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=== hawkaloogie [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu
a5an0hey, does anyone have the default fstab line for mounting a windows drive (i.e., install dapper with a windows partition, dapper makes a line in /etc/fstab for the win drive)?04:17
racefire_How do I get SNES9x working in Ubuntu Dapper?04:17
tailsfanHave you read the instructions?04:18
=== linuxlearner [n=nowisn@206-248-160-81.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gh3ckodoes extended 3 tipe of format for the root partition work?04:18
scholtzhow do i see info on my dvd writer?04:18
racefire_I don't quite know where they are. Sorry. :-(04:18
racefire_For SNES, that is.04:18
linuxlearnerhello all04:19
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rathewhats the screen shot command04:19
FunkyDiscoMana5an0, "/dev/sdb5       /media/sdb5     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"04:19
spadesrathe import i think04:19
a5an0Gh3cho: yes, ext3 is fine for /04:19
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FunkyDiscoMana5an0 need a hand setting something up?04:19
a5an0thanks FunkyDiscoMan!04:19
linopilhello linuxlearner04:19
racefire_hello linuxlearner04:20
FunkyDiscoMana5an0first is ur device then second mount point04:20
racefire_I guess I'm one too04:20
linuxlearnerhelp, i'm trying to install the macos-x aqau theme04:20
FunkyDiscoMana5an0 first is ur device then second mount point04:20
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tailsfanby double-clicking the file, it should load up the archive manager and look for a INSTALL or README file04:20
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto04:20
racefire_Oh. Right.04:20
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Gh3ckoa5an0 .. then why cant i put files on /04:20
linuxlearnertrying to find the themes folder to insert the unzipped files into04:20
linopilhow is linux on macS ?04:20
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Patrick_hi all, how do you assign your own IP address to a ubuntu computer for a wireless network?04:21
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linopilAND WHY MANUALLY ?04:21
FunkyDiscoMana5an0 - this is fat32 isnt it - didnt even think04:21
philc_is there a gui for viewing svn histories in windows?04:21
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dtshow do i mount something through ssh/sftp?04:21
dtsas if it was local04:21
a5an0Funky: no it isnt, I just modified my fstab without backing it up (oops, forgot), and wanted to have a backup for down the line04:22
tailsfanthat help _racefire?04:22
linuxlearnerI extracted the .tar to my desktop but i do not understand where to put them unless i was suppose to direct it there from the extraction manager?04:22
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a5an0my new line is  /dev/sda1/media/sda1ntfs-fuseauto,gid=1001,umask=00020004:22
FunkyDiscoMana5an0 -  ntfs? "/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"04:23
narfmasterlinuxlearner, move the files to ~/.themes04:23
Patrick_hi all, how do you assign your own IP address to a ubuntu computer for a wireless network?04:23
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Gh3cko5an0 .. then why cant i put files on /  i cant do anything on /04:23
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narfmasterlinuxlearner, you'll need to Show Hidden files04:23
spadesPatrick_ edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and set a static ip04:23
_nano_hi, is there an app that converts proprietory video formats like avi,mpg, wmv etc. to open source ones like ogg?04:23
a5an0gh3cho, can you write to ur $HOME?04:23
Gh3ckoi just instaled ubuntu 1 hr ao04:24
tailsfanCan GStreamer 0.10 and 0.8 be installed at the same time04:24
linuxlearnerk, i'll try it TY04:24
a5an0thanks again Discoman04:24
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a5an0btw, the line I posted will allow for ntfs writing if you have FUSE04:25
linopilGh3cko: there is a good reason04:25
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FunkyDiscoManGh3cko - would you like a free linux ref manual - "http://www.freetechbooks.com/about97.html"04:25
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linopilwhile learning new system you better be protected even from your own wrong moves04:26
linopilsounds ok?04:26
Gh3ckoye but i dlded a photo on my pc.. and cant put it anywhere only on desktop04:26
racefire_there is no install file, but there is a readme04:27
FunkyDiscoManits because you dont have permission to04:27
=== Yan [i=unknown@modemcable031.114-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
a5an0you probably cant write to / ecause u arnt root04:27
racefire_I guess I'll read it more carefully this time.04:27
Gh3ckoi'm the only one on this pc.....04:27
=== camolion [n=nuclear@42-238.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
linopilGh3cko: also on tmp - temp folder04:27
tailsfanthen read that, that is all I can say04:27
camolionmy X server exploded :(04:28
ratheis there games in apt get04:28
linopilGh3cko: you are the only one still your system has to be protected04:28
narfmasterrathe, yes04:28
=== xice [n=ben@220-245-163-83-sa-nt-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
linopilyou are on the Net now remember04:28
spadesGh3cko you should be able to put it in your home folder, its best to keep / as is04:28
rathewhats the search command04:28
Gh3ckoand wheres the home folder:P04:29
narfmasterrathe, just use Synaptic04:29
Yanhow do u boot ubuntu in shell only no graphic interface ?04:29
spadesGh3cko ~  or /home/user04:29
=== racefire_ [n=racefire@ool-182fd1a9.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu []
linopillearn from links given l8r learn to carefully  <<< sudo >> commands04:29
a5an0home folder is usualy in /home/[user] 04:29
camolioni updated to dapper and now when X loads, it gives me (EE) Failed to load module "kbd" and "mouse" errors :( (module does not exist)04:29
a5an0if you type `cd`04:29
=== divorcedpop [n=divorced@ip68-102-229-19.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
a5an0youll go there04:29
a5an0or `cd ~/`04:29
=== johnnyX [n=johnny@dsl-208-98-137-236.fmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gh3ckoye .. found it D04:29
linopilin the beginning home dir is enough04:29
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=== Nitefall [n=nitefall@pool-71-241-93-194.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
a5an0and then you can do `mkdir [name] ` to make new folders04:30
farkyWhat's the best mp3 player you think for ubuntu?04:30
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
farkyi want something really simple, no bells and whistles04:30
narfmasternothing simpler than xmms04:30
johnnyXcan someone tell me why firefox will tell me certain sites are forbidden randomly?04:30
farkythanks you04:31
johnnyXlike dogpile and google04:31
Gh3ckolino and that home dir .... if i put it there it takes space from ? right?04:31
FunkyDiscoManGh3cko - i posted a link for you earlier, if you want to use *nix then you should do a bit of reading04:31
=== sloucher [n=BB@64-121-33-16.c3-0.sfpo-ubr1.sfrn-sfpo.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gh3ckoor from swap?04:31
linopilvideolan is best for having movie and sound formats ready04:31
joblook at your preferences04:31
linopilwww.videolan.org aka vlc04:31
=== Hanna [n=Hanna@ip227.cab26.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
NitefallI just set up a dual boot with xp home/ubuntu. and I'm wondering since ubuntu didn't ask where to install grub, where it is.04:31
a5an0takes space from /04:31
johnnyXand it will take me to different sites then what i typed in the url04:31
narfmasterjohnnyX, you may have to chat with your admin if you are at work04:31
FunkyDiscoManNitefall MBR04:32
johnnyXi'm not04:32
Gh3ckoye then its ok....04:32
=== phreak97 [n=phreak97@219-90-251-40.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
camolionany command to generate a xorg.conf file? when i upgraded, mine exploded :(04:32
spadesYan you can init 1 to go into single user mode, if you want this evertime, disabling g/k/xdm from startup would boot you into a console login04:32
Nitefalldoes it preserve the windows bootloader?04:32
Gh3ckoty guys04:32
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Gh3ckoahh btw can i play a game from the nfts partition on linux with wine?04:32
Nitefallbah, if I delete the ubuntu partitions at any time then I'll have to reformat and install xp again, then04:32
johnnyXi have google set as my homepage and it will tell me that its forbidden04:33
Gh3ckoor i have to instal it on / to...04:33
Yanspades is there any ways to just kill the interface to work in shell? i tried ctrl-alt-backspace but it keeps loading back ;)04:33
Nitefallunless there's a way to avoid that04:33
FunkyDiscoMancamolion hold ill get you cmd04:33
johnnyXor i'll try to go to wikipedia and it takes me to bbc news04:33
johnnyXor it just wont load at all04:33
johnnyXthings like that04:33
=== hawkaloogie [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXi've reinstalled it twice04:33
spadesYan just do an /etc/init.d/gdm stop or ctrl+alt+f1 to get into virtual terminal04:33
=== HBuzacott [n=hugh@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Yanthx u :)04:33
FunkyDiscoMancamolion - sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:33
johnnyXdoes anyone know how to fix it?04:34
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
camolionsame error ><04:34
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc3-blfs4-0-0-cust387.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
FunkyDiscoManNItefall - there is04:34
ardchoilleDoes anyone know of a recipe or cooking management app for gnome?04:34
camoliondapper is the most current version right? that is what i changed the sources list to before update,upgrade04:35
FunkyDiscoManuse ur xp cd to restore mbr04:35
dlijohnnyX, http://www.wikiepedia.org04:35
johnnyXwhat about it dli04:35
=== jupiter_ [n=jupiter@201-34-199-58.gnace702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NitefallI didn't get an xp cd though, just a restore disc that formats completely and reinstalls xp04:35
narfmasterjohnnyX, it sounds like your ISP's DNS is messed up04:35
tailsfanen.wikipedia.org actually04:35
jupiter_boa noite04:35
dlijohnnyX, you mentioned going to wikipedia?04:35
johnnyXits not my isp04:35
NitefallI hate Gatway Computers04:35
=== Dasnipa] [ [n=Dasnipa@c-71-228-63-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnnyXthats not what i asked dli04:36
dlijohnnyX, where are you? which country?04:36
xnull-just installed mysqld(how do I let other ppl. to connect? from outside)? shoud I enable something ? thanks04:36
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dlijohnnyX, okay then, I know wikipedia is blocked by China04:36
narfmasterjohnnyX, try slashdot.org04:36
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FunkyDiscoManK you could still use grub to boot windows from ntfs partition prob a pain in the ass to setup04:37
farkyIs there a way to have xmms not show up in the windows list?04:37
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dlijohnnyX, since you are in u.s., it's not blocked, try IP:
maurycyanyone know how to find a thinkpad product number, when the label is removed?04:37
dlijohnnyX, that's one IP of www.wikipedia.org04:37
maurycyanyone know how to find a thinkpad product number, when the label is removed?04:38
johnnyXi dont need to go to wikipedia i just mentioned that when i try to go to sites it will take me to other ones i was just using it as a for instance04:38
=== firebird619 [i=firebird@user-33qts2n.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
camolionwhen i start X server, it gives me a cant find kbd and mouse error with the default xorg.conf file04:38
johnnyXand that it will tell me google and dogpile are forbidden04:38
FunkyDiscoManNitefall - borrow someones cd, start setup del unix partitions then quit install, it will reset to win bootloader. but dont leave us04:38
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tailsfanIs there another program like PeerGuardian for Linux?04:39
dlijohnnyX, what I was trying to help is to locate the problem04:39
NitefallI switched to Ubuntu because SuSE linux was horrible04:39
NitefallI don't have any intention of deleting Ubuntu right now04:39
FunkyDiscoMangood good04:39
=== cfarmer [n=cfarmer@pool-72-64-23-63.char.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nitefallwould an old cd, say a windows 98 work?04:39
johnnyXi can get to wikipedia fine04:40
johnnyXbut sometimes it does this run around thing04:40
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
firebird619I am trying to set up dial-up Internet on Dapper. I have compiled my modem drivers and it is autodetected in Networking, and I can connect to the Internet, but I cannot go to any Web sites, I get the Server Not Found page in Firefox. Any suggestions as to what is wrong?04:40
PhoulIs there anyway to revert back to your original xmodmap?04:40
johnnyXnot just wikipedia all sites04:40
tailsfanalsa-project gives me probs04:40
dlifirebird619, no DNS?04:40
dlifirebird619, can you go to web by IP?04:41
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firebird619dli: No04:41
dlifirebird619, can you ping?04:41
=== jeff__ [n=jeff@c-68-37-67-223.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunkyDiscoManJohnnyX - sounds like prob with dns servers in alias file04:41
rathei just installed somethen from synaptic but it dident tell me where the game went04:41
ratheits suppose to be a 2d rpg04:41
dlifirebird619, to test, sudo route -n04:41
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dlifirebird619, do you have a reasonable route table?04:42
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
delmarHi everyone. I'm having some major issues getting a system to boot up.  Dapper alternative CD - server install ...  Installs fine, but when it reboots I'm getting stuff like .. IOP0: device already claimed, IOP0: DMA/IO allocation for I2O controller failed.  ALERT: /dev/i2o/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell.  The same issues reported here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183870 and here http://www.ubuntuforums.or04:42
delmarg/showthread.php?t=189110 .  The system has an Adaptec 2110S raid card.   The install CD seems to use the same kernel as the target install, so surely this is a userspace/Dapper issue rather than kernel but who knows... Does anyone have any ideas or things I could look at or try to get this thing to work?04:42
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firebird619dli, no, I can't do anything, but yet I know I am connected because when I pick up the phone while connected I hear the handshake. Also, I have the Modem and Network Monitors on the panel and the Network Monitor becomes active, but the Modem Monitor shows Not Connected.04:42
=== jeff__ [n=jeff@c-68-37-67-223.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Nitefallgaim doesn't handle IRC well04:42
FunkyDiscoManNitefall - what irc client u using?04:43
NitefallI'm IRCing with Gaim04:43
FunkyDiscoMantry Xchat04:43
dlidelmar, a n00b way, boot livecd (which drives up your raid), and do lsmod there, make the module list, and make sure they are in your /etc/modules04:43
tailsfanYeah, that is what I'm using right now04:43
NitefallI downloaded the xchat rpm and ubuntu said "package type not supported"04:44
delmardli, so you are thinking its a missing module?04:44
=== distant_ [n=root@cpe-24-175-215-145.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dlifirebird619, stop pppd, try wvdial04:44
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Nitefallon xchat's site it appears it only supports fedora and windows04:44
dlidelmar, very much likely04:44
FunkyDiscoManNitefall - rpm is for redhat based systems04:44
FunkyDiscoManNitefall - use apt-get04:44
firebird619dli: I can't tried sudo route -n yet because I am on the Internet on another computer right now. I tried wvdial, it always says connected and then it says carrier signal lost.04:44
=== raul [n=raul@201-11-74-238.jvece7004.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
delmardli, perhaps a module loading ahead of a needed one... hence .. device already claimed? thats the "jist" I am getting from some forums stuff04:45
dlifirebird619, did you try StupidMode with wvdial? it works for many04:45
delmardli, but im not familiar with all this udev crap to know what I'm supposed to add/change04:45
distant_i have a slave hdd i want to install a separate OS on inorder to set it up for an alternative box. do i format it as ext2 or ext3?04:45
firebird619dli: how do I get to StupidMode with wvdial04:45
narfmasterdistant_, ext304:45
dlidelmar, I would build the kernel myself, in livecd, do lsmod, and build the kernel based on the list04:46
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dlifirebird619, in your /etc/wvdial.conf04:46
TraeBuffer I/O error on device hda5 logical block04:46
delmardli, i could do I guess04:46
dliTrae, bad sign, time to backup04:46
Traedli, I'm running the live cd04:47
Traeit's trying to boot04:47
firebird619dli: Do you mean entering the phone, user name, password etc. or is there something else I add to that file to get to StupidMode?04:47
dlidelmar, also get the newest kernel from kernel.org, if your controller is a new one04:47
delmardli, hell no. its ancient.04:47
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dlifirebird619, no, you first try wvdialconf to generate a wvdial.conf, then, you edit it, you can " man wvdial.conf "04:48
delmardli, but im seeing forum posts about a few people with Adaptec cards having this issue.. but nothing that applied to Dapper to fix the problem.. but it has given me a few ideas.04:48
dlidelmar, then, just build your kernel04:48
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delmardli, i think its a module load issue... order.. or lacking module as you say.04:48
dlidelmar, make sure you build in the drivers04:48
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firebird619dli: wvdialconf did not generate one, it couldn't find the modem. I edited wvdial.conf myself and entered the info myself.04:48
delmardi, im quite familiar with building kernels. i might give that a try after I play with other things.04:49
dlifirebird619, you can make a link to /dev/modem04:49
tailsfanHow do you use wvdial04:49
dlitailsfan, sudo wvdialconf04:49
xnull-just installed mysqld(how do I let other ppl. to connect? from outside)? shoud I enable something ?04:50
tailsfanbut I installing something with terminal right now04:50
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dlitailsfan, then, you edit the file /etc/wvdial.conf to specify username, passwd, phone number04:50
firebird619dli: I have already done that, it was part of the steps of installing the modem. It is an Intel 537EP Internal Modem. It worked great on Breezy, no problems at all.04:50
tailsfanIt's called kdelibs4c2a04:50
distant_is there any way to install another os on the separate hdd?04:50
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dlifirebird619, I remember wvdial seeks /dev/modem04:51
delmardli, i want to play with whatever the tidy way is.. to modify the load order or loading of modules....04:51
delmardli, so whats all this udev crap about.. lol04:51
dlidelmar, build the kernel is more elegant04:51
delmardli, i used to think this way but u are wrong04:52
delmardli, for this server.. perhaps yes04:52
=== JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@host-66-205-125-240.classicnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
firebird619dli: It didn't find the modem though, but System => Administration => Networking autodetected the modem after I compiled and installed the drivers.04:52
tailsfanthen do that command again dli?04:52
delmardli, but i don't build kernels like that anymore. far easier to use the packaged kernels for ubuntu04:52
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dlitailsfan, for what?04:52
Nitefallhow do I access bootloader settings in Ubuntu?04:52
dliNitefall, /boot/grub/menu.lst04:53
=== camolion stabs his xorg.conf with fire and bees
dliNitefall, mostly, you needs only, " sudo update-grub "04:53
tailsfanfor after you configure wvdial?04:53
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dlitailsfan, sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf ; vi /etc/wvdial.conf04:54
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rathesomeone play atlantic with me04:54
camolionwacom is a tablet right? why does it think i have a tablet?!??04:55
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dlitailsfan, you need a working modem, of course :)04:55
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tailsfanI have one04:56
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tailsfanI'm just sick of disconnecting04:56
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PhoulHow do i revert to my defualt xmodmap settings?04:56
tailsfanit disconnecting automatically04:56
gratuithey, I just bought a PDA, and I'm having trouble finding documentation on getting it to work in ubuntu, anyone lnow of anywhere I should be looking to get it to work?04:57
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linuxlearneris there a file tree in ubuntu?04:57
dlitailsfan, then, give wvdial a try, it's usually better than the gnome default pppd04:57
linuxlearnerlike explorer in winer04:57
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dlilinuxboy, nautilus04:58
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narfmasterlinuxlearner, there is a "Tree" mode for the side panel04:58
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dlilinuxlearner, the desktop folders :)04:58
kolajemy usb device is not automaticall mounting like normal, how do i maybe scan for the devices, or mount it manually?04:58
dlikolaje, plugin, dmesg|tail04:59
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dlikolaje, and do something like, pmount /dev/sda104:59
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camolionmy xorg cant find nv, what other drivers are there until i can get that set up?04:59
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tailsfanAre there any programs that Ubuntu can use that recognize Webcams04:59
narfmastercamolion, did you try vesa?05:00
dr_williscamolion,  thats odd..05:00
gratuitdoes ubuntu use udev by default?05:00
gratuitdapper that is05:00
linuxlearnercan i not drag and drop my folders into the themes folder from my desktop05:00
camolionmy xorg.conf is having a ton of errors, i upgraded to dapper by switching the sources list to say dapper05:00
narfmasterlinuxlearner, i don't see why not05:00
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camolionreally frustrating, i wish it was happening on a day when i wasnt feeling completely depressed and not feeling like dealing with this >_<05:01
camolionneither vesa or nv exist now o.o05:01
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narfmastercamolion, it may be time to reinstall :p05:02
dr_willissounds to me like all of X dident get installed/updated right05:02
linuxlearnerfunny thing is i cannot find ~/.themes05:02
FunkyDiscoMancamolion see if modules loaded "lsmod | grep nv"05:02
narfmasterlinuxlearner, press Ctrl+H05:02
camolioni already tried that 2 times, and i dont have a CD burner right now to make a new versions CD05:02
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-246-51.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tailsfanlinux, you have to start the themes manager and it will create the folder05:02
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narfmasterlinuxlearner, you can make the folder yourself if need be05:03
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narfmasterand make a ~/.fonts folder too05:03
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camolioni need a hug05:04
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ssuehri need teh intarweb05:04
=== dr_willis downloads the internet.
tailsfanIs teher anyway of stopping Connection Timeouts?05:05
linuxlearnerman i feel stupid at the moment05:05
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rathehey anyone know what this means05:05
ratheWARNING:  MeshTransform::Tool::Tool()  2.0.0 inversion bug05:06
winman#apt-cache shows that linux-headers- is available, when I try to do a apt-get install on it, it fails with package not found ... what needs to be done to fix this?05:06
rathe          The most likely cause is a 'spin' transformation05:06
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rathei get it when i try to play bzflag05:06
CntryboyAnyone know if apollon p2p program has a feature to turn off the download notification?05:06
newbuntu can anyone help me with somewhat off-topic question? I have a linux qtopia-based han-held called Archos PMA 430m, its power adapter has a 3.7 voltage..and I lost it ! I have a multi adapter that does 3 and  4.5.. question is..is it safe to use either of these in your opinion?05:06
narfmasterrathe, i think you can safely ignore that05:06
newbuntui love apollon , but im not sure about your question05:06
linuxlearnerctrl+h doesn't do anything for me, how do I create the themes and font folders05:06
=== mysterio [n=steve@c-71-192-151-188.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spadeslinuxlearner open a terminal and mkdir .fonts05:07
keleuswhats a quick way to find the full path of a binary launched from $PATH?05:07
FunkyDiscoMancamolion try  "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" then  "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" then "sudo init 6"05:07
tailsfanIs there anyway?05:07
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dr_williskeleus,  'which binaryname'05:09
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camolionk, trying that05:09
kuzmasterhello all05:09
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narfmasterwhich -a filename05:09
camolionthe init 6 is rebooting o.o05:09
keleuschmod ug+s will make a binary run as a paticular user (the user/group of the file) rather than whoever ran the binary, right?05:10
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camolionthat cant be good.. i cant even see the command line05:11
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FunkyDiscoManarrrgh - really!!!!!!!!!05:11
YanEach time I try to do a ./configure it keeps telling me i doesnt have acceptable compilator in $path.. I try to locate any gcc / cc binaries but didnt find any how can i fix that please? :P05:11
ubotuI know nothing about audio05:11
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:11
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ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs05:11
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare05:11
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narfmasterYan install build-essential05:12
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FunkyDiscoMancamolion - any news05:12
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Yannarfmaster thx :)05:13
tailsfanAnyone getting the Ubuntu Book?05:13
ubuntu_how do I set up sound through the console?05:13
narfmasterYan, you're welcome05:13
camolionit loads the kernal, then the screen goes completely blank x.x05:13
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camolionmy CD burner wont respond either x.x05:14
dr_willisOrieally has a ub8untu 'hacks' book comming out.. i think theres some other books due out soon also05:14
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FunkyDiscoMancamolion - bad night huh? id buy you a few whiskys if i could05:15
camolionvery, i appreciate it though05:15
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camolionhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190512&highlight=failed+load+module+%22kbd%22 <-- that was similar to my first problem, minus the synaptics thing05:16
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camolionim gonna try to revive my cd burner, which involves rebooting this compy05:17
camolionhopefully i shall be back if it doesnt explode05:17
camolionnow taking bets on previously mentioned explosion05:17
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FunkyDiscoMancamolion - gl05:17
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Schalkenis there a way to stop the screensaver from going on while im playing a game?05:17
andbelo[skype]  I installed skype beta 1.3 in Dapper, but the sound has a bad quality. Does anybody had the same or know the reason for that?05:17
pozdiywhat player to use for *.wmv?05:18
Schalkenpozdiy: totem05:18
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dr_willispozdiy,  try vlc, xine, mplayer, totem, with the codecs.. and even THEN ive found some that none of them can play05:18
Schalkenpozdiy: providing you have the codecs installed05:18
hareemhi guys can some one point me to the edubuntu chat room plz05:19
keleuswhats the permissions for u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx in octal?05:19
dr_willispozdiy,  if its some 'porn' wmv's from the net - :P welll theres some nasty spamware-codec crud going on (i hear) :)05:19
Schalkenhareem: i would guess its #edubuntu05:19
hareemthanks man05:19
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
FunkyDiscoMandr_willis - try gstreamer-properties make sure youve got the right outpt set05:20
pozdiydr_willis, could be :-)05:20
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linuxlearnerman this is a pain05:20
dr_willispozdiy,  i had a whole (on wait a FRIEND had a whole bunch) that wouldent play at all.. trying them under WMP10 - wanted to go to some Russian site for the codecs...05:20
Traenomasteryoda, what are you doing now?  Come over to my house and help me build a machine.05:20
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor7-ppp4028.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
pozdiydr_willis, I guess I got one of thow wmvs here..05:21
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dreamcatcher5172happy friday everyone05:21
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dr_willispozdiy,  i advise "friends" to not even mess with downloading torrents/other videos in wmv format.05:22
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pozdiydr_willis, oic, got it through gtk-gnutella05:22
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narfmasteryou should only download mp4s and ogms05:22
QMarioBye everyone!!! :)05:22
Schalkenhow come when i try to play warzone2100 it says "NETinitAudioCapture05:22
Schalken./warzone.bin: symbol lookup error: ./warzone.bin: undefined symbol: alutLoadWAVMemory" and closes?05:22
linuxlearnerhow can i move these folders into there theme folders in terminal cause i'm an idiot on this bad gui05:22
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dr_willisBad guy? :)05:23
hcjc92i asked this yesterday (and forgot) what do i need to get to run startx i got xserver-xorg fluxbox and xdm...05:23
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dr_willishcjc92,  you mean what to you need to 'apt-get install' ?05:23
hcjc92i htought it was xserver-xorg05:24
hcjc92but that wasn't it05:24
dr_willisya could just apt-get install fluxbox and it 'should' get all the needed packages as well05:24
narfmasterhcjc92, i don't think xdm and startx mix well05:24
dr_willisxdm reads the .xinitrc i thought.05:25
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pozdiydid fluxbox ever get gui configurator, or one still has to deal with conf files?05:25
dr_willisor you can not use xdm and use startx05:25
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wsjuniorwhich option should i add to my fstab to get icons of my mounted partitions at the desktop?05:25
narfmasterwsjunior, that would be "user"05:26
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wsjuniornarfmaster: user or users?05:27
narfmasteri'm pretty sure it's "user"05:27
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hcjc92_stupid naim not closing! (and acctually it turns out i hadn't gotten xdm (though i remember say apt-get install xdm))05:27
hareemany one know any lockdown apps for ubuntu05:28
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narfmasterhcjc92_ i don't think xdm is in the Ubuntu repos05:28
hcjc92_i know :)05:28
hcjc92_but i got it05:28
wsjuniornarfmaster: it doesnt worked :(05:28
wsjuniornarfmaster: what more should i do?05:28
hcjc92_now i have to put unionfs and squashfs in my kernel x_X05:29
jumbersI wish I had an Eft :(05:29
narfmasterwsjunior, it should be something like "noauto,user" instead of "defaults"05:29
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wsjuniornarfmaster: hum.. let me try..05:29
hcjc92_2.6.16 is the latest kernel right?05:29
jumbersDo you mean Ubuntu kernel? Or Kernel.org kernel?05:30
wsjuniornarfmaster: still doesnt work. i can mount it normally but i cant see the icon at the desktop.05:30
=== rodrigo [n=rodrigo@pc-159-181-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #Ubuntu
narfmasterwsjunior, it might be a nautilus setting05:30
rodrigoHi there, anyone got a Delta 44 soundcard ?05:31
kwtmMy live CD works on my laptop, but after installation, my Belkin ethernet PCMCIA card isn't recognized.  I have the live CD booted up again now (and the ethernet PCMCIA is working), and used "lsmod" to list all the modules.  How do I know which module corresponds to my Belkin PCMCIA card?05:31
wsjuniornarfmaster: could u help me to get it working?05:31
narfmasterwsjunior, look at "/apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible" in gconf-editor05:31
VieLGuS-KuTaSrodrigo: is that by maudio?05:31
VieLGuS-KuTaSrodrigo: i have the audiophile , i think it has same chip05:32
hcjc92_tar -xvfs right (does that sound right) for un tar.gz05:32
linuxlearnerdo i need to use the su command for root05:32
J_Phey, how I create new initrd.img for my my new kernel ?05:32
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linuxlearnercause i cannot get files to show05:32
hcjc92_or sudo05:32
wsjuniornarfmaster: it is checked.05:32
linuxlearnerdon't understand it05:33
camolionCD burner ressurected, buring 5.10 CD05:33
narfmasterwsjunior, well that's the limit of my comprehension on the matter :p05:33
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mebsdhow can i mount ntfs in kubuntu05:34
wsjuniornarfmaster: what i want to mount is in /mnt is it right? because when i plug an usb device it is mounted in /media...05:34
VieLGuS-KuTaSrodrigo: what u need?05:34
narfmasterwsjunior, it doesn't really matter where you mount it05:34
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wsjuniornarfmaster: as i thought....05:34
=== agamotto bows
rodrigoI can't hear my analog inputs05:35
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rodrigoI'm using envy24control05:35
wsjuniordoes anybody here knows what do i have to do to get the icon of my mounted partition at the desktop?05:35
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hcjc92_tar isn't working :(05:36
hcjc92_tar -xvfz unionfs-1.3.tar.gz05:36
hcjc92_is that right?05:36
mebsduh oh ! when tar don't work..05:36
mebsdread the man page05:37
agamottotar isn't working... in what manner?  No output, an error message?05:37
J_Phey, I ompile my new kernel using kernel-package, and create one kernel.deb, I install that kernel using dpkg -i new_kernel.deb, but in grub not create initrd, so how I create new initrd.img for my my new kernel ?05:37
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hcjc92_tar: z: Cannot open: No such file or directory05:37
hcjc92_tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now05:37
mebsdyou are not using correct grammar05:38
mebsdyes you05:38
narfmasterthe line was fine, maybe gzip is there05:38
scholtzanyone have a sli system?05:39
narfmaster*is not05:39
hcjc92_i hate..... me! tar -xvzf lol!05:39
narfmasterall you need really is tar xzf filename05:39
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hcjc92_narfmaster, whats v do?05:41
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narfmasterv = verbose05:41
grubchubhowdy ho! is there anyway to see your full system configuration?05:41
grubchubram, cpu speed, and what not?05:42
narfmastergrubchub, install sysinfo :)05:42
cwilluI say hamachi.  You say:05:42
grubchubsweet :) thanks narf05:42
narfmasterno problem grubchub05:42
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kormanorouter ql05:43
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wsjuniordoes anybody here knows what do i have to do to get the icon of my mounted partition at the desktop?05:43
grubchubdoh, is sysinfo not avaiable through apt?05:43
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hcjc92_gack Couldn't find package linux-source-2.6.17 meh!05:44
HBuzacottwsjunior, you can just drag the icon out of '' computer onto your desktop05:44
narfmastergrubchub, it's in universe05:44
wsjuniorwhich option should i add to my fstab to get icons of my mounted partitions at the desktop? its an ext3 partition. i can mount and use it but i would like to have that icon at the desktop as when i insert a cdrom or pendrive05:44
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HBuzacottwsjunior, add the option user, which will make the partition user mountable/unmountable, and GNOME will add it to the desktop05:45
narfmasterhmm, that sounds familiar05:46
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wsjuniori did it.05:46
wsjuniorbut it doesnt work.05:46
wsjuniorim able to mount and use the partition05:47
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wsjuniorbut i would like to have the damn icon at the desktop05:47
wsjuniorit used to work with the older ubuntu..05:47
keleuscan i set a users home to /dev/null?05:47
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wastrelkeleus:  i suppose.  why do you want to do that?05:48
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wastrelkeleus:  i think traditionally the user's shell is set to /bin/false if you want to disable their ability to login05:48
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narfmasteror lock their password05:48
keleus.. nevermind i forgot something: the reason i made that user is no longer applicable...05:49
keleusi can just remove it :)05:49
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keane071I cannot get mplayer to play a dvd fully. After the first part of the movie it errors out with a message like "unable to read source block 2365783" i have tried multiple dvds amd i know the drive works because i can watch dvds in windows. I have tried xine too but it just closes the second i try to play the dvd05:50
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keane071any ideas?05:50
hareemdoes any one know the lockdown tool used for ubuntu05:51
narfmaster"Lock Screen"?05:51
scholtzhow am i gonna record a dvd without X05:52
scholtza ubuntu iso05:52
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VieLGuS-KuTaSwhat is the command to specify which jave to use as default?05:52
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VieLGuS-KuTaSscholtz: why cant u start x?05:53
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kizzumeI've forgotten how to view my shell history from a previous session....05:53
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ezenu_more .bash_history05:54
hareemcan some one please tell me the name of the lockdown app for ubuntu05:54
narfmasterVieLGuS-KuTaS, update-java-alternatives05:54
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VieLGuS-KuTaSnarfmaster: ty05:54
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narfmasterno problem, VieLGuS-KuTaS (i think that's the one)05:54
VieLGuS-KuTaSnarfmaster: yup , but not sure how to specify it ,which executable for java?05:55
aloysisHello, has anyone gotten nagios working on Dapper?05:55
narfmasterVieLGuS-KuTaS, use the -l to list and -s name to set05:56
scholtzVieLGuS-KuTaS: says my gpus arent support05:57
VieLGuS-KuTaSscholtz:  what video card u have ?05:57
scholtzasus nvidia 7600gs05:57
kizzumeI got sound working before, it's ice1712, and I got help putting it in the etc modules file so it would be there when I restarted, but it didn't take, and now I can't remember how to get it going again...05:57
scholtzboth sli05:57
azriel_has anyone here had any success with onboard surround using the nvidia nforce drivers?05:57
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narfmasterhareem, i think you want "gnome-screensaver-command --lock"05:59
eigenlambdaso firefox was randomly crashing.  it being the most memory-intensive program on my computer, i suspected the memory.  sure enough, one of the bits in the word at 11C9452C was failing one of the tests05:59
VieLGuS-KuTaSscholtz: im pretty sure its supported . just install the nvidia driver05:59
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eigenlambda...so i hear the way to resolve this issue is to add badram=11C9452C to my kernel command line?06:00
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kizzumeI put snd-ice1712 as an entry in modules--there was a carriage return afterwards, maybe that messed it up.  I'll try restarting my computer again and see if it took...06:00
eigenlambdabut i need badram support first?06:00
eigenlambdaso i go all 'apt-cache search badram'06:00
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eigenlambdaand find nothing06:00
VieLGuS-KuTaSscholtz: dont use sli , use only one card for linux06:00
narfmastereigenlambda, it's probably one of those things you have to recompile the kernel for06:01
eigenlambdaya, thats what i gather...06:01
eigenlambdatheres a package for badram for warty, but not dapper06:01
grubchubssh is working06:01
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grubchubcan you specifiy a domain within let's say a putty termial that points to your home IP (if it's dynamic and if the appropriate ports are forwarded?)06:03
grubchubto ssh to your box?06:03
grubchubso I don't have to remember my ip?06:03
grubchubor hope it doesn't change ;)06:03
=== sean_ [n=sean@71-10-91-126.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sean_Hey all06:03
hcjc92_gack! apt-get install linux-source-2.6.17 does get found....06:03
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wastrelgrubchub:  try adding it to /etc/hosts06:03
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wastrelgrubchub:  or the windows equivalent which i belive is something like C:\windows\hosts06:04
sean_Can somone help me out with making a sim link to Jedit (java program)?06:04
wastrelgrubchub:  or just make a profile in putty06:04
grubchubokie doke, i was just woundering if that was a valid method for connectnig through SSH06:05
grubchubor if you HAVE to have an IP06:05
tehgoochargh this broadcom wireless is going to kill me06:05
grubchubI guess I could always just ping the dyndns IP06:05
eigenlambdawhy isn't badram in the vanilla kernel?  it seems like a simple, non-performance-impactful patch...06:05
scholtzVieLGuS-KuTaS: ok but the driver in the dapper release doesnt support my card06:05
grubchuband get the IP that way06:05
kizzumeWell, I tried taking the carriage return out, but that didn't help.  What more would I need in the /etc/modules file besides "snd-ice1712" to get my sound working?06:05
scholtzVieLGuS-KuTaS: im downloading one from the site06:05
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wastrelgrubchub:  if you have a dyndns domain why can't you put that into putty06:05
VieLGuS-KuTaSscholtz: i know , thats why u need to install the nvidia driver06:05
grubchuboh I wasn't sure if I could or couldn't06:05
tkupis there anything similar to tripwire?06:05
grubchubhaven't had the chance to set it up yet :p06:06
narfmastereigenlambda, i think once part of your RAM is going bad it won't be too long before it all goes bad06:06
tehgoochi just got a lenovo 3000 c100 laptop, put ubuntu on it right away without grabbing the wireless drivers off it beforehand :(06:06
grubchubsorry, just being laaazzzy thought I'd ask first ;)06:06
tehgoochi hope you all don't mind me whining ;)06:06
eigenlambdathis is defective, but i can't return it 'cause i don't have the original packaging06:06
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eigenlambdammm.  ubuntu uses 2.6.15; there is no badram patch for this kernel.06:07
scholtzwhats the release after dapper?06:08
narfmasterbreezy if you go backwards in time06:09
madhatedgy eft right?06:09
tehgoochoKtosiTe, so I am downloading the broadcom drivers for my laptop right now, and I should be able to extract the broadcom drivers for use in dapper from the EXE right?06:09
tehgoochlet me find the thread..06:10
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tehgoochi hope this works06:10
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kizzumeI need help with my delta66 card.  I remember that the command to get it working involves snd-ice1712, but that's all I can remember.06:11
Mezkizzume - probable sudo modprobe snd-icw171206:12
narfmasterlsmod | grep ice171206:13
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kizzumeMez:  Trying that--checking to see if that worked..06:14
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grubchubit worked06:14
grubchubnow I should probably find a better subdomain name...06:14
=== VieLGuS-KuTaS [n=beavis@c-68-81-26-52.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kizzumeMez:  nope--that didn't do it.  It had a pipe | symbol in it...06:15
Mezkizzume ?06:15
Mezkizzume - pastebin the output of lsmod | grep snd-ice06:15
kizzumeMez:  that seems more like it.. let me check that...06:15
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grubchubinstalling uvc woot woot!06:16
Mez(kizzume - thats just to see if the module is loaded)06:16
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kizzumeMez:  Nothing came up.06:16
kizzumeMez:  but I remember the command having grep and | in it....06:17
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grubchubactually i better not06:17
grubchubbetter keep this system clean06:17
Mezkizzume, probably not to make it work06:17
grubchubsince it's soooo ooooold06:17
tehgoochI like pipes.06:19
hcjc92_me too :)06:19
=== hybrid [n=666@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
tehgoochI feel 1337 whenever I use them.06:19
hcjc92_and >>06:20
tehgoochOh yeah, don't get me started on those.06:20
hcjc92_ps aux >> ~/thingy.txt06:20
hcjc92_or ps aux | more06:20
TTilusskipped your meds?06:20
tehgoochi'm heavily medicated right now, just got my wisdom teeth out a day or two ago06:20
tehgoochtell me about it06:21
TTilus_had_ you meds  :D06:21
tehgoochbetter stay on topic06:21
TTilusdamn right you are06:21
hcjc92_i don't know what its like i haven't had the hapen06:21
hcjc92_i cna just imagine it hurting06:21
tehgoochI'm just trying to get my broadcom wireless on my new Lenovo laptop working.06:21
tehgoochUnsuccessful so far.06:22
tehgoochThe meds aren't helping.06:22
TTilustehgooch: why don't you just try it tomorrow  ;)06:22
tehgoochbut then I would have no bash.org in bed.06:22
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kizzume!register kizzume06:23
ubotuI know nothing about register kizzume06:23
=== hareem [n=hareem@toronto-HSE-ppp4078228.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
agamottome waves06:24
=== tehgooch hopes these drivers he just downloaded will make the wireless work.
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=== fiftyfour123 [n=chatzill@cpe-74-65-243-27.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fiftyfour123how do i boot ppc ubuntu from my external firewire hard drive?06:25
fiftyfour123cuz yaboot failed to install06:26
aroonihey folks, (i'm using a ubuntu dapper emulated thru vmware)  how can i 1) assign a unique IP address that i use to connect to the internet 2) find out the MAC address of abuntu06:26
hcjc92_why does: "  git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git ubuntu-2.6" seem to be doing stuff, and then doing it again and gettings stuck on the third pack?06:26
fiftyfour123how do i boot ppc ubuntu from my external firewire hard drive?06:26
fiftyfour123how do i boot ppc ubuntu from my external firewire hard drive?06:26
fiftyfour123cuz yaboot failed to install06:26
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hcjc92_gurb? lilo?06:27
fiftyfour123do they work on ppc?06:27
snoopsarooni one way for mac address.. open up terminal type ifconfig06:27
snoopsfor ip address..06:27
Mezhcjc92, gurb rocks! :P06:27
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fiftyfour123hcjc92: do they work on ppc?06:28
hcjc92_fiftyfour123, whats ppc?06:28
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VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:28
snoopsthen from there you can click on your ethernet connection arooni and click properties06:28
hcjc92_and does anyone haVE any ideas about my proble?06:28
fiftyfour123powerpc is ppc06:28
hcjc92_why does: "  git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git ubuntu-2.6" seem to be doing stuff, and then doing it again and gettings stuck on the third pack?06:28
fiftyfour123hcjc92: ppc is an arch for the older macs06:29
fiftyfour123not older06:29
=== Aven [i=aven@adsl-69-231-81-29.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
fiftyfour123but before they switched to intel06:29
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Avenmy PC keeps shutting down and says it's overheating, however fans are working well... what seems to be the problem?06:29
hcjc92_oh, i  don't know then, i've never used a mac (well elementry school made us use iMac (eviler than windows (tis saying somthing))06:30
hcjc92_i don't think eviler is a word, but you get the idea06:30
fiftyfour123yeah, lol06:31
hcjc92_awsome   git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git ubuntu-2.6 finally finished!06:31
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-210-137-247.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tom7ewhat is the most commonly used personal finance software?06:31
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Avenmy PC keeps shutting down and says it's overheating, however fans are working well... what seems to be the problem?06:32
CrazyDoodeor gnucash06:32
CrazyDoodeit's overheating?06:32
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Aventhat's what it says06:32
Tom7enot grisbi?06:32
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CrazyDoodehave your tried grisbi  Tom7e ?06:33
VieLGuS-KuTaSclean out the dust from the heatskink , reapply the thermal compund06:33
MezTom7e - i use grisbi06:33
CrazyDoodetry it then.06:33
hcjc92_OmG a comp overheating! (thats a first, never seen that before, cept when my friend took the fans and heatsink out of his comp)06:33
CrazyDoodei suggest water cooling06:33
=== rob138 [n=rob@adsl-69-232-194-131.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
VieLGuS-KuTaSclean out the dust from the heatskink , reapply the thermal compund06:33
Tom7emy laptop overheats sometimes06:34
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:34
J_PPeople, I compile my new kernel using kernel-package, and create one new_kernel.deb, I install that kernel using dpkg -i new_kernel.deb, but in grub not create initrd, so how I create new initrd.img for my my new kernel ?06:34
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farkyAnyone here use Qemu?06:34
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narfmasteryou really need initrd?06:34
iKernelanybody know how to add a library path? I want the system to see the libs in /usr/local/lib06:34
CrazyDoodeJ_P: grub and initrd.img are two different things06:34
Aventhat's what it says06:35
farkyAnyone use Qemu?06:35
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narfmasteri've used qemu and vmware06:35
CrazyDoodeiKernel: type echo $PATH to see your path06:35
hcjc92_anyone ever used unionfs (please someone) (i guess i should learn more before trying to add unionfs to my kernel, but blah)06:35
erpoIf I want to build my own kernel, how do I create an initramfs so I still get the ubuntu graphical boot screen?06:36
iKernelCrazyDoode, Ah, so we have to add it to the PATH variable eh? Alright, I'll try that.06:36
farkynarfmaster: i just installed it, but do you know how to make the Qemu window non-transparent; by default it is transparent06:36
winmaniKernel, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/lib06:36
narfmasterfarky, not without having compiz anyway06:36
iKernelthanks winman06:37
tehgoochCan anybody help me with setting up my broadcom wireless drivers in a Lenovo 3000 C100?06:37
winmaniKernel, np06:37
tehgoochI seem to be having nothing but problems.06:37
farkynarfmaster: i am using cmpiz06:37
CrazyDoodetehgooch: go to #ubuntu-laptop06:37
tehgoochok, i'll try that06:37
tehgoochthanks CrazyDoode06:37
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dlitehgooch, modprobe bcm43xx06:38
narfmasterhmm, farky i forget exactly how to deal with that06:38
hcjc92_noone ever used unionfs?06:38
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
tehgoochdli, nothing shows up06:38
tehgoochI used wl_apsta.o from this thread the first http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=lenovo+3000+c10006:39
tehgoochWhich did not work.06:39
dlitehgooch, after that, try: sudo iwconfig06:39
farkynarfmaster: any idea?06:39
narfmasterfarky, just a sec06:40
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=== hcjc92_ is now known as hcjc92_bedtime
rob138hi when i ls a directory, all the files except one are black, the one is green, what does green mean?06:40
farkynarfmaster: nvm, it's not working correctly anyways06:40
narfmasterokay, cool06:41
=== root_ [i=root@75-98-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasteranyway, in the future you might try: export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=106:41
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:41
Kibbled_bitsmake it the default in what?06:42
Kibbled_bitsfor instance FireFox I think all you have to do is create a SymLink06:42
Kibbled_bitsI can find the documentation somewhere06:42
Kibbled_bitscuz for instance I think you can have several JREs installed06:42
rob138hi when i ls a directory, all the files except one are black, the one is green, what does green mean?06:43
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narfmastergreen = executable06:43
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aroonii have vmware running on my windows comptuer and i'm trying to connect to my guest os (ubuntu dapper) at its ip address at port 3000 (webrick's server)..... are there any reasons in unbuntu why i would be unable to do this (using NAT connection)06:44
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hawkeHow can I easily get to a package in launchpad, rather than a distro-specific version of a package?06:44
Kibbled_bitsI have a non-profit idea regarding Ubuntu06:44
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Kibbled_bitsanybody care to hear?06:44
TachyonI have a problem. :|  My laptop overheated and shutdown during Dapper installation.  Now Grub gives "error 15"--I can't even boot into Windows.  How can I fix this?06:44
erpoVieLGuS-KuTaS: I just used the regular sun jvm installer.06:45
erpoKibbled_bits: Sure.06:45
wsjunioris ati drivers supposed to work with xorg 7?06:45
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dliTachyon, overheating is a hardware problem06:45
theapocTachyon, use your WinXP cd to restore the mbr (master boot record)06:45
Kibbled_bitsI thought we were on 11?06:45
TachyonI don't have a WinXP CD--I only have a Toshiba recovery disk :(06:45
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Kibbled_bitsTach, you were dual booted?06:46
Fab_10Anybody know of a Linux hardware review site? I'm looking to build a new computer soon, and the sites I have found similar to this are defunct.06:46
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ABACVSlo all06:46
erpoTachyon: Try reinstalling dapper. That will fix grub. Your windows system should still be there.06:46
narfmasternewegg is good IMHO06:46
VieLGuS-KuTaSerpo: i already installed java, but u still need to tell the system which java client to use by default06:46
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wsjunioris anybody here running ati drivers with xorg 7?06:46
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erpoVieLGuS-KuTaS: Do you want to use the firefox plugin for java, or did you get it for some other reason?06:47
Kibbled_bitsnon-profit idea: take in/collect unused PCs then refurbish or rebuild with Ubuntu on them06:47
dliFab_10, the hw page from fsf: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/06:47
jojoman02i keep getting a segfault when starts gdmsetup06:47
Tachyonerpo: Yes, it is; all the files are intact.  Unfortunately, my computer overheats during install.  I know it's a hardware problem, and I'm probably crazy to hope that Dapper will perform better. :/06:47
Kibbled_bitsthen distribute them to poor, single mothers, elderly etc06:47
TachyonMaybe I'll just have to wait until the entire machine cools down in a few hours?06:47
dliFab_10, my way is to get the newest stable kernel, make menuconfig06:47
VieLGuS-KuTaSerpo: azureus06:47
erpoTachyon: Toshiba, you say?06:47
Kibbled_bitsor even private schools with not much money or day cares06:47
TachyonThe evil A70 variety06:47
Fab_10And usually everything is fully supported by then ?06:47
Kibbled_bitseach would be a project though and analyzed06:47
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narfmasterKibbled_bits, there are some schools that are already doing that06:48
erpoTachyon: Go into your bios and change your cpu frequency from "dynamic" to "always low". That might solve the overeating problem long enough to install.06:48
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Kibbled_bitsyes we need a single non-profit to do this06:48
Fab_10dli: Oh wow that looks like just what I was looking for. Thanks a lot.06:48
Kibbled_bitssort of aggregate the work06:48
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erpoKibbled_bits: Well, get to it.06:49
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Kibbled_bitsfrankly most schools or people who would need a PC aren't knowledgeable enough to know that there's still value in an 800mhz computer and that they're being thrown away in wholesale06:50
jojoman02can anyone help, i get segfault when starting gmdsetup, where is gdmsetup skin folder located?06:50
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Tachyonerpo: Did I mention it was a Celeron? :/  No frequency scaling.  I don't have that option in my bios.06:50
erpoTachyon: Celeron M?06:50
EdgthoI've a question ._.06:50
Tachyonerpo: No clue.06:50
theapocAnyone know of a good alarm app?06:50
dlijojoman02, /etc/X11/gdm/ gdm.conf or custom.conf06:50
EdgthoIf I'm going to have ubuntu and XP on the same computer, which would I install first?06:50
erpotheapoc: cron+mpg12306:50
Kibbled_bitsdid you search the universe?06:50
pojeOkay, so I put dapper on a friend's laptop and the buttons in Gnome have funny dots in a grid over them until they are moused over, when they become normal06:51
pojeAny idea what's going on?06:51
dliEdgtho, windows, then, ubuntu, because ubuntu knows howto deal with windows06:51
EdgthoThanks a bunch =306:51
narfmastertheapoc, xmms-alarm is nice06:51
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xnull-hmm any ideea why my ubuntu it's not working?( everything looks ok gdm start I type my user/password and after that he is loading and staying there) no err. no nothing just a brown colour .06:52
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theapocnarfmaster, yeah I tried it, but I was looking for an alternative06:52
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J_PCrazyDoode: ok, so how I create the initrd after install the new kernel ?06:53
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Shizboompoje - switch theme06:53
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qwzybughey party people!06:53
Shizboompoje - that should fix it06:53
dlixnull-, a n00b way, in console ( Ctl-Alt-F1 ), stop gdm ( sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ), rm -rf ~/.gconf* ~/.gnome* , restart gdm06:53
qwzybugubuntu rocks. I still like OSX better, but it genuinely rocks.06:53
pojeShizboom - awesome, I'll try that; thanks a lot :)06:53
qwzybugquestion: is there any way to get my Airport card working in Ubuntu yet? I heard a rumor that that's not in the cards until the next release in October06:54
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Shizboomati vid card right poje?06:54
qwzybugor would I have to recompile the kernel to get airport working?06:54
pojeShizboom - yeah, some sort of ATI mobile06:54
pojeqwzybug - I _heard_ airport support was in dapper by default, but I'm not sure06:54
Shizboomanything but human should work for a good theme with no button coruption06:55
dlixnull-, if that doesn't solve the problem, remove all gnome and reinstall ubuntu-desktop06:55
pojeShizboom - excellent, thanks :D06:55
J-_where are temp files stored at?06:55
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narfmasterJ-_, /tmp06:56
J-_it's alright to delete everything in there?06:56
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VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i use the update-java-alternatives ?  i know where i installed jre but dont know how to make it default ,06:59
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HackerX2** Hey, What is everyone using for torrent. I can no longer stand Ktorrent It just doesnt work well. the main problem is the upload speed limiter doesnt work so it bogs my net way down. So i would like yout guys opion on torrent apps, Thanks**07:00
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qwzybugpoje: I couldn't get it working... there was an entry in the network options box for a wireless adapter, and it said it was active, but I couldn't figure out how to get actual internets working....07:00
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qwzybugaaanyway, I gots to go07:00
qwzybugsee you ubuntuers tomorrow07:00
narfmasterHackerX2, i'm using utorrent07:00
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hate-anyone: mounted ntfs but cant access as user, no permission?07:01
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dlihate-, add uid= option07:01
dlihate-, example, mount -n -oremount,ro,uid=dli /dev/hda107:02
Shizboomyou cant write to ntfs without some other special programs installed i dont think07:02
Madpilotubotu, tell hate- about ntfs07:02
HackerX2narfmaster, I love utorrent thats all i ever run i have it on all my $Windoze$ boxs but i dont belive theres a linux install i thought there was but i didnt see it on there site maybe i missed something?07:02
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions07:02
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narfmasterHackerX2, i use it with Wine07:02
HackerX2no problems at all?07:03
narfmasteryep, works fine with 0.9.12 or newer07:03
zubeenhow do i disable ipv607:03
camolioni need help getting an exclude command on tar to work right, the man page says [  --exclude  FILE  ] , so would --exclude /proc/ be right to exclude /proc/ from a tar operation?07:03
HackerX2i can just download it normal cuz i have wine already07:03
hate-used that script, got it mounted but cant access it as user, only as root..07:03
HackerX2will it run on its own?07:03
HackerX2or do i have to use the terminal07:03
narfmasterHackerX2, really it should work fine :)07:03
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HackerX2Thats sweet07:04
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HackerX2Alrigth thanks i guess that never really crossed my mind07:04
HackerX2narfmaster, one last thing did you get the install or did you run the standalone?07:05
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HackerX2Alright thanks07:05
narfmasterno problem07:05
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shenI'm running 6.06 on a g4 ibook. If I boot up with my usb mouse installed it isn't found or powered on (the lazer isn't running). When I unplug it and plug it back in it works fine. How can I get it going from boot time without unplugging it?07:08
HackerX2Ok some how i managed to get a locked folder on my desktop how do i get rid of it???07:08
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narfmasterHackerX2, just change the permissions to read/write07:09
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MadpilotHackerX2, right-click on it, choose Properties, and check the Permissions tab07:11
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distantmsxFrom terminal, how can i open a file in my cdrom bay?07:12
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HackerX2ok the problem its lock under root and im root but i think in to use sudo in the terminal what the command?07:12
narfmastersudo chmod +w07:13
dlidistantmsx, be specific07:13
Shizboomdistantmsx - gksudo nautilus07:13
=== Zob [n=pinkmano@pool-72-64-253-190.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shizboomthat will bring up nautilus with under root07:13
ZobHow does one explore the c:\ with wine..07:14
distantmsxprob is my bro's box has a geforce w/o linux supported drivers - so i burned the one he needed on cdrom, he has ubuntu its boots upto command line07:14
hareemcan ubuntu be used in a cyber cafe07:14
narfmasterZob, go to ~/.wine/drive_c/07:14
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narfmasterhareem, i think so07:15
Shizboomwhat exactly are the big differences between kde and gnome?07:16
erpohareem: You mean wireless.07:16
hareemboth wired and wireless07:16
narfmasterShizboom, KDE uses Qt and Gnome uses itself and GTK07:17
erpohareem: Both.07:17
erpohareem: Getting wired networks to work is a moderate main.07:17
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erpohareem: Getting wireless networks to work is a major hassle. However, there's a package called networkmanager that makes some things a lot easier.07:17
hareemwell which is more likely to be done07:17
erpohareem: Cybercafes are more likely to provide you with a computer while you're there. However, if they don't, your only option may be wireless.07:18
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Zobis there a .deb file for wintools? If so, can I get a link?07:18
narfmastera good cybercafe would just be a server and a wireless router07:18
narfmasterZob, use winecfg07:18
=== ultra [n=ultra@ip-83-99-0-33.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu
xnull-how do I update kernel to 2.6.17 ? (any chance) ? i want ubuntu packages not recompiled by me :P07:19
hate-dev/sda1       /windows        owner,uid=1000,gid=1000,async,ro,umask=000      0       007:19
hate-/dev/sda5       /media/sda5 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,umask=000 0 007:19
hareemi want to setup a cafe. Using ubuntu . Im trying to setup chillispot but its too much for me. So for now i want to setup a wired cafe07:19
hate-is that right?07:19
ultraHi guys. Brand new to Ubuntu here07:19
Zobuse wine config  in terminal didnt work for me07:19
erpoxnull-: I think 2.6.15 is the latest kernel available precompiled.07:19
ToHellWithGAhow can i set up tor and privoxy in ubuntu?07:19
userundefineHi ultra07:19
distantmsx i need to open NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-8762-pkg2.run via command line from a cdrom07:20
xnull-erpo: it's kinda old07:20
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erpohareem: If you're setting up your own cafe, definitely go for wired. You'll have a lot less hassle.07:20
ultraCan somebody answer me a stupid question? How do I create a link to a partition on the desktop?07:20
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xnull-ultra: with ln07:20
ultraxnull-, Just a ln and put it into my desktop?07:21
hareemyeah. But how can i use ubuntu to do that. I mean i want to logoff my user when their time ends and i want to disable access to all the admin controls on the clint pc07:21
Zobhow to get to wine config?07:21
xnull-ultra: man ln07:21
narfmasterZob, type "winecfg"07:21
userundefineultra, do you want all of them on your desktop ?07:21
erpoultra:  ln -s /path/to/the/mounted/partition ~/Desktop07:21
ultrauserundefine, no, got them all excepted one new I want to access read/write (one of my old win partitions). RW works great but shortcut to it missing on the desktop07:22
Zobis it possible to show windows applications in the ubuntu applications menu?07:22
ultraThx erpo07:22
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userundefineultra, ah, well just use erpo's ln -s07:23
erpoxnull-: Considering how much of a pain in the * linux kernel and driver compilation and installation can be, being only a couple patchlevels behind isn't much.07:23
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xnull-erpo: yeah I know but fedora  and others got default 2.6.17.x  now07:23
erpoxnull-: Besides, if you compile your own kernel, none of the downloadable drivers for ubuntu 6.06 will work with your kernel.07:23
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camolionW: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) <-- it gives me a bunch of those when i tryed uncommenting stuff on the sources list07:24
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Zobhow would I get streaming video files from other online web sites to work? They are not loading.07:24
erpoxnull-: I know. The way linux is built inherently makes it hard to stay up to date.07:25
eigenlambdai think ubuntu should have badram built in so ppls with bad ram, which happens alot to old compies, don't need to recompile theys kernels07:25
Madpilotcamolion, can you pastebin your sources.list for us to look at?07:25
camolionwait.. nevermind, i think it fixes when i press reload07:25
camolionjust the plain old sources list with the # taken out07:25
ultraThx a lot, works like a charm with ln -s07:26
xnull-erpo: any ideea for a remote desktop client/server? (no vnc) cuz suck big time07:26
erpoxnull-: Supposedly there's a thing called nx that works well over reasonably sized pipes.07:27
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ultraDoes somebody have experience compiling or running wine on AMD64?07:28
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narfmasteri'm sure somebody somewhere does ;)07:29
ultranarfmaster,  :-))07:29
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Zobcan anyone help me get streaming videos to work in firefox07:29
narfmasterZob, you probably need the flash plugin07:30
ZobI have got the flash plugin..07:30
Zobflash works fine07:30
=== VieLGuS-KuTaS [n=beavis@c-68-81-26-52.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasterand possibly the mozilla-mplayer07:30
xnull-zob: you need a player installed07:30
eigenlambdaZob:  you need mozilla-mplayer and win32codecs07:30
erpoultra: No on the wine. I would try using a 32-bit kernel and 32-bit software. Your cpu should support it.07:30
ZobI got real player installed07:30
eigenlambdamozilla-mplayer is in universe07:30
eigenlambdawin32codecs is illegal, so you need to download it from an illegal repository07:31
VieLGuS-KuTaSsomeone tell me how to set the sun java to default07:31
ultraerpo, thx, just a pitty for the 64 then. Tried to compile but too many errors07:31
VieLGuS-KuTaSeverything is legal in russia07:31
eigenlambdain russia, your mom is legal07:31
bimberiVieLGuS-KuTaS: sudo update-alternatives --config java07:32
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VieLGuS-KuTaSbimberi: thanks , thats what i was looking for , but how can i specify the install path , couse its not showing up the menu07:33
xnull-haha VieLGuS-KuTaS>07:33
DaveyJumount: /media/usbdisk: device is busy07:33
DaveyJhow can i tell what's using the device?07:33
DaveyJbecause its not active at all07:33
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spadesDaveyboy are you inside its dir while trying to unmount? if so cd to home or something07:34
xnull-daveyj : pwd07:34
bimberiVieLGuS-KuTaS: i don't know.  When i installed the ubuntu (multiverse) sun java package it appears in that menu07:34
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rob138if have a makefile and a *.c, what do i need to do to compile?07:34
DaveyJno i'm not in the directory07:34
ultraLast question for today, is there a great file manager somewhere as I really don't like Thunar File Manager?07:34
ultraKind of multiwindowed07:35
DaveyJpwd ?07:35
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shenI'm running 6.06 on a g4 ibook. If I boot up with my usb mouse plugged in it isn't found or powered on (the lazer isn't running). When I unplug it and plug it back in it works fine. How can I get it going from boot time without unplugging it?07:35
xnull-rob138 : build-esential07:35
DaveyJthat just shows my home directory07:35
rob138xnull-, but what is the command i do in the directory07:35
xnull-rob138 : apt-get install build-esential (install gcc first)07:36
VieLGuS-KuTaSbimberi: i know , but i installed it into a nondefault directory07:36
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ultrahi calamari07:37
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calamariwhen I go to the Gnome menu and choose Quit then Shut Down, it logs out instead of shutting down.  Any idea what might be wrong?07:37
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calamarihi ultra, how are you?07:38
rob138xnull-, i have all the stuff installed, but when i execute make i get: makefile:23: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.07:38
ultracalamari thx, i'm fine07:38
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jackrazzhey everyone07:38
distantmsxi have a problem, who can help?07:38
ultraerpo, no idea about a nice file manager?07:39
bimberiVieLGuS-KuTaS: sorry, i've not delved into how the alternatives system works because it usually just works (tm)07:39
jackrazzmaking another crack at installing xgl for the umtheeth time - sooner or later, I'll get it right(:07:39
calamaridistantmsx: there isn't really 1 on 1 support here.. you just need to ask your question and see if anyone knows the answer07:39
VieLGuS-KuTaSok , ty07:39
VieLGuS-KuTaSbimberi: ty07:39
bimberiVieLGuS-KuTaS: yw :)07:39
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=== [Nige] [n=nige@203-206-85-96.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jackrazzlots of users here tonight...07:40
distantmsxnew box w/o supported drivers means no display. i have the drivers on cdrom, any idea on terminal command to run the file from there?07:40
[Nige] anyone had much luck configuring mplayer pre0-807:40
jackrazzwhat kind of file distantmsx07:40
=== kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
distantmsxits for configuring X from terminal07:41
hate-anyone know of an alt to gaim? preferably with ym cam? oh and mp3 playback?07:41
hawkaloogiedistantmsx, if you're using ubuntu, try installing the nvidia drivers from apt07:41
jackrazzdon't know that one, just know about tar, deb and bin.07:41
hawkaloogiedistantmsx, i just tried to get the ones from NVIDIA and they did not work no matter what i did07:41
erpohate-: I think there's a fork of gaim with webcam support. I don't know about an integrated mp3 player.07:41
distantmsxhow can i edit the repositories from terminal?07:42
jackrazzI can give you the driver names if you need them.07:42
calamaridistantmsx: sudo nano /etc/arpt/sources.lst07:42
narfmasterdistantmsx, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:42
calamaribah typo07:42
calamarinarfmaster: thanks :)07:42
jackrazzthats even better calamari..07:42
narfmasterno problem07:42
distantmsxand is the apt-get install <same file as i named>?07:42
jackrazzanyone here install xgl?07:43
narfmasterapt-get install nvidia-glx07:43
mikeredistantmsx: have you tried the nvidia driver that comes with ubuntu?  apt-get install nvidia-glx07:43
erpojackrazz: Tried it. Too much trouble.07:43
distantmsxill go try it now07:43
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jackrazznarf, doesnt that just install opengl stuff?07:43
jackrazzor does it do everything?07:43
mikerejackrazz: no, it installs whole thing07:43
hate-erpo: its on that repository thing right?07:43
jackrazzautomated dependicies are great07:43
cwilluhow to I write a floppy image?07:44
distantmsxthat worked07:44
calamarijackrazz: I had that whole compiz thing and wasn't very impressed.. slowed things down a lot and had some weird quirks07:44
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erpohate-: No idea. I've given up on webcam support in linux. Most of the time, a webcam requires a driver. Getting a driver working in linux, especially an unpopular one, is an exercise in futility.07:44
distantmsxmy bro upgraded his box for dualcore/overclocking purposes - only prob was had to recover a crashed disk w/ mostly ned hardware.07:44
calamaribut it was fun to play with :)07:44
hintswenhey, how do i get something through the console that i'd normally get through the package manager thing?07:44
jackrazzok, I'm using the instructions from here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl07:45
cwilluhintswen: apt-get install <package name>07:45
narfmasterhintswen, apt-get / aptitude install07:45
jackrazzI saw compiz, but I want that spinning cube!07:45
hintswenand if i don't know the esact name?07:45
rob138can someone explain how to fix this error when i am trying to "make" : makefile:23: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.07:45
calamarihintswen: apt-cache search <name>07:45
erpojackrazz: Try 3ddesk. It's a lot less painful than getting a composite manager running.07:46
jackrazzdoes geset-compiz work with xgl?07:46
jackrazzerpo, thats not a bad idea..07:46
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hintswen-bash: apt-cache: command not found07:46
cwilluis there a nice clean gui for writing floppy images?07:46
jackrazzrob138, broken script?07:47
erpocwillu: Not to my knowledge. Use dd if=/path/to/image of=/dev/fd0 from the command line.07:47
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:47
jackrazzcwillu how about right-clicking the floppy in nautilus and clicking format..07:47
EsersHas anyone tried to update to 6.06 from cd?07:48
jackrazzthat's what I did07:48
calamarihintswen: that's odd.. it's part of the apt package07:48
cwilluit's under format? thanks07:48
erpoEsers: I did. It broke my installation.07:48
hintswenwhich means absolutly nothing to me07:48
erpoEsers: I wiped and reinstalled. That worked fine.07:48
calamarihintswen: ls -l /usr/bin/apt-cache07:48
Shizboomi didn't relize people still used floppys :P07:48
rob138jackrazz, and anyone else, is there something wrong in this makefile script that i have copied? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1752007:48
EsersBut that somehow sucks :) You can update from internet, but from a cd07:48
calamarihintswen: does that command show a file?07:49
cwilluShizboom: network boot on machines with no net-bootable bios07:49
Shizboomi haven't even had a floppy installed on my computer in like 7 years i dont think ;x07:49
hintswenno, it just gives the error07:49
jackrazzrob, I'm a newbie myself, but I'll look.07:49
hintswenoh, didn't see command 1 sec07:49
[Nige] !mplayer07:49
cwilluShizboom: to say nothing of the 4 am phone call I got this morning when somebodies floppy was corrupt (grrrr)07:49
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs07:49
Shizboomand thats the main reason why i dont use them07:49
hintswenls: /usr/bin/apt-cache: No such file or directory07:49
Shizboomthey are terrible07:49
jackrazzrob, do you have everything installed to properly compile07:49
cwilluno dice under format :/07:50
Shizboomif i want to transfer around data ill send it to myself or host it somewhere i can access07:50
ToHellWithGAi'm trying to use privoxy and tor07:50
hintswenoh sorry i'm stupid, was pasting it in wrong console07:50
jackrazzoh, he wants a faster compiz(:07:50
ToHellWithGAis anybody here familiar with setting up privoxy and tor?07:50
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erpoShizboom: Except that they were ubiquitous before a people decided they weren't necessary anymore. Now if you want to carry data around to other computers you have to have a usb memory stick and cd drive. If you want to carry data back, forget about it.07:51
jackrazzhumm, I think I saw some how-to's at freedesktop or something like that.  The orignal link was at novells xgl site.07:51
=== doofy-_ [n=user@c-71-229-160-37.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jackrazzIt looked good, on a wiki i think07:51
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-145-46-149.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
hintswenE: Invalid operation libpoe-component-irc-perl07:51
erpohintswen: Did you remember to type install after apt-get?07:52
Shizboomwho carries data anyway :P07:52
DeshHow do I see how many monitors my laptop is set up to use, B/c fglrx will not work and I think it is b/c it thinks I have 2 monitors since ATI Control Panel lets me adjust settings for 2 screens.07:52
calamarihintswen: is that when running apt-cache ?07:52
Shizboomi just store it on ftps or email servers07:52
Shizboomevery computer has internet access that i use :D07:52
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erpoShizboom: What if you want to carry a megabyte to a computer that's not connected to the internet, or that has a 28.8 modem only.07:53
hintsweni typed apt-cache search POE and got libpoe-component-irc-perl, then typed apt-get libpoe-component-irc-perl07:53
erpohintswen: You need apt-get install libpoe....07:53
hintswenaah, i gotta be in root07:53
hintswenso much for me being root!07:53
Shizboomi don't deal with that sort of stuff so i can sleep better at night in my perfect world :D07:53
fyrestrtryou need to type sudo apt-get install libpoe-component-irc-perl07:53
DeshShizboom: What is your ISP dies?07:54
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Shizboomill be shit out of luck :D07:54
hintswenomg, i don't think i know my root password07:54
Shizboomif something is that critical that i can't afford not to have it ill burn it onto a cd07:55
jackrazzI installed GoogleEarth using sudo when it didn't need it...didn't even know that programs don't always need root to install.07:55
Deshhintswen: SHould be your normal pass07:55
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hintswenoh, lol07:55
jackrazzwhat, you didn't use the same one omg..07:55
Deshhintswen: you san use sudo pswd <user> to change passwords.07:55
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hintswenE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:55
hintswenE: Unable to lock the download directory07:55
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natecullyou don't need your root password as long as you can 'sudo', do you?07:56
Deshhintswen: Close adept?07:56
Deshhintswen: ew synaptic07:56
YtseJamblechs, when I boot from the Ubuntu LiveCD, I get a sort of a DOS prompt instead of a pert GUI(?). What am I doing wrong?07:56
rob138for some reason whenever i open a terminal, it's base directory isn't ~ but something else, how do i revert it?07:56
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natecullYtseJam: What messages are you getting?07:56
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indierosshello im having a problem with my screen resoultion can anyone help me07:56
Shizboomrob138 - cd ~ ?07:56
hintswenyou lost me, sorry i'm a total newbie07:56
YtseJamNothing. Just some sort of a DOS prompt07:57
jackrazzwhen I drag a link from firefox to the desktop, it always adds 'link to' to the filename - is there a way to get rid of that?07:57
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rob138Shizboom, but everytime i open terminal it opens in the other directory07:57
indierossit wont let me set it to 1280 x 102407:57
bll3r87how is everyone going07:57
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YtseJamnatecull, well there's more but I'll have to boot again to see07:57
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Shizboomahh no clue on that :P07:57
Deshrob38: I dunno about the Ubuntu one but on Kubuntu you go to the options menu and leave the 'Directory' field blank.07:57
natecullYtseJam: It's more likely to be a Linux (bash) shell prompt rather than DOS - does it show a '#' prompt?07:57
spadesrob138 which dir does it open?07:57
redbladesHi, I'm trying to get DDclient working, but having quite a few issues.07:57
YtseJamBut in essence, it's a DOS prompt07:57
jackrazzYtseJam, did you try the livecd option?07:57
bll3r87can someone help me out real quick please. . . im having a problem connecting to the internet07:57
redbladesI'm behind a router (with a firewall07:57
rob138spades /usr/lib07:57
YtseJamjackrazz, what livecd option?07:57
natecullYtseJam: possibly this means that it failed to enable X, the GUI system07:57
rob138spades, just some directory i was in while trying different commands on the keyboard, and accidently set it i think07:58
distantmsxhey guys, nvidia-zgl didnt work. its an older card, a geforce 2. know any repository carrying an nvidia driver supporting an amd/linux?07:58
YtseJamI downloaded the Desktop CD version ("LiveCD").07:58
jackrazzyour trying to install ubuntu from a cd?07:58
=== Hawk||- [n=Hawk@p549CB6FA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
spadesrob138 see if you can edit how it starts07:58
Desh:( No matter what I do mesa3d serves as my opengl. :(07:58
redbladesAnyone here using DDclient?07:58
YtseJamnatecull, okay, what can be done07:58
narfmasterdistantmsx, try nvidia-glx-legacy07:58
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Deshrob138: I dunno about the Ubuntu one but on Kubuntu you go to the options menu and leave the 'Directory' field blank.07:58
YtseJamBTW, I can dir/w there and I see all sorts of files, even a readme.txt, but it won't open07:58
bll3r87could someone help me out please, i just have a quick question07:58
natecullYtseJam: oh, huh07:59
natecullYtseJam: does 'ls' work or give an error?07:59
Deshbll3r87: Istate the question. :)07:59
YtseJamDamn I'll have to boot07:59
jackrazzdistant, try going here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl07:59
YtseJamOkay, I'll IRC from the other box and boot this one07:59
natecullYtseJam: ok07:59
jackrazzthere is some stuff on what to do for legacy07:59
Deshbll3r87: That way people will know if they can answer.07:59
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rob138spades,  well now everytime i open a terminal, it opens from the last used directory from closing07:59
jackrazza separate link on supported hardware07:59
bll3r87oh sorry Desh, well here is my problem, i just had the internet working and all of a sudden it stopped, but GAIM still connects08:00
bll3r87it doesnt make sence to me08:00
bll3r87firefox displays an unable to connect message08:00
bll3r87and the system packages section wont connect, but Gaim does08:00
Deshbll3r87: What type of connection, wireless, ethernet, etc.08:00
DaveyJumount: /media/usbdisk: device is busy\08:00
DaveyJthe directory isnt open08:00
bll3r87i had everything set up, but out of no where it stoped08:00
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bll3r87i was on the internet, i downloaded the flash player, everything worked fine08:00
jackrazzyou dont have firewire or some firewall installed?08:00
DeshHmm, the signal may be bad, have you tried rebooting and reconnectiong? Or getting closer to the access point?08:00
bll3r87i tried a bunch08:01
bll3r87ive been using ubuntu for awhile now08:01
jackrazzbackups can be a lifesave when learning(:08:01
bll3r87never gave me no problems08:01
spadesrob138 go to edit> current profile>title and commands> last thing there should have options when exiting, what is yours set to?08:01
winmanhow do I know which driver is being used for X?08:01
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Deshbll3r87, type "iwconfig" at a command promt and put it on pastebin08:01
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bll3r87well im actually on my laptop right now08:02
bll3r87do you have AIM?08:02
rob138spades: Exit the Terminal08:02
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jackrazztry 'top' from a command line and see if it tells you what progs are running08:02
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jackrazzmay not tell you libs though08:02
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calamariwhen I go to the Gnome menu and choose Quit then Shut Down, it logs out instead of shutting down.  Any idea what might be wrong?08:03
indierossso does anyone know how to fix screen resolution issues?08:04
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jackrazzindierooss, what kind of monitor08:05
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:05
jackrazzthe ubuntu wiki has some good info on xorg.config08:05
=== YtseJam [i=majesty@bzq-88-154-223-23.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeshHow do I disable a 2nd monitor? In the system settings I can see a 2nd monitor options even tho I dont have one.08:05
natecullanother useful command for X is: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:05
natecullthis will redetect your monitor settings08:06
indierossthanks ubotu08:06
YtseJamnatecull, ls does nothing. Also: DPMS Protected DOS Mode / Caldera DR-DOS, what the heck...08:06
YtseJamAnd BTW, I can't use the other box, err. :)08:06
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natecullYtseJam: cool, it really is DOS. Weird08:06
rob138spades: Exit the Terminal08:07
jackrazzi'll be back in a bit. gonna see if nvidia-glx is showing its screen at bootup.08:07
YtseJamI got the Desktop CD .iso, burned it and made sure its bootable...08:07
YtseJamAnd I get DOS. hah.08:07
natecullYtseJam: It's possible it's using DR-DOS to boot, so it can launch Linux from DOS the same way whether you start in Windows or on bare metal08:07
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natecullweird that it's not getting to launching the Linux bit though08:08
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=== natecull goes to insert his 6.06 CD to see what's on it
HackerX2Can i run Photoshop CS2 In wine?08:08
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YtseJamI see it scans for devices and finds the partitions I have, but it stops with the DOS prompt.08:08
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mikereI think I'll wait till everything installs and configures itself correctly before using xgl08:09
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MadpilotYtseJam, that's probably a Linux command prompt rather than a DOS prompt, just to be accurate08:09
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efoxhow do i cp the contents of a folder OUT of the folder ?08:09
Xencan someone help me? my gnome desktop wallpaper and icons won't load, right clicking on blank desktop will not work.. help quick please08:09
efoxwhen i try the cp command, it copies the entire folder08:09
YtseJammaddler, dir/w also works in Linux command prompts?08:09
MadpilotYtseJam, try "ls" for listing files08:10
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mnemoneefox, cp $PATH/folder/* $DEST08:10
YtseJamMadpilot, I tried. nothing.08:10
Xencan someone help me? my gnome desktop wallpaper and icons won't load, right clicking on blank desktop will not work.. help quick please08:10
efoxmnemone: thanks08:10
top222YtseJam: ls is the same as dir /w08:10
top222YtseJam: ls -l  is more like your ordinary dir08:11
HackerX2_Will PhotoShop CS2 Work With Wine?08:11
YtseJamtop222, I know... :) I meant that not as a question to show Madpilot that it's not a Linux command prompt. :)08:11
YtseJamI guess I was misunderstood.08:11
top222YtseJam: My bad.  It's morning here and I just woke up.08:11
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YtseJamSame here.08:11
spadesrob138 im not sure why its doing that, can you find what its calling to start the terminal and see if there is anything wrong with it?08:12
MadpilotYtseJam, how did you manage to get to a DOS prompt during a Linux install? (or have I misunderstood how you got there?)08:12
rob138spades, what does that mean?08:12
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spadeshow are you starting the terminal?08:12
rob138spades, ctrl-alt-t , or gnome-terminal08:12
YtseJamMadpilot, I'm trying Ubuntu 6.06's Desktop CD ("LiveCD"). After boot I got a Caldera DR-DOS prompt instead of having something, a GUI, to load...08:13
top222I have 3 OSes in my Thinkpad.  Two linuxes (one is Ubuntu) and MS-DOS (did not do much with it, but intended to use it to flash the BIOS)08:13
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HackerX2_** Is there anyway to get Kistmet to work with Ndiswrapper? **08:13
YtseJamit seems like your regular [win]  DOS prompt...08:13
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fyrestrtrYtseJam: what current OS do you run on your machine?08:13
MadpilotYtseJam, that's a neat trick... is this a burned CD or a pressed ShipIt one?>08:13
spadesrob138 hmm, well i dont know, sorry, try posting it on the forums maybe?08:14
nateculld'oh, this is taking longer than I figured08:14
YtseJamMadpilot, burned .iso.08:14
rob138spades, okay, thanks  : )08:14
natecullgot to dismantle a box to get the CD out...08:14
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narfmasterYtseJam, type help help08:15
MadpilotYtseJam, when you first stick the LiveCd in, one of the options is "Check This CD" - try that08:15
tobias_Hello! I have problems with my Plextor SATA DVD under Dapper. Every 4 s I got a lot of error messages as long no DVD is in the drive.08:15
YtseJamMadpilot, I get nothing like that.08:15
YtseJamIt just boots from the CD, scans my system (or so I believe) and then I get the DOS prompt.08:16
tobias_Someone can help?08:16
MadpilotYtseJam, you should get a short menu, "Run Ubuntu" at the top, and a couple of other options08:16
YtseJamMadpilot, should.08:16
jarrettCan someone help me, my nvidia drivers appear to be installed correctly, but when i run "glxinfo | grep direct" i get "direct rendering: No"08:16
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MadpilotYtseJam, either you've got a bad burn, or a bad ISO download08:17
fyrestrtrjarrett: how do you know they are installed correctly?08:17
YtseJam^ that's the one I downloaded.08:17
jarrett<fyrestrtr>i see the nvidia logo when i boot?08:17
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YtseJamSo where's the torrent for the LiveCD version? I'll download again *grumble*08:18
MadpilotYtseJam, did you run md5sum on the ISO after you downloaded it?08:18
fyrestrtrjarrett: when you boot, or when gdm starts?08:18
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoesn anyone know how to change the directory in which the update-alternatives --config java looks for available java clients?08:18
YtseJamMadpilot, no.08:18
fyrestrtrYtseJam: try a direct (non-torrent) download08:18
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACFBE9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotYtseJam, Desktop = LiveCD for Dapper08:18
timalotcan some one point me to some docs about how to create a deb package out of NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run, i have the kernel source + build tools08:18
YtseJamMadpilot, yeah I know (there really should be 1 name for it. ;))08:19
fyrestrtrYtseJam: and also, burn it on a 700 MB blank, not a 650 MB one. Try it from here http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso08:19
YtseJamYes, I burned it on a 700MB CD...08:19
MadpilotYtseJam, it used to be called LiveCD, now it's just Desktop - it's a new name for Dapper, so people are still using the old one, just to confuse everyone08:19
fyrestrtrYtseJam: check the checksum before you burn the file.08:19
jarrett<fyrestrtr>umm, im not sure, im a noob, it displays when the first graphical stuff starts to display, right before the login screed i think, also when i press shitf+backspace to restart x it displays08:19
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YtseJam260kbps, nice.08:20
jarrett<fyrestrtr>i installed the nvidia drivers using the BUMPS utility http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=14308:20
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firebird611Do I need any packages installed before being able to install .bin files?08:21
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=== natecull finally manhandles the cover on his test machine open, extracts Dapper Desktop CD
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natecullseems to be booting using isolinux08:22
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fyrestrtrjarrett: don't know what the BUMPS utility is, but you can easily verify that you are using the nvidia drivers or not. First, type this grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:22
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fyrestrtrjarrett: you should get one line - Driver  "nvidia"08:22
ZobI cant seem to download mozilla-mplayer08:22
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juiceanyone out there?08:23
narfmasterZob, it should be in multiverse08:23
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:23
jarrettgrep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf i do get that line, but i also get two lines before it, # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig # nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder3)  Wed Mar 29 14:43:26 PST08:23
juiceis it possible to have an extended desktop?08:23
ZobI enabled multiverse..08:23
Zobit shows the icon08:23
Zobbut I can not click it..08:23
Zobnore install it08:23
fyrestrtrjarrett: okay, no problem. Are you using anything like XGL?08:23
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HackerX2_Zob refresh08:24
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jarrett<fyrestrtr>yes, i am, but not currently because the program i want the direct rendering for is steam in wine08:24
fyrestrtrjarrett: okay, what do you get with this glxinfo | grep vendor08:25
jarrett<fyrestrtr>server glx vendor string: SGI client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation08:25
fyrestrtrjarrett: seems you are running xgl.08:26
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ZobI have refreshed... it says this item is not currently installable.. it says to enable the multiverse, but I have already.08:26
Zobso im not sure why its not working.08:26
jarrett<fyrestrtr>i disabled it in the startup sessions thing, im seeing no eyecandy curently08:26
fyrestrtrjarrett: I think you are running the xserver-xgl version, not the plain version -- which is why your server vendor is sgi and client is nvidia (which is what I get on my xgl desktop)08:27
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HackerXZob, to honest i have no clue with out seeing it i cant tell ya08:28
=== akant wants to install xgl for xserver :)
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Zobalright. :P Can always just download the video files and play them.08:28
fyrestrtrZob: close synaptic out, and from a terminal type 'sudo apt-get update' then type 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-player'08:28
HackerXZob, What are you trying to do?08:29
jarrett<fyrestrtr>sorry, that is kind of confusing to me, all i know is im using the http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ repos, but xgl isnt currently active i dont think08:29
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes anyone know how to change the directory in which the update-alternatives --config java looks for available java clients?08:30
fyrestrtrjarrett: okay let me try to explain it. When you install compiz, you actually change the x server that you are running -- which I think kills direct rendering. If you revert back to the 'normal' x server, you will get direct rendering.08:30
Zobpinkman@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get mozilla-player08:30
ZobE: Invalid operation mozilla-player08:30
HackerXAre you trying to play embeded windows media player files in firefox?08:30
fyrestrtrZob: that's not what I wrote, is it?08:30
Zobhmm hol dup08:30
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akantdoes any here use FWD?  Are there any fun numbers one can call just for the hell of it? ....which play music ..etc?08:30
jarrett<fyrestrtr> how would i convert back to normal x server, and would i still be able to use xgl when i didnt want to play my games?08:31
akantI would think there would be alot of this08:31
Zobpinkman@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mozilla-player08:31
ZobE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:31
ZobE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:31
narfmasterZob, you need to quit out of whatever is using apt08:31
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burepeanyone know how to install flash in firefox.  I got an error when I  tried in firefox.08:31
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bll3r87burepe there is a system package for that08:32
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Zobpinkman@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mozilla-player08:32
ZobReading package lists... Done08:32
ZobBuilding dependency tree... Done08:32
ZobE: Couldn't find package mozilla-player08:32
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gonniffDoes anyone here regularly use Evolution?08:33
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DBOgonniff, i do08:33
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burepebll3r87: sweet08:33
gonniffHi, DB008:33
Ghmmmm, best     way to stop X loading from a ubuntu live cd is.....?08:33
DBOhi gonniff...  O_o08:33
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RopechoborraWhere is it mounted the webcam?08:33
gonniffI've just installed and configured it a few days ago, but have noticed I'm having trouble with contacts08:33
gonniffIf I click on the Contacts tab, they display, but not when I click on "To:" when typing a mail08:34
gonniffI seem to remember this being a problem several years ago under Red Hat08:34
gonniffHave you ever seen this?08:34
Zobmozilla-mplayer has been installed, although still not working.08:34
G'cuse the random repeated chars, running a live cd in VMWare was my best way to get an irc client08:34
fyrestrtrgonniff: what kind of server are you connecting to08:34
DBOgonniff, yes I have, and I am not aware of a fix to be honest08:35
gonnifffyrestrtr: it's a pop server08:35
RopechoborraWhere is it mounted the webcam?08:35
gonniffthey're just local contacts08:35
DBOfyrestrtr, its a local database issue08:35
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Zobits fixed.08:35
gonniffthat's what I was afraid of08:35
zdux0012I wanted to have the option of xcfe, so I apt-got it. Now, by bootup screen says xubuntu, and is blue.  How can I change this boot up screen back to the original?08:35
Zob:]  thanks08:35
=== jackrazz [n=jackrazz@209-144-248-128-dyndsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrhaven't seen this problem on evolution, and I use it everyday at work.08:35
burepeI have my system in Japanese and the text is weird. Kanji and hiragana are on different plains so it looks messy, not flat and straight08:36
burepeanyone know anything about this?08:36
gonniffI've heard of people starting the data server "by hand" and this working (for a while), but don't really want to have to go down that road08:36
juicedoes anyone know how to setup an extended desktop onto a tv?08:36
hanasakianyone give me a hand setting up coda?08:36
gonnifffyrestrtr: how did you add your contacts?08:36
gonniffDid you pick them up from incoming mails or set them up from scratch?08:36
ZobHow would I install winrar? Or a rar archive.. to uncompress rar files?08:36
fyrestrtrgonniff: they are being fetched from the server directly, and when I type them in, it looks them up. Also, when I hit 'To:' it lists them.08:37
jarrett<fyrestrtr> do you know how to revert back to the normal x server?08:37
DBOZob, sudo apt-get install rar unrar08:37
MadpilotZob, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:37
n00bAnybody successfully installed tovid on dapper?08:38
fyrestrtrjarrett: yes, but I think there is a way to get direct rendering running with the xgl server -- atleast I read something to that effect. Try searching the gentoo-wiki08:38
gonniffI just added a contact by hand and it displays that, but not the ones I've added via incoming mails (i.e. right-click the "From:" field and add address to contacts)08:39
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jackrazzwhile on the topic of rar...7zip only comes as a command, the windowsXP 7zip gui program isn't available in linux, right?08:39
rpedroanyone here installed vmware-player through synaptic?08:40
gonniffHa! I think I just worked it out!08:40
narfmasterrpedro, yep08:40
gonniffIf you add contacts from incoming mails, but don't opt to "edit full" and supply a nickname, it won't display in your contacts when clicking on "To:" in a new mail08:41
fyrestrtrjackrazz: linux has a few alternatives. In ubuntu, you can just double click on an archive and it will open up the gui browser for it.08:41
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gonniffseems a bit funny to me.08:41
rpedronarfmaster:  I'm getting a load of errors when I run it from console08:41
rpedronarfmaster: is it working for you?08:41
narfmasterrpedro, works fine here08:41
ZobAlright.. RAR works/Streaming Videos Work/Wine works. Now, is there anyone who can guide me through installing a MMORPG?08:41
rpedrook, I'll take a look in launchpad...08:41
gonniffOh, well. That's that problem solved, I guess. :)08:41
gonniffY'all have a good one08:42
ZobIf not.. perhaps adobe photoshop cs2?08:43
Zobim sure they both work the same way08:43
polpakZob: I don't think you can use cs208:43
polpakZob: you can use the gimp though08:43
ZobWhat is the gimp?08:44
polpakZob: as for the MMO, it depends on which one you want08:44
polpakZob: it's like photoshop08:44
ZobI am tryign to install Korean Ragnarok Online08:44
polpakZob: only it's got scriptable plugins and it's free and open source08:44
ZobI see.08:44
polpakZob: first you need wine08:44
ZobI got wine.08:45
LynoureZob: One nice MMORPG for Linux is A Tale in the Desert. It's non-free, though08:45
polpakZob:  http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb08:45
ZobYes, I wanna stick with RO though.08:45
ZobMy windows xp disk, as well as the drive is a mesed up. So was forced to install ubuntu.08:45
ZobRagnarok ONline.08:46
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narfmasterZob, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=92808:46
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felicitasmy sound doesnt work08:49
felicitashow do i detect the mistake?08:49
linopilrestart PC felicitas then try again08:49
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alieasHi, I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers on a compiled 2.6.18-rc1 (patched) kernel.  (a driver I require is stock in .18-rc1).  I've tried my standard debian way and the nvidia install with no luck.  can anyone recommend a way to manually install the drivers?  thank you08:49
felicitasi have08:49
rathelUbuntu is having a problem with my Battery on my VAIO laptop, when I boot the computer with the battery in it doesn't detect but if I take out the battery and put it back in it works just fine08:49
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felicitasis it todo with nvidia graphic driver?08:50
hintswendoes ubuntu come with a C compiler?08:50
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linopilon notif. area there is the speakers icon . anything redc on it?08:50
felicitasi installed xgl08:50
ZobHmm.. how do I download "http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=928"?08:50
felicitasbut i am here with gnome08:50
nadeemi have installed it now08:50
ZobDont see a download anywhere..08:50
linopilgnome is ok08:50
narfmasterZob, that is info about RO08:50
nadeemi can work in gnome08:50
ZobI see.08:50
felicitasis speakers icon08:50
nadeemRO is cool08:50
linopilanything red on speakers icon?08:50
ZobI know what RO is.08:51
ZobNeed to know how to use it.08:51
Zobin linux08:51
narfmasteryes, but making it work with Wine will probably require reading that08:51
nadeemi know how to use it and how to write the code to make it08:51
fyrestrtrhintswen: no, but you can get one easily. sudo apt-get install build-essential08:51
linopilclick on icon preferences08:51
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felicitasso what could it be?08:52
linopiltry to test it08:52
felicitasi have08:52
felicitasno sound comes08:52
fyrestrtrfelicitas: what kind of sound card is it?08:52
felicitasnot even the ubuntu sound08:52
hintswenfyrestrtr how do i use that compiler?08:53
felicitasit worked few days ago08:53
linopilgood news08:53
ZobCan I install it, and someone help me with getting it to run?08:53
fyrestrtrhintswen: what do you want to compile, just C, or C++ ?08:53
fyrestrtrfelicitas: what did you do since then?08:53
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felicitasplug in the webcam08:53
linopilfyrestrtr: not easy to fugure out08:53
felicitasthat works08:54
dbmataevening folks. Anyone up for helping out with an nvidia driver problem?08:54
felicitasi bought it yesterday08:54
felicitasi needed no driver08:54
linopilin one of my ubuntus sound disappeared and restart brought it back08:54
felicitasit worked plug and play08:54
hintswenfyrestrtr, just C08:54
fyrestrtrhintswen: haven't done it in a while, but it should be gcc file.c, then to run it type ./a.out08:54
felicitasi hav done that 3 times08:54
hintswenok is there a C help room around here somewhere?08:55
polpakhintswen: ##C08:55
felicitasi try again back in a minute08:55
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fyrestrtrhintswen: they'll probably ask you to rtfm, so be warned.08:55
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hintswenwell if i ask for help, i'll be asking for the manual08:55
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hintswenor a tutorial(i'll google first!)08:56
DAegerI got this ubuntu installed ..08:56
jarrett<fyrestrtr> i cant find any kind of workaround for firect rendering and xgl, most sites say its not possible, how do i go about using the normal x session insted of compiz to get direct rendering?08:56
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DAegerhow can I get into graphical interface?08:56
blobaughdoes dapper support mp3 playback out of the box?08:56
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blobaughDAeger: startx08:56
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:56
dliDAeger, first, install ubuntu-desktop: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:56
narfmasterblobaugh, no08:56
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polpakblobaugh: ^^ read the thing ubotu said08:57
=== holycow [n=bite@d198-166-50-125.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrjarrett: there is a script floating around on compiz.net that turns it on and off via a click.08:57
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bcc_how would i setup the same exact partitions on another drive? is there a way to pipe the output of one instance of fdisk to another one?08:57
villewell... it worked a bit08:57
villebut there's only a grey background with this console08:57
jarrett<fyrestrtr>ill look it up, thanks for the tip08:57
villecant see any icons etc.08:57
fyrestrtrbcc_: even if here was, that wouldn't get you very far as you would have to actually write the partition information.08:58
=== ville is now known as DAeger
dbmatanvidia, help, anyone?08:58
linopilguys look08:58
bcc_fyrestrtr: is there any other way to do it?08:58
fyrestrtrdbmata: ask a question?08:58
DAegerso what's the problem*?08:58
bcc_fyrestrtr: i don't remember the exact numbers i put in for the first drive08:58
linopiluseful command to kill irresponsive firefox08:58
linopilsudo ps -u yehudit |grep firefox |awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill -908:58
bcc_fyrestrtr: and what i get with fdisk -l doesn't seem to help me much08:58
narfmasteror killall firefox08:58
dlilinopil, why not simply: pkiil -9 firefox-bin08:58
dbmatawell, my previous asked question was if anyone could help with an nvidia install problem. The issue at hand is that xorg.conf doesn't seem to recognize my card.08:58
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fyrestrtrbcc_: what do you mean by numbers?08:59
bcc_fyrestrtr: for the partition sizes08:59
fyrestrtrdbmata: what kind of card is it?08:59
bcc_fyrestrtr: it's for a raid. one drive failed and i'm replacing it, but i don't remember the exact sizes08:59
linopilsudo ps -u <username> |grep <procname_pattern> |awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill -908:59
fyrestrtrbcc_: ah, sorry. Don't know much about raid and linux.09:00
bcc_it's about fdisk09:00
bcc_not raid09:00
linopilquestion is how to make short interactive script to not type everytime09:00
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dbmatafyrestartr: XFX Nvidia 7800 GTX. (NVIDIA Settings in my applications panel sees and views it correctly.) In xorg.conf it's listed as a NVidia default09:00
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dlilinopil, man pkill09:00
fyrestrtrbcc_: are the partitions you want to copy mounted?09:00
dbmatabcc_: what's your question about fdisk?09:00
bcc_fyrestrtr: not on the new drive09:00
J-_is it possible to make a script to delete temp files weekly? If so, where can i find out how to do so?09:00
LGKeizis it possible to run Ubuntu on Vmware? :P09:00
fyrestrtrdbmata: what driver line do you have?09:00
linopildli 10x09:00
fyrestrtrLGKeiz: yes.09:01
=== dibblego [n=nobody@dsl-202-173-178-172.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
bcc_dbmata: i have two drives and i need to re-created the same exact parititions on the second drive as i have on the first one09:01
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoes anyone know how to change the directory in which the update-alternatives --config java looks for available java clients?09:01
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bcc_not the data, just the partitions09:01
dibblegowhat printer can I buy that I don't have to fart around with to get it working?09:01
fyrestrtrJ-_: I believe the system does that automatically for you, at an interval. But if you want to do it manually (don't recommend it), just write a script at add it to the weekly crontab.09:01
VieLGuS-KuTaShow can i get the sudo update-alternatives to rescan the folders for java installations?09:01
dbmatafyrestrtr: I'm sorry, driver line? How can I find that? (I just installed it like 10 minutes ago using apt-get09:01
dlidibblego, hp printers are well supported09:01
dibblegodli, ok cheers09:02
J-_ah crap. i deleted all my temp files tonight.. i hope i didn't screw anything up09:02
fyrestrtrdbmata: type grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a terminal.09:02
dbmatabcc_: can you do it by hand? Just write down the partitions you have and do it by hand in fdisk?09:02
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fyrestrtrJ-_: probably not, unless you were downloading something to them :)09:02
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J-_kk, thanks dude09:02
bobbyi need help with a c compiler09:02
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bcc_dbmata: yep, it shows 76180198+ blocks for the first partition.09:03
bcc_what do i put in when i'm creating it by hand?09:03
polpakbobby: what kind of help?09:03
villehow can I run Gnome?09:03
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dliville, install ubuntu-desktop09:03
polpakville: you in kde now?09:03
Zob" open your config file for wine in yer favorite text editor. " where is the config file located?09:03
bobbyi made a program in c and i need to compile it so i can run it how do i do that09:03
villeI dont have anything09:03
villejust this console09:03
dliville, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:04
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villeI installed this and this wont go anywhere else09:04
polpakville: sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop09:04
frogzooville: did you do the desktop install?09:04
dbmatabcc_: Hmm, I'm very familiar with using fdisk in windows, but not even sure if it's in linux... will fdisk let you do it?09:04
carrus85q: I'm using a vt6122 gigabit lan card that detects, but doesn't work with ubuntu (host unreachable errors.)  Anyway, I'm trying to download and compile the velocity linux driver, but it appears that I have no compiler set up directly from a live cd install.  Any suggestions on how to get gcc/make and the like on the machine (keeping in mind it is without internet connection)?09:04
villehow can I type in to console without quitting this irssi09:04
dliville, after that, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:04
dbmatafyrestrtr: I'm assuming you just want the video driver, it's listed as "nvidia"09:04
polpakville: ctrl-alt-f209:04
J-_open another console up? lol09:04
firebird611Do I need any packages installed before I can install a .bin file?09:04
polpakville: ctrl-alt-f1 to get back here09:04
bimberibobby: install the build-essential package, it brings in the C compiler (gcc) and some other goodies09:04
frogzooville: there's other consoles on ctrl alt f1-f609:04
villeand command was apt-get something..09:05
bcc_nevermind. thanks.09:05
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fyrestrtrdbmata: glxinfo doesn't show direct rendering?09:05
=== Rope|0ff is away: No estoy
frogzooville: did you do the desktop install?09:05
villewhat was that command again?09:05
Zob" open your config file for wine in yer favorite text editor. " Where is the config file?09:05
villefrogzoo I think I did09:05
dbmatabcc_: Sorry man.09:05
bimberi!away > Rope|0ff09:05
frogzoo!fixres > ville09:05
frogzooville: probly you just need to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:05
bimberiZob: ~/.wine usually09:05
dbmatafyrestrtr: would I run grep nvidia-glx-glxinfo ?09:05
bimberiZob: in the ~/.wine directory that is09:06
=== ville_ [n=ville@cable-kmi-fef0f900-187.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooZob: run 'winecfg' - there's no config file these days - it's all in the registry09:06
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ville_what did I have to dload with apt-get?09:06
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fyrestrtrdbmata: glxinfo | grep direct09:06
J-_scoll up...09:06
polpakville: sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop09:06
RopechoborraIll stay like this then :P09:06
frogzooville: you don't! - it's already installed after the install - just run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:07
dbmatafyrestarter: output of Yes09:07
bimberiRopechoborra: thanks :)09:07
=== ville_ [n=ville@cable-kmi-fef0f900-187.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ville_oh fuck this..09:07
frogzooville: you don't! - it's already installed after the install - just run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:07
VieLGuS-KuTaSis there a way to edit sim links?09:07
bobbyi installed it now what do i do09:07
Zob"To run in a "false" windowed mode, open your config file for wine in yer favorite text editor. Look for DX_Grab and change it to:09:07
Zob"DXGrab" = "N""09:07
Sakara|AFKworkI have downloaded the iso of 6.06 for an i386 how do I get it to install to the hdd every time I try I end up starting a live session09:07
=== Sakara|AFKwork is now known as Sakara
Zobcan I do that in winecfg?09:08
polpakZob: yes09:08
ville_that stupid dpkg says it's interrupted then I do that configure command and it just jamms09:08
frogzooZob: there is no config file - 'winecfg'09:08
polpakZob: there's a checkbox for DX grab09:08
dbmataSakara: there is a link on the desktop that says install09:08
=== Sakara is now known as Sakunix
ville_It freezes totally when it starts doin somethin to database09:08
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Sakunixthanks dbmata09:08
dbmatafyrestrtr: output of direct rendering: Yes09:08
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Sakunixso you install it from the live session?09:09
dbmataSakunix: no problem. Yeah.09:09
J-_good idea indeed09:09
Sakunixawesomesauce idea that one09:09
carrus85any ideas anyone?09:09
dbmataSakunix: and it will let you do your partitioning, etc all from the live session. Beautiful install process.09:09
YtseJamOkay, natecull, the new Desktop CD download is now complete.09:09
Sakunixconfused me lol09:09
kizzumeIs there something I need to do to get my system to recognise the command "make", or has compiling software changed since 2003?09:09
bimberibobby: ''cc file.c'' but are you following a tutorial of some sort?09:09
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SakunixI was like dammit I spend an hour dl'n the wrong cd ><09:09
fyrestrtrdbmata: then everything is okay09:10
dbmataSakunix: took about 15 minutes once I figured out the partitioning, so you should be good. Heh. I'm with you there, I downloaded the 64bit version first.09:10
fyrestrtrdbmata: you have no problems with your drivers, they are running fine and you are using them.09:10
Zobwhere is the check box for "DX_Grab" in winecfg09:10
bobbyyes i am http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson1.html09:10
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J-_i was the same way, then i looked around, then questioned myself...09:10
bimberibobby: kk :)09:10
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fyrestrtrkizzume: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:10
frogzooZob: methinks your howto you're reading is over 2 years old09:10
polpakZob: on the graphics tab09:10
kizzumefyrestrtr:  thanks09:10
dbmatafyrestrtr: ok, then my question changes a bit... I have a two monitor setup, how can I define which monitor should be the default? I read through the tseliot tutorial and it didn't work.09:11
J-_i went from 6.06 back to breezy for some reason, not sure why...09:11
polpakZob: says "Allow directX to stop the mouse leaving the window"09:11
polpakZob: it probably isn't even checked by default09:11
frogzooJ-_: grep -i breezy /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:11
frogzooJ-_: grep -i breezy /etc/apt/sources.list09:11
fyrestrtrdbmata: hrmm, you want dual screen, or extended desktop, or just to turn one off?09:11
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J-_frogzoo: what does that do?09:11
frogzooJ-_: checks you don't have breezy repos configured09:12
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bobbyok i saved it as test.c i whent to it and clicked it and all i got was the codeing of the progam09:12
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J-_hmm, thought i configured my repos a while back :S09:12
jarrett<fyrestrtr>i installed the script, im assuming you were talking about the compiz-start.py one that put an icon on your bar that let you switch to metacity, well when i did switch i ran "glxinfo | grep direct" and still got "direct rendering: No"09:12
dbmatafyrestrtr: well, if I can't have an extended desktop, I'd like to just use my left monitor, and the only monitor that seems to want to work is my right monitor. (Before I installed the driver, my left monitor worked, an lcd. After installing, the right monitor works, a CRT.)09:12
J-_configed them through Synaptic, i think anyway...09:13
linopilLINUX fedora DISTRO has system-config-hal supplied by NOVELL TO LOOK AT HARDWARE09:13
firebird611When I try to install a .bin file, it says command not found. What do I need to do to solve this problem?09:13
linopilWhat tool for hardware here in ubuntu?09:14
dibblegofirebird611, chmod +x on the file09:14
fyrestrtrdbmata: lol, okay. You need to setup xinerama. There are a few tutorials around for that. I haven't set it up personally, but its easy. What you do is, you define two monitors in your xorg.conf file, then you define how they are setup, ie, which one is where relative to the other. 'lcd left-of crt' etc. That should be it.09:14
dlifirebird611, you should install via apt (synaptic)09:14
ZobI installed Ragnarok Online, its not workin though.09:14
Yanwhy GLIB not install in my ubuntu ????09:14
frogzooJ-_: only way synaptic will pick up breezy repos is if you have "breezy" in /etc/apt/sources.list somewhere09:14
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Zobwine: Call from 0x402052 to unimplemented function MFC42.DLL.6478, aborting09:14
Zobwine: Unimplemented function MFC42.DLL.6478 called at address 0x402052 (thread 0009)09:14
firebird611dibblego: That fixed it. Thank You09:15
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Yani have a message error09:15
dbmatafyrestrtr: hells bells. Ok, since I need to learn how to do this, can you point me at a tutorial or something that does this? I hate taking in channel bandwidth.09:15
frogzooZob: you _might_ have to install native mfc42 - but you'll need a doze license for that09:15
digital_how do I get the command mkinitrd09:15
digital_I don't have it09:15
SakunixIs it normal for a pc to hang for 5-10 mins on:  Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.   When starting the live session09:15
dliYan, can you paste the error message here ? (if it's one line)09:16
ZobHmm. How to get a doze license? How to install that.09:16
ZobPossible to do it without one?09:16
dliSakunix, slow machine?09:16
dbmataSakunix: It has to do with how much ram you have. I have 2gb, so the lag is minimal.09:16
Yanwait because is on my lapto09:16
Sakunix512 mb ram09:16
Sakunix1800+ Athlon09:16
=== ville_ [n=ville@cable-kmi-fed9dd00-175.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
dbmataSakunix: More ram, faster session. The live session runs in the ram.09:16
ville_this crap doesnt work09:17
Sakunixyer I can imagine09:17
Sakunixhow does it set out a swap space?09:17
dbmataSakunix: that's why installing is such a good choice... Heh.09:17
Sakunixcan it read file assosiation tables of other operating systems?09:17
ville_how can I start the gnome09:17
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linopilhttp://www.alsa-project.org/ unreachable can anyone check for me ?09:17
polpakZob:  http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Utilities/Required_Files/MFC_DLLs.html    YMMV though09:17
dbmataSakunix: no clue on the swap. As for the file tables, I believe so.09:17
Yanthe message of error is : nothing to be done for all09:17
=== otherwize [n=james@ppp122-249-253.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ville_how can I start the gnome....09:18
newbuntudapper has rocked!     ... for me09:18
firebird611dli: The program I was trying to install was Google Earth. I did not find that in Synaptic. I just installed Dapper today and haven't added any repos, just uncommented the ones that are in the sources.list file. Are there any that I should add?09:18
Sakunixyer this would suck to install on this laptop >< hehe 128 mb ram09:18
dbmataSakunix: only after install though, I believe. It's basically turned the ram into a virtual drive, and is running out of that.09:18
linopilville log off and log on09:18
newbuntulong live ubuntu09:18
frogzooZob: it's not technically required to have a doze license, it's a copyright issue09:18
linopilville_:  ?09:18
ville_it doesnt work.. linopil09:18
Yan*/home/yan/Desktop/glib/tests it's in this directoty09:18
ville_This shit just goes to run lvl 209:18
Sakunixthats awesome ram hdd drive09:19
linopilmybe you have to install it09:19
polpakZob: you can also install winetools and it helps to install some of this stuff09:19
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:19
fyrestrtrdbmata: there are a few floating around, I think one of the best ones is at gentoo-wiki.com -- you can just google it because this part is not ubuntu-specific (ie, the same xorg configuration applies to any linux distro).09:19
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newbuntuanyone here use Archos pma 400 linux portable?09:19
Sakunixsolid state drives are coming man wont be long and yhour whole comptuer will work like that09:19
ville_and then there's this grey background and small tiny birdshit sized console window09:19
LGKeizHow would I put Ubuntu on  VMware09:19
dlifirebird611, google earth is pretty awful in linux :(09:19
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ville_this ubuntu is just great..09:19
ZobI downloaded that file, and its installeing "Free Download Manager"?09:19
nominis google earth made for linux now?09:19
ville_crashes before the system has even started..09:19
linopilLGKeiz:  you are on XP now?09:19
fyrestrtrnomin: verision 4 is.09:20
Sakunixyes there is a port for linux09:20
Yandli nothing to done indtall - exec- am09:20
newbuntuyes on google earth09:20
frogzooSakunix: gigabyte's thingo is almost a real solid state drive, just low on capacity09:20
dbmataSakunix: I believe solid state has gotten as large as 5GB now. I can't wait for a 200gb solid state.09:20
YtseJamGodamn boot disc options. Should there be a specific emulation type when I burn the Desktop CD .iso?09:20
newbuntuworks good on ubuntu  ... google earth09:20
linopilville_: what install disks have you got?09:20
Yanand after im try to instal xmms ans ask my to install GLIB09:20
Sakunixyer dbmata: samsung has a 16 bg drive avaible now.. 6 moths will see it double09:20
ville_I dunno just this install disc = D09:20
fyrestrtrYtseJam: what program are you using to burn it?09:20
firebird611dli: It crashes for me after about five minutes of starting it each time. That is the only problem I have, but it is a big problem because it always crashes right in the middle of using it.09:20
ville_I ordered this from the website09:20
dbmatafyrestrtr: Thanks for your help. I'm going to see what I can break... er... setup.09:21
dliYan, how do you install xmms?09:21
YtseJamCDBurnerXP. heh. The first freeware I found. Never in my life has burning an .iso been this diffecult. :P09:21
ville_How can I start the friggen gnome??09:21
dbmataSakunix: Good luck installing if you choose to. Not sure how it will go for you, but for me it took about 15 minutes and almost EVERYTHING was working perfectly. Just had a video hiccup.09:21
PORDOwhat do i do if apt-get is listing packages that when i try to remove them, say they aren't actually installed?09:21
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:21
polpakville_: first you have to get X windows working. Otherwise gnome can't run09:22
polpakville_: to do that you need to configure it most likely09:22
ville_I did that already09:22
YtseJamfyrestrtr, any idea what should the load segment be?09:22
ubotuI know nothing about love09:22
ville_but I still dont know how to run the gnome ....09:22
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Madpilotville_, try "startx"09:22
dlifirebird611, ubuntu problem. it doesn't crash on my box09:22
ville_I tried09:23
fyrestrtrYtseJam: ermm, never heard of that software, but there is another freeware program -- let me find it for you -- that I know works flawlessly with iso's.09:23
linopilville_:  gnome is default in install09:23
newbuntuopensource and this type of irc linux info-sharing ....    is the exact oposite of the bill gates microsoft/corprate model09:23
linopilreinstall from alternate09:23
ville_as I said .. all I get is grey background and tiny console box in the left top corner09:23
linopilwill not ruin system09:23
YtseJamfyrestrtr, esp. important is that it'll work with the Ubuntu Desktop CD. ;)09:23
ville_when I do Startx09:23
polpakville_: oh, then you're good09:23
ubotuI know nothing about microsoft09:23
dbmatanewbuntu: that's why this is a community and windows is just for users.09:23
linopildo carefully and dont format09:23
polpakville_: just install gdm09:23
fyrestrtrYtseJam: that's what I used it for ;)09:23
polpakville_: and ubuntu-desktop09:23
Sakunixdbmata: Samsung Electronics of South Korea showed a protype laptop computer (a modified Samsung Q30) featuring a 32GB Flash Disk09:23
Yanwith a command ./configure09:23
firebird611dli: could it be my video card drivers. I have a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. I haven't updated them at all on Ubuntu.09:23
YtseJamfyrestrtr, good then. Waiting.09:23
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Yanand GLIB too09:24
ville_then dpkg freezes totally when I try to install those09:24
newbuntuI call this..   the "IRC Gods" and when they speak listen... and learn09:24
Sakunixa 32GB drive has been built not commercially avaible yet09:24
fyrestrtrYtseJam: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/09:24
ville_it just jamms to "reinstalling database or something09:24
newbuntuyou will be schooled09:24
polpakville_: edit your /etc/apt/sources.lst09:24
dbmatasakunix: that would take a big key ring to carry about.09:24
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Sakunixdbmata: I'm sure it would09:24
PORDOis there a way to refresh what apt-get thinks is installed?09:25
Sakunixno moving parts though.. cant wait09:25
polpakville_: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list rather.. use sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:25
Sakunixno power no noise super fast load time09:25
Sakunixgoing to kick ass09:25
polpakville_: did you do an expert install?09:25
dliYan: maybe, I am too stupid for this, but this is #ubuntu, you should: sudo apt-get install xmms09:25
polpakville_: or a minimal or server install?09:25
=== Kenotic [n=Kenotic@c-68-52-104-184.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dbmatajust curious, but is firewire and usb support included in ubuntu?09:25
timalotPORDO, man dpkg09:25
Sakunixok it still says Uncompressing Linux... okm booting the kernel..  Whats it been now 15 mins09:26
ville_I dont know I just installed eveything it asked during the install09:26
Yansorry my english is bad dli i know you not stupid09:26
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polpakdbmata: usb definately. firewire probably (though I don't use it, so I don't know for sure)09:26
Sakunix512 mb ram you would think it would load up in 15 mins09:26
dbmataSakunix: It will take some time. Enough time to make a bit of tea. which sounds good... I'm off to do that.09:26
ville_so what should I edit there, polpak?09:26
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Sakunixnice idea..09:26
SakunixI think I  am off for a beer with my neighbour09:27
dbmatapolpak: hm, thanks. I just realized it might be fun to use my video camera in ubuntu, and it's a firewire.09:27
J-_i'm running on 256mb of ram. runs pretty swell for this system :D09:27
dliYan, do what I said, sudo apt-get install xmms09:27
ZobI got the MFC_DLLs and still same error09:27
ville_so what should I edit there, polpak?09:27
newbuntuthe linux community is inspiring, the choice is yours... stay on windows, learn about exe email viruses ... firewalls, cracked anti-virus programs, pirated everything, serials,cheats, key-gens etc etc, or... learn how to download free linux OS,  free software and a helpful community...09:27
Yanyes im try and all is ok09:27
spadesSakunix is this a desktop/laptop or a server motherboard?09:27
frogzoo!appdb > Zob09:27
Yanthk very good dli09:27
Yanit's appreciate09:28
dbmatasakunix: good luck with the install, you remind me that I have a guinness waiting for me.09:28
polpakville_: actually exit it for a sec09:28
frogzooZob: check appdb & maybe then ask in #winehq09:28
ville_why  =/09:28
dliYan you need to read restricted formats09:28
J-_newbuntu. so damn true...09:28
dli!restricted formats09:28
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:28
polpakville_: cause I'm going to make this easy for you09:29
Yandli MP309:29
J-_when i go onto my windows machine, probably won't be able to stand it... but i need windows for my ext. drive =(09:29
newbuntuI LOVE the idea of converting X-box's into linux computers,   for all those that cant afford:  http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page09:30
dliYan, use synaptic, apt-cache search , apt-file search , packages.ubuntu.com to find your packages09:30
kizzumeHas anyone ever gotten a program called "vice", an emulator, compiled and working?  If so, could someone give me some tips?09:30
Yanok thanks09:30
=== dibblego [n=nobody@dsl-202-173-178-172.qld.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
timalotkizzume, yeah i did i while back09:30
dliYan, to clean up your sources.list, ask ubotu about easysource09:30
timalota whille i mean09:30
timaloti cant type09:30
Yandli synapstic is a player for mp3 or ????09:31
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Yansorry for this question with im not sure09:31
timalotkizzume, it uses gtk 1 not gtk 2 last time i used it09:31
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:31
dragonwere do i get "compilers" or compiled programs?09:32
polpakville_: once you dl that sources.list file you can replace your current one with sudo cp ./sources.list /etc/apt/.09:32
dlidragon, you want compiler or compiled?09:32
Yandli yes i have this on my ubuntu09:32
digital_how do I use mkinitramfs09:32
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dragoni have only had linux for about 5 hours09:33
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polpakville_: then just sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop09:33
dliYan, you should use synaptic to manage your packages09:33
asdxwhat's the name of the ubuntu metacity theme09:33
dragonhardcore n00b looking for things to work out lol09:33
ville_I download sources.list?09:33
dbmatawill it hose anything if I manually change the name of my nvidia device identifier from the default to the actual card it is? I'd prefer not to have another vi crash course.09:33
dlidigital_, you are building your own kernel?09:33
ville_then I do that sudo cp ./sources.list /etc/apt09:33
ville_how can I download that sources.list09:33
ubotuI know nothing about compilers09:34
polpakville_: the wget command I messaged you09:34
=== fats` [n=f4ttie@c-68-36-32-210.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dlidigital_, if so, you should use " make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image09:34
digital_dli: Yup!09:34
Zobim using the appdb09:34
newbuntuI feel its safe to say that beyond a dought Ubuntu Dapper is the best, most stable linux release to set-up a windows/mac convert with. Even first-tme users find ubuntu in KDE easier to use, and superior to windows09:34
fats`Hey, I've got a question, is this the proper place to ask?09:34
fyrestrtrdbmata: Identifier is a freeform string. You can call it whatever you want, but remember to change it also in the Device " " line of the Screen section, otherwise X won't start.09:34
dragonwith compiled does that mean i can use them....or i need to make sumtin first?09:34
dlidigital_, of course, you have to enable initrd support in your kernel configuration09:34
Zobeverything thats on there is as somsone pointes out 2 years old09:34
kizzumeVirtually every program I'm wanting does not have a binary version available.  Do I basically have to become a programmer to install software, or what?09:34
polpakfats`: if it's about ubuntu yes09:34
Zobso most answeres to problems wouldnt work09:34
fats`Yeah, it is09:34
Zobin any case I mainly just see posts of people who couldnt fix it09:35
fyrestrtrZob: like what?09:35
polpakkizzume: not really09:35
digital_dli: We need to make a new one for our new kernel09:35
polpakkizzume: but what program for example?09:35
kizzumepolpak:  vice emulator.  Lots of different emulators.09:35
timalotdigital_, if u know what ide/scsi drivers u need and what fs type your / is u dont need initrd09:35
kizzumepolpak:  music tracker programs09:35
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fats`I use VNC and SSH to remote to my box. I want to log out the session from gnome so it doesn't use as much resources, but when I do, I cannot VNC back in unless I restart the box using SSH.. Is it possible to avoid that?09:35
dbmatafyrestrtr: thanks again. I'm going to trying to get these monitors working.09:35
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ville_umm.. that sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list?09:35
akantanyone here running Asterisk on Dapper yet?09:35
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akantI have a quick questions09:35
polpakville_: no09:35
dlidigital_, however, for most cases, you don't need initrd for your custom kernel09:35
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Yandli the package apache is a ftp ????09:36
polpakville_: join #polpak09:36
digital_dli: It's asking for one and it won't boot with out it. Kernel panic09:36
dliYan, read easysource09:36
AndrividI am running Ethereal as root, but save file gets denied writing permissions....why is this?09:36
digital_dli: We just need to know how to use mkinitramfs09:36
dlidigital_, you build in all drivers for ide/scsi, fs ( root partition)09:36
dlidigital_, make-kpkg --initrd09:37
fats`Anyone get my question?09:37
digital_dli: How do I tell it what kernel to build it for?09:37
timalotdki: will make-kpkg do the initrd stuff for u... ie u dont have to make the image yourself?09:37
newbuntuis there anything in the works newer than dapper?09:37
timalotdli sorry09:37
dlidigital_, if you don't even know what is make-kpkg, you need kernel-package09:37
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dlitimalot, yes, make-kpkg includes initrd in the .deb09:38
AndrividI am running Ethereal as root, but save file gets denied writing permissions....why is this?09:38
digital_dli: I'm new to ubuntu09:38
dragoni was just informed that linux is for hackers....09:38
fats`I use VNC and SSH to remote to my box. I want to log out the session from gnome so it doesn't use as much resources, but when I do, I cannot VNC back in unless I restart the box using SSH.. Is it possible to avoid that?09:38
akantout of disk space ? ;)09:38
AndrividLinux is for Programmers09:38
kizzumeAndrivid:  You got that right.09:38
timalotdli, oh ok.... makes it easy then09:38
spadesfats` have you tried running startx over ssh on the target machine09:39
dlidigital_, you need to do it the ubuntu (debian) way, instead of " make ", you need " make-kpkg "09:39
fats`_nano_, I've not spades09:39
frogzooAndrivid: that might have been right once, but that's less & less true09:39
fats`spades, no I've not09:39
fyrestrtrfats`: your VNC is linked with your X server, when you logout from gnome, you are killing the vnc process, which is why you can't use vnc.09:39
dlitimalot, however, it's quite stupid to use initrd for a specific custom kernel09:39
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fyrestrtrfats`: you can just forward X over SSH (using tunneling) and use an X client on your machine.09:39
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digital_dli: I built a new kernel by hand. Make etc... All that's left is the new initrd09:40
fats`fyrestrtr, is there a way I can make the vnc process continue running after I logout of gnome09:40
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digital_dli: That's why i'm in here asking about mkinitramfs09:40
AndrividWell, how come Ethereal cant save a capture, even as root?09:40
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dlidigital_, then, stop, install kernel package, and make it right09:40
dibblegohow do I list installed files for a given package?09:40
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frogzoodibblego: dpkg -L blah09:41
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frogzoodibblego: or man dpkg09:41
fyrestrtrwhere blah being the package name09:41
digital_dli: Wrong! We want to do it by hand09:41
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digital_dli: Doing by hand means we can do it for all linux distributions09:42
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fats`fyrestrtr - is there a way I can make the vnc process continue running after I logout of gnome09:42
fats`maybe using a cronjob?09:42
fats`to check if it's running, if not, run it?09:42
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dlidigital_, okay, good luck09:42
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dragoni need a "linux friend"09:42
dlidragon, just ask09:42
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fyrestrtrfats`: hrmm, well vnc is for X forwarding, so what would be the point?09:44
dragonhow do i compile a program...id like to download music and play games...i have lime wire and it needs to be "compiled"09:44
kizzumeWhen I "make", and it comes back with messages saying that certain directories don't exist as the error message, does it mean I have to create every directory that the make file wants in order to "make" it?09:44
fats`I'm just more accustomed to VNC09:44
fats`I don't know, it's a comfortability thing09:44
dragonthis means id need a compiler09:44
dbmataI really find it amusing that my wacom tablet is installed during the ubuntu install process, and it works... when it took about an hour to track down the right driver and get it to take in windows.09:44
bbrazildragon: apt-get install build-essential09:45
frogzoodragon: usually if you untar the .tgz file, there'll be a README or INSTALL file with instructions09:45
fyrestrtrfats`: don't know to be honest, I have always just forwarded x using ssh and used it that way (or just used the shell).09:45
bbrazilkizzume: it means you probably haven't done something right, double check the install instructions09:45
fats`Is there a guide on how to forward x via ssh?09:45
fats`on the wiki or something?09:45
frogzoodragon: however, better to use source from the ubuntu repos, or best, binaries from the repos09:45
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unstablesobssh -X hostname09:45
frogzoofats`: happens automaticllay with ssh09:45
bbrazilfats`: ssh X09:45
unstablesobthere' syour tutorial09:45
bbrazilfats`: should be the default09:46
fats`lol thanks, I'm only used to using ssh09:46
dlifats`, at your server side, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config , enable X11Forwarding09:46
=== ville_ [n=ville@cable-kmi-fe71de00-188.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ville_fuck this I rele dont have anything good to say about linux09:46
ville_nothing friggin works09:46
newbuntuone last time (in a fit of nostalgia) , this type of linux community interaction/help is cutting-edge ...  because , in this day and age it is extremely rare to see examples of something that is TOTALLY FREE, complete with people willing to help each other anonmously, with no strings attached, all for the better of the whole linux community. I just wanted to say thank you personally for the 100's of questions ive gotten help with in this room...  cheers ..09:46
newbuntu.  long live linux ! down with microsoft!09:46
bbrazilville_: please watch your language09:46
dbmataville_: defeatist attitudes won't get you anywhere.09:47
kizzumebbrazil: thanks.09:47
ville_just.. tell me whatta heck is wrong with this friggen dpkg09:47
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frogzoonewbuntu: Communist!!09:47
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newbuntufrogzoo   :)09:48
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dlidbmata, the debian philosophy, we don't care others like debian or not :)09:48
bbrazilville_: we can't help you until you tell us your problem09:48
tehgoochHey, there are still people awake here.09:48
ville_I dont know the problem.. that's the friggen thing.. it just jamms to "rebuilding database. this may take a while" when I type sudo dpkg --configure -a09:48
eigenlambdaof course... tihs in as international channel09:48
fyrestrtrtehgooch: yeah, considering tis 10:48 AM where I am :)09:49
tehgooch12;49AM HERE09:49
newbuntui have asked soooo many different questions , and always got the best helpful advice09:49
dbmatadli: CFO philosophy: I don't care what you think, you already bought my product. ;)09:49
benkyoto4:49pm here09:49
tehgoochi always forget about the other countries09:49
benkyoto^o^/ lol ethnocentrism09:49
dlidbmata, you don't have to buy debian, you can obtain it for free09:49
polpakville_: it's doubtful it would lock up.. are you certain it's not just doing what it says and "taking a while" ?09:49
Frogzootehgooch: really? there's other countries?09:50
spades3:50am here09:50
Yanare you kmow a good ftp ssl for linux09:50
ville_No it's not it did that thing over last night09:50
bbrazilYan: client or server?09:50
Frogzootehgooch: you mean like Melbourne?09:50
dbmatadli: Heh, I know, but as you know, the moment business gets into it, it all becomes billable events. Heh.09:50
ville_doesnt take that long..09:50
newbuntunow i got a linux-based handheld with irc capabilities, so I can consult the irc gods anywhere where theres wi-fi   hahha09:50
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tehgoochI've never been to Melbourne.09:50
dliYan, ftp ssl? why not use ssh?09:50
Yanclient connect a server09:50
Yannot sure dli09:50
dbmataok, I should knock off, I need to be bright eyed to watch Germany beat Portugal tomorrow.09:50
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Frogzootehgooch: you're not missing much lol09:51
bbrazilYan: there's a ftp-ssl package09:51
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polpakville_: well I'm not entirely sure what you even did, since X obviously works.. if you had done a standard install you'd be in gnome already09:51
Yanbbrazil kk09:51
tehgoochCome to think of it I've barely left my country.09:51
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bbrazilYan: ftps clients can be hard to come by09:51
tehgoochI went to the US once when I was a kid...09:51
dliYan, for ftp, you may try gftp  (gui), lftp (cli only). but ssh is much easier09:51
newbuntuI love the   fish://<username>@ip #     command to connect to your computer remotely09:51
ville_when I do that apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop it says dpkg is interrupted please run that command what I already said09:51
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ville_dpkg --configure -<09:52
newbuntui learned that here09:52
Yandli thanks09:52
polpakville_: ok, so do that09:52
tehgoochWell I'm trying to get my Broadcom wireless adapter to work. I am not having much success.09:52
polpakville_: and let it finish09:52
bbrazilnewbuntu: isn't fsh a kde thing?09:52
ville_It wont finish it09:52
polpakville_: I don't believe you09:52
newbuntuwell yah ... i use kde09:52
ville_I left it over night and it was still there'09:52
ville_that's friggen 10 hours09:52
polpakville_: then reinstall09:52
bbrazilville_: ltrace it - see what it's up to09:52
ville_hell no I've installed this shit 10 times with same problems..09:53
dbmatagoodnight folks.09:53
polpakville_:  what install cd did you use?09:53
tehgoochI think I might sleep on it some more.09:53
dbmatafyrestrtr: thanks for your help tonight. (This morning.)09:53
dlitehgooch, sudo modprobe bcm43xx09:53
tehgoochoh ok09:53
ville_I ordered this from the website09:53
bbrazilnewbuntu: keep in mind a lot of people on here are using gnome :)09:53
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tehgoochi did that before09:53
tehgoochnothing came up09:53
polpakville_: does it say anything on the CD?09:53
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tehgoochthen i went to #ubuntu-laptop09:53
newbuntueven linus torvaldes recommends kde over gnome.. he calls gnome a disease,  for what its worth09:53
dlitehgooch, sudo iwconfig09:53
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ville_about what?09:53
bbraziltehgooch: if it's successful there's no output09:53
zdux0012after installing xcfe how can I get the old login screen back?09:54
Knomelinus torvalds should stick to the kernel09:54
newbuntu... but i respect anyones reasoning for using gnoe09:54
Frogzoonewbuntu: linus torvalds is entitled to his opinion09:54
polpakville_: on the cd's they mailed you or the packages therein does it say anything about what install it is??09:54
bbraziltehgooch: that just means the module is loaded though. look at dmesg for error messages09:54
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ville_it says "install cd - version 5.04 for intel x8609:54
polpakville_: good night09:54
polpakville_: when did you order it?09:54
tehgoochok big paste coming up09:54
ville_I dun rele remember09:54
newbuntugnome/kde etc  ... all a desktop,09:54
spades5.04 is hoary, 2 versions back09:54
polpakville_: that's like 2 versions ago09:54
bbrazilville_: we're on 6.06 now09:54
Frogzootehgooch: !pastebin09:54
ville_o great..09:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:55
polpakville_: why not dl a new iso09:55
dlitehgooch, then, you know your wireless interface09:55
dragonhow do i get linux of my pc so i can partition it off09:55
khaije1what would be the opposite of xargs?09:55
ville_lol how do you think I'll download it09:55
polpakville_: or are you on dial up09:55
bbrazilkhaije1: what are you trying to do?09:55
polpakville_: then you can dl it09:55
ville_how lol09:55
khaije1bbrazil: i'd like tol take a list and output it to a line09:55
ville_how can I burn it to a cd09:56
polpakville_: hang on09:56
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bbrazilkhaije1: list comands | tr $'\n' ' '09:56
bbrazilkhaije1: or list commands | xargs09:56
bbrazilkhaije1: althoguh th xargs version will split big data onto multipe lines09:56
polpakville_: wget http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso09:57
polpakville_: that will get you the ISO09:57
ville_cant I upgrade this version?09:57
khaije1bbrazil: thas the thing, i need them all on the same line for piping09:57
bertuI am trying to download the last updates but it is giving me an error that it failed09:57
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bbrazilkhaije1: then use the tr version09:57
polpakville_: it'll be a pain, and will take longer than just getting the iso09:57
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bbrazilkhaije1: that replaces newlines with spaces09:57
polpakville_: you'll have to upgrade to 5.10 then to 6.0609:57
ville_can I boot from dvd-rw btw?09:57
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bbrazilville_: if your hardware supports it09:57
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bertuhey can someone help me?09:58
polpakville_: yes, if you dl that iso and burn a cd of it you can boot (probably)09:58
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khaije1ok i understand, thx bbrazil :-)09:58
fats`I use VNC and SSH to remote to my box. I want to log out the session from gnome so it doesn't use as much resources, but when I do, I cannot VNC back in unless I restart the box using SSH.. Is it possible to avoid that?09:58
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ville_ah finnish mirror =)09:58
fats`I know I asked and got an answer, but I want to use VNC and not forward X09:59
tehgoocheth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:off/any  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318" Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.484 GHz  Access Point: Invalid Bit Rate=11 Mb/s   Tx-Power=19 dBm RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off Encryption key:off Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0 Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:009:59
tehgoochIt detects as 4318, but it is a 431909:59
tehgoochAnd cannot scan for networks.09:59
ville_I bet that iso comes in no time09:59
newbuntui'm at my girlfriends, and the breezy I setup here works so good, its hard to convince her to move to dapper...  is it best if i do an upgrade to dapper by apt-get dist-upggrade?09:59
tehgoochany ideas, dli?09:59
polpakville_: yeah, I checked where you were from09:59
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:59
bertuok 10x09:59
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bertuso...can you help me?09:59
polpakbertu: what's the error09:59
nominbertu: don't ask to ask, just ask09:59
tehgoochWell, thanks for the help so far, dli. I think I will try to get some rest.09:59
Sakunixubuntu install process keeps hanging at: Uncompressing Linux... Ok,booting the kernel.     - Anyone with ideas?09:59
dlitehgooch, ifconfig eth1 up09:59
bertuW: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/libcupsys2_1.2.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb10:00
bertu  404 Not Found10:00
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bertuthat error10:00
frogzoonewbuntu: a fresh install is often best, the upgrade can break10:00
newbuntuI love being here ...without...  a problem   hahhaha10:00
dlibertu, apt-get update10:00
newbuntuthanks frogzoo10:00
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polpakbertu: what version are you running?10:00
polpakbertu: then apt-get update10:00
ville_kk now, polpak, how do I burn it then?10:00
spadesSakunix is this a desktop/laptop or a server motherboard?10:00
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Sakunixdesktop i38610:00
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newbuntubest to back-up her shite then10:01
bertuso what do i write?10:01
bertuapt-get update and then the name of the update?10:01
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polpakbertu: just sudo apt-get update10:01
polpakbertu: then try to install the package again10:01
ville_how can I burn that thing to the dvd then?10:01
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spadesSakunix anything in the bios regarding serial console redirection?  i know when we do pxe installs over serial console, the local shows uncompressing, ok booting and the rest goes over console, maybe worth checking your bios to see if you got something like that?10:01
Sakunixno nothing like that I installed breezy on it not 4 weeks ago no problem10:02
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cameronberghi would just like to thank everyone in this channel for supporting such an awesome OS!10:02
hintswenI'm using SSH to access my computer and i want to know if i can get my computer to download something10:02
bbrazilhintswen: wget10:02
hintswenif so how10:02
cameronberghuse wget10:02
ville_polpak! how do I burn that image to the friggen dvd10:03
newbuntuthe only thing ive found hard in ubuntu, without the use of wine etc...  is to convert downloaded   avi  movie files into  DVD's or VCD's , which can be watched on a DVD player & a TV...   without using 3 different programs and taking 10 hours10:03
cameronberghor some sort of text ftp client?10:03
bertui am still getting an error10:03
SakunixI have some 6.06 Kubuntu cd's laying around might try them.. Would a corrupt iso/cd cause it to hang at that point?10:03
frogzoohintswen: sure, np - best to startup it with nohup10:03
polpakville_: is cdrecord installed ?10:03
ville_I dunno10:03
bbrazilbertu: try using a different mirror10:03
hintswenhow do i unpack a file(.tar.gz)10:03
polpakville_: try to type cdrecord10:03
bbrazilSakunix: that's one possability10:03
spadesnewbuntu get a dvd player that can play avi files, i got a philips one at home for like $60 and all i do is burn the data and it plays10:03
frogzoohintswen: either man tar, or tar zxf10:04
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ville_it is installee10:04
bertuhey just excuse me if i dont understand i am still a big noob10:04
Sakunixhintswen: gunzip <file>10:04
Sakunixtar -xvf <file>10:04
newbuntuhintswen for that i use remote desktop Krdc10:04
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newbuntuspades   wow eh!  cool10:04
bertui am using the software updates program10:04
ville_polpak it is installed10:04
Knomebertu: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?10:05
polpakville_: ok then we just need to know which drive is your burner10:05
bertui try it?10:05
bbrazilbertu: no, don't do a dist-upgrade10:05
frogzoohintswen: another option would be to use screen to kick off the d/l, then detach10:05
ville_I only have one drve10:05
polpakville_: I'm assuming of course you have no other computers or OS's handy10:05
newbuntuspades  only problem is 99 % of people cant play, but cool tip non-the-less10:05
bbrazilbertu: edit /etc/apt/sources.list to use a different mirror. You current one seems to be broken10:05
polpakville_: what version is it?10:05
polpakville_: cdrecord I mean10:05
ville_wat =|10:05
ville_I dunno10:05
Sakunixare there any major differences between ubuntu and kubuntu?10:06
bbrazilSakunix: gnome vs. kde10:06
polpakville_: try cdrecord --version10:06
dliSakunix, no, just different packages10:06
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bertuhey it told me permission denied10:06
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frogzooSakunix: use of gnome instead of kde?10:06
bbrazilbertu: put sudo in front of it10:06
Sakunixbbrazil: just different gui's for the same thing10:06
bbrazilSakunix: something like that10:06
ville_2.1a31 or somethin10:06
hardkiffeurhi all10:07
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bertuso what do i type10:07
ville_I mean10:07
Sakunixany reason to choose one over the other or they are the same ting10:07
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bbrazilbertu: sudo edit /etc/apt/sopurces.list10:07
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spadesSakunix just personal preference, try em out and choose your fav10:07
frogzoo!start a gnome vs kde war...10:07
ubotuI know nothing about start a gnome vs kde war...10:07
=== derek [n=derek@cm35.sigma202.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
ville_polpak it's 2.0110:07
creativehow can i check my xorg version ?10:07
bbrazilbertu: *editor *sources10:07
derekdoes anybody know how to install rar in ubuntu10:07
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bertuWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/apt/sopurces.list" -- using "application/*"Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"10:08
Sakunixok spades will do10:08
derekdoes anybody know how to install rar in ubuntu10:08
bbrazilderek: unrar-free10:08
dlithey should disable the " I know nothing part "10:08
derekbbrazil, Thank you man10:08
spadesSakunix theres also xfce, black/open/fluxbox and others10:08
spadesSakunix e17 too if you wanna try more10:08
ville_polpak it's 2.0110:08
bertuwhat shall i write10:08
ubotuI know nothing about anything10:08
schmakkim playing around with xgl and compiz.. and rhythmbox screws it over bigtime. thr RB window has no taskbar or tray and when its running, stuff like ctrl+alt+drag cube wont work, and i cant type in xchat etc.. help :)10:09
xiceschmakk, goto #ubuntu-xgl10:09
dliSakunix, I found most windows users like kde better10:09
frogzooderek: pkg unrar10:09
polpakville_: one sec10:09
schmakkxice, ty, didnt know there was a channel for it10:09
polpakderek sudo apt-get install unrar-free10:09
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ville__polpak.. it is 2.01 are you even there ffs =<10:10
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Sakunixubuntu and kubuntu this channel will provide assistance for both?10:10
bbrazilSakunix: #kubuntu10:10
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dliSakunix, however, you have to try out to find your allegiance10:10
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Sakunixyes of course10:11
bulltitanhello again10:11
ville__how can I burn one image to dvd from console??10:11
derekfrogzoo, thank you man10:11
derekpolpak, thank you10:11
frogzooderek: np10:11
Sakunixat command line level both os's are the same I assume?10:11
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frogzooSakunix: they're both the same OS - linux10:12
dliSakunix, they are the same OS, with different packages10:12
dlifrogzoo, you can install both on your box10:12
frogzoodli: true10:12
dlifrogzoo, linux is the kernel, the os is ubuntu :(10:12
=== revilot [n=se7en1ne@24-171-76-81.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ville__fuck this I'll install windows..10:12
Sakunixahh I am new to the whole linux thing so yer forgive the ignorance10:12
frogzooville__: ok, enjoy10:12
dliville_, language10:12
ville__I will.10:13
J-_gah windows stinks =P10:13
bulltitanfrom console why?10:13
polpakville_ does it list anything if you do sudo cdrecord -scanbus10:13
ville__never had prorbs with dear windows xp <310:13
bulltitanu have k3b, gnomebacker then why console10:13
=== frogzoo pukes
ville__I forgot10:13
fats`Does anyone think an out of the box Dapper would run on an old Celeron 700MHz laptop with 128mb of ram?10:13
dliSakunix, you can install both to your box, just do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop10:13
ville__I dun have cd in my place :(10:13
benkyotoville, really be rational pal10:13
J-_Linux is so much better, Ubuntu is the goodness.10:13
frogzoofats`: will run, just not with gnome10:13
Sakunixdli: Thanks10:13
adamant1988fats`, it will if it's Xubuntu10:13
dlifats`, 128MB might be too small for livecd10:13
fats`What would you suggest?10:14
ville__benkyoto, I should use linux?10:14
Sakunixdli: gdm? kdm?10:14
dlifats`, but if you got it on your hdd, ubuntu will run at 128MB10:14
Sakunixthat incorparated?10:14
fats`adamant1988 - Xubumtu10:14
frogzoofats`: DSL maybe?10:14
fats`Yeah I would install it10:14
dliSakunix, doesn't matter, just choose one :)10:14
newbuntuthanks yall10:14
adamant1988fats`, xubuntu live cd requires 128 megs ram minimum.  the install is much less.10:14
dliSakunix, gdm from gnome, kdm from kde10:14
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benkyotoif you thought  "easy wizard" pseudoknowledge was amount to knowing the workings of an OS, then no... perhaps u were better with Win10:14
fats`I'd be installing it for sure10:14
derekpolpak, man  do you know how to use system's default archive manager to op a rar file?10:14
fats`I already have it on a desktop10:14
ville__I'll use at least dual boot if someone would just tell me how to burn this friggen image to the dvd!10:14
ville__I can only use this console10:14
Sakunixarnt kdm and gdm dependancies for it?10:14
revilotville__ whats the problem10:15
polpakville__:  I asked you a question.. but you're too busy whining to answer it10:15
SakunixI dont understand how it all works together10:15
Ademan_hey, in php5, how do you access the last item in an array? i know assigning to the last element is with empty []   but what about accessing?10:15
J-_use an iso burning program.10:15
frogzooderek: install rar - restart & nautilus will handle rars10:15
benkyotoI actually burned the iso for Ubunto from Windows10:15
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dliSakunix, yes, gnome pulls in gdm, kde pulls in kdm10:15
ville__polpak I dced a moment ago10:15
ville__what did you ask10:15
polpakrevilot: he's install Hoary, and needs to burn a dapper ISO from command line10:15
fats`I'm having a problem getting WinXP to recognize my PCMCIA ports, so I'm thinking of squashing it and going with dapper10:15
polpakville__ does it list anything if you do sudo cdrecord -scanbus10:15
bulltitani don't get is there any probs with x in your putter?10:15
fats`but I doubt it'll support my wireless card easily10:15
revilotbut he has gnomebaker right?10:15
frogzoofats`: which card?10:15
dlifats`, which card?10:15
ville__mm... wait a sec again10:15
frogzoodli: 'snap'!10:15
bulltitanas far as i know gnomebaker and k3b are real good burning dvds10:15
fyrestrtrAdeman_: echo $array[sizeof($array)-1] ;10:15
polpakrevilot: no, he can't get into x10:15
fats`Netgear WG511110:16
Sakunixso when you type something in a gui it goes    | input | -> | gdm | -> | Xserver| -> |command line|   ??10:16
fats`Or a WG11110:16
polpakrevilot: or rather he can, but it's just X10:16
zdux0012how can I launch the gnome control center?10:16
polpakrevilot: no gnome10:16
fats`I also have a Netgear MA521, but that's only .11b10:16
fats`which is crap10:16
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Ademan_fyrestrtr: there was a short hand for that though i'm almost positive, thanks though10:16
revilotville__ : so you got rid of windows or what10:16
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polpakrevilot: and he can't install any packages cause dpkg is supposedly locked up10:16
villePolpak, it does10:16
villeLots of text <.<10:16
polpakville anything like  0,0,0 0) 'CD-RW ' 'CDR-5W48 ' 'VSG3' Removable CD-ROM10:17
derekfrogzoo, really? Thank you , i try10:17
revilotville__ : so you got rid of windows or what10:17
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villeI had dual boot..10:17
villeBut then pc shut downh and nothin worked10:17
J-_When do you think Linux will have ext. hdd wrote support that's not experimental?10:17
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villewindows cd isnt here so the only thing is ubuntu10:18
fyrestrtrJ-_: it already does10:18
villewhich is 5.06 or something -______-10:18
revilotville__ : so youre pc just magically shut donw?10:18
polpakville well all we need to do is burn the dapper ISO10:18
fats`j- I have perfect ext hdd support10:18
J-_what the heck10:18
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polpakville which should be easy if we can find the device numbers for your burner10:18
fats`Using USB2.010:18
polpakville assuming it's supported10:18
fats`Altho, when I delete something from it, it doesn't really delete it10:18
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fats`Which annoys me10:18
RiplixHi everyone.10:18
RiplixHow can i set the ssh deamon to display the /etc/issue file ?10:19
villedevice numbers, polpak?10:19
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Riplixanyone knows?10:19
J-_I can't write to my ext. hdd. someone told me fuse is still experimental, unless there's another driver that's stable10:19
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fats`I don't know, I've kinda been wondering that myself10:19
bulltitanleavin to crash see u later10:19
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revilotville__ : so are you on another pc right now?10:19
frogzoofats`: Netgear 511 should be no problem10:19
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fats`frogzoo - oh?10:20
fats`I've read differently10:20
maddlerRiplix: /etc/ssh/sshd_config10:20
zbytewas wondering if anyone could help me with a problem dealing with a PSX to USB converter, i posted it on the forums:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21110810:20
=== J-_ ponders
frogzoofats`: seems it runs with the tulip driver - at the worst, you'll need to compile the kernel module10:20
fats`I don't feel like formatting my other hdd for the laptop yet, so I can't really check it10:20
maddlerRiplix: look for Banner statement10:20
fats`frogzoo - yeah, that's something I'm not familiar with10:20
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revilotville__ : you dont have knoppix or any other live cd do you10:21
villeI have ubuntu live cd10:21
zdux0012how can I change the appearance of controls like the checkbox?10:21
frogzoofats`: but this card is like 4 years old, ordinarily anything that old is well supported by now10:21
frogzoo!themes > zdux001210:21
Riplixmaddler: aha, i've done that already. But if i would like to display the current kernel or time or OS, it doesn't work.10:21
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revilotville__ : why cant you use that10:21
zdux0012frogzoo: just the checkbox, not the entire theme10:22
villeto what10:22
fats`I have a 511v2 tho10:22
J-_what's the ext. hdd driver? if i can write onto my ext drive from linux i can say goodbye to windows for good.10:22
fats`I've read that v1 and v2 are different chipsets10:22
fats`I think ones a Realtek and the other is a Prism?10:22
revilotget into gnome10:22
fats`Not positive at all10:22
villewhat would that help?10:22
revilotyour problem is you cant get into gnome right10:22
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villeI can get into gnome with live cd but that's kinda different10:23
polpakrevilot: no the problem is he's on Hoary and needs to upgrade10:23
Sakunixdli: you said I could run both gnome and kde on the same machine how do I swap? does it require a reboot?10:23
fats`frogzoo - you might be able to help me with my other problem.. I want to keep my vnc server running after logging out of my gnome session(So I can log back in when I feel like it). Or atleast be able to start the vnc session via SSH10:23
revilotyou cant burn anything using live cd?10:23
spadesSakunix logout and choose session kde10:23
polpakville you have a live CD?10:23
villepolpak yea10:23
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs10:23
bbrazilrevilot: you can if you have 2 cd drives10:23
spadesSakunix assuming you have kde installed10:23
=== J-_ waves his arms around. what's the driver for write support for ext. hdd?
=== staticact [n=staticac@c-24-16-14-50.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakville why can't you burn with it?10:24
revilotahh thats right10:24
villecan I burn with it?10:24
bbrazilrevilot: or know what you're up to10:24
villecan I download that thing with that live?10:24
dliSakunix, no, just logout one, and choose your session, login , ( indeed, you can literally run both at the same time, one at :0, and one at :1)10:24
polpakah.. hang on10:24
reviloteverything has to fit in ram right10:24
revilotnot sure how that works10:25
villeI have 786Mb ram10:25
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frogzoofats`: I'm guessing try the man page10:25
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dliSakunix, you can compare which one is more sexier by this time10:25
revilotlive cd is about that in itself i think10:25
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bbrazilrevilot: or copy the current cd to disk and somehow boot off it10:25
frogzoorevilot: everything has to fit in virtual memory - ie installed ram + configured swap10:25
villerevilot I think not...10:25
SanketMedhihello any XGL hackers here?10:25
bbrazilSanketMedhi: #ubuntu-xgl10:25
villeLive cd's min requirement is 128Mb ram10:25
frogzooSanketMedhi: -> #ubuntu-xgl10:25
reviloti mean the size of the iso10:25
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villeit's 600-700Mb I think10:26
revilotyoure confusing me10:26
revilotya thats what i said10:26
villeso I'll go to live now..10:26
benkyotoville:i think its 700mb10:26
bbrazilJ-_: eh, vfat10:26
revilotcant believe you didnt try that first10:26
bbrazilJ-_: probably10:26
fats`frogzoo - did you get that question?10:26
benkyotoville: at last that was what Nero displayed when I bunt it in windows10:27
J-_thanks bbrazil10:27
=== adamant1988 is now known as adamant1988-slee
bbrazilJ-_: it should already be loaded though. usd hdd?10:27
frogzoofats`: don't use vnc, so unless someone in chan knows, try the man page10:27
polpakville at the very least you can mount your hd since you already have it downloaded10:27
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polpakville and burn it from there10:27
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revilotor just reinstall windows like you said ;)10:28
polpakrevilot: nah.. windows sux10:28
revilothow did you bork ubuntu to begin with10:28
polpakrevilot: it's an old version. I'm not even sure the repos are around anymore10:28
=== hivemind [n=hivemind@S01060040ca64ca43.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
J-_will vfat work on nfts, and is vfat in the repos?10:29
corranjust out of curosity, where can one find a description of what groups are in the base-config file?10:29
=== KenSentMe is now known as KenSentMe|holida
fyrestrtrJ-_: vfat is a file system, so it ntfs. There is no such thing as 'vfat works on ntfs'. Describe your problem please.10:29
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VieLGuS-KuTaScan someone please help me set the default java10:30
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hivemindHey guys! I just got Dapper set up and I was trying to get Firestarter to start on startup. I used System -> Prefs -> Sessions, but it said I have insuffiecent privilieges. Any ideas?10:30
Ademan_what's a good word for passing things on to your children? some kind of inherritance, but look at it from the parent's point of view, they don't inherrit, they pass on, is there a better word for that?10:30
revilotJ-_: linux can read fat partitions10:30
fyrestrtrhivemind: when you install it, it automatically sets it up to start working at boot time.10:30
maxhakhi all10:30
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corranspecifically, what does video belong to?10:30
fyrestrtrAdeman_: tradition?10:31
=== YtseJam [i=majesty@bzq-88-152-11-105.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
YtseJamaaaaaa, it worked!10:31
VieLGuS-KuTaShivemind: what he said , and you always need to sudo to run then ui10:31
revilotanyone have xgl running in here10:31
hivemindHmm, alright. I'll take a look at Firestarter's settings then.10:31
frogzooAdeman_: endow? k - back to topic10:31
fyrestrtrYtseJam: yes?10:31
YtseJamfyrestrtr, it worked.10:32
J-_fyrestrtr: I bought an external HDD, partitioned it with ntfs because it was the only option on windows. Now teh ext. drive is hooked up to linux, i can only read the drive, can't write onto it.10:32
polpakhivemind: you can of course configure sudo to allow your user to run firestarter w/o a password, then use sudo firestarter as the command10:32
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YtseJamUbuntu on first run seems very nice indeed.10:32
YtseJamfyrestrtr, however, few questions...10:32
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse10:32
revilotfyrestrtr: you have xgl running?10:32
fyrestrtrrevilot: yes10:32
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=== hivemind slaps his forehead
hivemindThanks everyone.10:32
revilotfyrestrtr: you know how out of focus windows fade out and go gray10:33
frogzooYtseJam: you'll do better directing your questions to the channel10:33
revilotfyrestrtr: that fade annoys me, do you know how i can get rid of it10:33
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J-_yeah still experimental, i don't want to screw up my backed up shtuff10:33
YtseJamfyrestrtr, I assume my Windows partitions are supposed to be accessible, however, when I try to open one of them, I get 2 errors: "device /dev/hda5 is not removeable" "could not pmount"10:33
VillelolIm now in gnome with live10:33
YtseJamfrogzoo, will do.10:33
revilotfyrestrtr: ive tried screwing around in conf editor10:33
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:33
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revilotfyrestrtr: but nothing seems to have any effect10:33
fyrestrtrrevilot: gset-compiz should take care of it, there is an option there where you can specify it.10:33
polpakYtseJam: ^^10:34
Villelolpolpak, what now?10:34
fyrestrtrrevilot: are you restarting compiz? it takes affect after the restart.10:34
YtseJampolpak, yes, already checking :)10:34
polpakVillelol: you need to mount your HD (it may be already)10:34
fyrestrtrrevilot: please ask in #ubuntu-xgl :)10:34
VieLGuS-KuTaSdoesn anyone know how to set the sun java as default when the alternative doesnt see it?10:34
polpakVillelol: which live CD is this, 5.04 ?10:34
revilotfyrestrtr: well i disabled fade altogether and it took effect immediately but the out of focus windows still go grey10:34
YtseJamQuestion 2, I have a damn PCI (internal ADSL) modem, when I try to configure it, it is a no-go.10:34
fyrestrtrJ-_: copy it to your main drive, format the external using vfat, then copy it over.10:34
frogzooVieLGuS-KuTaS: maybe it's not installed?10:34
revilotfyrestrtr: ah ok thx10:35
VieLGuS-KuTaSfrogzoo: it is , i installed it10:35
Villelolpolpak yes10:35
VieLGuS-KuTaSfrogzoo: well , i unpackaged it , it doent have a installer10:35
Villelolit's 5.0410:35
Villelolummm... Polpak, can I remove live cd from the drive?10:35
polpakVillelol: I dunno, will it eject?10:36
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J-_will vfat work on windows? my ext. drive is 300gb. linux is 20mb, and windows is 160mb10:36
YtseJamAnyone here had any luck with PCI modems?10:36
Villelolpolpak... no..10:36
frogzooVieLGuS-KuTaS: VieLGuS-KuTaS 'sun-java5-jre' ?10:36
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Villelolso I cant do anything10:37
Villeloleven if I'd dload that iso I cant burn it10:37
polpakVillelol: didn't you dl the iso already?10:37
frogzoo!winmodem > YtseJam10:37
Villelolpolpak no.10:37
VieLGuS-KuTaSfrogzoo: yes, i had to download it from the website because there are no 07 updates in repos10:37
YtseJamfrogzoo, I just mentioned it's an ADSL modem...10:37
polpakVillelol: well do that first (from the normal install not live cd)10:37
benkyotodammit, my skrs just died on me (ToT)10:38
J-_will windows read a vfat drive?10:38
frogzooJ-_: vfat is shorthand for fat12/16/3210:38
J-_ah ok10:39
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J-_thanks for all your help dewds. much appreciated.10:39
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YtseJamHmm, the mounting script doesn't come included in the LiveCD? This means I'll hav to type this. blechs :)10:42
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frogzooYtseJam: use wget10:43
frogzooYtseJam: oic...10:43
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YtseJamI can't. :)10:44
frogzooYtseJam: yeh, got that10:44
frogzooYtseJam: quicker to just edit /etc/fstab10:44
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YtseJamfrogzoo, me no speak linux.10:45
frogzooYtseJam: or get your network up...10:45
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YtseJamfrogzoo, yes, getting my network up would be very nice...10:45
YtseJamBut it seems almost impossible with this ADSL modem.10:45
YtseJamI think I'm the only person in the world with an internal ADSL modem10:45
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frogzooYtseJam: this is what you want... http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mount_Windows_partitions_%28DOS%2C_FAT%2C_NTFS%2910:46
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MintyI have gnome running but would like to see how KDE runs is it esay to add / install ??10:46
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FlannelMinty: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:47
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MintyThanks Flannel :)10:47
frogzooYtseJam: just skip the first para about kernel config10:47
YtseJamThat URL will not load.10:48
frogzooYtseJam: first link: http://www.google.com/search?q=mount%20fat%20linux10:48
YtseJamAnyway, I think HD should come later, I just wanted to get some music...10:48
YtseJamNetwork is far more important. ;\10:48
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YtseJamW/out network, no Ubuntu. bleh10:49
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Mintyflannel : am downloading KDE and afterwards ??10:51
FlannelMinty: you'll log out to GDM (that is the login screen), then under "session" select KDE10:51
FlannelMinty: and login10:51
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Mintyflannel : thanks10:51
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monomaniacpatdoes anyone here know what driver version the xpad module is that came with dapper?10:55
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_extricate_how do i check versions of programs i have exactly?10:56
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hintswenths is 2 hard10:58
hintsweni can't even install a IRC bot without stuffing up10:58
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Picacodigoshi all10:58
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xice_notebookhow do i get x back up and runnning after installing a new kernel?11:02
Picacodigosexcuse me, but is this the place for *absolutely newbie* questions?11:03
LynourePicacodigos: not only those, but those too11:03
Picacodigosok, i'm a complete newbie to linux11:03
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Picacodigosi don't even know how to install applications11:04
Picacodigosor codecs11:04
Picacodigosor anything11:04
hintsweni'm a complete idiot11:04
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hintsweni tried to install something, it didn't work11:04
hintswenand now i dunno how to get rid of it11:04
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funkmasteri shter sumthing worng with this? http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/libcupsys2_1.2.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb11:04
funkmaster  404 Not Found11:04
LynourePicacodigos: EasyUbuntu is an easy tool for installing the most common non-free codecs11:04
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hintswenI'm TRYING to make or get a IRC bot that can just stay in a room and kick people who swear/flood etc.11:05
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Linuturkhey, i'm having some issues11:05
funkmasterhintswen, there r a lot of bots like this lready, just copy script and adapt11:05
hintsweni've tried perl, i've tried C. i'm never gonna get this11:05
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Linuturkmy wireless USB adapter is acting wierd with the network-admin applet in gnome11:05
hintsweni can't find1 that i can get working! i'm a total idiot11:05
Linuturkit locks up, and it seems to be random11:05
hintsweni have 1 but i must have stuffed up the install or something11:06
funkmasterhintswear: first u need a eggdrop11:06
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funkmasteri think there is one in the ubuntu packages11:06
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funkmasteronces u have that running, just add the scripts11:06
Linuturkwhen it freezes, I can't do anything. I have to manually powerdown11:06
Mintyflannel : have downloaded KDE and re booted cant find how to switch from gnome to KDE, sorry :(11:06
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LinuturkMinty, there should be a sessions or options section on the login screen11:06
hintswenk i'll look11:06
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faddatHey, does Ubuntu cache DNS entries?11:07
LinuturkMinty, you should be able to choose whatever gui you want from there.11:07
Mintywill re ty back asapr11:07
faddatMy ISP had a bad DNS entry for 2 websites I like and I can't access them despite switching DNS servers11:07
Sakunixhow do you update your kernel?11:07
gatekeeperMinty: when you get to the log-in screen press menu (at least that what it is with kubuntu) and it will give the option11:07
faddatSakunix: Do you want to use something really exotic?11:08
funkmasterLinuturk: i expereicned that the network applet sometimes needs pertty long to be normal but it works after a hwhile of waiting, maybe urs is also not freezing11:08
hintswenok i used "sudo apt-get install eggdrop" to get the eggdrop thing. now i don't know what i'm doing as usial11:08
SakunixI want to get nvidia drivers to work11:08
Linuturkfunkmaster, i've waited several hours before. the mouse and keyboard are unresponsive11:08
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funkmasterhintswn: why don't u use synaptic?11:08
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SakunixI can only find headers and source for 2.6.15-2511:08
funkmasteranyhow, a nromal eggdrop install is pretty much automated11:08
hintswencause i'm using SSH11:09
funkmasterthere is a website with howto11:09
faddatoh okay man11:09
Linuturkthe wireless adapter seems to be working great (better than windows, and out of the box), but it seems to fight the network admin applet11:09
funkmastergoogle it, there is alot about eggdrops, and it's really easy11:09
hintswenlol well lets just say it's frozen on the screensaver11:09
Mintywhen I re boot and look under options have still only Gnome as choice :(11:09
faddatSakunix:  let me show you.....11:09
Sakunixthat would be great11:09
Linuturkhow did you install KDE minty?11:09
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hintswenit's frozen on the screensaver so all i can do is SSH it, other guy that can SSH my server said there's a process(xorg or something) hoging resources11:09
Linuturktype this into terminal11:09
Krupzsorry, but i have a centrino laptop with 855G (i810graphic chip), and i'm trying to run Xgl on ubuntu dapper 6.06 LTS, but i tried with some howtos and noone works, any experiencie about that? anybody is running Xgl with i810?11:10
Linuturksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:10
Mintysudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:10
Mintydid that11:10
faddatSakunix: here ya go :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:10
faddatThat'll guide you through it11:10
Linuturkgot your repositories setup correctly Minty ?11:10
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hintsweni wonder if i should reboot it...11:10
Linuturkand, try out a "sudo apt-get update"11:11
Linuturkthen try the other command11:11
hintswenhow can i see it's processes and kill them?11:11
Sakunixfaddat thanks mate11:11
faddatNo problem :)11:11
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Lynourehintswen: ps x   (or see   man ps   for more info)11:11
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Mintylinuturk : seem okay11:12
hintswenodd, i don't see the process he was talking about11:12
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FlannelMinty: you need to restart GDM.11:13
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help_mei need help11:13
Linuturkhe said he rebooted the computer Flannel11:13
help_mesomebody speak french?11:13
hintswenaah that's better11:13
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Mintymoi mais il ya un channel francais ubuntu-fr11:14
Linuturkthe wireless adapter seems to be working great (better than windows, and out of the box), but it seems to fight the network admin applet11:14
nominI encountered a strange bug when I updated.  When I would try to select the info on the login and password updates, X would restart.  I updated and there are no problems.  Should be ok, but it was odd.11:14
help_meok merci Minty11:14
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Mintyje ton pri11:14
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RememberPOLIs there a Device/Hardware Database Submission tool in v6.06?11:14
Linuturkyes, it's under the Device Manager11:15
Linuturkthey hide it11:15
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LinuturkSystem>Administration>Device Manager i believe11:15
zdux0012Thanks guys, I've asked 5 questions and gotten 0 answers and no help, you guys rock!11:15
pandamoniumdoes anyone know where i can find a config file for the msttcorefonts installer please?11:15
Linuturkwell, ask again zdux001211:15
Picacodigosa very simple question: using Synaptic I've just installed called Konquest, but I can't see it on the applications menu. How can I add it there? Is it because its a KDE app?11:15
RememberPOLLinuturk: Ah yeah I see it at the bottom of the Device Manager window.. I had opened that and closed it because i thought it was just output info11:16
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RememberPOLcool though11:16
=== Picacodigos thinks it's a very simple question, don't really know
Linuturkany help with my wireless device though?11:16
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RememberPOLPicacodigos: Right click Applications: Edit Menus11:16
LinuturkPicacodigos, i'm not sure.11:16
igorzolnikovhi! i have problem with last update...11:16
hintswendammit, now i can't reboot that computer11:17
igorzolnikovW: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/libcupsys2_1.2.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb11:17
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Picacodigosthanks, rememberPOL, I'm on it11:17
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gatekeeperPicacodigos: I use KDE not Gnome but you could try loging out of your WM and loging back in and see if it appears11:18
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pandamoniuminstaller times out whenever it tries to download andale32.exe although i've managed to download this locally11:18
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pandamoniumhmmm... just thought of something... is there a way to force one of the urls the installer tries to resolve to a local location?11:19
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aroonihey everyone.... i get an error when i try to do a ruby command: http://pastie.caboo.se/3823 ... can someone tell me if i neeed more packages or somethign (ubuntu dapper)?11:20
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igorzolnikovplz help. last update don'11:21
igorzolnikovt work11:21
Lynoureigorzolnikov: what happens instead of it working? errors, anything?11:22
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igorzolnikov404 Not Found11:22
ciocanelhow can i check the output for the scrobbler plugin in rhythmbox?11:22
Lynoureigorzolnikov: then the mirror you are using doesn't have the files yet. Uusually gets fixed in less than a day11:22
igorzolnikovcan i change mirror?11:24
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kuzmasterhello all11:25
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=== Minty is now logged with KDE thaks guys
Lynoureigorzolnikov: sure, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a different one11:26
gatekeeperarooni: if this was c/c++ I would say that you are missing source files I don't know ruby but it looks very similar11:27
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto11:27
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aroonigatekeeper: how would you reccomend fixing it?11:27
ubotuYou can browse and search the packages in Ubuntu in synaptic, adept and online on http://packages.ubuntu.com11:27
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aroonigatekeeper: i have a bunch of ruby packages already isntalled11:27
the_Kanehey everyone11:27
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:27
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the_KaneQUESTION: i was just wondering, can i set up wine to display my video (game graphics) with CACA ?11:28
gatekeeperarooni: are there more you could install, is there a way of find out which module or whatever your undfined method is in?11:28
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare11:29
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gatekeeperarooni: 'undefined mthod' is the key, you need to locate where that method might be in the ruby libs, like I said never used ruby myself11:30
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villepolpak, now I dloaded it11:34
SakunixI have KDE atm how do I install gnome11:34
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Sakunixand then how do I swap to gnome?11:34
villewhere is polpak?!?!11:35
villecould someone else help me then..11:35
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the_Kanesakunix: im not shore if this is correct, but if you go to synapitic and install the gnome desktop environment, it should download it, and install it so you dont have to configure anything11:35
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windmillhello I've installed dapper on my laptop, it looks nice but my scrolling thingy on my mouse pad doesn't work. it did work in breezy. Any ideas?11:35
Sakunixapt-get install gnome-desktop-enviroment is what I jsut typed in11:36
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:36
Sakunixand its now dl'n 80 Mb of stuff11:36
the_Kanesakunix: yeh that sounds right11:36
Sakunixhow do I start gnome once its on there?11:36
gatekeeperSakunix: when you get to the log-in screen press the menu button and gnome WM should become an option after you have installed it11:36
revilotselect gnome on your login screen11:37
Sakunixso I jsut logout to change to gnome11:37
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SakunixI can handle that11:37
SakunixI like it11:37
the_Kanegatekeeper: im on gnome now, if i was to install KDE, at my login screen, can i select which environment i can load?11:37
villehow can I burn that friggen image?11:37
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the_Kaneville: download gnome-baker11:37
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villeI cant.. I need to burn in11:38
gatekeeperthe_Kane: yes11:38
villejust tell me the fuking command...........11:38
the_Kanegatekeeper: thanks ;)11:38
villeuh.. Im so pissed with this..11:38
Linuturkwhere is that tutorial for non free formats? to enable DVD and mp3 playback?11:38
Sakunixville: what do you want to do?11:38
the_Kaneville: lose the attitude, im trying to help you...11:38
Mintyin KDE how do I enable a double click to open folders programs rather than a single click11:38
villeI just want one simple command.. how to burn that image what I dloaded just a moment ago11:38
gatekeeperthe_Kane: on my test box I had KDE and Xfce selected what I wanted at the log-in screen11:38
the_Kaneville: tell me what your trying to do.. from what i understand you want to burn an iso image?11:38
LinuturkMinty, it's somewhere in the settings. It shouldn't be hard to find.11:38
villeI can only use this damn console11:38
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Mintylooking, god is it different than gnome11:39
the_Kanegatekeeper: ah right cool11:39
Sakunixville: you have init running at level 3?11:39
villeI cant run init 311:39
gatekeeperthe_Kane: loaded the last WM I used by default11:39
villeIt's inti 2 now11:39
the_KaneWM ?11:39
Sakunixville: hmm11:39
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villeI just need to know the friggen command11:40
LinuturkMinty, it's just getting use to the new gui . . . i'm a gnome guy myself11:40
villeI dont need _ANYTHING_ else11:40
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Sakunixville: you want to burn a iso image to cd from command line?11:40
LinuturkMinty, gnome or xfce or fluxbox, that is11:40
kuzmasteris it possible to edit the sources.list in gui mode, and save changes?11:40
villeyea, sakunix11:40
gatekeeperMinty: you sorted out how to change WM - KDE is like windows in some respects11:40
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the_Kanekuzmaster: yeh, in synaptic11:41
webbenhas anyone else experienced difficulties installing ruby with checkinstall?11:41
Mintyyes seems so, shall play with it to see which I prefer11:41
webben(or anyone else succeeded ...?)11:41
Sakunixville: ok *Sakunix opens up google.com*11:41
kuzmasterbut i put the one the i just got from source-o-matic in there?11:41
Linuturk!restricted formats11:41
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:41
kuzmasterim, can i put it in there using that?11:42
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the_Kanekuzmaster: huh?11:42
gatekeeperMinty: there are others too, if you want to try enlightenment download the OLiveCD enlightenment is in the Ubuntu repos too11:42
Mintyok thanks11:42
the_Kanekuzmaster: im not shore, but why dont you just do it in the text editor?11:42
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the_Kanekuzmaster: nano? huh.. :S11:43
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:44
kuzmasterthat tool is fantastic11:44
villesakunix, found anything?11:44
Sakunixgear pro11:45
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Sakunixnot sure if its free though11:45
the_KaneQUESTION: i was just wondering, can i set up wine to display my video (game graphics) with CACA ?11:45
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villecould someone tell me.. one single command that burns that one image into cd in command line11:46
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edulixhi !11:47
Sakunixyou need to download a program to do it first ville11:47
villeo fuk this.. thanks eveyone.. thanks for nothing ..11:47
villeno you dont11:48
edulixsuspend to ram in my laptop seems to work half11:48
villeYou can do burn it from console Im sure11:48
dsas!patience > ville11:48
Linuturkgoogle it then, ville11:48
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Linuturkquit flaming11:48
redloungehi everyone. i use vsftpd on ubuntu 6.06 and i could not get 'chroot_local_user' to work with 'ssl_enable'. anyone can help me?11:48
edulixit suspend and resumes, but when it resumes the screen is black. but i can login via ssh to it11:48
villeLinuturk, shut the fuk up I CANT FUKING OPEN THE BROWSER11:48
SakunixI have never seen it done I have only ever seen mount of iso on loop devices11:48
=== the_Kane wants to know if MIDI support is enabled in wine ?
dsasville: Please don't use language like that here.11:49
edulixI've got an old ati radeon, and the only driver which suports it is the open source ati xorg driver11:49
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villeyou moron I already said 100 times I CANT get into friggin graphical interfacwe11:49
webbenville: please take your attitude somewhere else and come back when you've cooled off11:49
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:49
kuzmasterwhat do i type into terminal to change the permissions of my sources.list?11:49
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Knomeville cdrecord should do the trick11:49
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:49
kuzmasteris it somthing along the lines of chmod?11:49
villeKnome.. I know but I dont know how to burn ........"11:49
villeI cant do anything graphical Im runnin init 211:50
Sakunixville: cdw?11:50
dsaskuzmaster: Yes it's chmod. I'm not sure that changing the permissions is a good idea though.11:50
Linuturkville, you should be concerned with getting your gui back up before worrying about burning an iso file11:50
Sakunixthe cmd11:50
kuzmasterdasa, why?11:50
Sakunixcdw [paramters] 11:50
kuzmasterdsas, why?11:50
villeLinuturk are you dumb or what? Im trying to get new cd to install this again11:50
the_Kanekuzmaster: if you are trying to edit your sources list use sudo11:50
villewhy do you think Im trying to get some iso if I cant get gui11:50
Knomeville I think its something like 'cdrecord -pad filename.iso' but don't quote me on that11:50
kuzmasterbut i want dont want to do it in terminal?11:51
villedont say anything..11:51
Sakunixthat works11:51
revilotville: install windows and be done with it11:51
Sakunixlol at revilot11:51
edulixwell, anyway..11:51
Sakunixthats what I would do too11:51
edulixhow can I install suspend2 in dapper?11:51
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the_Kaneyou wont, it will launch the text editor and you add your sorce their11:51
dsaskuzmaster: Because if you change the permissions to something else then you could let other people modify it which would give them access to take over your system.11:51
villeSakunix it says no writing mode specified11:51
kizzumeI'm trying to install drivers for my nvidia video card, and it needs to have the kernel source available.  How do I make that available?11:52
kuzmastersooo, how do i open it via sudo?11:52
villeRevilot I would install windows =D11:52
villebut I cant find the cd11:52
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kuzmasterim a bit of a noob, sorry11:52
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webbenkuzmaster: in Terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
the_Kanekuzmaster: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:52
dsaskizzume: You need to install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:52
the_Kanewebben: dam :P11:52
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kuzmasterwhich one?11:53
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webbenkuzmaster: which what?11:53
kizzumedsas:  would that be using apt-get ?11:53
kuzmasternm, dw11:53
dsaskizzume: Using apt-get, synaptic package manager, adept. The choice is yours.11:53
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kizzumedsas:  I'll see if I can get that going.11:54
kuzmasterjust wondering, can you install adept on gnome, or ubuntu?11:54
webbenis there a nice way to cat (or equivalent) a known line number of a given file?11:55
jribkuzmaster: yes, you can install adept in GNOME11:55
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dsaskuzmaster: You can yes.11:56
dsaskuzmaster: Oh sorry, just noticed someone had already answered.11:56
SVisorUbuntu update does not seem to work. It cant find the files (when downloading), still it claims I do have 7 updates available. It has worked before. Is this something that is known and will fix itself if I just sit and wait.11:56
jribwebben: sed -n '3p' file    <-- is that nice?  Just use your line number in place of 3 here11:56
kuzmasterwhen i ran sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, it came up with a blank text editor window, implying the the sources.list is blank11:57
webbenjrib: that could do :) thanks11:57
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Linuturkwhere do you get that eye candy I saw a video about? the 3d window switcher and such? I think it was xorg or something along those lines.11:58
webbenSVisor: do a pastebin of the output of "sudo apt-get upgrade"11:58
Yondahey guys ive got samba running on the network here..however when i try to access the ubuntu box from windows, it asks for a username and password...i think i need to add a user for samba or some such, but im not sure how to do that...11:58
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jrib!xgl > Linuturk11:58
Linuturkjrib, thanks11:58
jribLinuturk: not sure if you want xgl or 3ddesktop.  3ddesktop is just a program in the universe repository11:59
Knomewebben: grep -n "" filename11:59
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webbenKnome: oh goody, two options - thanks :)11:59
Linuturkxgl was what I was looking for . . . but I didn't realize it was in alpha. I'll wait a bit. jrib11:59
inc|freakycan any1 in here tell me, how long compiling a new kernel usually takes?11:59
SVisorwebben: Err http://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main pmount 0.9.11-1ubuntu1 404 Not Found ---- on all 7 packages11:59
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echtor2003_http://echtor.xglusers.de/lol.png  << what is that?12:00
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Linuturklol echtor2003_12:00
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Linuturkgot me . . . though12:00
Linuturksee right above? GiB12:01
inc|freakyMiB and MB are not the same. one is calculated with 1000 and the other one with 1024 i think12:01
Linuturkmust be the localization12:01
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wk2001hello! i need help with updating my breezy to dapper... i did it from console. now apt-get  gives an error: could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc612:01
wk2001what can i do?12:01
webbenSVisor: interesting, but a pastebin of the actual output would be more helpful: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12:01
Yondaive got samba running on the network here..however when i try to access the ubuntu box from windows, it asks for a username and password...i think i need to add a user for samba or some such, but im not sure how to do that...12:02
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SVisorwebben: Sure Ill do it. But it does not give more info than that.12:02
webbenSVisor: well doesn't it say what the 7 packages are, for instance?12:03
Linuturk!file structure12:03
ubotuI know nothing about file structure12:03
Sakunixfaddat: I just followed that recipe on getting the nvidia drivers up12:03
Linuturkis there a good readme for the general file structure of Ubuntu ?12:03
SakunixI now error out on starting x12:03
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html - file permissions are explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:03
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Linuturkthanks again jrib12:04
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webbenSVisor: you could try a different mirror, e.g. substitute gb for au, then try "aptitude reinstall pmount"12:04
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kizzumeWhere is the kernel source located?  Where is the find option in xfce?12:05
SVisorwebben: Now it worked on 5 of the packages (while doing the stdout/stderr capture). Maybe they are just not uploaded yet.12:05
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webbenSVisor: maybe the au mirror is in a little bit of a state12:05
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Sakunixstartx fails after intsalling nvidia drivers can anyone help?12:06
kizzumeIs there a "find" option in xfce?12:06
SVisorwebben: Ill just wait. It will probably solve itself in a few hours.12:06
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:08
softriverDoes anyone know how I can upgrade my ubuntu desktop installation to the ubuntu server installation?12:08
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Burnewww.idpz.net/tomytom/Linux.htm --> Linux news ! :)12:08
webbensoftriver: for what?12:08
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kizzumenever mind--I'll use the one in shell...12:08
blaster999hi all12:08
softriverI want to run mediawiki off of my pc so tht it will be accessible to all of my home computers.12:09
Minty__when I minimize Xchat is closes rather than minimizing, any ideas12:09
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blaster999Is there a way to make mysql4 work with utf8 in ubuntu?12:09
g-nomeanyone knows a good, easy and up-to-date tutorial for compiling my own kernel ?12:09
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Serious_Svenfgood afternoon, can anyone help me with libqt3c102-mt? I have libqt3-mt installed but the Opera installer looks voor libqt3c102-mt12:09
godhey guys, im in need of a lil help12:10
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:10
blaster999g-nome: make menuconfig; make; make install :)12:10
godhas anyone had a problem where websites wont load but internet is stil working?12:10
blaster999Serious_Svenf: try symlinking12:10
g-nomeblaster999: ok but BEFORE that !? :-)12:10
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gatekeeperYonda: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html you can also set up shares from System Settings -> Sharing12:11
SVisorblaster999: And then figure out why your: Mouse, printer, RAID, SCSI, SATA.. does not work ;-)12:11
blaster999g-nome: get the tarball, unpack it to /usr/src/linux :)12:11
blaster999SVisor: too bad ubuntu doesn't have /proc/config.gz12:11
g-nomeyeah, but i want also to OPTIMIZE it ;-)12:11
Serious_Svenfblaster999: I'm not familiar with that, I know what you're at (linking libqt3c102-mt to libqt3c-mt) but how do I do that?12:11
blaster999g-nome: best is to get the kernel config from ubuntu stock kernel12:12
Seveasblaster999, /boot/config-*12:12
SVisorblaster999: Yes that too bad. If you build your own kernel, make sure you enable that.12:12
blaster999g-nome: and then optimize it12:12
g-nomeblaster999: ??? :-)12:12
blaster999Seveas: thanks! I didn't know that12:12
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SeveasSVisor, why? It only takes up memory and is useless12:12
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Subgod, yes12:12
Subgod, diable ipv612:13
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goddo you now the cause?12:13
blaster999Serious_Svenf: I know there's a repository which has opera12:13
godi have12:13
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Sub!tell god about ipv612:13
softriverI'm also trying to figure out how to kill my xServer and boot to console.12:13
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Serious_Svenfblaster999, I've seen the page but does it also solve the dependencies?12:13
Subgod, once you remove the ipv6 alias', and restart, it should be okay12:13
blaster999Serious_Svenf: should at least12:13
godi've done that12:13
SVisorSeveas: The memory usage.. do not know how much. But its a simple and fail safe (you cant delete it) way to get a new kernel build started.12:13
Serious_Svenfblaster999: I'm gonna try, I'll be back if it fails ;) thanks12:14
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blaster999g-nome: there's not too much to optimize in the kernel config12:14
SeveasSVisor, if you manually delete files in /boot you're being silly anyway12:14
blaster999Serious_Svenf: here's a good sources.list generator which has the opera repo: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:14
g-nomeblaster999: where can i get the ubuntu "stock kernel", but it's more to have it UP-TO-DATE that i want to compile it12:15
J-_how can i install fluxbox? can i just use synaptic?12:15
jrib!fluxbox > J-_12:15
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ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox12:15
SVisorSeveas: Yes but you have to remember to copy you config to /boot when your happy with your new kernel. With /proc/config nothing to forget.12:15
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blaster999as Seveas said, take the config from /boot/config-*12:16
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SeveasSVisor, ehrm, you have to remember to use the ubuntu kernel build mechanisms12:16
Seveasthen you don't need to do anything manually12:16
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Whisky`How do i make Kubunty install on the free 5gb disp space on my HDD? The remaining 4 partitions; sda1,2,3,4 are Windows while sda-1 is free space. I selected it but then i have to choose where to mount it and i only hAve sda1,2,3,4 and NOT sda-1 which is the free space12:16
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LynoureIs there a newer version (unoddicial is fine) of hplip for ubuntu? I'm looking for 0.9.9 or newer12:16
blaster999g-nome: then rename it to .config and put it to the kernel source dir12:16
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ompaulSeveas, a moment if I may12:17
Seveasompaul, only if #ubuntu-ie really serves whiskey now ;)12:17
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ompaulSeveas, well I have no idea who put that in initially but I left it there12:18
blaster999anyone here uses mysql?12:18
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SakunixIf you screw your xorg.conf up what can you do about it?12:18
hawkaloogiefix it?12:18
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SeveasSakunix, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:18
redguySakunix, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:18
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:18
blaster999Sakunix: see if there's a backup xorg.conf.1 or something12:18
Serious_Svenfblaster999: keeps saying I need libqt3c102-mt, I'm looking at the source-o-matic but where can I check which source has the opera dependencies, as far as I know the libqt3c102-mt doesn't exist anymore because it's now called libqt3c-mt12:18
SVisorSakunix: Revert back to the backup you did. You did a backup before you changed it didnt you?12:18
redbladesI was going to type that, but you two got there firstest12:18
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SVisorSakunix: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:19
Sakunixwill do12:19
redguyWhisky`, sda-1? like in "sda negative 1"?12:19
EdgthoI installed dapper and xserver failed before I could even log in.12:19
Seveasredguy, antimatter partitions12:19
blaster999Serious_Svenf: try using dpkg to manually install. There's a switch that allows to bypass dependencies12:19
Seveaslatest disk technology 12:19
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redguySeveas, lol12:19
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SeveasSerious_Svenf, throw out that .deb file and find one for Ubuntu12:20
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kizzumeI'm trying to install drivers for my nvidia card, and it's requring the location of the kernel source, and I've tried doing a --kernel-source-path in the command line for every location that the find option could locate kernel-source, but none of them are what the driver install wizard wants.  Does anyone know which directory it's looking for?  I've installed the kernel source with apt-get.12:20
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Whisky`redguy" yes, exactly.12:20
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godhey sub, ipv6 is disabled and still no internet, yet i can still connect to irc etc.12:20
redguySeveas, you have to be carefull to separate the data fom the antimatter drive from the data on the normal matter drive12:20
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Subgod, did you edit your ff settings too?12:21
Sakunix /kiss whole room12:21
Sakunixyou are all wonderful12:21
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Subgod, it's obviously a dns issue, i cant think what though.12:21
Sakunixmy baby is alive again woo12:22
redguyWhisky`, hmm this is something I have never seen or heard of12:22
godit work on my laptop though12:22
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godit has to be a configuration issue in ubuntu12:22
Whisky`me neither:S12:22
Subhmm god and you restarted yes?12:22
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Suband god you follow the DAPPER instructions to disable ipv6, not the normal ones12:23
Whisky`thanks anyway12:23
redguyWhisky`, would yo be so king and paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda to the pastebin?12:23
Whisky`linux sucks like always12:23
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redguy!pastebin > Whisky`12:23
godim not on dapper12:23
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Seveasthere is just no pleasing some people12:23
kizzumeI'm trying to install drivers for my nvidia card, and it's requring the location of the kernel source, and I've tried doing a --kernel-source-path in the command line for every location that the find option could locate kernel-source, but none of them are what the driver install wizard wants.  Does anyone know which directory it's looking for?  I've installed the kernel source with apt-get.12:23
hawkaloogiekizzume, why aren't you using the ubuntu package?12:24
Sakunixkizzume: I have just spent to past 4 hours doing it12:24
Seveaskizzume, your pursuing the wrong path12:24
Seveas!nvidia > kizzume12:24
zcat[1] kizzume: give up on the nvidia binary installer, use the nvidia-glx package12:24
hawkaloogieinterestingly enough, not even 2 hours ago i just got done messing with that12:24
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kizzumehawkaloogie: because I don't know about that package12:24
Sakunixkizzume: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:24
redguySeveas, better off with him. I am still wondering how did he manage to connect to a normal matter irc server with his antimatter client ^_^12:24
Kanpachihello, anyone ever installed from the alt/server cd and then apt-get ubuntu-desktop? is there any difference?12:24
zcat[1] Kanpachi: yes. No.12:25
Sakunixanyone know how to create a virtual cd drive and mount iso images on them?12:25
SeveasKanpachi, if you installed from the alternate cd: no, if you installed from the server cd: yes, you then have a server kernel12:25
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:25
webbeni asked this question yesterday but i don't think anyone happened to answer: i installed a load of kde packages but kde didn't get installed as a session option in gdm --- how do i do that?12:25
SeveasSakunix, mount -o loop /[ath/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint12:25
Kanpachii thought the alternative cd is the same as the servercd12:25
blaster999Sakunix: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 qwe.iso /mnt/fakecd12:25
SVisorkizzume: You could create symlink /usr/src/linux - thats the default path expected by most12:25
Seveaswebben, install the kubuntu-desktop package12:25
zcat[1] very little difference afaik..12:25
Sakunixhow many loop devs are there / can you make12:26
blaster999Sakunix: many :)12:26
Sakunixawesome will try it now12:26
blaster999Sakunix: 8 AFAIK12:26
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webbenSeveas: hmm thought i had installed that... apparently not though ... thanks :)12:26
Seveaswebben, ksmserver: usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop12:26
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kizzumezcat[1] :  I'll see if I can find that package somewhere, it wasn't on their site...12:26
Seveasyou need at least that one12:26
Sakunixthats tops12:27
zcat[1] kizzume: it isn't. It's in multiverse I think12:27
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godgrrrrr! Why does linux hate me :(12:27
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SVisorgod: Hate back it helps ;-)12:27
ragooit doesn't:)12:27
Seveasin soviet russia, you hate linux12:27
redguyhello xanax`12:27
Seveaserr.. 12:27
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Serious_Svenfblaster999: I've downloaded the libqt3c102-mt deb file and installed it, the opera installation was successful, thanks for your help though. (I googled it up)12:27
watson540linux doesnt hate anyone its just prejudiced against non-googlers :)12:28
SeveasSerious_Svenf, congratulations on breaking your system!12:28
godhas anyone else had a problem with web pages not loading and ipv6 diabled?12:28
Serious_SvenfSeveas: breaking?12:28
blaster999god: what's the error?12:28
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kizzumezcat[1] :  Is there a location where I don't have to log in to get it?12:28
=== zcat[1] has had the most amazing amount of frustration with ubuntu recently... major headaches trying to get imap working, and again trying to get vnc
blaster999god: Or you just wait and they don't show up?12:28
SeveasSerious_Svenf, yeah, installing random packages in this way is a sure way to break things.12:29
godi can connect to the irc etc just not any webpages12:29
kizzumezcat[1] :  as in loggin into a site?12:29
Seveasbut hey, have fun!12:29
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webbengod: is this all webpages or particular ones?12:29
dragon______NEWBhey dli12:29
webbengod: and in all browsers or just in firefox?12:29
kizzumezcat[1] :  never mind, there's 3 different multiverse sites... I chose the wrong one the first time, I still may have the wrong one...12:30
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webbengod: and everything's fine with ipv6 enabled?12:30
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SVisorgod: What does "host  www.whatever.wherever" tell you12:30
zcat[1] kizzume: run synaptic, add all the repos, then refresh, then find and click the nvidia-glx package..12:30
blaster999god: tru telnetting to a site. See if it works12:30
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blaster999god: like "telnet www.google.com 80"12:30
blaster999and then type "get /"12:30
zcat[1] kizzume: assuming I'm following the right convo and you wanted the nvidia drivers?12:30
Sakunixthis irc channal has got to be one of the most awesome places for help ever12:30
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godi had to enable ipv6 at first to fix it, now its stopped working again12:30
zcat[1] kizzume: better still, just run easyubuntu12:30
zcat[1] !easyubuntu12:30
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:30
Serious_SvenfSeveas: I may be wrong in this, but I think the difference is just the name? because the version was thesame as the libqt3c-mt that ubuntu has12:30
godconnected when telneting12:30
linopilSakunix: sounds like it really is12:31
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SeveasSerious_Svenf, why do you think thry changed the name?12:31
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SeveasMaybe because they are incompatible....12:31
Seveasreally, remove opera and that qt package12:31
ubotuI know nothing about Sakunix:12:31
Seveasand find a *proper ubuntu package* for opera12:31
kizzumezcat[1] :   easybuntu: command not found12:31
dragon______NEWBi need help12:31
zcat[1] See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/12:31
blaster999dragon______NEWB: what's the problem?12:32
godblaster999: its only when trying to access any web page that it doesnt work12:32
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dragon______NEWBi want to install a program12:32
Edgthozcat[1] : I'm having the same problem as kizzume, except, I can't get synaptec to work through command line.12:32
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Sakunixkizzume: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:32
Sakunixsudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:32
Sakunixsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:32
dragon______NEWBthis is the first time ive used linux12:32
Sakunixthats 'should' help you12:32
J-_should my swap partition be full?12:32
Sakunixworked for me12:32
Seveasdragon______NEWB, which program?12:32
zcat[1] Sakunix: know an easy way to turn on the universe and multiverse repos through the command line?12:32
frogzooJ-_: how do you mean full?12:33
dragon______NEWBits the driver for my grafix card radeon 9550 256mb12:33
Serious_SvenfSeveas: no idea, but what was the other solution? :(12:33
SVisorgod: Have you checked FF settings. Especially the "Connection settings"12:33
linopildragon______NEWB: stick with it12:33
blaster999zcat[1] : edit /etc/apt/sources.list12:33
redguygod, maybe it's related to your ISP?12:33
Seveasand find a *proper ubuntu package* for opera <-- Serious_Svenf12:33
Seveas!ati > dragon______NEWB12:33
zcat[1] I said _easy_ :-)12:33
redguygod, maybe http is only allowed through a proxy?12:33
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godits all fine on my laptop though12:33
Serious_SvenfSeveas, I checked the opera repository, but it doesn't install the libqt3c102-mt12:33
frogzooJ-_: what does 'swapon -s' say?12:33
webbenSVisor: he said same thing happens with other browsers12:33
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blaster999zcat[1] : and then sudo apt-get update12:33
dragon______NEWByes sev12:33
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SeveasSerious_Svenf, when will you start listening....12:34
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SVisorwebben: Ah ok did see that12:34
Seveasdragon______NEWB, ubotu sent you some information12:34
kizzumeI'm trying to get opengl working so a simple polygon doesn't have 4 frames a second.  Regular 2d displays are fine.  Will the "apt-get install nvidia-glx" take care of that?12:34
haffouffhow to set a password for root ?12:34
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:34
Serious_SvenfSeveas: I'm googling my ass off here, give me a link to a proper package...12:34
zcat[1] kizzume: almost...12:34
redguygod, did you try telnetting a site like blaster999 suggested?12:34
Seveaskizzume, partially12:34
godyes, it worked12:34
kizzumeSo what's the answer to that?12:34
SeveasSerious_Svenf, applications  add aplications12:34
ubotuI know nothing about su12:34
Seveasand search for opera12:34
J-_/dev/hda5                               partition       746980  204696  -112:34
redguy!root > haffouff12:34
zcat[1] kizzume: then you have to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or (easier) edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change "nv" to "nvidia"12:34
dsasSerious_Svenf: add deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main as a repository12:35
Seveaskizzume, you'll have to enable it after installing with sudo nvidia-glx-enable12:35
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richeeanyone knows about USB ports? I have my USB port pins pushed inside, is there any way to get it repair or it's dead for ever12:35
frogzooJ-_: that's about 30% used in my books12:35
Seveasdsas, gnome-app-install does just that 12:35
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:35
zcat[1] .. or what Seveas said :)12:35
Serious_Svenfdsas: can I still remove libqt3c102-mt?12:35
zcat[1] Seveas: nvidia-glx-enable changes the xorg.conf I guess...12:35
kizzumethanks--hopefully it will work...12:35
SVisorgod: Only thing I can think of is that FF still tries to use ipv6. But if its the same with other browsers then I do not know.12:36
J-_ah, i was looking in the disk manager. says 729mb's and the bar's full in green... figured it was full.. sorry12:36
dsasSeveas: Yeah remove whatever you've installed to get opera to work and use the version in the repos and whatever that depends on.12:36
Seveaszcat[1] , yup12:36
godopera does the same12:36
dragon______NEWBim told i have to compile packges or sumtin....eventualy making a program12:36
dsasSeveas: Ahh, I rarely run it tbh.12:36
zcat[1] Seveas: cool, will try and remember that. I've always just edited the file :)12:36
webbengod: how about elinks? curl>12:36
goderrrrr......explaine :p12:36
haffouffplease how to set a password for root ??12:36
zcat[1] !sudo12:37
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:37
redguyhaffouff, did you read the rootsudo page?12:37
SVisorgod: Still try in FF to turn of ipv6: about:config - and change "network-dns.disableIPv6" to true12:37
zcat[1] haffouff: If you have to ask, you're not ready to know.12:37
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webbengod: Elinks is a text-based browser (apt-get install elinks) ... curl is a way of accessing the web _directly_ from the command line12:37
godalready done12:37
godah ok12:37
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Sakunixkizzume: you all sorted now?12:37
Serious_Svenfdsas: how do I remove the libqt3c102-mt package when I installed it through a .deb package? (I'm not fully familiar with uninstalling programs when it's not installed with apt-get/synaptic)12:37
SVisorgod: Argh.. then I do not know12:37
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godme niether :(12:38
Seveaswebben, apt uses http too, so it is an http test by itself to run apt-get install ;)12:38
kizzumewould I do both nvidia-glx-enable (with modprobe or something?) AND edit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?12:38
RShadowhmm... can sombody explain whats wrong with my command /usr/sbin/shutdown -r -t 120 now .. this preforms a shutdown almost immediatly, however shouldn't it wait 120 seconds? (2min) before it does a shutdown12:38
redguyhaffouff, do you know that with the root password disabled you can still open a root shell with sudo -i?12:38
SeveasSerious_Svenf, uninstall it with apt-get...12:38
dsasSerious_Svenf: dpkg --remove <package-name> or just use synaptic12:38
Sakunixkizzume:  no12:38
zcat[1] kizzume: no, one or the other.. not both .12:38
godhmmm..... apt doesnt work :(12:38
kizzumeokay.  thanks12:38
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Linuturkhey hey12:38
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Sakunixkizzume: nvidia-glx-config enable12:38
Seveasgod, then something is jamming port 8012:38
Linuturksomeone give this guy a cookie >> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192588&highlight=wusb54g12:38
SonicChaoLinuturk: Hello12:39
SonicChaoLinuturk: No spamming12:39
kizzumenvida-glx-config is not a command12:39
redguyhaffouff, and the procedure to set the root passwdord is on the rootsudo page12:39
godhmmmm.... any idea how to find out what?12:39
Serious_Svenfsorry, thought it wasn't listed when I install it through a .deb package...12:39
SVisorgod:  "sudo iptables -L"12:39
haffouffyes thanks12:39
haffouffsudo passwd root12:39
LinuturkSonicChao, not trying to spam. I'm just estatic that that guy had the fix to my problem.12:39
zcat[1] kizzume: nvidia-glx-enable ?12:39
frogzooRShadow: lose the 'now'12:39
SonicChaoLinuturk: It's okay...for most things that are off-topic, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:40
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:40
zcat[1] RShadow: shutdown -r +120    perhaps?12:40
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Sakunixsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:40
Sakunixsudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:40
Sakunixsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:40
godSVisor what that acomplish?12:40
kizzumethat's correct, it returns "command not found"12:40
RShadowfrogzoo, I'll give that a shot, but I thought I tried that as well and it didn't work..12:40
SeveasSakunix, the 3rd is not needed12:40
Sakunixthose three cmd kizzume got it done for me12:40
webbengod: shows your firewall settings12:40
SakunixI had to reconfigure12:40
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Serious_Svenfdsas: thanks alot, the repository was the answer I was looking for12:40
ompaulhaffouff, we don't say that in this channel we do say - look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:40
SVisorgod: Lists "firewall" settings. Should show not rules12:40
webbengod: SVisor's wondering if iptables (the Linux firewall) is blocking your port 80.12:40
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g-nomei don't have the overview in kernel.org ... where can i download there the newest, full kernel (source)?12:41
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godtheres no Not rules12:41
Sakunixwhen I hit up sudo nvidia-glx-config enable   xorg.conf said I had a ATI card12:41
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godwhats queue mean?12:41
SVisorgod: And all plicies are ACCEPT12:41
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Villelolhow can I use this software called toram?12:41
godACCEPT or QUEUE12:41
zcat[1] kizzume: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   find the line that says Driver "nv" and change it to Driver "nvidia"12:41
redguygod, how about telnet www.google.com ?12:41
kizzumeThanks--found that and did that.  Do I exit xserver and reload it, or do I restart or what now?12:42
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godoh wait12:42
zcat[1] kizzume: although not having the command suggests that perhaps the nvidia-glx package is also not installed..12:42
redguycan you get /12:42
dibblegohas anyone here successfully configured openssh with RSA authentication?12:42
godi have to telnet it on port 8012:42
Sakunixjust run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and you get a gui to choice that line12:42
webbengod: how about telnet www.google.com 8012:42
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redguygod, right, forgot about that12:42
RShadowfrogzoo, now is argument supplied for "time" and is required.12:42
Sakunixits awesome it picks up your card name and pci busid automatically12:42
goddone :)12:42
webbengod: done? that worked?12:43
Sakunixso only thing you have to do is choose nv or nvidia12:43
webbenconnected fine?12:43
kizzumeWell, if that's the case, it will go right along with working with a system admin for 8 hours on my soundcard, and I'll probably be trying another distro of linux after that... this distro has been a major headache...12:43
webbendefinitely try elinks12:43
zcat[1] Sakunix: if you have an ATI card, it might be a good idea to use the ati drivers instead.12:43
godcant install :p12:43
godapt-get doesnt work12:43
webbenoh that's right12:43
redguygod, once conneted try issuing a get /12:43
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SVisorgod: "sudo iptables -P CHAIN ACCEPT" replace CHAIN with name of chain that is not ACCEPT12:44
god"connection refused"12:44
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webbenredguy - if *I* do that "get /" - i get Connection closed12:44
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J-_is there an autocad program that i can run in linux?12:44
kizzumeokay, well, I'm gonna restart now and see if it works.12:44
webbenredguy: and my connection is fine12:44
frogzooRShadow: man shutdown12:44
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kizzumethanks all for all of your help.  YOu've had a lot of patience with me.12:44
=== gandhi_2k6 [n=rohit@cpc3-kirk1-0-0-cust167.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
RShadowfrogzoo, shutdown -r +2 is what I needed.. and I'm looking at the man pages now12:44
godgrrrr! i've tried everything12:45
webbengod: do you have curl installed12:45
Sakunixkizzume you shoudl be able to alt-ctrl=backsapce12:45
Sakunixahh I missed him12:45
zcat[1] RShadow: oh.. you wanted 2 minutes, not two hours :)12:45
haffouffwhen i type apt-get upgrade i have this error Impossible de rcuprer http://dev:3142/tn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsigc++-2.0/libsigc++-2.0-0c2a_2.0.16-3_i386.deb  Taille incohrente12:45
RShadowzcat[1] , lol.. ya12:45
Sakunixwhats a good way to create iso images with linux12:46
Sakunixdd dont seem to work that well for me12:46
zcat[1] Sakunix: mkisofs12:46
frogzooSakunix: k3b is the best12:46
Sakunixway good12:46
SVisorgod: It can only be a firewall or DNS trouble. Make sure all policy are ACCEPT and no chains are listed. That way we can be sure its not a firewall issue.12:46
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zcat[1] generally mkisofs -R -J -o foo.iso directory_to_add/12:46
frogzooSakunix: dd works great so long as there's no copy protection12:46
KnomeJ-_ - there's a program called qcad12:46
SonicChaohaffouff: What language is that in? Spanish?12:46
godmy firewall is fine12:46
haffouffno french12:47
=== Greyhair [n=Ben@82-43-92-108.cable.ubr08.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
webbengod: maybe check your host files look okay?12:47
zcat[1] for making iso images of an existing CD, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=foo.iso works quite well12:47
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SonicChaohaffouff: Oh, sorry, my bad, well if you're natively french, maybe you should ask in #ubuntu-fr where people will be able to read it.12:47
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:47
godmy host files are fine :(12:48
ompaulhaffouff, it onscreen for you now12:48
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SVisorgod: You did mention that not all was ACCEPT, but if you do not want to try that its fine by me.12:48
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godits ok, the only ones that werent accept were moblock12:48
JollyGnomeGood day to you people12:48
godwhich i no longer use12:49
SonicChaoJollyGnome: Hi12:49
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:49
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SonicChaohaffouff: What the?12:49
ompaulhaffouff, non,      /join #ubuntu-fr12:49
JollyGnomeI just reinstalled breezy, the reason being that I tried yesterday to upgrade it to dapper, and it broke the system12:49
m0gsiHey guys how do i broadcast a message over a terminal?12:49
SonicChaohaffouff: Just type /join #ubuntu-fr12:49
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zcat[1] m0gsi: echo "message" | wall12:50
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JollyGnomecan anyone tell me how to upgrade from breezy (clean install, nothing added yet) to dapper12:50
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.12:50
g-nomeblaster999: should i place the kernel source in /usr/src or /usr/src/linux ?12:50
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KizzumeWell, I'm back on Windows.  That didn't work at all, and it's the final straw for me and Ubuntu--I had better luck with debian, and that's supposed to be a harder to use distribution.12:50
god>.< im about to give up. thinkin of switchin back to windows :(12:50
webbengod: might be worth doing a pastebin of /etc/network/interfaces12:50
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JollyGnomethanks ubotu (you be a bot, eh?)12:50
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godinterfaces is fine, already checked it12:51
SakunixKizzume: you didnt need to restart12:51
Sakunixto restart the gui12:51
zcat[1] Sakunix: he did if he's dual-booting between ubuntu and windows :)12:52
Sakunixshuts down the gui12:52
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Sakunixhow was he talking to us before12:52
KizzumeThanks all for your help, I feel bad about putting sobersabre through 8 hours of sound card troubleshooting just to have it fail in the end again.12:52
zcat[1] Sakunix: fairly certain he hasn't actually got multiverse going and never actually installed nvidia-glx..12:52
Sakunixhe/she sorry12:52
KizzumeI went through the steps that were told....12:52
gandhi_2k6_Hi, I had a problem with the root file system that had to be fixed manually using fschk upon startup but now while logining into my default system session on Dapper the Desktop doesn't load and only displays the background, if I select the session as "Gnome" it works but I cannot get Super User priveleges12:53
zcat[1] Kizzume: want to try again?12:53
Sakunixyer we are only ammatures too lol12:53
SakunixKizzume: what do you want to do with linux anyway12:53
KizzumeI don't know--I've now been working on this for 23 hours....12:53
webbenzcat[1] :  what does nvidia-glx have to do with the sound card?12:53
Sakunixthe nv drivers do the job for most people12:53
zcat[1] webben: he got sound going, he was trying to get 3d drivers12:54
KizzumeI want linux to be my internet and emulator machine and windows to be my productivity machine.12:54
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???12:54
SakunixKizzume: SNES or seomthing?12:55
zcat[1] Sakunix: yeah, he wants to dual-boot linux so he can run wine on it :)12:55
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KizzumeOld school computer emulation, like Vice and Frodo for c64, and mame, and n64, and stuff like that12:55
Sakunixyer all good12:55
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Sakunixyou would need the nvidia drivers for that12:55
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jonah1980hi guys, having problems - everytime i install something, update something or whatever from synaptic or terminal i get an error at the end: http://pastebin.ca/8234612:55
Kizzumethere's a lot more versions of emulators for linux than there are for windows....12:55
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Sakunixwell we are here if you want to try it again12:56
jonah1980selinux problem whatever that is, can anyone please help?12:56
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???12:56
KizzumeI've gotta go edit that file again back to nv instead of nvidia...  I just can't remember where it's located now...12:56
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zcat[1] Kizzume: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
hintswenanyone here know a good VNC program for windows(yes i know this isn't a windows room) I used to use RealVNC but people said not to use it cause u can't fully un-install it12:57
Knomejonah1980: try sudo apt-get -f install12:57
webbenKizzume: what's your nvidia card? was there no decent howto for it?12:57
redguyhintswen, tighvnc12:57
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KizzumeI've got a geforce fx 550012:57
redguytightvnc that is12:57
gandhi_2k6Hi, I'm had to manually fix my root file system using fschck but now upon logging in to my default system session it just displays the background and fails to load the desktop12:57
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zcat[1] It's a three step process.. enable universe and multiverse repos, add nvidia-glx package, and change xorg.conf... I'm guessing you missed a step.12:58
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Kizzumezcat[1] : what are universe and multiverse repos?12:58
seamushey is anyone here running dapper12:59
jonah1980Knome: http://pastebin.ca/8234812:59
Kizzumezcat[1] :  I tried going to multiverse site, but none of them were the right site?  Is it .org, .com, .biz., .tv?12:59
jonah1980still errors12:59
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zcat[1] run synaptic (it's on the system menu)12:59
hintswenif i use tightvnc, do i need to use tightvnc on my linux? or any vnc program?12:59
zcat[1] you don't go to any website. This isn't windows!12:59
SubKizzume, !universe12:59
webbenkizzume: and what's exactly going wrong12:59
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:59
bookLookhow to check if i have a user name squid created or not12:59
zcat[1] system > administration > synaptic01:00
Kizzumezcat[1] :  Okay.  First thing I've gotta do is edit that file... I'll be back....01:00
bookLookand if it is not there what is the command to create it ?01:00
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webbenKizzume: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories01:00
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hintswenif i use tightvnc, do i need to use tightvnc on my linux? or any vnc program?01:01
jonah1980http://pastebin.ca/82348 - does anyone know what these selinux errors are and how i can fix them?01:01
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gatekeeperhintswen, any should do01:01
Libra102*** glibc detected *** vim: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x08dc1258 ***01:01
seamushintswen: use vnc4server "sudo apt-get install vnc4server"01:01
Libra102I have this message..01:01
zcat[1] Kizzume: the answer to your next question is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:02
gatekeeperhintswen, I mix and match on windows machines01:02
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hintswenumm, anyone wanna guide me through installing and setting up a VNC program on my ubuntu machine through the console? lol01:02
Libra102using the vi and.. saving..01:02
ompaulLibra102, what are you trying to edit?01:02
seamushintswen: use vnc4server "sudo apt-get install vnc4server"01:02
gandhi_2k6 Hi, I'm had to manually fix my root file system using fschck but now upon logging in to my default system session it just displays the background and fails to load the desktop01:02
hintswenseamus, ok now what?01:03
thenukejonah1980: google told me this. http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-beta-list/2004-April/msg00853.html01:03
Libra102my computer is Ubuntu and my server RedHat.01:03
seamushintswen: well what exactly is it you want to do?01:03
Libra102ssh and.. vi ...01:03
bookLookis there any website where i can find all the conf files explained in easy english ?01:03
hintswenVNC my linux from my windows01:03
bookLooklike squid.conf and httpd.conf01:03
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ompaulgandhi_2k6, some times you loose your desktop as it is - so you can removed the directory .gnome2 and it will all recreate at the next logon01:04
donaldcan i run photoshop in ubuntu01:04
faddatCan anyone tell me how to flush my DNS cache?01:04
Libra102======= Backtrace: =========01:04
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Sakunixdonald: with effort yes01:04
seamushintswen: so you can view your linux display in window sor vice-versa01:04
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thenukebookLook: tried googling?01:04
hintswenyea, so i can view linux from windows01:04
faddatSakunix: are you still working on your NVIDIA card?01:04
jonah1980thenuke, thanks for that - what do you think it means?01:04
Sakunixdonald: use gimp its the sa thing01:04
bookLookthenuke yes01:04
zcat[1] donald: yes, but gimp is easier and does most of the same stuff.. use gimpshop if you want something a little more like photoshop.01:04
bookLookcannot find01:05
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Sakunixfaddat: I got it working and now we have another people to help with the same issue01:05
gandhi_2k6thanks alot ompaul01:05
seamushintswen: ok so your running ubuntu with gnome yea. get tightvnc and run it on windows01:05
faddathehe gotcha man :)01:05
SakunixKizzume is also working on it01:05
donaldthank you01:05
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faddatSakunix: you wouldn't know how to flush a DNS cache, would you?01:05
DBOfaddat, unless you have installed a local DNS cacheing server, you dont HAVE a cache01:05
faddatI *really* need to do so01:05
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seamushintswen: in ubuntu enable desktop sharing01:06
faddatOh holy hell!01:06
jonah1980thenuke, is the error important and is it effecting anything do you think? also should i do what is suggested booting "enforcing=0" or whatever?01:06
jonah1980thenuke, i don't want to bust anything!!01:06
DBOfaddat, you are most likely connecting to a DNS server that hasnt updated itself for whatever you need just yet01:06
seamushintswen: cant remember where it is, somewhere in the system menu, i'm running xfce01:06
faddatDBO:  So, I live in South Korea.  I cannot reach a few websites that I really like, I have no reason to believe that they are censored or whatever, I can reach them from other places.  I've changed my DNS server, and I've had no happy result.01:06
seamushintswen: then connect to your linux box from windows, the port number will be 600001:06
hintswenaww dam, can't do that unless i reboot it, can't reboot it cause then i won't be able to connect to IRC again lol01:07
faddatDBO:  Should I maybe reboot my computer?01:07
hintswenthx anyway01:07
thenukejonah1980: I dont know anything about it.01:07
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DBOfaddat, i doubt that will help, its more likely your ISP has a transparent DNS that they are forcing you to use01:07
faddatthat's the only thing I haven't tried.  I've enabled and disabled my card.  Could it need a full restart to get all that happy now?01:07
seamushintswen: why do you need to reboot?01:07
faddatDBO: transparent DNS?01:07
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hintswenseamus: cause it's frozen on the screensaver01:07
Serious_SvenWhat's the command for uninstalling a program that was installed using make?01:08
DBOfaddat, their DNS server just replies to all DNS requests that come out of your box, whether you request from a different server or not01:08
Stefano145Hi. Can anybody help me with vmware workstation, please? I have an Ubutun 6.06 with kde and at every startup I have to reconfigure vmware, to be able to use it ... Anybody has a solution for this ? Kernel latest version i686 (i386 didn't go too)01:08
seamushintswen: your win box? haha01:08
zcat[1] Serious_Sven: if you're lucky make uninstall will work01:08
hintswenseamus: no, the linux01:08
DBOfaddat, its not that uncommon01:08
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faddatDBO:  That sucks!  Damn, I knew I should have kept bitching when they couldn't get me fiber to my doorstep01:08
DBOfaddat, you need to watch your language please01:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:08
seamushintswen: ah type <ctrl>+<alt>+101:08
dragon______NEWBit says to "Reconfigure Xserve"01:08
faddatDBO: gotcha01:08
hintswenseamus: that doesn't work01:08
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DBOfaddat, give it a day, if the DNS cache doesnt update, then start messing around with your box01:09
seamushintswen: reboot you must do so it would seem01:09
faddatWell, I'm going to try restarting my computer, and hopefully I don't have a "transparent DNS"  Sadly, it's been more than a day :(01:09
redguySerious_Sven, hah there isn't. but if you're lucky and you still have the sources you might try running make uninstall in the source directory01:09
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seamushintswen: sorry <ctrl>+<alt>+F101:09
DBOfaddat, ok, give it a run, nothing to lose01:09
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redguySerious_Sven, that'swhy you shoul install software from packages...01:09
faddatOther people in Asia are having trouble with the same tracker, but it's been identified as a DNS issue, so I used a US-based DNS server in my config01:10
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Stefano145naybody has a solution for my problem?01:10
hintswenseamus: yeah but i can't just reboot it, it's running a IRCD linked with 2 other servers(or 1 dunno how many are up at this time) and i don't think the IRCD starts automaticly01:10
zcat[1] last house I was in they ran a big fibre bundle right past the front. And I didn't have anything to splice into it, damn!!01:10
webbenSerious_Sven: failing that you could try a) deleting manually b) creating a package with checkinstall, listing its contents, and using that as a guide to deleting manually01:10
faddatDBO:  One more question before I bounce-- How can my ISP grab requests going to a DNS server in the USA?  I guess I don't know as much as I thought about networking...01:10
hintswenseamus: also for some stange reason i can't connect to the other servers, so if i reboot it and the IRCD doesn't start then i'm screwed01:10
DBOfaddat, why not just add it to your /etc/hosts if its something like a tracker?01:10
redguyhintswen, running ircd on a box with a screensaver?01:10
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hintswenseamus: i'm also playing irpg, so i gotta get this box onto a different server before i reboot lol01:11
faddatDBO:  Manually add the hard IP address?01:11
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DBOfaddat, sure, if you think it might possibly be blocked by your ISP01:11
hintswenseamus: the screensaver WAS disabled, i dunno what happened! i think the patch enabled it lol01:11
seamushintswen: is <ctrl>+<alt>+F1 not working?01:11
dragon______NEWBn e 1 got sum free time on there hands?01:11
hintswenseamus: nothing works01:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:11
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Serious_Svenwebben: I installed the AMSN svn package manually, used to work fine until today :-)01:11
DBOfaddat, that would aslo bypass any local DNS caching server you may have set up01:11
seamushintswen: well if nothing is working then the server isn't working either01:11
faddatDBO:  Do you think you could ping torrents.conspiracycentral.net and grab me the IP address?01:11
hintswenseamus: well it is01:11
hintswenseamus: i'm connected to it, and i'm SSHing it aswell01:12
faddatThey serve a radio show that I've been going nuts not having01:12
seamushintswen: was just gonna say ssh in and just kill xscreensaver01:12
DBOfaddat, only because we are such good friends
zcat[1] torrents.conspiracycentral.net has address
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zcat[1] damn too slow!01:12
faddatThanks a bunch man :)01:12
hintswenseamus: how to kill?01:12
DBOfaddat, good luck01:12
seamusfrom the console type "sudo kill -9 `pidof xscreensaver`"01:13
FoobalI recommend a high powered sniper rifle but it's just me01:13
zcat[1] if it was North Korea I could see them blocking it....01:13
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DBOfaddat, if you dont mind, stop by #ubuntu-offtopic some time, I'd really like to find out what the censoring conditions in korea are01:13
seamusi think it's xscreensaver anyway01:13
hintswenseamus: usage thing came up, are you shure that's right?01:13
faddatDBO:  I'll do that after I reboot-- I think they may actually be quite bad01:13
DBOfaddat, ok =)01:14
darkowli need some help01:14
darkowli want to know how can i record my screen ?01:14
seamusno i'm not01:14
darkowlusing what program ?01:14
faddatDBO:  it's either that or I'm an idiot, but I'm starting to think the former because I cannot reach that IP address.01:14
darkowli tryed istanbul but it isn't good01:14
bertuHey does someone have a deskjet 845c?01:14
seamustry "sudo ps x" and find the screensaver process in there01:14
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DBOfaddat, i can ping it fine, sounds like you are getting filtered01:14
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hintswenseamus: was trying that :p01:15
DBOfaddat, if you cant ping it by IP no sense in rebooting here, its not a DNS issue anywhere01:15
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albackerhow can you know what version of ubuntu you have installed ? breezy/hoary/dapper/edge ?01:15
RShadowdarkowl, I've looked for a solution to your problem for some time, however the only solution I could find was to run windows and use camtasia to record a linux session under vmware01:15
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hintswenseamus: can't find it :( i'm unlucky01:15
zcat[1] try mtr, soo how far it traces?01:15
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zcat[1] *see01:15
zcat[1] RShadow: istanbul ?01:16
bertuHey does someone have a deskjet 845c? if yes can someone explain how can i install it?01:16
darkowlRShadow: i don't have windows01:16
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Foobaldarkowl: enable the vnc server from Preferences ("Remote Desktop") and there is a recording software that records actually what the vnc "user" sees01:16
seamushintswen: try just ps x then01:16
hintswenseamus: what is the time colum?01:16
RShadowzcat[1] , huh?01:16
zcat[1] darkowl: istanbul desktop recorder will record an ogg video of your desktop01:16
hintswenseamus: 4302 ?        Rs   357:57 [Xorg] 01:17
bertuHey does someone have a deskjet 845c? if yes can someone explain how can i install it?01:17
bertuHey does someone have a deskjet 845c? if yes can someone explain how can i install it?01:17
RShadowzcat[1] , your kiddin me.. well that is well awsome news.. going to go check it out01:17
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hintswenseamus: is that it?01:17
seamushintswen: thats the x server01:17
darkowlzcat[1] : I already tried it but it is not wokring properly01:17
hintswenseamus: which means? lol01:17
bertuHey can You help me plsssss?01:17
hintswenseamus: 13381 ?        Ss     0:00 gnome-screensaver01:17
zcat[1] It needs a fairly fast machine .. my 1ghz is too slow but it kinda recorded 2fps ...01:18
seamushintswen: thats the one. kill it01:18
NameeaterI have no sound in movies, does anyone know why? it may have been after upgrading01:18
Nameeaterwith dapper01:18
seamushintswen: "sudo kill -9 13381"01:18
RShadowzcat[1] , hmm.. doesn't look like it records audio however01:18
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hintswenseamus: no difference on screen01:19
seamusis is still running?01:19
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:19
hintswenseamus: maybe it's my gfx card, cause my gfx card is stuffed lol01:19
hintswenseamus: not running i think01:19
bertucan someone notice me pls01:19
ompaulbertu, ask your question - Of the channel and then it will be considerd01:20
bertuHey does someone have a deskjet 845c? if yes can someone explain how can i install it?\01:20
jrib!printing > bertu01:20
seamusdo you have any gui progs running that you can't lose?01:20
hintswenprobably not01:20
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ompaulbertu, Desktop - Menu   -- system administration printing01:20
bertui went there01:20
seamusthen kill the x server or just try restarting it "<ctrl>+<backspace>"01:20
hintswenseamus: as long as the ircd doesn't close i don't care what programs close01:21
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seamussorry  "<ctrl>+<alt><backspace>"01:21
hintswenseamus: Xorg?01:21
zcat[1] last coupld of printers I set up, I just plugged them in and a new printer dialog popped up..01:21
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gatekeeperbertu, is your printer not listed?01:21
KizzumeIs there a version of the package manager that runs in a shell so I can just quickly highlight almost everything?  (like during the initial install of debian)?01:21
hintswenseamus: ctrl + alt +backspace did nothing01:21
bertuit tis listed01:21
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bertuand when i choose the driver01:22
seamusthen kill x.org01:22
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bertuit tells me to choose a file01:22
hintswenseamus: i killed Xorg but it didn't die01:22
softriverI need serious help if someone has an opportunity.01:22
webbenkizzume: aptitude01:22
webbenkizzume: but i can't stand its interface myself01:22
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webbenkizzume: but i think aptitude is what debian is using01:23
spiderbatdadsoftriver: serious help?01:23
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webbenkizzume: and i think it's installed by default01:23
KizzumeThanks. :)01:23
seamusthen try "sudo killall -15 gdm" (gdm=gnome display manager)01:23
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gatekeeperbertu, would suggest you need to google for a linux driver for it01:23
zcat[1] Kizzume: /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:23
hintswenseamus: it's still there01:23
softriverI followed the documentation instructions on how to install the nVidia  drivers, and now I can't boot my system.01:23
jonah1980hi does anyone know how to install xgl and compiz (i'd like that spinning cube thing!)? i've tried the tutoria in forum but it just throws up errors01:23
bertui check google?01:23
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seamus /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:24
Zalazalehi, how to make bootable DVD (for ubuntu 6.06)?01:24
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:24
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softriverI'm running from LiveCD atm, and I can't access my hd to back up my files and reinstall.01:24
hintswen * Stopping GNOME Display Manager...                                                                                  [ ok ] 01:24
hintswen * Starting GNOME Display Manager...                                                                                  [fail] 01:24
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seamussudo  /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:24
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narfmastersoftriver, no grub or splash or anything?01:25
hintswenseamus: gave OK for both, but still screensaver on screen01:25
ninuhadida_hintswem: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:25
spiderbatdadsoftriver: i'm not sure but i don't think you can install drivers while running live cd01:25
hintswenStopping GNOME Display Manager...                                                                                  [ ok ] 01:25
bertuit tells me to select a ppd file01:25
bertufor the printer01:25
Nameeater!info libxine-extracodecs01:25
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB01:25
ninuhadida_now run: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start01:25
softriverIt will start to load the splash screen, but will xWindows will crash, then reboot.01:25
hintswenscreensaver still on screen01:25
seamusor even sudo /etc/init.d/gdm force-reload01:25
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hintswentried all them, still screensaver on screen01:26
softriverspiderbatdad:  I was installing the drivers from a standard installation.  I'm running LiveCD just so I can seek help. ;)01:26
zcat[1] screensaver??01:26
spiderbatdadsoftriver: my understanding is that the live cd is for trying linux w/out altering your system01:26
zcat[1] hintswen: try ctrl-alt-backspace01:26
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nominsoftriver: maybe you can try a different live cd.  Knoppix is a good one.  I've backed up data after messing up my system using knoppix.01:26
seamushintswen: sorry then i think i'm a little stumped01:26
hintswenctrl alt backspace does nothing01:27
narfmastersoftriver, you are saying that the computer boots on its own?01:27
gatekeeperbertu, http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_driver.cgi?driver=hpijs01:27
seamushintswen: are you sure then there is no gnome-screensaver process?01:27
nomin*I've backed up data using knoppix01:27
spiderbatdadsoftriver: your beyond my help then...I have too little experience, but i believe patience on this channel will pay off01:27
hintswenseamus: yes01:27
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softrivernarfmaster:  It will begin to boot, then xWindows will begin to initialize, and it will reboot.01:27
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pinkmanCan anyone help me, im trying to fix streaming videos in fire fox01:28
narfmastersoftriver, which docs did you follow?01:28
pinkmanI have tried sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer01:28
bertuok i am printing 10x01:28
pinkmanand I got an error01:28
hintswenseamus: process list thing: http://rafb.net/paste/results/UTreq489.html01:28
softrivernarfmaster:  The official documentation for installing nVidia drivers.  Want me to see if I can find the page again?01:28
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pinkmanCan anyone help me01:29
webbenif i want to add a /opt/ruby/bin directory to the path for all users including root, where is the best place to do that with dapper? is it still /etc/environment?01:29
narfmastersoftriver, you mean the nvidia docs?01:29
SakunixI cant eject a cd? what have I done01:29
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spiderbatdadpinkman have you removed totem gstreamer in synaptic and replaced w/ totem xine?01:29
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seamushintswen: if you want me to look into it more then can you set up a guest ac on your box and let me ssh in01:29
softrivernerfmaster:  The ubuntu docs.01:29
zcat[1] !nvidia01:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:29
zcat[1] those?01:29
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seamushintswen: kill all these 18086 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm01:29
seamus18087 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm01:29
seamus18102 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/gdm/gdmopen -l /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/whiptail --yesno 'There already appears to be an X ser01:29
seamus18103 tty8     Ss+    0:00 /usr/lib/gdm/gdmopen -l /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/whiptail --yesno 'There already appears to be an X ser01:29
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:29
nominsoftriver: what happens when you try to boot your system?01:29
ompaulseamus, please read that last comment by ubotu01:29
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hintswenseamus: ok, can i PM you?01:30
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seamusi'm new here01:30
hintswenreally? u sound like youre not lol01:30
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hintswenseamus: can i PM you?01:30
softrivernomin:  It will go to the splash screen (loading hardware drivers, etc.) then it will throw up a screen that says xServer failed, system halt, and reboot.01:30
spiderbatdadanyone have experience with VMware player01:30
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narfmasteri just used vmplayer a little while ago01:31
nominsoftriver: maybe you can try to boot it without the xwindow system starting, then fix it.01:31
quellhorstim trying to run an app. but it wont because i need libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3... what do i install to get this?01:31
spiderbatdadnarfmaster: i get file not found everytime i try to start01:31
pinkmanNo I havnt01:31
Sakunixanyone have any ideas why I cant get a cd out of my cd rom drive?01:31
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softrivernomin:  I'm new to linux.  Is there a source you might recommend that can walk me through that process?01:31
hintswenseamus: ?01:32
spiderbatdadpinkman: that solved my streaming problems01:32
pinkmanim replacing now01:32
seamushey yea sorry01:32
narfmasterspiderbatdad, you might have to check the vmx file01:32
hintswenlol, can i PM you?01:32
jribSakunix: have you tried: right click > eject01:32
narfmasterspiderbatdad, double check the filenames01:33
seamusno sorry01:33
seamusgo to #uusc01:33
nominsoftriver: my knowledge in linux is average at the moment.  I don't know exactly what to do on Ubuntu to start it up without the xwindow system, but I'm pretty sure there is a way.  I think the livecd or the install cd has a 'rescue' option on it for just this type of thing.01:33
spiderbatdadnarfmaster: that's the file it says is not found. I piont to it after start up. it has the configuration script, but meg=file not found01:33
pinkmanit worked for a second01:34
pinkmanthen just stopped01:34
nominsoftriver: I'll look for a site01:34
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narfmasterspiderbatdad, that's kind of weird01:34
softrivernomin:  Thank you.  I deeply appreciate it.01:34
Sakunixjrib: tried that nothing01:34
Sakunixtried sudo eject01:35
spiderbatdadpinkman: have you read "restricted formats?"01:35
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pinkmanthe thing is.. that it worked fine befor I reformatted a few seconds ago..01:35
pinkmanand last tie all I did was use 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer'01:35
jribSakunix: hmm don't know then, might want to just reboot01:35
pinkmanand it worked fine01:35
Sakunixyer going to have to I think01:35
nominsoftriver: or I could just ask in here...01:36
narfmasterspiderbatdad, you also have a vmdk file there?01:36
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nominHow do I start Ubuntu without starting X?01:36
spiderbatdadnarfmaster: yes in the dapper folder01:36
redbladesHi all, I was wondering, is Apache 2.2 out for Ubuntu yet???01:36
KnomeSakunix: have you tried 'eject /dev/cdrom?01:36
redbladesI really really want it.01:36
softrivernomin:  Either way is cool.  I'm also googling for a way to access my partition from LiveCD.  If I can retrieve my data to my external drive, then I can just reinstall without losing much.01:37
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pinkmanhow to install rar?01:37
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pinkmanthe extensions?01:37
jrib!rar > pinkman01:37
wrathlo hi there01:37
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pinkmanevent not gounf01:38
quellhorstim trying to install something... but us.archive.ubuntu.com doesnt seem to be working01:38
wrathlodoes ubuntu need an antivirus?01:38
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression01:38
nominsoftriver: open a console and type "fdisk -l" (without quotes).  This will show you your partitions.  You may have to log in as root to do this.  If so just type "sudo fdisk -l".01:38
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softrivernomin:  k.  sec.01:39
narfmasterwrathlo, not yet01:39
pinkman!rar doesnt work01:39
gatekeeperwrathlo: only to protect windows boxes on your network if you are email server that sort of thing01:39
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quellhorstumm... wish the help here was better01:39
bertui have a problem with amarock01:39
jribpinkman: !rar is for the channel, it made ubotu say the information you need.  You see it?01:39
YtseJamHmmm, so I mananged to supposedly mount my partitions on the LiveCD yet when trying to view them, an error msg shows up, saying I don't have View Premissions...01:39
spiderbatdadnarfmaster: i have qemu-dapper.vmdk01:39
frogzoohas anyone installed clvm or redhat-cluster-suite and had problems? I have both of them half installed, & they seem to depend on each other & refuse to fully install, & also refuse to uninstall01:39
wrathlois it possible for us to view wmv files?01:39
BlueEaglepinkman: why doesn't !rar work?01:40
pinkmanIt works.01:40
wrathlohow is that?01:40
gatekeeperbertu: which is?01:40
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quellhorstpinkman: but not wmv301:40
softrivernomin:  Here's the output-01:40
softriver/dev/hda1   *           1        9682    77770633+  83  Linux01:40
jribwrathlo: (mplayer or xine) with w32codecs01:40
redbladesApache 2.2?????01:40
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression01:40
gatekeeperwrathlo: how is what?01:40
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ubotuI know nothing about apache2.2.01:40
quellhorstim trying to install something... but us.archive.ubuntu.com doesnt seem to be working01:40
ubotuI know nothing about apache2.201:40
jonah1980hi i tried the xgl easy script which didn't work and also the official tutorial, both just send the screen brown for a while and then black and then back to login and now i've got two Xgl session options in my options login list - how can i get rid of one and make one work?!01:40
wrathlohow can we view wmv files?01:40
bertui am trying to play songs01:40
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:40
ubotuI know nothing about apache201:40
quellhorstanyone have any ideas?01:40
nominsoftriver: in order to mount a partition, you need to first create a folder somewhere.  Then you mount the partition in that folder.01:40
wrathlowhich player do we use?01:40
wrathloor have to download?01:40
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wrathloi seen to have a problem viewing wmv files01:41
pinkmanOkie, well.. im still confused on why nothing seems to be working.. befor I remformatted I fixed these simply with rar: 'sudo apt-get install rar unrar' and straming video: 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer'01:41
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pinkmannow they dont work at all.01:41
BlueEaglewrathlo: both mplayer and vlc are nice imo.01:41
bertubut at first it tells me the name of the song...2 secons later it tells me "playlist finiched01:41
dragon______NEWBwhois dli01:41
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jribpinkman: you need to enable multiverse and universe01:41
jrib!repos > pinkman01:41
BlueEaglepinkman: have you got all your repositories in order?01:41
pinkmanI did01:41
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:41
gatekeeperwrathlo: I can view wmv files using kaffine which is installed by default01:42
jribpinkman: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?01:42
softrivernomin:  ok.  I created a folder.  Do I mount the partition from the terminal?01:42
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wrathlohow do i look for kaffine?01:42
gatekeeperwrathlo: more than likely a codecs issue01:42
narfmasterspiderbatdad, i'm not sure qemu images will work with vmplayer01:42
YtseJamAfter mounting my paritions via the LiveCD, I am still unable to access them and get a 'no view premissions' error. HELP.01:42
nominsoftriver: but when you mount a partition, you sometimes might want the right permissions, so you can include extra stuff in the command in order to get read/write permissions.01:42
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wrathloim sorry im new ro ununtu01:42
BlueEaglesoftriver: sudo mount /dev/<devicenode> /path/to/mountpoint01:42
wrathloubuntu i mean01:42
gatekeeperwrathlo: I am using kubuntu01:42
jribYtseJam: what filsystem do they use?01:42
BlueEaglesoftriver: that will work in 90% of all cases.01:42
nominsoftriver: yes, you mount it from the terminal01:42
narfmasterspiderbatdad, fortunately vmware server is free01:42
spiderbatdadnarfmaster: i will start there then thanks01:43
Knomewrathlo: apt-cache search kaffeine01:43
gatekeeperwrathlo: not sure what the default is for gnome01:43
YtseJamI create /media/win_private and then did mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/win_private01:43
softrivernomin and BlueEagle:  ok.  one sec while I try this out.  (and thank you both)01:43
wrathlois it possible to install exe files like winamp?01:43
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
YtseJamAnd while the mount succeded, I still couldn't view the content01:43
jribwrathlo: you can use wine, but usually there are very good linux alternatives01:43
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BlueEagleytsejam: You might have mounted it without giving everyone permission to read from the filesystem.01:44
quellhorstim trying to install something... but us.archive.ubuntu.com doesnt seem to be working01:44
wrathlowhich alternatives are those?01:44
gatekeeperwrathlo: have you got w32codecs installed?01:44
wrathloi dont think i have01:44
jribYtseJam: unmount and mount with 'sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=0222 /dev/hda5 /media/win_private'01:44
wrathlohow do i look for that?01:44
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jribquellhorst: try a different mirror01:45
hintswenwhat's the command to open a cd drive?01:45
jrib!w32codecs > wrathlo01:45
quellhorstjrib: how/where do i define that?01:45
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YtseJamWill try.01:45
=== YtseJam is depressed from booting again
jribquellhorst: /etc/apt/sources.list , just substitude "us." with a different two letter country code01:45
BlueEagleytsejam: why are you rebooting all the time?01:45
softrivernomin and BlueEagle:  You guys rock so much!  My data's backing up to the external now!  *8^>01:45
BlueEaglesoftriver: goodie! :)01:45
YtseJamBlueEagle, because I am still experiementing with the LiveCD01:46
YtseJamDidn't make the switch just yet01:46
Leirahowto use debtags in ubuntu? i cannot find any tags in aptitude~  i do have debtags installed01:46
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bertucan some one help me about amorock01:46
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BlueEagleytsejam: Ahh, I see. Still I do not see why you need to reboot. There are IRC clients on the livecd.01:46
jribbertu: what's wrong with it?01:46
bertuit doesnt play music01:46
YtseJamBlueEagle, because my PCI (internal ADSL) modem will not get recognized01:46
nominsoftriver: you could then try to rescue the system by starting it without x01:46
webbenis it possible to reload etc/environment (containing the path) without rebooting?01:46
BlueEagleytsejam: I see. Which modem is that?01:47
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YtseJamSamsung AHT-N12001:47
nominsoftriver: maybe "xorgconfig" would help01:47
narfmasterbertu, you mean amarok?01:47
bertuspelimg mistake ;)01:47
bertuwhat can i do01:47
bertuwhen i choose the song01:48
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:48
gatekeeperbertu: configure amaroK -> engine?01:48
ompaulbertu, read ubotu01:48
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=== Timor^ [i=qdawldaw@c-1cbce253.024-158-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
softrivernomin:  For now I'm just going to reinstall (Only losing a few updates and an application), and I'm just not confident enough to mess around with the console trying to recover things just yet.01:48
=== llama32 [n=zak@077.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Timor^hi, i would like to install X mail with apt-get01:49
bertuThe engie that i use is the xine engine01:49
gatekeeperbertu: System Settings -> Sound -> Test button any sound?01:49
softrivernomin and BlueEagle:  I do want to say thanks to both of you, though.  I was terrified of making the leap to Linux, and you guys just made that a lot easier for me.01:49
bertulet me check01:49
nominsoftriver: I had some display problems when I installed dapper a few weeks ago.01:49
KnomeTimor^: sudo apt-get install xmail01:50
Timor^hi, i would like to install X mail with apt-get, where can i browse the application list ?01:50
BlueEaglesoftriver: That's why we're here. That and to feed the trolls. :p01:50
_nano_hi has anyone installed aiglx on their desktop?01:50
narfmasterTimor^, make sure you have universe enabled01:50
bertugatekeeper: where is the system settings located...just to tell you i played songs with other progames01:50
YtseJamBlueEagle, the auto-detect feature in Networking doesn't seem to find it and no matter which port I set it on, it doesn't work...01:50
nettogrof*Restarting (Brb)01:50
BlueEagleytsejam: I must say that it doesn't look bright. I don't think there is a kernel module for that modem. :(01:51
gatekeeperbertu: that's ok so you have sound01:51
Timor^narfmaster; im running with no gui only console..how do i enable it ?01:51
BlueEagleytsejam: That's why you should have gotten the external modem :p01:51
narfmasterTimor^, add it to /etc/apt/sources.list01:51
nominsoftriver:  when you start linux again, (probably after you reinstall it) press ctrl+alt+f1.  This gives you access to the console.  You can shut down X from there and configure your display.  Type "startx" to start it after you have it configured.01:51
YtseJamBlueEagle, same case as 4 years ago... :)01:51
gatekeeperbertu: are you trying to play mp3?01:51
bertulook...i choose the song...on the top appears the name of the song then after 1-2 seconds it tells me playlist finished01:52
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nominsoftriver: ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 gives you acces to 6 console session.  ctrl+alt+F7 gets back into X.01:52
bertuyes they are mp3's...but still i i played mp3 with other programes...i downloaded a plugin for mp3;'s01:52
YtseJamI'll go try the mounting again01:53
gatekeeperbertu: hang on...01:53
=== flo [n=flo@host117-212.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
redbladesHas anyone answered my question about Apache 2.2????????????01:53
softrivernomin:  Awesomeness!  (writing that down)  I was trying to figure that out earlier, also, since the nVidia installer required me to be in console without xWindows running.01:54
Timor^narfmaster; thnx01:54
Timor^Knome; thnx01:54
narfmasterTimor^, you're welcome01:54
nominsoftriver: "xorgconfig" should let you configure your display01:54
redbladesompaul, yah?01:54
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php01:55
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nominsoftriver: actually, that's not it.  I'll have to find it.  It's similar, i did it a few weeks ago.01:55
ompaulredblades, I was actually searching for your nick to find your question -seems I did not just enter it in the dialog box01:55
redbladesHeheh oka01:55
Timor^package xmail is not available01:55
bertui am ubuntu not kubuntu01:55
softrivernomin:  I still need to get the nVidia driver installed before I can bust out of 1024x768, though, right?01:55
narfmasterTimor^, apt-get update01:56
bertusoftriver: i dont think so01:56
ompaulredblades, the latest stable is Server version: Apache/2.0.5501:56
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ompaul!timetable > redblades01:56
bertuwhen i didnt have drivers i had 1280*102401:56
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wildmanhello, does someone know if there are Eclipse 3.2 packages from dapper x86_64 ?01:56
ompaulredblades, please read the message from ubotu01:56
nominsoftriver: I was able to get 1024x768 before installing the nvidia driver.01:56
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kthreadhola a todos01:57
wildmanfrom -> for01:57
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:57
redbladeskthread, hola!01:57
gatekeeperbertu: have you got w32codecs installed?01:57
softrivernomin:  I'm at 1024 x 768.  I want to be at 1600x1200, though.01:57
bertulol i dont know what they are01:57
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nominsoftriver: the driver will probably give you the option for better resolution.01:58
bertusoftriver: what is your graphic card01:58
inc|freakyFailed to create initrd image. <-- what can i do?01:58
gatekeeperbertu: have you modified your repositories at all?01:58
inc|freakyim trying to make my own kernel with mkpkg01:58
softriverbertu:  AGP nVidia geForce 256 MB01:58
bertucreated a new one i think01:58
nominsoftriver: your system only messed up after you tried to install the nvidia driver, correct?  It was working fine before that?01:59
inc|freakyhow to?01:59
bertusoftriver: model?01:59
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Leirahowto use debtags in ubuntu? i cannot find any tags in aptitude~  i do have debtags installed.01:59
gatekeeperbertu: Step 1. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories01:59
softrivernomin:  correct.01:59
softriverbertu:  not exactly sure.02:00
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ompaul!enter >  inc|freaky02:00
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ompaulinc|freaky, please read the note from ubotu02:00
nominsoftriver: you should be able to fix it without reinstalling02:00
Timor^narfmaster: thnx again.02:00
narfmasterTimor^, no problem02:01
nominsoftriver:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Rescue_Mode02:01
bertusoftriver: but do you have any idea?02:01
ompaul!kernel > inc|freaky02:01
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softriverbertu:  I want to say 2600.  I *think* that's it.02:01
bertugatekeeper:i think i added one when i was goung to install my nvidia river02:02
Timor^i got an error while installing xmail, how can i uninstall and reinstall ?02:02
_nano_hi, is there a way to install AIGLX without installing compiz?02:03
bertusoftriver: 2600? and a geforce?02:03
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bertui never heard of it02:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:03
softriverbertu:  Yeah.  Asylum distribution (if that matters).02:03
gatekeeperbertu: follow the procedure I have given you, will enable all the repos you want then try apt-get install w32codecs02:03
ubotuI know nothing about aiglx02:03
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nominsoftriver: I'm guessing that you need to have xorg.conf configured properly.02:03
_nano_this bot is so mean!02:03
KnomeTimor^: you can do it in one command with 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall xmail' or 2 commands with 'sudo apt-get --purge remove xmail' and then 'sudo apt-get install xmail'02:04
ompaul_nano_, head to #ubuntu-xgl with that question02:04
_nano_ompaul, i'm talkin about aiglx...02:04
nominsoftriver: if your installation partition is the one that's mounted right now, go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:04
redbladesIs there a way to edit ID3 tags quickly?02:04
bertuforget it02:04
_nano_ompaul, won't the roast me alive if i talk about aiglx in an xgl channel? :P02:04
softrivernomin:  ok.02:04
=== der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E109A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
redbladeslike, add an Album to a group of MP3?02:04
bertui deal with it layer02:04
ompaul_nano_, well they more than likely won't02:04
nanomadredblades, maybe with exfalso...dunno02:05
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???02:05
ompaul_nano_, but it is not supported so it not proper to here - we support supported software that is why there is #ubuntu+1 for stuff that is in dev02:05
Jowiredblades: easytag is quite ok02:05
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_nano_ompaul, ok02:05
Jowiredblades: it can do what you ask, not sure if it is the best application though. but the only one i've tried02:06
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redbladesOkay, I will try it.02:06
redbladeshi pedro-kun02:06
softrivernomin:  opening xorg.conf now.02:06
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pedro-kuncan anybody help with getting aMSN fonts to work right in ubuntu dapper?02:06
nominsoftriver: after I installed the nvidia driver, I chose to have nvidia re-write that file.  Everything was ok for me after that.02:06
giant_does somebody here has experience with qt in eclipse?02:06
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pedro-kunor is it just something we cannot fix?02:06
pedro-kun(hi redblades)02:06
giant_does somebody here has experience with qt in eclipse?02:07
redbladesI don't use aMSN, because it crashed eight times in a row, over different issues!02:07
redbladesOr mabe one huge one?02:07
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ragooi use aMSN in dapper, and fonts seem to work.. but i installed some plugins.. that might've helped.02:08
pedro-kunwell, amsn never crashed here02:08
nominsoftriver: did you follow the nvidia installation instructions on this page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:08
pedro-kunhowever, it looks like hell02:08
pedro-kunragoo, what plugins did you use?02:08
softrivernomin:  checking.02:08
softrivernomin:  That's the one.02:08
ragoopedro-kun: this plugin named "Desktop Integration", i think that might be the one that has anything to do with fonts02:09
ragoonot sure though02:09
bookLookwhich is the best ftp server for ubuntu ?02:09
bookLookor is there any already install in dapper ?02:09
nominsoftriver: and you typed in that command after you installed it?02:10
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softrivernomin:  Strange though.  In my xorg.conf file it lists the device as ATI (?)02:10
softriverYes.  That's when things went wrong.02:10
narfmasterthat would explain the crash02:10
nominsoftriver: mine says ATI also, don't know why.02:10
nominbut mine is ok02:10
pedro-kunragoo, thanks :)02:10
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???02:11
nominIdentifier     "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] "02:11
nominsoftriver: I just now noticed that02:11
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softrivernomin:  Does yours list as -02:11
KnomebookLook: here's a list of ftp servers for ubuntu http://pastebin.ca/8237902:11
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bookLookthanks Knome02:12
softrivernomin: And will that make a difference since it's an AGP card?02:12
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nominsoftriver: like I said before, I had some problems with my display, but since I'm a little experienced with linux I was able to make it work.  It looks like this "ATI" thing might be causing some problems.02:12
pedro-kunthanks for all the help guys :)02:13
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YtseJamyey, the mounting works.02:13
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nominsoftriver: I think this is a problem with dapper.  Maybe it's a bug.02:13
softrivernomin:  *nod*  Might be, might be.  I'm not experienced enough to know what's important yet, sadly.02:14
webbengood grief ... the path for root is not being set by /etc/environment! why not?02:14
softrivernomin:  My folder's finished backing up, so I'm going to reinstall.  I'll be back when that's done, though.  Thanks again to *everyone* who helped me out!02:15
nominsoftriver: but right now I have my tv-out and acceleration working fine.  I did notice that at startup the display in bent inwards at the bottom corners, but as soon as the login screen shows up, it's fine.02:15
nominsoftriver: no problem02:15
=== pinkman [n=pinkman@pool-72-64-253-190.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinkmananyone here whom can help me.02:15
webbenwhat does set the PATH for root?02:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:16
Jowisoftriver: if you want to check if 0:5:0 is correct, just do a "lspci -X"02:16
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pinkmanWell, I am trying to install rar and unrar extensions but it isnt working02:16
ompauldoes anyone ask complete and informative questions of the channel?02:16
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pinkmanI have tried.. "sudo apt-get install rar unrar"02:16
pinkmandid nothing.02:16
DBOpinkman, have you enabled universe and multiverse repos?02:17
stefg!easyubuntu > pinkman02:17
pinkmanI have opened repositor and enabled everything, so yes.. I do believe so.02:17
ompaulpinkman, if you had it would work02:17
ompaul!multiverse > pinkman02:17
DBOpinkman, have you run sudo apt-get update since then?02:17
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ompaulDBO, excellent catch02:18
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webbeni wish ubuntu devs would choose one way of doing system paths and stick to it :(02:18
pinkmanYes, I have.02:18
pinkmanBut it still isnt working.02:18
Jowipinkman: what happen exactly ?02:19
ompaulwebben, apache likes its own config files02:19
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pinkman(also whats the differnece between kubuntu and ubnutu, wich is newer/better)02:19
pinkmanpinkman@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install rar unrar02:19
pinkmanReading package lists... Done02:19
pinkmanBuilding dependency tree... Done02:19
pinkmanPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:19
pinkmanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:19
pinkmanis only available from another source02:19
pinkmanE: Package rar has no installation candidate02:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:19
webbenompaul: for PATH?02:19
DBOpinkman, what kernel are you running02:20
ompaulwebben, ahh last time I looked you were doing something with apache )02:20
bookLooki installed curl just now02:20
bookLookas an ftp but i cannot access02:20
webbenompaul: i think you've confused me with someone else02:20
pinkmanIm not sure, Im new with linux02:20
ompaulwebben, possible02:20
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cpspinkman: try "apt-get install unrar-nonfree"02:20
webbenompaul: i'm just trying to add a directory to my path for all users including root02:20
narfmasterdoes Ubuntu really need a root path?02:21
DBOpinkman, if cps's suggestion doesnt work, please put your /etc/apt/sources.list into pastebin for us to look at02:21
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DBO!paste > pinkman02:21
webbennarfmaster: yes02:21
Leirait seems my aptitude's problem, it cannot shows debtags02:21
webbennarfmaster: for one thing, sudo uses it02:21
pinkmanhow do I get ther list?02:21
bookLooki am trying to connect from crimson editor and i cannot access ftp on my ubuntu02:21
narfmasteri thought sudo used the user path02:21
webbenapparently not02:21
narfmasterit does if i use sudo in Fedora Core02:21
webben(at least not on my new dapper installation)02:22
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ubuntu-austriai can find in internet drivers for my orinoco client, but where do i know wich is the right for ubuntu?02:22
ompaulwebben, the only think I can find in etc for that is: bash_completion:        PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin _command $1 $2 $302:22
DBOnarfmaster, that kind of behavior can be configured02:22
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ompaulubuntu-austria, it should work out of the box02:22
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pinkmanHow do I get /etc/apt/sources.list onto here? x_x' how to open02:22
ompaulubuntu-austria, try clicking on System Administration Networking - it might help02:23
ubuntu-austriaompaul, u mean any orinoco driver can work with ubuntu?02:23
cpspinkman: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:23
Jowipinkman: use pastebin, do not put it in the channel02:23
ompaulubuntu-austria, I have had some in the past - I removed wireless before dapper and rewired the whole place and it used to just work02:23
Jowiubotu: tell pinkman about pastebin02:23
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ubuntu-austriawell i cant use wired internet, it doesn't deopend on me02:24
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webbenmadness .... when i switch to the console -- the text begins off the left hand side of my screen02:25
ompaulpinkman, and please put all your words on one line in complete sentences - not one word and then enter and the next one - this is IRC not IM :-)02:25
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webbeni have to shrink the view on my monitor's OSD to see the prompt properly!02:26
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rambo3ubuntu-austria, you would have to go buy kernel type, drivers mostly depend on that and not distro02:26
pinkmanSure thing, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17532.02:26
Jowiwebben: you don't have a auto-adjust button on your monitor?02:27
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kThe page is...............02:27
kout of date02:27
webbenJowi: a what?02:27
kit talks about 5.04, not  6.0602:27
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.02:27
Jowiwebben: auto-adjust button. to adjust the image to center on your screen. a godsent feature.02:28
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ubuntu-austriarambo3, so u say ubuntu cant conect to internet with wireless02:28
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ompaulk it seems to be a history lesson not the way it is today02:28
Jowiwebben: if you have an LCD/TFT that is. CRTs seem to lack it.02:28
webbenJowi: nah this is an old Dell CRT02:29
ompaul!wireless > ubuntu-austria02:29
rambo3ubuntu-austria, yes that exactly what i didn't write. i use wirless02:29
webbenJowi: but i didn't have this problem with the previous 2 ubuntu releases02:29
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ompaulubuntu-austria, the bot just sent you some info have a look at it02:29
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kompaul: what do you mean02:29
webbeni hate upgrading :(02:29
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Jowiwebben: ah :-/02:29
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rambo3ubuntu-austria, i hope you are not talking about connecting wireless to internet without router02:30
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ubuntu-austriarambo3, yes, without router02:30
Jowipinkman: you have universe enabled but not multiverse (line 19)02:31
ompaulk I see your reasoning, it appears I should get off the net and rest :-/ first I will throw it to the doc team02:31
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???02:31
=== YtseJam hates Samsung
bookLookwhen i connect from my ftpd server to my ubuntu box i cannot see the files in that folder ?02:32
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bookLookwhat can be the possible reason ?02:32
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bookLookanyone please help ?????????02:32
ryanakcano... irc exploit02:32
nominbookLook: you might need to have the right privledges to see them02:32
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bookLookno better privledges then root ;)02:33
bookLooknomin no better priveledges then root;)02:33
rambo3ubuntu-austria, then i dont know , what are you using mobile phone to connect?02:33
webbenthe console view size seems to have no relation to the view size in x02:34
pinkmanhow to enable multiuniverse?02:34
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narfmasterbookLook, ftp servers usually have their own /home folder02:34
nominbookLook: I have never tried access a ftpd server before.  I guess I can't help you out much.02:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:34
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narfmastertypically /home/ftp02:34
ryanakcawhats the command to remove something from "env"02:34
bookLooknomin which server you use ? i will use that i just need ftp access so i can edit my files easily in windows crimson editor02:35
nominbookLook: I'm just a home pc user02:35
ryanakcaDBO: ty02:36
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pinkmanHow to install multiverse02:36
webbenhow do i configure the display of the console? the x display seems perfect for my monitor :( ?02:36
rambo3!tell pinkman about sources02:37
jribpinkman: have you been linked to the wiki?02:37
rambo3pinkman, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories02:37
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bookLooknomin thanks no problem02:37
snikkerhow can i send a broadcast messages to the others client pc (with windows) on the lan?02:37
pianoboy3333how do I find out what version of gtk I'm running?02:37
Jowiwebben: it sort of depends. do you know if you use framebuffer? for example, do you see the ubuntu logo when you boot or just text?02:38
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nominwebben: are you talking about using the console under X that you access from the 'applications' menu?02:38
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webbennomin: the console you reach by pressing ctrl + alt+  fX02:38
webbenJowi: i believe i see the Ubuntu logo when i boot02:39
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webbenJowi: that means i do use the framebuffer?02:39
rixxoncan anyone recommend an msn client, gaim is to simplistic02:39
Jowiwebben: yeah. have a look at the bottom of the page: wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer02:39
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cpsrixxon: amsn has more of the features from msn, but it's kinda ugly02:39
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Teejay_wpexcuse me, is there an command line in removing a program from ubuntu02:40
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dmitriccooke: hi, its dmitri from yesterday, with a few more questions02:41
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jribTeejay_wp: how did you install the program?02:41
JowiTeejay_wp: sudo apt-get remove programname02:41
rixxonTeejay_wp: if it's a package: sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME02:41
SonicChaoTeejay_wp: sudo apt-get uninstall <program>02:41
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webbenJowi: thanks02:41
SonicChaoI always thought it was uninstall02:41
smithnooobguys, whats the command to retrive ones internal IP-adress ?02:41
rixxonit's remove alright02:41
jribyep, it's remove02:41
Jowiwebben: thank me if it works :)02:41
rixxonsmithnooob: ifconfig02:42
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SonicChaojrib: I never had to uninstall a pkg, XD02:42
smithnooobsudo: ipconfig: command not found02:43
pinkmanill be back later..02:43
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smithnooobsorry :>02:43
smithnooobthank you all ! :D02:43
blacklineI have this other cordless keyboard that first have worked, but now last weeks it just refuses to work properly. Lots of the characters don't work, for example I get digits when I write about half of the letters. What shall I do? I really need this keyboard to work. Just tried it at my neighbours and it works normally there.02:43
ompaulk I sent you a message, thanks for that comment02:44
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frogzooblackline: usb or serial?02:44
ryanakcahow do you make a back tick?02:44
blacklinefrogzoo Its USB02:44
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cpsblackline: battery problem?02:44
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blacklinecps - no i changed batteries, and it works terrific at my neighbours, i was able to write from another room02:45
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darichhey all, is anyone else having trouble signing into google talk?02:45
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darichmy Gaim 2.0 beta ain't playing ball02:45
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rixxongoogle talk exists for linux now?02:46
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Jowiblackline: and no interferences between the keyboard and the reciever?02:46
darichno but you can use GAIM to log into the google talk servers02:46
blacklineJowi sorry, what does interferences mean?02:46
darichas it's just jazzed up jabba02:46
cpsdarich: it seems to be working for me, where did you get your gaim 2 packages from?02:46
Jowiblackline: like other wireless devices or stuff laying in the way.02:47
rambo3blackline, something disturbing connection like wifi device02:47
Jowiblackline: or a bluetooth phone or a remote or something like that02:47
darichI installed it via Automatix02:47
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blacklineJowi Yes i have my other wireless conected also, which i always had and that have worked before. But of course i have tried to disconnect this and only ran the usb, without result.02:47
dmitriHi, can anyone help with an un-intalling truecrypt please02:47
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darichaol works fine02:47
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darichas does MSN02:47
darichbut googletalk's borked02:47
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blacklineThe thing is that it acts wierd, since U for example, always become 4, this is constant.02:48
Jowiblackline: AH! numlock02:48
darichso it's the beta version02:48
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Foobaldmitri: why you want to install truecrypt? I'm just curious because the dm-crypt works wonderfully and is shipped on your computer already02:49
Jowiblackline: U=4, I=5, J=102:49
vijayhi all, how to install gnome on kubuntu using cd02:49
blacklineJowi Hahaha, I had this trouble for weeks, and its something as silly as that. Thank you very much02:50
gorskiplease, explain me, watching dvds is not legal on ubuntu?02:50
dmitriFoobal: i converted form windows before u see - and have all my docs in a giant truecrypt file - i had it wokring before, but not since i updated to 2.6.15-25-68602:50
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Jowiblackline: I have a keyboard that does not have a numeric keypad and those keys are mapped to those numbers :)02:50
Foobaldmitri: oh yeah, I used it on Windows myself too. umm, sounds like if you just will have to recompile your kernel module manually02:50
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blacklineJowi, yes, same here I guess :)02:51
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dmitrifoobal: my ubuntu kernel?02:51
cpsdarich: I use the gaim 2 packages from this repository: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/deb ./02:51
Foobaldmitri: no, just install the headers for your kernel and recompile truecrypt's module manually02:51
cpsI don't know where automatix gets its from02:51
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dmitriFoobal: sorry mate - i'm a bit new at this..install the headers in the build.sh file? or where?02:52
gorskiplease, explain me, why is watching dvds not legal on ubuntu?02:52
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cpsgorski: because the only way to view them is to crack the encryption on them which has been made illegal in many places around the world02:53
hawkaloogiegorski, distributing the software that decrypts DVDs is not legal02:53
Jowigorski: it is. but commercial dvds are encrypted, and to decrypt is illegal in some countries.02:53
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gorskii just want to watch it.02:54
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edanhi all02:54
Foobalyou can't watch it without decrypting, silly02:54
edanwhat's mplayer's classname?02:55
gorskii don't want to crack it or copy it.02:55
cpsgorski: you can get more info from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-38508785e53c611dde1859232189b2e823135eb902:55
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edanI want to send from xvkbd to mplayer and need the classname02:55
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Jowigorski: the movie industry seem to think that it is the same thing02:55
Foobalgorski: there is _no_ video without decrypting the data. period.02:55
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:55
riddleboxI am trying to set dapper to not blank my screen or do anything after a period of time, I have set the power settings to no do it and I have disabled the screensaver, is there anything else I can do to stop this?02:56
dmitriFoobal: could you explain how i would do that (install the headers)02:56
latromanhi: is there any Ati Radeon 9600Xt driver for DapperDrake ?02:56
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IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???02:56
IRCMonkeyxanyone experienced  in globespan usb modem adsl???02:56
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JowiIRCMonkeyx: no, but is the lights on on the modem? and did you run "pppoeconf"?02:57
RaitoHow do you add keyboard shortcuts in gnome? there is a keyboard shortcut option in the system menu but I can only seem to edit existing shortcuts, how would I add more? Like for an application?02:57
edanI just use xbindkeys02:57
sztanpeti want to install cedega but it has an xlibs dependency and the installer says its not satisfiable, where can i install that package?02:57
IRCMonkeyxjowi: i run pppoeconf,it says not detected, and only red light not green02:57
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JowiIRCMonkeyx: which light is red? link or pc connection?02:58
Raitoedan: ok so I can use xbindkeys to make certain keys do something? ok I'll check it out, thanks02:58
IRCMonkeyxjovi: power is red, data link is green02:59
edanI'm using it to map buttons from my MX100 as well as mapping the multimedia keys on my DiNovo02:59
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IRCMonkeyxjowi: power is red, data link is green02:59
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Raitoedan: it says something in home isn't found when I run it from a teminal, how would I set up the configuration?03:00
IRCMonkeyxjowi: in fact i found solution, i must re-compile and patch kernel, i did those as root , and i still cant get it03:00
JowiIRCMonkeyx: look what I found: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/EciAdsl03:00
edanyou need to create ~/.xbindkeysrc03:00
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Raitoedan: just a folder? do I have to put anything in it?03:01
IRCMonkeyxjowi: i did all of them, if i did correct, it is not easy to do those for a new linux user03:01
edanxbindkeys will create a default file for you if you run "xbindkeys -d"03:01
edanopen a terminal and type "xbindkeys -d"03:01
Raitothanks, that was what I was looking for03:01
edanthen "sudo gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc"03:01
edanor nano or whatever03:01
latromanhi: is there any Ati Radeon 9600Xt driver for DapperDrake ?03:02
Raitoedan: I see so you have to edit it by hand, also I still get the same error when I run xbindkeys from the terminal after making it, is this supposed to be normal?03:02
edanRaito: to get the keycodes you need, run xev from a terminal and it'll spit data out as you hit keys or mouse buttons03:02
JowiIRCMonkeyx: ah. did you do "sudo apt-get install eciadsl"?03:02
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Jowi!info eciadsl03:02
ubotueciadsl: userspace driver for the Globespan-based USB ADSL modems. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.11-3 (dapper), package size 148 kB, installed size 352 kB03:02
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edanwhat's the error?03:03
Raitoedan: same one, saying something in home isn't found03:03
IRCMonkeyxjowi: yes i did, as root03:03
zambbaI want to share ~/Pictures with apache to my network. I type "DocumentRoot /home/sami/Pictures" to apache.conf, but apache keeps on serving /var/www instead. Where is the problem?03:03
edanthe only thing it looks for in home I think is .xbindkeysrc03:03
Raitoedan: it can't find that03:03
Knomezambba: #apache03:03
JowiIRCMonkeyx: than I wouldn't know. :-/03:04
edanif it's not there, "sudo nano ~/.xbindkeysrc" and just save it03:04
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IRCMonkeyxjowi: :) me too, i am gonna hate linux, i should buy a new modem03:04
edanyou can force it to load a file tho using "xbindkeys -f <insert filename here>"03:04
zambbaKnome: are you sure this is no ubuntu/debian specific problem03:05
edanso if you wanted xbindkeys somewhere other than ~ you can point xbindkeys to it03:05
Raitoedan: now when I run xbindkeys is nothing supposed to happen?03:05
Knomezambba: I don't see how it would be03:05
edanonc eyou define stuff tho, it'll still look like nothing's happening when you run it but your new shortcuts will work03:06
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edanbest thing to do is "man xbindkeys"03:06
edanshould get you going03:06
jago25_98Having trouble with cloop. Any way to remaster in Windows instead?03:06
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Kalm_Can anyone point me to a web site that could possibly help me to tweak my ubuntu system as its running pretty slow...03:08
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frogzooblackline: Kalm_ what's top say? what's the cpu % ?03:08
Knomezambba: but have you tried restarting your web server after making those changes?03:08
frogzooKalm_ what's top say? what's the cpu % ?03:09
Kalm_ive got an iMac G3 233mhz 64mb RAM03:09
Knomezambba: what apache version do you use?03:09
frogzooKalm_: that's not what I asked03:09
edanKnome: set ubuntu to boot init 1? heh03:09
frogzooKalm_: that's a pretty low spec - did ubuntu ever run quicker?03:10
edanerr...  Kalm I mean03:10
Kalm_my CPU is working abouts 20%03:10
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Kalm_its still really slow and its hard to find any RAM compatible with this machine03:11
edantry a different window manager03:11
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edanI'd imagine KDE and GNOME aren't ever goign to run well on that sys03:11
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KnomeKalm_: that's pretty much a hardware issue03:12
Kalm_xfce doesnt give me what i want sure ive tried KDE GNOME and XFCE... i hear IceWM might be even better for low spec pcs..03:12
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top222An idea... what if we had an Ubuntu distribution (Lubuntu for Low power Ubuntu) that would be the best it can be in a 64MB sub-300MHz machine?03:12
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fateminasabHow can i run a specific command every time i boot in ubuntu?03:12
DBOKalm_, fluxbox might be a good idea to check out too03:12
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cpsKalm_: maybe you would be better off with something like damn small linux03:13
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jago25_98I can remaster in Windows :))03:13
AlmightySup? 8)03:13
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top222Kalm_: Rox desktop and Rox filer will allow one to have icons on desktop03:13
edanadd it to System>Preferences>Sessions>Startup Programs in GNOME03:13
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webbenJowi: that framebuffer page helped, thanks again :)03:14
Kalm_what im asking is is there a way to "simplify" Gnome... cut unneeded processes etc03:14
cpsKalm_: not and still call it GNOME really03:14
top222Kalm_: Removing the desktop background is maybe one thing you could do03:15
Kalm_hm... ok well thank you all im off to fix this...03:15
top222Kalm_: That way you will save memory03:15
Kalm_got wat i wanted03:15
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top222Maybe we convinced him that linux is way too heavy, and he should install the original Apple system that came with the machine, and that was the thing he was looking for03:17
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top222Does NetworkManager support static IP for my WLAN connection, btw?03:17
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top222And is it possible to have a LAN with static IP addresses, and use WLAN only when the card is inserted?03:18
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delta____Hey there! Just stopping by to tell everyone that Ubuntu totally blew me away (yeah, as if you guys didn't already know). I was just so surprised it got *everything* right on my Inspiron 8600 notebook.03:19
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top222That also means going back to the LAN with static addresses after the PCMCIA card is removed03:19
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top222delta____: Power saving too?03:19
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Cybodoghow does ubuntu inact the cpu freq stepping?03:19
delta____top222: The usual hitches with Wifi, but other than that: Yes!03:19
jbwivguys, I had a software raid parition I deleted, changed the part type to LVM with fdisk, and would now like to add an LVM VG and LVs to it. Is there a way to run Ubuntu's console disk tool *after* you've successfully installed?03:19
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cpstop222: there is something on live.gnome.org about static IPs : http://live.gnome.org/DarrenAlbers/NetworkManagerFAQ#head-c8b3f6905f51eed368b9c21893edabcc82531bbc03:20
top222delta____: Ok.  I was not that happy with my Thinkpad T2203:20
delta____top222: Guess it depends on what you expect. I expected having to set up everything and anything like I used to do some years ago03:21
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jbwivanyone know what the console based disk parition tool Ubuntu uses on install is actually called?03:21
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top222delta____: I still can't combine LAN and WLAN.  One always breaks the other somehow.03:21
delta____jbwiv: If it's not fdisk or parted, I don't know03:21
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top222delta____: Port replicator's mouse port does not work.  Kernel update fixed the CPU throttling, but initially that too was broken.03:22
Knomejbwiv: not sure but I'm partial to cfdisk03:22
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jbwivKnome: can cfdisk create LVM partitions with mount points?03:23
delta____top222: Heh. I see we had different expectations03:23
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top222delta____: Also, because I was updating from 5.10, I did not run into problems with X and DRI, but on default it is enabled with Savage chips, and causes T2x Thinkpads to lock up hard.03:23
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delta____top222: Ouch. My Mobility Radeon 9600 got detected and installed fine. I even got HW-accelerated OpenGL for free.03:24
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Knomejbwiv: Linux LVM03:24
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top222delta____: I get acceleration once I use 16bpp (not enough on-chip memory in the Savage) and put some magic lines into the "Device" section in xorg.conf03:25
jbwivKnome: yeah, but I don't think it goes are far as Ubuntu's utility. In that you can't actually configure LVM from within the tool. I'm trying to find that tool03:25
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Knomejbwiv: lvm2 - The Linux Logical Volume Manager ?03:27
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jbwivKnome: yes.03:27
jbwivyou can configure LVM2 from install with Ubuntu03:27
jbwivalas...I'm going to reinstall...03:28
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jbwivor throw this g*(*D*(*(*( machine through the window ;-)03:28
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binais it safe for me to burn the ubuntu 6.06 dvd iso to a dvd-rw or is it best to use some other medium?03:30
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cpsbina: what do you mean by safe?03:30
kenasi am trying to install dapper 6.0603:30
kenasin a pc03:30
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kenasand the desktop doesnt work03:31
dr_willis:) sortof hard to install it on a toaster. :)03:31
kenasi guess its because of Nvidia drivers03:31
Marktzarchecking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E03:31
Marktzarchecking for X... no03:31
MarktzarSorry, X is very much needed03:31
Marktzarcould someone tell me why it can't find x03:31
binacps: I dont know entirely :)  Just so long as it'll boot.  I'm not sure it will make to big a difference, but i thought id ask to be 'safe' :-)03:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:31
ubotuI know nothing about torsmo03:31
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dr_williskenas,  what video card ya got exactly?03:31
kenasGeforce 6600 GT03:32
hawkaloogieMarktzar, are you trying to compile something? do you have the build-essential package?03:32
kenasbut i cant get into the graphical mode either03:32
Marktzaryes hawkaloogie03:32
kenasi only see terminal03:32
cpsbina: should be fine I imagine03:32
MarktzarIt's the systems stats thing03:32
dr_willisodd - that thing should work good.. but you can install the official nvidia drivers without being in X.03:32
Marktzarbut it can't detect x03:32
kenasi cant see the desktop03:32
MarktzarI'm running fluxbox though03:33
Marktzarif that's any help03:33
binacps: hopefully.  Got another 8 hours until I have to worry about it anyway, may just get the CD iso03:33
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cpsbina: if it's a rewritable and it doesn't work you can always blank the disc ;)03:33
coolbehow can i get  in the channel ubuntu-cn03:33
binacps: hehe yeah :)03:33
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LuckyXhelp me pls03:34
cpsbina: that might be a better idea, and then just install any extra programs over the net03:34
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dr_williskenas,  check out that URL we just gave ya (the !nvidia bot url) its about 3 commands to type in the shell that whould install the official nvidia drivers and get ya going.03:34
Marktzarso, anyone got any idea why tormso can't find X03:34
ubotuI know nothing about tormso03:34
ubotuI know nothing about torsmo03:34
cpsbina: unless of course you don't have a fast connection on the computer you are installing it on03:34
LuckyXi have potrable hdd connected to usb port (ntfs)03:34
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hawkaloogieMarktzar, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2357003:34
hawkaloogiethat may help03:35
binacps: yeah, we have 1Mb connection here, so fast enough.  I also just bought a DVD writer so i wanted to play with it :)03:35
LuckyXubuntu detects it but error: Unable to mount the selected volume. mount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /media/sda103:35
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LuckyXwhat to do?03:35
LuckyXhow to mount it?03:35
cpsbina: sounds cool, two birds with one stone :-)03:35
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Knomejbwiv: maybe sudo apt-get install --reinstall lvm2 or maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure lvm2 ?03:35
TBUHP666Hey i am in the login window but i need to switch to the black consol how do i do that?03:35
hawkaloogieLuckyX, maybe: sudo mount /dev/sda103:35
binacps: hehe :)03:35
gholenHello! How do I solve the problem with irssi, and that I can't switch between cannels in exterm03:35
ray79cthi to all03:35
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ray79cti've a problem03:36
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hawkaloogieTBUHP666, Ctrl+Alt+F1-603:36
LuckyXyou are a king! :D03:36
ray79cti can't see old ntfs hdd where i've all file03:36
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hawkaloogieTBUHP666, to get back to gdm, Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8 i don't remember which03:36
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks03:37
ray79ctcan hlp me pls03:37
LuckyXtnx folks ;)03:37
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hawkaloogieLuckyX, when something says "only root can do this", use sudo03:37
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ray79cthelp me03:37
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ray79cthow i can obtain permission to read ntfs partition03:37
LuckyXone more thing :)03:38
stefgray79ct: be patient and pay attention... have you mounted it?03:38
LuckyXhow to put shortcut of ubuntu live support on desktop or any other app?03:38
pianoboy3333How can I set my guest account's password to nothing, so they can just press enter when they login?03:38
LuckyXwhats the command?03:38
ray79ctsorry but it's the first that use linux03:38
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Br|cewould someone know what could make my xorg freeze ? video card : radeon 9200 pro with radeon drivers, monitor : benq 20" wide (1680x1050)03:38
Samuli^Could someone paste me what reads in their menu.lst for dapper?03:38
n9urkI jut set up php5-cli on Ubuntu 6.6 and I am gettign the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /var/www/exp/dbconnect.inc on line 8"  Do I have to do something differently in the cli version to get the mysql functions to work?  They work just find in the php5_mod for apache2.03:39
stefgray79ct: do you know which partiton it is in linuxspeak (/dev/hda1 might be an example)03:39
Br|cexorg freezes when the gnome desktop launches (ie just after the splashscreen)03:39
IdleOnepianoboy3333, I believe the guest account defaults to a blank pasword03:39
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pianoboy3333IdleOne: wait... how do you make a guest account that defs. to a blank password? I went System->admin.->users and groups in gnome, and did one manually!03:40
ray79ctin computer i see the hdd but when click he say that i don't have permission03:40
webbeni can't believe that the path (seems) even more broken than on the last release :(03:40
stefg!ntfs > ray79ct03:40
IdleOnepianoboy3333, try login in to the guest account..if it didnt ask you to set a pass then it should be blank03:40
n9urkanybody using php5-cli?03:40
pianoboy3333IdleOne: it did ask me to set a pass...03:41
pianoboy3333IdleOne: how do you set up one w/o one?03:41
sztanpetwith what can i mount my image files, like daemon tools in windows?03:41
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IdleOnepianoboy3333, you can try leaving it blank when setting up the user account . not sure if that works though03:42
pianoboy3333IdleOne: no, that doesn't03:42
darichgoogle talk on Gaim is now working03:42
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IdleOnepianoboy3333, then set a pass make it something easy like " guest " or " hello " ....03:42
bob_can anyone help get my tablet working?  I've edited my xorg.conf, as many things I've read online said to, but my stylus still doesn't seem to work.  I am using an Gateway M275, wacdump -f c100 -c serial /dev/ttyS0 works, but it just counts up from zero, and wacdump -f c100 -c serial /dev/ttyS1 doesn't even load the program.03:43
pianoboy3333IdleOne: yea... I was just wondering how the live cd works...03:43
stefgsztanpet: ISOs are mounted using 'mount -o loop ...' all other files from win ripping progs won't work ... there's a project called CDemu on sourceforge which might be worth a look03:43
gholenI just find some interesting stuff on ubuntuforums, but ano last question, when i do a script, I have to make it as a file, then use chmod to make it execuebale?03:44
void^there are tools to convert pretty much anything to iso if required03:44
IdleOnepianoboy3333, the live cd is hard coded with the default pass. you have the source :) hack it03:44
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giant_i've installed 3dChess, but it isn't shown in game menu, how come??03:44
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giant_i've installed 3dChess, but it isn't shown in game menu, how come??03:45
webbenHmm.... could there be a difference in loading etc/environment's path between a genuine root account and Ubuntu's fake root account?03:45
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giant_webben: are you talking to me?03:45
cpsgiant_: because the package doesn't include a shortcut, you might be able to find it under /usr/games03:45
giant_ok, thx03:45
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webbengiant_: no, not specifically03:46
shocktrooper1'sudo startx' gives me "xauth:  creating new authority file..."  and "X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of 0'03:46
shocktrooper1and glx doesn't work.03:46
shocktrooper1what is wrong?03:47
shocktrooper1I dpkg-reconfigured my xserver-xorg.03:47
ray79cti can03:47
shocktrooper1but no blender. :(03:47
cpsgiant_: you can then add your own shortcut to the menu using Applications > Accessories > Alacarte Menu Editor03:47
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giant_cps: thx03:48
shocktrooper1I see my nvidia splash screen on boot03:48
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bob_can someone help me with my tablet?03:48
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redbladesbob_, just take it with water, and consult doctor if you are still having symtoms03:49
shocktrooper1also $blender -w gives me "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display'03:49
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bob_yeah, ok, can anyone help me to get my tablet PC's stylus working?03:49
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LuckyXhow to create stupid shortcut to any program on destop ?03:50
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kthreadhi hi hi hola a todos03:50
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:50
ubotuI know nothing about sr03:50
ubotuI know nothing about ser03:51
cpsLuckyX: why do you want to create a stupid shortcut?03:51
LuckyXi hate terminal03:51
LuckyXi dont want to start ubuntu live support from terminal03:51
LuckyXor any program03:51
LuckyXi want shtortcut on desktop03:51
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.03:51
IdleOneLuckyX, right click on the desktop and create a shortcut03:51
cpsLuckyX: Right click on the desktop and select "Create Launcher"03:51
gnomefreakLuckyX: right click create launcher and under command use the command that you would start it in terminalk with03:51
pianoboy3333What is the name of the application that allows you to control what apps other acconts can use?03:52
LuckyXahahah stupid... tnx again :)03:52
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ardchoillepianoboy3333: chown+chmod?03:53
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pianoboy3333ardchoille: there's a gnome app I believe...03:54
cpspianoboy3333: there is pessulus which lets you lock down certain things in applications, and then there is sabayon with which you can customise user profiles (removing things from the desktop etc)03:54
ardchoillepianoboy3333: oh. didn't know that03:54
pianoboy3333cps: which is being shown at the top of here: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.14/notes/en/rnadmins.html03:54
pianoboy3333oh, it says, that's pessulus03:54
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cpspianoboy3333: it shows up as "Lockdown Editor" in the Admin menu03:55
webbenthis is crazy... what happens when other people add a directory to PATH= in /etc/environment then do sudo -s -H then echo $PATH ... what path do they get?03:55
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Marktzarhow can I run a program from shell, but not make it output or use the shells process03:55
andriijaswhats ubuntu alternate iso?03:55
MarktzarI tried to use /dev/null but that just supresses STDIN03:56
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MarktzarI want to run torsmo without having to have a shell window open03:56
andriijasMarktzar: ./mybin &03:56
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andriijasadd & after to deamonize03:56
pianoboy3333cps: one more thing, how do you run xnest?03:56
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cpspianoboy3333: the easiest way is with gdmXnest03:57
pianoboy3333cps: does it work in compiz?03:58
webbenseriously does sudo -s -H work with your path settings?03:58
webbenis it just me somehow?03:58
cpspianoboy3333: I don't know, I haven't had luck getting all that eye candy working03:58
pianoboy3333cps: one more thing, with the lockdown editor, how do I choose what account I'm setting stuff for?03:58
=== Scarecrow [n=Scarecro@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl201-071.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
Marktzarhmm, andriijas. it crashes when I deamonize it03:59
Marktzaror freezes rather03:59
webbeni seem to be experiencing this problem with sudo -- except rebooting isn't fixing it: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204014&highlight=sudo+path03:59
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andriijasMarktzar: ok03:59
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kevinzhello. i receive some "unauthenticated" updates in dapper. Does it matter?04:00
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matteo_hi all04:00
matteo_is it possible to install xubuntu over debian minimal cd? or install xubunutu with a minimal floppy through internet ?04:00
cpspianoboy3333: it's just for the account you are logged in as04:00
cpspianoboy3333: you can also set gdm up to do automatic or timed logins which might cover what you were asking before about accounts with no passwords04:00
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pianoboy3333cps: so... how I have to use gdmXnest to log in as another user no?04:01
pianoboy3333if I still want to be logged in04:01
webbenhmm i wonder if it's actually a bug: someone was experiencing problems with sudo java: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203414&page=204:01
Sacrocan anyone help me with ndiswrapper, ive installed the latest stable, and im using the same drivers i used for Arch Linux, but i cant get wlan0 to appear04:01
kenashow can i run shell before running the desktop ??04:01
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cpspianoboy3333: if you run gdmXnest it should come up with a nested window with the gdm login promt04:01
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godfatheris it possible listening radio (live) with ubuntu04:01
ScarecrowQuestion : is there an utility for Dapper that can test your harddrive..  or do I have to use the vendor's test program (DOS) ?04:02
stefg!info testdisk04:02
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In repository universe, is optional. Version 6.1-1 (dapper), package size 386 kB, installed size 1124 kB04:02
rambo3godfather, what type of streaming mms shoutcast04:02
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Scarecrowubotu, tnx I'll try04:02
ubotuI know nothing about tnx I'll try04:02
kenashow can i boot in shell from the beginning ?04:03
mumbles!info reconfigerating X04:03
ubotuPackage reconfigerating does not exist in dapper04:03
stefgScarecrow: or use badblocks04:03
mumbles!info X04:03
ubotuPackage X does not exist in dapper04:03
mumbles!info X windows04:03
ubotuPackage X does not exist in dapper04:03
kenas!info X04:03
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kenas!info X windows04:03
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kenas!info X windows04:03
ubotuPackage X does not exist in dapper04:03
mumblestrying to reconfiguer X as i have moved the ubuntu box across to a differnt machene04:03
imbrandon!info xserver-xorg04:03
dr_willisits like 'xfree86-org'04:03
Sacro!info Xorg04:03
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In repository main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 98 kB, installed size 344 kB04:03
ubotuPackage Xorg does not exist in dapper04:03
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Sacro!info ndiswrapper04:04
kenas!info xserver-xorg04:04
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in dapper04:04
pianoboy3333cps: how long should gdmXnest take?04:04
imbrandonSacro, ndiswrapper-utils , try packages.ubuntu.com04:04
danfgi'm experiencing sound delay playing videos from the web, even flash animations sometimes. any clue what might be wrong?04:04
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kenasok i am trying to get into terminal but its not possible04:05
cpspianoboy3333: do you get a window to show up?04:05
stefg!sound > danfg04:05
pianoboy3333cps: yes, a black window04:05
pianoboy3333cps: I'm even in a regular gnome session, not xgl04:06
Sacrohmmm, whats 6.06 called?04:06
cpspianoboy3333: hmm now that I try it myself I only get an empty window too04:06
webbenSacro: Dapper Drake04:06
ubotuI know nothing about 6.0604:06
pianoboy3333cps: SCREWY!!!04:06
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"04:06
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cpspianoboy3333: I'm sure that's how it was supposed to work04:07
kenasi am still trying to install drivers of nvidia04:07
cpspianoboy3333: what are you trying to do with the nested session?04:07
kenasi have got into root04:07
kenasand i am in the shell04:07
pianoboy3333cps: use pessulus to configure the guest account04:07
godfatheri'm a newbie and i wish i know how listen radio (live) with ubuntu04:07
pianoboy3333cps: I could just login to the guest account, no?04:08
kenasbut the command sudo nvidia-glx-config enable04:08
=== jwolff [n=jwolff@adsl-215-227-21.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenasdoesnt go on..04:08
Scarecrowstefg, I'll look into it .. tnx04:08
kenasit says command not found04:08
cpspianoboy3333: yeah, you can just switch user without logging out04:08
=== Aproxima [n=ineed@c122166.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Sacroright, how do i install ndiswrapper-utils without the cd?04:09
cpspianoboy3333: then you can switch back and forth between the two logins with <CTL><ALT>F(Some number usually 7 and up)04:09
jwolffI'm having a little bit of trouble upgrading to dapper, can anyone help me here?04:09
=== lsuactiafner [n=edc@dsl-145-235-196.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Sacroor...i could just make sure it was in right04:09
godfatheris there anyone can help me04:09
Knome!upgrade > jwolff04:09
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:09
whyamigodfather: are you trying to listen to Internet radio?04:09
jwolffI've read it04:09
cpspianoboy3333: or install the fast user switch applet which gives you a menu on your panel you can use04:09
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mumblesany ideas on how to reconfiguer x ?04:10
whyamigodfather: do you have the URL of the radio station stream?04:10
godfatherwith amarok04:10
jwolffwell, technically, from warty to breezy to dapper04:10
mumblesi cant find it04:10
whyamigodfather: sorry. can't help you. I don't know amarok. I use XMMS.04:10
godfatheri have xmms too04:10
jwolffwhen I upgraded all of my warty packages, I restarted my comp and x won't start04:10
whyamigodfather: can you get it to play in xmms?04:11
godfathercan you explain something about it?04:11
whyamigodfather: do you have the URL of the stream? If so, send and I will check to see if it is up.04:11
jwolffso either I need help fixing x or burning my dapper iso in the command line04:11
godfatherisnt it a live trasmission04:11
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godfatherbut a recorded file04:11
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Snow_Shelterjwolff: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:11
Snow_Shelterjwolff: well, technically, I think you have to add the Dapper repo's before you can do that04:11
whyamigodfather: it isn't necessarily a recorded file.04:11
godfatheri try04:12
whyamigodfather: what station are you trying to listen to? Do they have a website?04:12
dr4gHey everyone - i';m having some serious + annoying problems with my ubuntu installation04:12
dr4g=I'm using the live CD right now..04:12
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jwolffI added the breezy repos and tried to dist-upgrade to breezy from warty last night, that's why I'm here04:12
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webbengodfather: i think you want to install realplayer for the BBC04:14
jwolffcan I just get help burning the dapper iso in the command line?  I have no idea how to use cdrecord04:14
=== sztanpet_ [n=sztanpet@dsl51B6A441.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Knomemumbles: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:14
jwolfftried that04:14
webbengodfather: (unless it's a podcast)04:14
pianoboy3333cps: sabyon or w/e uses xnest, so it's ok now04:14
jwolffoh, nm04:14
godfatherpodcast= recordedfile?04:14
webbengodfather: i've used RealPlayer to listen to BBC radio on previous ubuntu's so it ought to work04:14
webbengodfather: not necessarily04:14
kenasi have installed nvidia graphics04:15
webbengodfather: what program are you trying to listen to?04:15
kenassorry drivers04:15
kenasbut no success04:15
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kenasi cant see the screen04:15
godfatheri have  many programs04:15
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kenasdesktop doesnt work04:16
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godfatheramarok(for kde), mplayer,vlc04:16
pianoboy3333cps: so, then can't the guest account just use the lockdown editor to change the settings?04:16
webbengodfather: no man, what BBC radio program04:16
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godfatherah sorry04:16
godfatherbbc news04:16
godfatherthe same that is present on satellite chanel04:17
Togeim searching a program for music (i tested vlc, totem, banshee, amarok, xmms, bmpx, rhymthbox), another one?04:17
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jwolffcan anyone help me?04:17
=== zonum [n=zonum@adsl-225-46-123.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
webbengodfather: what's the URL for that?04:17
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=== Ropechoborra www.fotolog.com/ropechoborra POSTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNN :P
dr4gI've installed ubuntu (i'm running the live CD now but i can mount the partition to edit files)... Now, when i boot up.. Grub error 18 initiated.. and nothing boots... I've googled previously ofcourse, and they say i need a small partition at the start of my HDD at location "/boot"04:18
godfatheri don't know04:18
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dr4gI have some questions on setting this up... can anyony offer to help ?04:18
dr4gI've been at this for 9 hours now..04:18
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cpspianoboy: I guess yes, but you can remove it from the menus and I think if you get really excited you can do things like make those settings mandatory04:18
webbengodfather: look, if you can't work out where the radio programme you want to listen to is on the web, you won't be able to listen to it on any program on any platform04:18
dr4gcps, jwolff, cparker?04:18
webbengodfather: i suggest you go here and pick one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/04:19
godfatherok i try04:19
jwolffdr4g: sorry, don't know :(04:19
jwolffI'm in here for support myself04:19
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dr4gSomeone here must know.. i assume its a common problem when i was on my google escapade04:19
webbengodfather: and the software you want is RealPlayer + (probably) the Firefox plugin04:19
gnomefreakjwolff: what is it you need? i missed it if you sent it before04:19
godfatherit needs realpalyer04:20
pianoboy3333cps: ah, ok04:20
webbengodfather: that's right04:20
meezhey, im having a real problem... atm im in irssi on recovery mode... when I run ubuntu normally I get put in 720x400 with a blank screen... i can upload my xorg.conf if needed, but first, anyone got any ideas?04:20
jwolffgnome: I just need help burning the dapper iso in cdrecord04:20
=== fire [n=chatzill@c-71-57-100-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr4gI think i've wiped ALL my windows files too by accident (TIP: back b4 u install nix + never do it really drunk) like i did04:20
dr4gI think i've lost all my fucking data04:20
pianoboy3333cps: but is there a way to limit what programs they can use, like block them from using openoffice (just an example)?04:20
jwolffgnome: that, or getting x to start working after my warty-to-breezy upgrade04:20
fireHelp.. I am having a apic problem.. that I can not seem to fix!!!04:20
gnomefreakjwolff: sorry thats 1 or 3 things i use gui for04:20
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webbengodfather: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods is the page for you04:21
gnomefreakjwolff: you shouldnt skip versions when upgrading its likely to break04:21
Snow_Shelterdr4g: congrats, now you *have* to run Ubuntu04:21
jwolffI'm skipping versions?04:21
jwolffwarty to breezy to dapper, right?04:21
pianoboy3333cps: and, how do I get rid of somthing off of the system menu?!?04:21
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webbengodfather: see especially this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods#head-16d4b26b1e26b89262d400f91db007f603d3bd42 and this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods#head-56ed59867c447c914e5c1dad880fa52bfe8bbd6304:21
gnomefreakjwolff: yes warty>hoary>breezy>dapper04:21
Snow_Shelterjwolff: you may just be able to go from warty to dapper04:21
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cpspianoboy3333: the easiest way is just to remove the shortcuts from their menus, but if you really want to stop them then you could do things like change the permissions on the binaries04:21
meezhey, im having a real problem... atm im in irssi on recovery mode... when I run ubuntu normally I get put in 720x400 with a blank screen... i can upload my xorg.conf if needed, but first, anyone got any ideas? im really fucked if i cant make it work :<04:22
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: seems like a lot of worthless downloading, why can't he just go from warty to dapper?04:22
pianoboy3333cps: nah, I think removing the shortcuts is fine04:22
fireACPI: Looking for DSDT... not found!04:22
jwolffyeah, If I can get x to work again... I upgraded all of my warty packages, and after restarting I'm getting errors and can't start x04:22
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: that might beable to be done but he didnt do that he already upgraded from warty to breezy04:22
Snow_Shelterjwolff: what kind of errors?04:22
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mikearthurI can't get my blog connecting to my mysql database04:22
gnomefreakjwolff: nvidia card?04:22
cpspianoboy3333: yeah I wouldn't want to mess around with them04:23
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: oh, ok04:23
jwolffati card04:23
jwolfffont errors04:23
Snow_Shelterjwolff: ouch04:23
pianoboy3333cps: but how do I rid of the shortcuts?04:23
erUSULmeez: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg??04:23
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: yeah, he should just reinstall04:23
jwolffso I installed xfonts-base, and now even more errors04:23
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cpspianoboy3333: alacarte lets you edit the system menus04:23
gnomefreakjwolff: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make sure its set on vesa drivers04:23
pianoboy3333I didn't know that...04:23
Snow_Shelterjwolff: ok, installed every package that starts with, or contains xorg, and get an nVidia card04:23
meeznot yet erUSUL, but i can try04:23
meezwould have to reconfigure my mouse i guess :<04:23
jwolffso I should reinstall warty, and re download the dapper iso and just go from there?04:23
meezill try it now04:24
gnomefreakjwolff: please read what i said above04:24
rambo3!info x-window-system-core04:24
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ubotux-window-system-core: X Window System core components. In repository main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB04:24
jwolffI've tried reconfiguring x04:24
Snow_Shelterjwolff: I'd just jump to dapper and deal with the issues there04:24
ryanakcaFor some reason "HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:4001" keeps on showing up in "env". each time I have to run "export -n HTTP_PROXY". Is there a way to make it permanent (so that it doesn't keep on showing up)?04:24
gnomefreakjwolff: did you set the driver on vesa?04:24
cpspianoboy3333: at the bottom of the left hand pane is the system menu04:24
jwolffhow do I do that?04:24
Turmsupdating edgy, among dependancies of xorg i find libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not available, where is it?04:24
gnomefreakjwolff: the command i gave you above04:24
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Snow_Shelterjwolff: remind me why you're taking the time to trouble shoot something that's just transitionary?04:24
Snow_Shelterjwolff: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:24
Snow_Shelterjwolff: that *should* update you to the newest version of dapper04:25
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: not a good idea atm04:25
jwolffgnome: I did that exact command, but I don't know what you mean by "make sure it's on vesa drivers"04:25
Snow_Shelterjwolff: complete with a whole new set of problems04:25
Snow_ShelterGnarlyBob: why not?04:25
gnomefreakandrewp: if there is the issue the issue will not be fixed during upgrade04:25
Snow_Shelterjwolff: he means go into the xorg.conf and put (crud, I forget what it's called)04:25
Snow_Shelterjwolff: it's like something04:25
dr_willis'vesa' as the driver ? :P04:25
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Snow_Shelterjwolff: you wont have 3D accel anymore04:26
gnomefreakdredhammer: yes04:26
gnomefreakdr_willis: yes04:26
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Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: nick job of speeling04:26
jwolffthis would all be a lot easier if I could just burn the dapper iso that's on my HD, the problem is, x won't start and I'm stuck at the command line04:26
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gnomefreakjwolff: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
Snow_Shelterjwolff: growisofs04:26
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: its this damn auto complete04:26
Snow_ShelterGnarlyBob: I know what you mean04:27
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gnomefreakjwolff: im telling you how04:27
pianoboy3333cps: that is an awsome program04:27
Snow_Shelterjwolff: yea, its what all gui cd writing apps call04:27
jwolffah, okay, thanks04:27
pianoboy3333cps: I'll be right back04:27
webbenOkay -- somebody kindly told me sudo _is_ supposed to pick up the /etc/environment path from the user running it. But it isn't for me. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to bludgeon sudo into behaving properly. (I'm trying to get it to run ruby from /opt/ruby/bin)04:27
Snow_Shelterjwolff: it's the way to burn CDs from command line04:27
Snow_Shelterwebben: get a really big stick04:27
jwolffgnome:  I've tried that, and it didn't work... maybe I don't have it set to vesa drivers?04:27
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=== webben whacks sudo
webbennope, still not working04:28
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=== Snow_Shelter comes along with a hockey stick to beat webben's sudo till it gets detached retenas
jwolffalright, I'll try all of this, thanks guys04:28
jribwebben: does your users $PATH contain that?04:28
erUSULwebben: sudo -s ??04:28
webbenit's in my /etc/environment04:28
Snow_Shelterwebben: take sudo to the doctor?04:29
webbenand yes if i do echo $PATH it contains it04:29
godfathertnx guys for your tricks04:29
Snow_Shelterwebben: sudo passwd root04:29
jribwebben: that wasn't my question ;)  $PATH gets set in /etc/login.defs when you use X04:29
Snow_Shelterwebben: then just use root for whatever you were using sudo for04:29
dr4gI've installed ubuntu (i'm running the live CD now but i can mount the partition to edit files)... Now, when i boot up.. Grub error 18 initiated.. and nothing boots... I've googled previously ofcourse, and they say i need a small partition at the start of my HDD at location "/boot", can anyone give me some advice/help on setting this up?04:29
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Snow_Shelterdr4g: did you let windoze partition your drive?04:30
webbenand ruby works direct from my account, and echo $PATH is correct, and (even more infuriatingly) sudo echo $PATH is correct04:30
webbenbut sudo still can't do "sudo ruby". And if i do sudo -i then the path goes wrong.04:30
Snow_Shelterdr4g: wait, that isn't the problem04:30
snoopsdr4g got multiple drives?04:30
jribwebben: ok if your path contains it, then that's different04:30
Snow_Shelterdr4g: you need to tell grub to install in the MBR04:30
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Snow_Shelterdr4g: that's what I do, and it works every time04:30
webbenjrib: I'm in one of the ctrl + alt + f2 type consoles --- does that count as "using X" ?04:30
Snow_Shelterdr4g: wait, is linux on drive B, and windows is on drive A?04:31
jribwebben: nope04:31
Snow_Shelterwebben: ctrl + alt + F7 is X04:31
snoopsSnow_Shelter I'm assuming grub installed itself on the wrong mbr (it happened to me)..heh04:31
=== ikken [n=woo@cpe-66-68-149-197.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterwebben: also ctrl + alt + F8 is X:104:31
ikkenis it easy to set up Xgl/Compiz?04:32
Snow_Sheltersnoops: yea, that's probably what happened04:32
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dr4ghi there Snow_Shelter snoops didnt see the replied04:32
Snow_Shelterdr4g: unplug any HDDs that aren't what you're gonna be installing linux on, and then reinstall04:32
Ayabaraare there any major drawbacks to formatting a 150GB external hd as fat32 to be able to access it from both ubuntu and xp?04:32
dr4gI have one HDD04:32
dr4gWindows is on partition 004:32
dr4gLinux on partition 104:32
Snow_Shelterdr4g: actually04:32
Snow_Shelterdr4g: yea, unplug the HDD then reinstall linux ;)04:32
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Snow_Shelterdr4g: seriously04:32
snoopsikken yes and no.. depends on how familiar you are with linux04:32
Snow_Shelterdr4g: you on the live CD?04:33
dr4ghow can i unplug a HDD that i wanna install on04:33
=== Gareth^ [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsdr4g umm if you have one hdd.. and you've installed..04:33
cpsAyabara: can't have files more than 4GB04:33
Snow_Shelterdr4g: I was kidding04:33
dr4gSnow_Shelter: sorry lol04:33
ikkensnoops: what are the advantages of installing it?04:33
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dr4gYes i'm on live CD right now04:33
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dr4gIve installed my OS.. and i've managed to mount it04:33
Marktzaris there a change back ground command in ubuntu?04:33
Snow_Shelterdr4g: is the / paritition mounted?04:33
Marktzarlike bsetbg*04:33
dr4gso i can WRITE to that partition#04:33
jribwebben: strange 'man sudo' led me to believe it uses the users PATH but that's not the case when i try it04:33
Snow_Shelterdr4g: do this04:33
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pianoboy3333cps: so, once I make all my changes in sabayon, I do profile->save and then it's good? have you ever used it before?04:34
snoopsikken an open gl rendered desktop, showcasing a few things that I believe will become standard for a new age of desktop environments.. lots of issues still of course. It's still in alpha04:34
Snow_Shelterdr4g: sudo chroot /dev/hdaX04:34
Snow_Shelterdr4g: grub install04:34
dr4ghold up04:34
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Snow_Shelterdr4g: and that should install grub on your MBR04:34
ikkensnoops: would you have to have a lot of RAM and a nice video card to use it?04:34
Ayabaracps: knew about that one and that won't be a problem04:34
Carmen-THE LIVE CD04:34
jribCarmen-: ubuntu.com click on download04:34
Snow_ShelterCarmen-: WHY ARE YOU YELLING?04:34
jribCarmen-: and no need for caps :)04:34
cpspianoboy3333: I've played around with it before, sounds right04:34
Carmen-IM MAD04:34
Snow_ShelterCarmen-: cool it04:34
AyabaraCarmen: count to 1004:35
gnomefreakCarmen-: lose the caps04:35
webbe1Here's a demonstration of my sudo hell (this time from a putty console):  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1754404:35
Snow_ShelterCarmen-: retard04:35
dr_willisThe Live cd is the Install cd.04:35
snoopsikken you'll want a 3d capable nvidia or ati card basically.. not sure on lots of ram (don't think it needs much)04:35
Snow_ShelterCarmen-: you on i686 or x86_64?04:35
dr_willisor you use the alternative or server cd.04:35
Samuli^Carmen-, normal install cd is live cd. Now, shut up.04:35
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shocktrooper1 "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display'04:35
=== Snow_Shelter [n=stepmani@ppp-216-106-100-101.storm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterwoah, sorry04:35
cpsAyabara: I use a FAT partition to share data between XP and Linux and it works fine04:35
dr_willisi think he missclicked. :)04:35
Snow_ShelterSamuli^: no, the normal install CD is text based install04:36
webbe1i can't even understand how this path gets set in the first place: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin04:36
dr4gback Snow_Shelter my GF phoned :P04:36
Samuli^Snow_Shelter, by normal you mean alternate?04:36
webbe1how does it know to include X11R6 for instance?04:36
dredhammerhello folks can anyone direct me to a recent guide for installing xgl and compiz on dapper drake and how exactly can i create a limited user account that allows only web browsing, breezy allowed this with ease04:36
snoopsCarmen- grab the desktop cd.. it's both a live cd + graphical install04:36
dr4gokay.... chroot thing didnt work..04:36
dr4ggrub install worked.. i now have a grub prompt04:36
dr4gnow what ?04:36
Snow_ShelterSamuli^: no, the 'install' disc is a text install only.04:36
gnomefreakCarmen-: ubuntu.com look for desktop cd04:36
pianoboy3333cps: is there a tutorial or something, on how to use it?04:36
erUSULshocktrooper1: you have to add a line 'load "glx"' in the modules section of your xorg.conf afaics04:36
dr4gRemember its the error 18 i'm getting Snow_Shelter04:36
Snow_Shelterdr4g: type install04:36
Carmen-thanks guys04:36
mc__Snow_Shelter, you are wrong04:37
Samuli^Snow_Shelter, check again. Install cd is live/install and alternate install is text-mode.04:37
dr4ginstall /dev/hdaX04:37
Snow_Shelterdr4g: hold on, let me check04:37
mc__Snow_Shelter, on the desktop cd only "Live" exists04:37
gnomefreakthere is no install disk04:37
AyabaraI have a 100gb drive on my laptop. the xp partition is 12gb. how much should I use for the partition I will install ubuntu on?04:37
gnomefreakyou have desktop/alternative/server04:37
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Snow_ShelterSamuli^: well when I downloaded 6.06, the Live CD was one option, and the install CD was another, I don't know what it's migrated to since then.04:37
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shocktrooper1erUSUL, 'Load "glx"04:38
dr4gi get the grub prompt, and i type install and it says "invalid device requested"04:38
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: oh, ok04:38
webbe1where is the authoritative documentation on how Ubuntu's freakish sudo system is supposed to work?04:38
cpspianoboy3333: there's one here: http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/sabayon it might be a bit out of date04:38
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gnomefreak!sudo > webbe104:38
rambo3dr4g, error 18 is it the error where /boot/grub dir is to far for BIOS to read04:38
shocktrooper1erUSUL, "load "glx"' is already there04:38
gnomefreakwebbe1: read your pm from ubotu04:38
erUSULshocktrooper1: yes something like that 04:38
Foobalwebbel: freakish?04:38
Samuli^Snow_Shelter, I don't care what it was when you downloaded :)04:38
kevinzi am really puzzled. I see this "W: GPG error: http://hk.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" and i have follow some instruction from forum as "gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 437D05B5; gpg --export --armor 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -". but still the same04:38
stefgAyabara: a standard install will be fine on 4-5 GB.. Conider a separate /home ond maybe /var partition.04:38
dr4grambo - can you give me oadvice on fixing it ?04:38
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Snow_ShelterSamuli^: glad to hear04:38
shocktrooper1its already there erUSUL04:39
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erUSULshocktrooper1: which card is yours? what drivers are you using?04:39
Snow_Shelterdr4g: well I don't know... sorry04:39
dr4gSnow_Shelter: error 18.. you don't know ?04:39
maltronhi - my sound isn't working properly - it won't mix sounds from two different apps.  mplayer reports that /dev/dsp is busy and can't be opened.  This has happened after some wrangling when no sound would work at all, after skype beta mucked around with my system.  Try as i might i can't get it back.  Running dapper04:39
shocktrooper1GeForce MX400, yes its old, and IA3204:39
Snow_Shelterdr4g: hold on...04:39
gnomefreak!grub > dr4g04:39
dr4grambo3: down to you dude... no1 else knows.04:39
gnomefreakdr4g: read your pm from ubotu04:39
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gnomefreakdr4g: there is a section on errors and how to fix them04:39
Ayabarastefg: ok. what goes in /var?04:39
erUSULshocktrooper1: are you using nvidia binary drivers04:39
rambo3you ll have to make boot parition betwean 0-60 gig for bios to read it . some bios cant understand adress that is larger then some number04:40
Snow_Shelterdr4g: what stage do you get the error in?04:40
shocktrooper1erUSUL, yes, the nvidia splash shows when I boot04:40
=== Zdra [n=zdra@231.235-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
dr4ggnomefreak: i've looked on google, and its told me to install a partition on /boot04:40
jribwebbe1: ok this might have soemthing to do with it from man sudo: PATH Set to a sane value if sudo was configured with  the --with-secure-path option04:40
dr4gBut i have questions about doing that now04:40
erUSULAyabara: variable data such as caches and logs; spool for mail and printers too04:40
dr4gAm i in the right direction ?04:40
rambo3dr4g, is it an old computer and where is ubuntu installed parition and at about what Gig ()04:40
erUSUL!nvidia > shocktrooper104:40
Snow_Shelterdr4g: read http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Stage2-errors.html#Stage2-errors04:40
stefgAyabara: /var holds logfiles, the apt-cache and in some cases mail... stuff which should only grow to a certain limit04:40
Snow_Shelterdr4g: that contains details about error 1804:41
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shocktrooper1erUSUL, the drivers are already installed04:41
dr4gokay.. i'll have a read..04:41
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jwolffhey again04:41
Snow_Shelterjwolff: hey04:41
stefgAyabara: tell me how much RAM you have, how much diskspace you have and i could suggest a partition layout04:41
jwolffgrowisofs won't work... it asks for a DVD?04:41
dr4grambo3: its a new PC... i have windows on parition 0, ubuntu on partition 1, and swap partition on 304:41
rambo3dr4g, you have to partition your harddrive and create a small boot parition04:41
Snow_Shelterjwolff: is this a dvd image, or a cd image?04:41
webbe1gnomefreak: thanks ... i have looked at that wiki page ... it doesn't mention "path" or "environment variables" specifically04:41
jwolffreconfiguring x didn't do a thing either04:41
dr4gwindows == 77GB04:42
dr4gnix == 3304:42
dr4gswap = 104:42
webbe1gnomefreak: but thanks04:42
rambo3in the first 60 gig that is dr4g04:42
jwolffit's the dapper ppc iso, I'm pretty sure it's a CD iso04:42
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erUSULshocktrooper1: yes i know but maybe you are lacking the opengl libs or somethin. check /var/log/Xorg.0 to see if you notice any error04:42
dr4grambo3: ? sorry i didnt catch what you meant04:42
Snow_Shelterjwolff: ok, one sec04:42
gnomefreakjwolff: your ona  mac?04:42
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cpspianoboy3333: on the sabayon website there is a pdf doc too: http://www.gnome.org/projects/sabayon/04:42
pianoboy3333ok, thanks, cps04:42
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n9urkanyone here install pear for php5?  Building dependency tree... Done04:43
n9urkPackage php5-pear is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:43
n9urkThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:43
n9urkis only available from another source04:43
n9urkI get that error04:43
Ayabarajwolff: my disk is 100GB, and 13 are taken by xp. I have 1GB ram.04:43
Snow_Shelterjwolff: ok, I'm not totally sure, but this should be the command you need04:43
n9urkany ideas?04:43
spiderbatdadanyone familiar w/ VMware04:43
Snow_Shelterjwolff: growisofs /media/yourpartition/ubuntu-6.06-live-ppc.iso=/dev/hdX04:43
rambo3dr4g, you'll have to resize windows parition and create a small boot parition , i think there are tools for that , and install /boot on that partition04:43
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gnomefreakjwolff: im not sure about macs but im htinking its easier to learn cdrecord and reinstall04:44
erUSULn9urk: maybe you lack some repos.04:44
stefgAyabara: do you burn DVDs frequently?04:44
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dr4grambo3: i thought so.. how can i modify the size of my windows partition, i don't want to lose ANY data04:44
erUSUL!repos > n9urk04:44
dr4gatm, i can't boot into windows either04:44
ubotuI know nothing about cdrecord04:44
gnomefreakof course not04:44
kokohi snow04:44
jwolffalright, thanks04:44
dr4grambo3: remember i can't download anything on this system04:44
dr4grambo3: as i'm using the live CD04:44
n9urkerUSUL: do you have a suggestion as to which repo might have it?04:44
erUSUL!info php5-pear04:45
ubotuPackage php5-pear does not exist in dapper04:45
rambo3dr4g, you ll have to ask someone else i am not expert .but gparted should work04:45
Ayabarastefg: not really. I store stuff I seldom use on a 300GB external, and burn backups of what I can't afford to lose04:45
Snow_Shelterjwolff: growisofs -Z /dev/cdromburner=image.iso04:45
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erUSULouch!!  it seems that iwas wrong :(04:45
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jribwebbe1: yep, I expect ubuntu to do this similarly: http://survivor.sarovar.org/SUDO_Root.html04:45
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Snow_Shelterjwolff: that should work04:45
webbe1in the ubuntu source package for sudo ... the debian/rules contains exactly the configure options used to build sudo for distribution - is that right?04:46
spiderbatdadanyone know where to find ia-32libs04:46
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: hes gone04:46
erUSUL!info php-pear04:46
ubotuphp-pear: PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository. In repository main, is optional. Version 5.1.2-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 294 kB, installed size 2172 kB04:46
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: thanks, I noticed that when my auto completion didn't work04:46
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gnomefreakspiderbatdad: sudo apt-get install ia-32libs04:46
dr4gOkay, well i can boot into windows and change the parition size.. however.. grub has fucked the windows bootloader..04:46
erUSULn9urk: is php-pear04:46
dr4gHow can i remove grub, to make a new windows bootloader04:46
n9urkerUSUL: ok thanks04:46
jribwebbe1: yes it should04:46
xuserHi, any ideas on getting wpasupplicant working?04:47
Snow_Shelterdr4g: yea, that isn't an option04:47
^^Bran^^lo folks04:47
gnomefreakthought it would have been peer :(04:47
webbe1jrib: ah, then looking at the debian/rules, I think you're on exactly the right track04:47
Snow_Shelterdr4g: you must first travel to the other side of the dark valley04:47
erUSUL!grub > dr4g04:47
spiderbatdadgnomefreak: package not found....all repositories enabled04:47
Foobaldr4g: grub can handle both just fine if you set it up properly..04:47
webbe1so is this a bug or a feature?04:47
rambo3dr4g, repair MBR with your FIXMBR on windows cd , boot into windows and done04:47
gnomefreakspiderbatdad: what version of ubuntu?04:47
Snow_Shelterdr4g: grub will boot you into windows, you just have to configure it04:47
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spiderbatdad6.06 lts..."gnomefreak"04:47
pianoboy3333cps: what happens when you make a setting mandatory?04:47
jribwebbe1: feature it seems.  Also, some sites indicate that if you are in the 'sudo' group it will ignore that path and use your user's.  But it won't prompt you for a password04:48
gnomefreakok spiderbatdad hold on04:48
dr4grambo3: thats what i was going to rambo3 but my windows disks are beind idiots04:48
dredhammerso who can point me to the latest install xgl compiz guide for dapper?04:48
cpspianoboy3333: it means they can't change it04:48
stefgSo my suggestion would be (in disk order) 5 GB root, 2 GB swap, 1,5 GB /var, the rest could be /home. I normally have the 'big space' mounted on a /store mountpoint, leaving (/home on the root-part) and only symlink the music, video and stuff folders to it04:48
webbe1jrib: thus defeating much of the point of sudo in the first place!04:48
gnomefreaki know its in dapper i had issues with it04:48
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spiderbatdadgnomefreak: i'm trying use vmware04:49
gnomefreakspiderbatdad: give mea  min ill find it04:49
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natounoAnyone besides me having trouble connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com?04:49
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Mintyis it easy to update dapper 32 to 64 version as I'm on a 64 amd ?04:50
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gnomefreakspiderbatdad: what do you need it for?04:50
nasosubhey people i have a question04:50
spiderbatdadgnomefreak: vmware server04:50
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gnomefreakMinty: its eh (personally i would stick with 32bit)04:50
gnomefreakk spiderbatdad hold on04:51
dr4gbbiab rambo3 Snow_Shelter thanks for your support04:51
Snow_Shelterdr4g: good luck04:51
snoopsMinty yeah stick with 32bit for desktop, honestly04:51
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Mintyokay thanks04:51
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=== Snow_Shelter goes back to organizing the vast collection of songs he hasn't organized
Snow_Sheltersnoops: 64bit is awesome, don't turn people away from it04:51
stefgAyabara: and read about tmpfs.. it pays to have the /tmp in virtual memory. Thus there's the use for the large swap04:51
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snoopsSnow_Shelter until you try and use flash and find there's only 32bit support, no wine support, no win32 codecs04:52
snoopsshall I go on?04:52
murph2481is there an application for gnome that is like kicker for KDE? where i can press alt spacebar and type the application i want to run???04:52
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snoopsyou *can* get it all working, but the hastle involved in inane04:52
murph2481opps i think its called katapault for KDE04:53
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ddonkycan anyone recommend a good 5.1 surround card for Dapper?04:53
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Ayabarastefg: thanks! now I just gotta think and see if I understood you? I need to read up on the folder structure in Linux...04:53
gnomefreakspiderbatdad: i dont know i know i had issues with it a while back (when i was on dapper) but i cant find it now04:54
nasosubi get "plugin for MRL" when i try to play movies through my server (remote computer on my network )04:54
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nasosubdoes anyone have any idea for the solution ?04:54
tailsfanIS there a GUI for wvdial?04:54
spiderbatdadgnomefreak:thanx for looking04:54
snoopsAyabara I found http://www.secguru.com/files/linux_file_structure.jpg very very helpful..maybe you'll find it helpful too04:54
Snow_Sheltersnoops: I use a 32bit chroot for wine, and firefox windows edition, I can do flash *and* shockwave :P04:54
Ayabarasnoops: thanks. _just_ what I was looking for :-)04:55
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tailsfanHow big is a wine download?04:55
Snow_Sheltertailsfan: 15MB04:55
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shocktrooper1thankyou erUSUL04:55
rambo3not big but their servers are slow04:55
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:56
snoopsSnow_Shelter right.. making a 32bit chroot is part of the 'but the hastle involved is inane'04:56
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stefgAyabara: feel free to ask, if you are unsure about smething04:56
Snow_Sheltersnoops: ok, well it wasn't that hard04:56
tailsfanand again is there a GUI for wvdial04:56
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Ayabarastefg: just about to start ;-)04:57
stefgAyabara: in any case, i#d recommend not to use the automatic scheme that the installer suggests...04:58
nasosubi have the codecs and i can play any file located on mu hdd or cdrom but not on my network04:58
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andriijasis there any howto on xgl with ati graphics card?04:58
andriijaswhere? :D04:59
=== pdavid [n=chatzill@adsl-068-209-191-127.sip.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
pdavidhi all04:59
Ayabarastefg: I think I will use the setup you suggest. thought about giving the xp install a fat32 storage partition but I'm not sure04:59
Cntryboyanyone know where I can download a codec pack for kaffiene, that supports all movie formats?04:59
tailsfanDoes anyone know a good place for ALSA Soundcard Drivers04:59
tailsfanI;m trying to find one for my soundcard04:59
ardchoilleDoes anyone know of a recipe app for gnome?04:59
pdavidhow can i have an external usb drive recognized after booting by udev?04:59
snoopsandriijas  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl04:59
stefgAyabara: Oh yes... you'll need a fat32 for data exchange04:59
Ayabarastefg: when I start adding applications and stuff, this will be put in my /root partition right?05:00
kevinzhello. Could anyone help me to check this repository site http://hk.archive.ubuntu.com/. i am suffering from a GPG error from this local site.05:00
Ayabarastefg: could use the external for this05:00
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snoopsAyabara if you're dual booting windows, you can use a windows ext3 driver that was made by some people05:00
tailsfanor either that or is alsaplayer important?05:01
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stefgAyabara: you could as well use the 'big rest' as fat32... but then cannot use it as /home05:01
Ayabarasnoops: have used that one and it worked quite well for me05:01
darkowlcan anyone tell me how can i install windwos after installing ubuntu so that it doesnt delete my ubuntu partition and that boot manager works ?05:01
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Ayabarastefg: ok. than I will put /home one the root part and symlink to the fat32 like you said?05:02
snoopsdarkowl it'll delete your boot manager no matter what.. but if you follow  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:02
snoopsyou can get that back05:02
stefgyes, that's the best layout .For /root and /var i'd use reiserfs (faster than ext3)05:02
snoopsideally, you'll be installing windows on another partition right darkowl?05:02
=== stefg did not mean to start a flame war about fs'
darkowlyes but i dont know how to make a partition05:02
Foobalext3 is just fine, as long as you don't handle directories with more than 10 000 files (after which ext3 starts sucking fast)05:03
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snoopsso there is unpartitioned space on the drive you want to install it on darkowl?05:03
CYhi guyd05:03
snoopsbecause the windows installer lets you create partitions..05:03
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darkowli think there isnt any fre space...all my hard disk space is of ubuntu05:04
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Ayabarastefg: won't 5bg for root+home be too little if I start adding a lot of apps?05:04
snoopsoh gosh.. well that makes things a lot more difficult05:04
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tailsfanWhat is the wiki that it shows that the XP installer is still in the computer even after erasing the drive05:05
firstpuaHello, is there a channel or group about the newsreader Pan? I am trying to learn how to creat filters for spam.05:05
snoopsdarkowl so you'll have to resize the current ubuntu partition for space.. which isn't fun, because there's always the risk of data loss after it05:05
darkowlhow ?05:06
snoopsI'm not sure if you can use gparted to resize partitions - anyone can confirm?05:06
stefgAyabara: the complete install of EVERYHING is about 7GB.. an average system will be 3 GB.. you could rise the space for / to 10GB if you want to build software on it,05:06
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erfIs there anyway to install ubuntu in a dos type installer?05:07
erf"Safe Graphics Mode" doesn't work05:07
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snoopsyou mean the text based install that the alternate cd offers?05:07
darkowlhey snoops do you know how can I install windows under linux ?05:07
Ayabarastefg: ok. now I have a plan, and 97% of the ubuntu cd is burned :-)05:07
danfgI don't have a "Multimedia Systems Selector" under System > Preferences. I'm using Ubuntu Dapper. Where do i find that?05:07
sergeHow do I copy Xfce configuration and desktop appearence from a user account to the root account?05:07
stefggood... fresh meat :-)05:07
erfspoop, what alternate CD? I only have the red cd05:08
RyanTMulliganHow do I figure out what type of NIC my computer has?05:08
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snoopserf there's a desktop cd - which is a live cd with graphical installer, an alternate cd - which is the text based install cd with a few more advanced options.. then there's the server cd - which doesn't include X05:08
danfgstefg: thanks for the sound tip, one thing though, I don't have a "Multimedia Systems Selector" under System > Preferences. I'm using Ubuntu Dapper. where is it?05:08
gonniffHas anyone here noticed problems between wireless and LAN networking in Ubuntu05:09
sergedarkowl, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Windows_9X.2FME.2F2000.2FXP_.28Win4Lin.2905:09
erfDamn it.05:09
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cpsdanfg: run gstreamer-properties05:09
stefgdanfg: that's an obsolete thing which only apllied to hoary (?) and earlier05:09
snoopsserge I think he's wanting to dual boot rather05:09
webbenoh great, i've just borked my /etc/sudoers file ... other than sudoedit how else can i edit it?05:09
riddleboxhow do I clear errors in apt-get?05:10
tailsfanALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open resource for writing.05:10
tailsfanwhat does that mean05:11
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snoopsdarkowl so were you wanting to dual boot or just run a few windows applications on linux?05:11
sergesnoops, i see, well in that case darkowl, setup a partition on you're harddrive using gparted to change you're linux partition size and then make another Fat32 partition and install windows05:11
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RyanTMulliganI was reading: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot and it says to make an Etherboot image for my NIC, but I don't know how to find out what my NIC is..05:11
webbenhow can i get edit /etc/sudoers without a working sudo?05:11
snoopsserge ah cool I asked before for him if gparted allowed partition resizing05:11
Ayabarastefg, snoops: thanks for helping me out. starting the procedure now :-)05:11
sergeyeah it does :)05:11
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ardchoillewebben: why do you not have a working sudo?05:12
sergesnoops, only for certain filesystems mind you05:12
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danfgcps: thanks :)05:12
webbenardchoille: like i said above, i just borked my sudoers file ... so i need to fix it05:12
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Tourinhohello there.. to use x700 ati card I just need to download xorg-drivers-fglrx?05:12
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ardchoillewebben: ok, do you have a copy of knoppix or MEPIS?05:12
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webbenmaybe of knoppix05:13
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:13
sergeTourinho,  i second i'll get you a howto05:13
darkowlsnoops , serge I want to install windows OS..but I'm reading about WIN4LIN so if I find it for download I will install Windows under linux05:13
webbenis there no ubuntu rescue mode any more?05:13
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Tourinhoserge ok, thanks05:13
SurfnKidWelll I finally upgraded to 2.6.12 and im not in breezy anymore! yey thought it would be hard but nah05:13
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SurfnKidgot a question about XGL05:13
snoopswell you can just use a virtual machine, like vmware for that darkowl05:14
webben(and to stop me doing this again is it possible to verify a sudoers file as syntactically okay?)05:14
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snoopsSurfnKid shoot05:14
SurfnKidcan I begin the XGL/Compiz configuration on an upgraded box05:14
ardchoillewebben: iirc, you can reboot and boot into single user mode and that will drop you into a root terminal05:14
SurfnKidor does it have to be clean fresh Dapper install05:14
mc__i cant install the package cl-uffi,apt get says it has no installation candidates05:14
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webbenardchoille: i'll try, thanks05:14
darkowlsnoops: but then I cant save anything...05:14
snoopsoh you should be able to install compiz/xgl fine on an upgraded box SurfnKid05:14
sergeTourinho, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide just click on you're version and it talks you though it05:14
SurfnKidrock on05:14
snoopsdarkowl save anything?05:14
kbrooksSurfnKid: either05:14
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ardchoillewebben: You're welcome :)  also, use sudo visudo to edit sudoers05:14
SurfnKidI broke my fears, I achieved the unachieved ( at least with me ) hehe05:15
gonniffI'm finding LAN and wireless don't like each other on my laptop (using Dapper)05:15
Tourinhoserge thanks.. Ill see it05:15
gonniffHas anyone else had this problem?05:15
webbenardchoille: would that verify the syntax?05:15
SurfnKidgonniff, what prob?05:15
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darkowlsnoops if I setup vmware and I install a game when i exit vmware my game is lost...05:15
SurfnKidgonniff, what card05:15
ardchoillewebben: not sure, but, afaik, that is the proper way to edit sudoers05:15
gonniffIf I leave the office without deactivating ethernet, my wireless won't work at home05:16
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sergedarkowl, if you only want to install games then use dual boot or use winex or cedega05:16
gonniffSurfnKid: not sure - let me try to check - I've got a loaner machine from the office05:16
snoopsdarkowl settings are saved in vmware.. but you really can't do any gaming in vmware.. wrong tool for that05:16
=== depi [n=depi@] has joined #ubuntu
Tourinhojust another noob question.. What should I do to install kubuntu into my hard disk from live cd?05:16
depihi, how can I play multiple sound at once at Dapper?05:16
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snoopsdouble click the install icon Tourinho :)05:16
SurfnKidgonniff, do ifconfig down/up the adapter and try searching for an essid  or unless youre wired, attempt to down/up the interface05:17
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Tourinhosnoops I dont have graphics right now :)05:17
sergeHow do I copy Xfce configuration and desktop appearence from a user account to the root account?05:17
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stefgdepi: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin05:17
darkowlsnoops I'm not talking onl about games I want to run programs too that are not working with wine... If I setup a game using winex or cedega wich video drivers are used ? from linux ? Or can I install windwos drivers ? Because my Ati card doesnt work under linux05:18
SurfnKidDam im  just happy i was able to get my wifi and ATI card in less than 15 minutes going, that was a super fast setup, now i just need my fans working and XGL05:18
snoopsTourinho ah then you can't use the desktop cd to install.. since it's a live cd+graphical installer only05:18
gonniffSurfnKid: yeah, I've done that, thanks for the tip. It's working now, it just seems to be a case of turn off LAN or boot at home, deactiveate both, and reboot a couple of times otherwise05:18
=== longfire [n=longfire@c-71-230-115-239.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TBUHP666Hi i am at the login screen of ubuntu and my display is bad picture?05:18
gonniffMy card info is as follows: RealTek RTL8139  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8100B/8139D'05:18
SurfnKidgonniff, sounds like a pain if youve got work you want to continue without rebooting05:18
Tourinhodamn! Okey.. Ill try to solve on problem at time :D05:18
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5153101E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Tourinhothank u all05:18
sergenp, Tourinho05:19
gonniffyeah, it sure is. But then, ACPI really doesn't like this either. :)05:19
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SurfnKidreally? is it set up in the lsmod?05:19
gonniffI tried a test this morning: closed all apps, locked the screen and then came back about 15 minutes later. Machine was locked up. Had to reboot.05:19
gonniffI'm not complaining - I think Dapper rules!05:19
snoopsTourinho the alternate cd is the text based install one05:19
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SurfnKidgonniff, my breezy had acpi broken or just not complete, but dapper got it all put together05:19
gonniffI used to be a huge SuSE fan, but this is much better for daily computing05:19
depistefg: okay I lok there, I already tried this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_sound_to_work_properly_in_GNOME05:20
SurfnKidgonniff, yeah definitely05:20
sergeHow do I copy Xfce configuration and desktop appearence from a user account to the root account?05:20
SonicChaogonniff: Ok, what's wrong then?05:20
gonniffSurfnKid: funny that! I wonder what's the deal with this laptop. But then again, it's not mine - it belongs to the company, so I can't complain05:20
gonniffOn the whole, very good!05:20
SurfnKidI wonder about that05:20
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SonicChaogonniff: Um...ok...05:21
SurfnKidif there is a laptop that has everything dapper can be configured for05:21
gonniffSonicChao: which part? The acpi or the networking?05:21
Tourinhosnoops every time I boot, ubuntu is installed from live cd right? So.. to install fglrx drivers I need to reboot.. it may works this way?05:21
darkowlsnoops are you here ?05:21
snoopsdarkowl the easiest solution for you would be to dual boot..and you should definitely be able to get your ati working in dri mode05:21
SonicChaogonniff: I don't know, you said your comp froze05:21
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:21
snoopsTourinho once you 'install' ubuntu, you can just boot into it without the live cd05:21
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gonniffSonicChao: hahaha, sorry, too much coffee on my part. :)05:21
ardchoilleserge: are you wanting the admin apps to use the same xfce themes or are you planning to log into the root account?05:22
snoopsand from there you'll install anything you want etc05:22
barneyRI have an LT internal modem that dials out does the handshake, sounds like it completes handshake and then disconnects after about 30 seconds. Searched the forums and found one trick set ppp options.conf to noauth but that didn't help05:22
darkowlsnoops I cant get my ATI to work under linux...I tryed everything but nothing..my card is ATI Radeon X800XT05:22
SonicChaogonniff: You can say that again, hyper :P05:22
gonniffHad two problems: acpi is broken on this laptop and have found that I can't leave the office without deactivating the ethernet adapter otherwise wireless won't come up at home05:22
snoopsfglrx driver not having any fun eh darkowl?05:22
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jas0nmanyone here know how to configure fonts for old X programs in dapper. for instance, emacs and xmms have really ugly aliased fonts05:22
gonniffYeah, I love coffee, it just doesn't love me!05:22
SurfnKiddarkowl, have you tried installing the ATI proprietary driver? from their website05:22
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-71-201-237-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tourinhosnoops so.. I will need the alternative cd to install text based and them have X working.. right?05:23
=== hctibtipots [n=tagz@HSE-Toronto-ppp129977.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillegonniff: lol05:23
gonniffI just love the ease of use with Ubuntu - first rate!05:23
darkowlno...I installed ATI drivers using easyubuntu05:23
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-39.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
sergeardchoille, I'd like the desktop to look the same basically, I'm only logged into root so I don't have to keep using the sudo command, and yes I know the su command works also but just for future I'd like the root account to look the same as my other user05:23
=== SurfnKid passes the coffee machine around to all the caffeiners
SonicChaogonniff: Okay, okay, slow down05:23
gonniffhehehe, thanks SurfnKid!05:23
stefg!info gtkfontsel > jas0nm05:23
ubotugtkfontsel: A gtk+ based font selection utility. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.1-6 (dapper), package size 8 kB, installed size 80 kB05:23
SurfnKidhey no prob05:23
kalosaurusrexSurfnKid: thank goodness05:23
hctibtipotsi gotta dumb question about ubuntu05:23
ardchoilleserge: ok05:23
gonniffHahahaha, I'll be alright05:23
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:23
snoopsTourinho the alternate cd will install from a text based install, then when you reboot, your gui will start (why doesn't the live cd work for you?)05:23
=== ludovic__ [n=ludovic@ver78-1-87-89-71-218.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
tailsfandumb question but, what version of debian does ubuntu use05:23
tailsfanfor dapper drake05:24
gonniffsorry, guys, didn't mean to go off topic05:24
SurfnKidno dumb question is ever dumb05:24
depistefg: interesting is that gaim and movies sounds are okay, but when I trying to listen music with "listen" player and play music with audacity then itn ot works together05:24
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ardchoilletailsfan: sid05:24
=== dabbler [n=chris@myw-stp-66-18-83-2.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonniffAre any of you guys big Evolution users?05:24
Tourinhosnoops live cd works.. but Im having problems with X server (X700 ATI card)05:24
stefgdepi: see if these apps can be configured to use an esd output05:24
SonicChaogonniff: I use Mozilla Thunderbird05:24
sergegonniff, what is it?05:24
hctibtipotsis there anything out there to transfer movies from ubuntu to psp???05:24
SurfnKiddarkowl, well not sure on easyubuntu im sure its the same but read up on the way you can install it, i just got the ATI driver on Dapper yesterday installed, and it practically configured everything,05:25
depistefg: i think no :(05:25
sergeaha, email client, then no :P05:25
snoopsTourinho the default xorg vesa driver shsould work fine (just without dri)05:25
gonniffserge, it's a mail client - like Outlook more or less05:25
darkowlsnoops: which one do I have to download XFree86 4.3 or X.Org 6.805:25
Tourinhosnoops I said that to install into HD I need to follow graphic instruction.. so I need X server05:25
tailsfanIt says command not found05:25
SurfnKiddarkowl, except for the xserver-xorg which you have to do yourself but thats an easy quick selection05:25
gonniffSonicChao: yeah, me, too, normally, but thought I'd give it a second chance (hated it under Red Hat)05:25
sergegonniff, I like things that match or look the same so I use thunderbird also05:25
gonniffIt still has some of the same bugs - a shame05:25
stefgdepi: go through the dmix Howto... i think it's gonna work05:25
Tourinhosnoops okey.. Ill try to exchange to vesa driver and comment ou dri05:25
snoopsneither darkowl.. both are outdated05:25
gonniffYou can't beat Thunderbird05:25
depistefg: hmm okay05:26
Tourinhothanks.. brb :D05:26
SonicChaogonniff: Definetaly nt....:D05:26
darkowlsnoops: so what driver am I supose to download ?05:26
sergeoki offtopic again :) lets try to stick on task here shall we :)05:26
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snoopsfor what darkowl? someone else was helping you with something?05:26
gonniffyeah, you're right - sorry again05:26
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oemany body here use windows linux?05:26
jsimmonsman this install/boot stuff uis really starting to irritate me...05:26
ardchoilleserge: you can run the xfce settings manager with sudo xfce-mcs-manager  and change the window manager and user interface settings. that will allow admin apps to have the same themes as the user has.05:26
darkowlATI drivers05:26
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SurfnKidi was05:27
tailsfanUbuntu is a probematic system for me at times05:27
darkowlSurfnKid: what ATI drivers did you installed ?05:27
SurfnKidsnoops, i was05:27
gonniffOk, well, at least I'm not the only one with the networking problem. Just found a post from last month. SOmeone reported the same thing, but no one has replied. I'll post my two cents05:27
snoopsdarkowl install flgrx05:27
oemyes man05:27
sergeardchoille, i've got custom panels etc, will they also be moved?05:27
oemyou are welcome ubuntu05:27
snoopsfglrx* rather05:27
SurfnKiddarkowl, the 8.25.18 version i believe from the ATI website05:27
SurfnKidsnoops, hehe always mixes up05:27
snoopsTourinho hang on here.. you booted the live cd.. and installed ubuntu.. then booted into ubuntu and tried to install your ati drivers?05:27
oemi use it now05:27
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gonniffY'all take care. Thanks for the help, SurfnKid (and the coffee)!05:27
darkowlSurfnKid: its 8.26.18 but wich one ?05:28
gonniffTake care serge and SonicChao05:28
SurfnKidno probs gonniff05:28
serge:) bye05:28
ardchoilleserge: no, there is actually no reason to ever have to log into the root account, so you shouldn't need to use the panels at all. I have used Linux for years without ever having to log in as root.05:28
SurfnKidyou take care05:28
PMantisHow can I diagnose: my laptop is slow unless I wiggle my mouse05:28
oemany beautiful girls here 17 years old05:28
SurfnKiddarkowl, let me find ya the correct one05:28
oemiam from egypt cairo05:28
tailsfanoem, way too ot05:28
regeyaoem, not the appropriate place for that05:28
darkowlsnoops: where can I find that flgrx ?05:28
SurfnKiddarkowl, which card again?05:28
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jsimmonsis there a way to check the hard drive for errors from the live CD?05:28
oemsorry i just jocking05:29
ardchoilleoem: #ubuntu-offtopic please05:29
SonicChaooem: I don't think any channel on Freenode is food for that05:29
snoopsdarkowl have a read of what ubotu sends you05:29
=== erf [n=simon@stintranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidok gime a minute05:29
sergeardchoille, yes I know that, but, ah, nevermind I'll just leave it :) Thanks anyhow05:29
oemyes man05:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:29
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ardchoilleserge: You're welcome :)05:29
erfmmm, When I try to run the normal disc I get: mount: function not implemented05:29
snoopsah thanks SurfnKid05:29
rski REALLY cant get the hang of my /etc/enviroment .. i just want iso-8859-15 and sv_se utf805:29
tailsfanhave to upgrade xchat05:29
darkowlsnoops ?05:29
ubotuI know nothing about flgrx05:29
rskand whereever i look i cant find a guide thats worth the name05:29
oemthere is a virus that's control of the world05:29
oemany place05:29
=== ctkroeker [n=kroekerh@poolint144-25.wireless.com.py] has joined #ubuntu
oemany pc05:29
snoops!ati > darkowl05:29
snoopsthat.. read that05:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:30
rambo3rsk is it locales  problem05:30
SurfnKidsnoops, would easyubuntu or ubuntu have a difference in the driver ATI uses? it shouldnt have, right?05:30
rskrambo3: i know05:30
snoopsumm it probably does SurfnKid05:30
dabblerany possibility of entering a local directory in sources.list ?05:30
jsimmonsis there a way to check the hard drive for errors from the live CD?05:30
oembye all05:30
SurfnKidah ok05:30
oemhave fun05:30
rambo3rsk dpkg-reconfigure locales ?05:30
rskrambo3: but where do i abaut it , possibly there should be some good docs ?05:30
bbrazildabbler: yes05:30
rskrambo3: that didnt do it05:30
mateXwhat i have to do to bind my machine to some host?05:30
bbrazildabbler: manpage should have the format05:30
SurfnKid!fglrx > darkowl05:30
snoopsbecause it attempts to install your binary driver I believe  SurfnKid?05:30
mateXlike if i want to bind with mateX.com?05:30
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dabblerany particular format...or simply path ?05:31
SurfnKidsnoops, right, im wondering if the ATI driver from their website willwork with easyubuntu which im reading up on05:31
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:31
ubotuI know nothing about IP05:31
dabbleroops ty05:31
ubotuI know nothing about bind05:31
sergeWhats the fastest filesystem?05:31
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snoopsSurfnKid might be more trouble than its worth.. follow the howto05:31
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SurfnKidoh wow, my mouse scroller thingy works just noticed05:32
SurfnKidsnoops, yeah05:32
=== gilianima [n=gilles@ver78-1-87-89-71-218.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mateXsnoops can i bind my machine with a host like mateX.com?05:32
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rambo3rsk did you ask ubotu about locales05:32
rskno but i sure wanna ask him05:32
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snoopsmateX bind your machine?05:32
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mateXsnoops like that of virtual host05:33
=== [Spooky] [n=spookan_@c-889fe155.93-2-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
rsk!ubotu locales05:33
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu locales05:33
rsk! locales05:33
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocaleConf05:33
dredhammercan someone tell me how to create a limited user account in dapper05:33
dredhammerit was easier in breezy05:33
riddleboxanyone know where I can find the howto, on creating a deb for ubuntu, that will resolve dependencies?05:33
stefgdredhammer: define limited05:33
dmitr1how do i uninstall packages from ubuntu (that dont show up in synaptics packet manager?) thanks05:34
dredhammerthe options to limit what a user can do seems to be hidden05:34
dredhammerlike i want one only for internet browsing05:34
SurfnKiddarkowl, have you tried this driver ? http://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.26.18-x86.run05:34
jsimmonsis there a way to check the hard drive for errors from the live CD?05:34
stefgdredhammer: this is done via group memberships05:34
snoopsdmitr1 sudo apt-get remove 'packagename'05:35
SurfnKiddarkowl, are you a newby newby, do you know how to revert X if the graphic driver doesnt load05:35
darkowlSurfnKid:no, but im trying that thing from help.ubuntu so ill see if it works05:35
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snoopsdmitr1 to completely remove all the settings as well you'd want to do sudo apt-get remove --purge 'packagename'05:35
darkowldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:35
SurfnKiddarkowl, install it and reconfigure xserver05:35
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SurfnKidyes that05:35
tencohow can i insert an additional tabulator in openoffice writer?05:35
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ardchoilleriddlebox: the .deb itself doesn't resolve dependencies.. that is the job of APT05:35
SurfnKiddarkowl, chose fglrx but only after youve installed the ATI driver from that link05:36
dmitr1snoops: it couldnt find it...i'm probably getting the name wrong.how do i see all packages thatare installed (beginning with letter 't' say)05:36
tencoeverytime i try to insert a tabulator, all tabs left of the inserted tabulator are getting deleted05:36
wsjuniorhow do i install a 32bit firefox on my 64bit machine to be able to view flash websites?05:36
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dredhammerok so i create a group called guests and from that then what?05:36
darkowlbut Ill first try using that manual, if that doesnt work ill try with installing this05:36
riddleboxardchoille, ok when I build the package I have to have something in there that will tell apt what the dependencies are right?05:36
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=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
snoopswsjunior there are a few howtos and such.. I suggest checking the forums05:36
wsjuniorsnoops: isnt there any simple package to install it like in gentoo?05:37
dredhammeri'm not seeing where i can edit what they can have access to05:37
SurfnKiddarkowl, ok it doesnt hurt anyway what kind of lappy you got05:37
Foobaljsimmons: sudo apt-get install smartmontools, then man smartctl .. you can ask the hard disk to check it's status itself05:37
ardchoilleriddlebox: yes, that lists deps, but the .deb itself doesn't resolve those deps.05:37
maltronHELP!  My sound is well and truly baked - I've tried everything I could think of to fix it - can anyone help?05:37
=== jojopaderes [n=jojo@] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?05:38
SurfnKidmaltron, need more input :P05:38
Foobaljsimmons: like smartctl -t long /dev/hda for instance05:38
riddleboxardchoille, I understand that, I just need to know how to create the deb properly so that apt will do that05:38
regeyajsimmons: I know this is offtopic, but...ever feel like you're the 10 millionth 'John Simmons'?  Ah, the number of 'John's in my family... ;-)  Yes, you can check your drive from a livecd.  if you're just wanting to run fsck, yeah, as long as you know your partition number...for instance, assuming you're using an ide drive, you let ubuntu handle the setup, all that, it'd probably be most thorough and least frustrating to run05:38
regeya'fsck -fvy /dev/hda1'...substitute the appropriate drive/partition number for /dev/hda1 if that's wrong05:38
darkowlSurfnKid: lappy ?05:38
=== IB- [n=icebreak@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleriddlebox: ahh, ok, then I misunderstood your original question.. sorry about that.05:38
SurfnKiddarkowl, pc or laptop05:38
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tencoany idea?05:39
riddleboxardchoille,  its ok :)05:39
Foobalwell, he asked about checking the drive, not the filesystem on it ;)05:39
SurfnKiddarkowl, dont think it should be any different05:39
jsimmonsregeya, how did you know my first name was "john"?05:39
SurfnKiddarkowl, let me know ill be around here for a bit, installing XGL05:39
IB-how can i install latest XCHAT on my ubuntu ?05:39
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CrescendoIB-, sudo apt-get install xchat05:40
ardchoilleIB-: sudo apt-get install xchat05:40
dmitr1snoops: maybe u can help me...i am trying to re-install truecrypt after it stopped working when i upgraded to 2.6.15-25-686. I've recompiled it, and updated the headers, and tried out the latest source code - all to no avail05:41
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?05:41
wsjuniori would like gnome to show an icon of my data partition at the desktop. how to do that? im able to mount it but i cant see the icon at the desktop like when i plug a pendrive for instance..05:41
IB-the latest version of XCHAT, not the one in ubuntu resp, duh..05:41
snoopsoh gosh no idea sorry dmitr105:41
snoopsnever used truecrypt before05:41
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snoopsit seems 2.6.15-25 broke a few things.. etc05:41
IB-i wanna install xchat 2.6.405:41
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porkpiehi,  I am trying to install ubuntu server on a compaq DL 360.  I boot from CD and the install runs fine until it gets to testing the hardware.  I then get the message cannot find cdrom do you want to install a driver05:42
maltron_SurfnKid: I went to the control panels and tried to do stuff there, but no good05:42
ardchoilleIB-: oh, ok.. as far as I am concerned, the apps in the repos *are* the latest versions, since I don't use apps which are not in the repos. Probably why I've never had any problems with Ubuntu :P05:42
=== Mariele [n=Mariele@ool-182c4580.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
IB-dunno, but i want the latest :)05:43
dmitr1snoops: ok thanks!05:43
dmitr1is anyone here a truecrypt head?05:43
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=== contarc [n=contarc@pool-70-111-197-228.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
need_helpHow do I tune XawTV for UK channels? I'm using Pinnacle PCTV Rave05:44
=== wheatstraw_ [n=wheatstr@71-37-248-213.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
contarchey.  would you say that 3ddesktop is fairly stable for regular use at this stage?05:44
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cheatersrealmwhat package do I need to install to make ubuntu give me a graphical login?05:45
SurfnKidmaltron, whats lspci show for your audio card05:45
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Crescendocheatersrealm, ubuntu-desktop, I think.05:45
shachaf_cheatersrealm: Do you want just the login screen, or the desktop environment too?05:46
regeyawow, xawtv, hardk0re05:46
=== erc [n=erc@modemcable248.135-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cheatersrealmI want just the login screen05:46
=== malv [n=malv@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== SimzI [n=SimzI__@85-210-87-19.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
TBUHP666hello could someone help me?05:46
need_helpHow do I tune XawTV - on a Pinnacle PCTV RAVE? (for UK Channels)05:47
=== dmeger [n=dmeger@stjhnbsu84w-156034179038.nb.aliant.net] has joined #Ubuntu
shachaf_chetersrealm: Well, you could install gdm, kdm, or xdm.05:47
TBUHP666I am at login window and my graphic's are bad i cannot even see them, how do i fix it?05:47
=== Popul [n=paul@dyn-83-152-72-61.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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cheatersrealmshachaf_: what is default?05:47
ubotuping is - I would do an action but I can't -05:47
shachaf_cheatersrealm: GDM is for GNOME, KDM is for KDE, XDM is plain X.05:47
jsimmonshow long does fsck take on a 200gb drive?05:47
dmegerhey everyone, got a total newb takin over from here, go easy on him, had to setup IRC and everyone for him, :P05:47
shachaf_cheatersrealm: I like GDM, even though I don't use GNOME/KDE.05:48
=== TBUHP666 [n=TBUHP666@ip70-179-116-87.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
=== regeya remembers a time not so long ago when most the free stuff was athena...how far we've come
regeya!tell need_help about ask05:48
cheatersrealmhow do I get it to use xdm at startup?05:48
=== nasosub [n=nasos@host-84-9-115-179.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
need_help? I havent asked to ask a question!05:48
=== darkowl [n=darkowl@83-131-183-21.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
shachaf_cheatersrealm: It should be enabled automatically when you install it.05:49
=== c0ld [n=c0ld@ool-45707f33.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkowlguys it worked !!!05:49
dmegerI have an AC97 sound card, and I was able to get sound in a game, but not when I try to play a file05:49
cheatersrealmshachaf_: and if it isn't?05:49
shachaf_cheatersrealm: Is it in /etc/rc*.d/S* ?05:49
darkowlMy ATI card is working !!!05:49
nasosubis there an application to recover deleted files in linux?05:49
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?05:49
SonicChao!ati > darkowl05:49
need_helpHow do I tune XawTV?05:49
SonicChaodarkowl: read ubotu's message05:49
darkowlSonicChao: ITS WORKING !05:49
need_helpHow do I tune XawTV?05:50
darkowlThank you all for helping me !05:50
SonicChaodarkowl: was reading quick, didn't see05:50
SurfnKiddarkowl, got it05:50
=== pontino [n=pontino@d83-184-168-175.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKiddarkowl, glad its up and configured right :D05:50
=== alpa [n=alpa@] has joined #ubuntu
dmegerAnyone have any suggestions on AC97 sound issues?05:50
darkowlThank you !05:50
pontinohi all05:50
SonicChaonasosub: Once you delete a file in Linux, it's gone05:50
=== dr4g [n=ubuntu@80-195-53-224.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
webbenas far as i can work out, there used to be an option to set secure_path for sudo in the sudoers file ... and not require a recompile(!). Where is the correct forum to whine loudly to all who will listen that this is no longer the case?05:51
SurfnKiddarkowl, i guess it does work on easyubuntu, just to check what did you use? for further advie05:51
nasosubhmmmm thats bad:D:D05:51
dr4gHey all... BAck again..05:51
=== HellDragon [n=JD@pdpc/supporter/active/HellDragon] has joined #ubuntu
dr4grambo3: alive ?05:51
dr4gSnow_Shelter: alive ?05:51
=== pontino [n=pontino@d83-184-168-175.cust.tele2.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto]
SonicChaonasosub: Why, what do you need to recover?05:51
nasosubsome ebooks but if they are gone .. i will download them again05:52
nasosubthank you05:52
darkowlSurfnKid: It doesnt work on easyubuntu I have tryed that before...I was following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:52
=== vapor__ [n=vapor@c-24-21-172-229.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkowlIt works05:52
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?05:52
SonicChaonasosub: I thought it was a system file, if it's just EBooks, redownload 'em05:52
=== freaks [n=keisangi@p7125-adsau12honb7-acca.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
=== reiki [n=yardbird@70-98-238-124.dsl1.hol.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about xaw05:52
nasosubyeap !!! thank god we have broadband05:52
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ubotuI know nothing about xawtv05:52
SurfnKiddarkowl, oh ok cool, so whats  fglrxinfo  return05:53
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dr4gAnyone ever came accross the Grub error 18 thing?05:53
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?05:53
dmegerDoes anyone know how to get an AC97 sound card working in Ubuntu?05:53
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:53
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@unaffiliated/kbrooks] has joined #ubuntu
RyanTMulliganHey.... when you are installing Ubuntu and you get to a "Boot:" prompt what should you type to install it?05:53
RyanTMulliganhmm ok05:54
kbrooksRyanTMulligan: UBUNTU 6.06 cd?05:54
SurfnKiddarkowl, whats fglrxinfo return?05:54
=== echeese [i=echeese@CPE001150adc237-CM0012c9239fd4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Snakedmeger: I thought that worked out of the box (if not... it should, thats like the sound EVERYONE has...)05:54
darkowldisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:54
darkowlOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.05:54
darkowlOpenGL renderer string: RADEON X800 XL Generic05:54
darkowlOpenGL version string: 2.0.5814 (8.25.18)05:54
echeesegot my cds a minute ago05:54
SurfnKidSnake, yea mine works out of the box05:54
reikia little help... I am on a new install on a new machine. Reusing PATA drive from old system. This drive is now on same IDE controller with cd, so slower. I can move drive to the OTHER IDE controller but I think I'll need to edit GRUB... right?05:54
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?05:54
=== bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKiddarkowl, great its what i got,05:54
SonicChao!flood > darkowl05:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:54
SurfnKiddarkowl,  hehe oops should have told ya about flooding05:54
=== Snake sighs
dmegerIt was working when I was palying a tank game of some kind..but when I went to play a sound clip nothing happened05:55
SurfnKidnow we have to kick ya out05:55
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SonicChaoSurfnKid: lol, should have. ;)05:55
=== padi [n=padi@80-219-141-227.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dr4gIf i have nothing on my HDD, i can go ahead and install ubuntu, without needing to setup a partition on /boot05:55
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?05:55
padihi all05:55
=== Quz [n=Andy@ppp-69-215-98-103.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about hi05:55
webbenhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/50797 : is this the correct place to complain loudly about something in dapper ?05:55
ubotuI know nothing about hello05:55
dr4gSonicChao: ?05:55
RyanTMulligankbrooks: no I'm doing a net boot following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet05:55
webbenor is that just for edgy05:55
SonicChaoWhy won't anyone add that?05:55
SurfnKidSonicChao, hehe that would be unfair05:55
dr4gIf i have nothing on my HDD, i can go ahead and install ubuntu, without needing to setup a partition on /boot05:55
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!05:55
SonicChaoI put a message that said "Don't say hi, just ask you're question."05:55
SurfnKidSonicChao, poor guy is jumping happy, got his card goin05:56
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:56
padiproblem: printing under ubuntu dreary dapper: using localhost:631 I can't add a printer, neither my username nor the root user work when asked for login on localhost!05:56
need_helpHow do you tune XawTV?05:56
=== eric_ [n=eric@24-207-138-10.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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need_help-.- what05:56
dr4gI love ubuntu05:56
=== SurfnKid passes the coffee machine around to all the unpatient peoplers for some true patience
SonicChaopadi: Dreary Dapper? Dapper Drake...05:56
need_helpbut How do you tune XawTV?05:56
dr4gI can go on IRC while installing it on my HDD :D05:56
SonicChaoneed_help: STOP repeating it!05:56
SonicChaoneed_help: No one knows!05:56
Quzquick question from a noob: when installing ubuntu, is the partitioning easy? like does it do it all by itself, or is it manual? and is it a GUI or console when installing?05:56
kbrooksdr4g: but it'll be slower :)05:56
eric_how can i join the #easyubuntu using xchat05:56
need_helpI wouldnt have to repeat it if someone will answer05:56
Snakeneed_help: if someone knew, they would answer.05:57
dr4gkbrooks: i have time to kill :)05:57
need_helpWhat else is there than XawTV then05:57
Shizboomthere is a gui for partitioning05:57
SonicChaoneed_help: Problem. No one knows. If someone knew, they'd answer05:57
=== InterNut`Gone is now known as InterNut
shachaf_eric_: /join #easyubuntu05:57
Snakeneed_help: MythTV?05:57
need_helpXawTV is crap if you cant tune it05:57
eric_gui for partitioning is Gparted05:57
padiSonicChao: exactly, 6.0605:57
SonicChaoneed_help: Post to the forums.05:57
=== erf [n=simon@stintranet.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
=== ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
eric_sudo apt-get install gparted in the terminal05:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:57
need_helpWhere can I get MythTV?05:57
Snakeneed_help: have you bothered looking at the xawtv site?05:58
Snakeneed_help: repos05:58
SurfnKiddarkowl, hahaha you are right on the dot installing XGL05:58
SurfnKiddarkowl, im doin that as we speak too05:58
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-129-234-211.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
=== spacefinn [n=nick@pool-71-120-192-7.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snakeneed_help: No you can get mythtv with sudo apt-get install mythv05:58
darkowlSurfnKid: what is xgl ?05:58
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/05:58
PMantisAfter upgrading to Dapper, my laptop is *SLOW*, (keystrokes are behind, VoIP can't be used)... *unless* I wiggle the mouse constantly, then processing continues as normal. Ideas??05:58
need_helpE: Couldn't find package mythtv05:58
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=== dr4g [n=ubuntu@80-195-53-224.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
eric_Shizboom, did you get what you needed05:59
kbrooksneed_help: read the link:05:59
=== luiz [n=luiz@201-27-107-52.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/05:59
need_helpI AM!05:59
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== spacefinn [n=nick@pool-71-120-192-7.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about freevo06:00
=== need_help = away
SurfnKiddarkowl, oh i thought you knew, its a composite manager, for true desktop switching with wobbly effects. it rocks,  Have you seen the Novell Flash demo? its a must for us graphic rendering fanatics to watch06:00
cheatersrealmwhat's the auto config tool for xorg's x11 server .conf file?06:00
=== [RiNG] [n=RiNG@] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKiddarkowl, well xgl and compiz are two different things but they work together to bring 3D desktop appearance06:00
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darkowlSurfnKid: whats the use of it ?06:01
=== sire1 [n=sirex@] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3start dpkg-reconfigure and but some have object on enter key, it goes aout06:01
darkowlIt only takes up memory...06:01
=== godfather [n=godfathe@ip-248-54.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksdarkowl: eye candy only takes up memory06:01
need_helpCant find MythTV - that liks is a guide to recording tv shows - _06:01
Snakeneed_help: also http://linux.bytesex.org/xawtv/.... if you want to use xawtv06:01
rambo3need_help, how about freevo06:01
shachaf_darkowl: It's useless, other than the Expos-style window zooming.06:02
SurfnKiddarkowl, its for advanced users who have a lot of things in their 3D minds and need a desktop that will merge with it to be more productive, IMHO06:02
darkowlI don't understand whats the use of xgl ?06:02
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-083-106.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about freevo06:02
whyamineed_help: did you edit the sources.list before you tried apt-get install mythtv?06:02
darkowlaha OK06:02
kbrooksdarkowl: eye candy06:02
hareemi cant seem to strat my dhcp server06:02
hareemneed help06:02
snoopsdarkowl it's an open gl rendered server layer for xorg.. basically uses your 3d graphics card to render the desktop06:02
SurfnKidok people stop it with XGL you're discouraging me06:02
shachaf_darkowl: I used it for a while, then switched to wmii3 (then Ion3) instead.06:02
rambo3need_help, http://freevo.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html its the same thing06:02
need_helpwhyami need_help: did you edit the sources.list before you tried apt-get install mythtv?  >> How?06:02
=== godfather is now known as slow
shachaf_darkowl: Efficiency over eye-candy.06:02
snoopsSurfnKid how's the install going?06:02
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
whyamineed_help: then you aren't following the directions to install mythtv. That's phase 1 step 1 of the instructions: http://www.quietglow.com/docs/ubuntumythtv.html from the link ubotu gave you.06:03
SurfnKidsnoops, configuring the servers section in gdm.conf06:03
shachaf_SurfnKid: Discouraging you? Why?06:03
need_helphttp://www.quietglow.com/docs/ubuntumythtv.html - Why couldn't anyone link me there in the 1st plac?e06:03
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?06:03
SnakeCuz he cant get it06:03
Snakeneed_help: becuase your smarter than all of. Duh.06:03
whyamineed_help: it was the very first link from what ubotu gave you. That's where I got it.06:03
Snakeall of us**06:03
shachaf_SurfnKid: What's the problem with Xgl?06:04
SurfnKidshachaf_, cuz XGL rocks06:04
shachaf_SurfnKid: I mean, why isn't it working?06:04
SurfnKidshachaf_, none thats my point,e veryone thinks it sucks06:04
=== cheatersrealm [i=user@c-71-206-40-196.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
shachaf_SurfnKid: Is 3D acceleration working?06:04
=== vicox [n=vicox@p54985E5A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
reikia little help... I am on a new install on a new machine. Reusing PATA drive from old system. This drive is now on same IDE controller with cd, so slower. I can move drive to the OTHER IDE controller but I think I'll need to edit GRUB... right?06:04
SurfnKidshachaf_, i think it rocks06:04
SnakeWhats wrong with XGL??? I love that thing06:04
=== CoOlGhOsT [n=coolghos@port534.ds1-ba.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidshachaf_, not yet06:04
SurfnKidSnake, word!06:04
=== jojopaderes [n=jojo@] has joined #ubuntu
webbenis launchpad the place to report bugs in ubuntu dapper?06:04
need_helpubotu linked me to http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/06:04
ubotuI know nothing about linked me to http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/06:04
shachaf_SurfnKid: I used it for a while, then switched to wmii3 adn then to Ion3. Efficiency over eye-candy!06:04
Snakewebben: yes06:04
SurfnKidtho i havent gotten it all setup yet, but the flash from the novell site defintely got me sold06:05
Snakewebben: be sure to put in the correct area06:05
hareemhow can i restart my dhcp server06:05
SurfnKidshachaf_, ah i have to read up on those, are they just as good or smoother than xgl?06:05
webbenSnake: looking at a connected complaint, how do i tell if it's in the correct area or not? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/5079706:05
Snakehareem: sudo dhclient?06:05
whyamineed_help: yes and did you read the first sentence?06:05
=== timmmmmmmmmm [n=tim@p54B19E1D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
need_helpmythtv is for watching TV in Linux06:05
shachaf_SurfnKid: They aren't eye-candy at all.06:05
need_helpANyway Im trying Freevo06:06
shachaf_SurfnKid: They're a replacement for Metacity/GNOME.06:06
shachaf_SurfnKid: No eye-candy what-so-ever.06:06
shachaf_SurfnKid: :-)06:06
Snakeneed_help: Did you see the damn link I sent you for the xawtv site? They have a whole FAQ written up.06:06
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?06:06
jsimmonsi beiter have a defective motherboard and/or hard drive, or said components simply aren't compatible with any version of Linux06:06
Snakewebben: that looks fine06:06
=== Jiffe [n=fxmulder@82-38-195-78.cable.ubr04.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
need_helpSnake please stfu - Im busy trying Freevo06:06
webbenSnake: thanks :)06:07
padino one in here using PRINTING and UBUNTU?06:07
SnakeYou lucky I don't have ops. I'm going to leave it at that.06:07
=== keithg [n=keith@c-24-20-146-76.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== pussfeller [n=todd@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
timmmmmmmmmmhi guys06:07
ardchoilleok, can we all please be respectful?06:08
CrescendoDoes anyone know how to make my DVD-RW drive work?06:08
eric_what's wrong with the dvd-rw drive06:08
timmmmmmmmmmcan someone help me? i want to change file permissions but i have no idea how it works in the terminal06:08
keithgHello, I am having trouble with installing the nVidia drivers.  I have followed the directions off of the wiki guide, and I have done this multiple times on breezy.  I can't seem to get them working on Dapper.06:08
padicups tells me: authentification failed06:08
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:08
CrescendoI just installed a DVD-RW drive - how do I get it to show up in my burning software?  I have a feeling that the drivers for it were not installed.  How would I got about installing them?06:08
Snaketimmmmmmmmmm: man chmod is a good place to start :)06:08
timmmmmmmmmmand as far as i know, it doesnt work in the ususal file browser, right?06:08
=== sambrista [n=Sambrist@] has joined #ubuntu
padithis must be a bad joke!!!!!06:08
timmmmmmmmmmok ill try it, thanks06:09
kbrooksSnake: erm, no t benefical for him06:09
padiwhat kind of distribution is this?06:09
timmmmmmmmmmubuntu 6.0606:09
Snakekbrooks: Why wouldn't a manual be benificial.06:09
slowguys i've tried to install realplayer06:09
padithis was a rhetorical question06:09
jsimmonsbecause it would be hopelessly outdated before it was finished06:09
=== cdn [i=foobar@host86-144-119-78.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
crogue5padi: what you trying to do ?06:10
need_helpHow do I install mmpython?06:10
ardchoilletimmmmmmmmmm: what file permissions are you wanting to change? and is it a system file or user file?06:10
whyamipadi are you trying to access CUPS through the web interface? I recall this was disabled by default for security reasons. Easy to turn back on in the CUPS config file if I recall...06:10
CrescendoHrm, Ubuntu's rebooting, it's taking five minutes on "Mounting root file system..."06:10
slowbut it gives me an error06:10
timmmmmmmmmmso can someone tell me how to access the file browser with root permissions?06:10
kaotpadi: you got cupsys started?  point a browser at localhost:631, play around a bit.  been a while since I messed with printing but I remember that being relatively painless06:10
need_helpHow do I install mmpython?06:10
=== mhb [n=martin@162.43.broadband7.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu
mhbhello everyone06:11
slowthe's a xlibs that it could install...xlibs06:11
need_helpHow do I install mmpython?06:11
riddleboxanyone have asterisk running in dapper?06:11
sambristatimmmmmmmm: type: sudo nautilus in a terminal06:11
timmmmmmmmmmok thanks06:11
Snakeneed_help: please wait for the last time you asked to atleast scroll off the screen.06:11
=== foxiness [n=now@] has joined #ubuntu
need_helpIt did06:11
SnakeAccording to whose screen ;)06:11
[Ex0r] lol you must have a very very short monitor06:11
ardchoilletimmmmmmmmmm: sudo nautilus will have the root instance of nautilus take over your user desktop. you can do sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser06:12
crogue5yeah lol 4 lines06:12
CrescendoUbuntu's STILL trying to mount the root filesystem.06:12
need_helpno i am doing more than 1 screen so its not maximised06:12
need_helpin fact its quite small06:12
CrescendoIs this a sign of a failing HDD?06:12
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timmmmmmmmmmdoesnt work06:12
jsimmonscrescendo not necessarioly06:12
need_helpCrescendo: maybe a faulty install>06:12
padikaot: then it has changed, you can't finish adding a printer because no login works! neither the one of the user nor root06:12
ardchoilletimmmmmmmmmm: what doesn't work?06:12
keithgCould anyone help me out with the nVidia drivers in Dapper?  I have succesful installed them in Breezy, but I can't seem to get them working under Dapper.06:12
slowwhat can i do06:13
need_helpHow do I install mmpython?06:13
CrescendoThe install's fine, as far as I know.  Would a faulty install of an application do this?06:13
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slowi need xlibs library06:13
ubotuI know nothing about xlibs06:13
CrescendoTHere it goes...06:13
ubotuI know nothing about !x06:13
CrescendoNow hanging on loading hardware drivers.06:13
Snake.....I hate you ubotu06:13
whyamipadi: are you trying to access CUPS through the web interface?06:13
CrescendoThat tell you anything?06:13
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-40-181.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaotpadi: hm.  local or network printer?06:13
finalbetaAnyone got flashfxp to run under linux? Or got a descend ftp client? Needs to support sites that are "natted". Prefferably a site manager06:13
CrescendoAnd still hung  on hardware drivers...06:14
finalbeta!ftp client06:14
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ubotuI know nothing about ftp client06:14
padiwhyami: sure06:14
Snakefinalbeta: gftp06:14
CrescendoWaiting for it.  I remember last boot two things failed, as well.06:14
jsimmonscrescendo is this a new install?06:14
=== kaot debates running around the house hooking up printers and sharing them
padikaot: network printer, but the login is on LOCALHOST06:14
finalbetaSnake, thnx will try06:14
whyamipadi: are you able to access at all with http://localhost:631?06:14
CrescendoNo, old install of Ubuntu.06:14
need_helpHow do I install mmpython?06:14
padiwhyami: yes06:14
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CrescendoNot OLD.  But, it's been running fine.06:14
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CrescendoI installed some apps, shut down, installed a DVD-RW drive, and now this.06:15
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jsimmonssame thing happened to me this morning - installed it alst weekend, and went back to it today and it wouldn't boot06:15
CrescendoIt IS hanging on loading hardware drivers, and mounting root file system.06:15
CrescendoIt boots, but it takes 15 minutes.06:15
CrescendoStill loading hardware drivers now.06:15
kaotpadi: this sounds like one of those problems that once you fix it you're gonna thump yerself in the head for missing it the first time around :\06:16
Foobaldmesg shows some errors or alike?06:16
=== hartym_ [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
padikaot: whyami:06:16
padi401 Unauthorized06:16
padiEnter your username and password or the root username and password to access this page.06:16
CrescendoAlright, it's booted.06:16
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CrescendoHardware driver load failed, and PCMCIA failed.06:16
slowso a program that works like realplayer?06:16
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CrescendoWhat's the cause of this?06:16
CrescendoI'm guessing it's the DVD-RW drive.06:17
padikaot, this is bs, sorry, but I did these steps on adding a printer MANY times in other distros using cups it ALWAYS worked06:17
CrescendoHow do I fix this?06:17
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jsimmonsi think you're going to have to reinstall06:17
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ultrakornei have broken the "sudo" and my user.. i cannot execute any command as root06:18
jsimmonsmandrake did that to me once06:18
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CrescendoReinstall Ubuntu?06:18
fireanyone know anything about fixing problems with DSDT06:18
CrescendoNot an option.06:18
FoobalCrescendo: dmesg|less and check the errors/weird lines06:18
RopechoborraI want to delete a directory full of files.. in graphic mode i cant cause im not root what can i do?06:18
fireI am having problems booting up.. I get ACPI: Looking for DSDT... not found!06:18
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Snake!info python-dev06:19
ubotupython-dev: Header files and a static library for Python (default). In repository main, is optional. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB06:19
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padicups 1.2.006:19
kaothey padi06:19
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kaotin the main cups page, do you see the italic bit below all the function buttons?06:20
=== kaot just noticed that
padikaot, what06:20
RopechoborraHow can i delete a directory full of files in the terminal???06:20
kaotwell, mine says "Administrative commands are disabled in the web interface for security reasons."06:20
CrescendoCannot allocate EISA,,,, what?  I don't have any EISA slots.06:20
sztanpetRopechoborra rm -rf06:20
manu_rm -rf (namedir)06:20
kaothave to use silly gnome front end.06:20
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gatekeeperhi Snake you said yesterday I was missing a link or something???06:21
enycthis channel is getting a bit busy!!06:21
padikaot, yes here too06:21
Crescendo"Drive 0 didn't accept speed setting. Oh, well."  LMAO.06:21
=== kaot rebels and starts hacking at cupsd.conf
kaotpadi: whelp, I guess you gotta do it that way, ya?06:21
fire:( so no one has seen this problem.. I have been reading stuff all over the internet but nothing seems to work yet.. guess ill keep at it..06:21
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finalbetaSnake, doesn't seem to have an option to support sites that have non routable IP's06:21
kaotpadi: or else re-enable it, however that works06:21
webbeni want to remove or at least change this sudo path-crippling setting in the Ubuntu package. I've downloaded the source. Is there any guide to building with a slightly different configuration option?06:21
snoopsSurfnKid I'm keen to see what you think about it?06:22
webben(i mean building from the Ubuntu source)06:22
CrescendoSo, I'm dmesging, and not seeing TOO much of interest.06:22
padithat's probably the problem if one is used to a way and... yes I'll try it06:22
Snakefinalbeta: Ah, i dont know anything about those :( I just seen you were looking for a ftp client :) Sorry man06:22
CrescendoHDC, lost interrupt.06:22
SurfnKidsnoops, just about to rebootzz06:22
kaotpadi: thumping yer head yet?  ;)06:22
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J_Phi all06:22
CrescendoHDC status is busy.06:22
padikaot: I have no System/Administration *g06:22
CrescendoSo... what's the problem here?06:22
=== nomike [n=nomike@80-89-105-1.DSL.ycn.com] has joined #ubuntu
kaotpadi: I'm in fluxbox or i'd check it myself06:23
CrescendoFailed opcode:  0xa106:23
padikaot: no this is not my fault, I don't read everything everytime06:23
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kaotpadi: check taht readme apparently you can re-enable via web interface06:23
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padiah it's on top level06:23
kaotCrescendo: that sounds bad.  my hdd did that when the controller started failing06:23
[RiNG] sorry this channel isn't for mee :P06:23
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nomikehow do I switch to another user in X(fce4)?06:23
Crescendokaot: I haven't had problems until I installed this DVD-RW drive?06:23
kaotCrescendo: oooh.  check your jumpers?06:24
CrescendoAnd it's HDC, which is reading as the DVD RW drive.06:24
CrescendoHrm, good idea.06:24
jbwivanyone running amarok 1.4.1 on dapper?06:24
FoobalCrescendo: check the wires.. that htey are plugged properly etc.. that sounds kinda bad06:24
=== Subhuman [n=jack@host86-139-40-204.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== kaot once had a problem where two particular hard drives on the same IDE channel would b0rk everything no matter what settings he changed. they just hated each other
snoopsyep jbwiv06:26
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snoopsit's awesome06:26
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-18.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
webbendoes anyone have experience the configure options of existing packages?06:26
tailsfanI need help again :_(06:26
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say_no_2_windowzis it just me or are the repos down?06:27
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J_Phey all, I instal googleearth in dapper, but menu is not created, why not ?06:27
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Mewshihow do i get sound to work with flash?06:27
tailsfanUbuntu was dialing-up while it was booting up, Is teher anyway to stop this06:28
regeyawhy didn't anyone tell me about quod libet a long time ago (rhetorical question, chill)06:28
=== thiago [n=thiago@201-26-161-13.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleregeya: lol06:28
thiagohow can i do to install gcc, make, and the include files?06:28
mikearthurIs it safe to mount /var/ as noexec with ubuntu?06:28
Subhumanthiago, "sudo apt-get install build-essential"06:28
ardchoillethiago: sudo apt-get install build essential06:28
regeyatailsfan, if you've set up dialup to be on demand, I'm not sure if there is. :-(  if you figure a way, do share :-)06:28
J_PI install GoogleEarth, how I do for create the menu in Aplication->somewhere ?06:29
=== tailsfan is now known as barktpolar
thiagoSubhuman, ardchoille thanks ;)06:29
ardchoilledarn forgot the "-" again06:29
thiagook ;)06:29
ardchoillethiago: You're welcome :)06:29
thiago;) thanks men06:29
CrazyMonkeyGnome is frozen and i need to restart it, what would be the command to do it?06:29
Subhumanthiago, might be a women for all you know :D06:29
sdkCrazyMonkey: ctrl+alt+backspace?06:29
barktpolarDoes it have to do with wvdial?06:30
barktpolarmy dial-up problem06:30
CrazyMonkeysdk Thanks, didnt knew this one :)06:30
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CrescendoOh yeah, ripped the DVD-RW drive out, and it boots fine.06:30
sdkn/p :)06:30
CrescendoSpeedy as ever.06:30
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CrescendoPut it in a windows machine, and it booted up perfect, and recognized the drive.06:31
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ardchoilleCrescendo: yeah, Windows recognises and runs lots of things..  viruses..  trojans.. worms..06:32
=== ardchoille hides
jbwivsnoops: did you have to do anything special to get it working?06:33
jbwivsnoops: I installed the dep package via apt, but when I start it up it starts ok but then just spins...06:33
Crescendoardchoille, I know.  ~_~  Just bugs me that it crashed my Ubuntu machine...06:33
CrescendoAnd then runs fine on windows.06:33
CrescendoPisses me off.06:33
ardchoilleCrescendo: understandable06:33
=== say_no_2_windowz [n=olid@ACBD0972.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleCrescendo: can you take the drive back for a refund/exchange?06:34
webbenCan anyone explain the point of adding users to a sudoers group so that they no longer have to type a password. What's the advantage of that over just using the root account?06:34
snoopsjbwiv spins?06:34
=== darkowl [n=darkowl@83-131-183-21.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumanwebben, itz security06:34
jbwivsnoops: hangs06:34
darkowlI have a new problem06:35
jbwivsnoops: i'm running it from Gnome though...06:35
snoopsyou followed the install guide from amarok.kde.org?06:35
snoopsyeah so am I jbwiv06:35
webbenSubhuman: what does it secure in that case?06:35
darkowlI installed Alacarte Menu Editor and removed some programs and I cant get them back06:35
darkowlPlease help06:35
jbwivsnoops: hmm...no, didn't see that. Let me check06:35
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finalbetaHow can I connect to a Natted FTP server from linux? (in windows I needed to use: Site uses not routable IP (flashfxp) )06:35
Subhumanwebben, if somone tries to hack into a unix system an account they KNOW will exist is root, in ubuntu the password is so long it's too hard to crack06:35
=== RuffianSoldier [n=qs@cpe-24-209-106-36.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Crescendoardchoille, Nah, a friend lent it to me so I can burn this DVD image.06:35
jbwivsnoops: just used apt ;-)06:35
jbwivsnoops: did you compile from source?06:35
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Subhumanwebben, so it means that they have to know a user in the admin group, which is less likely..06:36
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ardchoillewebben: without needing a password for sudo, someone can just break into the user account and run "sudo rm -rf /". it's difficult to break into a root account which is disabled.06:36
webbenSubhuman: i see06:36
snoopsjbwiv no no I I grabbed the package from this repository06:36
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snoopsif you go to that, it mentions the repository in question06:36
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webbenardchoille: that's an argument for having a password for sudo ... i'm trying to work out what's the point when you don't require a password06:37
darkowlI installed Alacarte Menu Editor and removed some programs and I cant get them back06:37
darkowlPlease help06:37
jbwivsnoops: yeah, I added the repository and the gpg key06:37
snoopsI had amarok 1.4.0a before mind you, so it was just an upgrade for me, mostly06:37
jbwivsnoops: ah.06:37
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webben(the reason i'm interested is this may also allow the same users to get around this silly path business -- but it seems to me to carry a hefty security penalty)06:37
padikaot: ping06:37
jbwivsnoops: damn it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled...no luck06:37
barktpolardarkowl, have you tried to add the programs back into their regualr spots06:38
=== HellDragon is now known as HellDragon2
barktpolaras in make newentries06:38
snoopsjbwiv I would ask that you've installed all the required kde libs.. but apt handles that06:38
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=== SurfnKid [n=klormexo@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidthis 3D thing is getting me dizzy already06:39
jbwivsnoops: yup...I'm at a loss06:39
barktpolarHey Surfnkid06:39
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SurfnKidsnoops: worked06:39
VieLGuS-KuTaShow do i specify a path for update-alternatives --config java?06:39
jbwivsnoops: what's the last message you get on the console if you run it from cmdline?06:39
snoopsumm, not on my ubuntu box at the moment.. I could jump on it and check for you, if you want06:40
darkowlbarktpolar: i removed the pointer from a program and I cant get it back06:40
SurfnKidwell.. after breaking my bcmwl5 driver and having to remove the ieee80211softmac and reinserting the ndiswrapper into the core sure06:40
snoopsSurfnKid cool dude.. try ctrl+alt + page down06:40
=== Boelcke [n=Boelcke@c-24-99-247-67.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsthen take finger off page down and press left or right to choose desktop06:40
SurfnKidsnoops: funny, says novell hehe06:40
CrescendoWhat is the package "csh" ?06:40
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jbwivsnoops: http://pastebin.ca/82515 <- my output06:40
snoopsctrl+alt + pagedown shouldn't display novell06:40
ardchoilleCrescendo: it's a shell.. like bash and zsh06:40
ardchoille!info csh06:41
ubotucsh: Shell with C-like syntax, standard login shell on BSD systems. In repository universe, is optional. Version 20050313-1 (dapper), package size 233 kB, installed size 384 kB06:41
polpakCrescendo: it's a shell, like bash.. only less cool. It's older though so some things use it06:41
barktpolarTry seeing if there installed in the add/remove programs area06:41
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SurfnKidnow im a happy person, and be even happier when i get that other cpu to max out this baby06:41
CrescendoAlright, I was compiling a mud, and noted that it couldn't find /bin/csh , so I apt-got it.06:41
breadmachinehello all does anyone here use wineX and Cedega?06:41
CrescendoLmao @ apt-got it.06:41
=== ryu [n=chris@p5487FC99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsamd64 jbwiv?06:41
SurfnKidwow, it doesnt even consume any cpu, just the graphic card does the work06:42
RaitoCrescendo: is your 'mud' the same 'mud' I am thinking about?06:42
barktpolar!info alsa06:42
ubotuPackage alsa does not exist in dapper06:42
darkowlI installed Alacarte Menu Editor and removed some programs and I cant get them back06:42
darkowlPlease help06:42
Crescendomud as in MUD, SW:FotE.06:42
SurfnKidomg my screen is bending, XGL is some nasty sh%%06:42
jbwivsnoops: do you know where amaroK stores its sqlite database? I'm noticing an error there06:42
snoopsI'm using the mysql db jbwiv06:42
breadmachineguess not06:42
SurfnKidi think im gonna throw up06:42
barktpolarIs Gnome PPP a good application to use06:43
snoopsmakes amarok MUCH faster06:43
breadmachine!info WineX06:43
ubotuPackage WineX does not exist in dapper06:43
barktpolar!info Wine06:43
=== hakanw [n=hakanw@c213-89-56-199.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPackage Wine does not exist in dapper06:43
polpakbreadmachine: go to winehq.org06:43
hakanwwhat's the command to check the hostname for a given ip?06:43
ardchoilledarkowl: There are some good gnome folks in ##gnome. Try asking for Juhaz06:43
polpakbreadmachine: they have a repository for ubuntu06:43
jbwivsnoops: can you change that from the command line ?06:43
Subhumanhakanw, nslookup06:43
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hakanwSubhuman: thanks06:43
Mewshihow do i get sound to work with flash?06:43
RaitoCrescendo: never had any muds on ubuntu, *goes to the ubuntu package search*06:43
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polpakRaito: most muds aren't open source06:44
hakanwman, I just discovered the auth.log file and it's exciting to see how many people try to hack my server06:44
hakanwwith lame ssh attempts06:44
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CrescendoRaito, I had to download source.06:44
polpakRaito: but you can get more restrictive licenses from other sites and DL mud servers06:44
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breadmachinepolpak: well, i bought it and got the package, it came with cedega and winex, but im kinda new to linux and cant figure out how to install cedega to use it06:44
Bassettswhere can i find a usb phone that works with ubuntu and skype?06:44
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
RaitoCrescendo: you said apt-got >_< err int he end you compiled from source?06:44
dicrapiois there something like yakuake for gnome?06:45
breadmachinepolpak: the documentation is actually barebones06:45
crashzoris there a way to load a new xorg config whitout restarting xorg ?06:45
polpakbreadmachine: the package should be a .deb file06:45
fyrestrtrcrashzor: no.06:45
polpakbreadmachine: if it is then you can just sudo dpkg -i package.deb06:45
breadmachinepolpak: it was actually a tar.gz file06:45
CrescendoI apt-got csh, so the precompiled app would run...  and it won't compile, so I'm still using the precompile, Raito06:45
crashzorfyrestrtr, dam the i need to get of irc to get my nvidia drivers running :P06:45
hakanwSubhuman: I just get ** server can't find NXDOMAIN  ... is that the standard error when it fails?06:45
polpakbreadmachine: if you have a transgaming account you can download a deb file package of cedega06:45
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fyrestrtrcrashzor: what irc client do you use?06:46
polpakbreadmachine: but for vanilla wine, it's free and you can get it from winehq.org06:46
crashzorfyrestrtr, xchat runs in xorg ;)06:46
fyrestrtrcrashzor: irssi > *06:46
breadmachinepolpak: oooh, even better, i actually know what to do with those06:46
breadmachinepolpak: thanks06:46
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crashzorfyrestrtr, i know ;)06:46
ardchoillefyrestrtr: xorg -config ?06:47
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vladanianIs the dapper update server down?06:47
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polpakgod I love the adblock extension for firefox06:48
ardchoillepolpak: indeed :)06:48
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SurfnKidok someone help me with XGL06:49
SurfnKidi had some shortcuts06:49
quzinstalling ubuntu in a few minutes, wish me luck :)06:49
ardchoillequz: good luck :)06:49
SurfnKidF9 thru F12 on 8 different workspaces, now those keys are for totally different commands, what'd they do its confusing06:49
fyrestrtrquz: you won't need it :)06:50
saxinquz, you will make it :)06:50
CrescendoWhat do I need to do to make sure my firewall isn't blocking a port...?06:50
=== power1 [i=daemon@dsl-146-34-23.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
quzlets hope so, be back in xchat soon :)06:50
ardchoillequz: which CD are you installig from? Desktop? Alternate?06:50
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems06:50
fyrestrtrCrescendo: check /var/log/messages06:50
VieLGuS-KuTaSCrescendo: which firewall?06:50
=== CarlosLiu [n=carlos@202-180-123-47.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
power1hey all, Is there any way to easily recover from a quick format on a drive performed by xp boot cd?06:51
CrescendoVieLGuS-KuTaS, whatever dapper has by default.06:51
Raitodapper has a firewall??06:51
ardchoilleRaito: yes.. iptables06:51
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VieLGuS-KuTaSCrescendo: it doesnt have a firewall06:51
CrescendoJust nmapped myself, and it isn't showing my ports?06:51
Raitooh really *goes and wiki's it*06:51
CrescendoThe one I opened, atleast.06:51
ApocalypticOnii just installed ubuntu, but the mouse is pretty jerkey, ubdating only twice a second. my mouse is old, but it worked fine on my winxp box. is there a way to fix this or do i just need more ram?06:51
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xvbanevxhow much ram we talkin about?06:52
PFAwhen evolution opens from Opera it crashes on startup; has anyone else had htis probelm and how do i fix it06:52
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:52
fyrestrtrApocalypticOni: you can adjust the speed in xorg.conf06:52
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polpakSurfnKid: ^^ what ubotu said06:52
SurfnKidpolpak, i got XGL going06:52
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xvbanevx256 is fine, just need to tune it06:52
SurfnKidpolpak, just the keys i need to get used to06:52
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CrescendoYeah, I think iptables is blocking the port I need.06:53
ApocalypticOniand how do i do that?06:53
Raitowiki says that on a ubuntu desktop install iptables allows all traffic06:53
padiwhat is wrong, when I printed a page using cups and it says, job completed successfully but there comes nothing out at the printer?06:53
fyrestrtrpadi: wrong drivers?06:53
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SurfnKidnevermind i got the XGL dance going with CTRL ALT06:53
ApocalypticOniforgive me, but im a noob06:54
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padifyrestrtr: hm, maybe -> foomatic for color laserjet 150006:54
ApocalypticOnihow do i access that?06:54
xvbanevxtry a terminal window06:54
hakanwssh allowing users to login without a key means the password is sent as plaintext, right?06:55
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fyrestrtrhakanw: no, it means that there is a key installed at the server and the client.06:55
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kbrookshakanw: no. the password is secured still06:55
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Crescendomake -s swr - BREAK -  o/11.o - BREAK -  Assembler messages: - BREAK -  FATAL: can't create o/11.o: No such file or directory - BREAK -  make[1] : *** [o/11.o]  Error 1 - BREAK -  make: *** [all]  Error 206:56
CrescendoWhat the hell.06:56
=== BWD [n=bdotson@pdpc/supporter/student/bdotson] has joined #ubuntu
padifyrestrtr:  foo2oak but that should work, it worked under debian perfectly06:56
hakanwkbrooks: how though?06:56
power1hey all, Is there any way to easily recover from a quick format on a drive performed by xp boot cd?06:56
=== Basilio [n=Basilio@ool-4578067e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtr'easily' is relative.06:57
hakanwkbrooks: before you're logged in, your commands are as good as telnet commands no?06:57
Basiliohow do i create new username as log in06:57
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kbrookshakanw: encryption. thats the first s in ssh06:57
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hakanwwell, I thought that it was encrypted once you were logged in (or if you're using public/private keys, even before)06:57
CrescendoHAHA.  I fixed that by create an `o` directory.06:57
fyrestrtrhakanw: no, its encrypted as soon as you get the 'username:' prompt.06:57
hakanwcool, I'd be curious to know how that works.06:58
hakanwis it generating a one-time public/private key pair or something like that?06:58
fyrestrtrhakanw: you can read up on it, its not exactly a secret :)06:58
kbrookshakanw: no...lol06:58
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hakanwok, gonna look it up.  thanks for the info06:59
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fyrestrtrhakanw: start at wikipedia06:59
kbrookshakanw: search for ssh06:59
fyrestrtrare there any *external* tv tuner devices that are compatible with linux?07:00
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snoopsopen gset-compiz07:00
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snoopsclick shortcuts07:00
padiwhy is this FUCKING printing always the BIGGEST mess under linux? WHY!!?? SINCE YEARS!! cups only did it's job good under debian, now I'm stuck again in ubuntu. wtf, the driver's right and the device-settings too, permissions also. ARGH07:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:00
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
padiyeah, I'm gome07:00
snoopsthen plugins.. from there you can see what's assigned to what07:00
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fyrestrtrpadi: no need to cruse.07:00
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fyrestrtrpadi: I have never had a problem with printing in linux, and have been using linux for quite a while.07:01
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finalbetaHow can I connect to a Natted FTP server from linux? (in windows I needed to use: Site uses not routable IP (flashfxp) )07:01
fyrestrtrfinalbeta: eh? what is the ip address of the ftp server and what is the ip address of your machine?07:03
faddatI just ran sudo /etc/cron.daily/prelink..... how long should this take?07:03
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Crescendousr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz07:03
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fyrestrtrfaddat: depends on a lot of factors, and why did you run it manually?07:03
CrescendoWhat's -lz?07:03
fyrestrtrCrescendo: what are you trying to do?:07:03
Crescendocompile an application.07:04
faddatfyrestrtr:  I'm following the directions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7419707:04
faddatIs that a bad thing?07:04
faddatI'm doing the "first prelink" I guess.  The doc does say that this one will take the longest.07:04
finalbetafyrestrtr, both a local IP adress.07:04
hakanwCrescendo: that means it can't find the library libz07:05
hakanwor z.dll or whatever, depending which system you're using07:05
Crescendo/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz07:05
Crescendocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status07:05
Crescendomake[1] : *** [swr]  Error 107:05
Crescendomake: *** [all]  Error 207:05
CrescendoBut that's what it says.07:05
padifyrestrtr: It can't be it, that this takes me a DAY, sorry07:05
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CrescendoHow to install that library?07:05
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padifyrestrtr: the Driver IS IS IS right! fo2oak!!07:05
padiwhy is there no error?07:06
hakanwCrescendo: http://www.google.com/search?q=libz&sourceid=mozilla2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-807:06
Crescendohakanw, Gkthxbai.07:06
fyrestrtrpadi: don't know, all I can tell you -- I have no problems with cups and printing -- and I have tried every kind of printer you can imagine.07:06
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faddatfyrestrtr: it just finished07:06
hakanwCrescendo: ?07:06
Random_Transithey, there...is there anyone from ubuntu canada here??07:07
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fyrestrtrCrescendo: what are you trying to build?07:07
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hakanwI suppose it's zlib's name07:07
fyrestrtrfaddat: yeah, this takes a while :) it should be okay now.07:07
padifyrestrtr: I only want it on ONE printer: HP Color Laserjet 1500, and IT WORKED UNDER DEBIAN, I did NO miracles!07:07
VieLGuS-KuTaSwhats a ls command to only show symbolic links?07:07
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Crescendofyrestrtr, a MUD, particularly SW:FotE.07:08
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-6.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrpadi: you have the correct ppd file?07:09
=== duelboot [n=duelboot@cpe-065-191-066-023.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Breezy-CAHi all ... I am looking for a fool-proof (because I have been a fool from time to time) upgrade procedure from Breezy to Dapper. When I went to Breezy, I didn't make sure that ubuntu-desktop was installed (something I'd done had taken it away, apparently), and lived without Ubuntu for a day or so until, with help from people here, I fixed my errors. Is there a quick and easy guide to avoiding such n00bie errors when I move to Dapp07:09
Breezy-CAer (as I would like to this weekend)?07:09
kyncaniVieLGuS-KuTaS: use find07:09
padifyrestrtr: it lists the jobs I try under completed jobs. the printer makes no sound, fyrestrtr I chosed the ppd from the list, I can also download the one from linuxprinting, but how bad can ubuntu do to not use the original one?07:10
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-68-163-220-159.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrBreezy-CA: should be easy with the upgrade wiki entry.07:10
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fyrestrtr!Upgrade > Breezy-CA07:10
Breezy-CAt/y fyrestrtr07:10
faddatfyrestartr:  I'm following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189192 do you have any other reccomendations?07:10
hakanwafaik, a ssh user can't choose which port to connect to sshd on, without the admin opening up that for sshd, right?07:10
fyrestrtrfaddat: no, prelinking is pretty much straight forward, just don't forget the apt-get entry.07:10
duelboot!Upgrade > duelboot07:10
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fyrestrtrhakanw: yes.07:11
=== farky [n=farky@adsl-69-110-106-28.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hakanwthis guy is trying to get into ssh on a bunch of ports, with a user I don't have :)07:11
faddatWhere I add that stuff to the end of my apt.conf?07:11
fyrestrtrhakanw: just like anything else, you have to connect to the port on which the server is listening -- otherwise, you'll be timing out because you'll be saying hello -- when no one is home.07:11
faddatJust did :)07:11
hakanwfyrestrtr: right07:11
fyrestrtrhakanw: first thing I do, is switch ssh to another port since every clown tries port 2207:12
hakanwfyrestrtr: in my log file, it's still sshd reporting that someone tries to login though, even if the port is one I'm not using07:12
padifyrestrtr: downloaded the ppd from linuxprinting and used that one instead, the problem persists07:12
mikearthurHow can I get Apache to listen on Port 443?07:12
Jack_SparrowBreezy-CA: I would suggest that if you have the abitilty to back up to a hard drive or dvd that you do that before a full upgrade.  IT is always a good idea anyhow07:12
hakanwsshd[22669] : Failed password for invalid user artwork from XXX port 51721 ssh207:12
fyrestrtrhakanw: do you have more than one ip address assigned to the box?07:12
hakanwfyrestrtr: nope07:12
fyrestrtrhakanw: that is probably the client port, not the server port.07:13
hakanwfyrestrtr: oh07:13
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kaothakanw: note "*from* xxx port blah"07:13
Breezy-CAjack_sparrow ... I wish I could do that ... short of buying a new case with an extra drive bay or an external HD, though, I don't have enough room anywhere for /home07:13
fyrestrtrhakanw: install bfd to take care of these types of 'attacks'.07:13
hakanwfyrestrtr: you have a good point abotu changing port.  unfortunately my users are newbies (even more than me) so I don't want to make their life too hard07:13
kaothakanw: if I was you I'd just move sshd to a nonstandard port07:14
hakanwkaot: see above07:14
Jack_SparrowBreezy-CA: Do you have enough room to make another partition?07:14
kaothakanw: well you should probably educate them07:14
kaothakanw: it's easy enough in any client to choose the dest port07:14
Breezy-CAJack_Sparrow, yes ... but not as large as the partition that /home is on07:14
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Breezy-CAMore to the point, not as large as /home itself07:15
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hakanwkaot: is it possible to do it so that their local ssh will by default try another port (so they don't have to specify it every time) ?07:15
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Turmsupdating edgy, among dependancies of xorg i find libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not available, where is it?07:15
fyrestrtrmikearthur: you need to install apache-ssl07:15
CrescendoWhat's the application used to convert from RPM to DEB?07:15
hakanwafaik, they're all using the command line07:15
fyrestrtrCrescendo: alien07:15
mikearthurfyrestrtr: not with apache207:15
enycCrescendo: 'alien' but you sthould try to find native package before trying that method07:15
kaothakanw: they on linux?07:16
hakanwkaot: OS X07:16
Crescendoenyc, haven't been able to find deb of zlib07:16
padifyrestrtr: it's a network printer under so I use socket:// ... as I always did07:16
enycTurms: please discuss edgy  on  #ubuntu+1  and not on this channel07:16
kaothakanw: ah.  how many are there?  you could always set them up with aliases or scripts07:16
CrescendoThen again, I really don't know where to look... google doesn't seem to be too helpful.07:16
enycCrescendo: thats certianly is there somewhere.... erm...07:16
CrazyMonkey|Zzzim using dual boot XP/Ubuntu on my girlfriend laptop and id like to change the auto-boot to windows instead of ubuntu... how can i do this?07:16
Turmsenyc: thanks!07:16
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CrescendoCrazyMonkey, edit the grub.conf file07:17
cantonahow can I mount jffs2 image?07:17
hakanwkaot: not that many, so far there are only like 3 of them07:17
enycCrescendo: use  http://packages.ubuntu.com to check...07:17
Crescendoenyc, thanks.07:17
CrazyMonkey|ZzzCrescendo where is it?07:17
kaothakanw: easy enough, just walk them through setting up an alias or script they can use that'll contain the settings they need07:17
MTecknologyI'm using Ubuntu 6.06, when I use copy or cut, I can paste until I close the program I took it from. Once I close that program I can't paste, how can I change that?07:17
hakanwkaot: yeah, good idea.  thanks07:17
=== hakanw goes too look up bfd
enycCrescendo: I think you want 'zlib1g' or 'zlib1g-dev' as needed07:17
fyrestrtrpadi: ermm, no you should use UNIX Printing (LPD) and just type the ip address, leave the queue blank.07:18
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=== sedrake [n=rickard@81-226-222-13-no57.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperMTecknology: that's the way linux apps seem to work07:18
sedrakeHow can I play a wmv3 file in ubuntu?07:18
fyrestrtr!mp3 > sedrake07:18
Crescendoenyc, thanks, that was the next question.07:18
enycsedrake: see RestrictedFormats wiki page07:18
MTecknologygatekeeper, is there anything I can do?07:18
Breezy-CAT/y again fyrestrtr ... reading the wiki now07:18
sedrakeenyc, I did and I installed w32codecs but I cannot still see it?07:18
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrBreezy-CA: yw, ask in here if you have any questions. fwiw, if you have ubuntu-desktop installed, upgrade is painless.07:19
CrescendoHrm, it's saying that it is already the newest version.07:19
CrescendoTrying make again07:19
enycCrescendo: well07:19
enycCrescendo: listen07:19
enycCrescendo: if you are trying to build something.... you need the -dev headers07:19
padifyrestrtr: nothing happening07:19
enycCrescendo: e.g. zlib1g-dev07:19
gatekeeperMTecknology: not that I am aware of other than keeping the app open untill you have pasted, not really researched it but have heard comments about this elsewhere07:19
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TokenBadok I just tried to mount an iso I downloaded...and also tried to burn it...neither will work...the sfv checks out ok...could I be missing something?07:19
Boelckesedrake, after reading the RestrictedFormats page, you might find help also at easyubuntu.freecontrib.org.07:19
enycCrescendo: te get the .h header files the program needs te build agaoinst zlib07:20
fyrestrtrpadi: are you typing in the port?07:20
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fyrestrtrTokenBad: in ubuntu?07:20
padifyrestrtr: sure07:20
CrescendoThank you so much, enyc .07:20
fyrestrtrpadi: don't07:20
TokenBadfyrestrtr, yes07:20
padisocket: ..07:20
bur[n] eranyone know if multisync can sync evolution to a Windows Mobile 5 phone?07:20
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fyrestrtrTokenBad: please explain 'neither will work'07:21
fyrestrtrpadi: don't type *socket*07:21
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enycCrescendo: erm... note that this may help you:  "sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>"07:21
padifyrestrtr: if i leave it out: Network host '' is busy, down, or unreachable;07:21
fyrestrtrpadi: hrmm, that's weird. I just installed a network printer like that, and it was a HP (hp based)07:21
enycCrescendo: that will install the debendancies for building a package.... which can be wery useful.... install the build-deps for something similar to that you wish to compile yourself for example07:21
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CrescendoI think that makes sense.   I thought apt-get automatically installs the dependencies?07:22
TokenBadfyrestrtr, should I post error on pastebin?07:22
enycCrescendo: or... for example... if you wished to compile your own qemu... you could 'sudo apt-get build-dep qemu' to get the build-dependancies for qemu ubuntu package.07:22
enycCrescendo: erm... it installs the RUNTIME depenadcies for _packages_ you install07:23
=== MRDANGER is now known as magical_trevsky
enycCrescendo: the BUILD-depenacies and SOURCE packages are another matter07:23
CrescendoAh, okay. That makes sense now.07:23
TokenBadfyrestrtr, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1755607:23
dr4gMy ubuntu CD has been installing flawlessly.. Now every time i install, it crashes at 51 or 53%07:23
dr4gHelp...? lol07:23
TokenBadand in k3b it just says unusable07:24
enycCrescendo: in many many cases..... there is one source package... that whin-built creates 2 or more binary packages...07:24
padifyrestrtr: well the colorlaserjet1500 IS special indeed, but I know that the official driver works, I've been using it for a long time07:24
elkbuntudr4g, burn another07:24
enycCrescendo: e.g.  zlib source code results in (at least)  zlib AND zlib-dev  packages07:24
enycCrescendo: zlib1g and zlib1g-dev  even07:24
fyrestrtrTokenBad: what command do you type when you get that?07:24
Lukeare the repos down or something?07:25
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gatekeeperdr4g: when I experienced a similar problem it was down to a bad Hard Disk, I would check that you have no hardware issues07:25
enycCrescendo:  if you .... "apt-cache show zlib1g"  you will see the dependancies to have the "zlib1g" package installed....07:25
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dr4ggatekeeper: how can i guarentee no hardware issues ?07:25
dr4gor test.07:26
CrescendoAwesome, that's a big help.07:26
fyrestrtrdr4g: buy new hardware :)07:26
dr4gfyr... lol07:26
dr4gI'll try a new HDD07:26
CrescendoAs a newb to Linux, that's helpful.07:26
enycCrescendo: if you  "apt-cache showsrc zlib1g" you will see the apprepritae source-package and BUILD-DEPENANCIES07:26
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gatekeeperdr4g: if your hard disk is formatted you could run badblocks07:26
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enycbah dr4g gone07:27
CrescendoAnd now that I've been through all that...  nohup.out reports... "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"07:27
=== quz [n=sintryx@ppp-69-215-98-103.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycCrescendo: something you are trying to build is not working ;-)07:28
quzwow, amazing, easiest installer ever!07:28
enycCrescendo: if you told me what you were trying to build I might be able to help more....07:28
enycquz: ??07:28
gatekeeperfyrestrtr: you killed him off before I got chance to tell him about a couple of tools :-)07:28
=== erez [n=erez@89-138-13-4.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
TokenBadfyrestrtr, sudo mount file.iso /media/cdrom0/ -t iso9660 -o loop07:28
quzfrom live cd i was able to browse web, listen to music all while installing ubuntu.07:28
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quzbeats SuSE :)07:28
fyrestrtrTokenBad: hrmm, I think the options need to be before the source07:29
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Crescendoenyc, I'm building a MUD called SW:FotE - Star Wars: Fall of the Empire.07:29
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TokenBadfyrestrtr, thats how the website said to do it...that I was on07:29
enycCrescendo: maybe it doesnt compile properly on the architecture / compiler you have07:29
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fyrestrtrTokenBad: don't trust everything you read on the web.07:29
enycCrescendo: eg.g it might have problems with GCC-4.0 in particular07:29
CrescendoIt does have a makefile... let me look in there.07:30
TokenBadits on the ubuntuguide website07:30
CrescendoSee what it's asking for as a compiler.07:30
fyrestrtrtry sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom007:30
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quzhow do you set root pass? =\07:30
=== Tonren [n=misterpa@ool-45724cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:30
Crescendoenyc, first line in makefile is "CC      = gcc"07:30
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CrescendoWhat are my other GCC options?07:31
CrescendoAnd it did go all the way though the compile.07:31
=== Tonren is now formatting his laptop's hard drive so he can install Ubuntu 32bit over his 64bit installation.
=== cparker_ [n=cparker@c-66-30-61-106.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
webbenif i want to safely distinguish a deb for sudo which i've patched ... how would i  do that? Would renaming the deb produced by buildpkg be enough?07:31
TonrenI hope I remembered to backup everything important...07:31
=== mish4 [n=mish4@c-69-249-68-205.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TonrenSo nervous07:31
TokenBadfyrestrtr, the way I had it..the second cd mounted...just not the first one..07:31
TokenBadbut will try i07:31
TokenBadit even07:31
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webbenTonren: how come you're having to replace 64 with 32?07:31
mish4how do i install open office; sudo apt-get open....07:32
Tonrenwebben: There's no support for 64bit.  wine isn't native.  Flash isn't native.  My touchpad wasn't working right.  It just wasn't worth the trouble.07:32
enycCrescendo: yes....07:32
fyrestrtrmish4: yes07:32
webbenTonren: fair enough, hope you fair better with 3207:32
mish4but what name do i use07:32
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mish4openoffice didnt work07:32
TokenBadfyrestrtr, get same msg07:32
Tonrenwebben: Me too.  thanks.  do you use 64?07:32
enycCrescendo: and if you wanted to try sometihng else... you could install the gcc-3.4 packages or olhder versions and change that line in the makefile07:32
webbenTonren: no ... no opportunity too either, just wondered what was wrong07:33
fyrestrtrTokenBad: sounds like a bad .iso file07:33
Tonrenwebben: Yeah.  It's just too new; no one has programmed anyting for it yet.07:33
=== msinger [n=msinger@h87.141.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrmish4: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org07:33
kristianWhen Im looking at a film clips on youtube.com, I can see film, but no sound :S Anyone know what's wrong here?07:33
Tonrenwebben: I don't really support 64bit in general; it just means that everything is fatter now, like the rest of America.  I didn't realize that when I bought my laptop, of course.07:33
=== andrew_ [n=andrew@toronto-HSE-ppp4003799.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
unstablesobkristian: does sound work in other apps?07:33
TokenBadfyrestrtr, downloaded from 2 different sources...and the sfv checks ok...but both cases its just the first iso..like it has some kind of protection I guess07:33
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-223-254.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
TonrenMan... gparted is taking FOREVER to further shrink my XP NTFS partition.07:33
fyrestrtrTokenBad: what is sfv?07:34
kristianunstablesob: yes07:34
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fyrestrtrTonren: did you defrag it first?07:34
webbenTonren: mostly, software just bloats to fill vacant processing power and storage space.07:34
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snoopsresizing partitions is a very dodgy business anyway Tonren07:34
AxelunoHallo friends!07:34
TokenBadits a file to verify that files downloaded are right...like checks size and stuff or md5 checksums07:34
jribwebben: I append ~myusername to the version, but I was going to suggest before that you just symlink ruby in /usr/local/bin07:34
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Ahh, JUNK.  I forgot!  I did it when I installed the first time, but I forgot this time!07:34
unstablesobkristian: i've had the flash player bug out on me a few times where it wouldn't play sound, restarting firefox seems to help07:35
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fyrestrtrTonren: yeah, so now you have to wait. Go watch a movie. I recommend 'Blazing Saddles'07:35
RopechoborraHow to delete full directory (with files in it) ?07:35
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quzHmm, how do you change user password?07:35
kristianunstablesob: Ok, i'll try07:35
enycCrescendo: also... there could be a problem with 64bit architecture  if the code has only been tested on 32bit etc.07:35
fyrestrtrRopechoborra: rm -rf dirname07:35
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Hahaha, go figure07:35
Tonrenquz: passwd07:35
TokenBadrm -r dir07:35
jribRopechoborra: rm -r07:35
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enycCrescendo: (only applies on ubuntu 64bit e.g. amd64 of course{07:35
AxelunoAny users with IBM thinkpad?07:36
jribquz: system > preferences > about me > change password (if you prefer gui's)07:36
TokenBadfyrestrtr, its a file to verify that files downloaded are right...like checks size and stuff or md5 checksums07:36
=== fyrestrtr is on a T43 ;)
Crescendoenyc, I'm not on 64bit, so...07:36
Tonrenwebben: The idea of "bigger is better" should never have gotten popular in computer science.  With the exception, PERHAPS, of hard drive space.07:36
fyrestrtrTokenBad: don't know what is the deal with it then, are you sure its iso9660 ?07:36
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CrescendoLooks like theres a BUNCH of logfiles being creted.07:36
enycCrescendo: speake te mud-writer ;-)07:36
fyrestrtrTonren: and memory, and screen sizes07:37
webbenjrib: yeah -- except i like to install quite a few bits and pieces in opt, and i hate managing symlinks in /usr/local/bin, and anyway sudo certainly shouldn't be set up the way it is (IMHO) ... so i'm curious to see if i can fix it ;)07:37
enycCrescendo: try building with gcc-2.95 or so07:37
=== johnsandman [n=johan@dsl52-216-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoI sent out an email to him.07:37
msingerHello, all - getting LANG, LANGUAGE & LC_ALL error messages after sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common07:37
kaotTonren: and bandwidth07:37
AxelunoLucky you fyrestrt... i have a t42 with a damn ATI... any suggestion to activate 3D acceleration in dapper?07:37
Tonrenkaot: _maybe_.07:37
=== oidia [n=oidia@81-236-4-88-no67.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrAxeluno: I have ATI x300 -- acceleration + xgl works fine here.07:37
unstablesobati + linux == :(07:37
Tonrenfyrestrtr: Screen sizes, sure.  Memory?  I dunno.  we have so much memory now that software developers are spoiled07:38
kristianunstablesob: It did not seem to work..07:38
oidiahow do i find a package im looking for?07:38
holycowati + anything = tehsuck07:38
enycCrescendo: o well hae phun ;-)07:38
fyrestrtroidia: apt-cache search nameofpackage07:38
dredhammeryeah its a crying shame i invested in ai when i was on windoze07:38
AxelunoSure holycow! :-(07:38
jribwebben: ah ok, good thing to learn to do too07:38
fyrestrtroidia: or use synaptic and hit search07:38
kaotTonren: maybe nuthin.  unless you're one of those that thinks video and audio content has no business on computers.07:38
Tonrenfyrestrtr: computers are capable of processing millions of instructions per second.  Think about that: MILLIONS!  How is it that operating systems drag so much?07:38
oidiafyrestrtr: thanks07:38
oidiafyrestrtr: its a tect install07:38
fyrestrtrTonren: slow hard disks07:38
Tonrenfyrestrtr: And crappy code.07:38
TokenBadfyrestrtr, no...not sure its iso9660 or how to find out07:38
gatekeeperoidia: within your package manager ? or are you looking to see if a package exists?07:39
Crescendothanks enyc , you were a great help =D07:39
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fyrestrtrTokenBad: try -t auto and let moung guess it for you07:39
webbenWhat I'm trying to do is allow admins to set the secure_path in /etc/sudoers ... does anyone know whether it would be sensible to submit such a patch to Ubuntu devs, or whether it needs to go to Debian devs or the sudo devs or what?07:39
TokenBadfyrestrtr, got different error this time..07:39
padii don't believe this mess07:40
fyrestrtrTonren: actually, the fastest computers (talking strict bogomips here) don't run on high clock processors. Deep Blue ran on PIIIs, I think or really slow powerpc procs.07:40
=== carneus [n=Carneus@b113c.mtalo.tontut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kaotsomeone in .nl representing nyhc?  did I just see that?07:40
gnomefreakwebben: put it on launchpad.net as you would a bug07:40
unstablesobkristian: sorry, i can't really help anymore than that.07:40
=== errpast-wc [n=errpast-@host81.155.212.198.conversent.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsTonren because it takes millions of operations to redraw every pixel and find the pixels behind the one where you just moved07:40
gnomefreakkaot: nl is netherlands07:40
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webbengnomefreak: okay, if i get it working, i will, thanks :)07:40
kaotgnomefreak: yes I know.07:40
kaotthat's why I was asking.07:41
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kaotnetherlands != NYC07:41
msingerAny suggestions for how to fix the nvidia-glx language related errors?  I've tried setting the vars in profile to no avail07:41
oidiai couldent find it, anyone know what the name of the package bitlbee is?07:41
snoopsTonren not to mention all the services running, plus everything else - talking to devices, keeping the internet on.. the list goes on07:41
=== redguy [n=mati@11-mia-6.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
padifyrestrtr: it seems what cups tells and what it does are different things, I have a great error log under /var/log/cups/errorlog: thousands of lines CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized07:41
kristianunstablesob: Ok.07:41
fyrestrtrmsinger: hrmm, don't know about it to be honest. Never ran into that, but you can try export LANG=en etc for your vars before apt-get07:41
webbenhmm ... it seems to have built two debs not one ... what is the sudo-ldap package for?07:41
padifyrestrtr: and also this: E [08/Jul/2006:19:27:29 +0200]  PID 8574 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) crashed on signal 9!07:41
TokenBadfyrestrtr, says I must specify filesystem07:41
fyrestrtrpadi: nice.07:42
gatekeeperoidia: it's in universe07:42
=== solstice [n=chatzill@d213-103-231-85.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
msingerfyrestrtr, I've tried that and when I echo it shows it set07:42
fyrestrtrTokenBad: hrmm, try udf07:42
LaibschFor some reason /var/run are not mounted as tmpfs anymore.  I get an error message at startup "special device /var/run does not exist"  I moved my installation from one machine to another.  Where does that mounting of /var/run take place, not in fstab it seems.07:42
oidiagatekeeper: maby i dont have universe then :O07:42
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gatekeeperoidia: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories07:42
fyrestrtrTokenBad: where did you download it from?07:42
TokenBadgot it from a friend...07:42
zOapsorry.. ww07:42
padifyrestrtr: whilst the accesslig tells the exact opposite:07:43
padilocalhost - - [08/Jul/2006:19:39:45 +0200]  "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 489 Get-Jobs successful-ok07:43
padilocalhost - padi [08/Jul/2006:19:39:44 +0200]  "GET /printers/ColorLaserJet1500?which_jobs=completed HTTP/1.107:43
padi" 200 10630 - -07:43
TokenBadand then tried from a torrent07:43
padiah sorry07:43
gatekeeperoidia: there is a package search engine in Firefox07:43
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fyrestrtrpadi: that's just you accessing cups on the local machine.07:43
padiwhat about the permission thing?07:43
webbeni see got it off apt-get show07:43
solsticehi. i got the last.fm player that segfault07:43
=== Profichilla [n=linuxbox@p548DC79C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrpadi: paste the relevant log at pastebin07:44
padifyrestrtr: ok07:44
webbenhmmm ... how do i replace my current sudo package with my custom one?07:44
=== fanl2 [n=fanl@51.Red-80-34-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about xchat07:44
jribwebben: dpkg -i foo.deb07:44
webbenjrib: ah that did work thanks07:45
padifyrestrtr: http://pastebin.ca/8255307:45
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NickGarveyhow could I set a certain port so only people with the ip 192.168.2.* could view the port?07:45
fyrestrtrpadi: how are you installing printers?07:46
fyrestrtrNickGarvey: use a firewall07:46
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kaotNickGarvey: iptables.  or, depending on the daemon, you can configure it to allow or deny certain ip ranges.07:46
padifyrestrtr: I did the two steps for enabling the web-interface in the manual of cups -> usr/share/doc/cupsys/README.Debian.gz07:46
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-116-114.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
padifyrestrtr: localhost:63107:46
holycowpadi, why are you doing that?07:46
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)07:46
fyrestrtrpadi: *sigh* that's your problem.07:47
Jack_SparrowNickGarvey:  Use a firewall manager like firestarter or guarddog07:47
NickGarveyfirestarter it is07:47
=== MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-41-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LaibschWhat is it that mounts /var/lock and /var/run as tmpfs?07:47
holycowpadi, why not use the gnome interface? it is easier to use and does the same thing07:47
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solsticeis there some repo for last.fm package ?07:47
mikearthurdisabling the web interface was a damns tupid idea07:47
solsticeit works in other distro07:47
mikearthurdamn stupid07:47
padiholycow: no, it's not easier to use.07:47
fyrestrtrpadi: use the system > administration > printing and see if it works. Whatever you are doing, its not working and crashing cupsd07:47
holycowpadi, yes i know, a mouse and 3 clicks is hard07:47
padiholycow: ...07:48
fyrestrtrmikearthur: submit a bug about it if you don't like it.07:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:48
kaotmikearthur: nonsense. the wisdom and benificence of the ubuntu developers are infinte.  TRUST.07:48
mikearthurits especially useful that it tells you to use GNOME if you don't even have X installed!07:48
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terrynick RegalDrac07:49
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=== terry is now known as RegalDrac
RegalDraci got a problem07:49
kaotHey terry07:49
gatekeepersolstice: I don't think so, if you have got Firefox there is a package search engine in it07:49
RegalDraci need a video alternative to nero vision i need to convert avis to a dvd so i can watch on my dvd player07:49
TokenBadwell I don't know what is up with this iso07:49
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
holycowdisabling the web interface is probably one of the more sane decisions i've seen on this project.  regular users don't know what a web interface is and how it differs from a native gtk one, and powerusers can always turn on the web interface if they want to.07:50
solsticegatekeeper: very helpfull thnx07:50
unstablesobRegalDrac: http:///www.google.com/search?q=linux+convert+avi+to+dvd07:50
padifyrestrtr: holycow: still not printing07:50
holycowpadi, what printer is it?07:50
gatekeepersolstice: you are welcome :-)07:50
RegalDracits not that easy07:50
RegalDraci need it to encode like a normal dvd07:50
RegalDraclike u get at the store07:51
=== Spliffster [n=spliffy@] has joined #ubuntu
padiholycow: hp colorlaserjet150007:51
unstablesobRegalDrac: first result is http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=11770907:51
=== bcron [n=brian@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowpadi, local install or networked?07:52
RegalDracthats alot of complicated mess07:52
RegalDracis there nothen like dvd santa07:52
RegalDracor somethen07:52
Spliffsterhi. i have removed my audio card with another (replaced a 5.1 with a stereo card). i am running dapper (ubuntu-desktop). the alsa configuration seems to think there is stil lthe old 5.1 card in the system and the volume control doesnt work anymore07:52
=== MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-41-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
oidiahow do i get read/write permission? chmod ...?07:52
=== CalJohn [n=cal@augusta54.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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padiholycow: network -> ipp -> socket://
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RyanTMulliganoidia: chmod u+rw filepath07:52
RyanTMulliganoidia the u stands for user07:53
johnsandmanunsermake command not found # what i am missing ?07:53
oidiaa, thanks07:53
metrixif I wanted to encrypt a file on my pc, what program would I apt-get to do that easily?07:53
padiholycow: maybe it's 3 clicks but that thing freezes a lot!07:53
holycowpadi, its one of those with built in networking dealies?07:53
CalJohnis LTS the same as Dapper?07:53
Spliffsteris there a way to reconfigure alsa without reading man pages (well ,yeah ... i am cheap!)07:53
fyrestrtrCalJohn: yes07:53
CalJohnfyrestrtr: thankyou07:53
MrBrizzioCalJohn, LTS just means that this version gets long term support07:53
fyrestrtrSpliffster: remove the alsa config files, then run the ala configurator.07:53
MrBrizzioiirc either Hoary or Warty was also an LTS07:54
Spliffsterfyrestrtr: ty07:54
fyrestrtrSpliffster: stop alsa first, before you do anything else with it.07:54
CalJohnMrBrizzio: oh, I remember the whole extended support thing...heh07:54
oidiaRyanTMulligan:  unknown perrmission string oidia07:55
holycowpadi, why do you haver socket:// ?  typically in the gtk interface for connection i just select hp jetdirect and just type in the ip address and leave the port alone07:55
holycowpadi, that didn't work for you?07:55
=== MrZaius [n=cragos@penguin.speedex.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrholycow: I told him that the first time.07:55
padiholycow: now, see here:http://wiki.openwrt.org/PrinterSharingHowto#head-6830eddb73e01f7a0b48c6030fff4e659159611207:55
MrZaiushow do you get ubuntu to NOT install nvidia drivers or X?07:55
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TokenBadfyrestrtr, is there a difference between a normal filesystem of iso and say one done in raw mode?07:55
oidiawhats wrong? chmod oidia rw /var/lib/bitlbee/07:55
=== polpak_ [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snake[Away] hey guys, what does this mean07:56
fyrestrtrMrZaius: do a 'server' install (type server at the boot: prompt from the desktop cd)07:56
Spliffsterfyrestrtr: do u have an idea what the command for reconfiguring alsa is ?07:56
padiwhat doesn't work: when I do that this assistant freezes07:56
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Laibschseems like the mounting of /var/run is being done from /etc/init.d/mountvirtfs with a command "domount" but that is not to be found anywhere on the system.  where do I get it?  apt-cache search does not know about it either.07:56
Snake[Away] Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:56
fyrestrtrSpliffster: if I had to guess, I would say it was dpkg-reconfigure alsa07:56
Snake[Away] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:56
Snake[Away] is only available from another source07:56
Snake[Away] E: Package wine has no installation candidate07:56
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RyanTMulliganoidia: u is always the current user you don't type oidia ever07:56
Snake[Away] ooops07:56
holycowpadi, is this printer hosted by a print server, or are you printing directly to it over the network?  that is to say it has network server built in?07:56
Snake[Away] didnt mean to flood07:56
msingerre: locale/language errors when trying nvidia -- fixed by doing this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15917707:56
CalJohnSpliffster: alsacond07:56
padiyes, forget that with socket07:56
RyanTMulliganoidia: "chmod u+rw /var/lib/bitlbee/" exactly07:56
holycowpadi, are you sure you have the printer configured properly for the network?07:56
CalJohnSpliffster: alsaconf07:56
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MrZaiusfyrestrtr: I already have a half-completed debootstrap install07:57
holycowpadi, if its on your own print server are you sure cups is configured to accept network connections?07:57
oidiaRyanTMulligan: a, thanks ;)07:57
padiholycow: yes, absolutely07:57
holycowfyrestrtr, *nod*, it should be no problem to get this up and running07:57
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MrZaiusand base-config doesn't seem to be an option anymore07:57
padiholycow: I never set anything contradictory07:57
SpliffsterCalJohn: nae ... no alsaconf here07:57
finalbetaI need an ftp client that can connect to natted or IP masked sites. Looking for days now.07:57
padilet's try from another machine07:57
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holycowpadi, you still didn't answer my previous question, is the printer on your own print server, or did you just connect it to the network via its own server?07:58
fyrestrtrfinalbeta: ncftp can do it, iirc.07:58
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RegalDracis there a way to drag and drop files07:58
RegalDraci cant figure it out07:58
CalJohnSpliffster: hmmm...I though alsaconf was a normal alsa thing...try using tab-completion to figure out what it is.  it's probably something like alsa*07:58
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holycowfyrestrtr, infact, it's almost certain he hosed something by insisting on using the web interface07:58
Frederickfolks kubuntu updated my kernel how do I remove the old one?07:58
fyrestrtrholycow: yeap, you should see his log output.07:58
finalbetafyrestrtr, thnx, will try them07:59
CalJohnFrederick: you probably don't need to :)07:59
padiholycow: if it's my server or the networks server? huh?07:59
fyrestrtrholycow: pastebin.ca/8255307:59
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holycowpadi, that answers my question07:59
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holycowpadi, you clearly don't know what your doing, i can't really offer any more help07:59
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ardchoilleI just did sudo crontab -e and was presented with a weird looking editor. What is this and how do I exit it?07:59
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ardchoilleI think it's nano.. yech!07:59
fyrestrtrTokenBad: yes, there is a difference (sorry, missed your question)07:59
fyrestrtrardchoille: esc :q08:00
FrederickCalJohn, of course I need it takes a lot of space in hd08:00
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fyrestrtrardchoille: that means, hit esc, type : then q and hit enter.08:00
ardchoillefyrestrtr: that only works in vim08:00
padiholycow: you are asking weird questions! the printer is on a server in the next room plugged via usb, the printerserver if you mean cups is on my machine08:00
fyrestrtrardchoille: you are on nano then?08:00
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ardchoillefyrestrtr: yes, how do I get out of it?08:00
fyrestrtrardchoille: oh god -- ^X I think08:01
dr4gHi there.. I'm running the Ubuntu installer,  and i create a main partition.....which is fine08:01
dr4gI then create a SWAP partition... click next, then it says "you have no swap drive created.. would you like to create one"08:01
dr4gI click "go back" and the swap drive isnt there08:01
Mewshiwhat can i do with the wacom-tools package??08:01
CalJohnFrederick: hmmm...if you're really bothered find out which package you want to remove and use apt-get08:01
dr4gIts like a loop.08:01
=== fyrestrtr makes a point to remove nano at the first available keystroke
FrederickCalJohn, I will also have the remove grubs entries...08:01
dr4gfyre.. look up :o)08:01
fyrestrtrdr4g: you have to tell it to use it as swap.08:01
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CalJohnardchoille: ctrl+x08:01
dr4gfyr.. umm.. i did?08:01
NickGarveywith firestarter, how would I specify only IP's with 192.168.2.*?08:01
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dribblehey guys -- so, i'm setting up an old box to be a server for PHP, Ruby dev and such.  Now, I'm hoping to have it serve as an extension of my current boxes -- that is, I don't want to be ftping stuff back and forth, and want the server directories to be virtually acessable.  So, would NFS be the right way to do this?08:01
dr4gI make it "priumary partition" and the FS type as linux-swap08:01
=== qwzybug [n=qwzybug@23-90-174-206.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
CalJohnnano is a horrible editor, but it's a reasonable default; newbies normally like it08:01
MrBrizziojurgz, you might want to get through IRC on a non-root user08:02
ardchoillefyrestrtr: yeah, I need to get out of this thing and then remove it. I hate nano08:02
holycowpadi, question is crystal clear, sorry i can't help more.08:02
CalJohndribble: try ftp; you can mount and bind ftp these days08:02
kaotdribble: nfs and samba would both work.  I don't have much NFS experience though08:02
Spliffsterdribble: i use NFS if i don't have to support windows on the net, cause it is faster08:02
Frederickfolks kubuntu updated my kernel how do I remove the old one?08:02
ardchoilleCalJohn: ctrl+x does nothing08:03
RegalDracsomeone please help me08:03
RegalDraci like ubuntu but i need to beable to make these dvds :d08:03
Dial_toneFrederick: synaptic08:03
dribbleCalJohn, kaot, Spliffster  --  thanks.08:03
CalJohnardchoille: you sure it's nano?08:03
Spliffsterdribble: if you have an untrusted environment you might try to mount it with ssh08:03
judahFrederick: dpkg -l | grep linux-image08:03
Mewshiwhat can i do with the wacom-tools package??08:03
NickGarveywith firestarter, how would I specify only IP's with 192.168.2.*???08:03
elkbuntuRegalDrac, what is stoping you make the dvds?08:03
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dribbleSpliffster, it's all on a restricted subnet, purely developmental purposes.08:03
judahFrederick: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-i-want-to-remove08:03
qwzybuganyone here successfully used an airport extreme card with dapper?08:03
Dial_toneRegalDrac: what is your ?08:03
Spliffsterdribble: i'd go for nfs then08:03
qwzybugI'm reading the help doc about it (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper) and it sounds kinda complicated...08:04
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Frederickjudah, what about grub entrie?08:04
LuckyXhow to install mp3 and other video codecs?08:04
Spliffsterdribble: nfs is tad simple to setup and maintain too08:04
RegalDracelkbuntu i got a handi cam that gives me avi files, i need to make real like dvds like you get at store that will play on dvd players etc, on windows i used Nero Vision i cant figure out a way to do it on ubuntu08:04
RegalDraconly dvds iv been able to make is ones that dont work08:04
fyrestrtrardchoille: look at the bottom of the screen, it should tell you.08:04
dribbleSpliffster, thanks.  Wanted to make sure nfs would workout.08:04
jribRegalDrac: have you taken a look at dvdauthor?  I haven't used it myself but it may be worth a look for you08:04
judahFrederick: it will take care of itself!08:04
elkbuntuRegalDrac, ok that's out of my league, i have no idea since i've never done it.08:04
kaotqwzybug: you're in for a fun ride08:04
judahFrederick: the proces runs update-grub at the end.08:05
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RegalDracjrib ill download it and see sec08:05
solsticewith an athlon XP, i might use linux-k7 package or linux-686 ?08:05
qwzybugkaot: heh... should I just wait for the next release?08:05
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fyrestrtrsolstice: 68608:05
Dial_toneRegalDrac: http://smorgasbord.net/convert_video_linux you might want to view the page w/opera08:05
padiholycow: there is still CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized in the log, even when doing it on the Administrator page08:05
fyrestrtrk7 is for durons08:05
qwzybugalso, i have a feeling I might just be SOL with the liveCD. probably need to have an actual installation08:05
akirahi, how can i see the files that take up the most space in my hard disk?08:05
Frederickwow ubuntu is REALLY a great enterprise distro08:05
jribakira: baobab can do that for you08:05
kaotqwzybug: assuming they'll have it worked out by then...   I had success with ndiswrapper, personally.  kernel drivers hated my card.08:05
Dial_toneakira: du -s /* is a start08:06
akirajrib:what's baobab08:06
RegalDracdoes dvd author have a gui08:06
Dial_toneor a find command08:06
jribakira: a program in universe08:06
RegalDraci installed it08:06
judahDial_tone: i always like --max-depth=1 on du's08:06
qwzybugkaot: yikes. this help doc sounds complicated. (I have to upgrade my firmware...?)08:06
jribakira: you can install it with synaptic, it has a nice gui08:07
judahoh but they want to see accross the disk..08:07
LuckyXhow to install mp3 codecs?08:07
Snake[Away] !mp308:07
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:07
kaotqwzybug: not exactly.  what you're doing is basically sticking a copy of the firmware where the kernel can see it08:07
ardchoillefyrestrtr: Thank you :)08:07
pwuertzhi, when i use the nvidia-glx driver... when I switch from X to console I get a black screen... is this a known problem?08:07
qwzybugkaot: hmmmm. interesting. i don't think I'm leet enough for that yet...08:07
qwzybugkaot: anyway, I definitely should have a real linux partition before I try stuffs like that08:08
kaotqwzybug: yeah that's too much work to be doing with a livecd i think08:08
kbrooksqwzybug: you dont ned to be leet for the command line08:08
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CalJohnFrederick: was that sarcastic?08:09
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padiholycow: hm, I just now get it, you think the printer has it's own server, which is a redundant question, because I told you the model, of course it's on my own print server08:09
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FrederickCalJohn, of course not08:09
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Spliffsterok ... join my quizz show!!! what could possibly be the name of an alsa configuration utility ( i haven't managed to find one yet)08:09
FrederickCalJohn, I'm a proud ubuntu user :)08:09
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fyrestrtrpwuertz: that might be the console itself -- maybe you can't see the prompt because of your screen resolution?08:10
BHSPitMonkeyanyone else have problems with MIDI in ubuntu?08:10
RegalDracdial i tried that08:10
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RegalDracdident work i tried what it asks :d08:10
FrederickBHSPitMonkey, look for ubuntu restricted formats08:10
qwzybugkbrooks: hey, I can use the command-line, I'm an OSX junky... I just feel better if I actually understand what I'm doing on the command line :)08:10
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SpliffsterFrederick: lmiux user == proud ... this is true on mostly any of them ... lol08:10
CalJohnFrederick: meh.  imo it's a not a good distro for anything much other than desktops.  thought it is very good at desktops08:10
BHSPitMonkeyany MIDI-related app I try to use tells me that it can't find/use my /dev/seq or etc08:10
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=== kaot attempts to muster motivation to resurrect his slack box
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:10
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binahi when I type 'eject /dev/hdc' i get the error "eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument"  is there some way i can fix this without rebooting?08:11
FrederickCalJohn, If I own a company I would use ubuntu08:11
bobbycan come one help me with compiing a c progam08:11
BHSPitMonkeyI don't want software synth, I want my sound card's midi chip to be usable :S08:11
Frederickif I had a server oki I would use something else08:11
Frederickbobby, ?08:11
jribbobby: how far are you?08:11
RegalDracwell bah08:11
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kaotSpliffster: proud in certain contexts.   it's tough to be proud of something like that when you're sitting with your friends playing poker or something.08:11
CalJohnFrederick: why?  I don't understand.  on desktop, granted, it's probably the best all around distro, but on a server?08:11
kaotI feel like a knob, then.08:11
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Spliffsterbobby: ususally: $ cd /where/the/source/is; ./configure && make && sudo make install .... or better look if there is a README or INSTALL file08:12
fyrestrtrSpliffster: have you install alsa-tools ?08:12
CalJohnFrederick: it's not especially flexible, which is something I'd want08:12
kbrooks"oh, software is BAD, let's go HARDWARE"08:12
=== kingruedi [n=king@p508B613E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spliffsterfyrestrtr: might not have ... checking08:12
Jack_SparrowHow do I make my printer available to my notebook connected to this machine through my router.?08:12
bobbyno i made it08:12
fyrestrtrJack_Sparrow: your printer is connected to what?08:12
Frederickkbrooks, Hardware is limited and evil08:12
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Jack_SparrowPrinter is connected to this machine08:12
Trista1does anyone know how I can setup an extended desktop on to a tv08:13
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Spliffsterbobby: ok ... so you need the programs like make, gcc, autoconf and the such ?08:13
ircleuserhi, i'm installing ubuntu for the first time on one of our machines which used to run redhat.  the install went just fine, but now when i try to boot, it won't because the dpt_i2o driver is loaded first and then the i2o driver tries to load and the system wont boot at that point and i drop into busybox.  i don't want the dpt_i2o driver to load and i'm trying to figure out how to disable it.  does anyone have any advice?08:13
jribbobby: have you installed build-essential?08:13
unstablesobTristal: are you using the nvidia driver?08:13
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xuxa_I'm also having printing challenges... I'm having difficulty getting printing working on my roommate's box (Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog + HP LaserJet network printer)08:13
fyrestrtrJack_Sparrow: 'this machine' = what? Windows, Linux, etc?08:13
bobbyi just dont know how to use it08:13
Trista1I have a ati 900008:13
Jack_Sparrownotebook and this pc are connected to router08:13
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Jack_SparrowSorry, assumed Ubuntu08:13
Jack_Sparrowon both08:13
Spliffsterbobby: check $ man gcc and also $ man make08:13
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ircleuserit seems like it should be easy to disable a kernel driver, but i don't know how.08:14
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: I think you need to have a print server (cups server) running on the machine that the printer is connected to.  (But don't take my word for it... I can't get my own printing to work!)08:14
jribbobby: ok do you just have a text file with c code? like a helloworld.c08:14
Spliffsterbobby: and make sure you have build-essentials installed first08:14
xuxa_breadmachine: hehe, we just took a fresh loaf of wheat out of our breadmachine08:14
bobbyit is installed i just checked in my package manager08:14
jribbobby: then you just navigate to that directory in the terminal and type: gcc -o name_of_program name_of_file.c08:14
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breadmachinewhat would be the easiest way to change my stock Ubuntu installation from GNOME to KDE, the synaptic package manager is telling me that most of the packages cant be installed08:15
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fyrestrtrJack_Sparrow: what happens if you just try to connect to it as a local printing, giving it the ip address of the machine the printer is connected to?08:15
Spliffsterbobby: you need the cc or gcc program to compile a c source file08:15
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zool2005hi all08:15
jribbobby: but that's just to get you started, for more options you should read 'man gcc' as Spliffster suggested08:15
dadgumithi all 208:15
Spliffsterbobby: check the corresponding man page08:15
Jack_Sparrowfyrestrtr: WIll check on it.  THat was the point that confused me earlier.  SOmeone was running cups server but NOT on the machine the printer was connected to, he was running it on the remote machine and not just searching for netwrork printer on the remote pc08:15
breadmachinexuxa_: cool, nice to see my bretherren accross the globe are pulling thier weight08:15
fyrestrtrbreadmachine: drop to console, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop -- should take care of it.08:15
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xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: I think there's a good chance that that'll work (since I think the print server is installed by default)08:15
fyrestrtrJack_Sparrow: the server must be running on the machine that has the printer to be shared.08:16
dadgumithate to be the blatent nub in IRC asking for help but....08:16
breadmachinethanks fyrestrtr08:16
dadgumitI am att wits end08:16
ircleuserdoes anyone have any advice on how to disable a kernel module?08:16
Spliffsterbobby: and you might like to use the -WALL option too08:16
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fyrestrtrdadgumit: you are in good company08:16
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bobbyi did this08:16
bobbybobby@bobby-desktop:~$ gcc-o compilerworking.c08:16
bobbybash: gcc-o: command not found08:16
zool2005i'm want to install wengo (VOIP) and the command is "LD_LIBRARY_PATH. ./qtwengophone" can anyone explain what this means please?08:16
kaotholy cow it's yosemite sam08:16
Tonrenircleuser: Why not just uninstall it?08:16
=== VanilleBert [n=gilbert@p213.54.142.72.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: basically, the machine with the printer connected to it needs to know what to do with the incoming "Print something for me!" commands from the other machines08:16
Spliffsterbobby: a space between gcc and "-o"08:16
fyrestrtrbobby: gcc compilerworking.c && ./a.out08:16
Spliffsterbobby:  and it should wok08:16
ircleuserwell, the machine won't boot because of the problem.08:16
Trista1is there any tutorials that would help me set up an extended desktop on a tv using an ati 900008:16
kbrooksfyrestrtr: thats old08:16
CalJohndadgumit: just go ahead and ask the question08:16
kbrooksfyrestrtr: a.out is old08:17
fyrestrtrkbrooks: as am I08:17
CalJohndadgumit: you'll get a response that way08:17
Jack_Sparrowxuxa_: WHich is why you would run the server software there and not on the machine without the printer08:17
dadgumitcaljohn, new client, configuring :)08:17
dadgumitthanks :)08:17
Tonrenircleuser: So, the new kernel update broke your bootup?08:17
bobbybobby@bobby-desktop:~$ gcc -o compilerworking.c08:17
bobbygcc: no input files08:17
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: exactly08:17
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ircleuseryeah, it's trying to load a module that i don't want it too.08:17
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kbrooksbobby: remove the -o08:17
Lyrasenhe... could someone point me to a fairly good and general documentation about kernel 2.6? I'm particularly interested in it's support for multi-desktop / user's operations...08:17
Jack_Sparrowxuxa_:  The guy earlier had it the opter way around08:17
fyrestrtrbobby: just try with gcc compilerworking.c08:17
MrZaiusdid you get disconnected there for a bit?08:17
CalJohndadgumit: configuring what?08:17
kbrooksbobby: -o == output08:17
jkanterwhere can I find a sys-admin irc channel?08:18
jribbobby: the -o let's you tell what you want the output to be called, so for example: gcc -o hello hello.c08:18
Tonrenircleuser: Why don't you just select the prior kernel on the boot menu?08:18
fyrestrtrLyrasen: the *kernel's* support for multi-desktop?08:18
dadgumitirc client, don't usually irc on laptop08:18
=== sharms [n=mindwarp@cpe-24-208-242-169.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrZaiusjkanter: your best bet is #*lug08:18
dadgumittrying toust make it usable08:18
CalJohndadgumit: which client?08:18
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: you mean this? " fyrestrtr> Jack_Sparrow: the server must be running on the machine that08:18
jkanterthanks Zaius08:18
MrZaiuswhere are you from?08:18
xuxa_                   has the printer to be shared.08:18
Spliffsterbobby: is the file to compile in the cureent directory ? give gcc the full path to your file ... next you'll need to setup your build environment08:18
Jack_Sparrowxuxa_:  Is there a simple way to turn of the sharine of that printer08:18
ardchoillewould putting "export EDITOR=vim" safely replace nano with vim for all editing tasks?08:18
MrZaiusthere's probably a chicago lug08:18
CalJohnardchoille: yes08:18
dadgumitk dont08:18
fyrestrtrardchoille: yeap08:18
MrZaiusand there's #kclug.  it's fairly active08:18
bobbybobby@bobby-desktop:~/Desktop$ gcc h.c08:18
bobbyh.c:1:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #!08:18
bobbyh.c:2:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory08:18
bobbyh.c: In function main:08:18
bobbyh.c:5: error: cout undeclared (first use in this function)08:18
bobbyh.c:5: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once08:18
bobbyh.c:5: error: for each function it appears in.)08:18
Trista1does anyone know how to configure the xorg for an extended desktop on a tv08:19
CalJohnardchoille: that's pretty much a cross distro thing08:19
bobbyh.c:7:2: warning: no newline at end of file08:19
kbrooksardchoille: it sets the EDITOR environment variable08:19
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: I assume that you'll be able to do those kind of changes in the CUPS web interface08:19
bobbyi got that08:19
CalJohnbobby: don't paste!!!08:19
ardchoilleCalJohn, fyrestrtr : Thank you :)08:19
fyrestrtrbobby: ermm, don't paste.08:19
Tonrenbobby: Please don't spam the chat08:19
xuxa_Jack_Sparrow: have you ever used that before?08:19
Tonrencalc nopaste08:19
Jack_Sparrownot yet08:19
jribbobby: umm are you writing c or c++?08:19
kbrooksardchoille: it doesnt replace it08:19
ardchoillekbrooks: yeah, was hoping so :)08:19
Lyrasenfyresrtsrt: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree-Local-multi-user-HOWTO/about_bruby.html08:19
fyrestrtrbobby: you are trying to compile c++ using gcc08:19
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zool2005LD_LIBRARY_PATH : can anyone tell me how to find it?08:19
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ubotuI know nothing about nopaste08:19
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:19
dadgumitok, I could not get dapper to install, many issues ACPI etc.. and none of the published fixes work (I thin it was an installer issue), I read that many had success by installing breezy and upgrading08:19
bobbyo ok08:19
dadgumitso trying that08:19
kbrooksfyrestrtr: gcc != GNU C Compiler08:19
=== TokenBad sighs
dadgumitinstal successfull, but, no X08:19
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kbrooksfyrestrtr: GCC == GNU Compiler Collection08:20
Spliffsterbobby: ok ... gcc found the file ... now you need to do your homework and cleanup your code so it won't throw errors .... you might ask further questions and a C or gcc related room08:20
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dadgumitNo Screens found, manually reconfigured, nosuccess08:20
Spliffsterthis is #ubuntu08:20
bobbyknow of any?08:20
fyrestrtrkbrooks: thank you for that educational comment, but generally, there is g++ for c++ compilation, that is symlinked to gcc for c++ arguments.08:20
Spliffsteri'd try #C08:20
VanilleBerthi all.   I was editing a 1093x5 spreadsheet with OpenOffice.org Calc. I wanted to export it to XHTML but everything it does is filling the progressbar and than don't react. Saving to ODS, CVS and PDF works without problems.   Should I post that bug at the Ubuntu bagtracker or at OpenOffice.org? (gnarf, or both...)08:20
bobbyin freenode?08:20
hastesaverI have an "Intel Chipset Integrated Graphics Device". How do I find out if drivers for it are the latest version, and is it safe to download drivers from Intel's website and install them?08:20
fyrestrtrbobby: try ##C08:20
Spliffsterbobby: yes ... just a guess however08:20
bobbyo ok08:21
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bobbythanks for your help08:21
fyrestrtrhastesaver: are you trying to do graphics acceleration?08:21
xuxa_Anyone here using a network printer with Hoary Hedgehog?08:21
dadgumitanyone have any ideas?08:21
Foobalhastesaver: it's i810 or i9xx, and the X.org stuff is as good as it comes already08:21
hastesaverfyrestrtr, graphics acceleration is already working, but Google Earth doesn't work perfectly08:21
fyrestrtrVanilleBert: sounds like a oo bug08:21
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fyrestrtrhastesaver: its beta software, expect bugs.08:21
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fyrestrtrdo people forget what beta means?08:21
CalJohndadgumit: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:21
VanilleBertfyrestrtr: so i post it at oo.org   thx for help08:21
keironhi there. i have a mystery partition - sda2. can someone please recommend a tool to determine the filesystem type of the partition?08:21
CalJohndadgumit: into a pastebin08:21
zool2005does anyone use wengo?08:22
fyrestrtrkeiron: fdisk -l /dev/sda08:22
CalJohnkeiron: mount08:22
hastesaverfyrestrtr, that's true, but http://earth.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=21450&topic=1149 says "Intel 82865G requires driver .3762 or later and is known to work well" -- how do I know if I have driver .3762 or later?08:22
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xuxa_dadgumit: hrm... I don't know much about X, sorry08:22
dadgumitcan't not on that machine, I am in the shell on another machine,08:22
fyrestrtrhastesaver: hrmm, you could check the output of x log file.08:22
finalbetafyrestrtr, can't you tell me what option to enable on ncftp then? can't find it. can't connect08:22
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fyrestrtrfinalbeta: hrmm, let me look it up.08:23
fyrestrtrfinalbeta: as I don't remember these things off hand.08:23
hastesaverFoobal, what's i810 or i9xx? I'm sorry I don't know what that means. (lspci says "0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)")08:23
xuxa_dadgumit: you don't have ssh access to that machine?08:23
keironfyrestrtr: thanks. shows me it's an Extended partition08:23
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fyrestrtrkeiron: yeap, means it has some extended drives in there.08:23
Foobalhastesaver: just make sure that /etc/X11/xorg.conf lists your driver as i810 and you're set08:23
TokenBadok I give up on this iso...08:23
OkitaAnyone have experience getting amaroK to recognize an mp3 player?  By all accounts, it should do it automatically when KDE recognizes it, but nothing's really happening08:23
OkitaCan I manually tell it where my mp3 player is, or what?08:24
dadgumitssh? (sorry haven't used linux in abotu 3 years and wasn't that great then)08:24
hastesaverfyrestrtr, is that /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?08:24
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fyrestrtrhastesaver: yeap08:24
dadgumitworking on getting the conf up08:24
J-_I'm not sure why I'm not getting any software updates.. someone want to help me? when i first installed the system, i had a couple system updates but that's it since then, nothing.08:24
keironfyrestrtr: i'd better go look up what that actually means :)08:24
snoopsis there anyway to get media players to support the smb:// style syntax when locating a file? Trying to watch a video over the network requires mounting, rather than just the smb://address08:24
SarekI just did (re)installed a small server today with dapper (before it was an old debian testing). Whith debian I used laptopmode to have the harddisk spin down after a certain time. This does not seem to work in dapper now :-( the disk comes up again after about 1 minute ... any suggestions?08:24
xuxa_dadgumit: so when I'm trying to fix something on another machine that has linux installed, I connect to it with "ssh"08:24
fyrestrtrJ-_: what version of ubuntu are you running?08:24
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Spliffsterok ... the quizz show contines !!! the package "alsa-utils" says in the readme that it contains the utility "alsaconf" which is not present on my system nor is there a package named alsaconf .... another hint, any one ?08:24
xuxa_dadgumit: it allows you to log into the other machine (assuming both are connected to the local network) and do admin stuff from there08:25
dadgumitboth machines have to be linux?08:25
hastesaverFoobal, right, it says  (Driver          "i810"). And why am I set? :) What does i810 mean?08:25
fyrestrtrJ-_: probably no longer supported (ie, all the updates have been applied) -- try upgrading to dapper if you miss constant updates.08:25
jribSpliffster: I believe ubuntu doesn't use alsaconf08:25
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dadgumitoh ssh = terminal08:25
fyrestrtrdadgumit: no necessarily.08:25
fyrestrtrssh = secure shell08:25
xuxa_dadgumit: well, both machines need ssh installed (technically, one of them needs sshd)08:25
Foobalhastesaver: intel has committed their drivers to the x.org, you already have the correct up-to-date driver08:25
xuxa_dadgumit: what's your situation?08:25
Spliffsterjrib: hmmm ok, do you have an idea what its replacement is ?08:25
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mabusSpliffster: I think you have to run it as root, and I know when I installed it on my gentoo system it wasn't in the regular users path. So try sudo su -, and then alsaconf08:26
J-_a few weeks ago i tried upgrading to 6.06, my system went nuts (didn't have a clean breezy system when i updated to 6.06)08:26
hastesaverFoobal, ok, that's good to know. Thanks a lot.08:26
Spliffstermabus: i have searched as root, no find file ;)08:26
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J-_thanks fyrestrtr08:27
keironfyrestrtr: Is an extended partition expected with an installation of ubuntu 6.06?08:27
Sarekcan I somehow see why a harddisk spins up again? so which process causes the disk to become active?08:27
jribSpliffster: no, not really.  crimsun is the sound expert around here and I usually see him saying that, so I thought I'd save you some needless searching.  There is a wiki about sound that might help you though08:27
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jrib!sound > Spliffster08:27
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xuxa_Okita: I'm assuming there's a basic library that provides the mp3 player connection to Amarok.  Maybe you can figure out what's providing connectivity behind the scenes and troubleshoot from there?  Sorry I'm not more help...08:27
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xuxa_dadgumit: you still there?08:27
racarteris there a repository for apt-get install mplayer?08:27
Spliffsterjrib: ty for the hints .... gonna ^Z bg08:27
dadgumithere, looking at conf08:27
jribracarter: multiverse08:28
Okitaxuxa_: The docs said it doesn't go down to a very low level to avoid libraries and such, but I'm hearind from elsewhere it may just be a version issue08:28
racarterthe ubuntu site says multiverse has it but I still can't find it08:28
rambo3never ever will i run automatix again, coulde have done this in 1 h08:28
fyrestrtrkeiron: not generally. Windows tends to put up extended partitions.08:28
xuxa_Okita: hrm... okay... Like I said, I'm not much help.  :)08:28
jribracarter: make sure you have dapper multiverse, not just dapper-backports multiverse08:28
edubruelli have a problem with my nforce 430 lancard08:28
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keironfyrestrtr: strange. this is a clean install of 6.06 on a brand new drive08:28
hivemindSo, all in all, I think I really like Ubuntu.08:29
edubruellifconfig says its is active08:29
fyrestrtrkeiron: hrmm, strange indeed.08:29
edubruellnetwork-admin says its active08:29
hivemindI've ran automatix, and updated everything. Is there anything I should do that automatix doesn't cover?08:29
dadgumitcalJohn: any particular section of the conf you would like to see from x11?08:29
hivemindI'm working on learned the command line right now.08:29
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jrib!cli > hivemind08:29
Okitaxuxa_: It's okay, #amarok is really repsonsive, it turns out =)08:29
CalJohndadgumit: all of it08:29
edubruelldhclient does not find anything08:30
CalJohndadgumit: put it in a pastebin08:30
fyrestrtrhivemind: spend a few days browsing tldp.org08:30
edubruellis this a driver problem or a dhcp problem08:30
xuxa_Okita: nice!  Best of luck with taht08:30
dadgumitcaljohn: I dont' have a ssh connection will have to recreate it, unluess there is a way to connect to IRC from the prompt ?08:30
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hivemindThanks again guys.08:30
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dadgumitcaljohn: am on a windows machine now with the linux machine next to me08:30
fyrestrtrdadgumit: sorry, what are you trying to do again? Your question seems a bit strange.08:30
CalJohnhivemind: it doesn't cover learning common lisp.  which, imo, should be your next step.  ;)08:30
xuxa_dadgumit: do you have a knoppix cd on hand?08:30
fyrestrtrdadgumit: install putty on your windows machine, then connect to your linux machine's ip address from it.08:31
RegalDracwell back to windows i guess08:31
fyrestrtrdadgumit: putty is a ssh client for windows08:31
xuxa_you could boot the windows machine into linux.08:31
CalJohndadgumit: there is, but it's easily to set up sshd08:31
TonrenOkita: What troubles were you having with amaroK?08:31
hivemindCalJohn: Programming Language?08:31
dadgumitfyrestrtr: basically, trying to get X working on breezy (dapper wouldn't install period)08:31
TokenBadif a iso was made in raw mode...would mounting it be different?08:31
dadgumitall: looking up putty, will be right back08:32
fyrestrtrdadgumit: breezy didn't configure x?08:32
CalJohnhivemind: it's a _programmable_ programming language.  you'll love it.08:32
CalJohneveryone who knows it does.08:32
=== xuxa_ has to run.
xuxa_dadgumit: best of luck!08:32
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dadgumitfyrestrtr: it tried to, but i still get "no screens found" error and manual reconfiguration does no good08:32
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hivemindCalJohn: Cool, I'll take a look at it as well then. Thanks.08:32
dadgumitall: brb08:32
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dadgumitAll: any particular derivant I should be looking for on PuTTY (i,e. : puttytel) or just straigt up putty?08:34
fyrestrtrdadgumit: what hardware?08:34
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Tonrendadgumit: Just PuTTY.08:34
fyrestrtrdadgumit: straight up08:34
CalJohnhivemind: http://tinyurl.com/r8boj is the best book for total beginners08:34
CalJohndadgumit: get all of them, but use putty08:35
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OkitaTonren: My ipod shuffle wasn't getting recognized by amaroK, even though KDE does, and automounts it08:35
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sintryxHow do I access my slave HD?08:35
OkitaTonren: #amarok says to use the newest version on the kubuntu frontpage08:35
CalJohnsintryx: mount it?08:36
fyrestrtrsintryx: mount it?08:36
MTecknologyAnybody know howto change the regions on a touchpad for a laptop?08:36
sintryx< noob08:36
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CalJohnsintryx: that's ok, everyone asks silly questions sometimes ;)08:36
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sintryx"Unable to mount selected volume."08:37
dadgumitfyrestrtr: x3800+, x800xl, Asus A8R-MVP, 2gigRAM, 80gig raptor 20gig of ext3, dell 2001fpw monitor...  cant think of anything else that might be pertainent08:37
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dadgumitdling putty08:37
ardchoillesintryx: what command did you use?08:37
sintryxJust went to 'Computer' right clicked and mounted it.08:37
gholenHow do i Format i mp3-player to FAT s i kan move, and delete files?08:37
fyrestrtrwhat in blazes is x3800+ and x800xl? speak to me like I am not some inventory control software at Fry's Electronics.08:37
hivemindTwo things: 1) Woah, the manual pages are comprehensive. 2) What is this "foo" I keep seeing everywhere?08:37
ardchoillesintryx: What OS is on that drive?08:37
sintryxno os, just mp3's, videos, etc.08:38
sintryxit's NTFS though08:38
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firstc624anyone here?08:38
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fyrestrtrMTecknology: you can try any number of the synaptic configuration software available in apt (like tpconfig and qsynaptics)08:38
dadgumitCalJohn, Fyrestrtr: any configuring need to be done on linux machine to connect with putty?08:38
ardchoillesintryx: so your master drive is dual-booted with Windows?08:39
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sintryxardchoille:  yep08:39
fyrestrtrdadgumit: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start08:39
snoopsfyrestrtr 3800+ would be an amd x2 dualcore 3200+.. and a x800xl is a radeon card08:39
fyrestrtrbye ting08:39
MTecknologyfyrestrtr, thanks08:39
snoopserr dualcore 3800+ rather * :)08:39
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sintryxDo I have to network to the slave maybe? I've done something like that in SuSE before.08:39
fyrestrtrsnoops: is that a 64 bit proc?08:39
snoopsyes it is08:39
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fyrestrtraye yaye -- you are using a 64 bit or a 32 bit install cd?08:40
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fyrestrtr^ @ dadgumit08:40
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firstc624i have a question...if someone can help me that would be great.  :-)   I have installed the package network-manager but i don't see it anywhere.  how come?08:40
dadgumitfyre: 32bit08:40
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J-_What's the url that you can paste code and such in it, if it's too big to paste in here?08:40
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RegalDracsomeone help me dammit08:41
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RegalDracim tierd of sitting here tryen these dvd programs08:41
RegalDracthis is retarted08:41
padifyrestrtr: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136818&page=2 I'm obviously not the only one with that cups issue08:41
=== muhsin is now known as gneral
ardchoilleJ-_: pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org08:41
=== J-_ grumbles at self for asking a stupid question lol
dadgumitcrap, anyone know how to exit vi? been too long DONT LAUGH08:41
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fyrestrtrdadgumit: esc :q08:41
dadgumiti thought it was esc. exit08:41
ardchoilledadgumit: esc :q08:41
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sintryxardchoille:  any ideas? =)08:42
ardchoillesintryx: NTFS? No, I have never used that fs08:42
RegalDracsomeone help me find a frigging dvd recorder for ubuntu08:42
RegalDracthis is retarted08:42
fyrestrtrfirstc624: system > administration > networking08:42
ardchoilleRegalDrac: for ripping a DVD?08:42
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RegalDracI got a avi i want to make a playable dvd to watch on my dvd player08:43
RegalDracwithout spending 4 hrs recoding08:43
RegalDrackinda like nero vision does08:43
polpakRegalDrac: does your dvd player play avi files?08:43
ardchoillewell, gnomebaker and graveman can both record to dvd08:43
firstc624thank you fyrestrtr  :-)08:43
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ardchoillepolpak: very good question :)08:44
fyrestrtrRegalDrac: gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_a_DVD08:44
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RegalDracif they did Play AVI files08:44
RegalDraci would use k3b08:44
RegalDracand make the movie08:44
RegalDraci need them to be realisitic dvds08:44
RegalDracfyr not the right thing, thanks tho08:44
ardchoilleRegalDrac: sounds like you need dvdauthor or the like08:45
fyrestrtrRegalDrac: try http://www.tappin.me.uk/Linux/dvd.html08:45
driggershi.  is there a screen manager program?  it seems that my laptop will only support one screen, whichever one was attached at startup08:45
RegalDraci got the dvd author program08:45
RegalDracdoes it not have a gui then?08:45
driggersie only its own screen or only an external one08:45
ardchoilledriggers: screen is awesome08:45
fyrestrtrdriggers: you probably need to install drivers for your video card08:45
RegalDraccause i dont understand how it works08:45
firstc624next question.  if that is ok.  :-)  are the default repos good enough or should i add some of the other ones i have seen in differ howto helps.  if i should add them which ones do you reccomend?08:45
dadgumitsorry, back phone08:45
driggersfyr have done08:45
fyrestrtrdriggers: what video card?08:46
driggersard screen has a 2000 page manual08:46
polpakRegalDrac: you can try qdvdauthor for a gui frontend08:46
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J-_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17562 Does my source.list look alright? should I have something else there, or should I take anything out?08:46
Dial_tonesometimes when I go to log out of gnome the restart and shutdown buttons are completely gone. there is just hibernate. what causes that?08:46
OrgulloKmooreis it possible for someone to connect to your computer via ssh without you knowing?08:46
ardchoillefirstc624: I personally recommend the default repos and universe and multiverse08:46
RegalDracpolpak said command not found08:46
polpakRegalDrac: you have to apt-get it08:46
sintryxIs there a console in X?08:47
polpaksintryx: there are terminals yes08:47
firstc624ardchoille: are the universe and multi on already or do i need to rutn them on?08:47
CrescendoHow do I switch to another virtual desktop?08:47
ardchoillefirstc624: you will need to enable them08:47
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hastesaverRegalDrac, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVDAuthoring , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvdBurning . Not sure if either of those help, though :)08:47
sintryxpolpak: how do i access it? there is usually a button for it, i dont see it :(08:47
ardchoille!repos > firstc62408:47
MrZaiusbrb.  rebooting08:47
=== bcron [n=brian@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakCrescendo: ctrl-alt left or right arrow08:47
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polpaksintryx: applications->accessories->terminal08:47
RegalDraceveryone gives me alot of nice links08:47
RegalDracbut dont get what imt rying to do08:48
sintryxpolpak: ty08:48
RegalDraci need to make a dvd like u can rent or buy in a store :d08:48
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RegalDracworks on any dvd player08:48
firstc624thanks for the help ardchoille  :-)08:48
ardchoillefirstc624: You're welcome :)08:48
Crescendopolpak, that's workspaces...08:48
driggersis there a gui monitor manager for ubuntu?08:48
J-_anyone take a gandor at my source.list?08:48
=== gourdin [n=adept@bdv75-2-82-66-242-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakJ-_: you should comment the CDrom repo, and add the multiverse to security-updates08:49
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ardchoilledriggers: gnome-system-monitor ?08:49
fyrestrtrRegalDrac: you are trying to author a dvd, right? You need to first .. record something, shift it to the pc (kino) .. write the dvd (dvdauthor).08:49
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fyrestrtrRegalDrac: really not that complicated.08:49
polpakJ-_: also, that's a breezy sources.list are you using dapper or breezy?08:49
driggersardchoille isn't that a cpu monitor?  i want to manage my monitors08:49
finalbetaDoes someone know an ftp client that has the option: "Use site ip for passive mode connections" like flashfxp describes on this page: http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ffxp-documentation.php?s=hm03x02x01x02 (first option)08:49
=== dafart [n=dafart@5571fda5.ftth.concepts.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilledriggers: ah, sorry, I misunderstood you :(08:50
fyrestrtrdriggers: what kind of grpahics card do you have?08:50
RegalDracfyrestrtr:  u ever use nero08:50
driggersnvidia geforce08:50
fyrestrtrRegalDrac: sure.08:50
hastesaverRegalDrac, but why doesn't K3B work? What about New Project -> Make Video DVD? Isn't that what you want?08:50
driggersits installed.  i get the screen at the start08:50
firstc624oh that brings up soemthing else i saw when i was updating my items.  it wouldn't let me download anything from security.ubutu.com or something like that.  is that a known issue or have i get somethign blocking that?08:50
RegalDraci want a simple way to make dvds like uc an with nero vision08:50
J-_polpak: what do you mean by comment the  cdrom rep?08:50
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RegalDracu know the avis get renecoded and put on a dvd08:50
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RegalDracthen i can pop in the dvd player and watch08:50
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polpakJ-_: put a # in front of the line    deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted08:51
dadgumitstarting ssh not working, command not found error08:51
hastesaverRegalDrac, ok, so you have an avi file and you want to make a DVD out of it? Or you have some other kind of file and want to make a DVD out of it?08:51
fyrestrtrdriggers: you have two options -- xinerama and twinview.08:51
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fyrestrtrdadgumit: sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:51
CrescendoWhat is the methoc of switching virtual desktops... CTRL ALT F1 or something, right?08:51
J-_k thanks08:51
RegalDrachastesaver:  that dont work because, that just puts avi files in a dvd named folder08:51
RegalDracit wont play the video on the tv08:51
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fyrestrtrCrescendo: virtual desktops in gnome, or consoles?08:51
RegalDraci have 2 avis08:51
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CrescendoMrm, whatever 3D-Desktop utilizes.08:52
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fyrestrtrRegalDrac: you are missing a step, because this is how the entire linux world burns dvds :)08:52
polpakCrescendo: oh, you're talking about XGL08:52
fyrestrtrCrescendo: try ctrl+alt+left arrow and ctrl+alt+right arrow08:52
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:52
RegalDracwell i could make a entire dvd on windows in about 30 min tops08:52
polpakCrescendo: take it to #ubuntu-xgl ;p08:52
RegalDraci dont wanna renecode 2 videos for 4 hrs08:52
RegalDracthen burn for 20 min08:52
RegalDracthats silly08:53
npkcould someone point me in the right direction for getting an smp kernel installed?08:53
dadgumitstart failed08:53
archetypokaot you around?08:53
RegalDracthere no dvd santa or nero vision type program for linux08:53
hastesaverRegalDrac, Yes, I understand. I know what's a Video DVD, and what's just a data DVD with an avi file in it... ok, you have avis.08:53
dadgumitwait may already be on08:53
fyrestrtrdriggers: see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=387&num=1 for your twin screen setup.08:53
=== basschimp [n=epimer@i-83-67-89-91.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
hastesaverRegalDrac, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVDAuthoring does what you want, AFAICT08:53
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basschimphi guys08:54
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cheatersrealmhow can I automatically configure the xorg configuration file?08:54
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firstc624oh that brings up soemthing else i saw when i was updating my items.  it wouldn't let me download anything from security.ubutu.com or something like that.  is that a known issue or have i get somethign blocking that?08:54
basschimpi was wondering if anyone could help me with a gnome panel question08:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:54
RegalDrachey haste08:54
RegalDraci got dvd author installed08:55
=== Exposure [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
RegalDraci cant figure it out08:55
basschimpi know i can get the main part of the panel transparent, but how do i get e.g. the apps/places/system bars transparent too?08:55
basschimpas in this screenshot: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b96/snewberry1980/Other/010706.png08:55
J-_polpak: sorry to bother you again, you said add the multiverse to security-updates08:55
J-_i need to enable it in synaptic?08:55
=== Maft [n=ubuntu@dD577C37A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
hastesaverRegalDrac, try one of the GUI frontends mentioned further down on that page. Also maybe try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18393608:56
Maftanybody here who can help me out a lil bit?08:56
archetypocan someone on an ubuntu machine look in your system menu and see what the name of that application is called that lets you mount and unmount disks?08:56
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:57
frogzooMaft: we can't answer that without guessing what your problem is...08:57
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J-_polpak: or should i just go to http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic and reconfigure the sources list so everything works out fine?08:57
=== fyrestrtr wipes the dust off of his crystal ball to guess what is the problem that Maft is trying to solve
basschimpalso, since installing the kubuntu-desktop package to try out KDE (hated it), my boot splash and everything has been kubuntu rather than ubuntu08:58
polpakJ-_: This is what I use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1756308:58
basschimpwhich is alright, i guess, since it's prettier, but confusing all the same08:58
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fyrestrtrbasschimp: just re-install ubunutu-desktop, should fix it.08:58
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RegalDracwhere is gdebi installer at08:58
MaftI am new to linux08:58
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MaftI want to mount my hd's08:58
basschimpfyrestrtr, thanks. not a huge problem.08:58
Maftcan anybody help?08:59
polpakJ-_: the only difference in your would be anywhere I have dapper you should have breezy and anywhere I have us.archive.ubuntu.com you should have ca.archive.ubuntu.com08:59
hastesaverRegalDrac, Just double-clicking on it in the GUI should do08:59
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basschimpi'm tearing my hair out over proper transprency in gnome panels, though08:59
ardchoillefyrestrtr: you're gonna need the mind-reader-2.0.so.0 plugin, lol08:59
RegalDracwhere is the gui08:59
RegalDracto double click on it08:59
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WarboMaft: Are they appearing automatically? (Also, are you in the CD, or do you have Ubuntu installed?)08:59
fyrestrtrardchoille: can't compile the lib against my libGL.so08:59
gnomefreakbasschimp: i think it has alot to do with the theme being used08:59
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fyrestrtrfriggin ati drivers08:59
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ardchoillefyrestrtr: hahaha08:59
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-210-137-247.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maftwarbo I installed ubunto and the drives are appearing automatically08:59
hastesaverRegalDrac, I meant the File Mananger or whatever. Nautilus -- the one in which you see the files. Double click on the .deb file you downloaded09:00
dadgumithow can i check to see if I am connected to local network from shell?09:00
fyrestrtrdadgumit: ifconfig09:00
wasynythow can i get good sound playback in unreal tournament 2004.. my sound card is m-audio delta 44.. the sound seems to have only lower frequences and and it seems rather odd.. like slow motion sound.. movies and audio files play well without problems (dapper)09:00
WarboMaft: So what do you want to change about the way they are mounted?09:00
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bomahi all09:00
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darkfrogI set my Ubuntu box up with a normal monitor and now I'm trying to connect it to a TV with the composite output.  It boots up fine, but when it loads X I just get a black screen. If I boot from the boot CD in Safe Graphics Mode, then it works fine.  What do I need to change to get video back?09:00
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J-_I might just use the source o matic so i can ensure everything's right09:00
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MaftI can't get on them09:01
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=== fyrestrtr laughs at ... oh crap! stuff is automatically working! help! (sorry, couldn't resist)
MaftI see them, but it says they can not be mounted09:01
gavagaidarkfrog, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:01
bomais there anyone from switzerland?09:01
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RegalDrachey hastesaver my theme has randomly went werid shades of black09:01
WarboMaft: Are they in /media (the folder)?09:01
RegalDrachow do i fix it09:01
peibolsomeones has an ipod?09:01
RegalDraci tried to switch themes back but there sitll dark09:01
dadgumitfyrestrtr: thnx for your help, if my tx and rx bytes are 0.0 i am prolly not connected huh?09:01
basschimpgnomefreak, i think i love you :P09:01
basschimpswitched to clearlooks and now all is well09:01
gnomefreakpeibol: just ask your question09:01
fyrestrtrdadgumit: maybe you aren't sending anything using that interface.09:01
Maftthe folder is called computer09:01
fyrestrtrdadgumit: ping something09:02
darkfroggavagai, thanks...I'll give that a try09:02
gnomefreakbasschimp: i got mine to be like that after  a year or so ;)09:02
=== polpak loves his gtk theme
dadgumitfyrestrtr: only network interface there besides loopback09:02
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=== gnomefreak using OSX theme
fyrestrtrdadgumit: eh?09:02
WarboMaft: OK, go into "Filesystem" in there, then look for "media". There should be some (probably empty) folders in there, are there?09:02
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fyrestrtrgnomefreak: traitor09:02
dadgumitfyrestrtr: unreachable, i dont have a connection09:02
basschimp...but now i need a new wallpaper, cos this ThinkLinux one is too dark to for text to show up on the panels with transparency09:02
peibolsorry for my english, im spanish....can enybody tell me how i can format my ipod on linux?09:02
basschimpto gnome-looks.org!09:03
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:03
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fyrestrtrdadgumit: is your network card detected and installed?09:03
ardchoillehttp://gnome-look.org  and  http://art.gnome.org09:03
=== LGKeiz[damnitmic [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-162-94.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ardchoillegnomefreak: can those two URL's be added to the bot?09:03
-orge:#ubuntu- -MemoServ- You have 1 message waiting. To read /server MemoServ READ 1. For more info /msg MemoServ help.09:03
RegalDraccan someone tell me why my theme has went darkner for no rsn09:03
=== LGKeiz[damnitmic is now known as LGKeiz
dadgumitfyrestrtr: it shows up on the ifconfig, if that means yes09:03
fyrestrtrdadgumit: but is it configured? :) does it have an ip address?09:04
ubotuFind your themes at: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy09:04
=== fd0man [n=fd0man@c-24-98-32-225.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maftwarbo I am in the folder media, but there isn't anything there09:04
gnomefreakardchoille: they are there already09:04
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ardchoillegnomefreak: oh, were they already there?09:04
ardchoillegnomefreak: ahh, ok :)09:04
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gnomefreak!theme > ardchoille09:04
Tom7ewhat is the ubuntu hotplug firmware directory?09:04
dadgumitfyresrtr: yes, but I assigned it, it couldn't connect via dhcp during install09:05
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=== ardchoille fires up firefox
fyrestrtrdadgumit: you got the correct subnet?09:05
RegalDracim tierd of messing with this garbage09:05
fyrestrtrdadgumit: check the obvious? cables, etc.09:05
dadgumitfyrestrtr: yes, yes and yes09:05
WarboMaft: OK then, can you open the text editor (in Applications>Accessories) and open the file (in "Filesystem") etc/fstab. Then you can paste it into the pastebin so I can look at it09:05
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:06
fyrestrtrdadgumit: pastebin ifconfig output09:06
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dadgumitfyrestrtr: can't do that unless i can connect to it via putty, or figure out irc on bash09:06
RegalDracanyone here use transcode09:06
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gnomefreakdadgumit: irssi ;)09:07
fyrestrtrdadgumit: irc on bash = irssu09:07
fyrestrtrerr, irssi09:07
dadgumitfyrestrtr, it got the mac on its own so mabe something going on there09:07
=== J-_ uses irssi.. =D
Maftwarbo PM09:07
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fyrestrtrdadgumit: you don't assign mac addresses.09:07
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dadgumitfyrestrtr: yea, am saying at least it knows that09:08
MTecknology_How do I enable SHMConfig?09:08
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gnomefreakdadgumit: in tty type irssi when it starts type /connect chat.freenode.net  than id yourself to freenode than /join #ubuntu ;)09:08
fyrestrtrdadgumit: well, if it didn't you'd have an interesting paperweight.09:08
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RegalDraccan someone please help me09:08
RegalDraciv spent like 10 hrs tryen to make 1 dvd lol09:08
Maftunionfs / unionfs rw 0 009:08
gnomefreakRegalDrac: whats the issue?09:08
Mafttmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 009:08
Maftthat's what I got Warbo09:08
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fyrestrtrRegalDrac: go take a break and come back to it.09:08
speedsixHi, does anyone know how to access the gnome 'start' menu via the keyboard, i,e without a mouse?09:09
gabspeckis there any fix for the sound bug with flash movies on firefox yet :s i tried that alsa-oss one but it makes fx unstable :\09:09
RegalDraci need to make a dvd that i can play on any dvd player09:09
kaotwho's archetypo and why were they looking for me?09:09
RegalDracand watch the video09:09
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RegalDracfrom  2 avis09:09
WarboMaft: Looks like you are running Ubuntu off a CD09:09
fyrestrtrspeedsix: try the windows key09:09
Maftdarn then the installation screwed up09:09
gnomefreakRegalDrac: lol i ran into that issue a while back decided to use nero :(09:09
speedsixfyrestrtr, doesn't work09:09
RegalDraci cant use nero09:09
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Maftok then I need ti retry this09:09
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WarboMaft: If you installed Ubuntu then when you reboot make sure the CD is not in the drive :)09:10
Maftsorry for the troubles :s09:10
RegalDracu know how to emulate nero?09:10
ardchoilleRegalDrac: you have to author the dvd, there's no way around that for what you want to do09:10
fyrestrtrspeedsix: that's a good question, don't think there is a keyboard shortcut.09:10
Maftthx for the info09:10
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=== Gullstad [n=gullstad@dsl-53-2-13.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
RegalDracard tell me how  the guides dont make no sense09:10
RegalDracor give commands09:10
nielsmi have an odd problem, i think i'm missing most device nodes on my 5.10 system (server install). i hotplugged an usb mass-storage device, and while it was detected by kernel etc, i don't have any device node, and is unable to mount it. it seems it should be created as sda, but 'MAKEDEV sda' doesn't produce a useful device (mount errors out)09:10
RegalDracim new to linux so alot dont make sense09:10
RegalDractell me a command09:10
RegalDraci got transcode, dvdauthor, kino and others installed09:10
fyrestrtrnielsm: hrmm, hotplug running?09:10
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Warbonielsm: Try doing a "sudo modprobe usb_storage"09:11
ardchoilleRegalDrac: the best advice I can give you is to read the docs for dvdauthor and learn how it works09:11
nielsmfyrestrtr:  might be that, i'm nto sure it is, going to check09:11
RegalDracdvd author sucks09:11
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gabspeckis there any fix for the sound bug with flash movies on firefox yet? :s i tried that alsa-oss one but it makes fx unstable :\09:11
nielsmWarbo: dmesg clearly shows the kernel detected the device, and it shows correctly up in /sys09:11
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ardchoilleRegalDrac: how do you know that? you haven't even tried to learn how it works.09:12
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RegalDrachow do you know wtf i have did09:12
RegalDraci read the help09:12
fyrestrtrroflmao @ ^09:12
dragonhow what works?09:12
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speedsixhow can I find my local ip address from the command line?09:13
Warbospeedsix: ifconfig09:13
polpakspeedsix: ifconfig09:13
Ademancan anyone point me to the grub dual boot wiki entry?09:13
Ademan!tell ademan about dualboot09:13
dragonwitch 1 is it?09:13
fyrestrtr!grub > Ademan09:13
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RegalDracDOES anyone here09:13
RegalDracuse transcode09:13
nielsmfyrestrtr: thanks, it was indeed hotplug that was missing09:14
WarboRegalDrac: Not directly (I have done before though)09:14
RegalDracthe guide isent giving proper instructions on how to convert avi to mpeg209:14
frogzoonielsm: thinks I recall a bug in launchpad to that effect - most devices not created09:14
dadgumiti cant believe i just went through trying to connect to irc so i can paste in my ip config file in to troubleshoot a network connection issue09:14
RegalDraccan you pretty PLEASE tell me how to make a avi into a mpeg209:14
fyrestrtrnielsm: glad it worked out.09:14
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WarboRegalDrac: No idea. I COULD read the manual, but that is something you can do09:14
__doc__Hi, I want to add some custom keys from my keyboard to output specific sequences and I want to remap some standard keys, I'm on ubuntu plain. any pointers and advice?09:14
RegalDracwtf is with people09:14
MTecknology_How do I enable SHMConfig "on" in my XOrg/XFree86 configuration??09:14
RegalDraci told you it dont say09:14
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dragonits cuz u keep askin silly questions d00d09:15
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archetypokaot ping09:15
WarboMTecknology_: The file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:15
dragonive only been on linux for about 5 hours09:15
RegalDracbunch of garbage responces today09:15
MTecknology_Warbo, I don't have xorg.conf though09:15
archetypo<-- barkley, found my password for freenode.  have an article for you09:15
jadamswhat are you guys using for an email client?09:16
jadamsI can't use evolution - too slow09:16
jadamsI'm on breezy, also09:16
fyrestrtrjadams: mutt on the console, evolution on gnome09:16
Ademanwhat do i put in my menu.lst?09:16
ardchoillejadams: I use Thunderbird most of the time09:16
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dragonand i found converters for mp3 - 25 other formats and there was movie ones to....but i dunno how to do the packages yet lmao09:16
saxinJack_Sparrow, thunderbird09:16
hastesaverRegalDrac, there's a GUI for transcode, called Gtranscode. Maybe that will be easier to use. I don't know09:16
MTecknology_Warbo, sorry I'm dumb, I found it ty09:16
jadamsardchoille: pretty happy with it?09:16
Ademanhah nvm09:16
dragonim in hoary09:16
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jadamsI've only used it from windows09:16
archetypokaot http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/817209:16
ardchoillejadams: I am, yes, but some don't like it.09:16
jadamssaxin: thanks, too09:16
speedsixdoes anyone know how to get a vnc server working on dapper?09:16
jadamsI'll try it out now09:16
frogzooAdeman: if you don't know what you're doing- you leave it alone...09:16
mc__!vnc > speedsix09:17
RegalDracthanks haste09:17
RegalDracill try it09:17
Ademanfrogzoo: ...09:17
archetypoit works flawlessly, but the bridge interface is slightly slower if you are going for raw speed on gigabit.  but that article's great and the setup is dead simple09:17
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dadgumitfyrestrtr: any other ideas on how to get network connected so i can ssh into the machine so i can paste in my X log and conf so ican maybe get ubuntu up and running?09:17
fyrestrtrdadgumit: what happened to running ssh on the linux box and putty on the windows box?09:18
kaotarchetypo: cool09:18
__doc__how do I modify my X to add some special keys (like the useless windows key, and some multimedia keys)?09:18
kaotarchetypo: i figured some addit'l software would be necessary.  I found some other software to do it too,don't remember the name09:18
fyrestrtr__doc__: windows key should work 'out of the box'09:18
dadgumitfyrestrtr: dont have working network connection on linux box09:19
__doc__fyrestrtr: doesn't09:19
dadgumitfyrestrt: no ping anyways09:19
fyrestrtr__doc__: adjust the keyboard type then, it works here on three machines with out changing anything09:19
kaotarchetypo: ah it was apparently the same stuff with a different package name09:19
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Warbodadgumit: Windows key stops working for me in Compiz, but works fine in regular X09:19
RegalDrachastesaver:  the gui is werid :d09:19
frogzoo__doc__: you use 'xev' to get the keycodes, & xmodmap to remap them09:19
kaothave to play with that09:19
hastesaverRegalDrac, sorry, I've never used it :)09:19
WarboOops, wrong guy :)09:19
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MTecknology_Warbo, I have xorg.conf open but I can't find an SHMConfig anywhere09:20
__doc__frogzoo: thx a bunch09:20
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archetypokaot: i'm having all kinds of problems though with nfs mounts from that machine so i just picked up a gigabit switch rather than trying to turn that box into a  server and a router.09:20
fyrestrtr__doc__: and xmms-itouch to make your media keys work in xmms09:20
dadgumitWarbo: perhaps it is your flux capacitor/09:20
kaotarchetypo: still?  I thought you had that working09:20
archetypokaot: the problems though are specific to os x09:20
WarboMTecknology_: I don't know what that is so I wouldn't know sorry (maybe add it yourself?)09:20
ardchoilledadgumit: hahaha09:20
archetypoand their bastardization of nfs09:20
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kaotarchetypo: ahhh gotcha09:21
MTecknology_Warbo, I'm looking at http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/synclient.1.html - would you have any idea where to put it?09:21
firstc624i am back...lol...  How do I view my temps of my computer?  I am running a laptop and i want to make sure it doesn't run to hot w/ linux..09:21
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firstc624and what is the normal operating temp anyway?09:21
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dragonmines about 60C09:21
kaot54C here09:22
firstc624what did you install to view your temps though?09:22
__doc__fyrestrtr: how do I adjust the keyboard type?09:22
Hawk|-the question was how to find out ?!09:22
dadgumitfyrestrtr looked at log file for X, seems to be bombing out on PCI mapping from the file (hand typed): ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected09:22
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kaotfirstc624: gkrellm and ubuntu automaticaly picked up my cpu temp sensors09:22
dragonmy mate behind me has windows runnin his pc at like 90C lmao09:22
archetypokaot: all the problems went away once it was switched, so no clue what protocols needed to be tweaked in the routing and stuff.09:22
dadgumitfyrestrtr same for slot 1:0:109:22
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WarboMTecknology_: (my computer is running SLOW at the moment, so give me a minute)09:22
MTecknology_Warbo, ok thanks09:23
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kaotarchetypo: i've played with nfs even less than i've played with osx, which is pretty much nil.  i'd help you if i could but got no knowledge of that09:23
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__doc__fyrestrtr: xorg.confg?09:23
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dragonso is there a "newb" chanel for linux...or is this it lol09:23
MTecknology_Warbo, this is my prob09:23
MTecknology_michael@madhemlap:/etc/X11$ syndaemon09:23
MTecknology_Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?09:23
kaotarchetypo: read some nfs horror stories a few years ago and basically decided on samba, performance be damned09:23
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firstc624kaot: what did you select to see your temp though?  i don't see one  :-(  forgive me as i am new to linux09:23
__doc__dragon: I guess this is it ^^09:23
firstc624in case u couldn't tell...rofl09:23
Bt-Just was going to pop in here and say that I installed Linux for the first time in my life (ubuntu, drake) and everything works great :)09:23
dragonlol ok doc09:23
dragondont lie to me lol09:24
kaotfirstc624: your mobo may not have a sensor.  you using gkrellm?09:24
WarboMTecknology_: I don't think that is for Xorg, I think it is /dev/shm or something09:24
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:24
dragoncoz im a hardcore newb here :D09:24
Tom7ewhat is the ubuntu hotplug firmware directory?09:24
Bt-Well, exept my NTFS 250 gig, but that is gonna be cool when I format it to FAT3209:24
firstc624kaot:  i honestly do not know.  how do i look?09:24
archetypokaot: yeah, there are situations that you can get in where the dir looks mounted, but isn't then you write, then it returns and your underlying data is toast09:24
dadgumitfyrestrt: still with me?09:24
kaotfirstc624: open a term and type "gkrellm."  if it says bad command, it isn't installed09:24
firstc624good answer..lol09:25
firstc624let me look09:25
kaotarchetypo: oh yum.09:25
archetypokaot: and that just doesn't happen with samba, because the mounts are on-demand09:25
MTecknology_Warbo, what's supposed to be in there>09:25
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archetypobut using samba to have two unix machines talking feels like giving two army mean fisher-price walkie talkies. :D09:25
kaotarchetypo: lol, good analogy09:25
WarboMTecknology_: I think there is a folder with a RAM-based filesystem called /dev/shm, which the program hasn't found (so Ubuntu might not use it, I don't know). Try asking the channel for more info09:26
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kaotarchetypo: I felt a little dirty doing it, but I had a good excuse because my network was mixed anyway09:26
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archetypothere are definately unix filename issues if you have people doing exotic things09:26
GaiaX11How to set up my konsole to accept accented words?09:26
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speedsixI'm having trouble getting a VNC server up and running on a machine I can only access via SSH, I have install 'vnc4server' on the server machine but the client machine cannot connet, connection refused09:27
dragondoes the ati radeon 9550 work off flgrx drvrs?09:27
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MTecknologyDoes anybody have anybody have an idea how to correct this?09:27
MTecknologymichael@madhemlap:/etc/X11$ syndaemon09:27
MTecknologyCan't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?09:27
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firstc624kaot: ok it is installed now, and i have it running...where to i loko to see the temp?09:27
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kaotfirstc624: right click on the app, go to configuration, builtins, sensors09:28
archetypoif you end up keeping gkrellm running check out http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3378309:28
kaotif you've got an arrow next to temp, you've got a temp sensor.  if you don't, i dont' know what to tell ya :\09:28
archetypofirestc624 it makes the window transparent and things look like they are printed to the desktop...kinda cool09:29
kaotarchetypo: heh i've got the original transparent theme running already09:29
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Hawk|-but a centrino notebook should have temp sensor ?! or?09:29
kaotarchetypo: http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/GKrellM-Skins.tar.gz09:30
kaotarchetypo: that's a whole pack of themes09:30
mordenHiya, I just installed xubuntu desktop version and I wonder how I can make backups from another computer (windows) through rsync on the xubuntu machine... I just keep getting told in cygwin "rsync failed to connect to IP: connection refused"09:30
Hawk|-because, my temp settings are disabled09:30
kaotarchetypo: like 40 or 50 of them09:30
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GaiaX11For example: the word "" shows up "?" in my konsole09:30
ardchoillekaot: Thank you for that url, I was wondering where that pack was :)09:30
kaotarchetypo: yeah that's one of the first 4 or 5 things I grab on a new install :\09:30
archetypokaot what are the other things you grab on a new install?09:30
firstc624ok this is weird.  I had an arrow next to the temp, i told it to enable, then it added a degree in C next to my cpu but it is 0.009:31
kaotarchetypo: fluxbox, aterm, elinks, irssi09:31
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kaotarchetypo: some other stuff i can't remember offhand, but gimme a fresh box and i could tell you :\09:32
kaotis one09:32
kaotlemme think09:32
hastesaverRegalDrac, qdvdauthor is very easy to use, I just tried it09:32
archetypowhy aterm over gnome or x?09:32
kaotarchetypo: it's a bit lighter than xterm, i don't use all of xterm's features09:33
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.82.79.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
mabuseterm > aterm09:33
RegalDrachastesaver:  i found a program09:33
RegalDracif i can figure out how to install09:33
kaotplus it does transparent backgrounds09:33
dragonwonderful...what program did u find?09:33
RegalDrachastesaver:  ok can u give me a command to make a avi file mpeg209:34
kaotmabus: meh, i never liked eterm much09:34
dragonregal do u have msn or yahoo?09:34
masterofallartscan I raise mouse pointer speed beyond the scope of the gnome mouse utility?09:34
mabusand gnometerm is just horrible...09:34
kaotgnome isn't too too bad.  overkill for a term though.09:34
Foobalin my experience both aterm and eterm just suck with utf809:34
mabusI mean the term that comes with gnome.09:34
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kaotmabus: that's what i'm talking about too.  i forgot to add "term" :\09:35
hastesaverRegalDrac, no, use transcode or mencoder. That's all I can say (or try  qdvdauthor )09:35
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Foobalgnome-terminal has by default very sane character handling settings.. very convenient09:35
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RegalDracwhats the command to untar a .tar file09:36
kaottar -xvf09:36
masterofallartsI would think there is some conf-file to handle mouse pointer speed. which 1 is that?09:36
archetypoyeah i like the lack of futzing with gnome term09:36
dadgumitany other idea, i am pretty sure it sin't the pci address09:36
archetypois djbdns a dns cacher?09:37
zybrid_djbdns is a dns server.09:37
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ubotuI know nothing about djbdns09:37
archetypokaot: why do you use djbdns?09:37
kaotit caches too09:37
kaotfor the caching09:37
archetypofor speed on the lan?09:37
yangoI used Konqueror to download images from my camera, I upgraded to 6.06 and now it doesn't work.. the folder appears but upon clicking on it I get an "Unknown error"09:37
kaotplus i used to host domain back when09:37
kaotarchetypo: yeah.  i don't like having to rely on isp dns09:37
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kaoti'm weird like that09:37
TeqonixUh-oh, looks like Apache2 isn't compatible with a web portal I want to install. Do I just use 'apt-get remove apache2' and go download the tarball of apache 1.3?09:38
archetypoman purge09:38
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archetypoi was thinking of setting up dnsmasq today, is that the easiest to config and setup for just caching on the lan?09:38
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FoobalTeqonix: that shouldn't be possible.. I mean something being "not compatible" with apache209:38
J-_how can i update xmms?09:38
RegalDracwhat is kommander09:38
kaotarchetypo: haven't tried it, i don't think09:38
yangoanyhow there are packages for apache 109:38
RegalDrachow do i install somethen that needs it09:38
yangoso you don't need the tarball Teqonix09:39
J-_err i mean amsn... lol09:39
TeqonixApparently this portal software doesn't 'play nice' with Apache2. Don't know why.09:39
=== J-_ goes back to bed
andrewskidoes anyone have any tips for setting up lirc on dapper?  e.g. does one have to recompile the kernel, etc.?  i've seen a few howtos that seem overly complicated.09:39
yangono one uses cameras here? :(09:39
chris_can ubuntu interface with an xbox 360 like windows can?09:39
zybrid_Teqonix, it should work fine, have you tried the portal? what portal are you talking about?09:39
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kaotmmmnope. definitely haven't used dnsmasq09:39
zybrid_chris_, no09:39
kaotjust bind and djbdns09:39
dadgumithey guys i am at my whits end09:39
zybrid_chris_, not yet that is09:39
archetypobind looks like overkill for what i need09:40
Teqonixzybrid- Yeah, it's called CPG-Dragonfly.09:40
dadgumiti have no idea what is going on with my x09:40
TeqonixBased off of PHP-Nuke, IIRC.09:40
TeqonixAnd yeah, I did try it.09:40
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dadgumitalthough I have been getting familiar with the prompt again09:40
TeqonixHung me out to dry when I needed to set up cookies, and in a support thread about this issue I was having, the current version only works right with Apache 1.3, apparently.09:40
RegalDracwhat is KOmmander09:40
masterofallartsbye, ill see whether someone will answer tomorrow09:40
andrewskiRegalDrac: kde's file manager, if i recall correctly.09:41
WarboRegalDrac: I think it is a 2-pane file manager09:41
zybrid_Teqonix, try the apache2 version first :)09:41
RegalDraci got a file09:41
K_HoltzI'm about to submit a question on the forum regarding getting my CD Burner recognized, i provided the Brand, connection info inside the box, and the output of typing mount in terminal.. is there anything else i should provide in order to make it easy for those trying to help me with this issue?09:41
RegalDracthat wants it09:41
RegalDracto install09:41
RegalDracis there a way arnd it09:41
Teqonixzybrid- It's not out yet.09:41
WarboRegalDrac: "sudo aptitude install kommander" maybe?09:41
andrewskiRegalDrac: what file?  and do you mean package?09:41
TeqonixStill under development, I believe.09:41
TeqonixAlso, yango- Is there a database of packages I can look at that come with Ubuntu Server? I'm a terrible linux noob. =P09:42
dragonok brb k im gonna work out how to get my gfx card runnin!09:42
dadgumitlil help?09:42
kaotdadgumit: what's your problem now?09:42
firstc624ok i have gkrellm installed and such but it will not even change my temps.  I have a temp sensor in my pc, the prog shows i do, but my temp is staying at 0.0C the entire time...is there a differ prog that i might try?09:42
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dadgumitstill same, non functioning x server (no screens found09:42
yangoTeqonix: yes... you can check with synaptic package manager all the packages installed within the repositories configured in your sources list, or use apt-cache search, to search for packages in the command line09:42
reonAnyone here know anything about CSS ?09:42
J-_when using dpkg -i package.deb do i have to go to the directory where the .deb was downloaded?09:43
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kaotfirstc624: dunno09:43
=== dr_willis knows that google.com will hve a lot of hits for CSS
andrewskiJ-_: no09:43
J-_k thanks09:43
TeqonixAh. Thanks, yango.09:43
dadgumitkaot:  have tried reconfiguring, changin pci address etc... no dice any ideas what to check next?09:43
yangoJ-_: or use dpkg -i /path/to/the/deb09:43
RegalDracwarbo that dident install the right thing09:43
RegalDracWarbo:  that installed a editor09:43
J-_k thanks09:43
sktxalright so.. i borked my sound following this howto... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 ... after i set everything back to the way it was, sound is still borked.  anyone know why?09:44
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kaotdadgumit: oh.  sounds like no vid  card driver.  usually when i run into that, I bang on it every which way til it works.  I'm no good at providing help with that.09:44
dadgumitbut I picked the card from the list!09:44
dredhammercan someone point me to a link  to install xgl and compiz as a seesion in Dapper09:44
dadgumitanyone help with a x server issue?09:44
garciacan anybody tell me a program to burn cd in ubuntu please??09:44
kaotgarcia: graveman09:45
dadgumitprutty please... i have looked all over, the manual was no help09:45
garciathanks kaot09:45
=== mrproper [n=kbreit@c-71-201-124-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharms!tell dredhammer about xgl09:45
mrproperIs there a Beagle applet?09:45
dredhammerburns  cds09:45
sharmsgarcia: but a blank cd in and the gnome burner will come up09:46
kaotdoes Xorg -config work like XFree86 -config used to?09:46
=== linopil [n=yehudit@DSL212-235-27-205.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Knagdredhammer: perhaps http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12709009:46
=== kaot seems to recall using that
sharmsgarcia: if you need advanced burning like mp3 -> audio etc, use k3b or gnomebaker09:46
=== Sly [n=What@c-24-128-171-34.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
garciaok o0k09:46
sharms!tell dadgumit about anyone09:46
=== chr1s_ [n=chris@c-68-33-126-178.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskimrproper: deskbar09:46
andrewskisharms, garcia: rhythmbox and nautilus do that too, yes?09:47
mrproperandrewski, They're removing the old applet for deskbar?  How do I get deskbar to work with beagle?09:47
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dredhammerok i'll give it a look09:47
garciathanks sharms this is the program that I was looking for ;)09:47
andrewskimrproper: have everything installed, i.e. deskbar-applet, beagle, etc.?09:47
andrewskimrproper: it just works for me.09:47
mrproperandrewski, I have deskbar-applet  and beagle installed, sure.09:47
=== DvlynSyde [n=sdfa@c-24-98-18-255.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskimrproper: check the wiki for anything else?09:47
dadgumitI don't know how to ask  such an open ended question in a more direct manner09:47
DvlynSydehow do i get wireless internet working in ubuntu? i put in the essid and password.. and.. nothing09:48
mrproperandrewski, Which wiki09:48
andrewskimrproper: ubuntu's09:48
andrewskiubotu: tell mrproper about wiki09:48
=== foolswisdom [n=lloyd@adsl-69-228-190-230.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrproperandrewski, Uhhh...ubuntuguide?09:48
sharmsandrewski: rhythmbox does audio, but K3B handles almost every kind of burning and mimics nero which most new users recognize09:48
gnomefreakremove deskbar-applet and type sudo aptitude install deskbar-applet09:48
=== thejoe [n=joseph@c-68-50-151-17.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskignomefreak: what's that do?09:48
mrpropergnomefreak, Does it need to reinstall?09:48
gnomefreakaptitude will install everything you need09:48
dadgumithow do i get x server to work?09:48
RegalDracdoes ubuntu not have make09:48
sharmsaptitude automatically installs the recommended packages along with it09:49
RegalDraccause this program needs make to install09:49
andrewskiah, ok.09:49
thejoejust installed ubuntu.......its awesome..........howevr, whenever i minimize a progarm, it disappears (i am unable to see it minimized on the toolbar?)09:49
kaotdadgumit: have you tried threats?09:49
gnomefreakmrproper: aptitude will install suggested and recommended packages along with the package you want09:49
kaotwave a hammer around.  look really mad.09:49
mrpropergnomefreak, I have all the packages I want.09:49
RegalDracDOES ubuntu HAVE make09:49
dadgumitkaot yes i have a magnet in my handnow09:49
yangoRegalDrac: YES09:49
gnomefreakmrproper: sudo apt-get remove deskbar-applet first though09:49
DvlynSydehow do i get wireless internet working in ubuntu? i put in the essid and password.. and.. nothing09:49
andrewskiRegalDrac: build-essential09:49
RegalDracandreweski how do i use it09:49
andrewskimrproper: it looks like python-beagle isn't installed by default; do you have that?09:49
RegalDracwhen i do09:49
RegalDracnothen happens09:49
andrewskiRegalDrac: dunno09:50
kaotRegalDrac: "nothing happens" is not an option.09:50
RegalDracyango how do u use it09:50
sharmsthejoe:  right click where you want it, click add to panel, and in the dialog pick "window list"09:50
mrproperandrewski, No, I'm installing now.09:50
andrewskimrproper: exactly. :)09:50
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RegalDrac make09:50
RegalDracbash: make: command not found09:50
=== dionnow [n=dion@66-90-252-202.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaotRegalDrac: there ya go.  sudo apt-get install build-essentials09:50
yangoyou use it as you use every make... your problem is probably not with ubuntu... btw, what exactly is "nothing"?09:50
dadgumitmeh, ubuntu is supposed to be all clean and friendly this is worse than any install idid 6 years ago09:50
andrewskiRegalDrac: did you install build-essential?09:50
thejoesharms: thank you  :)09:50
sharms!tell DvlynSyde about networkmanager09:50
sharmsthejoe: np09:50
sktxsound is borked and i have no alsa option in the gnome mixer.. anyone have any clue how to get it back09:50
RegalDracE: Couldn't find package build-essentials09:51
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kaotdadgumit: yeah I had my fair share of irritations getting mine up.  Gentoo stage 1 was easier, I think.  Which is BAD.09:51
sharmsdadgumit: you need to state your problem09:51
andrewskiRegalDrac: read that again. :-P09:51
andrewskisktx: try alsamixer from the command line?09:51
RegalDraci copyed what that guy posted09:51
dionnowI would have to say that ubutu is way simple as far as general usage09:51
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kaotmaybe I exaggerate a little...09:51
andrewskiRegalDrac: read what i posted.09:51
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=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kaotcorporal nobby nobbs?09:51
sharmsdadgumit: State your problem and we may be able to help.09:51
=== amx [n=amx@Ottawa-HSE-ppp262525.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidhow do i blacklist the bcm43xx so it stops loading09:52
sktxhrm andrewski that got it back alright :) thanx09:52
dadgumitsharms: X not working, no screens found, have reconfigged manually everything looks good afaict looking for more ideas on what to try next09:52
SurfnKidIm on Dapper09:52
sharmsdadgumit: which brand of card?09:52
kaotSurfnKid: edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add "blacklist bcm43xx" to the end of that list09:52
ubotuI know nothing about tar.Z09:52
dadgumitsharms: x800xl ATI09:52
sharmsdadgumit: install fglrx yet?09:52
SurfnKidkaot, thx09:52
NobbsI'm taking some screenshots (for bragging purposes ;)), including some with mplayer running. However, I just get a black screen in the mplayer window. Is there a way to capture a video frame in the screenshot?09:52
gnomefreak!tar > finalbeta09:52
dionnowI still have mostly no idea how to perform basic tasks on this yet..lol09:52
andrewskiNobbs: what are you using for it?09:53
andrewskidionnow: like what?09:53
kaotNobbs: yes.  Do I remember how to do it?  No.  lol09:53
=== untu [n=untu@cpe-066-057-015-200.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nobbsandrewski, just the built-in ubuntu thing, what pops up when I hit print screen09:53
dadgumitsharms: hold, having faint memories of that and need to look at my notes (been a few days troubleshooting on/off)09:53
=== nate_02631 [n=nate@c-71-233-218-82.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakbrb work to do :(09:53
dionnowAt this point mostly trying to install software.09:53
Nobbskaot, hehehe ;)09:53
andrewskiNobbs: try installing imagemagick and using import from the command line?09:53
untuwhat is the name of the package for the latest version of gtk+09:54
Nobbscool, I'll try that09:54
sharms!tell dadgumit about fglrx09:54
finalbetagnomefreak, file-roller doesn't support that type. tar.Z09:54
SurfnKidkaot, do ya know where i can change the shortcuts for Compiz?09:54
firstc624just another question.  what is a good solid video playing app that will play just about any video format you throw at it.  I have used videoLan on the windows side, i know that is is ported from linux, but was wondering if there was a better one or if it is really user opinion09:54
andrewskiuntu: libgtk something09:54
kaotandrewski: i could be off base here, but I think it has to do with what's being used as video output driver09:54
amxhas anyone here tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto09:54
amxupgrading alsa on dapper...09:54
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kaotSurfnKid: never used compiz09:54
SurfnKidoh i see, ill look up some info09:55
SurfnKidgonna reboot n see if this worked thx09:55
untudangit! then i have the most recent version.... why doesn't synaptic work?09:55
nate_02631Hey all - wonder if someone had the answer to a quick GNOME question. I have my Apps menu in a bottom panel (brainwashed by Windows). Occasionally, when I click on the root items to open the menus, the menus have scroll arrows on the tops and bottoms and don't display all the items unless you use the scroll arrows. Anyone else experiencing this?09:55
dadgumitsharms: thnx reading09:55
nate_02631Tried over in desktop chat but no one home :)09:55
kaotandrewski: i used to use import for my screenshots, and it grabbed the mplayer screen, and then it didn't, and then i got it to work again messing with mplayer.  this was years ago tho09:55
kaotmy memory may be broken09:55
=== casper_ [n=casper@S0106000f6630d670.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskikaot: dunno09:55
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firstc624here is a real newb question.   dapper...what is it?09:55
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kaotdapper is what I am, in addition to suave.09:56
yangothe name of the current version of ubuntu09:56
=== kaot poses
andrewskiubotu: tell firstc624 about dapper09:56
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untugah: (synaptic:4921): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: (why not, i have the most recent gtk!09:56
=== abstractism [n=abstract@cpe-66-25-67-217.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
abstractismhey guys09:56
=== yango thinks dapper is rettier than kaot
dionnowDumb question but....How do I get a User list in this XChat09:56
jeff_bankshello. Armagetron has frozen again. Is there any other shortcut keys i could try ive Ctrl + Alt + Backspace but that not working.09:56
SonicChaodionnow: ask in #xchat09:56
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dionnowlol, yea thank ya09:56
kaottime to split09:57
firstc624andrewski what was that supposed to do?09:57
abstractismdoes anyone know much about CUPS and dapper support for canon printers?09:57
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=== kaot --> shower --> poker --> beer --> beer --> beer
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SonicChao!anyone abstractism09:57
ubotuI know nothing about anyone abstractism09:57
Nobbsandrewski, I tried import -window root screenshot.jpg, and this gave me the same results as before: a black mplayer :\09:57
untuanyone have any idea why synaptic won't run?09:57
SonicChao!anyone > abstractism09:57
andrewskiNobbs: ok, dunno.09:57
dr_willisabstractism,  could check  cups.org and see if your specific printer is supported.09:57
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:57
lecarosdionnow try /who #channel09:57
dr_willisabstractism,  i got one thats not. :(09:57
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"09:57
andrewskifirstc624: ^09:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:57
yangokaot: you are missing the --> broke09:57
ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the file -> acquire menu in the Gimp. Screenshots can be posted on the !pastebin09:58
firstc624lol gottcha.09:58
=== firstc624 duh
zybrid_i love dapper!09:58
Nobbs.. I'll try the gimp then09:58
abstractismdr_willis: where is the list? I'm there now and the site isn't very clear on whats supported and what isn't09:58
dionnowthank ya lecaros09:58
firstc624i was confused if it was something was udated or what so i just wanted to make sure..lol09:58
kaotyango:  neg.  beer gives me Teh Mad Poker Skillz.  Yo.  Or some such.  I play better drunk, is what I'm trying to say.09:58
ubotuI know nothing about stupid09:58
kaotanyway gotta run09:58
abstractismoh wait, its probably in 'printer drivers'09:59
ubotuI know nothing about frozen09:59
dadgumitsharms: I tried install xorg-driver-fglrx and E: couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx09:59
ubotuI know nothing about know09:59
=== linux_noob [n=janne@dsl-kpogw7-fe3af800-161.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jeff_banks!shortcut keys09:59
ubotuI know nothing about shortcut keys09:59
Warbodadgumit: Try launching aptitude instead of apt-get, then you can search with /09:59
linux_noobwhat was the command to install a debian package09:59
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dadgumitwarbo: will do thanks09:59
Warbolinux_noob: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb10:00
lecaroslinux_noob dpkg -i package10:00
andrewskilinux_noob: which one?10:00
abstractismmeh, looks like canon printers aren't supported at all10:00
sharmsdadgumit - you need to add universe and multiverse10:00
linux_noobno i know10:00
linux_noobthank youj10:00
l_ris there any change to get a 2.6.17 kernel for ubuntu?10:00
=== Spy_ [n=spy@81-1-127-9.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Tonrenhey, can anyone link me to an example of a "complete" sources.list?  one with universe, multiverse, etc.?10:00
Warbol_r: kernel.org?10:00
dadgumitsharms, believe i pulledboth in10:00
=== keiron [n=keiron@81-179-115-232.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spy_hey do you guys know of a program that is similiar to dreamweaver for linux?10:00
l_rwaern, i meant to say aa .deb package10:00
l_rWarbo, *10:00
liran_is the 2.6.15-22-686 kernel from dapper comes with mpppe support?10:00
gnomefreakl_r: not a stable 2.6.17.deb'10:01
dr_willisabstractism,  cups site has a search engine and a large list,  just gotta look for it i guess. :P i dident find it too hard to find.10:01
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keironHi. Has anyone here had any luck transferring files from a nokia 6680 to ubuntu 6.06 using USB?10:01
RegalDraci installed what u guys said10:01
sharmsdadgumit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu  to double check that, then do a: sudo apt-get update, and then you can also do a 'apt-cache search fglrx' to see what FGLRX packages are available10:01
RegalDracthe build estinals10:01
Warbol_r: I don't know of any (there are no official ones) but you could always Google (but I wouldn't trust someone else to build such an important package)10:01
RegalDrachere is the error i got10:01
jeff_banksblender is a 3d package10:01
RegalDrac( cd /src/moc && make )10:01
RegalDrac/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /src/moc: No such file or directory10:01
RegalDracmake: *** [/bin/moc]  Error 110:01
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RegalDracthats the error :d10:01
dionnowSo, if I have a new Ubuntu install, will it install the correct kernalfor a athlon chip, or would I need to find one specifically for it?10:01
l_rWarbo, me too..10:01
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crogue5dionnow, findone10:02
=== Spy_ [n=spy@81-1-127-9.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sharmsWarbo: use sudo apt-get install linux-k7  and reboot10:02
andrewskidionnow: if you use an amd disc, you should be fine.10:02
crogue5dionnow, in apt or synaptic10:02
l_rit will be unlikely to see 2.6.17 on dapper 6.06, right?10:02
gnomefreakl_r: you wont10:02
RegalDracandrewski:  i installed it man it dident work10:02
Warbosharms: That will get 2.6.17? :)10:02
dionnowso the k7 one is fine for an Athlon?10:02
gnomefreakl_r: you would have to compile it yourself10:02
gnomefreakWarbo: no10:03
sharmsk7 is perfect for athlon10:03
crogue5dionnow, yes10:03
untuis there an fmod package for ubuntu?10:03
l_rgnomefreak, indeed. it's annoying10:03
jeff_banksbet ive got to power down again10:03
Spy_sorry, did anyone reply to my quick enquiry?10:03
sharmsWarbo: that will get you  optimized for k710:03
gnomefreakl_r: you dont want 2.6.17 in dapper10:03
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jeff_banksyup me10:03
Warbognomefreak: He got the wrong guy, but I was answering a kernel question too :)10:03
sharmsWe cant include the newest kernels because of stability and testing10:03
jeff_banksspy_: blender is a 3d package10:03
gnomefreakl_r: 2.6.17 doesnt boot atm10:03
sharmsYou can compile your own kernel though and install that10:03
dionnowcool deal, thanks... and sorry for the ignorant questions... I'll be shelling out a good deal of them for a while i imagine10:04
=== grimboy [n=grimboy@85-210-189-142.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:04
Warbosharms: I think you want dionnow. I was discussing 2.6.17 with l_r :)10:04
gnomefreakit will with alot of work (easier to compile your own)10:04
RegalDrachow does a .pike file work10:04
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=== Spy_ [n=spy@81-1-127-9.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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Spy_damit!! argh10:04
Spy_hey please does any1 know how to remove the SHIFT + Backspace error?10:05
WarboSpy_: nvu maybe10:05
Spy_please  icant stand it anymore, third time today10:05
WarboSpy_: (for your fisrt question :) )10:05
Spy_oh. thanks10:05
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:05
linopil!hi sorry to bother with old hardware - vibra16x SB  - Logical device id CTL004310:05
linopilalready run pnpdump > isapnp.conf ... 1 )now what to uncomment in isapnp.conf and 2 ) /etc/init.d/isapnp scrript already there installed from debian http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/isapnptools ....10:05
linopilappreciate your help10:05
ubotuI know nothing about hi sorry to bother with old hardware - vibra16x SB  - Logical device id CTL004310:05
=== jeff_banks licks ubuntu
jeff_banksyou taste funny10:06
=== Sly [n=What@c-24-128-171-34.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntualguem portugues.?10:06
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:06
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TwYst0 ops?10:06
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ubuntualguem da fafiman.?10:07
=== flixio is now known as flixil
Spy_please does any1 know of anyway to stop gnome from crashing when i press shitft+backspace?10:07
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gnomefreakubuntu: join #ubuntu-pt10:07
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dionnowUbota, were you telling me that its unnecessary to compile a differnt kernal?10:07
linopilhi sorry to bother with old hardware - vibra16x SB  - Logical device id CTL004310:07
linopil(: already run pnpdump > isapnp.conf ... 1 )now what to uncomment in isapnp.conf and 2 ) /etc/init.d/isapnp scrript already there installed from debian http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/isapnptools ....10:07
linopil: appreciate your help10:07
dionnowthat was from several minutes ago as well..10:07
ubuntue ai cara.10:07
=== Sly [n=What@c-24-128-171-34.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaklinopil: stop repeating yourself so often10:07
sharmsSpy_: Is it a specific application or gnome itself?10:08
Warbodionnow: If you install the -k7 kernel package then it is precompiled10:08
=== harmlessj [n=Miranda@S0106000ae4d35751.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dionnowI savvy..10:08
harmlessjHi there, i'm looking for help getting 5.1 channel sound working for playing DVDs10:08
linopilgnomefreak not so often only once and trying cleaner10:08
Warbodionnow: Also, ubotu is a robot :)10:08
harmlessjI can't find any useful articles on how it works or how to test it10:08
linopilbtw any suggestions ?10:08
gnomefreak!repeat > linopil10:08
gnomefreaklinopil: read your pm10:09
Spy_gnome itself but i believe it hs something to do with xgl10:09
gnomefreakSpy_: it does10:09
harmlessjany pointers? I have an nforce2 motherboard, or could buy another soundcard if that's easiest10:09
gnomefreakSpy_: please see #ubuntu-xgl10:09
TwYstok total linux noob here but i have managed to install ubuntu breezy and upgrade to dapper. being an irc kinda guy and knowing the windows version of mirc quite well i am wondering what kind of scripting i will need to know to make an auto join script to join channels on my net within x chat10:09
Spy_no one is in that channel btw10:09
dionnowhaha, that would explain it10:09
gnomefreakSpy_: its one of the keybindings for xgl/compiz10:09
linopilI appreciate that what is the bot you sent me to PM gnomefreak ?10:10
dionnowWhen I insatll the k7 package is it necessary for me to uninstall any of the other packages?10:10
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linopilis it !repeat > gnomefreak ?10:10
Slyi have plantronic headsets, and i cant seem to have my mic record things when i talk or use skype and i have plantronic headset selected as my sound otion and can play music and hear10:10
gnomefreaklinopil: read your pm the bot already sent it to you10:11
Slyand im using zapping tv viewer and no sound is coming out when i watch tv10:11
Servo888resize_reiserfs -s -53G /dev/hda3 | I'm trying to resize my 73GB harddrive down to 53GB's. I have 32GB's free on the 73GB partition. But upon running that I get "resize_reiserfs: can't shrink fs; too many blocks already allocated"10:11
Slybut music,aim,msn and myspace sites work fine10:11
=== ramblingturtle [n=ob@c-67-185-161-245.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodionnow: Not really, but they will take up space and you will have a few different options in the GRUB boot menu10:11
linopilhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=isapnp&titlesearch=%D7%9B%D7%95%D7%AA%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%AA gnomefreak zero results10:12
ramblingturtlehello everybody10:12
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RegalDracanyone here know a easy to use program to make avis to mpeg210:12
dionnowWell thanks for all the help Warbo, I'll be back after a reboot.10:12
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WarboRegalDrac: mencoder (but the manual is HUGE) :)10:13
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linopilIOW gnomefreak I know my q. is a tough one10:13
TwYstRegalDrac, i only know one for windows.. not linux yet10:13
sharms!tell TwYst  about offtopic10:13
gnomefreaklinopil: what are you giving me a wiki link for?10:13
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RegalDraci need somethen easy10:14
RegalDraccmon guys10:14
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ramblingturtleafter upgrading through the update manager I can't seem to access my dvdrom or cdrom and even after inserting blank media into both of the drives I am still getting the message saying no media is in device all I am trying to do is burn the ubuntu cd I have download so that I can see if installing that way fixes my problems any help would be great10:14
RegalDraciv found alot of programs but i cant get make to work10:14
sharmsRegalDrac: try #mplayer10:14
linopiland 1 more btw, 809 ppl in room, crowdy10:14
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=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-210-137-247.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tom7ewhat is the command to clear the terminal screen?10:14
Servo888ahh crap - this sucks.. honestly.10:14
Slyi have plantronic headsets, and i cant seem to have my mic record things when i talk or use skype and i have plantronic headset selected as my sound otion and can play music and hear10:15
TwYstsharms, considering i am still waiting for a reply to my origional question relating to the dapper version of ubuntu i thought i would be nice and try to give someone else a hand10:15
RememberPOLHey is there a way to permanently set a DHCP interface's MTU property to 1492 instead of 1500 on Dapper Drake?10:15
gnomefreakTom7e: clear10:15
Servo888Sly, we're not blind - we saw your post. could be nobody knows the answer. Try #alsa10:15
WarboRegalDrac: mecoder is easy: "mencoser -oac <whatever audio out you want> -ovc <whatever video out you want> -<video type>opts option1=value1,option2=value2,etc. -<audio type>opts option1=value1,option2=value2,etc -o <output filename> <inputfile> Simple :)10:15
RegalDracthe avi has the auto in it10:16
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sharmsramblingturtle - have you tried rebooting since upgrade/10:16
=== [Spooky] [n=spookan_@c-889fe155.93-2-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
ApocalypticOnii have been hving trouble with my mouse, because it doesnt update its position often enough. i was told that to fix it i'd need to edit xorg.conf, but notwhat to edit. what should i change? (sry im a n00b)10:16
ramblingturtlesharms: yes i upgrading a couple weeks ago then had to leave town for awhile now I am working on my system again10:16
WarboRegalDrac: Yes, an AVI has audio in it. It also has video in it, since AVI is just a container, which may contain DivX, XVid, MP3, etc.10:16
sharmsApocalypticOni: which kind of mouse?10:17
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ApocalypticOniusb optical10:17
sharmsramblingturtle: what happens when you go to places -> cd/dvd creator10:17
sharmsApocalypticOni: brand?10:17
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ApocalypticOnino idea10:17
ramblingturtlesharms: permissions are denied to both devices10:17
ApocalypticOnii got it at a garage sale cuz it was glowey10:17
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=== DvlynSyde [n=sdfa@c-24-98-18-255.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macozzI need help with a Kingston pen drive....10:18
sharmsramblingturtle: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups -> Your username -> User Privledges -> Check use CDROM drives10:18
ApocalypticOnii can dig out an old dell one but i dont wanna10:18
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sharmsApocalypticOni - is it usb?10:18
DvlynSydewireless help > couldn't install Network Manager > all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:19
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linopilanybody knows how to uncomment isapnp.conf lines?10:19
MystaMaxI'm getting an error when trying to mount a partition, it states, "mount: you must specify the filesystem type". I'm typing,  "sudo mount /dev/sda5/ /home/mystamax/vmware/" whats going on???10:19
ubotuI know nothing about isapnp10:19
sharmsApocalypticOni: Find the brand: 'dmesg | grep input'10:19
orcdestroyeranyone knows some software to test my HD?10:19
linopilisapnp forgotten - (old issue)10:19
macozzIt is note recognized by Dapped if I plug it with the computer already on... but it IS recognized if I boot the computer with it plugged...10:19
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sharmsMystaMax: You must specify the filesystem type.10:20
ramblingturtlesharms: that is already checked and still dosn't work10:20
linopilorcdestroyer mhdd10:20
WarboMystaMax: try using sda5 instead of sda5/? (that's all I can think)10:20
=== masterofallarts [n=bitteseh@p213.54.82.79.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
linopilwait for link10:20
masterofallartsWhat is the kde equivalent to the gnome settings daemon?10:20
Basiliodoes ubuntu has a form of system restore10:20
Warbomasterofallarts: I think QT configs are always used10:20
sharmsramblingturtle: how about cd /media/cdrom10:20
macozzafter that, if I eject the pen drive it is not longer recongnized...10:20
Basilioto the state when i first installed it10:20
ApocalypticOnisharms: sunbeam10:20
masterofallartswhat happens is that gnomesettingsdaemon could not be started for some reason.10:21
masterofallartswell... how to list all running processes?10:21
Warbomasterofallarts: ps ax10:21
ramblingturtlesharms: i can cd into directory10:21
unstablesobmasterofallarts: check that your time is set correctly, i've had it bomb out on me for that reason10:21
masterofallartsWarbo: thx. it is already running.10:21
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linopilgoogle mhdd10:22
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masterofallartsbut listen, people: i want to adjust mouse resolution.10:22
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ApocalypticOnisharms, its a fireline usb optical10:22
masterofallartsin xorg.conf, thats possible10:22
macozzIt seems that others have experienced similar problem with Kingston pen drives... some body here know something about that?10:23
ramblingturtlesharms: the problem is that I can't burn the iso because after I put in blank media I get a mesg saying that there is no media in device or that I do not have permission for said device10:23
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zybrid_What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running  kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 10:23
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masterofallartsbut gnomesettingsdaemon overrides these settings!10:23
Basiliodoes ubuntu has a form of system restore10:23
sharmsramblingturtle: is it possible that it is the media itself?10:23
MystaMaxWarbo, that worked, i appreciate your help!10:23
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WarboMystaMax: NP, I was suprised it was something so small10:24
ramblingturtlesharms: no because I have gone through several discs all of which are blank and have worked before but that would make this much easier if it where10:24
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Servo888Anybody know what tools to use to resize a reiser partition...?10:24
DvlynSydewireless help > couldn't install Network Manager > all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:24
masterofallartsin what file does gnome-mouse-settings store its conf?10:24
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AfiefI have already tried to install twice from the Desktop CD, both times it stopped at the "configuring APT, scanning mirror" part. is there a solution for this?10:25
ramblingturtlesharms: is there anyway to force a burn to disc so that way I can reinstall10:25
WarboServo888: GParted? (or else "ls /sbin/*fs*")10:25
dribblewow, mono develop is quite the ide.10:25
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ApocalypticOnii have been hving trouble with my mouse, because it doesnt update its position often enough. i was told that to fix it i'd need to edit xorg.conf, but notwhat to edit. what should i change? (sry im a n00b) its a sunbeam usb optical mouse10:25
MystaMaxwarbo, yea its weird. I've had weird problems w/ this partition, gparted states its a ext3 partition but the "disk" application states its an NTFS partition.... weird10:26
newbuntuhi, im typing this from my linux handheld  archos, which i got to run irc10:26
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newbuntuits awesome10:26
SonicChaonewbuntu: #ubuntu-offtopic10:27
J-_what's the command to verify you're SU, so i can can write to folders?10:27
Servo888Warbo, I don't have gparted - and the only sbin tool I found was resize_reiser which failed.10:27
SonicChaonewbuntu: this is for support. is something now working?10:27
sharmsramblingturtle - does cdrdao scanbus   provide additional information10:27
AfiefI have already tried to install twice from the Desktop CD, both times it stopped at the "configuring APT, scanning mirror" part. is there a solution for this?10:27
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RegalDracsomeone help me10:27
RegalDracim tierd of waittin g:d10:27
RegalDrac[mpeg4 @ 0x8336308] marker does not match f_code10:27
RegalDracwhats that mean when using ffmpeg10:27
=== dr_willis waits for a question that he can answer
sharmsramblingturtle: also cdrdao disk-info10:28
newbuntuits okay to say hi?10:28
dr_willissounds like a error in the video file.10:28
SonicChaoRegalDrac: If you're tired of waiting, pay for support10:28
WarboRegalDrac: If you want some GUI thing then try synaptic's search or gnomefiles.org10:28
SonicChaonewbuntu: yes...but that was...really offtopic.10:28
[sYn] Is there a way to set my hostname (eg, the hostname shown when you whois me) to be that of my owned domain rather than the ISP hostname.. ?10:28
RegalDracwhos asking for a gui10:28
RegalDraci just asked10:28
RegalDracsonic shut up :/10:28
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JowiApocalypticOni: USB mouse poll time is hardware based afaik. serial mice can set the baud rate but that10:28
macozzNobody knows something about my Kingston pen drive question?10:28
Jowis about it10:28
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DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:29
ramblingturtlesharms: when I try to run that command I get an error it seems to be trying to scan a harddrive instead of cdrom10:29
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ApocalypticOnijowi: so what you're saying is that theres no way to fix my problem?10:29
sharmsramblingturtle: it may do that at first, but near the end of the input should be real data10:30
AfiefI have already tried to install twice from the Desktop CD, both times it stopped at the "configuring APT, scanning mirror" part. is there a solution for this?10:30
JowiApocalypticOni: I don't see any xorg.conf options for it at least.10:31
Servo888resize_reiserfs: can't shrink fs; too many blocks already allocated | that's my issue.10:31
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ramblingturtlesharms: it did list info in the end like the device names but I am not sure what I am looking at10:31
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angasuleI have followed the guide to installing the proprietary nvidia drivers without luck, I'm thinking it's related to the k7 kernel I installed, I've searched and researched but I haven't found a solution10:31
JowiApocalypticOni: ah, wait!10:31
ApocalypticOnijowi: do you know of any other ways to edit the mouse settings?10:31
adelfinohi, can I use Epiphany in Ubuntu 6.06?10:32
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JowiApocalypticOni: just found Option "SampleRate" and Option "Resolution" here: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/mouse.4.html10:32
Warboangasule: I use module-assistant to build the driver (I have heard that the guide is a bit dodgy)10:32
SurfnKidWhat does F9 do in XGL/Compiz?10:32
DvlynSydei love being ignored.10:32
dribbleis NFS usually realllly slow?  my throughput is like 9.2kbps10:32
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Foobaldribble: no.10:33
sharmsramblingturtle: when I put in blank media and run the disk-info, it immediately shows me the capacity and if the cd is empty.  When I run the same command with no disk in the drive or media that isnt blank, it then gives me a list of things its trying, such as the other harddrive10:33
ApocalypticOnijowi: thanks, i'll try to figure it out from here on10:33
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dribbleFoobal, hmmmm10:33
JowiApocalypticOni: it does not say if USB mice are supported though. you can always try10:33
dribbleFoobal, any suggestions?10:33
=== malv [n=malv@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharmsramblingturtle: best I can recommend at this point is boot off knoppix or a ubuntu live cd, and see if they can read your blank media and burn the dapper iso10:33
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sharmsApocalypticOni: Can you tell us what driver your mouse is using currently?  It is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and would be labelled as ConfiguredMouse10:34
ramblingturtlesharms: ok thanks I will see if I have something that will work10:34
sharmsGood luck10:34
orcdestroyerhow can I test the smartclt?10:35
angasuleWarbo: got any guide for that? http://home.comcast.net/~andrex/Debian-nVidia/installation.html   seems to be it, but for debian, I'm unsure if that's ok for this particular problem10:35
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sharmsangasule, just trying to install nvidia drivers?10:35
Foobalorcdestroyer: sudo smartctl -t long /dev/hda (or whatever your hard disk device is)10:35
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DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:36
angasulesharms: yes, but I installed the k7 kernel10:36
orcdestroyerFoobal It doesn't show up the option -t10:36
sharmsangasule, the precompiled nvidia drivers work perfectly with linux-k710:36
sharmsangasule, when you install linux-k7, the modules that were compiled for k7 are also installed10:36
MystaMaxwhen mounting a drive and restarting my computer, my changes dont seem to stick. why is that?10:36
sharms!tell MystaMax about fstab10:37
angasulesharms: I followed the nvidia driver guide at the wiki, and it didn't work.10:37
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sharmsangasule - how about just apt-get install nvidia-glx, then edit xorg and replace nv with nvidia?10:37
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Warboangasule: I usually so "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` linux-headers-`uname -r`" then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx module-assistant nvidia-kernel-source" then run "sudo m-a" and it is pretty straightforward from that point10:38
=== malv [n=malv@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharmsWarbo: why module-assistant and kernel-source?10:38
sharmsWarbo: nvidia already exists in restricted?10:38
RegalDracim having a error with make10:38
RegalDraci need help10:38
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sintryxcan anyone explain what this means "In Ubuntu 6.06, make sure you added the Universe and Multiverse repositories and install the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly."10:38
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RegalDrac make10:39
RegalDrac( cd /src/moc && make )10:39
RegalDrac/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /src/moc: No such file or directory10:39
RegalDracmake: *** [/bin/moc]  Error 110:39
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angasuleWarbo: thanks, I'll try that10:39
adelfinoRegalDrac, try: cd src/moc && make10:39
sharmssintryx, System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager->Settings->Repositories10:39
ApocalypticOniis there a default root password and if so what is it?10:39
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Warbosharms: I find module-assistant the easiest way to build the driver, and the restricted is a dependancy of the nvidia-glx, but if you don't have the right k7 ones installed before apt-getting nvidia-glx then it ends up dragging in linux-image-xxxxx-386 and linux-restricted-modules-xxxxx-38610:39
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RegalDracdident work ade10:39
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ApocalypticOnior can i disable read-only from my admin-lefel account?10:40
sharmsWarbo: Odd I have the drivers working just by getting nvidia-glx, then changing nv to nvidia10:40
WarboApocalypticOni: Read-only on what?10:40
sharmswith the linux-k7 kernel installed10:40
dionnowHow would I go about closing X server and then getting to a command prompt?10:40
sharmsdionnow - ctrl-alt-backspace10:40
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dionnowthank ya much10:41
DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:41
=== echeese [n=echeese@CPE001150adc237-CM0012c9239fd4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarboApocalypticOni: It is write-enabled for the owner, so just use sudo10:41
DvlynSydeeveryone is getting help. except me10:41
sintryxsharms:  now what? =\10:41
sharmscheck the appropriate repositiories10:41
sharmsthen update the repositories10:41
ApocalypticOniwarbo: do i log on under thaty name?10:41
sharmsthen search for ugly10:41
sharmscheck the box10:41
sharmstell it to install10:41
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-70-240-78-113.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
echeeseFinally got Ubuntu installed.10:41
Warbo!tell ApocalypticOni about root10:41
sintryxkk ill try that10:41
sharmsecheese: congratulations10:42
echeese<-- First linux10:42
keithgEcheese, Congratulations!10:42
sharmsecheese: remember you will need to invest a little time, because some things work differently, but not worse10:42
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DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:42
SurfnKidanyone know how to do a printscreen while moving the XGL cube10:42
echeeseI may miss some of my apps though :/10:42
sintryxexcellent, ty sharms.10:42
sharmsecheese: besides counterstrike I cant find any10:42
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sharmssintryx: np :)10:43
echeeseI use photoshop and flash on a daily basis10:43
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sharmsecheese: I still have flash (the client viewer atleast) and gimp works excellent for photo editing,  You will probably like it more after while10:43
echeesePhotoshop 4 :P10:43
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sharmsecheese: and if they are must need applications, wine supports them decently10:43
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chuckhello, I instaled fglrx  drivers and fglrxinfo just says bus error anyone wanna point me to a tutorial ?10:44
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:44
morten_I have trouble running bzflag under 64 bit ubuntu 6.0610:44
morten_Help is requested.10:44
ubotuI know nothing about bzflag10:44
edgyHi, I want to use rosetta from my local projects, how can I get it? how much is it?10:45
ubotuI know nothing about girls10:45
dash`me too10:45
=== blaze [n=blaze@] has joined #ubuntu
blazei know that this question is not at all for this channel but10:45
ubotuI know nothing about cheese10:45
blazehow is the word "intricasy" pronouced?10:45
morten_dash`, try next time at the disco .. ask a girl "kick me in the balls or dance with me", then spread legs and smile suggestively.10:45
kbrooksedgy: its free. you can enable it'10:45
Afiefecheese: there is flash for linux, and GIMP did everything for me that photoshop did10:46
morten_dash`, Maybe you get lucky ... either way, you'll be wiser on girls.10:46
dash`I've tried that10:46
blazei mean.. is it i`ntricasy or is it intr`icasy10:46
dash`I've had some semi-psycho ex's in the past10:46
morten_dash`, you did already?10:46
Afiefecheese: if there is a particular thing missing of course you can request it(and tell them how important this is for everybody)10:46
[sYn] Afief: Flash for linux?10:46
dash`a few of them have tried that, 'twas amusing10:46
jeff_banksIs there any other shortcut keys i could try ive Ctrl + Alt + Backspace but that not working.10:46
SurfnKidecheese, welcome to the underground world of the real thinkers10:46
morten_dash`, Oh .. don't do it on x's .. thats plain embarashing.10:46
edgykbrooks: enable it? what do u mean?10:46
Jowijeff_banks: to restart X? try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"10:47
echeeseI've already got VMWare server with XP in it10:47
SurfnKidoh and there's no such thing as a dumb question10:47
morten_SurfnKid, Are you sure?10:47
edgykbrooks: I need to download it to my local server10:47
=== la8pv [n=fanix@c-fe2be255.461-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
chuckdoes xgl/compiz work with the open radeon driver  ?10:47
kbrooksedgy: download what10:47
morten_chuck, how do I test xgl?10:47
chuckor fdo you have to have 95xx or above ?10:47
jeff_banksjowi: all can do is move the mouse10:47
=== marc [n=marc@rbw01.rbw.stud.uni-goettingen.de] has joined #ubuntu
dash`anybody know of a good app or something that monitors hardware [like temperatures, fan speeds, etc]  ?10:47
jeff_banks*all i10:47
sharmsI actually prefer gimp now, just because with photoshop I never had a legal version, and gimp was very straight forward with tons of good tutorials at http://www.gimptalk.com/10:47
morten_dash`, gkrellm10:47
edgykbrooks: download rosetta code10:48
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morten_dash`, if you have a fetish for gnome, that is.10:48
=== redguy [n=mati@11-mia-6.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksedgy: link to rosetta?10:48
=== jc-denton [n=nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has joined #ubuntu
jc-dentonhi all10:48
jc-dentoni use FF with aoss10:48
morten_dash`, though it works quite well with WindowMaker as well.10:48
jc-dentonbut it crashes so much10:48
jc-dentonany other options how i can use FF with flash and sound?10:48
Jowijeff_banks: ouch. if you have a soft-power-switch, press it and a shutdown will be initiated10:48
=== ismael_ [n=ismael@201-42-114-230.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
morten_dash`, are you from the bronx?10:49
=== malv [n=malv@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ismael_ola sou usuario novo do buntu10:49
=== thejoe [n=joseph@c-68-50-151-17.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jeff_banksah bum dont have one10:49
SurfnKidchuck,  i have 9600 and i just got it running today, XGL that is10:49
edgykbrooks: https://launchpad.net/rosetta10:49
dash`morten_ :: no...?10:49
morten_dash`, just wondering.10:49
SurfnKiddash`, gkrellm monitors stuff10:49
morten_dash`, where you from then?10:49
ubotuI know nothing about rosetta10:49
jeff_bankscheer anyways10:49
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.10:50
ubotuI know nothing about emt6410:50
=== cjpro [n=cjpro@c-71-236-114-30.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowijeff_banks: ctl-alt-f1 works? if it does, afte ryou get a prompt, press ctrl-alt-del to reboot10:50
ubotuI know nothing about amd4610:50
=== superm1 [n=supermar@68-115-93-75.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.10:50
SurfnKiddoes anyone know how to PrintScreen while rotating XGL cube10:50
ApocalypticOnihow do i open xorg.conf with sudo?10:50
superm1could someone tell me if its possible to determine the type of dye used on a DVDR or CDR using linux utilities at all?10:50
thejoeis there anything i can do to make GAIM a bit sexier?   i have been unable to find skins for it.   Does installing a new GTK engine change anything?10:50
edgyApocalypticOni: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:51
sharmssuperm1: not sure but you can try cdrdao disk-info10:51
Jowisuperm1: dye?10:51
superm1for thejoe10:51
morten_ubotu: amd64 is also a lot of trouble .. new users should deffo go with 32 bit for now, if they want to watch avi-files and surf newer flash pages.10:51
superm1some brands use different dye's for creating the blank disk10:51
=== WiFiChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-1203.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
jeff_banksjowi: na tried that :( guess ill have to wire up a soft reboot button10:51
morten_ubotu, amd64 is also a lot of trouble .. new users should deffo go with 32 bit for now, if they want to watch avi-files and surf newer flash pages.10:51
kbrooksedgy: the rosetta code is secret10:52
morten_How do I do that?10:52
superm1thanks sharms10:52
=== casper__ [n=casper@0x5358c0d9.boanxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
edgykbrooks: I thought it's a commercial project not a secret project10:52
kbrooksedgy: i said the code, not rosetta10:52
=== Carmen- [n=PWND@a88-113-127-142.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ApocalypticOniedgy: i'm sorry, but where do i type that?10:52
morten_Carmen-, can I help you, please?10:52
=== Tom7e [n=matthew@adsl-210-137-247.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
thejoesuperml: thanx10:53
edgyApocalypticOni: on that black box called a terminal10:53
Tom7ewhat is the prefered firewall software?10:53
Carmen-morten_ find me a fluxbox menufile10:53
Carmen-morten_ one in http://fluxbox.org/zoom.php?shots-dev/majes_fluxbox.jpg10:53
Carmen-its what i want :[10:53
morten_Carmen-, I am on it.10:53
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
edgykbrooks: yes as far as I know they sell the code, no?10:53
Carmen-anyone know if theres root-tail binaries for ubuntu?10:54
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jeff_banksjowi: cheers again10:54
morten_Carmen-, Is this link helpfull? http://blogostuff.blogspot.com/2004/10/hacking-fluxbox-menu.html10:54
superm1sharms, I can't get an exclusive lock on the drive even with sudo, do I have to leave gnome to do this?10:54
superm1Error trying to open /dev/dvdrw exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.10:54
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Carmen-morten_ i want to download already done menufile :-D10:55
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Carmen-so i dont need to make one myself10:55
morten_ahh .. I see10:55
SurfnKidwhats good to burn DVD's and CDs in Dapper10:55
morten_Carmen-, and you want it to be exactly as the one on the screenshot?10:55
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saxinSurfnKid, k3b10:55
DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but all programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture"10:55
kern_mallocTom7e: iptables10:55
Carmen-morten_ pretty much10:56
zybrid_How do i unrar multiple rar-files? is there a program like winrar?10:56
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Carmen-morten_ atleast close10:56
SurfnKidsaxin, cool10:56
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morten_Carmen-, maybe you can get it at this email? majes@fpp.pl10:56
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DvlynSydewhy the heck am i being ignored?10:56
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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morten_Carmen-, or if you wait, I can try and extract it from the tar.bz210:57
=== Engnome [n=jerry@h144n4c1o1003.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakDvlynSyde: your not10:57
Carmen-morten_ the theme pack does not contain it10:57
fireCan anyone help me.. I am getting an error when trying to boot... ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... not found!10:57
gnomefreakDvlynSyde: are you on 64bit or ppc?10:57
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gnomefreakDvlynSyde: it might not be built for 64bit10:58
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dash`can this gkrellm be made part of a toolbar or something, instead of being a window by itself?10:58
=== dionnow [n=dion@66-90-252-202.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveydash`: you can dock it if you mean that10:58
dr_willisive seen it docked in windowmaker i think and some other panels befor10:59
dionnowHow do I completely close xserver and have a prompt, I'm attempting to install my display drivers10:59
morten_Carmen-, the cfg file contains the menu.10:59
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fireNow everyone once in awhile if I just keep rebooting it will actually log in.. but it hardly ever will log in...10:59
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Carmen-morten_ :o10:59
dash`NickGarvey :: yeh, something like that10:59
morten_Carmen-, Are you a suomi?10:59
Carmen-i am10:59
NickGarveydash`: theres an option10:59
morten_Cool :)10:59
NickGarveydash`: skim around the config10:59
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
=== Franz_Kafka [n=daryl@c-68-85-72-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
morten_Carmen-, I didn't know Carmen was a common name that far north, but then again, maybe it isn't?11:00
kleeshow can i tell what packages i have installed in my system?11:00
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DvlynSydethe 64 bit has NOTHING that works on add/remove?11:00
Carmen-i dont think the .cfg contains the menu11:00
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DvlynSydeor is it that i can't connect to internet?11:00
morten_Carmen-, You're right ...11:00
Carmen-i know i am11:01
dionnowHow do I completely close xserver and have a prompt?11:01
Carmen-its that guys own menu11:01
morten_Carmen-, on a closer look .. it only contains the look of the menu .. not the menu items .. sorry .11:01
morten_Carmen-, best shot might be the email I provided.11:01
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
kleesis there a way for me to get a list of installed programs?11:01
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morten_klees, yes.11:01
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kleesand that is?11:02
dr_willisdionnow,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop          (shhould totally kill off X)11:02
morten_klees, depends on your system, I guess.11:02
kleesi would like to throw the output to a file11:02
kleesi have Ubuntu11:02
dionnowAs well as leave me with a command prompt?11:02
SurfnKidI have FireStarter installed but it returns a post-installation script error11:02
=== ruelle [n=ruelle@dslb-082-083-203-178.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
DvlynSydegnomefreak: EVERYTHING in add/remove says that.11:02
morten_klees, A general way would be to open a text editor, and type in all the programs you have installed.11:02
dionnowI'm just trying to install my display drivers, which require it to be totally closed down11:02
SurfnKidshould i check anything specific to check that firestarter runs11:02
DvlynSydeare you telling me that there is NOTHING for the 64 bit?11:02
kleestoo time consuming11:03
kleesi need a command11:03
lagerimsiklees try aptitude11:03
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gnomefreakDvlynSyde: try synaptic than11:03
morten_klees, another way would be to find all executables .. though it might produce false positives ..11:03
dr_willisdionnow,  kill the gdm service. will kill off X for a while. :P till y reboot or startx - i think the !nvidia faq tell sya more11:03
=== lucas [n=lucas@h72n6c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakbut i think its the 64 that this si due to not everything is built for 64 or ppc11:03
=== creative [n=creative@82-77-103-34.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
lagerimsiklees dont forget man11:03
Carmen-is vmware freeware nowdays?11:03
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dionnowthanks for the help11:03
=== keithg [n=keith@c-24-20-146-76.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
echeeseI get the following error trying to build wine for amd64:11:03
echeesechecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:03
kbrooksCarmen-: vmware server and vmware player are free11:04
WarboCarmen-: The "player" is, but not the full version11:04
gnomefreakDvlynSyde: most free apps should be but nm have been having issues from what ive seen11:04
DvlynSydewhats synaptic?11:04
apokryphosecheese: /msg ubotu compile11:04
WarboThe server is free? Wow11:04
apokryphosDvlynSyde: /msg ubotu synaptic11:04
gnomefreakecheese: install build-essential11:04
fireSo.. anyone familure with this problem.. ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... Not found11:04
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=== EvilGrin [n=gking@82-43-224-11.cable.ubr01.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidFireStarter problem, cannot seem to start, what can I check to view start up settings11:04
echeesebuild-essential is already the newest version.11:04
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vilkuscould somebody that has cedega teach me how to install it??11:04
DvlynSydedude. every single program in add/remove says it doesn't support my system architecture or whatnot11:05
WarboSurfnKid: As always, try it from a terminal11:05
morten_klees, find / -perm /u+x,g+x,o+x11:05
DvlynSydeyou sure its not a matter of me not being online?11:05
morten_klees, find / -perm /u+x,g+x,o+x -print > myfile.txt #even11:05
Carmen-i need11:05
Jowiklees: dpkg -l | grep ii >> filename.txt11:05
Carmen-vmware full11:05
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morten_Carmen-, qemu works well sometimes. ..11:05
=== Knag [n=eduard@75.Red-83-53-222.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Carmen-i wanna illegal copy of vmware11:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
Carmen-like i had before11:06
kleesthanks Jowi that's exactly what i needed11:06
morten_Carmen-, thats illegal .. but I guess you know that..11:06
scotthey, does google earth (native) cause hardlocks for anyone else using an ati and fglrx drivers?11:06
Dial_tonenothing wrong with vmplayer11:06
Warbomorten_: I tried running PCBSD with KDE in it earlier. Completely unusable even with kqemu installed and most of my processes stopped11:06
=== Carmen- was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (no warez talk here)
morten_Carmen-, the general way is to aquire the demo version, then aquire a key-generator and enter a key.11:06
Dial_tonescott: not for me11:06
scottit only locks after a bit of use and always while zooming in11:07
morten_apokryphos, that was kinda rude ...11:07
gnomefreakmorten_: no illegal advice please11:07
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DvlynSydeyou sure its not a matter of me not being online?11:07
morten_gnomefreak, fair enough11:07
=== linopil [n=yehudit@DSL217-132-48-39.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
scottcan i ask if you have any special xorg configuration?11:07
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SurfnKidWarbo, try starting firestarter?11:08
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WarboSurfnKid: If something doesn't work for no apparent reason then running it in a terminal will usually show you what the error is11:08
morten_hmm .. I can't even message carmen- ...11:08
morten_I guess I have to register this nick .. though .. someone already did?11:09
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=== dr_willis giggles
morten_-NickServ- The nickname [Morten_]  is already registered11:09
Warbomorten_: But you aren't using a capital! That's so unfair...11:09
SurfnKidum, running dpkg --configure firestarter returns.... subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg says it returns an errorcode,11:09
morten_Warbo, you're right .. I'll bug lilo at once!11:10
morten_Warbo, just kidding though.11:10
SurfnKidexit status 2 init script failure11:10
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
vegetableproblem: i have Hebrew installed but i cant switch and use it while writing. help!!!11:10
morten_Warbo, I'll try "morten__"11:11
=== morten_ is now known as morten__
QuarterlifeCan someone help me with my display problem?11:11
morten__-NickServ- Your nickname is now registered under the hostmask [blablabla] 11:11
WarboQuarterlife: State your problem and anyone who knows will help11:12
=== SilverSpace [n=mirozagr@83-131-103-96.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
DvlynSydeyou sure its not a matter of me not being online?11:12
morten__Warbo, heh .. talking about being optimistic ;-)11:12
=== tpg_ [n=tpg@84-104-127-21.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ApocalypticOnii've edited xorg.conf with sudo, but idk how to save it11:12
morten__Quarterlife, pay up, and we might help you!11:12
QuarterlifeErm... My problem is http://edu.pudasjarvi.fi/~gizzmo/Screenshot.png11:12
tpg_I just installed this Linux version, dont rly know how to use11:13
Warbomorten__: Well if morten_ comes on I will have to press more buttons to reply to you :(11:13
morten__Quarterlife, I am just kidding ..11:13
[sYn] ApocalypticOni: !w in vi11:13
Warbotpg_: Well the first question is: What do you want to do?11:13
morten__Warbo, You're right .. I should DOS him if he ever shows up!11:13
fireso is there no one that can help with this problem11:13
[sYn] ApocalypticOni: You may need to press escape before using the !w command in vi11:13
morten__Warbo, or maybe go for "_morten" or something .. nah .. thats illegal..11:13
orcdestroyerhow can I clean the  mbr ?11:13
ubotuI know nothing about vi11:13
tpg_I want to listen music on www.nederland.fm or something, but i dont know how to install a windows driver on this pc for sound11:13
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
morten__tpg_, you're talking junk, do you know that?11:14
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tpg_uhm no...11:14
dr_willisorcdestroyer,  normally you install the mbr you want on to the hd over the existing mbr11:14
Warbotpg_: Well sound drivers are built into the Linux kernel with the ALSA system. Windows drivers wouldn't work, and even if they did it would be really dodgy :)11:14
dragonim back :D11:14
=== adelfino [i=Dam@200-127-232-38.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
morten__tpg_, good thing I told you then!11:14
lagerimsiApocalypticOni: or shorter !x for write and quit11:14
orcdestroyerdr_willis I want to remove11:14
dragonhow do i find out my "root " password?11:14
dr_willisorcdestroyer,  remove and put what in its place?11:14
Warbomorten__: Don't alienate new users please :)11:15
dragonask her i guess lmao11:15
Warbodragon: You don;t have one11:15
=== Aven [i=aven@adsl-69-231-81-29.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tpg_hmm ill look if i can play music Marbo, on my Linux ;p11:15
[sYn] dragon: You should have set it when you installed (well.. not root.. but superuser password)11:15
=== pez [n=pez@user-324.l5.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WarboAA! Why do people call me Marbo? :)11:15
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morten__Warbo, explain please?  I am un-native .. my tongue isn't english..11:15
tpg_sorry, i mean morten11:15
=== swerves [n=c44d2e2e@000-138-811.area3.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
swerveson Desktop11:15
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swerveswhat is the default root password?11:15
AvenIs there a way I can have ubuntu warn me when my computer is overheating? instead of shutting it down11:15
swervesafter install?11:15
fireso are there any advanced Linux useres here that can help??? so far I have been completly unable to get any help...11:16
gnomefreakswerves: your user password11:16
vegetableproblem: i have Hebrew installed but i cant switch and use it while writing. help!!!11:16
orcdestroyerdr_willis I just wanna to test the mbr11:16
swervesdoes it work remotely? (SSH?)11:16
gnomefreak!sudo > swerves11:16
[sYn] Aven: Might be a better idea to solve the overheat :\11:16
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:16
morten__tpg_, mp3 is a restricted format .. if thats a hint. ;-)11:16
gnomefreakswerves: read the pm from ubotu11:16
zybrid_Swedish_Chef, root is disabled in default, use sudo command instaead11:16
dr_willisorcdestroyer,  read up on grub and lilo, and how the mbr is made. I guess.11:16
dribblehey guys -- back in the day, on a different distro, my gnome workspace applet displayed the icons of the open windows, xchat would be a fox with an x in it, firefox would be a box with a globe in it..etc.  anybody know how to get that functionality back?11:16
morten__zybrid, pretty clever thing to do .. since users are both stupid and insane in general :-)11:16
tpg_Morten, how can i ever listen music then? :( or aint that possbible?11:16
dragonso the password i set up to login?11:16
Warbomorten__: "Yay! I am new to Ubnutu Linux!" "It's UBUNTU you a**hole!" "Well if that's your attitude I'll go back to Windows!" For example11:16
dr_willisorcdestroyer,  you can 'dd' to/from the mbr if ya really want to. and  trash the system if not carefull. :P11:16
Aven[sYn] : I don't really think it's overheating though11:17
morten__tpg_, : it is :)11:17
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Avenfans are working perfectly11:17
sharmsdribble: gnome-notification-applet11:17
tpg_uhm, tell me11:17
AvenI also managed to clean out the dust, etc.11:17
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morten__Warbo, oh .. maybe I had too much morgan too night. :/11:17
zybrid_dragon: its your first userpass11:17
sharmsdribble: err maybe not11:17
dribblesharms, i've got the notification applet up -- i'm referring to the workspace switcher :p11:17
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dr_willisamazing how much dust and stuff gets in a pc.11:17
dragonoh ok11:17
Avenheh yeah11:17
=== stephenwatts [n=steveltu@c-24-1-209-195.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tom7edid anyone here install mythtv from synaptic?11:17
morten__Warbo, I didn't mean to assign the title of the english version of anus to any newbies. :/11:17
Warbotpg_: MP3 is patented, and a while ago RedHat got into some legal trouble for including MP3 support in their Linux version, so these days you have to install it yourself. However, installing stuff in Ubuntu is much easier than in Wndows :)11:17
firei sure don't want to go back to windows but I am about to also.. I can't even get my other computer to boot up... hopefully Ill find some help sooner or later...11:17
vegetablecould some 1 help me. i've already ask 2 times11:18
fireyou and me both vegetable11:18
dribbleI miss windows for some stuff....like flash and signed wmv files.  hmm, that's about it11:18
sharmsfire: ask a question.11:18
morten__Warbo, besides .. I never really considered ms-windows a sane alternative..11:18
sharmsdribble: I have flash.11:18
fireI am having ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... not found!11:18
morten__dribble, you can have flash in 32-bit gnu/linux.11:18
tpg_how can i whisper someone? people are helping me in red stuff...11:18
fireI can't get it to boot at all11:18
zybrid_dribble, whatabout flash?11:18
dribblemorten__, meant flash 8/911:19
Warbomorten__: Well would you consider users installing Windows sound drivers in Linux sane?11:19
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morten__tpg_, You're new to computers?11:19
morten__dribble, what you mean?11:19
sharmsfire: is it an emachines laptop?11:19
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morten__dribble, flash is only in version 7 !11:19
swerveshow do I write to /var/www as an admin?11:19
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morten__dribble, afaik.11:19
vegetablewhat about me. blah11:19
tpg_To linux yes, im a bit young but i used Windows, atleast i know almost everything about it ;p11:19
fireno.. its a system I build.. its using an ASUS P4S800D-X mother board...11:19
dribblemorten__, exactly, which is why i miss it ;)11:19
morten__dribble, then agin .. tis a few days since I install.11:19
WarboFlash 8 (and 8.5?) can be installed in WINE11:19
sharms!tell vegetable about anyone11:19
=== xolot2 [n=willi@pool-70-20-18-219.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
morten__Warbo, wine socks .. go with vodka or rum.11:20
sharmsfire: What happens when you disable acpi in the bios?11:20
bsdirltpg_: about 90% of the IT classes at my college were like that11:20
dribblehere here!11:20
Warbotpg_: If you go into the "Examples" folder and play a .ogg file, do you get sound?11:20
swervesi can't seem to write to /var/www as an admin, its chowned to root and won't let me chown it to someone else, how can I write to /var/www on Desktop 6.06 as an admin?11:20
morten__Warbo, just kidding again .. wasn't even funny - huh?11:20
bsdirl"Active Directory is the best ever!" :|11:20
vegetableproblem: i have Hebrew installed but i cant switch and use it while writing. help!!!11:20
jc-dentonbsdirl: you on a linux channel?11:20
firesharms: nothing seams to change.. I could try again.. but i believe I had the same error.. let me quickly try11:20
jc-dentonopenbsd rocks! :)11:20
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morten__dribble, if I understand you correctly, I have question:  Why no flash 8/9 for gnu/linux?11:20
Warbomorten__: It isn't funny when you confuse me with comparing WINE to socks11:20
bsdirljc-denton: you could say that11:20
morten__Warbo, right :-)11:21
swervesi can't seem to write to /var/www as an admin, its chowned to root and won't let me chown it to someone else, how can I write to /var/www on Desktop 6.06 as an admin?11:21
tpg_where is the map Examples :/11:21
morten__Warbo, you'11:21
bsdirli prefer netbsd *sigh*11:21
dribblemorten__, 'cause macromedia are a buncha fscking slackers.11:21
morten__Warbo, you're old debian / slackware user?11:21
DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but ALL programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture" (i'm using 64 bit utuntu)11:21
morten__dribble, Lets mail them something rodden. :-P11:21
=== swerves is now known as smear
smeari can't seem to write to /var/www as an admin, its chowned to root and won't let me chown it to someone else, how can I write to /var/www on Desktop 6.06 as an admin?11:21
Warbomorten__: RedHat>Fedora3>Debian>Ubuntu11:21
morten__Warbo, :)11:21
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-224-122-254.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mjrmorten__, it's a proprietary format and the vendor doesn't want to support Linux really. Free implementations are lagging behind (though making some progresS)11:21
morten__Warbo, I was before RedHat .. (thank God)11:22
mad_slackiea good night to all ladies and gentlemans!11:22
zybrid_DvlynSyde, you should use 32bit version instead11:22
dribblemorten__, haha, agreed!  the *nix communicty as been on their case for a while now.  They promised us a release for 8, it never came.  Now they're swearing to get us v9, but, I've yet to see it.11:22
morten__mjr, lets DOS all flash sites...11:22
zybrid_DvlynSyde, 32bit ubuntu11:22
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vegetable4th time: have Hebrew installed but i cant switch and use it while writing. help!!!11:22
Warbomorten__: I was a newbie once. I heard that "Red Hat" was a good Linux company, so I got the latest version, RedHat 9. I later found out about Fedora :)11:22
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smeari can't seem to write to /var/www as an admin, its chowned to root and won't let me chown it to someone else, how can I write to /var/www on Desktop 6.06 as an admin?11:22
orcdestroyerwich tool I use using a ntfs partition ?11:22
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zybrid_vegetable, retype your question11:22
Warboorcdestroyer: What do you want to do on the partition?11:22
firesharms: i was incorrect when i disable it gets past that to the next line which says ACPI: setting ELCR to 0200 (from 0c28) and it does still above say DSDT not found11:22
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smeari can't seem to write to /var/www as an admin, its chowned to root and won't let me chown it to someone else, how can I write to /var/www on Desktop 6.06 as an admin?11:23
morten__Warbo, when I started, I could choose SLS or Slackware .. there was some others .. but only for experts, (as far as I reckoned).11:23
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zybrid_smear, sudo11:23
gavagaismear, don't chown that stuff!11:23
Jack_Sparroworcdestroyer: what are you trying to do to that partition?11:23
gatekeepertpg_: what's the problem?11:23
orcdestroyerJack_Sparrow install xp11:23
smearsudo asks me for an unknown password11:23
bimberismear: use sudo when copying or moving files to /var/www11:23
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gavagaismear, it is your password11:23
smearthe password is NOT my default user password11:23
tpg_I cant find the examples folder to test sound to see if the sound is working here11:23
zybrid_smear, its your userpass11:23
bsdirlRed Hat's in my state.. I wanna drive up there and demand they put RHEL on my blank discs11:23
morten__Warbo, then came red hat .. but it seemed proprietary to me being new to gnu/linux.11:23
smearit says Sorry.11:23
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Warboorcdestroyer: Try this: www.microsoft.com11:23
Jack_Sparroworcdestroyer: What is your current partition configuration11:23
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scott_w|ubuntuhow can i start ssh on ubuntu?11:24
scott_w|ubuntuthe ssh daemon that is11:24
smearinstall ssh package (to scott_w)11:24
zybrid_scott, openssh-server11:24
gavagaismear, it is the password for the first account you created when you installed11:24
erUSULtpg_: aplay /usr/share/sounds/phone.wav11:24
bsdirl/etc/init.d/sshd start11:24
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morten__Warbo, all their talk about commercial support kinda scared me off.11:24
gavagaiscott_w|ubuntu, apt-get install openssh-server11:24
bsdirli think..11:24
dragonim havin probs wif installing java11:24
scott_w|ubuntuzybrid_: thanks11:24
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Jowismear: then you're spelling it incorrectly. it is your user password11:24
tpg_in terminal or so?11:24
gatekeepertpg_: go to System Settings -> Sound -> press the 'Test Sound' button11:24
smearno i'm not spelling it incorrectly11:24
morten__dragon, s/wif/with/ I assume?11:24
bimberidragon: what problems - it's in the ubuntu repositories11:24
smeari'm on the terminal remotely via ssh11:24
ubotuI know nothing about runescape11:24
dragonit says root passwod (my first userpass im told) and thatpass dont work11:24
smeari am in the admin group11:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:25
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scott_w|ubuntuargh hell! it isn't on the liveCD11:25
smeardragon: ditto11:25
Warbomorten__: RedHat seem to be pretty Free Software, considering this recent Java stuff and such. Anyway, this is a little offtopic11:25
scott_w|ubuntu; ;11:25
sharmsfire: in your grub menu, edit the entry and add acpi=off to the bootoptions11:25
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morten__Warbo, yeah11:25
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firesharms: okay let me try that11:25
morten__Warbo, offtopic is like breating for ontopic at times though. :-)11:25
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firesharms: that goes on the same line at root=?? right11:25
tpg_ill look11:25
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tpg_still thanks gatekeeper11:26
SonicChaoHow do I install Wine in Ubuntu 6.06? Is there a .deb package somewhere?11:26
ubotuI know nothing about nethack11:26
Jowismear: i administer ubuntu systems via ssh and using sudo daily. works fine for me :)11:26
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SonicChaoSorry, Wink not Wine.11:26
WarboYay I love E16!11:26
smearw/ Desktop 6.06?11:26
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:26
BearKnuckleWhy can't i connect to the terminal and how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1756811:26
gatekeepertpg_: do you hear anything?11:26
RaCartercan you install ubuntu with lvm?11:26
smearit won't let me su root or sudo, but sometimes sudo works11:26
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:26
dr_willis'connect to the terminal' ?11:26
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RaCarterwith standard installation tools11:26
michaelsI got gdesklets to start with each session (it's there in the notification area) but to make the desklets appear I have to open the gdesklets shell. how can I get them to show up when I start?11:26
sharmsfire: yup11:26
tpg_Well i dont even know wher eis System settings, Im atm now in applications above in the screen11:26
WarboRaCarter: Not with the graphical disc sadly, only with the text installer (alternate CD) as far as I know11:27
sharmsfire: also I recommend you check to make sure you have the latest bios revision11:27
SonicChaoHow do I install Wink in Ubuntu 6.06? Is there a .deb package somewhere?11:27
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ardchoilleW00T! My Ubuntu CD's have arrived! Wowsers, they started shipping Ubuntu decals with the disks :)11:27
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Jowismear: sometimes? that does not make any sence.11:27
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dr_willis!info wink11:27
ubotuPackage wink does not exist in dapper11:27
gatekeepertpg_: not sure where it is myself I use KDE not Gnome :-)11:27
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smeari dunno11:27
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tpg_is it possible to change to KDE or something?11:27
smearJowi: i do "su root" and type in my user pass: it says "sorry."11:28
SonicChaodr_willis: what about a third part deb?11:28
WarboSonicChao: I think I have run Wink from it's directory before, but ended up using pyvnc2swf instead11:28
gatekeeperWarbo: where is System Settings in Gnome?11:28
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Jowismear: and if you just use "sudo command"?11:28
smearJowi: i do "sudo <command>": it works11:28
Warbogatekeeper: Settings for what?11:28
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gavagaismear, there IS no root account11:28
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gavagaismear, then there is no problem, it works.  use sudo.11:28
aceboSpooky.. that's not the KatG Spooky, is it?11:28
smearJowi: i do "sudo root <command>" it asks for the password, but then its not my userpass11:28
dr_willisSonicChao,  i would have to say time to be googling and checking the wiki/forums11:28
dragonthe worst bit about my problem is that ive only had linux for like 5 hours11:28
gatekeeperWarbo: sound for starters11:28
Jack_Sparrowsmear:  sudo su11:28
gavagaismear, if you need a shell do: sudo bash11:28
SonicChaodr_willis: ok11:28
Warbo"sudo su" should work11:28
firesharms: i already loaded the latest bios this morning and now my Kernel line says /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro acpi=off single11:28
Jowismear: root is not enabled.11:28
dragonin that time ive installed it twice11:28
smearsudo su root11:28
smearworkd :)11:28
bimberier 'sudo -i' folks11:29
sharmsdragon: what is your problem?11:29
sharmsfire: does that work?11:29
Warbosu is enabled, but only to let super users become normal users11:29
=== theyCallMeGrim [n=jmb278@adsl-19-140-13.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragonmy root password isnt what i set it to11:29
Warboor sudo -u I htink11:29
Jowismear: bimberi uses the correct syntax btw11:29
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sharms!tell dragon about sudo11:29
smeardragon: try sudo su root11:29
dragonand my gfx card dusnt do gfx well lol11:29
gavagaidragon, you have no root account11:29
ardchoille!sudo > ardchoille11:29
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sharmsdragon,  read the PM from ubotu11:29
dragonoh ok11:29
=== bimberi hi5's Jowi
gatekeeper!System Settings11:30
ubotuI know nothing about System Settings11:30
DvlynSydei needwireless help. was told to install Network Manager but ALL programs in add/remove say "Not available on any software channel. Application might not support your system architecture" (i'm using 64 bit utuntu)11:30
firesharms: hold on.. its doing more....  man.. i swear i did that earlier.. but it seams to have worked..11:30
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firesharms: well thank you for taking the time.. hopefully I won't have to bother you again... but im in now.. and ill make perminent edits to the boot files...11:30
Warbogatekeeper: What exactly do you want to look at/change? Everything has it's own tool so just look for the right one (of course, KDE has kcontrol.......)11:30
sharmsDvlynSyde: how about apt-get install network-manager-gnome11:30
tpg_ok i see, sound doesnt work ,anybody can help me please?11:31
sharmsfire: good luck, glad to get ya going11:31
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Warbotpg_: You can do "lspci" to see what your soundcard is, and then we may be able to get it working for you :)11:31
zybrid_DvlynSyde, well, whats the problem_ there isnt a 64bit version yet, you need to use the ubuntu 32bit version11:31
gatekeeperWarbo: tpg_: has found it :-)11:31
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems11:31
tpg_welll i tryed it with www.pwned.nl hehehe11:32
gatekeepertpg_: from the CLI type in alsamixer11:32
DvlynSydeso there is nothing for 64 bit version now?11:32
sharmsDvlynSyde: I recommend 32-bit ubuntu for all users11:32
DvlynSydethank you11:32
sharmsit will work fine despite your 64-bit capabilities.11:32
QuarterlifeHelp http://edu.pudasjarvi.fi/~gizzmo/Screenshot.png11:32
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DvlynSydeyeah i know that. just figured the 64 bit would have well. SOMETHING11:32
sharmsDvlynSyde: it is possible in edgy that there will be better methods of running 32-bit programs in 64-bit environments11:32
Warbosharms: I would use 64bit just to use the true power of my machine, dammit! But what the heck, I don't even have a 64bit system :)11:33
sharmsWarbo: :) I have a few 64 bit machines, all running 32 go figure11:33
sharmsI use a lot of codecs though11:33
orcdestroyer badblocks -t random ?11:33
orcdestroyeris that right?11:33
sdki own 64bit version and i must admit - many things wont run without recompiling, but the system runs so smoothly than i am not sure of switching back to 32bit os :)11:33
echeeseDoes Wine work under AMD64 Dapper?11:34
bimberiDvlynSyde: are you asking about network-manager? there's amd64 packages for that11:34
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odlai get this error when i try to install or download tarballs from firefox, any ideas?      http://pastebin.ca/8272411:34
sdkworks, but there are some problems11:34
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tpg_ok with the lspci i see what my information is and stuff11:34
bimberiDvlynSyde: put the contents on /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin11:34
Warboecheese: Yes, but it is not in the repos since it has to be compiled for 32bit11:34
DvlynSydebimberi: i am asking about network manager11:34
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odlaalso capplets-data seems to be taking forever to set up during my update11:34
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orcdestroyerbadblocks -t random ?11:34
orcdestroyeris right ?11:35
echeeseWarbo, how could I get wine running somewhat stabley on my amd64 macheen?11:35
zybrid_yeah, i have a couple of 64bits amd/intel servers running 32bit software only :( it sucks11:35
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DvlynSydebimberi: i'm on windows now. i can't get online in ubuntu11:35
tpg_and now? i know what my soundcard is, but i dont think he finds it11:35
SonicChaoGot it running!11:35
Franz_KafkaLooking for a good place to grab a sweet new background.. Any ideas?11:35
tpg_is there any way to get sound working? i got the drivers here on cd but i dont think it would work on linux...11:35
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-48-88.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaoUnzip it, and do "sh installer.sh"11:35
sdkecheese: what do you need wine for? if you intend to play games - forget it11:35
bsmith___while upgrading, i ran into an issue during dpkg --configure of wbritish (of all packages)11:35
gatekeeperodla: looks like the xml stuff on that web site is incorrectly formatted11:35
depiwhat is the best solution to the azureus tray icon? I saw something on the forum, but it wasnt the best11:35
bsmith___how should i track down what is going on?11:36
bimberiDvlynSyde: hmmk,  If everything in add/remove is unavailable then i think it might be an issue with your repositories11:36
Warboecheese: There is linux32, which seems a better option but I don't know how to use it, or there is a 32bit chroot (which I tried to get working for a mate and ended up having to link about 50 programs from the chroot to the main Ubuntu system :( )11:36
SonicChaoWarbo: installed it, thanks for trying to help11:36
odlagatekeeper: it's like that on gnome-look and on a mozilla website11:36
dionnowIf i get an error that says "Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. "  while running a Nvidia installer, any ideas?11:36
echeesesdk, how else am I supposed to play games?11:36
DvlynSydebimberi: everything in add/remove is unavailable. i've said that :)11:36
tpg_Could anybody help me getting my sound working? or aint that possible?11:36
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sdkecheese: when i decided to install 64bit linux i knew i wont play games though11:36
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems11:36
gavagaidionnow, install the kernel source11:36
WarboDvlynSyde: What about in "Advanced" (Synaptic)?11:36
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DvlynSydethe limited things that are there. will at least allow installation11:37
bimberiDvlynSyde: yes i know.  do you can't get online under ubuntu at all?11:37
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gatekeepertpg_: have you started alsamixer, or was your sound card not detected?11:37
DvlynSydebimberi: that i cannot. i can't get wireless internet working.11:37
[FR] droidhello. I've followed the how-to to configure a speedtouch modem under ubuntu and it didn't work. Can anybody help me?11:37
DvlynSydei was told to get network manager11:37
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dionnowok gavagi, would i do that through the synaptic package manager?11:38
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murph2481how do i get a 5 button mouse with side scroll to work properlly?11:38
bimberiDvlynSyde: what wireless device do you have?11:38
Warbodionnow: USe synaptic to get the right "linux-headers" for your kernel11:38
tpg_ive started multimedia selector or something, and i choosed ALSA stuff, doesnt work on Test11:38
gavagaidionnow, i have no idea.  from the terminal i think it is:  apt-get install kernel-source11:38
depimcp_dk good :)11:38
gatekeeperodla: I have had trouble with add-in off the mozilla site but none on the extensions mirror so it could be them I am not sure11:38
mcp_dkafter that last update i no longer have a "shutdown" or "reboot" option i can only go to Hibernate!11:39
tpg_but im gonna look on the ALSA website11:39
Warbogavagai: Source isn't needed, only the headers11:39
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mcp_dkany idea how i can get the options back to shutdown and reboot ?11:39
dionnowOk thanks Warbo and gavagai11:39
DvlynSydebimberi: windows shows it as: Texas Instruments 802.11g wireless pci card11:39
Warbogavagai: Also the kernel stuff has been renamed to "linux-image" "linux-headers" and "linux-source". Only the 2.4 branch has "kernel-xxxxxx"11:39
Shizboomwhat would be the best way to setup and ftp server in ubuntu?11:40
=== Zeddicus [n=zeddicus@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dionnowok so currently i'm installing linux-source, so that should be what i'm looking for eh?11:40
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bsmith___is there some way to manually mark a half-configured dpkg package as done?11:40
Warbodionnow: No, unless you want to make a new kernel for yourself. Get the "linux-headers-yourkernel"11:41
erUSULShizboom: it depends on what ftp server you choose i supose 11:41
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Shizboomany recommendations?11:41
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dragonok 1 more question before i stuff up linux again and have to reinstall lol11:41
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bimberiDvlynSyde: kk, sec...11:41
dragonwhere shud i install java 2?11:42
erUSULShizboom: vsftpd is very secure ftpd i have it instaled but i do not use it much11:42
Warbodragon: The packages will sort that out for you11:42
dionnowWhere do I look to see exactly what kernal I'm running?11:42
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:42
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erUSULdionnow: uname -a11:42
Warbodionnow: Type "uname -r"11:42
ubotu<reply>  FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd11:42
tpg_Can anybody help me? how do i get sound working? i dont know where alsamixer is... and ive tried ALSA but it aint working11:43
gavagaiWarbo, i see, thanks11:43
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delta____Hey guys! I recently installed Evolution and found it sometimes takes quite some time before filter rules and the junk filter kick in and move stuff out of my inbox. Is that by design?11:43
dionnowThanks guys11:43
gavagaiShizboom, safe is relative, no ftp server is really safe.  so don't use password authentication with users that have real shells.11:43
bimberiDvlynSyde: ok, if you boot ubuntu your wireless card isn't listed in the Networking applet?11:43
erUSULtpg_: you type "alsamixer" in a terminal and run it.11:43
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Warbotpg_: ALSA Mixer is run by just typing "alsamixer" into a terminal (Applications>Accesories)11:43
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erUSUL!sound > tpg_11:44
DvlynSydeits listed. it just won't connect11:44
tpg_ok done11:44
plyr55!auto bots11:44
ubotuI know nothing about auto bots11:44
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gavagaiShizboom, i use proftpd, it is very easy to setup.  and my ftp users have shell /bin/false, so even if they get access they can't do anything11:44
ubotuI know nothing about bots11:44
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erUSULdelta____: i think it is bad desing evo uses spamassasin that it's not a light app so it takes time to run11:45
tpg_how can i do something in alsamixer? and what do i need to do?11:45
mag_could someone help me with samba ?11:45
DvlynSydeand i put in the essid and password11:45
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bimberiDvlynSyde: ah, getting network-manager installed might be a bit hard.  If you haven't already, try some of the help via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:45
erUSULtpg_: is to check if you have muted any channel or with a very low volume11:45
Warbotpg_: See if it has detected your card right (maybe compare it to lspci) and make sure your volume levels are not really low11:45
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:46
ubotuI know nothing about tor11:46
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mag_<Shizboom> could you help me ?11:46
Shizboomwhats up?11:46
delta____erUSUL: Ah, OK. Might as well have been a config mistake. Thanks.11:46
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Shizboomi dont know about samba :P11:46
Shizboomi was just wondering what it did11:46
l_ri am searchinf for a 2.6.17 kernel compiled for ubuntu dapper. any idea?11:46
Earthencould someone help with writing a iptable ip blocking rule11:46
mag_<Shizboom> I have samba installed but I cant see the other pc with ubuntu11:46
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DvlynSydehmm.. maybe the essid being set to default messes it up11:47
Shizboomsorry can't help :/11:47
bimberiDvlynSyde: if network-manager becomes the only option left you can download the required packages via http://packages.ubuntu.com11:47
Shizboomdid you try the links in the !samba?11:47
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mag_<Shizboom> ok thank's anyway11:47
erUSULl_r: i do not think you will find one. compile it yourself11:47
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:47
erUSUL!kernel > l_r11:47
QuarterlifeSeems like nobody can help me :(11:47
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Sinistradmag_, can you use something like smbclient -L //<ip address of SMB server (windows host?)11:47
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Sinistrade.g.: smbclient -L //
Sinistradbeh, guess not11:48
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mag_<Sinistrad> I'm using a browser !11:48
Sinistradtry: smbclient -L //
DvlynSydebimberi: ok. thanks a lot11:49
Sinistradreplacing, of course, that IP address with the real IP address of whichever host you're trying to get to11:49
Warbol_r: Visit kernel.org, get the right version you want, unpack it, go in it, do "sudo -i" then "make oldconfig" then "make xconfig" then set any options you want, then do "make" and "make modules_install" then copy arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot and call it vmlinuz-something, then do "mkinitramfs <version of the kernel you just built>" then copy that initrd image to /boot, then add those to a new entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst.11:49
sharmscan anyone recommend a good linux-compatible video camera with resolution high enough to make an IPTV show?11:49
webbenin estrdup() c or c++ ?11:49
bimberiDvlynSyde: yw, good luck :)11:50
=== erUSUL impressed by Warbo's compile your kernel in 5 minutes
tpg_Sound still not working :/11:50
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WarboerUSUL: Well, 5 mins to write, a few hours to build? :)11:50
tpg_sound is at hardest and stuff11:50
DvlynSydewhats the current distrobution name?11:50
erUSULWarbo: it has to copy the old config from boot to make oldconfig to work11:50
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DvlynSydedapper? edgy? wtf11:50
l_rWarbo, ok, thanks.. it will take hours :(  i did prefer something available :)11:50
tpg_Anybody know how to get Sound working??11:51
erUSULl_r: in my athlon 1.3 it takes ~25-30 minutes to compile a kernel11:51
ubotuI know nothing about python11:51
bimberiDvlynSyde: Dapper11:51
erUSULLinux Varda #3 PREEMPT Fri Jun 30 16:48:56 CEST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:52
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l_rerUSUL, i have an old piii 550 here :)11:52
mag_<Sinistrad> if I type my own ip I can see my workgroup and the name od my pc !11:52
DvlynSydedapper is 64 bit?11:52
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mag_which is the other sistme similar to pastebin ?11:52
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Sinistradmag_, what about the IP of the host you're trying to browse/connect to?11:52
DvlynSydebah. i'm not doing any server stuff anyway. i'm just switching to 32 bit. heh11:52
tpg_My computer aint finding my sound card, but it is finding my broken soundcard omg11:53
bimberiDvlynSyde: yes dapper includes packages for 64bit pcs11:53
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plyr55does anyone have the programming code for a game-playing bot?11:53
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gdbDvlynSyde: it's when you're doing workstation stuff that you need to worry about 64 bit (it's a pain in the ass).  For server tasks, either 32 or 64 bit is fine, you won't notice any functional difference.11:54
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redguyplyr55, I bet google wold tell you11:54
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technelI run Azureus when I am not home on Ubuntu. However, twice now when I got home I notice the screensaver is not moving anymore and Ubuntu is froze. Why?11:54
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mag_<Sinistrad> just I wanto to see my shared file on the browser but can't see !11:55
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tailsfanHow are you fellow Ubuntu USers11:56
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depiHi all! I have FAT32 shared disk, and I would like to save there data with Azureus, but it cant allocate data there. Can I ask what is the best way to mount FAT32 hdd? or where may be the problem?11:56
VR_hi all. does anyone know how i can have bash echo the current process name in the title bar?11:56
tpg_u can help me?11:56
erUSUL!ntfs > depi11:56
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barktpolarWHat you need help with?11:57
tpg_my sound aint working :(11:57
depierUSUL: ?11:57
Wesleylol u r all fagz11:57
lucasvoerUSUL: he clearly said it's FAT!!11:57
barktpolartpg_: welcome to the club11:57
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depiyes FAT no ntfs11:57
lucasvo!language > Wesley11:57
tpg_what do you mean barktpolar?11:57
barktpolarmy sound isn't working because my freakin' soundcrad ain't being detected11:57
tpg_ahh, ok ;P same here11:57
lucasvoWesley: that is rude, don't discriminate gays11:58
newbuntuI'm getting the following error when typing this command:  ipkg-build.sh Test     error is : * Warning: The following files have a UID greater than 99.11:58
newbuntuYou probably want to chown these to a system user:11:58
newbuntu*  can anybody help me figure out how to fix that?11:58
Wesleylol sorry i dont mean anything i just had to do it as a joke11:58
tpg_barktpolar, u know something about this linux? im new here and i dont know what to do11:58
newbuntusorry for the multipost11:58
erUSULdepi: the page ubotu gave you describes how to do it for vfat and ntfs. did you bother checking the page before telling me i'm a ...11:58
barktpolarWhat soundcard do you have tpg_11:58
lucasvodepi: but what is azureus anyway?11:58
newbuntubittorrent client11:58
barktpolarA Bittorrent App11:58
lucasvoerUSUL: but shouldn't FAT get automounted in ubuntu?11:58
barktpolarIs theer a alternate to PeerGuardian for Linux?11:59
newbuntui use ktorrent in dapper11:59
depilucasvo: bittorrent client11:59
tpg_some creative soundcard, 24bit, but when i do lspci or something then it doesnt find it, only my broken one11:59
lucasvodepi: can you r/w in gnome?11:59
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barktpolarI have a ESS Audiodrive11:59
newbuntuhow do you chown a user?11:59
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depilucasvo: yes in gnome and with command line I can. But with Firefox or Azureus I cant11:59
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newbuntuer I mean chown a file so a user can access it12:00
erUSULlucasvo: removable media yes. hd partitions should be added to /etc/fstab in the page i recomend to depi there is a script that does that automagicaly12:00
lucasvodepi: how do you share it?12:00
lucasvodepi: nfs, sshfs?12:00
bimberinewbuntu: sudo chown user file12:00
dash`can you add items to the basic menus?12:00
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depilucasvo: it is just another partition which I can see from both systems12:00
barktpolarthey need to fix the whole soundcard prob for ALSA12:00
newbuntuokay trying that thanks12:00

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