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adamant1988Hello pretty people :)04:21
darkmatter_ello not so pretty one :P04:27
adamant1988Hey now, plastic surgery has done a lot for me =(04:28
adamant1988so, the not referring to linux thing, that works....04:31
adamant1988when talking about ubuntu, I mean.04:31
adamant1988I think that that will be a good way to market Ubuntu.04:32
darkmatter_besides... I always disliked the callingf of an os linux... maybe I'm just anal.. but the last time I chcked linux was the kernel :P04:45
adamant1988What i'm wondering, is if it would be possible to start a 'switch' campaign of our own...04:47
adamant1988The testimonials are practically done already04:47
adamant1988I can't remember the names but apparently two very big mac users did the switch to ubuntu.04:47
darkmatter_that would be a good sales pitch04:49
adamant1988I'll have to look up the links, but it seems to me we could do a testimonial based 'switch' campaign.04:49
adamant1988although a different name would have to be thought up04:49
darkmatter_now if only we could convince bill gates to switch to ubuntu ;)04:49
adamant1988he'll use windows until he dies04:50
adamant1988he'll be buried with a windows computer... which I think it's significant that the windows computer is also buried with him.04:50
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
darkmatter_hmmm... gtk 2.10.0 looks nice...04:52
darkmatter_" GtkNotebook supports drag-and-drop, allowing to reorder tabs, move tabs between notebooks, and create new windows by dragging tabs on the desktop.04:53
adamant1988when's it going to be ready for ubuntu lol :)04:53
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klepasedgy+1 = Fury Furret - how does that sound? ^^08:53
klepasFury Ferret that is :)08:56
hybridor Furry08:59
klepasyea, spelling might be wrong09:00
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adamant1988hello everyone04:33
=== klepas just adores wikimedia projects
adamant1988me too klepas04:43
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-177.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988I like the commercial repo05:09
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FFA54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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Administratorhi all05:55
=== Administrator is now known as Atila
=== Atila is now known as Atila_Sendil
Atila_Sendilfirt time here after reading many mails :-)05:56
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adamant1988hello everyone07:45
Atila_Sendilhello :-)07:45
adamant1988how's life/thekids/ubuntu/whatever?07:46
Atila_Sendilgot my shipit CD's last week and given away a few; but the stickers are the real deal :-)07:47
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adamant1988hello matthewrevell :)08:09
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matthewrevelladamant1988: hey :)08:15
adamant1988I think the debate about how ubuntu should be portrayed is going kind of oddly08:15
matthewrevelladamant1988: Sorry dude, just in the middle of something08:15
matthewrevellWill be back to chat later08:15
adamant1988there are some that are in the 'why mention linux camp' and as usual there's the 'we HAVE to mention debian and linux'...08:16
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adamant1988I'm puzzled.11:35
=== rikai [i=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988I know that somewhere, somehow, there is going to be a fork or something of Ubuntu that is commercial and fills the role of distros like Linspire and Xandros...  I just can't find anything out about it =\11:36
adamant1988The only thing I have to go on is that Mark Shuttleworth bought 65% stake of Impi Linux and that canonical itself is offering commercial repos for ubuntu.11:36
adamant1988aside from that it's merely speculation...11:36
gaz00that's some mighty dangerous thinking there adamant1988...11:45
adamant1988I think it's exciting personally11:51
adamant1988it means I might be able to buy Ubuntu in a box and give my family a boxed set with a written manual and support for the things they use oob.11:51

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